#like that’s he’s going undercover as Jake now
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Marvel Spotlight (1971) #28
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ohtobeleah · 1 month
Secret Sacrifices // Jake Seresin
Chapter Three: [The Grocery Affirmation]
Summary: When Sunday rolls around, Jake is chuffed to run into a ‘Damsel’ on his running route.
Warnings: Mentions of death, mentions of depression, anxiety, panic attacks. Mild romance. Angst/Whump.
Word Count: 3.3k
Author Note: EEPPPP I’m back queens!! The serotonin is doing the lords work. Really want to try and stick to a regular posting scene if I can get the routine in place. Been thinking about this one for a while now.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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There’s a saying that goes around hospitals that reads a little something like this. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. But there’s understandable doubt that the person who coined the saying ever went through a major surgery or trauma. 
Or maybe they didn’t mean physical pain. Perhaps they meant the other kind, the worst kind. Maybe they meant the kind of searing, seething, boiling pain that tells you you’re a failure as a mother and a fraud of a wife. 
Suffering is optional……That person didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about. It's all-consuming. The day-to-day struggle of living through hell all the while those who you loved unconditionally, were taken away in such horrific and volatile circumstances. The ever-burning pressure of survivor's guilt, the searing pain of grief, and the utter turmoil of failure all adds up. 
Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Yeah right. Suffering isn't optional, it was forced upon you in a split-second that changed the course of your life as you knew it…..and wanted it to be. 
Your deep and meaningful with Bob sat heavily inside your chest. Could you trust him? Was it fair to burden him with such a huge secret? Did you put him in danger by letting him in? Would he tell anyone? But as you opened the boot of your car and sighed at the haphazardly thrown-in grocery bags, a small sense of normality took the space of the pressing questions inside your mind. 
The groceries were heavier than normal, either you were getting weaker or you had just decided to purchase more impulse buys than normal. The paper bag handles were surely going to cut off the circulation in your arms as you were adamant to one trip this. From the undercover carport, up the three flights of stairs, down the hall and to the right, that's where your hideaway was. You'd say home, but home is where the heart is. Your heart was ripped from your chest when you watched your son’s life drain from his eyes. Your heart was shattered into a million pieces when you watched helplessly as your husband bled out in your arms. 
So no, no this wasn't a home for you, but it would have to do. 
Unbeknownst to you, Jake Seresin was en route, enjoying a rather peaceful run. Golden tan skin covered with a thin shine of sweat. The perfect combination for any workout. At a pace that matched A Man To Make Me Sweat, Jake made his way down the footpath that ran the expanse of the side street he knew your apartment complex to be on. 
Was the particular route Jake decided to take this morning one intertwined with the hope he would run into you? That's a question for another time. But when you came into view? Jake smiled to himself knowing that the other route passed Bradley’s condo wouldn't have been as eventful. Nor would it have such a beautiful view. 
The sight of you wrestling with a million groceries and effortlessly trying to convince yourself that you were fine, was a sight Jake could watch all morning. His stride started to slow but his heart rate kept rising. The thought of you, the sight of you, the idea of you being his and only his. Jake had never been the kind to want to settle down. He’d never been the man who committed to one person or one relationship. He was a free-floating spirit that enjoyed the company of others. But when he first saw you, first spoke to you, heard that laugh of yours, saw that beautiful smile, listened to your hypnotic voice, he knew he was fucked from the get-go.
On approach, Jake slowed right down to a walk. His eyes never left your silhouette as he reached into his pocket for his phone. Deciding to pause his music rather than just turn it down. Jake could have stayed like this forever, he could have watched you all day. But when he watched as the bottom of one of the paper bags blew out, sending groceries of all kinds across the drive and pathway, he knew he had to make himself known. 
“You need a hand?” Jake had never seen you look so scared in the time he’d known you as you turned around with wide eyes and a look of intense panic plastered across your face. He swore the tone he’d used had been one laced with a lighthearted approach. “Woah, didn’t mean to scare you half to death Brewer.” Jake followed up as he approached with caution, holding his hands up by his head to show surrender and peace.
“Jesus, you scared the hell out of me Seresin,” The adrenal glands, also known as suprarenal glands, are small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of both kidneys. Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and in this particular instance, respond to one Jake ‘Hangman’ Sererin scaring whatever soul you had left from your being. 
In your fright, you had let go of more of the grocery bags you had been trying to gather up. Groceries were strewn across the driveway and subsequent footpath. Cans of chickpeas and packets of beef jerky littered the concrete as you held your left hand over your heart to make sure it wasn’t about to leap out of your chest. 
“Fucking idiot, don’t scare people like that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” 
Jake chuckled to himself as a grin stretched itself across his smug face. Only you could call him an idiot in a scathing rage of fear and his mind would wander to marriage and children and dying together after a long and happy life together. Only you could provoke those once thought unattainable desires. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to give you a coronary,” Jake replied softly as he reached down to collect a few of your lost items. “Just saw you struggling a little and thought I’d stop and help a damsel in distress.” 
“Jake, have I ever given off damsel in distress vibes to you before?” It wasn't the fact that you weren't a damsel. Hell if someone, if anyone had been around when you and your family were being hunted, you would have run into the arms of the nearest bystander. But it was the fact you couldn't get close to Jake. You knew his intentions, you knew his feelings towards you were something more than just platonic. And the worst part of it all was you knew your feelings were also more than something you could pretend didn't exist. Right person, wrong time. 
“Not exactly, no,” Jake replied as he handed you a rogue can of chickpeas. 
“So why on God's green earth do you constantly feel the need to play my saving grace?” The proximity in which you and Jake stood was something bordering a breach of personal space. He stood so close that you could see the small beads of sweat dripping down his chest. Slowing as they caught on the fine chest hairs that littered the expanse of his tanned and muscular self. “And clearly you need more shirts if you feel like running around the neighbourhood topless is appropriate.” 
Jake chuckled at the unimpressed nature of his attire, but he knew deep down, deep deep down, you were looking. 
“One, I have plenty of shirts, and two, any excuse to talk to you is a good enough excuse for me, Brewer.” The very thought of Jake going about his day finding any excuse under the sun to talk to you nearly had you forgetting how to breathe. But it was a fleeting thought, you couldn’t go there. He didn't even know your real name. He wasn't your dead husband. Maybe all these mixed feelings were purely birthed from a desire to not feel so alone. 
As you took the can of chickpeas from Jake's hand, you shut him down with a kind-natured jab. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“Don't I know it.” Jake replied with a wink and a smile that could light up the entire night's sky on its darkest of nights before bending over to collect more rouge groceries. Your eyebrow raised in question and concern. What the hell was he doing? 
“What are you doing?” The question was out before you knew what you were saying. It was probably pretty self-explanatory. But your brain wasn't computing Jake's actions. 
“What does it look like I'm doing?” Jake answered with a chuckle. “I'm helping you with your groceries.” You stood there in silence as you watched Jake collect the groceries, wondering what you did to deserve such kindness. 
“I said I didn't need help.” You reminded Jake of the conversation you just had. It had seemed to slip his mind. In one ear and out the other. Attention deficit disorder. 
“No,” Jake stood tall, still sweating from his run. Glistening in the mid-morning sun. “You said you weren't a damsel, that didn’t imply I wasn't a gentleman raised by a woman who’d kick my ass if I didn't stay to help you.” 
“You’re a gentleman?” You had never known another version of Jake Seresin than what he had shown you. To everyone else, he was an arrogant, self-obsessed, egomaniacal who didn’t play well with other aviators who cared more about his abs than he did his friends. He was Hangman. 
But to you? He was simply Jake. Bagman. 
“Only for you.” Jake pressed his lips together in a fine line as he smiled. Your eyes caught Jakes in the morning light, golden and warm as dew drops disappeared from blades of grass and birds sang. The way he looked at you, the way Jake paid way too much attention, the way his eyes trailed down from your eyes to your lips as your fingers touched his. You saw him leaning in, you saw the distance getting smaller and smaller. For a split second, for a small fragment of time, you weren’t going to stop him. 
The silence that lingered wasn’t awkward, but it was intense. The unintentional sexual tension got the better of you as you stepped back and let out a rather large sigh. You had to break the moment, you couldn’t let Jake kiss you. If he kissed you now, you wouldn’t be able to keep a friendly distance. It broke the enchantment as Jake cleared his throat and stepped away. 
“Anytime.” Jake, forever the gentleman, continued to help you collect your groceries and followed you back to your apartment in passive silence. Neither awkward or volatile. It was just peaceful, enjoying the company of one another. 
“You know when I asked what we were doing today I didn’t have unpacking groceries in mind.” Jake teased as he looked around your home, still holding as many broken bags of groceries as he could. “Nice place you’ve got here Brewer.” Jake, for as many times as he’d gotten to the front door of your humble abode, from all the times he’d taken you home or picked you up, he’d never crossed the threshold until this very moment. 
“I told you that I was doing a Sunday reset.” You raised your brow at him as you placed some bags down on the kitchen island, letting out a dramatic sigh. “I didn’t finish till early this morning, Bob actually stayed back and helped me get the last of the stragglers out.” You explained as Jake looked around your home from where he stood across from you at the kitchen bench. 
“Do you uh–” Jake asked softly as he caught the sight of a single photograph hanging by the hallway. A little boy sitting on your lap, dark hair, darkish skin, deep brown eyes, smiling ear to ear. It looked like you were tickling his side to get the very reaction captured in the image. “Need any help today?” Who was that little boy? Did you have a son? A nephew? 
You could tell by Jake's tone that he had seen something he wasn't technically supposed to see, but you weren't sure what it had been. 
“I should be good, not that I don’t enjoy your company, it's just I need some alone time,” You saw the questions swirling in Jake's eyes, but before he could ask any of them you followed up. “You know, because I spend so much of my time at the Hard Deck if I don’t take this time to focus on me, I can’t focus on you guys.” 
“Right, well I best be getting back to it then.” Jake pressed his lips together as he thought about what his next move was going to be. He had one of two options here. The first being he could walk away right this second without embarrassing himself. He could say goodbye and try to forget about to picture he’d seen of you with the small smiling child. The second and probably the most erratic choice was to lean in and kiss the lips that Jake had thought about late at night and first daylight for the last few months. He could hold your cheeks between his palms and rub the heat across your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. He could feel your tongue dance with his in the moment where time would stand completely still–allowing Jake to feel for once in his life, fulfilled. 
“Yeah–” You replied as you moved a little closer to where Jake stood, moving to usher him back to the front door. “I’m sorry that my attempt to one trip it from the car interrupted–- “ What you weren’t expecting in the middle of your apology was to feel Jake’s lips on yours. The feeling took your breath away. For a fleeting moment, you gave into temptation and closed your eyes. You melted into the physical sensation of another human’s lips on yours. You craved this feeling, one of complete silence in the echoing caves of grief. You allowed yourself to feel the tender touch of Jake’s gentle lips melting with yours as you deepened the kiss. Moving along as Jake pressed your back into the cupboard behind you. His hand fell to your waist as you cupped at his cheeks. Desperately trying to feel every inch of Jake that you could before your mind was to overthrow your heart’s deepest desire for love and admiration. 
“Brewer–” Jake sighed into your mouth as his tongue danced with yours. His hands squeezed at your hips, adoring every curve. Jake could stay in this moment forever if you let him. But as you began to trail your hands down the expanse of Jake’s exposed torso, your brain broke from its restraints with a rude awakening. 
“This is what you get for being a noise fucking bitch!” 
The flash was blinding as the image of the smallest man who ever lived yelled out as he was being placed in the back of the police car. The man who killed your family. 
“Stop!” You gasped as you pushed at Jake’s chest. The look of uncertainty immediately plastered itself across his flushed face. His heartbrokenly beautifully forbidden face. 
“You alright?” Jake questioned with concern as his wide eyes scanned your face for signs of anything wrong. “Did I do something?” He was worried he’d crossed the line, you’d told him so many times you weren't interested. That he was reading into whatever this was, wrong. But he never really listened. He thought the chase was a part of whatever the two of you were becoming. 
“No,” You reassured Jake as you tried to contain the panic rising in your chest. “No it's not that you did anything,” You tried to explain as Jake's eyes softened. “It’s just, I’m–I’m not ready for this.” 
“Is there even a ‘this?” Jake asked as he stepped forward once again. Pushing the boundaries almost immediately. “Just spell it out to me simply, yes or no Brewer.” 
The silence as Jake tucked some of your hair behind your ear was deafening and all-consuming. Your eyes never left his as you tried to find the right answer. The moral answer. The safest and clearly the right choice. No, the answer was no. Nothing was going on between you, you weren't ready for whatever came next. You weren't ready to move on. You weren't ready to expose someone, let alone Jake, to what could possibly be death for just the idea of knowing you. It was a hard no with a capital N and a full stop. One word. Just one. 
“Yes–” *Fuck* “But I just need time, I'm not ready for–” You were trying so hard to find the right words as small tears welled in your water line. “I need to sort a few things out before I can do this, if you don't mind just going real slow, like slower than this?” 
You saw the cogs turning in Jake's mind as a smile ear to ear took over his face. 
“I'll do whatever you want me to, just say the words.” Knowing that you really just wanted the day to yourself, Jake tried his best to effortlessly and as seamlessly as possible, tiptoe his way back to the first choice he had. “I uh–I hope you have a good reset.” 
You could tell Jake really wanted to stay, you could tell he was hanging out for you to change your mind. But you weren't about to, if anything you needed Jake out of your home before he saw anything else he wasn't supposed to see or do anything else you knew you weren't supposed to be doing. No matter how good it felt. 
“I hope the run doesn’t involve any more damsels,” You chuckled softly as you nudged Jake with your shoulder. “Guess you finally did earn the nickname ‘Bagman’ after all,” You chuckled again as Jake did too, nodding along in agreement. “Thanks again for helping me with my groceries, Seresin, I really appreciate it.” 
“Anytime–” Jake cooed as he smiled, heading back towards the front door with you. “See you for beer o’clock tomorrow?” 
“Oh, I'll be there.” You replied as you held the front door open for Jake. watching as he headed on down the hall and out of site. As soon as Jake was gone you shut the door tight, making sure it was locked but the three separate safety measures you had in place, before turning and sliding your back down the door until you hit the ground. “Oh my–” 
You couldn’t stop yourself from panicking as you curled your knees tight into your chest. Jake seresin, in your fucking house. KISSING YOU. What the fuck were you doing? You couldn't let your feelings get the better of you. You had a son to avenge, a husband to get justice for. It was bad enough that you'd slipped up and let Bob in on your situation, but you were clearly allowing Jake to get too close. 
As you tried to calm yourself down from the panic, your phone rang softly in the distance. Back up on the kitchen bench, your phone displayed a name you never liked hearing from. It was mandatory though, the check-ins, the updates, the constant “We’re making progress but can't tell you anything more than that.” 
As you peeled yourself from the floor you saw the name. The dreaded contact that made your heart drop every single time. With every call the memories that haunted you grew more and more real. The veil between reality and memory blurs to the point you aren’t sure what’s real and what’s the past. It all hurts the same though, internal suffering. The name that kept bringing it all back, time and time again. Year after year. Never allowing old wounds to heal. 
Suffering is optional……That person didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about.
Tags: 🏷️ @a-reader-and-a-writer @xoxabs88xox @hiireadstuff @buckysteveloki-me @athenabarnes @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt @tayl0rhuynh @na-ta-sh-aa @kmc1989 @sunlightmurdock @jaxfart @lauenderhaze @sugarcoated-lame @maisie-rebloging-blog @captainmoonknight @seitmai @shanimallina87 @kajjaka @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog @imladrisofabookdragon @buckysteveloki-me @mrsevans90 @allepaula @els-marvelvsp @djs8891 @paperbag33 @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @86laura11
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miryum · 2 months
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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“I- I don’t like Halloween.” Tim manoeuvred around a packed, crazed precinct. “Especially in Gotham. So many people in weird costumes doing weird shit that we have to fix.”
“The holding cell’s completely full,” Jason called from where he was pushing a Raggedy Ann into the folds of costume. Raggedy Ann blew him a kiss and Jason stalked over to his desk opposite Y/n’s. “So many people have slipped me their phone numbers or thought I was a stripper.”
