#like taking my mom an a vacation (my parents never vacation) and buying himself a bike and now this.....
honeyboyfelix · 1 month
my dad????? bought me a new art tablet?????? without me asking him to???????
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aot men as dads - headcanon!! some 18+!!
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includes: eren, jean, reiner, & levi
i'm still working on some full-fledged one-shots and parts of my series', but i'm nannying for the summer and have BABY FEVER. please enjoy my little headcanons of my fav aot men as dads <3
DISCLAIMER: some of this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
ok but eren is such a cringe dad lol
buys himself all of the #1 Dad! merch. he’s got mugs, tshirts, hats, all of it, and all of it went on his credit card.
10000% a girl dad. loves all the little dresses and bows; he puts your daughter’s hair in its first bun, nearly tears up when she points at his matching hairstyle and babbles “like da-da!”
you have to parent eren as much as the children. when you turn the corner into the living room where he’s supposed to be having “quiet time” with your toddler only to find that they’re buried in a pillow fort and eren’s signed his own name in crayon on the wall next to your daughter’s scribblings. “babe, we can just repaint it! she’s being creative.”
loves when you’re pregnant. after your first, eren keeps a calendar on the wall marking off the days until it’s safe for him to fuck you again, fuck a baby right back into you. already has a breeding kink before your first. develops a lactation kink after.
TERRIFIED (and i mean terrified) of hurting your little angel. has absolutely zero concept of “cry it out”; if he hears his baby crying, he’s sprinting into the next room, kissing a nonexistent boo-boo.
refuses to admit it but he has no backbone when it comes to your daughter wanting literally anything. she wants it, she gets it.
favorite thing in the world is matching outfits. favorite. “babe, where’s her green hoodie? i’m wearing mine today for the park!” “of course it matters, we have to match! on that note, where’s yours?”
lets your daughter use his hair to learn how to braid. usually has a few pink hair ties or glittery clips sticking out of it when you come home from a mom’s night out.
really big on your baby getting to see the world. drags you on vacation to any place he can think of, even as you try to explain to him that she can’t form any long term memories yet. “but baby, she’ll have pictures. how many kids in her class can bring a picture of them at the eiffel tower to their first show-and-tell?”
accidentally ruins santa and the tooth fairy for your daughter. cries harder than she does over it.
aggressively vets babysitters. ends up settling for a nursing student in the labor & delivery school who’s the oldest of seven children and probably more knowledgeable about child development than both of you combined, but he’s still suspicious.
wants to watch while you push, watch his baby come into the world. you’ve never seen a sweeter sight than eren in his scrubs, crying while holding your baby girl.
most people picture eren as being the roughhousing dad, but it’s jean, and i will die on this hill.
freaks out every time he drops your first boy while throwing him around like a ragdoll, but he’ll never stop because “listen!! he’s laughing!”. when it comes to the rest of them, he’s experienced enough now to tell the difference between a real booboo and an imagined one, and he simply brushes their little pants off caringly before shouting “now you tackle me!”
jean’s got no gender preference for your first, or the rest of your little brood for that matter. he raises them exactly the same, regardless: tough.
it takes him awhile to get used to the concept of babies’ minds. you’ve walked in on him having full-blown arguments with your shrieking toddlers several times. “what’s not making sense? if you let your goldfish ‘swim’ in the toilet, it dies, simple as that.”
plays “bad cop” for you because you’re terrible at it, but he’s always having to turn around and snicker into his elbow in the middle of scolding because your babies get the same little throbbing forehead vein as you when they’re mad
wants a big family, and gets it. you practically have to drag him to get his balls snipped after your fourth, him reminding you that “it’s reversible!” the entire way there.
the newborn phase is his favorite. he’s rarely home for any longer than ten minutes without scooping your most recent addition into his arms, squishing their little cheeks and marveling at their gurgling noises.
the kids never give him anxiety, but when you’re pregnant??? jean’s a wreck.
“do your feet still hurt, love?” “what do you mean you have indigestion? that could be the baby coming!” “of course we can’t have sex, what if we poke its little head?”
definitely the dad that’s got a delivery bag and a backup bag and an emergency third backup of the backup bag in his car at all times. the first week of your third trimester, he starts watching you suspiciously for any signs of labor, even though this is your fourth together. you think you’ve got it down by now, you tell him, but he won’t listen.
always gets the kids to work together on little surprises for you. every mother’s day they wake you up with breakfast, every valentines day your dining room table is covered in handmade cards, every birthday your kitchen is coated in flour from jean and four little ones attempting to bake
SO HARD to drag him out for a date night. he wants to bring them everywhere: the fancy restaurant, the couples' get away trip
jean's that dad standing in the bar, watching the game, beer in hand, with an occupied baby carrier strapped to his chest
wants to watch during delivery, but he passed out the first go-round, so now he’s content standing up by your head, trying not to turn white as you squeeze his hand hard enough to break.
talks you into just one more on your fourth’s second birthday. “they’re all so big now. don’t you miss it, babe? my baby in your belly? c’mon…” turns out he reversed that vasectomy without telling you
another girl dad. hardcore girl dad.
buys his little princess all number of dresses and barbies, is confused when she’s more interested in the baseballs her classmates have.
accidentally raises the most tomboyish, toughest little girl. still babies her, and she hates it.
cries more than you do on your first date night out when you leave her with your mom. forgets to order his entree at the restaurant because he’s watching the baby monitor app on his phone.
definitely the best at splitting baby duties with you. reiner’s up before you most nights when she wakes, grabbing a bottle and cooing at her lovingly even as she screams. you always try to stay awake to watch him on the baby monitor, though, heart melting as his massive arms rock the tiny bundle back to sleep.
all the neighborhood kids love him because of his size. at every cookout, reiner can’t help on the grill because he’s buried in the grass in a little army of toddlers, led by your daughter, shrieking with joy.
always taking pictures. literally always. unflattering ones when you fall asleep breastfeeding, candids at the zoo, eighteen identical pictures of the lock of hair from her first haircut clogging up his camera roll.
can’t be the bad cop. literally ever. he just can’t say no to his little princess, can’t break her precious little heart by telling her that throwing her food onto the floor is bad.
takes your daughter to mommy & me classes with him
DILF DILF DILF. all the moms in the classes swoon over him and gossip about him when he’s not there; much to your annoyance, reiner never notices, insisting that they’re his “mommy friends”.
always sporting a little bit of glitter on his face or a sticker on his back from your daughter
coming from a fatherless background, reiner nearly kills himself trying to be a constant presence in your daughter’s life (you have to remind him that he has to rest too)
never misses an open house night at school, even if it nearly gets him fired. coaches all of her sports teams. literally almost cries when she makes her first soccer goal. actually does cry when she tells you the boy sitting beside her in class called her his girlfriend. full-blown breakdown on her first day of school, so bad he has to stay home from work.
the absolute BEST through your pregnancy and delivery. always cooking your craving of the week, constant foot and back rubs, stays up all night with you for the three days before the birth when you’re just too swollen and miserable to sleep.
holds your hand through the entire delivery, gets in the doctors’ way when they’re performing checkups because “i’m her father, i need to know what’s going on”
levi never pictured himself as having children, but when your little surprise arrives, blinking up at levi with his own grey, owlish eyes, levi can’t believe he hadn’t thought of it sooner.
very easily irritated with anyone asking questions about your home life.
when his coworkers ask for your newborn’s name, levi simply says “child.” are you two trying again? “why the fuck do you need to know?”
super overprotective. your baby waves at someone in the supermarket, and levi’s leaning down to explain (in words your eight-month-old can’t yet understand) stranger danger.
totally one of those parents that goes half-crazy trying to get their child into the top-notch, snobby preschool in town.
“we’re not wasting his intelligence on the public school”
levi grew up with basically nothing, so he goes all out buying the best baby products on the market. $2,500 strollers, researching “best baby toys for development”, the whole nine yards.
100% spends months trying to get your child to make a game out of picking up his own toys after playtime, but it never works.
has a meal plan for your child to “optimize nutrition” that you have to sneak around to give your baby little chocolates and junk snacks.
“why are there pringles in his playtime bag? they have no nutritional value.”
vets anyone that comes around your child, even other children. “no more playtime with that evan kid. he’s always got a cold or something.”
he’s always been a light sleeper, but once you have your child, levi snores beside them watching kids’ cartoons on the tv like you’ve never seen him, even drooling as his head lolls, arm tucked tight around your little one.
learned everything he could about labor and delivery beforehand
you almost killed him in the delivery room as he explained each medical detail of your labor symptoms to “reassure” you. he finally got the hint when you threatened to decapitate him.
he thinks it’s shameful, but watching you be a mother turns. him. on. 
wants to take you right there when he catches you breastfeeding, watches you read a bedtime story, spin your child around laughing. you’re just so naturally good at it and it makes him love you all the more, all that love going straight between his legs.
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
ok ok ok, so what im thinking is something like this.
its summer vacation btw, probably the summer right before he goes pro/art leaves for stanford
patrick has never really been very invested in his parents lives, but he wasnt surprised in the slightest when they had announced their divorce earlier that year. everyone had seen that coming for years. what he is surprised by tho is you, walking around his parents - well i guess now just his dads- house in tiny pj shorts and one of his old shirts from the academy. one that he'd left behind in his room ages ago. who are you... and why are you in his house?
turns out his dad had moved on from the divorce very quickly. so quickly in fact that his dads new wife, your mom, and you had already been moved into the house. before patrick was even told about any of you. patrick is pissed. not because he really cares about his parents relationships, he couldnt care less, but he's pissed that he now wont have the second floor all to himself. he has to share it with you. not that you're even sharing a bathroom or anything, this house is enormous. but his space is being invaded by some chick he's never even met.
i want him to be so pissed at his dad that hes totally taking it out on you, teasing the shit out of you, always flirting with you in that infuriating but oh so attractive way. you cant really tell if he actually wants to fuck you, or if hes just an ass who gets off on being a perv and pissing you off. i want it to start as a way for him to spend the hours, summers at the house are boring and never ending, he needs some form of entertainment. but then slowly he starts enjoying the way you groan at him when hes whispering over the noise of the dinner party to sneak away for a quicky with him.
i need to be so confused on whether he truly means it, does he actually want to fuck you? its wrong, and its very dirty. i dont think reader would be like overly innocent here, shes had sex before, nothing crazy though. nothing like the things patrick tells her about, nothing like the nights he recaps in her unwilling ear over breakfast...
i just need him to be a cocky asshole whos insistent that he will make you beg for him by the end of summer.............. hope this makes sense
GODDDDDDD fell to my knees sobbing shaking
As soon as he’s been forced through cursory introductions (And this is your new stepsister, she’s your age too), he’s slammed his door and locked himself in his room.
He can tell you’ve been snooping— his shit is all off-kilter and scattered. CD’s out of order in his organizer (it’s by genre, then alphabetical, it’s not that hard), DVDs removed from his shelf and stacked on his dresser. His TV turns on to MTV, which he doesn’t fucking watch. It should turn on to Spike, or nothing. Worse, the carton of cigarettes he kept stashed in his bedside table was gone.
So he walks over to your door, which you’ve decorated with fucking stickers and a dry erase sign that you’ve scribbled on in lime green marker (Keep Out!). He shoves the door open and finds you straddling the windowsill, one dangling out the window as you smoke.
“What the fuck, don’t you knock?” You snap.
He grabs the cigarette from your mouth and you slap at his arm. It tastes faintly like marshmallows, must be from your sparkly lipgloss. “Keep the fuck out of my room,” he says firmly, exhaling smoke into the air. Your room smells like fresh paint— he realizes then you’ve painted the walls pink. “And buy your own fucking cigarettes.”
You look at him, roll your eyes. “We’re siblings now, we’re supposed to share,” you deadpan. He grits his teeth. Because you’re wearing one of his shirts, you’ve got one of his CD players on your dresser playing the Pussycat Dolls. You climb back inside the window and he swallows hard at the sight of your shorts all ridden up.
You have a nice ass, honestly— he stares at it when you bend over to grab the rest of the carton. When you turn, his reaction time is delayed. You sneer when you realize what he was doing. “Take your cigarettes back, perv.”
You shove him out of the room and slam the door in his face. He grins. You’re pretty hot when you’re annoyed with him.
That weekend, you’re in a study that had been repurposed into a game room— big TV, ping pong table, a big, caved in couch. You’re curled up beneath a blanket watching some movie he’s never heard of.
It makes you scowl when he sits down, pulls your legs into his lap. “Can you not?” You mutter.
He shrugs, trails delicate touches along your calves. Your toes flex, you instinctively lean into his touch. “I’m bonding with you,” he says. “Isn’t that what mommy and daddy want?”
Your face turns in disgust. “Gross. I’m not calling your fucking dad that.”
He laughs, trails his fingers a little higher so they brush against your knee. “No? You don’t want to be my cute little sister? Don’t want a big brother to scare all the boys off?” You shake your head, but your thighs part slightly, inviting his touch higher. He feels your thighs tense, only a bit. “Oh? Now who’s the perv?”
You kick him hard, scramble out of his lap. “You’re disgusting, Patrick.”
He grins, watches you walk away. You made it too easy for him.
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Happy Derry Headcanons
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*Upon returning to Avonlea (for vacation in Queens) Diana apologized to Jerry
*they were both very happy to see each other, but jerry was a little shy at first
*they stayed on good terms, became friends
*but 2 years later, when Diana turned 18, they were dating again
*This time it was not a secret, everyone found out, Diana's parents had not changed in terms of social class, they were furious, they yelled, they punished, they threatened, but Diana remained firm in her decision
"Now I decide the course of my life, I broke up with Jerry once, I won't twice, I love him whether he likes it or not."
*Aunt Jo was very supportive of Diana, now she practically lives with her and school, she bought a house in Avonlea to stay there for a few days, visit Minnie May, friends and other Avonlea visitors when they are on weekends or vacations
*Diana became a recognized pianist, and a governess to pay for her recitals, Jerry is still a farmer, thanks to his work he was able to buy a house for himself and Diana.
*Diana and Jerry get married at 22
*They go to live in Charlottetown, in a middle-class area, buy a rather dilapidated house, but they manage to remodel it and transform it into a comfortable place.
*Shortly after, Minnie May goes to live with them.
"You know, I'm glad to finally be free of mom and dad, they were driving me crazy." "We will still see them on weekends" "It doesn't matter, I'll miss Avonlea, but I'm glad to live with my older sister again" the girls hug each other "I hope you like that I'm here too" "Remember who spoke to you Jeremias" "Minnie May," Diana scolded. "You will never stop scolding me right" "Of course not, that's why I'm your big sister, and now I guess I'll be some kind of mother figure." "Well, I hope you do a good job, I don't mind your presence French boy, as long as I don't have to see anything inappropriate" "Of course, this is a decent home," Diana assured.
It was difficult for Diana to keep her word
"Not now Jerry, Minnie May is home." "she is sleeping" "you never know with her" "s'il te plait ma chérie nous ferons attention"(Please darling we will be careful)" "Je ne traumatiserai pas ma petite soeur" (I'm not going to traumatize my little sister) Diana shouted and Jerry gave in, but she hasn't given up, sometimes he manages to convince her, but only when Minnie May isn't home
*Ruby is Diana's neighbor, Jane lives a few blocks away and they have constant "women's meetings" at the 2 o'clock house but more than anything at Mrs. Baynard's, when Anne, Tillie and Josie and some ex-queens classmates go to visit there is no human power that removes women from that house
"I also want to be part of the talk" Minnie May commented when she came home from school and found them together "Well, why not?" said Anne. "oh really?" "Of course, you're not a little girl anymore, you're a lady" answered Anne "it's so lovely to be 15" they all laughed
"You know" said Minnie May after a while "I think I'm not going to get married" "What!!" some girls from Queens exclaimed, shocked, before the hard gaze of the Avonlea women, they hid a little "if marriage is a bit complex, mom and dad made me hate love, even now" "Marriage is not always pleasant dear, it has its good and bad moments, but it is charming" commented a friend of the girls "Anyway, if you decide not to get married in the future it will be fine Minnie May, you are a strong spirit, you would do well in the world, just don't let society tell you what to do" Jane said, the girl nodded gratefully
"Yes, it would also be of great help for my future, I could give a recital in any city without consulting the opinion of "my husband", just my violin and me… oh and Diana I want her with me, well if I take her I suppose that Jerry would have to come with us too, right?"
"That is right sweety" "It's okay, I can handle it just because of my success, a man who carries the suitcases doesn't hurt" "I don't think people would get excited to see a spinster playing an instrument, upper class people would consider it a scandal" Josie opined, over the years, she had become a better person, but no one could take away her "education" as a child rich "Better for me, I don't need the hypocritical rich to enjoy my talent, the poor people will be going, I'll get cheap, what they can afford and leave them enough money to eat, so people will flock to see me, who says that the poor They don't have the right to have fun." "I love hearing that, Minnie May, I'm so delighted that you and Jane have been so positively influenced by my coming into your lives." "Don't let the cigarette smoke go up to your head, Anne, what I told Minnie is from my situation, you can't say anything about being single, you're married to Gilbert" "Oh yes, that's my precious friend, oh Gilbert, my beloved and charming, handsome and noble Gilbert, he is the best husband in the world."
"No, that's not true, Moody is all that and more, there is no one who compares to him, so chivalrous, brave, and smart" "It's good that you stop there, I can believe the useless qualities that you mentioned something, but let me tell you something with all the love that I have for you dear, he is anything but intelligent" Everyone except Ruby who was furious laughed "Moody is much more intelligent than any of her husbands and even than you" before the incessant laughter she begged desperately as if she were still 16 years old "Come on Diana tell them"
"Okay, ladies, I'm not going to bring my husband into the discussion of the 'best husband' because all of our husbands, thank heavens, are excellent, and that's why we consider them the best to the point of entering into a ridiculous competition over who is the most handsome, talented and intelligent, but we don't need this, because each one of them is perfect for us and that's what's enough" said the black-haired woman in a conciliatory tone and she managed to finish the conversation there "However, let me tell you what I love Jerry so much and how happy I am to have chosen him, I love the fact that even our parents realize that we are and will be happier than they have been, the other day I was visiting them, and my mother as always He looked as if he were the most unpleasant thing in this world and I, with my natural elegance, asked her if she was not happy because he fulfilled what he always wanted" before the confused looks of his childhood friends and explaining to the women of Queens he continued "You see, my mother always wanted me to marry a Frenchman, and I did so, only with someone without wealth, a man of society, and I married a young man from humble origins, but in my defense she did not specify the kind of status I should have, he always said French, you can't blame me for omitting that little detail" At the woman's explanation they all started laughing like there was no tomorrow until Jane ended up with her cheeks as red as Anne's hair "Diana, you crossed the limits, poor woman, I'm sure she almost had a heart attack from so much impudence" "Almost smacked her," Minnie May commented with a smile.
"You must have seen her, it was so glorious, I wish Cole would have been there to make a portrait as detailed and beautiful as he does of her face, her expressions, I would hang that portrait on the living room wall, right in front of where we are sitting, and would tell visitors the fascinating history of the painting." "Diana, darling, a society woman shouldn't be so defiant or wild" commented one of the amused neighbors "You are absolutely right, my dear friend, a classy woman should not act like that, but I am Diana Baynard, the free and fun woman who will continue to do that kind of thing" The room was flooded with laughter again
Diana got pregnant, everyone (except the Baynards, what a surprise) were very happy) at that time, despite the tranquility that a pregnancy should have had, Diana lived through the busiest months of the last few years, traveled constantly to Avonlea, had some recitals in several cities, and received and visited her neighbors constantly, in addition to her work as a housewife.
She was constantly visited, Anne, Gilbert, Josie, Tillie, neighbors and even old friends of the queens and acquaintances appeared at her house, Marilla and the Baynard family advised her and helped with the pregnancy, Auntie Jo and Cole settled in the Baynard house and They stayed several months after Diana gave birth, she was especially grateful for so many wonderful people in her life.
Nobody called her the most "belle du monde" (beautiful in the world) pregnant woman as much as her husband.
Jerry is extremely accommodating to Diana, as if he no longer allows her to do any effort at home, she cooks, irons, washes, and keeps the house clean, Diana misses the routine a bit, but she loves her rest
"I was too lucky that you still liked me, after how bad I behaved with you"
"I had all the luck in the world to marry my first and only love, Diana, the most perfect girl in the universe, she is perfect for me"
One night Diana and Jerry were in her room, she was reading and he was writing a letter in French.
"You know dear she was thinking of something" "Tell me love" "it would be perfect if we had a small farm, like in green abbles" "You're serious Diana" Jerry asked very surprised, Diana thought that maybe it wasn't a good idea, they didn't have much money "Yes, I thought it would be nice, you know that children are created with animals, plus I know how much you miss working for the Cuthberts and the animals in your house" she commented with some shyness, but Jerry hugged her euphorically, and his doubts were dispelled. "That's the best idea in the world Diana, I love you so much amour" and she gave him one of those passionate kisses that Anne delighted to find described in books. "Tu fais de moi l'homme le plus heureux du monde d'une manière si simple que tu ne peux pas imaginer" (you make me the happiest man in the world in such simple ways that you cannot imagine) and the very serene and controller of such that even if Anne had seen she would not have believed
*Diana's pregnancy gave Minnie May the opportunity to bring out her curious
"Diana, Jerry I need to talk to you" "We hear you daughter" Jerry said jokingly. "At school the boys talk explicitly about how babies are formed" Diana was stunned and Jerry grabbed the newspaper so hard that he tore it, he drank coffee to calm down "I've stayed away from those conversations because I consider them indecent, And a woman should not make men boast of their stupid knowledge" "Your behavior seems very good to me Minnie May, however the word 'stupid' is not appropriate" "Anyway, the point is that although it may be considered inappropriate at my age, I would like someone to explain to me how a woman gets pregnant" Jerry spit out the coffee through his nose, Diana and Minnie May looked at him confused, the older one pondered words his sister for a few seconds "Alright" "really?" they asked confused "Yes, this is a modern home, not my parents' house, I prefer that Minnie May find out from us and not from what the new vulgar people of this world tell her" "However, I will write to Anne for her advice on how to tell her." "Yes, better write to him, I don't know how to explain the subject" "We know Jerry, you are not the most educated person in this house" "Minnie May!" "What? Was I rude?" I ask with sincere interest, the adults looked at each other confused
Anne sent a 13-page letter describing with the most graceful words in the world "said process" Diana was very grateful for the letter, kept it in a box along with others that her best friend had sent her, and decided that she was going to explain to him to Minnie may the process as she considered more appropriate. The talk went wonderfully, both were satisfied
"You did well to explain me in your own way, I'm sure that Anne's passionate explanation would have traumatized me" "Definitely, it was the weirdest thing I've ever read, and I already knew the process"
*Diana gave birth to triplets, Albert Fred Baynard, Anne Cordelia Baynard, and Charlotte Liria Baynard, they were beautiful brown and black-haired babies with bright brown and green eyes (from the Baynard family, the name of the last girl is a tribute to Jerry's mother)
*A short time later, Jerry buys a piece of land and turns it into an extension of the house, and it is the new farm.
"Society women should not be working on a farm" "We are no longer women of society my beloved sister, we are free damsels, owners of their own lives, who no longer care if their dresses get dirty, after all there is soap" "Spending time with Anne affected you" "No, I'm free, what's wrong with you? I thought you would have liked to grow up with animals" "Yes, but not to work on a farm, let Jerry do it, he has experience, or let's get employees like the Cuthberts" "The Cuthberts will get Jerry, because idols couldn't take care of the farm anymore and we'll do the same when the time comes." "being poor is so hard"
"It is, but for me it's worth it"
*Diana loves when the baynards, the cuthberts, miss stacy, bash, cole, tia jo and all her friends are gathered in her house, she loves her life like no one else.
