#like it was literally buck being miserable with taylor
theladyyavilee · 2 years
#not putting this in any tags so if you don't want to see me rolling my eyes at the whiny people in this fandom don't keep reading xD#BUT#this whole 'the distance between buddie is so forced and there's no point to it and actually it's queerbaiting' shtick is literally just#'oh my god they are forcing endgame bucktaylor on us how could we have ever trusted them why are they trying to make us believe bucktaylor#is a good relationship' and 'oh my god the firefam feels so off this season why would they do that it makes no sense why is it so gloomy#and why did they forget how to write the firefam'#ALL OVER#AGAIN#when both of those storylines were THE POINT and actually pretty well crafted and SUPPOSED to feel off and frustrating#because one of them was about buck settling and the other was about all of the firefam members INDEED being off and needing time to#figure stuff out#like it was literally buck being miserable with taylor#eddie with his impending breakdown#chimney going after maddie and dealing with the fallout from that#bobby dealing with a flare-up wrt his alcoholism and struggling with that#and hen already to a degree dealing with medschool-family-firefighting and a lead up to her leaving#like they all had stuff going on AND IT WAS ON PURPOSE#literally why are you all SO FUCKING HELLBENT on insisting that this time THIS TIME there can't be any purpose to a storyline that#creates a feeling of - I don't even wanna call it distance because it isn't even quite that because they are still interacting - it just fee#feels like both of them are holding back about something#but why are y'all insisting that this time it's not on purpose to be build up for a storyline#but instead it is bad writing/homophobic writing#like#did you all learn LITERALLY NOTHING from s5?#also if I have to see one more person complaining about that buck-hen-denny scene I am going to FUCKING SNAP#one it was a cute scene and other relationships on this show DO DESERVE ATTENTION and two#turn your brain on people#they are not trying to imply that denny-buck and chris-buck is interchangeable#they are setting up for buck learning from whatever happens next episode with denny and denny's bio-dad#because that is important for buck's storyline AND he wilson family storyline because buck brings in a different perspective
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months
my fave is still everyone being all buck is so happy! have you ever seen him so happy! why yes i have seen him this happy at the start of his previous relationships lol. which is not to say that this one couldn't turn out better than the others but still. he was happy smiling infatuated guy with abby/taylor/natalia too. (ali we didn't get to see enough)
(sorry i'm having a moment in your inbox i've just seen one too many screenshot of buck smiling at tommy captioned something like "have you ever seen buck look this happy")
i literally don't even understand this a little bit because when has buck NOT been happy at the beginning of a relationship 😭😭 even with ali though, he was soooo enamored with her in the couple of episodes she was in? this has to be a symptom of misogynistic making stuff up syndrome where we're all collectively supposed to pretend that buck was miserable with every woman he's ever been with
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glorious-spoon · 1 year
Second-Guessing [9-1-1 | Buck/Eddie | 1/1]
Rating: Teen Wordcount: ~1000 Warnings: None Other Tags: Pre-relationship, Emotional hurt/comfort, Friendship, Episode tag - 6x13 Mixed Feelings
“Do you think I’m bad at sex?”
Eddie barks out a startled laugh at his ceiling, then straightens up. This is not, unfortunately, the weirdest way Buck has ever opened a phone call with him, but it’s definitely up there. “What?”
“That call the other day, you know, the lady with the vibrator—”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Eddie,” Buck whines. “This is important!”
“Is it, really?”
“Eighty percent. He said that the article said eighty percent of people report being unsatisfied. Do you know how many women I’ve slept with? Eighty percent of that is, like, a lot. Okay? And I was doing some research—on a first time hookup, did you know that only forty percent of women even have an orgasm at all? So if I do the math on that—”
Buck lets out a deep sigh that crackles down the phone line. “I’m being an idiot about this, aren’t I?”
“Nah. Well, I mean, kinda. But it’s okay.”
“Is it, though? Like—” there’s a rustle on the other end of the line. It’s easy to imagine Buck right now, flopped out across his bed because the couch his parents bought him is a bona fide torture device. In his sweatpants, probably, his hair still damp from the shower. He lets out another sigh, then says, “You know, Bobby was saying—when I was with Taylor, Bobby said that the problem was that I never talk to my partners, that I don’t know how to communicate, and that’s why my relationships always turn into catastrophes.”
“I don’t think that’s quite what he was saying. And Taylor—”
“I know. You hate her guts.”
Eddie snorts. “I was gonna say that it’s different, in a long term relationship.”
“Right, but. I haven’t historically had a lot of success with those.”
“Relationships don’t work out sometimes. A lot of the time.”
