#like the Ancient Kingdoms and I think Parfaedia
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I think Golden Cheese cookie and also maybe Dark Cacao cookie would have MASSIVE beef with museums, especially the one in Parfaedia (an argument with Eclair in an AU I'm working on, maybe?). It sounds weird, but here me out.
A lot of museums get their artifacts from foreign places by stealing. This includes disturbing tombs and burial grounds. Now, this is especially common for white/European or USAmerican people to do to African, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries, and other POC. So, it's easy for that to extend into archeologists from places like Parfaedia (seems at least somewhat European) going to the Golden Cheese Kingdom (based on Egypt) and the Dark Cacao Kingdom (based on Korea) and just... stealing their shit. Especially during Golden Cheese's magic coma.
So, there's some tension there. ESPECIALLY since artifact repatriation is a pain, because the museums are VERY STUBBORN.
So yeah, at least 2 of the Ancients (and probably several other leaders) have beef with museums.
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cookie-lore-keeper · 21 days ago
Cookie Glosssary
A lot of humans might not know some of the terms used by cookies, so, I put a list of the terms here and an explanation for what they mean!
Ancients/Ancient Heroes - The 5 great heroes who wield the soul jam. These
Baby Dough- Baby cookies
Beasts/Beast Cookies - The Corrupted cookies who had the Souljam before the Ancient Heroes
Celestials - Godlike cookies who weren't born cookies but somehow became cookies and originated from the human world
Cheesian - A cookie who is descended from the Golden Cheese Kingdom
Cookievorous - something that hunts cookies
Créme Republican - Refers to cookies who are from the Créme Republic
Crispia - The main Continent of Earthbread
Crispy- Refers to a healthy Cookie. Is also slang for a young cookie
Crumbling- Dying
Crumbs - the fallen parts of a crumbled or injured cookie
Dark Cacaoian - Refers to cookies who are from the Dark Cacao Kingdom
Dough- Body or skin
Dragons - When talking about Dragons, cookies usually mean the Dragons that are able to turn into and communicate with cookies. But, they're are also dragons who don't have this ability
Earthbread- The world that the cookies are on
Elementals - Refers to the powerful god-like cookies who rule over a specific part of nature
Eyecing- Eyes
First Cookies - The witches who had their souls rebaked into cookies. Because they are witches, these 12 cookies are very powerful
Flatster- A slur for cookies
Flavor- Refers to the specific taste of a cookie but can also refer to the cookie's ingredients
Freshly Baked - A baby cookie
Frosting- The umbrella term for hair. Not all hair is made out of frosting, but all hair is called frosting
Hollyberrian- A cookie from the Hollyberry Kingdom
Icing- Refers to facial features as well as any decorations on a cookie
Ingredients- The things that make up a dessert's dough. Can also refer to their genes
Jamline- The familial line of a cookie
Jellies - The food cookies eat. Practically everything they eat is made up of jellies
Juice - Unless specified that it's non-alcoholic, juice is an alcoholic drink
Lifepowder - The magical substance that gives dessert creatures life
Magichanical - A combination of modern techonology/robotics with magic
Mercookies- Aquatic cookies
Millenial Cookies - Cookies who are from the Millenial Forest
Parfaedian - A cookie from Parfaedia
Resonate Ingredient- The main and most important ingredient of a cookie.
Rising Dough - A growing cookie. Usually refers to a young cookie
Shortbread- A slang term that refers to a small cookie
Soggy- A wet cookie. Being soggy for a cookie is dangerous because they can literally die if their dough becomes too soggy
Soul cheese - What the Golden Cheese Kingdom calls a cookie's soul
Soul Jam - An item with great power that gives the Ancient Cookies and the Beast Cookies their power. Contains a lot of lifepowder.
Stale- An older cookie
Strawberry Jam - Basically the cookie version of blood (doesn't work the same way human blood works though)
Sugarteareana - Cookie's who are from Sugarteara
Syrup- On cookies, syrup refers to makeup, since a lot of makeup is made out of syrup. On clothing, it's basically a synonyms for icing
Toothcing - Teeth (most cookies don't have teeth so idk why this is a term 🤷‍♀️)
Vanillian- Refers to cookies from the Vanilla kingdom
Witches - The humans with magical abilities that created dessert kind
Wizards - Similar to the witches, the wizards were humans with magical powers and also created cookies
Yakgwians - Cookies from the Yakgwa Village
Yogurcans - Cookies who are from Yogurca
Feel free to tell me anything that you think I should add!
