#like somethin something surpass your master
arkannis · 2 years
I physically must know your opinion on Bastila. Also Malak. They are EVERYTHING to me and I need to know what you think of them
I feel like I need a 2nd playthrough of KOTOR to fully understand both of these characters, but I remember being really fond of Bastila during my time and always kept her in my party wherever I went!! And when she fell to the dark side , the convo that comes after you defeat her in battle just breaks my heart . like wtf i am not going to kill you !!! there is hope for you!!! ..
i wish she was romanceable as femrevan because the extra (?) convo you have with her during the postfight is so whshwbwhhhejfkf
tl;dr i am a sucker for jedi women who are extremely strong in the force.
As for Malak, I'm not so sure but the fact that him and Revan were friends before all this shit happened literally has my gears turning . i dont know in WHAT way but THEY ARE TURNING
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I come bearing a request! The Brothers with an MC who's really good at cooking and baking? Like, the stuff food blogs dream of. Master-level instagram pastries. Could compete with the chocolate guy if they put their mind to it.
👀 ooooo, I do love me some pastries-
(I know you have an *ahem* distaste for Lucifer, dear moot, so enjoy Lucifer acting like a bit of a dingus in his section!)
Oh, the human can cook. *insert asshole eyeroll here*. Great. Wonderful. Groundbreaking. That’s what’s got all his brothers acting like- what was that word Levi used? Simps? This human has turned six of the seven rulers of hell into a bunch of simps.
Sure, the human has near godlike cooking prowess. Sure, everyone looks forward to their day for cooking. And sure, everyone thinks the human’s pretty great.
Tsk, not him though. He’s a refined demon. Some silly food isn’t going to make him a lovesick fool… did he smell eclairs..?
Lucifer peered into the kitchen to see MC carefully taking a tray of eclairs out of the oven and letting them cool off on the counter. His favourite dessert… right there in front of him…
Due to not being a total moron, MC notices Lucifer and asks him what the hell he’s doing just standing ominously in the doorway. Lucifer makes up some bullshit excuse about reminding MC to do their homework and just leaves. Okay, game plan, he needs those fucking eclairs or he will spontaneously combust.
As he snuck into the kitchen that night, Lucifer took a moment to briefly wonder why he was creeping around his own house. He was the Avatar of Pride for pity’s sake! He could eat whatever he damn well pleased! Oh shit was someone coming- no? Okay, back to sneaking.
Lucifer crept into the kitchen, saw the eclairs, and all logic was thrown out the window. Time to eat!
“BEEL NO! NOT THE- Lucifer..?” “…” “…” “…you’re very talented, MC, do you mind making more of these?”
Ugh, stuck babysittin’ some dumb human, how lame…
As Mammon was throwing a “I’m broke and I’m stuck in a pact with a dumb human” pity party, the most heavenly smell entered his nostrils. Cooking… good cooking… was Barbatos visiting or somethin’? Nah, Lucifer woulda made a big fuss about gettin’ ready for Lord Diavolo. Huh, so what was goin’ on in the kitchen?
Huh? The human? The human can cook? Well damn, maybe this whole deal wouldn’t be so bad. Oi! MC! As payment for babysittin’ ‘em, he got to have an extra big share of- OW!
Did- did the human just hit him with a spoon?! Th-they can’t do that!
Apparently they fucking can. Mammon gets told to sit the fuck down and wait for the food like everyone else. He grumbles on the way to the dining room, but he can’t fully hide his excitement to try the food.
The food even looked pretty! How did they do that?! Magic. It had to be!
After everyone’s tastebuds were blessed with the heavenly substance that is MC’s culinary exploits, Mammon decides he needs to get on this human’s good side in order to receive more food! Maybe even find some way to make a profit or somethin’!
After weeks go by of trying to suck up to the human without looking like too much of a chump, Mammon eventually realizes… hey, this human ain’t so bad. They’re nice, they make him feel good about himself, they give him headpats… he’s really hit the jackpot here!
He’ll offer to help MC bake or cook, but beware, he will try and sample the food before it’s done. Don’t let him lick the spoon!!!
First thought? This human ain’t shit. Thought after seeing their food? WOAAAAAAAH! JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME-
He was unceremoniously cut off by Beel asking demanding seconds. Humph, fine, he doesn’t actually care about this dumb normie food anyway.
…well at least until Levi saw a little something something on TV that he just had to ask MC to try and make. He shyly knocked on their door and when they answered, Levi shoved the screenshot in their face and stuttered out a dinner request.
On the day MC was supposed to make dinner, Levi poked his head into the kitchen and tried to make it look like he was just standing in the same room as MC and not checking to see if they were making his dinner request.
Not that he’d blame them for not doing that… who’d wanna make some anime dinner for a yucky Otaku- OMG JAHSHSHABA THEY’RE MAKING IT! *fangirl squeals*
As Levi continues to commit the SIN of being in the kitchen at the same time as someone else, MC eventually just asks him if he’d like to help out.
“Here! Just keep turning the takoyaki.” “R-really? You trust me?” “Yes, Levi. You watched how they made it on your show, right?” “Yes! I won’t mess up! I swear on my honour as an otaku!”
All in all, it was a very cute bonding experience for the two. Now it’s a regular thing. Levi requests something for dinner or dessert, MC makes it, Levi helps out.
So, the human can cook. That’s nice. At least someone in this literally god forsaken house can.
He makes sure to thank MC every time they cook, then he makes sure to thank whatever deity is watching over him that Solomon wasn’t the human staying with them.
As the months progress, Satan realizes, he should learn how to cook better. I mean, Levi and Mammon were somehow both improving in their cooking endeavours, and if MC could teach those two, then he would be a breeze.
Satan walked into the kitchen and simply asked if MC needed any assistance with what they were doing. MC just slid him some garlic to dice and that’s how this mentor/student relationship was formed.
Satan was a star pupil, but Mammon and Levi weren’t above trying to sabotage Satan’s progress to get him to leave.
Here’s the thing, the sabotage worked, but it only worked once, and the two idiots didn’t stop to think that maybe they shouldn’t sabotage the meal they were going to have to eat later.
Well, cooking lessons continued uninterrupted after the ghost pepper incident…
Even when he’s ‘graduated’ their little cooking class, Satan’s always willing to lend a hand if needed. He also will slyly hand over some recipe books and cute baking supplies that he finds. MC should be prepared for lots of cat related things to come their way.
The human can cook? Oh frabcious day! He’s saved from a life of his brother’s mediocre cooking! And the human’s so cute too! What a bonus!
Not only is the human cute, but their food is just so… aesthetic??? Pretty???? Omigosh he just has to get a picture for Devilgram!
