#like thats recycled blood
also, about carmillas control of her vampirism, while it's hot to think about, i dont think fangs actually come out during sex. like in the s3 scenes where shes actually still a vampire that we dont get to see but i dont think that happens
based on my inferences that the losing control of the vampirism happens mostly bc of anger/threat and it basically never happens atlaura and i think one of her worst fears is hurting laura, i think during sex is the least likely time for any loss of control like that
+ theres the fact that laura is the bitey one during sex, even with human teeth
#which i love#i have many thoughts but none of them are cohering enough yet to be useful#i say as if i ever intentionally use any thoughts during writing it's always just vibes#always use my subconscious thougths alone#i think if laura turns she would actually maybe be bitey during sex#smth abt control and both of them idk i havent figured it out yet#but what i was saying abt laura letting go of (narrative) control when it comes to carmilla right?#and for carmilla hunger = loss of control#and loss of control = hurting people/being someone she doesnt want to be maybe#but with how laura in loving carmilla gives up her control i think she might get bitey#in iwtv vampires can drink other vampire blood but i always felt like they couldnt do that#idk what story i mightve gotten that idea from but i always feel like. human blood is good. animal blood is gross maybe. vampire blood isba#like thats recycled blood#i think it'd be bad for them#thats mostly irrelevant though i can do whatever i want#and if i make carmilla turn her then they can definitely drink each other's blood#but carmilla is always kind of a loss of control for laura right? since the beginning. loss of narrative control in s1#loss of physical control in s3#kind of both and more in s2#carmilla messes up the story: 'there was just one little snag with that plan.........carm and i fell in love :)'#my point is it makes all the sense that she would vamp out during sex#while carmilla. carmillas job for 3 centuries was to play a pretty girl Who Is Definitely Not Gonna Eat You#keeping control is kind of crucial to that whole thing#carmillaposting
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mysterycitrus · 7 months
i keep waxing poetic about crime alley and social infrastructure and long term community involvement but a lot of it is recycled ideas from a fic thats since been binned — about jason immediately post utrh that leads into brothers in blood + b&r2009 and then his eventual deal with dick that’s in wolf king and persephone. ig my point of this is that i think trying to navigate his character in the parameters of his canon storytelling makes him a lot more interesting than pretending it never happened at all. esp cause utrh is thee character bible for him and most of the junk he does in it is rewritten wholesale to make him more like dick grayson. idk
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nerosdayinanime · 11 months
thinking abt sabito lives design again & i started putting him in situations and reminded myself of my hc that he does origami in his off time
my original vampire!sab outfit idea, his white haori's sleeves seem kinda short on him as a 13 yo ghost so actually growing to 21 hed probably need to extend it, so why not recycle his funky pattern shirt for it? yellow-green geometric pattern along all the edges, and for a sabito lives in place of giyuu au why not attach his red haori on the inside
something something sanemi stopping by the water estate for whatever reason, sabito being a good host asks if he wants some tea and starts to leave to make some, "where are you going? thats tea there isnt it?"
"not the kind you'd want. its mushroom tea, the funky kind."
"the hell are you drinking that for!?"
"lets me see ghosts."
"...you're sick in the head."
"not wrong, but thats not even top five of reasons why."
them chilling drinking tea & talking abt nothing and after a bit sabito starts smiling at thin air, theyre still talking but he keeps glancing over at nothing and when theres a lull in their convo he turns to talk to said nothing "why are you being so quiet?" (i never see you talking with anyone....i dont want to interrupt) "but i like talking to you.." (you can keep talking with him, i'll still be here) a little huff before looking down at the drink in his hands
"who are you talking to?"
"my best friend."
sabito coming home from a nasty mission and doing his usual wash-up routine & finally sitting down in the main room. then The Horrors hit. (FuckingfailureWasntfastenough) eyes unfocused and unseeing, (BlueeyesLongblackhairSofuckingyoung) world closing in and feeling like its about to explode all the same, (ScreamofdeathSilenceNofuckinghead) thick tears pooling around his forehead pressed to the floor, (WEAKTOOSLOWFUCKINGIDIOTWRONGDECISIONBLOODONYOURHANDSBRAINATYOURFEETBLOODBLOODBLOODBLOOD)
the lady housekeep he hired finding him unresponsive curled up on the floor face down hugging himself while shaking like a leaf, freaking the fuck out thinking hes dying of shock or something- pulls him to sit upright leaned against the wall, try and fail to see if hes hugging himself bc of a wound bc hes just. fucking holding onto himself so tightly. white knuckled muscles locked in place. sends a crow to the butterfly mansion for an emergency and sprints to get the nearest doctor, they arrive and hes not moved from where she propped him up, doctor checks his eyes and sees they respond to light theyre just not looking at anything, tries a few taps on the face and the housekeep worriedly calling out for him. nothing. doctor apologizes for what theyre about to do before slapping the Absolute shit out of him.
knocks him over and his hand suddenly snaps out to latch onto theirs to a painful degree, eyes focused and full of fury before it shorts out to confusion. he blearily lets go of the doctor and hisses at the stinging pain in his face, "the fuck hap-ppened?"
"you were hugging yourself on the floor- and you wouldnt respond- you were just shaking!"
"what do you remember?"
he recoils slightly and shakes his head, "g-give me a minute. fuck.."
"take as long as you need"
focusing his Breath as he haphazardly scrubs his eyes dry with the edges of his sleeves, leaning back against the wall. just breathing for a moment.
"I came home. took a quick bath to-" (wash off the blood) "wash. changed clothes. sat down to do- ..something.."
"do you not remember what you sat down to do?"
"not like that- whatever there is to do. Something. anything. i usually do origami.."
doctor talks yadda yadda makes sure he doesnt have immediate brain damage or actively bleeding wounds & leaves with their promise of another doctor on their way
"sabito-san..? what exactly happened..?" he softens a sad look at her
("my mother used to help keep this place up for the man before you." he smiled, "eh? your mother kept the place intact for my mentor. how nice that you're here to help me out now, ne?")
"bad mission, ("oh..") there was a young boy. i fucked up, the demon killed him." he inhaled through his teeth, "i had to tell his family while covered with his brains."
she recoiled, reached out to lay a comforting hand on his shoulder, "im so sorry..."
he let his head loll back against the wall, "its fine"
"its not..."
"its not. but it is what it is, and its over with."
"...kocho-sama should be on her way."
he quietly groaned, "thank you. ...was it that scary?"
"you usually hide it with some sort of smile. i cant imagine how you do that if its bad enough to make you look like youre dying when you cant stuff it away anymore.."
"heh, sorry to scare you like that..."
