#like i was 100% convinced last week. I am 110% convinced now!!!!!!
thatbuddie · 6 months
i don’t know how to tell you all this but… this episode convinced me even more that this is it. we are living through the journey to canon buddie, y’all
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official-weasley · 3 years
Headcanon time! (Part 3)
So @am-i-space and I have been talking about dragons (as one normally does on a Sunday afternoon) and of course, our imagination went wild! Now, we know that our dragon lover works in Romania and we have learned about a few species (even seen a few of them in movies without Charlie but okay let's not discuss that here) of dragons but like, let's face it there are more!
The second I have learned about other schools and that they have dragons guarding the vaults in Gringotts I had a HC that the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary isn't the only one!
I can see one being in Canada, somewhere high up in the mountains and the same goes for South America. Of course, one would also be somewhere in the Himalayas. And let's face it the breeds we have all grown to love aren't the only ones!
Of course, Charles Weasley agrees with us 110% and after working in the Sanctuary for 10-15 years he takes a bit of a breather (not from dragons, of course) and travels the world in the hopes to see as many of them as he can. He borrows dad's camera (the one Bill got for him in my other HC where they go and see alpacas) and he starts his adventure.
So, let's start with the sea! I agree with @am-i-space like what do we know about oceans, really? Bloody nothing, that's what! So they proposed that there are water dragons and I am 100% on board with that. Just imagine them swimming around, ever so gracefully, blowing bubbles when they breathe! And they would have the most beautiful scales which would reflect in the sun ranging from dark green to purple and blue and even though they are BIG they are friendly and swim with the dolphins and communicate with whales.
Nobody will convince me that when Charlie goes to observe this beautiful behavior and hears the water dragons sing their mating song for the first time he doesn't cry his eyes out because he can swear that he has never heard such a beautiful sound before and would never get tired of it and is honestly thinking about moving in the middle of the ocean so he could wake up to those sounds every morning.
The next stop on his journey would be to find out if the rumors about ice dragons are true. Charlie, as smart as he is, knew that the most probable location to see if they are real would be the Himalayas. So he wrote to the Himalayan Sanctuary to stay there for a couple of weeks to explore in peace. The dragonologists he talked to there all said that they have given up hope to see one and that despite the rumors that they are hiding one in their reserve they had to disappoint him because they don't have it.
So Charlie put on the hat, the scarf, and the gloves (he knitted himself thank you very much!) and headed out, determined that he will find the ice dragon!
After about a week of hiking and his muscles aching, he began to lose hope to see one. He knew that he would need more time and that he would be ridiculously lucky to see one in such a short amount of time but he also knew that he has to take care of himself and put his health first so he headed back.
A day in, he heard something that sounded like a cry for help. It was in dangerous territory and he probably shouldn't go there but it really sounded like a baby dragon and there won't be a day in his life where Charlie Weasley wouldn't help a dragon in need.
He gasped when he came to the spot the cries were coming from. He saw something white and silver move in a huge pile of snow which looked like an aftermath of an avalanche. He hurried to see what was making the sounds and if the creature was okay at once.
The second he started to remove the snow around the creature he knew he has found one - an ice dragon! The baby dragon was frightened and looked at Charlie with appreciative eyes when he picked him up and started to look around to where this little guy could come from.
He remembered that baby dragons are really good at finding their way back to their mothers so once he brought the cub to safety he put him down and observed his behavior.
When his little ice friend stopped being disoriented he started crying again and howling toward the nearby mountain.
"Of course!" Charlie pressed his hand on his forehead and shook his head. Of course, the reason he couldn't find an ice dragon before, was because they live on the highest loneliest peeks.
Charlie was looking up at the one in front of him, thinking how in the bloody hell is he supposed to get up there with all his gear, tired muscles, and a baby dragon to top it all off!
Then he remembered that while it might not be humanly possible, a bit of magic could do the trick! He gently tied the little guy to his bag and took out his wand. He walked to the bottom of the mountain and then he cast the levitation charm on himself.
Every time he saw a platform that looked stable enough to stand on he stopped to take a few breaths and see how his friend was doing. The higher they got the more cheerful the little one got and Charlie knew they were getting closer.
Charlie put his wand away when they landed in front of what looked like a cave. Charlie gently untied the dragon and put him on the ground. The dragon let out the cutest little roar that made Charlie's heart melt and the ground beneath them started to shake.
Charlie gulped and didn't find his idea to return the dragon back home smart anymore when a gigantic version of his white-silver friend appeared in front of him. The dragon mother looked mad but cautious. The cub ran to her - trying his hardest to fly - and started making purring noises. The ice dragon momma sniffed her baby and then sniffed Charlie which was the coldest breath he has ever felt on his skin.
After she was done, he ushered her cub inside, and with a wiggle of his tail at Charlie, his ice friend disappeared inside the cave. Once his mother made sure he was safe, she turned back to Charlie and roared right in his face.
Charlie, who was used to dragons do that every day back in Romania, didn't even blink. His calm composure impressed the ice dragon and she carefully turned around and lowered herself to the ground.
Charlie knew what she was doing but still couldn't believe it! The dragon is going to let him fly on her! He was only so lucky 2 times with the dragons in the Sanctuary and they knew him for years and this one was just patiently waiting for him to get ready as if he was here every day.
The second Charlie stroked the cold silver scales on her back, the dragon started fluttering her wings, and before Charlie had a chance to gasp they were in the air - making a full circle around the dragon's home and then slowly losing altitude until they were at the bottom of the mountain.
Charlie thanked the dragon and apologized for not having anything for her to eat while the ice mother replied with breathing icy cold air straight into Charlie's face. He was observing her flying back up to her cub and he knew that he could take a picture of her but since nobody knew they were here and were probably pretty rare he decided to just keep the memory of the experience close to his heart and returned to the Sanctuary.
The last stop of his - so far absolute epic adventure - was the Sanctuary in South America which was hidden deep in the Andes mountain range. There he met a few very exotic species of dragons who reminded him a lot of the Welsh Greens he took after in Romania except that these were of all sorts of colors from red to violet.
After the tour of the reserve, 2 of the Dragonologists took him to what looked like a highly protected and secluded habitat and told him that they only share this information with other dragonologists.
Charlie was excited to see what they are hiding but he wasn't prepared for what he saw once they got there. It was a storm dragon - sky blue with a white mane.
"But I thought they were extinct." Was all Charlie managed to say before approaching the beautiful creature to fully take in what was resting in front of him.
The two dragonologists told him that he is the last of its kind and that he must be protected at all costs until his very last breath which hopefully the day that happens is still very very far away.
Charlie's 2 new friends allowed him to spend a few hours with the mighty beast and as he was sitting there, studying it, Charlie couldn't believe that all his dreams were coming true.
The next day when he was having dinner in a nearby restaurant he heard some of the locals there whisper about a creature called el chupacabra. He has heard of the creature before - mostly when he read Muggle folklore. However, these people weren't describing a dog-like creature. No! It sounded like they were talking about dragons except that they described the creature as fairly small and surely no breed of a dragon is that small?
Because this information didn't allow Charles Weasley the dragon lover (not obsessor, only lover) to sleep at night he decided to venture into the Amazonian rainforest and see the creature for himself.
He was only walking for 5 hours this time around when he heard unusual squeaking noises. They led him to a meadow that appeared to be empty at first. Because he was parched, he sat down at the edge of it, took off his backpack, drank some water, and unwrapped a sandwich he prepared in the morning.
The second the smell of his delicious meal spread he saw a few heads poke out of the tall grass. Charlie couldn't believe his eyes! They were dragons and the locals were right - they were so small! More and more dragons started to approach him and at this point, Charlie started to think he was in heaven because this was too good to be true.
They appeared to be friendly and awfully playful. He was also in awe by their size as some were as small as crup puppies while the biggest was about to his waist in height.
Charlie had no choice but to share his sandwich for which he was rewarded with licks and wiggling tails. These dragons didn't breathe fire as Charlie expected but big puffs of air that soothed him in this Amazonian heat. They came in all sorts of colors from different hues of green and brown and some were even yellow and orange.
They were absolutely beautiful and even though they had the structure of most dragons there was something about them that Charlie couldn't wrap his mind about. He narrowed his eyes and observed one for solid 5 minutes before he figured it out.
They had a fluffball of hair on the top of their heads making them the only breed Charlie has ever laid his eyes on to have fur and it made them extra adorable!
He spent the rest of his afternoon chasing and playing with the fluffs (as he called them) and because he was having so much fun he forgot about the time, making him almost spend the night in the jungle.
As he was returning he couldn't stop the smile that was spreading from one of his ears to the other as he deemed his adventure more than successful and he couldn't wait to take another breather like this because he is sure that there are even more breeds out there to see and admire!
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crilath-blog · 6 years
SWGOH 5v5 Grand arena - Preparation Guide
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I have prepared a small guide for the 5v5 Grand Arena. This is one of the most fun part of the game, and a really good challenge to optimize our roster as much as possible for other areas.
This guide will contain 3 sections:
How to prepare
Defense strategy
Offensive tactics
The reason I am doing this guide now is because I changed my arena team to Revan a couple of weeks ago, and I reworked all of my mod sets from scratch to optimize my teams for GA. I have now 74 mod sets on characters that mostly all fit in a 3v3 and a 5v5 team I can use in PvP.
I though it would be interesting to share with the guild my approach, so we can exchange strategies and optimize how we play. Also, Grand Arena is the best way to practice for Territory Wars, so we help the guild overall by learning how to improve in offense and defense for PvP.
This is probably the most important part.
The goal is to avoid inflating our GP, while optimizing as much as possible what we have. This means not upgrading characters that we won't be able to use because we can't zeta them, or don't have other chars from the faction.
Last time GA 5v5 was around, the number of teams needed in defense was 8 or 10 teams depending our your GP (2'750'000 being the cut-off). Here I only took into account the 2 brackets impacting us, since we don't have people below or above those GP in the guild.
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This will mean, depending if we are below or above 2.7M, we will ideally need either 16 or 20 teams, being 80 or 100 chars fully modded. That's a lot.... of course that's if we can one-shot every enemy team, and if we assume we always use teams of five, but it gives us an average. As stated above, I only have 74 mod sets at the moment, so some compromises will be needed.
Once we know this, we need to build those teams in the most efficient way. The best is to create a squad management tab in game, and start to do some team building, from best to worst. (I will share my teams in the section below). Once we have those teams ordered by quality, we need to mod them in that priority order, depending on preferred stats of each character.
It's very difficult to know how to mod every character in the game, so referring to this tool is very useful: Crouching Rancor Mod Advisor
Once we have our teams modded, I highly suggest to save ALL mod sets in a loadouts tab dedicated for GA. This way, you can feel free to re-mod for raids, TB, events, or just for fun, without the hassle to have to re-do your whole GA mods the next time around…
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Based on those newly defined teams, we will try to split them in offensive and defensive teams, depending on their strength, and what kind of opponent we face. That said, I’m convinced we don’t need to adapt that much to each opponent, and a strong strategy will prevail most of the time, no matter who we face.
Lastly, while building our teams, we need to think of the characters we are picking with 3v3 in mind as well, so we can easily shine in both game modes without having to work on extra characters or mods sets.
For defense, I think there are 2 types of strategies:
Hiding our weak teams behind strong teams, and hope our opponent will hit a wall in the front territories.
Setting medium/strong teams in front, with at least 1 very strong team (Revan, Traya, CLS) behind each.
The second strategy is very good because it forces the opponent to kill both fronts to identify where is the strongest team before committing to clearing a back territory.
However, this requires a lot of GP to be possible without putting all our good teams on defense, leaving us with few offensive possibilities left. According to the brackets shown above, I am thinking this applied for 3.5M+.
In the case of our guild, the first strategy is most likely the best; the opponent will probably struggle against our second front territory (unless he has a very weak defense, in which case we will max out points in offense) and might stay stuck, saving a whole "weak" back territory. The reason this strategy is weaker at high GP is because it is very transparent, and we show all of our best cards on the first visible territories. At that level, people will be able to clear everything, so hiding as much information as possible is great to push them to do mistakes, such as under or over-commit to a front team because they don’t know what’s left behind.
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Now, to team building; since we need 10 teams in defense let’s assume territories 1 and 2 require three teams each, and territories 3 and 4, two teams each.
Territory 1
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I prefer to have Revan in defense; In a game where defense is controled by AI, the most reliable strategy is to remove as much RNG as possible in offense, and maximize RNG for our opponent in defense.
Revan is very hard to counter, so chances are high that if our opponent kept his own Revan for offense, he will use it against ours. Knowing this is a somewhat random match up, I much prefer to have this mirror match-up play out with my opponent in attack rather than myself.
If they use another team to try to beat Revan, it can get very difficult for them and will require very strong mods.
Of course, this team has my best mods since I use it in arena.
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This Scoundrels team mostly relies on Enfys Nest, who has her full G12 and is modded as a tank with high tenacity (~110%). She can be very annoying to kill, and even require the use of the likes of Darth Nihilus on an overall under-developed team. The leadership from Qi’ra only makes her more dangerous.
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First Order can never be underestimated because of Kylo Ren unmasked, a real pain to take down even without his zeta.
Territory 2
Having my strongest defense team on territory 1, I will put my next two strongest on territory 2
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Rey Jedi training is usually seen in offense, but having developed a zeta Holdo for arena, it makes for a great defensive team, and we can spare R2D2 for another team.
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Next, come Bounty Hunters, with a Bossk lead. Probably not the most optimal team (Aurra Sing is not great in PvP), but they are the only 5 BH I have developed so far. Bossk, Boba and Dengar will be very difficult to take out, no matter who else is teamed up with them.
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I am still debating whether I want to use Imperial Troopers in offense or defense. They are still far from being optimal, with Stormtrooper and Magmatrooper being leftovers from the very early game to get R2D2, and Tie fighter pilot to fill in the last slot. I still have to put them on front line because I am running out of decent teams and the 2 others squads guarding this territory are rather solid.
Territory 3
Hidden behind my Revan, I will put my weakest teams, with my slowest mod sets. They still have some good synergy and are fully modded so if my opponent make it this far, they still need to use decent characters to get through
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I was not able to make my Baze level 85 on time for this GA. I plan to do it for the next one and throw some gear on him to level 7-8, just enough to make him annoying for average teams. This time around, I will replace him by any leftover character I have.
Territory 4
Same as territory 3, I put some of my weakest teams, but slightly stronger because it is more easily accessible (not having a Revan guarding it has something to do with it...).
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(Note here that Paploo is still G1, so I will use my G8 scout instead, I just forgot to update before taking the screenshot) 
Now that we have our overarching strategy by setting up half our roster in defense, we need to get down to the offensive tactics, in order to optimize as much as possible the remaining characters at our disposal.
Keep in mind that we probably won’t have enough teams to beat everything, so as soon as we see a way to win without the need for a team of 5, we can try to use smaller groups and save characters.
Still, I prefer to prepare 5-6 strong teams of five in advance, to “reserve” those characters in case I need to fight strong opposing teams. It easier to remove a character we don’t need before fighting than to find some to make up a strong team when needed.
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I use my second best mods set on my OT Rebels team, since I plan to use it to beat my opponent’s Revan team if they use it in defense.
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Nightsisters are incredibly good against many teams. They can be good in defense, but I really dislike the AI of some of them, especially Asajj Ventress so I trust them more in offense. RJT and Bastilla teams are always good candidates to take down with this team.
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There are so many Rebels in this game, that it makes team building very interesting in this faction. I just finished upgrading Leia to gear 12 for a team I believe will be very strong in 3v3. Here I can use her with Wedge and Biggs in a high damage team to take down annoying timeout teams such as Bariss/GK, Chirrut/Baze and probably even a well geared First Order team.
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I never got around to zeta Bastilla’s leadership, so my second Jedi team suffers a lot from it and I use Old Ben’s instead. This team will require a ton of work, and ideally Mace should be replaced. In the meantime, Ezra under Ben’s and Hermit Yoda’s protection can do quite a bit of damage.
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Empire is always a good team under Palpatine’s leadership, especially with Thrawn if modded fast. I am convinced that Thrawn should never be used in defense, he is just too strong in offense against so many teams. Here I complete the last slot with my level 1 Traya for her GA quest.
For the remaining 5 offensive teams, I am slowly running out of characters so the goal is to try to make something happen with what’s left and any characters I could spare from the teams above, against weaker defenses.
Ideally, if the front territories are not too strong so we can use smaller teams and save up as many characters as possible.
Good luck to everyone in the next Grand Arena!
I hope this guide can be of use to some one, and please let me know on discord about your own strategy and if you think I can improve on some of the teams above for next rounds.
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shirleylawson · 4 years
R&R in Scotland
May 2014
I am telling you! You could not make this shit up!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am convinced I am jinxed. Someone is stabbing a wee voodoo doll with my face on it, and the bastard is not perturbed even though I keep fighting him/her and pretending like it’s water off a ducks back, with my, "bring it on" jinx fairy attitude! And still my jinx keeps trying to break me. But it’s a weird kind of jinxed because I personally feel extremely lucky and blessed, even though the jinx still keeps throwing me shit.
My latest jinxed story is this week I’ve had in Scotland. One week today I’ve been here. I so badly needed a little ME time and to decompress. Scotland/home seemed like the answer but I can't say it' been therapeutic.
