#like idk I don’t want to do anything big and drastic I just want to ride it out
polyamorouspunk · 25 days
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sholmeser · 7 months
THANK YOU finally someone here has a good take regarding the "haha barok and kazuma violently hate each other" thing?? ppl insisting that their dynamic post-game is always gonna keep being the exact same as when they're at their most extreme emotional states just... baffles me, especially since they're literally shown to be civil to each other right afterwards. it's Right There! idk why so many ppl ignore this! in general their circumstances are so unique that it's a huge disservice to boil them down just to being haters.. like yeah they're gonna be huge mess after everything, but not in the way that fandom usually potrays them. if kazuma fully hated the guy i don't think he'd insist on keeping the apprenticeship the way he did in game. sorry if any of this makes no sense, i have too much bottled up rage regarding fandom nonsense. nuance and character growth are nonexistent to people here
also scrolled through your other posts a tiny bit and i feel you, it truly is hard to be in this fandom and not be an as//ry liker, especially if you're a kazuma enjoyer. difficulty level: impossible. you're not alone tho! :')
sorry for leaving this in your inbox, hope you have a nice day/night!!
ANON….THANK U…..i feel like a big problem with the dgs fandom in particular is that they dont really consider how 2-5 affects character dynamics post-canon? because all the change is right there. ive talked about this but its like portraying kazuma’s relationship with ryuunosuke as Exactly The Same post-canon when it would be DRASTICALLY different despite them still loving each other very much, because ryuunosuke now sees all of kazuma. he was only seeing a very small part of who he was before, and his entire perception of his best friend got dismantled and replaced by a completely different one in a really short period of time.
the exact same is true for kazuma and barok: they have despised each other so deeply and irrevocably for a DECADE and now suddenly they have to accept the fact that nobody really did anything wrong. kazuma tried to send barok to his death, but he was doing it out of grief and rage built up over ten years. barok convicted genshin and that led to him dying, but he was young and naïve and grieving and being manipulated by stronghart the entire time. genshin killed klint but he did so honorably. klint was a murderer but all he wanted was to make his home a better place for the people in it. its all so complicated and nobody is completely innocent or completely at fault. everyone did something wrong for good reasons and everyone did something good for the wrong reasons. it’s too nuanced of a situation for them to truly go on hating each other the way they used to, because they’re both MATURE ADULTS who can understand the intricacies of the situation.
do i think they dunk on each other post-canon? i mean. yes. obviously. do i think they HATE each other, still, to this inane degree? no. obviously. their relationship is going to be strained. there’s literally no way that it wouldn’t be. but they respect each other, they hold each other in high regard, and they’re respectful. and it sucks because these changes in dynamics are literally SHOWN at the end of 2-5 but people just like. cant. comprehend them. like i just don’t get it. also if kazuma is going to hate anyone in the cast its going to be herlock like he fucking SHIPPED HIS AMNESIAC CORPSE TO CHINA and never apologized for it i would NOT be letting that go anytime soon
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oh-stars · 4 months
love your work and everything you do, so excited for the month of march fics coming up !!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ a fic a day is incredible and idk how you do it honestly 🙏🙏🙏 does this mean that hold is on hiatus for now ?
Oh thank you!!!
It was so fun doing @steddielovemonth so I'm excited to tackle Stobin Month! I don't write enough fics about them and them alone so it's been fun so far.
Hold is on a temporary hiatus. I'm aiming to get the next chapter out in April. Right now, I have so much going on, but I start a new job next week so my writing time is cutting down drastically. So I'm not able to tap into the headspace I need to write hold.
I added an update to the authors note for the last chapter, but to reiterate here: I AM NOT giving up on this story!! It's a passion project for me, but since it doesn't have a timeline or any outside pressure other than wanting to get the next chapter to you all, it has to be the first to go. I need to focus on my posting challenge, my STRBB fics, and my exchange fic (and I have a few big bangs I plan on signing up for!!) so I'll be shifting gears a little.
If I wasn't at such a pivotal moment in hold, I think I'd be able to continue writing as normal. But I have an Eddie scene and an Eleven scene to write for the next chapter that are heavier, so I need to do them the right way and not just knock it out.
Thank you all for the support and understanding!!! I'm having so much fun and feeling really fulfilled with my current writing load, so the patience about the hold situation is very appreciated!! That being said... Here's a teaser (under the cut) for the next chapter to hold everyone over (no pun intended) until I can post it:
“Hey, hey,” Steve coos, coming to a halt at the edge of her crib. He picks her up without hesitation, sending a sharp pain up his left arm as he cuddles her close. It doesn’t matter, he could care less about his pain as long as she’s okay. “You’re okay,” he says, “Daddy’s got you.” 
“Steve!” Robin huffs as she comes up beside them. “You shouldn’t be picking her up.” Whatever look he gives her must tell her everything she needs to know. She sighs and runs a hand over Charlotte’s wild dark hair. “I can hand her to you so you don’t hurt your hand,” she says softly, “let me help.” 
He presses his lips to Charlotte’s head and sways in place, shushing her. Charlotte, not Robin of course. “I know,” he tells Robin then goes back to talking to Charlotte. “We woke you up before you were ready, huh? I’m sorry, sweetpea.” He adjusts his hold on her to check her diaper, nose wrinkling. “Sure you want to help?” he asks Robin. 
“I think I can handle a dirty diaper.” 
Charlotte’s cries have stopped, but there are big tears on her cheeks and her bottom lip is pouted out as she looks up at Steve. He’d do anything for that face. 
Steve has to look away, eyes going to the bare, white ceiling as the fury comes back to him all at once. He blinks his own tears out of his eyes, all of the emotions hitting him like a goddamn train. “She left her,” Steve breathes out. “She fucking left her, Rob.” 
“She was so blasé about it too,” Robin punches out, walking away. She’s opening the drawers to grab something, closing them with force but not slamming. 
“What’s that mean?” he asks, dropping another kiss to Charlotte’s head. He drifts over to the chair they stashed in here during the move, an extra from the set his mom gave him, and sits so Charlotte’s laying against his chest. The movement emphasizes the pain and settles his heart all at once, but Charlotte’s sniffles and little noises make it worth it. 
Robin takes a moment, putting together the outfit for Charlotte. “Does she not have any dresses?” 
Steve’s brow furrows as he thinks about it. “I think she’s grown out of a few. I don’t know.” 
“I’m all for giving the bird to gender stereotypes and letting her wear boy clothes,” Robin says as she holds up the basketball onesie that doesn’t fit Charlotte anymore but Steve can’t part with, “but I don’t see any onesies with snaps that fit her and pants are going to be a nightmare for the foreseeable future.” 
Steve groans and adjusts Charlotte so her cast is more comfortable against him. “I didn’t even think about that.” 
“When would you have had the time?” Robin asks, closing the drawer. She’s out of the room before Steve can answer her.
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hualianff · 1 year
Hua Laoshi II 《I》
Hua Laoshi often brings in baked goods his husband made. He stands by the doorway and as students are entering, handing sweets out individually while smiling:  “good luck on this exam, kids” 😌😌
HC definitely flames his students every five minutes - in good nature, of course - and continues his lectures like nothing happened. His deadpan is so good that newer students find themselves chuckling out of nervousness more than anything. 
HC’s students catch him chewing on his pens and pencils, leaving wacky indents on the ends. 
One student: “Hua laoshi, how does your husband stand a house with spit-covered pens?”
Everyone laughs.
HC doesn’t react, instead drawling out: “Careful, I’m still the one grading your final exams.”
Everyone immediately snaps their mouths shut, eyes wide with regret. 
HC then smirks as he uses his teeth to put the cap back on the pen. 
A seasoned trickster, that one. 
(On a different occasion, during an in-class writing assignment, the distinct sound of teeth gnawing against plastic clicks in the quiet classroom. Another student tries their hand at poking fun at Hua laoshi’s interesting habit.
Student: “sounds like you don’t have enough to eat at home” 
HC, without missing a beat: “and sounds like you don’t want an A for this course”
Everyone else in their heads: “damn, he’s good”)
But once you get familiar with Hua Laoshi’s character, the playful sarcasm is easier to detect.
The best is when HC makes a roast that’s so ridiculous, his deadpan slips, and the corners of his lips begin to twitch. Which usually only happens when he’s clowning He Laoshi…the professor Hua Laoshi is supposedly closest with? Ha.
HC smiling down on his phone minutes before class.
Student: “Hua laoshi, you shouldn’t be using your phone during class~~”
HC, who was definitely texting XL: “I- ZIP IT.”
But seriously, the contrast between how students perceived HC at the beginning of the year compared to the end is drastic. From fearing for their academic life to legit crying at the fact that the class is over and they won’t have Hua Laoshi next time. 
HC asking for course evaluations like: “but yeahhh, if there’s not a big turnout and the reviews aren’t that good, I might leave and find another job idk” :/
Of course, HC receives very high ratings. Many students request his letters of recommendation too, which are personal and beautifully written. 
In turn, HC actually receives many thank you letters at the end of his courses. Thanking him for accommodating special circumstances, for encouraging the balance of school and mental health, and for teaching such an excellent class.
A couple of them are even harmless crush confessions always signed with “ok but i also love laoshi’s husband so i get it” 
XL always cracks up when HC shows him those letters. 
XL, tapping HC’s chin: “that’s why I put a ring on you”
HC’s eye dilates, and he visibly swallows.
HC: “Gege should list all the things he loves about me too.”
XL: “like my vows?” (The vows that definitely made HC cry.)
HC places his elbows on the counter and innocently rests his chin on his clasped hands. The answer is clearly “yes please, my dear husband.”
XL: “San Lang is fishing for compliments, I see. But that’s okay-“ He places his hands on HC’s cheeks. “I always have compliments for my husband.”
