#like remember when supercorp was at its peak
hoss-bonaventure · 2 years
bitches will see a sapphic ship and act like their miranda rights are being taken from them
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coffeeshib · 2 years
nic i noticed your tags about different reactions to writing angst between kara vs lena's, is it that ppl don't see kara as a tragic character? (personally i think she has so much that could be unpacked, just differently from lena)
i think to a large extent the fandom favours lena, which isn't a bad thing. i love lena! who doesn't love lena? it just gets messy when people start to forget that characters are allowed to make bad decisions/mistakes.
i remember back when s5 was still airing, the hate for kara was at its peak. it was soooo bad. like i was already in war with the sg makeup/wardrobe department + kara's bangs, i didn't need to see the kara vs lena discourse added to the plate 😤
anon when you say people don't see kara as a tragic character - i think there's some truth to that. there's also just not overall caring about kara at all. which is okay & chill. tbh i don't blame people for not liking cwsg's kara! for the main star of the show, the quality of writing put in her was absolutely bonkers bro.
there's also another anon that made some points & they are so right!!!
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so when two characters deal with conflict, bias comes into play. it's black & white & someone has to be the bad guy. i just think some people forget that conflicts can happen among people who really care about each other (kara & lena!!) & no one is a good guy or a bad guy. there’s no need to tear one down to prop up the other, it’s okay to accept that they’ve both done some unchill stuff. they're just struggling & hurting each other because of their own pain. anyways supercorp endgame
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experiment-000 · 4 years
I'm so tired of there being no hope that my ships will become canon. I've been shipping supercorp since Lena's introduction pretty much and actually that's pretty much the only thing I ship in an ongoing series that hasn't become canon yet I'm still completely exhausted just because of this one ship. Yes I also ship zutara, fuffy, wolfstar, stormpilot etc but they're all over. Supercorp is one of the ships I've had the longest that I've actually continued shipping consistently all that time and it's so draining just seeing it every week and seeing the writers pushing Kara to be with characters she clearly isn't interested in (William) and pushing her away from Lena.
The best comparison to this in my ships is probably reylo (yes yes I'm the worst we get it). I started shipping it after TFA (but not fully invested in case they ended up being related) and TLJ just cemented it for me. Then TROS happened and they were canon (even tho the film itself was not great). I was just so amazed that something I'd shipped for 4 years was canon. But the thing about reylo is that I had short bursts of being a big fan of it, and then long periods of time in between where I couldn't be bothered with it.
Maybe a better comparison would be kanera, also from star wars but this time from star wars rebels. Idk when I started shipping them I just did at some point, probably pretty early on in the show's run. Then I read a new dawn and it felt like fanfiction but peak slowburn ambiguous ending relationship status fanfiction aka my favourite type. And then I knew that kanera would be canon, which isn't something I ever experienced with supercorp. I can hope all I want but I'm never gonna be convinced.
So Tyrus is probably more accurate since it's from a kid's Disney show (well teens or preteens). But they made Cyrus gay. They canonically had him have a crush on another male character. I remember freaking out so much when he said "I'm gay" on Disney channel! On Disney channel. But Tyrus was always a will they won't they. A maybe I'm just seeing chemistry. Maybe it's another supercorp. And then it wasn't. It wasn't the perfect ending and could be seen as slightly ambiguous, but it was clearly canon, and I'm not mad that they didn't kiss. It wouldn't have made sense for their relationship at that time. Hence why we need Andi Mack season 4. I was so surprised when it actually became canon. Because sure my ships had become canon before but they'd been straight ones or they'd been gay ones that had been set up as gay early on in the series - Victuuri, deanoru (at least in the series not the comics), Piper and Alex in oitnb. It gave me hope that maybe supercorp could be canon someday. Until I remembered Supergirl has already reached its quota on queer characters, in spite of Supergirl being canonically bi in the comics.
I could compare to korrasami but there's so much to say there and I just can't be bothered.
All this makes me wish I could've been around in 1999 when Buffy season 4 was coming out and Tara was introduced. And I bet there were people out there shipping her and willow right away, thinking no it could never happen but then it did. And they had to wait through a nearly a season of them being together before they got to kiss, and then they had to deal with Tara dying (which disclaimer I'm not mad about literally no couples in Buffy got a happy ending straight or gay). Just it would've been incredible to see a ship I liked actually becoming canon in a time where queer representation wasn't exactly common.
Idk what this was but in conclusion supercorp should be canon but I'm exhausted with this show and I'm not sure I can be doing with any more the two of them being enemies bs they can't keep it up forever and they can't keep Kara with William when it's such a forced pairing (literally forced by everyone telling Kara to give him a chance).
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 years
uhm uhm uhm redk pt2? asking for a friend (the friend is me) haha incredible as always and now im ...uncomfortable..but in the way that has me saying thank you XD
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Knocking out two prompts in one go! A continuation of this smutty supercorp red!k au here.
Under the cut:
When Lena and Kara talk about the first night they met, they do so with the goal of recreating what had so intoxicated them.
For Lena, it’s the way Kara had stepped into that club as though she owned the very Earth she walk on. The way her beeline towards Lena had made her feel… special. As though a woman as powerful and as exacting as she had seen something in Lena that set her apart from the crowd.
For Kara, it’s the way Lena’s eyes had landed on her, and instantly sparked with desire. It was the way she’d opened herself to Kara’s will so completely, offering her trust and her exquisite beauty without hesitation.
Kara doesn’t explain just what had caused her to behave that way, or why it had felt so wrong afterwards. Lena doesn’t need her to.
They decide a place, and a safe word. The timing is left to Kara’s discretion.
Kara leaves it so long, Lena almost forgets. But when Lena steps into her bedroom one Friday night to find Kara waiting, it’s not just the open robe draped over her bare shoulders that clues Lena in to Kara’s intent.
It’s the set of her broad shoulders, her long neck and lofty chin– and the way her eyes grip Lena tight and refuse to let go.
Lena takes one silent breath, then another, before she finds the voice to speak.
“I believe I owe you a drink.”
One eyebrow goes up over the flat set of Kara’s mouth, as she tosses her hair over her shoulder with a flick of her head.
“I believe…” she returns idly, “you owe me more than that.”
Warmth gushes between Lena’s legs in an instant, gathering in the lace of her panties. The offer Lena made that night comes rushing back, and she remembers the stipulation with crystal clarity.
Only… her goddess had smirked, if your hands stay behind your back.
“I want to see you,” Kara declares, resting back on one arm. Her other hand drifts to her lap, fingers running gently along the inside of her thighs.
The request that’s not a request sends electricity sparking down Lena’s spine. Biting her lip, she turns without a word. Sweeping her hair over shoulder to expose the zipper in back, Lena waits.
Warm fingers tickle the back of her neck as they tug the zipper down, drawing it as far as her bra clasp before retreating once more. In their wake a trail of goosebumps chafe against fabric as Lena reaches behind her to take the zipper the rest of the way. When it can unzip no more, Lena turns back.
She watches Kara’s face as she slowly peels the straps from her shoulders and lets the whole dress find its way to the floor. She steps out of it in nothing but her thong, breasts bare and unsupported.
