#like my friend would probably be like haha I am on campus
bunibelles · 1 year
Intrusive thoughts hour 😭🫶🏼
#I need to check messages more often#I think my friend who graduated visited campus#and then I message their story#and read up after thinking huh I wonder how they’re doing#ONLY TO REALIZE I WAS THE ONE WHO NEVER READ THE MESSAGES 😭😭#so ngl it’s really my fault if smth doesn’t happen#cause it’ll be sad if I missed the one day they were here#like sometimes friends drift apart cause life gets busy#I know that#but also I miss them#and honestly it’s my fault a lot cause I’m like the worst at replying#I wish I had unlimited energy but that’s not it either#I know my mom said like if u really care u’d make time#and she’s right but also#a lot of times I don’t open messages cause I want to give people 110% when I respond back#but also that just kinda stops me from messaging people right??#like a terrible cycle that’s only in my head#I know it’s not a big deal#like my friend would probably be like haha I am on campus#but the instrusive thoughts are hitting deep rn </3#I miss u I wish I was better at reaching out I love u I hope ur doing well#small voice at the back of my head being like pls don’t forget about me#even tho girl it’s my own fault 😭#also another intrusive thought being like u only say all of this to justify not responding so honestly u could do better#and I can!!#so I should probably change this#hopefully it’s complicated… i say this a lot but it always gets back to this point#I hope people spam message me out of nowhere or don’t mind if I spam message them back#also irl stuff is actually busy cause extracurriculars are every single day 😭🫶🏼#Bella rambles
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shalomniscient · 6 months
Sev I've been having a lot of thoughts about Rahu x Milf!Reader these last few days (you've seriously gotten me addicted) and I'm just having so many thoughts that I need to express to you.
First off, I'm a firm believer that, yes, Rahu is the one full-on panicking once Milf!Readers water breaks. Like girl had a whole list of the things she needs to grab before getting you to the hospital, and it's all neatly packed and already to go, but she completely forgets about it or forgets where it is instantly. I imagine you're just standing off to the side, the bag in hand, and a hand on your stomach, acting like you aren't currently in labor. Poor girl is feeling so dumb when she finally notices you and the bag, then proceeds to take it from you finally as well as your car keys before you both leave to the hospital in silence (she's embarrassed and it's so cute).
Also, Rahu with a lactation kink!?!? I'm sorry, give me a moment, I think my horniness has just risen tenfold. She's such a needy and whiny puppy for your milk, and she's probably latched onto your nipples more often than your guy's baby is (she can be very possessive over your tits). I'm sure if she had it her way, she would be latched onto them all day, 24/7. Forget school or work or anything, she wants Mommy's milk.
I have more thoughts, but I thought I'd just share these two and not overwhelm you (considering your backlog of stuff, which btw, make sure to take breaks and don't force yourself to write). Anyway, it's 1 in the morning where I am, and I desperately need sleep, haha.
that being said 👀👀👀 girlfailure rahu SO TRUE like active combat situations? no problem. someone coming at her with a knife? cheap shit. the mother of her child going into labor? EXTREME PANIK 😭😭😭 you’re squeezing her hand while in labor and SHE is squeezing right back because she’s stressed out of her mind, more than you are LOL
cw. lactation kink
but yeah rahu and lactation kink goes CRAZYYY like she’s become even more puppy than before, if that’s even possible skdhdkskdkdk poor reader’s tits can’t catch a break LMAO after the baby is fed she’ll be sitting nearby giving you the most puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen and once you give her the go ahead i swear this woman will be leaping over tables and furniture to bury her face in your chest 😤😤😤
also on that possessive of reader’s tits note… a student once saw reader on campus and in the presence of both reader’s son and rahu said “damn she’s got a nice rack” and instead of rs throwing hands immediately he (and several other friends) has to hold rahu back from absolutely mauling the other guy. rahu is puppy for reader but for anyone else ?? she’s a got damn doberman and she’s NOT afraid to bite as a warning
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AITA for blocking someone / not wanting to talk to them / having limited contact after they ticced?
TW abelism
So I know the title sounds bad. But. Hear me out.
So I am disabled I use a cane. And I just started university. I’m somewhat open about being disabled as I use a cane so I am used to getting questions and I feel it’s easier to rip the proverbial plaster off.
I was talking to a guy (I’ll just call him guy) on the course running adjacent to mine as we have some lectures in common. This was over text message so I can get to know people around my campus and make some friends in a new city.
I first get inklings that he’s probably a not so nice person as he says to me ‘I like to tell jokes. But I can’t tell them because they’re to dark and blunt.’ And when I ask to hear a joke he says no. I don’t want to be to judgemental off or the bat, so I don’t push him to make a joke and I leave it at that.
But saying that seemed like a red flag to me? I also didn’t want to be judgemental and potentially just not talk to someone over something small like that.
So when we have our cross over lecture I see Guy afterwards, we say hello and after talking for a while and he goes ‘haha you have a cane!’ In a voice and points at my cane.
I am somewhat taken a back because I was somewhat open about being disabled and y’know. Maybe don’t say that to me?
I said ‘don’t do that. I don’t like it.’ Guy said ‘it’s just a joke.’
I said ‘but I still don’t like it.’
Guy continued on the ‘it’s just a joke’ path and when I looked upset he asked me ‘why do you look upset?’
So me and my friend left and I blocked Guy on this messaging thing because frankly enough I wasn’t keen on talking to him and I was really upset. (My friend cheered me up with hot chocolate bless their heart)
Guy texts me somewhere else and says ‘I’m so sorry I don’t think before I speak Somtimes. I have Tourette’s and autism.’
Now here’s where I may be TA. I still don’t want to talk to him. I want to block him again. I want him to leave me alone. I don’t want that type of energy in my life and frankly enough I don’t need it.
If he had said ‘I’m so sorry I have Tourette’s that was a tick’ in the moment, I would have understood and moved on. I’m disabled too. I get muscle spasms with my disability, so I understand that’s not the same but I also sympathise. It’s bloody hard.
The thing that upset me was he defended it with ‘it’s just a joke.’
But I also understand not wanting to share your disabled /nurodivergant status. It’s a very sensitive thing, and there where people also behind the lecture theatre who heard what Guy said about my cane, plus my friend who was with me.
So. WIBTA for blocking guy / not talking to him / having limited contact based on a tic?
What are these acronyms?
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avalil18 · 7 months
(Series) Only The Young
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Summary: you and Joe meet at OSU and start to get to know each other
Pairing: Joe burrow x reader
September 10 2017
It was a cool September day at OSU. The sun was shining but a crisp in the air flowed. I was heading out the door to go to my English class. I was wearing jeans, a white long sleeve Flowy top, and boots. My backpack was as heavy as a boulder and was making my back ache. Once I got to my English class I sat down on one of the auditorium seats and pulled out the moving table from my arm chair to put my notebook and pen on. After a few minutes more people started to come I wasn’t really paying attention to any one of them until someone caught my eye. It was one of the quarterbacks from the football team. He recently joined the class. I’ve seen him walk around before and I’ve seen him play. He is really good at football but I don’t understand why he is a backup. He should be QB1 from the way I seen him play. He sat down in the row below me. He fisted bumped someone who was probably one of his friends and pulled out his stuff from his bag. He was so cute. But I have to focus. The class was long but all I could think about was him. He was right there the whole time just being perfect. As the bell rang it startled me but I got up and put my book in my hands and swung my backpack on my shoulder. As I was getting out of the row to head out someone bumped into me. It was him! My books fell out of my hand and he went to pick it up.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry”-joe
“Are you ok?”- joe said as he handed me my books back
I smiled
“Yeah! I’m ok. Sorry that was my fault I wasn’t looking.”-you
“Haha! Don’t worry about it I wasn’t looking either.”-joe
“I’m Joe by the way, Joe burrow!”-joe
He puts his hands on the straps of his backpack clearly not knowing if he should shake my hand
“I’m y/n!”- you
“Well y/n it was nice meeting you,and so sorry for bumping into you.”-joe
“Don’t worry about it! And it was nice meeting you to Joe burrow.” -You say with a smile
Joe smiles big trying not to blush but I could definitely see it.
