#like perhaps hang out in other fandoms and you will see 👀 that this is the least asshole fandom 🤲
persephinae · 7 months
Normal people: ?????¿¿¿
I have literally only seen 5 people be assholes about Malenia, and have yet to see anyone say a bad word about Fia. (I blocked those people)
Like I don't know what tags or reddit/discord forums YOU hang out in, but that sounds like a curate your shit issue
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Another day/week/hour of accumulating thoughts which haven't marinated enough.
That Zzinu guy (I can't remember his actual name) is really hanging out with everyone relevant in the industry, he's everywhere 👀 I saw him with RM on IG and at some concert, had no idea they were buddies.
Why did Jungkook come back just for a few days? What was that damn urgent to fly to Seoul only to go back to US in no time? I thought someone would enlist, but nope.
I took the bus downtown twice today instead of calling for a car. I have to stop being delusional and accept that I'm not rich.
I'm not gonna write a review of Tedros' album cause I don't feel there's a point, but I do have like a few things to say. Why is it being talked about like he started working on Layover 3 years ago? I mean, he started working on music, yes, but this thing that came out? That's like some team who probably put together the music a lot more recently. But hey, I'm just babbling so what the fuck do I know? Slow Dancing sounds good. I mean, nice enough to have it in the background in a playlist. All the songs feel too short, like they're some samples and they just decided to release them that way. Since his contribution was mostly singing the actual songs, it feels like he gave Min Hee Jin a pinterest board of who is Taehyung and from that entire thing, she created the Kim Taehyung artiste aesthetic. It's her vibe all over it. Just as it's her entire shtick all over NewJeans. It screams more MHJ than the actual idols.
I tried so hard in the past 30 min to stop myself from being bitchy, but I can't help it. To those who think that they got out of the jikook cult and now they're smarter and feel the need to still use the tag to post their bullshit? Wake up, you're still in a cult, you just switched to another. Absolutely pathetic. I wish I could fuck with pjms cause I admire the way they stand up for Jimin and they're like the most organized fanbase. But the moment they started using cult/tkkr narative and making Jimin sound like a puppet, I just knew they're not better. And a sign that I cannot affiliate myself to any group in this fandom, I'm riding on my own like I always have.
You know what's ironic though? Jikookers are basically the only ship fandom within bts who since the beginning and especially in the latest years, should have just sat back and relax cause they're so damn privileged. No other pair in bts is giving what dumb and dumber (I call them that with all my love) are doing together, but there's not a day in which I don't see stupid anons or jikookers fighting and bringing arguments. Waste of time!
And in that vein, pjms would only have to learn from their god damn classy bias who is no doormat and act accordingly. Fight for him without acting so damn stupid. In terms of artistry, he's the best out there out of this group and others in his generation. Isn't that fucking cool? And look at his behavior. Let army and kpop stans get frustrated thanks to Jimin's achievements and how you can contribute to that, not using the same foul language which only trashy stans are using. Do better ffs. Fix that attitude. And stop believing you know Jimin's brain and soul inside out. No one does. It only makes you sound like any other delusional kpop stan.
Key's Good & Great is out. I only had time to watch the mv once during actual work hours (fitting) and I can't get into anh details, but I liked the idea of workaholism tied to a simulation. There's tons of layers and stuff to be analyzed there, perhaps some other time.
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vladdyissues · 10 months
Hi, it’s me, the asker who was so curious about Danny at school ✨
I got three things to say, silly thing first, 1. I’m so curious about what Danny’s diet is gonna be. I was rereading that chapter, and if Vlad has to eat meat to stoke the flames, does that mean Danny has to go vegetarian? That would be so fucking funny, I’m ngl 😂 but also sad, bc then he’d be thinking about Sam all the time 🥺 anyways, I’m just interested to see what you do with it 👀
2. You got me thinking about enemies to lovers, hardcore. And I realized, when I enjoy that kind of ship, I’m not here to see them become all lovey-dovey and domestic. I’m here to see the pain, and the toxicity, and the deep codependency of it all. The ‘I hate you, but I can’t leave you’, and the ‘you might kill me one day, and I embrace that.’ If you’ve watched Hannibal, you know exactly what I mean 😂 For Vlad and Danny, I don’t really give a fuck if it’s pompep or badgercereal, i just want angst and codependency 😈 I think that’s part of what I like about your story so much, is that it’s toeing the line between the two relationships. Halfway parental, and halfway toxic/romantic love.