She watches through her lashes, and waits for the instruction to remove her panties as well…. but it never comes.
Instead, Kara settles in on the edge of the bed, and spreads her legs in silent invitation.
Desire shudders through Lena, quaking her breath as she closes the distance, and kneels in supplication. She lifts her hands to brace against powerful thighs only to freeze when a sound issues from above.
“Uh uh.”
The admonishment sends another rush of blood coursing downwards. Lena’s hands withdraw from their hover, clenching against the denied touch. Then, looking up through her eyelashes, Lena holds Kara’s gaze as she slowly, deliberately, folds her wrists behind her back.
She waits a beat, allowing Kara to savor the sight of her. Without breaking eye contact, Lena begins a slow bow, leaning towards her prize.
I like the way you look at me, Kara had said that night. Like you want to worship me.
Worship Lena does.
Kara’s eyes close when Lena’s lips meet hot, waiting flesh. She bestows a long, languid kiss on the swollen bud of Kara’s clitoris, reveling in the the glottal moan it pulls from her lips. Saliva mixes with arousal, combining into a sticky mess that soon coats Lena’s chin and mouth as she gently tests the waters, licking and suckling without any true purpose but to taste, and to savor.
When Kara’s fingers trail over her scalp, pressing her gently but irresistibly closer, Lena begins in earnest.
Lena works steadily, pressing deeper and deeper with every stroke of her tone. In moments, Kara’s thighs grow taut against the urge to close around Lena’s ears, and Lena pushes all the harder in challenge.
She craves Kara’s reaction: she devours every twitch of the muscles at her cheeks, every flex of the fingers on her head, every gasp that hitches in Kara’s chest, and greedily reaches for more.
Perhaps she reaches too far, when the hand in her hair firms, then pulls her away with a slow, painless tug. The grip tilts her chin up, and Lena has to work to focus her hazy vision on the subject of her desire.
Kara gazes down at her, eyes burning with arousal. Lena can only imagine the sight she makes– pupils blown wide and lips smeared with lipstick and arousal. But there’s no displeasure in the lift of Kara’s chin, as her hand pulls Lena back further, rocking her onto her toes, then her heels as she guides them to the floor.
Lena doesn’t think to move her hands from where they remain crossed behind her. They end up beneath her, pinned by her own weight. Kara’s hips center over her mouth, and Lena knows what to do.
Just enough of Kara’s weight settles on her lips to give Lena something to work with, and Lena would have hugged her closer if her hands were free. She settles for lifting her head, drawing patterns with her tongue to penetrate as deeply as Kara allows.
She almost forgets to breathe, and before long she’s panting through her nose, unwilling to pause for even a moment. Kara rides her mouth with deliberate care, rocking back and up, back and up. Her thighs continue to quiver, and juice runs down the side of Lena’s chin, but the orgasm Lena’s striving for remains stubbornly out of reach.
Kara reaches behind her to run her fingers over Lena’s ribs, sliding upward until a warm palm cups her left breast. Lena’s skin comes alive with sensation, goosebumps raising to meet Kara’s touch. Her breath hitches against Kara’s groin, and she feels powerful muscles clench around her tongue.
Callused fingertips capture Lena’s nipple between rough pads, and roll it gently to bring it to a stiff peak. Then they twist sharply, tweaking with delicious sting.
It, and the press of her wrists against her back, and Kara squelching against her chin all pull a moan of pleasure from her, vibrating up her throat and straight into the clitoris suckled between her lips.
Kara’s comes with a moan of her own, and Lena quickly moves to receive her climax on her tongue. She continues to stroke, licking feverishly to prolong the climax, and just before Kara comes down Lena seals her lips around her throbbing clit and laps like her life depends on it.
Her goddess crests again with a gasp and a cry, bucking violently forward into Lena’s mouth. Lena grins as she downshifts, letting Kara come down slowly.
When Kara’s weight settles back against Lena’s chest, they both use the moment to recover, and Lena rests comfortably with her hands still trapped beneath her, panting. With a smile, she presses a sloppy kiss to the thigh that lingers beside her head, then leans to rest against it.
A gentle hand strokes her hair, and Lena opens exhausted eyes to see Kara gazing down at her with that same hungry gaze she’d had that night at the club. Only this time, an undercurrent of affection runs through it, proclaiming  Lena as hers.
“You are…” A pink tongue slips over lips that curl into a smile, “unparalleled.“
She is also hopelessly, helplessly in love. 
Lena cherishes every moment.
((prompts are closed))
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coeurdastronaute · 6 years
Either/Or: Partners
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Supercorp AU Lena as a DEO agent before Kara comes out as Supergirl & they meet via working cases together for the DEO.
Like the rest of the world before dawn, the laboratory on the fifth basement level of the DEO headquarters was still relatively asleep and peaceful. Deep in the sterile tomb, everything was steel and glass, clean corners and not an ounce of trash or anything out of place. It was orderly and pristine and smelling of antiseptic and bleach.
“Morning, Tom,” Jess greeted the guard that kept the top secret lab, top secret.
She juggled the  two coffee cups and dug in her pocket for her badge before letting him scan and moving her eye for the retina scan.
“Good morning, lovely Jess,” the old, cheerful guard greeted her.
While to some he was nothing more than a grumpy, trigger happy, protocol-loving, veteran with a strict adherence to the rules of the base, to the handful of scientists inside the deepest parts of the secret agency, he was sweet as could be.
Hair leaning a bit more toward grey than black, eyes gleaming and just slits where blue peaked out, the guard had a crooked nose and high cheeks, and he kept his cheeks freshly shaven and his uniform pressed nice and stiff, despite already having over a decade logged behind the desk and never letting that make his work suffer.
He was a staple to them.
“How late was she here until?” she asked, turning around and pushing through the newly buzzed door.
“I don’t think she left.”
“What are we going to do with her?”
“I just watch the door,” he smiled. “You and Dr. Luthor figure out the hard stuff.”
“Have a good one, Tom,” Jess chuckled and tossed over her shoulder as she disappeared down the hall toward the bulk of the labs and her and her boss’ office.
It wasn’t often that Jess wasn’t one of the first people in the lab. She had the most demanding boss, the actual Director of Research and Scientific Discovery, and thus that meant she had a more rigorous set of guiding principles and assessments. It also meant that much of her job was spent managing said Director, which in turn meant being ahead of her moods and whims and brain. A feat not easily conquered by the faint of heart.
While the lab was scoured and awfully clean and drab, their office was somewhat more inhabited by humans. The walls had bookshelves with journals and artifacts and degrees and plants, while the large desk now had a sleeping woman folded over it.
Even as she walked through the lab filled with microscopes and large monitors, Jess scoped out a sleeping Lena Luthor and shook her head, disappointed that the promise to make her way home for the night had been ignored.
She debated waking her boss at all. Odds were, she only fell asleep about an hour ago after pouring over some numbers that could have waited until the morning. Odds were, she should have gone home and grabbed some actual sleep. Odds were, she’d be cranky.
So, unabashedly, the assistant allowed herself a little time to get the morning started without the interruption of a certain genius. Sometimes, life was just easier that way.
