#like so painfully 16 its not funny
vveakfish · 1 year
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Kon getting scruffed like a kitten… if u even care
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anki-of-beleriand · 8 months
Bad Liar ch. 18
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - Mentions of Natasha/Maria being married
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - violence - mentios of abused and sexual assault - idiots in love - violence - suggestive themes - drama - angst - fluff
Author's note: The world had changed, and Wanda finally had a chance to show you and tell you how much she loves you and how much you had changed her life for the better.
Well, guys, this is the end.
I surely hope you guys like this chapter as much as I love writing it, and that in general you love the story. I wanted to give you a closure to what had happened and to how the story of both, Reader and Wanda would unfold, but I also wanted to give you a glimpse of the future so. Hope you enjoy the read! Thank you to all of you who stay to the very end, it was quite amazing to have you with me all this time.
Please rmemeber English is not my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes, hope you like this one.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Wishing upon a shooting star
Now and Forever
Time was a funny concept.
After the incident with Vision and Agatha, the world continued its slow travelled into a new year and the normality of life. But for you and your family, it became a painfully slow process in which you had to face many decisions and harsh realities. In the last couple of days, you had tried to make everything work, you made sure not only America but Wanda and the twins had the support they needed to continue on, while also dealing with the legal affairs involving Vision.
Everything had been a part of your life and how you were building up from scratch what had been put in jeopardy in a matter of hours.
Still, you and Wanda endure, and you couldn’t help but fell more in love with the woman that had been picking up her pieces while being everything you and her children needed. You massaged your neck tiredly, the house was completely alone and Wanda and the twins were still out somewhere with Natasha and Maria.
At least that was what she had said to you when you asked for her companionship to your appointment with the doctor. It had been a strange day, a very lonely day in which you had been left alone with your thoughts and emotions.
You whistled glancing around your living room before directing your attention to the stairs, America had long gone somewhere with Kate and you regretted not having agreed to her and her idea of joining you at the hospital. With a heavy sigh, and some tiredness you made your way upstairs ready to take a shower.
Of course, noting could had prepared you for what you found there.
The room was completely empty.
You stepped forward until your eyes fell upon the clothes that had been neatly organized on your bed. Right on top of your favourite trousers there was a single note with your name on it, you recognized America’s messy handwriting and you couldn’t help but smile at the words she had left written on the piece of paper.
Today is finally the day!
Wanda has been planning this for a very long time, and since I am very amazing sister, and sister-in-law, I decided to give her a hand.
I choose your favourite clothes and left everything ready for you to get dress and ready for your date with Wanda. You and her both deserve this time, and I think it would be the perfect time to just be yourself and talk about everything but what had happened lately. Please, be happy. I will take the twins to Kate’s place and you two will have the rest of the afternoon and the night for yourselves. Please, just write to me and make sure you enjoy the date.
Love, the best sister in the world (me)
Your smile only grew knowing in the last couple of days America had been completely secretive though always offering hints of how much you were going to love the surprised. Wanda had been holding her secrets just as tightly, and by the time Friday finally arrived you were really dying to know what Wanda had prepared.
“Very well, one hour before Wanda is here,” you mumbled to yourself letting your eyes wandered around to check your clothes. With a wince, you left your backpack and the jacket on a chair and went to the bathroom.
You couldn’t help but gasped at the sheer pain you felt running through your arm, leaving the sling to the side and helping yourself out of your clothes. Your reflection blinked back at you, the wound on your left arm was still red, and fresh, pulsating from time to time reminding you not only of the cold winter days, but of what had almost happened two weeks ago.
With a frown, and a shake of your head you turned around getting the bath ready.
Today was about you and Wanda and whatever it was she had prepared for you, there was no time to think anything sad or regretful. With a smile on your face, you put on some music and decided to get ready for the woman that had already captured your heart.
A deep void of anticipation settled on your lower abdomen and you could hardly wait to see Wanda again.
You glanced at your reflection with a critical eye.
America had put together the suit your dad had chosen for your first official meeting in the company. Your lips curled lightly, it had been a while since you last used those Chino pants, or that blazer, but it was your favourite one because of how it made you look. How it made you feel. You smiled fixing your left arm to rest comfortably on your midsection, the blazer and pants tailored fit complementing your body form with the dark colours you favoured so much. 
You found your eyes in your reflection, your body tingling with anticipation and a void expanding on your abdomen. Your heart shrank with emotion, when you recalled Wanda's eyes on you, her smile and the sweet timbre of her voice. If you were to be honest you didn't know when you felt for her, when you lowered your guard and allowed this woman and her children to take home in your heart. You just knew that one day, her smile took your breath away and her eyes on you made your heart fluttered with want.
The mobile on your bed vibrated several times, you furrowed your brows grabbing the phone while reading the message. You smirked, you turned around and went directly to the first floor making sure you had your wallet and keys on you. The moment you opened the door your throat went dry, 
She stood by your door wearing a single, dark blue dress pressed around her horse but loose around the waist. There was a black coat on her, with her hair straightened up and light make-up glistening on her face. She smiled shyly at you, her eyes taking in your frame before they settled in your eyes, her cheeks wore a dust of red you were familiar with.
“Hey.” She greeted tentatively dipping her head while looking away for a moment.
You shook your head, blinking a couple of times before stepping forward.
Wanda leaned back, her tongue playing with her lips with her hands closing tightly around the purse she had borrowed. 
“You look beautiful.” You finally stuttered out, your face warming up when those green eyes fell on you once more. 
Wanda put a strand of hair behind her ear, her smile softening leaning into the touch of your hand on her arm.
“You look good, too.” She replied and you were quite relieved you were not the only one incapable of speaking properly at the moment.
“Only good?” You asked teasingly, Wanda opened her eyes, shaking her head.
“You look amazing.” She finally stated, rolling her eyes when you just chuckled.
“Amazing, eh?”
“You always look good,” Wanda lifted her hand and put it on top of yours, “are you ready?”
You stepped out of your house closing the door behind you, you grabbed her hand placing a kiss on her knuckles with a single winked that made Wanda falter for a moment.
“I'm all ready for you, Princess. I'm also very excited to know where you are taking me, and what you have planned for today.”
You couldn't hide the excitement in your voice, you bounced on your feet while Wanda merely shook her head pointing to the car. 
“It's still a surprise and as such, you are going to be asked to wear a blindfold.” 
You cocked a brow at her, your lips curling playfully.
“Kinky.” You chuckled when Wanda slapped you playfully on the back, she rolled her eyes but you could tell she was blushing profusely.
“Come on, we have reservations.”
Wanda started walking down the lane but stopped when your hand closed around her forearm. She turned confused, her eyes finding yours and the seriousness of your expression made her turn completely to face you. 
“We cannot go like this, you know?” You shook your head, but Wanda merely creased her brows tilting her head.
Whatever question she had, or whatever she was going to say was soon cut by your lips finding hers in a slow, tentative kiss. Her breath caught in her throat, and you just loved the way she tilted her head placing her hands on your forearms giving into the kiss while opening her mouth with her tongue teasingly playing with yours. You smiled into the kiss, sowing down until your forehead was resting against hers. Both breathing hard, flustered with lips swollen from the kissing.
“Are you…are you happy now?” Wanda asked and her voice, while still recovering, suddenly was huskier than ever.
You nodded, placing a sweet peck on her cheek, stepping back before you couldn't contain yourself.
“Yep, now we can go.”
The ride to your destination was a silent event.
The silence was filled with music and conversation about your doctor’s recommendations for the physical therapy and Wanda’s care of her throat. You had leaned back against the eat, with a smile playing on your lips while you gave the woman sitting beside you a trust you rarely placed in anybody else.
When the car finally stopped, your stomach was squirming deliciously and your heart was jumping with anticipation of what was going to happen. You waited until a warm hand placed itself on your leg, your body tense leaning in to follow the voice of Wanda.
“I thought very hard on this, you know?” Wanda was speaking softly, with her voice filled with memory and something you couldn’t quite name, “I’ve been going through so many changes, and when I was finally getting to know myself I met you.”
You cracked a smile leaning your head without being able to see but sensing Wanda’s eyes on you.
“That was one hell of a first good impression?”
Wanda snorted, her hand clenched tenderly around your knee.
“No, I hated you.” This time around you could tell she was not joking, but her voice merely softened. “I hated what you made me feel, I felt vulnerable but at the same time there was this horde of butterflies on my stomach and my chest was always tight and throbbing…it was infuriating. It was confusing.”
You lifted your right hand; your movements were slow and tentative waiting to see if Wanda would stop your advances but she never did so. By the time you took off the blindfold, you could see the face of the other woman looking right outside the parking lot of a big, black building. Wanda let out a breathy sigh, it came right from her chest and by the time her green eyes found yours your heart skipped a beat.
“I wasn’t sure as to what I was experimenting until…” Wanda shrugged, “until I told Hope, then everything make sense.”
“Was it the first time you…” your question caught in your throat, there were many things you wanted to ask, furrowing your brows you realised there were certain details about Wanda you had yet to see, you had yet to know.
Fixing your position on the seat, this time around it was you the one facing her while the building stood like a shadow in front of you.
“Was it the first time a woman flirt with you?” You asked tentatively, Wanda nodded tilting her head until she was locking her eyes with you.
“It was the first time I actually admit to liking a woman, Y/N.” Wanda then softened her features, her hand seeking yours, “today I want to make it special, I want for you to know and to feel just how much you mean to me. I…I may be slow with words, but I don’t want you to think I am not experiencing the same emotions as you do.”
Your lips broke into a half smile, you leaned forward until your lips were on her ear. Wanda shivered her eyes fluttering close as you spoke.
“I love you.” It was a simple whisper, three words you had gotten used to tell the other woman with every single ounce of honestly you could show her.
“I know.” Wanda replied back turning her face until your lips and hers were brushing against one another, you snorted shaking your head.
“Very well, Han Solo, where are we?”
Wanda furrowed her brows scrunching up her nose the very same way the twins usually did when confused. You chuckled tucking her locks behind her ear.
“What did you call me?” She asked tentatively leaning back, you raised a single brow.
“You know? Han Solo? Star Wars? Princess Leia?”
Wanda shrugged shaking her head, her eyes twinkling in silent laughter at the face of pure mock disbelief you were wearing at the moment. It was as if you were genuinely offended by her lack of knowledge for what you were saying.
“God, as soon as this is over you and I are going home to see the movies, the original ones before I settled on letting you see the full saga.” You commented opening the door of the car.
Wanda followed your actions, but just before the both of you left the warmness of the car she decided to speak.
“Funny, I thought that after we left this place you and I could be doing something totally different once we were home. I was dying to know what else you could do with that mouth of yours.”
The young woman smirked closing the car door behind her and walking down the parking lot, her cheeks were a witness of her embarrassment but her heart fluttered happily when she heard your cursed and gasp. The door closing with a loud thud, while your footsteps hurried up behind her.
The night promise to be fun.
The main entranced had been decorated with silvery banners announcing the newest show, the doors were closed and a single sign to the left showed the place had been closed hours ago. You furrowed your brows; it was until the both of you had been standing closed to it that you realized you were in the Natural Museum and the Stark Planetarium. The place was huge and it had been built just outside the city to make it possible for the observatory to get easiest access to a clear sky.  Your eyes lighted up leaning in to observed inside the glassed doors, Wanda stood by your side writing something on her phone while waiting patiently with you.
“How did you know?” You asked leaning back, Wanda shifted her weight from one feet to the other facing you with a soft smile.
“I did pay attention when you helped the twins with their homework, and I did my investigation to make sure I wouldn’t get this wrong.” Wanda stepped closer to you positioning herself on your right side so she could grab your hand in hers. “I want this date to be special.”
“Being with you is what makes this date special.” You pecked her cheek, and Wanda just shook her head.
“You’re such a sweet talker.”
“Nah, I’m just saying the truth.”
Soon the doors were opened and a single guard opened the doors, he smiled at the both of you while passing a set of keys to Wanda giving her silent instructions as to where they should go and which parts were off limits for the both of you. You observed as the young woman listened carefully, she took the map the man was giving her while also pointing to something on the tablet he was holding. Your heart skipped a beat thinking of all the things she had done, if only to get you to where you two were at the moment ready to enjoy the strangest date you had ever been to.
“Very well, we’re not allow to disturb the rest of the exhibitions so let’s see, I think it’s down here.”
“Lead the way, my lady, I am but a humble peasant at your mercy.”
Wanda chuckled grabbing your hand dragging you through the corridors, it was only the both of you and the sound of your footsteps disturbed the silent scene spreading before your eyes. You had been in that place several times through your youth and adulthood; it was one of your favourite places in the whole world and you had a sneaking suspicion this part of the date had been America’s contribution.
“No way…” you whispered this time around walking faster until it was you the one dragging Wanda behind you, your smile grew just as you turned around and found the planetarium had been fixed in such a way that right in the middle of the ground there was a single table with two chairs.
You had been there when your father was helping around on the renovations, at that time you were but eight years old, but the idea behind these new arrangements was to make camping-like scenario for some of the youngest people that would fill the place in the future. The idea was to make of this dome of the most accurate and real in the whole country. 
Let’s make it feel as if they were actually outside, watching the stars above their heads on a nice, summer night.
Your face broke into a nostalgic smile as the words of your father filled your mind.
Wanda took a deep breath her hand squeezing yours tenderly, her heart beating fast just as you let go while strolling around the place. The planetarium was located on the west wing of the building, it was the biggest in the east coast and it usually held some of the most important films about astronomy and history in the whole country. The projection dome was done with neutral colours with a LED system that came along with the latest technology for audio and special effects. It had been a couple of years since you last were inside the Domo and finding yourself in the midst of such a place only brough a bubble of happiness that spread all through your senses.
Everything was already set up, and the lights that were lighting up the place were just centred on the single table with two chairs right in the middle of the room. Instead of the normal chairs that were placed around the theatre, you found yourself looking at a scene that never thought possible and you knew right there and there of all the effort that Wanda had taken that very first time to give you the perfect date.
“Do you…do you like it?” Wanda finally broke the silence approaching you with a tentative stare in her eyes, she approached the table signalling the cutlery with the table, the glasses of wine and the single bottle resting on a small side table inside a bucket filled with ice.
You turned to the woman standing beside you, it was quite incredible that even after all she had done there was still some trepidation in her features, the nervous picking of her fingers while she tried to offer explanations of how everything came to be. Of the careful planning she did to make sure everything would be ready, that everything would be there on time.
You stopped her tirade just as she was about to tell you she chose as the main course had been lasagne accompanied by a white wine.
Wanda got her words tangled in her throat, her lips trembling lightly until she lifted her arms to return your hug. For the very first time, after what happened in New Year and the process of recovery you and Wanda allowed the comfort of a single hug.
“This is amazing.” You whispered making sure she could feel everything you were experimenting at the moment.
Wanda closed her eyes, taking in the sweet aroma of your perfume and surrendering to the warm of your body. You leaned back, brushing your fingers on her hair while taking in the marks on her eyes and the tentativeness behind her stare.
“Nobody had done this before, you know?”
“Really?” Wanda asked right away, you shook your head. Wanda pursed her lips stepping back a little.
“You don’t have to say that, you know?”
You furrowed your brows seeking her eyes with yours until she couldn’t look away from you.
“I mean it, Wands. I’ve been in many dates some of them were unique in the way the presented themselves, but…well, this…” You lifted your eyes to the dome stretching your arms while twirling around, “having someone worry enough to make something I like? Not many did, and not in the way I was expecting.”
“Well, I just thought…” Wanda turned around when the gates of the theatre opened and there came a couple of waitresses bringing over the food.
You grabbed Wanda’s hand leaning in to place a single kiss on her knuckles, the young woman rolled her eyes at your gesture but took it for what it was.
“Let’s eat, and discuss this, my lady.”
“Let me help you out.” Wanda replied walking fast to the closest chair pulling it out waiting for you to sit.
You grinned taking the chair while Wanda too the one right in front of you, the two young men worked was placing the plates filled with food while also serving the wine and leaving two glasses of water as well.