For the first few months, MC’s relationship with Asmo consists of Asmo not at all subtly asking to take pictures of their food and post it to his Devilgram. Listen MC, his followers would just love it!
Being the saint-sheep they are, MC lets Asmo sit in whenever they’re making anything in the kitchen. And Asmo slowly realizes “hey, this cute human with the awesome food is actually pretty cool too!”
New Mission: Make the human fall madly in love with him so they’ll want to hang out more.
Whether the mission succeeds is up to MC of course. (I mean, I’m already smitten with him sooooooooo-)
MC offers Asmo a lot of the pastries they make, but the Avatar of Lust almost always declines. Listen honey, he’s on a diet- wait, don’t make that sad face! He’ll eat it! Look! It’s- it’s delicious…
Diet cheat day is now every day MC makes dessert. The feeling of bliss Asmo gets when he takes a bite out of anything MC makes is only second of the treats is second only to the joy he feels at seeing MC happy that he likes their food. It’s just so wholesome I can’t-
MC’s food Devilgram has almost surpassed Asmo in terms of followers and honestly- he isn’t even mad.
Gasp! Lucifer finally got him the pet personal chef he’d always wanted! Thanks big bro! :D he’ll be sure not to eat this human!
On the first night MC was supposed to make dinner, Lucifer needed to hold Beel back from breaking into the kitchen to see what was causing that heavenly smell. It was, difficult… especially because Lucifer hadn’t slept in three days.
When they all sat down to eat, Beel practically inhaled everything and held up his half bitten plate for seconds.
We here at Stupid Headcanons incorporated recommend that MC have as many bodyguards as possible stationed around the kitchen at all times to ward off a hungry Beel. We don’t want him eating the ingredients and half-tempered chocolate.
A cinnamon roll through and through, he’ll eat everything MC gives him with a big ol’ smile on his cute little face. He’s not the best person to go to if MC wants advice or critique because the best thing Beel can usually muster is “it was really good.”
As Luke said in Lesson 5, Beel would make an awful food reporter. But we love him.
Similar to Levi, he’ll give meal requests on what to make for dinner. (At this rate, MC’s going to have to make some kind of list).
He kind of just waits by the door like a sad puppy whenever MC is making anything because he can’t get into the kitchen :(
The smell of freshly made chocolate chip cookies wafting through the house did reach the attic and it only fuelled his rage more. How dare the human win everyone over with cookies?!
After the attic incident, Belphie was won over with cookies.
Belphie just stands creepily in the kitchen doorway whenever MC is making anything and just makes shit really uncomfortable. Why’s he doing that, you may be wondering, well, he’s trying to calculate the energy needed to swipe the bowl of cookie dough and sprint to safety.
He never succeeds, mainly because once he gets to the bowl, MC already has the wooden spoon ready to smack him, so he just freezes mid-theft and slowly puts the bowl down.
“Oh my gosh, it says let the bread dough rest overnight? Let’s get a headstart and go to sleep now.” “Belphie what-” “I made a pillow Fort, come in. Let’s sleep.” “In the kitchen????”
How’d he make the pillow Fort without MC noticing? Years of experience. He’s trained in the art of- MC? What do you mean you can’t sleep right now and you need to get a head start on shaping fondant?
…he may have eaten the fondant while MC wasn’t looking… whoops… Beel may have rubbed off on him a little…
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twstarchives · 4 years
Epel Felmier・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines
Dress-Up Groom event card
Scary Dress event card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “What’s wrong? ...Is there something on my face?”
Groovy “I’ll peel an apple for you too. I can promise you they taste delicious.”
Home Setting “I wonder what kind of magic we’re going to learn today.”
Home Transitions “I only wear this frilly blouse because the dorm leader told me to. It’s not because I like it... or anything.”
“I like magic... I think. I mean, the strength of your magic doesn’t have anything to do with your stature, so...”
“It’s really nippy where I live, so—oh, huh? You don’t know what nippy means? It means ‘very cold’... kind of.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “You’re staring at me really hard; do you need something... maybe?”
Home Taps “If I got taller, I’d look like an even more powerful mage... I think.”
“Meemaw—ah, I mean, my grandmother sent a bunch of apples from home. Do you want one too... maybe?”
“Apples can grow in harsh winter conditions. They’re a very strong, durable fruit. Did you know that?”
“Living in a dorm isn’t really that inconvenient... I think. There were always a lot of people in my house back home anyway.”
“Look here, the hell were you——....Ahh, I mean, are you teasing me like I’m weak...?”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I like these clothes. And I’m not just saying that ‘cause I have to or anything...”
Groovy “Are you tired? Hehe, being a mage is a real test of strength.”
Home Setting “Clothes that are easy to move in are nice, huh?”
Home Transitions “I decided when I first came to this school to try out some sports. 'Cause I wasn’t really able to do them back home...”
“The magical shift club leader Leona told me that winning depends on strategy, not your physique.”
“I’m good at flying... I think. A lot of the sweet, delicious apples grow in high places, right where the sun hits, so I have to ride a broom when I pick them.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “A lot of people say I don’t look like I’d be good at sports, but I kind of like them...”
Home Taps “I don’t really have any muscles, even though I work out. I wish I had muscles like Coach Vargas...”
“Apples are good to eat after exercising. I heard the acids in them help you cool off.”
“I’m not really good at dancing... I think. I’ve only danced a little at the festivals in my village...”
“My muscles are sore after working out with the dorm leader... He told me I wasn’t flexible and tried to stretch me out like pie dough.”
“Y’know, I’m real tired of you jabbin’ at me like tha—ah! Um, could you maybe not poke me like that?”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “We have a lab...? If I mess it up, the dorm leader’ll get mad at me... probably.”
Groovy “I want to be a master at making potions someday too.”
Home Setting “I want to learn about potions that grow plants...”
Home Transitions “The work at Night Raven College is hard... kind of. I can never remember those long plant names...”
“Whenever Professor Crewel teaches, you can tell he knows a lot about color-changing potions and flowers that can dye things really pretty colors.”
“The library at this school is full of books from all around the world. The dorm leader told me I need to read one every week.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “There’s a lot of fruits I’ve never seen before in the Botanical Garden; it’s fun looking at them all... kind of.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “It’s frustrating when I can’t solve a hard problem... kind of. I was going to go try researching in the library. Want to come too?”
Home Taps “There’s a lot of people in Pomefiore who are good at magic potions. But I’m not really there yet... I think.”
“One bite of the poisoned apple and you fall into an eternal slumber... I need to be careful when making strong potions.”
“If I made a potion that could strengthen weak apple trees, it’d make Pawpaw really happy.”
