#like that feeling in your bones where you’re like my FP is about to make me real sad
polyamorouspunk · 6 months
Also going insane today from lack of attention. Shout out to bpd for sucking 👍
Yes. It sure does.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. Do you know what really gets my blood boiling about this comic? Persephone and Demeter's relationship.
In the myths, Demeter and Persephone loved each other more than anything. Their reunion is so important - it marked the coming of spring and growth. A whole cult was dedicated to this for crying out loud. Yes, the myths were far from perfect, but the Persephone and Demeter myth showed the strength of a loving mother-daughter relationship with Demeter searching endlessly to find her child that was ripped away and had her innocence forcibly taken.
Now, RS is not the only author to make Demeter this over-bearing mother type in order to put more positivity onto the Hades-Persephone relationship. However, RS takes this trend to a whole new level - to the point where I would even consider it misogyny.
How is it, she takes this beautiful mother-daughter relationship and makes it out to be an abusive and controlling one, and then takes the Hades-Persephone relationship from a forceful one to a loving, perfect relationship with no problems? How is it ok to ruin one relationship to elevate another?
I understand that many versions of the myth try to downplay Hades' actions, and even make it so Persephone actually falls in love with him and there is no rape. But it doesn't change that this relationship was problematic, and meant to represent the loss of innocence.
Then fans have the gall to claim this comic is feminist and then claim on top of that that Demeter and Persephone's relationship was the same in the myth? These fans clearly don't know the myths, and neither does RS.
Making Hades a good person is fine. Changing it up a bit to make Persephone's loss of innocence something else is also fine. But ruining Demeter and Persephone's relationship? Especially when Persephone has to spend half the year with her? So horrible. 
2. im sorry, but rachel cant introduce KRONOS coming back and then dropping it for several episodes to focus on a stake-less trail and persephone not knowing what lingerie to seduce hades in. like thats too much of an earth shaking development and huge stake plot point to just ignore for months to focus instead on something as minor as hxp's relationship, which only points out a huge flaw: why is hxp's relationship so minor in this? isnt the whole point supposed to be about them?
3. I think LO completely dropped the ball over Hades’ characterization. 
From the first ep I thought ok, this is good, we have some bones to see he’s not that lucky in love and is just tired and lonely, and while ignoring the creepy actions towards Persephone, I thought ok, Artemis hates him, Hestia hates, even Ares hates him, maybe once Persephone finally sees the underworld and probably gets to know him it’ll be a clever twist and they’ll be proven wrong. The underworld will turn out to be fair and just, the citizens will love Hades, he’ll be revealed to be a good leader and king and not like his brothers, it’ll be like everyone saying Hades of myth isn’t actually that bad, and it’ll help reinforce why this sweet and bubbly Persephone wants him, she sees the real him, not the mean rumors and assumptions, this is perfect.
And then it just didn’t happen. The exact opposite happened, actually.
We’re shown the LO underworld is cruel and unjust, where the poor dead are forced into slavery and Hades created a harsh class divide with him and him only on top, the citizens hate him, the underworld gods don’t trust him and openly seem ok if he’s taken out of power, he’s not a good leader and king and doesn’t even want the job yet keeps it for his own ego and grip of power m, and on top of it all he is just like his brothers, if not worse. He loves to get violent over any little slight against him, he hoards wealth and resources to enrich himself while his citizens starve and struggle to survive, he’s corrupt, he controls all the media and laws to bend to his will, sleeps with his brothers wife for centuries behind his back while claiming to be holier than thou, he has sex with his secretaries who are made dependent on him for any way to survive, and now he lusts after his barely legal intern who is also now dependent on him for her way to survive, and that’s only what I remember off the top of my head.
LO perfectly set up to prove Hades isn’t the devil or the false pop culture assumption that he’s evil and to show some actual facts from myth, and yet Rachel only ended up reinforcing exactly that and even making him even worse with her made up ideas, all while thinking having Persephone ignore or excuse it somehow makes it not bad or even a good thing. It’s honestly kind of impressive just how bad of writing that actually is. 
4. Chapter 172 is not that interesting. It’s setup had me excited to see Hephaestus and Hera and learning more about echo, but it’s cut so short. Because again the story can’t leave HXP out for 2 seconds.
I can also see why Zeus is gonna go insane. 
5. i agree w/ other anon. LO should have pulled a PJO or a BoZ and just made up OCs and have them interact with the gods than whatever Rachel thinks shes doing, which is lying she's being accurate and faithful while completely changing all of it, removing what is needed, and adding what isnt so that it lines up with no actual myth besides like, various 50 shades fanfic she read in 2015 and some popular tumblr text posts.
6 . the animation studio behind blood of zeus literally can only draw one face for the men and one face for the women and they were still able to make the gods all look distinct and hot while LO can't even bother to use more than 6 colors and can only have the women look as tiny as possible with the biggest boobs while the men are all just lego men.
7. ////FP SPOILERS////
Okay so like I stopped reading LO way back before season 1 ended, and a majority of my knowledge of the series comes from what I read here on your blog which is enough for me lol and I decided to read the latest 5 chapters just to see what's up (on zahard. I refuse to give the actual series any views)
And I just. Could not take the whole scene with Daphne running from Apollo seriously? The anatomy and art inconsistency was so distracting that i genuinely could not find it serious. Even when Thanatos discovers her hibernated body I couldn't take it seriously because of how she looked?
And when Hades had that call (??? Was it a call? Or his inner dialogue? I couldn't really tell ngl) with Zeus and said he's causing Persephone unnecessary distress, and that she didn't pose any threat. B!tch??? She killed a ton of mortals??? She has no control over her powers???? She's literally a fugitive for the aforementioned things??? She apparently woke Kronos up? (Idk if anyone knows about that, again my knowledge only spans to whatever I read here) Hello????
And I have a lot to say about the chapters starting the trial but I'll only mention one thing; Hades saying "I don't think blindly supporting my little brother would be doing him any favours (as a ruler)" had me cackling. This is coming from a guy blindly supporting a girl he's literally only known for a few weeks, who's like what, only recently turned 20? Sit tf down Hades you're not cool, you creepy ass overgrown smurf.
Overall I still hate this series lmao. Regarding art though I feel like I wouldn't be so miffed about the anatomy much if the character designs were consistent and the story was compelling. They literally change hairstyles and body types frame by frame, and it's distracting.
The timeline from what I read here is laughable. 4 years in publication with almost 200 chapters and you're telling me only like a month has passed canonically. That's wild and such poor writing.
And as someone who literally will sympathise with any lead character pretty quickly, the story makes me hate them. It makes me want to root against them. I also hate the fact this trash is somehow top ranked on webtoons when so many other stories are far better then it.
Anyway, many thanks to this blog for existing and allowing me to dump so much text here to vent out my hate for this series lmao. You the mvp fam, hope you're having a good day 🥂🥂🥂
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xserpentlife · 4 years
Request: I love your writing. Can you do a story/blurb where Sweet Pea is dating someone very innocent (doesn't know lots of sexual things) and he is very supportive and offers to teach her?
Word Count: about 1500
Warnings: smut
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Sweet Pea met you a few months ago at the Whyte Wyrm. You two never talked much. Here and there you did when you would pass him his drinks but it was never like you two were the best of friends. However, the night of your serpent dance that all changed. You always vowed to never do it, but you needed the protection of the Serpents and you wanted in. FP told you he would let you in without it, but you wanted to do it the right way, so the Serpent dance it was.
Pea knew you before that, you were a bartender for the Wyrm, always filling his glass a little higher than everyone else’s as he’d drop you a tip a tiny bit larger than the others. Everyone noticed that glances that were stolen here and there between the two of you but no one mentioned it, that was until the night of your dance. Your eyes on him the entire time. When you got off stage he was there covering you in his flannel so the guys would stop gawking and buying you a drink so you both could chat the night away. 
That night was everything to you and more, Pea learned everything from your favorite snack, to color, to the way your nose scrunches when you laugh, your how your eyes turn just a tinge darker when you get drunk. 
Dating Pea was like dating an investigator whose sole purpose was to know everything about you, it was all he cared about it was like it was his one job. He wanted to know anything and everything, Everyday it was a question of how your day was and if it wasn't good he made it good. If you had a bad day at work he vowed to make it better. Pea never pressured you when he learned just how innocent regarding the sexual aspect of things you were. You were a virgin, you never hooked up with anyone, and you knew you wanted to be with Pea forever, at least that is how it was in your mind, but you were afraid. Afraid of not being good enough at it, afraid you wouldn't be what he needed, or even know what to do. 
You’ve been wanting more with Pea for a while now, but you were so nervous. You’ve been making him wait for so long. After a year of being together you were surprised he hasn’t mentioned it yet. Every time you almost got there Sweet Pea would play it off knowing you didn't want to go that far. And even though you were nervous you were sure you were finally ready. Pea was sitting at the kitchen table in your trailer you walked out of your bedroom
“Hey baby I uh... Can I talk to you?”
“Course bubs”
“Look I love you and I wanna be with you and I am fine how we are but, if we were to do more or uh try to would that be okay?”
“You mean…?”
“Of course I want that baby” you looked down to your hands, Pea stood up tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“What's wrong baby?”
“I just… I don't really know anything Pea, what if I don't do it right or, what if I'm not good at it?”
“It’s why we try baby, and i'll teach you” his lips met yours in a small kiss that turned into one much bigger, as he began pushing you towards the bedroom and onto the bed. 
“Too much?” you shook your head no giggling, Pea pulled off your shirt and shorts leaving you in your bra and panties. He connected your lips once again before making his way to your neck and then to your stomach. He pushed the pad of his thumb against your panties rubbing, you felt how sensitive you were and a shiver ran through you. Your grip tightened on his arm, letting out a breathy moan.
“D-don’t stop” his lips lifted off of yours but his thumb continued
“Feel good?”
“Mhm” You nod, swallowing hard as he continues to rub your clit. 
“… t-take them off, please,” He reached around your back first, unclasping your bra. 
“Beautiful baby” his thumb lifted off your panties as he slid them down your legs, his lips meeting yours once again. 
“Pea wanna help you…”
“Wanna focus on you right now baby” you blush looking up at him, before pulling him down by his dog tags, and grabbing his belt with your hands before unhooking it.
“Take them off” 
“Okay baby” he stood up slipping off his pants and shirt before climbing back on top of you “now back to you princess”. 
You felt Pea’s tongue lick down your hip bone. You soon felt his hands grab your thighs as small kisses were placed there, and your legs were spread apart, and you threw your head back. You were dripping at this point, your arousal obvious to Pea. He placed his head between your thighs as his tongue made its way to your core. Licking from your opening right up to your clit, a loud moan rang from your lips. Your legs shut in response to the foreign feeling, but he wasted no time in pinning them open with his hands. Your cheeks heated with a pink blush
“Keep them open, baby” he placed multiple kisses to your click licking and sucking gently and hard all at the same time, you felt something in your chest rising, 
“Fuck omg Pea I…”
“Go ahead baby” he didn't stop his tongue moving faster as your eyes rolled back as you let out a massive moan 
“W-w-want more Pea”
“Yeah baby? You nodded and bit your lip. He sat up his fingers coming closer to you, baby I'm gonna star with one finger okay, 
“Want two Pea”
“Mhm” His middle finger prodded your entrance, pushing it in slowly before adding a second. He was being gentle, you knew that, you appreciated it, but you had done basic things, you wanted more, you craved more. His two fingers curl up to push against the top wall, you knew exactly what he was doing. 
“If you go in a little more, my g-spot is…” but you’re moaning out his name before you can even finish telling him where it is. Whimpers fall from your lips as he pushes against it over and over again.  His thumb made its way to your clit and your hips buck against his hand, a soft chuckle erupting from his lips as he does it again. 
He pulled his fingers out before you could cum, You whimper in response looking up at him “why”
 “want you to cum with me this time princess”
Pea stands up sliding  his bottoms down his legs, the bundle of fabric hitting the floor with a thump. You stare at his chest as he climbs back on the bed staring solely at one spot as he comes towards you. 
“Baby I need you to know that at first it may not feel the most comfortable, but it'll feel good after a minute and if it hurts i'll stop,” ” you looked up at him smiling leaning up and pecking his lips.
“I want you, i want this” 
“Ready?” He asked, eyebrows raised.
His tip brushes against your heat, making you bite your lips instantly.
“You okay baby” 
“Y-yeah I just n-need a moment” 
“He slowed waiting for you to say something”
“Want more daddy”
“You sure princess?”
He pushed further inside of you  A loud whimper escaping your lips, Your hands grabbed onto the bed sheets, a sensation spreading that you never experienced before. Slow thrusts making you comfortable but eventually they turned to not being enough you bucked your hips towards him. 
“Harder,” you beg. He smirks down at you, pressing his lips to yours  “Fuck,” you whine, tangling one hand in his hair.
He leaned down thrusting harder, putting his body flush against yours and holding himself up against the side of your body, placing gentle kisses along your jaw, as you screamed out, hand tangled in his hair. 
“Pea. I’m gonna- I c-can't”
“Me too, baby,” he cuts you off. “Fuck,” he yells still inside you,  you feel his cock twitch against your walls. His thrusts deeper than before, a warmth feeling you as he cums deep inside you. He thrusts for a moment longer as you continue to ride out your high, your body arched back as he kisses your neck, You slowly leaning back onto the bed as he pulls out. Your mouth lets out a tiny whimper from the loss of contact and emptiness you felt inside.
He pulled you into the side of his body, nothing but the sounds of heavy breaths filled the room. 
“so, daddy, huh?”
“Pea! That's not funny!”
“Not so innocent anymore huh baby?”
You eventually fell asleep in each other's arms, the exhaustion from the night taking over.
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
The Night We Met
Fandom: Riverdale Pairing: Jughead Jones x Male!Reader Summary: There’s too much pain in his heart, he really wish it will go away soon. Word Count: 1,575 Request:  I. Need. ANGST! (Please feed me some angst 🥺) Warning: Suicide, depression A/n: I would love more angst prompts.
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Riverdale is a small place, it’s a town where everyone knows everyone. 
Death is common, it’s heartbreaking, but somehow it’s always more saddening when it’s a young person, just because they had so much life to experience. Riverdale is a quiet town, really, but it was only loud because of one young lad. 
Jughead Jones was very fond of this person.
You weren’t too bright that people hated to look your way, you were too good for this world. But, you were real. There wasn’t negativity in your body other than your outlook in life, you were so kind that the elderly always see you and offering your time to help them. You would help struggling students with subjects, you were an inspiration to Jughead’s side project - to tell the perfect story of you. 
See, you were a soft boy. The boy who wore round glasses, oversized sweaters and baggy jeans. Sometimes, you would wear your overalls with your long shirt underneath and converse to match. You weren’t afraid to express yourself, you were too good for this world because nothing should harm you.
So, how can this happy boy kill himself?
The town mourns because this shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
The kid, you, you were supposed to go - be free. You were supposed to leave Riverdale, make it big in the big city. Make friends, make a family, expand your horizons. 
You’re just a boy.
It hurts so much, to think, to feel. 
Jughead hated it, your story was supposed to be making it far and yet it was ending abruptly. Jughead remembers the night you met him, it was just you and him in Pop’s diner. The neon lights illuminating your face, Jughead cannot help but feel threatened by your looks.
You sat across him, sipping a cold beverage. One leg up on the booth and your arms leaning against your knee. Jughead remembers vividly the rings you hand on your fingers, the chains around your neck - the dull brown striped sweater that seems to contrast the white collar from a shirt under it. 
You two seem to hit it off that night, you were laughing at each other’s jokes, the occasional flirty remark, exchanging numbers and kept “running into each other at pop’s late at night when it’s just you and him.
“I want to write a book about you, (Y/n),” Jughead says, as you looked at him curiously, “You’re interesting.”
“Far from it, Jughead.”
He stood by your side most of the time, somehow you two formed a relationship - it was so unlikely, but it was right. Two boys just in love with each other, they see nothing but each other. Jughead adores the book he has written about you, there’s a load of wisdom sprouted from your mouth. 
