#like im sorry im pissed off everytime i interact with you its because i see you literally twice a day cause you cant stop ditching me for
geffenrecords · 1 year
theydid not lie that misgend3ring does slowly kill you overtime
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 1 year
ughhhhhhhhhh a lot has been on my mind recently, im sorry im bringing up chip stuff that people just wanna forget, but. idk. i just need to talk. i really doubt anyone will actually see this but hey, its my blog, i'll ramble on about what i want lol
tw for suicidal thoughts in the "keep reading" bit below
back in february i made a post "calling out" gremlin + her friends as well as a little goodbye note to the fandom. recently ive been thinking about stuff more, wondering if maybe i should make a return and try to get my love for vosim back, but remembered just how much damage the fandom (more specifically, gremlin + her friends) did to me, my friends, yknow. everytime i thought about returning i'd remind myself i'd never go back. you gotta think: for months and months i was out there spending most of my time and energy defending my friends, trying to show people just how bad those people were, and after realising that nobody would ever believe me, i gave up. all of the chip shit i was dealing with really didnt help the fact i was battling depression + suicidal thoughts alongside all of that.
but, i dont know. recently ive just been craving the good times back despite it all, i want to relive the times where i'd stim seeing my friends' posts (especially the vosim art...,,,) and songs (one of the songs that made me stim like mad literally got me into sodikken months later lmao my hyperfixes are weird like that), i want to relive seeing the chip accounts interacting with eachother, in fact i was here wishing i joined the fandom properly a lot earlier because i really didnt want the good times to end.....
the fandom was my safespace for me. as much as certain people think im some "popular highschool bully who never grew up" (yes gremlin, i saw what you said about us, im not fucking dumb), i was being bullied really badly in secondary school, i was dealing with a really nasty breakup, my mental health was spiralling downwards really fast, i was dealing with people who i thought were my friends... you get the picture. with the fandom i was able to escape from all of that. and i'd escape by drawing vosim, usually creepy, pissed off or numb. it was stress relieving, it brought me so much happiness doing that!! then june 2022 came and it all went to shit since then. ha.
it hurts a lot. it really does. ive just been really empty since everything. i really don't know what to do or how i can move on from this once and for all. this was shit i was meant to move on from months ago, but it seems i cant even do that.
to my chip friends whove been here since the start: ive said this a thousand times + i will say it again: thank you. thank you so much for sticking around despite me struggling and moaning about all of this shit for months on end. in fact thank you for everything. words cant describe how grateful i am to have met y'all and i genuinely dont know where i'd be without y'all ;___;
ramble over i think.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 months
the thing is all you do about p3re is salt about it. I'm disappointed by a lot about p3re too but I don't go as far as you do and be a downer all the time. you've been accusing it as a p5 game with the p3 skin which i think is disingenuous, because they were giving p5-esque updates to a 2002 game, a game over 2 decades old
im just happy that you're not one of those people who are hoping that p3's ending would be changed.
there are people saying that the answer is a retcon to the p3 game because mc did not die in p3vanilla and the answer retconned that.
but anyways... im just sad that everytime you post about p3re its all just salt.
Kinda feeling bad for P5 atm, since I've been dragging that dead horse for much longer. TT0TT But I think you're right, even tho I don't talk about it as much, but I've been mostly dragging P3R......
I'm going to be honest........as they come out with stuff, I haven't found a whole lot to be happy about:
(addressing the P5 point here since it goes hand in hand The P5 comparison, and the one I have the most issues with are portions of the UI (I still never published that damn asks did I? shit damn it, well it's buried I'll have to get it at a different time). There's def gameplay features they've added (but more or less I expected them, and actual gameplay changes I'm.....a bit more lenient towards tbh, battle systems will evolve and I accept that). Plus there's the new SEES outfits which are.....very P5 coded....and a strange "we gotta add this!" type of change (aren't we "honoring P3"? why do they NEED a new outfit? Why can't we just have a costume called "PT costume" like the PT got a "Shadow OPs" costume?). THAT BEING SAID....I don't think I've brought up the P5 comparison since the SEES outfits tbh. At least...I thought I was more focused on P3R itself lately...... I should go back and compare it and see just how much influence of P5 I think is on there now that the initial shock has wore off. (that being said....I tried glancing through my blog and....I don't talk about P3R often on here ;w; It's like maybe 70%neg, 30% pos/neutral? I think the last big blow up was the lack of the concept art being on the train? I feel like I've been very passive and silent about the game for the most part....not even talking about a lot of the ad art/trailers/interviews I dunno I just don't find I'm interacting with it much so TT0TT I get I'm being salty but I think P5 deserves to say "maybe ease off a bit yeah?" than P3R atm? sorry if it's been overly salty for you tho anon 😔)
They removed my fav MC. I love P3MC don't get me wrong, but I prefer FeMC. That being said, I love seeing them as a packaged deal. The work off each other so well. I hate how Atlus treats her fans it SUCKS. And IF we are lucky, she might be DLC???? I'm pissed at Atlus' DLC practices already, but this is a kick in the teeth. ;w;
They removed the Answser and Metis. Do I think the Answer is perfect? No. Do I have some issues with it? Yeah. But I love Metis, and good and bad, it's a big part of P3's story. And us not getting that is......really bad imo. Plus the possibility of MORE DLC???
They removed key gameplay features. Tired mechanic and split up mechanic being the biggest two (possibly reversals? I'm not sure on that, I don't mind reversals or even a play on the jealousy mechanic, I just think it needs to be reworked TT0TT). Two mechanics I loved and wished were in P4/5 tbh..... so yeah a bit salty, I've always felt it was a key feature of P3.
