rainbow-hammock · 30 days
Oh my god
I am SO BEHIND in my webcomics now
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rainbow-hammock · 1 month
Um, hi, I just opened tumblr for the first time in months and have spent the last 45 minutes scrolling. How is everyone?
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
Friday's update is feeling nostalgic. Patreon Ko-fi Webtoon
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
Wednesday's update is barely awake. Patreon Ko-fi Webtoon
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
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Psst. Don't tell the jolkein rolkein rolkein estate, but this is amazing. DO consider buying a print from the extraordinary artist responsible:
Original Twitter thread with the artist's thoughts and commentary:
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
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三千院/雨の苔庭 Sanzen-in Temple/Moss Garden in Rainy Day
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
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Polyphemus Surprising Acis and Galatea, by sculptor Auguste Ottin—Fontaine Medicis, Le Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, France 2015
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
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Autumn Animals!
Stickers available on my shop <3
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
taking your own advice is so hard. it’s “make bad art” this and “kill your perfectionism” that until i sit down with an idea i like. the i have to execute it perfectly Or Else
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
tumblr tuesday: smaugust
Well, August truly is the month of art challenges. And, as you well know, we love a good dragon as much as the next guy. So today, we bring you another roundup, this time of Smaugust. Please enjoy this Smaugust and Smaugust-adjacent art. Just look at these dragons. LOOK AT THEM.
(a small warning that, yes, here be dragons. But also other beasties that look like bugs, mushrooms, or something else you might not like to look at. Proceed with caution, fellow traveler &lt;3)
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
im not even joking rn this fucking painting made me start uncontrollably sobbing. Do you know how long it took to paint? How expensive it was? The cat was content for hours and so loved that the girl held him there and paid for him to be painted with her. Imagine having such a bond… imagine being so loved and loving so much back…
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
Replacing "I dont want to live" with "i dont want to live like this" was v helpful for me because it helped me figure out what parts of my life i was trying to escape and reminded me there are absolutely versions of myself i want to work towards and ways of living i havent experienced yet that i want to see
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
Digital artists, I need to know:
Aka my friend and I have vastly different work methods...
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
Red and white giant flying squirrel (Petaurista alborufus)
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rainbow-hammock · 1 year
Monday's update has a job to do. Patreon Ko-fi Webtoon
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