“Seems like you should follow your true calling then, Jaybird,” Y/n said. “You’d make an excellent stripper.” She winked dramatically at him and said, “I’d be first in line to see you.” 
Before Jason could cuss Y/n out, Steph said, “Seriously, we need to do something about the prisoners. We’ve already had to separate Kim Jong-Un and Hillary Clinton.”
Y/n was walking past the holding cell when she noticed a Hillary Cilton practically in the lap of a Kim Jong-Un, sucking his face off. “Hey! Hey!” She barged through the door and attempted to pull Hillary off. “Come on, now! What would Bill think? I mean,” she paused and muttered, “he kind of deserves it, but you could do so much better than Kim Jong-Un.”
“And… who are you supposed to be?” Jason squinted at Cass. 
“Dude, it’s kinda obvious.” Y/n said, “The entire precinct’s got a theme going on. It was decided in the group chat.”
Cass was dressed in an orange jumpsuit, a pillow shoved in for her stomach. She wore large, comical glasses that looked like she’d bought them for three dollars at a convenience store. Y/n, on the other hand, was in a yellow shirt with thick denim overalls, as were Tim, Steph, and Damian. Tim seemed disgruntled about it, while Damian sat reclined in his chair, taking it with pride. 
“Minions!” Dick called out loudly, silencing the precinct. He was in black jeans and a sweater. Around his neck, he wore an iconic scarf and a bald cap was thrown haphazardly over his hair. “Tonight, we steal… ze moon!” He threw his arms up and Y/n jumped up, cheering. 
“Ze moon! Ze moon!” Steph clapped along and Damian pumped his fist lazily. Tim just sighed and covered his face with his hands. “I was blackmailed into this,” he whispered.
“Oh my gosh, I work with idiots.” Jason sat back in his chair. 
“Attention,” Wayne strode into the bullpen. “I need two detectives to go undercover at a Halloween party where we suspect there will be a transition of drugs and illegal behaviour.”
“It’s like he was born on a thesaurus,” Y/n whispered. 
“Brown and Drake, you’re already in costume. I’m assigning you two to the case.” Tim groaned at his Captain's words, but nodded anyway. He couldn’t disobey his superior. 
“Drake,” Steph looped her arm through his, dragging him to the elevator. “I know you hate Halloween, even though it’s one of the greatest holidays, but I’ll make it the best.” 
“Can you make everyone kind, sober, and fully clothed? Tim asked desperately. 
“Kind, sober, and fully clothed!” Y/n shouted out. “Title of Jason’s sex tape!” 
Jason gawaffed. “I wasn’t even in this conversation!” 
Y/n exhaled and said, “Yeah, but I already tease Timmy-boy enough. He needs a break. However, I haven’t filled my quota for bugging you today.”
“I feel like your quota for teasing me is much higher than anyone else’s.” 
“Yes,” Y/n nodded. “Yes, it is.” 
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“Listen up, dorks!” Y/n paraded into the bullpen, wearing a GCPD jacket over her costume. “I just arrested my first Halloween idiot! He was trying to rob a bank but had a… heh. Little bit of trouble getting away.” 
A man dressed in a large banana suit was stuck in the doorframe of the bank. Y/n couldn’t hold back her laughter as she tried to arrest him. “Trying to ‘split,’ huh? But I’m sure you’ll get out on ‘a peel.’ You have the ‘ripe’ to remain silent.” She snickered before saying, “I’m so glad you’re stuck! I’ve got a million of these! Wait, no, no! Don’t touch the money!”
“I swear, some of these perps are so stupid. I’d make a better criminal than any of them. And the best part is, none of you would be able to catch me!” 
Jason scoffed as Captain Wayne said, “That’s unrealistic. I’m one hundred percent sure you’d get caught.”
“Oh, ho, ho! Chall-enge accep-ted.” She sounded the words out slowly, placing her hands on her hips accusingly.
“I didn’t issue a challenge. There was no challenge. Where did you hear a challenge?” Wayne shrugged, his arms crossed.
Y/n hummed, thinking. “What’s the most valuable thing in your office?”
“My medal of valour,” Wayne replied instantly.
“Oh my god, you’re such a nerd. Fine. Okay. I bet that by midnight tonight, I can steal it from your office.”
“And why would I possibly agree to that?”
Y/n sang out, “because if I lose, I'll work the next five weekends, no overtime. And I won't tell anyone about the time I saw you wearing shorts outside of work. But if I win…” She rocked back on her heels, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
“You won't,” Wayne cut her off.
“You have to do all my paperwork tonight, the busiest and spoooookiest night of the year. Oh! And you must publicly state that I am an amazing detective-slash-genius.”
Wayne raised a brow, intrigued. ”And this won't interfere with you doing your job?”
“You mean my job as an amazing detective-slash-genius? No, it will not.”
Wayne hummed and his eyebrows lifted by half a centimetre. “I'm considering it... I'm interested. I agree to participate.” He held out a hand and Y/n giddily shook it.
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“Hey, Damian? Dami? We don’t talk much anymore. How are you? Did you get a haircut? How’s Titus? What’s the Captain's schedule? I love you, bestie!”
Damian glanced up at her, unaffected. “I’m not going to assist you with your scheme. I am Captain Wayne’s assistant; a job I take incredibly seriously.”
“You’re literally making paper knives out of police reports.”
“How else am I to stab someone?”
“More like give them a harsh paper cut.” Y/n whined, “come on, Dami! Please, help me out here!”
His gaze was piercing. Quietly, he finally muttered, “he has a meeting downstairs in ten minutes.”
“I love you! I love you! Thank you so much!”
A while later, Captain Wayne was in his office and suddenly spoke to the air, “Are you in my ceiling, L/n?
There was a pregnant pause before a voice filtered through the vents. “No?”
Wayne seemed unimpressed. “So what's the plan? You wait for me to leave my office, lower yourself down, take my medal, and win the bet?”
“Die Hard meets Mission Impossible,” Y/n snickered before remembering her place and tutting, “who are you talking to? There's no one up here!”
“L/n, just so you know, right now, I am taking my medal off the wall and placing it in a locked safe whose combination is known only to me. The safe, in turn, is locked in the cabinet. The only key to that cabinet is on my person.” True to his words, Wayne did as he was saying. ”I'm off to my meeting. Good luck with your plan.”
Y/n cried out, “you think that scares me, fool? I laugh in the face of adversity!” She waited a moment before asking timidly, ”Are you still there? Captain, are you still there? I can't hear... Ack!” Suddenly, the ceiling fell from beneath her and in a crumble of dust and plaster, she collapsed on the floor. “Ow.”
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“Oh, geez, what happened to you guys?” Jason asked Steph and Tim, the latter who was covered in runny eggs. Steph seemed to be unharmed. Dick stood up in surprise.
“We got egged,” Tim said flatly. “Some pieces of shell got in my contacts and my underwear.”
“Ooh, very hot,” Y/n snickered, swaying where she stood. Jason held a hand out to steady her. 
“I wish I was dead,” Tim grumbled.
“I’m doing great!” Steph squealed. “I’ve made four new friends. How’s the unwinnable bet going?”
“So little faith, Stephanie,” Y/n sighed. “On one hand, I fell through a ceiling. On the other hand, I think I bruised my brain.” She cupped her face in her hands, muttering nonsense about how brains look like loofahs.
“Look, Y/n,” Dick said carefully. “I love you like one of my daughters.”
“Aww, you do?” Y/n cooed.
“Yes, and I need to look out for you like them. You’re all irresponsible and need constant supervision. But this bet isn’t about you. It’s about Captain Wayne. That man is a genius. He’s had your number at every turn.”
“Well, not this day... Turn... time,” she stuttered. ”Sorry, I'm pretty sure I had a concussion back there! Jason, please catch me.” Jason leapt forward and cradled Y/n to his chest when she started falling backward. “Ooh, strong one,” she mumbled incoherently as he gently set her down in her chair.
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“Damian.” Wayne walked up to his assistant and asked, “could you please decipher L/n’s handwriting? I believe the concussion is affecting her. She and Cain arrested a group of Royal Babies, but I’m unsure of what for.”
Damian took the paper and inspected it. “The Royal Babies were attempting to rob a small bakery. Being able to read Y/n’s handwriting is a gift. A useless gift, but still one nonetheless.”
“Pardon me, Damian.” Captain Wayne turned to a nearby janitor who was emptying Jason’s trash. “Nice costume, L/n.” 
The janitor cleared their throat and said in a deep, faux voice, “no L/n here. Just a random janitor pushing trash around.”
Y/n spun around, a sheepish smile on her face. Jason hid a snicker as Y/n awkwardly said, “hey, Captain! What’s up?”
“You thought this was going to work?” Bruce hummed. 
“It did work!” Y/n scoffed. “This… was supposed to fail. It’s like chess. Sometimes, in order to win, you have to sacrifice your king.”
Jason’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “That’s how you lose chess. Have you ever played?”
“Uh, yeah!” she put a hand on her hip. “My Uncle Dave taught me!”
“Come on, lass! Even girls need to know how to shoot!”
“You’re slightly misogynistic, Uncle Davey, but I love you anyway!” A much younger Y/n propped up a handgun and carefully shot a number of chess pieces lined up on a faraway bench.
“Atta girl!”
“I expected better of you, L/n.” Captain Wayne shook his head. “You could’ve created a diversion to distract me from your terrible costume.”
“I had a diversion!” Y/n stomped her foot. “There was just a slight timing issue…” Just then, a nearby trash can lit up in a brilliant fire. “Whoops?” Y/n shrugged.
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“Come on, Tim!” Steph threw her hands up in the midst of a party. “You look like such a cop! Have some fun, you know? It'll help you blend in!”
Tim stood stoically on the dance floor, not moving a muscle. “Stop trying to get me to love Halloween. It'll never work. Hey, heads up!” He noticed a man swap drugs for money with someone else. “I'll cut 'em off at the exit!”
Steph whirled around, instantly forgetting about the party. “Move! Move, move!”
The pair raced after the culprits and Tim cursed when he found the pack of drugs abandoned on the floor. “He ditched the drugs. I'm on it.” Tim shifted through partygoers and spilled drinks. “Ew… it’s sticking to me. Ugh! What is that? How is it hot and cold? Stephanie, help!”
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“Hey, Cap-i-tan?” Y/n called from the bullpen. “Can you come out here for just one teeny weeny second?”
Bruce sighed and rubbed his temples, but did as his detective requested. “Do you need something, L/n?”
“Why yes, yes I do. Hit it, Royal Babies!” Y/n shouted out and at her command, all the Royal Babies marched into the bullpen. They began walking around randomly, swarming Captain Wayne, and throwing key chains around. Wayne just rolled his eyes and returned to his office. He found Y/n hunched over the cabinet drawer, attempting to copy Wayne’s keys. “Wha…. no!” Y/n groaned in frustration, slamming her fist down on the desk. “Ow…” She shook her hand out.
“Give me my keys, please.”
“Can you just stop catching me?” Y/n whined, “do you know how much I spent on key chains?”
“Probably around twenty-three dollars,” Captain Wayne said instantly. 
“That is unbelievably close and scary,” Y/n admitted. “Twenty-two dollars and seventy six cents.”
“Keys,” Wayne demanded.
“Okay, okay, look.” Y/n stood up, an embarrassed smile plastered on her face. “Tonight has been a tiny bit humiliating. Things aren’t going well, so what do you say we call off this silly little bet and pretend this whole thing never happened?”
“Oh, no no no,” Wayne let out an unusual chuckle. “I’m not letting you off the hook.” 
“What? Pffft. No… I’m giving you an out so you can save face.”
Wayne shook his head. “This is getting sad.” 
Y/n scoffed and tossed him his keys, sauntering out the door. “Uh, yeah. For you.”
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“Captain,” Tim knocked on Wayne’s opened door. “Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, some officers just arrested L/n.
Bruce blinked. “What?”
“They caught her scaling the side of the building with a blowtorch.” Tim shook his head, still not understanding how Y/n managed to find a blowtorch and climb the building in the first place. Wayne just sighed in response. 
In the interrogation room, Wayne found Y/n handcuffed to the table. Knowing her, she had probably asked for the handcuffs.
“Welcome to the endgame.” Y/n tried to spread her hands ominously, but the handcuffs harshly pulled her back. “Ohh, that hurt. Forgot I was wearing those.”
“What the hell were you thinking, L/n?” Wayne shook his head, sitting down opposite Y/n.
Y/n inhaled through her teeth, trying to look ashamed. “I was thinking I had better core strength. I got winded, like, ten feet up.”
“I have to admit,” Wayne said. “I expected better of you. You have five minutes until your deadline, and yet, here you are, handcuffed to a table, in a locked room.”
“Which is precisely where I planned on being.” Y/n smiled sinisterly. “You remember when I pretended to be Herman, the janitor?”
“Yes, it was mere hours ago. And I caught you as Herman.”
Y/n wagged her finger. “But you didn't catch Cass! As it turns out, she’s great at picking locks!”
Cass crouched by Captain Wayne’s desk, carefully and quickly picking the lock as Y/n distracted him.
“Of course, I needed a way to get her out of your office without you noticing. Y/n explained, “so I created a diversion. Not a mistimed one… a perfectly timed one so Cass could escape.”
A fire burned in the trash can that caught Captain Wayne’s attention. Cass somersaulted out of his office.
“But you needed a way into the safe,” Wayne reminded her.
“And I got it. You were so concerned with getting your keys back, you didn't even notice the sergeant stealing your phone. That's right, even Dick is on my side! Then, Jason dusted your screen cover for prints. The greasiest smudges revealed the four numbers you use the most…” Y/n leaned back in her chair. “Based on your advanced age, I assumed that you use the same passcode for everything.”
Wayne conceded, “that would be a fair assumption.”
“It was at that point that I made fun of Jason for reading some sappy romance book.”
Wayne raised a brow. “And how is that a part of your masterplan?”
Y/n shrugged. “It wasn't. It just ruled. And that brings us to five minutes ago, when Tim barged into your office and told you I’d been arrested. I knew he’s the only one you’d believe because, frankly, he’s too lame to partake in these things.” Y/n grinned sharply and continued, “And as you walked over here, Stephanie crawled into the ceiling, using the hole I so cleverly left behind to enter your office. We had the four numbers for your code, which meant there were twenty-four possible combinations for Steph to try. That would take up to four minutes, which is why I really dragged out this explanation.” Wayne shook his head in disbelief and sat back in his chair. Y/n chuckled and kept rambling, “I mean, really stretched it. I don't know if you noticed, but there were times where I was like, what am I even talking about? I could make a career out of this! Professional monologuer.” The beeping of a timer interrupted her. “Oh! But now, four minutes is up. Which means Stephanie is either on the other side of that door holding your medal, or I've lost.” She pointed towards the interrogation door and simply smiled.
Captain Wayne stared at her a moment longer with a look somewhere in between wonder and frustration. Slowly, he stood up and opened the door. Stephanie proudly grinned from the opposite side, holding up his medal of valour. “Just one question,” Wayne started, not bothering to sit back down. “How’d you convince them to help you?”
Y/n chortled. “You think so little of me. Of course, I appealed to their sense of teamwork and camaraderie with a rousing speech that would have Shakespeare begging for my talent.”
Y/n stood atop a chair in the middle of the bullpen and announced in a terrible Scottish accent, “For too long, we thee have been ridiculed, pushed around, and put down. But I say no more! For today, thee shall defeat the mad king and win our thine country back!”
“How did you actually do it?” Bruce gave Y/n a knowing glare.
“Unfortunately, my speech did not work.” Y/n sighed and continued speaking as if she hadn’t heard the Captain. “The sixty-sixth precinct has no sense of honour and solidarity. Maybe we should start doing team-building activities… Anyway, I bribed them. Told them I would do their paperwork.” She gave her superior a shit-eating grin. “And cause you’re doing my paperwork,” she sang, letting him come to the same conclusion.
Wayne huffed a laugh. “Well played L/n. Well played.” 
He slowly exited the room, leaving Y/n to cry out, “Captain? Hey, Captain? Are you gonna unlock me?” She rattled the handcuffs. “Captain?!” Eventually, Jason came in to help her (not before taking many pictures).