“Rook’s an amazing person; he’s so good at sports and his studies too... I think. It’s just, he’s really, really weird...”
“Are you blind or somethin’? I’m busy brewing here so leave me alone for now—...ah! I mean, it’s dangerous if you’re not careful, so please don’t touch, okay?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Have you grown any plants before? ...Oh, I see. Want me to split seedlings that are easy to grow for you?”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Don’t worry about me. ...He does this for the both of us.”
Groovy “I’m going to surpass the dorm leaders in no time. I swear it...!” 
Home Setting “It feels like my robes are dragging on the floor... kind of.”
Home Transitions “They say the hoods of these robes are supposed to give off the impression of the Beautiful Queen when she turned into an old woman... Did you know that?”
“The Queen was even willing to make herself ugly in order to be the fairest in the land... She’s real marvy.”
“The Mirror of Darkness is supposed to pick your dorm based on the qualities of your soul, but does my soul really match Pomefiore...?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Students with all kinds of natural power go to this school... I want to get stronger here too!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “When I sent my grandma pictures of me from the entrance ceremony, she said ‘You look real smart ‘n spruce’! Meemaw’s just exaggerating...”
Home Taps “I feel like there’s a whole lotta ballsy guys at this school. It’s a little different from what I’d pictured before coming here.”
“When the black carriage came to pick me up, all my relatives and the villagers came to wish me off... Hehe.”
“Neither of my parents can use magic, but Big Maw and Meemaw⁠—ah, I mean, my great-grandma and my grandma are both witches.”
“I didn’t grow up around a lot of mages, so life at this school feels very new... kind of.”
“Ah? The hell do you want? Stop actin’ like we’re so close.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “This makeup Vil put on me won’t smudge at all... How is it now? Did it come off?”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “Want a bite of an apple so sweet you’ll think you’re dreaming?”
“I’m just obeying what the dorm leader asks of me. ...For now.”
Groovy “I may be in Pomefiore, but... I’m still me!”
Home Setting “Welcome to Pomefiore! ...Hah.”
Home Transitions “I’ve got a lot of weird seniors in Pomefiore. It still feels kind of hard to fit in here...”
“I’ve never really cared that much about how I dress, but I love apples that are shaped nicely... I think.”
“I always thought Pomefiore was all about enforcing beautiful looks, but not everyone’s like that. The dorm leader is just a special case.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Wearing the Pomefiore dorm uniforms isn’t just about being beautiful. The dorm leader told me ‘You must get strong,’ too.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I wish people would tell me I’m cool instead of saying things like ‘pretty’ or ‘cute.’”
Home Taps “The deep indigo used for our dorm uniforms is said to be the same color as the Beautiful Queen’s dress.”
“I once got lost in the dorm and ended up at this creepy basement. I wonder what that room is used for...”
“Did you see the huge apple trees in our dorm’s courtyard? Back home, we’ve got apple trees too. ...But I’m not homesick or anything.”
“Keep this a secret from the dorm leader, but... I actually wanted to get into Savanaclaw. They seem kinda bad and tough. I like it.”
“Quit pokin’ at me so casually! ...I’m kidding. I just don’t really like being touched, I think.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Ramshackle must be so nice. I’d love to be alone and free.”
Duo Magic Epel: “Let’s go, Rook!” Rook: “How daring you are, Monsieur Cherry Apple.”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Epel’s birthday event (May 5 - May 12, 2021).
Unlock Card “I can’t believe you guys are throwing such a huge celebration for me... Thank you, everyone!”
“I want this year to be fruitful, like the way fresh apples grow every year.”
Groovy “I hope that next year I can have a blast with you and everyone else again!”
Home Setting “How do I look? Cool, right? ...Huh?! I’m ‘cute’?”
Home Transitions “Deuce gave me a cap with really cool patches on it. I’m gonna wear it next time I go see him.”
“Ruggie told me ‘I’m expecting a little something back from ya!’ when he handed me a present... I have no idea what I’d get for a senior.”
“Everyone looked so shocked when I blew out my birthday candles in one breath... Do I really seem that weak?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “It’s my birthday party today, so maybe I can act like myself a little bit, and have fun...”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I’ve still gotta do homework after this... Ah! Maybe it’d fun if I worked with you. It’d be like we’re keeping the party going!”
Home Taps “Jack gave me a cactus. I hear it’s hard to get them to bloom flowers, but I’ll try my best to grow one!”
“I used to mark my height on a pillar to see how tall I’d gotten. But I stopped because I wasn’t really growing...”
“Huh?! There’s cream near my mouth? That could’ve been bad... Vil was about t’get real hacked off at me!”
“It makes me happy to get presents, but I don’t really have a use for makeup and fluttery clothes and stuff like that...”
“You want to see me carve an apple? Then I’ll give a go at carving a portrait. Will you be my model?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I like how the party really picks up when you and Grim are here. I don’t do so great when the mood’s all stiff.”
Duo Magic Epel: “Vil! There’s something a bit different about me today.” Vil: “Happy birthday, Epel. Let’s see it.”
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Tutorial “Let’s go! I’ll leave you behind if you don’t keep up.”
Lv Up “Ehehe, I made some progress... I think.”
“If I do my best, someday I’ll definitely make it...!”
“Let’s try our hardest from now on. Okay?”
Max Lv Up “I feel a strong power rising in me, like an ice-cold poison. It feels like I could put anyone to sleep... maybe?”
Episode Lv Up “Why’re you even botherin’ with me? If it’s ‘cause you think I’m strong ‘n reliable, then... that’d make me happy.”
Magic Lv Up “With this power, I’ll even take on the dorm leader!”
Limit Break “I’m getting stronger. Do you believe in me too...? Maybe?”
Groovy “I wish I could grow slowly and steadily, like an apple.”
Select Lesson “What subject are you going to take? ...I like flying, I think.”
“Do you want to take a class with me? It doesn’t really matter to me, though... hehe.”
“Seriously, how long are you just gonna stand there? Pick already.”
Lesson Start “Mm, hello everyone.”
Lesson End “I’m drained from all that studying!”
Battle Start “You’ve got some nerve biting at me...!”
Battle Win “Guess I’m not as soft as I look! Maybe.”
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Profile Quote “Apples are awkward and hard to handle... just like...”
January 2020 Trailer “Are you by chance waiting for your prince on a white horse to come?”
Countdown Poster “Would you like a bite of this red apple?”
Login Bonus “It’s important to keep up at something everyday. Apples won’t ripen either if you don’t take care of them everyday... you know?”
Player Birthday Wish “It’s your birthday, ain’t it! I made some jam outta the apples my family sent me... Here! Ah... Um... What’s wrong? You’re making a funny face... Did I say something weird... maybe?”
