#like ok penders did good with this one
thecoolertails · 1 year
i have as many issues with penders as the next guy but him writing knuckles to have divorced parents so that kids going through that same thing (something that was fairly new to a lot of people because of the relatively recent legalization of no-fault divorce) a character to see themselves in was a penders W, especially because its handled really well for the most part
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Round 4 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Knuckles is very heavily Christ-coded - walking on water, resurrection, prophecies, the whole nine yards. Not necessarily Catholic specifically, but I feel like there’s a comparison to be made between the Brotherhood and the Catholic Church as a structure. Also he’s made it to the semi finals of the Christ coded tournament if that means anything to you
God this whole thing was literally insane. Also pretty much completely forgotten as soon as p*nders was off the comic, which was probably for the best tbh.
Ken penders did a lot of wierd fucking bullshit, and made knuckles literally Jesus.
Nothing left to say except another fuck ken penders.
In the Archie comics, Knuckles inherits the role of being a spiritual leader to a lost tribe of Echnidnas, that have been wandering, searching for their prophesied homeland for centuries. Knuckles is the one to finally lead them there.
He also dies and comes back, and because of this is hailed as the prophesied “Avatar” by his people, the one who’s supposed to bring peace to their planet, Mobius. Cannot for the life of me remember where this went though.
It maybe isn’t allegorical as much as it is the writer thinking putting Judeo-Christian themes would make it cool or something. But the comparison to Jesus is at least intentional, whereas it probably isn’t with Shadow.
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
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magstorrn · 2 years
ok i am desperately trying to remember as much as i can from sonic 2 (will be seeing it again in a couple days) but a few things that i loved/noticed
- i know that a few people were worried (including me) about them leaning too heavily toward the superhero angle with the whole blue justice thing, but that was mercifully really short and was just a way of showing how sonic was being overly reckless/arrogant! and it was nice to see them showing that side of him too
- i just have to say. the winter soldier line WAS annoying, but that fucking pay off?? the whole ‘bucky saves steve’ thing but with knuckes and sonic?? hello? IM LOSING IT
- unfortunately i found jim carrey insufferable in this movie but my guy deserves credit for giving 200%
- i didn’t find the movie particularly funny at any point and in fact there were many bits i found just unbelievably cringe (the siberian dance off, for one - uptown funk is so old now?? the adventure pose maybe JUST saves it). i mean... did we really need a flossing reference in both movies
- but that negative stuff aside, this was just so clearly a movie by fans for fans and i honestly think that’s why critics dont like it. the audience of this film is either a) sonic fans or b) kids and there is no in-between
- on that note!! i was LIVING for the interactions between tails + knuckles + sonic, it’s such a blessed dynamic and i loved how they all got to individually play off each other.
- there were so many facets to knuckles too - his gullibility, his vulnerability, his longing for a family, his strength and honour, his ruthlessness... like they allowed him to be a bit dumb and clueless without making him a complete joke which i adored
- knuckles and sonic bonding over their difficult pasts and sonic not blaming knuckles for longclaw’s death was really nice? like sonic really didn’t want to fight him. and BABY KNUCKLES. knuckles’ dad! ken penders is losing his shit
- this movie was just so deeply and unashamedly earnest (even with the power of friendship stuff and emphasis on family!!) that i couldnt help but smile through most of it. 
- oh man, i just. all the clever references to the games?? the sonic 06 reference! the unleashed reference! even the thing with the chilli dog falling from the sky felt like a black knight reference!!
- seriously was losing my fucking MIND during the super sonic scene. it just encapsulated for me how long it feels since ive seen a movie like this that gives the fans what they want! I mean?? the chaos emeralds?? sonic’s design including the floating quills and the red eyes?? he looked soOOOO COOL
- knuckles talking about ice cream DID NOT DISAPPOINT. i really didnt expect them all to be just hanging out together at the end but that fucken killed me man
- GUN!!!
- the human characters 100% got shafted but uhhh. i didnt mind it all that much?? and there was that huge moment with maddie and tom accepting sonic as their son and sonic talking tom dad like,.. that’s pretty important
- colleen was soooo good she just seamlessly slotted in and it was so nice to hear her voice throughout!!
- i loved seeing how the bits in the trailers were chopped and changed and moved out of context, it was cool to see how everything actually slotted together in the movie
- it was interestng how they’ve made it so the chaos emeralds are components of the master emerald rather than a separate thing? to the point where super sonic was said to have absorbed the power of the master emerald rather than the chaos emeralds... but its nbd tbh
- SHADOW SHADOW SHADOW!!!!! SHadoW!! he looked so good - if anything it looked like the red fur around his eyes was more obvious? he also looked kinda sad : ‘( i cannot wait to see his final design! so i assume the next movie is going to be pretty much just sa2 with a few changes? it doesnt really surprise me - shadow is just way too popular, and it felt like it was foreshadowed by the sa-2 on the gun helicopter. i like to think this means amy will be introduced too!
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cyanocoraxx · 2 years
wait omg the ask feature is literally 4 sending ASKS... ok question.
i need ur thoughts on:
metal sonic is sonic roboticized theory
ARCHIE COMICS.. (ik you like shard so i have to ask)
when/where was metal sonic created, (on little planet, before cd, cd future, orrr???)
idw comics in general, how far in are you and what do you think of the story's trajectory so far?
MECHA SONIC ! do you think he died after the events of Sonic 3 & knux? or where did it go otherwise?
this is a more questions than i originally intended i just think ur opinions on these subjects would be awesome to hear<3<3
1. i used to subscribe to this theory!! however my thoughts on it have changed a lot over time and now i don't think it works for a few reasons, personally. first and foremost, sonic himself has been roboticized in the comics before and wasn't called metal sonic and looked/acted different - if we count the comics as canon in any way, it kind of eliminates the theory because a roboticized sonic should resemble metal more closely than he did on those occasions. also, a few people have said, in relation to this theory, that only living beings can use chaos control - but then we have mecha sonic, who undeniably CAN. there's also metal's last words in the ova, "there is only one sonic" - he yields to sonic and makes no further attempt to prove that he's the "real" one or the better one. he admits it himself that sonic is the only real sonic in that moment. in sonic 4 episode 2 it's said that metal was built by eggman. robots other than metal have rebelled against eggman (e-103 gamma, e-123 omega), so metal rebelling against eggman isn’t exactly proof of his past as being sonic either in my eyes. also, in heroes neo says "i was created for the sole purpose of destroying you" rather than specifically alluding to being organic once - he also emphasises the importance of robots in his future as well rather than organics which makes me lean more towards being against the theory. i also think that, if this was canon, eggman would make more of a show of it. i feel like he’d use metal’s past as being a real sonic to get under sonic’s skin more often. it’s still a very compelling theory regardless and if you do subscribble to it then fair dos!! more power to you <333 i’d love to see it as an AU or something for sure it’s very cool and also angsty
2. hoo boy. archie comics. what a rollercoaster of fuckery and weird shit. ken penders? literally batshit. i only ever really looked at the archie comics when the robots (sonic’s dad jules is a fucking legend) and scourge were involved tbh, also SHARD ??? MY SON. MY BELOVED. HOW DARE THEY KILL HIM??? AND HE NEVERGOT TO CONFESS HIS LOVE FOR HIS AI GIRLFRIEND? god. jesus. overall though they definitely handled shard’s development really well - going from a “powerful, unfeeling robot” sacrificing himself for sonic and tails to becoming a hero in his own way. it’s basically like crack for my robot edge brain and he’s one of my most loved blorbos for sure. i also love how he refers to metal sonic as his brother on numerous occasions. good SHIT GOOD SHIT!!!!
