#like ok thanks for telling me but maybe I'd have rather read that AFTER reading the book
13eyond13 · 2 months
Will never understand authors spoiling their novel's plot in the introductions they write for them tbh
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
🐟 Tuna Sea-Side, Side Quest! 🐟
[800+ Followers Event! CLOSED]
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[After a long string of exams, a break finally comes! Whether you passed your exams flawlessly or barely grazed by, it doesn't matter anymore as all you can think about is the free-time that awaits you! Just as your heading back home for the day a shiny poster catches your eye!
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(The poster reads) "Come one and all! Tunas Sea-Side party! An all expenses paid summer sea party is being held at the coast of the Coral Sea! Just bring yourself, any floaties, and something to swim in! Lots of events! "Capture the flag! Splash Contest! Beach Volleyball!" We'll be staying at a Villa provided generously by Rook! And Catering thanks to the Monstro Lounge! Hosted by TUNA! Rook! and Azul!" --- It sounds too good to be true... You cautiously take a rsvp paper attached at the bottom and shrug. Oh well, can't be worse then what you've had to deal with already! ]
Tuna is hosting a beach party and everyone is invited! Did they have to use all their savings for this? maybe... Did they also have to sign a contract with Azul to make it happen? Also possible! But Tuna has a bit of a surprise in store for all who come... 😈 Through some magical sweet talking and a LOT of pleading, this party is coming to fruition.
Featuring favorites like; Rook, Azul, the Tweels, Ruggie, Leona, and a plus one of your choice!
Starting May 21st and running until May 31st, send in your RSVP and join the event! (any submissions sent after May 31th 11:59pm PST will be sent to the void! 👻 )
In order to make sure everyone gets to enjoy the event, please follow the rules below!
Must be following me & reblog the post! After all the more the merrier!
Please submit an ask describing what your favorite summer activity is or what you plan to do at the party, your favorite color, & what you plan to wear and/or bring along! If you plan to bring a plus one, please tell me who it is and how you convinced them to come!
You must include a reference link to your character or a physical description of your character!
You may only send in one request! Multiple OCs are OK, but please limit it to 3 characters total (including any plus one twst boys!)
Finally, be open minded! My writing skills are still in development, so characters may seem a bit ooc at times;; I apologize in advance!
OPTIONAL! If you want to make your own art or writing inspired by this please tag me and use #TunasSeaSideSQ I'd love to see whatever you create! ^O^
If your worried about your references, feel free to PM me if you have more info you didn't want/ couldn't include in the ask!
By sending in your RSVP I'll sketch your OC (s and plus one etc) and write a little drabble on how it goes down! ^v^ You're OC will also be included in a final full art & short drabble with everyone involved!
Please also note that responses may take longer to be released! I plan to work on these over the next few weeks so things might run into mid-June to receive a reply! Thank you for your understanding!
This is in honor of reaching 800, 700, and 600 followers! I never did a fun event for these milestones so, I thought it'd be perfect timing to have some fun! Plus I need a bit of practice on more normal sketching rather than chibis lolol!
Oh! and the special surprise will be released with the final art! (aka after everyone's request has been finished! ^v^)
Thank you for your support & interest! I hope to see ya there! 🐟
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 11 months
would you ever consider translating sasara and rosho’s new duet? i’m sure it would be a real undertaking what with all the manzai, but i’ve always loved your style of localizing jokes! hope you’re having a great day!
You're very kind. Just for you, anon, I'll brave the horror of Dotsuhon lyrics translation. Under a cut for length. This post is so long Tumblr won't save all of it, so it'll have to be done in two goes.
Notes about style: No attempt to preserve rhyme or rhythm. Likewise, no attempt to match the vocal tone/line delivery/line length of the voice actors. (Ie, I'm not writing subtitles, so it might sound odd if you try to listen to the song at the same time as reading this.) The primary focus is on written tone, including wordplay, so strict adherence to literal meaning is not observed. In particular, since this is supposed to sound like a (radio?) comedy sketch, I'm trying to write it with the generally jocular tone such a performance would have in English. Some notes on jokes to follow for those curious. Sasara and Roshou: Hey, folks! Sasara: You're listening to the one and only Dotsuitare Hompo from Osaka. Roshou: Thanks for having us tonight! Sasara: We're Sasara Nurude and... Roshou: ...Roshou Tsutstujimori. Sasara: We usually have a third guy with us, our older buddy Rei Amayado, but he wasn't able to make it for some reason or another. So, you're stuck with the two of us today. Roshou: Sorry, sorry, and thanks again for having us. Sasara: Anyway, things sure are tough out there these days, huh? Roshou: You're telling me. Sasara: So I'd like to get on the mic and say a couple of jokes, cheer folks up a little bit in this whole mess. Roshou: You? You're the biggest mess there is. [1] But you're right. All anyone needs is a good, hot meal and a couple of laughs, and they're set. Sasara: Yeah! A good, hot banquet or three and a personal comedian. All a person needs in life! Roshou: A tad more expensive than I'd intended, but sure. Sasara: And then if you get a good night's sleep with a warm futon riiiight on the floor, then you're in heaven! Roshou: Wait, hold on. You'll catch a cold sleeping like that! You need a quilt or something at least. Sasara: But then what if I overheat? I'd rather quilt while I'm in bed. Roshou: ...Wait, you messed that up. It's supposed to be "quilt while I'm ah--" whatever, let's move on. [2] [Chorus] Sasara and Roshou: We'll keep our chins up and get through this bad time. And we'll set the whole city laughing until even Tsuutenkaku cracks up. [3] Sasara: Don't worry, everybody. I know things are pretty turbulent right now, but it won't last forever. And hey, at least the state of the world right now is like okonomiyaki, and we all know how much I love that! [4] Roshou: In what sense? Sasara: It keeps getting flipped upside down! [5] Roshou: Oh my god, Sasara. Well, at times like this, it never hurts to have seafood... Sasara: I see food, I eat it! Roshou: ...or anything fried... Sasara: After all this chaos, I know I'm fried. Roshou: ...not to mention smothered in sauce. Sasara: You getting saucy with me, mister? [6] But now you're talking my language! And also, the other day I sewed a--wait, did someone say soda? [7] Roshou: Yes, yes, we all know you love cream soda, but you don't need to bring it into every conversation! Sasara: OK(nomiyaki), that's fair. [8] Roshou: Same goes for okonomiyaki! Sasara: Geez, Roshou, what's your problem? Work with me here; commit to the bit. Roshou: Bit of what? [9] Sasara: The routine! That's my motto: always commit to the bit. Roshou: Well, maybe you'd finally get somewhere in life if you tried committing to the whole thing. [10] Sasara: Hey, low blow. We don't all come with your level of ginger. Roshou: No, but you know what does? Okonomiyaki! [11]
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enniewritesathing · 2 months
Discussion Post #4? (I lost count)
more like I talk to myself
The other half of the big update. Let's talk about.
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First, some meta, I guess:
You may have noticed that the pics look different. Much more vibrant and all of that. I was brainstorming with @pink-chevalier (once again, thank you 👏) and she pointed me towards some PS actions.
Shout-outs to PhotoMosh Pro for existing. I had some visual ideas and I was able to pull it off this time around.
Shout-outs to Internet Air by AT&T. I went from having rural ass DSL to 5G internet averaging 400mbps. That's a major reason why I was able to pull off my visual ideas via gifs. Wouldn't have worked otherwise and I would've had to do just images.
Shoutout to my ADHD. (derogatory)
The posts with the lab scene(s), I've noticed, uhhhh, isn't viewed as much. I have a feeling that it's gonna be like that for a while. I'm doing cool and unique things over here... idk, it feels bad when there's a clear asterisk to it. let me put it this way, if I try to make it ~pleasing~ and it gets more attention than anything else... 🙃🙃🙃
I don't ask for much but please RB and/or comment, anything!! recommend! my pinned post has a lot of things you can read! Anon's on! It feels bad and desperate when I'm on my hands and knees like this lol... I feel like there's something wrong with me and this story but everyone's being polite...
((btw thank you @99simproblems and @changingplumbob))
Now that's out of the way:
(leans into the mic) JOHN'S DEAD. More on that later.
Are we all in agreement that Daniel ain't shit? He is 0 for 2 on rising up against someone and just be like 'ok guess i'll do it 🥺'. You're been given so many outs my guy, holy shit. Just hit the bricks, man! What are you waiting for?!?
I'll say this -- he one ups himself on that. Maybe twice. No, I won't elaborate but if you've read The Incident you probably have a good idea.
(actually, I think maybe two people have read it and I wish I were joking on that... I did a RB of it around that year's halloween and I lost 10 followers LMAO. It's really criminal. still my fav story but anyway. )
Charles being the manipulative bitch that he is but he had to make it very slight. Notice that he doesn't report his monitoring... no one caught it because of John.
I was gonna try and see if I could find something for the machine screen but it didn't look right... but I am saving the idea for something else.
You will not believe how many swatches I made for the vital monitor on the wall. I know I've said it earlier, but it's from an actual simulator that I had to use two laptops with (one for settings, one for capture.)