3. You’ve fucking ruined me for other fanfiction rn 😭😂 I can’t read anything else for more than five minutes 🥲 Partially bc I’m so invested in the story, but also bc your writing style IS SO FUCKING GOOD. YOU SHOULD BE WRITING ACTUAL BOOKS, LIKE WTF. Anywayyysss, I’ll just curl up into a little ball of boredom on the floor till you update again 😂💕
Sending much looooove, 😘 I hope the brain to fanfic pipeline is working out for you 🤌
Hello and holy shit! What an ego-bloating kind and generous ask this is! Let me jump right in:
1. I don't want to spoil the plot too much, but Danny's diet is going to be key in unraveling a very important part of Vlad's enigma, and I cannot wait to get to that point. I've been sprinkling crumbs of information throughout the story thus far, laying down a foundation upon which to build this Big Thing, and the next chapter (14) will—or should, anyway—finally begin to deliver on it.
2. My friend, you've just given me an epiphany: it's not so much Enemies to Lovers that we adore, I suspect, as it is Enemies and Lovers. That's exactly the tag I'd use to describe Hannigram, and it's such a different and exciting dynamic. I've never quite—well, scratch that—okay, I've never written Enemies and Lovers in such depth as I am with Familiar. There's something darkly satisfying about letting lovers remain ugly; the notion that deep, abiding affection can exist in tandem with fear and disgust; that even monsters—in the very act of being monstrous, or perhaps because they are monstrous and not in spite of their monstrosity—are capable of loving and being loved.
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3. Frhgahrglahrglahg I'm going to print and frame this one and hang it on my wall for days when I feel utterly inept. I've been writing fanfiction for a while now, and I've written volumes of silly, embarrassing, poorly-executed tripe, so if I haven't at least gotten a little bit good at what I'm doing, I doubt I ever will 😆 That said, I'm putting a lot of effort into Familiar, I mean pulling out every stop and employing every nut and bolt in my mental toolbox to craft a good story (and reading. Always reading), partly as a challenge to myself and partly out of sheer love for this great ship and its fandom. Everyone here is so nice and welcoming and awesome. I only hope my tiny contribution continues to entertain.
Speaking of which, the wait for this next chapter shouldn't be long. The feedback I've been receiving is phenomenal, and it's definitely helped to fuel me along when my mania wavers. I'm incredibly grateful to you and everyone reading enjoying this story. Thank you thank you ♥
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
You may have answered this before but what do you think about every couple in Hollywood being called PR? I don’t necessarily think fake relationships are as prevalent these days as it used to be . Social media kinda changed the need , clout chasing became so much easier . Also it’s kinda a thing that people date within the workplace right?
Hey Anon! 👋🏾
Lol yes, I've addressed the "every couple is PR" topic many times before on my blog.
Bottom Line: I really think that some fans in some fandoms use the whole "PR" excuse in order to cover up or nurse feelings of jealousy or anger at seeing their fave celebrity guy dating a woman who they perhaps don't think is right for him. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I notice they will also claim that the guy is somehow "trapped" 🙄 by the woman (or her family) in this "PR" arrangement, even though he's a GROWN adult male, simply because they just cannot fathom or wrap their heads around the fact that their fave celebrity guy just might actually LIKE the woman he's dating, and might even.... *gasp!* actually love her. 🫣🙊
While I DO think that there are SOME PR couples that do exist in Hollywood (Benana and Shawmilla def seemed like PR to me lol 🤭👀) , like you, I think they're actually more rare these days than fans realize. (Someone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
I also think fans need to recognize the difference btwn a couple that is actually "fake"/"PR", vs. a couple that is a REAL couple that simply just uses PR to their advantage for their careers/buzz (ie. Which is what I sometimes suspect about Ben & JLo, and Austin & Kaia, for example).
Here are several posts I've made on the topic before down below.
