#like it's an L but maybe a W in a sense but mostly a massive L
malinaa · 5 months
finally read the atlas complex and I wasn’t expecting much but it was so bad…at least nicolibby soulmates in every universe! he would have picked in her in the end (trust!) he said not now and he meant not now but that doesn’t mean forever-well it didn’t when he said it. overall nicolibby won it’s them in every life and he isn’t alive and happy with anyone else in this universe so it’s a win in my book
sorree i'm answering this late but you deserve a purple heart for finishing that book tbh the nicolibby of it all sent me into such a spiral that i have now decided that i will write a magical academic rivals to lovers for those of us that were lost in the trenches . . .
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esthersroleplayhud · 3 years
One Year Clean
Mostly for a universe that @of-stars-and-pens and I imagine. Tilda is a female OC with Ben Solo in a college AU of Star Wars. Ben becomes a drug addict and, through a series of wild events, becomes clean and gets back with Tilda.
Also. The prompt for this one is "ouija board". It's on a list that I don't have the link to anymore. So. Sorry to the creator of the list for that.
Bony wrists and too many bracelets. To say he was one-hundred percent back was an absolutely lie. Still, Ben knew this was a milestone that could not be missed. The woman in front of him was too beautiful to not look at. Too kind to not forgive him. Too much of an angel to not have saved his life. He leaned forward a bit, setting up the ouija board. "I think it moved," Tilda jumped, pointing at the planchette.
Ben laughed and shook his head, "Don't we have to have our hands on it for it to work?"
"Yeah. Guess I'm just spooked. It's been so long since I've done one of these," Tilda leaned forward on her hands, "When do we start?" "As soon as you put your hands on the planchette and start asking questions," Ben couldn't take his eyes off Tilda. There were surprises planned on this board tonight. His hands were ready. Tilda's met his.
"Ok," Tilda took a deep breath, "Hello spirits. Is there anyone there?"
Ben eased the planchette to the 'yes' corner.
Tilda gasped, her eyes growing wide, "Ok. Ok. Ok. Um. Ok. What is your name?"
"Oh!" Ben hoped he was doing a good job faking this particular board, "That's who I'm named after. He fought along side grandpa and mentored Mom and Uncle Luke for a while."
"Oh! Cool! It's nice to meet you, Ben."
Tilda thought for a moment and looked at Ben, thinking of her next question. Her brow furrowed and she bit her lip. Ben felt his insides get softer. Man. He was in love. Tilda gulped a bit before opening her mouth to speak, "I'm proud of Ben. I hope you are too."
Ben had a hard time faking that last one, but he had his own shame to work through. Today was about the illusion for Tilda.
"Perfect. He's done a lot of good since I've known him. We've taken down a bully. We've saved Ben's cousin. We saved her boyfriend. We got together and separated and got back together again. Ben's been a source of strength in my life." "But do you have a question?" Ben felt like he could cry from all the love he had from her, "I think you have confused ol' Ben."
"Ok. Sorry, Ben."
I-T I-S O-K.
"I'm glad," Tilda smiled, "Do you have anything to tell us?"
"Will you marry me?" Tilda tilted her head, "That doesn't make sense?"
"Yes it does. Because maybe it isn't really Ben Kenobi talking to you. And maybe it's Ben Solo," Ben had gotten up and dug a ring box out of his back pocket.
The ring was simple. A princess cut diamond on a white gold setting. Ben wanted to get something fancier for Tilda, but this would do for now.
"I know the pressure from the last time we tried this, we got in a massive fight. But, for my one year clean, I want to try this again. This time, I'm more stable. Less anxious. And there's less going on in general. I don't want you to feel pressured this time. But I don't want to live life without you. So. If you don't mind me providing the ring, I'll let you provide the pace," Ben couldn't look at her. This was a mistake and he had messed up asking her like this. He was sure of it.
"Ok. I'm willing to try again if those are the conditions," Tilda cupped his hands in hers. She leaned over and kissed his cheek, taking the box out if his hand.
"Wait. Really?" Ben looked at her, a little surprised.
"Yes really. All I wanted was to graduate and have a stable enough job before having kids. But I know we can make it now. We made it through hell and back. And we ended up back together, right? So. I don't want to be with anyone else. I just want to be with you."
Ben wrapped his arms around her, "I love you so much," He felt tears run down his cheeks.
"I love you too," Tilda closed her eyes and savored the moment, "Hey. After this, do you want to try talking to some ghosts?"
Ben squeezed Tilda, "Yeah. We can try talking to some ghosts when you're ready."
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Lonely Gun
Pairing: Jamie Reyes x reader
Synopsis: You love going on bike rides during free times around the neighborhood, however this time, your crush joins you.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1262
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           You were in your bedroom getting changed at the cave into some clothes to go biking. It was early evening and the perfect weather for a ride. You put on some sports leggings with pockets for your phone and pocket knife, a short -sleeved gym shirt, and your running shoes. Your hair was half up and half down and had an almost crimped look from leaving in braids over-night.
           “You almost ready Y/N?” Someone asked knocking on your bedroom door.
           “Yeah, one second!” You replied almost tripping from getting your shoes on before opening your bedroom door to reveal Jamie who was waiting outside for you to finish changing.
           “I have this route that no one takes. It has a few people every now and then, but it’s rarely busy if you’d like to go on that one. Otherwise there’s the city bike routes or bikes on the beach.” You informed him walking to the exit of the cave.
           “Let’s venture off the norm.” He laughed some making you smile.
           “Jamie Reyes, now is the optimal time to confess your feelings.” The scarab popped in making Jamie roll his eyes.
           He ignored it for a second before telling it to shut up when you were out of earshot getting the bikes. You rolled yours out followed by Jamie as the doors of the cave opened.
           “Just remember, this is a hillier route, if you can’t keep up, I can slow down.” You smirked looking at him.
           “The Y/N is challenging you, I recommend taking them out now so they pose no threat.” The scarab hissed.
           “The scarab doesn’t like that Y/N/N.” Jamie said shooting a look at the Scarab.
           “Oops, sorry if I offended it.” You giggled peddling off.
           You and Jamie biked off into a mostly silent neighborhood in the suburbs near the cave. It was a lovely place, often housing families and in the back, an assisted living section atop the large hill. There were flower bushes in almost every yard and when you got to the top of the hill, there was a group of kids playing in the sprinklers and on a massive waterslide that was stretching into multiple yards.
           Jamie smiled at you waving at one of the kids that called out your name smiling and jumping around.
           “Who was that?” He asked.
           “One of the kids that I babysit, her name is Lilly.” You smiled turning into the back of the neighborhood and down a smaller hill.
           You guys stopped at stop signs and then started back again, taking a sharp left turn down another winding road all down a massive hill. You didn’t notice him looking at you, admiring how your hair whipped in the wind and how you smiled every time you picked up the speed. You guys stopped once more at the stop sign and then went down an empty road.
           “This might look like there’s nothing here, but trust me, the best part of the route is down this road.” You said shooting him a small glance before he nodded an okay at you.
           You would normally be a lot more cautious going down an empty street like this. There were no houses and typically, no cars down this street either. If anything happened, you’d be able to handle yourself with training from various heroes, you just didn’t want to. Jamie gave you a strange look when you turned off onto another, much smaller road that could not be seen.
           After heading down further, you guys passed a stream on an older looking bridge and then came to a meadow at the edge of a lake. You hopped off your bike and set it down at the edge of the road. No one came down back here, so you knew that it would be fine. Jamie did the same thing too and followed you to a large oak tree where you climbed to one of the lower larger branches and sat.
           “Want any help up Reyes?” You asked smirking some.
           “Not at all L/N.” He replied climbing to sit next to you, “This place is really beautiful.”
           “I know right. I come here almost every day when I just need some down time. I like being alone for a little bit. Even if it’s just outside, riding my bike around for a little bit. Helps me clear my mind and all.” You chuckled looking down at the lake below.    
           “So, this is where you almost always run off to after missions?” Jamie asked sitting back some on the tree.
           “Almost always.” You answered sighing, “Sometimes I can stay here for hours. And then I remember I have to be at the cave but still.”
           He smiled some at your comment before everything went back to being silent.
           “Jamie Reyes, this is the perfect time to confess your feelings.” The Scarab butted in.
           Jamie tried to ignore it but the Scarab persisted more and more.
           “Want to walk around some?” You finally asked.      
           “Uh sure.”
           You jumped down from the tree making a perfect landing and started to walk away some, quickly followed by Jamie.
           “You know, I never really would have expected this kind of place from you.” He stated as you walked around the edge of the lake.
           “And whatever would that mean Reyes?” You questioned arching a brow.
           “O-oh nothing bad!” He said blushing some, “I’m just saying I wasn’t expecting a meadow, oak tree, and really pretty lake like this. Fairy tale kind of place.”
           “Yeah, well I do like to surprise.” You laughed, “It’s always just been something I always did. I’ve been kind of a lonely gun my entire life and just did whatever I thought was the most interesting.”
           “So, you’ve never considered any relationships?” He asked rubbing the back of his neck after realizing how that might have come across.
           “I mean I’ve thought about it before, I just haven’t met anyone who can pull the trigger.” You blushed some, “Well, I think I did. Maybe.”
           “O-oh.” He sighed some looking and sounding disappointed.
           “Jamie are you alright?” You asked in a concerned tone.
           “Y-yeah I’m fine.” He said.
           “Really? Because I’ve met a lot of people in my life and you fit the “I have something I’m not talking about” look on your face. A classic one really.”
           “I’m fine it’s just. W-well I was hoping you weren’t dating anyone or anything.”
           “Well, I’m not dating anyone right now so spill.” You realized what was happening.
           “Y/N, I-I really like you but if you’re already interested in someone, I’m sure that they’re great and you deserve the best of anything. If you regret taking me here, I get it.” He said turning all sorts of shades red now.
           “Jamie.” You said giggled some, your tone changing into an understanding one, “I was talking about you stupid.”
           “W-wait really?” He asked in surprise.
           “Duh, why else would I have taken you out here?”
           “I mean that makes sense I just didn’t think...” He suddenly pulled you into a kiss making you freeze before you returned the action.
           “Well, I guess this means we’re a thing now?” You asked breathlessly after you two pulled away.
           “I guess. If that’s what you want?” He answered.
           “Of -course it is.” “Now, I hate to ruin this moment, however there’s a massive hill and the rest of the neighborhood to cover.” You said smirking, “You know, if you’re up for it.”
           “Wow, way to make a guy feel wanted.” He laughed heading back with you, “I’m up for it.”
I hope you guys are having a great day and weekend. I go on bike rides a LOT as you guys might have deduced by now and I got this idea over the past few weeks. I listen to a ton of music on these rides and always imagine a story in the background of it. Idk it’s just how my brain works lol. Anyways, I hope you guys are all staying safe and healthy and continue to have a great week!