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lilacartsmadsion · 1 year ago
In your opinion, who is the weakest ancient?
Hollyberry in terms of feats…I think?
Look, I’m not calling this in Game terms, in game terms the worst is Dark Cacao (Aka Devsis should REALLY improve Cacao as a charge cookie)
But in Lore terms, technically all the Ancients are equal in power to each other. Seeing the scene with Hollyberry and Dark Cacao fighting in ‘The Council of Heroes’ Pure Vanilla and DE’s fight during the opening cutscene and Golden Cheese’s sheer will of building a whole digital city using the souls of everyone in her city, I’d say that most of them are equal in terms of power…
So in terms of feats, Hollyberry or Pure Vanilla would be the weakest I believe.
In terms of all the characters’ origin stories,
Pure Vanilla received his Soul Jam some time during a Pilgrimage or before a Pilgrimage and lead cookies down the Sugar-Free Road/Path, and once the journey concluded, started building a kingdom using his Soul Jam alone. (I think, since that’s what Clotted Cream implied the Soul Jam could do)
However prior to Pure Vanilla even taking the Pilgrimage, he first had to graduate in Blueberry Yogurt Academy, which is implied to have been a school that was for people gifted in magic. (Like Parfaedia but has forbidden magic and shit) Pure Vanilla and White Lily Cookie were both gifted in their own ways, to the point where Pure Vanilla would purposefully get himself a lower score so that White Lily could be the top student. Overall, both Pure Vanilla and White Lily were skilled in Dark Moon Magic. Where Pure Vanilla was implied to have used Dark Moon Magic during the Final Battle with DE.
Along with learning Dark Moon Magic, he is also skilled in Light Magic/White Magic, which gives him properties like Restoration and Healing magic. In addition to that, it is likely that this magic also grants protection magic, amplifies physical skills and is useful against Black Magic. (As Pure Vanilla told Financier Cookie that he too was ‘blessed by the Light’)
The only flaw he has is that he only uses his magic to benefit other cookies and does not seek to use it for harm, only in rare occasions such as fighting Dark Enchantress Cookie, is when he steps in and uses his magic… (Makes sense since he’s basically based off JESUS-)
Next to White Lily Cookie who’s skills might even surpass Pure Vanilla Cookie. She was academically smart and could even learn Dragonsworn (How the hell do you spell this) She was always a curious soul, with us barely knowing a thing about her other than her power as Dark Enchantress Cookie.
Even then, DE is POWERFUL, being able to summon 3 monsters that would’ve turned the Creme Republic into ruins if the Ancient Heroes hadn’t arrived, note to mention she notably BEAT them the first time, forcing PV to destroy the Soul Jams in an effort to win the war. (Yes they WERE destroyed and little bits and pieces scattered across Earthbread, as confirmed by Clotted Cream and Hollyberry)
If my theory is correct, that if cookies that are directly made by Earthbread’s ‘godly beings’ (Witches and Wizards) They are much stronger than the cookies in Earthbread because the original inhabitants were just the crumbs of Earthbread. Which means that if DE was rebaked from the Witches, she must’ve had a MASSIVE power boost…so much so that it took GINGERBRAVE to stop her because as he was baked by a Witch directly, he was just as strong as DE.
Next would be Dark Cacao and WOAH BOY THIS MAN-
Dark Cacao defeated not one, but TWO dragons in his youth alone, so much so that the people described it as Dark Cacao ‘SHATTERING NIGHT AND DAY’ Which in most Asian countries that could allude to Dark Cacao being a god of some sort. (Or an over exaggerated version of lightning)
He was able to build a kingdom despite its poor conditions and funding (As Dark Cacao’s Kingdom is actually very poor, relying on Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla’s Kingdom’s to fund for supplies since even food was scarce in his Kingdom)
All the rules in his Kingdom seem to stem from survival alone, it’s hard combat styled military originally being from a state of survival.
Dark Cacao fought his son, three times and twice did he avoid death, Dark Choco sliced him off before getting banished and fell off the HIGHEST wall and fucking survived WITHOUT his Soul Jam. After that, when on to fight his son, AND the Licorice Sea like he didn’t fall off a fucking Wall moments prior, like I’d expect the guy to have AT LEAST memory loss, but no, this guy walked up to his sword and started fighting without question, my guy was even implied to have been POISONED by Affogato and he was still going on like a champ.
