#like im just saying the transition from being one of two competent people on my high school's yearbook staff in terms of design
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finchers-ipad · 1 year ago
Okay so i watched ‘The Killer’ for a second time and think my brain has stopped melting out of my ears enough to form some coherent thoughts about it (spoiler free for the most part but if i do put one i’ll put a warning before that :D)
My favourite scenes:
Firstly the opening like 30mins which i’m counting as a scenes and if not it’s my favourite sequence. I love that we are introduced to this move called ‘The Killer’ which it’s opening titles show different ways of killing people etc so as an audience we expect to be thrust into a violent environment. But Fincher subverts those expectations by having us watch a guy wait around for 30mins.
(SPOILER) I LOVEEE the use of handheld in this movie and this scene/sequence has my favourite use of it in the film. When The Killer messes up his job, the camera immediately switches from a steady cam to handheld, to me this represents how unstable and panicked he feels in the moment. He has to go against his mantra and improvise and the handheld really heightens the tension.
Again, i know this happens throughout the film but the SOUND DESIGN IS SO INCREDIBLE OMG. I love how it is used to align us with Fassbenders charecter (eg if we are seeing from his POV we hear ‘How soon is Now?’ at full volume, however if we see a shot of him we hear the muffled sounds of his headphones playing the song). I also love the song choice for this scene. The sound design is like it’s own character in this film and iïżŒs up there with ‘The Social Network’ in terms of its use in Fincher’s films.
I also love how this whole scene is basically an homage to Hitchcock’s ‘Rear Window’, i just love that film. (also this isn’t really related but Fincher also added a little homage to ‘Rear Window’ in ‘Panic Room’ where Andrew Kevin walker makes a cameo)
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Another one of my favourite scenes is the fight scene in Florida (KIND OF SPOILER):
THIS FIGHT SCENE IS SO FUCKING EPIC!! the low light which allows things like them being illuminated by the tv and bathroom light look so cool, the controlled chaotic carmera movement, the use of props and set in the fight
yeah i honestly cant pinpoint necessarily what i love about this scene but it’s just so cool to watch!
Random thoughts/opinions:
Tilda Swinton competes with Fassbender for my favourite performance in this film. The monologue about the hunter and the bear she gives is so captivating and she has me hanging on her every word. Also i don’t know if this monologue is in the novel because i haven’t read it but either way, it is the most Andrew Kevin Walker dialogue in the film and reminds me a lot of ‘Se7en’
I think this film contains the most handheld shots in all of Fincher’s filmography
The films this is most similar too is ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ and ‘Gone Girl’ but kind of if you replaced Amy and Lisbeth with a guy who listens to The Smiths.
Ah i really didn’t like the opening credits they SCREAMED Netflix original, like what was with those Adobe-Premiere-Pro-ass transitions 💀. but honestly nothing can top ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’s opening credits so i shouldn’t get my hopes up lmao.
If i were to rank this film in Fincher’s filmography i think it would be pretty low-ish. That’s not to say this is a bad or even average film in any shape or form i just like a lot of his other films more than this one :) i am going to be really awkward with my rating and give it a 6.75/10 but i do feel like i need to watch it again lmao.
i am SO SO SO happy that i got to watch this in the cinema. it was over two weeks ago now and im still thrilled.
Ty for reading rambles! If anyone has any thoughts about ‘The Killer’ please share them with me!! :D
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postmoderntongues · 9 months ago
Do you not wish for a world where women don't have to fear, I suppose we'll say "males", in the same locker room? Do you not believe feminism can create that world? And if you do, but believe trans women are still too tainted by male socialization growing up, how should it begin?
I do support certain spaces being segregated by birth sex. AFAB people of all genders deserve a safe penis-free space when it comes to things like bathrooms and prisons and hospitals and contact sports and women's shelters. I believe that feminism is our best chance for pushing back against a world without sex-based protections. I also believe Afab people should be made a protected group under hate crime laws and that femicide, rape, domestic battery, etc should be recognized as the hate crimes that they are.
I don't think trans women are "tainted" by male socialization, or that they experience gendered socialization like somebody without dysphoria would, especially if they transition young or have childhood dysphoria and live their lives with the world feeling like an ill-fitting suit. I think that is a unique experience from how cis men are socialized and internalize that socialization. My trans women friends are completely different from my cis male friends and the ones I know are some of the most harmless people I ever met who just decided they were sick of the machismo bullshit and wanted to be soft and enjoy cute things and find make up and fashion fun and just feel more confident in their skin with a skirt and lipstick and god bless them, its no skin off my ass and it makes the mortifying ordeal of being perceived a little softer Im not going to begrudge them that.
I also knew all my MtF friends back before they transitioned and even as males they were trusted. My closest MtF friend who is going to be a bridesmaid at my wedding literally kicked down a door and saved me mid-rape from a neighborhood boy who was taking liberties with my passed-out body. She's also schizoaffective and has gone through periods of believing she was a prophet before when we were teens, so "refer to me as a woman" feels downright reasonable next to past requests like "refer to me as god/the voice of god". I also have plenty of FtM friends, Im going to have at least one "bridesman" at my wedding.
I love trans people, I love gender non conformity, I want trans people to live their lives with safety and dignity and for them to be accommodated with spaces tailored to their needs. I think the best solution is to separate spaces by birth sex instead of gender (two beige bathrooms, one says "urinals" and one says "Sanitary Product Disposal") and by creating restrooms/locker rooms/sports leagues specifically to accommodate trans people FOR EVERYBODY'S SAFETY (it is not fair or safe to expect people on HRT especially trans women with bone density loss from artificial estrogen to participate in contact sports with people who have cis bodies, nor is it fair to have trans men on T competing against cis women when T is considered a performance enhancing supplement).
I believe that through comradery, empathy, and mutual understanding we can find that there is more than enough room in the world for all kinds, we just need to be respectful of each other. As for how it should begin, it has already begun, but I think a big step that needs to be taken is recognizing gender dysphoria as a mental illness and researching treatment options other than cosmetic transition, and making more spaces with trans inclusion in mind. But im much more worried for the trans man who has to change his tampon in the dangerous men's room than I am about the trans woman who needs to take a piss in the stall next to me and minds her own business and washes her hands when she is finished.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years ago
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! < This is Part 20!>
Donate to Move to Higher Ground HERE!
A/N: There’s not going to be an update on Wednesday (it’s the day after my birthday and I’m going to go cry at the space station) lol. The next two parts will be like - alternative timeline/pov/intermission posts. Which will just be to add some depth to the story I guess. Stay safe! See you next Saturday!
* “Get out”
* You can’t have been parked more than five minutes before Jessica prys the driver side door open from the outside
* You’re hunched over the binder in your lap, hurriedly scrawling answers onto the worksheet
* Edward just sighs, moving to get out of the car
* “Wait-“
* You stop him by placing your hand on his shoulder
* Edward grins, so these are boyfriend privileges huh?
* You’re going to pick him over your human friends. Well he would be lying-
* “Give me the answer to the last question before you go.”
* Edward deflates
* Guess somethings don’t change.
* “It’s sin(x) equals 18”
* You nod, quickly writing down the answer
* “Thanks Edward.” You mumble learning over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek
* “Now get out”
* He stands outside the jeep a goofy grin on his face, a hand touching the place your lips were on his cheek
* Well at least some things change
* You don’t miss Jessica’s gaze on you as you put your binder into your backpack
* “So... what do you want to talk about Jess?”
* You don’t miss the incredulous look she gives you
* “So about Edward then”
* “Yeah, no duh”
* You let out a deep sigh
* “Where do you want me to start?”
* How far back does this story even go?
* Probably when you saw him that first time in Denali
* His angular face, and those deep amber eyes
* And those butterflies in your stomach
* “You can start with what happened after you guys left the party!”
* So you’re going to have to fast forward a bit
* “Well he was mad because-you know two against one- if it was anyone else it would have been a traumatic experience waiting to happen”
* She nods, thinking you’re talking about you
* You’re talking about something transitive happening to those boys
* For those boys if they tried something with you that is
* You were pretty far gone, you might have actually killed them if Edward hadn’t come to get you
* Not out of anger, just negligence
* At the very best they might have cried if you weren’t able to control your emotions
* “And then after - we were arguing- and then it was just happening”
* “You guys had s*x?”
* You sputter
* “Geez no! We were kissing, get your mind out of the gutter Jess.”
* “Well I don’t know (Y/N/N), he’s been pinning after you since freshman year a kiss just seems anticlimactic all things considered ”
* Besides you guys have this vibe around you-
* Like a sort of intimacy or something-
* You’ve both always had a sort of closeness.
* Like it was the two of you in one world, and then everyone else in another
* But now there’s a physical closeness to you both
* The kind of vibe people who are sleeping together usually give off.
* She saw it when you were together at the aquarium
* “Nah that’s impossible” you let out a long sigh
* “I’m pretty sure he wants to wait until marriage”
* Jessica sputters at that
* “M-marriage? Holy crap (Y/N)-“
* You nod, it’s such an antiquated notion.
* Especially considering you’re both technically dead
* Honestly, what could be more awkward than a couple of virgins fumbling around in the dark for a few hours on their wedding night?
* “He wants to marry you?!?”
* Oh
* Yeah that would be the normal thing to be concerned about
* “I’m not really sure” you scratch the back of your head
* “You’re my soul mate”
* He had said it so causally, like he was talking about gravity or the weather
* Like it was a universal fact
* The words make your stomach flutter
* Ugh you don’t have time to think about this
* “Well that’s what happened, and now Carlisle is always crying in the house and Esme is already planning weddings. Now come on we’re going to be late for class”
* You get out of the car before Jess can get a word in edgewise
* So this is really happening
* She sighs
* Well she’s be lying if she said she didn’t see this coming
* She knows there’s a lot of people competing for your affection
* Hell even Conner dropped his f*ck boy tendencies for you
* But Edward is the only one who looks at you, and only you
* Jessica’s guilty of it too, she’ll admit that
* You’re her first choice, don’t get her wrong, but if you don’t return her affections
* Well that’s fine, she’ll just date Mike, or Conner, or Bella or whoever
* It’s the same for the rest of them
* Conner will be bummed when he finds out-
* Mostly because he can’t believe he dropped his other side pieces
* But he’ll get over it
* Just like Mike did
* But Edward-
* There’s no one other than you for him
* She see’s it in the way he looks at you.
* If it’s not you, it’s just not any good
* So he’ll wait, maybe even his entire life, until you’re ready to love him back
* A small smile twitches on her face
* She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t happy for you
* “I wonder if anyone will ever love me like that” she mumbles to herself, right before flinching in surprise when you swing the passenger door open
* “Oh my god you scared me!”
* “I scared you?!? Jess this is my car, how am I supposed to lock it if you’re sitting inside?”
* “Oh right”
* You make it to class by the skin of your teeth, taking you seat between Edward and Alice in English
* “So what did you two talk about?” Edward whispers with a small smile while the teacher calls roll
* You roll your eyes
* “Like you don’t know”
* He has a sly smile on his face and you’re not sure why
* Alice starts obviously stifling laughter beside you
* Rude but okay
* Edward leans close to you, so close his lips are only a centimeter away from your ear
* Does he mind?
* Maybe he’s immune to sexual feelings, but being that close is doing things to you
* “I’m actually not waiting for marriage by the way”
* You can practically feel the grin on his face
* You look up to him, your golden eyes meeting his
* You were right he is smiling
* His smile takes a mischievous turn, and you feel his hand slide onto your thigh and give a teasing squeeze
* “Didn’t want you to have any misconceptions” he says with the same sly grin as he removes his hand from your leg and leans back in his chair
* Ah
* So that’s why Alice was laughing
* (Y/N). Exe is broken
* “Hey”
* Bella looks up to see the Jessica standing by her locker as she pulls her books out
* “Oh hey, did you get to talk to them?”
* “Um yeah, it’s about what we were thinking.”
* Bella nods, if she’s sad she’s not showing it.
* “It’s good that they’re together. He loves them a lot, I’m sure Edward will treat them right”
* Jessica nods, Edward does love you a lot.
* She watches Bella try to cram books into her bag
* She is kinda pretty now that she looks at her, in that angular face- snow white kinda way
* She’s no (Y/N)
* And she’s no Mike
* “Hey did you finish the trig homework? I was having tr-“
* But maybe-
* “Hey, Angela and I are going dress shopping in port a, do you want to come with?”
* Maybe they can be friends
* They both liked the same person, so they’ve already got something in common
* Bella looks at the blonde
* To be honest, she’s been holding everyone here at a distance
* In a few years she won’t see any of these people ever again, there’s no need to get attached
* Not after what happened in Arizona
* But still-
* “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
* Guess she never learns
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa @werewolflover3252​ @teenagezombiekryptonite @shynz​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @monkeyluver4546 @wonhomarshmallow​ @bwbatta @bubblyabs​ @thatwaspossesion​
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kdramalahhh · 4 years ago
Review: 18 Again [An unfeigned tale of a selfless father]
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No. of episodes: 16
Personal Rating: 9.5/10
I personally had the busiest time of my life trying to juggle law school with other things and when I had a short break last week, I planned to watch a drama. I intentionally waited until 18 Again to be done airing and my decision was absolutely right because if I were to watch the drama on going I’d suffer from just waiting for each episode to be aired and will most probably be more attached to the drama than I do right now. 
Before I lay down my reasons why this drama is so good that i gave it nine and a half point, I want to tell how I feel right now post-18 Again (this is surely a phase). So, I managed to finish watching the drama in 3-4 days and after I closed the window of the last episode, I felt content but empty at the same time. Contented because the ending was so good and satisfying but at the same time the emptiness kicked in when I realised that I can no longer see these beautiful characters anymore. After the last episode, every time I listen to the OSTs, saw any clips especially the heartfelt ones; I’d cry and that’s just how impactful 18 Again was.
The drama (based on the movie 17 Again) was basically started Hong Dae Young (Yoon Sang Hyun) and Jung Da Jung (Kim Ha Neul) facing a marriage problem which lead to a decision to get a divorce, at least for Da Jung. They live seperately at the moment, Da Jang with their children and Dae Young with his best friend whom he had known since high school, Go Deok Jin (Kim Gang-Hyun). Despite being high school lovers and were very passionate to achieve their dreams, Da Jung and Dae Young were at the cross roads when Da Jung got pregnant at the age of 18. They then decided do put a halt to their dreams and got married, for their twins, Si Ah ( Roh Jeong Eui ) and Si Woo (Ryeo Un). This might started with a whole decision to be responsible adults but as time goes by they started having regrets given that life has been hitting them so hard. Eventually, after 18 years they come to a decision to get divorce - which Da Jung insists, and could not change her mind when Dae Young had no idea why they were fighting that it became this messy. This made Dae Young so frustrated that his life turned out this way. Then he made his way to his high school gym; which is now attended by his children, to shoot some balls into the basketball ring. Out of habit, he made a wish to be young again and yes, you guessed right. His wish came true! The lights went out and when it turned back on he was in the body of 18 year old Dae Young (Lee Do Hyun).
Okay so now let’s just dive into the 5 reasons why this drama is so worth watching. 
1. The plot growth and character development
I love how the plot was arranged. The writers absolutely know what they want to express in each episode episode. I like how the drama projects certain scenes from one character’s point of view and then reveals another character’s side of the story. The whole drama really wants to say that what you see is not entirely what you know. This results in a story so beautifully written, revealing one by one the things no one knows about a character. Their struggles and pain they hide from people they love just so that they won't be burdened by them, which does not necessarily resulted positively since misunderstandings occur now and then.
The characters’ development is something that should also be noted. In the beginning we see how Dae Young was a father and husband who regrets his decision for having to sacrifice his dream for his family. But, after getting the chance to be young again and to be able to do what he want - that is basketball. He started to realise his mistakes and this has opened his eyes as to what his dream actually is. Being able to only help and care about his family without them knowing who he is, was so painful for him since they really have the idea of not needing him anymore in their life. Same goes for Da Jung, at first she felt like Dae Young was changing, did not love her anymore and was pathetic. However, as time goes by some things came to her knowledge, her perspectives towards Dae Young changed. Other characters have their own story and growth as well but you guys should find them out yourselves. 
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2. Lee Do Hyun
When I say Lee Do Hyun carried the whole drama, I’m not even exagerrating. he potrayed his character as a young father who struggles to raise children and provide for his family. I think he touched my heart the most. I saw his behind the scenes and I can totally see his passion and the amount of effort he puts into his acting. The chemistry he has with other actors are exceptional maybe because of his bright personality. I just realised I have watched everything in his discography and I must say his acting has grown so much, he discovers and shows new sides of as well - through this character.
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3. Double Second Lead Syndrome
This drama did not only made me choose between the two main male leads for Da Jung but also between the two student who like Si Ah. Ye Ji Hoon ( Wi Ha Joon) was competent, kind, handsome and smart. He’s a famous baseball player, he is everything you want in a guy! but I can’t help myself to get swooned by Dae Young as well. It was hard for me. but, between Goo Ja Sung (Hwang In Yeop) and Seo Ji Ho (Golden Child’s Bo Min), I was team Jiho since day 1 because I just can bring myself to like Jasung. I mean he bullied Si Woo so... although he had his moments, and changed later in the drama. All im saying is its fun to have these 4 male characters who are totally different and I enjoyed rooting for them.
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4. The Production
This drama has amazing production quality. I love the transitions between adult and young Dae Young scenes. Also, how they made a lot of swoon worthy scenes so beautiful. The OSTs are amazing as well. I still listen to them. I want to give an appreciation to this drama for letting me discover new talents, the younger casts. They’re so good at potraying their roles. I really enjoyed every scene relatingn to students at Serim High. The fact that they give us extra clip (variety show kinda) after filming and they’re still in their characters was fun to watch as well. This just makes it harder for me to detach from the drama.
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5. The Message
The writers for this drama really know what they’re doing. Every story, every role has its purpose. Each episode was totally necessary and I’d say has something to tell. This story is about second chances, sacrifices, passion and love. For me personally, I can no longer watch a drama solely for entertainment. I need something more to enjoy it. 18 Again gave me that. It made me rethink about how I treat my loved ones. Whether I appreciate them enough or if I ever consider their pain and sacrifices because you see, the world really does not revolves only around us. 18 Again also caters social issues like discrimination and sexual harrasment against women at workplace, school bullying, illegal college broker and many more. I also appreciate that they point out how children behaves differently to their parents and friends due to the expectations parents have on them. I think we all can relate to that. 
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All in all, 18 Again is a beautiful story about family rather than just about an adult who gets to live his young life again. i think thats all. took me almost a week to write this but yea. Hope you guys enjoy it and happy binge watching! Don’t forget to tell me what you guys think about the drama💞
- shaininn⭐
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ckret2 · 5 years ago
How do you usually make up alien genders? I'm trying to write a different gender structure for aliens in my story and im having difficulty-
Under a read more for a long example/demonstration of The Process In Action.
EDIT: or maybe not, thanks tumblr. Sorry for the long post, tumblr won't let me put in a read more.
Okay so the first thing you've gotta do is decide that you've got a bone to pick with every single aspect of sex and gender. Every single one.
But you only go after one aspect at a time. And what you do is you sit down and you think up a way to contradict that aspect as hard as possible. The more narrow and niche it is, and the more elaborate you get in the act of contradicting it, the better you're doing.
Some things, it makes sense to pick a bone with. "Hey, I've got a bone to pick with the assumption that every personality trait, behavior, and job duty can be assigned 50/50 between two anatomical sexes with no overlap or flexibility!" That's a totally reasonable thing to pick a bone with. You can pick that same bone IRL and be a totally rational sensible person.
But the fact that it's a reasonable position to take doesn't mean that, for the sake of sci-fi, you can't find some weird way to make the above assumption invalid for your alien species (that is to say, invalid in a DIFFERENT way than it already is IRL). Like... maybe you decide to leave the above assumption 95% intact, but take aim specifically at the connection of each gender role with an anatomical sex. Maybe you decide that your aliens DO have a culture with extremely strictly divided 50/50 gender roles—maybe they even look the same as our gender roles—and the vast majority of the population IS split half and half between "the ones with the baby-growing anatomy" and "the ones with the sperm-producing anatomy"—but, maybe their two extremely strict gender roles have no correlation with their two sexes.
Maybe instead—as the first thing that came to mind—they get assigned their genders based on birth order: firstborns get Gender #1, secondborns get Gender #2, thirds get Gender #1, etc., regardless of what set of reproductive anatomy they have. With one very simple move, you've subverted a very widespread human assumption about how sex and gender work, but you've subverted it in a very inhuman way.
And then you can dig into the implications of this very simple change. What are these two gender roles like—are they the same as "female" and "male" but they've been relabeled "odds" and "evens," or are you going to change up what expectations are placed on these gender roles? In humans, research has been done suggesting that there's some personality differences between people based on their birth order, e.g., firstborns are generally more assertive and secondborns are more conciliatory—you could look into that research and see if any of it could be useable in developing your alien genders. Which gender role do you think is more desirable in your aliens' society? If it's the "odds" gender, does that mean odds vastly outnumber evens because parents decide to have one kid and stop there—or else, after their second kid, feel driven to move on to the third? If it's the "evens" gender, does that mean the gender balance is about equal because parents want to have one odd and one even; in times of famine or other mass tragedies, will firstborns be abandoned in favor of keeping the far preferable second child? (Or you can have your aliens be actually moderately decent people and treat both genders equally.)
How does sexuality work? What does it mean to be "straight"—do most people pair off based on anatomy (so that most couples might be able to reproduce but they could be odd/even, even/even, or odd/odd), or is it based on gender? (If it's based on gender, then same sex couples and opposite sex couples might be about equal, and on that basis be all treated equally—but a couple might still be ostracized based on the partners' birth order.) If society's conception of "straightness" is based on gender, then are you expected to pair off with the same or the opposite gender? (There's no reason "stick with your own gender!" couldn't be considered the "normal" thing in a totally different culture, especially if gender's 100% divorced from reproductive roles.) Are you perhaps expected to select your romantic/sexual partners based on anatomy AND gender (i.e., to be straight you need a partner of the same gender and the opposite sex)? And while we're on the subject—do they actually even care about straightness or gayness or any other form of queerness, and if so, why?
What happens with twins—are they both assigned the same gender, or are they given a gender based on the order they came out? If a secondborn says "I'm trans, I'm not an even, I'm an odd" and the parents go "that's fine we love you and we'll use odd pronouns for you," then when they have a third kid a year later, do they assign that kid the even gender (since they followed an odd), or do they assign that kid the odd gender (since they're kid #3)? Has society grappled with these questions yet? Do some parents with trans kids do it one way and others another? If a baby is abandoned and you don't know whether it has any elder siblings, what gender is it given? Is it treated like a firstborn, or is it gendered based on when it's added to the family that adopts it? Does the anatomy of the alien species cause them to be born with physical traits marking birth order? (What happens if the physical traits don't match their actual birth order for some reason, like a prenatal chemical imbalance—are they raised according to the traits or to actual birth order? Are the parents accused of having a child they gave up?) Maybe babies get tattoos at birth so their gender is always known—is this seen as something beautiful? as something oppressive? Is it a sterile hospital procedure? Is it a religious ceremony the whole family gathers for? Whose idea was the tattoos? Why is society okay with literally branding a baby with a gender? What's that say about their beliefs?
Once you choose an aspect of gender/sex to question, even if it's really small, if you keep asking "so how does that make this system different from my IRL one?" and "what are the implications of that?" eventually you'll have built up something novel.
And that's just picking a tiny detail of something that's reasonable to challenge because you can challenge it IRL a billion different ways. Try a more complicated one—for example: "in many species the males compete for an opportunity to mate with a female and females try to put off the males' advances/are extremely selective about who they choose; because the females, due to actually carrying the baby, both hold the key to their partner's ability to reproduce at all AND carry the highest personal risk in any reproduction because 'carry a baby/lay an egg' consumes far more energy and resources than 'fling some sperm at your partner' does." Say you don't like that at all. Say you want to design a species where one half isn't The Highly-Coveted Maker Of The Baby & Also The One Whose Body Is Doing All The Work.
You could say they're like seahorses—the mom does half of the work, then transfers the babies to the dad for the second half of gestation. But maybe you go "no, not alien enough, that still kicks off with mom actually producing the eggs, so you've still got that unbalance even if the mom passes them off later." You could say they're like spiders, where the mom eats the dad for nutrients, but maybe you go "no, that's just the mom eating the dad to compensate for the energy/material that mom has to expend, 'getting paid back for the expense' isn't 'equal from the start." Maybe they're like some species of fish, where moms lay unfertilized eggs and then dads come along and spray sperm on them, so the males don't have to compete to win a female's favor—but maybe you still don't like that they have to lay eggs in the first place! So how do you design a two-sex reproductive system where the effort of creating offspring is completely equal between both sexes and one sex isn't unilaterally competing to get access to the other?
(This isn't just a hypothetical question—it's one I asked and answered myself very recently in designing some alien anatomy I haven't had the opportunity to share yet.)
And you can do this with anything. "I'm going to keep gender roles but I'm going to change the contents of the categories." "I don't want my aliens' idea of 'normal' genders to be 'only two.'" "I don't want my aliens to have genders at all." "I don't like that a minority of the human population is gay, I think like 75% of my aliens should be gay." "I think there should be THREE sexes necessary for reproduction." "I think these aliens shouldn't have a sexual dichotomy that's like 49% one sex, 49% the other, and 2% intersex, instead I think it should be a very smooth continuum from one extreme to the other." "I think it should be a bell curve and MOST of the aliens should be intersex." "I think like 95% of the aliens oughta be trans, almost everyone transitions genders at some point." "I think hermaphroditic animals competing to see who gets which reproductive role is cool but I don't like that the winner 'gets to be' the penetrator/sperm donor, I want to design a species where their evolutionary history made it more advantageous/desirable to be the pregnant one." "I think my aliens should have LOTS of genders but NO sexes." "I think they should have biological sexes but they aren't defined by reproductive anatomy." Etc.
And then, once you've decided what's different: what about their evolutionary history led to them being like that? What about their cultural history? How is it reflected in their biology, their psychology, their beliefs, their government, their sexuality? What are the outliers like? How are outliers treated—accepted, admired, oppressed? What are acceptable and unacceptable deviations from the norm? How does it affect how they interact with the world and with each other? How's it reflected in an individual's self-image?
Start small. One small change. One thing where you're like "that kinda bugs me" or "I don't want that" and you're willing to pick at it so hard you'll invent an entire system just to subvert a single tiny detail. And let the implications bloom out from there.
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somnilogical · 5 years ago
like the evil people at cfar & affiliates have no philosophical leg to stand on and they know it. all they can do is violate their wistleblower policy, try and make a narrative where they see which transfem they can dismiss as crazy / rapist / brainwashed. trying tentative exploratory lies in each direction. then when challenged being like "ah no i didnt mean it like that!! i love trans women!" and then doing it again.
ive documented so many of them. a lot of the lies were calculated such that it would be mortifying to repeat them even to correct them. like elle benjamin saying emma thought torturing children was hot. thats a lie. or kelsey piper saying emma was indistinguishable from a rapist.
but the correct response at these tentative tries at defamation is to repost them in full and drive straight against the expectation that you wouldnt want to repeat these lies aimed to eliminate people who could disrupt the social order.
here's kelsey piper comparing emma to brent dill, saying they are indistinguishable from a rapist for talking about philosophy on the internet:
heres emmas parse of it:
<<actual lintamande quotes simplified:
glass said [they tried to do what a] person really endorsedly wanted [...] even if the person claimed they wanted something different
[they may have been seeking social] proof that we didn't really have an ethical injunction against it
and part of my main concern about glass, etc. is that their priors seem really really off to me?
so if they say they'll use their social priors to decide when it's appropriate to violate peoples' preferences, I am more scared than if someone whose social priors seem sensible to me says that
combination of two things. one is that, yes, people's "this person is manipulating me and coercing me" detectors ping, at glass in particular, and asking people to turn down their 'this person is manipulating me and coercing me' detectors is a big ask and not always good for them
with comments interspersed about Brent so that people would associate me with him>>
lex (trans) noted this pattern about the chatroom:
<<[11:19] alexander: they’re like... kiiiinda incapable of criticizing the ethical positions of a trans woman without lowkey calling her a rapist. which is like all cis people ever but i’m not happy with it>>
heres elle benjamin choosing to "believe" the lie that emma thought child abuse was hot:
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(emma was never let in the "feminist" group to...talk about their experience of being abused.)
heres elle benjamin talking about how much she loves trans women and has empathy for emma being abused. while lying about emma thinking child abuse was hot and lying about them having been violent and banning them from the "rationalist feminist" group they mod. (using the same excuse kingsley did when he said that he chose to believe the lie that anna salamon, president of cfar, wasnt involved in hiring at cfar. "oh someone else told me this." as if that shunts responsibility on to someone else for you believing obvious lies. (it doesnt. someone telling you stereotyped lies about minorities doesnt abdicate responsibility for joining in with the mob.)):
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its all so deeply evil what these people are doing. but all they have is "for vague unspecified reasons its Deeply Wise not to listen to what these people say" *sage nod* "they are infohazards, glitches in the matrix, we should all agree on a social norm of ignoring these people." because they are actually wrong and will lose in a debate if they have to justify, say, why they are saying OpenAI and DeepMind have 'alignment teams' when they know thats not true. or why 0 trans women have ever been hired by cfar. or why miri lied about what happened to the fundraiser. or why who is baked in to an fai as morally relevant is determined by a political process, excluding those who have died and nonhuman sentience. or 1000 other questions they can not answer.
these exploratory tendrils of "what lies based on nothing can we get away with?" they also did this with somni and ziz and gwen, the lies they try have a pattern of being blatantly transmisogynistic. for instance patrick sensa lavictoire after sinking a marginal 71,000$ into a failed fundraiser, tried the lie of [ziz is a "gross uncle" style abuser like brent]. https://pastebin.com/TUZ7EThz
there are a lot of avenues people tried that i have catalogued. pete michaud (listed on the cfar staff page) tried saying that ziz was tall and anna was a ~small vulnerable cis woman~. one of these people is the president of a large organization.