I was only here a few days when I woke up with stabbing pains in my chest and an ambulance was called by my Lesley, and the next thing I knew I was lying in the Emergency room in my pink, fluffy, panther onesie (well Lesleys onesie, but it wants to be mine)! I could see on the sphyg that my blood pressure was 250/110 , geezo I thought, didn’t know numbers went that high on these machines! Digital age eh? A lovely, lovely young 1st year resident doctor boy child, who had really just gone into third year at school surely, gave me an IV of morphine and valium that buzzed and whooshed it’s lovely, lovely LOVELY way to my limbs and head within one single minute. Onsie on, hands behind my head, laying back, sun shinning outside and right onto my little stretcher bed, life felt pretty good for about 20 minutes, for the first time in too long to remember. Lesley even managed to get an unexpected day off as ‘’carer'’ to her friend, ‘’NO SHE DOESN’T HAVE ANYONE ELSE TO GO WITH HER, IT’S ME, ONLY ME!!!’’, I heard her scream to her boss down the phone as I was wheeled passed by the paramedics to the ambulance! By the way, when you hear the mee maw mee maw of an ambulance in the distance, and you know it's coming for you, it's the freakiest shit! That was a first for me, it wasn't on my bucket list, but still, it was a first which is always a positive. But I’m lying there, in the emergency room, thinking, in my comfy onesie, where will we go for lunch I wonder. See Mr. Jinx? I really don’t care most of the time, you’re wasting all your good tricks on me really! Things don’t freak me out that much, I’ve pretty much done that seen most of it before so nope, the whole chest pain, ambulance (sorry to tell you but I actually loved the ambulance ride, I was so pleased as I’ve never ridden in one before and always wanted to see the inside), the whole taken to hospital thing was nothing really. I’ve been in more hospitals as a nurse AND as a patient than Mr. Jinxy’s had hot dinners, so he’ll need to try harder. All well, and by the next day I’m lying in Lesleys bright yellow bikini lapping up the ‘’normal’’ sun you get out of Dubai in her garden. A couple of days up North will sort me, get out of the city! So off I go…
No stress, no worries, no pain, no work, no editing, no clients, no husband and no kids…nothing! (all references are not in order of importance!) I felt quite chirpy on my drive up! I was awwwwing and ooooohhhing in all the right places at the beautiful scenery, window open, sun on my face, music on, out the car a couple of times to take pics, all well - not even getting upset that there was road works and I was jammed for an hour, nothing was a bother.  I could smell Loch Lomand…I was a bit euphoric actually! The last 2 hours of the 4 hour journey, my euphoria was taking over by pain in my ankles. I was finding it difficult to use the gas and clutch pedals continuously for 4 hours because of my RA and my ankles and shins were complaining! By the time I swung round that bend that takes you into Oban, and that view that catches your breath from the top of your hill, wee fishing village, typically Scottish with it’s white houses and flowered gardens, it wasn't the view that was catching my breath... it was the agony of my ankles!! I found a place to stay pretty quickly and when I took my socks off in my room, it confirmed my suspicion. Red balloon legs and feet! I thought I’ll go have a shower, get the journey off my skin, take my meds and get into bed. On my drive up, I had stopped at a garage for petrol and also bought some cute little pink lady shaving razors, quite exited me, since I’d been here a week and had about 2 weeks of gorilla legs! So shower and a de fuzzing was waiting. When I get these flares, I get hundreds of little red, what look to me like blood blisters, on my skin wherever the flare is happening, in this instance, the legs. They disappear after the flare goes. You can probably guess what happened next! I’m drying myself outside the shower, in the guest houses fluffy, big, white bath towel and I notice my legs (and big fluffy white towel) were covered in blood! I’ve only gone and forgot about my little red occasional guests and shaved all their heads off!!! Blood!? Whatever they are, these blistery things, they are connected to a direct internal blood vessel system for sure, because they would…not….stop…BLEEDING!  I get myself plugged up with around 100 wee bits of toilet paper stuck to my legs to stop the bleeding. You know, like the kind you see on mens faces after they’ve shaved sometimes? Well, same as them, but only 98 more! I was not gonna be stopped, onwards with my me time, I’m going out for fish and chips!!!!!
Fish and chips didn't prove to be such a good idea either as it turned out. Spotted a lovely wee bench, right on the sea front, all to myself with a view of little old fishing boats and the cry of seagulls, perfect. I'm eating away (great fish and chips I have to say) and I make the first fatal mistake of throwing a bit of fish out on the pebbled shore for the gulls. There's an instant swarm (or should I say flock) of seagulls, screaming and fighting over this piece of fish. Once it was eaten by the most definite gang master, as he was the size of a dog, he looked over at me and I swear he caught my gaze for at least 10 terrifying seconds. He had found the food source! That was the end of it all. I was dive bombed and swooped upon, well my box of chips, which was sitting on my lap was swooped upon. I tried to swipe them away by shouting a shoo shoo kind of chant noise and trying to act as if a swarm of birds attacking me wasn't bothering me as I was now entertaining the entire pub across the road who were all enjoying the lovely evening outside, all watching and pointing at me! I made a quick decision and threw the box down and bolted. Well bolted in my hobble kind of way at the moment, which I'm sure entertained the onlookers even more. An old lady passed me and disapprovingly shook her head at me, ''ohhhh you should't have done that!'' she said. I looked around and every seagull that has ever visited, stayed or immigrated to Oban was in the 4 foot space in front of my bench, fighting and squealing, a mass of feathers and beaks. I decided to give up in this particular day and head back to the guest house to watch the football.
At this point in a flare, I would normally sigh and think well that’s the next 4-5 days gone then. Cancel clients, prepare myself to be horizontal for at least a few days, and not in the horizontal good way, and generally prepare to disappear till it was over (except Facebook of course) Nope, I was there to de stress, me time, that’s what I was told I needed, some ME time, so I wasn’t going to let a flare get in my way. Cutting a very long story short, not a good move, going out, even for fish and chips and seagull gladiator games, didn't improve my flare. To cut another long story short I hobbled my way up to the doctors surgery first thing in the morning, hoping they would take me before three weeks on Wednesday and perchance even today? My luck was in. Jinx was teasing me. Half an hour later I’m having a 4 inch needle of cortisone injected into my ankles and sent away with a 5 days supply of steroids, bliss!  I hobbled back to my guest house at twice the speed of the first time. Still slower than the 80 year old couple I was chatting with along the way, but still, it was progress. I hobble past my guest house and head for the car park as my ticket expired one hour before. Is there any point on telling you what was on my car? £60 fine! Exceeding the paid amount of time parked. No, no i don’t care I tell myself, my flare feels so much better, I might even be able to drive tomorrow and leave, not getting upset, it's  only money (shit) and I feel better which is more important. I go to the machine and pay enough to last till 9am the next morning. I sit in the passenger seat, door open and write the nice traffic warden person a note. I say, please don’t give me another ticket if i don’t manage down before 9am. The doctor at the surgery can confirm I’m not able to walk well at the moment due to an illness, here is my phone number, I am staying at a guest home 5 minutes away. Nice note. Should do the trick. I stick the note to the inside of the passenger window and a gust of wind blows the newly bought ticket out of my hand. I tried to grab it but landed on my knees from the car door. Kneeling on all fours, head bend back watching the ticket swirl around in the wind was the first time I thought, it really is getting to be a bit much this jinx business! I don’t have anymore change. I have a £5 note. I head off down the street to find a shop to get change. I pass a young mother sitting in her garden bench on her ipad, trying to ignore the constant moaning and screaming of her three small children playing around her. I really felt sad thinking how she’ll regret that when they leave home, and wished she had spent every second looking at their wee faces instead of an iPad. Then I realise I sound like an old granny and stopped that train of thought. First shop I pass is Farm Foods (a frozen food store) and I decide an ice lolly would be just the thing. Of course it’s a whole sale, bulk buying freezer place, so I can’t buy ONE ice lolly. I buy a box of 6 and give 5 to the woman on the bench for her kids as I pass her again. Kids are delighted!
New ticket on the car, the note is there too, I’m back in my room, legs elevated, medicated up, just watched the Italy game (world cup) and wondering what tomorrow will bring.
Start of a new week, my second week in Scotland starts tomorrow.
But all said and done, I must ask the new tenants in Rome if they threw away the dish of frozen water in the freezer with the two frozen names written on pieces of paper in it? I don’t think I told them about it and explained what it was. I told the last renters and I know it was there last summer coz I saw it, so they hadn’t touched it in 3 years. I think the new renters have thrown it away. Those two names I had in the freezer will have escaped! My spell will be broken. They will have put their jinx back on me… I’m sure of it! Although that wouldn’t explain all the jinx’s when they were in the freezer these past three years now would it? Hmmmm I don’t think this white witch spell works actually now that I think about it.
My phone has just broken, screens just gone black. I can still hear it ring or sms’s come in, but I can’t reply or answer as it’s just black. Shame I sold that new phone last week. :(
The end
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thesmithfamily08 · 4 years
January 14th 2021
So it has been less than two weeks and I feel like so much as happened.  Lets start with Politics, Georgia had hit run off elections for the senate and both winners are democratic!  Which means that in 6 days we will have a majority in the senate, the house, and Biden will be president, YAY!  On another note, on June 6th a mob of Trump supporters broke into the capitol trying to convince Mike Pence to change the election, something that isn’t even in his capabilities to do.  So during this 6 people died there were bombs placed though they were found before they went off.  It is honestly crazy.  So they impeached president Trump yesterday in the house because he instigated the mob.  So he is now the first president in united states history to be impeached twice, and if we are lucky he will be the first ever to be convicted of crimes he most definitely did.  So yes the world of politics is crazy right now and I hope the fact the our first female Vice President isn’t too overshadowed by all this other crap going on.  
So Charlie, oh Charlie...I had bought a giant bad of chocolate chips and had them setting on the kitchen counter.  Well Charlie found them and ate 20 oz of Chocolate, I realized when the threw up then I found the bad in her bed.  The bag held 72 oz of chocolate so we are lucky she stopped when she did and didn’t just continue on.  She threw up 3 times and I called the vet a little panicky they took her in, induced vomiting and gave her some charcoal and she was pretty fine by the next day.  So that happened on Thursday and then on Saturday she was playing fetch inside and some how twisted her back leg.  We initially thought she had dislocated her hip or something she literally screamed for like 5 minutes.  We got her to calm down and looked at it, she seemed ok so we decided to just wait to take her back to the vet once we knew there was something really wrong.  It is Thursday now so it has been 5 days and she has gotten better but still isn’t back to normal, she can walk just fine but when she stretches her leg back or twists it wrong when she gets too excited she is right back down.  We have been doing everything we can next to crating her to keep her calm and it seems to be working.  I really thought for a while we were going to have to take her in for something bad but she seems to be getting better now.  It was definitely a rough week for Charlie though, and for me, hah.
Katie is coming down on Sunday for her baby shower, I literally just finished putting stuff together for it.  I think I am finally 100% ready other than blowing up balloons and picking up the cake!�� I really hope it goes well, seems like there are going to be a lot of people there! Katie also got John a dog, henry I think is its name.  John doesn’t know yet so she is going to surprise him when he comes down.  Hah, I’m not sure if I ever want to be surprised with a dog but we will see.  Too bad Charlie isn’t 100% or she would have the best weekend ever.  I am excited for her to have a friend to play with though.
I have been doing great with my workouts, I’m doing 1 a day, sometimes 2.  I’m definitely struggling getting back to eating super healthy but I’m getting back slowly.  I’ve lost 1.5 lbs in the past week and half way back to my lowest weight, I hope by the next time I write I’ve crossed that threshold and lower than 110.  Here’s to hoping!
Kids are all still doing great in school, the girls started back in Gymnastics and have had two classes now.  They are loving it, Lily I think is learning a lot quickly.  I think Penny is a little too advanced for the class she is in right now but she is getting to perfect all the things she knows.  Max just finished making his derby car for scouts, that will be in a couple weeks.  It is going to be virtual because of covid but I am hopeful his car does well, he definitely put a lot more effort into this one than he has in year past. I got report cards in for Max and Penny all straight A’s!  Not that we expected anything different.  Penny won an award last week for spelling, smart kids we have.
Lately I’ve been planning a trip to Waco over spring break to meet baby Caroline and to maybe take the kids to Six Flags again, because why not.  So im getting all those details figured out.  I’m also working on our family year book, now that it is a new year I’m getting it started.  They are a lot of fun to put together but they can be a lot of work.
Finished my first book of the year Where the Crawdads Sing, literally probably going to go onto my top ten list of favorite books, I’m now reading Icabog which I didn’t realize was a children's book, hah but It is pretty cute.
Oh!  We also went out and bought all of the wood to begin building the cabinets for the kitchen!  We got that and all the tile for the flooring, we are super excited, Rob has set himself the goal of having everything done by the end of the summer.  I feel like he may be stretching but we will see, how awesome will it be for the Kitchen to be done in 6 months!  Eek
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journeyanddream · 6 years
The Finale
The anticipated feeling of liberation did not come after the cessation of section one. I sat motionlessly staring into blank complexion, trying to make sense of the havoc that was section one. I slowly melted into the seat and the table, deprived of energy and soul while waiting for the next section to begin. It was difficult to shift my mind, the lingering thought of failure and incompetence was heavy; I didn’t do bad but nor did I do well. 
I remember I was stuffed with the urge to empty my bladder and after signalling the invigilator, I was kindly declined twice. ‘When the announcement finishes, you can go’...it wasn’t true. After the announcement, there was no time to go and section had already started. Despite having emptied my bladder only two hours prior, it was now filled again...perhaps due to a combination of stress and caffeine. What could have lasted me six to seven hours usually only lasted two hours at that moment. There was no time to think. I pressed on and let my biological functions take a backseat. 
As I flipped open the booklet and examined the quotes, I brainstormed like I always did: with purpose and with passion. Until that point, I’ve written roughly sixty essays across roughly 3 months, not impressive but not an easy task to take on. Borrowing from past experiences, I engineered the paragraphs and ideas within the ten minutes: change and ambition. Ideas poured out my heads and gave life to my hands, jotting down phrases furiously, without a pause. Twenty minutes into the task, I was already finishing up conclusion; a task that I would look back with satisfaction. Task B was less well developed compared to its counter part, but nonetheless a good piece; although better ideas and sentence structures could be incorporated to make it more authentic, interesting and stand out more. One hour lapsed so quickly, it resembled more like 20 minutes. With the end of section two, marked half point of Gamsat. I knew I could have done alot better, but given what I had I was happy with the outcome: both section one and two. 
‘Section three is where we shine’. I said to my teammates during lunch, this is by far the most extensively prepared section by me, I’ve reached out to the best mentor and had the most well developed resources at my command - all summed up in four months of work. I was read, I felt good. If anything one of these sections would get me in, it would be this. ‘Even if we don’t believe in ourselves, we gotta trust David; for his effort had made profound changes in each one of us.’ I added. The anxiety that surrounded me in previous sections flew away and was no where to be found; the power of confidence; the power of belief. Always trust the process and believe the progress; we’ve done the miles and gave our all, it is time to deliver. Much like Connor Mcgregor has said ‘I am confident in my preparation, and cocky in prediction..but I will be humble in victory or defeat.’ I guess MMA and Medicine are not that different after all. 
I sat myself comfortably in that familiar table and chair, waiting for the finale of Gamsat to unfold. After a round of routine procedures, the reading time was going to begin: we had started 2:00pm sharp (a rare scene) and was projected to finish 5:00pm on the dot. We were instructed to open the booklet and begin reading time. I flipped through the pages as usual, cherry picking the ‘easy marks’ and establishing a mental map of the where about of question. However, I knew something was different, something was wrong within the first ten pages I had viewed. The questions were out of style, different and unfamiliar to those I had practiced. There were few physical chemistry questions if at all and I could count all the organic chemistry questions with one hand - this is bad. The questions deviated from scientific knowledge dramatically, all the information was contained in the passage, the questions bordered on scientific concepts and in reality they asked you other things. I was uneasy about this change, what I thought would be an easy section soon turned to something really ugly. I wasn’t struggling. But I was doing it with 100% confidence. None of the questions required the use of ‘double swap rule’, ‘numbering arbitrarily’ or ‘tricks of acid and bases’. In fact, they were mostly reading comprehension encased in the context of science, but the question itself it hardly science. Knowing more science might have proven to be a disadvantage for that particular test. I pushed through and tried to do everything I could without jeopardizing other questions. 
The three pass technique was key to my preparation: doing all chemistry questions first, then biology and at last physics. I was able to finish get through all the chemistry and 85% of biology intermingled with some physics. When it was ‘times up’, I had attempted 90~95 questions, and guessed the remaining 10~15. The fastest I have attempted to date. When I was up to the 70/110 questions mark, my forehead was studded with sweat, my vision begun to deteriorate and a tension in the brow-line is slowly intensifying over the past 2 hours. My head begun to spin, plus the background dizziness and headache, I felt exhausted (The usual feeling of wanting to throw up,as if in the middle of motion sickness). I felt drained and my concentration begun to wane as well. I shook my head and told myself to  move on: so close to the finish line, If i give up right now It would be deleterious for all I had done prior. We have to move on, we must keep going.  As I lifted my head to check the time towards the end, there was 10~15 minutes remaining; the ‘suit guy’ sitting next to me leaned back with his arms folded and test paper closed - resting. I channeled my energy into the paper once again, planning to spend 10 minutes to do a few more questions before calling it a day and guess the remaining questions with all Cs (I do not want to make the mistake of finishing the exam and not leaving enough time to guess the left overs). 
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“Times up, hold up your answer sheet!’ The announcer’s loud voice shattered the three hour silence, while marking the END of Gamsat 2018. After the announcement, myriad of sounds were heard: some exhaled deeply, others collapsed onto their table, and the rest did a combination of both. The unanimous sigh or exhale was extremely memorable. End of Gamsat also meant the end of our journey; I could finally let go of the boulder that crushed me for months. Regardless of the outcome, all the pain made that momentary liberation that much sweeter. “This is the end, I’m done’ I thought to myself. Once again I melted into the seats, mind blank and unable to think or process information - my brain had taken the beating and endured the suffering, alongside me, this is the rest it long deserved. Even as I am writing this, the end of a Gamsat journey still felt surreal. It was 5:30 pm when we were let go, candidates stormed out the hall that had housed thousands of us since 7 am this morning. Many people remained in clusters and chatted to their friends, the usual ‘post-exam talk’. I was no different. As I walked with fellow candidates, I couldn’t help but to complain about how DIFFERENT this exam was and how the entire four months of preparation did not help at all (other than fatigue training). “We could honestly spend two weeks studying and this pull off similar results”, a friend remarked. “I could have had a life, xx wasn’t in it, yy wasn’t in it..”, another mate added. At that moment, I wasn’t sure if i was satisfied, content because it is over or if I was angry about how it had turned out, faced with the prospect of yet another Gamsat - another failure. 
