#like i was absolutely dying making those gifs bcs he just looked so beautiful
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becca-e-barnes · 4 years ago
hii! I don't know if you write for Zemo🥺 but I'm dying to see something fluffy with the reader squishing his cheeks and what his reaction would be, bc I know I'm not the only one dying with that beautiful chubby-like face😭💞
Also you're extremely beautiful and cute🥺💖
Oh my goodness thank you so much, you’re honestly so lovely! 🥺🥺 I absolutely loved this request, soft!Zemo is just too wholesome, I absolutely live for him 💗 Thank you for requesting, I really appreciate it! Sorry it took so long, I had a big exam this week 😭
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Pairing: Helmut Zemo x Reader
This one is gender neutral (not really intentional, I just noticed it when I was proof reading)
Warnings: Mention of past trauma, mention of family loss, just mad fluffy, this is so soft
Summary: Just an early morning in bed with Zemo as he gets used to being loved again
Word count: ~1000 (lil short one)
Helmut Zemo was, without a doubt one of the most interesting and confusing men you had ever met. In the eyes of the world, Zemo was a villain. He was cold, flawed, cruel and distant in a way that the world would never be able to forgive. To outsiders, Helmut Zemo was purely driven by his need for revenge, almost like he had some kind of selfish, petty attitude to making others atone for their wrongs but of course, that wasn’t the case. Knowing his story put you in the unique position of understanding the calloused man. Pain had engulfed so much of his life, evenings spent broken and alone, sobbing until he was sick, begging for his wife and son to just come back to him. That kind of torment didn’t bear thinking about for too long. No one deserved to suffer that much pain.
He hadn’t went looking for comfort, it had found him. He hadn’t expected to find it in the sweet smiles you offered him, in the gentle, accidental brush of your fingertips against his, or in the smell of coffee brewing, since you were almost always carrying a fresh warm cup. He hadn’t sought it out and in fact, he actively pushed it away for a while, feeling like he was betraying his wife and son by wanting to give himself to another. The thought of their memory fading killed him, of learning to live and love without them but after a while he couldn’t deny his feelings for you any longer. He had done terrible things, he couldn’t corrupt you with his sadness and despair. In his mind, loving you meant saving you, it meant pushing you away from him to protect you. But God, you were persistent, the more he pushed you away, the more you tried to pull him closer, making him crave you more but ultimately, just push you away even harder. There was a comfort and warmness in his life that only you could provide, a promise of love and acceptance that he hadn’t felt in years.
If he could go back and do it all over, he would never have pushed you away. Looking at you now, cuddled up beside him, he felt almost complete. He had found a way back to enjoying the simplest pleasures life had to offer again, like watching movies in bed with some disgusting takeaway, noticing how his lover’s sleepy eyes were slowly closing. His favourite experiences though, were these early mornings spent in bed, with nothing better to do than enjoy the other’s company. He lived for those sleepy kisses and the way you looked at him through your thick lashes and smiled. He loved the smell of the crisp, fresh sheets, loved hearing your little yawns as you stirred from sleep and loved even more when you snuggled against his firm chest, only half awake but always seeking the safety and comfort his body offered.
“Good morning, my dove.” Came his little greeting as you stirred, his voice was still low and sleepy. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, heart jumping out of his chest as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
“Shhhh… Too early. Sleeping.” You groaned, squeezing your eyes shut to try to block out the light streaming in the windows.
“Whatever you say, my love.” He smiled, running his fingers through your hair lovingly, cradling you close to him. This man wasn’t the villain the world knew. This man was soft, he was caring and he was compassionate. He longed for love, and to be loved. He would protect you with his life, there was no doubt about that. You only hummed contentedly in response, pulling your bodies impossibly closer. He couldn’t help the little smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth, this was nothing short of bliss. As he ran his fingers through your hair, he started to hum the little tune he knew you liked that he remembered from his childhood. He couldn’t remember all the words but the tune was always there, his soft baritone comforting, hanging in the early morning air. Eventually the chirping birds outside became too loud for you to still cling to sleep. You pulled gently away from your lover, giving him the gentlest of kisses.
“Sleep well?” Zemo smiled, stroking your cheekbone with one of his thumbs, his brown eyes full of nothing but love.
“Like a log.” You laughed softly, still feeling groggy.
“I am glad, my dove.” He chuckled, placing a tiny kiss to the tip of your nose. Neither of you were in any rush to get up and start the day, instead choosing to sit and enjoy the bliss of being wrapped in the other’s embrace, warm and safe and relaxed. Zemo’s low melodic humming continued for a few minutes as your eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room.
“You’re a sap, Helmut Zemo.” You laughed quietly, reaching your hands up to pinch his soft, squishy cheeks, his skin warm and soft under your fingertips despite the little dusting of stubble. He blushed a little, happiness radiating out of his loving smile. He was truly beaming, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“You make me sappy.” He laughed, showing off that heartwarming smile, making you giggle at how his accent was always a little more pronounced in the mornings when he was still sleepy. He swatted your hands away from his cheeks, choosing instead to hold them, intertwining your fingers together. He brought your joined hands to his mouth, placing gentle kisses to your knuckles,
No, this man wasn’t the Helmut Zemo the world knew. That man was heartless and cold. This man was someone else altogether. He was kind and warm and full of life, just craving safety for himself and those he loved, longing for a normal life in which he felt safe and secure. This man melted under your touch and craved physical contact more than anyone you knew. Within the walls of this bedroom, Helmut Zemo wasn’t a villain. He was a broken man, who’s world had been destroyed, but was slowly being glued back together by his lover.
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seriouslysnape · 4 years ago
Hi i wanted to request snape x reader where they meet again after not seeing each other since their school days (they were bffs) and severus gets all cute and flustered bc he still has a crush?
Severus Snape x Fem. Reader
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2,005
“I had no idea you were coming. How long have you been here?”
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He thought about you more than he’d like to admit. Severus hadn’t really had any other friends over the course of his life, so it was only natural that his mind often drifted towards the one person who was consistently there for him. He was devastated when he lost contact with you after graduation. He had known that the two of you would go your separate ways, leading different lives with different goals in mind.
At first, the two of you stayed in touch through writing letters. You absolutely adored receiving letters from him, hearing about how his first year teaching at Hogwarts was going was the best part of your day. Severus began teaching at Hogwarts very shortly after graduation, and hearing about his adventures were thrilling...and sometimes a little boring.
He felt relief every time he received a letter from you. He was always happy to see how you were doing, and what was going on in your life. He would read your letters two or three times, picking apart every sentence and word. He’d try to pick up your tone in every paragraph. He’d look for implications of a boyfriend, fiancé, or husband. A hint or a crumb of detail leading to the idea that you were in a relationship.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss your school days together. He missed pulling all nighters with you to study for a big Potions exam. He wished he could have one more Charms class where the two of you were trying so hard not to laugh that you felt like you were going to pass out. He longed for the occasional nights where you would sneak to the Slytherin tower and the two of you would stay up late telling stories and enjoying each other’s company.
He missed you.
He had always been attracted to you. His schoolboy crush as a child didn’t really go away into his teenage years. He still found himself yearning for you, but he never made an attempt to seek you out. He was too shy, too reserved and insecure to ever go after the most beautiful girl in the world.
Even though it was his biggest regret.
Over time, the two of you became busier and busier, and the letters were less frequent. Eventually, the letter completely stopped coming in. You and Severus lost contact about five years after graduation, and now you had gone over a decade without seeing or hearing from one another. He still thought about you all the time.
He missed your smile, your laugh, your hair, your eyes, everything. He didn’t know how much he loved those things until he didn’t have them anymore. He often wondered if he’d ever see you again.
And then he did.
Severus had been passing down a hallway when he saw a very familiar face. He had to do a complete double take, stopping dead in his tracks and staring blankly. You had been walking alongside Headmaster Dumbledore, the two of you in a very cheerful conversation. Surely, that couldn’t be you. He hadn’t seen you in almost 15 years and suddenly you turn up at Hogwarts?
He felt like he was dreaming, half convinced that he wasn’t awake. But he saw you more clearly as you grew closer, and his heart did a joyful leap. He knew that smile anywhere. His best friend had returned.
“Severus?” You called, questioning and excitement in your tone when you noticed him standing at the end of the hall.
His pale cheeks went fiery red at the sudden use of his name. He hadn’t heard his name fall from your lips in a long time. It was music to his ears. You practically ran up to him, throwing your arms around him with a gleeful squeal. You smothered him in a hug, and he awkwardly returned it with one arm.
It was just like old times.
“Hi.” He replied meekly, but his mind was racing and his eyes were wide.
“Oh, I was hoping I’d get to see you today!” You shrieked.
Dumbledore was watching intently. He had known that the two of you went way back. He was tempted to bring up how flushed Severus looked now, but didn’t say anything about it.
“How nice it is to see two of Hogwarts’ brightest students together again.” Dumbledore declared.
You offered him a sweet smile, but Severus was still shell shocked.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, unable to look away from you.
You had both obviously aged some since the last time you had seen each other. You were still just as beautiful as the last day he saw you. You weren’t surprised that he looked about the same way he did before. Black robes, long hair, and a sour look on his face. Just the way you liked him.
“I’m taking over for Madam Pomfrey for a while. Just until she’s back on her feet.” You said.
Pomfrey was out with a nasty bout of the flu, something that even magic couldn’t fully cure. You’d be covering for her for a few weeks, but were hoping to possibly land a more full time gig at Hogwarts.
“I had no idea you were coming. How long have you been here?” He questioned.
Severus’ heart was beating so fast that he was afraid it might give out. The very person he had been dreaming of for so many years was now standing right in front of him. He was almost scared that you’d vanish if he did look away.
“I arrived this morning. Albus was just showing me around,” You explained; “The castle really hasn’t changed much since leaving...you’re looking well, Sev.”
You pushed some strands of hair behind his ear, something small that you used to always do when you were younger. It never failed to make his whole body feel a flutter at such an act of care. His mind felt foggy now, he could barely form a single thought other than the fact that he couldn’t believe you were there.
It became very clear that Severus was still sweet on you. He was still crushing like he did when he was 13.
“You look good now...uh, I mean, you looked hot before- you were fine before,” He stuttered, mentally smacking himself for his poor choice of wording; “You look great, [Y/N].”
Dumbledore fought the urge to burst into laughter. Severus had never been very flirtatious. You looked sheepishly at your feet, hiding your blush at the compliment. You had always found his shyness rather endearing, it gave him an innocence that was pure and lightening.
“I will leave the two of you to catch up.” Dumbledore said, gauging that it would be best if he moved on.
He left the two of you in the hall. You had a lot to talk about. Severus continued to walk with you slowly, savoring every moment. The two of you chatted, catching each other up on the last 15 years. It seemed as if Severus hadn’t really done much outside of being the Potions professor. As sad as it was, you weren’t really surprised to learn that he hadn’t found anyone to settle down with. He was almost in a vicious cycle that consisted of work, sleep, and eating. He didn’t realize how dull his life had become until you started telling him all the things you had done.
You traveled for a year or two after graduation (which he did know due to your letters in the beginning). You studied wizards and witches in other areas of other communities, learning from their differences and comparing similarities. You totally dove head first into the wizarding world, totally enchanted by how complex it really was. You had seen and done things that Severus could only ever dream of.
He was happy though. He was happy that you had done all of the things that you had always said you wanted to do. You were vibrant, successful, and taking full advantage of any great opportunity that came your way. He was so proud of you.
“How long do you expect to be here?” Severus asked you, hoping that it would be longer than just a few days.
The two of you had far too much to catch up on in such a short period of time.
“It’ll be at least three weeks. Pomfrey found where I lived and sent a letter as soon as she realized she’d have to be out,” You told him; “You know how she is. She doesn’t trust many people to handle her work.”
Severus smiled lightly, and nodded. Poppy Pomfrey was a VERY professional woman and never let just anyone take over her job. He at least knew that he wouldn’t lose contact with you this time. Severus didn’t want to flat out ask the one question that was really on his mind. He was dying to know what your relationship status was.
“I’m sure your husband is thrilled that you’ll be gone for so long.” Severus said as more of a hint than anything else.
He saw the way you awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck bashfully. You shook your head.
“Oh, I’m not married.” You admitted.
“No?” Severus asked to confirm casually, but his stomach was doing excited flips.
While you hadn’t been shocked that he wasn’t married, he was totally shocked that you weren’t. He had always thought you’d find someone straight out of Hogwarts and be married within a few years. When the letters stopped coming, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever know how your life turned out.
“You sound surprised,” You noted; “But I suppose I just haven’t found the right guy yet.”
You knew that was a lie. You knew that you never settled down because you had been hanging on to a sliver of hope that you and Severus would reconnect one day. After losing contact with him, you had always said that if you were given the chance to even possibly see him again, you’d drop everything and take it.
You were so glad you had taken that chance.
“I must say I am surprised. You’re so beautif- so kind that I always thought that you’d get married soon after graduation.” He said, covering up another one of his stutters.
“Well, you know. Life has its ways of getting the perfect timing, doesn’t it?” You suggested.
Before he could answer, you took notice of the time, knowing you needed to get back to Dumbledore to finish getting acclimated before the new school week began.
“I need to go. It’s been so nice seeing you. We need to catch up more,” You said, taking a leap of faith; “I’ve missed you...”
He felt his heart speak before his head, but it was the full truth.