I almost forgot about Mark but especially Thomas. We'll see them again. :)
Mark saying that he's gonna resign after this trial. I mean, he can walk out too, but he's too polite for that so he's just gonna wait. :)
Thomas has an inexplicable Brooklyn accent and Bernard is a Southerner. Don't as me why.
I love how the gifs of Charles looking at Daniel and Bernard with the faux camera focus came out. Sinister.
Another note on Thomas -- so he's there (or rather got voluntold) to be "security". Security for who?? The fuck he's gonna do? Anyway.
I really, truly thought about showing John getting stabbed with that big ass needle but I think we got enough of that. Or at least being implicit. Truly though, that was a big fuck-off needle. I ain't scared of 'em but eesh.
now let's pivot to John and The Werewolf:
You may have noticed in the dialogue somewhere but this is not their first time meeting each other that wasn't a fight. Perhaps we'll circle back to that.
One of the first things that The Werewolf tells John is that he has zero intention of harming him. He's true to his word. In fact, I'd argue that his general behavior changes the context of things from The Incident. He's actually pretty calm all things considering! He stands his ground when John's being a dipshit.
Love how John picks the absolute worst time to be arguing with The Werewolf. My dude, you're literally being tortured and dying and yet you don't want the only person to save your life to take over.
You may think, damn John's naive and you're right. Charles did a number on making him think that The Werewolf is that dangerous. Maybe there were points that John didn't believe that... ?
For the visual effect of the toxins, I did the same thing when he made his declaration. This time, it's harder because of his chest hair and complete tats so naturally, I did the S4S shuffle and doubling them up.
I didn't have much action words for John because... well, he's doin nothin' but screaming and there's only so many ways to write that. The expressions speak for themselves. I am very proud of how they came out! He fought for his goddamn life and he made it count.
After much deliberation, I left the post of John's death wordless. I don't know what he and The Werewolf talking about at this point, and if I do, I'm not sure if I want to elaborate! Aside from The Werewolf telling him it'll be okay to let go...
It's a surprisingly soft moment.
The breathing effect I found out messing around in PM. That's all John could do until his heart stopped.
Oh! So, I decided to make something distinguishing about John's eyes in all of this. Blank, aka just a solid color, means he's mostly not there. White = flat out unconscious; his body is on autopilot/reacting. So! Couldn't use the blank for death so I went and found some pupil overlays and such by Pralinesims and used it over the blank.
John dies with his eyes open so ofc his pupils needed to be fixed and dilated so you know he's actually dead.
Even in death, he has a chilling gaze...
...but not as much as The Werewolf's gaze in the last two shots. This was one of the shots I wanted to keep from The Incident -- but I left the one of him baring his teeth... I'll save that I think for later. With his sclera being black, he absolutely looks terrifying. Monstrous, even.
I had the idea of the gif when I first did The Incident but I couldn't quite put it together (among other things). If you really look at it, a lot of ideas are there but I didn't have the skillset that I do now...
I can't wait for the next update to see what I have in mind. There's a reason why I haven't made many WIPs this time around >:)
I might as well drop this now, the back half of this story? Loads of CWs. How many? I'll list them at the top of the post many. At least six.
Idk about yall, I said it already; the context has changed, I think. I like to think that The Incident is John's version of what happened (bits and pieces of it) and he ofc, 'told' it first and you'd think wow The Werewolf is scary. This? He's way more than reasonable given the situation. He thanked John.
but I see this as "thank you for permission for me to wild the fuck out and kill my torturers"... but, he is grateful fr.
...not saying that John's an asshole for what he may or may not have done but...
This may be a very ambitious thing I wanna do in the next update but, I kinda want to see if I can animate an effect. If not, I'll try and get close to it.
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thatneoncrisis · 2 months
20 questions for 20 writers!
tagged by @waitineedaname thxx
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
21 works, i feel like thats a healthy number
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
i have 439,385 words, a very large chunk of that is from We Have Always Lived in the Apartment
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now its the locked tomb, used to be homestuck, i have some crossovers with the magnus archives and one with john dies at the end
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
We Have Always Lived in the Apartment -- TLT horror mystery modern au
Insert Jesus Allegory Here -- solkat focused continuation of karkats pesterquest route, i NEED my new fics to get more popular than this oh my god
Gehenna the First -- TLT houseswap au with harrow as god
the gap between a tragedy and comedy (in this life its just you and me) -- TLT coffee shop au.
What's Eating Gideon Nav?  -- TLT catholic boarding school horror au
5. Do you respond to comments?
not typically, theres some weird thing with my head where i kind of hate that it counts my comments in the total comment amount. i cant explain it i just dont like how it looks, plus just repeating variations of "thank you!!" feels hollow after a while. im more likely to answer direct questions about the story rather than general commentary i do love talking about my thought process and intentions
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ok so i cant actually tell you this because none of those fics are Done yet but all you need to know is that i consider all of my TLT fics tragedies to some extent. take that as you will. i dont even Like the word angst really it portends a level of melodrama id like to avoid
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say its a dead tie between A Brief Lesson In The Occult and Shit. Let’s Build A Fort. i can barely look at these anymore and if you read them and feel compelled to tell me you like them: dont. i can do better now
8. Do you get hate on fics?
never to my knowledge has anyone ever publicly disliked one of my fics. in fact sometimes i dream about someone posting it in their discord group chat and making fun of it because im so curious about what theyd say
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes i have. i do it almost exclusively as satire or character analysis as i find like, the physicality of sex to be inherently kind of goofy. liek the second you have to describe a dick or boobs with words the magic is gone it just becomes weird silly looking flesh. so i like focusing on weird and bad sex, unsatisfying or clumsy sex. sex that changes you in no significant way
10. Do you write crossovers?
yes i have. A Brief Disappearance and Statement of David Wong are both TMA/JDATE crossovers and i DID write a homestuck/TMA crossover but its not on my ao3 i guess? odd
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no? does that happen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think once someone asked but i have no clue if it happened
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@notedchampagne is my co producer in all things forever but ive basically written everything myself and they help polish it up
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
shiiiiiiite uh. jade/davepeta still means a lot to me. i think there are a lot of really engaging ships in TLT but i always kind of default to griddlehark i just kind of understand them the best
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
eventually SAM and i would like to circle back to our fanventure Therapystuck but we both got really busy with school, work and a general lull in the HS fandom. also maybe someday ill go back to Insert Jesus Allegory Here i liked the direction of the story i just have to get myself back in that headspace. being into homestuck Does something to you, like psychologically
16. What are your writing strengths?
after asking some friends theyve told me im good at tone, prose, funny metaphors, and dialogue but a caveat for the last thing as "I have yet to see how your Own guys talk and how you'd handle distinct voices from scratch so I'm only giving you about 80%"
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i hate like. writing Around the important bits of a scene. i love the physicality of characters and what it reveals about them, along with pieces of the scene the narration deems important or interesting enough to mention to the audience. but im always worried im jsut fucking yapping. also i hate like, political scenes theres a rhythm to them that i dont quite understand. people sitting around using specific language that Feels important in a way that doesnt make it clear im bullshitting like 99% of what theyre talking about
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
AHAH. GOD. i actually looked this up the other day because theres an original story i want to write where i want to make it clear theyre basically speaking french the whole time, even though its written in english. i only speak english (i took some french in hs, its left me though i want to pick it up again) so i wouldnt know anything about how it reads to polyglots but i guess theres really only so much you can do outside of literally learning a new language just to write a story for free. ive seen a whole host of tips so i gues sit just matters how you employ them
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Homestuck. my only regret is that i wasnt a better writer
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
FUCK christ uuuuh. favorite right Now would be The Apartment but EVENTUALLY id like it to be Gehenna the First because its the hardest to write and i need it to pay off. if you havent read it uhhh. hi. hello. you should do that. i think its really cool and fun and junk
CHRIST who to tag i dont follow big writers uuuh @tranquilitybasehotelcasino and @accidentallyadorable sure have fun
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dijeh · 5 months
I got tagged in a fandom meme! I haven't done one of these in a lot of years, so thanks @endless-season
I'm putting my disappointing answers under the cut, so you can enjoy this photo of a snail instead and scroll along.
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3 ships you like: I'm... not the type to talk about that... They exist.
first ship ever: Oh man, no idea. Something from Greek mythology maybe? Or from one of those compulsory readings in middle school? Maybe earlier?
last song you heard: This. Also in French. It's apparently based on an actual love curse song and I can't stop listening to it.
favourite childhood book: Either a two-volume book on Greek mythology or the Mary Poppins series. I received the Greek mythology book when I was about 6 and it was the first "serious" book I managed to read all by myself (I'd only read some Bamse beforehand). I used to like the first volume, the one on gods, better than the second one which focused on the heroes, which I found sort of boring. I wanted to read about cool powers and the like, not guys doing things. I lent the books to a friend a few years ago and haven't seen them since, but I recently leafed through the volumes at another friend's house (every kid has them), and noticed my tastes have sort of reversed now.
