adrizzle-shizzle ยท 8 years
Journals Blog Posts- Into The Wild
01/30/17 I look up to Chris McCandless. Not just anyone could go on into the woods and try to be as independent as possible. I relate to the fact that he didn't want to be associated with such a society nowadays, of course many people have good intentions but ignorance just seems to be overweighing it nowadays. You don't understand what you want in life, and how could these people possible know? There are some days where I too just want to go on a venture and start a new life, leave everything and everyone and not worry about the past. Chris was a bit extreme in his actions, that's for sure, but he was brave for doing so. And I admire him for that. For believing in something so strongly that you would take these insane risks for it. 02/01/17 Social ideologies plays a very important role in the book and movie of Into the Wild. Chris is very fed up by the materialistic behavior of not only his parents, but society as a whole. His whole point of leaving this society behind is to find more to life than the same old path everyone takes through life. There's a moment in the movie where Chris refuses to receive a new car from his parents as a graduation present. This scene is small but crucial, as it's when you first start to notice how much he's against the materialistic nature of humans, and how he wants a change for himself for individual betterment. Economic ideologies also plays a key role in both the movies as he gets rid of money for him to feel closer to nature. Ofcourse; when Chris was in dangerous need of the money he would get a job and work for it. But this wasn't always the case, Chris would hunt and hitchhike his way to Alaska. It was very important of him to have no help of anything that could lead him into the ways of a dependent money-hungry follower like everyone else. 02/02/17 Was Chris McCandless misunderstood? I don't believe so. He didn't seek to be understood in the first place. He didn't say what his intentions were to people, he just left off keeping everyone wondering. He never gave an explanation in the first place so he never gave a chance for people to understand where this was coming from. Perhaps if he had, we would be able to determine if he was truly misunderstood or not. Even if he did explain himself to others, I believe he would have still been misunderstood. I don't think the people around him like his loved ones, would understand the importance of finding himself in the woods and having to engage in this risky actions and cut all contact off from his family to do so. I don't even understand it, one can never be fully understood. 02/04/07 Imagine being in Alaska where there are no family no friends no acquaintances no nothing. No one to listen to and no one to take care of but yourself. Like Chris, this is also relatable in many young adults that leave their house to the first time. Although it's not an isolated place that they leave to in the middle of Alaska, and might still have to follow rules if it's college, or just by having a roommate or even if it's just part of the apartment housekeeping rules; once we don't have anyone to listen to, it might be freeing to us. We feel more independent and more in control of our lives. Young adults may feel like they can shape their own views and opinions without having to explain themselves to others. Chris might have felt this way when he left everything behind. He had his power in his own hands and no one could stop him from changing his life around, it all depended on him. 02/09/17 Often, I can't explain why, but I feel propelled to be the loudest and make sure everyone notices me on stage whenever I'm performing. I'm usually a very quiet girl and don't say much in class, I speak very low and come off as shy. People usually wouldn't take me for an actress and when I tell them I am, they get surprised. "But you never talk!" They claim. I'm actually a different person whenever I'm onstage, and I can't really explain why. My voice fills up the entire room and you'll notice me, the light will shine on me and you'll wonder "I didn't know she could speak that loud!" It just comes naturally so it's something I can't explain, acting is something that I enjoy doing and after years of practice you don't have to worry about nobody being able to hear you when you're onstage, because I always manage to do better than everyone expects me to. 02/13/17 Whenever I'm doing improvisation in drama class, I feel like I can relate to Chris. During improvisation you jump in without knowing the outcome, the people around you will shape your environment and setting and you will have to adjust to it so you don't break character. Chris had to adjust to his new life as Alex Supertramp where ever he would go. He flew or of his house not knowing how this venture would end and he had to shape his life around living with a tight budget and no shelter. Ofcourse it didnt end well at the end but he did try to adjust himself to nee situations and thats what I'm supposed to do when I improvise, so I get what it must have been like for him. 02/16/17 I think it was very insightful of how Krakauer describea being on the Inside Passage. As most of Chris' experiences by himself in Alaska mostly come from second hand letters or journals or police records/documents, we get to see how difficult it must have actually been to live a life like that. Krakauer himself States how much long and cold then nights were and how he wanted to give up when he didn't because he didn't want people to believe that he gave up and assure their assumption of his trip in the first place. He made t through but it wasn't easy, and could you imagine that he was actually prepared. Chris was the least amount of prepared which is probably why it didn't end so well for him, I can only imagine how much harder it must have been for him. Krakauer experience gives a detailed first hand explanations which helps the reader understand how such a venture would result in most likely. 