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
any date headcannons?
oooooh so open-ended I love it!
being an ~Athlete~ Nate is habitually a morning person and typically runs in the mornings. Dan can not understand this. Nate will pester Dan to come on runs with him every so often because it's good for Dan's mental health, but, god, at what cost?
Nate starts learning to cook under Dan's tutelage. there's the basics: eggs, pasta, grilled cheese, pancakes. the first time Nate manages to cook breakfast on his own he is so proud of himself. but there are a couple times when he sets off the smoke alarms.
Nate is such an easygoing down to earth guy, so he's not typically or outwardly materialistic, but every so often he will say something so rich-boy-unhinged, about food or wine or clothes or hair products and Dan takes psychic damage.
they do their own march madness brackets every year and they never win, but their bet is who loses first buys dinner and drinks next time they go out.
my favorite vocations of choice for Natie change with the wind: community outreach for a major league team, PT for a major league team, school teacher, pediatric nurse, social worker, but Dan is always a writer/house-husband/stay-at-home-dilf. he goes to grad school after college, and nate is his rock through it
(I think it was waldorfhistoria who told me that in the books Dan goes to a MFA program at U of Iowa? what if Nate followed him to the midwest? omg, what if nate follows him to Iowa and that's how he learns to be a grassroots organizer?!?! ohhhhh the potential...)
i already put this in my dilf!date fic, but Nate is the one who proposes. he plans this big romantic trip to the mountains, he gets use of his uncle's ski lodge, he books this grand romantic dinner but before they get to that night, Dan gets injured on the slopes, and Nate feels so bad about it that he just mopes the whole time bc he just wanted Dan to have a romantic, happy time and be able to walk and now he's like "i can't propose after i almost killed him!"
but Dan picks up on his bad mood and in typical Dan fashion teases until he pushes Nate over the edge and Nate goes and gets the ring and he's like "here!" and dan is just *shocked pikachu face*
but OF COURSE Dan says yes and their people are very excited and Blair says she'll be throwing them an engagement party but not until Dan's ugly walking cast is off
also when the cast is off Dan does his own proposal and gets down on his knee because Nate deserves it!
Nate's parents are Trash and aren't very supportive of date from the start but Nate goes through his mourning period and is pretty much at peace with cutting them out. If they don't want to be here then they don't deserve to be.
and all of Dan's parents (all three of em) bend over backwards to make Nate feel like he's in their family - which he like, basically already is.
the first time Alison sees him after he breaks up with Howard and Anne she tells Nate "I'm Mom. Don't you ever call me anything else."
their wedding is small. they go somewhere together every summer, a house on the beach, maybe Hamptons, maybe elsewhere, so after they get engaged they tell their people, "Okay, we're going on our vacation these days, we'll be getting married then, come if you want" (of course they want). so Jenny, Eric, Serena, Vanessa, Blair, Scott, Rufus, Lily, Alison, they all come. (Howard and Anne are not invited, but they are informed)
Eric officiates. Serena makes a toast that opens with "I take full credit for this relationship!"
Nate is not A Reader, but Dan firmly believes that there's a book niche for everybody, after some trial and error, they find that Nate's is FANTASY. Howl's Moving Castle becomes one of his favorites.
Before they have kids, when Dan goes on book tour, Nate will always come along for a week or two. He's very good at working a room, and shining a light on Dan is his favorite reason to do it.
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 year
I came home early from my silly little mountain trip because my mom decided to tag along with my sister to LA and the kids were left here alone. Now, they're 15 and 16, so probably ok on their own. I just know they're.... not the brightest when it comes to things like not setting the house on fire (I came home to no one in the house but 5 candles lit, and there are 3 cats in the house who love to knock things onto the floor) or locking doors (front door was unlocked) or saving energy (AC was set at 62 and every single light - inside and out - was on).
My brother and sister come home from whatever teenagers do these days and my brother instantly goes, "Did you hear what happened when you were gone?" And I start freaking out because oh my god what did they do? But it turns out it's just shit with my mom again. Of course. She goes to this festival in LA promising to be on her best behavior and then starts throwing herself in front of moving vehicles, begging people to hit her and kill her, all because my sister told her she was being dramatic about some event that got lost in the rendition I was told. So she called a 5150 on my mom and had her put in a psych ward for the past two days. Allegedly she's checked herself out now and was last heard from walking from this hospital to the airport, which I was told was something like 15 miles apart. I told my sister it wasn't her fault, whatever it is that happened, and that I hope she knows everything our mom does is for attention and to gain control of a situation, which is true. She only threatens to kill herself if she feels she doesn't have control over one of us. I told her that, next time, she should just let her do whatever histrionic bullshit she's pulling and move along like it's not happening. The only way I've ever found to combat my mom's "you're not doing what I want you to so I'll go hang myself in a tree!" behavior is to say, "Ok. Bet." and ignore her from there. Is that callous? I wish I had the capacity to care about that any more.
So this psycho ass bitch decides on a whim to leave her teenage kids alone without telling them, goes to the opposite side of the country, ruins my little mini vacation because I have more of a sense of responsibility than she does and don't want two inexperienced young people left alone for several days, ruins my other sister's vacation by being a crazy ass and leaving her with no ride home when she gets back into town (and an Uber from the airport to her house is like $70, so I'll end up having to get her), and now that I'm home I'll have to deal with her whenever she finds her way back out east.
This is the second or third time she's ended up in a mental hospital in the past two years, and for some reason no one in these places cares enough to do shit. They just let her go, every time. I cannot stand her. The sister she went to LA with is the world's biggest ass kisser, so I'm surprised she drew the line somewhere; usually she just tells my mom she's the best mom ever and buys her shit and things get dropped, though it only serves to fuel my mom's delusions that I'm a total sack of shit for not caring when she's throwing a tantrum. My youngest sister only wants a relationship with our mom because that's her last living parent and she regrets not being able to know her dad as well as she'd like to have, even though she admits regularly that she doesn't like talking to our mom because she's always mean to her. And my brother wants nothing to do with her because she's always telling him he's a failure and a piece of shit and he should just drop out of school and kill himself because he'll never be anything. But we've also all given up calling DCS long ago because they don't give a single fuck either. I'm 27 and my other sister is 25. Either of us could easily take our teen siblings - anyone who knows us knows we've done more to raise them than our own mother. But nope. No one cares. So she's just allowed custody of kids she clearly doesn't want because reasons.
I'm so sick of the shit. I can't even have a fucking break because of her, and I'm at a point (again, because of her) where I feel my only way out is death. She's hands down the worst person I've met in my entire life, and I've never been a person who holds any value to others unless it's as a sexual object or for exploitative reasons such as "I am a hard worker and will do anything I'm asked." Just so fucking tired, but I can't escape. I swear to god, though, if she comes home and wants to throw hands, I can bench more than she weighs and can squat almost double her weight, and I have been waiting for a bitch to try some shit with me for a very long time.
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0l0x · 2 years
Don't completely blame your parents (except for hoarding) sometimes things get really bad under the surface before they become apparent. I had my roof replaced in 2005. In 2019, I realized that it had been leaking during storms ever since, and to fix the damage at this point I'd have to tear out most of the ceilings and some of the walls. It's way too much to deal with. so I'm just hoping it manages to hold together. I have a hole stabbed in the ceiling now, so I know where to but the bucket.
I'm really sorry that happened to you, Anon. Water damage is especially hard to deal with because like you said, sometimes it gets really bad before you notice it.
But in my parent's case, I do blame them because they had the power to fix these things well before they got to this point. 20 years ago, they knew the back part of the house was leaking. Did they have the money to fix it? Yes. Did they get it fixed? No.
Letting the house fall apart was a choice they made because instead of spending money to fix it, they decided to buy a bunch of stupid shit they didn't need. Expensive vacations, high end clothes, power tools they never used, a giant TV, a camper, a sports car, a boat, brand new phones every year, and so on...while they lived in a literal trash dump that was falling apart around them. They constantly bought new stuff then left it out to rot, so it can't even be sold today. I am currently paying thousands of dollars to get all that shit they bought hauled away because they didn't even take care of it properly. It's all garbage now. My stepdad is still, to this day, paying off some of these things while they lay in a landfill.
It's hard not to be bitter about this, because as a child I would beg them to fix the holes in the roof and they refused. I was tired of waking up soaking wet and freezing all the time. Instead of hiring someone to fix the leak, my stepdad chose to thumbtack a towel over the hole above my bed and bought a giant TV for himself. I would wake up under a cold, wet towel every time it rained.
Every decision they made here was a slap in my fucking face. My mom apologizes for it now when she's sick and dying, which I really appreciate, but it's a case of "too little, too late". I still have to deal with it. I still have to swim in debt for the rest of my life as I attempt to clean it up.
What they did to me and this property was fucking SHITTY and I just can't forgive them for it. This was all a deliberate choice they made. That's what makes this whole situation so frustrating. If they were too poor to deal with it, I wouldn't even be mad. But they weren't. Their priorities were just jacked the fuck up.
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just1jia · 2 years
Dating Ollie Bearman would be like
- Hugsssss, I mean this man loves hugs . It doesn't matter if he is sad or happy he will want a hug or if your sad or happy he will hug you.
- Man loves cuddling and having a deep deep conversation with you. He lets you vent to him about your problems or interest. And trust me on this one HE WILL NOT INTERRUPT YOU WHILE YOUR TALKING (Sorry for the caps).
- He is so loyal to you. I'm just gonna leave it there.
-Your family loves him. Especially your Mom (from your closer family). She thinks he is such a gentleman and polite person. Your Father also likes him cuz he can talk about cars and races with him. If you have siblings they will love him too. From your your more distant family, Your baby cousins love him the most (about 1-7 year old kids). ( if you have two dads or two moms you can change it up if needed to)
-He loves when you call him nicknames. Doesn't matter what the nickname is he just loves it. "Sweetheart can you pa-" " did you just call ME Sweetheart".
- Loves giving/sending gifts ( in my dr he has a distant relationship with me). Like you wake up to your mom/dad yelling for you to come downstairs " Y/N honey come down here! Someone sent you a bouquet of flowers".
-He will take you on vacations whenever you and he have time or he will ask his parents to take you on there family vacations.
-He made a whole Playlist for you and him when your together. ( from whoever I saw this from,take credits cuz I don't remember who you are)
-Your couple song is "Just the two of us" by Grover Washington Jr.
- I just see you and him vibing to "Love tonight" by Shouse.
-Probably buy you two matching bracelets.
-He is afraid to cry infront of you,but when he was in Monza ( God I hate it so much) He couldn't keep it in any longer so he broke down while hugging you.
-He loves staring at you. He thinks your the most beautiful person in the whole world.
-He takes care of everything you give to him as a gift like his two eyes. Once you gave him a magnet you got when you where visiting (what ever country you want) and he opend the fridge door a little to fast and the magnet went flying and broke into a trillion pieces. The boy was crying so hard a ded grandma in China heard him. So his mom called you to tell him it was fine. ( My man never got over it)
-Speaking about his mom he is a mommy's boy ( again the person who wrote this and I took it,please credit yourself!).
-Forces you to were his Prema stuff and take pictures of you in it and he also does that with his other chlotes.
- My man Ollie is such a sweetheart he would never think to raise his voice or hand at you. (If he did,he would hate himself for the rest of his life).
-Loves talking about you and really wants to show you off.
-Supports everything you do. You are a streamer, he watches all of your streams. You do modeling,he is there at all your shows.
- After all of this his ranking is 10000/10 would do again
- Hi guys it's Jia. I hope you liked this and enjoyed reading it. Just so you know my first language isn't English so if there are any wrong written words please ignore them. And don't be shy request your ideas❤❤.
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thecryptidcottage · 1 year
↳ continued from here ! ( @urbnlgnds )
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         it’s the small moments like this that remind arlo why all of the painfully early mornings and long hours are worth it. getting to hold sawyer close like this, getting to actually feel how perfectly she fits in his arms as she settles against him ― it’s an odd juxtaposition, the way these softer touches serve to keep him sharp. arlo faust is not afraid to admit that every decision he’s made for the past few years has been for her ; he stayed with his parents as much as every ounce of him yearned to drop out, to run away and escape, because he wouldn’t be worth a damn without an education ; he enlisted, in spite of everything he ever told himself growing up, because he’d seen first-hand the benefits and security it could provide a family and he wanted to be able to provide that for sawyer. and the long hours he works ? he’ll never be able to say he can’t give her what she wants, the life she deserves, now and forever. who needs sleep ? sometimes arlo is convinced he could run off the love from his wife alone, as corny as that sounds. ( and he knows it does, but it’s a cliche for a reason, alright ? it’s true. ) well, that and coffee. he can’t count how many times he’s been nearly tempted into buying an espresso machine. but where would they put it ?
         ❝ in a perfect world. ❞ the response comes into the form of a sigh murmured into soft blonde waves and arlo squeezes her tight for a moment. ❝ you could get paid to give all of your attention to me all the time ― ideally by somebody who’s not me, some anonymous benefactor, maybe ― and then neither one of us have to work again, and we can just do this.  ❞ arlo grins at the thought ― a fantasy, really ― and tilts his head a bit to find her gaze. ❝ or i can just take you to work with me, and you can give me kisses when i do a good job. like gold stars. ❞ he pauses, and then his expression grows serious. ❝ only me, though. no gold stars for my coworkers. i work harder anyway. ❞ deciding that neither of them is moving anywhere any time soon, arlo sinks further into the sofa ; on the floor a few feet away, mumford stirs, and arlo eyes him warily. there is not enough room for all three of them on there right now, and quite frankly, he’s not in the mood to share sawyer. when he settles, arlo looks back toward sawyer. ❝ good. ‘cause you know i’d have to romeo-and-juliet it. i’d rather be in the ground beside you than have to face my mom trying to set me up on a date at your funeral, ❞ he teases. ❝ and then who would let mumford―❞ the dog’s ears twitch, ❝ ―out to chase the squirrels ? ❞
          arlo doesn’t relent in his kisses until sawyer starts squirming, but then he’s quick to wrap up his antics and settle down ; he’s taken an accidental elbow to the gut when he’s not heeded her warning before, and he’s too comfortable right now to take the risk. ❝ a vacation ? a vacation ? ❞ arlo sighs dramatically, tossing his head back against the couch and closing his eyes. ❝ i could use a damn vacation. you think they’ll set me free for a week if i ask, or should i start planning to fake the flu ? i mean, it’s not like we live anywhere close to the base, i wouldn’t get caught. ❞ he peeks an eye open at her and fakes a cough. ❝ i’m already starting to feel faint. you might have to carry me to the bedroom. ❞
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cannonball5 · 2 years
My head canons for the Girls post graduation:
Spoilers Obviously
First James and Erin were dating in 3x07 and no one can convince me otherwise. Erin and James dated until the end of summer. They were each other’s firsts for a lot of things. Their first “I love you” happens in the middle of their first real fight as a couple. They were each other’s first time which happened about 5 minutes after their first fight. They both got into different Universities and so agreed to break up before leaving for school so they don’t strain their relationships with their friends since they won’t see them as much now (I imagine a last kiss at the train station as one of them boards).
Erin goes to school and studies English and Literature. She gets a job at a publishing house after graduating from University and continues her writing (she will often try to slip her manuscripts to her bosses). She started to focus on YA fantasy when Harry Potter blew up and Erin frequently calls J.K. Rowling her “Nemesis.”
James goes to school in London for University but also because he finds out his mom’s pregnant by her new husband (James didn’t even know she remarried). He decides to be close by to give his new sibling at least a partially stable “Parental Figure.” He decides to Major in Film but also takes a minor in business. Not long after graduating he goes over to his mom’s to find out she’s packed and gone on a vacation with her new boyfriend and that she’ll be “back in a month, tops.” James realizes almost immediately she’s packed all her stuff and probably isn’t coming back anytime soon. Knowing he can’t care for both himself and his little sister (plot twist his mom’s horrible) James moves back to Derry. When he moves back he buys one of Dennis’s old shops and makes it into a nerd paraphernalia store. It does well even before the Doctor Who revival because it hosts regular movie nights showing films sooner than even theaters thanks to some old film school friends.
Orla decides to travel after graduating. She packs a bag (of mostly sweets) and over the next 5 years travels the world. She steps foot on every continent (when she visited Antarctica she had to be stopped from smuggling penguins in her bags), she learned self defense fighting from multiple sources, discovered she’s a prodigy in Yoga, met Kamal when she was in Africa, fought in underground fight clubs, accidentally started a cult, and at one point assisted MI6 with an operation (she may or may not be an inspiration for a Bond Girl). After getting back home she told her stories to Erin who used them as inspiration for a moderately successful YA series. Also Orla is never hurting for money as she apparently partially owns the rights to several international hit songs and movies. She currently owns a Yoga studio with an Ice Cream/Sweets shop attached.
Clare after being in therapy to help with her grief and anxiety she became fascinated by the human mind and started studying psychology. She eventually becomes a therapist and opens a practice back home. While she deals in all matters of mental health she specializes mostly in anxiety. A few years after opening her practice she also starts a Help Line for LGBTQ+ kids and teens (it’s her proudest accomplishment). Clare also starts dating the manager she hired to run the help line. They’ve been living together since 2011 and were engaged in 2012. They adopted 3 kids (2 girls and a boy) as well as 2 cats before they officially got married in 2020.
Michelle lost focus a bit after graduating. With her friends gone she didn’t know what to do. She became a bartender and was actually pretty good at it (she also likes to joke she’s doing what Clare wants to do without the fancy degree and she gets to drink when she does it). After a few years slinging drinks she realizes she wants more out of life. After spending time with her brother Michelle decides to get involved with the Justice system. She starts taking night classes studying pre-law and while she is struggling to find a law school she has a chat with her mom and decides to change course. Her mom asks her how she wants to help people and tells Michelle that while she doesn’t have a medical degree she believes she makes more of an impact in people’s lives than the doctors. After that Michelle joins Law Enforcement to not only help her community and people but also to hold her fellow officers to a higher standard. Michelle now is a Chief Inspector. She also is divorced and shares custody of her twins with her Ex.
Also Erin and James did eventually get back together. They did date other people (James dated Jenny Joyce for about 2 months, a secret he plans to take to his grave), but they started dating again in 2007, exactly 10 years to the day of their first kiss. They got married on the 10 year anniversary of there breakup (Erin liked the full circle feel of it). They got pregnant about 6 months after their wedding and have a daughter, Josephine Deirdre Maguire (they call her Joey).
Sorry it’s so long. If you made it this far kudos to you.
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
4 weeks - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, needy Bakugou, 18+, sub!bakugou, dom!f!reader, oral, use of viagra, NOT SPELL CHECKED (sorry >w<)
Summary: Bakugou done fucked up and now he has to pay the price..sorta
A/N: just for the sake of the story, your quirk is “Command.” As long as you come into physical contact with your opponent, even for a second, you can command them to do your bidding until you say “rebel.”
You could’ve sworn the whole house, scratch that, the whole world shook as Bakugou screamed at you.
Bakugou had fucked up. During a little heated session, things got a little too rough. As Bakugou was railing you from the back, he tugged at your hair. However, along with your soft locks, he pulled on your thin necklace chain that was gifted to you by your precious 5 year old son. The chain broke and Bakugou didn’t even tell you. He opted to have you both finish before he even mentioned the broken gift.
And now it was the next day and Katsuo, your son, had noticed the missing necklace. It did hurt him a bit especially considering he did so much to earn money and go with grandma to buy the necklace but he assured you it was okay. You sent him off to his room to play as you walked to the kitchen to scold and punish your husband. As you complained to him, he conversed with you as his back was facing you and only turned when he heard your punishment for him.
“You heard me. 4 weeks. No sex, no touching, no hugs or kisses, no nothing. No. Physical. Contact.” You said with a stern and nonchalant face. Your arms were crossed as you faced your husband who looked at you with an open mouth and open palms.
“Wha- but- WHY???” He whined.
“Katsuki come on! You broke my very expensive necklace!” You said, gesturing to your now bare neck.
“Who cares if it was expensive, I could buy you another one! We’re pros Y/N, we could buy a unicorn if we wanted!” Bakugou argued as he was still trying to get out of his punishment. You only crossed your arms and pressed your fingers into your forehead.
“That’s not the point! It’s the fact that even though it was so expensive, our 5 year old son still bought it! And so because you broke it, this is your punishment.” You explained. Bakugou groaned as he threw his head back and huffed towards the ceiling when an idea came to his mind.
“You know..” he began as he walked towards you, “I broke that necklace, on accident, because I was so focused on pleasuring my queen. Anndddd I could make it up to you in the exact same way~” He attempted to wrap his arms around your waist but you spun around and stepped behind him resulting in him stumbling forward. He turned towards you and growled.
“Really Katsuki? You’re gonna snarl at me? Look, you know the rules, so follow them. Now I’m going with Katsuo to get him a new toy to cheer him up, you just...heh, sit in your room and think about what you’ve done.” You teased. You grabbed your purse and had Katsuo get ready. Once he was done you told him to get into the car and you walked to Katsuki to say bye. You smirked as you looked at him and pressed your hands against his chest. You slowly went in for a kiss and Bakugou looked at you in shock before he smirked and leaned in too. But just as your lips were about to touch, you pulled away and walked to the door. As you opened it you turned to him and spoke.
“No kisses. Remember?” You grinned at him. He snarled and picked up a pillow off the couch and threw it towards you but you shut the door before it could reach you. This was gonna be a long 4 weeks for Katsuki.
Katsuki awoken to his gorgeous wife....sleeping on the other side of the bed far..far away from him. No touching meant no sleepy time cuddles either. It had already been like this for a week. He looked a little closer at her sleeping figure and smiled at her peaceful state. He scooted closer and he tucked his head into your neck and wrapped his arm around your waist. Or more like he tried to. The second his arm made contact with your body for cuddles, you woke up and smacked his hand away.
“Ah! Y/N!! This isn’t fair!” He whined. He looked at his arm and saw a little red shade forming as he pouted at you. You turned towards your doting husband and just gave him a stern look.
“Who broke my necklace?” Bakugou sighed and flopped onto the bed on his back as he faced the ceiling.
“And now who has to pay the price?”
“Me.” He pouted again. You chuckled as you got up and stretched.
“Stop pouting Suki. You’re not Katsuo.” You giggled but he only looked at you with the same pout.
“He’s my carbon copy, we’re basically the same person.” You smiled at your humorous husband and he smiled seeing the grin that bestowed your face. You kneeled on the bed and leaned into him. You placed your hands on his chest as you got close to his face.
“You’ll survive, Love.” You said and then gave him a loving kiss. His eyes went wide at the surprise contact but he quickly smiled into the kiss and returned it as he shut his eyes to enjoy it. You intensified the kiss but when Katsuki went to pull you in closer by your neck, you quickly backed away. He looked at you in shock before whining again.
“Okay, first of all, I thought you said no touching.” He growled as he clenched his fist.
“I said you couldn’t touch. Never said anything about me,” you said with a cocky grin. Bakugou’s face went red at your devious actions.
“Okay well what the fuck? You can’t just kiss me like that and stop after I already went a whole week without touching you. Come back here,” he said as he tried to grab onto your wrist but you backed up and walked to your bedroom door.
“Get ready for the day love, this is just the beginning.”
Mitsuki and Masaru had just arrived. Katsuki was sitting on the couch trying to distract himself with the TV while you were in the kitchen making a smoothie when door bell rang. You opened the door greeting your in-laws with love and expectance.
“Hi Mom! Dad! Come in! Katsuo is almost done packing his bags,” you happily said as you stepped to the side to allow your mother and father in law to enter.
“Umm, what? Why is my son packing his bags?” Katsuki asked as he stood from the couch.
“Y/N didn’t tell you? We called a few nights ago asking to bring Katsuo on a trip. She said yes and told us she’d tell you about it later,” Masaru explained. Katsuki jerked his head towards Y/N in disbelief as she placed her hand on the side of cheek and spoke.