Everything was perfect, the smell of the fresh lasagne filled your nostrils and it was quite evident you couldn’t shake the smile adorning your features. Wanda puffed out her chest, a sense of pride overcame her knowing she had made it possible for you to not lose your smile or relaxed posture.
“This is delicious,” you moaned while tasting the food, Wanda blushed glancing at the food while nodding in agreement. “God you bought it in Olympia, didn’t you?”
“Yep, Ajak was very kind to offer the services of the waitress and the food and actually all the things you see here.”
“You really outdo yourself with the date, Wanda.”
Wanda lifted her face taking in your frame, she smiled going back to her food.
“I really wanted to make this special for you.” Wanda grabbed her wine frowning her brows for a moment, “I never thought I could be this special with anyone, let out feel like this for someone else.”
You focused on the food, but soon you noticed the sweet melody of a familiar song playing in the speakers inside the dome. Your eyes lighted up turning to Wanda who was offering a tiny smile, she really had thought about everything.
“Very well, what’s your ideal date?” You asked all of a sudden, Wanda was taken aback for a moment blinking at the randomness of the question.
“My ideal date?”
“Yep, you just said you couldn’t imagine being this special, but you are special, Wanda. Perhaps, you were never given the chance, but I know you must have something inside your head that cold be define as the perfect one.”
Wanda chewed on her lower lip, narrowing her eyes for a moment before leaning in.
“I have always thought that a walked down a beautiful part, or forest leading to a lake is an ideal date.” She stated thoughtfully, “mom used to take Pietro and me to this beautiful forest near the city back home, she always told us the stories of her youth, and I always thought that would be the perfect place to have a date or a marriage proposal.”
You nodded pursing your lips impressed, Wanda then turned to you her eyes gleaming strangely.
“How about yours?”
You opened your eyes blinking a couple of times before leaning over, “I have to say, this one? It’s at the top five of my favourite dates ever.”
Wanda made a face of disbelief but you stopped her with a gesture of your hand, you drank some wine shaking your head.
“I mean it.” You declared strongly, “I love history, and I love everything that has to do with museums and books, if you want to win my heart, this is the perfect spot to start over. But I would say the perfect date would be on Prague’s Strahov library. Now, that would be quite the adventure.”
The conversation soon flew the same way it did before the incident, you caught Wanda giving in while leaving the stress on her shoulders ease out and her expression relaxed while the conversation grew around the topics she handled well. You never lied to her, while you had your share amount of dates usually they involved other type of activities that, why you liked them at a time, they hardly related with one of your passions.
Laughter filled the planetarium; the acoustics of the place made it easy for the sound to be enhanced. The conversation grew around different topics, and soon whatever happened in the past, whatever physical wounds the both of you carried still were forgotten.
And it was in that moment you remembered why you fell in love with Wanda.
“Thank you, this was delicious.” You glanced at the waitress smiling gently at her, the young woman flushed returning the smile until she caught the glare coming from Wanda.
“I will bring the desert.” The young woman picked up the last of the dishes and hurried out of the place.
You cocked a brow at Wanda who had not stopped following the other woman with her glare, when she returned her attention to you it was only to find your amused smile adorning your features.
“Jealous much?” You chuckled when Wanda clicked her tongue looking away.
“Should I be?”
This time around you did laugh at the absurdity of the comment, Wanda rolled her eyes sending you a withering stare before huffing and crossing her arms. You waited until the dessert had been served and another bottle of wine was brought, this time around the rest of the lights went out and there was only a single one left to create a foggy atmosphere around the centre of the room.
“I think you are adorable when jealous.” You stood up serving the wine, you knew Wanda was following you with her eyes but for now you focused your attention to the task at hand. “I still remember that time in which you saw me and Carol, there is something utterly cute about it.”
“I’m not jealous, and I don’t think being jealous counts as adorable. Or cute.”
You clicked your tongue shaking your head, the glass was soon filled with the red beverage on the bottle. You passed the glass to Wanda who received it, the glint in her eyes told you she was enjoying the changed in the topic. Or perhaps, what she was enjoying was your attention. You nodded to her mobile taking your glass in your hands.
“They give you control of the room, didn’t they?”
Wanda pursed her lips glancing at her phone while nodding.
“Mr. Stark taught me the basics, and how to make sure that everything was perfect for the show.” Wanda mumbled, she gasped when you grabbed the phone seeking the app where Wanda was trying to handle the dome.
“You took my playlist, didn’t you?” This time around there was a hint of affection tainting your voice, Wanda nodded as if it was obvious.
“I wanted this to be about you.” She mumbled well aware that your eyes were now on her.
“Let’s make this about you and me, then.” You ran your thumb around the playlist until you found the song you were looking for. Your mouth broke into a smirk, and the sudden glint of mischief that appeared in your eyes made Wanda winced.
“What are you thinking?”
You left your glass of wine, stretching your hand to Wanda who took it without thinking it twice.
“Dance with me, my love.”
Wanda looked away with a tiny smile on her lips, her cheeks burning up while she started shivering under your hold. You stepped closer waiting for the song to start, your body moulding perfectly against Wanda’s one.
“I trust you know how to dance, Wands?”
“I…I know the basics.” She replied locking her eyes with you.
“Then, let me stir you around the curves.” You winked at her, loving the sound of her laughter.
The sound of the trumpet was the first thing that came into the speakers, and soon the music formed around the voice of Elle Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Wanda snickered gasping when you twirled her around before pressing her body to yours, the dance started slowly with you just swinging around.
“Why that song?” Wanda finally asked, you shrugged with memory written in your eyes.
“Mom used to listen to it, America’s mom.” You clarified, “her mother used Elle to perfect her English when they first came here.”
Wanda nodded leaning closer, her arms sneaking around the nape of your neck. You wiggled your eyebrows bringing another chuckled from the young woman.
“And she taught you how to dance?”
“Mom used to teach us as well,” Wanda rested her forehead against yours, “ours was more classical, but still it was nice. She was a little obsess of making me be a debutant, and Pietro a escort in the traditional sense.”
Wanda furrowed her brows at the memory, but whatever memory came with it soon was forgotten and replaced with a content smile.
“It was actually nice, and I enjoyed it greatly.”
“I would love to dance something classical, any song in mind?” You asked tentatively, Wanda opened her eyes a little taken aback by your inquiry.
“You want to? Really?”
“Yeah, I do.”
Wanda tilted her head thinking for a moment until the song finished and the both of you stood in the middle of the room just looking at one another. The young woman leaned in kissing you tentatively, when she parted from you your heart was already trembling under the sheer passion she shared through the kiss.
“No, perhaps later, right now I want to keep spoiling you.”
Not sooner had she said this, Wanda turned around making her way to the futons resting on the floor. She fixed them with care, full aware of your curious eyes on her; woman made sure to take her jacket off of her and fix everything so the both of you could rest comfortably on the floor.
“What else did you plan?” You finally asked approaching her with the same amount of curiosity, Wanda was smiling shrugging lightly.
“You’ll see, don’t be impatient.” Wanda hesitated for a moment before turning to you, “do you mind serving the wine and bring it over?”
“Not at all.” With one last glance you turned to the table ready to serve the wine when all of a sudden the lights went out.
You froze on the spot, lifting your head to see if perhaps it had been a malfunction in the system or there was something else involved. Soon, you could feel the breeze touching your heated face, the small resounding of drums that went increasing until music of ancient design filled the room and a single dot of white appeared on the far edge of the screen crossing the dome above your head like a shooting star.
You gasped turning around to see Wanda smiling at you, she had dismissed her heels and her coat approaching you while the music transformed into a soothing melody. She locked her eyes with yours, and while you couldn’t see it, you could feel her trembling hands on your blazer helping you out of it while fixing the posture of your sling.
No words were needed it when those fingers worked around the bottoms of your shirt and then she took you to the futons she had fixed on the ground. With a stretch out hand, you allowed her to direct you to the ground almost chocking on your spit when she knelt in front of you taking your shoes off of you.
“Wanda…” You couldn’t keep the silence, but your voice sounded strangled almost fearful to break the spell the both of you seemed to be in.
“This is about you.” She replied simply, crawling to you her lips found yours in the sweetest of kisses the both of you had shared so far.
You found yourself on your back, those lips dancing with yours in a silent invitation. Your heart was beating hard, you were sure the sound of the drums had long ago been replaced by the sound of your heart. Your put your open hand on the back of Wanda’s neck putting her closer until you were on your back and she was almost on top of you.
“I love you.” Wanda all but whisper in your ear, her face almost hidden in the crook of your neck while her warm breath caressed the skin behind your ear.
There was a moment of silence, your heart finally stopped while you registered those words coming from her. You never expected Wanda to say those three words any time soon, you understood the kind of pressure she had been in, and the life she had been living before meeting you. Hell, the amount of time the both of you had known each other wouldn’t give you both enough time to say such a deep declaration, yet you couldn’t deny what you had been feeling for the woman hovering above you at the moment.
Your eyes found those emerald ones, the affection she had always shown you was there gleaming with hope. She waited with her lips swollen, and a dust of pink on her cheeks; Wanda leaned in her nose playing with yours while her eyes closed to engrave the moment in her mind.
“I love you.” She said it again, this time around louder, stronger and you knew she meant it. Every single word.
Your eyes flickered soon to the screen above your head, this time around everything changed and it was as if the both of you were right outside. The night sky was gleaming above your head, with a million started twinkling merrily at you, the start gliding slowly until the movement of the starts start speeding up and soon everything changed and the first constellations came upon the screen.
Wanda could see the stars reflecting in your eyes, she was very careful with her weight always favouring your right side. Her lips curled into a smile when your face lit up with glee at the sight above your head; she remembered the first time she asked for help. America and Hope had been so sure about their proposal that Wanda couldn’t say no, but she opted to add some of the things she had learned from you in those conversations in the middle of the night.
“I love you, too.” You finally replied back, this time around those eyes were filled with affection and completely focused on Wanda.
The young woman dipped her head turning on her side until she was resting right beside you, her hand sneaking comfortably around your midsection.
“I’m sorry it took me this long to say it,” Wanda started but before you could reply she shot you a quick glance shaking her head, “you had been my saviour in so many ways. You can imagine where I was when I first met you.”
“I was a bitch on that meeting.” You recalled, but Wanda merely chuckled nodding.
“You were and I hated you for that.” Wanda turned to you never losing her smile or the affection in her voice, “and then I got to know you and I was…confused. You were making me feel so much, in so little time, and I was afraid.”
Wanda snuggled closer to you, “I’m not afraid anymore, and after thinking about it I realized I love you. As in, I’m in love with you, Y/N, and I don’t think I can stop my heart right now…”
“Why would you stop it?” You inquired turning on your side, wincing when you put some stressed on your left arm.
“I don’t know, what if…”
You leaned in kissing Wanda before she could finish her sentence, Wanda giggled welcoming the kiss before making sure you were back on your back instead of putting some unnecessary stress on your arm.
“Don’t think about the what ifs, Wanda.” You nodded to the sky above your heads, the music had changed into winds and cords, and the story of the first constellations came to be right in front of your eyes.
“I know it is too soon, still. That there is a lot to work on, but if you allowed it…I will be by your side until the last start in the sky had been consume by time.”
Wanda leaned closer to you, her face hidden once more by your neck though this time around you could feel her lips on your neck.
“How do you do it? How can you say such things and make me tremble until there is nothing else but you?”
“It’s a gift.” You chuckled when Wanda lifted her face rolling her eyes.
“I want to be with you, for as long as you want me, Y/N.”
“Then, let’s be together.” You sneaked your arm around her putting her on top of you, “let’s be a family and see where it goes.”
“I love you, and I just wanted to make sure you knew it.” Wanda insisted, you nodded pecking her nose.
“I know.”
“I wanted to make of this night something special,” Wanda said her hand lifting to cup your face and soon her fingers started dancing down your jaw to your neck to the open shirt. For you it was soon evident what she meant, and while she tried to look confident in what she was doing you could see the flash of uncertainty in her eyes.
Her hand was trembling, whatever expertise she had tried to show soon vanished when you realized she was getting closer to your chest.
“You don’t have to…you know?” You could see the glint of hesitation in her green eyes, Wanda clenched them closed in frustration. “Hey, Wands…look at me.”
It took a moment, but then she lifted her eyes and soon she was looking right at you.
“I don’t need sex to know I love you and that my heart is already yours, Wands. And I don’t need you to prove it to me; Wands whenever you are ready I’ll be here more than happy to make you scream in passion.”
Wanda gasped this time around her blush grew from her chest all the way to her cheeks, she tried to look away from you but you made it impossible for her to do so. Your wounded arm finding her face in a single caress.
“How can you be so understanding? God, I just…” Wanda leaned against your touch, “I feel foolish.”
“Never, Love, I just know… and I’m not in any hurry, whenever you are ready, I’ll be ready as well.”
Wanda sighed and whatever tension had been building around her left her body, this time around, when she kissed you she did it with the promise of the future. She laid down by your side, and soon she focused her stare on the stars above your head.
“I love it, this moment just you and me…”
“I thought we need it, you have been amazing with the twins but…” Wanda trailed off shrugging, “I think we were also needing this time to know one another. To actually share in an alone time.”
You smiled nodding your agreement, her hand found yours and soon your fingers intertwined with hers. The stars danced above your heads, and soon your voice joined the music and the different scenes playing with the constellations. You filled in the gaps with the stories you recognized, with Wanda asking questions or helping in the narration until soon you two were talking about mythology and reality.
“I wish this night would never end,” Wanda whispered glancing at the projection of the stars above her head, the show was about to end and she couldn’t help but voice what she had been experimenting in her heart.
“It doesn’t have to be over.” You replied turning to Wanda, the other woman furrowed her brows and you pressed your lips together turning on your side so you were facing her.
“Someday, right?” Wanda replied locking her eyes with yours.
She smiled snuggling closer to you, “for now I wouldn’t say no to you sleeping with me, I mean without…I…”
You snickered placing a kiss on her forehead, “I know.”
“Did you imagine this will end like this?” Wanda finally asked, her eyes focusing on the sky above her head.
“No, I imagine it will start like this.” You glanced at the same stars, the same shooting star you saw at the beginning gleaming in the distance ready to travel through the sky.
“What do you mean?” Wanda scrunched up her nose, you placed a single kiss on her forehead nodding to the sky.
“I imagine this is how my relationship with you will start, and that after today we just ready to face the new challenges this relationship may bring.” You shrugged glancing down at Wanda, “I’ve been in love before, but…with you? It feels right, as if I was waiting for you.”
Wanda opened her eyes lightly before her expression softened.
“I realised that when…when you stood by my side regardless of my past.” Wanda rested her head on your shoulder, “I think this is the first time I have been in love and, I want you to be the only one.”
“well, love, you have a shooting star to make your wishes a reality.” You pointed to the screen and soon the shooting star crossed the dome and the show was over.
“what did you wish for?” Wanda inquired turning to you, you winked at her nuzzling her nose with yours.
“It’s a secret.”
“That’s not fair! You know what I ask for!”
“I do?” You furrowed your brows, Wanda nodded looking away for a moment before locking her eyes with yours.
“I wish for you to be my one and only love.”
You were shocked for a moment, but soon you answered to such words by kissing Wanda softly.
“And you?” Wanda finally said once you parted from the kiss.
“Me? Well, love, you will have to wait.” You smirked when Wanda seemed indignant at your declaration.
“Oh, come on!”
You pocked her nose, leaning in to kiss her pouting face away.
“Nu-uh, Princess, patience is a virtue, and I know you will know what I wish for with time.”
Wanda groaned in mock frustration, she was about to stand up but her hand grabbed her phone and soon a new projection started in the dome. You raised a single eyebrow when Wanda pinned you to the futon, her lips curling into a mischievous smile.
“Well, then, meanwhile I will just do the second part of my wish.”
“Second part?” Wanda nodded leaning in.
“Yep, I wish to kiss you, and show you how much I love you, how much I thank the skies for having me given the opportunity of meeting you.” Wanda then leaned closer to your face, “I wish to kiss you until the story above our heads is no more and the only option you have is to take me home and spend the night with me.”
“Then, my lady, allow me to make those wishes a reality.”