We both walked out and onto the main campus. He wasn’t a little bit behind me but I could feel eyes on me as I walked and knew it was him which gave me butterflies.
“Wait y/n,wait up!”-joe
I turned around to see his beautiful blue eyes and wide smile.
“Do you by any chance have the notes from last class? I missed them because I was at an away game.”-joe
I smiled
“Yeah! I was actually about to go to the library to finish them though. You can join if you want!” - you
Um! What was I thinking! Inviting the QB to take notes with me!
“Yeah actually! I would like that!”-joe
“Great! This way!”-you
Joe started walking with me and my heart was pounding. After a few minutes Joe spoke up.
“So, tell me about yourself!”-joe
“Haha! Well since you want to know so badly. I am from Northgate,Ohio which is right out of Cincinnati. I have an older sister and a twin brother! And I love dogs and the beach!”-you
“Oh!I’m from Ohio too! I have two older brothers!”-joe
“Really! Where in Ohio?”-you
“Athens!”- joe
“Oh I’ve been of Athens! My friends and I used to go there sometimes during the summer because there is this old house on the lake and where we used to hang out!”- you
“Yeah! The famous lake house! I go there all the time!”-joe
“Haha that’s so funny! People in Athens are so sweet that’s one of the reasons I’ve always loved going.”-you
“Yeah,they are really nice!”-joe
Joe and I got to work on our notes but we couldn’t stop talking and laughing.
“So you really only seen Star Wars once?”-joe
“Damm y/n I really got to go take you to go see it. You have to watch it!”-joe
I looked at him in shock. Did Joe just ask me out?
“Let me take you out Saturday night! We can go to the theater right around the corner.”- joe
“Are you asking me out on a date, burrow?”-you
“Well then it’s a date!”-you
“It’s a date! Here give me your phone number.”-joe
I handed him my phone. My heart is racing. I can’t believe I’m going on a date with Joe!
“Here! I will text you.”-joe says handing back your phone.
“Ok! See ya! Got to get to physics which sucks!”-you
Joe looks back at you in shock.
“You hate physics? I love it!”-joe
“What!! I can’t stand it! I don’t understand what Professor Burn talks about. Well I just don’t understand it in general.”-you
“How about I help you! You can help me in English and I will return the favor by helping you with physics!”-joe
“Ok! I got to go but text me!”-you
“Ok! Bye y/n!”-joe
“Bye Joe!”-you
I walked away with a smile on my face.
Joes POV
I got into English class and there she was y/n. She was beautiful. Brunette hair, blue eyes, and an amazing smile. She’s very sweet and calm. She has a funny laugh that makes me get butterflies. She sits right behind me. I always find myself looking at her for to long whenever she gets called on.
As I was walking out I wasn’t looking where I was going and bumped into her.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry!”-joe
I bent down to get her notebook and English book. As I gave it to her she smiled which made me get all giddy inside. I introduced myself and she did the same. We both walked out and I didn’t want to stop talking to her so I decided to say I didn’t do my notes and if she could let me borrow her notes. I actually did do them. All of it. I ran up to her and I asked. I then found myself sitting in the library with y/n taking notes. I found myself staring at her beauty. She was perfect. I knew I needed to ask her out. She got me. And not a lot of people really click with me like she did. She was different. A good different. So I asked if she wanted to watch Star Wars with me at the theatre even though i watched it millions of times. And she said yes! I gave her my phone number and turns out she needed help with physics which is my specialty. My plan is to take her out Saturday then maybe if she feels comfortable to come back to my place to study. Not to do anything else. I’m not that kind of person to rush into things like that and I know people are different when it comes to those kinda getting together things and I respect it. I was kinda sad when she left to go to class. I just wanted to keep talking to her forever. But now I have to plan the perfect night for Saturday.
Authors note:Ahhhhh first one of the series! Yay! I hope you guys like it! This is apart of How you get the girl🩷✌️
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veritable-trash · 2 years
You Know The Rules
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look at that stupid slutty mustache... god please answer my prayers just this once
Pairing: Finnegan(Everybody Wants Some!!) x Fem!Reader
Summary: God you hate him.
Word Count: 2K
Rating: M - mainly for drugs babayyyyy, weed, that good, otherwise it's pretty clean in these sheets(this time around)
A/N: haha. no one asked for this. but listen! all my glen powell sloots we need to remember the original. sweet daddy finnegan. mustached, shaggy haired, 80s baseball player i mean i couldn't have written a sluttier man if i tried. this movie isn't the greatest, but the music is dope, the outfits are cute, and it serves as a public service announcement that men need to start wearing crop tops IMMEDIATELY. this is a petition for men to start dressing like sluts again so i can finally be at peace. anyways this is completely and utterly self serving but the glen powell top gun resurgence just kept reminding me that this is peak glen to me. give me mustaches or give me death!
sorry that i haven't written... or literally done anything of value in an eon. my brain has given up and also i moved and am currently unemployed and am about to go travel for three months and want to write but have zero inspiration and tumblr makes me sad because everyone is so good at writing and i am a troll under a bridge. this is me trying to release the need to produce things of "value" because does that even mean anymore? i hope someone finds this a little fun because honestly i kinda did :) hugs and kisses <;33333
tell me what you think! i'm literally begging! on my hands and knees! the desperation is palpable yeesh
masterlist yay yay!!!
What a fucking heinous place. Filled with suffocating expectations, the constant need to pretend you’re someone you’re not because of everyone else’s supposed opinions of you. 
It made you want to vomit. 
And yet here you were, cowering in the corner of the kitchen at this stupid, lame, awful college party. A baseball party no less. Those absolute heathens. Probably the worst category of men on this campus by about 20 miles and you were definitely counting. 
The joint you haphazardly rolled in the absolutely disgusting bathroom crackles between your lips as you try to tune out every single person here and catch the steady baseline of the song playing hoping that that will somehow lull you into a state of calm.
This new weed sucked shit. All stems, all seeds, and got you high for about 30 seconds. You were going to kill Willoughby when you saw him. Honestly the only baseball player in this house you liked and even he was about to get moved right onto the shit list with the rest of the men of this house. 
Your friends had badgered you endlessly all week to ask Willoughby for the invite, not that you really need to even ask him. Girls? More than one? The baseball boys were already salivating like it was their last meal on death row.
The standards in this place were in the fucking basement. 
Some would call you a pessimist. Angry, bitchy, snippy, negative, the whole gambit and they might be right. But college was a fucking weird ass place that made your skin crawl and your anxiety spike and all you wanted to do was smoke your green, pass your classes, and watch your cartoons in peace, please and thank you. 
And then his voice cut through your slow building haze like a serrated knife on a chalkboard. Made of sandpaper.
“Sweetheart! I thought Willoughby mentioned you’d be here, and why am I not surprised you’re toking it up alone in our kitchen, my favorite little stoner weirdo.”
The absolute ultimate fuck. 
Mustached, wide shoulders, shaggy blonde, crisp baby blues, he was everything your vagina yearned for until he opened his stupid mouth. And of course that was just as pretty as the rest of him too. 
You’d met him for the first time freshman year. Fresh faced and thinking the world was truly your oyster, he’d popped into your life in intro to philosophy and swept you away with his silky, fancy words and the fact that he looked like that. 
He’d invited you to the first baseball party you’d ever gone to and made you a special promise that he would be your knight in shining armor for the night. That he’d be waiting for your arrival, was counting down the minutes till you showed up at his door and he could dance the night away with you.
That was until you saw him sucking face with Tracy. Who was also in your intro to philosophy class. 
Obviously, you’d hated him to his core ever since. 
But for some reason he’d stuck around. Always kept tabs on you, always had a class with you, always found you at any party, bar, disco, literally fucking anywhere and it made you want to tear your hair out. 