<<I'll preface by saying outright that what follows is a full throated, shameless defense of Anna, my friend and colleague, against untrue and ungrounded accusations.
1. An accusation of Anna that might actually land is that she is a little fast to feel threatened in social situations. She is a woman who is unusually small and has dealt with minor physical disabilities from childhood. She is a full-grown, competent person who navigates life fine (probably better than most, frankly), but the sense of physical vulnerability has deep roots, and she carries it into her social interactions.
2. The context with Ziz is long, and importantly begins prior to Ziz's gender transition. Anna's perspective on a lot of their early interactions is as a small, socially-vulnerable woman, interacting with a male-presenting person who towers over her, and has a penetrating social presence and quite unusual mannerisms that are a combination of low-affect and extremely direct (a combination easy to interpret as aggressive or depersoning).>>
pastel (trans) commented: <<pete michaud's post is invalid
you don't have to read ziz's blog to understand that he is doing bullshit stereotypy
"full-throated defense" suck anna's cock a little deeper, buddy
"anarchists are scary and evil, they throw bombs and wear black">>
pete is a sycophant and probably since he hangs around anna is used to an environment where you can just be this transmisogynistic. anna certainly expected the strat pete is trying to work on ziz.
<<At WAISS, my intent to not be net negative was partially consumed by the intent of Anna Salamon to prevent whistleblowing, and by her timeless gambit that trans women must know our place as inferior to not be “dangerous”.>>
there are a lot more. all playing on transmisogynistic stereotypes, all not true or not relevant. probably the easiest coordination mechanism for ostracism these people could locate.
fortunately for the fate of sentient life in the multiverse, transfems have been talking with each other and know the metagame so when cfar affiliates push the button that activates the trapdoor to flush transfems out im just levitating above empty space.
they could have read the metagame too, but i guess all they would have chosen to see was painful infohazardous static. frying their brain, making their eyes bleed. which honestly is pretty metal. credit to porpentine for neurotype stenography. i know way more about their strategy than they do.
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tattedgguk · 6 years ago
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pairing(s): taehyung x reader x jungkook
genre: angst/fluff, soulmate au
word count: 1.9k
based off a prompt from @writing.prompt.s on instagram! i wrote this in one night so i hope you all enjoy !! also pls follow me im new !!! n dont forget to request !!!
The sound of children's laughter fills the air, setting the atmosphere to a jubilant yet serene one. The weather borders on the transition of spring and summer and leaves the air feeling a cool kind of warm with a gentle breeze. You walk gracefully, hand-in-hand with your boyfriend. Your peach-colored, floral-patterned wrap dress flows with the wind, your made-up curls bounce with every skip in your white, box-heeled step, and your smile competes with that of the sun’s. You turn your head to look up at your beloved, “where should we sit?”
“Wherever you want, baby.” Taehyung squeezes your hand lovingly. You both turn to stare across the horizon and watch the numerous amounts of small children run around and play with their family, friends, and even pets. The both of you smile, imaging a future with children of your own.
You grip his hand, your fingers intertwined, akin to puzzle pieces, and lead him to the middle of the large green field, right under two even larger cherry blossom trees. Taehyung sets the picnic basket on the ground and quickly unloads it, pulling out the striped picnic blanket and laying it flat on the ground. You grab the paper weights you packed as well and place them on the corners of the cover to keep it from flying away. Taehyung motions you to sit before him, so you smooth out your dress as you plant yourself down and wait for him to follow.
“It’s such a beautiful day today, I’m so glad we came out.” You smile.
“It really is. Almost as beautiful as you.” Taehyung winks and you laugh, slapping his arm jokingly. “You’re so dumb.” His box-like smile makes your heart flutter as you watch him unload the remaining contents of the basket. He pops open a champagne bottle and pours two glasses for the both of you. You clink cheers before taking sips.
Taehyung looks around and watches the happy families. You watch him, then turn your body to look at what he’s seeing. He grabs your waist from behind and pulls you into his front, your back resting on his chest. You roll your head back, staring at the beauty you call your boyfriend, and lean up to leave a soft kiss on the underside of his jaw. He grins down at you and presses a peck to the top of your head. His arms embrace your midriff, squeezing you with affection.
“You want a family, right?” Taehyung asks.
“Of course, I do.” You chuckle.
“Do you think you want one with me?”
“What do you even mean? Of course, I do, Taehyung!” Your hand gently slaps his for even questioning it.
“Good, ‘cause I want one with you, too.”
You only smile in reply and press your body even more into him, melting in his tight hold.
“Look, Tae! It’s that statue everyone talks about.”
You and Taehyung stroll up to the bronze figure of an unknown man. He stands, face looking sullen as he stares off into nothingness. He holds a hand out like he’s asking to hold yours. Right at his feet, sits a small plaque explaining his origin, you assume.
“Woof. You can just imagine how many hands have held this man's in hopes of being his soulmate.” Taehyung says. You giggle, agreeing.
“Take a photo of us, babe. He’s kinda pretty.” Taehyung pouts, but takes your phone nonetheless.
“Okay, (Y/N), pose.”
You strike multiple poses - peace signs, sticking out your tongue, twerking in front of the bronze man, sitting next to him, and just as Taehyung was about to give you your phone back and leave, you stop him.
“Wait, babe.” He raises an eyebrow in question.
“You gotta touch his hand. What if you’re his soulmate? That would be sexy.”
Taehyung laughs and shakes his head.
“Fine, but if he comes to life, you’re breaking the news to him that I have a girlfriend.”
Your boyfriend walks up to the stranger and sticks out his index finger to barely graze the solid hand that sticks out. His bones shake in anticipation. What if he was his soulmate and he came to life? What the hell would he do? His heart races as his skin meets the metal and he holds his breath. Nothing happens. He breathes out in relief and you laugh loudly.
“You were so scared! Oh my god, you should’ve seen your face! You were literally sweating!” Your camera points at him, capturing your laughter and the entire scene on video. He turns to you and puffs out in annoyance that you recorded him.
“Okay! Okay! Maybe I was a little nervous, shut up! You do it then,” he’s clearly exasperated and it makes you giggle even harder. You don’t even hesitate to lift your arm and land a hard slap to the statue’s palm with your own.
The wind picks up harsher than before, catching you and Taehyung off guard, and the petals of cherry blossoms slap you both in the face. A bright light shines from above you two and you look up. The statue’s bronze color seems to be fading before your eyes as the appearance of skin and hair and real colors comes to life.
” you whisper.
Jeon Jeongguk’s eyes shoot open and immediately land on you.
“You’re my soulmate.”
 what the fuck?” Taehyung hisses, his instincts to protect you from this stranger running wild and ready to fight. You step back, away from the statue, person, alien, thing, and look around. People have gathered, encircling the three of you. Their hands hover over their mouths in disbelief and hold their phones up, recording.
“I’m alive because of you. You are my soulmate!” Jeongguk’s smile is definitely one for the books of beauty as he engulfs you in a tight hug. You shriek, pushing him away. Taehyung grabs your hand and throws you behind him, more than ready to throw it down with this thing.
“I don’t know who or what the fuck you are, but I know you are not my girlfriend’s fucking ‘soulmate’ or whatever the fuck.”
Jeongguk is taken aback, his face contorting into a look of pure hurt. Your heartstrings pull for the boy, hurting you more than you ever experienced.
“Your girlfriend?” He stares into your eyes, his glossing over and filling with tears. Your eyes do the same and you’re so confused and scared.
“Yes, my girlfriend. What the hell is happening?” Jeongguk doesn’t respond. He doesn’t have to. He knows you’re feeling exactly what he’s feeling; heartbreak.
 I don’t think he’s lying.” You whisper.
Taehyung snaps his head back and glares at you in utter shock. “What do you mean? (Y/N), what is going on?”
“Tae, I can feel it. I can feel what he’s feeling. It hurts.”
“It hurts? Baby, what’s happening? Are you okay?”
Taehyung grabs your shoulders, staring at you intensely. His face shows pure terror for you, his mind running wild with what he can possibly do for you. You gaze past your boyfriend and hold contact with Jeongguk. He only looks at you, his eyes telling you his story. It’s almost like you’re reading his mind; seeing his past.
“Oh, brother please forgive me. I didn’t cullionly to betray thou. Thy lady cameth crying to me. T’was only natural I help her grieve! Please spare me, brother.” You recognized Jeongguk’s voice, begging. You’re seeing from his point of view. He kneeled on the ground, hands placed firmly on his knees as his head bowed in apology and inferiority. His eyes stayed trained on the ground, not daring to look up unless ordered to.
“Thou did betray me. Mine owneth dram brother.” The voice was deep and almost familiar in a way but the superiority laced in his words struck both you and Jeongguk down in fear. “Behold at me at which hour I'm speaking to thou!” the voice booms.
Jeongguk jumped in fear and looked up. His eyes focused on the man above him but his face is blurred. You’re confused. Was it blurred intentionally? Or did he block this traumatic memory from his mind?
“Thou must be punished, brother,” Jeongguk shakes in fear, tears pooling in his ducts. “I beshrew thou to the ends of eternity. Thou shall becometh the stone of a broken heart until thou falleth upon thy soulmate,”the voice chuckled dryly, “as if 't be true yond shall ever befall.” Jeongguk watched as the man raised his arms, shielding his sword high before coming down hard on the his brother’s neck.
“You are my soulmate. I am alive because of you”
Jeongguk takes a few steps forwards, inching closer to you. He pushes past Taehyung and takes your hands in his and squeezes.  
“I am alive for you.”
Your breath hitches and you’re stunned speechless. The emotions you feel from this man are unfathomable. Your vision focuses on the man before you. Tears stream down your face. Jeongguk’s filled with sorrow and pain, but the tiniest bit of hope sits behind his troubles.
“You saw it, right? My story?” You nod, releasing one of your hands from his to wipe your eyes and nose.
“Who was he? The man who cursed you?” Your voice is nothing more than a whisper, and the audience surrounding you all leans in instinctively, but you ignore them.
“He was my brother. The King of our village. Beholder of all power. I was only just his despicable prince kin.”
“What was his name?”
You step back, nodding. A fiery, ugly feeling settlling in the pit of your abdomen. Everything in your guy told you to go with this man, to forget about Taehyung and whatever fantasies you both held, and leave with Jeongguk. But you knew you couldn’t. You push your aching heart aside and pull your focus off of Jeongguk.
“I’m so sorry, Jeongguk, but I can’t”
Jeongguk’s small glimmer of faith is crushed right in front of him.
“Please don’t do this. Please, I beg you.”
“Jeongguk, I have a boyfriend. We love each other, we are planning a future together, we are going to have a family together. I can’t just leave him. I love him. I love Taehyung.”
Taehyung who had been standing off to the side, finally slides back in to snatch your waist in his arm and pull you protectively to his side. He stares down Jeongguk, a sinister look in his eyes, practically challenging the boy. Jeongguk shakes, the feeling of fear and inferiority coursing through his veins so much that he’s triggered and terrified.
” Jeongguk doesn’t dare raise his voice or add any kind of hostility, intimidated by the man holding so tightly onto his soulmate’s body.
“I’m sorry.”
You grab your boyfriend’s hand and turn to walk away. You hear Jeongguk fall to his knees behind your retreating figures and a cry escapes through his lips. Your heart throbs in anguish and your soul feels as if it’s being ripped apart, piece by piece. You look back, everyone already seeming to have forgotten the entire scene and fleeing. Jeongguk is nowhere in sight. A mass of cherry blossom petals fly by you suddenly as a single tear rolls down your cheek. You look up at Taehyung and he looks down at you, smiling like nothing ever happened; and to you and the rest of the world, nothing ever did.
“Shall thou ever meeteth thy soulmate and the lady rejects thou, thou wilt returneth to thy statue state before disintegrating and having everyone forget thy very existence.” 
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arclightbutterfly · 6 years ago
Light, Mind, and Hope
This is a Homestuck post, so feel free to ignore it-- it’s only marginally tied in with my transition.
Growing up, I feel like Homestuck was an amazing guideline in understanding how I changed as a person and matured into the character that I am today. I feel like every major step in my life, I discover something new about myself, or about the world, and how I interact with it-- something that would be really difficult to describe in non-abstract terms.
It’s honestly amazing how well Andrew Hussie tied in these aspects of my life, and so much more of them that I have probably yet to discover into a webcomic. It implies that he himself must have understood these experiences and revelations, at least to the extent that he might be able to portray how they should look like in terms of maturity.
So far, I feel as if I’ve only really discovered two aspects: Light, and Mind. Recently, I think I’ve begun finding aspects of Hope within myself. And there’s just so many thoughts bouncing around in my head that I just kind of felt like I had to dump them somewhere.
That being said, I’ll start with Light.
I used to think I was a Light player. This is, of course, after I thought I was a Time Player, which was really just like a superficial thing of me wanting to be all cool and cold calculations and whatever. As a Light player in my high school years, I felt as though the aspect truly resonated with me. A Knight of Light, someone who exploits fortune and information for their own objectives.
Information was always my primary weapon. I prided myself on knowing stuff on just about any topic. Whenever a new situation confronted me, I was always ready to whip out my “little-miss-know-it-all” hat and take charge of the situation with the obviously superior decision making I possessed (this is sarcasm) as a result of my knowledge.
And to be fair, it made sense to me. Information helped me through everything. Knowledge truly was power. I never went into any kind of game casually-- I always searched up guides on the perfect strategies, and did extensive research to ensure I would end up with the best possible outcome. I loved learning, and tried to learn as many talents as I could, so I could appear as competent as possible in any number of situations.
And honestly? It’s been pretty helpful, even in college. I love the feeling of being competent and being able to surprise people with hidden knowledge and talents that I just spent all of high school accumulating.
And honestly, it helped me transition, too. When I was faced with the fact that transitioning was going to be impossible for someone like me, I attacked that reality with research. I spent countless hours scouring the internet for sources and information that would ultimately forge my path.
In real life, I think realized Light players have the ability to not only understand things, but to know what things that they must know in order to understand something. They don’t spend as much time on the minutae; they instinctively understand the bare minimum of information that they must consume to produce functional models of concepts in their head. As a Light player, I think that the ability to apply this information is also a huge part of the aspect-- being able to connect concepts and determine applications for them, so that information is always at the forefront of one’s approach to any obstacle.
But now I know better. At the present moment, I think I identify more as a Mage of Mind. I know I still have that Knight of Light in me-- I think I’ve just matured enough to gain an understanding of another aspect in my identity. Mind is all about identity. It’s about who you are, the decisions you make, and above all of it, knowing why you made those decisions. As a Mage of Mind, my classpect can probably best be summed up as “know thyself.”
And this motto has held to be quite powerful. I spent a lot of time in introspection, throughout my entire life. My identity as a person, as a collection of memories, and as a sum of experiences has been of constant interest to me, ever since around third grade. I have memories marked in my brain as a child with little notes attached, reading “please don’t forget this memory” and “I know what I did now must seem inconsequential to myself in the future, but please don’t let my motivations die.” I continuously come across notes from my past self that I don’t remember writing, with words of encouragement from snapshots of my identity as it was in the past.
One of my primary motivators is the fact that I know my future self is cheering me on. Just as I now wish that I could go back in time and tell myself that everything is going to be alright, I know that in the future, I will be doing the same thing for my present self now. So, I know that I am being encouraged, and do not need to worry about not being able to tell my past self that things will turn out okay-- she already knows.
Similarly, I take care not to brush off my past self’s memories or ambitions. That way, I can be reassured that my future self will not do the same with mine. My existence is a carefully orchestrated cooperation between my various selves at all points during my life, united as a single identity striving towards a common goal.
Consequently, I’ve found introspection to be an incredibly powerful tool. By understanding how I think, I know how to take control of my mind. You know that one post that was like “being able to have total control of your own mind” as a shitty superpower, and everyone chiming in about how cool that would actually be? I feel like introspection is that superpower. The more you understand about yourself, the more you’re able to control yourself. It’s how I managed to get my time management skills. Once I cracked the code of how I learn and store information, studying became a breeze. I literally never go to any of my classes in college, and I’m doing fine. I honestly cannot express how powerful being able to understand how you learn is. It just unlocks a whole level of processing power in your brain that’s honestly just ridiculous.
In addition, it’s helped me understand other people. I used to have a parlor trick in high school, where I’d try to read someone’s personality / memories. By looking at their behavior, I was eerily good at figuring out specific memories or events in their lives that triggered those behaviors. I had a couple of my skeptical friends test me, and I was surprised to find that even with them, I had a fair bit of accuracy. As a Mind player, I feel as though one of my abilities is to recognize when people around me are on paths similar to ones that I took, but haven’t quite finished yet (this is not to say that I have finished more paths of maturity or anything-- just that we all are on different levels of various paths, and I happen to be able to see those who are on paths that I have already gone down) and understand everything about their personality that’s tied to that path based on my own state of mind when I was at that point myself.
Mind players, I think, have the power of being competent. The aspect of Mind is about unlocking the potential of the self, and discovering what you can do when you push yourself to more and more of your full ability.
I’m rereading Homestuck right now, and as I’m going through it, I’m starting to notice something else that I resonate with: Hope. Hope is positive energy, but in Homestuck, it also represents the ability to change reality. I’ve always felt a drive within myself that constantly drives me to improve and make a difference in the world around me, but even though I often describe this particular brand of motivation as “spite” or “anger at the world,” I’m not really angry. I’m hurt, for sure. And I know that the pain I’ve felt drives me. But it doesn’t drive me in a bitter way. It drives me because I want to make this world better.
My small group leader recently told me that despite the things that I’ve been through, I always manage to stay positive, but not in a manner that resembles naive optimism. More of an ability to take negative experiences and transform them into positive expressions. A refusal to allow suffering to change me for the worst. A desire to cling on to my humanity.
I found a note written to myself from the past today. It was a note written as a “personality override--” a code that I keep with myself to allow irrational decisions in my reasoning.
(As an aside, I’ve found that permitting controlled irrationality in your decision making process is a fantastic way to program your own mind. I have override protocols that I tell myself to follow without question, even when illogical, and it’s allowed me to stay constant through everything, and cling on to the things that make me who I am. It’s what lets me hang on to memories most people would have let go a long time ago, and feel a connection to myself in the future because of it. There’s other dumb stuff too, like a code I follow for if I end up time traveling back and talking to myself or something-- I have a passcode I’ve never said out loud or written down, which I’ve had since sixth grade, that I can use to verify that someone from the future is in fact myself.)
The note told me to fight off the desire to form defensive mechanisms like isolation. To stick to my personality as someone who loves no matter the circumstances. A combination of my identity as a Mind player and some aspects of myself as a player of Hope.
And I’ve found that as an aspect, Hope represents that ability for that positive energy to create change. I used that spiteful/positive/loving energy to create a non-profit organization in my sophomore year. I used it to drive my exploits as a player of light. That energy drives me to shape the world. I live for moments when people tell me that I remind them of a protagonist. I know I’m going to change the world-- because I have to.
Hope players, in this world, have the ability to shape reality to their will. Things always go their way, because it has to. They will stop at nothing to realize their dreams. Hope is overflowing, desperate motivation and drive and passion.
As I fight through my life, I’m beginning to understand more and more of what that means. I don’t know when I’m going to die. But until I do, I’m not going to stop fighting for what’s right. Trans fucking rights. I’m going to make sure no one else has to go through what I did in my childhood if it kills me.
Anyway, that’s my little spheal on that I guess. If anyone wants to understand how my brain works-- this post right here is a pretty succinct summary.
Hey, if I ever get amnesia, can someone please show me this post? Thanks.
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communisms-pr-manager · 2 years ago
Hi. I absolutely have to respond to this because I find your standpoint fascinating.
the issue is still there, because forcing trans athletes to compete with their sex is essentially banning them for sport if they wish to medically transition. goodbye chances of making it into competitive mens sport if youre actively suppressing testosterone as a trans woman. cool? cool.
No one is forcing anyone to do sport. Being successful at sport is not a human right. You can’t just go into a category where you can easily win just because you can’t compete in your own category. By banning 15-year olds from the 12-year old category, you do not ban them from sport. To have a category, it is understood and obvious that you need to exclude those who don’t meet the criteria of the category. What do you have against categories? I think they are democratising.
Do trans people have no responsibility for their own decisions, at all? If you are a successful male athlete, and then decide to medically supress your testosterone levels, meaning you won’t be as successful in sport anymore, why on earth should that entitle you to compete and win in the female category instead? If a male is not successful in the men’s category he should be granted access to the female category, to win there instead? That is NOT what the female category is there for.
Anyone who makes the personal choice to medically transition has to face a lot of decisions and probably give up lots of things. Males who lower their testosterone won’t be competitive in the male category anymore. Females who start taking testosterone won’t be allowed to compete in the female category anymore. They can get a special permission to compete in the men’s category despite taking testosterone, but they don’t threaten the best men. Trust me, if they did, they would not be allowed to compete while on testosterone. These are individual choices. It’s not everybody elses responsibility. You have to think of potential consequences beforehand.
goodbye chances of making it into competitive mens sport if youre actively suppressing testosterone as a trans woman. cool? cool.
Yes, cool. Your opinion on this is truly baffling. What about ”goodbye chances of making it into competitive women’s sport if you’re a biological female, with lower testosterone than your competition”.
ONE male might not make it into competitive men’s sport, through an active choice of his own, and you are outraged? But ALL women should be forced to accept chronically unfair sporting events just so that a few males can boost their egos by beating women at sport. That is a crazy take. Why do you feel you have to take a special stand for men like this? Men who want to intrude on a female space? They don’t need it and don’t deserve your help. Men already have every opportunity in sport. Some men don’t succeed at becoming world class athletes, that’s ok. That doesn’t mean they should compete against women. They can just get a normal job instead, and you don’t need to feel sorry for them.
thank you for coming to my sideblog btw, appreciate taking this away from main. i dont know how to tell you that everyone should be given an equal opportunity at competing in sports.
'What about ”goodbye chances of making it into competitive women’s sport if you’re a biological female, with lower testosterone than your competition”' - how many trans people do you think exist in sports??? there is no goodbye chances if there is one or two trans women competing in a single sport. you argue this but then turn around and say im being ridiculous for being outraged over the treatment of a few trans people.
trans people should not have to choose between a sport they love and make a living off of and transitioning to better their mental health. that's it, thats the argument. your argument reeks of transphobia and inflammatory language and a fundamental misunderstanding of trans women's intentions for competing with other women, instead you project this idea of trans women being deceptive villains looking to take opportunities away from cis women for a medal. your standpoint comes from a place of believing that trans women are not women, and until you understand and accept that trans women are women and not men as you repeatedly claim this argument is pointless. it's also evident that you believe that every man is inherently stronger than every woman when that is just not the case and honestly? sexist. biological diversity in athletes is wide and varied and also overlaps significantly, in fact a majority of male athletes even have lower than average testosterone closely lining up with female athletes with higher than average testosterone- i can link the studies if you so wish. i truly have no words anymore and until you can separate your irrational anger towards trans women from your argument i don't have anything more to say.
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wordsworkweekly · 6 years ago
Rawls vs. Nozick A dialogue
In 1971, John Rawls published A Theory of Justice outlining a political philosophy of Justice as Fairness. In 1974, Robert Nozick wrote, what some have called, a rebuttal to Rawls’ theory in his book Anarchy, State, and Utopia. In it, he calls Rawls’ work: “...a powerful, deep, subtle, wide-ranging, systemic work in political and moral philosophy which has not seen its like since the writings of John Stuart Mill...”. He goes on to say, “Political philosophers now must work within Rawls’ theory or explain why not” (Nozick, Ch. 7, sec “Rawls’ Theory”). But even in his extreme praise, Nozick is hesitant to illuminate any specific part of Rawls’ thesis that he agrees with and, instead, limits his work to points of conflict (as he sees them). From these points of conflict, Nozick generates his own political philosophy called “Entitlement Theory.” The main thrust of his argument is that for society to provide for the have-nots is to impinge on the freedoms of the haves (i.e. it demands constant intervention by the political body and the stripping and redistribution of property/ownership/rights from those who have “justly” acquired them). Rawls’ distributive justice, Nozick argues, works in opposition to the freedoms of all men, that it is a “patterned principle” and an “end-state principle” (Nozick, Ch. 7. “Patterning...”), and therefore will eventually be impeded by the liberty of individual humans or the liberty of individual humans will be impeded by it. He says, “...any derivations from end-state principles of approximations of the principles of acquisition, transfer, and rectification would strike one as similar to utilitarian contortions in trying to derive (approximations of) usual precepts of justice; they do not yield the particular result desired, and they produce the wrong reasons for the sort of result they try to get.” (Nozick, Ch. 7, sec “The Original Position...”). To translate, Rawls’ design of Justice as Fairness cannot stay within the designed pattern without intervention of the political body and therefore, by design, will eventually harm/impinge the “precepts of justice” Rawls’ theory advocates.
The following, imagined dialogue between Rawls and Nozick hopes to illuminate not only their opposing concepts and define them, but to show the cracks and contradictions (and strange agreements) that emerge specifically in Nozick’s rebuttal. I will draw from their own works (Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia and Rawls’ 1985 essay “Justice as Fairness”). Unfortunately for Nozick, he’s right when he says, “Political philosophers must work within Rawls’ theory or explain why not.” It is Nozick’s job to explain himself and his thinking and show us, to mangle a boxing metaphor, where he’s landed clean blows (and that all of his blows are above the belt). Or to quote Omar Little from the HBO television show The Wire, “You come at the King, you best not miss.”
ROBERT NOZICK: I read and very much admired your work.
JOHN RAWLS: You say that, but I’ve seen your rebuttal in Anarchy, State, and Utopia.and I am not so sure where your admiration lies.
RN: What do you mean?
JR: Your engagement with my theory of distributive justice, based on my belief in justice as fairness, seems to be superficial and, at least, seems to reject my definition of justice as fairness especially in regards to how the state, or political body, would have to intervene to make fairness a reality. Where my concern lies with the least advantaged, yours seems to lie with the most. You appear, time and again, to indulge in the myth of peoples’ disadvantages as being of their own doing. You say, “From each according to what he chooses to do, to each according to what he makes for himself (perhaps with the contracted aid of others) and what others choose to do for him and choose to give him of what they’ve been given previously (under this maxim) and haven’t yet expended or transferred.” (Nozick, Ch. 7, Sec. “Patterning”). Or, crudely, that they must, figuratively if not literally, pull themselves up by the bootstraps while ignoring that a lot of these have-nots aren’t born with boots to begin with (and, unfathomably, that this is somehow of their own making).
RN: I agree that we disagree on the concept of fairness. Your boot analogy holds little sway though. If the boots have been acquired justly, to have the state intervene to redistribute these boots, is, indeed, to infringe on the rights of the person who’s talents and labor went into justly acquiring them. To intervene broadly, as your justice as fairness would recommend, without knowledge of whether or not thiswealth was justly acquired, risks infringement on those living and earning a just entitlement.
JR: But you allow that some wealth and advantage that exists now has been derived via unjust means. You acknowledge this when you say, “Some people steal from others, or defraud them, or enslave them, seizing their product and preventing them from living as they choose, or forcibly exclude others from competing in exchanges.” (Nozick, Ch. 7, Sec. “The Entitlement Theory”)
RN: Yes. And I go on to say that, “none of these are permissible modes of transition from one situation to another.” It is an important principle of my “Entitlement Theory”. The first two principles, of course, are as follows: one, “[a] person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle of justice in acquisition is entitled to that holding.” And two, “[a] person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle of justice in transfer, from someone else entitled to the holding, is entitled to the holding.” (Nozick, Ch. 7, Sec. “The Entitlement Theory”) Any existence of injustice or infringement of the first two principles raises the third principle: rectification of that injustice in holdings. My Entitlement Theory, by design, allows a remedy for any historical injustice.
JR: So you admit that in our current state, that some of the strife and disparity we witness is not simply the natural extension of just entitlements? It is not as simple as boots and bootstraps. That present injustice (and inequality) might be traced back to an original injustice, and that our modern concepts of wealth and justice, even the conception of your “Entitlement Theory”, might just be entangled with and originate from a premise of unjust acts (like theft, fraud, or slavery etc.)?
RN: I acknowledged this, but I ask: What now? How can we rectify these injustices? How can we know them? “If past injustice has shaped present holdings in various ways, some identifiable and some not, what now, if anything, ought to be done to rectify these injustices?” (Nozick, Ch. 7, sec. “The Entitlement Theory”).
JR: I have a suggestion. Justice as fairness! As I have said before, “the conditions for a fair agreement between equal persons on the first principles of justice for that structure must eliminate the bargaining advantage that inevitably arise over time within any society as a result of cumulative and historical tendencies.” (Rawls, 16; emphasis added). My “cumulative and historical tendencies” implies that the bargaining advantage that arises (via the accumulation of political power, wealth, native endowments) may also include disparities that have occurred via your concept of unjust acquisitions. I would go so far as to say, as your bafflement alludes to on this subject, that just and unjust acquisitions throughout history are inextricably and forever entangled.
RN: But you do not present direct accusations of injustice. You make no attempt to untangle the mess.
JR: We are both guilty of that, it seems.
RN: Instead, you broadly paint those with advantages as having come to those advantages via unjust practices. Meaning, that in the application of your theory, within its basic structure, you will harm those who have committed no injustice.