Happy Reading!! 📚 😁🤭
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
Idk how I just noticed your pinned post but your fandom taste?? beyond immaculate.
I am humbly asking if you perhaps have any hcs for a gravity falls!au for stranger things, and/or a hogwarts!au 👀
beck, we simply have the best of taste. and yes i do have headcanons
disclaimer: fuck jkr
gravity falls au hcs:
so. will and el are the mystery twins. we been knew
visiting hop in gravity falls, oregon, for the summer of course
the rest of the party happens to have summer jobs at the mystery shack
(why hopper hired them all, he will never know. to this day, it is still one of the best and worst things he's ever done)
i think that the other party members (max, mike, lucas, and dustin) have a little mystery club. a gang, if you will
i think they have journal 3 and they give will and el a brief evaluation before inviting them in to the club
when will and el have their first supernatural encounter and end up defeating the gnomes with a leafblower, the party knows that they're perfect for their club
will and el are just. stunned. to hear about all the stuff that goes down in gravity falls
they love the lore and yeah they might've just fought off a shit ton of gnomes but WOAH there are that many other cool things here too??
of course they have to avoid the watchful eye of hopper
but their friends and fellow employees steve and robin (wendy and soos respectively) help them sneak around and figure things out
the party lets will and el borrow journal 3 to look over
when el sees the page about vampires, she's immediately convinced that mike is one
and while will waves it off and says that that's ridiculous, he can't help but wonder as well
el takes it upon herself to ask max who just laughs and says that they're explored that idea many times, but it doesn't seem to be true
the golf cart is the main form of transport for the party
you're probably wondering, how on earth do six people fit in a golf cart??
well, easy enough answer there: lucas and max in the front, el and will in the back, mike hanging on the side, and dustin on top
they strap dustin in with bungee cords because they've had a few accidents too many
i think max is able to send bill cypher back into oblivion with just one dirty look
bill cypher may be like a demon of multiple worlds, but he has other worlds he can take over that don't involve the wrath of max
el plays matchmaker just like mabel does, but she gets max involved in it too
these girls are the finest matchmakers in all of gravity falls
well. until it came to mike and will
they tried several times to get those two together but god they were both so helpless, el and max just gave up eventually
this cute little nerdy boy obsessed with all the cryptids?? who keeps drawing them as they fight them all summer and adding more illustrations to the journal?? has his heart.
will spends most of his summer learning more about this stuff and getting excited about it
he does. think about mike. maybe just a bit
but he often tries to push those thoughts aside bc there's no way mike would like him back AND he has monsters to focus on
until one day lucas casually asks will how he and mike are doing and will is like ????
lucas thought they were dating
okay maybe he knew they weren't and just wanted to stir the pot but still it was enough to make will open his eyes
mike meanwhile has finally broken down and gone to the girls for advice
to which he is greeted with both enthusiasm and a speech of "if you EVER hurt MY BROTHER..."
but yeah. mike ends up asking will out finally
on pioneer day as well, mike asked will if he would go out with him or if he'd have to settle for marrying a woodpecker
will happily agreed
but anyway
lucas punches a pterodactyl in the face
i could go on and on but that's the limit of my brain atm. i love gravity falls. i love stranger things. this was lovely to think about
hogwarts au hcs:
ok so sorting the party into their houses is difficult as fuck. i can honestly see a valid argument of putting the party members in almost any house, and i'm totally here for that discussion, but for this hc set, these are the houses i'm putting them in:
mike: slytherin, will: gryffindor, dustin: ravenclaw, lucas: hufflepuff, max: slytherin, el: gryffindor
dustin is muggle born but god that does not stop him from learning and absorbing everything he can about the wizarding world
el has a cat, mike, lucas, max, and will have owls, and dustin has a toad
the toad's name is scribbles
idk why, it just is
also lucas and will play quidditch!! lucas is a keeper and will is a chaser
fred and george did not pass the maurauder's map to harry. they passed it to max and will
max and will have not told a soul that they have it, but they use it to their advantage and love it
mike and el have a competition of collecting chocolate frog cards
who has the most, the rarest ones, the most diverse set, etc
el is winning btw
lucas thinks the toothpaste every flavor bean tastes good
they all have some wonderful wizarding talents as well
as i said before, will and lucas are on the quidditch team, so they're good at that
lucas is also great in care of magical creatures
he loves every single one of those animals and knows just how to calm them and care for them
el has a real knack for herbology!!