As for Mary Poppins... I still remember that frustrating Midsummer Eve volume which created more mysteries instead of answering longstanding questions. Immortal Mary? ??? Also that Halloween chapter where I would mentally replace the park and lane with the park across the street and my own street. My mental image of the MP world was half whatever I read, half my own home. (I only watched the Disney movie much, much later and found it rather disappointing.)
currently reading: - A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I had forgotten how verbose he is! I appreciate the irony/dry humour but there are so many unneeded passages. It's also quite quotable, in fact it contains my favourite quote ever that I learnt of before knowing the book.
Alamut by Vladimir Bartol. It's ok so far, I'm only ~70 pages in, so I can't draw a conclusion, but I can't say I'm awed or anything. I'd be tempted to blame the translation, but it might also be my expectations (cool assassin action yeah!) vs reality (newcomer learns about stuff in painstaking detail).
The House on the Borderland by W. H. Hodgson. Literally just started it, I'm looking forward to being spooked. I've only read two other things by Hodgson, The Voice in the Night, which I can't remember for the life of me, and The Night Land, which I read the only time I worked in an office and I still can't tell whether reading that book or working in an office was worse. I Very Much Dislike working in an office if you couldn't tell.
currently watching: The Last Kingdom. I quite like it, despite the biker vikings and the ridiculous premise that everything in (future) England worked thanks to 1 (one) guy™ and some REALLY unneeded character changes (historical power couple turned into lil bitch husband vs long suffering wife who fucks the protag of course). Can't talk yet about the writing quality after Netflix took over (started season 4), but I do appreciate the better costumes and accessories. People finally wear rings, necklaces, brooches, armbands etc! Wew. I do not appreciate the Middle Ages filter even though some colour does manage to make its way on screen from time to time. I also miss the battle tactics, but well, as long as the character interactions are nice...
currently consuming: Coffee in a coffee appropriate cup I randomly found in the kitchen. Where do all these cups even come from?
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currently craving: Infinite time to read what I want to read and enough money and warm sunny weather to travel. I miss Naples! My love 🥺
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avelera · 2 years
Can I just say - the entirety of GS chapter 15 was spectacular and I loved every word of it, but above all my favourite line was Dream saying “my eldest brother does very little”
I just - love all the sibling pettiness that single line contains. I’m very much with Hob in thinking that Dream’s exasperation is charming. Like Dream just eyerolling 🙄 and telling Hob - “yeah yeah my big brother’s destiny or whatever but don’t be fooled - he’s not that important and he’s not cool and maybe I love him but he’s also kind of a prick.”
Also… Dream rejecting Destiny’s offer of dinner by saying “I have better uses for my time” and squeezing Hob’s hand?? Why do I feel like he’s planning something?? Maybe it’s just me but I’m side-eyeing Dream (and you by proxy lol). I feel like some sneaky courting may be afoot (or maybe that’s just wishful thinking).
Whatever happens I know it will be wonderful because it’s you writing it!! Thank you so much again for the delight you give through your stories!!
:D :D :D Thank you!
I mean, I admit, I did some due diligence, and as far as I can tell Destiny... reads. But he is the workaholic of the family, which is saying something in a family that also contains Dream and Death. But I like to think of Destiny as that older brother who is at the office 24/7. You know he's always at work but... why? What is he doing there? What's his day to day? No one knows. He just lives there so he has to be working all the time... right?
(Oh great, now I'm imagining Destiny as completely obsessed with Farmville or some other game you can totally get away with playing at an office job, lol.)
Now, I will say because it's not really a spoiler: Dream is not planning anything new with Hob. There's no grand courting plan coming out of nowhere to anticipate, though more plot-y stuff is coming down the pipe soon.
If we were to be in Dream's head in that moment, we would see that he's thinking about the initial bargain to look after one another. He's thinking about Hob's panic attack on the beach in Naxos, and how one of the nightmares (aka, PTSD but the term hasn't been invented yet) that haunts Hob's waking hours was caused by Dream abandoning him and leaving him alone at his lowest moments in the 1600s, when the reason Hob was immortal at all to go through all of that was Dream's fault (as Dream sees it) and he didn't help this person he's now in love with out at all. And he feels immense guilt for that now that he's realized he's in love with Hob! (Bro fell fast and hard at the meeting in Ch. 1.) He's thinking about how he feels he owes Hob his undivided attention for at least a little while, and we're talking cosmic scale here with the Endless! Dream is like "Maybe in a century I'll have cuddled Hob enough to feel ok with leaving him home alone for a night if he wants me here, ok, Destiny? You can wait until then, I've got better things to do and people I'd rather be spending time with if this isn't urgent."
Not that this is a burden for Dream! He just genuinely means he's busy right now looking after Hob as part of the agreement where Hob looks out for him and he sees that as higher priority, especially after Hob's very recent panic attack about Dream abandoning him, than a dinner that isn't even a formal Endless conclave and where Destiny won't tell him what it's for. So yeah, Dream is being a bit of a salty younger sibling about it. (As the oldest in my family, I am looking forward to writing some high-handed oldest sibling shenanigans for Destiny lol)
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gutsfics · 6 months
pls tell me all about devi before the events of ilitw!! what kind of activities did he do? who were some of his friends? did he still talk to any of the people from his childhood friend group? if so, who? etc. etc. anything else you want to share!!
ok this is gonna kinda jump around a bit bc thats how my thoughts are rn :3 i love this ask though thank u for letting me talk about my special guy
so after Jane's death, he did try his best to hang onto the friend group for a while (especially Noah) but due to not having a very good therapist, his kid logic made him think "thinking about Jane makes me sad, and not thinking about her i can be happy, but i'd rather think about her and be sad forever than evetually move on and forget" so he kinda shut himself off from everyone so he could hold his memory of her forever
his parents tried their best to help him but the therapists they took him too didnt believe him when he told them about Mr Red (or when they did believe him, they only believed him if they were reading lines that weren't there and assuming that Mr Red was a real living guy in the woods and jumping to conclusions about it) so maybe like a month or two after Jane died he just... stopped talking, bc what was the point of speaking if no one was going to listen? and then he stopped talking to anyone ever until half way through his freshman year of highschool when he told Cody to "gargle my cock and balls"
because of Devi being mute for all that time, he didn't really have any friends (which he was fine with for reasons stated earlier) & a lot of people found him kinda weird and offputting for the most part, especially when he got really into expressing himself through art, specifically photography. a lot of "ew that weird quiet kid is taking pictures of things again what a creep" but for the most part he just shrugged it off
Cody used to think he was kinda cool bc he was quiet and goth and in 6th grade asked him to the fall formal but Devi turned him down and that's when he started bullying him. he tried to turn it into a "HAH WELL OBVIOUSLY NO ONE WOULD WANT TO GO OUT WITH YOU YOU CREEP WEIRDO YOURE STUPID TO THINKING I WANTED TO GO WITH YOU" which somehow worked on everyone around them despite the fact Devi turned him down
after he started talking again, he joined the yearbook club & got really good at the composition of pictures of people & formatting them on the pages, but bc he was still a bit of a loner at this point no one else in the club realized just how much he did? especially after the older kids in the club graduated, bc they were the ones encouraging him and teaching him how to do the formatting and stuff. ive actually been rotating a fic in my head where post ilitw Lucas goes to the yearbook club to see how theyre doing bc its almost time to get em printed and its like. not even half done and also theres a memorial page for Cody but not for Devi????
in Sophmore year he took a Japanese class for an easy foreign language credit, which Tom was also in for the same reasons and they became friends :3 not as close as Tom and Andy at this point, but they'd hang out at lunch when Andy was busy and sometimes go to eachother's houses after school. but after that year the teacher for the class made sure to put them in different periods bc they would kinda. make fun of him a little bit in japanese bc he was a white guy who thought he was way better at the language than he actually was and that made him big mad
of the original group, he was probably closest with Lily when he started talking again. and then not as close w Ava and Andy but he talked w them fairly often. Lucas, Stacy, and Dan he really only saw when he was doing yearbook stuff, w that conversation he had w Dan junior year being the longest conversation he'd had w any of those three in a while (all three 100% knew he was the backbone of yearbook btw. & when people were being like "ew that weirdo goth kid w the camera is here again" they were the ones to be like "ITS FOR YEARBOOK, ASSHOLES.")
he and Noah avoided each other as much as possible. sitting next to Noah during that assembly the first day of senior year was the first time in years that one of them didn't immedeatly turn around and walk out of the room upon seeing the other in it (they lowkey had each other's scheduals memorized to better avoid each other) (for the most part Any picture of Noah that might show up in the yearbooks were not taken by Devi) (although. ngl. Devi did take a few candid photos of Noah occasionally. which he promptly would delete bc he felt bad about it. a little bc he and Noah hadnt talked in forever but mostly bc he felt like "creep weirdo with a camera" was an accurate description of him when he did that)
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
hello hello! this is gonna be ramble-y, telling you that now
i use character.ai a lot but reading your posts about it has made me rethink using it. so ty for writing that! going to check pygmalionAI out - i hadn't known about the character.ai community & devs being so bad. also, how did you learn that the devs were bad if i may ask? i'd like to get more informed now regarding AI since it IS becoming a bigger thing; laws and precedents need to be established sooner rather than later
on another note! i ADORE your titan au! loved the iron giant as a kid and love the way you're designing it with Sun, Moon, and Eclipse! do you have any more crumbs to share about it? (no pressure though! /gen)
have a wonderful day/night OP!