“People tend to forget to tell each other how much they love or miss you or need you, and even if they do remember, sometimes they're just too shy, too scared, too certain it's the wrong thing to say or the wrong timing. But it's not. It never is. Say it before it's too late. For all we know, it could all be different tomorrow.”
“It really could.”
“I could die tomorrow, and I know there will be a lot of unsaid things in the air. There will be regret.”
Jughead looks at you, “Are you okay?”
You shrugged your shoulder, there was a faint smile on your face, “I haven’t been okay for a long time,” There was a beat silence as you laugh, “I’m just kidding, Jug, I’m okay.”
Jughead wishes he didn’t believe it - but foolishly, he did.
Life continues, he recalls how happy you were, there was nothing in life that could go wrong for you. And yet, you let out your deepest feelings in the late night meet up at Pop’s.
“You know,” You sighed, leaning your head back against the window, “I’m tired of feeling-”
“I’m so done with life, this life I mean. Reincarnate me to another lifetime like two hundred years from now, maybe it’ll be better.”
“That is if climate change hasn’t taken us already,” Jughead say as you chuckle softly, “Maybe we’ll have robots.”
“Maybe, they’ll lower the age of drinking.”
There you go, joking again, as if you haven’t accidentally got to deep in your feelings. Jughead remembers how you were, and now he cringes. It’s all there, the signs of calling for help - right in front of him. And, he brushed it off because he thinks you’re joking.
Jughead remembers.
It hurts.
He had all, and then most of you. Some and now none of you.
He remembers how you started to drift away from him. The meetings late night started to be rare until you stopped showing up. The smile was there but it looked sort of faded. You weren’t by side as much until you were avoiding him, telling him that you were busy. 
You died.
You killed yourself.
You were at peace now. 
The wind rustles the nearby trees, it’s not cold out. In fact, the breeze was comforting in the warm day, summer was ending and autumn was starting to come about. Autumn had always been your favourite season, it was the season for staying in and the cold weather starting to nip at your nose. It’s an excuse to wear jumpers and have hot coffee.
“Please, take me back to the night we met.”
Jughead trembles, he’s on his knees as he stares at your headstone. It’s clean and fresh among those that have been forgotten over the years. Jughead doesn’t think a slab of stone fits you well, it’s just not you.
Your life could never be marked by a gravestone, something so cold and immobile. Perhaps a tree with a wind-chime in the branches could do you more justice, or a simple song sung into the wind. What lies in the ground is only flesh and blood, that's never what you were. 
You were quite honestly the most beautiful spirit Jughead has ever known. he prays that you soar with the eagles on lofty breezes and swim in oceans deep; he prays that you know the freedom this life could never give you, yet most of all he prays that when his time comes it is you that takes him by the hand and you go onwards to better times together.
There are flowers for you, some that were there since you were buried, some that were new. But, your grave was never short of flowers. 
“I would have done anything for them-”
“-Except save them,” Archie says behind him.
A reared as if he had been slapped. Jughead swallowed hard, eyes wide and startled before their gaze shuttered. “You have no fucking idea,” He whips around to tackle the redhead, “You don’t know (Y/n), you don’t know him like I know him. Don’t think for one second I wouldn’t have tried.”
“Juggie,” FP says softly, grabbing the boy by his shoulders, “(Y/n) wouldn’t want you to do this.”
“I’m sorry,” Archie whispered, he knows he overstepped the line - it’s a shock really, your death was sudden.
“I failed him,” Jughead says, it’s a struggle for him because he’s holding back tears, “I keep seeing his face and I can’t help think I’ve failed him.”
Guilt, too much of it. 
Regret, and you were right - there are a lot of unsaid things in the air and he regrets not telling you.
“I love him.”
“He loves you too,” FP says, making Jughead look him in the eyes, “There is not a bone in (Y/n) that tells you, you were ever at fault - okay? He doesn’t want you to blame yourself.”
Going home was an empty feeling in Jughead, FP knows it will take a while for Jughead to bounce back to himself. School seems to empty without you, there isn’t someone there to wait for him at his locker; instead, there’s candles and flowers at yours. Jughead goes to sleep with the papers of your unfinished story, he goes to sleep in your sweaters.
He keeps a picture of you, always on himself. One night he stares at you, it’s been two weeks since you were buried. Your relationship with him hadn’t lasted long, three months - not once he had uttered the three words as you did to him.
“I love you,” Jughead whispers to the picture of you.
“Why didn’t you tell me that when I was alive?” Your voice questions him, he knows you’re not there, but can’t help himself to imagine you by his side.
“I was scared.”
There was silence, “Yeah, I know that feeling.”
He can’t imagine how terrified you were, in your last moments of breathing. He doesn’t want to imagine it, yet sometimes it keeps him up at night. 
“Make my story ending a good one, will you?” Your voice says, there’s a tone of happiness for a second.
“I don’t know how to end it,” Jughead admits, “It wasn’t supposed to end so soon.”
“Tell them I was brave for finding peace,” Your voice softly begs, “Please, that’s how I want it to end.”
Jughead stays silent before nodding to himself; he knows he’ll be haunted by the ghost of you. But, that’s a request he can do for you - your one last wish.
“Okay,” He whispers.
Maybe, just maybe, you found peace in his word.
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nuclearnerves · 3 years
Don't mind me I'm finally getting the ideas I had on this shit out so I can actually go forward with developing it as an AU. It's my usual mixup of fps protags, Gordon Guy and John, but I'm starting with Gordon as the Vampire and Guy as the Vampire Hunter.
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absolute beast of a wall of text under the cut
What If Being A Vampire Literally Sucks All The Time Forever like chronic pain sucks. like THAT level of sucks. Like Here's what I was thinking of. Being a vampire isn't just "being alive forever but you need to drink human blood" It's like Oh man I have some lore you look at vampires and their main thing is that they're blood suckers right so lets start with a corpse dead body. cadaver. no longer with us. just some rotting meat. The brain needs oxygen as fuel. The blood supplies the oxygen through blood. The blood is pumped through the heart. The blood is made by your bone marrow. You die. Your heart stops beating Blood stops pumping Brain no longer has oxygen to think marrow stops making blood thats standard! Now, becoming undead, as a vampire, is a little more complicated. The long and short of it is: your body is FIGHTING ACTIVELY to be alive against all odds and wins every time (immortality), but it hurts the whole way
I have the gist of it. It's like. Your heart stops. By all means, you should be dead. but the magic kicks in, and you're still thinking. Your brain is still sending signals to your muscles to move. But using what oxygen to move? whats burning in you? You don't know but you know it's just enough to get to your next meal. So you ferociously eat something, and then find you can't swallow. You can't make saliva. You barely have the energy to chew, and once you DO get something in your stomach, it immediately comes back up. Why can't you feel your pulse? What's going on? You're out of options so you figure you might as well just lie down and die. You're too tired to keep going anyway. So you do, you lie down, and you close your eyes, and you quietly hope that death is as peaceful as sleep. You realize you've actually been moving around without breathing, which makes sense because you can barely flex your diaphragm for more than a shaky wheeze. How are you thinking with such little oxygen? But as you fade from consciousness, you can feel something in you, and it's so upset, it's crying, it's filled with grief, and you instantly can tell it's your skeleton. It's your bones. You're distraught down to your marrow. You're dying. You're dying! Your heart stopped and you have no more blood! You need blood! You need blood to move! To breathe! To think! You try to breath deep again for the voices in your bones, trying to comfort them, to sooth them with the repetitive motion in your lungs, trying to fill yourself with anything but grief, but they keep wailing. We make the blood, our creation, our child, what we put all of our work into is gone! gone! gone! We need it back! Anything! All of it! Find it! Bring it back to us! We're hungry! WE'RE HUNGRY!
and once you find yourself too exhausted to listen, to think, how badly you wish just to die already to cease hearing this wailing, you find your body moving without you. And it's hungry and it's searching and it's crawling on all fours and it misses its beautiful red life that made it feel so full before and it needs it back, and the next thing you know you're desperately grabbing anything with blood in it and shoving it in your mouth in a desperate attempt to sooth this cry for life, you don't want to die, you don't want to die, you worked so hard to keep up this body and craft it and LIVE with it and you're not going to go, and even when you try, even when you try to lay down and die, your body refuses, it takes the reigns, and it keeps up the work itself with or without your help. And it's not until your stomach is full and your teeth are stained and you feel a pulsating burning in your bones that you snap back awake, completely conscious, just fine. You're lucid, you don't feel any more pain. Everything around you is dead and drained and messy and your heart still isn't beating. but you can breathe now and holy shit you guess you literally need to kill to survive and the less you eat and the more you starve yourself the worse it gets when your body finally decides to take recourse.
my idea was like. "the vampires curse is actually stored in the bones, thats why the teeth get so sharp and also theres a connection between blood and bones with the creation via bone marrow" its literally like i was sitting there thinking "no no no, whats it like to be a vampire. what neurosis would you develop. How would you panic? What are common mistakes beginner vampires make" which, by the way, gordon is a beginner vampire
so now you gotta factor, what blood lasts for how long? how long can you go between meals? not only that, but what creatures satisfy the urge? How long can you go avoiding human blood? Does it work like drugs where you develop a resistance to the high, or is it like food where it will keep you moving until you eat again? How the fuck are you gonna get your hands on blood? Can you just eat raw meat? Does that count? and thats where im at lol
OKAY now. now thoughts on beginning scenes of vampire au
So my idea was this Doomguy is a vampire hunter independent and one of his buds says that some freak scared and almost attacked his daughter when she got too close to his old abandoned laboratory up the hill and hes like “he might be… you know… a problem. if you needed a lead” and guys like yeah i fuckin hate the undead ill kill this dude so he busts into old lab space and sees so many dead animals its actually mostly Bones and pelt that hes seeing piles of feathers etc so hes like yeah this is all telltale signs of vampire uhhh hes introduced to gordon SOMEHOW im not totally sure of the details but the working idea i have is guy falls into a trap gordon devised that restrains him suspended in wire or something and gordon like. limps/stumbles into the room and this dude looks haggard he’s breathing heavy, his cheeks are hollow, he’s bug-eyed and shaking while looking at this massive wall of meat in his trap and he bares a bunch of hideous teeth and grits them and looks like hes really struggling with somethin... Like if these dudes don't know each other then Gordon might give in and try to drain Guy, and Guy would absolutely do anything in his power to turn this new vampire into ash, im thinking the inclusion if g-man as a coven leader can fix both issues.
i like the idea of guy falling into gordons trap and gordon thinking about what to do with him before gman shows up and whisks gordon away for a “meeting” while complimenting him on his good work catching the most feared vampire hunter in the country and gman just leaving guy suspended in wires that he has to fight his way out of. Instant situation defuser.
Guy ends up needing to take care of other monsters before going back to Gordon, and he DOES plan to go back to gordon, because no vampire is a good one, especially not one associated with the fucking head of a coven, but next time he sees Gordon, Gordon helps him out of a scrape by attacking and draining a combine who was going to take Guy out or something and escaping before Guy can catch him, or otherwise seeing Gordon do something good with his insane undead powers and like, the third time he meets up with him is when they can actually talk, and Gordons fuckin SO haggard, he’s not even fighting back and he’s even going as far as to say “just make sure theres nothing of me left when you’re done, I don’t want anyone else getting hurt”
Side Note: Guy has a bunch of scarring on his body from dealing with vampires, cops, ghosts, werewolves, anything violent that kills people. I'm playing with the inkling of an idea that he has Divine Blood in him, so that any time something undead bites him or tries to drink his blood, it burns. We'll see.
Side Note 2: now i really like the idea of the combine actually being an organized faction of vampire hunters that are WICKED crooked and exploit people for all their worth in exchange for their “safety” when they kill a vampire They’re essentially loansharks and Guy fucking hates them and hates the name theyve given to vampire hunting
Side Note 3: You've probably noticed that I haven't said anything about John yet! He's in this too. His species is a surprise but I need to get to him later I have an idea for where he came from (Cortana too)
I still need a good reason for Guy to not instantly kill this vampire, if not it's just gonna be "Gordon Freeman escapes the countrys best vampire hunter like a seventh time" every time they meet and they end up being rivals. And it gives Guy enough time to look past the whole "undead monster" thing and start looking at the "Oh this dude figured out how to fight his ridiculous craving for blood in a way more humane than most and is actually staying out of peoples way and keeping to himself. Guess he's not that big of a threat but I still need to keep an eye on him in case he loses it. Turns out he's got a family (Probably Alyx, Eli, Issac and Barney) who's been lookin for him and cares about him as well, don't wanna hurt them". I like the idea of them ending up needing to team up to take out undead together.
And that's what I got so far!!!
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arsenicpanda · 3 years
Hey! You seem to ship fairly similar Riverdale pairings to me, so do you have any fanfic ideas? Unfortunately, I have writers block and I don't have access to any maple mushrooms to get through this one.
So, I do have a few that don't fall under "I actually want to write this myself", you are correct, and I am a wordy bitch, so let's put this under a cut
-Jabitha + Jughead and Veronica friendship post-college au: so, we diverge from canon in 5x03. Betty still leaves Riverdale, but Veronica stays, and she and Jughead slowly bond over film, pretentious references, criminal fathers, and the whole getting cheated on thing. Maybe throw in Reggie and the other Serpents too if you want to. When Jughead becomes homeless (again), Veronica eventually notices and invites him to stay with her, and it's awkward at first, but then they get used to it. They develop a brother-sister bond. So, then when they go off to college, they keep in touch and stay friends. Their friendship keeps Jughead from being supes lonely at college, which means he stays and learns how to actually fucking write, so his book is actually good and not just successful, and also he doesn't take up drinking and drugs. And their friendship also keeps Veronica from dating assholes like Chad, so she never even gets close to that terrible marriage. But after they graduate, Jughead moves to NYC and they live together and she becomes the she-wolf of Wall Street and he becomes a successful author (genre undetermined) and maybe also journalist (look, I am just too fond of this headcanon, and most authors need second jobs anyway), and neither of them pine over their exes. Veronica can settle down with Reggie, Josie, Katy Keene, or someone else or no one else, but she is successful and happy. Also, Tabitha goes to school in NYC, settles down there, works a six-figure job for a while, and then opens a Pop's franchise. Now, it can go two ways from here:
Veronica and Tabitha become friends in college. Veronica keeps trying to set Jughead and Tabitha up with different people she knows to no success (she keeps trying to set both of them up with intimidating women (partial success and bi Tabitha 4 life) and himbos (zero success, they both prefer smart people, and also bi Jughead 4 life), until one day she's complaining about it to Katy Keene or Reggie or Josie or someone and the other person is like "V, why don't you just set them up with each other?" And she's like "ohhhhh" and she does, and they either hit it off pretty quickly or Tabitha is like "wait, are you the guy who mooched off my grandpa for years??" And he's like "pardon??" And she dislikes him until he proves himself/Veronica explains the situation (Jughead was neglected and poor and Pop helped him out). But then they get along and swap stories about Pop and fall into some weird investigation and fall in love, and Veronica is like "Victory is mine!"
Tabitha starts franchising Pop's in NYC, and when Jughead finds out he's like "sus, very sus" and goes there and eats and is like ".....this is actually pretty spot-on". And he becomes a regular (who actually orders food and pays because he can now), and Tabitha is supervising the diner for a time, and they start to chat on late nights when he's the only customer left but the diner isn't scheduled to close for another two hours, so Tabitha could use the company. Jughead doesn't realize she's Pop's granddaughter, and Tabitha doesn't realize he's her grandpa's favorite customer (and known moocher, in her opinion), and when they find out, they're both very shocked. They clear up the moocher thing and keep falling in love, and it's beautiful, and Veronica spends some her spare time prying into Jughead's newest late-night haunt and then teasing him about his crush on the owner and later "of course you fell for Pop's granddaughter, of course".
