#like ppl shit on c!phil for not being there for tommy but like.....c!tommy actually DOES have people he can rely on and trust
pixelatedrose · 4 years
I don't have a lot of context for this but I've been thinking a lot abt Techno's character and how the way he interacts with people- specifically Tommy- is really telling about his character.
Lemme try and explain it WAY back from the begining.
When Techno first joined the server and pogtopia, you know he played along with everything, wanted to help take down the government and all of that- this isn't anything new. But at the same time, anyone who took a moment to think about it, would also know that Tommy and Tubbo and them would never follow up on the "no more government" that Techno wanted. L'manburg meant far too much to them for it to even really be an option.
And i think Techno, somewhere inside him, knew that. But he still stuck with them the whole way through, only turning on them once they actually went through with placing a new president.
Despite everything that Pogtopia stood for and everything they very clearly were planning on doing, Techno trusted them.
And then the next time we really see anything of this is when Tommy comes to Techno after exile, but it could also be argued that Techno also trusted L'manburg to leave him alone in retirement despite the whole of L'manburg basically swearing him their number 1 enemy. But back to Tommy cause its a lot clearer with him.
Something that I think everyone tends to forget is that Tommy didn't come to Techno for protection and shelter- he came to rob him blind and squat in his basement. It was Techno himself that took him in and trusted him and wanted to help him. And it was Techno that revealed his plans to blow up L'manburg with withers. And Tommy was VERY clear to Techno that he didn't want anything bad to happen to L'manburg, that all Tommy wanted was the disks. And Techno acknowledged that and told him that if he didn't want to be part of the reason L'manburg got destroyed, that Tommy could sit it out. But Techno knew Tommy didn't want that and he knew that Tommy hadn't even come for his help in the first place and I'm sure that deep down, he knew that Tommy wouldn't side with him in the end.
And STILL Techno trusted him. Despite everything, despite the hard facts, Techno still trusted him right until the bitter end.
And even after that, with the finale, Techno trusted Tommy and refused to let Dream cash in that favor.
And people talk about how despite how Techno interacts with Ranboo, that c!Techno has made it clear- at least in words- that he doesn't fully trust him.
but this is where i make my point:
Technoblade is extremely trusting, to a point where he continues to trust people who have hurt, betrayed, and used him in the past. And he's finally coming to realize that, so he keeps telling both himself and others that he doesn't trust Ranboo or Tommy because if he admits that he does, if he lets himself freely trust again, he's afraid he'll get hurt again. He just really really wants to be able to trust people, and he constantly lets himself and so he gets hurt.
Tl;dr: C!Techno, while still a very cautious character, is actually incredibly trusting- far too much for his own good- and keeps getting hurt because of it.
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stellocchia · 3 years
*clears throat*
Just. Tommy's been around for some time. Not even in the "secretly ancient super powerful creature" kinda way. Just in... Well, again, he is a tanuki and he's been around for some time but like... He's just been vibing? And while he's not as easy to kill as he has people believe he's also not unkillable and shit. He's just kinda playing a different game than anyone else, and if people were aware of that he'd have a much harder time being an asshole.
Anyways, so, he gets himself adopted (not the first time) and he likes Wilbur so he stays around.
Wilbur gets tricked by the kitsune Sally who was fucking shapeshifting into a fish and they... Yknow...
Multiple times
They're both switches, which is semi important information.
Anyways, she "cursed" him. So he had a.. toe pregnancy and thus. Baby girl Fundy.
Wilbur doesn't really know ANY of that. A staple in most of my aus is that Wilbur doesn't know how biology works cuz... Fridge... Phil... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Anyways, he thinks this is normal.
He doesn't even question that Sally was anything but a salmon that weird fuck
So Fundy is a kitsune but Wilbur doesn't fucking know that. Tommy does.
So, cuz of.. yknow... Kitsune... Fundy ages pretty fucking fast. Tommy secretly teaches him how to do the shapeshifting and stuff. Fundy one day shapeshifts into a boy. Realizes he likes that more and just. Stays that way.
Wilbur doesn't question it. That's just how being transgender works. And he knows that cuz this au has trans innit too.
Well... More like... Genderfluid innit? Well rn he's a boy and when Wilbur met him he was a girl so as far as Wilbur is concerned ftm.
