#like if you have a squick or a notp that is perfectly fine
mousegard · 2 years
for the ask thing
favorite thing about them
oh god. where do i start. she's so fucked up and she's so hot. she's an absolute mess on every level. my daughter who has every disease. my poor little meow meow. she did everything wrong and i love her for it. she's so bad and it makes me want to clap my hands and rub them together with glee. all of the rest of my answers to this meme are my favorite thing about her
least favorite thing about them
the fandom
aside from that, her lack of relevance in azure moon sucks. i'm glad that at least she got more focus in azure gleam, as much of a cursed route as that was, if only because it just makes it so obvious how incredibly and delightfully toxic rhea has been for fodlan and its people
favorite line
every line rhea gets is just fucking. so good. cherami leigh is perfectly cast in the english dub. her lines are dripping with menace when they need to be, unsettling when they need to be, and vulnerable exactly when they need to be. every fucking line she gets in cf is just so, so good and the voice acting brings it all to life perfectly.
rhea's lines when byleth chooses to protect edelgard in the holy tomb are my favorite. especially the sheer contempt you can hear in "you are just another failure"
chills every time. the truth comes out there. exactly how she sees byleth and exactly how she sees humanity as a whole
one of the fascinating things about rhea is that nobody is on an equal footing to her. not seteth or flayn, her fellow nabateans, whom she never answers to for any of the decisions she makes, despite seteth being nominally her advisor. not catherine or jeralt, who were brought under her wing in exchange for their servitude as knights, one of whom was successfully groomed by her and one of whom wasn't and got out while he still had a chance.
honestly cyril is the only human character in the game that rhea doesn't appear to have a purely transactional relationship with, and... he's a child. a child who cleans her room and does chores for her. okay that's pretty transactional now that i think about it.
so, given that rhea doesn't have anyone she can be bros with, my brotp for rhea is...
rhea/catherine. you get the more wholesome ending of a deposed rhea retreating from the world and catherine looking after her, which is quite bittersweet. but you can also be delightfully fucked up with it. imagine if cf ended with the black eagle strike force being routed in fhirdiad and fresh off a decisive church victory over the empire catherine had to live with the thousands of civilians she'd murdered on rhea's orders, with nowhere to go but deeper into rhea's arms. hhhhhhhhhh
i don't think rhea is capable of having a healthy romantic or sexual relationship with any other playable character in the game (she might have had one with wilhelm, but that was 1000 years ago), but a relationship doesn't have to be healthy to be incredibly fascinating and compelling. that is why my rhea otp is rhea and cf!dimitri. the feedback loop of bloodthirsty revenge they would enforce for each other would be fun to watch... from several miles away.
rhea/byleth. like... rhea outright doesn't see byleth as a person (in stark contrast to the other humans in her life, who she at least understands are people and not merely vessels) until the end of ss/vw and tried to erase their entire identity without their foreknowledge or consent. that's not something i can ship. i can fantasize about how fucked up it is i guess but as a ship? nah
also rhea/edelgard is one of those ships which i like mainly for horny reasons but under certain circumstances it goes instantly to squick. and it's a fine line but a line nonetheless.
random headcanon
this isn't so much of a headcanon as it is an interpretation of sothis' characterization through her behavior in 3 hopes, but i believe that sothis felt no affection for the nabateans she created; they were just tools to her, and she cared about them as much as a paperclip maximizer cares about the paperclips it makes. and that makes it extra tragic for rhea, who wastes her entire life after slaying nemesis trying to recapture a maternal love that only really existed in her own head.
gives me real nier automata vibes. isn't that hilarious? doesn't it make you laugh?
unpopular opinion
rhea is the villain everyone accuses edelgard of being. she's a sympathetic and fascinating character, but at the end of the day she's an alien colonizer who spent 1000 years fucking up an entire continent. and she didn't have to be any of those things. you know it. i know it. she knows it
song i associate with them
See these eyes so green I can stare for a thousand years Colder than the moon
It's been so long
Feel my blood enraged It's just the fear of losing you Don't you know my name?
You've been so long
And I've been putting out the fire with gasoline
favorite picture of them
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discoursecatharsis · 5 years
Twitter about
Making a pinned “about” tweet for twitter, but I’m linking to a post here so it’s just one link instead of several tweets in a thread
I consider myself a pro-shipper. Basically pro-don't-harass-people-over-the-fictional-stuff-they-like. Everyone has the right to like whatever they want in fandom without fear of being harassed. If things are properly tagged, they can easily be avoided.