“Oh, I’ve missed you tremendously. I’ve thought about you every day since your letters stopped coming.” He blurted out.
Your eyes sparkled at that, you smiled genuinely.
“You have? You really mean that?” You queried.
He was a little embarrassed that he had sputtered it out like that, but he was glad you knew it.
“I do.” He confirmed.
You stroked his cheek gently with your hand, tempted to kiss him. You knew that this was your professions of love for each other. Awkward and forward. Just like the two of you were.
“How did we go so long without seeing one another?” You asked him, inching closer together.
“I have no idea.” He said, closing the gap and kissing you softly.
It was a tender, appreciative kiss that was full of want that had been built up since you were young students. It felt fresh and like a new beginning. A beginning that would actually be the start of Severus’ life. He would have someone to look forward to everyday, someone to share his passions with. But there was one thing that was most important.
He’d have someone to share his heart with.
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heyitsyn · 5 years ago
a/n: never written male reader before but this was a funny request and i really do see the irony in this
anon request:  
absolutely LOVED your seijoh hcs! you said you wanted to do the other schools so i thought, how about nekoma but with a MALE manager bc it would be so ironic to have a male god as their manager rather than a goddess that they always talked about!! thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!!
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yall the nekoma fanchant is literally stuck in my head
hehe uwu lets step on the pedal
ong jesus take the wheel pls
so basically,,,
being the nekoma manager is a MESS
lets say youre a second year and was only the manager bc you were begged into taking the job
like wouldnt leave you alone and pestered you 25/8, screaming about needing their own god manager
also just because, you are fairly popular and you have your own fanclub of girls in nekoma and they thought it would give them more exposure and more chances w girls :’)
tora was actually the first who came up to you and begged you to be their manager during class one day bc they are in need of one but they arent allowed to have a girl manager so he turned to having a handsome male
‘so you wont be all over him abd be distracted w showing off’
‘tora, please’
initially, you refused bc you just couldnt be bothered to be part of a club where you basically babysit a bunch of overgrown children
but kenma, your childhood friend, was the team’s last attempt to get you in since kuroo mentioned that he was the only one you listened to
‘kenma, babie, i love you, but i am your friend, not your nanny. so unless i am paid, i will not waste my time taking care of of all of you. especially that chicken head’
‘y/n, yaku is on his last leg here. we really need a manager and we need it fast’
‘you went for years without one so why do you need it?’
‘we’re scared that nekomata would just drop dead any minute now’
‘yanno? im surprised hes even still alive with yall’
‘....... ill show your fangirls that picture of you when we were 5 when-’
‘okay, kenma. rude about the blackmail but okay. dont expect me to be the maid or anything’
nope, you were actually the maid
and the cook
and the nanny
and the laundry person
the everything
it baffles you that kuroo is about to graduate next year yet he still doesnt know the difference between fabric softener and detergent
the amount of times you sent him to pick up more and only to send him back when he ended up buying 2 softeners or 2 detergents
‘they all look the same!’
‘kuroo tetsuro cAN yOu NoT rEAd?!’
ngl i still mix them up sometimes
during matches, youre basically their mother, their nanny, and nekomata’s notetaker, and their personal cheerleader
naoi, the other coach guy, and coach nekomata has adopted you as a son bc of how hard you work and the less the burden is on them
like your notes about their playing percentages really works and helps them and added with the chores you do for the team?
also, lets put your popularity in here
you dress with a white shirt and zip up your red nekoma jacket with your red sweatpants so you look like one of the players, right?
but how come every time they have practice, youre the only one with the fangirls in the bleachers?
youre literally wearing the same thing as them yet youre the only one who gets looked at?!
even kuroo, who was quite good looking, doesnt have that many girls pining after him yet you, resident anti-tryhard, seems to get the female population to fall for you just by doing the simplest things like breathing
youd be doing normal things like using your whistle as you hold a clipboard and girls would be screeching at you 
‘omg m/n is so hot!’
‘hes just !!!! uuggghhhh’
‘siri how to be a whistle?’
i am uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the gym today
tora complains about it all the time bc first, they cant have a beautiful manager, two, they have a pretty boy who’s taking the attention away
you bonk him on the head in anger and threaten to quit all the time
‘say that again and you’ll be filling your own water bottles tomorrow’
but in truth though, the guys really do appreciate you and everything you do
they know that you balance them with your personal life and classes and still make time to do their laundry and make them food
so they have started easing off the burden and weight off of your shoulders
at first, you were very suspicious when they told you that they already filled their water bottles
‘huh? i didnt think you even knew where the water fountain was’
‘wym weve been doing this for years’
then, you heard kuroo tell the others to put their sweaty jerseys in the basket in the corner of the room and for the last person to carry it to the laundromat
‘um, sir, we dont want to have another pink jersey disaster again’
you stopped inuoka from lugging the basket but he shook his head and gave you a wide grin
‘nope, m/n-senpai! i’ll carry it for you! i’m strong, see?’
he flexed his right arm muscle while holding the basket with one hand but it was too heavy so it fell to the ground, spilling out all the practice jerseys
you sighed before bending down to pick them up and babie inuoka’s eyes watered, thinking you were mad at him
‘gomen, senpai’
he whispered but you looked up at him from your position
his watery eyes made you frantically stand up and wipe his tears with the pads of your thumbs
‘inu-kun, why are you crying? you said you were strong right? dont cry over silly things, okay?’
he nodded and you were still confused as to why he was so emotional but you patted his fluffy hair 
‘now cmon, lets go take these to the shop’
unbeknownst to you, the team was actually seething from behind the wall
naturally, as a,,, manager,, you became their,,, energy?? 
like the slightest affections from you made their health bar increase tenfold and they didnt necessarily have any intentions towards you
you were like,,, their own,,,, happy drug?? like a human seratonin??
just the fact that they had someone like you to fall back on and give them love when they lost or something
it was comforting
usually it was just the team’s responsibility to throw away their own sadness and comfort each other
but with you,,,
they could easily cry with no fear and you would comfort them until they didnt need to be comforted anymore
eventually, they ended up straight out competing against each other on who would get the most affection
clearly, inuoka used his first year card and everyone knew you were soft for your kouhais
like you would just grab them and hug them because of how cute they were
uwu especially lev?! 
he may be a giant but hes just a really REALLY REALLY BIG CAT
like the mans is beanstalk level of height and despite the age difference, he just picks you up and cuddles you and youre just like ‘okay, let it out babie’
you are always a hot topic w all the students in nekoma and even some in other schools
like during training camp, bro you making everyone question their sexuality
omg akaashi and you are probably the prettiest people there and can i just say how everyone cant focus on a practice match bc youd be laughing together or something and they havent heard anything so beautiful??
and the kitties get really defensive over you and hiss at anyone who even tries to approach you
hiss hiss
like the little touches from you make them so red and confident gays like kuroo and bokuto call you out on them and tease you 
while the quiet ones like akaashi and kenma are just blushing and stutter and you tease them instead?
*inhale* BOI *exhale*
the uke and seme dynamic is real on this one
however, there are times when the turned tables
there was that one day that you were seriously questioning if bokuto wore leggings or just really high knee pads and you cornered him after baths to just figure it out
like our poor confident boi turned to a shy babie and shrunk against the wall, covering his red face
‘bo-san, i just want to know’
after seeing the smidge of skin at the top of the kneepad, you nodded and brushed your fingertips over the flesh
‘hmm~ so i was right~’
it worried everyone so much when bokuto would glance at you in the sidelines and he would competely miss akaashi’s set bc his eyes would focus on you rather than the ball
like he absolutely couldnt take his eyes off of you and when you do turn to meet his eyes, he shrinks back and looks away, completely missing your amused smirk
now, your kitties werent happy about that
theyre very protective of you and they felt that this owl could snatch you right up and fly away
and kuroo, being the captain and the head of the familia, took it upon himself and dragged you to the back of the gym while the others were practicing
kurat pushed you against the wall and basically kabedonned you
‘you seem close with bokuto, l/n. almost, too,, close’
an amused smirk etched itself on your lips and you pressed a hand on his chest
‘oya~? captain-san, am i being punished?’
ofc he was taken aback by your flirty attitude but he smirked and softly brushed away your bangs that slightly covered your eyes
‘hmm~~ depends, y/n-kun. are you going to be a good kitty and stay with the clowder? or are you going to stay with those pesky chickens~?’
you chuckled and gently wrapped your arms around his shoulders
but your hand grabbed the hair at the back of his head and harshly pulled him to be closer to you
your eyes blinked innocently but your sharp teeth were shown from your malicious grin
‘ive always been a bad kitty, captain. so i dont care what you say because you cant tell me what to do~’
imagine what happens next bc i cant write something unholy
so you learned that tetsu CAN in fact tell you what to do and you avoided everyone else which caused them to wonder but one look at your neck
you got attacked by a cat 
a cat named tetsu
but you toned it down to not be attacked again
ngl the whole team was all jealous and they even whined to kuroo about it
‘thats not fair!!!!’
‘stop abusing your role as captain!!!!’
they hated the fact that kuroo got you first so they all rally over to keep you away from him
like baby kenma would nudge you over and bring him to sit next to you, saying he needs you to help him with a certain level
‘kenny, im not sure how to play this game’
‘hmm,,,, youre a quick learner, y/n, and youre really quick with your fingers so you could pass to the next level’
*insert lenny face*
‘oya? and you would know how, kenny?’
and baby kenny would fluster a little before glomping to your side and burying his face into your shoulder to hide away
the first years would absolutely use their kouhai priviledges and bring you over to help them with ‘homework’
‘you guys realize i passed because kuroo would beat me into studying right?’
‘but senpai! you mustve learned a thing or two in your classes!’
‘bold of you to assume i was even awake in my classes’
but they still make you spend hours trying to help them which turn into just messing around 
there isnt really a single calm moment in your guys’ practice
poor you have already started seeing lot of gray hairs
you literally decline every single confession just because youre too busy for a date and you cant handle having to take care of another person
its like youre dating the whole team!!
soon the entire school have just accepted the fact that you are just simply not in the market anymore just because you joined the club
not because youre actually taken by a girlfriend but youre taken by a bunch of teenage males
imagine how that works out
youre not really the best volleyball player out there but you know a thing or two
well,,, its more like your stamina doesnt allow you to play long bc a single lap literally destroys your lungs
but you still know when yaku complains about having a shaky receive
‘oh, momo-senpai, youre bending your knees too low so gravity is pushing down on your-’
ugh chemistry i hate it
despite your lack of athletic or physical skills, they still appreciate you for your keen eyes, your caring nature, and your overall looks that give them motivation to play harder to impress you personality :)
all the boys love you
and tbh
you love your boys too
even though it was a blackmail caused event,
you still would’ve joined otherwise
this is kinda short but its going to be longer if i find some plots or somebody asks for a plotline that i can write about for a long time
byeeeee :)))))
a/n: this isnt exactly the best manager one ive written but ill probably find a good prompt for this or again as stated ^^ someone sends in an ask for it and ill write a story for our favorite male manager :’D
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What We Want and What We Can Have
Part Two- My Love, Don’t Fade Away
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WHOOPS IT’S A PART TWO THAT NO ONE ASKED FOR (part one lives hither)!
Warnings: cannon-typical violence, angst, unresolved tension encroaching resolution, more of Ron and his big beautiful brain, Ron has like three feelings and you take up two of them, non-edited nonsense bc feelings don’t wait for approval
I listened to Reminder by Mumford and Sons as well as I Don’t Feel It Anymore by William Fitzsimmons. Let me know if any of you crazy kids are interested in my BoB heavy-feels writing playlist bc ya know i’ve got one.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The grey smoke from the burning church stung your eyes, and as you feel your tears trickle down your cheeks you wonder if they are soot-stained as well. 
 Around you, you can hear the screams of bombs whistling through the air- the harmonizing shrieks of the wounded and dying ringing in your ears as you watch Gene running towards the smoldering building, but you can’t seem to do anything other than watch. You know you need to do something, anything to help the medic save the handful of people bursting through the smoke like ashen fireworks.  
Yet all you seem capable of doing is dumbly stare at the ruins of the makeshift hospital you’d just watched explode. 
 The makeshift hospital you had been tasked to watch over.
For weeks, you’d been monitoring intel reports for any sign that the Luftwaffe had been intending to bomb the town of Bastogne. Weeks of pouring over intercepted and forwarded information and maps and citizen chatter that you’d been so sure indicated that the town was safe from harm, that the air attacks would be solely focused on the woods. 
Yet here you were, standing in the heart of a bomb-pocked town with ice in your veins and a terrible hollow in your heart.
 You’d failed. You couldn’t have been more spectacularly wrong.
 The irony of your mistake ending in fire was not lost on you, and as your eyes danced up with the flames and plumes of smoke you were filled with the same helpless feeling that had found you after learning of the fate of your mother, sister, and brother-in-law all those months ago. Only this time, you had no one to blame but yourself.
 You had done this. You’d missed something and now all of those wounded soldiers and brave nurses and innocent people were dead and trapped.
 When Gene grabs your shoulders you nearly jump out of your skin, blinking for the first time in what felt like hours and forcing yourself to focus on the drawn face of your friend. Something in his eyes gives you the impression that he’s been trying to get your attention for a long time.
 “Y/N!” he shouts, using his grip on you to pull you back towards the jeep. “We have to go, we’ve gotta go back—”
 “I-I should stay,” you stammer, limbs feeling like lead as you stumble along stiffly. “I don’t think…”
 Gene, ignoring your quiet mumbling, all but shoves you into the car and takes your previous seat as driver.