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kvngjoong · 5 years
seungmin + nsfw a-z
pls request the other members of skz if you’d like to see them! i have chan, jisung, woojin and felix requested so far, changbin already done
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A: Aftercare
he is a soft smol baby who needs looking after himself, so you would be doing most of the aftercare. he usually does check your okay when he’s snuggled next to you. he would be far too shy to take leadership when it comes to you anyway. he does what he’s told when it comes to you, anyway
B: Body part
he doesn’t… particularly..have a favourite part of you? if you made him choose, then he would probably say your lips, because he likes how soft they are (and he likes when you shut him up by kissing him), though he also wouldn’t particularly say they are the one part of you that stands out to him the most. he likes ur tiddies too. for him, he likes his voice. not really a body part, but he likes how whiny and subby he can get when you really do get him in that mood
C: Cum
considering that he doesn’t look like he has a lot in him, seungmin cums quite a bit and he always makes a mess of it. he’ll confess to you somewhere in your relationship he likes it when it covers your body, or if it’s generally spread around when he finishes, cause low key he has a thing for marking you in that way
D: Dirty Secret
seungmin is kinda into the element of him being a good boy and you ruining his rep. you’ll never know, because he doesn’t tell you about it, but when you’re wearing dark clothes it riles him up a little. one time you were wearing ripped jeans, fishnets stockings, a tight vest and dark make up - ie, you looked like a typical ‘bad girl’. he really liked it. he was by your side all day hoping you’d get the message, and when you finally were going to relieve him of his problem he was extra excited to see you had black lace lingerie on and you left the fishnets on. this also means that if you have any nsfw piercings, he’s super into it
E: Experience
a little bit, if any. perhaps he knows stuff because he’s heard of others talking about them, and maybe he’s had a little experience beforehand? like he knows what everything is and all, he’s just shy so you wouldn’t think he did
F: Favourite Position
he really doesn’t happen. since sex isn’t the only thing going on, and there’s a lot of other play going on, the two of you only really do two positions which he’s fond of - cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. he prefers the later cause he thinks you have a cute butt
G: Goofy
he doesn’t really show a funny side to anything nsfw, and is mostly serious (due to his sub mindset and liking you to take most of the control)
H: Hair
he seems well groomed in general, so it probably follows suit that he’s either shaved or manscaped. he wants things to look… good, in the best way. he doesn’t like the idea of it being a big mess down there, and it would probably annoy him too if it was like that
I: Intimacy
definitely on the romantic side, no matter how kinky he is. he enjoys the romantic side behind everything and enjoys the thought of you being able to not just like him in a sexual way, but a romantic way too. he wouldn’t be able to deal with just the sexual side of things, he would get too shy about it
J: Jack Off
he doesn’t do it like a lot, but more than you think. he’s crafty in the fact that he knows you don’t like he getting off without you, or at least knowing about it, so he keeps it quiet and he’s too cute for you to ever think any differently. so seungmin gets away with jacking off a few times a week, when you’re under the impression it’s once a week
K: Kink
whilst his kink list is ever expanding and already full of a lot of different things he’s into, you’d be surprised to hear that he has a few things that stand out to him. he really likes being sub (but he’s a switch, so he can dom), and the one thing he loves so so much is having you need him. seriously, he would cum on the spot if you told him that he was the reason you were so wet (but he needs to hear it from you, if that makes sense). he also likes it when you peg him, cause it feels good for him
L: Location
your place, in the bedroom (or a playroom, should you be able to afford that luxury). sex is a pretty private ordeal for seungmin, especially since he’s on the adventurous side and wants to try out things he really doesn’t want his friends, or anyone for that matter, to find out about
M: Motivation
Seungmin doesn’t usually get turned on that easily, but anticipation really gets him going. He likes it when you text him at random hours of the day and tell him that he should be waiting for you when you get in since you really need him. he especially likes it if you text him and tell him to prepare himself for you, and what position you want to find him in
exhinitionism, anything that gets a bit dirty (ya know, scat etc), and he is a bit apprehensive about threesomes or moresomes but that’s for another day. if you wanted to involve someone else, it would have to be someone you knew, he would probably prefer another girl rather than a guy too
O: Oral
seungmin doesn’t usually receive, and he’s not one to complain about it - he likes giving because he likes pleasing you so badly. he’s practically a different man when you he’s giving oral, he takes back a bit of his control but his main goal is to get you off and make you feel as good as possible. on the chance he is receiving, he barely speaks above a whimper and cums pretty quick. he’s sensitive, alright?
P: Pace
you take control, so it’s whatever you want. he’s a massive sub, even with his switch undertones, and whatever you want, he’ll accept. though seungmin will typically take a faster pace when he gets his time to shine as dom, but he prefers you to be slower when you’re dom - mostly because he gets to feel everything that way
Q: Quickie
not really his style, unless you’ve giving him a quick blowie or hand job because he’s got somewhere to be soon but you’re both in that mood
R: Risk
this poor baby does not like the idea of getting caught doing anything. he shies away at the thought of someone walking in on him, or even someone he doesn’t know maybe catching onto the fact he’s doing something a touch nsfw. risks aren’t a go to for him, unfortunately
S: Stamina
it never changes. he can go for as long as you need, but not for too long, cause he gets sleepy
T: Toy
seungmin likes toys!! in one way, he likes the ones that look pretty. he likes when you get kitten ears because you both can use them and that’s cute. he likes when you use toys on him, even the ones that hurt him a little (cough, masochist, cough). he likes to dress up and likes when you dress up too. he’s unsure on how he uses toys with you, but he’ll make it work
U: Unfair
he isn’t a tease at all, and he doesn't mind being teased. if you want to tease him, you have to deal with the emotional toll of seeing him pout with his eyes wide and round and glassy
V: Volume
he’s vocal, but he’s not loud per se. he can be quiet if needed, though usually needs you to actually tell him to shut up (or cover his mouth), but he’s not once brought unnecessary attention to himself. he’s definitely a whiner, but he’s not bratty (what a good sub). you’ll never get sick of hearing his sweet mewls when you overstimulate him
W: Wild Card
one time, you were showing seungmin your wax burner and he thought it was really cool, but you didn’t catch him in time to stop him dipping his finger in the hot wax. it hurt at first, but it was also how seungmin found out he was into having you drip hot wax onto him. is he a bit of a masochist? most definitely
X: X-Ray
(sorry) on the smaller side. both thinner and smaller than average, but it’s all okay because he’s pretty adventurous and doesn’t just like it vanilla - he definitely wants to try out all sorts of toys (and a strap on!)
Y: Yearning
he’s definitely on the more needy side, though he knows his limits and won’t often initiate anything in the fear that it might get him punished (though after a talk you’ll tell him it would be pretty cute if he initiated something and took a dom role). when he’s been drinking, or he’s feeling particularly confident, he’s definitely one to send dirty pics
tired baby wants to lie in your arms forever after and let you take care of him. he likes it when you play with his hair and falls asleep not too long afterwards. he’ll have heart eyes for you the whole time and drift off to have a dream of you doing the exact same thing (or something equally soft)
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
Ideas on genderbend? Saw you asking for people to ask and now I want to know EVERYTHING.
Sorry for the late reply! There’s a bit of info here, but lemme go into more detail about plot. (Also if anyone wants to write or co-write this message me!! As I mentioned in an earlier post, I wrote a couple scenes of it, but it’s probably not gonna be done anytime soon.)
So. It’s a JL-centric au (I swear I can’t write following anyone else but him and it is a problem.) that basically explores his troubles in becoming recognized as a sect leader, but also he’s a she. I know that the Lan sect had a female sect leader, but Jin Ling being female is definitely going to affect how people see her in a political context. Plus, I expect that Jin and Lan views are quite different...
In this au, (names are the same bc i’m not creative) Jin Ling spent most of her childhood (1-5) at Lotus Pier. It took Jiang Cheng much longer to convince the Jin elders that Jin Ling was the rightful heir, bc they were very opposed to a young girl from another sect being their leader. The elders also thought it was some political scheme so that JC would have control over the Jin sect. 
But since JC is very scary and very powerful, he gets his way. He even gets to (mostly) raise Jin Ling at Lotus Pier bc he doesn’t trust the Jins with his child niece. He treats her about the same as in canon, maybe just a little softer bc jl takes more after her mother (even though she has a personality of a young mistress, because she is a young mistress). 
Growing up, jl is a bit on the tomboyish side, which worries the Jins because they were kinda expecting a soft, sweet young mistress, not this foul-mouthed, bratty mini-jc. 
She’s about as good at JC at diplomacy, but a young mistress is much less threatening than a very scary sect leader w/ Zidian, so the Jins really have to train her in the art of not attacking people to get what she wants. 
A lot of the Jin disciples are terrified of her, but also bully her because she’s an orphan. She eventually befriends someone who isn’t Fairy, one Ouyang Zizhen.
Everyone is somewhat okay with that, because Zizhen is actually great at politics. She doesn’t like it, but she’s quite good at it, so everyone hopes that she’s gonna rub off on a Ling. 
Zizhen technically isn’t the heir despite being second oldest, but neither is her older sister. Her older sister is out travelling and refuses to consider being a sect leader, and Zizhen doesn’t want to do it either, so either their much-younger brother takes the mantle, or their younger sister if she decides she wants to.
Zizhen isn’t a cultivator, but she is much more involved in the political side of things to help out a Ling during her adventures through diplomacy (and her dad & sister, who is a cultivator taught her to defend herself). Zizhen is also very much a pacifist, and she uses her status to promote a lot of things that she supports.
Eventually, they send Jin Ling to the Cloud Recesses in hopes that it’ll straighten her out. Sadly for her, Jin Chan also happens to be there studying. It’s very tense between them (and I think the au in which Jin Chan has a crush on her is more viable here).
I want Zizhen to also attend, but since she isn’t a cultivator it’s hard to explain why she would be there. She is a representative of the Ouyang sect though, so she could be there on the pretense of establishing a marriage or something.
So the two friends go to the Cloud Recesses and meet two other female disciples: Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui. Sizhui’s backstory stays mostly the same, but I gave Jingyi a different one.
Her mother worked at the Cloud Recesses as a maid or something (she married a Lan cultivator who passed away and left her with child) so the Lans took care of them and let her stay there. Jingyi wanted to become a cultivator like her father, but Qiren was very skeptical. Eventually, after seeing her train by herself, he allowed her to join. 
Sizhui depends more on guqin playing/dizi playing (she knows both) for cultivation than sword fighting, though she can certainly hold her own in a fight. She just prefers the musical aspect of cultivation (and probably gets along with Zizhen bc pacifism).
Jingyi on the other hand tries her hand at vocal cultivation. It’s a work in progress, but Lan Qiren is very proud of her and treats her kinda like a daughter. Even though she gives him a massive headache. Her mother doesn’t have a very active role in Jingyi’s life, but they are on good terms with each other.
The first time a Ling meets the Lans, she was probably in a fight with Jin Chan and Sizhui forcibly separated them. Fairy (sadly) isn’t here, but neither are the other Jin juniors. A couple other are also there, but those are the ones not-with Jin Chan.
There’s a crowd watching the Young Mistress of and heir to the Jin sect brawl with another one of the Jin sect disciples. It’s very intense, but Jin Chan likely still underestimates her, which leads to his loss.
From there, I hope Sizhui attempts to befriend Jin Ling, but Jin Ling being Jin Ling, is kinda prickly. But, she’s also a bit intrigued because she’s heard a lot about the perfect Lan disciple (Zizhen probably lowkey crushes on Sizhui bc who hasn’t gone through a phase where they crush on Sizhui? I think Jingyi never left that phase.), daughter of the second Twin Jade.
So they arrange to have tea or something the next day, and a Ling leaves, more enigmatic than ever.
Jingyi kinda doesn’t like Ling, but then the two of them hear Jin Chan talking about her very rudely. Jingyi’s inclined to believe him, but Sizhui scolds him for gossiping inside the Cloud Recesses (& bc the two of them had some sort of genuine hatred for each other + you shouldn’t be bad-mouthing your sect leader). Jin Chan is silenced, and leaves.
He’s probably gonna go through a crushing-on-Sizhui phase like every other junior has, but Jingyi beats it out of him quickly enough. The next day, while Sizhui & Ling have their not-a-date tea party, Jingyi meets Zizhen by accident when Zizhen wanders at the edge of the forest to look at the flora.
Jingyi happens to bump into her and lowkey falls in love at first sight (bc Zizhen is quite literally the personification of her type. In Jingyi’s defense: she’s a useless gay & falls in love way too quickly.
The two become fast friends. Jingyi is very smitten bc Zizhen is very cute and ahhh she looks adorable when she’s gushing about her family or flowers she likes or the hairpieces that female sect leaders used to wear when they were actually a l i v e.
Somehow, no mention of a Ling is brought up, though Jingyi probably mentions Sizhui a couple times, who Zizhen lowkey idolizes as the useless lesbian she is. So Jingyi asks what she’s doing here if she’s not a cultivator, and Zizhen explained that she came with a friend.
After they talk for a while, Jingyi offers to take Zizhen out to town next time she has a break. Zizhen accepts. They make plans and stuff, and probably part ways.
Sizhui & a Ling continue to quietly have tea and Sizhui manages to befriend Ling with her extreme niceness and as someone who is also the next heir to a sect if Xichen doesn’t produce a heir & Wangji gives up the mantle, Sizhui is somewhat involved in politics. So Ling & Sizhui kinda just talk about politics a bit (it’s good practice for a Ling).
It’s quite calm for a while, and the four of them eventually meet and somehow become friends?? woah. They do stuff together, as like the only four female disciples there.