"dont be. talk to kocho-sama and see if she can help you. i just dont want you to be in so much pain.."
he smiled genuinely at that, "you really help. talking with you and helping with chores makes it easy to smile."
easy to forget that hes alone. easy to forget pretty piercing blue eyes, what they look like wide with fear and never what they look like in death. blood that tints his memories old and new. blood that he coats himself in, blood he refuses to wash away- blood thats all he has left of him.
sabito has a little stall at the end of the market in the nearby village, just big enough for himself and a few bundles of paper, out of the way of the busier sections. most people pass seeing how he only has a few paper figures and a bunch of colored paper to sell. a few stop by, intrigued by what he could possibly be doing here.
"whats your favorite animal?"
they answer, he picks out a piece of paper and starts folding, he gives them a little guy
"you never said how much??"
"i dont need money, i just do it 'cuz its fun. want another one?"
people bring their friends to get a little paper creature, talk and laugh, enjoy their new little guys. it makes him smile.
a lady walks up, cant name a creature so he suggests a surprise animal based on her, "sure." he starts folding, eventually she recognizes it "an elephant!?" "yeah," not really looking at her as hes finishing it, "theyre kind animals, 'gentle giants', but theyre still very powerful. predators have to pick off the sick or young because the healthy adults are too strong to be brought down. smart too. i also read that theyre matriarchs- the oldest wisest female usually leads the herd. she shows everyone how to be an elephant, where to find food, how to navigate their world, safest places to travel. she's their guide and teacher." he sets it down closer to her, "you make me think of an elephant."
"oh," she looks at him stunned, "thank you."
he smiles, "careful not to squish it, if you do though i can just make another one for you. have a nice rest of your shopping trip."
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thedisablednaturalist · 11 months
My parents found out about the present I bought myself for my birthday. I worked my max hours to afford it. I had it shipped to my bfs house so they wouldn't see it. Apparently I missed a receipt that was hidden in the box. Idk how they got it anyway cause I put the box out with the trash/recycling. My mom was being so cruel about it and how I keep buying myself "lavish" gifts (most stuff I buy for fun is like $10-$50 max). I always plan my purchases and have never missed a credit card payment. Most of my money goes towards doctors visits, medication, car maintenance and gas, accessibility items/ergonomic stuff, cat food and litter, and hygiene. Recently I stopped most of my subscriptions save for a cheap minecraft server. The bulk of my pay goes into savings which have really grown since I got my raise. I also give my parents $400 in rent each month. I'm trying to save up for a recliner to replace my bed but I don't want to use the money I've already put away.
Like ok, maybe I'm not mr.frugal. maybe i sometimes buy more expensive things because they're more convenient (like already cut vegetables/fruit or preprepared meals) but like my hands fucking hurt and sometimes I don't have the spoons to feed myself. Maybe I fall prey to impulse purchases once in a while. Im learning and I'm trying to learn how to budget bc now I have to also pay for insurance until I can get on medicaid.
My mom acts like I don't care. She sees amazon packages come for me and think theyre all toys or expensive skincare or junk when its actually body wipes for when I cant shower/so i dont come back from the field to the office all stinky. Its a trash can I can keep on my bedshelf so I dont throw trash onto the floor instead. Its knee braces because my knees fucking suck. Once in a while Ill see something on sale that ive been wanting for a while and will grab it. And the most expensive skincare I use is $20 for a jar that lasts me 3 months. I have to keep my skin clear or ill pick and have scabs and blood all over my face again. I spend money on drag because it MAKES me money. Last time I got paid $100 from the venue and $50 in tips. One time I got paid $300 from the venue (i dont remember how much in tips).
Im trying my best. Im working with 3 government agencies rn to get a job and get health coverage. Im working my ass off at my job when i probably shouldnt be working (my mom laughed when I mentioned this). I'm constantly doing things to earn me money or to make life a bit less painful. Even streaming is a desperate attempt to make a career/side gig out of something I enjoy and doesn't make me flare up. I only watch shows when im with my bf or when im doing chores or working. I rarely play video games. When I flare I lay in bed and scroll Tumblr or play a mindless dress up game where I only have to move my thumb. I cry almost everyday. I cry on the way to work. I cry holding my cat in so much pain i cant move.
The only big frivilous purchases I've made is the present and a new graphics card (I haven't replaced my old one in a decade). The present cost $230 and the graphics card cost $800. Both of these I saved for. I might buy a nice skirt once in a while but thats pretty much it. I also spread out big purchases over time when I can.
Am I spoiled? Maybe. Maybe my parents are right and I'm a lazy spoiled kid who just makes excuses. But my pain is real, constant, and severe.
I have friends who's birthday presents consist of trips to fucking italy or the bahamas. Who complain when their parents drag them on yet another international vacation. Some are amazing people who are grateful and work their asses off. And some of them are a bit entitled. My mom said most 26 year olds are living on their own with jobs and I fucking laughed. The only 26 year olds with their own apartments especially in my area either have 5 roommates in a 2 bedroom shithole, got lucky and have a high paying tech job, their parents pulled strings to get them hired, or their parents are paying partly or fully for their apartment.
And when i tried to find an apartment? She discouraged me and told me id never be able to afford one (correct) but now im suddenly able to when it suits her argument? Ive been heavily job hunting for over a year and got ONE interview who ghosted me after two interviews. I make $2k MAX. Rent in my area is $1700-2500 for a freaking studio. The $1700 one doesn't let you see the apartment and gets snapped up immediately. And these are all apartments within a 2 hour radius. All the "affordable housing" is for people 55 and older.
Like I literally have no options. I can't move until I get a job in that area. I can't leave the country cause Im disabled and also thats fucking expensive. My bf makes less than me and even combined we couldn't afford a place.
Literally, I've never been suicidal before. Ive never struggled with that due to my fear of death. But all of this? Ive recently had suicidal thoughts and its fucking scary. Thoughts that killing myself would make it easier for everyone else. That it would be easier to just end it, that life will always be a living hell and i should just give up. And thats fucking scary! I shouldn't have those thoughts! But that's how bad it is.
I try to do what my therapist told me. I try to set boundaries. But setting a boundary means not eating dinner bc I leave when my parents yell at me. I try to think positively and ignore the pain. I probably walk an average of 1-2 miles a day. I try and try and try and it hurts so much. They can't be proud of me? For even big victories? Guilting me about graduation cause I took too long. Keeping a job for more than a year (its not a REAL job cause its hourly and doesnt have benefits).
Like what's the point? I've been fighting and fighting and most of the world wants to see me dead and gone anyway. I'm trying to work in a field that doesn't even consider people like me. If I cant work Ill just bring my boyfriend and my family down. Every step forward I manage to take I get dragged back 10.
