#like sojiro (grins)
toxicpineapple · 1 year
woaaah who dropped this sexy widdle askbox in frontttt of meeee can i get uhhhhhhhhhh a fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "Stay with me tonight?" with Akira and Kaito if you please. and maybe a large number 9 with a side of pepsi but NO ICE.
Akira wakes up from his nap to the sound of murmuring from downstairs, which isn’t unusual, but a quick glance at the clock tells him Leblanc is closed right now. He rubs at his eyes as he sits up, glancing over to where Morgana is still fast asleep at the foot of his bed. So it isn’t him… not that he’d thought that in the first place. Morgana’s high-pitched voice is a little too distinctive to mistake for someone else’s, and Sojiro has a pretty recognisable I’m-talking-to-the-cat tone too.
Too sleepy to grab his glasses, Akira shuffles over to the edge of the stairs to eavesdrop. He leans his head down in time to catch Sojiro saying, “Think he’s asleep, but you can go on up and check if you want.”
The response comes from an equally low voice, though not Yusuke low, and after a moment of scrubbing his eyes, Akira places it. The realisation makes him both apprehensive and a little excited—he hasn’t seen Kaito since he got arrested in Niijima Sae’s palace, so naturally he’s happy that the guy swung by, but…
Well, Akira also hasn’t seen Kaito since the interrogation room. He feels his shoulders curling in instinctively, chest clogging with irrational panic at the thought of letting Kaito down (he won’t have as much energy or dry wit as Kaito is used to, won’t that be annoying?) but no sooner has the thought hit than are the stairs creaking as Kaito climbs them.
Akira stays planted, not bothering to move, so Kaito ends up meeting him at the top, blinking for a moment before a grin spreads across his face.
“Hey man! The boss said you’d be sleeping, hope I didn’t wake you up.”
He did wake Akira up, but Akira isn’t upset about it. He wouldn’t have wanted to sleep through Kaito’s visit. Besides, Akira’s been doing a lot of sleeping recently. He shakes his head slightly and turns, heading back over towards his bed, and Kaito follows him in, plopping down right next to Morgana.
“Sheesh, what the hell do you sleep on,” Kaito mutters when the bed doesn’t give beneath him. “Rocks?”
“Close,” Morgana mutters, shifting to rest his chin against Kaito’s knee and immediately beginning to purr. Akira can’t help but smile seeing it, but doesn’t respond, taking a seat a few feet away from Kaito and leaning against the wall.
Kaito takes a moment to scratch indulgently behind Morgana’s ears, and then says, “You doing okay, man?”
Akira nods. It gets something of a disbelieving look out of his friend, which he supposes isn’t all too surprising. Kaito can probably see the fading bruises on his face, the bags under his eyes. Akira looks down at the floor. He’s been taking a lot of naps, sure, but…
“I guess I’m a bit tired,” Akira says quietly. Kaito doesn’t respond immediately, working at a good spot on Morgana’s neck, and it prompts Akira to glance at him questioningly.
Kaito looks more thoughtful than anything. He says, “Anything I can do to help with that? I’m pretty free outside of classes and shit, so y’know. You’ve done me a lot of favours too, you know that?”
That’s true, but Akira still feels a bit conflicted about accepting the offer. He gives a little nod to let Kaito know he heard, then stares at the floorboards. Thankfully Kaito doesn’t push the subject. He doesn’t even saying anything else, letting the room fall silent save for the sound of Morgana’s purring. Akira can feel the weight of both of their concerned gazes on the side of his neck. He’s been getting that a lot lately, and he appreciates the thought of it, but the reality does kind of make his skin crawl.
Or at least that’s what Akira is feeling until he glances over and sees that Kaito is not, indeed, looking at him, but instead squinting up at the ceiling. Maybe he’s thinking about space or something. Akira has seen the inside of Kaito’s bedroom before, and he knows the ceiling there is decorated with stars.
The recollection makes Akira smile faintly for a moment. Glow-in-the-dark star stickers would be nice, actually… might make this place a little easier to…
…Well, that’s actually something Akira could ask for. He grips the knees of his pants. He’s felt too guilty to ask for it from the thieves, knowing they all have enough on their plates with the upcoming palace infiltration, but…
“Momota,” Akira starts. Kaito glances over, attentive immediately. It brings another smile to Akira’s face, but the look slips away fast. “Would you… stay with me tonight?”
Kaito’s eyebrows raise. “Here? Sure! I’ll take the couch.” He offers a grin. “The boss won’t mind, will he?”
Akira shakes his head. He shouldn’t. Kaito responds by lifting a hand, perhaps to clap Akira on the shoulder, but he falters, as if reconsidering. Eventually, he just rests his hand down gently. Akira appreciates it… and he appreciates the touch, too. Kaito has always been pretty warm.
“Then no problem,” Kaito says quietly. “Happy to help in any way I can, man.”
Akira breathes out. Closes his eyes and leans into Kaito’s hand. He knows that, and he knows anyone else would help too, but it was still unbearably difficult to ask.
…Oh well. Hard or not, Akira can’t help but feel relieved. That means it was for the better that he asked. Maybe it’ll be easier to sleep now, with Kaito hanging around to chase off the dark.
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awriternamedart · 3 months
One of the many things Akira noticed about Sakamato Ryuji was just how quietly he loved.
He didn’t mean specifically in a romantic sense. Friends, family, strangers- the way Ryuji showed his care and affection was almost silent.
It had first made itself apparent when Akira learned that Ryuji’s bright, yellow blonde wasn’t his natural tone- it was in fact, a bleach job he kept up on. He had noticed that Ryuji’s roots were growing in- a dark brown color that stood out starkly- and made an idle comment on it, drawing a fidgeting Ryuji’s hand to his thick, unruly hair.
“Oh, yeah. Been savin’ up to get some more bleach ‘n toner ‘n shit soon- ain’t let it grow out this long in a while.”
“You bleach it?”
“Yeah, started doin it round secondary and just- never stopped, I guess.”
He had later found out that he had done it so that Ann wouldn’t be alone as the only blonde, and even though they had fallen out over the years, he had still kept up with it. And considering the price of that kind of bleach job, the fact that he was always reminded to dye it back- it wasn’t an easy endeavor to keep up with.
And yet, he did so without even a thought of stopping.
It really had caught Akira’s eye when Yusuke had joined their little group.
For the first time, Akira got to witness Ryuji get along with someone from the beginning- and it wasn’t exactly easy. Ryuji, for all his sunny grins, had more than a few walls up when it came to new people. He got to see a gruffer, more agitated Ryuji- and also got to witness him slowly lower that outward mask to let their teammate in.
When Akira caught Ryuji suddenly always having a pencil on hand, he had known Yusuke had his seal of approval.
This type of pattern just kept repeating itself, mostly. With Makoto it was… a little more difficult- but that was because they had a history by ear. Ryuji’s reputation was the stark opposite of Makoto’s so there was bound to be friction- but Ryuji wasted no time in trying to help her anyway.
Even if Akira would forever shiver at the memory of Ryuji throwing himself in front of a moving car.
From there- Futaba, Haru, even Morgana, Sae, Sojiro and Kasumi on the off chance of meeting her- Ryuji would always have a special way that he loved. That he cared.
Something even Ryuji himself hadn’t seemed aware of when Akira first brang it up.
“Eh? Whaddya mean?”
“The pencil in your pocket. It's for Yusuke, isn't it?” Akira prodded, a nonchalant question more than anything. The quiet tenor of his voice carried a much lighter lilt to it now that they had taken down Shido.
“How'd you know I got a pencil- well, dudes always mumblin ‘bout drawin this or that.” Ryuji offhandedly waved, leaning back onto the comforter atop Akira’s mishmash assembly of a bed. “ ‘s easier to shut him up with it."
“Haru never running out of soil or fertilizer?”
“The bags aren’t that heavy- sides, it ain't like I got anythin’ else to do after school, ‘less ‘m hangin’ out with you.”
“Morgana’s treat pocket in your bag?”
“Keeps him from yowlin’ at me.”
“Futaba’s ever growing manga collection?”
“They were just gonna rot in my room.”
“Makoto mentioned that her notes are always nice and neat whenever she gets them back from you.”
“Well, duh, they aint mine. Gotta keep them in nice condition.”
“Your hair?”
“What about it?”
Akira just rolled his eyes. This guy was impossible- so silence fell over the pair in the quiet room overlooking the backstreets. Wood creaked nearby, a quiet snapping noise that neither paid much attention to.
There was more Akira could have gone into to- the dishes when Sojiro was out and Ryuji was hangin around, Akira catching him looking up gymnastics specifics one evening- hell, Ryuji had even begun to look through how to properly play billiards before.. yeah.
For all the shit Ryuji was dragged through, the butt of the joke, the beaten up punch line- he never stopped caring. Akira couldnt help but be proud of his choice in a loyal right hand.
“Uh oh.”
“Ya got that look on yer face.” Ryuji leaned forward, a smirk rising on his face. “That stupid calculatin look like your takin a shadow apart with your mind.”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
The repressed smirk said it all to Ryuji, the way grey glinted behind faux glasses- Akira had all but two seconds before an arm was slung over his shoulder, gasping as he was tugged down and a hand was playfully ruffling with his hair. Laughter erupted, Ryuji’s demands that he tell him whats going on in his head almost lost to the tussle.
“Cmon, ‘Kira- you cant hide nothin from me!”
“Unfortunately.” Glasses knocked askew, Akira straighted up, going to fix them before they were snatched off his face. “Hey-!”
Ryuji just grinned back, shark teeth and all.
“So, gonna tell me or do I gotta hold these hostage?”
And Akira just rolled his eyes, easily snatching back his glasses and slipping them on his face. He looked back to Ryuji to see brown shining back, amber flecks dancing in the setting sun. Straw gold hair caught the few orange rays that managed to worm their way into the backstreets of Yongen-Jaya, freshly touched up blonde roots barely visible through the thicket of mismatched cut hair.
He felt himself just shake his head, melting easily to his partner in crime who just blinked- looking at Akira in slight confusion.
“Dude, you sure you're good?"
Neither of them were PDA people- maybe thats why it was easy for them to just exist around each other like they did. But for the rare moments- the quiet touch of their lips, the stolen moments they had, hands hesitantly bumping against the others- Akira knew.
For all the ways Ryuji loved, this was the way Akira liked the most.
The Quiet Way He Cares - awriternamedart
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sumicchin · 3 months
❃ a wind breaker (satoru nii) reader insert.
Violence is the answer to everything in this world (not really). (3.3k words)
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content warning: female reader, original characters, character background, slight ooc i fear
When I was little, I often found myself looking forward to the sound of the wind chime as it danced with the breeze. It was fairly quiet inside the shrine when it was just Hayami, me, and a man named Sojiro while waiting for the officiants to inhabit the divine structure.
Furin was my only companion—acting as if its bell were telling me stories from the outside world. It's been there ever since I could remember, and no one bothered to place another one.
Just like the wind chime, I was alone.
While the grownups worked, I occupied myself with little tasks that my stubby fingers could manage. Sometimes I took out a book they had in the study and ran to the adults to ask what certain words meant. I became more involved with the shrine as I grew older, not as a Miko, but just as a random helper. 
I was essentially free to do what I wanted. So when I was 10, I expressed my wish to venture out of the shrine.
"Hey, old man," I greeted Sojiro, tending to the flowers near the statues. His head perked up upon hearing my voice and greeted me back. As odd as it sounded, Sojiro wanted me to call him that way despite his youthful appearance.
"Hi there, little miss," Sojiro says as he stands up to face me, "what's today's agenda?"
For as long as I can remember, Hayami and Sojiro have been caring for me since. I haven't really asked about their relationship, or who my parents were since there was no need to do so. I was fine with how things were for the past couple of years, but the books I read and my trips to the market while accompanying Hayami made me yearn for more.
And so I was determined to confront them that day.
I showed him the book I was carrying. Kusamakura by Natsume Soseki.
Not really something a ten-year-old would read, but I had nothing better to do in this shrine.
"Oh, that's one of Hayami's favorite novels," Sojiro says. "An artist sets on a journey in search of beauty and inspiration for life and art. It's a simple read but very worth it to understand what it's like to be an artist." The man beams, totally lost in his thoughts. I let out a sigh, "That's not what I came for, old man."
"Ah, my bad! You know I get too excited about stuff like that." Sojiro laughs and pats my head, "So, let's cut to the chase. You want to go outside, right?" He chuckles as soon as my face contorts to that of a shocked expression. Sojiro is a man full of secrets.
"H-how'd you know?"
He shows me his infamous grin with eyes closed, "It's a secret power of mine!"
He pats my head, ruffling it in the process, "But sorry kiddo, we can't really make that happen." Already rejected before I could speak the speech I prepared. "Hayami will explain to you once you're older, but right now you have to stay here, 'kay? Think of it as a special mission given by the gods!" I was about to sulk and curse whoever made that decision when Sojiro perked up, "But hey that reminds me! The priest decided to assign you as bodyguard for the Mikos." I let out an audible sound of confusion, telling him I barely knew how to throw a punch. The best I could do was to bite someone like a sewer rat.
"That's why I'm gonna train you starting tomorrow!"
By sheer determination and fear of being on the receiving end of Sojiro's sword and fist (both hurt equally), I became a competent bodyguard for the officiants at the age of 14.
"The wind feels very nice, doesn't it (F/n)?" Manami, one of the older Mikos, glances at the fully bloomed cherry blossom trees by the river.
"Yeah, pretty lucky we got to go out today!" I excitedly say. Becoming the bodyguard for the Mikos allowed me to at least go out more often. It was always fun accompanying the women of the shrine outside, teaching me all sorts of stuff that can't be picked up from books.
"The priest doesn't really trust outsiders let alone men to protect the girls, so he's hoping to rely on us, (F/n)." I recalled Sojiro's words on our first day of training. It was a day full of bruises, and many more came after that but the strength I currently possess made it all worth it. I find myself more comfortable fighting with a sword though, and Sojiro encourages me to keep at my training.