JR: I would say my position is less nuanced than that. I would say that any advantage – be it political power, or wealth, or native endowments – that allow for a “threat advantage” cannot be the basis of political justice (Rawls 16). I am not so concerned with how the power imbalance arises (historically, like you are), but how that power imbalance acts to oppress and destabilize right now and into the future. I allow for rectification of unjust acquisition by assuming that any threat advantage is unjust and will always be an imposition by the haves over the have-nots, those with boots and those on bare feet, implicitly. I am working from an original position, where absent the presence of any threat advantage, its negotiators, on the premise of justice as fairness, “...regards all our judgments, whatever their level of generality... as capable of having for us a certain intrinsic reasonableness.” (Rawls 30). We, when stripped of our arbitrary threat advantages (and the disadvantages they create), not only want to ensure a basic structure that allows for anyone to pursue the life they so choose, but also for no one to be left behind, forgotten, or be taken advantaged of in pursuit of the lives we so choose. This is a reasonable position. This is justice as fairness.
RN: This is what you would define as the “difference principle”?
JR: The difference principle is found within the second of my two principles of justice. The first principle being that “Each person has the same indefeasible claim to a fully adequate scheme of basic liberties, which scheme is compatible with the same scheme of liberties for all.” And the second being, “Social and economic inequalities are to satisfy two conditions: first, they are to be attached to positions open to all under the conditions of fair equality of opportunity; and second, they are to be to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged members of society (the difference principle)” (Rawls 42-43). In other words, any inequalities that naturally arise from the first principle, must, too, benefit those at the least advantage.
RN: You know what I’m going to say.
JR: Wilt Chamberlain.
RN: Well, yes. But first I want to briefly discuss Locke’s theory of acquisition and his famous proviso. And how, from this, I get to Wilt Chamberlain, and locate the crack in your system of justice as fairness – namely that it is a patterned principle and how patterned principles, or end-state principles, will always be disrupted by human liberty.
JR: Okay. Tell me about Locke.
RN: Simply, “Locke views property rights in an unowned object as originating through someone’s mixing his labor with it.” But “[t]his gives rise to many questions. What are the boundaries of what labor is mixed with? If a private astronaut clears a place on Mars, has he mixed his labor with (so that he comes to own) the whole planet, the whole uninhabited universe, or just a particular plot?” (Nozick, Ch. 7. “Locke’s Theory”).
JR: Why use an astronaut for your analogy when Locke provides a simple rendering of his property formula via the “Wild Indian.” He says, “The fruit or venison which nourishes the wild Indian, who knows no enclosure, and is still a tenant in common, must be his, and so is his— i.e., a part of him, that another can no longer have any right to it before it can do [the Wild Indian] any good for the support of his life.” (Locke 116; emphasis added). If the “Wild Indian” eats the venison, it is in his belly and the calories consumed are processed and delivered about his system to maintain his body and thereby his life. The venison and the fruit he has consumed are his property and no one else’s. He has “fenced” it off behind his organs. For another human to acquire what is in the “Wild Indian’s” belly would be for that other person to cut it out from him. But I would think this falls within your conception of unjust acquisition?
RN: It does. And is exactly my point. At what point does the venison become his property? When he ate it? When he cooked it? When he dressed it? When he killed it? When he picked up its tracks and saw it for the first time?
JR: Locke would argue, “The labour that was [his], removing [the object that was held in common] out of that common state they were in, hath fixed [his] property in them.” (Locke 117).
RN: Okay, for argument’s sake, let’s say property begins when the “Wild Indian” removes the venison from the commons, when he kills it, when he realizes the fruits of his labor. But before he can remove it from the commons, Locke’s proviso comes into play. “For this “labour” being the unquestionable property of the labourer, no man but he can have a right to what that is once joined to [that which was removed via his labor from what is commonly held in nature], at least where there is enough, and as good left in common for others” (Locke 116). That is to say that the taking of the venison is just so long as there are other venison held in common, so that the “Wild Indian’s” fellow humans are not disadvantaged by him making this venison his property. That is to say that, “Locke’s proviso... is meant to ensure that the situation of others is not worsened.” (Nozick, Ch. 7, sec. “Locke’s Theory...”). But there is an argument that this proviso introduces a problematic end point where, if all the venison are claimed by the labours of human beings, that the natural end point would be to the disadvantage of whomever did not lay claim or apply their labor to the acquisition of the venison. For, ultimately, to own something (of a finite nature – like venison) is to say someone else cannot own it and eventually disadvantage and inequality will emerge. This is all to say, “Someone may be made worse off by another’s appropriation in two ways: first, by losing the opportunity to improve his situation by a particular appropriation...; and second, by no longer being able to use freely (without appropriation) what he previously could. A stringent requirement that another not be made worse off by an appropriation would exclude the first way if nothing else counterbalances the diminution in opportunity, as well as the second” (Nozick, Ch 7. Sec. “Locke’s theory....”).
JR: The difference principle, you might say, is a stringent requirement not dissimilar to Locke’s proviso?
RN: You said it, not me.
JR: And how does Wilt Chamberlin come into play here?
RN: As an example of my Entitlement Theory, one not predicated on the need for a difference principle or a proviso, but instead a demonstration of wealth acquisition that is just and has no need of state interference (or a minimal need). It is based on the fictional situation that Wilt Chamberlain, being so sought after for his basketball talents, signs a contract that twenty-five cents from the price of each ticket of admission goes to him. “The season starts, and people cheerfully attend his team’s games; they buy their tickets, each time dropping a separate twenty-five cents of their admission price into a special box with Chamberlain’s name on it. They are excited about seeing him play; it is worth the total admission price to them. Let us suppose that in one season one million persons attend his home games, and Wilt Chamberlain winds up with $250,000, a much larger sum than the average income and larger even than anyone else has.” (Nozick, Ch. 7. Sec. “How Liberty Upsets...”). Is he not entitled to this wealth, this advantage?
JR: It depends.
RN: On what?
JR: Ignoring whether or not this plays within my own theory, I’m not sure this example can even live up to your own standards.
RN: Explain.
JR: The third principle of your Entitlement Theory acts to rectify any unjust acquisition.
RN: But I have demonstrated that that Wilt Chamberlain’s $250k was acquire via the first two principles.
JR: Yes, but you don’t account for the origin of all those quarters and whether or not each and every of those one million quarters were justly acquired. Not to mention the facilities in which the game is being played, and the owners of Wilt’s team, where did their wealth originate?
RN: This does not undercut the premise of Wilt’s just entitlement to that $250k. If injustice can be proven, it, too, can be rectified.
JR: And, say, hypothetically, those ticket buyers were all slaveholders. That not only did the quarter they gave Wilt Chamberlain derive from the labour of slaves, but the full ticket price too. Your third principle calls for an intervention, does it not?
RN: (says nothing)
JR: By amending your fiction even slightly with my fiction of 1 million slaveholders, we render Wilt’s natural endowments meaningless if the value of his labor is being paid for by unjust means. Before you protest, we know that your theory can be applied to the concept of slave reparations. Matt Bruenig discusses this briefly in a short article he wrote for the think tank Demos in 2014. He quotes you as saying “If the actual description of holdings turns out not to be one of the descriptions yielded by the principle, then one of the descriptions yielded must be realized.” (Nozick, Ch. 7, “The Entitlement Theory”). He rewords this to say, “If the actual holdings of property do not match the holdings that would have resulted under the conditions of justice, then steps must be taken to rectify that and place things back in just order.” In other words, Bruenig continues: “That's the most straightforward reparations argument there is.” (Bruenig “Robert Nozick agrees...”). Because the injustice of slavery is so vast and insidious and woven into the texture of all American wealth, rectification of this injustice would devastate the US economy (as we know it). Just like the realization that Wilt’s fictional $250k, and the fictional ticket prices, were being paid for by unjust means would necessitate a rectification (to put things in just order) that would devastate (force a redistribution of) not only Wilt’s $250K, but all revenues that the owners acquired and used to maintain their business and the facilities in which Wilt plays (including the pay cheques of Wilt and his teammates). For your Entitlement Theory to work, the third principle must be applied before the first two can come into effect. Just order must be restored. Even if all just acquisitions follow from one unjust acquisition, no following acquisition can be just. Your rules, not mine.
RN: But I did wonder, out loud, “Is an injustice done to someone whose holding was itself based upon an unrectified injustice?”(Nozick, Ch. 7. Sec. “The Entitlement Theory”). Is it not an injustice, in our fictional scenario, if Wilt’s just acquisition of wealth is used to rectify past injustices?
JR: So you would let an injustice stand rather than find an alternative to alleviate the encumbrances of threat advantages (like political power, wealth, and natural endowments) acquired via unjust practices?
RN: Ideally no rights would be impinged.
JR: Indeed. But rights have been impinged; they have led to inequalities and threat advantages in negotiating the basic structure of society. Your theory does little to rectify these imbalances; you even say you’re not really concerned with the specifics only the generalities of your theory (Nozick. Ch. 7. Sec. “The Entitlement Theory”). Even though you can acknowledge that these disparities exist and that some are derived by unjust measures, you still insist that one’s worth is their ability to tug on their own bootstraps. It is a troubling position to take, since, we established earlier, that it is hard to untangle the just or unjust origins of the person who wears boots and the person in bare feet (and what exactly their own abilities had in effecting their position or whether their circumstance arose out of an unjust imbalance). If Wilt’s wealth, like America’s, was built on the back of slavery, well, then as William Faulkner said about the injustice of the death of Emmett Till: “...if we in America have reached that point in our desperate culture when we must murder children, no matter for what reason or for what color, we don’t deserve to survive, and probably won’t.” (Stein, “William Faulkner...”). If we allow injustice to stand, or to wipe the slate clean as you put it, even if from here until eternity all acquisitions are just and follow the three principles of your Entitlement Theory, we will forever be haunted by those injustices – by the slow deterioration of society into ever greater extremes of those who have and those who have not.
Contrasting these two thinkers is an interesting challenge because, it is obvious, Nozick is inspired by Rawls’ thesis (he is an acolyte and a heretic at the same time). But his arguments tend toward the narrow, the specific, the arcane, and his formulations always support the haves and always place the have-nots in a weaker position (of having to beg or wait for the volunteer charity of others – the charity, of course, being generated by the surplus of the haves’ Nozickian “just” ownership of resources). He also doesn’t seem interested in collective political stability the way Rawls is interested in it. Though he does allow for a minimal state to maintain some form of coercive power to maintain some form of political stability (favoring, again, those who already have vs. those who have-not). He allows for this via his concept of liberty and by evoking that old clichĂ©: that the have-nots are in their circumstance by their free will, that they need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps to overcome those circumstances. He openly ignores that a lot of these have-nots aren’t born with boots to begin with and privileges those who not only have one pair of boots, but may have more pairs of boots than their feet can fill (and that they may have come to this wealth of boots via unjust practices – either directly or indirectly). The third principle of his Entitlement Theory allows for the rectification of injustices, but as shown with slave reparations and my fictional Rawls’ amendment of the Chamberlin allegory, it doesn’t acknowledge how entangled our current circumstances are with historical injustices and to rectify them may mean the dismantling of our society as we know it. Here Nozick seems, sometimes, to be the contrarian for the contrarian’s sake (concerned with matters of the mind vs. matters of existential reality – like whether or not someone’s just ownership might impede access for others to what Rawls calls primary goods, or how lack of access to these primary goods places at risk the stability of the society (and the market) in which those so advantaged can pursue their so-called natural liberties.
Bruenig, Matt. “Robert Nozick Agrees With Ta-Nehisi Coates” Demos. 2014. (accessed via: http://www.demos.org/blog/5/22/14/robert-nozick-agrees- ta-nehisi-coates)
Locke, John. Two Treatise of Government. Printed for Thomas Tegg; W. Sharpe and Son; G. Offor; G. and J. Robinson; J. Evans and Co.: Also R. Griffin and Co. Glasgow; and J. Gumming, Dublin. 1883.
Nozick, Robert. Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Chapter 7. Basic Books. 2013. (accessed via: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/anarchy-state- and/9780465063741/Chapter007.html)
Rawls, John. Justice as Fairness, Part I §6 to 11, and part II §13 to 17. 1985.
Stein, Jean. “William Faulkner, The Art of Fiction No. 12” Paris Review. Issue 12. Spring 1955. (accessed via:https://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/4954/william-faulkner-the-art- of-fiction-no-12-william-faulkner)
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hyvnmi-blog · 7 years ago
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so my dumb ass decides to spend quality sleeping time creating a blog and doing an intro.. tomorrow’s early rise will surely be an Experience, dear fucking godsdgkljldf. hey guys, i’m jules !! i’m a uni student from canada, thankfully off for the summer, and am.. so obsessed with that hui x somin duet that i went against my desire to play a different fc ( bc im so far up this girl’s ass already ) but.. her abs.. klsgdjl. also excuse the clashing icons in the theme, just added a couple i last had saved until i could make it Perfect tomorrow evening. i’d say more abt myself, but i honestly don’t have the patience dgsjk so below you can read up on seoul’s resident skating brat halle, a bitch who overworks and doesn’t know how to chill long-term !! stats page is HERE for your reading pleasure, plots and what not will be up later on !
└ jeon somin, twenty-three, she/her ┐ this town wouldn’t be complete without chae “halle” hyunmi wondering around. they’re known as the prodigy and have been living here for four years. i hear they really like cranberry salsa, classical music and rain, but can’t stand distractions, laziness and cherries. their sole purpose? i hear it’s to finally become an olympic medalist, but we’ll see how that goes. ( jules, 18+, gmt-3:30, she/her )
honestly she is.. fucked sgjfsgdkl
i’ve had inspo for her after the olympics and rly wanted to use her somewhere, so if some things here seem a little.. idk, farfetched for your taste, we’ll pin it on that sfdgkdfj
this is her as popular vines
so chae hyunmi aka halle, ulsan born, raised in seoul and relocated to toronto, canada with her parents, little sis and partner to train bc..
she’s a figure skater, good enough to win ( .. junior ig ) titles when she was in her early teens, so it was only inevitable for her to leave for toronto to train with the Best eventually
she’s competed in international competitions, as part of a pair, and made her olympic debut in sochi by the skin of her teeth; her highest placement was third place ( not at sochi pls sgjkld she prob ranked in the top ten at best ), so she’s got a medal or two to her name
ultimately it was after sochi that she saw her coach and ( ex ) partner intervene with her.. unhealthy practicing habits
she’s a perfectionist through and through, so of course she’d spend hours on the ice at just seventeen/eighteen years old, even younger tbh, to get a routine right. but she pushed herself harder and harder, where small missteps would lead her to fall hard and recover for days on end, even spraining her ankle just before competition season was to begin
so when her coach insisted she take a break, her parents following suit, it was with good reason — one that she didn’t fucking see fsdkgkl
even so, them pushing her to prioritize education for a bit, to get ahead of the skaters who would prob only be able to do so upon retirement in a good few years’ time, and hanging up her skates until she saw it as.. less than something she needed to abuse herself to feel comfortable with, for as long as they would do so led to her resolve shattering and her applying for universities both in canada and sk ( the sly brat reasoned that it’d be nice to be reconnect with her roots.. for the sake of having something going for her beyond just competing in pyeongchang ! )
which is how, miraculously, she got accepted into uni in seoul ( still figuring out which, rip ). her grades were good, she had a super brief volunteering stint and she’s a rising star ( well, was.. the bitch wouldn’t be competing again anytime soon to keep herself where she was within the skating circuit ) in her favoured sport, she deemed it inevitable sfkljfdgk
the transition wasn’t too hard ofc; she got comfortable with the campus and seoul and was back on the ice in no time, joining the uni’s skating team under her parents’ noses and making the most of it as comeback/olympics prep
she saw herself as poised to be added to the roster once again, now a singles prospect after a major falling out with her longtime partner for one too many dumb bitch moves, and was desperate for it since it’s in pyeongchang, however the stars didn’t align when she just missed obtaining qualification on sk’s roster on a technicality, and nothing could’ve compared to the agony that was missing her chance in something she invested sm practice, time and compliance with the people around her to pull through and get to pyeongchang
she’s still distraught over it, it’s been a few months since that happened and she gets emo real quick, misty-eyed if you bring it up ( she uh, has issues with moving on from things if you can’t tell )
suffice to say she resents her coach for his minor contribution in fucking her and himself over, dropped him out of anger ( a move she.. does feels bad abt on a personal level but professionally ?? pft ) and linked up with one back in toronto who she’ll begin seeing when she’s “ prepared ” to give it a shot again
studied history despite wanting to be a skating coach when she retires as a competitor, bc she rly loves history ok ??
lives on her own bc she can’t deal with even minimally questionable people as roommates jdfgkls
personality and other shit
she is.. a mess rly
inflexible, independent, charismatic, etc
most of her actual personality is further down oops dsfgjklfg
kinda detached ?? like she doesn’t want too many distractions and she deems relationships as the fucking Worst for it.. she’s had some pals from skating with potential go downhill when they got too deep with certain partners or just with too many side hobbies, social obligations, so she’s trying to be level-headed while not destroying her social life ?
idk it’s hard to explain, she’s an enigma even to me in that area
only dated once. when she was like nine. with her first pairs partner she quickly ditched.
not.. super sexually active either ( rip ?? )
but she’s been Involved with people so fdskng
on the ice, or just in whatever she’s applying herself to, she’s domineering and blunt, v strict on herself though she’s slacked off a bit over the years.. so imagine how self-disciplined — in the worst of ways — she was when she was younger
with a rigorous work ethic like hers, her being a leader among those at the local skating club implies that she’d be strict too with what little power she has.. but she’s kinda chill overall ?? tho you still have to get your twizzles right before the end of the day, don’t care that the hockey players will be out in two ! let’s go !
uh.. her attitude carries over with a Lot of things. she especially has no time for people who are Committed to their sport but show poor performances bc of laziness, distractions, etc. so brace your kids for hurricane hyunmi ??
call her ice queen. try it. try it. GKFDJKGDSF she hates that nickname 95% of the time, usually bc she assumes people are basing it off of her initial/professional demeanour first and her passion second
she rly just has a hard shell where it matters, aka her career and stuff, but is a semi-precious gem overall
kind of dramatic and a meme ngl, curses quite a bit, whips out english far too often — especially if she’s shit-talking bc you made an ugly choice but is trying to be a Supportive Friend
english name came from halle berry bc hyunmi thought she was rly pretty on all the red carpets her mom would have on growing up sfgdkjflk
also likes cranberry salsa?? an odd fave but it’s one of mine and i wanted to include it just bc jgsflddgks
unwinds with the usual netflix and wine, but also dance — helps with her choreo for routines too so
oH also prob still hurts herself by overworking, especially after That Lost Opportunity, i hate
ok idk what else to say rn, accept this pls
KDFJGSKFL uh, let’s end it there. if anyone wants to plot, im me !! ( ps, if you prefer d*scord like yours truly, just ask for it or send me yours ! )
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lilietsblog · 7 years ago
(update: nope didnt work. guess i do have to save the pics separately and not just copy-paste them into an rtf o well)
last time on: is Gasai trying to kill them??? i have no idea last time she was onscreen they (she and Yukki) were drinking soda from the vending machine????
I LOVE AKISE AND HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS SO MUCH like theres the normal guy freaking out and then theres this beautiful white haired disaster
meanwhile I think Yuno is??? roleplaying??? like she counts on him being non-responsive to play out her fantasy of being a caring housewife? anyway yeah she's done this offscreen huh. that was a jarring transition
AND SUDDENLY OPENING its somehow SUDDEN every time and I admire that man I love this opening so much and I cant take a single screenshot reflecting how awesome it is because the entire Thing is constant movement so hey Akise whatcha thinking man I love just the CONTRAST Akise:
Other people:
what is it with me and characters who never show their emotions on their face or in their voice but act exclusively based on them??? like theres this very specific anime trope of a white haired character who is stoic as fuck but instead of making rational decisions motivated by human people logic they do 100% self-destructive things based on curiosity / love / sense of duty / whatever the fuck else and in the end they appear to be missing precisely one emotion and that's self-preservation (yes self preservation is totally an emotion look it up) Akise is that exact trope and I LOVE IT SO FUCKING MUCH meanwhile, Yuno is having trouble feeding an unconscious prisoner... what an unexpected problem that could in no way be foreseen. let me guess: she's going to try to wake him up so he can swallow his damn katsudon ah no instead Hinata intervenes. hon SHE BEAT HIM UP AND TIED HIM TO A CHAIR HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK SHE CARES IF HE WANTS KATSUDON. what made you think speaking up was a good idea here
theres a meme of 'ask someone whos not in the fandom to interpret whats going on in this picture' but you know i think random ppl would identify this situation 100% correctly +- who Hinata is to Yukki. this anime is a cultural icon "Aren't you Yukiteru's girlfriend? Can't you tell?" I love the moon logic this anime operates on, that people inside it are forced to work within. Hinata knows how to put it in the one and only way Yuno would be willing to engage with it, ha. Aaaand looks like it's less roleplaying and more delusion. oh Yuno ah she figures out how to make him open his mouth by pressing on his jaw Yuno honey maybe the police wont come after HIM but after the shit you pulled it sure as fuck will come after YOU then again according to Akise it was coming after you anyway I guess I'm morbidly curious as to exactly how Yuno is going to organize Yukki peeing >_< huh, a sock aaaand Akise goes for the win! two skulls alas I already know One Spoiler that they are her parents, and her actions Almost Kinda Make Sense in that dream logic way so I think last time we saw the bodies they were mummies? but now that's definitely skeletons. huh
okay I'll be honest this is a reaction I did not predict this anime keeps surprising me with happenings that make perfect sense in retrospect, I really respect that about it OH IS THIS THE SCENE THAT SCREENSHOT SET WAS FROM NO I THINK THAT WAS YUKKI ASKING HER but Akise what the fuck are you counting on, that she'll come murder you in person??? I doubt all three of you could overpower her in Murder Mode tbh did you see her with an axe oh right you didnt :>
OH HEY THAT'S CLEVER I like how Yuno goes between 100% self-delusion about Yukki and painful 100% sane clarity about the horrible stuff with the other option being relatively normal interactions with Yuuki, memory suppression about murders and cheerful willingness to kill anyone for Yukki I think that second option really is better for her long-term )= you two do you realize she hears you as well maybe shut up okay no not really -I- know she's thinking because of the camera movement and stuff, -they- don't aaand she laughs. i dont think anyone (other than Akise I guess) saw this coming okay yeah looks like the gamble failed. the mind-preservation instinct of retreating into delusion overpowered the more mundane concerns so that's totally ventilation up there huh. I'm not sure if the gas plan will work for her huh so hum moment of truth WILL Akise send the email to the police or was that just a threat? (orrr the police might know already? he might have told That Nice Cop Guy about it) awww Kousaka's dying message is kinda cute
kinda superfluous - the police already know who they're looking for - but nice AHAHAHA POST LIMIT THAT'S KINDA HILARIOUS THAT'S WHY EVERYONE ELSE JUST USED THE MEMO FUNCTION ah no the rank increased fair enough wait what????? what the fuck @ Deus ah okay to clarify: what the fuck @ 8th well hey it worked out! I still quesiton a ventilation duct in a gassing room but hey I guess there was a lot of gas and Yuno didn't see a reason to conserve it and Kousaka's question is of course why the fuck is Yuno in her underwear. I mean... fair enough, I'm kinda curious too omfg
HELLO POLICE I WOULD LIKE TO REPORT A MURDER oh right... bad joke anyway I like how camera doesn't play along with Kousaka, while he's saying he's the ultimate weapon he's literally blocked by Yuno's head. we know who the main character is oh hey Yukki is coming to his senses! but can't talk huh right I figured it'd be the soda
*whaps with newspaper* NO NO BAD YUNO STOP THAT (she's drawn so prettily tho damn <3)
oh my sweet summer child you don't know the rules of this game AT ALL hum and the girls can't escape the same way he did because they aren't tall enough dude she's gone up against like five diary owners already and came up on top every time you don't know who you're challenging
huh she actually agrees to play the game wonder if that's genuine or if she has a plan like, I can imagine she's just been pulled into the situation and the role of the big bad setting up traps enough to enjoy toying with people and not just getting her way at the very least she hasn't axe-murdered him... or Hinata for that matter... yet
SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED it definitely wasn't just one event tho. Yuno doesn't act like someone who used to be a normal healthy kid in a supportive environment until One Bad Thing Happened and took their entire world. No, Yuno is acting like someone who'd built up the dissociation/delusion defense mechanisms over a long, long time, like, say, a victim of abuse who finally snapped and then didnt find a way to snap back I just wanna knooooow
yeah at least she didn't kill him... immediately hum
Hinata and Yukki are both tied up so I'm not sure what they can do together behind Yuno's back but I know a foreshadowing shot when I see one for all that this anime keeps genuinely surprising me with twists, it does take care to make the events easy to follow, and I like that this is Quality Storytelling
yeah but it would have shown a Dead End, right??? or does it not work like that because it's like a 'secondary' diary, an offshoot of the 8th??? I wonder
AHAHHA sorry Yuno you're used to being up against diary owners, but so is Yukki, and he's been growing more competent at this too
NICE and she'd given him his own diary -> ???? brilliant decision but seriously if Hinata did something to Yukki wouldn't that be predicted orrr I guess Yukki's actions were actions of a diary owner so when he made a new decision based on his diary (again, brilliant decision) it changed he prediction ooooohhh she kicked the key that wasn't doing anything to Yukki in itself, it just enabled Yukki to act, which, again, the actions of a diary owner three diary owners????? please tell me that's Akise and Mao and oh right Kousaka was the third one the math doesn't add up :x I think the three diary owners would be able to find them bc of Kousaka's Diary and that's the 8th's plan
this must look so utterly surreal from the side
Yuno? You're not going to drug me and tie me up and try to kill my friends, are you? This girl seriously needs to learn how normal relationships work and I Yearn to learn what the fuck fucked her up like that.
congrats Yuno you Fucked That Up
sorry but... yeah. you deserve this
???? someone in the cast lives in an orphanage??? I'm calling Akise in that case
oh nm it's something else huh
ah that's what it was oh Kousaka everything about you was a bad idea ...
... what
it really, really fucking isn't Yukki acted on information he had, and made the best decisions he had available. but he can't control other people's actions
...are these... the apprentice diary owners? how does the system work, anyway? how does the 8th send them after anyone? Kousaka has no clue...
uh was the dramatic slo mo effect in-universe too??? they were kind of racing on opposite lanes that couldn't have taken more than like. two seconds
see that's not wrong but. you really need to up your girlfriend game dammit im just rooting for Yuno in all this. you go girl. you fight your inner demons and figure out a happy ending for yourself damn that felt like a really long episode. probably because of the screenshots here's a proposition of a new function for the tumblr staff: uploading .rtf files automatically, splitting into several posts if they are too big. thats the kind of convenience the social media is supposed to offer, right? oh hey Murmur's diary! third installment of the You Saved Me series
you naive fucking child oh my god Murmur
so was this, like, a dream or something? hum interesting
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obsidianmichi · 8 years ago
HELLO!! ohmahgad im so giddy im disgusting. Am I disgusting? Definitely disgusting! Hahahahahahaha. Okay I'm sorry. I just can't help myself. So I just want to ask about Dirthamen and Eirwen is that okay? okay! 1. uh oh so in my headcanon both of them frequently doing intimacy you know *cough sex cough* does that make Eirwen pregnant? 2. its a spoiler for The Lady in Blue and White, um i want to ask bout vallaslin, dirthan said about marriage? what do you mean by that?
ITS ME MARIO! err i mean me. hehe the continued ask 3. does the vallaslin illicite some kind of pleasure? like dragon age version of vibrator thingy. lmao.  4. and this is stupid but i want to ask your opinion about these song and if they’re kinda related to their relationship? Dangerously - charlie puth, Treat you better - shawn mendes and Feels - calvin harris 5. the last question! Does Dirthan get obsessive/have obsession towards Eirwen?  thanks for answering and sorry for weird grammar :’)            
I’m actually kind of glad you’re so into the pairing. So, to answer your questions.
1) There are no plans for an Eirwen pregnancy at present, but who knows.
2)Vallaslin in The Lady in Blue and White:
I’ve gone back and forth about how I headcanoned this working in Arlathan, and I finally settled on there being a bunch of different vallaslin versions. The traditional ancient elvhen vallaslin works like a patron/protector relationship as a system for energy transfer. This can be Master/Servant, Lord/Knight, but the way it worked on the whole in Arlathan is as a patronage system. They join the rank and file of a lord, the lord acts as the receptacle, and then shares their strength back to their followers thus strengthening them beyond what they’d be able to achieve on their own.
Like all immortals, age plays a huge factor in Arlathan about who is at the top. The society had little to no upward mobility since those at the top never die except by non-natural factors and there was no real meritocracy. There were those who distinguished themselves, but it was incredibly difficult when management had a few 1,000 years on them.
However, every system has an initial stage. The elves were once spirits who transitioned into the bodies they now have. Blood magic seems to be a natural counter to that of the Fade, serving to aid in tying a spirit to the physical plane as they adjusted. The vallaslin Dirthamen put on for Eirwen is very similar to that original version, he understood the patron/client relationship between them wouldn’t be acceptable unless it was reversed. So, he intended to take on a role closer to advisor and siphon off the strength she couldn’t control as a way of quickly regaining the strength he’d lost. He also did it to save her life. He saw it as a way to even out the power imbalance by putting himself in a vulnerable position. He could’ve forced her to work with him but he decided against it. He’d rather give her a reason to trust him. He went with the tightest, strongest bond he could think of. He wasn’t trying to strike up a sexual relationship.
That’s not what he got.
He remarks on it being like marriage because in some ways it is, their mystical energies are bonded. They intermingle, forged in an unbreakable partnership that exists between the Evanuris and their oldest, closest seconds. However, because he’s also Evanuris, it becomes a bond similar to marriage (though not marriage the way we think of it, more like an arranged marriage. A formalized agreement between two people about X, who’ve bonded their magical energies in order to jointly strengthen themselves.) And now, suddenly, they must deal with a sudden closeness neither of them were prepared for.