I am usually correct about the outcome of an exam, based purely on how I ‘felt’. Like the anatomy spot test that I walked out knowing I had absolutely aced everything - which turned out to be 96%. Or the final exam of 2406, where I walked out with confidence and happiness - a unit where I would go on to achieve 93 average mark. But this...was different. It wasn’t the ‘I know i failed’ from previous Gamsat nor the ‘I know I aced it’ confidence; It was neither, It was something in between - a mediocre score. I felt cheated - four months of preparation put in vain. I felt unsatisfied and guilty - not been able to give my A-game, and the possibility of another year of preparation. Gamsat has left a void in my life, feeling lost and unmotivated to get back to normal life; what should I do?. I spent the entire week after Gamsat in a semi-depressed, unmotivated state; wrote a rant email to David and even spoke to him on the phone while I received an emotional support therapy.
I guess no one will know for sure until the weighted (scaled) mark is released. I do not have to be the best, I have to be better than the average to beat the bell curve and come out victorious. No one will ever know for sure. But regardless of the outcome, like Jack has said “We will be better versions of ourselves”, and that is most important. The truth is, I’ve learned alot, I’ve gained tremendous insight compared to last time and I’ve indeed become better versions of myself - we have to convince ourselves, it is the learning process that is most valuable, the outcome is only a secondary reflection of the work we’ve put in. If we can’t get where we want to be, it only means we’ve not done enough, failure is not a reflection of character but effort. I will NOT give up, I will NOT be defeated, I WILL stand up and fight once again, and I WILL DO IT, surely and eventually. 
Until next time - Keep calm and GAMSAT on 
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
High Blood Pressure - Blue Heron Health News
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High Blood Pressure - Blue Heron Health News
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    So, I have just unstrapped my blood pressure monitor – and the reading is 100/70.
Just about average for my blood pressure over the last 16 months.
Which – if you know anything about blood pressure readings – has me very, very safely inside the healthy blood pressure range. No problems here! I’m as fit as a fiddle.
But that’s not how it used to be.
Four years ago I was the anxious owner of a regular 160/110 blood pressure score – one that occasionally hit 210/140.
Which, you’ll probably know, is life-threateningly high.
The diagnosis of high blood pressure was followed by bad news, more bad news – and yet more bad news.
The illnesses that follow high blood pressure include paralysis – by stroke – or death by heart disease.
My physician explained how many different treatments we might have to try in order to save me from the worst cases.
She told me what could go wrong with the treatments. Because they mostly came with side-effects.
And she was right on all counts.
I went through a range of medications – and they did all sorts of things to me.
But the bottom line was that my blood pressure remained much too high.
Which meant my health – my life – was at risk. Which worried me sick, to be honest.
But… as I said, that was then.
Today, I’m fine. My blood pressure has been well within safe levels for 16 months straight.
But the key to my consistently healthy blood pressure was nothing that my doctor did for me.
I straightened out my blood pressure by simpler means.
Which I’ll tell you about right now.
Rejecting the meds cocktail
Standard drug remedies proved ineffective.
Diuretics achieved nothing. My average blood pressure readings actually rose slightly in the two or three months after diagnosis.
So we added blockers. Still, my blood pressure continued to rise until, finally, it flattened out.
It had stabilized – although my doctor suspected it would have done that anyway.
Regardless, it was way, way too high. And it looked like it was going to stay high.
The meds came with side-effects: regular, nagging headaches.
Some very bad stomach problems – if you know what I mean. That got embarrassing more than once.
Perhaps most upsetting were the feelings of anxiety I began experiencing.
I’ve always been a happy, cheerful person. Yet now I experienced worries I couldn’t explain. Unhappiness that seemed to have no real cause. Nervousness. Fear, even.
This had never happened to me before. I hated it.
But my doctor assured me that meds will always create side-effects. If not these ones, I’d have others. I could expect to experience them for as long as I took the meds.
Which, she cheerfully informed me, would probably be for the rest of my life.
The arguments begin…
After a two-year struggle to get the upper hand over this darned condition I came into a little conflict with my doctor.
Nothing was getting better. The longer my blood pressure was this high, the greater the risks to my life.
I wanted to talk about some other, non-drug possibilities for handling my blood pressure condition.
I’d already made drastic changes to my diet: no salt, plenty of vegetables, whole foods. Everything I could possibly do to help myself, I did it.
I’d cut out alcohol. And I walked twice a day.
I wanted to know what else I could do – that wouldn’t bring on any new side-effects.
She was well-meaning but at a loss. She insisted there was nothing else.
I admit I grew quite irritable. She thought I was questioning her knowledge. I wasn’t really –  I was just becoming increasingly scared.
I wasn’t the only one with high blood pressure
The thing is, I already knew of two people who had long-term high blood pressure – and after years of treatments both died of complications caused by the condition.
One was my grandfather. The other was my father.
My grandfather had two strokes. The second one deprived his brain of oxygen for so long he didn’t survive.
My dad died of a heart attack shortly after I graduated from college. He was 48.
My doctor had already told me there was a genetic factor in high blood pressure. I was convinced the writing was on the wall for me.
Thankfully, in the end, bad genetics didn’t stop me successfully treating my blood pressure illness.
But, in the meantime, I did lose my cool with my doctor. A strong sense of hopelessness was setting in.
One lucky break…
Then I hit on a stroke of luck.
Some years ago, my brother had suffered a painful, distressing condition known as TMJ. It started in the jaw and caused him intense pain, partial deafness and facial disfigurement. It was awful.
But having seen two specialists my brother’s TMJ was worsening – and he was desperate.
A long story short, he found a natural health practitioner called Christian Goodman who had a very different attitude to illness.
My brother followed Christian’s specific advice – and started turning around his jaw pain in days.
Three weeks later, he no longer had TMJ at all. After 5 years of suffering, the pain was completely gone. Over the next couple of weeks his hearing slowly returned – and his lopsided face adjusted back to normal.
My brother wrote to Christian Goodman to ask him if he knew of anyone who could address high blood pressure.
Incredibly, Christian did know someone.
Physician, heal thyself…
Turns out Christian had suffered years of high blood pressure himself.
And, when treatments had failed to stop it getting steadily worse… he decided to do something about it himself.
I got in touch with Christian to find out how come he no longer had high blood pressure.
And here’s what I learnt.
Tackle causes to end illness
First, Christian has a solid track record of reversing a number of chronic illnesses that modern medicine is barely coping with.
His philosophy is shockingly simple: he hunts down root causes for a particular condition – and tackles those causes.
I thought that was what all medicine did!
Not so. What doctors tend to do is treat the symptoms – not the causes.
Why? Why does medicine tend to tackle the effects of an illness rather than its causes?
It’s because the causes of diseases are most often natural lifestyle things. Things we do, food we eat, our state of mind and so on. 
None of these can be affected by pharmaceutical drugs.
Whereas symptoms – the pain we feel as a result of the cause – can be altered by pharma’s drugs.
So in a pill-popping industrial health society… the health industry prescribes pills to address symptoms.
But addressing only the symptoms of an illness leaves the illness firmly in place.
We instinctively know this makes no sense
We only have to think this through for a minute – to see how doing it like this is madness. 
Consider this: it wasn’t the lack of medications that caused our initial illness. So why must it be medications that resolve those illnesses?
In truth, our bodies are a natural system and they go wrong for natural reasons.
And the first thing your body tries to do when things go wrong… is make them go right. It wants to function properly.
To help your body, it’s sensible to undo the natural causes that made it go wrong in the first place.
Which is exactly what man-made drugs and medicines don’t do.
They simply handle the effects of the illness.
So we get more ill over time because the underlying illness is left in place. It’s still there.
Over time the illness worsens and becomes too much for the meds to handle.
Which is when things start to go seriously wrong. And that’s why people die of high blood pressure.
This is how it works
Christian points out two insights so simple – and obvious – that when you hear them it almost sounds too easy to be true.
Here’s insight number one:
There can be half a dozen factors involved in your high blood pressure – but there’s one common cause no matter what else is involved.
That common cause?
It’s the brain.
Let’s be specific about this:.
Nothing happens in your body without your brain’s say-so.
Everything – and I mean everything – is under its control.
And the brain’s role in creating your high blood pressure is absolutely central here.
After all, what directly sets your heart rate? Your brain.
What narrows or widens the arteries in response to its chosen blood pressure levels? Your brain.
What ultimately determines the volume of blood your heart will pump throughout your body? Your brain.
And so on. We can talk all day about other contributory factors… but when it comes down to it, everything begins and ends with what your brain decides.
Here’s insight number two:
Blood pressure is always a stress response. Whatever else contributes to it, stress is the first, primary cause.
And stress results from an instruction from the brain.
Once Christian realized that the cause of high blood pressure begins and ends with the brain – and that the brain was sending blood pressure sky high due to stress – he knew exactly what to do next.
I’m kidding, right?
My blood pressure reading used to spike at 210/140. Now, it averages 100/70.
Super-safe, in other words.
I got it down to 100/70 by directly addressing what my brain was doing to me.
So, no. I’m not kidding. Not one bit. Because this saved my life.
It would have saved my grandfather’s too.
And my dad’s.
But I understand why some people have to think about this for a moment. I did too!
Because I have always been the least stressed person you could ever meet.
I was known to be a laid-back, chilled person. One who never got angry, who was always cheerful….
I am rarely upset, never flustered, never take things personally. Life was good!
So just how the heck would stress have anything to do with my high blood pressure?
Well, let me tell you: turns out it really was the primary cause of my blood pressure misery… and it’s the cause of yours too.
The 4 types of stress that everyone experiences
There are 4 types of stress. Everyone experiences all of them at some time or other.
Physical stress: comes from illness, working long hours or poor sleep. Ongoing, chronic pain – in the back or the neck or in joints for example – will cause damaging, ongoing stress. Oddly, this stress is also caused by healthy activity like intense physical effort or exercise.
Sensory stress: unwelcome noises – from traffic, loud television, barking dogs and so on – directly raises blood pressure. It includes a noisy environment – your home, your workplace or even your neighbors.
Emotional stress: can originate from obvious causes like a bereavement or a troubled relationship. But this stress can become chronic with such things as money worries or feelings of guilt or anger. Background thinking that you hardly notice features very much here.
Mental stress: is often routine stress brought on by family or work worries. It’s also the result of ongoing challenging tasks that require a lot of brain work – which includes difficult work but also juggling numerous personal domestic responsibilities or handling life difficulties.
Everybody experiences these four types of stress from time to time. Often, we’ll experience more than one of them at a time.
But that’s normal life. And in small, irregular doses… that’s fine.
However, for hundreds of millions of us across the world one – or more – of these four stresses gradually gets out of hand. And that’s where our blood pressure problems start.
What’s especially dangerous with these common types of stress is that they come on so gradually we don’t notice them… so we simply learn to live with them.
It can take years for the stress to reach dangerous levels – which is why high blood pressure is rare amongst teenagers but widespread amongst older adults.
I know this from experience
I would never have accepted that I was a stressed person.
Yet it was only when I found a clear, peaceful mind that I realized just how tense I had been before.
It was, to be honest, an incredible feeling, that sense of mental release…
And it was once I’d found that calm… that my blood pressure plummeted.
Your doctor doesn’t realize he already knows this
Remember: Christian’s key insight is that the underlying cause of high blood pressure is the body’s stress response.
Which our brains directly cause.
It’s this stress response getting out of balance that’s sending our blood pressure sky high.
Your physician knows this. It’s just that he or she doesn’t know they know this.
How? Consider this:
Did your physician advise you to exercise more, sleep well, eat better?
He or she would have – and yet this advice mostly doesn’t affect blood pressure directly at all.
It affects stress.
Your health practitioner is offering lifestyle advice that mostly reduces stress.
Which, in turn, lowers blood pressure.
Mind you, these methods aren’t especially good for lowering blood pressure. They’re tackling the problem in an indirect way.
Which is why we end up on meds anyway.
But any effect they do have on blood pressure is because they’ve reduced stress.
What Christian Goodman achieves is what doctors already try – unsuccessfully – to do.
Christian attacks stress directly. And when you do that you remove what causes high blood pressure.
Which means high blood pressure has only one direction of travel – and that’s down.
A method with tens of thousands of fans
Christian’s guide to achieving safe blood pressure readings is called ‘The Blood Pressure Program’.
Specifically, the program shows us how to reset the brain so that it stops generating stress in the body.
He likens it to rebooting a stuck computer.
You’ll have seen that before… the screen freezes, or the cursor just spins round and round on the spot…
You wait and nothing happens.
Clearly something is going on inside the computer that is making it malfunction. It’s jammed up… and can’t function properly.
You switch the machine off, then switch it on.
And everything’s fine again.
Everything that had clogged up your machine, that was slowing it down, making it seize up and malfunction… is gone.
Now. Christian does not show you how to switch the brain off!
Instead, he shows you how to gently reset it. To unjam it…. To release it. To help it restore back to its previous healthy state.
Just like you do with your computer.
The ‘focused break’
To do this Christian creates what he calls a ‘focused break’.
Which means that, for some minutes, the brain detaches from the pushes and pulls of ordinary life… and does the one thing almost nobody allows their brain to ever do.
To take care of its own needs.
It gets the opportunity it needs to get unclogged.
To let go…
To settle…
And to find calm.
And over a few days it finds its way back to working smoothly and perfectly. Just like a refreshed computer.
The calming effect this has on your mind and body has to be felt to be believed.
While the change in your blood pressure reading has to be seen to be believed…!
Just 3 things
Christian’s ‘The Blood Pressure Program’ consists of three very easy, non-physical exercises.
They can be done while out for a walk or while sitting in your armchair. Or while laying down.
Literally, no sweat.
That’s all it is: three specific, highly-focused but very simple exercises that treat high blood pressure in a way that drugs could never manage.
Tested… and then proven
Originally, Christian tested dozens of different methods on more than a hundred people over an extended period.
Real blood pressure patients volunteered to try them out. Some exercise protocols worked well. Others didn’t.
But from the first trials over ten years ago this program has since been – literally – a life-saver for tens of thousands of people.
The brain resets, stress falls away, blood pressure goes into free-fall.
I’m one of those thousands by the way. 16 straight months of regular blood pressure tests and I haven’t been out of the safe zone even once.
So, despite its apparent simplicity…  I know first-hand just how effectively this works.
This isn’t some sort of miracle treatment
This isn’t some exotic miracle cure by the way.
It’s good ol’ science.
Simple, specific resetting exercises directly activate your body’s own control systems.
Scientific testing shows that blood pressure falls measurably and quickly every time.
Christian achieves this not just for a few hours but for a lifetime. And science approves of what he does.
In fact, so does the FDA. They have approved a brain calming machine that helps lower blood pressure through various breathing protocols.
Breathing techniques can certainly be beneficial. Although they can’t bring about the kind of specific brain resetting that obliterates high blood pressure.
But brain calming methods are such a big deal that the FDA has started approving breathing machines. Which tells us that, finally, the medical establishment is slowly coming round.
The results
So – three exercises daily.
I did one on my way to work and the other two when I got home.
All three so easy, so effortless that you can be 90 years old, way out of shape and still get maximum benefit from them. This is not a physical workout!
So I did all three properly and regularly.
And they worked. At first, they made small – but not permanent – differences to my blood pressure.
I used my home tester to check my pressure before and after.
My blood pressure fell on day 1 – but not quite to the levels considered ‘safe’.
By day 4 my blood pressure touched the official safe reading – for the first time in over two years. The effect lasted half the day and I was thrilled beyond belief..!
On day 6 it got inside the safe range – and remained there for most of the day.
More progress
I noticed a cumulative effect taking place here.
Each day’s exercises built gradually on what I had already done.
On day 11 my blood pressure was in or around the safe zone all day long.
To say I was stunned is an understatement.
I already had faith in Christian Goodman’s guidance because of how he’s transformed my brother’s illness – when no standard treatment had made any difference.
But actually experiencing it for myself was incredible.
It made me a bit tearful, to be honest.
A whole host of modern medicines had barely moved the needle… and now here I was looking at a reading that stayed at or inside the safe range all day.
So why wasn’t my doctor happy with my transformation?
A visit to my doctor the following week – with blood pressure now comfortably in the safe zone – was met with disbelief. And, I must say, a little annoyance.
I think she was exasperated – and embarrassed, perhaps? – that I had chosen my own path. And that it had worked so astonishingly well.
She asked me more than once if I’d increased my meds without consulting her.
I told her that I hadn’t – and that I wanted to come off my meds. A request that she refused.
10 days later this happened
First, my blood pressure was now consistently well within the safe zone.
I was measuring daily and for the previous 10 days it hadn’t left the safe zone even once.
Second, my next visit to my doctor got me off meds. She gave me a plan that lowered the dose over a couple of months.
I felt so much better once they were out of my life.
All this was nearly 16 months ago.
I still do the exercises. Not always all of them. (Discipline isn’t my strong point.)
But once things are safely under control you can safely skip a day or two without any problems.
I measure my blood pressure every other day. I have never been out of the safe range. Not even once.
High blood pressure is a choice
I learned how to give my brain a vital ‘focused break’ through following Christian’s ‘The Blood Pressure Program’. 