Later that night, Wayne gathered everyone in the briefing room and swallowed his pride. “Y/n L/n is an amazing detective-slash-genius.” Y/n mouthed along to the words. “And if you’ll excuse me, I have some paperwork to do.”
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Captain Wayne sat in his office, surrounded by paperwork. However, instead of beginning, he opened a pad of paper and wrote: Halloween 2
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makeitastrength · 2 months
If this is really all that I get
Chapter 1
“Do you wanna come in?”
Her voice is low and her gaze is seductive and God yes is the answer that’s immediately on the tip of his tongue, held back only by the no filtering in from the last remaining rational part of his brain
“I… I shouldn’t,” Tim stammers instead.
And the thing is… he knows that’s true. He shouldn’t walk through that doorway. He shouldn’t want to come in, shouldn’t feel the way he does about her, shouldn’t even be considering crossing this threshold. He has a girlfriend and Lucy has a boyfriend, and they both know the ‘technically, since we haven’t been debriefed yet we’re still undercover’ excuse is flimsy at best. If they do this, there will be nothing pretend about it. It won’t be Jake and Sava. It will be Tim and Lucy.
And perhaps it’s that truth more than anything that pushes him through the door. Because there is no Tim and Lucy. And after ‘it’s basic biology,’ he’s not sure there ever will be. So if this is his one chance to be with her in this way… well, there’s no universe in which he would ever say no. He knows it will probably backfire, and he knows when it does it will hurt. But he wants her more than he’s wanted anyone in a long time – maybe ever. Consequences be damned.
Lucy closes the door behind him and turns, looking up at him through her dark lashes, so sensual and alluring. He wasn’t just teasing when he told her he likes her hairstyle, the soft waves that formed after her shower. She looked hot as Sava, the straight hair and darkly lined eyes and full lips giving her a more severe appearance than he’s used to seeing. But she was softer after she showered, the sharp fake nails removed and the harshest of the makeup washed away. She’s still wearing the fake eyelashes and her eyes are still darker than normal, but she looks less like Sava now and more like Lucy.
“Can I make you a drink?” she asks, her voice tearing him from his thoughts.
This answer he doesn’t have to think about. If this is his one time with Lucy, he’s going to be one hundred percent sober so he can remember every moment. “I’m good.”
Lucy sets her keys on the counter and her bag on a chair and then turns to face him. Their eyes lock, dark and intense, and Tim’s not sure who makes the first move, but the next moment his hands are cradling her jaw and hers are fisted in the flaps of his shirt and he’s kissing her. Hard.
Read the rest on AO3
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
would you be interested in writing a jake peralta angsts kinda like jake saves reader form something maybe??? if not possibly a yandere? please and thank youuuu
❝👮‍♂️— lady l: it took a while but it came out! I don't have much practice with angst, but I tried it and I hope you like it. Forgive me for mistakes!
❝tw: anxiety, panic attacks, mention of murder, my poor attempt at angst.
❝👮‍♂️pairing: yandere!jake peralta x female!reader
❝—👮‍♂️word count: +1,6k ❝👮‍♂️tag: @flowercrowns-goodvibes
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You were in danger. You were in danger. You were in danger.
Jake's mind was just that, you were in danger and it scared the shit out of him. What had gone wrong? It was supposed to be just a simple undercover mission to catch a powerful drug dealer, but it all ended up going wrong.
What had happened to you?
Jake nearly passed out in panic when Captain Holt told him he'd lost communication with you, a big sign of trouble. You were supposed to be in contact with them all the time, but you stopped communicating and… Now none of them knew what happened to you. Were you alive? Hurt? By God, Jake will kill whoever hurt you, he was sure of it.
''Jakey'' Boyle's voice called to him, Jake looked at his friend and saw the concern on Charles's face. ''We will find her.'' He tried to reassure him, but even Boyle wasn't sure. The chances that you were murdered were high, although you were a well trained detective, there was always the chance, but he would never say that to his best friend. No one would say, everyone knew how obsessed Peralta was with you and knew how he reacted when it came to you.
''We will.'' Jake's voice was serious and full of hate. He was going to find you and he was going to punish the damned criminal who dared to try to hurt you.
Charles nodded and hugged Jake gently who returned the hug, but soon pulled away. ''Holt is trying to locate her and so is Terry. Soon (Y/N) will be with us again.''
Jake nodded calmly and something about that calmness startled Boyle. Why was Jake so calm? He knew his friend and he was scared to ask. Charles was never afraid of his friend, he revered and adored him, but something in Jake's eyes made him afraid. Almost like he was planning something and it wasn't something good.
''I will continue to work on the case. I'm going to visit the crime scene where she disappeared. I need to focus on finding her, because if I don't I am going to freak out.'' Jake finally said more than three words and sat down at his desk, the desk he shared with you. He mumbled something and smiled as he looked at the picture of the two of you together that he had placed next to his computer. You looked so happy.
He tried, he really tried, but he couldn't concentrate. Worry and fear seemed to eat him alive, his heart racing in panic and his mind conjuring up images of what could have happened to you or what you could be having to put up with right now.
Jake cringed as he remembered the gunshots that had echoed through the microphone you had in your ear to keep in touch with the 99.
You had to come back soon.
Everyone had agreed to that. Jake was freaking out and everyone around him. Nothing seemed to calm him down and the entire police station seemed to be affected by it, hampering the searches.
They all loved you. They were a family and you were a part of it and everyone was worried too.
Captain Holt and Rosa were the calmest ones, or at least they tried to remain calm, but he was also out of their mind with worry. Amy, Terry and Boyle just didn't freak out because they knew it wouldn't help anything, but Jake… Jake looked so distraught that he couldn't eat, drink and couldn't take his face away from the evidence they had found.
After searching the crime scene, they were able to find a few things that could lead to you. Or at least that's what they hoped, but Jake wasn't going to sit around waiting for the lab results.
Time was crucial and he wasn't going to waste it. Not when your life was in danger.
So he made a decision. A decision he knew he could regret for the rest of his life, but it wouldn't matter, not when he had you safe and sound in his arms again.
Jake sighed at the thought of the phone call he had received an hour ago and he felt trapped. The deal he had accepted was dangerous, but that was all for you.
''Jake was sitting at his desk, hunched over it, repeatedly reading the files on the drug dealer who had you. His name was Maximus Rodriguez, a notorious drug lord who had his petty dealers act for him and he had you. Jake clenched his fist in anger at the thought. Fuck.
Maximus was dead and so was his entire operation.
He grabbed his cell phone when it started to ring, an unknown number popping up on the screen. He frowned but accepted the call and a high pitched voice began to speak.
''Detective Peralta. What a pleasure.'' The voice said bored. ''Looking for your sweetheart?''
''Who is it?'' Jake asked irritably.
''You don't need to know my name. Yet. But you can call me Maury. I have information that I believe may be of interest to you.''
''Information?'' Jake was attentive. It was obvious this was about you and he was so desperate he would do anything to get you back.
''I know where your precious (Y/N) is being held and I know who her captors are.'' Maury said and Jake was sure the man was smiling.
''… What do you want in return?''
''Straight to the point? I liked. No big deal, I want you to agree to do a simple job for me in exchange for getting your (Y/N) back. Sounds fair to me.''
''What kind of work?'' Jake questioned suspiciously.
''You'll find out when the time comes. Do you accept?'' Jake mumbled a drawling ''yes''. ''Very good. Now pay attention…''
Jake knew where you were and had informed Holt that he had started to prepare to break in. He was asked how he got to know where you were, but Jake lied saying that the drug dealer's criminal record had hidden and useful information.
Nobody questioned him. They didn't believe it, of course, but Jake's look of despair and hatred was so great that they didn't dare question it further.
The focus was on bringing (Y/N) back. All that mattered now was her and he was willing to do anything to get her back.
The cops were in place and the SWAT team was preparing to break into the warehouse where (Y/N) was apparently being held. They were preparing for an ambush. It's always good to be prepared for anything and Holt had his detectives ready in case something goes wrong. It was a dangerous rescue mission, but everyone would do their best to retrieve (Y/N).
''We're going to count to 10 and go inside. Get ready.'' Holt said, getting into position.
''Right. Let's get on with it.'' Rosa grumbled and grabbed her gun, bracing herself for the chaos that could ensue.
''1, 2, 3…'' Holt started counting and everyone got into their agreed positions. Jake was by the door with one of the SWAT guys and he was shaking with anxiety and rage. ''…9, 10!''
The door was broken down and the police entered the warehouse. They were prepared for a firefight or something, but none of it came. They looked around and Jake sobbed when he saw you. You were tied to a chair, gagged and looking at them in fear and relief.
''Take a look around.'' Holt commanded and the others obeyed. Jake and he came running to you, pulling the ropes and gag out of your mouth.
As soon as you were released, you found yourself hugged tightly by Jake, who began to shed tears of relief onto your shoulder. ''You're alive…'' He sobbed and looked at your bruised face. Yours lip was a little swollen and there were small cuts on your cheek. Jake kissed your cheek gently, not wanting to aggravate any injuries.
Jake didn't let go of you for the next few minutes, clinging to you and whimpering. You didn't let go either. Finally relieved to see him again. Not when you feared you might never see him again and just the thought of it made you grip tighter.
A team of paramedics arrived to assess you and you were taken to the ambulance, where they treated you. Jake, of course, didn't leave your side, eyeing the paramedics suspiciously. You squeezed his hand gently and he kissed your head.
''I was so scared…'' Jake muttered, squeezing her hand tightly.
''Me too…'' You said, lightly stroking Jake's hand with your loose fingers.
''I'm never going to let you out of my sight again, understand?'' He was scared, very afraid that something like that would happen again and he wouldn't let it. He would hunt down your captors and kill them one by one. You would never be taken from him again.
''I love you.'' He uttered and you smiled, he bent down and placed a light kiss on your lips, very carefully to not hurt you.
''I love you too, you idiot.'' You laughed and laid your head against his shoulder as Jake sat down next to you.
Jake finally felt calm, you were where you belonged, beside him. He would find the bastards who hurt you and they would regret ever being born. He kissed your forehead gently. You were everything to him.
He knew he had to keep his end of the bargain, but he'd think about that later. You were more important and he would deal with the consequences later.
''I won't let anyone hurt you again.'' Jake swore, looking into your eyes deeply and you knew he wasn't lying.
It was a promise. An oath.
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toniwritesthings · 2 years
You Better Peralta
Jake Peralta x G/N Reader  - Jake catches up with you before he goes undercover.  - Words: 1,012.  - Warnings: None.
You stand outside the precinct, breathing in the cool Brooklyn air. Jake had just got fired and signed up for an undercover mission with the FBI less than two hours ago and it had just dawned on you what that meant. You sigh, shutting your eyes. The idea of Jake going undercover made you nervous. You knew, realistically, that he would be fine. He’s an amazing detective. But there was something nagging at you, something that felt like unfinished business. You open your eyes again, walking towards your car.
“(Y/N)?” You turn around, seeing Jake coming up to you holding a box of his belongings. “Hey, thought I missed you.” He looks at you and smiles, causing your heart to beat slightly faster.
“Hey Jake. Amazing assignment” You say, trying to not let the worry you feel ruin his big moment. “I have to admit though, I’m a little jealous.”
Jake laughs. You laugh too, trying to ignore the butterflies you feel. “Really? Well, if you want I could help you get fired. I’m really good at it.”
You look at the man in front of you, trying to take in the small details to remember him while he is gone. You look at his goofy smile, his fluffy hair, the way his jacket sits on his shoulders. You take a deep breath in, trying to distinguish his cologne from the smell of the street. Finally, you look into his eyes. The soft brown showing so much warmth, the wrinkles around showing life and laughter. You send him a sad smile.
“Yeah. So, this is real. This is happening” you point to the box in his hand and he lets out a soft laugh. He looks at you, opening his mouth a few times before settling on the words he wants to say.
“Look, I don’t wanna be a jerk. I know I’m leaving and we won’t see each other for a while. It’s just…” Jake stopped. You looked up to the man with your eyebrows furrowed. He looked back, having an internal debate about if he should continue. You take a step closer to Jake, reaching out to take the box from his hands. You put the box on the trunk of your car and looked back at him once more.
“What’s going on?”
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen on this assignment. And if something bad goes down, I think I’d be pissed at myself if I didn’t say this” He stops again, gauging your reaction. You smiled, urging him to go on. “I kinda wish something could happen between us, romantic-stylez.”
The butterflies you felt are now roaring, your heart rate increasing. You looked at Jake, with your mouth slightly open, aiming to say anything. But no words were coming out. Jake rolled his lips between his teeth and took a deep breath. 
“I know we’re coworkers, and I’m going undercover and that’s just how it is. But…” he stopped his sentence and looked down to the ground with a small smile. “Anyway, we’re not supposed to have any contact, so I should go. America needs me!” He says with a soft laugh, looking back at you. He smiled, turning to grab the box from your car. You reach out, stopping his hands mid action. Jake freezes, looking back at you. He watches the emotions you express through your facial expressions. 
You hold his hands, opening your mouth to talk again. But words still wouldn’t come. You move your hands to his arms, then his shoulders. You hold them there for a moment, feeling the soft leather of his jacket between your fingers. You move your arms up further, up to his neck before settling on his cheeks. You take another step forward, slowly closing the gap between the two of you. Slowly closing the gap between coworkers and friends to something more. After Jake's confession, something clicked in your brain. Something you realise you have been putting off acknowledging for months. 
“(Y/N)? Hey. Are you okay?” Jake asked, worry seeping into his tone.
“No, not really” you whisper, pulling Jake closer again. You were inches apart now, your hands still resting on his cheeks. Jake’s breath quickened slightly, and you let out a small huff. “I think I’m going to regret not doing this before you go.”
Your heart is thumping now as you pull Jake’s face closer to your own. As you close your eyes, you connect your lips together softly. Jake returns the kiss immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you tight. You felt the butterflies be released, a sense of calm washing over you. It felt natural. It felt right. You pull back after a few seconds, resting your forehead against his. You feel a single tear sliding down your cheek. You keep your eyes closed, scared of what you might see when you open them. You rub your left thumb over his cheekbone and he lets out a soft chuckle.
“If I knew you were going to kiss me, I would have told you all this months ago” you huff at his words, the corners of your mouth lifting slightly into a small smile. Jake pulls you in again, kissing you with more determination, with more passion. You could feel your heart opening, welcoming the idea of something more. You finally allowed yourself to feel these emotions you have been ignoring. You pull back, opening your eyes to the man in front of you. He looked at you with such adoration, it broke your heart to take a step back from him.
“If we keep going I won’t let you go” you whisper, giving Jake a sad smile. You could feel more tears falling from your eyes now. You move your hands, one going to wipe the tears from your face. Looking back at Jake’s eyes, you could see they looked wet too.
“I’ll be back for you, promise” Jake says, reaching for your hand. You laugh, taking his hardened hand and giving it a squeeze. 
“You better Peralta.”
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onbearfeet · 7 months
Kat watches Moon Knight
Okay, so with the encouragement of several people on here and the emotional support of my roommate, I have finally (in February 2024) started watching Moon Knight, a show whose basic concept scares the shit out of me.
Context: I had an adopted older brother with DID. Note that I said "had". That's past tense because life treated him so appallingly poorly that he died (horribly, in prison) when I was 19. Part of that abuse was enabled by pop-culture depictions of DID in the 1980s and 90s that convinced everyone who knew about his condition (including the court system) that he was a walking time bomb.
One of my earliest memories is of my brother as a young adult, playing Super Mario Bros with my toddler self. Another is of him patiently teaching me how to make friends with a large dog. I never met any of his alters, afaik; I was small and cute and safe for him to be himself with, so he probably didn't need them around me. He was a profoundly gentle man when he was allowed, and it hurt like hell to see him turned into a monster in movies and on TV. I've turned off a lot of "psychological thrillers" in sorrow and disgust.
Ironically, I loved Moon Knight comics as a kid in the 90s, BEFORE he was retconned to have DID circa the mid-2000s. Because those comics came out right after my brother died in 2002 and leaned HARD into making people with DID seem like violently unstable monsters (for reference, see the cover of Moon Knight: God and Country), I stopped reading them around 2008, when I couldn't take being poked in the trauma by a comfort character anymore.