Still fucking DLC (not just P3R's fault, but still not a plus...or should I say negative?). And then the costumes aren't as good? TT0TT Thank god for the in game ones. orz At least they aren't making me pay for THOSE. DX
I....am not a fan of the new models and lighting. Soejima got me into Persona (I prefer the 25th anni art styles over this P3Rs), it's not that it's shit I just have a preference..... The lighting however.... and I've always kinda like Vanilla/FES's lighting scheme. There's parts of P3 that I just really love (the ones where they have special lightening and the rainbow). And P3R's.....just hurts my eyes ngl. TT0TT It's flat or bloomed, and then the models will look plasticy, it's just an assault on my eyes orz
Music.....I think I'm the kindest to the music, esp when covering the legacy songs. I don't mind covers. As long as I get an option to play the OG (I like options) then I'm fine. Edit: LOL NEVER MIND APPARENTLY THAT'S NOT THE CASE???? TT0TT WTF ATLUS??? I have some mixing issues (or Azumi's cursive singing) but even tho I labeled it as "salt." It's more of a "minor complaint" compared to other stuff on the list if I'm honest (maybe it'll sound better on my TV who knows)
Still no definitive version. It's related to FeMC/Answer, but really.....the damn questionnaires always listed Vanilla/FES/P3P. I know the biggest argument for a P3 remake was a definitive version. We still don't have that! I've been wanting one since before P3P was released! I knew this would be an issue! TT0TT
Maybe my salt is a bit more apparent because.....I love the originals......I mean I do have issues with them (Yukari/Junpei my be-loatheds), nothing's perfect, everyone has gripes about something even if they love it (*motions to the P4 fandom*). But with the new voice cast/possible translation (and new events) I'm willing to give them a chance (again.....like I always do orz).
I def don't want P3's ending to change. That being said, I'm not gonna be surprised if it does. "This might as well fucking happen" is my mentality atm (at best it's confirmed P3R is a new timeline, which I can dig but......is it really so hard to have one definitive ver???? orz). TT0TT If atlus really wants to keep using P3MC in future games (or heaven forbid FemC to an extent!) they really should play into the multi timeline. Might not be the P3MC we know as the SEES leader, but it's still a variation of him. (this way we keep the OG message in tact, explore/expand the lore, and still get to see an old face without "time warping/travel dream sequence" for the 1000th time, love those but moving forward is also good too TT0TT).
The answer.....didn't..... retcon..... TT0TT Ahhhh this is why the made the Answer, because people were confused. orz C'mon Atlus bring back the Answer! You've been screwing it over both in anime/movie and the manga like c'monnnnnn!!!! ;w;
*inhales* All that being said. I'm just weary. I'm hoping the end product is going to be a lot better than than it looks atm (and that's why I'm going to give it a chance, the complaints I have are from the previews). P3R has been in the perpetual state of "we're so back/it's so over" for me TT0TT It's tiring. And I'm just trying to keep my expectations on the ground (I've already been kicked and then kicked while I'm down with FeMC/Metis, I'd rather stay down until I know it's safe to get back up ;w;)
But there's been a few things that have been......highlights.
Hermit seems to be the same with all the emojis and such (I don't think they are voiced which is both sad and fun, cause I like trying to act out the L33T speak myself)
I think Female SLs have had a strong/confirmed leak that they have a friend route (please! TT0TT god I've wanted this so much!)
While I didn't get the option of SLing my male teammates ;w; I am getting episodes (which is in the vein of that and other stuff I've wanted!) AND there might be some big stuff with Strega which is also something I wanted! (as afraid as I am for flanderization, at least we're getting this!)
More Aigis/MC good stuff (at least in full 3D)
Midori's tweets are unfortunately giving me SOME hope for FeMC/Answer DLC. (unfortunate because it's DLC and cause I dunno if me hoping is good for my health atm)
There's some new songs that I like (even with my minor complaints)
we're getting a BMG randomizer???? Yay????? (I'm excited just confused TT0TT)
Tartarus looks decent, I'm hoping I like the gameplay loop even tho they've cut stuff I love! I'm hoping it's fun to explore!
I like the new upgrades to the presentation for the minor stuff (going to the arcade and such).
I like SOME of the design/UI choices (the white figures remind me a lot of the opening)
OP song is.......ok, pretty visuals. I like the visuals the most. (FES's song is still my fav tho)
As much as I'm resistant to idea (lots of pros and cons, so I'm very conflicted), a part of me is kinda hoping it's a new timeline ngl. I'm just afraid of what.......that entails tho. Like if it's a new timeline, it would explain some....differences and that would be cool. But at the same time I'm....afraid of them changing the ending. I guess I'm preemptively trying to soften the blow in case it happens?
I guess the confliction is "exploring something new" vs "actually honoring the original work????" (which I'm not really feeling they are doing atm).
I dunno, if they wanted to just do a new timeline experimental thing I'd rather they ruin/mess with P4. As someone who prefers P4 Vanilla and can easily just play that as my definitive version, I would've been more down with them messing with P4, and keeping P1/2/3 more faithful and creating a definitive version. Wait...."new timeline"....uhoh *opens up new post* Theory time ;w;
But...yeah I'm sorry anon. I didn't think I was posting about it THAT often tbf (I think the most I've said is on twitter and it's mostly been about the models/lighting fksjkldja but even then I don't think it was THAT often either).
Who knows, maybe I'll like P3R when it releases! Or maybe I'll ignore it and jus stick with FES/P. We'll find out later I guess. TT0TT
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
joining the dea and javier peña falling for you would include
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a/n: first javier request and my soft clown ass did her best to bring this request justice for you corazoncitos,, wow anyways pls love me either way if this is actual garbage
taglist: @fandomnerd16 @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @umvirgo @redhairedace
let me know if you want to be tagged!
ok so when i thought about this- my mind went straight to a slow b u r n relationship :))
because all i can think about is him not even realizing the moment where you- the very person hes been trying to avoid since day one- holds his entire heart in your hands
like him coming to the point where he notices hes so deep in love with you the very second he stared at you a little longer than usual,,
 not paying attention to what you said even though he was staring straight at your lips- 
and hes just over here like “fuck me,, this cant be happening-”
i laugh because i know he would start to get all nervous around you,, 
his tie feeling like its choking him when he tries to talk to you, becoming tongue tied,, when he had literally zero problems before talking with you- 
his palms sweating and getting so frustrated with himself,, especially when he looks over at you when you laugh at something steve or horacio said to you-
just wanting you to be laughing at something he said instead-
just the literal exact opposite feelings hes been trying to push away and convince himself he doesnt have has him beyond done with himself at this point because he knows theres no way out of this-
because?? since when the fuck ever did the javier pena start getting nervous around trying to talk to a woman and much less the person that hes supposed to be working with,, thats what pisses him off- 
and i would imagine him having this closed off connection with you since the first step you took in the office
because i have this thought in my head where javier wouldnt have liked the news of you joining the dea in colombia when he first heard about it
bc theres already so much stress going on from trying to catch escobar,,
and hes not about to have to train and catch your rookie ass up to them ya feel?