I established one rule as a bodyguard.
To never take someone's life.
The two of us continue talking, heading back to the steps leading to the shrine after buying gifts from the market. We were a few blocks away from returning to our refuge, until I felt a tug on my hakama's left sleeve.
"What is it, Manami?"
"Can we maybe, stay outside for a bit longer?" She timidly asks.
"But we promised to only go to the market," I reluctantly answered, but seeing her crestfallen face made me double take. I guess she's just tired of Miko duties...
"It's just for a moment, I promise! There's something I need to see."
She leads me to a shop that sold fireworks and the like.
"I'd like to get one of these for summer!"
I watched as she hurriedly went inside the shop, already browsing the many varieties of explosives. How do we hide the fireworks from Hayami and the priest, I deadpan.
I was too occupied with my thoughts, but I know for one someone in black just went past me. Still bothered by how I'm supposed to hide the fact we went somewhere other than the market, the scream of a woman registered late to me.
I hurriedly ran inside the shop and saw a dark-haired man in a suit dangerously near Manami.
"Let her go!" I yell as I grab the hilt of my sword.
Upon closer inspection, it became clear that the man was actually just a tall teenager from his features. He must be an artistocrat or something.
"Please fight outside my shop!" The shop owner yells to no avail.
"Are you cosplaying a samurai?" The boy hums, letting go of Manami. She stumbles back but was helped by the store owner. "She took the last sparkler I wanted to buy," he says mockingly while approaching me.
"But I've lost interest now." His tone suddenly drops, approaching slowly as he inspects me and my sword—and to say I'm frightened is an understatement. I've fought many men before, but his aura screamed something awfully dangerous.
I knew right then and there I'll die if I try fighting him.
"Is that sword for real? Must be serious business, huh?" he grins as he points at my sword.
I scoffed, "Wanna see for yourself?"
"Fine with me..." He raises his right arm, my grip on my sword's hilt and scabbard tightening, "been wanting to take out someone armed."
He swiftly tried to go for my neck, but I nearly blocked him with my sword, the blunt edge of the blade near my cheek and the sharper side near the man's wrist. "Don't move a muscle, or the blade will cut you."
His lips twitch, but not so much to pass as a grin, "I'll look forward to that."
Even though I tried resisting, his strength overpowered me by the end and I lost control over my blade. I stared helplessly as my sword fell to the ground, waiting for his fist to strike me. It
"You're interesting! Let's meet again when we're a bit older." He pats my shoulder, walking out of the store. "How about when we're both 16, 'kay?"
He walked unscathed out of the store as I scrambled towards Manami who was shaken.
She and I swore to never talk about the incident ever.
It was then that I realized I'm still weak.
Was I even fit to protect others?
Although I never wished to encounter that man again, the world had different plans for me.
Turns out he was just the start of this madness, and there were more to follow.
You watch the boy from across the room as he sleeps peacefully, just like a child after throwing a fit. That night, he established social distancing before heading to bed, saying he didn't want to accidentally do stuff he'd regret in his sleep.
It was painfully obvious that he was nervous the whole night, stiff as a rock and barely breathing. He eventually (and with difficulty) fell asleep though, thankfully. Sakura would probably stay asleep for a couple more hours, so you decided to get a head start and freshen up for the day.
You unfold the piece of clothing that served as a makeshift pillow last night, recognizing that this is what Sojiro called a hoodie. It smelled very minty and upon checking the pockets, you see some suckers with different flavors. These look really good...
This must belong to Sakura, but no harm in trying it out right? The hoodie, that is. You've had enough of stealing's someone's food. The apparel was obviously loose and too big, but it makes one admire the craftsmanship with how warm and comfortable it felt. 
He told you that night that his friends brought in food and clothes, so you excitedly checked the bag. It's filled with clothes that you used to dream of trying out, too tired of the usual hakama back at the shrine. Nothing bad about being traditional, but seeing vibrant colors and patterns other than flowers and birds makes you feel all giddy inside.
One of the shirts had a drawing of a white cat with a red ribbon. This character often appeared in the teen magazines Sojiro brought back from trips. Why he bought them is beyond you (it's so that you can check out what girls your age like, he says).
This is super adorable! You think while holding the shirt.
The bumpkin has now been in contact with Sanrio characters.
Taking out pants that you think fits the shirt with the white cat, you find the bathroom to freshen up and change.
If Hayami saw you right now, she'd probably start calling you out for looking scandalous. A huge part of your legs and thighs were exposed, and the shirt definitely hugged the torso a bit too much to what I'm you're to, but the cute design is too much to pass up on.
Styling your hair in your preferred way to complete the new look, you step out of the bathroom, seemingly trying your best to fit in with the folks of this city (and accordingly to the magazines).
It seems that Sakura is still out cold. Worriedly, you approached his figure hunched in a fetal position to check his temperature. Your face neared his and touched your foreheads together. Upon contact, it didn't seem like he was ill, but after a few seconds he began heating up rapidly.
You were greeted by his heterochromatic eyes, too wide for someone who was just sleeping moments ago. Didn't this happen already?
"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He stammers, backing to a wall behind him.
"Checking your temperature, what else? You were out cold for a while."
He wipes his forehead rapidly like you spread germs on it. Rude.
"Aren't you the sick one here? Stop worrying about me, damn it!"
You unknowingly pout and look at the floor, "I was just worried." Rolling your eyes towards him, he looks away in return.
He clicks his tongue, refusing to look you in the eye. Is he allergic to affection or something?
"So much for a morning call." You stretch, standing up to head out. "I'm feeling all better now, can we go outside?"
"Someone's gonna pay you a visit, so sit your ass down!" He turns on his phone and starts swiping his fingers.
Sent a sticker [good morning!].
Sent a sticker [happy wake up].
Sent a sticker [cat wake up].
Sent a sticker [muscle ohayo!]
Suo and I will be visiting!
Sakura sees the group chat for his class, then checks out the ones his upperclassmen sent.
bring my hoodie to school i cant drop by cuz of errands
Good morning!
I'll be visiting after school with Kanji and the twins~
Kotoha and I will visit soon!
Breakfast is on me!
He sees Bofurin's leader still writing another message and waits for it. When it does get sent, he suddenly gets conscious.
Kotoha hopes you're wearing something other than a shirt and boxers, she says!
Sakura immediately looks at himself and suddenly whips his head towards you.
"How come you didn't tell me I was just wearing boxers in front of 'ya the whole time?!"
You blink repeatedly, "You were bothered by that? If it makes you feel better, I've seen uncles only in their loincloths."
He turns red and immediately scrams to the bathroom to check for his used pants.
"Wow, so this is your school uniform?"
Sakura comes out of the bathroom in his iconic green gakuran and pants, acting smug and proud to be wearing symbolic garments. You clapping and looking with amazement just made his head bigger, saying stuff like "Woah, so trendy!" and "You look like a model!"
A knock on the door interrupted the duo's little fashion show, with Sakura heading towards the door to invite his guests.
He sees Umemiya, Suo, Nirei, and Kotoha all carrying bags.
"Morning, Sakura!" Everyone followed suit with their morning greetings, taking off their shoes as they entered his apartment.
"Oh! Looks like our little ghost has recovered now," Umemiya smiles as he takes a seat in front of you. "I'm Umemiya Hajime, but you can call me big bro if you'd like!" He beams.
He starts rummaging the bag he brought out, "Hope you like soup and omurice!"
Kotoha approaches you and waves hello, to which you bow in reply. She was taken aback, saying there was no need to be formal. "Kotoha is fine! And the clothes look really good on you!" She starts gushing about taking you to the shopping district with someone named Tsubaki, happy to have another female companion.
"We've brought you some snacks, courtesy of the class!" Nirei shows you the contents of the bag filled with unfamiliar bags, "O-oh! I'm Nirei Akihiko by the way. If you need help navigating Makochi, I'm your guy!"
The last of the visitors wore an eye patch and felt immensely mysterious, boasting quite the powerful aura. Thinking about it, three of them held overwhelming auras, Umemiya's in particular was overflowing. You didn't notice that you were staring too hard at the eye-patched boy.
"My name is Leonardo DiCaprio!"
Oh! A foreigner, you beamed.
"Don't fall for that, (F/n)!" Sakura points accusingly at Suo, "That guy's Hayato Suo, make sure you're extra careful around him."
"You wound me, Sakura. I thought we were friends," Suo fakes a sigh. "And you're on a first name basis with her."
Sakura blushes, "That's her first name?!"
Nirei realizes and hides his face using his notebook, feeling giddy to have another female friend on a first name basis, "I-it feels really embarrassing to be on a first name basis already!"
"You already gave her your lap yesterday, a name is nothing at this point," Suo chuckles.
You think for a bit, and it reminds you that everyone back at the shrine never mentioned a family name. Gods, am I adopted? Am I the next Momotaro?
"I don't know my parents, and no one really told me about other stuff about them."
Everyone stops and looks at you with a somber expression.
Umemiya lets out a loud wail, eyes comically tearing as he tries to go in for a hug, "Ume-nii and Kotoha over here will be your family then!!!"
Nirei feels himself tear up as well, unable to imagine living a life without knowing who his parents were. Suo's face remained neutral, mouth forming a line and unable to say something to lift the mood.
Sakura on the other hand just stares at you, eyes soft and looking as if he sees himself in you.
"But don't worry about me! I still grew up with caring adults," your smile falters for a bit, wondering how Hayami and Sojiro were faring after your escape. "Let's all eat! Big day ahead of us."
Kotoha begins handing out soup and takeout omurice, "What happened to you anyways? If you don't mind me asking,"
You choke on a potato, clearing your throat before speaking, "Oh uh...I made an enemy out of an aristocrat, he decided to marry me or else he'll destroy my home, but my caretakers wanted me to run away, and now I am searching for something here in this town. Yes, I think that accounts for everything so far!"
"That's quite the story." She says, not sure if she was concerned or amused.
Suo pieces the situation in his head, "I assume that's why you were in a white kimono." Everyone realizes and looks at him, "Do you think your husband will search for you?"
You correct Suo, saying you're technically not wed yet. He mutters a small apology. "I don't want to get married to a man like him."
They all feel the spite and anger behind your words.
You look sternly at everyone, "It's also why I needed to get away from everyone as soon as possible. I fear I'll get you all caught up in this mess."
Everyone hears a scoff from Sakura who was gulping down food just earlier, now looking at you with a smirk.
"Thanks for telling me bits of your story," he puts down his now finished bowl of soup and omurice.
"We just gotta beat up that guy, right?"
changed the writing style for a bit, hope its okay (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)
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lunarcloak · 4 months
It's Best Boy's Birthday, so obviously I had to write something.
It really seemed just like any other day. If Akira hadn't known, maybe he might have missed the date too.
June 1st. Only a day until Akechi's birthday.
And yet, the man himself was so nonchalant about it, seated at LeBlanc's counter as if nothing was different. His eyes entirely trained on whatever article he was perusing on his phone. Ignorance, perhaps? Or indifference? What was it, Akira wondered, as he poured a fresh ladle of curry into a plate for the detective. He flicked the rice cooker open, scooping some out as he plated it with the curry. With less grace and smoothness than Sojiro, maybe, but he has no doubt Akechi prefers it like that.
Not that he doesn't understand nonchalance about one's birthday. Akira was the same, really. But something about the way Goro seemed artificially nonchalant about it was rubbing him the wrong way.
Akira Kurusu was a nosy friend who wanted the best for all of his friends. He'll be damned if he can't do something nice for Akechi's birthday, whether he asked for it or not.
"What do you want for your birthday," Akira pokes with no prelude as he places the food in front of Akechi. The brunette blinks back in mild surprise, shoulders tensing in the manner Akira recognised as forced confidence.
"I'm surprised you remembered," he murmured, but his tone spoke of the opposite. They both know Akira would remember. "I don't want anything in particular, Akira-kun, although your offer is very appreciated," he says with that plastic smile of his that Akira's grown to detest.
But he doesn't convey his distaste on his face. A small nod, as he turns away to prep coffee while Akechi digs into the curry. His phone was away now, and Akira knows his question has him on alert.
He hums slightly as he twirls around LeBlanc's kitchen, modifying the house blend in a way only Akira knows. In the only way Akechi likes his coffee. Anything else is too sweet, too bitter. But he won't ever convey it, that plastered smile ever present no matter what he feels.
Ah. There's an idea.
"What would you like to do for your birthday?"
Akechi pauses, spoon barely out of his mouth as he chews on the rice thoughtfully. His eyes narrow slightly, trying to read Akira exactly in the way he'll never be able to. He puts the spoon down, swallowing slowly before he chuckles.
"I am rather busy at the moment, after all. I need to submit some documents to Sae-san for a case she's prosecuting next week, and there's some schoolwork that needs doing," he says with the wave of his hand. Akira fights off a frown. He nods slowly, finishing the coffee as he places it in front of Akechi.
"I really do appreciate the sentiment, Akira-kun," he says as his smile turns a touch sincere. Akira knows because it's the smile he only ever sees on Akechi when he's drinking that particular blend of coffee.
Akira drums his fingers on the counter, leaning forward slightly until he's on Akechi's eye level. Waits for him to put down the cup. When he does, Akechi's blinking at him in confusion, resisting the urge to move back, away from Akira's scrutinising gaze.
"What would be a nice thing to do on your birthday," Akira tries, and he knows he's got Akechi this time. He knows, because Akechi's mask slips off, mouth parting slightly in surprise as his grip around the cup slackens.
And then there's that sharp laugh. It's not the fake, lilted melodious kind that haunts every interview. Not the pathetic, pained one he's heard only once before. No, it's the sharp, authentic one that's so very Akechi Goro.
"You won't give up, will you," Akechi starts, shaking his head in fond exasperation. Akira grins, leaning back, hands in his pockets after fixing his glasses. He knows he's won.