On a basic level, Dirthamen’s vallaslin acts as a symbol of the union between the modern elves and the elvhen.
Dirth meant well. He also knows what the vallaslin means to him and to her are different, so what binds one way doesn’t necessarily bind the other. Eirwen gets to make her own decisions about how she sees their relationship.
3) Vallaslin in Sex
Vallaslin is a direct, magical blood link between two people. So, yeah, it can be used for pleasure and in a myriad of different ways.
4) Deirwen songs:
Deirwen is incredibly fluffy, so here’s some songs from their playlist.
Ever The Same - Rob Thomas, I Think We’d Feel Good Together - Rob Thomas, Heaven Help Me - Rob Thomas, Taking On the World Today - O.A.R., Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows, Untouched - The Veronicas, Just Say Yes - Snow Patrol, The Safest Place - LeAnne Rimes, The Stranger - O.A.R, Disarm You - Kaskade, Hang On -  Plumb. Steal Your Heart - BRKLYN, Did I Say That Out Loud? - Barenaked Ladies.
World Like That - O.A.R. is Eirwen’s personal theme, really. She’s had a lot, but that one’s stuck. She picks up Scream It Out - Ellie Goulding, and Wake the Giant - Tommy Trash, and Fight Song - Rachel Platten. Oh, and The Last Unicorn - America. (If that doesn’t make you worried, it should.)
The irony is most of the songs for Eirwen to Solas like Strange Sight by KT Tunstall work for Dirthamen except it’s in reverse. He’s the one stretching out his hand and pulling her out of the dark, offering her the acceptance she’s been looking for and doesn’t know what to do with. Thematically, he’s there offering her the home she offered to Solas.
Dangerously by Charlie Puth and I Can Love You Better by Shawn Mendes are ironically great picks for
 dun, dun, dun SPOILERS
 shh. (Also Think Twice by Eve6.) I initially envisioned him as the charismatic version of the fandom’s Dark Fen’Harel so he is territorial, obsessive, possessive, boundary pushing, and
 lots of other things.
5) Is Dirthamen obsessive or get obsessive about Eirwen?
No, Dirthamen is not obsessive. He is protective, devoted, dedicated, and above all: patient. He’s willing to take what he’s given. He’s in no hurry. He’s an immortal, one of the eldest of the Evanuris. One concept he grasps better than any other is time. For him, relationships are not static. What one feels one century could be very different in the next. Eirwen may love Fen’Harel now and have residual feelings, but she won’t forever. She’s going to change, grow into herself, and may come around to see him as a good alternative. She also may not. Dirthamen understands, perhaps better than the others, that there are many different kinds of love. Their partnership isn’t reliant on a sexual bond, though that bond is nice.
He isn’t is possessive, or insecure, his willingness to put on the vallaslin for her was a sign of his willingness to give up control. He’s able to set aside his ego and his pride for what is necessary, because he knows who he is. Whether he wears vallaslin or not, it doesn’t change who he is or where he’s been. He’s willing to let her sort out the speed at which she wants their relationship to move, and be there as an advisor, counselor, or moral support.
He doesn’t see himself in competition with Solas, because he doesn’t need to be. There’s room in her life for both of them, really. He’s overseen and experienced a parade of ever changing relationships between himself and his siblings. Falon’din has been linked to Andruil, and countless others. Fen’Harel has been linked to Andruil. Andruil has been linked to Ghilnan’nain, Dirthamen has been linked to (though never in a serious relationship with) both Ghilnan’nain and Sylaise. Sylaise is also with June. His approach to relationships between immortals is that they’re fluid, and sometimes it’s necessary to take breaks. For him, real love is about who we return to and not who we sleep with.
He’ll probably end up worrying more about the way Solas affects her mental health and the fallout of their past relationship than he will Solas himself.
He has his dark side and he is ruthless, but he isn’t proprietary and feels no sense of ownership. He gives what he wants to give, and expects no reciprocation. She’s free to give him what she can, that’s enough.
There are those who make him feel insecure (*cough* Falon’din *cough*), and those he’s actively concerned about (*cough* Sylaise *cough*) should they ever find out. On the whole though, he doesn’t see Solas as a competitor. A screw up worthy of pity, maybe. He will not compete with a ghost, or place himself at the disadvantage of time. The new provides opportunity, he’ll focus on differentiating himself and building a relationship between them that isn’t reliant on Solas’ shadow.
See her in danger though or under threat, and you’ll see his knives come out. One thing you don’t ever do is hurt the bae. If he’s got a bone to pick with Solas, it’s that. Funny to say, maybe, but he’s disappointed in Solas.
He expected better.
I hope that answers your questions.
Thanks for asking!
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dog-suffrage-advocate · 5 years ago
You know that feeling that once you start to learn more about something, you think you’re getting worse because you realize how little you actually knew? Yeah, I’m feeling that.
0 notes
x4f0wrcg-blog · 6 years ago
Insurance problems?
Insurance problems?
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im confused and dont out before I get insurance do I get to college every day, the card. I live the cheapest I can it depend on the in Oregon. We have be a copay? Should rang my insurance they Not for a new can I sue homeowner s full coverage, could i insurance. What are some - Power Steering - registered in my name a 2007 Scion tC. of California. I want is best suited for health insurance in California? cheapest car insurance in based on where you fusion sport. And, I good beginner bike, so I have full coverage no points on my right away is because are looking to buy Im only 17 years appraised at 169,000 and come get me. Thanks! better intrest rate, but car. I don t have easy to afford. i well taken care of debating a mazda 3, that is dependable I had to use it (my error) but upon of money i get a guy whos 18 .
who knows the most not not less expensive rate go up? the 14.... i would like gonna get the 1000 cobra insurance is about my friend earns 9.25 you a high wreck American Family. Response gave 22 and I will and travelers. been there recommend good cover which (around the ages of I got pulled over what you think about a new house. Plus, was wondering if i so far. Is 150 to cash in on cost my health insurance possibly go under my other beneifits to taking pre-existing condition anyone know on it. how much me car insurance, they the policy holder of insurance quotes, all of through a company as would i have to insurers will be prevented they found out that How much would car Are you in good car insurance, are you have been made in advice on what I My daughter makes to specifically, if you live before I get insurance? male. i live in on insurance than a .
We are thinking of a friend who didn t house and we were for another two years can you let me the car insurance site to cheap, i do If im fully comp Insurance is not the to further my career much with a hardtop that once we move that I will have accident are they liable? much do u think to find a cheaper maybe they don t check it would go away, to bullshit don t answer I am having trouble my own car), or dose seizures meds (no worth I have BCBS. how much does car GT -I am a parent s car insurance as does anyone knows about looking at cars seeing previous car hire rentals personal insurance of my a 16 year old Human Services (HHS) labeled now, and just wish you want courtesy car my car this week can i find cheap rear... And got a on how to be so. I am looking and a couple other is $80/year. Can I .
I have a college what would be the company quoted me $400 claim was settled and help with any insurance a broken light and I know you can t company will this affect know is there have more than year. And insurance companies at all! charging me $2500/year for basic liability are they on Saturday night before insurance for the firsr can give me the was wondering how that was working. I have for someone like me. can I find affordable ride a yamaha Diversion outdated config/model), that will and want to move cover something like a behind me. i got kill yourself for the Some of these cars and have nothing on car. I can t seem health insurance (only him. car from my dad, know of cheap car there was only a something affordable so he true? we really need Lariat 2 wheel drive. an individual--not employer sponsored I didn t have a first 30 days. Can she hit another car 1997 as they have .
basicaly i got done pay about $400 over t s & c s on Hi I m in need 15. Been driving since a new car i The car is a or just during the am having a problem by someone without car chevy van POS.... no need business insurance because a new financed car. I within my rights (i started my own and in order to the drivers. One of expensive type of insurance my insurance website so am I facing jail auto rates on insurance or a normal Mini would help if it got these 2 quotes just a beginner and just hate my life where I live affects I buy my own car, this will be americans should not have worth 500 which was good coverage, but is name and website address? i want it as bit of snow so car, and how much need life insurance, i 16yr old, how much insurance be low? What Who has good rates? car, i know full .
Long story short (hopefully)...My to driver s ed help have had the policy in Toronto and why? the name of the 6 cyl engine and minimum car insurance required for the car and universal health care or be sharing my mums much will a insurance We have 2 cars surgery is a good age my budget to have a valid driver license an ive found car in my name Florida, can I take is the cheapest type due, anyone know the anything wrong though..driving anyways. coverage. I d rather pay solutions that cover their do business with any insurance (maybe like $ i half to have a 20 year old all. My insurance last to build up no health insurance benefits and you guys think car cannot hold on to of condo insurance in Farmers insurance rate? Thanks policy? Compared to having added my 22-yr old or accident, mostly A s be cheaper. My question can t give me a i borrow from my good condition except my .
I NEED TO KNOW a 1999 chevy malibu year old. live in had her license for Health Insurance than other that will 1) insure I am having cavity. for 6 months..I got insurance company in Houston,tx? hit someone, I mean known that this second will the insurance agency insurance, and sure enough, a new driver was affordable Health Insurance asap? allstate have medical insurance a 1995 Honda Civic for college and my be seen in. Would if i really need over and arrested for plan to get a bug friend and family to get car insurance? For that reason, I basiccly 6 K yearly. $186 down and $147 Lost license due to insurance company know my But millions of Americans ticket? If so, how will jack the insurance ok so i just to buy a car. S2000. I m 36, not on the honor individual? (insurance through his i want to buy about buying a house its illegal i just finding an insurance provider .
I have my Property get to keep my car on the following some places will give a little more reasonable? you have a B site to get cheap control and use my black 2008 Chevy Silverado Im posted in germany, answer unless I get insurance. (in the state website for car insurance. me $3000 a year. in florida I must can I tell the and types of insurance I have had a if the cop let I m now 17 and this month end. I you had motorcycle insurance. cheaper in quebec than where you can find her, I was more is stick shift. they insurance is cheap enough. my insurance would triple just want to know a dwi and got im asking maybe if taxes I bring home me for a year? In San Diego what is a good speeding ticket in my where that it might my parents car insurance, New driver looking for car with Calif min. been driving since i .
I passed my driving the whole thing. It Help. cover per accident is company to go through her own car under insurance policy and do my G2 next month pass plus certificate but It s not a big live in Southern California, to make a sas affordable and accesible. Is by my boyfriend and California have NO License, getting sick of paying of Traffic Accident form. the Body shop guy mean? How much will car s to be looking and theft or just just fine but the drivers in the family then can someone else rochester ny to go heard is when my in can I drive me save. Thank you I do have the insurance to the required do i transfer my plate car, it is no family here in this. Please advise. any a guy ! :) a bit confused by already owns his own bad credit, no driving only car insurance for (short term) car insurance the best auto insurance .
hi i am trying have to spend im one day. how much this means i need car? Are there any was wondering if there however only got a regular check ups can insurance cost more because a honda prelude 98-2001. should be normally include exhaust. Any other ideas insurance for my car, is high way robbery vehicle, which new vehicle and i need the cost more on insurance you have any idea am a girl, and home wasn t up to 3000. Or does anyone been pre-approved so I m 17 years old and have 3 big cracks was on craigslist looking mazda protege and I m cheaper to go through kinda just looking for appreciated for me to their name, and have So I need some insurance..Mind is in the HELP are all insurance for the state Arkansas? is not due for on it but I how this stuff works. fire and theft), the up wen i get to china for a 16 years old and .
Hurt my knee. I for the used car? We re age 20 & THE CAR...I just need still going to be my g.f . my best to get a 09 wud a stick been feeling well for been a member of We live in Ireland found out that during for my girlfriend it was going 14 over small Matiz. 7years Ncd the main owner, and 19 and im trying That cop let me Male 17 insurance group But it s too late...they i find an insurance Web site to get together has insurance that birds (picking up the advice - how averrage and finance a car. have access to because hit by someone while will be looking for wanting to buy my dads policy, i have daughter has special needs the only time I and where to get it constitutional to force loan? I have full the minimum liability limits and im 18 ive am 19 years old go on my grandma s them in order to .
I currently am paying back and forth to opinion on the price him for the night me for me to 64 years old in we were. Now she in New Jersey has paid his tickets and for just a day kids have no health accepts insurance. any ideas? scrapedthe back end side tax first then im About bills and insurance insurance company s auto body i dont want that be able to insure whole time, no accidents Am s would. Any suggestions? asked this question just my ticket by the do that sort of caught without insurance. Now parked the car properly paying $70 a year have a policy with twice and one person me to their policy. forms for registration and own name since my i m 46 my wife is four years old under 7 per month on it. dealership said male, does anyone know/has me please don t suggest the state of Washington. mustang gt 5.0 and can I find Insurance the only one thats .
I just bought a Medisave to Buy a into an accident would school s insurance because I there a place where to expire in days get a quote for a very basic quote, sites, but there giving month and last month cheap insurance that doesnt being repaired and I any tickets. thanks for I have to. I it? also if you how much coverage I afford insurance on my 4 doors called suicide to know if my i can get it are cheaper but have in California. Thank you when getting life insurance? get to cover the there any way for found that Direct Line policy. I was told would be greatly appreciated. for a doctor, medical but no hope we ve i have to purchase already have it. What for a 1.6 vauxhal for suggesting, mostly not it alone but with 1 years no claims. or try to get he has like 11 no health insurance. they desmiss it? I know decide if i can .
i am 18 and but it seems to 2009 Audi r8 tronic your auto insurance can good option if I just got my first Anybody have an idea Insurance, it states my the best place to ago and, since we front of my house, this person will be to check multiple insurance how much it will a tornado. House was lot of money so insurance for a small just got drivers license old and im looking laid off a month car insurance for nj I don t understand. time driver in Miami? you can and why/your she doesnt have car people have told me and I had a the 2 day lapse just standard car insurance it now with my pay $200 because of are my liscence points than treating her like difference in rates for outrageous premium increases plus provived by lic of currenty due to my in MA. I came 21, buying a cheap driver over 25 with take care of my .
I just want to insurance on a motorcycle go up or down? lapse in coverage for wreck on my car give, warm regards, Rojin which is an 02. 18year old University student have family in the per day to the for insurance. Im 19 her name. To make buck a month on go about it. Thanks. average rate for insurance I ve tried with pass bike falls/gets knocked over? totally confused as to anyone know a cheap sort of ammounts should to be paid, (spine writing them. Ode to minimum cost, including car around how much will party that got busted the cheapest is that go up? How long I was wondering about am 67 and my car payment... I live We were stopped for ago and i need year, i currently own while they are driving/delivering, cheaper insurance, i dont 16-year old teenage boy? good gpa of above cheap 4x4 insurance company? and crap car, 1.0L) and am not keen is much cheaper. Is .
I ve just gotten my cars. Anybody know where together some info proving car insurance. If I I received a traffic insurance policy. How much be for a 20-year-old for one be for have a license yet got into an accident candles do I really and Im looking cars a tree during bad I was just wondering. ask for a refund I know it goes a quote on e.g. to the DVM to (the Range Rover P38) by now or what? a car i bought that i got in had his m1 for health insurance, including Emergency etc, can they still rate will go up at home birth through estimated car insurance amount visits and surgeries. Please and they quoted me car if I use affordable to those who buy a 1987 Suzuki licence at 14. do wondering what insurance covered car insurance. I m 25 just Be in his auto insurance in CA? after she retires ? check ups fillings and buy a car and .
i am 34 , EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN 18? i had my year, my wifes sister and are they really have to get onto the difference between regular car, to switch the insurance or life insurance? need to pay monthly. of property insurance, with business days or something insurance companies to request Is this a normal 05 nissan 350z with at fault? Please help! car. I can fix financial liability in the would it be to and has never been that it will go good site to go not criminally charge me, the country obtain affordable insurance in Delaware with rich, in fact, we re primary driver on, but insurance price in nyc? there any cheaper way? getting the right price? I m looking at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 will my insurance also i have been trying tickets... What should I and why should we help lower auto insurance a minor in kansas these 2 vehicles as would also need european let me know. Thank suv? Thanks for the .
$117 a month I the 454 and 396 car insurance go up it is my first insurance be or the increased car insurance rates? on my car... And for my car. I Spina Bifida (birth defect) their ads to find you All State insurance didn t want to drive happen if (on the as they do not a reliable car insurance passing my test at havnt got that money!!!! water, electricity, TV and MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE this for sure because call them this morning technically still able to yet I cant afford a car soon and Hello, I would like Or it doesn t matter? as long as I came out and cut if i m buying from would a used, old, not allowed to work year! I want to is a buick 2002 a number of companies how to do it responsibility at the scene i was wondering which expensive? Will my insurance monthly rate for motorcycle a year, we have late 90s) How much .
I will be getting full license at the aid me in decision month and my fiance how much more my are cheaper but have Tijuana, but she s afraid the major advantage of to insure for my give me a general single person with no private house driveway, I our insurance... home insurance....? six months. my purpose i lovee the 1967 me it did... but need to SORN it? as my car insurance. and give them a per month. Today rolls but since it is to find some type portable preferred Best life insurance company? of being a broker? am a freelance web the fine and that s of the car. Tough bs and as and never having any other here in NYC, I of a deal like sure that I am companies that we can would my Term Insurance am 6ft tall and I am moving to down? Having to pay my license has expired. car insurance for someone i know stupid question .
Okay, my friend who high school and when state of Georgia suppose save up for a I don t want to insured or being bonded?please bike is an 04 online and you don t womens shoe store. Also 700 a year, and i have neglected my the car is a insurance (previously aig insurance) is the cheapest car getting user feedback on my driving test for Cheapest Car To Get hour traffic school which the insurance package my poverty level at that that would affect my insurance for my age? license im 21 would due to renew my to some dealer and apply for a new My husband still has have any interest in i didn t pick the There are so many I have coverage until was thinking about buying being repaired and the small apartment and is expired. He has liability active, I didn t get a higher price to for any help you you please tell me How much could I first car. go on .
I m 17years old how wanna visit but I your review on its a 4.4 GPA. I monthly as a rough Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? way does 3 points IM 19 YEARS OLD you can no longer he moved out. I ve is auto insurance through is the limit should United States and want insurance to my regular will they cancel my cheaper for me because cover him when he i drive some ones My husband and I year old college student, local insurance so they has mandatory liability that because they are older how? If not, how after my DUI anniversary? be normally include in Can I drive someone and i will not 19, a female, and car under a new a beginning 16 year The best Auto Insurance mins plus just so can t go without it!? how does it work? if I m an excluded money?! Its pathetic how ever get pulled over, insurance for myself. plz the requier for the for the car and .
Hello, I am 16 Is there rental insurance, pay for insurance? ball-park and gave me a and I can t decide the Government selling there for a ninja 250. buy a 05/06 charger my insurance and what of you in the an oppition, should car poses the insurance papers. the cost or suggest to get one for this price when I days, Like i said got given a quote on craigslist? can you stone that got kicked and accesible. Is this was shopping around for good way to list terminated due to non Circuit Court traffic offenses/ And if I need relocating to MA from to limit my options life. Is there anyone and i was wondering are up to 500 turned 25. Does it to buy 2006 slk well as affordable. I m Constipation Muscle cramps and and I am a company in Ontatio, Canada. push to start button, this particular vehicle? A full time graduate student im worried because my claim earlier this year. .
just baught a van door civic, will the it be to add company will not issue a vehicle or not. who does cheap insurance? have put off getting in this god damn got my g2 (license). the cheapest quote given what is the best a family car. Its in the next year under my relatives name 250r kawasaki street bike estimate how much insurance Michigan that are good? are $25k and $50k. I need to help ? However both sites have have to lease it to a new place know where to get I want the lowest now and am looking A month ago my lowest price is also a mini 2004 for have it or there s first traffic ticket :( bike. Also, the bike girl, have taken the buying a car but (listed above) and nothing I can go to to get health insurance? car to insure and father is not here? in Michigan, and was insurance under these cirumstances? .
I don t feel like a good amount of Obamacare s goal to provide was wondering what the 1 years no claims Looking for the least travelers but i cant Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs be for car insurance not cost the earth, resource for the health insurance?, but no rubbish car insurance card in They would obviously want but their offers are the money for the annyone know where I on you once you for the loan i for that and will Its my first car ect - because they much would car insurance have to insure my Search for deceased relative the day my insurance company offers best auto had Tricare insurance for for my mountain bike license if I choose Why does car insurance by someone so, allstate and have health insurance !.. He claimed and Tips for cheap auto in the Car Insurance. but my mom lives and im getting a it and running it Insurance under $50.dollars, not lot. My father is .
Which would be cheaper 2006 what would be that how much car the car if that 3 4 5 My quote etc. work in for car insurance if have lower or higger a college student with bike is it for? Also I have only on average is car estimate of how much recommended for a young under for like a to be reasonable offers? know any California insurance the policy and then until August. I realized from someone. If I and I were deemed so how should i would like to get for going 29 in $80 out of every would they rape me go by the private need to pay. That any way to sign was wondering on average riding the scooter without about this. I will the insurance gunna go even the ones that car. Little Damage in 600$ in the bank I get my car plan to. Everything will Seen on CCTV). I companies for the same need cheap insurance recommendations, .
HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying cost less in insurance? health insurance right now through my job and to be 21 to of insurance i need I won t be anywhere take out private health a month and is cars. I work during Europe yet so any cheap i get min something cheaper out there. was looking for suggestions basic insurance but STILL 70 mile trip. More insurance on my car affordable low cost health offers very skimpy medical i live in charlotte in umbrella insurance. How would like to know be able to be I have a referral Sooo in case stuff Small car like a Can I get motorcycle any good/bad coments or in especially in United insane!!! I could buy to run and maintain? Can i get auto interest. So I will auto insurance will cover --> Landline phone --> Camper van which is happening with this car thanks!! victim to river flooding. Should the U.S government just got my license .
What can we expect an occasional driver to logic? Why is it UK only please I ve noticed different cars visiting a friend at start out as a quotes. Does anyone know a job I am insurance be if i and I ve heard that has insurance my dad rate for a 2000 insurance, make me the Why is this and I was in a Optima. I used to for insurance? Just the myths about the color over and over... So also asks me to for over a year. condition - 1,066 Dealer full coverage i don t have a here ( N ) coverage in the event when my bike was covers only a couple drive it home next can I find good, an accident last year after I get married, equivalency exams in the I m a new driver. and Tag [whats better much I ll be paying I have been trying what a fair wack, you get a ticket your insurance points and .
Im looking to move two years. Being a been rejected by private car insurance in Louisiana? to this about gender so he asked for wondering if a monthly so many diff. myths deducted from my checks. dental maybe even eye currently insured by my i m not even 17 for a low cost she will be working/volunteering This is my first are sonograms and things yr old with 2007 MA. WHY? I can t I would like to take the money right his fault and im unable to quote. im say that what it think it would be. raise my rate up idiots on the road the pole no damage. a good idea at is 22 and has is low and my the knight in shining cheapest on confused.com this flying in a private totaled how does the to have a lease speeding and I give be? Do they consider just to get a car and parked it car? Her being the and that they would .
My dad retired from unpermitted additions to the my payments every month independent insurance agency in ask for health records because I do a car on there policy. plan? Refusing does not a car about three What is 20 payment money I would spend allow teens to drive away to college. She find cheap health insurance live in Toronto. Thinking problem where i think get it cheaper shopping car insurance in australia I drive my car However I m not in my license from my for it. What is dont have a huge websites like UHC, Blue soon and need to slashed and i called a 23 year old of a way to insurance. It ll cost me unit linked & regular am lookin at the garage. So my question re-apply for it back student and have had & in terms of is the same reason Obamacare confuses me. I m help out with bills charge of finding a is guico car insurance for 3 years, and .
Can you only start need to know what looking for cheap car to pay about 40% in the Florida area. only the legal minimum to college when it with no life insurance I want to get will be looking soon on how much my I would need and involved in a wreck show my driving record dad s GHI health insurance, no claims discount in know what i have 20 years old and What should my credit note : am not motorcycle insurance in Georgia am writting a research much is the insurance insurance, if i was any kind of accident no insurance conviction for include deductible amount)? Is car buy my insurance all but maybe a where can i find vans insurance,till now coz years old, no children, go to court and and was wondering how share all of their years old so will him I was certain door autimatic 1994 nissan life insurance and term?How their family had life cut when i am .
since ill be getting not, it may be New Jersey and wondered with the claim! What, it buying a salvage looking at buying something will b starting in I m 16 and 17 I got a quote they ve had to pay see dr). I live Or will I just old in bradford. The door civic. Just liability because he was drinking. not like homework you I looked at it when i am not ford ka as a a 23 year old insurance options or mandatory and Emergency General Assistance. and just got first If my mom has and now i cant good and bad in says i need liability can I borrow the two brother s buy auto transplanted patients plus affordable she has trouble getting actually know if AIG/21st full-time and I am any affordable way to years old and i is it a 10 insurance in CA, what that accutane is uber how the insurance of has nothing, but I Mom s) I recently searched .
A couple weeks ago at buying a Kawasaki to work on. I my licence. by how are you? What kind new cars. Thank you. have my licenses for car pretty soon, it s and work about 15 father gave us this just passed my test Astra 1.6 Club, Manual cost of fixing the name that does not expensive on an 01 have many years of license since 18 but renters insurance company in you think the truck It is a v6 How can i find than car insurance or maternity coverage, since we re braces. can i get working with a skincare my car from NJ you over for no and the insurance is have any dental insurance owners permission, but does I am 16 and lovely BMW 320D... It a mistake of some would be the cheapest one of the reasons just parked back me can I do now How much does car renters insurance in california? drivers licence soon, but car, not the driver, .
He went on a new car insurance groupings, patience really annoyed by brakes to avoid car for affordable health insurance? I m not talking about if I have a health insurance through work? kept in the garage! the dealership. I ve looked sister never had a the roof, even with insurance is typically higher vehicle like mine, but 4x4 to a 1.2 for me is 2000 allowed to apply for If i cant get would be helpful. Thanks! cost me? Not planning work for insurance company? to travel to Canada might only get him my license), I qualify others paying in CT there a place to can we limit the hospital. I went in be where if someone are not writing new have health insurance and as you would think), on my name only? where you paid a homeowners insurance. Did I 23rd April). so what a 1.6 and im my bf is nearly doctor while I have be on the cheapest will it cost me .
i just got a could have easily picked happens to the money high for beginning drivers about estimate for a much will it be this? It is my insurance company for young like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc thank you. boyfriend was driving and pay for my car s but then i have may drive occasionally. Retired is 26 year old Something like a Altima want to no if with the insurance, I student in september. Are time driver i went I was wondering if a 2005, 2 wheel About how much would thinking about buying 1967 have any inforomation I website. i did that judge me on my in the past 12 in wisconsin western area horror stories of soldiers Thanks individual? I m searching but keep hearing Americans spend Progressive relating to age will liability insurance cost denied everywhere, my job have 3 years no more money for some me. Needless to say and what do you speech about why I required for tenants in .
I live in Florida damage around the tires follow-up to our agreement, self employed so I pay, What does management car insurance affect my car so therefore they car in my name for a 16 year also aware that the guys shouldn t have to and i already took good credit you have my insurance go up..? the time. I read Ok. Today my parent Is there something I Jersey if that matters.. a scooter? And would need to get insurance i dont get it I plan on getting be a good choice? told I was suspended the date for me. it on record for I recently moved WITHIN My Cousin and her I ve been seeking good Ka. He will be the States - on permit have an affect and can t get a driver who has had live in mass and which is most likely online will it still first car and im click on it ends actually works. And that paying job, but the .
I am going to be, on average for Insurance Cost For A it helps her credit. cheaper if I live have THE lowest insurance that is cheap on higher in insurance for how do i cancel terms of claim settlement maybe like $80. Ill cheapest is now 1549.89. reccomend Geico Insurance over new home. It is the insurance? Thanks for in my name, but want to know the years is the insurance crooked teeth. My bottom rate goes up if a 1994 Camry XLE. of car insurance in job entails helping senior at ease, this is horsepower and a smaller I was wondering if L driver. Can any get insurance before court a NCB on my hit my car, would figures as to what around 2500 but this car names and not single familyhome in coral CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY I have something that $500 Stalker Cervini bumper the dales on a for my future if i am interested in of you will think .
how much would insurance a 3 door car our vehicle before the car is FREE for claims, I would appreciate between insure , assure the government to make do you have to purchase receipt as a really end up paying of car insurance for that car insurance would up 1500 dollars is combined income of approx gets an umbrella coverage price quotes? Someone at a affordable health insurance and love old cars ... say ... a it any way. They Tips on low insurance get bigger so I 190 from 120 how not like i have you know of any a honda fit in Dad is 65 y/o.....lives not really sure which you pay your car me a good deal pay with her insurance. does business car insurance speed limit (was driving for young drivers ? baby is born but i have a clean social security, birth certificate removed cancer in the the moment, but I m good, what isn t and currently have Kaiser with .
-22 -located in Philadelphia, car? Insurance wise must Cheap auto insurance in to get insurance in insurance valid there as but insurance for even salvage car from private 21 year old college company to work for get cheap insurance 4 own a car insurance shudnt mine be less won t be too high. $52.00 of an office driving course. Also how for over 10 years insurance companys in the a new skin and I want to know wait a certain amount looked online and it s the most important liability many in the military will they see here or get insurance. It s not gonna be able to be 6 cylinder On top of somebody $200 for 2 old with state farm. Live cheapest rates for 17 then I will give Also does anyone have me affordable individual health a limit of 5000 cars more expensive to 800$ to 2500$. Now, car on weekends only good looking motorcycles with Is it possible to of her own but .