-Jabitha or bugabitha: Jughead cooks his tired (future?) girlfriend(s) dinner because yes, he does know how to cook because he loves food, so obviously he learned how to cook, and also he notices how much his girlfriend(s) work and wants to take care of them.
-Jabitha: Tabitha teaching Jughead how to cook some of Pop's recipes one late, slow night, and yes, they kiss at the end and/or when he makes her something on another late, slow night or slow afternoon or one morning when he opens and she shows up later
-Bugabitha: Tabitha needs help with a mystery/situation and goes to Betty and Jughead's PI agency to hire them (whether Betty and Jughead are together is up for grabs), and they are both charmed as fuck by her, and Tabitha tags along on the investigation for idk reasons, and they all fall in love and also solve a mystery
-Jabitha: smut/pwp of Jughead eating Tabitha out in Pop's while they're both still in uniform
-Jabith or Bugabith: like three students trip and fall into being way too invested in their teacher's/teachers' love life/lives and become convinced that something is going on between Jughead and Tabitha (and maybe also Betty) and start snooping while also documenting it on a popular "my English teacher is dating his other boss (and also my shop teacher)" or "my English teacher is two-timing his boss with my shop teacher" TikTok series that Jughead and Tabitha (and Betty) don't know about it until it goes viral after the kids finally get proof they're together / find out that it's not that Jughead's cheating with Betty and/or Tabitha's cheating with Betty but that the three of them are dating (see: that one fanart I commissioned of the Elite meme). Told from the kids' pov, very comedy-heavy (more comedy than ship fluff, tbh), includes replies to the TikToks and other social media stuff. Still considering writing this myself, but I don't know if I'm funny enough, tbh
-Bugabitha: how they do or do not celebrate holidays and birthdays, especially if the holidays involving shuffling between/avoiding their families and Betty recounts the disaster that was Jughead's birthday in 1x10, right down to (lovingly) roasting him for the "I'm weird, I'm a weirdo" speech (she will be kind by including how sweet he was in the diner, of course)
-Bugabitha: Alice finally finds out that Betty, Jughead, and Tabitha are all dating when Betty moves out of the Cooper house and into an apartment with Jughead and Tabitha. It includes something like the following exchange, Alice's last-ditch effort to convince Betty not to do this:
"Elizabeth, you cannot think that moving in with your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend is wise."
"Mom, I'm not moving in with my ex and his girlfriend, I'm moving in with my boyfriend and my girlfriend, and you're making me late for lunch with them, bye." And then Betty leaves before Alice can respond
And then it's very important that Alice freaks out. If you want, you can also include FP and Gladys finding out (v chill) and Pop finding out (the most wholesome and supportive)
-Jabitha: Pop playing matchmaker with Jughead and Tabitha at any age, could be in an au where Tabitha comes to visit Pop every summer and Jughead kinda falls for her from afar as a teen, could be Jughead gets a job post-senior year at Pop’s during the summer when Tabitha is working there that summer, could be during the canon s5 or an au s5, could be any time, idk
- Jabitha, bughead, or bugabitha: Jughead's editor says that his novel needs a sex scene for whatever reason, idk, idc, but his POV character/narrator is a woman, and he's like "how do I write this without finding myself on one of those lists of 'men who can't write women?'" and bemoans this one day, and, idk, somehow his friend(s) Tabitha and/or Betty trip and fall into ~helping~ him by being very explicit and descriptive of how it feels while they bone
I think that’s it? Let’s say that’s it for now.
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I Hope That It Was Worth It | Sweet Pea
A/N: gonna try and dive back into writing on tumblr since I get these ideas for aus and fics and stuff that won’t fit into the big thirty-chapter fic I’m writing (if anyone is interested in that, please, let me know!)  So, starting off with a song based au. :)
Summary: you and Sweet Pea have a complicated relationship. You started out as friends, best friends. But by High School, you made a friends-with-benefits-deal until one time, you leave town for a couple of days during summer and Sweet Pea decides to fuck someone else. 
Warnings: cursing, angst, mention of sex 
Words: 1545
Song: Josslyn by Olivia O’brien 
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader 
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You and Sweet Pea have been friends since forever. Both of you grew up on the Southside and met at Kindergarten. You were being picked on by some other Serpent kids and he saved you from them. Ever since, the two of you were inseparable. You stuck by each other’s side through elementary school, middle school and now high school. Especially through the transfer to Riverdale High.  That’s when it all started too. It was the first day at Riverdale High and you were frustrated beyond repair. All because that stupid Bulldog had to draw a deformed snake on the school’s emblem on the floor, blaming the Serpents for it of course, and thus the Principal banning all gang paraphernalia. You knew they hated you, but this was just idiotic.  “I can’t believe once again, we’re being cast out,” you said when pacing Sweet Pea’s trailer after school that day. “Can’t they see they’re the culprits in this? We’re doing nothing. The biggest mistake we made was being born.”  “I get that you’re frustrated, Y/N. But look at it like this; Riverdale High has flushing toilets, computer labs, textbooks. Everything we didn’t have back at Southside High. If that means leaving the jacket at home and covering my tattoo from 9 to 4, I’m okay with that,” Sweet Pea told you. But it didn’t help to calm you down. “I know what you need.” He then stood up and walked towards the kitchen to get some food, making you stop in your tracks right in front of him.  “Fuck me,” you blatantly said. Sweet Pea’s eyes widened. He couldn’t deny the fact that he’s thought of that multiple times. But they’re best friends, they can’t do that, can they?  “Y/N,” he said in a scoff. “We’re best friends.”  “I know,” you sighed, “But I’m incredibly frustrated and I really need to work it out on something or someone. We could look at it as just a casual thing. You know? No strings attached.” Sweet Pea mulled over the thought for a second. But only a second. He then nodded defiantly and grabbed your hand to lead you to his bedroom. And exactly then and there, all of it started.  It began as once, that one day. And then a couple days later, you found yourself knocking at his door again. It became more regularly. Every time either one of you got frustrated about something, you called or knocked on each other’s door for the exact same reason. It even got so far that you had started to develop feelings for him. But you wouldn’t tell him that. 
For months you two kept on going, upholding your friendship while having sex pretty much every day. You even kept it a secret for a while until the one faithful day when Fangs accidentally walked in on the two of you.  “Hey, bro, FP needs us --” he stopped in his tracks when he found Sweet Pea on top of you on the sofa, both of you buck naked. He screamed and brought his hands to his eyes while the two of you screamed out his name in terror. “Sorry, sorry!” Fangs ran out of the trailer to go and tell Toni about his trauma. The two of you then decided to call it quits for the night since the mood was gone anyway. After getting dressed, the two of you went to the Wyrm where you found a shocked Fangs and Toni trying to calm him down.  “So, you two are boning now?” Toni asked when you approached their table. Fangs whimpers as if seeing either one of you naked was such a big traumatic experience.  “I will never unsee it,” he whispered dramatically.  “Oh, come on, dude,” you began, shaking your head, “You just saw us naked, it’s not like we were already doing it.” Fangs just whimpers again.  “What is this? You guys dating or just fucking?” Toni asked.  “Just fucking,” the two of you respond, earning another whimper from the smaller Serpent. 
Even after that faithful day, you kept doing the ritual daily. Come back from school, do homework, go to bed, then one would call the other to come over, wake up in the same bed, repeat. Your feelings for Sweet Pea have just increased every damn day. And he couldn’t deny he was feeling the same thing, but neither of you wanted to ruin anything between the two of you. It worked the way it was.  Until you left town during summer for a couple of days. You never told Sweet Pea about your feelings or if he could see other girls while you were away. And when you came back to Riverdale, you find out Sweet Pea and Josie have been fucking around the entire summer.  “He’s at the pool with her right now,” Cheryl told you cautiously as the fire in your eyes nourished. You walk away from Cheryl and Toni, and up to the pool where you, indeed find Sweet Pea and Josie making out at the edge of the pool.  “So, that’s why you could never call me while I was away,” you said when you reached them. Your arms were crossed, and a scowl was plastered on your face.  “Y/N, welcome home,” he said, sounding insecure about what you’d expect to tell him.  “Welcome home? Seriously, Sweet Pea? You spent your summer fucking her, telling me you couldn’t even call me while I was up in Greendale visiting my family, and now I get a ‘welcome home’?” The volume of your voice raised with every word that rolls off your lips.  “I’m leaving,” Josie said and wanted to get up, but you stopped her.  “Don’t bother, Josie. I’m leaving. I don’t want to fight; I just don’t ever want to talk again.” The words were addressed to Sweet Pea while you answered Josie.  “Y/N, please, let us talk,” Sweet Pea said whilst running after you as you had already turned on your heel to stalk off.  “No, Sweet Pea, I don’t ever want to talk to you again.”  “I don’t get you. We were never together, why are you suddenly so mad at me for going with other girls while you’re gone.” His voice now raises too, matching yours perfectly.  “But we were more than friends, Pea! I just thought you might feel the same about me since we spent every night together. But I guess I read the signs wrong. There’s nothing left, Pea because you did nothing right,” you started to walk off again, and this time, he didn’t stop you.  
A few hours passed since you left Cheryl Blossom’s party and went to the Wyrm to drink away your sorrows. Sure, alcohol wasn’t the answer, but it sure did make you forget the question in the first place.  “Thought I’d find you here,” Sweet Pea’s sudden voice buzzed through your ears. Just hearing his voice broke your heart. Oh, how you wished things were different.  “You really had to go and ruin it, just to get a quick fuck,” you mumbled while twirling the cheap vodka in your glass. “I mean, I’m sure you had fun doing it, so I won’t make a big fuss about it. I just want to know why? Why her? Why a Northsider of all people? What happened to ‘I don’t date Northsiders’?” Sweet Pea sighed deeply and took a seat on the stool beside you.  “Josie isn’t half as bad. Besides, since Cheryl joined the Serpents and Betty’s kind of the Serpent Queen, we sort of merge with the Northsiders over the summer. It’s not that big a deal anymore.”  “Were we a big deal to you?” You tried your hardest to keep your voice from cracking as the tears stung at the back of your eyes.  “Yes, of course we were. You’re my best friend, Y/N.” You finally looked him in the eyes, just so he could see how much he’d hurt you. Even those words that had just rolled off his lips broke you.  “Was that all I was to you? A best friend you fucked almost every single night?” A tear rolled off your cheek. Sweet Pea’s mouth opened and closed, making him look like a fish, before he sighed deeply.  “No, you were always more than a best friend to me, Y/N.”  “Then why’d you do it?” Your voice grew louder as it saddened you less and angered you more. “Why’d you go and fuck Josie?” The sharpness of your tone makes Sweet Pea flinch a little.  “I don’t know, Y/N. I don’t know why I did it. She was just there when you weren’t.” You scoffed, shaking your head.  “So, you’re blaming me for having left the town,” Sweet Pea wanted to protest, but you cut him off by continuing, “Please, don’t ever call again. I hope that it was worth it, fucking Josie.” You chugged the rest of your vodka before gathering your stuff and leaving the bar to head home. Angry and sad tears mixed on your cheeks as you walked all the way to your own trailer. And there, everything suddenly came to you. You’d just lost your best friend, the one you’d fallen in love with. Your everything. 
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shadowsndaisies · 5 years
Where? [s.p.]
Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Sweet Pea
WC: 2799
Status: to post
Synopsis: where the reader got her serpent tattoo on her pubic bone and so no one’s ever actually seen it, except FP who gave it to her and Toni whos hand she squeezed while she got it. Both boys are interested and so jughead soon becomes too. Leading to things heating up between longtime friend Sweet Pea and the Reader. Takes place in between seasons 2 and 3.
warnings: nothing much, gets kind of pg 13 steamy towards the end.
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“What?” you asked as you approached your lunch table.
Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead and Cheryl all had their eyes trained on you, Toni was rolling her eyes.
“Are you sure she even got one?” Cheryl asked and your eyebrows furrowed as you set your lunch tray down and sat down.
“She, who? And got what?” you pressed.
“You, babe. They’re talking about you,” Toni told you and your eyes widened.
“Me? What about me?” you questioned.
“Your tattoo,” Toni stated and you held a silent conversation with her.
“As I said, boys, she probably doesn’t have one,” Cheryl stated once more.
“I have one,” you tell her.
“Where?” Fangs cut in and your eyebrow raised.
“Does it matter?” you ask.
“Yes, because how can we really know if you have one if no one’s ever seen it?” Cheryl pressed.
Sweet Pea was silently analyzing you.
“You could trust me? And people have seen it,” you offer.
“Darling, you can’t trust anybody,” Cheryl negated.
“What people?” Jughead jumped into the conversation.
“For starters, your dad. He’s the one who gave me my tattoo, Toni’s the other one,” you tell your friends.
“My dad gave you, your super secret tattoo that no one else has ever seen?” Jughead squinted.
“And Toni’s seen it but not me?” Sweet Pea pressed.
“Toni was with me when I got it,” you shrugged.
“Toni and not me?” Sweet Pea repeated.
“Get over it dude, she likes me better,” Toni smirks.
“You know lunch actually looks okay today,” you divert.
“Nice transition, real smooth,” Fangs snorted.
“Shut it Fogarty,” you mutter, taking your fork and stabbing at the pathetic looking salad on the left side of your tray.
It went quiet for a moment and you had released a soft breath when the silence broke again. “Where is it then?” Cheryl pushed.
“On me,” you answered vaguely.
“Aw TT look she thinks she’s being cute,” Cheryl gave me a blinding smile as her voice dripped with sarcasm and Toni simply shook her head.
“She has a serpent tattoo, end of story, okay?” Toni said once again and for the rest of the lunch period, everyone left the topic alone.
It wasn’t until that evening when we were all at Pop’s getting dinner did the topic resurface. It was just you and the boys now, Toni had gone back to Thistle House with Cheryl for the night and Jughead was off doing the Nancy Drew thing with Betty.
“Here you go, sweetheart,” Fp smiled setting an (f/flavor) milkshake in front of you.
“Thank you FP,” you smiled back bringing the cold glass closer to take a sip.
“Boys,” FP continued setting two more glasses down on the table for the boys across from you.
“Why does she get ‘sweetheart’ and we get ‘boys’?” Fangs asked.
“Because she deserves it, and you’re lucky I don’t call you two by what you deserve,” FP jokes tucking the serving tray under his arm.
“FP our girl here says you gave her, her serpent tattoo,” Sweet Pea cut in and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“This again?” you ask.
“Actually I want to know about this too,” it was the voice of Betty Cooper as she slid into the seat beside you. “All day I’ve heard multiple different people complain about your elusive tattoo,” Betty smiled.
“It exists alright, one of my best works, if I say so myself,” FP nodded, clasping Jughead on the shoulder as Jug slid in after Betty.
“Then show us,” Fangs prompted.
“Boy, this girl has saved your ass, how many times? If she wants to show you, she’ll show you,” FP defended before sending you a wink and walking away.
“Where is it?” Betty whispered while Jughead was talking to Fangs and Sweet Pea.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes but as you met her blue ones you could tell she wanted to know, and you knew you could trust Betty, she had never given you a reason not to. And she wouldn’t make a joke or tell anyone, not even Jughead, not unless you told her she could.
Discreetly you turned your head and you were about to whisper and tell her when Sweet Pea slammed his hand on the table causing both you and Betty to jump in your seat.
“(Y/n) I swear to god if you’re telling Betty Cooper before me, I will never give you a ride anywhere, ever,” Sweet Pea’s voice was serious and your face sobered before you turned back to Betty and offered her a sorry smile.
“Sorry B,” you shrugged.
Betty let out a little short annoyed huff before crossing her arms and settling back against the booth.
A week went by before anyone else asked you about your tattoo, Toni had mentioned that the boys were still trying to find out, though Cheryl had given up, her attention had moved elsewhere. It was Saturday, and Friday had been a late night. Reggie Mantle and Sweet Pea had nearly gotten into another fight, one you were able to prevent. Then you spent the following 5 or so hours listening to SP rant about “stupid northsiders”, playing pool, and drinking. So when you feel someone shaking you to wake you up you can’t help but groan.
