#like i was raised on country and it’s so trauma to me because shit family
inklore · 2 months
can’t believe glen powell got me out here enjoying country music. someone needs to stop him before he becomes too powerful.
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czrpenters · 1 year
all the things she said | sam carpenter x reader
summary: sam could be impulsive sometimes and you hated it.
warnings: slight scream vi spoilers, but nothing too big. angst with smut at the end. top!sam & bottom!reader. english is not my first language.
pairings: sam carpenter x fem!reader.
word count: 2.3k words.
masterlist | request rules.
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It felt way too good to be true, to be completely honest.
You were a survivor, a fighter. When the Woodsboro attacks happened again, you were there. You survived. You got stabbed in your back 4 times and it damaged your nerve. You would never walk normally again. But you still survived. Liv and Wes couldn't say the same. And you were so grateful that life, god, fate, whatever you wanna call it, gave you a second chance.
So, like any sane person would, you and your friends decided to leave Woodsboro behind. All of the trauma and the pain should stay right there, where it belonged. You all needed a fresh start. Chad and Tara enrolled into college, Sam finally started therapy and Mindy got a girlfriend, just like you did. You started to work in NYC as a photographer and, surprisingly enough, started dating Sam. Like I've said; way too good to be true.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You said while getting up from the couch. A ghostface attack, on an alley. A college professor died brutaly. She was young, so freaking young to just die in the hands of an asshole with a mask on. "Guys, I think y'all need to see this..."
You said, grabbing the attention of the Core Four (horrible name, by the way), making them leave the kitchen and watch the news with you. The room once filled with laughter got quiet all of a sudden. Tara was in the verge of tears, Mindy was shaking. Chad couldn't even speak. But Sam was the only one who took action and said something. "Pack your shit, we're leaving."
Your girlfriend fled the room, going to the kitchen to grab her knife and to start packing up her stuff, but you followed her. "Yeah, no? We can't do that, Sam. We can't just, leave!"
"Like hell we can't." She finally grabbed her knife and went to her bedroom.
"You think we're gonna be safe if we leave? He followed us, Sam! What makes you think he's not going to again?" She didn't even listened to you, just started packing her stuff like you weren't even there. You put both of your hands on the top of the suitcase, preventing her from continuing. "Stop this and listen to me, babe."
"Don't call me that in front of them, (Y/N)." You rolled your eyes.
"Fuck that, no one is fucking here. I already know you're ashamed of me, you don't need to remind me." Sam looked at you, with a tired look on her face. Here we go again, she thought.
"You know that I'm not ashamed of you, (Y/N). It's complicated and you know it." You huffed, closing the door so you both could have some privacy. "Complicated my ass, Samantha. You don't wanna be seen with me and that's fucking fine, I can handle it. What I can't handle is the fact that you don't take my opinion into consideration!" You ran you hands through her hair and took a deep breath. "We cannot just fucking leave here, Sam! Tara has her life here, she wants to be freaking normal and that's not gonna happen if you move us around the country like we're fucking nomads." She tried to speak but of course, you didn't let her. "Plus, we need to know what we're dealing with! Who we're dealing with! They may wanna come after you again, and if they do, they're not gonna just give up. They're gonna follow us if we don't stop them, Sam. You know I'm fucking right."
"I am trying to do what is best for my family, (Y/N). We're going to fucking die if we go through this shit again!" She raised her voice at you. So she wants to fight, huh?
"And I'm not, Sam?! Is that what you fucking mean? That I wanna stay here because I want all of us to die?"
"Tara doesn't fucking need this anymore! Not again! We're leaving New York and that's final!" She started packing her bags again, making you angrier by the minute.
"I'm sorry to say that but that's not how life fucking works! We are a family, Sam! We get to make all of our decisions together!"
"No, (Y/N)! We are not a fucking family! Tara and I are family, you're not. So just stop trying to decide what is best for us and leave us the hell alone!" She screamed loudly, looking at you with rage in her eyes. Hearing all of that shit from her broke your heart into million pieces. She was right, you were not her family. You felt your eyes start to water and it made you laugh, ironically. Sam realised what she just said, and the expression on her face just softened. "(Y/N), I..."
"You're so fucking right, Sam. I'm not your family. You don't even have the guts to tell people we're dating, so I guess you're right." You said, smiling through the pain. "You know what? If you really want to, I'll leave you alone."
You opened the door, grabbing your jacket and keys, getting ready to leave the apartment. Sam didn't even tried to stop you; she just stood there, speechless. All of them heard you fight, but they also didn't said anything, until you were just about to leave. "(Y/N), don't go out. Ghostface is out there, you know it's not safe. He might..." Chad started but you interrupted him.
"Kill me? Yeah, I'm aware. But I just learned today that it wouldn't make a fucking difference if he did." And then you left, going to god knows where.
It has been a couple of hours since you fought with Sam. She's been trying to contact you and left, literally, more than 100 messages on your phone, but you didn't replied to any of them. You were too hurt to reply to any of them. You just found a bar downtown and drank the whole night. Thank goodness you didn't got drunk that easily, otherwise you wouldn't even be standing still right now.
"It was hard to find you." You heard someone say behind you, making you turn around. It was Sam. Her eyes looked puffy, like she's been crying for hours, a heartbreaking scene to be honest, but you didn't said anything and took a gulp of your whisky. "I had to track down your phone, like, a million times..."
"Sam, I-" You tried, but she interrupted you immediately. "I just wanna talk, okay?" You huffed and look straight ahead, letting her sit right next to you. "I hate it when you drink."
"Well, I guess we're both disappointed right now." You laughed ironically which made Sam take a deep breath.
"I'm sorry for what I've said. Truly. I was upset, and scared. We all are. Just come back home so we can talk about all of this." She pleaded, holding your hand over the bar table. "And you're absolutely right. I don't need to hide anymore. You make me happy, (Y/N). Happier than I've ever been in so fucking long. I don't need for this, for us, to be a secret. And I'm so sorry for making you feel like I was ashamed of you."
"I know that, don't worry. It's fine." You held her hand and kissed the back of it. "You know that we can't go, Sam. We need to stay here and figure out who is behind all of this." She nodded.
"I know... It just scares the shit out of me. I don't want to go through this again, I don't want Tara to go through this again. I don't want you go through this because of me."
"Stop it, okay? This is not your fault, baby. They're just some psychopaths with a mask on who have nothing better to do." You kissed her hand again. "We're gonna get through this, like we always did. And plus, I wouldn't mind killing another ghostface." You joked, making her smile a little. The most beautiful smile in the world, you dared to say. "Come on, let's go home."
"I fucking KNEW IT!" Mindy yelled, pointing at you while laughing a little. "I've always felt some sapphic vibes from you both, damn. The gaydar never fails."
"And why you waited until now to tell us? Especially now, actually, with the whole ghostface shit going on." Tara asked, making Sam look at you then her.
"I don't know. It's just, ever since Richie, it felt weird and stupid to date again. I thought I'd never trust anyone ever again. It felt safe having this little secret, for some reason. And I'm sorry from keeping this from you, really." She said, while holding your hand. It felt good to finally reveal the secret. You guys could, actually, hold hands in public. And kiss, and call each other pet names. It felt really freaking good.
You guys stayed up all night talking and drinking, the six of you. Anika got really close with you guys so she felt like family at that moment. It made you guys forget for a few hours about anything that was going on, especially ghostface.
After a while, Chad, Anika and Mindy decided to leave. It was getting pretty late and they didn't wanted to walk around the city late at night out of fear. Tara decided to study a little bit, and your roommate Quinn was at some hookup's house being sex positive, or whatever that means.
"Did you do it for me?" You asked, while looking at Sam. She was changing into some more comfortable clothes while you were laying down in your bed. It felt nice to finally share a room with her instead of Tara, to be honest. "Did what, babe?"
"Told them. If you really wanted to be a secret, still, I could handle it..." She smiled at you and walked towards you, laying down on top of your body.