"I suppose it would be nice, to visit the jazz club," Akechi finally conveys, eyes downcast into the swirling depths of the dark liquid. "It's been a while since I've been, and Muhen-san has a new blend for the beginning of June."
Akira hums when Akechi looks back up, and a smile lights up on his face, more Joker than Akira.
"Jazz club it is. I'm taking you with me," he repeats without room for debate, and Akechi's mouth snaps shut before he could even speak. "I'm sure the work will be done inspite of your mini vacation. After all, I'd expect nothing less from the incredible Detective Prince," he adds, and Akechi rolls his eyes in that casual way Akira knows he's the only one who gets to see.
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angsty-violet · 9 months
This was his delinquent? Sojiro frowned and looked Ren over. He was tall, with messy curls and was hiding behind his glasses. The boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper and handed it to Sojiro. Sojiro unfolded it and opened it, quickly reading over the words. He resisted the urge to curse.
“My name is Ren Amamiya, and I’m non-verbal, but I can hear. I communicate with sign language.”
“I know sign language. Your parents didn’t tell me, but we can still make it work.”
Ren nodded, relieved that he wouldn’t have to try and communicate only through written notes. He had with his parents, and it was a nightmare. Despite the entire mess of this situation, at the very least his guardian would be able to understand him.
Sojiro was gritting his teeth and trying desperately not to like this kid, but it wasn’t working. Then he was willing to help out with the shop, so Sojiro felt like he should do something in return. Not that giving him a place to live wasn’t enough, but still.
So, that’s why he was teaching him to make the perfect cup of coffee. That was until Futaba’s bastard uncle decided to show his face.
“That guy is suspicious.”
Sojiro grinned a little at the kid. “Turns out you do have some taste. Come on, let’s keep going.” Sojiro guided him through the process and felt his resolve starting to slip.
So, sue him, he liked the kid.
The next day, a Sunday, so he’d been out who knows where, Ren had decided to give it a try on his own. Sojiro hadn’t been able to watch him possibly butcher a cup of coffee, so he had slipped out to buy cigarettes. Then, his own curiosity had gotten the best of him, and he had returned to the shop.
“Can I try it?”
Ren nodded and traded places with him, standing behind the counter. Sojiro took a sip and was almost surprised. It wasn’t nearly as good as his, but Ren had clearly taken the time to follow his instructions. With some practice, he could become good at making coffee.
“It’s good, but you should work more to bring out the complexity of the roast.”
Ren nodded, and Sojiro smiled a little. He was a good kid. Whatever had happened that night must have been an outlier. This kid wasn’t a criminal. His kid wasn’t a criminal.
His kids were criminals!
Both of them! Phantom Thieves of Hearts running around stealing hearts. The cops were actively looking for them! Sojiro buried his head in his hands and muttered, “Where did I go wrong?”
Futaba glanced between Sojiro and Ren. “Well, my guess would be when you adopted two maladjusted kids from rough homes.”
“Ugh, this isn’t funny, Futaba.”
“It’s a little funny.”
Sojiro sighed. “Alright, alright, we’re going to figure this one out.”
“I can move out if it’s too much trouble.”
Sojiro’s stomach dropped to the floor. That wasn’t what he meant at all! Ren was his kid, and he had already gone through all of this with Futaba. Sojiro loved these kids, and he wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.
“No, no. That’s not what I meant at all. I mean that three of us are going to figure this out together. I don’t want you to move out. We’re…” Could he say it? This time was the time he should, and his window was closing. “We’re family. Family takes care of each other.”
Ren smiled and nodded. Sojiro breathed out a sigh of relief.
So, what if his kids were criminals? They were still his.
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prime-adeptus · 2 months
Okay, first of all: I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN I SAW YOU DIS MY REQUEST!!! 😍 Secondly: I'm back to order another one if you don't mind. Hanzo x reader where reader worked/lived in the Shimada mansion as a child because reader's family is a family that has served the Shimadas for centuries. Hanzo reader and Genji were friends when they were kids, they played together in secret and everything. Hanzo had a crush on Reader, but as Reader was not from a noble family he knew that this relationship would never be accepted, so he hid his feelings (although Genji knew because come on Hanzo you can't look at them with love eyes and think that he won't notice). Years pass and what we already know happens between Hanzo and Genji happens, now in the present, in the Overwatch recall Genji called Hanzo to be part of Overwatch and he went, even hesitantly, but what he didn't expect was to find reader there, also being part of Overwatch. Basically a scenario of their reunion and how Hanzo's feelings never died, but now more than ever he don't think he is worthy reader love, even though the reader also likes him (extra points if Genji tries to play cupid between the two).
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The Winds of Tomorrow [1/3]
In which you find that Hanzo, the man who’d become a stranger over the years, becomes a loved one once again.
✧ PAIRING: Hanzo Shimada x GN!Reader
✦ CONTENT: Childhood friends to lovers, class differences, blood and violence, drifting apart, reunions, hopeful ending. AU - Canon divergent.
✧ NOTES: HI ANON I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO THIS, I’ve been really uninspired and;; but I’ve been playing Overwatch again and I WILL feed you these crumbs. Hanzo loves you he’s just a little quiet about it
AO3 | Masterlist | @houseofsolisoccasum @interstellar-inn
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Hanzo has always had a special place in your heart since you were children.
You remember it clear as day — you, much younger than you are now with a flower tucked behind your ear and a toothy grin as you drag him through yet another clearing with joy. It was a sunny afternoon and your parents were away doing their respective duties. The elders weren’t quite happy with a servant child being so comfortable with the future successor of the Shimada clan, but that never stopped you. Master Sojiro, for one, was glad to see that his sons had a friend and got to have some semblance of a normal childhood.
It wasn’t as if you were unaware of the things those elders said. It wasn’t as if they were afraid to say it to your face, either. But your mother taught you to hold your head up high and ignore them, because what mattered was that you were happy and the brothers were too.
Genji was away for his tutoring session (“Seriously? I want to train with them!”) and Hanzo had fulfilled his duties for the day, leaving him available for your shenanigans. Your parents were helping take care of the guests whose arrival was imminent. All they told you to do was stay out of trouble.
Hanzo sat cross-legged under the cherry blossom tree with his arms over his chest, a small pout forming at his lips as you attentively adorned his hairs with flowers you’d found. He had a hidden love from the arts. It showed in his calligraphy and poetry, but he was also one to take his image seriously. It never mattered much to you. He was your only other friend, which left him no choice. Though he made it seem like an obligation, you knew he liked spending his downtime with you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let you read some of his works or play with his hair like this.
“I can’t return to the manor like this,” he grumbled. You grinned to yourself, gently tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear. “What will they think of me?”
“They’ll think you look like a prince!” you chirped. “Come on, do me next!”
Memories of your childhood have become a blur, but you remember this very well. How comforting it felt to feel his fingers running through your hair, how he’d huff every time you cracked a joke. It was one of the last moments of peace you’d ever have.
The next time you saw him beneath that tree, blood was dripping off of his hands. He held on to the sword so tightly that his knuckles turned white and his shoulders were shaking as the rain poured and washed away his doing. You were watching him from behind the corner, a frown tugging at your lips before you dragged yourself away. You couldn’t bear to see him in such a sorry state, but a greater part of you was furious — furious that he cared more about honour and duty than his family.
And so, you left. With everyone you loved dead and gone, there was nothing left for you in Hanamura.
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talesofsonicasura · 8 months
Persona 5: Phantom Cat
An idea that plagued me ever since I saw Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 and been playing Persona 5 Royal. Joker but he's a Bigger Bodies CatNap. Things are gonna go insane and have a new flavor of dark.
For those who want to learn more about Poppy Playtime before delving in, this post has all the current info links.
Ren Amamiya was an orphan raised in the Playcare orphanage at Playtime Co. A secondary candidate for the Catnap Bigger Bodies experiments if one were to be found too unstable to use(looks at Ch3 CatNap). It's clear from the various VHS tapes which can be found throughout the chapter that there are some workers who been aware about the horrors done in Playtime Co.
People who absolutely hated it or disagree with such inhumane idealism. One particular scientist decides to do something unheard of: allow a child experiment to escape. Ren being the chosen person as they had grown close to him but were unable to adopt him in time before experimentation. The transformation for the boy gone faulty which led to a more unorthodox method of conversion.
Ren was made into a small Catnap who will overtime grow into a Bigger Bodies version. The perfect size for the scientist to sneak him out in a duffle bag and vanish after work was done for today. A simple swap with a normal Catnap toy.
No one knew they were in the process of moving to Japan nor the truth until it was too late. An experiment has gotten out into the real world. The scientist alongside the recently converted Ren were unaware about the growth process and thought he been made into a normal toy.
A mistake that became noticed when Ren had double in size within a span of two weeks. Despite this new problem, the scientist did his best to raise the boy. Unlike the other CatNap, Ren is completely different from the Smiling Critters as a whole.
His face isn't a stuck in a perpetual grin and he can make various facial expressions like his cartoon counterpart. Ren is around 12 years old when he fully grew into his staggering 23 ft tall Bigger Body. Long lanky body that is more lean has an almost humanlike upper torso. Well if they got extra long limbs.
The youth can easily pretend to be a toy as he's well fed and the healthy weight hides his bone structure. (CH3 CatNap was starved.) Ren can compress his body to 11 ft at minimum for the moment. He needs to train in order to shrink to the size of a plush, even more to reach rat size(thank Shido's Palace.)
(Comparison Bigger Bodies Catnap and the small toy alongside the cartoon art)
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Ren doesn't produce Red Smoke but instead normal choloform. This is because he would be upgraded once reaching full size back at Playcare under The Doctor's orders. A safe measure to not deal with two rogue Red Smoke spraying CatNaps.
He didn't have a voice box added as the employees involved in this experiment rather leave him mute. Ren does get one from his rescuer which sounds like his own voice but can be adjusted to fit his age. Despite being a Bigger Body the youth lives a very happy life.
A few weeks after Ren's thirteenth birthday is when tragedy struck. The boy lost his parent from the result of a drunk driver(Shido.) Ren is forced to pack up all his prizes possessions and leave knowing their family home would soon be foreclosed.
He moves into Yogen-jaya as the place was the closest, most rural but most importantly least populated area. Ren survived by eating whatever food people threw out and stealing from homes if desperate. On one fateful day, he breaks into Sojiro's place where meets Futaba.
She was obviously frightened by the 11 ft (compressed) monstrous cat in her house. Until Futaba notices that the strange creature acted more like a hungry skittish feline from the almost empty messy fridge. It was in that moment Futaba would do something insane. She let Ren stay with her.
Using her hacking skills, the youth stole money from people's bank accounts/cards and ordered Ren food to pick up in secluded spots throughout the neighborhood. The duo's bond becoming that of siblings over time. Although it didn't take long for Sojiro to bump into Ren.
He was super concerned and frightened to see the giant feline in his home even when Futaba jump into his defense. It took awhile before Sojiro trusted Ren as he let the Bigger Body stay due to the sibling bond with his adopted daughter. The two were obviously disgusted at Playtime Co once they heard about the boy's backstory.
For those wondering, this entire thing did change events in the Persona 5 main story. The first being the Phantom Thieves line up. Makoto takes Ren's position as she was taken into Kamoshida's Palace alongside Ryuji in his place. He becomes leader much later.
Next is the Palace lineup. There are no time limits for the first two(no expulsion threat nor Medjed threat. Makoto kept Ryuji from losing his cool for the former.) Futaba's Palace takes the second slot instead of Madarame. The reason being her mental attacks have gotten so worse that Ren sought the Phantom Thieves' help upon finding the Phansite. Futaba was rightfully upset upon finding out but she understood her big brother's worry.
A few depictions of Ren can be found inside her Egyptian Themed Palace, each showing him as a guardian deity. Even Shadow Futaba carries a little charm that looks like him. Ren also awakens Arseńe in this very Palace. His Phantom Thief outfit remains the same but can stretch or shrink to fit his body no matter the size change. Same goes for his weapons, the knife becoming a broadsword when large and the handgun into a grenade launcher.
The current Phantom Thieves absolutely freaked out when they first met Ren. For the beginning, he gave them the request and the keywords to reach her Palace. However Ren wasn't aware that a new obstacle had manifested due to his powerful bond with Futaba.
A stone Sphinx at the halfway point who will only let them through if they present the 'The Pharaoh's True Guardian'. The group believe they needed a plush which is sorta correct. I thought it be funny yet perfect symbolism to make Ren a key companion for Futaba's Palace. Now onto the Joker changes.
Ren is still a Wildcard but he has no access to his original Velvet Room. Keyword being 'original' for he'll gain usage to a completely different one. This one being managed by Margaret who been concerned about the strange behavior of Igor and Lavenza's absence.
Ren's appearance in the Velvet Room is his canon iteration. Although this room takes the appearance of a fun house with him wearing a Catnap hooded costume. Every mechanic in the Velvet Room revolves around carnival rides or game booths.
Fusion are the tea cup rides while Fusion Alarm shifts into Bumper Cars. Itemization is a the Disappearing Crate magic trick. Strengthening results in the Hall of Mirrors. Training being various games from tossing to dunk tanks.
I will be going over the Confidants, Thieves' Den and the other Persona 5 games in a different post as this is getting pretty long. That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you later.
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randoimago · 1 year
Franky (SxF), Sojiro (P5), Maruki (P5) and Zenkichi (P5) s/o catching them off guard with a surprise kiss just to playfully steal their glasses right from their faces. Many thanks ~
S/O Stealing Their Glasses
Fandom: Spy x Family // Persona 5
Character(s): Franky Franklin, Sojiro Sakura, Takuto Maruki, Zenkichi Hasegawa
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Glasses debuff 😔
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He melts into the kiss when you surprise him with one. Nothing else matters to him. He's just enjoying this kiss you gave him. Hell, the kiss is so good it causes his vision to get messed up.
It isn't until you pull away and he hears your giggling that he realizes that while the kiss was really good, his blurry vision is due to the fact that his glasses are missing.