she actually wants to come back and teach it after she graduates
el also. wants a pet mandrake
dustin is a potions MASTER
he learns all these tricks and does them so well that he could practically write a second edition of the half-blood prince's book
mike is good at charms!
he loves all those little helpful spells that just make life easier, ya know
those are the best
max is FANTASTIC at transfiguration
she can turn anything into. anything
in fact max has this little business (that might not be entirely safe or legal for her to do by wizarding standards, but she does it anyway)
she helps transfigure body parts of dysphoric trans hogwarts students
shh don't tell anyone
mike got the most O.W.L.s.
no one knows how, but he did
also max once locked umbridge in the room of requirement
"it was what i required at that time! it wasn't my fault, i swear!"
oh you know how i said dustin has a toad scribbles
he also is in the toad choir at hogwarts
he and scribbles both have voices of angels
when they're old enough, lucas and el get put as head boy and head girl
will is a prefect
mike flirting with him shamelessly and will trying to stay professional but he can't help but melt at his boyfriend's dumb little attempts to catch him off guard
sometimes he gets so flustered from mike's flirting that he can't remember the password to the common room and he has to wait for someone else to come back to help him
setting them in the year of triwizard tournament rn
lucas is the hogwarts champion!!!!!! bc who tf else i mean come on he's perfect
will drawing banners for lucas and mike charming them to animate
byler dancing at the yule ball :(((((((
ugh god i. i love them
again i could go on and on but that's the limit of my brain for tonight
hope you enjoyed!!!!!!
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haeva · 2 years
#5 - "I'm so glad you could find the time to do this with me." + supercorp if you're taking prompts?👀
I don't want you like a best friend
Fandom: Supergirl
Pairing: Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: Kara is confused by her newfound romantic feelings for her best friend.
Author's note: I think it's official: I can only write Gay Pining! Someone save me from myself! Also, I technically used that line and they were in a coffee shop so that counts as me writing the prompt right? Sorry, Jo! Ily, though!
Ever since Alex’ wedding, Kara noticed something had changed between her and Lena. Whenever the two of them were hanging out together, she’d feel these butterflies in her stomach, almost as if she was in love. Which, of course, was ridiculous. She’d never felt these feelings for another woman before. Besides, when Alex had come out Kara had supported her, but she hadn’t related to what her sister said. And yet, here she was, constantly thinking about Lena. Lena, who most certainly wouldn’t feel the same way about her. So Kara had gone against her heart’s desires and put some distance between her and Lena. Not too much, or her best friend might notice that something was off. But she had made up some excuse about being too busy the last three times Lena had tried to get lunch with her. So when a message showed up on her phone asking if the two of them could get some coffee later, Kara knew she had to say yes to avoid any suspicion. 
It’s a date! Came the reply from Lena. For a second, Kara’s brain short-circuited, or so she believed at least. Date?! Until the realization hit her that that was just a thing people say and she didn’t mean it that way. Kara couldn’t tell if she was disappointed or relieved. 
“I’m so glad you could find the time to do this with me,” Lena said with a big smile on her face, when the two of them sat down at their table at the coffee shop. “You’ve just been so busy lately,” she added, before taking a sip of her coffee. 
“Yeah,” Kara said quickly, perhaps a little too quickly. “So busy with being Supergirl and being Kara and, you know, saving the world and all…that.” Stop talking! Instead, she just chuckled nervously. 
She watched as Lena’s eyebrows slowly crept towards each other, into a worried frown. “Are you alright? If now is not a good time for you, we could reschedule…”
“No!” Kara yelled. She felt her cheeks flush red as other customers turned to watch the two of them. It wasn’t until everyone had gone back to their own business that she continued. “No, now is perfect. It really is, trust me.” She forced a smile on her face. 
The one Lena gave her in return was completely real. “Alright, then. I guess I just worry too much about the people that I love, sometimes.” 