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3. i like to think metal was made on little planet. partly because in the fleetway comics, eggman cyber-forms it to use it as a power source for the metallix. maybe he used the planet in the creation of metal as well in some way. i also note that metal sonic’s armour is made with a tektite alloy. tektite is a natural glassy object that is made during a meteorite’s impact - basically, material from the ground is melted by the impact, splashed up into the atmosphere, and then falls back down. in the good ending of sonic CD, sonic watches as little planet produces lots of cosmic stars - so it’s not unlikely that “shooting stars” would collide with the planet from time to time, leading to a natural source of tektite. I ACTUALLY HAVE A PIECE OF TEKTITE MYSELF:
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4. I’M NOT CAUGHT UP ON THAT PART YET SADLY. I KNOW I’M A FAKE SONIC FAN SORRY. SORRY. this is what my crystal ball of future telling shows though. like this will be ME:
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5. i’m not very far into the IDW comics, i mostly stayed for neo metal’s arc and the metal virus arc and then my interest declined a bit after that - but i do intend to go back to them. i think theyre handling a lot of things well and i enjoy a lot of the newer faces they’ve brought to the series like surge, they cool
6. i personally don’t think that mecha “died” as such at the end of the boss battle - we don’t see them like, expLOTE exactly, they just kind of disappear from the screen and then everything whites out. i do think it got badly damaged tho and was out of commission for a long time. if it was me writing that scene personally i’d say he was out of commish and basically offline for some time as his systems recovered, which couldve taken like weeks seeing how badly he got fucked over by knuckles. once he was able to i would say he returned to eggman by himself, eggman probably believing he was completely destroyed didn’t go looking. he was never deployed again after his failure unless we count the archie and fleetway cameos. in my eyes he stayed with eggman to help command other bots behind the scenes and when metal sonic was created, mecha was kind of forgotten about in favour of the newer, more advanced robot.
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The Trooth
Sonic - Between his aerodynamics and overcompensating ego he’s totally a small dick man,  maybe 3 or 4 inches. But he’s the kind of dude who cares about his partner between all the smarm, and can 100% screw your brains out with just that
Knuckles - Normal length, thicker than average. He’s never done a sex and doesn’t know how it works and frankly he wants to bottom so don’t worry about it
Tails - hes just a tiny lil kid don’t
Shadow - Weird alien hybrid with some weird alien hybrid dick. Tentacle? Bioluminescent? Weird color jizm? I dunno what but he’s got some janky junk. Old cranky bastard who’s super careful about opening up sexually to anyone
Silver - The most average dick size. A soft pink color, mostly it lays against his fur and looks cute as someone WRECKS the ass of future twink supreme. Give it a kiss he deserves it.
Eggman - no genitals only eggs
Big - If you want to fuck Big thats your own problem
Vector - Big crocc with a big crocc cocc. One of those traditional scalie dicks that’s flesh-tone and tapered, probably about 9 inches. A VERY awkward top who wants to please but doesn’t really know how but he’s trying
Espio - Those double reptile dicks you see furries give lizard boys, your standard 5ish inches. Treats sex as a game and always has to have control, uses his long tongue and ninja flexibility as extreme advantages.
Charmy - Did you know bee sex lasts two seconds and then the bees dick explodes and they die cause thats what charmy deserves
Mighty - Maybe thicker than average, but all around your typical guy friend. Chill in bed, makes everything fun and easy.
Mephiles - Makes lots of goopy tentacles to cram up you, dont let him hes mean
Metal Sonic - its a drill
Jet - Similar to Sonic, short dick that sits nicely in a cloaca for aerodynamics. Unlike Sonic, fucks only for himself, so he’s a pretty disappointing ride.
Manic - Canon manic absolutely has one of those slightly long, thin noodle dicks. Just kinda chills and takes care of himself you don’t need to help him out. Way less good than my Manic
Scourge - Sonic’s opposite. Since Sonic’s a tiny boy, Scourge has got a HUGE fucking schlong, like really fucking massive, probably just shy of a foot. Sonic has the ego of someone overcompensating, Scourge has the ego of someone who KNOWS hes got it. He’ll fucking break you and you’ll want more
Antoine - A tiny bit longer than average, enough to give him that pompous ego. Likes to think of himself as a romantic partner, he’s sweet but just ok. Saw one pic where his pubes were just his ridiculous quaff and I can’t get that image out of my head
Rotor - Absolute friend, very thick and very inexperienced. He’s the kind of guy who always asks “am I doing it right? Is this good?” Big snuggler too, he’s a good boy
Geoffery - penders characters dont deserve dicks
Rough - Longer than anyone expects, but not very flexible in how he fucks. Either you live the way he pokes you or you’re just “... ...okay???” Your mileage may vary
Tumble - Shorter than anyone expects, bottoms all the time anyways. Perfect match for Rough, Tumble is a size queen who loves his janky style
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itshauntedtoon · 5 years
Ok. So about the HH situation.
Ok. So normally I don’t do this, but I have to get my opinion out their. PLEASE!! Take note that I will NOT be taking any sides and will be remaining neutral on the sole topic of them all. I will be looking at both sides of the naratives and be giving my own opinions but like I said will remain neutral with my stance on it.
Ok! So the major things that happened.
*People bashing innocent fans for being fans/people calling other’s traitors for not being in the fandom/leaving it.
Guys.....HOLY SH*T!! 
First of all. NO ONE owes you or anyone else their loyalty to a fandom if they aren’t interested or lost interest for whatever reason. THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO HARASS/BULLY THOSE PEOPLE!! What they do is NONE of your business and you have no say in what they decide which fandom to join/not to join. (my second point will help explain this better) You wanna know what the definition of a traitor is? Someone who betrays another person or people. We’re talking about fake charaters of a tv show here. They don’t owe their time/energy/life to one thing if they don’t want to. So mind your own business.
Secondly. For those who are bashed BECAUSE they like the show let me make a few things clear-
*The characters are presented poorly and are inaccurate
Now I can see this one as a bit more plausible cause for not likeing the show. 
On one hand, someone could argue Angel Dust represents gay males in a bad light for being overly dramatic and sexualized which I can see. But on the other hand you can argue that Angel’s confidence in his body and self could be a good thing too. 
People see things in a different way you do. 
Another thing is that people say Alastor isn’t represented asexually because of the way he slapped Vaggie to irritate her. Well yes that is a valid opinion to have, but you’re forgetting he likes to see people fail and he admitted it in the show. So one could make the arguement that Al only did it to mess with Vaggie and likes to see her fail to keep her composure similar to how he treats Husk. 
Again not taking sides but people have different opinions to things you do. 
Everyone’s interpretation of certain characters and how they see them will always be different, and we shouldn’t argue over that. If they don’t like the show then let them not like it for their reasons. If they do like it for whatever reasons then let them like it.
*The creator is a terrible person etc, etc.
Again another valid arguement. 
Ive seen most of the accusations like she supported beastiality, transphobes, etc. And most I do see as assumptions and some have been disproven like how she didn’t really steal Jayjay’s design.
Im not defending her or calling her out either or her whiteknights. But she shouldn’t be put on a high pedistol and should at least be treated like a normal human being. The most compelling things were the screenshots of the situation between which was as far as I know maybe her/faust/or members of the team? I don’t know. I WILL NOT confirm or put that evidence down because I don’t really know. But I won’t point fingers and so shouldn’t you.
And other thing about the creators of shows. There’s a lot of creator’s who made wonderful things that people still continue to love. One bad person shouldn’t ruin the bunch for everyone else. Two examples being:
Julia Vickerman: Creator of 12 forever who turned out to be a real creep! But people still enjoyed the show.