For another hour, Jess sipped her coffee and responded to emails, downloaded the newest articles to her boss’ tablet, and went about sorting the tasks of the day. Her list of tasks would never get done, and that was on a good, stress-free week. But Lena had her teeth in something, and that meant nothing else mattered.
Recruited while still getting her doctorate, or rather, her third, Lena took right to her job at the DEO, snagging the director’s position at a young age, and despite her assistant’s best attempts, she grew very old, very quickly. Not so much in body and mind, but rather habits. She’d never find anyone if she never left the DEO basement. Jess said those words so much, she was thinking of just having a recording made that she could play whenever she--
The alarm echoed throughout the building, blaring and echoing its deafening assault to warn of something.
“Jess!” Lena jolted awake, looking around very confused and alarmed.
Yanked from sleep so suddenly, Lena looked around for something, her heart beating wildly in her chest, her brain catching up as quickly as it could despite the cold start, and still, the warning alarms and strobe lights methodically screamed and blared.
“What time is… When did… What’s going on?”
“I’m not sure,” Jess shook her head, clasping her hands over her ears as she shouted across the room toward her boss. “What does your tablet say?”
Before Jess finished, Lena was already picking up the device and scrolling and opening. But before the assistant could follow up, she dropped the tablet and quickly moved from around the desk.
“Prep the trauma room and tell Ramirez and Patel to go to receiving and collect whatever artifact did all of this. They’re bringing it in now. I want it in my lab immediately.”
Lena tied up her hair and hurried toward the elevator.
“Lena, what’s going on?” Jess asked as she followed and jotted notes despite the noise.
“It’s Supergirl.”
With a grave look, Lena set her jaw and hit the button, the elevator door closing immediately, leaving Jess stuck, standing amidst the chaos only to realize that there was more chaos about to arrive.
Each floor that the elevator passed dinged in a steady rhythm as it approached the top floor of the headquarters. Lena finished pulling up her hair and rolled her head around, stretching the sore, stiff muscles of her neck and shoulders. She grunted slightly as she rubbed a joint that certainly hadn’t enjoyed her impromptu desk nap.
“Just keep cool,” she muttered to herself, steadying her mind for what was to come. “It’s only one of Earth’s greatest heroes. And it could be nothing. Could be a test.”
That helped, a little. But the elevator kept climbing, and Lena let the nerves back in.
It was difficult not to. Fresh from Metropolis, Lena hadn’t fully unpacked her apartment, let alone figured out everything she’d be doing as Director. She hadn’t even met Supergirl, or really anyone other than her department in her first few months of work. She just dove right in, eager to help, and excited to learn.
And now alarms were singing and she still wasn’t quite sure what time or day it was, and she was almost certain the alarm meant that Supergirl was hurt.
“Or you’re about to let a hero die,” she remembered as soon as the lift came to a stop and the doors opened, once again bringing up her nerves in full force.
That was her peptalk as she thrust herself into the forray. Everyone was running around, orders were being barked out, and it was still before dawn, Lena realized, finally finding her way to a window.
“Thank you for getting here so quickly, Dr. Luthor,” the director of the entire agency greeted her, his face long and solemn as he walked past her statuesque figure.
Quickly, Lena skipped to behind him.
“Is it really Supergirl?”
“I don’t know much, except someone has come in contact with a new substance that seems to coincide with an alien we’ve been after.”
In the flurry of activity, Lena stood her ground and waited for everything to start, but once it did she lost her anxiety an let her brain take over.
Lifeless and limp, Supergirl’s body was brought to the prepared gurney while a hundred different voices began to explain things. Lena ignored them, lifting the hero’s eyelids and tracking movement with her flashlight.
She had a doctorate in biology, astrophysics, and chemistry, and never did she expect she’d be working on Supergirl. But she did. She quieted the crowd in a forceful way and took Supergirl to her lab, eager to isolate whatever drug or chemical was doing this to her.
Behind her, she listened to the director telling the other agents that it was under control, and to begin the real work of figuring out what was going on, that the world still continued and their job existed before Supergirl.
As the doors closed, Lena looked down at the helpless person on the bed and gulped, wondering how true it was.
“If you could not die before I figure this out, I’d appreciate it,” she mumbled.
The people came and went, never lingering for as long as they wanted, and instead forcing themselves to carry on with their work. Lena checked vitals and waited for the sunlamp to do its thing as she ran tests on the chemical and weapon brought back to her lab.
Slow, tedious work was her favorite kind. It kept her hands and mind busy, and the quiet was a welcome distraction from the pressure of saving Supergirl.
So involved with her work did Lena find herself, that she didn’t notice, at first, the waking of the hero. She sat right beside the bed and jotted notes down as results came back from her tests, but she didn’t notice movement until Supergirl coughed and grunted against the pain.
“I don’t have my powers,” she whispered, looking around the room as she got Lena’s attention.
“How are you feeling?” the doctor asked, quickly putting her things down and once again shining a light in the hero’s eyes. “You took quite a beating, but the sun lamps are helping with the healing.”
“I don’t have my powers.”
“They will be back within the next day or two. I’m running tests on the chemical you were attacked with, but without knowing the proper dosage, I’m not sure…”
Lena trailed off as she stopped fidgeting with the patient and met Supergirl’s curious glance. Furrowed brow and proud chin, the hero stared back at Lena as if she were the alien. The doctor felt her cheeks heat up under the intense scrutiny.
“I don’t know you.”
“Right, sorry,” Lena gulped and looked away. “Not much of a reason for you to come down to the lab, I guess.”
“Usually I’m out there.”
“I know,” she smiled before taking a big breath. “I’m Lena Luthor. Dr. Lena Luthor. I just transferred over to run the research and development division.”
“From Metropolis. I did my first few years working with--”
“My cousin,” Supergirl nodded and tried to sit up, though her body had other things to say about that.
Lena helped adjust the bed and the lamps as she continued.
“The new stealth capabilities and early detection systems were some of my projects. Got me shortlisted for this position, and then it opened--”
“You’re young. The last guy was like… old.”
“Probably why he retired.”
Supergirl snorted to herself as she smiled and nodded. They sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments, both as Lena did some diagnostic work with the machines and as Supergirl flexed and tried to feel any of her power. When she failed again, she sighed and tried to sit up again, this time with a little more success. She watched the doctor move around the room, entering things into her tablet and looking altogether too studious.
Lena felt the eyes on her, and she felt oddly exposed because of it. But she couldn’t say anything to Supergirl, and she certain couldn’t look at her.
“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself sooner,” Supergirl finally spoke up. “I should get better at knowing who I’m working with.”
“You’re a busy woman. Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m still sorry.”
“Sit back and stop fidgeting with the wires,” Lena shook her head as she earned a dopey smile from the patient. She found herself gently pushing very strong shoulders for someone who was no longer immortal.
“Let me start over,” Supergirl tried, sticking out her hand. “I’m Supergirl, and it is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Lena,” she slowly took the hand that was offered to her, grateful to no longer be touching a supersuit and the muscles beneath it.
“I’m glad you joined our team.”
“Wait until you see the portal replicator I’ve been working on.”