He was your pretty boy kryptonite and you needed him to leave you the fuck alone.
“Oh Finny. Finny, Finnegan, fuckhead. You know I thought I’d somehow be able to avoid you tonight but it seems like my stalker persists no matter the obstacles.”
Smoke trickles from between your clenched teeth and he has the audacity to stare at your lips and grin.
Fucking grin!!!
“You wound me princess. Ain’t even gonna share that little pinner of yours, I mean the absolute cruelty of it all.”
The grins still blazing on his lips but in Finn fashion he has to play up his part. 
Clutching at his pearls, leaning against the kitchen counter like you’d just stabbed him straight through. Your eyes roll so far back in your head they almost launch themselves out of your skull. 
“No Finn, I’m not gonna share with the likes of you. Go find Will and get him to roll you one, he’s the one I got the weed from anyways. Or maybe go find some other poor unsuspecting girl to do the deed for you, but you ain’t getting shit from me. You know the rules sweet Finny: ass, cash, or grass and god only knows I ain’t taking any of those three from you.” 
You regret those last few words the second they enter the air between you.
Because Finnegan’s eyes drop straight to your mouth again and now he’s crowding you into the corner of the counter. 
“Oh sweetheart if you just let me show you what this ass can do I think you would be singing quite a different tune. You think I’m all bravado and show but you and I both know the two of us could be quite a duo. I just know you’re absolutely unreal beneath that veneer of hatred you slap on.”
He’s still staring at your lips, the joint hanging limply between them as you try and control your breath and not cough up a lung. 
Two can play this fucking game.
You take a thick drag, the tip burning bright orange and crackling like cinders and his eyes only deepen in shade. The smoke curls out and up into your nose and he stares at you his jaw dropping a little slack as you play him like the fucking fiddle he is. 
“Finn.” Your index finger trails up his arm as you ash the joint in the sink, and you can feel the muscles of his bicep twitch with the contact. “If you think I’m gonna let you touch me you’ve lost your god damn mind. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go find some peace and quiet. Away from you.”
Your voice is sticky sweet and he barely registers that you’re telling him off for the millionth time tonight until you’re traipsing out of the kitchen at lightning speed before you do something else you’ll regret. 
He got too fucking close this time around. You let him get too fucking close. 
Your feet stomp quick up the stairs to the only safe place you’d ever been able to find in this house. 
The roof. That blissful open space, like the crispest breath of fresh air it tasted almost minty. Your hands dig into your pockets looking for your weed, your lighter, and your rolling papers-
Of course you’d forgotten papers, predicable as always and fucking annoying as hell and you’re about to turn back down the stairs when your eyes land on something sitting on the windowsill. 
Finn’s wood pipe. 
You loved to hate it but it was his calling card. Stupid and quirky and so perfectly him that the sight of it made you heart twist just a little. 
Not that you would ever fucking admit that. 
Well beggars can’t be chooser as they say. 
It’s deceptively crisp out on the roof as you shuffle around other groups till you get to your super secret corner on the far side of the house. No one ever seems to want to venture this far and you could smoke in peace and tranquility as the rest of the party raged somewhere far, far away. 
The bowls packed, green just catching a smolder and you have to admit the stupid Sherlock Holmes pipe is kinda fun. Maybe you’d leave a fresh bowl packed for sweet Finn as a secret thank you gift. 
Maybe this weed was stronger than you thought. 
“Alrighty first you don’t share your joint, then you verbally assault me in my own house, and now you’re smoking out of my pipe? You really are trying to start a fight with me this evening now aren’t ya?”
Your eyes are red rimmed and your brain has that pleasant haze coating every synapse and you can’t find it in you anymore to really fight Finn right now. The stars look too damn good and the tree has hit too damn deep to let your hackles rise.
“You know maybe I’ve been giving you a bit of a hard time, but you damn well deserve it.” You smile around the pipe as you take another drag, but this time you pass it to Finn as he sits down just a little closer than usual. 
His fingers snag against yours as you pass it and you both flinch a bit at the contact, sparkles zipping up your arms.
He stays quiet this time around, pulling puffs as you both watch people flit around the grass below you, the party continuing into this seemingly never ending night. 
Friday’s, they really were something.
Your knees knock, fingers catching again as he passes the pipe back to you. Another pull fills your lungs and you lean back, back, back until your back presses down on the cool paneling of the roof and you let the smoke drift up and away among those pretty little stars. 
“Finn you can just be so fucking annoying sometimes, I just wanna shut you up for like five seconds so we can all take a fucking breather.”
He laughs at that. Real and deep, curling around the base of your spine as he turns to stare down at you and the feeling spreads all the way to your fingertips. All the way to your toes.
“I’m well aware, but it’s sorta a part of my charm. I’m just waiting for it to final start charming you.”
Your eyes click to his, haze lifting for a split moment, and his eyes twinkle almost brighter than the stars. 
“That’s such a fucking line and you know that shit doesn’t work on me. Fool me once and all of that jazz.” But you can’t stop staring at him and now his eyes color puzzled, a little hazy as he tries to decipher your words. “Oh come on, freshman year? You invited me to the party with all your fancy little words that you love to spin for me to only find you eating Tracy’s lips straight off her face? Honestly she still talks about that night to this day so I guess in a weird way kudos to you but man that did sting a bit.”
You chuckle around another pull and you go to pass it back but he’s clearly no longer interested in that. He seems very intent on memorizing every detail of your face under the stars and you can’t help but wiggle a little under his hyper focused gaze. 
“I-I didn’t know that you were there that night. McReynolds told me you’d left with some dude and Tracy was more than willing to fill in that blank.”
Oh fuck.
You’re both just staring at each other as moment after moment click like puzzles pieces. Every snippy comment, every lingering glance, every class, every time you just happened to run into each other all no longer strange coincidences and some secret hatred. Every little moment stitching itself together till it left just you and Finn. 
And there’s that fucking grin again.
But it’s softer this time, a little less sleazy and a little more lovely and now you’re sure his eyes are brighter than any star. 
Your own lips tick up with a soft, nervous smile.
His fingers card between yours and he brings your knuckles up to his lips, stupid mustache tickling your skin in ways that make you shiver. 
“I feel like nows the time to return to my earlier question since you finally shared some of that green with me, so what do I owe ya? Ass, cash, or more grass?”
You snort into the air between you and his grin splits into a megawatt smile and you finally let yourself tumble head first into kissing stupid, idiot, fuckhead Finnegan.
“Ass, 100%.”
tell me what you think if anyone is actually reading this because i'm bored and this site is lonely and i just want some weirdo friends who also think mustaches are peak sexiness. alright i need to go to sleep the psychosis is taking over :P
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orizukuin · 7 months
What do you think of Charlie and Mike? Liek, how do see them separately and them being together?
Hi! Great question! Haha! So I'll be honest with you!
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In comes with seeing them as individual characters : 
To Charlie, when the first time I saw them (UWO: CHAPTER 5) I already knew this character would grow on me in a way that I won't stop talking about them 24/7 ((Shout out to my Girlfriend who will hear me- talk about Charlie non-stop at most random times..)) 
I do think Charlie is a Fun character during those times. And what I adore about them the most are the expressions throughout the game (UWO) there's just something into it that pulled me into liking Charlie more than the others (probably because of how crazy they look)- Finding CIU in the Play Store is gives me excitement as I started saying stuff like: "Ehh?? there's a part two?? no way" and of course like every simple minded person- I installed it (lmao) 
Finishing the game, I felt that the game had more holes that needed to be covered. But later on, I found out that the game was rushed due to the contract being over, so it's understandable- I'm just thankful that the game was released and not canceled, haha! 