Ken Penders: If you don’t know him allow me to explain. Mr. Penders used to work with Archie Comics working on the Sonic the Hedgehog comics franchise, and caused problems. For example he tried to kill off one of the main characters of the show Princess Sally Acorn in a mediorcre way which caused the company to put their foot down and say NO! And yet another thing he did was create multiple characters for the comic series and lots of really enjoyable plot lines for the comics he was in charge of creating. 
Unfortunately he caused a big drama when he left and tried to sue over the rights of the characters he made for the comics. This caused such an issue Archie comics had to do a literal REBOOT OF EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING about the  comics to avoid anymore drama. But that caused problems too when Sega I believe  stepped in and they couldn’t produce any more of the comics as a result.
You can still love the comics and characters the creator introduced without liking the creator.
*Of course the shipping wars because I know every fandom has them
Ok! About this. I genuenly believe people can ship what they like as long as it’s not underage or they’re being toxic about it. Because these are fictional characters we are talking about here. I understand if one character’s sexualty is one way or the other, but people ship straight characters in other media’s with another of the same gender even if they may already have a love interest or if they’ve already been confirmed as straight. Yet it doesn’t matter. Why? Because they are fake and people find fun in exploring the many possibilities. Im not throwing their gender/sexualities out the windows here, all of those are true and valid. But attacking someone just because they ship something you don’t and over someone who is FAKE is ludacris. 
One MAJOR example of this is Sonally(Sonic x Sally),Sonamy(Sonic x Amy), and Sonadow(Sonic x Shadow) from the Sonic franchise. Firstly I support both ships. But if we were to get technical Amy is if I remember right canically around 12-14 and Sonic himself is 17. If we were to get techical if she was 14 and him 17 then it could be ok for them to date but if he turns 18 then that would be really wrong. And of course Amy is very possesive of Sonic and the ONLY time I’ve ever seen Sonic show any interest in her is in Sonic Boom, which I might add is an AU! Everyone there is different ages then say their video game/comic/other show counterparts. So even if it does become canon it’ll be in one strand of the franchise and not the franchise/fandom as a whole.
On the other hand, Sally is the same age as Sonic as has a more balanced out personality compared to his. They’ve been romantically cannon in the Sonic Satim cartoon and Archie Comics before the reboot. But hence the reboot it can be considered non-cannon anymore but can still be cannon within the old cartoon.
And Sonic and Shadow have NEVER hinted at ever having any romantic interests yet people can still headcannon them as gay. And if were still technical if Sonic’s age is around 17 and shadow awoken from 50 years of sleep before even meeting Sonic(also counting the fact that we don’t know how old he was before being put to sleep but judging by how he acts more mature and serious than sonic I think it’s safe to assume that he was at least mentally an adult) Like with sonamy this ship could be considered wrong as Sonic would still be extremely younger than Shadow.
But this doesn’t stop people from shipping them regardless and has also ended in shipping wars. Another example being the ships from Undertale Frans(Sans X Frisk), Soriel(Toriel x Sans), and Undyrus(Papyrus x Undyne).
Frans can be wrong since Sans seems to genuinely hate us upon meeting us first and only didn’t do anything BECAUSE he promised Toriel he wouldn’t. He even stated himself that if he didn’t he would’ve taken us out then and there. It can also be considered wrong because lots of people call Frisk a child and can be considered one which I’ll add on more later.
Soriel can be considered wrong because Toriel calls herself an old lady also and can be considered WAY older than Sans. But considering she looked about mid 30s and so does Sans we can also assume they’re the same age. After all it’s stated in the game that ‘they just showed up one day’. No one know’s Sans age but by looking at him he looks and acts like you would think an adult would. He’s got his own business(hotdog selling, telescope selling), and his own tab at Grillby’s BAR which in normal sense you would have to be an adult to even have a tab at a normal bar. 
Undyrus is a tricky one. In the canon game Undyne and Alphys get together but their are multiple timelines with multiple endings. Who’s to say in one timeline couldn’t have had them be a couple? We don’t know for sure. You can disagree because of the Undyne x Alphys canon pacifist route and how Paps acts like a clueless child but theres evidence to support he can think like an adult too. He makes all those crafty puzzles one of which was color coded, has electrical wiring, and had all those things ready to swing at Frisk. Which proves he has enough mental compasity to figure out complex things with could mean he’s not completely clueless. I see him acting as like Goofy from Disney. Acts like an adult but very childish. And let me remind you Goofy canonally has a son which he raised himself and was able to provide a good life for him despite his personality.
These 3 ships have also caused shipping wars from fans. Now onto the subject of sexuality and gender. People can HEADCANON what they want! 
Such as Frisk from Undertale! They’re a great example! People headcannon a lot that Frisk is a girl/or a child because of their looks or because everyone refers to them as a kid. But get this! NO ONE KNOWS!! And yet! ALL OF US ARE CORRECT!!! Toby Fox left Frisk for US to self insert ourselves. That’s why we ourselves are referred in the game as ‘YOU”! We ARE FRISK!! SO YOU CAN HEADCANON THEM HOWEVER YOU WANT!!
They’re a child? Yes and no. All the monsters could be calling Frisk a ‘kid’/’child’ because compared to humans monsters might be HUGE or it could be because Monsters are all OLDER than us. At least a few hundred years or so. It’s like jokingly calling someone maybe 5-10 years older than you ‘Old man or old Lady’. Yes monster Kid/Asriel is the same height as us but like I said monsters could be WAY bigger than humans as well as older for all we know. Monster Kid might call us another Kid because he perseves someone as the same height as him another child. And who’s to say Frisk just couldn’t have a very short height even to other human?
And Frisk is Genderfluid, gender neutral, boy, girl, trans, gay, asexual? YES AND NO! Frisk was purposely left genderless for us to decide their gender and sexuality! TO REPRESENT US!! Frisk is a girl? Yeah! Frisk is a guy with shoulder length hair? HELL YEAH! Frisk is gender neautral? GO FOR IT!! 
Another is Mettaton. It’s basically canon he was a ghost before becoming a robot, but a lot of people headcanon him as trans because of the pink in his homw I believe or that’s just genuinely the vibe he gives off. Headcannon he’s trans? HELL YEAH!! Headcannon he’s not and just a guy who loves pink? VALID TOO!!
Everyone has different choices on how they see things and it’s ok to headcanon them differently from canon or to make aus. If there’s an actual differnt aus within the Sonic franchise that supports Sonamy and Sonally them go ahead and ship them! If you wanna make an au to make Sonadow canon, hell GO FOR IT!! The franchise made different au to support two different ships, then why can’t you make your own with your own headcanons and ships?
And just because one person identifies as say Asexual or bisexual that doesn’t automatically make them one way or the other that’s not how it works. Alastor CAN have a family or be with someone if he wants too or not. Demisexual and Aromantic are a part of the asexual spectrum and just because someone is asexual that doesn’t exactly mean they can’t have feelings for someone that aren’t sexual. And you can be gay and asexual. You can be bi and asexual. You can be trans and gay. ALL these headcanons are valid. And we’re forgetting that Angel and Vaggie USED to be in a relationship. Where angel was pan and Vaggie was either straight or pan as well. If someone wants to headcannon them in an au that has them with a different headcannon or au similar to yours or canon then it’s ok. 
Im not knocking Angel or Vaggie’s canon sexualities or the fact Charlie’s Bi. But the fact someone enjoy one type of FAKE headcanons/ships to yours shouldn’t warrant hate and it doesn’t mean they’re being disrespectful to the original content. 
