#like it was gonna be a pseudo arg
So I was gonna make a whole series of codes and websites to tell you guys that I’m dating someone new but I got too lazy so yeah.
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milos-journal · 2 years
alright guys, weird question.
i want to make another, honestly more cohesive wall-of-text pseudo-essay pseudo just-me-infodumping slenderverse post, but i have so many ideas and a lot of opinions i dont think anyone else gives a flying fuckaroni about. so, ive decided to let the audience decide. all of these will be made into posts, but this is more to prioritize. i'll also be putting (long) and (short) to indicate the likely length of each post
vote away!
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papaerloy · 3 years
This is just a list of stuff I´ve written down for an SBI/DSMP actor AU that´s been living in my mind rent free. I´m currently working on a oneshot for this AU so stay tuned!
list is under the cut because it´s LONG and I want to be polite to your feed.
They’re all actors, or just big personalities in general-
Kristin is a little more lowkey, she’s had acting roles before, but she’s more like the backbone of the family that keeps everyone together, since life can be hectic when everyone’s eyes are on you.
Phil has his own TV show where he’s a winged adventurer who travels around a huge fantasy world, explores the massive structures and interacts with the deity’s and creatures inhabiting it! (Biggest moment in the series was totally The Battle For Endlantis)
Wilbur has been acting since he was a child, starring in a series called “Soot House” for most of his early to late teen years, before the series ended. (Disney child star Wilbur GSKFJSJHSHDEHSH)
Wilbur also absolutely still made his ARG.
Despite taking roles here and there, Wilbur quickly moved on to direct and act for his own series and movies, like a small series called “Earths Empires” that sadly didn’t last long, but he got to star his family and friends in it, so it was fun nonetheless!
Wilbur also loves music and later on goes to start Lovejoy with his friends, which he then focuses more on than acting, but still manages to juggle both careers. (I mean really? This man only doing only one thing? As if.)
Techno is a good actor, but he is even better at martial arts and has a nag for competition. Which is why he’s part of a competitive series called “Hypixel” which is a really random wacky series, that puts the actors in situations where they need to complete challenges and Techno is of course a beloved contestant because TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!
Technoblade is obviously not his real name, but the alias he uses in Hypixel. Yet everyone just calls him that now because he is very iconic with his long pink hair, golden crown and the pig mask he wears with his very royal looking dress style.
Since Hypixel lets the actors pick their own brand and looks, Techno honestly doesn’t change much from when he’s on screen compared to when he’s off screen.
Techno actually dislikes the attention outside of work and tends to wear different kinds of face masks with cool designs on them. (One specifically loved by the public is a light pink face mask with golden embroidered tusks on the sides, based off his Hypixel brand.)
Tommy was firmly kept out of the spotlight as much as Phil and Kirstin could manage. All of his childhood and also his early teen years, he never had any acting roles apart from like school plays and normal kid stuff...
It’s all due to Phil and Kristin realizing letting Wilbur be a child actor/star was a big mistake that they didn’t want to repeat. (The pressure was too great and it kinda fucked Wilbur over due to the harsh nature of the acting world.)
Tommy has always been interested in the acting world though, he wanted to be cool like his big brothers but had to wait... So instead he made his own little films together with his friend Toby! (Better know as Tubbo because that’s just what everyone calls him) Who just so happened to be in the same boat as him, regarding the whole “my family does acting but I’m too young and not allowed” thing.
The two of them just made silly little comedy skits, but they’d get a decent viewing on Youtube and were quite enjoyable.
( Tubbo is related to Schlatt, who is a well known actor as well. Just like Phil and Kristin, he didn’t want Tubbo to be exposed to the actor world too early. Mainly due to he himself going down a pretty harsh path, because of diving straight into it at an early age. He is better now and a really good dad! )
Tommy did eventually start appearing occasionally on Hypixel because Techno was on there.
Later on Tommy got his first role in an actual series, it was “Earths Empires” that was directed by Wilbur, mainly because Phil and Kristin thought it to be a good and safe place to start.
Tommy’s very first BIG role was when him and Tubbo were cast for a new series called “The Dreamer” (or something).
Tommy got to play a young and chaotic teen called “Tommy” (the writers liked his name, thought it fit the character well). While Toby’s character was named “Tubbo” (the writers found his nickname really endearing), who was gonna be Tommy’s best friend and partner in crime.
When being cast for “The Dreamer” Tommy once again got to meet the actor called Clay, who he had met in the past due to Clay having been starred alongside Techno a few times. This time, he was the person that was gonna play the character Dream in the series.
Clay was a man who seemed to be constantly increasing in fame due to starring in a series of films called “Manhunt”. Where he was a clever and agile man, who had to survive while being on the run from hunters who wanted to kill him. The number of hunters seemingly increasing every movie.