“Leave me alone,” you mumbled as you tried to turn further into your bed.
“Get up, we gotta talk,” It was Toni and her voice seemed to snap you awake.
“Why?” You sighed a hand coming up to rub your face and pinch your nose.
“Is she going to wake up?” you heard Fangs grumbled as his boots stomped into your room.
“I’m up,” you mumbled.
“Jughead wants to know about last night,” Toni told you and you shifted back under your blanket.
“Take her blanket away!” Sweet Pea shouted and you groaned as you felt the plushy dark green blanket being pulled from your body.
Fangs let out a whistle, “Nice underwear (Y/n),” he laughed and you groaned again.
You had probably only had the mental capacity to strip your jeans and go to bed, the fact that your bra was still on and uncomfortably poking your chest was proof enough. Though you were glad you were wearing a rather nice pair, dark green with lace, cheeksters.
“Fuck off Fogarty,” you held up your middle finger as you stretched your arms up.
You should’ve been a little embarrassed probably but honestly at the moment you didn’t care, plus the boys had seen you like this before. Fights where you got cut up, you’d strip from your jeans so Toni or someone could fix your leg. Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni had probably seen you like this more than a handful of times and yet every time Fangs felt the need to make a comment.
“Holy Shit!” Fangs shouted, “Sweet Pea! I found the fucking tattoo!”
Your eyes finally adjusted to the sunlight and you saw Fangs staring at your side, Toni was rolling her eyes and the sounds of boots rushing towards your door made the pounding in your head a bit worse.
You looked down and realized the way your underwear rested on your hips at the moment showed off your pelvic bone, and right there, clear as day, you could see the serpent tattoo.
“Where?” Sweet Pea asked as he stumbled into your room, Jughead right behind him.
Fangs seemed incapable of speaking and so he pointed and then you rolled your eyes.
“Toni, can you hand me a pair of shorts please,” you asked the girl who was standing by your closet.
She pulled a pair of workout shorts from the second drawer and tossed them to you. Taking them and standing up you slipped them on and walked towards the boys, “C’mon I’m hungover and hungry.”
“It was on your fucking hip, the entire time?” Sweet Pea grumbled as you all slid into a booth at Pops.
“No, it was on my fucking pelvic bone the entire time. That’s why none of you have seen it. And that’s why Toni went with me,” you explain, moving some of your eggs and potatoes around before stuffing your face with a forkful.
“All this time, it’s been there, how have we never noticed?” Fangs asked.
“Well, it’s not like we were exactly looking,” Jughead offered offhandedly.
Fangs continued as if he hadn’t heard jughead, “I mean, how many times have we all gone swimming? Huh? Or what about all the strip poker games and semi-nude streaking?” Fangs was listing just about every little thing that could include your tattoo being revealed and the funny part was that it had always been there.
“Wait, semi-nude streaking?” Jughead cut back in.
“It was a dare,” Sweet Pea grumbled.
“Wait, you too?” Jughead’s eyes narrowed across the table at Sweet Pea.
“Sweets was the one who got dared,” you chuckled. “I was there for...let’s say moral support.”
“How were you only semi-nude?” Jughead asked.
“She still had her bra and underwear on and Sweet Pea had his briefs but that was it,” Fangs smirked, proudly. It had been, after all, his dare.
“And yet you didn’t see the tattoo until today?” Jughead pressed.
“We were never looking!” Sweet Pea exclaimed and a smile flitted to your lips. “It was right under our fucking noses and we never realized.”
“Literally,” Toni giggled and you shook your head.
“I guess you can tell Cheryl now,” you shrugged.
“I can’t wait to hear what she’s going to say,” Toni shook her head.
You turned back to the table as FP came by and refilled your coffee mug, “Thanks FP.”
“No problem, sweetheart,” he smiled.
As you added some milk to the coffee 2 sugar packets were slid over to you, your eyes flicked up and made eye contact with Sweet Pea who offered a small smile. Everyone was in their own conversations and Sweets was giving you a look, one you weren’t sure how to interpret.
“Thanks,” you mouthed tearing the packets open and dumping them into the mug before mixing it with your spoon, Sweets offered a wink in response.
A few hours later Toni was back with Cheryl, Jughead was off with Betty, Fangs was god knows where and Sweets was driving you back to your trailer. As you got off the bike you pulled the helmet off and tucked it under your arm and turning back to Sweet Pea.
“What would I do without you?” you joked with a smile.
“Walk,” He said seriously, “a crap tone of walking.”
You laughed with him at that, because he wasn’t wrong, Sweets had been giving you rides since he could drive.
“What are you going to do with your downtime?” you asked him and he looked around before turning back to you.
“What are you doing?” he asked instead.
“Movies?” you offer.
He smiled turning the engine off before grabbing his keys and following you back into your trailer. You threw your hair up in a ponytail and grabbed your laptop from the counter. Sweets had already kicked off his boots and slumped onto your sofa, his legs propped up on the coffee table. You opened up a movie from Netflix and fell on the sofa, moving your head to his lap while adjusting your laptop to the middle of the coffee table. About halfway through the movie, you became aware of the fact that Sweet Pea had undone your bun and was playing with your hair, you glance quickly to him but realize his focus is still on the screen of your laptop and so you smile a bit before looking back as well. When the movie ends you’re quite comfortable and very relaxed, the way SP was moving his hand through your hair was putting you in a very warm sense of comfort.
“I wanna see it,” he said, finally.
“Hmm?” you hummed, your eyes were shut as you breathed softly, too comfy where you were.
“Your tattoo, I didn’t really get to see it this morning, I’d like to, if that’s okay with you,” he continued and you were silent a moment, in fact, he thought you might’ve fallen asleep.
Really, you were thinking it through, sure Sweet’s had seen you in just your underwear a few different times but this was a little different, this would be purposefully taking off your pants so he could basically stare at your pelvic bone. But this was Sweet Pea, someone you trusted, the one who always had your back, and he was the one who gave any guy who looked at you the wrong way nightmares. So you made your decision.
“ mmkay,” you yawned as you sat back up, his hand falling from your hair. You stood and brought your hands to the waistband of your shorts, you were acutely aware of how intensely Sweet Pea was staring at your hands and it made you feel nervous, he seemed to have picked up on it because his gaze moved to your eyes, and he gave you a look of reassurance and curiosity. He kept his eyes on yours as you pushed your shorts down, his eyes didn’t leave yours until you nodded. You stepped out of your shorts and walked closer to him so that you were stood right before him. One of his hands came in contact with your leg, right above your knee while the other rose to the waistband of your underwear, the way it was now resting blocked most of the design. His eyes met yours once again silently asking for permission. You nodded and the room was silent as he slipped a finger into the waistband to pull it up a bit higher, showing off your full tattoo. That hand moved to hold your hip and you could feel the warmth radiating from him as your skin felt as if it were slightly on fire where his hands were on your body. But both of those places didn’t feel as hot as where SP’s gaze was focused, you blushed under the intensity which he was watching you with.
His thumb grazed over the tattoo, following the design of the two-headed snake and a sort of trill went through your body. Sweet Pea was in your opinion a fine looking man. He was tall, strong, and while not everyone gave him credit, pretty fucking clever. You’ve always had a bit of a crush on him but you were friends and that was something you cared way too much about. But now with the way he was looking at your hip and at you as you stood in a cropped t-shirt and your underwear, this seemed too intimate for friends.
“Fuck,” he muttered.
“What?” you asked, your voice a bit raspy.
His eyes flickered to yours and you swear they seemed a bit darker.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he said with no hesitation and you blushed a little harder as his grip on you tightened. “And this, his thumb rubbed over the tattoo once more, the feeling it gave you was incredible, “is so fucking hot,” he all but groaned and you licked your lips.
You made a decision. You were already over the line between friendship and something else, and you wanted something else. He was still gripping you and you moved, suddenly straddling him where he sat so you now face to face, your heart was beating fast and you could feel it under your hand, his was too. The look in his eyes was everything you needed as you leaned forwards hands moving from his chest to his shoulders as your lips met. From his shoulders to his neck as he kissed you back. From his neck to his hair as the kiss became deeper and more passionate. You reveled in the groan he gave as you tugged a bit on his hair, in the feeling on his hands as one stayed planted on your hip, thumb rubbing the tattoo and the other that moved a bit further, closer to your ass.
He revealed in the small sounds you made as he kissed you, in the way your body was responding as he pressed his as close as he could to you. And that’s where the two of you stayed for the rest of the evening, lips meshed together, hands exploring the other and hearts beating fast. And you listened to everything he said in between. All the little praises he gave as you kissed along his neck, especially when you lips covered his serpent tattoo, to his confession of never wanting to let go of you. But your favorite was the rough tone he gave when he warned you that no other guy would ever get to see your tattoo.  
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realnkcheese · 4 years
if i’m being honest i think the reason i still love pjo is BECAUSE there was never a good live action adaptation. as an artist it’s a dream. you take these characters that you’ve loved since you were 10 years old and you’re given free reign into their appearance. that’s not something you get with a lot of popular books. when i draw harry potter he doesn’t look like daniel radcliffe but my immediate thought when someone says ‘harry potter’ is daniel radcliffe. to this day i cannot for the life of me draw an original ron weasley bc the image of him in my head IS rupert grint. and while that’s not the worst thing in the world it takes all the fun out of it. with pjo, the books give you a basic description but you get to choose all the details. and the details are everything.
i mean take my vision of the grace siblings. consider thalia. she’s all angles, sharp features that can cut you if you’re not careful. she’s punk in every sense of the word but she wears a silver tiara bc she’s artemis’ lieutenant. everything about her is pointy but there’s a softness in the delicacy of her bones and the glow of her immortal skin.
consider jason. he’s pure roman. strength with no deviation. strong brow bone strong nose strong chin. he has impeccable posture. he didn’t get the same delicacy that thalia did. he’s all angles too but where thalia is made of glass, jason is made of marble. thalia’s angles are acute, jason’s are obtuse. he looks nothing like her. or at least at first glance. you see glimpses of her rebellion in the scar on his lip, glimpses of their shared parentage in the texture of their hair and the way they both curl their lip and scrunch their nose in a fight, the flash of electricity in their eyes when they summon lightning. if you look closely there can be no doubt that they’re siblings.
thalia isn’t a main character. i don’t even particularly like jason. but their stories and lives practically beg for depth like this.
you could never capture that complexity of character design in the simple casting of a person for a role. rick riordan has created characters that cannot be casted. characters that beg for animation. animation CAN show that complexity in its character design. every detail in animation, from the colors to the mise en place to the FPS, is necessarily deliberate and it’s perfect for characters like this. characters that are born from details.
i love percy jackson so much because the parts that make him tangible were made by me. when i draw pjo characters i am not influenced by anything except the text and my own imagination. and these characters are SUCH a good exercise in diversifying the look of your characters you can’t help detail everything about their design. if i don’t know what to draw i draw a pjo character. if i feel like i’m drawing people that look too similar i draw a pjo character. it makes me fall in love with the series and it’s characters over and over again. and if i’m being completely honest i don’t think i would have been able to love pjo like i do if it had a good live action adaptation.
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fostersffff · 5 years
Trials of Mana Demo Impressions
The Bad
Hoo boy, this voice acting is something. I’ve become a lot softer on criticizing voice acting over time, accrediting the majority of bad performances to bad direction, but in this case I really think it’s a mix of lackluster direction and performance. I think Kevin is the prime example, where the actor is attempting to do the stilted caveman speak, but isn’t committing all the way. Reisz’s voice actress also has a handful of lines that sound like they were her reading the script for the first time and wasn’t sure how to inflect. The Japanese audio sounds a little better in terms of “feel”, but considering Square-Enix’s track record with good voice acting, this is slightly disappointing.
The new soundtrack is hit or miss. Some of the songs got the love and attention they deserve, like Where Angels Fear to Tread and Powell, but Left-Handed Wolf and Nuclear Fusion use some really crappy sounding electric guitar samples. I don’t feel compelled to switch over to the original soundtrack, but I’m glad the option is there.
I’ve done a lot of bitching about FE3H since its release for lackluster animations, but Trials of Mana is right up there with it. It’s a problem I notice in a lot of anime styled games where the way the characters move just doesn’t match up with the way they look, and that’s certainly the case here. What’s most confounding is how little facial emoting there is, but so many close ups on characters faces, highlighting exactly how little facial emoting there is.
All of these complaints are tied to the fact that this is definitely a medium budget game. It probably had more money to play with than the last few Tokyo RPG Factory games, but less than something like Octopath Traveler. I can’t really even be too mad about this considering the way the Secret of Mana remake turned out, because I was utterly convinced the options for a Seiken Densetsu 3 remake were something like that or nothing at all, but it is noticeable. But I can tell you where they probably spent the bulk of that money:
The Good
Combat is REALLY good!
All characters share a universal combo system. You have a weak and a strong attack, and they can be combined to either perform a repel attack (knock away a single enemy and interrupt them from attacking) or an area attack (self-explanatory). You can also string together three weak attacks, or charge up a single strong attack, and you even have some basic air combos. It’s simple, but it feels very good.
Because there’s now a proper combat system in place, your class skills are now essentially Super Moves. In the original, three/four hits would charge your meter enough so that you could do a slightly stronger attack. In the remake, you have a minor risk/reward system where using power attacks that require a little more commitment (especially charged power attacks) will reward you with more meter, but they also leave you prone to taking more damage. It’s terrifically implemented.
One of the biggest and best things about the combat system is the integration of MMO-style warning indicators. When an enemy is preparing to use a special ability or spell, a bright red indicator appears on the ground. They come in different shapes and sizes, and they gradually fill themselves in. Once full, the attack happens and if you’re still standing in it when it does, it’ll deal a ton of damage. This is where your dodge comes in: as far as I can tell, the dodge in Trials of Mana doesn’t have any invincibility frames like other action games, because the dodge is literally just to help you quickly evacuate from standing in bad. I’m thrilled to see MMO-style warning indicators make their way into something other than MMOs, and an action RPG feels like the perfect fit. Like, as much as I enjoyed the Final Fantasy VII Remake demo, it really feels like it could use something like this.
Not sure if this is limited to Hard Mode, but some enemies will be shielded, requiring you to use charged power attacks to break the shield before you can actually start dealing damage. I’m hoping it’s featured in at least Normal Mode, because it forces the player to not just mash weak attacks.
Now that I’m done gushing about combat: the character designs and general aesthetic of the game is also great. The main character designs all look great in 3D, and I’m glad a lot of minor characters have had their designs tweaked to make them stand out more, like the Beast King, Ludgar, and Bil & Ben. The environments are designed to match the characters in terms of color saturation, which makes every feel right.
The addition of a jump button has expanded out exploration to include some very light platforming. You’re incentivized to explore every nook and cranny not just of the wilderness but towns and cities to find treasure chests and loose items. The jump is a teensy bit floaty, but considering you don’t go very high and air combos don’t require precision positioning it all works perfectly well.
The map and objective markers are really welcome additions to the game, especially since multiple areas are considerably larger by virtue of being combined into one. However, if you’re a masochist, the game also includes the option to turn both of those off, so if you want to fumble around in the dark like the Super Nintendo original, you’re more than welcome to.
Finally, I love what they’ve done with the level up and skill system. You get exp bonuses in combat for fulfilling certain goals, like beating all the enemies within a certain timeframe, not taking damage, or using your class skill, which is another incentive for skillful play. Leveling up earns you points you can allocate towards your stat of choice, just like the original, but now hitting certain point totals will give you actual bonuses. The bonuses are either character specific- Charlotte gets one that causes her to gain meter whenever she uses a healing spell, for example- or “chain” bonuses, which you equip to one character but apply to the entire party. None of these (at least for the base classes) are tremendous and game changing, but I imagine these are going to be substantial for class changes.