But I do love Werewolf By Night, and there's been a lot of good fic mashing Jack up with Moon Knight without dehumanizing anyone, and several people have encouraged me to try the show. So this post will be a place for my thoughts as I try to work my way through with my Essential Editions in one hand and my memories of my brother in the other. I'll add to it as I watch.
If this entertains the Moon Knight fandom or provides useful fic reference, so be it. Just don't be jerks on my post.
Also, anyone who chooses to be shitty about my brother will be eaten by bears. I don't make the rules.
Episode 1
Okay, we open with Steven as our POV character, and he's...convinced he's a sleepwalker. All right, not terrible. Steven is now a bumbling nerd, which is probably an improvement; good luck making a billionaire playboy sympathetic in the 2020s. Jake would be the logical everyman POV from the comics, but I understand from fic that he's got a different role now. I'm confused about the accent, but it's only episode 1, and Steven clearly doesn't yet know who Khonshu is, or that Marc exists, so obviously there's a ways to go here. (Is Marc ... undercover inside Steven? Ugh, this is a trope I have seen and do not like.)
Did Marc kill Steven's fish? Did Khonshu kill Steven's fish? I'm baffled by the fish. Which is a nice break from the larger anxiety. I'm gonna try to worry more about the fish.
The bits with Steven losing time and finding himself in odd situations were distressingly close to the old tropes, but both of those happened to my brother, so I'm not going to bitch about them quite yet. I want to be as fair as I can.
Oh, hey, I recognize Harrow from the comics. What up, dude. How's the cult biz treating you?
The end of the episode, with the jackal thing chasing Steven into the bathroom, came RIGHT up to the line for me. I realized that what I was most afraid of was that the story would assign "good" and "bad" labels to the alters--make Steven the sweet, innocent one and Marc (or maybe Jake, I guess) the monstrous killer. The early flashes of Steven covered in blood didn't really help allay that anxiety. And now Marc is demanding that Steven let him have control in a pretty threatening manner. But so far, it seems like the contrast between Marc and Steven is one of competence--Marc is better at fighting and Steven is better at ... panicking? Unclear. At least Oscar Isaac is playing the protagonist, so his character(s) might remain sympathetic. Nobody has been monsterized quite yet.
I finished the episode with every muscle in my body locked up, waiting for the emotional punch in the face. But I did finish it, and I think I'm gonna try episode two.
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theflyindutchwoman · 7 months
I think they’ve made Lucy look so stupid. It annoys me so much cause she was my favorite. Isabel, Noah, Nyla have allllll told Lucy UC work destroys your personal life yet Lucy is running around like she’s the exception. She’s not. It drives me nuts.
I'm not sure if you just needed to vent or if you wanted me to answer… But I respectfully disagree. I get not liking this storyline and how frustrating it can be or even how out of character it might seem. That's perfectly fine. But I personally enjoy watching this journey. While I do believe that in the long term, UC is probably not going to be a good fit for her and the life that she desires, I love watching Lucy finding herself and trying to figure out a way to have the career AND life that she wants.
Let's get back to why Lucy became a cop in the first place. I joined the Academy on a whim. I knew that my parents would hate it. But I had no idea how much I would love it. Being a cop is the first thing I've ever been serious about. (1.04) I guess I've been adrift since college, trying on different hats and different personalities, and nothing's felt right, until -- until this. But I don't think the time spent trying to find myself was wasted. You know, everything I've done so far, the profound and the foolish, has prepared me to become a police officer so that I can protect those who need it the most and from those who would do them harm. (3.10)
By her own admission, she spent years trying to find her place, to find a job where she could feel fulfilled… So now that she found it, is it that hard to believe that she would do everything in her power to follow through? I know that she is talking about being a cop in general here and not UC. But at the moment, UC is what she wants to do… and honestly, she owes it to herself to try. Maybe she won't like it. Maybe she'll decide that it is not for her after all. But this is something she has to try for herself and decide for herself. Not because others have previously failed or because others told her to do something else - which is what her parents have been trying to do from the beginning by the way. Hearing other people's stories are not the same as living that experience yourself. Sometimes you need to learn first hand. There's nothing wrong with that. She may be 30 years old, but she is still at the beginning of her career. She is still finding herself and exploring all avenues. As she should.
"Isabel, Noah, Nyla have allllll told Lucy UC work destroys your personal life" All true. And yet, she is actively supported by people whose very own lives were destroyed by undercover work. Nyla has been mentoring her from the beginning. The same Nyla who teaches classes on how to learn from past mistakes. Who told Lucy on their first shift together to be better than her. And what about Tim? He obviously believes that she is different (his words), that this could have a better ending. Otherwise he wouldn't have bothered taking that leap of faith. And more than Lucy herself, he knew exactly what he was getting himself into. Despite his past and own issues, he has been nothing but supportive and encouraging since she graduated. Did he underestimate the toll it would take on him? Probably. Is he hiding his own feelings on the matter? Most definitely. But the fact remains that he still chooses to believe that they can make it work. It's no coincidence that the two main characters who had their personal lives so negatively impacted by UC work, are also the ones actively encouraging Lucy. I strongly believe that you are not bound by other people's mistakes and failures. Learn from it but don't stop doing something because other people failed. And that's what Lucy is trying to do.
"Yet Lucy is running around like she’s the exception." Is she, though? So far, ever since s4, she hasn't been in any rush to do undercover work. The only times she was pushing for a UC op, was when she volunteered Tim as a hitman and as Jake. Which is hilarious when you think about it. Since we mentioned Noah, here's what he said on the topic : she could have done more missions. Now, granted, unlike him, she is still a P2 so that might hinder her. It's entirely possible that she didn't get more opportunities. But when she got one, like in 5.07, she was still being cautious at first. And in 5.21, she didn't hesitate to call off the operation at the end. Not only that, but every time she meets someone who has done UC, she jumps on the occasion to ask them for their advices, for their different perspectives. And every time, those advices ended up with a 'maybe it can be different for you'. She is actually trying to learn from others so she can avoid making the same errors. That's not the act of someone who thinks she is better than everyone. Or who thinks she knows better. If anything, she seems to be taking her time : this has been her arc since s3. Even when she got accepted to the UC Academy, she went to see Nyla for advices. Sure, she was looking for some sort of absolution, but it's still telling that she went to her first.
"She’s not." How do we know she won't be the exception? Why do we immediately assume that she can't succeed when the premise of the show is about a 40+ years old man who decided to become a cop and succeeded? Everyone was telling Nolan he was stupid and naive too. And yet, here we are. So why Lucy couldn't be the exception as well? To show that there may be a way? In the end, it's a story. The writers can choose the ending they want.
Do I believe she would love the full undercover lifestyle? No. Not for long missions. I can't see her enjoying leaving her life and the people she loves behind… leaving herself behind. Not for a year. And not without taking its toll on her. But that doesn't mean I find her stupid for wanting to try out anyway. That's just my opinion though. Also, a career in undercover ops doesn't automatically mean going under. She could be a case officer. She could train new agents. She could do short(ish) missions. All of this could be a really good alternative for her.
Side note : I didn't touch on the logistics of long term undercover work on the show (or her being outed on a documentary) because, at the end of the day, no matter how complicated it could be, if the writers want her to do UC, they'll find a way. I just wanted to focus on Lucy's journey.
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callsigns-haze · 10 months
Pretty like a crime
Pairing: Agent Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Singlemom! Agent Y/n 'Cobra' Y/l/n
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: This is the first post to my new series so please be nice! I'm going to try to make this into a series so please show this story a bit of love and reblog!
Summary: Cobra is finally back on the agency and is finally back in the job. With Kai at home she has to jumble being a mother and a agent. She's sent to her first U.C mission but never thought that she would meet a blonde, green eyed Texan...
Warning: Fighting, violence, drinking, guns, shooting, choking, cursing, gun shot, knives and a lot of violence that idk how to lable
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You were back for the first time undercover at a dinner masquerade party and lets say nothing has happened yet. Your job was to obtain the organization files and deliver them by the end of the night but for now there was no sight of the enemy.
All night you've been in continuous conversation and greetings with people who you never met. It was killing you mentally. You'd do anything to be in your apartment, with your son on the couch cuddling while watching the Midnight Garden.
Through a couple of sources you've been informed that an unknown to you, agent group was on this operation too, but if you revealed to the wrong person, you'd already be dead.
"Excuse me, is the seat taken?" A strong Texan accent asked behind you. Turning, you saw a very handsome gentleman. Wearing a black button top with a black pair of fine trousers and leather shoes, he greatly showed off the blonde gelled hair that was excellently groomed and those green eyes just sparked right.
'Wait! Why are you caring how he looks or not?!' You asked yourself. You shook your head in disagreement, and he sat next to you. You take a sip of your glass filled with water; not wanting to seem to unsuttle.
"I understand you're not really into this style of events?" He inquired. You give him a slight look and softly reply, "May I ask what gave me away? My resting face of a bitch or that my body language is all over the place?" He let out a slight laugh and extended his hand to you.
"Jakob." As you reached to his hand, he delicately lifts yours, kissing your knuckles. You smile as you never experienced such a gentleman before.
"And here I thought chivalry died out a long time ago," you comment. With a stylish smirk, he shakes his head in disagreement. "There's still a lot of us around, you just gotta know where to look. If I'm not ahead of myself, may I ask for your name?"
Before your undercover name could drift back into your memory one of his friends is calling him over. A man in a black suit, quite tall with soft brown curls and a eighties pornstache. With a disappointed sigh, he excused himself with a quick apology. You were again stuck alone in silence.
The great thing about this job assignment was the masquerade. Nobody will know what hit them and what they're getting themselves into and that was the plan. Surprise. And you'll get what you want. A long time has passed of you eyeing the door, waiting for the right person to come in and your own phone rings instead with a notification.
Tamara. Your babysitter just sent you the cutest picture of your son watching tv with all his teddies aligned so they can 'Watch it too.'
Your son. So young but so passionate and so loved. He was smart for such a young age and could easily figure out people's emotions. He got easily attached and loved spending time with Tamara. God, you thank her so much.
You quickly put your phone away once you laid your eyes on the member entering.
The man you were waiting for. The man you were going to steal from or kill if things got out of hand. He looks so smirked and full of himself even behind the mask. This was the easy part, find out what room he's going to. Try not to pull the trigger and leave before anyone notices any drama. But it's not going to be easy.
This man is one of the greatest ghost gun and drug dealer you know. Ghost guns are unserialized and untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled at home. They are often sold through "ghost gun kits," which include all of the parts and often the equipment necessary to build these weapons at home.
These kits are widely available and can be purchased by anyone, including prohibited purchasers, domestic abusers, and gun traffickers — without a background check. As these kits and guns are sold at gun shows and online every day throughout the country, they undermine all of the life-saving policies that state legislatures have fought so hard to put in place.
They were also not metal so they could easily slide through security. And the drug part. Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use as an analgesic (pain relief) and anesthetic. It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin as an analgesic.
You're eyes following him from behind the mask and the glass, your gaze doesn't drop at any movement. He's with his source or someone who's along the lines, the unknown man whispers in his ear and shows the door to the others. But why leave when you've just entered? Why not go around the back? And why were you the one having to follow their trail?
Oh well…. Isn't that just life… But why are they leaving through the back door? And you're right on their trail.
Sprinting. You never ran so fast through a street beforez as you were getting pursued by three henchmen. You felt the cold air as it burned to intake, and those ankles of yours were gonna twist in all but the right angles. You got it. You don't know how but you've got the organisation files but you managed to got caught so you're kinda running for your life and may I say running in heels and a red long silk dress wasn't really in your plans. Thinking you could lose them, you run down an alleyway.
It was a wrong turn, a dead end. There was no exit and no way out. 'Shit!' you thought, panting. You hear three pairs of thick footsteps of the men who have chased you and a disgusting laughter as you turn back around facing the men.
You had to fight or you'd die. The largest of the three came up to you shoving you backwards against the stone wall. "You all are the same, think you can take what they want without consequences," that russian accent was so scrappy that you'd prefer nails on a chalkboard.
"Now little girl, give us the files or are you prepared for death," he grabbed you by the neck, you spitting in his face made him take a stepped back in disgust and a flinch. The two of the men couldn't have done anything until you say.
"I think I should be asking… Are you prepared?" Smirking you start your fight as one henchman ran towards you hoping to punch you straight in the face. Giving him a roundhouse in the nose and punching him in the lower stomach, grabbing his head and kneeling him straight unconscious, you failed to see the other man coming behind with a thick metal chain, causing you to check while cutting off your oxygen access.
You started pulling and shaking which only cause him to squeeze tighter. Your vision started to go. You knew this was the end when you could only cough and not breathe. You were about to pass out but suddenly you were dropped and quickly loosened the grip for yourself gasping to catch a breath.
A gun shot.
Let's be more specific a gunshot sent from the handsome Texan blonde who flirted with you this evening. Wait where did he go? You felt a hand on your shoulder, and with the remaining stamina you had, your fight or flight response kicked in.
You grabbed a hold of his arm flipping him onto his lap, straddling his chest. You pull you knife out pressing it against his neck. " Who the fuck are you and why did you follow me?" You inquired aggressively, not knowing if he was with or against you. "I'm an agent, ma'am. I work with the San Diego Mission Force." He pulls out his badge to backup his story.
Quite shocked you don't waste time getting off him and holding your arm out to help him up which he takes,"I apologize for my aggressiveness," you looked at him, he returned a smile.
'Fake it, till you make it, that's all you had to do.'
"You were doing what anyone should have done. You've got me quite wowed that you managed to do that after getting nearly killed." Smirking, you look down, 'this man was still flirting!'
Your que to run. You swiftly kick his from underneath his feet causing him to fall to the ground with an 'oof' leaving his lips. Grabbing your gun, which is concealed in your purse, you point it straight in between that perfect pair of green eyes, "I'm warning you, try to follow me again and I won't hesitate to kill you."
He tries to get up but you stomp your heel onto his clothed chest causing him to cough after getting wind knocked out of his chest, "Do you know who you're messing with. And I legit' just saved your life," he groans as the gun never leaves your aim.
"The real question is do you know who you've messed with." And at that you're gone. Disappeared into thin air without a trace and you left him there on the ground as the rest of the daggers come running but there's no trace of you…
Thanks to @shanimallina87 and @callsign-magnolia for ideas and support
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rmoonstoner · 1 year
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Poisoned Empanadas
Moon Knight (Jake Lockley) x Spider!fem!reader
Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) x Spider!fem!reader
Violence, strong language, mentions of death, possibility of people dying, mentions of depression, sexual themes, smut, whump, love triangle, love competition, warnings will change as the story develops.
You get bad news on your anniversary. Jake is moving away, and he ends the relationship. He does it to keep you safe, or so he says, but you know there's another woman. You don't know who it is. He had come home on too many occasions smelling like hard liquor, jasmine, and cinnamon, a scent you didn't wear. You would find hair on his dirty clothes in the wash bin that wasn't yours or his. Every time you confronted him, he said it was for his undercover job for some powerful guy, and he always had women in his cabs after the bars let out on nights he used his cab for stakeouts. Like was he supposed to refuse rides to paying customers? His excuse was his proximity to others, and he assured you he never strayed.
You didn't believe him.
That still didn't explain the suggestive stains in underwear he never wore around you, which you washed for him. It didn't explain why he would fuck off for days or weeks at a time, and he never would tell you where he went, or what he was doing. He never sent you texts, emails, or letters. He never checked in, and just showed up unannounced, fully expecting to be let back into your life without question.
And you let him, every Goddamn time, because, when he was actually around, he treated you so well. Like a Goddess. He lavished you with expensive gifts and took care of your basic necessities. He had paid for the house you lived in, and the car you drove. You let him, because you loved him.
Chapter 1 - Empanada Gallega - Galicia, Spain
This pastry is flour based, and traditionally it is filled with tuna or chorizo, but you can use other meats or seafood depending on your location. Onions, salt, and pepper are a must. Modern day versions favor adding tomatoes. It is square-shaped or rounded with doughy decorations on the top.