Their laughter soon filled the dome, and it came accompanied by a sudden gasp and the sound of kissing and playful banter.
Wanda never imagined that her decision to leave Vision would end up with her finding herself, while in the process getting a job and making new friends. Not even in her wildest dreams did Wanda imagine that she would come across someone like you that, for the very first moment create a lasting impression on her to the point Wanda decided to explore the relationship.
Her past had finally stayed in the past, with Vision in jail and her getting the full custody of her children, Wanda now was sure she could secure her future while at the same time seek out the peace and happiness she so desperately needed. Now, with you kissing her slowly while sharing a moment of pure, and unrestrained happiness, Wanda knew that every single decision she had taken had led her to that moment, it had led her to you.
And she didn’t regret it.
With you, Wanda understood that she didn’t need to lie to herself, that she didn’t need to hide or to run. With you, Wanda discovered she could be herself and finally give in.
To be loved, and to love.
That was all that matter.
Three years later
Morning had arrived with a bright sun, and no clouds in the sky.
You served the coffee while glancing out the window, the sound of running footsteps brought a smile to your face knowing that the holidays were the perfect opportunity for the twins to break havoc. No sooner had you thought this, Billy and Tommy came through the door wearing the baggy pants and the t-shirt they had chosen to wear that day.
“Morning, Y/N!” Billy came to you wrapping his arms on your midsection before going to the fridge, Tommy chuckled sitting down on the stool waiting until Billy brought two glasses and set the orange juice on the table.
“You guys have a lot of energy for a Monday morning.” You hummed when they shook their heads innocently.
“Nu-uh, just…America told us she would take us to the lake.” Tommy said shrugging.
“And, we haven’t said anything about…you know.” Billy mumbled looking around the room before settling his eyes on you, “so we thought you would be happy to know we will be out of your hair today!”
You chuckled ruffling his hair affectionately, setting your coffee on the table while serving the orange juice to the boys.
They had grown a great deal and now at seven they were far smarter than you or even Wanda gave them credit for. Three years ago, you never thought possible to fall in love again, nor did you thought whatever started as a tentative relationship would end up being the best that happened to you. You glanced at the boys that started talking animatedly while mentioning the different places America and Kate were supposed to taken them to, you smiled knowing your sister adored them and was about ready to do whatever they wanted as long as she got to spend some time to them.
You sighed leaning against the counter taking a long sip from the coffee, in the last years a lot of things had changed in your life. America had finally found her passion, she had decided to pursue a career in international affairs and her path led her directly into one of the most important universities in Europe, which ended up with Kate studying a couple of miles away from her. Whatever had started as a school crush, it had developed into a serious relationship that both of them had dealt with maturity.
You had finally gotten the time you needed to organise the business, and while your presence was always required when important matters arise, you had taken it upon yourself to be in charge of the development section of the company. It was easier, and it gave you the time you needed to spend with Wanda and the children.
The sound of childish argument brough a smile into your face, soon you caught the well-known voice of your girlfriend and your heat melt right away when Wanda appeared behind the hall wearing a familiar frown while placing her hands on her hips.
“Okay, you two, stop this argument right now or there won’t be any outing with America.”
“Yes, mum!” The twins said at the same time focusing on their beverages.
You locked your eyes with Wanda, your lips curling into a smile while the woman softened completely making her way to where you were standing casually. She leaned in pecking your lips while stealing your mug.
“Morning.” You whispered wrapping your arm around her hips, she giggled leaning forward before accepting a deeper kiss.
“Ugh, mom!”
You finished the kiss turning to them, “I will hold you to this moment when you guys bring over your partners home and decided to kiss them in front of us.”
“I would never be this corny!”
You chuckled rolling your eyes, Wanda leaned in kissing you one more time before going to the coffee maker and serving another cup of coffee. You glanced at your watch knowing America would be there any moment now, your heart beating a tad bit faster while the heavy void you had felt on your lower abdomen increased and your chest tightened at what you had planned for the day.
Tommy and Billy glanced at one another before placing their hands on their mouth and snickering, you mock glared at them and the sudden exchanged didn’t go amiss to Wanda. The young woman narrowed her eyes standing right beside you.
“Okay, what is it?” She asked, and her suspicions only grew when the three of you answered at the same time.
You glanced at the twins, the three of you started laughing while Wanda softened her features. Even if she got curious, and a little wary, she couldn’t help but love these moments in which you and the twins would behave like a family. Once she had given in, you became the light of her life, your smile and your occurrences were always a source of amusement and tenderness, and the twins had come to love you in ways Wanda thought would be difficult to do so. They accept you faster than what she thought, and ever since that day after the planetarium you and her had been together in the good, the bad, the ugly and the pretty.
“You guys…” Wanda started but whatever she was going to say was cut short by a knock on the door.
“Save by the bell, guys! That must be America, love.” You gave Wanda a quick peck on her lips before running towards the door, once more the twins looked at one another before holding back their snickers.
“Okay, what is it?”
“Nu-uh, mom, it’s a secret!” Tommy said emptying the glass in a single sip.
“We promised not to say anything, mom.” Billy continued shrugging before approaching Wanda and offering her a hug, “but I love you!”
Wanda narrowed her eyes hugging Billy back, “I love you too, both of you.”
“Hey!! Where are my favourite guys in the whole world?!”
America stretched her arms to welcome Billy and Tommy, Kate rolled her eyes moving past them with a smile to greet Wanda. Wanda chuckled when their attention turned to Kate, America approached her wrapping her arms around the young woman.
“Ugh, I missed you so much, Wands! How’s everything? My sister still giving you trouble?”
“Hey! I never gave her any trouble, did I?” You pouted standing beside Wanda, the other woman shook her head putting you closer to her.
“Never, my love, you are a well-behaved girlfriend whenever you and the twins are not playing to break havoc.” Wanda pecked your lips turning to America. “Everything is perfect, but I have a feeling my girlfriend and my sons are planning something I should know about.”
This times around America opened her eyes with her mouth hanging opened, Kate gasped and the twins put their hands on their mouths. You snorted rolling your eyes, with this level of secrecy it was a surprised Wanda had not really discovered what you had planned for her that day.
“No, I mean there is no…Oh, look at the time, guys are you ready?” Kate babbled looking around while trying to evade any interaction with Wanda who had her eyes on her.
America snorted softening her stare while her girlfriend took the twins to their room, she then turned to Wanda who had a single eyebrow lifted waiting for an explanation she would not receive. At least, not from America.
“Don’t look at me, I’m just a passerby ready to take the twins on an adventure of a lifetime.” She said lifting her arms, Wanda snorted turning to you.
“You know, sooner or later I will find out your secrets?”
“I’m counting on it, Wands.” You whispered leaning in to kiss her, “now, how about you go and take a bath and I help America around.”
Wanda nodded dreamily, she gave you a quick smile before turning to America and giving the young woman another hug.
“It is good to see you again, America, see you tonight at dinner, right?”
“Yeo, we will be there!” America glanced at Wanda walking away, she waited until she was pretty sure Wanda had left before turning to you. “Well?”
“Well? You’re the one who should tell me if everything is ready!” You whispered harshly at your sister glancing down the corridor before settling your eyes on America.
The young woman rolled her eyes, but her lips played a familiar smile while she tapped something on her phone. Soon you were giving a fine idea of what she had prepared with the help of Kate and your friends; it had been hard at first to get what you needed to make of that day special. Your face lit up completely, and America could see the ghost of a smile on your lips while your eyes scanned the images she had store on her phone.
When you first shared with America your intentions, the young woman had been excited. In the last couple of years, she had seen the love between you and Wanda grow in something completely different. It was not the same relationship you shared with Shuri, and certainly it wasn’t the same type of relationship Wanda had shared with Jarvis. The both of you had been the best that could happen to the other, Wanda had learnt to love and be love, to trust in herself while also trust in the affection others held for her. You learnt to let go and to actually trust in the person beside you, you got to see how Wanda was ready to be a part of your life without losing her own little universe with the twins.
It had been a rocky path, there were fights, and sometimes it was quite difficult to fight against the demons of the past. But, America knew, if it hadn’t been because of the deep love you two felt for one another, the relationship would have been over years ago.
“I think she will love it, and I’m just…” America trailed off before offering you a quick hug, “I think this is amazing.”
You sighed putting your hand inside your pocket, the squared box resting inside your pocket.
“Thank you, this looks amazing.” You glanced at the hall before turning to America, “at what time you think we can go over there?”
“Mmm, I would say the best would be around 4pm, we will be there waiting for you so…” America waved her hands excited, “God, I can’t hardly wait, please tell me if anything happens.”
“I will, Kiddo, thank you.” You wrapped your arms around her, “I really missed you.”
“I missed you too.” America chuckled when she caught the excited chatter of the twins and Kate coming over, “now, I will take them off of your plate for a while, we will have time to get up to date, for now, go!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You watched as they left in the midst of laughter and light conversation, your hand sneaking inside your pocket putting out the black box you had bought a long time ago. Your heart skipped a beat, your hand clenching tightly around it ready to give the next step in your relationship with Wanda. Your lips broke into a tender smile, the memories of the last three years filling up your mind with determination and love.
You put the box away turning to see Wanda approaching you slowly, the swinging of her hips and that flirty smile she wore made your mouth go dry and your lower abdomen tingled with anticipation.
“Yes?” You asked, Wanda came to you chewing on her lower lip playfully.
“Since the kids are gone, and you and I are alone, I thought…we could shower together, don’t you think?” This was said in a low, husky tone, her lips wrapping around your earlobe while her hands sneaked inside your shirt.
“I think…you have a wicked mind, Wands.” You replied, but before Wanda could do or said anything else you took her in your arms crashing your lips to hers.
Needless to say, you and she left the home later than what you should, but the both of you had satiated the thirst you had for one another.  Love evident in your faces, as you walked around the city hand by hand.
The country of Sokovia was a beautiful land with a rich past and a colourful landscape.
Wanda had been excited when you announced the trip, not really believing you were going to comply with her wishes until you present her with the four plane tickets. By the time you four had arrived at the city of Novi Grad, Wanda had been completely excited telling you and her children all about her hometown. She spoke of the difficult times they had lived, and the wonderful things the new government had done to fix the mistakes of the past.
Billy and Tommy had been avid listeners, and they had started talking to Wanda and to you in sokovian while Wanda was just completely happy with the development on their vacations. You had been just happy to see her smile, to see the excitement in her eyes when she pointed to all the places she remembered.
“I still can believe you brought me here.” Wanda said sitting down on the table right outside a beautiful balcony looking at the far away mountains covering half of the city.
“Why not?” You replied taking the menu with a smile, “if anything, I should be sorry for taking so long, but you know? Life has been getting in the way, and I wanted for you to have time to enjoy this place.”
Wanda didn’t know how you did it, the way you were always giving it your all to make her happy. She leaned forward placing her hand on top of yours.
“This is perfect, and it’s the perfect time.”
You smiled back at her, looking at the menu while glancing at the watch on your wrist. You were getting restless as the time for the main event approached; Wanda was looking at her menu pursing her lips before returning her attention to you.
“Can I order something for you? There is something in here I want you to try out…” She trailed off glancing away for a moment, a shadow crossing her eyes, “it is something mom used to cook for me and Pietro and I just…”
“I would love to, Wands. Go ahead, you’re the expert so we will do as you said.” You replied closing the menu, you waited until the food had been ordered before leaning forward playing with Wanda’s fingers.
“You know? Now that you mentioned this about the food, I remember the story you told me once.”
“Which one?” Wanda furrowed her brows blinking away while trying to remember.
“The one about the forest, is around here, isn’t it?”
The way her eyes opened wide, and her whole face lit up made your heart skipped a beat. You couldn’t take your eyes off of her as she turned around trying to point out the direction in which the forest was located.
“Yes! Oh, I can believe you remember…”
“I remembered everything you tell me, love.” You replied, and it was the tone of voice you used what made Wanda turned to you with narrowed eyes, you softened your features offering a reassuring smile to her.
“I always make the effort to have it in my mind so I can make sure to bring happiness to you, to see the very same expression you are wearing at the moment.”
Wanda turned her head away, her cheeks burning bright red while she smiled tenderly at your words. Even after all this time you still got to make her feel so self-conscious of the love you profess to her.
“I love you for that.” Wanda finally said, and you smiled back at her winking.
“Well, what about you and I go over there after lunch? I’m pretty sure at this time of the year must be quite the sight.”
“You mean it?” Wanda exclaimed excitedly, you nodded and soon thank the heavens you were sitting down for the kiss she gave you made your knees trembled and your whole body tingled with anticipation.
The afternoon was falling slowly, the wind was cold so the burning sun above your heads was not as strong as it could have been in a dry weather.
You and Wanda walked down the city, your hand joined in a single embrace while conversation flew with easiness. The topics varied from school, to your work, to the recent happenings of the world, to the twins and America; soon you two found yourselves talking about movies and books, the places you would like to visit or the worlds you would like to be in.
Life with Wanda was never bored, and every single time you discovered something new about her that made you fall in love with her even more.
Her excitement at being in her country was something you would cherish forever.
She dragged you down the streets, and then down the pebbled road leading to the forest. The place had changed since she was last there, it was now a national park that had been taken care off with the strictest rules and cares a country could provide to such a beautiful setting.
You took a deep breath when the road spread before your eyes, your eyes lifted to the signs, most of them pointing to different sections of the forest. Your eyes finally fell on the word Lake, and you lifted your hand to point it out to your girlfriend.
“There, lake, can we go there?”
“Yes, of course!”
You chuckled when she just grabbed your hand again, she twirled around wrapping her arms around your neck leaning in to kiss you slowly.
“Have a told you how much I love you?” She asked playfully, you placed your hands on her waist helping her walked backwards while you advanced down the road with her in your arms.
“Mmhm, not recently, no. I think I need a reminder.”
Wanda giggled leaning in, her kisses were soft and tentative, “I love you, Y/N, every time I think this is not possible, I fall in love with you even more and I just…”
Your heart shrank at her confession, putting her to you with your lips moulding against hers you poured all the love you felt for her.
“I love you to, Wands.”
Wanda sighed standing by your side lifting her face to the trees above her, her eyes gleaming happily just as the both of you advanced towards the lake. The forest was located it twenty minutes away from the city, and the entrance had been built around a public parking lot where people could acquire all the necessary materials for camping or a nice picnic. Some of the different paths had been fixed to give easy access to the people that visit the place, but the road leading to the lake had been left untouched with the nature almost claiming it back.
You were admiring the huge trees surrounding the area, the sound of the birds and other animals running around to hide away from the humans. You lifted your stare to see the blue sky above your head, and the cold breeze touching your heated skin. Everything was quiet and peaceful, only the sound of your footsteps seemed to interrupt the sounds of the nature.
Your eyes lifted squinting them when you spot the opening right ahead of you, your lips curling slightly when you finally spotted something else. You had arrived to the lake, with a quick gesture you stood before Wanda stopping her advanced towards her destination.
“What is it?” Just like she did early in the morning, she narrowed her eyes with a glint of suspicion gleaming in them. You shifted your weigh from one foot to the other, your hand scratching the back of your neck while your eyes danced around instead of facing Wanda.
You stood before her, your hand sneaking inside your pocket until you brough forth a single blindfold. She cocked a brow, half-amused, half-expectant at what you had planned.
“I may or may not have planned something for you.” You said tentatively, Wanda snorted but all you could see in her face was love and amusement.
“Figures, and I bet Billy, Tommy, America and Kate are in it?” She already knew the answer, but there was something else she couldn’t pinpoint to.
“Yep.” You admitted lifting your hand, “there is something… I mean, it is a surprised.”
“And I have to wear the blindfold.” Wanda grabbed the piece of clothing, never losing her smile, she winked at you, “kinky, perhaps later on we can use it for other…kind of surprised?”
You laughed out loud shaking your head while helping the brunette put on the blindfold.
“I love how your wicked mind works, Mrs. Maximoff.”
“Well, I love it when you play along, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
You let out a deep breath, the sun was still high in the sky and now Wanda stood before you blindfolded. Her hand found yours, squeezing comfortingly with that beautiful smile you had come to love and crave.