So Tommy did that exact same thing just a few years ago.
So Wilbur soot is convinced that that's just what being transgender is. You morph into your fitting gender. Boom.
And the rest of the au is just kinda the canon storyline but far less angsty and with a ton more crack.
Also obviously, Fundy and Tommy have a distant yet close relationship. It's weird but great.
Tommy uses his powers for pranks and making others look absolutely dumb. He's just vibin.
Fundy uses them also for pranks but in the more... Scheming kinda way. Also to kinda. Climb the ladder. The internet says "seduce" so kinda that but in a non sexual way.
Both can shapeshift and possess ppl.
Imma have to look more into that tbh...
Anyways. I love Tommy and Fundy shit because quite frankly even in canon they have a shit ton of parallels and stuff and there's a ton to analyse there and just jdljLHDLHWKKSGLDLSLGGLEJFJ
All I'm saying. Raccoondog and fox but mystified are BOTH lil tricksters that just fits too well they were made for this cmon tHEY WERE MADE FOR THIS
Yes, they were!
Also, I absolutely love the whole thing with Wilbur just being generally unaware of how being human works because, I mean, his dad is an immortal bird boy that's married to Death herself and his mom is a literal fridge that's also his father's mistress. He has no reasons to know what biology is or how it works.
Also, I'm all here for the trans c!Tommy propaganda. Call it projecting if you will, but it's great! It's just more things he and Fundy can bond on. I love it.
Also just, the possibility of Tommy just turning into a random animal and sneaking into L'Manburg to see Fundy during exile because his adopted nephew is the only one who actually knows about him being a Tanuki so, you know, he doesn't actually risk getting caught that way. It's great! Simply great!
Also pretty sure that the two of them could have singlehandedly stopped Doomsday if they wanted by possessing Dream and Techno and just. Just walking into the prison and getting Sam to lock them up in there. They probably didn't do it, but they definitely could have. They have that sort of power.
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atalante241 · 4 years
Tommy’s character is an emotionally not present asshole that doesn’t acknowledge other ppl and I acknowledge that but that doesn’t stop him from being my favorite character in that godawful role play and defending him I don’t give a fuck
He’s a feral fuck who doesn’t acknowledge other ppls feeling and shit but shut up
Make him go to therapy to figure out his own shit 1st and then expect him to figure out how to be present for other ppl and their angst
You don’t expect ppl with mass amounts of trauma to be present for other ppl with mass amounts of trauma, and when one of them does it you don’t just suddenly expect everybody to do that. No. Let them all go to therapy and actually tell each other what’s bothering them along time when it feels right
Not everybody who’s faced trauma is gonna be like a certain way, ppl react fucking differently. And in Tommy’s case his already existing assholiness is amplified as a coping mechanism and just pure angst, that still doesn’t make it okay. But nobody’s fucking said that to him, nobody has actually calmly said that he’s being a huge ass
And sure, he’s a dick to Jack. BUT JACK HASN’T FUCKING TOLD HIM HOW HE FEELS AND NOBODY FUCKING KNOWS THE FACT THAT HE FUCKING DIED AND CRAWLED OUT OF HELL YOU FUCKS, and sure, Jack “told” him last stream. But guess what, he fucking didn’t. He mentioned it off handedly and didn’t press on it, and Tommy didn’t fucking actually listen to him bc
1) he was still weirded out and amazed that he was out, so he totally wasn’t paying attention
2) as I kinda stated before, c!Tommy doesn’t do emotional stuff that well (he has literally not talked to anyone about fucking exile yet)
As for Technoblade, THE BOTH OF THEM HAVE THE SOCIAL CAPABILITY OF A FUCKING CUCUMBER. NO, THATS A FUCKING INSULT TO CUCUMBERS, THEY’RE LESS SOCIALLY INEPT THAN CUCUMBERS! Technoblade literally laughed when he was told that Tommy died, by a dude that was clearly upset about it, that man doesn’t know how to react.