Other than that, Berserk Cacao is implied to have been the power of his Soul Jam, using the sheer might of his will to escape Pomegranate’s spell alone, Berserk Cacao is implied to be a defense mechanism or at least a strong defense desire to be released from the spell that gave his son SO MUCH TRAUMA.
As seen with Golden Cheese, the Soul Jam can give a cookie they’re deepest desires, if the cookie chooses to, that said since Dark Cacao DEEPLY desired to defend himself from the magic and the forces that dare seek to harm him, he turned into Berserk Cacao.
Then, we have Golden Cheese, and honestly? Even in game she’s so FRUSTRATING to fight, my girl got worshiped as a goddess to the point even her origins are god-like. She created a whole digital world with her Soul Jam alone, BY HERSELF, and hid it from everyone else.
Though she is greedy, she is still powerful, as much as the Digital Realm might have fulfilled any desire she wished, it makes me wonder if it could actually achieve such feats in the real world. I’m not finished with her chapter yet. (Mostly because 18-20 is KICKING MY ASS) It’s clear that SHE IS POWERFUL.
As for Hollyberry, her feats include fighting dragons…a lot of dragons…she was implied to have been a dragon hunter some time either before or after she became queen. Earning the alias ‘Pinkyberry Cookie’ even then ‘Pinkyberry Cookie’ was a famous dragon hunter next to Tarte Tatin Cookie. Hollyberry was also able to walk through Beast Yeast, implying that she met Tea Knight Cookie there or something (I don’t remember if she met him in Beast Yeast or outside Beast Yeast) but compared to the rest?
Hollyberry’s only known notable combat is using her shield and fighting dragons…compared to the feats others have done.
Both Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry could be the weakest in terms of feats.
But in terms of power? All of them are at least equal, since they all have the same amount of power in their Soul Jams. I think when it comes to how each individual character wields their Soul Jam, it could make them the weakest?
In the end, I’m not really sure…
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atinyladybug-art · 1 year ago
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Abirt Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom (cause I dont play Ovenbreak)
Name to be determined. Might call him Honey Amber Cookie but tbh its to be decided. Plus is a silly silly au thing so im not toooo like, particular and picky about his backstory and lore (i say that but proceed to infodump on abirt cookie lore)
Any pronouns. Magic and Middle.
Thinking his game stats is like, he's more tankier compared to a regular mage as well as the fact he has some self-healing passive bUT he has shit attack speed and tbh his attack power isn't that high too.
Cookie Abirt lore is that he's a Historian from Hollyberry Kingdom but travels to and fro Hollyberry Kingdom and Parfaedia Academy because he's a professor there teaching Ancient History.
He came across 963 which is just a magical artifact (not sure if I want it to be amber or honey yet). He took it to Parfaedia to study it and asked the experts over there for their input but they came to a dead end so he decided to make his way to Wizard City.
Along the way, she kinda got attacked by wild and violent cake hounds. The gem was activated from the amount of magic used while fighting. Abirt got distracted by the light which caused one of the hounds to attack her and she got smashed into half but the gem kinda like, exploded and stuck to abirt. it healed her by secreting honey that stuck her back together.
anyways, that was a while back. and now he's still going between parfaedia and hollyberry kingdom but now he also travels to wizard city occasionally to get a check up and get the magic gemstone studied.
The honey and wings were a side effect of the magic gemstone. He can fly but prefers not to cause it's tiring and he feels heavy. Also, overtime, like bits of them were broken off due to Cake Hounds and the bits were too smashed to be put back or that they cant find the pieces anymore. So some parts of his body is replaced and stuck together with Honey (Think like Phos with the gold from Houseki No Kuni.)
Since he's on the road a lot, he hired an Escort/bodyguard to protect him, a personal assistant to work for him, and a personal caretaker.
Oh and his partner is Seaglass Cookie (It's Dr Glass!!!) who is also another professor in Parfaedia Academy.
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queen-rainy-love · 2 years ago
Kinda want to show a rough idea of how the kingdom in my AU looks. Please know...I tried my best to make this and I'm still thinking about what to add or change. So (hopefully) enjoy this little tour!
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First, we have an overview of the kingdom! There are six districts in the kingdom and a special entrance to the castle. (Yes, I know it looks crowded. I tried my best.)
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In front of the castle is a walkway that has a beautiful fountain and Ancient Heroes Statues. (Of course, there are two placeholders for the two heroes that are still not in the game.) And this is the best-looking part of the kingdom I made.