“Are you okay?” She finally asked, you swallowed down your doubts nodding before you remembered she couldn’t see you.
“I am.” Then, as an afterthought, “I’m just nervous.”
Wanda brought your hand to her lips, never losing her smile.
“Whatever it is you prepared for me, I know I would love it and…Y/N…there is no one else I would love to be with right now, you are the love of my life.”
You chuckled loving the tenderness Wanda used when talking to you, the fact she had come to know your insecurities and was always ready to reassure you of her love and your worth.
“And you are mine, Wands, now let’s go…”
You grabbed her hand and without wasting any more time you led her down the road towards the lake.
The lake was a great extension of water that spread out before a small beach surrounded by the forest. It was filled with grass, trees and bushes, with a crystalline water that was reflecting the light of the sun and the colour of the sky at the moment. This part of the forest was usually used for light lunches, and some swimming but at this time of the year the place was emptied and you had taken advantage of your money to get this small spot for you and your family for a couple of hours.
There was a single bench that had been decorated with red and pink, there were some balloons with a bucket filled with ice and wine. You helped your girlfriend so she could sit on the bench, all around her there was nothing more than flowers, blue lilies and orchids, the full scene had been planned out and built with the help of America and Kate that had just come from their hiding place with the twins.
You smiled at them putting a finger to your lips, standing before Wanda you pulled your mobile out of your pocket and let a single song filled the silence around the both of you.
“Oh, that’s…” Wanda trailed off when she recognized the trumpets and the melodic voice of Elle Fitzgerald. “Y/N…”
Your name sound beautifully on her lips, you took a deep breath looking around the place knowing you had chosen right. The lake was gleaming to your right, while the forest stood to your left, the mountains wearing a white bald head projected a protective shadow on the valley. This was what Wanda had always desired, what she had harboured in her heart when she still believed in love.
“Y/N…” She repeated your name, this time around with a hint of apprehension in her voice.
You knelt before her, your left knee touching the ground while your right knee bend to hold your elbow up your hand opening the box you had been carrying with you for over a year.
“You can take the blindfold off, Wanda.” You finally said, and your voice trembled with the sheer emotion you were experimenting at the moment.
Wanda took her blindfold, soon her breath caught in her throat and whatever sight she had before her became a blurred of colours and familiar images. Right in front of her was the lake and the forest of her childhood, the very same she had visited in her mind and memory after leaving Sokovia behind. Her green eyes flickered around until they found your eyes, and soon they fell upon the box in your hand and the silver ring resting in there.
The music was still playing around the both of you, and Wanda wanted to see if there was someone else or if the both of you were alone. But she was incapable of looking everywhere but at you.
Your lips trembled, your hand trying to hold still as you cleared your throat lifting your chin to face her with determination and love.
“Wanda Maximoff, I have brought you here because I love you.” You stated taking a deep breath making sure you never wavered in your intentions. “I realized a long time ago I can’t even think of the possibility of not having you by my side, of not living and growing old with you.”
Wanda sat frozen on the bench, her heart hammering hard against her chest while her stomach drop and her body tingled all over until a heavy pressured settled on her chest.
“I have loved you from the moment I met you, I just didn’t know it yet.” You chuckled shaking your head, “and I would love to make you happy, to love you, to cherish you, and to be your friend, your partner if you allow me…so, today in this place and with my heart on my hands, I want to ask you…”
“Yes…” Wanda whispered, you furrowed your brows shaking your head.
“No, wait, I need to ask…”
“Marry me?” Wanda asked, her voice trembling and her lips breaking into a content smile, you frowned though your eyes gleamed with amusement.
“No, you marry me, please?”
Wanda threw herself at you, her arms wrapped tightly around you while you fell to the ground hugging her back. She was sobbing, her voice a mere whispered in your ear.
“Yes, yes, I will…Yes, I marry you.”
You laughed turning your head and kissing her deeply.
“Then, yes, I marry you too, Wands.”
America and Kate both rolled their eyes, but the twins were squealing excitedly no longer able to hold themselves the run towards you and Wanda joining in the embrace.
Wanda turned to them surprised, returning their hug while turning to you and stretching her left hand where you placed the ring on her finger. Your smile was huge, and it was matching hers with the twins hugging both of you while talking excitedly.
“That means I can call you mom now?!” Tommy finally asked with you almost choking on your spit.
Wanda rolled her eyes fixing his hair before lifting her eyes to glance at you.
“Only if she wants to, Tommy.”
“You want to, don’t you, Y/N?” Tommy asked pouting, you ruffled his hair putting him to you.
“Only if I get to call you Tommy bear!”
Laughter soon filled the lake, with everyone enjoying the rest of the afternoon while you alongside with Kate, America and Wanda toast to the engagement.
“I can believe you…” Wanda closed the distance tilting her head to taste your lips with hers, you smile into the kiss with your hands placing themselves on her hips.
“You remember…” She said softly, in between kisses.
“I never forgot, Wands. With you, everything is easier, you know? I love you, and I just…I want to make you happy.”
“You make me happy already.” She replied leaning into your embrace, “but I will be complete the moment I can call you my wife.”
You smiled placing a single kiss on her forehead.
“I will be complete the moment I can call you wife as well.”
Wanda turned in your arms, her eyes following her children while they talked and played along with America and Kate. You placed your chin on her shoulder, watching the same scene with a soft smile adorning your features. The young woman lifted her hand to see the ring you had placed moments ago, a green stone that matched her eyes and white gold recovering the ring.
Her life was finally hers, and her happiness was finally something she knew she deserved and that was right there for her to live it. Wanda never imagined the moment she made the decision of leaving Vision her life would change so drastically, she never even played with the idea of falling in love again or finding someone ready to be patient with her past and fall in love with her.
Wanda never entertained the idea of anyone wanting to marry someone like her, damage and with two kids that were still growing up. Then, she met you. And she couldn’t imagine being without you by her side.
With you, she learnt to love again, to trust and to give herself without fear.
“Tonight, America and Kate are taking the twins to a festival and then back to their Air BnB so…we have the house for ourselves, to celebrate.” You whispered playfully, Wanda leaned back placing her hands on yours.
She tilted her head with her lips teasing yours.
“Then, let’s celebrate with them first, before I show you my appreciation for all the wonderful things you do for me.”
“It’s a deal, Love.”
“Y/N.” She called your name with a serious tone, you turned to her welcoming her kiss before smiling goofily at her.
“What was that for?”
“I love you.” She said simply, you softened squeezing her hand comfortingly.
“I love you, now and forever.”
And, of that, Wanda didn’t have any doubt for she too love you now and forever, until the end of time.
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sugaryapplepie · 7 months
Generally with all three of em :3c
🤒: Sadly yes, especially due to stars chronic pain. It leaves star bedridden and weakened for, at worst, weeks at a time. Consistently star feels nauseous, light-headed, and very weak.
😥: Xingshen does keep her cool in a majority of situations, but when pushed to the absolute limit her emotions exploded painfully out of her, leaving her very weak and tired afterwards without the energy to eat or take care of herself.
🍔: Xingshen's very good at cooking. In her younger years when being as physically fit as possible took first priority, she made a special diet for herself that she religiously followed. Now in the modern era she doesn't so strictly adhere to it, but she still prefers to eat healthy and hit the gym.
🤒: Considering she has a 16 in Constitution, I'd say Chandrelle's pretty hardy! She can get sick, but not easily.
😥: Chandrelle keeps her head so well it's hard to tell when things effect her, except for when there's a clear threat to one of the party. Then she turns very grim and spares no effort in ensuring their safety.
🍔: Living the adventurer's lifestyle means Chandrelle can cook, but mostly it's savory stews and various game meat. Baking's definitely not a strong suit and a bit too traditionally feminine for her tastes, though she does enjoy its results. However, she does enjoy experimental cooking with rare animals. For example: If the party takes down a hippo by some grace of the gods she's going to be very excited to test out dishes with its meat.
🤒: A little bit, girl's got that AuDHD that keeps her awake most nights either doing overtime or playing those old 2010s flash games. Bad for the health.
😥: Now this one's funny- considering the type of calls she gets, Sylvia's very level-headed... but show her an insect of any time or a rat and she'll jump up on her chair screaming like a Victorian-era woman.
🍔: Girl cannot cook or bake to save her life but instant ramen do hit different.
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jade-kyo · 1 year
Red vs. Blue season 15-17 retcon pros and cons:
Season 16
Oh sweet 16…. Yeah I don’t like this season so expect a very long list of pros to this potential retcon as there are a lot of things I’ll be more than happy to say goodbye to
No time travel bullshit
No Donut is Jesus
No gods
Everyone is so unnecessarily mean to Doc. I get that they’ve never exactly been nice and Doc did betray them but somehow they managed to push it to the point of feeling ooc
Oh god the absolute butchering of Tuckers character
The absolute butchering of Sarges character
I’m serious I will never forgive what they did to my boy Tucker
Painfully bad sex jokes
Grif straight up tries to kill himself???? Bro I think I blocked this from my memory 💀
The Tucker and Kai stuff is painful
The whole Sarge recruiting historical figures thing
Jax’s entire movie thing
That fucking cyclops
Just… the entire cyclops thing.
I feel like animation is overused in this season
I forgot there was a second cyclops
Trying to explain time travel. Just give up, only one series has ever successfully done it and that is Steins;Gate and you’re not Steins;Gate
The way certain jokes would actually be funny if they were said by different characters. The whole bit where Jax is telling Sarge to hide in the closet but Sarge keeps saying his choice out loud would be way funnier if it was Caboose instead of Sarge. That kind of humor just fits way better for Caboose
King Tucker. I refuse to comment further on this.
Saying the word penis and seeing if people laugh is not comedy
The whole carwash joke. I get it’s poking fun at how the fans reacted to the “take off your suit” line, believe me I know, I was one of them (shhh I was 15 give me a break) but now it’s just awkward. I’m pretty neutral towards the ship now but I just don’t really care for making jokes this directly about any ship that isn’t canon
Again saying the word penis and hoping people laugh is not comedy. There is an art to a good dick joke.
This weird insistence on explaining the jokes
Saying your super powerful gods that can blow up moons, summon swords from nothing, change peoples physical sizes etc, are AI does not change the fact that functionally they are still basically gods with like one or two limitations. If they’re going this route they should’ve made the gods as powerful as Church was in the floaty ball with just a few extra powers since he never fully unlocked everything he could do with it. Or just follow whatever rules Halo canon has for the floaty ball thing.
Like I get it the aliens worship technology but if you didn’t want them to be actual gods then don’t give them god like powers on that scale
However on a funnier note, all of this being Church’s simulation is VERY funny. Especially when you think about how often he either jokes about being god or has actually been worshipped as a god. This makes everything much more entertaining that’s for sure.
The way Tucker basically just completely redoes his Chorus character development. The scene between Tucker and Kai on the space balcony thing is fine on its own until you realize it’s basically just a rehash of a scene between Tucker and Wash in season 12
Time travel bullshit (can you tell I really don’t like time travel)
No Tucker wanting to bring Wash a whole pizza
No Donut is Jesus
That one cop voiced by Jeremy Dooley
Tucker being the one who shot Flowers. I actually didn’t mind that one (can you tell I’m desperate for things to put on the cons list)
there’s actually this really good conversation between Tucker and Kai about missing when things were silly and fun and they didn’t have to worry about messing up. That was nice.
Docs whole sad past with his brother like damn okay I can vibe with that. Was not expecting the tragic backstory from Doc.
I forgot Tucker killed Hitler that actually got a good laugh out of me
Wash and Carolina. That is all.
Wash’s disability
You know what? I like Grif and Huggins dynamic.
Caboose not knowing that women have butts (again I’m desperate to find cons and that joke made me laugh)
Caboose beating monkeys with a stick
As much as I despise what this season did with Tucker, Kai calling him out was very girl boss of her
Everything with Wash
Wash’s entire speech
Carolina telling Wash the truth about his disability. The entire scene is so good.
“My brain is fuzzy and I do good” Caboose says this line and I have always thought it was an absolute crime that we didn’t get some good Wash and Caboose moments about this
Muggins speech at the end. It’s very good.
Donut vs Doc is actually a pretty cool fight
If the retcon is real I am truly not sad to see this season go. I really can’t stand it. Tho I do want to say that if this stuff had happened in the Blood Gulch Chronicles I probably wouldn’t mind it. I’ve always said that you can retcon the goofy stuff but once you do you can’t go back and that’s what this feels like. It feels like it’s trying be Blood Gulch again with how ridiculous and absurd the whole thing is and very simply you just can’t go backwards with this stuff. It doesn’t work.
However this all being Church’s simulation is a VERY entertaining thought and it makes this season much easier to watch that’s for sure.
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agnimybeloved · 4 months
rewatched dead patrol after finishing dead boy detectives... dbd ended up growing on me a bit throughout but i felt that it was still painfully mid and i think the original casting and characterization in dead patrol would've been much more enjoyable as a solo series. its sort of a given with them making a cameo in dp as opposed to being in their own show, but i really preferred being introduced to the trio and their dynamic awhile into their relationship. it makes them a lot more believable to me as opposed to all the development they tried to speed through over the course of a few days/weeks in dbd... i also really really really preferred the original casting for the sole reason that they actually look like they could be 16 😭 it really works to the benefit of the characterization as well, not taking them as seriously and making them out to be a bit silly and dramatic and teenager-y, especially with how they're compared to and treated by the older characters. dbd kept harping on them being teenagers but despite that not being visually believable anyways, the characterization of and dynamics between the characters wasn't convincing me about that either. jenny still treated them like peers and girl. i get things in her life are crazy right now but she's a grown woman who's about to drop her entire life and move to another country with a group of teenagers? i also vastly prefer edwin's portrayal and characterization in dead patrol... i mentioned the autistic-coded brunette white boy in fancy clothes is a really burnt out and aggravating character type and i think edwin being a bit more wry and sardonic and excessively goth and ridiculously blonde is so entertaining and charming (judgey harry potter so fucking funny.... cliffff 💖) plus i think an autistic angle could still easily be explored with that characterization (if they were ever interested in doing that beyond bland vague autistic stereotypes in dbd...) edwin also calling out larry on his "compensating for fear with jokes" thing and criticizing adults for that... i just think that was a very unique direction to take that quip and really emphasizes a core part of their story which is being kids and experiencing the world from that almost "anti-adult/adults don't get it" perspective. charles also being kind of lame and awkward despite acting cool and getting obsessed with his america baseball bat violence is way more endearing to me than charles being excessively cool and fashionable in dbd. crystal as well... i like that she's more of a snippy weird annoying teen girl that's still very real and caring rather than chic and cool like her dbd counterpart. i think that's honestly the biggest flaw of the new series... why cant teens look scrawny and sixteen and lame and stupidly dressed anymore 💀 i also totally forgot ruth connell was in dp as well so i'm glad they kept her casting but she was also way cooler in dp than dbd 😭 she's very good omens s2 in dbd and i think her weirder freakier dp characterization would honestly fit in well with the other weird freaky adult characters in dbd so hopefully they lean more into that if they get another season...
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murswrites · 3 years
The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen ⎯  Matt Murdock One-Shot
Pairings: Matt Murdock x Reader Fandom: Marvel MASTERLIST Word Count: ~ 1,300 Warnings: Cursing, blood/gore, mentions of fighting, arguing, mini-fluff SUMMARY: You hate how you love Matthew.
Fluff #16: “I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone this much before.”
A/N This was supposed to be a fluffy mess but I’m an asshole and can’t help but overanalyse my favorite broken emo boys
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Nothing about being in Matt Murdock’s orbit was easy. He was a very difficult person to love–even liking him was hard. Sometimes he’d be just so painfully insufferable that you couldn’t help but push him away for being such a dick.
He pushes away anyone who cares and then comes crawling when he’s injured. It’s a fucked up circle of love, pain, and fighting. Because you can’t help but let him back in, it’s Matt–how can you tell him to fuck off when he has a dislocated shoulder?
The guilt of sending him away would be much worse than the harsh words he uses as an excuse. 