But anyways!!! CIU honestly showed me another side of Charlie that I never truly expected. Knowing that side of Charlie just made me love their whole character even more ((even other players not very fond of it)) 
And to Mike: 
Oh, Mike that silly-looking boy. At first, I never really paid attention to him like every other person does since he probably only had 10?) or a bit more dialogue. But he soon grew on me as I kept replaying the game to get the other endings alongside the other achievements, which came with the Fanarts of him and Charlie together. ((those fan arts pushed me so now my entire works only revolve around them, not that I'm complaining or anything:]]] ))
In full honesty. I feel bad about what happened to him like Broo got one of his eyes taken out! it probably confused the crap out of him since neither of them expected it to happen- and I bet it hurt like a b*** 
((i know,since i almost got one of my eyes taken out by my nephew during my 13's the knife tip didn't meet my eye and i am glad that get to dodge it- but still side of my eye still bleed so not Gucci))
Overall I view Mike as an interesting character whom we need information other rather than "Charlie's friend" not to mention.
We also need a piece of information as to what might happen to him after the Eye-stabbing incident. He's friendly towards other students. He is your typical Social Butterfly. I swear he has the energy of that college senior who will approach a lost Freshman then them out on the whole campus and later check up on them during the first week.
And to the question of how I more likely see them together :
Charlie and Mike are together like a pair you'll never expect to work. Both have their strengths and weaknesses but can still make things look easy. Let's put it away like they are doing a collaboration project together. Who knows? They can defend the whole research together or by themselves as if precisely doing it isn't all nerve-wracking.
However, if you meant that question as "both in a romantic atmosphere" 
Then I can tell you how Charlie and Mike won't realize their growing feelings. Mike will probably catch into it one day, as a sudden realization hits him that leaves to say something like:  "Holy F- I'm catching feelings for Charlie-Charlie..."  out of the blue.
However, he would most likely push those feelings aside. He knows to himself that Charlie doesn't need to be with anyone else who needs the teen to be in a romantic setting. He might never say it by word. Mike respects his friend's boundaries and is careful towards the teen, always checking if Charlie's all right with doing things that are out of the teen's personal preferences. 
They are taking things slow since Charlie doesn't like fast turns and somewhat still needs to get used to slowly opening themself out to the world. 
For Charlie, if they realize. I guess it will take them a long to come to terms with it and most likely keep it to themselves like Mike's since they aren't sure if the feelings are true or if it is just a mutual thing since it is only Mike who put an effort into knowing and understanding them.
((I think they can be great in a slow-burn side of writing))
That's all of it! I hope I gave you the answer you're looking for Anon! 
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blank-house · 10 months
This time I've got a question for you guys! I think it's impossible for the whole team to respond hehe, so just respond if you want to! Do you have a favourite? Idk if this is like asking you to pick between your children lol but do you have a favourite romance path? Or a path/charachter you find easier to write than the others? Like, if you met all of them IRL who would you get along with best?
I pitched this question to the server and lmao i'm just gonna copy and paste everything the members who responded said.
So Lilly's a writer and they said:
jamie is my boy toy because i like men who hurt my feelings and theres something that gets my engines revving when its someone who isnt immediately emotionally available easiest to write is percy and its bc i have the personality of a (socially conscious) frat boy id probably get along with cameron JFOENFKSN but i reckon thats it
Tsy's our sprite artist and she says:
hmmmm for me I would say Reynah!! I love bossy princess :melt: I like how she make Deja and Cam nervous with her presence haha😆 There's a lot in her smile and brow, like she's smiling but at the same time it's….more than a smile 😎 (the bossy aura)
Chochi's our UI artist and art director, they were also in charge of Elio's and Cameron's design! However, all they said was:
ahdladha to clarify, Cameron's their all time favorite and they have been down bad since the concept art. It's actually hilarious how whipped they are for them and they have pleaded often for a Cameron route. We, the members on the writing end, like to make their life difficult by making drabbles about Cam Cam heh
Aiden helped with writing content during the Otome Jam and she said:
elio and cam elio buff and cameron hot
Which was pretty explanatory hah
Next up we have Poob, he's a BG artist on the team and he said Percy because:
hes annoying and i like that in a man
Which is very fair lol
We have another UI artist who helped us during the Otome Jam who wishes to remain andnonymous and they said:
elio bc he is my sweet sweet sweet babygirl i love him so much
Rachel's a writer we recruited to help with content after the jam, and she says:
Cam's actually my favorite. I love their friendship with the MC so much. Every time I see them I want to hug Cameron and not let go
Peach is Cameron's voice actor! And they said:
idk if this applies to me too but cam is 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 they're such a fun character ! very relaxed and suave lolol but also they are,… hot
Kat is Reynah's voice actor! She says:
i am a big fan of the student gov girlies i too was an overworked undergrad who did too much with campus events 😔
Tippi's also a BG artist! She said:
Cam is adorable and I want to protect him and Percy is a beautiful man whore who I wish will play me around like a fiddle and then marry me
As for me, I'm all over the place. I already know I'm gonna get boo'd by some members of the team if I say I love them all equally-- they've seen first hand how quickly I buckle when it comes to Percy hahhh-- but it is true that I love every one of our characters. Each romance route gives me massive brainrot (I'm currently in my Jamie era) for their own reasons and each character is simultaneously easy and difficult to write for. But no matter what, I have fun in every instance. As for who I would get along with the best, that would be Deja, Cameron, and Reynah. Hah, they were written to be great friends after all.
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leaderoffestivals · 2 years
Blackjack Chapter 14
Tetora: He~h! I’ve learnt something new today!
Madara: Hmmm~? … … What’s this, Tetora-san? Why are you looking at me with such bright sparkles in your eyes?
Yumenosaki 1.5: 4th Tour-Blackjack Chapter 14 The Gift That Was Never Delivered Chapter 6
Scenario Writer: Akira Season: Autumn Characters: Kanzaki Souma, Mikejima Madara, Nagumo Tetora, Sakasaki Natsume Proofed by: @ryuseipuka​
< An hour later. Just after Anzu and Shinobu have departed to rescue (?) Mayoi. >
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Souma: Sigh. I wish you would cease the making of these requests of me, Mikejima-dono.
It is my honest wish not to be excessively involved in "this side" of things.
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Madara: Hahaha! However, if I’m unable to rely on you, I’d have no choice but to rely on Kanata-san, thouuugh? 
Souma: Good grief. I am easily swayed by the mention of Shinkai-dono’s name… … You are as cunning as ever, Mikejima-dono.
Madara: Fufu~! I reeeally wish you would call me ‘wise’ instead!
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Tetora: He~h! I’ve learnt something new today!
Madara: Hmmm~? … … What’s this, Tetora-san? Why are you looking at me with such bright sparkles in your eyes?
Tetora: That’s because Mikejima-senpai is an outstanding predecessor whom I respect very deeply, of course! Ossu!
Madara: Mmm~m. I don't think it’s a good idea for you to take after me too closely as a role model, you know~? I'm sure there are much more respectable "teachers" around to serve as your example to follow, such as Chiaki-san and Kuro-san, right? 
Tetora: Nope. I’ve been persevering along those paths all this time but they’ve all come to dead ends. I’ve been starting to think I need to find other paths and ways to become stronger!
That’s why I believe the former Ryuusei Purpleーsomeone whom Morisawa-senpai respects very much, and whom Taisho acknowledges as an equal rival!ー
ーI’ve come to the conclusion that you, Mikejima-senpai, would be the perfect candidate for me to look up to as my mentor!
I wanna learn from you, Mikejima-senpai, and become stronger and stronger!
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Madara: Ahaha~... … This must’ve been how the green guy who had to train the lil’ kiddo in that manga must have felt, huh! (1)
Souma: Haha. You have an unusually troubled expression on your face, Mikejima-dono. It is such a refreshing sight to see. 
Madara: Si~iigh. Aaall my kouhais just aren’t cute at all, huh~?  Kohaku-san and Anzu-san as well. All I want as a senpai is for my kouhais to make an honest, genuine fuss over me, though!
Tetora: Alright! If you so wish, I, Nagumo Tetora, will make a big fuss over you! Ossu!