“Oops! I guess I forgot,” you said with sarcasm dripping in your voice. Mitsuki and Masaru believed you but when they turned to face their son again your mischievous grin returned as you also faced Katsuki. He was silently fuming as he watched you go from angel to devil in a second.
“Ah well, who cares. Point is, we’re here to pick up my grandson!” Mitsuki said as she took a seat on the couch. You all made small talk but Katsuki continued to stand as he processed just how conniving his wife was.
“Mama! I’m all set!” Katsuo said as he came down the stairs with his little suitcase and teddy bear in hand.
“Hi baby! Grandma and Grandpa are already here,” you said and Katsuo excitedly ran to his grandparents.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” Katsuo said as he jumped into their arms.
“Ohh, hello my little firecracker!” Mitsuki said, greeting her grandson. “Ready for a vacation in Rio?”
“Mhm!” Katsuo quickly replied but Katsuki just stuttered in shock before he spoke again.
“Woah- wait? Rio? You’re taking him to Brazil? That’s across the globe, how long are you guys gonna be gone?” Katsuki asked with concern. Not for his son, he completely trusted his parents with his child and he knew they would have fun. He was worried for himself. Taking care of Katsuo was a distraction for Katsuki. Watching his son kept his mind off of wrecking Y/N. If his son was away for too long, he didn’t know how long he would survive his punishment.
“We’ll be gone for about 3 weeks. Don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it.” Masaru said.
“Wha- huh? 3 WEEKS?! .....Y/N you little satan,” he whispered the last part. He turned to face you and saw a Cheshire grin on your face. His face turned red and you swore you could see steam leave Katsuki’s ears but you continued as if everything was normal.
“Alright well, we’ll be going now!” Mitsuki said as she stood alongside her husband. Katsuo said his partings with his parents and they said their “I love you’s” before their son walked out the door with his grandparents. Katsuo was about to have the time of his life while Katsuki was left to suffer.
Y/N was seated on the couch as Katsuki was still seething. She held a grin on her face as Katsuki slowly turned to look at her.
“You got some explaining to do, princess,” he said adding poison to the loving nickname. You only smiled some more as you stood and walked to your husband. He towered over you but right now, you were above him because you held all the power now. You got in his face as you spoke words that would set him off.
“Whatchu’ gonna do now without your little distraction running around, daddy?” You softly but sinisterly and seductively said as you chuckled and purposely bumped into his shoulder as you walked away.
Bakugou has slowly been losing his mind. He was on the last day of the second week and it’s been killing him. When he sat down he would spazz a little and his fingers would be having a little seizure. His eye would twitch at night as he kept his back to you to restrain himself. The soft quiet moans you would release in your sleep every now and then would send Bakugou into the bathroom in the middle of the night to relieve himself. Just the sight of you was daring Bakugou to pounce.
You weren’t making it any easier for him either. First you send his son AKA his distraction from his hot wife away, then you tease him constantly, you also allow yourself to touch him but refuse to let him cop a feel on you, and now, you walk around after work in his t-shirt and a pair of cute panties. Your plump ass on display and the sight of your plush thighs drove him wild.
You were sipping tea in the kitchen when your frantic husband came in. You took notice of him and greeted him with a smile before it quickly dropped at the sight of him. He looked awful. Bags under his eyes, a twitching eye, a crooked line for a smile, disheveled hair, and his posture was horrendous. He took a seat next to you saying nothing as he just tapped his foot against the floor.
“Umm...baby? Are you okay-“
“NO! I’m not! I’m not okay, not at all!” He snapped as he looked at you with wide eyes. You stared back at him with the same eyes as you slowly took another sip before continuing.
“What’s the problem, love?” You asked as if you didn’t know.
“What’s the problem?” He began with a whisper. “What’s the problem?! Oh, like you don’t know you TEASE!” Bakugou stood from his seat as he clapped his hands to dramatically to explain.
“HOR-NY!” He said as he brought his hands together for each sound. “I am insanely horny, you shitty woman! I can’t get myself off, I don’t have my son around to keep me busy, work is just annoying now, and my fine ass wife won’t let me touch her!”
You laughed a little as he explained and Katsuki had his jaw dropped at your rude behavior.
“You’re laughing? Oh you think this is funny? Oh okay,” he said and walked away.
“WHEN THIS BULLSHIT IS OVER, YOU’RE SUCKING MY DICK Y/N!” He slammed the door to your shared bedroom but he screamed loud enough for you to hear all the way from the kitchen. “ON SOFT!”
The end of the third week. It was almost too much for Katsuki. Katsuo would be back in another week but it would be pointless because the punishment would be over by then. I mean yeah, he’d get to have his son back again (yayy familyyy) but when Katsuo would be back, Katsuki would be completely indulging himself in Y/N. How the fuck were they supposed to keep quiet?
Whatever though. Katsuki had no time to think of the future. He was living in the now, and so he had to come up with a plan to get Y/N to break. In the beginning of the 4th week, Katsuki spent time and time again tweaking his plans and coming up with new tactics until he realized....his damn wife was just as stubborn and hard headed as he was. Nothing was gonna break her. And so we’ve been led to this.
Bakugou resorted to being a puppy that basically had separation anxiety. He would yell and shout and whine at every chance he had. He would do whatever if it meant getting you to break. He missed you. The last time you made physical contact with him was during that kiss and man did it send Katsuki into a frenzy.
Considering Katsuki’s quirk contained nitroglycerin, a chemical commonly found in viagra, it was safe to say it was very easy for you to rile him up. And as he thought about that, it hit him like a train. If he can’t go to you, then he’ll make you come to him. He’ll set you up and he knows exactly how to do it.
Bakugou left the bedroom and ran down the stairs to find you in the living room. You were cozied up with yourself under a blanket that covered your booty shorts that you wore. You were entranced by the story of a book as you allowed the TV to play at a low volume for background noise and Bakugou’s heart swelled at such a domesticated moment. “Hi baby.”
You looked up to your husband and rolled your eyes with a smile as you looked at him. You wondered what trick he had up his sleeve this time around. “Hey. You need something?” You asked.
“Mm mm,” he shook his head with a soft smile, how cute. “Just was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me. Get some snacks, sit in bed, and just enjoy some time together.”
You smile grew wider at the thought of a little date night in your shared bedroom and you were quick to agree to his offer. “I’ll get the snacks,”
“No don’t worry about. I’ll get it. I already have everything set up. Picked a movie and everything. All you have to do is just be there with me.” You awed at your husband’s kind gestures as you went up to peck his cheek.
“Thanks Suki!” You happily said as you walked away. Bakugou watched your form disappear into the master bedroom before he quickly ran through all the cabinets and fridge. He frantically looked for viagra but when he couldn’t find any he whipped out his phone. He called a number that he knew was going to be able to help him.
“Listen Dunce Face. Don’t ask any questions, just do as I say if you want to fucking live. I know you have female viagra on you and if you don’t, get your ass to the store right now and pick some up for me. Bring it to me ASAP!” He quickly said and hung up before giving Kaminari any time to reply. Bakugou slowly prepared snacks to eat and in 5 minutes a knock was heard on the door. He ran to it and opened the wooden piece to find a huffing electric blonde.
“I....I....I got it!” Kaminari tiredly breathed out as he held a bag over his head to show the items he brought. Bakugou snatched it out of his hand before giving a quick ‘thanks!’ To show his appreciation and slammed the door.
Katsuki took the pills out of its containers and crushed 2 into a powder. He mixed it in with your bottle of water and finally brought the snacks and drinks up to you. He walked in to find you waiting on the bed for him and you smiled at the sight of him. He placed the bags of junk on the bed as he quickly joined you until he realized something was off.
“Umm...Y/N?” You smiled as you knew what he was going to ask and considering you guys were gonna have a little movie date, you gave in.
“Fine.” You happily said as you gave in and Bakugou was quick to pull you into his arms and become the big spoon. He finally got to hold you after so many weeks but this was not his main goal. No he wanted much more. This was only a stepping stone to his victory.
The movie began and Bakugou had you cuddled in his arms. You were enjoying the warmth of your husband as your eyes were drawn to the screen and you couldn’t help but smile at these sweet intimate moments like this. Yeah. You’ve missed him over the past few weeks but a punishment is a punishment. So you decided to savor this time with him before going back to cutting off physical contact once more.
Time had passed and Bakugou watched as you picked at the snacks and swallow down sips of the contaminated water. He smirked every time you downed a gulp and now the best part was coming up. See, Bakugou chose everything so that he knew exactly how everything would turn out. With that being said, he chose a movie that he knew would help the viagra in your system to get you going.
The erotic scene played and Bakugou watched as you rubbed your thighs together for friction. You bit your lip from time to time to hold back a needy groan and you began feeling heat all over you. And it wasn’t coming from Katsuki. Seeing you in this state, Bakugou slowly went to place a hand on your bare thigh. You didn’t push him away and Bakugou grinned at the fact that you were breaking. He soothed and rubbed at your thigh as he would squeeze it every now and then as well. The whole time you were asking yourself why the explicit scene was so detailed and so long.
Out of nowhere, you felt Bakugou’s hand travel up your leg and to your core but just for a second. The teasing touch had you silently gasp and you craved for more. You turned to Bakugou to see he was leaning against the headboard and he would release a grunt every so often which didn’t help relieve your growing heat. He didn’t seem bothered by anything or affected at all as he watched the movie continue.
Enough was enough, you picked up the remote and turned off the TV. Bakugou turned to look at you with a raised brow but openly smirked once he saw you straddle his lap. You shamelessly began to grind yourself against his core as you both released sighs and moans at the friction. His hands went straight to your hips as he spoke.
“What’s wrong princess? What happened to my punishment?” He teasingly asked.
“Shut up,” was all that you said before you quickly dove in for a hungry kiss that Bakugou happily returned. It was all teeth and tongue as you both pressed against each other, grinding against one another’s clothed centers. Moans were released into the kiss as you began to undress yourself. You both pulled away for a second to remove your tops but quickly went back in for the kiss. You removed your shorts as Bakugou remained in his sweats. You were left in nothing but panties before Katsuki decided to rip those off.
“Katsuki...nobody said anything about you being able to touch me again,” you clarified with sharp eyes. Bakugou’s eyes went wide. He thought this was the end of the punishment. He thought you gave in.
“What do you-“
Before he could finish, you placed your hand on his shoulder and activated your quirk.
And just like that, Bakugou was out like a light. While he was unconscious, you took the opportunity to tie his wrists to the headboard using one of his dress ties. You removed his sweats and briefs as you allowed his member to stand tall. You stared at the red, angry tip that was drenched in pre-cum. You smirked as you sat yourself on his waist as your hand went to stroke his member the slightest bit. He moaned in his sleep and you giggled as you spoke again.
Bakugou slowly woke up, but once he fully came to, he was completely submerged in pleasure. His eyes were blessed with the view of your naked body, with a beautiful face that adorned a smirk. And he understood why you held the malicious smile. He groaned as he felt your pace at his dick speed up. You leaned down to his ear as Katsuki held heavy breaths with a flushed and red face.
“No touching, remember Suki?” You whispered as you then licked the shell of his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“F-fuck! Fuck, Y/N please. Please just do something...Ahh~” You trailed your thumb up to his tip as you focused on it. The feeling sent Bakugou into heaven.
“Awww, you thought you could tell me what to do? If you didn’t notice, tonight, I’m in charge.” You said with a grin and devious eyes. Bakugou groaned even more as he waited for you to do..anything! “I’ll tell you what though, Suki. You have been pretty decent for the past few weeks so I’ll give you a little something. And maybe if you’re a good boy for me, I’ll let you have the main course.”
Bakugou watched as you stopped your hand movements and scooted back. You were face to face with his dick as you jerked him off some more. You held his member in your hand as you made eye contact with him. You licked the base of his cock all the way to the tip causing Bakugou to sigh and moan. You kissed the tip before taking it into your mouth and swirling your tongue around.
“Oh s-shit! Baby! Fuck-“
You went down on him one time and moaned around his cock, allowing the vibrations to have full affect on your trembling husband. You pulled off him with a pop as you smiled up at him.
“Oh I’m sorry. You wanted me to suck your dick on soft, right?...Mm, well it’s not my fault you can’t control your hard on.” You teased to which Bakugou growled at you. “Again with the snarling? That’s not what good boys do Suki. Good boys do what they’re told so they get to cum inside a pretty pussy~”
Bakugou perked up at the temptation. Cumming inside you. Breeding you. Pumping you full until you give him another brat. The thought of you walking around beautifully swollen with his kid drove him mad and desperate.
“Let me cum inside you Princess.” He asked with a soft but stern tone.
“Ah ah, you don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re not the one giving orders tonight, Katsuki. So listen up. I’ll go down on you for about 5 minutes. If you don’t come in those 5 minutes, I’ll let you cum inside. However, if you do, I’ll be leaving you here with a cock ring for the next few hours while I go and pleasure myself somewhere else. Understand?” You watched as he attempted to fight against his restraints.
“No.” He refused to give in. He turned his head down, avoiding your gaze and you sighed in return.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to take care of myself,” you said and slid off him. You were about to walk away before Bakugou called out for you.
“No wait!” You turned to him and gave a little curl with your lip. “Tch....please.” He said while blushing and staring off.
“Please what suki?” You said, acting dumb. Bakugou really didn’t wanna beg but he’s so close to getting what he’s been craving all month. Screw his damn pride. He was gonna get laid and he was gonna get it tonight!
“Please! ....Fuck me, touch me, suck my dick, let me cum inside you, do something to me! Please Y/N,” he begged. His member still stood erect and you smiled as you walked towards him.
“That’s my good boy,” you said as you caressed his jaw and gave him a quick and passionate kiss before moving down to suck him off. You kissed his tip multiple times before taking him in. He gasped and sighed at the contact and feeling of your warm cavern but he’ll be damned if he came undone in less than 5 minutes. He needed to cum inside your sweet little cunt and he was gonna do whatever it took to do so.
You bobbed your head at a steady pace causing Bakugou to plead for more. You swallowed his pre-cum, which left him gasping. Your hand went to fondle his balls as he fought against his restraints. He wanted to use his hands to take control but he couldn’t, not with them being tied up.
“P-please baby. Faster! Please!” He begged. And who were you to deny your good boy. You sped up your movements and moaned with his cock seated in your throat. “Ohh god! Yess!”
His legs shook as he was close to cumming. He looked at the time and saw he only had 1 minute left. Just 1 minute. Hold it in and he gets to cum inside you. However, he didn’t know you had a little trick up your sleeve.
When you walked away before, you grabbed a mini vibrator. Seeing he only had 1 minute left, you turned it on and placed it at the base of his cock while you sucked him off and moaned some more.
“F-fuck baby! S’too much! Stop- stop! ...ohh fuck I’m-I’m gonna cum!” Bakugou screamed with his head thrown back. He jerked his hips up as he attempted to fuck your mouth but you squeezed and scratched at his bare thighs to get him to stop. And finally, with your permission..
“You can cum now, good boy,”
He filled your mouth as he screamed in pleasure. His legs shook in pure ecstasy as he filled your mouth with his sweet-salty release. You pulled off him with a stuffed mouth and watched as his chest puffed up and fell down. He sighed before he looked at you with rosy cheeks. You smirked at him, opening your mouth to show him his work before swallowing it all. The erotic scene caused him to bite his lips and throw his head back as he puffed some more.
He can’t believe he was at his limit and all because of a blowjob. His dick grew soft but rose once more as vibrations came in contact with his shaft again. He flinched at the sudden feeling and looked at the cause of it and saw you holding the vibrator against him. “Baby? W-what? W-hy?”
“Aww Suki. Don’t you remember? It’s time to give you what you’ve wanted all month,” you smirked at him. His eyes went wide. How could he forget? He wanted to cum inside you so badly, but he didn’t know if he had any left. He didn’t know if he would be able to take it after his extreme climax.
“W-wait! Wait Y/N. I-..I need a break for a second. I can’t-“
“Excuse me?” You cut him off. “So you’re the only one that gets pleasure out of all this? I don’t think so.”
“No baby, that’s not what I meant. I just- it’s just...s’too much!” He cried out as he watched you hover over his erection. You lined his dick up with your entrance and smirked some more.
“You can handle it. I know you can. You’ll be my good boy and pleasure me too, right?” You sweetly said. Bakugou didn’t know what it was. He was never the submissive one but you calling him a ‘good boy’ did something to him. It made him want to completely submit to you and do whatever you pleased. You slammed down completely on his cock as you both cried out in pleasure.
“Fuck!” Bakugou screamed. You began a fast pace bouncing up and down on him. Your hands found placement on his bare chest as he threw his head back and made an abundant amount of noise. “Oh baby! Baby- slow down! F-fuck too much!”
“Mm..c’mon Suki..I thought you wanted this. Fuck- I thought you wanted..to be my good boy,” you teased while moaning. You held a devious grin as you rode him and he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. Poor baby was so overstimulated.
Bakugou released sobs of pleasure but he enjoyed it all nonetheless. “S-shit! Oh my godd Katsuki! S-So big!”
“Ahh! Fuck! Y-Y/N..baby please! Let me touch you! Please!” Bakugou seethed out. He had his feet planted on the bed as he attempted to thrust up into you. You, growing a soft spot for the man below you, gave in.
“Heh...be a good boy and please me Suki.” You released his wrists from their ties as you never stopped your motions and his hands were quick to find home around your waist.
Bakugou was quick to take control and bounce you up and down on his shaft, controlling the pace. Now it was your turn to scream and cry in pleasure as Bakugou slammed you down on his cock while ramming up into you at the same time. He was going to be a good boy and please you.
“F-fucking shit! You like that? Huh?” He gave your ass a quick and hard smack before continuing. “You like the way my dick feels inside your sweet pussy?”
The pleasure was too much for you. You could barely form words as he catered to your body. His thrusts were beginning to bring you to your end as you felt the familiar tight feeling grow stronger in your stomach. You pussy clenched around his shaft as he released a gruff moan at the squeeze.
“Shit..you gonna cum baby? Gonna cum on my dick? ...fuck yess~ let me fill you up princess,” he said as his thrust grew sloppy. He was close to his end as well and you nodded in approval to his desire.
“Ka-Katsuki! I’m gonna cum..fuck baby I’m cumming!” Bakugou sped up the slightest bit to help you reach your climax until you finally came. You both released cried of euphoria as you both met your orgasms and met each other for a hungry kiss. At the same time, Bakugou stopped his thrusts as he shot his load in you, and a mix of your releases seeped out of your cunt. Your kiss was sloppy as your tongues fought for dominance. Bakugou let his hands travel to your ass where they helped you grind on his dick a little more and smacked it once again.
You both had moaned into the kiss until oxygen became necessary. You separated from each other with small pecks before finally stopping. Bakugou remained inside you as you settled into his chest. He had his arms wrap around you as you both spent time catching your breaths. Once you both finally settled, you bathed in the comforting feeling of the after sex glow and cuddled in a comforting silence. Bakugou had kissed the crown of your head before he spoke up and broke the quiet.
“So much for a punishment,” he teased. You looked at him with slanted eyes as a way of telling your husband to shut up but he only chuckled at you. He lifted your chin and brought your lips to meet his once more for a loving kiss before separating to tell you sweet words.
“I love you, princess.” He said with his husky voice.
“I love you too, Suki.” You sent your hand to intertwine with his and he gladly accepted. He was right though. So much for a punishment. Oh well, you’ll get him next time he fucks up.
A/N: EW THE ENDING WAS SO BAD!!!! WTFFFFF! Whatever. I hope you enjoyed it bear Cubs! I’m sorry I’ve been in my lil slump but I feel myself getting better and I’ll be back soon!💗🧸 And now...to start on the ninth chapter of my series. Yayyyyy😓
A/N: I think my favorite part is when Katsuki yells “Suck my dick!...on soft!” Cuz I be walking around and saying that to mfs who test me. If you disrespect me, SUCK MY DICK..ON SOFT! 🤣 am I a female? YES! But you will suck my soft non-existent dick if you decide to act like a prick for no apparent reason. Thank you!😂
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swoftbambi · 3 years
°″・rich boys aot 👾☁️
w/eren, jean, armin, levi, porco ♡
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eren: i feel like he got his money from his mother (i can only think of fashion designer carla because of miekasa). he can’t have money he spends it frivolously. he buys caviar just because and he hates it. eren takes him and his friends on vacation getaways mostly to somewhere sunny (just got armin :D) and he gets the best hotel. no for fashion he shows himself out, he buys the newest gym wear and designer shit. if you’re with him make sure you don’t go bankrupt cause this boy can spend.
jean: for me, rich boy jean is natural to me. he got his money from his mom and dad. they have a family business or i think of prince jean living lavishly. he doesn’t really spend his money a lot. he mostly buys some cashmere sweater or new watch. most of his money goes towards dates and gifts for you. jean will spend his money on you like he’s some type of sugar daddy i swear, but he does it cause he loves you and wants you to have everything.
armin: he got his money from being born into a rich family (this aint canonverse so shhh), his parents. now he does not spend his money, and when he does it’s mostly on books, jewelry, or small trinkets like those random things you find at those random thrift stores. (look under cut) he does spend his money though on tropical vacations, bali, cancun, the caribbean islands, that’s where he will go all out. he donates some of his money. whatta king.
connie: connies just like eren but dumber?. now this dude got his money from investing and all of a sudden he checked his bank account and was like :0. he spends his money on clothes particularly shoes. drops 100k for the new yeezy collection. spends a mortgage on a custom fanny pack from louis v. cant even. he secretly wants to be invited or get a ticket to the met gala. he doesn’t really go on vacation or really go anywhere, he’s a hermit in his big ass house.
levi: he got his money from his business. yes ma’am. he again does not spend it. you would never think he has a sea full of green until you see him with a paul rich watch. he spends his money wisely. groceries, mortgage, and car that’s it. he will though when your dating let you pick where you spend your anniversary. doesn’t give you a budget cause it’s supposed to be about you and him.
porco: got rich from business. ceo porco in ya area! he’s like another levi but you would know he was rich but you wouldn’t know how much dinero in the banko. like his house is like those generic modern la mansions. spends his money on good looking clothes and cars. ferraris, lambos, mercedes benz’s. maybe even buy a mf nascar who knows. he kinda acts like your sugar daddy, he’ll buy you anything that you want tbh and pretends you’re asking for the most. you could literally be like “i don’t really want it”.
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© 2021 all rights reserved flavoni do not copy, repost, edit, and/or plagiarize any of my works.
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kagedaddy · 3 years
Hi! My birthday is on Easter, so I was wondering if I could get something with Kuroo, Kenma, and Atsumu forgetting it was their s/o's birthday due to to it being another holiday? An angst to fluff if possible. Thanks so much!!
bday today - kuroo, kenma & miya
warnings: none
kuroo tetsuro
kenma kozume
miya atsumu [masterlist]
hey hey hey! happy happy birthday hon, sorry it’s quite late but i hope yah had a great day and that no one forgot yah special day! heheh.
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You rub the sleep from your eyes as your body begins to wake itself, you were extra happy today, it was Easter Sunday and your birthday. Rolling over the bed to face your partner but you’re met with empty space, sitting up you notice a note neatly folded on his side. Excitedly thinking it was a cute morning birthday greeting, expect it wasn’t a cute birthday greeting you were hoping.
‘babe there was an urgent meeting at the company, I’ll see you later.
oh can you buy chocolate Easter bunnies for our nieces to bring later.’
You stare at his messy handwriting, confusion clouding your expression, for sure he wouldn’t forget your birthday you’ve been married since you graduated university and not once has he forgotten your day. You shake your head denying the thought that he forgot, you’re sure that he’ll call you, he did say the meeting was urgent, something big must’ve happened in the company but still he wouldn’t forget. Sighing in defeat you throw the covers off yourself and started preparing for the day.