“I can’t just come back like nothing’s happened,”
He would say; a lie. Matt was known for his amazing skill at deceit. The way he could come up with the most mundane lies was insane. (most of which related back to his disability)
“Oh, I walked into the counter and then bashed my hand on the doorknob.”
It’s not like you or Foggy could refute and argue with Matt. That’d be a shitty thing to do.
But even with all of that horrible shit, you still loved him so much. He did look so pretty when he was sad. It was sick of you to think that but you’d seen every emotion on his face.
You’d told him how expressive he was and he didn’t believe you. 
“If only you could see the scowl on your face right now.”
It was funny. Matt could never hold himself inside. That’s why you understood the devil–but you didn’t let him use that as an excuse. 
“Therapy does exist, you know.”
Then he’d say something along the lines of him being Catholic and only ever needed God, even if he constantly spat on God’s name. If Matthew Murdock was anything, he was the most contradictory person to ever live.
A devoted Catholic who curses God’s name, a blind lawyer by day but vigilante by night, deeply emotional but ignores himself until he explodes.
The complexity of him validating his clearly illegal acts with excuses (and shitty ones at that) versus him refusing to let the law bend a man to its will… it gave you whiplash. Because one day Matt could be complaining about how unfair and unjust the court is but then the next, he could be tapping on your window–covered in blood; begging for help.
He was so infuriating but whenever you were in the same room as him it was like Matthew Murdock was the sun personified. With a smile like that and a mind as keen… it was hard not to love him despite his major flaws.
“I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone this much before.” His voice startled you, the apartment had been silent except for the sounds of you bandaging his wounds.
Matt came to you with what looked to be a stab wound. You berated him for pulling whatever stabbed him out. He claimed that he couldn’t have left it in there because it would have only caused more problems if it snagged on anything.
“I think the knife snagging on your enemy would hurt less than this blood loss will, you jackass.”
He turned as red as his old Daredevil suit.
There was sadness in his tone, like he felt bad for admitting it. You’d already told him you loved him–albeit it was during an argument because he was so annoying–so the melancholy in his voice startled you. You gave him a peculiar look, pausing in your stitching of his wound.
He cringed at the sudden stop, stitching wasn’t something you just stopped doing. You busied yourself again.
“Why do you say that like you’re sad about it?”
Matt clenched his fists, “Because I feel bad for you.”
You raised an eyebrow at him before looking back down at your stitches. “Why would you–”
“Because you feel guilty because of me.”
His admission made heat grow in your cheeks, you hated how he could hear your reactions without you even trying. If your breath caught or your heart sped up, he’d know. It was hard being so naked around him all of the time.
“That’s my own problem, Matt.” You ripped open a gauze pad and began taping it down.
He tilted his head and you pushed down a groan–the asshole was listening to you. “Please stop doing that.” You pushed the tape down harder than you needed to.
The hiss he let out was loud as his eyes rolled up toward the ceiling. “That was mean.”
“Yea, well so are you.” You pulled the gloves off with a snap and tossed the clear band-aid at him, “I’ll assume you can do that yourself?” You knew it was childish but he pissed you off, saying that while you literally bandaged another injury at the hands of Daredevil? Fuck that.
The look on his face said it all, he felt bad but you just ignored him and cleaned up the mess of medical supplies. The silence in your apartment was less comfortable. It was like someone turned the tension in the air into a rubber band and was pulling it back with each passing second. You hated arguing with him but he made you so angry.
You stood in the doorway, watching him slowly pull his black skin-tight shirt on. “You better not be going back out there, Murdock.”
“Who else is gonna protect Hell’s Kitchen?”
“That’s a stupid ass question, Matt and you know that. Nobody expects you to kill yourself for a city that doesn’t give a shit about you–except you.”
Matt turned around, forcing you to look at the back of his head. “I have a duty, Y/N.”
You laughed sarcastically, “You’re a guy, Matthew, your only duty is to fucking live!”
“What if I don’t wanna do that?! What if I’m meant for more!? Huh!?” He was matching your energy but it only angered you more.
“God! I hate your fake righteousness! Stop hiding behind your excuses and admit that you like hurting everyone around you!” You felt the tears coming, “All you’re gonna do is leave and then come crawling back when you’re too injured to sew yourself up. And I can’t keep doing this, Matt. If you don’t set boundaries between you and the devil, then I’m done.”
Anyone would be able to see how he visibly paled at your threat.
“You don’t mean that.” He was quiet now, probably fucking listening to your heart.
“I do mean it, it’s fucking exhausting loving you.” You wiped your nose and stared at the floor. “I mean it, Matt. So make up your mind.”
“Don’t make me choose between you and him.”
You shook your head, “I’m not. I’m just asking that you be realistic. I don’t care you go out at night and help the city, it’s kinda cool. But when you tell me to stop caring about you and then barge back in with an actual fucking stab wound–then yea! I give a shit about you literally killing yourself.”
He fell silent, only nodding at you. “Okay.” Matt’s response didn’t really make any sense until he hugged you lightly, “Okay.” He said again.
You were confused but couldn’t help but hug him back, “Okay.” Maybe like in that silly teen novel, ‘okay’ was your ‘I love you’. Because the actual word hung in the back of your throat like the unshed tears on your eyes. It was so hard to love the devil of Hell’s Kitchen.
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frigidfries · 3 years
how about chara for the ask game!!
chara. chara chara chara
favorite thing about them:
so. you see one of my FAVORITE tropes in media is that the narrator was a character all along. partially because- especially when i was younger- i would pay super close attention to narration and choices and diction in a game to glean anything like a canon personality to a silent protagonist. and the narrator being a person in the story itself was basically a 'you were right to pay attention! it is that deep!' to me. and my fondness for this predates undertale!
i know narrachara isnt canon-canon, but... man! if it is, then chara is easily one of the most complex characters in undertale by the fact they have the most "screentime"(?) to work with!
it means they're funny and bitingly sarcastic when they want to be, it means they have opinions on anime debates, that they like plants and fun facts, they're impatient, they have a deep sense of right and wrong, they think a heroine who can save the underground is the coolest thing ever, they know some DEEP CUT old video game references, they like obscure japanese novels about tea and kitchens and loss...
its just so cool to me that a character that barely exists in the narrative- only known through second hand stories and footage, even less than we know about asriel- is revealed to be the narrative. and so many emotional beats get to hit so much harder. its just... a nice idea, you know? that we get to meet something like the real them at all.
least favorite thing about them:
ah hmmm. hm. i have reached the point of "they obviously have some pretty severe issues i don't think were helped by the unknowing, well-intentioned pressure of their loved ones and the entire underground as one of the two only 'hopes' of an entire group of people, and they did and can do some really jacked up things, but also think about them as a catholic 12 year old and everything makes sense."
tldr; i love chara discussions but i think we can all move past totally black or white reads of them because that doesn't fit in at all with the themes and style of toby's writing. utdr simply doesn't have pure evil or perfect good
favorite line:
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sighs. sighs. i talked about them and asriel in his post but. augh. they were so important to each other. making edgy ocs- chara remembered the name of every single attack. they gagged over their parents PDA together. they... man. man. objectively not great for each other, but i think they desperately needed each other in their lives.
frisk and chara are also. just! man!!!! they get impatient over repeated checking but its impossible for me to not read so much of it as... painfully fond. it's you! you won! hey, you're not made of money. that's called a 'water sausage'. ...there's a lot there, i think.
same digs with asriel i dont ship them with anyone, really!
random headcanon:
they knew dr. gaster when they were both alive/whole and they liked that he treated them as a Peer. An Intellectual Equal. (read: dr. gaster did actually treat them like a child he just did it in a way that made chara feel respected lol)
golden flowers are weeds. they choke out any garden they're in and are incredibly tenacious. chara likes them so much because have spent hours wistfully relating to them while looking out of their original city's library windows
fell in 2012 and has all the baggage and trappings of being a 11-12 y/o closeted nonbinary kid who was too online in 2012
songs i associate with them:
some excerpts from the playlist i made for them when i was 16
The Scary Jokes - Catabolic Seed
My Chemical Romance - The End
Rilo Kiley - The Execution of All Things
..... Panic! At the Disco - The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is The Press Coverage
favorite image:
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of course, offical and my own LMAO
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rehkkuma · 3 years
she's all yours | okuyasu x reader
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summary: unlike his partner in crime, Okuyasu lacked experience in the dating field. Once he believes that he may have a chance with his crush, his best friend begins to get in the way.
words: 1.8k
disclaimers/tags: fem pronouns, modern AU (basically just phones being involved), tiny bit of angst, fluff, and cursing.
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He was staring again. The poor 16-year-old boy couldn't help but notice every single detail about her: the slight tilt in her walk whenever she went up the stairs, how she would tie her shoes, and the unfortunate glint of light in her eyes whenever she spoke with his best friend.
Y/n L/n was someone extremely special to him (whether she knew it or not). She could read his expressions so clearly, sometimes knowing more about Okuyasu than Okuyasu did himself. The emotions he couldn't quite put his finger on, she always had an answer to. At times, he felt undeserving of the friendship he had with her. After coming to terms with his developing feelings for the girl, of course she began to get closer with his best friend.
He was painfully aware of the difference in treatment he received compared to Josuke. While Josuke could be referenced as Morioh's pretty-boy delinquent, Okuyasu was more like the intimidating ruffian that stood by his side. Obviously, Y/n did not think of Okuyasu in that way, but her perception of him didn't matter if he was considered nothing more than a friend.
"Hey," Josuke called out, concerned for his friend.
"Y-Yeah?" Okuyasu stuttered, trying to regain his thoughts.
"Whatcha lookin' at?"
Okuyasu silently thanked Y/n for standing in a crowd with other students. If she stood any further from the school's front entrance, it would've been easy for Josuke to pinpoint who he was eyeing.
"Nothing, really. Just thought I saw a cute girl."
Josuke shrugged his shoulders, repositioning himself so his back laid more comfortably against the tree. "Well, if you do see one, ask 'em out or somethin'. I wanna see you have your first kiss before we graduate," he chuckled.
"Mhm, yup," Okuyasu responded, eyes now glued to the grass he was sitting on. He was about to spew out a self-deprecating joke but stopped himself once he noticed Y/n approaching the two of them. Immediately, he recognized Josuke's energy shift from disinterest to eagerness.
"Y/n!" Josuke cheerfully said, waving at the girl.
"Hi, you two!" she waved back. Once coming close enough, she sat down along with the boys, her knees lacing together in a criss-cross position. Because of the short distance between her and Okuyasu, the boy could smell the flowery essence emitting off of her body. He wasn't too fond of fragrances, but the one Y/n had was light and sweet-- perfectly suiting her personality.
Before he knew it, Okuyasu was staring again. The only thing that got him to snap back into reality was the cry of laughter Y/n let out after Josuke made a funny remark.
"Did you hear that Okuyasu?" Y/n choked out, leaning back with both hands on her stomach.
"Y-Yeah." Okuyasu fake laughed, really having no clue what the hell was going on.
"God," Y/n sighed as she wiped off the faint tears forming in her eyes. "I wish I could hang out with you guys a bit longer, but I just wanted to drop by and say hi. I gotta help out with some chores tonight."
"It's all good," Josuke smiled. "But only if you promise to call me tonight."
The girl rolled her eyes while getting up from the ground. "We'll have to see about that, Jojo!" She then stuck her tongue out before scurrying off to her house.
Josuke chuckled, slowly placing his chin on the palm of his hand. "She's pretty cute, isn't she?" he said, eyes glued to the girl's figure in the distance.
"Yeah, she sure is."
* * *
Okuyasu could remember the first time he met her as clear as day: his hands were tucked deep into his pockets, feet dragging along the sidewalk while he was on his way to school. Unlike his regular routine, Josuke was unable to walk with him due to an argument breaking out between him and his mother. It seemed like a bummer at the moment, but maybe it was actually a blessing in disguise.
In front of Okuyasu's feet laid a girl. Her uniform was stained with a bright red juice and its can rolled next to her. He didn't recall exactly what happened, but he did feel someone's face hit his chest before hearing a thud.
"I didn't get any on you, did I?" the girl asked with panic.
Okuyasu, hands still in his pockets, shook his head. "Mnn. Don't think you did."
"Okay, thank God. These stains are so hard to get rid of."
That was one of the first things that Okuyasu remembered from Y/n. Her casual way of talking was enough to make any stranger feel like a good friend. Something about this girl piqued his interest.
"Guess it's not your first time, huh?" he hummed.
"You'd think I'd learn my lesson after the third time."
After the small accident, Okuyasu took the girl to the laundromat. Classes would begin in any minute, but neither one of the pair minded skipping it.
"Oi, what're you gonna be wearin' in the meantime? Don'tcha think the teacher's gonna kick your ass for showing up like that?" Okuyasu pointed at the revealing tank top she wore.
"Yeah, definitely. That's why you should totally let me borrow your top," she winked.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself. I don't even have a clue on what your name is."
"L/n." she replied crassly. "It's Y/n L/n."
That was several months ago. Since then, their relationship started to significantly grow. From sending short texts to sharing a few inside jokes, to hanging out every other day after school. In Okuyasu's eyes, it was inevitable for him to fall for a girl like her.
Right before he could spill about his crush to his best friend, Josuke had already introduced himself to her. It crushed Okuyasu to see the girl he loves slowly start to move on from him-- to his own best friend nevertheless.
All of his frustrations were best to be kept to himself. No way could he express his jealousy to Josuke or Y/n. Out of all the girls that fawned over Josuke, why did she have to be one of them?
Okuyasu rolled his body to the other side of his bed. On a nightstand was his phone that rang. The alarm was just loud enough to break through the pessimistic thoughts roaring through his brain.
"Who's this?" he asked, too lazy to check the contact number.
"It's me, Okuyasu! Why, is it that hard to use a second of your time to check the contact name?"
He recognized that voice anywhere. It was her.
"Aw, look. I was in bed, alright?" he smiled, feeling his mood change immediately after speaking with her.
A small giggle echoed from the other end of the phone. "Alright! I wasn't here to nag you all night anyways." The girl then cleared her throat with a cough before soon speaking again. "I was thinking we should hang out tomorrow. For ice cream, maybe. Just us."
Small butterflies began to form in his stomach from hearing the last sentence. "Just us" had never sounded better.
"Sounds good to me."
"Great!" she nearly interrupted. "A-Ah, sorry! I just got excited. It feels like we've been parting ways the past couple of weeks, but I promise tomorrow's gonna make up for it!"
"It's alright," Okuyasu sighed. "See you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow!" she repeated.
* * *
Was it just Okuyasu or did she look way cuter today? The makeup she wore differed from the one she usually had on, her accessories managed to compliment her eyes even more, and she even put an effort into customizing her uniform like Josuke and Okuyasu despite expressing her laziness multiple times. She looked like an absolute doll.
"Hmph." She huffed. "You've been doing that a lot lately," she said flatly.
"Doing what?"
"Staring at me like I'm some crazy person."
Okuyasu internally panicked for a few seconds but composed himself. "You just look pretty lately, that's all."
He expected a cheeky comeback in return but was left with a bashful smile from her instead.
"Let's just hurry up and get ice cream..." she said, eyes faced to the ground.
Okuyasu nodded at her suggestion and began to walk, making sure his pace wasn't too fast for Y/n. He'd occasionally give a glance at her direction to know if he was walking at a comfortable speed for her.
Several minutes of walking and a few casual conversations later, the duo made it to the ice cream shop. Y/n ordered a mix of her two favourite flavours while Okuyasu ordered two scoops of mocha almond fudge. Feeling a bit more gentleman-like today, Okuyasu insisted on paying for the both of them.
"Thanks for the ice cream!" the girl said, taking a small lick of the cone. "I feel like the more I hang out with you, the more things I owe you back," she chuckled as the two left the shop.
"Don't sweat it. Hangin' out with you's enough for me." Okuyasu smiled.
"Ah, really?" she blushed. "That's... really sweet of you."
There she did it again. No witty comeback. Just a flustered reply.
"Somethin' up with you? Eat something bad today?" he asked.
"You're just actin' a bit different, that's all. Not sayin' it's bad though. I kinda like it." Okuyasu continued to walk on the sidewalk but stopped once he realized Y/n was frozen still. "Hey, you comin'?"