There’s silence for a moment. It’s not just Taylor hanging over the conversation now; Ana is there too. And Shannon.
Sex with Ana was always stilted, awkward in a way that he told himself at the time was just the newness of it all. Just a new person, a new body to learn, just Eddie being rusty when it came to literally any form of physical intimacy. He and Shannon were each other's firsts, so of course neither of them knew what they were doing to start with, and what they learned they learned together. By the end of it, sex was the only part of their relationship that actually worked. Beyond that—
He doesn’t really have a lot of perspective to offer Buck, is the thing. Even setting aside the fact that he’s not sure he can give an objective analysis of the sexual history of the guy he’s in love with.
So there’s that.
“It’s just…” Buck sounds quieter now, almost miserable, and it tugs at Eddie's heartstrings despite the absurdity of this whole conversation. “That was like. The one thing I knew I was good at. You know? Everything else, sure, my life was a mess, I made a lot of dumb choices and messed up a lot of relationships and got myself fired, and—but at least I knew how to, you know, make somebody feel good. Except maybe I didn’t after all. And if I wasn’t even any good at that, then—”
“Buck,” Eddie interrupts again. Gently, this time. He firmly squashes the unhelpful little voice in the back of his head that wants to ask for a hands-on demonstration. Buck sounds freaked out enough that he might actually take Eddie up on it, and Eddie is… really not ready to cope with that possibility. “You’re spiraling.”
Another silence. Then: “I called them. Some of them.”
Good grief. “Your hookups?”
“Yeah—is that a disrespectful way to talk about them? I mean—anyway, yeah. The ones I still have phone numbers for, I called them. Most of them didn’t want to talk to me.”
“Shocking,” Eddie deadpans.
Buck laughs, which is what he was going for. “Shut up.”
“So? What was the verdict?”
He regrets asking the moment the words are out of his mouth, but he doesn't take it back.
“Uh,” Buck says, still laughing a little. “Of the ones I actually got a hold of? Yes, yes, probably, no, who the hell are you, I thought I blocked your number, yes, no, I don't remember, yes.”
“More yeses than nos,” Eddie offers.
“Unless they were lying to make me feel better,” Buck counters triumphantly.
“Buck. If someone called you up out of the blue after years of radio silence to ask if you had an orgasm when you slept together, would you lie about it to spare their feelings?”
Buck is quiet for a minute. “Yeah, okay, that was kind of an insane thing to do, huh.”
“A little. Yeah.”
He can hear the fondness in his own voice and is helpless to mute it. Though he's honestly not really trying that hard. Buck deserves to know that he's loved, even when he's being ridiculous. Maybe especially then.
“I just worry. You know, that all the shit I thought I knew about myself—that maybe it’s not really true after all. And if that’s the case then who the hell am I, anyway?”
“Feels like this maybe isn’t actually about whether or not you’re good in bed,” Eddie offers, and bites his teeth on anything else he could say about that. About finding out that maybe the person you thought you were was just a carefully painted mask over the messy, tender reality underneath. He could offer Buck some truth of his own, but he doesn’t. It doesn’t feel like the right time for it.
That, or he’s a coward. He’s working on it, though.
“Maybe not. I guess. Eddie, I…” Buck trails off.
“What?” Eddie asks, when a few moments of silence have passed.
“Nothing,” Buck says. He laughs quietly; Eddie can conjure up the shape of his smile and the crinkles at the corners of his eyes as easily as breathing. “Just. Thanks for taking my call.”
“Of course. Always.”
For a little while, they just breathe together across the miles between them as night falls gently over Los Angeles. Then Buck says softly, “Come over tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says back, just as soft. There’s nothing new about the invitation, but it feels new, somehow, anyway. Either way, the answer is the same as it’s always been. “Yeah, okay.”
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 years
The problem with buck and Taylor is that they are BOTH settlers they are BOTH clingers and neither one of them can just face themselves and gtfo of a bad situation, they are literally so hellbent on being miserable together forever just staring at each other like 🧍🏼‍♂️🧍🏼‍♀️
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lovecolibri · 3 years
I just want to tell you that I love you so much because we think the same in particular about b/t. I really hoped we'd have the same scenes a/e had, I wasn't prepared for this much. I mean I get it's important for buck, but why we have to see every second of this awful relationship? The ana/eddie breakup was wonderful and we felt all eddie's pain, but we didn't see episodes on episodes full of their scenes. Let's hope in 5x12 it'd be over
Awwwww thanks nonnie, that's so sweet! 🥺
I'm guessing this is about my tags on this post and yes I absolutely agree. I was also not prepared for the amount of screen time we were going to have to suffer through with bt. I was really trying to bite my tongue in season 4 about my feelings on her character and did my best to get behind their friendship because m/f friendships aren't seen as much as they should be, and it's not like she was around much.