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Epel sometimes slips into speaking in Tsugaru dialect, which is so different than standard Japanese that sometimes it’s impossible to understand unless you’re familiar with it. I’d describe it as a “heavy country dialect.” There’s no perfect way to translate it, and I don’t really have a good grasp on different English dialects anyway, but I tried 🙆‍♀️ If anything was worded strangely, it was probably intentional!
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claudioseraph · 3 years
oh hi there. these please!! Claudio: 3, 7,15, 18, 47, 48 Chloe: 6, 10, 20, 65 Lars: 19, 34, 62 Kazuya: 16, 45 Feng: 30, 39, 50
I'M POSTING CHLOE AND FENG FIRST because Chloe was the easiest and Feng was not easy but he is Simple :) Chloe: 6, 10, 20, 65 6.Who do you look to blame when things go wrong?
Chloe: Promoters, managers, stylists, and such. All that. I do everything I do perfectly, so if the world around me ain’t following suit, things go wrong and its got nothing to do with me. You don't get to be an idol runnin’ around making mistakes, do ya?
10. How often do you put on a happy face when you’re really not feeling it?
Chloe: Performing is all about putting on a happy face ain’t it! Sometimes you don't wanna do headspins and windmills, sometimes your head hurts but you gotta get over it and make bank! Get all those fans cheerin’ for ya! Your songs ain’t gonna sell if you’re down in the dumps all the time, and besides, once you get the check, you can cheer up, right?
20. What would someone say is your worst habit?
Chloe: I don't have any bad habits! Idols gotta be perfect! A course, there was that little gossip piece in a magazine a little while ago going on about how I don't eat proper or like a "lady" or somethin'. And there was another one callin’ me a "diva" and that I was mean or something. Of course I'm a diva! I've got my face on all the merch and on the big screen, ain’t that what being a diva is?
65. How do people normally find out you hate them?
Chloe: Depends! If you're an annoying fan gettin’ too close and security can't deal with it, you'll probably find out when you get kicked in the chin and the shins all at once! If you're some big name or a promoter or a manager, I'll just tell ya :3. Feng: 30, 39, 50 30. If you went to a therapist today, what would they say is holding you back the most?
Feng: The only thing that holds me back is my own physical limitations, which I will surpass with my training and with battles against worthy opponents. Others may note of me that I appear to have little empathy, that I have destructive habits. They misunderstand me. My fists are saved for those who are worthy, those who can handle me or those who believe they have some chance against me. It is empathetic of me to ignore the weak and allow them to live their lives irrespective of their personal failings.
39. Will you ever feel okay with being imperfect?
Feng: What I strive for is strength, stronger and stronger opponents, meaningful battles. Any of my imperfections are a waning thing. Once I have reached what it is I strive for...I'll keep training. There are no limits to the amount of strength I can acquire.
50. What is the most passive-aggressive way you’ve dealt with your rage?
Feng: I much prefer active aggression over passive aggression. But if it paves the way for a battle perhaps I'll entertain passive aggressive actions. I do remember when I was younger and still training under my Master's tutelage, there were other students with ideas to become an obstacle to me. If misfortune happened to befall them because I neglected to do something or another, that misfortune is theirs to behold. If said misfortune drove them to wish to do battle with me, so be it.
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silvana-fangirls · 5 years
Target [Dabi x ua!Reader] Chapter 10
So long, you guys :) First of all, I wanna say I'm so, so sorry for taking so long. I have no proper excuse other than the fact that I was busy and completely blocked. Writersblock's a bitch. Anyhow, heres the new chapter, and this is probably the first time I'm liking a chapter of this fic so much, hopefully you agree.
PLEASE read notes at the end
or below the cut
It was a day after she told him everything that his nightmare began.
It all started when Kurogiri suddenly appeared in his room (his door was fucking locked. He had a lot going on in his mind and was in no mood to deal any of the idiotic members of the League at the moment) and told him (while ignoring Dabi’s death glare) that Shigaraki called them all to a meeting, urgently.
The moment his words got to Dabi’s ears, sourness invaded his mouth and an unsettling feeling started in his stomach.
Dabi rarely lost his cool. Just like he rarely got worried about anything for the matter. So, the few times he felt like this, he just knew there was something really, really serious going on… and something that he’d definitely not like.
His mind briefly flickered the image of the captive girl, but he was quick to shove the image away.
In his well rehearsed emotionless face, and in usual aloofness, he unlocked his door and walked through the halls making his way to ‘the office’, at least that’s what they called it.
It was the room that kept all of the computers, devices and so that they might need for any of their missions; and it was also the room that was furthest away from where their prisoner was being kept. Whenever Shigaraki wanted to have a meeting, or wanted to discuss any matter that he didn’t want the UA student to hear, they’ll meet there.
Everyone was already there when he entered the room.
Dabi could already could already feel Shigaraki’s eyes on him as he closed the door behind him.
It took a few moments before he started to talk.
“You were right when you said the heroes were desperate” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth, eyes looking straight at him even if they were hidden behind his bangs “But that didn’t actually work for the better” this time, he gazed at all of them.
For a brief moment, he thought this was it.
Shigaraki had made up his mind, changed his initial decision and decided to kill the girl for once and for all.
The girl was dying.
For a flicker moment, and after years of never feeling anything like it, Dabi felt a bubble of desperation rising up his throat. His usual comebacks and quick thinking wouldn’t ever be fast enough to come up with an excuse this time. But, the feeling almost went just as quickly as it came when his mind stopped his mental mumblings with a ‘Wait’.
What, exactly, changed?
There must be a reason why Shigaraki changed his mind, or was this one of his immature tantrums?
Even if he was curious as to why the reason of this might be, Dabi wouldn’t give him the satisfaction to ask. He knew there was something going on in his sick mind, whatever it was it promised to be no good… And Dabi wasn’t stupid enough to give him any sort of leverage or add fuel to the fire.
When Shigaraki seemed to realize that he wasn’t getting any sort of reaction out of him, he finally spoke.
“The Pros are desperate.” He said again. “And the fact that they don’t have All Might to help them with this seems to make things worse” He was pointing out the obvious, and Dabi was starting to wonder if this was one of the ‘Please see my master’ talks once again… But the sour feeling in his gut wasn’t going away. “So now, they searched for the next best thing…”
Holy fuck.
Every single muscle in Dabi’s body stilled… because he just fucking knew where this was going.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
“It’s just been announced that the case’s being transferred to Endeavor” Shigaraki continued, but his raspy voice seemed far away now.
It was taking almost all of his strength and self control not to blast off the entire base.