"I wanted to tell them, babe. Seriously. It feels nice to finally be out there, too. I didn't wanted you to think that I did it because of our fight, or ghostface, or anything. I did it because I love you, (Y/N). You're my girl. I want everybody to know that." She whispered the last part, getting closer and closer to your face while she talked. You could feel her hot breath against your skin, and her mouth looked incredibly kissable at that moment.
"Don't do that." You mumbled, looking at her eyes. "Do what?"
"This. It makes me... feel things." You always felt so shy in front of Sam. She had this whole protective aura around her, that it made you actually want to be protected by her. It turned you on, even. "Feel what, babe?"
"You know what I'm talking about, Sam..." You diverged you look to the wall, but she held you chin between her index and thumb, making you forcibly look at her. Her eyes were darker now, filled with something that you knew exactly what it was.
"It turns you on, huh? When I call you mine?" She got closer, if that was possible, making your lips rub against each other. Her free hand made its way to your stomach, then your thighs, and your legs. Without ceremony, her hand got into your pants, fitting like it really belonged there. You were already embarrassingly wet by now, which made Sam smile a little. "Oh, you're already like this, babe? I didn't do anything, yet."
"You know you don't need to do nothing, Sam..." You swallowed, closing your eyes. You were completely at her mercy and she knew it, and knowing her, she would take advantage of that pretty soon.
Sam started to make circular movements on you clit, over your soaked panties. It made you shiver and tremble under her body, which made her laugh slightly. The way you were moaning softly to not starle Tara in the other room was heavenly, she loved being the one making you moan like this. "Sam..."
"Hm?" She replied, innocently. "M-More..."
She promptly obeyed, entering your panties and sliding one digit into you, making you gasp and arch you back. You were holding back your moans like crazy but let one slip. "Shhh... Tara is right in the other room; we don't want her to hear that, hm?"
You shook your head no, looking at her. Her eyes were filled with lust and desire; you could almost feel how much she wanted you right now. She started to pump her finger inside of you, starting slowly; then increasing the pace gradually. "Fuck, Sam..."
"You feel so good around my fingers, baby. So fucking tight... " She said while kissing your neck, leaving some love bites all over your skin. "You're fucking made for me, and only me."
"Only you..." You admited, without even thinking straight. She made you feel at cloud nine, all of the pleasure was something that only she made you feel. She added another finger, thrusting them inside of you deeper by the minute. You were spending all of your energy in holding back your moans, and you would hate if Tara walked in on both of you. Sam felt your pussy tighten around her fingers, making her smile slyly. "Come on, baby... Cum for me."
That was everything you needed to hear to finally release on her fingers, with a loud moan that you couldn't supress this time. Sam rode your orgasm perfectly, putting her own fingers into her mouth when you were done. "Delicious."
"You're unbelievable, Sam." You tried to say, out of breath. She held your chin and kissed you slowly, lovingly. "And you love it."
Before you could say anything, you heard some knocks on the wall next to you. "There are people trying to study here! Go be all porn-huby somewhere else!" Tara yelled, making you widen your eyes and blush. "I'll never leave this room again, Sam."
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ailithnight · 2 years
After this chapter, I will no longer be doing a taglist. Sorry folks, there's just too many of y'all and I'm on mobile. Please subscribe on AO3 for updates, or follow the tag A King in Arkham.
A King in Arkham
Chapter 4
AO3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Danny. I understand you don't want to go with your godfather. Is there a reason for that?
Can't go with Vlad!
If you know something we don't about him, you need to tell us. Otherwise he will win custody.
It's.. He'll.. he'll make me.. turn me.. his fault!
What's his fault, Danny?
His fault. All his. All.. My.. no, my fault. It's all my fault...
Now Danny, I'm sure that's not true. What happened at the Nasty Burger-
I made it happen.
Corporate negligence-
He knew. I knew. Dan knew what would happen. Dan made it happen. He knew the sauce was gonna blow. He knew Lancer would arrange the meeting there. He cheated. He lured them there. He bound them up so they couldn't escape and ran the time out until they exploded! Dan did that and Dan was me, so I did that.
I murdered them. I murdered everyone. 
IT'S ALL MY FAU- *static*
Tim started talking after the audio cut to static.
"What you just heard is the last, partially recovered therapy session of Danny's in Chicago. The cameras were beyond salvaging. No one except Danny knows what happened after the audio cuts. What is known is that nearby witnesses heard what they claim sounded like a 'screaming moan' coming from the therapy room. When doctors and staff went to check; the therapist Mrs. Alders was slumped against the wall, appearing to have been forcefully pushed, with minor head trauma. Danny was curled up on the other side of the room, panicking and muttering about a Dan.
While Mrs. Alders mostly recovered from the incident, she does not know how she ended up slammed against the wall. Once this audio was recovered, it was turned over to the police. Given the severity of the... confession... in conjunction with the apparent assault, the courts decided to move Danny to an asylum for the criminally insane." Tim paused in the debrief, letting the information sink in. After a moment, Duke raised his hand. Jason scoffed at the action.
"This ain't kindergarten kid, say your bit."
"I just, that explains why an asylum in general. But why Arkham?" Tim nodded, pulling up a picture of a document.
"Kid's godfather, business tycoon and multimillionaire, Vlad Masters. Insisted that if his godson should have to go to an asylum, he'll go to the- and I quote- 'Best in the country.' Made a deal with the state that he'll foot the bill while he continues fighting for custody. Apparently didn't do his research enough to know that 'Best Known' and 'Best' are not the same." Bruce had the next question.
"So, Master's doesn't have custody yet?"
"Nope." Tim popped his 'p', pulling up more documents. Investigative reports. "Given Danny's reactions to him, CPS started investigating. Found a lot of shady shit. Narcissism, anger issues, control issues, coercion tactics. 
One agent said he tried to bribe her with a rather large sum of money, which she might have taken if she wasn't well enough off from a family inheritance and mostly doing this work for the kids. Of course, same agent also said he had 'Rancid vibes' and 'tried to posses' her, but her 'Grammy's necklace protected her' so her credibility was deemed iffy.
Still, there's enough there that it's unlikely Masters will be able to gain custody any time soon. So if Gotham's favorite serial adopter with a good track record for helping troubled kids, Brucie Wayne, were to step in..." Tim's smirk is infectious and makes its way around the table. Bruce's lips twitch ver briefly into a fond smile, before dropping back into a frown.
"What do you make of the... confession?" Jason doesn't even try to hold in his groan.
"Seriously, B? It was survivor's guilt or some kind of psychotic episode or something." Damian frowns.
"I would not discredit him so quickly, Hood. After all, his ghosts are real apparently."
"Hnn." Bruce gets that look on his face. The almost constipated frown that means he is going to have to do something unpleasant like host a gala or attend a business meeting or, "I will have to call Constantine to verify what the entity we are dealing with is." 
Jason lets out a gleeful snort. "Have fun with that one, B. In the mean time can I go break our kid out yet or what?"
"Actually, Hood," Jason turns a glare on Tim, who is once again holding his hands up placatingly. "That still leaves us with the issue of making him an escapee and you an accomplice."
"Well fuckin Brucie Wayne can't exactly just walk up to Arkham and ask if they've got any blue eyed black haired boys for him to adopt."
"Not exactly what I'm suggesting here."  Batman sighs.
"What are you suggesting." Tim pulls out a case he had tucked under the desk, a truly devious smirk painted across his face.
"Just a little temporary theft. Only long enough to put the kid's face on the news for Brucie to stumble across." He opens the case, sliding it over to Jason. Inside, a replica of a relic from Tim's own past; resized to fit his bigger, broader brother. "You remember Red X, don't you?" 
The green that had been tinting Jason's vision the whole meeting finally subsides, giving way to wicked mirth.
"Oh, hell yes." 
Batman sighs.
"You don't get it do you? I'm still here. I still exist. That means you still turn into me."
Another night, another nightmare of a memory jolting Danny back into the waking world. His chest is tight, a high whine suppressing itself in the back of his throat. Danny's eyes dart around his room, searching for the shadowy void of his most frequent visitor. But Spectra isn't there tonight. She hasn't come back since she was seen by Banana Bat. 