But once 4x14 made it clear they were going the relationship route I was done. Buck wanting anything to do with her after 2x06 when he found out the truth that she fought to air that stuff about Bobby never made any sense for me, and made even LESS sense after all the awful thing she said to him earlier in the season. "Intimidated by strong women?" Ma'am, where?! When?! 🙄 but also "needy"? Right after the audience learned about Buck's childhood trauma? They haven't been subtle about her not sticking around or trying to get the audience to like her, so I'm just curious as to why we have had to see so much of her.
Like, we're not supposed to like her, she's not sticking around, so what the hell was Ghost Stories? In a year no one will care about an entire episode dedicated to a case that has nothing to do with, and almost entirely doesn't involve, the main cast or tie in with them and another case (like Athena's missing persons case and Sue's hit-and-run being the same thing). But a year later everyone would have still wanted to watch firefam shenanigans and the 5 cut scenes of the Ghost Roommate Call.
Same with Past Is Prologue, in a year when she's gone forever no one will care about her "backstory", and even that was still told and framed entirely from Buck's POV because this story isn't about her.
The show has made it abundantly clear, from the writing, directing, acting choices, framing, even the costumes and music, that bt are wrong for each other, but it's so hard to watch and we've had to suffer through so much of it! Buck is clearly miserable all the time, and when he's not actively looking miserable, he's clearly putting up a front. He hasn't been himself around her like, ever, and the only time he tried to open up, he got told that not everything is about him. I do think she was trying there, and wasn't actively being malicious or anything but she has canonically never once given a single fuck about anyone's emotional state but her own and how she's being affected by things so a) she doesn't know how to help Buck because b) she doesn't really know him at all and c) it's still more about her restoring what she thinks is the "balance" in their relationship where Buck goes back to being the version of himself she recognizes and wants to be with.
She's literally trying to force Buck out of the trap he's in, instead of climbing in with him like Bobby told Buck he needed to do with Abby in season 1 (and what Buck immediately applied to his relationships with Eddie and Maddie in season 2), which is...interesting to say the least. I wasn't really on board with the "Buck is Taylor's Abby" theory because Buck is still putting all the emotional labor into this relationship and doing all the supporting and heavy lifting just like he was with Abby, but the parallels just keep popping up and after 5x09 it's pretty clear that she's in a different place than he is in the relationship. Which, it isn't hard to see why since she's getting everything she wants/needs out of the relationship while not noticing that Buck isn't getting anything he truly wants/needs. Which is a compelling story for Buck's arc, and is going to provide growth for him! Yay! But also, as you said, they absolutely got the same kind of point across with Eddie and his relationship (that breakup was riveting to watch), but they managed it in sooooo much less screen time!
Let's just hope that big wrench arrives sooner rather than later in 5b because I can't take much more of Buck looking so lost and alone, and I absolutely cannot take ANY more of her being on my screen and taking time away from characters I actually care about and want to see. And also poor Oliver deserves a break from having to play Buck being lonely and miserable and not getting to work as much with such great scene partners like JLH and Kenneth Choi, and having less time with Ryan, Aisha, Peter, and Angela. I just want the firefam back together! I have a feeling though that 5b is going to deliver some great stuff.
Sorry this got long and ranty. I just have a lot of feelings, and I'm out of fucks to give 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thanks for giving me a moment to vent, nonnie! Come back any time!
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ok i know i'm on hiatus but i just saw the new 9-1-1 episode and have thoughts:
i get hen not being comfortable with anyone but chim but she was super rude to jonah and idk how to feel about that. he dealt with it in a respectful way though so i like him, he seems nice
buddie kitchen scene. i am having breakdowns over that. might just be cause i'm stressed about exams but still, i am taking any and all the crumbs i can
don't like lucy. she's too much of a "i'm not like other girls" type and i'm not vibing with it. like, a character can be badass and powerful without being pick me
literally wtf at the writers for making buck cheat??? hello?? that doesn't seem to fit his character at all. there were a million other things they could've done to show he was unhappy with taylor. even if they don't make buddie endgame (which is... don't get me started, i will go on a rampage), making him cheat was such a poor decision and not fitting his character at all
eddie is miserable and it is so obvious but i still don't like that he hurt bobby but i get that he's just lashing out cause he's hurt
one of the only reasons i didn't like taylor was cause i ship buddie hard, but damn i'll take bucktaylor over bucklucy any day. i just,,, i know she's gonna annoy me and i already don't like her and i don't think i ever will. i already want her out of the firefam i'm sorry T_T
now that i've got that off my chest, i am going back on hiatus, please forget you ever saw me :)
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valenschmidt · 3 years
This is gonna be a little long but bear with me cause I have a point.