Before she could say anything else, a handful of grateful agents joined the pair in the medical bay, and Lena shrunk slightly to the side. She only caught Supergirl’s eyes one more time before she was suddenly back to work, only then realizing that her facade had slipped into something akin to human.
In under two days it was all done. Powers returned, as promised, and thanks to Lena’s ingenius reworking of the alien tech, the culprits were apprehended, and all future endeavors into alienating Earth’s favorite alien were halted.
From her perch atop the old City Hall, Supergirl ate her take out and surveyed the city as the sun set and another day ended. With everything wrapping up, she let her mind wonder back to the girl she saw when she woke up without powers, and how she didn’t mind working with Dr. Luthor.
When she asked around about her, she only heard good things. People were amazed by how her mind worked and the things she did, and the diligence to which she put into her job. She took on responsibility and she worked to do her part in keeping the world safe. It was all exceptionally admirable.
And there was also the problem of her smile.
Kara shook her head and ate another egg roll before leaning back and scanning the city to keep her mind distracted.
“Hey, Supergirl, we have some more of that alien technology that has been cropping up on the black markets,” Alex came in over the comms.
“Seems like something our Research team should investigate.”
Her ears perked up slightly.
“I’ll be right there. I should work this case. This is dangerous stuff,” Supergirl decided, shoving food into her mouth and dusting her hands off on her pants as she quickly stood, preparing to push off as she fumbled to gather her trash.
“I’m sure they can handle it, I just wanted to give you a hea--”
“No, no, I’ll help. All quiet here,” she insisted.
“Quite an interest you’ve taken in research,” her sister teased.
“It’s dangerous technology that I’ve never seen before. I need to be prepared for--”
“Yawn,” Alex feigned. “I’m going to head over to the labs and just drop this stuff off.”
“No! I’ll do it!” Supergirl insisted rushing off as quickly as she could.
“You’re a mess.”
“Shut up.”
Tired and a little sore, Lena stretched her neck and let out a tiny, unsatisfied groan at the resulting creaks and groans her bones made. With a sigh, she leaned forward on her desk and rubbed some of the tension with her fingers, digging into her neck in hopes of relaxing.
Long since gone, Jess left dinner sitting on her bosses desk, which mean it was half-eaten and pushed to the side in favor of more reports. They weren’t even fun ones. If anyone had told Lena that as Director of a department her job would entail lots of budgets, she would have declined swiftly.
That was almost true, she smiled to herself as she sat back in her chair. She was a fan of challenges.
Before she could jump back in to more proposals, Lena caught a movement out in the lab. She shifted as a familiar stock of blonde hair peaked around, weaving through the lab and looking into offices.
The person who turned around wasn’t Supergirl though. She had the same color hair, and the same kind of face and jaw and when their eyes locked, there was the same blue--
“Sorry to barge in,” the agent managed, adjusting her glasses, pushing them up over the familiar blue that made Lena cock her head and stare. “I just… I didn’t expect anyone.” She cleared her throat. “I’m here to check on the results from the black market technology.”
“I didn’t expect anyone to be on this until the morning, Agent…”
“Danvers,” she offered quickly. “Kara Danvers.”
“Have we met before?” Lena asked, staring at the new agent, the staunch, button up wearing agent who reminded her so much--
“No, no, I don’t-- I just. You’re new, right?”
“You really remind me of someone.”
“Just one of those faces, I think,” Kara nodded, adjusting her glasses once again. “You might see more of me though. I’m assigned to the black market case.”
Lena just cocked her head and stared at the person standing in her office, not wanting to allow herself to believe the idea she just had.
“Shall we begin then, agent Danvers?”
An absolutely magnetic smile flashed across the relieved DEO agent’s face as she sat in the chair across from the Director of Research. Lena felt herself smile because that was all she could do with a smile like that.
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blackcrawford · 5 years
Why Women of Color on Supergirl Deserve Better
 There are things that need to be said about Supergirl, its fans and its treatment of women of color. Specifically black women. [I will be speaking for my Asian and Hispanic sistas as well. But as a black woman, I mostly speak about that]
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Thsi interaction sparked somewhat of a reaction in me. 
Azie Tesfai (who plays Kelly Olsen in Supergirl) is a black woman.
Now with the feminist rhetoric that will always surround this show, because it was the foundation it was built on, people tend to forget that women of color exist, because the show is peak White Feminism. Up there with Taylor Swift and Pink Vagina hats. 
All of the women of color on Supergirl excluding Kelly and the Colonel, has either been some sort of villain and/or dies.
National City is supposed to be LA and apparently only had one Mexican person and four black people. 
If you’re in LA and don’t see a Mexican or a black person, it’s cause you hid in your bathroom all day. 
That’s completely irresponsible and dangerous. It’s erasure. 
All of the witches in S3 except for one was a woman of color. Which is irresponsible and dangerous. 
Alex putting a gun in that black womans face, after breaking into her home based on Kara's DREAM, while the woman had on headphones, when she hadn't even committed a crime, is literally so insensitive considering the culture we live in.
Look up Korryn Gaines. Here I did it for you. 
It was something out of a white supremacist wet dream. Something black and brown people all over the country have to live in fear of. 
I refuse to watch that episode ever again. Irresponsible, dangerous and blatantly racist.
Supergirl was not and has not been a show that is friendly to women of color. (I would say ask Floriana, but she isn’t even a woman of color. She just TANS. Like really? Really? They had her playing a hispanic woman and she ain’t even hispanic? Not black face, but close. Disgustingly close)
Insert Kelly. 
During a season where the subject of profiling and discrimination was the main focus. 
Coincedence?! I think so. 
I doubt the Supergirl writers did that on purpose, because they are not that smart. 
The reaction to the treatment of aliens on this fictional show was more empathetic than the actual prejudice that those considered part of the African Diaspora faced is not only repugnant, it is cognitively dissonant. 
Supergirl is a show with mostly LGBTQ+ identiying people as fans. It has a lot to do with the people who tuned in for Sanvers on S2 and S3. 
Also a lot of people who want to see Supercorp, and also Katie Mcgrath has played WLW characters in the futre. 
(Speaking of Katie Mcgrath and Lena Luthor! READ MY OTHER WRITING ABOUT SUPERGIRL and that reveal!)
( https://lenashomegirl.tumblr.com/post/185024993045/why-lena-luthor-matters-even-when-others-actions)
LGBTQ+ community members tend to be some of the most racist people in the world, while also crying about equality. 
And that isn’t seen more clear than Sanvers fans treatment of Azie Tesfai.
Calling her an “IT”, numerous times, making sure she saw it. 
The dehumanization of black women is so ingrained in the psyche of white supremacists, that they don’t even consider it white supremacy at work. They just see it, as a Twitter feud. 
I have not seen her being called the N word, but based on how y’all treated Mechad those first couple seasons, I know for a fact y’all have got that slur locked and loaded in the chamber, for them extra bored days.
Mechad spoke about this less than two months ago. All of them spoke about it. With Candice from The Flash. 
Candice not quitting is a testament of how strong black women really are. I remember when it was announced. You Neo Stanzis came out to PLAY. I was so disgusted. 
You’re not going to do this to Azie y’all. We won’t allow this to happen. I won’t allow this to happen. I don’t care if I’m fighting by myself, writing an essay a week for the next 3 seasons, I will be here like Tony Montana at the top of your tags and timelines, emptying chamber after chamber. 