It's strange. Danny had gotten used to waking up with her there, towering over him, shadowy clawed hand resting somewhere on his body as she feasted on his misery. He didn't mind, really. He had plenty to give and she didn't even rough him up too bad. Just enough to keep the psyches concerned. The last 3 days without her presence had been... not lonely. Danny was already lonely. But emptier. Like the one good thing his continued existence was doing for someone had been ripped away.
Truly, Danny felt he had nothing left in this world. Nothing to give, nothing to gain. But he couldn't die. Couldn't unleash full ghost Phantom on the world again. That's what created Dan. No, this was what he had to give. All he had to give. To stay human so that Dan never becomes ghost.  To live, as the least burden he could be, so that Dan never died. 
Clockwork must have known what would happen if Danny fully died. That must be why he spared him. The Observants sentenced Danny to death. But Clockwork was smarter. He sentenced Danny to life. And really, it's such a small price to pay for the sins of his other self. 
Despite what the others say, Arkham isn't hell. The only issue Danny's had was the clown and that's not really anyone's fault. It's just, Danny looked at the Joker and he saw Freakshow. And he saw that stupid staff. And he heard that grating laugh. And all he could think about was how that was the only thing that could still turn him into Dan. If the clown took control again. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't! Not becoming a Dan, not becoming a problem; that's all he could do now! He couldn't he couldn't he couldn't...
Danny was broken out of his spiraling thoughts by the now familiar buzzing echoing clanging sound of another break out. He closed his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh. Then, suddenly, he was lifted up, hoisted onto someone's shoulders in a fireman's carry. 
"Damn kid, do you weigh anything?" 
Danny's eyes flew open, his body subconsciously tensed for a fight Danny wouldn't actually fight. The voice, clearly modulated, sounded high and breezy. His head turned to look at the person now forcefully evicting him from his room. Black body suit. White mask. Red slashes in a stylized X. Built like his Dad... Danny had no idea who this was.
For a moment, Danny felt a twinge of fear. He had no idea who this was. They obviously weren't with Arkham. They had just stolen him from his room and, holy shit they were flying now. No. Not flying, grappling. And running. Moving very fast towards the exit. With Danny. For unknown reasons. 
Holy shit, someone was kidnapping a teenager from an insane asylum. That, probably wasn't good. Any normal or sane person would be scared for their health and wellbeing. But, well... Danny was hardly normal. And sane was becoming increasingly questionable. 
And this guy, well he didn't trigger Danny's ghost sense. No chilly breath escaping his mouth. So he was human, not a ghost. It's not like a human could kill Danny. Not with his ghostly healing factor. Sure, they could make his life a living hell. Beat him, violate him, enslave him. But a human couldn't turn him into Dan so... Danny doesn't think he really cares. 
"Um, why are you carrying me?"
"Taking you out of here." 
"Clearly, I meant why?"
"Owe someone a favor." That was mildly concerning. Danny could think of one person who would stoop to this.
"Did Vlad send you?"
"Master's? Nope. He couldn't afford my services."
"Oh. Okay." As long as it wasn't Vlad. They were almost to the main gate now. There was screaming behind them, now. Danny loomed behind them as the person grappled up the wall and vaulted them over. Danny caught the barest glimpse of the twink in a burlap sack mask striding out the door, leaving a noxious cloud in his wake.
Then they're gone, grappling to then moving across rooftops. It's not a bad feeling. Kinda fun even. Flying as a ghost was nice. Really nice. But different from this. Gravity literally didn't touch you if you didn't want it too. But this? Danny could feel the pull of the earth, the force of every swing. Gravity was still there, exerting its influence, but they were defying it. 
For a tiny moment, Danny felt the ghost of a smile on his lips. The good feeling was fleeting, like all his feelings these days. But it was there and it was enough to shock a small "Oh." from Danny.
"Oh what, runt?"
"Nothing, just. Never grappled before. S'nice."
"Oh." It was such a soft thing, Danny once more found himself pondering the intentions of his kidnapper. 
"Do I get to know where we're going?"
"Safe house for the night. I'm your baby sitter."
"And tomorrow?"
"We'll see."
The next morning, Vicki Vale stumbles across the story of her career (so far) sitting dazed and confused in her office. A prepubescent boy in an oversized Arkham uniform? The day after a breakout where Scarecrow and only one other inmate escaped? Oh this is bound to sell.
Okay, I know the show pretty heavily implies that Teen Titans Robin us Dick.
What if it was Tim?
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rynrising44 · 4 months
Danbeau vs. Valcarol: There is no competition. They both mean the world to me.
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At around 6am while on my Zoo med rotation, I was running treatments and ruminating about Carol Danvers, as I normally do. I started thinking about Carol and Valkyrie, and then Carol and Maria, and then Carol and her relationship with Monica. I was thinking about a few posts I've seen regarding Danbeau vs Valcarol with some discourse over which one is right, and which one is wrong, and I found myself asking the question, "Why do you write about Valcarol so much? Why does their possible relationship mean something to you, when Carol and Maria literally started raising a child together, before Carol left?" and then it kind of hit me.
Carol died.
I knew this. It's something that drives a lot of my works, but I really just let it soak in:
Carol Danvers- the hot-headed, stubborn woman who never thought twice about doing something she knew was right- died. The light speed engine killed her. The Kree stripped her of her memories, revived her for the sole purpose of weaponizing her powers for their racist genocide, and then shaped her into a murderer. In the end, she beat Yon-Rogg's ass, saved Earth, and re-united with her family, but her memories were still gone. She left, not truly realizing what Maria and Monica meant to her; and then- due to a variety of poor decisions and an overwhelming sense of guilt- she never came back. She never really remembered, either.
Monica grew up.
Maria moved on- became a hero in her own right with SWORD. Kicked ass as a mother and as director of a freaking intelligence agency.
Fast forward a few decades, and here you have an anxiety-ridden, effectively immortal, still half-amnesic Superhero with a shit-ton of guilt and a self-sacrificing complex. Maria is dead, and Carol refuses to reach out to Monica, for fear of roping her into all of Carol's mistakes. She's running from planet to planet in a chaotic pattern of, "I need to make up for Hala. I need to make things right," and self-isolating herself as a form of punishment.
Enter Brunnhilde, a woman who literally self-isolated for like a thousand years on a murder planet. A woman who knows loss, who is extremely long-lived, and who drank to shove away her past, because she couldn't handle the memories. She's got a shitty history as well, filled with regret and poor decisions.
While Carol has no memories, Brunnhilde has too many.
Carol latches onto the past, Brunnhilde tries to ignore it.
While Carol is a nervous wreck of, "I have to fix it. I have to do better," Brunnhilde was the, "Maybe if I ignore everything, it'll go away," variety, that has now turned into the, "I am responsible for literal warrior children and a country full of theme-park goers. Oh gods, what have I done?"
They're both utter messes in their own right. They're both foils of each other: soft and hard, dresses and suits, expression and repression, patterns and solids, past and present, and to me, they just... fit. Maybe it's a combination of my own trauma that draws me to them. Maybe it's because I love a good tragedy, I don't know, but the thing I'm trying to get at is this:
I love Maria and Carol for who Carol was. For that fireball of a woman who never second-guessed herself. The person before the Kree, and Hala, and space- whose biggest concerns were proving the Air Force wrong, changing diapers, and finding a babysitter for Monica on date nights. Bars and alcohol and baseball caps. First loves and long drives with the windows rolled down. Two women with an equal lifespan, who could live and die together like normal, beautiful humans.
And I love Carol and Valkyrie for who Carol has become. An immortal PTSD-ridden warrior. Someone who second-guesses everything. Whose concerns now involve about a hundred planets, Titans, gods, Accusers, etc. She's nostalgic for the 90s. She wears god-awful crocs and yells at her cat. She's in a fake-relationship with a random Prince because she "felt bad" and hooks herself up to fracking pods every night because she clings to the past like it's all she has. Valkyrie tethers her to real life... shows her that healing is possible and encourages her to open herself up to others again, even if it hurts.