 Eyes having drifted back to the smoldering church, you try again to get your fumbling mouth to work enough to speak.
 “Gene, I think—”
 “You’re not staying here, Y/N.”
The way he says it leaves no room for argument.
“Bet you don’t even realize that your face is bleeding like a stuck pig….”
 When you raise your hand to touch your cheek you feel that he’s right, you are bleeding- most likely from the initial blast of debris that had hit you when the bomb hit.
As Gene whips the jeep around to take off down the road, you feel the cool wind sting at your eyes, the air so drastically different from the smoke you’d just been breathing that it makes you lightheaded.
 “I killed them,” you murmur, despite the fact that you know Gene can’t hear you. “I killed them.”
 Gene is crying when you look over at him but you can’t find it in you to offer him any comfort. What would the point be? What could you possibly say when everything you’d just witnessed was a direct consequence of something you’d missed?
 Ron was wrong, you think to yourself as you look back to the rapidly approaching forest. It is better to feel nothing. I want to feel nothing.
 Almost as if all you had to do was think about it- a strange calm settles bitterly in your chest, joining the hollow that had been deepening each day since you’d seen Blithe get shot through the throat.
 Just as you’d wished, you slipped into the numbness of nothing.
 Ron was worried about you.
 No, he was more than worried. He was concerned...deeply concerned.
He had been for a while now- ever since you’d come back from a scouting mission with Blithe’s blood on your hands and a grim look of defeat marring your pretty face. He’d tried to talk to you about it, going as far as to pull you aside and wash the blood from your hands in hopes of getting you to open up privately- ignoring the confused looks of your superiors and his colleagues as he did so.
You had been, were worth any rumors that could come from his intentionally infrequent sign of humanity.
 But you’d given him nothing more than a weak smile and whisper of thanks before slipping away to find Nixon. It was like that moment in the attic had never happened.
 Seeing you come back from the town of Bastogne had shocked him, too. Not as much in terms of the blood pouring from the cut on your cheek, but in the absolutely dead look in your eyes he’d found when he had begun questioning you as to what had happened.
 “I was wrong,” you’d said emotionlessly, barely flinching when Spina had brought an alcohol-drenched rag to your wound. “I missed something, and now the town is gone.”
 Before he could even begin to think of a reply, Spina had asked him to help get you to CP so the other officers could figure out the next course of action. And once he had, you’d had no more to say.
 That night, Ron had poured over the information you’d been given concerning Bastogne, glaring at Nixon until the other man had relented and reluctantly given him the small wooden box you kept your reports in. You hadn’t ‘missed’ anything- there had been nothing to indicate any sort of attack to the town for you to miss. You had done nothing wrong.
 Not that he’d be able to convince you of that. Ron knew you well enough by now to know that your stubbornness could rival his own if you indulge yourself in it enough. He’d learned that long ago in Georgia upon meeting you, that you had not gotten here by accident or through any sort of familial connection- but rather by sheer determination and steadfastness and unapologetic bullheadedness, not to mention a natural gift for finding patterns in behaviors and translating them into strategy.
Watching you work, then and now, had been nothing short of marvelous. 
 But this wasn’t you. This heartbroken husk of you that he had been seeing now made his already frozen body feel even colder.
 Ron needed you back.
 Unbeknownst to you (and initially to him as well), you’d become the reason he fought. At first, it had been a more practical explanation: you worked tirelessly to secure the information needed to build strategies and he felt the need to reward that hard work with his own successful execution of the plans you’d made. Then, upon completing the task, you would come in and use any of the information you found to build the next strategy. It had been transactional, an exchange of services that helped the both of you work towards the mutual goal of winning the war.
It was simple.
 There was no real event to precede his shift in perspective. One day you’d been Y/N and the next you were Y/N. He’d nearly said as much in the attic, when your eyes had burned him alive with their curious sincerity and your heart had called to him so sweetly he’d nearly kissed you. 
 Seeing you now, blinking slowly in the warm candlelight while the voices of the choir wrapped around everyone like a thick blanket, Ron wondered if he should’ve kissed you.
He wonders if, by doing so, he could’ve somehow stopped you from getting to this point.
 You hadn’t been at the frontlines earlier that day for the siege of Foy, yet you looked just as drained as every other man in the company who had. Even with his heavy jacket wrapped around your shoulders, your fingers still trembled as you picked at the dirt beneath your nails, making him wonder if you were shaking from something else other than the cold.
 You startle slightly as he reaches over and places his hand over yours, head quickly turning to look at him and the tiniest dust of pink coloring your cheeks when you realized how close your face was to his. Almost as if you’d forgotten that he was sitting beside you in the pew, that only an hour ago he’d forced you to accept his coat while he scribbled out the names of the men now under his command onto some paper he’d asked one of the sisters for earlier. He hadn’t bothered writing your name- you were not like all of the others, you weren’t something to oversee and keep in order.
And as far as Ron was concerned, you’d been connected to him since D-Day. 
 He didn’t need a note to remember that.
 A shy, small smile turns your lips up at the corners- the action not seeming to quite reach your eyes but Ron felt the sincerity in it all the same. Flickering your gaze back down to his hand resting over yours, he watches as you hook your thumb over his small finger, pleased at the warmth he feels as you momentarily play with the silver ring he always wore there.  Watching your profile, he only takes his hand away when you return your attention to the young girls in front of the altar, allowing his gaze to linger on you for a few moments before turning back to his list.
 Feeling another set of eyes on him, he looks up and catches Lipton looking over his shoulder at the exchange. The other man quickly turns back upon being caught, and Ron studies the back of the other man’s head for a few moments before making up his mind.
 “Y/N,” Ron says quietly, tilting his head towards the door of the church once your eyes find his again, standing and rolling his sore shoulder. “C’mon, I’ll drop you off at your billet on my way to Battalion.”
 The offer seemed to surprise Lipton, but you take a deep breath and nod shortly.
 “Alright,” you say softly, “let me go return Luz’s lighter and I’ll meet you at the door?”
As he nods, you stand up carefully and side-step in front of Ron out of the pew, meeting Lipton’s smile with a weak one of your own as you give the man’s shoulder a quick squeeze.
 “Night, Car.”
 Lipton pats her hand affectionately and then you’re striding over to the pews where Luz, Liebgott, Randleman, and Heffron have set up camp.
Ron watches you go as he loads his gear back on, once again feeling Lipton staring at him. There’s a familiarity in the way Lipton is looking at him- it’s a look everyone seems to send his way, ever since Donald Malarkey started the rumor on D-Day.
 “You wanna ask me, don’t you?” Ron asks, watching the other man fidget.
 “Ask you what, sir?”
 “You wanna know if they’re true or not,” he clarifies, sizing the other man up. “The stories about me?”
 Lip said nothing, and when Ron looked over his shoulder at the man he saw that Lip was looking away. The man amused him, to say the least. The man’s bravery was starting to show in ways that filled Ron with every confidence in him- glad to have a Lieutenant with a backbone in his newly appointed Company.
 “Ever notice with stories like that, everyone says they hear it from someone who was there, and then when you ask that person they say they heard it from someone who was there?” Ron steps from the pew to stand before Lipton. 
“There’s nothing to ‘em, really. I bet if you went back 2000 years you’d hear a couple Centurions standing around yacking about how Tertius lopped off the heads of some Carthaginian prisoners.”
 Lipton seemed to consider that for a moment before replying. 
“Well, maybe they kept talking about it because they never heard Tertius deny it.”
 Slinging his gun over his shoulder, Ron lets a smirk show on his face and squares his shoulders. “Well, maybe that’s because Tertius knew there was some value in the men thinking he was the meanest, toughest son of a bitch in the whole Roman Legion.” 
 When Ron looks over to where you are, he is glad to see that some of the tension in your posture has lessened. He can hear you mumble something that amuses Luz and Bull to no end, unable to help but feel a tinge of sadness at the fact that you’ve still got that hollow look in your eyes.
 “If I may speak freely, Sir?” Lipton says, breaking Ron from his trance and allowing him to look back to the other man. When he nods, the new Lieutenant dips his head indicatively in your direction.
“I’m worried about her….a lot of us are, Sir.”
 Ron keeps his expression neutral, nodding at the comment.
“Is there a question in there, Lipton?”
 A grimace crosses Lip’s face as he seems to ponder his words carefully. 
“No, Sir. It’s more of an observation, if anything.”
 “Go ahead.”
 “I know that, technically, Captain Nixon is meant to be her immediate supervisor,” Lipton says with a bit more confidence. “But I worry that he’s been, er….neglecting some of his responsibilities in favor of more cathartic activities….”
He cuts himself off, looking from side to side quickly before lowering his voice.
“Captain Nixon has been passing the brunt of the analysis work to Captain Y/L/N, if not ignoring it entirely. And, as great an officer as Y/N is, Sir—”
 “I understand, Lieutenant,” Ron interrupts Lipton just shy of insubordination, giving the confused man a nod before realizing that he’s unintentionally called the other man by his new title. “Thank you for bringing it to my attention. You were right to do so.”
 After informing Lipton of his promotion, Ron quickly turns on his heel and makes eye contact with you once more. As you fall in to step with him through the doorway of the church, Ron processes the new information he’s been given.
 While he’d never really liked Lewis Nixon, this revelation has only solidified his stance on the man. It was one thing to drink on the job and still be productive- whatever arrangement this was was unacceptable. 
 Your hand is soft in his as he takes it, the fumble in your stride telling him that you hadn’t been expecting him to do so. But you still don’t let go, you still follow him past Battalion and you offer no resistance when he guides you inside of the small cottage you’d been assigned to.
 When Ron gently takes your face in his hands, your eyes flicker down to his mouth before he even begins to speak.
 “Do you remember what you asked me in the attic, a few months ago? About what I cared about?”
 You nod slowly, and as your gaze meets his he could swear that you’re about to burn him to ask once more. You seem to lean into his touch, and while there is still caution in your eyes he thinks he may also see a flicker of intrigue in your irises as well.
 “Things you can’t have. Things you shouldn’t care about.”
 You say it as if you didn’t need to think about it very hard to remember- something that makes his heart stutter in his chest.
 “You, you know that I was talking about you.”
 Then, you do something that Ron will never forget.
 You smile.
And this time, it reaches your eyes.
~ ~ ~ (*looks over at all the homework/chores I’ve neglected in favor of writing this* WHOOPS
taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @ricksmorty​ @liebgotttme​
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goldafterglow · 5 years ago
embellished lungs
Summary: Ezra buys a pretty thing for a pretty thing.
Request: hc about what renders Ezra speechless 😶 - @lose-eels (this is not even what you asked for but fuckin here ig im sorry sgkfjdshg)
Pairing: Ezra x reader
Word Count: 2.6k+
Warnings: a big fat drabble?, very really soft, not beta read and tbh barely even normal read i read this maybe twice oops
Author’s Note: i almost put this just like under the ask but I’m not gonna sit here and act like this is a drabble bc i’m a clown. i don’t want to talk about it. and spitting this out bc I was soft for Ezra and @mrpascals made me
Gif Cred: my wife and my baby @pascalplease
masterlist | taglist modifications
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He spies it in the open market while he’s stocking up on supplies.
The day is hot, the Sun bearing down on its disciples with a violent red fury, but it’s light is strong, bright. Everything is reflective, hot to the touch from boiling in the heat, and all of the creatures begin to melt together like dyed wax to form one big discernable blob, if you really squint. Ezra’s sweat escapes the barrier of his brows and leaks past his lashes, dragging across his eyes and stinging a little, blurring his vision and dripping onto his arms, but he doesn’t care. He’s far too exhilarated.
The market in itself is absolutely brilliant to him; he’s always been enthralled by this, by people and pretty things, and to be completely surrounded by both felt like something akin to sensory overload. His heart is racing at the sight of people traversing the dirt road, loitering and browsing through produce colored so vibrantly he wonders if the bright red apples and deep indigo berries have been dipped in the tinted glow of fairies that dance in the forest. And he’s utterly taken by the art and trinkets. He’s always had a little soft spot for art - a tender, exposed section of his beating flesh that is so sensitive, so delicate and so easy to provoke. And right now, he seems like he’s subject to a battering ram, pounding against his chest in the best way possible.
His eyes dart around quickly as he tries his best to take everything in. He finds himself cherishing every little interaction, every stranger whose shoulder he is forced to brush in an attempt to make his way through the market, every vendor that begs to him, calls to him to try “just one last berry sir. I’m sure your lover will be delighted by the raspberries from yesterday’s harvest.” He ended up buying a quaint six ounces just so that he could feed them to you. But that would be a treat for later.
And just like that, he is thinking of you. The prettiest, most beautiful thing. A sculpture with imperfections so perfect that he knows it must have taken eons to craft you out of gold and diamonds and the soft fluff of hummingbird feathers and butterfly wings. You are art, a walking, breathing, touchable piece that he gets to admire up close. It’s a privilege, really, to have been gifted with Kevva’s finest handiwork.