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If you racist fangirls suspend me, I will make another account on another computer and keep going. 
Not liking a character is completely understandable. I wanna knock Kara’s teeth out most of the time. But I don’t comment under all of Melissa’s social media posts “Hey I wanna knock your perfect teeth out”
 Y’all bullying real people. 
And I see what y’all trying to do. I’m not stupid. 
Y’all bullied the guy (Rahul Kohli) that played Jack Spheer as well. He called the fandom “toxic” and “nasty”.  And he also, called y’all “racist”
HM! All of the people of color who have white love interest on this show has had a problem with racism on this show. Almost seems as if it’s a habit as opposed to a one off comment here and there. 
Y’all got Chris Wood (Not a man of color, but a good example of the toxicity that permeates the fandom) out the paint, by bullying him till his anxiety almost killed him. He spoke about it in his livestream for his clothing line. He was talking about his dad’s undiagnosed mental illness ended up killing him and he spoke about how dangerous social media is. Him and Melissa had to shut off the comments to their own engagement announcement. 
A dangerous precedent has been set by the Supergirl fandom. 
Y’all think you can bully people, until you get your way. Until people leave. 
And y’all say “It’s not racist, if we don’t like Kelly. She’s just not right with Alex”
Why is she not right? She’s smart, she’s beautiful, she speaks to Alex in a non condescending way (Maggie was a douche. I hated her.), Alex likes her. etc. What EXACTLY is not right about Kelly? Specifically. 
“They moved too fast” Give me a break. Maggie and Alex got engaged in six months. 
You guys speak about representation and seeing yourself positively, but that all goes out the window when people of color are involved, huh? 
Black women aren’t allowed to see themselves as nothing more than yellow eyed villains in National City? 
She’s here. She broke your illusion of Supergirls predominantly white world with a few tokens and now your SICK. 
Get used to it. She’s here. 
And the KKK rallies y’all host in her mentions, ain’t gonna drive her away. 
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aeon-wolf · 8 years
“Shh… This is going to sting a little bit.” Kara said, holding Lena’s shoulders down, pinning her against the couch with her body. Lena bit her lip in anticipation. She felt a sharp pain in her neck as Kara bit down, breaking the skin. She felt Kara sucking at her neck, drawing some of her blood from her body. “You taste… exquisite.” Kara mumbled against Lena’s skin. Lena could feel herself losing blood quickly, her mind overcome with a haze.
A Vampire Supercorp AU
Read it here on AO3
Lena Luthor slumped back in her office chair, completely exhausted. She had already read over at least ten reports that evening and probably should read over at least five more before calling it a night. But decided that she probably wouldn’t be in peak condition to look at them until the next morning after a few hours of sleep, so she decided to call it quits for the evening.
She glanced at the clock. 10:00 PM. Lena sighed. No later than normal really. Lena rubbed the beginnings of sleep from her eyes, shutting her laptop, putting papers back in their appropriate folders. Lena got up from her desk, gathering up the folders and walking over to her filing cabinet. She took a few minutes to put them all in the appropriate places for the next morning before locking the cabinet. The L-Corp building was pretty secure, but she’d rather be safe than sorry.
Lena took a couple of minutes to look out her office window. The city seemed fairly quiet. National City had its fair share of crime, hence Supergirl usually flying around at this time of the evening, not that Lena noticed or anything of course. But there was no sign of the caped hero. The lights of the different buildings around L-Corp twinkled, some of the brighter stars visible in the night sky. Lena always loved the night sky. When she was younger, she would star gaze with Lex. He would tell her stories about the different constellations and the history behind them. Good memories of a better time.
Lena gathered up her purse and jacket, throwing it over her shoulder. It was a fairly warm summer evening in National City. She turned off the lights in her office, locking the door behind her. Jess had left hours ago, Lena insisting that she leave at a reasonable hour. Though she knew Jess would stay until Lena herself left if the CEO asked. But Lena wasn’t that cruel. She wouldn’t subject another human being to her workaholic schedule.
She stepped into the elevator, pressing the button to take her to the ground floor. Lena sighed, relaxing her shoulders a bit. While she loved her job, it was sometimes a bit much. Trying to redeem the Luthor name from both Lillian and Lex was certainly a task. And neither of them were making it very easy for her. Between Lex’s attempts on her life and Lillian’s attempts on Supergirl and the rest of the alien population. She had already been to jail once because Lillian tried to frame her. Thank God for Kara Danvers, literally her only friend in National City.
Lena had been taken aback when she had found out that Kara was Supergirl. A pair of glasses, ponytail and a slouch wasn’t a very good disguise. Though Lena had to admit it took her an embarrassingly long time to figure it out on her own. It wasn’t until she had invited both of them to her gala that she knew for sure. It wasn’t just a coincidence that Kara had disappeared just as her friend Winn had accidently spilled a drink on her, only for Supergirl to appear.
But what had Lena more surprised was that Kara continued to be friends with her. Even stand up for her when all the evidence pointed to her being guilty. Supergirl truly trusted a Luthor. And the CEO had to admit, she may also have been harboring some more than friendly feelings towards the blonde too. It was easy to fall head over heels for Kara. She was so bright and happy all the time. She wore such an innocent facade, but Lena knew that there was darkness brewing just beneath the surface. Kara had lost her home, her family, everything.
Somehow, in the time that she had known Kara, she had developed extremely strong feelings for the blonde reporter. Sometimes she was sure that Kara returned them as well, but Lena was so afraid of ruining their friendship, that she never could pluck up the courage to make a move. She cherished her friendship with Kara far too much to risk it on her feelings.
The elevator door dinged open and Lena stepped out into the lobby. It was mostly dark except for the late night security guard. She smiled at him as he grunted “Ms. Luthor.” Walking out the front door, crossing the street to the parking garage where her car was parked. She did have a personal driver, but she usually tried to let him have the evenings off to be with his kids. And since she typically worked late, she usually drove herself.
The parking garage was dimly lit, like most garages, though Lena did take it upon herself to have better security than some. Her own parking spot was right near the front entrance. She pulled her keys out of her purse, unlocking the car and throwing her things in the backseat. She was about to get in herself when she heard a light scuffle nearby. She paused. Nobody should be still working. Lena frowned. Her common sense told her to just get in her car and leave. It could have been a rat or other nocturnal animal. But her sense of curiosity got the better of her.  
She shut her car, fiddling with the small flashlight attached to the keychain. She turned it on, cautiously walking toward the source of the sound. The scuffling got louder as she approached. Lena furrowed her brow. Then the noises stopped. Lena froze in her tracks, hoping that her heels clicking against the concrete hadn’t given her away.
Nothing, so Lena cautiously continued towards the sounds. Lena rounded the corner and almost dropped her flashlight. A familiar caped figure had what looked like a body pinned up against the wall, her mouth attached to his neck. She gasped softly.
Suddenly in a flurry of red and blue, Lena found herself pinned against the wall, dropping her keys on the ground, her hands pinned against the wall. She struggled against her attacker, but their grip was inhumanly strong. Lena stopped struggling for a second, getting a closer look at the one pinning her to the wall. Lena’s heart stopped. She had suspected but hoped that she had been wrong. “Supergirl…” She trailed off.