Madara: Mmm~, what you’re offering is not quite what I’m asking for. 
Souma: If you would wish to be genuinely loved by your kouhais, Mikejima-dono, you should move yourself to express your love for them in a more honest fashion too. 
Divine retribution and poetic justice (2)—how you treat others will be reflected as if by mirrors back unto you.
Madara: Awww man, that really hurts my ears!
Well! That’s enough of that. It’s gonna be a problem if an outsider like me remains on Yumenosaki’s campus grounds forever, so I guess I’ll have to entrust this place to Souma-san from here on out. 
I’ll be waiting close by, so don’t hesitate to light the beacon fires to call for aid, should ever the need arise.
All riiight then, I wish you both fair winds and godspeed!
(—sound of Madara walking away—)
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Tetora: Ah—Mikejima-senpai... ...he’s gone. I still have so much more I wanna learn from you, like the ways of being a hero and so on!
Souma: Fufufu~. To Mikejima-dono, an encounter with a kouhai who genuinely adores him as you do is a rare occurrence, so he probably fled because he has no idea how to deal with it. 
He speaks about wanting honest kouhais, but when one expresses genuine affection towards him, he retreats in fear. That esteemed person is a difficult man, as usual. 
Tetora: Hm? Are you a close friend of Mikejima-senpai, Kanzaki-senpai? Why does it feel like the both of you have known each other for a long time, somehow… …?
The both of you seem to be able to understand each other without the need for words—honestly, it almost feels like the both of you are family!
Souma: I only established proper contact with that esteemed person sometime during the last year. Our families, however, did have various comings and goings between us.  
Just as with Shinkai-dono—we have met with each other at family gatherings when we were children. Despite that, we were both reserved, and thus took care not to approach each other. 
Tetora: EH! Are you actually related to Mikejima-senpai, Kanzaki-senpai?
Souma: No. We are not bound by any bonds of blood, but our families are affiliated in various ways. You might say that we are all foxes from the same den.
This time as well—It is because of those connections that I was summoned here to be relied on in this way.  
Anzu-dono and Sengoku required covert passage into the ‘Underground’, and for that purpose, it was necessary that I bring the influence of my household to bear. 
This has led to Nagumo being stranded on the surface alone. I am truly sorry for that, but… …
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Tetora: Oh! This wasn’t your fault at all, though? Right from the start, that Underground? Or whatever you call it—Big Sis Anzu and Shinobu-kun were the only ones supposed to go, anyway!
I’m the one who insisted on tagging along, so this is all on me. You couldn’t have possibly known to prepare one of those ticket-like things for me to enter the Underground, after all!
Souma: Still, I apologize. Had I been informed in advance, I would have been able to do something about it. 
That being said, there are still matters remaining which we aboveground must attend to. It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide your assistance with those, as well. 
Tetora: Ossu! If there’s anything I can do to help, I’ll do it!
Souma: That is a fine response. … … It may be that we may encounter some skirmishes later on, so let’s carry out some sparring to keep our bodies warm. It will also serve as a way to pass the time. 
Tetora: It’ll be an honour! Taisho has spoken highly of Kanzaki-senpai’s skill as a formidable fighter. I’ll be glad for the opportunity to spar with you!
Souma: Well, I am an expert in the ways of the samurai when compared to an amateur. 
Come, Nagumo. Let me assess the strength of Kiryu-dono’s beloved disciple!
Tetora: Ossu! I’ll be in your care!
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Souma: Hmph! Too naive! Indeed, it would prove beneficial for you to receive tutelage under Mikejima-dono—Your sole chance at victory would have been to initiate your attack while we were still talking!
Your attacks are straightforward to the extreme! Those will not destroy true evil!
Tetora: Ossu! I thank you for your well-meaning advice! Take! THAT! And THAT!
Souma: Fufu~ What is this? You bear the name ‘Black’, and yet are unaccustomed to battles in the dark, are you?—’Ryusei Burakku’!
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Natsume: … … Why have you guys started sparring all of a sudDEN? Are both of you characters from a fighting manGA?
Souma: Hm. Sakasaki-dono. What is your business here? (Swiping sound)
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Tetora: (Thumping sound) UWAH!? You swept my feet out from under me, just when we were looking at Sakasaki-senpai?!
Souma: Fufu~. Inattention is a great enemy ♪
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Natsume: SeriousLY? It’s great that you two seem to be having fUN, but it would be better if you didn’t make such a fuss nOW. The kitten and her company are in the middle of an undercover mission after aLL.  
Souma: That is so. … … It seems that you are one pulling the strings behind this incident, though? What on earth are you up to, Sakasaki-dono? 
Natsume: No~, I’m not up to anything nefarious at aLL. I’m not at all like a certain Glasses—a person who plots darkly behind the sceNES, all the while pretending to wear the face of a compassionate perSON.
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Souma: Ngh—I will not tolerate this slander of Hasumi-dono! What Hasumi-dono does is termed ‘strategy’, not ‘conspiracy’! 
Natsume: Well~, unlike His Majesty the EmperOR, that bespectacled right-hand man of his has been behaving honourabLY. I’ll take back what I said about him scheming behind the sceNES. 
More than thAT, I’m really not up to anything underhanded this time eithER. I only offered the kitten and the kid a solution after they came to consult mE—
—because that is the duty of a fortune-tellER, you sEE. 
Souma: Ha~. Surely, you must have some other goal in mind, correct? Some other purpose?
Natsume: Of courSE, I’ll receive my proper paymeNT. I’m not doing this out of charity after aLL. 
There is a secret slumbering in this laND. We’ll unearth iT, and come in contact with the mysteRY. 
We’ll dissect that mystery with science and loGIC, and gain mastery over iT. That’s our mission as modern-day wizARDS. 
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Natsume: Now thEN. What enigma will emerge from Yumenosaki’s Underground, I wonDER? Will it be a demon or will it be a snAKE? I’m looking forward to seeing iT ♪
It won’t matter how perilous the secret which emerges from the earth may bE. I, Sakasaki Natsume, on the name I bear as one of the ‘Five Eccentrics’, will master and bend it all to my wILL. 
—————-To be continued——————-
Translator’s Notes:
1) Madara should be likening himself to Piccolo and Tetora as Son Gohan in DragonBall Z. Gohan was 4 years old when he started training under Piccolo… a baby, lol. (points below) Tetora is not that small, Madara!
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2) Souma is poking Madara by echoing what Madara said in Myriad of Colours and Flowers.  3) I only jumped to translating this part cos it has Madara in it + Madara-Souma childhood crumbs + I’m so chuffed that Tetora knows Madara is Ryusei Purple. 
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inkofamethyst · 1 year
September 28, 2023
OHHHHH BOY that imposter syndrome set in real suddenly today. Like I've just been (relatively) chillin these past few weeks, but today it was like alarm bells were ringing in my head with an internal voice yelling "FRAUD HERE! FRAUUUUD!" which was.. somewhat unexpected. I mean I didn't expect to feel like I belonged here all the time, that would be supremely unrealistic, but I'm curious as to what exactly triggered this bout of imposter syndrome.
Today I received a decent grade on the quiz I thought I bombed. I went too slowly through the lab in devbio. I helped one of my lab mates through a mental exercise. I had a presentation in regen which I was more nervous about than I thought I'd be (my body doesn't lie even if my mind tries to: I had the cold hands and appetite loss characteristic of my nerves). I met with my advisor to discuss a paper. I came out of that meeting feeling like I was underperforming even though my advisor places literally the most gentle expectations on me. I dunno I just feel so unimpressive compared to how I feel like I should be and it's so frustrating because I'm probably doing just fine which means it just must be me and my anxiety grasping at anything to be worried about which sucks.
I'm going to go to bed early tonight. That may help. And I'm (gasp!!!) skipping class tomorrow (gasp again!!!) to get lunch with some of the other students of color in my department (class is recorded heh). Maybe getting out of classes will help, too. I dunno but I don't wanna feel like this when there's nothing wrong.