“That you do, “ Kara said, chuckling. She nervously sipped her coffee. “Do you want to see the drawing that Esme made of us?” she asked to change the topic. 
“I want to see all the art that my goddaughter makes,” Lena answered, as Kara took out her phone to show a picture of the child’s drawing. There was Kara as Supergirl and Lena in one of her pantsuits, with Auntie Kara and Auntie Lena written above them in messy handwriting. 
“That’s adorable! Oh, look, we’re holding hands!” Lena exclaimed. What?!
Kara took a quick look at the picture on her phone and it did appear that the hands of their stick-figure selves were joined together. “Oh…That…That’s because Esme knows that we are best friends.” Please don’t tell me my niece figured out my crush! Kara thought. Wait, no, not a crush. It’s. Not. A. Crush! 
“Kara, it really seems like something’s up with you today. Maybe, you don’t want to talk about it with me, but I just want to let you know that if anything is wrong, I am here for you.” Lena had that worried look on her face again. She reached out her hand to place it on top of Kara’s. She had done it many times before, but this time it was different. This time, Kara didn’t want her to ever pull away again. 
She knew that she couldn’t lie to Lena and she also didn’t want to keep any more secrets from her. But she also couldn’t tell her the truth and risk losing the best friend that she’s ever had. And so she just nodded. “You’re right. There is something going on I just…I can’t tell you right now. I’m sorry.” 
“Hey, you don’t have to apologize. Just promise me that you’ll talk about it with someone, if not me. Alex, maybe?” 
Kara gave her a small smile. “I will.” I think I’ll have to. Alex is the only one who might understand. “Let’s not dwell on my problems though,” she added in a cheerier tone. “There are much more interesting matters to talk about.” She leaned over the table, and looked to her left, then to her right, as if she was about to tell her biggest secret. “Don’t tell anyone, especially not Nia, but I saw Brainy looking and diamond rings on the internet the other day so I think…” 
She didn’t go see Alex immediately after saying goodbye to Lena and promising her to do this again soon. Instead, she waited a couple days, until Alex came over for pizza night. 
“There’s something I need to tell you,“ Kara said once all the pizza was gone. “Or rather, I need to ask you something.”
“What is it?” Alex had that same worried tone in her voice as Lena had had back in the coffee shop. 
“When you found out that you were a lesbian, you said that there was stuff from your past that just clicked. Right?”
“Yes,” Alex answered, visibly confused. It had been years now since she’d come out. “It made me realize all the other crushes I’d had on girls before.” 
“Right. But what if someone, a woman, thinks that she might have a crush on another woman, except she’s never…she never felt like that before about women.” Kara gave her sister a look as defeated as she felt inside. 
“Is this about Lena?” Alex asked carefully. 
Kara’s eyes became as big as saucers. “How did you know?” She asked. If Alex knows, then maybe Lena also knows. Oh no! Nonononono! 
“She told me.” 
Kara’s heart skipped a beat. Lena knew. Lena knew. 
“She came to me weeks ago. So I told her that she might be bisexual. I’m so glad that she told you though, and that it didn’t change anything between the two of you.” Wait, what? 
“Alex, hold up. What are you talking about?” Kara didn’t think she’d ever been so confused in her entire life. She took one of the couch pillows and hugged it to her chest as a way of comforting herself. 
“Lena came out to you, right?” Alex asked, clearly worrying that she might have said too much. 
“No, she didn’t!” Kara hugged her pillow tighter. “I was talking about me. I like Lena.” 
Her sister grinned at her, suddenly. “Well, then you’re in luck, because she likes you too.” 
If there was ever a moment in Kara’s life that she felt more joy than right there and then, listening to Alex’ words, she did not remember it. “Really?!” 
“Yes!” The words had barely left Alex’ mouth before Kara jumped up and pulled her into a hug. 
“This is the best moment of my life!” Kara exclaimed, as both the sisters laughed. 
“Then go get your girl!” 
“What, now?!” Kara looked at the clock; it was already late. Surely Lena didn’t want her to come over at this hour. 
Alex seemed to disagree. “Yes, now! And text me! I want to know everything!” 
Using her superspeed to put on some decent clothes, Kara rushed out the door and headed towards Lena’s place. 