The Rest
As expected, the Switch version runs worse than the PS4 and PC versions. I’m not an expert at distinguishing resolutions, but since the art style isn’t super photorealistic, the game looks quite good on the Switch outside of a handful of instances where textures popped in late. More importantly, the game is locked to 30 frames per second, compared to 60 on PS4 and up to 120 on PC. This isn’t as huge a deal as it could be since the game isn’t super reflex based the way other action games like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta are- even on hard mode you have adequate time to respond to enemy attacks- and I didn’t notice any severe framerate drops even during crowded battles or the boss fight, but the game definitely feels better at 60 FPS+.
The default movement speed feels a little slow, but you do have a dash. I get the impression that the game’s speed was designed around the combat first, which was probably the right decision.
I expressed a little concern after watching one of the gameplay demonstrations about the voice clips, and I hoped there wouldn’t be a voice clip after every combat encounter. Thankfully that appears to be the case. There are also different possible voice clips, and divided amongst three characters it seems like it won’t be grating, or at least not immediately.
Another thing I was worried about was the length/amount of disruptive animations, but in addition to only occurring on class skills and summons, there’s an option to disable animations entirely.
Some enemies will still explode into a pile of bones, which is just terrific.
You’re given the option to actually play through the unique opening segments of your chosen party members, as opposed to just seeing them in a brief flashback scene.
Speaking of the introductory segments, I love that they altered Kevin’s journey to Jadd so that instead of taking a boat he tries to swim across the ocean.
With the exception of some inter-party banter during gameplay, the script is exactly the same as the original version included in Collection of Mana, confirming my suspicion that the only reason we finally got CoM was because they were bringing this script over anyway. I’m ultimately glad that’s the case because I’m glad to have CoM, but there are certainly moments I wish they would have massaged out the script to accommodate for the fact that they can do much more with the story than on the Super Nintendo. It’s got me really curious about whether or not that newly announced post-game story is going to stick out like a sore thumb against the rest of the game.
If the opening credits are anything to go by, it looks like this game is being developed for Square-Enix by a company called “Xeen”. I can find literally no information on them whatsoever, so if they are a brand new studio, fucking big kudos to them.
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rigginsstreet · 5 years
92,98,99 (any or all) for fredsythe please!
92. “You need to stop running.”
98. “I want you to be happy.”
99. “I’m not okay.”
there’s a note in his locker: bleachers. lunch.
there’s no name, but fred recognizes the chicken scratch instantly.
things have been weird between him and fp ever since ascension night, ever since their principal turned up dead in a broom closet. ever since fred’s dad-
fred’s been all fucked up. a hollow shell of who he was just a week ago, but he’s not the only one. everyone’s been weird, on edge, paranoid. complete personality shifts have taken place, but fred and fp still had each other… kind of.
fred can’t say fp hasn’t been there for him, because he has. but there’s moments that have come more often than not where he’s not there. and fred only recognizes it because it’s the same headspace he’s been in. he’s too familiar with that look of detachment because he’s seen it in the mirror every day since-
but they’ve been getting by. or so fred thought. which is why this meeting doesn’t seem abnormal to him, doesn’t even think twice about it until he’s coming up to the bleachers, spots fp in black instead of his usual blue and yellow. fred’s stomach immediately sinks to his knees.
“what is that?”
and fp may not always be quick on the uptake, but he knows exactly what fred’s referring to now. “we need to talk.”
“this is a joke, right?” fred asks, disbelieving. he grabs fp’s shoulder, turns him around hoping, praying, not to find a giant snake patch. no such luck. “take it off.”
“fred.” fp’s not even putting up a fight. he looks bone tired, all pale and dark, sunken eyes. 
but fred’s the polar opposite right now. all wound up and ready to go. on the verge of hysteria because this is the last fucking thing he needs in his life right now, his best friend joining a gang that fred knows he wants no part of, because they’ve had countless conversations about it. conversations consisting of fp crying on his shoulder because his dad kept pushing and pushing.
but fp stayed resilient. and fred worried about a lot of shit when it came to his best friend. but the one thing he never had to worry about was that. until now. 
“no! no, fp! you said-”
“i said a lot of shit, alright!” fp breaks his facade, voice hollering and echoing against the underside of the bleachers, and he takes a second to compose himself. “things are different now. the world’s a fucked up place, fred. is it really so bad to want a little help?”
“what about me?” fred’s eyes are shining with tears. he splays his arms out, shrugs his shoulders. “you have me.”
fp stays silent, his mouth suddenly too dry and his tongue too thick in his mouth. he has to look away, because he can’t look at fred when he says what’s coming next, the very reason he called this little meeting in the first place. “yeah, about that…” he kicks dirt with the toe of his boot, scratches the back of his neck as he looks anywhere except at the boy in front of him. “i don’t think it’s a good idea for us to see each other anymore.”
fred feels like he’s gonna throw up. he didn’t hear fp right. he couldn’t have. but he’s too scared to ask for clarification. can’t bare the thought of having to hear that again. “what are you doing?” his voice comes out barely above a whisper. and fp still won’t look at him. so fred gets in his face. takes the palms of his hands and shoves fp back with everything he has. “why? why now?!”
fp doesn’t even fight him. just lets himself be pushed and pushed until his back hits the metal bars that hold the bleachers up. he deserves this, he knows. but it’s better if fred hates him anyway. “it was never gonna work, alright! this,” he waves a finger between the two of them, “whatever it is. our time’s up. it’s done.”
“that’s bullshit and you know it.” fred’s freely crying now, eyes rimmed red and nose running. 
his entire world is falling apart and suddenly he can’t fucking breathe. fp was the last shred of normalcy he had and the fact that he can just give this up like it’s nothing... he crouches down, head between his knees just trying to make the world stop spinning for two fucking seconds. his heart’s pounding in his ears, fingers pulling at his hair and he can’t fucking breathe.
“fred. fred!” fred hears his name being called like he’s underwater, all distant and muffled. “are you okay?”
it’s not until he feels a hand on his shoulder that he finally reacts, slaps fp away from him as he stands up. “no. i’m not fucking okay! i just went through the worst shit of my life and i need my best friend, and you’re fucking... breaking up with me!”
fp’s head whips around, looking all over the place to make sure no one’s overheard. “keep your voice down! look, i’m sor-”
“why now? why are you doing this to me now?”
fp doesn’t have an answer. not a real one, anyway. he shoves his hands into his jacket pockets, suddenly looking much smaller and far more scared than he did at the beginning of this. “it’s what’s best...”
“bullshit,” fred spits. he crowds up into fp’s space, jabs his chest with a pointed finger. “you’re just a coward. when shit gets too complicated, there you go. off on your way. you need to stop running. face your shit. but i’m done chasing you.”
fp opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. this is what he wanted after all, wasn’t it? there was no coming out of this without fred hating him. maybe the deeper the wound, the better. fred won’t be tempted to come back this time.
when a few more seconds of silence pass by fred gives up, shakes his head, and turns his back, walking away.
“fred!” fp calls out, feet stuck in place, but he has to say something. by some miracle fred turns around, shoulders hanging heavy as he sighs and waits. “i just want you to be happy.” and while that’s true, fp knows as soon as the words leave his mouth that they don’t matter. not after what he’s just done. but if fred can just walk away knowing that...
fred laughs, no trace of any real humor. throws his hands up and says “what good does that do me?”
fred turns his back again, walking away this time for good. and it’s not until he’s gone that fp feels the first tear fall.
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the-daylight-here · 6 years
Hi there! Could I get Ramuda + Hickies prompt please? Thank you!
||i’m starting a solely hypmic writing blog NYAAA ( @hypmicimaginesnshite ) also fp and/or mtr keeps my nonexistent braincell going. Also, tis the return of Sora! No quirk tho, since its hympic and not bnha -daylight
You sat next to Sora quietly, leaning your head on the blue haired man’s shoulder. You visited the cheerful man’s bakery whenever you could; often with the excuse to your partner that you were getting him sweets. You two were sitting out in the alley behind his store, just ranting to him over how your partner had completely taken over your life. He sighed, leaning his head on yours affectionately; he was certainly the big brother figure you remembered.“You think I’ll be ever considered a threat as a rapper?”
“Prolly not. You’re a healer, like that one man. Now that I think about it, your style is similar, but a bit more energetic, and well, you.”
“Jakurai? Is it that obvious I admire him?”
“To people who watch Matenrou often enough, yeah. I just happen to go a lot to wherever Matenrou is competing so Ramuda can pick a fight.”
Your friend scoffed, letting his head roll so he was staring straight up at the sky. “I don’t understand how you ended up with him. And why the hell he blocked my number on your phone.”
You laughed hollowly, not sure how you ended up with the pink haired gremlin in the first place. You didn’t really even like him; a lot of women were fond of his youthful looks and such, where as, at first, you could hardly tolerate being within the same room with him. However, Dice had introduced the two of you. And you were rather fond of Dice. A loveable idiot, you supposed. Gentaro Yumeno was an interesting character. And Ramuda Amemura definitely set off a lot of warning bells from the second you saw him.
You didn’t mind him so much as time went on, but your distinct lack of interest in him had piqued his in you. He had been difficult to read before, and he was the king of mixed signals. He was a good actor, you’d given him that. One day, he’s randomly said to you, “Let’s go on a date!” And you’d made a bet with him that if both Dice’s lucky dice landed on a six, you would go on a date with him.
You regretted it. It was at that minute that the cotton candy devil had you in his claws, and he would never let you go. You didn’t know it at the time, just wanting the fashion designer to leave you alone. From the second you begrudgingly accepted his offer, he got increasingly possessive and sadistic. It was slower than how your mind made it seem, but at least he let you leave your now-shared flat instead of shackling you to the bedpost as he’d threatened to do so many times.
Sora often encouraged you go to the police, but you doubted anything could be done.
Ramuda was smart, and never inflicted physical pain on you, or anything that lasted longer than a day or two.
He still seemed to enjoy the sight of your crying face, though.
“Me neither, man.”You thanked Sora for the sweets and decided to take a walk around Shibuya, where you now lived. It was honestly a nice area. It would be nicer if you didn’t hear the screeching of several loud women as they crowded your partner, all glaring at you as you walked past. What was the point of having you around? He had so many people that actually liked him, and he kept someone around who honestly only started dating him based on the roll of a couple of dice.
“Ne, ne! (Y/n)! Come here!” he requested(see: ordered) gleefully. You shook your head. “Nah, why don’t you show your onee-sans a good time? I bet they’d enjoy your presence more without me.”
You walked, off, knowing he’d likely make you regret publicly mouthing off later. Still, it made you feel better for not saying ‘no’ to every nasty thing he’d done to you in private. You’d made it home quickly, and you knew you’d had time to go wherever you wanted; Ramuda was always home late. So, you figured, why not go enjoy yourself? You took a train to Shinjuku and found a nice coffee shop. It was small and seated half-underground. Sora had told you of it, which was the reason you even knew of its location in the first place. You looked around and seated yourself at the bar beside a man. He had red hair with green ish highlights and thirty pound eyebags underneath a pair of turquoise irises. He was attractive, but he still looked as terrible as you felt. You’d seen him before plenty; Dice ranted about how much he hated him, and he was a member of Matenrou. Of course you recognised him.
“Doppo-san, right?” You tried. You only knew his first name, and it was because it was his MC name. He looked at you, startled, before you saw a spark of vague recognition. “Sorry, hello, um,” he greeted, unable to remember your name. He looked momentarily like a spike in anxiety struck him, and you smiled awkwardly. “I’m (Y/n) (L/n). I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.” “Kannonzaka Doppo.”
You spend the afternoon chatting with the tired man, allowing him to rant and just ramble. After you swore secrecy, of course. Doppo seemed like a nice guy, and much better than what you had to deal with, dating Ramuda. Your evening had started to improve your perpetually desolate mood, that was, before your partner caught you talking to him.
Talking to the enemy, and to a man aside him. Ramuda had forcefully dragged you from the cafe, after paying carelessly as he dragged you to a back alley and slammed your back into the bricks. It might not have hurt as bad as it could have, but you knew the man in front of you, calling you every nasty thing in the book, was stronger than he looked. He didn’t sound angry though; just betrayed and heartbroken and he held you against the wall.
‘This isn’t so bad,’ you thought for a moment, hoping you could convince him to go home and grab some dinner. Then he moved any fabric in his way (namely, the stretchy top of the oversized sweater he’d put you in this morning) and began to possessively mark your neck, jaw, collar bones, and throat with hickeys. They hurt in a pleasant way; a nice distraction from your sore back.
“This will teach you to not flirt with other people right in front of me,” he murmured in his real voice, against your skin. You quirked a brow, surprised at the insecurity of the man holding you against a wall. “Ramuda, I wasn’t flirting with Doppo-san. Unfortunately, to even entertain that delusion, I’d have to be single, yeah?”
You knew you shouldn’t have been comforting him. You really shouldn’t, and yet, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and hiding your face. “Whether I like it or not, I’m with you, and that means I have to be faithful, knowing you get like this.”
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visforvengeance · 6 years
Fp Jones: you can be the boss, daddy -Smut-
Notes: heyyyyyyyy y’all. I’m back. So this story was gonna be titled something else, but I thought this song fit better. I’ve been working on this for like month and here it finally is!!! Also happy new year. I hope y’all have a good time!
Warnings: age gap (reader is of age!), public sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it!!), oral (male receiving), uh a shitty ending, cursing and I think that’s it yo.
Georgia’s POV
Have you ever had crush on your best friend's dad? And you get butterflies every time you see him? When you see those fawn colored eyes and that divine smirk on his lips when he catches you blushing? That's how I felt about the infamous Fp Jones. It kinda sucks when all your friends have such hot fucking dads. Especially when you're a teenage girl going through puberty. Jughead doesn't know of my feelings for his father. I think he'd do his best to keep me away from him if he knew.
I wouldn’t say it was just a crush. More of a ‘hey, let’s date each other’ type thing. But if you were in my position, you’d be feeling the same things. I mean Fp is just so great. But the thing is, I don’t know how he’d react if I were to tell him I liked him. He’s known me since I was 4, and he practically raised me. I’m 19, so it’d be technically legal. But I don’t want to lose my best friend. Jughead means everything to me and I can’t imagine what it’d be like without him.
Fp was coming home today. And you know, we just had to throw a party to welcome the serpent king back home. Everybody ran around trying to figure out who’s bringing who, and what goes where. Jughead and Betty had to pick him up around 3 pm. We had a good 4 hours until showtime. We literally had a list telling everyone what to do. Toni and I, are at the bar. Sweet pea and Fangs, do decorations. And everyone else cleans up and makes things look nice.
Since we had a microphone, I’d plan on singing. Fp loved when I sang to him. I chose a song that was pretty self-explanatory about the way I felt about him. Once I was finished helping Toni, I went up to the stage and set everything up. I needed to go home and change before anything started though. As always, I planned on wearing my serpent jacket, because “serpents never shed their skin” as Jughead likes to say.
3 o’clock came around so quickly. Before I know it, Fp had already arrived, and the party had already started. Everyone had their drinks while dancing and chattering to the music. When he saw me, his face light up so brightly, I’m sure I was bound to be blind soon. He walked over to me and hugged me ever so tightly. “if it isn’t my favorite girl.” We pulled away, and he kissed my forehead. “I’m your only girl, Fp. I hope you aren’t sneaking around behind my back.” I said with a false pout. “No need to pout, darling. You’re my one and only.” There it goes. That wicked smirk.
Toni and I were serving drinks left and right. Fp had, had his own bottle, so we didn’t see him come to the bar much. Toni was the only one who knew of my crush on the older guy. ”So, have you told him yet?” I sighed, hopelessly and in love. “No, I haven’t told him yet, T. How do you go up to someone and say something like that? ‘Oh hey, Fp, I want to date you. We should totally go on a date sometime, what do ya say?’ Yeah, sure.” The smaller girl shook her head and sighed. “Come on, Georgia, you know he likes you too. He literally flirts with you every chance he gets.” I groaned. “Oh please. Do not get my hopes up like that, Toni. Fp is not a shy dude. If he wanted me, he definitely would’ve had me by now.” I stated as I rolled my eyes. Toni shook her head at my obliviousness. “And besides, even if he did like me, what about Jughead? How do you think he’d feel about me dating his dad? His best friend in the whole world, someone he’s known since the age of 4, dating his dad? He’d probably hate me.”