HC: ;) 
HC waking up at 7:00 AM for his 8:30 AM class…
Just imagine HC groaning and burying his face into his pillow, shirtless and flat on his stomach-
And XL comes around to pat his bum: “Up, San Lang, up”
HC: “ugh don’t wanna go, fuck them kids”
XL, patting HC’s arm: “you love those kids and you know it. Come on, I made you breakfast and coffee.”
XL traveling out of the country for work and HC being like “missing gege everyday :((( “
No husband to tell HC to come to bed after staying up until ungodly hours to grade.
XL over the phone: “what else are you doing besides work?”
HC: “…waiting for you to come back home”
XL: “oh, baby…” 🥺)
HC’s students can tell he’s not his usual self. Not like sad, but a little bored? Like, dimmed of his usual mischievous light. And more…tired.
HC has his bad days too, but then it’s worse if his best friend/partner isn’t there.
Then a week later, HC sends an email with the subject line being: “no class, losers!” and the email basically saying, “gotta pick my husband up from the airport” 😈
Anniversary day !! 
Aka, Hualian ice skating.
But HC’s long ass legs have the balance equivalent of a newborn baby deer. It’s even the sixth or seventh time XL has taken him on an ice-skating date and HC’s sense of balance is still somehow absolute shit.
It’s just that HC can’t for the life of him make it three steps before doing the obnoxious falling act of the century all over again. And HC will be damned if he keeps falling flat on his ass, holding XL up for the nth time.
So cue Hualian skating with XL’s hand around HC’s waist :) HC muttering curses under his breath every time his left foot decides to be goofy for a hot sec, but luckily, XL helps keep him on his feet. ❤️
(HC: “Gege I’m gonna romance you so fucking hard you won’t know what hit you” 
XL: 🤣🤣 “I look forward to it”
And then HC ends up falling flat on his back.
HC: “fuck I think I pulled something”
XL: “baby, we didn’t even make it to the bedroom “ 😭)
Reminder that HC has his and XL’s wedding photos on his desk!!
Think about HC coming back home from work in his formal attire and XL pouncing on him as soon as he enters. The sound of XL unbuttoning HC’s shirt, placing kisses along HC’s neck, down his chest, and then getting down to unbuckle HC’s belt-
All while HC is a bit disoriented but thoroughly enjoying the welcome home 🫶🏼
Thirty minutes later…
HC: “something smells like it’s burning”
XL, sprinting to the kitchen: “MY SOUP!”
That soup is not only burnt, but it’s also solid by now…
XL: “eagerness gets you nowhere” 😭😭
HC: “idk about you, but I felt like I had enough soup already”
XL, pointing to the pot on the stove: “SAN LANG THAT WAS OUR DINNER” 😡😡
HC: [pikachu meme] “you’re the one who jumped me”
XL: [puffed out cheeks] “I can’t help it, you looked so good…”
HC: “ok how about you go shower and I’ll cook us something new :) “
XL: “nooo” :((( “I was supposed to make dinner tonight and then I RUINED it 😭”
HC: …
HC: “what if we…order takeout?”
XL: :0
XL: :)
XL: “fantastic idea, dear husband of mine” 😇
Throughout their years together, HC and XL have managed to create such a safe space that differs from what everyone thinks is normal in a relationship. Thus, HC would give the best dating advice. 
It would be in the secrecy of his office hours and if a student was really curious about what they should do in their own relationship/situation, they can consult in HC and boom, great advice from a happily married man.
“Even if I think it’s something small, I’ve learned to bring it up to Xie Lian. Cause he’s the type of person who would rather you tell him what’s bothering you instead of figuring it out some other way.”
“And we’re a team, so we work to figure out a solution together.”
“He’s my best friend, my partner, my husband - whatever, you name it. My biggest supporter. It takes effort on both ends to ensure we’re there for each other in the way that we need, to keep our relationship functioning and thriving.”
HC after rambling for 10 minutes: “Oop I’ve said too much”
Student: “nope, that was perfect” *has been blessed by Hua laoshi’s words of wisdom*
Also the student:
*sneakily wipes a tear cause how can two people love each other that much*
“write that down write that down”
“how could Hua laoshi think he deserves anything less 😭😭 Hua laoshi deserves everything ofc”
Student: “adopt me pls”
HC: “no u already got a momma and baba”
Student: “I have a mama who's a saint and daddy issues to last a lifetime”
HC: “well shit, you’re just like me fr”
HC updating XL because he’s a little late getting home and also just thinks it’s nice to share. But while HC is casually talking about what he said to his student, XL is staring at him with the most tender expression ever.
It takes a while for HC to notice, he pauses and asks, “is something wrong?”
XL simply shakes his head, eyes crinkling. “You’re just…amazing. You’re really making a difference in their lives, you know?”
HC shifts his gaze away nervously, but his ears noticeably redden. XL wants to kiss him silly.
Words aren't enough to describe how much XL loves his husband. 🥺
“It’s not a huge deal-”
A hand covers HC’s mouth, gently cutting him off. 
“Believe me. The world is a better place with you in it, San Lang.”
HC merely grunts in response. XL huffs out a laugh, reaching his other hand up to fondle with HC’s left ear. The two lean forward on instinct, resting their foreheads together.
“You are so precious, so precious to me,” XL breathes out.
HC’s expression softens in a way it only does in front of XL, and XL silently thanks whatever higher power there is that brought him the most wonderful human to love. 
w/ @no-one-says-hi 
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fideidefenswhore · 6 months
The double standards for Anne and Mary compared to Jane and Mary always baffles me. So when Anne prioritizes her own child and safety she's a bitch, but when Jane does the exact same thing (when her child doesn't even exist yet) it's not only ok, it's ignored. Because thinking about it breaks the saccharine love show people are weirdly invested in. Anne fighting for Elizabeth's rights is treated like it doesn't matter, or played down completely to pretend she only wanted Mary recognizing her marriage because she's......evil? Idk. And she got a kick out of it? But Mary needing to do it for Jane is....ok? Right? Fair? It makes no sense when Mary fights against recognizing Anne she's so brave and her stans are outraged she ever be expected to "lower herself" but when she gives in later it's no big deal Henry and Jane demanding it? And whatever Mary went through during Anne's time was the sickest cruelty and all what Anne planned, but with Jane, it never happened, or it's suddenly all Henry and Jane.....was too nice to stand up to him? It's like Mary accepting she's illegitimate is horrific when it's for Anne but some boring i-am-not-a-robot check box task she's we've gotta get out the way when it's for Jane. Like if Mary had gone on resisting do they think Jane would've been cool with it?
Well, we don't really know if "Jane demanded it", actually given the contemporary evidence that seems unlikely (although tbf it's murky...in May 1536 Chapuys claims she's actually argued for Mary's total restoration, but in June 1536 there's another report from another source that she 'begged [the King] on her knees five times' to not arrest Mary--not 'restore her'-- which is often conflated with the former to do the same, by July 1536 Chapuys claims all she’s done is beg Henry not to arrest Mary, not restore her). Tl; dr if her opinion on this was drastically different from HVIII's at the outset, she seems to have conformed to his rather quickly, was more the point I was trying to make there.
but some boring i-am-not-a-robot check box task
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*Forgot to address this one:
Like if Mary had gone on resisting do they think Jane would've been cool with it?
Yeah, that’s also sort of the thing, although apparently she did want Mary to resist anything but perhaps apology and HVIII to concede and reinstate her as heir. Whether she’d come to regret that, had it succeeded, when Jane had a son or daughter remains another question…
But yeah, anyways, I don’t think Jane would’ve been warm towards her had Mary refused to acknowledge her as Queen (which, if we take Mary’s Title Act seriously, was what she actually believed … although if you subscribe to Loades’ theories, it wasn’t what she believed then, but what she came to believe, and her conformity of the summer of 1536 was genuine ‘conversion’), called her ‘Lady Jane’ and the ‘King’s mistress’ as she had AB. Nothing is impossible but I don’t find that… probable.
Just kidding, Chapuys’ report and the Bishop of Faenza’s were muddled in my memory, here we go:
This last wife is said to be much loved by the subjects, both because she is very gentle and good, and because she has five times thrown herself publicly at the King's feet, requesting him to send for his daughter and declare her Princess, a thing which has greatly moved the people.
Although, instructive that praise of Jane from this group (the above Bishop, Reginald Pole, even Chapuys to some extent) ebbs away once news travels that she hasn’t effected Princess Mary’s restoration, after all. The praise thus seems like it was rather conditional.
