#like idk as an american i just dont trust like that
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year ago
this is weird
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sofiaruelle · 4 months ago
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🌸The SDV gurlies in their Flower Dance outfits🌸
I wanted to keep it coquette/cotteage-core but i played around too much 😅😅. I still tried to keep it all cohesive to the theme of the event but with some my headcanons on their outfit choices lmao (like Abigail’s fit is mostly borrowed from someone or Haley fersure made Emily make her something new from scratch, etc.)
theres some other outfits under readmore that didnt make it to the final.
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miraclemaya · 7 months ago
idk maybe it is just me but i feel like so many of the same things happen over and over again, and each and every time we get thousands of people just willing to gobble up the same consent manufacturing bullshit over and over again. why would you ever trust anything usa media would say about a country they don't like after wmds in iraq right like, you can say that oh that was so long ago, but not really, not in an institutional timescale. it's all the same shit, and even if that example is too far away, what about more recent ones like come on. is it because people would rather believe false information then just accept that they dont have access to true information? more likely i guess it's just the fact that as an american, really as anyone in the imperial core without any marxist theory it is just easier and safer and more acceptable to fully buy into american propaganda.
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scarthefangirl · 2 years ago
Giving to the poor
Hobie brown x G/N!reader
Request: hobie with a ballerina reader who is also a HUGE bookworm-dont ask me where the idea came from because idk either lol- I kinda just wanted to see how that would maybe look?
Warnings: none? Mentions of theft
Story type: Headcannons
A/N: Not my best but please read my other fics!!
Masterlist | REQUESTS OPEN
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You and Hobie don't have a ton in common
You are graceful, very sweet, and a little more awkward
Hobie is a little more- bold and rough
But you two couldn't be a better pair
He loves your smooth and sophisticated fighting style, thanks to your ballet
He thinks its hot how you almost make fighting into a dance, and can whoop anyone in heartbeat
You encourage him constantly to take up ballet, insisting that it'll do him good
"Football players do it! It helps balance and control, and you'd look fine in a leotard." You always plead
"I don't need help, I'm doin' just fine love. But I certainly would look good," He always says
In secret he'd probably watch ballet tutorials to see if its for him, to make you happy
He is FLOORED when he finds out how often you have to replace ballet slippers
"Every 6 months? That has to be so expensive!"
Just wait till he hears that you also have pointe shoes that get replaced every few months...
He will start to time out when you buy shoes and buy them for you
He listens to you rant about your terrible dance teacher and fellow ballerinas for as long as you want, nodding in agreement about how horrible they are
He'll do yoga with you (although he's not very bendy) to keep you flexible and let you laugh at how bad he is
As for your reading addiction, Hobie finds it adorable
The way you gasp and yell at your books as you read, your facial expressions that convey the emotion of the chapters, your particularity for how books should be handled, everything
He isn't the biggest reader but if you hype up a book he'll definitely check it out
You guys bond over ones you both like
"I like hunger games. We need more katniss's in the world to stick it to the man!" He says after finishing the series
Dystopian books make him mad and go on lectures about how the real government is just as bad and deteriorating and loves the wah you'll go off with him and agree and listen
Sometimes he loses you around headquarters and looks EVERYWHERE for you
Loses trust in everyone
"Have you seen them? Come on, think would ya? Yes you have, I know you have!"
Only to find you in an empty room either reading or practicing your ballet
Either way, he leans on the door frame and admire you until you notice him
"If you're gonna sneak away darlin' you could at least tell me, I worry." He scolds but smiles and sits next to you.
Hobie LOVES making people uncomfortable
He'll admire you fighting and just yell out how hot you are or how turned on he is, not caring who hears
He'll make out with you in front of anyone, anytime.
On a different note, when you obsessively buy books he wants to stop you but he can't because you look so cute with the way your face lights up at each cover
"I've been wanting this one!" Or, "I have this one but this is a different cover!"
He isn't all for traditional gender roles but he will pay for your stuff, just because he loves you. He lets you pay for him sometimes if you offer
He sometimes sneaks a book out, stealing it just because he hates the way you insist on following rules
"Here, I took this one for ya," he says
"Hobart Brown!" You scold but can't help being happy for the book
"What? I'm stealing from the rich," he gestures to the book store. "And giving to the poor," he ends, gesturing at you.
He gives to 'the poor' a lot
If you ever talk about a book to him that you want, it randomly appears on you bookshelf
Sorry for the abrupt ending lmao
Tags: // @liliummz // @themarvelprince // @misselsbells06 // @american-sataness // @cr0ssoverf4n4tic // @depressednoob // @cerene-ciderr // @leighanne03 // @inluvwithfictionalwomen // @singhfae // @mythixmagic // @itsyourboymicheal // @Ravensinthedaylight // @dai-tsukki-desu // @url0calw3irdo // @daisydark //
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moonbeammagic9 · 2 days ago
Sawyer, my XOXO Droplets oc<333
(Disclaimer that this information is subject to change:])
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First image: Full body (ish) of Sawyer out of uniform (that i forgot to fully highlight the hair for and it's annoying the hell out of me now but whatever)
Second Image: Initial sketch of Sawyer from a couple months ago, as well as some Jeremy drawings on the right bc I can.
Third image: Drawing of Sawyer made by the amazing @princesdecentdoodles <33
Info under the cut<333
Name: Sawyer Ridley
Pronouns: Preference for they/she but probably wont correct you if you use anything else.
Gender: Transfem. Girln't. Basically anything that isn't man.
Route: I suppose the closest thing to a "Route" would be Jeremy. But there's nothing explicitly romantic between them, at least not at this point in the story/their lives. They sorta just exist around eachother atp-- They hang out together sometimes and respect eachother, and there MAY be some mutual pining present in their dynamic (if i feel like it<3), but nothing rlly comes of it while they're in school:]
Hair: Dark red, Straight, Shoulder-length, usually tied up on one side, kinda shaggy bc she doesn't trust anyone other that herself with her hair.
Eye colour: Dark brown
Skintone: Mid-tone brown??? Technically the exact Ohuhu marker colour is "Y11: Brown Grey" sooo-
Height: Roughly 5'7??? Idk I'm not an American.
Basic personality traits: Somewhat Quiet. Awkward. Vaguely unsettling aura. INCREDIBLY blunt and honest, probably to a fault. Sorta flighty.