I understand being uncomfortable or grossed out by things in fandom. I have squicks too. For example, I really dislike incest ships especially of Disney characters. But policing others about it does nothing. Muting/blacklisting/blocking is enough.
It's fine to dislike a ship. There are some ships I hate. But I'm not gonna call the ships I dislike "pedo/predatory/abusive" *at all*, much less make tweets calling it that over and over and over again. Because it's a damn cartoon and they're fictional characters.
So I sympathize with antis in that regard, they're uncomfortable with things and they don't want to see it, I get it. It's perfectly fine to dislike things. I just wish people would use "notp" more, instead of calling themselves antis and policing others.
It's irresponsible to make such heavy accusations towards people because of their favorite characters or ships. It lessens the meaning of those words, and it equates fictional characters to real life people. Fictional characters cannot be harmed, but real people can.
Fiction doesn't affect reality in the way antis say it does. If it did, there'd be way more violent crimes because of GTA and way more cases of incest because of GOT. A random fanfic or fanart with dark themes is not going to cause society to crumble.
Fandom police often argue that predators can use nsfw fanmade content to groom children. However, it's important to remember that predators will use anything to groom their victims sadly, yet we're not banning toys and video games.
Another thing I don't agree with that the anti-shipping community does is how they focus on ships they hate, ships that supposedly are even upsetting or triggering to them. People should focus on things that they like instead. Fandom is suppose to be fun.
Don't waste your energy going after ships and characters you hate, or towards the fans who like those things. By doing that, you're exposing yourself to something uncomfortable, and keeping them from enjoying themselves too, so it's a lose-lose situation for all involved.
Many antis-shippers typically exaggerate why a ship is bad, even making up lies. Also people need to keep in mind that interpretation of the same character/ship will vary from person to person. If someone ships something you find gross, that doesn't mean they see it that way.
Your interpretation of a ship/character is not universal, and you can't force your interpretations or headcanons onto others. Again, fandom is suppose to be fun and imaginative. Let people like what they like.
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Rules - Please Read
Hello! I’m Rose, I come from a fanfiction background and am currently branching out from what was primarily Discord-based roleplay, but have been involved in forms of RP for years. Just wanted to pin down a few rules before things get started.
All replies will be in paragraph/prose form. Short replies are more than welcome, but I won’t be following or responding to crack or parody accounts. This blog will remain selective.
No godmodding. Do not try to speak for my muse or manipulate their actions. While I am a fan of plotting, and am also an equal fan of seeing things unravel organically, you play your character and I play mine.
I am over 25 and will only write NSFW for 18+ ships with chemistry, with RP partners who are also over 18. This is non-negotiable. If I find out otherwise, your thread will be dropped and you will be blocked.
On shipping: I’m open to almost all pairings where the characters have chemistry - please try to discuss during the plot process if this is something you wish to pursue. If we know each other it is likely we already have a plan and a general style, but if we are new rp partners, we may have to feel it out. Please understand that while it may be considered, I reserve the right to reject a ship if it does not feel as though the chemistry exists to support its fruition within the plot.
Non-Negotiable NOTPs:
Dan - Shizune, students of the Sannin
Rasa - Any of his children. This is a particular squick of mine and I will absolutely not entertain it. Don’t ask.
**** Special Note on Rasa - I am well aware that this character is (for good reason) quite polarizing and generates a lot of negativity in terms of his sins towards his children and poor choices made over the course of his life. However, as my muse, this does not make his existence a repository for your muse’s angst nor is he responsible for providing the means for their development. Feel free to DM me to discuss a potential plot, but be advised - uninvited hate will not be tolerated, and if repeated, will be blocked.****
Regarding Asks: Anyone (both RP and non-RP blogs) can send in headcanon or writing asks. Asks will be answered according to canon relationships unless a plot exists between our muses, in which case feel free to specify which muse and/or plot you want my response to reference, or I will choose one my muse likes best at that moment.
Reblogs: Please do not reblog RP threads unless you are an active participant in the plot. Likes are perfectly fine.
Over-Projection & Kinning: It’s only natural to sympathize with our muses, but unfortunately I will not follow or interact with anyone that says that they “are” a Naruto character. There is a hard line between fiction and reality which will not be crossed here.
OCs: I won’t be accepting RP threads with OCs at this time. Should this change, an update to the rules will be posted. Asks from anyone are absolutely welcome and if you wish to DM me to introduce yourself or your OC I am open to discussion, but the general rule is no for now.
One final note: I am a working professional and may not always be as prompt at responses as I’d like. Feel free to reach out to check on the status of a reply.