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Continued thoughts on Midnight Romance in Hagwon
because the re blogging got tired and confusing.
i know we need a little bit of conflict and we’re seeing how #passionate but i hope things don’t snowball for that student who had that one question with two answers. teachers sometimes are so stuck in their ways that any question on their checking or paper setting and they’ll be after you like a blood hound! trust me!
people in my country are so used to the idea that if you send your paper for rechecking you better be prepared for WAR, because they might give you the 2 marks you need but they’ll look for 10 marks to deduct 👎 they take it as a personal offense when it’s just human to make a mistake….
like our female lead going to bat for her student is real but babes these are treacherous waters…
help that teacher just dead ass looked at her like this when she explained the comprehension answer 😑
lmao why is the teacher so offended 😭 to be fair tuition teachers and teachers are always beefing (despite many doing both the jobs)
lmao now the spectacled loser is just getting angry 💀👎 apparently setting a paper is serious business but a student trying to get a vital point in an exam is cheating.
gag him queen! idgaf
now he’s seething because she said the question is old. before this he was trying to taunt her by saying that she was bad at her job for not being able to predict this question. drama!!!
what a fucking loser… grabbing her by the shoulder over a question paper. move queen, I’ll handle this
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she’s still going when it genuinely looks like he’s going to hit her. honestly I want her to hit this mf with her bag.
her putting a pain relief patch :(
wi ja hoon looking good and not being a second lead, i won soooooo bad
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wait has he liked her since he was 13…. (edit! I think she taught him when he was 19-20, i won 🙏 i had gotten confused by some 8th grade stuff that they were talking about)
knew as soon as she mumbled that he was going to show up 😂
she’s got his name saved as her pride and she glows like the sun, love her soooo bad
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third wi ja hoon drama (for me) where he’s in love with someone older, love that. although the teacher and ex student thing is a new territory for me, idk how i feel about it just yet.
i hope the teacher who tried to practically hit seo hye jin (our female lead) doesn’t do anything drastic….
also went on MDL to check her name and why are people saying this show is hot garbage omg don’t do this to me. to be fair me and that site rarely agree so we move 🙏
her showing up to those restaurants where they can get closed door rooms is crazy after what he pulled 😭 only public places with people who lay hands on you !!! and with company
why does this apology feel like it’s coming with a MAJOR but
knew it lmao. the drums in the bgm are deeply unserious.
allll of this over a question. I know as a teacher, a private tutor showing up to your school telling you that you made a mistake can be annoying. you see this in South Asia as well, the teacher is right, students value the tuition classes more than the school but babes why are you talking about going to WAR 😭
he wants to go to war for teachers but this is just an ego battle. that apology was so fake.
cowboy shoot out music in the bgm and our lead just left. girl he’s weird af but i wish we sniffed something. we don’t know what he’s planning!
directors at these tuition places are greedy as hell. (my source?! crash course in romance 🤪)
lmao the conversation between the two characters taking the teacher test was actually so chill and respectful. I was waiting for the shoe to drop but it was amicable.
lmfaoooo not hye jin lurking around to see him complete the exam
the other language instructor shooting her shot, gotta take tips
mr. yoon for the tap on the wrong shoulder thing, aww
her with her big ass red umbrella is giving
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he looks so adorable like a wet puppy 😭
lmaooo just realised even jun ho’s dad is a staple in the ahn pan seok universe. a dad in all 3! (recently saw him on atypical family)
my sister trying her best to ensure he keeps a good job when he’s already left it
him saying his love life isn’t any of her business made me bust out laughing bc he’s going to be a menace in hers isn’t he 💀
one thing I love about this creator is that everyone in his shows looks so real. the actors are gorgeous yes, breathtaking. but the way they dress, the way their hair is done, it’s all so natural.
standing under an umbrella under as rain pours down, faces like 3 inches away from each other, he’s asking her to address him as an instructor with the biggest smirk 😂😂😂
that was an abrupt finish lmao give me more
a subway sponsorship, can’t wait for them to eat a dry ass sandwich soon 😭
well this was fun ❤️ let’s do another
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Adult Kim Possible Movie Idea
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(if i had the time or energy to make this into a fanfic (or better yet, a Disney approved made for tv movie), i would but sadly I don’t so take this detailed explanation instead)
The opening:
Kim is on a solo mission to defeat the generic baddie. She’s older, probably looks something like this, and much more confident and comfortable in her own abilities than she was as a teen.
Maybe the generic baddie is a little lame, probably just starting out in the evil business and doesn’t really know what to do. And there’s room for humor here where the villain is so bad at their job, even they’re embarrassed and Kim tries to comfort them. (See this scene of Spike and Willow from Buff as an example.)
Anyway, as she’s sitting there comforting the baddie, she gets a call on her kimmunicator (?? that’s what it’s called right). It’s Wade, dressed in a nice suit, wondering where she is, and that Ron can only stall for so long. She looks at the time; she’s late.
So, after one quick final showdown with the lame villain, she hurries on to where she needs to be.
She arrives, then changes from her spy clothes to a formal dress quickly to blend in easily with the unsuspecting crowd
She finds Ron. They kiss. And she explains why she’s late.
“Hope the new guy wasn’t too much trouble for you,” says Ron in a slightly worrisome tone.
“It was no big,” says Kim. “Really.”
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He doesn’t go on missions with her anymore, as his new job or something (idk what???) keeps him pretty busy. She does it solo now, which he low key hates and wishes he could still be there to make sure she’s safe.
Their conversation is cut short by Kim’s dad, who begins a speech about how happy he is to have Ronald, officially, join the family.
Kim and Ron are about to be married and this is their engagement party.
Okay, so the beginning revolves around Kim doing solo missions and Ron freaking out about it, wanting her to be safe—which eventually pressures Kim into joining Global Justice. (They’ve been nagging for her to join the team anyway.)
She struggles to adapt to global justice’s rules. In fact, she doesn’t really agree with most of the things they have her do. But she can’t put her finger on why yet.
She’s just happy Ron is less stressed about her going on missions now.
The conflict comes when she encounters the new villain again, this time with global justice at her side.
She probably tells the team to go easy on the villain, and global justice just goes guns blazing on the guy (like, the villain is level 1 baddie at worst and global justice treats him like he’s a terrorist basically).
And maybe (since this is Adult Kim Possible, not Teenage Kim Possible) the villain is killed.
Kim is horrified. The villain is surrendering, but global justice is showing no mercy.
To put it simply, she discovers quickly that global justice is super corrupt.
She goes to a bar or somewhere to think.
She wants to quit, and almost does—but an encounter with a familiar face convinces her she should stay: Shego
Kim learns that team go worked under global justice, and that’s basically what corrupted her.
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She tells Kim that good doesn’t really exist in the world—just “lawful” bad and “villain” bad. She chose to become a villain because she wanted control back in her life. If she was just gonna be bad anyway, she at least wanted to have fun doing it.
Kim, after talking with Shego, decides to investigate further before doing anything drastic and lets Ron, and Wade, know what’s going on in the meantime.
Kim’s sent on another mission with global justice. Here they meet a more dangerous and more competent villain who is trying to take over the world.
This villain proves to be a real threat, a much greater threat than the other guy. Maybe even some of Kim’s team get killed in action (characters who she’s bonded with are killed and it’s a huge wake up call for her).
They don’t win the fight. And eventually they’re given orders to retreat. But Kim gets separated from her team and a big explosion knocks her out.
She’s seen lying unconscious on the ground. The villain approaches her, but they’re blasted away with green plasma.
Kim gets dragged out of frame.
Commercial break.
She awakes, dizzy and light headed and turns to see Shego driving Drakken’s flying car away from all the chaos.
But she’s too hurt to say thank you, or even to stay conscious.
She awakes again in the hospital.
“KP! You’re awake,” Ron says, pulling her into an embrace. She shudders in pain. He lets go. “Sorry.”
Her parents and global justice are there too. But Shego, unsurprisingly, is nowhere in sight.
She explains what happened. And how Shego saved her.
She’s convinced they need Shego’s help to win the fight.
Global Justice dismisses her plan, and they leave to fight without her, ordering Kim not to interfere.
She’s bandaged up but still hurt. Global Justice is planning another corrupt attack or something. And they leave Kim to heal.
She convinces Ron that they need to find Shego to win the fight (for whatever reason. Maybe the villain is an old team go foe and Shego’s defeated him before, idk).
He reluctantly agrees, but only if he can go with her to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself.
They contact Wade and have him locate Shego.
And they venture out together on a mission, like old times. Even getting a ride from someone (maybe the person she gets a ride from is the first person she ever helped after the launch of her website).
Drakken and Shego consider themselves “retired” from the villainy business. I figure they got a hefty paycheck for saving the world in the finale, which was basically the government paying them to be quiet and stop being villains. Kim and Ron find them living “domesticated” lives somewhere seclusive.
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(Now whether drakken and shego are together together here would probably be left ambiguous to let the audience decide whether they are or aren’t a thing—but also it’s a little weird Shego would still be at his side if they weren’t together. So in my headcanon they are a couple here.)
Shego does not want to help. She refuses to work with global justice again.
Drakken still has a big ego, so he sees it as the world needing his help again. And he’s happy to oblige with the assumption that he’ll be compensated for his genius.
Eventually Kim convinces Shego to help. And they make a plan to defeat the baddie before going off to fight.
The four of them are fighting the henchmen or whoever, mirroring how it was at the end of the series in graduation.
Eventually they split up. Drakken and Ron stay deal with the henchman outside while Kim and Shego go inside to face the baddie.
Here might be a fun place to confirm the shego and drakken coupling by having them openly kiss goodbye before they part and Kim and Ron finding it awkward:
Ron rubs the back of his neck. “Oh… so you’re still a thing, huh?”
Drakken’s brow furrows. “Yes, we’re still a thing! Why wouldn’t we be?!”
Global justice isn’t there yet, which Kim and Shego both find very odd.
The big baddie reveals himself and a fight breaks out.
Plot twist:
Eventually they overpower the baddie and nearly take him down, but then global justice comes in and stops them.
And basically they learn that global justice creates and controls villains to stay relevant in society. They format a narrative that makes them look good, and whatever Kim and Shego are doing is messing with that narrative.
And so global justice tries to eliminate them.
But, of course, ron and drakken make it to them on time before anything happens and the four of them defeat the baddie.
Global Justice shuts down and the leaders get arrested. They make the front page for being corrupt.
Kim probably asks Shego if she wants to team up and fight crime together. And Shego declines because, though she’s retired, she’s still a baddie at heart.
Side note: In Venture Bros (another tv show), there’s two factions: the OSI (who are basically the good guys) and the Guild (who are the villains). It’s all done with rules and regulations, so there are heroes and villains but it’s all done by the book. All that explained, I can totally see Kim and Shego setting something like that up in the Kim Possible universe. Kim’s in charge of the heroes and Shego’s in charge of the villains. Rules and regulations are set in place, and there are consequences if you break them, but it’s still very much a world of heroism and villainy.