Fashion Style: Somewhat trad goth style, involving lots of leather jackets, red and black colour schemes, white facepaint, and lots of jewelry. They dont often dress up like this due to being exhausted by school and lacking in time. When in uniform, Sawyer tends to wear the "masculine" tie, and waistcoat, but with the checkered skirt as well. Yes I know realistically, considering the school dress code she probably wouldn't be allowed to mix and match like this, but its MY character, and I get to choose the design that gives them gender euphoria most:]]/lh
More Info:
Sawyer has almost always been alone, and they are fine with this. She is incredibly socially awkward and spends alot of time in her own head thinking increasingly existential thoughts. Their emotional state teeters between confused and concerned and it is uncommon that they outwardly express feelings that deviate from this.
Before moving to SSB, Sawyer lived with their aunt, who was a very controlling individual. This has led them to be very good at sneaking away from situations unseen, as well as observing others and understanding their motives. She also spends a large amount of time outside of her dorm when not in class (yes, after curfew), often wandering around at night due to loving the dark and hating confined spaces.
Despite being a member of the unfriendables/jerks, Sawyer truly enjoys helping others. However, she rarely offers, and no one thinks to ask her. They appear unapproachable and...somewhat...scary? To others. Very "wow you've got some interesting stuff going on and i do NOT wanna find out what it is" vibes (/lh /hj). Additionally, when prompted to speak, they tend to say and ask FAR too much and are just generally...incredibly odd:]
Their favourite conversations are highly philosophical and often nihilistic. She also likes spiders, avoiding others in hallways with a "deer in the headlights" expression on her face, the band known as Lebanon Hanover, being confused about shiloh's existence, and her bag, which is filled with a varied collection of items that grows every week that if mentioned here would merit an entire new paragraph:]
Anyway I think this is it for now. I will definitely infodump about Sawyer further at a later date because I love them. SO much. But I think its best to stop here for now.
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noctilu-uca · 7 months ago
hey gang so im on a road trip and the hypmics are on my mind whose surprised but anyway i just had a thought im assining the hypmics to states bc im american 👍
Buster bros - they would be from Illinois, specifically chicago bc they are basic like that. They would be the people to go I FUCKING LOVE DEEPDISH AND ITALIAN ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES
Samatoki - nyc. He would be the person to go I FUCKING HATE DEEPDISH THE NEW YORK SLICE IS BETTER !!
Jyuto - probably miami florida or something i was thinking cali but miami kinda fits him better
Rio - washington. I cant explain this but trust me.
ramuda - some touristy area like miami or LA. i cant choose.
Gentaro - michigan probably he just seems like it
Dice - washington again idk they have all sorts of people
Jakurai & hitoya - swear on my life they are from nevada. NO i dont have an explanation but just trust me please.
Hifumi & doppo - nyc again honestly wouldnt it be so funny if they knew samatoki before lol anyway yeah they were probably strugglers in an apartment complex as kids together
Kuko - i was going to say washington again but honestly. Chicago Illinois again but like the better part of it and he would purposefully go to the bad parts on his free time
Jyushi - im drawing a blank honestly so lets just say washington (IM NOT EVEN FROM WASHINGTON)
Sasara - LA probably but the really touristy parts
Rosho - HEAR ME OUT. UTAH. i swear to you he would be from utah closer to salt lake but not exactly
Rei - oh. You thought i was gonna say Chicago Illinois huh? WRONG !!! CALIFORNIA.
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sentientcloudofmusk · 4 months ago
Not to break fetish blog character, but like, i just saw a LOT of shit about palestine and just fuckin
Idk how people are chillin with the Israeli government when parcels of bombed gazan soil are being sold to American and Israeli investors while innocent women, children, and men die constantly to a flailing governmential body that is either A. So incompetent that it should not be trusted by those who value peace or B. Well aware of the innocent being lost and is very purposeful with its desolation.
I want to reconnect with my heritage. I feel as if im the last link between my family and the jewish roots we once held, but in this landscape, simply CONNECTING to jewish communities to find a place, to find the history shed by my great gandmother for her protection, that simple act, would cause so much strain that i dont think my soul could take.
From the river to the sea. I hope peace for the peoples of Palestine and her neighbors is coming swiftly.
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mcl39 · 1 year ago
and in light of fun stuff i'd love to hear your thoughts on, saw a post a while back that got me thinking and basically reached the conclusion that carlos and lando's personalities complimented each other perfectly, which in a way brought out the best in both of them, while lando and daniel have very clashing personalities (not that they didn't get along eventually, just very different). meanwhile lando and oscar's personalities just like. match.
seen people say lando is to oscar what carlos was to him and in a way, yes (oscar clearly does look up to lando a bit and lando took the brunt of the media stuff in the beginning to make him more comfortable), but i also think there is a pretty big difference there. landoscar just feel very aligned to me idk. would like to hear what your opinions are :) think you always have good takes
so i left this for a couple days bc its literally been slow cooking in my brain like a stew... thinking abt this so much. u bring such a good point abt the difference between complementing and aligning / matching...
i often find it rly fun to look at friendships and relationships thru the lens of sibling dynamics - its my own personal brand of astrology or ig personality typology that im addicted to. and w carlos and lando i think the reason they 'complemented' each other so well was bc they very easily fell into an older-younger sibling dynamic - both r middle children, and idk the exact numbers but carlos should probably be around oli's age (landos older brother, who lando's rly close to, arguably the closest of all his siblings - not only did they used to travel for karting competitions back in the day, but nowadays they share a core friend group and go on holiday together, which is cute). so like, lando as a 19 year old rookie, shy but full of energy, is in the perfect position to be lightly bullied, shown the ropes, taught random shit, be shoved into walls, etc by someone who likes to play within that older brother role
so you have that first of all, which already creates some familiarity for lando (who otherwise is quite slow to thaw out of keeping ppl at arms length), and also the fact that they got along w each other quite easily. i dont think theyre that similar (again, complement, not match, its so brilliant), but theyre both entertained by quite simple things, which is y their humour tended to be so lowest-common-denominator: words that sound funny, hitting each other in the balls, dirty jokes, etc. i think where they DO find similarities is when theyre serious - they both have a very head-down team-first sort of attitude (which i think rly solidified in lando BC of carlos), so their trust in each other in terms of that helped make their more personal friendship rly straightforward and natural
daniel meanwhile... where do i start. i spent two years losing my mind in dms over the glorious trainwreck awkwardness that is dando and their interactions. i still cant QUITE parse it but its so good. u have lando whos used to having quite a reactive/passive friendship with carlos, suddenly putting his feet on the ground and his shackles up bc he stopped liking the directions he was being pushed in w daniel. i think daniel deffo is a big, domineering personality, naturally kind of selfish (youngest sibling AND im pretty sure the only boy) (im not judging him im also the youngest i can reclaim), and to keep it concise i think it kind of gave lando the ick.
