#like my boss keeps trying to guilt me into staying and it's annoying
how many more ways can i say that i don't wanna live here anymore before you'll understand lol
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sissylittlefeather · 4 months
Your Love's Been a Long Time Coming: Chapter 9
A/N: Ahhhh, the penultimate chapter! There was so much screaming after the last one! Will your screams be satisfied?! Please keep reading and commenting. I live for it! Love you all 🩷🩷
Need to catch up? Masterlist here.
Warnings: not much, alcohol use, cussing, kissing, angst
Word count: ~2.2k
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Later that night, as Sonny sleeps peacefully on his pillow beside her, Vivian cries herself to sleep, silent tears streaming down her face.
Elvis paces Graceland almost constantly while Sonny and Vivian are gone on their honeymoon. When they come back, he hosts a party to welcome them home, but it's a thinly veiled excuse for him to see Viv again. He knows Priscilla isn't stupid. She has to be able to tell something is going on with him, but he's not really sure he cares. There seems to be something distracting her these days too.
On the day of the party, Elvis is on edge trying to make sure everything is perfect. By the time Sonny and Viv finally arrive, he's so worked up he's chain smoking cigarillos and his stomach is filled with butterflies like he's a teenager. He stands in the foyer smiling awkwardly. She looks even more beautiful than he imagined and he's dying to take her in his arms and kiss her the way he really wants to, but all of a sudden Sonny is there shaking his hand.
"Can we talk, boss?"
"Oh, um, sure can I just... I want to-" He gestures to Viv but Sonny cuts him off.
"No, we need to talk now." Elvis looks back at Viv as Sonny ushers him into the kitchen for some privacy.
"What is it, Sonny?" Elvis asks, clearly annoyed.
"I know about the wedding." The butterflies in his stomach freeze.
"What about the wedding?" He asks, praying Sonny isn't talking about what he thinks he's talking about.
"About you and Vivian. Jerry told me." Elvis shifts uncomfortably. "You're my friend and I know you. I know you're not trying to break up my marriage. So I'm asking you to stay away. Please. I know y'all have always had a thing, but she's my wife now. Please let us be happy."
Elvis looks at him in stunned silence. He never dreamed Sonny knew, but more than that he never imagined this is how he would react. Stay away? Now, when they're so close to finally being what he wants?
"I'm begging you, Elvis."
Elvis nods slowly. Sonny has been a good friend to him for too many years to count. He hears himself agree to stay away, still not sure he'll be able to keep that promise. But he makes it anyway.
Vivian is shocked and confused by Elvis's distance before he eventually leaves for Vegas in January. She's not sure what she expected, but it wasn't for him to avoid her completely. Maybe the guilt of what happened between them finally got to him. Or maybe he realized that he really didn't want her. Either way, she tries to keep her mourning silent and contained, focusing on her modeling career and her new husband.
Sonny is the perfect picture of a doting husband. Something about the marriage seems to have sent him into a lovestruck tailspin and he showers her with affection and lavish gifts. If she didn't know any better, she'd swear he was trying to prove something to her. Still, she misses Elvis. She appreciates all of the attention, but she can't help wishing it was Elvis doing all of it for her.
At the end of February, Elvis comes home from Vegas to find Priscilla in a state. She's crying and frantic and if he's being honest, he's more annoyed than concerned. He's spent the last two months longing for Viv and trying to convince himself that Cilla is a good wife and their marriage is worth saving. This isn't helping her case.
"Calm down, Cil, what is it?" She finally comes and sits next to him on the edge of their bed. He's hoping she's not going to try to make love to him for whatever reason. She's his wife and he'll do it, but he can't guarantee he won't imagine Viv and that makes it hard for him to moan the correct name.
"I can't do this." She shakes her head and wrings her hands.
"Can't do what, Cil? Just tell me what's going on."
"I can't stay here. With you." His mouth drops. That was not anywhere on his list of possibilities for what was going to happen.
"You can't... what?" She stands up and walks away from him.
"I can't stay with you. I have to leave. I'm... I just have to go."
"Priscilla, why? What happened?" She turns back to him with tears in her eyes.
"I'm in love with someone else." His heart drops. The fact that he is too is lost in his wounded pride.
"You're... what?!" He stands up and walks towards her filled with rage. Priscilla looks up at him defiantly, her own rage bubbling to the surface.
"No! You don't get to be mad at me for this!"
"I'll be mad if I damn well please!" She stomps to her dresser and pulls something out of the top drawer, throwing it at him.
"Don't act like you're so innocent!" He looks down at what she threw. Panties. Viv's panties. "Found those in your jacket pocket when I took it to have it cleaned. They're Vivian's aren't they?"
"Cilla, you know there have been other women." He says it quietly, his mind flooded with memories of being with Viv.
"This is different! You're in love with her, aren't you?" He looks up at her, his blue eyes round and tortured.
"Yes." She sobs openly.
"Our marriage is over Elvis. You can have her." For one bright, shining moment there's a glimmer of hope. And then he remembers Sonny and the promise he made to him to stay away. He looks back at Priscilla.
She had already packed, so it doesn't take long for her to be gone. He stands in the living room as she drives away. Then he turns and kicks over a table, sending the objects on it flying. He sits with his head in his hands.
Now he has no one.
Vivian is home alone, pacing around her living room. She knows Elvis is home from Vegas and she's dying to call him, but she knows she shouldn't. Sonny won't be home until tomorrow and her mind is racing with possibilities. But no, she can't. He probably doesn't want her anyway. This is the last thought she has before she hears someone pull into the driveway. Surely Sonny isn't home early?
She peeks through the front curtains and watches as Elvis stumbles out of the car. He has a bottle of something in his hand and rather than walking up to the front door, he turns in the driveway and hollers at the house.
"Vivian!" She waits for a second, trying to decide what to do. He stumbles a few steps and yells again. "Viv!!"
When she realizes he can barely walk, she rushes out the front door to him. He smiles when he sees her and holds out his arms.
"My beautiful Viv. You always come when I call." His voice is slurred, his words thick. She lets him lean on her and half carries him up to the house. When they get inside and she gets him settled on the couch, she grabs the bottle. It's peach brandy and it's almost empty. "That's my second bottle."
"Oh my god, Elvis. You don't drink. What is going on?"
"I figured my wife leaving me was a good enough excuse."
"Wait, Priscilla... left?"
"Yep. She's gone." He leans forward with his head in his hands and starts to cry. Then he sniffs loudly and turns to Vivian. "After everything I gave up for her. She left."
Vivian sits on the couch speechless. For the first time since she's known him, he has no obligation to any other woman. Some small part of her leaps with hope, but she's the one with the obligation now.
"Why are you here?"
"Didn't have nobody else. Didn't want nobody else." He reaches out and cups her cheek with his big, warm hand. Then he pulls away suddenly and tries to sit up. "Promised Sonny I'd leave you alone, though. I'm pretty bad at promises."
"You promised Sonny you'd leave me alone?"
"Yep. At the welcome home party for you. He knows about us at your wedding." A lightbulb goes off for Viv.
"That's why he's been so... and why you've avoided me since then."
"Mhmm. Didn't want to break up a happy home." He hiccups and leans back on the couch. She realizes how close he is to passing out.
"We need to get you to a bed because I won't be able to move you if you fall asleep here."
"Okay." He half whispers, half sighs. She helps him take off his shoes and jacket and stand up and then they make their way down the hallway. When she gets him onto a bed in one of the extra rooms, she watches as he looks around, noticing the pink, blue, and yellow paint swatches on the wall and the rocking chair in the corner. "Viv, are you...?"
His eyes move to her stomach and he sobs. She sighs deeply as he grabs her and pulls her to him, weeping.
"I really lost you, didn't I?"
"Elvis, I'm not pregnant yet."
"No, but you wanna be. You will be soon." Viv buries the thought that she'd rather be pregnant with his baby. It does no good to tell him that. Instead, she kneels down in front of him and holds his face in both hands.
"You didn't lose me, Elvis. It's not possible. I'll be yours until the day I die. Even if it's just as a friend." The last part cuts through her like a knife and she can tell it hurts him too. But what other option is there? She's married.
And then he kisses her. He pulls her body in close to his and presses his mouth to her. She can taste the sweetness of the brandy as she opens her lips to his tongue. He drags her up onto the bed with him and lays down with her in his arms, his mouth never leaving hers. When he finally comes up for air, she touches her nose to his gently.
"You're too drunk for this, babe." He shakes his head.
"'M not, honey."
"You said no to me twice for this exact reason. I'm not going to take advantage of you."
"I promise you won't." He kisses her softly. "Please."
"Elvis, I have a husband." She whispers as he kisses her neck.
"You're telling me you don't wish it was me?" A wave of longing and desire washes over her. That's exactly what she wishes every time Sonny makes love to her. But the guilt is about to kill her.
"I can't." She pulls away to get out of the bed.
"No, wait. Please stay with me. I won't touch you anymore. I promise. I just don't want to be alone." She looks at him, his blue eyes pleading and sweet, the same boyish look from all those years ago. Something about that look makes it impossible for her to say no, so she crawls back into the bed and snuggles into him. He strokes her hair and kisses the top of her head. "Thank you, baby."
The next morning, Elvis wakes up with a pounding headache, but he doesn't care when he realizes Viv has her head on his chest. The thought that this is how he'd like to wake up every day slams into him and a lump forms in his throat. Still, his sober self remembers his promise to Sonny and is overcome with guilt. At least they didn't have sex. She was right to stop him.
He slides out of the bed without disturbing her and walks back out to the living room. He slips on his shoes and throws the almost-empty bottle of brandy in the trash. Then, he goes back to the bed and kisses her cheek gently. She doesn't stir, so he leaves quietly. For the first time, going to Graceland doesn't feel like going home. She is his home.
Vivian wakes up when the front door opens and closes. At first, she thinks it's Elvis leaving, so she sits up quickly, but it's not.
"Hey honey, I'm home!" Sonny calls from the entryway. She breathes a sigh of relief that Elvis is not still here. A big part of her wishes he was and they could just get it over with, but she knows that's not kind to Sonny. "What the hell is this?!"
She hears him yell from the living room and she bolts out of bed. When she gets there, she finds him standing with Elvis's jacket in his hand.
"He was here, wasn't he?!" He's never yelled at her before. She doesn't want to lie, but she also doesn't want to hurt him.
"Yes. But nothing happened! It wasn't like that! He was just drunk and upset about Priscilla leaving."
"I told that bastard to stay away."
"Sonny, I promise, it was nothing."
"I'm sure. It's never nothing between you two." She stands in silence. He's not wrong. "Vivian, I'm going to ask you one question and I want you to be honest with me."
She nods slowly in anticipation.
"Are you in love with him?" She looks at Sonny with tears in her eyes. Would it be more kind to lie? Or is it finally time for him to know the truth?
"Are you?!"
Are you ready for the end?
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @jhoneybees @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley @atleastpleasetelephone @burnthheparaphilia @cinnamoroll-things
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sabyfangirl · 1 year
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After the brothers had a huge argument, Chris accidentally fell out of the Tortuga and into canadian woods in the middle of a snow storm, leaving his guilt-consumed brother to go looking for him with the help of the team.
After another successful creature rescue, the Tortuga team had decided to head North America, Canada to be more specific. Unfortunately, the timing was not the best since there had been serious ice storms and blizzards in most of the areas, forcing the gang to stay inside the Tortuga for what they planned to be a "short period" of time, which quickly turned into days - driving the Kratt brothers insane.
"Martin, turn that racket down! Can't you see I'm trying to read?" Chris yelled from across the room. He was reading a book in his hammock - about science and biology - while Martin was playing the guitar on a floor cushion.
"Well I wanna play my guitar, I gotta do something to keep myself from getting bored!" Martin replied moodily, strumming even harder this time.
They both stared at each other angrily.
From the other side of the room, the girls watched as the tension between the brothers intensified.
"Oh, the storm outside is nothing compared to the one inside," Aviva sighed exasperatedly, Koki nodding her head.
"Yeah, I've never seen them fight before, like ever!" she pointed out with a disappointed tone.
"It's really not like them, we've been cooped up in here for so long it's making them crazy!"
After bearing the sound for one more minute, Chris had enough. "Will you stop playing for just five seconds?!" he snapped.
"You're not the boss of me, so no," Martin said with all of his chest.
"That does it," Chris slammed his book closed, "I'm going to the garage where I can be alone," he shot his brother a hard look from the corner of his eyes.
Martin, barely looking up, simply shrugged. "Whatever," he scoffed while tuning his guitar. Aviva and Koki shared unhappy looks as Chris disappeared out of sight.
"Enough is enough." Martin looked up to find Aviva looking down at him, Koki right beside her. "What has gotten into you guys?" Aviva started.
"You've been fighting over small things lately, and it's getting worse," Koki persued, a firm look on her face.
Martin layed down his guitar and got up. "Oh come on, he's the one who started it!" he said defensively.
Aviva and Koki gave him the uh huh look. He kind of felt as though it was his fault, but wouldn't admit it. He walked by the girls only to accidentally sit on a particular switch.
In the garage, Chris was looking for a good spot to read in peace. "Argh, why does Martin have to be so annoying," he let out with a frustrated tone.
He eventually sat down against a pile of boxes.
"At least he won't be bugging me here," he buried his face in his book... but couldn't bring himself to focus on reading. He looked up and sighed deeply.
"Maybe I should-"
Suddenly, the garage hatch opened right in front of him.
"Oh no!" Chris yelped as he got sucked in, his hands grasping the edge of the hatch as he held on for dear life, having let go of his book as it disappeared into the darkness.
Other objects flew past him, but just as he thought he was going to make it, he got hit in the face by one of the boxes, sending him falling out of the Tortuga.
"It doesn't matter whose fault it was, you gotta talk things out with Chris," Aviva insisted.
Martin looked away, arms crossed, but deep down he knew he had to do the right thing. "Okay fine, I'll go and apologize to him," Martin sighed in defeat as he reluctantly made his way to the garage, Aviva and Koki sharing delighted expressions.
"That's more like it."
"Chris," Martin called out as soon as he entered the garage.
No answer.
"I know you're in here somewhere, I just wanna talk-" he stopped short when he noticed the garage hatch was wide open, and Chris was nowhere to be seen.
His stomach dropped. "Chris!" He ran over and looked down from the hatch. It was like staring at a black hole, only being able to see endless snowflakes, but no sign of his brother.
"No..." He stood there for a moment, processing what had happened.
"NO! CHRIS!" Martin cried out, but it was pointless.
He then rushed back to the main room. "The garage hatch is open! Chris is gone!"
"WHAT?!" Aviva and Koki looked stunned.
"But how?" Koki looked over her shoulder. "Someone sat on the switch," she glared at him.
Martin's eyes widened as he realized what he had done. Just a moment ago he felt angry, but now he was consumed with guilt.
"And it's freezing out there!" Aviva paused and slowly turned her head to look at Martin. "...What was Chris wearing?"
The question caught his breath. "Nothing but shorts and a sweater..." Martin's voice trailed off as he gradually felt himself panicking on the inside.
Noticing this, Aviva grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him hard. "Martin focus, we gotta go back and find Chris." Martin took a deep breath and nodded.
"I'll go tell Jimmy to turn back and let him know what's going on," Koki dashed to the pilot room, leaving Martin and Aviva looking at each other with concerned eyes.
"Oh, brother..."
In a snow-covered forest, lay an unmoving body. Suddenly, weak moans started to escape him. The green Kratt was slowly returning to the world of living, the soft but horribly cold touch of the snow making it harder for him to get up from the ground. He gritted his teeth as he sat up and brushed the snow off his clothes before he looked around with blurry eyes; it was pitch dark, with nothing but the harsh winter wind howling in his numb face, snowflakes dancing around him. Part of him was actually grateful he had landed in soft snow. Cold but soft. Though he wished there was such a thing as warm snow, as silly as it sounded in his head. In a shiver, he wrapped his arms around himself as he tried to stand up, almost failing at it. He was so cold, acknowledging that his attire wasn't suitable for the weather. His skin felt like it could easily rip any moment. His teeth chattered so badly, the vibration could reach his brain. A thought suddenly came to him; he dug his trembling hand in his pocket...only to find that he didn't have his creature pod on him. He must've lost it during the fall.
He squinted his eyes as he tried to spot anything that might be useful; the boxes that accompanied him during his fall were mostly wrecked, some were even sticking out of sharp branches, like marshmallow during a campfire. He swallowed hard as a chill went down his spine. It could've been him.
"This is g-great," he muttered to himself, trying hard not to panic. He had no clue where he was nor for how long he was out cold, all he knew is that he couldn't stand there for too long. "G-Gotta f-find sh-shelter." He picked a random direction and dragged his feet in the thick snow.
"Land the Tortuga right here, Jimmy!" Aviva pointed at a clearing, which could be seen thanks to their searchlights.
"Righty-o!" Jimmy landed the Tortuga, slow and steady.
With no time to spare, the gang got geared up and ready to go out on the search. They all headed to the garage and decided to take the Creetera - Aviva had modified it to make it move through the toughest of conditions, including snow. With Jimmy behind the wheel, Koki next to him and Aviva and Martin in the back, they took off to find their brother and friend... Before it was too late.
"We're coming, Chris."
Everything around him felt cold, vicious, biting and blinding. The wind was roaring in his ears, he had snow in his hair and he was shivering badly. The black and brown thorns wrapped around the forest, almost like teeth waiting to tear at him. Each trudge felt longer and harder than the last. He was getting colder and weaker. He couldn't stand it anymore. All he wanted was a warm bed and a soft blanket, and to think that he had all that and more not long ago. He stopped and looked down at his hands: his fingertips were already turning blue.
Part of him wanted to blame him for everything, but the other just missed him so badly. He could even hear his voice echoing in his head.
Well I wanna play my guitar, I gotta do something to keep myself from getting bored!
The random cracking sound of wood suddenly snapped him out of his thoughts. His eyes danced around to spot the source of it, when they landed on what seemed to be... a hut.
Wait... A HUT!
Slowly but surely, he made his way to what he considered to be the perfect shelter, but when he got close enough, he began to have doubts; the hut was pretty small, so small that not even a horse could fit in it. It had no door, and even with all the snow, he could still tell it wasn't very solid.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Without another thought, he bent his head to enter the hut. It was dark and he could hardly see, but at least he no longer had snow blowing at his face. He walked deeper into the hut, until he found a corner where he sat down. His numb hands touched the ground and he felt smooth, humid grass, which was more preferable than snow. A shaky sigh escaped his chest as he looked around him. A bit of dim moonlight pierced through the cracks and holes, creating a somewhat comforting scene. A weak smile crept across his face, but it faded as soon as he remembered his misery. He also remembered the moment he fought with his brother.
Will you stop playing for just five seconds?!
That does it, I'm going to the garage where I can be alone.
Now he was truly alone.
He felt a small tear forming in his eye, but he held it back. He wondered if the crew noticed he was gone yet. He hoped they were already looking for him, having no idea how long he could possibly last out there. The weather was bad enough, but the lack of clothing made it far worse. He calculated the possibilities and the chances he had to survive. He felt his breathing getting faster as the realization hit him. He was freezing. His whole body ached from the cold. He already recognized the early signs of hypothermia; he felt numb, sluggish and his heart rate and breathing had increased. He knew that by staying completely immobile, his symptoms would only get worse. But just as he had the idea of getting up and walking around a little, he heard the loud booming sound of snapping wood right outside, then-
"Stop!" Martin cried out. Jimmy immediately smashed the breaks, and the Creetera came to a halt. Everyone turned to look at Martin who was pale as a sheet.
"Martin?" Aviva approached him, concerned. "What's wrong?
Martin slowly looked up at her, a petrified look on his face. "It's Chris," he swallowed hard.
"What about him?" Koki raised an eyebrow.
"He's hurt, I-I can feel it." He placed a few fingers on the side of his head.
The others exchanged worried looks. "You think you might know where he is?" Jimmy asked.
"N-No," Martin shook his head, still staring into the void. "All I know is that he's hurt." He then looked at them, distress painting his face. "We need to find him fast!"
"We will." Aviva placed a hand on his shoulder. "We promise."
"Uhh, guys," everyone's attention turned to the ginger guy. "What's that?" He pointed at something sticking out of the snow in front of them, illuminated by the headlights.
Martin was the first to hopp off. He went over and pulled the object out of the snow, letting out a loud gasp.
"Martin, what is it?" Aviva knelt beside him.
"It's Chris' book," he managed with a trembling voice, eyes fixated on the title.
"Wait, that means we're on the right track," Aviva said. "...Martin?"
You're not the boss of me, so no.
"Martin?" Aviva shook the blue Kratt. "Snap out of it!"
"It's all my fault," he muttered.
Martin looked at her dead in the eye. "This is all my fault. It's my fault Chris is lost out here, it's my fault that he's probably hurt and it's my fault that-"
"Hey, hey, hey..." Aviva cut him off, her voice calm and gentle. "None of this is your fault, we'll find your brother." She grasped his shoulders in a comforting way. "Everything's gonna be okay," she smiled reassuringly.
With glassy eyes, Martin gave her a thankful smile.
"We better get moving," they heard Koki say from behind them. "If he landed here, Chris most likely would've taken...that path." She pointed with her finger, before heading back to the Creetera, followed by Aviva and Martin.
The ringing in his ears grew larger and larger...before it stopped. He gasped as his eyes flung open. The pain was so intense. He tried to move, but his body screamed in response. He put up a shaky hand to his throbbing head, and flinched... He looked down; blood. He felt crimson flowing from the side of his head. Cuts and bruises were all over his body, but he was in too much pain to notice. He then stared at both hands with wide eyes. No!
At that moment, tiny splinters of wood started falling in front of his face. He looked up to find, to his utter horror, a HUGE tree trunk that had burst through the roof, having completely destroyed half the hut. The damage was indescribable. And since the tree trunk was only a few inches above him, Chris used all of his remaining strength to crawl away from it. Oh, the pain was immeasurable. He finally made it to a safer corner, sucking in his fragile, frozen body. He couldn't feel his limps anymore. He then looked at his hands one more time...and his eyes filled with tears. It felt hopeless. He could feel himself slowly slipping into unconsciousness. He clenched his achy chest, his breathing shaky and unsteady. He just wished he could've seen his brother one last time, just hear his sweet voice, or feel one of his hugs.
"M-Martin," his voice was weak and stained with agony. "Help..."
Then the world around him turned black.
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Martin gasped at the familiar voice echoing in his head. He clenched his chest. "Chris?"
"Jimmy stop!" Aviva let out as soon as she noticed. "Martin?"
"He's near, I can feel it." Martin looked around frantically. "Over there!" He pointed at a strange structure in the distance. 
When the Creetera got close enough, the crew gasped at the sight. "A tree fell on this hut!" Koki exclaimed.
"Whoa, that's some serious damage," Jimmy let out in awe.
"You don't think...?" Aviva's voice trailed off.
"Only one way to find out." Martin hopped off the vehicle, not forgetting his bag. "You guys stay here, it's too dangerous for all of us to get in."
The crew nodded. "Be careful," Aviva said.
Martin took out a flashlight as he entered the half-demolished shelter. As he walked deeper, he noticed the trunk sticking out of the ceiling, the sky vomiting snow all over. Then, he noticed an unmoving form in the corner. His eyes widened as he held up the flashlight with a trembling hand. When his eyes landed on him, he felt as though he was stabbed in the heart.
"CHRIS!" he cried out, throwing away his flashlight and dropping on his knees. "No, no, no, no, bro, wake up, it's me, Martin!" his voice was filled with despair, holding his face close to his. He then grabbed him by the shoulders and almost shook him, but didn't. He had to remain calm for his brother's sake. He noticed the dry blood on his face, already getting an idea of how it happened. If the trunk were a person, he would've punched them so hard. He then noticed the state of his hands and gasped quietly.
He gently leaned in and pressed an ear against his chest, holding him close with his arms as he closed his eyes. "Please, please, please..."
Thumb. Thumb.
A faint heartbeat. It was shallow, but very much there.
Martin breathed the biggest sigh of relief he ever had, tears welling up in his eyes. He felt like breaking down and sobbing right then and there, but he abstained himself. He quickly wiped his eyes with a sniffle, then dug his hands in his bag and took out a weighted blanket. He wrapped the fabric around his brother's delicate, frozen body, careful not to harm him.
All of a sudden, Chris gave a whimper which startled his brother.
"Martin, is it time to go to school?" his voice was inaudible, barely louder than a whisper.
Martin's heart ached. He gently picked him up bridal-style, his brows furrowing with inquietude. "No, bro, just go back to sleep," he whispered, but it didn't stop his brother from rambling, only making him even more worried. "Hang in there, Chris."
Back outside, the crew was patiently waiting for Martin to show up. Once he stepped out of the hut, Aviva and Koki gasped in horror while Jimmy let out a screetch at the sight of Chris hanging in his brother's arms, with his head all the way back, a sign of his body's complete and utter limpness, blood covering nearly half his visage.
"Is he okay?!" Jimmy cried out.
"His head's bleeding, he's ice cold and he's delirious," Martin said, almost mechanically, positioning his brother in the back of the Creetera, laying his head on his bag. Then he stole a glance at his hands sticking out of the blanket. "And his hands took a beating," he sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned around. "Hey, he'll be alright." Aviva smiled warmly, Martin forcing a feeble smile in return.
"Step on it, Jimmy!" Koki earged.
Without a second to spare, Jimmy smashed the accelerator and the Creetera instantly took off like a bolt of lightning.
Soon enough, the team made it back to the Tortuga, the entrance wide open and welcoming.
Everyone burst in the emergency room, Martin carrying Chris behind them.