It ends with Kim and Ron getting married.
Maybe there’s a wedding montage where characters from the show appear and they’re older: Monique, the twins, Bonnie, etc.
Drakken and Shego are also there. Maybe Drakken accidentally catches Kim’s bouquet and turns to Shego, embarrassed.
And… roll credits
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beauzos · 11 months
i don’t know what i would do to untangle Julia and 1984 from the misogyny. it’s so entrenched in the plot that you basically can’t give it any logical explanation beyond “Julia genuinely is just doing all this for no reason, because she doesn’t care and has no actual political beliefs beyond wanting to have fun, BB be damned.” which frankly, i think that’s a really interesting perspective to explore, but the Novel Julia does not explore that at all thus far. i know that set up is pretty misogynistic in and of itself and i think Newman was trying to distance her version of Julia from it, but i think you can flip it to make it make sense.
she’s never known anything but the world of Oceania and Big Brother. she is numb and indifferent to the world before because she doesn’t know anything about what freedom and life once was. she grew up in a highly surveilled world and now knows how to navigate it and slip through the cracks in order to do what she wants. her “love” for Winston is shallow on her end, but carries far more weight than she could ever recognize because of how badly this society has broken her understanding of normal relationships and life.
and then it all catches up to her, and she’s completely broken from everything that brought her joy and now, all she can do is wait for a bullet in the back of her head one day. in a way, she’s ended up exactly where she began, because although her sneaking around brought her satisfaction, i don’t think she could ever be truly happy. not in a society like Oceania. it was the inevitable end.
i just think it’d be interesting to examine how that society has led her to be so drastically different from Winston, someone who does vaguely remember what life was before Oceania was formed, and seeing his obsession with making sense of this hateful world and how to fix it. because Julia just feeling extreme contempt towards Winston saying anything and that’s it is really fucking boring, and doesn’t do anything interesting with the dynamic Winston and Julia have in the original 1984.
her doing this to betray Winston to O’Brien is definitely interesting; she does it because she’s leading him to his demise in order to protect herself, but i don’t know. i think you really could still go with the path of her utter indifference and understand that it’s basically a defense mechanism. the lack of depth is the depth in some ways. idk man 🤷‍♂️
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
ooh, so i have a question: in a hypothetical au of your out of breath au where the car crash hadn’t have happened and blair made it to the consulate to break up with louis, what do you think would have happened next? i’ve always wondered what blair’s plan was vis-a-vis parenting in actual 5x10 if she had left louis given that her kid would have still been monegasque royalty (i think? i actually don’t know how their succession works if the parents are unmarried, but i would assume louis would have the option to recognize the child if he wanted regardless?), but especially so in light of her deciding to go it on her own and single parent! (even if dan is 100% stepping in to help her raise that kid whether they start dating or not lol)
OH well, funny you should ask, because I have an abandoned wip from late last summer, which was basically this premise. sort of.
but first, to actually answer your question: I don't know! I think, catholically speaking, a prince having a baby out of wedlock would be considered a "bastard," but in the 21st century idk if those exist anymore. theoretically, louis could/would acknowledge his child and do his best to give them rights and recognition within the royal family, but his catholic family might resist that. I kinda think -- given what we were shown -- that louis and his mother would try to exert a large amount of control over the kid whether blair was married into the family or not. remember the child rearing contract they tried to get blair to sign? i think the grimaldis would come down on her even harder if they perceived that louis was at risk of losing agency over his child's life.
and given how blair's sick & twisted mind works, she would probably anticipate the grimaldis moving to take her kid away, and she would scheme drastically to keep louis from exerting a claim over the baby. and by extension her. which brings me to the abandoned wip!
okay so, there was this abandoned fic on livejournal that was like, "what if blair and dan told everyone the baby was his so her abusive exes would leave blair the fuck alone?" and that premise is sooooo delicious I went "what if?????" and then I did not follow through.
so I tinkered with the idea that, at the crossroads of 5x10, Blair realizes that she wants out of her engagement to Louis, and her weird cosmic tie to Chuck, and her devious mind comes up with the idea the the surefire best way to make both of them so angry that they'll let her go, and make sure that louis doesn't try to take custody of the child, is to tell them that she and dan's friendship included them sleeping together at least once - enough to get her pregnant. the whole gang fell for a faked paternity test before (also including dan) why not again?
dan at first is like, blair what the fuck. but we all know he's too far gone in love with her to not help out. so they lie. they lie to everyone and it's a big mess but it does get blair free of both louis and chuck. and she tells dan he's not obligated to do or be anything but he's in on this now too, and he points out that if he were to back away (uncharacteristically) then everyone who knows them would be suspicious and boom, cover blown.
she moves into the loft and she's hormonal and the tension Builds and then they For Real sleep together and it's awesome but before they can talk about it the birth happens
anyways they are roommates and they raise this baby together and some Plot that I haven't come up with happens and then Blair realizes that she's been in love with Dan the entire goddamned time!
and Dan keeps these letters to their daughter on his computer -- he tells blair for months that he's working on his second book but nope he is just writing letters to Katharine (named for hepburn, dan calls her katie) Beach Read style. blair reads them and they make out.
For funsies, under the cut I'll paste the one scene I actually half-wrote, an exchange between Alison and Blair. The precursor is that Blair passes out in bed while Dan takes a shift with the baby, and then she wakes up and realizes that she and Dan are spooning (she's the big one) and then she stumbles into the living room looking for her kid, and boom: Alison:
“Best thing I never planned.”
Blair doesn’t say it, but she thinks Alison must hear it anyway, or feel it, the memory of that lost boy sitting in the hall. 
“But thankfully,” Alison continues, “Dan has the benefit of much more good sense.”
“Must have skipped a generation.”
Alison looks up in shock, her bouncing halting, and Katharine starts to grizzle in protest. 
“Sorry,” Blair says immediately, grimacing, “I’m really tired.”
Alison’s eyes flick up and down, looking her over, and she softens, resuming her swaying. Blair can kind of see Dan in the amusement clouding her expression. “No, you’re right,” she agrees. “Some things Dan definitely gets from me, like his taste in movies and thinking with his heart over his head.” She smiles slightly, and Katharine makes a restless noise, her tiny fist flailing in the air by Alison’s arm. “But he’s like Rufus in a lot of ways. They’re stayers. Always bloom where they’re planted.”
Blair bobs her head listlessly in agreement. Dan stays. He always has, ever since he sat down in that hallway. 
Katharine’s noises grow in frequency and volume, and Alison steps towards Blair, making to hand her over. 
“Oh,” Blair unwittingly takes a step back, hands going up, “I don’t know – but you’re doing so…”
“It’s you she wants,” Alison says gently. “You’ve got her.”
Blair takes a deep breath, and extends her arms.
“Yeah,” Alison whispers brightly, her voice turning up in that way everyone’s does when they’re talking to a baby. “There’s mama!” she says as she helps settle Katharine onto Blair’s chest. 
Blair’s breath catches in fear for a moment, but then Katharine’s grizzle of discontent softens into a coo, her fists waving lazily as she gapes up at Blair in open, honest trust.
And then, Blair finally realizes she’s been rocking from foot to foot, shifting her weight just like Alison had been. 
“You’re a natural, honey,” Alison says quietly, patting Blair lightly on the shoulder before letting go. “I can work through these,” she waves a hand at the various messes currently taking over the kitchen, “but if you need a break soon, just let me know. Whatever you need.” 
Blair pulls her eyes up from the baby in her arms, looking Alison square in the eye. “Thank you.”
Alison smiles, her dark eyes turning a familiar shade of warm and wistful, almost sad. “No thanks necessary.”
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newwwwusername · 8 months
Ahhhh! I’m here now! For the actual fic request!!!
spoiler alert!!! It’s THUNDER ANGST!
basically if you know anything about me is that I am the number one simp for any Thunder angst fic.
It’s gonna be a Toradeen fic! So that should fall into your rules!
So basically what I was thinking, was Clawdeen and Toralei are paired together to do some project. And so they’re working on it in the library or something late at night. They’re not enemies anymore. But friends also feels like a wrong term. More like acquaintances with extreme chemistry lol.
but then, of course. A FREAK THUNDERSTORM happens!
Toralei is of course scared. But she at first tries to hide it. But that quickly fails drastically since she’s way to scared of it to hide her reactions. And now (I’m low key having my own fic be some kind of unspoken base for this? It’s nothing big I’m just saying there was a storm while Tor was being brutally tortured). Like Toralei already had a bad phobia of storm. But since the stabbing it’s like so much worse and she gets these panic attacks and fears the witches are gonna get her again.
Clawdeen is very alarmed cause she doesn’t really know what to do. But now there is a shaking ball of fur hiding underneath the table and the little whimpers she’s emitting absolutely break her heart. So she forces past her awkwardness and ducks down with her. And idk. She helps/comforts her through the panic attack then storm? Some fluff at the end. Toralei probably needs close contact after the panic attack to get through the storm (cause during the panic attack any touch scares the shit out of her) but after when it’s just the storm fear she craves hugs and comfort desperately
idk!!! You do what you want with that! That’s just me rantinb about thunder angst. But I’m excited to see what you do! And any updates on it would be greatly appreciated but I also totally get if you don’t! Take your time!!! I’m very excited!
Please do not repost on other platforms. This will be posted on AO3 and TTBC under the same username.
Toralei didn't like thunderstorms. No, she hated thunderstorms.
She understood they were just a natural part of the weather cycle and typically not dangerous so long as you didn't go outside in steel armor, but they'd always freaked her out ever since she was a little kid.