Im so tired and ashamed and stressed and my fucking body hurts worse now because of the stress and i just dont want to wake up tomorrow.
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legacyshenanigans · 8 months
Lord have mercy I'm fuckin RAGING..
So I share a side passage with my neighbour (who I don't get on with) between our houses. It's how we get our bins out to the street ready for collection. Which is today (it's after midnight)
LEGALLY we BOTH own it.
Its on the deeds to our properties that we basically own half each and the gate itself is OUR gate not just HIS, though he's incredibly fucking weird about this fact, and likes to think he OWNS the passage way. He's got loads of his stuff there, but I only ever use the passage to take my bin out, so I'm not fuckin bothered if he wants to put his CRAP all over it.. I've never said a damn thing about it, or kicked up a fuss.
So it's gone midnight, and I decide to go and take my bin out, and this dude has changed the fuckin lock on the gate!! Which I now dont have a fucking key for! When we moved in, the set of keys came with a key to the lock, and now he's fuckin changed it, and we've literally been in all day! And he KNOWS we have. He could have posted the spare key with a note? If there's only one key, he could have told my fella (seeing as he likes my fella MORE than he likes me) and given him the key to go and get a second one cut today? But no, nothin! And istg he's done it on purpose to be a fucking dickhead because we had a petty argument last week at some point.
This is what he does lmao, whenever he runs his mouth, and I bite back, he doesn't like it, and he'll do something petty like this.
I physically can not take my bin outside for collection, I can't even drag it through my house because my recycling bin won't fit through the hallway door leading to my front door.
And the bin men come at the ass crack of dawn so I won't even see my neighbour before they turn up.
He's now left me with NO SPACE in my bin for 2 weeks! Until the next recycle collection day..Which is now going to be a huge inconvenience to me to be honest. And he KNOWS that, and THATS what boils my fuckin blood.
He's going to get a fuckin CLACK around the back of the head tomorow when I see him if he tries to gob off at me when I say something about getting a key to something that I ALSO legally own.
He should have 100% mentioned about changing the lock for the gate. Whether he fuckin likes me or not..
Ya gals on period too, so as you can imagine I'm FLYING off the handle at any little fuckin thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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glowingmin · 8 months
analyzing the adjuration ravio board
i unfortunately have an abysmal zoom so i've Enhanced the writing for bits I couldn't quite read but anyways LETS GET INTO IT. WITNESS THE ANALYSIS FROM AN IDIOT WHO BASICALLY ONLY KNOWS THE LORE OF FOUR SWORDS.
@not-freyja hi i hope you like this insane loveletter to adjuration (idk how else to. share it. yay)
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alright starting off with the timeline and all the looping fuckeries (motherfucker got more arrows than an ikea checkout lane)
time is scratched out and replaced with sapling. because of the war of eras? nickname yipee?
the music notes linking time to wind must refer to how the song of time sent time back and left that timeline w/o the hero's spirit
the triforce linking legend to time has to mean something but my minimal zelda lore knowledge is leaving me to die. ik its the downfall timeline, so is it a reference to how the triforce got Fucked Up by pig man? did it get messed up??? never actually played cards meaning to learn /reference
there's so many scribblies around hyrule (i love the hearts on the 'i's its adorable). hyrule found the book and thats why he gets loops?
[ hi revision glowmin here. had a thought: what if there's multiple timelines that branch out from when rulie first used the book. what if the first visit wasn't legend. how many fractured timelines could that one event have caused ]
from chapter 49: “So this entire situation is Rulie’s fault?” Twilight’s side moves as he talks and Hyrule leans away from him, falling into Wind instead." haha no don't dump all the fault on hyrule you're so sexy aha /reference
'dink does something fucky' has me cackling. is wild's existence caused by dink? three question marks, 3 parts of the triforce, mmmm that is cooking?? or could just be irony
that line also points to rulie again so i Think this has something to do with. the blood curse. that i only know about from fanfiction.
ALSO THE LINE CONNECTING RULIE TO WARS!! IS SCRATCHED OUT!! (also from chapter 49: "Dead, lightning bug,” Ravio soothes. “He’s dead, you killed him.”)
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who's dink is it anyways
the line about four's shadow has me. okay listen i don't remember the chapter but i KNOW there was a line abt the yiga talking about a small town forge. is that four's home from minish cap.
bc back when they met ravio the first (? i forgor) time, ravio told four to remind him about some dark magic (??) book. i thought this would be to revive shadow. is it. is it to revive red instead??
i am not okay abt red death
okay back to the flowchart: shit they haven't been to skyloft yet. i did not realize that until now
'palace' you mean the fucking TONGS FOUR SWORD PALACE??
the line drawn to the underlined dark link beneath time: 'hylia said "mouth of the river". i think this could either be time or sky. time bc he breaks the timeline into 3, sky bc he literally got cursed for being too cool
rulie: i am going to fucking SCREAM. the line from cia to rulie has 'why' written next to it and that's what i wanna know!! 'not safe' is in a fucking box!! underlined question marks!! ravio bbg please.
oh and 3 x's but idk if thats more triforce analogy or just. there to be There
recycled ganon had me cackle. inconsistent dates tho,,, is that like. linking up to why they're going in reverse in wild's time? bc twilight is the direct predecessor iirc???
wind: i cannot read what it says next to dead. looks like,,, 'masko' maybe? evidence of there being a dark: i have not beaten wind waker yet but I HAVE got the master sword. is the time lock shenanigan at the bottom of the ocean dink's fault or the master sword's fault.
i know like 2 things from hyrule warriors: traitors are cringe and cia apparently is creepy. thats probs why talking about dark versions of him is 'personal'. i wonder what 'safe' means in this context; safe to visit? safe to rule out? shaking ravio like a paper bag.
wild drives ravio to apple juice alcoholism more at 11. it is personal is underlined. is it wild's dark? rulie's dark? why are they going backwards? are they going to show up in wild's hyrule for when he DIES because they're going backwards? bro what is up with kyle.
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the visits lets fucking go
revision glowmin again. We’re not at visit 9. I have no clue why I thought we were there. Migraines are shit.
visits 2 and 3 being about shadow and red. dont look at me i'm crying | visits 2 and 3 are in the same order both for ravio and the links. hmmmmm that's Odd
visit 6 'got em' what did you get ravio. huh?? you silly merchant man what did you get??? it certainly wasn't bitches
this is the part of the lore board that i actually fucking. bro the circles this is running me through is insane. like how do i even analyze this its making my headache die so we're just gonna spitball.
it. kind of goes in reverse? not really but kinda?? visit 9 is first for all the links, but last for ravio. is this linked to wild's visits being in reverse?
if it ends at 9 i'm gonna throw a sock at my wall
for visit 5 on ravio's side it looks like it says pregnant. ik it doesn't but i cannot make out what it is
[ revision glowmin here again. its research. why did i think it said pregnant. that has literally nothing to do with the fic. ]
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crying begins because i can barely ready any of this so bear with me here (BEAR WITH ME!!)
the first like. act of the fic summarized in 1 easy (/s /lh) flowchart. they see the what? rooms? runes? ruins? rains? god i'm illiterate
starting panic for the Dark. singular. i forgor how/if they figured out it was just one.
ravio crossing out where wild should be in the timeline is sending me. i think he's got shit from all 3 timelines in his hyrule (yadda yadda A GAME THEORY) so that would explain why they all just cross each other out.