His jaw was clenched so tight, his teeth felt like they would explode in little pieces any moment now, knuckles hiding in his coat pockets were probably white as snow by now, and nails digging in pierced the already weak skin of his palms since he started to felt a liquid sensation settling on his fingers.
But God or the Devil help him… he’ll de dammed if he reacted even in the most imperceptible way.
He’d rather get his already burnt skin ripped off like a band aid than let Shigaraki, or anyone of the League for the matter, know who he really was.
“While he’s no All Might, he’s the Number 1 Hero now… with an almost insane need to surpass All Might” Shigaraki continued as Dabi tried to control his raged breathing. He was right about that. “That means we’re short outta time”
“Does he has a lead on us or somethin’?” Magne asked, clearly not understanding the seriousness of the situation.
“It’s only a matter of moments before he has one” Kurogiri practically took the words out of Dabi’s mouth.
If Enji didn’t have a clue yet, he’ll have one soon enough.
“We need to be even more careful now. I’ll go fetch everything we need to last for a few weeks, and no one will leave the base unless strictly necessary” Kurogiri continued.
“You heard that?” Shigaraki asked him, only earning a side glance from Dabi. “You have two weeks to deal with the little brat. If you can’t make it happen by then, I’ll deal with her” He threatened, to then leave the room with Kurogiri tailing behind him.
Shigaraki was a fucking idiot if he thought they have the luxury of two weeks. Endeavor’d rather die than take that long, much less when this was his first (not to mention of extreme importance) case as the Number One Hero.
Thinking they have two weeks before Enji got close to them was a delusion.
“I’ll hurry if I were you” Spinner muttered to him on his way out.
Like he didn’t fucking know that.
But, Enji now being in charge of the mission was just the tip of the fucking Iceberg.
After the meeting, it took Dabi several hours to cool off. Hence why Twice took care of the prisoner’s breakfast while Dabi tried to not set his entire room a-flames.
And while he still wanted to burn to crisps everyone that crossed his path, he got out of his room for lunch, with a better self control over himself, yet even more angry than before.
What definitely didn’t help, was that Toga was in charge of lunch and there was barely anything to make a decent meal to eat. Kurogiri and Shigaraki were still trying to figure out what the Pros and the Police might know about them, so he wouldn’t be leaving to get food till later.
So, when Toga left something gross-looking she claimed to be soup on his hands, there was barely any other options. He just gulped the disgusting thing down before his tongue could even taste it and he hoped he didn’t get sick later.
The moment his soup bowl was empty, Toga was in front of him with another one and he almost jumped up from his place and fled thinking she was offering a second round.
“You’ll be taking lunch to (Y/N) or is Twice doing it?” She said with a ‘sweet’ smile that could almost fool him.
He blinked at her with half-confused eyes and looked down at the disgusting bowl on her hands.
“I’ll do it” He simply said, and Toga jumped in glee almost spilling the whole thing on him.
“Great!” She squealed. “Specially made for her” She said, as she placed the bowl and a spoon on his hands with the same sickly sweet smile.
And honestly… he should’ve known something was off right then.
Blinking as Toga walked away jumping around, he then rolled his eyes and made his way towards the cell.
She hasn’t finish the book Twice gifted her yet, so he found her reading it as he usually did this past days.
Her eyes flickered at him for a moment, looking at him through her lashes, to then return to the book.
“Hmm, I thought you died when Twice brought me breakfast today” She said, not looking at him, as he made his way towards her. “Pity” She said sarcastically, and if the conditions were different, just like any other day, he’ll let a short chuckle at her sassy antics.
But since the eyes of his stupid father were still clouding his mind, he didn’t.
And she quickly took note of that.
“Someone’s in a mood today” She pointed out, as she looked curiously at him.
“Would you just shut up and eat?” He just said. She was right, he wasn’t in the mood today.
“Yeez” She quietly muttered as she rolled her eyes and moved closer to the bowl that was now resting in her hard bed. “Holy cow!” She exclaimed once she got close enough. “This smells absolutely disgusting!” She added with a gag.
He didn’t disagree.
But, again, he wasn’t in the mood today.
“If you have the impression you’re staying in a five star hotel right now, sorry to disappoint you, princess. We don’t exactly have a Professional Chef out there” He said, and it definitely came out way more acidly than the intended.
She turned to look at him with wide eyes.
“Jesus Christ, Dabi, what is your deal today?” She exclaimed clearly shocked.
She was talking to him like she was some old friend. With so much familiarity, considerably comfortable around him… and he was to blame for that.
“Would you just eat your damn food?” He sighed tiredly, not caring that he ignored her question.
But her eyes flickered down, to his hands and her eyes widened even more, if possible.
“Oh my God” She whispered. “What happened?” She asked as she took one of his hands in hers, and carefully brushed her thumb around the bloody, red marks his own nails left.
He was quick to snatch his hand away… Because her touch fucking burned him and that was fucking ironic and fucking hilarious.
It was the first time she was the one that reached out to touch him… and he couldn’t even describe how that felt or if he liked it or not.
It seemed that you didn’t notice his rash action nor minded it, because your concerned eyes were still trained on his now recoiled hands.
“Are you all right?” She asked, and her concern almost seemed genuine.
“No need to pretend you care around me, babe” Dabi said with a dry smirk on his lips. “Just moments ago you told me it was a pity I didn’t die”
She looked offended now.
“That was a joke” She spat out, like it was obvious. “Contrary to you, I don’t take pleasure in people getting hurt. Wether they’re villains or not” It sounded honest.
But, if she was trying to get a reaction out of him, she was wasting her time.
“Ever so righteous” He said mockingly, and he could see hurt flash her eyes for a millisecond, but she quickly masked it away with a scoff while darting her eyes off of him.
“Forget it” She muttered.
Dabi felt just the tiniest amount of unsettlement in him, like he did something wrong, but when his eyes landed in the untouched soup bowl he remembered what he was here for.
“Finish that up already” He said, pointing the bowl with his eyes. “It’s Toga’s food, and it’s fucking disgusting but it’s probably the only thing you’ll be getting till late at night or till the morning”
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Y’all seem to be awfully busy” She said, clearly suspicious.
“Eat up” Dabi ordered, tired of fooling around already.
“You’re delusional if you think I can put this in my mouth without puking!” She complained.
“For fucks sake, just gulp it all down!” Dabi exclaimed nearly exasperated.
If another word dared to escape her mouth, he was going to force the thing down her throat himself.
But there was no need, because she held her breath, lifted the bowl with her hands, placed her lips on the edges and did exactly what he asked her to.
And it only took him seconds to regret that decision.
She only gulped the soup down twice before starting to cough the whole thing out.