And it gave me something I hadn’t had before: genuine, meaningful choice.
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High blood pressure ruins lives
You know this. I know this. Without an effective remedy we run serious risks of heart disease, heart failure, strokes, kidney disease, vascular dementia…
High blood pressure had been the death of my father and my grandfather before him.
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platonic-bellarke · 7 years
Do all of the number asks
Wow ok 1: Full nameSarah Abigail Large 2: Age163: 3 FearsDrowning, being considered an annoying friend, being ignored 4: 3 things I loveMusic Frank iero Art5: 4 turns onTattoos Dark hair (on guys on girls anything)Blue eyes Being able to listen to me rant and talk about things I love 6: 4 turns offRepublicans Homophobic people Ignoring me Hypocrisy 7: My best friendShe goes to my school 8: Sexual orientationBisexual9: My best first dateI have never dated anyone lmao10: How tall am I5’4 and a half11: What do I missMy Chemical Romance and my best friend in elementary school and middle school 12: What time was I bornI think around 12:35 in the afternoon 13: Favourite colorAnything blue tbh (pretty much cool colors)14: Do I have a crushYes, I actually have 2 lmao here’s this girl and my school and this guy at this other school 15: Favourite quote“Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself and become a better person” or “All your quirks, all your problems-even your depressions and your failures-it what makes you, you” both by Gerard Way (or just “keep running” from danger days) 16: Favourite placeMy bed with my dog and cat listening to music 17: Favourite foodI love banana and grapes 18: Do I use sarcasmOccasionally 19: What am I listening to right nowThe white album by Weezer (specially the song L.A. girlz)20: First thing I notice in new personEither hair and facial features or, if I talk to them, their personality 21: Shoe sizeLike 8-9 (in US women’s)22: Eye colorLike blue, green, grayish 23: Hair colorbrown with some natural blonde highlights 24: Favourite style of clothingI love flannels and black jeans and beanies and hoodies (idk just like that aesthetic)25: Ever done a prank call?Yep27: Meaning behind my URLThe joke of bellarke being platonic and “platonic bellarke” being an oxymoron 28: Favourite moviePretty much any marvel movie (mcu) especially winter soldier or Ragnarok 29: Favourite songFamous last words, mama, the ghost of you, bulletproof heart, literally any thing by My Chemical Romance A Rush of Blood to the Head and Clocks by Coldplay Knights of Cydonia by Muse Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day Say it ain’t so and My Name is Jonas by Weezer Ode to sleep by Twenty One Pilots (I couldn’t narrow it down to one sorry)30: Favourite bandMy Chemical Romance (coldplay and Muse and close seconds)31: How I feel right nowAnxious (over nothing) tired, a little sad32: Someone I loveFrank iero, my best friend, my family 33: My current relationship statusSingle (hmu)34: My relationship with my parentsReally good 35: Favourite holidayHALLOWEEN 36: Tattoos and piercing i haveNone :(37: Tattoos and piercing i wantI want my ears and nose pierced. I want a My Chemical Romance, Coldplay, and muse tattoo (and many more)38: The reason I joined TumblrI made my first account in 2013 because my friends had tumblr and I want to blog about bands and tv shows. I made this one in 2016 because I want my tv shows and movie posts to be separated from my band blog. My band blog is less active now and has less followers lmao39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?Don’t have an ex. Never dated anyone 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?Nope :/41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?No42: When did I last hold hands?My sister will grab my hands randomly haha43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?For school like 10 minutes but like if I’m going out and actually care about my appearance like an hour to an hour and a half 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?Nope45: Where am I right now?The bath46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?I have never drank (and tbh don’t plan on it) but probably my friends (?)47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?In my headphones: loud. In a public area: reasonable bc I don’t want to bother anyone 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yep I’m only 1649: Am I excited for anything?YES I AM MEETING AND SEEING AWOLNATION, JUDAH AND THE LION, AND DAN AND PHIL 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?nope. I have 0 guys friends bc I go to an all girls school 51: How often do I wear a fake smile?Lmao when ever I talk to someone who talks for too long or when I’m talking to teachers 52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Like 2 weeks ago not sure 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?I never kissed anyone lmao54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Haha yep55: What is something I disliked about today?My body 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Frank iero (or Gerard Way or Chris Martin) 57: What do I think about most?How much i hate my body and how much I miss my Chemical Romance 58: What’s my strangest talent?I don’t really have any talents (I can whistle really well) 59: Do I have any strange phobias?Ladybugs60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Either (I want to become a film maker or an actor so)61: What was the last lie I told?Told my friend I was busy the other day when really I just wanted to be alone and watch Lucifer and runaways 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Depends on the person but usually phone 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?No for ghost yes for aliens 64: Do I believe in magic?Nope65: Do I believe in luck?Nope66: What’s the weather like right now?Super cold but I like lt (like 33 degrees and sunny) (0 degrees if your a Celsius person)67: What was the last book I’ve read?I am reading the umbrella academy comic by Gerard Way currently but for a book... I don’t really like to read books (for school I just read summary’s lmao) so the last full book I read was probably the hobbit in middle school (I love that book)68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Yes 69: Do I have any nicknames?Abea, Dabby, anby70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?I got a cut on the top of the head when I was little and my dad had to stick it back 71: Do I spend money or save it?I try to save it but it usually doesn’t happen 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?No 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?Yes, a shampoo bottle 74: Favourite animal?CATS75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Watching Stephen Colbert 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Either trump or Morningstar (I have been watching too much Lucifer Help)77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Vampire money, famous last words by My Chemical Romance Mr. Brightside by the Killers 78: How can you win my heart?Liking the same music or shows and movies as me/Being able to listen to me rant about things I either love or hate 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Idk something meaningful not sure yet 80: What is my favorite word?Idk I like the word nonchalant81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrI refuse to narrow it down to 5 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?Listen to conventional weapons by My Chemical Romance 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?Nope84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Either teleportation/Shrink and grow at will/or change my appearance and look like whoever I want 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Why I am sad86: What is my current desktop picture?I have like 10 back grounds but my main ones are my meet and greet with 30STM, a pic of frank iero I took at his show, and a pic of Matt Bellamy I took at a muse show 87: Had sex?No but I would like to 88: Bought condoms?Nope89: Gotten pregnant?Nope and hopefully I never will90: Failed a class?Nope91: Kissed a boy?Nope, but I would like to 92: Kissed a girl?No, but I would like to93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Nope94: Had job?Nope95: Left the house without my wallet?Yep96: Bullied someone on the internet?No97: Had sex in public?Nope98: Played on a sports team?Yep, I swam and played soccer when I was younger 99: Smoked weed?Nope but I would like to100: Did drugs?No101: Smoked cigarettes?No and I don’t want to102: Drank alcohol?Yes, my parents will let me try their drinks. I have never liked them 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?I don’t eat any meat besides occasionally chicken 104: Been overweight?Yep105: Been underweight?Nope106: Been to a wedding?Yep107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Yep108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Yep 109: Been outside my home country?Yep110: Gotten my heart broken?Kinda, one of my friends told me some pretty awful shit that made me hate myself and convince my self I have no friends so I hate her now and we used to be very close but whatever 111: Been to a professional sports game?Yep112: Broken a bone?I broke my finger once113: Cut myself?No but I have tried 114: Been to prom?No but I will this year !115: Been in airplane?Yep (was actually on one yesterday haha)116: Fly by helicopter?Nope117: What concerts have I been to?Boi so many. I have been to over 15Including Fall Out Boy Three Times Panic! At the Disco 3 times Twenty one pilots 3 timesWeezer 3 times (a 4th this summer)PVRIS 3 timesMuse30 Seconds to Mars Coldplay Frank iero and the Patience Bastille twice Judah and the lionBlink-182Green DayMaroon 5 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Yep, I currently do119: Learned another language?Nope 120: Wore make up?Yes, I love makeup 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?Nope, I’m only 16 though 122: Had oral sex?Nope123: Dyed my hair?Yep124: Voted in a presidential election?Nope125: Rode in an ambulance?Nope126: Had a surgery?I got my wisdom teeth removed does that count (?)127: Met someone famous?Yep, 30stm(Jared Leto), Tyler Joseph of twenty one pilots, panic! At the Disco, misha and Jared and Jensen from Supernatural, and Victoria justice 128: Stalked someone on a social network?Yep129: Peed outside?Yep130: Been fishing?Yes I hated it 131: Helped with charity?Yep 132: Been rejected by a crush?I have never asked anyone out 133: Broken a mirror?Nope 134: What do I want for birthday?Concert tickets, a s.o.135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?I never want kids omfg 136: Was I named after anyone?I don’t think so 137: Do I like my handwriting?Hahah no 138: What was my favourite toy as a child?I loved Thomas the train shit139: Favourite Tv Show?Either the 100, sherlock, or Gotham 140: Where do I want to live when older?I would like to live in Europe for some time in my life but I’ll probably stay in Tennessee for most of my life but I would love to travel everywhere 141: Play any musical instrument?No but I am trying to learn bass 142: One of my scars, how did I get it?There’s a scar on my knee from when i was climbing rocks to get to a rope swing and I scraped my leg on a rock 143: Favourite pizza toping?Extra cheesy haha (also cold pizza is better)144: Am I afraid of the dark?No I love the dark145: Am I afraid of heights?No I LOVE heights omg 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?No bc I don’t really like doing bad things 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yep haha148: What I’m really bad atTalking about my feelings 149: What my greatest achievments arePassing some hard classes, swimming a 50 freestyle in under 30 Seconds 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meOh boy that “friend” to me that:-no one cares about me-I have no close friends -I’m selfish -I take what I want from others -I pride myself on being nice 151: What I’d do if I won in a lotteryUse most of it to have a safe future but some for concert tickets and band stuff 152: What do I like about myselfTbh nothing, maybe the fact that I am ok at makeup (?)153: My closest Tumblr friendDon’t really have any close Tumblr friends. MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT TO 154: Something I fantasise abouta My Chemical Romance reunion, what it would be like to be in a relationship 155: Any question you’d like??
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celebistar · 7 years
Personal: Hiatus
Personal venting; warnings, frank talk about my own poor mental health lately, specifically anxiety, so if you're not feeling well yourself you should probably avoid.
Honestly, I’m really on-edge right now as I’m writing this, but I felt I had to get something out or I just cannot sleep (not that it’s easy anyway with jetlag…) It feels really strange b/c I haven't done this type of really-personal ‘feelings’ post/rant for a long time now, not since I was RPing but well…sometimes you just gotta get your feelings out.
It isn’t really any one thing or aspect or event in particular, but just lately, especially in the past month or two, I’ve noticed myself engaging less and less with Nobunagun, i.e. fanart/fanfics. Partly it’s just the cycles of life and work and limited time, but honestly the truth is, I feel that I am…reaching the end of my “Nobunagun rope”, so to speak. Lately I’ve just been mentally burnt out, not because of any one thing, but instead of the raging wildfire I used to feel whenever I engaged in my fics and art at like 1:30am, I just feel…oh. Like neither like nor dislike, which it in and of itself is nothing wrong, but for someone like me who has always bounced from obsession to obsession—and I mean that quite literally—it’s a scary and strange feeling. Frankly, I don’t know if I like it; not being able to fall back onto my creative imaginations whenever I want to, whether it’s to pass time due to boredom or to help me cope when other stressful things happen in my life.
Now, most people would probably say ‘well that’s normal isn’t it? Interests always change’ and yes, they do; in fact, before Nobunagun I inevitably shifted interests after a while—I think YGO was the first really big one, but even before that there were myriad of series like Digimon, Cardcaptors, etc. etc…and each time I thought ‘wow, GX (or some other series) is so great, I don’t know how I can run out of ideas!’ but gradually I did move on—usually because some other interest caught my eye and was more exciting, so by the time I consciously realized I wasn’t super obsessed with the previous one, it was more like an ‘oh well’. I never really stopped to think or really miss it, because there was always something new to entertain me, keep me thinking at 110% (kinda like serial dating now that I think about it, like those people who keep chasing that initial ‘high’ you get at the start of something new but you can never maintain). Now that I am sort-of-kind-of in that phase of ‘whoa, something’s obviously wrong if you’re feeling mentally unwell so let’s take a step back’, I think it is true; that, honestly, it isn’t healthy to have an obsessive relationship with Nobunagun 24/7. It may seem strange that I am using relationship terms to describe a fandom, but I think they are parallels in many ways. But there’s a difference and it’s that Nobunagun is just a thing, a really great thing yes—but it’s not a person. It doesn’t make decisions or tell me what to do; frankly everything I choose to engage in, is 100% in my own control. But somehow, over the course of being a fan, I seemed to have imposed these really strange, invisible ‘pressures’ on myself, so to speak. Perhaps it comes from having a mind that is either all or nothing when it comes to interests, or maybe it’s because I always managed to move on to something more exciting before the old interest fully waned. I don’t know.
All I know is that whatever my ‘relationship’ with Nobunagun is right now, it’s not healthy nor good. Realistically speaking, I know it’s nearly impossible to like something 100% of the time, 24/7. I believe it is possible to sustain interests for your entire life—drawing, writing, gaming—or even series—I mean, I myself have loved the Fire Emblem series ever since they came out in the US and I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon. But unlike Nobunagun, Fire Emblem has always been what I would consider a ‘background’ interest; it’s always there but I rarely engage in what I would consider fandom activities, such as drawing fanart or writing fanfiction. Hell, I rarely even read FE fanfiction anymore (though I used to). Yet despite all this, despite advice from people I trust and love, and despite my own logical mind telling me this…I just can’t seem to let it go. At least, not easily. For some reason the very thought of no longer liking Nobunagun as I used to, so passionately—not even just no longer interested but just ‘not as interested as before’…it sends me into panic attacks. In fact I have actually been suffering quite bad anxiety these past few weeks because of this very dilemma—unable to focus, panicking the second I see something Nobunagun and I don’t feel excited, trouble sleeping…I mean hell I’ve even had trouble starting new anime series because there’s always this inkling in the back of my mind ‘what if this is the show that replaces Nobunagun?' I don’t know why I think of it as that; I don’t know why I have this self-imposed chain around myself and Nobunagun, even though it’s all my own thoughts. I just know what is, and that’s just what it feels like. I don’t know why I have such a severe trepidation of something else replacing Nobunagun even though it’s just how interests come and go and frankly, it was Nobunagun that replaced Eyeshield 21 before it.
Now, most people would say this is a sign that I should probably take a step back and re-evaluate just what it is that’s actually important in my life, and take care of myself—no thinking of Nobunagun, no trying to churn out another 2-3 chapters or another illustration in a week. And I do agree; I know, deep down, that this is warning sign that if I don’t change something soon, then I won’t even be able to salvage my love for Nobunagun—it’ll just turn into a destructive mess that ends with the only recourse being complete and utter amputation. Which is definitely not something I want. And yet it’s really hard to tell myself that it will be okay, that I will come out of this maybe not liking Nobunagun with a raging passion 110% of the time but maybe only like 30% of the time, and that’s okay—but somehow it’s very difficult to convince myself of that (if it were, trust me I wouldn’t be up typing this at 1am). I’m very much reminded of a time earlier, when I was still very active in RPing and I went through a very similar upheaval…how I couldn’t imagine not RPing anymore, how I couldn’t imagine going on in the fandom without it…but in the end, looking back I know I made the right choice, and I came out better for it. I didn’t lose my love of Nobunagun after basically stopping role-playing, and I learned, slowly, to be passionate about it again without being anxious. I came out all right and what’s more I felt l learned a lot and became a better person because of those hard times. And when that time really came, it just faded naturally and without fear—these days let’s be honest, I don’t RP anymore, even though I have the accounts—they’re honestly just there for archival/dump purposes. So that’s how I know I made the right choice…I have no regrets and I don’t/didn’t feel fear when I stopped roleplaying. It just happened naturally, and I can still look back on those times fondly.
So maybe this phase right now is just another one of those hard obstacles that I have to face, sooner or later, maybe it didn't even have to be with Nobunagun but it just so happens that Nobunagun is the thing that I'm into now…maybe it’s a reconciliation of the last remnants of being a ‘super-fan’, that Nobunagun may be the last fandom I really feel a lot of passion for, and it’s hard to say good-bye to what feels like a huge part of what defined you. Maybe it’s something else. Maybe I’ll come out of this with a looser, but still warm relationship with Nobunagun. As my boss (of all people) once told me, ‘think of it as trading fireworks for a comfortable shirt; in the beginning of anything, it feels like there’s always fireworks going off because it’s so new and exciting, but after a while things start to even out and you don’t always feel excited, all the time. It becomes more like wearing a comfortable old shirt; it’s kind of the same over and over, but it’s familiar and comforting. And when those fireworks do come again, it’ll still be exciting—but just not all the time, so when they come you’ll treasure them.’
Maybe that’s the real answer; what I would like to be able to do, is like so many of my friends, is to rotate through different interests—Fire Emblem when a new banner comes out, whatever anime I happen to be watching this season—and go back and forth so when I’m thinking ‘hey, I don’t feel like writing Nobunagun stuff’ I can go and engage with something else. Yet it doesn’t feel like I can, even though I know I am capable of it; back when I was into YGO Zexal, I actually went between different fandoms quite often—off the top of my head were Star Trek, Mass Effect, but at the same time I never lost interest in Zexal; it was just kind of there, and I went back to it after a while. So, I know from past experience I’m capable of it…and back then, I didn’t feel any sort of fear or trepidation of being into something else—but of course each experience is different and it could be that the new thing didn’t allow me room to question whether or not I still liked the old thing—but anyway that’s a different topic.
Going back and actually reading my personal posts during that really bad mental period where I had to take a hiatus from RPing and Tumblr in general (or the ones that I haven’t deleted anyway), it actually is strangely calming because it proves to me, gives me physical evidence that I went through something so painful and never thought I would be okay but guess what I turned out okay. So it gives me hope…that this too, like everything else shall pass. It’s also kind of ironic that many of the things that I said then are what I’m saying now—so I don’t know, maybe it means something, maybe it doesn’t.
