#he can be a soft AND chaotic boy shut up just hhhhhhh
pixelatedrose · 4 years
I don't have a lot of context for this but I've been thinking a lot abt Techno's character and how the way he interacts with people- specifically Tommy- is really telling about his character.
Lemme try and explain it WAY back from the begining.
When Techno first joined the server and pogtopia, you know he played along with everything, wanted to help take down the government and all of that- this isn't anything new. But at the same time, anyone who took a moment to think about it, would also know that Tommy and Tubbo and them would never follow up on the "no more government" that Techno wanted. L'manburg meant far too much to them for it to even really be an option.
And i think Techno, somewhere inside him, knew that. But he still stuck with them the whole way through, only turning on them once they actually went through with placing a new president.
Despite everything that Pogtopia stood for and everything they very clearly were planning on doing, Techno trusted them.
And then the next time we really see anything of this is when Tommy comes to Techno after exile, but it could also be argued that Techno also trusted L'manburg to leave him alone in retirement despite the whole of L'manburg basically swearing him their number 1 enemy. But back to Tommy cause its a lot clearer with him.
Something that I think everyone tends to forget is that Tommy didn't come to Techno for protection and shelter- he came to rob him blind and squat in his basement. It was Techno himself that took him in and trusted him and wanted to help him. And it was Techno that revealed his plans to blow up L'manburg with withers. And Tommy was VERY clear to Techno that he didn't want anything bad to happen to L'manburg, that all Tommy wanted was the disks. And Techno acknowledged that and told him that if he didn't want to be part of the reason L'manburg got destroyed, that Tommy could sit it out. But Techno knew Tommy didn't want that and he knew that Tommy hadn't even come for his help in the first place and I'm sure that deep down, he knew that Tommy wouldn't side with him in the end.
And STILL Techno trusted him. Despite everything, despite the hard facts, Techno still trusted him right until the bitter end.
And even after that, with the finale, Techno trusted Tommy and refused to let Dream cash in that favor.
And people talk about how despite how Techno interacts with Ranboo, that c!Techno has made it clear- at least in words- that he doesn't fully trust him.
but this is where i make my point:
Technoblade is extremely trusting, to a point where he continues to trust people who have hurt, betrayed, and used him in the past. And he's finally coming to realize that, so he keeps telling both himself and others that he doesn't trust Ranboo or Tommy because if he admits that he does, if he lets himself freely trust again, he's afraid he'll get hurt again. He just really really wants to be able to trust people, and he constantly lets himself and so he gets hurt.
Tl;dr: C!Techno, while still a very cautious character, is actually incredibly trusting- far too much for his own good- and keeps getting hurt because of it.
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