Well I used CAI back in December, joined their subreddit, and it'd be kinda impossible to summarize everything I watched unfold since then since it was such an explosion of a community.
Here's a good quick breakdown vid:
(ok for some reason the link isn't working for me so uhh just paste "Character dot AI and the controversy around it." into youtube)
This is a good written resource that has links and screenshots for all the info therein: https://rentry.org/CAInews
It's important to be informed about these kinda things so good on you!
Also thank you so much! ^-^ I don't really have too much info on the au since I haven't toyed with it that much, but I'd like to draw Sun and Moon since thus far I've only done Eclipse.
I've seen one or two people say that it'd be fun if Sun used to be like primarily a medical bot but got reprogrammed when the war picked back up, so I'm wondering if maybe he has some sort of medical logo somewhere on his chest/arms under a thick coating of paint.
He feels sort of embarrassed about it when y/n finds out (I suppose time has withered the paint and the cracks show through) because after a while, since after centuries of bloodshed humanity is like on the verge of extinction and yet unwilling to let their violence go, war was the only thing he knew.
Eclipse is neither good nor bad, he just exists to cause destruction lol. Specifically to end the Titan war, but since it's long over and the "bad side" as he's programmed to see it no longer exists, it's the only logical solution to re-focus his attention on destroying humanity.
Of course, this all pulls to a halt when Sun and Moon come back into the picture (and no I have no idea how they'd all miraculously re-animate at the same time 😂) Maybe either y/n is able to find some sort of on-twitch of a kind, like a power core that automatically powers on all the titans even in their long-dormant state, or Eclipse actually decides to spare humanity because y/n wants him to (who can resist those big pleading eyes honestly) and maybe because humanity just seems so... frail these days. Not at all the powerful armies that he remembers, therefore no challenge. Then he once again refocuses his attention on fixing Sun and Moon just so he can fight them.
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psycheterminal · 7 months
Calliope and Roxy, possible post-canon discussion
Non-explicit discussion of intimacy and intercourse below and brief mention of alcohol addiction. Cut for length.
I haven't read any of their dialogues for quite some time, so apologies if their characterizations are a bit off!
CALLIOPE: does it ever bother yoU that well. we'll never be intimate? ROXY: what do u even mean haha ROXY: we like ROXY: cuddle every single day!! it is COMPLETELY wonderful. CALLIOPE: bUt that isn't hUman intimacy. we'll never... yoU know... do the deed? ROXY: oh, that. you mean. sex? CALLIOPE: yes, i mean that! well. we do roleplay it... ROXY: hmmmmm. so, let me make sure i understand what youre worried about: ROXY: youre worried that roleplay and cuddling ROXY: which is the most awesome thing ever ROXY: isn't enough for me? CALLIOPE: oh, i sUppose it soUnds silly now. nevermind, i'm jUst being stUpid.... U_U ROXY: u are wonderful and not even a little bit dumb at ALL ROXY: you remember how i mentioned that i grew up in another 'timezone' from jake and jane right CALLIOPE: oh yes, yoU did! yoU were raised separately from the rest of yoUr kind! ROXY: yep yep ROXY: the only other person in the WORLD was dirk and he was busy with jake stuff. ROXY: that and lots of troll robots who would have been a huge problem if they found me CALLIOPE: yoU mentioned that yoU are rather glad to not be in that sitUation anymore, many times! i am, too! ROXY: u are and always have been so so sweet ROXY: so i know that you consider yourself a girl but that gender for ur species is uh ROXY: negotiable and stuff on gender. CALLIOPE: close enoUgh! ^U^ ROXY: i find ever1 cute ROXY: *every1 ROXY: every time i see u again after being apart u take my breath away ROXY: with how much u amaze me just by being you ROXY: ur shy, ur not what my people call feminine but like ROXY: i only care about that to the extent that those things make u YOU ROXY: now prepare for this mind blowing revelation ROXY: i love cuddles. no surprise right? ROXY: but the idea of like. ROXY: being intimate with another human being makes me go like ROXY: mehhhhhhhhhhhhhh ROXY: maybe that doesn't make sense but like ROXY: i totally don't think about it 90% of the time CALLIOPE: bUt the other 10%? what about that? how does it coloUr your experiences? ROXY: i had to rely on old records of humans to understand how it worked ROXY: bcuz I'd never experienced those things and never met my mom ROXY: she died so long before we could even meet ROXY: so I couldn't ask her abt shit i was curious about ROXY: it's part of why i am such a badass hacker lol ROXY: but one thing from before the end was something called bambi lesbians ROXY: i don't think i need a label because they are LE DUMB ROXY: but they weren't interested in sex ROXY: my intimacy is my feelings! and the awesome cuddles ROXY: i think about it sometimes but like ROXY: its more that i am not opposed if i had the opportunity with a friend or partner so long as all involved were ok with it! ROXY: i am not repulsed just disinterested ROXY: you are enough calliope! CALLIOPE: i am enoUgh....? ROXY: yeah!!! we're two rad people enjoying our lives ROXY: that's all i really need ROXY: you talk to me and you treat me right ROXY: you came to me when you were feeling insecure and that is so amazing ROXY: my addiction was something i felt terrible abt sometimes and ROXY: it was HARD ROXY: not to get down on myself about it!!! ROXY: so i can understand feeling like shit about urself ROXY: so i am telling u ROXY: u are enough and i am enough ROXY: so long as we keep working at our relationship! CALLIOPE: thank you, roxy. i always appreciate yoU and what we have. i am so glad we finally got to meet. ROXY: so am i!!! let's get some more cuddling in bcuz you are the best cuddle partner a bambi bisexual lesbean can have!
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dumbdomb · 1 year
10, 35, 36 and 62 for the pervy ask meme?
10: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
maybe. almost! i don't really like using public restrooms unless i have to, but i had some free time between college classes one day... i was mortified, but nothing actually happened lol. i just got super horny that day and couldn't resist touching myself after i pissed. it felt so good!! i was dripping wet like a slug, in a haze, rubbing my desperate cunt when someone suddenly knocked on the door. i didn't notice anyone walk in, i was trying to be so careful and quiet. but i guess i was making some sort of noise, or moaning, idk 🙈 they were asking if i was ok? i politely said everything was fine and hurried to clean myself, without finishing :( i heard them leave before i walked out, washed my hands, and rushed to the other building my next class was in. i was so embarrassed!!!
35: Worst possible time to get horny:
um... i guess in church? i used to get turned on a lot, you know... a twenty something's libido and all. but i couldn't just get up and leave during mass, or at least not every time. so i would have to just cross my legs and hope no one else could tell what i was actually thinking about during the homily...
36: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?
yes, but only if they like to. or if they are mockingly faking it to tease me. i don't make much noise myself, so it doesn't bother me either way. the only thing i don't like is someone pretending in a serious way, i'd rather them be honest and authentically express how they're feeling.
62: has anyone ever watched you masturbate?
no, and it makes me kinda nervous to think about it. i'm actually quite shy and someone watching me always makes me wanna hide lol. i think it would be nice to try with someone who i felt very safe and comfortable with, probably as a form of denying them or punishment. that or mutual masturbation x3
thanks for asking, i hope you really like my answers, anon... 💕
Read my pinned before you interact! 18+ only.
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thebummm · 1 year
You and me, ma kota
Neteyam Sully x human/Omaticaya reader
Summary: You were a girl with no family, just racing. When you get a job offer to help kill Toruk Makto. Accepting it wasn't as easy as you thought. What will happen on Pandora?
Pairing: Neteyam x Human/Omaticaya Reader
Word count:67 words(just for rn)
Warnings: a lil cursing
"Falling just as hard, I'd rather lose somebody than use somebody"
Part 1
"HEY KOTA! Your turn." My director Ivian says, as I finished gearing up. People called me Kota because it was the name of my car. I've won 50 races in this car. It was everything I truly cared about. I didn't have anyone. My parents died, when I was younger. I have no memory or no picture of them in my brain. And friends, never had them.
"Ok, I'm out. Wish me luck." I say as I run to my car.
"Take the lord with you ma, and good luck." My director says. We exchange looks and I get in my car. I did a silent prayer, now on with the race.
As I rolled my car up after the race, hearing the crowd go wild for me. It felt good but felt as this was the last time, I would be hearing this. Nearby fans, my team, and my director all hug and congratulate me. This felt good.
As the night came, I was hanging in the racing studio office with my director. As we normally did after the races. I would consider Ivian a friend, but she was older and had her own life outside of work. A husband, kids, responsibilities, love. Everything I didn't have.
"So last race?" Ivian asked looking at me like she knew the answer.
"Well, N-." I started to speak as my phone rang.
It read "Unknown". I looked at Ivian then back at the phone once I realized she was turn around, packing up.
I answered it.
"Hello." I said.
"Is this Dakota Bourda?" The man on the line says. I was curious to how he knew my name.