Oooh, bUt, since this is about Jin Ling being accepted as a sect leader, something hAppeNs.
That something is that someone attacks the Jin Carp Tower, most likely going for Jin Ling. No one politically important was severely injured, but a couple of the servants and junior disciples got attacked/died. Jin Ling, is rightfully pissed off. So she does what anyone wouldn’t do in this situation: she recklessly runs away from the Cloud Recesses. Obviously she realizes that this could be her chance to prove herself (and avenge everyone who died).
No one is quite sure what’s going on, bc all they know is that the Jin sect just got attacked and the Young Mistress is missing.
She returns to the Carp Tower and demands to know wtf happened. At first, the Elders refuse to give her any information, but an upset JL is a scary JL, if she wants to be.
They tell her that she should be at the Cloud Reccesses but since this will eventually be your sect, they do give some information. Two servants died, and four disciples. Determined to figure out who did it, JL takes her bow & arrows & sword and runs away again.
JC is probably freaking out at this point bc where the hell is his child niece??
Meanwhile, Zizhen is very worried and she and the Lans decide to leave the Cloud Reccesses population of female disciples at none.
They know a Ling well enough to assume that she’s somewhere around the Carp Tower, so they rush to get there and extensively search for her bc yOu cAn’t jUst aBandOn thE jUniOr qUarTet!!
Meanwhile, JL is examining the newspapers and trying to figure out who could have done this. Sure, the Jin sect has enemies, but none of em are stupid to attack them... actually, it did make sense to attack them at that time, to kill the heir before she was of age & leave them in chaos. Several of the smaller sects could have launched an attack, but they wouldn’t risk it. They were all in the same area, and the Jin sect’s money was very important for the economy. A terrorist organization? It was the most likely option.
But a Ling has no idea where to start, until he gets a lead: apparently, the sect leader of the Meishan Yu sect was around Lanling the day before the attack. It leads Ling to believe that they may have seen something, or perhaps were another target. So he travels all the way over to Meishan.
When the other juniors finally arrive, they get news that someone was asking for directions to Meishan and others talking about how there was a rumor that the Sect Leader Yu had been there around the time of the attack. They put two and two together and hightail it to Meishan. Friendship.
Lan Wangji is distressed at the disappearance of his son. Lan Qiren is freaking out. Jiang Cheng is about to kill a bitch.
A Ling arrives, and finds out that his great-aunt, or Madame Yu’s sister, is the current sect leader. He gets himself an audience by explaining this relation, and Sect Leader Yu is intrigued. She doesn’t wish to help the Jin sect (she knows that they took away her sister’s girlfriend), but after seeing how desperate a Ling is to prove herself and avenge her sect, she agrees on the condition that a Ling visit her great-aunt & the sect more often.
Jin Ling agrees, and gets info.
The newspapers hail the four stupidly indescribably chaotic junior disciples who somehow took down a terrorist group. WWX is very proud.
I haven’t completely figured out the plot (I usually do that as I write lol) & this au isn’t very canon compliant either, so anyone is welcome to contribute to the au or add in stuff!! I gotta update my masterlist soon...
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fictional-lover01 · 5 years
Michael Myers NSFW alphabet
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A/N: Artwork belongs to @irageneveart
A: aftercare- this boy is a steel machine, he rarely shows emotions or any form of expression; but he’ll always put you first. He loves you even if he doesn’t show it, so...he’ll do cuddling mostly but on the rare occasion he’ll take a bath with you to relax.
B: Body part (his & yours) - Ngl, he probably really enjoys his hands 😉 bc they’re just that delicious size where it can wrap around your neck and his strength with definitely leave bruises all over. As for you, I believe he enjoys everything about you (hence why you’re alive and w/ him) but if he had to pick a part I’d say eyes. I feel like since he’s also expressing little to no emotions he loves to see that love you have for him that’s just shining, he loves to see how happy and comfortable you are with him through your eyes; ya know like the eyes are the key to the soul kinda thing.
C: Cum- I swear to everything that I love; this man LOVES to be able to cum inside you. Like tell me otherwise. To me I think he’d feel so smug/proud that you’re his and wants to prove it constantly so he likes to cum in you as a way of “marking his territory” that and I think he’s got a breeding king tbh.
D: Dirty Secret- tbh I can’t really think of any but ima make a guess and say if he isn’t wearing his mask yank on that hair, tug and just run your fingers through it. It’ll make him feel content trust meh. Also drag those nails(even if you dont have much) down his back, he’d enjoy the feeling.
E: Experience- boy has been locked up and hasn’t really expressed any sexual desires in any (healthy) form. So even though he might know what sex is and how its done, you’ll likely lead the first time.
F: Favorite Position - Depends, if he’s feeling a more romantic atmosphere between you two and he’s not fueled by adrenaline he’d probably fuck you in missionary or the lotus position. The positions are more romantic and allows him to hold you close to him( which probs makes him want to cry out in happiness bc he’s never been shown love). However, if he’s riled up for any kind of reasons (teasing/killing spree/etc) he’d take you standing up, doggy, or missionary as well. With standing it’d allow him full control, he could hold you in front of a mirror, against a window, wall or just standing straight up with your legs either up iver his shoulders or grasped tightly in his hands or even around his waist. As for doggy, this position is for when he is in beast mode and ready to see you whimper and cry for him and just become putty just for him. Missionary would allow close contact but he’d also be able to just fucking fold you and make you cry out all night.
G: Goofy - Michael is not a man to joke....or at least in a humor sense while fucking you. He would keep it serious in a way where he radiates;
Be a good Girl/Boy
Im in control
Reward or Punishment
You’ll be nothing but putty in less than a minute
(Like you cannot tell me Michael doesn’t just scream Daddy)
H: Hair - Boy has probably (most likely) never shaved or trimmed in his life (maybe). So I’d say he has a bush down there but I would assume it wouldnt be outta control ya know what I mean? Also he’d likely start trimming it here and there when he wasnt out killing and bc he has a S/o so he doesn’t want to look like a total mess.
I: Intimacy - As he had never been loved truly, the fact that you’re willingly loving him both ohysically and emotionally he’d want to have you close to him as much as possible. He’ll hold you so damn close even afterwards (considering he never shows his emotions its also a way to express to you his adoration for you).
J: Jack off/masturbation- Nope. He’s aware that he can do it when you’re out and not home but tbh he’d just wait till you got back or he would go out to find you and either bring you back or find a secluded place to fuck you.
K: Kink-
Hair tugging
Rope/light bondage (for you)
L: Location - He’s a killer, he doesn’t care where you two fuck; but he’d likely prefer at home or outdoors in the wooded areas. And he’d fuck you anywhere it does not matter. Though he does enjoy it being at home where he can make you scream all he wants with no problems and anywhere in the house too.
M: Motivation (turn ons/gets em goin) - Just you, your smile, your laugh, your body just everything about you.
N: NO - No toys for either of you. It just doesn’t feel right to him. And no dominating him, he’s a big guy so he just can’t see or ever imagine you taking control of the situation.
O: Oral (Receiving/Giving)- Down for both, prefers giving bc he enjoys seeing you wither away as he’s eating you out. Not to mention if you start pulling on that hair of his or even start to close your thighs around his head whooooo boi....you’re in for a treat.
P: Pace - He will start slow and it’ll be fine and dandy then he’d start picking up the pace. But it all depends, sometimes he’ll start fast then slow as a way to tease you and keep you from cumming.
Q: Quickie (Y/N) - Always down but its only when you two are busy(mostly you) or out in public. He’d rather having you in his grasp at home or somewhere he can spend however long as he wants though.
R: Risk (Game 4 experimentation?) - He’s probably down for anything at least once.
S: stamina (How long can they go?) - He has yet to die so I believe this man can go for as long as he wants. All night? Prepare to not walk for a couple days. A couple hours everyday? You’re gonna need help around the house. An entire day? Say goodbye to all the task you had to get done and say hello to your bed cause 1) you wont be leaving it and 2) you won’t be able to move after that. If you pass out or anyhing of the sorts Michael will continue on non stop till he feels like he should so uh, ya good luck with that.
T: Toy - No. plain and simple no for both on you and him, he feels it’s saying as if he’s not enough for you when in reality he can wreck you and keeo you that way for a couple days to a week.
U: Unfair (Tease level) - SUCH A MASSIVE TEASE. Bitch will tease you throughout the day even until you’re dragging him to the bedroom or wherever. But if you tease him just be prepared for punishment, keep teasing and you’ll lose all feeling in your legs and hip.
V: Volume (How loud are they/You) - He won’t be loud, grunts here and there but otherwise he’s focused on making you scream till you lose your voice.
W: Wild Card (Random HC) - Michael is a jelly boi, so much that if anyone; female or male looks at you in a way he doesn’t approve of they will die. Of course you will have to make sure he doesn’t keep killing people who just look at you or even breath the same air as you.
X: X-Ray (Size?) - Big Boi = Big dick. Michael might not have grith but he has length, and that in itself is enough to have you keen.
Y: Yearning( How high is their sex drive?) - Having been locked up and kept aware from any sexual attention, after the first time between you and him it’ll be alot to handle. Like ALOT cause he’ll be focused on you so his sex drive is pretty high, it all just depends on how he’s feeling.
Z: 💤 (How quick they fall asleep) - Since he did destroy you he’ll rest for a bit before doing the chores you were gonna do, or he’ll just stay in bed with you, eyes roaming over your figure for a bit before actually falling asleep.
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jakeyohs · 4 years
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on : general canon bonds & background npcs !
darius marks : marvel couldn’t be arsed to give jake’s boyfriend a name so i guess i had to do it. depending on timeline point, his boyfriend, fiance, or (usually) his ex. a methodist corporate lawyer & preacher’s son.
jimmy woo : jake’s boss & handler. pretty much one of the only people he respects enough at s.h.i.e.l.d. to follow orders from (which really sucks for anybody else who tries). the reason he came back to s.h.i.e.l.d. at all. one of two people jake would die for and follow to the ends of the earth without question. complete trust.
james rhodes / war machine : jake’s other boss and friend. jake straight up ditched his job at the time & committed high treason to help rhodey  ━ he’s a mess, but he’s constant in always deciding to do what’s right according to his gut. jake served (still serving) as a supporting war machine unit.  the second of two people jake would die for and follow to the ends of the earth without question. complete trust.
roberta rhodes : rhodey’s mom and basically the epic auntie everyone wishes they had. jake drops by the navajo nation sometimes and brings mrs rhodes fresh fruit  ━ plus he gets all the embarrassing baby rhodey stories & her bomb af lemonade.
bethany cabe : war machine squad & the other support pilot jake worked with. hasn’t really seen her since the events of war machins (2009) but he thinks she’s nifty. sends her the weirdest greeting cards he can find at random intervals.
glenda sandoval : also a very cool lady who he hasn’t really seen since the events of war machine (2009). jake mostly stays out of the way here ━ glenda doesn’t seem like she needs a reminder of that time in her life but he’d be happy to see her again if their paths cross in the future.
jason strongbow / american eagle : punched jake in the face real fucking hard once when he was a rhodey decoy! that hurt like a massive bitch. jason’s pretty cool though, and jake’s gotten along with him in the time sincebecause manners never hurt. usually visits jason too when he goes back to visit rhodey’s mom; they’re not exactly friends, maybe, but they hang out.
amadeus cho / brawn : jake gets on his nerves and he knows it. still, he helps him out where he can and generally tries to keep an eye on amadeus’ well-being and whereabouts. they’re tentatively friends, sort of; jake looks out for him when he has the chance. he thinks amadeus is a good kid and struggles a lot more than he lets on.
carol danvers / captain marvel : jake’s temporary handler. worked directly under carol to track and monitor amadeus cho after amadeus became the new hulk. generally a positive working relationship ━ he did his job well and when t’challa got involved, carol insisted he take jake too.
t’challa / black panther : jake worked as his s.h.i.e.l.d. liaison also concerning amadeus cho, as he was the serving agent with experience re: amadeus. jake kind of mouthed off to him. he doesn’t regret it.
kamala khan / ms marvel : mostly known professionally through the protectors. thinks kamala is a good kid with a super strong sense of justice; not a ton of contact overall.
cindy moon / silk : mostly known professionally through the protectors. cindy is fun and sends jake all of what's new with kpop because the abk squad is best squad and also has to stick together. sometimes he sends her random little cute souvenirs if he thinks they hit her aesthetic.
shang-chi / the master of kung fu : mostly known professionally through the protectors / agents of atlas. he has massive respect for shang-chi and they hung out a couple of times but there's not really consistent contact.
ares : honestly, jake doesn't like ares much. he's kind of a mega bastard, but jake also has yet meet a god that isn't. super didn't enjoy how ares glanced at him that one time.
celeste cuckoo : found jake pretty attractive, which was kind of super awkward, actually. he had very little time to interact with the stepford cuckoos and mostly tried his best to assist them during the events of phoenix : warsong. mostly an incredibly awkward encounter where everyone and their mom ragged on celeste for thinking jake was cute.
the x-men : specifically, wolverine, colossus, emma frost, cyclops, & kitty pryde. jake assisted them in the events of phoenix : warsong and honestly it mostly sucked. the aftermath of those events was what caused him to quit s.h.i.e.l.d. in the first place. he did get fastball specialed, which was kind of the only cool part of the complete nonstop disaster.
jake supposedly has an upcoming minor appearance , so things may change or be added ; i almost definitely forgot someone as usual too so .