“Ms. Luthor.” The superhero replied. “What brings you here?” She asked casually like she wasn’t holding Lena against the wall with her super strength. Like this was a normal conversation. Like there wasn’t a now dead-looking body lying on the ground a few yards from them.
“This is my parking garage. I was just about to head home…” Lena said, trailing off as she noticed a drop of blood trickling from Kara’s mouth. Lena squinted in the low light of the garage, noticing there was something off about Kara’s eyes. They were glowing a dark yellow color, rather than her normal blue. “Kara…?” Lena said. “Is everything okay?”
Kara blinked, narrowing her eyes. “So, you figured it out.” Kara purred in a seductive tone that Lena wasn’t sure she would have believed Kara was capable of making if she hadn’t heard it for herself. “And you figured out the other part of my secret too. Caught me in the act so to speak.” Lena wordlessly nodded. Aliens and metahumans existed, why wouldn’t vampires too? Because as Kara smirked, Lena caught sight of some extremely sharp fangs. “You know, the DEO won’t be happy if I leave any… loose ends.” Kara said, leaning in closer to Lena. The youngest Luthor gulped. She wasn’t worried that Kara would actually hurt her, but she had to admit, she shuddered a little bit at the dominating woman who had her pressed up against the wall. “But I'm also loathed to kill you, you know. You’ve got a… special place in my heart Lena.” Kara murmured, kissing Lena’s neck. Lena’s breath hitched and her heart skipped a beat. Lena clenched her fists against the wall as Kara gently ran her fangs against her skin.
“What are you saying, Kara?” Lena managed to mumble out.
“See, I can’t let you go. But I don’t want to kill you either. Can’t kill you really. I know how your body reacts to me, Lena. I have super sight and hearing. I can hear your heart rate increase whenever we’re together. See you shudder whenever I get too close to you. Hear the blood rushing through your veins like it’s on fire.” Lena gasped. “I’m offering you a life beyond the mortal world. Offering you a life with me. Forever.” Kara purred out the last word into Lena’s ear.
Normally Lena would kick the offender in the groin and call the police. But her mind was in a haze. Kara knew exactly how to make all of Lena’s reason and coherence to go right out the window. It didn’t help that she was painfully attracted to Kara in the current moment. And it wasn’t just her hormones talking. She had been smitten with Kara for some time. Though this wasn’t exactly the Kara she remembered. This one was far more confident, even more so than she was when she was Supergirl. This one was… seductive.
“You’re saying…” Lena’s voice caught in her throat. But Kara nodded against Lena’s neck.
“I’m saying I’ll turn you. I’m offering you eternity. You’ll be able to live to see the Luthor name be redeemed. You’ll live to see everyone you ever hated leave this world while you’re still here with me. I’m offering you all the power you ever wanted.” Lena couldn’t deny Kara’s offer was tempting. When she was younger she always dreamed of how she would respond if she was offered something like this. But she never imagined it could actually be true.
“Kara I…” Lena started, but her breath hitched as Kara pulled away from Lena’s neck and looked the CEO straight in the eye. The dark, glowing yellow eyes gazing longingly at her.
“Don’t think. Just say yes. I need you, Lena. And I’ve needed you for a long time.” Lena furrowed her brow.
“And if I were to say no?” Lena challenged the, probably, very dangerous vampire in front of her. Kara raised an eyebrow.
“Theoretically if you were to say no, I would let you go and let you walk out unscathed. I’m not a monster, Lena. Despite what you may think at the current moment. But if you’re going to tell me no, you’d better do it soon, my instincts are hard to fight and keep under wraps, especially in regards to you and right when you’ve caught me mid feed.”
“Why me?” Lena asked. Kara chuckled.
“An answer you’re not yet ready for. Nor would you understand as a human. Consider what I’m offering you, Lena. I’m giving you eternity. With me.” Lena looked into Kara’s golden yellow eyes. There was a seductive and predatory look about them. But Lena noticed that there was also affection and honesty.
“Okay,” Lena whispered, relaxing into Kara’s grip. Kara grinned, leaning in a pressing a kiss against the shorter woman’s forehead. She let go of Lena’s hands, the CEO’s arms automatically wrapping themselves around Kara’s shoulders. “You’re not going to… right here?” Lena asked nervously. Kara shook her head.
She scooped Lena up into her arms, the CEO yelped at the sudden movement, gripping onto Kara’s shoulders. She glanced over at the body she had originally found Kara by. “What about… him?” Kara glanced over and waved it off.
“The DEO will take care of it. The only humans I feed off of are either sex offenders and domestic abusers. And only when I need fresh blood. Most of the time I can get by with blood bags that people donate. But sometimes the… urge is too strong to ignore.” Kara tightened her grip on Lena as she took flight and quickly flew them to Lena’s apartment, landing on the balcony. She set Lena down carefully.
Lena was unlocking the door to let the two of them in when Kara blinked. Lena turned around to see Kara backing up towards the railing away from Lena. A look of horror on her face, her eyes having changed back from yellow to the blue she was used to. “Is something wrong Kara?” Lena asked, stepping towards the superhero. Kara held up a hand to stop Lena.
“I… I’m so sorry. I have no idea what came over me. Well… I do. But… gah.” Lena frowned at Kara’s behavior. This seemed to be her good friend Kara Danvers, not the predatory Kara Danvers she had met in her parking garage. Lena beckoned Kara to follow her inside her apartment. Kara edged inside behind Lena, fidgeting with her cape. Lena flipped the light switch, sitting down on her couch, gesturing for Kara to sit as well. The blonde sat on the other end of the couch, as far as possible away from Lena.
“What is going on Kara?” Lena asked, a little concerned. “Should I call your sister?” She asked, but Kara shook her head furiously.
“No! She doesn’t need to know about this.” Lena raised an eyebrow.
“What exactly is this?” Kara opened her mouth then shut it again.
“I… See you caught me at a bad time. Mid-feed. If you had been anyone else, I probably would have killed you.” Kara admitted softly, ashamed of herself. “If you don’t want to… you know. I won’t blame you. I don’t know why anyone would want to subject themselves to this…” Kara trailed off. But Lena picked up on Kara’s insecurity.
“I agreed to this Kara. But if you don’t want to…” Lena said gently. Kara’s eyes widened.
“No! That’s not it. I just don’t want you to feel like you should. I would… love if you spent the rest of eternity at my side, but I don’t want to make that choice for you. You’re still human. You should get to choose.” Kara bit her lip. Lena’s gaze softened as she got up from the couch, walking over in front of Kara, bending down on her knees in front of the blonde.
“And if I chose to be with you?” Lena said, placing her hands on Kara’s knees. “Would you stop beating yourself up over this and just let go? And do it.” Kara gulped but nodded.
“If this is what you wanted, yes,” Kara said, whispering the last part.
“Then do it.” Lena challenged with a smirk. She saw Kara’s eyes flash that dark golden glow again before Lena found herself laid across the couch, Kara lying on top of her, her nose pressed against her neck. Lena gasped slightly as she felt Kara’s fangs extend and rub against her neck muscle. “Kara…” Lena breathed out.