For a second, he thought she was fucking lucky that not a drop landed on him, because if some of the fucking thing landed on him he would’ve blasted her face off to a better place.
But, when he turned to look at the splattered liquid on the floor, soup was not the only thing that’s been cough out there.
There were traces of red. Deep red.
He distinctly remember it to be a beige-greenish color. No fucking red on it.
But the red color wasn’t the only thing out of place.
There were little chunks of something. Something other than the veggies.
He felt like his soul was leaving his body, color draining from his face and completely breathless.
His eyes widened like never before when he took a closer look and realized with nothing else but horror, what those chunks of something actually were.
Sharps of glass and metal.
His head snapped towards the girl that was still coughing out blood relentlessly.
She could barely even breath, unable to stop the coughs.
Her face was crimson, and so were her now tearful eyes.
There was blood on her lips and on the corners of her mouth.
Dabi could swear… he never felt this terrified before.
“O-Oh my G-God” She managed to get out only to continue to cough right after, making Dabi almost jump up to help her.
“Hey! Hey!” He exclaimed, desperation now clear in his voice as he held her. “C’mon (Y/N), breathe!!” And she tried to, she tried to take a deep breath but was cut off instantly as she continued to cough out blood and pieces of sharps. “Fuck!!” He cursed out loud.
What the hell was even going on!?
The coughing just wouldn’t fucking stop, and she looked more desperate to breath with every passing second.
Dabi was loosing his goddamn mind.
“Calm down, (Y/N). Just breathe!!” He didn’t even know how he should be assisting the situation. The only thing clear was that he was fucking terrified. “Okay, just lift your arms, alright?” It sounded like he was pleading. But it was no use. Wether she wanted to do as he said or not it seemed like her hands couldn’t stop clutching her throat and chest.
Dabi just decided to do it himself.
He held her as he tried to place her in a more comfortable position, and then proceed to lift her arms. This was what people did when chocking, right!?
He didn’t know what the fuck he was doing wrong, because it was not fucking working.
She was facing him now, their bodies almost touching as he tried to keep her arms up. He was well aware that his white shirt was splattered in blood now, since he was forcing her to face him. But Dabi couldn’t care less.
He just wanted her to stop coughing.
He just didn’t have a clue. He knew how to patch up burnt flesh perfectly, treat cuts and deal with broken bones… But he had no clue what to do now.
And he was loosing his mind.
“(Y/N), wait here for a second alright?” He told her, his voice unrecognizable. “I’ll be right back, okay? It’s gonna be fine. I’ll help you, I promise” As soon as she made even the most imperceptible indication that she understood what he said, he bolted out of the room and didn’t give two fucks that he left the door open.
“Twice!” He shouted, and that was enough to bring each and every League member to where he was. After all, this was fucking Dabi, he never lost his cool.
“What is it, Dabi? Damn, you sure are an annoying little shit!” Twice said as soon as he appeared.
“Get in there, now” Dabi was quick to order while pointing at her door. He wasn’t worried about Twice. He knew the part that cared for the girl overcame the other one. Hence why Twice bolted towards the room without so much as a reply.
“What the hell happened to you?” Shigaraki asked, and while that freaky hand covered his face he was clearly looking at his shirt.
“Kurogiri, go fetch a doctor, now” Dabi ordered, completely ignoring Shigaraki’s question.
“Excuse me?” Shigaraki said again, clearly offended.
“You have blood on your shirt, Dabi. Did that ungrateful brat attack you?” Compress asked, pointing down at his shirt.
“No” He simply said, and was about to urge Kurogiri again when giggles stopped him short.
“So, the party has begun” Toga said between snickers.
He didn’t know why he hand’t realized it before, or maybe he hadn’t even have a chance to think about it since he his mind was currently occupied with the (possibly dying) girl a few rooms down the hall.
But, the minute her psycho giggles were heard, he put two and two together in less than a second.
And it took him even less to pin her agains the nearest wall, hanging her up in the air by the neck with one already considerably hot hand.
“Only God knows what the fuck’s your problem, psycho bitch” He hissed at her with narrowed eyes, hand tightening around her throat while growing hotter. “But don’t you ever fucking doubt, that I won’t fucking kill you if I want to”
“Can any of you idiots tell me what the fuck’s going on!?” Shigaraki exclaimed at them exasperated, but Dabi didn’t lose his hold on the crazy girl (who was somehow, still smiling), not even a bit.
“Kurogiri, go fetch a fucking doctor” Dabi ordered again, through clenched teeth, eyes not leaving Toga’s.
“No one’s doing shit until someone tells me what the FUCK is going on!” Shigaraki shouted this time.
“I-I just t-ook care of the p-problem” Toga said gasping for air as she clenched to Dabi’s offending hand… still giggling, somehow. “I-I just… made h-her an… e-extra special… m-meal” She added, and giggled as she could until Dabi tightened his hold on her even more.
Before anyone could say another word, Twice came rushing to where they were. His clothes now also splattered in blood.
“Dabi, she just won’t stop coughing blood! I don’t know what to do! And to make the matters worse, I stepped into all that glass because of you!”  Twice said, lifting up the soles of his villain costume for everyone to see.
Soaked in blood, and pierced by tons of glass and metal shards.
“Kurogiri” Dabi said again, and this time as a warning.
“A-Alright” Kurogiri stuttered out, clearly shocked. But, before he got the chance to activate his quirk, Shigaraki’s raised hand stopped him.
“Wait” He simply said, and for the first time since Dabi got a hold on Toga he turned to him with disbelieving eyes.
“Are you fucking shitting me!?” Dabi nearly growled out. There was barely anytime to loose. Only God knew how serious this was or how much long that girl could take being in this condition.
“Why?” Shigaraki asked.
“Why!?” Dabi parroted even in more disbelief.
“Why should we tend her?” Shigaraki asked again, in complete calm. “Toga was right. She was just taking care of the problem. It was without my permission, which I can’t say that it doesn’t bother me. But, it she just wanted to get the job done” He said carelessly.
What fucking excuse could Dabi even give him?
What could he possibly say that was at least a bit reasonable?
“I didn’t join the League to do half-assed jobs” It was the first thing that came out of his mouth. But he knew he was loosing it. He was acting recklessly, and his facade was nowhere around anymore.
Even he wouldn’t fall for such a weak ass excuse.
“The message is the same” Shigaraki shrugged. “We killed the girl before the Pros came. Point for us”
He didn’t know what the fuck to say.
“W-Why do you look s-so worried, D-Dabi? Shouldn’t you be r-relieved?” Toga asked him and he instantly turned to her. She was clearly mocking him. A Cheshire cat-like smile adorning her face.