[three hours later]
I went out for dinner with the three girls (and someone new!) and that provided a break but it did not fix the problem. Actually I feel worse now. I feel an anxiety spike and I'm not entirely sure where it's coming from. Typically I start to feel like this when I feel out of control but I don't entirely know what the trigger was. I told the girls I was with that I was feeling a little bit on the edge and one of them suggested that I go for an edible haha. But seriously. I think coming into today, Thursday, being less prepared than I should've been, might've been a substantial trigger. Last minute prep for the presentation and the meeting meant that I didn't really have a period of mental rest today from the very moment I woke up. So, to rectify that, I am going to bed. (Actually, to truly rectify and hopefully prevent this in the future, I am going to have to better prepare for Thursdays.)
I've noticed a pattern, that I can get experience a little anxious episode exactly six weeks into moving to a new place. It's happened twice before. I'm currently nearing the end of week four/five (depends on how you define things), so at least I'm timely. I mean, honestly, I miss things, you know? I miss my friends, I miss my room, I miss my family (I call them often), I miss my campus, I miss feeling grounded and settled and comfortable and safe.
Today I'm thankful that I met someone new at dinner, she seems really nice :)
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bondew · 8 months
lmao imagine not having friends cade, and imagine ur friends leaving u for sport dazz! losersssss!!
Cadence Lane.
As the professer walks in i fix my posture and move my gaze from the window to him. My laptop is already open on fresh word doccument, along with a second tap with the project. I've already emailed it so I doubt we will use it, best to stay prepared though. He begins to ramble and the 60 people in the room are visibly bored. I end up doodling on my pale hand with a black pen, still paying attention but just keeping myself occupied. I've forgotton about the idea of taking actual notes and I'm just remembering everything important. It may sounds like I dont like what I do but when you have the same chatty teacher each lecture you just eventually get sick of it. I can't stop thinking about that boy from the library, I wonder why he didn't stay with his friends, I mean they looked like they were having a great time. He was weird, reading about bugs instead of being with your friends. Like if I had friends I would spend as much time with them as possible, and I'd feel pretty shit if they were having a bunch of fun without me. Not that I want friends! That's so stupid. Maybe they're mean to him? I wouldn't be too surprised, they seem very different to bug boy. Two hours later half the class are dead asleep, the rest are bored out of their minds and a couple weird students are all bubbly and awake. To be honest they are probably survivng on caffine. I pack up my things as we get dismissed, sliding my laptop and pencil case into my black messenger bag. Shoving on a white coat over my turtle neck I step out into the hallway, just a couple steps out i run into someone. "God! Watch out!" I say by instinct. I stare at the persons as they beg to be forgiven, "Oh! I'm so sorry sir!" They smile sweetly and looks at me. "Bug boy?" I accidently say aloud. "Oh yeah! Haha!" He holds up the heavy book. "Oh shit- um I didn't mean to say that out loud, sorry!" Wait why the fuck am I apologising- I never do that! I look back up and he's just laughing while walking away.
Bug Boy.
For some odd reason as we practice my first scene, which Juliet isn't even it I'm shaking- like I may get nervous sometimes on stage but never during rehearsal?! Despite this I think I did an ok job, it's just weird how I'm so nervous today, when I woke up I was fine! God.. I spot my friends walking down the hallway as I exit the auditorium, running to them I instantly just start smiling and joking away. My friends complain about their classes and then before I can even start on mine, they all excuse themselves so they can go to training. My smile fades but I wipe it back on and just keep walking. Suddenly I bump into someone. "God! Watch out!" They snap, and I start apologizing continually. "Oh! I'm so sorry sir!" "Bug boy?" They say and I stare into their emerald eyes before realizing that they sat in front of me in the library, I hold up my book and start laughing. "Oh yeah! Haha!" I start to walk away but I still hear them say something and then mutter to themselves. I make my way off campus and find a ramen shop, I actually see a couple of my friends outside of the group but decide to just eat by myself. Swiping my card I buy a bowl and sit down at the bar seats. They don't come over to me so I assume they didn't see me. The food comes out quite quickly and I start slurping. I wonder why that guy remembered me, am I that memorable. Well it was only a couple hours ago- and I did wake him up. Oh shit- Now I've woken him up and bumped into him! He probably hates me.. I hang my head and the front of my hair touches the soup in the bowl, I pull up my head and wipe the tuffs with my sleeve. Picking up the bowl I slurp down the soup and pay before leaving. My couple friends are still in there, they were probably just talking. Luckily my literature class got cancelled since my professor is sick so I can just go back to my dorm. The streets are quite empty as I cross back to the UNI, suddenly a cast of grey storm clouds shower me in rain and I am forced to run back. Slumping down on my hard mattress I grab a towel and aggressively shake my head. Pulling off my wet clothes, I hang them on the windows and change, leaving my shirt off. I sit down at my desk with a blanket wrapped around me I check my emails just in case my professor uploads any work. Sadly she did and I'm forced to write. I begin to thoroughly read the email and I'm shocked when it's free writing. She never lets us do free so this is quite exiting. We have to write at least 10,000 words, my current work in progress has around 8,000 so I just continue that. Around an hour later it's finally at just over 10,000 and I can submit it. I make sure to replace all the swear words and recheck my spelling and grammar about a million times.
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purplesurveys · 4 months
What store did you last buy clothes from? Landmark. I had a last-minute need for a dress for a family friend's debut, and with the One Free Time I had so close to the date, that was my best bet to find something, anything haha. I didn't find anything I was envisioning, but I got a pretty enough blue-green day dress.
Which parent are you more similar to? I am so much like both of them in many ways. I have my mom's explosive temper, uptight-yness, facial and verbal expressions; but I also got my dad's patience, liberal way of thinking, love of animals, and awareness of pop culture lol.
What are some of your favorite qualities for another person to have? I find it very cool if they have a hobby they have no shame in being a geek about. Most people (at least here) still think it's a loser thing to have encyclopedic knowledge about a niche interest – because being mainstream is the correct way to do things! /s – which is SO annoying to me.
What smell reminds you of your childhood? Brewed coffee and warm pandesal. This was my grandparents' default breakfast, and it stung to miss out on this smell when we moved + even more so when my grandpa passed.
Are you happy with who you are? I am increasingly learning to be.
Do you ever sleep with your bedroom windows open? I did that until college – pre-job, essentially, when I wasn't yet able to contribute to the family monies. Now that I'm able to help out, I have the AC on hours a day and haven't had the windows open in years lol.
Have you ever had a job where you didn’t fit in with your coworkers? Nope.
What was the last word document you typed? It was a transcription of an interview.
Have you ever gotten sick from someone else’s cooking? Yeah, I got food poisoning from a stick of barbecue at my uncle's place one time. To this day I still haven't eaten anything inihaw if it's there.
Do you crave approval and attention from others? Approval, yes, as a perfectionist; attention and affection not nearly as much.
What was the last kind of cheese you ate? Manchego.
Do you have any crazy neighbors? No but there is a toddler who wail-cries everyday which drives *me* crazy.
Have you ever abused any substance? No.
How young is too young to be sexually active? I don't think there is an age for something like this. If you are, you are.
Would you ever dye your hair silver? Probably not.
What was the last fun thing you did? Welp I hung out with Angela and Hans the other night and all we talked about were plans for their wedding lol.
Have you ever dated someone who had a child from a previous relationship? Nope.
Is there any drama currently going on with your family? Kind of but it's mostly blown over now. When it does get mentioned it's mostly in passing or just general updates of what's been going on since.
What’s your favorite kind of soup? Miso.
When was the last time you were on a university campus? I was in UP around two months ago to have late lunch and watch a softball and football game with Andi.
Do you know anyone who practices Hinduism? No.
Where’s your favorite place you’ve ever lived? This current house.
When was the last time you spoke to the first person you ever kissed? Three and a half years ago.
How many texts have you sent today? Just a couple.