But what I do know, is that for the time being, I must take a step back. I must find a way to break these self-imposed chains that force me to think ‘you must obsess over Nobunagun 24/7’ so it doesn’t consume me to the point where my mental health deteriorates. So I don’t end up seeing Nobunagun as a dark spot in my life, but rather a positive thing and something that I will continue to like, but in a more balanced relationship. Not freaking out when I realize that maybe I’m just too tired to think about Nobunagun right now, and knowing that a lot of this is honestly the anxiety talking. Speaking of which, the sucky part about anxiety is that there isn’t a cure—it’s a condition, but you can manage it, and not let it define you. Meditation has done a lot for me, both in the past and now more than ever, and also just writing things out—hence why this really long-ass post.
Anyway; strange how writing things out and admitting your deepest fears can make them seem less scary and overwhelming. Perhaps that’s the point of journaling and such? Although my handwriting is so terrible these days and so slow that it’s faster for me to type rather than keep an analog journal…maybe some people will think that I am freaking out over nothing, that a fandom is nothing to lose sleep over but well, we all have our vices I suppose. I mean hey, at least it’s just a static thing, and not say, an abusive partner.
In any case, for the immediate time being I will be going on hiatus—just like that time when I kept getting anxiety about RPing, and I had to take a step back—I must do that now, too. Frankly I don’t think it will make much of a difference since I rarely update here anyway but on that note, I will not be checking for notifs/contacts on Tumblr or really anywhere else. i don’t know when I’ll ‘come back’ and honestly I don’t want to keep putting myself on schedules or deadlines; when I feel ready, I’ll know and it’ll happen naturally. I have the most wonderful friends and family so have no fear, I will not be alone. I’m sure I’ll be back, when I feel ready.
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rosesandhxney · 7 years
cody and blaine :)))
We're doing this mobile because I'm a slut for ship head canons LETS GOGENERAL:Rate the Ship
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? they aren't even together/together at the moment but honestly heaven have mercy on whoever tries to get between THAT train wreck. (Alt answer: forever)
How quickly did/will they fall in loveBlaine fell in love the second he saw Cody laugh without covering his dimples because someone told them they were ugly in 5th grade. Cody fell in love with Blaine the moment he saw him cry over some shitty movie while completely drunk, and he spent the night kissing his cheeks and combing his hair out of his eyes. Six weeks between the both of them, and they were hooked.
How was their first kiss? The first kiss when they were together was sweet as hell. Blaine took Cody to one of the nicest restaurants in town, and they both agreed to ditch out early and go to a carnival that was in town. Cody got cotton candy and Blaine got a caramel apple, and they kissed like something out of a shitty romcom next to the carousel. Cody swore he could taste apple for weeks, and Blaine still has a thing for cotton candy.
Who proposed? Blaine did. They had gotten together and been together for seven months before he proposed. This isn't counting the time they were broken up and living together, even though Cody would argue that Blaine was still whipped for him even when they were broken up. (He denies it, but he totally was.)
Who is the best man/men? One of Blaines childhood friends growing up was his best man, and Codys was his brothers, Lake and Jensen.
Who did the most planning?, 110%. He kept Blaine up for like, two weeks straight before the wedding making last minute choices on flowers and playlist music. Blaine groaned and complained everytime he was woken up, but he secretly loved how happy Cody was about the whole thing.
Who stressed the most? Blaine did, actually. He was so scared that Cody was going to change his mind, put it off or something was going to go terribly wrong. Cody spent a long time rubbing his back and calming him down, trying to make him feel better about the whole thing. Needless to say, the wedding went off without a hitch. Except for the part where they both got so drunk on either wedding night that they passed out before getting to use the toys their Pervy friends brought them.
How fancy was the ceremony?
Back of a pickup truck, Normal Church Wedding, Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - "friend" that Cody was completely convinced had a huge crush on him. Brian from Codys work that lead to them fucking in a Starbucks bathroom that one time.
Who is on top? - Blaine 90% of the time, Cody on rare occasions that he feels Blaine needs someone else to take control.
Who is the one to instigate things? Both of them, honestly. They're a little sex crazed.
How healthy is their sex life? - 
Barely touch themselves let alone each other, Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard, They are humping each other on the couch right now.
How kinky are they? -

Straight missionary with the lights off, Might try some butt stuff and toys, Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head (honestly somewhere between the last two)
How long do they normally last? honestly, they can Last for hours if they try hard enough. Or go multiple times in the same amount of time.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? unles they're edging, yes
How rough are they in bed? Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? No touching after sex | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? None
How many children will they adopt? Maybe one or two, eventually. Not until they're older, though. Cody has a soft spot for babies, but a bigger one for sex in every room at this point.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Blaine, 100%
Who is the stricter parent? Cody. He hates it because Blaine is always the "cooler dad", just because he lets them stay up until ten and drink soda.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Cody
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Blaine. Because apparently Cody is unable to get up before nine AM, even if the house is on fire. (Which only happened once, and the pancakes were perfectly fine if you ask Blaine.)
Who is the more loved parent? They are both equally loved- but the ratio changes depending on who makes who go to bed early.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?Cody drags Blaine with him because "if I'm going down, I'm dragging you with me.
Who cried the most at graduation? They both cried like babies even if they won't admit it.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Blaine with a strict "I will jail you myself if you EVER tell your father."
Who does the most cooking? Postmates.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Cody. He doesn't like most meat products and hates like 80% of vegetables. He loves blueberries though.
Who does the grocery shopping? They get them delivered because Cody Is pretty wealthy now and also lazy as fuuuuck.
How often do they bake desserts? You can tell that Cody is stressed when the kitchen is full of cookies at 2AM.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? Blaine likes meat and Cody only really likes fish and occasional chicken wings
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? Cody will surprise...with a dinner out. If he cooked, they would be spending their anniversary in the fire department.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Blaine, because he knows Cody hates cooking.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? Cody. He's already done it twice.
Who cleans the room? Blaine
Who is really against chores? Also Blaine
Who cleans up after the pets? Cody, but he usually forgets to clean and plays with them for a few hours.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Cody
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Cody, because the house is a mess and everything is UNDER THE RUG.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Blaine, and he uses it to buy a candy bar.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? They shower together most mornings, but it takes a very long time because of Blaines hair. Even though it only takes that long because Cody insists on deep conditioning it because he plays with it so much.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? Blaine. Cody hates exercise and Blaine doesn't mind because it gets Cody to keep his love handles.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? You know that one house that goes WAY to far out there and gets the block shut down with a power surge or gives an old guy a heart attack getting candy on Halloween? Yeah, they're those guys.
What are their goals for the relationship? To be happy, together, forever. To be voted hottest couple on every cruise they ever go on. To make each other come at least three times a day.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Cody, and Blaine stays curled around him because he's warm and doesn't sass when he's asleep.
Who plays the most pranks? They both get into occasional prank wars more often than they like to admit, honestly.
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chaozrael · 7 years
Cards against Cybertron 150 questions
 Answers are here Link
1.      In Styx Prison, word is you can trade 200 rust sticks for ___
2.      What did I bring back from Monacus?
3.      Clearly Megatron’s plan was destined for failure the moment he included ____.
4.      ____ is the right of all sentient beings.
5.      I sold my kidney to go to TF Nation and all I got was _____.
6.      They’re apparently cancelling the next season so they can focus more on _____.
7.      Soundwave’s mouthplate slides back to reveal _____.
8.      The new plot development in the comic that has the fandom completely terrified is _____.
9.      I might be convinced to see the new Bayformers installment if it featured _____.
10.  Never forget, this is all To Sell ______.
11.  Decepticons, as your new leader, I declare ______!
12.  What is Phase Eight?
13.  What got me put on The List?
14.  Megatron has fallen! I, ____, am now your leader.
15.  How do we discipline our badly behaved recruits in the Decepticon Army?
16.  What do I look for in a conjunx endura?
17.  I will not accept your apology until I receive___
18.  ____´s only weakness is ____
19.  Metroplex is slowly dying because of ____
20.  The best way to shut up Swerve is ____
21.  Today’s races price was ___
22.  Lockdown lost his hand because of ____
23.  With no other way out we had to sacrifice _____ to the Sparkeater
24.  The only thing that can save us now is ____
25.  When Red Alert searched Rodimus hab suite he found ______
26.  It’s common knowledge that Swindle can get you anything but ______
27.  To create a Combiner the most important thing you need is _____
28.  I was pronounced the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord because of ___
29.  If I opened a bar, I would name it___
30.  Before the big escalation, Delphi was secretly known for _________
31.  According to an Iaconian saying, it is always better to have a drone in the servo than a _____________ on the roof
32.  One very drunken night, Trailbreaker woke up next to a _______________
33.  There is that rumor going on that Tyrest has been eagerly working on a complete collection of______________
34.  Installing somebody else’s bodyparts can cause you recurring dreams about_________________
35.  Usually over upgraded mechs tend to suffer from lack of  ______________
36.  In desperate times, the average facemask was made out of _______________
37.  Cold constructed bots have a tendency to get obsessed with things like _______________
38.  As a side effect to their perfection,  Phase sixers need regular  high doses of_______________
39.  The Cybertronian equivalent to earth‘ bananas is: _________________
40.  As an unexpected side effect, the functionism turned out to be the prefect breeding ground for _______________
41.  It’s your forging day! According to the tradition you will receive a__________
42.  Hot energon tastes best with _______________
43.  The best way to grease up old, war-ridden joints is to add some ________________
44.  The truth about Alex Milne‘s drawing talent is __________________
45.  During the golden ages, only the upper classes had access to ________________
46.  The transformation cogs of phase 6‘ers are usually shaped like ______________
47.  For unknown reasons, Skids keeps a _________________ in his subspace
48.  Tracks has his red face color because of an incident involving ________________
49.  Sometimes very poor bots use ______________ as an imitation of biolights
50.  Parties among wreckers involve a lot of __________________
51.  When Whirl was empurata'ed, they crafted a ______________ out of his face
52.  _________________________! High 5, Bro
53.  ______________ is the inspiration for the continuous existence of a Magnus
54.  What does a Wrecker smell like?
55.  Modern Cybertronian politics are known for ______________________
56.  A song that was stuck for 7 Vorns in the Cybertroniam billboard charts had the annoying name: _______________
57.  There is an ongoing rumor that they actually fuel the Lost light with ___________
58.  It's a little known fact that Sparkeaters are allergic to ____________________
59.  In the Conunx Endura ritual, two bots have to agree on ______________________
60.  We drink to forget ____
61.  Step one: _____. Step two: ____. Step three: Success!  
62.  ____ high five, bro!
63.  Maybe he´s born with it. Maybe it´s _______
64.   What´s fun until it gets weird?
65.  Cause of death: ____
66.  Science will never explain:
67.  ____ awesome in theory, kind of a mess in practice
68.   You know, once you get past_______, _____ ain´t so bad
69.   ____ may pass, but _____ will last forever
70.  This is your captain speaking. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for _______
71.  _________ + _________ = __________
72.  This is the prime of my life. I am young, hot and full of _____
73.  Why am I sticky?
74.  Netflix and _____
 75.  Really, Prowl is missing an optic because of___________
76.  A good wrecker party means there has to be a_________
77.  Prowls secret kink is_____
78.  That one time James Roberts tweeted about____________
79.  Brainstorms latest invention, the ______ gun
80.  If you support _____, I judge you!
81.  Bots with chevrons are in general known for having a thing for_______
82.  The new DJD logo is_________
83.  If your alt-mode is a tank, you have most likely experienced____
84.  Seekers are pretty judgmental about____
85.  Grounders are less often effected by______
86.  There is a rumor about Megatrons secret love for____
87.  Skids isn´t dead yet! It´s just_____
88.  Buckle up little Tailgate, you´re about to see some____
89.  Camiens are into____
90.  You can only revive a brain module if you add_____
91.  Have the shiniest frame! Buy______
92.  Ever since Deadlock became a hippie, his popularity rose due to ____
93.  Drift made all his money with _________
94.  What disappointed Optimus today?
95.  Why don't Primes party?
96.  The most popular Cybertronian candies are named after _____
97.  Most bots still believe Primus doesn't want them to think about _______
98.  Rotten energon tastes like _____
99.  What else was hidden inside the Ultra Magnus armor?
100.         Starscream is only became the ruler of Cybertron because he lied about ___
101.         What's on the lower decks of the Peaceful Tyranny?
102.         What's a turbo fox on a pole?
103.         Oh no! _____ is running out of Cyclonus' cheek holes!
104.         Kup may be old. He still can kill an enemy with ______
105.         Swerve's now offers ___
106.         Little known fact. Soundwave released bad pop dance compilations under the pseudonym ___
107.         What trouble is the Lost Light in today?
108.         What's on Magnus' NSFW blog?
109.         Elita-1 could have been tamed by_____
110.         What´s under Starscreams bed?
111.         How did Optimus die this time?
112.         What did Metroplex say to Windblade?
113.         Cybertronians are banned from this galaxy because of ___
114.         The Geewunners are raging again because of_____
115.         Why was Rung up all night?
116.         I got a plan to kill Overlord. It involves __, __, and __
117.         Pit fights involve___
118.         What did Nickel find in Helex' teeth this time?
119.         When ___ jumped out of the closet Tailgate started crying
120.         Whirl decided it was a good idea to put __ and __ together! Sadly it turned into __
121.         Rodimus managed to get his tongue welded to __
122.         Ultra Magnus gave the crew a lecture on ___
123.         ___ don't make good substitute spikes
124.         A cityspeaker responds to a titans____
125.         ____now illegal in Iacon
126.         On today's episode of Will It Blend with Tesarus: ___
127.         Trepan is highly skilled with his needles, last week I saw him use them for ____!
128.         Overlord's private collection of ____ contains nothing but ______
129.         Thundercracker's favorite movie is ___
130.         How did Kaon lose his optics?
131.         Dammit, I told you not to let the protoform near the ___!
132.         Another unique name for Sparklings that not many mechs know of is___
133.           That time Megatron caught Rodimus __
134.           Nautica don't put that wrench in the __
135.         Amazing. A booby trap that actually catches ___
136.         Til all are ___
137.           Towards __
138.         Prowl got so angry he managed to __ The table this time!
139.         Jazz might be known for loving music but he also enjoys __
140.         Other things Crok keeps are____
141.         Rung's sub spaces contain ___
142.         Whirl's favorite sex move is the ___
143.         Minibots make for great __
144.         Oh no! An asteroid field filled with ___!
145.         Last night Ratchet had his servo arm deep in __. A horrible night?
146.         Tailgate's "Panic Legs" Are great for __!
147.         Why did Rodimus go to the med bay?
148.         I can´t believe it´s not____
149.         An unbelievable amount of____
150.         ____ the new Cybertronian drug
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theaterkid821 · 7 years
Prompt List
I know it’s long, sorry. If there’s one you want that you don’t see I’ll be happy to add it.
 1.     A milkshake with two straws? How romantic!
2.     After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize for snapping at you ONCE?
3.     All I know is that the stars have never looked brighter than in this moment with you
4.     All I’ve ever done, I did to make you happy. I just want you to be happy.
5.     Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?
6.     Am I dead?
7.     Am I supposed to be impressed?
8.     Am I supposed to be scared of you?
9.     And you still won’t admit it
10. Answer me!
11. Are we relationship goals yet?
12. Are you cold?
13. Are you drunk?
14. Are you flirting with me?
15. Are you gonna help me or what?
16. Are you hitting on him for me?
17. Are you in a rush?
18. Are you kidding me? we’re not “fine!”
19. Are you mad at me?
20. Are you playing with my hair?
21. Are you really taking his side against mine?
22. Are you sure you two aren’t married?
23. Are you trying to get yourself killed?
24. Are you trying to make me hate you? Because it’s working
25. Are you upset with me?
26. As you wish
27. At least my papers are orderly
28. At what point did you think this was a good idea?
29. Babe, you have a problem, please, let me help you
30. Be careful with that one love…
31. Be my wife
32. Because even if it hurts, I can’t bear to see you unhappy
33. Because if I look away, I’m afraid you’ll disappear
34. Behave.
35. Bend over
36. Bite me
37. But everyone’s watching
38. But I’d have to put pants on…
39. Can I borrow that book of yours?
40. Can I hold your hand?
41. Can I kiss you?
42. Can I touch you?
43. Can we cuddle?
44. Can you even talk? You’re always so quiet
45. Can you please shut the hell up?!
46. Catch me if you can!
47. Come back to bed
48. Come here
49. Come on, let’s throw the dice, see what happens
50. Come over here and make me
51. Come with me
52. Crazy ex? Don’t worry about it; we’ve all had one of those
53. Damn. You clean up good.
54. Dance with me
55. Delete that immediately.
56. Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself
57. Did I just say that out loud?
58. Did you call me “sweet?”
59. Did you do this on purpose?
60. Did you do something different with your hair?
61. Did you enjoy yourself last night?
62. Did you hear that?
63. Did you mean like… this?
64. Did you write that for me?
65. Didn’t you read the sign?
66. Do that again…
67. Do you believe in aliens?
68. Do you believe in ghosts?
69. Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?