BOTH Tommy and Techno/Techno and Tommy have fucking wronged each other, that shit Tommy pulled at the community house and the 16th and Techno at the fucking portal confrontation and releasing the withers on the 16th. None were okay, Techno literally offered to give Tommy to the dude he’d been hiding from in his house for weeks, and do you people understand how much of an overreaction Techno pulled with the first withers, he literally just fucking yelled at the about the government being the start of their problems and didn’t calm down and hold a-, I don’t fucking know, a meeting about the issues with government. And Tommy straight up used Techno when he was present in Pogtopia (and all of that wasn’t his fucking fault only, he wasn’t alone in that) and then betrayed him and his trust when he joined Tubbo at the community house.
Now, I can’t excuse the portal confrontation with anything else other then maybe it was bait to mock Dream or something, and I can’t excuse the war times with anything else other than ppl didn’t listen. But I can fucking excuse the community house debacle. In canon, Tommy literally met Technoblade through fighting to get L’Manberg back (at least in his view), he’s literally known him for only a few months, and most of that time they haven’t interacted at all (Or maybe they’ve known each other through Phil & Will but idk). C!Tubbo and Tommy have been friends for who knows how long, they fought in fucking everything together, they’re bff’s. And have been for a long time (probably), of course Tommy would join his friend when he realizes what’s happening around him. He fucking himself said that he didn’t like the person he was becoming. He, didn’t like, the person he was becoming. And that, my friends, is a good reason to leave the situation that’s making you become like that.
As for Techno on the 16th, it’s understandable why he was mad and betrayed. From his point of view he made his goals incredibly clear to everyone, and from his understanding he succeeded in that. But guess what, he didn’t. He didn’t make it clear enough that he stood on the stance of “fuck the government, all of our problems come from government” instead of “I’ll help you guys reclaim this country that we’ve been trying to do this whole time”. (Oh god so much could’ve been solved if it wasn’t for social anxiety.)
Tommy’s current plan to kill Techno purely stems form him thinking the dudes gonna break Dream out of prison, and nobody wants that to happen. Just like, ugh!
Nobody can communicate well on their feelings, Tommy’s character has always been an asshole but that’s just who he is, like when Sapnap kills everybody’s pets Tommy’s an ass. But not in an evil way, but if somebody feels like that; they should fucking talk about how he’s making them feel. Instead of, idk, trying to kill him. Technoblade and Tommy’s friendship wasn’t very deep, the reason Tommy’s betrayal fucking hurt Techno so much is because he literally had like 1 friend left back then and currently he has 3. (Niki, Phil and Ranboo)
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terrible-leviathan · 3 years
c!rivals duo is just c!bedrock bros but significantly worse
#Honestly can't wait for the day c!rivals duo is gonna end up crashing and burning and seeing their apologists go at it each other's throat#it'd be funny
you. you get it. like ik it may seem mean, but i think it'd be pretty fascinating to see like, them try to pull a "dream heals at the syndicate" except it goes horribly wrong. nikki and ranboo can't stand him and bail after a week of him being creepy as shit. phil is made increasingly aware of like. how obssesed dream is w/ tommy after he goes one of his "tommy rants". i think it'd be funny if dream did try to get into contact w/ wilbur to cause problems, but the stupid man would prob just go "sorry can't, gotta bug the shit out of quackity so he will glance in my direction :D". like, if ur a syndicate healing enjoyer all the power to u, but i think ppl fail to realize like. the true nature of all the ppl inolved. u know?
The whole "syndicate healing c!dream" hc/theory is so stupid. It just doesn't make sense considering all the people involved don't even like c!Dream at all ajsjf
like c!Phil already knows c!Dream is a fucked up dude (and that's without knowing the full context of what he did) and upon rp-ing a situation where c!Dream did go to him for refuge c!Phil literally said to gtfo (this was during Foolish & Philza's stream where Foolish puts dream's head on and rp's). Techno literally said to Dream, upon him revealing he gets tortured, "Sounds like a you problem lmao." c!Niki and c!Ranboo literally hate that dude like how will the syndicate healing even work???
But anon I do love ur idea if ever it actually does happens, it's just gonna go all wrong and I'm excited for everything to burn down
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shoezuki · 4 years
also there so many lore streams happening, i miss it when Tommy would just play bedwars and talk. the vibes there a pr great and rn it's just
"hi hi hello you want some good sweet plot with character development? I have just the thing for you! Torture! It's the best deal in the market for that sweet sweet angst content! Trust me, you'll see the character development in the long term wink wink!"
c!Dream and c!Tommy are such integrated characters in the story, any decisions they make causes a ripple effect that can affect many other characters stories and they really need to get communication in check with the people who play the characters in DSMP.