lando is a very judgemental person, and his humour is quite specific - he'll laugh at the dumbest things ever, like the word 'blowy' or 'pubes' or jokes abt girls running away from him, AND also rly subtle sarcasm that takes a lot of context clues. but he just cannot operate within the middle ground: the typical snl-style (american type) classic humour. he just doesnt get it. when ppl try to do it with him u get things like 'lando i hope you're sitting down... you're p2' 'i don't know why will said that, i'm literally strapped to my seat' and 'throwback thursday' 'it's funny cos it's friday'. he sucks at metaphors and doesnt have patience to wait for punchlines, so the fact that daniel is kind of like universally 'classically' funny actually worked against him - especially bc daniel was fuelled w the confidence that lando liked him and found him hilarious
so thats actually the other thing - is daniels incapability of actually listening to lando. again, we kind of start from the standard of the carlos relationship, with lando as the reactor, but carlos was always rly attentive towards lando. and then daniel comes in - u have lando like a dog who figured out ur trying to exit the park and has suddenly refused to keep walking along, and daniel holding an endlessly extendable leash, whistling a little tune, completely oblivious that his dog is still like three streets down. lando was throwing him jab after jab after joke after joke for like the entirety of 2021 ('they just dig up jam' forever my favourite), but they would just fly over daniels head, making lando become more and more detached and disinterested in interactions w daniel. waaaay into their partnership as teammates, theres this video of lando telling daniel that theyre serving cookies (?) somewhere, and daniel says 'so you got a brownie?' and i think lando says smth like 'nah a cookie, not a brownie, otherwise i wouldve said brownies', to which daniel is like 'i respect that, you're finally dishing it back'. and i rmbr my reaction was like FINALLY ? WYM FINALLY?? hes BEEN doing this for SO LONG like ALL THE TIME now.
idk, its weird bc opinions r rly split on dando, some ppl in yt comments or reddit or whatever still say they were the funniest duo in f1, but other ppl will always pipe up saying the energy was awkward and it was clear they didnt like each other. neither of those things r true for me - i think they did like each other, especially later on (professionally, i think lando definitely had a lot of anxieties abt having to outperform the big new top dog in the team, which made him a bit colder, but i think he gained a lot of respect for daniel when he saw how much daniel was struggling but how much he was still willing to show up and do the whole job until the end w a smile on his face). i have a suspicion they probably get along way better 1 on 1, bc a lot of daniel's off-putting intensity happens when he tries to play up for the cameras. but i am also partly thankful for that too, bc we had a couple art challenges in 2021-2022 where daniel did all the talking, so lando could focus on having fun with his Little Tasks, and thats literally my fav type of mclaren video, so cheers danny.
so then we get to oscar. i think the main difference with oscar is that, for the first time, lando doesnt have a bigger personality imposing itself on him. if he used to b reactive with carlos and daniel, oscar is way more laid back and passive than him, which means lando is finally for the first time the one setting the pace. especially in the early days, this was obvious - lando would throw out the beginning of a bad joke, expecting to be interrupted or one-upped, but oscar would just sit there quietly creature-staring, waiting for lando to finish his train of thought. it was so awkwardly delightful. so what u get now is that lando isnt playing catch up anymore - which doesnt mean hes making oscar do it now. on the contrary, what ive found is that lando brings his personality to oscar-volume, which sounds like it would be dull but it so isnt. again, he thrives in quiet subtlety, and so does oscar, so u get videos like the finish the lyrics where u have to turn the volume all the way up to even hear what theyre saying, but its so worth it bc its SO fun once u do.
in terms of matching, theyre definitely quite similar in terms of humour. both of them love the awkward pauses and jim halpert looking into the camera and eye rolls and deadpan. it took a while to find their rhythm w two of them playing the same joke-role and not having a straight man (comedy term!!) to bounce off of, but i think they figured it out. theyre different enough in terms of family dynamics (oscar is an eldest brother w many sisters, but also younger than lando) that neither of them would fit a pre-made space, so they can just kinda be on equal level to each other. this is especially true since theyve grown up in the same circles - never raced each other directly, but lando moved up categories rly fast, which means oscar spent his late teens mostly racing ppl lando was racing in karting and early single seaters. (most significantly, max fewtrell, who oscar used to b in the junior renault academy with, and who i think is kind of a good representation of what lando and oscar have in common - lowkey, sarcastic, deadpan, but also not taking himself too seriously)
to come back to what u said abt oscar-lando being inverse lando-carlos: i also see it to some extent, like u said (theres those tiktok edit parallels like lando telling oscar to cut his hair the way carlos said it to him in 2019). i think its mostly something lando himself is conscious of and sort of imposes on himself - he often compares oscar's personal trajectory to his, like when he says oscar will open up and be less quiet once he gets comfortable (which was true), so i think hes deffo aware of the comparison. but i dont think it runs any deeper than that, bc i havent seen lando position himself as the same kind of mentor-guru in-the-know older figure. i just dont think his personality can mould to that
idk sorry for this novel size answer. i have even more thoughts abt oscar and lando that im currently trying to shove into a fic so like. all of this has been floating in my brain for ages now
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vide0n4sty · 6 months ago
i just read the whole issues with forcemasc scenes and while im agreeing with it, i wanna add my points into it: the scene is heavily white and eurocentric standards focused. like its always about "cutting your hair", not knowing in some cultures, like native american, its a masculine standards to keep a man's hair long. the whole ideas of masculinity has to be rough and shit. you have to have a beard, you have to have fat on, you have to wear this and that. and i remember there were some posts making fun of transmascs wanna be a "twink". like yes i know the existence of conventional beauty standards are harmful, but as long as it made said people happy about their choice and they don't force it into other people, what's the odd? plus this lowkey implying the idea of "you will regret when transition" radfems saying even and it made me cringe. and what about transmasc already had that type of body i thought yall agree on not bodyshame anyone?