but woW does he realize he has it all fucking backwards about you when steve introduces you to javi when you get there-
like im not going to lie,, i can feel it in my bones that javier wouldnt really care when both you and steve are standing in front of him
i can just imagine him just glancing up,, looking you over once and just brushing you off,,
just giving you a short hello with like a forced smile and getting up,, grazing past you two-
and steves over here rolling his eyes like “dont listen to him, he can be an asshole,, but youll get used to it-”
i dont know- i get the feeling that you and steve would get along well since the start,, like the two of you becoming best friends:)
because he knows what its like to be in a different country and even more, what its like to be the rookie
so hes just having you always stick with him all the time,, being dea buddies :)) wow
but also having a good relationship with carrillo because i just know he would see something in you-
youre not the one to be a goody-two shoes like steve in the beginning and just by hanging around with you for 5 minutes,, he already loves you and is always with you on missions,,
like you becoming one of the people he trusts the most in the group :)
just- you befriending the whole office to the point everyone would come to you for literally anything-
i laugh imagining javiers amargado ass always being annoyed af by that,, because weve seen this man stress tf over escobar and bernas bs hes always pulling-
and hes just trying to be serious for once and not have this whole case drag on any longer than it has to the point where people dont come to him anymore- 
but listen- i can see you having this attitude with him all the time,, like challenging him everytime you interact with him,,
literally not giving 2 shits if he listens to you,, just getting under his skin and steves over here already on your side no matter what-
i cant-  imagining him giving you an attitude back,, pushing you away and sending you with murphy but
 :(( even tho he wont ever admit it then,, :( he lives for bantering with you because those would come to be the highlights of his day :((
like in those moments he slowly starts to realize unconsciously he doesnt hate you at all,, he just doesnt know how to handle these feelings he has for you because he gives me vibes of him never settling down-
but here he fucking is,, not even noticing that hes constantly looking at you,, sitting up straight when he sees you start to walk over to him :(
or like him muttering to himself,, trying to convince his mind that he doesnt and shouldnt see you in a romantic way-
but he just can’t help stop thinking about you,, the way you smiled at him that morning or that you chose to sit by him during a meeting- 
i dont know- im just emotional at the thought of him being so hopelessly in love with you,, like not even fighting it anymore because he cant
just him slowly coming around to being near you all the time,, and maybe just checking up on you,,
i CRY at thought of him becoming your number one hype man :((
like him yelling at everyone to shut up and listen to you when you have something to say about information-
the both of you smiling to each other,, like him nodding in your direction because he has your back :)) wow i aM SOFT
im fucking sorry but the way he has literal HEART EYES watching you talk in front of everyone,,
not even paying attention to what youre saying just focusing on the way hes never noticed the little details about you- i
this bitch is literally in a haze,, focusing all of his  attention on you,,
like he doesnt even notice when steve looks over at him and back to you,, smile on his face when he realizes what javis thinking about-
i cant- and him elbowing javiers side when you finish talking because hes not even moving from his spot,, still too embobado watching you like
“you fucking like her dont you?”- 
:((HOLD ON?? - I SOB at the thought of steve being the wingman because he just wants the best for both of his friends,,,
 he makes it his fucking mission to get you two together- :((
like im imagining him being the type to give you a note or something from carrillo or messina-
telling you to pass it on to javier even tho he’s literally like 4 feet away from you both lol
like hes just trying to push you two to spend more time together as much as possible-
woW because can you imagine you giving javier these smALL HEART EYES AS YOU WALK UP TO HIM,,
the two of you being stuck to the floor when youre giving him the note,, both of you waiting for the other to make a move first,, 
neither of you being able to get 2 words out to eachother even though you both would banter with each other before but now?? its a difference feel
and all the while steve is over here next to carrillo,, the both of them betting which of you two is going to do something first lmao
god im sorry but im :(( imagining you giving him a small smile and walking away buT javiers not even looking at the note because hes over here standing there,, not moving a single muscle,, just watchinG YOU LEAVE WITH THE BIGGEST HEART EYES WHEN YOURE NOT LOOKING AT HIM ANYMORE- :(((
oh my god, wow can you imagine steve getting connie in on this because hes just so done waiting and watching you both fucking struggle to get 4 words out to eachother- so much p i n n i n g
so like the two of them would definitely do this double date just to get the two of you together outside of work :))
but:) they would skip :)) halfway through the date or just not show up at all :)))
and have you and javier go on :)the date alone :)) so its just the two of you :) WOW
listen i dont make the rules but you and javier definitely walk in the next day together,, holding fucking hands perhaps?? im- i need to go sob
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thesmpisonfire · 3 years
hi i just hope you dont mind me dumping some thoughts of that karl situation :]
(and this comes from a big karl fan so yeah, i think his behavior is really bad when even his fans notice that :/)
i really hate his attitude towards the server as a whole. i feel like he treats dsmp as his own playground and gives zero fucks about other people. that man logs in once a 2 weeks and like youve already pointed out, takes and destroys whatever he wants and doesnt care at all. i cant think of a single stream when he wasnt killing george without a reason (im not babying him, its just sooooo annoying to watch, cmon, find a new joke bro). idk like he even took his whole armor, why??? why would you need that, you dont play on this server and if you do you die everytime and lose all your stuff at random places 😵
about his "lore", to me it seems really forced? feels like he wants to insert himself so badly as an important character etc. i dont want to undermine his work and character but it gives off that vibe 😐 as a lot of people here i agree that tftsmp sucks, and he KEEPS hyping it up ("the next episode will be 10 times better, trust me!") while the only thing that increases is the size of the buildings which are built by bbh + "tales crew" and not karl himself 💀 idk, personally i watch it ONLY because of possible interactions between ccs that i like, i always skip the karl lore segment at the end lmao.
okay there i go; I HATE KINOKO KINGDOM. i got fucking baited because he was repeating "kinoko kingdom will be the biggest and most important nation, sapnap and george lore" etc etc and what have we gotten? nothing 😒 and the fact that he doesnt even build this nation on stream with other people is pissing me off. we get it karl, you are a busy man, mrbeast stuff is more important! but cmon, if you know that you lack free time, dont start doing "big" things. chill streams are cool too! (even cooler if you ask me, forced lore is dumb)
and on top of that those stupid animal abuse jokes and travelling during pandemic :/
sorry for my rant, hope you have a lovely day 💓
Hey, its completely fine to rant!!! I’ve been doing it all day!!