This fear became especially bad after she'd been tortured by witches. By complete coincidence, there'd been a storm going on when she was attacked, permanently forming a link in her mind between the memory of her attack and thunderstorms.
She was already a bit irritated because she'd been paired up with Clawdeen Wolf, of all people, for a class assignment. Sure, the two weren't enemies anymore, but friends also felt like one hell of a stretch.
Still, she endured. She supposed there were definitely worse people to get paired with, at least in terms of productivity. Clawdeen, as it turned out, was actually pretty knowledgeable on the subject they were working on, which she hadn't been expecting from a half-monster who'd been solely raised by a human almost her whole life.
It all went to shit, though, when a sudden clap of thunder radiated in from outside, shaking the whole library with the aftershocks. Her whole body immediately went rigid and Clawdeen shot her a concerned look.
This was bad. This was really bad. Not only was there apparently a thunderstorm now (which had not been on the forecast that morning when she checked), but she also couldn't let Clawdeen Wolf know that she had a fear of thunderstorms.
"Just startled me" she said dismissively, trying to force the shake out of her hands and voice. Clawdeen gave her a small, sympathetic smile that made her want to crawl into a hole and die.
It wasn't long before another clap of thunder came along and shook her to her very core. She was unable to suppress the flinch or the terrified whimper, and her breathing was picking up at an alarming rate, as was the pitter-patter of her heart.
"Toralei, it's okay if you're freaked o-"
"I am not freaked out!" Toralei objected maybe a bit too passionately. Her whole body was trembling at this point and she was completely hopeless to stop it. The cat was out of the bag, so to speak. Clawdeen knew she was freaking out. Great.
"Tor-" Clawdeen was cut off by another clap of thunder, which caused the werecat to squeal in fear and leap under the study table.
Clawdeen just sat there for a moment, unsure of what to do. While she wasn't rivals with Toralei anymore, the two were hardly friends, and she'd also never seen the girl freaked out like this before. She wasn't sure how exactly to approach the situation and she felt stuck.
Her unsure daze was quickly broken by the panicked whimpers coming from under the table. Personal comfort be damned, she had to at least try.
She cautiously got out of her seat and kneeled down to look under the table. Toralei was curled in a ball, her terrified eyes poking out from behind her knees and darting around frantically, as though the world was closing in on her.
Clawdeen had only experienced a panic attack once in her life, and it was when she'd first shifted into her human form. She tried to remember what Frankie had done to calm her down. Talking her down and... Some sort of bubbly water...
She didn't have bubbly water, but she did have her voice.
"Hey, Toralei" she said in a soft voice. Toralei's eyes continued to dart about but landed solidly on her a few times. As good a start as any, Clawdeen thought. She reached out her hand but the werecat flinched away, so she quickly retracted it. "No touch. Got it"
"They're coming" Toralei began to mutter repeatedly. Clawdeen frowned. She looked around but no one else seemed to be near their corner of the library.
"Who's coming?"
"The witches" Toralei said. "They're coming to take me back. That's why there's a thunderstorm" she explained. The rational part of her brain knew that didn't really make any sense, but that part of her brain was a shrimp in comparison to the vast majority, which was currently panicking. "There was a thunderstorm last time, so-"
"Toralei, I promise you, no witches are trying to get in here right now" Clawdeen said. "Even if they were, I'm not letting you get kidnapped, okay? You're safe here"
It took a few minutes, but Toralei's panic attack began to let up and she silently moved herself closer to Clawdeen. The immediate trauma response may have finished its course, but she still decidedly hated thunderstorms.
Clawdeen allowed the sudden switch in behavior and didn't comment on Toralei's sudden clinginess, instead just wrapping her arms around the clearly afraid girl, occasionally muttering basic reassurances whenever another clap of thunder came down, causing the werecat's trembling to worsen.
When the storm eventually decided to go away and bother someone else, Toralei came to her senses and realized how close in proximity she'd gotten to the other girl.
She quickly pulled out of the hug and got out from under the table, brushing herself off and blushing furiously- Whether it was embarrassment or realization that she didn't completely hate that closeness was beyond her.
"So..." Clawdeen started awkwardly, also getting out from under the table. "You wanna finish working on the project, or-"
They would end up getting an A+ on that assignment, something which Toralei found inexplicably fascinating, and, when possible, the pair always tried to work together in that class from that point forward.
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sb: i’ve been learning about astrology since late 2020 and FINALLY wanted to make my first observation post. this is from what i’ve gathered from the ppl i’ve met over the past few years.
- cancer placements (esp women) LOVE to look presentable. ladies always have their nails/hair done and in general have good sense of style and love to take pictures. all of them ik put a good amount of effort into their daily appearance on a regular basis.
- cancer placements hate sitting still/being alone. every cancer ik always has to have SOMETHING to do (vs me, a pisces, who LOVES having nothing to do). they can be clingy, especially if ur their favorite person, and HATE being ignored.
- virgo placements (esp risings) always have such a DISTINCT NOSE. not even big, just prominent.
- leo venus men have BIGGG 🤭 lollll. they are very persistent when it comes to someone they want and also have a huge dominance kink; aggressive.
- 8h profection year REALLY IS SHITTY omgg. every person ik has had an event that changed them drastically occurring at 19 years old. (not to scare anyone lol. drastic life changes are inevitable).
- taurus ppl have a green/brown/gold aura. idk how to explain but iykyk lmao.
- you can always tell a sagittarius from the way they talk. they talk a lot in general but when talking about something they’re knowledgeable in, they’re very “matter-of-fact” & always think they’re the smartest in the room lol. a little bossy too, but with good intentions.
- geminis r also easy to spot. they have kind eyes, makes them look v warm & friendly. gems talk w/ their hands and talk A LOT. when they’re silent, it feels weird.
- sag/cap cusp suns are the easiest signs for me to spot. they embody both sag traits & cap traits. talkative, personable, flighty, BUT ALSO hardworking, goal-oriented, and a strong sense of self/leadership.
- most, if not all libras i know, have puppy-like features! lol not in a rude way, they are so cute. but i can always tell one someone is a libra sun/rising bc they have a puppy nose (very proportionate) or puppy dog eyes.
- as someone w/ heavy mutability in my natal chart, we can be so fake. i find myself acting different depending on who i’m around. geminis get the “two-faced” stereotype, but it’s really all of us. i’ve noticed sags & virgos are def more blunt tho.
- i love scorpio placements but they are such LIARS! they fabricate stories/purposely leave out certain parts to others and i really dk why! def one of my favorite placements tho. makes for a beautiful & deep person.
- i’ve noticed with my cancer in 11h, i ALWAYS end up having friends with cancer placements.
- & even though i’m never regarded as the “mom” of the friend group, my cancer 11h and virgo 1h means people are ALWAYS coming to me for advice & comfort. even people i barely know always feel comfortable enough to tell me their deepest secrets & open up to me about things they don’t tell many others.
okkkk if i think of anything else i will add it, but this is all for now! toodles
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kelean · 6 months
makeup and change for the oc ask ^__^
thank you for the ask bestie ily <33
doing these for venon again ^__^
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
actually feel like mixing in the modern au in this since at first i didn’t really hc him wearing a lot of makeup in the “canon” universe. if anything, it was just a bit of a natural-looking eyeshadow (as it was with his in-game model)
but the more i thought about his modern appearance, the more i started liking the idea of him wearing light green and orange/brown-ish glittery eyeshadow as these are the colors that make up most of his everyday wardrobe in both universes. still, i don’t think that he’d wear it on the everyday basis, but it would be here more often than not
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there is, however, one small detail that only persists in the modern au (the one i like too much to not to mention), and it’s the fact that this is not his only look and it’s mostly for the daytime stuff anyway. because there’s a completely different vibe to him when he has to perform on his usual shits in the nightclub, and most of the times his makeup is not something elaborate and especially not something refined but it is eye-catching and bold (think someone like damiano david) since he wants to draw all of the attention from the audience to himself when he’s on stage. still mostly an eye shadow though. but sometimes with even more glittery stuff lol
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also! idk if it counts but he tried to cover up his burn scar when he first got it with some foundation. but as i've said in the previous ask he doesn't see it as something that needs covering up anymore
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
ohhh, you know. the only time he changed something about his appearance was when he and shiv escaped from the monastery’s orphanage. he obviously didn’t like that he was forced to cut his hair short along with everybody else by the rules (not only because it wasn’t pretty but because it was yet another regulation of his life which was made with a point to devoid him – and everyone else for that matter – of any personality) so of course he kept his hair long after breaking free
aaand he got his first ear piercing from shiv (as well as they got their first from him) right after the escape, too. again, it was more of a “rebellious act” he suggested they’d do together since there were no rules to stop them from doing something like that anymore. and it did felt freeing, for both of them.
they still do each other’s piercings but now it’s just for the cosmetic purposes only :]
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internetaddict104 · 4 months
So, I'm going to preface this by saying that I'm a big fan of Amanda, but, you know, my two cents: I think its fine if her personality kind of grates at you a bit or you don't think her sense of humor meshes with yours. I'm sorry you were getting death threats, that shouldn't happen. You're right in the sense that you're allowed to feel that way and people getting mad at you for that doesn't do much.
That said I think if you're not looking to try to explain yourself/justify your distaste, you'd probably benefit from more explicitly tagging and curating the audience for your commentary. Like I dont think posting this in the "amanda lehan canto" tag on tumblr will get you the circle of people you want it to get to. I would strongly recommend, at least per tumblr culture, tagging it something like "anti amanda lehan canto" or something else, or at least taking her tag out. I dont know about the equivalent tagging culture on reddit. But in general if you go into a space with a lot of neutral to positive sentiment and drop a VERY strongly negative opinion, its jarring and can be off putting even if people might not disagree with specifics of the opinion. "smosh discourse" or "smosh negativity" might serve you better? idk.