To me, both pairings are beautiful. Both are valid. Both have their place in discussions, fanworks, and canon, and in everything I write, I aim to treat them with love, respect, and devotion.
Because these three women absolutely deserve it.
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You know what, I was ranting about shit to a certain Chinese friend of ours and I'm directly gonna say it, its absolutely fucked up now that I'm actually thinking about it that @/sophieinwonderland accused me of being pro-CCP and pushing CCP propaganda
Like a while ago when I found out about it, it was so wild it was funny, haha chinese people this that assuming we are all CCP haha classic racist fucking bullshit
But its only when I started explaining the history of attrocities and shit situations my family's home country INDONESIA was put through did I realize just how especially fucked it was.
Cause back in the whole cold war shit Indonesia has a supposedly pretty good guy as the founding President and what with the whole anti-communist vs communist push, and HONESTLY at this point I don't even know if they were thinking of discussing allying with the CCP because of all the fucking American propaganda
But seeing as Indonesia was communist in ideology, America literally fucking assisted in staging a coup that pushed both anti-communist rhetoric AND SPECIFICALLY anti-chinese rhetoric that resulted in the fucking bloody massacre of Chinese citizens in Indonesia. Literally people who were BORN and RAISED in Indonesia that had Chinese blood and were just as indoneisan as everyone else born and raised there were literally hunted and killed for being fucking Chinese because America both supported and helped push the rhetoric that Chinese = Communist = Bad = Murder them
And so Im fucking sitting here, with my parents having LITERALLY BEEN CHASED OUT OF INDONESIA FOR BEING CHINESE AND ACCUSED OF BEING EVIL COMMUNISTS BECAUSE THEY WERE LITERALLY BEING CHASED IN THE STREETS, having this white fucking bitch from America saying that I am ACTUALLY a secret CCP fucking agent trying to push fucking CCP propaganda
I'm sorry, I'm not.
My dad also was not
Unfortunately fucking Americans pushed that anyone who is Chinese is automatically CCP and that literally resulted in the death of A LOT of people like my dad who BTW has a lot of trauma for completely unknown reasons
Anyways I'm fucking pissed off. And ya know what, if I didnt have the fucking bitch blocked and probably wasn't also blocked by her, I would just @ her directly cause fuck you and the literal rhetoric that lead to fucking massacres of a "third world country" that literally jsut wanted to be left alone
And FYI; the coup resulted in the placement of a heavily corrupt western-ideology leader which directly increased the sheer amount of corruption in Indonesia but ok.
Like theres a whole fucking book on it that I haven't read cause it pisses me off but my sister read it and was like "lol yeah the US admitted to it" and its literally called the Jakarta Method
I probably missed some details and got it wrong cause shocker, I'm talking from my culture's lived experience and passed down fucking cultural trauma but whatever.
It's really fucked up.
Don't quote me on this cause I probably again, got details wrong, but that fucking rhetoric undeniably - by americas own admission - resulted in the death of many Indonesians on the premise of Those Evil Chinese Communists. I'm hesitant to post this cause again, I am speaking from released American documents and my family's personal reports and peer's reports so there might be errors, but ya know what, white americans?
Fuck off. Even if I got the details wrong in some places, it doesn't fucking matter because dear white americans, you still killed millions of people in indonesia in your crusade against communism so please miss me with accusing me - a first generation child from an Immigrant from Indonesia - an Evil Communist.
The sentiment in Indonesia still persists, enough so that when I met someone who was from China (who had a relative who was born and raised in indonesia) heard I was Indonesian-Chinese widened his eyes and went "ohhhhh" and commented that his relative doesn't go home to Indonesia anymore because its fucking dangerous.
Its fucking stupid.
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
dude I’m sorry if I now appear more in ur ask box u seem cool as fuck/gen/pos
uhhh anyways I think if I do a cometcare rewrite it’ll be like the cometkids much older and mainly moved out of their original home with the cometparents and stuff. probably from Blair’s perspective or smth lmaoo. I think it’d be nice to see the kids reflect on their childhoods and how while their parents weren’t abusive they also weren’t the best most of the time
blair gets high and does paranormal ghost rituals with her girlfriend lesssie 90% of the time and probably makes a living off of iceberg videos
also I’d probably throw the whole saturation = trauma shit outta the window to have full creative freedom with color palettes + have the brand names of shit actually be them instead of paradoies, saves me from having to think of original names for things + everyone has pun names but they’re not consciously aware of if/were named because it’s a pun + eggs don’t exist..they have periods and get pregnant and shit if they can also jerk off. stop treating pregnancy and periods like some taboo shit bro it is natural that is how everybody got on this planet
going for whatever @/coochiekrab has going on with their dynamic with their OCs family (kuri & aubrey and their kids rumi + evan)
I've always liked Emem being the parallel to like storks but I'm debating on whether or not pregnancy should be included in my rewrite because. It's so weird to not have pregnancy to me?? It's a hospital setting, not a mental ward. There's gotta be some people in there that have reproductive issues (y'know, like PCOS being included despite periods and stuff not being a thing)
Queerphobia also exists in my rewrite, it's just a lot less widespread and more likely to be noticeable in places that are more religious (Virtuist). For the most part sexuality labels are more understood but trans and overall gender labels are not, which cause a lot of people to hide their identities if being raised in more Virtuistic families or places or they try to "pass" as well as they can.
There's still parallels to real world stuff (only because I like making silly names for things) but stuff like war and politics exist. I haven't fully fleshed out the legal system yet but there are different governments for the different "countries", and while they don't have wars often anymore they did happen when the political stuff was still being created by anthries when they first got organized because they had a lot more animalistic tendencies back then. It was mainly for land and resources since every country was trying to get ahead of the others.
I think the BIGGEST rewrite for character designs that I have so far other than Cuddles is that the twins aren't part spider because spider anthries don't even exist. Instead the town they were born in had high levels of radiation due to being the biggest place for labs and factories so they just. Hatched with two pairs of limbs. The reason Mood has the urge to eat bugs is because of her nutrition needs not being fulfilled as a child, not because it's an addiction. Dooms intersex condition is hormonal rather than physical, and he's still Agender while Mood is still a trans lesbian.
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all-pacas · 5 days
I'm in love with the "and i am my father's son" fic of yours - enough for me to stop rolling my eyes at the "sister retcon" (I used to think "Why give him a baby sibling? The backstory we have was more than enough. The fact that the other details given in S8 were perfectly coherent with the ones given in S1 made the whole thing even more frustrating). The Rowan/Robert and Danielle/Victoria (just making up a name for the mom) are the best part(everyone in this family is so fucked up).
Is it me,or there was a hint of envy in Robert's outburst while talking with his sister? I mean,she seemed to feel supported by their dad in a way Chase never felt. Of course,there was fear and resentment. However,money never appeared to be enough for his problems(irresponsible alcoholic mom,absent dad,a baby sister with no one to care for her). Whereas Danielle was clearly having a good time in the clinic - and even making friends(a great asset when it comes to handling addiction). That might even be a parallel with Rowan himself - it might be mere speculation,but I feel that him being an immigrant from a country that has faced serious hardships during most of the 20th century while his children are a couple of "sunny rich brats" in a peaceful,stable country didn't come without any kind of difficult emotions,to say the least. Therefore,whenever Robert and/or Danielle were being particularly "unpleasant," Rowan noped out of there. Okay,I know him being from Central Europe is something that only happened because the writers couldn't be bothered to hire an actual Aussie instead of picking some random old white guy with a shit Australian accent and then tossing in some random nationality to excuse the accent, but they still did it.
Anyways,I love the fic. Now deal with the word vomit 🤡
ahhhhhhh oh my goodness thank you! And yeah, at first the Sister Retcon seemed so blatant and pointless, but the way it just makes history repeat is just ! Chase literally does the same thing to her as their dad did to them, it's so fucked up, it's so good. It adds so much. And honestly, his backstory was fucked enough without adding the trauma of raising his sister. I love it, because on the one hand it's totally understandable. A child shouldn't be put in that position. It is perfectly reasonable that Chase would cut and run. On the other hand, it's absolutely not fair to 'Danielle.' It's cruel, it makes things worse. It's just. It's so good.