It was her turn to sigh now. “I’m sure he won’t hate you. Maybe he’d be a little irate about it, but I don’t think it’s possible for him to hate you.” I moaned, and turned to look at her. “I don’t know, Toni. I plan on telling him tonight, we can just see how it goes from there?” She gave me a warm smile and reached to hug me. “Whatever happens, just know that it’s okay. And if it doesn’t go as planned, Cheryl and I are always here for you.” Now that Toni and Cheryl are dating, it’s like I’ve gained another best friend. “I know. Thanks, babes.” She nodded and went back to what she was doing.
As it got darker, the more buzzed people were. I decided now would be a good time to sing my song. I slid off my serpent jacket and placed it under the bar. Was I nervous? Hell yeah. But tonight was the night and it had to be done. I made my way up to the stage and spoke into the microphone. “Um..excuse me, everyone?” Voices got quieter and I was given everyone’s attention. “Tonight I’d like sing a very special song for Fp. I hope you like it.” The beat to Lana Del Rey’s you can be the boss started playing.
“You taste like the Fourth of July. Malt liquor on your breath, my, my I love you but I don’t know why”
Once I got through the intro, I felt less nervous. I watched everyone’s reaction as I sung the lyrics, such a wide variety of different expressions.
“You can be the boss, daddy You can be the boss. Taste like a keg party, back on the sauce.
I like you a lot, I like you a lot Don’t let it stop. You can be the boss, daddy You can be the boss.
Bad to the bone, sick as a dog You know that I like, like you a lot Don’t let it stop”
Fp looked very intrigued. Jughead’s facial expression was unreadable. And Toni stood very amused.
“He has a cigarette with his number on it. He gave it over to me, “Do you want it?” I knew it was wrong but I palmed it I saved it, I waited, I called it. The liquor on your lips, the liquor on your lips
The liquor on your lips makes you dangerous. I knew it was wrong, I’m beyond it. I tried to be strong but I lost it”
After a while, I became less stiff and started moving more. Swaying my hips side to side as I sung the chorus. My vision was focused on Fp, and his on me.
“He has a white corvette like I want it. A fire in his eyes, know, I saw it He’s bleeding from his brains and his wallet He’s sick and he’s taken but honest The liquor on your lips, the liquor on your lips
The liquor on his lips I just can’t resist As close as I’ll get to the darkness He tells me to, ‘Shut up, I got this’”
Fp had his eyes on my every move as I rocked my hips and felt myself up. My hooded eyes were left on his figure as he rested his hand across his mouth while he looked enthralled.
“I need you, I need you babe Like I never needed anyone You’re so wrong but you’re so much fun You say you treat ‘em mean To keep ‘em keen
But you, you’re not that nice But you taste like the Fourth of July Malt liquor on your breath, my, my…”
I gave a glance at Jughead, and he looked all but angry. He looked as if he’d been waiting for this for a while now. The way Fp looked right now, seemed like he wanted to tear me apart. I sung the rest of the song and thanked everyone as they clapped. I hopped off of the stage and walked over to Fp. My heart was beating ridiculously fast as I waited for him to tell me how he felt. “So, what do you think?” I asked, anxiously. Here we go again with this stupid smirk of his.
“You want my honest opinion?” I whined. “Fp, come on. I’m not fucking around.” He smiled and leaned closer to my ear. “I want to fuck you so hard, you won’t be able walk for a while.” He caught me off guard for a second, but I maintained my calm persona. “All you had to do was ask, my love” I whispered back as I kissed his cheek. I grabbed his hand and led him to the restrooms. I pushed him in and locked the door.
I didn’t hesitate to smash my lips against his, and he wasted no times kissing back. His hands rested on my hips while mine were on the back of his neck. He trailed kisses from my jaw to my neck, and every spot he’s been would feel like I was on fire. I bit my lip as he sucked on my pulse point, causing me to moan quietly. He picked me up as if I weighed nothing and pushed me against the cold marble wall.
His calloused hands ran up my thighs and he squeezed tightly, so tight that I’m sure there’d be a bruise tomorrow. Our breathing turned violent, as we became rougher with our movements. Our teeth clashed because of how hard he kissed me again. I ran my hands down his body to feel how hard he was, he let out a gasp when he felt me squeeze his cock. ”You’re so hard for me, daddy. How about we fix that, hmm?”
I unwrapped my legs from around him and pushed him against the wall. I got down on my knees and unbuttoned his pants, tugging them down to his knees. His cock sprung out at me and I smiled. ”Only you could make me this hard, princess.” I stroked him and looked up at him. ”Oh, daddy. You’re in for a wild night.” I presented him with a smug look.
After being sexually active for 3 years, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a man moan so beautifully. I licked up the pre-cum that spewed from the head and moaned. I slid him into my mouth and sucked softly, which made his grip on my home tighten. I struggled quietly as I took him all the way in my mouth. I guess he couldn’t take my teasing and decided to take matters into his own hands. He held my head in place as he fucked my face roughly. My moans mixed with his loud ones were like a melody. If you didn’t know what we were doing in the first place, I’m sure you know now.
He slowed down and I pushed him away. “Not so fast, buddy. I want you in me.” He laughed silently and kissed me passionately. “Whatever you say, babe.” He pushed me against the wall as we made out, he slipped his hands into my pants and found my clit. He pressed his fingers against it and I felt jolts of ecstasy ripple through me. ”You’re so wet, doll. Who made you this wet?” He rubbed vigorously at the little bundle of nerves.
I moaned out in a pleasurable manner. ”You did.” He kissed down my neck, leaving little hickies every now and then. ”You’re such a beautiful girl, you know that, love? I’ve never fucked anyone as beautiful as you.” He pulled his hand away, causing me to gasp. Before I could process what was happening, he pulled my pants down. ”Oh,” I said softly. He picked me up koala style and held me tightly as he pushed himself in me.
We both let out a stammering breath. He paused for a second, so I could get used to his size. He was a lot bigger than I expected. I told him to move as I’ve gotten used to him by now. His rhythmic thrusts caused to me to whimper and pull at his hair. ”You look so beautiful like this, doll. Taking my cock so well in that pretty pussy of yours. I can’t wait to see you cum on my cock, like the good girl you are.” His words were forcefully pushing me over the edge as I came. I nearly screamed, but instead, I kissed him.
He kept going, as he hasn’t reached his orgasm yet. But he was so close. His thrusting became unsteady and his breathing got faster. ”Cum for me, daddy.” He pulled out and came on my thigh My boy was a moaning mess, such a sight to see. “Oh god.” He breathed out as he tried to calm down. “How was that for a first time?” He laughed and kissed my cheek.
When we were all good to go, we exited the bathroom. No one noticed but Jughead. He made his way over to us and chuckled. “Looks like you two had fun.” He said with crossed arms and a smirk. I looked at Fp and smiled. ”I guess you could say that.” I pulled Jughead to the side. ”Are you like…okay with this? I mean us dating?”
”I mean it is going to be a bit weird. But I know you and my dad. I think you’d be good for each other. But don’t expect me to call you mom.” He noted while pointing at me. ”Oh please, I wouldn’t dream of it.” I laughed and hugged him. I walked back to Fp and wrapped my arms around him. ”Hello” I perked my chin upon his shoulder. ”Hi” He chirped and turned around. ”So. Happy homecoming!” I exclaimed. ”Thank you. For all of this.” I shook my head and smiled ”anything for you.”
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crystaljins · 6 years
By its cover | 06
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Characters: Hoseok x Reader
Word count: 5.8 k
Synopsis: Your annoying little brother Jimin accepts a dare and summons a demon into your living room. There are multiple problems with this. 1) Demons are the most hated species on earth. 2) That demon happens to be Jung Hoseok, the most popular guy on campus 3) The fact that Jung Hoseok is a demon is his biggest secret and 4) Jung Hoseok hates your guts. You’re in for a wild ride. Demon!Hoseok, magic-university!au and enemies-to-lovers!au
Notes: This is another of those parts that I was really looking forward to writing. Actually a lot of revamping happened to the fic during the writing of this part- parts got smushed together or deleted or rewritten. The pacing is probably quite fast in this part as a result- I think it’s like three different parts combined into one. I still like it. I didn’t want this fic to be too long, yaknow? 
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Part 6: Realisations
You awaken the next morning to find a rather distressing email from your least favourite lecturer had been sent out the afternoon before. It is a reminder for an upcoming practical exam, in a measly 2 days time. It’s a barrier exam- those who do not pass will not proceed with the course. You feel anxiety claw your heart the more you read- one-on-one assessment of a set of magic skills that almost seemed designed to make life difficult for you as a witch. You know your lecturer has been gunning for you to be kicked out since you first registered and he realised he would be teaching a witch for an entire semester. You know without a doubt he’s going to use this exam to his advantage and that knowledge and reminder of your impending doom essentially ruins your morning. You had been looking forward to a lazy morning with Hoseok and Jimin. It is a Saturday and since you had been oddly tired as of late, you had been hoping for a sleep-in and then a lazy day lounging around the house. You think that maybe the stress of the past week and attempting to conceal all the bullying from Hoseok is the cause of your constant exhaustion and you’d been hoping the weekend would be a good chance to recharge. You know Hoseok wants to go to some party in the evening and Jimin has an all-day dancing workshop so you had intended to make the most of your day in. No doubt you would feel the drain from being at the party like you have every other time you’ve left your house and so the morning off was to be your sanctuary, your time for some rest and recovery. But now, anxiety twists your gut and claws at your heart. Your day has been ruined and there is no fixing it.
You are distracted as you prepare breakfast for your house’s occupants. Hoseok approaches with a yawn and begins slicing fruit. Since Jimin will not wake up until you go and knock on your door, it is just the two of you. It feels oddly domestic, standing beside him in the kitchen. He hums a soft melody and bumps his hips playfully against yours as the two of you move about the kitchen. It warms your heart but nothing can soothe the angry bees swarming in your stomach. You blame your distraction for the way you scream as loudly as you do when something brushes your ankle.
Gazing down with your hand clasped to your chest, you are expecting a bug but instead it’s some sort of thick... cord. Barbed at the end. You follow its course to see it’s attached to Hoseok. It’s a tail- he has a tail and currently it’s wrapped around your ankle. At your surprise, Hoseok grins and his teeth are suddenly more pointy. You hadn’t really looked properly at him before now and so the little stubby horns poke just past his messy mop of hair on either side of his head had escaped your notice.
“Hoseok, what...” you begin, and his grin widens.
“Normally I drink a potion every morning to conceal these.” He waves his tail at you to punctuate his point. “But since it’s just us today, I didn’t drink the potion. It has all sorts of nasty side effects- I get phantom pains and nausea and honestly I get the worst headache at the end of the day. So today’s my day off from all that!” He declares joyfully. But then his expression darkens just a fraction. “Unless... my appearance bothers you?”
You have regained your breath by the time he finishes explaining but to your dismay he interprets the way you have gone pale as disgust at his natural features.
“Should… should I have taken the potion?” He asks, hesitantly. “I thought maybe you seemed off this morning, but I didn’t think-“
“They’re cute.” You blurt quickly. Hoseok flushes and so do you. That was so not what you intended to say. Still, you’ve already blurted it out, so you might as well follow it through. “Your horns. They’re cute. Kind of like how a pixie’s ears are cute.”
Hoseok stares at you disbelievingly and to your surprise his face nearly turns purple. He quickly looks away with a flush and you see that he’s trying to conceal a smile. It makes you smile- you didn’t think it was possible to fluster Hoseok and yet who you are. Hoseok seems to remember that you’d been a little off in the lull in conversation though.
“So then what’s bothering you?” He asks, looking up at you. He’s genuinely confused, and it is your turn to hide your face. You turn your attention to where you were beating the eggs into an omelette for Jimin.
“I just have a prac exam coming up that I’m a little stressed for.” You say, hoping your tone sounds dismissive and uncaring rather than awash with the nerves you feel. Hoseok’s expression softens, and he leans forward. He takes the bowl you had been aggressively whipping at from your hands and sets it on the counter away from you. He then steps and slides his hands onto your shoulders. He’s hugging you but in awkward stages as if he’s testing for a reaction- first he tugs you towards him and when you do not resists he slides his arms so that they are wrapped securely against you and then finally he tilts his head so that his chin rests comfortably atop the crown of your head.
“It’s that lecturer, isn’t it?” He asks, and you feel the vibration of his question against you. You aren’t sure why but the warmth and security of his embrace drains all the tension from you. You find yourself falling limply into his hug. You let your face rest against the centre of his chest and you can feel the steady beat of his heart beneath you. You had thought your entire day was ruined with the knowledge of the impending exam before you but somehow Hoseok’s warmth chases that all away into the deep recesses of your mind. All you can focus on is the soft, clean scent of your laundry detergent and the underlying scent of his skin beneath that. He smells sharp but sweet and you inhale deeply, feeling like the scent reaches to the base of your ribs.
“Yeah.” You admit in an exhale. You shift slightly, pulling away and as you do your eyes meet his.
You aren’t sure what it is, but something passes between the two of you, like a charged electric current. You had been absolutely exhausted as of late but suddenly every part of you feels awake. You blink up at Hoseok and feel your breath catch in your throat. You aren’t sure what triggers the feeling but just his proximity and his warmth and the look in his eyes is overwhelming. Something magnetises your gaze towards his mouth. His lips are slightly parted- you can feel each breath that escapes through them and your heart starts to beat a little faster. Hoseok seems to feel it too and is perhaps uncomfortable with it because he abruptly pulls away and clears his throat awkwardly. You both turn your attention to making breakfast once more in an attempt to cover up the sudden tension that hovers in the air between you.
“You’re gonna nail it.” Hoseok finally says, breaking the silence. His voice drifts over to you over the sizzle of the omelettes on the pan and you glance over your shoulder to find him watching you. He’s abandoned cutting the oranges and just leans against the counter casually with a half-smile on his face. “You’re gonna be the best healer there ever was, I can feel it in my bones.”
Hoseok’s encouragement leaves you feelings renewed enough that after breakfast you retire to your room to practice the complex spells rather than watch Jimin and Hoseok bicker over whatever FPS game Jimin is obsessed with as of late. You are hoping to get at least an hour of practice in before you have to take Jimin to his dance workshop.
Hoseok’s encouragement was perhaps misplaced, however. To your immense frustration, your magic store seems to have depleted immensely. You don’t know what’s caused it, and you don’t notice it at first. As a witch, it takes a lot of magic usage to tire you out- it is part of why your lecturer is so jealous and spiteful towards you. But two healing spells in and you find you are panting with exertion- sweat beads at your temple and drips down your neck. It’s worrying. Perhaps because you’ve been so tired lately, your magic store has depleted too? Or perhaps you are ill- apparently there are viruses that attack a creature’s magic store and deplete it like a parasite. But those illness are rare and only a misuse of magic can result in coming into contact with such pathogens. A simple flu or cold could explain it but something tells you it’s more than that.
Still, you barrel ahead, continuing to stubbornly practice, ignoring the way each spell slowly becomes agony like you are trying to lick honey from the bottom of a jar and your tongue is not long enough to reach. At some point, you sit down on your bed, promising yourself a minor reprieve before trying once more. You must fall asleep because the next thing you know, you snap awake in your car.
Beside you, Hoseok is driving. Disorientated, you sit up abruptly, and Hoseok starts, nearly veering off the road in surprise.
“You scared me!” He cries. The car jerks forward in a sudden stop. You look around.
“I scared you?” You ask, near hysterical. He frowns and nods. It then occurs to him why you are so distressed.