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Our first district is a fairly new district: the Seaport District. Mostly inspired by the Crème Republic and where some fancy shops go. Cookies that live here are usually visiting from the Crème Republic or usually live near the ocean in their old homes. This is also where most of the seaport trades take place. (This would appear much later in the fanfic).
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Our next district is the Parfait District! It was inspired by Parfaedia City and it has a mall/shopping plaza vibe to it with a hint of magic training ground. This is where Cookies can even get on the non-dream travel train and travel to another location.
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Next up is the Vanilla District! This was inspired by the Vanilla Kingdom and has a cute little marketplace as well as a little sheep area. This is where the Pure Lily siblings (note the bunch of Cake Hounds in front of one house) and most of the residents live.
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Next up is the Berry District! Obviously inspired by the Hollyberry Kingdom. This is pretty much the amusement park and mini concerts of the kingdom. Very few live in the district, most Hollyberrians have summer homes here. One of them being House Raspberry.
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Next up is the Forest District! This is the first-ever district in the kingdom (and has been moved around a bunch. Also, there are more trees than in this picture). There are some Cookies that live here and a lot of natural resources here. And of course, the haunted house that Onion, Blackberry, and Adventurer live.
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And finally, we've reached the last district! The Snow District! Definitely inspired by the Cacao Kingdom and the villages surrounding it. There is a spell keeping the snow from completely melting away and most Cookies who lived in snowy areas live here. There is also a replica of the Altar of the Fallen here, in honor of both Dark Cacaoians and Cookie Kingdom citizens.
And that's pretty much it! It's not completely great but at least it's a good visual of what the kingdom looks like. I hope you guys enjoyed this little tour!
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quibbs126 · 2 years ago
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Question, does anyone know what these symbols mean? Like, has any discernible language been figured out with it?
These were all the instances I could find on the World Map of the language
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walnutcookie · 2 years ago
if ur listing headcanons what about pv and almond family headcanons. I mean I already know most of it but I think there should be a comprehensive post explaining it all
shit okay this one is gonna be a Doozy
i cant rlly compile them into a list so im just gonna explain things . First is the more serious side
almond is pvs son ! biological son! this came out of a crack fic and then i decided that it is so canon and true . (to clarify i know this in no way is canon but my fanon is silly and i can do wharever the fuck i want)
his mom, hazelnut cookie (my oc) met and married pv and almond was born,, thing is she lives in parfaedia as a detective/wizard and she doesnt want to quit her job to be queen So she takes almond (pv is too busy to really take care of him all too well) and they agree to visit pv every week or so but i dont rlly feel like explaibing in detail rn tbh basically hazelnut and pv drift apart and get divorced and almond sees his dad less and less . And kind of starts to hate him more because when he DOES visit pv is too busy to really spend any quality time with him like things always seem to come up at the worst of times plus hazelnut likes to talk shit about the kingdom sometimes so almond doesnt like his father very much.
For his 21st birthday they went to the pv kingdom to celebrate and it was just . An overwhelming disaster and thats also the reason why almond doesnt drink ! shortly after his mom died thanks to a parfaedia institute student named blueberry scone cookie (another oc) and pv Tried to help by inviting him to the kingdom to live but his letter just made almond furious and he ripped it into shreds and hasnt seen pv since . Pv disappeared after the dark flour war soon after so it wojldnt have helped much anyways
ok now for the joke part
the day before almond was born pv had a dream and garfield the cat told him that the next day he would have a child on the garfield dark ride who would come out as transmasc later in their life (almond is afab CRY ABOUT IT) and then he wakes up in a cold sweat and tells hazelnut about his dream
thr next morning they go to oncel3rland and bring the easy bakr oven onto the garfield dark ride (cookie sex does not exist in my universe) and almond cookie is born !!!! pv wants to name him garfield but hazelnut threatened divorce so instead they went with Almond J. Cookie (almond jon cookie)
pv just starts refferijg to almond as a guy from day one and it pisses hazelnut off so bad until he comes out in the child switch room in the mummy ride at universal studios and also all of the ancients still call him garfield becquse pv insists thats his name . Now anything garfield related gives almond traumatic flashbacks and he will explode into tears at the sight of an orange lasagna loving cat
almond is the garfield prophet for the garphecy
walnut is called garfield ii by the ancients
and then he dies on silver bullet at knotts berry farm after his seatbelt comes off on the ride . Have a nice day
(based off of my own experience where my seatbelt came off during the ride)
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novinoviarts · 2 years ago
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FAIR WARNING! This is a bit of an au as there is very little lore on the witch's in bot ovenbreak and kingdom, two wiki pages worth. so theres your warning. dont like au's? Don't read further. credit to Blaze-On-Fire for the template
Name: Candy Cane Cookie
Gender: Female
Rarity: Witch Hunter (Rarer than Ancient) (Oh so special!)