I think that’s the most of the things for now. Please everyone. Calm down about this whole thing and let others be without the hate from either side. Because remember people are aloud to like and not like what they want.
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messedupessy · 5 years
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A quick little warm up as I had a need to draw at least something from the old Sonic archie comics since I been getting back into them lately, and decided to doodle up old Sally here as I have always adored af her design but gods I used to hate her so much as a kid xD which was only because she was canonically shipped with Sonic in the comics which me and my friends hated since one of my friends had her oc shipped with him in our Sonic universe we had made, with so many oc’s my god, so it wasn’t unusual for us to draw her as a total bitch and like I recall I have drawn my old oc and my friend’s tossing Sally’s cut off head like a basket ball back then because we just hated her so much gkjergnekj xD
But now I srsly like her, the archie comics never fully did her justice until good old shitty mr penders finally left and someone actually competent took over, tho gotta say I am not rly all that into her fully clothed design she got in the so called reboot later on after mr penders got his hissy fit and successfully sued archie comics and got all of his sonic oc’s back, ruining many af years of lore of the comics in the process like the fuck nugget he is, but back to her newer design I’m so not rly into it like yes it’s ok and she looks good but think I’m more bothered by the fact they had to put clothes on her when she been running around with just a vest completely fine all this time like srsly it’s just bc she a gal and she can’t be naked like the male sonic characters pft!
Oh well she was fun to doodle anyhow ye UwU 
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androgynousblackbox · 5 years
ok so the kenders situation is VERY complcated but i am extremely informed about it. people (or at least the people im following) aren't angry that kenders wanted to write a story about a 20 and 16 year old, we're angry because kenders is an homophobe (who created his only gay character because he was socially awkward and claimed asexuals didn't exist, claimed to be an ally for the lgbt+ community but did i whole story arc basically saying heteresexuality saves generations gay relationship 1/2
2/2 gay relationships stop them at thats bad, pretty much every single of characters is straight) so the issue is he'll rather write yet another het story with unfortunate implication rather than just making a gay character. also his story telling techniques suck and tried to sue sega for 'stealing his sonic ideas' it's just people who are tired of kenders shit (so am i) and are tired of everything he's done. theres more to this story but it would take fucking years to explainI am going to be honest with you, anon. I am very wary when people say things like “we aren’t angry because of X, but because of B” because nine out of ten times the people who are angry about B, even if they are absolutely honest about only caring about B and their reasons are good, are in the minority while a big majority are still angry about X. Then the minority end up being used only as more reason for the X to exacerbate all other reasons, even the most petty, little ones, and the whole thing, wether you are annoyed by B or X, ended up being meaningless because the result still is a hate mob where probably someone other than Ken Penders is going to end up hurt. That is how usually these kind of things play out on the internet, unfortunely. Any actual points any side has end up forgotten because the majority still just want to yell about X and then you have people on the other side defending X, also forgettting about any actual good points people on the B argument had. Look how the JK discouse goes, how Twilight is discussed. We suck at discourse here.Now, about those claims, I have no clue at all about the comics, what happens on them or about the characters, so I am going to take your word for it. If you tell me that his stories are not that good in the first place, I believe you. He created a story with a very questionable final message that, unfortunely, has been part of the heternormative world since forever. Like, the idea that the only reason society can advance and continue existing is because of heterosexuality is a old one, a lot of times fuel to advance homophobia. That is bad, no discussion there. If he truly wanted to be an ally for non straight people then he should reexamine those ideas and search to consider non straightness just as essential as heterosexuality. His allyship rings hollow without that self reflection.But this “he'll rather write yet another het story with unfortunate implication rather than just making a gay character” I do not agreed with as a good reason to go against a person. If this is a bad writer, if his stories are crappy, if they are filled with unfortunate implications, why would you want him of all people to give gay people representation? I know for a fact that I do not want Stephenie Meyer attempting to make gay romances on the same way she already writes her het ones. There are good queer authors out there who make queer content every day. There are plenty of queer comic artist, queer filmmakers, queer writers, queer artist. So much gay. Even some content from non queer authors that is still good and comes from a genuine place of empathy and understanding. Why not give them more support and recognition instead of keep expecting something out of non queer authors that they aren’t willing to give anyway? If they want to keep making straight content forever and ever, with queer people being an after thought, if they appear at all, they are allowed to do that. There is no law saying they can’t. Just like we are allowed to not give them support, don’t buy their product or don’t like them if we don’t feel like it. Either way, I think queer people are going to be fine.And like, maybe the people you follow have some legit reason sto be angry at him and this was the last draw that broke camel’s back or something, but what I am seeing on twitter right now is a bunch of people calling him creepy, nasty, disgusting, calling him a pedophile, calling pedophile anyone who doesn’t accuse him of a pedophile, comparing him with a autistic trans woman that has suffered incredible amountS of harrasment and ridicule while deadnaming said trans woman, people speculating about what he faps to, people wanting to cancel him, to want him to get out of the internet forever and like... I have probably seen only two tweets even making a light mention of homophobia (and one of them was kinda questionable for me) while still talking about the problematic pairing that, again, was never canon in the first place. Or about the character that is 16, had sex before and none of that was never mentioned on the comics either, only on his tweets, that any fan is totally free to ignore if they want anyway.So, right now, as it stands? I don’t look forward how this is going to advance. I don’t think this is going to end well.He is a bad writer, a bad artist that has some homophobic tendencies he should work out. Probably has an ego problem too, for what I read. Probably unprofessional if I understood the sueing thing correctly. Not the worst thing I have seen.
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rachelbethhines · 7 years
The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 134
“Sonic’s Angels” - Sonic the Hedgehog #152
So this is quite the controversial issue for many reasons. Mainly because of the way it resolves the whole Evil Sonic mucking with Sonic’s love life plot. In that it doesn’t resolve anything.  
The freedom fighters are sent on a mission to stop a bunch of nanites from destroying the ecosystem. And the group is split into two teams, the “brain trust” (ie the smart guys) and the psychical fighters. Only without the Chaotix or Antoine around, most of the heavy hitters are all women save Sonic himself. 
This leads into my first problem with story and possibility with the whole of the Sonic franchise. There aren’t any super smart women! 
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In all of the games, cartoons, and the majority of the comics (I haven’t read Fleetway so forgive me if I’m wrong) most women in the franchise can be roughly categorized into five groups. 
The Cute Bruiser or Action Girl - Amy, Bunnie, Julie-Su, Barby ect. 
The Serious No Nonsense Leader or Loner - Lupe, Sally, Madonna, Topaz, Blaze, Shade ect. 
The Innocent - Hope, Maria, Cream, Elise, Tikal, Mina, That genie from Sonic and Secret Rings, ect. 
The Femme Fatale - Rouge, Breezie, Fiona, Lin-da ect. 
The Mothers - Vanilla, Rosie, Bernie, Lara-Le, Aleena ect. 
There’s nothing inherently wrong with any the above tropes and it’s good there are enough differences between theses characters to make them unique from one another.  But it’s telling that the only genius women, like Wave and Relic, are fairly new additions to the franchise. ( I think Fleetway has one, Tenko, I believe?) And anyone else who doesn’t fit into theses categories are often outliers like Sarah, Merlina, Regina, Sonia, Marine, or Sticks. (though Sticks is becoming more prominent) 
Basically what I’m getting at is, due to the nature of the series, there’s an over abundance of psychically strong women and few that have equal but differentiating strengths. Especially since the innocents tend to be plot points and/or motivators for male characters. Cream and Mina being the exceptions. 
So I can’t really fault Penders for wanting to do a story that highlights the fact that over half of the comic’s warriors are women. But I can gripe about how he merely uses them to further forced relationship drama and how none of them, save Bunnie, actually do anything productive. With character’s like Mina being outright redundant with the comic actually stating that she is. 