I believe this entire Eddieana and what happened this episode is heavily hinting that something big is coming...
This entire season we have had subtle Buddie moments AND also moments that hint that Buck and Eddie co-parent Christopher together and I'm gonna list it for you:
We start in 4x03 where Eddie and Buck have this 'good cop, bad cop' scene with Christopher and the video games where Buck tells Christopher no after a silent very mom/dad like pose which says 'Try and defy me' which is very common between married couples who co-parent (I've seen it with my parents a few times). We continue this episode with this cute little prank with the coffee maker that Buck and Chris play on Eddie (which was hilarious and really cute btw)
We move on to the crossover when Buck gets sad (and kind jealous when he finds out that Eddie is gonna work with Marjan instead of him
Later in the ep we have TK (an openly gay man) who thinks Buck is flirting with him AND OPENLY TELLS BUCK he has a boyfriend when Buck suggests they "get together" if TK's in LA sometime... AND on top of that when TK disappears of the frame who appears right after? Yup Eddie
We move on to 4x04 in which we have the scene with the 'Karen's murder' where we have Buck and Eddie playing detective together in a very cute way trying to discover the woman's killer. Then we have the punching bag scene in which after being angry for a while, a conversation with Eddie helps Buck with his anger.
We move on to Buck begins!!! Where in the factory fire JUST AS BUCK is about to give up, the 118 shows up to help him. Who is the first one there??? Eddie. Then we have the scene with Eddie waiting for buck's clean bill of health... And then the whole "Show off" scene which honestly?? EDDIE YOUR FONDNESS!!!
Now we get to the good stuff.... 4x06. JINX. My favorite episode! Where we have the clipboard scene with fond Eddie and the cutest moment with Buck and Eddie laughing in that whole helium scene but also it's the one where we get an incoming... Ana. Bobby tells Eddie this advice which resonates with me
"They're so focused on what they don't have, that they miss the chance to have something else. Something real" and tells Eddie to try and move on... But this line I believe it's more for us. Eddie will be SO focused on what he doesn't have (a 'mom' for Christopher) that he misses the chance to have something real. Something that is right in front of his face (Buck) and tries to find it on Ana (which is where our misery begins)
We have 4x07 where the focus of story arcs shifts to other characters and we don't get that much here BUT we get Buck trying to 'date' and failing miserably with Veronica.
In 4x08 is where the fun starts and co-pareting buddie starts to show... We have on one side Buck who is having issues with Albert and Veronica dating which leads to uncomfortable Buck in his own apartment. Our dear Taylor Kelly comes back but we see her relationship with Buck change to a really nice friendship. On the otherside we have Eddie who starts dating Ana and Christopher finds out which leads to his outburst to Eddie (which had never happened before) and then... HE RUNS AWAY. WHERE!? To Buck. To his other parent. The only other person who makes him feel safe (we get kind of like a divorced!buddie vibe here too). This beautiful scene between them shows us how Buck is Chris other parent AND ALSO that Buck and Taylor are truly becoming friends now. And then we get this really rushed scene where Edmundo (not eddie, Edmundo) introduces Christopher to Ana as if that's gonna make him feel better after the outburst he had and that made no sense at all to the point of the episode
In 4x09 we get a little bit of Buddie working together as the partners they are but the focus is on Chimney and Hen this ep so we just get breadcrums
In 4x10 we get the biggest hint so far... The episode is called PARENTHOOD! And it focuses on obviously the parents of the 118. Bathena and Michael, Henren and Madney. Who is the only parent who gets left out here?? Eddie... Why?? Because we all know that Chris has two parents and they don't want to acknowledge that just yet cause... Reasons. BUT we get nice hints. The few scenes in which we have Buck we get him talking about children at the same level as the rest of the 118. He acts and talks like he's already a parent. Why? Because he is!!!
We get this scene which is very subtle (BUT ALSO VERY NOTICEABLY) where we have the 'good cop, bad cop parents' and their kid. Chimney asks if both parents can be the 'good cop' AND BOTH BUCK AND EDDIE RESPOND NO! As if they know by first hand that a kid needs both, good and bad. This HEAVILY hints buddie co-parents or there's no point to this moment. In the same epsiode we get this AWFUL and very rushed scene with Buddieana and Chris in literally the last minute of the parenthood episode where Chris didn't even show up. The show portrays them as the 'adorable family who watches tv together' when they showed us JUST a few scenes ago the very noticeable buddie co-parenting scene. Why you say?? To remind us Eddie and Ana are still dating.