Is it me,or there was a hint of envy in Robert's outburst while talking with his sister? I mean,she seemed to feel supported by their dad in a way Chase never felt.
That's what I was going for, yes! :) He sees Danielle doing exactly what their mother did, and he's sort of lashing out and panicking. He just immediately assumes history has repeated and he's about to be stuck taking care of her and watching her die. On the other hand, Danielle… fff it's so weird because it's headcanons for my fic, but. I feel like she and Rowan actually got along okay. Rowan did seem to regret how Chase had to deal with everything when he left; it's been a decade or so; he's… still not parent of the year, but he takes Danielle in after 'Victoria' dies. He's paying to send her to rehab. He's… trying.
And Chase never got that support, he never got Rowan trying to parent. He can't imagine it's real, he fully believes dad is going to maybe try for a week or two and then kick Danielle to the curb, or that if Danielle relapses once then it'll be on him to take care of her. He just doesn't trust or believe that Rowan can change, is capable of being a parent, and thinks Danielle is naive and stupid for it. But he's jealous, too.
Quoting myself here:
"You'll be fine," Robbie says. When their mum finally died, their dad had taken her in, given her a bedroom done up in pinks and frills. Not Robbie. She'd only been four; he'd been seventeen and eyeing flights out of the country, across the world.
…Like, part of this is that she's four years old, Rowan can't just toss her on the streets. Meanwhile Chase is old enough that he can rebel, that he trots off to England for seminary. I think he resents Rowan for not taking him in, but also hypocritically doesn't think about the fact he skipped town, you know?
Okay,I know him being from Central Europe is something that only happened because the writers couldn't be bothered to hire an actual Aussie
The weirdest part to me — I looked this up once. The actor they hired is Belgian. Why did they make him Czech? Clearly, being European was a choice, being Czech was more of a choice, they could have made him be a Belgian immigrant, but…??
But yeah. Rowan… honestly seems like a fascinating dude in and of himself. He grew up in Central Europe! Assuming he's the same age as his actor, he was born in 1938, so he got to live through German occupation, Soviet occupation… it doesn't excuse him being a shit parent, but I can absolutely see how all that would make him simply incapable of being anything but deeply repressed and miserable. He throws money at his children because he can't connect with them on any level. He couldn't cope with his wife's alcoholism and addictions and traumas, because he absolutely is the type who doesn't really think mental illness exists; you should just suck it up and cope. And to have this emotional wife, this emotional son, this much younger daughter (I headcanon that 'Victoria' got pregnant on purpose to 'save the marriage.' It did not work. Danielle was not a wanted child by anyone.)… like, he's still the worst. But it's just a perfect storm.
Anyway. I had an idea of writing a fanfic set much later on — Cameron finding out Danielle exists and deciding to Force Reconcile the siblings. I have a… lot of thoughts about all of it. I can go into it if you'd like!
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dolconfessionsss · 11 days
Hello! I'd like to confess something quite personal.. this would get very long & uncomfortable fast so I really completely understand if you don't publish it! I.. just really wanted to share this somewhere. (TW for rl SA, misogyny & religious trauma)
so I was raised in a very strict religious household in a very hm let's just say a third world country where the mention of feminism (or even sex education and mental health so i never went to therapists about this) is still so very taboo, the belief that "women are worthless if they're not clueless virgins before marriage" is hammered on me since little by my family and teachers, i even developed a phobia of male contact when i was in middle school, bursting to tears when i accidentally bump into a male classmate because I'm so afraid of not being "pure" anymore, i was so horrified that my life would be over if I can't bleed for a hypothetical man that would one day "buy" me with dowry (i'm better now, i still can't look men in the eye though).
When I was in high school i unfortunately went through a traumatic event that troubled my life from all aspects for a couple of years. No where & no one to vent i started turning into explicit fictional media to cope, because at least i have control there, i can always give the characters happy endings, and if things don't go well, it's ultimately not real and won't actually hurt me. I used to be so sex repulsed, after the incident I'm not sure if i developed some sort of (fictional? i can't imagine being intimate w anyone ever irl) hypersexuality or something. So.. you'd expect a game like dol would be super extra triggering for me, but weirdly enough it's.. soothing? It's like, my pc can go through the most unimaginable harrowing shit ever and lose "purity" yet can still have a life, smiling, be loved, develop skills, excelling studies and do big things. It's.. very cathartic... Yes i don't know if the game ever meant to be that inspirational or uplifting, but it somewhat helps me convince myself that I can still do better after all. I apologize if all this sounds ridiculous and stupid, but it's just how i feel.. I'm sorry if there's weird wording. Thank you for reading!
I resonated with you a lot, anon! My background have some similarites growing up, so I can understand what you meant. I think you describe it best, it is very soothing and cathartic. People cope with their trauma is so many different way, and I'm happy to hear that you seemed to have found yours too with this game, anon ❤
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not-goldy · 9 months
same anon
"if you were in his shoes you would have done worse" No i wouldn't. Not even a single time in my whole life i have ever ever made fun of someone cause when i was a child i was told that if you make fun of someone god will punish you and will make the same thing happen to you that you're making someone's fun of. And till this day i belive in that thing so i never once tried to make fun of someone even by calling someone short, fat, black this that. Idk about y'all but that's a very common thing in my country which is told to everyone when they're child..
i said jk WAS mean to jm implying past tense. Me liking jk has nothing to do with how he was with jm i can like him and can still acknowledge he was mean to jm but with time he matured.
I would never ever rank my friend last in looks who's very clearly insecure about his looks as people made him insecure like that. I would never ever make fun of my frnd's voice who's again clearly insecure over his voice. I could never say such things to someone who cares so much for me like i would hate myself if i ever made someone sad or made fun of them. Idk maybe it's because the family and environment that i grew up in where no one makes fun of eachother or thinks it's a bad thing.
Now you put yourself in jm's shoe and i ask you how would have you felt when the person you care so much for made fun of your insecurities. Jm was young himself at that time but yeah let's make fun of him and call it a harmonal things sure. Don't forgot to answer me what you would have felt.
Religious trauma I can relate I was told God will rain fire on me if I sodomized 🥲
Like I said, JMs feelings are valid- it's yours I'm questioning. You and our other cousins who hate JK🥲
Jungkook was thrust into all this at 13 years old💀
Wait.... since we comparing traumas I was raised by families who would show me videos of people screaming in hell images of men and women being whooped to death every sabbath as a way of explaining what will happen to me if I strayed from my Christain beliefs.
I got cut with glass every time I broke them. I got shaved as a way to punish me- my father once say my shaved head and said with that I doubt you'll ever make fun of anyone- yes, I liked giggling at everything and everyone and that was my punishment. I went a whole week without food to teach me gratitude because I failed to say grace at dinner
I get roasted for my looks my failures my dreams my desires just as a way of my family and community expressing love and affection🤭
You are so blessed if you grew up in such a healthy environment-
But imagine the rest of the world ain't really like that and Jungkook at 13 had to do a lot of his growing up on camera around strangers and people he didn't know🙃
If I was 15 and a 13 year old kid made fun of me- I'd question why the fuck he or she is even in my space talking to me. He or she should sit at the kids table. I don't do babies.
My sister and her friends never played with me and always acted as if I was still in diapers when I tried to socialize with them.
I hate people that are disrespectful and would keep my distance cos that's what any self respecting teen would do 😩
And if I couldn't keep my distance I would whoop their ass on God 🥲💀
Which is exactly what Jimin said too when he was supervised by that kid to wash a plane. He said he was going to whoop them if they were in Korea.
So really he should have just whooped Jungkook and called it a day💀
He gave JK too much power over him. Hobi out there throwing bananas at him and shit😩
I would have bleached his eye brows while he slept 😴
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My DiaLovers OC - Alina
so i haven’t posted about Alina much because she’s my first OC and i was kinda nervous but i’ve been writing her origin story and my amazing friends in my discord server have been so encouraging, so i feel like i should share her with the world. 