"Yes, this is she" I flinch as he said my government name. This felt like getting a call from someone like you were in trouble.
"Well, my name is Colonel from pandora, I normally talk about this in person, but we will get more time in pandora. I want to offer you a job for 1 Million dollars. This probably sounds like a scam, but I'm serious. I've read over your files and your information. Racing huh?" He said. As I was going to respond to him, he cut me off again.
"You've also been in the military, and your single, 21, no kids. We think you're a perfect match for this job." he finished.
"Well thanks but may I ask what the job is sir."
"We want you to help execute Toruk Makto" he said.
As he said that I knew exactly who he was talking about. As thoughts ran thru my mind. I looked around to see that Ivian had already left. I grab my purse, keys and walked to my car as I talked.
"Are you serious, the man that betrayed you and became Na'vi. This is crazy but I'll have to-" I stopped really thinking if I should pass this up or not.
"Can you give me a day to think about this." I asked the man on the phone.
"Yes but only a day, I'm a man of my word. If you help kill Jake Sully, I might just raise the price, but my word was 1 million. I'll call you in 2 days." he finished, then the phone hung up.
I put my phone down and rested my face in my hands. This couldn't be real. If so, should I do it. That was racing thru my mind as I drove home.
When I arrived home, I rushed to get inside. I put my keys, purse, and shoes all by the door. I flopped on the couch, and kicked my legs on the coffee table. I needed to think this thru. Was I going to say no and miss out on 1 MILLION DOLLARS or was I going kill jake sully and get maybe more than what's promised.
I loved where I was in life, even though it was lonely. I didn't feel any pain. I would go to work and come home. Eat, tend to myself then repeat. The same thing over and over again. Was I happy?
Before bed, I called Ivian and asked what she thought about the job offer. Even though I didn't tell her what the job offer was, her words helped.
"Dont miss out on this if it feels like this could change your life for the better, who knows you might get more than what was promised."
Her word stayed in my head all night.
"Fuck it."
Thanks for reading. This isn't my first story, but I am new to this so. I hope you enjoy.
Sorry its short BTW.
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thesylphroad · 2 years
Inner Monologue Shitpost Breakdown A.K.A. Review of Chapter 1 of "A Court of Thorns and Roses"
Everyone on TikTok is going batshit crazy about this book series, so as a very late-to-the-program sheep, I must join the wave. My credentials are that I'm obsessed with faerie lore and I read a lot of AO3 fanfic so I'm pretty well qualified to review what I am assured is "faerie smut." There better be faeries and fucking or I will sue.
Commence Chapter One.
We meet the book's narrator, Girl in Forest. She has wandered too far into the forest (which, like, never a good sign in fantasy). Her family is starving, so she is hunting for deer. We get some ominous foreshadowing about both giant wolves and the supernatural ilk that seems to freely wander out of Prythian, which is the name for the "faerie lands." Right away it sounds like this world will adhere to a physical barrier between realms (thank god, I hate that dimension jumping bullshit). Kudos to the author for spelling faerie with the "e' because that's obviously the superior way to spell it.
Anyway, moving on, this girl is cold, and she tells us as much, and then immediately launches into an existential follow up: "A shudder skittered down my spine at the thought, and I shoved it away, focusing on my surroundings, on the task ahead. That was all I could do, all I'd been able to do for years: focus on surviving the week, the day, the hour ahead." Immediately I'm like, okay so I think she has BPD. Anyway narrator is simply a girlboss, in what almost seems like a Hunger Games type backdrop. Girls just wanna survive their dystopian medieval-esque? era frozen hellscape. Please god don't let this be a YA series. Anyway, author maybe forgot the "show don't tell" rule, but I'm full of forgiveness so I won't hold it against her.
Narrator reminds us (me?) she is in a tree, which is good because I'd forgotten that detail. Never mind, in the next sentence she informs me she is getting off the tree. We already know she's like, survival-centric, which gives us a good idea as to her social status (and thus her likely financial class) but she adds in a detail about her fraying boots so we know for sure she's no uptown girl. Protagonist is probably like, humble and selfless and all that.
Okay, so she's got a few hours of daylight left and now she's really harping on the giant wolves rumor, and like, how they're traveling in groups (as wolves are wont to do). But more sinister still, she shares this little detail: "Not to mention whispers of strange folk spotted in the area, tall and eerie and deadly." I have bad news for the narrator after reading the follow-up sentence: "ANYTHING BUT FAERIES." I have a sneaking hunch it might be faeries, since like, this is the forest and the forest leads directly into the faerie lands as aforementioned.
We get some lore for the road, about "long-forgotten gods," whom the hunters are still praying to, for some reason. I guess when you need a crutch you need a crutch, right? She goes on to explain that she's actually a couple of days away from the "immortal border of Prythian," and this is why they've been "spared an attack." I will assume these are hostile invader faeries until otherwise advised.
Oh no, narrator's family finished their last loaf of bread yesterday, which means they are really banking on narrator to come through with a kill. Narrator is like, the breadwinner, except instead of bread it's deer. Which, like, not to be rude but this is fatherless behavior, where is the dad who's supposed to be crunching through the snow with her right now? Narrator is like (paraphrasingly), "But also I'd rather starve than be wolf food. Or faerie food." OK, DO THE FAERIES EAT HUMAN FLESH? More on that later, I trust she will not forget to expand on this detail, as author is very good at expanding on…every single detail. "Not that there was much of me to feast on," narrator adds (coyly).
Note to self: narrator is a skinny legend.
Okay, homegirl definitely has some self-worth issues to work through here, which furthers my BPD suspicion. I mean she's like, traveling deeper into the forest, and the whole time she's playing out this scenario where she comes back empty-handed and her family is like, disappointed or angry or something. She's in the winter of her life, and the wolves she meets along the way are her only…I can stop.
Moving on, narrator is waiting and hoping. Good to hear she still has hope, because she definitely just told us she didn't exactly have that. Interesting detail to note is this sentence where she's like "Too many families had already started begging for me to hope for handouts from the wealthier townsfolk." Book world is presumably also in a recession, and they're probably relying on the same age-old trickle down politics pyramid scheme.  I'm on page 19 and protagonist is getting deeply troubling in her existential inner monologue. Like, not only is her life kinda crappy, narrator actually feels like her world has no color. She is in her 2016 Tumblr era. She cannot stop listening to that Arctic Monkeys album. Like, not only is the landscape bleak (could be a little bit of seasonal depression rearing its ugly head here) but this also applies to like, the luxuries of jeweled brooches and expensive silk fabric. I think this is meant to imply that she maybe at one point enjoyed these luxuries, like maybe she is New Poor. You know how there's New Money and Old Money, and there's also New Poor and Old Poor. I think this lifestyle is newly acquired, if that makes sense. She cranks it up a notch by telling us she sometimes "would even indulge in envisioning a day when my sisters were married and it was only me and Father, with enough food to go around, enough money to buy some paint." Okay, okay, actually this makes sense: narrator is an artist. A real Barbara Ross with the paints, if you will; so it makes sense that she sees the world in terms of COLOR. It's interesting to consider that, in these sort of unspecified back-in-the olden days societies there was probably a good deal of like, inter-family resentment when parents just kept popping out kids they couldn't feed, and we see that evidenced here. Narrator resents her sisters, and since she mentioned they're both OLDER than she is and neither one of them are traipsing through the forest with her right now, I can kind of sympathize. I also just randomly remembered that part of this book is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and those old fairy tales love a good "shitty sibling" or "shitty step-parent" motif, so this tracks. 
Narrator admits that, while she hasn't admired any beauty in the world in like forever, she is currently admiring this beautiful winter light on the snow even though she is super miserable and cold (also starving). Narrator is a real contradiction. We get a cute little tidbit about some guy called Isaac Hale (they fuck). She's like, a cool girl, though, so it's more like romps in the decrepit barn, and not anything serious. "Hungry and empty and sometimes cruel, but never lovely" is a real as fuck way to describe a no-strings hook-up. I like that. 
"The howling wind calmed into a soft sighing." Okay, back to that "show don't tell" rule, because I'm bored of the snow at this point. I have some serious questions about the editor who let "the lethal, gentle beauty of the snow" slip through to publication, but carrying on. We get this recurring reminder that the protagonist is "peering through thorns" which seems relevant since it ties back into the title and all, or maybe it's just an allusion to the thorny lifestyle girlboss leads, I don't know yet. Will follow-up on this. 
FINALLY a wild plot device appears, and a deer spawns in the clearing ahead of narrator. Deer is eating tree bark, narrator is like "This deer is not too scrawny to kill." Narrator should remember the old adage "Beggars can't be choosers." She also adds that this deer could sustain her family for like a week, probably. I'm not a hunter myself, so no comment, but I believe her because why would she lie? Protagonist really puts off the whole ACTUALLY firing the arrow process, distracted by her maladaptive daydreaming about what she's going to do with all the meat and the deer hide if and when she ever shoots the damn thing. She's also like, "One of my sisters needs a cloak and the other sister is an if u got it I WONT it type of girl" which, like, stay focused girly, the deer is STILL ALIVE. 
