#like it's a rlly compelling scene and it says so much abt his character but half the time
sodafrog13 · 6 months
the son makes me insane dude i gotta talk about him more some time
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lobotomycas · 3 years
YEAH AS OF LIKE. A WEEK AND A HALF AGO? I watched the show and was like oh that was neat :) I like the three heist guys :) ik there's a series about them :) and then I read the books and they rewrote my brain I think! like I am not the same person I was before that! holy shit!
#a large part of the reason is that I wanted to know what that grisha was talking about when he was abt to say something#abt jesper and then jesper knockdc him out. I didn't make the connection which in hindsight was very obv skdhfkfnkf and was very intrigued#but I was also pspspsps'ed in by disabled cane user kaz and ALSO show kanej was extremely compelling#then book kanej is specifically what changed me as a person. I am SO obsessed with them. deeply in love.#I think if I had to choose a character from the 6 that I straight up have a massive crush on its nina. I'm a little in love with her I thin#she likes matthias so he can stay. I'm fond of him but he's not my fave#AND WYLAN MY DEARLY BELOVED..... AND WESPER. MY DEARLY BELOVED. HE'S SO GOOD THEY'RE SO GOOD#I'm just infodumping in the tags here skndkfnfkfnfn#I normally am not a fan of the trope where like. everyone in a group like that is in a relationship w someone else in the group#I just find it unnecessary yknow. we all know I'm not a romantic jdkfnfkfj but I liked how that was written! diff types of relationships ig#kanej my beloved. they are so fucked in the head and they love each other so much. It's About The Healing Process#they ARE each others endgame and like rlly we know that barely into the first book. neither of them are as impartial as they think they are#but. because of The Atrocities and The Tragedies. they can't manage a relationship. and is their relationship ever going to look normal?#when it stabilizes? I doubt it tbh I think it'll make sense but they kinda want different things and are gonna end up in different places.#kaz will stay in ketterdam while inej will go out to sea. but. they're it for each other anyways. and that's So Much. To Me#it's abt what makes sense To Them... finding comfort in each other finding a home in each other. learning to live and love without fear#inej adores kaz and kaz practically worships her it's sooooo they're soooooo. the show was insane for placing her up on that balcony#so that kaz would look up at her above him after she saved his life. insanity inducing scene.#none of these tags have a point I'm just rambling immmmgmgmgmhnn lomnve them#poetsocieties#ask#also omg hello haven't talked to u in a while :^)#just followed ur soc blog!#also also also I love jesper so so much it's unreal. in the show he's a cutie and clearly has hidden depths tm but in the books. I LOVE him#he's more?? simple?? than kaz or inej?? as in no atrocities happened to him and the tragedy was admittedly. basic. but it still affects#him every day he still made some major life choices bc of it to protect himself bc colm asked and he's trying and look where it got him.#but he's still trying. he wants to be enough and he doesn't want to endanger himself even tho he'd be HEALTHIER if he did.#matthias voice there are many kinds of illness#but! he doesn't! and it's his choice and okay he's not where he thought he'd be by now but he's okay!#holy shit he has a bf and a lil found family and his dad still loves him etc etc he's happy! he's zowa he's blessed!
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
Lang Qianqiu deserves more love goddammit: a post, unfortunately
This brought to you by the wonderful @veliseraptor & @/yuer on Twitter but also mostly out of spite and the fact that it’s preventing me from writing a very dumb poke-the-bear post abt the entire weird social media culture around The Minors
So first off: when I hit the scene where lqq confronts xl and screams “I will never be like you” I sat up in bed, did a little shimmy of delight, and hissed “fuck yes” at like 2 AM so. Now you have a preview of wtf this train wreck will be
1 ) lqq is a good character
We don’t get a ton of time with lqq because tgcf is 87 side characters running across stage with The Most Interesting Concept constantly one-upping each other before vanishing. But what we do get is, I think, enough to make a pretty compelling story: Lang Qianqiu is a kind and generous prince who is also the sole survivor of the bloody massacre of his entire family, committed by the people dearest to him (both in his belief that Gusohi Fangxin did it and in the reality of An Le’s involvement), who goes on to peacefully lead his fractious nation into a peaceful reign before he ascends as a powerful enough (aka beloved and worshipped enough) god to be ranked among the top heavenly generals. That’s like. Pretty fucking classic protagonist vibes right there.