As his pupils peruse the stands, admiring his surroundings, they suddenly become frozen in place, permanently stuck on a little trinket that’s caught his attention: a necklace. The gem sitting in the center isn’t aurelac; it’s much more vibrant, much more dramatic and almost rainbow when he looks at it from different angles. The chain isn’t long, and knowing you the gem would fall right between your collarbones. He can already envision you wearing it, like a child flicking watercolors onto the Venus de Milo, but he wants to see his deep green paint draped around your shoulders. The way he sees it when you wear his clothing, when you’re adorned with bruises of his passion like stars adorn the sky, when you wear him. It’s intoxicating, seeing that he’s had any impact on your life and that you parade it around like a trophy. That you think about him without him prompting you to do so - not that he isn’t constantly in your presence. But he wants to buy it just so that he can see you wear it. Perhaps even only wear it.
He’s already thinking about how fucking gorgeous you would look in it. He is thinking about putting it on you, tugging on it ever so lightly in a way that signals to you - that is, rather than exerting any true force on you - that he wants a kiss. Perhaps pulling on it a little harder so that metal bites your skin and you can feel it, feel him digging into the soft flesh of your neck. Now he’s imagined a thousand scenarios in which he can have his way with you just by getting you to wear this piece, and he has to purchase it.
When the vendor finally hands it to him, packaged with care and placed deep into the hollow of a black velvet box, he finds that it barely fits in his pocket. He doesn’t care, though, because it’s too exquisite an accessory to be thrown in with the other supplies and it’s too precious for him to take it out of the box. He’s excited when he comes back to the pod, back home where you are.
Home is you.
He assumes you must’ve heard him come in, the pod door loud and rambunctious as he dumps the bags into the center of the pod space and then crawls in himself - it was hard enough with two arms, nonetheless one. He lets out a sight as if to let the excitement drain out his vessels and into the atmosphere of the cockpit, mingling with the peace and solitude to create a soft buzz that zings through his ears and vibrates his eyes. The exhilaration from being the market was utterly electric, but he is home now. He can crawl into you, let you absorb into him, and he likes how you can make his heart race a million miles and yet also pacify him, a cold compress to his aching soul to help reduce inflammation. He wants to maintain that semblance of the intricate pastel harmony, adorned in lilac and peach hues. So he stands in the middle of the cockpit and closes his eyes, lets himself sway to the rhythm of his lungs for a moment. Just a fraction of solitude, and he doesn’t mind because ever since he met you he has never felt lonely, not even when he’s alone. He always feels you with him.
Once his head has cleared, he palms at his pocket where the little black box still resides, as if to check that he hadn’t dreamt up some fantasy ornament that would look so perfect on you. It’s still there; of course it is, and he feels foolish for thinking that the pretty butterflies would have fluttered it out and flown it away, but sometimes he wonders if the same thing will ever happen to you. If one morning he will wake up and you will have migrated with the birdies, off to seek true warmth because you’re not real, because nothing so good as you could ever be caged by him.
He steps into your shared bedroom and spies you with your back to the entrance. The room is cool, but you’ve elected to wear his shirt, even foregoing pants. His favorite outfit of yours, and he knows you know it. You’re wearing headphones, something he’d picked up for you on your last supply run, and he can tell you’re playing one of those instrumental stations you so adore listening to when you were working. A mutely-colored map is stretched out onto the desk, and he’s not even sure you can focus the music because your mind is moving faster than your poor hand can keep up as you mark up a new dig site. He almost feels bad for interrupting you while you’re in such deep concentration, your forehead smashed into wrinkles without even noticing, but Ezra cannot resist his greed for your attention. Ever so gently, he places his hand on your shoulder from behind so as not to startle you.
You almost immediately register the delicate touch, turning the radio off and pulling your headphones off your ears so you can give this kind artist your undivided attention - Kevva herself knows he's earned it. You turn your head to face him, craning your neck back so you can take his softly smiling depiction like pressing a plush blanket into your face.
“Hey, pretty boy,” you coo, letting your pen fall tumultuously from your hand. The sound of it clanging against the table and then rolling around to a stop fills the room, but you can’t hear it; Ezra is talking now.
“Hey, sweet stardust,” he greets back, voice orange and warm like the heat that simmers under the stars during the summer at midnight.
 “Hey” was never his preferred salutation, and he’d tried to omit it from his vocabulary for so long, but he started to notice that he likes it when you say to him. Like a little pearl of your voice, so sweet like honey with the honeycomb still mixed in, a little grainy and so cheeky.
“Did you get everything we need?” you ask, beginning to stand to that you can press a hand to his chest, grounding him to the pod and to your sanctuary soul. Ezra grins wide, unable to hide his excitement at your words.
“I in fact exceeded our needs, sweet rose bud,” he says with a pride that fills up your chest and makes you want to hold him tight because you love when he gets giddy like this, with the childlike enthusiasm of showing your parents the shitty drawing you made or your ugly macaroni art. Ezra is light, his tone airy. “I happened to spot a gem that reminded me of your vision and I couldn’t resist the urge to get it.”
You brow furrows a little, not out of confusion but out of curiosity. Ezra’s taste has always inspired you, and you knew his never ending quest for art is always in an attempt to find beauty in everything. You don’t even have to look at it to know that it will be stunning because his stamp of “pretty” approval is your gold standard.
He pulls the box out and opens it facing you so that you can get a good look, really admire it, and you are already taken by the shimmering pendant.
“Oh Ezra, it's - it’s utterly magnificent,” you gush, and he can spot that little glimmer in your eyes that you get when you’re looking at something that you’re enamored with; they way you look when you’re gazing at him. You raise your chin to look at him, his cheeks rosy with delight and sweet eyes crinkled at the corners. “Put it on me.”
It’s not so much of a demand as it is a gentle instruction; you know he wants to, know he’s been thinking about it since he bought it, and you want to be open to him. You want to invite him into your heart, inside of the flower garden of your chest, with open arms because he deserves to feel wanted.
You help him pull the chain out of the bottom of the box, keeping one end in your right hand and letting him take the clasp in his left. He wills himself to move slowly, to savor every little stimulation you send through his skin as he steps behind you. His fingers press against your clavicle, tracing along the bone before traveling up over the valley of your shoulder, tips of his hands brushing against your throat. He is feeling you, mapping out your body because he’ll never get to see an angel in his life but he’s certain you must be the spitting image.
You can feel his breath against your skin, hot and intoxicating as a small film of dampness coats your exposed back and neck. Your right hand rests at the nape of your neck, waiting expectantly, but you don’t rush him. He takes his sweet, sugary time, because the surface of your skin feels like he’s running his fingers through a field of silicone needles, firm but harmless as they stimulate a sensation he never knew he could feel before he touched you for the first time. You’re addictive, the best high he’s ever gotten, and he almost lets his hand lose all abandon and travel so carefully down the front of your body, palming your breast along the way and pressing right into your diaphragm before he keeps going down, down, down…
But he will save it for a later time, especially since he’d been fantasizing about you wearing the necklace like a carefully chiseled bust is adorned with sashes. So finally, after what feels like hours of roaming and teasing, you feel that calloused, worn sensation of your lover’s fingers seeking solace against yours. You pin your breath to your lungs, not daring to let it go as you wait for the heavy release of his hand indicating that the necklace is secure. But even once you feel it, even as you let your right hand fall down at your side, Ezra does not take his hand off of you. You don’t want him to.
Slowly, so that he never has to cease his touch, you turn to face him. You’re still looking down at the pendant, in awe of how the gem rests so perfectly between your collarbones. You can’t see Ezra’s adoring gaze, his completely awestruck fixation on how ethereal you are to him. Like you’re emitting a golden glow, too hot to touch and yet begging, inviting his fingers to feel and press and hold. 
He feels his emotions expand in his stomach, diaphragm threatening to spasm. His hand trails up to your chin, palming your jaw as he tenderly lifts your line of sight so that he can see your pretty eyes.
“You’re divine,” he mumbles to you, not wanting to disrupt the tight silence, so tense he’s afraid of speaking too loud lest it break and snap against his cheek leaving an angry raised brand.
Overwhelmed with appreciation, you balance your hands on his shoulders and press a gentle kiss to his cheek, letting it linger so you can savor the honeysuckle dew on his skin. “I love it,” you whisper with a grin.
Ezra giggles.
When you pull back to face him proper, his face is utterly red. His smile reaches the lobes of his ears, bashful and boyish like his belly has just been tickled by the sweetest of baby chicks, and he can barely get a word out. He can’t speak. His mind is in overdrive, completely inundated with a blistering adoration for you and your approval because you said you loved it. His gift is not a splash of children’s watercolors; it is a clean swipe of gold running along your jaw, accenting your beauty and emphasizing just how exquisite you are to him.
“Yeah?” he managed, a soft giggle still passing his lips like the first cries of a baby deer, the first flutters of a newly hatched butterfly.
You can’t resist the urge to giggle back, placing a hand at the nape of his neck and pulling him in for a true kiss on his glittery lips. It only lasts seconds, however, because Ezra can’t stop smiling and you can’t stop giggling, so you both settle for the blissful solitude of pressing your foreheads against one another, breathing in each other's air and taking up the same space.
“It’s gorgeous, Ezra. Thank you,” you whisper lightly so that the wisps of air tickle his upper lip, and suddenly he is so inclined as to press his left arm into the small of your back so that you’re so much closer and kiss you the way you deserve; a dynamic series of long, deep, searing kisses that send you to the clouds and drop you into an endless pit of lavish fluff at the same time. You don’t know how he does this, makes you feel like you don’t exist and that there isn’t anything in the world but you and him, and you often wonder if it’s because Ezra is within you, or that your broken parts and his broken parts make some hauntingly majestic sculpture of its own; something better than the fucking Venus de Milo or Athena or Great Sphinx because it should be something so hideous and yet it feels to utterly priceless to you.
It’s precious.
ppl that asked to be tagged: @gustavos @catfishingmorales @keeper0fthestars @1zashreena1 @blancatobarxoxo @honeyedspace @chaotic-noceur @opheliaelysia @adikaofmandalore @din-damn-djarin @mrsparknuts @girlwithanewplan @mrschiltoncat @cryptkeepersoul @buckstaposition @the-feckless-wonder @cocoatales @agentpike @cryptkeepersoul
ppl that did not ask no ma’am no sir: @ergotautology @dindjarindiaries @pascalplease​
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mountainsluna · 4 years ago
collaring ceremony
day 6 - collaring . with seonghwa
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[author’s note] oh my god. this is by far the kinkiest thing i have ever written and i must admit i absolutely got carried away. i had to keep taking breaks throughout writing it simply bc i could not breathe omg. the thoughttttttt of husband seonghwa collaring you has me going into cardiac arrest lord i need to go to church. anyways, this was supposed to be a small kinktober drabble but i just had to make it a full story :)
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✩ requests : OPEN
collaring definition: “... It has the definite meaning to both the dominant and the submissive. It is something to be cherished and respected just like any other type of union. I’d even go so far as to say it is sacred.” 
You were on your knees in the middle of your queen sized bed. The room looked like a set right out of a movie, There were candles all over the room, the lights dimmed and you were right in the center, wearing the most gorgeous lingerie set you’ve ever owned. The soft black bedsheets underneath you feeling so comforting. Any outsider would think you were about to be sacrificed by the looks of it but they wouldn’t have been more wrong.
You watched as your new husband approached the bed, a black box in his hand as he settled on the edge. “Are you ready princess?” He asked, cupping your chin to look at him. When you replied yes, he pulled you into a soft kiss. He made his way onto the bed in front of you, opening the black box once he was settled. It revealed a black collar with a small rose gold heart padlock in the center and a matching key on the side, the beauty of it alone made your heart race. You had waited for this moment for years and now, on your wedding night, Seonghwa was going to collar you, to claim you as his.
He held it in his hands as he locked eyes with you. “Princess, today is your day. Up until now you’ve bared your soul to me, and I to you. Just this morning we exchanged vows of love and trust through marriage, the vows we exchange tonight will hold the same meanings.”
You were nearly brought to tears by his words and he had just begun. “Princess, it’s been a privilege to care for you and to earn your trust. As your Daddy, I promise to continue loving you. To wipe your tears when you’re sad, to let you lean on me when you’re stressed and to take care of you when you’re in need. You’ll always be safe with me, Princess. Is there anything you want to say?”
He looked at you encouragingly, knowing you were probably feeling a bit shy but you weren’t. You felt excited and proud to hear him speak those words to you. You picked up the small key from the black box and began your own vows. “My heart has always belonged to you Daddy, I promise to be loyal to you and only you, forever. I promise to love and support you through everything. I promise to be understanding and if I make a mistake, I’ll accept your punishments. Today I give you complete control over me. I am yours, just as you are mine.” You smiled at Seonghwa and he could feel his own heart swelling in his chest at your words.
“Turn around, Princess.” You obeyed, feeling his arms come around you as he placed the collar against your neck. “Do you fully accept this collar and the responsibilities of loyalty and faith that is holds?”
“Yes, I do.” Feeling the lock clasp against your throat as you spoke the last word. You turned back around to face him. Placing the key in his palm as you held his hand in yours. “And do you promise to care for me everyday and to love me and only me, forever and ever?” Seonghwa smiled at the soft giggle that came with your question.
“Yes, little one. I do.” He promised and you released your hold on his hands and the key. He was the love of your life and now you belonged to him and he to you. He slowly placed the key in his bedside drawer behind you before taking your face in his hands, stroking your cheek lovingly. "I love you with all of my heart Princess."