Y/n began to slowly jog her way to Okuyasu. When she caught up with him, she paused once more, now looking into the young boy's eyes. "I feel like you don't hear yourself talk sometimes," she said. "I can't tell if you're flirting or you're just naturally this oblivious."
He didn't know how to respond. He was starting to get nervous from how close their faces were. If he wanted to, he could practically count each beauty mark on her face.
"Well?" she said.
"Well..." Okuyasu tried to come up with something but found himself paying more attention to the girl's lips. They looked plush and soft with a slight glossy coat from the ice cream.
Eventually, the girl noticed where he was looking at. Slowly, she closed the already small gap between the two.
"Okuyasu," she breathed out with a gentle tone. "I really like you."
"I-" he stuttered. "Not Josuke?"
"Josuke?" She covered her mouth with the back of her hand and chuckled. "I don't know what you think is going on between us, but it's not that. He's not exactly my type either."
Okuyasu couldn't believe what he was hearing. Before he could say anything back, he felt her lips against his right cheek. It was a delicate kiss. Maybe a bit sticky, but it made his heart do several backflips nevertheless.
Once her lips left his skin, she stood awkwardly in front of him. The way she looked up at his eyes with that lovestruck gaze made Okuyasu realize something he didn't before: he wouldn't need to jealous of other guys. It was clear that Y/n L/n was all his.
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dangermousie · 3 years
Hello !
I was wondering whether you could rate and tell us of your top 5 favourite webnovels/cnovels of all time ?! (Sorry if this has already been answered lol😅)
Thank you, stay safe and have a nice day🖤
Awww, thank you and that is such a lovely ask!!!
From n1 to n5, here they are (they happen to be all danmei.)
1. The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha) - my n1 forever and ever.
Taxian Jun, the horrific cultivation emperor of the world who razed cities and destroyed sects, is surrounded on his mountain. The righteous sects are terrified to confront him but tired of living, Taxian Jun consumes poison and dies by suicide at the age of 32. And opens his eyes as 16 year old Mo Ran, Mo Ran long before he became Taxian Jun, Mo Ran who is excited at a chance to save the one person he loved and lost. Oh, and to deal with his loathed shizun, the unapproachable and strict Chu Wanning, his past life’s biggest enemy.
I have no idea if it’s objectively the best on this list but it hits every trope I love, its bleak worldview (the world will change only incrementally but that’s enough, average person will not appreciate the sacrifice but it’s still worthwhile, and love is worth everything) mirrors mine, and the sheer complexity of the plot and cascade of plot twists each of which is insane and yet completely logical, is amazing (this is a rare novel where it’s even more fun to reread than read for the first time because you keep seeing all the hints and trail crumbs laid out that you did not see the first time.)
And the characters!!! I mean, this novel has multiple universes/timelines, a side trip to the Underworld AND the demon realm, a plot more twisted than a store’s worth of pretzels and yet the thing that hits me the most are the characters. Mo Ran is my favorite web novel character of all time and I love Chu Wanning so. All the secondary characters are wonderfully written (and some of them made me bawl) and they are all complex. My opinion of all of them changed many times over; the novel doesn’t make it easy to love some of them but then you do and it’s so worthwhile! That slow change is one of the delights of the novel - I started out disliking the unpleasant, superior Chu Wanning and cruel, callow Mo Ran and then I loved them so so hard and cried for them so so hard and was in awe of their heroism and sacrifice and selflessness and capacity to love.
Oh, and the fact that this novel does something almost impossible - it has its protagonist start out as so clearly irredeemable and then slowly and painfully and thoroughly redeems him (without ever letting the reader forget what it is he needs redemption for.)
Also, for a novel that made me cry so hard I felt ill, this book is just so damn funny with the most sarcastic sense of humor imaginable (the serious angst doesn’t even kick in until 90+ chapters!)
Anyway I should stop or I will write a dissertation. But this is the one web novel that I would put in my top 5 not just web novels but any novels in any shape or form. The plentiful trigger warnings are there for a reason so stay away if they are an issue, but if not, if anyone hasn’t read it yet, what are you doing with your life?!
2. Stains of Filth (Yuwu) - another novel by the author of 2ha. Clearly she just pushes all my buttons every time. This one is much shorter and has a plot that is twisty but less twisty than 2ha. Still, all that means is that intensity and the pain are more concentrated.
Aristocratic Mo Xi and former slave Gu Mang were both legendary generals of the empire and lovers. But Gu Mang betrayed the country and switched to the enemy. Now he is back as a peace offering by that country and Mo Xi has to deal with the fact that his feelings are as strong as ever.
This novel!!! So much pain and intensity!!! So many amazing plot twists and supporting characters. The same bleak world view, the same unjust society, the same protagonists doing right things despite the cost. Mo Xi’s intensity and inability to let go (he’s imprinted on Gu Mang and that’s it) is romantic, bone-shakingly intense, and tragic all at once. And oh Gu Mang! So many times I just wanted to reach into the book physically to protect him. The novel deals with unjust societies, memory versus personality, what it’s like to be good in a bad universe etc. And it both made me sob and giggle, repeatedly, and sold me on literally death-defying (but not honor-defying!) love.
Oh, and special shout out to the fact that like 2ha, you may start out hating some characters and end up a rabid fangirl (cough Murong Lian!)
3. Qiang Jin Jiu - a dense political tome that takes a while to get going but then it’s a runaway train.
In a fictional dynasty, Shen Zechuan, the only remaining son of a disgraced aristocratic family and Xiao Chiye, the younger son of a family of generals guarding the border join forces (and then something else) to get power and pull down the dysfunctional system.
This is so elegant and smart (a rare web novel I’d recommend to anyone who just loves solid period fiction) and you probably need a notebook to keep track of the politics and military strategy. These characters are very very smart not just because the author says so.
As to the characters, there is a large cast and I love many of them, but for me the novel is made by Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye. SZC is gorgeous and delicate and icy and can kill you before you have time to blink. Saddled with the sins of the family he had no pleasant interaction with, he claws his way out of hell (seeing the sinkhole he was trapped in, literally as well) to take down those who wronged him but also to amass power so all the tragedy and corruption won’t happen again and the whole rotten system comes crashing down. XCY is a military genius who is trapped as a hostage in the capital because the court doesn’t trust his family. He longs to return to the plains of home and to take his rightful place. The two men start out as bitter enemies, then reluctant and sniping allies, then as friends and eventually as one of the most gorgeous, tender, swoony OTPs.
Anyway this is one is a bona fide masterpiece, equal parts smart and emotionally intense.
4. Wu Chang Jie - are you an emotional vampire? I am and this novel is a banquet.
In a highly fantastical setting, we meet our protagonists - the sunny Xie Bian and the intense and surly Fan Wushe. Xie Bian is a human who assists his master in conveying souls to the underworld and making sure no mishaps happen. Bian is concentrated sunshine in human form and to meet him is to love him. When the novel opens, his drunk master brings back another human to be his shidi and assist with duties - said human is uncommunicative, intense and surly Wushe. Bian is excited to have a shidi but little does he know that a story dealing with the horrors of past lifetime is about to start.
Anyway, why WCJ? So many reasons. It has such a dark bleak worldview - this world is a horrifying system where powerful cannibalize each other’s cores for an impossible chance to ascend, where gods have sealed off their realm and all that’s left is neverending human misery and hell (the only way you’d see a deity is if they’d been sent down to suffer over and over and over), where even reincarnation doesn’t fix things and bad acts are often unpunished. And the novel then asks - is it worth being a good person in such a world? More, is it worth being a good person in such a world when nothing good has ever happened to you and you have been repeatedly betrayed due to your goodness? And the answer, on Bian’s part, is an uncompromising yes.
Ah yes, the other reason to love this novel - the protagonists and their fucked up fucked up relationship. Bian (who was Prince Ziheng in the past life) is so genuinely good. But he is that rare thing - good but not saintly, noble but not cloying. So much of the novel is his getting taken apart over and over and barely able to put himself back together every time but his soul is still as amazing as ever.
And then there is Wushe (who was Prince Zixiao in past life, Ziheng’s not-bio-related brother.) Wushe is not a good person. He is a monster. And he loves Bian/Ziheng more than his life and his soul and the entire world but he’s also the one who hurt him more than anyone else ever could and did it over and over. His love survived a literal century of torture in the worst kind of hell and refused the usual memory loss of new life. But it also humiliated and broke Ziheng down to his constituent parts.
One of the things that is so fascinating to me about this novel is the question of what can be forgiven/what should be forgiven/what kind of expiation is enough/can you ever love someone who you loved so much and then he hurt you so badly and is now repentant? And it never sweeps trauma under the rug or hand waves it away but deals with it head on.
If you want healthy relationships, you should stay far away from this novel but if intense insane ones with a feral barely human one capable of destroying the world leashed by love and guilt to the sane deeply good one is your bag, come right in.
There is also the world building and the fact that yes, the big fall out between Ziheng x Zixiao is based on not knowing all the facts but it’s not “why can’t you talk?! This is dumb!” But is totally in keeping with both events and their characters. It’s reasonable for Ziheng to do what he does and for Zixiao to misunderstand and decide Ziheng is now his biggest enemy (but still one he’s fixated on) and for Ziheng to never be able to clarify.
Anyway, once again this is trigger warning central so please heed those, but if they are no issue, this one is wonderful.
5. OK, this is hard and switches between Sha Po Lang, Heaven Official’s Blessing and The Golden Stage depending on my mood. So what the hell, I am gonna write about all of them.
Sha Po Lang - so smart and so much clever world building. There is enough politicking to satisfy a Qiang Jin Jiu fan, it’s steampunk, and our two protagonists - Gu Yun, the empire’s most powerful general, who’s loyal to the empire despite being badly wronged by it, and Chang Geng, a cursed prince with barbarian blood and horrifying childhood - are wonderful separately and together. This is a huge slow burn but it’s totally worth it! They fall in love with each other’s hearts and brains and ability as much as anything. (Yes, this is the one with the yifu thing. Gu Yun is made Chang Geng’s foster father when he rescues him and brings him back to the capital as a way to keep CG safe in imperial strife. They are 12 and 19 at the time so clearly it’s never a parental relationship.)
Heaven Official’s Blessing (TCGF) - I love it’s sprawling narrative and cast, I love its inventive setting and picaresque story. It’s hilarious and can make me cry. But the novel’s place on this list is due to Xie Lian who is part Kenshin part drama WWX part pure goodness wrapped in heartbreak and trauma wrapped in sunshine.
The Golden Stage - two smart and principled (yes, they both have principles different though they may be) men navigate their arranged marriage, their past friendship and their past break up, become a super couple (one of the healthiest danmei couples I’ve ever read and proves healthy doesn’t have to be boring), save the country and bring down the emperor or two and just generally this is my rainy day book.
I guess I didn’t write as much for the three n5 candidates as I did for 1-4 but my brain is beginning to curdle so...
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cosmosrival · 3 years
bestie can you tell me more about altair and lesson 16 you cant just drop that in my replies without saying anything i wanna KNOW
😳 hehe (TELEPORTS INSIDE UR HOUSE) buenos dias hermosa
when i initially chose to shove altair into the obey me verse, i felt like i had to do ketamine for it to work, and i kinda did, and she clicked right into it <33 (shes initially a chainsaw man oc and a SICKO!!! NOT fit for a dating game and yet it ended up being sooo funny i jus couldnt pass it up 🥵)
i'm planning... lil comics and sketches of it all too!!!!! so stay tuned but i'll spill 🤭💖💖💖💖💖
altair is a fake mc, in the sense that i wrote her specifically so my friends' own mcs/ocs could always be introduced in her verse absolutely whenever (or even be summoned to the devildom at the same time!!!!!) and be the ones who go through some of the main events that happen throughout the lessons alongside her. or even all of them instead of altair!!!! shes more of a dateable at this point (since my friends and i multiship 2 hell and back lol however we do have our main canon*oc fav ships!!! i also ship altair with sheep mc. the girl reading this. the boy reading this. the person reading this. u know<3) 
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more under the cut lol
and what i mean by [fake] is that she's not a descendant of [the bloodline of human lilith], she's a descendant of eve. 
....which is just a fancy bible way to say that she's just some random ass dude 🙄 🙄 LMAOOOO (since lilith as an angel met her lover when humans were already on earth, ig he'd be a descendant of adam&eve too...? thats why i think ur SO big brained for rene's ancestry)
I love the "just-some-guy" trope in media. I'm obsessed with it !!!! because it's so EASY to write something fun with it. I keep it in mind for all the ocs i write. The impact your character ends up having is due to their own individuality and upbringing instead of the events around them falling into place if they're the "chosen one".... u know what i mean? 
and she's some dude with a tiny(lol) bit of flavor since i love writing insane characters with 3 billion layers: she's a yakuza and an ex-murderer with a 28 year old heavy and horrible backstory and overbearing controlling tendencies due to that sick trauma hidden under a big puppy big sis attitude who will hurt you if u try to wiggle out of her grasp!!!!! ZAMN 😍!!!!!! I WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I SHOVED HER INTO A DATING SIM WHERE U HAVE TO PLAY THERAPIST !!!!!!
.... (looks around frantically) 
lesson 16 spoilers but THE BIG LINES are: she stole satan’s grimoire and forced angel lilith to unlock it (bc alties just a dude she cant do that kind of stuff lol) so she could nuke herself into belphie and wound him for life or, best case scenario, kill him. and since that kind of power is way too much to handle for just a guy with no magic training/awakening, she was ready to painfully die /again/ as long as it meant dragging belphie along with her, bc this time she herself chose to die and the decision wasnt taken away from her.
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obviously she failed<333333333333 hehe!!!! bc demons cant die that easily even if u sacrifice yourself so intricately and esp bc barbatos was having none of that<3
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latin-dr-robotnik · 2 years
Have you played Sonic & the Fallen Star? 🌠
Yes! I'm up to date with all the releases from the last two months (Fallen Star, Triple Trouble 16-bit and... *sigh* Omens), and just like with all the other games, I actually streamed my full playthrough :P
I actually loved Fallen Star for a while. It's the type of game that came out of nowhere (I found out about it back in December 2021 via random YouTube videos) and was catered specifically to Sonic Before/After the Sequel and LakeFeperd fans... it was the perfect game for me.
It's painfully obvious that the game takes inspiration from Before/After the Sequel and the Spark games (I mean, the second to last zone is literally Caria Valley from Spark 1 lol), and I enjoyed that. It was fun. I liked the OST, especially Thunder Turbine Act 2, that's one hell of a banger.
But I'm talking in past tense for a reason... and that's Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit. I still like Fallen Star a lot, and I enjoy all the warm and fuzzy vibes it has to offer, but holy crap dude Triple Trouble came out a month later and it was a complete game changer to me (ignoring the fact it also came out on the very same day as my birthday, best birthday gift ever). I think Fallen Star deserves to join the discourse about the best Sonic fangames of this year, but Triple Trouble 16-bit took over the top spot very swiftly.
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So, yeah. Fallen Star good, go play it, it's super nice and chill and it has funny cutscenes. It's the closest we'll get to a full early-2010s LakeFeperd-style revival.
(Also unrelated but Spark 3 has shifted a bit away from its roots and lost some of that original After The Sequel/Spark 1 identity in the process, but that's a topic for another ask... go ask)
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lem-cup-rev · 2 years
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ID: INVADED (2019)
- some spoilers for early episodes -
Do you want to hear me gush? I’m going to gush in this one.
I was absolutely blown away practically from start to finish. In terms of cerebral thriller anime, this is almost definitely the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen.
The very beginning puts us in a simple, abstract scenario. It says, “this is a story about solving a puzzle.”
Then it unfolds a little more. In this procedural, our detective explores a dreamlike subconscious in a dreamlike state of mind. The team, meanwhile, observes his interaction with the dreamscape to draw deductions about real-world crimes. Upon understanding this premise, I fell in love instantly.