Dressing up in a white sundress and pulling on your heels, you’re out the door and heading to the nearest shopping center. A smile graces your features at the selection of chocolate bunnies, they had them in different flavours and sizes, momentarily forgetting the sadness of your forgotten birthday but a little cat chocolate catches your attention and the sadness seeps in you. Reminding you of a certain dark haired male who has forgotten your birthday, pouting you purchase the chocolates nearly breaking them, stupid Easter overtaking your special day. Just as you got into the busy trains, your phone buzzes and a hopeful feeling fills you but yet again no peep about your birthday, you were now convinced he forgot.
‘Did you get the chocolates? I’ll meet you at your mom’s place and let’s drop them off together, love you’
Finally arriving at your parents place, you looked around and Kuroo’s car was no where in sight, your frown deepens and as you huff in frustration. Pulling out your phone and quickly dropping him a text.asking where he was, he replies surprisingly quick.
‘Sorry babe, caught in traffic. Go in ahead, so you’re not waiting in the street.’
Annoyed that he hasn’t remembered your special day, you enter your parents home, grumbling as you step foot into the threshold before a loud popping sounds rips a scream from your chest.
You jump in surprise as the smiling faces of your family greets you, tears form at the corner of you eyes as your family walks over to greet you and give you hugs. After everyone had given you their greetings there standing with the brightest smile was your husband. He slowly walks up to you with his arms open wide, “Happy Birthday, sweetheart.”you snuggle into his chest, tears falling from your eyes, “You’re so mean Tetsu, you made me think you forgot.”you pull away a pout settling on your lips.
His melodious laugh is contagious and a smile overtakes your features, “You know I would never.”he tilts your chin up and your lips meet in a sweet kiss, “I wanted to give you a good surprise.”you had the biggest smile as you pushed your lips hardest against him and his hands settle on your hips.
“I love you so much sweetheart.”
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“Kenma Kenma Kynnnmaaa!”you hop over to your hunched over boyfriend, eyes trained to his glowing monitor as his fingers rapidly press buttons on the controller. A smile gracing your features as you approach him and the victory banner flashing across the screen, perfect timing. “Kynma, come let’s have breakfast.”you peck the soft cheek of your partner and he pulls the headphones of his head allowing himself to be pulled by you.
You had prepared a big big breakfast for your birthday to share together, knowing you and Kenma you were both huge homebodies so you just wanted to spend your birthday cuddled up together. “What’s with all the food?”Kenma asks as you both reach the dining table, face contorted in confusion, you stare at him. Was he making a joke, it was your birthday maybe he had a surprise for you. “Do you know what today is Kenma?”you ask your boyfriend but his face was genuinely confused, “it’s Easter Sunday?”he says unsurely as if questioning you.
“And what? Is there something I’m missing?”this time he looks to you and you feel slight annoyance and sadness brewing in your gut, you knew he can get too immersed in his games but you expected him to give you the respect of remembering your birthday. You actually feel heartbroken that tears begin to form and are threatening to spill down your face. “It’s my birthday Kozume.”you drop his arm and turn to your bedroom, tears now freely falling, shutting the door and turning the lock as you slide down, silently crying.
“Pudding, I’m sorry. It completely slipped my mind.”Kenma softly knocks on your shared bedroom room, his voice quiet and full of regret. “Go away Kenma, I wanna be alone.”you sobbed out, as you wiped your tears and curling in a feral position by the door, “I thought I was Kynnma.”his voice shook and your heart clenched but you were too upset to care why was he hurt. It was his fault he forget your birthday, you always made the effort to remember all his game releases and any special event revolving around his life.
“Hmph! I don’t know you, go leave.”you spat at him and you hear him sigh in defeat, “kitten come on come out, this is my house too.”he begs as you hear him slide down the door and sit, “Then go play your games.”you bit back, purposely kicking the door earning a groan from Kenma. “I don’t want to, I want you to come out.”you ignore him and allowed the silence to envelope the both of you, your eyes become heavy and you begin to drift off, crying had drained you and thinking of Kenma hurt you even more.
“(your name)”
“(your name)”
“(your name)”
“Kitten.”you stir awake, eyes heavy from crying and back aching from sleeping on the floor, everything comes back to you and you become upset again but you just wanted to cuddle Kenma and as much as you hate that he forget, you love him too much.
“Let me make it up to you, what you do want? Please Kitten open the door.”you almost felt bad that you had made him beg for this long but you were upset and hurt. You got up from you position and slowly open the door, peeping your head out, his figure was slumped against your bedroom door and his head buried between his hands.
“Cuddle me.”you answer and his head shoots up, eyes meeting yours he scrambled to his feet and taking you in his arms, “I’m really sorry Kitten, I know being busy isn’t an excuse.”his lips meet your head, arms tightly wound around you, he carries you to your shared bed cuddling.“I booked a week vacation for us, I’m all yours kitten. I’m sorry forgetting.”He presses sweet kisses to your neck and whispering his apologies and promises.
“Because I love you I forgive you but if you do it again, it’s another story.”
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Your ears perk up from the sound of your phone, you excitedly run to your phone and swiping it open, you pout when you read over the name, it wasn’t who you were hoping it was. It was Osamu, wrong twin.
‘(your name)-chan! Happy Birthday Idiot #2! Come by the shop I’ve got a special onigiri for you!’
A sad smile graces your lips, at least someone’s greeted you, shutting off your phone you sigh in sadness as you get changed to meet up with Osamu.
Another notification pops up and your eyes lights up at the sight of your partner’s name, clicking the message.
‘Hey bunny, happy Easter. I got chocolate bunnies sent to the apartment, I know you love them so much. Miss you, call me later Kay?
love you baby’
Like clockwork, the doorbell rings, low and behold the delivery man from your favourite chocolaterie hands you a neatly wrapped package. Your frown deepens, it wasn’t just Easter. it was your fucking birthday too, you grovel as tears prick at your eyes. Is he serious? Did he really not remember, upset you don’t reply, shutting your phone and leaving it on airplane mode, hmph you decided to ignore your setter boyfriend. The soft jingle of the shop door sounds in the restaurant and Samu turns to you with a smile, you give him a weak one followed with your dead greeting.
“He only greeted me happy Easter, what the fuck is that?”you moan in sadness as Osamu sets down your special onigiri, “I can’t believe he forgot, is he that busy?”
“My brother might be an idiot but he wouldn’t forget your birthday, he loves you.”Samu tries to brighten your mood but it does nothing to make you feel better, “Does he? I know he’s busy and all but at least a fucking text or a call to greet me would’ve been nice.”you grumpily take a bite of the special ongiri Osamu made just for you. You sigh in frustration, angrily chewing the rice ball, it was so good but you couldn’t enjoy it like you wanted. Stupid Atsumu for making you feel this way, did he really forget about your birthday. “Ugh, Samu I’m sad.”you pout and lay your head on the counter, Osamu pats your head, cooing at your saddened state, after spending your afternoon with the grey haired counterpart you decided to head home, he sent you off with more onigiri for dinner.
“Thanks for spending my birthday with me Samu.”he pats your head one more and sends you off with a smile, you were at least glad Osamu was nice enough to keep you company, trudging your way home. Sighs of disappointment ever leaving your lips, turning on your phone there hasn’t been a message from Atsumu since this morning, great now it’s like he’s forgotten you. Defeatedly sliding your keys in the lock you sluggishly push your door open.
“Did you really think I forgot your birthday?”
The all so familiar voice of your boyfriend pulls you out of your thoughts, raising your head you meet his warm chocolate eyes, there he was standing infront of you with a beautifully decorated cake in hand and the prettiest smile on his lips. You drop your bag as tears fall from your eyes, he sets aside the cake and opens his arms for you to run into them, “You’re here! How?”you bury your face in his toned chest, not believing that your boyfriend was home.
“I wanted to surprise you, so I flew in.”his lips press soft kisses all over your face, allowing a bright smile to sit on your lips, “I love you Tsumu.”you finally meet his lips, the kissing professing your love to him, you might have been sad this morning but fuck his lips make up for everything. He lifts you up and you’re legs automatically circle his waist, “Aren’t i the best boyfriend?”he tease you and your roll your eyes but he truly was, you were over the moon, kissing him again before darting out your tongue to tease the setter’s lower lip, hinting him of what you wanted.
“Happy Birthday Bunny! I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
sorry i’ve been missing these past few days, sorry but i’m taking a break, its pretty abrupt and short notice but my minds in the gutter right now. hope you all still enjoy the stuff i write, leave a like and comment if you did. might move some of my works over to ao3 but idk, have a great day. jaa ne!
all the love xx
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| kismet | j.jh | part two
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
word count: 10k+
summary: his parents sends him for a month long vacation to the country side to meet his other half, which so happens to be you. and alternatively, your beloveds asks of you to be in your best behaviour while he’s around. disliking how things turn out, you both come up with a pact with each other before your two families gathers together for christmas eve dinner.
genre: arranged marriage + bad 1st impressions
a/n: this is not proofread and i apologise for any mistakes :p here’s the next one and i hope you look forward to the final soon! enjoy reading! ~j
| part one | part three (final) |
it was another morning johnny saw you and jaehyun arguing at a distance by the stables. be it inaudible yelling or actions that seemed exaggerated, this time it was a sight that was a little worth seeing. so he walked closer to hear this quarrel.
“you didn’t check the horses’ conditions yet? it’s been a few days and i told you to memorise the schedule!” you flipped through pages roughly that they nearly tore. “it’s your job! you’re the ‘vet’!”
“what? you never gave me any schedule to begin with!” jaehyun groaned then sat back on the hammock to rest and you were trying to get him back up on his toes. “and what if i just want to take a day off today? you can’t force me!”
“check the animals jaehyun. that’s an order.” you sighed, writing down notes to keep updated with the stocks and materials. “i have some things to do—”
“like what? practicing and riding?” he asked and you didn’t answer. “thought so. you rarely do things around here and you still brag about how accomplished you feel.” he scoffed and laid back down on the hammock. “i’m the one doing the work..” he mumbled until it was inaudible for you.
ouch that hit the mark. johnny could see your cheeks bubbling up and eyebrows narrowing at jaehyun’s comment. of course he wouldn’t know that because you usually do not deal with the hard work around the farm. the only job you work hard for was horse riding. you had a reputation to hold as you were the daughter of a renowned family.
jaehyun took a huge inhale as he swung himself like a mother did to lull a child. he sung to annoy you even more and with the ruffles from the papers in your hands, johnny could tell his friend was satisfied making you mad. you bit your hairtie between teeth, tying your hair up into a high ponytail and rolling up your sleeves until the elbows.
he was indeed a huge man, you grabbed the edge of the cloth and pulled him as high as you could. he fell miserably to the hard soil. “ow quit it y/n!” he stood up to dust the impossible dirt from his pants. “you’re just sensitive because what i said is actually true! i’ll get back to work if that’s what you’re worried about.”
he fixed his coat and head straight inside the stables.
you crossed your arms and tried your best to hold your changing expression. “talk about sensitive! you can’t even withstand heavy workload!”
“mentally i can but i’m not physically ready! i didn’t sign up to be your pawn so stop acting like a queen and actually help out!” he grabbed the hay and scattered them in the horses’ place.
the audacity- the fall from three days ago still had an impact on you. “didn’t you hear what i said? i have things to do! now continue that. i have to answer this call..” you sounded irritated and soon your voice sounding further away the more you spoke. jaehyun saw you answering the ringing phone, taking it from you.
before you could, you were draped on his shoulder as if you were a towel. “i won’t take that as an excuse, y/n! you’re coming with me!” he forcibly took the phone off your hands and threw it far.
defeated and exhausted to talk back, you tapped his back because fear was slowly consuming you due to your shoulder pain. “you’re buying me another phone! put me down jaehyun! my back still hurts!” you hit his hips and expected he wouldn’t listen but,
he did as you were told.
“you’re forgetting your condition number one!” jaehyun pointed his temples as anger became visibly seen on his face. “you said ‘you’ll do the work for me and with me’, and they go together!” he threw a small sack of hay to you.
“you’re being an ass because i invaded your day-off!” you stomped to the next horse.
“tsk, i don’t think i can continue this with you! you‘re ruining my well-being every single day!”
“the jeong jaehyun can’t stand arguments?” you tilted your head in frustration and nodded at his silence. “thought so. this is part of the pact you suggested and i’m just simply following it! so if there’s anything, you’re the weak one here!”
from afar, johnny was taken aback behind the fences.
the kitchen was quiet, the grandfather clock ticking away time and as each second passed, so did your patience. daylight met its end. it was day 14 and your mother asked you to give jaehyun the lesson he wanted to have— bread making. you forgot about it, and jaehyun probably did too because despite staying over for ‘vacation’, every day you either saw him with his friends goofing around the barn or him superglued to his school work.
yet now you were close to smashing his face into the mountain of flour he carefully, and slowly built. mark did a better job despite being clumsy. you can handle clumsy, but you couldn’t handle people with top perfection in their ego, a.k.a., jaehyun.
his dimples were hollowing as he looked intently at the numbers on the scale, waiting for that specific and exact digit to appear with a spoonful of melted butter. “oh my g- you’re wasting time!” you grabbed the spoon and put everything into the bowl. “0.1 or 0.2 grams makes no difference! hurry up and mix the dry to the wet ingredients!”
“i was nearly done with the measurements but you had to dump everything in there!” still he stirred them in a bowl with a whisk anyway. “you’re the impatient one!” he carried the bowl and placed it between his arm and waist, subtly asking johnny to film him.
“uhm what do i do after they’re incorporated?” mark interrupted the heated conversation. so far he was careful and observant with your every move. “do i knead it?”
“after twenty minutes.” you smiled at him. this was great; mark actually made your day at least, a lot better than jaehyun did. “resting it will let the flour hydrate. the milk will be absorbed and the gluten will relax too.”
mark snapped his fingers as he tore a plastic wrap to place on the bowl. “that makes it easier to knead right?”
for a moment you felt like a proud mom. “mhm, you’re learning! you’re originally not my student today but you’re doing a better job than—”
the bowl jaehyun was using fell to the floor. to make it worse it was upside-down, that meant all work done had gone to waste. the dough wasn’t close to incorporated. “..him.”
“crap.” jaehyun swore under his breath. his lashes slowly lifted. “my bad. i don’t mind starting again. i can handle my next batch.”
and though they were pretty, your disappointment came through your sigh. “goodness jaehyun. things are never right with you. i’ll clean this up. we ran out of eggs and milk so you have to go to the farm and get some.” you pulled mark’s arm aside as you began to clean. “mark you can chill for a while.”
jaehyun untied his apron and went out with a bucket, mumbling and complaining to himself at exasperating you were so early in the morning.
johnny then followed him. the pact he heard lingered in his head and thought this would be the right time to ask. “i can do the milking myself john.” he opened the gate to the cattle.
“i know. but that’s not why i came along.” johnny put his camera aside. “you and y/n.. made a pact?” with that question out and jaehyun dropped the bucket, johnny figured that what he heard days ago could be true.
“what?” jaehyun turned on his heel, confused, trying not to sound or look surprised. “why would i make a pact with someone so ill-mannered as her? she’s not worth my time or even interests me.” he affirmed with subtle shaky eyes. “the only pact i know is this marriage our parents put us into.
johnny thought for a while, looking at jaehyun who grew clueless the minute passed. he guessed he was wrong. “n-nothing. i’m probably hearing things. or jumbling scenarios because i’ve been watching too many movies this holiday season. i’m sorry dude.”
deep inside jaehyun let out a sigh of relief, but anger was starting to boil at how careless you were for slipping out. he continued to milk the cows and retrieve a couple of eggs before hearing you call them from the house. “oh my g- she’s screaming again-” he scoffed and tried to walk faster. “i can’t just run i might spill the milk bucket!”
“there’s this thing called speedwalking!” you yelled. “try doing that!”
“you always argue with her. aren’t you both tired?” johnny took huge leaps to escape the cold.
“she isn’t, i am. imagine the amount of stress i get the moment i open my eyes in the morning.” jaehyun vouched and shivered at the thought of it.
johnny opened the door and the warmth met their skin. “sure but when you do bump heads, there’s always a smile on your face after you state your point. i never seen you in a good mood since you and sue broke up. i can take that smile of yours a sign.” johnny noted what he’d been seeing.
“it’s a victor’s smile. it means i win the argument.”
they both entered the house and to find you still teaching mark. jaehyun placed the bucket down and rested on the sofa after being told he could use the kitchen once you were finished. trying to keep warm, jaehyun gave small glimpses of you as he wondered when it would be the right time to tell you about what johnny told him. and because he felt johnny tailing him from behind, he wanted your lesson to be over quick.
“i’m thinking it’s a sign that you have feelings for y/n.”
jaehyun batted his lashes. “no no no. i don’t fall in love that easily. there’s nothing attractive about her and i told you i’m not marrying someone like her, with bad attitude and all—”
“and still you tease her for fun? that’s like a cover-up to hide how you actually feel. you may not see that but in another’s eyes, it means something.” johnny clicked the buttons on his camera, rewatching the videos he took.
“are you throwing the ‘i tease her because i like her’ kind of ego? you know i argue with her because i hate her.” he hissed, flipping his laptop open to double check his reports.
the blonde hair boy shook his head with a growing grin of disbelief. “i’m not. my point is, it wouldn’t hurt to try to know her for who she is.” johnny’s lips flatlined when his eyes trailed to your approaching figure. “who knows maybe she’s trying as well and never really got the chance to- yeah i know y/n he’s all yours now.”
unfolding your arms you playfully hit his back with pressed lips. “shut it johnny. just help the baby lion with the cleaning, he’s not really good at it.”
you sat on the sofa, circling your shoulder to ease the pain before leaning back. “ugh. kneading the bread made it worse.”
with the frequent complaints coming from you, he couldn’t concentrate proof-reading his work. it made jaehyun unzip his coat, fishing something from inside and handed a box to you. bothered with how you hesitated to get it, he grabbed your wrists and placed it on your palms. “take it. it helps me a lot too whenever i cram.” did he just.. smile? it was subtle but you were sure he did.
a swarm of guilt started to form at the pit of your stomach. it wasn’t that you thought he partially blamed himself for the fall at the barn house, but because he actually cared when the fall wasn’t even the ultimate reason why your shoulder suffered in the first place. he had no knowledge and still doesn’t. and it was kind of frustrating to think you couldn’t begin that topic.
your heart now was experiencing somersaults. you asked yourself: why? sure he’s handsome and got built, but at this moment why are you all flimsy and speechless? “so you do have a heart for people.” you opened the box of the patch’s packaging.
“i was expecting a ‘thank you’ but i guess with that you’re taking back your words.” he grinned as he typed on.
you snorted as you put your legs up. “hmpf, aren’t you assumi- ow.” you touched your forehead where the pain stung.
“shut up, i’m reading.” jaehyun stressed in a low voice.
“reading what?” you scooted in closer, and jaehyun surprisingly let you see what it was rather than snapping at you. you squinted at the screen and nodded. “equine studies..” you read out softly, that seemed to be a report he worked on in his early years. “isn’t it mandatory for you to study it?”
jaehyun’s scrutinizing gaze caught you off guard, making you clamp your lips to keep quiet. he sighed and continued to read as if you didn’t exist. “i thought you weren’t interested in my field of study.” his brows drew together at your curiosity despite remembering how you did say it clearly.
quickly you tear the patch’s plastic to break the awkward silence you brought upon and let out a soft chuckle of shame. “i’m asking because it’s equine related and i wanna learn. plus i’m too tired to pick up a fight with you so teach me everything you know.”
“i don’t even know if you’d get it in one night- fine. it’s mandatory but i only learnt the basics. i’m not specialising in it or anything so don’t expect much.” jaehyun stared at the screen yet feeling your presence so close kind of pressured him, and he didn’t know why.
“basics like checking the heart, respiratory rate, temperature and hydration status?” you hugged your legs together after placing the patch behind you. “hm.. that’s kinda simple.”
jaehyun clicked his tongue. “that’s the general checking for an animal’s condition, used for emergency access and such. we were given an understanding of veterinary anatomy—”
“which includes learning principles in developmental anatomy in gross, microscopical and ultrastructural levels. learn all these then you can focus on organs to give a physical and radiological diagnosis with the physiology and anatomy as bases—” you finished his sentence, soon shutting up as you got carried away.
his mouth agaped in shock and in strangeness of your interest. he checked your forehead to see if you were in the right mind. “did you read it out from a book or something? and what’s up with you and scientific terminology? you’re supposed to be hating on big words.”
you wondered why his comment hurt you. did he assume you were uneducated? at this point you thought deeply that secrets were meant to be kept. and they were only to be revealed by two ways; one was heard by others, and two was at your will.
“why are you so quiet now?” he laughed, scrolling down at endless of documented pages. “are you experiencing brain fart after that long sentence of sophisticated vocabulary?”
this was far from assumption. this was plain mockery. and it hurt. you hit him on the arm a little more violent and forceful than the usual, and bite back your lips. “it’s not because i’m dumb. i know these because i’ve been there.” you stood up and grabbed the box he gave you. “thanks for this anyway. good night.”
“hey you don’t have to hit me!” jaehyun paused for a second, he had difficulties processing your sudden outburst. he mumbled to himself, “why is she offended when i’m the one who got hit..”
mark happily came out of the kitchen with a freshly baked bread in his hands. “y/n! i’m done with the bread and it smells soooo good- jaehyun, where is she?” the younger one put down the tray.
he sighed and gestured confusingly. “i don’t know she probably went to sleep.”
“man i wanted her to try it.”
“she can try tomorrow. anyway i’m gonna take a shower.” jaehyun turned off his laptop and headed straight to the bathroom.
but before he could have his relaxation, hendery stood against the opposing wall with arms crossed. “can we talk?” he tilted his head, asking to sit at the veranda with him.
they sat at the table set with hendery pouring cups of hot tea. jaehyun took it in his hands, eyes meeting your childhood friend’s as he brushed his hair up. “i kind of wanna tell you something. it’s not my position but i feel like you deserve to know.” that made jaehyun’s mind questioning more. “i overheard you and y/n talking.”
jaehyun frowned at the very recent event, something he found rude from your action. “yeah? she reacted so much and hit me just because i teased her a little. might’ve taken it too seriously but she should know i was joking about her not knowing-”
hendery looked at the dusk distance. “m’lady loves animals more than anything, and for a long time veterinary science is something close to her heart too.”
jaehyun gulped in full on revelation. that was why you reacted. he realised the reason why you hated him in the first place wasn’t only because he was the one you were to marry, but because he was the person who was currently studying the course you’ve always wanted to take.
“she was supposed to take it in college but due to unfortunate circumstances she couldn’t continue. there’s family issue and she had an accident-”
what accident? jaehyun for the first time in other’s eyes, showed worry and curiosity. and his raise in brows cause hendery to realise he missed out an important detail.
“ah you haven’t met mr. y/l/n yet, right?” hendery asked as he sipped on his tea. “he’s busy right now because he’s always out of town but he’s the one y/n’s having issues with.”
“i’m guessing her father opposed to the idea of her becoming a vet?”
hendery shook his head. “he didn’t oppose. in fact he allowed y/n once we graduated high school. she got enrolled to the first semester and was doing well until she had little time to no practice for her semi-finals at cross country at all. mr. y/l/n is a horse riding coach so he’s especially strict with y/n. let’s say their arguments started from there.”
though he didn’t ask parts of your personal life, hearing all these news stunned jaehyun. there was only one thing he wanted to ask: what caused your accident? “how did she do with vet science?”
“she managed and had no fails.” hendery had a brief proud smile. “sadly mr. y/l/n didn’t find it impressive, because he really thought his daughter would be an equestrian like him. y/n hoped he’d be understanding but yeah anyway, you get the gist from there.”
“if it ever crosses her mind, we’ll see if she does. i’ll head inside for a shower. thanks for letting me know.” jaehyun had his palms on the knob, turning around one last time to confirm something. “was the accident, bad?”