And... omg im so relieved i am not just over reacting in seeing all that stuff, thank u for sharing anon <3
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
more tgcf chapters 143-173 lets goooooo
PEI MING BOO HISS except actually okay he’s mostly funny i think but still boo hiss
“hey who’s this guy who’s really pissed at you?” “oh thats my sword. i broke it.” alright then!
i think i need to go back and reread the banyue pass arc bc im still confused as to whats going on with banyue and pei su
“Banyue dropped from the sky with two pots raised. Without a word, she plummeted with the mouths of the pots facing down, trapping and detaining the shocked Ming’guang and the roaring Ke Mo within.” - THATS MY GIRL
“It must be known that, to heavenly officials, it certainly was more than natural for kingdoms of the mortal realm to fight and annihilate one another; the acts of these plays progressing on endlessly. But when it came their own turn, it was often hard to let things go. If one must stand in the same court as the one who annihilated their own kingdom, and that man cavorted in the heavens, exceedingly flashy, then it must be vexing.” - hmmmm!!
“I’ve spoken too many words in this lifetime. What are you referring to?” - okay to be fair thats a mood
okay its nice to get some pei ming backstory and its funny that he and xie lian are bonding but also still whenever pei ming interacts with a female character my hackles rise like a cat lol
“Xie Lian watched as Banyue thought really hard before cheerfully pulling out a few long, wine-red scorpion-snakes, and putting them into the bubbling pot.” - THATS MY GIRL
“Although “smell” was something colourless and formless, the instant Banyue removed the pot cover, it was as if some mysterious physical object had twisted all the air around the mouth of that pot. The group stared at the sight within the pot for a long time. Their pupils reflected an endless, bottomless darkness; like it could pull them into the abyss. No words could describe the sentiment expressed within their eyes. A moment later, Xie Lian patted Banyue’s shoulder and gave a thumbs-up.” - like father-figure like daughter-figure. amazing.
“However, what if one day mortals discovered something completely new that ran faster than horses? Then, when this new invention overtook horses, worshippers of this heavenly official who controlled horses would inevitably decrease. Such heavenly officials, flashing by like shooting stars, made up the majority of the heavens.” - obsessed with this, genuinely. life and change. worship and its purpose. my religious studies diploma on my wall is screaming at me rn. ALSO i am once again thinking about celebrities
“...” It was only then that Pei Ming seemed to notice, and started to contemplate this question. A moment later, he answered, “A habit. In a dark, creepy place like this, isn’t it normal to hold women in your arms, to comfort them and calm their fears?” “I’m sorry, but I wasn’t scared,” Banyue said.” - BANYUE I LOVE YOU. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH. god this takes me back to every college party i ever went to
LING WEN BACKSTORY????? shoeseller chosen for godhood bc she wrote a political essay and got arrested...... and now she’s face to face with the official who appointed her..... do go on.....
“Ling Wen laughed out loud, seeming to be enraged, and her voice dropped. “Very well! You said I couldn’t reach that high. Then, might I ask you: had the prominence of the Palace of Jing Wen at its peak ever reached even the knees of my Palace of Ling Wen??” - GET HIM!!!! BOO HISS JING WEN
“Compared to you, I’m not that bad,” Ling Wen said. “You’d personally order me to stay in the Palace of Jing Wen until midnight, then turn around and say I shamelessly hang around ‘til late to harass you. Words murder without form; I was much nicer responding with blatant violence.” - ling wen im love you..... also this bit... feels Real
BLOOD RAIN BLOOD RAIN BLOOD RAIN!! FLOWER PETALS TRANSFORMATION!!! see hua cheng? look as how cool it can be when you leave the story for a little while!! bc then you get to return and make an entrance!!
“Not only can you bring forth bloody rain, you can also make flowers shower. I didn’t know that. How fun!” - cute!! and in that moment we were all xie lian
“Everyone was stunned by his deed, and Ling Wen arduously gave him a thumbs-up. ”Ol’ Pei, what a man!” Pei Ming gritted his teeth. “WELCOME!” - aww three two tumors buddies!!
okay yin yu is here and xie lian did the equivalent of asking someone when the baby is due only to find out theyre not pregnant at all. then rong guang taunts yin yu and no one says anything. i do love the amount of awkward moments in this book tbh sometimes there are no words.
“All around was sand and mud crushing at him, exceedingly suffocating. The sand and mud was also moving endlessly; the feeling was like he was swallowed into the stomach of a giant monster, and that monster had also eaten a bunch of other things besides him, tumbling everything in its stomach, trying to digest” - ooooh creepy!!! the red string thing... is cute.... also xie lian being able to see hua cheng’s butterfly vision by looking directly into his eye is kinda cool. and obviously homoerotic.