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sonipanda · 5 years
So this review will be 1 of 3 – I decided to give 3 different colours a go seeing as they were pretty cheap from Amazon.
Please do use this blog as the main review for all 3 pairs; I will be going in depth in this one and treating the next 2 as picture blogs mostly 🙂 
I first came across a purple pair, and thought they were stunning. I did want to get my hands on some different colours and styles to try out, and then saw pink and (of course) black too. I did wonder if I really wanted to go for them considering these were coming from China (they’re sizing is super backwards and the quality can be really bad at times) but I thought:
“Just do it Soni and see what they’re like”
The Spec
Colour: Black
Size: One Size, 63 * 10cm L*W
Denier: Around 20
Materials: Unknown
Price: £1.69
Website: Amazon – Bluelans® Women’s Lace Top Tights Thigh High Stockings, 6 Various Colours
My Outfit
Now let’s dress these up for a night out this time. I haven’t done this for a good while now, so it’ll make a nice change!
I wore my beaded bodycon dress paired with my new platform sandals. I really wanted to wear these out and thought let’s just pair them up with this!
My Deets
Dress: H&M
Stockings: Bluelans
Heels: Shoedazzle
    The Review
From The Website: Sensuous stockings with a sexy lace top. Delicate, transparent stockings with deep lace top. They allow feeling of elegance. They are perfect for specials occasions. Great for every day and evening wear.
This is a pair of sexy sheer lace stockings. Sizes: one size, 63 * 10cm L*W Lace, Spandex Garment Care: Hand-wash only Made from top quality materials Package Includes: 1 pair of stockings sexy
  The Packaging: as I bought 3 in one go, they all came together in one package. There is hardly any description to them; just a label to differentiate the colours and codes.
When you get in, you will find these scrunched up instead of folded flat or nicely inside.
    Getting Them On: so I took my time rolling these on (God forbid if I end up ripping these) over my anklets and then up the leg. I wanted to make sure that these had even coverage so it doesn’t shade darker on the lower leg and stretched massively around the thighs.
These were fine to be honest; these sit mid to high thigh (depending on your leg length and thigh width to be honest). I would make sure you check their sizing guide before you purchase as they class these as one size but actually they’re not.
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  On The Legs: so once I rolled them on and set them in place, I realised that I would have to clasp the lace part on these! I will speak about this further down the review in more detail!
The quality of these are very basic; I did end up snagging these a few times but they stayed a small snags which worked for me!
The fit of these are great for my leg length and height, however I wouldn’t say these are suitable for larger sized individuals, purely because these felt very fitted on my legs and thighs, so I can’t imagine someone larger would be able to say the same. I would certainly check the sizing guide before you purchase these.
The feel of them are super soft and real silky. These are a fine denier, so you do also need to handle with care. I wanted to show you the semi-matte finish they have to them, by using natural lighting and flash so you can see the difference. I felt these worked great for a night out, which means they would for the day too.
Please do note that these are a very basic pair; they’re a company I have never heard of so I wouldn’t expect them to do much for the legs compared to other known brands which pride themselves on quality. I do like the fact that these are cheap and do their job well, but I don’t see these lasting a few wears unless you’re real careful with them.
    The Toes & Ankle: the toes come reinforced as you can see with the slightly darker toe strips. These have plenty of wiggle room and no pressure is added at all throughout the day/evening. I felt comfortable in these in my open toe sandals.
Around the ankles, it’s a smooth fitted finish.
    The Bands: so as I mentioned previously these don’t actually have a plain denier part to hook the clasps onto. I figured out that these were supposed to be like holdups but without the silicone part, so in a sense they would be treated as stockings.
Anyways, so I used my suspender belt with metal clasps for this, however you might wish to use plastic clasps instead (they would be more suitable against the lace).
The tops I have to say were quite tight on my thighs; it does have an elastic band in them which sits under the lace, but that doesn’t hold well at all on the thighs you will need a suspender belt or if you can add silicone to the lace to hold them up instead.
These aren’t thick in terms of height; in fact these are quite slim compared. In the images online, they look like the normal sized welt, but on the legs I felt they were smaller. Maybe it’s because it’s stretched out a lot!!
      My Thoughts?
Overall I think these are alright; nothing too fancy but they do their job. I did feel that these were a little more fitted than I would have liked on the thighs, but luckily I am always covering the lace tops so it wasn’t too much of an issue.
For what you pay, they are great but I see these lasting a few wears and that’s it. If you’re after a real good pair, then I would steer you away from these!
Bluelans Lace Top Holdups So this review will be 1 of 3 - I decided to give 3 different colours a go seeing as they were pretty cheap from Amazon.
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writedaships · 6 years
The Plan That Kept Going Wrong. (surface fell Frans Ship)
 Inspired by: http://harosais1.tumblr.com/post/182790366946/fransweek-day-6-moving-forward-like-i-told (please go love their art.) The shouting was getting closer, Sans held onto Frisks smaller hand as he practically dragged her behind him. His legs were so much longer than hers.   How did they follow her? how did they find him? None of those mattered right now he and frisk needed to get away. Since the human population never liked monsters and wanted them wiped off this land, monsters were glad they grew up in a kill be killed the world. The only thing different now was that humans were hunting monsters and monsters were killing humans, well all except the savor of the monster kind, Frisk.
 Sans was too caught up in his thoughts he was practically yanked out of his mind as he heard a cry out in surprise than in pain, Frisk hand pulled on his hand and he pulled to steady her. If he hadn't had a grip like steel she would have fallen. From what sans could tell from glancing at her she was limping. Frisk must have stepped wrong and hurt her ankle or some shit along the line. They needed to get away and soon.  Without losing a step Sans tossed Frisk’s arm over his massive shoulders and scooped her up; as if she were a babybones. The shouting grew louder as he ran, more humans had joined the hunt "shit" sans cured under his breath. These humans never seemed to give up. Sans saw a street coming up, he took a sharp turn hoping to lose them. Maybe behind an ally or something but what sans saw made his SOUL drop. Cars had been piled up here, almost like a barricade. Sans swore. He had taken them into a dead end. Sans closed one eye and looked around becoming frantic, no shortcut insight.
A sharp BANG and something grazing his calf, made him stumble a bit. Sans looked back, holding his love protective to the middle of his chest. There was another BANG and a flash of the gun going off and sans felt another stinging graze. Shit, the mother fuckers had Guns. Not a first. Quickly he practically dropped frisk, shielding her behind him and dug is clawed fingers into the pavement and lifted with all his strength, Frisk realizing what he was doing jumped in beside him and helped lift, Just in time to when their Hunters opened fire.
Sans had no idea what kind of guns they were using, too dark, but they had to have some kind of magic to them, he had to use his whole weight to keep the thick slab of pavement up to shield them from the flying metal of death. Frisk clung to Sans to stay as covered as she could, the pavement had come up smaller than comfortable. Frisk had to almost cling to him as she kept a hand up to help steady their only protection.
Then Sans saw it only a few feet ahead of him, A shortcut. It was kind of hidden by a car door, so its no wonder Sans didn't see it in his hurried panic. Sans looked down at Frisk. He could see her ankle, thou mostly covered, was bigger than the other. She wasn't walking on that, anytime soon. Sans looked back up at the shortcut then felt another round of bullets. They were getting closer, there was no way they were getting there without him getting dusted and her getting hurt...
Then it hit him, ... only one of them was going to make it out of this alive. And by hell was it going to be him. She still had so much more life in her, She IS going to make it.
Sans must have had a look in his eyes because frisk locked eyes with him. Red eyes full of worry and... dread *Sans what are you- But before Frisk could finish Sans scooped her up again and made a dead RUN for the short cut. Sans was practically there when he felt three hot pains hit him dead in the back but he only staggered before making it the last few steps he waved his free hand and tossed Frisk through the code. She rolled from momentum back hitting the couch on the other side of the room. *SANS Frisk looked back at the window in the code at Sans, her love. He smiles at her through the pain, sharp gold tooth gleaming in the ominous light of the living room, but Frisk could see the resolve and masked fear in Sans's eye lights... as the small red tear falling from his left eye.
Frisk crawled on the floor towards him, she tried to get up, tried to get to him, get back to Sans. But the way was already closing as Sans' magic already began to fail as he took another few hits to the spine.
"sorry...Sweetheart" he gave a small wave, with that he dusted. The way closed with a snap, for good. Frisk went into hysteria...
Frisk was crying Sans's name again and again soon she heard footsteps, then she felt a warm embrace and the smell of cinnamon butterscotch filled her nose. But they weren't San’s. A Blinding gold light filled her eyes.
((Sad Ending))
Frisk body jolted as she clung to sans she looked up into his strong eyelights. Hand clenching her chest. Sans caught her eyes and he saw the red determined glint in her eye.
"Sweetheart, I don't like that look in your eyes," Sans said coldly.
*then your really not going to like, what I do next.
That was all she said before shoving something red into his hand, kiss him on the cheek, then ran out from their shelter, gunshots rang in the air, a thump hit the floor and sans felt his bone go cold and his hand absorbed the red object...  F r i s k' s  s o u l.
*level up
*LV 15
*ATK 20
*DF 10
*HP 20/5
*A determined soul whispers "Give them Hell I'll see you soon" within his soul.
Sans felt the pavement fall, “you sons of A BITCH! YOU’RE DUST!”
The world went RED
The next thing Sans was standing in Red, hand bloodied HP only at 15 and a whole more EXP then he wanted right now as rest of the glowing tears fell from his sockets, not stopping. But he didn't bother to wide them away. As he came back to his senses, his knees buckled under the realization of what just happened hit him. Falling to his knees, a sound escaped his opened mouth as if one from a wounded animal. As if he was a bear caught in a bear trap. It was full of pain. His magic sparked and burned with power after absorbing 7 human souls. No monsters have ever absorbed this many in a lifetime None close as he had in the less in 5 minutes. Sans had the power equal to a mythological god. He couldn't feel the physical pain from his few injuries. All he could feel was the pain from his soul braking as a soft warm red light held the fragments together, then a Gold light filled his eyes.
((Happy ending))
Sans felt frisk shift sharply next to him, panting and clinging to him as if she had run from a nightmare...
Nightmare... THAT'S IT, thou Sans didn't like it, he knew how to get them out of this.
"Sweetheart, I need you to reach into my jacket, grab my phone and call the contact that says ‘W.D’. Can you do that for me?"
"But isn't that the contact you told me to never EVER call, Something about certain death?!" Frisk looked uncertain, hand still holding his jacket tight.
Frisk was brave and a stubborn ass sometimes but she wasn't stupid when it came to stuff Sans told her to never do. After all, she's seen how fucked up the underground could be the surface didn't change much. She new Sans always had a good reason.