"I love you too Daddy." He placed the most sensual kiss on your lips and you felt yourself completely melt into him. Your arms moved to his neck as his made their way to your waist, bringing you closer to him. The passion in that moment was more than you had ever felt before. His kisses were forceful but full of love and after a few minutes you could feel him pressing against you, laying you back onto the bed. He settled his body onto yours, his midsection pressing against you. Your knees were bent on either side of him as you kissed him back, your hands going up to entangle in his hair. Seonghwa kissed down your jawline, bringing one hand up to lightly grasp your neck, right underneath your pretty new collar. He trailed his kisses down your shoulder and onto your chest, his hand moving underneath you to unclasp your bra. Tossing it off the bed, he moved his head to your breasts, one hand playing with your nipple as he sucked and swirled his tongue around the other. After giving your other breast the same attention, he continued his trail of kisses down your body, his teeth latching onto the side if your panties as he pulled them down your legs.
The way Seonghwa ate you out always made you feel like a goddess but today you had so much confidence you let every moan and sigh come out as loud as it wanted. Constant praises and a breathless chant of his name had Seonghwa clinging onto every noise and movement you made. His lips sucking on your clit constantly, his tongue running up and down your folds dipping into your core occasionally. The feeling of the constant stimulation had you cumming against his mouth so quickly.
His tongue ran up your entire body until he got back to your lips. Kissing you roughly, the position allowing his erection to press against your now sensitive clit, and you were nearly grinding against it. He chuckled deeply at your actions. "Be patient, Princess, I'll give you everything you want tonight I promise." He kissed you one last time before getting up to undo his pants, the sound of his belt unbuckling had you practically crawling to him.
He got off the bed to discard the rest of his clothes and when he returned you couldn't get your mouth on him quick enough. "You're so precious, little one. So eager to be a good girl for me." You hummed around his cock as his hand came down to caress your head, moving your hair away from your face as he watched you take his length in your mouth. The vibrations from your moans and the swirling of your tongue had him thrusting deeper into your throat. Just as you began to taste his precum on your tongue he slowly pulled out of you. "Can you lay back for Daddy, Princess?” He asked, softly stroking his cock, not wanting to cum unless he was cumming inside of you.
Without a word, you laid back against the pillows as he bent over you, lining himself up with your dripping entrance. “I’ve been dying to make love to you all day.” He said running his tip up and down, collecting your wetness.
“Then don’t hold back on me, Daddy.” And with that, Seonghwa was inside you. His thrusts weren’t as erratic as usual, they were drown out and passionate. Each thrust hitting your g-spot as you felt every inch of him sliding in and out of your warmth. His kisses were so heated and firm, you had never felt this loved and admired before, it nearly brought you to tears. Seonghwa’s face hovered over yours, only breaking eye contact to kiss your lips. As he neared his release, he brought a hand up to caress his collar around your neck, “You’re mine Princess.” He said between his soft grunts before completely releasing his cum, the feeling of him filling you up and throbbing inside you had you orgasming in seconds.
“I’m all yours, Daddy.” You replied, still panting as you pulled his face back down to kiss him.
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arabian-bloodstream · 5 years ago
Gendrya are married. Period.
*I decided to just post this here in its entirety.
I believe that Arya and Gendry are married. Period. And (almost) all of the clues were right there in front of us. Why was it sub-textual instead of clearly there in the text? I have three thoughts on that. One is that I think that D&D miscalculated in thinking that viewers and even die-hard fans would over-analyze the series like they had in the past looking for answers. That simply was just not going to happen since this was the final season and viewers expected definitive answers.
I did analyze (and over-analyze) everything having to do with Arya and Gendry’s arc and this is what I’ve come up with… you may or may not agree. I think it’s pretty clear, however, when taking in all of the following that Arya and Gendry were wed when Game of Thrones came to a close.
A Wedding Foreshadowed
The Fruitful Mother 
Cloak of Protection 
What Gendry Knows 
That's Not Me 
Life Versus Death 
A Gift To No One 
His Wife 
Third Time's The Charm 
She Begins Where He Ends 
She Wore His Colors 
The Ship That Was Promised 
Circles and Secrets
To the End of the World 
Happily Ever After
  Below the cut (because this sucker is long) I break down all of the above.
A Wedding Foreshadowed
The night before what many thought was going to be their last day, Arya briefly joined the Hound on the parapets. This scene held significance or three reasons. Firstly, it set-up their conversation in the fifth episode, "The Bells," where the Hound once more fights for Arya. In that, his fight for her is his determination to turn her away from his path of dying for revenge and turn her towards living.
The second is one that had played throughout the season, how his story with Arya was connected to Gendry’s with Arya. When Arya first saw the Hound, Gendry came right behind him. When Arya first spoke to the Hound, it was in defense of Gendry, and Gendry was witness to their reunion. In the following episode, Gendry and the Hound discussed Arya, Gendry went to Arya, and her next scene was with the Hound, a thread of life and death, choosing life or death running through them.
Finally, Beric showed up and joined Arya and the Hound and spoke to Arya, in so many words, apologizing for how things ended with them. Viewers who remembered their history knew that his apology was for selling Gendry to Melisandre. The Hound’s question to Arya if Beric was another one on her list and her acknowledgement that he was for a short time was another nod to her history with Gendry.
And the nods to that history are important to note because of the Hound’s line when Beric first came upon them and the scene that played right after Arya left the “two miserable old shits.”
Oh, for fuck's sake, may as well be at a bloody wedding.
Three people in the cold, dark night in a castle of thousands and that is what he said… hmm. And right afterwards, Arya laid with Gendry for the first time.
The Fruitful Mother
Prior to the actual lovemaking—and yes, it was lovemaking. She had to have sent word to him where she was otherwise, he wouldn’t have known. It was Gendry that she wanted, period. Ahem… prior to the actual lovemaking, any type of sexual situation with Arya and Gendry happening was *obviously* going to happen in the forge. Because, you know, Gendry=the forge, thus the hashtag #forgesex was well associated with Arya and Gendry literally years before season 08.
In fact, even after Arya and Gendry actually had sex in some random storage room, their lovemaking is still referred to as forgesex. Here’s the thing, though, was it random? Where Arya and Gendry did the deed was on sacks of grain. Why not in the forge? Arya had already gone and sought her weapon once before. Wouldn’t it have made sense for her to go looking for that weapon yet again as an excuse {wink*wink} to see Gendry in the conveniently empty forge for… wait for it! …. Forgesex! Actual forgesex.
Nope, instead, they were in a storage room filled with sacks of grain. Yes, grain. Hmm. And what does grain make one think of? Harvesting, and digging deeper, we can look at mythology and my mind automatically went to the Greek goddess of harvest, Demeter. Although, she is often described simply as thus, she also presided over the cycle of life and death. (See that section below). Around 205 BC, the worship of Demeter was merged with that of the Roman agriculture goddess Ceres. In Roman culture, married women were taught to emulate Ceres, the devoted and fruitful Mother.  By following these rites, it was believed that would help ensure a good harvest and increase the fertility of those who partook in the tradition.
So, instead of forgesex, we got grainsex. Grain=harvest and harvest=fertility, life, renewal, rebirth, many things that Arya eventually chooses for herself in the end and when this reference comes into play Gendry is literally joined with her in this particular process.
A reach, perhaps, admittedly, but it’s yet another piece to add to the whole.
Cloak of Protection
Arya’s third and final scene in the second episode held yet another significant clue. Cloaks are a major symbol of marriage in Westeros.   During weddings, a bride wears a cloak of her house (called “the maiden’s cloak”) and during the ceremony, the maiden’s cloak is removed and the groom places a cloak of his house and colors upon her shoulders. This signifies her moving from one house to another and that his bride is now under the protection of her husband and his house. (Recall the humiliating situation that Tyrion found himself in when he was unable to place his cloak on Sansa during their wedding due to Joffrey having the stool removed.)
When Gendry came to Arya in the storage room with her weapon he was dressed up as nicely as we’ve ever seen him. Including wearing a cloak that featured, oh so coincidentally, the House Baratheon colors. (Nice, Gendry.) The fur was a burnished beige-ish gold and the rest of the material was black. And in that final scene when the two lay atop those sacks of grain in the aftermath of their lovemaking—while Arya was dealing with all of the feels she’d unleashed, she was covered by Gendry’s cloak, kept safe and warm from the cold.
Yes, indeed. A small thing, but yet another one.
What Gendry Knows
One of the most important scenes in Arya and Gendry’s story was when he chose to stay with the Brotherhood without Banners. He did so because he’d never had a family and he chose them for that chance to have one. Arya told him then that he could be her family, and in doing so she was telling him that she loved him. We know because Maisie Williams told us that she was directed to say that line like “I love you,” and that was the take that was used. Gendry’s response was that she wouldn’t be his family, she would be “milady.” Bluntly put, Arya offered herself to Gendry and he turned her down.
When Gendry proposed to Arya, it was a reverse of *that* scene. In other words, it put them on equal standing in absolutely every way. They are not only now both technically a lord and a lady, but they had both offered themselves to the other and been rejected in turn. Instead of saying “I love you” in so many words with “I can be your family,” as Arya did to Gendry, Gendry actually said the words. He told her, “I love you.” He said: “Be my wife.” He offered himself to her, and she turned him down.
So how is this a good thing and part of the Gendrya Wedded Belief? Well, since we had Gendry rejecting Arya, and Arya rejecting Gendry how does the narrative go? Third times the charm. When they next meet, the offer to be with one another will come again and this time it should be accepted. How do we know this for sure? Again… it was all there on the screen, in what was said. Gendry made it perfectly clear where he stood. He knows exactly what he wants. He always has. That has been a consistent with this character. This is what he told Arya before he got ahead of himself and made his drunken, clumsy proposal:
All I know is you’re beautiful and I love you and none of it will be worth anything if you’re not with me.
There was a reason this line was included in their scene. Especially that last part. “None of it will be worth anything if you’re not with me.” What was the point of that if it didn't matter? Everything, because *it did* matter.  For Gendry, none of it is worth anything without Arya, so... he is going to give it up. We just didn't see it. Because, again, as I stated atop, D&D perhaps thought that fans would over-analyze like they had in the past and figure it out themselves.
And so the pile keeps growing.
That’s Not Me
First off, let’s get the meaning of Arya’s infamous "That’s not me," out of the way. The full conversation was essentially about gender inequality.
Arya: [Bran] wants to be a knight of the Kingsguard. He can't be one now can he? Ned: No, but someday he could be lord of a holdfast or sit on the king's council or he could raise castles like Bran the Builder. Arya: Can I be lord of a holdfast? Ned: You will marry a high lord and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights, and princes, and lords. Arya: No, that's not me.
So, yeah, Ned—as great a father as he was—essentially told Arya, yeah, you're just going to be some man's property and pop out his babies. THAT is why Arya said, "that's not me." So when Gendry (drunkenly and thus stupidly) phrased his proposal as he did, he put her right back in that position of just being a lord's wife who was expected to pop out his babies, and, no, that is not her.
However, that's not who he wants. He has zero interest in a lady like that because he's most definitely not a lord like that. However, he didn't say any of that, instead he just asked her to be his lady and so she kissed him sweetly and softly and she told him that he would be a wonderful lord and any lady would be lucky to have him. She did that because she wants him to be happy, and, yes, because she does love him. You could see that written all over her. She loves him so much, it was shining all over her face, radiating from her very being.
That's not the only reason she said no, though. Once she had made her decision to tell him no, it was only at that point that she allowed herself to show him her love—thus his confusion. Prior to that moment though, when Gendry told Arya that he loved her and proposed, she looked terrified. And that made perfect sense.
Think of how the episode began. She had lain fire down on a funeral pyre for a man who had sacrificed himself to save her life. She felt the pain of that after being numb for so long, Arya had only recently begun to allow herself to begin to feel again. Feelings that include pain. She's not ready for that. Compounded by that, she doesn't want Gendry getting hurt or dying. She never wants to feel that pain. So, she's going back to the numb persona from her years on her own, before she saw Gendry again.
Plus, she had made her decision to go to King's Landing and finish her list. Arya was going to kill Cersei Lannister and she didn't expect to survive. So how could she tell Gendry she would marry him if she was planning on dying? She couldn't. So she fell back on her old stand-by. She wasn't a lady, not in words, not in action. It just hadn't occurred to her that Gendry wasn't a lord in words or actions either.
But it will, because Gendry isn't going to remain drunk forever. He knows Arya, and he's going to figure out where he went wrong—especially because she pretty much spelled it out for him. He doesn't want a lady like she described. That's not him.
Life Versus Death
I mentioned in the first section about how the Hound’s story with Arya was connected to Gendry’s with Arya throughout all of season 08. It was because they represented opposite choices of her life going forth.
The Hound is death. Gendry is life.
It’s all tied up together. Gendry (life) chose to walk away from her all those years ago, and then Arya ran away and was captured by the Hound (death). In episode 04, Gendry (life) offered himself to her, but she chose to walk away and met up with the Hound (death).
This is the reason that Arya’s story was entangled with the Hound and Gendry all season long. And it absolutely was.
In her very first scene Arya saw the Hound and literally a few seconds later she saw Gendry. Of particular interest was that the Hound was on a BLACK horse and Gendry was on a WHITE horse. Throughout history, mythology and literature, black horses are often associated with death and darkness, while white horses are associated with peace, fertility and life.
When the Hound first saw Arya, Gendry was there, and of course, when Gendry first saw Arya, the Hound was present. This was in their reunion scenes with her that were literally combined. Gendry’s was just extended so that when the Hound was gone… Arya was still there with Gendry. Yes, again… when the Hound (who represented death) was gone, Gendry (who represented life) remained.