So what does Bunnie do? Well she get captured by the nanites who thinks she can be converted into the collective because of her cybernetic limbs. 
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Now I don’t have a problem with this scene necessarily, unlike many others who seem to, and here’s why....
It’s a logical conflict that’s true to the unique nature of the characters. Robotization already involves natnite technology and Bunnie is one of only two people in the world who still has this technology present in their biological system.   
This ties into Bunnie’s already established internal conflict about her identity but puts a new spin on it where she realizes that who she is now is better then some of the other alternatives out there. This could also potentially tie into future conflicts as her cybernetics could be considered a danger to herself but it’s not one that’ll come up often.  
Some have argued this scene is too “intense” for children but I grew up with late 80s/early 90s cartoons where crap like this was deemed ok. 
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I’m of the mind that as long as it doesn’t involve outright gore and has a happy ending you can go as dark as you want with kids and they’ll be fine. Usually. I do recognize that there are exceptions to this rule. 
Last off, there is a happy ending and she’s not permanently psychically harmed by the event.
No, what I have a problem with is what happens after she’s freed. 
Ya see Sonic outwits the nanties with logic in order to free Bunnie. 
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Grateful and relieved to be herself once more, Bunnie gives him a kiss. 
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Now this isn’t a problem within of itself so much as every thing revolving around it is awful. Bunnie’s already interested and Sonic and believes he has feelings for her because of Scourge lying to her and Sonic himself is unaware of both Scourge’s actions and Bunnie’s new found feelings. So instead of responding to this action in an believable manner or trying to to set the record straight he just goes along with it. So I guess they’re dating now, only no, wait, they’re not, because they never follow up on this ever! 
This is indicative of a larger problem within the Sonic franchise as whole. I mean, yes, it’s also because Penders is mainly a shit writer, but hear me out. From Ben Hurst to Pontaff, 90% of conflicts in Sonic are reactionary. Most characters simply react or respond to events going on around them. Rarely does a character initiate conflict themselves. The few that do, Eggman, Lyric, Metal Sonic, ect. often have very base motivations and rely heavily on mindless monsters to do their dirty work. 
(Note: I do know there are exceptions to this rule such as Shadow in SA2 or Merlina in SatBK) 
In short most Sonic stories tend to be Overcoming the Monster plots. Therefore, external conflicts like Man vs Technology or Man vs Supernatural works for the most part. However when trying to introduce any other potential conflicts, like say love triangles, the writers tend to cock it all up because they’re still running off of that reactionary mindset. 
In order for a Man vs Man conflict to work, which is what relationship drama is based off of, then characters have to have basic motivations, make consciousness decisions, and initiate action. The conflict then comes from two or more characters having conflicting desires and needs.     
By having outside forces like Scourge and Patch be the instigators of the love triangles you then take way any agency on behalf of the other characters involved. They merely become participants reacting to events rather then characters with real agency. 
Now I still defend Penders idea to turn Evil Antoine into Anti-Antoine as Bollers original plan also had that same lack of agency problem with having the Source of All be the manipulator of events. But the entire Bunnie/Sonic/Antoine/Sally triangle is such wasted potential. Because there is a story to be told there, it just required everyone to maintain their agency.     
Bare with me if you will as I explain how I would have written out this love triangle. 
Sonic is believed to be dead and trapped in space as in the real comic. Meanwhile Antoine becomes more serious and over protective as he doesn’t want to lose anybody else. He spends more time training and becomes something of a workaholic. He also becomes more attentive of Sally as she’s in mourning and in need of friend. He and Bunnie grow ever more distant as his new goals shifts his focus away from her.  It’s not that he’s become colder or uncaring, the opposite in fact, but rather they just start spending less and less time with one another. 
When Bunnie confronts him over his obsession, they eventual, but reluctantly, agree that things aren’t working out like the once were and break up. Or at the very least agree to give each other some space to figure things out. During all of this Sally and Antoine become even closer as they find they confine in each other about their problems. Then Sonic returns. 
Every thing in Home plays out more or less the same minus some bitching between Bunnie and Antoine and less slapping on Sally’s part.But the end result is Sally realizing that, while she does still love Sonic, they have very different goals in life and he’s not ready to commit the way she needs him to. But Antoine is. He’s been the study rock she’s leaned on and her shoulder to cry on for nearly a year now. And after his break up with Bunnie they’ve only gotten closer. So eventually after her break up with Sonic, they start dating. 
So that leaves Bunnie and Sonic both feeling lonely and dejected. Since they’re already friends and now have some common ground with their former significant others braking things often to date each other. Well you could see how they would eventually become closer, and may even agree to try dating one another. 
From there you have multiple ways which this could pan out. You could have the clean “happy” ending where everyone eventually realizes who they really love and both couples return to the original status quo. You could have the bitter sweet complex ending where only one couple works out and the others are left to grow from their experiences. Either Bunnie and Antoine get back together, leaving Sonic and Sally to press on, or have Sally and Antoine remain a couple and Sonic and Bunnie break up to figure out who they are without a relationship to depend on. You could also have Sonic wind up permanently with either Sally or Bunnie and leave Antoine and one of the other girls alone, but knowing Sonic it seems unlikely. Finally you can have the unhappy ending where none of the potential pairings work out. 
Either way, regardless of the outcome, the story becomes more compelling as the motivations involved stem from real issues, not evil forces manipulating events. No one turning out to be evil, no one losing their shit and slapping someone just force a plot point, no miscommunication driving the conflict, and no one responding to events just because, but rather making active decisions. It’s people learning to deal with life and how it changes  both themselves and others. Its real, complex, and mature. And because all of the people involved are already close friends with established histories and chemistry; any of the potential outcomes makes internal sense regarding the characters. 
Well enough fanfiction, back to the issue at hand. 
Since Sonic “out logic-ed” the nanites they release everybody. Meaning the rest of the girls didn’t have use Snively’s plan to short circuit the city. Oh yes, did I not mention that Sinvely’s in this and by the end he’s now joined the Freedom Ftighers? Yeah he’s here now and no one manages to accomplish anything, making the rest of girls completely pointless and the “brain trust” a good three or four too many. 
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That’s it for this weeks review so tune in next time on the retrospective as we dive even deeper into the final days of Penders run. 
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zippityzap · 8 years
Ken Penders and how his misinformed view of how monarchies work ruined not only what could have been a good au story but also Sonally
*profanity warning*
Now, just to preface as you may have gathered from my current icon and some of my art, I primarily ship Sonamy, however that does not mean that I hate Sally or Sonally, as a matter of fact I really like Sally as a character, she subverts some of the typical princess tropes (which I’ll get to later) and her relationship with Sonic, especially in SatAm is really fun to watch, they bounce off of each other so well. 
Now, as you are probably aware in the Archie sonic comics there was this side story of sorts written by Ken Penders called Mobius:25 years later which portrayed our cast of freedom fighters as adults, married with kids. One of the most notable examples was how Sonic marries Sally, they have kids called Sonia and Manik (which I’ll concede is a nice little reference to Sonic Underground) and the two of them now reign as King and Queen.
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But…This is not how royalty works. For you see, in no monarchy system would marrying a queen (or princess in line for the throne) make you a king, or at least it would not make you a reigning king like how sonic is portrayed in these stories. Let me explain. You know Queen Elizabeth II? Queen of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth, etc? 
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Well she has a husband, Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. 
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But wait, I hear you say, Prince? According to Penders logic he should be the King of England!