He layed him on the emergency bed, then rushed off to grab a piece of cloth to wipe off the dry blood covering his pale face. Koki took off his blanket and threw it away, then she opened an IV bag warmer to heat IV fluids up for Chris before administering it to him. Aviva filled up a recipient with warm water before placing it on the bed, then she slowly dipped Chris' hands in the liquid. He instantly let out silent cries, whimpering at the newly discovered pain. "Sorry Chris," Aviva said with a desolated tone, "I know it hurts but it's for your own good."
Just then, Martin walked up to him with a cool washcloth and knelt beside the bed. "Hang on, bro, this will only take a sec."
Just as he pressed it against the wound, Chris grunted, slightly moving his head to avoid the contact. Regardless, he continued the process. Just as he placed the bloody cloth away, Jimmy walked up with a pile of blankets, carefully covering Chris up as much as he could without touching the recipient or the IV needle. He was making a huge effort at hiding his discomfort from it all, being slightly hemophobic and all that. Finally, Martin took care of wrapping up the wound on his brother's head, finishing with the gentle brush of his hand against his cold cheek.
Dead silence. Everyone circled around the bed, contemplating.
"That's all we can do for now," Koki finally said. "We should all go get some rest, it's been a long night."
Martin pulled a chair close to the bed and sat on it. "You guys go ahead," he said, not taking his eyes off of his brother. "I'm staying."
"Martin-" Aviva tried to reason with him but was instantly cut off.
"I said I'm staying," his tone was harsh and intense. Aviva sighed in defeat, knowing there was nothing she could do to make him leave.
"Fine." She walked by him and sympathetically patted him on the shoulder, before exiting the room, followed by Koki and Jimmy.
They were alone. Just the two of them.
Martin looked down at his brother's face, his eyes were closed shut, almost in a lifeless way.
The memory of everything that had happened flashed before his eyes. He sighed heavily, rubbing his face. He hated himself so badly.
Just then he heard a timid knock on the door. It was Jimmy. He walked in with a mug full of tea in his slightly shaky hands. Martin turned around and tried to wear a small smile.
"Thanks, JZ." He grabbed the mug and the ginger guy made his way out of the room.
"No problem."
Martin looked down at his brother's icy face, the cold refusing to go away, and gently lifted his head before approaching the mug to his slightly open lips. Chris drank most of the tea which made Martin feel at ease, then he placed the mug on the side table and slowly lowered his head back on the pillow. He adjusted the blanket around his form as much as he could, his eyes twitching at his fingers dipped in the water.
Another sigh, this one filled with mixed emotions; he was scared, angry with himself, overwhelmed with relief. But mostly, he just hoped his brother would ever forgive him for not being there for him when he needed him. He wished he could've been there sooner, wished he could've done something to prevent this, but all he could do now was hope he'd recover and that his hands wouldn't suffer from permanent damage. The thought formed a lump in his throat. He reached out a shaky hand and brushed it against Chris' slightly warmer face, tears on the edge of his eyes.
"Everything's gonna be alright, I promise," his voice cracked. And before he knew it, tears were streaming down his face. He buried his face in his brother's chest, sobbing in silence. At some point, he drifted to sleep, a protective arm unconsciously wrapped around his brother.
Hours later, he woke to the sound of grunts, followed by a faint call. "M-Martin..."
Martin's head immediately flung up. He looked down at his brother's closed eyes. "Chris?" his voice was hopeful. "C'mon, buddy, wake up." He squeezed his shoulder.
Chris' eyes slowly started to open, not completely, but enough to look at his brother through half-opened eyelids. "Chris," Martin's voice contained a shred of relief, "Can you hear me?"
Chris stared at him weakly, before nodding.
At that, Martin sighed shakily then reached out to feel his temperature... A little feverish, but he was awake and that was all that mattered.
"How are you feeling?" Martin tried to fake a smile to bring comfort to his agonized brother.
Chris opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Instead was a dry cough, followed by a shiver. Martin looked at him with sad eyes. Chris slowly looked down at his hands to find that they were in a recipient full of water, also noticing the IV needle sinking into his skin, like a snake's fangs. His eyes widened.
"It's okay, bro," he heard his brother say with a tender tone. "You're gonna be fine."
Chris looked at him for a moment, then smiled weakly. He then gave him a familiar look. Martin knew what it meant. He leaned in and gently wrapped his arms around him, trapping him in a long embrace.
Chris sighed as he snuggled in his brother's shoulder. If his hands were free, he would've wrapped them hard around him and never let go.
Sniff. Sniff.
To his shock, he felt tears falling on his back. "I-I'm so sorry," Martin sniffled between his words. "This is all my fault, I never should've gotten angry with you." 
Chris pulled away from the hug, looking into his brother's eyes. "I-I'm sorry, too," he managed with an unbelievably raspy voice, tears on the edge of his eyes. "I was s-scared, bro... I-I thought I'll never see you a-again, I..." A single tear rolled down his cheek.
"Shh," Martin wiped off the tear with his thumb. "Everything's gonna be fine now, I'm not going anywhere," he smiled warmly, his voice soft and reassuring.
Chris seemed to relax after that. "Thanks bro," he sniffled.
"You get some rest, I'll go let the others know you're awake." Chris nodded weakly and closed his eyes with a quivering sigh as Martin got up from the chair and headed to the door. He stopped, turned around to steal one more glance at his brother, smiling sadly...then left the room.
A few days had gone by, and chris was gradually healing; the hypothermia had completely gone away a few hours after his first conversation with his brother after the incident. His head injury was slowly getting better, and according to Aviva, he didn't seem to be having any internal issues that might've been caused by it, much to everyone's relief. All that was left was the frostbite. His hands stayed dipped in warm water 24/7, day and night, which was driving him a little crazy despite being told a million times it was the best way to treat it. He was mostly scared, however, that his hands would never get any better and that he would never be able to use them again. The thought always nearly brought him to tears, but thankfully he had his brother by his side to cheer him up and bring him hope, every step of the way. The older Kratt kept his word and never left his brother's side, he even went as far as reading him that book he had lost in the snow since he never truly finished it, and it always brought a smile to his little brother's face.
One day though, a miracle occured. Chris woke one morning, his brother sleeping beside him, his head resting on his bed, still sitting on that same chair. The sight always made a warm-hearted smile crack on his face. He always told him to sleep in his own bed but the stubborn sibling refused, not surprisingly. The green Kratt looked around the chamber, a bit of sunlight shining through the window and creating a golden string, his eyes following it until they landed on his hands. His hands. Something felt...different about them. He cautiously sat up to look down at his hands, still trapped under the water, and with slight hesitance, he slowly took them out, droplets of water raining on the cover as he approached them to his face.
He paused for a moment, gulped...then curled his fingers into a fist. His eyes widened, a short laugh escaping him, followed by a cry of joy and relief.
Martin suddenly came back to the world of living, he looked around frantically, still not fully awake. "Chris, wha-" He rubbed his eyes and noticed his brother staring at his hands with an exaggeratedly large smile on his face, his remaining sleep disappearing.
"Are you okay? What happened? Are you feeling worse?!" He shot him with a bunch of questions, Chris only laughing even harder.
"Martin, look!" He extended his hands for him to see; the frostbite was gone. Both brothers cried and hugged and sobbed for a while, they were just so happy.
"See? I told you everything was gonna be alright!" Martin cried, the smile on his face accompanied by matching tears.
"Yeah," Chris wiped his face, the amazing sensation of using his hands again washing over him. "I don't know what I would've done without you."
Martin gasped softly, smiling warmly.
After updating the others on what happened, Martin came back to Chris' room with some tea, his brother finally being able to hold his own mug. He then took out the book for Chris to grab.
Chris reached out his hands, but paused...then lowered them, seeming pensive. Martin looked confused.
"Actually..." Chris snuggled back on his pillow with his tea. "I like it better when you read it for me," he smiled.
Martin looked at him for a moment, then a smile spread across his face. "No problem," he chuckled.
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rimeiii · 8 months
I'm watching the past GDQ Trauma Center speedruns (notably the all XS New Blood run by Thurler and the any% Under the Knife 2 run by TrjnRabbit) and my Trauma Center brain is going BRRR rn, especially as someone whose fave doctor in the entire franchise is CR-S01...
Trauma Center AU where MC is Zayne's patient and they're infected with GUILT/Neo-GUILT/Stigma/the Rosalia virus. They're desperately trying to stay alive but it's looking bleak, as some of these organisms actively harm the host - especially GUILT, which definitely counts as a bioweapon.
Or...or. Hear me out here. We're entering spoiler territory for the original Under the Knife and its remake Second Opinion so I'll put it under the cut, but imagine...
In the original Trauma Center, there are people known as Sinners, who are human hosts barely kept alive to serve as the breeding grounds for more GUILT cultivation. Canon says they're kids-teens, but what if we tweaked that around for More Pain...
What if our MC is one of those Sinners? Just barely lucid to register Zayne's presence as he desperately tries to keep them alive, using his Healing Touch to freeze their vitals as he treats whatever symptoms the GUILT inflicts onto them, until he finds a cure for the GUILT...
For added pain, I think MC should be a host for Pempti (in-universe, this strain took several separate operations to research and develop a nanomachine to aid in killing it, and it fills the lungs/liver with liquid - until it starts getting attacked, where it'll periodically release tiny organisms to inflict lacerations/create tiny tumors/drain your vitals) or Triti (one of the most annoying strains for players because it will multiply nonstop if not extracted properly, and calcification of organs doesn't sound fun either).
With MC being a host for any of those GUILT strains, the organization behind GUILT, Delphi, has MC's life as a bargaining chip. They use MC's life to basically force Zayne to work for them, otherwise the MC and the other Sinners would be killed. Pressed for time and desperate to save his love, along with realizing he's technically enabling Delphi, Zayne soldiers on through to find a cure...desperately hoping that it won't be too late, that MC will survive - even when all signs point that MC won't survive.
On a more lighthearted note, however...
Imagine MC asking if Zayne can speedrun surgery like these speedrunners, he's going to be so fucking horrified and/or offended LMAO. Mostly because the commentary is funny in the context of speedrunning, but aren't things you want your surgeon to say. Some choice quotes in the GDQ speedruns include:
"(vs the Cheir and Kyriaki dual boss in New Blood) Hey buddy can you make more lacerations? (Cheir makes more lacerations) Thanks!"
"(farming chain on Cheir lacerations, and Cheir is almost dead, still on New Blood) Doctor, please end the operation." "NO."
"So we're going to boost vitals..." "Yeah that's kinda necessary after you put the patient through 7 cardiac arrests..."
"(finishing the first operation in all any% speedruns) This is going to be the last time we're disinfecting the wound before applying the bandage. Gotta go fast!"
"Yeah so we're going to let some of these aneurysms burst..." this happens on almost every any% aneurysm operation, they're so bad i still hate the three patients brain aneurysm stage from Under the Knife 2 to this day. oh also, bringing scalpels to excise aneurysms willy nilly on the brain.
"(vs Brachion X stage, New Blood) There is no chain requirement here so you are allowed to let the toxins reach the end..."
"(vitals at 0, which is technically 0.x ingame, so the patient isn't dead yet) Nice vitals..." "The patient is alive, that's what matters!"
"Okay so ignore the glass shards in the heart for now..."
"Don't ask how an entire ribcage got stuck inside their lung."
"So, we're now operating in the back of a moving car!"
"Ironically, the best way to boost chain is to let your patients suffer."
"Welcome to the anime malpractice simulator!"
"The way to stop his crankiness is to poke him with a scalpel until he stops bleeding. (shrugs) It's medicine."
"Two malpractices make a positive, right?" "Yeahh, but we'll end up in the thousands...don't know where that bounces at."
Zayne left completely dumbfounded by the commentary. "Things you don't want to hear your surgeon say", indeed.
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thelasttime · 2 months
Co worker anon, she is still trying to guilt me into staying, so much so she had a meeting with our boss today….people keep asking my why is she so mad I’m leaving. She told people over the weekend I’m leaving and when they asked her why she tells them I don’t know like girl lol she thinks it’s dumb I’m leaving for more money like how?? She spent all day trying to guilt me into staying to the point where I feel like I have to stay but I know that’s just her being toxic! She made a comment about how I blind sided her by not telling her I was even looking for something new, it wasn’t her business ?? I’m so annoyed and have so much anxiety
boooo!!!!!! i'm so glad you're leaving that job, you deserve so much better
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foxmenbetter · 2 years
A crash, part 2
A/n So ... when i started writing this majority of the comments said artem ending so heres part 2 with artem, once again reader is not rosa
!Warnings!: Unrequited love, abuse of authority at a workplace, mentions of blood, mentions of reader getting sevearly hurt, mentions of murder
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After i suddenly woke up i looked around the what seemed like a hospital room with a massive headache, as my headache got more intense i started remembering what happanned and why i was there, surrounded by 'get well soon' ballons and cards along with my favorite flowers freshly placed on the table to my right and on the window board. When i registered all that happaned before i fell asleep and now that i woke up i tried to sit up properly but gave up on the idea when i felt that my neck was hurting too much and knew that was probably a sign for me to lay back dowm. So i didn't, and tried again only to hear the door opening and see a complete stranger with soft brown hair, an heir of pax, sir artem, doctor ritcher and rosa come through the door. Innitially, i was confused, and just stayed in my half sitting position before sir artem came to me, laid me back down and started scolding me on how reckless I was to be sitting up after such a violent crash how i should just lay down and keep resting.
Completly ignoring him i turned my head to the brown haired man and Marius Von Hagen, an heir of the Pax group, and tried to signal to rosa 'what are those two men that i never met in my life doing in my hospital room after my car crash???' while Rosa, as ussual was not able to decipher my messege i turned to vyn and gave him the same look while he just shrugged and started looking around the room, looking as if he hasn't yet visited, which i admit, hurt a litlle..
When i finnaly spoke up to first calm artem down and then greet the 'unexpected guests' in the room. "Sooo... What brings you here mr. Von Hagen and sir... uhm..?" I say while shifing my focus from sir Artem to mr. Von Hagen and to the mysterious stranger until someone else finnaly spoke up. "Ah! I apologise for being here, my name is Luke Pearce, no need to add sir to my name, Rosa's friends are my friends so you can just call me Luke-" "Rosa, why did you call so many people to 'visit' me?" I said sternly while looking at Rosa through a side eye showing her how annoyed i am at this whole situation.
While a certain someone started glaring at me (*cough* Luke *cough*) i kept waiting for a respons from now very figety Rosa. "Well- the the driver is involved with a case i am currently working on- and he had an accomplice in the police department- so if you maybe saw someone new among the policeme-" i cut her off whiee trying to keep my tone calm " Rosa, i went flying like 20 meters from the car and lost my vision, i could only hear some ringing voices up to the point when i was inside the ambulance vehicle. For future refferences, please do listen to the doctor about my condition before you ask me any questions." After i felt like i was clear enough with my intentions i saw a quivering rosa stand up, apologise and start heading out before i stopped her and started telling her about the bus cult like situation 'it may be related to something more sinister...' i thought while telling her the last of details.
After i was done a doctor came in to check on my physical well being while everyone in the room started leaving. "It seems like that brown haired sophisticated man really cares about you, he came to visit you here everyday, is he maybe your lover miss?" He said with an effort to distract me from the prick of a needle while he was taking my blood and the oressure in my arm while he measured my blood pressure. "Mr Wing? No we're not together, he is my boss and the last person i saw that day before i crashed so i am sure he visited solely out of guilt of not keeping me longer, as that would prevent the crash." After he finished with the check up he looked at me and said "Miss, if you aren't together i feel real bad for him, the first time he came looking for you here he was soaked from the sudden rain and looked like he wanted to kill someone! But when he got the the front desk he was so polite and had such a sinciere look in his eyes and made such an adorable face when the nurse asked if you two were together, you almost woudnt believe it was the same guy."
While i listened to him i remembered all the times artem went out of his way to be with me, to be closer to me. It was so obvious that i feel like an idiot thinking back at it! 'He liked me all this time?' I thought as the doctor left and artem came in again, but alone this time. He still looked so worried about me, it was quite adorable to see him frantically ask me so many questioms at the same time.. Yes adorable, adorable? I never thought of him that way- why am i-? oh, "i've finnaly come to terms with my fellings artem." I said while looking at him straight in the eyes while he tried to avoid me looking at him " Um what..? What feelings?". "Artem I- I'm in love with you! Will you please go out with me?" After saying that i didnt hear an answer from artem for some time, he was turned around so i couldnt see his face but he was sitting next to my bed so i sat up and went to anxciously face him.
"Artem! What wrong? Why are you crying??" I said when i finnally saw his face, he was crying but then he suddenly hugged me and whispered in my ear something that made me wanna cry too "I love you too, Y/n, im so glad you chose me to confess your feelings to out of everyone. I'm soo happy i'm crying tears of joy!"
That day, i finally came to tearms with my true feelings and realised it was never vyn, it was always artem. All the nights i stayed up to do others work i was doing it so that i could be considered as a partner for yet another case with Artem, and now that he's finally in my arms i couldn't be happier...
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bubblesuga · 3 years
Once In A Lifetime
Summary: Yoongi is a pain in your ass, but sometimes that's okay. What's a cafe job without a little drama?
genre: college!au tags: smut, fluff, mutual masturbation, cream pie, dirty talk W/C: 4,740 a/n: i have a weak spot for blond yoongi
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You seethe silently while you stare at the schedule on the pin board in the back room. You begged your boss, damn near pleaded on your knees in front of her not to schedule you with him.
Its hard enough to close with only two people but fuck, if it isn't impossible when you're with Min Yoongi.
Don't get it wrong, Yoongi has a knack for customer service and he's quite good at making coffee but for some reason-- when the two of you were completely alone-- he became unbearably annoying.
It's like the moment the open sign turns off, he forgets how to work. While you're in the back cleaning dishes, sweeping the kitchen, counting cash drawers, taking out the garbage and everything else involved with closing, Yoongi turns on his speaker and plays whatever song he's been working on recently.
Okay, sure. This job isn't the most important thing on the planet. You both are just trying to get a little extra cash while you push through college, but you'll be damned if you get paid the same while you do all the work.
"Kati!" you yell from the back, your arms crossed and your nails digging into each of your biceps. You hear footsteps behind you, causing you to turn around expecting to see Kati.
Unfortunately for you, Yoongi leans in the doorway with a smirk on his face, "Awe, we're closing together again!"
"Awe we're closing toget-" you begin to mock but end up giving up and allowing your frustration to take over, "shut up, Yoongi."
"Don't seem so glum, sugar plum. I promise I'll be a good boy and listen to you." His words were too sweet to be true, they were laced with his famous sarcasm which only made you want to yell at him more.
Before you have the chance to counteract his sarcasm, he taps your back lightly before turning around and walking back out.
If there was one thing you did enjoy about him, it was the view of him when he walked away.
As the hours pass, eventually you and Yoongi are the last ones there. When Seokjin said goodbye, you silently pleaded that he would stay for just a little while longer. He gave you a slight apologetic look, glancing at Yoongi before shaking his head and walking out.
A groan leaves your lips.
It's only 9:30, you still have half an hour until the shop closes and there's way too many pastries left over.
Yoongi stands behind you, silently wiping down the coffee machines and humming along to whatever song was playing over the loud speakers.
Leaning back against the counter, you cross your arms and watch Yoongi for a moment. In a dark denim apron and slim black shirt, it feels as though the uniform was made for Yoongi. You can tell he's been working out lately, his muscles are more defined beneath the fabric of his shirt. It's killing you that despite being as annoying as he is, he's still immensely attractive and he knows it.
The snapback rests backwards on his head, blond hair poking out subtly. He turns, meeting your eyes for a moment which causes you to turn away quickly. It's quiet for a while again.
"I don't think anyone is going to come in," Yoongi breaks the silence, "I doubt Kati would mind if we closed early."
"I think she would. She said she gets a rush in the last 15 minutes so we should be prepared for that."
"We're not going to get a rush, we're a coffee shop and it's almost 10pm on a Monday."
"I'm not disobeying Kati just so you can play your shitty music and do nothing while I close."
"Shitty," he scoffs, "my music is hardly shitty, and I do help close. Who do you think cleans the front?"
"Wiping down espresso machines isn't the hardest part of closing." Maybe you're being a bit too harsh. Maybe you're trying to cover up the fact that he caught you staring at him earlier.
Yoongi sets the yellow rag down on the counter, turning to you fully, "I also sweep and mop up here. It's kinda hard to do anything else when your coworker does everything else. Ya ever think of delegating, huh?"
You feel your eye twitch. Just as you're about to respond, the bell above the door rings and you instantly wipe away your anger and throw your best customer service face on.
"Hi, good evening! What can I get for you today?"
As you help the customer, Yoongi walks to the back.
You make her coffee, heat her Panini, and speak with her for a moment about the aromatics of the freshly ground coffee beans that you had become used to. You didn't have the heart to tell her that you didn't smell it anymore, so you talked about how that was your favorite part about working in a cafe.
When she leaves, you realize it's finally time to close.
Switching off the open sign, you open the cash drawers and begin counting. Anything extra goes into the safe, and it seems as though everything was in place tonight.
In the back, you can hear Yoongi moving around and you don't question what he's doing.
Cleaning, sweeping, and mopping... Eventually you finish the front and move to the back but you stop suddenly.
Yoongi isn't playing his music.
Raising an eyebrow, you push open the door to the back and see that the kitchen is completely spotless.
Yoongi puts the last of the dirty dishes away and turns to you, "Don't worry, princess. I did it just the way you like it."
"T- thank-" you stutter but you're not able to finish your sentence before Yoongi pushes past you and walks out the door. The bell rings and you realize that he's left. The two of you managed to close in under 20 minutes.
You can't help but feel a sense of guilt wash over you. You definitely we're being a bit too harsh, and it seems to have affected Yoongi more than you thought it would.
Sighing, you push a hand through your hair and walk out the door.
Your drive home is silent. You're not one to overthink, especially when it comes to Yoongi, but you feel the need to apologize.
After your nightly routine, you plop into bed and glance at your phone. It doesn't take much to make you open your contact list.
(Y/N) sent 10:55
hey. just wanted to apologize for calling your music shitty. for the record, it's not. you're pretty good.
Your phone dings quickly.
Yoongi received 10:56
no need to be sorry, i know i'm good.
You don't respond, rolling your eyes and tossing your phone onto the night stand.
Closing the next day was much more simple than before. Yoongi did the back again, but this time you could hear his music playing again.
The beats are much more incredible than you'd ever admit to him in person. His voice speaks melodically to the music, drowning out your thoughts. You find yourself tapping your foot to the beat as you finish cleaning up the front.
The song finishes and there's a sudden change of pace.
Instead of a strong bass line and incredible drum work, a piano plays through.
Your interest is piqued, your legs carrying you to the back where Yoongi stands. He doesn't notice you, allowing the song to continue to play.
"This is gorgeous." you murmur, and a switch flips in Yoongi.
His hands, though soaked with water and soap, reaches up and turns off the speaker. He turns to you, panicked, "N- no one is supposed to hear that one. I didn't realize it was so loud."
"So you're telling me you just...listen to your own music?"
"Well, no," for the first time, you see a blush creep across Yoongi's face, "I play certain songs for you, and there's certain songs that are just for me."
"You play songs for me?" Any resentment you had towards the man dissipated in an instant. Instead, butterflies swarmed in your tummy. Butterflies for him.
He scratches the back of his neck, "Well, I don't play them for me. I want you to see how good I am."
"Humble," you hum, giggling slightly. Yoongi seems taken aback by the sound but doesn't get a chance to dwell as you continue to speak, "why can't I listen to this song?"
Yoongi sighs, "It's embarrassing."
"Let me listen," you begin to walk towards the speaker but Yoongi puts his hands on your shoulders to hold you back, "come on, Yoongi."
Yoongi doesn't give, but you manage to slip passed his hands and fall against his chest. He chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist and waddling you backwards. In a last ditch effort, you attempt to reach passed him but his grip on you is surprisingly strong.
"No, no, Princess. That song is for me and me only."
The nickname has a stronger affect on you than usual.
"But..." you stick your bottom lip out in a fake pout, "I wanna hear the softer side of Min Yoongi."
Yoongi's eyes dart to your lips, licking his own. You're suddenly aware of just how close Yoongi is keeping you, his cologne filling your nose. He's cute from this angle, his nose is rounded and is tinged with red at the tip. His eyes, though dark, are brighter than usual. He smiles softly, a gentle giggle falling from his lips.
"I can't tell you how many times I've wanted you this close to me." Your heart melts at his words, and you look down to the way your chests are pressed against each other.
"Why didn't you say anything?" you question.
He smiles, "I did, you just didn't listen since you were so preoccupied with your little closing routine."
"My little closing routine makes the opener's life so much easier." you defend, trying to distract yourself from the way his hands sit at the base of your spine, playing gently with the hem of your shirt.
"I'm sure the opener is very concerned with the fact that you make sure you set the forks before the spoons and the knives right after." Yoongi whispers, his tone joking but his eyes glazing over. Even in the horrendous white lighting of the kitchen, he looks beautiful.
"Bite me, Yoongi."
Yoongi bares his teeth and scrunches his nose, "If you insist."
Without wasting a second, Yoongi's mouth latches onto your lips. You gasp into the kiss, but Yoongi's grip tightens and holds you closer.
To say your stomach exploded into butterflies would be an understatement. Your entire body lit up like a Christmas tree, heat radiating from your skin because Yoongi was everywhere. His hands were large, slipping underneath the hem of your shirt and resting on your lower back. He didn't stray any higher or lower, simply planting himself in one spot while his lips continued their attack on yours.
He smiles against your lips, taking them away only to begin his reign over your jaw line and down your neck. Then, he nips.
By the fourth, his teeth are biting at your collarbones, but his hands have not moved from your back. You mewl above him, desperately clinging to his arms. Damn your neck for being so sensitive.
"Yoongi," you breathe, "touch me, Yoongi."
"I am touching you." He murmurs stubbornly against your skin.
You whine, "Your hands, Yoongi."