"The one and the same, trust me, call it then chuck it at them and hold tight to me. The old man hates humans but he's not stupid, your safe as long as you have me" Sans gave a grunt as another wave of pellets hit. Not giving Frisk any room to ask questions, Sans eye glowed as he sent back a round of bones of his own. The fuckers were getting closer. Frisk didn't even flinch and began digging for his phone, sometimes sans forgot what a badass she was. Finally, she dug it out and when to the contact, called the number put it on speaker and then chucked the thing over the shield like it was a fucking grenade and then Clung to Sans like it was the last thing she did, hell if things didn't work out, it would be. Humans hated her more than they did monsters after all.
The men must have thought the phone was a grenade because the shooting got faster and more panicked, unlike there calculated earlier shots, this was full on open-fire... and then it all sound stopped and frisk and could hear the, louder than should be, ringing noise. it echoed all around them and the monster hunters...
The line picked up and a voice that turned the air itself cold.
"I t ' s  a b o u t  t i m e  S a n s~"
Then a static filled the air, so loud Sans wrapped his arms around Frisk so she could clamp her hands over her pore ears. But Sans was used to this sound all too well, it isn't the first time he's heard the sound that hunted his childhood memories. Only this time it was filled with the screams of the dying humans. Sans kept his eyes locked on the ground as he held frisk close to his chest, so close he could swear she could feel the calm beating of his soul.
But sooner then Sans wished a dark figure walked into sans line of vision, the black shoes looked as stupidly polished as ever.
"I  K N E W  O N E  D A Y  Y O U  C O U L D N T  R E S I S T  M Y   I N V A T A S I O N" the deep voice crackled almost as if she was listening to a voice from over a bad cell connection " A N D  I  S E- E  Y O U  F I N A L L Y  F O U N D  Y O U R  S E L F  A   F R I E N D"  the figure leaned down hand outstretched as if to touch frisk but Sans snapped at him JUST missing the figure’s fingers as it jerked its hand out of reach. The figure steped away from them, towards the phone, "CHILDISH AS ALWAYS WITH YOUR NEW TOYS, YOU NEVER DID SHARE. ALL WELL I GOT THE 6 OTHER SOULS, O N E  M O R E  T O  G O. I GUESS YOU CAN HAVE THIS ONE, BUT REMEMBER SANS WHEN YOUR READY" The voice was beginning to fade away as the figure walked back to sans's phone with the *click click click* of his heels "I'M ALWAYS JUST A PHONE CALL AWay~" and with that the voice stopped and figure seeped back into the very much intact black phone and disappeared.
Frisk had taken her hands from her ears as the static disappeared with the voice but she was shaking, eyes clenched shut. Her face hid into Sans Jacket, where sans held her close. It took a long time for Sans to finally relax enough to stand, still holding frisk close.
"Asshole" Sans said under his breath as he made his way to newly appeared shortcut, to where Toriel, Papyrus and the others were waiting. Sans wasn’t sure how he knew it was there now but for some reason..it made his back hurt.
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kpopsmutfactory · 6 years
NSFW Alphabet - Jeon Jungkook. ♡
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A - Aftercare
I will take about this more further down, but he's basically very tired after sex. Even though he would want to do something sweet for you like preparing a bath etc, he would just be too sleepy at most times. His aftercare would probably be some cuddles and sweet kisses on the top of your head while he hugged you to his chest.
B - Body part
He likes his thigh the most about himself, and he would like his S/O's hands, because of a lot of reasons actually. He would be able to hold and play with them, but you could also make him feel really good with your hands. He would probably also enjoy placing small kisses onto your knuckles whenever he gets the chance. :')
C - Cum
He seems to like things to be clean and tidy, so cumming on your belly or something wouldn't really be his cup of tea. He'd prefer to cum inside of you, mouth, hole or whatever, as long as surroundings doesn't get messy.
D - Dirty secret
In the beginning, when he's new and haven't had much experience, I feel like there would be a lot of things he would like to try out with you, but he would basically be too shy to mention it. Like, he wouldn't have a specfic dirty secret that he never told you about, instead having smaller ones that he eventually tells you about or you figure them out somehow lol.
E - Experience
Probably not much experience, but would gladly try out a lot of things that his S/O likes! I feel like he would try to learn new things and also like he's kind of interested in learning more about it. Mostly because he wants his S/O to feel good hehe.
F - Favorite position
Jungkook would probably enjoy it when you ride him. He gets a good view of your body, yet he could easily take control and thrust up into you, holding onto your hips and guide you through a perfect pace.
G - Goofy
Once he got more comfortable and less nervous in general, I feel like he would be probably goofy at times. Like not 24/7, but maybe when he's a little sleepy and accidentally says some weird shit and you both just end up laughing. And oh, when he's having sex while being drunk- he would probably giggle a lot too.
H - Hair
He likes things to be plain and clean, so to me he seems like someone to probably trim his hair a little bit. For his S/O, he would just want them to be comfortable but would maybe prefer them to trim, shave and such like that.
I - Intimacy
I feel like he got two mods- either his very sweet and you have the softest vanilla sex with bunch of kisses and giggles haha. Or- he's on the rougher side and fucks you hard from behind, pulling at your hair roughly.
J - Jack off
He's pretty young and when his S/O isn't around and can help him out when he's feeling in the mood- he'd probably jack off. He tries to hold back and not do it, but sometimes he just has to.
K - Kinky
Jungkook would probably be into most things, if his S/O really enjoyed them. He's open to try out new things with his loved one and as long as he knew that his S/O were okay, I think he could be a little kinky sometimes.
L - Location
Jungkook would be all about having sex in the bedroom where he could lock the door and it would only be the two of you. Maybe take it a little further and have it on the couch sometimes or even in the shower, but he likes to make you feel comfy so the bed is his on 1st place. And oh- sex would always happen at your place, he would never dare to try doing something sex-related at the dorm, jfc.
M - Motivation
To me it seems like it's pretty easy make him motivated and turned on. Just sneakily place a hand on his thigh and squeeze, then BAAM. Or kiss his neck out of nowhere! He would for feel frustrated and want more of you, so don't start something that you don't plan to finish. ;)
N - No
Jungkook wouldn't like sex that includes body fluids as vomit, blood etc. I don't see him as someone who likes it when there's saliva everywhere either like, of course it can be hard to avoid but he would prefer if everything was rather clean. I know that some other people have written this too but I don't see him as someone who would enjoy a daddy kink that much either, like if you called him that he would probably be rather turned off and pull out for the night. He also doesn't like to call you things like "whore, bitch, slut".
O - Oral
As mentioned above about saliva- he's not that positive about it. But he'd like to please his S/O with his mouth and have them do the same to him, he just wouldn't want it to be too messy if that makes sense haha.
P - Pace
I feel like Jungkook would get pretty eager once he gets into it, which means that he will be pretty fast. He would probably have a little trouble holding back because of this, and would try to slow down from time to time as he wanted those times with you last longer.
Q - Quicky
As I mentioned above - being a little eager and desperate from time to time, I don't think this would be a problem for him. At least as long as you two are at home and let's say, do a quicky before heading out somewhere. But he would never do it out in public, then it's worth to wait until you're home.
R - Risk
I don't see him as someone taking many risks, like he's way too anxious for that, such a little baby haha....
S - Stamina
Jungkook seems like someone who would have very good stamina and he would be able to go for multiple times as long as he got a tiny break in between.
T - Toy
I think he would be very into using his own body, because he liked the fact that he was making you feel good with it haha. But he would be kind of curious about some toys and probably read a lot of reviews HAHA. If he's S/O is into toys, he would probably be into them as well, wanting to try out new things with you.
U - Unfair
When Jungkook has gotten confident, I do see him as someone who would tease you a little. Not too much though, because it's probably hard for him to hold back when you whine for him to just fuck you. Other than that I don't see him doing anything unfair.
V - Volume
He would be kind of loud at times, as letting out moans and gasp out of pleasure as you're for example giving him a head. Also a lot of HEAVY BREATHING, especially when he's getting close, oh lord. If he hasn’t seen you in a long time and he’s really wound up, he might let out the tiniest whine, but he’d deny it afterwards.
W - Wildcard
Yes, Jungkook is probably a wild card. I feel like he would get pretty jealous at times and when he does- oh boy. Let's say you were outside on a date and some guy flirted with you. Jungkook may have been awkward and quiet about it in the very moment, but once you guys come home he'd be all over you, pinning you to the closest wall and take your breath away by his rough kisses as his hands roamed over your body. ;))
X - X-Ray
I think that Jungkook is a little more on the bigger side, not that he's massive but definitely bigger than average.
Y - Yearning:
Of course he would think about sex at times, but not 24/7 and honestly it wouldn't be time for that because he has a busy fucking schedule haha. But he would indeed make time for you whenever he can and sometimes he would just be longing after you and your touch.
Z - Zzz...
I think he's one of those people who fall asleep rather fast after sex. I think he wants to cuddle you and stuff but he would just be so tired?? Like you would be in the middle of a conversation and then all of a sudden he stopped answering and when you looked at his face you saw that he fell asleep. This is 99% likely to happen if you guys had sex during the evening haha.
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skymoonandstardust · 7 years
A Big Day
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An: what can I say about this? I have no idea. I just started writing and this came out. fluff, mutual pining, crushes reveled ect. your usual fanfiction stuff. enjoy loves ;)
Note: Italics = thoughts
You were staring again . . . captivated as usual by dark, kind brown eyes and gorgeous chestnut hair—by the pure beauty that was Peter Benjamin Parker.
Just staring at him brought this sense of calm and contentment to you that was deep and indescribable. It was like, no matter what else happened that day, it didn’t matter because it could be the worst day in the world, but you’d still say it had been wonderful as long as you’d had the chance to see Peter even once—and knew you’d have the opportunity to see him tomorrow.  
You thanked your lucky stars that Peter was oblivious to your staring, chatting away with Ned animatedly about something two tables in front of you, his hands gesturing every few seconds to emphasize some point or idea. Your eyes never wavered so you saw the exact second he stopped suddenly and smiled at something Ned said that you were too far away to hear. If anyone had asked, you would have sworn that smile was the most heavenly divine thing you’d ever seen, and your heart sped up at the sight of it.  The warm, happy, light feeling you got in your chest whenever Peter was around deepened and spread through your whole body—like all the happiness contained in the smile had soaked into every single atom of you. all the way down to your soul.    Everything and everyone else faded to the background and all you could hear and thing and see was Peter, Peter Peter.
He’s so cute. .  .and adorable. . . and perfect curls like that should be illegal!  Boys like that should be illegal. It’s not fair to woman kind. . .not fair to humanity
Coming back to yourself slightly you were jolted all the way back to your body when the teacher called out Ms.  L/N?”
Sitting up straighter and meeting his eyes you asked, “Yes Mr. Gardner?”
“Care to join the rest of us on planet earth who are trying to learn and tell me the answer to the equation on the board?”  
“Yes Sir.”
You could feel your face heating up from embarrassment as you turned to look at the board, your nerves writhing.  Math was your least favorite and hardest subject. For you it was nearly impossible to do or remember all the rules, functions, symbols and equations so you were near sweating worried about what numbers and   formula would greet you on the blank surface of the blackboard.
It was hard to stifle the sigh of relief you felt when you saw it was a simple algebra problem, one of the few things you actually understood and could do with ease.
It only took you a minute of calculation the only sound your pen scratching away on the paper in front of you as you moved and manipulated the numbers. Finally, you looked up and announced “The answer would be fifteen.”
Every single eye in the class was on you and the teacher.
You could feel them, especially Peter’s --- though you tried not to sneak a peek at him out of the corner of your eye (a massive exertion of your will and self-control)  
Mr. Gardner smiled and nodded at you “Correct.” All his surprise and pleased praise coming across in that one word.  He turned back to the board, smile still in place and continued with the lesson, all the focus in the room shifting from you just like that.
You sighed in relief for the second time that day and went back to concentrating on the lesson, trying to keep your mind and eyes off of Peter Parker
Who were you kidding?! That was impossible.  
 The bell rang and immediately the classroom erupted into a frenzy of noise and movement as students got their things together, grabbed their backpacks and headed for the door.  You happened to be one of the first out and your steps automatically directed you on a course towards your locker.  The cacophony of the hallway completely drowned out the sound of the running footsteps of the person behind you, anxious to catch up to your retreating figure. Thankfully it wasn’t loud enough for you to miss when said hurrying person called out your name.  