 Well you see, that’s not how it works, there are two types of kings/queens, regnant and consorts. Regnants are those who are born into a position of power, they inherit the throne through blood and when they become King/Queen they will rule. Sally is an example of a Queen regnant (or at least she will be when she takes the throne) as she is the daughter of King Acorn and the next in line to the throne. Some real-life examples would be Queen Elizabeth the first, Queen Victoria and the aforementioned Queen Lizzy
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(apologies for using only British examples, I live in the UK so it’s what I’m familiar with)
Now getting onto Consorts, you may have heard the term used in the comics before as I believe Sonic is at one time referred to as Sally’s “royal consort” A consort is someone who marries into a royal family( whether they be a commoner or from another royal family) and in the case of a consort who marries a regnant, traditionally their role is to provide heirs for the regnant so as to continue the bloodline however they do not rule the kingdom; you can get queen consorts, real-life example the Queen Mum,
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 and prince-consorts, sometimes but rarely referred to as King-consorts but I’ll get to that later. This is what Prince Philip is and what Sonic should be in M:25yl and its related stories.
Now, you might argue that Ken Penders knows what he’s doing and simply decided to call Sonic king-consort rather than prince-consort but do you really think Penders is that smart? Of fucking course not. King Sonic makes decisions regarding his kingdom and Mobius, hell, a significant part of the original M:25yl arch was Sonic’s mid-life crisis (there’s a term I thought I’d never have to type out) over the fact that he’s stuck doing diplomatic shit and running a goddamn kingdom! Sally should be doing all this shit! 
But what exactly is Sally actually doing? Playing “Desperate housewives of Mobius” with Julie-Su.
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Having pool parties and sleepovers and gossiping with the other women of this timeline “oh haha can you believe our husbands”
 NO! Just fucking no! What in the flying fuck happened to my badass rebel leader Sally? Like I get that for the most part this timeline is peaceful but when shit starts going down she just lets Sonic “act first and think later” the Hedgehog deal with it?
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 Hell, even in the slightly better story Mobius:30 years later when she wants to help when a crisis is happening she’s  just told to sit in the panic room and a kiss is all it takes for her to go along with this. Fuuuuucckkk.
And this is where everything starts falling apart. If for once we agree with Penders and view Mobius as a world where the royal consort can rule and has to make these important decisions, why would Sonic marry Sally?. I mean, sure for love and all that, but I cant help but think back to issue #134; yes, THAT one, “The Slap”
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And look, I’m not going to go too deep into this, that’s not the focus here, and I certainly don’t think Sally is the world’s biggest bitch for this moment but… I understand why Sonic hesitated. He’s a free spirit, he likes being able to do whatever the heck he wants (within reason of course), its why there’s a hurdle with even my favourite pairing, Sonamy; Amy wants marriage and commitment, Sonic wants freedom and not being tied down, It’s the same with Sonally, Sonic never truly feels ready for adult responsibilities like that. It’s a shame, really because I genuinely enjoy the chemistry between Sonic and Sally but it just cant really work in the long term in this messed up world Penders has created.
Which is why I’ve thought up of some alternatives First: Sally decides to fuck the monarchy and becomes a full-time freedom fighter. Ok, let me explain. Pre-super Genesis Wave King  Max Acorn is an abusive dickhead (Nigel is cool though)
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At one point he gives Sally the option of taking Antione as her consort, or he’ll disown her…okay what the hell. I could go into this subject more but plenty of other tumblr users have covered this so I digress. But I would’ve liked Sally to perhaps have chosen the disown option, to have chosen Sonic and the other freedom fighters. I dunno maybe some would consider it too OOC? Sally is very responsible and is the sort that does whats best for her subjects rather than herself. So here’s option two:
Mobius:25 years later done right, AKA  Sonic is an actual fucking consort. Right, imagine this, Sally as a badass queen who gets shit done. Slumber parties? Skype gossip sessions? She ain’t got time for that, bitch gotta country to run. And Sonic? Well Prince Consort Sonic’s duties are to look after the kids and occasionally smile and wave for the cameras and you know what this isn’t a demeaning thing!
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 Remember Princess Diana, she was a consort and she did all sorts of charity work, going to an active mine field, shaking the hand of an AIDS victim,and a shit ton of other amazing things. Imagine the impact of the Hero of Mobius doing stuff like that, Sonic could spend time working on issues he cares about but without the pressure of running a flipping country. It would present a nice side to Sonic, and still, he’s Sonic, he can still kick ass if you need an actual non slice of life plot.
I might do stuff related to this in the future but who knows? These are my thoughts anyways.
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getters-blog-index · 8 years
OK, I need to speak up on this matter because a bunch of the people I follow are being very blunt on the subject of Politics being in a Sonic Comic.
If handled poorly, yes, it’s bad. If it’s not needed, yes, it’s bad. That’s what has happened so far in the comics as have been written. 
That being said, I’m a sucker for politics in my franchises. Nothing really brings out a character like seeing what their ideologies are. I’m not saying they all have to be politicians, but they do have to have a stance, and how cooperative they are with that stance. At its very core, Sonic is a hero for the people. His ideology is to help others and keep them safe from the likes of villains like Eggman. Doesn’t have to do with politics, but the elements for politics are there. The ideology.
Of course, Sonic is never going to be a diplomat, and he doesn’t need to. No one needs to make him a liaison or ambassador for anything, (except that one time where he actually did have to be one and he did more or less a good job. You know? Wolf Pack vs Mysterious Cat Country? That was Politics and it wasn’t all that bad compared to the other examples people gave).
The echidna politics was a clusterfuck because it was handled by none other than Ken Penders, and everything he touches goes to shit.
The Council of Acorn, on the other hand, was actually handled superbly well. Many people don’t like it because many times, it went out of its way to hinder the Freedom Fighters. Many would ask why people on the same side are trying to stop each other. It doesn’t make sense. And this is very true, but there’s also something important to consider. Every member of the council has their own agenda and goals, and one specific member had an agenda AGAINST the Acorn family: Rosemary Prower.
While allied with the Republic, she functioned as a unique antagonist. One who was their ally but seeks to further her own goals. 
This is something I think people might miss because it’s supposed to be represent the people of the Republic. Many of them are friends of the Freedom Fighters, and when it came down to it, most of them were ready to oppose evil, but once again, between Geoffrey’s efforts to undermine the Freedom Fighters and Rosemary’s disdain for the Acorn family, they FORCED the rest of the members to accept an evil wizard as the elected King.
I would like to point out, this subplot has no relation to Sonic, but rather, relates to Sally and Elias, the other half of the Comics and a part of it since the very beginning.
And if you think the politics are gone now that there’s been a reboot, think again.
Nigel and the United Federation have shaky relations at the current point of the comics, and bridges are currently being mended. THIS is politics. As simple as it might seem, it is. I have yet to see anyone complain about it. Why? Because it’s being handled well, and it doesn’t NEED to be stated anymore than it was for that point in time.
An Alien presence that the United Federation KNOWS about has taken refuge in the Acorn Archipelago, and only NOW after they NEED access to the islands within the King’s borders is he told about the THREAT TO HIS PEOPLE. He wasn’t too harsh about it but he made his point very clear that there needs to be clairvoyance between the two governments if peaceful relations are to continue.
As far as I’m concerned, the politics are necessary because of the mere fact that a government, whether it’s the United Federation or the Kingdom of Acorn, exist. Every story that includes a government has to include politics if it’s to be a believable story.
Want Proof?
King Bowser and Princess Peach. They rule over huge kingdoms. There are no politics to be seen anywhere. Do the kingdoms matter? Not really. As far as the games are concerned, Bowser is the real ruler of the Mushroom kingdom, but he’s not? And the confusion goes on.