The other characters literally had to speed run sadness, grieving and funerals.
Like, you know, kudos to them for trying to tell the story, they were doing a pretty alright job and it's wasn't that bad of a flow and pace imo but now I'm simply watching quick fire scene hop.
(there was, so much, missed chances honestly. like they could've built up Tubbo's -corruption- arc a little better with the Butcher Army, Philza and Tommy's relationship could've been more solid and specific just to cause less confusion with the dynamics and be used in the future instead of it being constantly "oh it's Tommy v Techno / Tommy v Dream - in regards to big conflicts that are very constantly in the spotlight", these two are used so often as antagonists in Tommy's story, which, I understand, but it can become quite bland after a while and I think it's obvious with how a lot of us are like "oh Tommy is going after Techno again? Seriously?"
**they honestly had the like, time to do it you know? Sprinkle in some conversations, a small scene or a few, and if done well, can really bring Phil's character to a whole new level. Like I love Phil, lots of potential, but he's so go with the flow it kind of, leaves a lot of unsolved dynamics / plot lines behind. How he turned from kind of "ah yeah I'll help rebuild" to "I'm blowing this shit up fuck yeah" could've been , fleshed out just a little bit more imo? Yk, it was good, but a little more could've hit the target harder.
And didn't Tommy like -kind of apologize- to Techno before he fought Dream? That stuff is up in the air rn. where is it going? Idk, it's just, floating there mid air. There was potential for perhaps some reconciliation, a new ally/one less enemy/neutral terms and POSSIBLE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT OF perhaps. admitting that he has his faults and techno does too you know, talk it out, actually listening to the other, instead of poking metal sticks at each other. every. single. time. they. interact. And if Techno doesn't want to reconcile with Tommy, remain enemies. Understandable. It works for his character, and it is in character. How the story goes after that? No idea. Why? Because that shit is long over for like , a month, and is there a way to resurface it in the plot/story? Possibly, but its quite a low chance though.)
-curry. (sorry for the long rant in the asks- if you want me to split stuff like this into two parts next time it's g :D)
like. i have Nothing to add but you reminded me bout it but YES before the whole prison thing during the hotel building tommy was goin to ppl n givin em like Invites to the Opening of the hotel and had given em to phil and techno and. IT. WAS SOME FUCKING GOOD POTENTIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
like 90% of dream and tommy Lore n Writing just feels like. what i enjoy out of it almost Always is just what COULD have been. i see art n fics n theories that are Better than what is canon. like many many times that something Develops theres ppl like. oh maybe this can lead to character development! maybe we get insight into dream’s character! maybe there will be healing and forgiveness and reconciliation! but then its just disappointing instead. 
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xxx-mangy-f0ssa-xxx · 3 years
I don't like it when ppl say stuff like "why does everyone have memory issues", especially with the c!Fundy, c!Philza, and slight c!Wilbur lore we got today, and I wanna talk abt this instance bc it just. Kinda upset me
First of all, ppl saying Phil forgot, or is misremembering the letters: it could be possible! But you know what's more possible in this situation? Wilbur lying to Phil, who was not there. I think most people think that's what happened, but I definitely noticed people implying Phil didn't remember. What person WOULDN'T lie to their father about what's happening around them just to make them proud, or not worry. I feel like Phil would at least kinda remember c!Schlatt if Wilbur told him the truth, instead Schlatt is just "some guy who died in a van". I feel like someone would remember 1 of the 3 former presidents.
2nd: people commenting on Fundy not being able to remember the details. It's been mentioned that canon time works different. I can't remember if there are many details on how time actually works, but I think someone said that Tommy's exile lasted 5 YEARS, and a lot of time has passed since then. And I think that would mean the Manberg/Pogtopia conflicts happend at least...god. 7 or 8 maybe 9 years ago if not more. Fundy also has said he's having a hard time sleeping, telling Phil he had barely slept in the last 7 days. Sleep deprivation rlly fucks w you!! Also: trauma can make you block certain events or time periods out as a way of protecting youself. And I think c!Fundy was also pretty young in that era. All of these things combinded can make you misremember or not remember things as easy. It's not a case of amnesia or bad memory like what some characters have, it's a case of lying, time, and bad situations. It's a teen thrust into a tense political situation, who had to see the humiliation and murder of his friends and father, watch that same father in a spiral that ended up killing him, fight for his home just to have it taken again, and had to recall it YEARS later while sleep deprived to correct the record of somebody who wasn't there. It's tragic. Memory issues can be caused by any number of reasons, and I don't like seeing people chalk it up to just ANOTHER character with issues, or even think it's over used. There's a lot of shit going on almost all the time, and the story has lasted a long time at this point.....idk where I'm going with this, but I just wanted to explain this instance bc I don't like it when ppl just write these things off, or just accuse chatacters of having memory issues.