'wind said shit' that's a good observation. is this as in he said STUFF or as in he cursed and actually said the shit word. important distinction. maybe Wind says something in the war of eras??
the question mark between cia and rulie. is that dink. whats up with the question marks after hyrule. does that imply that it fucking disappears at some point?? or do they just not know
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the part where i think ravio's mental state went wewewewewewewwoowowwowow
'evil god hylia?' the Potential though. i don't think its gonna happen but man that'd be a twist. how do you stop the reincarnation of your lover's soul: fucking kill all of them
'evil blink' is that. vaati?? nvm it says evil link i'm illiterate again oopsies!! now we know how ravio came up with dink. cooked
'inconsistent travel more than one person in control' yeah fucking kohga is in on this. drag him ravio
'resurrected monsters by blood curse/blessing' is this related to hyrule's blood curse. i don't think dink wants to revive ganon so what does he need the blood for. is he wanting to ascend to godhood?? vague sputtering sounds
one timeline makes sense when we hear abt why ravio didn't tell everyone about red's death. still sad but that line paired with 'so we keep going forward [...] no counting on do-overs [...] one step at a time [...] together [...] or not at all' really hits home.
this took 3 hours but yeah i'm Normal about this
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 22 Collusion
Spoilers below
-Gabriel doing his usual bit of talking to a corpse
-Dude really showing he's desperate
-Emilie knows her husband is batshit crazy
-The Adrinette is so f***ing cheesy I love it. THEY CALL EACHOTHER WHILE BRUSHING THEIR TEETH. UGHHHHH. Its dopamine
-And Gabriel just f***ing ruins the mood. The shift in adrien's expression, Just distraught.
-Plagg be spitting facts. Too bad neither of them know Adrien really has no choice in the matter
-They are trying to kiss but they both cant. Its cute but also... FUCKING KISS ALREADY! JUST KISS! YOUVE KISSED ALREADY. YOU CAN DO IT!
-Rose representing all of us right now
-" YOU TWO KISS OR I WILL KISS BOTH OF YOU?" Rose I dont think thats the threat you think it is
-Oh kwami they ARE INSUFFERABLE and I love it. If this was real I would HATE THEM SO MUCH. I feel Rose so much.
-Chloé and Sabrina are no longer friends after last episode, and Chloé just now a mean girl alone. Its just sad now.
-Lila (if that is her real name) still be out here plotting.
-So mendeleiev is the new principal, and just like before Chloé has the principal wrapped around her finger. This is getting really boring
-And cue Lila's plan
-Oh my gosh is this going to make Ms.Bustier go into Labor?!
-Ms.Bustier still trying to appeal to whatever organ is pumping the blood in Chloé's body. But this is season 5 Chloé, not season 2 or 3 Chloé.
-So Ms.Bustier got fired and I think Marinette is expelled. Sure feels like a recycled season 3 episode.
-WAIT... IS MS.bustier going to get akumatized and then they have to fight a PREGNANT WOMAN?!
-Ms.Sans-Culotte? Interesting reference
-Oh damn, she broke free. Impressive. She said no thanks and just broke the akumatization
-Monarch got akuma blocked
-So Ms.Bustier is leaving with a moderately attractive woman on a Motorcycle... Guess everyone is a Lesbian this season.
-Has no one seen robocop before? I know they have since there is an akuma parody of him. Its a bad idea
-OH NO ITS EVIL MARINO (lila as a waiter)
-Chloé now is just a mindless mean puppet. This is sad, At least before Chloé was mean and it was her choice and she did her own stuff, now its more like she is just a muppet to be used. Its sad really
-Lila manipulating Gabriel here, I respect the play, but im still annoyed by how dumb this is. Is chloé actually going to become the mayor?
-Tomoe out here just reminding Gabriel every chance she gets he's dying
-Rose, I love where your head is at, but not right now
-Andre talking to Gabriel about the good old days. Oh if only I cared about Gabriel in the slightest.
-Andre has a point, but he really should put a stop to the BS.
-And Gabriel creates Edited out of context videos using Alliance rings. Next time, deep fake images
-Gabriel selling out his homies like the bitch he is
-Yep, lesbians. Not surprising
-And now Bustier is going to get akumatized
-And just like that she gets akumatized
-Oh man that... that is just tacky. I dont like this at all
-And using the pig power
-Did... did she just advocate for state propaganda?
-Adrien was probably going to tell her... BUT interruption
-Lila really acting like Chloé's braincell. Is Gabriel really going to make Chloé mayor? They pulled this whole Villain is the Mayor s*** in Danny Phantom and it was stupid then
-Well Gabriel and Tomoe were right about one thing, the cops are useless here
-I feel like this message is hitting a bit too close to the French revolution
-Ladybug and Chat noir really just clowning on these akuma these days
-Ah some Zoebug, interesting
-So the mayor just quit, did not see that coming
-That was anticlimactic... something is not right here
-That was an onscreen kiss. Oh that is getting censored in the other areas
-And Chloe becomes mayor/dictator
This dumb, this is really dumb.
I love the lovesquare stuff, but this show really jumped the shark. Chloé became Mayor with Robots, Lila/Cerise or whatever has multiple identities and puppeteers things is just already too much. This has just started going off the rails WAY too fast.
The show just feels so... off.
The episode was 5/10
I cant say I hated it, but i just cant find any enjoyment from this arc aside from the Lovesquare.
I cant say I feel as enthusiastic about this season as I was during Elation.