A grin crosses Franky's face as he raises his hands in a tickling position. You better give him those glasses back, S/O or he's going to tickle you! It ends up being a playful chase afterwards with Franky stumbling quite a bit due to his blurry vision. But as long as you promise to kiss his bruises, then he'll gladly deal with it.
Bonus: Ngl, part of me wanted to write Franky as having fake glasses and actually having really good vision (he uses fake glasses to seem cuter). So, the idea of S/O thinking they one upped Franky then learning that his glasses don't do shit is honestly really funny.
Definitely wasn't expecting the sudden kiss you pull him into. Gets flustered because of it and can barely process the fact you're kissing him, let alone that his glasses got stolen.
Jokes on you S/O, he's dealt with Futaba stealing his glasses before. Sojiro has a second pair. And if that doesn't work, he has prescription sunglasses. But he'll let you have your moment of thinking you one upped him.
Will cheekily tell you that you'll have to clean up the cafe since he can't see now. He'll see how much you're laughing as he gives you the list of chores you can do now that he can't.
There's a muffled "Mmph?!" or something like that as you suddenly pull him into a kiss. His face is red as you kiss him before he relaxes into it and even gives a smile as he closes his eyes to kiss you back.
Except when his eyes open, his vision is blurry, and he realizes what you did. He lets out a laugh as he tells you, "Yeah, you got me, good job, S/O."
Might pout a bit if you don't give his glasses back. He'll let you have some fun with teasing him and whatnot, but please give him his vision back, S/O. He cannot function without those glasses.
Like Maruki, he lets out a noise of surprise as you suddenly kiss him. His face is going red, especially when he hears the giggling from Akane. He pulls away to ask what that was about, but stops as you snatch his glasses away.
Let's out a "Hey!" as he tries to grab them back only for you to pass them off to Akane. Oh you two are definitely in for it when he gets his glasses back.
Zenkichi also has multiple pairs of glasses due to breaking some when he's on duty. So once he gets to his second pair (and hopefully he doesn't break his leg from tripping) then he's going to arrest both of you (not literally, of course, but he makes the threat).
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dawnthefox24 · 27 days
Uh yes I do love the HC of the Shimadas having fangs but also yes Rumiko finding out about Sojiro fangs is more like an awe to her a yes a bit of a kink as well
*Rumiko is watching Sojiro just studying him while he talked with her before stopping as he raises a brow at her for a moment as she seemed to be focused on something and he thinks he knows that it is* Sojiro: Is something wrong? Rumiko: Keep talking I'm listening... Sojiro:*sighs softly* What is it? Rumiko: I'm sorry what? Sojiro:*sighs and opens his mouth showing her his fangs* Rumiko: *smiles happily and leans close* Ah! You do have fangs! Sojiro:*closes his mouth and sighs* Yes I have fangs, let me guess you find it really weird and- Rumiko: Can I put my hand in your mouth? Sojiro:*looks at her and gets flustered* E-Excuse me!? Rumiko: I wanna feel your teeth. Sojiro: *Seems a bit concerned* W-Why!? Rumiko: Well there not regular teeth that's for sure just, is is a genetic thing? If so why are your teeth so sharp? What were your ancestors dragons? Sojiro: I wish I knew and- *without warning Rumiko shoves her hand in his mouth and starts feeling his teeth gently tracing over each fang in awe before pressing down a bit to see if she would bleed* Sojiro:*feels very embarrassed but is starting to drool a bit before he takes her hand out of his mouth* Please don't ever do that... Rumiko: *looks at her fingers and shows him a small little graze* Your teeth are very sharp! Sojiro:*covers his face very flustered* Rumiko: You know Sojiro you don't have to be embarrassed, I do adore your fangs. Sojiro: D-Do you have a fang kink or something?! Rumiko:... Sojiro:... Rumiko:*waves her hand a bit and coughs slightly before grinning a bit* Maybe~ Sojiro: *gets even more flustered* O-Oh my...
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rune-writes · 6 months
Sakura Kaleidoscope
Fandom: Persona 5
Word Count: 4K
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Ren Amamiya/Ann Takamaki
Summary: The day before Ren is set to go flower-viewing with Ann, Sojiro gifts him an old camera he once had. Only, it seems the camera holds more memory than the old coffee master would like to admit.
Notes: it's been so long since i last wrote shuann. so here is a little something for the Week :) written for @shuannweek 2024 Day 2: Photography.
Read on AO3.
Ren found a camera tucked in the corner of an old dusty box at the attic. He had been cleaning his room when he decided to look into the cardboard boxes he had left untouched the entire year he was there. A small black bag sat in the depths of one of them. When he took it out, he disturbed the layer of dust that had settled there, prompting him to cough. 
“A DSLR?” he said to himself, taking the camera out for inspection. He turned it around and dusted it off. It still looked as pristine as new, as though it hadn’t seen much use before it was shelved inside the box. A shame, he thought. Ren didn’t know much about cameras but it seemed like a good model. He pressed down on the power button. It stayed dead. 
Of course.
Rising to his feet, Ren climbed down the stairs into the coffee shop. Business was slow. Only the old couple were present, conversing about nothing in particular. Sojiro sat on the counter as he watched TV, a bored look on his face. He was in the middle of a yawn when Ren approached, eyes widening slightly at the sight of the camera in Ren’s hand. 
“Now that’s something I haven’t seen in a while,” he murmured. 
“I take it this is yours then?” Ren asked. 
Sojiro grunted. “Was mine, I guess.” He took the camera from Ren and fumbled with it for a bit. He tried turning it on, only to chuckle wryly when it refused. “Of course. How many years has it been since I last used it?”
“I didn’t know you used to do photography.” 
“I didn’t.” Sojiro huffed. He didn’t offer further elaboration. 
“Oh come now!” came the old woman’s voice. Having heard their exchange, she countered, her husband nodding his affirmation. “Didn’t you used to bring a camera all the time whenever you went out with that young lady. What was her name again? Ishi… Ishikawa?” 
“Isshiki, I think,” her husband offered. 
“Right! Isshiki! She was such a lovely woman. Smart, too.” 
Sojiro cleared his throat. “All right, all right! That will do! Any more and you’d expose all my embarrassing secrets.”
“My, So-chan, I would think you’re old enough not to be embarrassed by your own story.”
The old couple giggled, much to Sojiro’s affectionate vexation. Although, when Ren deigned to join in the fun—a little smirk and a half-breathy chuckle—his guardian hit him with an ice-cold glare. 
“Sorry,” Ren mumbled. 
“Anyway,” he went on, giving the camera back to Ren, “you can have it if you want. I don’t have much use for it any longer.”
Sojiro shrugged. “Better you than me, in any case. Don’t think she’d like it if it stayed cooped up in a box, collecting dust. I think you’d make a fine new master for it.” The old proprietor gave him a rare grin before his face twisted into consternation. “The problem is I can’t remember where I put the charger. It should be in the box along with the camera. But if not, I’ll take a look at my house.”
It wasn’t in the box, so later that day, Sojiro had Ren mind the shop as he went back to his house. It took a while, but after an hour or so, he returned with the charger, saying, “Sorry, got caught up in cleaning some stuff out.” 
Ren brought the charger to his room, where he connected the cable into the camera, then plugged the other end into the socket behind the TV. A red light blinked back at him. Ren didn’t quite know how long it’d stayed dead, but at least the charger still worked. He only hoped that it was still functional. 
He left it alone then to help Sojiro at the shop until near closing time. He washed the dishes and swept the floor, and when there was nothing left to do but close for the night, Sojiro let him retire to his room. So he climbed back up, intent upon checking on the camera, when he found Morgana pawing it on the TV table.
“Hey.” He reprimanded the cat, swiping the camera off the wooden surface. 
“The light was blinking so I got curious,” the cat said defensively, as though that was reason enough to almost drop it off the table. 
“The light was blinking ‘cause it was charging,” he said. It was now blinking green. He unplugged the cable, sat on the couch, and turned it on. The screen blinked to life. 
This brought him back. He used to play around with his father’s cameras when he was small. Ren directed the lens to Morgana and, adjusting the lens, snapped a picture. The pupils in Morgana’s eyes slitted at the sudden flash of flight; he snarled and growled then hopped off the table. Ren snickered. 
“Let’s see now…” 
Maneuvering through the myriad of buttons and menus on the camera, Ren finally found the gallery, which showed him a photo of Morgana’s blank face. He stifled a laugh and asked the cat to come and see. Morgana wrinkled his nose, but came up to the back of the couch and propped himself on Ren’s shoulder. He hissed at his own picture. 
“Oh come on, it’s not that bad,” Ren said with a half-smile. 
“For you, maybe.” Morgana’s paw came to Ren’s cheek in what he assumed was an attempt at a playful swat, but the soft pads only softened the blow so it felt like a pat instead, albeit a forceful one. Ren chuckled under his breath as his eyes drifted to the number at the top right corner: 83. He cocked his head to the side. 
Pressing the next button, a picture of an unfamiliar house suddenly filled the screen, somewhat blurry. “Huh,” came Morgana’s quiet comment. The next several images were of the same house but from different angles, then empty streets—a neighborhood. 
“Are they Sojiro’s?” the cat wondered. 
The next photo, however, made him pause. Ren saw a sakura tree in what looked to be a sidewalk, but it was the figure dressed in black that froze him. He shut the camera off so quickly that Morgana meowed in protest. Just then, lights from the floor below disappeared, followed by the sound of a jingling bell and the jangle of keys. Sojiro had exited the store, clicking the lock into place. 
Ren sighed in defeat. Perhaps, he could ask Sojiro about it tomorrow. 
Ann’s message came early the next morning. 9 AM at the station? She asked.
Ren sent a quick reply then got ready. Sojiro had already prepared curry for breakfast by the time Ren came down from his attic. 
“Hanami, huh,” he mused. “Where are you going? Inokashira?”
Ren shook his head. “Ueno. We decided to go a little farther.” 
An awkward pause fell before Sojiro said, “I see.” 
Ren quietly eyed the coffee master, but Sojiro quickly regained his bearing. He hoped Ren would get some pretty views. It wasn’t quite the season yet but the news had reported some already blooming in places. Ren nodded absently—that was the reason why he had proposed the idea to Ann. He only had a few days left in Tokyo before he had to return to his hometown. They might not have a chance to go flower viewing together. Ann had then decided where they would go. 
Silence stretched, filled only by soft TV noises. Ren cleared his throat. 
“Sojiro, is it really okay for me to have the camera?” 
“I already told you. It’ll only collect dust if I keep it.” He hadn’t even missed a beat. As though sensing Ren’s reluctance, he added, “Just think of it as a farewell gift.”
“What about the photos?”
“I doubt there’s much of it.”
Sojiro grunted and shrugged, as though wanting to drive home that the camera really didn’t mean anything to him. But rather than being nonchalant about it, he seemed to be avoiding the subject altogether. 
“Can I look at them, then?” Ren tried again. 
There, just a quick stilling of his hands before Sojiro returned brewing his coffee, but it was enough. “Suit yourself.” 
Ann was already waiting for him by the time he reached Shibuya Station. It was already a bit warm so she wore a simple loose floral shirt with a pair of jeans. Her hair was unusually undone: long luscious blonde flowing freely down her back, kept in place by a couple sakura-patterned pins near her temple. Ren couldn’t help but grin when their eyes met. 
“W—what?” Pink tinged her cheeks in fluster, though he suspected she knew what he was thinking. 
Still, Ren grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers together. “You look pretty.” It took all his self-control not to break into the biggest, most idiotic grin he would have made because the way Ann’s face went instantly red looked so adorable, it was hard to contain his affections to a bare minimum in such a public space. Instead, he settled with a smirk—albeit somewhat teasing—which apparently did more damage than he’d realized. Ann’s ears went scarlet, then she playfully slapped his arm, which he deftly dodged. 
“Stop being sassy!” 
“I’m not,” he responded with a laugh. She really was beautiful, now even more so when the hint of a smile slowly revealed itself beneath her pout. He tugged her hand. “Let’s get going.”
The station was unexpectedly crowded for a Sunday morning, though the sakura blooming had reached the news so perhaps Ren should have expected otherwise. As they headed towards the platform, Ann noticed the square black bag Ren was carrying on his shoulder. 
“A camera,” she said when he showed it to her. She studied it, fumbled around with it. “Sojiro’s, did you say it was?”
Ren nodded. “He said I could have it.”
“Huh. I didn’t peg him to be into photography.”
“Neither did I—” The sound of a camera shutter cut him off and Ren looked up. Ann had turned the camera on and directed it at him, smirking. He frowned. “Hey. Delete that.”
“Why? You look good.” She giggled. 
She stepped away when he reached out to grab her hand. “Candid is best,” she said, still giggling. He tried to catch her but she stepped away again, and again, and again, always keeping herself just out of reach, until Ren sighed in half-exasperation and made to run for her— 
When the intercom announced the arrival of their train. 
“Ah! It's here!” Ann shut off the camera and took his hand. “C’mon, we don’t wanna miss it.”
They slipped into the crowd and managed to grab a seat inside the train. Ann returned the camera back to Ren, who turned it on again at the first chance he had. You look good, she’d said, when all the pictures she had taken were either in an odd angle, blurry, or even downright bad. What was even this shot of his close-up skin that he could almost see his pores? Ann giggled softly again when she noticed what he was frowning at. 
“You know I’ll get back at you ten fold, right?” he said. 
“You know I’ll be ready for it.”
She grinned, and he resisted the urge to bop her head or even kiss her cheek. Instead, he sighed, turned the camera off, then stashed it back inside his bag. He spotted her hand on her lap and inadvertently intertwined his fingers through hers. 
“Ren—” She made to pull away, but he locked their hands together. 
“That’s what you get for teasing me,” he said. 
Her face twisted in such a way that usually bespoke of an upcoming counter, but eventually, Ann settled into his hand and into her seat. 
“You started it,” came her quiet mumble. 