There was nothing else left to do now, so fuck it.
“If Kurogiri doesn’t get a doctor here now, there’ll be two girls dying here today.” Dabi said, and the temperature in his hand rose considerably, making Toga cry out out loud.
“Shigaraki Tomura!” Kurogiri suddenly pleaded. Clearly realizing there were only two ways out of this. Either they find medical help for the aspiring hero, or they’ll be dealing with two corpses soon enough.
Shigaraki stayed completely still for a few moments, while Toga desperately tried to get out of Dabi’s hold, and Kurogiri pleaded him with his eyes.
“Careful, Dabi…” He then said. “Or one might think you actually care for this girl” The smirk on his face was so wicked, it looked straight out of a horror movie.
Dabi said nothing.
It was only when Shigaraki shot a glance at Kurogiri, and he quickly left using his quirk, that Dabi dropped Toga on the floor.
“I’ll get out of my sight if I were you” Dabi hissed out, and Toga was quick to do as he said, bolting right out of there the moment she could.
To Dabi’s fucking relief and fucking mental state, Kurogiri and a villain doctor he already knew (from previous post-missions and so) appeared right after.
He’d better fucking fix her.
I intended to make this chapter a big longer than it ended up being, but while writing it it just didnt feel right and decided that what happens next just fits better the next chapter. Anyways, while I do like this chapter, I'm still kinda worried. I'm worried I'm not getting the character's personalities right. So, if you think this is a bit OOC please let me know. It's kinda hard to figure this villains out tbh. Another thing (and I don't remember if I already told you this or not but I'm too lazy to check right now) most of my inspiration for fics I write come from songs, believe it or not. There's just nothing that puts me in a better creative mood than songs, and this fic is no exception. Mostly, I listen to "Natural" by Imagine Dragons, "Young God" by Halsey, "Play With Fire" by Sam Tinnesz, and "11 Minutes by YUNGBLUD, Halsey and Travis Barker because they make me think of Dabi. My point with all this is: If you have a song that reminds you of him or of this fic, please let me know? It helps. Anyways, Thoughts?
tag list: @buckybear97 @this-lost-child @aebeessun @ye-rinn@ihatemyselftoinfinityandbeyond @cindxalex @luvley-shadow@taeniix@roadtripsonspaceships @iana-therese@darkagedoctor @liliafangirls@darkfaethedestroyer@celestiallsunshine@meggy126@starlordsmum @megganclaark@hecatemacbeth7@dixonsbugaboo
(please let me know if I forgot to add you)
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destinychose-a1 · 5 years
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“  Say, Raihan… Whaddya say about becomin’ Hammerlocke’s new Gym Leader?  ”
“  Eh?  ”  Raihan makes no attempt to conceal his surprise, his hand stilling against Flygon’s neck as he stares across at Kaede — the man who has solidified himself as Hammerlocke’s very own pride and joy, a Gym Leader that Raihan has admired ever since he first witnessed his fierce battles on TV at the tender age of five. To him, Kaede is a living and breathing legend, someone’s he’s idolised and looked up to from the moment he began his journey as a Pokémon trainer.
When he was a kid, he never would have dreamed that the two of them would one day become something like friends, or that Kaede would prove to be a trustworthy confidant when his self-esteem plummeted following his continuous string of defeats at Leon’s hands. This is the man who helped him cultivate his confidence, who inspired him to discover a brand new style of training and battling, who has always pushed him to become the best person he can be… 
…And now he’s casually offering him the title of Gym Leader as if commenting on something as mundane as the weather.
Incredulous, Raihan exclaims,  “  Y’want me to take over as Hammerlocke’s Gym Leader?  ”
Kaede throws his head back and laughs, a loud, hearty sound.  “  Y’make it sound like I jus’ challenged ya to a life or death battle or somethin’!  ”
At Raihan’s awkward silence, Kaede sobers, the wrinkles around his eyes deepening as he smiles.  “  Look ‘ere, kid. I might not’ve held this position as long as Opal over at Ballonlea, but I ain’t exactly a spring chick’n. I think it’s ‘bout time t’put all o’ this behind me.  ”  He quickly holds up a hand to silence Raihan as he takes a step towards him with words of protest on his lips, continuing in an amicable tone,  “  There ain’t nothin’ more I can offer trainers like y’self. What’s the point in bein’ a Gym Leader if I ain’t givin’ you kids a prop’r challenge? S’what this whole thing’s ‘bout, ain’t it?  ”
Raihan’s lips curl down at the corners as he lifts a hand to the back of his head, muttering unhappily under his breath,  “  I dunno ‘bout that. You’re not exactly an easy opponent, y’know. It still takes everything me and my team have to beat you in battle.  ”
“  Ha! Y’say that, but when’s the last time y’lost to me, anyway?  ”
Well, there’s not much he can say to that, is there? Thinking back on it, he hasn’t lost to Kaede in a while — at best, their matches tend to end in a draw, or with Raihan’s close victory.
Somewhere along the line, he’s managed to surpass his own idol, a realisation that leaves him stunned.
Kaede seems to notice his hesitation. He steps away from his Noivern’s side and crosses the distance between them, clapping a weathered hand against his shoulder.  “  Raihan. It’s only been a few years, and yet you’ve already gone an’ surpassed me an’ everythin’ I managed to achieve in a decade. Trust me, you’re the best fit for this gym. Hammerlocke’s your home. Dragon types are ya passion. Your style of battlin’ will make all the trainers who face ya quake in their boots.  ”  Kaede squeezes his shoulder.  “  You’ve got it in ya to soar as far an’ as high as y’want.  ”
With one last squeeze, Kaede releases his shoulder, a satisfied smile spreading across his face.  “  You’ve got ya heart set on surpassin’ Leon, don’tcha? Becomin’ a Gym Leader’ll pit ya against all kinds of trainers, give ya the chance to hone your skills even further. Face it, it’s the next big step for a kid with a bright future like y’self. You’re good enough to take on the challenge, so what’s stoppin’ ya?  ”
Raihan sucks in a sharp breath between his teeth, overcome with a sudden swell of emotion.
When he set out from Hammerlocke four years ago, determined to prove himself as a Pokémon Master, he was the bad kind of cocky, quickly growing overconfident in his skills as he and his partner — Trapinch, at the time, long before he evolved — bested every trainer they came across. He began to believe that his victory was assured, that he would swiftly prove himself to be the best and strongest Galar had to offer.
And then… He met Leon.
Over the course of a single battle, Raihan’s entire world was tipped upside down and ripped apart. Thinking back on how angry he’d gotten after his first defeat at Leon’s hands, it’s embarrassing how childishly he’d acted, trying to force Leon into a rematch, claiming his loss was merely a fluke.