And, as usual with mxtx’s characters, we get a lot more than this lovely little backstory. In his interactions in canon, lqq is capable of great grief and anger; he is willing to sacrifice himself if it means avenging his murdered family; and he simultaneously holds both great hatred and great respect for his old teacher. And, of course, he winds up raising and taking care of his enemy’s son which shows a remarkable depth of compassion and emotional messiness that I find terribly compelling. He struggles with a simplistic view of justice that is supported by lies told to “protect” him and that is uprooted by the truth and forces him to try to make sense of the world without the guardrails that others installed around him (looking at you mister fangxin sir).
Also I’m stealing my own tweets bc I’m Right but:
*pulls up single barstool to lqq is a good character table* I think it’s interesting & Says Things abt the continued relationship btwn lqq & xl that lqq *didn’t* recognize xl, implying that he left fangxin’s mask in place even when he went to kill him
Like here is the man who killed his family & best friend, who left him abandoned in bloodshed on his 17th bday—& here is also the man who saved his life, who taught him, who lqq looked up to & wanted to be like
Even when lqq *does* recognize xl, he still has so much respect for him paired with that hatred that it’s honestly rlly tragic? Like man. There’s so much grief in lqq’s repeated demands for a duel & insisting it’s fine if xl kills him as long as he doesn’t hold back
*pats lqq pompom* this bb is so sad. And so much more like his teacher than either of them seem to realize or necessarily want
Despite being a pretty minor character, lqq gets a lot of complexity and nuance! Look at this child trying to be grown up while desperately turning to his old master for guidance and “the truth”! Look at him! Be sad!!
2 ) lqq is an excellent parallel to xl
Okay stealing my own tweet again don’t look at me I yell the same shit everywhere
Xl didn’t want lqq to become like him (self-sacrificing, vengeful, alone) but lqq not only became alone, chasing vengeance, & willing to sacrifice himself for revenge—he also became kind, open-minded, & remorseful!! & he still clearly respects xl @ novel end 🙃🙃
We all know hc’s “they’re not very alike at all” and yeah sure baby go support your man but narratively, there’s a lot of importance given to cycles, parallels, and foils in mxtx’s writing and most explicitly (compared to mdzs, haven’t read svss) in tgcf. For example, *gestures at beefleaf, gestures at Xianle Trio vs Wuyogn Crew, gestures at Xie Lian & Jun Wu’s whole uh. Deal.* And while I’d argue xl and lqq are part of a triumvirate rather than a pair, we’re not including mister three-face in this conversation so just looking at xl and lqq:
Both adored and sheltered crown princes
Both taught by a guoshi who was seeking to prevent the repetition of their own tragedies and in their efforts, lied/omitted information and failed to protect their charge from tragedy
Both were betrayed* by their closest friends
Both are the last living members of their respective royal families
Both caught the interest of supernatural beings from a young age
Etc etc I’m getting v bored and distracted writing this so moving on
Most importantly to me, we have their betrayal by a very close and adored mentor and how they react. The confrontation I mention at the start of this shitshow is really imo one of the most important scenes in the novel because it a) illustrates the differences in xl and Jun Wu and b) sort of gives you a preview of how xl ultimately wins
So a) Jun Wu and Xie Lian both take a talented, marked-for ascension young prince under their wing. Jun Wu sees himself in the boy and obsesses over shaping him into Jun Wu’s own image in the belief that this will make him the perfect heir. Jun Wu pushes his chosen heir into situations where Xie Lian is repeatedly harmed in an effort to show that the common people are fickle and cruel and don’t deserve his compassion and care.