do i like forcemasc and the idea of it? yes! but do i like how the community practicing it? i dont. tbh, the only forcemasc post i ever liked is like, something about letting your hair grow and you can wear a dress, you would still be a man
btw you are the only one i trust writing this kink lol no other people could do this justice
i appreciate that a lot, and yeah, i think there are definitely criticisms to be made about how forcemasc positions itself as like. the clean kink as opposed to forcefem, and yet falls back on eurocentric/white centric ideals of masculinity in service of its goal of gender affirmation as opposed to titillation. like if you're going to go into 'shave your head, be a bear' etc., commit to the bit, ya know?
i read this very good essay/post about why forcemasc is largely an obsolete fetish which references "disidentification" (codified by a queer person of colour) as a driving force behind forcefem;
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forcefem kind of WORKS because it's a survival tactic, which the original text also connects to being a queer person of colour, taking these absurdly misogynistic and shameful fantasies where Woman is abject, the Othered object of desire (as women so often are in a patriarchal society), and reinterpreting into sexual gratification, gender affirmation, comfort, security, freedom
forcemasc doesn't scratch that same itch because Man (and wanting to be a man) simply is not abject in a patriarchal society, Man is not Othered, Man is not shameful.
and i think the forcemasc boys kind of KNOW THAT, so they have to push it further and lean into. like. eurocentric ideals of masculinity for their lame tboy poetry, as opposed to having a fetish about injecting T and getting a big cock and ooooo you wanna jerk off five times a day, you dumb gross boy, which i think is a little more generic but also a lot more overtly sexual too lmao
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grcetxt · 10 months ago
Also, using this to ask if you have an AO3??
The only sport Marvin can bear is football (or soccer for americans), he says its because its "european" so its "dignified" but its rlly just cuz he used to have the biggest crush on his old football (i refuse to call it soccer AMERICANS RAHHH) coach
Trina just always has about a million hair ties and bobby pins on her/in her purse
(After they get married Mendel finds himself also always having them on his person, in his pockets/bag ect)
When Marvin and Trina got married Marvin wore a purple tie, Trinas least favourite colour is purple, he did not know this
When Jason was born Marvin fainted HASHAH
Mendel is very weirdly versed in like flowers and their meanings. like my guy knows EVERY. SINGLE. MEANING.
Whizzer is actually really smart, just like not in the ways that Act 1 Marvin would deem important. Like he wouldve probably done a course in astronomy in uni but he couldnt afford it big sigh (i read a fic where whizzer was an astronomer once and i was like REALLL)
(These are like set in modern day/post-canon):
Charlotte insists that every bambi lesbian couple is exactly like her and cordelia. like it could literally be a theatre kid and a punk and shed be like "oh my god look! us!!"
Marvin dies exactly 2 months after Whizzer does
Jason places a black King piece on Marvins grave because i love pain apparently
Trinas and Mendel painted their bedroom like a light blue colour (?? idk where this one came from)
Charlotte had to talk jason out of naming his first son Marvin or Whizzer becuase "i love you kid and that's sweet, but i dont want your kid to be bullied all his life"
Also yes i dooo have AO3!! I havent posted anything in a hile cuz of my exams but TRUST as soon as theyre over (in like a month) i will be posting like DAILY, my tag is: PaleBlueEyes102 :DD
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noblemalone · 2 months ago
Thinking abt how on tiktok a while ago there was this "discourse" of (primarily western) Europeans getting pissed off at [North] Americans like
"No you're not irish you're american! You cant call yourself italian all your traditions are based on a culture 200 years in the past!!"
As if diaspora communities dont have any right to their own unique development that still makes them vibrant and unique and that stems from the base european culture those people's actual literal recent ancestors who were actual people from that culture
And as if there's no way a group of often marginalized people would stick together, even in a new country, and form their own unique identity and culture outside of the construct of "american" and "white"
And as if by reinforcing this narrative that diaspora communities have no right to their heritage, they're not directly feeding into the myth of a homogenous white culture, which itself was a tool of colonialism to unite the many disparite european peoples in order to further subjugate the native residents of turtle island that lived and flourished there since time immemorial
And as if not being raised in their culture means i lack any culture, and not that I've faced cultural erasure in my own country and my parents and grandparents didn't face actual systemic xenophobia being from a "less white", less trusted european culture despite the fact they were also born here
Idk just seems fucked up like c'mon no one likes americans but dont shit on the diaspora that's one of the good parts
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ragdollsgender · 22 days ago
my thoughts on/liveblog of invincible season 3 episodes 1-3 👍 spoilers obviously
yayyy rex and mark are friends. also i literally said "its his favorite finger" at the exact same time as mark. literallyyyyy his favorite finger
multipauls new hair is cute. olivers is not :/ his bangs are weird bring back long hair oliver
multipaul talking though multiple versions of himself is rlly cool. i dont remember kate doing that at any point i think she just acts normal. hes lowkey edgier
i think they might lowkey be making oliver more fucked up with the way he intentionally tricked mark in2 promising,,,,, like on its own it would be nothing but considering what i know from the comics its an interesting choice i like this direction
wearing a ring outside your superhero suit seems like a bad idea lol. keep it on a chain or under the gloves or like. just add a decorative band of fabric
raeeeeee ^_^ wemon
they might be setting up rae and rex getting together. i dont hate it but ehhhhhh i dont think they have that much chemistry. they should just be besties
"familys back babey, and unbreakable" foreshadowing 🤨?