70. Do you ever think we should stop doing this?
71. Do you know what this means?
72. Do you like it when I touch you like that?
73. Do you like me? check yes or no
74. Do you need me to get anything from the store?
75. Do you smell burning?
76. Do you think it’s possible that I… might be… pregnant?
77. Do you think he could have loved me?
78. Do you think you could teach me that?
79. Do you trust me?
80. Does he know about the baby?
81. Does ­_ know?
82. Does your life just revolve around embarrassing me?
83. Doesn’t it get lonely sometimes; being here all by yourself?
84. Don’t act like this is my fault!
85. Don’t doubt me
86. Don’t ever change
87. Don’t ever mention that again.
88. Don’t flatter yourself
89. Don’t fuck this up
90. Don’t just stand there!
91. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t
92. Don’t make me come over there myself
93. Don’t open those till later
94. Don’t say that. Not now
95. Don’t say you love me
96. Don’t talk to him/her like that!
97. Don’t talk to you like a child? YOU WERE THROWING SCISSORS
98. Don’t tell me to calm down, you calm down!
99. Don’t tell me to shut up!
100.        Don’t tempt me
101.        Don’t touch that!
102.        Don’t walk home alone
103.        Don’t you dare throw that snowba- goddammit
104.        Dueling is stupid
105.        Either ask him/her out or I will do it for you
106.        Excuse me, I’m terribly lost. Can you help me
107.        Even after everything, I don’t regret loving you
108.        Everyone deserves a second chance
109.        Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy
110.        Everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree
111.        Face the facts damnit! He/she is never coming back!
112.        For some reason, I’m attracted to you
113.        For your sake, I hope you’re wrong
114.        Frankly I couldn’t care less
115.        Fuck… I feel I’ve been hit by a car
116.        Fuck me
117.        Games over you son of a bitch! Tell me where he/she is
118.        Get that thing away from me!
119.        Give it back!
120.        Give it time, you’ll forget about it
121.        Give it up already
122.        Give me a chance
123.        Give me back my phone!
124.        Give me 5 bucks, I’ll explain later
125.        Give me more
126.        Go away! I don’t ever want to see you again
127.        Go back to bed
128.        Go on then, tell me. Tell me you don’t love me.
129.        Go then, leave! See if I care!
130.        God, I hope you’re satisfied!
131.        Guess who’s going to be a father?
132.        Help me understand
133.        Help me up, you asshole!
134.        Happy birthday! Oh wait, it was last week? Happy late birthday!
135.        Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?
136.        Have I ever lied to you?
137.        Have you ever wanted to hate someone?
138.        Have you lost our damn mind!?
139.        Have you read this?
140.        Have you seen the...? oh.
141.        Here, take my hand. Everything is fine. Just hold onto me and keep moving.
142.        He’s dead because of you
143.        He’s just a friend
144.        He’s missing, not dead
145.        He/she’s right behind me, isn’t he/she?
146.        He/she and I were friends once
147.        Hey, I ran a bath for us
148.        Hey! I was gonna eat that!
149.        Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.
150.        Hey, you can’t just leave me here!
151.        His/her ego is so visible I can almost watch it grow
152.        Hold me and never let me go
153.        Hold my hand damnit, we gotta make this look convincing
154.        Holy shit, I’m in the wrong car
155.        Honey, I’m home
156.        How about we put the gun down and let’s talk about this
157.        How are you so tall?
158.        How are you so pretty?
159.        How could anyone be that cruel
160.        How dare you
161.        How did I lose it?
162.        How did we get here?
163.        How did you manage to be this stupid?
164.        How does a vacation sound?
165.        How is your hair better than mine?
166.        How long are we going to be here?
167.        How long have you been standing there?
168.        How much have you drunk exactly?
169.        How much more of this are you going to put me through?
170.        Hypothetically speaking; what would you say if I asked you to marry me?
171.        I almost lost you, I am not losing you again
172.        I am never wrong
173.        I believe in you
174.        I brought you your coffee
175.        I came home to a nerf gun on the front porch and a note that says “here is your weapon. I have one too. Loser cooks dinner. Good luck. Xo”
176.        I came to say goodbye
177.        I can never say no to a picnic
178.        I can’t believe you just said that
179.        I can’t believe you talked me into this
180.        I can’t believe you don’t like Disney movies!
181.        I can’t care for you now
182.        I can’t come back
183.        I can’t do this anymore!
184.        I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me
185.        I can’t feel my legs!
186.        I can’t get you out of my head
187.        I can’t let you do that
188.        I can’t live like this anymore!
189.        I can’t… I can’t lose you
190.        I can’t see anything
191.        I can’t seem to die
192.        I can’t start over again
193.        I can’t stop thinking about you
194.        I can’t swim
195.        I can’t trust you anymore
196.        I could never leave you, I love you too much
197.        I could tell it was your favorite book from all the notes you wrote in the margins
198.        I did a pregnancy test
199.        I did everything for you
200.        I did it…
201.        I didn’t ask for any of this! But do you know why I put up with it all? Because I love you
202.        I didn’t do it
203.        I didn’t know you could sing
204.        I didn’t know you were so competitive
205.        I didn’t mean for it to go this far
206.        I didn’t mean to break your heart
207.        I didn’t realize I needed your permission
208.        I didn’t think it was even possible for you to be so intelligent
209.        I didn’t think we’d go that far
210.        I didn’t want you to say goodbye
211.        I don’t care what he said it doesn’t mean jack squat
212.        I don’t care where I am. As long as I’m with you, I’ll be alright
213.        I don’t deserve to be loved
214.        I don’t give a shit about how he/she feels
215.        I don’t know how to feel anymore
216.        I don’t know what I did to deserve you
217.        I don’t know what you heard. But whatever it is, _ started it
218.        I don’t know who I am without you
219.        I don’t know why I’m crying
220.        I don’t love you anymore
221.        I don’t need your help, okay? I’m not the princess locked in a damn tower. I can do this on my own
222.        I don’t remember that
223.        I don’t want to do this. I can’t leave her behind
224.        I don’t want to have a baby
225.        I don’t want to hurt you
226.        I don’t want to keep picturing you and him/her
227.        I don’t want to let you down
228.        I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you
229.        I expected betrayal, but it still surprised me
230.        I forgive a lot, but I never forget what was said and done
231.        I fucked up
232.        I got locked out of my apartment and I have nothing with me at the moment. Could I borrow your phone?
233.        I got you a present
234.        I guess I was wrong about you. You’re not so bad after all.
235.        I had a nightmare about you and just wanted to make sure you were okay
236.        I had to see you again
237.        I hate you, and I wish we never met
238.        I haven’t slept in four days…
239.        I hope it was worth it
240.        I hope one day you’re as happy as you’re pretending to be
241.        I just don’t know how to look forward anymore
242.        I just need you here with me right now
243.        I just need you to do this one thing for me.
244.        I just really need to have you here right now
245.        I just want this
246.        I just want to be alone right now
247.        I just… want to go home
248.        I just wanted you to know that when I picture myself happy… it’s with you
249.        I know but… I love him. You can’t give up on a person you love
250.        I know I’m on your mind
251.        I know that you have reached a decision but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it.
252.        I know that you told me to stop thinking about you, but I can’t get you out of my mind
253.        I know your secret
254.        I let you down. How am I supposed to forgive myself for that?
255.        I love that show too
256.        I love you. I loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you and- oh screw it!
257.        I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner, you suck
258.        I love you and I’m terrified
259.        I love you for you, don’t you dare think otherwise
260.        I love you. I loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you and- oh screw it!
261.        I love you more than anything in this world… which is why you have to stay here
262.        I love you today, and I’ll love you tomorrow, and every day after that
263.        I love you too much to make you stay
264.        I made a mistake
265.        I may be an idiot but I’m your idiot
266.        I may have committed many errors
267.        I mean, it could be worse
268.        I miss him so damn much, and it’s killing me that he’s gone
269.        I need a hug
270.        I need you to forgive me
271.        I never believed in soulmates until I met you
272.        I never imagined myself in a wedding dress
273.        I never meant for anyone to get hurt.
274.        I never meant to hurt you
275.        I noticed you the moment you came in
276.        I just saw you staring at each other, I just wasn’t sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage
277.        I promise I won’t let you fall
278.        I read your diary…
279.        I really don’t know why I’m crying
280.        I really miss just talking to you
281.        I really wish you told me your mother was in town
282.        I remember everything you whispered
283.        I remember; we did that all the time when we were younger
284.        I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking
285.        I swear if you weren’t so attractive I’d have punched you in the face nine times by now.
286.        I swear it was an accident
287.        I swear it was like that when I found it
288.        I swear my house is haunted
289.        I think about it constantly
290.        I think I picked up your coffee by mistake
291.        I think I’m gonna pass out
292.        I think I’m in love with you and that scares me to death
293.        I think we need to talk
294.        I think we should have another
295.        I thought I lost you
296.        I thought you loved me
297.        I thought you were a dream come true
298.        I thought you were dead
299.        I told you not to fall in love with me!
300.        I trusted you
301.        I waited and waited, but you never came back
302.        I want my best friend back
303.        I want to give you a word of warning
304.        I want to protect you
305.        I want to take care of you
306.        I wasn’t aware that was something a person could do
307.        I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever
308.        I wasn’t planning on asking you but I’ve come to realize that life is short. Will you marry me?
309.        I wish I understood why you did that
310.        I wish I’d never met you
311.        I wish we could go back to the way things used to be
312.        I wish we could stay like this forever
313.        I wish you didn’t have to go
314.        I won’t give up if you won’t
315.        I won’t let you fall
316.        I would say this cake was baked with love, but I had a bad day so it’s baked with chocolate and hatred
317.        I wrote _ love letters until they fell
318.        I wrote you a song
319.        I’d be careful if I were you
320.        I’d give away everything I own if it meant I could be with you
321.        I’d rather be hurt from the truth than live in your lies
322.        I’ll do it myself if I have to
323.        I’ll make it right for you
324.        I’ll show you
325.        I’ll show you where my shoe fits
326.        I’m about to pee myself! Stop!
327.        I’m about to crack under all this stress!
328.        I’m allergic to flowers
329.        I’m afraid this conversation is going to end in goodbye
330.        I’m blindsided
331.        I’m completely and utterly in love with you, and I wouldn’t have it any other way
332.        I’m dying
333.        I’m fine
334.        I’m going home
335.        I’m going to keep you safe
336.        I’m going to kiss you now
337.        I’m gonna fail
338.        I’m here now. You’re safe with me
339.        I’m laughing because you’re angry. I swear I didn’t do it
340.        I’m like 20% sure this plan will work and the other 80% means this cold die horrible any violently, but honestly, it’s a really solid plan.
341.        I’m not alone tonight
342.        I’m not bothering you am I?
343.        I’m not going anywhere without you, okay?
344.        I’m not going to apologize. I can’t anymore
345.        I’m not going to give up when we’ve come so far
346.        I’m not going to run away this time. It’s time I face my problems
347.        I’m not good enough for you
348.        I’m not happy here
349.        I’m not here because I want to be. I’m here because I made a promise, and I want to keep my promises
350.        I’m not here for you
351.        I’m not the only one who thinks that
352.        I’m pregnant
353.        I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works
354.        I’m pretty sure you were the one who broke my best friend’s heart
355.        I’m proud of you, I’m proud of us
356.        I’m ready, let’s go!
357.        I’m scared… of you… of us
358.        I’m sick
359.        I’m sick of being useless
360.        I’m so fucking done with this shit
361.        I’m so happy you’re alive
362.        I’m so in love with you
363.        I’m so sorry. I will never doubt you again
364.        I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend
365.        I’m sorry for a lot of things, but I’m not sorry for the way I feel about you
366.        I’m sorry I didn’t know
367.        I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you anymore
368.        I’m sorry if this upsets you, but I’m going to marry him
369.        I’m sorry, run that by me again??
370.        I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it. More depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was
371.        I’m up for the challenge
372.        I’m waiting
373.        I’m yours in every way possible
374.        Imagine if it could always be this way, even in the city.
375.        I’ve been in love with you my entire life
376.        I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you…
377.        I’ve been working all week and this is what I come home to?!
378.        I’ve got good news and bad news
379.        I’ve got nothing to apologize for
380.        I’ve got you
381.        I’ve liked you for a while now
382.        I’ve moved on
383.        I’ve never felt this way about anyone before… and it scares the shit out of me
384.        I’ve wanted this for so long
385.        If anyone’s gonna break my heart, I want it to be you
386.        If he hurts you, I’ll fucking kill him
387.        If I ever see you anywhere near him, you’ll have to deal with me
388.        If I were you, I’d be quiet
389.        If my parents knew what I was doing, they’d kill me
390.        If you don’t want to talk about what happened. Then say so. Don’t just lie and say it’s fine
391.        If you leave now, please don’t ever come back. It would hurt less that way
392.        If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed
393.        If you loved me, you’d fight for it. If you loved me, you show it. If you loved me, you’d fight for me. Do you even know what love is?
394.        If you miss me, then you should do something about it
395.        If you so much as touch a single hair on his/her head, I’ll fucking kill you
396.        If you walk out right now it’s over for us
397.        If you’re bored; wanna have sex?
398.        Is… is that even possible? Like, can we do this?
399.        Is… is that my picture in your wallet/as your home screen
400.        Is it really you?
401.        Is it supposed to look like that? are you sure?
402.        is that a challenge
403.        is that a drawing of me?
404.        is that an apology
405.        is that even a sport?
406.        is that my shirt?
407.        is that real
408.        is that the best you can do?
409.        is that what I think it is?
410.        Is that what you’re doing trying to make me hate you
411.        Is there a problem?
412.        Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?
413.        Is there something you want to tell me?
414.        Is this seat taken?
415.        Is this what you were looking for?
416.        Isn’t this amazing?
417.        It can’t be too late
418.        It isn’t what it looks like! Okay… maybe it is…
419.        It made a difference to me
420.        It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line
421.        It was just a dream
422.        It wasn’t supposed to happen like that
423.        It’ll all fall into place, trust me
424.        It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong
425.        It’s all your fault
426.        It’s always been you
427.        It’s been fun. We’ve had a good run, but you parked in my spot. I’m going to have to kill you now
428.        It’s better this way, don’t you see?
429.        It’s been too long since I’ve touched you
430.        It’s been years, but I still feel the same way
431.        It’s not a rumor if what they say is true
432.        It’s obvious. It’s over
433.        It’s okay, I’m here for you
434.        It’s okay to ask for help you know
435.        It’s okay to cry
436.        It’s simple really. Let me show you
437.        It’s so easy to fall in love with you
438.        It’s too early for this
439.        It’s 3 AM, wanna go get some pizza?
440.        Je t’aime
441.        Just blowing off some steam
442.        Just hold me
443.        Just how much of an idiot do you think I am?
444.        Just make sure we don’t get lost again
445.        Just marry me already
446.        Just say it is okay. I just need to hear you say that
447.        Just take the jacket
448.        Just talk to me
449.        Just thought it would make me feel better
450.        Just, please be my best friend right now. Not the person I confessed my love to
451.        Keep it in your pants!
452.        Keep me warm
453.        Keep your head up
454.        Kill me now.
455.        Kiss me
456.        Lay back
457.        Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do
458.        Let him go! It’s me you want
459.        Let me braid your hair, sweetie
460.        Let me buy you a drink?
461.        Let me help you with this. I owe you that much
462.        Let me paint your nails!
463.        Let’s do something wild and crazy
464.        Let’s go for a drive
465.        Let’s go get lost somewhere
466.        Let’s have a baby
467.        Let’s pick up where we left off…
468.        Let’s pretend I didn’t see you do that
469.        Let’s run away together
470.        Look at me- just breathe okay?
471.        Look at that. I’ve never seen your face get so red
472.        Look at the sky
473.        Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you
474.        Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while
475.        Make a wish
476.        Marry me?
477.        May I have this dance?
478.        Maybe I cried and maybe I didn’t. I ain’t telling you
479.        Maybe right now, you just can’t imagine being lonely
480.        Meet me at midnight. Alone
481.        Meet me at the terminal
482.        Meet me on the bridge in an hour
483.        Meet me on the roof in ten minutes
484.        Meet me upstairs
485.        My life is ruined…
486.        My parents asked about you
487.        Need a ride?
488.        No! I’m tired of dong what you say
489.        No matter what, I’ll always remember you this way
490.        No one needs to know
491.        None of this makes sense
492.        None of that matters now
493.        Not a day will go by that I won’t think of you
494.        Not to be rude or anything, but I know your type so please, kindly, fuck off
495.        Not you again
496.        Nothing is more contagious than laughter
497.        Now is the time to stand
498.        Of course I remembered
499.        Of course, you got what you wanted
500.        Of course you just had to jump into the conversation
501.        Oh, are you ticklish?
502.        Oh come on! Everyone’s got a story
503.        Oh god, no, I didn’t mean that. Please forgive me
504.        Oh my god, is that blood?
505.        Oh, my god! You’re in love with him/her
506.        Okay, so maybe I lied! Maybe I’m not over you! Maybe I still have feelings! Stupid, stupid, uncontrollable feelings!