Fuck, okay, now there's some golden eyes shining across the way. This is probably because you took so damn long to kill the deer, and now there's one of those tall faerie things in the bushes!!! 
Nobody panic it's just a wolf. Fun fact: more people get attacked by deer every year than wolves. Wolves are super non-aggressive towards humans, unless they're cornered or feel threatened. Just keep that in mind if you're going to develop a fantasy RPG and wolves are one of the hordes of monsters you include in the wilds.
OK never mind narrator is like, "He was enormous--the size of a pony." CUT THE TAPE. CUT THE FUCKING TAPE. Does…does the author know how big ponies are? Ponies are just small horses, okay, some ponies are like 14 hands high at the shoulder that's almost five feet tall. THAT'S ALMOST FIVE FEET TALL THAT IS TALLER THAN ME. Holy fuck pony-sized wolf is "unnaturally stealthy." Who buffed the wolves in this world? Okay, is it a werewolf? I thought this was a faerie book.
I actually hadn't considered that the wolf might be a faerie, but she suddenly foreshadows that this is a possibility, and I get the feeling author isn't super great with subtletly, so I'm thinking there's a good chance it's a faerie. A wolf faerie. Equine-sized. 
"If he was a faerie, I should already be running" okay how do we know it's a boy wolf? Note to self: wolf faerie is obviously packing. I'm sorry I still can't get over the size thing, like I'm just imagining a pony-sized wolf, and all I can think is that you should absolutely be running at that detail alone. Like, this is clearly some kind of fucked up, genetically maximized wolf. 
Narrator has just explained how she's kind of really alone in the world and her family sucks and the rich people won't help the begging poor folk, but now she's like "Should I help my village and kill this big wolf?" Um, how about no? How about you're the only bitch in this forest right now and are you forgetting that this thing is the size of a small horse?
Girlboss…proceeds to waste an ungodly amount of time wondering whether the wolf is a wolf or something more than a wolf, but the point here is that SHE THEN EXPLAINS SHE ONLY HAS THREE FUCKING ARROWS AGAINST A WOLF THE SIZE OF A SMALL HORSE. Okay, so, I took a deep breath. I am putting my trust in the assumption that narrator is wearing plot armor, but the odds are SOOOOO not in her favor right now.
We learn that the girl has 2 regular arrows and 1 ASH arrow. Ash is supposed to be a faerie killer, according to the narrator. Which is interesting because in Celtic faerie lore ash is actually one of the three sacred trees of the faerie folk, but carry on. Okay, so I'm learning that ash trees are rare in this world. I'm writing that down. This is gonna be the dragonglass of this book series, isn't it? I'm calling it now.
 So it's not that I'm not intrigued but the author is really telling way too much and showing way too little. Protagonist proceeds to like, wonder whether her ash arrow is even REAL. Because like, the counterfeit ash market is a real problem in the village. It could be fake, she's had it for three years, why the fuck has it taken you 3 years to use one of your 3 arrows? I just…never mind. She finally draws the arrow like 8 paragraphs later, but even as her chest starts to ache, she's like, I should get sidetracked again wondering whether this big ass giant ass horse-sized ass WOLF is alone. Girl, I am praying to the forgotten gods for your ass that it IS.
Oh my god, I can't believe I'm typing this but narrator goes on another side quest explaining how she's never faced a wolf before. She seriously needs an Adderall prescription this is insane. "I'd thought it made me lucky--even blessed" GIRL BLESSED BY WHO YALL DON'T REMEMBER YOUR OWN GODS. Jesus. Now she's like, lol idk where to HIT IT. Just hit it. For god's sake. Hit it already. She reminds us one more time she only has the one ash arrow. I think I have to kill the wolf myself at this point. 
Protagonist has already decided for herself it's an animal and not a faerie, but now she's suddenly like, "oh no what if there IS a faerie heart pounding in there?" It will die of old age before you shoot the fucking ash arrow, so I would not worry too much.The wolf is like, unnaturally stealthy but then two paragraphs later it snaps a twig but it's okay because the deer is stupid and just looks in the other direction. How fucking long has this deer been eating bark off this same tree? I feel aged. I feel evolved.
"If I judged wrongly, my life wasn't the only one that would be lost." What the fuck does that mean? Like, if you shoot the wolf and don't kill the wolf it will probably kill you, and if you sit here and wait for spring to come the wolf might kill the deer. What does this mean? I am so confused. I am so overstimulated. Help?
Finally, at long last, can we get a round of applause, narrator shoots the wolf. She waits for the wolf to kill the deer first. She did a lot of deliberating about where to hit the wolf only to hit it in the side, which…statistically speaking that's not one of the more lethal regions to puncture, but that's okay because this is her first wolf, remember? I would like some sort of compensation for having to read this sentence: "He barked in pain, releasing the doe's neck as his blood spewed on the snow--so ruby bright." So ruby bright?????? SO RUBY BRIGHT??????
I really do wanna like this book, okay, did I mention I spent $84 for the hardcover boxset of this series at Target? Okay, well I did, so I'm going to be really disappointed if they suck, because like, TikTok girlies put me on. But I have to be honest this chapter reads like a first draft.
Next up the wolf is just standing there, looking at the narrator. The ash arrow is "protruding so vulgarly" from his side. Gods help me. Okay she is definitely starting to think the wolf is like, sentient. But in a human way. Or like, does that mean a faerie way? Are we sure this isn't a werewolf? She fires a second arrow through his eye, which like, cheap shot considering but go off I guess. Now the wolf is finally laying down. He's still like twitching and whatnot, and the narrator is like "Impossible--he should be dead, not dying!" Well dying is a process, okay, and isn't this your first wolf? Don't get cocky. She describes the blood on the snow some more, and then wonders whether dying from an arrow through the eye is super painful, or maybe he's just trying to "shove death away." My guess is probably yes. Yes to both. The snow is continuing to fall. She decides once more that he is a wolf. Not a faerie. She's honestly just trying to convince herself at this point, I don't even care anymore.
She starts thinking about how another predator could smell the blood while she's cleaning her arrows off, and I'm praying to the forgotten gods that this doesn't happen because at this point I know it has to be dark because it's been several hours in the forest and PLEASE JUST GO HOME WITH YOUR WOLF AND YOUR DEER. I just remembered she has to carry these two carcasses back home and she's just a skinny legend as we learned earlier in the chapter. How is she gonna do that, I wonder? Okay, so the answer is she skins the wolf pelt and just carries the whole deer carcass. Girlboss moment. As she's leaving, she's like "wow really wish I could feel sorry for this wolf" even though she kind of already did wonder whether it was in pain or not that was a whole thing like 3 paragraphs back.
I actually really like the closing sentence, "But this was the forest, and it was winter." It hit me right in the "But winter is coming" feels.
Um, overall, I have to say, well I have to say what the fuck but I'm going to keep reading because I heard there was gonna be fucking. So um, yeah. Stay tuned I guess if anyone wants to read my chapter 2 review.
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thighridingsamu · 3 years
hi, i love your writing so much!! if it’s ok i’d like to request some hurt/comfort where you make up after a fight 🥺 with nanami, gojo, and megumi or it can be just any one of them if you’d rather! female pronouns for reader if possible haha thanks so much but also no hard feelings if ur not vibing with this req, have a great day! 🥰
jjk characters and how they comfort you
nanami kento x gn!reader, gojo satoru x gn!reader, fushiguro megumi x gn!reader, itadori yuji x gn!reader
content warnings: swearing, hurt/comfort, negative feelings, relationship arguments. all characters are in their 20s or older for this work of fiction.
word count: ~2k
a/n: i sped through this request quicker than i thought i would and managed to make it self indulgent... but i hope you like it! though the only one that consists of an "argument" is gojo's and maybe itadori's? this is more about relationship miscommunications and how they would resolve it. i can't write arguments because im sensitive </3. i really appreciate you requesting and i reeeaaaallllyyy hope i didn't disappointing by veering away a bit. and thank you for being so sweet in your request ♡
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Nanami is the type of man who struggles with making sure his partner knows he loves them. It’s not something that comes to him naturally, so he can go days without saying ‘I love you’ or giving you reassurance that you’re important to him. That’s not to say he’s cold, he definitely gives you soft kisses and gives you physical contact when he can, but the lack of those kinds of words can make all the difference.
On a particularly hard week for the both of you, you needed that reassurance that he would always be the one you can lean on, to know the way you felt about him matched the way he felt about you. But it felt stupid to ask for verbal affection, maybe even annoying?
This led to a dark cloud forming above your head, avoiding looking him in the eye or having all that much contact with him. Even though you knew it would be best to let him know how you were feeling, that those sweet whispers of loving words would make it all better, a part of you was unwilling to do that.
It took less than a full day of this behavior for Nanami to approach you with an aura that left no room for denying what you were feeling.
"You know you can talk to me, right? Instead of sulking and avoiding me?" As harsh as the words could have been, he speaks in a soft tone that portrays concern, but firm enough to let you know he needs an answer.
"Yeah, Kento… I know." His hand touches your shoulder and gives a brief squeeze before trailing up to your jaw. "I'm fine, a little tired is all."