What’s a political issue you have a strong opinion on? The blatant Chinese bullying of the Philippines.
What snacks do you like to get at the movie theater? Potato Corner is a Must for me, and I feel like malls understand that now because in nearly every cinema you go to you are guaranteed a Potato Corner five steps away.
Have you ever stayed in a hotel in the center of a big city? Apart from my own country where most hotels are in the center of big cities, I have done this in Shanghai, yes. It was nice, because knowing that China blacks out the internet there happened to be wi-fi in the hotel I was staying at.
Are your fingernails painted? Nope.
What was the last fruit or vegetable you chopped/sliced up? I don't think I've ever chopped a fruit or veggie before.
When you take a nap, do you nap in bed or on the couch? Either, really. I feel like I've done a share for both equally.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Eh, just work.
0 notes
zhrx · 8 months
it's a draft of my unposted eremika fanfic
that i already planned since 2021, making a draft for chapter 1 before the final part start, ending up burning into ashes due to procrastionation.
BUT! it's such a waste to buried it deep into the grave yet before actually try to publish it, so here is a snippets of what chapter one would be, enjoy..? (although pls don't throw your precious phone at me due to the cringeness, my inner 12 yo probably still thriving at those) _____________________ (oh so if you are new, i recommend follow my eremika playlist because every chapter is centered around the songs included, thankuu)
Chapter 1: Have we met already? (Eren’s POV)
Oct 31th 2023 | 21.19 PM [Jean’s Party]
It’s probably fate, or just a perfectly coincidental moment for Eren. But he knew there was something he didn’t quite understand happening the moment he locked eyes with her. Yeah, her - the beautiful lady in a red dress that passes him at the stupid Halloween party that Jean throws, supposedly to “meet the pretty sorority ladies, Eren! Live a little bit” and shows off his hosting skills. Haha yeah, it’s not like that skill exists.
Oct 31th 2023 | 14.20 PM [Annie and Armin’s Apartment]
Earlier that noon
“I think you’re allowed to take a break, Mr. I-Am-Taking-My-Life-Too-Seriously-Or-AI-Will-Take-My-Job Jaeger”, Armin said as he looked over Eren on the floor, surrounded by his worn-out medical textbooks with colorful post-it notes all over the pages. Eren scoffs, “Someone needs to find the cures you know. And what about you, the one who actually works part-time at library because you apparently love to study some... triangle rock thingy”. “I think you very much know it called a pyramid, Eren”, he said whilst rolling his eyes.
He saw Annie sitting by the sofa and offering her a hot cocoa and cozying up beside her while peering over her laptop screen filled with kitten videos and law PDF books. “What Armin meant to say is you should get your life together man, being too busy in your studies have an almost zero percent for you to meet someone”, Annie said, meeting Eren’s pair of green eyes giving her death stares while mouthing “fuck you” before he resumes his studies “. “Well, there’s a 0,001 percent he could met someone, honey. Maybe we should try to be more optimistic?” Armin says. She replies, “If you're saying optimistic in that questionable tone, you surely think it's impossible for us to double date with Eren at this point.”
“Okay, first of all, we DID already have our double date with Historia. And even at that point she doesn’t realize yet she ‘swings’ that way until she met that brown haired woman.” Eren tries to argue, waving the paper in his hand to emphasize his point. “I don’t think hanging out with your childhood friend is called a date, you don’t even like her that way” Annie retorts back. Suddenly, Annie bolts up, causing Armin to almost spill his cocoa due to the sudden movement. Before Armin can speak, Annie interrupts, "You should go to the party Jean is throwing tonight! I heard he invited everyone on campus as part of welcoming new students, but we all know he's just trying to spread his...wing, not leg mind you. You might meet someone there".
Eren sigh. This was not the first time his friends had tried to coax him into searching for a partner. He thought it a waste of time, having to deal with someone else's emotions. He shudders, recalling witnessing his brother's on-again, off-again situationship.
His brother would say things like "She's just my coworker, Eren, nothing more." Then he would drunkenly call late at night, complaining "Why isn't Pieck interested in me anyway? People would throw their panties seeing me." Or "Yelena really rubbed me the wrong way but gosh I would gladly sell my soul for her body." And other explicit things would be thrown at Eren before he would throw his phone away and let his brother continue ranting for another two hours until passing out.
He considers people who cannot stand being alone as pathetic human beings.
0 notes
yuriphile · 1 year
recapping everything that's been happening to me...
i made it to third sem *crowd cheers*
osjur. a LOT of pros and very little cons
college starts. kinda mid as of now
well, since i will be in my second year of my college, here's a few goals i have been hoping to achieve:
learning new skills. i will try to enroll to MySkill by next week and hopefully i would be discipline enough to achieve my goals. i want to learn at least 5 skills, especially about data analyzing and business plans, in the six months of my enrollment and implement the concepts and mindset i've studied during my osjur
since i have been accepted into my himpunan jurusan, i want to be active and know more people in there. i will join at least 3 kepanitiaan, either within himpunan or at college in general within my second year
last but not least, i will keep my GPA gradient positive and receive 0 B grades on my second year while maintaining my relationship
now that that's done, let's recap my life!
my friendship with my college friends from high school is at an all time low. frankly, i don't really care because our circle has been described as too apathetic and [redacted]-based. also, i have new friends! i'm genuinely happy about it and i hope it can get to a deeper friendship. i also have been trying to be active and contribute something to my angkatan, especially since we'll be very very busy soon.
next. osjur has been very fun! i won't be saying too much but they have teach me a LOT of things and i will try to implement each of it to my daily life.
my relationship with d is... well it's not going anywhere. actually, it's probably going downhill since we'll only meet when we pass by every wednesday. i'm 80% fine with it, romantic relationship isn't really something i look for, as long as d stays as my friend i will be happy.
i've been trying to save money too! it's currently at 33% of the goal i make. but at the same time i've been spending money on merch and i promise i would budget better haha. merch buying will be only once a month max and if i buy merch, then i am not allowed to check-out anything from shoppee and vice versa.
i haven't been very clean lately... i should call someone to clean my room and laundry my stuff. i should also buy and stock food for my midnight snacks. also: i should continue walking to campus, it's the only physical exercise i do.
i've stick lots of photobooth pics and letters i receive on my wall as a way to make myself feel happier. i think it's working. i'm trying to change the way i speak because i feel like i sound angry or annoyed whenever i criticize or talk about something passionately. hopefully it worked...
lastly: i want to eat pork so badly.
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suckitsurveys · 1 year
Do you plan your meals in any way? Oh yeah. We make a plan every week for dinners and my lunches for the work week .
Have you ever been front row at a concert? Which one(s), and how was the experience? I have a couple of times when I saw Kill Hannah as a teenager, and maybe some other times with other smaller bands.
What’s the strongest earthquake you’ve ever experienced? I've only ever experienced aftershocks.
Do you know your best friend’s middle name? Yes.
If you have a passport, where do you store it for safekeeping? I don’t have one.
What’s your favourite kind of juice and when did you last drink some? I like apple juice/cider. It’s been a bit since I’ve had some.
Were you in the scouts when you were young? I wasn’t.
How long are your fingernails right now? They could be longer.
Do you like the Scream movies? They’re okay. I think I’ve only seen the first two?
What sort of music have you been listening to lately? Billie, Lana, the Barbie soundtrack.
Are there any bills you need to pay? I’m sure but everything is on autopay. I don’t even know when stuff goes through anymore haha.
Have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? When I was in my early 20s (and so were they) someone told me I looked like Elliott Page. And another time someone said Drew Barrymore? I don’t think I look like either of them, or any celebrity, so.
How many people could sleep in your home? (Not counting floor space, beds and couches only) Probably 4 total.
Are you a fast reader? Sure.
Do you own a leather jacket? Nope.
Is there a university campus in your city or town? Um, we have SEVERAL of those. I’m on one of them right now, lol.
Who last called you on the phone? Did you pick up? If so, how long did you talk? An unknown number that I did not pick up.