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talkativelock · 7 years
Okay if I do this it will get out of my system and I will be able to focus on work so here I am whining.
Just because you like something and don’t find it harmful doesn’t mean that’s true for other people and you need to be respectful of that. You cannot just push your way around assuming that your interpretation of events is the only correct one, and this includes both irl events and fictional events. Fine, you like a ship and choose to interpret it a certain way and the characters a certain way because something about that interpretation resonates with you and that’s great for you but every time I read a calloutpost on how the interpretation of a ship or whatever is negative by a portion of the fandom and that’s wrong i lose 10 years off my life.
Listen, if someone is squicked out by your ship because something about it falls close to a line for them then you need to respect that instead of trying to tell them how wrong they are for being upset by something. Ship your dark!pairing or whatever I don’t care you do you fandom is for you to enjoy but you cannot and should not try to force someone to be okay with it especially by rubbing it in their face. I ship some things that could be viewed negatively by someone with the experiences to color it that way, i get it, and i will never try to force someone to “acknowledge” that that ship is “perfectly healthy”.
On the flip side, if you don’t like a ship because it makes you uncomfortable that’s perfectly fine and valid. I have notps that make me so uncomfortable hurts because i view them as unhealthy. It’s also none of my business why someone ships it and not my business to try to make them feel bad or force them to stop shipping it by labeling it and shoving that label in that person’s face.
Basically, if your ship makes someone uncomfortable you need to be able to acknowledge that as a valid feeling that the other person is having and if someone’s ship is making you uncomfortable you need to acknowledge that some people have different priorities in shipping than you do. And then stay away from each other and respect each others boundaries.
Jesus fucking christ.
0 notes
discoursecatharsis · 7 years
just to be clear.. by anti-shaladin means someone who bashes people who are shaladins? and person who doesn't ship any shaladin type but doesn't bash people who do, it's just a NOTP??
That said. Unfortunately, this fandom seems to have incorrect understandings of these words. 
To me, yeah, that’s what an anti-shaladin is. Someone who hates shaladin ships. Someone who truly believes that shaladin shippers are bad people who condone awful things like pedophilia and abuse. Someone who constantly hates on and shames and bashes shaladin shippers. Etc. 
Some people, however, call themselves anti-shaladins, but they’re like “I don’t like shaladin ships, they make me uncomfy, but I don’t hate shippers and I don’t condone death threats.” Or they may even be fine if others ship it, even if they don’t ship it themselves. They may be like “yeah it makes me uncomfy personally but they’re cartoon characters, so I don’t care if others ship them.” In those cases, they need to stop calling themselves an anti and start using the term “NOTP.” Shaladin ship(s) are their notp(s). 
A NOTP is the opposite of an OTP. Hence the “NO” part, like you want “no” part of that ship. Or the “NOT” part, like it’s “not” your ship,.
I’m putting this in the anti-shaladin tag and I’m going to reiterate what I’ve said before.
Shaladin ships are not pedophilia. They’re not. And by using that word to describe shaladin ships, antis are lightening the severity of the word, causing alarm fatigue, and overall doing a disservice to actual victims of pedophilia.
It’s totally fine if Shaladin ships make people uncomfortable or “squicked out.” For any reason. Personal reasons, maybe it reminds them of past trauma. Maybe they’re just uneasy about the age gap. Maybe they know someone who was in a predatory relationship with that same age gap. It doesn’t matter, whatever their reason for being uncomfy with the ship, it’s valid. I’ll respect that. I’ll tag ships with their ship names so you can avoid those posts, and so will other pro-shippers. 
It’s also important to remember that… it’s just a cartoon ship. That’s all it is. It’s not as big of a deal or as dangerous as antis act like it is. It’s just shipping two cartoon characters. Shaladin ships are not some blight on society. It’s not a crime or immoral to ship it. It’s really Not That Deep. 
It’s fine to be uncomfortable with these ships. In that case, you have a NOTP and that is perfectly okay. Filter/blacklist ship names and don’t follow people who post it. Boom. Problem solved. Easy. 
Anti shaladin community is toxic. It’s brain-washy as hell. I feel like a lot of young antis are peer pressured into calling themselves an anti. They can’t fully enjoy fandom without the worry of their anti friends turning on them because they committed the awful crime of unknowingly reblogging k/ance art from a multishipping shallie artist. 
If you’re one of those people who always had a gut feeling that something felt “off” about the anti community, something about it leaves you scared or anxious, or you don’t condone the hivemind harassment that they do, trust that gut feeling. Start using the term “notp” for yourself and get out of the anti community right now. 
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