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alkalineleak · 1 year
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UVE ENABLED ME okokokokok. the sky has been having troubles for fucking millenia for one reason: they cannot create life. they have TRIED they have sculpted THOUSANDS of lands and people and have tended to so much soil but it NEVER works. EVERY eclipse the sun and moon do to try and create life ONE more time and the stars gather around and HOPE but it always falls through.
eventually the tension from all of it became too much and on the very last time the moon and sun eclipsed, shadow snakes COVERING a freshly molded earth, and it didnt work, and it turned violent ! it started small, just an argument, but then crescents were chipped and sunrays where snapped.
heres a note !!!!! the sun and moon are Much, Much bigger than the tiny star gods that serve them. like maggots on a carcass. this is to say that when the forces that keep your "life" together clash hard, its hard to find stable ground! which is to say that heaven ran out of room and stars starting falling out of the sky.
these tiny gods, barely the size of mountains, started falling. some fell into deep cavities in the new earths trenches, others fell onto elavated land and stayed there, some startled crawling, and others fell onto mountains. it all ended the same either way !!!! bodies stacked ontop of each other, craddling each other, blood that kept crossing the line from blue to red to black over and over again, and the sky did not quiet.
EVENTUALLY through the gentle poking and prodding of exposed muscle from skidding on hard dirt and cracked open skulls that couldve either been Chosen Intimacy or a too tired attempt at continuing violence, blood started filling out the world. from those impaled on mountains water flowed down valleys that bigger gods didnt realise they made, flowing down into fingerprint indents that turned into ponds, and down into coasts and down into the trenches. if the stars in the trenches did not die when they fell they certainly died when they had drowned from their own blood and the blood coming from above !
give it a few days, a few storms, and the sun and moon did not even look at each other. they had not realized the newly filled oceans moved alongside the moon like it missed her. they did not realize tiny sprouts of green were filling alongside banks and coasts. they did not realize until fish, made out of recycled body parts, scales opalescent with mismatched colors, started crawling onto land.
and then they realised the one time they abandoned any care for creation, they made it.
storms picked up.
you wouldve thought thatd be a bad thing, but it just spread elements trapped on certain islands to others like a plague.
the early days were FILLED with STORMS and TRAGEDY but no matter How Hard the sun and moon tried life Kept Coming Back, not only that it fucking FLOURISHED !!!!!! and so they had to sit there as they watched their world evolve, start to have consciousness and culture as people started building their societies and finding the ghosts of the coast, the wild, the heights, and eventually when they died unimportant to a greater world, back to the depths where angry caretaker gods sat there and sapped away memory from the dead.
tl;dr the sun and moon Wanted to be in charge of MORE so they Eclipsed (you read into that) and then it kept not working so they beat each other up so hard it emptied heaven of its stars. and then the stars fell onto a very INCONVENIANTLY shaped earth that has sharp blunt edges and FALL DAMAGE and they die. not only do they die they die INTIMATELY !!!! + blood fills up EVERYTHING so theres oceans and rivers now -> the blood makes things come ALIVE FOR ONCE -> divorced sky gods HATE THAT so they try to kill it and FAIL !!!!!!! and now theres life in plants and animals and people ! the ghosts of the stars aka minor gods that fell haunt mountains, coasts, plains, and the bottom of the ocean! and thats the creation myth!
the four major locations of ocean, coast, plains and mountain are important bc they have different USES and POWERS and shit. like for example the depths aka the ocean contain the lost ! no living thing SEES the bottom of the ocean bc THATS THE LAND OF THE DEAD !!!!!! THERES A HIERARCHY OF GODS THAT MAKE THE PLACE RUN AND EVERYTHING!!! the spirits that go there are protected/trapped by guardians, are taken care of/subdued by caretakers, and have their senses and identity slowly stripped away until theyre dissolved oxygen in the ocean by weavers !!!!
HOWEVER !!!!!! THE SKY IS EMPTY RIGHT ? AND THE SUN AND MOON FUCKING HATE EACH TOHER. SO THEY HAVE TO FORCIBLY PUT DISTANCE IN THERE! so they take spirits that die as heroes, or important in some way, and make them into NEW stars !!!! to "commemerate their memory" HOWEVER ! the new stars are cursed to have their name forgotten. people will know of legends and titles and ideas, but NOT people.
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not morning
fuck all iz exhausting - well some breathing and dishes  - some blood sucked - way too many emails and text reminders not to mention the scams that almost look actual - and things not quite working - it seems like always something outta  whack a guacamole   - some kitty play  - almost napping - a store trip a little walking - play guitar a minnit recording - working onna new arrangement cuz found a misplaced chord - still no clue wat im doin half the time but thats another side of this life - and now some i guess 
if it aint poetry - notta diary exactly and definitions shape shift like pretzel logic in a traveling minstrel - never met napoleon and not bob dylan either  - jest t trynna - rite play sing whatever  - trynna be - it takes a lot to turn off the fukken world for a second never mind 5 minutes 
and yes if u wonder - theres a kitty - good and always especially in the evening 
oh yes and i took down compost and recycling  - and played the game everybody loves - where the fukk r t’s glasses 
and more than one  very confusing phone call about light bulbs and timers  with someone on the other side of the world and local - it seems to take a village 
wait - we thot u wuz gonna poem us a little
a butterfly turtle  
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lord-shitbox · 10 months
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part 2 of this ask
📝Process for hurt mezu drawing 
here are the steps i dug out of an art server's wips channel lol
1. initial sketch
2. refine sketch. thats lines now babey. (omitted "the sleeves are KILLING ME WAHHH" stage that led to this)
3. grayscale, to use with gradient map (this is a more polished grayscale than I started with, i dug the working file out to get better images)
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4. find nice gradient map (ended up being the same one I'd used for the piece i made right before. the goal is to make what's essentially an underpainting, not to color the whole thing with one map)
5. tweak and add colors that arent in the map with hard light layers & also sneak in a layer for special effect and atmospheric/ scenic perspective while you're at it
6. shading & more finishing effects. pretty much all of the shading was done with hard light layers! the only non-hard light layers I used for the shading were the particle effect layers & like one faint glow layer to fix some values. blood was done with linear burn
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✨Inspiration for hurt mezu drawing 
the coloring method (grayscale -> saturated gradient map underpainting -> additive color adjustments) is something I tried out with the piece i'd made right before (the one where gozu is holding mezu from behind) & turned out really well, so I wanted to keep going with it
I also wanted to draw them angstily again because it'd been a very long time. like half a year at least. angsting them is very enriching for my soul so I try to do it regularly, this one was overdue
subconsciously referenced the poses in the initial sketch from this old thing (feb 2021). i love doing this. all my for-fun works recycle old elements in some way. my favorite game is "what old art reminds me of what im doing rn" im so good at digging stuff out of my archives for it. everyone loves when i do this
the gangi-kozou panel also
i went through a "shade in bold red-orange & dark blue with hard light layers" phase in like..april/may of 2021. i still like that stuff a lot so I wanted to revisit it
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💚Things you like about hurt mezu drawing
repasting the link there but the sixth image in the process is essentially the final so you can just look at that
the colors are nice!! I'm real happy with using more saturated colors n I think the warm vs cool balance works really well
the sleeves (man being dramatic on the sand meme)
no like fr look at the 2021 piece's kimono sleeves vs the one I just did 2.5 years later. so satisfying
Gozu's expression came out nice
i think the claws and flash lines successfully added Emphasis to Gozu's expression & the piece overall
the poses … the drama …. the brush textures are also good
⏳Things you’d do differently with hurt mezu drawing
add in a liiitle more contrast...aka use a wider range of values. Some lighter lights and darker darks. I miss my 2021 hard neon lighting
a bit more distinction between the characters and the background also
the composition isn't bad but it could be better. Should've thought more about the way the eye would flow around the image in the drafting stage (solid b&w color block thumbnails are good for this)
Moar Sparkles. (I put a solid amount of large & low opacity light bubbles in there & some finer brighter dots especially around the claw stems, but I think more clusters of tiny bright lights on the characters themselves would've gone hard)
💌Some favourite feedback on art
as the wise man Austin Kleon once said: keep a "praise file" of all the positive feedback you get (if you've never read "Steal Like an Artist," you must). so. i am prepared for this question hold on
tastes like sugar glass
multiple people have told me my art is soft & dreamlike
jayce you reblogged my touchstarved art with nice tags on april 10th ive got that saved love uou
umm theres a lot...anytime someone keysmashes or feels emotional because of my art i get happy ,,, lys messaged me about the hurt mezu piece that made me happy also,,,,,there is so much joy in the world
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
Casting My Opinions Into The Void: d20′s Neverafter ep 1+2
this is the first d20 campaign im going to be following live and i am excited enough to do a lil post each week or so about it. mostly bc recycling and adapting and retelling and retranslating old stories that “everyone knows” is my whole shit. like i got a degree in the study of ancient greek and roman civilization (classics). my whole thing is reading old myths and plays that “everyone knows” how they go and seeing what each author/translator brings to the table.