"Hmm," he hums, chuckling, "I like when you say my name."
Suddenly his hands drop down to your ass, kneading it through the thin fabric of your work leggings. He pulls himself back up to your face, planting his lips against yours again as you moan into his mouth.
Yoongi slips his hands between the two of you, hooking his fingers beneath the band of both your leggings and your panties.
"Are we really about to fuck in the kitchen?" You ask, your chest heaving.
Yoongi leans back, taking a second to assess the situation. "You're right, my apartment?"
"No, your car."
"Dirty girl," he grins, taking his keys out of his pocket, "I'll turn off all the lights. Go get ready for me."
You nod, grabbing his keys and walking out of the door. As you're about to reach the front door, it already swings open and Kati waltzes in completely unexpectedly.
Panicked, your eyes go wide and you halt just before leaving from behind the counter. Kati glances up from her phone, "Ah, perfect, is Yoongi still here?"
Swallowing, you nod carefully.
"Great, I need to talk to you both," she turns towards the kitchen, "Yoongi! Get your ass up here!"
Closing your eyes, you pray to god that he's composed himself a little more than you have. Sure enough, he walks from the kitchen and seems just as nonchalant as ever, "Yes, boss?"
"So, I need you two to close for the next couple weeks together. Jackson quit and Woojin can't work nights."
"...and?" Yoongi questions.
She seems slightly taken aback, "Well, I need to make sure you two won't kill each other."
Both you and Yoongi hold back laughter.
Resting his arm softly on your shoulder, Yoongi's skin is still hot against yours, "No promises, boss."
"I'm serious," she scolds, "It's only a couple weeks then I'll never schedule you two alone again."
"Yes ma'am." you put your hand up in a salute.
Working alone with Yoongi for 2 weeks? What could possibly go wrong?
Kati smiles, "Alright then. I'm gonna grab the money from the safe then I'll let you two get back to closing."
You two silently watch Kati unlock the safe beneath the register, taking out the deposits from today. Yoongi's arm hasn't left your shoulder, his fingers brushing lightly against your collarbone. When you turn over to him, his face showing no emotion but his hands doing more to you than you could ever imagine.
Kati turns back, "Okay, be here at 2 tomorrow. Thank you!"
As she walks out, Yoongi's arm falls from your neck.
You turn to him, raising an eyebrow as he wipes his brow.
"I was shitting bricks." Yoongi says, causing you to tilt your head. "Why?"
"You have hickeys all over your neck."
Your eyes widen, your hand flying to your neck, "Yoongi! Do you know how fucking bad that could have been?"
"I know, that's why I covered your neck." He explains, gesturing with just as wild eyes.
"No, no-" you shake your head, "We almost fucked in the kitchen, Yoongi. That's not okay."
"But we were gonna go to my car!" Yoongi's shoulders slump and his mouth is agape in confusion.
"Imagine if she had walked in when your tongue was down my throat."
"Well I would have asked her to join."
"I'm kidding, you know I only have eyes for you babe." He steps closer, leaning forward to press a kiss against your lips once again. You pull away, shaking your head.
Despite the fact that it was taking everything in you not to kiss him again, not to giggle at his lighthearted jokes and just follow him to his car, you knew that you had to practice self-discipline otherwise no work would ever get done with Yoongi.
"Are you upset?" Yoongi seems hurt.
"No," you sigh, "I just don't think it's a good idea for us to do anything here."
Yoongi straightens his back, clearing his throat and adjusting his clothes, "Right. Wouldn't want anyone's coffee getting out late because we're in the back fucking."
"Right." you whisper.
Yoongi smiles softly, "Doesn't mean I won't imagine it."
"Such a gentleman," you roll your eyes, bending down to grab your bag, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Can I get an Dirty Chai with oatmilk, Yoongi?"
It's the first time you had one of those late night rushes that Kati was talking about. There's a line out the door, drunk college students desperate for some sort of carbs to soak up the alcohol. Yoongi is running back and forth from the panini press to the espresso machine while you grabbed pastries and muffins for what seemed like hours.
It being busy hasn't distracted you enough from the past couple of days with Yoongi.
Yoongi has respected the boundary you set-- for the most part. Walking passed you in the small space behind the counter, his hands brush along your back, a trail of heat following his fingertips. Though it's not the most intense of touches, there's a sensuality of it that leaves you nearly a panting mess.
Your conversations have been more open, you continue to ask him about his music and he wonders aloud about your studies. He learned that you were a history major, specializing in paleontology. Ever since then, he likes to ask questions about random dinosaurs. It's certainly cute, because you can tell he's genuinely interested but he's only interested because you're the one telling him.
You still haven't been able to listen to that song that he started, and he insist its because its not good enough for the rest of the world to hear it yet. You're sure its finished, he's just not ready for you to hear what it's about. Something tells you you're getting close though.
Yoongi turns around a few moments after your request, setting a Dirty Chai on the counter. You call out the customer's name and smile as you hand it to her.
"Swap me, babe. My hands are shaking."
Oh yeah, the pet names have evolved as well.
"Shaking?" you question, but you don't have enough time to dwell as the panini press dings and you're rushing to the other side of the front.
Sure enough, as you glance back Yoongi's hands are shaking while he begins handing out pastries.
Finishing up a few more coffees, you call out customer names and the dining room begins to clear out. The line is gone and a few groups sit in the dining room, eating their food.
The second that Yoongi hands the last pastry out, he walks to the back without saying a word to you.
Glancing at the customers, you swallow and follow him.
When you enter the kitchen, Yoongi's taking deep breaths against the sink. He doesn't notice you, so you lean opposite him against the counter.
Leaning forward, you rest your hands on either side of Yoongi's face, forcing him to look you in the eye.
"That was a lot of people." Yoongi breathes.
"It was, but we kicked ass." you reassure him, but his breathing doesn't slow down.
"I think I'm having an anxiety attack," he explains, "can you hug me? P- pressure helps calm down the fight or flight response and-"
You don't allow him to finish, pulling him close to you and wrapping your arms tightly around him. His face buries itself into your neck, his breath fanning raggedly over your skin. It takes him a few moments, but his breathing slowly begins to calm, his heart rate slowing against your chest.
"If its ever getting to much for you just let me know and I'll fly solo for a little bit." you speak softly, your hand moving up to stroke the back of Yoongi's head.
"I can't do that to you," he sighs, "I'm sorry you have to see me like this."
"No, I get it," your nails begin to scratch his scalp gently, "a lot of drunk people wanting food is overwhelming, especially when their patience is non-existent. If you ever need to take a breather then I won't get mad."
"You already hate closing with me, I don't want to make it worse."
Your heart breaks.
"No, I don't hate closing with you. I think I was just trying to hide my feelings." You never expected to say this to him, but at this point you'll do anything to make him feel better.
He pulls away from your neck, a shy smile on his face. He has done a complete 180 from two nights ago.
"You have feelings for me?"
"Well, I certainly feel something." You look down, hyper aware of how close he is to you.
He grins, leaning down and pressing a soft, quick kiss to your lips. Before the conversation can go any further, the bell dings open and both of you jump apart, moving to the front to help yet another customer.
The rest of the night went by much more smoothly than earlier.
Yoongi turns on his music in the front while you do the dishes in the back. He's playing his usual mix, and you find yourself humming along to the songs as they come.
It's not until you're almost finished do you hear the familiar piano notes begin to play. Peaking your head out of the kitchen, Yoongi holds the speaker in his hands and watches you carefully. Slow melodies play out underneath his gentle voice, the lyrics portraying the man's first love.
You cross your arms, soaking in the lyrics as much as you can. His face is red as more emotion plays out. It doesn't take you long to realize that what you're listening to is the personification of Yoongi's passion. A conversation is held between him and the piano, and Yoongi sets flame to it all.
When the song comes to a close, you don't move, or breathe, or speak.
"Oh my god, say something!"
You look up, meeting Yoongi's scared eyes.
"When you become famous can I sell your autograph on ebay?"
Yoongi laughs, "Yeah, you can sell it."
You don't think of a witty response. Instead, you walk towards him and hug him once again. Resting your head on his shoulder, you two sway for a moment, almost dancing with the air. The atmosphere of the empty cafe has become much more calming than it was before.
His hands dance along your spine, "You know, I've never shown anyone that song before."
"I'm glad that my insistence made me the first." you tease, inhaling Yoongi's cologne. He certainly knows how to smell good.
"Your insistence, yes," he starts, "but also your impeccable ability to strengthen my confidence."
"Awe, does Yoongi have a soft spot for me?" you try your best to hide the way his smile is making your heart flutter.
"Always have." He murmurs, his lips kissing the tip of your nose.
"We're not very good at the whole 'not-kissing-at-work' thing." you giggle, feeling his grip tighten.
"I don't want to be good at it."
He doesn't allow you to respond before his lips are on yours once again. Against them, he smirks, "Shall we go to my car tonight?"
"God yes."
With steamy windows and Yoongi's hot body on top of yours, you both completely forget about your surroundings. His back seat is incredibly comfortable, your head resting on his shirt while he nips along your stomach and down to your hips.
It didn't take long for the two of you to move, you listening to Yoongi's every silent demand as he taps your hip to signal you to lift them.
Smiling, he murmurs a soft, "Good girl." before sliding your leggings and panties off in one go.
Now fully exposed, goosebumps raise under your skin. Yoongi is slow moving, his tongue drawing circles on your pelvic bone before biting down harshly. You gasp, your back arching into him.
"How long have you been this wet?" Yoongi asks, his fingers moving forward to collect your arousal. He slips through your folds, pushing a single finger into your aching heat.
You can't formulate a response to his question, because he begins a tormentingly slow thrust into your head, curling his finger upward.
Dipping his head down, his lips wrap around your clit, and he sucks.
Your hips jerk against him, but the pleasure doesn't play out for long before his pulling away.
"I don't want you to cum yet," he chuckles when you whine, standing and unbuckling his belt, "I just needed to make sure you were ready."
"And what?" you bite playfully, "you gonna pull out a huge snake or some shit?"
"I don't think so," Yoongi responds, sliding his pants down his legs, revealing his cock, "it's alright."
It's more than alright. Your mouth waters over the sight, twitching slightly from his arousal. It's curved upward, the tip already a hot red and leaking precum. His hand wraps around the base of it, stroking it slowly. Out of habit, you slide your middle and ring fingers into your mouth, sliding them down your body and to your clit.
You eyes don't pull themselves away from the way Yoongi is skillfully touching himself, thumb running along the tip and a string of saliva falling from his mouth to the tip of his cock.
"You like watching me touch myself?" He asks, his voice significantly deeper than it was before. You nod, not looking away from his cock.
"Answer me." he takes his hand away from his cock and brings it to your chin, forcing you to look up at him. He's willing to sacrifice his own pleasure to get an answer out of you, and for some reason that only turns you on even more. You speed the movements on your clit, moaning softly while you look into Yoongi's eyes.
He clicks his tongue once he notices your movements, grabbing your wrist and dragging it up to his mouth. Licking your fingers clean, he grabs your other hand and holds both of your wrists against your pelvic bone, just out of reach of your heat. He likes playing games, and he likes to win.
"Yes," you finally manage, "yes I like watching you jerk off."
He grins, a gummy grin that makes him seem much more innocent than he is. The words are dirty falling from your tongue but it only seems to heighten the fire in Yoongi's eyes.
"Good," he says, gripping his cock again and thrusting into his hand, "should I let you cum just from watching me?"
Your wrists twitch in his other hand, "P- please."
"Okay, whatever you want princess."
He lets go of your hands and your fingers fly to your clit, desperately rubbing harsh circles while he continues to stroke himself.
As his pace speeds up, he begins to let out soft, subtle moans. Your chest heaves at the sounds, hands shaking while you push yourself even closer to the edge.
"Louder, Yoongi," you beg, "please."
Yoongi bites his bottom lip briefly, a small whimper falling from his mouth while you arch your back, the heat in your abdomen growing stronger and stronger.
Yoongi's hand stops suddenly, "Where do you want me to cum?"
You grin mischievously, gesturing to your core.
Yoongi's eyes widen, crawling closer to you and leaning down, "You want me to cum in your pussy?"
You nod frantically.
"Who would have thought my pretty princess was such a dirty girl."
"Just fuck me, Yoongi." you whine, pushing your heat towards him. Yoongi does just that, slipping his cock into you. You instantly clamp around him, causing his hips to stutter deeper into you.
He gains his rhythm quickly, not holding back as he holds your hips into his back seat and pounds into you harshly.
A deep growl erupts from his chest at your small whimpers, an almost primal instinct taking over him as he leans down to kiss you. The second his lips touch yours, you gasp and feel yourself release. A loud moan of his name falls from your lips as you come undone, pushing his hips into yours with your heels.
Yoongi follows suit quickly, his release coating your walls and his head collapsing onto your chest.
"Holy fuck." He says after a minute, his mouth agape while he tries to catch his breath.
"Better than you imagined?" You feel proud of yourself for having such a huge affect on Yoongi. It's not often does he seem caught off guard.
"Way better," he replies, "the best I've ever had."
You run your nails over his scalp again, feeling him shiver against you, "Maybe if you take me out, you'll be able to have it again."
Yoongi pulls his head up, "When, where, what time?"
"I'll leave that up to you," you smile, "let's just cuddle for now."
"Don't have to tell me twice."
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (3/?)
Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Description: James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
Word Count: 1.5k
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After an exhausting day, Bucky just wanted to go home, have a drink and pass out in his bed. But of course, he had to forget his keys and phone in his office. He debated going back to the club because he knew you were going to be there. 
It wasn't like he was avoiding you, he just prevented going to places where he knew you'd be present. He stayed in his office or was just absent from the club during your shifts. Well, maybe he was avoiding you.
He was an ass to you, which he usually didn't care about because he was an ass to everyone. But for some unexplained reasons, he felt bad after being mean to you. When you walked in with your kind of a shitty story with a lot of plot holes about how you wanted to change scenery, he assumed you were sent by his enemy, Rumlow.
All it took was one background check for him to figure out you weren't lying. What he couldn't figure out was why you'd leave a perfect job in a big city and move to a smaller one and work in a club. 
He didn't need anything when he walked into that store. James Buchanan Barnes is one of the richest people in the town, of course, he had people to do mundane chores for him. He came to that store for you. He needed to apologize to you. Not only that, but he felt something weird in his stomach like he had bad hot dogs, but this was worse. It was his guilt eating him up and stealing his sleep. 
But Bucky Barnes did not feel guilty, not for some girl that threw her perfect life away for a bartender job. So he offered the job to you, simply because you wanted it so much. Maybe his approach was not ideal, but he was trying. He also didn't exactly offer it to you, but he did give it to you and left, hoping that you'd come to his club and take the job, which you did.
He would drop extra tips on your counter every now and then. He would make sure that you do not have to serve their rough customers. Likewise, he was sure Wanda and Pietro could handle anything thrown in their way like drunk touchy customers, drunk flirty customers, drunk angry customers. Furthermore, he made sure you got the busy business customers that are there for work.
It's not like he didn't think you couldn't protect yourself, but again, he barely knew you. Honestly, there wasn't much to dig about you either. You didn't lie about your college and work, and that was enough for him to believe you weren't some double agent sent to spy on him and his business. 
Still, he didn't like you. He didn't like how you were always sweet and polite to customers. He didn't like how you joked with Peter and how your eyes lit up when you laughed at something that Wanda said. Not only that, but he didn't like that his family and friends trusted you enough to hang out with you. You weren't a spy, but you could still be some sort of hypnotizing witch by the way everyone liked you in an instant. Mostly, he didn't like how he felt after getting a glimpse of you. He didn't like that he was so intrigued by you and how he wanted to know you. He didn't like how his eyes would linger on you during daily CCTV camera inspection a little longer than necessary.
Bucky just wanted to get his stuff and go back to his place as soon as possible. He didn't expect anything when he walked through the door, he specifically didn't expect his nemesis assaulting his employee.
After shoving Rumlow out of his club and away from you, the mob boss instantly made his way towards you. Bucky didn't know how to approach or console you. He couldn't touch you, he was aware that you wouldn't react positively to a man replacing the touch of a man who forced you. 
He stretched out his open palms towards you in surrender and submission, hoping that you'd realize he wasn't going to attack you.
"Hey, y/n." He gently called for you.
You flinched, but when you recognized the voice, you reluctantly opened your eyes to find his blue ones and outstretched palms in front of you.
"Hey, it's me. I'm not going to hurt you."
Carefully, you placed your hands in his, and he held yours very lightly like he was scared that you'd break. Maybe he wasn't wrong. Softly, he started running his thumb in circles on your palm in an attempt to soothe you. 
"I'm sorry," you blurted out, closing your eyes in regret.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have worn this," you could feel the tears streaming down your face, but you didn't want to face him. "It's all my fault "
In your head, you were convinced it was your fault and Mr. Barnes, your boss, is going to yell at you and fire you. You were preparing yourself for another blow that never came. 
"Hey, y/n. Please look at me."
Unwillingly, you did. 
"You listen to me very carefully. It wasn't your fault. The only person at fault here was that fucking asshole."
Bucky knew it was your trauma talking. He never forgot the resilient girl that kept dropping random movie references in a conversation with a mob boss. He thought maybe you didn't know, but both of you knew you were not naïve. He couldn't let your susceptible brain convince that strong girl that it was her fault, he desperately needed you to know it wasn't.
"No, I shouldn't have-"
"It's not your fault," he told you carefully, still maintaining eye contact. He knew you were in a vulnerable state, and he should not push you, but he also knew that your mind is going to conjure up stuff to deal with trauma. He couldn't let your mind justify a heinous, vile act of a monster. "Do you understand that?"
Begrudgingly, you nodded, and Bucky finally let a breath out he knew he was holding.
"Is there someone I can contact? A partner or a family member?"
You shook your head and took your hand away from his grasp.
"Okay, so here's what we're going to do. I'm going to take you home and we are going to talk about this in the morning. We'll take further steps when you're feeling a little better," he planned. "Does this sound okay?"
Bucky understood your nod as a yes and proceeded further," Doll, you gotta let me in, please. I can't take you home if you don't talk to me."
You blinked a few times, trying to ground yourself. Finally, you took your phone out of your back pocket and handed him the device with your address on the screen. He took it from you and without saying another word he started moving towards the door and you followed.
The mob boss would never accept this to anyone, but he frequently kept looking over his shoulder until you were seated in his car. He kneeled down and put the seatbelt on you before making his way towards the driver's seat, but when you flinched at the contact of his skin with yours, it made his heart ache.
The car ride was silent, which you didn't know whether to appreciate or not. On one hand, silence can be deafening, leaving you alone with your thoughts. On the other hand, noises can be annoying. So you settled with humming a Taylor Swift song and Bucky didn't say anything. He tried to keep his eyes on the road, but every 5 seconds he would glance your way.
After reaching your home, Bucky stayed in the living room while you got dressed in your bedroom. You called for him when you were finally settled in the comfort of the silk bedsheet you brought last week. Bucky tucked you in bed, making sure that you were comfortable and he was about to leave, but you broke the silence at last.
"What happens next?" you asked.
"If you feel comfortable, then we'll talk about this tomorrow," he informed you. "But I swear to God, doll, I will make him suffer for what he did to you."
You didn't know what that meant, so you just nodded.
"I'm going to lock the door behind me, doll. Sleep well." 
"Please stay," you murmured, already drifting off to sleep.
You didn't know whether he heard you or not. You didn't know whether he stayed or not, even if he heard you. You were too tired to check and before you knew it you were already asleep.
TAGS: @bananapipedreams  @akkinda10​
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cuquitalocita · 3 years
nothing like customer service |rowaelin month- day 1|
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rowaelin masterlist
an: starting it off with a requested part two (prequel??) to this fic. hope you all enjoy and happy rowaelin month!
word count: 3,406
Of two things, Rowan Whitethorn was one-hundred percent certain. 
One: he never should have applied for college if it meant getting a job like this to stay afloat.
Two: he didn’t get paid nearly enough to deal with customers like the woman in front of him. 
It was six in the morning, Rowan wagered. It probably wasn’t the woman’s fault she was so cranky. But it most definitely was her fault that she was choosing to take it out on Rowan on only his second day of work at the local cafe near campus. 
Rowan sighed, attempting not to show his rising frustration with the black-haired woman who had confronted him moments before, yelling with all she was worth. The sun wasn’t even out yet.
“Ma’am I-”
“Maeve.” Rowan allowed his posture to drop a smidge as his boss’s hand came to rest on his shoulder. The smaller man had to step beside Rowan to even be seen but by the raise of his brows, it was clear Malakai was familiar with the woman. “What seems to be the problem this morning?” 
The tense smile Malakai wore faded as Maeve turned her dark gaze on him, her eyes glittering. “It seems your new hire is quite useless, Malakai,” she hissed. “Can’t even make a simple cup of coffee.” 
Rowan was trying his best not to growl as Maeve locked eyes with him once more and gave him a cold smile. She knew damn well he hadn’t been the one making coffee. But it seemed this woman just wanted to see the world burn. Rowan knew something else he wanted to see burn too. 
“That would be my fault, I’m afraid.”
Rowan nearly jumped at the new feminine voice that sounded behind Maeve, clearly belonging to another woman. He didn’t need to see her to know she was younger, her voice almost musical compared to the deep rasp of Maeve’s. 
He stayed still as Maeve was lightly pushed to the side, revealing a girl he knew to be about his age. Rowan swore his breath caught in his throat as he took her in, wondering how he hadn’t noticed her on campus.
She was absolutely stunning. 
Golden blonde hair ran down her shoulders and covered her head with a beanie, just showing the red tips of her ears due to the fall wind and the tips of her cheeks and nose were stained red from the cold as well, almost making it impossible to see her freckles if one hadn’t been focused on her face. 
Rowan was. 
But what truly caught his gaze were her eyes. Bluer than he had ever seen before, he was just able to make out the golden ring around her pupils which somehow emphasized the pink of her lips. 
She smiled easily as if there was a single thing about Maeve that was even remotely amusing, and shot Malakai a knowing look. Unsurprisingly, her smile was truly breathtaking. 
The girl pointed to the coffee in Maeve’s hand- apparently loaded with enough cream and sugar to “kill a small animal” and locked eyes with Maeve. “I wasn’t paying attention when they called the order number and it seems you grabbed mine. I believe this-” she held up a small cup of coffee that looked jet black. “-is yours.”
“Miss Galathynius.” Maeve seemed to almost hissed the words. “Isn’t it a bit too early for me to be dealing with you this morning?” 
The girl didn’t balk, only raised a single brow in amusement as she adjusted the beanie on her head. “Always a pleasure running into you, Professor.” The small smile she wore would have infuriated Rowan had he been on the receiving end of it. Instead, it had him biting his tongue to keep from laughing as he looked between the women in front of him. 
He knew Maeve had looked familiar. He now recognized her as the statistics professor at the University. 
“Well,” Maeve didn’t respond to her. She turned back to Rowan with a glare that had him sitting up straight, his face unwavering. “Apparently you owe me a new coffee and I’ll be on my way.” She addressed the young man behind Rowan who quickly burst into action, a look of sheepish guilt on his face. 
Rowan handed her the coffee quickly enough and Maeve was headed to the door. She turned back to the blonde woman, shoving her sweet coffee into her hands with enough forced to knock over a small person or severely warn her had the coffee not been capped.
“I expect to see you in class this afternoon, Miss Galathynius.” The saccharine smile the girl returned held a spark of mischief. “That is if you deign to show up.” 
“I’ll be the one with a pen in my hand.” 
The bell rang out loud as the door smacked shut behind her. Rowan shook a little as some of the fall wind went up his back.
“Bitch.” Rowan barely heard the muttered word uttered by the woman in front of him. 
His head whipped around as he took in her eyes that were glued to the door that had just shut.
“Aelin…” Rowan had forgotten Malakai was even behind him. He turned to see the older man watching her with a warm smile. She returned it with a sheepish smile of her own as if caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar. 
“Sorry,” she mumbled, even though she sounded anything but. 
The girl- Aelin finally turned to Rowan, pinning him with her blue gaze. She gave him a polite smile and it was made very clear to him that this woman could have anyone wrapped around her finger in a matter of moments. It slightly infuriated him. She was probably one of those people who believed she was entitled to everything in the world around her. That she could bat her pretty lashes and it would be done. 
“Can I just get a blueberry muffin?” She held up the coffee Maeve had shoved into her hand. “I guess I already have my coffee.” 
“Not thanks to you,” Malakai chirped as he walked back behind the counter. “I wonder, Aelin, do you go out of your way to infuriate the poor woman?”
Aelin looked ready to burst as she bit her lip and looked down at her feet, shaking her head. “Nope. That’s just a perk.” 
Malakai snorted as Rowan rang up her order. 
She made to pull out her wallet to pay but was stayed by Malakai’s hand. She glared at the older man as he waved off the cash. “Malakai-”
“No, Aelin, what have I said?”
“But I don’t work here anymore! I should pay just like everyone-” 
“And you have,” he insisted, shaking his head with a tone of finality. “Time and time again. Now take your muffin and get out of my new hire’s face.” 
Rowan jerked at the mention of him and Aelin smirked as she looked at him, her gaze running over his body. “Trust me,” she scoffed. “I bet he’d love for me to be in his face.” 
Luca choked on whatever he was eating as a dark blush attacked Rowan’s face. He attempted to cover it up as he leveled her with an unimpressed look. “Not likely, Princess. Don’t you have a class to go to?” 
“Couldn’t I ask you the same thing?” she replied. 
“That doesn’t concern you.” 
Her eyes narrowed. “Then why does my answer concern you?” 
Rowan shrugged. “It doesn’t. But if Maeve’s reaction to you was any sign, you need all the academic help you can get.” 
In what seemed like a second, the playful girl in front of him was gone. Her blue eyes hardened and she scoffed a cold sound, ruffling back into her purse and pulling out a small handful of coins. She dumped them furiously into the tip jar. 