Today was your technical three year anniversary. Technically speaking, it was three years since Jake had asked you out. You had a rocky history together, with a bunch of breakups and getting back together.
Your boyfriend, Jake Lockley, had been squirrely recently. You knew what was coming, but you didn't think he'd pick today, of all days, to pull this kind of stunt.
He decided, yet again, probably for the tenth time since you started dating three years ago, that now was a great time to break off the relationship.
He claimed he was going out on a mission, on which he would be gone for at least six months, maybe a year. He refused to tell you exactly where, but he narrowed it down to England when he handed you a P.O. Box address at a post office in London.
What the fuck was this?
Was this his idea of a gift?
A fucking address scrawled on a sticky note?
You barely said a word to him as he kept explaining how this new mission would be too dangerous to have you around. You scowled as he spoke, knowing full well it was bullshit. He'd seen the news recently. He saw how you went toe to toe with many of Spider-Man's foes. He even witnessed in person, while cabbing of course, a few of your assists for the Avengers.
He knew he was spouting nonsense, but kept it up, mostly because you didn't say anything back. You had checked out and he didn't even see it as he wove his own web of lies of omission and half truths. You had decided that you had grown tired of his excuses that he would be back, even though he was now explaining the break up procedure to you, again.
You could go on dates and see people. If it ended up being a spicy night, you could pursue your interests and have sex and be guilt free. He was saying it like he was doing you a favor, or extending you some weird courtesy of freedom.
But even though he offered this every time, you never did.
You naturally assumed that the rule was always made for his benefit. He could go dick down someone, guilt free, and then you couldn't say anything, because he already laid out the rules and you didn't argue with him.
You knew, deep down, that you weren't the only person that felt those rough hands roaming and groping your body…
His thirsty lips kissing you anywhere and everywhere, taking and plundering whatever he desired as he played you like a fiddle.
And that well-endowed package of his that seemed to always make every nerve inside of you light on fire and make you soak the sheets like a puddle of quivering jelly when he was finished with you.
You shook your head to clear it of the heated thoughts. The signs were all there and they were all the small details that told you there was another woman he never spoke of.
Every time he came home, he was drunk or high as fuck on something, and he was sloppy about the evidence you found.
You once heard him come home at four in the morning and found him in the kitchen in a pair of boxers you don't ever remember seeing before. He was wasted, and he had white dust on his upper lip as he mucked around in the kitchen causing a mess. A mess you'd end up cleaning in the morning.
You watched him stumble about and make himself a plate of breakfast. He made bacon, sausages, eggs, and toast, then doused the entire thing in a bottle's worth of hot sauce. He left a mess on the stove, the pans in a horrible state, and the sink full of dishes and trash, like eggshells, packaging and bread ties. He didn't even offer you anything, and then when done, the man had the audacity to do rails of ketamine right off of the counter.
That was a shitty night for you. When Jake had eventually gone and stolen your bed, sprawled out like a starfish, and passed out, you went to work on cleaning up his mess.
You took the shells and meat packaging out of the sink and threw them away into the proper bins. You gathered the dishes, set them to soak in the sink, and then wiped the counters, the stove, and the fridge down. He somehow had got egg on the fridge handle, and you huffed while picking up shells from the floor. You swept and mopped the floors, then came back to do the dishes and clean the sink.
Just that alone took an hour. When it was done, you went and picked his stuff up off that he had just strewn about when he came in. His shoes looked brand new, as did his bags, except for one. One was purple, and it had a tag with a woman's name and address, her phone number, and an email address. You took the tag and put it away, then moved his shit to the closet.
One by one, you hung his dress shirts, and only two had blood stains on them. You set those aside to clean, along with a few t-shirts that stunk of cigars, liquor, and sweat. One in particular, a khaki short sleeve button up, had lipstick stains on the collar, and red blood stains on the back in the shape of long scratches. It even smelled heavily of a perfume you didn't wear, and it was a scent he always came back smelling like. Jasmine and cinnamon. They used to be your favorite smells, but now, you despised them entirely, knowing exactly why those scents were there in the first place.
You put that shirt away, keeping it as evidence, and switched it out for one of the same ones that Jake had left behind the last time he showed up. He never noticed. He never did, because he was just that comfortable with you. You went through his clothes, finding condoms in a pair of jeans. A pack of five, and three were missing, but there was one empty wrapper in there, signalling to you what he was doing. He wasn't just handing them out to people.
You found a wallet, which shouldn't have been a big deal, except for it was.
It really was.
Jake's wallet was a thick leather folding wallet and this was a thin card holder that folded. It was canvas, and held a few fake ID cards with the name of Marc Spector, but held Jake's face without his facial hair, his hat, or a smile. It was the first time you'd seen this wallet. It was going to be hard for him to explain that.
Jake also had a backpack and a laptop bag, which you decided to investigate as well. You found sweatpants, baggy shirts, and printed vacation print button ups. You had only ever seen Jake in the sweatpants. That was odd. These clothes were clean, unlike the rest you had found. You folded them up and put them back, only to find yet another wallet inside. It was leather like Jake's, but it had a faded gold Ankh on it and it wasn't as thick. Of course, the identification inside held yet another alias. It said Steven Grant, and that he was a professor of Egyptology.
Well, that explained the tattoos Jake had. Most of them were Egyptian, and the most intricate was the one on his left forearm. It was a series of hieroglyphics inside a white crescent moon with gold lettering. He had told you that he thought it looked neat and never explained it further. It also explained why he had all those books on the shelves, yet never spoke of it or his obvious love of Egypt.
So he had secret lives with secret identities and he didn't think to tell you about it.
You never said a word. You kept your mouth shut and hid your evidence. The shirts, the tag, pictures of it all, and pictures of his IDs.
You sighed as the memory passed and Jake was still talking. He was telling you that your car was freshly serviced and had a full tank of gas.
After a few times of him doing this breakup routine, you just waited for his return and picked up where you left off.
Again and again…
But this time around felt different. You felt detached and bored, not to mention numb inside. You needed something new, because you were trapped in a vicious cycle of being loved fully and truly, to suddenly have it wrenched out of your grasp, dangled in front of you, then given back.
You wanted to be happy, but all the time. You didn't want to be waiting on constant alert for Jake to up and leave again. You could never gauge how long he would be gone for, but you found that if you didn’t draw attention to it, he wouldn't go through all the trouble of breaking up with you. He would just leave and come back.
This time though, he was giving you an olive branch, a way to reach him. It was still a shitty anniversary gift in your eyes, when maybe if he had just asked you to come with him, you would have gone. He knew you could protect yourself, and he knew you wanted to travel the world.
Yet he was leaving you behind. Again.
You stared at the scribbled writing in red pen with the address. His words were a dull buzz as you barely paid attention to another excuse about his long haul undercover job, this time to take down an Egyptian cult. You didn't believe him, because he always came home without a scratch on him after he would tell you small details on what he did, which wasn't much to be honest. You did, however, believe he would go pick fights with people, because his clothes always had blood on them.
Lots of guns apparently, and lots of him getting stabbed or shot, beaten up and crashed into, yet he had no proof of such things ever happening, aside from the holes in his clothes that he could have easily put there himself, nor would he tell you how or why his wounds weren't there.
You just assumed he was a Mutant, or maybe one of those other super hero types. You knew he wasn't one of your kind, which was one of the Spider-Folk, and he knew about it. He knew, but never talked about it to your face. Because of this, you never talked about your assumptions, and just dropped any argument the moment it started.
To be fair, you did deserve to know what exactly he did. He had seen you in the news, passed you on the street in his cab while you were in uniform, or when he stood outside of it having a cigarette and just happened to be looking up at the sky at the time. You'd always wave at him, and he'd wave back. That was kind of how you two met…
It was a rainy night and you had been chasing a few thugs for a few blocks, when a cab suddenly came out of nowhere, effectively blocking off their escape route. It forced them to funnel themselves into an alley that was a dead end, and you caught them off guard. Of course there was a fist fight, because no self respecting criminal that runs away from you for over fifteen minutes ever just gives up without a fight!
You ended up beating the crap out of one of the guys, but the other two quickly interfered and got the upper hand. You got stabbed three times and slammed against a wall, beforeJake had stepped out of the cab and went full balls to the wall feral on them. You watched him beat a man's face into the curb, blood splattering everywhere. He hadn’t stopped until you pleaded with him not to kill the man.
And that's kinda when you became infatuated with him. He listened to you, did what you asked, and he happily called the authorities. The way he casually leaned against the wall smoking while on his phone, covered in blood, made your lower regions into a damp mess. He casually helped the cops with the criminals and then left.
You ended up seeing him a lot more. Almost every night. And every night, he'd have a bad guy, freshly beaten up for you to take into the police. Eventually he managed to worm his way into your pants while you were on duty, and you ended up getting the fuck of your life in the back of his cab.
From there, he eventually figured out who you were and just showed up and asked you out one day when you were having a coffee with Gwen. He never mentioned your night life, or the fact he managed to bag a Spider. He just simply put on the charm, impressed Gwen enough to get her to gush about him and stay for you, and then that was that.
Then you ended up moving in together in his house. He treated you like a queen, never missing an opportunity to dote on you. Plus, the sex was frequent and fucking amazing. It was refreshing to have that in him, because you could literally crush someone with your strength, yet he was always fine with it.
But that was a long time ago.
Now was the present, and the present wasn't making you feel good at all.
Jake was packing his trunk with his meager possessions as he smoked. You watched him, sighing gently as the rain started up. He made quick work of his belongings and slammed the trunk down, before trotting towards you with a sad smile and open arms. You allowed him the embrace, knowing how affectionate he was normally, but you barely hugged him back. He didn't seem to notice as he kissed you on both cheeks and then your lips.
With a wink and quick shove of a wad of cash into your hands, he turned around and left. You watched him drive away, then looked down at the money. He always did that, leaving you with something to help get you by. Usually you used it to pay the mortgage, but you were ahead by six months, something else that had tipped you off to Jake leaving before he told you. You had gone to the bank last week, and they told you it was paid up in advance.
This time you pocketed it and promptly turned around to change into your uniform. It was soothing to think about something else and not the man that just left you again on the day of your third anniversary…
You thought about the costume you were putting on. It was very similar to Gwen's, but in your own coloring. She had helped you make it. You had gone with sort of a space theme, like nebulae and galaxies for the print. The point was to look dark and kind of sparkly. You were a stealthy, yet flashy looking Spider, mostly for distractions and long range combat.
You had higher speed and greater dexterity stats than the other Spiders, but you were a bit weaker than them. They all could lift more, hit harder, and were more experienced, but you could outrun, out jump, and were outright more nimble in every way.
Your reflexes were sharp enough that you could shoot a lid off a drink container, without making it fall over. You could even hit any target at great distances, which impressed Hawkeye of all people. He was impressed enough that he gave you a few private lessons, and even let you use his bow. He reminded you of your brother a lot.
That little kindness Clint had provided made you preen for weeks. At that time, Jake was jealous of the fact another man had made you happy with a simple and platonic compliment and basic archery lessons. Jealous enough to drop out of existence for three weeks, the exact amount of time you had been happy because of the comment. Real fucking mature, Lockley.
You also had the benefits of being able to produce your own webbing naturally, but yours was ten times stronger than that of the original Spider-Man. There was a small problem though. Your webbing took far too long to dry out, so you couldn't exactly use it to make makeshift bags, slings, tarps, safety nets, or instant temporary clothing. That was the price of being able to shoot long distances and still have the webbing stick when it finally got to your target. On the other hand, that made your webbing stronger, because it was basically perpetually moist enough to keep its strength, and not crack under pressure.
The only other thing you could do differently than the others, was that you could control and project lights and use them to stand on, which mostly came in handy at night. It confused the bad guys a lot, which was good, because that meant you were doing your job as a good distraction. Nothing confused a super villain more than a spider using the beam of light from a lamp post or a flashlight to literally stand on air. It was even more confusing to them when you could essentially blind them with just a thought, and be gone a moment later.
But that also had a price. You had a high metabolism, and you were always ravenous after using your powers. That's why you kept a bag with you at all times. It had snacks and drinks inside.
Right now you were going to go meet up with Gwen and the boys for a team patrol to take your mind off of Jake. With a quick text and a thorough lock up of the house, you left with a hoodie, a pair of runners, and your bag.
It didn't take long to swing to the meeting point, which was the Sanctum's roof. Peter claimed it was a safe space where everyone would be less likely to be ambushed, due to the fact he personally knew the owner. All that you knew about the man was that he was some grumpy doctor of magic or something and he was an Avenger.
Oh, that, and the man was the last father figure in Peter's life.
You never actually met the man. Sure, you had worked some of the Avengers through Peter, but never this doctor. Maybe it was a good thing. He was an Alpha Level protector of the cosmos and multiverse with powers beyond your comprehension. That, and he was constantly busy. It made it hard for even Peter to gain an audience with him.
Peter was sitting on the roof with Gwen and Miles, all with their masks off and sitting to the side. You landed and rolled towards them, ending up in a sitting position beside Gwen and Miles.
"Heya! Glad you could make it tonight!" Miles giggled and gave you a high five.
"There's our little Galaxy Spider." Gwen chirped happily as she tugged you into an embrace.
"Hey guys." You said weakly while trying not to look so down.
Unfortunately they all noticed, and they all immediately knew why.
"Did that asshole dump you again for one of his stupid trips?" Gwen asked. You nodded with a deep sigh.
"Thought so. Fuck him. He doesn't deserve such a catch as you, anyways." Gwen sounded sassy.
"That guy is nothing but trouble. Yesterday, I saw him threaten a mobster down in Hell's Kitchen, and he didn't bat an eye when he had a gun shoved in his face." Miles offered up.
"Yeah, that's Jake alright." You replied flatly as you brought out a few cans of pop and handed them over. Everyone thanked you and cracked them open.
"So how long do ya think he'll be gone this time?" Peter asked as he fiddled with the tab on the can.
"He said at least six months, a year tops." You said, and everyone made a horrible face of disgust.
"Oh that's so cold. You should just drop him completely. Move out of that old house and go somewhere else." Gwen suggested as she pointed in the direction of said house.
"Yeah, well… This time feels different. I don't care as much. I think I might move on." You shrugged and chugged the rest of your soda down.
"That's good! It will be easier to detach yourself from that gong show." Gwen said as she handed you a protein bar. She was already shoving half of hers down her throat. You giggled and felt a tap to your shoulder and turned to look at Miles.
"I think Gwen is right. Sure, everytime he comes back, you're happy, but the second he leaves, you're a mess. Your crime fighting suffers, too. You almost got yourself killed by Rhino. That guy hates your guts." Miles moved his hands about to express his worry and dismay.
You sighed and hung your head. He was right and you knew it.
"You deserve someone who loves you enough to tell you all their dark secrets. We all know the guy is volatile and flaky. He's definitely hiding something big from you. You don't deserve that kind of treatment. You deserve open communication." Peter piped up as he stood and walked over to you.
"Yeah, you're all right. I need to let go of him. He's just going to keep doing this over and over to me. I have enough shit to worry about with my night job." You sighed and rubbed your face.
"We can help you move, too! We know it's his house you're in." Gwen offered and you smiled.
"Thank you. I just might take you up on that offer." You nodded and went about eating your bar and talking with them for a bit, before the patrol began. The night went on smoothly, with nothing more than a purse thief and a grocery store robber that tried to use a bubble wand as a hidden gun.
Series Master List
Jake leaves a bunch, because Marc is with Layla. Every time Jake breaks up with the reader, Marc has gotten back with Layla. These breakups and returns always happened in America, up until the last one, where the boys fuck off to London to run away from all their problems.
Yes, I found out after giving the reader a galaxy print costume that looks like Gwen's, that Fortnite has a galaxy print for Gwen. I don't play this game. I found it while trying to see if there is a species of galaxy- themed spider. But there is a galaxy named the Spider Galaxy, so…
In this fiction, Stephen knows Peter is Spider-Man.
Actual quote from one of my editors: (@howaboutcastiel )
Them: I'm sorry. I told you I was going to rip into you.
Me: That's okay. I needed it.
Tags: If you want to be updated, let me know.
@theaussiedragon @autismsupermusicalassassin
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Now that I’m calmer and have slept on it, I think my opinion has changed on some things and still stuck on others.