She was right about Lena not expecting her to show up to her home this late. 
“Kara, what a surprise!” She didn’t look upset about it. On the contrary, she seemed happy to see her. 
“I talked to Alex, like you said.” Kara couldn’t stop smiling. This was really going to happen.
“That’s great! But you didn’t come all the way over here just to tell me that, I assume.” 
Kara shook her head. “No. I came here to tell you that…Lena, I’m in love with you.” She sighed. There was no taking it back now. 
Lena stared at her with a shocked expression on her face and for a moment Kara thought that maybe she’d had it all wrong. That Alex had just assumed Kara was the girl that Lena had a crush on. There were all kinds of scenarios still running through her head, when she felt Lena’s lips on hers. 
The kiss was perfect. It was everything Kara had dreamed kissing the love of her life would be like. She never wanted it to end. 
It was Lena who broke the kiss. “Why don’t you come inside?” she asked, slightly out of breath. “Can’t have you standing in the doorway all evening.” There was a spark inside of her eyes that made Kara think her sister would have to wait on that update for a while. With a beating heart, she followed Lena inside.
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ow-anteater · 3 years
Reinhardt or Hanzo for the ask game maybe :O (or perhaps Balderich? 👀)
Hell yeah an assortment of characters you do not have to ask me twice to think about (also I have oceans of time rn thank you for this to keep me occupied)
a song that reminds me of them - Danny Schmidt's Esmee By the River has immense Rein energy to me; gentle and a little bit mournful and nostalgic, but still positive and hopeful at the core - and to me it sounds like a song from a fairytale, very much his energy
what they smell like - just like ... man. I think he'd be the type to utterly despise smelling like something artificial. He buys tubs of the most neutral deodorant he can find and uses that. He's a pretty active person so he often smells a little bit sweaty under it, but it's more 'this is a person returning from a run' and less 'this guy hasn't showered in weeks' if you catch my drift
an otp - Reaper/Rein my absolute fucking beloved I love this ship and it seems I am the only one (Rein/Soldier/Reaper is also - as the kids say - very good)
a notp - I don't really like Ana/Rein as a romantic pairing all that much, but I'm not squeaked out by it so wouldn't call it a notp. There are definitely worse characters to ship him with, you just thankfully don't see those
favorite platonic/familial relationships - Brig, of course. Their dynamic is so charming and sweet. Rein and Torbs relationship is also really lovely and I like to imagine Rein gets along with Ingrid great as well! In general, the 'OG overwatch gang found family' is lovely and I love all parts of it
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with - He isn't dumb at all, or at least not in the way some people portray him to be. I like to think that he's easy-going and loud and joyful on purpose but a very attentive and - especially emotionally - intelligent person. Also! I HC that most of his friends nickname him ‘Will’ rather than ‘Rein’ in day to day conversation
the position they sleep in - boy sprawls like his life depends on it and will throw every cover off him in his sleep. He's known to even push pillows off the bed while sleeping to claim the entire thing for himself
a crossover au i’d love to see them in - put Rein in a cheesy christmas movie right this second I dare you
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn - I'm weirdly attached to Lieutenant Wilhelm; the white and blue overwatch skin. It's simple and kind of plain but something about it just looks right to my eye idk
a song that reminds me of them - the first one that came to mind was actually Jason Isbell’s New South Wales. It’s not really really a present day Hanzo mood, but I like the idea of him having a nice quiet day; introspective and hopeful - at last. It’s less of a vibe and more of a song I’d love to write a Hanzo centric fic based on some day but oh well
what they smell like - similar to Rein I think he'd just smell clean. No products with a strong scent
an otp - Bapzo is spicy as heck and I am not immune to imagining Reaper and Hanzo bumping into each other in a bar and hanging for a while, though that last one isn't romantic as much as 'I could see it happen as a weird little fling/hook-up and that idea is intriguing to me'
a notp - as mentioned, McHanzo is at this point about this 👌🏽 close to being a notp I am so tired of it and how it's treated in fandom
favorite platonic/familial relationships - Him and Genji obviously, and almost even more him and Zen talking things through is interesting and tender and complicated and I would like to see it