anyway i watched episodes 1 n 2 and i am excited and my observations are below
(like if you were really into the Sisters Grimm series as a kid and are similarly excited for this lol the modernized fairytale characters in that series are literally called “Everafters” and its because it’s really good shorthand for the audience. i see you brennan i see you)
normally ppl who do the whole ‘dark/horror/thriller fairytale’ thing fuck it up bc they think it’s about the shock value, or about seeing how nasty you can get with it, so I usually avoid them, but after bingewatching a kadrillion d20 campaigns, I trust brennan to do it right. you have to find the core value/crux of what is horrifying about the story and tease it out, and play with the symbolism and icons of the original story to reflect that. and brennan fuckin delivered.
ep 1
folks, give a hand to the people who put detailed yet non-spoilery content warnings in the description. tbh dropout shows are setting the standard for sensitivity and inclusion in media. it’s so lovely to see a show w content warnings or pronouns put up onscreen and it just not be addressed. i am forever spoiled for any other kind of media tbh
at some point in the past, brennan found out he could make a really good realistic choking/gagging noise, and he has used it in every campaign since.
i appreciate the ‘scare off the meek early’ approach of it all.
th. the briars. the concept. the dead princes - UGH good backstory yall
i very much like the idea of becoming a ranger out of necessity, and because plants obey you on account of that whole feeding-on-your-blood thing
puss in boots using ‘pib’ as a nickname instead. of ‘puss’ or ‘boots’ - inspired
also zac is using his ‘smart little shit’ voice like he did w lapin and i am v excited.
look ill say it - the little red hen did nothing wrong and thats on that. i read that one when i was very little, it was on electric company or sesame st or between the lions, and i’ve always liked it.
so......anyone see how mother goose’s husband has the last name hubbard? like old mother hubbard lol
also there really is a Jack in so many stories, i’m glad we’re addressing this. little shit gets up to so much trouble
it feels like I have seen so many tired rewritings of little red riding hood, even though I can’t think of any off the top of my head. it’s usually a sort of surface-deep ‘girl power!’ situation. i’ve never seen one like this. i LOVE it. it was terrifying. the fact that we all just sort of accept ‘barbarian’ as a normal dnd class is kind of wild tbh, i like exploring that rage and its source.
Ep 2
saying the actual nursery rhyme in the context of being the nursery rhyme is so powerful. i fully didn’t understand what was happening to nat king cole (v powerful) until he was gone.
also, herr drosselmeyer - fantastic get. you have to talk about the sugar plum fairy at some point and they already went in hard on her in acoc so i love that they were like you know what, it’s weird uncle time.
(context: herr drosselmeyer is clara’s eccentric uncle with a bunch of automatons and he gives her the nutcracker)
also every production ive seen has his drip immaculate. 
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my gender is this man’s cloak
Murph is the fucking ball again
“Please tell me how you’re a monster too so I don’t feel so alone” - Jesus Christ Emily Axford
Almost getting distracted by a bird instead of picking up v obvious plot hooks: pt 2
Brennan really looked at K’s finale scene from mismag and went “how DID the mice get lithium?”
The POV of the mice - simplifying it makes it sound ridiculous, but if you really dig into the idea of the mice as sentient beings it’s horrifying.
Dude the symbolism…stepmother eating her kids bc they were always either a tool or an obstacle to her, of course they would be a sacrifice to her hunger for power.
i’ve always liked endings that have the stepsisters reconciling w cinderella bc in the end they were also victims of abuse and it wasn’t the same or the same degree of abuse as cinderella but they were still constantly on thin ice
can you tell that i rewatched d20 live recently and sobbed at adaine and aelwyn’s ending?
Cinderella stabbing the fairy godmother with the broken heel of the shoe that symbolizes both the ending she was meant for and the life that she was forced into. Turning that into glass armor. dude.
The pumpkin carriage rotting bc the fairy godmother is trying to make the happily ever after stay exactly how it is forever but nature decays and time passes and she can’t acknowledge that without realizing both that her role is in the story is over and not only does cinderella not need her anymore, cinderella doesn’t want her anymore, and maybe never wanted her in the first place. 
When puss in boots was asked what he wanted in life and he just said ‘to be comfortable’ #relatable like I know all this is gonna end with him realizing the value of love and friendship over material goods and I 100% agree with that but i feel like this goal or some variation of it are v common today and not often addressed in stories like this
Pinocchio swearing - 10/10. Also how the fuck is Lou doing a Pinocchio voice that perfectly straddles the line between hilarious and annoying. It’s ridiculous enough to always be funny, but sustainable and varied enough that it doesn’t grate on you.
i think we’re getting into “all the princesses in all the stories are all sisters” territory and i for one am THRILLED
"mirror, mirror.......leaned up against the wall”
we learn in this adventuring party that the OG concept for lou’s pinocchio is that he snapped off his nose so he would be able to lie, which is AMAZING. i fully did not put that together.
i am v excited for this battle, and v terrified.