This time Ren did bop her head. Albeit fondly. 
Their destination was Ueno Park. It took only a few minutes to walk from the station. The news reported that the sakura blooms had been spotted in the park as early as two days ago. Indeed, as early as it was, a crowd was already trickling into the park. Not as much as peak season but already a hefty amount, according to Ann. They entered the gates, then followed the crowd, letting the sea of people carry them to where the heart of sakura blooms gathered. 
Ren took out his camera again. Letting Ann walk ahead of him, he called Ann to a stop once she reached some distance away. He had already put his eye behind the camera by the time Ann half-turned towards him, and then he snapped the picture. Ann exclaimed in surprise when she realized what he’d just done. Ren, meanwhile, was half-smiling to himself as he checked the result of his work. 
“Not bad,” he mused—it wasn't blurred at least—just as Ann stomped back towards him and said, “Don’t just take my picture like that.” 
“Candid is best, as you said so yourself.” Ann fumed, made to snatch the camera away, but Ren held it out of reach. “I told you I’d get back at you ten fold.”
He grinned, to which Ann scowled. “Fine. But I’m taking your share of the crepe.” Because apparently that was where Ann had been heading: a crepe stall erected on the side of the wide central path flanked on each side by tall sakura trees now in bloom. Yes, it wasn’t peak season yet—not all the flowers had blossomed—but pretty dots of pink and white had decorated the boughs on either side, giving off a sweet scent that only came around once a year. 
Ren could only chuckle and acquiesce at her request.
He followed behind her, capturing moments left and right: a family of three, the father carrying his little girl on his shoulders; the flowers on the trees, going as close as he could to capture the delicate petals in his camera; the tranquil moat, the crowded stalls, then a wide shot of the sakura-lined path leading deeper into the park. 
Ann was still queuing at the crepe stall when Ren returned. Putting his eye to the camera, he zoomed in. He took a picture of her back, at the way she slipped a stray strand of her hair behind her ear, of how she noticed his presence not far behind her, then her frown at the realization of being photographed silently again, and finally her small smile, and a full-on grin. He often thought that Ann’s features were dynamic—expressive. He swore he’d seen her cry, get mad, and laugh all in the span of one minute. Seeing the pictures he’d just taken, Ren knew it wasn’t just his feelings. 
Ren was just stashing his camera back inside his bag and meant to wait in the queue with Ann when Ann appeared behind him. She gave him a crepe—Banana and Lemon. He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Let’s find somewhere to sit,” she said instead, then added with a glance, “and I’m gonna take a look at the pictures you've taken.” She didn’t leave any room to say no. Not that Ren would want to . 
So they walked down the path, enjoying their crepes—hers was Double Chocolate & Almond. Farther into the park, they found a rather empty spot beneath a tree on the bank of the moat. Ann took a picnic mat from her bag and spread it out for them. 
It was nice, he thought. The air was slightly warmer now, the sakura—while still early—was beautiful. Out on the still water, people rowed boats languidly. 
Ren showed Ann the camera gallery after they finished their crepes. They started with the ultra-close skin-pore photo Ann had taken before, which made her laugh and him frown again. Then it cut into the park, and they saw pictures of families, children, and friends—all engaged in different forms of activities.
“You’re pretty good at this,” Ann said at the image of the general crowd amidst pink trees. “Have you ever learned photography before?”
“My father was a journalist so we had a camera at home,” Ren replied. “I used to mess around with it.”
Ann made a non-committal comment. Then she pressed next, and she paused. Ren looked over her shoulder and found that she had arrived at the first picture of her: her body half-turned, face set in inquiry, framed by the pink sakura blossoms on each side. The crowd almost drowned her, but her blonde hair and floral shirt was enough to make her stand out—at least to him. 
He glanced at her, waited for her response, but Ann only clicked next, then next, and next again. 
“You really meant it when you said you’d get back at me ten fold,” she said at last, but her voice was quiet. She’d arrived at her grinning face, zoomed in and angled. The sun almost made her gleam blindingly bright. Ren wouldn’t tell her but he planned to print that shot and slip it in his wallet. 
“Aren’t I good?” he said in a forced smugness because Ann had become speechless. 
Her honesty made him pause. She cleared her throat, shook herself, then clicked next again. Except, they’d gotten to the last of his pictures and were now back at the beginning. A shot of a house front looked back at them. 
“Ah,” Ren said, reaching out to take the camera from her, “I think this is Sojiro’s. I haven’t taken much of a look.” A small lie, but it didn’t feel right to pry into another person’s memories. 
Ann looked at him. “Sojiro gave it to you knowing he still had some photos in it?”
“He didn’t seem too keen about it. But…” 
He glanced at Ann, who was searching his face inquiringly. The camera was technically his now, and Sojiro did allow him to look through the gallery. He decided to show her the source of his hesitancy, skipped the next several images until they came to the one that had frozen him. 
“Is that Futaba?” Ann said with a soft gasp. 
A younger Futaba, barely twelve, they guessed. Her hair was still black, but there were no mistaking the big round eyes and glasses. Then the woman behind her could only be Wakaba Isshiki. They recognized the sleek black hair, sharp features, and neat dress. 
Knowing the history between Sojiro and the Isshiki mother and daughter, there was no doubt the contents of the gallery would be private territory between Sojiro and his heart. And yet, the old coffee master had given him free rein on what to do with the camera as he saw fit. 
“Did you tell Sojiro about this?” Ann asked. 
“Couldn’t. He was avoiding it; wouldn’t even let his regulars tease him about it.” 
Yet Ren was curious; he couldn’t deny that. Perhaps they really were nothing much, as Sojiro had claimed. He pressed the next button, then the next, and again. 
What followed were a series of pictures of Wakaba and Futaba, sometimes together, other times alone. Feeding a stray cat, making curry, a trip to the park. The images felt warm, sincere. Even though Sojiro had claimed his feelings were one-sided, Ren could see how much the old man had meant to Wakaba. He doubted she would have been able to make such a bright smile had it been another person behind the camera. 
Ren clicked next, and it seemed they arrived at a video. 
“It’s so pretty!” A young Futaba ran across the screen; the camera desperately tried to follow her. 
“Be careful, Futaba! You’ll trip!” a familiar voice appeared—Sojiro. 
They spotted lanterns strung between sakura trees in full bloom. It was evening and the lanterns emitted a mesmerizing glow amidst the sea of flowers. Music echoed from the distance—drums. Laughter sounded nearby and the camera swiveled to the source. 
“You’re such a worrywart, Sojiro. Futaba will be all right,” Wakaba said. “It’s not often she gets to have fun like this.”
“Yes, but—” The camera shifted again. Ren scowled inwardly at the haphazard movements. 
Just then, Futaba fell, and Sojiro yelped. But Wakaba only laughed beside him. She rushed to the scene and helped her daughter stand up, murmured something to her, before both of them turned to the camera and Futaba called out with the biggest grin on her face, “Thanks for taking me here, Sojiro!”
They watched her run, watched as the camera trembled as it slowly, shakily, zoomed into Wakaba’s profile. She was watching her daughter frolic with the softest expression on her face. Then, as though she had just noticed the camera on her, she looked to her side and smiled. 
The video ended, and silence fell. 
Neither Ren nor Ann knew quite what to say. It felt like they had just glimpsed into the old man’s diary. Perhaps it was wrong of him to take the camera, but Sojiro clearly didn’t want it anymore. 
A million things popped to Ren’s mind—things he would like to say to his guardian—but the words died before they could reach his mouth. 
“This camera clearly holds important memories for Sojiro.” Ann broke the silence. “How could he throw it away?”
“He said that he doesn’t want it to collect dust.” Ren recalled what Sojiro had told him the night before. “That ‘she’ wouldn’t want it cooped up in a storage box.”
“She?” It clicked with her. “Did Wakaba give Sojiro this camera?”
“If that’s true, I can see why he doesn’t use it any longer.” 
Ann pursed her lips in consternation. “Should you give it back?”
“Honestly, I’ve thought about it but I think he gave it to me as a way to respect Wakaba’s memory. So that the camera can be put to good use.” Sojiro might not remember just what this little box of memories contained, but from what Ren had seen, it was clearly important. The video dated five years ago. He could transfer them, save them somewhere, then give them to him before he left. 
There were still several photos left before they’d reach his picture of Morgana from the night before, but Ren decided it was enough prying. He was about to shut it off when Ann spoke: 
“That’s Ueno Park—those lanterns. It’s the Sakura Festival.”
Ann told him of the Sakura Festival that Ueno Park would hold every year in its grounds. They’d have lanterns strung between the trees and music to decorate the day. Sometimes parades would come down the central path. But it seemed right now the festival wouldn’t be until a few days yet when the sakura had fully blossomed. 
She looked downcast, and Ren noted the melancholy in her tone as she said, “You would’ve been gone by then.” Now he knew why she had asked to visit Ueno Park today. 
“It’s really pretty—” Ann perked up, “—especially at night when the lanterns are all lit up. We may not be able to see it today but I guess now you’ve seen how it would’ve looked like.”
Her smile was tight; her eyes hollow. She really was bad at hiding her emotions. He looked at his camera. Sojiro’s video was still displayed on the screen. A warm, eerie glow painted the trees; the lanterns all frozen in time. Beautiful, and alluring. 
“Maybe we can see it someday.”
She looked up. 
“I mean, we’ll be third-years next term,” he went on. “If I can get into a good uni in Tokyo next year, I should think we’ll be able to meet like this again. And perhaps hold a proper hanami, too.”
Her eyes lit up. She held up her pinky finger. “Promise?”
At that, Ren laughed. “What are we—kids?”
“I want you to promise me that we’ll go flower-viewing together again.”
She looked quite adamant, though the blue of her eyes glinted with delight. Seeing no other recourse, Ren chuckled under his breath, then twined his little finger with hers, locking the promise into place. 
~ END ~
A/N: the part about his father being a journalist is an old hc I had that I kinda explored in another fic of mine
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andtheyreonfire · 1 year
Word Count: 2,328
AN: c’mon let’s do the sibling dance
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Ren asks, staring up at her.
Futaba grins, wobbling as she struggles to keep her balance on the small drone. It wasn’t meant for people her size, but there’s enough room for her to situate herself without falling off. The propellers won’t slash her body. She fiddles with the controller slanted across her lap, one of its joysticks almost as big as her hand. “Of course, noob. I memorized the instruction manual and everything. I'm fine.”
Not like it took her more than one glance, but she’ll let Ren forget about her freakishly large brain for a second. Ren tilts his head—and oh, man is it weird how he looks almost small from this angle. Ren’s finger has nothing on her up here, even if she’s only hovering a foot above him. “Is the drone even built for this?”
“Probably not.” Definitely not. Futaba flies closer to him anyways, shoving her foot in a crevice to keep her balance. “But if it can fit a camera, it can fit a Futaba. I'm not that heavy, dummy.”
“I never said you were—“ Ren steps forward. Usually, there’s some vibration from his footfalls, some reminder of how small she is, just from his steps. She’s too far above for anything to rumble through her. Is this what everyone else feels? Weird. “Just that I don’t want you to split your head open in my attic.”
Futaba grins, glasses glinting in the afternoon light. She maneuvers the drone to hover at Ren’s eye-level. Miku’s Grace, this is so cool. Staring him face-to-face in the real world makes her feel a little less like a key item.
Which isn’t to say she’s not the most specialist, damn important key item in the world, but it’s nice to not have to crane her neck back to talk to Sojiro’s charge.
She leans an elbow against one of the drone’s crevices, giving a smirk. She ignores how dark, massive eyes crinkle in concern. “Aw, do you care about wittle ‘ol me? I'll have you know, bucko, that I'm an alpha gamer male. I got this, okay? It’s just like being in the metaverse!”
Granted, she’s been in the metaverse for—what? A week? Whatever. Ren’s hands twitch at his side, and Futaba ignores that, too. “You’re not dangling over open air in the metaverse. Gravity's different, too. You might lose your balance.”
Futaba snipes back, “What do you know about balance? You wear heels, gayass—“
Or, at least, she tries to snipe back, but the moment she opens her mouth is the moment she loses her grip on the controller’s joystick. The drone jerks, throwing her out of her perch. She flails. The controller slides off her lap, and—
She’s in open air, solid ground gone but the one below her rapidly approaching. Futaba screams. Her joints lock up. Her stomach lurches. She squeezes her eyes shut and—
A warm, solid surface catches her. Futaba lands with an oof. She shudders, attempts to pull herself up, and collapses when her arms are too shaky to support her weight. Futaba opens her eyes.
She’s cradled in Ren’s palms, the older teen hunched over her like he can shield her from fall damage—hell, he already did. His eyes are blown wide behind his glasses, curly hair framing his shock. His shadow envelops her completely.
A single, massive finger brushes against Futaba’s side, softer than the brush of a wing. The drone lies on the floor, forgotten and probably more damaged than herself. Ren asks, “Are you okay?”
His hands tremble, just the slightest bit. Futaba doesn’t comment on it. He probably doesn’t even notice it over her shaking—Oh, that’s why her arms feel so wobbly. She forces out a, “Y—yeah, fine.”
Ren’s frowns. He glances at the drone corpse behind her, before turning back to the form in his hands. Even with his glasses, his eyes gleam with something intense. “Is anything bruised?”
Futaba shakes her head, arms tucked against herself. She’s fine, really, just...She feels more stable the longer she sits on something solid, even if that’s Ren’s hands.
But she’ll—she’ll get over it, just like she got over her mother, just like the got over the prospect of her guardian being twenty times her size, just like she got used to Ren. She can’t recall the last time she fell, but the constant fear is something she’s familiar with. She’s fine, she just...
She huddles into Ren’s hands. His gaze softens. The finger against her side moves to ruffle her hair, ever so gently, and she finds herself relaxing under the touch. “Let’s wait before doing that again, okay?” When she doesn’t respond, his voice quiets into a murmur, the sound reverberating through Futaba’s core. “You’re alright, I got you.”