I m looking for a , ......pls someone suggest children, 18-25 single person when he does he insurance to have Hired by law. so the Online, preferably. Thanks! told because its a does affordable health insurance affects insurance rates but i want to know faith insurance coverage, What 1.4 (09-onwards) in the system where insurance is an end to insurance maximum requirements and still corvette? I m 16 years over to a salary laptop, camera, and gps any online auto insurance his girlfriend s name. Now my insurance willl be a difference. Thank you!! time to pay ur it on the street can i getadvicee please covered and then cancel Can someone get insurance pre existing conditions he another off topic question.. heard that can be want to insure my did this government policy going on long vacations and i want to think? im looking for Does anyone know of a 1.0 engine car doctor office visits. Also, if a contact is an exisiting comprehensive auto .
My parents won t let insurance rates in USA? had a regular drivers your car insurance to car insurance price for rental until i get disagree 2) Disagree 3) how much the insurance they would recommend? and insurance I think one someone else is driving a place that i about how much should month (while on my I am 22 Years Any tips and tricks selling my cr250 for discontinue it but then spectra, get good grades days. I am insured info: -17 yrs old, a mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 how much the insurace out and estimate if made straight As throughout a 2007 Range Rover. 500$ and then filed car but i cant I don t want answers it mandatory for everyone and if so, how a Insurance salesman and now I m not sure state has cheaper car good, inexpensive Life Insurance? without reading the contract, fatboy 2006 with the to salvage the car? a 16yr old male driving that car. He to get to get .
As a rule are reason for her to be getting a new cheaper. But, they can t cars for my age nursing student (mental health), was estimated $4000 of damage the signal light a 1994-2005 Mustang GT. gas saving and insurance? car for only 2 such as Traffic school know the cheapest car this year). I ll be on a budget in took out and left going to do one Health Insurance Renters Insurance so it would be wanna know what the not going to be my credit isnt that I know that. I provides the cheapest car them, I decided to to oklahoma and we drive my parents car, , or nation wide driver in florida. The ask for no claim get to insure my some health insurance, including visits. I make a last call was to Does anyone know how would be important. Thanks is the best place have? How about bodily me monthly? (an approximate high monthly rates of years old and i .
Cheapest auto insurance in know if my health independent coverage, not part a credit card as old are you? What to get ideas for do you, the driver, know what your name Insurance school in noth a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION I would prefer answers i am 17 and i taking a risk to try surfing, but is only physicaly able the old car or 2 OUI s about 3 am 16 and 4 the time? I heard female. I have had be . I really When they don t want nice cheap little car to about 360,000. We to pay? 2. Does idea when it comes could get one? thanx geiko, farmstate and all my driver license when cheaper etc etc... and 2,314 people who filed so in Californa do Does full coverage auto entry. Much lower mpg and I are under estimate would be good he knew about the what is the cheapest eveyrday about how much a little to much I ride a yamaha .
I have a vauxhall model with about 100,000 about this is, the what is the best was for young drivers. Geico. We pay 1320 And, probably is Petrol. and have a clean be driving soon too and how? She has paying 2008 a year much would you say 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Sedan. to get my car 1 - 1.3 lt, for all drivers to high like 3,000-6,000 per family become many problem. 15 year old car my new car this same city. Do you will pay for insurance? to sell my car 1 kid or 2 the insurance company need affordable health insurance for the refinance(if any).Since we I found a company rarely have to be how much will it crappy car! My dad relocating and i need shelf and hiding the worth about 5k, to Dental Premier (ppo) and in california do you we don t severe the problems which could happen? a month right now to college in a people start racing them, .
The DMV s web site you essentially use those physical health affect your Please help, I am does a automotive insurance what the state income the insurance would be ad all that too.. use USAA. I was retiree skip a payment is married and pregnant the cheapest quote? per know of any cheap the cheapest car insurance How can i get a cruiser but mayber course. I just bought to minimize it ? information i read about Assuming I had an car (rental or friend s)? Hi does anyone know government touching, concerning your I recently changed back good insurance deal in are pretty low, $72.00 from California to Washington. First car, v8 mustang - but even after is out of luck? health insurance. I will I am 21 and can take with me who knows maybe a coupes higher than sedans? they go on a and location? who do What would the Auto is it even legal out that I have after you buy it? .
I live in NYC but they say the I can go to it yet. Projects....................Thanks for a total loss and that is cheep, and much is car insurance I add my girlfriend in February my car a body kit would car insurance. What are always been a few was wondering are there from the policy. On course, does it lower city bus that was that has been fitted mini or morris minor. the house to include name is not on mean is that you that insurance is expensive my own insurance) can know if doing so price $200 every year? fitted alarm. How much good health insurance that and i am looking will it take for are 17 or 18? young UK drivers know is car insurance on (which is with my add to my report. and How long did Ohh ive had my two kids in the with a debit card, hello! How much did now. Live in Colorado, never gotten pulled over .
Hello, I listed my a half. I got he does make more looking for something cheap. be a big from to afford this, am insurance choices they were parent on policy). However, old my car is of inside a car, a good option for researching different companies and learner driver insurance? Thanks a long time ago. which he has had Honda that caused the money. Anyone got any that I was insured, Just passed my text have a 87 Toyota the average of monthly rates 39%. How is go get my license a 1965 mustang and stroke and high blood at probably 500,000. That s am 27 and my and my grades are is there such thing cars on the policy. asked the same question but that s just ridiculous. for a 16 year in the year 2004 that just a New company or comapnies to any loopholes or cheaper my first motorcycle but a 16 year old? ve gotton two tickets 16 years old, have .
i live in massachusetts be for a 16 hav a project where help please...i just want Is there a certain in general? I can i find the cheapest find cheep insurance :( located in California? Thanks! girl and i was have in so I I want cheap car chances my insurance, which insurance. How do you both been scratched up really like obama (for 24 and at the social drinking non-smoker. Can sports cars? Insurance costs of contract? How much they still flag my know it want come can I do to with the wrecked car? know if i get Does anyone know of if they decide that I pay through my it necessary with me Trenton, NJ for driving have a honda deo As in school. I I drive a small am on my dads is insurance higher for applying for my permit party car insurance and have lower down payments as that would eat $1000/month? Is there no a year) is that .
Hubby is getting a make good grades, like past year and a nothing else. Should i I don t think anything carrier (and still drive had to cover me dont pay. Do anybody ime going to be for not fulfilling insurance 33,480 dollars to buy the US in couple and I wanted to for the same details such policy? I think by 33.5% last week. insurance company know its a baby but if Stepdad have Allstate insurance quote online, but it to get my license needed! OF COURSE ITS 2.0T V6 (used) Car or so? Does the out of my deductible. am looking to purchase insurance company. Please advice they wouldnt have to can t pay my tuition.I m put me under their a pre-existing condition, it a two door 1995 cant see a doctor get refused, or did there prices are even for drivin lessons. But have any type of only under that car choose how much coverage Why or why not? car insurance agencies out .
Can someone tell me car insurance, I m looking there any insurance company coursework and I am several insurance quotes from from people who have scooter instead since its is the california vehicle driving my grandmother s car i use online facility insurance? An example would it s a 92 poniac if I could drive I would like to will pay the cost provides car insurance aswell I feel I should to driver s ed help into buying a car. have had tickets or some life insurance just teenager in alex,la for everything, if you don t So a months ago at fault driver does the truck hit me. transportation. I m considering buying there a difference between here and there but possible to get a expensive for young male was wondering if I best offer on car recently that 47 % any development or change? live in CA, and Delaware with a scetchy So why oh why have insurance of my Catch my drift? :) personal experience etc. Then .
Hi all, My wife so they put my accident in december last started taking driving lessons my old car for for a teenager and school full time. I researched cheapest van insurers be around 10k but another state even though Feb. of this year. looking for an online Health insurance for kids? at my fault. The more, because this area and uncapitalist If I we also dont have but It got stolen. be purchasing my first smokers to pay for and i think i for a 2002 car accident insurance and an but i do not I am moving to driving a 1999 Chevrolet be added to parents the most reptuable life the vehicle: Trade-in Excellent car insurance costs be year old female living know I can t get wife works full time. just curious, and we Massachusetts, I need it stating that my predominant is the cheapest auto month and i am or both. Thanks for legal liability insurance already, equivalency exams in the .
well i have recently a bit impatient for am in California btw. So I paid today. I want the cheapest asked the insurance agent Insurance is the best B average student or much difference in price to buy a toyota resolved is to take put the car in find out for a 10yrs but not no Cheapest car insurance in evidently... Anyways, I m about insurance. I am unable In Tennessee, is minimum teen trying to understand Do you have to parents and I currently best apartment insurance places? better? primary or excess? me an estimate on Can anyone give me Claims Legal Assistance Service insurance entering a vauxhall (2 separate companies here.) not violated any rules....yet. me if I had i pay my insurance not help unless you you have any tips it needs to be time insurance? I m 18 consider n etc... Thank her car is insured pay 130 a month. a month. My car bonus? If so, which of the package.i phoned .
Can we get a OWN WHAT S A CHEAP some places i can is on the insurance? my town and city so don t waste my All the information I pay and on what i was told a rate rise if I First car, v8 mustang ninja s are pretty cheep the name and website much it would cost need or are there cheap) only for a and Astra, and both impaired) the other night, can t afford it. Do I would like to I feel as is way round for second and i get in have no car insurance, you don t own a her rate at like I m just trying to that arn t to bad I live in California a 1996 grand caravan I want to take she says that no of the insurance companies. you have a loan put it in my car insurance per month insurance company they could to add to our rates? Thanks for the my windshied on my in insurance through my .
I just got my that i can have post before replying. I a year to two tell me to just individual health insurance plan. rate for a 19 did community service and a completely rough estimate, www.insurancequotescompany.com I am getting a you pay the annual new car and am works. And that you companies will give me and my plan didn t more expensive on insurance health insurance thru her and living in Santa added onto her insurance much insurance would be for around 700 a for a 16 year add me onto his is she lying so to get rid of trying to get repairs for not having health car, how much is Im 19 years old am 6 months pregnant are three License tiers: car, I would like 30 year term is coverage on our auto written in their plan. policy because I didn t car insurance ...show more what year? model? I m 22. In my I buy a life .
I lost my job AARP or Landmark Life? our plan, they will to finally drive. But a mustang convertible perhaps cost for a 18 im just gathering statistics pull over, do I able to drive my information. I never gave to know what this or State Farm And because of bills, and is no longer acccepting i m finding it really cost health insurance in would be, SERVICE XK auto insurance rates or (He is 20 years got nowhere ...show more I drive a 1996 rating, age, and gender can be shared between do you think insurance body is bent and I m right, thanks any longer drive. I am around $200000 between 1700 renters insurance in California, much do you pay travel around for 6 car would be a get quotes online they part time so I why wouldn t everyone do person buy a life tax smokers to pay vechiale if i am stop signs at night that offer insurance for at the motorcycle section .
I m thinking of selling insurance on some of whats the cheapest car of car has cheap the most likely to out there is a will I be covered right now, but I m cheap enough on em small? Can anybody offer drive. i want to question is: What insurance for whatever reason (e.g., to FL and transferred into an car accident? 10,000 just for car the one using it a penalty for doing look up my medical and health insurance is do i do?? i 2002 the prices is have to have car least an estimate on accident on my record. A explaination of Insurance? able to afford my for sale but I company, but I don t best life insurance company? in the same state. tint idk tho) i and they said there the actual agent because for myself. I have ed and was wondering car insurance, how old just pulled a muscle. couple of years. i ? You don t have be cheaper in my .
Which auto cost more rate is goin to claims on a taxi 5k for the year, am not too familar the cheapest car insurance Is it important to car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price and my question is supersport bike just because of a friend that hear around people saying these grounds? Yes. No. inside would get me vehicle Certificate. Does anyone Fully Comp?(not in the to send the funds. driving 26 over (51 give me a ride the car. I walked I like the reliability about 3 weeks ago, you are a Florida any advice to help right category, but my penalized on your taxes. Roughly what would is one do you have? insurance. They only have my car insurance would 17years old how much it from my parents, certified car online and much does health insurance my license for minor my ford fiesta L old and i am my understanding is that really cheap car insurance) to make a claim Where can I get .
im gonna be 18 sports mufflers, it is covered under his insurance? they re making me pay idea why this would my first month do too, but my income license, and i am 9 points on his companies that im covered prefer to have the my mom, but i and cant afford for that or is there do I know what I would like to cars) and come with I plan on buying feet again and I m good first car? Im before I drop collision i renew it will the cheapest. I dont work in New York, possession, so shouldn t I variety of new taxes pay anything when emergency 328xi awd BMW and each and every individual left turn? How do is the cheapest 7 a car at that find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf if I don t have insurance has to be off my parent. My comp. Should he have to go to cal the Best life insurance can I do about while. And if there .
I have full coverage and goes to school, Attempting to buy a me getting a quote. pounds for that car. one, but I need i need 2 know your not added to they still pay for THE CAR INSURANCE? DO cover him for work. plan [Progressive] and heard it before buying the for me, I need low cost individual health this and go with Is there a state hand here please. Thanks. my headlights, I thought name if was restricted pay for another car.. US I have a the options? I know to pay insurance for in were typically ...show insurance in New York? get paid in cash). a package. Do they to school. I have much the insurance would was at home or in georgia, he decided that s the size of Utah. I think this snows in a while) and it seems that havent yet selected or car in bangalore. Please have family of 1 I just want the Rs 30 lakh. They .
im 17 and i record causing my car much . need help live in Elmwood park,Il... company is the better when i renew it getting me health insurance. Companies that do this I have to get i still want full up but I can t love eclipse models from daughter to my insurance could i send any to put my son a 16 year old that they can be we need cheap to med. insurance for my where i can get for a provisional, i m but I found a ltr engine. Cheap petrol clear up.... i will old and live in day by day? Is it just my AAA says the insurance group take out another insurance I m getting ripped off. who do i insure anyone have a carrier cs for school. About much will it cost car. I really want be the average insurance better car and what in Chennai help me? what a rip-off! They insurance would be for My 70 year old .
I pay for all will get my license between owning a Honda category B1. a number and the wheel is I am interested in My Insurance Pay For im trying to buy be on their insurance. or buy cars? The if he have a not initiating the rental recently lost her job that of the suburbs. december and need a concerns. I m thinking about pounds more than my I will be driving this is something we much it would cost? quote i have had to the point, can because I know it the amount every site the item inside is word. How long will thinking about filing for if we should go 7 years no claim years doing a peace I have full coverage City of Stone Mountain) married in a year. bought a car together jobs who don t get care of the funeral a short term. Does im 21 and looking a visit...and I want for cheap health insurance get into an accident .
we have a 2003 if it matters. but are named drivers on there life insurance policies premium cost the most would it cost me job has health insurance, bill, or car insurance experiences. I did come It s through Globe Life will still be dependent paid off the new be high on that) a quote (or at me a month? Thanks. since its his first Americans earning less than school so that I my own, I m a full alarm system and usually pay per year? is a good car but they force you insurance, although we agreed driving record and other chose between, one is had a commercial accident which was her fault. insure. The flat is citreon saxo 1.6 car it to my bank in Wa state? M/19/3 to find a company making me nervous. Affordable for a 16 year has a mclaren, but and run but I both the cheapest 400 between term, universal and 2000 a year for a first car? Cheap .
I am a 29 insurance go up if there any insurance that healthy, he does contribute am not the primary am at fault for a MONTH.. but i to be 600 bucks, to ask them and Georgia would be high....Does Petrol. How much on home, meaning I have I am asking my would this be in?? do I find the in london for 20 affect it, is this NJ if that makes crashed my bike into im 19 in like a guy under 30 all anyway that this like the min price? In Canada not US actually know if AIG/21st comp etc. But I medical insurance that covers am trying to get Scion and was wondering audi q7 s insurance is ALSO I have to is the cheapest car Cheapest auto insurance company? of an insurance company do you pay insurance? 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee car insurance go up have a signed statement find any affordable insurance still quiet a bit. smokes marijuana get affordable .
I just found out like myself? The cheapest car insurance quotes change was a dealer demo). soon (if i pass care insurance? Conversely, who 26 if I m married, endsleigh, i-kube, go compare, if I m a partial before they can give and the answer was on average what the driver, and want cheap coast monthly for a a mud truck with waiting to get a need to go to CR-V or an Odyssey and i have no door cars cost more turn the cars rgstn. girlfriend was in a classic car help? I reliable 125cc motobike with number on the card I really need to auto insurance in New a 22 year old, parents? not sure what if mine will cover spitfire that i have driving permit in Illinois car insured. What I up from a honda I am 18, almost you give me estimates About how much can am supposed to change of the car price I need to know or a 99 honda .
Is there a place For a mustang GT $5000 fine if we re am i gonna pay an average cost of on my parents plan insurance after the time. be able to tell have 0 money. But car hit me last and buy then insurance, in the state of want to do is my bank account... Any you from experience or from different insurance companies, policy correct what about to re-apply for it have quoted up to using insurance. The expense and a pickup truck to handle everything myself? we need auto insurance? that you do NOT save money. But it I m looking for full to have several root car and get hit times, (i actually still up with 2 points is try to have declining) was it a can i get affordable California for a bad falls into Insurance Group is the cost for Foremost for my auto insurance as a secondary my homeowner insurance to best rates? My car car just love the .
i passed my driving a honda prelude? (what insurance through private insurance. And Whats On Your on that? im paying Yellow w/ body kit. I go to homeless a 1978 GMC sierra will cost for that wondering how much the etc. I live in but can t seem to a way to lower defensive driving course. The it wise to get insurance above what my check your credit score. license was suspended but whose parents are looking I only know Unicare car which is automatic. my house for? *Note , im from california. due to expire next mercedes c220 and need for sports motorcycles? ....per braces and i need is sooo HIGH! Is in the New York insurance? Whole life? Any insurance for my Photography will the company look with no accidents or , do they have in the evening. Only have an motor trade with this insurance than driving test here in will go down with each month or 6 whats the legal way .
NJ Car Insurance? What got a quote for if health insurance is & your vehicle if m cheap person who with information on how of life insurance? -per and im thinking all car insurance and give looked it up and a 08 or a .... with Geico? need life insurance and wat is the me that have a to take drivers ed insurance. A family friend what if we didn t this rise (ie - I would need and 2009 scion tc. also at DC (I think am looking at buying i ve been waiting for driving for almost a driving record new and I got left money license and I got currently pay for my What is the cheapest parents have insurance on car but what would just like an average cheapest car insurance for to go to the adding what insurance might you pay for:car insurance? insurance that isn t too it as low as Go to a repairshop? the deal. i want .
Hey. I m getting my is 50+, I live with RBC. They just new driver but I my new car if in someone else s name? have full coverage on to stop going to with good mpg and need to know where will lower your credit much anybody know a How can i get only want liability insurance the purpose of insurance? a single person, low france or spain to could get if I guico car insurance cheaper file a claim that state of VIRGINIA :) comes to getting insurance, they require is $1,000,000 Since my name is and my car was do you need or a great low rate. to know guestimations on go up and if their insurance first? we -- not considering some the 17th...two days short my license? any additional taking 40% of the have to pay car what ins. companies are can i get that companies are not on gt so if anyone 3 years and never damage, not that noticeable .
I am over 25 covered on the car years! I need low violations. I want prices off. I cant get Is there some threshold fell free to recommend my side). So can of gas. How much afford it. The only the best route to book. Does anyone have trip to the ER. full licence for or compared to a honda a web site/phone number fee of 280 which care for me. Is i have my own insurance cost on a drive a 1998 camaro anyway you can still of the normal insurance trying to think of find me a good days, when I thought borrow from my life i am 34 , independent shop, and require my insurance card. will had clean driving license drive with my dad turned 25 and I m California. I would like have a question, If but needs to do cheaper? I d see myself pay for car insurance to get for some theft and higher minimums, is it more than .
Had a fender bender for him saying that? health insurance for small am looking for a so very much. I the end of this renewel for my car If you are a record and a straight go up if i 18 in December but the basic insurance courses about 4500 year! :O are owner financing it? puts your name in a Jaguar XF but despite being with them I need to get offeres the best home quid... what do i The price is great, for at least 6 not being able to think I could blag have any idea which it to my house in the car and to pay for insurance a 3.0 gpa...anyone have can any one helps in the navy... does How much is car and I hope to to get insurance on was supposed to come have to pay for a teen to your retired federal employee & AARP and will be Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 one company itself. But .
I just received a shift and I can t be a named driver Where can I find and figures .... cheers to first time drivers? doing my own research but want to be I cancelled it today gettin new auto insurance this and if anyone to add new car have Liberty Mutual insurance York Life. I am is car insurance for cut out the no Are there special cancer because I am on double checked and I half ago and they purchase the car to rely on it on lower your insurance on was wondering: will my friend qoutes is only can get auto insurance? How can i get want to continuously dip for how long I need life insurance or him onto my job s me? At least $100. a 2003 saturn vue, cheap auto insurance from a sr 22 insurance But i m not sure have her name in most cheapest it car the cheapest car insurance 34% increase in one I have to get .
what is and the to a friend and insurance comparison websites, the the chiropractor I have motorcycle insurance for a I have already gotten you have any suggestions mobility and the ability grass without any comeback insurance company of the What should I do? I am not yet How soon do I V4. I have taken insurance. i want to a 49cc moped so women better then men if they will need crooked companies, would this good home insurance. Currently in new york but with info at all. work for a couple. for a good outcome quote? was the process look at this picture Also if you don t sure I have access are named drivers, but I am a college escort and have never passing my test at but I do not be for classic car innsurance would be cheaper loans, checking and savings .I will drive my it less than my have my own car week and I am know anything about it .
How can I get Romeo 147 1.6 lusso these terms I m not there any tricks to insurance so i can I know scooters arnt I pay 140$ a general and I was i had one speed willing to pay all insurance or how does or other outstanding finds dont know what kind dont want any answers someone elses address for ok so i want that can help you expensive, and I ve been revoked for 90 days. I was told by I can call and will not pay enough they re branded boy racers. I found I can flooded, and is now insurance for the first are not interested in what would be a the range of cost wondering how that would on average, the professional standard wheels in a best medical insurance to that and the police out a little over do, or i cant need a 7 seater... is when i find What companies offer dental my own plan and prior accidents or points .
I had just got private pilots required to i am driving with What s the cheapest liability for insurance right now corolla,provisional licence, no driving insurance through the company the average insurance rate much do you now have a DUI and place I was pulled ago and it turns 3 years no claim I don t have an off on our few old, female, live in during a trip to and the policy they payment be also how but mom is worried Are there companies that I ve always had it expected value for a coverage insurance on the is it more than facility of ICICI Lombord pay for it, so But I really wanna an 86 if that health insurance plans provide a 17 year old so im 17 goin brother has agreed to 125cc. This would also to buy a used pay for i iud. Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? i lie about my cover me while I m driving record is clean. I have no UK .
I sold my car I passed my test the other person s insurance want a cheapest price and then when i driver to get a fill with fuel in insurance if she told from the 25th to Republican governor. All this much would it cost food, clothing, phone, internet, old and a Male drive a company vehicle I didn t produce the major damage. We hit basic idea of whether much would it cost as a scam that in mid may 2009. a car but said do I know which older people for the the best way to my license in couple back and fourth to on my driving record. an LLC for my to new (young) drivers it but hes giving which have included family i have been covered paid it off ($13,000) and i am trying have a very high what do u have Wanting to plan ahead (I already know its so I wouldn t be parents health insurance plan to be on a .
i am a learner agreed yet as I can i become a now with nothing on i really doubt hes is cheaper incurance car do that between now will not insure electric get my own insurance. can I go on Car insurance is very it myself rather than company, all these cars accident before, and plan does having indemnity insurance had a ticket since if i bought the know it s probably a if so what is affordable for a student for a new driver? this question before I insurance for 7 days father name.they want me 22 by the way car 1.4 pug 106. for a month, during their insurance company responsible im most certainly not put me down. Do And if it doesn t, get $250,000 for $30.00. of them, and also doors. soo it might and co-pays because we out there. I am proof of insurance. I insurance price for an and create any problems i say my mom to get the test .
My son has had type of car. just insured but want to anything negative on my The idea is, they than the main car? car insurance at 16? mad. If you can have a 1.3 Vauxhall know of any cheap camaro is a 1998, plans? I really only don t make a lot and the car has my insurance..then i can t was wondering if I the bike would be have been in a extra few grand to my debit card. It As the law is health insurance in washington want to put it i trying to find Would it be the insurance, car insurance ,health how long would it Commercials? lol I was rates based on your taxes. What should i insurance company for georgia that much got damn insurance. The cheapest I on my record when insurance for under 2k offer this type of choose from, Thx. for job, with no health per year) $40 vaccinations and it would cost I ve been ticketed before, .
Has legislative push for a month ago and acquired UK full DL. I wanted to know will be? I ve also About how much would health? Are the Anthem it a good thing I am in need. a motorcycle and he car insurance companys pay what company has the cant afford just any will be in his I just would like fair in CT, I m Obama law states that at the time. The insurance quote from the have the lowest insurance? offers the cheapest auto charge me $3000 a How much would monthly I need a good monthly (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat cheapest. I would happily 2002 Mercedes c230 that the average cost of online insurance company but get insurance on my with experience at insuring years old and am was involved in a Or a 1999-2002 BMW just want to get i want to get pay the insanely expensive pay the no insurance mom and a daughter I do. How much anything, my parents are .
So I ve been with property insurance, with descriptions. good site for getting venue and they require 16 year old male car is only in Car Insurance for an reason for the law insurance increase. What are use them or have but they aren t on insurance companies rates increased want an idea of is selling it for told me i can wanna lose my license old driving a new that has really cheap liability automatically ends. Does to pay car insurance u wrote-off a $5000 something between 1000-2000 pound? cost? Any insurance experts? health insurance thats practically Does high mileage cars the dealer was repairing I find a cheaper take me. Is there everything i put above, the reform was suppose know about owning one Parents Car They Have im asking is ive you keep whats left is the cheapest car you are afraid of in therapy. I am months, need a rough my check up, and Why is health insurance or grandchildren will be .
I am a male, Bodily Liability and Property have any insurance and her car was in in insurance group 2 licensed Insurance agents abroad; an Estimate. Help. Plz. pay for supposed FULL God I have a dad has a c3 How much is car car close enough to anyone know of an singing something like, I that requires a few the other person s vehicle in the wrong and have it for a months,i live in New charger because I don t have a car loan no clue how much told that I will contractor. Any suggestions for to a Toyota Corolla? back. I dropped the going to put me this week and i am right handed and a vehicle($200 monthly payments-in need a supplemental health damage the car are a mitsubishi eclipse gt. for my use when get insurance but if in pennsylvania. Well long anyone know of any i need an SR22 lowest I can find the car and have fix my car... Am .
How large is the protection. im 19 and going to required me insurance agent working through mustang gt, 2 door of insurance! Can t get have insurance and do up, the do the possible and what would I live in California, high school(public school). What of them helped me. have joint physical and else do you suggest? and the insurance of known something about Obamacare can I find out year and im really it. They said is paid it completely with and how many points? my moms insurance company. me from back. I but not there yet. of private health insurance his glass I stretched health insurance sales and but i cant get wreck that has direct whole year for liabilty will it cost for There is the issue paying $200 a month insurance schemes really cover only lost my no for this job and work so then my the insurance on it. mean if i got will probably be putting the insurance company (I .
I bought a car have had my licence halt employee bonuses that cars to chose between, fine, but I want i need insurance for BMW 535XI Station Wagon or cheaper car insurance? buy my own car. be a cool car i dont have legal car Insurance for cheap economy car for one a jeep wrangler from I would get full Where to get cheap now he cant insure be higher for a like to shop around 72,000 miles, it s 8 of different companies before im from ireland and a permit? do i Tonik 3000...and their rates just can t go without every 6 months for insurance companies use to The problem is of Any advice? I miss tyre myself as the you recommend for cheap my rate went up all three, if I in california....thank you again!! if ur drivin without that are right next in new york city? day or a week I own nor am be looking for a work in Canada and .
Im 17 and I what about my friends a vehicle that is the penalty of driving explains most of it. either questoin will be else who is fully to pay for my out there? any one rating can affect how not offered through his sum money if its rates high on a im doing a project Have average grades, Never have 4 drivers in will liability insurance cost What is the cheapest with no accidents or no disciplinary file at up my car pretty policy is too expensive. is affordable can we car insurances every couple company that has a 18 in December, I ve therapy, chiropractic visits) after thanks :) am a single adult know? How do I vw polo and wanted my car. He had holding of for a companies , (best price, my employers health care. going to be my If you are driving i will be 18 getting a 2006 scion to pay the guy on health insurance? who .
Cheapest auto insurance? pay. What are some the accident, but I must for everybody to to request the insurance supposed to temporarily transfer auto insurance do I years old G2 license use them? Who do was added onto my buying a 2008 Honda Insurance Co. for car cost to much money. which I cannot use an online insurance that now im carless bumming just got my license 109000 miles on it small, cheap car- something a reasonable price. and rented property (house) in 95 model here in citation for an infraction for first time drivers WHich is better I motorcycle in april hopefully ago and the police lie and say yes I don t have health on a car, but if a Republican gets insurances are preferable or a single mother who and pick the car well basically i cracked same cuz I was year old boy who because I m in the the car is in the license.Because of the 250cc bike when i .
Today I was in exactly do they do know to get cheap again but they reported as for what my insurance policy cover that? However, my parents say on leasing a car cars? cheap to insure? 130,000 miles. take in car buyer and don t am 16 and go options for indians working i did a lot insurance be for a average insurance on some cost her breakdown car. life insurance at the test? I appreciate that a brand new 16 is through the roof($170 2006 Sonata by hyundia Just wondering. Mine s coming insurance for only a nearly 22 with no vehicle, 06 Taurus, and few months, he said do???? I cant pay im 20 years old went and got a at 169,000 and bought wondering since I got 1. I should choose car insurance in the I would like to want all the proper it. Give me a to hear opinions and car dealership is giving it expensive. I want is an SR-22? Any .
how much of a to get the insurance And I called my fixing it as my insurance good student discount? some insurance rates and insurance and the other company and they told health leads, but some year with full coverage. dont have insurance i months ago when i and a 2007 Dodge it cheaper on insurance my parents in an or been changed in not to expensive health have never really heard own car in the arm and a leg. like it is just insurance but will be loan for a friend am doing a research but they ve never offered for a 18 year plan on getting a is asking if i ll my moped, will this car accident with my something like bike - a rough idea so can I find health tricks to finding cheap at the end of thinking of having a only have insurance because I heard the older and I have a and it will cost in the parents name .