“You were sleeping.” He says suddenly. “But Jimin had to get to that dance workshop and I didn’t want to wake you because you’ve seemed so tired lately so I just thought that I’d…”
He trails away and you understand where you are- you’re outside Jimin’s dance studio and Hoseok had just been about to pull away from the kerb. Touched, but still a little disorientated and afraid, you realise Hoseok must have just carried you into the car rather than wake you. It is concerning that you had fallen into a deep enough sleep that such a journey didn’t wake you after a few measly spells that on a normal day would be as strenuous as a light nap for you.
“I have been a little tired, lately.” You admit, and the statement is punctuated with a yawn. Hoseok glances at you, fidgeting with the brim of the hat he uses to conceal his horns from any nosy person who might choose to peer into your car.
“Maybe you’re getting sick? You’ve had a really rough week, though, so it’s no wonder.” He suggests sadly. “Let’s give that party a miss, if you’re feeling tired, hey? We can spend the night in and watch a movie or something.”
You nod your agreement, but the entire car ride home you are distracted. You have been more tired than usual, and while previously you wrote it off as stress from bullying, it has been going on for a lot longer than that. Probably since…. Probably since the soul-binding happened. The realisation dawns on you slowly, and with horror you count back the dates mentally and you realise that it matches up. You’ve been tired since summoning Hoseok. You just hadn’t noticed because you’d been so busy with class and you’d been dealing with Hoseok and assumed you were emotionally exhausted. But then when things had gotten better with Hoseok you had written off your exhaustion as spending more time out of the house then usual. You hadn’t really had an excuse to use your magic much since most of your prac classes this semester did not involve strenuous spells… Why is a soul-binding leaving you so tired all the time?
“A penny for your thoughts?” Hoseok asks as he pulls off the highway into your neighbourhood. His tail waves back and forth thoughtfully. You panic, for a moment- Hoseok would be devastated if he thought the soul-binding was affecting you negatively. You resolve to contact your father secretly about your concerns when Hoseok isn’t thereto overhear.
“Just worried about that exam.” You lie quickly. Hoseok frowns.
“I see. Maybe I could help, somehow?” He suggests, his eyebrows wrinkling together as he contemplates how he could aid you. You find yourself smiling despite the distress of your realisation.
“You can help me by being you.” You say genuinely. Hoseok laughs in surprise.
“Do explain.” He urges. You shrug and lean contemplatively back into your seat.
“Just that I’ll probably feel much better after a night in with you.” You tell him dismissively. Since the moment that Hoseok decided not to hate you any longer, you’ve been constantly open about how much you enjoy his company, and normally he smiles and indulges you, but to your surprise he just gives you a long, unreadable stare as he pulls into your driveway.
“Hey…” He says suddenly, as you both get out of the car and walk towards your front door. You look at him a little sleepily, and he glances away. “About this morning…”
You look at him, confused, and he looks away.
“It’s nothing.” He finally says with a sigh. “What movie do you want to watch?”
You let Hoseok pick the movie in the end- you are too tired to sort through the many options you have. He picks some sappy romcom, probably because he thinks you’ll like it rather than any desire to watch it yourself. And on a normal day, you would but you find yourself so exhausted that you begin to nod off not even halfway through the movie. By the time the credits roll, you are out cold.
You rouse slowly, the sound of a love ballad playing softly in the background. You flush as you realise the position you are in- you have a crick in your neck and your back aches from being hunched over and it is because you are so securely wrapped around him. He must have found the movie boring too, because he too is asleep. His head lolls against yours and you feel each puff of breath from his light snores stirring the loose hairs of your forehead. One of his arms is thrown around your shoulders, so that you are tucked comfortably into his body. His tail is wrapped snugly around your waist and from this angle you can’t see the tiny little horns he has.
For a second, you are so warm and comfortable and sleepy that you consider tucking your head into his chest and allowing yourself to doze off once more. But then your common sense kicks in, and you know that Jimin could come home at any moment. It would not look good if his older sister were cuddling a demon who only recently broke up with his longterm girlfriend on the couch. So reluctantly, you begin the reluctant process of untangling yourself from Hoseok. It is difficult, as tired as you are, to move without waking Hoseok. Luckily, while he is curled tightly around you to the point you think he must have been using you as a personal teddy bear, he is also a deep sleeper, and you manage to free yourself with only the slightest disturbance to him. Once you are free, he murmurs softly and rolls so that he is sleeping more comfortably on the couch.
You get to your feet to find Jimin at the door, glaring at you. You both have a stare off for a few moments, and it is Jimin who breaks the silence.
“Can you, like, keep that sort of PDA out of common living areas?” He whispers furiously, gesturing to where Hoseok naps on the couch. You glare back.
“It wasn’t PDA!” You protest back, also in a whisper. Jimin rolls his eyes and folds his arms across his chest.
“Do you even know what PDA means? You were cuddling, on the couch, in a public space. That is the literal definition of PDA!” He abandons the whispering act and says these words aloud but when Hoseok starts to stir, he drops back to a whisper. “Wait… does this mean you like him?” He asks suddenly, like he has just had a very horrible revelation.
To your surprise, the answer does not come immediately and easily like you expect it to. Instead, your face flushes hot, and you feel a burning sensation flush through your whole body without consent.
“W-what?” You ask, completely thrown by this line of questioning. To your horror, you find your mouth is still unwilling to cooperate and hasn’t just answered the simple ‘no’ that Jimin’s question requires. Jimin leans forward, examining your face.
“You heard me. Do you like him?” He jerks his thumb at Hoseok for emphasis. You follow his gaze to where Hoseok is still peacefully sleeping. You are still unable to answer, for some reason. You feel like your tongue is tangled but you also know it shouldn’t be this hard to answer. You feel a sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach- it really shouldn’t be this hard to answer.
“It’s not that hard a question.” Jimin voices your concerns aloud. “Yes or no. Do you want to date him? I personally wouldn’t mind if you did, he’s not that ba-“
“I do.” You say suddenly, and the realisation hits you like a rock the same instance the words slip involuntarily from your lips. You feel like a meteor filled with horror, anxiety but also giddy butterflies has just slammed into the side of your head and your eyes nearly water with the force of it. You like Hoseok. You like him a lot. You like his silly sense of humour, his warmth, his kindness. You like the way he smiles and the way he laughs and you like how he can be surprisingly sassy at times. You just like him. Too much for the short duration of time you’ve been spent together. Too much, considering the history the two of you share.
Jimin’s jaw drops, and he points at you accusingly. He gasps dramatically and you glare back.
“I knew it!” He declares wildly. “Well, I guess you have to thank me, Noona, because thanks to that whole dare thing you got a boyfriend out of it. Make sure at your wedding you credit me and the dare you said was so stupid-“
He cuts his sentence short when he realises the menacing way you advance towards him.
“Noona,” He says slowly, hesitantly, his hands up to show he means no harm. “L-let’s not be too hasty- put down the spellbook, Noona-“
Hoseok awakens suddenly and is instantly disappointed to find that he is cold. Not because the temperature in the room is too low. He is a demon and he does not get cold very easily, and someone had thoughtfully tucked a blanket over him at some point (it was probably you because Jimin, at the height of his mischievous teenage years, would be more likely to draw on Hoseok’s face or dip his fingers in warm water so that he would wet himself). No, he is disappointed because the cold he feels means that you are no longer curled tightly into his side. He knows he fell asleep with your body resting against his and your head tucked into the crook of his neck. He distinctly remembers the sensation of your soft breaths and the steady, even beat of your heart being enough to lull him into a sweet slumber. So while he cannot quite pin the exact reason why, the fact that you weren’t in the same position when he woke is disappointing. He knows he should be concerned that he is feeling this way so soon after his recent breakup, particularly after the incident this morning where he had definitely almost kissed you. He should feel remorse at how comfortable he had been curled up against you but it is easier to just shove those thoughts aside and not think too deeply about them. The day your dad gets back (hopefully with a way to break the soul-binding) draws near and it’s scary to think what will happen once you are no longer confined to a 20 metre radius of him. Will you avoid him, throw him aside? Will you continue to be friends? He shakes the frightening thoughts off and pretends he hasn’t been having them, like he’s been doing for the past month.
He hears the sound of a ruckus upstairs but is unconcerned with it- it is probably you and Jimin fighting. The two of you bicker like nobody’s business and if he wasn’t aware of the fact that every night you stay up late to make a yummy lunch for him or the way Jimin will carefully cover you with a blanket if you fall asleep on the couch like you are prone to doing, he may have thought you hated each other. The thought makes Hoseok smile, and he sits up with a satisfying stretch that cracks all the joints in his body.
He hears a buzz from his phone. He had left it carelessly on the coffee table when the movie began, and he shifts out from underneath the blankets to look at the screen. It is lit up with a notification.
He feels like everything in him freezes- like all the warmth and colour has suddenly been sapped from his being. Demons, with their close affinity with chaos and fire, rarely feel cold but Hoseok feels like he’s just plunged into a bath of ice water. Because the sender of the text that glares mockingly up at him is none other than his ex-girlfriend.
He hasn’t had the heart to change the contact info for her on his phone. Perhaps a part of him is still holding out that things will go back to what they are. Either way, the words My love <3 imprint on his eyes and he squeezes his eyes shut. It takes him a second to gather the courage to unlock his phone and read the contents of her text.
She wants to meet. In person. Hoseok wants no such thing- particularly not after the stunts her supposed friends have pulled with you this coming week. He doesn’t think Yeri would have put them up to it, particularly since she seemed rather intent on just forgetting that the whole year-long relationship never happened, but he still can’t help but think slightly less of her for keeping the kind of company that thinks it is acceptable to bully you. Still, he can’t bring himself to just ignore her text, and so reluctantly he texts her your address. He doesn’t want you to know about this meeting, for some reason, and he can comfortably get to the front lawn while you are inside without the barrier restricting his movement. So he tells Yeri to come meet him later in the night when you and Jimin would probably both be asleep. That gives him the rest of the night to stew in discomfort and despair, to lament over the fractured relationship and wish that he could return to napping with you wrapped comfortably in his arms.
He debates taking a glamour potion, to conceal his horns and tail for Yeri’s comfort, but he feels oddly spiteful. He can’t help but recall that you had gone so far as to call his horns cute, and a morbid, masochistic part of him wants to see how Yeri would react to his true form. He waits until the ruckus upstairs has ceased and it sounds like you and Jimin have settled in for the night before he creeps to the front door. It creaks as it opens but he doubts the sound it loud enough to disturb either of you.
On your balcony, the family cat glares at him with one eye, as if it knows what he’s doing is stupid. In an attempt to win its love and approval, he creeps over it to gently pat it. The soft rumble of a purr begins to reverberate beneath his hand and it calms him to the point he almost feels prepared as the headlights of Yeri’s car brighten your front yard.
She gets out of the car and she is as heartachingly beautiful as he remembers. She strides gracefully over to him, looking disdainfully around her surroundings, before her gaze lands on him. Her face goes soft, sad, and in a moment of weakness, Hoseok almost drops to his knees and begs for her to take him back. Then her expression changes into one of disgust as she sees the tail and horns he had not bothered to conceal and the reminder of what went wrong between them is like she is digging a scalpel into his exposed and sensitive heart.
Yeri is hesitant as she comes to stand beside Hoseok on the porch. She goes to pet the cat, and it regards her lazily as she scratches behind one ear. It then rolls onto its back, exposing its stomach to her- a pose Hoseok recently learnt was a death trap. She goes to scratch its tummy, and he grabs her wrist.
“He’ll bite you.” Hoseok explain, refusing to look at her and hoping she doesn’t notice the way the tips of his ears flush red at the feeling of her wrist beneath her fingers. She nods awkwardly, and withdraws her hand.
“Hoseok.” She says softly. His heart used to billow with a sort of euphoria whenever she called his name, but now the sound of her voice just incites a deep, sad ache at the base of his chest.
“Why are you here?” He asks, almost bitterly. He occupies the nervous energy he feels in his fingers by tapping a rhythm into his thighs.
“I… I wanted to see you.” She confesses, and he wishes so dearly that her words didn’t affect him but they do. Because he’s missed her and he wanted to see her too.
“You could have.” He points out. She glances down, ashamed, and nods.
“I know. I was just… I was shocked, was all. I was seriously…” Her voice cracks. “I was really thinking that you were the one and then it turned out you had been lying to me for a whole year.”
“I never lied.” Hoseok protests. “You never asked me what species I was!”
“Not saying anything is the same as lying because you know I wouldn’t have dated you if I’d known what you are!” She argues back, and Hoseok snaps his jaw shut. He feels like she’s slapped him.
“So what?” He demands, hoping the hurt he is feeling doesn’t come through in his tone. “You know now and you ended things. Are you here to rub it in? Or perhaps to tell me about whoever that guy was I saw you with at Namjoon’s party?”
Her eyes go wide and she glances away guiltily.
“You saw that?” She asks softly.
“Yes.” He answers coldly. “Now tell me. Why are you here?”
“I… I want you back.” She softly admits. “That other guy doesn’t matter- I was just trying to distract myself, but all I could think about was how he wasn’t you Hoseok.”
Hoseok almost laughs in bitterness- why does she have to say these words now? Close to a full month later? When it is too little, too late? If she was going to change her mind, couldn’t she have done it before he endured a month of trying to recover from a brokenheart. She takes Hoseok’s silence as permission for her to continue.
“I love you enough, to forget what you are.” She says, and her words are almost sweet. “As long as you keep hiding it, we can be happy together! I’ll take you back, alright?”
It’s funny. A few weeks ago, those were the only words Hoseok wanted to hear. He already intended to spend the rest of his life hiding who he really was, so if she was willing to love him despite his demon heritage, then didn’t that make her a selfless, caring, kind girlfriend? Wasn’t that testament to just how much she loved him, if she were to overlook the fact that he was one of the most reviled species in the world just because she wanted to be with him?
But it’s not enough, Hoseok realises. A month ago, it would have been. It would have been enough that she would love him in spite of what he was. But suddenly, he doesn’t want that. Doesn’t want her. Doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life knowing that the love of his life is disgusted by who he is and is overlooking a massive part of who he is just to be with him. That’s not love… that’s selective blindness. It’s tolerating each other at best. How could he be with someone who doesn’t want all of him?
He knows what’s triggered the change in his attitude, too. He realises it with disturbing clarity- it’s you. You are the reason he’s not satisfied with going back to Yeri while she closes her eyes and pretends not to know what he is. Because he knows what it feels like, now, to have someone accept him for what he is. He knows what it feels like to spend a day free from the side effects of the glamour potion and not feel ashamed or guilty for not taking them. He knows what it feels like to not live in constant fear that you will learn the truth and throw him away in disgust. Most people wouldn’t have put up with him. They would have outed him. They would have resorted to dangerous techniques that could have hurt him to try and break the soul-binding. They wouldn’t have welcomed him into their home, they wouldn’t have agreed to help him keep his secret. They wouldn’t have bent over backwards to protect him, to keep his feelings safe, once they learned he was a demon. And he has so many people in his life who are willing to sacrifice so much for him, but most of them would not even give him the time of day if they knew his true identity. But you would and you have and you continue to do so. So he can’t go back to Yeri, because he’s tasted what true acceptance feels like and he doesn’t want to go back into hiding, to hiding himself behind a mask. And she’s not what he wants anymore. What he wants, he realises with fear and elation, is you. To go back to that moment earlier in the day, when you had been sleeping against him, completely unguarded despite the fact that his tail, a feature that most people think is disgusting and horrifying, was wrapped tightly around you. He wants you, and the warm, happy days spent in your company, he wants you and the afternoons where the house is noisy as you and Jimin bicker, he wants you when you smile when he spends time with you because you secretly love that he enjoys your company somuch. It’s only been a month, such a short amount of time and yet you have become such an integral and vital part of his life so quickly that it scares him.
“I think you should go.” He finally says, his voice soft but final. Yeri’s eyes go wide with shock.