As mentioned in the first section, the night before the Battle of Winterfell, Arya left the Hound (and Beric who died during that battle to save Arya) to be with Gendry.
The Hound (of *all people*) told Gendry he should be celebrating life (with Arya)… not Davos, not Tormund, not Jon, but the Hound!
When Arya left Winterfell–and Gendry–she left on a BLACK horse and met up with the Hound. Remember when the Hound first arrived in Winterfell, he rode a black horse.
Arya left death and destruction behind her in King's Landing on a WHITE horse. Again, remember when Gendry first arrived in Winterfell, he rode a white horse.
Maisie Williams mentioned in her pre-season press tour that Arya would be torn and that is something that we hadn’t seen prior to episode 05. After episode 04, I had believed the struggle would be that Arya was torn between choosing death or life. And that is exactly what happened.
It eventually came down to Arya making the choice herself to walk away from death–which I believed that the Hound would push her to do–and choose life, and as I’ve pointed out, in many ways, Gendry equaled life just as the Hound equaled death. And that is what opened her eyes and did give that final push. As the Hound told her while the Red Keep was falling down around that them:
You think you’ve wanted revenge a long time? I’ve been after it all my life. It’s all I care about and look at me. LOOK AT ME! You want to be like me? You come with me, you die here.
This is what David Benioff said about the scene itself in “Inside the Episode” right after the show aired.
It’s a small scene, but it’s also, for us, one of the most important scenes in the whole episode because it’s the culmination of their story together. The road to vengeance always ends in one place. Which is what the Hound is saying to her here. "I’ve made my choice a long time ago, and this can only end in one possible way for me. But for you, you have so many other options.
The Hound has genuinely come to have affection for Arya. I think he loves her, as much as he’s capable of loving someone. And he knows that if she comes with him at this point, she’s not going to make it out of there.
And here’s where we go back to the section above. Arya knew that that she wouldn’t get out alive too. After she turned down Gendry’s proposal–in my analysis, rejecting life–and joined the Hound on the road to King’s Landing to kill Cersei, expecting to lose her life in the process, she rode a black horse.
After listening to Sandor’s words, after choosing to let Cersei die by a means other than her hand, running through the streets of death and chaos, she fought to live, fighting to try and help others live. She survived because the God of Death declared that no, my former pupil, death was not happening, not today, Arya Stark stood amidst all of that death and she stood in the light. The sun shone upon her and she saw a way out of that darkness, away from all of that death, back to life. She saw a white horse.
And she rode on that white horse away from death. To life? To Gendry? I think so. Why? Well, that brings me to another couple of key scenes that led me to my Gendrya Wedded Belief: the first and last scene with the Hound.
In the first scene, Gendry and the Hound were at the feast celebrating the North’s victory over the undead–Arya’s victory. And, of course, Arya was nowhere to be found.
Gendry: Have you seen Arya? The Hound: You can still smell the burning bodies and that's where your head is at? Gendry: I just want to thank her– The Hound: I'm sure you do. Gendry: Look, it’s not about that. The Hound: Of course, it's about that, you twat. Why shouldn't it be? The dead are dead. You're not.
The Hound made it pretty clear that he was well aware that Gendry wanted to *be* with Arya and when Gendry tried to deny it, the Hound called him on it and, surprisingly, pointed out that it was exactly what he should be doing. Now, let’s make this clear. Gendry wanted to celebrate LIFE with *Arya* and the Hound flat-out told him that such was exactly the thing he should be doing.
Contrast this with the final conversation the Hound had in the episode.
Arya: You're heading to King's Landing. The Hound: I have some unfinished business. Ayra: Me too. The Hound: I don't plan on coming back. Arya: Neither do I.
So, there we had the show using the Hound to illustrate that *Gendry* is life as Gendry wanted to celebrate life with Arya–who you remember was “celebrating” by shooting arrows at a target–and on the opposite spectrum, that Arya had indeed once more chosen to pursue death. Therefore, the conclusion to draw from those scenes that bookended one another so beautifully—when taking into account that Arya did choose life in the next episode—is that in choosing life, she will choose Gendry.
Gendry came riding into Winterfell on a white horse. The Hound rode a black horse. Arya left Winterfell and headed to King’s Landing on a black horse, expecting, intending to die. The Hound did die, Arya lived, and rode out of King’s Landing on a white horse.
The Hound is death. Gendry is life.
Arya chose Gendry. Just because we didn’t see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Everything added up to such is exactly what did indeed happen.
A Gift To No One
Now, taking all of the above into account, the Arya and the tangling of Gendry and the Hound–which just had to be deliberate because it was so meticulously crafted–this little bit of tidbit gave further credence to my Gendrya Wedded Belief. In early Spring of 2018, D&D helped create a new Spotify playlist: Game of Thrones: The End Is Coming. Upon doing so, they told For the Record in an email:
The answer to the ending is one hundred percent hidden in the playlist choices. No one will believe us, but it’s true.
One particular song caught my attention specifically because of a video on the official Game of Thrones YouTube channel. It’s title: Game of Thrones | Season 8 Episode 5 | The Hound’s Gift (HBO).  The description of the video is: "Maisie Williams explains Arya’s choice."
Why *this* was interesting is because prior to that episode I had been going on quite a bit about Arya having to make a choice between life and death. I had even written a post before episode 04 titled “Arya’s choice.”  That one essentially revolved around much of what the previous section here entailed. In the video Williams was talking about the "gift" that the Hound gives Arya.
This is a really important moment, the Hound realizing that “I don’t think this kid knows what she’s gonna get into.” And turning around and giving her this incredible gift, which is the second ticket to a new life.
He’s wanted revenge his entire life, and do you wanna be like him? “Is that what you want?” Just a moment in Arya where all those emotions that she’s been trying to suppress and trying to ignore and trying to focus on the task at hand all bubble up again, and this man who she cares so much about and has learned so much from and admires so much turned around and says ‘You don’t want this. You—you go.’ She realizes there is another way. There is another life that she could have.
Breaking down what she said, it obviously lined up completely with where I had seen her arc going. Arya stepped away from her whole list-friendly, emotionless persona and having Sandor basically tell her that she doesn't want to be a miserable old shit like him was a real wake-up call.
Her first “ticket” to life was obviously the coin from Jaqen Hagar. This was her second, and getting that from the Hound who had seen and been through so much with Arya, as well as seeing the devastating horror of rampant death and destruction all around her brought that message home loud and clear. She doesn't want that life, his life. That life which is death. She is choosing now to take what she wants. And what does she want? Well, that brings me to that Game of Thrones Spotify list and those clues that D&D talked about.
While going through the songs, and having watched this particular video clip the day before, I was pretty damn shook when I got to the end of “No One Knows” By Queens of the Stone Age. Here are the complete lyrics. However, what I want to focus on is the chorus and the outro as we close out the song.
And I realize you're mine Indeed a fool am I And I realize you're mine Indeed a fool am I
Heaven smiles above me What a gift here below But no one knows A gift that you give to me No one knows
That’s right.
What a gift here below / but no one knows / A gift that you give to me / No one knows
The Hound gave Arya a gift. Arya was No One.
No one knows a gift that you give to me. The Hound gave No One (Arya) a gift (life). And what had the show made clear—as I’ve already shown? Gendry represents life.  What happened prior to Arya choosing life, she had rejected Gendry’s proposal because she was choosing death.
Now look at the chorus again.
And I realize you’re mine / Indeed a fool am I / And I realize you’re mine / Indeed a fool am I
Arya’s choice. As Maisie Williams said, Arya would be torn during the season. She was torn between choosing life and death. Arya made her choice. Life. Sure, life doesn’t necessarily mean Gendry… but so much points to that it does, doesn’t it? It’s just all adding up.
His Wife
Quite a few people noticed this one. While Arya was reeling through the destruction of King’s Landing, trying to get out of there alive, she ran into someone who looked vaguely familiar. He wasn’t a character we knew; he was just a random citizen of King’s Landing who was desperately trying to survive, and more importantly, he was desperately trying to find his wife.
Why he looked familiar to so many is because, quite frankly, he looked like Gendry from earlier seasons before he’d cut his hair from when he and Arya had traveled together in their youth. There were countless tweets and comments on Tumblr about how much this guy looked like him. That was interesting enough, I mean, of all actors to cast in this small role, they cast someone who has the same coloring and hairstyle as Gendry opposite Arya from when they were together before. (Although, really, the man didn’t look all that much like him. It was just that in the quick flash of time we saw him in the chaos, the similarity to Gendry is what was striking.)
However, we then get to the why of the scene at all? Why have a guy who looks so much like the Gendry of old—the Gendry that Arya first fell in love with (per Maisie Williams)—grab onto Arya in the midst of all this madness as if to momentarily ground her and ask for his wife? It’s almost like it’s a reminder that the last time Arya saw Gendry, it was that he asked her to marry him!
But, wait, there’s more! This Gendry-look-alike’s wife’s name is Alanna. OK… and? Well, you know, Alanna sounds quite similar to Lyanna. As in Lyanna Stark, Arya’s aunt, the one that Arya is compared to quite a bit in the books—if not in the series, but there are quite a bit crossover book readers/show watchers. Oh, and Lyanna also just happened to be the woman that Robert Baratheon—that would be Gendry’s father—was in love with.
Yeah. A reach, maybe. But it’s yet *another* reach and if you keep on reaching, eventually you’re going to get your target. We’ve been reaching quite a bit.
Third Time's The Charm
So, despite everything in the narrative pointing to Arya choosing Gendry, the offer presented and accepted this third time, it didn’t happen. In fact, there was just a blip of interaction between the two in their “scene” in the final episode. That scene was in the Dragonpit where they were surrounded by others and basically didn’t actually interact at all. All that happened is that after Arya threatened Yara, we got a clear focus on Gendry’s reaction which many a fan interpreted as ‘Yup, that’s my murder bae!'
OK, I’m half-joking here, however, they did make a point of including Gendry reacting differently to her threat than everyone else, and his look did rather read like, ‘she’s so cool.’  And Gendry was looking over at her, making sure that he got a good, nice view. So, what was the point of that? Really, what was it? I can’t think of any other than to remind viewers that, yes, Gendry still has the feelings for Arya.
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Despite what she told him to do, he sure isn’t ready to just move on. Nope.  Of course, that was made clear in another way, sartorially-speaking. Gendry is the fourth male (now) legitimate Baratheon we’ve seen, and thus attired in the official House Baratheon garb. His, however, is the first to have claw marks on the shoulders slashing into the leather. Perhaps (as in, absolutely!) letting the world (as in, Arya) know that he belongs to a certain wolf. Outfitted as such, is it that much of a stretch of imagination that once the votes were cast, Gendry had a word with the newly-appointed King about his lack of qualifications to be the lord of Storm's End?
After all, Storm’s End clearly has been running fine without a lord there since Gendry showed up all nicely garbed. That is something we actually can be pretty certain of. How? Well, no one was lord there for quite some time which means a steward was probably in charge and quite capably so, definitely better than Gendry would be–again, he has literally zero no-how in the lord-ing department. We know all this about Storm’s End because we were literally told that by Daenerys when she legitimized Gendry. She asked (in so many words):
Hey, who’s running Storm’s End? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? No one knows? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Here, you! Yeah, you, kid who has zero experience, no-how, nothing, you can have it since your daddy was a big ole whore. No big. It makes me look good.
Oh, and speaking of that, not only was Gendry a Fleabottom-bastard-recently-made-legitimized lord with no lordly training, he was legitimized by the Mad Dragon Queen. There’s not going to be too many people who are going to be all in for this guy as the Lord Paramount of one of the biggest regions of Westeros for those two reasons alone.
Finally, remember, as he told Arya when he saw her after he was given the title and the lands and all of it:
None of it will be worth anything if you’re not with me.
They both survived the Battle of Winterfell. She survived the Battle of King’s Landing. And here they are meeting once again. Third time’s the charm.
She Begins Where He Ends
This is a very small thing, and may likely not mean anything at all, but… in the first episode, Arya saw Gendry in her first scene. He wasn’t looking at her, so he didn’t see the way she was looking at him, but she definitely saw him and she liked what she saw.
In Gendry’s last scene, he was looking at Arya. She wasn’t looking at him, so, like him in her first scene, she didn’t see the way he was looking at her, but,he definitely saw her and he liked what he saw.
Again, a small thing, but that bookend of their scenes—Arya’s first was her looking at Gendry, admiring him, and his was looking at Arya, admiring her—had a lovely symmetry to it.
Another reach? Sure, but they add up.
She Wore His Colors
In the first and second episode of the final season, Arya is wearing a cute capelet (her version of a cloak) and the colors are those of House Stark: Grey with the fur, a mixed shade of grey and white. In the final episode, when she tells her family that she is going West of Westeros and when we see her on the bow of her ship, she is wearing a similar capelet. There is a very distinct difference, however.
The material of the capelet is now black, and the fur is a beige-ish gold color. You may recognize those colors as described above from the “Cloak of Protection” section. They are the colors of House Baratheon. Also from that section:
Cloaks are a major symbol of marriage in Westeros.  During weddings, a bride wears a cloak of her house (called “the maiden’s cloak”) and during the ceremony, the maiden’s cloak is removed and the groom places a cloak of his house and colors upon her shoulders. This signifies her moving from one house to another and that his bride is now under the protection of her husband and his house.