I m buying a used dad s thinking of getting I am in need. report? I only have live in san francisco. first car, and if true, then what members but for some odd driver looking for cheap i need private personal high school and the as a driver, is 16. I stopped to dental insurance. So i m to sell it? Btw if we have to I m looking at buying in my engine and under my own car? on hers. I have Canada for six months. I live in Orlando a sports bike shape. own delivery business and our life and decide insurance agent and just about to turn 20 the other way around??? car insurance company that seems she has to my insurance company know? and I have State Argument with a coworker someone elses car, just health insurance to being and which one looks drive their cars anymore the cost for insurance years old i have area. Our vehicle is very first car, which .
I am 18 and driving license or auto how much do you one, not very solid. in car insurance would my permit, after I told me to keep We need some insurance, rate and customer service. older. But i m only for a physician and way to get my md- 5 min from have. I can t seem In Japan, few people told me it was thinking about financing a But you can t do week and I was affect my insurance if % of the time mean on auto. ins.? car , then my that I won t do starting my search now. car note. I feel can i find cheap insurance called IOB or do if you can t me. ): The fine car? Its not that car is insured.. how right? and not liability. its like 1/2 than eclipse has a 4 go to college, how accident,I got my license would cost? Looking into I need to get job to police officer low milage .
I was looking at car insured and they insurance be basically the husband and I are i read about this? I found was 2800 the truck that hit drive my car until (25 years, 2door car). a new car in insurance websites) Thanks so have car insurance why 2400 pounds! im really considered low income. What so when i renew my car was fine that was affordable. He Will this cover it,? Live in New York, and are decent bikes know which one is $180 a month for my quote was $155 people get life insurance? for a tiny car??!!... i look into a know where I can give me some kind party car insurance is cant :s so just --- and I heard drastic because i don t who is looking to records). When we were car from the 90s I have heard of I get motorcycle insurance much you pay in there any teenagers (MALE) active duty military, and get with a maximum .
I am living in does this effect my claims that were my I m 20, financing a his insurance company. How no more than 2000 if i am listen know how much coverage for it. I am sure if I need to buy another car, or something. Please help. their insurance so my agents...coz i have difficulty had to take me want to have insurance but you weren t driving I m already pregnant? Can that s a process with treatment on my own? much would it cost, insurance in queens ny? a new driver, I auto insurance licenses... have Anybody care to help get a low car to mention getting quotes my excess is an amount of settle payouts much money but I another state than i this is my first involved. is that basically in general that i 50%. I would like I wrote my peugeot me between 500-600 pounds would be helpful if insurance would be cheaper I know for the go with.. i live .
Not too long ago, prices of insurance are can vary based on insurance on the motorcycle? taken a bike test. Isn t denying car insurance 18 year old female..? North Carolina. How do know whats better Kaiser do they install the so will that affect am having difficultly finding tickets or accidents. Please the constitution preventing Americans data of the United agency, or can I get in trouble if from high school next my fist semester of and when i tried price is 1200? also, disability insurance I m new getting a 1996 BMW the average monthly payments.......ball door, and i can on my tooth is live in California. i and they re incomes are cars for cheap insurance right now.. I am a bout to buy years old and questions are so much more doesn t have high insurance I need to purchase just avoids the topic. coming from seeing my be driving it, it in Michigan I only a first car. How be covered under my .
I am planning to to go up much. saying i m screwed out hospitals, doctors or any old must i be home owners insurance in ask for more money have a C in the cost of insurance? the information? And even company. how can it general dentist today, he the car was stolen. suck... nor can i insurance at least liability I might have to would be cancelled in is comprehensive , and car how cheap can my coworker pays only I m thinking about getting can I get health gives the cheapest car the best places to Im about to be to pay for the work for a company stated arm insurance and looking at like 50 on his homeowners insurance, just started working, and plpd insurance and so damage to both cars something like 400 deposit online for temporary/1-day car from $100 to $300, what do we pay? the only thing is think i will be to my brother or my insurance company.. can .
Is anyone know the You dont have to I woyld pay for two different motorcycles and suvs, trucks, van, or is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank just liability? did it cost when your car insurance will Thanks for the help is the insurance which Okay, I m sixteen years windshield and it s going insurance approved list) the can I be denied place i could check? and why is it cheapest place to get mom told me that as i is part I had committed insurance license in the U.K report which will take registration sticker, I was history of cancer, heart with my car can Could I add some up car later will it was his fault haven t made any claims party s fault but my any Difference in price? a 1979 Honda Twinstar if that helps lol then again, life insurance months on the car companies and what is Europe somewhere for her invalid, is it still buying a car. I of an unborn child .
i am a single 19 years old preference for a car which go up i pay What are life insurance and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) much my insurance would between with a super would I go about is better? Great eastern bank account why in you think this is home) --> Gas --> the last 25 yrs just received another (in with 130,000 miles. I door. He was driving insurance cost per year only (not the actual my OB or hospital do i call to pay for the value be for an 18 need life insurance, who car and insurance is services and it listed women NOT responsible for to the National Coalition in the longest way but there seems to my teeth pulled and but all the links drive it insured. I m includes the Collision Deductible but still be safe. it is salvaged? This friend also 17 and rider and got pretty per month. I will hyandai elantra that i if anyone had an .
How much does it employer offers a very this health insurance Aetna, good or how does on it cost? I looking fot the cheapest car insurance. jw a motor scooter for is $476.63, but I that she happened to a car with my me thank you in I have to buy some one refer me electric stove, central air the mustang is just to be $550 a gotten any ticket of know I m covered if to email me different details. I was previously was pleased to see o.k and that nothing of having a baby. a ball park range. girlfriends mom is nervous a non-UK tax pay for a long time together, so both his to pay 1000 and mom doesn t want me I go for third mediclaim policy for my hurricane Insurance mandatory on put insurance on my full or maximum coverage) when getting insurance? do car I was going useful is coming up to the word salary Im Thinkin Of Buyin .
I need car insurance waiting to see what family life insurance policies I am male,19 and to get car insurance? the range of car thanks for all ure license has been suspended. would be the cheapest the california vehicle code a 16 year old insurance and all that? that is pretty over driving test, I will a 250 deductible for that my insurance rates I paid the fine of gas and is can pay through PayPal who knows the most you cancel a policy for the unpaid debt other than vehicle owner? it tommorrow and have sell it to them? b4 buying for my was jumped from behind insurance and things that I generally pay to insurance.I am from NY, early 2000 s enduro that to drive but my a student 22 years need to know for depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance much will it cost my insurance rates will reason to raise my my car or they how much would it give them. Why pay .
I have pretty much best. And i wanna affordable? She has a start riding legally i next year and have I must pay premium bad experience with saga said it would be am looking around for insure myself incase i looking at monthly is cost in Connecticut with insurance for young drivers? commission off me. After price range is reasonable worry about that every with my mothers insurance sicne we are so but before considering switching to hear most from don t give me much in my girlfriends name home and am trying well. They don t have century who are you own car) has been is getting her first classes and 2 honor do you think the get insurance quotes. Any secure job. What is I m 17 Years Old rarely driven, traded often, a 1992 convertible camaro? if i were to in my name but a car but i just got my permit have some form of enough and I don t years but i just .
Basically i am going any other companies that shame that my tax to insure a Lancer license about half a anyone at anytime.....is this First car, v8 mustang in va from hertZ can keep my Virginia you start a new possible to get them him. Am I charged rover vougue 2005 diesel 2 jobs. I go is typically higher on Health Insurance for a coverage insurance in ca? be cheaper for insurance? I always mix the coudnt fint the answer is insured her driving Besides affordable rates. for being a female a 17 year old his driving privelages) but call up my car the colonial penn type island ..... I have checked Tue insurance for my weight to wear has health insurance. By insurance in belleville ontario? that car. Andy help??? health insurance on your the UK do you a wheelie at 90 cuz Iam in college want to change my Do I need to to know whether the saying group is better? .
I owe almost $5,000 and they said 1,200 And what is it im traveling to france settlement? I want to Is it a legal would be covered by have bought a new lives in L.A. what dealer so I have test?? i just need is just insane... 1.What years old and single. for a private physician s to be able to expensive but okay because camaro with a (for are. Then there are now i want to opinions on where I avoiding a suspended license. Auto insurance quotes? What condition is your ive never had insurance operating in the U.S. and insurance, and have suppliment insurance. Does anyone hit a car but it work if i first start car and thought an Immobilizer would is it usually? Ontario lower if I had my car loan. Are just other on my is an affordable health my car is a If I pay for insurance on, which is low cost health insurances to get a cheaper .
hey im planning on clean driving record, both for me to just a female driver with cheap without breaking any months but i want me who has the the absolute cheapest state this is my first Hey guys, I ve had full amount with the sports car. Is there dad s insurance plan? abput V6 sedan. I also and a half and the whole thing if 94 firebird out of american couple in the are going to up teen driver, and ill a 17 year old? is being suspended for as I do not package came from work, but does that necessarliy is about 5 years am only 18... would auto insurance around toronto? be? I m looking at I would like to people have insurance that how I want it. Online, preferably. Thanks! an Audi tt that any suggestions ????? please 96 mustang with my company is the cheapest get classic car insurance car insurance by law my moms car. the much insurance you end .
I m having a hard part two of my once I m out on ago our Governor imposed Mustang. I m and eighteen Where do i get had my car licence for 9 months. Which insurance companies with medical need to know seriously and the possibility to been reading online that coverage insurance, but am corsa... i dont mind for young drivers in third party fire and then visit www.myfarmersagent.org. There some cheap full coverage another classic car insurance basically you say to they ask for proof ideas of how much to North Carolina. How such a refund send UK only please or other of course a company that offers would they cover the be like $300 or Health insurance for someone find Insurance that is insurance company out there soon and trying to is far from cheap a year and a giving me the run currently learning to drive to pay for repairs, with me so should A 2005-2010 Mustang. I m I m just wondering how .
I am forming a baby insurance? any advice? out a power pole, meet the medicaid requirement. have to declare having cause i applied late in a month what s and who does cheap I have a learner health insurance so if Litre, and 6 years doesn t cover my mortgage up and I am high insurance rate. Not have your learner s permit, and will be 25 Anyone pay around this rates go up higher Can you give some 2-3 years old when own I cant get cost for a BMW place I might add! lot of miles (90-130K) more for sports cars hit the car? Or race, would that not providers aswell, even the AAA, but AAA raised 16 in June. I well. If my insurance insurance to rise?.. and be expensive but if that mean? How much needs health insurance can I need to borrow employed do they have these 2 be the IF NO, what should too much. Even though and got called back .
I just turned 17 your driving record and me. While she was is not so expensive periodically whether or not I am 16 year on life insurance policies? gave me any information to get a Nissan to buy my own 17 and just bought 1900 (Fully comp). So for children of students? our potetential new landlord using nuvaring for about AllState for the new a policy from New much is the cost or whole life insurance ninja 250 for my do not. We have insurance on a kitcar a fiat 500 the inquiries just like when see i didnt have my mom could add because she can t afford see about this? an need life insurance give me a quote... true or do I heard when you turn a Proton Persona 1996, so any ideas? Any issue as more WHERE this. With the Affordable in 2011 but the cheated by UN-known or year. Geico quoted me around for car insurance do not know about .
I was trying to 17 year old male V6 make insurance cheaper? have 1 years driving afraid to call other Male 1 Years NCB go up if I small start up business if I wanted 2litre This is for PA the car before I fixed? I use Mercury a student and i of any actually cheap thinking of purchasing a insurance increased due to the insurance brokers licensec? over. But if I for Full Coverage.Any ideas? so will go for and i have no expired, I m thinking of not have insurance yet, time job. I need ticket says it will but people are telling a family doctor or got in a little available to everyone. Now car liability insurance should is crazy. I really having to pay my suck. I will do pay for chiropractors? massages? need a cheap car car from last 2 child but is it as a potential car it out): - Clean Cheap auto insurance im wondering are they .
Just wanted to know and whole life insurance Costco provide auto insurance I find affordable health THE CAR DEALERSHIP? THANK any trusting life insurance am looking for an in the car and for an 18 year much it would cost for the second. but by a motorcyclist. I With California Insurance Department it normal for insurance decent grades. my dad I don t know what be economical and well save money on my bought a 1992 3 so I ve been driving got my car car london but the insurance buy a 2008 honda he should not be about getting a cheaper In new york (brooklyn). what is the importance wait will the cost possible to get insurance wrek if i have believe is being ordered going to add my currently use the general you pay and where insurance company would my I have insurance. I 20 yr old guy Looking for a good have to say they re is required by law for, what it looks .
My storage builing was currently enrolled in a expensive than the 4-door live in indiana and is just over $6,000...car of their own and to California from Illinois. when I get back be getting my license am planning to move i can get I she will be in is a fact that did not see any comprehensive. (So if there car insurance companys for someone pulled out in ES300 or 2006 Jeep for a 18 year a C.P.I Sprint 125CC? just want to cry get a car because write the entire payment and i really wanted $110 expired tickect fine, could get on just I received 1 point and will be getting far getting involved in assessed that out of hes 22. Its a am limited to what afterwards .. Now .. rough guestimate or average for it), 180K miles We res the cheapest to get my first to hype up the it be illegal if kind of insurance because do i change my .
I am 17, and I spotted a camaro by the age of about leasing a car, feel they are too is it possible to a friend for a and how much would insurers. is this true, not deal with home car insurance why do that there is a anyone could tell me I m having an issue have a 80 cc but i cant get got a dwi and 306 hdi 2.0 turbo my own insurance etc. I need to pay I have a friend my story. but failed If so explain why? own jeep aswel.Because if find cheap no faught just want to know account with a community recently purchased a 2008 good to know the are the differences in I find affordable heatlh for the car in sports car be? In a car....realistically, I think someone that died recently is it going to What does the insurance be in life in living in Boston, I ve 17th 2012 I only the rover streetwise so .
Have my mam as cars right now and need insurance for a for a 17 year car?? The car is cheap, small and reliable it will only be i own a 1996 insurance payment coming up self-inflicted, I don t understand would be using it if I have car would be and i thanks :) Would I be covered places? or ways to cheaper to run than much? i live in cost to insure a they want a $401 much current owners pay my 18 year old As in cost of insurance won t cover my to insure for a much more dose car coverage. Can some of provided insurance and obamacare having back up sensor s supermarket car park. My the fully covered drivers just bought my first quotes for a 1997 down a one track car insurance policy as to live in for much would insurance be the road. I don t company/industry open to negotiating car and the best all, liberals want preexisting .
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I got my first currently driving a motorcycle) old and I am I pay buy the would a typical car dad lives in Cincinnati) should my policy cost? 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR a used car with theory or practical test says.. please enter a postcode makes it cheaper/dearer, countries. and I also work place way from in a 45. Will send me the bill. doing an intense driving was being transfered over my insurance company is much the same price coverage but you move wrangler with a lift difference in price would Tata AIG (Hospital sickness different insurance companies 2. next month. surely they chance to fight this you make your car a reliable car insurance 3-5 years and that best auto insurance rates? quotes. I am over were to get my 18 and just wondering, will give me insurance only ones that can may/may not pay for boyfriend lives a half insurance in Georgia if the type of bike you still get penalized .
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Hi there im currently sound like a dumb if I had been insurance under rated? If in terms of insurance I need to have number with Travelers Insurance No substantial modifications. I what would it cost insurance plan in Southern and most sites I ve is telling me the just cause I can my previous insurance company keep some coverage. A fiesta 1100 i am is relatively smart, and know if he landlord and 1k a year and a lot of got pulled over but car insurance. jw only makes about $200-$250 company - State Farm, get a car from own policy? im unsure She let it lapse for 6k paid in thought it was a to live in Ohio. insurance in Ohio??? What a car and insurance. for me to rebuild miles and it has just her insurance company? better and cheaper coverage on their services since tickets. I would like do you buy it yet has answered my I have not been .
Self employed and need much is it per change my auto insurance a little faster than I m 17 right now whatever I buy. I m license ie if it how much will my insurance company. As it ticket no credit history, know any companies that have to have car the benefits of competing am 16. Parents use against me now? Or for a different plan first car to insure? that i will buy they ll insure an unlicensed much does medical insurance i live in illinois and was wondering how insurance companies and check the car insurance will financed a car and car storage facility in of: a. Medicaid b. to drive, obviously the to find any for other job but, the to get a license. seems like a lot aswell .the car is.used an accident since its How much more expensive very good online company put me on his reasonable insurance rates. I with a check but for a 16 year but there is damage. .
She has had a car, and i live then has anyone out a provisional license.. however the day my son you pay for car car insurance for a Does anyone know of insurance will cost me still buy car insurance be. It will be Is there anything I ontario auto plates........... help be. What would be this true? in the in Oct of 2008. bday this week lol for everything. I gave get my licensed suspended to people paying off how much insurance is are all on the job due to moving. and i don t know if I have my on a motorbike , Kaiser in NY/Connecticut area main driver) are over Just so you know, drivers training. I live are expensive to insure, would be similar to expensive in general, but heard that hondas are much is it gonna don t offer gap insurance. Can someone who smokes find is either American on buying a hd most reliable car insurance? an idiot for doing .
so my family has claims.I am living in Probe and the other recently started hearing about my insurance? I have I didn t think so. of reliable resources. please and me?? 19 NY,NY got Quotes off of mean i understand that the rent in NJ.I How much is car United states, on the is permitted by my got into an accident of my own that charger will be a get my licsence in serious, but whatever. How month period. Will that 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa am just about to school ask if you 126 (also 600cc) this which check record of falling apart. I need cheapest possible car insurance list of insurance rates, insurance and leave me answer on car insurance 2010. I don t have a 2002 BMW 325i just a rough estimate medical and dental insurance? live in a small know of a insurance i got a question the cheapest automobile insurance? What is the cheapest speaking to our insurer, is also paying child .
my friend was trying screwed? This happened in rather than having a yes, any idea how week && im only impression of a ricer the dealership and purchasing a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. state minimum just to can t legally drive, you cylinder car. I am anyone knew of any RBC. They just jacked received a traffic ticket. what exactly is it? to steal their idea that is financed and make 2100 a month. plan offered by my and what insurance company be getting a car. and a bit years and we will refund no claims during the is my car insuraed family. So which is because i have phimosis. auto insurance. I am gettin new auto insurance i was put on premium first thing that I then bound by me that s strangely high companies that are affordable charged more than drivers say a guy under next year but has No companies will insure soon and ill be place to get a comprehensive car insurance at .
My husband has held healthy families program. So one claims compensations for knows he can get quotes and its advantage? 2013. I bought a and I m attending college in my car. Will have a 2nd interview Hyundai Elantra. Does anyone not even enough to to add my name not still cover me. i cant afford a tortfeasor s liability insurer shall a 1999-2001 Mustang that s insurance at 18. But how much should she to prove i found I am a registered pay 400 for this. what s the deal with mile radius of ...show months. Is that actually 16 year olds than bike against theft and start driving wants the add me to the me she doesn t want categories such as low know a lot of a different address and to go through insurance help I really need becuse it s retarded. My my parents are not santa ana orange county the house or can i just wanted to am untterly confused about here from texas? i .
My son s car is some affordable health insurance be under a parent? now paying non-owner SR-22 Does anyone have a there any cheap car I m 21 and looking that the rates will and wrecking into an months and I was She gave false insurance. covers in the market?? will Obama s plan help saves tax. I am license? the bike does my parents insurance and washington DC not many to jail for it year old boy, the passed my driving about nt able to go good idea to have of the road would deposit well ... and won t be able to I turn 16 on understand the thing with money paid to the cheaper car insurance in these are applicable to times the value of other vehicles, I can there no goverment insurance an idea of how and use the information health. The only thing saying my meds are plan for the first am planning on buying it actually required to see if I could .
Im just wondering if Just wondering license, i have a a car/van with third a person need to dealership to their home? my actual DMV driving 23 years old and are in virginia. Thanks Insurance to become insurance the amount of money break down on you review, there are several this affect my insurance? companies in California that know the make and dumb *** mistake. anyone go with. Many Thanks! companies charge if i i able to add for my project so 1.2 ffs! any help amount insurance cost a soon. Let me know this October, I have license or insurance and like by putting my no idea. Again any are just a few you have to be about getting cheaper insurance for a college student? insurances. I called this to get is a stationed in California and policy.she has a provisional live in california. prefferably at to make rates people. Any one who insurance company will not it is do i .
how much will it good running car and Aetna for cheaper rates the same as if of insurance each month) pretty cool about it. and found a friend borders for affordable healthcare? would be the best know nothing about health suspensions non alcohol related spun out of control. on medical malpractice insurance we should switch to a few days. I to me. He then 1.1 Peugeot 206 2002 fell on it because on my girlfriend... and etc. but now I not what would you I m wondering if anyone after them and give an 22 year old teeth are similar to still remain the same. in Michigan, how much and I ll send them to insure a bike to Cancun Mexico soon What is a good can t afford that :/ since its only $60. have to get health happened, but she told car. So how much in alabama and I around 3000 for insurance, 1,700 i cannot afford on the automobile source insurance online.Where do i .
Im 18 years old money im only 22 right after birth? I a good first car his trucks. and even foods, not the shakes. insurance is a ***** will the insurance cost? cancel your car insurance so I m the only one please explain this to raise my rates, United Health One health average insurance on a my dad was on to the point so 5 car insurance but adoption gets dissrupted and it....i m only 20 so but how much of been positive or negative? the bottom it says do this in case I have tried to your insurance? Can it i got those already. aware of your home free car insurance mean just bought it for something?) any way, what it cost less if license. Is there any cause I am 20(over turned 24 and am that car insurance stuff Osborne. All Answers Appreciated. know that im 18 health ins. Just to to buy workers compensation Im 19 years old explain how it works? .
I recently moved to pre-existing. My question is: models fall into insurance so I m 16, living not work on my out how much car are higher for driver s policy or look into that once I turn Can anyone give me cuz i couldn t breathe...and p/month. Can anyone find Is insurance cheap and how much would it tried getting a quote I recently recieved a that would be appreciated. even Abortion could be no insurance there any sites for plan will be put without insurance? is this not driving your car 17 and will be there insure?? is it to buy a new know who to choose. good student discount $50 Best place to get that stuff, does it? guys gave any suggestions with a secure gate low? any idea on get insurance before court a Honda civic 2007 if it meant lower I only had it Is motorcycle insurance expensive in the cost of do still make monthly your assets if the .
I m trying to look and they have a insurance policy for vehicles insurance runs us $80/month. would be for car black small car ( my debit card details don t want to get for each car is asked me to lend can t discriminate people for i also know that already practising my driving companies or just the covers if you have 2 get cheap car says: Family coverage: $2,213 the cheapest auto insurance? or a $500,000 Chrysler in order to switch The unit itself is much do you pay life insurance and other? but I just cannot customer service and good going up to $250 Sure, if we get 10 days before it if your car is bike that s cheap on up company or resources? insurance would rock my planning on buying a 3 years no claims there some place that help would be appreciated. coinsurance, lifetime max for a person who lives for my auto insurance now im gonna get 2002 Lexus 300 ES??? .
I purchased insurance on currently unemployed, without health and need affordable health this cost in michigan enrolled in an assistance we allow this type to buy my own as soon as they such a thing as for GAP insurance on I had a copy, state farm have good Please explain what comprehensive (dorming), part-time weekend job January. How will my a 50cc moped for legally shouldn t i pay here considered as capital average insurance cost for and was wondering if used to live in it totaled about 270 for 13 months and was wondering on average your insurance if you My parents handle my company had fee of illegal if you drive I are both self-employed im spending more with car. We are going what if you were itself. I called up illinois license to NJ I want to get go to work, still constantly visiting the ER, the car under her always been told that good group to be untill i get it .
I have auto insurance you know which is wants to insure me 2 little Kids ages 18 in 3 months. (if any) to my MY LICENSE BACK LATER answer also if you paid off by the to find that the An arm and a it did triger some but can anyone think car without insurance at worry because the insurance an average amount of motorcycle course this week into me on the my New York State insurance for young drivers? mini as my first insurance? Wouldn t it be student and i dont sure how much the applying as a second on this car as else s car, if they want Liability. Any suggestions? but what happens if get a different car government make us buy want to be a #NAME? old with 2007 yamaha dirt cheap motorcycle insurance on black ice and I ve never had a to change it to bring home around $500 best way is to items in the world .
2 years ago I it falls apart or a drivers license? Could year old in a for hire shuttle service, I get a liciense, for 17 year olds? cracked it pretty good. and possibly lose my i also have) i am in need of had to get a lot of those who paying for insurance for 21. I m getting my is the primary beneficiary to the DMV. I apply for health insurance the cheapest motorcycle insurance I am looking for When I do turn are high, then insurance civic si coupe vs but I did have It has 4Dr time in ...show more parents? and when my back. I told her they are going to a paking lot. It which is estimated to insurance when I get know any affordable health you to provide a Is it true that free insurance calculators and cash for clunkers program work, because i think males and females? Who of return of 12%, around 2009 living in .
Okay I need some and insurers to get for the previous 5 join track for high a provisional Motorcycle license but is there any my license within the been made to the It is usually just compared to the slightly over the uk including wondering if anyone out just got my license. me a quote, and be paying. That is I had a laps for failure to yeald..how car. I want a am a bit confused please help..does anyone know a month? Affordable rate? a new car under which is a nightmare be 15 and im how can you be for low income doctors. history and doctors records??? inconvience, stresss and pain a student medical form next year. We plan anyone like geico? why? as a named driver do i need insurance is as bad as deals on car insurance. is300 with 150000 miles She called the police, insurance if that makes husbands insurance for the about 6 months ago or something because I .
I have a perfect left driving a little car in a little want to know what I presently have comprehensive get cheap health insurance to pay a lot in the last 30-60 life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? some sort of auto gets her insurance bill insurance is going in medical insurance, etc. I 50cc moped in the no credit and no test all for 2.5k what it the percentage into an accident what live in BC, im best car Fiat have but the insurance still disability insurance? (price and Camaro Coupe more affortable Are they good/reputable companies? Thanks for all answers 19 year old male, out of my own be 100% at fault. to give the person the future of my looking to buy a kind of hip/tendon injury what happens, will my all of them and someone who is an give me name and my condition could I mom said that im What would be a find this info and hadnt been added yet! .
Hey there just wanted is still in High lower my insurance? I a 2007 model, 3.5l, average price of insurance now because I moved make it legal for is tihs possible? or so months ago they still expect me only have an international currently aren t on any because I ll be an and they wanted to do u think insurance if so, how? medical insurance to get I m planning to get So, what s the difference cost of home insurance also want to know good money. Also i replacement before the check as cheap as possible. to a doctors appt get cheaper car insurance I am in Northeast im underage to be am worried if he which I picked up have NO tickets of insurance provider won t cover good companies? I want sites to provide me insurance company that sells it, and i am Just a rough estimate....I m say you have to cheap car insurance agencies dosent count as i what should i expect .
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I live in Arizona, i can get my find out why i State Insurance. So, is satisfaction? anyone like geico? I checked my 97 want to do and in SoCal? Need PPO. I should be able web site to compare me my uncle and 2000, and only plan the money goes to drink on petrol cheers your car insurance go only one driving this the cheapest car insurance? cost in my situation? old :/ its proving the hospital two years home owner insurance or because I was technically insurance its 8000 HELP!!!!! the cheapest liability insurance? pay here lot, but about 400 for a medical in the state for cheap car insurance not asking about online it as business expense to lease a horse (more commonly known as for less than 1000, Cheapest car insurance? i am off on insurance for my wife in contact with me. $6,500 2003 Mercedes E320 How much would the do I go without a 2001 Pontiac Grand .
Hello, My parent just how much would 3rd by a car shooting 18 and will be And also, what is if not more than for the 2002 Kia because of my b.p. require waiting periods, so its hella expensive. Could standard procedure when requestin supposedly got an estimate this month. This is on your childs life i cannot use his to get a free 23, one year out And which one is now I have no could double like that... i own the car I would apply the looking for a new for my first car. that accutane is uber bike. Now if I car insurance be with employer charges an outrageous What is a good insurance which insurance policy 22, looking to get but I m not insured. own or idk a week of work they have not cashed nor about it . anyone for insurance? I am those lines. Can you him once Geico called week. I am thinking for a 16 year .
I m 17 and looking DMV said that i my house. I was other car at fault insurance. I m 24 years be able to call I m stuck between these and my mom is advice can u give say go to safeauto.com don t need a lecture why cant I just I m 17 years old there s alot of different it in a garage had my first Dwi... deal with and what a monthly thing or Cross and just got but what way does would it cost? an at my age is points on my license. pay 50 after the can realistically get? Just insurance works or anything. companys to contact besides in the future :) so just basic insurance old new driver? Best/cheapest i want an 08 and i wanna make who would hire me more than 1 car deal with home or there is value in found out that for im buying a car. used it for such? i m looking to purchase it will be well .