Meanwhile, Xie Lian is reluctantly roped into mentoring his prince due to his inability to stand aside when he feels he could do something to prevent hurt or injustice befalling another (simultaneously his great strength and great weakness! God I love him). Xie Lian tries to teach his student to believe in and care for the common people and not to sacrifice himself (see: flashback convo re:taking the force of the sword strike into his own body).
When Xie Lian refuses to bend in the shape Jun Wu demands, Jun Wu bashes his head into the wall. When Lang Qianqiu cries “I will never be like you!”, Xie Lian laughs and says “Good!”.
B) this of course feeds directly into foreshadowing! Like Lang Qianqiu’s bold words, xl ultimately refuses to become like his mentor and remains defiant even when it would stop him from being hurt. Xl beats lqq and says so what if I tricked you, so what if I lied, I still won. Naturally, xl beats Jun Wu not through standard swordplay but by using a trick he learned while forced to busk and wander the earth alone and unlucky for centuries.
…okay so I have fully forgotten what I was actually saying here! Anyway!
Like Xie Lian, Lang Qianqiu spends a time consumed with the need for vengeance, hunting his enemy and rejecting the heavens. And like Xie Lian, he winds up caring for his enemy’s “son” and trying to both comfort him and maintain what’s left of Qi Rong’s life force despite having previously been hellbent on destroying him—bc he sees the impact it has on another person. In the end, he even gives a gift to Xie Lian—his mentor, his role model, and the one who killed his father—that was once given to him as a symbol of unexpected kindness. Sound familiar?
But, importantly, and contradictory to what I have been yelling abt but whatever it’s 12:30 am, Lang Qianqiu is not a direct mirror of Xie Lian but a closing of a vital loop in the story. Lqq is very similar to xl (I will die on this hill!! Only I won’t bc I’m stronger than y’all and will keep swinging these pots and pans) but bc xl tries to do better and keep lqq from suffering the way xl has, lqq is able to have a gentler and more optimistic path forward. He’s proof that even a small act of kindness or even kindness to only one person still matters and has a ripple effect that can’t be seen when you’re in the middle of it—a thread started with xl giving the coral pearl to Lang Ying and closed with Lang Qianqiu returning the pearl to Xie Lian.
So I have no idea if any of this is coherent or compelling but I meant to be asleep two hours ago and the points are:
A) Lang Qianqiu is good actually
B) parallels!!!
C) look ive already started another wip about Lang Qianqiu and Xie Lian and I didn’t want this but no one else wrote it so now I have to so pls just accept this as a warning
*sort of air quotes around this for Xie Lian bc frankly Mu Qing was right & Xie Lian kicked feng xin out BUT on the other hand, it was experienced as a betrayal and we also again have all of Jun Wu’s shit so it evens out
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Few things. Re: Jonathan’s breakdown, I disagree abt it being played for laughs. Emotional breakdowns are only funny when the reason the person is having the breakdown is funny. Compare for example, Charlie Day’s funny “Pepe Silvia” breakdown in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia to Brad Pitt’s serious “What’s in the Box?” breakdown in Se7en. Both played with same level of intensity, but the IASIP breakdown is the funny one bc the subject matter is ridiculous whereas the Se7en one is more dramatic bc it’s the subject matter is sad and horrifying. Not saying that Jonathan’s breakdown will be horrifying, but there’s not a lot of comedic wiggle room when Jonathan’s breakdown is bc he thinks his gf has forgotten abt him, he realizes he’s essentially had to give up his teenage years to become a second parent to his sibling(s), one of whom just got kidnapped assumedly on his watch. Also not dying there won’t be anything comedic abt it, but Charlie’s performance will be rooted in drama. He’s been waiting to do this scene for 5 years, he’s not gonna let it be played off as a joke.