My point??? It's all on purpose. This is all hinting that something big might be coming. That's why we are getting so little scenes, why buddie is "pulling away". Also the fact that Ana is just here as Eddie's love interest and has literally no personality whatsoever is making me believe she's just being used as a background character. Even David (Michael's partner) has more personality than her and I think this is done on purpose. I believe something is gonna happen and this might all lead to Carla's appearance in an upcoming episode which could be the turning point of this storyline. Cocoa hinted that Carla will be coming back and she might be anti Ana (and possibly team buck). Will she knock some sense into Eddie? I really hope so
This took me an hour but it's here... Am I a clown? Yes. Am I reaching? Probably. But I had to get it out of my chest... Buddie is coming
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For Your Troubles
anonymous said: Can I please request some fluff where Roger comes home drunk and reader gives him a bath (or the other way round) and it’s all just very fluffy and cute❤️
(a/n: here’s a cute lil fluffy rog imagine for yall!!! i’ll probably close my requests again in a couple days, the response to it being opened was overwhelming skskksk. i also just started my job again so i’ll be tired af most times so the turnover on these might be a tad slower for these next two weeks - just gotta get this semester over with and then i should have a bit more time to work on these. but yall seriously have the cutest ideas what the fuck i could never come up with these cute lil requests)
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“Roger fucking Taylor... I cannot believe you!”
“That,” Roger slurred, pressing a finger to the tip of your nose and smiling drunkenly as he stepped inside, tracking all of the mud that was covering his left side in with him, “Is not my middle name, lovie.”
“Are you serious?” you whined as you saw the tracks he was leaving on the hardwood, knowing you’d have to clean them before the moisture warped the wood.
“My middle name is not a curse word,” he reiterated, pulling his shoes off and leaning against the wall with his clean side so he wouldn’t stumble and fall. Though he swayed, he stayed mostly upright as he removed his Converse, throwing them to the side and starting to tromp towards the kitchen. “M’hungry.”
As he disappeared in a drunken stupor around the corner, you stared hopelessly at the mess he had left in his wake, cursing Brian for his ability to get Roger so out of his mind that he came home muddy without an explanation. Grumbling, you went and grabbed a wet washcloth from the bathroom, wringing it out before returning to the entryway. With a sigh, you got down on your hands and knees, then started scrubbing. You truly wondered why you put up with his antics, but then a few seconds later, he gave you a painfully adorable reminder.
Shuffling back out around the corner in his socked feet, he gave you a childish grin that could only be described as captivating. His eyes twinkled with a mischievousness that came out in full force whenever he was drunk, and the mud that coated half of him was so caked on there that an exasperated laugh bubbled up to your lips.
Sitting back on your heels, you pressed a hand to your forehead as you shook your head slowly at the state of him. Despite being the messiest you’d ever seen him, he was still as gorgeous as ever. That smile, that devilish gaze, and that confident stance even when he was piss drunk? Should have been against the law, truly.
“My little maid,” he mused, laughing to himself as if that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard. Taking a bite out of his sandwich he’d made, he stood there with his free hand in his pocket and wiggled his eyebrows as he spoke through the food in his mouth. “My sexy little maid.”
“Get out of here, you pervert!” you laughed, throwing the washcloth at him weakly, and he dodged it with a laugh before he took another bite of his sandwich.
“So mean to meee. Do we have any gin?” he asked, turning on his heels before tromping back into the kitchen, finishing off his sandwich. Scrambling to your feet, you intercepted him before he got to the liquor cupboard and pressed a hand against the door, barring him from opening it.
“You’ve had enough, Rog,” you warned gently, giving him a knowing smile, and he frowned for a moment before wrapping his arms around your waist, ignoring your protests as the mud smeared all over your shirt and pajama shorts. “Let me go, you nasty little mud ball!”
“That’s Mr. Nasty Mud Ball to you,” he countered, grinning dopily before he pressed a series of short, playful kisses to your lips. “And I can’t keep my hands to myself, y’know that.”
You did know that. You knew that all too well, and the glint in his eyes showed that he was just as aware of his touchy-feely nature with you as you were. In fact, Roger was touchy-feely with about anyone – John, Peter, Freddie, Brian if they weren’t fighting – the list could go on and on, especially if he was this drunk.
Scowling gently, you wrapped your arms around his neck and wrinkled your nose slightly at the feeling of the mud transferring to your arm. “Please just tell me how you ended up this disgusting right now.”
“I suppose,” he sighed overdramatically, reaching up to brush your hair behind your ear with his dirty hand purposefully. When you shot him a nasty look, he only grinned and shrugged. “When the sun heats the ocean, the ocean water turns into water vapors that rise into the air, and-“
“I understand the water cycle, smartass – stick to the important parts of your story.”