The very familiar voice made you stop in your tracks and turn, hardly believing that it was him calling out to you, that he even knew your name—that he’d had it on his lips just a second ago. But it was him. As you saw when you came face to face with a bright eyed, slightly out of breath and wild haired Peter Parker.  
Swallowing your surprise along with your heart (which had taken a leap right up into your throat) you said “Hey, Peter.”
He was clearly startled, and shock took over his face for a quick second before it faded to confusion and furrowed brows “Y-you know my name?”
Every inch and line of him was tangled jumbled nerves and it took everything in you not to smile or laugh at this simply adorable boy before who was gorgeous from head to toe, inside and out.
You were all shyness as you looked down towards the floor, examining your shoes for a heartbeat before looking up to meet his chocolate eyes again “W-well yeah. It’s hard not to notice the smartest guy in the school.”   There was an actual blush on his cheeks at your words—and though the red dusting was all too obvious Peter only shifted from one foot to the other in embarrassment and you found yourself falling even more for this boy before he plowed on, acting as though his face wasn’t the same color as an apple.  
This time you did smile at him
“You’re welcome.”
The two of you stood there in silence, looking at each other as the flow of people passed on on either side of you. Just as you were noticing that some of the crowd were glancing or openly gazing at you and Peter he spoke again, bringing your attention back to him.
“Sorry, you’re probably wondering why I stopped you.”
“Yeah. . . to be honest, I didn’t even know you knew who I was, or my name” you admitted
Instead of having the shy, adorable reaction that you expected—maybe blushing again, or stuttering when he spoke next Peter threw you a smile that totally disarmed you and said “Well, it’s hard not to notice the most beautiful girl in the school.”
You were shocked, stunned, thrown off balance and your head was whirling.
Did shy, cute, stuttering Peter Parker really just say that?
The tables were turned, and it was you with blushing cheeks and shy demeanor as you looked away from him and glanced at the white clock face hanging over the nearest classroom door. A chill went through you when you saw that if you didn’t leave now you’d be late to catch the train home.  You whirled around to face Peter, who had his mouth open about to speak, and pushing back the thought of how cute he looked—you cut him off and spoke “I’m so sorry Peter, but I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Y-yeah.” Peter agreed, smiling and nodding a bit too enthusiastically as you took a few steps back “I’ll see you then.”
You were walking faster now “See you then Parker.” You called before turning around and racing out the door. . .
Completely missing when he waved after you.
 As soon as you were gone Peter let his hand fall and groaned, internally kicking himself. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much time for self-pity--- he had an internship to get to. So he waited a minute or two then left the way you went, hoping you were far enough ahead that you wouldn’t see or notice him.
For the sake of appearances, he walked in the direction of the train station, but when he’d left the school a few blocks behind and came to his usual changing alley he ducked into it to slip into his suit.
It was time to be a hero.
After a minute or two of quick slapdash dressing he was swinging from building to building, hollering in enjoyment and thoroughly happy.  Well. . . not really thoroughly, but mostly. His talk with you was still running through his head—but he tried to push it as far back as he could and focus on scanning the city below for any crime to stop.
It didn’t take him long at all to find one.  
As soon as he caught a glimpse of a man and a girl around his age struggling in an alley he swung down without a second thought, throwing a web right at said bad guy’s noggin, a web that had been hard packed into the size and shape of a snowball. It collided with the side of his head with so much force it literally sent the guy stumbling and Peter smoothly sent out a second web to trap him against the alley’s wall.
The impact of the web hitting him square in the chest sent the man stumbling again and he ended up hitting his head on the brick—that combined with the other web must have been enough to knock him out because by the time Peter landed next to the still slightly startled girl her attacker was unconscious, head lolling forward over the huge spider web sticking him in place against the side of the building.
“I’m afraid you’ve gotten stuck. . . don’t worry though—the cops will be more then happy to help you out with your sticky situation when they come by.”
Ok, so the pun wasn’t really necessary. It was more for the girl standing behind him then for the bad guy (since he was currently too knocked out to enjoy Peter’s joking genius--- bummer) but it was also for himself, so it was excusable.
“Alright, now that that guy’s taken care of let’s get you out of here.” Peter said turning around to finally face the girl--- and he choked on air, stifling his gasp when he saw it was you.
Peter wanted to badly to speak to you, to talk to you as Peter again in that moment and have your name fall from his lips as easily as it had before.   But he couldn’t. so he bit back your name and swallowed all the words crowding the tip of his tongue, desperate to get loose, begging to be said.
He swallowed silently and forced his dry throat to speak “Hold on tight.”
Before you had a chance to say anything, before you even knew what was happening he’d grabbed onto you, shot out a web and the two of you were jerked up to land on the roof of the building in a heart stopping second, your gasp of surprise ripped away by the wind before Peter could hear.  You landed a bit off balance and Peter held on tight, helping to steady you before ever so gently letting go and assisting you down off the edge. He stepped down and the two of you stood there facing each other, staring in silence just like you had only fifteen minutes before. . .. only you didn’t know that.  Despite the full body suit and mask coving his face Peter felt like he was exposed--- that you could still somehow tell it was him and see down to his very soul. He wouldn’t have been surprised if you could hear his wildly beating heart all the way where you stood. Suddenly becoming aware neither of you had spoken for a good three minutes Peter put aside his frantic pulse, and nervous thoughts, and mentally reminded himself that he was wearing the Spidey suit. You didn’t know it was him, -- you couldn’t. You thought you were talking to Spider-Man-- not boring old Peter parker and he needed to be cool, outgoing and funny. . . basically everything he wasn’t outside of the suit. So, he took a breath steeled himself and said “Your Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to the rescue--- no thanks necessary, but I do take kisses”
 You’d just been walking along, headphones in blasting music and replaying your conversation with Peter over and over in your head when suddenly there was a man in front of you, a knife was in your face and you were being pulled and pushed into an alley. You had no idea what this guy needed or wanted--- but you weren’t about to give up without a fight, so you tried everything you could: struggling, kicking, biting, punching, and suddenly the man was unconscious and webbed to the wall and Spider-Man himself was standing next to you.
You barely registered what he said before turning toward you and freezing in his tracks.
Both of you stood, there looking at each other and you were still so out of  It that you didn’t even  realize neither of you had moved or spoken or done anything but stare for a good two minutes before he opened his mouth.
“Hold on tight.” Was all the warning he gave you and before you could really prepare yourself you were launched into the air, practically flying with his arms around you. Thankfully it only lasted a second barely giving you time to resister what was happening before you found yourself standing on a roof, still held tight against Spider-Man spandex clad body by a protective arm. . . which was good since you hadn’t been prepared and needed a second to get your balance.
Once you’d steadied yourself the hero seemed to realize the slight awkwardness of the position and moved away.  The two of you got to staring again. . . you mostly trying to believe that this was real and actually happening.    Now—don’t get you wrong. You liked Spider-Man and had since he first appeared on the scene, before he was widely known. . . you just weren’t one of the girls who claimed to be “in love” with him, and had a house or room full of Spider-Man merchandise.
No, your heart didn’t belong to Spider-Man . . .
That place was specifically reserved for Peter Parker.
His unwavering gaze was just beginning to verge into awkwardness when a voice emanated from the mask (a slightly familiar voice you though but you brushed that aside.)
“Your Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to the rescue--- no thanks necessary, but I do take kisses”
The words made you scoff—slightly offended what is it with heroes and always thinking that saving the girl meant a kiss, that they had to be indebted to them for it? “Thanks Spidey. . . but I think I’ll pass.” Each word dripped with sarcasm, and leaked scorn.  You turned to walk away. You even started to, but you made it all of three steps before Spider-Man was in front of you, blocking your way.  If it hadn’t been for the clear change in his demeanor; worried, regretful, nervous and totally opposite of the sure, confident one he’d had before you would have just kept going.
“W-wait! I’m sorry. . . I was just joking.” His tone was pleading and even without seeing his face you knew he really did mean it; he regretted what he said. . . and it was that combined with that stupid stuttering that reminded you so much of Peter that made you stop and ask, “You were?”
“Yeah.”  you could definitely hear a note of relief in that voice of his.
“’Ok, then. . .Thanks for saving me.”
“No problem, it’s kind of my job description.”   That made you smile a bit “Are you ok?”
Did he sound. . .concerned?? rationalizing the thought by telling yourself that yes, he was concerned, he’s a hero --of course he is, but no more concerned then he’d be for anyone else you Banished the thought and answered him with a nod “Yeah, are you?”
“Yeah.”  His voice with laced with surprise and you could see the mouth part of his mask move, lifting slightly like he was smiling under it. “Thanks for asking.”
“You’re welcome.”
 The rays of the sunset tinged your face with a gorgeous golden light, making your skin glow and adding a shimmer to your hair, turning it into a halo. . .the cotton candy pink clouds against the bright blue sky making the perfect backdrop. Peter honest to goodness thought he was looking at an angel, you looked so beautiful right then and he found it hard to concentrate on the conversation or not trip over his words when he was so focused on soaking you in.  
When you asked if he was ok, Peter’s heart skipped. No one ever really asked him that when he was Spider-Man, they just kind of assumed he was, and the fact that you were so kind, and caring that you did think to ask. .  .it made him fall even more in love with you.  He made himself snap out of his daze though because he was curious about something and wanted to ask you about it.
“You mind if I ask you something?” He started, hating the way he sounded so unsure and nervous
“Sure.” The smile you flashed him had Peter mentally reeling and giddy
“I was wondering. . . how did he get the drop on you?”
He saw you actually look away to examine the glorious New York skyline and the breathtaking sunset for a second before meeting his eyes again “It’s kind of embarrassing . . . I was listening to my music, and I guess I was too busy thinking to notice him coming.”
“Thinking about anything in particular?”
Your lip split into a smile and you let out a chuckle that didn’t seem wholly sincere “More like someone. . .”
“Who?” Peter asked, not even having to fake an interest. His pulse was racing again, and he wanted so badly for you to say him.
“My Friend, Peter.”  
Actually, hearing his name made Peter’s heart leap (you’d said his name—and called him a friend!!) but he tried to play it cool and keep his voice steady and neutral, only a causal inquiring interest as he asked “What did he do? Was he a jerk to you or something?” of course he knew better than anybody that this was far from the truth.
You immediately shook your head no “No, not that. He’d never be a jerk to me. . . “You let out a sigh “It’s actually almost worse than that.” the words were hardly even spoken in a whisper and the wind nearly tore them away, but Peter heard . . . and there went his heart again, leaping like it was trying to break a world record.
“Oh, no . . . what’d he do?”
This time it was definitely a humorless chuckle you let out “I don’t even know why I’m telling you all this . . .maybe it’s the mask” You sighed again then spoke once more, actually answering his question “It’s just something he said today. . .it made me think that he likes me, but I’m not sure and I’m not sure what to do.”
Peter stood there, mind in a frenzy and on cloud nine with happiness. You took his silence as disbelief and added “I know, it’s stupid right.”
This snapped him out of it enough for him to say “No, It’s not stupid at all.”
 The words made you smile again and Peter was stunned by it for a minute, all faculties freezing . . . that is until he remembered he actually had to keep talking and thawed them out “And I can see how that could be a problem. I’ll try to help but it could be tricky. .  . Lets start with this; Do you like him too or do you want to get him off your back? Cause the answer changes the direction we’ve got to go in.”  
Peter’s heart was thundering in his chest as he waited for your answer.  It was a wait that to him, seemed like forty minutes instead of the four seconds that it was.
“I like him too.”  Peter was so over the moon happy at those four words that he almost missed when you carried on “Hell that’s almost too weak a way to describe it considering I’ve been head over heels crushing on him for three years now. Till today he just never seemed to see me as anything more then a casual acquaintance. . .someone he passed in the halls and sad “hi” to now and then.  But he said I was “beautiful” and that’s not really something you say to someone who’s just an acquaintance or someone you don’t have feelings for, right?”
The lump in his throat made it almost impossible for Peter to speak “R—Right.” He wanted so so badly to rip of the mask then and there and tell you how he felt. . . but that wasn’t how you should be told about either of his secrets. You didn’t deserve to have it all thrust on you at once, you didn’t deserve to be overwhelmed with two bombshells right after the other so he kept the mask firmly in place and cleared his throat forcing words out of his mouth again “It sounds like he likes you too—and if you like him then it might be best to just tell him how you feel.  Who knows, he just might surprise you and tell you himself.”