Sure, it leads to a great premise for a story, but you have two opposing rules, which requires borders, and formal armies as well as many other things, which requires POLITICS to be involved. Otherwise, the kingdoms don’t matter and don’t really have any meaning beyond their title.
You could reduce the game to Bowser being the mob boss and Mario to the streetwise hero to save his companies’ secretary Peach. Same story. No kingdoms. No Politics. Just a guy saving a girl from a creep. 
If you don’t want Politics in Sonic, that’s fine, but the story is going to become less interesting, I can assure you that much, because then Nigel doesn’t matter nor does the UF President nor Abraham Tower, because there’s no bureaucracy that would hold back Shadow and his team from doing whatever the fuck they want.
There’s no intrigue, you know the heroes are going to win, blah blah blah. Meh.
You want another example where the politics matter? Spider-man. In the Marvel Comics, even focusing on one superhero, involves someone working as a vigilante to take down criminals. This is something that people like J. Jonah Jameson deems as a bad person because he’s undermining the cops, and he twists it further to call Spider-man a criminal. Some people believe JJJ and some believe Spider-man is good. While it doesn’t affect Spider-man directly, the laws of the nation and the public views are a product of the politics that govern New York. What he’s taught in school, how the people around him act, whether they’re cooperative or rebellious, they’re all tied to their ideologies.
Sometimes, it’s more direct, like whether or not they can do anything to Dr. Doom at the Latverian Embassy in New York, or whether or not the Avengers should get involved with internal political affairs of a foreign nation even when they know someone like Red Skull is involved.
The Bottom line, Politics serve a good plot point in stories, both as the cause of conflict and as an obstacle to overcome, especially for people like the Freedom Fighters who aren’t normally prepared to face such an opponent.
Can Politics get boring? Fucking yes it can. We see it in the Star Wars Prequels. Holy fuck, does it get boring at times. Once again, it has to be used correctly or it all goes to shit.
But I can’t imagine a Sonic Comic without some form of politics being involved.
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thecoolertails · 2 years
ok since i got all caught up with idw i decided to jump back into the archie comics where i left off. id stopped right after the mecha madness special (between #39 and #40), and now im right before issue #55. some notes:
- this shit sucks akdhkshsksh sorry like overall there is so little to like
- ken penders is so misogynistic it's painful and the other writers don't do nearly enough to counteract that. the way sally's character was used during the endgame arc was so ass and it's made even worse by knowing that penders wanted to kill her off for real. sally never gets to do anything cool and the other female characters barely even exist
- except julie-su, she's here now and i love her so far, she's great and spaz did a fantastic job on her design. she's one of the only comic-exclusive characters so far that actually has a good design that looks like she belongs in sonic
- and then there's fucking geoffrey st. john i fucking hate geoffrey st. john he gets sooooo much focus bc he's penders' special boy he gets sooooo much more screen time than most of the actual game and satAM characters. sometimes amy gets to stand in the background of a panel or two but not geoffrey st. john it's ALL ABOUT geoffrey st john he's always here he's always important i fucking hate him so much i wish he was roadkill
- i hate stupid king acorn stupid ass i hate the worldbuilding surrounding the kingdom of acorn i hate this giant emphasis on this monarchy bs it sucks its so lame. sally makes a big deal in satAM abt how she's not any more important than anyone else and how the only 'royalty' is mother nature but the comics are like no actually the monarchy is everything sorry
- and don't even get me started on the stupid echidna lore. why does the comic make such a big deal about oh they gave up their technology no they fucking didn't they live in a modern techno city still like they drive cars and have computers and shit. and all the guys have stupid penders names like hawking steppenwolf archibald dude the one canon echidna at that point is named KNUCKLES why the fuck are they named like this. why do they all look exactly like knuckles (except for julie-su) like they're not even different colors most of the time and when they are they're other shades of red. if it was just his relatives then fine but no it's all the echidnas. why's knuckles dad such a stupid secretive asshole. why is knuckles moms boyfriend dressed like that
- i just wanna get to the good part pls i wanna get to the good
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skullssales · 5 years
Dating a girl with tattoos
                                                                                                                              Dating a lady with tattoos w/ Stephi Lee by Victoria X Rave and Stephi Lee we’re absolutely yeah hi ts victoria x rave up right here with Stephi Lee we’re gonna speak about relationship as a substitute cut back tattooed deadlock similar to to creature yeah the way it’s like for us thus far and our expertise is to this point not simplest simply relationship as a tattooed man or woman but additionally sort of do team in la as good so that’s matter for in these days sure I’ve lost bruises other legs ok centered up me focus Oh oh my gosh Stephi lee wow there may be like every body’s like fangirling around that I say it out through the paparazzi’s like it away what’s robust here please similar to for two seconds like come on i’m going to be sincere i am relatively hungover and i do not drink quite a bit okay i do not believe that it simply I had quite a few alcohol on an empty belly it can be quite tough for me to suppose right now I obtained a occasion to the person now not afraid I frequently like on no account celebration but like last night dating as me is awful however you guys already know that you have a gun virtually we have now this obstacle where well i’ve this problem I do not know if it’s as much the place folks like are fascinated by me on the grounds that I seem intriguing after which they get to grasp me and so they’re like yeah I bought you realize we had after this fairly this is our final time hanging out besides that you mentioned he would depart me once more I entirely go for guys which are absolutely like in any respect i’d I do i do not suppose that they’re into lovely girls as so much they’re like non tattooed guys are tremendous it is form like a fetish to them for the simply punish us she’s an actual lady and expertise this video is gonna be so what they inform anything to the sector and i admire and like they are they may be no longer as so much about what society wishes me they feel that’s a further factor too and quite a lot of folks once they see with like tattoos and stuff like that there they see her as sort of being like a rebel they may be now not like i’m coming within i’m like super like farm lady sweet blah blah blah i am now not quite what I show up to be on the external but men and women decide it like that we’re such fools yeah we’re like fat that is so bad I believe it is so much harder to find love for my part rather person but in addition products my brains messed up too I have no idea what it’s however like you haven’t observed love but either this be a still on subject I did that are like okay I are attempting to close for it proper i attempt to like begin writing things down that i couldn’t get the strap well I received to talk about my fingers hurt so like i finished it can be gonna be very structured you guys can decide me all you wish to have and blah blah blah but you recognize what’s videos through representation of Sherri Pender alternatively these movies are not any they’re gone they may be still put together Churchill she’s very she’s superb with just like the creative facet of matters yeah individuals like your form but ever seeing that they come to my trailer like i know no they do not uh mentioning we’re genuinely we’re without a doubt named yeah nobody wants us so we made up our minds to like every other and that i think that’s how I feel that that is that was what was once gonna be all you guys hold commenting you guys like you and selfie she just a and then I proposal about it i am like yeah you guys are proper so we’re getting matching tattoos proficient the I already went there yeah you’ll find oh yeah i was married oh yeah yeah okay so yeah it’s quite difficult thus far whatever you have a excellent improve my grandpa told me once no-one’s ever loved and he used to be proper simply need anyone powerful she’s strong impartial lady i am no longer i am a vulnerable codependent the prefix of the trans rather what two braids are enough go i am hoping you loved this video guys I realize it’s in every single place the situation it’s it just right I had to point in any respect quite foremost try to make is that for me in Jakarta at present simply it’s tough keep and folks choose me and i would alternatively it used to be any one tattoos but in addition like whatever with outside tattoos wanna be under the gab down for that too in actual fact and that is the conclusion for this video hope you guys loved keep to terrestrial be certain you go check out Stephi’s channel collectively and then we’re gonna go get
Source: https://skullssales.com/
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Pig poop and coal ash a real concern for people in the Carolina floods
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/pig-poop-and-coal-ash-a-real-concern-for-people-in-the-carolina-floods.html
Pig poop and coal ash a real concern for people in the Carolina floods
An earthen dam bordering a hog lagoon was breached by flood waters in Duplin County and in Sampson County, according to North Carolina Section of Environmental Quality (NCSEQ) Secretary Michael Regan. Hog or swine lagoons are human created pits or dugouts that retailer animal waste. The lagoons are intended to help lessen air pollution and the the North Carolina Pork Council states its “exceptional” for lagoons to overflow, but there are reports of at the very least seven lagoon “over tops,” as they are also recognised, in Jones and Pender county, the division explained. There are four studies from the Department of Environmental Excellent of hog lagoons currently being inundated by close by bodies of drinking water as nicely in Jones County as of midday on Tuesday.