“Oh! You just wanted the one part, my bad,” he replied sweetly, making you roll your eyes as you tried not to laugh at his antics. “Brian paid me 5 pounds to jump into a mud pit by the river. Come to think of it, where did that wanker put that 5 pounds?” Reaching into his back pocket, he searched around for a moment before he retrieved a horribly dirty 5 pound note, holding it out to you. “There you go, sweetheart. For your troubles,” he added, nodding to the entryway.
Rolling your eyes again, you took the 5 pound note and tossed it on the counter, giggling to yourself as you retreated from his grasp and started heading for the bath. “I’m going to wash off. If you want to join me, feel free.”
“An excuse to see you naked? All in!” he joked loudly, making a mock sad face when you shushed him over your shoulder. Even if your walls were a bit more soundproof than the last flat you’d shared, you still didn’t feel like the neighbors would enjoy hearing about you naked at 2 am. “What? Is it a crime to see my girlfriend buck-naked?”
“It should be a crime to use the term buck-naked,” you groaned, grabbing two towels out of the linen closet before you made your way into the bathroom, Roger close behind and attempting to multitask as he started stripping out of his shirt. That led him to running straight into the doorframe, which made you bust out laughing as you turned the shower on.
“Not funny,” he grumbled, rubbing his shoulder as he tugged his shirt the rest of the way off, tossing it into the hamper. You just giggled some more and stripped out of your clothes, Roger ridding himself of the rest of his. When you nodded towards the shower, he whined before stepping in and letting you rinse the mud off of him with the shower head. “Babe, I feel like a 5 year old with you washing my hair like this.”
“Remind me who literally jumped into a mud puddle because he got a few pounds to do so?” you teased, Roger whining some more but leaning into your touch as you scrubbed at his hair, shaking your head and grinning. “We can take a bath after this.”
“Oh my God, a bath sounds so good right now,” he groaned, closing his eyes as the water ran over his face. “Can we take a bubble bath? I’d like a bubble bath.”
“We can take a bubble bath,” you confirmed, Roger cheering for a moment but quickly stopping when he felt his foot slip a little bit. But of course, he overacted it and flailed his arms, wrapping them around your waist and pressing against you. Pretending to be scared, he started taking deep breaths, but failed miserably at hiding a stupid, drunken grin that made you want to kiss him a million times over. “You trying out acting now too?”
“Yes ma’am,” he replied, pecking your forehead before letting go of you to let you finish rinsing him off.
“Don’t quit your day job,” you joked, making him grumble in response as you rinsed the last of the mud out of his hair before turning the shower head on yourself and handing it to him. In retaliation, he sprayed the water directly in your face for just a second, making you gasp and blindly smack his hand away as you tried to wipe the water out of your eyes. “I should have expected that,” you sputtered as Roger laughed gleefully at himself, his shoulders shaking with laughter.
“I love you,” he reminded you as he began to rinse out the little bit of mud that had gotten in your hair. As he focused, he pulled his tongue in between his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows just a bit, a little tic he’d picked up over the years that you thoroughly enjoyed. It made him look not quite so serious when he tried to do something – as much as you loved seeing him look all serious and smart, goofy Roger was by far the most entertaining of his personalities, and goofy Roger was in full effect tonight.
“Love you too, Roggie.” He grinned at the use of Roggie, then handed the showerhead back to you to signal he was done. Putting the showerhead back up, you switched the water over to the faucet, grabbing the bubble bath from the cupboard next to the shower before sinking to sit with Roger, who was stopping the drain. “Your bubble bath, sir.”
He eagerly received the bottle from you, popping the cap open and grinning like a madman as he proceeded to pour almost half of the entire bottle out under the running water. You had to stop him, grabbing the bottle back from him and laughing as he tried to defend himself. “I said I wanted a bubble bath!” he cried out, making you alternate between laughing and shushing him as you put the bottle back outside the bath before leaning against the other side of the tub, resting your arms on the edges and looking across at him with a fake playful glare. “You’re so far away,” he whined when he finally switched focus away from the bubbles, giving you the saddest puppy dog eyes he could manage as bubbles quickly began to fill the tub.
“Then come ‘ere,” you replied, patting the slowly rising water between your legs, and he obliged, sliding over so he was resting between your legs and laying back against your chest. Both of you just sat in silence for a while, letting the water rise until it was foaming at your chests – then, you stopped the water before wrapping your arms around Roger’s neck from behind, just resting there lazily with him.
“God, I’m tired,” he murmured, resting his head back on your shoulder as he closed his eyes, relaxing more. “You’re such a good pillow.”