Content warnings for mentions of Kou-typical canon themes (CSA, drug use, prostitution etc).
Alina was a child back in Romania when the Mukami’s were in the orphanage. She was a year older than Kou, and was one of the children seen as so beautiful they were sold off as merchandise for aristocrats to make money. Like Kou, she was given nicer clothes and food, and met Kou through this. They were uneducated, couldn’t read/write, and only knew how to get dirty money.
Her and Kou gradually got closer and closer, and Alina was the person who introduced Kou to aurolac (if you haven’t seen my post about aurolac, see: here) and cigarettes. They had a somewhat sexual relationship due to their shared trauma, however, Alina was seen as a bad influence by Ruki and Yuma, so they often tried to stop Kou seeing Alina. Then, the Mukami brothers “died”, and Kou and Alina were pulled apart. 
Following the themes in Lost Eden, Alina - as with many of the Romanians who died in the revolution - became a ghoul following death by accidental aurolac overdose, converted by Karlheinz for his “experiment”. She was raised by the ghouls and taught (spoken) Japanese, but continued living in poorer regions of Rotigenberg. She was there when Kino entered the picture and prompted an uprising and dislikes him, but the one good thing Kino did was introduce her to Kou again, who she then seeks out. 
You can read about Kou and Alina’s past and re-union more in this fanfic (still have one more chapter left). 
This is the only picture I have of Alina from picrew which isn’t art made by my friends. Picrew doesn’t let you add the ghoul’s eyes (black sclera and gold pupils) so just uh. use your imagination. 
Tumblr media
She's a vulnerable narcissist. On the outside she's very sarcastic and bold, and speaks vulgarly with no filter. But she can also be harsh, outwardly a cunt, easily triggered (aka angered), does things she knows will make people hate her because it's the only way of controlling how people see her. She wants people to be scared of her and that was the only way to survive as a girl in the orphanage. Can't hate someone who everyone already hates, right? That kind of thing. She's willing to do things like ruin families for money, violence, being mean etc, because it's the only way to survive in her mind. She has the same give-and-take mindset as Kou, and is quick to fire up and cool down like him. 
On the inside however, she's very soft at heart and cares a huge amount, which is her downfall in some cases. She smokes a lot, Parliament 100s specifically but she's not fussy, and takes pretty much any drugs she can afford or find, though cocaine is her favorite. However, she absolutely cannot stand other people seeing her weak and tends to self-isolate if something is wrong. She also has a complex relationship with religion – Romania was (and still is) a very catholic country and back in the orphanages. Part of her believes in God, but God must hate her; nonetheless, she keeps a rosary from back then hidden. 
Even though she's not mean on purpose to people she doesn't have a grudge against, she can come across as blunt or harsh. Weak points include the fact her spoken Japanese isn't Amazing, and the fact she can't read/write which she can be embarrassed by. Since she grew up in poverty, things like TV and films are pretty foreign to her, though she's familiar with Kou's work. She doesn't consider anything taboo or TMI, and dislikes Ruki and Yuma and will talk shit about them to people. 
People close to her in a romantic sense risk codependency because she has attachment issues and latches onto people. That's mainly because of her trauma with men, so she needs to have control over the men in her life. Unfamiliar men getting too close sends her into fight or flight mode. However, her female friends are everything (especially Tsumiki check out my friend’s OC, our OC’s are besties lol) because it's someone who likes her despite everything, and she can be quite protective of female friends. She does clash with rich people but can form attachments too. 
She's also good with kids, surprisingly. Even though she'd never have kids herself and would immediately have an abortion if she got pregnant, she's only like that because she knows she'd inadvertently traumatize her kid. She wouldn't want the responsibility of a kid and wouldn't be willing to give up drugs and cigarettes. But as a kid she was abandoned by her parents and left to her own devices and look where that got her. The very few ghouls in her village who see her as more than just a drug addicted whore sometimes let her babysit their kids when they're out. Unfortunately, the majority of her village see her in a negative light, which she is also fine because she knows she’s at fault. 
uuuuh my ask box is open if anyone is interested more. thank u for ur time invested in my silly little OC. 
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l4deeznuts · 1 year
before i start i wanna say this is NOT a zellis or nickro hate post!!! i think both ships are cute but in my l4d world it's hard to pair them for a couple reasons
when it comes to nick being with ro, or any woman that is, it's hard to see it because he's a misogynistic asshole. he does get better throughout the game and id imagine as time went on in the apocalypse, whether they were officially rescued or got stranded again, the shitty parts of his personality would get better
it is also his personality. we don't know why he is the dirtbag he is.. could be literally anything. shitty parents/raised badly, trauma, hanging with the wrong crowd, etc
now don't get me wrong, nick isn't solely a douchebag. he obviously has positive, redeeming qualities about himself and he truly does care about the other three survivors. as we all know, humans are not one dimensional, so it's entirely possible for him to do a 180
but when you're in your mid 30s, probably been living rough one way or another your whole life, it would be really fucking hard to break out of those negative attributes
rochelle is too good for that. she does not deserve any kind of mistreatment. i will not argue
THIS ALSO GOES FOR NELLIS TOO THOUGH! any pairing with nick would be toxic one way or another honestly
i just feel like.. it would be different with ellis because he is such a ball of sunshine. you throw anything at him, and it bounces right off. he's so oblivious and in his own world, so sweet and caring-- a genuinely good person. i feel like he would be able to balance nick out and chill out his jerk attitude a bit
ellis is not really confrontational and overall does not have a mean bone in his body. hell, in game when nick said he hated him, he responded with "well, i still like you, nick." and because of this, i feel like he would truly be the first person in nick's entire 35 years of life that showed him genuine love, respect, patience, understanding, etc, which in turn would tug on nick's shriveled heartstrings
this doesn't mean that rochelle isn't sweet and wouldn't have the power to change nick for the better. but even tho she is also a genuinely good person, she doesn't take shit from anyone, especially not nick. many times in the game she steps up to him and puts him in his place. i feel like she could love him platonically/in a family type way, but romantically i don't think she could do it. i think it would just exhaust her and quite frankly piss her the fuck off
now when it comes to zoey and ellis, it would work... for a bit. ellis would most definitely treat zoey like a queen and they would have a healthy, loving relationship. however, zoey's personality is kind of going towards the opposite spectrum of ellis'*. she's a little on the brooding side, slightly awkward, and a little quicker than most to get ticked off. of course she has a sense of humor, is sweet, and does care about others. her and i are actually very much alike, and truthfully i don't think i could date a guy like ellis. even though he's damn near perfect for a man, he has a lot of chaotic energy. when you're someone with a lower energy-type personality*, it gets tiring after a while being around high energy people
zoey would more than likely be a homebody, wanting to watch tv and movies, play video games, etc, whereas ellis is your typical country boy-- fishing, hunting, working on cars, riding horses, drinking, doing dangerous and dumb shit with his boys, etc. i feel like after a while zoey would realize she just can't keep up with him, maybe even after a while he would start to even get on her nerves. i also feel like after a while he would think she was boring.. but in reality, they just don't really have much in common when it comes to their lifestyles
*i know you could kinda consider nick being closer to a lower-energy type personality because when he's not being an ass, he is rather quiet and to himself. BUT theres no such thing as a lazy introverted conman lol
*i also feel like it's easier to tolerate the same sex as you. a man annoying another man, or a woman annoying another woman is one thing, but a man annoying a woman is a whole other story lmfao
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ganonfan1995 · 1 year
I've thought it through, and I'm not really sure when I'm going to pick NHFOM back up.
I really wanted to see it through, but if I'm being honest, it was a project I started during a point in time where I was feeling 100% myself (both mentally and artistically) 2022 really slonked my shit stupid style, and recovering from all the trauma and misery has been a long loooong journey for me. Trying to revisit it now, while I still love the characters and the AU I built up around it, has been really complicated for me. On one hand I still think the material holds up, but on the other hand I've really lost a lot of the jokes and I've been struggling to connect with them. (maybe it's the depression, maybe its maybelline)
While I've been doing a lot better in this year, 2023, the further I move away from NHFOM the more I feel a bit alienated from it? I'm not sure how to describe it, it feels more like an obligation rather than something I'm excited to do.