“For the great service,” she snapped. 
She was out the door without taking her muffin. 
Surprisingly enough, Aelin was back the next morning, ordering the same shock-inducing coffee with the same bright smile on her face. But this time it was Luca at the register, and the stumbling boy seemed to be in a wonderful conversation with her before she turned to Malakai. 
“Maeve’s a bitch,” was all she said.
“Takes one to know one,” Luca chipped in from his spot by the register. Aelin shot the boy a venomous glare that quickly had him turning back to the customer in front of him. Rowan hid his smile as he gave her his back. 
“Oh shut up, Luca. You’re not even out of high school yet.” 
Aelin threw her hands up in frustration, her blue eyes sparkling with a look Rowan was starting to think about more and more often. “What am I supposed to do? I’m an arts and humanities major!” 
“I think you can deal with Maeve for another semester and then never see her again,” Malakai said unhelpfully. 
“If I don’t set her classroom on fire first,” she muttered, causing Rowan to bite his tongue. There was no doubt in his mind that Aelin would do it. 
“What was that?”
“Nothing. I better get going if I want to make it to Hammel’s class on time. Thanks for the coffee again.” She raised herself out of the stool.
Before she could make her way to the door, Rowan shoved a bag into her hand, his face stoic. Her eyes flared with indignance before seeming to check herself. 
She eyed it warily before taking it gently and gazing inside. Aelin eyed him with pure bemusement.
“A blueberry muffin,” Rowan stated. She raised her brows once more.
“I can see that.” She placed a few coins in the tip jar. 
It was times like these that Rowan was sure he wanted to quit his job. 
A young college girl stood in front of him sporting ridiculous-looking pigtails and a University sweater, and Rowan was more than sure he wouldn’t feel bad if he were to kick her out at that very moment. 
It was the third time this week the annoying brunette had decided something was wrong with her order and felt the need to comment on it. Rowan could admit that she had been quite polite about it, but he couldn’t care less when they were in the middle of another morning rush. 
“Luca,” he barked out, causing the teenager to spin around quickly with wide eyes. “Make me a small caramel latte. Quickly,” he enforced as he set to work. Rowan turned back to the girl in front of him as Luca shoved the new coffee into his hand. 
He gave her the coffee along with her money back and watched with rigid stillness as the girl tipped him and turned to leave the coffee shop.
Aelin watched him from her table in the corner, shaking with silent laughter at his tense shoulders. By the time the bell rang signaling the girl had left the shop, Aelin was holding a new blueberry muffin in her hand and gazing at the doorway. She turned back to Rowan as his jaw seemed ready to snap.
“Aren’t you going to say thank you?” He met her gaze with a raised silver brow. 
“For what?” he snapped. “She complained. For the third time this week.” Aelin threw her head back and laughed.
“Oh, not for the order,” she smirked. “I meant for tolerating you.” Her blue eyes twinkled. Rowan turned back to prepare another order so she couldn’t see the twitch of his lips that almost looked like a smile. 
It was another four days before Rowan saw her again.
She was back later than usual- this time in the afternoon on a Wednesday, and the cafe is basically empty apart from a few other college students. Unlike them, she gravitated straight to the bar top and dropped all of her heavy textbooks with a loud huff. 
“I don’t suppose you’d mind being an accomplice to arson?” she mused. Rowan was glad she couldn’t see the smile on his face as he prepared a coffee with his back to her. 
“Only if I get to light the flame,” he deadpanned as he handed the coffee off to the student it belonged to. He watched as Aelin dropped her textbook before catching it with her other hand.
“I’m sorry-” she choked out a laugh. “Did you just make… a joke?” Rowan said nothing but gestured to the clear cabinet of pastries in front of him, asking her what she wanted. Aelin pointed to a blueberry muffin in the window cabinet. Rowan bagged the muffin silently, pretending not to notice Aelin’s gaze on him or the insistent yearning to look at her. He handed her the muffin and Aelin took it without a word, the two working in silence until Aelin shoved her textbooks back into her backpack and dropped a few coins into the tip jar. 
Rowan’s words stopped her with her hand on the door handle.
“Thank you.” 
It’s raining the next morning Rowan sees her. Fall was finally in full swing and Rowan had taken to wearing long sweatshirts that covered up most of the tattoo in his arm to keep him warm, much to Luca’s dismay. The kid claimed it was ‘way too cool to cover.’ 
Aelin walked in around her usual time, closing her umbrella with a large snap, and barely acknowledged Rowan as she walked up to the counter.
“Same as usual?”
Her response was a small silent nod and Rowan set to work, enjoying the amiable silence between them. But it was strange for Aelin. She was usually so chipper in the mornings and usually, she was the main thing that woke him up. He didn’t think he liked quiet Aelin. 
“Are you…” he cleared his throat. “Are you okay?”
Aelin’s eyes shot up to his own, surprise coating her features at his out-of-character question. She paused the movements of her fingers as she looked at him before shaking her head and continuing. 
“Yeah,” she shrugged, smiling a little bit. “I just hate the rain. It’s so glum.” 
“Nah.” The words were out of his mouth before he could think better of them. “Rain is pretty cool actually. It’s like… a reminder. That the world isn’t always pretty. And yet it still goes on another day.” 
The look of shock coating Aelin’s features had Rowan immediately feeling insecure and he realized he hadn’t meant to speak so honestly. But as Aelin’s smile softened, and she placed a few coins into the tip jar, Rowan allowed his own to turn up at the corners. 
Maybe he hadn’t regretted it.
“All good customers today?” she asked. Aelin had returned during yet another afternoon during a rare time for her, with a sweet smile on her perfect face. Rowan groaned as she dropped a few coins into the tip jar.
“I think I’d like to take you up on that arson offer.” 
Aelin is brooding today, Rowan notices the next morning as she glared down at the thick red ‘D’ on her paper. She had walked in without her usual brightness, her smiles dim, and her small talk bland. Rowan was too much of a coward to admit it more than bothered him. 
He observed her silently and ignored her glare, simply glancing between her face and her paper before clearing his throat. 
“You look beautiful today. I mean, not that you don’t look beautiful every day but…” Rowan didn’t think he had ever floundered for words harder in his life. He could feel a deep blush creeping up the back of his neck but was more than happy to see the tension in Aelin’s shoulders drop as a girlish smile covered her face. He wasn’t counting, but he swore she dropped more coins than usual today. 
Rowan waited until the door shut behind her before he gazed out the window, more than pleased to see a matching blush on her own cheeks as well.
It had been a week.
An entire week since Rowan had last seen her, and he would be lying if he said it wasn’t bothering him. It was damn near embarrassing how often he perked up at the ring of the door every time someone walked in, only for them to slump back down when he realized it wasn’t the blonde he had been expecting. 
It was the middle of the day, the cafe relatively empty as Rowan gazed pathetically at the unmoving door. He jerked up as Malakai slammed down a tray of blueberry muffins next to him. He looked at the younger man and sighed. 
“It’s her finals week,” he said as if that explained everything. 
“She has her statistics final tomorrow and I told her to stay away and study. That’s why you haven’t seen her.”
“She can study here,” he couldn’t help but point out. Malakai only rolled his eyes.
“I hate to break it to you Rowan, but you aren’t the only one who gets distracted when she studies here.” The blush was back attacking the back of his neck in full force and Rowan turned away and began restocking the muffins. 
The thought had crossed his mind more than once- if what he and Aelin had could be anything more than just friends. But he had dismissed the thought as quickly as it had appeared. He liked Aelin- she was kind and funny and hardworking from what Rowan could tell. 
“You know she’d say yes,” Malakai supplied knowingly.
“What?” Rowan pretended to brew some more coffee.
“To… whatever it is that’s going on between you two. She wouldn’t say no, Rowan.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
But he did know. The fact had hit him in the face like a truck at high speed and the realization almost had Rowan dropping the pot of coffee on his feet.
He was in love with Aelin Galathynius. 
The man in question barely had time to look up and see a wisp of blonde hair before a smaller body was thrown at him in a full hug. He felt the breath leave his body although it had nothing to do with the weight of the girl in his arms. No- he had been waiting months to have her here. 
Aelin smelled like lemon verbena and it was difficult for Rowan not to inhale the scent that was directly in his face as his nose touched her silky hair. He tried not to squeeze her too tight as he had no idea what was happening. Although he did feel Aelin let out what felt like a giggle as she finally pulled away, not leaving his arms as she looked up at him. 
She held up a thick stack of paper that read ‘STATISTICS FINAL EXAM.’ 
And next to it was thick red A-.
“I did it!” She was beaming at him.
“You did it,” Rowan repeated, unable to look away from the paper. But then it hit him. “You did it!” Lifting her up and squeezing her even tighter, Rowan spun Aelin in a circle, delighted in the laugh that sprang out of her. He wanted to record the sound and listen to it every night. 
Finally, he put her down but once more, he refused to let her go. Aelin made no motion to move away either.
“All thanks to you,” she smirked. “Who knows what I would’ve done without my study buddy?” Rowan didn’t register anything she was saying. He was too busy looking at her mouth- at her perfectly pink lips and how much she wanted to kiss them.
She was saying something-
“Go out with me.” The words sprung out of their own volition. Aelin stilled in his arms, looking up at him with a raised brow before a brilliant smile cracked through.
Rowan didn’t think he was breathing as she reached up and placed a delicate kiss on his cheek, his skin burning at the contact. She grinned. 
“It took you long enough.”
Before he knew what was happening, Aelin had turned away and placed a few coins in the tip jar.
He didn’t need to count them to know it was quite a bit more than usual.
the prompt was: i just realized i’m in love with you
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
yandere ! BNHA headcannons
Support me at KO-FI if you feel like it<3
goodiebag WARNINGS: yandere, abuse, anxiety, blood, guilt, mind control, NONCON/DUBCON, self-harm, slavery, starvation, isolation, torture, violence
Her fear is much too satisfying to ever feel the need to actually hurt her. He’s still a sadist, don’t get me wrong, however laying off the physical pain and preying on the emotional side of things. 
I can take and do whatever I fucking want with you, whenever I want, and you can do nothing to stop me, Pumpkin.
However, his temper will always get the best of him despite him constantly fighting against it. The sad truth is, he doesn’t want to hurt her, he really doesn’t, but a lack of self-control is something that will always burden Katsuki. Where ignoring his building frustrations only get the best of him in the end. 
Do you think I want to hurt you?! Well, I don’t! I fucking hate it!
He will stick to threatening for the most part, discouraging bad behavior as it arises. Seemingly unaffected by most of it, given his paramount strength in contrast to his darling, he manages to ignore most of her transgressions and settle for simply ridiculing her pathetic efforts, and doing so with perverted delight. His cock growing heavy and warm at the feel of her meek struggles. In short words: refusal will be met with salacious mockery. 
Watcha gonna do about it, princess? 
You’re such a crybaby! 
I’d think again, if I were you, sweetheart. 
So cute, so hopelessly adorable, good thing you’re all mine.
Words will set him off faster than actions. Tell him she hates him, she’ll soon be preaching otherwise, his cock pounding her into a silly hot wet cross-eyed mess, feeling foolish for ever even humoring the idea of retaliating. 
What the fuck did you just say, slut? Say that again, I beg you. You’ll regret it, bitch.
Katsuki’s tolerance for unwanted behavior all depends on his mood. Sometimes he’s in a nasty mood, where he might just steer his darling into making a bad decision only to give him an excuse to punish her. These will be light punishments, sexual more times than most. He’ll have her bent over his lap, slapping the bare soft plump flesh of her ass again and again until she’s convincing enough in her apology. 
Who owns this ass? Say my name! That’s right, you freak. Mine.
However, other times the smallest thing can set him off, and certainly not in any good way. He’ll be fuming, flames licking up and about his arms, crackles of hellbent fire mingling with his maniacal cackles. She’ll be lucky to come out with minor burns. 
Time to learn your fucking lesson. Time for you to understand who here’s in charge.
However, the times where he’s silent, those times where he’s tired and fed up, those are the times she should really fear. Where he’ll be taunting like some haunting ghost, playing with her, perhaps opening the locked outer-door only to find satisfaction in hunting her down and dragging her back to do it all over again. 
I’ll give you a reason to cry. 
Continue to scream, and I’ll do it again.
Dabi doesn’t ever need to punish his darling too severely because his presence is an intimidating enough detergent on its own, encouraging her to stay away from doing anything too reckless. He looks like the onset of death, it’s only logical for her to think he might be as well. 
Waddya look so scared for, Doll? I haven’t even done anything yet.
However, he won’t shy away from making it clear who’s in charge, something of which he’ll do from the get-go. But again, the fact is in-mistakeable whence he’s large and lanky form towers over her, smiling that crooked grin that have his skin stretching in stiches and staples. Leathery fingers brushing over sensitive areas, cyan eyes intently watching her every move. 
That’s right, Babygirl, you know your place. Don’t make me remind you.
Besides he’ll sprinkle a couple path-keeping scares here and there, as in: he’ll correct behavior while she’s committing the crime and prove how idiotic her reluctance really is. Seeing how he’s much larger and much stronger than her, fighting truly is futile. He’ll make it clear she’s being foolish, lacing his words with condescension as he scolds her as though she were a child, while making her bounce up and down the length of his cock. 
Silly little doll, thinks she has an actual fighting chance. You’re adorable, Pumpkin.
For the most part he’ll just ignore when she refuses him or fights him, it’s not like her pathetic struggles can do anything to stop him. In fact, he quite enjoys it in some malicious sadistic sense. How her delicious little wiggles have trembles running pleasantly up his spine, nestling somewhere in the bulging tip of his cock. 
You’re so cute, begging like anything could get you out of this.
In some ways he’ll actually encourage misbehavior. Leaving her just enough freewill, just enough room to fight back, constantly egging her on and provoking her to retaliate either physically or verbally. 
Babydoll, so feisty today. Try that again, why dontcha?
As far as punishments actually go, they’ll never leave out the element of pleasure. Spanking is always fun, hearing her scream his name over and over until it leaves her wet lips like a broken cry. Whilst gifting as well as reprimanding her with thumbprint scorch-mark hearts never gets old either. 
Such a crybaby. Come one, cry some more for me, Angel.
Dabi is not the one to snap. He’s very calm, collected, reserved, calculating. Therefore, when his darling crosses the line, as in escapes, he’ll have punishments instore for her, punishments containing of her on her knees sucking his dick like her life is on the line, however… he’ll never go any farther. His darling is precious, he can’t have her getting damaged beyond repair. 
Let’s get you home, where you belong, Buttercup.
Tomura will try to avoid threats and punishments altogether, knowing how his guilt will ultimately defeat the purpose of correcting his darling’s behavior. He wants to be happy when with his darling, and nothing but happy, but that won’t be possible if he serves as a constant reminder of dread to his darling with the display of fear ever so prominent and gut-wrenching in her eyes. 
Don’t look so scared when I’m around. I won’t hurt you.
However, that doesn’t mean he’ll resist his carnal desires. He will resist in hurting her when she tries to fend him off, but he’ll still bury his dick deep inside her and hold her down as he starts rocking his hips sharply into the underside of her thighs, the slap of skin on skin echoing in his barren room. 
You feel so good… just relax, I’ll make you feel good too.
He’ll lie more often than not as opposed to spouting threats. Promises upon promises, all bound to break. All in an effort to calm his darling down or to build some unstable trust in their relationship. 
I’m not gonna hurt you. 
You’re safe here.
He gets more annoyed than actually mad, her efforts mediocre against his lanky slender fingers wrapped tightly around her wrists. Giving mere half-hearted vocal corrections as he keeps her still for his cock to abuse. 
Give up already. 
Stop fighting. 
You’re only wasting your energy.
But… he walks on constant eggshells. He will try to ignore her unwanted retaliation to the best of his capability and reel in the reigns of his temper, but he’s prone to snap at some point, knowing there lies a dormant yearning to touch her in more vile ways than one. 
Careful now, don’t tempt me.
He’ll try to the very best of his efforts to be soft and understanding, not realizing before it’s too late that his actions only aided in watering the seeds of his darker desires, soon to be blooming with all hell breaking loose. 
I’m a monster? Who’s fucking fault is that?
He’s easily vexed. He doesn’t enjoy her crying and will try to make it stop immediately. Screaming is even worse, piercing his ears making him scratch at his neck frantically. 
Stop, stop, stop, stop, STOP! Stop, or I’ll give you a reason to cry.
But, the worst is when she runs. He’ll keep her locked in his room for the most part, but sometimes she’ll manage to sneak away and get lost in her attempt to find her way out of the compound he’s situated her in. He doesn’t enjoy any part of it. Running after her in empty rundown hallways like some monster in a horror-game. Catching her and hugging her close, dragging her back into his cold dark dreary room. 
Don’t even look at the door. I don’t want to feel like you’re trying to run away from me again. 
Wherever you go, I will find you, and bring you back… even if I have to drag you by your hair.
He’s a sore loser as well. He’s basically a child and will throw a temper tantrum when she beats him in a videogame. This will call for punishment, however he won’t call it that, he’ll call it another game, a game he knows she’s got no chance of winning. 
You think you can beat me? 
I’ll show you who’s boss.
Here’s one that rarely feels a need to punish his darling, mostly because he finds her struggles absolutely adorable when she’s trying to fend off either his mind-control or his scarf. 
How precious, Kitty thinks she has a choice. 
You’re so cute when you’re struggling.
But, she can choose to look at it as a punishment when he ties every inch of her body up in tight rope and spreads her thighs so far apart she doesn’t even have room to tremble when he slides his cockhead up and down the slick of the velvety folds on her exposed pussy. 
You’re such a pretty little thing, tied up like that, Kitten.
He will threaten her though, if only to see her squirm in discomfort beneath him. See her lips quiver as her mind reels upon his words, her eyes spiraling in complete chaos, not knowing what to expect. 
Pussy on a platter, where should I start? I love playing with my food.
Not much can actually anger him, but silence, cold-dreaded pin-drop deafening silence that racks at his mind, that can really bring out the eerie viciousness dwelling inside him. 
Kitty, I asked you a question. If you know what’s good for you, you better answer. 
Remember the last time you didn’t listen to me?
His lessons leaving her psyche crumbling in their wake. Fucked completely silly, his words rummaging through her mind, ordering her to cum again and again and again and one more time for master. 
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re begging for me to take control. 
Let me show you what happens to little kittens who don’t follow the rules.
True punishments will lack all forms of fun, coming in the form of utter solitude. He knows how ferally and how painfully deep loneliness bites. He’ll leave her alone for days if not weeks in complete abandonment, starving her at times, simply waiting for as long as it takes before she comes crawling back to him. 
You must be truly desperate to come to me for comfort, Kitten. I was beginning to think you were incapable of learning.
Saying the wrong thing will also set him off, even more so than silence. He loves noise. She can call him anything, yell and scream and cry until her lungs feel like they’re bleeding, and he won’t mind, but… call him a villain… don’t be surprised when he acts like one. 
People warned you about me, didn’t they? Calling me a villain. Should’ve listened… look where you are now.
She never even saw it coming, him and his large hands, how easily they could bruise and choke and scar when truly motivated. 
What? You thought you were gonna get away with that? Think again.
Keigo deals out punishment as he sees fit. He’ll punish the crime when it’s being committed. Crimes ranging from ignoring him to saying the wrong thing to saying the right thing with the wrong attitude. But when the punishment is dealt, he’ll forget the whole ordeal ever happened, never dwelling on the past, never holding a grudge and always, constantly talking about the future. 
I really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? You’re so pretty when you smile. 
I love you, Dove. Just let me love you and perhaps you’ll learn how to love me too someday.
He will grow frustrated and impatient though, and that aggression will bubble up and escape his grip on it at times. But, he’ll yell more than anything, yell and cry and kiss and lick and slobber all over her, pinning her wrists to her sides and hugging her with his massive wings, suffocating her in crimson. 
Say you love me. Would that be so hard? I just need you to say you love me. Just pretend, only for a little while. Please, Dove.
He’ll humor other forms of making her more lenient. He’ll wash her hair, message her, carry or fly her places, even though she recoils back and flinches with every touch his calloused fingertips adorn her silky-smooth body with. 
Maybe branding you will help.
He has this theory that sex will bring them closer and excuses his advances with this belief each time she starts sobbing when he pries her legs open to plant his sloppy warm worming tongue between them. 
I can make you feel so good, Dove, you just gotta let me. 
Don't be so difficult, I'm doing this for you!
His real violent nature lies dormant however. It’ll only come out when she crosses the line of trying to leave him. His wings will turn razor-sharp and she’ll catch herself in the heat of her regret, missing the time he would wrap them around her ever so softly and cry into her chest. Now, he’s baring his teeth, feathers coming to slice through her skin as a punishment of a million cuts. 
What’s wrong with you!? 
Don’t you dare fucking try it, you know you can’t outrun me.
He’ll feel really bad afterwards, cleaning every wound, embalming them with cooling salves, kiss and apologize for each and every one, but on the inside, he can feel the crawling feeling of contentment linger. Seeing her so catatonically compliant is refreshing and such a well-needed break form the exhaustion of fighting all the time. 
I’m so sorry, Angel. I love you so much. You know that, right?
She barely flinches when he decides to get in the bath with her, and when he comes to message the anxiety from out of her back he can feel the slight shift of her leaning into the touch. His protective mode fades as he holds her close, and the pure earth-shattering woeful relief comes wafting over the residue of his fear of losing her, leaving him in a fit of rather ugly sobbing. 
Nothing. Without you, Angel, I’m nothing.
Izuku acts oblivious to undesired behavior and retaliation. He will very much be aware of it all, yet he believes making her feel safe is paramount. So, he’ll forgive all her nasty words, and respect her wish to keep the intimacy to a minimum. In fact, the only time he sees her completely naked is in the bath, where he actually lets her do most of her own washing. 
You’re safe here, Darling.
Other than that, he’ll coo and explain as much as he sees fit when she asks her bitter questions, however… there will always be the slight irking presence of self-righteous condescension. 
Cruel, terrible people live out there, Sweetie, people who want to hurt you. 
You’re lucky I’m so nice. Anyone else would’ve taken advantage of you and done something horrible, by now.
Although Izuku is a patient guy, he can easily see when something isn’t progressing. Good thing he has plenty of methods to make things go his way. While making her feel safe was plan A, Plan B is not as forgiving. If a soft touch isn’t to her liking, then perhaps a firm touch is what she needs. 
I know it hurts, Honey, but that’s what happens when you don’t do as I say.
She’ll wake up with her wrists and ankles tied snuggly together, face in the pillow and her exposed tender tight little pussy raised to the high skies, all for Izuku to touch and feel and suck on. 
Be good for me, Baby. We wouldn’t want to see those tears again, now would we?
He’ll be cooing her all the while when she cries out for him to stop, as well as landing a sharp painful blood-curdling smack against the plump dome of ass nudged up and pressing against his throbbing cock. 
I think this is what we needed, Baby, for both of us to be reminded of who’s in charge.
He’s far from ever causing her any real pain though, settling for claiming her tight little hole again and again until she eventually understands where she belongs and who she belongs with, or to. 
That’s right, Honey. I love you, you don't need anything or anyone but me.
He will eerily threaten her when finding her doing something not to his liking. For example: picking at the locks on her handcuffs when he leaves the room. 
What do you think you’re doing, Sweetie? 
Give up, Honey. 
I’m gonna count to three, Sweetheart.
However, with the sheer strength and adept abilities Izuku is in possession of, he can never truly feel threatened by his darling, and a fear of her leaving fades more and more when he proves time and time again how very impossible it is for her to ever manage such a thing. He’s good at assuring himself she’ll never leave, and therefor he should only spend time making those good memories instead of those foul ones. 
No need to be scared, Sweetie. I’m gonna take good care of you, like I always do.
Kai is larger than life when it comes to threats. He puts all his assets into making them clear. Godly golden orbs and hellishly black pupils staring menacingly down into her swirling glossy puppy-dog eyes. Fingers digging manicured talons into her soft and tender cheeks, the feeling of buzzing on his fingertips, threatening to dissolve what found beneath them. Words spoken like the eerie calm found in the massive dark of fog-strewn forests. 
I shouldn’t have to repeat myself, Darling. Say you’re sorry, and perhaps I’ll forgive you.
Kai will threaten and promise his darling a life of pain is she ever to disobey him, however… he’s all bark and no bite, never having the heart to follow through on his promises. Not after seeing how sorry she is. Seeing the look of utter tearful fear in her eyes, he cannot help but think that there can be no harm in forgiving her. 
You’re the only person I’d make an exception for. 
Count yourself lucky. I won’t be as forgiving next time you decide to misbehave.
He soon comes to the conclusion, or comforts himself with the thought, that due to his darlings chaotic and clumsy nature, she’s in fact incapable of following his restrictions. 
Such a clumsy mess you are, Darling. Unable to follow the simplest of commands.
Besides, he’s come to find her forgetfulness quite endearing, understanding or choosing to believe that she doesn’t disobey to spite him. If anything, it’s a constant reminder of how in need she is of his protection. 
Such a hopeless fragile little thing. How grateful you must be to have me to protect you from your own mishaps.
Chisaki will threaten first of all, biting his own tongue when the time comes to follow through on said threats after never seeing a proper lasting change in obedience in his darling’s behavior. He always tells himself that her actions should be reprimanded sooner rather than later, but those large eyes and that frail body he uses to warm himself each night has a way of strumming his heartstrings. 
Please don’t do anything to upset me, Darling. The mess wouldn’t be good for either of us.
He does have his limits though. She crosses the line when she ends up hurting herself with her clumsiness. Tripping when running away from him, falling out the window when trying to escape, cutting herself when throwing broken shards of glass his way, getting dirt and all sorts of bacteria to infect her wounds. 
Look what you’ve done now, Darling.