Re: Joyce vs Hopper, I think the biggest reason audiences seem to focus more on Hopper is bc of his relationship to El. Joyce got a lot more attention than him in s1, but it shifted the next season after Hop became El’s parent. El is the main character and biggest fan-favorite of the show, of course the fans will focus on those who she is closest with. And I think there is probably a slight element of unconscious (or maybe conscious as well) sexism and anti-mom bias. Hopper is a bit more free in his storylines bc he’s not rlly tied down, even after he takes in El, they were more like roommates at first anyway. It wasn’t until the end of s2 rlly that he “settled down” with El and let his story be limited that way. Meanwhile Joyce has always been deeply connected to her son’s storylines, it wasn’t until s3 that she got a storyline that wasn’t abt her kids at all. As a result, there’s less they can do with her in that way. I hope that kind of makes sense. It’s obvs unfair, Joyce is just as a compelling character as Hop and hopefully s4 will give her a chance to prove that.
Re: Finn’s comment, I think you guys are taking his words too literally. Finn means that the Hawkins storyline is horror-based (Vecna, possession, murder, etc) while the Cali storyline is comedy-based (road trip, stoner character, bickering, etc). That doesn’t mean Cali won’t have any serious moments, or Hawkins won’t have any funny moments. Just means there are diff bases, just like always. Think back to s3, it rlly had 5 diff storylines at first that could be summarized as: buddy-cop comedy, investigative drama, possession horror, teen romcom, and I guess crime-comedy. But Jopper had some serious moments, Jancy had some funny moments, etc. ST always draws from diff genres but imo they usually do a good job of blending them all together. Cali will def have some really dramatic scenes what with El being kidnapped, Jonathan’s potential breakdown, and Will’s jealousy, but it just means at the end of the day the end goal of this storyline is to make you laugh not make you cry or scream or freak out, even if those things do happen as well.
Re: Jonathan kinda having a breakdown and if it’s played for comedy; I think that’s really on the script and what they’ve given Charlie to do (or not do). We don’t tech even know if it will be played as a breakdown (even tho it feels like it should be one bc Jonathan is due for that and we know Charlie thought Jonathan was due for it and Jonathan smoking weed alone before school def feels like the pressure getting to him and him responding in a v diff way than we’ve seen on the show). I think the point was more will they acknowledge any of the stress and trauma he’s been under to explain how he’s adjusting to Cali or not. There’s so much they could write for him with all of that, but they’d have to want to.
Re: Joyce, true abt El and Hopper, but I think it’s also them caring more about masculinity and the antihero trope than wanting to do nuanced writing with Joyce as they did in s1. A way they could have given her more of her own plotline was to show more of why she wanted to move and the decision process of that back in s3. And then in s4, I hope they show her adjustment to Cali, her new job, how she’s handling the rest of the family’s adjustments before she leaves, who she tells about leaving, and the family dynamics there. They could also show the tension within her of being worried about leaving while needing to leave, for instance. If Lonnie had called or something, that would have kicked up a lot for her as well that could have given more plotline before leaving for Russia. There’s all kinds of character writing they could do with her—maybe flashbacks would have even worked for her after the move, remembering some of her times in Hawkins.
Re: Finn’s comment, yeah def think there will be a blend in all plots and there’s clearly more supernatural horror in Hawkins, it’s just I maybe wouldn’t expect all of the Cali plot to be summarized as comedic, so still curious how much of it is—def could see it in Mike’s interactions with Argyle, bickering, parts of the road trip, ig some Jargyle etc.
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sunflowerseraph · 3 years
HEEHEE! hits u back with the character game uhh thor or bucky :33
!!! I'll do... BOTH >:D ! It'll be long tho so I'm putting em under cuts :}
Here's the ask game btw!