“not as life threatening, but it was enough to traumatise her.” hendery picked up the plates and cups. “she.. still hasn’t recovered.”
he stared back at the young lad’s expression, and he could tell hendery has been looking after you ever since. maybe it was better if he hadn’t asked.
you still shook your legs after hendery warned you of your decency and image, saying that that action was his pet peeve. but really, it was just an excuse to save himself from you due to the fact he said that shaking legs while thinking wasn’t ladylike at all. you couldn’t keep yourself in one place, pacing back and forth in the barn with marg eyeing you since it already been long you did so. “sis.” she cleared her throat and you stopped being jittery with biting your fingers. “what’s up with you?”
“nothing.” you lied, an uneasy feeling began to build up in your chest as the man you despise gently held the horses’ manes. “i’m fine, just thinking.”
jaehyun did the final checks for your horses’ health conditions and to be brutally honest not only did you find him surprisingly quiet, he was rather kind and collected for four days now. he even taught you some veterinary related topics in which you were surprised he was willing to teach. maybe he took your subtle request when you wanted to learn anything he knew about equine medicine. perhaps he wanted a break from all negativity when it came to you. in fact he did mention he couldn’t continue arguing anymore.
and in those four days it got you thinking about the pact. you had a week left and you weren’t sure if you convinced your family or jaehyun’s friends enough to call off the marriage. yes you’ve been at each other’s nerves for small arguments and there were times you forget about it too because the way you both fought was so natural. however today was just too quiet, like he was stopping the fights on purpose and for what reason exactly?
marg slid next to you when you went out for fresh air, nudging you by the waist with hers. “obvious again.”
“w-what?” you widened your eyes, earning a sly grin from your sister. “obvious about what?”
“your heart is on your sleeves. i can see it. the others might do too. so tell me, do you like jaehyun?” she crossed her arms, her grin widening when you began to be jittery again.
“ha?! no!” you stuttered and lied, and you knew marg’s claims hit the nail.
because not only did the past four days of not talking with jaehyun had a toll on your pact, but it definitely had on your heart. there were a total of four things you discovered about him.
1. jaehyun was a fast learner. he learned to clean horse hooves, saddle them and even did carpentry in one day.
2. he had humour but no one really acknowledged it, and appeared a little dorky to you.
3. his dimples were actually cute and has a vampire smile.
4. he really did have a heart for people too. you saw how he helped out your family whenever you were absent.
sometimes these traits softened you, and sometimes you wanted to at least be his friend. but you weren’t close to being one because the pact clearly prevents you to and in the end, it was better off that way. marg held your shoulder. “i know you fight a lot but that’s when the developing starts.” she paused, looking back at the barn. “jaehyun seems alright but you’re really being too obvious.”
“again, obvious about what? i hate it when you’re so vague stating your point.”
“if you wanna talk with him just do it.” she turned around a little to see the said man removing his gloves. “i noticed you’re both distant. it’s been four days so i’m guessing you’re not used to not fighting him. you tend to miss whatever you both stopped doing.”
you pinched her cheek. “do you even know how mentally draining it is to reason out with him?” you darted a gaze at her before a weight was put upon your head. it wasn’t that long for you to realise it was jaehyun. gosh how irritating. you even recognised the perfume he wore.
“i know exactly how that feels, marg.” jaehyun winked at her. “can’t mess with this one,” he messed your hairdo. “she’s feistier than most animals i’ve encountered.”
his giggle of pride echoed in your ears and you thought you were able to tolerate his reply but no. whether he was doing his part for the pact or not, whether he was enjoying this or not, he became more of a jerk the longer he stayed here.
“i’ll leave you two to talk. the light in y/n’s eyes changed when you arrived- ah!” she held her arm as you pushed her aside, and she was proudly walking away with what she had done.
jaehyun shoved his hands in pockets as he gestured you to follow him into the barn. it was only the two of you now while the rest surveyed other parts of the land with hendery. he held jet’s reins, usually your horse would react whenever strangers would. not to jaehyun, shockingly. you bit your lips in wonders what this man had in his mind.
“i just checked him like you taught me. he’s dehydrated.” he pinched a part of its skin close to the mane. “you practiced this morning right? didn’t give him water?”
“i gave him enough.” you unlocked the gate to jet, soon petting him. you couldn’t help but feel immense awkwardness. “did his skin snap back?”
“not as fast as i expected but he needs a little more fluids to keep the levels normal.” jaehyun wrote down numbers before handing your notebook to you, and you thought today was going to pass again without progress for the pact. “i’m gonna walk around for a bit. later.”
“hey.” you called out perhaps a little too rudely and instead of talking things through. he stopped in his tracks. “setting the vet thing aside, aren’t you being too quiet right when we have a week left? it’s been four days and by now some of them might notice the sudden silence. did you forget about the pact?” you asked, not knowing why you were fuming all of a sudden.
maybe it was because he was only staring at you. or that marg’s obversation was slowly getting to you and convincing that her hunch about you was right. “you’re a jerk when i met you but you’re even more so nowadays.”
jaehyun turned around with pursed lips, he didn’t like how you always assumed, especially giving him nicknames in which his friends also have gotten used to calling him those. “me? a jerk? i’m doing all i can to stop this marriage because we both know how it feels to be controlled.”
his answer only made you laugh. “ha you don’t know anything about me, jaehyun. if you’re actually doing something why haven’t you done anything then? you’re being careless-”
he brushed his hair & wore his cap backwards. “it’s not about if i’ve done something! y/n it’s about what you did!” jaehyun pulled you to a corner in caution if anyone heard him. “you were loud and careless! last week johnny asked me if we made a pact because he heard you mentioning it! i assure you he has a mind i still couldn’t understand and he’s probably trying to connect the dots now-”
“wai- you’re saying he knows about it and you’re only telling me now?!” you slammed jet’s gate, your eyes fixed him. “you could’ve told me right then and we could’ve solved this as soon as possible! how much do you think he knows?”
jaehyun slowly rubbed his face, shook his head and shrugged shoulders. “i don’t know! but you know what happens when he figures out we’re arguing for show? he’ll tell everyone we did that because we’re against this marriage! and in the end? we’ll be stuck with each other for life-”
“ugh don’t even tell me about it i couldn’t even stand the sight of you!” you wrapped yourself more in your coat, stomping straight outside and ignoring his reactions towards you.
“why are you like this when it’s clearly your fault?!” he quickly grabbed your shoulders to forcibly turn you around. “i’m telling you and you’re so reactive about it?”
you pointed at his chest. “no! it’s your fault for not telling me sooner!”
“oh so now it’s my fault? y/n look at yourself! can’t you see that someone impudent like you can cause troubles even for a slightest bit! you’re at fault!”
impudent?.. this was all too familiar and nostalgic.
jaehyun then closed his eyes at the stinging pain in the groin. “ugh what the hel-”
“you deserve that-”
right when that felt good and you wanted to hit him more, you were yanked backwards by a force. you fought back the arms restraining you. “y/n stop!”
“let me go wong kunhang! this jerk needs a lesson!” you growled in his arms, shimmying your body through them.
hendery reminded you of your shoulder and soon you stopped. “i’m sure that kick was enough for a lesson and calm down, will you?”
“jae you alright?” johnny helped him up. “hope it’s not too injured because you still need that for reproduction-”
“seriously? now’s not the time.” jaehyun glared at him then to you, you were now like deer in the headlights with his stare. “this is why i can’t stand you.”
mark, hendery and johnny looked at each other trying to figure what had happened. “what were you two arguing about?” hearing hendery ask, you tugged on your coat once he let go of you. “we heard her yelling that she couldn’t stand the sight of you and then you’re both blaming each other.”
you hesitatingly looked down to your boots, avoiding their curious gazes. fidgety as you knew you were, you tried not to respond. they heard from that far of our conversation.. oh my go-
as if jaehyun could read your mind, he cleared his throat. “it’s nothing. y/n’s just stubborn as usual. she doesn’t want to admit her fault when i told her jet’s dehydrated. guess she didn’t want to look irresponsible.”
“classic y/n.” your cheeks suffered from hendery’s squeezing palms. “how many times do i have to tell you to behave? c’mon you’re better than this.”
jaehyun sighed in relief that they were convinced with his reasoning.
jet’s snout poked your arm and exhaled, you cursed under your breath for not locking the gate. “then you should know why i’m like this.” you reiterated with a flat smile. “i’m gonna go to the bar for a drink. don’t bother me.”
“oh then we’re coming with! mark! you’re driving!” johnny pulled the boys into jaehyun’s car. “this hurt dude needs cheering up after you nearly ended his career for having kids.”
“maybe it’s better off that way?” you grinned with a tattling tone.
“i hate you so-” jaehyun barked before his voice was shut off by the car door. his expression became funnier with how the vehicle muted his voice.
jet and cash trotted slowly to let the car go first, hendery rode ahead of you as you followed him. beside the roadside was fields of green, laying flat with new flowers that have yet to bloom. by now the horses were galloping alongside the car, you could feel jaehyun shooting daggers at you. the joy to horse ride diminished when you took a glimpse of him pointing at you, sliding his clenched fist from left to right and pointing at his chest.
you’re dead to me. he spoke with his eyes. and you could hear his annoying voice in your head.
you flicked the reins to ride faster, passing hendery and cash. reaching the bar first would make you feel better and it would at least let the neighbourhood know you weren’t hanging out with boys like him. you soon unmounted yourself from jet and led him to an area where he could stay.
the bell chimed and you raised your hand for a simple mocktail. funny how you told the boys you’d be here for a drink yet didn’t plan to get drunk. you sat by the bartender’s while you saw them entering and sat at one table by the window. honestly you could’ve went elsewhere instead but this bar was the closest from home. and right now you really needed to clear your mind.
to clear your mind from jaehyun because you knew he’d be the death of you.
and how you ended up on the same table with them was too hazy for you to recall.
“i was like, singing my heart out at one karaoke place after i was rejected from the coffee shop i applied to. then the girl of my dreams had appear while i was all sweaty and sloppy and i was shirtless! it was really-” johnny spoke too fast for you to hear and curled his fingers remembering it.
“second hand embarrassment was too much at that point.” jaehyun chuckled and sipped on his glass.
“but john, you got her to say yes even though you’re high and wild.” mark raised his palm for a fistbump.
mark turned to you. “y/n what’s something you couldn’t forget?”
you smiled slyly towards your childhood friend and hendery’s panicked face resurfaced with begging hands. you feel yourself going tipsy but went for storytelling anyway. “this previous halloween i forced hendery to dress as rapunzel because i wanted to dress as pascal.”
mark let out a contagious laugh which had everyone giggling too. you brought out your cracked screen phone which jaehyun broke and showed a picture of you on a piggyback ride with hendery. the said man cowered himself from the compliments and while you continue to keep him in the spotlight. jaehyun found it unbelievable that you were quickly switched from cranky to giggly when drunk.
“here’s the awesome part,” you slurred your words with hiccuped breaths. “around nine guys asked me to ask for his number and i gave it to them! he was that hot! i could never compete!”
jaehyun oddly cackled out loud and you all turned heads to him. “of course you could never! i mean look at you!”
his friends raised brows as jaehyun was enjoying this a little too much. perhaps taking advantage of your drunken self. “you dress weird and your hair’s a mess. you’re always rude and sometimes smelling like a horse. by the way that’s such a turn off to guys like us. like do you even bathe-”
you were definitely tipsy but you understood his words clear enough to feel a wave of emotions blanket over you. forgotten memories began play in your head and began to sulk.
“yeah i know i’m like this and so what if i’m plain and ordinary?” you whined and the boys held their breaths.
“my parents think i couldn’t take care of myself after i dislocated my shoulder at cross-country.” jaehyun heard you.
“because of that they started to pair me with accomplished men they think could give me a better life. so i misbehave every time they bring a suitor over.” you propped elbows on the table and glared at jaehyun. “you’re the fifth and before you arrived i lied to mom and dad that i recovered, hoping they’d stop and leave me alone but nope! they think you’re the one-”
hendery managed to catch your collapsed body from falling. he let out a soft laugh. “mhm, she spills a little too much when she’s drunk-”
you covered his lips and did several clicks of your tongue. “i’m tipsy! not drunk but tipsy! are you spilling tea about my life to that jerk?”
he scoffed lightly. “of course not! i didn’t tell him anything.” he lied.
you pinched his cheek. “i doubt it. you’re a talkative donkey! they should cast you to be part of shrek musical next fall!” you giggled and tried to keep yourself awake from all that drowsiness. your eyes dropping to slumber.
“m’lady.” he fixed you on his side and you were now carried on his back. “jaehyun doesn’t know a thing.” he cooed, giving jaehyun a wink to zip his mouth shut regarding the topic.
small sobs began to bubble out from you, you clung onto hendery. “ah jaehyun? you know that jerk called me impudent? he said i always cause troubles but what choice to i have? i don’t want to be betrothed!” you wailed and mark and johnny raised brows at jaehyun as soon as you said it. “hendery he called me impudent! he’s just like dad and i hate them both!” you leaned on his shoulders.
“but do you really hate jaehyun?” johnny smirked as he enjoyed how open you were compared to being sober. jaehyun noticed where this was going and tried to stop him but the tall lad shushed him when you spoke.
“yes!” you slurred with a lopsided smile and narrow brows, which looked strange as they couldn’t tell if it was a good or bad thing.
“i hate him because he’s so prideful! ‘jeong jaehyun, veterinary medicine student’ my butt. i should’ve been one too but daddy said no.” you pout, soon knocking out. “i hate how.. handsome that jerk looks-”
your friend hopped slightly and quickly got out of the bar so you wouldn’t cause a scene any further. “i’ll bring her to my place, it’s just a block from here. you guys can go ahead.” he told the guys to call it a night. “i’ll take jet and cash to my stables at home. see y’all tomorrow.”
they got on the car and started the engine. jaehyun read the atmosphere among them, he fixed the front mirror and saw mark and johnny with questioning looks. “what?”
“did you really call y/n impudent?” mark played with the buttons of the window.
jaehyun stepped on the pedal to head to your place. his friends bombarded him with what if’s and was too tired to respond. but just to shut them up, he replied.
“i was angry when i said that. i didn’t really mean-”
“do you think she meant it when she said you’re handsome?” johnny asked to cut off the weird vibe lingering while mark propped his fists to rest.
“she’s drunk. not like she can remember it anyway.” jaehyun clenched on the wheel.
you woke up in hendery’s bed with a tray of breakfast on his desk table. you slid it towards yourself to eat when a folded paper fell from underneath.
i saw jaehyun at the grocery store earlier, he asked me to pass this breakfast to you. also! he said he’ll be at the barn’s loft. now go meet him. ~hendery
great, he pissed you off yesterday and he was the last person you wanted to see today. what was his plan now? he prepared breakfast and yet what was the use of eating the meal when it has gone cold? you tied your hair to a top bun and wore your glasses, quickly grabbing your coat, onto to jet’s back and went to the barn.
the sun’s heat was enough to make you warm on the way there. jaehyun swung his legs while he waited. he stared at the ground when a shadow appeared, you stood at the entrance asking him to come down.
he did that, but there was a different air around him. it was the same air as those four days of silence between the two of you. “at least you’re not late.” he slid his palms into his back pockets.
“did you want to talk to me about something?” you asked with a slice of bread in your mouth. he nodded with intense eyes. “then make it quick. i have to make my rounds-”
“i’ll go with you.” jaehyun suggested and you choked on your bread.
“what?” you gulped on the huge piece stuck in your throat and stopped him from walking. “why not tell me now?”
he pulled you to jet’s stall and pushed your back to mount on the saddle. “‘cause it’s better if they don’t see us talking normally when we’re supposed to be at each other’s throats.”
he’s definitely up to something..
jaehyun rode a bike, leading you and jet through woods and up on a hill where its summit towers part of your family’s lands. from here you could see your house and tiny figures you assumed were his friends. you haven’t gotten a clue why jaehyun was being nice again. and if he was, why today? why bring you all the way here to have this conversation? you couldn’t think of anything at all and maybe you should’ve eaten the meal he prepared for you.
when the winds blew, jaehyun spoke in a soft voice. he was awkward, you could tell that, but what he did was something you didn’t expect. he leaned back with his palms on the grass. “i’m sorry i called you names.”
hm.. you better be.
that apology alone pierced your heart, in a good way. if he was tired from all the negativity and endless banters, so were you. it had been fifteen days after all. maybe this was a cool break before continuing with the pact. “which ones?” you copied his position and counted your fingers one by one. “there’s ugly.. shorty.. lazy ass.. a no brainer-”
“i didn’t call you tha-” he paused, his lips forming an ‘o’ until he pursed them together seeing you mimic him on his laptop. “right. i implied it when you wanted me to teach you equine studies. anyway the bottom point is, i’m sorry for calling you impudent.”
you chuckled, but to him it sounded more of a scoff. “haven’t heard that in ages. never expected i’d hear that again.” you looked at him, he did too, there was a stare down before you spoke again.
“but yeah. i guessed you did that to fulfill your part for the pact. the guys were probably nearby and you thought of that to spark up the conversation. are we done?”
jaehyun rested his arm on his knees. “no that’s not what i meant- i’m being sincere here.”
“okay? then tell me what’s on your mind. you brought me up here. it’s gotta be something worth my time.”
“i feel like the pact just brings the worse out. and whenever it does, i don’t feel myself anymore. like this is not me.”
he picked up a dandelion, letting the wind take its soft pieces. he wished his feelings weren’t easily swayed like the flower’s petals. he knew he was easily hotheaded, stubborn and mr. perfect, but should he always be like these?
“then who is the real you?” you caught some flying pieces of the flower before looking back at him for answers.
“a studious douche who got his heart broken by his ex.” he shrugged and waited for your bicker, but you sat there with shocked eyes and struggled to find what to say. “yeah, in case you’re still surprised, i do have a heart for people.”
“i heard you.” you flicked his temple.
he held back fists from hitting back. “hey why’d you hit me?”
“it’s my way of being affectionate.” you laid on the grass and while he copied, you thought that jaehyun had a point, how the pact seemed a good approach yet with deteriorating results.
“by being violent?” jaehyun moaned as he asked. “ever thought that a pat in the back would be better?”
you glared at him. “let’s continue what we’re doing with another condition.. no personal or evil intentions whatsoever, or maybe a slight hint that we’d start dissing. we’re doing this for ourselves and..” you cleared your throat. “..helping out a friend.”
it made total sense, because he knew how much of an effect it did when the purpose of the pact was done unconsciously and naturally. he let out a tight and breathless sigh between his lips. “i’m your friend? after calling you all that?”
“i just needed something to describe you. would calling you a douche make you feel better after you apologised?” you stood up and headed downhill.
“well you did call me ‘handsome’ last night.” jaehyun singsonged and carefully walked down the stoned steps.
you froze at how stupid and blabbermouth you could be whenever you went to the bar. “i don’t remember, since i’ve been studying the things you taught me.”
“you can ask the others if you think i’m lying.”
“y’know what? i take back the condition i said.” you quickly hopped on jet to head back. “don’t bother me!”
“what do you mean studying? you’re planning to pursue vet sci? hey!”
“yeah.” you made jet walk in circles around the confused man, and your one-word response had jaehyun confirming you already decided to tell your father about it.
and it’d be on christmas eve too.
for almost half an hour marg couldn’t contain her feelings after you told her what had happened. marg squealed and you quickly covered her mouth since the door wasn’t entirely closed. she squeezed the pillow and hid herself behind it.
“he apologised?! such a gentleman! i mean mark didn’t really tell me the details but jaehyun really felt guilty?” she put the pillow down and crawled next to you on your bed.
as to why she reacted this way remained unclear to you, you figured it was probably she watched too many rom-coms with johnny in the past few days. “i admit, it was considerate of him to do that. but it doesn’t prove he’s already a good man.” you fixed your files and past researches of veterinary science. “sometimes an apology isn’t enough.”
your sister nudged you in a force causing you to stumble in your stance. “ey you’re too mean. him apologising is already enough of a sign that he’s a good one, and raised well.”
“i don’t know marg.” you slumped on your bed. “my head’s hurting because of him.”
she raised a brow and gave you a teasing look. “by thinking of him or he just couldn’t get out of your head?” she kicked her feet to escape your balling fists.
“why are you reacting if it’s not true?!” her giggles grew in volume as she brought out her phone record your reaction.
“get out of my room!”
jaehyun walked around the mart in response to yet another order from you. it had to be a day before christmas eve too. he should be feeling the very essence of christmas and because of you, he didn’t. people who happened to pass by him swore they saw a walking corpse, while some sensed a spreading dark cloud hovering above him.
his demeanour quickly shifting and changing as if the clouds blocked his rays of sunshine. he was mumbling to himself and those who stood close by took careful small steps away from jaehyun, for he sounded like he was enchanting a spell.
he thought about it a lot— whether it there’d be a difference between the two of you if you hadn’t taken back that condition. because now that he was controlled like a pawn again, he wasn’t going to back down or lose to you. at least for the past few days since then he saw an improvement. you weren’t as violent, not a single word of hate from you nor were they intentional. it was obvious you were helping out. a small smile managed its way to resurface until he saw a reflection of himself looking like an idiot. jaehyun, you’re a fool. you shouldn’t be feeling this.
ignoring his subconscious, he turned a heel at the next grocery aisle when a voice attracted attention, at least to him it sounded like hendery. hearing your name from an unfamiliar man’s lips had him peeking secretly at a distance. “i suppose y/n’s behaving well with jaehyun?”
“better than everyone expected.” hendery followed him with hands deep in pockets. “aside their petty arguments, she gets along with him, mr. y/l/n.”
“that’s good to hear. i knew the jeong’s would never fail my expectations. their son is in vet school, yes?”
the mentioned name chilled him to the bone. he wasn’t to supposed to be feeling in this manner yet the very presence of your father already had gotten his shoes glued to the ground. hendery nodded and continued to walk along with him. “i hope he doesn’t encourage her about it too much. having y/n marry him would keep her quiet about ever continuing vet school.”
jaehyun’s back grazed the products he lightly leaning upon and stood still in his thoughts. he wasn’t the type to eavesdrop on others, let alone your family issues. although he was briefly told about your rocky relationship with your father and couldn’t hear much of the conversation, he shouldn’t care or meddle with it but.. did mr. y/l/n really think that?
and he remembered how you told him you’d pursue veterinary.
he fished for his phone with certainty that he would tell you what he had heard. he nearly dropped his phone when it rang and your name appeared as the caller. staring at it for a while, never in his life had he ever hesitated before— given that he was a straight forward person, he wanted to tell you.
and he didn’t know why he decided to keep his mouth shut and stayed behind, instead of doing the opposite. hendery noticed him beside the hundreds of chocolate chip buckets. “oh jaehyun!” he greeted, making your father turn his head around. “come here!”
jaehyun pressed his lips for being caught, steadily and unwilling to go them. he wished that now would be the appropriate time to be walking on super glue, he really didn’t have the mood to talk to your father. it wasn’t the right time as their conversation about you would probably escalate from there.
“hello mr. y/l/n, i’m-” he greeted, unknowingly staring at him longer because you were his carbon-copy.
“i know you’re jaehyun and i’ve been updated enough that i wouldn’t have to be physically at my residence to know your good qualities.”
“glad to know someone’s giving you the correct information.” jaehyun smiled, subtly gazing straight at hendery with more pressure on the tone of the name. hendery then clamped his lips to a close, regretting he should’ve minded his words carefully.
mr. y/l/n nodded with a chuckle— even hendery rarely saw him doing so, ever. and this only proved that there wouldn’t be a better groom fit for you other than the son of his childhood friends. “i like your personality. mind joining me for tea?”
jaehyun read the situation, and what your father was up to. he had to listen for another half hour even though he felt his phone continually vibrating then stopping. he knew it was you, but how could he answer when the person you grew to hate was with him at this moment? one word from him through a phone call would make you go berserk.
anyone could see that jaehyun was fighting a mental dilemma. for anyone it would be an easy question to answer; free food, you’re in. his future father-in-law asked for company, sure why not. jaehyun felt like he only one answer, and it had to be a correct one. he gulped and though he eyes wavered, he agreed anyway. “i don’t mind, but y/n would probably be moody if i don’t return immediately.”