He figures his quirk is the only safe measure there is to correct his darling’s behavior. Safe to pull her apart and safe to put her back together again, and again and again and again with little sympathy battling his fascination. 
Run, cry, scream; you’re simply dancing in the palm of my hand. You only have yourself to blame.
Shoto doesn’t view his darling as something to control, at least not on a regular basis. And because of this, he doesn’t see punishment, in its term, as something he has a right to exert on his darling when she fights back. He doesn’t view himself as a master correcting his pet. Admiring her efforts over feeling vexation because of them. 
So much life in you, little one.
Freewill and passion he’ll put no chains on, but pain, however, is no unfamiliar pastime for his darling nonetheless. Shoto views pain as a pleasure, as a luxury, as a lifeline. 
Don’t think of it as a punishment, Snowflake, it’s more a lesson of appreciation. You’ll thank me later, I’m sure.
When his darling is being particularly impossible, he’ll blame himself over her, knowing how it’s his fault that he can’t properly please her. Figuring more of his attention and care is in order of need, something of which he will happily oblige her with. 
Is my little blizzard feeling lonely?
He’ll have her over his lap in no time, exchanging what fingers on what hand he uses when tickling the soft sensitive spot found between her thighs, going from hot to cold and steamy and feverish. 
Is this what you wanted, Snowball? All you needed is ask. I’ll give you what you need.
But, during their more unorthodox sessions, Shoto is strict. He has to be, in order to give them both what they supposedly need. Shoto believes his darling needs his firm hand as much as his soft touch, she needs balance, whereas he needs someone to apply his balance to. 
Be a good little firecracker for me and hold still.
However, he still doesn’t view it as punishment per se. He believes his darling is asking for the applied pain when disobeying his commands, therefore the pain is something she wants more of, something she’s begging for. 
Don’t move, Crystal. 
My little snowstorm, I told you. Don’t move…
He can get angry however. Not by words, knowing how many times he screamed at his father in the fit of his rage, never genuinely meaning any of the spiteful words he’d say, he knows his darling doesn’t mean anything by them either. 
It’s okay, Wildfire. You’re just frustrated. Let me help you.
But escape… escape is a fragile topic and any attempts on achieving it will be met with stone-cold nonchalant wrath. Safe to say she won’t ever try leaving him again, not if she wants more of those irredeemable frostbite burns across her soft skin. 
You think you know pain? I’ll make you long for something as sweet as pain.
Shoto doesn’t easily forgive. He doesn’t easily forget. He doesn’t easily cope at all in any healthy way. And he definitely doesn’t easily trust after being betrayed. He might just do something brash in his strive to feel comfortable again, or else the prickling feeling of uncertainty will linger about beneath his skin. Paranoia is a better word for it. 
You think you can just up and leave? Think again, Snowball. 
You’re not going anywhere. Nowhere without me. I’ll have you crippled before that happens. Mark my words, Icicle.
His flexibility regarding the amount of freewill his darling possessed will change drastically after his trust is broken. Chains are a great reassurance he’s come to find, and if she ever finds a way out of those as well… bones will break. 
I didn’t want this, Snowfall, but… I must say… you do look your best when you’re at my mercy.
Support me at KO-FI if you feel like it<3
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 12
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: You want to make a run into town, but you're forced to take one of the Guardians with you if you want to leave. Guess who get's the pleasure of annoying you? If that wasn't bad enough, someone decides to show up at your door...
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: For my records, this is day 17 of the Guardians living with reader.
Word Count: 6,751
"Where you going?"
You turned and looked towards the source of the voice, Peter's voice, coming from a door to the kitchen. You had just grabbed your keys from the kitchen counter and you were finishing up the short list on your phone.
Obviously you had intended to quickly run your errands the other day when you planned to take the raccoon corpse into town to be tested, but when Fury showed up having brought his own doctor and lab to test the raccoon on site, and also sentenced you to wearing your arm in a sling, you obviously hadn't done that.
It had been a couple days since then, you having wanted to get used to the sling a little bit before attempting to drive. You knew it still wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do, but you really wanted out of the house.
"Just running into town," you say, not paying him much mind.
"Why?" he asked, his tone weighting the word, almost as if he wanted to tell you that you weren't allowed.
You look up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Because I need to? Ya know, check the mail, pick some stuff up, post a few bills?" You knew it could all wait, and the bills could be paid online if you really needed to, but he probably didn't know that. "Unless you need something I really don't see what it is to you." You weren't meaning to sound like a dick, but he was acting weird. You didn't like his tone, and his weirdness was only emphasized when you start to approach the doorway to exit the kitchen but he didn't move.
His eyes briefly went to your arm in the sling-brace. "Don't you think you should be taking it easy?"
That's what it was. Knew it. You roll your eyes so hard one might think they'd get stuck. "I'm literally fine." You make a shooing motion but he still doesn't move. Sighing, you make your way toward the other door, only to hear him jogging up the hall to meet you there, the sound making you pause before completing the distance, rolling your eyes before continuing on to see he had indeed done just that. You awkwardly cross your good arm with the one in the sling. "Can I help you?" you say irritably.
Gamora entered the kitchen from the other doorway and you looked to her. "Can you please make your boyfriend stop being annoying?" you ask.
"I'm afraid that's impossible," she quipped with a slight smile, "Why? what's he doing now?"
By now Peter had entered the kitchen through the doorway he had been blocking. He ignored Gamora's quip about him being forever annoying and said, "She's trying to leave, I don't think it's a good idea."
"Well, lucky for me, you're not my boss," you say, admittedly a bit childishly.
Peter then donned a smug grin. "You're right. She is." He nodded in Gamora's direction, referring to the task Fury had assigned Gamora, essentially making her your babysitter as punishment for you neglecting to seek medical attention for your arm.
Your nostrils flared in irritation at him bringing it up and Gamora gave him a look that clearly stated she was uncomfortable. No one had mentioned the incident since the first day. You, because you didn't want to be reminded Fury was treating you like a child, and the others for pretty much the same reason, seeing no reason to provoke you, especially since you were seemingly behaving. (Again, aside from Rocket, but you had taken to keeping your earbuds in for most of the time, so if he did act like a dick to you it often fell on deaf ears.)
"Peter, I really doubt Fury intended for us to keep her locked inside." Gamora said, having assumed Peter was only wanting to refuse to let you go out for a walk, which she didn't understand, because he hadn't said anything when you took one the other day.
"Well I really doubt she's supposed to drive like that."
Finally understanding the issue Gamora grimaced. Peter was probably right.
Just then Yondu and Kraglin came into the kitchen looking to make something to eat, but saw the tense atmosphere.
"What's goin' on?" asked Yondu with a raised eyebrow. He hadn't heard any fighting coming in, but the way you were standing between Peter and Gamora almost implied someone was getting into it.
Peter spoke up, stating how you were looking to make a run into town and how he thought it was a bad idea for you to drive, only he phrased it to group him and Gamora together as having the thought, which prompted Gamora to say back to him that she actually hadn't given her opinion on the situation yet.
Yondu eyed you, or more specifically the brace on your arm. "Can ya drive like that?"
"Yeah." you reply. It was true, the arm in the brace wasn't the one you'd need for changing gears or signaling, so you should be fine, even if truthfully it'd be better if you didn't.
Yondu shared a glance to Kraglin and then shrugged. "Don't see a problem then." He turned toward the pantry, Kraglin following his lead, before he added, "Long as ya take Quill with ya."
You blinked. "Excuse me? Why would I- That's not- I'm not-" You were caught off guard and were now sputtering, clearly not thrilled with his addendum.
Yondu grinned at Kraglin, who was wondering where the elder was going with this, before saying nonchalantly, "If you're too nervous to take a passenger like that, then ya don't need to be going alone."
"I didn't say that!" you countered, pushing down the fact that the thought actually had entered your mind. "Maybe I just don't want to be annoyed by him- and I actually don't know if I can take him. That was never discussed." Again, this was also true. The topic hadn't come up. You had no idea if they were allowed to leave the property. Sure, for some it seemed obvious that they couldn't go into public, but you truthfully had never asked and had consequently never been told.
"He's Terran. Not like you'll run into issue there. I s'pose we could always call yer boss and ask..." His tone was laced with a grin as he turned back to face you with a Terran fruit he'd come to enjoy. A pear, he believed it was called. He was sure you wouldn't go for calling Fury, and he was right.
"No, we don't need to do that," you say irritably. Last thing you wanted to do was call Fury for something like this when he was already unhappy with you.
"I do think it'd be better if someone went with you," Gamora finally spoke up. "It couldn't hurt, at least." She was actually leaning towards the "don't let the Terran with an injured arm drive" party, but part of her believed you'd probably be fine and wanted to soften as much conflict as possible. Being transported in SHIELD vehicles she had seen how the insides operated, and it didn't look so complicated that you'd need both arms. It's not as if you were piloting a ship, and if you did wind up needing help, she was sure Peter could figure the vehicle out well enough.
You give her a mournful look and Yondu speaks again.
"But if yer still set on goin alone, I'm sure Gamora there won't mind callin' that Fury feller. Bet ya just wanna get away so ya can take that brace off without gettin in trouble," he said cooly with a grin. Catching the frown Gamora threw his way he added, "An' if she don't, I can always do it myself."
You tilted your head at the man, expression a mix of confused irritation. "First off, no, I'm not just leaving to do that. Secondly, who do you think you are? My mom?" you snarked.
"Nah, but yer acting like a kid. Somebody's gotta knock some common sense in that stubborn head of yers." Yondu replied, unfazed by your attempted insult as he took a bite of the pear and nodded once more to your injury.
You didn't get it. Why would he care? Why did any of them care?? Was it guilt? Because you wouldn't have been injured if they weren't there? You wanted to ask but settled for just sighing in defeat. You looked Peter over. He wasn't wearing a shirt with any alien writing on it, so at least he wouldn't get any funny looks for that. "Fine," you relented. "Get ready."
Peter let out a triumphant laugh and said he was already ready to go.
You took a moment and opened a couple drawers before finding what you were looking for. "Take these just in case." You tossed him a pair of black sunglasses. "You'll look like a douchebag, but you're probably used to that."
Peter let out a, "Hey!" but you ignored him, making your way past the others to the front door, telling Peter to hurry up.
"Can I drive?" Peter asked as the two of you walked to your vehicle.
"Absolutely not." you answered back with an incredulous glare.
"Why not? It'd be easier to let me drive than you try to drive with your arm in that."
"Because I seriously doubt you have a drivers license," you begin to say. Peter opened his mouth to retort but closed it again when you added, "that would be valid here." You open the driver's side door and add, "And because I don't even know if you know how to drive."
"I'll let you know I've been flying a ship since I was ten!" Peter countered.
"I don't care." you reply. "You're not driving. I can't risk us getting pulled over and you not have a license. You're fully free to stay here if you have a problem with that." You gesture back towards the house.
Peter disappointedly huffed but got in the passenger seat. You won this round.
Once you and Peter had left out the front door Yondu grimaced. "Might've miscalculated that one..."
"What'dya mean?" Kraglin asked. Gamora also gave him a funny look.
"Thought fer sure tellin' her to take Quill would've made her see that stayin' put wasn't that bad."
"Wait, you were trying to use reverse psychology??" Gamora asked, clearly annoyed.
"If that's what ya want to call it." Yondu shrugged with a frown, watching through the window as you pulled away down the drive, making sure the vehicle looked like it was driving straight. Luckily for you, it was. Otherwise he was fully prepared to whistle and spear a couple of your tires. Kitchen window would've needed replacing too if that happened, seeing as it was closed.
"Doesn't matter what I call it! It didn't work!" Gamora scolded. "If you didn't think it was a good idea you should have just taken our side instead of trying to play games and sending Peter with her!!"
"What'dya mean 'our side'? You were saying she should take someone with her too!"
"I didn't mean it!" Gamora snapped back.
Kraglin looked uncomfortable, not liking the feeling of being stuck in the room while the two of the more intimidating Guardians argued. Not wanting to draw attention to himself by leaving he just stood there and nibbled at his protein bar.
"Calm down, missy." Yondu said. "It'll be fine. And if not, Quill's got one of those phone things SHIELD gave us. Boy can handle himself."
Gamora glared but didn't speak any further, choosing instead to grab an apple off the table and head to her room. Yes, it likely would be fine, but it didn't mean she felt good about it.
After several minutes of driving in silence Peter tried to make conversation.
"So... lotta trees out here..."
"Uh huh."
"You make these trips into town often?"
You shrugged.
"I can see you don't feel much like talking..." Peter said awkwardly. You obviously weren't pleased with taking a passenger.
You turned on the radio in response.
Peter tried again after a few minutes when the music cut to a commercial break, trying a different tactic. "So, why are you afraid of doctors?" he asked, turning the radio down.
You gave him a strange look. "What? Where'd you get that idea."
He went into how you seemed tense when the doctor was checking you over when Fury came, and then recounted an incident that had happened the other day.
You had been reading in the sitting room when Mantis came in. You overheard her tell Gamora that her throat hurt, and so you pulled a lozenge from a drawer in the nearby table, telling her to suck on it and to tell you if it still hurt in an hour. If it did, you'd contact SHIELD to inform them she needed to see a doctor. Hearing this, Kraglin had piped up and asked why you would see that Mantis got a doctor straight away, but you had to have one forced on you. You gave him a look before telling him that it was different, and left the room before he could ask how.
"I only just put the two together." Peter said. "It must be because you're scared of doctors."
"No," you said flatly. "I'm not scared of doctors. I just didn't need one. If Mantis was sick, she would have needed one."
"But you did need one." Peter countered. "And Agent Hill told me about what you did in Romania. You needed one then too. Why would you do that to yourself unless you were too scared to go see a doctor?"
You exhale out your nose, annoyed that Maria had been telling him your business. "I'm not afraid of doctors, ok? It was an important job. There wasn't the time to stop and say 'Oops, will ya look at that, my appendix needs out. Better put the job on hold so I can find a doctor.' Not when I can do it myself. Happy?"
"She said you nearly died. That doesn't sound like being able to do it yourself. You can't do things like that. It's insane."
Your face hardened. Who did this guy think he was? Telling you what to do, you barely knew each other! "What's insane is a crime ring that traffics children to the wealthy elite for sexual favors," you snap at him. "So I guess I'm sorry if I wasn't willing to compromise the job to go lay in a damn hospital bed."
Peter didn't know what to say to that. He still thought you were insane for performing surgery on yourself, but he couldn't quite find a suitable argument after what you just said. After a moment he asked, "Did... did they get out?"
You knew he meant the kids. You swallowed. "Most of them. I don't want to talk about it." You turned the music back up, and Peter let it go.
The two of you rode in silence for a good bit longer before Peter turned the music back down again to speak.
"How much longer until we get where we're going?" he asked.
"Not long. Another ten minutes maybe. Why?"
"I need to take a leak."
You almost roll your eyes. "Why didn't you go before we left the house?"
"I didn't have to go then!"
A huffed laugh escaped your throat. "Seriously? You're like a toddler." You shake your head and say, "Do I need to pull over? I can if it's an emergency."
Peter almost pouted from the toddler comment. "No, I can hold it."
"Alright. Suit yourself."
About five minutes later you come up to a town, and a few minutes after that pull into the lot of a shop, the first stop on your list.
"I just have to run in here and grab a few things, they'll have a toilet you can use." you say as the two of you got out of the car, adding, "Don't forget those sunglasses. I don't want to take any chances."
He rolled his eyes but put them on anyway.
Upon entering the store you told Peter he'd find the toilet in the back and told him you'd be looking in the spices, pointing in the direction he'd find you when he was finished. You debated going along and waiting for him since he was technically your responsibility, but you decided against it. The shop wasn't too large so you trusted he wouldn't get lost on his own.
You split off on your separate ways and you grab a hand basket before heading towards the spices. You had only browsed for a short while when suddenly Peter was back at your side. "That was quick." you said to him, locating two of the spices you needed and dropping them in your basket.
"Door said it was out of order." Peter replied, sounding almost pouty.
You shook your head and said, "See, this is why you go before we leave the house." You find the last spice you needed and give him a knowing look as you began walking away from the spices.
"Don't talk to me like I'm a kid!" Peter said indignantly, following you as you left the aisle.
"Don't act like one." you reply, turning to find the cleaning aisle. SHIELD had been kind enough to include other basic things like toilet tissue on their supply drops, which you had been grateful for with eight other people living in your home, and the Guardians had already come with their own toiletries like toothpaste and soap, but you were seemingly on your own for cleaning supplies. You were now running low on dish and laundry soap. Gods, there was always laundry now. At least they did their own. Mostly.
"You're one to talk!" Peter retorted, gesturing to your arm.
You glare over to him as you walked. You swore, if you heard one more time about how you were acting like a child just for being stubborn about not seeing a doctor...
"Ow! You did that on purpose!"
"Did not." You said flatly, though you absolutely had smacked him with the basket on purpose. Not super hard or anything, but enough for him to feel it crack him in the knee.
He pinched you on the shoulder.
"Didn't do it on purpose." Peter mocked.
You were by the dish soap now and so you set the basket down to grab a bottle. However, you were sure to flick Peter on the back of the head before you did.
"You did not just flick me!" he said irritably, retaliating by giving your exposed side a couple quick squeezes.
Your arm jerked down fast as lightening, having been just shy of grabbing your preferred bottle of dish soap. Your cheeks were burning and you looked around as you scolded him in a whisper-yell. "We are in a public shop! Don't you dare start that!"
"You started it," he countered smugly. However, his the smugness was wiped off his face when you gave him a taste of his medicine.
"See how you like it then!" you say, using your good arm to return his actions. You hadn't been positive it would work, but you weren't disappointed to see the playing field leveled when it did.
Peter's eyebrows shot above the sunglasses, his eyes widening as he crippled away from the touch and grabbed your wrist. "Don't! I told you I had to pee!"
"Oh." You had been so busy bickering it had honestly slipped your mind. "Sorry."
"Truce?" Peter offered, releasing your hand.
"Yeah, fine. Truce." you agreed, reaching up to finally grab the bottle of dish liquid, a little embarrassed as you realized how much like children the two of you had just acted. "Just hurry up and figure out if you or your friends need anything before we leave," you say, making your way down the aisle to grab the laundry detergent.
It was Peter's turn to look embarrassed, only for a completely different reason. "Actually, now that you mention it- if it's ok, I was wondering if they sell... "certain"... things here?"
You put the detergent in the basket and begin to head towards the pharmacy section, realizing it wouldn't hurt to pick up some bug spray and more of that gel for the bites. Mantis had a bad habit of getting bit by midges, and most of the others had started falling victim to them as well. You didn't look at Peter as you walked, saying, "You're going to have to be way more specific than that, dude."
Peter's cheeks we turning noticeably pink by the time you looked at him when he said, "You know... um... the things... for "special moments..." he used air quotes and looked quite uncomfortable, even with the sunglasses hiding his eyes. "Um... you know... uh... When two people like each other very much..."
You wanted to cover your mouth to hide your grin, but one arm was stuck in a sling-brace and the other was too busy holding the grocery basket. "Are you asking if they sell condoms here?" You tried really hard to bite back a laugh, but a tiny chuckle slipped out. It wasn't that he was asking for them that was funny, it was the way he seemed like a teenage boy about it, all nervous and such like you'd call his mother on him.
Peter's face was bright red now. "Don't laugh! Just- never mind."
"No, it's totally cool. It's just funny. I mean, we're adults, you can ask for them. Like, at least you're being safe about it." Suddenly feeling in a better mood and wanting to tease him you say, "Unless... do we need to have 'the talk' young man?" Now you really couldn't hide your giggles.
"So not cool!" Peter pouted, hiding his face in his hands.
You nudged him in the arm and pointed him down that aisle and told him he could find what he needed there. You continued up a couple aisles to grab the bug repellent and itch cream.
You met back up and he wordlessly threw what he had retrieved into the basket, barely looking at you as he did so. You held back giggles at his behavior and asked if he knew of anything else you needed to grab before checking out.
Peter shook his head, and you can tell by his expression he's eager to leave the shop and go back to the house. You almost feel bad for laughing, and you get an idea.
"If your friends liked the Oreos I can pick you up some more. We'll pass that aisle to get to the checkout anyway."
Peter nodded and you grabbed another double sleeve of Oreos before walking to check out. You only hoped you wouldn't get stuck with one of those chatty cashiers.
Wouldn't you know it, of course you did. You weren't super familiar with the cashiers despite frequenting this store, but you had become familiar with the fact that you didn't care for the one who's line you got stuck in, not realizing you had until it was too late.
Normally you feel for retail workers. You knew it was a tough job, but this one cashier just didn't know how to get the hint that not every item he scanned needed a comment.
Laundry soap? "Ooh! Great taste in scent!" Spices? "Someone likes cooking! Anything good tonight? Yum Yum! Ha ha!" Bug spray and itch cream? "Oh those nasty midges are out again. I feel you, haha." Cond-? Oh fuck. "Oh ho! Someone's getting luck-ay tonight! Am I right, my dude?" He winked at Peter, who noticed you looked like you wanted to reach across and murder the cashier.
Peter chuckled nervously and tried to smooth it over. At least, that's what you thought he was attempting. "Oh- aha- no. We're not together. We're uh- She's my sister."
You snapped a glare at Peter as you thrust your payment to the cashier and grabbed one of the two bags before storming off, telling him to keep the change. Peter grabbed the other bag and left the cashier standing there, who at least finally had the decency to look embarrassed by his comment.
Peter caught up with you quickly.
"Don't call me your sister. I barely know you," you say grumpily. That wasn't really the full reason it upset you. Peter wasn't your brother. Your brother was gone. Peter didn't get to call you that.
"Sorry, I panicked," he said.
You brush him off. You knew there was no way he could know. "Whatever, let's just leave. Sooner we finish in town sooner we can go back to the house."
You made your next stop to a nearby petrol station to fill up your car and give Peter a chance to find a working toilet. After the two of you successfully completed both tasks respectively, you stopped by the post office to grab the mail and post your bills while you left Peter in the car. On your way out of the post office you caught glimpse of someone across the road and a brick fell in your stomach when they waved, indicating they clearly saw you. You nodded back out of politeness but hurried to get in your car.
You buckled in and looked in the rearview mirror, only to see the person, a middle aged woman in a flowery blouse, walking towards your car, still not quite to the road yet, and waving her arms trying to get your attention.
"Fuck," you say, putting the car in gear to reverse before stopping to put it back in drive to finish pulling away. This would be so much quicker if your arm wasn't in the damn sling, but you still managed even with having to completely stop to remove your hand from the wheel to safely change gears.
"What?" Peter asked, turning to look out the back window once you began to pull forward.
"Don't worry about it- and don't look back!" you scold. You take a peek in your review mirror to see the woman gesturing in defeat, thinking you hadn't seen her trying to get your attention, and you let a small relieved sigh.
"Who was that?"
"No one." you replied.
"So you ran away... from no one. Sure."
You shoot him a look and turn the radio back up, clearly signaling that you weren't about to discuss it. The rest of the ride was spent in silence.
Once home you told Peter to put his "special" items (yes, you called them that, air quotes and all, just to embarrass him) in one of his pockets unless he didn't mind advertising them to the rest of his friends. You had assumed he'd be embarrassed if they were just on display for the others based on how he acted in the shop, and the fact that he obeyed implied to you that you were correct.
Once inside you and Peter made your way to the kitchen to put things away. He had refused to let you carry both bags, and you didn't fight him.
Sitting at the table were Kraglin, Yondu and Rocket. On the table were five empty bowls and an empty tub of ice cream.
You sat your bag on the counter and began pulling out it's contents to put them away. Honestly you were slightly bummed that they had finished off the whole thing, if you had known that you might have picked some more up while you were in town, but you didn't say anything about that. You did, however, say something along the lines of "Looks like you guys had fun without us."
Kraglin, who knew you didn't like the house to be messy and knew they were expected to keep up after themselves, began gathering the bowls to put them in the sink, to the eyeroll of Rocket.
"Yup. Ya two missed the party," said Yondu with a chuckle. "I'll admit, that ice cream stuff ain't bad." He then said to Peter, "Yer girlfriend is the only one who didn't want any."
You froze in place, your eyes widened. It hadn't clicked before. Your mind had been preoccupied with other things. Ice cream. Five bowls. There were seven people left at the house. Gamora hadn't wanted any. Tiny Groot probably shared with someone else. Yondu literally said he ate some. That meant... fuck.
You turned around to face them. Looking right at Yondu you say, "Uh, how long ago would you say you guys had the ice-cream?"
"Not quite half an hour ago, why?"
You bit your lips before saying, "Do none of you think to read labels before you eat things?"
Kraglin rolled his eyes playfully as he sat back down. "What? Ya mad we ate your snack?" he teased.
"No no no-" you state, holding up your pointer fingers like a teacher instructing the class on why they were incorrect. You didn't know if you wanted to laugh or groan. Probably the later. You look over at Peter, who held a slight grimace on his face. You say to him, "You know what ice cream is?"
Peter nodded. He remembered ice cream. He also knew the moment Yondu claimed to have eaten it what the problem was.
You look back to the others. "Any of you know what ice cream is?"
Yondu and Kraglin exchange a strange look and Rocket rolls his eyes, wanting you to get to the point.
"It's basically frozen milk."
"Ah." Yondu says, clasping his hands on the table and dipping his head with a slight wince of understanding. He was about to have a bad time. Kraglin and Rocket now share a look that can only be described as 'Crap..." (No pun intended)
Disbelieving laughter bubbles up your throat as you bend below the sink to retrieve a can of aerosolized air freshener and plop it down on the table in front of Yondu. "That's for you, for the inevitable. Use it." You walk to haphazardly throw the contents of your grocery bag in the pantry, leaving your mail on the counter and grabbing your earbuds. "Make sure to open the windows... I'm going for a walk, because there's no way I'm sticking around to deal with that again," you say, giving a mock salute as you make your way out the back door, leaving the guys there to deal with what was sure to be the horrible aftermath of their oversight.