That's all to say, is that I'm going to post the outline I had written back in 2021 for the first chapter of NHFOM. I might still pick this back up, but it feels weird to let it just rot in my google docs, unread and unloved. So if you're curious as to what Link and Ganondorf get up to, it'll all be under the cut. NOTE: The way I write comic outlines is VERY bare bones. These are mostly quick ideas and lack any sort of dialogue/structure outside of general pacing and ideas.
Aryll’s Birthday:
Link convinces Ganondorf to allow him to send a letter to Aryll for her birthday.
The Soup:
Link tries to recreate his Grandma’s soup, destroying Ganondorf's kitchen in the process.
Heroes Clothes:
Ganondorf convinces Link to dress in Time’s clothes. They do not even remotely fit.
Link of the Past:
Ganondorf and Link drinking and reminiscing over OOT events, Link is trying to play along.
Thank god they’re both trashed. 
The Bandana: 
Ganondorf reprimands Link for being so careless about his appearance and asks him to get a haircut.
It’s revealed that Link has MPB and Ganondorf shares a culturally significant hairstyle w/ him in solidarity. 
Link befriends a Miniblin? I don’t have a joke for this one, it’s just cute.
Ganondorf’s Day Out:
Link discovers the portal Ganon uses to teleport between worlds, he follows him in disguise and learns about his “secret hideout”
Ganondorf is having his monthly therapy session with a bokoblin, distressing over Link and contemplating why he’s different now.
Link is fishing naked w/ Miniblin
Helmaroc King:
Aryll discovers that Helmaroc King loves fish and forms a bond with the giant bird. She breaks a deal to send letters to Link once in a while in exchange for a tuna.
The Boat:
Link notices a weird red boat with a face hanging out around the tower. He and miniblin decide to take it for a joyride.
Hero in Training:
Sick of his devil-may-care personality, Ganondorf convinces Link to take up some serious training. Link immediately throws his back out upon lifting a mock master sword.
Princess Zelda:
Upon learning more about the Triforce, Link purposely misleads Ganondorf in his quest to locate the third Triforce…Because he doesn’t want to move out.
The Desert:
Ganondorf recites his “my country lay in a vast desert” speech. Link interrupts to ask what a desert is. 
Family Dinner:
Link makes dinner, Ganondorf is late and Link chews him out for his lack of appreciation towards him.
Ganondorf feels bad and surprises him with breakfast in bed. (this one is just gay)
Daddy Issues:
Ganondorf inquires about Link’s family, Link reveals that he never had a father and was raised by his grandmother. Link is surprised to find out they both have that in common.
The Boat Pt. 2:
King of Redlions stressing to Jabun that he thinks he may have discovered the Hero Reborn who has since been captured by the Demon King himself. Also tries to explain that…maybe it’s okay actually.
Cutaway to Ganondorf and Link playing a drinking game?
Aryll’s Visit:
It’s Link’s birthday this time, and Helmaroc King has a surprise planned for Link on Aryll’s behalf.
She reprimands him for still not changing his outfit.
Queen of Pirates:
Following rumours of a sunken kingdom, a mysterious Pirate Queen finds herself lost in Hyrule. Link scrambles to get her to leave, but she threatens to return and rob him and his ghostly king blind.
Link doing some introspection, discussing w/ Miniblin that, even though he’s evil…Maybe Ganondorf isn’t all that bad?
General Malaise:
Ganondorf has locked himself in his room for far too long, Link busts in to give him a heavy hitting pep talk.
Poetry Night:
It’s poetry night in the Tower, and everyone has something to share. Link prepares something that leaves Ganondorf legitimately moved.
Blinded with Science:
Ganondorf tries some new spells out to see if he can relieve Link of his triforce…prematurely. It does not work.
Accidentally Holding Out For A Hero:
Link follows Ganondorf to his hideout again to find the place besieged by the Pirate Queen’s crew. Link accidentally does something heroic to keep Ganondorf from harm and Tetra out of his grasp.
Streetwise Hercules:
Ganondorf finds himself in emotional turmoil after Link’s show of heroism, the urge to utterly crush him returns. Ganondorf is in an oddly optimistic mood. 
Tennis Practice:
Link is in his weekly training w/ Phantom Ganon, Link has a lot on his mind. He questions his attractions to his captor while beating Phantom Ganon effortlessly.
Adventure of Miniblin:
Caught unaware, Ganondorf vents his emotions over Link to Miniblin. Miniblin is later found by Link who does the exact same thing. Miniblin is not capable of common speech, and is sick of the lack of communication between Link and Ganondorf.
The Duel: 
Ganondorf approaches Link and passes him a note that says: “Do you wanna spar? Y/N”
The Duel Pt.2:
Link and Ganondorf find themselves evenly matched, both exhausted from age and lack of physical activity. Link convinces Ganondorf to join him in his weekly training sessions w/ Phantom Ganon.
The Duel Pt. 3:
Ganondorf joins tennis and finds the activity to be actually kind of fun and quite the workout. Admits he might not have given Phantom Ganon enough credit and offers him an additional day off from his duty.
The Outfit:
Aryll sends Link a new outfit, Ganondorf finds it to be too titillating and begs Link to change back.
The Nightmare:
Ganondorf is plagued with bad dreams and has difficulty falling asleep, Link offers him a homemade remedy, Grandma certified. (It’s 1:5 warm milk and rum)
The Boat Pt.3:
King of Redlions approaches Tetra, he has devised a plan to “rescue” Link from the demon king but he needs her help.
Miniblin Musing:
Link, playing with miniblin, asks Ganon where these things come from anyway. “I am not explaining the Dark World to you right now.”
Link has to explain that “Link” is just a really common hylian name. Some famous dead guy or something.
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kethabali · 1 year
Hello, I’m Ameera a 23 years old Muslim lesbian who is trying to come out, I’ve been in the closet with my girlfriend for way too long, because of how dangerous and hard it is to come out as a lesbian to a religious Muslim family, but me and my girlfriend have decided to do whatever it takes and risk it all to come out, do you mind supporting and encouraging us?, we have the plan to go away which is why I have my donation campaign pinned on my profile, if I raise at least that goal I can start the process with my savings, I can’t come out until I’d gotten my apartment and I’m away from family, so please support by donating if you can and help reblog though I know we all have what we dealing with, so I’m not imposing we just need all the support and encouragement we can get, check my pinned post for more information on how you can support, if you are a Muslim queer and you are out, please help with tips on how to make it less complicated, any word of advice is also really needed, we really wanna come out but we need y’all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ pride please come through for us, I believe pride is for all
i wish i had some amazing life changing advice for you but the truth is that it's painful to be outcasted from your family and the trauma that comes with it doesn't leave your body for a long time. once i was safe i started to unpack everything and its a long process but really worth it when u start feeling grounded and less anxious
i'm not muslim but my family is so i was raised with islam and they did a lot of stuff to try to deter me from living my truth including literally kidnapping me while we were in bangladesh right before my flight back. the entire family would talk shit behind my back and only "respect" me to my face to keep up the niceties
it's family and that makes it hard to let go and accept that they may never come around, at least not in this life time but surrounding yourself with friends and support - your chosen family is so important. we have to help each other because who else will yknow
community is so important for queer people so i encourage you to seek out other queer people any way you can in real life and online. i don't know what country you live in but i've found even in the most homophobic conservative countries the queer groups are there even if very underground and disguised as other things. i hope you can get in contact with some queer organizations and hopefully they can help you gather funds and help with your move. also message me privately with ur city and if its my city or one i'm familiar with maybe i can find you some resources
for me queer organizations literally saved my life. when i ran away i stayed in an apartment run by a queer youth shelter and they weren't perfect, they had a lot of faults but it gave me sanctuary away from my abusive parents and a chance to explore myself and be a normal kid for a while (i was 17). queer organizations also helped me get many things; clothes, hygiene products, chest binders, hrt, support applying to aid programs, doctor appointments when my insurance was a mess bc i was a literal child and had no idea how to navigate healthcare. it was just a really good thing for me to have as i transitioned into adulthood on my own.
so i say find all the mutual aid and organizations available in your area connect with at least one queer person in real life and its likely they will know others and slowly you can build your network of resources. take care of yourself best u can, try to eat well and drink enough water, get outside at least once a day, journaling and listening to music helps me a lot with processing emotions, confide in ur girlfriend or friends, do ART i really recommend this one it can be very therapeutic and healing. any type of art- drawing, painting, knitting, photography, dancing, singing etc it's good to express yourself in some way when everything else feels so restricted. try to have something for yourself to keep holding onto hope when things get really bad like maybe a pin, some type of token to remind you of your truth and that things won't be this way forever. remember that the entire queer community would back you up in a heartbeat and so many people will love you that you haven't even met yet!