“mhm, no worries. i won’t keep you long.” mr. y/l/n said, and jaehyun didn’t know why he had a small heart attack on what possibly could follow.
he lead him to a restaurant, hendery nudged the troubled-looking dimpled man. “sorry dude. he likes snacking on things but i’ll try to divert his attention so you can go to y/n asap.”
the relieved sigh didn’t last long when looked up from the ground. jaehyun spotted you crossing arms with a slight worrisome look. your fingers then pointed at the kitchen window and it looked like his soul left his body and his footsteps on the ankle-high snow. the curtains indoors brushed to one side with his parents facing back from the windowsill at the upper balcony.
his heart was beating his chest as if it wanted to go out. he planned to tell you what he and your father talked about, but in that previous hour he missed out your text messages and calls— not knowing they were that important. now he knew why they were.
you took his phone and clicked on the lock button, he didn’t check your means to reaching him. they were still in the lockscreen. “i know you’re a seenzoner but you shouldn’t ignore important calls! i was calling you an hour ago because your parents came so suddenly. did you know about their change of plans?”
he gave you other paper bag and made his way inside. “no they were supposed to arrive tomorrow.” to you jaehyun seemed grumpy for doing groceries, but it was obviously not the case when kept looking elsewhere. he bit his inner gums in question as to why he was venting out his irritation at you instead of the revelation that was told to him.
you followed him in and began bring out the items to set the remaining food on the kitchen island. something told you not to go overboard with the planned argument you had in mind, but you couldn’t handle the way he was acting now, as well as giving you the sudden silent treatment. behaving this way was such a wrong timing and you decided to cut the silence before it made you feel worse than you already were. “you good?”
“y-yeah.” he tilted down to take a quick look at you while realising lately how you hadn’t been sleeping well. the puffiness under your eyes was proof. he cleared his throat. “uh, i should be asking you but have you been studying.. lately? or have you been staying up all night?” he asked, changing the subject.
he twitched at your outburst excitement with your palms rested on his arm, shaking it vigorously. now that he reminded you, you gestured him for a whisper. “i found another way to stop this marriage without us hurting each other.”
what? his eyes grew big.
“aren’t you hurting me now?” he cleared his throat, referring to the reddening spot on his skin from your grip. he knew what you meant. he knew you’ve been sitting in your bed the whole day, reading e-books and going over past lectures documents.
“if i tell my dad that i’m pursuing vet school again, i think this time he’d let me. i’m confident because i do have a degree in equestrian sport science. imagine the benefit if have a degree in veterinary?” you opened a carton of milk to drink. “i wonder if my credits’ still applicable?”
“you sure you wanna do that?” jaehyun held the top your head, gripping it as if it were a basketball. “it’s gonna take you years to finish.”
“scared to have a competitor in the field, jaehyun?” your voice challenged him.
he wasn’t scared at all, he loved competitions as well as proving he could do things. but, he was scared for you. he knew the outcome of all this because it was already planned out. he was told by your father during tea break before he arrived here.
chills slowly went down your spine with that one, subtle, short silence from him.
“i’m not scared. it’s just that..” you shot up your head at his remark. he trailed off and shut his lips seeing your parents enter the living room with his beloveds.
“just what?” you stared at him with a long hum.
he had to lie and keep his opinions to himself. “are you able to take on hard words in that tiny brain of yours?” jaehyun scoffed, leaning in closer to provoke an argument with his hands patting your head.
“hey! you’re insulting my height, not my brain!” he heard your innocent whines as if they were precious— too precious that he wanted to protect you than to fight you; just for tonight.
and for the first time he was laughing sincerely at you.
week three had you imagining things, that he would look at you so differently. instead of horns they’d be halos, softer looks than tensed ones, and most of all you wonder what changed him within a day. it was confusing that he would show another side of him, then go back to what he was when you first met him.
but tonight? his possibility of change soon went void.
during dinner, whether or not it was right, that choice you made became one of the two things you regret to do and say. your father said his ultimatum in a low voice by the hallway, isolated from everyone enjoying the celebration.
“dad, please. i’ve done what you want. i think it’s time you’d allow me to do what i want.” you kept your head low in all hope this would be your final time to ask. “i’m successful as an equestrian, i hope to be more so as a veterinarian. please let me continue. i don’t want to get married yet-”
“still holding onto it, y/n?” he scoffed and took quick glances at his surroundings. “i’ve done everything for you to be known, raised you to be the best rider out there-”
and he too, held with the same stupid reason. “no dad! i raised myself to be the best because heavens knows how much damage it’ll cost me if i failed you-”
“this is the last time i saying it, you’re never going to be one.”
“but dad! you know how badly i want to be a vet-” you whined and hoping you wouldn’t cry because you promised yourself you wouldn’t.
“y/n you’re marrying jaehyun solely for that reason!” he whisper-yelled, making your heart squeeze tight because you could see how your complaints have pissed him off. “he seemed to be agreeing with me after i invited him for tea.” he fixed his hair.
w-what did he just say?..
he loosened the top button of his shirt; his gaze still scared you like it did that night. he held his temples to reason out with you. “discipline yourself tonight. i do not want hear anything from you about this matter ever again.” the impact of his tone shattered you. not only your mood but with how you perceived jaehyun as a whole.
you couldn’t remember much afterwards, anger roamed around your head and as much you kept your composure, jaehyun has a sharp eye. you’ve been quiet since coming from the hallway, hours have passed too since your father called you upstairs.
“are you alright?” jaehyun leaned on the refrigerator while you took some fruits from it. figured that you were completely ignoring him, he grabbed your favourite sweater to snap you out of your clouded feelings. “are we doing the pact now?”
it was getting suffocating being next to him. the audacity of what he did disgusted you. “hey tell me-”
you shut the fridge’s door with much force, held your breath and went to the sink to wash them. “i’m not doing it. and what’s there to tell you? just because i opened up to you that doesn’t mean we’re already close.” you coldly answered with a irritated look.
jaehyun was abruptly taken back, his hand let go of your clothes. “why are you’re suddenly like this?”
you began washing the apples as well as peeling their skin. “you’re not born yesterday, jaehyun. this is my usual self.”
“no y/n, i’m not talking about-”
“what the hell is your deal?” jaehyun could hear you mumble even with the loud blasting of holiday playlists.
“i just want to know if we’re starting the argument,. it seems like you’re doing your part-”
“you knew all along, didn’t you?” the sound of peeling almost excruciating to your ears but nothing more than his reaction to your question. ‘that my dad would refuse my plead.”
painful as it was, his expression changed. he was colder than the snow outside, heartless as a predator and unresponsive like a dead man. he just stared at you straight, acknowledging it with soft wavers of his brown orbs.
and that alone was enough to break you to pieces.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
15 Days of Fluffsgiving 🍂
prompt: day 4 (11.18) pumpkin patch
pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader
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Being the auntie of an energetic 3 year old had its ups and downs.
You absolutely loved your nephew, he was the most sweetest and cutest child you’ve ever taken care of.
Plus he wasn’t much of a crier, making him 5x better than the other kids you’ve met.
At just 3 years old, he was very smart, already forming small sentences and he was a very respectful young man.
Though you adored your nephew, he was like the Energizer Bunny. Not even an ounce of sugar in his body and the boy had way too much energy for you to keep up with.
Since he was also very curious about his surroundings, you had to be careful about what you said around him. He’s been known to repeat things whether they were good or bad.
But even though he could be a handful, you never missed the chance to babysit him or spend time with him.
Which was why Micah was staying at your place for the week.
His mom, your sister, had dropped him off since she and your brother in law were taking a vacation to Hawaii for the wedding anniversary.
“Alright, are we ready to have the best week of our lives, Micah?”
“YEAHHH! Ice cream for break-fust!!” The little boy cheered as he excitedly jumped up and down.
Sure, ice cream for breakfast wasn’t the smartest idea, but you were the fun aunt. It’s your duty to expose him to the joys of life.
What you thought would be a smooth and fun week was completely the opposite.
You haven’t had a decent amount of sleep since Micah had arrived.
You were wrong when you said he wasn’t a crier, because boy was he a loud one. After his parents wouldn’t answer your FaceTime calls due to time zones, your nights ended in temper tantrums and droopy eyes.
Along with the minor tantrums, the boy was naturally energetic. Bouncing off the walls at 11 in the morning, while Baby Shark played on your tv for nth time of the week.
Sebastian knew your nephew was staying the week at your place. He’s met Micah before but never got to know the boy. From what you’ve said about your nephew, he sounded like an absolute angel.
Which was why he was shocked when you answered your front door looking like you haven’t slept in days.
“It’s cause I haven’t. I like him better at family gatherings.” You tell him, jokingly adding the last part.
Sebastian realized that you’ve been balancing work from home and taking care of a 3 year old at the same time. 
Suddenly he got an idea.
You didn’t question his intentions after he told you to take a relaxing bath and a nap.
While you slept Sebastian took care of your nephew, who was quite a character, might he add.
“Dada likes Marvel, he said he like Buck-eee” you nephew mentioned as Sebastian pointed at his Avengers shirt.
“I’ll tell you a little secret. I’m actually Bucky Barnes.” Sebastian whispered as if it were some big secret.
Micah didn’t believe him though, due to his haircut, lack of black eyeshadow around his eyes, and the mask. Sebastian looked nothing like the Winter Soldier.
He spends a good 20 minutes trying to convince your 3 year old nephew that he actually is the Winter Soldier.
Much to Sebastian’s dismay, Micah still did not believe the grown man. Sebastian eventually agrees with Micah.
“You’re right, I’m not Bucky Barnes” :(
You wake up at around 1 or 2 pm only to find out that the two boys have created plans for the afternoon.
“We’re doing what now?”
“A ump kin patch!”
“We wanna go to a pumpkin patch!”
Sebastian suggested that going to the pumpkin patch would wear Micah out and he’d be out like a light as soon as you guys get home. Which meant a good night’s sleep for you.
You guys use your car to get to a pumpkin patch since Micah’s car seat was already in there.
Throughout the whole ride, Micah insisted on playing Baby Shark.
“What’s Baby Shark?” Sebastian asked as he turned to you.
When you arrived at the parking lot, you were shocked at the amount of people that were at the pumpkin patch on a Thursday afternoon.
You and Sebastian were nervous about losing little Micah so the two of you made sure to hold both of his hands.
Sebastian was probably more scared than you. While you watched Micah from a few feet away, Sebastian was trailing a few inches behind him.
“You need to always be holding my hand or your auntie’s, alright Micah?”
“Micah! Stop running in the pumpkin patch, you’ll fall!”
Sebastian tripping over pumpkins while he chases Micah.
The two boys pointing out pumpkins for each other to look at.
“How about this one Micah? It’s the perfect size and you could even carry it!”
“No, I want giant one!”
“Auntie (y/n)! Sebba likes the ugly ‘umpkin!”
Much to Micah’s dismay, you all end up taking medium sized pumpkins from the patch.
You would take a bunch of cute pictures of Sebastian and Micah. Seb would even take adorable pictures of you and your nephew on his phone, promising to send them later.
Seb would find himself humming Baby Shark under his breath, but no one needs to know that.
When Micah gets too tired to walk Sebastian would definitely offer to carry him on his shoulders.
Micah would be excited to be on his shoulders because he felt like he was “on top of the world”.
When you and Sebastian got a bit cozy with each other, like kissing each other’s cheeks or wrapping each other’s arms around each other, Micah would be a bit jealous.
“No! I only hug Auntie!”
Micah will literally pull Sebastian’s face from yours and make sure the man carrying him is paying attention to where he was walking.
He also did it to be sure that you won’t get any “cooties” from Sebastian.
Sebastian made it up to him by buying him hot chocolate and a bunch of treats from the little food stand at the pumpkin patch.
By the time you guys got back to the car, Micah was passed out in his car seat.
“Haven’t even made it home yet and he’s already out.” Seb would chuckle as he looked at the toddler in the backseat.
You’d thank Sebastian for the good night’s sleep and helping you take care of Micah. He would brush it off and say he would help you babysit him anytime. 
While you drove back, Sebastian had a frown on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
“He still doesn’t believe that I’m Bucky Barnes.”
“Seb, he’s three.”
“But I AM Bucky Barnes!”
“I’m gonna make him believe that I’m Bucky by the end of this weekend.” He stated with determination.
“Yeah, goodluck with that babe.”
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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’tis the damn season
an Auston Matthews song fic
a/n: based on the absolute masterpiece that is ’tis the damn season by Taylor Swift from evermore. This one was not on my WIP list but came over me as soon as I heard the song when the album dropped. also have no idea how it became my longest piece yet, by far (as in 12k+ whoops). obviously, I do not own any of the music/lyrics to this song nor any other I write about.
summary: Auston Matthews and his ex-girlfriend are reunited in their hometown years after their difficult breakup.
warnings: swearing, alcohol, allusions to sex, a delicate balance of angst and fluff. a bit of a slow burn, if you want to call it that.
You might have been one of the few people on the planet who disagreed with the phrase, “There’s no place like home for the holidays.” At least, for the last few years, that hadn’t exactly been your sentiment.
But, you were home anyway, after a few weeks of your mother’s guilt tripping and your father’s repeated phone calls. And, admittedly, you were enjoying your quiet time at home with your parents.
After helping your mom bake a few dozen cookies for the Christmas Eve party they were throwing tomorrow night, you wandered upstairs to your childhood bedroom to change out of your flour-covered attire and maybe squeeze in a nap. An undeniable perk of staying with your parents during the holidays — so many opportunities to sleep. As you pulled on a well-worn, long-sleeved ASU t-shirt you found hanging in your closet, your phone rang.
You groaned and swore to yourself that if it was your editor again, you were quitting. She’d already interrupted your time off at least once throughout each of your three days at home thus far — your first week of vacation in the two and a half years you’d been with the fashion magazine. You rolled your eyes and reached for the sounding device on your bed, then recoiled when you saw the contact name — or rather, initials — on the screen.
Oh, god.
Even worse, the years-old contact photo popped up behind the name — a picture of the two of you lying together on the shore on your vacation four years ago, right after the draft, when you both still held onto the naive belief that nothing that had just happened in his world would change things between the two of you.
“Shit,” you whispered, covering your mouth while anxiety coursed through your veins.
You couldn’t just not answer. Right? The two of you were on decent terms, though you couldn’t quite remember the last time you’d spoken — probably seven, eight months ago. You had no good reason to ignore his call.
And after all... you were the one who had ended things.
You cleared your throat and, trying to coach yourself into mustering up some semblance of courage, quickly repeated, “Okay, okay, okay, okay.” Then, like ripping off a bandaid, you hurriedly tapped the green button and pressed the phone to your ear.
“Matthews,” you greeted curtly — tentatively.
“Kels. Come over,” Auston said abruptly, though you could hear the smile in his voice. “I know you’re home.”
You squinted and glanced around your room, racking your brain as you tried to figure out how exactly your ex-boyfriend knew your current whereabouts.
“What?” you asked, puzzled, not to mention slightly shocked that he was even interested in seeing you in person — though some part of you was, indeed, grateful for that. “How did you even know I was in Scottsdale?”
“Uh, your Instagram story, my dear,” he said, obviously amused. “You posted this morning from that new coffee shop between the Methodist church and our old school building. Remember?”
You rubbed a hand over your face, suddenly regretting adding him to your close friends list on Instagram six weeks ago after a few glasses of wine with your girlfriends.
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath, eliciting a chuckle from Auston.
“Yeah, don’t flatter yourself thinking I sit around and stalk you, sweetheart,” he teased. “I thought about replying but I didn’t wanna slide into your DMs and look like a fuckboy.” He paused, and you opened your mouth to make a halfhearted wisecrack that you didn’t truly mean, but before you could speak, he added, “Plus you probably get so many DMs, I’m sure mine would just get lost in the shuffle.”
Again, you rolled your eyes. “Matthews,” you repeated, whinier now.
“C’mon, Kels. Just come over,” he whined back. “I just got in last night. I’m staying at my parents’ house. My sisters nearly busted down my door when they saw you were back in town, plus I know my mom and dad would love to see you.”
Suddenly, two decades’ worth of memories that you had long ago pushed to the back of your mind flooded all at once to the forefront of your consciousness. Sleepovers watching Disney Channel movies and eating peach rings with Alex and Brey. Brian scooping you up in his arms after a nasty tumble off your bike on their street, propping you on the kitchen counter as he bandaged the scrapes on your knees, Auston never leaving your side nor letting go of your hand. Road trips with Ema to watch Auston play in countless tournaments, with you doing homework in the front seat while Ema sang along to the radio. Matthews family dinners eating Ema’s famous chicken tortilla soup. Vacations and carpool and pickup basketball games and shopping for prom dresses and just the mundane, everyday routine you had been part of for so many years.
And those were just the memories that involved his sisters, his parents. You didn’t dare let your mind uncover the buried memories of him, and him alone.
You missed them. Sometimes you missed them all so much that it made your heart physically ache and your stomach drop and your mouth go dry.
So, you drew a long, deep breath, and against your better judgment, eventually said, “Okay. Fine. But you have to send me your parents’ address. I haven’t been to the new Matthews McMansion.”
Auston huffed on the other end. “So mean to me.”
It was certainly a far cry from the modest old ranch-style house where Auston had spent his childhood.
As you pulled up to the sprawling estate in the bougie part of town and cut your engine, you whispered, “What the fuck am I doing here...”
And still, after a quick check of your makeup in your rearview mirror, you got out of the car, closed your door and pushed your sunglasses to the top of your head, sighing as you took in the four vehicles parked in front of yours in the roundabout driveway, none of which you had ever seen before. Audi, Mercedes, BMW, Porsche. Well, you could guess which one was Auston’s.
You walked up the stone sidewalk and slipped your aviators into your purse — it was only then that you noticed that your hands were trembling.
You cleared your throat and exhaled sharply, willing your nerves to subside, as you arrived at the door and pressed the button on its frame, sounding an elaborate chime inside.
“I got it,” you immediately heard a familiar voice call, and you took a startled step backward as you saw his figure approaching through the decorative glass panes outlining the doorway. As he pulled open the door, the flutter you’d tried your hardest to avoid feeling for three years took flight once more in your belly.
“Matthews,” you greeted again, arms crossed in front of you in hopes of hiding your shaking hands.
“Why’d ya bother to ring the doorbell, you nutjob?” Auston asked with a broad smile.
Before you could throw a snide remark back at him, he pulled you into himself, one arm snaking around your mid-back and the other hand cradling your head to his chest. Inadvertently, you exhaled contentedly, and you swore you felt Auston tighten his grip on you then. Your eyes fluttered closed, and you let yourself relax into him for longer than you had intended. He just felt so… familiar. Broad. Strong. Comforting.
He was just… Auston. A thousand things had changed for the two of you, but the way you felt in his presence hadn’t changed since you were a little girl.
You inhaled his cologne, and you noticed that he was doing just the same — breathing in your long-worn Chanel No. 5 perfume, the same kind he used to save up all year to buy you each Christmas.
At that memory, you snapped back to reality and extricated yourself from his embrace, leaving him looking slightly disappointed, though still pleased with your greeting.
“Hi,” you spoke simply as you stared up at him, then chuckled at how stupid that sounded.
“Hi,” he mimicked, head bobbling and eyes widening, causing you both to fall into a giddy fit of nervous laughter over nothing at all.
Just then, you saw Ema’s head pop out from beneath an arched opening toward the back of the house — probably leading to the kitchen, you assumed. Ema was always in the kitchen.
“I thought I heard your laugh,” she sang. You couldn’t help but beam, and Auston smiled and moved out of your way so that you had a direct pathway to his mother. Taking advantage of that, you made a beeline for the petite woman you considered your second mom, already feeling emotion bubbling up in your throat as tears blurred your vision.
“Oh, mija,” Ema said, her voice tight as she met you in the middle of the grand entryway and gathered you into her arms. “Te extrañamos,” (we miss you) she said sincerely.
Auston cupped the back of his neck and quickly looked away then, fearful that he may just shed tears of his own.
You sniffled and murmured, “Los extrañé a todos mucho,” (I missed you all so much) into Ema’s shoulder as she smoothed her hand lovingly over the back of your head.
When you finally parted, moving past the brief sadness of the reunion, Ema still held tightly to your hands, extending her arms so that she could see you better.
“You look more beautiful than ever!” she exclaimed, and you dropped your head bashfully at her compliment. “California is treating you well.”
You nodded. “For the most part,” you remarked with a sigh. Ema glanced quickly from your face to her son’s and back again, deciding not to dwell for too long on that loaded response.
“Well,” she pivoted with a click of her tongue. “You look great. Now come, come! I know Auston’s going to want to steal you away from me, not that I blame him, but I just put on some tea, so let’s sit and have some first.”
“Ma…” Auston protested lightheartedly. Ema wagged her finger at him. “Shh! Mijo! My long lost daughter has returned. Give me ten minutes for a cup of tea with her.”
Auston’s lips parted at her use of the word “daughter,” not that he should have been surprised by it, and you tossed him an animated shrug as Ema pulled you down the hallway back from whence she came. You were right — it was the kitchen, and it was a spectacular one at that.
“Holy…” you trailed off as Ema patted one of the leather barstools at the enormous island in the center of the room. You took a seat, pulling your cross body bag from your shoulder and placing it on the island, and commented, “This kitchen is incredible, Ema. I’m sure you love spending time here.”
Ema nodded and excitedly launched into stories of using all the appliances and gadgets she had never owned before, walking back to the teakettle on the stove as Auston sat down on the nearest barstool, feeling as though he could simply be dreaming, hallucinating, that you were here, sitting with him in his parents’ kitchen. But when you noticed him taking the seat next to yours, you tossed him a classic Kelsey smile and nudged his shoulder with your own, and he felt just slightly more confident that this was reality. Unable to resist your magnetism, which hadn’t faded with time but seemed instead to have only grown stronger, he squeezed your knee beneath the countertop, just as Ema approached with a cup of tea in hand for you.
Choosing to react instead to Ema rather than her son, you grinned and thanked her, feeling Auston’s eyes on you as you lifted the mug to your lips and took small sips, Ema still prattling on happily from the other side of the kitchen. You eventually cast a sidelong glance Auston’s way, accompanied by an amused smirk, the combination of which left him beaming as he looked away from you and back toward his mother, who now approached with two more cups of tea.
“Thanks, Ma,” he said as he wrapped his hands around the mug she offered him.
“You’re welcome, mijo,” Ema replied. “Now Kelsey, honey, how long are you in town?”
“Uh, just until the day after Christmas,” you replied, swirling a finger along the ceramic rim of your mug. “This is the most time I’ve taken off since I started at the magazine,” you admitted with a hint of embarrassment.
Ema nodded. “Your mother said you haven’t made it home for a while. I know they keep you pretty busy there. Is that why you don’t visit so much?” she asked unassumingly.
Auston dropped his head and shuffled his feet awkwardly against the tile floor, and your eyes flickered to him as you racked your brain for an answer that wasn’t a complete lie but also didn’t unmask the whole truth — which was that being in a town that held so much history with your ex was simply too suffocating to bear, even for a quick visit with your parents. So, you typically just stayed in California where you could throw yourself into your work as a fashion writer at a well-known publication and operate under the illusion that you had moved on. From Scottsdale, from Auston, from your life before Los Angeles.
And especially from Toronto.
But the problem was, when the night fell and the lights all faded and you were left to face the truth, you knew in your heart that that’s really all it was — an illusion.
And from 2,500 miles away, Auston knew it, too. He knew it because he was living the same lie.