“What?” She asks, disbelievingly. Perhaps she hadn’t thought that Hoseok would refuse. And why would she? She’s beautiful and popular and kind and she’s offering to stay with him even while knowing he’s a demon. What other kind of person would do that?
But it’s not enough.
“I think you should go.” He repeats himself. “I’m sorry, but that’s not enough.”
“What’s not enough?” She demands, tears pooling in her eyes. “Hoseok, I love you. How is that not enough?”
“I… I don’t want to spend the rest of my life hiding.” Hoseok admits, his voice raspy. “I loved you too… and a month ago I would have taken you back. But I don’t want to be with someone who can’t love all of me. I don’t want to be with someone who is just going to pretend the parts of me they don’t like aren’t there.”
“And you think you’ll find someone who will?” She asks, shrilly. The words hurt, but Hoseok does not lose his temper because he knows it’s just cause Yeri is upset. He’s hurt her and perhaps in the morning she will regret her harsh words, but he still won’t back down. Yeri looks around like she’s registering where she is for the first time. “This is that girl’s house, isn’t it? The one that Jihye and Bonghee say you’ve been hanging around? Is this because of her?”
“Don’t talk about her.” Hoseok says, and for a moment he is so furious his eyes unintentionally flash red. Yeri’s eyes go wide.
“Hoseok,” She says slowly. Hoseok inhales deeply, summoning control and patience from deep within him.
“It isn’t because of her, Yeri.” Hoseok says. “We just… we want different things, you and I. We grew apart and I think… even though we loved each other, we need to know when it’s time to say goodbye. And that’s now. So goodbye, Yeri.”
Without his consent, a tear slips down his cheek- he’s cried so much, because of her, but he has a feeling this will be the last tear shed because of Yeri. Yeri, too, seems to recognise that she’s done, because she nods her head, though tears dribble down her cheek.
“Right.” She says, her voice choked. “Ok, then. I’ll just… I’ll just be going then.”
And then he is alone on the balcony, and suddenly exhausted from all the revelations and the conversation he’s just had, he steps towards your front door, ready to sleep.
The light is on inside, and Jimin glances over at Hoseok from where he’s been playing some late night video game on the main television without your knowledge. Jimin stares wide-eyed, and Hoseok stares back.
An silent agreement passes between the two of them, not to speak of this encounter, but it is interrupted by Hoseok’s phone going off. Confused, he looks at the contact icon.
It’s your father. Your father is calling him.
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cards-onthetable · 5 years
An Elusive Computer Post
Y’all, 99.999% of the time, I exist on my phone and tablet. It’s very rare that I do any Fandom Stuff or social media on my laptop. But tonight, after This Episode, I had to break out the big guns. I need to be able to type as fast as my brain screams words. tl;dr: EVERYTHING IS THE WORST AND I HATE IT. Hey I’ll do a fun little page break so you don’t have to scroll past this whole thing if you don’t want to. How nice of me. 
JUST DON’T with this foster parent (allegedly) killing a foster child thing. Foster parents have enough of a negative perception as it is... a foster parent who “cracked” and killed a child in her care certainly won’t help. And I know this won’t turn into a well-done, thoughtful Discourse on the lack of support and resources for foster parents who are caring for children with complex needs. So I hate it. 
I’m so, so, so sad for this child.
Sidenote re: Sam saying “I’ve already got a mom” (explaining why he didn’t call his foster parent “mom”) - okay, BB, one actual sensitive portrayal here, thumbs up. 
Welp Erin’s boss is an asshole but so’s everyone else on this show. What else is new? 
And now Sam is locked out of his new foster home. Another nice tally in the Negative Portrayal column. This is disgusting. His appreciation for his previous foster parent is obvious (this kid’s a ten times better actor than fucking Will “Dead Face” Estes at this point) and I hate this entire concept. At least the show’s portrayal of the child in foster care himself is positive. 
Now Sam’s at Anthony’s house and this is off topic, but for half a second can we appreciate that Sam is also a bajillion times better at apologies than Jamie Reagan? Nice. 
If Anthony becomes Sam’s foster parent I will be SO ANNOYED. One, because I’m sure the show won’t even hint at an accurate process - it’ll be insta-parent, Anthony walks into some caseworker’s office and walks out with physical custody of a child (fun fact: it takes three months or longer to get licensed as a foster parent). Two, because it’s kind of another blow to the reputation of foster parents that this episode is painting - like the only suitable foster parent in a whole city of veteran, trained, experienced FPs is this newbie? This does not taste good. 
This is a cute scene. Rather than Anthony being Sam’s foster parent, how about he becomes his mentor? 
OH. NICE. EXACTLY WHAT I DIDN’T WANT. “I’m going to sign the papers later today. I’m going to foster Sam myself.” Can we please get some follow-up on this, BB? Let’s please see Anthony trying to navigate the waters of parenting a teenager who likely has attachment-related diagnoses and other challenges. Is Anthony going to get trauma-informed care training? Or is he just going to wing it and hope that it’s all magical and swell? Does he have a sensitive, non-snarky bone in his body? I’m on the edge of my seat. (LOL @ Erin being the voice of reason here.)
OH. WHOA WHOA WHOA. “It’s not like I always wanted a son, but one came knocking and I answered the door.” Remember that line above where Sam reminded us that he has a mom? Do you understand why this line made me gag? There’s a fine line you walk as a foster parent, where you’re performing all the duties of parenting this child as if they’re your own - but you have to remember and be sensitive to the fact that they’re not. Kids in foster care are a package deal, yo, they come with a whole other family too. For teenagers this is an especially important Issue. 
This entire storyline was terrible. 0/10. 
Fat Shaming (Frank and co)
Poor Witten, you guys. That is awful and terrible and dangerous that her partner can’t even make it up 4 flights of stairs. “I’m here and you’re fine” - but what if she wasn’t? 
Did Sid Gormley just use the word “fat shaming” and argue that physical fitness does not affect a cop’s ability to do their job? 
Cops who are on the beat should be able to pass a fairly high standard for physical fitness. The end, basically.
Family dinner (tossed in here due to the topic of conversation): Seriously? Henry’s going to talk about it being discrimination to require cops to meet a physical fitness standard that is a pretty basic aspect of their ability to do their job? Nice. 
Oh, magical, Frank has come up with a Compromise that Makes Everybody Happy. Raise your hand if you’re surprised. 
TBH I hardly noticed this storyline at all. I’m much too busy angrily scribbling all of the examples of Dismissive Jamie on my whiteboard. Oh well, win some lose some. 
The way Jamie brushes Eddie off during this whole New Partner Discussion is gross. Refer to yesterday’s Two Pronged Complaint for the details. 
The Biggest Issues: Jamie minimizing Eddie’s experience on the job, and being too protective of her/failing to be an objective boss. Et cetera. 
“wHaT eLsE dOn’T I kNoW?” suck a dick, Jamie Reagan.  
Peep those obviously empty coffee cups that probably have a piece of dry ice at the bottom to make the “steam.” A+. 
I’m going to keep track of how many times “female empowerment” is said in this episode. I’ll keep you updated. 
So this “fraternal organization” that we’ve all been so stressed about Eddie joining is...basically a women’s intramural sports league? LOLOL so I’m super excited to watch Jamie sputter about how Joe died playing softball* and therefore Eddie shouldn’t join. 
LOOK AT EDDIE. She is legitimately excited about the idea of playing softball, dude. That smile is as much personality as we’ve gotten out of her all season. CAN’T WAIT TO WATCH JAMIE “WET BLANKET” REAGAN SNUFF THAT RIGHT OUT. 
This ~date night~ situation is hilarious in a Young Childless Couple way. 
OH, so NOW Jamie’s interested in a legitimate conversation with Eddie, engaged and responding... with questions in a demanding, rude tone? I’m so annoyed at his whole handling of the Eddie’s-new-partner thing.
GOD why is everything a Female Empowerment Thing? Can’t women just... enjoy playing sports? 
“No, I’m being astonished that my fiancé is trying to tell me what I can and cannot do” SAME, EDDIE 
I’m so angry that the scene cuts off there. Did they just go about their stupid dinner date with this Tension floating palpably in the air between them? Did Eddie pull out an “I think I’ll sleep at my place tonight” and stalk away in that red? satin? dress? ? I hope she poured his stupid ON TAP IPA (objectively the worst type of beer, btw) down his shirt and walked out. 
I AM SO SAD watching this scene of Eddie backing out of softball. 
“I’m not much of a joiner” is a DUMB RIDICULOUS LINE and Eddie says it TWICE, folks. 
Witten doesn’t bring up Jamie at all - I therefore assume she doesn’t know Eddie’s a Future Reagan (which is a whole other issue, but anyway.) . Witten thinks Eddie’s backing out so as to avoid associating with Witten. So I assume Witten’s intentions with the softball invite were totally pure. IMAGINE THAT! A woman who wants to be friends with another woman, one who she works with and respects and wants to get to know better! With no ulterior motive! Someone please hit Jamie Reagan in the nostril with a dart. 
I like Witten more and more. Can we replace all the Reagan storylines with Witten, Sam, and Old Eddie in dark jeans and a studded jacket?
A LAUNDROMAT? ONE: Shouldn’t Jamie, as A Reagan, have laundry in his building?* TWO: It he didn’t, why wouldn’t they do laundry for free at Frank’s house every week?*
I CAN SMELL THE TENSION and I am legitimately curious how they’ve coexisted between the date and now. How’s that working out, hmm - that “keeping work and home separate” thing? 
“I DIDN’T TELL YOU TO, I ASKED” says Jamie. Shall we go back a few bullet points to when he told her it’s a “no-go”? 
I NEED TO KNOW WHAT ELSE I NEED TO KNOW - Same, Eddie. Do I really need to reiterate how ridiculous this whole thing is - that they’re engaged without dating, and now finding out that maybe there’s a reason people date first, even if they’re best friends, because this is the kind of stuff you work out before you start shopping for your dress.
“Are we talking, or are we just talking smack?” SOME ACCUSATION from the dumbass who said ALL THE THINGS IN THOSE BULLETS UP ABOVE. 
Finally, for once, Eddie is voicing some real and legitimate concerns. Are we going to get any sort of resolution or mature adult discussion of these things? NOPE! 
Did he seriously just tell her to cut it out? I hate him so much. I hope somebody duct tapes him to the front of those washer/dryers and pulls out each individual eyebrow hair with tweezers. 
This laundromat scene just exemplifies so many of the issues I’ve been rage blogging about all damn season. Jamie ultimately brushing off Eddie’s concerns without ever giving her real answers. Not having the respect for her to even take her thoughts into account. Barking orders like he knows it all, and Eddie isn’t capable of making her own decisions. At least this time that’s the actual point of the scene rather than the nasty subtext. 
EDDIE AND DANNY SCENE: I’m actually surprised that this is the first time Joe has been mentioned. Watching the sneak peek I figured Jamie’s main argument against Eddie joining an organization would be that it’s what got his brother killed (being vague, obviously, since Eddie clearly didn’t know the details). Not that it’s improper As A Reagan. I hoped the context of the episode would make me feel a little better about this scene but it just feels even more out of place and poorly/choppily written. I like Eddie and Danny together - I’d like them to interact more. But this didn’t do it for me. Gotta meet that Joe Mention Quota* on the season, I guess. 
FINAL SCENE: in summary, FUCK THIS. 
Sidenote: When is someone going to get suspicious @ how often Eddie gets pulled into Sarge’s office? 
For the record, I anticipated an eye-rolly “Ohhkay, maybe I overreacted...” speech. 
Jamie explains himself. Fine, he has a right to do that, and it’s constructive in helping Eddie understand the man she’s about to marry (god don’t even remind me). BUT HE DOES NOT ADMIT ANY WRONGDOING. 
THERE IS NO ADMISSION THAT HE MADE MISTAKES in how he spoke to her, ordered her around, and didn’t even stop for eight seconds to listen to what she had to say
THERE IS NOT EVEN THE VERY MINIMAL “I overreacted” type of acknowledgment. 
“So maybe if I forget sometimes, you can remind me” THIS IS GROSS TOO because it essentially puts the burden on Eddie to teach/remind Jamie how to HAVE AN ADULT CONVERSATION AND NOT BE AN ASS. He could AT LEAST take responsibility for his own improvement in the Future. 
Eddie said literally two words in this entire scene. There was no mutual understanding, no real agreement, no genuine Development in their relationship. 
This episode is called Rectify but NOTHING HAS BEEN RECTIFIED. 
ALSO, this seems like an awfully Personal conversation to be having in uniform, Sarge. Are they even trying anymore? 
HE JUST THREW A SOFTBALL GLOVE AT HER. Is that supposed to be... sweet? Touching? An admission of guilt/mistake/wrongdoing? TRY AGAIN, BB. NONE OF THE ABOVE. 
WELL. If you’ve made it this far, I hope you’re as disgruntled as I am. Seems like plenty of y’all were quite unhappy with this episode as well. I’m enjoying your tweets and sadness. I’ve been the queen of this club for almost a year now. Welcome, make yourselves comfortable, there’s plenty of ice cream in the freezer. Just don’t sit on the far end of the couch. That’s my dog’s favorite spot. 
*These four hilarious lines were taken from two important Outside Sources. Thanks for your contribution, Outside Sources. 
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fredheads · 6 years
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series appreciation → life’s a kick in this town by @halcooper
i. turn it into more than it seems (alice, hal)  “Hey,” he said softly, the edge just apparent in his voice. Alice bit her lip to hold in her smile.“You nervous about something, Coop?”He smirked at the nickname, but shook his head. “No, no. I’ve just, I’ve never had a girl in here before. Not a girlfriend at least.” ii. tonight is what it means to be young (ensemble)  Mary hiked up her backpack and looked straight ahead as she walked. “So you have five friends but you can only choose two of them to break into the mansion with you to recuse your girlfriend. Everyone has a different skill set, so you need to make a very important decision in the beginning of the game.”  iii. back here at home there’s nothing to do (ensemble) Mary snorted. “The lodge.” Hiram cocked his eyebrow. “Why’s that funny?” “You know, Lodge lodge. The Lodge’s lodge. It’s… your last name is Lodge. It’s a cabin, also called a lodge."  iv. having those feelings again (hal, penelope)  She wants to scream that she likes him, maybe even loves him. That he deserves better than to have his heart broken into a million pieces by that no good scarlet woman Alice Smith. That he deserves to be center of someone’s world for once. That she can be that for him. v. in the haze of a drunken hour (hal, alice, fp, fred)  “I missed you, Hal.” She goes on her tiptoes so her mouth is hardly an inch from his. Her breath smells like cigarettes and spearmint chewing gum and just a little bit like lies. She moves closer and closer until it feels like she’s sucking the breath right out of him. “Tell me you miss me.” vi. you with the sad eyes (penelope, hal, hermione)  Hermione’s words rang through her ears. No friends. No boyfriend. The only thing to her name was a made up title - assistant cheer captain. Assistant. Not even good enough to make the cut.  vii. lullaby for the reckless (alice, fred)  “Yeah, think about it.” She sat up straight and ran both her hands through her hair again. “Think about how no one wants to get tied down in high school. About how no matter how much you love someone, that’s not always enough.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I am so scared, Fred.” viii. behind a closed door (hal, alice) Hal takes one, two, three laborious steps off the staircase before the words come out of Alice's mouth. The same words she sprung on him hours earlier. “I'm pregnant.” ix. panic in the streets of riverdale (hal, fp)  “It’s not bullshit,” Hal spat. “If I knew where she was, trust me. I wouldn’t be spending my Friday night - my goddamn birthday of all days - sitting in Mary’s backyard with you, okay?” Hal leaned his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his hands. “I know you’re this big hotshot and all. You think you know everything. But trust me, you have no idea what’s going on. x. this used to be my playground (alice, hermione)  The word sat heavily in the silence between them. Pregnant. Even though it was just them - two eighteen-year-old girls in the bathroom of Pops - they both tensed. They could feel the stigma of the word right down to their bones.
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