“You think so?”  your tone was unsure and searching.
Peter could tell you were questioning yourself with those three words. Questioning whether you were enough, if anyone could actually like you like that, and questioning if you were worthy of the love of this boy you were so so head over heels for. The thought that you could ever doubt yourself and put yourself down like that practically had Peter’s heart breaking and he felt sad and angry at the same time.
He wanted to take every last shred of that disbelief and destroy it, to put an end to whatever had made you think or feel that way, silence anyone who could have caused these feelings or increased them.
Settling for a shaky breath that rattled in the air he pushed all that aside and rushed to do the one thing he could in that moment—give you assurance “I know so.”
Peter was shocked when you actually stepped forward and wrapped him in a hug “Thanks Spider-Man.” He let out a nervous chuckle, feeling his cheeks heat up under the mask “You’re welcome.”   The strange mix of relief and sorrow when you broke the embrace confused him, but also made perfect sense.
You pulled out your phone and sighed at the time “Well, I’ve missed my train and at this point I’m probably going to miss the next one too.”
“I could swing you to the station of you want—it would be faster, and you’d get there on time.”
“Yes, thank you! if you don’t mind that is.” You said so gratefully that Peter’s heart swelled.
“No problem.” He turned his back to you “Grab on and we’ll get you there.”
Peter tensed a bit when he felt your arms wrap around him but forced himself to relax before shooting out a web and rocketing both of you skyward.
It was without a doubt the most fun yet Peter had had as Spiderman, swinging from building to building, you clinging to him and both of your screams filling the air (his of excitement and yours of fear at first till you got used to it then you were screaming in happiness right along with him and laughing in pure joy) it took almost no time before he touched down on the platform of the train station.  The trip seemed even shorter for Peter and he was definitely sad to arrive – a feeling that only deepened when your grip around him disappeared.
The two of you faced each other and stared in silence for a minute “Thanks Spider-Man.”
Peter suddenly felt all of his shyness come back “Y-you’re welcome.” Apparently, the stutter was back to. . .  great. “M-maybe I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah.” you agreed “I’d like that--- I’ll just keep looking up till I see you again.”
 Peter chuckled “I’ll see you later.” With that he sent out a web and swung off into the queen’s skyline . . .  at leas that’s what happened from your point of view. Really, he only went to the roof of a building in sight of the station and perched there, watching to make sure you were ok till your train came, and you got on. Peter’s eyes followed it as it slowly pulled away and disappeared from sight, promising himself that tomorrow he’d walk up to you as himself and tell everything he’d been dying to say. . .he’d admit his feelings.
His heart was already happy and full to bursting at the idea, knowing that you felt the same way about him too and that he’d hear you say what he’d been dying to hear for so long.
Boy was tomorrow going to be a big day.
The forevers: @a-sea-of-fandoms​ @casownsmyass​ ​​ @docharleythegeekqueen​​ @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious​ @his-paradox​ @l4life @fangirl-who-dreams​ @thatbasicnerd4life @scarlettsoldier
 Marvel girls: @a-girl-who-loves-disney​ @l4life​  @kenziecole-green​ ​ @thomashiddlestonloveloki​  @escapingthoughtsandsecrets​ @padfootsiriusorionblackthethird
 Spiderman/Peter Parker: ​ @cutie1365​ @l4life​ @tomxhotland​​ ​ @lucypcvensie @lets-imagine-fanfics​ @petah-parkah-and-potahtas
92 notes · View notes
Florida State football preview 2018: The ACC’s wild card
Bill C’s annual preview series of every FBS team in college football continues. Catch up here!
The FSU ship might have eventually righted, had Jimbo Fisher stayed in Tallahassee. Toward the end of 2017, things had improved.
The Seminoles’ 2017 was defined by injury, youth, and staleness. Fisher had labored through 2016 with a redshirt freshman quarterback (Deondre Francois), and just as he was set to take advantage of that experience, Francois was lost for the season in the first game, so Fisher went through 2017 with a true freshman (James Blackman).
That’s death for a coach with a complex offensive system, and after losing no more than four games in any of his first seven seasons, Fisher had lost five by the end of October.
The Noles won five of their last six games, though, albeit mostly against “ain’t played nobody” competition. They had eventual ACC champ Clemson on the ropes — they had the ball in Tiger territory with a chance to take the lead with under seven minutes left — in Death Valley in mid-November. They rallied to make a bowl and (after Fisher’s exit) win it, and they finished 7-6, just as they had in Bobby Bowden’s final season. It could have been worse.
FSU in 2017
Category First 7 games Last 6 games
Category First 7 games Last 6 games
Record 2 W, 5 L 5 W, 1 L Avg. score Opp 24, FSU 1 FSU 40, Opp 18 Yards per play FSU 5.3, Opp 5.1 FSU 6.1, Opp 4.3 Avg. percentile performance 46% (31% off, 65% def) 66% (65% off, 71% def) Avg. performance vs. S&P+ proj. -16.1 PPG +15.2 PPG
Throughout, there was a sense that Fisher either needed a massive transfusion on his staff or to find another job. Though the circumstances became less grave, the latter still unfolded when Texas A&M whipped out a Texas-sized check.
FSU is starting all over all the same. Maybe that means FSU can actually be fun again.
For three straight years, Fisher deployed a new QB to run an offense with a high barrier to entry — first, Notre Dame transfer Everett Golson, then Francois and Blackman. There were more shots of Fisher lecturing his QB on the sideline than there were big pass plays, and while all Francois averaged 6.6 yards per non-sack carry in 2016, and Golson rushed for about 500 non-sack yards at ND in 2014, Fisher all but demanded his QBs not cross the line of scrimmage. Plus, the defense was always solid but rarely as good as its recruiting rankings suggested.
The Noles were, until early-2017, consistently excellent, but they were frustrating. It felt like they were leaving points on the board, especially considering their use (or total lack thereof) of tempo.
If Willie Taggart has his way, that might change. A member of the Jim Harbaugh coaching tree, FSU’s new head coach found at USF that the more he opened up his offense, the better he did. He was on the ropes two years and just six wins into his USF tenure, but by his fourth year, the Bulls were 11-2 and eighth in the country in Off. S&P+. He went to Oregon last year, and when ace QB Justin Herbert was healthy, Taggart’s Ducks went 6-1 and averaged 52 points per game.
The 41-year-old is still full of potential. So is his 33-year-old offensive coordinator, Walt Bell. And he’s now got two sophomore QBs who fit that description, too. I’ve only used the f-word once in the last five FSU previews (to describe the Noles’ 2016-ending Orange Bowl win over Michigan), but I’ll say it: FSU could be fun this year.
Fun doesn’t equate to awesome. FSU was mostly awesome during Fisher’s tenure, after all. But it’s easy to see how the two might work in tandem. A Taggart/Bell offense that uses its QBs’ legs, creates more space for a receiver like Nyqwan Murray, and creates more chances for blue-chip sophomore running back Cam Akers could work.
It could work doubly well if FSU uses tempo to its advantage. When you’ve got a per-play talent advantage, it makes sense to want more plays, to maximize that advantage and increase margin for error. Oregon ranked eighth in my adjusted pace measure last year; tempo is likely coming to Tallahassee.
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If you looked at FSU’s 2017 stats without any context clues, your first impression might be, “Damn, this had to have been a really young offense.” The Noles were decent and had the talent to carry out the plan — they were 23rd in Standard Downs S&P+, after all — but they were constantly done in by mistakes.
They ranked 121st in stuff rate (run stops at or behind the line) and 108th in Adj. Sack Rate; eventually a drive would be done in by a glitch, and the Noles didn’t produce enough big plays (or, with their slow tempo, opportunities) to counter that. And with the youngster at QB, they weren’t in position to catch back up to the chains.
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Cam Akers
Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports
Experience should help. Either Francois or Blackman will have each of last year’s top three running backs, four of six wideouts, and four linemen with at least 11 career starts.
The QB will also have one more new weapon: his legs.
I think it’s justifiable to expect FSU’s QBs to run twice as often. It could be triple, but that’s not a place I’m willing to go just yet. [...] Almost all of FSU’s running plays under Willie Taggart will have at least the legitimate threat of the QB running. It makes a defense defend 11 on 11, as opposed to 11 on 10.
Akers had some dominant spurts as a freshman, rushing a combined 35 times for 236 yards against Miami and Duke early in the season, then posting 32 carries for 211 yards against ULM and Southern Miss to finish the year. Plus, veteran backup Jacques Patrick was, despite his 6’3, 235-pound frame, perhaps more explosive than Akers. This should be a fun duo, and we’ll see what junior Amir Rasul or a four-star redshirt freshman like Khalan Laborn or Zaquandre White can bring. The threat of a rushing QB can only help.
The line should be solid, at least on the interior. Second-team all-conference center Alec Eberle’s back and healthy, and the depth chart will see a constant battle between experienced three-star veterans (Eberle, tackle Derrick Kelly II, guard Cole Minshew) and young blue-chippers. Guard Landon Dickerson, who missed enough of last year to get a medical redshirt and now has 11 career starts as a redshirt sophomore, is both.
Talking yourself into the passing game takes a bit more faith. FSU had a problem with developing receivers — Fisher brought in plenty of star recruits, but few were demonstrably better when they left — and veterans Murray and Keith Gavin have flashed between awesome and frustrating. Most of the “awesome” comes from Murray, who had 16 catches for just 99 yards in his first four games and four for 41 in FSU’s last three; in between: 20 catches, 464 yards. Dominant.
Gavin had four catches for 78 yards against hapless Delaware State last year but otherwise averaged just 9.6 yards per catch. He and another junior, oft-injured George Campbell, were both star recruits, and they’ve combined for just 453 career receiving yards to date.
There’s plenty of room for a youngster to break through. A redshirt freshman like Tamorrion Terry, not to mention maybe a true freshman or two, could see first-string reps. Sophomore slot receiver D.J. Matthews could benefit significantly from Bell’s system.
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Nyqwan Murray
The Greenville News-USA TODAY Sports
This is all secondary to the biggest debate: Francois vs. Blackman. Francois is finally to be medically cleared this summer, so the battle can begin in fall camp. Let’s go to the tale of the tape.
Francois vs. Blackman
Category Francois in 2016 Blackman in 2017
Category Francois in 2016 Blackman in 2017
Completion rate 58.8% 58.2% Yards per completion 14.3 12.9 INT rate 1.8% 3.7% Passer rating 142.1 135.0 Ratio of pass attempts (inc. sacks) to rushes 5.9 8.8 Yards per (non-sack) carry 6.55 4.57
This all favors the more developed Francois, right down to the run-pass ratio. But Francois had a redshirt year to prepare for his trial, and Blackman was unexpectedly thrown into the fire. Plus, Blackman scored major leadership points and began to figure out where to go with the ball (last four games: 63 percent completion rate, 13.9 yards per completion, 168.9 passer rating, albeit against mostly shaky competition).
Despite Francois’ statistical advantage, this feels like a pretty even battle that could simply come down to which QB Taggart trusts more as a leader. But as long as the runner-up doesn’t immediately transfer, FSU will have a backup QB situation better than what Taggart had at Oregon last year.
The Read Option
A daily-ish mini-column on the college football thing of the day, with some other stuff too.
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FSU’s defense was solid but inconsistent in the years after the 2013 title run. The Noles ranked 38th, 14th, 10th, and 33rd in Def. S&P+; last year’s unit basically reciprocated whatever hope its offense gave it. FSU allowed just 4.5 yards per play against Alabama, but after Francois’ injury, the Noles slumped to 5.4 per play in the following five games.
But after getting knocked around by Lamar Jackson and Louisville, FSU allowed under 5 per play for each remaining game.
The Noles were perhaps less efficient than they should have been and were significantly worse on passing downs (second-and-long or third/fourth-and-medium/long) than on standard downs, but they prevented big plays and shut down scoring opportunities before they reached the end zone.
But that’s probably enough about last year. This year’s defense will have a different coordinator and about eight new starters. Gone are stalwarts like safety Derwin James, linebacker Matthew Thomas, end Josh Sweat, and tackle Derrick Nnadi. This year’s defense will have some young stars.