“Don’t fall asleep on me now, blondie, I can’t carry you back to the bed,” you laughed softly, kissing his temple as he groaned softly, not wanting to move because of how warm it was. And you knew the feeling – the warmth of the water enveloping the two of you was lulling you off into drowsiness, the bubbles only adding to the sensation as you watched them rise and fall against Roger’s chest with every movement of yours, the action causing a few bubbles to gather on his skin and making him glisten.
“Can you wash my hair again? It felt nice,” he mumbled, pressing a quick, lazy kiss to your jawline as he waited for your confirmation. When you affirmed the question, he slowly sat up a bit and hummed in appreciation as you grabbed his shampoo from the edge of the tub, putting some in your hands before methodically lathering it into his golden tresses.
“You like that, sleepyhead?” you asked, smiling when he nodded and sunk down into the water to rinse his head off. Popping back up after a few moments, you’d already retrieved his conditioner and you squirted an appropriate amount into your hand before starting to massage that into his hair, gaining another appreciative grunt from him. He leaned into your touch as you ran your fingers through his hair, gently pulling through knots and making sure you’d distributed the product to his liking. You knew he was partial about his hair, so you took extra care to make sure it was in there right before you patted his shoulder, letting him sink down to rinse it out again while you shampooed and rinsed your own hair.
“You’re a saint,” he said after resurfacing, turning around so he was cross-legged and facing you. When he saw that you were conditioning your hair already, he pouted a bit and reached out to help you, pushing your hands out of the way. “I could have returned the favor.”
“S’okay, Rog, I don’t love you any less for it,” you giggled softly, watching him smile sleepily a bit as he helped work the last of the product into your hair before you dipped it below the water again, rinsing it off and wringing it out when you returned to a sitting position.
Roger was still watching you when you opened your eyes, albeit sleepily, and the dreamy glazed look in his baby blues made you blush lightly as you grabbed a small handful of bubbles, pressing it to his nose. He chuckled, doing the same for you, then leaned in for a quick, messy kiss before he was resting between your legs again, just leaning forward against you this time and resting his face in the crook of your neck.
“You’re not mad at me for making the floor dirty, are you?” he mumbled into your neck as you pulled the drain stopper string up with your feet, letting the water start to drain.
“I mean, I’ll probably be mad tomorrow, but right now? No,” you murmured, nuzzling his hair and rubbing his back as you closed your eyes, relishing in the last few moments of peace before you had to get him dressed and to bed while ignoring his drunk flirting. You’d been with Roger for several years now and it never failed – every time he came home drunk, he’d always flirt with you like it was the first time he’d ever met you. It was a cute quirk, a bit annoying sometimes when he’d had too much to drink, but you hadn’t gotten tired of it yet.
When the water had finally drained, you stopped rubbing his back and gently squeezed his side to indicate that it was time to get up, which was met with a series of whines and protests from him as he crawled to his feet, climbing out of the tub with you and grabbing a towel to dry himself off. You did the same, moving out of reach of where he could towel snap you as you made your way back to the bedroom.
And of course, he followed, wolf whistling when you opened the closet and pulled out a baggy shirt of his to wear. “Look at you,” he said in a sing-song tone, resting his hands on your hips from behind and trying to make you sway with him as you only rolled your eyes playfully, handing him a pair of boxers and gently nudging him away.
“I’ve got a boyfriend, thank you,” you replied, pulling on the baggy shirt before retrieving a pair of underwear and tugging those on as well. He took the hint, moving over to dry his hair as he only looked at you from afar with a sly smile, watching you braid your hair in the mirror as his unbelievably loud hair dryer probably woke up the whole complex.
“I’ll be your boyfriend, baby,” he said after he’d gotten his hair dried, trying to saunter over to you seductively but only getting an eye roll and a nod towards the bed. “Oh, straight to the bed? You’re naughty.”
“Roger, shut up,” you laughed, climbing under the covers and pulling them back for him as he slunk in next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. Both of you smelled heavenly, Roger taking a deep inhale as he smiled pleasantly, burying his face in your neck again and snuggling close. You pulled the covers over the both of you, wrapping an arm around him lazily as you felt sleep quickly overtaking the both of you.
As if on cue, Roger yawned to confirm the heavy weight already pressing on him, but just as you were dozing off, you could hear Roger murmur softly. “Do you love me?”
“Yes, Rog.”
Silence. “Okay, good. G’night.”
“Goodnight, Rog.”
More silence, then another murmur. “Oh, I love you too.”
“That’s wonderful, babe.”
An immediate reaction from him this time. “That didn’t sound very sincere. Say it back.”