“Are lower-ranked heavenly officials below other people?” Quan Yizhen asked. “No,” Yin Yu replied. Were they not? It was obvious that he himself didn’t believe in his own words, and Quan Yizhen also noticed. A good while later, he said bluntly, “I don’t like it here.” Yin Yu said nothing.” - im having emotions. and then yin yu also saying he doesnt like it there either.... also idk how this scene is going to play out but as much as im enjoying quan yizhen being an icon i can also possibly see how yin yu could eventually get to the point of “i am tired of being nice. i do just want to go apeshit” even if he really cares about qyz. it happens </3
“Indeed,” Hua Cheng said. “Half a year later when Quan Yizhen actually ascends, he won’t find it so funny anymore.” “Can we watch that part too?” Xie Lian asked. “We can. Hold on,” Hua Cheng replied.” - quan yizhen king of taking things literally. also why did this turn into hualian having a movie night
jian yu seems like the kind of asshole who would purposely give someone regular soda when they specifically asked for diet soda. god yin yu is really having a bad day i really feel for him in the whole situation with the brocade immortal
awww okay at least jian yu tried to take responsibility. im still mad at him tho that was objectively a terrible idea. god this whole situation sucked :(
“Rocks and earth crushed at them from all around, forcing their bodies to press tightly against one another, their faces brushing, their ears warm. Although it wasn’t the right time, a thought flashed through Xie Lian’s mind: “‘To die buried together’ doesn’t feel so bad.” - okay... im kind of emotional.... gay people....
okay obviously these murals and the prince of wuyong have some connection (im guessing pretty direct) to xie lian and are important but everytime they start analyzing one i feel like im back in art history class fhadskfhskjdhf not that thats a bad thing!! i liked art history a lot tbh
“Don’t worry, they’re not human,” Hua Cheng said. “It’s precisely because they’re not human that we have to worry, alright….” Xie Lian thought.” - goth ghost bf problems
xie lian: well, there is one person i trust more than anyone else, someone who’s first in my mind hua cheng, oblivious: oh :/ xie lian, also oblivious: what? hua cheng: you shouldnt trust so easily its dangerous xie lian: oh. haha. yeah. well. wanna,,, know who it is? hua cheng: its :) fine :) it :) doesnt :) matter :) but of course you can tell me if you want to gege xie lian, internally: well now ive made it weird hua cheng, 5 minutes later: actually i need you to tell me. right now. its totally for your security me: gay people smh
“As they suspected, he had been captured by Qi Rong. Although no one was bound by ropes, there were balls of greasily green ghost fires hovering over every one of their heads.” - completely off track but anybody else remember the great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts song
“Could there actually come a day when Qi Rong was embarrassed that someone might see the manner in which he ate? Before Xuan Ji entered, she put Guzi down. Guzi, ta-ta-ta, ran in, rushing straight to Qi Rong’s side. But when he saw him, he pointed his finger. He cried, “Dad is eating bad things in secret again!” “I’m not!” Qi Rong retaliated.” SCREAM IS QI RONG LEARNING THE POWER OF LOVE NOOOO also god that poor man whose body he has im starting to doubt if he’ll ever be free jimmy novak flashbacks
everytime we get another ghost king power somewhere someone should be writing hua cheng the cyborg bf in a high tech futuristic au i think thats the only other potential setting that could truly capture this wild ride
“In truth, throughout history, there was no man in the world who didn’t love bragging. A breeze could blow the handkerchief of a brothel girl into a man’s hand, and he would turn around and say the most beautiful of renowned escorts had fallen in love with him; holding shoes and wiping benches for the emperor’s mistress’s uncle’s grandson’s cousin’s mistress would for sure become him being an important administrator at the residence of royal relatives, raising his status. Thus, men who didn’t brag were a rare species.” - SCREAM this is going in my favorite tgcf quotes folder god... mxtx come here let me shake your hand
read the story of rain master yushi huang’s ascension. why am i crying. also this bit im crying again me with my stuffed animals “Thus, while Yushi Huang was cultivating at the Temple of Yulong, every time when she went to seek water and passed that door, she would rub the head of that ox. The door knocker soaked in her essence of life, and when the Rain Master ascended, the ox ascended with her.”
okay thats enough for now i have 7 more chapters to book 4!!! woo!!!
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haileykitty69 · 4 years
I hope you know that im really not trying to attack you when i reblog your posts. Im trying to get you to see how you look to others. Because i dont think you see your art the same way that others do. I hope that you really are just drawing it as a joke, but i have my doubts. But thats not what im here to talk about. Im here to talk about the way ive interacted with you. I mean in no way to bully you and i dont condone others bullying you either. Im sorry if i come off as mean but its hard to keep my composure when i talk to you. I know i dont have to talk to you, but im trying my best to get you to see what others see when they look at your profile. I hope that in the end you can better youself and can leave all of this drama behind. Take this ask however you will, i felt like i needed to clear things up
Look, it's really starting to drive me nuts. They keep thinking about things that aren't even true, I actually just do one of those things as jokes and yet, people still think otherwise. I want this shit to end now, and I want them to never talk about me again! I can't take this shit! I do feel bad for those victims, but they shouldn't take their anger on me when I didn't do anything to them at all! It's just a fucking drawing! Most importantly, I hate pedo ships and art, in fact, I feel like killing myself everytime I see that cringe! I know I done some shit in the past, and I am actually ashamed of it. I said some shit that I really regret. It was only because I was really pissed off at that time. Please believe me. I am tired of people thinking I'm lying when I'm not.
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savnofilter · 5 years
okay so im just gonna my tingz and whatever since people can believe what theyd like.
whoop its more drama. 😅
so if you hadnt already seen it, great if you havent great. ahh im literally shaking oops but this is serious so i'll only what i have to say, and she blocked and deleted all my apologies and explanations.
i wasnt going to post anything because i replied and had said my words and left it at, if you dont want to like me thats fine, i'll live.
i one, would like to say that she even removed it so like rip me. uhhh i would make a video really to talk it because im bad at words and me typing it makes it worse ahahah.
essentially it was just a bunch of screenshots of me being mean so yeah that was it. er um wooph this is too much for me, the only account i can properly say was that i can say i was harsh was that christmas thing with someone who i havent spoken with in months and its that i said i hate people who celebrate it mad early. and yeah i can harsh because ive already explained that sometimes im blunt about it and when im in a bad mood i dont care.
on the other accounts let me say which i dont remember cause she had all the screenshots and i deleted all the chats because it was turning my already sour mood, even more sour.