*** You finally came back a couple hours later to find all the windows still open, but no one outside, and decided that was probably a good sign.
You cautiously re-entered the house to find that no bad smells seemed to have stuck around and decided to go look for survivors, but first you needed a snack. You were starving.
You ate a pop-tart just for something quick and then found everyone in the sitting room. Feeling in decent humor you said, "Oh good. You lived." This earned groans from the others. They weren't really annoyed with you for abandoning ship, so much as they were annoyed that Yondu would have messed up and ate dairy for a second time. Well, Peter was a little annoyed that you had just left him there when he hadn't been part of who caused the issue, but he'd get over it.
Your phone started to go off, startling you and a couple others in the process. You checked the caller-id and recognized the number. "Nope," you say aloud, ignoring the call.
"Who was that?" Peter asked.
"No one," you reply, only for your phone to chime with a text almost in response. You open the text and your eyes widen before you make your way quickly but calmly to the windows to shut them and draw the curtains.
This, of course, gathers the attention of the Guardians.
"What's wrong?" Yondu asks, perplexed by your behavior.
"Nothing," you answer at first, before turning to face them and amending it to, "Nobody's home," and continuing your task with the other three windows, still trying to retain a semblance of being calm.
The others watched as you made your way about the room, sharing perplexed glances. Once finished with the final window at the back of the room you started heading towards the door when Mantis grabbed your hand.
"Are you ok? What can we do?" she asked, concerned. "Please tell me?" She could feel you didn't want to ask for help, but she hoped her asking nicely might work.
You barely glance at her, don't notice her antennae are glowing. "I'm fine. If you want, I could use some help shutting the rest of the windows and curtains, please and thank you." You pull away and head to the hall, where they can see you draw the curtains on the front door shut through the sitting room doorway.
"I know you said you can ease people into compliance, but I didn't think you could actually make people do things." Peter whispered to Mantis. He naturally just assumed that's what happened. You, miss "I don't need help from anyone!" had actually asked for help. Clearly that wouldn't happen without some Mantis mojo. The closest you had come to asking for help was the first time Yondu had dairy and you wanted Peter to help open the windows, but still, that was less asking for help and more of telling him what to do if he wanted to live.
"I can't." Mantis replied. "She was genuinely asking. She's very nervous."
Peter shared a look with Gamora and Drax stood up from the couch to follow you, and the they followed him along with Mantis.
Yondu and Kraglin stayed in the sitting room with Rocket, who told himself he didn't care about whatever this nonsense was about and continued to play with Groot. Kraglin and Yondu exchanged puzzled looks, because unlike Rocket they were genuinely curious what was going on to make you as nervous as Mantis claimed. Why were you batting down the hatches for?
In the kitchen Drax helped you close the windows and curtains. As soon as he heard Mantis say she felt you were nervous he felt there must be a good reason and that he should probably help you, just in case.
Then you started shutting out the lights, and this increased the other's concerns.
"What's going on?" Gamora asked, authority in her voice as she followed you out of the kitchen. You may be their host, but she still felt they had a right to know what was going on, if they were in danger.
"Nothing." you say, shutting off the lights in the hall on the way to the sitting room.
"If it was nothing you wouldn't be doing this. Something is wrong. Do we need to call SHIELD?" She asked more insistently, not believing you.
You turn to her irritably at the doorway. "No. We don't need SHIELD," you say, flicking the switch to turn the sitting room's light off, much to the puzzlement of those inside.
"I will if you don't tell us what's wrong."
Just then there was a knock at the front door, and you visibly startled in response before freezing in place and whisper yelling, "Quiet!"
The other's obeyed, not sure what else to do or what was going on.
Peter quietly stepped out of the kitchen where he had been peeking through one of the curtains when he thought he could see the dim glow of headlights through the fabric. He saw a blue car pull up next to yours, and out of it stepped a tall man in a light grey sweater and a woman in a floral print blouse. She looked familiar.
"Hey," Peter whispered across the hall, "It looks like that woman from earlier. The one you ran away from."
"Shut up." you hissed.
Gamora looked at the two of you in confusion, but didn't say anything, didn't get the chance, because the knock sounded again and a woman's voice could be heard from the other side of the door calling your name.
"We know you're in there." said the voice. It wasn't angry or confrontational like the others might expect for someone you were apparently hiding from. "Your car's in the drive and we saw you shutting the lights out when we drove up."
You grimaced.
"We just want to talk." It was the man's voice this time.
Peter and Gamora looked at you expectantly, and you shook your head at them. Drax was now standing behind Peter in the kitchen doorway, Mantis having already moved past him to stand next to Gamora in the hall with you.
"Yes, we just want to talk." The woman's voice again. "We saw you in town today, we've been thinking about you."
By now Yondu and Kraglin had made their way closer to the door to better hear what was being said. They didn't care if they were being nosy.
The man spoke your name now, questioningly, as if to ask if you could hear them. "Ok, we understand if you don't want to see us, but please listen; We forgive you, and we're sorry."
You take in a breath, trying to mask your feelings with the others near. They were looking at you. Gamora's face had softened, wondering what the man meant. Forgave you for what? Sorry for what?
"We shouldn't have blamed you for what happened. We know that now." came the woman's voice. "We've had a lot of time to think it over, and we were wrong."
The man spoke again. "We were just hoping you could find it in your heart to forgive us, too."
You felt your chest tighten and you eyes burn, and so you clenched your jaw and your fists, unwilling to show any emotion to the space-strangers in your home, but they noticed anyway.
Peter gestured to get your attention and mouthed, "Open the door."
You shook your head, and he gave you a confused look. You nodded your head towards Mantis and Gamora as if to say, "Um, not with aliens in my hall!" Although that wasn't completely the reason, and you had the feeling he could tell, as he only sighed and frowned slightly in response.
After a pause the woman spoke again. "Alright. We understand you may not be ready yet. Maybe another time. We're still at the same place when you're ready to speak with us. Hopefully that's soon. We'll be going now."
You waited a few moments before approaching the door, and the other's thought you might finally be going to talk to the couple. You didn't, mostly to Peter's disappointment. Instead you peeked through a sliver in the curtains to watch them leave, not pulling away until their vehicle was gone.
As soon as you stepped back from the door Peter asked, "What was that? Who were they?"
"Nothing and no one," you answer, not meeting anyone's gaze as you flicked the hall light back on and walk towards the stairs.
Mantis grabbed your hand, but you pulled away, telling her that you weren't in the mood to hold hands right then and you were going to go take a shower. She just looked down sadly in response, but you wouldn't look at her to notice.
No one stopped you as you walked upstairs, and when you were out of earshot, Drax whispered to Mantis asking what you had been feeling just then, having noticed Mantis had been reading you when she grabbed your hand.
The other's listened in to her answer as she mournfully replied. She hadn't been able to touch you for long enough to get a full reading, but there had been one dominant emotion when she did touch you. You had been sad.
This only rose more questions from the team. Had the couple been been angry with you? What had you done? Why would their forgiveness have made you sad?
Weren't most people happy to be forgiven?
The sound of your bedroom door opening and shutting travelled down the stairs, followed shortly by the same noise of the bathroom door as you entered for your shower.
Yondu almost thought he could hear the faint sounds of crying before the noise was drowned out by the sound of a shower blasting on.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 4
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You try to visit Taehyung as much as you can, wanting him to be home with you as quickly as possible, but suddenly, your own exhaustion catches up with you, causing you to stay home. But at the same time, a certain wolf begins to show signs of consciousness
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After you finished visiting Taehyung, you headed back home. Hospital shifts were getting longer and going to visit Taehyung afterwards was taking a toll on you. You were getting burned out. 
“Jagi?” Jin came down the stairs. You shot him a tired smile but your legs slowly gave out. Luckily Jin had quick reflexes and was able to catch you in time. His eyes widened in panic as he scooped you up into his arms, bringing you to the couch. 
“Jagi? Can you hear me?” He asked worriedly. You let out a soft hum. Bringing his hand to your head, he felt your slightly raised temperature. 
“You’re having a fever, jagi. Wait here.” Jin left you to go get a thermometer. The front door opened, signalling Yoongi’s return to the house. Your vision blurred slightly, eyes opening and closing. 
“Kitten!” Yoongi saw your state and rushed to your side. 
“You’re sick.” He frowned. 
“I’m fine.” You smiled. Jin came back with a thermometer and some fever medication. He placed the stick into your mouth and waited. The moment there was a beep, Yoongi took it out. He frowned when he read the temperature. You were definitely sick, he didn’t need a thermometer to tell him that. He could smell it from you the moment he walked in. 
“I just need to sleep.” You sat up. 
“Kitten, you’re not fine! I told you not to over exhaust yourself. Let’s bring her to the hospital for an IV.” Yoongi told Jin, who nodded in agreement. You protested but Jin was already carrying you up, Yoongi grabbed the car keys. 
“You’re over reacting.” You chuckled. 
“No, that’s what you get for not taking care of yourself. You’re not superwoman, jagi.” Jin frowned. You pouted but snuggled into Jin for warmth as you shivered slightly. 
“Dr (y/l/n)?” Head nurse Park was shocked to see your hybrids carrying you in. She signalled to the others to bring a gurney in. Two other nurses hurried over, letting Jin put you down on the bed. He laid his cardigan over you as you shivered from the lost of his body heart.
“She’s sick and slowly losing consciousness. Can we get her an IV?” Yoongi asked. 
“Of course. Follow us.” She told the worried boys as the nurses wheeled you to a private room. You didn’t even make it to the room conscious. On the way there, your eyes closed and you slowly slipped into darkness. 
The constant beeping woke you up. You frowned, annoyed by the sound before opening your eyes. Looking around, you remembered that you were checked into the hospital by Yoongi and Jin, having passed out from exhaustion. Yoongi was sleeping next to you, head buried in his folded arms as he held your hand. Jin was curled up on the small couch, a blanket over him. 
“My boys.” You stroked Yoongi’s head, waking him up. He yawned and stretched his limbs. 
“You’re awake. How are you feeling?” He asked. 
“I’m fine, Yoongi. Sorry to worry you two.” You smiled, continuing to stroke his head, his furry ears between your fingers. 
“You better be sorry. I told you to take care of yourself and not over work yourself. You do everything on your own without letting me and Jin hyung help you. And look what happened, (y/n).” Yoongi frowned, crossing his arms. He was really upset with you. 
“I know, Yoongi. I’m sorry.” You apologised again. Yoongi looked at your guilt ridden face and sighed, leaning in to nuzzle your neck. You combed your fingers through his hair, making him purr in satisfaction. 
“Jagi?” Jin sat up from his couch, rubbing his eyes as he let out a big yawn. You smiled, opening your other arm. Jin shuffled over, pressing his face into the other side of your neck. 
“Head nurse Park is never going to let this go.” You groaned. 
“Good. I hope she constantly reminds you of this.” Yoongi smirked, making you shove his shoulder. 
“Doc?” Speak of the devil, head nurse Park came in, making the two boys pull away from you. Their eyes trained on the older lady. She held your file in her hand, frowning at you and shaking your head. You let out a whine, making your two hybrids smile in triumph.
“Dr (y/l/n), you’re lucky you had your hybrids at home to bring you here. I am always telling you that yes, hybrids’ health are important and I know you want to help them but your health should be the first priority.” She lectured.
“Yes, head nurse Park.” You pouted. 
“Anyway, I don’t come with good news for you. Your labs came back and your blood count is low. You’re anaemic so we’ll have to keep your here for another day.” She informed. 
“Noooooo!” You fake cried. 
“Ha! Good for you!” Jin crossed his arms, reaching over to hi five Yoongi. You glared at them. 
“Wait, is there any cause for her anaemia?” Yoongi stood up. 
“Not for sure. Could be exhaustion, missing meals, anything.” Head nurse Park shrugged. As she listed the reasons, Yoongi turned around and shot you the dirtiest glare ever, making you whimper and shrink back. Despite being a doctor, you were the worse patient. You didn’t want to stay in the hospital, you wanted to go home. 
“If you promise not to do anything strenuous, you can go home.” Nurse Park said. 
“You can count on that, I have two wardens at home that will watch me.” You side eyed the two hybrids that stood on either side of you. 
“Alright. I’ll bring your discharge papers. Also, director wanted you to take a week off. She wanted to make sure that you’re in good health before you come back.” She informed. 
“A WEEK?!” Your thoughts immediately went to the wolf hybrid that was still in the intensive care unit. You had to find a way to still check on him even if you were not allowed to return to the hospital. But nonetheless, you nodded your head and signed your discharge papers. 
“Can I just stop by to see how he is?” You asked Yoongi before you could leave. He looked at Seokjin before the two of them nodded, following you to the ICU ward. 
‘Kim Namjoon’
You could finally put a name on the patient name plate on the door. You knocked lightly before going in. Thanks to his hybrid wolf side, his healing was a lot faster than others. His superficial injuries was mostly gone, making it seem like he was just sleeping. 
“He should wake up soon. It’s not good for him to be under for so long. But I guess he’ll have to hang on for another week.” You sighed. 
“We should go.” Yoongi came to you. You nodded and followed your boys out. Just as the door closed, there was a crash from the room. You met eyes with Yoongi and rushed back in. 
“Stay back!” Namjoon growled, showing his canines. 
“Okay, I’ll stay back Namjoon. Don’t worry. I’m not gonna hurt you.” You held your hands out. 
“Yeah, that’s what they all say.” His back was hunched, tail rigid. He was in attack mode and you knew better than to try and provoke him. Yoongi stayed by you while you motioned for Seokjin to leave and get the nurses in here. Namjoon’s eyes shifted from you to Yoongi, trying to yank out the tubes and machines that were attached to him. 
“Namjoon, let her help you. You’ll do more harm trying to remove that yourself.” Yoongi spoke. 
“Yoongi? Min Yoongi?” Namjoon stared at him. Yoongi nodded his head. 
“I thought you were dead.” Namjoon scoffed. 
“I would be if it weren’t for her. Same for you. Come on, we’re brothers. You can trust me. She won’t hurt you. She just wants to help, she’s a doctor.” Yoongi persuaded. Namjoon glared at you but nodded. Yoongi’s tailed curled around your waist, seeing how shaken you were. 
“I’m fine.” You forced a smile. With shaky hands, you proceeded to remove all the machinery and IV needles from Namjoon’s body before stepping back. 
“What happened to you?” Namjoon asked Yoongi. 
“They left me for dead. She isn’t like those humans that we encountered, trust me. After she saved me and nursed me back to health, I let her become my owner.” Yoongi explained. 
“You’ve become domesticated?” 
“Beats being injected with steroids and hormones then thrown in a cage to fight to death.” Yoongi shrugged. You winced at his statement, hating illegal hybrid rings. Yoongi held your hand, squeezing it to help you breathe and remain calm. The door behind you opened and Namjoon immediately got on defence again. 
“Director!” You bowed. From the way your addressed her, Yoongi guessed that this lady was your boss. 
“How are you feeling, dear?” She asked. 
“I’m fine, madam. Please don’t worry.” You bowed your head.
“Good job taking care of Namjoon while he was recovering. He looks mostly recovered. I read your permission request. Considering that Namjoon is awake and your hybrid does know him, I will grant you permission to let him continued recovering from your home.” She nodded her head.
“Thank you!” You smiled and Yoongi let out a sigh of relief. Namjoon frowned at the director’s words. 
“Did anyone ask me what I wanted to do? For all I know, you could keep me at your house for your own illegal business.” Namjoon scowled. 
“Of course we will take your opinion into consideration, Namjoon. If you’re not comfortable with Ms (y/l/n) and her hybrids at her home, we can send you to a shelter. Unfortunately, you cannot leave yet as you have not fully recovered. You just woke up from a two week coma, we will need to monitor you closely.” The director said. 
“Fine. I’ll go.” Namjoon rolled his eyes. 
“Thank you-”
“I’m not saying I trust you or anything. But seeing as Yoongi is there and shelters are too noisy, it’s choosing which hell is worse.” Namjoon glared. Yoongi hissed slightly, not happy with Namjoon attitude towards you. 
“It’s okay. Let’s go, hmm?” You put a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder, feeling a wave of giddiness. Yoongi and Seokjin must have sensed this because Seokjin proceeded to put his arm around you to steady you. You just had to do some quick paper work and get Namjoon’s file. The nurse put it in a dark blue folder with yellow crescent moons on it.
“This is your room." You brought him up the stairs. Namjoon peaked into the room. 
“I have my own room already?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow. 
“Of course, you’re entitled to your own privacy here. And I already prepared it because Yoongi asked if you could stay here when you woke up so I just got it ready for whenever. I’m sorry if it’s not to your liking. We can go shopping to get what you need.” You nodded. 
“Why are you doing this?” Namjoon asked. 
“Huh?” You looked up at him. 
“Nothing.” He shook his head. You shrugged and heard Yoongi calling for you to head to bed so you could begin your week long rest. 
“Alright! You’re such a nag, Min Yoongi!” You shouted before smiling at Namjoon. 
“It’s Seokjin’s turn to cook dinner so until then, you can do what you want.” You gave him another smile before bowing your head and walking away. Namjoon closed the door to his room and shook his head, a human has never smiled at him before. Yet, you bowed your head and are providing him food and a place to stay until he recovered. 
“What a peculiar human.” He scoffed and went to take a shower. Namjoon was woken up from his nap by arguing downstairs. 
“You guys will wake Namjoon.” You frowned. Namjoon stood at the top of the staircase, listening and watching. 
“We’re just asking that you rest one day, snowflake.” Jin shook his head. Yoongi was sitting on the other end of the couch, arms folded, a frown on his face. He was not happy, he was very ticked off. 
“I need to see him. He’s alone with his captor possibly in the next room. He’s scared.” You said. 
“Do you think it would make him feel better if you go visit him and collapse right in front of him? You can always go tomorrow, kitten.” Yoongi sighed. You wanted to go see Taehyung like you did everyday but of course, considering the events from today, the two hybrids didn’t want to let you go. 
“Coming.” You stood up and went to open. Even Namjoon perked up when he heard you unlocking the front door. 
“Good evening, madam. I’m here to send your hybrid home.” The officer said, looking bored as hell. Beside him, Taehyung stood there, with a collar around his neck and leash was hooked on, which the officer was carrying. You frowned at that. Who still put hybrids on leashes? They are people!
“Taehyung.” You called and he looked up, eyes watery as he leapt into your arms. 
“Why was he on a leash?” 
“He’s a wild animal, madam.” The officer reasoned. 
“You have no right to call him that. He didn’t commit any crime. He was called in as a witness. I don’t see you doing this to other witnesses.” You glared at him. The police were supposed to be protecting everyone, hybrid or not. You were disgusted with this man. 
“Madam, it’s a small issue. He’s already back here, isn’t he?” He rolled his eyes. 
“I’m reporting this to officer Jooyeon. I will not let this go.” You saw the small officer’s face pale slightly as pulled Taehyung with you, slamming the door in his face. You were angry but your priority now was a shaken Taehyung. 
“(y/n)...” He whimpered as you sat down on the couch, keeping your arms around him. He buried his face into your neck. 
“It’s alright, baby. You’re home. I’m sorry you even had to go through a second of that. That was wrong.” You hushed him, stroking the space between his ears. From the posture of Seokjin and Yoongi, you knew that they were angry too. Leashes and collars were downgrading. The government had already said there was no need to leash hybrids. 
“Are you hungry? Jin cooked.” You asked. 
“Yeah...” He nodded. You smiled and held his hand, bringing him to the kitchen. Jin gave Taehyung a hug while Yoongi ruffled his hair. Taehyung gave them a small smile. You were happy at their attempts to comfort him.
“Stranger.” Taehyung’s eyes widened. 
“Oh, Namjoon. You’re here. This is Taehyung, we’re fostering him. Taetae, this is Namjoon. He’s friends with Yoongi and he’ll be staying with us as he recovers.” You explained. The two gave each other acknowledging nods. Namjoon sat next to Yoongi.
“Here. More red meat and greens for your iron deficiency.” Jin slid the plate over to you. You pouted, nodding. 
“You’re sick? No wonder you smelled different.” Taehyung held your hand worriedly. 
“I’m fine. You know these two over react.” You chuckled. As always, Yoongi took your plate and sliced your steak for you. You grinned and knocked foreheads with him, beginning to eat. It was way too much that you tried to sneak some to Taehyung. 
“Ahem.” Yoongi cleared his throat, raising an eyebrow at you. Taehyung blinked in confusion, not even noticing that extra meat had been added. Your cheeks turned red. 
“I didn’t give you more steak for you to give it all to Tae. You need to eat more, snowflake.” Jin frowned, proceeding to give you some of his steak. After dinner, everyone helped with clearing up, except Jin, who cooked. The boys had only let you wiped the table. 
“I’m heading into the backyard with Namjoon for a walk.” Yoongi wrapped an arm around your waist, kissing your temple. 
“Namjoon, is it okay if I look at your injuries? I just want to make sure there is no infection.” You asked. Namjoon stiffened at your question, he was obviously still guarded around you. 
“Fine. Yoongi.” He looked at the panther. You all went up to Namjoon’s room and he lifted his shirt, showing you the main abdominal scar where the life ending cut was meant to be. Seeing the faint line where the stitches was, Yoongi hissed, remembering his own scar that was there but now faded. He looked away, tail curling itself around your ankle. 
“It’s looking good. No sign of infection.” You smiled when you finished checking his other injuries. 
“Let’s go.” Namjoon said to Yoongi and they left. You went back to your room, seeing Taehyung stand by the door to wait for you. The hybrids knew you didn’t really like them going in when you weren’t in there. 
“Come on.” You led him into the room and went to shower. He waited for you in bed, having already showered. When you came out, however, you went to see Jin first. 
“Goodnight Jinnie.” You smiled, entering his cold room. 
“Goodnight, snowflake.” He kissed your cheek and nuzzled it. As you left, you turned off the lights and headed back to Taehyung. Taehyung almost pounced on you when you returned. You laid in bed and he was quick to attach himself to you, purring as you massaged his scalp.
“Tell me why you’re sick.” Taehyung said. 
“I’m not sick, Tae. Don’t worry. I was just careless and didn’t take care of myself, as I should be. The doctor just said I needed to eat better and rest more. So I’ll be home the whole week.” You sighed as you informed. 
“So you’ll be with me the whole week?!” He perked up, a smile finally appearing on his face. 
“Yes. My boss forced me to take a week off. Besides, Namjoon is here so I don’t have to worry as much. He woke up just as I was leaving the hospital this morning. Call it fate, I guess.” You giggled. 
“I miss you and the hyungs so much while I was there. I missed your cuddles, Jin hyung’s cooking and Yoongi hyung’s explanations of basketball, even though I don’t even have an interest in basketball.” He said and you couldn’t help but smile softly. Taehyung was integrating well into your family, much faster than you even expected. 
“I’m glad to hear you like it here, Tae.”
“Yeah. I know Yoongi doesn’t really show it but he also cares for you. He’s just guarded, you know?” You stroked his ears. 
“I know. Yoongi hyung helped me with my nightmares. He promised me I would never have to go back, like you.” He said. You were a little surprised, not knowing that Yoongi did such a nice thing for Taehyung but you expected it. Yoongi was nice, even if he doesn’t like you saying that he has a soft heart. 
“(y/n)?” Taehyung called. You hummed in reply. 
“Can I...” He stopped halfway, making you look at him. You noticed that his human ears and cheeks were red. 
“Scent me?” You completely with a laugh. He nodded like a child that was caught doing something bad. 
“Come here.” You gestured as you nodded. Taehyung cautiously moved to press his face into your neck. You gently caressed the back of his neck. He purred lightly, his orange and black tail curling itself around your thigh as his hands squeezed your waist lightly. Slowly, he moved to nuzzle your cheek like a a house cat would. 
“You smell like me.” He blushed as he pulled away, resting his head against your chest comfortably. 
“Goodnight, Tae.” 
“Goodnight, (y/n).” He pressed his lips against your forehead before the both of you fell asleep.
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theidiootti1 · 3 years
My Mysterious Scotcman•
Chapter: 2
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There it was. Their target. Sitting on a chair back towards the crew, seemingly writing something that made him sigh and rub his forehead. Filip swallowed and his throath felt thight, this was really happening now. No backing down anymore.
*you can do it..c'moon don't be stupid chicken shite..*, Filip thought .
Finally the group leader moved forward and it was time for action. They catched that guy without him noticing anything. The guy fell of his chair and stumbled on floor trying to get away from us. The blond haired leader catched the back of his jacket and banged the guys face against the hard wooden table.
Filip had taken his gun from back of his jeans and now held it with both hands. His hands shaking and heart beating. Everyone had gathered around there. Few watching out of windows or keeping eye on the doors. When Filip saw the guys face he was shocked. That guy who they were supposed to kill. He wouldn't be more than a bit over 20 years. Filip swallowed and held his gun lower, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Shoot him", growled the leader who was standing beside the trembling body.
"DO IT!!" The other one yelled with really annoyed tone.
It was like the whole time stopped in that very place. The only thing that the young boy with a gun heard was his own beating heart. He rised his gun, not shaking anymore. He shot twice that young guy to head and he dropped to the floor while his life was escaping his body. Filip lowered his gun and sighed. He couldn't believe what he just did. He watched the growing dark puddle of blood that was leaking on the floor. He felt heavy clap on his shoulder, but he couldn't react.
"Great now let's get the hell out of here..", one of the crew members growled until one of the boys runned to the mainroom.
"Lads..we have company", he said with an scared expression.
"Shit...", the boss growled when there was sounds coming from the front door "They said that the place will be empty...god, let's go !!" He yelled and all started to run to the door. But one stayed almost like glued to the floor.
Filip just stood there. Still eyes glued to the body that was laying at his feet. He couldn't take his eyes away from it, he couldn't watch away from the mess on the floor. The guilt flowed through him.