“I just said it.”
“Say it!”
“Oh my god, Roger, I love you, go to sleep!”
A final silence. “Love you too.”
“Jesus Christ.”
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months
I just realized what bothers me so much about the whole "Buck should get to be in a happy, healthy relationship while Eddie pines miserably from the sidelines" is—aside from the very uncomfortable racial implications—it's just...not fair to their characters?
Like, not to sound like I'm trying to say which fictional characters "deserve" what. But Eddie is just...we have literally seen him put in the work, over and over again, since season 5, to become happy and the best version of himself. He's not sitting around waiting for epiphanies and the universe to drop happiness into his lap. We've seen him actively fight for it. He's been working on himself and trying, in every aspect of his life. And yes, he might be stuck in a dead-end relationship right now, but at least it's something that he chose, for himself! And it doesn't negate everything else that he's done!
And...what has Buck done, on the other hand? Serious self-reflection? Nope. Making an active choice for himself? The last one was breaking up with Taylor. Breaking his cycle of bad choices? Haha try again. Being accountable? Nope. This relationship with Tommy might wind up being his best one yet (which isn't saying much...considering...) but it's still something that dropped right into his lap, that he made no attempt to work for or choose.
So I'm just like??? This fandom wants Eddie to be punished for his repeated attempts of trying, but Buck should be rewarded for nothing but bad behaviour all around? The bias is astonishing
you are sooooo right. i feel exactly the same way. like the way that i actively am annoyed by any notion of eddie watching bucktommy and feeling bad about it… after already he already felt bad for the sake of them getting together? LMAO
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Hey what do you think about the spoiler about buck? After the oliver interview in december I think that maybe not in 5x11, but 5x12 it should be good for us. It just that I'm dreading to see another episode where they try to show us how in love buck is. I want for once the reporter being clingy and buck being completely uninterested, I wanted him being sad for eddie, I completely feed up with his grand gestures to make her stay, I don't want to see her anymore
Nonnie, this is an absolute MOOD. Like, logically I know she has to come back and be in an episode for there to be a wrench in their "plans for happiness" as Oliver said, and for there to be a breakup, but I am SO TIRED of her, and of watching Buck being miserable all. the. time. and receiving no emotional support from her in return for all the emotional labor he is (almost half-heartedly, seriously Buck breakup with your girlfriend) putting into the relationship.
I was always worried about the "plans for happiness" line and now hearing he's making an "impulsive relationship decision? 😬😬😬 I feel like his reaction to the proposal idea during 5x10 should mean that he wouldn't propose on a whim, but also it could be the set up to show how impulsive and wrong the decision is to propose so 🤷‍♀️ IDK it could go either way.
But I really, really don't want that because like you, I'm also fed up with watching Buck do all these grand gestures out of desperation instead of genuine joy and desire to surprise and delight the other person like we saw in season 1 with Abby, and like we see him doing for Eddie (Carla) and for Maddie (the Christmas tree, which may have turned out poorly but he was earnestly trying to do a nice thing there).
My desperate hope is that it's about them finding a house or an apartment for them to share together, like she says something about things being small and cramped or not enough space for her stuff/it's too much like a "bachelor pad". My dream scenario is Eddie coming over and letting himself in with his key and interrupting them having a disagreement, maybe about the loft and making space for her (not another painfully awkward sexual encounter please I am literally begging), and that turns into her saying later that the need a place with a little more privacy and they should look for something together.
Buck agrees, but the wrench is that he keeps turning down places because they are too far from Eddie and Chris/too far for Chris to easily/safely/quickly get to him in case of emergency, or too far from the school for him to drop Chris off if he needs to since he watches him for Eddie on his days off sometimes especially now that Eddie is working a different job, or because they aren't accessible enough for Chris, and the list goes on and on and every place he is just more concerned about it being good for Eddie and Chris rather than good for him and Taylor. Bonus points if he doesn't really say anything to her, but is telling Hen and the team about all the places they looked at and all the reasons they don't work which are always about Eddie and Chris. We would get some quality Hen facial expressions and some more Bobby Nash Relationship Kiss Of Death advice and it leads to more arguments with Taylor and Buck realizing he does not in fact want to move with his girlfriend and that the relationship is maybe not what he wants at all. (Extra bonus points if he already decided not to renew his lease and has to move out of the loft anyway and ends up on Eddie's doorstep. Not that I think that will happen, but it would be nice).
But most of all, I don't want to see him looking at places, I want to see him talking about it with the firefam and maybe Eddie, but with the least amount of screen time possible for her and then have her gone quickly because she has taken up enough time from characters I actually want to see on my screen and it is LONG past time for her character to be gone forever.
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