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with - I don't know how to say this without sounding mean, but I'm pretty uncomfortable with the brand of 'sad and pathetic' much of the fandom projects onto him. I think I write him as a character that's more self-aware and a lot softer, but also with more dignity and justified pride than some people give him. Basically, I want him to be sillier and softer and with a lot more (yes, kind of stiff, but still) self-irony and I don't like when he gets boiled down to 'self-important but kind of pathetic'
the position they sleep in - back to a wall or he straight up will not fall asleep. A big pillow or a person might work in a pinch but a wall is definitely preferable
a crossover au i’d love to see them in - old school LotR AU with Hanzo as an elf of some sort sounds spicy to me
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn - It’s a tie between oni and okami. S tier skins both of ‘em
a song that reminds me of them - night rocker
what they smell like - earthy, not unpleasantly so but definitely an earth-like smell to him
an otp - none really
a notp - I’d prefer him to not have a romantic relationship with Rein, I like it far more as a camaraderie and mentorship - but it doesn’t downright freak me out or anything
favorite platonic/familial relationships - Rein, see the points above. I like the idea that they’re very similar and Balderich also had a phase of being way too cocky and overconfident
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with - I see next to no content about him so idk if there’s even anything to disagree with
the position they sleep in - flat on his back snoring wildly
a crossover au i’d love to see them in - honestly think he’d be fun in like a Bridgerton esque alternative historical, neon colored universe
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn - well the overgrown armor in Rein’s skin named after him is extremely nice, but I am not immune to conjuring up my own images of this man in some sort of formal attire
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seelestia · 2 years
My oh my you're gonna bring me to tears as well my dear author :'''D (this is actually also the first time I'm being an anon for someone hehehe)
A special spot? Reserved?? For me???
NANI ?! :''O
Thank you so much for that- you just made my entire day for real :'D
Venti plus angst? Two of my favs given for free? I'd love nothing more :D but let's wait til you open requests so I can at least play fair with the other askers/requesters ehe ;))
Also ! With the upcoming update for Summer and the new characters, I don't have a lot to say apart from everything looks really pretty asdklglsonjrohr-
I don't have much to say since I unfortunately do not have a good enough the pc to run the game, and my phone is apparently not available to download the game in the play store :''D sadge
So I've never actually played the game myself, but just from someone who quietly lurks around the fandom and only really interacting with the Tumblr side of it- I'm excited for the lore and new fics the writers are gonna come up with :D
I'm not gonna lie, even if I am able to play the game, I wouldn't know where to start cuz it all seems kind of overwhelming what with the builds, strategies (?), Having to farm, the gacha system, and also the fact that I am a broke student which means if I play the game- I'll never be able to buy my way and just shortcut through the hard stuff :'D
But enough of my misfortunes- a quick question that I've just come up with, do you perhaps know or are aware of what SAGAU is? If so, care to share your thoughts my dear author? :D
- Ever so sincerely yours, 👹✨ anon <3
hehe, then i'm glad to be your trial author of some sort fkekkwkd !! you're super duper nice and i always look forward to chatting with you, so i'd say you excel at being an anon! 100/10 recommendedヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞♡
when i open my requests again in the future, i'll definitely be expecting you~ after i finish my current requests, i'm planning on making a milestone event soon tho !! i'm taking my time to decide the theme fjejsksk maybe it'll be a matchup event of some kind but we'll see >:)
so true, no more details needed except for pretty 🙏 dw about not being able to play the game~ sometimes, living thru other types of experiences are enough to drag you into the blackhole !! i was like that with genshin too when xiao just came out before i said darn it and started playing during april last year hfjejdek but true true, genshin can be overwhelming with the various features and storages, so just leave it to genshinblr to give you the news and updates! ;D
yes, i do !! one of my moots, @/meimeimeirin actually writes super good SAGAU stuff~ the concept of characters being aware that they're inside a screen or the reader being isekai'd into teyvat in the place of a divine/respected figure is vv interesting 👀 that sense of 'corruptedness' and the feeling of something being out of place really get you hanging onto the edge of your seat !!
wbu, anon??? what do you think of the au and do you have any recs maybe??? feel free to share! >:)
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