Frankly, the puzzles and deductions frequently lost me. A lot of times, I wasn’t sure it quite made sense. And yet it always did a fantastic job of bringing me back in. The stakes for the characters are really clear, and after a little bit I would start to have ‘aha’s about the last plot twist and what it meant. I had so many moments of pure amazement at the way the sci-fi and psychological elements came into view from a brand new angle that totally clicked, or the way established characters and rules came back with brand new relevance that made complete sense. Ultimately, the whole trajectory of the series felt like a really successful building of a twisting, speculative mystery story that knew what it wanted to be and had so much thought and creativity put into it.
The main characters are incredibly interesting and endearing, which was constantly a thrilling surprise given how grim the story is.
Narisago is a fascinating dual figure: when exploring the subconscious, he’s a carefree, charming detective. When he wakes back up, the weight of his personal tragedies and the violence he’s committed comes rushing back to crush him. I find him thrilling to watch like a running drill bouncing around on a table. His grimy dangerousness is palpable, yet his tender heart is painfully clear to us as well.
Hondomachi is a young field agent who begins to show an eerie aptitude for the darker parts of the job. One aspect of her design is extremely funny: I initially imagined she was supposed to be about 16, sort of averaging together the fact that she’s a police officer with the fact that she looks 12. She’s supposed to be like 26. But besides her being a cutie, I love her character quite a bit. She’s extremely good-hearted and sincere, and yet we immediately see her do things and react to things in small ways that offput and frighten other characters, until she’s confronted with the idea that there’s something genuinely wrong with her. Watching her navigate the different sides of herself is such a uniquely sweet and creepy experience.
The show has a really surprising sense of humor that comes out when you least expect it. The characters will be goofy and joke like real people in bizarre situations, and it creates this absolutely delicious feeling of naturalism. The range the writing has between horror, grit, and humor is just unique.
The series’ obsession is serial killers, and its excavation of the subject is so interesting. I think it kind of takes modern knowledge about the patterns and motivations of serial killers, and expands on it to create its own personal mythos, this in-story logic about the nature of “the drive to kill” and what it means about your brain if you are a killer.
The animation is wonderful. During more static scenes the art feels serviceable and efficient; but as soon as there’s more movement, the animation kicks straight into gear and conveys it with flawless realism and charm. And that goes both for fantastical action sequences and for small moments of mundane, characterful movement.
There’s honestly more I could say, but if you want a thick little pitch packet for why you should watch the show, there it is. God, what a bizarre masterpiece.
Anyway it’s basically Inception
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1engele · 3 years
daybreak | sal fisher x fem!reader - 1. petrichor
You move to a small, rural town, in the middle of nowhere, accompanying your mother. Nockfell, she says. A boy named Larry Johnson introduces you to his friend, Sal Fisher, occasionally dubbed "Sally Face." Your feelings cloud your judgement and you get yourself caught up in what seems will change you and Sal Fisher's life, forever.
[warnings: cursing, smoking]
"the kind of blue that makes you ache."
Sticky wood against your skin, the hard pressure of the surface beneath your face. The unrhythmic pulsing of the migraine that pressed at the sides of your skull—like phantom palms, relentlessly squeezing your brain.
You slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes before squinting as you adjusted to the dimness of the room. The noon sun filtered through the windows and cast its golden warmth over every surface. Its comfort found its way over your face, and you breathed in slowly.
You could see the dust particles floating through the air. The sunshine opened out its rays over the beige carpet. You crawled from the dinner table, laid on the soft floor, and allowed yourself to bathe in the welcoming heat.
Your fingers absentmindedly began to play with the looped fibers beneath you as you stared up at the dull ceiling and thought. Today you and your mother had awoken at an unearthly hour of the morning to start your travels to a town called Nockfell.
You'd arrived hours later. At the moment, your mother, who was named Michelle, was out at her new job—a supervisor position at a bank, or something. She'd also worked at a bank in your old town but was promoted to another location and that was the reason for the move.
You had the apartment to yourself. It wasn't much better than your last flat—equally as unsettling as the last.
Your body jerked and you murmured a frustrated curse as the resoundingly impressive knocking of your door frightened you into an upright position. You scrambled onto your feet, the heated carpet warming your soles.
After you'd approached the door, you turned the doorknob and pulled it open as far as the safety chain would allow. You then settled your weight on your right foot and leaned toward the opening. The cool, dead air of the hallway breezed your face.
A boy, with long brown hair and dark eyes. Seemed to be around your age, and taller than you. He was tanned. You assumed it was genetic, as your mother informed you the weather in Nockfell was almost always droll and depressing.
You had to incline your chin upward an inch to meet the brunette's eyes.
A person stood behind him, with eye-catching blue hair that wisped past their ears and brushed their shoulders. Matching eyes, a bit lighter than their cerulean hair. The only thing about this person that seemed a bit jarring was the mask they wore. They were smaller than the boy beside him, and you were able to look them right in the eyes.
You weren't any type to judge off of appearances, so you didn't spend much time staring.
"Hello," you press a shoulder against the door, awkwardly fidgeting. "I'm- do you.."
Before you can painfully struggle for something to say, the tallest boy resolves your conflict. "Hi," he grins easily. "I'm Larry, and this is Sal. He and I had the idea to swing by and welcome you to Addison's.."
He trails off, noticing your disheveled state and tired eyes. You were conscious enough to recognize his hesitation and quickly rubbed the sleep from your eyes. "Oh. Oh. Sorry- I know I look so bad right now.." You quickly passed a hand through your hair and licked your lips. "I was laying on the floor when you knocked."
Why did you say that? You've made yourself out to be a real weirdo, haven't you, Y/N?
"Larry", glances over at his friend "Sal" amusedly, almost like he knew something you didn't. His eyes then revert to you. He opens his mouth to speak, but his blue-haired friend beats him to it.
"You're going to Nockfell, right? I'd say you're 16, like us.."
Yeah, okay. Any suspicions a person could have about Sal's gender upon just seeing him—you didn't, his build was masculine enough and you'd already watched his Adam's apple bob, and Larry had referred to him with male pronouns prior—would probably cease upon hearing him speak.
After realizing you should speak, and not silently trail your eyes down his body, you replied. "Oh, yeah. I'll start the same day as everybody else. Shouldn't that be tomorrow, or-"
"After that," Sal tentatively cut you off, and you watched him swallow. It was sweet, his resignation. Like he was constantly worried about offending. "The day after that."
You felt as though you were missing something.
"Oh!" You exclaimed, embarrassment washing over your features. You quickly tell them your name, regretting not having said it earlier.
Beneath the tank top, you were wearing, your bra strap slipped further down your shoulder. You felt it slide. Oops, you thought, comprehending the fact that it had been misplaced the entire conversation.
Quickly, you pushed it back up and reached for the doorknob. "Okay, um, see you guys then!" And then basically slammed the door in their faces.
You slapped a palm over your mouth. "Oh my god," you breathed, abashed at yourself. "That was horrible."
They'll probably make fun of how awkward you are at school, you thought. "I wouldn't blame them," you told yourself.
At the time, you didn't realize the importance of that meeting. But, then and again, if it hadn't happened that day it would definitely have later.
The next day you and your mother settled further into the apartment. Your mother was supposed to start work the following day so that meant she had time to properly furnish your apartment. The moving vehicle had arrived a day after you'd arrived in Nockfell, which was "highly inconvenient and unconventional", to quote your mother directly.
Uninterested in watching your mother painstakingly put flower arrangements together, you took it upon yourself to explore the property and familiarize yourself with Addison's Apartments. There wasn't really much of anything besides trees and grass and the view of buildings in the distance. Oh, and the treehouse. Curiosity got the best of you and you made your way towards it.
It had rained in the night. You could smell the scent of water on dry earth and feel it against your hands and face. You tasted mist on your tongue and your sneakers squeaked on the wettish grass. You could practically feel the dampened mud staining the white soles.
You almost slipped climbing up the ladder and into the treehouse. You were glad you weren't being watched because the face of terror you'd just made was really embarrassing.
The structure was actually pretty impressive. If you could live in it, you would. A few posters here and there and a lot of storage for nicknacks and food. A family photo and a stool. A toolbox, some other shit- it was almost as if people hung out in this extremely well-kept treehouse a lot.
Fuck. You didn't expect the damn thing to be lived in. You'd expected the thing to be made in the 70s and extremely old and abandoned. You'd practically just broke into someone's property! You'd burglarized this treehouse!
"I have to get out of here," you murmur, frantically. "Before we get evicted."
That actually wouldn't be too bad, you replied to yourself. Pissing Michelle off would be really funny.
Letting out a breath, you move from the window and pivot around to climb back down the ladder and run like hell. Instead, your ears absorb the sound of creaking and boyish laughter. You have no time to react before the blue-haired boy you'd met the following day is climbing into the treehouse and meeting your eyes.
His laughter ceases and you scramble to explain yourself as his brown-haired friend follows him into the treehouse.
"I am so sorry," you rush. "I thought this thing was abandoned. I had no clue it was yours. I'm really, really sorry. Seriously. I, um- I'll leave, and I swear I've-"
Larry jerks like he was trying to hold back laughter and promptly fails. He sounds like he's going to bust a gut and you feel your face growing hot. Through your heavy embarrassment, you're concerned he's going to fall out of the treehouse from where he sat on the edge of the entrance.
His friend sends his elbow in Larry's ribs. Larry groans in pain.
“I think what Larry was trying to say there was that it's perfectly fine," Sal looks away from Larry and his steady blue eyes meet with yours. "Really. Not a big deal. Right, Larry?"
Larry wheezes promptly.
You can't help but giggle. You quiet yourself as quickly as it starts, and hoped he hadn't heard. When you look away from Sal, you miss his softening eyes.
Larry grins at you. "Laughing at my suffering, it seems. I see how it is." He grunts in his effort to get himself up and on his feet. He's on one knee when he speaks again, an elbow resting on his knee. "What the hell is in that lanky ass arm, Sal? Steel?"
"Something like that," Sal replies, the sound of a smile on his tongue. You meet his eyes again. "So," he says your name, slowly. You breathe in but it hitches. "Why'd you move to Nockfell?"
"No reason that's interesting," you state. "My mom was relocated for work." You step back toward your back presses against the wooden wall and relax your shoulders. "And why did you?"
Sal blinked from behind his prosthetic. He doesn't answer your question but instead returns it with his own. "How'd you know I moved?"
"You don't sound like you're from here," You answered. "Where are you from?"
"Jersey." He returned, gazing at you curiously.
"You guys are like old people," Larry has finally got to his feet, brushing off the black denim on his knees with his palms. He rises to his full height and momentarily startles you. Despite his statement, he asks you his own question. "You miss your friends back home?"
You smiled despite everything. "Oh. Haha, no. I didn't really have a best friend or anything like that. I sort of floated. Never really met anybody."
He pauses. "Well, you live in our complex now." Larry runs a hand through his hair and looks down at you. "If you want, we can both be your friends."
Your eyes widen, and a wholesome feeling flutters in your chest. "Oh!" You glance over to Sal. "I- sure! If you'll have me."
Larry flashes his well-kept teeth. "Good! We need some more females within the gang, don't we, Sal?"
Sal looks as though he cringed. "Please don't call them females. And, uh- sure, I guess."
After that, it isn't a few minutes until you all sit down. You pull your legs criss-cross applesauce and plant your elbows in your knees, resting your chin on your hands.
"So," Larry says your name. "Ever smoke before?"
Your eyebrows raise.
"Sweet Jesus," Sal mutters. "Larry, you can't ask her that." Despite himself, he reaches for the cigarettes Larry's just pulled from his pocket.
"I only asked a question. You're a bully."
You look on in amusement. You can't help but feel a bit nervous about the prospect of doing something you've seen be demonized so often. "I haven't," but this is a new start, right? "Are you offering?"
"Oh, sure," Larry leans toward where you're sat directly in front of him. "Do you want to? Just asking. You seriously don't have to."
It was amusing how hard he was trying not to be to peer-pressure you. You still felt an anxious feeling, but that was only natural. The want to do something "rebellious" overpowered your inner unease. "Uh, yeah. I'd like to."
And with that, he resigns to his own cigarette and slowly lays back onto the wooden floor, brown eyes stuck on the ceiling. Smoke cascades from his mouth and floats through the air. The treehouse begins to smell like a bonfire, the earthy scent sticking to the wood.
You move closer to Sal and maneuver yourself onto your knees.
"Alright," he starts, to himself. He grasps your hand—which makes your heart jump, and you can't tell whether or not you're nervous or his touch had just heightened your attention for whatever reason—and places the cigarette in your hand. "Put the smoke between your teeth."
You follow his instructions. Sal's suddenly closer to you, flicking the lighter with the pad of his thumb and birthing a flame. "Okay, stay still." Suddenly, his unoccupied hand is brushing your hair aside and ghosting the side of your neck before sliding back and flattening on your nape. Chills erupt all over your body from being touched so personally by the opposite sex.
Your nerves are all over as he gets even closer, inches the flame to the end of the cigarette, and lights it.
He pulls back. "Alright," Sal watches you intently. "Now take it and inhale."
As you do so, you notice him stand and walk to the side in your peripheral.
Inhaling it into your lungs tastes like oxygen deprivation and extremely burnt steak. Your entire body is shaking and shuddering as your body instinctively attempts to repel whatever you've just sent into it. Suddenly, there's a water bottle in your hands, and the cigarette has been taken away. The cap has been unscrewed prior, thankfully, and you drink the water. It tastes like god's tears and rainbows and angel dust and you gasp in relief.
"Sweet Jesus," you choke out his earlier statement unintentionally. "What the hell was that?" You raise your head, and he's got his head bowed, bottom straps of his prosthetic unbuckled and he's smoking your cigarette from beneath it. Smoke filters from behind the shadows of the nose and eyes of his mask and into the air and slowly dissipates around you both. "And how are you doing it so well?"
"The first time around is absolutely horrible," he replies to you attentively. "It's all burnt and stuff. Drink some more water and you can try again if you want."
You do as he says, and shortly after you're trying again. It's nearly as rough as the first time around but you hold it in for long enough to do what it's supposed to and breathe it back out.
"Oh," You murmur. "Huh."
Larry chuckles at you from his place on the floor. Sal sends him a lighthearted glare before returning his attention to you. "See? It gets better." Empathically, he adds: "I don't want you doing that much this time, though. The nic sick sucks."
You didn't ask what nic sick was but it was safe to assume it was the effect of smoking past your tolerance and ultimately resulting in nausea.
You pass the cigarette back and forth—Sal taking a lot more hits than you, but that wasn't saying very much—until it was useless. Sal placed it beneath his shoe and put it out. He and Larry both dispose of the cigarettes and return to you, matching your position on the floor.
"So, how was it?" Larry asks you, amusedly curious.
You shrug and smile. "Wasn't bad after the first few hits. Couldn't have done it without Sal, actually." You then meet the boy in question's eyes, who meets yours back steadily, But after a moment, he looks to the floor and sharply exhales through his nose, reciprocating your amusement.
Larry's face moves in your peripheral, and you look towards him, but his features are already changed to how they were before you'd looked away from him.
By the time you'd all left the treehouse, the sun was falling behind the horizon, and the sky above you was becoming a darker blue.
The two boys walked you to your apartment.
"That was a lot of fun," you expressed warmly as you stood at your door. "Thanks for that."
"We'll see you at school tomorrow," Sal responded, shifting his weight.
"You can walk with us!" Larry grinned. "If you want."
You found yourself genuinely looking forward to it, agreeing on the suggestion, and turning to your door to open it and retreat inside. Before you could, you were stopped.
"Wait," Sal blurts. You turn, gazing at him curiously. The mask shifts on his face. "Make sure your hair doesn't smell like smoke. Mine always does. Shake it out before you go in."
You doubted your mother would even be awake, nonetheless notice your presence, but you appreciated his advice and followed it anyway. You passed your hands through your hair before shaking it for a moment. You flattened it as well as you could afterward and laughed at yourself.
"Think that was good?" You asked, flashing your teeth.
Larry raised his eyebrows, thoroughly humored. "I think so. What do you think, Sal?"
Sal's silent for a moment, like he's forgotten he's there. Just staring at you.
He blinks, shaken from his reverie. He quickly recovers, as it'd never happened. "Oh. Yeah," he states, moving to turn around and leave. "I'll see you tomorrow!"