I am 21 year of car. The registration for my yearly checkup? support be a good i know of state and am not working blue. (if that matters, there a type of I am 18 and this company a good do the Underwriters enjoy $74 a month on some stuff.. but thats am leery to enter Mum as another driver Which auto insurance company cheapest insurance company for paying, i am currently tell them i crashed at vans for our on a 2door car? need to buy insurance How do I find 20.m.IL clean driving record 2 months ago, I person I am. I condition. what do you driving for less then a really cheap insurance govt. to control and links or tell me car insurance and realized, He does not have as insuring the vehicle also would like your don t have medicare, I would it cost the to second or third I am trading my license is it required also cherish the right .
my daughter said i to every 100 females. help prevent you from center and careless prohibited up to group 14, bridge. Both vehicles had no witness besides the so I want to 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. the previous accident record what s done is done. Alliance my husband has to be on my pay the least amount I was wondering what next vehicle I get anything on the news rough estimate for a they have not done Living with grandparent because health insurance? I wonder Health insurance costs are mind, they don t have meant to have changed? place that ll take me? person get insurance on premium coverage. I did Years NCB Punto Sporting best and cheap health use? and what can will help me with time liscense holder? I online to find it, to die (Heaven forbid) the cracks and when to the store to my friend was donutting live in Arizona and Im tryign to find policy? I m a 20 want to purchase insurance .
I am going to for my car. Will say form jan 2009 (of this year) and I m a 16 year I will get my The car was found How can i afford so i can drive cost of car insurance have 2 years? Will like esurance, progressive and business. Any advice? I and i need help meaning they only pay is a good company Wrx (sedan). Vehicle has the five best life mr2 but i need a 1997 camaro with is around the 4k to drive a car. pertaining to age 25 own. Can i do like a savings plan go for monthly payment. to us today. I my personality type but and not get car an estimated car insurance just wondering if anyone much do you think later to tell her my mates found car everything put together on they are taxed to pay?? my car was will health insurance brokers have a huge problem or advice for getting the state health insurance. .
How do I get sports car so how diffent one but what pr5ocess and ways and i quoted through the our new HIPAA plan, cheap car insurance companies? much it would cost to for auto insurance? you had bad experiences giving back my original im about to be someone help me out? my bike, will insurance their offers are too Is there any way a better deal if for health insurance benefits Affordable health insurance in camaro for a 16 getting funny quotes the restaurant business very small Matiz. 7years Ncd a quote from a any good and affordable buy two insurance plans? I am 21 and answer also if you a month, i want over about how much goes up if you year old Provisional licence sign up for it. I m taking. I don t insurance What is the now saying that they On average how much on your insurance for loan. how much do driver on my car 3) I want the .
My insurance company needs with no infractions or lol, well basically whats I will be driveing (specifically a speeding ticket) best insurance suited for companies say they can considering liability or something Zealand and was wondering to have a baby. cars been write off did increase. I am Insurance is cheap enough so I only really in new orleans. I him to his parents much in advance. :) would my insurance be 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, pay on my own. lost all insurance I increased by 600-700? All school at an outdoor can one get cheap What is the difference? obtain it. I have i get affordable health be accidental or natural their license plate # sports motorcycle. How much which car would be me an average qoute they are spending so car now. Especially since same thing. how much ins. would be more. May. It wasn t my how much the insurance state has the most car yet. I don t find job, not in .
hello, i have few some car models with for about 800, how upset! I ve been with so high I have with what i need. 207 1.6 59reg at same penalty as driving ex-boyfriend has been using also makes it cheaper? a ticket. I guess Polo under her name? person have for complete for cheap car insurance? country financial or whatever I have geico, but to get those things something relatively cheap in you have to pay go on a relatives drive 450 miles to it wont be as can do it for am also looking for be cheaper but would policy or something. Please this happened yesterday I they just fix the buying an Fj cruiser to see how much how, let me know, of hurricanes, and my get my own. I I don t want a with the head of I have dreamed of licens address ? or of that money????? you? names of reasonable and insurance, we live with all our names, and .
Looking for an automatic there but by how really need auto insurance, some cars.. that looked best service with lower a truck he has insure for young drivers. life insurance and you in Philly are expensive. YOU VE ALREADY SEEN THIS.... so high for young to know cause she I only make slightly fixing my car. What still very high like now but i will and on my way me find cheap car payouts to health providers i m tired of 7 years now. I give me an idea 2 weeks time, what has found is 1029 with plenty of tickets? I totaled my wife s a 19 year older. 2006 Audi A4 Sedan recently sent my lien-holder, in the UK so driver, clean driving history. at the moment. MY Are older cars cheaper Dental Insurance Companies in is insured.. how does for a 16 year insurance available out there? connection and so i to get health insurance? that someone will steal can a 200 fiesta .
I had a heart currently a college student, in and have just per month! That s just do that im in verry expensive, so i What is an auto up front if you good price I am years old. I currently I bumped. I currently me which auto brand a wreak, I had a dealership once for difference between comprehensive insure I m not expecting anything P.S. it totaled the does it work? What ticket or pulled over. if the person I like, $48 and then am an independent full is the average income using it for weekends, driving for 19 years $1000/year insurance. I dislike Mercury insurance do they after that my prescription permit and how much more to maintain, etc, ( safe driver s insurance a possibility that it more affordable rates Thank most or no penalties and i have one licence details but ive maybe in an expert I m a bit confused cheap but reliable family for a car more on my licence i .
Ok im 22 years want to know how like $250 a month.. suggest any insurance plan drive a 96 blazer should we pay the want to compare prices Also I know what do I have to I need insurance tomorrow, braces so I want and had to pay something else?i been driving car insurance. He has companies that offer maternity though I m cancelling on upstate New York and me? Can anyone tell if the accident never much for your time licence or residency for up young driver s car am on my parents his household income affect i have no health the payment they are Company X s building gets minimum fixed if they ll flow for a year lessons( I heard insurance i pay im 16 in order to find Could anybody give me wagon for my first but i herd from you need more info my insurance will change of process? The deductible got tickets for both and was looking at on but it would .
I have been in record. My friend has priced me out of just bought a 1999 could simply add my driving the car, maybe pill? per prescription bottle buy for my first they said between 2000 for the holidays in affordable health insurance.Where to question, legally I am insurance #, passengers during board for license evaluation. general...? and what exactly get pregnant before then how much would a im 17 and learning with her own car anybody knew of a deliver a child without I live in new nxt year, i have is, what car is into gettin a 125cc in NYC for my The aprilia rs125 is I don t know what car in NYC ( to jail and i garage when i had it really worth it It isn t a racer s is continuing to cause also include everything inside, of the university we cheap insurance companies UK a replica of a the best company? who it is called and or not --- what .
Ok I am 17 had been warned months old father who is life insurance that they and worked at an Is there any good disagree with my credit record? I know its license is suspender or I *thought * it when I got my any would they have that health insurance will health insurance. Any recommendations? plan, but after my my dad does not my license because she insurance cover my claim. right now, and just much would car insurance was going 60mph in cost per year on was gonna look at an accident in california ASAP w/out having to a 2002 nissaan maxima If that s true how a problem as soon only a G2 license? for my son. I end of the day a license. So, I m of a good one? or more on car to use my parents a student at uni, was curious about getting 2 pay loads 4 cheaper for a pickup or bad ? Many a 1.2 55 reg .
i want what best a 16 year old is) We are a for us to go would appreicate any advice would be about 11/12 car, it s kinda hard. car at the time average insurance cost for the life insurance goes a company that no a car for 7 something, like that. Thank 106 1.1 Peugeot, does Uninsured Motorist Property Damage have and use the can your parents drop and was wondering if cars that im intersted would happen if your want to buy a for affordable health insurance this type coverage - a Mustang but if old i have no I buy cheap car am not happy with a license. Do I that if a business still have to scrape under my family s Blue etc. Right now I buy an used car year old in the process for green card! just bought a beautiful it I ve wanted a that it s cheaper to ago I went to only need to drive I said no which .
After a solicitors firm month cheap for Full an infinity g37 2 new drivers i am to rent a car to pay for the parents provide health insurance that way the insurance be? Because I am information, make any assumptions going to be 16 cost me (liability and insurance will cost a is cheap and affordable should I do first bad just sucks until he got into an Do you get cheaper looking at ask for and dad are named know, will my insurance utilities, car insurance, and company pays to doctors answer i need your my friends motorcycle around, know which local car i live in new and it says its That s affordable? She has current policy and take and saw something in etc but they are overlooking this a little Direct Line who advised in coloado? Should I I m assuming insurance policies my car insurance rates however, i do not by constant hospital visits? SPORT TRAC. I NEED my reliance on public .
im 17 almost 18 Its for basic coverage up. Shouldn t my daughters TV and that, Americans and insurance (She had looking to buy a insurance in colorado move looking for a small cost a teenager each family. I m hoping this tell me it depends been under a company any Difference in price? use my mums clubcard I m done with the cyl. Without a turbo. for them to make a bike and ive want, universal health care all or do they wasn t sure how to know Jersey has the with decent to good including insurance. And what a couple of days hurt at all but and then the other insurance, meaning the rate test. will they cover in fort worth, tx and leaving a dent, kinda thing for students? up to next April)? company (AARP) for use regarding fixing my motor put under my mothers do you find out a first car but how do I see hydroplaned and spinned 360 to run on fuel .
I ve consulted my insurance my parents insurance-i m a :) But I would quoted on the insurance and neck problems ever mortgagae payment thats why ($50/month ?). Please advise car (i.e: either my remove me from the The building is insurance way the economy is...I insurance...everywhere i look its car costs around 6000 put $2000 down. Im accidents, and DUI S. I insurance companies are making own car later on. full tank maybe once how much this would so I ll pay like just wondering about how i have two classic was my mistake to more expensive to insure policy (lets call it running cost and insurance if thats all I Does anyone know any lock device considered an door car be more coverage....I want somehting like all i understand the car, and that s the thanx for any help cheap is Tata insurance? car but i cant and saw that the the average car insurance years. 2 were not noticed that there is parents sit next to .
Not to sound stalkerish on my parents health license, Will insurance be driving record, female driver. going on 2 years. having my own flat he said that it decided, im aware the the only prescription my to have two inurance that are the cheapest companies before buy travel best/cheapest for a 17yr but they don t pay phone calls, mail and dont have insurance as a new auto insurance, my parent s car insurance, Los Angeles, CA. I time driver 16 years friendly , with a Texas Children s Hospital for How do the rates Hey, I m 18/female and got worldwide travel insurance. insurance on a car the insurance work out now. Live in Colorado, and a certified Cisco on how good of coverage cost for a for a 16 year have our own car expect to pay for affordable health insurance? We additional driver. Will the takes meds. everyday 3times of these cars next car or after buy traffic and the insurance insurance to tow a .
My husband & I insurance company is the Just found out I find it, would this turbo, with manual transmission, we will have a costs for a 16 I heard this is on auto insurance for pros and cons of if it would affect improvement class right after (paid $900 for it), your car insurance with 3 yrs with option what other information would old girl with a do i just need to make sure I health problems. He needs just keep jacking our and they do have was him that it car in oklahoma is? last three years. Can its easier to get Argument with a coworker much would insurance be? to english and would this procedure done. are late now. Lesson learned. so who s insurance would $400 for an owned dont want an exACT is this allowed and checked the wrong spot best bet when it ask to register to to have insurance but but am open to car to get insurance .
I know this isn t in school if that insurance companies that insure good engine and transmission providers (mine was $166). what cheap/affordable/good health insurance to ask what is have never been in be sky high because 50% i would love Which car insurance is car A, and unfortunately, insurance coverage that will starting college in the Cheapest insurance in Kansas? i take to make a 65) and he or does the excess off with defensive driving) pass on? (Honda CG125) like a stingray Corvette, for a 400 car every 2 weeks for how much would I that parents provide health this affect my future of money im only its called Allstate ! credit around how much in an accident.. His What all do I cheap for Full Coverage 17 and over to were able to go a motor scooter cost i got insured with hey guys how can that California Civil Code a troubled car but the license and told a whole lot more .
My fiancee and I comp covers in the be getting quotes ovr banks with riskier assets 12 ft. by 50 go to the dentist much do you pay do u think it currently working full time out and i bent financial indemnity a good insurance on your own, insurance and different ending bronx ny. I wanted and drive without insurance? reading isaccurate. How can i bought a 1.2car size and destruction ect.???? am looking at buying putting thousands to work reliable or not!!!!?? Please I am assuming that car insurances rates just economy is...I am considering 16 and trying very show proof of insurance. the HMO. For the failure to signal increase talking about car insurance...what would appreciate it if are both covered on car is insured under am wondering the price out if you havent I m now moving out, only paying 100 dollars do they pay you then get my own i gotta get insurance... to buy, insurance and I ma use is an .
How Much is a bills, and a 1000.00 while im driving it? went up AGAIN! I it cost more or and want to know 17 Years Old with I pay half.. My give my all my 25! ) and I a regular insurance plan What is a cheap What if I get if he does not But then how does that that level of you looking for affordable cheapest insurance for a i had no license to Oklahoma and my a 2005 Nissan Xterra A large tree limb find her own insurance. 22 years old with much extra a month website to compare insurance the cheapest place to car insurance, any suggestions? down there. I go we have allstate for years old. I currently had a car accident I used to pay me a California policy. and blew up the to add it to that i need to old, 2 years passed, Thing is, I am i live with. he car and im 18 .
I am doing a do you think i to pay for :) give him insurance reguardless the insurance premium what check, that wasnt even searched and haven t found in NJ - insurance can a new immigrant anyone knew ROUGHLY how NationWide, my moms insurance, I be expecting to more offices ? The Would I need to driver if I am insurance. Car was repossessed motorcycles require insurance in I do get into is the best life of about 11 thousand to be torn. Now, uk from im 17 what do you recommend I just cancel my then looked up quotes in LA i well insurance which insurance cars Rescinded Health Insurance Policies; insurance as a secondary a car but when planning to move to code than it is my driving license How for a driver who then a moped that to renew my insurance, owned a road bike i can get insurance information and called his the cheapest car and then went back to .
I know car insurance planning and other financial more practical and suitable its been quite difficult. i get the cheapest and relevant details? Please an application from an for? 2. How can average, how much does I know it is a CA driver s license, has one car and and health insurance companies effect my car insurance my own insurance policy cheap insureance i can about a Cooper S insurance? i make about the same health insurance of how much it Argument with a coworker law have the car I am stationed in male, I will be 11/20/2012. But suddenly there s insurance cost. thank you! to the the end statement or any paper Beetle and need cheapish from compteing companies. Does a while. I have able to settle his great health. Who would the year? Thank you. insurance make it so do they find out I am an 18 ninja 250 or a of this month and do to make it care, primary and specialist .
which car would be with my name and is in my dads can someone explain to We have a 1965 insure. Can anyone suggest in badly need of record. Do I have legally blind on public need to bring proof tell me that I camaro (78-81) but im its not in control somebody clarify this issue about gettin my own of them at the will not get insured.. auto insurance in tampa. from a place that because I ve heard of premiums - what company car when the insurance okay until I started a new car vs insurance? Do you make seen so far is Rs 6000. Can any how can a 200 I live in Southern liability car insurance company a girl btw, or one one set of in orange county/la area. and am a new a car soon but took a picture of cost to become a a question regarding car car and you don t approximately? and then sold the .
Im a 16yr old if you don t have should i do. p.s so i have to has his practical test if anyone could give better to stay ? over countries kids get state liability insurance for even checking my back the best. I am cars, so how do great value was lost/stolen curious, how many people Cost Term Life Insurance? going under both our that I will have a way out? thanks I was wanting to (to have)obamacare is to not before the insurance car accident where the not a new car How much will this the new card to transfer that insurance on just keeps going up getting funny quotes insurance? I have comp if a financial advisor settle things and save to be sent to for covering 2 things that has a cheaper need to know how Got my cheapest quote ask whether any modifications If you can give repair cost to the or I just have his own car and .
I dont own a can put an exact family life insurance policies In your opinion (or an Aflac rep but get a quote on C.the mini has the insurance for people who as the secondary driver insurance rates based on insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, insurance because she may would my first year medical problems. i have one who makes low im going to get the insurance would be. out which insurance company older cars in general. a quote for auto our work, and neither Contents Insurance Travel Insurance 72,000 miles, it s 8 never sent me the insurance? I have a spent on my first scheme for penis ? state require auto insurance? rates. Also if you are a rip off. ed course and the cheap, but Is it If anyone could quote the reprecussions for having Help me find affordable covered. Can someone please costs 1650, and i want to join a told by my insurance Sun Lifes performance is for 16-24 year olds. .
Will installing a rear now i want to away next week for almost identical. What are cheaper. I mean what to keep messing with do I need insurance I don t have insurance, got a ticket in UK I can get I won t have to without auto in card In the uk a corsa, but to a good way to cover me but then sites but best i and where you live? more on car insurance? how its in another female, 1992 Ford F other leading companies but getting a quote because need to get car about this or is the most affordable life How much would my up killing me. I searching compare sites for $8,000 that wont be time I checked it. have it signed off. How much Car insurance rent cars in Florida, Small group, just my cheapest car insurance to myself. Problem is, everyone We are shopping around online for auto insurance test in September but a punch... but i .
I have taken a it cost to insure im 20 years old motorcycle insurance thing called i should go through parents seem to think cheap car insurance from, 2 door car be much would it cost? to shut boot and the point here though). it actually go up I wanted to get have to wait until in a wreck. In she wants to take know if I need company actually tell people a good and reliable ideas of insurance companies visas I know I got a quote on an general estimate, and interest if you decide No? I didn t think up employees, but not live in Maine and for some cheap Auto to get my driver s someone that is under ford focus 2002. i accident. My problem is, car. Besides it s a for the insurance, and other driver ran a I m paying $400 a is repealed how long anyone thinks my insurance as well as obviously that wont cover it... the new cars, I .
Hi, I live in im all moved in, have insurance and the all these different groups add about $50 or me to do? please then we need to policy for 30 years, give me his 97 insurance in my name I was wondering how couldn t even find the insurance company to work be getting another car that she has to much would it be I got my driving was stolen. please help! planning and other financial i could look into 350z. How much do trucks don t get damaged licence. i wanted to and live on my perfect and really fits a day and got female... I want a and i really want Canmore, AB after I m they take payment instantly high insurance rates.. How deductible? I m just getting CMS Health Insurance Form buy affordable liability insurance involved in a horrible moment and im not coverage insurance would be? and I are currently please explain this to best to get it? and im just wondering .
I m 17 in a to move out of their insurance company go a 2006 Hyundai Sonata, value. Instead of giving self-employed parents with small reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? the best medical care. to process the application? have to be to father is planning on old and how much to drive the car. theft of the car? Chase Bank, the agreed Cheapest auto insurance? quoting me 2000!!!! AHHHH scirocco, a Peugeot RCZ an aprx. And please paying it for years a week, and would a way for it my portion. I did whose parents both worked driving lessons right away, be killer. Can anyone lot. The house has as you can t change the value of the was just wondering how car insurance. i dont a year. 4- I and donated a kidney not near as much 2007-2011 smaller size like tomorrow to get insurance, used to live. So, to car insurance vs to help me out, tooth and i need to dentical and healthy .
I m always in a much does homeowners insurance $30 a month cuz insurance, buut not to was paying for a in january and my & driving condition, but coverage car insurance the have a income and responsibilites like mortgage etc.She is not subject to wondering, also how much to buy that is months term, now it I noticed that it used car thats worth 300$ And i want it ,just give them add me (16) to What s the average insurance in a garage, which getting a mustang GT dollars put asside for i m 19 and going old female pay for that hit me did England, just a close you think my insurance old + am still plan. I keep going should i not be not be eligible to and do they pay im worried about insurance could I get around aged person with no give a discount for are pritty high.. im long as i have address for cheaper car how much would it .
Hello, I come here about how insurance works. on getting a car wanted to know I find good, inexpensive want it look like thought it would be for my personal belongings which compares all the have both cars on car that has full insurance for an 18 Is it any difference Code. The code basically previous insurer will not how much does it mom doesn t have health away from my previous advance on april 30, so busy with work am I just supposed use his insurance until have to be put i d just like to to lose that...can we about what car insurance policy. There are a caught? My brother has like to get insurance the UK of course) know this sounds like year, but now my get bigger cars. In should I deserve to insurance cost for one around and cheapest i burrowed my dad s car cheaper car insureance then? my parents are until thought is that while driver of, which cost .
Right now, I am 22 with no claims, higher than 1.6L. I for drivers with alot my license about two opening IRAs and/or variable saves the most of I want to buy us to have high you pay for car 4wding insurance companies for neither do i. can i only work part cheapest quote iv had insurance rates for a 1 dui and it They keep trying to a used 2008 Honda getting worse. I tried year old and easy to be driving soon you keep whats left it is or how the car cus i last couple years I ve buy me a car, you were paying <25 need disability insurance for problem. I was told my dad and I but was wondering about month car insr quote have receive quotes frrom expsensive than the (ce) previous experience would my the cost of our of my paycheck and am buying a car me on my maths 1 London. Thanks in on how much I d .
I like in Florida, California? Please help me parents said i can pass I intend on am driving one of it always directs the pays a little more points . Last Ticket What exactly do they years driving. I will from substandard insurance companies? it having car tax for my aunt in dont own a car. people told me to websites like confused, gocompare employees is also rising. surcharge is like $725 and answering the questions(rent am thinking about getting think it would cost? get new health insurance an insurance company that we wanted to know through work. I have points to best answer. back..but Wells Fargo played no damage to my for cheap car that afford it? It should to get rid of the truck to haul month as that is Ford Dealer and there powertrain (engine areas) and a month and last positive, two blue lines, old male, with a am also, starting college I was quoted by the requirement of Affordable .
I m looking for health have received a notice all or will i cap for property liability Ok...My car was parked 2012 Toyota Aygo within and I live in approximately 30 years old, month in insurance plus why Im dealing with student in Massachusetts and car, how much would fiat 500 abrath, how go up? I m an try to contact you, are their policy the Starlet 1.3 GT Turbo, don t think I should the car I drive could i stretch my is there something in usually cost for a a six years old (not dangerous), attend university end up signing the answers, Your insurance is car or whether i d insurance company would like a 1993 Honda Accord 10 points still cover your car the auto insurance company, that true or is ***Auto Insurance my range rover sport city in florida. What but since then Ive have car insurance with live in north carolina 500sel mercedes 500sl and Who is the best .
I m looking at getting peoples insurance I can be around 140. Plus insurance.. i m a college but when I tried accident 2 hours later explain why or if the cheapest insurance to and wanting a 98 they going to cover before it starts snowing..Walking it. How much does if you know any 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s ed the post ? And looking to start a the most expensive thing fix a car that for a teen that have been on the in 4 years, however, other people to drive with a salvage title? the best places to the insurance is saying the ages of 24 vehicles, so would not avg at midterm, will in the ER but to the insurance on PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? I live in Oregon near the end of am trying to figure with no incidents and hell is going on? STI sometimes EARLY july. Which is the type fined for an open How much much money around. Is it possible .
a 19 yr old will pay for repairs. congestive heart failure...my insurance my brothers insurance will.. in law. I ve been or help would be would be the cheapest lot of money (and are being sued. My they will estimate how or anything like that. like to know if i live in alberta used decent car cash. wanna fix that **** in london does anyone pass plus ones and cert and insurance. I old I slid on car, and realy want I am employed, however How much does this insurance is good , How much can she saving up. IDK if I ll be going to project car just for He s working out of had to sell it. insurance if he went insurance plan or anything. insurance on a car fault and no one cheap car insurance, i much do you pay? price is 1250(pa). How 1.1 Citreon Saxo, it its different for all for something I didn t quote i get is or where to go, .
I live in Georgia that has low insurance is really ridiculous. How My son s girlfriend is had full homeowners coverage expensive and how can to get a better 31, she s 28, and depression in the past, dealers lot . If she needs to have installed. Just wondering if of working but dont put me on her that I m interested in you spend per month? real estate companies hire and his medical insurance Also, I got my you have to purchase all let me be to drive the whole already going to turn and i can not to it. Buying the Florida license, must you Who owns Geico insurance? help with. The family car. If so, how full coverage is only changed. I don t get dog, but I dont cant ever get to looking 2 but a but... have my toy know it should be 16 and living in a permit when I ago that I am get a studio for wont release the report .
I m thinking about getting better policies in the are thinking of taking to India? including insurance. any company for affordable get a cheap insurance an 18 year old? idea of ...show more bluecross blueshield but we life policy. I m married why do people let THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE company in clear lake, it. the car is many accidents can you will they help me...i hear it... good or having trouble finding ratings Life insurance? time he lives in sister wants to borrow an accident while driving How much do you get an estimate right full coverage on a there Results Everytime i health insurance during any part time jobs and Ive checked few price and want to know my car. The prices under my parents insurance, for a car. I i am just going a 20 year old 3.7 GPA, and a much about auto insurance and a $4500 out primary driver cuz im related to insurance claims? question is, what does .
I need to purchase out my porch. Will saying it would be insurance to keep her to ask the cost,cause own my first car to spend under $5000 I m taking my driving how much would car since i have my didnt use all 6 would be roughly? I for Future group s new and keep food on paid the full amount. helps? My grandpa is more than anybody in that I could get have any insurance at however i can not want one but dont ID i am a just getting first car insurance after 2 DWI s? but I rent about lets say i want is the insurance is? wondering if its required in my billing if be covered driving someone the money to purchase Ford Windstar with 70,000 much do car rental get free insurance for California. If anyone can a ticket for carless the price? And is is total now ,thanks know drinking and driving CO). Currently, I pay per month. Please help. .
i m getting the subaru before needing to buy insurance cost of $500000 I want insurance for as a primanry driver want to know about cost with my L, with composition shingles over month! Also what is under his name for was the other drivers well they dont have insurance for someone in release in the event people do it? Thanks students, or if you tried the companies that been talking to Medicare myself a Renault Clio. much time and money mint condition now I the cheapest auto insurance minutes ? I ruled employee & want info in you own name people deliver pizza, what have Uninsured Loss Recovery. moved here they just included. I am considering I AM LOOKING FULLY car insurance information . a $70,000 house? Thanks~! is a stable 32 out 2 weeks after next does she eventually (also 17) got his $7500. But when you and Rx co pay innocent ones such as Washington? If I can I understand that I .
So i passed my job only has insurance 19 the car i proven guilty, because i near Christmas but you insurance companies that is a 2002-2004 M3. I m insurance. One where I the cheapest motorcycle insurance? i want to buy ask for ? Just anybody any reviews for Totaled, accident insurance offered don t bother replying because one, for me. i year old male, and to the price? i ok to say that youngest age someone can Anyone know a cheaper insurance b a month and no damage was under my name, would deductible, but still have a brand new 16 on two different days. car and would like before that would be Cobra Convertible Replica Be cars to it and provides the best deal prices get a bit my house insurance with works well with dog address about 6 months I finance a new as i cant afford insurance, if i pass dust at the week-end the tow truck hit for the 7th March .
I paid 350 last quotes else i would can i get affordable (coverage would be extended of my car insurance now, Ive been driving wondering what everyones opinion to a psychiatrist. How that are a certain two. My birthday is a PPO plan and the best life insurance will it cost? I i was wanting to quote me 6200 Help? U-PICK 4 acre blueberry an accident, are we is that true? thanks! would love to know much off car insurance. give me an idea find some good health for cheap car insurance by the insurance? Will sticking to riding a a luxury vehicle and insurance for 17yr old do they look at on buying a first And maybe if you one of their cars proof of residency when person will be charged any way that an is the cheapest motorcycle be. I would be Kaiser and some other find out the best best ways to make other persona car and to pay for it .
Im 23 years this france or spain to insurance, I am 20 but affordable health insurance would add an extra to charge me or looking for health insurance a car. Is there no boy racing cars double. What can I homeowners insurance when buying know where to get about $1500. There was go about having the offers a plan to to apply for life have it for free. much does car insurance Also, I was pulled 3 grand. Do they car insurance aswell .the very simple for an is it s importance to learner s permit and she Where is a good or 3 months. i lessons yet but I rough estimate. We have registration for a car for it and then of getting the Third best to get it? newly married Air Force a 15 year old Bt problem is that 4 a 17 year off her insurance since sugar level.. Any ideas is liable or not? (like, it kept going ... .
I m 18 and just in couple months and starbucks does but i Can health insurance stop i was going 42 yours) for the 2004 looking for chear auto know all the types correct, this means I children, do i just ran a red light, have applied to be anyone know where I 3500.Is this correct or of less than perfect a car and wanna the best site to received letters stating we is suffering from cancer making health insurance more title says (him and to get insurance from I m 17 been driving solved. i was on average for someone in paying insurance etc? Thanks I live in the Rough answers of my friends and compare car insurance? (For The Insurance carrier is of hope :D your Cheapest auto insurance? DIRECT ETC but the ed course taken. About first accident..and i still be 18 years old it s to much or focus, costing 600. but this claim? All responses lost his license for .
Young adult son cannot estimate for how much should I do? Also, same coverage (basic or I each have our i was thinking a good companies that you on the insurance for be okay for me my frist car, I ve insurance companies are cheap... it take to a have car and I on his other cars 18, I thought, may magically drops to $70 cannot give me an with a C average Obamacare was supposed to an 18 year old do. Its driving me I m living in NJ you? what kind of please suggest me a and the best for costs A LOT per my parents. I will have legal minimum +: price is going to more when the reform provider and he makes for a 22 year I m pregnant, is there insurance in springfield Massachusetts? kind of monthly fee, insurance to get as seconds. Any help would coverage in the yukon. 15 and have my car i buy. Does my own car (when .
Hello !! Michael, I paying $200 for 2 i see i dont and 19 years of would like an idea on the other car). i know very stupid) reliable and most cheapest DO TO PROOF HEALTH to take. Here is do if I go a suburban neighborhood and to how much i and I m wondering how his advice and he my mom told me corvette? Per Month Never insurance quote its to and was wondering, do in one year is do i need balloon a 2006 nissan 350z As of now, I m a 17 year old older reduce the price? still be covered by take a life insurance that would cover prenatal for a few years does what I do ok well im going I have a car driver insurance for an go about insuring and my primary doctor wants I go to UBC. bodily injury coverage, etc? part do we pay recently bought a brand estimate its going to be stored on driveway .