507.        On your knees
508.        One last time…
509.        Open up
510.        Over my dead body
511.        Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you aren’t safe here
512.        Please don’t do this
513.        Please don’t ever do that again
514.        Please, don’t leave me
515.        Please, don’t give up on me
516.        Please, I can’t do this without you
517.        Please, I love you
518.        Please listen to me-
519.        Please look at me
520.        Please pretend to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?
521.        Please say something
522.        Please, take me instead
523.        Please tell me you didn’t get us a (insert animal here)
524.        President _? Yeah, like that’ll happen
525.        Promise me you won’t let anything happen to him/her
526.        Promise me you’ll come back… I need you to promise me
527.        Promise me you’ll stay
528.        Promise me you’ll take care of her/him
529.        Promise me you’ll take better care of yourself
530.        Prove me wrong!
531.        Put a shirt on!
532.        Put me down!
533.        Really? Right now?
534.        Remember our first date? When you took me to Starbucks and it took me 15 minutes just to choose a flavor of Frappuccino was never sure about anything, never. But I was so fucking sure about you
535.        Remind me how much you love me
536.        Rumors only grow
537.        Run and don’t ever look back
538.        Save me a dance, will you?
539.        Say it!
540.        Screw you!
541.        See? It isn’t so bad
542.        See, the problem is, you fall in love with everyone you meet.
543.        Shame on me for getting too close
544.        Shhhh, I’m hiding
545.        Shopping? Do I have to go?
546.        Shut up and kiss me
547.        Since when do you drive a motorcycle?
548.        Since when have we ever been friends
549.        So? It’s not your problem so butt out
550.        So, I found this waterfall…
551.        So that’s it? It’s over?
552.        So, there was an accident.
553.        Some boys are just for good times
554.        Somebody’s in love!
555.        Sorry, I thought I was alone…
556.        Stay the night, please…
557.        Stop being so cute
558.        Stop being such a baby
559.        Stop hogging all the blankets!
560.        Stop ignoring me!
561.        Stop looking at me like that!
562.        Stop pinning this on me! You started it!
563.        Stop running so fast!
564.        Stop teasing me so much…
565.        Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night
566.        Stop wasting your time.
567.        Stop yelling and sit down already
568.        Take a break dammit!
569.        Take a look around, tell me what you see
570.        Take me anywhere but here
571.        Take off your clothes
572.        Take that back
573.        Teach me how to play?
574.        Tell me a secret
575.        Tell me again why I let you convince me that this was even remotely a good idea
576.        Thanks for helping me back there
577.        Thanks for not giving up on me
578.        Thanks for, you know, sticking with me
579.        That came out wrong
580.        That guy at the bar keeps staring at you
581.        That is not coming in this house
582.        That is not what I said
583.        That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard
584.        That was fun. Let’s do it again sometime
585.        That was not my fault
586.        That wasn’t funny
587.        That’s a stupid rule
588.        That’s a suitcase
589.        That’s bullshit and you know it
590.        That’s distracting
591.        That’s one less thing to worry about!
592.        That’s what my mom said
593.        The emperor has no clothes
594.        The ever-favorite object of my heart
595.        The food looks great but… there’s something much more delicious I’d like to eat right now
596.        The jokes on them
597.        The night’s still young
598.        The sign clearly says we’re closed. So please buy something so I can go home.
599.        The sign said not to push the button, so naturally I had to push it
600.        The skirt is supposed to be this short
601.        The three second rule doesn’t apply to sticky foods
602.        The way you flirt is shameful
603.        They’re going to love you, don’t worry
604.        There is so much I can teach you.
605.        There’s basically nothing in the fridge…
606.        There’s no bed…
607.        There’s no getting out of this. You ruined me
608.        There’s nothing he/she can do
609.        There’s something I need to tell you
610.        There’s too much snow!
611.        There was never an us
612.        They all look so small
613.        They can’t hurt you anymore
614.        They know… they all know…
615.        Things don’t always turn out the way they should
616.        This is… this is somewhere I never imagined I’d be
617.        This is actually hell
618.        This. Is. An. Emergency.
619.        This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course, I’m in
620.        This is completely new territory for me
621.        This is delicious
622.        This is seriously the best play I’ve ever seen!
623.        This is so going on YouTube
624.        This is why I fell I love with you
625.        This is why you’re my voice of reason
626.        This isn’t fair!
627.        This isn’t going to be easy
628.        This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us
629.        This place gives me the creeps
630.        This tastes horrible
631.        This was all a dream?
632.        This wasn’t supposed to happen like this
633.        Those things you said yesterday… did you mean them?
634.        To be honest, I couldn’t care less
635.        Today has been the shittiest of my life, but being here with you’s just managed to make everything better
636.        Twins? Were… were having twins?!
637.        Um… Yes?
638.        Unless…
639.        Wait a minute. Are you jealous?
640.        Wait, do you two know each other?
641.        Wait for it
642.        Wait, this is your handwriting? I thought this was your hieroglyphics
643.        Wait, you did what again?
644.        Wait, you’re my soulmate?
645.        Wake up! Please, please wake up
646.        Walk it off!
647.        Wanna bet?
648.        Wanna go see a movie with me?
649.        Wanna dance?
650.        Want to head back to my place and have a little fun?
651.        Want to talk about it?
652.        W…was that you making that noise?
653.        Was I really that drunk?
654.        Watch over him/her
655.        We all make mistakes; we’re human. It’s what we do
656.        We can deal with it later
657.        We can’t go in there
658.        We can’t do that here!
659.        We can’t keep up with this forever
660.        We can’t lose each other… we just can’t!
661.        We can’t tell my brother
662.        We could be amazing
663.        We could have had it all
664.        We have to pretend to be married
665.        We missed our chance
666.        We’d make a cute couple
667.        We’ll finish the same way we started it… together
668.        We’ll get through this, I promise
669.        We’re not just friends and you know it
670.        Well fine. Just this once
671.        Well if you insist
672.        Well, if you’re up to the challenge
673.        Well, this is awkward…
674.        Well this has gone terribly wrong
675.        Well this is just great
676.        Well, what made you think I don’t feel the same?
677.        Well, when you put it like that…
678.        Well… yell, scream, say something, anything
679.        What a pretty sight.
680.        What, are you afraid?
681.        What are you doing here?
682.        What are you even saying?
683.        What are you listening to?
684.        What are you writing about?
685.        What changed so quickly?
686.        What did I do wrong? Please tell me
687.        What did I ever do to you?
688.        What did you just say?
689.        What do you mean you’re from the 19th century?
690.        What have I ever done to you!
691.        What if I told you it will be alright?
692.        What in the hell are you wearing?
693.        What is that red stuff on your hands?
694.        What is this?
695.        What kind of snack is that?
696.        What on earth are you wearing?
697.        What other hidden talents do you have?
698.��       What the heck kinda app is that?!
699.        What the hell are you doing here?! I told you I never wanted to see you again!
700.        What the hell are you guys doing with my underwear?
701.        What the hell did you write that for?
702.        What the hell was that!?
703.        What were you thinking? Were you trying to get yourself killed?
704.        What would you do in my position?
705.        What’s the matter?
706.        What’s with the box?
707.        What’s wrong with guys/girls like me?
708.        When are you going to realize that I don’t care?
709.        When I come back, that better be exactly where you found it.
710.        When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then... especially then!
711.        When you smile I fall apart
712.        Where did all these puppies dome from?
713.        Where did that cat come from?
714.        Where did you find this?
715.        Where did you learn to dance?
716.        Where do you think you’re going?
717.        Where is your stuff?
718.        Where were you? Do you have any idea how worried I was?
719.        Who are you?
720.        Who brought pot brownies to the bake sale?
721.        Who gave you that black eye?!
722.        Who will still care?
723.        Who’s gonna stop me? You?
724.        Why are we debating this when I’m obviously right?
725.        Why are you so annoying?
726.        Why are you baking muffins at three in the morning?
727.        Why are you being so nice to someone like me?
728.        Why are you bleeding?
729.        Why are you covered in mud?
730.        Why are you dressed like that?
731.        Why are you here if you’re not having fun?
732.        Why are you looking at me like that?
733.        Why are you lying?
734.        Why are you naked?
735.        Why are you so serious all the time?
736.        Why are you taking so many photos?
737.        Why are you up so early?
738.        Why can’t they see they’re meant for each other?
739.        Why can’t you see what you’re doing to me?
740.        Why choose me?
741.        Why couldn’t you come to me with your problems
742.        Why did you have to be the smart person?
743.        Why do I even bother?
744.        Why do you always stay up so late?
745.        Why do you hate me?
746.        Why don’t they just kiss me already?
747.        Why don’t you say that to my face?
748.        Why don’t you want to be alone with me?
749.        Why in the hell are you drinking at this hour!?
750.        Why is it so quiet?
751.        Why is school so boring?
752.        Will you just shut up for a moment so I can say something nice to you!
753.        Would you mind? I just need someone right now
754.        You actually came?
755.        You are nothing like them
756.        You are so adorable
757.        You are so infuriating!
758.        You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me
759.        You braided his hair?
760.        You broke what?
761.        You brought this girl into our bed!
762.        You came back!
763.        You can finally speak your mind!
764.        You can keep the apartment
765.        You can sing?
766.        You can trust me
767.        You can’t just sit on the sidelines your whole life
768.        You can’t leave me in the dark. You have to tell me these things.
769.        You can’t protect me
770.        You deserve so much better
771.        You did all this for me?
772.        You did this for me
773.        You didn’t ask for permission
774.        You didn’t tell me it was karaoke night
775.        You don’t even know what you’re asking me to confess!
776.        You don’t know shit
777.        You don’t know you the way I do
778.        You don’t need to protect me
779.        You fainted… straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes
780.        You get more beautiful each day
781.        You got her pregnant? What were you thinking?
782.        You got what you wanted. Now go!
783.        You had literally no right to do that!
784.        You had me at free pizza
785.        You had the keys!
786.        You have to be shitting me
787.        You have… superpowers?
788.        You have some nerve
789.        You have the most amazing eyes
790.        You have to make a choice
791.        You have to remember
792.        You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?
793.        You heard me. Take. It. Off
794.        You know I wouldn’t do this if I had any other choice
795.        You know my name?
796.        You know what? Fuck you. I’m done with all your shit
797.        You know what you do to me
798.        You lied to me
799.        You look beautiful
800.        You look better than I remembered
801.        You made me drive you here and you’re leaving with him?
802.        You need to calm down
803.        You need to leave. Right now
804.        You need to let him/her go
805.        You said to move on
806.        You said you could help
807.        You say the nastiest things when you’re angry so yes. I’m walking away from you now
808.        You take my love for granted
809.        You think I’m insensible enough to fall for that?
810.        You told me you wanted to let go. That night… I was coming over to try and fix things
811.        You owe me
812.        You own my heart
813.        You shouldn’t have even been there
814.        You walked away. Not me
815.        You wanna go?
816.        You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me
817.        You were gone. I turned around and poof
818.        You weren’t supposed to hear that
819.        You’d be a great dad/mom
820.        You’ll be the death of me
821.        Your cheeks are so squishy
822.        Your hair is so soft
823.        Your stuff is in boxes outside your parent’s place
824.        Your turn to do the dishes
825.        You’re a disappointment
826.        You’re a monster
827.        You’re cute when you’re angry
828.        You’re getting crumbs all over my bed
829.        You’re going to be late
830.        You’re hiding something from me
831.        You’re in trouble now…
832.        You’re just another girl/guy
833.        You’re kidding, right?
834.        You’re lucky you’re cute
835.        You’re making me blush
836.        You’re my one exception
837.        You’re not alone
838.        You’re not as cool as you think you are
839.        You’re not short. You wouldn’t understand
840.        You’re nothing without _ behind you
841.        You’re one hell of a guy/girl
842.        You’re so beautiful
843.        You’re so demanding
844.        You’re so warm
845.        You’re special to me
846.        You’re teasing me again
847.        You’re the best
848.        You’re the only one I trust to do this
849.        You’re the only person I want to wake up to every morning
850.        You’re the worst at this
851.        You’re too damn proud to see that you need help!
852.        You’re too good for me
853.        You’re too proud to let yourself love me
854.        You’re wrong and I’ll prove it
855.        You’ve got something on your cheek
856.        You’ve got to be kidding me
857.        You’ve never looked more beautiful than you are in this moment
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thegracegatsby · 7 years
this post is all over the place but here’s a super long update if you care lmao 
So it’s officially been one month since i’ve been on this marketing internship in Prague which is basically working a full time marketing job without the pay (duh, Grace) lol I really thought I was going to be filing papers and going on coffee runs, but nope this is the real deal. I didn’t even get a day to fix my jetlag nor was I eased into the job. The day after I arrived I had 15 minutes to learn about all the projects everyone was working on, got acquainted with the office and the other interns, then started on all my tasks. To give you an idea of what I’ve been up to, my first week here I had to think of several marketing ideas for a local company and had to present them to the owner. The Stress and nerves had me on bed rest that weekend ngl lol. The owner loved the presentation, but I couldn’t help but be so hard on myself. I felt so underprepared I didn’t expect to be thrown into the field at full speed. I literally felt like the Mr. Krabs meme. I was shookington. I thought college and a regular part time job was hectic, but wow I was not prepared for job that required 110% of my time and mind. What I mean by that is I was/am technically working on four different projects and each of them need to be unique aka I can’t repeat ideas. I learned to trust myself and just trust that if I did my best…. it would just had to be enough. I can only learn from my mistakes and find a way to improve myself every day. Those “do one thing to be better than yesterday” quotes were always cute, but they have been extremely relevant this summer. That’s been such an important lesson and habit. Some other things I was up to is sometimes the company gets invited to special private events so so far I’ve attended two events. The first one being some networking event with a panel so different CEO’s discussed the future of tech & marketing and answered questions, then another event where the communications director of Manolo (shoe goals) spoke on the brand. Even got to meet her she was so sweet! Last week I got sent on my first official business trip to Poland to meet with different Korean companies at an expo! I had to basically see and negotiate potential products to market in the US and Latin America. Crazy. I loved every second of it. I’ve been meaning to write for a few weeks now so my thoughts are probably a little all over the place, but now is when I feel like I finally have the time and energy to sit down and catch up on a blog even if no one reads this lmaoo. It’s wild how a month and a half ago I left my job at the bank with a heavy heart and had my summer classes get cancelled/wasn’t able to register for any new one’s since they were all full. I was so close to doing nothing all summer except go job hunting again so this trip was such a blessing. It’s super challenging I’m not gonna lie. I feel like I’ve grown so much from being here. I’ve had to get out of my comfort zone in every single sense of the word. I’ve had to depend on myself mentally and emotionally in different ways than I’ve had to back home. I know this sounds super dramatic lol, but honestly this is the first time I’ve been away from my home, family, friends, city, for more than two weeks. Taking such a huge step without my family around has been difficult. It’s how I imagine it would have been like if I moved away for college. I’m going through “real life with training wheels” because I’m staying with family here so I’m not 100% on my own, but that’s the farthest thing from perfect. Like.. my extended family is going through some hell shit and I feel like I’m in the middle of it so I can’t escape it. I guess that’s where my desperate homesickness comes from. I was SO ready to go home I even asked if I could book a flight after TWO weeks of being here. That’s how desperate I was to go back home. I never talk about my personal life, but I will say that my actual home life, thankfully, is healthy. No relationship/family is perfect don’t get it twisted, but my parents learned from the mistakes of their families/friends and tried very hard to raise my sibling and I in a peaceful home. Don’t take this as the “I’m the best because my parents don’t hate each other can’t relate sweetie (: just be happy and drink tea” way because that’s not what I’m saying at all lol. Sadly, toxic families are everywhere, but reading/hearing about a household that is going through a nasty divorce with unhealthy drama happening every single day is completely different than actually experiencing/witnessing it with my own two naked eye balls. Especially from my own relative. I know this makes me sound immature or naive or whatever, but I mean… I’ve never lived anywhere else so I never knew anything other than my own family dynamic ya know? My empathy for children and teenagers who have to go through what I’ve been seeing on a daily basis has grown so much. Again, this isn’t a show off way of me saying “my life is semi-perfect” (no one’s is) I’m literally saying the change has helped me understand and appreciate the importance of a healthy home so much which… isn’t a bad thing. I’d rather learn this now seeing it from afar than with regret later on in my life. I’m genuinely so heartbroken and empathetic for every single person going through this much toxicity especially my own cousin who will have to grow up with the issues her parents are making alone. The biggest takeaway is I know what the fuck NOT to tolerate in relationships. If I thought my tolerance was low, now it’s even lower I’m not putting up with any bullshit ever wow. Now none of this would matter if I only got to work then go home and mind my business, but nah it’s not like that. An argument happened? Guess who gets some insults and bad attitude. Me. Since why did my extended family think it’s okay to disrespect and insult me for everything??? Don’t even get me started on the side comments about my weight :)) All I do is try to stay hydrated and mind my business! lmaofdnsfds. I guess that’s where the mental and emotional challenge comes from. I’ve never been a super emotional person literally the last time I cried from emotion was the day of the musical in high school because I messed up on stage and was super embarrassed. That was literally 4 years ago in April. I’ve had like two mental breakdowns already not including the countless times I’ve had to calm myself down, do some breathing exercises, and mentally try to disconnect from the fuckery. The hardest times being when I’m in public. I NEVER talk back tho which is weird because I hardly ever bite my tongue I’m quick to defend myself, but deep down I know the aggression stems from all these problems.. plus I try to tell myself it’s not that deep and I’m leaving in less than a month. I know I won’t have to deal with this ever ever again. Also honestly staying quiet gets everyone on my side because people see the way I’m spoken to and are like “wtf ignore it you’re doing great”. Lol I wish I could go into more detail because there is SO much tea I can spill, but for privacy (and maybe legal idk?) reasons I’m going to stay quiet. Another intern who started seeing the verbal abuse asked me about everything so I confided in her about all the drama and she’s like “wooow everything makes sense things were worse when before you got here” kjndvdf we were super tight it was so great :’) but she left and everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Honestly, everyone I work/have worked with have been so great. I only got close with like two or three tho but still everyone is so nice lol. So yeah even though the work experience here is amazing and something I will value for the rest of my life, the home life aspect is fucked up. I’m even trying to convince my parents to sell this plot to Lifetime lmao it’s THAT dramatic. *sigh* Some other news is I was supposed to be in Spain right now. I literally Uber’ed myself and my grandmother all the way to the airport yesterday morning, show up to the check-in counter with a smile and bags in hand just so they could tell me “Sorry, you don’t show up on our system” to my face. I’ve never had an issue with my flight so the room was spinning a lil and was low key panicking because 1. English isn’t anyone’s first language here 2. I was abroad and had no idea what to do because I didn’t even make the reservation so I had to call two different airlines and try to resolve the MESS, but nothing was resolved they fucked up my booking from the beginning so only my return flight was paid for not the departure :) so after easily deciding I was NOT going to pay $580 for a one-way outbound ticket, I had to quickly figure out my next move. (PRO TIP: ALWAYS BOOK DIRECTLY WITH COMPANIES THEY’LL WORK WITH YOU AND REFUND YOU IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG. EVEN IF YOU SEE A CHEAPER PRICE ON ONE OF THOSE TRAVEL SITES SOMEONE TOLD ME THEY’LL PRICE MATCH YOU AND EVEN GIVE YOU DIFFERENT FLIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS LIKE CHANGING LAYOVER FLIGHTS IT’S MAGICAL). Everyone I’m living with went to Spain the day before, so after bending over backwards to try and get the house key from my grandmother who already passed through security (she couldn’t wait for me bc the guy at security had 5 min to wheelchair her to her gate), I found a way to contact her (a blessing bc if not I would have had to stay at a hotel or something) and had her hand me the keys back to our place. I didn’t have the patience to take a bus back to the city so I paid the extra fare to Uber back home. The weird part is I’m not even mad. After calling the airlines, contacting my parents, contacting my family already in Spain that I wouldn’t be going, I was just… chilling. Got some groceries and I’ve been living la vida loca just eating and watching netflix lol. Sure, I wanted to go see a new country and even try to see the town my great grandparents were from, but if there’s anything I learned this year is… everything happens for a reason. I think it would have been an amazing trip, but there’s a reason I didn’t get to travel this weekend. Theres a reason I had to leave my job at the bank. Theres a reason I’m here in Prague in the first place. There’s a reason I’m witnessing this entire Mess. I guess there’s some growth in that too you know what I mean? Younger me would have probably combusted in hatred and be extremely negative and complain that “my life sucks” when in reality it’s fine it’s just in general, shitty things happen…. but life won’t stop for anybody not even me. On the bright side, some good lessons came out of this experience. Forget 2016, this was the real year of realizing things™. I’m going back to Miami with a completely different drive and mindset. For example, I knew school is important and I get good grades, but my attitude towards my education is COMPLETELY different now. Being “good” just isn’t good enough for me anymore. With my grades now I could get into a “good” grad school, but now I don’t even want “good” I want something better. I want great I want the best I want to work my ass off to get into an AMAZING school. I still don’t know everything or even want I want 100%, but this trip has helped me change how I plan to approach/execute my future goals. That “oh I guess I’ll work someday idk that’s a long time from now so I don’t care I’ll worry about it another day” won’t cut it anymore. Now that I’m thinking about it, a lot of things need changing when I get back. Which speaking of getting back, I’m counting down the days I’m so excited I leave at the end of the month ayee!! Lol okay I feel like I’m just rambling at this point. There were a few more things I wanted to say buut………… I forgot it so I’ll just end it here and make a new post if I remember lol. Even if no one reads this, future me will and she’ll remember how the Ctrl album from SZA was playing in the background while writing this and probably cringe at how bittersweet this whole experience/year has been.