“Uh, yeah,” you replied sheepishly. “That’s the gist of it. Just, uh, just hard to get away sometimes. My parents usually come out to visit me instead since their schedules are, uh, a little more flexible.”
“Right,” Ema said skeptically as you took a long pull from your mug, despite the hot liquid singing your tongue and making your eyes water. “Well, either way, it’s so good to finally see you here,” she added warmly.
“It’s good to see you too,” you breathed, honesty dripping from that answer.
Auston finally looked at you again, giving you an understanding smile. Even that smallest of gestures made you dizzy.
“So,” you said as you moved away from the topic, sitting up a bit straighter. “Where are the girls? Where’s Brian?”
“Golfing,” Auston answered. “Like always,” he added with a chuckle.
“Why am I not surprised?” you teased, making both Ema and Auston laugh.
“They begged Auston to come with them, but he turned them down,” Ema informed you. “And now we know why.” She lifted her eyebrows and took another sip of her tea as Auston shook his head.
“Dunno what you’re talking about,” he joked. “But no, they’ll be back soon. They can’t wait to see you.”
You brightened at that, not having seen the Matthews girls in nearly as long as it had been since you’d seen Auston himself, finding it easier to breathe when they weren’t nearby, reminding you of him with their every mannerism. And yet, you’d found that starving yourself of their friendship and their company ached nearly just as much.
“I can’t wait either,” you said through a distant smile.
“And Dad will probably cry more than Mom did when he sees you,” Auston predicted, lifting his mug. Ema swatted at his arm.
“Don’t start with me!” she warned. “I happened to see you choking up out there, too.”
You turned to Auston and raised an accusing brow at him. He simply chuckled into his tea and looked away, and the three of you sat in silence for a beat.
“Come on,” he finally said as he rested his mug on the island, nodding his head in the direction of the sliding glass door at the back of the house. “Lemme show you the patio.”
You nodded, knowing full well that showing off the backyard was not the real reason he was inviting you outside. Despite that knowledge, you hopped off the barstool, put your mug in the sink, and kissed Ema on the cheek as you passed her.
“Thanks for the tea, mamacita,” you said with a smile, squeezing her shoulders. “Anytime, mi amor,” she replied, sending a wink your way as you turned to follow Auston.
He slid open the door and motioned for you to step through it first. When he saw his mother watching you through the kitchen window, he gave her a knowing smirk, and she put her hands up in innocence. But as she watched you two walk out onto the patio through the glass, she breathed a silent prayer to any higher power who would listen that maybe, just maybe, you would finally come home.
Not to Scottsdale, no. Home to Auston.
Meanwhile, you were trailing your hand along the hammock near the pool, taking in the scene and trying to remember to breathe. When you heard him close the door, you turned back to Auston, your eyes floating around the backyard.
“Nice setup they’ve got back here,” you grinned, Auston chuckling with his hands shoved into the pockets of his shorts.
“Yeah, it’s even nicer in the summer,” he commented. You nodded, stepping closer to the pool and lowering yourself to sit on the edge, patting the space next to you as an invitation for Auston to do the same.
“We have chairs, ya know,” he grumbled as he took a seat. “Not all of us like to sit on the floor all day doing yoga.”
You sneered at him. “Oh, yeah, that’s what I do all day long,” you said sarcastically.
“Well, you used to, anyway,” he mumbled.
You gulped as visions of him watching you do precarious yoga poses on the living room floor of his apartment flickered in your mind’s eye, and then, once again, you moved right along.
“So… how’s it going, Matthews? How’s life?” you prompted, not even sure if you truly wanted to hear the answer to your inquiry.
He stretched out his long legs so that his feet were dangling above the water as he wondered where to even begin.
“It’s… it’s good,” he said. “Overall. It’s nice to be home for a few days. Needed that. I missed it. Missed my family. Missed…” he stopped himself, “…other things,” he added under his breath.
You chewed the inside of your cheek and decided to avoid the path he was taking this down. “How’s hockey?” you asked instead.
Auston shifted noticeably at the mention of his career, still painfully aware that, despite the successes it had brought him, it had ultimately caused the demise of your relationship.
“Hockey is… hockey,” he said. “Honestly it’s good on the whole. But the team’s not having the greatest year so far, which is rough.” You nodded, knowing better than most that the Toronto media operated at a different level of intensity and scrutiny than that of nearly all other markets, especially when the Leafs were losing, and especially when new blood was added into the equation, like Auston’s had been when they drafted him.
Like yours had been when you moved there with him.
The spotlight they shone on you — and the subsequent attention you received from so-called fans who took to the internet to question your intentions and integrity — had been far more than you bargained for.
Just as you were about to ask about how the guys on the team were faring, Auston spoke again.
“I think about calling you every time we come to LA, Kels,” he said, fixing his eyes on the neighbor’s house in the distance because he was simply unable to look at you while he admitted it. With a sniff, he added, “I’m not gonna lie about that.”
“Why don’t you?” you asked after a beat, maybe unfairly, studying his familiar profile. His features were the same, of course, but he looked… more mature. Older. Wiser. All that jazz. Auston shrugged, still not capable of looking at you.
“Just didn’t think you’d want me to,” he answered dejectedly. Your heart sank into your stomach. Given the things you’d said when you left him nearly three years ago, you could hardly blame him for that one.
“Well,” you started with a sigh. “I guess we could call it even then, because I think about coming to see you play every time you come to LA. Or Anaheim. Or even Vegas. And obviously Phoenix.”
“Well why didn’t you just call me asking for free tickets then,” he said in a tone that he tried to disguise as facetious, but you heard the hurt seeping into his words. “Everybody else I know in any NHL city does.”
You felt a fierce sense of protectiveness then, clenching your jaw as you tried to calm your irate thoughts. You watched him pick at the sleeve of his black Raiders crewneck and felt deeply for him — this man you’d loved since he was a little boy.
“Do they really? Still?” you asked in monotone.
Auston nodded, squinting in the sunlight. “Yup,” he answered, popping the ‘p.’ “Every game.”
“Jesus Christ,” you muttered, covering your eyes with your hand and pushing into your temples. You blew out a long breath. “Fuck. I’m really sorry about that. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but I… it just sucks.”
Auston shrugged. “It’s not your fault,” he stated. “Sometimes I do it, sometimes I don’t. Kinda depends on whether the person’s actually talked to me lately.”
You nodded as he chuckled sadly, and you felt your chest tighten. “Well,” you began, clearing your throat. “I guess I wouldn’t qualify then because we haven’t talked much.”
Auston looked at you with intensity surging in his deep brown eyes, and you wanted to look away but found that you couldn’t.
“You always qualify,” he said seriously. “You’re one of the only people that qualifies.”
You bit down, hard, on your bottom lip and grappled internally with the weight of his comment. Then he said sarcastically, “Besides, I know you’re only after my money. I mean, you forced me to buy you that Louis bag the week after I got drafted.”
Your jaw dropped at his joke, and you scoffed indignantly. “Oh, yeah, the one you finally had to hide in my closet after I kept sneaking it back into your car because I wanted you to return it?” you corrected. “Yeah, ya caught me. You know me, Aus. Such a gold digger.”
Auston had started laughing halfway through your quip, but stopped suddenly. You gave him a questioning look, and he paused before answering.
“You called me Aus,” he stated with a smile he tried and failed to hide. “You went back to calling me Matthews after we broke up. But you… you just called me Aus again.”
“Yeah, well...” you grumbled, “Don’t get too excited.” You tossed him a smirk and he mirrored it, basking in the comfort of the moment.
“So whaddya think of the place? Not bad, right?” he finally asked, glancing around the property, back at the house, then settling his focus back on you.
You shrugged. “A little gaudy for my taste, but...” you began, and Auston shook his head bemusedly, knowing he set himself up for that one.
“No, it’s great. I can see how much your mom loves it. In all seriousness, I think it’s amazing, everything you’ve done for your family. Your parents. It’s pretty incredible,” you said earnestly. “I don’t think I said it enough when we were together, but, I’m really proud of you, Aus. And I don’t just mean about the hockey.”
Auston nodded soberly, turning his head to look you in the eye.
“I know you don’t,” he said quietly. “Thanks, Kels. It means a lot coming from you. More, uh… more than you know.”
And then, before you could think twice about doing so, you reached out your hand to rest atop his, feeling its familiar warmth as your fingertips grazed the raised veins there. Auston swallowed hard, blinking at where your hands now met, and slowly wrapped your fingers in his, giving them a squeeze. You exchanged long stares before you eventually slammed on the brakes in your brain and carried on.
“So, you just casually hang out with Justin Bieber now?” you asked, reaching your palms behind you and leaning back. “And the wildest shit is that I saw it first when he posted it, not you.”
Auston chuckled, looking down at his slides and — ironically — Drew socks combo. In his signature way, he halted his laughter on a dime and his face turned somber as he said dryly, “Yeah, I’m like really famous now, yanno?”
You sighed in annoyance, rolling your eyes as you looked skyward, feeling Auston’s gaze turn to you. You let it go for a few moments before shifting only your eyes toward his.
“What?” you asked accusingly. You could tell by the faraway smirk on his face that he was lost in a memory.
“Remember you had posters of him hung up all over your room in like middle school? From Tiger Beat magazine and shit? And now I play video games and mini sticks with the guy,” Auston said with a chuckle.
“Yeah, and if you ever tell him about that, I’ll end your life,” you threatened, shoving at his arm and attempting to ignore how much his biceps had grown since you last touched them. And then you were slamming the door shut on a rush of memories of having him beneath your touch — some innocent, but most intimate.
Auston saw it in your eyes — the place you went for a moment — as you dropped your hand back to the concrete beneath you. He knew where you went because, so often, he went there, too.
He held your gaze and promised, “Your secret’s safe with me. You know that.”
Only a hint of a smile graced your lips for a fleeting moment as you ran your fingers through your hair. Suddenly, you felt the heaviness of the history between the two of you closing in — smothering you, like it always did. Auston watched helplessly, wishing it didn’t have to be this hard.
And then, in a flash, like he so often did to save you from your swirling thoughts, he casually changed the topic as he commented, “Your hair’s shorter. You look like your mom. In a good way.”
Blushing, you breathed a laugh through your nose. “Thanks,” you said softly. “I think it’s the highlights, too.”
“It is,” Auston confirmed, and then — damn him — he reached out and looped a lock from the front of your face between his thumb and forefinger, the way he had done a thousand times before, usually mid-conversation, always absentmindedly. This time, you knew, as you forced your eyes to meet his, it was a bit more calculated. “I really like it,” he told you.
You nodded, searching his eyes to try and determine whether he had any idea what this — this moment, this visit, this day — really was.
“If you’re gonna ask me what we’re doing,” Auston spoke, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth for a second, “then I have to tell you I have no idea.”
Again, damn him. After all this time, it was like he still lived inside your brain and had read your every thought like the morning paper before you even had the chance to convey it. Which used to save you in a lot of ways. Now it felt kind of… intrusive. But somehow you didn’t mind.
“I had no idea what I was even gonna say when I called you. All I know,” he continued, still flipping the strand of hair around his fingers, “is that I really wanted to see you, and that I was really happy when you came, and that I’m really enjoying this time with you.”
You nodded, and as he pulled his hand from your face, his thumb brushed your jawline just slightly, and that touch alone sent a bolt of lightning through you. Auston smiled softly as he said barely above a whisper, “Okay, now it’s your turn to say something.”
You heaved a sigh, tipping your head back with eyes closed and soaking in the sunshine. “I don’t expect you to know, Aus,” you finally spoke. “I was just so... so shocked, I guess, that you wanted to see me. It’s been so long, I just... I didn’t know when I would see you again.”
“We’ve talked though,” Auston pointed out with a sigh to match yours, pulling a knee to his chest and wrapping his arms around his bent leg. “FaceTimed. Texted.”
You rolled your head toward him. “It’s not the same,” you reasoned softly, hesitantly reaching out your hand to tuck some of his black hair behind his ear. He licked his lips swiftly and placed a peck to your thumb before you slowly withdrew your hand.
“You’re right,” Auston conceded. “Definitely not the same.”
“Uh, sorry to interrupt...”
You were snapped out of your private moment by one person’s voice and another person’s squeal behind you.
“Oh, my god!” you yelled as you shot up from the side of the pool, Alexandria and Breyana already scampering toward you from the back door.
“It’s about goddamn time you came back to us!” Alex shrieked, wrapping her arms around you tightly. “I missed you, little sister,” she cooed, rubbing her hands across your back, and you hummed in agreement.
“I missed you, Al,” you replied, kissing her temple as you stepped back to greet the youngest of the Matthews clan.
“And you. My baby!” you exclaimed, pulling Breyana into your arms. “The true star athlete of the family,” you teased as she squeezed your waist.
“Damn straight,” Breyana giggled. “I missed you, Kels. I can’t believe you’re here!”
You pulled away, glancing behind you as you saw Auston slowly approaching out of the corner of your eye. “Me either,” you admitted, eyes widening dramatically as the girls snickered at you. “How was golf?”
“Brey smoked us, no surprise,” Alex replied. “But shut up about the golf. Tell us what’s going on with you two.”
“Alex!” Auston warned, shooting her a glare. “Please don’t.”
Alex gave him her best older sister roll of the eyes and crossed her arms over her chest as Breyana looked between the two of you.
“Nope,” Alex refused. “Not until you tell me what’s up. C’mon, spill.”
“We’re just...” you began, swiveling to look Auston’s way as he smirked down at you, happy to let you flounder in this one all on your own. “Visiting,” you finished, nodding once at Alex, pleased with your choice of verbiage.
“Honestly, you guys…” Breyana lamented.
“Visiting, huh?” Alex echoed, growing even more suspicious. “Yeah, okay. Sure. Wear protection. Anyways, uh—“
“Alex!” Auston repeated, this time through clenched teeth. “I swear to god...”
“Anyways, like I was saying,” Alex continued. “Your parents invited us all to their house tomorrow night for the Christmas party. I didn’t think you were gonna be there — does this mean you will?”
You nodded, causing Alex to clap excitedly. “I’ll be there with bells on,” you confirmed. “I already made my shortbread cookies.” All three siblings moaned in delight at the mention of your famous treats.
“Hell yeah! Plus that means we won’t be the only ones escaping to the balcony to drink,” Breyana commented.
“Brey, you’re like twelve,” Auston taunted, earning him a sharp elbow to the ribs from his younger sister. “You don’t get to drink with us.”
“Whatever,” she retorted. “Like you guys weren’t sneaking Mom and Dad’s liquor when you were younger than me.”
“Anyways,” Alex said yet again, clearing her throat. “We’re gonna go back inside now and shower, and just, uh, leave you guys to whatever it is you were doing beside the pool there. ‘Kay? ‘Kay. See ya,” she sang, spinning Breyana by the shoulders and guiding her inside, both girls whispering and giggling all the while. “Kels, I’ll call you tonight — you can tell me all about it!” Alex called over her shoulder, sliding the door closed.
You turned to see a pink tinge to Auston’s cheeks as he muttered, “Sorry,” with a dry laugh. You shook your head.
“No, don’t be,” you insisted, waving him off as you took a seat at the glass picnic table beside you, Auston following your lead. “It wouldn’t be a visit to the Matthews house without Alex torturing the both of us,” you teased.
Auston nodded. “Very true,” he said, and you knew he didn’t want to stop there, but he couldn’t seem to find what he did want to say next.
Instead, you ventured, “So what are your—”
At the very same time, he started, “Kels, would you maybe—”
You both chuckled at yourselves, locking eyes. This certainly wasn’t the first time this had happened in conversations — far from it. And usually, you were about to say the very same thing.
So, you motioned for him to speak first.
He toyed with the band of his watch as he said nervously, “I was just gonna say, uh, would you maybe wanna go to dinner with me? Tonight?”
You sat back in your chair, smirking, fully aware that you were teetering on a damn fine line.
“I was hoping you might say that.”
An hour later, after reuniting with Brian (Auston was right — he cried more than the rest of his family combined when he hugged you), you headed home to change for dinner. As you pulled away from the Matthews house, you were thankful that Auston had offered to follow you in his own vehicle so that he could drive you to dinner, which in turn gave each of you a few minutes to breathe.
Surprisingly, your mother didn’t seem at all shocked to see the guest you had brought back with you. You had told her that you were going to visit the Matthews’, not specifying which member of the family had invited you, though she could venture a guess. When she watched two vehicles pull into the driveway side by side, she inhaled an excited gasp, a smile overwhelming her features as she came to meet you at the front door, just as you laughed at a lame joke Auston cracked about your driving.
Your mother nearly tackled him in a hug, which he warmly returned. He shared a similar bond with your mom to the one you shared with his, which was yet another piece that fit perfectly into the puzzle that was your relationship. So many pieces fit, and so few didn’t, but that still didn’t make things whole.
But, you ignored that thought — and so many others — as you left the two to chat, bounding up the stairs to change, now grateful that you’d brought more than one nice option to wear to the Christmas party tomorrow, considering the rest of your suitcase was filled with comfy loungewear.
How could you have ever planned for this?
After touching up your hair and makeup and putting on the more understated of the dressy outfits you’d brought, you returned to the kitchen where your mom and Auston stood huddled at the counter, near empty glasses of red wine in front of them both.
“Already boozin’, huh?” you teased as you folded your arms in front of you. They chuckled, and Auston glanced at you over his shoulder with a smile. When he laid eyes on you, though, he stood straight up and turned to face you, making no attempt to hide his stare, even in front of your mother. Without taking his gaze off of you, he threw back his final sip of wine and blew out a flustered breath. You knew you were blushing, so you walked past him to your mother, pressing your cheek to hers for an air kiss so as not to mess up your lipstick.
“Sorry to take your favorite boy away from you, but we should head out,” you announced as you looked back at Auston. He cleared his throat, walking to the other side of the countertop to hug your mom again, thanking her for the wine and something else that you didn’t quite catch.
He followed you down the hall, his hand ghosting along the small of your back as you reached for your purse on the coat rack. You looked back and blew a final kiss to your mom, who waved as she watched Auston open the passenger door of his car and help you in — both of you giggling as you crouched into the low-riding vehicle in your skirt and high heels. Like a mom of a young teen, she stood at the window and watched the two of you drive down the block and out of sight, hands clasped together wistfully as she turned back to finish placing the final decorative touches in the living room ahead of tomorrow.
Just a minute later, your dad came through the door from the grocery store, calling for her, sounding nearly breathless.
“What’s the matter?” she asked, smoothing the silk ribbon wrapped around the banister.
“Marie… did I just see Auston driving Kelsey down the road in a Porsche?” he gaped, his brow furrowed, thumb pointed over his shoulder.
She laughed, looking downward as she nodded.
“Yes, you did,” she confirmed, then looked at him as she felt tears welling. “Jack... I can’t say for sure, but I think maybe the girl is finally coming to her senses.”
A smile spread slowly across your father’s face and he came toward your mother, wrapping her in a hug.
“Well…” he began, kissing her temple. “Then maybe we’ll get our Christmas wish after all.”
“And what’s that?” your mom asked.
“For her to be happy again.”
“You look amazing, Kels,” Auston said seriously from the driver’s seat. “Gorgeous.”
You gave him a coy smile and briefly inspected the outfit he’d chosen before leaving his own parents’ house.
“Thanks,” you said softly. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”
Auston grinned and decided he would take that.
Ten minutes later, he was pulling up to the restaurant you had already known he’d had in mind when he asked you to dinner, without even needing to discuss it. The same Italian restaurant where you’d celebrated infinite birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Days, and other milestones. You fell into easy conversation during drinks and appetizers before Auston told a comical story about his teammates which led to an in that he knew he needed to take. 
“They miss you, you know,” Auston stated cautiously between bites of his shrimp scampi. “Mo. Mitchy. Especially Steph.”
You folded and unfolded the seams of the cloth napkin in your lap, considering your response.
“I miss them, too,” you eventually murmured. “So be real with me. You really like it there now?” you leveled with him.
His demeanor shifted — in a good way — as he replied. “It’s honestly great. I mean, you’d love it there now, Kels. I swear,” Auston said, shaking his head in wonder. “’M not just saying that. I mean, the hype is still there, yes, but it’s not at the level it was when I first started. Mitchy and Mo and Willy and I, all us guys who kinda started out together, we’ve all sort of found our groove with the media and stuff, and for the most part, it’s great. I have a feeling it’ll just keep getting better, too.”
You watched his eyes light up as he spoke about Toronto, relief and happiness washing over you. It didn’t seem so long ago that Auston was curled up on the couch, near tears, head in your lap, feeling incapable of living up to the expectations set for him — almost buckling under the immense pressure, the likes of which he had never felt before.
You let out a teary chuckle, swiping at a teardrop on your cheek that had fallen as he answered, taking you by surprise.
“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that, Aus,” you told him, holding your hand over your heart as it soared within you.
Auston nodded slightly, and his lips twitched into a sad smile. “There’s still something that doesn’t feel right though,” he confessed, though it didn’t feel much like a secret. “Still something missing.”
“And what’s that?” you asked timidly as you lifted your wine glass, excited for and fearful of his answer at all once.
Forcing yourself to swallow your merlot so you didn’t spray it across the table, you put your fist to your mouth, holding it there while you attempted to process his latest, and most brazen, admission.
“I mean… look, there have been a few others,” Auston continued with a mindless shrug. “But never anything serious, and never anyone that I’m not constantly comparing to you in every possible way,” he told you, rolling his fingertips on the table and focusing on his hand as he spoke. “Feel kinda bad actually, because I know they all thought it was something more than it really was, and then I was always the one to break things off. I didn’t purposely lead them on, I just... once I got into it, I realized my feelings just weren’t in it.”
You opened your mouth to speak, hands limp in your lap, and then closed your lips in a tight line as you mulled over his words. You inhaled a shuddering breath and looked down, feeling the same shame that had overcome you countless times before come back again.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered without lifting your eyes.
“Kelsey…” Auston spoke firmly. “Look at me. Please.”
You did as he asked, lips pursed, and were met with his adoring, enchanting gaze, always too forgiving of your faults and mistakes.
“It’s okay,” he promised sincerely. “I understand. Trust me on that. I’ve always understood where you were coming from, but it seemed like there was just… just nothing I could do about it. Nothing I could do to make you stay, or to bring you back. That’s what made it so hard. That’s what still makes it so hard.”
You nodded. “Well — what you’re doing right now — whatever this is… it’s working,” you divulged, knowing this was a dangerous game and no longer caring.
“Is it?” Auston asked, a full-blown smile appearing now on his lips. Those lips you missed so damn much.
“Yeah,” you giggled, both of you grinning. “God, I missed your smile, Aus.”
“My smile?” he asked incredulously, then scoffed. “Your smile fucking breaks my heart, Kelsey,” he told you in his deepest tone, biting at the inside of his cheek as if he was trying not to lean across the table and kiss you full on the mouth right then and there.
And now, as you saw that look in his eye that you knew so well, you knew two things.
One, you were fucked. And two, you were in desperate need of a minute.
“I, uh, I gotta run to the ladies’ room,” you told him, standing, feeling unsteady as you pushed in your chair. Auston nodded knowingly and said, “Take all the time you need.”
You brushed a hand over his shoulder, the other holding tightly to your crossbody bag, as you attempted to walk in a straight line toward the restrooms across the restaurant floor. You were only one glass of wine deep, yet this night was making your head feel as fuzzy as if you’d just done a row of shots. Once safely inside the bathroom, you tossed your purse on the counter and held tightly to the sink to try and settle yourself, taking deep breaths in an attempt to control your racing pulse.
Just then, you heard a toilet flush, and your sense of solitude was quickly shattered when you saw a familiar blonde figure step out of the bathroom and lean closer upon recognizing you.
“Kelsey!” she exclaimed, moving toward the sink.
“Holly! Oh, my god,” you laughed as you squeezed her upper arm.