And it’s—
It’s probably too early for her to call him brother, but, by Talos, if her mouth wasn’t halfway through forming the words before her brain catches up. She swallows, and feels the last bit of tension drain out of her body.
She’s safe, as long as Ren’s around. He’s got her.  
No matter what, Ren won’t let her fall.
All things considered, Futaba’s handling fighting monsters in an alternate dimension pretty well.
She adapts to her Persona like it was made for her—and, well, considering the whole I am thou monologue, it literally was. On the surface, the Metaverse is no different from an RPG. Shadows have strengths, weaknesses, and power levels that she could almost call stats. But there’s something real in every fight. They don’t operate in turns. A second could be the difference between life or death. Futaba’s gotta worry about fighting techniques and styles, how to use the environment in their favor. She finds herself strung along in the terrifying, exhilarating improv of combat.
—Mostly terrifying, though. Almost as terrifying as being the support to a group of teenagers. She was a hit with adults when she was younger, sure, but her peers? The difficulty spike always seemed just slightly out her grasp. That’s not even counting her size.
But—she’s adjusting. She doesn’t flinch anymore when someone approaches her. And just yesterday, she said five whole sentences to Haru! She doesn’t even know Haru! And Haru smiled and didn’t look at her in disgust or—anything! She’s doing so well.  
She hasn’t moved from her spot next to Ren’s head unless it’s an emergency.
They’re—she’s working on it. It’s on her list: be okay without you around. It’s just—the idea of hanging around this group is something that terrifies her more than the shadows. Ren probably should terrify her, with how...different he is in a mask. Her Necronomicon is roughly the size of a frisbee, herself as diminutive as always. He’s not a stranger—just quieter, focused, more of a leader. He expects them to be strong, but doesn’t hesitate to call things off when the fire burns too hot.
By Talos, will Futaba meet his standards. She swears it. They all do.
Just—give her a minute to remember how to talk to people. Please.
Right now, they’re engaged in a fight against a massive, blue elephant. Joker, Skull, Panther and Noir are up the front lines. Joker oscillates between healing and bless skills. Everyone else buzzes around him.
Futaba flies far enough that a stray attack won’t clock her in her non-existent nuts. She watches, biting her lip. Skull flags. Panther spends previous seconds to heal him, almost getting her head smashed in by a physical attack if not for a last-minute Makarakarn. The barrier Joker casts falls with a shimmer. The enemy swings its trunk around to sweep Noir off her legs the second it does.
They have a plan, Futaba knows it. She calls out weaknesses and warns for attacks when she can, but they’re flagging. This is a tough one. Futaba winces as Skull flies straight through a stack of crates.
She jerks Necronomicon closer. A wave of green light washes over the party—and if Joker continues like this, he and the thieves won’t have any SP left by the end of the fight. But if they don’t give it their all, then—
Joker cries out as an attack singes his arm. He grits his teeth, but Futaba can see the way his vision unfocuses—
She doesn’t have time to question when she flew so close to the battlefield before the elephant notices her. Its eyes narrow into something predatory. Futaba’s breath stops.
She jerks her fingers into action, retreating up as much as she can, but—they need this. A glance up shows the elephant’s barely swayed by the thieves’ counter-attack. She should turn tail and flee but this hack has low range and—
The elephant raises its trunk, just in time for Futaba to cast a heat riser on the party, before a curse attack strikes Necronomicon dead-on.
Someone screams her name. Joker, maybe, but it’s impossible to tell over the blaring of system alarms. The screens and organs of Necronomicon flash blood-red warnings, direct hits, critical fails.
Everything goes dark, and Futaba’s thrown out into violent weightlessness.
She falls.
She can’t see the world outside, but she can feel she the ground coming up to meet her. Maybe the Necronomicon will cushion her fall, maybe it will only harm her further. Mangled bodies of construction safety videos flash across her eyes like lightning, because what Futaba sees she never forgets and it’d be impossible to forget how fragile she is and how easy it is to—
She screams, stomach swooping and hair twisting around her as her hands scramble for something, anything, and—
She stops.
Her ship jerks forward, like it’s plummeting, only for its movement to slow into slight swaying. Her systems remain off, and she can’t see outside her ship, but she didn’t hear an impact and she’s—pretty sure she’d resemble a rage-quitter's PC if she did.
Futaba runs her hands over her barely-bruised body, latches onto her seat as the ship groans. She’s alive. The only thing that means is—
“Kougaon!” Booms a low, familiar voice, surrounding her like a blanket.
Despite the near-L experience, Futaba's heart slows down from its rabbit-fast pace.
A couple commands are given, but they’re surprisingly brief compared to Joker’s usual strategy. Every sentence reverberates around her like the world’s largest pair of surround-sound headphones. After a few minutes, the hold around her ship finally moves. Futaba doesn’t release her iron grip on her seat.
The sounds of battle fade, the Necronomicon sways like it’s being carried, before— “Futaba?”
“Joker,” she calls back, unsure if her comms still work. Probably not, but Joker must’ve heard her anyways, because something scrabbles against the ship’s manhole. Eventually, it pops off, and light floods into the small crevice.
Futaba, as shaky as an NPC clipping into the floor in a Bethesda game, lowers herself into Joker’s palm.
The mask is off. Yeah—he’s looming over her, leaning in far closer than he tends to initiate. His shadow envelops her completely. Necronomicon looks like a galaxy meal toy in his grip. But—Joker’s mask is off. His mask is only off while casting spells. Why is it off?
His gaze sweeps over her, lingering on every bruise, every disheveled part of her outfit. When he speaks, his voice is low, hesitant, almost choked. “Futaba, are you alright?”
Oh. That’s why.
Futaba jerks her head in a nod, before swallowing her pride and shaking it like a wet dog. Joker’s gloved fingers curl around her, surprisingly soft. The last time she’d been held by him in the metaverse was her palace. They’ve probably always been this soft, she just didn’t notice.
She doesn’t realize she’s shaking until Joker’s voice washes over her. “The others are finishing the battle. I’m going to heal you now, okay?”
Another nod. Sparks of green rain over Futaba’s body, and her bruises. Joker hesitates—Ren never hesitates, in the metaverse—before a warm, gentle weight rubs against her head.
It’s new, this whole situation is. And it—it’s soothing, for Futaba to lean into the touch, to grasp onto Joker’s glove like a lifeline, to know—
“I've got you,” Joker murmurs. His fingers shift to cradle around her, touch impossibly gentle. She sucks in a breath. “You’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?”
She shudders, again, and melts into Ren’s hands. The sound of the fight rages behind them. Futaba looks away. She could meet his gaze, if she wanted to, it’s just—something spills out before she can. “I’m sorry. I should’ve kept my distance. I know I can’t defend myself. I—I’m sorry.”
“We all make mistakes.” Ren’s fingers curl in closer. “You’ve barely been out on the field. It’s alright.”
She shakes her head. “That’s no excuse. I—I should’ve...”
“You saved us, Futaba.” He jerks his head towards the fight. The thieves knock down the elephant, before unleashing a final, all-out attack. Futaba watches as it disintegrates with a distorted cry. “You gave us the strength we needed. You had our back, so let us watch yours too, okay?”
Slowly, he brings her up to his face. With the battle over, Ren’s complete attention turns to Futaba. “Yeah, it was risky, and yeah, you got hurt. But let us defend you, alright? You’re far from the first of us to make a risky decision. No matter what, you’ve got us, too. All of us. We won’t let you fall.”
Her brother keeps her promises. He’ll catch her, just like he said he would. She’s safe. A small smile slips onto Futaba’s face. She turns back to the rest of the thieves, hand curling around the tip of Joker’s finger. They jog over to meet her, something worried yet relieved on their faces, hands still clutched around their weapons.
Maybe...they’ll be there to catch her, too.
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cyberrat · 3 months
85th Batch Of Fics: 1st Fill
Hanzo/Cassidy – Off Limits AU – cont B84F5 – body worship; somnophilia – Cassidy is back in Japan but the jetlag hits him hard.
Actually thinking on it, it hadn’t be all that hard to figure out how he wanted Deadlock to make up for their blunder. The actually difficult part is to come up with an explanation to his father as to what shipping Cassidy to Japan the second time in one year would actually do to benefit their clan.
Luckily, Sojiro does not ask. Hanzo tries to convince himself that that is because his father finally starts to trust him and his judgment with the family business – and isn’t that gross for this instance where he’s not thinking about family duties but only with his own dick – but can’t quite manage to do that.
The most likely scenario is that Sojiro is too busy with his own affairs and the added stress of Genji doing… well whatever Genji does.
He’s just glad that for now his father has taken the duty of taking care of his younger brother back into his own hands. It means Hanzo has a lot more time to focus on his own dealings with Deadlock. Make sure they understand that they can’t just fuck around with the Shimada.
By… taking their resident whore away from them and spending some time fucking around with him.
Hanzo’s throat grows tighter the longer he has to sit in his car waiting for the flight to finally arrive and his guards to escort Cassidy to him. His nice new conviction of ‘I don’t need this Alpha’ had flown out the window the second he had witnessed him pretty much ripping the throat out of that other Alpha.
He’s never seen himself as being easily swayed by feats like that; he’s grown up seeing his tutors do all kinds of wild dominance displays. But something about Cole being the one exploding in a violent fury and clearly drawing a line in the sand has been… well. It’s been eye opening. It’s been exciting.
He hasn’t been thinking about anything other than the fact that the whole time he’s been in the States, Cassidy has let him do all manner of shit to him. He’s let Hanzo bully him around in that airport bathroom and he’s let him play with his body when he’s been too exhausted to do shit.
It’s been all Cassidy being nice and docile. Wanting Hanzo to do those things to him.
In a way, at least. He’s not delusional enough to not factor in that this is Cassidy’s job and he’s been doing it for decades at this point.
Still, he’s never denied Hanzo anything and that did count toward something, right? Right.
“Fuck,” he hisses under his breath, pressing the heels of his hands into his eye sockets until stars explode in the darkness behind his eyelids. Who would have thought that this would become so difficult?
But then again – who would have thought that Hanzo would end up in this position in the first place… thinking about another Alpha and wondering just how long it would take to get his hands on his stinking hairy body aga-
There’s a soft rap against the tinted glass of his car window and a second later the door is opened and Cassidy’s face appears as his head is gently but firmly pushed down by one of Hanzo’s guards to make sure he wouldn’t knock into the frame.
He looks pale and tired; it’s probably for the best that they are especially careful with their cargo.
Hanzo can feel the impact of when Cassidy folds himself inside the car and finally lets his ass plop down into the expensive leather seats. It makes him feel unhinged how that one thing is making his heart beat faster and gets his blood to pump hotter through his veins. Like just witnessing how massive the other Alpha is is enough to get him to almost salivate.
Cassidy shoots him a crooked, yellow-toothed grin and drags one large hand across his face before drawling with a bone tired voice: “Howdy, partner. Lemme tell ya, flyin’ to Japan is no damn picnic.”
Hanzo has to curl his fingers into the finely pressed fabric of his slacks so he wouldn’t reach out for the other Alpha. It would not do to have their scents intermingle more than strictly necessary as they make their way toward their final destination.
“I trust that you have been taken good care of, though? I did pay extra to have you in a scent closed area.”
“Oh… that was you, was it? I thought they were just makin’ a mistake. Or maybe I smelled too strongly for ‘em. Yeah, that was mighty nice. Got some nice leg room in there.”
Hanzo scoffs, slowly relaxing the tight grip he has on his clothes as the first desperate need to grab the other is slowly easing off into a nice, vaguely hurting ache at the back of his mind. He glances at him from the corner of his eyes.
“I doubt they would have let you on there if you didn’t have a private cubicle. You do reek.”
“They did let me on the last time, pal. An’ I took a nice shower beforehand.”
He looks pleased with it for some reason, though; not really arguing the fact that he just exudes that Alpha scent that most other Alphas in polite society try to mask somewhat. Hanzo is customarily wearing an aftershave that takes off the sharper notes of Alpha musk, but Cassidy…
He looks like he delights in it. Maybe because he usually is among other Alphas and out and about anyway – but the more probable scenario is that he enjoys rubbing it into the other guy’s faces that, at the end of the day, they are fucking a fellow Alpha.
At least that is what Hanzo assumes. He can’t say that he knows Cassidy but he likes to think that he has gotten a bit better of a handle on him.
“So… where’re we goin’?”
Hanzo glances over to him. In all honesty, Cassidy sounds so bone tired that it is a surprise he’s even still awake. He has his chin braced on his fist and still his head is almost against the tinted car window.
“...We are driving toward a private location where you will be confined during your stay here.”
“Not at your manor or whatever the Hell it is you’re livin’?”
“...of course not.”
Cassidy tries to stay awake but he falls asleep within a couple minutes of the car gently moving. His head is sinking back, his body going slack, and a deep snore starting to rumble through the seating space of the car.
Hanzo stares at him from the corner of his eyes. The divider between him and the driver is dark to give him some privacy and even blocks off their scent, but it would be too risky to actually touch the other Alpha now… no matter how badly he wants to.
He realizes that it’s a lot easier to acknowledge when Cassidy is conked out. Maybe that is in part because he can simply do whatever the Hell he wants to him. It renders the other Alpha helpless, after all. Not that he would stand a chance in a fight against Hanzo… is what he would have thought if he hadn’t seen what Cassidy is capable of.
His heart beating faster, Hanzo leans forward, elbows on his knees, letting his head hang so he can breathe through the sudden rush of emotions. Not all bad. Not at all. But he is not used to this… turmoil.
He closes his eyes. When he inhales, all he can scent is Cassidy; thick and cloying on the back of his tongue. For once it is just his stink. Unadulterated Alpha, not cut through with the scents of others. It’s just… Cassidy.
He must have driven the airport personnel insane. He would not have been surprised if they had stuck him into one of those cubicles even without an express permission for it.