In addition to the capelet now bearing House Baratheon colors, the prominence of her dagger and sheathe—both golden in color—highlight even more so the gold of House Baratheon next to the black of the capelet (cloak) that she is wearing. (Here’s a comparison of the colors.)
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In other words, after seeing Gendry at the Dragonpit—after seeing Gendry upon deciding to choose life—the very next time we see Arya, she is wearing his House colors. Arya Stark is no longer wearing the colors of House Stark, instead she is wearing the colors of House Baratheon. The only time a maiden wears the cloak of a house other than their own is when they join that house which they do… by marrying into that house.
Arya doesn’t generally follow the rules, but, again… added to everything else, yeah.
The Ship That Was Promised
This is another reach admittedly, but I think it maybe, might (probably doesn’t) mean something. Arya and Gendry are two characters who were both connected with ships/boats coming and going by the end of the series. Yes, you had the Greyjoys, but they were about the sea, ships in general. And other related characters, who were seaworthy (Davos, for instance), but again, it was in generalities. But with Arya, the fourth season ended on her on the ship leaving Westeros and then arriving on that same ship in Braavos in season 05. It was an important part of her journey, partially, because when she left Westeros, she was essentially leaving Arya Stark behind her.
The same was the case for Gendry. When he left our screens for an extended absence of time, it was on a boat and normally such a thing wouldn’t be a big deal. However, Gendry on a boat became quite the meme; it even made it onto the show when he returned. ("Thought you might still be rowing.")
Now, Arya is embarking on an extended journey on a sea vessel, just like Gendry. Once again, the two are on similar paths. Yeah, it’s a small thing, and likely this one really doesn’t mean anything, but it caught my attention.
Circles and Secrets
This is for the book readers mostly and could honestly be one of the reasons why we didn’t get the definitive, ‘yes, Arya and Gendry are married.' Although, we did get the well-known quote from the first episode from Robert to Ned:
I have a son, you have a daughter. We'll join our houses.
Arya and Gendry being wed is definitely the payoff to that line. However, D&D simply did not seed the parallels between Arya/Gendry and Robert/Lyanna that are lain throughout the books into the television series, so that payoff that will almost definitely be there in ASOIAF just wouldn’t land in the show even with that line from the Pilot.
Here's the thing, Gendry and Arya are essentially the getting-it-right version of Robert Baratheon and Lyanna Stark. Gendry is strong, stubborn, handsome like his father, but he’s also good and loyal and knows to treat his Northern lady with respect and love for exactly who she is. Arya is strong, willful, beautiful like her aunt, but she’s also loyal and steady and would never betray her vows, her home and leave the rest of the world to destroy itself.
Robert and Lyanna began this story and it ended quite badly. I think that George R.R. Martin–with all of his foreshadowing and seed-dropping (I mean, he wrote a love song for Arya and Gendry) intends for them to *finish* this story happily. Arya and Gendry joining the Stark and Baratheon Houses brings the story full circle. They are the ship that is promised.
Now as for the couple that got it wrong, let's talk about Lyanna for a bit. As I mentioned above, it didn't happen much in the show, but in the books, there are quite a few comparisons between Arya and her Aunt Lyanna. And what did her Aunt Lyanna do? She defied convention and ran off with a married man, an enemy of her family, left her betrothed in the dust and secretly wed him. Now, obviously all of Westeros didn’t know this. They believed that she had been kidnapped, but Lyanna damn well knew what she had done. And a war—and so, so, so much more happened—because of her actions.
While the circumstances aren't the same, if Gendry did give up his wardenship and Storm’s End (I doubt he would have given up the legitimacy) to be with Arya, that would have caused quite a stir. Arya marrying him despite him doing so might cause an even bigger stir of its own. And, naturally, she wouldn’t want the fuss of all of that, so a secret wedding may have taken place… but again, it’s something that we didn’t see.
Because as I stated above, Arya doesn’t follow the rules. That’s not her. So, yes, I could absolutely see Arya deciding to follow in her aunt's footsteps and marrying Gendry, who like her, was officially a noble in name only and ready and happy to just live an unencumbered life without restrictions.
So we didn’t see it happen on the show, but all signs point to it happening in between the Dragonpit meeting and her telling her family that she was going West of Westeros. Again, a reach? I don’t think so. I just don’t.
To the End of the World
After Arya and Gendry re-connected in the first episode, Maisie Williams said something very interesting in one of the “Behind the Scenes” clips about Arya’s feelings for Gendry.
I think for Arya, it's remembering who she was before. Like, I used to be that girl and that's who I was in love with and thought I would follow to the end of the World.
As the series ends and when we last see Arya, where is she going? West of Westeros. Yes, West of Westeros, which as far as anyone knows, yup, that is the end of the World.
Interesting turn of phrase used in retrospect, isn’t it?
Happily Ever After
Yes, a bittersweet ending for a show like Game of Thrones was always in the cards. However, I find it hard to believe that not one Stark, hell, not one main character received a romantic endgame after eight seasons! Sam and Gilly did, but (a) Sam is a supporting character and (b) the resolution of their love story (i.e., the two coming together as a pair and staying as such) was back in season 05.
So, yes, not one of our main characters got a happy, romantic endgame... except for possibly Arya Stark. She is the only one who had a love story that developed during the season and with someone with which the foundation was there. The seeds of the endgame nature of her love story with Gendry was essentially planted in the Pilot with Robert's line to Ned about their children that never had pay-off in the series. (But definitely will in the books!)
With everything else that happened between the two, all of the subtext, the costume points of reference and the behind the scenes interviews and quotes, well, I think it does add up to Arya indeed being that one character who got her full-on happily ever after.
I mentioned the D&D GOT Spotify playlist above. There are a few other songs that clearly reference Arya and Gendry (”Howlin’ For You,” "No One Knows" (already referenced), "Killer Wolf," "The Time is Now," "Devil's Spoke" (possibly). Now, there is one more song that screams an Arya/Gendry endgame with references to wolves and packs and howling winds (a.k.a. the fury of a storm). It’s about a youth who’s lost to the wild, but brought back to humanity by love. A restlessness remains, but a wolf can never be tamed. Still....
Here are some key phrases (Here are the full lyrics) ...
I heard my mother shouting through the fog / It turned out to be the howling of a dog / Or a wolf to be exact / The sound sent shivers down my back / But I was drawn into the pack
When suddenly a girl wandered aimlessly /But she didn't seem to see / She was listenin’ for the angels just like me
So I took her by the arm / We settled down upon a farm / And raised our children up as gently as you pleased / And now my fur has turned to skin / And I've been quickly ushered in / To a world that I confess I do not know
But I still dream of running careless through the snow / An' through the howlin' winds that blow / Across the ancient distant flow / It fill our bodies up like water till we know
There’s another very key thing to bear in mind that I found quite, quite interesting. The song is called “Furr.” That title clearly references the narrator (a male, but still, clearly in this case would be Arya) being a wolf. The group name is Blitzen Trapper. Blitzen is, of course, famously known as one of the reindeer who pulled Santa’s sleigh. Yes, science has now proven that all of Santa’s reindeer were likely female as male reindeer shed their antlers in December, however, it is highly unlikely that when the tale was first told that such was known therefore we’re going with the original conception that Blitzen is indeed male. And since Blitzen is known as a male reindeer, well, another name for a male deer is a… stag.
So, not only does the song itself alone howl to the winds an Arya and Gendry endgame (it really, really, REALLY does) but the group name + the song title + the meaning of the song literally = The Stag caught the Wolf with his love.
Yeah. Arya and Gendry... Endgame.
In Conclusion…
Over and over I repeated that some of these were a reach, were small things, that they didn’t mean much and I don’t deny that, however… when you add them all up, put them all together, well, it makes quite a compelling argument, I do believe. All of these things are parallels and hints and bits and pieces that when woven together make a very clear picture, and I do think they prove that Arya and Gendry were wed by the time Arya’s ship set sail at series’ end. We just didn't see it happen.
But, but, but… why not make it clear that Arya and Gendry were together in the end? Give us something obviously concrete. The quick conversation between Gendry and Bran, that secret wedding (similar to the Lyanna/Rhaegar one) or… or… at least Gendry on her bed in the cabin as she was getting dressed in the final scenes. Something!
Well, I mentioned one theory at the top. Another is that because D&D saw it so clearly in their minds they didn’t feel there was a need to because all of the signposts were there that they felt the audience would know it was going to happen. We all know how D&D are... they figure the audience will fill in the obvious blanks. Such as how we didn't need to see Arya and Sansa's reaction to finding out who Jon really was. Or Jaime and Bran's initial meeting. Or... or... or... (You know, fill in your blanks...)
However, I don’t think that’s the case because if it were, D&D would have maybe confirmed the two were wed by now. Instead, honestly, I think that they didn’t want it to be concrete. Maybe they deliberately went with the leaving it open for analysis to have it both ways. A single Arya for those wanting her off sailing free and unencumbered by love because “that’s not her,” but also playing fair for those who want the love story to read the clues into the well-lain narrative of a happily-ever-after with Gendry.
Now, there is a third possibility, and this is actually the one that makes the most sense in light of the decisions made with wardrobe, with interviews, with the Spotify playlist, with the Hound=death/Gendry=life, etc. HBO didn’t want Arya to have a definitive romantic endgame in leave their options open for an Arya Stark spin-off. Honestly, that would explain a lot of the narrative decisions that all seemed to lead to a very clear Arya and Gendry happily-ever-after endgame.
And everything with Arya—with Gendry—pointed to that happening for her and for them. D&D would have written, planned everything out most likely before HBO might have put a little whisper in their ear. Since Arya is the only one that allows for a spin-off that would work without any other Game of Thrones actor (aside from Maisie Williams, of course) it makes sense that they would prefer that such a definitive endgame not happen for that specific character.  Alas.
If that is what happened, it doesn’t change the fact that all of the other key points leading up to that definitive endgame *were* indeed in place. Furthermore, until such a spin-off potentially happens nothing says that Arya and Gendry didn't get married. So… Gendry Baratheon and Arya Stark Baratheon, lord and lady in name only, sailing the high seas, living their best lives.
It all adds up; nothing contradicts this theory. It works for me, how about you?
(This was originally posted at GOT_TheUnbroken.)
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thegreenestofbeans · 6 years ago
I know i don’t usually do long text posts like this bc i hate cluttering up this blog but gkfjjkggl (feel free to scroll past)
WARNING: Ducktales Spoilers for The Golden Spear
okay but... can we just talk about this for a sec
Throughout the episode, we see how hopeful Della is to return to her family and how insanely stressed Donald is from trying so hard to take care of everyone and how his plans to take even a couple of minutes to relax are constantly thrown off course by crazy stuff happening, usually because of the kids he’s trying to take care of. it’s also awesome because it’s just showcasing how much he’s been sacrificing for the past ten years. Props to Huey for at least trying to help Donald. he’s just a good boi trying to help his dad and i love him
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(speaking of which, this moment is amazing. protective dad donald is best donald, plus he looks so cool with that chainsaw and the facial expression gsjbdbfhks)
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Meanwhile, Della is still doing what she’s been trying to do, but now she finally has some success, and most importantly, hope. She finally has exactly what she needs and isn’t alone anymore, but of course Penumbra isn’t taking too kindly to all of this. And let me just say, i was kinda dumb to not see that the general was the evil one there. Something seemed odd about him, but i kept brushing it off, so that’s pretty much just on me xD
and just... wow. It’s actually really beautiful to see della recounting her adventures. she has such hope and joy in her voice and you can just tell that she’s feeling happy just thinking about it, and she wants so badly to see her boys and to create that same kind of life with them, not even knowing about everything that they’ve already been through.
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Not to mention, Della is absolutely adorable here. I just love her dynamic with Penny and how she’s just so joyful and teasing, and it’s a delight to see her character traits shine through in those interactions, especially since we have never seen her interact with other people before she met them in s2e7.
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And donald is just... oof. I feel so bad for him ;-; someone pls get my poor baby a break and an appreciation day
...which is exactly why i was so happy to see them doing exactly that in the next scene. These little moments of donald appreciation make me so happy you have no idea. When his kids acknowledge him and understand how hard he works for them, it’s just so wonderful!!!! aaaaah i love them all
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(also scrooge is there too and he’s smiling 💗 my heaartt)
and finally... this.
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I have to say... i did not expect for della to return in this episode. I thought it would show her progress and how she’s holding up with the moon peeps, but... i could never have been prepared for this. Judging by how she looks like she’s alone in those moments after shadow war and last christmas, I thought that something would happen between her and penumbra, leaving her on her own to fend for herself once more. So... these next few moments i could have never EVER been prepared for, let me tell ya that right off the bat.
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I screamed when della actually got on the ship and managed to take off. When the ship was actually working, when it started heading right towards earth, when her eyes started filling with tears... wow.
While the plot twist with the general should have been predicted, i still thought it was pretty solid. Now i’ve changed my opinion on both of em: I love Penny and the general can go jump into a crater! xD also, that little tidbit of info that he gave penumbra at the end? how della apparently said that penny reminded her of a certain someone? ow.
and then... Donald happened.
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Donald... Donald sweetie, why must you hurt me in this way
he was so sure
when donald yelled “DELLA?!” i... i could not
Fun fact: up until this point (excluding young donnie), Donald has never said della’s name in the show. And... that hope and desperation and excitement in his voice, the childlike expectation that you hear when he says “Della, where are you??” and the fact that he just dropped absolutely everything behind him and reached out for her at that sign of hope after years and years of thinking that she was completely gone, just... shatters my heart into a million pieces.