(Also on a more general note, something that's helped me when I was frustrated with an online personality, beyind just disengaging, was just. Actively trying not to read their behaviours as intentional or malicious. When i was irritated by someone, looking at their behaviours (when not avoiding then entirely) through the lens of "ugh look at them doing x or y because of z" would always actively make me more angry or frustrated, be almost purely speculative, and seep into things that were probably actually innocuous, and with no benefit. Going "they're doing x" but actively avoiding speculating that it was for an intentional reason helped a ton with bringing "they're doing x and it fills me with rage" down to "they're doing x which is not to my taste but oh well". Like. You're allowed to be irritated and not mesh well with some online personalities you see, but I'd REALLY advise against assigning intention/malice towards these things that frustrate you.)
(I guess I could elaborate on why i think the pop culture thing is occasionally played up for the bit but is largely genuine- people exist online in DRASTICALLY different ways- but i dont know how much that actually matters to you, lol.)
On your first point, yeah I forgot the “anti” part of the tag. I’ll fix it, though it will still show up in her take since her name is in it.
And Reddit doesn’t have tags so I can’t really curate anything there, unfortunately.
And when I do see her in a video, I do try to not see malice in her actions, and I usually don’t, but it’s still too much for me. Like just her presence annoys me. I can’t help it, but even her just standing around bothers me. Like yeah I get that everyone else finds Sarah Christ to be the pinnacle of comedy, but I don’t get the jokes so I don’t find her funny. I get that she’s supposed to be funny, but I don’t see it. I don’t mind that others enjoy it, though. I mind that they’re gatekeeping feelings.
But thank you for hearing me out and being civil. Smosh Reddit is not as wholesome as they want to be (I literally have about 3 different people right now attacking my username on Reddit for commenting that I don’t find the “Amanda doesn’t know the internet” bit funny).
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megsbr · 2 years
love you from a distance | sapnap.
Sapnap goes to prom with his best friend that he happens to be in love with. And things take a turn when the lovers least expect it.
cc!Sapnap x fem!reader
WARNINGS: angst, mention of character death word count: 3k
author's note: i was listening to a really good sad song playlist a thought up an idea for some angst. idk if this is good at all as it's pretty different from my normal posts but i was excited to try some new! hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!
They say if you love something you should let it go. And if it was meant to be, it will come back to you. Sapnap always admired that quote ever since his mom said it to him for the first time when he was ten and he didn’t make the school basketball team. The quote didn’t really fit at the moment, but he still liked it and always referred to it when things didn’t go his way. He taught himself to not get hung up on things that didn’t go his way or were out of his grasp.
It wasn’t until now that Sapnap hated that quote more than anything. As helpful as that quote is when you don’t make the basketball team or if you must end a friendship but when it comes to love, the quote is the worst. When reciting that quote, most people do not say the second part, “If it doesn’t come back, then it was never meant to be”.
Sapnap knew he was in love with his best friend but it wasn’t until they went to the high school prom together that he did anything about it. 
Neither of them had dates and they knew they would hang out together at the dance anyway. So why not wear coordinated colors to make it official? What seemed like a simple solution for her to have a ride to the dance, was a heart-racing, sweaty palm panic for Sapnap.
He spent hours with his mom picking out the best corsage to give you when he showed up on your doorstep. His mom could tell this was a big deal for the love-struck teenager and stopped herself from commenting on her son’s pickiness about some flowers.
The night of the dance Sapnap played it as cool as possible despite checking his outfit in the mirror every 5 minutes and going through his checklist of things a million times. Car keys, wallet, tickets, phone, corsage. He didn’t want anything to mess up this night for her, it all needed to be perfect. 
Sapnap was a nervous wreck the whole drive to her house. He had already felt like he sweat through his suit and felt like the tie on his neck was suffocating him. Before he knew it, he was at the doorstep, clutching the plastic box in one hand and forming a tight fist in the other. After a few deep breaths, he brought his fist up to knock on the door. Her parents answered as they have every time he was made this exact type of visit and invited him inside with bright smiles. 
They said she was just finishing up getting ready and would be down any minute. Her mom was calling him handsome, and her dad was giving the ‘keep her safe and don’t do anything we wouldn't' talk. But the world went quiet when he heard the soft heel clicks on the stairs. It felt like the Earth stopped spinning at that moment he looked up to the top of the stairs and saw her. 
The flowing pink fabric swirled around her in a cloud of tulle. She had a bright, wide smile on her face as she locked eyes with her date. He was in a nice black suit, with a pale pink vest, that originally took a lot of convincing to get him to wear. From his shiny shoes to his slightly off-center tie that looked like it had been pulled at to his styled hair that was a drastic change from his normal hat hair, she was in awe of the boy at the bottom of the stairs.
The butterflies in her stomach were fluttering so much it felt like they had moved into her stomach, bought a house, raised some kids, and retired by now. She suddenly couldn’t remember the way she wanted to vomit as she had walked up to him a few weeks to ask him if he wanted to be her date to the dance. And the diary filled with the name of the boy at the bottom of her stairs with hearts surrounding it seemed like less of a fantasy the closer she got to him. With the way he was looking at her right now, she had never felt more seen. 
The eye contact between the two teenagers never broke, even as her parents ran around them looking for a camera and was pushing them out into the yard. Sapnap sheepishly said hello, shoving his hands in his pockets as a way to make himself seem smaller. His obvious nerves comforted his date as she too quietly mumbled a hi back. Her parents were still searching for the perfect place with the best lighting for them to take photos when she noticed the box in Sapnap’s hand. 
“Is that for me?” She was the first to break eye contact as she stared at the pretty flowers in the box, heart-swelling at the fact he bought a corsage for her. She had totally forgotten to tell Sapnap that a corsage was something he kind of needed to get. And he did it all on his own. “O-oh, y-yeah. It is.” He was rambling about how he couldn’t find the right shade of pink and that he understands if she was mad about it not matching. She placed her hand on top of his shaking ones wrapped around the plastic and assured him that she loved it. 
What she didn’t tell him was that it was perfect because it was from him. It could have been the ugliest shade of green or been flowers he picked from his front yard, and she would have been just as happy to wear it on her wrist. With his hands still shaking, Sapnap delicately removed the bracelet from its box and helped slip it on his best friend’s wrist, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest at any moment. 
They finally tore themselves away from the bubble they were in as her parents called their names and flashes surrounded them. The pair laid into one another as they smiled for the camera. Her hands were positioned in front of her and his were situated on her waist. After a few photos, she relaxed into his touch and leaned more against his chest. 
Since they were toddlers, they’ve taken hundreds of photos together. But these were different because they were so close. And she could feel his hot breath on her cheek and could smell the faint cologne he only wore for special occasions. And Sapnap couldn’t not notice how soft her hair felt when it slightly brushed against his neck and how warm she was in his arms. 
If you would have told Sapnap not even a month ago that he would be taking cheesy prom photos with his best friend, who happened to be the love of his life, he wouldn’t have believed you. 
Once they escaped the camera in their face and the gushing parents and got into Sapnap’s car, after he held open the door like a true gentleman, the pair felt more like themselves. They laughed as they put on their joint playlist and drove off to the school. 
They settled into each other’s company quickly as the familiar rows of houses passed them by. “I want to leave this town.” She mumbled one of her most common thoughts for the first time as they passed by the park where she twisted her ankle and Sapnap helped carry her to the bench and gave her his juice box. “Oh really? Since when?” The duo always talked about attending the local state college together and getting an apartment together, maybe with a pet fish or something. 
Neither one of the teenagers thought they would amount to much unless it was together. 
Sapnap was a gamer who had no interest in school, and she was a dreamer who couldn’t be tied down to one subject. Opposites they were but it worked. He taught her the strategy and skills needed to play Minecraft and she showed him how to let go and enjoy the natural things the world had to offer. 
“I don’t know. Just know I want to leave. As soon as possible.” The car came to stop at a red light, and she was face to face with the gas station, where Sapnap once convinced her to eat a weird-looking burrito that ended up giving her food poisoning. 
He made up for it by watching rom coms with her for the whole week and holding her hair back every time she threw up. Sapnap looked over to see her staring at the familiar building, the same memory flashing in his mind. It was at this moment he noticed the small amount of glitter that was on her eyelids that just brightened up her eyes even more. It shined with every move she made and was mesmerizing to look at. There was a look of longing in her eyes as she kept seeing all the places that held a memory. A memory with Sapnap. She knew she would be able to leave this place but only if it was with him. And he felt the same way.
“Hey, look at me.” Sapnap picked up one of her hands, ignoring how soft it felt in his sweaty one. Her head turned to face him, her features soft and curious as she put all her attention on him. “I promise, with everything in me, that I will get you out of here. As soon as possible. We will run away to anywhere you want to go.” Her heart almost burst at the thought of him dropping his whole life, his whole family, his whole future to run away to God knows where with her. The rest of the drive was filled with loud singing and jokes about how off-key they were. The school parking lot was filling up as they got there, and the crowds of dresses and suits flooded into the poorly decorated gym.
Unknown to the other, each teenager made eye contact with their friends, waving them off when they tried to gesture to the person they had their arm locked with. They found a table to set their stuff at and immediately went to get a drink at the sad excuse for a refreshment table. They opted for the water when a fellow student warned them the punch was spiked already. 
The pair suddenly got very insecure again, too scared to get close to the other and seemingly out of conversation topics. Other friends came up to talk to them at one point, taking some group pictures together and exchanging compliments on each other’s outfits. 