Personal note: I relate heavily with CHARACTER!!Fundy. Like, a LOT for a lot of different reasons, and today just kinda reinforced that. That's why I feel so heavily abt this. I do actually have memory issues bc of several different reasons, and I just don't like watching people not touch on WHY a character might have memory problems. There's a lot of different ways that you can forget or misremember things, and I wish people were mindful of that.
Idrk what this rant was but I hope it made someone understand why that moment was the way it was.
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gebder · 4 years
Tumblr media
So I was thinkin abt similarities between c!Techno and C!Tommy(dsmp) and Zoro and Luffy(one piece) respectively, this was just the next logical step, have a half assed drawing of designs
Thoughts and plans for the au under the cut:
Just to clarify. This does not follow One Piece's storyline. It's just inspired by it
Luffy is loud child chasing freedom and adopting himself older brothers along the way by being both annoying and Genuinely Good. Nuff said. Hi Tommy
Zoro.... anti-leadership strong dude with a fandom interpretation of badass and canon characterization of Dweeb. Also, a bounty hunter. Yes. It's what Techno deserves
Zoro's "I'll join if I can be the leader" scenes. He was asked by many a people to join their Things, but he realised their leaders are corrupt. If he can't be the leader himself he isn't joining. He isn't following some shit leader. But then Luffy approached him and asked him to join his Pirate Crew and he could tell this kid isn't after power so he's just like "yea chill" but then oh no now he has ppl he cares about. That with Techno and Tommy
Also the way when Luffy meets Zoro he's tied up for an execution by the govt. But he's completely calm. That'd be such a good way to introduce Techno in a story!!!
Anyways bedrock bros rights
I was thinkin Wilbur be a Sabo/Ace combination
He convinced Tommy that being a pirate sounds awesome back when they were children in a cluttered orphanage together
They went on lil adventures on their island as kids
They made a deal that they'll both head out to sea at age 16, and they'll see who succeeds
Wilbur follows through. Then Tommy does, a few years later.
They meet again in Dressrosa- y'know, the gladiator battle?- only this time they don't enroll bc of angst, this time they just go fuck around bc they both heard of it and went "oh that sounds fun"
Meanwhile Techno's just off beating up the mayor of that place. He got lost and found a politician who is also Shit so while Tommy and Wilbur having their reunion, he's just doin that
The politician isn't even named
Either we then have angst abt him still being a violent bounty hunter anarchist or it's just funney
Let's say Wilbur is on Phil's crew. I think I'll put Ranboo there too but idk
Before Dressrosa Tommy was just vibin around the ocean with Techno
Actually no. I'll do you one better. Tubbo's Nami
Ms. Gold Digger herself
Schlatt is Arlong.
Meaning Schlatt was the corrupt leader in Tubbo's village, and forced Tubbo to get him money in illegal ways
Then Tommy and Techno come along and fuck Schlatt up
Sounds abt right
The villagers give them a ship to show their gratitude and oh look, Tubbo's coming along now
So those three are just vibin
I'll have to design Ranboo and Tubbo too
Anyways I dunno what to do for the rest of the plot. I don't even know if I'll put in the powers there are in One Piece
Maybe this is magic-less
Anyways this is entirely self indulgent
Thankyou for listening
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shoezuki · 4 years
im so worried people are going to treat c!sam like how they treat c!phil about being tommys dad, only difference is c!sam actually has emotional attachment to tommy unlike c!phil
OH YEAH i feel like. Maybe it wont go the Same Way n ppl will do the more ‘poor sam he blames himself :(’ route because he Does care n shit. but. we’ll see
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