"It's more than that. Out with it." Again, his words melt the wall between the two of you your mind has created, opening your heart and letting you feel and give in.
"Sometimes you go too long without telling me you love me."
His hand does what seems like a flinch, parting with your skin for a moment and returning just as quickly. He's silent for a few seconds, guilt apparent in the furrow of his brows and creases in his face.
"I'll work on it," he says finally, words a smidge above a breath. With an almost pained smile, he kisses your forehead, arms wrapping around you and pulling you close. "I do love you. I worry about you, think of you and your smile in the few moments work doesn't have me drowning in stress. Even when I am buried in a pile of work I find myself thinking about how I'd rather be with you instead. Believe me, I love you. And I will make it my life's duty to make sure you don't forget."
This man has a hard time reading the room and adjusting to it. Sure, he’s a teacher and possesses obvious strength, but there’s no denying the childish and immature nature he can also possess. Sometimes it’s also a bit of carelessness, maybe even selfishness? While he truly does care about you, there can be times where he forgets his priorities. He regrets it to hell and back afterwards, but in the moment he’s blinded.
His mistake was walking into your room with what looked like a sickeningly wide grin his lips stretched into. It was brutal, the way he seemed to ignore the distressed look on your face, going on and on about his own day, laughing obnoxiously loud at the recollection of his own jokes.
“Y’know what, Satoru, I couldn’t care less about all of that right now. Just, I don’t know, shut up or walk out.”
He scoffs, exaggeratingly loud and offended. “You could at least pretend to care.”
“Me? I could pretend to care? I’m not trying to be an attention whore, but can’t you at least see my face? This isn’t a version of me that’s in the mood to hear about the shit you pull on your co-workers or,” you stutter on the word a few times before groaning in frustration, waving the conversation off with one hand. “Screw this. I’ll leave, it's easier than staying and arguing.”
You gather your laptop, phone and chargers rather aggressively, not sparing a look to your partner and walking off.
His chest feels funny when he hears you mumbles it feels like talking to a fucking wall, hand twitching to reach out to you. For whatever reason, Satoru doesn’t. He doesn’t grab your wrist with a gentle touch, he doesn’t coax you into his arms with soft words and an apology.
He doesn’t do what you wanted, what would have honestly made it all better. It makes a burning, uncomfortable, and heavy feeling settle in your chest and tears sting your eyes. Broken, hurt curses fall from your lips as soon as you deem it far enough.
You drop the technology on the couch without much care, tears finally falling when your phone bounces off the cushion and onto the floor. Instead of picking it up, your mind goes straight to kicking it to the side with your foot, almost wanting to make the damage worse. Before you can do that, a hand reaches out and grabs it.
You freeze and internally scream about letting the tears fall, frustrated yet aching to be soothed.
You choke back a sob when a large hand is placed on your shoulder, missing the sound of your phone being placed on the coffee table.
“Go ahead, feel it. Be mad, be stressed, be annoyed--all of it. I’ll be here. And I’ll wait as long as I need to before I open my stupid mouth again.”
Megumi struggles with identifying your non verbal cues. With time he gets better, mentally jotting down that bouncing your leg means you want to leave whatever room or situation you’re in, playing with yours or his fingers is a sign of discomfort, and so on. He tries to memorize the look on your face whenever a new emotion is revealed to him, takes note of the color of your face even.
But there will be days where he’s off. Where no matter what he does, he cannot seem to figure out what’s going on in your head. And sometimes on those days, he decides that you’re alright. Nothing’s wrong, he’s looking too far into the slightest twitch of your lips.
Unfortunately, that feeling in his gut was correct on one of these days. You were irritable from an inevitable slightly annoying occurrence at work, head aching horribly.
Megumi walks in and barely catches the tension in your brows, placing a chaste kiss to the top of your head and walking off towards the kitchen.
You saw him look you straight in the face, and yet he said nothing? You want to shrug it off, try to remind yourself right now should be the time to forget about all other stressors. Enjoy your time with him!!, your brain screams.
But that’s not how you react. Your brows knit together further as you follow behind him sluggishly, head tilted. Your cheek comes in and settles between your teeth, nostrils flaring unconsciously.
“How was your day?”
His voice. Why did it sound like that? Usually deep, calm and soothing, now.. peppy, fake?
Megumi frowns at your blank and curt answer, turning to look at you. He catches the roll of your eyes as you sit at the dining table, sucking in a shallow breath. He grabs two water bottles out of the fridge and places one before you, taking a seat at the kitchen island.
“Yeah? Hope you liked the lunch I packed, I ate it pretty well. Wasn’t really sure if...”
Words become muffled and barely audible to your ears, pressure on your temples preventing you to really pay attention. Lunch? He wants to talk about food? What was that last part?
“Sure, yeah. Lunch was great.”
He nods and moves his head, looking in the direction of your blank stare. A beige wall is the only thing in sight. He figures you’re tired and want some time alone, so he presses a light kiss to the top of your head and walks out without a word.
Two main feelings eat at you. Annoyance and guilt. Annoyance from the day, from Megumi’s cluelessness, from your behavior. Guilt for pushing away the one person that can make it all better.
Your warm face presses against the cool table, a shudder running through you at the contrast in temperatures. This isn’t how you should be spending your evening, you know that. Megumi knows that.
He walks back in what feels like an hour later but is only about five minutes, a bit exasperated from thinking about how you were acting. His mouth opens, ready to bluntly ask you what was wrong, if anything. Possibly even scold you for acting so childish.
You see his quirked brow and blank face, blinking up without lifting your head.
There’s a long silence, one that consists of tears pooling by your eyes and making the side of your face damp and of Megumi racking his brain, trying to figure out where things could have gone wrong.
“I didn’t... Are you..” he stutters and shakes his head, crouching down and carefully moving your head and maneuvering it towards him. “Please stop crying, I can fix it. Let me fix it, you’re okay. I’ll make it better.”
The last thing he wants to do is make you feel bad about anything. Doesn’t matter who his partner is, the type of person they are, what they look like, he’s absolutely in love. Of course the last thing he’d ever do is hurt your feelings or put your relationship in a rocky situation.
But everyone has their flaws, and Yuji’s is definitely the inability to relax and take a load off. So when you’re urging him to take a break, sit down and do something besides think about his responsibilities, he gets kinda irked. The way he sees it, in his current state, is that you’re undermining how important the work he does is. He tells you this, in a pretty rude tone, and walks off without letting you get a word in.
You decide to let him be mad and go back to whatever he was doing, which of course was related to work, and keep your space for the rest of the day. You don’t stop by to check up on him, give him a chaste kiss of encouragement, or give him something to eat or drink like usual. Itadori gets really anxious at the loss of routine, the absence of your presence, and lets himself think about what he did earlier.
You look over at the sound of a door opening, soft music being interrupted.
He takes a pause, looking around the bedroom. You’re seated at the desk in the room, lightly scratching a paper with a pencil. The rest of the room is open to take a seat anywhere, yet he chooses to sit on the bed, an area that is what he decided is a safe distance away.
“Earlier I... I snapped at you. You were just looking out for me, and I was a dick. I’ll work on it. And I’m sorry for acting the way I did. It won’t happen again.”
You nod and hum along to the melody of the song, flickering your gaze over to him. “Thank you for recognizing you were a dick.”
Your flat tone tugs at his heart. He audibly groans and you have to turn your head away so he won’t see the smallest hint of a smile on your lips.
“Do you want some more space? Because I can sleep on the couch. And have you eaten? I’ll pick up some food- whatever you want! Just say the word and-”
“Yuji, shut up for a sec.” He closes his mouth and waits for your next words, frowning in guilt when you give him a small smile. “I’ll take the food, only if you promise to eat it with me while we watch a movie.”
His eyes couldn’t be any softer and full of love than when he says, “Deal.”
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tagging: @peachycoreroo, @newfriendjen, and @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein. want to be added to my taglist? fill out this form!