“Shh… This is going to sting a little bit.” Kara said, holding Lena’s shoulders down, pinning her against the couch with her body. Lena bit her lip in anticipation. She felt a sharp pain in her neck as Kara bit down, breaking the skin. She felt Kara sucking at her neck, drawing some of her blood from her body. “You taste… exquisite.” Kara mumbled against Lena’s skin. Lena could feel herself losing blood quickly, her mind overcome with a haze.
“Kara…” She managed to gasp out.
“Shh… Sleep Lena. Let my blood infect you.” Kara said. The blonde has bit into her own lip, drawing her own blood, coating her fangs with it before injecting a mixture of her venom and blood into Lena’s neck. The last thing Lena remembered before passing out was a dull fire in her veins and Kara’s glowing golden eyes looking down at her sympathetically.
Kara paced back and forth, waiting for Lena to wake up. The CEO had been out all night and would be for the rest of the day. Kara had never infected anyone else, but Clark, who had turned his mate Lois told her about the process. Lena would be out until the next night where she would finally wake up. It was going to be a while before Lena could function and pass for a human, her eyes would glow that unnatural golden glow until she got control of her instincts and bloodlust. And that could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. It depended on how dedicated and disciplined she was.
Kara couldn’t help but keep nervously glancing down at Lena passed out. Kara had moved Lena’s body from the couch to her bed as soon as Lena was out. The young vampire couldn’t believe that she had said those things the previous evening to Lena. Granted, she wasn’t in full control of herself. Her mind wasn’t all there, having let herself over to her predatory side as she fed. She was just lucky it was Lena who had come across her. Kara made a mental note of being more careful next time.
She hadn’t been lying when she said that if it had been anyone else, she probably would have killed them. Lena was special. Held a special place in Kara’s heart. She knew the minute she laid eyes on Lena that she was the one. Clark had been disapproving at first, but when she admitted that she had found her mate in Lena Luthor, he was more accepting. He understood what it was like. And how little Kara had a choice in the matter.
But as Kara got to know Lena more, she felt that Lena would have been someone she would have fallen for, even without her supernatural side. Lena was a broken soul, but despite that still held hope and light in her heart. She was just so good without realizing it. Kara’s heart always clenched whenever she saw the dark haired woman.
So when Kara had offered, no almost begged, Lena to spend the rest of time with her, she hadn’t been in full control of her thoughts and actions. But she wanted it nonetheless. She was horrified that she had all but threatened Lena into accepting her offer. But somehow, the young Luthor still wanted to go through with it. So Kara continued to pace back and forth in front of Lena’s bed. Waiting for night to fall and Lena to wake up.
She only left Lena once for the entire day, rushing over to her own apartment to pick up some of her spare blood bags for when Lena woke up and would inevitably be caught up in her bloodlust.
Kara’s ears perked up as she heard a small groan coming from Lena. She rushed over to Lena’s side, watching her intently, her eyes starting to glow again. She watched Lena’s eyes flutter open and she was greeted by a familiar golden glow that replaced the usually bluish green eyes. “Lena.” Kara purred. Now that Lena was a vampire, her mating bond felt stronger. She knew it was muted for both of them while Lena was human, but now that they were both undead, it hit her full force as she looked at Lena.
She watched Lena sit up, blinking and shaking her head. “Kara?” She asked, glancing over at the blonde. As their eyes met, Lena’s widened, turning her full attention to the older vampire crouching next to her. “I… what…” Lena said incoherently, her mind fuzzy from her transformation. All she knew was that she felt an undeniable pull towards Kara and a low burn in her throat.
“Shh. I’ll answer all your questions. After you feed.” Kara said, blurring into the kitchen and grabbing a bag of blood, blurring back to Lena. She offered the blood to her mate. Lena’s pupils dilated at the sight and smell of the liquid, grabbing it from Kara’s hands. Her fangs extended immediately, biting into the bag and sucking the blood from it like she had been stranded in a desert for a week without water. She drained the bag quickly, the burn in her throat dulled for the time being. Kara smiled as she saw Lena relax. She took the time to get a good look at her mate. Lena had always been perfect, her features always fair and regal, but the vampire blood and venom in her system had intensified them. Her strong jawline lengthened slightly, her lips naturally a shade or two darker than they had been. Her raven colored hair had a bit more shine to it than it once did. Her cheekbones arched a little bit higher.
Lena was always perfect to Kara. But looking at her now, the subtle changes to Lena’s features was undeniable. And Kara’s mouth watered just looking at the perfection of her mate. “You are so beautiful,” Kara mumbled, grabbing one of Lena’s hands. She felt a jolt of heat between them. Lena must have felt it too because the younger vampire gasped.
“What… is this?” Lena asked, looking into Kara’s golden gaze. The blonde’s instincts told her to protect her mate and progeny. Her own eyes would probably glow golden for a while until Lena got control of herself in public.
“It’s a mating bond,” Kara admitted quietly. She hadn’t wanted to tell Lena while she was human. She didn’t want to force Lena into feelings obligated to be with Kara. She knew that humans wanted to find love on their own, not be tied down to someone because some supernatural force dictated it. In fact, Kara herself was always wary of the idea of a mate. But after finding Lena, she was forced to reevaluate her position.
“You mean… you and I?...” Lena trailed off and Kara nodded. Lena bit her lip. “So when I was human… my attraction to you…” Lena looked up at Kara, who shook her head.
“No. This bond wasn’t messing with your head. I did everything in my power to keep it from reaching you. I didn’t… I didn’t want you to feel pressured. Or feel like I was taking your choices away from you. I tried my best to suppress it from you. It was muted, for both of us. Yes, perhaps it may have influenced us during our first couple of meetings, but you could have always walked away from it.” Kara said, pressing her forehead against Lena’s, imploring with her gaze for Lena to believe her.
Lena nodded. “Okay. I trust you.” She said, sitting back and getting a good look at Kara with her newly enhanced sight. “I thought you were beautiful before Kara, but now you’re…” Lena stopped, at a loss for words. Kara chuckled.
“I feel the same way about you.”
Lena was confined to her apartment for the next few weeks at least. She wasn’t allowed to leave at all. It was probably a good thing that she lived in a penthouse so that she didn’t have any neighbors. That would have been a difficult arrangement for a newborn vampire. Kara was trying to help Lena control her instincts. It was going fairly well considering how new to everything Lena was.
Kara would set a blood bag in front of Lena and see how long the newborn could resist it. Lena didn’t last very long, but Kara could tell she was trying. And that she was getting better each day. “Ugh… I’m never going to get the hang of this.” Lena bemoaned after she had only been able to resist for five minutes, wiping a trickle of blood that escaped from her mouth.
“You will,” Kara assured her. “It takes time. It took me years to get a perfect grip on my control. And I still get tempted from time to time.” Kara said, sitting down next to Lena, kissing her on the cheek. The two had also become a little bit more openly affectionate with each other, the odd kiss on the cheek here or there, hugs that lasted longer than what was considered platonic, and lingering gazes.