With that, Sal's down the hall and making haste toward the elevator.
Larry exchanges a glance with you and laughs, bids you goodbye with a wave, and departs from you by following after his blue-haired friend.
You think nothing of Sal's quick departure, grin as you think of the fun day you'd had, and enter your quiet apartment.
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onemillionvolts · 2 years
what if i told you every single question in the ask game should be answered, that or WHO IS THE SEXUEST PERSIN THAT COMES TO MIND IMMEDIATELY
GOOD MORNING HI HI. BET. im gonna do all of them you bet i wont but i will. youre the best for this btw
0. height
i yam 5 foot 6 (and a half)
1. virgin?
what the fuck did you just call me? /lhj
anyways in my head yes i am and thats what matters isnt it
2. shoe size
i wear 11s and god i wish that thing people say about shoe size was true 🤙
3 + 4 + 5. do you smoke/drink/do drugs
no and i never plan to <33
6. age you get mistaken for
i.. honestly have no answer to this tbh
7 + 8. do you have (and/or want) any tattoos?
i don't have any, i'd like one/some but i'm not really sure what i'd get
9 + 10. do you have/want any piercings
no to both PFFFF i think like... a clip on lip piercing would probably be my personal limit
11. best friend
...ego stroker much, tumblr user wangshu? /t PFFFFF
12. relationship status
harem with fake 2d men single. yeah uh. single
13. biggest turn ons
tbh... i cant think of any off the top of my head that aren't painfully obvious
14. biggest turn offs
ducklips iykyk
15. favorite movie
i'm not kidding when i say step brothers. but if you want a more respectable answer, nightmare before christmas
16. i'll love you if
you aren't an asshole??? i mean ik it's hypocritical of me to say but cmon
17. someone you miss
i've lost a lot of family over the years so probably someone there tbh
18. most traumatic experience
when my ex lived with me and i wish i was joking it was that fucking bad
19. A fact about your personality
which one /hj
i do think.. i overcompensate a lot by trying to be funny bc i dont feel like i HAVE a personality so there's that about me
20. What i hate most about myself
mm thats a toughie it could be the appearance or the voice or the attachment issues or the codependency issues or the jealousy issues or the mood swings or the weak immune system or the several mental illnesses or holy shit this is turning into a pity party
21. what i love most about myself
im an alright writer i guess? and id like to think i'm a good friend
22. what i want to be when i get older
i just wanna write man idc what
23. my relationship with my sibling(s)
i have 0 of them
24. my relationship with my parents
my moms cool but the less said about my dad the better
25. my idea of the perfect date
literally just staying in and watching a movie with snacks and stuff... honestly never thought about it much
26. My biggest pet peeves
UM UM um people who think the world revolves around them people who don't know the difference between their there and they're um people who Unironically Capitalize Every Word Like This oh i could go on
27. a description of the person i like
big hat dumb bowlcut open kimono /j
28. description of the person i dislike the most
um literally jusr my dad so. narcissistic explosive annoying abusive etc etc
29. A reason i've lied to a friend
only time i'm lyin is when i say tiggy ain't best boy 💯
30. what i hate most about work/school
it kinda semi interferes w my night owl ways but otherwise i'm chill
31. what your last text message says
gonna use actual texts cause using disc is too easy 👹 it was just me asking my mom if she wanted a drink from mcdonalds from last sunday
32. what words upset me the most
does this mean like. just words you hate or a phrase/sentence that upsets u...
uh i'll do it both ways. the word bussin makes me want to fall down an abyss a la childe ajax tartaglia
and uh. i hate being told i don't do enough, specifically by people who don't do jack shit in the first place. AGAIN iykyk
33. what words make me feel best abt myself
oh it was the second thing. honestly don't hve an answer to this but i just hold onto any compliment i get for actual years so there's that about me
34. what i find attractive in women
eyes its eyes
35. what i find attractive in men
sense of humor tbh
36. where i would like to live
somewhere close to a big city so that it isn't massively crowded and loud and overwhelming all the time but i'm close enough to stores and hospitals and all that stuff
37. One of my insecurities
i feel like this has already been asked in like 6 different ways.. prolly my body tho
38. my childhood career choice
honestly i've.. always been kinda laughably indecisive about this type of thing. i never wanted to be like, an astronaut or fireman or any of the cliche stuff that kids talk about i.. don't think i ever thought of it actually
39. my favorite ice cream flavor
cookies n cream 👹 specifically like a cookies n cream cheesecake blizzard from like dq or culvers.. that shit is unmatched
40. Who i wish i could be
a mentally stable person or cyno genshin (real)
41. where i want to be right now
in bed <///3
42. the last thing i ate
leftover pizza <3
44. a random fact about anything
all odd numbers contain the letter E
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hellostarrynightblr · 2 years
Tumblr media
This June’s post is so long overdue it’s not even funny, but I wasn’t particularly passionate about the movies I watched in June, hence the long delay. There were two absolute gems, but everything else is passable at best and complete nightmare at worst.
1. Favourite movies: Top Gun: Maverick (2022); Pride (2014). 2. Decent movies I liked / appreciated but not loved: Bureau of Missing Persons (1933). It's a cute little 30s investigative journalism flick and it was really nice to see. Such a pleasant blast! 3. Best scenes: mum's hospital visit / 'Where are my lesbians?' (Pride, 2014); Great Balls of Fire / aerial scenes (Top Gun: Maverick, 2022); coming clean (Bureau of Missing Persons, 1933); ‘Room for one more?’ (Terror by Night, 1946). 4. Favourite genres: adventure, noir. 5. Favourite directors: Joseph Kosinski (Top Gun: Maverick, 2022). There's absolutely no competition this time! I also really enjoyed Matthew Warchus's Pride (2014). 6. Favourite actors: Richard Conte (Hollywood Story, 1951); Jeanne Crain (Dangerous Crossing, 1953); Tom Cruise, Miles Teller (Top Gun: Maverick, 2022); Imelda Staunton, Ben Schnetzer, Andrew Scott (Pride, 2014). 7. Least favourite performances: No one was particularly bad, but Steven Geray in So Dark the Night (1946) was painfully bland, and literally anyone in The Bad Seed (1956) was overacting like there was no tomorrow. 8. The most wasted cast: Whle the film is okay, I do feel very disappointed when it comes to If I Had a Million (1932). Some of my favourite directord were responsible for segments of this film. H. Bruce Humberstone (segment "The Forger"), Ernst Lubitsch (segment "The Clerk"), Norman Z. McLeod (segments "China Shop", "Road Hogs"), William A. Seiter (segment "The Three Marines"). Joseph L. Mankiewicz wrote the majority of the segments. Not even to mention the actors! Gary Cooper, Charles Laughton, George Raft, Jack Oakie, W.C. Fields, Roscoe Karns. This could've been so much better had they at the very least committed to a tone. 9. The best wasted premise: If I Had a Million (1932). Make it a straight drama (just don't forget to market it as such) or a laugh-out-loud comedy. Connect the stories so it feels united. What you don't make is a disjointed film that jumps wildly between slapstick humour and depressing end-of-life drama. It's like the film has bipolar. 10. Best premise: Pride (2014). Fish-out-of-water has never been done exactly like this. 11. Favourite cast: literally anyone and everyone in both 2014's Pride and 2022's Top Gun: Maverick. 12. Favourite on-screen duos: Ben Schnetzer with literally anyone in Pride (2014); Tom Cruise x Miles Teller (Top Gun: Maverick, 2022); Roscoe Karns x Gary Cooper (If I Had a Million, 1932); Bette Davis x Pat O'Brien (Bureau of Missing Persons, 1933); Richard Conte x Julie Adams (Hollywood Story, 1951); James Cagney x Pat O'Brien (Boy Meets Girl, 1938). The last duo is pure gold even when the film is subpar at best. Almost makes me want to rewatch Angels With Dirty Faces (1938). 13. Favourite on-screen relationships: Butch Saunders + Norma Roberts (Bureau of Missing Persons, 1933); Larry O'Brien + Sally Rousseau (Hollywood Story, 1951); CAPT Pete "Maverick" Mitchell + Penny Benjamin (Top Gun: Maverick, 2022). 14. Favourite characters: everyone in Pride (2014), even the moronic characters; Butch Saunders (Bureau of Missing Persons, 1933); Larry O'Brien (Hollywood Story, 1951); CAPT Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, LT Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw (Top Gun: Maverick, 2022). 15. Favourite quote: Why don't you break out with hives and scratch yourself to death? (Bureau of Missing Persons, 1933). I wanted to choose the 'Where are my lesbians?' from Pride (2014) but I doubt it constitutes as a quote. 16. Favourite fact discovered in 2022: real-life near-military preparations for Top Gun: Maverick (2022). It gave me faith in movies again. 17. The most overrated film: The Bad Seed (1956). It was really tedious. It did have its moments but mostly was extremelly underwhelming, especially with that ending. 18. The most disappointing film: So Dark the Night (1946). It went off a cliff in the end. Completely and utterly. Also, Impact (1949). Only after reading thr synopsis did I realise that I’ve actually seen the film. It’s so utterly forgettable! 19. The biggest surprise: Pride (2014)! 20. Best cinematography: Top Gun: Maverick (2022). There's no choice, not really. 21. Best set design: Dead of Night (1945). 22. Best costume design: Renié for Dangerous Crossing (1953). If there was anything to love about this film it's how stunning Jeanne Crain looked. 23. Best music: Top Gun: Maverick (2022). Great Balls of Fire is unbeatable, mate! 24. Best prooduction choice: shooting with limited CGI (Top Gun: Maverick, 2022). It made the film timeless. 25. Worst production choice: so many to choose from! The inconsistent tone in If I Had a Million (1932); changing the ending in The Bad Seed (1956); the terrible audition scene 99 River Street (1953); making Where Danger Lives (1950) kind of an Out of the Past (1947) knock-off; the plot twist in So Dark the Night (1946), passive direction in Highway Dragnet (1954). 26. Film of the month: Top Gun: Maverick (2022) with Pride (2014) only slightly behind.
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kvmberly · 3 years
test drive.
20 day song imagine masterlist | main masterlist
pairing: jj maybank x kook!reader
pronouns: she/her
genre: fluff, kina angst not rlly tho
warning: like 1 curse word
word count: 1.2k
synopsis: all her rich friends say to take it slow make sure he’s the one, but she’s so sold on him
italics are y/n's thoughts
also i named random names for y/n's friends so yeah
i wonder what he's doing right now..
does he like me as much as i like him?
does he think i'm using him? oh i hope not.
y/n jumped in her seat looking around the class seeing that everyone in the class looking at her.
how embarrassing
"Oh, i'm sorry what's happening?" y/n asked confused
"Miss y/l/n, while you were.. daydreaming, the class was sharing their essays. you care to share your's?"
hell no
"uh yes sir." y/n stuttered out grabbing her paper off her desk and stood for the class.
taking a deep breath, y/n shared her essay about love, the topic for the semester.
"growing up i've always had one question that nobody could answer straight forwardly. What does love feel like? even if you had witnessed a good example of love growing up, you still don't know how it feels until you properly experience it. so when i finally met someone i clicked with, i finally felt the love i've been craving. to me love is when you have an overpowering feeling and empathy towards that person. that person makes you smile on. your worse day and on your best day. love is the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach even after knowing each other for years. that is what love feels like."
the teacher nodded at her then said, "very well miss y/l/n."
y/n sat back in her chair watching the clock, she couldn't wait till three.
the sound of the school bell rang and the hallway was immediately filled with kids screaming. y/n exited the classroom meeting her friends in the hall.
"nice poem y/n. made me really think you knew what love is." zay laughed
"zay, let's not talk about this." y/n replied rolling her eyes.
y/n loved her friends but when it came to jj, they didn't think he was the right one. maybe it was a little classist of her friends, but y/n liked to think they just wanted what was best for her.
beep beep
y/n and her friends looked up to see jj waving y/n over.
ah finally
"can't believe you like him, he looks like he just got punched repeatedly. he can't even afford to go to the hospital." zay laughed
"zay stop. he's really sweet. who cares if he can't afford it? it's none of your business." y/n scolded
"whatever. just take it slow, almost like a test drive. he might not be the right one."
y/n didn't even bother to make formal goodbyes to everyone before she raced to jj's car, jumping in the front seat. "whats up with your eye?" she questioned.
"nothing. what's up with your face?"
not funny
y/n smacked his chest laughing a little as he pulled out of the schools pick up line.
as they drove y/n couldn't help but replay her friends words in her head. "he might not be the right one." it was almost frustrating how much the replayed in her head.
she loved jj but they haven't even been on a real date. they haven't even asked each other out. they haven't even met each others family. every time she would bring up meeting each others family he changed the subject. she didn't want to press him but meeting the people who raised him would mean a lot to her.
y/n put her head against the headrest and looked at jj driving. he looked at her for a quick second, smiling, then focused his eyes back on the road. the quietness and just being with him made her happy. only a minutes away from her home, they passed a beach. y/n smiled at the view and had the perfect idea.
"jj pull over," y/n blurted
"what?" jj questioned
"pull over!" and that he did. y/n rushed jj out of his car and yanked him to the sand.
"y/n. what are you doing? i have to get you home." jj was absolutely puzzled. she's never done this, always too afraid to be late home.
y/n didn't answer him but only dragged him to a secluded side of the sandy beach. y/n threw her phone on the warm sand and started taking off her pants.
"what's going on?"
"shut up and take your shirt off jj." she responded
just do it so i dont look stupid
he took his clothes off and so did she. next thing they knew they were in the ocean with only their underclothes on splashing each other until sunset.
"what time is it" jj asked as they headed back to his car.
y/n pulled out her phone from her sandy pants, "seven."
"seven? y/n we have to get you home!" jj yelled
"jj its okay." y/n reassured him ,"I didn't think you cared that much." y/n shrugged as she continued walking, only stopping when she noticed jj did.
"really y/n?" he started. "of course i care. i don't want your parents thinking you’re out here with me partying."
"it's not like you've met them." y/n's words came out sharp and stung jj right in the chest. she didn't know why it would though. it was true, he hasn't met them.
jj shook his head and walked towards the car with her. he felt bad. he didn't know how to express it but he did. jj knew how much y/n wanted to meet her parents but he always just threw it off.
the truth was, he was afraid. afraid they'll just seem him like everyone see's him. he's scared the they'll say he isn't good enough or isn't wealthy enough. he loved y/n and didn't want anyone to tell him he isn't worthy enough for her, he already knew that.
the car ride was painfully silent. no one knew what to say to break the ice. it was there first misunderstanding or i guess you can call an argument. they're only 16 for God's sake!
once he drove up the her front gates was when y/n finally spoke up. "i'm sorry."
jj looked at her and licked his lips, "nah, i'm sorry. i just wanted you to know that i care about you. genuinely . and i'm sorry that i put off meeting your parents or even talking about mine.
"yeah that sucks. but i feel like i'm more wrong. i put so much pressure on you to meet my family and we aren't even in a relationship."
i wish we were
jj contemplated asking her out then and there but before he even decided, his mouth blabbed, "do you want to be in a relationship?"
"yes. no. i mean yes. i mean only if you want-"
before she could blab anymore jj interjected by softly placing his hands on y/n's jaw, "can i?"
she parted her lips and titled into the kiss slowly and intimately. her soft lips moving along with his. the sensation of joy overwhelmingly taking over her body as their lips moved together faster. their kiss no longer seeming intimate, but needy. it's like they've both been waiting for this moment and now that it's here they wanted more.
y/n pulled away pecking his lips one more time whispering, i love you before exiting the car.
in this moment, y/n knew that jj was more than a stupid test drive. she didn't care what her friends said. she was more than sold on him and didn't want anyone else.
her friends didn't want the best for her. if they did, they would see how in love with him she was. anyone a mile away could see it.
y/n bit her lip smiling as he drove off.
i can't believe that just happened
"y/n y/l/n! why are you four hours late? and who was that boy you were just kissing?!"
y/n knew she was in deep shit, but it was so worth it.
thanks for reading :)
- kimberly (9:06, california)
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