"Who the fuck are you?!" Came the voice of an confused and pissed man
Filip rised his gaze finally breaking the spell but too late as the other guy who came from the behind of the guy who spoke. That man had gun in his hand and rised it . Filip didn't have time to react as the Next thing he felt was the fastly spreading pain at his thigh as the bullet hit his leg. He stumbled down on to the floor, beside the already cold body of their victim's. He forced himself up from the floor with final glance to the body .
"I'm Sorry", he mouthed and jolted towards the back door where they came in .
He heard angry shouts and yelling from behind him as the guys discovered their dead friend. They started chasing after him down the streets under the dark and rainy evening.
They say that adrenalin makes you do crazy things. It's meant to help you survive in dangerous situation. Maybe that and the shock from the pain was driving the young guy forward through the side streets. He didn't feel the burning pain of the shot wound as he ran as fast as his legs could go. He probably haven't ever run as fast as he did now.
The only thought that was running through his dead was the voice telling him *murderer*. Why was he so weak. What lead him into this situation.
*? POV*
The rain was still heavily assaulting the city of Belfast as I left my work place in hospital. I was casually driving my car and silently singing along with a song that was coming from the radio at low volume. I was totally in my own world as i started jamming along with the song. My whole day had been hectic and total chaos because of this wet rainy day.
I'm still not used to these rainy days, not even after a half of year of living now in this autumn time Ireland. Yes you heard right. I am not from here. I was born and rised in the United States, I had lived my whole life there. Until that one day when i just wanted to get away and have a fresh start. Change of the scenario as you would say. So I ended up here, in this happy place called Belfast. I moved to live with my aunt who happened to live here and she gave me an offer to come to her place and crash there. I took the offer and soon I found myself from here. No one wouldn't believe that nor would I had as a kid. After few months of living on my aunts hair i decided to get my own place. I moved to live with my one long term friend who had moved here few years before me. We were almost like sisters before she moved to be closer to her family. Now we lived in the same house like some teenagers.
I started working in the hospital as a nurse. The job that i had went to school for. I think i always wanted to work in medical side. I loved helping peoples it was some sort of calling for me, but sometimes the hard job and being the superhero of the day can suck all your juices away and left you all weary. Like today. From all the days, today everyone chosed to break what ever bone they can break or fall at home and fracture something. Sick elderly people coming to reception just hoping for a chat with someone. There actually never was anything wrong just normal old peoples stuff. The list goes on and on. I was totally ready to get to my bed, pull the blanket over my head and sleep for the next 24 hours. Straight. Not kidding.
As I drived down the dark and dimly lit street, only the cars light illuminating the road with yellow light. I wasn't prepared that someone would be outside at this time of the night. There wasn't change for me to react faster than i did as some dark object run straight infront of my car getting hit by me. With a loud thud the dark object fell down onto the street from the force of the car.
I did fast brake and i rised my hands over my mouth. Did I just run over someone ?! All kind of scenarios started to run in my head as I opened the car door and i unbuckled my seatbelt. I hopped out of the car into the cold and wet air as i walked to the front of my car. On the ground there was laying dark clothed person who i assumed to be young man. He was hurriedly trying to get up from the street as i shook my head getting back into this moment.
"Hey, stay down !" I suddenly opened my mouth and the person tried to get up even faster but failed with their attempt. Apperently he was clutching at his leg.
I moved fast squating down and carefully placing my hand on the shaking body on the ground "Hey ? Did you get hurt ?" I asked. I immedietly mentally kicked myself. It was stupid question of course you get hurt when you get hit by a car. Stupid me.
The man still kept trying to get away from me what showed me that he couldn't be that much hurt. I studied him with my eyes in the light of my car and i saw blood on the street. The blood had to come from him and what ever it was that was bleeding, was bleeding heavily. And when i saw his bloody hands.
"Hey, don't move you are bleeding..", i said with a rised voice. I tried my best to stay calm and keep the man on the ground "You need to go to hospital..", I said as the man suddenly had his attention to me
"No hospital !!!", he growled at me "They..will find me", he Whispered almost with inaudible voice. He had an thick accent what was hard to understand. Even for me who was constantly around Irish and british accents. This was different.
I looked at him and then around to our surroundings. Who would find him ? What had this poor man put himself into. What ever it was i wouldn't liked to be part of that. No i was just an avarage working woman.
I was again snapped out of my thoughts as the man tried once again to get up but fell flat on his stomach on the wet street. Breathing heavily. It was more like huffing than breathing anyways. I needed to do something...it's my curse as an nurse I swore it in my vow.
Then the light bulp went on my head and i made probably the worst decision what you can make with completely stranger, but it was the only option at this point. I stumbled up from the ground and i sneaked my arms around his torso, getting only a painful grunts and growling from him
"C'moon help me a bit", i hissed at him and i got him up from the ground and to the backseat of my car we went. Slowly but we made it. After a little of fightning back, he was nicely seated there as buckled him up and i closed the door.
This mysterious man was already drifting from consciousness so i have to go fast. As i was walking around my car i saw dark clothed peoples at the end of the dark alley. I gulped and basically runned fastly to drivers side door and i hopped in . Fastly change gear and started driving forward. Those peoples didn't have any kind of nice vibe coming from them.
I looked at the backview mirror, and to the mysterious man who was now sitting at the backseat of my car. What the hell i was thinking about ?! Is he dangerous ?? What if those peoples were chasing him and they follow me back to our house . I couldn't put my finger on those thoughts and my heart kept racing the whole drive back to me and my friends house. As i watched at the rewiev mirror to the man who was hunched at the back seat i had feeling in my heart. I have to help him, I almost just killed him so i have it for him.
To be continued…
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But Baby Bird
Cheating!Hawks x Reader 
Warning - Cheating! Toxic ass behavior. 
Summary - You catch Hawks cheating on you - and you decide to take him down a peg
Apparently cheating Hawks is a trend right now? And like I’m down... But in my way. Also listen to the glee version of Bust your windows and it 100% fueled this.
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Today was a normal day for you. You got off at work, went to pick up something for dinner, and headed home for the night. Work had been stressful. All the heroes at your agency seemed to need a hundred things. And running the behind the scenes of the agency was already hard enough. So you were longing to be home. In the arms of your fiancé. He’s always great with helping you recover from a bad day. 
As you walk into the penthouse you notice a distinct lack of Hawks. Normally he greats you at the door- a drink and hand and a sweet kiss. However he was no where to be found. You don’t think too much on it. You’ve been at the office extra late the last couple weeks and with his hero work you know it brings natural conflicts in your schedules. However the pros boots at the door reveal he’s here. Still he could be asleep. He is one for laying around in his free time. 
“Hawks baby?” You call “I’ve got us dinner.” 
He doesn’t reply. You roll your eyes setting down the takeout bag on the kitchen counter. Starting to set it up. Knowing he’d be grateful to wake up to the meal. You move to grab some paper towels only to catch site of two wineglasses in the sink.
“The fact he can’t just reuse a dish-” You groan lightly.
“Baby bird-” You hear a distant groan. You move looking down the hall to the bedroom. “Oh Baby Bird.”
“He couldn’t fucking wait for me,” You growl, “what a tool.” You move marching towards the bedroom. Clearly annoyed that your boyfriend started with out you. ”Hawks I’m sure I’m better than your hand-”
The scene in front of you isn’t that of catching your partner jerking it off... No instead it’s Hawks balls deep in on of the interns from his agency.
“No fucking way,” You say harshly. Hawk looks over at you. Eyes wide. Guilt filling his expression.
“Love Bird-” Hawks start pulling away from the girl. The intern moving to grab the blankets from your bed to cover herself. Hawks standing and pulling his boxers from the ground as you stared at the scene. 
The emotions flooding over you weren’t deafening. The anger. The sadness. The helplessness. The shock. All blending into an overwhelming mess. You just walked in on your fiancé fucking his intern. The man everyone warned you about proving their point. 
For a moment you don’t do anything. Then you just start to laugh.
“This isn’t- let me jus explain.”
“Explain what?” You ask him laughing lightly, “that you’re fucking some bimbo from your office?”
“Fuck off Keigo,” You say harshly, “I’m done. I hope you and your little slut over there have fun...” 
You pull away harshly. 
“Don’t fucking touch me,” You spit back. 
You left. Wanting to be anywhere but there. So you ended up over at Rumi’s. Your friend giving you the usual break up kit. The pajama, ice cream. The whole nine yards. She tried to cheer you up as you sobbed. You wanted to understand why the hell he’d do that. Why he’d risk your relationship of 4 years all for a girl who’s barely legal. You wonder how long he’s been letting this happen? If she’s the only girl?
“Fuck Keigo,” Rumi says harshly.
“I tried that- didn’t work out so well in the end,” You say slightly amused. She laughs lightly.
“That’s the spirit babe,” She says, “he sucks- but he’s a learning exprience. Now you can go find a guy who treats you right-”
“Or I can burn his apartment down,” You say harshly.
“That’s an option,” She says, “I’m sure you’re dad will love that one. Mr. Hero Commission watching his sweet daughter burn her fiancé’s house to the ground.”
“You think he’d let that get out?” You ask her slightly amused, “man would have that covered up in a heart beat.”
“Well as much as I love the arson- let’s think smaller,” Rumi says, “like moving on... Show him what he lost.... And he lost the hottest bitch he’ll ever see.” You chuckle through the light tears. Moving to wipe them away. “Now no tears- pretty bitches down cry over fuck boys.” I laugh lightly. “Step one to cheering up is get under some hot guy- how’s Zawa sounding?”
“As much as I’d love to tread that wave of daddy issues- I can’t even think about that right now,” You say sadly, “Hawks and I were supposed to get married! I spent our entire relationship defending him from people telling me it would end up this way. I feel stupid.”
“That’s not your fault,” Rumi says, “you love him... Besides you aren’t the only girl who’s ever gotten hurt this way... Heroes fucking suck. Whores... All of them. They’ll stick it in anything that has a pulse- and even that’s not stopping them sometimes.”
“Ew,” You chuckle sadly. She starts to laugh. 
“Bird man sucks- and you deserve so much more,” She tells you, “I promise you that this will only bring you closer to the guy who’s gonna treat you right.”
“Thanks Rumi,” You tell her. She moves pulling you into a hug.
“Any time song bird,” She says. When she pulls back she gives you a firm look. “Now go to bed- we’ve got moving out to do tomorrow.”
“Fine,” You tell her. 
You try to head to sleep. You really do. But you barely get a wink when the sun starts shining through the large windows in Rumi’s living room. Outside you can hear birds chirping. The sound fills you to your core with anger. Stupid birds... Stupid Hawks. You toss a shoe at the window. The birds immediately flee. 
“I know the man with wings fuck you over but don’t take it out on the birds,” Rumi says chuckling lightly. You look back to see her in the kitchen. She’s in her hero costume. Her bunny ears standing tall. “Morning song bird.”
“Ew” You groan, “I don’t want to hear that nickname ever again.”
“Oh come on I called you that before he who shall not be named ever did,” Rumi says, “your mother gave you that nickname. Don’t let him ruin it.”
“Too late,” You say as you stand from the couch. Moving over to grab a cup of coffee. Rumi rolls her eyes lightly at your comment. “I’m going to get my stuff- you still gonna be able to do that?”
“Sorry Y/n I got called in for patrols if you wanna wait here-”
“No I’m gonna go get a head start,” You tell her, “It’ll go faster that way anyways. You got any boxes?”
“No but Aizawa does- and he’s meeting us at yours to help move your stuff,” She says, “I’m giving you another chance to fuck him.” You roll your eyes roughly. “Come on! He’s hot- and before Hawks you would of killed to get under that man.”
“There was a lot I’d do pre hawks - but a lot of thats changed,” You tell her, “so I guess I’ll meet you there?” 
She heads out for work. And you go through the basics of getting ready. You had called your boss to tell them you needed the day for a family emergency. This was kinda a emergency. Honestly you just couldn’t handle needing to run around for everyone else after all of that.
The penthouse isn’t too far from Rumi’s house. It’s a ten minute taxi ride. You stand out in front of the door for a minute. Anger slowly filling you as your mind replays the events of last night. You shove it away and finally open the door. The light of the morning reveals what you didn’t notice last night. Napkins with lipstick on the table. A few spare feathers on the couch. Small signs of the build up. You scoff loudly. Marching back to your room. You’re thankful that the intern isn’t there. Even more thankful Hawks isn’t. You start in the closet first. Grabbing your clothes in armfuls and tossing them onto the floor of the bedroom. Next you move to the dresser. Pulling the drawers out to dump your belongings out. You can hear the soft moans fill your ears on repeat. Keigo calling her baby bird. Something he’s called you a million times. You growl lightly. Trying to focus on getting your things. As your grabbing the picture of you and your late mother you notice a picture of you and Keigo the night he proposed. You were so happy. He promised it would be you two for the rest of you life. You move grabbing the frame. You don’t even know why. But it doesn’t stay in your hands long. In a split second your slamming it against the wall. Then you move tossing the other ones of you and Keigo on the floor. Glass is everywhere. You don’t care. You rip the frames off the wall letting them smash as well. 
You calm down a bit. Moving to the bathroom to grab your stuff. However you catch yourself in the reflection. Smirking lightly as you catch the tube of lipstick on the counter. You uncap it and lean forward. Writing the word ‘Cheater’ across the glass in large red letters. Satisfied you toss the lipstick in your makeup bag then grab it to move it with the rest of your stuff. Next you move into the office. More pictures in frames around the room. You pull the down tossing them at the wall. Not caring about the scattering glass or the memories your destroying. You grab one of the markers from your desk to keep up with the redecoration. Scribbling ‘Whore’ ‘Player’ and other insults across the wall. You don’t care about what your doing. All you care about is the inconvence he’ll have cleaning this all up. 
You move dragging the marker along the walls as you head out to the kitchen. Opening the shelves to toss plates and bowls on the ground. 
“What the hell are you doing?”
You turn to see Keigo. He seems to be just walking in. He’s got his costume on. You smirk lightly as you drop a stack of plates on the ground. “Oops.”
“Y/n what the hell?!”
“You don’t like the redecoration? That’s a shame,” You say.
“Are you still mad?” 
You don’t answer. Instead you let the teapot you toss at his head answer for you. He barely ducks it.
“Listen what happened-”
You move throwing a mug at him. He steps out of the way and it smacks the floor behind him.
“It was an accident.”
“You accidentally fucked her?” You ask harshly, “oh that’s the dumbest excuse I’ve ever fucking heard.”
“I meant it was a mistake- I messed up.”
“Oh shut the fuck up Keigo,” You growl, “I don’t wanna hear it.”
“We need to talk about this- like adults not throw a tantrum!”
You angrily toss the toaster at him. He smacks it away from him. 
“You’re acting like a child!”
“You cheated on me!” You shout, “don’t give me that acting like a child shit.”
“I’m trying to talk to you and you’re throwing shit- so yeah you’re acting like a child,” He shouts back.
“Fine Keigo - what’s you’re excuse?” You ask him, “what lead you to this mistake?”
“You’re never around and I felt so alone-”
You don’t let him finish. You’re tossing the silverware drawer at him.
“You’re blaming you fucking your intern on me!” You scream, “oh my fucking god! You’re a joke.”
“Let me explain-”
“I- don’t- want- to - hear - it!” You scream in between tossing wine glasses at him. You’ve made a terrible mess of your kitchen. You couldn’t care less though. All you can think about is Keigo standing in front of you trying to blame him cheating all on you.  
“Stop throwing shit!”
“Keep your dick in your pants!” You scream back.
“Did this little tantrum make you feel better?”
“No!” You scream, “you broke my heart Keigo! You cheated on me! I can’t believe you don’t understand why I’m so upset-”
“I’m trying to explain-”
“You’re trying to blame me!”
“Just let me talk!”
“No!” I scream, “I don’t care! I don’t want to hear your stupid reason!”
“Baby bird I love you-”
“HOW DARE YOU CALM ME WHAT YOU CALLED HER!” I scream on the top of my lungs. Anger radiating off of me. “You stupid- fucking- asshole!” More of the kitchenware goes flying. He’s dodging them. Mumbling explanations. You stop. Laughing lightly. He watches you clearly confused. You grab the lamp from the table and toss it straight into the middle of the TV.
“Babe oh my god!”
“Shut the fuck up! I’m done! I’m done letting you walk all over me! Defending you when you clearly don’t deserve it! And I’m done trying to love you when you clearly don’t love me!”
You yank the ring off your finger and toss it at him.
“We’re done.” I say firmly. He looks at me. Tears starting to well in his eyes. Suddenly the anger fades. You just felt numb. Over it all.
“Hey Y/n- Oh my god.” 
You see Rumi and Shota at the door. Looking over the disaster of an apartment. Concern covering their faces.
“Are you okay?” Shota asks, “did he hurt you?”
You chuckle lightly.
“You think he did this?” You ask him, “I’m fine- Let’s get my shit and go... I don’t want to be here for another second.” You move past Hawks over to your friends. 
“But Baby Bird,” Hawks says lightly. You look back to the man. 
“Maybe next time you’ll think before you cheat-” You tell him, “see ya Bird Man.”
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thran-duils · 3 years
Lost in Zero Gravity (P.11)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Eleven) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 4,360 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior
Part Ten || Part Twelve || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
“I… just got involved with some guys and it got… weird,” you told your friend, Asa. You were playing with your pasta, moving it around your plate with your fork. The two of you were having lunch at one of the cheaper Italian restaurants near your grandparent’s house in their suburb. But it was damn good food; you had filled up on soup and calamari before your main course had even arrived.
“’Some guys’?” Asa pressed.
You met her eyes and said, “I got involved with a lot of guys if we wanna be accurate. Too many. But yeah, there are two specifically that I am—WAS seeing. Exclusively.”
“Y/N, you don’t have to be embarrassed about that. Fuck, I would do it if given the opportunity. You know I would. You were making bank,” Asa told you and you cracked a smile at her support. She took a bite of her food and pointed her fork at you, “Okay but… two? Exclusive? Did they know about each other?”
“Yeah… they did,” you admitted. “It was part of the deal.”
“Hmm,” Asa murmured. “You were getting dicked twice over and I can’t even find one.” You laughed, picking up a forkful of pasta and taking a bite. It was too good; you ignored your full feeling. “But, weird how?”
“One of their wives walked in on me fucking them – in my apartment, that they paid for, by the way – and punched me,” you told her bluntly. Asa rose her brows, stalling her chewing. She swallowed slowly and you muttered, “Yeah.”
“Oh, that kind of weird. I’m totally familiar with that. You know, in those situations, what I would normally do….” she trailed off because she started to laugh and you followed her lead, feeling the tension slowly leaving you. She reached across the table and grasped your hand. “I’m sorry. Is that what…” she gestured at your face and you nodded. She breathed in relief. “Not that it’s any better but when you said you got involved with two guys, I was thinking… you know, the worst. But fuck. You getting socked because they were cheating? That’s some bullshit.”
Another mouthful and you mumbled, “That’s what I thought. And they were acting like I was overreacting by being upset about it.”
“Are you kidding?”
“I wish I was.” You shifted in your seat and sighed heavily. “I… never mind.”
“What?” Asa pressed.
“I just think they were… using me as a replacement for their own marriages.”
“Well, yeah…” Asa said slowly.
“You don’t get it,” you exasperated, and she closed her mouth, paying attention. You shrugged sharply, “I mean, they would come over and do things with me. Like… cuddling on the couch, napping together on the couch. Watching TV shows. Buying pets together. Just talk to me as I cooked dinner. It was… intimate. Like something they were missing from their relationship that wasn’t just sex. Does that make sense?”
“I mean… yes?” Asa answered. “Look, that happens all the time. People catch feelings. Even when you’re not supposed to.”
“This was a definite not supposed to.”
“Did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Catch feelings?”
You shoved a forkful of food in your mouth, staring down at your plate.
“So, you did. And you only left cause the wife?” Asa asked seriously.
“Look, I don’t like that I like them,” you said meeting her eyes again and she cocked her head curiously. “They’re not the type of men to ‘catch feelings’ for. And there’s a lot of… complications to them having those feelings of attachment to me. They’re not nobodies. Celebrity status if we are going to be frank and that status gives them a lot of power. They might not have hit me but they sure as hell locked me in that apartment because they know no one can stop them from doing it.”
Asa was staring at you from across the table in shock.
“So, I don’t like that I started to like them because they were nice a lot of the time and did me… a lot of favors for my betterment. But I wanted to get away from the situation after that last fucking issue because they obviously have a lot of problems going on at home. I didn’t want to get drug into it any further.”
Silence fell between the two of you for a few moments before Asa told you gently, “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“I’ll get over it. We are going out for drinks tonight, so I’ll be able to drown my feelings in that rum.”
Asa laughed and said, “Always the rum.”
“She’s not in there,” Daryl said coming back to the SUV, climbing back into the passenger seat in the front. Tony, Steve, and a handful of other men were in the back of the SUV, Terrence driving. “I circled the house and could not see her in any of the windows. So, I went to the front door and her grandma answered and I asked her about Y/N, telling her I was looking for her because we were supposed to meet up tonight. The old woman is way too trusting. She told me she was down at this bar called Unicorn?”
Steve pulled his phone out, googling it.
“Looks like it’s two stories. That should be a fun hunt.”
Tony and Steve had both refrained from texting her or calling. That was not their style. If she ran off and was not contacting them, then that was only compounding on top of the transgression. There was no way they were going to reach out and try to build a bridge; she had already burned it. If she called or texted, of course they would answer. But that was on her. She was the one that had made the stupid decision to leave them, and she was going to pay for it in full.
“Would you look at that,” Terrence chuckled.
The group of six men had found a booth against the wall on the first floor. The place was packed, the line to the bar ridiculously long but they were not there for drinks. They were there to collect their prize.
“What?” Tony asked, sighing. He was already annoyed to high heaven about having to be in this dive of a club.
“She’s right there,” Terrence said which caught everyone’s attention immediately.
Terrence pointed Y/N out, waiting in line at the bar with another woman, almost to the front. Fishnets underneath high-rise shorts barely covering her ass, a black plain top, and thigh high black boots.
A guy came up behind her, much to everyone else’s annoyance in line and wound his arm up before smacking her ass super hard. As she jolted forward, Tony was already halfway out of his seat, Steve’s hand shooting out to stop him.
Y/N whipped around and glared before her grimace fell recognizing him and the guy burst out laughing. She slapped him in the chest and started laughing too. She leaned forward and took the straws from his drink into her mouth, sucking.
“Must know him…” Daryl said.
They got to the front and Y/N and the other girl leaned on the bar, smiling flirtatiously at the bartender. The friend ordered and the bartender cocked his eyebrow. She said something else, and he looked at the guy behind them, who waved. The bartender nodded before going to line up six shot glasses.
The friend handed over her cash and they picked up the shots between themselves, the guy having finished his drink, leaving it on the counter which the bartender took. They made their way back through the crowd towards the stairs to the bottom floor.
“Guess we are moving,” Steve told Tony. He looked at the other four and said, “You lot stay here up here.”
Dragging Mia back from the pinball machine and a guy she had been flirting with, you sat her at the table. She whined the whole time and you told her after the shots she could go back but she needed to take the drinks with you guys because you had been gone for so long. She scolded you for guilt tripping her.
Plopping down in your seat, your eyes happened to scan the bar. Your breath froze seeing Tony and Steve staring at you from across the room, sitting along the wall on a couple of stools. If looks could kill, you would be stabbed on the spot. Even in the moving lights you could see the anger painted on their expressions.
They had not tried to contact you at all. You had taken that as a sign as they had accepted you backing out of the relationship. But they had traveled here, tracked you down. That sent the complete opposite message of accepting it.
Forcing yourself to look away back at the table, your friend Mia shoved one of the shot glasses to you. You tried to keep your breath steady, trying to not look worried.
“Here we go, Y/N,” Asa told you, winking from across the table as she held up her shot glass. “Down the hatch goes third. And fourth for me and Joel. But third for you two.”
“Yeah, we are not idiots. We pace ourselves,” Mia retorted. “Plus there’s a dude over there and I wanna be sober enough to possibly get some tonight.”
You were definitely going to need this shot after having seen them and knowing you were definitely in some deep, deep shit. Maybe you should have gotten a second shot. Hindsight was 20/20.
The four of you took the single shots, before Joel and Asa took their second ones. Joel’s eyes closed and he breathed deeply. “That was rough.”
“Maybe you should’ve spaced them out?” Asa teased, completely unbothered by hers.
“Fuck off,” Joel laughed, taking a swig of his water.
“I need to go to the bathroom,” you told them over the music.
“Oh, me too!” Asa said, hopping up before you could stop her.
Your mouth fell open, trying to protest but she was already gesturing for you to take her hand. You shot a look over at Tony and Steve, seeing they were still very much keeping a glare pointed at you.
She yanked you up from the table, you stumbling in your boots. She held you around the waist, shimmying with you away from the table to the beat of the music – a song you actually liked, “No Other Way” by SHAED–, laughing joyfully as she held you close.
“Let’s go make some friends in the bathroom!” she exclaimed.
That caught you off guard and you actually laughed. “Isn’t that how it always is?”
You hoped to god that Tony and Steve did not approach your friends at the table or think that you were trying to escape out a back door or something. You worried there were other men there – actually, you knew they had other men there. They would not be here alone. You shot another look over your shoulder as Asa danced with you, catching their gaze again before you disappeared into the crowd towards the bathrooms.
You went first to the stalls, pretending to go so you were able to ditch her. Feeling guilty, you left the bathroom, pushing your way through the crowd.
They were still waiting at the table, their eyes fixed on you as you approached.
You stood in front of them, throwing your hands out, and you asked afraid, “What are you doing here? I left the key. I didn’t take anything.”
Steve cocked his head and turned his gaze to Tony, who had not taken his eyes off of you. More burning into you now than before at what you had said.