"he just wanted to surprise me" lol. in the comics oliver wanted to surprise mark. this is different
eve going to school is awesome, more character development and potentially getting better at using her powers in creative ways ^_^ also her outfit in this scene is cute
oliver ipad baby
kidnapping rex while hes naked?????? not cool
eve for sure has a point abt the alt universe her being not actually the same as her. like i personally wouldnt automatically assume mark only acquired feelings after that but she has a point
stoppppp making doc seismic woke fuck my lifeeeee i thought we were done with this. also hes not even a generic mad scientist hes pretty unique. also homo sapiens didnt come up out of the ocean i think that line couldve been worded better
big fan of that cavewoman/bone theme lady that showed up for like 5 secs. women <3
idk if rex has more character this season or if im just noticing him more but its great
no more sinclair on screen during this scene fuck my stupid baka life and this gay earth. also wtf is severe psychological reprogramming
the after credits scene is a solid 2 mins which is unusual. i like how they seem to be going more slow w nolans character development here, i might not hate him as much later. but for now im still a hater i heart hating
idk how i feel abt flashback cecils design here. idk abt the ashy blonde hair. did he look like that in the comics cuz i dont remember
the moral of this story is never trust white women who say namaste
i dont see how this disaster in 1 city will lead to worldwide revolutions n shit. disasters happen all the time what makes this 1 special huh. "industrial society"? "return to the natural"?? i was expecting a communist angle not this anprim/tradprim stuff. she for sure posts quotes from the unibomber on tumblr
that was a very odd extended taser scene. and right on her boobs no less 🤨
i was wondering where the 2nd half of this duo was. why is he so american looking hes serving malibu ken or smthng. oddly tan
boobs with no skin on them do not look like that. the mammary tissue and fat are above the muscle so that would be visible here if they didnt they got burned off entirely. unless she has implants which i support. maybe she just got implants without taking any estrogen. in terms of actual looks the gore is mid but i appreciate the fact that they went that far anyways. welllll maybe this chemical stuff is just instantly cauterizing everything which is why theres no blood and the muscle is so weirdly colored. cecils segment is better than the freedom fists parts
ohhhh i see now the title colors are changing cuz. well i wont say for the sake of anybody who hasnt read the comics but You Know
"i dont work w criminals" technically killing anybody is against the law. including criminals. so You are a criminal. bro you are not the punisher
how is there spray paint on the walls. they dont let spray paint into prison. also yayyy another random woman on screen for 5 secs
theres only 1 bed??????
"darkwing and sinclair dont have your abilities" yea sinclair is literally just some guy. imagine using fucked up corpse cyborgs to protect yourself from a 130 pound goth egg
wow that blood is solidly brown. which makes sense for corpses i support
i think the composition of that particular shot in the white room was WAYYYY better in the comics. why is the background just a red gradient in the show,,,, SAD cuz the comics version is 1 of my fav panels tbh. much more dramatic. but ig its more work to draw during all those different shots vs just a couple panels of comics
no sinclair cameo in this scene either??????? they hate me
damn cecil is being super harsh
woah mark straight up saying he will kill cecil already?? idr if he said it like that in the comics
WUH OH. OHHH NOOO. you cant be talking like that purple baby. but he does have a point that straight up saying you will kill somebody is pretty bad
"it doesnt even make sense" eve. cecil is part of the united states military. he kills people
"i know you, you dont hurt people if you can help it" not everybody knows mark?? thinking you know him doesnt prevent him from doing things you dont expects?? rlly dubious worldview here lol. like its a common worldview but in my autistic opinion it doesnt make sense. not a critique of the shows writing but a critique of the general population of people who think like this
"rex has been asking for it for years" its just a littleeee weird to say your ex bf was asking to be murdered for years (including the time you dated him) when you and the guy youre talking to rn could both actually murder him easily. like if it was just beating him up a little or you werent dating him during those years or if mark hadnt actually killed a guy it would be less weird. im nitpicking
"eheh thats mee. mr self control" he does not believe that abt himself. lol
"and shes still heartbroken over something that never happened 2 decades earlier" EXACTLYYYYYYYY ive seen ppl talking abt how fucking weird it is that future eve was still so obsessed w mark especially cuz the show version has actual character development beyond Girl Character and Love Interest im so glad theyre actually addressing this in the show
high school was like 1 year ago you cant rlly dismiss it as just a high school crush when you are both still like 18 lmao
RAEEEEE. SHES TRAUMATIZED FUCK THIS. I Will Be Your Shield (reference)
amanda is so hashtag real for this. and samson is being kind of a dick. stop being so like,,,, boomerish
"all he had to do was follow orders" GIRL ARE YOU TALKING ABT THE ORDERS TO TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE EARTH??????? shes proooooobably talking abt the orders from cecil and not from marks dad but. it sounds bad when you say it like that
"but ive seen most of you not follow orders. many times in fact" lmaoooo hes so real. every single character on this show is a hypocrite 👍
the writing for this argument is GREAT most of them have both at least 1 good and 1 bad point. yayyy complexity and nuance
"sanctimonious" awesome i love words. they should learn more into this i luvvvv combinations of hypercasual and hyperformal speech. luv the directions theyre taking rexs character hes getting so much more interesting
RACECAR BED. AWESOME. wait does this imply that like the government just bought shapesmith a furnished apartment. or does he fucking live at the pentagon or smthng. fascinated by the implications here
"theyll be back" bro is clearly underestimating how Like That they all are
"he wouldve deserved it" WUH OH. OHHHHHH NOOOOOO. DONT SAY THAT
FINALLY rick saying that murder is murder pretty much. you are nottt the punisher you are not the sole arbiter of morals you should not decide who lives and dies
rex has a houseplant in his cardboard box :)
i dont like how rudy is so much taller than amanda. but whatever
he lowkey fumbled that. autism win
"someday i might need him on my side" FORESHADOWING???? ALREADY PLANNING HIS PLAN??????????