Had Cassidy enjoyed it? Had he reveled in the fact that for a few precious hours he’s been perceived not as a whore but as a stud Alpha that could have them all if he wanted? Maybe all the sweet little flight attendants had been tripping over themselves, eager to serve him. Maybe they had fought behind the scenes to get the privilege of slipping into the Apex Alpha’s cubicle and offer him more treats, more amusement, more… everything.
Hanzo swallows hard. His head swings around, staring at Cassidy. He can feel resentment building in him at this stupid little hypothetical that he’s been fantasizing up in his head.
He does not know whether that is actually what has happened, but in a way it would make sense. It would make sense for those Omegas and Betas to start swooning over a guy like Cassidy; a calm, quietly dominant Alpha with a good head on his shoulders.
Fuck Hanzo fell for that shit.
And it would make sense for Cassidy to enjoy it, too. To finally be able to stretch out and be waited on hand and foot with nobody any the wiser that he’s made it his calling in life to be dominated and fucked by anybody that could pay Deadlock moderately well for it.
Hanzo can feel jealousy creeping in at the edges, digging its sharp claws into him which is… entirely uncalled for.
Cassidy did nothing.
He shakes his head and rubs his hands over his face. This wasn’t how he imagined Cassidy’s trip to go. He does not want to stew in idiotic little dreams that may or may not have happened. What he does want… is to fuck around with another Alpha basically right under his father’s nose.
He wants to feel alive. He wants… to have fun.
Cassidy woke up to drag his heavy body out of the car and acknowledge the gorgeous surroundings with a low whistle through his crooked teeth, but he'd been stumbling toward the front door like a drunk man and not resisted when Hanzo pushed him into the bedroom and started undressing him.
His speech had been slurred to the point of complete incoherence, maybe offering Hanzo a good time or something, if his big hands loosely grabbing at him were any indication, but as soon as his body hit the actual bed, he’d been out like a light yet again.
Hanzo huffs, looking down at the big oaf. He’s only half undressed, so he just continues what he’s been doing. Now that there are no eyes on them anymore – he sent his guards away until he called for them – he can at least follow up on what he’s been wanting to do the entire time in the car.
Minus strangling Cassidy for things that he may or may not have ever done.
Cole does not even budge as he’s divested of shoes and socks and unceremoniously pushed until he flops onto his back. He’s completely out and from the look of it, he won’t be up for a while yet.
So he takes his time; opening that gaudy belt buckle and dragging the old leather through the hoops. He just holds it in his hand for a moment, feeling how heavy it is in his hands. How warm still from the other Alpha’s body.
The leather is cracked and looking like it is just hanging on for dear life, but the buckle is nice and shiny like Cole is taking care of it for some reason. It is a hideous thing and Hanzo has no idea whyever the other would keep it around… but it is clear that there is some form of sentimental value attached to it.
That, or Cassidy simply has a terrible sense of aesthetics.
Next, he opens his pants, swallowing thickly when the other’s belly can finally relax from being constricted. It must feel pretty good because Cassidy groans even in his sleep. There’s an angry red line beneath his gut which Hanzo absentmindedly rubs for him.
Why is the sight of this old Alpha’s hairy stomach so irresistible to him?
He wants to bite it. He wants to stuff his face into the crease and feel the trapped warmth of his body. He wants to put his cheek on Cassidy’s gut and close his eyes and listen to the sound of his intestines gurgling as he digests the airport cuisine. He wants to… He wants to dig his fingers in and feel the hard muscle beneath the layer of fat. Those strong worker muscles that he’s put to use when killing another Alpha in a matter of seconds.
He wants to feel what he and others can just naturally sense about this man. That he is an Apex Predator beneath his charming facade and that he’s got the power to show for it.
Hanzo closes his eyes and breathes through all of these feelings, sitting back and putting his loosely closed fists on his knees in some mock meditation.
Cassidy doesn’t care about Hanzo’s struggles against what he knows is acceptable through his father and society as a whole and his own blatant wants and needs. He just starts to stretch out, lifting his arms high above his head and grunting low and animalistic as he stretches the length of his spine before sagging once again into the mattress.
Hanzo watches him from the corner of his eyes until his snoring starts up again.
He truly… could have had so much more in life. Certainly where he came from; where above all else, they value brute strength, ruthlessness and that Alpha masculinity that Cassidy got in spades.
“Just… how?” Hanzo whispers as he twists once more toward the other. He reaches out one hand, placing it on Cassidy’s gut just underneath his belly button. He slowly moves his thumb back and forth, feeling the crisp hairs crinkling beneath his touch.
He can not deny his burning curiosity as to how Cassidy stumbled into this life all in all but he has a feeling that that will be one of the things he might never find an answer to. Cole has been reluctant to talk about it and it does not seem like he might be inclined any time soon to share some light on the matter.
Maybe he could force him…
but then again that wouldn’t be… ah… ideal. It would be efficient and satisfy his own violent nature, but even he understands that forcing someone to divulge their secrets is not something that happens in polite society. Certainly not something that one would do to a… friend.
Hanzo’s mouth twitches at that thought, his hand jerking away from Cassidy as if burned. He looks around the room, feeling restless suddenly, and stands up. He putters around for a bit, watching Cassidy sprawled out on the bed. The word keeps rattling around in his skull, making him feel supremely uncomfortable because he knows that it is… the truth.
The truth and also less than the truth.
Eventually, Hanzo does move back toward the older Alpha. He watches him for a while. There’s a voice in the back of his head sounding an awful lot like Genji, telling him that he is being creepy just staring at the other like that.
Yo, your autism is showing.
Hanzo jerks upright and looks around again. That one sounded like Genji had spoken right into his ear, but of course there is nobody around. He closes his eyes and moves his head from side to side, forcing his muscles to start and relax.
Finally, he leans a knee onto the mattress and starts to unbutton Cassidy’s shirt bit by bit. He slowly peels it apart, staring at a few faded tattoos and scars hidden beneath the thick hair everywhere. The tattoos look cheap and like they might have been the result of some dares or some drunken nights. He can’t see any real significance in them, at the very least – though maybe that is just some cultural divide between the two of them.
Still, he lightly brushes his fingers across them, feeling oddly… fond of their grotesque, shoddy lines.
It’s tricky to wrestle the other’s arms out of the sleeves of the shirt. He is not particularly trying to be careful but Cassidy sleeps through all of it.
Hanzo pauses once he has his left arm dragged out. He never noticed it before but in the light currently falling into the room he now can see a very faint white line on his skin. Holding Cassidy’s wrist and elbow, he leans closer in, slowly rotating the other’s arm as he tries to get a better look.
The line is running right around the circumference of the Alpha’s arm just underneath his elbow. He touches his finger to it, rubbing it back and forth across the fine white line. He can’t tell whether it is a tattoo or a scar. As far as he can tell, Cassidy does not have any other white ink tattoos , and he can feel a little… lip, maybe. So it had to be a a scar but from the look of it it eerily reminds him of the one circling the other’s cock.
The reminder of that clear castration attempt has the small hair on the back of Hanzo’s neck stand on end. He brushes his fingers along the line some more, then slowly sets Cassidy’s arm down on the bed. He wonders about it as he keeps undressing him.
There are a lot of scars littering his body but some are just far more cruel than others. The castration is one. This amputation attempt another.
The old Alpha groans and grunts a lot when he has to get up, something that Hanzo had only attributed to his age and him being a lazy bastard, but the more he looks at bite marks that clearly went viciously deep and shot wounds that look like they barely missed anything vital, he wonders just how much damage has been done to the other’s body over the years.
All of the scars are old; some probably older than Hanzo himself; so Cassidy probably has risen in the pecking order enough to no longer be used as a canvas for the crude knife doodles of some pack member, but still…
They are marks of a long life lived.
Once he has the Alpha finally naked, Hanzo starts to fold his clothes and puts them away to the side. To the other side of the room, that is. He somehow likes the thought of Cassidy not being able to cover himself up immediately. He likes the thought of him walking around naked and his strong Alpha body on display for Hanzo to watch.
He likes it, despite all the new things he’s found out about him. Or maybe because of them. Cassidy is… strong. Hanzo likes that.
A lot.
He pulls out his phone and checks what he’s missed over the past hour or so. It’s just a couple of texts from his father that, while not requiring his input on the matter, but simple his notice, put a sharp spike of adrenaline through him.
It reminds him that him being here… like this… with another Alpha is not something his father would approve of. To put it mildly.
That only excited him that much more.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
The Persona 5 Post-Mortem, Part Two: What I Did Like 8)
Okay let's talk about what I liked about Persona 5 Royal because despite tearing it a new one last post I think it did a lot of good things.
Joker is a great fucking character.
We made it, folks, we did it. We have a player-directed mostly silent protagonist who is just bursting with personality.
My biggest and loudest complaint about Persona 4 Golden was the protagonist. I felt like he was such a blank, empty void that the game frequently had to compensate for the space he should have filled.
Joker was the perfect answer to almost everything. He was vibrant, funny, heartfelt, and kind of a bitch. He had force of personality. There was backstory to him that drove the story. Instead of "grey dude staying in small town for a year, no further details available" we had
"Do-gooder gets framed for assault and is forced out of his small hometown, moving to Fucking Tokyo to attend a prestigious but strict high school, all while being told at every turn to make himself small, to not make waves lest he fuck up his life more. He tries to do as he's told but his desire to push back and protect people gets him in trouble almost immediately."
P4MC gets involved in the Inaba murder mystery because he fell in a TV; Yosuke is the one with personal motivation to start with. Joker gets involved in the Metaverse because he's genuinely motivated to help people and push back against authority. If you took out the personas, the wild cards, the supernatural element of this story, Joker would still be an interesting person and something would have happened to him regardless.
Joker also is much more than a passive observer to the plot. He is a catalyst. He is inherently wrapped up in the central conflict. He's a showoff, he has a vicious grin when he's pulled off something clever, he's actually a Trickster. He's a fucking character!
And while he is player-directed, Joker absolutely, genuinely has his own motivations separate from player control. He has attachments that the player doesn't decide for him, and in Royal it becomes the most shocking moment of the game.
There is more authorship to Joker, and he is not just the player's avatar. There was zero reason for P4MC to be gender locked because he was almost entirely built from the player's projection. Joker succeeds by being his own person who the player is guiding.
The secondary cast of the game is frequently very good.
Hot take: I think Sojiro is a better character than at least half of the Thieves. He's more complex, has more gravity, and feels like a part of the world in the way the literal main cast often does not.
And it's not just Sojiro. I think the non-teammate SLinks in P5R are broadly speaking much better than the previous games. Yeah, I am annoyed at how much Atlus just cannot stop writing grizzly sad dads while keeping single moms off camera, but. i cannot deny that the actual characters we get are good.
Sojiro, Maruki, Kawakami, Tae, Iwai, Toranosuke, even Mishima who I hated as a person but have to admit he was an interesting link. Compared to previous Persona games, I was more interested and invested in more SLinks in this game than in P3 and P4. And honestly I don't think any were Actively Terrible like, say, P3's Hanged Man or P4's Devil.
I think this is aided by how varied the SLinks are. Many of the SLinks in P3 and P4 are other students, and that kind of limited what stories they could tell, imo. In P5R, we have an ex-yakuza gun nut who adopted an abandoned child, a fairly unethical disgraced doctor who is trying to test a new drug, a failed politician who still believes in governance of the people-- these are interesting! They're good! Not to be flippant but they're better than "yet another classmate, but this one is Wacky because X reason."
Living in digital Tokyo was honestly a delight.
Okay yes I have some complaints about the lack of localization in P5R's environments and how the lack of context really hurt a few sections of this game and I really stand by that.
HOWEVER, as someone with a dear friend and penpal in Tokyo, it was... honestly really nice to explore the city as much as the game let me. One of the real joys of the game was just experiencing a simulacrum of that space for a year. I got a laugh out of the POLLEN WARNING!!!! days and how similar they are to my own days in Georgia. And as someone who has never lived in a city and only academically understands how they are laid out and function, just exploring busy streets was fun.
A few times, i skipped using the Fast Travel menu just to walk to the various places I needed to visit.
I loved Kichijoji the most. 8) And the little moments when i recognized a place (my gasp of delight at the FIRST TIME I saw Shinjuku!!!), that was fun because learning the layout of Tokyo gave all those locations more of a sense of scale and place.
Inaba was frankly very similar to my own super small midwestern town in America. Digital Tokyo was a new experience I really enjoyed.
Morgana was a talking cat that slept in Joker's school desk and rode around in his bag.
Enough fucking said. As someone who is not a dog person, it's nice to finally have a game for the Cat People. Finally some goddamn representation.
Yes, I think Joker faking his own death and Yaldaboath as the final boss were messy as hell, BUT...... they were stylish.
I could (and have) sat here and poked holes in these sequences, the two Huge Setpieces that anchor the game. We all know by now that both are messy as hell, don't make a lot of sense, and don't really hold up to scrutiny.
However: unlike the Izanami reveal in P4G which Just Sucked (and I will never stop mocking), these flawed climaxes are smoothed over by the full tilt all-in bombast employed.
They were fun enough to make me go "well, I can't be mad at every damn thing." Which is something.
The Third Semester/Royal Content.
This probably needs to be its own post, because it is dense enough to be its own game and singlehandedly saved Persona 5.
Part Three soonish!