Let’s start with what I’m really stuck on, because it may be a contradiction to my changed opinion, but that’s where we are.
Tim leaving Lucy without a single sign of life for 36 hours.
I can’t let that go. I can’t even give it a justification. He wasn’t undercover, which would be understandable as to why he went dark. But he wasn’t. He was off doing questionable things with his former army guy.
In the documentary, Lucy mentioned having nightmares about him dying. Being found in a dumpster like Dim/Jake. Tim almost certainly knows this, has probably helped her through some at this point in their relationship.
And he couldn’t even quickly send her an “I’m alive.” Or “I’m okay.” text? It’s two words!? 5 seconds during the stakeout to just make sure the woman he loves and left abruptly without an explanation isn’t going out of her mind with worry.
On top of this, she’s just gone through something traumatic, is dealing with so much mentally. And still he didn’t text. I just can’t get past this. There is no excuse for it.
Now for the thing my opinion has changed on: Tim leaving Lucy in the dark.
I’m actually not that angry about it anymore, and I’m a little annoyed at Lucy for maybe not understanding that he can’t tell her right away or at all.
It’s almost no different than her having just come out of an undercover op and not being able to tell Tim the details of the op.
He couldn’t tell her what was going on, and while yes he does have a problem with protecting her and others when they don’t need it — I actually understand that he really can’t right now. Maybe after the fact he’d be more open about what he was doing or the story behind why he disappeared but in the middle of it. He couldn’t. Not without compromising her and her job.
Lucy is so so important to him, her safety and her job, as we’ve seen is something important to him. He wants her to be safe, and have a successful career. Telling her what he’s doing, right now, is compromising those two things.
Now I also get why Lucy is upset, he can give her a little while understanding she can’t have the whole story right now. It’s very similar to when she’s undercover and can’t tell him every detail of what she did or saw or is doing.
I think this storyline has the potential to solve almost all of their problems in one neat bow. Communication, undercover and the way the tend to do it alone instead of leaning on their partner.
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pandenewie · 11 months
06 - Not so Undercover Agent
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“Um Keeho… are you sure this is the right address?” Y/n asks as the three pull up to what they thought was Jay’s address. Although now they’re not sure as their car sits parked in front of a huge three story house - one far too fancy for a college student to own.
“I swear I, like, triple checked. This is the address Jake gave me.” Keeho claims, pulling out his phone to check once again. “My shitty car doesn’t belong in a neighbourhood like this.” Yunjin frowns, taking note of the multiple, much nicer cars that are parked around the street. “Well, unless Jake lied to me, this is definitely the place.” Keeho shrugs. “I’ll park around the block… somewhere I’m less likely to be hate crimed.” Yunjin laughs, driving a few streets down before putting the car in park.
“Okay, I got us something useful.” Keeho says, pulling three walkie talkies out of his bag and showing them proudly to the group. “Aren’t they cute?” He asks, earning deadpan expressions from his friends. “Why would we need those when we have phones?” Y/n asks. “Because these are so much cuter and more spy-like? I literally put stickers on them and everything so you bitches better use them.” Keeho scowls, handing a walkie talkie to each of his friends. “And where am I going to put this?” Yunjin asks, gesturing to her lack of pockets or bag. “Just shove it in your bra and go.” Y/n laughs.
Once everyone is situated, the group gets out of the car and starts walking back to Jay’s 
house. “So everyone remembers the plan, right?” Y/n asks, earning nods from their friends. “We each track down Jake, Sunghoon and Jay and grill them for information.” Yunjin nods. “And we all stay completely sober! We need to remember anything we get tonight.” Y/n says, looking at Keeho in particular. “I know you’re not looking at me, blacked-out-after-two-drinks over here.” He smirks, earning an eye roll from Y/n. "If anyone's gonna need a drink it's me." Yunjin sighs, already dreading the fact that she'll have to spend most of the night with Sunghoon.
Jay's house is busy - as expected from a party of this level. Now that they think about it, a three story house is the perfect place for a party. Plenty of room for guests to hang out, spaces to hookup, to escape from the loudness, there's a spot for everything. This also means that there's unfortunately plenty of places to hide. Finding anyone in this place is going to be a difficult task.
"You guys made it!" A voice calls over the loud music. The trio turn to find Jake waving obnoxiously to them from the kitchen, pushing a few people out of his way as he walks through the crowded living room. He’s clearly already a little tipsy, judging by the way he trips over his own feet and immediately clings onto Keeho’s arm for stability.
“Someone’s a little excited.” Keeho jokes. “Jay made cocktails! They literally just tasted like juice so I chugged like three a few minutes ago.” Jake giggles. “Speaking of Jay, where is he? You’d think the host would greet his guests at the door.” Y/n asks, looking around the room for any sign of the male.
“Last I checked he was playing beer pong upstairs with Sunghoon; could’ve moved though.” Jake shrugs, almost tripping on his feet once more despite standing still. “Why don’t we go get you another drink?” Keeho asks, Jake’s eyes lighting up at the mention of alcohol. The two stumble back towards the kitchen, leaving Y/n and Yunjin standing in the doorway.
Yunjin turns to look at Y/n, a displeased expression on her face as she comes to terms of what they have to do.
“Well… beer pong it is?”
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Finding Jay and Sunghoon appeared to be a much simpler task than originally anticipated. As soon as the two made their way up the smooth concrete stairs, they were met with the sudden noise of cheering from a room down the hall.
Entering the room, they expected to see a much larger group than what they were greeted with - due to the noises they could hear from outside. Instead, their eyes land on Jay and Sunghoon battling it out as well as a handful of unfamiliar guys and girls watching from around the room.
Y/n and Yunjin quickly find their place in the chaos, standing separate from the rest of the group but just far enough from Jay and Sunghoon to not make things unnecessarily awkward. “How the hell are we supposed to grill them if they’re tossing around ping pong balls all night?” Yunjin asks. “We’ll just have to find a way to distract them from the game.” Y/n shrugs, watching as Jay lands a ball perfectly in one of the cups - pointing and laughing loudly as Sunghoon quickly chugs the liquid.
“What are the two of you doing over here all alone?” A sudden voice asks. The two turn towards the noise, immediately spotting the familiar face of Jooyeon, someone they’ve seen around campus a couple of times. “How are we alone if there’s two of us?” Yunjin asks, clearly shooting down whatever lines he’s trying to throw. Jooyeon, however, doesn’t seem to pick up on her blatant rejection, his gaze dropping to the lack-of-drinks in both their hands. “And without alcohol? Now that’s just sad, how about I get you two cuties something to drink? My buddy Gaon makes a mean Woo Woo.” He says enthusiastically, causing Y/n’s brows to furrow in confusion. “What the fuck is a Woo Woo?”
Y/n quickly realises that they should not have asked that question as Jooyeon begins to explain (in great detail) the step by step process of making a Woo Woo, from ingredients to historical origins - even mentioning some myths and legends about the great Captain Jimmy “Woo Woo” Harker.
“Leave them alone, Joo.” Jay suddenly calls out, his voice immediately bringing the excruciating conversation to a halt. “I’m not hurting anybody!” Jooyeon fires back, only earning a laugh from Jay. “You’re hurting their brains with all that Woo Woo nonsense, go tell someone else about it.” Despite clearly wanting to continue his conversation, Jooyeon listens to Jay and excuses himself from the conversation.
Now with the knowledge that Jay is, in fact, aware of Y/n’s existence - they use this as an opportunity to talk to him. Y/n gives a reassuring squeeze to Yunjin’s hand before walking towards the ping pong table, immediately taking place at Jay’s side.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know.” Y/n mumbles. Jay’s eyes are focused on the game but they can tell from the upturn of his lips that he heard them. “Would you prefer I let him talk your ear off?” He asks sarcastically. Y/n represses an eyeroll at his comment and instead focuses on the way Jay successfully sinks another ball with ease.
“You’re good at that.” They comment simply, watching as Sunghoon begins to complain about Jay not playing fair. “I don’t think I’d even hit the rim.” Jay laughs at this, finally turning to look Y/n in the eyes. It’s the first time he’s given Y/n his full attention and the way he does a quick scan of their body does not go unnoticed. “It takes practice… lucky for me, my friends are idiots who would rather practice their beer pong skills than do anything productive.” He says, his attention momentarily turning back to Sunghoon, who shoots and misses his shot. “It’s a shame I’m the only one who got better.” Jay adds, winking at Y/n before picking up the ball once more.
“You wanna try?” He asks, holding the plastic ball towards Y/n. “You’re prepared to lose your winning streak for me?” Y/n asks playfully. “Oh come on, you can’t be that bad.” Jay laughs, gently placing the ball in Y/n’s palm. “Hoon, grab someone else. We’re doing 2 v 2.” He calls, an idea immediately popping into Y/n’s head. “My friend Yunjin can play.” They say, pointing to Yunjin, who’s still in her previous spot. 
Sunghoon’s eyes seem to almost fall out of his head when they land on Yunjin, quickly beckoning her to join him at the other end of the table. “Are you any good?” Sunghoon asks, earning a scoff from Yunjin. “You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” Yunjin says playfully, smirking at the way Sunghoon practically melts at her words. This is going to be so easy.
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“Jesus Christ, man.” Keeho scolds, catching Jake once again as he attempts to run back onto the dance floor. “Let me go! They’re playing the Macarena.” Jake whines, earning an eye roll from Keeho. How he ended up babysitting a drunk Jake all night is still a mystery. “We’ll ask them to play it again later when you’re sober enough to stand.” Keeho says, sighing with relief when Jake gives in and settles next to him on the couch.
Jake is far gone. How the hell is Keeho supposed to get any useful information out of him if all he can think of is alcohol and the Macarena? He doesn’t even think that Jake would even remember if Jay had cheated in his current state. Just as he’s about to offer the Australian some water to sober up, he feels a sudden thud as Jake’s head falls to Keeho’s shoulder - soft snores escaping from his mouth. He’s in for a long night.
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Sunghoon sucks at beer pong. He also sucks at holding his liquor, evident in the way he’s practically resting his full body weight against Yunjin - the only thing stopping him from falling to the floor.
“You giving up, Hoon?” Jay calls tauntingly. Sunghoon goes to mumble something in response, likely another complaint about Jay not playing fair, but ultimately decides not to. “He looks like he needs to lay down.” Y/n says worriedly. “He’ll be fine, a few glasses of water and he’ll be good as new.” Jay reassures. With his words, Yunjin wraps her arm securely around Sunghoon’s waist, walking him out of the room - presumably to get him something non-alcoholic to drink.
“I can’t believe I didn’t even have to drink once.” Y/n speaks in awe. Jay, of course, had sunk most of the balls. But it felt good to be on a winning team for once. “You wanna play one on one?” Jay asks smirking, his question causing Y/n to laugh in disbelief. “Are you trying to get me drunk, Jay Park?” Y/n accuses playfully. Jay raises his hands in surrender at this. “Just trying to show you a good time.” “Well, I hate to break it to you but I’m not drinking tonight.” Y/n shrugs. “Who says you need to be drunk to have fun?” Jay asks. “Your friends, probably.” Y/n deadpans, earning an eye roll from Jay. “Yeah well, they’re idiots.” Jay clarifies. “And yet you hang out with them?” Jay can only chuckle at Y/n’s clap-back, leaning back against the table. “They’re my idiots.”
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Keeho has whiplash. One second ago, Jake was fast asleep on his shoulder and now he’s attempting to do the splits on the dancefloor. A few shots and some almost ripped pants later, Jake finds himself back on the couch with Keeho, passionately chatting about the cultural differences between Australia and Canada.
Just as Jake is about to explain the difference between kangaroos and wallabies, Keeho’s phone notification interrupts the conversation. “Ooh, who are you texting?” Jake teases, leaning to catch a glimpse of Keeho’s phone screen. “No one. It’s just a twitter notification from Kimmy.” Keeho shrugs, shoving his phone back in his pocket.
“Is she tweeting about Jay again?” Jake asks, causing Keeho’s eyes to widen. “You know about that?” He asks, shocked. “Everyone and their mother knows about it! She won’t shut up!” Jake exclaims, excessive hand gestures backing up his words. “Fucking hate that bitch.”
Keeho’s eyes widen even further, almost popping out of his skull at Jake’s words. Is this finally the chance to get some light on the whole cheating situation? “Why is she so pissed at Jay anyway?” Keeho asks, trying to be as subtle as possible. Jake sighs at the question. “I don’t know, man. She was always a little goofy in their relationship, hated it when he did or said certain things. It was dumb stuff, like getting angry when he would game with me and Sunghoon. And she would get so upset when he cheated, for some reason.” Jake rambles.
His drunken words cause alarm bells to go off in Keeho’s mind. Kimmy got upset when Jay cheated. Poor unsuspecting Jake doesn’t even realise what he’s just done.
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“Y/n… Yunjin… I’ve got it. Let’s go.” 
Yunjin’s eyes widen at the sound of Keeho’s voice blaring through the walkie talkie that’s currently placed securely in her bra. Sunghoon is drunk, but clearly not enough to the point where he’s oblivious to his surroundings.
“... did your boobs just talk?” He asks, his eyes practically staring a hole through her shirt. Yunjin gives him the benefit of the doubt; there’s far too much alcohol in his system to understand social norms and decent respect. She’ll make sure to slap him for his comment later.
“Uh… woah, are they playing the Macarena right now?” Yunjin asks as a distraction, her question causing Sunghoon’s eyes to widen. “Oh my god, I need to find Jake.” He exclaims, suddenly sobering up enough to sprint out of the room to find his friend. Sighing in relief, Yunjin pulls out the walkie talkie. “These were a terrible idea.” She speaks into it before walking off to find her friends.
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“Were you guys planning on robbing me or something?”
Y/n should have known the walkie talkies would get them in trouble. Jay plays with the device in his hand, gently smiling at the rainbow heart stickers before turning his attention back to Y/n - who stands there, sheepishly.
“We weren’t, I swear! Keeho just had some… business to do and he wanted to use walkie talkies to make it more fun. I find it hard to say no to him sometimes you know, especially cause he brought them specifically for this and then he got the stickers and everything-”
“-Y/n, Yunjin and I are at the front door. Are you done with Jay?”
The sound of the walkie talkie once again breaks through the noise, causing Y/n to face palm. Jay looks at Y/n suspiciously before bringing the walkie talkie up to his lips. “Y/n’s a little busy at the moment… they’ll get back to you soon.”
That sounded ominous. Y/n feels themself sink further under Jay’s gaze as their mind begins to wander to what is about to happen. Has he figured out why they’re here? Is he mad? The sudden feeling of the device being placed back in Y/n’s hand snaps them out of their thoughts. “Wait here… I just need to check something.” Jay mumbles before walking out of the room.
Y/n doesn’t even wait a second after Jay leaves before quickly looking around the room, analysing all options to escape. Running towards one of the big windows, they calculate the likelihood of falling to their death. It wouldn’t be the first time Y/n climbed out of a second-story window… and they’d likely only sustain a sprained ankle (and perhaps a concussion) if they fell mid-way. Seeming like the best bet, Y/n shares their plan through the walkie talkie before pushing open the window. They nervously glance back into the room to check the coast is clear before starting to climb down. So much for being subtle.
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TAG LIST (open): @bringer-ofchaos @yenqa @fakeuwus @mrchweeee @jjongshrts @oldjws @jxp1-t3r @wildflowermooon @sunseeking-cryptid @miniature-tragedy
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karbisworld · 1 year
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓⟪SHIP⟫˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Jake Peralta x Reader
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⟪CATEGORIES⟫˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Romance // Comedy // Little angst // Friends to Lovers
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ⊹⟪SUMMARY⟫⊹ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Jake Peralta just got his heart broken by the two women's he liked the most, his formal girlfriend at the time Sophia Perez, who broke with him and his another romantic interest Amy after she told him that she didn't wanted a relationship inside work; now he's alone with only his friends.
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁⟪NOTES⟫ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦
Hey guys, sorry about leaving you all hanging, college has had me extremely busy lately! But thanks for waiting <3
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁
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Your view You get into the restaurant, your friend and your date were already there.