What grocery store/supermarket do you shop at most frequently? Jewel-Osco.
Do you know how to play the card game Hearts? I’d need a refresher but I have played it before.
Are you a more of a light or heavy sleeper? I can be both.
Have you ever done freelance work? What did you do? I have not.
Name four things you can see right now. Four Funko Pops: Pikachu, Ron Swanson, Princess Carolyn, and Post Malone
Do you charge your phone every day? Do people not?
Is your washing machine currently running? I don’t have my own washing machine. I either use my dad’s or the apartment’s shared one.
How’s your energy levels today? Pretty low.
Have you ever torn a muscle? Nope.
Do you have any cereal in your house at the moment? I am pretty sure there’s a box of Cheerios.
When was the last time you went out to eat? Where did you go and who with? I think that was when my friends were here. We went to Portillo’s before I dropped them off at the airport.
Is the street you live on short, long, or somewhere in the middle? It’s a pretty standard Chicago side street size.
Should you be in bed right now? I would LOVE to be.
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umichenginabroad · 2 years
Find Me In Class or... Running Off to Vienna
Hey přátelé,
It officially doesn't feel like I'm on vacation anymore. Classes started last Tuesday, and my schedule means I have 9 am ones every day. I'm not exactly a morning person, but since my schedule last semester at Michigan was essentially the same, I'm keeping up... at least for now haha. We have 3.5 hour classes with a 30 minute break built in, and sitting in class for that long is definitely something I'm having to get used to. Fortunately, most of my classes have been pretty engaging. I'm taking 5 classes in total: Introduction to AI, Database Management Systems, Communication for the Tech Sector, Tech Ethics and Public Policy, and Augmented Reality: Leadership Development for the Tech Sector.
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The view from our school building -- makes up for the 20 minute daily walk from our apartment
Unlike my EECS classes at Michigan, each one of these classes is interactive and more discussion based. It was a nice change to be able to form connections with professors easily. All of mine have such interesting backgrounds with many coming from working in the industry. Some highlights of class include playing Kahoot to review Python knowledge in AI and completing a lifeline exercise in Leadership Development to learn more about the other students on my program!
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Played a pretty competitive game of Kahoot and learned a bit about the statistics of the tech industry
I'm a big fan of studying in the Law Library on campus, so I wanted to find somewhere similar here in Prague. Enter the Academy of Sciences Library! Our director for the program recommended we register at this library, so I headed over one day after class and the process is surprisingly easy. You do have to pay a small fee, which I didn't expect as most American libraries are free to enter, but it was only about $10 for 6 months. Just look at the architecture and vibes... definitely puts me in more of a studying mood than my apartment.
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Beyond all the academic responsibilities that started, my roommates and some other friends on our program decided to travel to Vienna for the weekend. This was probably one of the first places on my travel bucket list, because, like Prague, I had only ever heard good things about the city. It's also only 4 hours from Prague, a straight train or bus ride (we actually took both, one there and one back).
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Took a bus Friday afternoon and saw the sun set over a lake
Our Czech teacher had mentioned that Vienna is similar to Prague but a little cleaner and more modern, and I definitely got that feeling when visiting. I'd have to say my favorite parts were definitely the teal and marble buildings and the delicious breakfasts we had. I would be very content if you just left me to marvel at all the pretty places around the city ngl. I'm a big planner and decided to create the route we walked on Saturday which ended up being around 30,000 steps. I don't know what my friends thought, but I'd say I'm now pretty qualified to be a tour guide haha [to my friends-- sorry for killing your feet but thanks for coming along :)]
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Blue skies for our first full day (we got rained on on Sunday </3)
I almost didn't want to come back to Prague. Thankfully, more adventures to come!
Na shledanou,
Catherine Jiang Computer Science Tech Career Accelerator in Prague
Czech Words
přátelé - friends
Na shledanou - goodbye
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“f the mormons” but like why?
haha, randomly posting my thoughts bc i’m pissed but don’t have a platform. why is prejudice against every religion except mine something that is completely unacceptable? but then when it comes to mormon’s, suddenly it’s “well all their members are racist” or “their church has history of racism and discrimination” or “byu has does this or that,” like why do y’all have to explain yourself? the minute you have to explain yourself, you lose. you could explain away discriminating against anyone or any protected group for however long you want, it is still discrimination and is still wrong. and i HATE how the right wing members are the absolute loudest when it comes to responding to hate and they always respond in the worst way possible. bc as someone who is left leaning (and by leaning, i mean swerving) we don’t speak up, we see the explanations people make and we can’t explain them away, and won’t. there is history of racism, and there are still big problems with acceptance within the church currently, i will never try to justify that or downplay it, but assuming that everyone agrees with these problems is just plain wrong. 
mormonism is a religion of personal revelation, that is developing your relationship with God yourself, rather than just believing everything a pastor tells you. and it maddens me to know a good amount of history about the church and how it was too feminist and socialist for america, so the governments decided to rage war against us? bc polygamy and communitarianism were, and apparently presently are far too controversial. so you know, to not get killed, the leaders of the church basically put on some camo gear and tried to fit in as much as possible with the very christians who had massacred their friends, families, and hopes, and have stayed that way up until the present, leading to lots of members being disillusioned that the teachings of the church are just the ideals of the republican party, which (believe me, i lived in germany for a year on my mission, and witnessed a bishop laugh at the police and at byu for the whole “light the y” color the campus situation) is completely wrong. and probably the reason why we lost the third hour of church, we need less time facilitating with one another what we reason to be doc of the church, and more time asking God themself what we should believe and do. 
either way, no one sees the actual tree of the religion and only look at the rotten branches that slowly choke out the good ones. yes, the tree needs to be pruned but i have no clue how that would be possible. and so the public eye only sees the rotten fruits located at the very end of the long long branches and ignore the good fruits growing closer to the tree and no one ever thinks to look at the roots. so they point and scrutinize the overgrown branches and bitter fruit, not understanding there is more underneath that they are also criticizing. i am honestly always nervous to tell people about my religion bc i know with what groups they will group me into, all groups i don’t belong to (republicans or trumpians, basic utahns, loud and proud americans, etc. etc.) bc as prez nelson taught us, i put my title of disciple of christ, child of god, and child of the covenant before anything else. why is it that i myself feel ashamed to talk about my religion? bc it always comes with some sort of shift in attitude from the person learning this info. it’s always.. “oh, you’re a mormon..?” followed by jokes about polygamy and magic underwear. it’s always bad to joke about religion when it comes to every religion besides mormonism and even when you point out the hypocrisy, so called leftists still laugh in your face and continue making fun of a protected group. 
and so i am left to ask myself every day, why? why can’t i tell them that polygamy, though sometimes disgusting and icky at the time it was in practice in the actual church and since then exploited by excommunicated perverts (i’m not referring to that practicing of polygamy bc like yikes), was a system in which women could easily form romantic friendships with one another and you know kiss and stuff, that sealings between men were allowed until the late 1800s in order to connect them and their families forever in eternity, that women could heal the sick for a time, that the church has so much money because of our communal money system, and the history of racism coincided directly with average christian beliefs about race at the time (remember how we just really really wanted to fit in?)  and how one of our prophets legit told a gay couple that he didn’t know enough about it to make a judgement and encouraged them to live a happy life together (plus it was the prophet easily regarded as one of the kindest and most christlike modern prophets by most other modern prophets) and that one of our core beliefs is that men and women are inherently equal and another being the existence of feminine deity and her possible co-authoring of everything we consider God the father to have authored, and like so much more, but i’m getting tired and can’t think anymore. but yeah, most people still consider those things like God the mother and polyamory and spiritual communism are still unfortunately pretty radical concepts.
so yeah, “f the mormons,” but just remember that it’s not just blind sheep you’re hating on, but your colleagues and friends you never knew were mormon simply bc they were afraid to tell you. 
and you’re evidence as to why... and that’s called oppression
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