Every battle against him after that ended the same, no matter how hard Raihan tried to change the outcome. His frustration only grew. Leon stood in his way, an insurmountable obstacle, a prodigy whose name swiftly spread throughout the Region as he went on to become the youngest Champion Galar had ever seen, leaving Raihan behind in the dust.
For all his stubbornness and pride, even Raihan was able to recognise when he was outmatched. At first, his numerous defeats nearly caused him to give up on being a Pokémon trainer — at the age of fourteen, all he could think about was being the best, and if he couldn’t have that, what was the point? But, the more he watched Leon’s battles, the more he started to see. The more he started to understand.
Leon’s leadership in battle went beyond anything Raihan had ever witnessed, beyond anything he was able to achieve himself — he cared for each and every one of his partners, he knew their abilities inside out and knew how best to use them in battle, who was better suited for what. His strategy was stunning, awe-inspiring, worthy of the highest form of admiration. For the first time in his life, Raihan felt true, deep respect for someone other than himself.
For all he loved his partners, he’d never truly taken the time to understand them, and that was what set him and Leon apart. That was what he needed to work on first if he ever wanted to battle against Leon and win.
And that was where his long and agonising struggle began.
He eventually met Kaede, much to his inner joy, and began to hone his battle instincts with his help, which enabled him to move on from his fourteen-year-old bratty self who was always quick to blame his defeats on anything or anyone but himself and his own shortcomings. He was humbled repeatedly over the next four years of his life, forced to accept where he fell short and figure out a way to cover all bases in battle rather than attempt to blast his way through any obstacles with brute strength alone. 
His ability to strategise and synergise with his team began to improve tremendously, to the point that when he finally faced Leon again, he was able to hold his own against him and even KO several of his Pokémon, a feat that had proven impossible up until a few years ago. 
It was that battle that changed everything for the two of them. Finally, Raihan was able to accept Leon as his rival, a sentiment that went both ways and has remained true for years now. The two of them have even gone on to become good friends, something his childish pride never would have allowed before. He’s come to learn that Leon’s a really good guy. A little goofy — intense at times — but the kind of friend he’s certain he’ll have for life.
He’s no longer the same kid who set out from Hammerlocke. While he still can’t beat Leon in a battle — a fact that still causes a twinge of insecurity, even now — he’s taken strides towards improvement both in battle and out of it. But he can still go even further. 
Maybe Kaede is right. Maybe he is ready for the next big challenge.
A quiet, uncertain chuckle bubbles past Raihan’s lips.  “  Well… If y’really think I’m good enough t’be your successor, it’d be pretty rude of me to say no, huh?  ”
Kaede grins.  “  Aye, that it would. So whaddya say? Are y’ready t’become a Gym Leader, Raihan?  ”
Raihan’s shoulders lift in a carefree shrug.  “  Sure. What’ve I got to lose?  ”
He’s ready to start a new journey, regardless of what it entails.
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tumblunni · 5 years
His intro befriending scene could be like him seeing that you're strong and deciding to use you as his bodyguard while he tries to sneak into the masters tournament and steal stuff. You get dragged into his latest evil scheme but he's all *long mwahaha-ing rant about making his fortune* "oh no, pay it no mind, I am just a harmless old man!"
And then most of his early "friendship" scenes could flow.similarly with the sort of "he is obviously a villain but an incompetent one who's forced to pretend to be your friend" stuff. Like "kekeke, yes, toil harder for the sake of the great Charon's cash flow! ...u-ugh...you wish to engage in.. friendship activity? N-no, I have no objection to this critically misguided choice of yours!"
Could have loads of funny situations where he makes meta sarcastic jokes about how the game works, and stuff. And him trying to escape from danger and get everyone else to do his work for him. Like maybe even his buff/debuff skills in gameplay could be based on that? Shifts the target of enemy moves to hit a different ally, which could be useful if you have a tank on your team and a fragile glass cannon. But no matter how much of a hilarious douchebag he's being, hes always easily persuaded into cooperating with the heroes by the slightest hint of precious gold!
And maybe his Actual Friendship-ing could be started by him like.. trying to be your evil mentor? "Child, you are far too intelligent to be wasting your time on this." Like he's so tsundere about his own emotions that he genuinely can't recognise when he's making a friend, and somehow turns it into "I am seeing potential in them as a new team galactic recruit". He wants to teach you "how the world really works" and how to be a better villain, and it is ABSOLUTELY NOT because he respects you, appreciates your company and wants you to be successful in life.
And then this could lead into him doing a lot of super tsundere friendship stuff and Being Like An Actual Grandpa, and whoops oh no I have accidentally fallen into friendship without noticing! You fiend! Your evil plot has ensnared me! Truly you have surpassed even the great Charon's villainy!! He says while hanging out in Disneyland or somethin. Like he's SO oblivious to kindness and optimism that he's already in like rank 9 friendship before he notices you're his friend XD
Maybe at this point things would suddenly go from comedy route to surprisingly emotional? Like I feel he would push back against the concept of genuine affection and opening up and trusting a comrade at all, let alone realising that there's hope of the world being better than he thought, feeling guilt about his actions, and seeking redemption. He might decide that you just be manipulating him, you must be another evil freak just as bad as he is, and all this time you must have been plotting to use him just like he originally intended to use you. But then he started caring about your friendship-NO! He cannot fall to such childish ideals as that! Have I not seem proof innumerable that such concepts are demonstrably false? Are you happy now, that you have brought me low to my deepest, most shameful weakness? To this twisted scrap of my heart that still holds fast to the hope of a concept that never existed in this world? "Friendship" is but a lie prattled by foolish children, clinging desperately to anything that would give their ephemeral life a shred of meaning! But I know better, I can fill that hole in my heart with gold!!
So you might have a boss fight or something against him to calm him down, and have to go on a sidequest to discover his backstory with rotom? And you'd bring it up as evidence that hey yes you are not beyond redeeming, grandpa! And then maybe once you're able to conquerr this super difficult task of making a sad old villain main face his emotional issues and admit to having a heart after all, you'd be rewarded by UNEXPECTED CUTE TIME! Actually earning his genuine friendship would feel awesome! Like imagine the same goofy mwahaha sass personality but good now??? There's be so much potential in seeing an entirely new side of Charon. I think he'd probably shoot up in popularity if he had this kind of character arc, honestly. Or yknow, even just had his rotom diaries be more accessable in the original game without need of a WiFi event...
Cmon man this poor gramp has been overshadowed for so many the years, this is his chance...
I will never get down from this headcanon of ALL of team galactic being redeemable, god dammit!
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