“Here, let me wash my hands and then I’ll give you a real hug,” she promised as you both giggled.
You had been a cheerleader throughout high school, and Holly, a year your senior, had been captain the year before you took on the title. Though you two weren’t particularly close, you had always looked up to her, and you’d kept in touch for a couple of years after you graduated before mostly falling off, save for the occasional hype comment or story reply on social media.
“How are you, girl? You look gorgeous!” she said as she threw her arms around you.
“So do you! I’m doing well, thanks. Home for the holidays,” you offered as she stepped back and nodded.
“Yeah, that’s great! Me, too,” she replied, then smiled mischievously at you. “To be totally honest, uh… I saw you when you were being seated. I didn’t wanna be weird or like, intrude, or anything but… I saw you come in with Auston. Are you guys like… back together?”
“Huh? Oh, no, no,” you laughed nervously, feeling yourself blush under her questioning. “We’re not back together. Just, uh, just two old friends, uh, catching up, ya know?” you reasoned nonchalantly as you reached for your bag.
“Oh. Right. Well... ‘tis the damn season, am I right?” Holly said with a chuckle, her own cheeks slightly flushed as she feared maybe she had made you uncomfortable by addressing the elephant in the room.
“Right,” you nodded cordially, then took a step toward her and patted her hand, wanting to make sure she didn’t think you were upset by her comment. “It’s so good to see you, Hol. I’m gonna head back out there—“
“Kelsey, wait,” Holly said urgently, grasping your arm before you could turn away from her. You blinked at her several times, glancing between her grip and her face as you waited to hear what had gotten into her.
“I just have to tell you... for what it’s worth, you guys still look so happy together,” Holly said. “Even if that’s not what this is. I just... I wanted to tell you that. As someone who has known you both for a long time, Auston never smiles as much as he smiles when he’s with you. It’s just nice to see.”
You gaped at your old friend, speechless, and she scrunched her nose at you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cross the line, I just...” she trailed off.
You shook your head, forcing yourself to act casual. “No, no. Not at all. It’s okay. Thank you, for telling me. I just, I gotta run,” you said, leaning in to hug her again. “Bye, Hol. Have a merry Christmas.”
“You too, Kels. See you around,” She smiled as you moved toward the bathroom door. With one last polite nod at her, you exited and escaped to your seat.
As you reached the table, you had to physically restrain yourself from reaching out and running your hand along the back of Auston’s neck and affectionately trailing your fingertips over the short hair there, as you had done for so many years when approaching him and sidling up to him. Instead, you smoothed your hand over your dress and sighed as Auston turned his head to look at you, grinning as he watched you sit.
“You get lost?” he teased. You chuckled, throwing your hair behind your shoulders.
“Something like that,” you muttered, immediately reaching for your glass of wine, which you could tell had been refilled in your absence. Auston hummed in acknowledgement as you took a long sip, watching you all the while.
“One more glass and then we get outta here?” Auston suggested as you set the glass down. You only nodded.
“Remember when you had that old truck, with the tires that were always muddy, and we used to just ride around Scottsdale all night long?” you asked Auston, both of you reminiscing about days gone by after leaving the restaurant.
Auston nodded, running his pointer finger across his upper lip, the other hand on the wheel, as he watched the memory projecting in his mind.
“‘Course I do,” he told you, and you didn’t miss the way his tone changed when he did, making you smirk.
“So, where to next?” you prodded. “Back to Casa de Matthews?”
He shrugged ambiguously, but secretly, he knew just what he wanted to do. “We could just ride around. Like we used to. If you want. I mean, there’s no real reason for us to rush back to our parents’ houses, right?” he said with a snicker.
This could get messy as the mud on the truck tires, you thought, but your response was already tumbling from your lips.
“Okay,” you said, smiling at him. “I’d say let’s go drive through the rich neighborhoods and look at Christmas lights like we used to, but that’s where you and your parents live now, so...” You clicked your tongue and Auston rolled his jaw, acting completely offended to hide how much he had missed you chirping him. The way it melted him.
“We’re still going,” he insisted, turning the wheel at the next intersection and pulling a U-turn. “We’ll just, uh, we’re just gonna maybe skip a couple neighborhoods, that’s all.”
You laughed — a real Kelsey belly laugh — and Auston watched as you lit up his world yet again. He didn’t even need to see any Christmas lights this year. He had all the light he needed right next to him.
Minutes later, he passed the usual first turn on your holiday lights tour and you furrowed your brow.
“Aus, where are you going? I wanted to see Ranchero Nuevo first. We always start there,” you reminded him.
“No, what’s the actual first thing we do when we go see Christmas lights?” Auston asked, pulling instead toward the strip mall at the next light. When you saw the green glow of the Starbucks sign up ahead, you smiled as it dawned on you.
“Get hot chocolate,” you said fondly. Instead of answering, Auston simply sent a soft smile your way. “You’re the greatest,” you lauded, igniting a pride that burned bright in Auston’s chest.
“Anything for you, babe,” he said before he could even realize what he’d just done. He snapped his head your way and saw that you were trying your damnedest not to smile.
He was completely taken aback as you quipped, “You can call me babe for the weekend.”
Auston did a double-take and then nodded once at your phone in your hands, which had just lit up with two missed calls and a particularly accusatory text from one Alex Matthews that you decided you would have to tend to later.
“Write this down,” Auston instructed curtly.
“What do you mean?” you laughed, holding your phone up curiously.
“I want proof that you just said that to me,” he deadpanned, jutting his chin toward your glowing screen and sending you into a fit of laughter.
After you’d both recovered, Auston picked up your drink — large peppermint hot chocolate, like always — and a coffee for himself, and you set off to wind your way through the same neighborhoods you had driven through countless times, admiring most of the decorations and poking fun at the gaudiness of some, laughing all the while, without a care.
As he pulled into a neighborhood you knew to be just a stone’s throw away from where he had recently purchased a house, Auston took a deep breath, fingers gripping the steering wheel rigidly, and decided to take the leap and say what had been circling through his brain since you’d stepped foot in the vehicle after dinner but had only just now worked up the nerve to say.
“What if we didn’t go back to our parents’ places tonight?” he asked abruptly, the words sounding much more jumbled and rushed than they had in his head.
You chuckled anxiously, staring straight ahead. “What do you mean?”
He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and pressed on. “Hear me out. What if we just went to my place for the night instead? I don’t mean to like… to hook up, or anything,” he assured. “Just to be together. I just… I really fucking missed you.” 
Uh, whoops. He hadn’t exactly meant to slip that last part in there, but it was too late to turn back now.
There was a lengthy pause and the car was frighteningly silent as you weighed your options.
“Well...” you eventually said, nibbling on your bottom lip. “If it’s okay with you, then it’s okay with me.”
“Yeah?” Auston asked immediately, searching your face for confirmation that he had just heard you correctly. He couldn’t believe that this — any of this— was really happening.
You nodded.
“Yeah. And… Aus?” you spoke.
“Yes, Kelsey?” he asked softly, joy radiating from his whole being and seeping into his words.
You leaned your head back against the seat and reached to wrap your hand around his on the center console.
“I really fucking missed you, too,” you told him.
“Why did you agree to come with me tonight anyway, Kelsey?”
You and Auston were each almost a full bottle of wine deep by the time he asked this, inhibitions now lowered. He’d barely finished giving you the tour before you were both so palpably overwhelmed by the reality of being alone together in his house, with so many feelings buzzing about frenetically, that you took the liberty of pulling a bottle of red from the wine fridge and asking for glasses and a corkscrew. Auston forked them over without question, and now you were deeply entrenched in the process of examining old battle wounds that had never quite healed.
“Because I missed you,” you answered truthfully. “And also because I owed it to you to accept your invitation when you took a chance by reaching out.”
“You don’t owe me anything, Kels,” he claimed, taking a swig.
You picked up your glass and passed by him as you began to pace the tile floor, unable to just be still during this exchange — this conversation that had been a long time coming.
“I do, though,” you argued. “You gave me everything. Everything. And I still left.”
Auston squeezed the stem of his wine glass so hard he feared he may just shatter it.
“I don’t want you blaming yourself for the things I put you through because of my career choice,” he said firmly, a hand splayed against his chest as he accepted the responsibility, just like he always did.
“But you didn’t choose to have the media posted up outside our apartment every day. You didn’t choose to have strangers stalking me and my family online. You didn’t choose to have them calling me a distraction and a leech and a gold digger and a wh—“
“Don’t say it,” he warned as he lifted a finger, referencing the specific instance of the smearing of your character that had left you broken enough to start packing your bags.
“Okay,” you conceded quietly, knowing just how sick that one word had made him. “But listen. Yes, you chose to play hockey. But you didn’t choose all that shit that came along with it. You didn’t know! Hell, you didn’t even get to choose where you played. But even so… honestly, I used to blame you for everything. Because back then, it was just easier for me to deal with it that way.”
Auston’s head hung between his shoulder blades as he leaned his palms against the bar, reliving the very same pain that had eaten away at him for the past three years, especially the acute ache that had come in the weeks immediately after you left.
“I know you did — blame me, that is,” he said softly. “And I understand why.”
You took slow and deliberate steps back to where he stood and rubbed your hand soothingly across his broad back, feeling the way his muscles relaxed under your touch.
“Hey… look at me, huh?” you asked, gently guiding his face toward yours with your fingers. “I don’t blame you, Aus. I don’t,” you assured, your eyes piercing into his. “Not anymore. I’ve grown. I know I did this. I know it’s my fault that we’re like this. I mean, fuck, I broke my own heart, and I know I hurt you. I just... at the time, I didn’t see a way forward on the road we were on.”
Auston’s mind was firing on all cylinders as he tried desperately to compute what he’d just heard, convinced he was gathering more from your words than you meant for him to.
“And now?” he ventured.
He watched as your pained expression turned to one of, dare he even think it, hope.
“I still see it, Aus,” you said. “I still see us ending up together. I know it’s out of the blue, but…”
“It’s not though,” he said, cocking his head a bit to punctuate his point. “I know it doesn’t make much sense, any of this, but… to me, it’s not out of the blue. I’ve wanted this for so long,” he told you. “And I just need you to know that. Regardless of what happens next.”
“Auston, you and me together… that’s the only thing that makes sense. That’s all that’s ever made sense to me,” you said, clarity washing over you. “But I just, I wasn’t ready. And I got so scared that I wouldn’t be able to handle your life that I… I just ran.”
“You can run, Kelsey,” Auston said softly as he, yet again, twirled a strand of your hair around his finger. “But only so far.”
“Yeah…” you whispered. Then, without hesitation, you grasped his chin between your forefinger and thumb, turning his face to yours and studying his brown eyes just for a heartbeat before pressing your lips to his.
And for now, that was all that needed to be said.
You hadn’t slept together. But you had slept together.
Too much crying and laughing and kissing and rehashing and wondering aloud had left you both emotionally drained and physically exhausted, and after dragging yourself into the master bathroom to throw on a crewneck and a pair of  Auston’s sweats, you’d promptly fallen asleep in his arms, a smile on his features even in sleep.
The next morning it occurred to you, with your cheek pressed against his bare chest and your legs entangled with his, that Auston’s bed — whether here, or in the house where he grew up, or in Toronto — was the warmest one you’d ever known. Though you could tell by the sunlight flooding the room that it was late in the morning, you couldn’t bear to move away from him. 
Soon, he, too, began to stir. As he squinted in the daylight and peered down at you, he closed his eyes once more, a peaceful grin on his lips.
“Oh, thank god that wasn’t just a dream,” he whispered. You chuckled, your fingertips lazily drawing shapes on his pecs as you nuzzled your head further into his neck.
“Nope,” you established. “This is very, very real.”
You lay in quiet thought for a moment before adding softly, “But what happens now?”
At that, Auston’s eyes opened wider this time, a slight panic visible in his face.
“Well,” he began, smoothing his hand over your head and kissing your hair. “What happens now is that we get some coffee.”
You sighed at his attempt to make light of the situation and pushed yourself to sit straight up in bed, cross-legged in front of where he lay on his side.
“You know that’s not what I mean,” you spoke, your fingers pulling anxiously at the bedsheet below. “Yesterday was like a fever dream and now... now we have to face reality.”
Slowly, Auston sat up, too, and pulled you into his lap, allowing you to rest your back against his torso as he gathered your hair at the nape of your neck in a makeshift ponytail.
“Everything that happened yesterday was reality, baby,” he insisted, kissing the crown of your head.
“Our feelings, yes,” you allowed. “But not the rest of it. I mean, fuck, we’re both leaving town in —“ you glanced at the bedside clock and were shocked by the 11:27 that stared back at you, realizing you’d practically slept in half the day — “48 hours. And then what? I go back to LA and you go back to Toronto and we just wonder about—“
“Baby, stop,” Auston begged as he turned you to face him, bringing your forehead to his lips. “Take a breath,” he said, stroking your jaw with his thumbs as he looked down at you, concern etched into his features. “We don’t have to figure all this out right this minute. In fact, we’re not going to. For right now, let’s just let this be what it is. And you have to try and stop spinning your wheels so fast. You’re gonna burn a hole in my floor,” he joked, kissing your nose.
You chuckled sadly, holding his wrists. “You’re right,” you eventually told him. “We’ll figure it out, somehow. I know we will,” you sighed, frowning. “First things first though, I have to get home and help my mom get ready for the party tonight.”
Before you could get out of bed to start gathering your things, Auston circled his arms around your hips and kept you in his lap. “Wait, gimme a smile first,” he requested.
You looked up at him and offered a tight-lipped smile, still distracted by the future of your relationship teetering precariously in the balance.
Auston shook his head. “That’s a fake Kelsey smile,” he accused, accurately. “Don’t even try me.”
With another deep sigh, you muttered, “You’re the only soul who can tell.”
“Who can tell what?” he asked, hugging you tighter.
You looked up at him for a moment, feeling more seen than you had in years. “Which smiles I’m faking,” you said quietly.
A pleased smile twitched at the corners of Auston’s lips before he pressed his mouth to yours.
Auston walked into your parents’ house that night with his understated charm and a devastating ensemble of a maroon suit, white shirt with the top few buttons undone, and black loafers, looking every bit the GQ model he was once upon a time. With two bouquets of red roses and a bottle of champagne in hand, he knocked on the glass and your dad met him enthusiastically at the door.
“What’s the occasion?” your dad then chuckled, a bit puzzled. Auston glanced to where you stood near the staircase, waiting to greet him, and smiled.
“These are for your daughter,” Auston said as he grasped one bouquet. “And these are for your wife,” he said as he gestured toward the other. Your dad raised his eyebrows, looking between the two of you pensively, and let out a loud laugh. “Well, how thoughtful! And the champagne?” your dad asked as Auston stepped toward you and tucked one bunch of roses into your hold. He kissed your cheek chastely and turned back to your dad.
“Well, you never know when you’re gonna have something to celebrate,” Auston said with a smirk. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and your dad clapped Auston’s back appreciatively before leaving the two of you to your moment.
“Thank you, for the flowers,” you said softly, staring up at him. “They’re beautiful.”
“You’re welcome,” he said with a nod before your aunt and uncle suddenly appeared in the doorway, loudly greeting you and pushing their way toward you for hugs as Auston gave them their space and waited for you to become available again.
His patience lasted all of five minutes as he made vague pleasantries with the handful of guests who had already arrived, before he was approaching you again, eager to do what he really came here to do and unable to wait a moment longer. As you turned away from a brief conversation with a longtime next-door neighbor, Auston gently grasped your wrist as he said hastily, “Can I see you outside for a second?”
You didn’t have much of a choice as he led you hurriedly through the formal living room and out the French doors to the balcony, closing them behind you and backing you into a corner, hidden from view.
“Aus, what are you—“
He pressed his body into yours, nudging you back against the rail as he took your face in his hands and kissed you hungrily.
“Doing,” you whispered when he let up, completing your earlier thought as you pressed your fingertips against your swollen lips and looked up at him, your cheeks reddening.
“That,” he answered simply with a small smile. “And I wanted to give you something...”
He patted his pockets to determine where the object was, and your eyes widened.
“Auston, no!” you exclaimed, squeezing his elbows in an attempt to stop his search. “You can’t. I didn’t get you anything. I —”
“Kelsey, are you crazy? Yes, you did,” he said firmly. “Time with you. You gave me time with you. That’s all I’ve wanted for the last three years. That’s more than I could have ever asked for.”
There was nothing you could say then, nothing that sounded worthy enough to hold any significance in such an already meaningful vignette of the two of you. Auston took your silence as his opportunity to pull a mid-sized, square, red leather box from the pocket of his suit jacket, the name “Cartier” imprinted in gold script on the lid.
“Auston, stop,” you warned in a whisper, knowing what was inside and knowing that you would be rendered completely incapable of walking away from him once he offered this gift to you, knowing what it signified for both of you. He shook his head, knowing that your request was an empty one. He propped open the box and placed it on the small wrought iron table in front of you on the balcony. You couldn’t peel your eyes from it as your mind raced with questions.
“How... where... we slept until noon, Aus,” you stuttered. “All the stores were closed. Where did you even buy this?”
He pursed his lips and nodded once, then put his hands into his pockets and admitted, “I’ve had it for almost three years, Kels.”
You blinked again and again, not processing what he’d just revealed.
“I’m sorry... what?”
“I bought this for you for Valentine’s Day three years ago,” he continued. “I bought it and I hid it in my closet and I was gonna give it to you but we broke up on —“
“January 30th...” you whispered. Auston’s brows knit together in agony, and his throat constricted.  
“You remember too,” he stated quietly.
“Yeah. Yeah, I remember a little too well,” you said, sniffling as you glanced down at the box again.
Suddenly, your mind drifted back not to that fateful day in his apartment in Toronto, but instead to lying on your stomach as a kid in your family room, flipping through the pages of your favorite issue of your mom’s old Vogue magazines, as Auston used a yardstick and a Nerf ball as makeshift hockey equipment, taking shots at your couch again and again while you soaked in the photos of beautiful models, trendy clothing, and expensive jewelry, as visions of working at a fashion magazine someday twirled through your daydreams.
“Whatcha readin’?” a ten-year-old Auston inquired as he dropped next to you to take a break from his game.
“Vogue,” you answered, turning another page. “Like usual.”
Auston nodded, spotting a pretty woman in a tight black dress and commented, “Cool,” with a laugh. “If you could have anything in that book, what would you pick?”
Ever the master of sass, you rolled your eyes.
“It’s a magazine, Aus,” you corrected with venom in your voice as Auston rolled his own eyes. “But, if I had to pick... I know just what I want,” you informed him, leafing through the issue to get back to an ad in the front. When you finally found what you were seeking, you plopped the magazine down again, smacking your hand onto its glossy pages.
“That,” you said, pointing to the gold bangle. “It’s called the Love Bracelet. It says that it gets bought by somebody you love and then they have to use a screwdriver to put it on you.”
“A screwdriver?!” Auston asked incredulously. “Wouldn’t that hurt?”
You giggled. “No, silly,” you drawled. “It doesn’t hurt. But then the person who loves you is the only one who can put it on you or take it off you. You can’t do it by yourself.”
Auston nodded. “Cool,” he repeated, more seriously this time. You sighed wistfully as you gazed down at the bracelet.
“Yeah, but it’s a whole bunch of money, and my dad said he isn’t buying it. He said maybe my husband will get me one someday,” you said sadly. Auston watched your face drop, then, he got an idea.
“How about this,” he offered, nudging you with his elbow. “If I get famous for playing baseball, or hockey I guess, and I make a boatload of money, then I’ll buy you that bracelet. ‘Kay?”
You blushed, hunching your shoulders as you were slightly embarrassed by your best friend’s offer. Still, you loved Auston, and you knew he loved you. He was the only person you wanted to get that bracelet from, except for like, your mom or dad.
“Okay,” you agreed. “You promise?”
Auston dragged his index finger over the left side of his chest. “Cross my heart,” he confirmed.
This time, it was your turn to say, “Cool.”
“I asked my mom to hold onto it,” you heard him telling you now. Now that you’d become the people you’d said you’d be. Now that you both had grown into the farfetched dreams you’d shared as children. Now that you’d come back home — back to one another. Now that he was here, in front of you, again. “I just couldn’t bear to take it back, even though I honestly never thought I’d get the chance to give it to you.”
You were shaking your head endlessly, attempting to stop tears from streaking your face. “I can’t believe this...” you said, awestruck.
“I don’t have to put this on you right now,” Auston said, swallowing his own tears he felt creeping up on him. “I just want you to have it. It’s yours. You should keep it.”
With a few swipes at your undereyes, you rubbed away the wetness on your hands and then extended your left wrist to Auston. A smile flashed briefly across his lips before he set them in a straight line once more.
“Are you sure?” he asked, caution in his voice.
You pulled him in by his waist, beaming, before you answered.
“I’ve played this out basically every night since I left,” you told him. “Even when I was with somebody. I just followed the path my mind was taking me all the way to the very end, until there was no place left to go. And it always leads to you. It always leads me home.”
Auston pulled you into a searing kiss, both of you smiling into it, before he squeezed your hand and reached for the box, carefully disassembling the bracelet so that he could put it on you at last.
“All day I’ve been thinking about what I said earlier. About running,” you spoke as Auston worked on securing the bracelet. “I started running and running and it’s been such a mess since then. Nothing about the past three years made any sense to me. And then I saw you, and… it all made sense again. You and I were the only thing that ever made sense to me,” you told him, your voice wavering as he twisted the final screw into place, lifting the inside of your wrist to his lips and placing a warm, reverent kiss to the skin there, his eyes never leaving yours as he did. “So I’m done. I’m done running, Auston. I can’t run anymore.”
“You have no fucking clue how long I’ve waited to hear you say that,” Auston admitted, touching his forehead to yours before leaning back. “So, to your earlier point... what the hell are we supposed to do now?”
You ran a frazzled hand through your long hair and bit at the inside of your cheek as you formulated your response. “I mean, I have to go back, Aus. I’m working on a really big project...”
Your words put him into a tailspin of his own this time, watching the dreams he had let resurface over the last two days come crashing down in front of him all over again. You were eluding him. Again.
His ears were buzzing so loudly that he barely heard your next words.
“But maybe after that... I could come and spend some time in Toronto?”
Auston pulled his tongue away from the roof of his dry mouth and pleaded, in a voice barely above a whisper, “Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“Don’t say that unless you really mean it,” he said, desperation in his tone.
“I mean, really, I don’t have a choice,” you pointed out with a breathy laugh, your fingers tracing the cold metal of the bangle around your other wrist. “I don’t see any other way that this ends. Not after this. This perfect fucking weekend. I mean... do you?”
“No,” he quickly retorted. “No, I don’t. I was just scared that you... that this was going to be it for you. That we would have this incredible time together and then it would just be another chapter in the Auston and Kelsey history book.”
You smoothed your hands over his lapels, allowing your body to fully relax into his.
“Auston, this... this is different,” you said somberly. “Before, it all just felt like too much. I got scared. We were so young, Aus. I mean, we’re still young, but we were babies. And now... I’ve realized that dealing with the press and the social media and the fans... it’s worth it to me. I’ll never like it. But I love you. And that’s enough. That will always be more than enough for me — being with you. And I’m so sorry that it’s taken me this long, that it took me finally coming back home, to realize that.”
“Don’t be sorry, Kels, please,” Auston whispered, one hand clutching at your hip, the other tangled in the hair at the back of your head as he held onto you with everything he had, knowing he was ready to do so for as long as you would let him. “Just... just say it again, baby. Please?”
“I love you, Aus,” you whispered, tears falling freely down your cheeks as he pressed his forehead to yours. “I’m never gonna stop.”
“Don’t stop,” Auston pleaded, nuzzling his nose against yours before pressing his lips to your mouth. “Don’t ever stop. Promise?” he asked, his voice gravelly.
“Cross my heart,” you whispered, drawing a pretend line across your chest before cupping his cheek and kissing him tenderly.
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