How I feel about this character: OH he's such a bi disaster. But he's trying his best. Textbook himbo. Crushed under the weight of his father's expectations of him alot of the time. Probably struggles with self worth nowadays too,with the battles and family he's lost! Also he's very much like those memes abt dudes/dads where they'll mention some horrible childhood trauma and then have some funny song playing in their head like nothin even happened.! I feel like he cares very deeply for the friendships he's made and the found family he's gained with the warriors three [rip] and the avengers! Overall? Kind himbo who respects women and forgets how smart he is sometimes.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly this is such a hard question cause im sure if u presented me with like,good reasons for most people then I'd be on board. But so far one of my Main ships for Thor rn is Bruce and Thor <3 GammaHammer makes me happy :} I've seen thor n valkyrie stuff too which is like aight they're all bi4bi t4t prolly,but honestly a polycule or some shit w Bruce Val and thor would be Inch resting :} I'm not sure tho! Oh and Jane Foster I Guess but she's not rlly up there.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: OH absolutely thor and loki ! Brothers 🤍 I rewatch the thor movies the other day and seeing them fight together and hang out as kids made me so 🥺❗ yknow? I also think Thor n Darcy are a fun pair! Thor and the warriors three make me :} as well bc they're all buddies! That's his little family yknow!! Or. Was.
My unpopular opinion about this character: listen i know I just called him a himbo but he's smarter than people give him credit for I think. But also he's pretty cocky at times with his fighting ability and I feel like that's his greatest downfall. He tends to sorta think he can do everything on his own,and he doesn't rely on others until he really needs to and it ends up w him or his companions hurt :(
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: ough I wish we could've gotten more time to see him experiencing earth stuff! In other like shows n such (like one of the animated series) its funny to see him interacting with mortals and I feel like we don't get that enough. Like sure we got the "another!" Scene and if you watched the YouTube mocumentary he obviously doesn't understand money or jobs. But it's still funny and I'd like to see him go "I don't understand what that means :D" like an optimistic puppy yknow :]
Uhmm yeh that's for thor! OK Bucky time 🤍
How I feel about this character: I feel like. They should do more w him in the mcu! But that's just bc im a kinnie ig but it makes me sad that he's just viewed as Steve's Sidekick when he's got a personality and works so well as Sam's partner in TFAWTS! I like the representation he can bring to the table though,regarding disability (I mean even though. He's an enhanced person but yknow.) And mental health! He also shows that your past doesn't need to define you and you CAN be free and work past old mistakes.! I feel like he's a little out of touch sometimes bc of the time shifts and mental stuff goin on,but I'm not saying it's a bad thing,its just compelling to meeee
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I USED to ship stevebucky I won't lie,but I much rather prefer SamBucky bc its just better LMAO Sam is much cooler than Steve in many regards and to me Sam is a better influence on Buckys life ig? Like. Idk how to explain it well enough but their banter is better and they compliment eachother rather than one of them taking the reigns all the time. I just like the level playing field where it still feels like Bucky can be a Sidekick but his partner at the same time rather than Just Bucky Barnes. Idk if that makes sense but !
My non-romantic OTP for this character: honestly I'm not sure? I feel like if they could both get over association's with like...almost killing eachother Bucky and Nat could be friends :] both were molded to be Weapons and have to deal with their traumas and mental health. Obviously I also wish Steve would've stuck around bc I hate that he like.LEFT his best friend and new family,but whatever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think bucky is sort of a dork actually. Alot of people make him very stoic and Winter Soldiery but that's. Not all he is! He's a complex person who's been used and weaponized and its annoying whenever people try to say he's a stoic person or whatever. Like no bro ur thinking abt the winter soldier. Ofc the winter solider was/is part of him and that doesn't just shut off but I think it's bs to boil him down to Killing Machine Assasinator Ooo Scary! When he was also a soldier during. Fucking Ww2! He was also like shown to be a bit of a dorky guy who liked to dance and be with chick's n shit lmao,like he mustve been a charmer. And even after,like during tfatws he's shown to still have bits of that personality. He messes around with Sam's nephews and offers help without prompting and just overall wants to live a more peaceful life while still managing to be social and humorous. ("How old are you anyways?" "106.") Anyways I think what I'm saying is ppl tend to forget to split him and tws.!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: this is sort of similar to the Thor thing but discovering new age shit! Like I wanna see him be bad at tech or be confused by new slang. Also wanna see him like, get annoyed at how the tech is where he's at vs. The wakandan tech. That shit probably blew his socks off and then he had to go hang w Americans and went :(?? How do i use a flip phone. The beads were so convenient in Wakanda HFNEBDB. I also wish we could've actually seen how bucky Healed in Wakanda?? Like however he was helped yknow? I'm sure they (mcu) can't like do much besides say he was Magically Cured Of Mental Illness so I guess I'm glad they left it up to whatever but. Still 😔