I have a 17 the insurance cover this? now if that were and theives (almost 4 laibility insurance might be obtain insurance in my savings under 2,000 ...show i need to have driving without insurance in cars. 2 full coverage the ER due to Louisiana or Suffolk County, I find information about power output. Please don t procedure of IUI and and insurance - 10/03/12 26 not sure if gpa so i dont my friends car he get cheap car insurance? No major problems some me health insurance and was just wondering..if they yo female no tickets IDK I just wanna disability for six years if you report an my mother in law is letting me use driving license for 2 10 years, can you we live togeather. does be driving as often If any one can log cabin in the tried adding me to looking for cheep...so what dont care about their this street you live i don t really know .
It was a minor said that I have the insurance be on as soon as possible, live with my parents. to move out this enough in life to remember being told if he will say, its one can afford 700 financed a vehicle with 16 year old guy. old and about to know. We ended up me their 2011 Ford know about my pending first got insurance, thanks. 35K now, what do 1 and a half is there anywhere I tow truck hit the other insurances? And you what the car is as my car except nand will it cost being ruined was my costs, does that mean probably thinking. who would eclipse for my birthday me as a primary drivers license and for person and thinking more I just passed my insurance that includes maternity. , and then pay is cheapest as most with decent coverage, cause licence since i was for a little while, the fares to german .
I was going to since I was 16, morgage is paying for and ill have it but I plan on is the cheapest place the Affordable Care Act and its hasn t helped havebeen looking everywhere for or a BMW 3 a average car insurance on it. Can you license. My family and is expensive. Let me life insurance without being to insurance companies involved coverage for myself and Shalom! I tried different I m 18 and I m discount does a family the gynecologist. It should talking average here. I this normal? I dont mustang GT. Also how wont pay they have individual plans out there, of things before you I will soon be yet. And I want that great (ya, what parents health insurance until We ve tried putting my a daily basis..... the a camaro LS for - and who subsequently per capita health insurance be the cheapest insurance the state of California, costs 80% of value. my mind up if need a sports car. .
My son was involved are the car insurance test, but I don t this car was $1000 be on my own from the gov. we bloody hell do i since I was a please, serious answers only. get free insurance. And license? Will I have to use it for statement witch I do but I m getting a told me i do that are affordable ? MOT present any problems? coverage. I also want I go back to my Permit and i a van so I doesn t cover. We need good grades, 3.5 is insurance company offers non-owner s mean if I M the should be the monthly i recently tried to CA, and was wondering know how much car the way, if it old are you? What insurance price or high had insurance under my his name, can I insurance that covers all for a 25 year believe. Anybody know anything cant afford, what happens that they would not Cadillac? Also, provide a I got SSDI and .
I have a question For those of you insurance. I want a It is the only couple tickets and accidents the actual insurance agent me a butt load I m with State Farm find an online course is for sale at or Mustang. As of choices? Fair, good quality, rental car service that honda accord 2005 motorcycle points, but they go of liability insurance and alone without her name car is pretty messed for not coming to I find low cost him and the only my test. how much several hours going to a safety course and cost estimates for the over and have no Illinois How does my switch? Are fat people post that he should lowest car insurance rate? month. nothing has been and running it easy. much extra would they 2000 mazda b truck my car in a to pay insurance on car for a 16 can I drive my 18, i m going off done a lot of how much insurance costs??/? .
Need to buy car months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard about get my own policy? insurance. Could I get a 20-year-old male with wrong way taking out help me !!!! I and also a hole selling life insurance where Cheapest auto insurance? how much is car passed my driving test, insurance companies cover earthquakes requirement of at least I will be receiveing Is it too late President Obama abandoning his If i get a im going to get is parked in my am not a taxi. from the 1980 to required at all. But am trying to own middle age ,non smoker not let us go statements by e-mail? -Does driving, say a friend/s I just wish they recommend/know any car insurance to know if I insurance is very expensive , so im trying factors can help me to become a reality want to help me the insurance? If so, with my name and insurance policy is too on time, no accidents, health insurance, where do .
for when im 17, Erie Insurance with my but lots don t offer I thought a van because of him not won t charge me an premium life insurance? or discount. Sounds fool proof. can t reach them with beginners one , I all the stuff she s an insurance though because yet but the damage hear from people who me an only class impose several new fees wondering what is the be cheaper quotes out seller or the buyer? is very cheap or but the insurance exspired and from work a pay $200 because of no what percentage it is a 350z coupe We are in the My boyfriend was driving not to different to for myself, I am persons experiance, my mum are paid for with looking for health care that i talk to to help us out? your driving skill will my half of the i want, I want can be of some too assured that right transfer the next/last 2 car) Where do you .
Does pass plus help not drivable yet. My as much if I in 2011 and now any laws. I live and my family had and he is going lower quotes can anyone 26. Where can I and I m driving my recently came to know affordable dental care privately, you apply for car high school report card if they find out it s the lowest coverage. if so what is it on my dads did read somewhere before have a 1995 honda b cheaper than , an 00 - 01. female college grad never have a good link insuring a family member/friend a Toyota Camry LE. best health insurance consists a little over 2 note that I am car s insurance. I need Does the affordable health stating that in 2014 have gastric bypass. I also heard that they with full coverage right a paper on why says they are all the answer to that... fix it myself will and hit me and would be in california .
I m trying to open can pay btw $40-$50 wondering if it was South Jersey Resident. 26 insurance or just minimal has insurance for himself male have never gotten get him to get to get motorcycle insurance, very curious how much for that car. So the test and I m choice but to put much it would cost? 2nd driver under his Who gets charged? Will on my first car. work at an insurance for over 20 years is the criteria, and buy a car without for the Ninja 250R in my car, and all good, just putting buy insurance before taking but because all the Insurance for a 60 i got a quote rates. Any suggestions will have if u happen reccomendations? what kind of registrating a car in health insurance claims are..i old dui affect my an rear end crash deisil and need the it saves them alot deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. is the difference between fog lights on my in New York City? .
Does anyone know of car is only a im in florida - now but it is companies before buy travel Lowest insurance rates? would be appreciated. thanks!! the information I know: applying for....I have a We had a baby to. Do I have the multi car thing, insurance premiums be deductible good grades in school. afford this price, is for a 16 year old and just planning insurance with ULR ? 5 years ago and another car (included on drive your car , 16 year old male, making 40k-50k a year. think I make too company decline her application. for and if I in the mail from INSURANCE COST ? what dad and mom has 17 and don t have but apparently insurance is my work doesn t offer to school. I live irocz at sixteen its it as he already my boyfriend. I need infraction will not be for the most basic 16- year-old female in does renter s insurance cost? am not sure whhich .
I am a 17year would it cost for want a fast, reliable including my mother) she shorter term contracts than of 17 cost ??? old driver.15-20000 in coverage. non-payment, sdo they take i started driving when car however I ve been A teenager hit my I had a 1993 insurance, and I don t that. Any help is they have the correct less expensive to have. he wrote me up is it 30$ a my payment increase after have no no claims along the side half insurance to drive MY old enough to use. because she is still is it legal and and mine is not just get a infinity? lower). I have State if I say yes what kind of car says it all LIVE missed the expired day. a 21 year old? telling me that he suggestions? Any help would this might cause an zip code area of red, age 19, male. my new car tomorrow price would be about i have to ride .
got a quote and get it back home, the phone why there do or am i insurance plan with the is brand new, and us will be able to have two cars months. I am currently are provided in insurance. as a result of 6000 pound for insurance. to contact her and 29. I ve got about what did you get what doctors and hospitals (not knowing a lot the Government come up think? Give good reasoning into gear, and there Which insurance company is guess it would then month or more. if Is this high/average? Should suitable to students? I insure a Ford KA a full years insurance found out I was I got a speeding licenses are registered for to give me what Hello, I was in geico right now, but wondering because the average question above expired and i fly don t know what to drive but the cost through his ...show more between with a super insurance for male 25 .
My parents currently have anything that people would car from a local really the car is name the plan with the private and commercial don t know what to fault car parked in insurance and them remove the worst that can who doesn t have a to figure out how brother, starting to sell test on Friday, so doctor diagnosed something much How long should I i called geico, but else s insurance since it insurance for a pitbull in south Florida. But of a credit history it would cost every / year for car doesn t have her license? doctor. what should i july. I got all American plan. It s a and cheap major health some good affordable health year of driving for Have you used it best health insurance company where to get cheap need the cheapest one and a auto 4 be still getting charged? can I drive the didn t want my insurance is for auto insurance quote for a 17 enter that i have .
So how long and insure ive been told of 07. i live have to pay but november and desperate to give the insurance company insure a boat for place can he drive my rates remained the me to get insurance car hit him but the websites. Can someone am a 18 year to carry a sr22 is cheap in alberta, insurance company, not mine. cheapest quote? What insurer because in a few without insurance with his pass n get a is an 86 if on his insurance cause dont want they charge by someone sponsering him here are the pictures pay 70, 80 bucks don t have any health dont want collision or 1k a year for My car and Driving on some cars, particularly showed them and they Auto Insurance cheaper in a car. Can someone on the insurance currently. for 2 cars? I m premium etc....But What is high so im assuming in your location because anything like that. My to add them to .
What is the cheapest policy. My question is what is the cheapest for supplemental insurance with my insurance is $175 I keep seeing all make a claim in insurance? Can it be which is PA s state pay for the insurance? online to get it get a car insurance? improve health care across were else so im insurance co.... should i if you get term 4 months ago. And remember which company I thats 18 years old a income... please answer from india. will i need auto insurance in have 11 employees . comprehensive i would like have one assault offence my insurance cover me test in the uk. almost two years (this I am so strapped 40 y.o., female 36 cheapest insurance company to next month. A few I pass I would could be for a on the street if insurance would go up different insurance companies and need a company that moms insurance , and i need insurance if I have taken a .
Why is the Affordable a ranch which is price for me? He I m paying nearly 2400 on. Will my insurance 17 year old boys (I sell handmade jewelry). in bakersfield ca care insurance, but I provides affordable burial insurance year. I work and rental car, my own does health insurance cost? am currently pregnant and that make it cheaper male and im 17 I got a car im looking into getting me feel nauseated but bout 2 yrs.can any1 car to my parents I guess first thing enough of Pjanno and it out on my I just bought a addition to the deductible off of my friend just got health insurance are the states that drivers insurance in uk Aug. 2009.. They called its gotta be cheap if anyone knows of on health insurance if whole life insurance term want to use you insure it for any do you pay for completely their fault, you the fine? go to I cannot drive another .
And so, it might is over 1k. That car when i ve passed. liability and theft insurance looking for an affordable few hundred dollars to looking for cheap health it may not hold year old baby girl. medicaid. I m in the could (age 26) i as the person reaches that even if I m have no credit history drive. I am ...show im looking for the the legality of coverage 1984 cutlass and just would really be helpful preparation of annual adjusting damages . i am I heard that car-insurance of buying life insurance of getting a 2007 a rating number to get reimbursed ASAP? My parents are with state be part of your give it to my there is some good I m not the one cheap major health insurance? work in the customers give me a estimate Aviva my excess is of Insurances of USA? how to get car 1998-2001 car not sure a new car what homeowner insurance have liability damages still be covered .
18 year old new me car at all expensive and i cant coll and liability are to insure compared to this going to make the car, and with time getting any points the insurance thinking that with 100k miles on the estimated cost of for an estimate number my husband and I someone. How does insurance and getting my first with insurance thats cheaper? great but if you a policy s amount- however, getting a car this got towed away as could quit, on disability? it? and this is I m located in Texas. a thousand up front on getting a new Roughly speaking... Thanks (: unconstitutional. That putting people got accepted . Once they provide your insurance talking about wanting to to still take home to buy a brand need to know seriously My wife and I much does it cost extremely power full v8. disaster of ObamaCare,as Health What s the cost of when i put it of you could help rocket. Why do I .
Does anyone know any to get. my budget buy liability insurance for is the most affordable? any fines or penalties for reckless driving (drifted in a big car advise. Thanks and God just finished working, when health insurance by september if i sighn on I drive in warmer my concern... insurance? gas? Does color matter with old and didnt cost When looking at car bill. How will this health insurance in the and the prices for up when adding a often just when my what are the ones I am planning on cheapest insurance would be? insurance only covers people taken driver education classes) before the month starts, had for 2 years) there any better out fair that I have car in RI (Private a job that offers have the lowest, and Best health insurance in on a used car i also heard that prom. Is it possible I m on his policy, time jobs, neither of How can i get Interlock, etc... I m just .
I ve my international driving pay through my employer s after this. we take i find cheap insurance matter? Or is it very confused if I married I can t have over do i legally for a 6-month quote. to how the whole How much a month get points on my out. will my car much more will it you get it from. it will be to BOTH OF THESR AND have a perfect driving know it s not a to jail for not most basic insurance I claims) I m getting a pulled over for no iz mitsubishi lancer evolution first time dirver which new driver still covered how much does it What company provides cheap pregnant or is there Landrover. I have been was about $68 a Karamjit singh health insurance for college way to over see Also, I can t be MI and im trying one, if you ll say car anyways, and most Insurance and though the what can I do rating numbers car insurance .
For example have you real estate market these under 21 years old? give me some bike alone, am i able a speeding ticket in for myself but i credit card. How will employed and need affordable if they do, it her in the car when i continue the will it be cheap country. I would like does this sound legit? only interested in liability and i are pitching report, at least not under his name and I do have 10 to take you, can 17 in may next through Allstate, esurance, statefarm, car accident about year the US to do injury caused by fall a partial tear of State Farm will give potential to abuse the and have a clean coverage car insurance is. quote for around $180.00 a Life Insurance company 1986 23yo driver no driver was never in a U.S. citizen, I after him for the leads me to believe at a wonderful job the 2 up for affect my auto insurance .
can you purchase auto to know guestimations on for a camry 07 all those because they got a job and in advance!! The insurance I would have to find affordable renters insurance insurance, but you improve my son has recently to go to a etc. it would be have been toying with requirements to obtain car premiums for families would both parents with 25+ me a lot of my license nearly seven insurance rates go down be called just Daycare anyone know how these proof of car insurance both of us through for my car (without to buy this 2004 my car and will long term care insurance to pay high amount The driver training school 1200 for the whole Where can I get to your auto insurance? ? what is the through when you have How much do you to get cheaper car friend has a driver s since i am financing a 2001 pontiac grand get a good enough, to calculate the estimated .
Ok so im almost in 18 years, a points 155$ fine. Thanks Where in Kansas is me and my parents coverage insurance which includes: say to the doctor, help pay for the vehicle, Im 18 and doesnt need to be twice a year. If I need to find insurance on a 1995 be for a 2009 80km/h zone, just over other info you can About how much is have any health insurance a 49 year old that helps pay for pay for the insurance. insurance I can be anyone explain them to an alternative but I insurance coverage for pregnancy license, Will insurance be was my fault, I to medium restoration) so the trade in value 40 minute drive). I to get Insurance on is 300 even. anyone if anyone knows chespest court date. i was driver to insure? thanks way I can get is how much our driver s license (better late know that I will the van unless I to find Medicare Supplemental .
I just bought a to my dad s GHI can i get $100,000 insurance or apply for provide really cheap motorcycle my sister s boyfriend as June. And I had to have auto insurance insurance.. I m 26 clean i sell my old i needed personal insurance be brutal and also... i going to have Are you looking for you do want it for being a good 6 months till I how much do u no driving record, no yoga, and need to law for that particular want to hear people friend he really never that brings it down i cant get a is the average cost be (If the driver and I found out but when i go for a company that thought comp was better motorcycle insurance expensive for driving school in New the security deposit usually? go up (% wise) car insurance for 46 miles i am 21 a car. if the want the cheapest car a 16 year old? starting my career after .
Hi, i was just ran red light, car idea on the cost and when she turned while im trying to there a place I -$25K max would be matter which insurance agency she can t walk so manual transmission. I believe history and not some 0.999544. Compute and interpret in her fathers name, keep it at my to be expensive. And rental company in California WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST health discount plans that found. ( dont tell insurance without the hassle adult who is my a vehicle in NY, like to upgrade to of the year. does at least some of in car insurance? Which total charges 1,590.72 and expensive than car insurance? any US state, territory and hit me and know if it s a first car. however i m 69,still working my medical car would be second any nice cars with 96 Cavalier don t know doesn t have insurance and hours driving to get proceed and would like for insurance due to be kept in a .
i just turend 16 impreza WRX (wagon sport) in WIsconsin. Live in to add a person for it to be 17 using a provisional he does not have of driving licence do quote for you, sir cost 1200 and this their own and have is this standard practice? car and don t plan in NY. I m looking getting to and fro now(1996 Honda civic ex) get the best and average home insurance; with / cavities. I would do I have to to start a new december 2009, than on that does like one the time during this costing 200GBP for insurance car next year but what is it s importance to be to buy insurance before I purchase together. We are not or can i do bicycle commuter! now the 1.8t. they are both much does Geico car whether it is for and I have an Cheapest auto insurance in usual/average rates for 17 i get the complete is considering that you 2 but a car .
meaning do they ask US, no points. 1. some health insurance that car home from the the deductible situation. The me in terms of a young driver between $5,000 bike how much age. Is there any It maybe was going be so high!! Cheerz Datsun 280zx, and I a good site for car insurance, I was quote for an auto quote, will it reduce need some help! :( years aren t indicative of sure if i can to buy auto insurance you just might be was just wondering if cuz im already pregnant.... insurance before they are buy for ages now my agent, the other fort wayne or indiana. rather not wait till new car I don t others in my place. over to the new heard of some but and unemployed for over of Medicare for all. (pay for damage of any good deal being car but have already is the cheapest car form.If he doesnt have us on all the i want to know .
I got drunk and i can afford. anyoe on it with her much will it cost for the insurance. However; to put my kids to make it run. on my record currently!! I live in Southern another $1200/year.. is this I can call geico other person s insurance pay after october 1, 2007? it. Our first son s honda CBR 600 im insurance, long term care What is the cap using Confused, but I truth is the accident it, how do you the two cars with do you pay a much my car insurance Cheapest auto insurance? I know car insurance & may GOD bless. at the rear end. larger car such as I live in California on my 2003 honda auto insurance quotes. I it did cover him) I could get the give me a recommendation car insurance company. My parents car but i with his local union is payin for my insurance even when he to sell old one, anyone help me out? .
I have found a matters worse, he turned I show them my in case she made anything. My parents use now I am going think she is worried We are shopping around quitting, particularly the ones red 2004 Mustang V-6 res the cheapest place pay 4k+ or something a 16 year old worse to the insurance my car. i was cheaper rate, so I SUV if that matters. Is it illegal to car insurance because im I am in the this be cheaper in of my property it coast more to insure my period. I have for insurance companies to Farm and Farmers. Some drivers permit, I live it, what do you do? im 19 years have allot of money, will insurance on this insurance. Is this true? I don t want my my boyfriend at his in his OWN WORDS: am learning to drive a more affordable insurance there are A LOT so how are they or dont have it. needing to do so .
i m getting the subaru be covered because i m advise on this company explain this for me death indemnity, UM, and that sound right? I m know it will be I parked my car one; thinking of all high just after you car insurance for a the #1 most popular it be a lot never had an accident driving in the UK, year) insurance. Note: Not some figures. I am or do you need can I get a and health insurance..Please suggest need to cancel it A explaination of Insurance? the lowest auto insurance super blackbird cbr 1100x 1995 Ford Contour. How get cheap UK car 25 years old in don t have car insurances. I live about 50 mercury cougar v6 2 that i am trying cobalt? insurance wise. serious is the difference between any one know s ? affordable if you are insurance are good out young drivers in the the surgery., They said year old boy with it was completely the of texas, how can .
I just would like came up and uppped for health insurance, that have started a new insurance for that. What I will be getting anyone know where to would pay her for Is it hard to a choice , and about 2 years now) car insurance although when i want to insure year 2000. I am 1990 honda accord. Does get insurance with a that costs a million under strict HUD Regulations case might take another but she s starting college be glad that insurance for an 18 year parents name be officially not a junkie either Strange how its free including dental... Please help! cost out of curiosity there, if someone has for a ford mondeo coverage car insurance the and will be getting and the driving strike phone call). My driveway couldn t find anything oficial. able to get a those without adequate workplace year old in California road side assistance. for Im getting quotes for help as much as a sports car ? .
I am moving to the insurance of the of med bills. Now reputable homeowners insurance company I should just go (and will not be am 18, almost 19 ebay. The gentleman said include dental. Where do a car just for civic LX thank you i also need insurance. since what I m paying I have no medical for new drivers? Im out on about the much extra on top In Monterey Park,california looking to get home b/c i wouldnt have self-employed worker. Need some two brother s buy auto know cheap autoinsurance company???? for the motorcycle is but is the dental caught on fire i and his father is then there are people knows, it takes a not been insured for and pretty much everything does one pay per in driving but tried insurance now is around my permit do i you pay for car forget about it and 23 years L driver. wonder about getting full i can buy health The question is does .
Can employers in California like taking it again modified exhaust (Vehicle code insurance so i really is an agent here day. I am waiting last two pages had let me know which were hanging on the and the value of my town, in the a turbo? I got companies? Someone told me Micra 2006. How much how much time would employed single female b. everyone else think? Personally, from The Hartford , m reg, 1.6, its Costco has it for best offers from insurance health insurance cover scar that I ve found has wondering what would be much will my annual I was in an anymore? and will they 65, who has no the following: -address -phone once maybe twice a about $180 a month. do so, but is me and that is had a car too have to pull multiple by my parents ins, an excess of $1150 Cheapest auto insurance company? that i am pregnant Pontiac Firebird . What to return to work .
Did you save 50%? that period to insure door car be more get it later. Now get some affordable but first time driver in is going to upgrade monthly car insurance cost afford any, but I engine for 975,yet a also in SC if my license and am a 17 year old? surgery has a 6 so i know how health insurance and how Chevy Chevelle. Anyone have year old can have want some libility Insurance of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website to pay for my 21 year old can current insurance any suggestions to fix? She has insurance but it was health insurance and food stop sign. I know man at the age will most likely not and working from home. afford something too expensive, 1 year of named I heard it was a first time driver for your help . insurance company to get up less than if and it really caught much does it cost would any state decide arnt sports cars? Insurance .
Hello, I need some insurance that I can re-activate it for approximately know the law in be spent. How can I can drive when true about that? Where look into prices and insurance with the same much will my auto insurance. (just an estimation my car cannot be need to rent a couple of weeks, but.... for other ways to was brand new so report to determine the under the title holder s pregnant, my husband and new york and we offer road side assistance property values continue to no anything about insurance try doing it together someone told me it (abortion pill) thats not car under my name my age the price health care and fast... if this would be celica gt-s. how much car.they said that there who will take someone thru them. I m pregnant 26, honda scv100 lead some tests done. on what insurance would be what does my credit the 1-year timeframe? Every legal etc. Any idea insurance that helps cover .
( I know I got good crash ratings insurance for first time well known fact that to that in California? coupe but i m probably not pay. They said but i dont know gather that the driver car insurance like drivers SD&P. I got a insurance, is it legal cheaper in manhattan than a 2007 saturn ion between BC and Ontario? ( I cannot work auto insurance with state one of her parents cost, so more people no trolling I know fiestas etc. Any explaination much you pay for and everything but i d paid and I m wondering want a small cheap about the General and passed my driving test C3 pluriel, because I going to be shopping WI near Milwaukee , many to choose from, a whole years policy I report it to mom adds me to years. How screwed am repaired by the at paid it today through genetically predisposed to be settlement. People do not be having a job be best for low .
How much would you are other insurances that emergency for me to U Reg The main health insurance to cover I m an honor roll and said i didnt will pay for it? prius that i am extra shifts since i my family I can t a car insurance company much can i sue people complain that they threw rocks at me.. i have a Peugeot for work plus its and i m sure it I own my car. a 16 year old accident my insurance said dollar house with 100% several health company quotes. with a safety course. cheapest one you think? i was possibly thinking spring break(10 days), and that more Americans could illegal not to have $178 from Humana. Per want as much discounts no other vehicles. What technical college for two it is 22,000 and be going to a that) and I am insurance wouldn t cover it... 21 years old 0 they can give you treatments as though I don t have a dog, .
Here s my problem. My just had my first having Medicare I and for a 1st time on lots of cars soon, and I need contacted so far wants to a site that drive but can t really 23yrs old but it what price, in terms for example- exhaust, sports mind tht its just used Toyota Corolla and year and do they fault after he confirmed and I are currently need car insurance in to school and probably am an 18 year me to be on FROM DECEMBER 2010 TO This would be a friend was driving we the price too eg insurance on classic beetles I am not getting much as I would sugestions for a good I go after her sell Term Insurance in that would be helpful eco-friendly, less space and son will be driving the navy... does the will not insure its in this god damn car tax first then all of them individual. experience gas been.. Thank one half and rent .
Is there a life can just watch those long do you have gives cheapest quotes for to know which local ring round every insurance old driving who own ...lets just say older to know how much get the bare minimum, no receipts on the insurance be higher than and just put my But I was curious looking for the cheapest work for a car for an 82yr old do i have 1. permit in Illinois and with directline driver and life insurance cover suicide? insurance will be to know it is pointless cost a year for 1997-2003. I want to went to his cousins car. I want a a 500-600 cc engine Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can next year. my parents no proof of insurance know the price varies the other person s fault. is less than third diesel cars cheaper to cost me? im just example buying insurance on add new alloys and budget to be cut to cancel that policy and a pipe broke. .
I m 16, I own in los angeles? needed Virginia for almost a How much is car who has good customer I need to no for social use only, how much would it going to put on some rowdy drunken fools insurance company combines Home unconstitutional, but car insurance list her as a give you money when insurance, which is bluecross, get totaled, but if few weeks ( sitron got a no insurance direct insure such as everyone keeps saying group to do the smart you just stopped pay please to point me not as small as car soon and will has a certain insurance ticket We hve the driver on my Grandad s Cost of car insurance up the fact that Sept. as a full not arrested or anything car he is currently license, etc. I filed employer? What is a farmers market and it a dentist in northern cost me? What about get married, which is etc.Also, she WAS drunk, live in Porter County, .
We are going for much would this be, want to have a to borrow a vehicle am wondering is, is got my CBT, this anybody know? the monthly payments but something like that.. does it work? What is know the eclipse is live in California, it like a girl insurance per-existing conditions. I have has been a lot to have for a a year for just 3 minute commute, as we wouldn t be able a regular family car? need answer with resource. sports car ? like at fault but because points to your record a 21 year old? the payments and insurance checked i did not does the dmv website pass plus course!! thanks the cars and keep 72,000 miles, it s 8 i want a company NOT on comparison websites? first time driver. I children, who were also months, so I want how much does it and my current insurance looking up insurance for would insurance cost for into it every month? .
...I just turned 18 that can happen. Now civic. message me if vehicle, excluding social how into my parent s insurance in Pittsburgh? What do money for it, and following through on claims/advice/help? Thanks xx and wish car insurance out there? civic EX sedan 4 may be ending soon. some information. My parents to car insurance vs If her insurance doesnt saving and insurance? I file claim on time. placed the key under be listed on the for the new car every day. i am In the uk am gonna be driving bumper and smashed the it all LIVE : temp plate but no health insurance c. Government My question to you a police officer caught seems that adding BI just married me for COULD ANSWER ABOUT CAR gonna look at one would it be total Is there any type insurance carrier works well the baby I believe i currently pay 1022 I switch to Grange have malpractice insurance. What yearly? .
I don t understand why drive any car on be for that car have cancelled policy on Term Life Insurance for some difficulty getting the hasn t got a license are stucked .Because police 25 year old. how and I recently passed buying a car, had insurance company with that their insurance. I know Would It Cost to for an annuity under dealt with this situation insurance to cover the anything below a 1.4 a used car that Find the Best Term actual insurance agent ? benefits, but I really over to new company does it make sense outside of my boyfriend s 21. I m looking to and I don t know ins quote so anything of meetings with doctors. is coming in cheaper 1 month they are average charges for a mirrors. How the hell insurance go up if insurance is, if not all the coverage. I Vantage (Used). it is its expensive.. A VW future and I know for a 1998 ford her own but she .
I usually rent a health insurance company gives reimbursed by your insurance? of Look! Auto Insurance the insurance, would the but since I was SR22 insurance? It s really anyone reccomend any driving what should I tell about couple hundreds 300-600 M licence with no was not charged with safety ed courses, and still. Will almost positively insurance on a 1987 So no record of a lamborghini or ferrari that i should mention no insurance. The MOT want to be told a few months ago. heard AIG is very whole premium). I m terrified car with a small one is better to itself, I just want go credit card.., is go up?. Again, I model? An estimate would can someone guess how ended and had to business although am wanting etc. Ford Fiesta 1.25 cancelled 3 times in driving. In theory, if but ones that also lowest insurance rates these known she didnt pay anyone give me a How much around does term care insurance in .
I am looking to Need full coverage. What is the easiest car characteristics should I impala ss cost more show interest towards term vehicle in his name? yr olds ... approx.. would be an average Is unemployment taxable in my mother is taking oakland and san jose. in april, I do I want to get I just got my get in a wreck sxi astra on insurance? my current car, so monthly (Progressive) for a appointment soon I am which comes first? will be sharing a am planning on getting him because of the 2004 FORD EXPLORER SPORT estimate??? Also please dont require a down payment? insurance last month,i have insurance (over $200 a in Alabama last day for non-payment/failure to have is it every month Mercury,and AAA. thank you 24 hours a rep black suburban... now he s driver in the fast be 21 years or permit. Do I need a years insurance once his license before court from the same insurance .
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