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Stanford Samuels III
Glenn Beil-USA TODAY Sports
You never want to rely on sophomores, but FSU’s could be pretty devastating.
Cornerback Stanford Samuels III made the second-most havoc plays (tackles for loss, passes defensed, forced fumbles) in the secondary as a freshman, combining three TFLs with two picks, five breakups, and an FF.
End Joshua Kaindoh made just 14 tackles as a backup, but 6.5 were tackles for loss, and four were sacks.
Safety Hamsah Nasirildeen saw extensive playing time and broke up three passes.
End Janarius Robinson and tackle Marvin Wilson made only a combined 7.5 tackles, but they were both also star recruits and could be ready for more responsibility. The same goes for linebacker Leonard Warner III (3.5 tackles) and safety Cyrus Fagan (4.5).
Samuels is a keeper, and Kaindoh could be dynamite opposite junior Brian Burns, who had a nice sophomore breakout, leading the team with 20.5 havoc plays (13.5 of them were TFLs). And a foursome of senior tackles led by Demarcus Christmas should assure that not too much is asked of Wilson and other young tackles.
There’s a veteran presence throughout the lineup in guys like safety A.J. Westbrook, corner Kyle Meyers, and linebackers Adonis Thomas, Dontavious Jackson, and Emmett Rice. But it’s hard not to get distracted by the younger guys here — not only the sophomores, but also the latest round of blue-chip freshmen: DBs Jaiden Woodbey, A.J. Lytton, and Asante Samuel Jr., tackle Robert Cooper, etc. (Note most of the standout names are linemen and DBs. Linebacker could be an area of concern.)
Set the bar for new coordinator Harlon Barnett at a top-25 performance this year, then raise it to top-10 in 2019.
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Brian Burns
Nelson Chenault-USA TODAY Sports
Special Teams
FSU has been consistently dominant, ranking first in Special Teams S&P+ in 2015, fifth in 2014, and eighth in 2017. Logan Tyler’s punts were pretty long but returnable last year, but if that’s your biggest weakness, you’re doing alright.
Ricky Aguayo is excellent at place kicking, and the baseline of Amir Rasul and Keith Gavin in kick returns and D.J. Matthews in punt returns makes for a lovely unit overall.
2018 outlook
2018 Schedule & Projection Factors
Date Opponent Proj. S&P+ Rk Proj. Margin Win Probability 3-Sep Virginia Tech 21 3.3 58% 8-Sep Samford NR 34.4 98% 15-Sep at Syracuse 71 10.4 73% 22-Sep Northern Illinois 69 14.8 80% 29-Sep at Louisville 29 0.5 51% 6-Oct at Miami 13 -7.6 33% 20-Oct Wake Forest 34 7.4 67% 27-Oct Clemson 3 -10.6 27% 3-Nov at N.C. State 37 2.6 56% 10-Nov at Notre Dame 7 -11.6 25% 17-Nov Boston College 48 10.8 73% 24-Nov Florida 32 6.6 65%
There was a strange symmetry in Fisher’s last year, which produced an almost identical résumé as Bowden’s (both were 7-6 and between 41st and 43rd in S&P+).
There could also be symmetry in how the next season goes. In 2010, Fisher inherited a young but discombobulated two-deep, brought a few new influences, refocused the core, and surged to 10 wins and a No. 11 S&P+ ranking. That feels a little bit ambitious, but top-20 and eight or nine wins? I could see it.
The biggest obstacle is the schedule. S&P+ projects FSU 18th, but the Noles will face three teams projected 13th or better and eight projected 37th or better. There are about three or four baked-in wins (depending on what you think Florida is capable of) and an otherwise brutal schedule.
Still, you have to like where this is headed. Taggart brings all the energy that the program lacked, his staff is exciting, and early returns suggest recruiting is going to go just fine. FSU should be fun again, even if there are some fits and starts.
Team preview stats
Dope article from sbnation.com
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buildercar · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.buildercar.com/first-drive-2017-porsche-911-carrera-gts/
First Drive: 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera GTS
CAPE TOWN, South Africa — It’s tempting to compare the new 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera GTS to the last turbocharged rear-wheel drive 911 rated at 450 horsepower. Remember it? Yep, that’s right, the 993 GT2. You know, the gnarly homologation car with riveted-on wheel arches, a massive rear wing, and a reputation for hastening the claiming of life-insurance policies. (So the legend goes, anyway.) But this comparison would be absurd.
The 2017 911 GTS is way faster than that old car. The lightweight, hardcore, and edgy 993 GT2 would need somewhere north of 8 minutes to get around the Nürburgring. The new and eminently useable 991 GTS? Try 7 minutes, 26 seconds. Or, should you fit the optional new Pirelli P Zero Trofeo tires, make it 7 minutes, 22 seconds.
I’m going to reiterate how nuts this is because it’s worth processing the information. So here’s some more context: Today’s 911 GT3 RS with 500 hp and more aerodynamic addenda than star Formula 1 designer Adrian Newey’s go-kart — well, maybe not — beats the GTS by only 2 seconds at the ’Ring. And remember, the GTS is a sort of mid-range 911, designed to sit between the Carrera S and 911 Turbo. Pricing starts at $120,050 and might make you wonder why you’d ever need anything more. For a few dollars extra you can buy it as a four-wheel drive version. You know, a four-wheel drive, 450-hp, rear-engined Porsche. Like a Porsche 959. Only faster, naturally. Much faster.
In fact, the GTS can take many forms. Two- or four-wheel drive in coupe or Cabriolet body styles or an exclusively four-wheel-drive Targa model. As before, the GTS package consists of a number of mild upgrades, but previously those have resulted in a car that is greater than the sum of its parts. The latest model adopts forced induction for the first time in line with other 991.2 models, but it gets higher capacity turbochargers and a little more boost. The Sport Chrono package is included, allowing you to switch between Normal, Sport, Sport Plus, and Individual drive modes. Additionally, you can prime the car for a short burst of maximum acceleration by hitting the Sport Response button, essentially a push-to-pass function.
There’s also a sport exhaust and less sound deadening to enhance the car’s character. The 3.0-liter, twin-turbo, flat-six engine produces 450 hp at 6,500 rpm and 405 lb-ft of torque from 2,150 to 5,000 rpm. Throw in some sexy satin-black detailing and center-lock wheels, and you’ve got the GTS formula. However, you need to be picky to get the pure essence of the GTS. Go for a Cabriolet or Targa and you don’t get the 0.78-inch lower suspension, instead making do with the 0.39-inch lower PASM adaptable sport setup of the Carrera S. You need a coupe for the full experience then. In fact, you need a rear-drive coupe as it offers the more aggressive suspension, and it’s the only 911 to offer rear-wheel drive in combination with the 1.7-inch wider Carrera 4 bodyshell. Clear? Yes, picking your way through the 911 range isn’t the work of a moment these days.
For the record the Carrera 4 GTS starts at $126,950, the Cabriolet is $132,350, and the four-wheel drive Cabriolet and the Targa 4 GTS require $139,250. Rear-wheel steering and the torque-vectoring rear differential are additional options you might want to consider if you want the ultimate GTS spec. That Nürburgring lap time was set in a Carrera GTS so equipped and also benefitting from carbon-ceramic brakes and the PDK dual-clutch gearbox. We approve of the heinously expensive brakes as they improve ride quality, fade resistance, and increase agility by reducing unsprung weight and cutting rotational inertia. Don’t worry about PDK, though. It’s faster, sure, but as we’ve already discovered via that lap time, the GTS is so capable that giving away a tenth or two here or there isn’t really a problem, and the seven-speed manual ’box is, for many, more enjoyable to use.
A few laps of the fabulously disheveled Killarney Raceway near Cape Town, South Africa, prove the above conclusively. I try a PDK-equipped Carrera GTS, then a manual Carrera 4 GTS, and finally a Carrera GTS with a stick. The first few laps are as much about learning the track as the car, but the GTS immediately feels different to a standard Carrera. Those bigger turbos don’t seem to increase lag much at all, but they certainly give the engine a more ferocious and exciting top end. The 3.0-liter twin-turbo engine really wants to rev. Allied to the fabulously intuitive four-wheel steering system that works effectively to reduce understeer, the usual 911 traits of simply exceptional traction and an incredible sense of what the car is doing underneath you produce a devastatingly fast and precise package. The ride over ragged curbs seems pretty good too, though I suspect the coupe will ride firmly out on the street.
The second stint in the Carrera 4 GTS is equally enjoyable, maybe even more so. There are those who don’t care for all-wheel-drive 911s, but in this latest 991-generation platform I think they’re superb. There’s a shade more understeer but also a slightly looser feel to the car on the way into corners if you trail brake, and there is more of an opportunity to slide the car from mid-corner to exit. You need to react quickly to read the car, and it’s a slightly edgier experience on the limit (counter to what you might expect), but it’s so satisfying. And this car has a manual ’box, upping your work rate and massively increasing enjoyment. PDK might be faster but simply having to think about each gearshift makes you tune into the sounds and sensations the car provides.
The final few laps in the car with all the “right” pieces — rear drive, manual gearbox, rear steer, torque-vectoring differential — has me completely sold on the GTS, at least on the track. The engine really is fantastically angry and yet so precise in its delivery. The bangs and pops add to the excitement, and even the purist in me can admit that you rarely miss the smooth, sweet music of the old normally aspirated engine. Most of all, though, it’s the way the GTS uses its power that’s so impressive. It feels light on turn-in, neutral mid-corner, and so willing to adjust its balance to your whims. There’s just a magical fluidity to 911s, and the GTS is right on your side. I was concerned the wider track would enhance stability but reduce the trademark lithe agility, but the GTS confounds those expectations.
Sadly, we couldn’t try any coupe GTS models on the road, instead having to piece together the full picture with Cabriolet and Targa cars of various configuration and specification. If you were taking notes earlier you’ll remember these cars don’t feature the 0.78-inch lower suspension, which somewhat muddies the waters. The most representative car I could find was a rear-drive Cabriolet with a manual gearbox, and I have to say that winding up and over the Franschhoek Pass was pretty sensational. On the road you tune into the finer details, and I’m afraid the purist reappeared and did miss the honey-smooth howl of the old normally aspirated car. But judged against the standard Carrera and Carrera S models, there’s no question the GTS is faster and much more satisfying to rev out. Those bigger turbos just bring some attitude and sharpness.
I still miss the wriggling, writhing steering from 911s of old, too. But set against other electric power-steering systems, Porsche gets it mostly right. The GTS might not fizz with steering feedback, but there’s enough to feel immersed in the action — and to understand that on the road the GTS is well within itself and executing your demands perfectly. Grip levels are high, and yet the car doesn’t feel so locked-down that you lose interest. Porsche managed to balance outright ability and an inclusive, symbiotic feel like nobody else. And, of course, it nailed the details like brake feel and control weights. That’s why you should stick with the manual transmission, so you get to interact more with the car and appreciate its fine attention to detail.
The GTS is pretty damn compelling. A Carrera GTS isn’t quite as lunatic fast as a Turbo S but it’ll still hit 60 in 3.5 seconds (3.9 seconds for the manual) and exceed 190 mph. It’s not quite as agile or involving as a GT3, but it feels so at home on a track. In fact, it feels at home everywhere. Of course, this versatility is the very foundation of the 911’s appeal. The GTS package simply and expertly enhances its broad spread of talents. I suspect you’d feel at home in the 911 GTS too, wherever you live and maybe for the rest of time.
2017 Porsche 911 GTS Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $120,050 (base) ENGINE 3.0L twin turbo DOHC 24-valve flat-six/450 hp @ 6,500 rpm, 405 lb-ft @ 2,150-5,000 rpm TRANSMISSIONS 7-speed manual, 7-speed dual-clutch automatic LAYOUT 2-door, 4-passenger, rear-engine, RWD/AWD coupe or convertible EPA MILEAGE 18-20/26 mpg (city/hwy) L X W X H 178.3 x 77.9 x 51.0 in WHEELBASE 96.5 in WEIGHT 3,197-3,241 lb 0-60 MPH 3.5-3.9 sec TOP SPEED 192-193 mph
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