02/21/17 It's very surprising to me how Chris went from a college graduate with family supporters and a steady job to being a wild young man living by himself in the woods badly making it through the days. You wouldn't expect such a thing from someone like him, that's not the average life you would expect him to live. Which is probably why people were so astonished and confused by all of his actions. He was very family oriented and didn't seem to have any problem in school. It's evident that his parents and his siblings care every much about him and just wanted some answers, it's just too bad that it had to end like this. He was a man of his word too. Not once would he not repay his debts to the people that let him stay in their house or offer him a job. Like jan and Ron for example. His standards were clear and he was an honest man, he just wanted to live a life of his own without having anyone having to look over him. Which is understandable, we all need to learn to be independent at times. 02/16/17 There was a point in the book where Billie and Walt say that if Chris had taken his dog Sith him things probably would have turned out differently. He loved and cared for his pet very much and even wanted to take him on the trip, but his parents wouldn't let him. Would Chris have been less careless if his dog would have come with him on the trip? Who knows. It's most likely. He would have been more protective of his dog. If there was ever a day that it was raining or snowing or storming he probably would have been quick to find him shelter instead of for himself. If there was ever a day where the dog was starving or hurt he would have been quicker to find help or go back home because he didn't want to bring his dog through any more pain. If he really caref abot his dog, I believe this would have turned out differently. 02/21/17 Chris McCandless actually reminds me of my old pet cat I used to have. Well, it wasn't really mine but it would just come in and out of my house whenever it felt like it. It sounds strange, but that's how it would be ever since I moved into that place. The cat would come for shelter, food and drinks most of the time. But as soon as he got what he needed for survival, he would run off into who knows where. Sometimes days would pass by until we would see him again. Then finally after a period time he would come back, crying for someone to take care of him. This cat reminds me of Chris in the way that he would try to go on and be his independent self but when it got difficult you would see him cryinf for help. He never stayed around for long either and as soon as you showed some sign of affection it would run off, as if it was scared to get attaced because he knew he wasn't gonna be there permanently. This seems to be exactly how Chris feels whenever he went to hitchhike, Find a place to live and whenever they started to show affection towards him he would leave because he knew it was just temporarily and didnt want to get attached. 02/24/17 The woods is a place that's often very peaceful and mot many people visit it as we're all consumed by the urbanization of nowadays. We spend our days looking at our phones or in places where we cant avoid technology that cant help but make our lives easier. Its a great thing but its reasonable why Chris would leave to the woods. It's often full of mystery and quietness. You hear the soft breeze and the tint insects walking through leaves on the ground. There's no one to tell you anything; it's just you and your thoughts and nature. It's a great way to find inspiration, meaning, or a purpose in life. I often find it in nature as well, since thats where I usually take my photography. It just has a unique place to it no other place has, something we lack of in the fast paced society of nowadays that doesn't even have time to appreciate the nature surrounding us. I don't blame Chris for wanting to be around nothing but the woods, because when I'm focusing on my art that's all I want to. To be alone with no one telling you what to do. 02/27/17 Adriana is flabbergasted by how much evidence Krakauer used in his book to back up the fact that McCandless died of the poisonous plant. It's notable that much extensive research was done on the plants in Alaska to be able to come to such a precise and accurate conclusion. At first, Adriana thought it was a logical fallacy because most authors really aren't biologists or chemists, so while I was reading the book Adriana questioned whether it was valid or not. His afterword in the book showed me otherwise, as he had many researchers from different universities to back up his hypotheses that Chris McCandless died of starvation when