While in conversations with separate people, a slow song had come on and all their couple friends moved to the designated dancefloor. And their other single friends teamed up to push Sapnap and his date together and in the direction of the dancing couples. They both stumbled a bit as they sent glares to their friends for the not-so-subtle move. Sapnap took a step forward to the girl in pink and invited her to dance, just like his dad had taught him to. She accepted the offer with a step forward of her own.
Sapnap thought back to the YouTube videos he watched the night before about how to position his hands most respectfully. He settled into the perfect spot on her waist, and she draped her arms around his neck. They had enough space they wouldn’t get interrupted by the chaperones but were close enough that they could see every detail on each other’s faces. 
He noticed the shiny lip gloss on her lips that looked like it was tempting him every second to just lean in a little bit. She noticed the little freckles that littered his nose that she has always wanted to pepper with kisses. 
They made the smallest of small talk about how hot it was in the room and how crowded the floor was. He cracked a joke about the kid who obviously had gotten into the punch that was currently hitting the whip to a slow love song. Her giggle-filled his ears and a smile grew on his face as she fell into his shoulder.
He didn’t believe the joke warranted that big of a laugh, but he was just happy he could get it out of her. They continued to sway together for the rest of the night, even when the song changed, and dance circles formed next to them. They never moved from their spot with one another. 
The night slipped away from them when they were suddenly alerted by their friends, who had been letting them live in their bliss, told them they were shutting down the dance. Sapnap had decided to not let go of the soft hand that brushed against his as they walked to pick up their belongings and head back to the car. Still wrapped in the attention of the other, they lazily agreed to meet up with the others at the local 24-hour diner in town. 
Sapnap drove away from the school but turned left instead of right, which was the opposite route to the diner. Giggles filled the car as they heard honks behind them for driving away from the agreed plan. The radio was blaring, and the streetlights were whizzing by them as they got on the highway to drive into the city. There was time to kill until curfew and neither of them was ready to end the night. Sapnap rolled the windows and screamed out in excitement as the wind came rushing through the car, whipping his hair around and causing a slight ringing in his ear. The girl next to him undid her seatbelt to lean out of the window and take in the world around her. She felt all the worries in the world fly away. She felt like she was weightless. 
Sapnap couldn’t help but look at the beautiful girl who looked like the definition of living in the moment. Her hair was falling out of the pins she had spent hours perfecting. The pair felt like nothing could stop them. “You look crazy!” Sapnap exclaimed as he looked back and forth between her and the road. She looked anything but crazy, she looked free and happy. Her carefree demeanor relaxed every muscle in Sapnap’s body. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this girl.
He wanted to be hers and wanted her to be his. The cheesy good morning texts and the matching couple bracelets. Living together and traveling the world. Getting married and having kids. He wanted it all. He could see it right in front of him right now. 
And as she turned to look back into the car and saw the most handsome side profile of the boy she has grown up with, she wanted all the same things. She wanted to run her fingers through his hair when he was upset and wanted to force him to do spa nights with her. She realized how badly she wanted to listen to love songs and think of him. 
Settling back in her seat, she leaned to cup his face in her hand, dragging his attention to her and away from the road. He looked so alarmed, but it quickly faded when he saw her smiling face.
They couldn’t see each other that well at first but a light suddenly appeared and lit up the car. And they basked in each other’s features. Neither of them noticed the slight sway of the car or the blaring car horn, similar to the one of their friends from moments ago.
The teenagers were locked onto one another as they leaned in closer and brushed their lips against one another. For a split second, it was just them, wrapped in each other’s existence and staring into their future with one another.
But from the next second and beyond, it was silent. One pair of lips was ripped away from the other in an instant. And the other pair of lips never recovered. Broken glass and dented metal found their way onto the girl’s lips, accompanied by spots of blood. One soul lay lifeless on the pavement and the other stared in pain. The taste of one another never left the car but they did, separately, never to be reunited with their future.
Sapnap could never forgive himself. Even years later, now with a new life, in a new town, with new friends, and the perfect life, he still blamed himself for that night. He had the most perfect life that had been waiting for him and the perfect girl. He was always told by his family and friends that gaming couldn’t be a career, but she had always had faith in Sapnap that he would make it work. After denying his acceptance into the college they toured together, Sapnap threw himself into streaming and making new friends online. Thousands of people all over the world loved him and supported him.
But none of them was the girl in the pretty pink dress. None of them was the girl who knew all his secrets. None of them was the girl who had a playlist of his favorite songs. None of them was the girl he wanted to marry. None of them was the girl who didn’t keep her seatbelt on. 
None of them were her.
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lotvseater · 3 years
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↳ reactions to a short reader ft. tall twst boys
notes; so... this is my first post ..... q.q...... i really wanted to get started and write something but i didn’t quite know what to do, so im just gonna give you a generic, cute set of hcs for the taller boys of twst! reader is gn :)
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𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥;
at first, i feel like he’d definitely notice that you’re short, but not really pay it any mind, i mean he’s 192cm so he’s towering over everyone anyway
though as you two start to become closer, he’ll notice how your height hinders your everyday activities, such as reaching things on high shelves etc.
definitely not one to tease
he views it as a bit mean :(
if you become especially close i feel like he’d get kinda protective over you, towering behind you to intimidate whoever’s decided to pick on you for being so short, making sure that you’re ok 
he’d try to cheer you up in any way he can think of
(most commonly going out to get something nice to eat)
jack would also help you reach things, and even pick you up to lift you to wherever you need to be (hnnnng muscly arms hjhjhjs)
if you two start dating, he’s the big spoon. sorry. you have no say.
he’ll keep you tucked close to his chest, his arms wrapped tight around you to make sure that you feel safe, and just to reassure him that you’re not going anywhere. it’s real cute :(
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𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡;
you probably know what’s coming-
so much teasing.
“aaahhh shrimp, you can’t reach this?? aww you’re so cuuute~”
even when you get mad he’ll just laugh and comment about how adorable you get when you’re angry
if you try punch him, he’ll just laugh again and won’t take you seriously at all
expect him to hold things over your head and laugh when you jump to try reach it, he’s just that amused at how vertically challenged you are
he’ll pick you up too and present you to whoever is with you guys (most of the time it’s either jade or azul) like a prize, waving you around like a kid who just won a teddy bear at an amusement park
don’t get him wrong, though, behind all that teasing is a lot of admiration (dare i say love-) for how adorable and tiny you are
if you two start dating, he’ll actually ease up on the teasing and start complimenting you for how little you are, saying thinks like how perfectly you fit in his arms, and how opposites attract since he’s a literal bean stalk
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𝐣𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡;
he’s a lot less playful than his brother, so i feel like your short stature would go unnoticed until he first sees how floyd treats you
after that he picks up the fun little hobby of teasing tf out of you
he doesn’t do anything as drastic or as jarring is picking you up, which you think would be less annoying, but no..
this mf eel uses you as an armrest.
standing side by side? his elbow is on the top of your head.
talking to someone together? man.. his arm’s a bit tired... and your head is just the right level to rest it on
even though it may seem rude, he genuinely does care about you, he can and will intimidate anyone and everyone who tries to make fun of you or tease you in any way other than himself (except maybe floyd)
and if you two get into a relationship, the teasing only increases but with  ✨ spice ✨
he’ll throw in a lot of compliments about how cute and fragile you are, and that he’ll always make sure to be there for you and protect you from anything
definitely a fan of you laying on top of him, just being able to make sure you’re stable and being able to wrap his arms around you comforts him (maybe even more than it comforts you idk)
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𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚;
kinda like jack, he doesn’t take notice to your size at first because jesus christ this man is bloody tall
(who gave you the right to own 202cm-)
even when he notices your level of tiny, he won’t interact since he assumes that you’d be even more afraid of him than anyone else :(
of course when you meet him and show that you’re not one bit scared (even going as far as to give him the cute lil nickname tsunotarou), he becomes a lot more relaxed in your company, and will start to tease
little comments about how you’re “half his size”, and calling you endearing nicknames just to get your flustered are his favourite things
if you two get as close as to start dating, he’ll be stuck to you like glue
constantly hugging you (mostly from behind), making sure you’re tight in his arms
encouraging you to sit in his lap, rubbing your teeny lil back and patting your head to lull you into sleep
he views you as something precious, and will make sure that you know just how much he admires you and your small figure
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ericssmile · 3 years
burnt brownies || felix.l
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pairing: Lee Felix x reader
warnings: uhh... almost burning the house down? And maybe some swearing? Idk; this was also kind of rushed hence why the ending is shit
genre: fluff... just a giant amount of fluff.
author: @ericssmile
word count: 2.5k
A/N: I had something else written like... halfway through this bUT GOOGLE FUCKING DOCS CRASHED AND NEVER SAVED THE DAMN THING! So if its shit and doesn't make sense... thats why. Also HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY FELIX!!
“Dude I don’t think these measurements are right..” Chris turns to you with concern on his face, nervous laughter passing though his lips.
You laugh quietly and walk over to him. You noticed the big silver bowl that's usually used by Stray Kid’s resident baker, Felix -your boyfriend- filled with what's supposed to be a brownie batter. But in all honesty, it just looks like someone who’s lactose intolerant had literally spewed from their rear into the bowl. It was so runny.
“Oh my god Chan.” You chuckle, taking the measuring cups out of the elders hand and putting it into the bag of flour. “Whenever something doesn’t look right, if it's too dry, add more liquid. But if it’s too runny, like this batter,” You take your hand out of the flour bag, evening it out onto the cup, making sure it was the right amount and plop it into the bowl. “Just add more dry mixture to it.” You point to the bowl. “Try it now.”
Chan nods his head and starts mixing the brownie batter, a smile on his face as he notices the drastic change. It was no longer a runny mess! “It worked!” Chan exclaimed with excitement. You couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction.