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pertenebraas · 1 year
Desertduo Limited Life Drabble (Spoilers for Session 3)
Tw: corpses/dead bodies (Grian’s AFK body and previous traffic server deaths)
Corpses don’t stay for very long, in Scar’s experience.
When someone dies, provided they weren’t on their last life, their body only stays for about a minute, before dissolving into ashes with no fire, quickly scattering to an unfelt wind. Etho had once theorized that it was so the matter can be recycled into their new bodies; Bdubs had put forwards that it was the only kindness the server would ever offer, that there was a built in clean up duty so that there wouldn’t be three or more times the corpses lying everywhere. Seeing your own dead body is bad for business, he had joked.
Grian had said that it was for efficiency. So that they wouldn’t have to waste time constantly digging graves rather than putting each other in them.
Scar thinks thats the most optimistic out of all of them, that even without the convenient cremation, that every body would eventually get a grave.
(He doesn’t think about Bdubs, floating in the water face down as Grian screams traitor at him, how Scar had left him there floating to make their final journey home. He doesn’t think about how he hasn’t killed Bdubs since.)
The body in front of him isn’t a corpse, Grian is just…. sleeping, he supposes. When he walked up to the bread bridge in the sky and saw Grian slumped over on a llama, he looked peaceful, eyes closed and serene. Suddenly, Scar yearned for hotter weather, sand between his toes.
All Jimmy would say is that Grian had “gone away,” with an uncharacteristically hard look in his eye whenever someone tried to press. Even as he proclaimed that Grian would be back and that in the meantime he was under the protection of the bad boys, he avoided looking directly at the figure for long, keeping it in his peripheral as he fluttered about from place to place. Joel didn’t quite seem to understand but pushed the party line, snarling anytime Scar even came close to the shell that Grian apparently wasn’t using at the moment.
He really did look like he was sleeping like this, arranged so that his arms were around the llama’s neck for stability, leaning against it. From far away, it could even look like he was breathing, as the movement of the animal’s own lungs gave him the illusion of false life.
Even still the sight unnerved him, enraged him partly from the unnatural aura surrounding the body and partly from the memories it was invoking. He pushed cart after cart full of TNT in the midst of his yellow frenzy, and if that shell was destroyed, out of his sight in the process, well, no one could tell on him, right?
(Maybe if he dies he’ll wake up, Scar doesn’t let himself think.
He doesn’t wake up.)
But here, underground, Grian’s body betrays no signs of living. Sat in his little cove, eyelids set open by Martyn with a razor sharp smirk, the complement to Jimmy’s hard eyes as he said, “Don’t worry about his eyes getting dry. He would prefer it this way, after all, so he can watch.”
Scar thinks this is the closest he’s ever come to seeing Grian’s corpse. There’s no blood, no characteristic wounds that usually grace the bodies that come from this server. He’s simply still, eyes slightly glassy, like a doll. His chest is now visibly still, but face no paler than usual. It seems whatever happened left Grian’s body in some kind of stasis, nothing changing, nothing moving. He doesn’t like it, Scar decides, whispering his confession (I’m sorry for killing you, he says; I’m sorry I couldn’t wake you up, he doesn’t) and he takes his leave.
Scar’s always died before Grian, so there was no chance he would stumble upon his body in the last throes of the game. He wonders if anybody ever dug him a grave before. Nobody ever really talks about it, afterwards, when the world restarts. The winners don’t usually get a chance, they’ve said, that by the time the adrenaline has gone down and they’ve processed the bloody medal they’ve been given, they’re whisked away. Scar wonders if somewhere there’s a world where his bones are being bleached by a harsh sun, or if they’ve been covered in sand, the only grave they could ever hope to get.
(What he doesn’t know, is that his bones made that rule. That as soon as the light left his eyes, the man who killed him, still panting and covered with their blood, took out a shovel and started to dig. He ignored the roaring in his ears, the pounding at his temples demanding for him to move on, to get on with the show. But he had stayed, digging six feet deep, surrounded by an altar of catci, an organic tomb. Only when the last shovel full of sand had been placed on top, had the man stumbled backwards, spread his arms, and fell.)
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teeto-peteto · 10 months
…Out of curiosity, what’s your least favourite skin line?
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ah i see... blood, i like that.
Ok so i hate Riot and i like destroying like a kaiju with rabies so, i consider a skinline something that has at least 2 sets, cause saying Zenith Games would be repetitive and we all know that was a literal crime. So if i had to say one, Project.
Okay, the first release of Project was good, i dont really remember if i saw the release when i started playing, but the initial skins were good. The colors were well put on, the whole mecha but prothesic but futuristic stuff was well glued together, the designs were neat! They were simpler, but well put together. The only itch i have is that they made women have like, at least the half down of her face uncovered while the men champions get all their face covered. But yeah, Riot making gendered accentuations in skins, we have been knew, it keeps happening.
Master Yi and Ashe were cool when they came out eventually, again i think they are neat (gendered nonetheless) and Yi had cool interactions, Ashe had that toggle where she uncovers/covers with her hood when surrounded by enemies or being alone, wich is cool for a legendary skin from back in the day.
Vayne, Vi and Jhin were also good, Jhin is iconic, i think Vayne has a good skin, Vi went kinda on the irrelevant hole but its a neat skin nonetheless. See this is exactly what happends in all of the skinlines riot has exploited. They make good shit until they realize they can milk fans EVEN MORE and then start to get lazy.
I dont understand the downgrade with the next skin set. It was hideous, they made Pyke so dirty with a literal scam skin that recycles the default animations a lot of the time but still costs 15 dollars, and the whole story was very mushy imo. The gender remark on the skins started to get frustrating. Cause of course Irelia is pink cause shes a woman and she's also showing her face, Fiora was pink. Katarina is also pink. Jinx is purple thank god but thats probably because she was released alongside Irelia because in another case they would have made her PINK cause she's a GIRL. On the other hand Akali is there and everyone has ONE colour just not to mess up with the palette but they give her BLUE hair and RED weapons. Honey just pick a damn fucking colour you cant have both.
Since then everything has been crashing down, honestly i cant remember when did Katarina and Ekko appear but they were before Pyke and his gang release and i dont think they are bad skins entirely i just think its obvious that Kata is pink. At least they also show Ekko's half face.