previoisly eating the hepnum ii plant that usually isn't severely poisonous when eating but some parts of the seeds or roots might turn poisonous when the season changes to serve as an defense for wild animals. The research in which Krakauer made also provided a lot of outside sources and help such as a few doctores from well-known universities who have actually studied the biology and make-up of plants, so it's very surprising to see that almost any other biologist that was with him during the experiment agreed with his point of view and conclusions for the cause of death of Chris McCandless. Because it's not often that you see authors conducting a whole experiment to get their point accross, it's evident that Krakauer was very passionate about this topic and the mysteries of McCandless' life and that's what makes the book more interesting itself. 03/04/17 When Billie and Walt walked into the bus Chris' body had been, they seemed quite more calmed then Adriana expected them to be. It wasn't even a few weeks in that McCandless had died and they had gone to visit it already. Seeing and experiencing such a thing must be very hard for a parent and wouldn't wish it upon anyone, but they way they were able to manage themselves during the trip was very strong of them, I'm sure that Chris would've liked it. It's not uncommon for us to get hysterically emotional when a loved one passes, and to be where they used to be every day, it might be hard to take it on yourself. Billie, Adriana expected to be the most hystrionsic through it all, not because she was his mom but because she was so worried for countless of days, not knowing where he was or what he was doing, not knowing if he was safe, had shelter, door or water. But instead, Billie visited that Bus like a trooper and kept herself together. Walt also managed to keep himself together while visiting his sons "home" Adriana guesses you could call it. He made a memorial on the bus which was very thoughtful. Adriana can imagine them both having trouble now and then, feeling all types of emotions inside of them; peace with knowing where he finally wasster all this time, sadness that he wasn't there with them anymore, anger that he had left out of the blank and relieved that he is in a better place now. Perhaps visitng that bus wasn't such a bad thing afterall. They finally got some answers to their questions. 03/03/17 Did Chris act like a histrionic highschool kid? I don't believe so. We're often quick to judge on an other persons actions. In reality, Chris wasn't trying to upset or please anyone on purpose. He did all of this for himself. A reaction of a typical highschool kid would be doing these things like walking away into the wildernis because someone upset them and wanted to upset them back, but Chris didn't want to be found. No one upset him either. From my understanding, Chris was an adult who already lived his average life on behalf of his parents. But was it what he really wanted to do? No. He took matter into his own hands, decided that this wasn't the life for him and took off. He held journals because he wanted people to know what had happened if he weren't to come back. He send notecards out to people because he wanted to stay in contact; he never said that he didn't want to abandon everyone in his life, or else he wouldn't have sheltered or hitchhiked with so many new people along the way. Who are we to say that he acted overly dramatic? It was his life, let him be. He loved it the way he wanted to live it and just because it's not the common thing to do it doesn't mean we should classify him as histrionic. 03/10/17 The ending of Chris McCandless' life didn't come as a surprise. He barely had anything to eat day to day and had to clear knowledge on the things that he was eating. For example, Chris didn't know how to preserve the meat of the moose he killed. He instantly regretted it. The he relied on berries for survival. That also didn't go so well, as it caused him to be poisoned by it. In reality, McCandless could have been more prepared than he was. In order to make it through the wilderness for a long time, you can't just wing everything in the first time thinking that it's going to turn out good for you. This takes planning, time and commitment. You have to think before you act. Adriana knows that she said that she had admired Chris before, for being son race and following through on his plans. But now she's starting to see the true colors of him. He was being irrational and didn't know anything about the wilderness, it was ridiculous. Adriana saw that he was trying to be someone he was not. There were so many things he could have done not to die, like do some research before hand would've helped. Anything, even if it was just calling up your parents for a couple of minutes Chris could have made it through. Now, Adriana starts wondering whether he did this on purpose to call attention or not. This was a pretty extreme decision made by Chris, and it wouldn't supreme her if it was true. How are you going to leave all of your family and belongings behind? Adriana knows that society sucks, but life isn't always fair. You can't just leave and expect everything to be fine. That's never going to work. You have to learn to work through your problems, not walk away from them.
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