so she said i didnt greet her properly which i even talked to you once before so idek what she was trying to get at there. 😅 ahh i asked who she was because i had been having on and off issues with a writer and that was already in the server. she suddenly added her to the discord after it being open for many months so naturally that added suspicion and i also have a great deal of knowing when something was up so yuh... call my instincts right cause it was in the messages that were sent to me. 😅
ahhh (ignore my many ah's when i get anxious it just happens ahahah) but those were taken out of context and like were set up to make me look bad. and even just in the whole post, the whole reason why they talked to me was to venge for something to bring me down LMAO.
just like before ive cooled down tremendously so im done from my mental breakdown to properly say this:
1) i didnt know it was even a slur. i just thought it meant dumb and it was only yesterday i had found out that it was bad.
now i'll say this again because people like being on this sav hate train to even read my words LMAO, im sorry for the words i said.
literally the person that i used it on doesnt even fucking like me so the fact thatd they were rude to me and then get shocked that im rude. i even said that day i had not been fine, i was not well. and if you got your secret santa friend you could also get screenshots saying that i said at the point in time i did not care what i said to people because i was planning on killing myself so i didnt care what i was going to say because you know id be dead.
2) may i say again, i had suspicions of other party friend talking about me because she even messaged me on many times and even brought up one situation that i took piss poor shit in handling. 😂
and may i mention she (christmas person) left because she didnt speak up about other issues that couldve been talked out with and decided to leave.
not only that i thought we were talking about our opinions on celebrating christmas so stop trying to feed word into me mouth m8.
and also the conversation had lack of communication so everything was jumbled up, and i didnt even know she was actually leaving the server i thought she was going "tata" for a bit and i was going to talk to her, i eventually did but we do not speak anymore.
3) the main reason why she spoke to me was to basically catch me red handed LMAO. and she got what she wanted. 👏🏽i literally had people message me, asking why she was even asking for peoples ages.
one how do you even know i was referencing you?! i... but anyways... again you want to make me out to be a bad person lmao. i have bad moments just like everybody else. but because i like to be nice and uplift people i cant make mistakes? like what flawed logic is that?
how am i supposed to grow if i dont make mistakes and learn from them. it woudve been a whole different story if i used it multiple times and didnt give a fuck. and no, its not every day that im a "dumb fucking cunt" to people.
4) you legit deleted my responses and apologies. 😂 and people are just jumping on this and dont even
know me.
ever talked to me.
not even in the server.
so now the "brought to tumblr" again i was just sharing my damn sadness dude. your call-out post makes no sense. trying to make it sound like im out here trying to ruin peoples days is not even close to the truth... i myself hate making people feel bad about themselves.
im not some sociopath, and youre mad because i was bummed i realized that someone that i thought was amazing doesnt like me??? like youre telling me that you snapping at me everytime we talked im just supposed to take it? i just...
and ive said it on my blog, im not in the best place. youre gonna get me off on my off days. i even said that me even interacting is not even a good idea but i choose to make the conscious decision to even talk to people just makes me feel even worse because someone was mean to me first.
you cant take me being my worst and saying its my fucking whole. you dont care about me wanting to "fIx My WaYs" you just want to fucking embarrass me and have people hate me.
if youre trying to show character, youre doing a terrible job at it.
i tried adding you as a friend to even talk to you but you had even BLOCKED ME on discord. you dont care. at all. stop pretending youre some knight, if all i was even trying to talk it out to you and youre response is "youre mean you suck" like what the fuck...
you and your friends and your followers my "followers" who havent asked for my side just show how much you guys really want to pUrIfY this erotica for anime community,,
and also you were a massive prick to my friend because she was sharing her own thoughts so i dont even know why youre trying to act like youre an angel. unless you can tell me that you have never been wrong, i will just crucify myself on the cross and apologize to jesus for being such a sinner.
the more i type, the more i get spiteful so i will stop myself here. have a wonderful night/day/whenever you see it dude or never see it cause you blocked me lol.
EDIT: also i never even hinted that it was you so it just confirms this was only for malicious purposes... and i now just feel like you made it because you feel like i shouldnt have feelings either.
apologies if its all over the place, i wrote this in a state of panic to a slow burn of being mellowing out.
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/Blinded Love\
Kim Woojin🐻
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There was times like these that you loved you best friend Woojin too much. Your shift had just ended and let me tell you ther ain had not stopped ever since you walked out, but as you were reaching down to close the shutter of the shop your phone dinged.
Woojin🐻: Stay where you are i’ll collect you <3
you laugh at the use of emojis Woojin used. For a man who had a wealthy family and kept up with the latest use of i phones he still never knew how to use the emoji keyboard.
After a quick reply back saying a thank you and okay, you stood there. The passing sounds of cars and the night lights blurred your vision, it was peaceful.
“Get in loser” You heard Woojin shout over the pouring rain, smiling over at you, you pull your hoodie over your head and ran to the car too which woojin was pushing the door open for you as he leaned across the passengers side.
“Oh Woojin thank you so much!” You beam at him as you shake your head a bit before glancing over at him.
“Tha’ts what besties are for am i right?” He laughs and starts back up the car and before you know it your driving off.
That’s right. Best friends. That’s what ye were. Ever since he helped you pick up your barbies that those mean girls threw away 18 years ago.
You give a small laugh, not knowing what to do in this situation. Because the love of your life was simply blinded by your love towards him.
. . . . 
“Well did you tell him yet?” Chan had chirped behind you as his hands made their way around your shoulders. Closing your locker with a sigh Chans face fell. Every Monday this happened, Chan would come up and ask if you told Woojin your undying love for him but you always chickened out.
“No Chan” You sigh as your grip your books harder to your chest.
“Honeslty Y/N if you dont tell Woojin then im going to te-” But Chans quickly quite as your hand covers his mouth.
“Did you just lick my hand?”You throw a hand at him as you wipe the aplm of your hand off his jumper.
“Im not letting this go y/n, im going to science ill see you at lunch.” He gives you a quick high five before hes running through the crowd of students who were also pushing and shoving.
. . . . . . 