"are they special needs" EXACTLY what i was thinking after debbie said that lmaooooo. but it is true that mark is autistic in my opinion and oliver. has something odd going on. "yes, no, umm not in the conventional sense uhh" she is fumbling this so hard. she couldve said oliver is, to explain who hes homeschooled by a private tutor and doesnt go out much
yayyy eve in college. omg whos this girl. i dont recognize her from the comics. random woman event
"it will be good to have darkwing on the guardians again" ok he was being a dick earlier and i still dont like him but hes validating darkwing 2s abilities as on par with the old darkwing awww :)
they made tether tyrant skinny :/
the orchid dying is a Metaphor but more importantly its dying cuz it shouldnt be in a coffee can. orchids need airflow around their roots, theyre usually kept in special containers that are basically mesh. those 2 probably also dont water it enough and they might have even put it in dirt instead of moss. SAD
magmaniac is straight up barefoot. bro
mark homophobic moments
thats the same girl eve met in episode 2, is she going to be an actual character. i hope she gets a name. yayy more women
mark didnt even keep amber updated on this broooooo keep in touch with your friend
the deed to the bridge is in rudys name,,,,, shes fucking loaded how do you buy a bridge. probably doing at least 3 online jobs in the background all the time or smthng
RAE BACKSTORY LETS FUCKING GOOOOO LETS GOOOOO i was allllmosttttt expecting a canon trans reveal here but im probably expecting too much from this show. oh well
also is rudy going to actually tell people about the fucked up clone/body transfer thing or what. can we get more rudy content. i think about this every fucking day
"rex and his exes" woah hes bisexual i didnt know that (reference)
is that amandas belt omgggg
"theyre my parentsssss" fuck parents eve you dont need to put up with this. kill them
tbh the O standing for oliver doesnt even make sense cuz why would he use his actual legal name as his code name,,,,,, but im nitpicking its whatever
woah mark got rlly mad huh
paul,,,, its kind of weird how he heard that debbies exhusband actually killed dozens of ppl and said "wow,,, hes so cool and im balding" now is not the time to self deprecate buddy
eve has been reading abuse recovery books for sure
"thats the us military for you, always fixing things as cheaply as possible" he was so hashtag real for this
i missed the maulers tbh theyre awesome
a lot of REALLY funny lines in this scene. i dont want to type them all out but theyre great
did the maulers not hear abt kate dying cuz they dont seem surprised,,,, maybe they were just in jail the entire time idr
here we goooo. yayy murder
id like to think that mark being silent after oliver says nolan was right is cuz theyre toning down the "eugenics is basically fine" attitudes from the comics. but maybe its just supposed to be more dramatic
ok theres more talking abt murder being wrong than the comics but not the eugenics specifically. which i was expecting but a guy can dream ok. so i wonder if theyre just closing off olivers Thing here or if the life lesson didnt take and hes going to keep acting like that
episode 2 was my fav but i also like the ways they subtly changed the plot points in episode 3. episode 1 kind of felt like getting back into the swing of things, it isnt bad but it was less dramatic yknow. less stuff going on. overall some good episodes ^_^
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year ago
Hi anon, sorry to bring the sbi family fanfic discussion again and for the long post , (your posts ware what made realize why i hated this thing so much)
I don’t know if is the same type of fans but i noticed that some ficwritters that are really foucused on philza and wilbur (and sbi family i think?) Are kinda trying to add cellbit to this situation? Like i read some philza focused fanfic where he interacts with cellbit and the ficwritters act like cellbit is his kid? Its weird idk how to explain very well (this is also the same people that kinda write cellbit as a native english speaker (american and european) and not a brazilian (its something that is too hard to explain right now)
And its kinda stressing me out because cellbit is written in such a weid way and its infesting the spiderbit tag lol and i dont understand what is going on half of the time since idk what the hell sbi even is (brazilian with 0 understanding about english speaking mcty)
Sorry for the long post
Oh yeah no I don’t really get it but like. I also do! Because q!Phil has become one of only a literal handful of people on the island to actually properly trust q!Cellbit and so they’re like. Friends. But obviously you can never just be friends with someone not your age and so. Fandom assigned family dynamic. It’s super weird and lowkey like. Idk it’s just weird lol.
A discussion surely must follow!
First, a brief rundown of SBI:
SBI is Sleepy Boys Inc., a group made of up streamers Philza, Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, and Technoblade. (Originally it was just Phil, Wilbur, and Techno, but Tommy wiggled his way in somehow.) They’re Best Friends, but somewhere along the way their fandoms said. Fuck it. Family dynamic… mostly because the ccs lowkey thought it was funny and ran with it. Wilbur alone would rather die than not have Philza Minecraft be his father
This dynamic spread to their characters on the dsmp despite them literally not once ever referring to each other all as family; iirc Techno himself said he at least wasn’t part of the family because that dynamic would be fucked up after all the shit his character did to both c!Wilbur and c!Tommy. But c!Phil was c!Wilbur’s father even though he did fully murder his ass, and Wilbur and Tommy were brothers because they’re Wilbur and Tommy and you’d have to kill them to stop them from being brothers. Tommy was never established to be c!Phil’s son, and Phil never seemed to consider him one
But then the dsmp started dying around summer 2021 and everyone was kinda just left with fanon, and SBI fanon can get weird. I’m talking borderline fetishistic nuclear family stuff, especially when you get into ‘Dark SBI’ content with Phil kidnapping Tommy or whatever and forcibly making them family? It gets weird, take a look through the tag sometime
The thing with a lot of these fics is that like. It’s gotten to a point where it’s a fandomized version of both cc! and c!SBI with some really freaky characterizations and some really diehard fans. I’ve talked about that before, so I won’t do it again.
The weirdest thing I’ve noticed about these fics, though- and this goes back to what we were talking about with Cellbit inexplicably being added to the mix all of a sudden- is that everybody has to be a family.
You’ll be hard pressed to find a SBI fic where the characters have friends. Even Tubbo and Ranboo, usually delegated to a ‘Tommy’s friend!’ role despite them not interacting much like as a group ever are treated either as extensions of Tommy himself or as his found family ‘brothers’ who Phil also inevitably helps take care of rather than as friends, and they act that way. Niki isn’t usually ever written in as Wilbur’s friend, she’s Benchtrio’s sister/mother-figure, or she’s described as Wilbur’s found family sister. Jack Manifold? Lumped in with Niki with Benchtrio as their older brother/father-figure. Quackity? Either Wilbur’s boyfriend, thus a member of the family, or Tommy’s older brother/father-figure.
Even characters who never really interacted with SBI as a “family” on the dsmp get this treatment: you’ll read an SBI fic with c!Purpled in it and he’ll be Tommy’s brother figure. c!Sam is Tommy’s father figure. Schlatt is Tommy’s uncle or Wilbur’s brother. Puffy is an aunt. Sapnap and Dream? Tommy’s brother or father figures. Even Hannah is being written as Tommy’s cool older sister figure these days despite only really interacting with him once on the smp
And you can see this kind of behavior continuing now in the qsmp fandom… if the new ccs/characters in question aren’t “problematic”. Chayanne can’t see Techno as a personal hero, he has to see him as an older brother or an uncle. Tubbo is Phil and Fit’s son and Tommy’s brother. Niki is Tallulah’s mom. Quackity is Wilbur’s boyfriend.
What you’ll actually be hard pressed to see is this kind of dynamic with Phil and other, “problematic” ccs, aka ccs who aren’t like. English ccs.