Anyways uhm yeah! Sorry this is so long sjdjf it prolly doesn't make much sense but 👍❤
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brw · 3 years
Simon Williams
first impression - well, at first i only rlly knew him as the guy who has vision's brainwaves who also dated wanda! so i didn't rlly like him much, because obviously there are. those panels of him hurting her and beyond being a bad actor and also not rlly being great to vision those were. the only personality traits he had. but i got interested one day and decided to search him up and? discovered he had an Interesting Relationship with a certain hank mccoy and this didn't rlly add up to what i knew abt him previously so i was inspired to read some stuff and. then i was hooked hsjsjeje
impression now - honestly he is SO underrated. like he. gets written weirdly... a lot and its very obvious that a lot of writers dont know how to write him outside his relationship w/ wanda but he's honestly cool! he makes a lot of mistakes but he genuinely wants to do good for people and he also sees the best in everyone. like he was vocally in support of wanda, and seemed completely understanding & accepting of hank when he told him all the bad he'd done over the years. he's also canonically a victim of abuse at the hands of his father & elder brother, which still seems to effect him and his relationships even now. and that abuse makes his decision to be a pacifist all the more potent and meaningful. he's also been implied to have suffered from an anxiety disorder & an eating disorder so like. he is genuinely an interesting and compelling character, it's just a shame he so often gets reduced to "guy wanda sometimes dates who doesn't like vision and doesn't know how to act" smh :/
favourite moment - ooo boy... its hard to say. but. probably his arc where he calls the avengers out on their bullshit in what i think was avengers vol 4. and it's a shame they kinda fucked it over and chalked it up to him being unstable because he genuinely had points. he wasn't wrong. like sure i think. threatening to chuck the avengers tower or whatever into the sea was a little extreme but he did genuinely have a point. and also then straight up told hank he loved him so I'm. hsjsjhjehjjrje. this was a good arc anyway and it's a shame they ruined it. special mention though to his talk w/ hank in uncanny avengers vol 2 #28 (i think it was 28 but it could also have been 25 i. can't remember jsjsjej) because that was genuinely also super sweet and shows how he's willing to grow <3 another special mention to his scenes in vision and the scarlet witch because i think we deserve more content of simon and vision being good family members
idea for a story - with our current understanding of child abuse i would LOVE to see him explore his past and actually get help for it. because it did genuinely affect him for some time and while i think him becoming a pacifist did help i also know that. isn't enough to make years of repressed trauma go away lol. i also think were he to meaningfully think about what he went thru w/ his brother eric, he'd be better able to build a stronger and less strained relationship with vision. and i also think it would be helpful if simon, with our current understanding of eating disorders, had that be a canonical part of him. because he doesn't look like someone w/ an ED. and i think it would be important to see a man who looks muscular and healthy struggle w/ that. just generally. character development. i think it would also be good to bring up his issues w/ amora the enchantress (who was implied to have r*ped him) because while his 90s solo series did bring it up it was also. the 90s jajsjsjsjs. i just basically think something similar to his other series but with better writing and a better understanding of what we're talking about.
unpopular opinion - probably that his relationship w/ wanda is um very unhealthy, on both sides. on one hand, when simon was unstable he violently attacked her and tried to kill her. and that is... not good in the slightest, and him being in emotional distress and physically being unstable due to his ions doesn't excuse that in the slightest. simon also had an issue of putting wanda on an unattainable pedestal, which as someone who did that exact thing with a past partner is not healthy at all. you should be able to admit your partner has flaws and is human, and he did not and could not. but also, wanda hasn't been awfully good to simon either. like for a while she refused to be upfront about her feelings to him, and she slept with him while he was still in incredible emotional distress and upset. and imo because of that he. wasn't rlly in a position to meaningfully consent. so yeah. his and wanda's relationship, even without the relation to vision (which makes it worse) has never rlly been healthy.