But the pair hadn’t wanted to move too fast. They were both vampires, but Kara hated the idea of letting the mating bond dictate how fast or slow she took something. She wanted to do it at her own pace. Lena seemed to be thinking the same, though it must have been harder for her since she was a new vampire. Her instincts controlled most of her actions. Though, Kara thought maybe that’s why Lena was struggling with controlling her bloodlust. All of her control was going into resisting the mating bond.
And Kara had an idea to test it. She cupped Lena’s cheek, turning her face to look into her dark golden eyes. Lena watched Kara’s own deep pools of blue turn gold as she leaned in. Lena had been trying so hard to respect Kara’s boundaries in terms of their relationship. She didn’t want to push it. She remembered as a human her promise to herself that if she ever got as lucky as to have a chance with Kara, she’d go at their pace. And she was trying to upkeep that. But the tug in her stomach kept telling her to claim her mate. But she managed to push it away.
But now that Kara was leaning in, intent clear in her eyes, Lena couldn’t help but lean in as well to meet Kara’s lips. She felt the legendary sparks behind the kiss like her entire body had been lit on fire. Lena felt herself pushing back against Kara’s lips roughly, the blonde smiled, breaking the kiss, leaving Lena panting. Kara grinned seeing Lena’s eyes flicker her normal bright green briefly. Before fading back to dark gold. Her hypothesis proved correct.
“You’re holding back,” Kara stated simply. Lena frowned.
“What?” She asked curiously.
“That’s why you’re struggling to control your bloodlust for more than a couple of minutes.” Lena frowned, not following Kara’s train of thought. So she explained further. “You’re a newborn. And like I said, ruled by your instincts until you learn to control them. Right now, there are two main things that you want. Blood. And me.” Kara said, grabbing Lena’s hand. “You’re not lasting with a blood bag more than a couple of minutes because all of your control and focus is going into resisting your instincts to claim me.”
“Oh,” Lena said, a little shyly. “I just… I wanted to do this at your speed. I know you value time and consent. And everything. I wanted to… you know. Respect that.” She said awkwardly, averting her eyes. Kara’s gaze softened at her beautiful mate. She leaned in again, capturing Lena’s lips in another deep kiss.
“I do. But I don’t want to make choices for you. I want you to have just as much say in this relationship as I do. I don’t want you to feel you have to sacrifice your control of your bloodlust to control your instincts regarding me.” Kara finished, stroking Lena’s cheek with her thumb softly. Lena smiled softly, Kara noting the flicking of her eye color between green and gold.
Kara blurred to the kitchen, grabbing another bag of blood. She went to set it on the table in front of Lena, the raven-haired vampire’s eyes quickly settling on a dark gold as the burn in her throat grew stronger. Kara went to sit next to Lena this time, rather than stand a few feet away. She cuddled into Lena’s side, burying her face into Lena’s neck, inhaling her scent. Lena sighed, relaxing a bit at the sensation of her mate so close to her. Showing her affection.
This time, Lena sat calmly in front of the bag of blood for far longer than she had previously, lasting a good thirty minutes before giving into her instincts and devouring the blood. Kara grinned, excited that she had found the cause of Lena’s problem. She was trying so hard to control her hormones, she was allowing her bloodlust to slip instead. Kara was kind of touched in a way. Lena cared about her enough to put a leash on the mating bond in order to respect her values. But Kara also didn’t want to cause Lena any more hardship than was necessary.
“Lena,” Kara started. Lena looked up from the drained blood bag in her hands. “What do you want out of this relationship?” Kara said, gesturing between them. “How fast do you want it to go?” She asked earnestly. Lena paused.
“It’s hard to not just want to jump you right this minute, but I know that I shouldn’t. It’s too soon, even if we’re mated. But I don’t want to act like we’ve never met each other and we don’t have feelings for each other. I’ve always been taken with you, vampire mating bond or not. You have always been a beautiful soul that I was always enamored with.” Lena admitted. Kara’s heart melted a little bit at the admission, turning to face Lena fully, placing her hands on the young vampire’s waist.
“Then don’t. I’m right here Lena. I want to help you. Help you adjust. I know it’s hard. Trust me, I know. But I believe in you. You’re one of the most strong-willed people I know. If anyone can learn quickly, it’s you.” Kara said fondly, reaching up to run a hand through Lena’s hair. Lena stretched up like a cat into Kara’s touch, her eyes flickering back to green and remaining there.
“You have no idea how much that means to me, Kara. Thank you.” Lena whispered out the last past, pulling her mate into a tight hug. Kara gasped a little bit, Lena’s new strength actually allowing her to feel some discomfort.
“Uh… Lena? Do you mind losing your grip a bit?” Kara gasped out. Lena immediately released Kara.
“Oh my god. I’m sorry Kara. I’m still getting used to the super strength and everything. I didn’t hurt you did I?” Lena asked, horrified. Kara laughed, shaking her head.
“No, just a little discomfort.” She said, leaning in to kiss Lena, pressing their lips together briefly. They both smiled at the prospect of what was to come in the future for them and their vampiric lives together.
I got asked to write a vampire!AU a while ago and I've just been lazy asf. And since I'm been angsty and salty about 2x16 and the crossover (mostly the fandom wars it started, rather than the actual content to be honest about it) I took the time to finally finish this. There was another part of the prompt that I didn't write in here, which I might do later. So yeah. But it's not going to be a long-term story. I can really only focus on one writing thing at a time and right now Ascension is my child.
I haven't written anything vampire related in years, since I kind of stopped writing Twilight fanfiction (yeah, not my finest moment, I know). So I don't know how good this is or isn't. It just... is a thing I did.
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Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @elletoile
Nickname: Muffins, Pikachu, Bendoodles, and many more
Gender: Lady
Height: 5′5″.
Time Right Now: 20h
Last Thing Googled: a recipe for biscuits, which horribly failed and they look like hockey pucks
Favorite Bands: The Lumineers, Maroon 5, Fleetwood Mac
Favorite Soloist: right now it’s Ed Sheeren, but it changes all the time
Last Movie Watched: I can’t remember, I think it might be the 2nd Hobbit movie
Last TV Show Watched: Bones
When Did You Create Your Blog: About 7 years ago
What Kind of Stuff Do You Post: Current ships like Sanvers and Supercorp, things I find pretty or funny, and puppies :) 
When Did Your Blog Reach Its Peak: Peak? You mean it can get better than having like 100 followers, which most of them are porn blogs?
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Negative.
Do You Get Asks Often: Not really, unless you count the ones where people ask me to try out their sweet new game
Why Did You Choose Your URL: It was my favorite song at the time
Following: 144
Posts: Over 17 000
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Favorite Colors: Navy blue
Average Hours of Sleep: Anywhere from 8-12hrs
Lucky Numbers: I don’t really have one
Favorite Characters: Gail Peck, Root, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Gracie Hart
What Are You Wearing Right Now: Plaid pj pants, a pink tshirt, and my I love NY hoodie
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: 2
Dream Job: Cruise ship nurse. I’d still be able to do the job I love but I get to live on a boat and travel the Caribbean 
Dream Trip: Ireland
Tagged: @poutineisdelicious @nursingtheheart @sunbrojade, feel free to not do it,if you don’t want to
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