After your four periods of classes its fianlly time for lunch were you sat with all the boys, closing your locker door after getting your books, your heart jumps out of your chest as woojin stands there leaning aganist another locker enxt to yours, just like always a bright smile is on his face.
“Well hello there” Woojin says as he throws a hand over your shoulder and oushing you into his chest, you quickly blush at the sudden contact between you and Wooojin but its gone just as fast as it came.
“im sooooo hungry” He says as he practially drags you to the cafertiera, maybe i should tell him today? 
Wait maybe not its a school day?
“Woojin slow down your legs are too long” You complain as your school bag falls off your shoulder. He laughs at your clusmyness but is quick to help you with your books that youw ere holding in your arms.
“No Seungmin there my pokemon cards give them back to me!” Felix cries out as you sit down ext to him, his hands flying everywehre are he gives out to Seungmin who seems to be unbothered just sitting there casually drinking his boba drink.
“Okay and I told you I dont know where they are” Seungmin replys back. Felix groans his head falling onto your shoudler.
“Ahh Y/n noona hes so mean give out to him.” Felix says as he picks up his banna milk.
“Seungmin buys Felix new pokemon cards” You say to the unbothered boy across from you.
“Okay felix during the weekend we can go out and Ill buy you knew pokemon cards oaky” You give the boy a sweet smile in which he yells out a quick yes of happnies.
“Y/N you want anything?” Woojin says as he points to the line at the top of the cafertia.
“Ehmmm surpirse me” You sweetly say, a smile grows on Woojins face as he practailly skips over to the line with other students.
“Your literally eye raping him” Chan eye rolls as he sits down across from Felix.
“Dont roll your eyes at me Christopher” You argue to him as he just laughs before taking a bite into his sandwich.
After a couple of minutes of the boys fighting playfully and occisoanl jokes Woojin finally takes a place next to you. Handing you your y/f/f and a carton of strawberry milk (or at kind I’m sorry).
“Thank you woojinnie” you say as you give him a quick side hug, somehow when you turned back to talk to the boys Woojin was frozen In his space from the small interaction that somehow warmed his heart.
Your conversation with Hyunjin ended ye we’re talking about that science test you took last Friday and how you did so bad in it. Turning your head your eyebrows furrow as you look at Woojin.
A prominent frown settled on his face, eyes glaring at the screen below him. He seemed pissed.
“You okay?” You whisper over to him as the rest of the table went on with there talking. Leaning over to him you notice that someone seemed to be sending a very angry message as everything was in capital letters.
Woojin looks up quickly and his phone was quickly shoved into his back pocket. You frown at this. Since when was Woojin secretive.
“So woojin hows Irene?” Jisung chirps in, taking a big bite of his rice, the whole table falls quite as everyone stares at eachother.
Who the hell was irene?
“U-uh” Woojin stutters as he looks over at you, his heart broke as he seen your face you looked so heartbroken.
Everything was too loud, the thumping sound of your heart being the only thing you could hear at that moment.
Chan’s quick to notice and comes up with an excuse for you to leave.
“Hey remeber that project we have yeah let’s go now!” He starts and before you know it your being dragged out of the cafeteria your eyes still on Woojin.
He has a girlfriend?
. . . .
Days have passed since you last seen anyone. Days since you last texted Woojin but definitely not since he texted you.
‘Are you okay’
‘Why aren’t you talking to me’
‘Did I do something’
Yes you broke my heart. But you clearly didn’t reply to them.
‘Why are you acting as if we’re in a relationship.’ Sent at 02:35am
That one had got you, you always taught Woojin had at least an idea of the fact you loved him. But at this point you knew this boy was absolutely blinded.
Knock! Knock!
Growing you roll off your bed before throwing a jumper over your head and making your way to the front door.
Your hand turns the knob of the door before it’s rudely pushed open and in walks Woojin.
“Listen I don’t know what your problem is but talk to me! Please” He angrily says as he runs his hands through his messy hair making it even messier.
“I don’t kno-“ you start but your startled once Woojin kicks the side of the couch placed on the left of him, you jump at the sudden action completely taking back by everything that’s happening.
“Your in love with Chan aren’t you?” He says
You almost laugh at him.
“What no woojin?” You shake your head at the thought.
“THEN WHAT IS IT, DONT YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND ANYMORE?” His voice raises again as he seems to get no answer from you.
“No woojin I don’t want to be your friend an-“
"CANT U SEE IT WOOJIN" I shouted at him my eyes tearing up, woojins eyes widned at me as i shouted at him clearly taken back.
There’s silence.
"for so, so long your my best friend, and you always read me so well but for once your blinded by this,over and over you chose someone else over me when im the one who truley cares for you “ You look down at the wooden floor beneath yo
"you have no idea how many troubles I went through just because I simply can’t shake off the fact I love you. Yet you talk about your newest hookup to me contanslty, I’m always with Chan because he encourages me to tell you how I feel. Don’t you see how i hesitate everytime you ask me who I like, its because it was always you Woojin, i never liked Chan or that guy Soobin who asked me to formal I only told you taught so i could put your mind on ease. I was always so tempted to tell you, but i know you dont care you never will. You never did.” You finish
I look up at Woojin, tears flowing out of my eyes but as my eyes met his,his face said enough about your confession and he simply left.
You stood there in disbelief, your front door being slammed shut cut you out of your day dreaming. Woojin just walked out after you confessed to him. Because it was simply the only thing he was good at.
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franeridart · 7 years
I read Honenuki got in through recommendation like todoroki and yaoyorozu why do you think he ended up in class B instead of A?
Oh, I’m pretty sure the sorting is somewhat casual - I say somewhat because I think the classes are made trying to keep the overall strength balanced between the two groups, but that’s about it? It’s not like class A is inherently better than class B just because they’re called “A”, it’s mentioned more than once during the story that the potential should be overall the same and the only difference is the battle experience class A has
Anon said:holy shit I lose my shit bc of that text of yours. I mean I knew already how the case was between Baku and Kiri, but it still hit my heart to read that all in one text. I'm so blessed welp X'D
I nearly cried while writing it so guess what you’re not alone anon we can cry together ( ձ ̥̥̥ ヘ ձ ̥̥̥ )
Anon said: I started watching BNHA because I love your art and I wanted to understand it (came for Haikyuu!! stayed for everything) and oh wow I'm only 7eps in so far but I really like it!!!! Thank you! Your art is incredible keep up the good work! : D
Anon said:Franeri-san, do you read the BnHA spin-off Vigilante? They showed Iida's big bro!