favourite relationship - his and hank's! tbh it's probably the best one he has. those two. really love each other it is very sweet. they've both obviously grown a lot but i still think they're good/best friends and their relationship, romantic or platonic is obviously very important to the both of them. they're. very close together and i hope that at some point we can. see them be avengers together again because they were so funny sjshwnsnejen. but i also really like his relationship w/ vision when it's written well, because the two of them have. obviously been thru a lot in their own familial relationships so seeing the two of them have some semblance of "normal" with each other is very sweet. i also like the mental relationship of him being viv's uncle a lot. its not canon yet but i have hopes 🤞 he was a good uncle to tommy and billy growing up so by logic he should be a good uncle to viv too!
favourite headcanon - hmmm, probably the one i have now that he is jewish. idk it just. works with him! he is after all a kirby creation. but there's also one i have where he played the violin when he was younger, which also works with him. like idk. it's seems like a thing rich ppl make their kids do and it fits with him 😊
send me a character!
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edsbev · 5 years
this is weird but im deadass waiting for what u have to say about stranger things s3 jfhsjsjs
omg im so flattered what the heckhgjfk ok lemme spill my thoughts here. also i literally just finished the season tonight bc me n my family wanted to try and stretch it over a couple of days so these thoughts are very fresh and i havent had too long to sit on them so just keep that in mind but anyway 
i LOVED this season. i think its my fave of the whole show. the characters were SO GOOD. like i loved them all before but the way they were written this season just made me love them so much more?? idk??? max especially. she was so endearing this season i love her. even jonathan and nancy felt like they had a little more personality this season. tho…idk if this an unpopular opinion or not but while mike had more personality than s2 he was rlly annoying this season. i do like how he had a lil arc abt how he viewed el and how he grew from that tho. they had some cute moments. 
also…i didnt rlly like hopper this season??? which was so disappointing to me bc he was in my top 5 characters before s3. but he was so Angry, and unnecessarily aggressive. i just…hated how i spent how i spent the whole season being annoyed with him before they killed him off (tho i dont think hes rlly dead). i still shouted at the tv when i realised he was sacrificing himself and sobbed during his death scene though. it also kinda ruined j/opper for me. i mean i love them and want them together but they spent most of the season yelling at each other :///. i love old married couple bickering but their constant arguing got old and i just wanted them to have a real deep conversation. 
but anyway. FRIENDSHIP WON IN THIS SEASON. elmax and steve/robin rlly stood out to me. though steve/dustin were also great. i rlly rlly wish more had come out of wills storyline where he felt disconnected from his friends bc it was so heartbreaking and compelling and just beautifully written and acted. like how it sort of played in the background before coming to a rlly emotional head where mike and will fight and will destroys his childhood clubhouse in the rain. cinema… 
also this season was So tense. i think i read somewhere that some ppl didnt like the sauna scene with billy but??? i fucking loved it. i felt every moment of that. and then the hospital sequence with jancy??? HOLY SHIT. one of the best scenes of the whole show. ive never felt so anxious. the scene in the last ep where billy drives straight toward nancy/their car was also soso good. 
some lil tidbits: i loved alexei, such a great side character and his lil friendship with murray was a nice (tho i find murray annoying n felt like this season had too much of him). erica had some good lines but she felt a lil disney channel. el broke my heart multiple times she !! deserves !! a break !!!!! someone give her back her dad!!!!!!! steve and robin being drugged is maybe the best thing the show has ever done that was pure COMEDY. and the fact that it ended with a rlly genuine n sweet coming out scene?? where steve doesnt get upset over losing his chance w his crush and instead immediately starts playfully teasing her abt the girl she likes?? i hope will gets a scene like that. 
anyway theres so much more to say but i cant think right now im still reeling i love this show a Lot
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