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ink-flavored · 4 months
☠️ - Would you survive in the shoes of your favourite original character?
💕 - What inspires your writing most?
😈 - What is the worst thing you've down to an original character?
thank u !!! <3
☠️ - Would you survive in the shoes of your favorite original character?
I don't like to pick favorites because they're all my children, plus my favorite OCs tend to be "the ones I'm writing most frequently," and fluctuate over time. Also I don't want Pride's ego to get any bigger than it already is.
But yeah absolutely not lmao. I would be so extremely dead, or at the very least have lost so much of myself, motivation, will to live, etc. I would be "as good as" dead.
💕 - What inspires your writing most?
So when I was a very young child, I became obsessed with Eragon and all of its sequels. To date, I have read the first book at least 8 times, and the entire series all the way through 5 times. I was into them before the 4th book had been released, and when it did finally come out, I read it as fast as I possibly could. I still remember exactly where I was when I completed it: on the back porch of the house my family had rented out for us on our yearly summer vacation, sitting by the pool in one of those long beach chairs.
When I was in middle school, the author came to a local university to speak. I went with my dad and a few family friends, with my giant ass hardcover copy of the 4th book. I was one of the few people who got to ask a question for the Q&A (and I wished I had asked something better but I was like 12 lmao), and afterward I got my giant ass book signed.
Walking out of the building, I had my epiphany. I wanted to be an author, so I could make people feel exactly as deeply about my books as I did about his. It is genuinely the only thing I have ever been able to imagine myself doing since.
😈 - What is the worst thing you've down to an original character?
Hm. I guess it depends on your personal perspective of what the "worst thing" for someone's life?
Going to Hell, obviously bad. Getting violently wounded for ritual exile, eternal torment, plus all the other shit Pride goes through with Lust. Xinya lost her mom to illness then watched her dad fall into a catatonic depression, took the throne at 19 while all of this was happening, busted her ass to serve her country, and then watched it all crumble before her eyes again. Teconia loses her father to war when she's very young, has to raise her sister and take care of her mom from the same age, and then she gets arrested and thrown into magic bootcamp jail to be trained for war herself. I haven't thought about Out of the Park in ages, but I sure do make Park choose between his life and his passion huh.
And those are just the protagonists!!!! Ollie is a side character and I gave her religious trauma, parental abuse, transphobia, homelessness, and poverty!!!! Imagine what else I can do!!!!
[send me an emoji ask]
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seeminglyseph · 7 months
Because I’m currently kinda obsessed with Hazbin Hotel, I’m seeing a lot of stuff about it and Helluva Boss. And like. People are complaining a lot about like. “What’s with all the Daddy Issues” etc, etc… as if like. “Characters having issues with their fathers” isn’t a a normal issue in media? And also like. Half the Millennials I know have distant and angry fathers with abusive and overbearing mothers who parentified their daughters and babied their sons. Colour me surprised that a Millennial writer has created a variety of parental abuse and neglect stories.
I find it painfully unbelievable when the parents are all loving and supportive hugbears who have time for their kids and want to be involved in their interests and hobbies. Lucifer being distant because he’s so depressed he thinks Charlie hates him and Charlie thinks he hates her because of his divorce with Lilith is the most believable breakdown of communication between a parent and child who do genuinely love each other but suck and expressing it. Next to Stolas and Octavia who are actively currently dealing the contentious divorce of Stolas and Stella which is like. Look, I’m sure that’s messy, but rip that bandaid off because growing up in a house where your parents *actively hate each other* will be worse than the traumatic period of time where they were getting divorced. My parents didn’t get divorced, and I stand by the idea that it was a mistake because I grew up with the idea that marriage was about like… obligations. And if things go right, you want to impart to your children that they can grow up and be happy. That’s the *point* of Stolas and Octavia’s arc. He loves her, he wants to have a happy life away from Stella, and he wants Octavia to have a happy life in a home that isn’t so hostile and loveless. Because growing up in a home where your parents hate each other *sucks*.
Moxie has a piece of shit abusive father he for the most part completely separated from. That makes sense, when your family is fucking garbage sometimes you cut them out. It’s valid, he made a new family. Millie’s family is very tough and no-nonsense and “by the sweat of your brow” from the country, and she ends up being the stronger or more capable one in the relationship because of it. But because Moxie was raised constantly demeaned he has serious confidence issues, and because Millie loves the hell outta him it helps him get out of his head and his self doubt. Parental abuse will fuckin wreck a person’s ability to see the good in themselves, or make decisions. And Moxie having someone love him openly and honestly helps him figure out what’s real and what’s an internal voice implanted by his father.
And learning Moxie’s father was a piece of shit and Moxie was still able to find and accept love helps show Blitzo that like. Having a shitty start doesn’t doom you to a shitty end. Moxie wasn’t just dealt a better hand and that’s why he’s able to have a healthier relationship with Millie. It’s not that Moxie and Millie were from better families and have better beginnings and have better relationships with love (though maybe Millie does) but they allow themselves to love and be loved and they work on healing the hurt.
I feel a little like learning about his and Moxie’s shared trauma of shitty dads gave Blitzo a bit more courage to be able to open up with Fizzarolli, though Moxie’s shitty dad kidnapping them both certainly helped the situation lmao
I dunno if I really have a point but like. 90% of the people I know have issues with their parents on some level and complaining that the characters have issues with their parents in the series is like. Damn, no kidding. Do they also have arms and legs? Perhaps also eyes? Do some of them maybe have mouths?
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pidgie-core · 1 year
Sorry if I’m interrupting anything.
But the other day I reblogged numerous posts about the Memorial Day for the Armenian Genocide.
Just to raise awareness of it. And to scare the shit out of idiot denialists.
I also did similarly regarding the Assyrian genocide too (Sayfo).
I’m not Armenian but it doesn’t mean I don’t care because I do. (I’m an Irishman)
This isn’t for clout, I just did it because it felt right.
(I don’t like seeing countries like Armenia (yes that includes Artsakh) being bullied and threatened by violent belligerent neighbours.)
Plus I study history (I have a masters degree) and I feel it’s important we learn from the past.
I just thought you should know at least.
I thank you for your support- it is a great deal emotionally moving whenever non Armenians support us, along with the Greeks and Assyrians who have also suffered greatly. It is even far deeper when you get a message of support from someone who is Turkish. It is very rare and I can only say it has maybe only ever happened just once or twice to me, but I want those people out there to know how much I appreciate them. I know it is very very difficult and brave to go against something you were taught never happened, something that perhaps your own family would convince you out of learning. But I hope you know that I think you are brave, and that you are the future. I love my home country so much, and we have been through such a deep suffering. The recent wars and the current tensions, I am sad to admit, have changed my mental wellbeing and my mind in ways it will never be able to return to. That's how trauma works I suppose. The peace I thought I knew isn't there anymore, just something I work hard to try to maintain each day. As humans really we should stand beside one another- once again I send everyone my hugs. May we laugh and draw and dance again together. I have been working hard on a graphic novel that isn't just about tragedy, but about joy and community within my culture. I think it is a deeply healing thing to create work that is your pure voice. I implore everyone to do it, whether its through art, music, photography, writing. It doesn't even have to be good, it just has to be you. So we can heal ourselves throughout the generational tragedies we live and work through.
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