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haejjoon · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons w ex machina in regards to how the whole chase-and-tease thing between akira and akechi are gonna go w the parallel of phantom thief lwader versus detective (one scene from the og game would be the "welcome home honey" scene)
sorry anon i am working thru these one at a time 😭😭 been off tumblr for a good bit.
headcanons, headcanons.... honestly i'm surprised its taken this long for someone to ask regarding my plans for them since it IS tagged akeshu, but it's also a very slow burn so i suppose there's that HDKSJH
i think that the chase-and-tease is very prevalent (and integral to akeshu's dynamic) so i'm very excited to explore their typical roles swapped!! as of right now they're caught up in a literal chase—akechi avoids akira like the plague, and akira hunts him down for sport LOL (not on purpose though. it really has been a series of fateful coincidences; thanks a lot, yaldy)
i think what i'll have most fun with is exploring the "tease" part. both of them know much more than the other is letting on, and part of the enjoyment is watching them snipe at each other while keeping their defenses so high. while in-canon we don't get to see it as in depth as we could (since we're only shown the ""twist"" at the time akiren's plan's already come to fruition) i'll definitely have a lot of fun picking that apart in swap.
in terms of specific scenes, though. "welcome home honey" will probably stay; i can see akira saying it to akechi with a shit eating grin on his face. i already drew out small comics for their billiards games, but to recap: akira intentionally throws the games, and akechi refuses to use his left hand. only when akira shows his true strength will akechi respect his opponent and show off his true hand.
akira also just hangs out at leblanc a lot. despite living and working there part time, akechi is shit at coffee and curry (loses his patience often and just doesn't have the Barista's Touch) and so akira likes to hang around and show him up, makes coffee beautifully. sojiro asks akira if he'd live out in the attic instead. akechi pretends not to care that akira's better at him at this (god he so does.)
other than coffee/curry though, akechi beats akira at pretty much everything he challenges him to, though a lot of it's attributed to akira never really rising to the challenge. akechi puts his all into beating him and akira puts up a decent fight, but ultimately loses, again and again, because as fucked up as it sounds he knows that serving akechi's ego is what'll keep akira around. but over time, akira holds back less and becomes more and more invested into their little competitions—chess, darts, billiards, arcade games, batting, debates—and realizes that oh, oh, he likes this. he likes that akechi forces him to fight. it's fun, and it's dangerous, and he's in way too fucking deep by the time november rolls around because as much as he wants to fight against akechi fair and square, how is he supposed to oppose the whims of the masters of the game? he's just the pawn who pulls the trigger, and he prays for dear life that his standard bad luck (curse affinity) will fuck with the gamemasters for good. he's a trickster no matter what universe he's plopped in, huh.
anyway thank you so much for the ask anon <333 and im so sorry i'm only getting to you now!!
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karliahs · 5 months
guys i'm playing the royal third semester for the first time and i like it SO much
i think i have been grinning for like 3 hours straight now, this is all so JUICY. like i've enjoyed my replay but idk i wasn't expecting to be this into the new (for me) content!
the absolute fucking comedy of akechi taking over doing the battle commentary. and he's just. an absolute loon. practically dripping villain energy. cannot stop screaming about bloodshed. and yoshizawa is just there like hm so? this is fine? he is just? like that? all the time? and we're all fine with it?? joker? joker tell me this is fine?
honestly post-villainy villain content is truly top tier in every iteration. tbh i started out inherently biased against akechi bc of sheer fandom oversaturation but i am eating all this up so contentedly. look at that little freak go
i just played the bad ending to see what it was like and also bc this was the first bad ending offshoot where i could genuinely see ren as i imagine him being tempted to take the deal and omggggg. everything about it is so much but i can't believe sojiro asking ren to stay at leblanc after the year ends is part of his canonical dream reality? i have so many thoughts about ren defining himself around his friends and being unable to continue on with what he thinks is right when it seems like they'll be happier if he doesn't. and akechi watching this happen when he did a whole plot based on the idea that the PTs would fall apart without joker...and it turning out that joker falls apart without the PTs...OOF
i was spoiled for the core part of the sumire/kasumi stuff but even then i still managed to get surprised bc i had assumed that like...everyone thought sumire was kasumi? like that she was fully pretending to be kasumi/pretending that sumire was the one who died and everyone believed her? so it did manage to genuinely get me when i fucking realised that EVERYONE ELSE has been calling her yoshizawa-san the whole time...fuck
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1121: Extraterrestrial Date Night (Persona 5 x Sonic x Bayonetta)
8:23 p.m. at the LeBlanc Café.......
Futuba: Nyheheheheheheheheheheheee!~
Morgana: (Watches Futuba Giggles at her Computer Along With Lavenza and Omega) There goes that laugh again.......
Lavenza: I wonder what has gotten her to a laughing fit?
Omega: Perhaps a new video game that peaked her interest, has been announced?
Morgana: (Shakes his Head) Nah. That's whenever she does her "Ah-Ha!~" laugh. Her "Nyhehehehe!~" laugh is more on thr line of her scheming something. (Shivers a Bit) And I'm already dreading on finding out.....
Lavenza: Yes, me too......(Smiles Brightly) Shall we play Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide which loser gets to ask her?~
Morgana: (Shrugs) Sure.
Omega: Affirmative.
Morgana/Lavenza/Omega: Rock. Paper. Scissors. SHOOT!
Morgana gets Rock while Lavenza and Omega both gets Paper.
Lavenza: (Happily Cheers) V for Victory!~ (Gives Omega Double Hi-Fives)
Omega: Victory obtained.
Morgana: ('Groans in Defeat') Dang it! Thought I had it that time.....
Omega: (Points at Morgana) You assumed wrong, human, feline hybrid!
Lavenza: (Places her Hand on Top of Mona's Woth a Reassuring Smile in her Face) You've put up a valulent effort and we couldn't be any prouder. (Gives Mona a Peck on the Cheek)
Morgana: (Rolls his Eyes While Blushing a Little) Yeah, yeah, let's get this over with already......Hey, Futuba?
Futuba: (Turns to Morgana with Gremlin Like Grin on her Face) Yes?~
Morgana: Mind telling us why you were laughing like that?
Futuba: Ohhh it's nothing too special~ Just the fact that I've found myself the BESTEST NEWS OF EXIST!~ (Shows the Trio A NEWS Article on her Laptop) CHECK IT!
Omega: (Leans Himself Closer to the Screen and Reads Out Loud the Following) Alien Lifeforms on Plain Sight: Sources stated that they have witnessed an extraterrestrial being located at a plain, empty grass field, far away from Shiyuba City.
Futuba: (Now Forms a Bright, Cheeky Grin on her Face) That's right, Lady and Gents!~ Aliens exist in our world and we are SO BACK BABY!~
Sojiro: (Walks Out From the Kitchen) Aliens? I thought they already debunked those kinds of news stories?
Futuba: Perhaps....Or maybe they want you all to BELIEVE they're fake to prolong the truth of their existence!!
Morgana: (Raises an Eyebrow) You're really gonna believe every word that news article says?
Futuba: (Turns to her Kitty Bro) Uh DOY! It's one of the most trusted news site every crafted on the internet!
Lavenza: Umm....Futuba-Chan. (Shows Futuba Something She's Pointing at on her Laptop) You might want to see this.
Futuba: (Straighten Up Her Glasses and Takes a Look at What Lavenza) Please note that this article in particular is 90%- (Eyes Begins to Widened in Complete Shock) INACCURATE TO THE SOURCE MATERIAL!? I WAS LIED TO!?
Sojiro: (Takes a Look at Article as Well) Seems like it. I don't even think the alien in that photo looks real to be frank with you
Omega: Your theory correct. (Points at What Else is on the Screen) Take a look at the visible watermark below.
Futuba: Photo taken in 2009- (Closes her Laptop Down in Frustration) That's it, I'm done. My disappointment is immeasurable and the rest of my evening is now ruined!
'Door Opens and Bells Ringing'
Tae: (Walks into the Café Along with her Girlfriend, Sae Niijima) Salutations, my fellow coffee enjoyers~
Futuba: (Immediately Smiles Brightly Again) Nevermind. My evening's now saved. (Got Up From her Seat and Greets the Couple) Welcome to our lovely establishment there, lovebirds!~
Sae: (Casually Rolls her Eyes) Hello to you too, Futuba-San. I take it you're doing well tonight.
Futuba: (Shakes her Hand Back and Forward to the Side) Ehh....Somewhat. (Crosses her Arms While Pouting) It WAS going great till I found out one of the most reliable news source was nothing but money grubbing liars!
Morgana: We just found out that the latest aliens related news was just another hoax.
Lavenza: Which is a shame really. I wouldn't particularly mind seeing one in real life.
Tae: (Smiles Softly) Same. It's already been one of my dreams to examine one up close. Maybe even dissect it for good measures.
Futuba: Right!? (Eyes Begins to Sparkle in Excitement) That would've been sooo cool to see!~
Morgana: That sounds more messy if anything....
Sae: And potentially dangerous. Their bodies could be made out if the poisonous acid for all we know.
Tae: True. But I'm sure the process will go smoothly so as long as I proceed with precise caution. (Turns to Sae With a Playful Smirk on her Face) Why? You worry about little ol me?~
Sae: (Turns Away While Crossing her Arms Together) ('Scoffs') As if. I was just....(Blushes a Little) Making sure you know what you're doing is all.
Tae: (Gently Tilts Sae's Chin Back to her Viewpoint) Which I appericate very much, my sweet honey pie~
Sae: You better~
The two ladies share a simple, yet very loving kiss on the lips together.
Futuba: HOHOHOLD ON NOW!~ (Forms a Her Signature Gremlin Grin on her Face) Sweet Honey Pie?~
Sae: (Sighs While Facepalming Herself) And so it begins.....
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly) Is it a nickname of sorts?~
Tae: Yep. It's one of the many nicknames I've given to her as of late. (Chuckles Lightly) She gets real excited when call her "My Empress"~
Sae: (Immediately Glares at her Girlfriend While Blushing Bright Red) D-Don't tell them that!!
Morgana: (Forms a Cheeky Grin on his Face) Empress you say?~
Sojiro: (Chuckles Lightly) You are definitely Makoto's sister alright.
Tae: What? Does the Guinea Pig calls her that too?
Futuba: Nah. He calls her his Queen. Even treated her as one too.
Tae: Really?~ (Turns to Sae) And you're fine with that?
Sae: It always managed to put a smile on her face, so I'll allow it. For now.
Futuba: You know, I've been wondering this for a while now, but why do you always call Ren-Ren your Guinea Pig?
Omega: Was he a test subject of any kind?
Futuba: ('Gasps') An extraterrestrial test subject?~
Tae: (Snickers a Bit) Far from it. He's been helping out around the clinic 'till it was time for him to graduate. (Smiles Softly) Despite his wise cracking antics, he's still turned out to he fine young man at the end of day. Kinda makes me wonder what he been up to right now.....
Sojiro: He's a bartender in training.
Tae: Really now? I didn't know he was interested in that type of profession.
Sojiro: I don't think any of us did either. (Smiles Softly as Well) But he's been doing a pretty good job there so far, so I couldn't co-
A giant ring suddenly appears inside the café revealing a bruised, slightly messy Ren Amimaya walking out it.
Ren: 'Sup, my peeps.
Lavenza: (Let's Out a Loud Gasps as She Covers Her Mouth in Horror)
Futuba/Morgana: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock Along with Everyone Else in the Room) REN!?
Sae: Oh my god!
Sojiro: What the hell happened to you!?
Ren: (Rubs the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I got dragged into my very first bar fight. I was doing fine holding my own, protecting the fort amd what have you, 'til some big, round guy with horns came right out of nowhere and sucker punched me hard enough to send me flying towards the counter, making me break almost every expensive bottles of wine and any other alcoholic beverages were hanging up there. ('Sigh') Some of them reeks of being expired for decades now......(Notices the Very Worried Looks Staring at Him Right Now) B-But that's okay! I'm back home, slightly fucked up, but I'm safe now and Uncle Rodin is handling the matter right now as we speak.
Ren grunts a bit in pain as he steps aside and shows everyone a portal recording of Rodin ruthlessly beating down the big horned demon to the ground on the other side of the Dimensional Ring.
Rodin then let's out a demonic, rage-induced scream as transforms into his devil form before ring suddenly begins to reduce back to it's normal, tiny size, ending the transmission call completely.
Ren: (Puts on an Awkward, Yet Reassuring Smile on his Face) See? Everything' handle.
Ren: (Smile Falters into a Frown) This won't convincing you guys to stop worrying, will it?
Tae: Honey, you came out of a giant ring, beaten up, I don't think that's anything to get over that's easily. But that's neither here or there right now. We need to patch you up.
Sojiro: (Nodded in Agreement) That's exactly what I've been thinking. (Turn to the Two Kids Beside Him) Mona, Lavenza, come help find the first-aid in the back for us to use.
Morgana/Lavenza: Yes sir! (Follows Sojiro to the Back Room of the Café)
Futuba: I wanna help out too.... Have you eaten anything before you've gotten here, Ren-Ren?
Ren: I ate a bag of beef jerky on my lunch break, but other than that, I haven't eaten anything else yet.
Futuba: (Puts on a Determined Look on her Face) That won't do at all! (Turns to her Robot Companion) Omega-kun, come with me! We're making some curry tonight!
Sojiro: (Still in the Back) Don't go near that stove until we find the kit, young lady!
Futuba: Right after Sojiro comes back with the kit!
Omega: (Salutes to Futuba) Direct order received.
Ren: Look, guys, relax for sec, alright? I'll be just fi-INE!? (Suddenly Gets Pick Up into Sae's Arms)
Sae: (Gives Ren a Soft, Sisterly Glare) And we're going to make sure we keep it that that. (Accidently Sniff the Smell of Alcohol Drenched in Ren's Clothes and Instantly Regrets It) Ugh....You weren't kidding when you reek of expire alcohol beverages
Ren: ('Sigh') Yeah, I need a shower.....
Tae: And a new pair of clothes. Are there any in your room, wherever that is?
Ren: The bath and my old room are upstairs right next to each other and I think there's some inside the drawers. Been a while since I've worn any of them, but I think it'll still fit me. Hopefully.
Tae: Then upstairs we go then. Try not to break your back when you start climbing up there, okay 'hon?
Sae: (Simply Nodded to her Girlfriend) I'll be careful.
Ren: (Eyes Begins to Widened in Genuine Surprise) Wait. (Points at Sae) You? (Then Points at Tae) And her-
Sae: (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) Are dating? Yes we are. Now let's get you situated already.
To Be Continued
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