There's this weird ass change (i didnt read the lore nor i care but...) were they were like robots at first and there was also human characters and now they're just HUMAN CHARACTERS or human characters stuck in ANIMAL MECHA SUITS im loosing a braincell typing this. Project Mordekaiser? They said it was the best skin in the whole game. Im not anyone to interfere on their opinion and i think their opinion is great but here's my angry opinion: Bullshit, fan inflated, male character oogabooga, if they did same with a female character everyone would be zzz. Project Renekton is eh? Project Warwick is also an eh? No clue why they started with a lets make the animal characters in project and put guys inside like. They dont know about the springlocks wink wink. I often forget Sejuani exists in this universe but yeah she has a robot pig. Or is it a guy in four inside a pig suit? Tell me cause i didnt get the memo quite well. Senna is purple cause making her pink was going to be obvious and anyway doesnt fit her aesthetic but its also a forgettable skin, at leasy you can pair it with Lucian, her face being shown of course cause yeah Riot being creative. Project Sylas is HIDEOUS i've never seen such a terrible concept of a skin he's just himself in his canon outfit but with changed colours and they keep trying to sell it to me for 10 dollars. Project Varus is literally the same as Akali but less painful, honey just pick a colour you cant be blue and yellow. Icky.
In conclusion: Girls in mecha futuristic suits show their faces cause they are too pretty to be covered even when there are laser blasters and stuff falling from the ceiling. Sylas is shirtless and thats his entire personality in the skinline. They made Pyke dirty (honestly this is my most painful statement, im drying my tears with my Project: Pyke and his 7 chromas). There are guys inside animal suits but Bristle is there so i just raise my eyebrow in confusion. Mordekaiser being the best thing to ever happen to humanity after the discovery of fire according to the fans. Etc
Anyway, set in on fire.
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mayhem-moth · 1 year
Yknow i wonder how much global warming and environmental destruction would be slowed if the us put more restrictions on big companies and people stopped putting pressure on kids to fix the future immediately. Or even consumers gor that matter. We can do stuff to an extent, but when companies are getting away with all kinds of things and stuff like recycling being so dysfunctional, there's only so much.
Seriously i lost count of how many times me and my old classmates were guilt tripped, and were being scared by teachers telling us that we need to do all these things to stop a problem that is way beyond us?? Like somehow we can convince are parent to install a costly solar panel on a rental and to change thier whole lifestyle because you showed us some video of a guy gruesomely turning animals into clothing or somethn??? And your not going to.
These are both true stories btw. I remember my middle school teacher explicitly showing the class a video of this guy turning animals into clothing and building some sort of empire. There was no blood or gore but what?? She said it was gross but important to watch and its not. No one needed to see that. Also my old biology teacher literally said that he's too old now and that the environment is our problem now. He said it a bit differently but thats the gist of it.
Also solar panels can be incredibly toxic to the environment and humans. According to the United States Environmetal Protection Agency, after the solar panels reach the end of thier lifespan they can be incredibly toxic if not disposed of correctly. Acording to wired solar panels can leak hazardous matierals like lead in landfills and became wastes of good resorces due to not recycling.
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
I have eternity,
all these excuses to touch each other on earth, ultimately make no sense.
all that matters is
Clean Karma
and Eternity
My Soul floats above this world,
and I watch these same 'white powers' recycle 'Sky Pizza', and 'Strawberry Vanilla Straws'
all day everyday...
"new skins"
same white power shits with piss poor karma..
You'd laugh if you noticed how many white people lie for materialism or genetic wars...
hah... they've lied so many times,
that they literally stare in a "Sky Pizza Pit" ALLLLLLL day,
playing strawberry suck games...
Recycled Skin,
same broken white systems lol
You'd find out how embarrassing this world actually is...
if you dont have innocence.
if you dont have clean karma,
you dont have proper eternity
I will keep for eternity,
meanwhile "world domination" will learn what ETERNAL EVOLUTION is..
"Cell Pits"
"Sky Pizza"
and "Strawberry Vanilla Suck Straws"
hmmm... white agenda is ridiculously sick and embarrassing..
thats why i just float there waiting for them all to die or give up...
meanwhile my body on earth, is constantly harassed by whites making excuses to rape and lab crime each other
Lol... you guys would find this world embarrassing if it wasnt for the innocent...
because there's so many corrupt government agencies.. specially WHITE... that only have body dysmorphia issues..
white guys walking around,
in "recycled skin" or "new skin"
but the same world shit agendas
You look better,
You're finally healthy PHYSICALLY..
but ur still the same nasty white fucker.. sorry not sorry!
I dont care for "Sky Pizza"
I dont care for "Cell Pits"
I dont care for "Strawberry Suck Van Vanilla"
I just care to Stare at these same ****ers for ETERNITY..
I've been floating there...
and I can stay floating there...
i dont even need this body!
i dont even need to live here at all!
Im just a living citizen,
Im just a living first hand witness..
but this is not my first, nor my last body...
but what will outlast forever is my Karma and Eternity
So go ahead "white power"
play with "Sky Pizza"
play with "Skin Factory"
play with "Cell Pits"
pretty disgusting,
physically eventually whites will lose their purposely for crimes...
but SOUL wise,
they're war and nothing more.
they will have to make a new world,
where someone hasnt already witnessed them...
"Sky Pizza"
"Skin Factory"
"Cell Pits"
"Strawberry Vanilla Suck Van Victims"
well... that 'cycle' will go out of style eventually too...
People aren't aware enough,
The universe is unending,
My soul literally floats beyond here,
and i watch everyone murder and make excuses to lie and touch each other.
ur touching flesh..
ur eating soul..
but the original?
LOL!! my entire soul is ONLY karma and eternity,
so its always really funny watching these nasty ass 'white powers' play 'world domination' around me..
oh no! my flesh!
oh no! metaphysical threats!
lol where's Karma?
where's Eternity?
Uh oh! where'd ur attention span go? :)
"Sky Pizza" and
"Cell Pits"
white power codes...
oh no! protect ur flesh!
the white guys may want to lie again!
lol recycled pizza
Welcome to Earth
what an embarrassment and shame,
worldly 24/7
Keep MY, advice,
Brandon's advice
Karma & Eternity
Let white teams play with "Sky Pizza" and "Cell Pits"
oh dont forget they love Strawberries to code murder Van Vanilla, oh... pssssssst, i head they like "Blood Ivy Kite Surf & Turf" too
oh yah, Salad Dressings,
"Temple Blood Letting"
and "white excuses"
I find it funny how white teams recycle their skin, but have the same shitty motives...
yay... another white person..
ew... the karma is off..
ew.. they arent even proud of THEIR own version of eternity
Karma and Eternity,
thats all thats required..
too bad recycling white skin, wont save you...
"Sky Pizza"
"Cell Pits"
and white teams making excuses to lie about "Strawberry Vanilla Sundays"
hah... Eternity is literally Eternity
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Birds & Bees
Life Vows
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