Unlock quote: Everyone has power… Let me help you unlock yours
Class: Magic
Position: Front
Skill: TBA
Story: Created long ago by a witch, she was rescued by a group of rogue cookies, eventually becoming a Witch Hunter. After a disastrous mission, she and the remaining hunters found the “Cookie Realm”, a pocket world that they still defend to this day. A wanderer and a teacher at heart, she helps every cookie she meets unlock their true potential. Few can come close to matching her raw power and energy. Her full force can be devastating, but she is the pacifist of the Hunters, choosing peace. But if needed…
Facts: Candy Cane likes her naps
She is old, like really old, legends say she was The Third Batch, taught the secrets on killing witch’s by the First and Second Batches, and passed her knowledge onto the Fourth and Fifth Batch’s
So many don’t believe she is a witch hunter. Considering few have ever encountered a witch in the modern day, beside the St. Pastry Order, some don’t believe they exist
She hates the Crème Republic and the order for those reasons, thinks them idiots who think themselves safe if they do the witch’s bidding
She only became a teacher for one student at the Parfaedia Institute
She loves the rain due to her umbrella
She understands dark enchantress cookie. DOES NOT agree with her starting the war, and is miffed that one of the few non witch hunter cookies that knows the truth is evil
It gets worse when she finds out the truth about her
She has fought in several wars: The Great Hunt, The Reckoning, The Judgment, The Great Divide and The Great Reunion. She did not fight in the Dark Flour War, to busy fixing the barriers DEC was destroying
Cookie Décor: TBA
Associated Bonds: Once a student, always a student Candy Cane/Espresso/Pure Vanilla
Leaning back into her chair, Candy Cane looked over the two letters. They were so different, from the paper, to the handwriting, to the ink. But they both carried the same message.
Please, come visit.
One was written on a rich parchment, the handwriting flowing almost lyrically, although it was more relaxed than she had seen him write to dignitaries back in his kingdom’s heyday, knowing she cared little for political games. The little doodle in the corner of the page had her smiling, a flower that she had once given him on a staff years ago.
It reminded her of assignments, another’s handwriting with it although that filled her with nothing but sorrow.
The second was far more comfortable, in fact she could see stains along the edge from what she knew was coffee. The handwriting was neat, never sloppy in his letters, even after years of teaching his own class. It sent a pang of emotion she wasn’t sure of, a mixture of pride and sadness, of knowing she wasn’t really needed anymore.
It reminded her of assignments, of the little cookie she took under her wing years ago and fiercely defended.
But they had ended up in this new “Cookie Kingdom”, each there for their own reasons but now reaching out for her to come visit. She had of course heard the whispers on the wind of the return of the Dark Enchantress, had already written to Peacock ages ago with information.
Maybe it was time to visit her students, to help out once again. Standing up from the chair, she looked out upon her (friend? partner? lover?) fellow Hunter’s land, watching as the cookies below lived their lives, confident in the Hunters that watched over them, comforted that they would keep them safe. They would not lose that trust and she turned back towards her library. She would leave come morning.
The Hunters Reunite
Tree of Wishes Wish: Take your time, I have it
Soulstone Description
This stone holds a piece of Candy Cane Cookie's soul. It emanates so much energy, you can't hold it for very long...
Come on, its time for a break
This ol’thing? Just my Umbrella, nothing more
Lets make sure the lesson sticks this time, alright?
Bonds are important, make them, and keep them close
Do you want to join a lesson?
What I can help with?
I prefer the rain
Time for a new lesson
Come on, lets walk together
Maybe I like a fight or two, so what?
Candy Cane Cookie has always been a teacher, even in her fresh baked days with the younger cookies.
“Come on, lets use our power!”
“Of course I’m here, I will always fight for justice”
“There is so much the cookies of this world are protected from”
Level Up:
Alright, lets do this!
Lets take a walk together, hmm?
Thank you for this chance
Bring it on!
You can always learn new tricks!
Promotion: My Power is always growing
It was always assured
I knew we could do it
Oh, its raining!
I need a nap
Its okay, we’ll do it next time
Aw, its sunny
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