Tony blinked, finally looking away from you to look at Steve, giving a light laugh. A laugh laced with contempt at that.
“’Didn’t take anything’,” Steve repeated, matching Tony’s humorless chuckle.
You did not like the way they were toying with you. Forcibly, you told them, “I didn’t. I swear.”
Steve’s arm lashed out, his hand wrapping around your wrist in the blink of an eye, yanking you to him. You were pressed in between his legs and he made sure to squeeze to keep you in place. His expression was murderous.
“Y/N… you are an asset. So, you did take something. An unbelievably valuable thing.” You tried to pry your arm away from him and he only squeezed harder, and you gasped. He was far too strong, his grip crushing.
“I know we didn’t tell you because it seemed… irrelevant?” Steve said, searching for the right word. “But, sweetheart, you belong to us. Just like you belonged to Tatiana.”
“I…” you stammered, confused.
“We bought out your contract. Actually, paid her even more than what was owed. And along with other things, you now have all that indebted to us. So, when I say that you are an asset, you understand what I mean now, correct?”
You felt sick, your gaze falling. You had gone to Tatiana thinking that she was releasing you from the contract when she let you run off. Or what you thought was letting you run off… that she had forgiven your debt. But that was not the case at all. You had fucked up without even knowing it. You had crossed them, and it was not a surprise they had come to get you on top of everything else you had explained to Asa earlier this same day.
Steve grasped you underneath your chin to force you to look up at him. His tone was firm, low, “What’s going to happen is you’re going to go and collect your clothes because I’m guessing there’s some cute shorts and bras in there that I like seeing you in considering the amount of clothes you took with you when you stole away.” His fingers dug in and you winced at that, his eyes flashing at the mention of you leaving again. “I know you got scared but that doesn’t excuse what you did. You have a mountain to climb to be in our good graces again but trust me, the reward will be more than enough if you show some good behavior up front by not putting up a fight. Your grandpa’s medicine can be paid for.” You stared at him in shock, and he chuckled, “Yeah, we looked into that ailment. Tony can get that pretty fucking easily. What a happy coincidence, isn’t it?”
That was digging a bigger debt to them, but it was for your grandpa. And it was not like you could run away from this.
Thickly, you told him, “I understand.”
Steve let go of your chin and his thighs loosened on you. “Go say goodbye to your friends.”
“I can do it by myself,” you said from in between the two of them when they pulled into the driveway.
You already spotted your grandma sitting on the front porch on her swing seat. It was already eleven o’clock but she was a night owl, especially loving sitting outside and reading her books after your grandpa had gone to bed. You sorrowfully thought that you wished you had spent more time reading to him this afternoon since you were going to avoid waking him up now to say goodbye.
“You’ve got fifteen minutes,” Steve told you stiffly.
You bit your cheeks to hold back an argument, regretting yet another thing, wishing that you had not gone out tonight. But the scene at the club could have happened here and maybe that should be silver lining. Having time alone to pack up and say goodbye to your grandma was better than the alternative.
She noticed you walking up the stairs and she put her book down. “You’re back early.” You could not help but snort and she smiled in return. “I wasn’t expecting you back until probably early morning. If you are anything like I was in my youth and I know you are.” She furrowed her brow and asked, “Where’s your purse?”
You had left it in the car. Sighing, you stopped in front of her. “I gotta pack my stuff up and go.”
“Wait, why?” she asked hurt.
You sat down on the seat next to her and said, “Something came up.”
“Y/N, you’ve only been home for a couple days,” she protested. “We haven’t seen you in so long.”
Grasping her hand, you said, “I… it’s important. Not that you guys aren’t, of course. But it’s urgent. It’s something with work.”
“What could be so pressing there?” she asked you confused. She looked back at the SUV in the driveway, narrowing her eyes seeing Terrence and Daryl in the front seats. “Who are they?”
“Um, they work for my bosses,” you said in explanation. “They’re going to drive me.”
She cocked an eyebrow and asked, “You get to have drivers…? What kind of restaurant owners have drivers on hand?”
You heard car doors close, and you looked up alarm. That was nowhere near even three minutes. You got up quickly and moved towards the stairs to try to stop them from coming up the sidewalk to the porch. Steve and Tony were coming up the cement and you stopped in the center of the walkway defensively.
“That wasn’t—” you started to say but Tony cut in forcibly.
“Just wanted to make sure it didn’t take longer than fifteen because it looked like things were going to get dragged out. Why don’t you walk back with us and introduce us to your grandma before you go inside and get your things?”
He was not asking. Sucking your teeth, you turned around pissed off. You had wanted to do it alone and not have them involved.
She was watching you curiously from the other end of the porch as you walked back up with the two of them. You made to go towards the door, but Tony reached out, grasping your arm tightly, in warning. You stopped and turned towards her by the screen door. You just wanted to get this over with and get out of here without them talking to her.
“My friends are gonna help me pack, grandma.”
“Grandma…?” Steve asked expectantly.
“Pleased to meet you, Margaret,” Steve said politely. He walked over to her, holding out his hand. “Steve Rogers.”
Tony did the same, introducing himself. She was looking up at them in awe.
“Wait…” your grandma said, looking between the two of them. “You… you’re Avengers.”
“Sure are,” Tony beamed before he walked back over towards you by the door. He gave you a little nudge towards the door and you took a step before you heard the excitement in your grandma’s voice.
“Iron Man and Captain America. Oh, no wonder the two of you have drivers!”
She had paid very close attention to them after the attack in NYC since you had been there when it happened, and she had been terrified for you. She had become a fan that they had saved the city and essentially you as a byproduct.
“She works for us,” Steve told her, flashing his million-dollar smile.
“Oh?” your grandma asked confused, shooting you a look past him. You had told her you were waitressing, and she was no doubt wondering how that fit into working for them. “Do you own the restaurant then?”
Steve looked over his shoulder at you, a cruel glint in his eye. “A restaurant?”
“Yes. Where she’s waitressing,” your grandma continued. “She said it is a high-end place on the upper east side. Not that I know what that means. I have no knowledge of the city but I’m assuming it’s an affluent neighborhood?”
Steve licked his lips, a smirk tugging at his lips as he watched you. You gave him a pleading look to just go with it, to just lie. Yes, he owned a restaurant. Just say it.
“You wanna tell her what you really do for a living?” Steve challenged much to your horror.
They wanted to humiliate you. And you thought dreadfully, to the point that you might possibly never be able to face coming back here again to look your grandma in the face.
“No,” you snapped instantly.
Steve turned fully towards you, looking dangerous all of a sudden. Just like he had the first day in the apartment when you had told him to fuck off. He stalked up to you, glowering down at you, his back to your grandma.
“You wanna rephrase that?” he breathed lightly, knowing she would not be able to hear him.
You felt anxiety flooding in your chest. “Don’t…” you warbled.
“Own it. Say it, Y/N.”
Tony was at your back, Steve in front, holding you in place. You were not going to escape this.
“I’m your whore,” you rasped in a voice barely above a whisper, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“Now, now, watch your language in front of your grandmother,” Tony scolded in a murmur from behind you. “We have nicer words than that don’t we?”
You cleared your throat and said louder so she could actually hear, “I’m your… assistant.” Steve cocked his head, his eyes narrowing threateningly. He was not going to let this go and you wanted to sock him in the face. Your voice shaking, you said, “Fine. Courtesan. I am your courtesan.”
“Hmm, yeah that’s a good word for it,” Tony praised you quietly.
Steve looked satisfied and shrugged, “I don’t know what was so hard about saying that.” He turned back to your grandma, shrugging again.
Your cheeks burned with shame at your grandma’s expression when you stole a look. Her whole demeanor had changed seeing how theirs had when you told them no and learning what you actually did, hearing it from your own lips. Your eyes were watering then, wanting to crawl into a hole and just die from the embarrassment.
“I don’t like when people lie and especially to their elders in their family. It’s quite rude,” Steve explained to your grandma, who was blanched now, all wonderstruck she had had for him a moment before gone. “Speaking of rude, I do apologize for the short visit and I have to admit that is our fault. We have a trip planned and it was supposed to be a surprise for Y/N but she left before we could go on it, let alone tell her about it. And we do need to be hitting the road.”
Tony added, “I need to use the restroom before we go. May I, Margaret?”
Swallowing sharply, your grandma said weakly, “Yes, of course. Go ahead.”
“Perfect. Thank you,” Tony told her. To you, he asked, “You can show me where it’s at, right?” You nodded and he gestured for you to start walking. Steve told the two of you he would be in the car. Tony nodded in acknowledgment and as he passed, he asked your grandma, “Do you want me to grab you anything to drink while we are inside?”
“Oh, no. I’m quite alright.”
Following behind you closely, Tony kept at your back you walked through the house. Tears spilled over, devastated that they had not just stayed in the car. And thinking now your grandma probably despised you. You wanted to turn around and slap Tony across the face just like his wife had done.
You stopped outside the bathroom, wiping sloppily at your cheeks to get the tears off, and told him, “It’s there.”
“Where are you going to be, love?” he asked, taking in your face, seeing the tears. You pointed at the guest bedroom and he said, “Stay in there until I’m done. Don’t go anywhere.”
Tearfully, you turned back towards the guest bedroom and went to work gathering up your clothes you had tossed around the chair your suitcase was sitting in front of.
Tony took your suitcase from you and walked out of the house. “I’ll take this to the car. Goodnight, Margaret.”
She said nothing, watching you coming up to her timidly.
“Why?” was the first thing she rasped out to you.
“I…” you said, stammering. Your lip warbled and you gave a shuddered breath trying to keep control. “It started as protection as first… from an abusive ex.”
“Doesn’t look like much of an upgrade,” she said sadly, her eyes glossy now too seeing how distraught you were.
“I know it doesn’t look like it. But it is. Trust me,” you said, a few tears escaping, and you wiped at them. “Seriously… trust me on that.” You exhaled sharply and shook your hands, trying to shake off the emotions. “I’m gonna be fine. I promise. I’m sorry I lied to you. Really.”
She did not say anything for a few moments before she asked quietly, “They are very powerful, aren’t they? I mean, they are superheroes.”
“Seems that quote about Lincoln was right. About testing a man’s character by giving him power. Apparently it’s for the ages.”
You choked out a laugh, caught off guard by her quip. She was still as sharp as she always was; able to read a situation for what it was. She knew how big the power imbalance was between you and them. Essentially anyone and them.
She reached out, holding your hand, holding it tightly. “I’m not mad at you for lying. And I’m happy you came back home for the time you did. You can always call me. Do you understand that?” You nodded and she let your hand go. “Go. I’ll tell your grandpa there was an emergency.”
“Thank you. I love you,” you told her leaning down to give her a tight hug. You did not want to let go.
“I love you too,” she told you, giving you an extra tight squeeze in return.
Pulling away, you turned away from her, not wanting to look back afraid that you would just run back to the chair and curl up there. You instead stared ahead at the SUV to where the door was waiting open for you to hand yourself back over.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming @oceaniamaddness @multifandom-superlover @imsonick @holl2712 @here4thefanfics
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Locura Mia <3
Remember when Betty clarified everything to Mario and Armando about Nicolas role in Terra Moda and general manager?
She let them know that though Nicolas did manage Terra Moda that he didn't do anything without her say and that she was still the legal representative of Terra Moda.
One: that sets aside the fear of Betty giving too much responsibilities to Nicolas for the sake of him noticing her as she clears the air that she is the one with the last say.
Two: that Nicolas has Betty blinded.
This is both Mario's and Armando's worry, they talked about it at the cocktail the night before and Betty goes to clear the air so they aren't worried or distrusting of them.
However they still decide to enact the sinister plan.
When Armando realizes that Betty potentially cares for him as more than her boss its when the guilt of hurting sets in but when he hears Betty speaking on the phone with Nicolas he decides that he will make Betty fall in love with him.
Now, I want to make it clear that Armando is not in love with Betty. He's confused about his feelings. As well that Armando is worried about Eco Moda, the future of it, and his. That's why he agrees to do that.
Later that night when Betty returns to the meeting room after having spoken to Nicolas she tells them that because she's staying to work that he{Nic] will be going to talk and deal with the lawyer and Armando gets mad at her but she explains why it's important that they do that and Mario agrees.
Then Armando tells Betty to bring him the entire bottle of whisky and she asks if he's well and that he's drinking too much which he tells her to bring it to him.
When she leaves the room Armando tells Mario that she's no longer listening to him or obeying him.
This again proves again that Armando isn't solely worried about the company as now his subconscious is the one leading as he now worries that Nicolas is taking Betty from him.
I do believe that Armando would have fallen in love with Betty regardless of Eco Moda and Terra Moda.
What we have seen so far(before Nicolas was introduced as the love interest of Betty) was Armando slowly building a friendship with Betty as he was also developing feelings for her but all of a sudden these small moments of him just simply liking to spend time with Betty at the office and letting his guard down and letting her into his personal life come crashing into a wall of realization that he isn't ready to face and when he is being forced to face it he decides to deny it. Had it not happened like that I do think he would have ended up falling in love with her in the long run.
As a writer you have to think of all the possibilities that can happen. A scene you write has different alternative endings and you always go with the best one that pushes the story and the intensity forward.
So when watching the romance begin I often wonder what could have been of that scene and where that could have lead the story. When his original secretary quit because she fell in love with him the girls told Betty that Armando was never even aware of it and that he didn't even pay attention to her, it is a fact that Armando doesn't like getting involved with the employee's of Eco Moda so we can assume that it was true. After all when Bertha mentioned that Mariana had foretold that she'd quite her job Armando didn't even look fazed by it. He had no micro expressions or reaction to that. It was as if it wasn't important to him that she quit or why.
She wasn't important to him and she didn't really matter at all as he tells Betty that if she were to leave Eco Moda he would miss her.
Armando is hella drunk here. His eyes are droopy, he can't stand straight at times and he looks like he wants to run out of there.
Betty despite her feelings is trying to keep everything professional. When Armando tells her that they should cheer for something Betty cheer's for Eco Moda, now here Armando is acting. He isn't really talking with the heart.
I often talk about Armando but I am honestly so excited to finally start talking about Betty and her complexities because this romance isn't just from Armando's perspective but Betty's too and she deserves to be talked about more.
From previous episodes we know Betty had a relationship with a guy named Miguel. We know this because when Roman asked her to go out with them for the night as a joke Betty mentioned it after her Don Hermes didn't let her go and later that night after she got stood up she wrote in her diary something that personally moved me a lot.
"When will someone give me the opportunity to give them my love?"
Most times when we're watching a romantic drama or reading one we get this trope of the main character wanting to be loved themselves. They're searching for someone to love them because they've got this idea that love is meant on what others can give you. Armando is like that. He bases love on what others can give you, just like his parents and Marcela is the exact same way however real love isn't like that at all. That's being selfish.
Real love is wanting to give yourself without expecting anything in return and that's how we see Betty show her love towards Armando but the reason why it moved me so much to hear Betty say that is because she wasn't looking for someone to love her but instead she wanted to give her love, she wanted someone to give her the chance to give all the love she knew she could give to them. Betty, our sweet and kind Betty wasn't looking to be selfish in love.
However because of the fact that she did once love someone, she gave her love to someone who didn't appreciate it and just used her Betty is traumatized. It wasn't just heartbreak that she dealt with but she dealt with a humiliation that broke down her self-esteem more, ruined her self worth and killed her.
Though Betty knows she's "ugly" to people and that because of that no man will ever notice her, she believed that her love, the love she could give, would make someone love her. She believes that real love isn't based on physical attraction but rather a deep rooted spiritual connection with someone. Betty has a very beautiful understanding of love.
So it isn't just because her parents raised her to be a decent human with morals that she is keeping things professional but as a defense mechanism.
She is keeping herself away so she won't suffer again but her emotions start to win over after Armando asks her to dance.
She leans her head closer to him, not resting it on his shoulder, and we hear her inner monologue of "I can't believe it." in a hopeful and shocked tone while Armando's inner monologue is the same words his tone is disgusted.
He is disgusted to be so close to Betty, that he is dancing with an "ugly"(I always put quotation marks when I refer to Betty as ugly because she is very gorgeous to me!) woman.
When they return to the table Betty, as a concerned employee but also someone who is secretly in love with her boss respectfully tells Armando to forgive her for not minding her business but that he's drinking too much and he has to drive.
Notice the shift in tone from Armando's voice. Before he asked Betty to dance and they were talking Armando's tone was superficial. It was manipulative but this time it's careless and he's annoyed.
Again here you can notice in the same scene that shift as he lies to Betty and tells her "I'm enjoying my drinking" he shifts to look at her so they can talk better and his emotions give way here as he says "or what is it? What's your problem, Betty?" his facial expression switches to anger as he asks her in an accusing tone "or what am I so boring?"
Betty quickly tells him no "It's not that."
"Then explain it to me. Since Calderon left all you've wanted is for us to not drink, to not dance, to not do this or that. Beatriz, tell me, am I boring guy?"
I recalled Armando talking to Marcela once(when they were going to decide whether they got married though the church or court) and he told her "It's not about me. Are you sure you want to be married to me for life? I'm a really boring guy and you know that."
Here we can tell the difference in how Armando views these two women. While with Marcela he doesn't care that he's a boring guy, he does care that Betty doesn't think of him that way.
You can argue that Armando is drunk therefore he doesn't know what he's saying but he's manipulative by nature. He can do that sober or drunk and we saw that already in the scene before he asked Betty to dance. Besides have you ever heard the saying that toddlers and drunks have one thing in common and it's that they both can piss their pants but speak the truth.
Armando is a lot more drunk than he was at the start of the night with just him and Betty.
Once again Betty reassures Armando and in a loving voice tells him No , but that she understand he is worried for the company, marcela and that he is in a place unusual for him and with company he's not used to.
Really pay attention to Armando's tone. It constantly shifts from being natural to being forced. You can pick up when he is lying and being manipulative to it being honest.
Before I continue this I want to bring a detail I've noticed that came full circle the night of the museum.
Betty often tells Armando not to explain things, that she understands him. Armando however, unlike with Marcela who he just gaslights and manipulates, with Betty he constantly wants to explain things and talk them through, but Betty telling him that he understand him holds a lot of weight in their conversations because she truly does.
Armando takes in a deep breath, squints his eyes at her, before he speaks. He's thinking of what to say to her and trying to figure her out because unlike all the other women who Armando has been with(it's not because of what he said that he didn't know how to seduce an ugly woman) Betty isn't responding to any of his advances. She continues to keep things professional and behaves like a concerned employee so naturally Armando is confused and trying to figure a way to make things work.
He agrees with her about the first thing she said but disagrees about him not being in a place he'd enjoy that he's having a good time and all of that was said in a natural tone but when he leans closer and whispers drunklike "and as for the company." He widens his eyes and tells her "I love it."
Betty's eyes grow wide and she looks at him and then around. She looks surprised but also scared.
She tells him that she thinks he should drink slower or mix his drink with water and he chuckles at that.
"You're not coordinating with what you're saying."
"What? How am I not coordinating with what I'm saying?" He has a smirk on his face and turns to look at her, making eye contact he tells her "'cause I tell you Beatriz" he switches from openly speaking to now whispering as he finishes off by saying "I enjoying being with you." he says looking around the room. This represents the actual dilema he is facing. We know he does like spending time with Betty, especially in the previous days so we know that's true but notice how he was able to talk so openly before until he had to admit that he likes spending time with her. He whispered it to her and looked around the room. He knows he's somewhere that none of his friends or people in his social circle would be in so he isn't paranoid that they'll catch him. It symbolizes his inner battle. He's embarrassed to be seen with a woman like Betty, so he denies to care for her, however he admits he enjoys her company.
Now Armando lets his guard down, you can tell that he isn't as tense however still feeling nervous, he touches his upper lip and leans forward on the table "I'mma tell you something you know." he chuckles and points to Betty's drink "there with you blackberry juice" he chuckles, he finds it endearing, he touches his lips for a micro second often seen as a sign of nervousness. He's nervous to confess this to Betty or even to say it outloud.
Betty is starting at him freaked out and girl I WOULD TOO.
"See when you started working for me, if they would've fired you then I wouldn't have cared or been affected by it but now if you left I wouldn't be able to bare being without you."the haws theme song starts to play and he crazily looks around him. He really doesn't want anyone to hear him say these things because he is embarrassed to feel this way!
Betty's expression doesn't change. She's like a deer hit with headlights.
"But it's just a matter of custom. I'm sure if I left Eco Moda and I left everything organized for the new assistant they'll accomplish-" she's interrupted by an angry Armando.
As Betty was telling him this he took a drink and then started to rub his eyebrow; self soothing.
"Nonononono! I'm not talking about another assistant. " he hisses at her. "I'm saying that you," He chuckles nervously and swiftly covers his face, smiles and says "this is incredible." he fidgets with rubbing his forehead and his tone of voice is what lets us know he is being truthful to Betty. Here Armando is nervous to confess this, not only because he is confessing it to Betty but because now he has to accept it and no longer deny that he does care about Betty. He is being vulnerable.
Do you remember when you'd talk to your crush in middle school how you'd get, especially when the conversation shifted to talking about who you liked?
Armando's behavior reminds me of that.
The literal translation of what he tells her butchers the meaning as Armando tells her "Yo estoy diciendo, es increible esto, pero usted me haria falta, me haria falta como mujer."
"What I'm saying is that you, i can't believe this, is incredible, but I would feel the absence of you, the absence of you as a woman." his tone is very truthful. It isn't like before where it shifted from lying, manipulation and being somewhat truthful. Now it's coming form the heart and we later get more examples of this.
"Um sir please don't continue drinking anymore."
"Why? Why not? I need to drink, see." He drinks from his whisky. "You know why?" he shivers, slightly coughs because of it and shakes his head. "You know why I need to drink? Because I need to, I need to get out what, get out what I have inside of me about what I feel for you." Betty again is looking at him like a deer with headlights. "This is serious don't look at me like me shocked eyes. I'm going to tell you." He slurs. "Since I found out that you have a boyfriend right-"
"But I don't have a boyfriend."
"well, well, whatever, whatever he is, I don't care." He starts to angirly point his finger on the table and with a tone that matches continues "since I found out that guy Nicolas Mora exists I began to feel like bad." He's hunched forward, leaning towards the table and then turning to Betty, his face is very expressive as he shows that what is saying is hard for him to say because it pains him "like this wimper inside of me, I felt like a discomfort that I didn't like and I reflected, I started to think." He begins to act out him reflecting. "Reflecting. Armando, what's going on with you? and I discovered that I'm jealous, I'm jealous of Nicolas Mora." his eyes are wide and lips pursed, showing that he is stressed or holding back emotion.
"Sir don't joke."Betty's voice is shaky, she looks like she's got her heart in her throat as she is leaning far from him. She is afraid of what he is telling her and on guard.
"Do I look like a clown to you?" Betty shakes her head "No right? I don't play with that, Betty. I don't play with that."
Notice the shift in his tone again. It went from being his natural voice, albit drunk and slurred but still his natural tone, to now again being raspy, it's the best way I can discribe his tone which he has whenever he is being manipulative towards anyone. Armando grabs his glass to drink from it which shows us that now he no longer is being honest.
The next sequence is Armando trying to seduce Betty. She explained that she's got nothing going on with Nicolas and tries to excuse herself but Armando tells her to stay and that she isn't going anywhere.
This is him using his power of position to keep Betty in a situation she wants to run from. It is wrong. We know this and so does the writer as we get the Jaws theme song and a creepy smile from Armando. This is intended to be this way and not to be mistaken as something romantic.
He leans in closer and tells her "You fascinate me." Betty reacts to him being so close and leans forward and puckers her lips and they kiss. Armando's reaction is him being grossed out by it.
For the comedic effect Betty opens her eyes and then faints.
What do we get from this?
Armando is a piece of ish!
Now that that's out of the way.
We see Betty struggle with what's going on. She really is scared of what Armando is doing and saying because she doesn't want to have her hopes up and she's afraid of what it entitles. She doesn't want to get hurt.
Armando as always is all over the place. One moment he is angry, the next annoyed, then grossed out, and then he is being vulnerable, honest and baring his bones and then he is being manipulative. I am personally exhausted, imagine him?
Betty wakes up and apologizes, tells him she doesn't know what what's going on and that she crossed the line. She gets up and leaves and Armando goes after her.
See unlike the women of the past, the models or whatever, Betty isn't reacting like he expects her to. She isn't flirting, fawning, getting closer to him. She is in her seat silent while he speaks, telling him to stop drinking, that he doesn't know what he's saying.
Betty runs out of that place and once outside she touches her lips and thinks to herself "He kissed me, he kissed me."
I already mentioned how someone else wrote a post about Armando and the reason he doesn't date women outside of his social circle and here, now, in this scene he is going against that. He is doing the very thing that he lectured Mario about.
He used his position of power to keep Betty there. We get a scene of Armando sitting at the table with his head down and his fist clasped together, unlike with Mario who did that to show power, Armando's body language allows us to see that he is doing it to self-sooth.
I imagine that he is processing everything but mostly feeling guilty for what he is doing. Guilty for taking advantage of Betty and following through with the plan to seduce her and then it hits him that he kissed her. He touches his lips over and over again, it doesn't seem like he's wiping his lips as he gently rubs them and repeats that he kissed her. His brows furrow and instead of having a face of disgust he shows to have a face of confusion because now he is left with the feelings that that kiss produced and left in him. As well as him realizing what he is capable of doing.
Again, Armando is aware that Betty isn't society's standard of Beauty and aware that she isn't want he imagined in his perfect woman body wise, so he is grossed out by the idea of having something physical with her because of his obsession with perfection. This doesn't mean he is grossed out by her, just the idea of her, if that makes sense.
Which I know it's hard to understand, muchless explain right now but I am tired and hungry so I will leave y'all off here.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
'Til next time :)
Ps again ignore my typos.
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