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shotorozu · 4 years
hello !! I'd rlly like to request Monoma if that's alright! I've had a huge soft spot for him for a while now and I'd love to see more content of him ;v;
anyway! we all know that superiority complex of his is definitely hiding some insecurities, but I also feel like he'd be quite touchstarved too bc of his peers seldom physically interacting with him due to his quirk, yknow?
with that in mind, I'd love to see how he'd handle an s/o who has "physical touch" as their main love language. they can give verbal praise/comfort, but they always get so shy abt it that they prefer giving physical affection to show their love. and maybe combining that with "quality time" being their second love language, they love to just cuddle him or toy with his hands/hair during quiet moments uwu
if you wanna do multiple characters, I'd love to request Shinsou, Midoriya, and Amajiki (separately) for the same idea, but if you'd rather do this with just Monoma then I'm okay with that !! no worries if you don't wanna do all four ♡
thank you if you do this request, and make sure to take care of yourself !! ♡
physically affectionate s/o
character(s) : monoma neito, shinsou hitoshi, midoriya izuku (i cut out tamaki for this one, sorry :[ but i’ll do another part if anyone wants it)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, strong quirk but the details aren’t specific, reader is a part of 1-A
headcanon type : fluff (and if you squint, then crack)
note(s) : yes i do agree :,) monoma should be getting a little bit more content, and i’m sorry that this came out so late! i was multitasking with other requests (because i took a 2 day absence,,) but this doesn’t mean i don’t read people’s requests
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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monoma neito
monoma 🤝 bakugou “the pros at sending mixed signals”
if there’s one thing he’s known for— then it’s for the persistent teasing, and his quite obnoxious attitude (especially at 1-A)
but he’s not a terrible person, he sure does have his reasons. and by now, people either choose to ignore him, or they simply knock the wind out of him
so, he was not prepared to encounter someone that was tolerant of him, AND also his type— like.. huh. that’s.. odd
and he was even more surprised when they accepted his wild love confession. there must be some catch to it, right?
so like i’ve said— monoma sends a lot of mixed signals. it’s either he’s complimenting your existence, or teasing you in various ways.
so— it’s just another normal day of monoma mouthing off to you, teasing you in a playful way, while you guys are hanging out this is way of making you remember him
but then, you just.. leaned forward and placed your hand on his head— not exchanging any words at all.
monoma’s first reaction is (・・?) because what?? someone is touching him right now.. wait.. someone is touching him!
honestly really shook, and at a lost for words— because everyone has refrained from coming into any physical contact with him? what a surprise! what even is this?
after said incident, you decide to speak “you had something in your hair.” and for once, monoma is the one that’s sitting in silence
“R-REALLY, Y/N? DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT WAS GOING TO W-WORK ON ME OR SOMETHING?” he questions in his usual mocking tone, but his cheeks are accompanied in a flushed red
he’d only experience field day when he realized that touch was basically your love language, with quality time in the second lead
so whenever you guys are spending time together, you’d,, actually go closer to him! this has never happened before, let him be
he doesn’t really like the idea of getting his hair touched, so you usually choose to fiddle with his hands— sometimes observing his details, and other times you’ll be comparing hand sizes
he’ll ridicule you for being so touchy— but he’ll ask if he’s “that irresistable?” while also moving you closer to him. he loves it a lot, okay?
don’t let class 1-b see this, he will flex on them because when he starts getting annoying again, they’ll use you as blackmail.
“monoma, i swear— if you do that, we’ll tell Y/N-”
“HAHA— ok, i’m sorry.”
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shinsou hitoshi
he probably has the most chill reaction out of the bunch
again— another person that has been antagonized because of their quirk. he’s been perceived as villanious ever since his middle school days
kids have been told to keep their distance away from him at a young age so.. you’d bet that he’d be really touch starved
he never had any serious experiences with dating, and he never had any real friends— that weren’t cautious of his quirk
that was until he met you, which he just assumed you were another highkey stuck up person in the hero course
but, you were basically the opposite, and you were a real pleasure to have around. one thing lead to another, and now you guys are dating
he thought it was really cute whenever you got too shy to just sit in silence during dates, or to even give out words of affirmations
but hitoshi was surprised at first when he felt you pull yourself closer to him— resting your head on his shoulder. the concept of someone wanting to be in his presence is still sinking in for him
lucky for you! shinsou knows how to adapt to situations quickly, immediately slinging an arm around your shoulder, as he listens to you talk
he’ll be surprised when you start touching his hair, because golly!! are you guys close
but do it more pls, he loves it a lot— it sometimes makes him really drowsy.
if you play with his hands omg, his heart will do somersaults. he’s lucky that he’s able to keep himself composed.
loves watching you choosing to cuddle him, after briefly giving up on trying to form coherent words of affirmations.
it’s something he brings up quite often, but not in a teasing manner!
sometimes he’ll pat the free spot beside him, basically begging you to come closer to him.
eventually, denki notices on how touchy he’ll get whenever you’re around— but hitoshi will just shrug it off
“it’s always been that way.” he simply says, but he’ll turn around with this big ass grin on his face 💀
he’s whipped for your touch. so please, do it more
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midoriya izuku
he’s also touchstarved. actually, all of them are really touchstarved, and for different reasons 💀
well.. it’s not like he had a choice from the getgo. he was born quirkless, and that lead to him becoming an outcase— and also the victim of bullying i wanna hug him
and being told constantly that he won’t ever be enough, or he won’t ever be a hero— it’s obvious that he doesn’t have any dating experience
but he didn’t think he’d be dating anytime soon— especially since he was ‘just’ pinning over you. he was convinced it was going nowhere
until you confessed. he’s surprised that he didn’t pass out
ever since you guys started dating, he noticed that you’ve been a little timid— not in the way that you feel awkward, more like,, you wanted to say something
or do something, because when you guys were studying together, you just suddenly sat closer to him— and started counting his freckles
he short circuited for a second.
he was reduced to a stuttering, and blushy mess— and you just laughed, telling him “you should continue what you’re doing!” as you ran your other hand across his shoulders
that night, he was wide awake in his bed— recalling your gentle and loving touch, running his hands along the parts of his hair, that you’ve touched
he loves quality time, because while he does like to ramble a lot— he does enjoy spending time with you in silence, but it’s the touches that makes him flustered
despite him being quite shy to initiate any sort of touch, you— on the other hand, were shy with saying praises. so you coped with physical touch, and quality time
man, izuku never gets used to it. no matter how much he tries to— he’s just.. needy, touchstarved.
he doesn’t realize how lost he looks when you’re sitting beside him, and not touching his hair or hands for once. please feel free to do so
oh, and since we’re on the topic of hands— he’ll tear up if you start playing/fiddling with his hands, and especially when you start tracing his scars. it makes him feel so warm.
okay but,, please give him a heads up if you’re going to act touchy in public. he’ll start stammering and blushing hard you might have to put him in rice or smth
the dekusquad talks about that quite a lot, especially when they accidentally witnessed it in the common room (for the first time)
in short— he adores it. sometimes he’ll initiate it, by asking you if you want to sit beside him, to play with his hair. he’s so inlove
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or use my works for audio readings without my permission :))
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peachcitt · 2 years
when you first started advertising (lmao) metamorphosis summer and shit i was like 'okay another epic peachcitt fic. this is gonna be fun' but like. BUT LIKE. (it's not fun i feel like im going nuts) oh my god. like. anna i understand now i Get why she was going insane why she is going insane why she plays catch with it in the yard and parades it round the grocery store on her shoulders and takes it out for milkshakes on fridays i UNDERSTAND. 2022 will always be remembered for metamorphosis summer. it's winter for me but it's so insane it's like getting slapped with a heatwave anyway. it's just That iconic im losing it it's just on my mind all the time i want to make a movie out of it peach every chapter is just. my brain feels like its a hamster going nuts in its wheel is this what drugs feels like is it is it is it in the 0.00000001% chance im encouraged to try something do i just say 'no thanks i have something even crazier its called metamorphosis' do drugs even compare-
scrolling through the pre metamorphosis teaser posts are kILLING ME THE SNIPPET YOU POSTED 'adrien's chest swells and breaks and ends' thank you for whatever the hell is wrong with you that possessed you to write lines like that in adriens pov because what. the. hell. adrien has the most insane thoughts and nino has the most insane dialogue and marinette is in eternal suffering
also is the rest of it going to be adrien's pov? or is it going to switch between? also do you ever edit tiny bits even now or is it 100% no more tweaks the fic is Done it's just posting it now and making everyone go mental
we should advertise metamorphosis the way gabriel advertises adrien just. put it on billboards everywhere. anna scribbles cover art blown up to 672 square feet of space for everyone to just stop and stare at in awe and nearly get hit by vehicles at (ok maybe not that last part) and then they go and read it and just. pass out. that is what writing (and art) like this deserves. fanart stuck up on the walls and the windows metamorphosis propaganda everywhere let's go
i will say one of the first things i did after reading this ask was go to @anna-scribbles and tell her i'd just gotten the funniest ask. she said you're invited to milkshake fridays
also this is such an interesting thing to say about the summer of it all!! for some reason while writing it i was just. struck by the feeling that it had to take place in summer, that it was all about the heat and closeness and loneliness of summer, so i like that the feeling transcends current cold weather. that's nice to hear. as for drugs - maybe. who knows. i don't really know what it's truly like to read metamorphosis because i wrote it.
"thank you for whatever the hell is wrong with you that possessed you to write lines like that" this is the best thing anyone has ever said to me. i want to get it framed and hung up on my mirror. also - i love that you're going insane over that little pre-metamorphosis-release snippet without the context. i hope you'll enjoy it when you see it in the fic
great questions! metamorphosis is 16 chapters long. im all about the rule of equals (that may or may not exist); 8 chapters for marinette, 8 for adrien.
as for edits: it's all mostly done. before i post each chapter, i give it one (or several, depending on how my week goes in between chapter releases) more read through(s) and fix up any phrasing i don't like, grammar funkiness, and pacing. for chapter 8, i even switched the order of a couple of paragraphs just because i thought it would be better that way. i would say it's not 100% done but rather 97%
you should team up with anna since y'all seem to share ideas on pr for metamorphosis. that can be something y'all discuss on milkshake fridays
thanks for reading<3<3
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