-Oh, sorry, did I made you guys wait too long? Work was a little busy today- you say a little embarrassed greeting your friends
-Oh no it's okay, we just got here- your friend says to you
-Plus it's a privilege to wait for someone so pretty- your date says in a flirty voice, you laugh softly so do your friends
-I see you're planning on going hard tonight mhm? - you say playfully, your date laughs
-What can I say, I am just glad you finally decided to give me a chance - your date says and you laugh
After a little, your friends and you ordered some food and started having a good time together, talking about your job, their jobs, your friends kids, etc. You started to forget all about Jake in your brain for a little and now you're focusing on having some fun with your friends and date.
-Well honey, we need to go- your best friend says to you and their partner nods- Our babysitter works until 9:30 pm so, no more fun for us, but you guys are young and single, you can keep having some more fun still!-
You felt a little nervous about the idea of being alone with your date but for the sake of trying new things you accepted, after all he wasn't a stranger or anything but a not so close friend of the group -Okay, I guess we can stay a little longer- you say with a smile, your date seems excited about it
-Should the still single adults here start grabbing some drinks now?- your date asks playfully you smile
-Okay but nothing too strong, I still need to work tomorrow- you say with a smile and he nods and asks the waiters for some glasses of wine
-Is wine soft enough?- he asks before the order is placed, you nod and the waitress goes for the wine.
After some little time the waitress comes back with a bottle of wine and the glasses, serving you and your date some. You two start drinking and having some more fun. The date is going well, your brain is focused on him for now which is what you wanted, until…
-Y/N? Oh what a coincidence!- you heard the only voice you definitely didn't wanted to hear in that date… Jake Peralta
-Jake? What are you doing here?- you ask with a surprised tone
-Hey, a hi would be good - he says playfully - Hey there, Y/N's boss- says Jake giving his hand for a handshake with your date
-He's not my boss- you say quickly - And really what are you doing here? - you ask a little annoyed-
-Well, I hate ruining your fun but Holt has assigned us to a super important job… Undercover- he whispers on your ear
-What? When?-
-Just now, look! - he shows you his phone with a text message of Holt saying that needed Jake and other person in the precent for an important undercover job.
-That definitely doesn't say you and me were assigned-
-Yeah but Holt say I could choose who I wanted as my partner and it's you- he says with a little playful smile
-Come on Jake, you can pick someone else, you know I am busy - you say annoyed
-It's okay Y/N, I understand your work is super important, if you need to go catch some bad boys go, we can reschedule another date later, we already had a pretty good time anyways- your date says with a smile
-Really? You don't mind?- you ask a little embarrassed your date shakes his head with a smile - I am so sorry, I hope we can reschedule soon - you say feeling ashamed grabbing your things to leave with Jake. Jake says goodbye to your date and you guys leave the restaurant.
-You're so annoying did you knew that?- you say to Jake getting on his car
-Hey it's not my fault that duty came in the middle of your cute date- he says in a teasing voice
-It is your fault cause you could've picked Charles or Rosa, but no, you wanted to annoy me - you say in a clearly annoyed voice - Just like always!-
-Hey it's not my fault actually! Charles was busy with other case, I had no way of reaching Rosa and I think she was busy too, Amy worked a week in a row including nights and today was her day off, Terry is with his family and well, I think you're way better than working with Hitchcock or Scully - he says in a playful voice
-I find hard to believe all that to be honest - you say and roll your eyes
-I need to say tho, you look cute all pissed off- he says in a teasing voice. Your eyes widen
-Shut up!- you say annoyed yet a little flustered. He smiles and starts driving to the place where they needed to be for their undercover job
-So apparently we will need to act as a couple in this job darling~-he says teasingly grabbing your hand
-What?!- you say moving your hand away from his
-Don't be so feisty! Apparently our suspect has been seen selling the new drug taxi in this bar, and what a better way of mixing out with people in a bar than acting like a crazy couple trying to have some good time?- he says with a playful smile
-What would you have done if you needed to bring Charles mhm? Would you guys act like a weird but cute gay couple or something? - you say playfully
-Ha ha… No, but that's why I didn't asked Charles and I asked you -
-So you confess you chosed me to piss me off huh?-
-A little, but hey, it will be fun! I mean what more fun than pretending to be wasted with your favorite coworker? - he says playfully - Plus I saved you from a dull night of wine, talk and probably some regret sex tomorrow morning!-
-Shut up! I wasn't going to sleep with him, and it wasn't a dull time, I was having fun until someone unwanted appeared-
-Wow, calling me unwanted really hurts, and to think that the first person I thought for this job was you- he says in a playful hurt way
-Oh right, I surely was the first person that came to mind after you knew you couldn't have Amy to play these little games with you- you say in a serious voice, it really annoyed you to be his second option
-For your information I didn't even thought of Amy for this-
-Cause you already knew she would say no?-
-Cause I wanted to hang out with you- He says with a serious way and then gets a little nervous and comes back to his kinda playful self -I.. I mean, work with you since you're an amazing detective... Almost as good as me- He says getting back fully to his playful side
-Sure sure, I believe you- you say getting off his car. He follows you with a smile -Now, I do look ready for a club night, but you look like a cop- you say looking at him up and down
-Hey! My eyes are up here Ms.Y/N- he says playfully - and don't worry, I know how to become party like- he says and starts taking his tie off, unbuttoning some buttons of his shirt and grabbing his leather jacket and putting it in- Here, how do I look? -
-Like a dumbass but that's not new- you say playfully, he smiles.
-Haha, very funny, now shall we get into the bar my lady?- he says trying to grab you from your waist, you move away
-Hey, I didn't said I agree to play that I am your partner, actually, I think we would cover more place if we separate- you say playfully
-Separate? With you in that dress? Nah-uh, we would have to put two criminals in jail then- he says grabbing you by your waist again pulling you close -We're going in there together, and since Holt let me chose my partner it means I am the one in charge so it is an order Ms.Y/N- he says with a smile, you roll your eyes
-Whatever then, just don't get so handsy- you say moving his hand a little and he nods. You try to keep your cool as much as you can but you can't avoid to feel like if your heart is about to come out of your chest
You guys enter to the bar and it's very very crowded, there is a lot of people dancing and drinking and just overall having the time of their lives.
-Shall we mix with the crew and dance?- Jake says in your ear making you get chills up your spine
-I don't dance- you say loudly so he could hear over the music
-I will teach you, come on, it's an order~- he says playfully pulling you in between the people into the dance floor, you regretted to have finished your calm date for this -Here just let the music guide you- He says putting both of his hands on your hips while dancing a little
-I am not drunk enough for this- you say feeling a little embarrassed trying to dance. He laughs
-That's it you're doing it!- He says with a big smile
-If you ever tell any of this to anyone in the precinct I am definitely killing you- you say embarrassed and he laughs
-Don't worry, I am not telling- he says with a smile and gets closer to you -But don't say precinct too hard, people might hear you're not just a beautiful woman having fun~- he says playfully on your ear, you can't keep your cool anymore, you blush
-I... Y-yeah... S-sorry- you say flustered and he smiles. He's about to say something else but you noticed in the corner of your eye someone selling some drugs -There it is- You say softly -Follow me-
You smile and start acting more drunk pulling his hand -I am tired of dancing, I want some better emotions!- you say putting his hands on your hips really close to your butt -Let's go to the bathroom~- you say in a drunkish voice passing your hand on his thigh almost on his private place, he's extremely surprised and flustered about this and then notices that the bathroom is close to where the dealer is. He tries to play it cool now
-Lead the way sweetheart~- He says putting his hands straight in your butt, you look at him with an annoyed face and he just smiles. You start walking and making your way
-Hey babe look, happy pills! Buy me some!~- you say with a drunk and whinny voice while getting closer to the dealer, he notices you being drunk and smiles
-I heard the pretty lady wants some fun~- The dealer says grabbing you by the butt, you try to keep your act
-Yes! I want to have fun! so much fun! He wants me to fuck him in the bathroom but I don't know how my performance would be with only alcohol and no happy pills- You say leaning into the dealer like a drunk who can barely stand. Jake looks annoyed at this but tries to keep his cool
-How much so the pretty lady can have her pills?- Jake says sending his hand to his back like if he's trying to reach his wallet, but before the dealer could respond he takes off his gun - NYPD GET ON THE GROUND - Jake says annoyed and you that were already holding the guy grabbed his hands and throwed him into the ground pulling your knee on his back so he didn't escaped. A bunch of people started running away from the bar so they didn't got in trouble, but the most important one was the dealer
You guys check the dealer and find that he has his backpack full of different types of drugs, plus a little small gun and a knife, you take care of it and handcuff him. Jake had called some backup before they got into the bar so the other policeman took the guy into the precinct and you guys followed on Jake's car. The air was a little uncomfortable after all that drama.
-Well you got your jackpot, Holt is gonna be proud- You say trying to break the uncomfortable silence
-I couldn't have done it without you, you're a great actress by the way- He says following the conversation and the uncomfortable air started to fade out
-I tried my best- You say with a smile -You're not so bad yourself, even tho if you ever grab my butt like that again I am smacking you- you say playfully he laughs
-Hey you were touching risky too- he says a little flustered -Plus if the dealer can so can I- he says teasingly
-Oh shut up!- you say with a laugh -That guy did and probably will regret it for a while now so don't you try ever again or you will find consequences as the guy did- You say with a chuckle, he laughs as well
-Well maybe the consequences are worth it- he says playfully
-Shut up- you say with a chuckle yet a little embarrassed at his comment. He laughs.
-You look pretty all flustered~- He says playfully
-Shut up, we are not playing crazy partner anymore, you can stop flirting- you say with a pout
-Well maybe I was not flirting only because we were playing undercover- he says without taking his eyes off the road feeling nervous of his own confession. Your eyes widen
-I don't like to be played with Jake Peralta, you can stop- you say in an annoyed tone, then you see Jake parking in the side of the road
-Why if I don't want to stop?- he says looking at you
-Did you really took some pills out of the dealer or what the fuck is wrong with you?- you say a little nervous, your heart beating faster
-No it's not that!- he says scratching the back of his head clearly nervous- Listen I...- he takes a deep breath- I know you like me...- He says with a serious face and no hesitation - Charles told me...-
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WE HAVE CONFESSION WOOHOO! Anyways I need to sleep, I will try to continue tomorrow or in this week. Thank you so much for reading I hope you guys like it <3
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andydrysdalerogers · 3 months
Undercover ~ Chapter Sixteen ~ Royally Screwed
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Pairings: Jake Jensen and OFC Samantha Matthews
The Losers have made it back to their families and are out. Well, almost. A threat against the British crown needs to be handled and the CIA has tapped the Losers for one final mission. And they are sending in Jensen.
Jake Jensen hasn't been a civilian in years but now he's undercover to find out why his target is where he is and who he's after.
Enter Sam, someone who Jake doesn't expect and well, he didn't know he was looking for.
Can Jake handle his mission and falling in love? Especially when the truth leads to a bigger mission than expected?
*~* A Jake Jensen Story *~*
Author's note: this is the penultimate chapter. We just have one more left!
The playlist is available on Spotify.
cover photo by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Warnings: angst, death, smut, and a bunch of stuff a can’t say because it gives away the plot!
Previous: Chapter Fifteen ~ Start a Revolution
Story Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Please note that I do not give permission for my work to be translated, reposted, or published anywhere other than my Tumblr. Reblogs are most welcome though!
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Jake was fidgeting.  Clay watched as he adjust and readjust his sleeves.  “Jake, you seem nervous.”  
“Wouldn’t you be?” 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” 
“We were gonna retire anyways.”  Jake shrugged.  
“But this,” Pooch asked. “What about...” 
“I don’t want to talk about it.  She made her choice, and I made mine.  it’s done.”  
Clay stopped him.  “Look at me and tell me it’s worth it.”  
“I told you, it’s worth everything.” 
** Six months prior ** 
“Clay, I think I need to go home.”  
“Home? Why? What about Sam?” 
“I’m doing this for Sam”.  
Clay stood up.  “You’re resigning from Special Ops.” Jake nodded. “You’re moving here to be with Sam.” Jake nodded again.  “What about her title?”  
Jake thought back to his conversation with Sam earlier in the day.  
“Would you follow me anywhere JJ?” 
“To the moon and back, Sam. You know this. Why do you ask?” 
“Anthony offered a proposition to me.  Well, to us.  And it's totally crazy but it could work if you agreed to it.”  
Jake smiled.  “Ok Princess, hit me with it.” 
“Anthony is offering to title us, Jake.”  
“What does that mean?” 
“If we stayed, you and me, Anthony will allow us to marry and you would become the Duke of Manchester.”  Sam could still hear her brother’s words.  
“I don’t want to lose my sister.” Not his heir, his sister. “I want you to come home and if Captain Jensen is the person you love, then we can tip the scales. I’ll make him your Duke, a prince of England, just, please stay.  Let’s try and be a family.”  
Jake looked at her with surprise. “I’m an American.”  
“Yes, I know sweetheart.  You would have to renounce your citizen ship and become a British citizen.”  
Jake’s head spun for a second.  He sat on her couch. “This is a lot, Princess. I mean, I always wanted to marry you. But this is not how I wanted to propose.  It’s not … fuck... I don’t even know.”  
Sam sat and took his hand.  “We don’t have to do this right away. If you don’t want to, Jake, I understand.”  She looked away and went to move her hands. But Jake gripped her tighter. She looked at the man she loved.  
“Sam, I would do anything for you. I will ask you to marry me but not like this. Not with bruises on your neck and me still recovering from a bullet wound.” He kissed her hands. “I love you.  Do you want to stay here?” 
“I would only stay if you stayed with me.  Anthony said he would only ask that I stay until my sister in law has her baby.  She’s pregnant, very early. I could go back to the states in a year, but I would give up my title and the Duchy.”  
“Are you ok with that?”  
“I mean, I would have my trust fund my father set up for me and I would go back to work. But no matter what, I would stay with you.”  
“Can I think about it?  I would need to go home and talk with my family.”  
A look of disappointment crossed Sam’s face. “Oh, ok.  Yes, of course.” She went to call her secretary from her phone. 
“Ok, good.  I need to tell them the address of where to send my Christmas card and presents.” 
Sam turned slowly back at him.  “What?” 
“I don’t want you to give up everything for me.  You are a Princess, which by the way, I’m still shocked about.  But it would be easier for me to move here with you. Besides, my parents can visit, and I hope we can bridge the gap between you and your brother.”  
Sam launched herself at Jake. “You just want everyone to bow to you.”  
“Yep, that’s it.  you figured me out. I’m doing this for the title.” Sam giggled as Jake placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I’d do it because I can see you want your family and all I ever want is to see you happy Princess. And I know being with your dad and brother will do that.”  
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Jake turned back to Clay. “She’s happy Clay. And this is a ride I want to do with her.”  
“Excuse me, Captain.” Jake turned to the usher.  “They are ready for you.”  
“Thanks.  Alright, I guess this is it.”  
Clay looked at Jake and pulled him into a hug.  “You are always a Loser to us Jensen.  We’ll miss you.” 
“Thanks Colonel.”  Clay didn’t tell him not to call him that.  
Jake turned to his other friends who would watch from the back.  Aisha straightened Jake’s tie on his British Naval uniform, an honorary position of Captain of the British Royal Navy he would take up. He put on his hat and saluted his friends.  “Best friends I ever had.”  
“Good luck Jen,” Cougar said as he, Pooch and Clay saluted back.  Aisha kissed his cheek and Jake turned to face the door.  A loud clack could be heard at the door. It’s showtime,  
“Presenting Captain Jacob David Jensen.”  
The doors opened and Jake could finally see into the cathedral. Hundreds of people were in attendance as Jake walked down the aisle.  All of this pomp and circumstance was in celebration of their princess having found her prince and he was taking his place by her side.  About half way down, he could see the people at the end.  Anthony stood there, his crown and cape on full display.  Her father and her mother were there, having rekindle something when she had come to visit.  
And then there was Sam, or how he had to address her in public, Her Royal Highness. She was beautiful in a stunning red gown, her own coronet pinned to her dark locks. She smiled big at him as he made his way down and wiped away a tear, her left hand sparkling.  