Funny enough the actors who played the hunters from the first “Manhunt” movies, George and Nick, also starred in the new series, but this time they would be Dream’s friends called George and Sapnap, Which was more close to their actual real life relationships as well.
The Disk Saga was a huge success and the series very quickly grew in popularity! Tommy was very happy to be one of the main characters alongside Tubbo.
Tommy’s own fame started to grow more rapidly after that, becoming a very beloved character and actor very quickly.
Of course the family was very proud of Tommy, but Phil and Kristin were still a little cautious, trying not to overbook his schedule and still let him be a kid outside of all this.
Wilbur was of course cast for the new L’manberg independence arc and OH MY GOD THE FANS WENT WILD.
Tommy and Wilbur’s brotherly bond shone through a LOT in their acting and the writers even changed the script slightly to make them more pseudo brothers, since their characters weren’t canonly blood related.
Wilbur was also a co-writer, along side playing the character that was dubbed after him “Wilbur”.
Wilbur´s character made Tommy super uncomfortable during the pogtopia arc and it made their life outside of work a little more complicated.
Techno gets cast into the series during the pogtopia arc as well and Tommy and Wilbur are both super excited to work with Techno on set.
Techno gets to keep his name as well because at this point the writers have let most of the cast keep their real names, so why not keep it going?
At the end of the L´manberg independence arc Phil joins (out of all the actors, only Wilbur knew he was joining the series.) and kills Wilbur as the second season ends with L´manburg in shambles and the fans projectile crying about it.
That is all I have for now! 
Also feel free to ask questions or like do anything you’d like with this stuff!
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bittersweet-au · 4 years
Behold, something (kind of) new is coming...
Hello Hatoful Boyfriend community. I am Kiro. Again!
Last year I made the blog @kazushuu (It’s really crazy that an entire year has passed since then) and initially I didn’t have much thought put into it, and was making stuff up along with the asks... Then my hyperfixation on Hatoful went from 70% to 170% and I developed an entire AU dedicated to rewriting Hatoful Boyfriend. Not in a “I’m gonna fix Hatoful’s plot holes” way but mostly in a “I am lonely and crave self indulgent headcanons” way. But fixing plot holes also.
Thus came the Shrine AU. A timeline whose basis is “Shuu ended up seeing Ryouta and Hiyoko on the street on the day of that terrorist attack, but turned away, and never asked Ryouta for his wish... prompting him to lead a more depressing and remorseful life.” And thus a butterfly effect is caused, and Nageki didn’t die, Kazuaki never died, but! Hitori still developed narcolepsy, and there is a strange inverted mirror-reflection happening between Kazuaki and Hitori. A perfect neutral between the happenings of Holiday Star and MIRROR’s storylines.
--And on April Fools this year I made the blog @hitotohri which has been a shitty little ask blog for Hitori and Tohri as “no homo boyfriends” meanwhile kazushuu was about Shuu and Kazuaki as “yes homo boyfriends”.
And then I decided to start writing... stories that take the story back to the very beginning of the year, before Shuu and Kazuaki become boyfriends. I’ve been uploading chapters here and there, showing the point of views of Shuu, Kazuaki, the students, and some other stuff... Basically I decided to take my shipping game a step higher and write an entire novel dedicated to the partridge and the quail’s love story. There are also some fix-it elements to Anghel’s character and somewhat to Nageki, Kazuaki, and his childhood, even the Ichijou situation. So I hope that even if you’re not a full-on ShuuKazu shipper, you can still enjoy it to some extent. The most niche pairing in Hatoful receives its own ““novel””. Because I am that much of a simp.
So now... I decided to take all this scattered and disorganized mess and combine it into something neater. Behold! ...This blog!
This is an askblog for Shuu, Kazuaki, Hitori, and Tohri, from my fanfiction series, which will update along with new chapters of the fanfiction, and you may or may not impact the way the story will flow! Or you can just call Shuu a gay baby and make me draw his reaction.
The more in-depth about page is here, the rules page is here, the muses are here, and the fanfic series itself... is here!
Because yeah, you kind of have to read all the chapters that have been written thus far to be up-to-date with the plot. it’s like an ARG but not mysterious. Please dont fret, there are only 11 chapters so far... 52k words... I mean, you don’t gotta get into the plot if you just want to call Shuu a gay baby. I GUESS.
maybe this’ll be a complete failure and i’ll just retreat onto the old pseudo-askblog pseudo-rp pseudo-send me hatoful art requests format. but hey it’s worth a try.
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Also, I renamed the AU from “Shrine” to “BitterSweet” because that certainly fits the story better. But because I’ve used it for so long and it still sounds catchy, I’ll still call these AU hc-based characters “Shrine Shuu” “Shrine Hitori” etc.
anyway feel free to ask the dudes whatever you feel is relevant! assume that the current status is; right after the recent chapter “Relevation!”
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