Once the mixture had looked smooth enough, you and Chan had placed it into a baking tray, making sure that the baking paper was on properly beforehand. You scraped the bowl of an excess mixture and spread it evenly in the tray. The temptation to lick the spatula of the sweet, delicious mixture was very hard to ignore, but somehow you managed.
It felt weird baking with someone who wasn’t Felix. To you, it was a domestic activity that the two of you enjoyed, making memories and just having fun with it. But, since it was his birthday, you wanted to surprise him by making him his favourite treat. Putting every ounce of love that you had for that precious boy into it. And Chan was there to help of course.
“How long do we put it in the oven for?” Chan asked.
You pursed your lips and scrunched your eyebrows in thought. “I'm pretty sure it's roughly around 20 to 25 minutes.” You watch as Chan set the timer on the oven, hearing a faint ticking sound once done. “We’ll just make sure to keep an eye on it every now and then, just to be sure.” Chan nods.
It was early in the morning, and the day before had been Jisung’s birthday. Every year that Felix and Jisung had known each other, they always headed up to the top of the building and sat and watched the stars, just sharing the moment between one another. And once the clock strikes midnight on the 15th of September, Jisung and Felix hi-five one another and Jisung says “Birthday Pass.” Felix would always talk to you about it. Told you how pretty the stars were.
You always tried to be cheesy with him when he says that. Saying how the stars were pretty, but he was more beautiful than any star in the night sky. He denies it every time, but you promise him that you’re telling nothing but the truth. And it is true. He’s the most beautiful boy that you have ever met. He had eyes that held the entire galaxy in them and sparkled each and every time he talked about something that he had so much passion for; he had a smile that always brightens up the room whenever he walks into it; and his freckles. His freckles that you just love to admire and tell him everyday just how much you love them on him.
“Did you write that letter for him?” The sound of Chan’s voice brought you back to reality. It took you a second to realise what he asked but soon nodded your head at his question.
“Of course I did.” You smile bashfully. “It’s there on the table if you want to read it.” Chan smiles back, but shakes his head at your offer.
“I’m sure Lix will show me after. I want him to read it first.” You nod your head at his response, and soon yawn. Man, who would’ve thought baking could take so much energy out of you.
“Wake me when the brownies are done.”
The sound of the smoke alarm going off startled you awake from your power nap, almost falling off of the couch. Your heart was pounding. The kitchen was on the verge of being swarmed in smoke. “Fuck!” You cried out, running into the kitchen and towards the oven. You find the oven mits, opening the oven, your face instantly being met with too much smoke and on the verge of having a coughing fit.. “God dammit Christopher.”
You close the oven door and rip off the oven mits as soon as you place the tray down on the bench. And just as you thought. The brownies were burnt to a crisp. A sad sigh escaped past your lips. The one time you bake with someone else and it all goes to shit. Reminder to self: never bake with Chan. Ever. Again.
The sound of feet stomping filled your ears, hearing it getting louder and louder and then.. It stopped. A gasp came from the foot stomper at the sight of the smoke -that was now clearing away little by little- “The brownies! Y/N I'm sorry! I forgot!” The voice shrieked as he got closer to the now charcoaled brownies and sighed sadly. “I take full responsibility for this.” Chan says, placing his hands on his hips. “I was on my computer doing some stuff and had my headphones on.”
“It’s alright. At least we tried.” You laugh, placing a comforting hand on Chan’s shoulder.
“The hell happened here?” The sound of Felix’s voice caught you by surprise. And here you had hoped to hide the burnt brownies in time. You nervously laugh, running your hand through your hair as you try to come up with an excuse as to why the kitchen smells burnt.
Just as you come up with an excuse, Chan beats you to it. “Y/N and I wanted to surprise you with birthday brownies but uh,” he chuckles “they kinda got burnt.”
“I can see that.” Felix laughs, walking into the kitchen to get a look at the brownies just to see how burnt they were. You watched him closely. And once he got a look at the brownies, his eyes widened in shock. “Jesus, you weren’t kidding.”
“Never again am I baking.” Chan exclaims, holding his hands in the air in a surrendering motion. It was probably for the best that he stays away from anything baking. He’s good at making music. He should stick to that instead.
You sigh and walk up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and pat it in a joking manner. “You should really just stick to your day… or night job-whatever it is, just stick to music.” You bellow out a laugh as he glares at you and playfully brushes your hand off of his shoulder.
“If you’re done bullying me, I’m going to go back and finish doing what I was doing before I let the kitchen almost set on fire.” he huffs, walking out of the kitchen, soon smiling as he wishes Felix a happy birthday. Felix gives him a hug and thanks him, soon turning his full, undivided attention on to you. And the way he's looking at you is giving you all these butterflies, reminding you back when he first asked you out on a date. His smile is as bright as the sun, being the literal definition of sunshine.
He slowly walks towards you with that damn smile on his face, feeling your own smile automatically make its way onto your face. The feeling of him wrapping his arms around your waist makes you feel warm and safe. The feeling of being home.
Wrapping your arms lightly around his neck, you lean up and place a gentle kiss on his cheek where his freckles were. He giggles softly, bringing a finger to your nose and boops you.
“I was hoping to give you brownies for once on your birthday.” You pout as you run your fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck. He just smiles and places a gentle kiss on your nose, this thumbs rubbing small circles on your hip; it was his way of saying he appreciated the thought.
“It’s alright beautiful. It’s the thought that counts right?’ He shrugs, fingers poking your side slightly.
You smile and nod your head. And in that moment, it felt like it was just you two. No one else. No one to intervene. Nothing to get in the way. Just you two in each others arms.
You let out a slight gasp, remembering the letter that you had written for him. He was surprised at the sound, and had to reluctantly let you out of his grasp so you could head towards the table where the said letter laid. You picked it up and smiled nervously, heading back to the birthday boy. Once in front of him, you held out your hands towards him, waiting for him to take the letter from your grasp.
He tilts his head to the side like a cute puppy, but smiles as he gladly takes the envelope from your hands. You watched as he looked down at his name, written in fine, black ink in your handwriting that he loved dearly. He traced his finger over each letter gently, embedding how you write his name into his head so he can cherish it forever.
“It’s uh, not much, but i hope you love it.” You had poured your heart out into that letter. Letting out every raw emotion that you felt towards him and how he makes you feel. How much you cherish him.
“If it’s from you, of course I’m going to love it.” He smiles as he makes his way towards the couch with you following behind him. He sat down first with a content sigh. You sat across from him, anxiously waiting for him to open the letter.
He smiles as he turns the envelope over, taking the letter out slowly so that he doesn’t ruin it somehow. Your fingers were playing with the hem of your sweater, teeth nibbling on your lip every now and then, anticipating how Felix will feel after he reads that letter.
He clears his throat as he unfolds the paper and reads:
“To my bright sunshine,
My Felix. My Yongbok. Oh how I am so thankful for this day, as it is the day where we celebrate the life of you. September 15th is my favourite day, all because you were born. I thank God everyday for the fact that he’s brought you into my life. Because without you, it wouldn't be as bright.
I look forward to every morning, waking up to see your usual “Good morning my starlight” text messages. But seeing you in person is even better because i get to stare at your beautiful face all day and admire you up close.
I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you. You always know how to make me smile; my shoulder to cry on when I need to vent; my safe haven. I love that smile of yours that always brightens up every room that you walk into. You are quite literally my own personal sunshine. Always brightening up my days and motivating me to get out and do something, even if it's just for a few minutes or so. I love how much emotion your eyes show; to me they hold the entire galaxy in them. No star in the sky could compare to how beautiful those brown beauties of yours are. You are my everything and I can’t believe I get the chance to call you mine. I love everything about you, from your freckles to your tiny hands,”
“Hey!” he pouts but soon smiles after hearing you giggle.
“I’m sorry! Just keep reading please!”
He shakes his head, and huffs as he continues to read:
“I love how selfless you are; making sure to check in on me and your members. And your brownies. Don’t ever stop making those delicious, gooey treats. Your friends and I, we really do appreciate all that you do for us. When it comes to your down days, all i want to do is cover you in a blanket and cuddle you until you feel better. Seeing you sad and upset makes me sad and upset. Because you deserve all the good in the world Lix. You are one of a kind.
And Stay. Your beautiful fans. They love you so much. I can tell how much you love and appreciate them, just as much as they do for you too. I’m sure they’d be on the same boat as me when I say that no matter what you do or where you go in life, I’m always going to be right there beside you, cheering you on. Cause all I want for you is to be happy.
I love you Felix. And I will love you until the very end.
With love,
Your Starlight.”
You hear him sniffle causing you to move closer to him, bringing your thumb to his cheek and wiping away his tears. He nestles his cheek into your hand, bringing his free one that wasn’t holding onto the letter to hold onto your hand.
For the first few minutes, the two of you had sat in silence. Felix read over the letter every now and again, a soft, adoring smile on his face. God how he loved you. You were absolutely everything to him. To him, you were his guardian angel. Always there for him when he needs you most. He would drop whatever he was doing just to be by your side just like you would for him.
Bringing your hand to his lips, he places a soft kiss along your knuckles. His eyes were closed, but you knew that he was just savoring the moment. “Thank you for your beautiful words.” he whispers, opening his eyes to stare into yours. “I am going to cherish this, just like how I cherish you.” You smile at his words, leaning in to kiss his lips. You could feel him smile into the kiss as he wraps his arms around you, bringing you onto his lap just so that he could hold you close to him. Breaking away from the kiss, you lean your forehead against his, bringing a finger to his nose and booping him just like he did to you earlier.
Sometimes you don’t need extravagant gifts on your birthday. Just having someone that you love dearly is just as much a precious gift as anything. Even if they do almost burn the kitchen down making you a sweet for your birthday.
© ericssmile, 2021; please do not take or repost
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