The North Carolina Pork Council claimed that the lagoon breach in Duplin County was at a tiny farm and an on-web-site inspection confirmed “that solids remained in the lagoon.” There was no mention if there were being any solids being introduced from the four more lagoons that have been inundated by floodwaters. It claimed the other 3,000 lagoons in the condition are in superior form so significantly. The Office of Environmental Excellent will do inspections when they can get on locale. The North Carolina Pork Council claimed it will also check out the circumstance intently.
“We continue to be worried about the likely impact of these record-shattering floods,” the council reported on their site. “We are continuing to assess the affect and be expecting to present additional updates afterwards.”
Hog farmers are essential by legislation to report when a breach occurs. Deputy Communications Director Bridget Munger explained there may be other challenge locations, but the staff members has experienced to acquire these studies speedily beneath challenging situations. The department’s Wilmington place of work experienced no energy and the team in Fayetteville had to be evacuated thanks to flooding. “We are processing the information and facts as swiftly as we can as it is coming in,” Munger claimed. The department will have a greater report out later on.
It is really unclear how much squander is in the storm h2o, but the squander pits contain bacteria like e.coli and salmonella. Exposure to feces can trigger kidney complications, vomiting, exhaustion, tummy troubles, skin infections and other issues.
Frequent publicity to hog squander with out flooding by men and women who do the job with the animals or people who are living in close proximity to the farms can have a destructive influence on wellness, according to before scientific tests. People have claimed larger scenarios of lung troubles like shortness of breath and cough and some neurobehavioral troubles these types of as balance and verbal challenges. There is also some issue about antibiotic resistant micro organism.
“The industrial farming and hog farms use a ton of antibiotics. It really is how you get development hormones and get tons of animals unwanted fat quickly,” said Winifred Hamilton who has studied the well being outcomes of flooding and is director of the Environmental Health and fitness Support at Baylor Higher education of Medication. She mentioned they uncovered that antibiotic resistant bacteria was 250 moments increased in sediment remaining in properties by floodwater from Hurricane Harvey in Texas previous yr.
“When men and women are in their homes in the muck phase they genuinely need to be secured,” Hamilton mentioned. Convey masks and protective equipment. “You don’t want to contact the flood water at all.”
It might be really hard to stay away from contaminated drinking water. Duplin and Sampson counties make up some of the most concentrated spot for swine farms in the planet, and the space has currently had issues with health concerns similar to air pollution right before the flood. The flood could surely compound these problems. An immuno-compromised individual, like a person with a persistent wellbeing issue, can facial area a Salmonella infection, despite the fact that that is unusual. Microbes and viruses could also be a dilemma.
Cape Worry Riverkeeper Kemp Burdette has been watching the storm in these parts with great worry. The region has previously seen all-time record flood degrees that are expected to boost even extra. The farms that are constructed on flood planes, and there are dozens, will be in severe issues he stated and he expects extra hog lagoons will breach right before the storm is in excess of. The dirt in the fields that have been sprayed with manure in advance of the storm will also blend with the storm water and Burdette claimed the state will very likely see some of the barns flooded out, which means that animals in those barns will most likely die and will even more contaminate the floodwater.
Compounding North Carolina’s troubles the Environmental Protection Company spokeswoman Maggie Sauerhage suggests the state has reported that 7 of its wastewater remedy amenities are “in non-operational position.”
“This is on the lookout variety of like a worst case scenario circumstance,” Burdette mentioned. Burdette’s own residence has been flooded, his spouse and children is secure, but he claimed he is concerned for the people who stayed driving and the ones who will rush in to clean up up and in carrying out so will get the common cuts and scrapes and get exposed to this drinking water. “There will be sufficient option to get ill,” he reported. “To be definitely blunt and truthful there are a good deal of these farms upstream from residences that are flooded or will be flooded and it will wash via people’s properties and protect their possessions. Recovering from a flood is tricky. How do you come back again from this I don’t know. It is really very awful.”
Burdette issues why so lots of farms are designed in flood planes. “There is no way to stop this type of catastrophe in a hurricane like this with the way we do animal agriculture in North Carolina,” he said.
Coal ash in flood waters
Hamilton is also involved about the probable overall health risk of coal ash in the flood waters. “Coal ash will finish up in everyone’s properties,” in close proximity to these places. It “will end up in the air and as they clear up,” she stated.
Coal ash is industrial waster developed by coal burning ability vegetation. Coal ash contains the large metals which includes arsenic, lead and mercury which can can carry overall health risks.
There was a failure at a person of the landfills that contains coal ash at the Sutton Plant in Wilmington, in accordance to Regan. He reported his division was on location inspecting the area. Duke Vitality, which owns the home, is also on web-site doing an assessment.
Duke Energy spokesperson Erin Culbert mentioned the business calculates about 2,000 cubic yards of ash substance was displaced from the landfill. The firm explained it is unclear how a great deal of the water arrived into make contact with with the coal ash.
“We don’t have any sign that the ash has absent to the cooling pond,” Culbert mentioned introducing that the organization will keep on to complete drinking water screening. A little sum of ash and water did make it exterior the landfill perimeter into an adjacent industrial internet site and Duke Vitality doing the job with the assets owner to clean that up. They also detected many locations of erosion and are carrying out the initial maintenance do the job.
Culbert explained that coal ash alone is non-hazardous, and the organization does not believe the incident is a threat to human health and fitness. They are also observing two other site the retired HF Lee Ability Plant in Wake County that is ok for now, but there are reduced lying ash basins there that are forested and have flooded in the previous, displacing some substance. Duke Strength is also checking the retired Weatherspoon Plant near Lumberton where by the nearby Jacob swamp experienced risen to overtop into the cooling pond, but the water has now receded and the business explained it will do some further inspections there.
“We think this will not have an influence on the community,” Culbert claimed but they will keep track of the predicament. Coal ash does consist of major metals that can be a risk to human health and fitness. Culbert mentioned it is made up of trace elements of contaminants but she stated it’s a lot less than 1%.
Flooding with coal ash can make it is way into streams that contaminate fish people eat and contaminate ingesting h2o.
Wilma Subra, a chemist and environmental wellbeing scientist in Louisiana explained persons need to be anxious about the coal ash getting dispersed in people’s yards and households. She cautioned people to use protective gear when cleaning up their houses. She reported even health threats prevalent in other hurricanes like publicity to sewage could be a challenge.
“That is what transpired immediately after Katrina. They went back and received boils on their legs,” from publicity to sewage Subra mentioned. There are also poisonous chemical compounds that can settle into the soil. “And if you go back again and uncover two inches of yuck on your residence so you manage your home and the grass begins escalating and you never remove it from your lawn. Then every single time you mow your grass the sludge dried out will induce a dust and re-publicity in excess of and more than.”
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