I read the first chapter back when it came out and nothing else, but you’re the second person to mention it to me in one day so I guess I’ll have to give it a proper try!!!! And if Tensei is there then it’s definitely worth it!!! *O*
Anon said:Hi! How are you today? I hope you are well! I just wanted to let you know that I use to be strictly a kats.udeku shipper, but ever since I saw your work (and a few others) I have become multishipping trash, so thank you. Also, I know you've been having it tough with demands and reposts, so Im sorry, and hope you stay happy and healthy.
B O I thank you!!!!!! *O* I hope you’re well and you’ll keep on being well too, anon!!!!
Anon said:OMG!!!! Shinsou and Izuku look sooooo adorable in your style!! What do you think of them as a pairing?
I SHIP IT - actually every time I go through their fight I remember I ship it and then after a while I sorta forget until I read it again, it’s interesting probably I just have too many Deku ships lmao
Anon said:let me just take a moment to praise ur artstyle............Blessing, u are blessing TvT I just feel like I've seen the most inspiring and good looking art syle ever : > That's really close to something I want mine to be. and the best thing is that u like same animes than I do and u draw ma babies with that gorgeus style of yours U.U Blesssssss uuuuuuu, lemme kiss ya
...man I’m crying. Holy heck, how am I supposed to answer to this even - thank you??? so much for liking my stuff??? and for such kind words too, this ask means so much I literally have no clue how to tell you just how happy this made me!!!
Anon said:hey i usually don't ask thing to people (well, it's more like a confess), but ugh your art is so cute and everything, i mean, i smile everytime i see one of your drawing on my dashboard. So yeah that's all i wanted to say... HAVE A GOOD DAY DON'T FORGET TO EAT, SLEEP AND DRINK (water) *throw hapinness to you* (sorry if i made mistake, english isn't my first language)
YOU TAKE CARE TOO ANON!!!!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( ˘ ³˘)♥♥♥♥♥
Anon said:I really likes when you include Mina to bakusquad, she's one of them and she deserves to be with them ,and u know I really hate it when people kick her out of it that really pisses me off
Oh, I get this, I love Mina’s relationship with the boys in the squad so I’m kinda sad when she’s left out too - though in a certain sense I understand it, as far as Bakugou goes her direct interactions with him aren’t nearly as many as Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari’s? But when she isn’t with Hagakure or the girls’ group she’s always hanging with those three so she’s definitely part of the squad too, which is why I like including her as much as I can haha
Anon said:You: draws Kuroiro like 3 times maybe, Me: !!!! A GOD HAS BEEN SENT (also so much good Bakugo and Kirishima and Kaminari content >-
I???? love how much you guys love Kuroiro because really same even though he hasn’t done much at all he’s too good and he deserves all the love !!!!
Anon said:Have you ever drawn homestuck?
Yeah!! But a super duper long time ago back when I still didn’t have this blog, so there shouldn’t be anything of it here sadly (not, my homestuck period was the one in which my style made the least sense since I could kind of do whatever I wanted, which in hindsight helped me shape my current one but as things are now no one should see that stuff ever)
Anon said:omg after what the other anon said, now I really wanna see a drawing by you of Kiri where he just gets closer and closer. That made me laugh really hard too!
Anon said:i've literally been procrastinating from studying and instead been looking at your art for the past hours. I LOVE YOUR ART!!
I’m glad you like my stuff but please don’t procrastinate on that too much!!!!
... I’d say if I hadn’t spent my high school years procrastinating my afternoons away, but I have so actually who am I to tell you what to do there anon lmao rip
Anon said:LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH!!!!!!!, its so cute and love your drawing style. '3'
AAAHHHHHH thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! ฅ(♡ơ ₃ơ)ฅ
Anon said:Dear Fran, just wanted to let you know that I've been through so much lately and it made me so depressed but thanks to your bnha art I was able to smile again. You always make me feel better and i just wanna thank you for being such a gitf to this world. Love ya and your art! Your amazing!
I’m so sorry you had to go through a hard time, anon ( ;-;) but!!! I’m glad I could help you at least a little??? Thank you for liking my stuff!! I love you lots too!!!!
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....Anon w h y
Tho I guess watermelon season is starting so why the heck not 🍉🍉🍉🍉 
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binskz · 7 years
oh god your tags on that chronic illness post - everytime every every time and its always like so condescending as if you havent considered every option already to help with your health!!!! as if you're gonna go "oh wow how did you think of that i guess that hundreds of researchers overlooked that GLUTEN* was the problem" *insert other type of food eg sugar or alcohol or dairy etc ((im so sorry apparently i have v strong feelings about this)
HI i just sent you the rambling rant about ur chronic illness post comments AND i just remembered that i wanted to pass on some artwork to other chronic illness folk because it made me feel a lot of things.. if you google "ruijun Shen root1" it's the first image and its heartbreaking but also v much connects with how i feel my illness/es interact with me and idk i saw it linked in a fic & i stared at it for 10m. i have never connected with art before as much as this one. much love!!
hey bub, sorry i took so long to reply!!! yeah it’s my number one gripe actually. it’s something that really pisses me off, especially because i gained a lot of weight due to medication that i was on for my illness to begin with? so i would get a lot of backhanded comments suggesting that changing this/that/the other in my diet would cure me, and it was just the last thing i needed. when i came off that medication, i put a lot of work into losing weight, and then i started getting a bunch of comments like ‘see i told you that changing ___ with your diet would help!!!’ and i just. i’m still sick. i lost a bunch of weight to get healthier in that aspect yes but i’m still not well??? the ‘chronic’ part is the bit everyone seems to forget. it’s such a sore point for me, idk.
thank you for showing me that artwork!! i’ve just spent a bit of time looking at the artist’s other work too
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