Jake thought back again to that day after the rescue and the meeting he had had with Sam’s father.  
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“Sir, I just...” 
“No, let me say thank you first.  You saved my little girl’s life. You sacrificed your own recovery for her.  I will forever be in your debt, Captain.”  
Jake felt the tips of his ears grow hot. “I would have done anything to get her back.  She is the love of my life, my angel on earth.  Since the day I met her, I knew she was special.  Not this,” he waved his arm around, “kind of special.  Just “her” special.” 
“I can see that. I had that look when I was with her mother.” Harold sighed. “Anyways, I also wanted to thank you for not losing your temper more with my son.”  
“Your son is a jackass,” Jake mumbled.  But Harold raised an eyebrow, having clearly heard him. “Sorry.”  
“Don’t be, because that is a true statement.  Tony carries a lot of resentment towards me, and he takes it out on Samantha. I sacrificed my relationship with my daughter to get my son ready for his duties and that is something I can never forgive myself for.” He shook his head. “Apologies, you wanted to say something.”  
Something about the look in Harold’s eyes made Jake firm up his resolve. “All I want is for Sam to be happy. And I don’t know what her brother is saying to her right now but what I do know is that I love your daughter very much.  After everything she and I have been through, together or on our own, I want to give her my heart.  So I guess I’m asking if it is ok to ask your daughter to marry me.”  
Harold sucked in a breath and turned towards the window.  “You know, when she was born and I held her for the first time, I promised her that I would do everything to make her happy.  I guess I failed at that in her life.  But not today.”  He turned back to Jake.  “You have taken such good care of my daughter.  Every time I called her, I could feel her happiness through the phone and that was because of you.”  He put his hand in his pocket.  “I had a feeling that you would ask me this question soon.”  He pulled out a box. “This was my great grandmother’s. I hope she says yes to you.” He opened the box to show a cushion diamond with smaller diamonds dotting the yellow gold band.  
Jake took the ring in his hand. “It looks like her.”  
Harold smiled.  “Yes, it does. Whether you marry here or in the states, you have my blessing, Jake.”  
When Sam propositioned him later, all he knew was that he was going to marry the girl of his dreams.  But first things first, before he could propose, he needed to speak to his parents and family about this big life altering change that was about to happen and talk to Sam’s mom.  
His parents took the news pretty well.  His mom was weepy, her baby boy growing up and his dad was proud for stepping up and locking down the best girl for his son. They would come and visit, of course, but it would be a change.  
Sam’s mom was a little hard to crack.  If it hadn’t been for Jake’s undercover job, maybe Sam wouldn’t have been found.  “Victoria, I know you think that, but we were trying to stop him from taking Sam or worse.” Jake took a breath.  “She wants to try and establish a relationship with her brother. And I just want to make her happy.”  
Victoria studied the man that took her daughter’s heart.  “I know.  I just want what’s best for her. Everything you ever done was for her.  I guess I will soon be planning a wedding.”  
A hug and a kiss, and Jake was out the door.  One last stop before he flew back to England on the family jet.  Fuck, that’s an upgrade.  The family jet. He was going to be a part of something bigger.  He headed into the CIA to meet with Fowler one last time. With a resignation letter, his military badge turned in, he saluted Fowler and quit.  
His proposal to Sam was short and sweet.  He did it in the private garden Sam had told him about once.  In a sea of flowers, he gotten down on one knee and asked his angel to marry him. “Samantha, princess, you came into my world like a beacon of light.  My Angel on earth. And even with how crazy things have been and with everything yet to come, I can’t think of anyone else I want to do this with.  I love you so much.  Please, say yes and be my wife.  Will you marry me?” 
How could she say anything else but “Yes.”  
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Jake reached the front of the cathedral and bowed to the King, the King Dowager and then to Sam. He shot her a wink and she giggled. He turned back to Anthony and swallowed.  
Anthony stepped forward. “Please kneel.” Jake got to his knees on a little stool.  
“Do you Jacob David Jensen, swear allegiance to the crown?” 
“I do.”  
“Do you swear to execute your duties as prince of the United Kingdom?” 
“I do.”  
Repeat after me, “I, state your name, swear by Almighty God that, on becoming a British citizen, Duke of Manchester and Prince of the United Kingdom that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Anthony the first, His Heirs and Successors according to law.” 
Jake took a breath and look at Sam, who gave a small nod and mouthed “I love you.” He swallowed. “I, David Jacob Jensen, swear by Almighty God that, on becoming a British citizen, Duke of Manchester and Prince of the United Kingdom that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Anthony the first, His Heirs and Successors according to law.” 
Anthony turned to an attendant who had a red cape with firm trim that looked just like Sam’s.  He draped it over Jake’s shoulders.  Then Samantha stepped forward and Jake gave her a curious look.  His fiancé was beautiful in her red cape and red gown, but she was supposed to stay put. Anthony took the coronet off the pillow and handed it to Sam with a smile.  She moved to be in front of him.  
“Jacob David, do you promise to sit beside me as my Duke and Prince?” 
Jake smiled. “I do.”  
She placed the coronet on his head, kissed both his cheeks and stepped back.  Anthony took back over. “Arise,” he said to Jake.  He stood up and faced all the other Dukes and members of the government. “I present to you, Jacob David Jensen – Davenport, Duke of Manchester and Prince of the United Kingdom.”  
The name change was weird but it’s what was required. Jake took in all the clapping and shit before turning back and moving to stand with Sam. “This shit is hot,” he mumbled to Sam.  
“Yeah, why do you think I was pissed when they introduced me. You at least are in pants.”  
The announcer-dude calmed the crowd with a tap of his stick. “I need one of those,” Jake said.  
“I love you but please shut up.”  
“Members of the government, please rise for the departure of the Royal Family.”  
Anthony moved first and took his fiancé's hand.  Sam’s father followed him solo.  Then it was Sam and Jake’s turn.  “Ready Princess?” He offered his arm.  
She threaded hers through. “Always.” 
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makeitastrength · 23 days
First Sentence Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Thanks for the tag, @queseraone, @chenfordspiral, @sisterofficerlucychen, and @yourenotdonefighting!
1. I would have died for your sins (instead I died inside)
Lucy pauses on the doorstep, double checking the times in the text to confirm that Tim is, in fact, not home. He'd messaged her last night to let her know he’d be out this morning if she wanted to come gather her belongings, and though it feels like the final nail in the coffin of their shattered future, she knows it’s unavoidable. She needs her stuff back. And she might as well get it over with so she can begin to attempt to move on.
2. I had to drive all the way out here (just to figure out how to cry)
“Let’s talk more about what led you to the decision to break up with Lucy.” Tim shifts uncomfortably in his chair. It’s not the first time Lucy has come up in his therapy sessions, but today is the first time in which she – and their breakup – has been the central focus. It’s not that he’s been specifically avoiding it; they’ve had plenty of other conversations and he certainly has plenty of things to work on. But it’s admittedly also not a topic he’s eager to delve into, because more than anything, it elicits overwhelming feelings of sadness and regret.
3. If this is really all that I get
“Do you wanna come in?” Her voice is low and her gaze is seductive and God yes is the answer that’s immediately on the tip of his tongue, held back only by the no filtering in from the last remaining rational part of his brain “I… I shouldn’t,” Tim stammers instead. And the thing is… he knows that’s true. He shouldn’t walk through that doorway. He shouldn’t want to come in, shouldn’t feel the way he does about her, shouldn’t even be considering crossing this threshold. He has a girlfriend and Lucy has a boyfriend, and they both know the ‘technically, since we haven’t been debriefed yet we’re still undercover’ excuse is flimsy at best. If they do this, there will be nothing pretend about it. It won’t be Jake and Sava. It will be Tim and Lucy.
4. The (E-rated) spaces in between - Chenford first morning after
Tim can’t stop touching her. It’s been twelve hours since I’m hoping that we’re good at certain other things as well and wanna find out right now? and Tim’s breathy yeah that might just be the sexiest thing Lucy has ever heard. And aside from when one of them was using the bathroom, she doesn’t think there’s been a single moment when he wasn’t touching her. She’s not complaining. Not at all. She just never expected Tim to be so tactile.
5. The spaces in between - post ep for 6x04
Lucy is silent in the passenger seat during the drive to Tim’s house. They don’t bother to return to the station for Tim to change out or to pick up her car; she’ll get it when she heads in tomorrow to give her statement. She did change into the clothing from her go-bag before they left the hospital, though, now clad in leggings, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. Her uniform, badge, and gun were taken as part of the investigation into the shooting, and she knows she’ll be on leave for at least a few days while it’s all sorted out. It's just as well. She’s immensely thankful that Budny survived the surgery, but it doesn’t change the fact that she very nearly killed someone. And she doesn’t feel at all ready to be back out on the streets with a loaded gun. Truthfully, right now she doesn’t feel much of anything.
6. Into the dark
“Seven-adam-nineteen, we have a possible distress call, 1888 Elmwood Lane. RA and Fire are en route.” Lucy flicks on her turn signal and then reaches for her radio as she slows at the next intersection and turns right. “Seven-adam-nineteen, responding.”
7. As I hold you for the last time
It all happens so fast. One minute, Tim and Lucy are jumping from the bed of the truck in pursuit of two suspects, following them into an abandoned warehouse, and the next, they’re pinned down as a flurry of bullets is unleashed in their direction. “Chen,” Tim says in a low voice as the gunfire temporarily ceases. He flicks his eyes to their left and she follows his gaze. “Door. I’ll cover you.” He raises his weapon and begins to fire as Lucy runs for the door, stopping only when she’s safely concealed and then raising her gun to cover Tim as he rushes to join her. Guns raised, they back through the open door into a narrow, windowless room, ready to open fire when the assailants inevitably approach. Except that moment never comes.
8. Gonna give all my secrets away
I know I’m the last person you want to hear from right now, but we need to talk ASAP. Lucy sighs heavily as she reads the message on her screen and then locks her phone and puts it away without replying. It’s 10:00pm and she’s just been called back to the station, she's exhausted, seeing Kojo and receiving her birthday card has left her feeling raw, and she really just doesn’t have the emotional energy to have a conversation with Tim right now. But she also knows he wouldn’t be texting her at this time of night, in the middle of whatever is happening, if it wasn’t serious.
9. From the ashes
It’s dark by the time Tim leans into the front door of Mid-Wilshire, pushing it open with his shoulder. The cool evening air surrounds him as he steps outside and glances around. He’s parked just a few spaces down but even from here he can see a familiar figure leaning against the side of his truck waiting for him. He doesn’t know exactly why she’s here today, but Angela hasn’t been holding back lately, sending dose after dose of tough love in his direction. Whatever it is tonight, he’s already sure he’s not going to like it.
10. I wake up screaming from dreaming (one day I'll watch as you're leaving)
Tim’s phone rings at 12:36am, but the vibration doesn’t wake him because he hasn’t slept. He’s been tossing and turning since he climbed into bed two and a half hours ago, and while he knows walking away from their fight before either of them said something they regretted was the smart thing to do, he wishes Lucy was here. Or that he was there. With her. The fact that she’s calling him after midnight (it could be work, of course, but somehow he knows, without even looking at the screen, that it's her) tells him she’s not faring much better. He reaches for the device, swiping to answer with one hand as he presses himself upright with the other and reaches out to switch on the lamp on his nightstand. Kojo lazily lifts his head, taking in the scene and then unceremoniously returning to slumber.
Tagging: @thesassywitchofthenortheast, @roguetwelve, @thisnightissparkling089, @timandlucy, @silverskull, and since tumblr will only let me tag 5 people I'll just add anyone else who wants to do this... consider yourself tagged!
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 26 days
Field trip days- The shrunken cities
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The blaze team went on a picnic near their school, they're having fun with their new life as undercover giants, Skittles think that they're free and away from the mysterious person, aiden then thought of something, what does the mysterious person look like, he asked Skittles about the mysterious person and what does he looks like then Skittles thought about it and then said “Well… Even though I was one of his employees, I've never seen his face before..” This made the students a little worried about what might happen soon that would make any more size shenanigans again.
And then the bell rings and then the students go inside the school to study again, then the teacher, Mr. Dogstone came and taught the students about science, then about a few minutes of science, he then got a call from someone… someone.. mysterious….
The students are feeling uneasy about Mr.dogstone looking at the students, then after the call, he then asks the students to wait for a while, then Mr.Dogstone leaves the classroom and goes to the office. The blaze team students are pretty unsure and curious about Mr. Dogstone, Ava then saw something at the other door next to Ruth, “um, guys? What's behind that door?” said Ava. The blaze team except for Theo saw the door, Theo asked “what's going on?” Then Brandon answered “there's a door… an unknown door..” nori then got up and slowly opened the door, and to her surprise, she saw a tank.. but inside of it was something else than any class pet…
Then the other blaze team checks inside too, then they circle around the tank and wondering what's inside of the tank, then Theo felt the flashlight behind him and then decided to turn it on, and then to their surprise… it was a lot of cities, lots and lots of cities, “Are those…. Cities?” said Cassie “it looks like it.. but how did they get so small?” Said Jake
Brandon then looked closely to see if it's fake or not, then he saw a scared microscopic tiny and then he got up and said “yep. Definitely a real city, how did this happen?” Then they hear the door open and then they quickly head back to the room they're in and pretend that they're studying, then suddenly Mr Dogstone tells his students about the announcement, and then suddenly there's a special guest… it's none other than…. The mysterious person….
The students gasped in fear to meet the mysterious person again. He was the one who turned us, including his own old employee, into a giant, what does he want now?
Then the mysterious person suddenly used his magic to show them the tank of all cities and put it down on the large desk, “well, I just want to show you something, these are the cities I made, pretty cool right?” Said the mysterious person, the students aren't sure about this and then Mr Dogstone wanted to get some fresh air while the mysterious person will watch the students, and now it's just the blaze team, and the mysterious person…
“So… I know you all know me… and you wanted to know about the cities in the tank.. right?~” said the mysterious person, smirking while patting the tank.. the students got up and were ready to fight him then Diego said “Yea we know about the cities… what did you do to them?...” the mysterious person smiled “well I shrunk the cities… so they won't do anything to stop me while this city will be used as toys…” then the students are a little shocked about the shrunken cities.
The mysterious person grabs out 15 cities “this is how many cities I did… and what would happen if I can step on them… then Brandon then went after the mysterious person to surprise punch him which it made him drop all microscopic cities to the ground, each student catches one cities each except for one, but then suddenly it was now trapped inside of a indestructible bubble by Skittles, the students saw Skittles picking up the tiny city and puts it in the lab coat for safety, he then made one for each 14 cities for one of them. The mysterious person got up and looked at the blaze team and then stared at Skittles… “well well well… if it isn't my old employee, Skittles… came to be on their side after all I did to you…” Skittles in anger spoke to the mysterious person, “I’m with them because they see me as a person unlike you and my old partner! I’m tired of you trying some size shenanigans from us and other people to start some apocalypse!” Then the mysterious person smiled “I know, besides, this ain't over yet, soon or later I will find a way to start the giant apocalypse.. including you 15… those bracelets on you is a time limit to your own apocalypse doomsday and soon.. you will be on my side… enjoy with your new cities to take care of~” then the mysterious person opened the door and showed that Mr Dogstone was in this too… “Besides, the teacher knows about this and works with me too…” the blaze team gasps about the reveal and then a mysterious person took Mr Dogstone and himself away from the school.
Then it's just the blaze team with the microscopic city inside of a bubble, everyone in the city screaming in fear and the students and Skittles have the hands of each city like gods… they looked outside and then decided to keep the cities safe from the hands of the mysterious person and mr Dogstone…. Skittles might have to work on how to get the city back to normal and maybe also discover what the city looks like in their views.
Now the school is done, they went home together holding onto the tiny cities in their own grasp, and maybe soon or later, everything would be back to normal.. and they also worried about what he said about the apocalypse might happen and if the bracelet won't work anymore and will let their giant selfs take over to be in the apocalypse like what the mysterious person would said.
Meanwhile, the mysterious Mr Dogstone is watching the students and waiting for the giant doomsday apocalypse starting and soon or later, the mysterious person’s plan will work and forever will be chaos and destruction that will satisfy the mysterious person….
The end?...
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