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And the saddest part? They were so close.
They had only just missed each other but donald’s bad luck struck again. They were so close to actually being able to be together again after so many years and della didn’t even get to catch a glimpse of him before he was launched off. He was so close to her and that hope was ripped away from him because of an unlucky accident, right after the first accident had been finally resolved.
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And then... Donald is gone. Just like that, Della is finally home, but her brother isn’t there to see it. Another sad part (as if there weren’t enough already)? He has probably been dreaming, waiting, hoping, wishing for this day to come for years. He thought she was gone, but he came running at the first sign of her because he has been quietly wishing that this day would somehow come and his hope of that has probably been dying for the past ten years, although not truly extinguished. He wanted to be there if he ever lived to see that day that della would return and find him there with her three sons, and she had been waiting for that same day too.
Instead, the moment that one returns, the other, by unlucky coincidence, is gone. And nothing could be more heartbreaking.
It is so cruel. In that moment, fate is just so insanely cruel and i cannot stop thinking about how agonizing everything must be for donald. He was so stressed out that his feathers were just falling out and his family finally gave him his room, only for him to be hurt in the most cruel way possible. And as for della, sure she will be reunited with her kids, but... not with her twin there. Not with the brother who she missed so much and who raised her kids and who sacrificed everything for her.
I know that they’ll notice he’s gone, but... for now, they think he’s just on vacation and Della still won’t be able to see him. I personally have mixed feelings about it plot wise, since it’s sending us flying (no pun intended) from one plot point to the next, but we just have to wait and see how it plays out.
For now, I’ll just be here in my corner crying over cartoon ducks and screaming into the void T_T feel free to join me, I have ice cream
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aharris00britney · 6 years ago
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spoookyyyy season, lmao I tried answering as many as I could but now I am going to be deleting the rest of my inbox so sorry if I didn’t get to answer you :( also WCIFs are on hiatus rn but you can find a lot of the stuff I use on my cc finds blog
Anonymous said: hey, have you ever thought about making a blackpink inspired hair?            
Most of my hairs start off being K-Pop inspired and then don’t look like what I was trying to achieve, so if I tried making one it wouldn’t look right once I finished it haha, I have a hair based off Lisa though!
Anonymous said: are all of your hairs also male compatible? there's a guy sim i want to make who has shoulder length hair and one of yours would be great to use
I never check that since I make them for female sims, but if you change some tags in S4S you should be able to check the hair you want yourself :D
Anonymous said: would you be ok with people converting your hair?       
Sure! I plan on converting some hairs eventually but if other people do it then I don’t mind at all. Just credit me obvi and link to the original post
Anonymous said: Hey, I love your CC (especially the hairs) and your sims are so beautiful! However, I noticed that so far you only uploaded your female sims (not that I’m complaining, they’re all gorgeous!) but I was just wondering if you could upload one or two male sims sometime? They look amazing too!            
I actually have had my male model sim in my drafts since JANUARY ready to post, I just need to get his tray files haha. Will try to do it soon! Also ty
Anonymous said: Have you posted your female "model" for everything on the sims 4 gallery?
yeah they’re on the gallery! Aharris00britney is my origin ID
Anonymous said: hiya, i was wondering if you created your own hair textures or if you used ea's (or anyone else's textures)? thanks!            
I use EA textures as bases and usually edit them somehow by combining different ones together when needed.
@ellebellsims​ said: Hello! Tysm for all the lovely hairs you provide for us! I end up using at least one of your hairs for every household in my game, haha. I had two quick questions.. the first, for someone that has limited abilities in making recolors (and never with hair before) how difficult is it to add an ombre accessory or recolor for one of your hairs? Also, how difficult would it be to convert for kids?    
Recolors are really easy to do, there are tons of tutorials on YouTube that will help with that. Ombre accessories are a bit challenging but hopefully I can get a tutorial for those out one day. Converting to kids is really simple if you know Blender basics, you can use my converting to adults tutorial to get an idea of how a conversion would work.        
Anonymous said: You had a obession with the flowers lmao            
lmao, very true!
Anonymous said: wcif the ice cream in this post? /post/174729716466/icecreamedit            
the ice cream was drawn in by @ayoshi-sims​ :( so it isn’t a real thing
@wholegrainsims​ said: hey there! i saw in your about that your favorite show is game of thrones! mine too! also your hair that’s coming out on 9/30 looks like a mm cersei hair & i’ve been dying for some mm got cc! looking forward to it!            
omg true! I didn’t even think of Cersei while making it lmao, thank you for pointing that out to me :D
Anonymous said: O M G  your selfie in the 57 facts tag was the most adorable thing ever. You're like insanely handsome?? I am shook???
Anonymous said: how does you feel being extremely beautiful?          
@theforgottensimblr​ said: omg, just saw your post at the fire alarm and I just have to say that you are so cute. That's it, you're cute. Hope you're having a good day        
Anonymous said: YOU ARE SO BOOTIFUL      
Anonymous said: You are a very beautiful human being. I like your face and personality very much.❤️                  
haha thank you guys! I don’t find myself that attractive of a person so the compliments helps keep me from being super self conscious :P thank you again <3 very much appreciated
Anonymous said: not sims related, but opinions on the most recent bts comeback?            
I don’t keep up with a lot of the boy group comebacks, but I listened to it and thought it was okay? I am pretty strictly into girl groups/female singers though so I’m not the best person to ask about it haha
Anonymous said: hi austin!! i just wanted to say i love your creations and you are one of the most amazing hair creators out there! but i had a quick question: will you ever put your "dean" hair model available for download? 
I don’t know if he is saved, but if he is I will try to put him for download!
Anonymous said: ok so i have a question if you dont mind, i feel like it's kind of stupid but how do you manage to move parts of the hair mesh in edit mode without the part you selected like 'seperating' from the part you didn't select and making a big ass gap in the mesh? like does that make sense? when i try to edit shit in edit mode i cant ever bc the faces separate from eachother when i try to translate a part of it or make it smaller, etc. if this makes sense, thank you if not im sorry im just stupid.            
REMOVE DOUBLES!!!! lmao that is the only way you will get anything done in edit mode. Proportional Edit Tool and Removing doubles from the entire mesh makes it a lot easier than sculpt mode. Make sure to split edges later though
@bishyouknowit​ said: I just recently went cc free and now I see your new hairs and I just wanna download all the hairs I had from you again and put them back in my game. I love your stuff so much!! ❤❤❤❤❤
aww thank you!! I am glad you like my cc <3 good luck staying cc free haha I could neverrrr
@bangtansabotage​ said: who's your loona bias?        
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Kim Lip <3 then Yves, Jinsoul, and Hyunjin
Anonymous said: Absolutely love the content you're coming out with! You're so talented. 💝
thank you so much <3 glad you are enjoying my cc as much as I enjoy making it :P
Anonymous said: Is it wrong I forgot you were a guy?            
Yes.... LMAO egfdbv I am joking :P It is fine you forgot, it isn’t like I am posting a selfie everyday showing off my radiating masculinity sfdcfbvb which I don’t even have
Anonymous said: you’re very good 👌🏼
at what 👀👀 ****** ***?
Anonymous said: Do you put your things up on Simsdom? because I just found you Em hair on there            
I don’t :( but as long as they are linking to my post and not to the download link there isn’t much I can do.
Anonymous said: Columbus never set food in North America, he landed on various Caribbean islands. Also, Delaware was the first state.
take that up with my history teacher from like 2nd grade ok rwedffvb
Anonymous said: you're in virginia? I go to college in virginia too but i'm from missouri!! it's cool to think that one of my favorite content creators is so close to me! much love!!!!           
ooooo exciting!!! I go to Radford lmao it is like 30 minutes from Virginia Tech
Anonymous said: Yooo! You're from VA! Ive never met anyone online from VA except from me!
omg that is crazy you’ve never met anyone from here before haha, I have only met like one or two so makes sense I guess
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paracosmshq-blog · 7 years ago
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once again, thank you so much to everyone who applied ! every app went above and beyond what we expected, so some of these decisions were incredibly difficult ! i know everyone says this, but if we could have accepted every single app, we 100000% would have. i’m super hopeful that some of you will consider filling up our last two spots because we really would love to have you ! the submit has been reopened just in case anyone is interested !
onto those accepted, congratulations ! you can find all the information, as well as some lil notes from us below the cut. you now have twenty-four hours to turn your account in ! our post acceptance page is now up for use, so please continue on to there after reading your name ! i’ll be adding triggers to the rules and pronouns to the muse masterlist as soon as possible !
anton van dalen will be played by LILAC (aest)     - not to be creepy ? but we were obsessed with both you and your anton from the moment we received your app weeks ago. we both kept an eye on your blog, every addition making us lose our minds, n we shared a good chuckle at anton’s jokes. we’re both excited for his purity to lighten the mood, but also feel that fear and need to protect him ? if there’s one muse that doesn’t deserve all the drama we have planned, it’s anton. still, it’s going to be so much fun ! are adelina and freddie’s crushes even ic anymore ? are we quality enough to pull this off ? welcome to the group !
apollo corella will be played by SUTTON (cst)     - imagine being extra enough to send in two different apps for the same muse… oh, nevermind. sike, we loved it ! both were a joy to read and whatever direction you choose to take apollo in is more than okay with us (as long as you keep the dragging in character bc ngl ? i’m a little bit scared), so [ me vc ] follow your heart ! we can’t wait to get extra with u !
artemis corella will be played by MADS (est)     - your apps were so fun to read that i was literally excited to thread with you the second i saw the first one. your artemis is the actual love of my life so i really hope you’re happy with her ! alex let me know we had an arty app by messaging me ‘she went in’ and honestly ? alex did not lie. everything in your app was just so artemis through and through and we loved getting to see both the side of artemis that everyone wants to be best friends with as well as something a little deeper. honestly she’s just such a beautiful character and we are dying over it, so ! welcome !
balthazar rumkowski will be played by CLAIRE (aest)     - if balthazar wasn’t already haunting our nightmares ? he absolutely is now. and in that nightmare ? we are tubs of yogurt sitting in his fridge. this is going to be a recurring meme in the group chat, i already know it. on the dash ? cannibalism accusations. you definitely made baz deserving of this underlying fear some of the other muses seem to have of him. when you described his spine chilling mannerisms ? spines were chilledt. can’t wait to rp with you and probably get murdered by your muse !
barbara savenkov will be played by SARAH (est)     - ok immediately we were amazed by the touch of reality you brought to barbara in your app ! even we had a hard time with seeing her as anything other than this eclectic white witch vibe she gives off immediately, but you found a way to ground her and tie all aspects of her life together in a way where she still maintains such a specific aesthetic. barbie has been one of our favorite muses from the beginning and we’re really keen to fall even more in love with her !
elaine mulani will be played by MIA (cst)     - thank you for bringing us the very necessary rich girl with an attitude ! elaine is an extremely important part of the group, and we’re so glad that she’s going to be represented by someone who clearly loves and appreciates her ! i’m obsessed with the idea of someone who has very human, very realistic fears, but realizes that they’ll have to be overcome in order to achieve what is wanted. this whole thing is obviously very new to elaine, but she’s all over it and willing to do whatever it takes, even when that calls for her to be more careful and plan her next steps carefully. were so, so keen to see this played out in interactions ! welcome to the group !
giselle o’connor will be played by NICOLE (pst)     - uhhhhh i’ve used this word too many times at this point but… am i obsessed with your giselle ? absolutely. i was so mcfreakin excited reading the answers to the questions because i just got so much from giselle and every response was so satisfying. this is a muse i’m desperate to know everything about but if i were face to face with them ? lbr i’m not saying shit because giselle will hand you your ass if you annoy her. no pressure, but we’ll be watching the dash for giselle’s interactions because everyone is going to have so much fun getting to know them !
remi tautolo will be played by CHELSEA (est)     - welcome ! your remi will truly be such an iconic addition to this group because we can already sense that drama they’re going to provide. not only in conflict and rivalries, but also the trouble he might cause with his impulsiveness ? who doesn’t love a character that does exactly what they want and tells it like it is ? this is a force to be reckoned with and i can’t wait for other muses to try, because there’s something both funny and exciting about the thought that remi will never allow himself to be outdone. if he thinks he’s the best, i absolutely agree with him !
sidonie warren-roberts will be played by ALEXIS (est)     - firstable: all the sidonie apps were so above and beyond that if i could join an rp that was nothing but all four of those sidonies n me ? i’d die there bc that would be a dream. what really sold us here is just how much you love sidonie ? bc it’s clearly a huge amount. and you’ve taken that and turned it into all… this… incredible content. we had a little gasp the first time we saw you write for sidonie because it was just so perfect… and deep ? this is a legit muse that no one but you will ever get to know in her entirety. those beautiful prompts to those emotional n honest tags ? we’re all rekt ! also, happy birthday !
vaughn moon will be played by NALA (est)     - you said it best with ‘vaughn is such a honey’ because… he really is such a honey. we’ve both been left hopelessly infatuated with your muse and literally everyone else is about to join the stan club. the real life (except not really) “hello ladies. look at your man. now back to me. now back at your man. now back to me. sadly, he isn’t me.” old spice guy. and it is sad, bc vaughn is everyone’s dream mans. you ? are our dream vaughn. welcome to the group !
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