Because you won’t find q!Forever included in the family dynamics despite him basically being q!Phil’s best friend and closest confidant. It took longer for q!Missa to be added to Phil’s wiki page than it did for Techno to despite them literally being explicit canon husbands, and you’ll be lucky if Missa is even mentioned in a “qsmp” SBI fic. Etoiles? Not even mentioned despite him and Phil more or less actually leaning into the family dynamic with the “brothers” thing. Even Tallulah and Chayanne are left out or mischaracterized in “qsmp” SBI fics, giving Tommy the spotlight.
You won’t find nearly anybody who isn’t an English cc in these fics, and this is NOT accusing anyone of xenophobia. It’s most likely just because the SBI people are used to watching only Phil or only Wilbur and they don’t speak enough of the other languages to really care about the non-English ccs and thus disregard their characters and lore. It’s not just SBI people who do this, it’s plenty of people speaking every language on the server not watching anyone whose languages they don’t speak. Yk?
But that brings us to q!Cellbit, and I’m surprised the SBI guys have latched onto him the way they did considering he’s everything they seem to dislike: his first language isn’t English, he doesn’t talk with Phil a lot, he and Tallulah get along really well, he makes fun of Wilbur being gone. And, honestly? The SBI guys did hate him for a long time because of those things, they constantly undermined his efforts and said Phil would be a better Order leader and said that he should never speak to Tallulah again because he was making her sad and he’s friends with their least favorite person ever, Forever.
But then q!Phil said he trusted Cellbit, and it’s like a switch was flipped. Starting around the Pills Arc when they first teamed up, SBI people were suddenly on board with Cellbit despite being part of the haters literally days before. Why? Well. Phil and Cellbit are friends now, and so now he gets the privilege of being in the fics.
The problem with this is that these people have never watched Cellbit. They’ve seen ten minutes of him total from Phil’s pov, and that’s all they’re going to use to write his character. So of course there will be mischaracterization.
And, of course, they’ll be family. Because, as I said, there’s this weird allergy to the concept of friendship in SBI fics. You’re family or you’re an enemy.
Constant fanon mischaracterization of Phil has basically turned him into a universal father figure even if he doesn’t have that dynamic with the characters he’s like the “father” of. q!Cellbit’s only familial figure outside of his actual canon family is generally seen as q!Bad, who even referred to him as family last night on stream. But, because Phil and Cellbit are friends now and Cellbit is younger than Phil is, they have to have a father-son dynamic, because that’s what Phil’s only character trait is in the SBI fics he’s in. He’s the dad whether it makes sense or not.
If that makes sense.
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rath00ker · 2 years ago
Trans rambles because I am trans therefore everyone in twisted wonderland is trans (they can’t escape me)
Riddle is trans masc genderfluid or trans fem genderfluid, it can really go either way with him. Would be a She/He enjoyer
Cater is just a trans guy. I don’t make the rules. Got top surgery and started T as soon as he could. Since he’s 18 (and I’m going off American law), he probably started puberty blockers really early and started T with his moms consent. He’s just living his best life
Leona is trans fem or trans masc. You can pick whichever you like best
Ruggie is a trans man I’m dying on this hill. He couldn’t afford puberty blockers but in my headcannon Leona is giving him some money for his transition. He pays for his hormone therapy and the needles he needs. In the version that Leona is trans masc probably gave him a hand-me down binder. His grandma really doesn’t care, coming out to her was easy “Hey grandma I’m trans” “that’s great now go grab my cigarettes”
All of the octo trio are trans because they’re my favorites and this in the highest honor I can give them.
Azul is nonbinary (he/they), he’s simple.
Jade is trans fem agender, they are in charge of making sure Floyd takes his T, otherwise he’d forget. They are on estrogen themself and Floyd calls them boob pills
Floyd is a trans guy because he is my favorite character and he just like me fr. Either doesn’t bind at all and does not care or forgets to take off his binder and wonders why his chest hurts all the time. That binder also needs to be WASHED. It is holding on for dear life. Jade helps Floyd take his T because Floyd can’t be trusted around sharp objects
The Tweels mom and dad didn’t care that much either. Idk what the merfolks view of gender is so you can make it up yourself. But I like to think that they don’t really care
Jamil is trans fem but hasn’t come out to her parents yet. Wants to fully transition but hasn’t been able too. Is a trans girl that wants to watch the world burn and I am in love with her. Send love to your local trans woman today
Vil is also Trans fem but could probably make her own estrogen if she really wanted too but going to a doctor is much safer and she has the means to do so. Trans lesbian, you can’t fight me on this I’m literally Yana
I DONT KNOW WHAT ROOK IS BUT HE IS QUEER. That is a queer guy, either by sexuality or gender. I don’t know what he is but we gotta find out NOEW. He can’t keep getting away with this
Epel is a trans guy, his story has trans vibes going through them. With the whole looking like a girl and wanting to be more manly. He’s on puberty blockers but Vil is working out with his family to get him on T. Probably has him a high testosterone diet to help out. Her and Rook definitely teach Epel everything he’d need to know to transition. (Found family goes brrrr), his family is supportive just more confused than anything. They love and support him they just don’t have the money to help him get that far in his transition
Idia is a sweaty trans masc nonbinary xeno pronoun user. Doesn’t use his xeno pronouns in real life but uses them online. He/they/it pronouns and Glitch/Glitchself Code/Codeself xeno pronoun user. He came out recently to his family so they are a bit confused but they have enough money to help his transition. Ortho makes sure he takes off his binder so he doesn’t hurt himself with it and reminds him to take his medication (both hormone blockers and anxiety medication)
Ortho is a robot, but he uses xeno pronouns like his brother to make him feel better. He’s a sweet little guy who loves his brother not much to say
Malleus is a trans woman because twisted wonderland is good but they need more trans women. Idk what fae culture thinks about gender but they probably don’t care that much. Malleus can probably transition through magic but just doesn’t want to. She doesn’t have body dysphoira just social dysporia other than that she’s doing just fine
Lilia is nonbinary just cause he’s a silly little guy. Nonbinary (he/him), just a silly guy
Crewel is an older trans guy and queer guy. Definitely has knowledge about trans laws and informs his trans students of them. Wants Crowley to add a gender studies class but we all know how useful Crowley is
Sam is a trans guy, why you may ask? Because Sam is like one of the most common names trans guys pick. That or he’s nonbinary. Transitioned a long time ago, is open about it and helps out NRC’s trans/queer students when he can. Sells binders and feminine clothing
How would this work if NRC is an all boys college? I dunno and I don’t care so don’t make a comment questioning it. This is for the fun of it. I also have headcannons about what mental disorder some twst characters might have so that might be my next post. Psychology is a special interest of mine and you can’t escape me talking about it
Thank you tri-state area 
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overflowchute · 3 months ago
it's kinda annoying bc it means i literally cannot be fucking normal abt anything competitive, or, hell, about anywhere my skill (or anything about me?) is judged by others. i hate thinking abt anything as competition bc if i see myself as a loser i get frothing mad at myself. also weirdly tied to gender sometimes in my head. i hate gender but i think society often tries to induce this kind of perspective as a male thing. nothing matters unless you're winning! sympathy is an excuse to not try harder! its very american
a really sad element ig is that i want to be non-binary really badly, i want to not even be human really badly, i want to be something else actually, bc i hate being judged and compared as i feel that i always always always am a failure as a human being and as a competitor. but a lot of the time bc i have this framework in my head, i intrinsically associate this frame with society's idea of how a man thinks or what a man's neuroses and failures are like, and combined w difficulty w my body and presentation i feel i will always be seen as a man
a lot of why i get fed up with aspects of manhood. i think that competition is a difficult road where you have to be winning in some regard. if you rly care abt competition you might take losses in stride but its bc you know you will win eventually later if you try. but i have this thing where i get so fed up holding back and constantly being a loser and a failure that i go thats it im trying now, and then when i fail when im really seriously trying, its really really difficult for me to recover from that mentally lol...
and idk this comes up in many many spheres of life. i'm simultaneously obsessed with competition and seemingly completely incapable of having a healthy relationship with it. for various reasons its almost impossible for me to consistently practice and work at a difficult task ...which makes me regularly unable to compete with anyone who cares enough or has the ability to do so, lol. doesnt matter if its games or an artistic field or a physical skill or whatever. and the worst bit is that i know that being upset and compary abt this is kinda pitiful
at the end of the day what this really speaks to is a lack of confidence, right? i think everyone else is better than me, i take failure as a sign i am valueless, i don't feel like if i try my best it'll have any impact on the results... i know that my perspective is wrong. but no matter how hard i try i just dont really have the mindset needed to be a winner and a grinder. i hate working desperately for something that isnt guaranteed. i often dont trust the kind words or positive assessments of other ppl, i only trust self-evidency
its a wild hell: i want to have a healthy relationship with competition, or trying, or anything really. but i can only prove to myself its worth it through solid achievements, which i consistently find im not very good at reaching. so i want to avoid it, and yet, im drawn to it. idk gender is a funny side element i brought up but its like. well everyone will see me as a guy and its not like i rly hate that hugely. but i hate being reduced to being the same as others, if im the same type of being as others i know i will always be worse in comparison
if i am a man then i am a complete failure of a man, and i hate the expectations of others. and so on and so on. i dislike living by any framework of what i should be that aligns me with others. but its also miserably alienating to be unable to like myself around other ppl
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driftwooddestiel · 11 months ago
below the cut is my “sonfs i NEED to amv” list, directly copy pasted from my notes app . this is a culmination of all my ideas its my magnum opus
even when the wayers cold (lisa maybe??)
golden skans (sam faith amv maybe???)
saving grace (the cranberriesnatural real)
spsceman (castiel, anna, amara and other characters ‘falling to earth’ growing to love humanity hear me out)
(coffees for closers) [fallout boy] (faith throughout supernatural)
w.a.m.s (destiel & purgatory and stuff arc alsoo apocapy’…
float on (everyone :) ) happy birthday dean ? what if they were happy…
am i ever gonna see your face again (destiel and their many widowed arcs)
when will you die (fbi/police & their run ins with dean and sam) OR (chuck and his constant attempts to change and regulate the charcaters) maybe both…
the girl of my dreams is giving me nightmares (samruby demon blood arc) this one is TOP PRIORITY!!!!!!!! because its so special to me forever (first ever amv idea ever :O)
things go bump in the night from the scooby doo movie! silly
monkey gone to heaven (pixies) with dean or sam and deaths idk what else to say okay
tame (pixies) with kripke era dean
no 13 baby - s4/s5 destiel… handprint……… hear me out…. EDIT: i dont remember writing this??? i dont really know how this even makes sense but i trust u past me kind of
Mr Hyde (bb brunes) - demon dean and/or mark of cain dean … maybe drowley??
turn the lights off (tally hall) - something about monsters demons etc as a queer allegory okay just . hear me out
call me maybe (carly rae jepsen) destiel early seasons please just hear me out on this one
excuses ou mensonges (orelsan) - nick and lucifer idk i just think maybe..
your body my temple sam and lucifer hear me out ACTUALLY JUSTG SMA AND AUTONOMY 
killing time 2.0 (american psycho tha musical) chuck and wnding the world ^_^
needle in the hay (elliot smith) - dean. throws up and dies
mask of my own face (lemon demon) - gabriel :)
what sarah said (death cab for cutie) - destiel and all cas’ deaths. throws up
(ANIAMTION) oatmeal (jack stauber) - the archangels 
i cant be with you (the cranberries) - destiel
private life (oingo boingo) - the bunker (probably dean focused… maybe even destiel you know how it is)
hymn for a scarecrow (tally hall) - the angels
curious (franz ferdinand) - destiel cas pov EDIT: okay another one i have no memory of writing
ode to my family (the cranberries) - jo harvelle
right action (franz ferdinand) - tfw and their many mistakes etc
johnny delusional (ffs) - chouse…………………………………..
hot to go (chappell roan) - dean being a hot girl summer tm
the bad touch (bloodhound gang) - hannigram… the sillies… do u feel me
judas (lady gaga) - hannigram my goofy guys. hannibal pov
sweet tangerine (the hush sound) - hannigram . more serious. hannibal pov again
nobody likes me everybody hates me guess ill go eat worms (idk artist) - hannibal :3
complicated (avril lavigne) - skyler white, about walter
boom clap (charli xcx) - hilson. no im not insane.
need you tonight (inxs) - hannigram. cmon. you see it
pop culture (youtube, forgot artist) - homestuck ‼️ 
everytime (butterfingers) - dean!!! hear me out okay. it also works so well for adam saw but unfortunately he has so little footage :(
i just had sex (the lonely island feat. akon) - saw characters getting out of traps and stuff this is such a silly idea but i laugh every time i think of it
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