TLDR I learned a lot on this internship (good and bad) and I’m basically going back home a new person :-)
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flauntpage · 6 years
Get Excited! – Ten Takeaways from Eagles 28, Redskins 13
The Eagles defeated Mark Sanchez at Lincoln Financial Field.
It’s a huge win for the Birds, who have now beaten:
Matt Ryan at home
a rusty Andrew Luck at home
Blake Bortles on a neutral field
Eli Manning at home
Eli Manning on the road
and Mark Sanchez at home
Talk about murderer’s row.
We should all be jumping for joy after running through that gauntlet. It’s a super impressive Eagles’ resume, featuring thrilling victories over the 6-6 Colts, the 4-8 Falcons, the 4-8 Jaguars, the 4-8 Giants, and now a lame duck Washington team on their third string quarterback.
I’ll be honest with you; I really struggled to find any inspiration to write about this game. I did the sardonic angle last week, so I didn’t want to repeat that again this week, but I just don’t know how else to approach the Eagles right now. They’re a banged-up 6-6 football team that just beat a couple of loser squads at home. They took care of business, as they should have.
The bright side, I suppose, is that they’ve given themselves another chance. It wasn’t long ago that they had a crack at Dallas while sitting at 4-4, a game they choked away on their home field. So you claw your way back to .500 and get another shot at the Cowboys, who have won four games in a row but ain’t exactly the 1985 Chicago Bears. Stranger things have happened in the NFL, and if the Eagles knock off Dallas at Jerry World, then they pull level with the Cowboys at 7-6 and things at least become interesting heading into week 15.
But what then? They’ll certainly get squashed by the Rams to fall to 7-7 before coming home for a tough game against the 9-3 Texans. I don’t know if there’s a guaranteed win on the schedule until the season finale in Washington.
I see a lot of Eagles fans on Twitter this morning bending over backwards to convince themselves that this team is somehow gonna go on a miraculous run and rip off a few more victories and win the division at 9-7 and slide into the playoffs. What would make you believe that? Because they beat the Giants and the Redskins at home?
I just don’t see it. If you want to reprise the underdogs theme from last year and play the disrespect card and talk about what can happen on “any given Sunday,” knock yourself out, but my eyes and my brain are telling me that is a .500 football team and nothing more.
1) Opening drives
Really nice drives to start not just the first half, but the second half as well.
This was the first time the Eagles scored on the opening drive since the first Giants game way back in week six, and they did it with this play selection:
Five straight runs on that drive, finished off by a Carson Wentz scramble and step-up to pick out Golden Tate in the corner of the end zone for his first Eagles touchdown.
In the second half, it went something like this:
Wentz threw the interception at the goal line to end that drive, but everything looked pretty up until that point. He hit three different receivers and the Eagles worked both Corey Clement and Josh Adams into the possession.
Some good stuff there, and maybe that assuages some concerns about Doug’s inability to script the opening drive this season. The Eagles put up 436 yards of total offense Monday night, and if it wasn’t for two blown red zone trips, they could have easily scored 40.
2) Carson Wentz
The interception was a big blemish an otherwise solid night for Carson.
He made plays with his feet. He got outside of the pocket. He looked more like the Carson Wentz we saw last season, who was able to extend plays and move around a bit and allow his receivers to reroute back to him.
Carson finished 27-39 for 306 yards, 2 touchdowns and 1 interception. His timing seemed to be off on a couple of his throws, but I found this to be the biggest positive from his performance:
Carson Wentz went 6-7 and threw for a career-high 100 yards on passes outside the pocket on Monday.
All of those passes came off play-action. Wentz also set a career-high with 163 play-action passing yards. pic.twitter.com/rG0lDBrzhX
— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) December 4, 2018
Here’s what he said about that:
“Play-action, boots and nakeds and stuff are something that we always thought kind of our bread and butter, especially on first and second down. Getting the run game going, really opens up those things. Gets me on the edge, gets me a chance to make some plays, and gets some guys down the field and underneath to make some plays down the field. So yes, I think we used it effectively tonight.”
Doug Pederson said that they game-planned to have Carson under center more in this game, so that’s something to look for when we go back and watch the film. They have been primarily a shotgun team dating back to 2016.
3) Runs and screens
The Eagles ran the ball 29 times with Adams, Clement, and Darren Sproles. Wentz finished with 4 rushing attempts in the box score, so the split ended up being 44 to 29 in terms of pass/run. That’s 60/40 on the dot, which is right around where most NFL teams are going to fall.
Adams carried the ball 20 times for 85 yards and Clement had 5 for 27. Sproles went 4 for 22 with the nice touchdown run.
I didn’t see anything super special from Adams or Clement last night, but I thought Corey had a couple of really solid screen plays on the night that essentially functioned as an extension of the run game. On the third touchdown drive specifically, there was a big 23 yard gain that took the Eagles from their own 33 yard line to the Washington 44:
Lovely play, and a really nice design.
I honestly thought this was one of their best-executed plays last night.
They motion a receiver over to the left before sending all three on misdirection routes, which clears out the near side of the field and allows the offensive linemen to rumble downfield:
Clear ’em out, bit of play action, screen left and let the linemen do their thing for a 23 yard gain.
Speaking of which:
4) Put this on the highlight reel
This isn’t really a takeaway, I just want to highlight the best block any Eagles player has laid this season.
Jason Kelce has put together a career’s worth of downfield blocking highlights, but the combination he ripped off last night was maybe one of the best two or three plays I’ve ever seen him make.
Watch this video clip over and over again:
.@DarrenSproles, officially back.#FlyEaglesFly pic.twitter.com/orwZLxSFXh
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) December 4, 2018
It’s one thing to take Mason Foster and drive him back 10 yards with one arm, but then he carries that into a crushing hit on Ha Ha Clinton-Dix that just puts the safety completely on his back.
Kelce on that sequence:
“It’s been one of our better plays during my tenure here. It’s a good play because it works to one of my strengths and gets me out in space. It also works to one of Darren’s strengths because it gets him out in space. We just caught them and got them in a good situation [for us]. I don’t think they were expecting it, and it was a big play.”
That’s a “football play” if I’ve ever seen one. Whenever Jason Kelce retires, or whenever somebody puts together that Youtube tribute video, this should be one of the first three or four plays on the reel.
5) Zach Ertz
Remember how Josina Anderson’s source felt like the Eagles were targeting Zach Ertz too much?
He again led the team, this time with 10 targets, but Golden Tate actually finished with a few more receiving yards. Carson targeted Tate, Nelson Agholor, and Alshon Jeffery 20 times, so, yeah, I guess it was a little lopsided, with Ertz earning 33% f the targets between those four players.
Whatever the case, Ertz is breaking records and on pace to break a few more. The Eagles PR staff pulled these notes and included them in their recap email:
Zach Ertz established a new single-season franchise record for receptions (currently 93), surpassing the previous mark of 90 set by Brian Westbrook in 2007.
Ertz’s 93 receptions are tied for the 13th-most by a TE in NFL history. He is only 7 receptions shy of becoming just the fourth TE in NFL history to reach 100 in a season, joining Jason Witten in 2012 (110), Tony Gonzalez in 2004 (102) and Dallas Clark in 2009 (100).
Ertz now has 978 receiving yards, which are the 2nd-most by a TE in single-season team history, trailing only Pete Retzlaff in 1965 (1,190).
Ertz surpassed Ozzie Newsome (4,569, 1978-83) for the 8th-most receiving yards by an NFL TE in their first six seasons (currently 4,642). He also moved past Fred Barnett (4,634, 1990-95) for the 11th-most receiving yards in Eagles history (5th-most by a TE).
I’ll give you one more:
Ertz has the most targets out of any tight end this season (121) and the sixth most targets among all NFL players. The only players to be targeted more are Antonio Brown, Adam Thielen, Julio Jones, Davante Adams, and OBJ.
He’s having a special season. No matter how mediocre the Eagles have been in some of these games, it seems like he’s just doing his thing, running the seam and catching everything thrown his way.
For what it’s worth, Ertz was asked about the ESPN report after the game, and said this:
On the ESPN report stating the problems with the offense are due to the fact that Ertz gets too many targets:
“I did hear of it, obviously. Obviously there are things that come out, playing in the NFL for six years, there are things that come out, sources all the time. I don’t feel like, I hope I’m not the problem, I don’t think I’m the problem. I’m just trying to be the best tight end I can be. I’ve said all along, it’s all about efficiency when it comes to targets and catches. I feel like we are efficient in that regard. I am just focusing on trying to put wins on the table, that’s the only thing I try and do. I don’t really focus on whether I get the ball or not. I’ve said it all along whether I get two catches or 10 catches, most important thing to me is winning football games. And I thoroughly believe each and every guy in that locker room feels the same way. There has never been a doubt of selfishness from anyone in that locker room. I don’t want to give it too much merit, just is what it is. Focused on the win tonight. I felt like everyone got the ball. It was a good team win and that’s what I’m focused on.”
On whether he addressed the report with the team or did he just not care for it:
“No, I didn’t care at all. I don’t think there was anything to address. I mean, it was an anonymous source, so if it was one of my teammates, I feel like, I mean I don’t have a motive by any means. I feel like I have a great relationship with all of my teammates. I can’t give too much credit to an anonymous source because I don’t know who it was.”
Pretty diplomatic answers there.
6) what happened here?
Mark Sanchez comes in the game.
The Redskins are back up inside their own 10.
You know they are going to hand the ball off to Adrian Peterson.
Yet this happens:
Adrian Peterson couldn’t get a job until August 20th. pic.twitter.com/c0feaP7BDo
— Field Yates (@FieldYates) December 4, 2018
Three things I think happened here:
it’s a power right for the Redskins, so they’ve got two extra blockers on that side of the formation and keep in a receiver to throw a block
it looks like Fletcher Cox is held as Peterson comes through the hole
Kamu Grugier-Hill can’t shed his block and a couple of guys miss their gaps
I tried to freeze it to show all three of these items:
Sidney Jones also misses a tackle there. It looked like Cre’Von LeBlanc was blitzing off the right side.
Here’s Malcolm Jenkins on the play:
“They caught us out of our gaps. It was just a big hole and AP hit it downhill and broke one tackle and showed that he still has those jets. It was just one of those ones where you just chalk it up and move on. Before that play, we were doing good against the run and afterwards we were able to bottle it down. They just caught us.”
And Peterson said this:
“As the play developed, I saw the rotation and the blitz coming off to the right side, and I knew I wanted to be patient and press it and see what presented itself. I kind of predetermined that it would be the cut-back or just straight ahead. For me, once I took my steps, it was about being patient and then seeing how it developed. [Redskins LT] Trent [Williams] and [Redskins LG Jonathan] Cooper, they did a great job backside sealing it off. I was just able to bounce around and once I broke free from the one tackle, it was lights out in my eyes.”
Yeah, it happens every so often. That’ll go into the film session this week at NovaCare.
7) winning in these categories
A weekly entry:
won time of possession, 39 to 21
0 turnover margin (each team with an interception)
7-13 on third down (53.8%)
0-1 on fourth down
allowed Redskins to go 2-10 on third down (20%)
lost 0 yards on 0 sacks
3 for 5 success rate in red zone
5 penalties for 38 yards
Strong marks across the board. The Redskins couldn’t do jack shit when Sanchez was asked to throw the ball, which is why that TOP number is so incredibly lopsided.
I think the biggest takeaway here is that the Birds allowed zero sacks for the first time in forever, and that’s partly on Carson with some smart scrambles to extend plays, but the line was excellent last night. The penalties were limited across the board and the offense did extremely well moving the sticks on third down. If they can do similar things next week, they really do have a chance to win in Dallas.
8) Doug’s best call?
The two point conversion to make it a two-score game early in the fourth quarter was an obvious analytical call, but smart nonetheless.
Otherwise, I think he did a nice job mixing and matching the run game with some screens, some play action, and some bread and butter passing plays as well. I really want to go back over the film and look at what Carson did under center.
9) Doug’s worst call?
I was not a fan of running Darren Sproles on third and four on the second drive, which resulted in a three and out.
The 4th down play call on the fourth drive, when Josh Adams was stuffed on a goal line – that was another pretty poor call.
That was a “duo” play, which, in most simple terms, features a pair of double team blocks and lets the running back sort of choose where to go. You want to get four legs on two legs at the line of scrimmage and push vertically.
It’s not a horrible concept; the Eagles just completely forgot to block a guy coming off the opposite side, so I don’t know who screwed up or what was the actually design there.
The only other thing that stood out to me didn’t actually involve Doug Pederson, but Jim Schwartz instead. In the first half they took a penalty to move Washington back to something like the 36 yard line and set up a 3rd and 30. Then Schwartz played his soft picket defense, the Eagles allowed a 10 yard gain, and Washington knocked in a 44 yard field goal.
If you’re going to sit there in zone and allow the underneath completion, why accept the penalty in the first place? You can pressure the QB and go for an incompletion, which turns a 44 yard attempt into a 54 yard attempt.
Shrug. I don’t get it. They need to take a look at the picket defense and change the parameters under which it’s deployed.
10) Monday night football crew
I want to give these guys a fair shake and I tried to give them a fair shake, but it’s just not a good broadcast.
First of all, it took us a total of three minutes to get a booing Santa Claus reference from Jason Witten, who still sounds clunky on the broadcast. He’s got a lot of great football knowledge, but I don’t feel like he’s applying it in the best way.
The producers should be keeping it simple with him:
“Jason, just tell me what you see on the field. Tell me what formation that is. Tell me what coverage the defense is playing.”
Things like that, you know? Tony Romo did a nice job with Xs and Os when he began broadcasting, I think the only thing that bothered fans with him was that he tried to be Nostradamus and predict what every play was going to be. Witten has a lot of good stuff locked away in his head, I just feel like it doesn’t come out in a fluid way, if that makes sense.
Beyond that, the second half discussion about Reuben Foster was horrifying and totally out of place. It felt forced and fake, like a public service announcement lacking any kind of sincerity.
First of all, they were talking about this topic in the middle of an interception return, which was ridiculous. Second, you can’t talk about domestic violence without a female voice, right? How can you have a meaningful discussion on domestic violence when the two voices are Booger McFarland and Jason Witten? Third, the placement was poor from a production standpoint. When you have a nuanced and delicate issue like that, you need at least five or six minutes in a proper setting to discuss it. Do it during halftime or before the game. That allows you to give it the requisite attention while not disrupting the game.
Finally, and this doesn’t have anything to do with ESPN, but what the hell was Howard Eskin wearing last night?
Yep. Golden Tate was right. He does look like a banana pudding
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— Cindy Webster (@CindyWeb94) December 4, 2018
Time’s yours.
The post Get Excited! – Ten Takeaways from Eagles 28, Redskins 13 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Get Excited! – Ten Takeaways from Eagles 28, Redskins 13 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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rolandfontana · 5 years
Who Pays the Tariffs on China Imports? President Trump vs. CNN and What YOU Can do NOW to Reduce Your China Prices
On May 5, President Trump tweeted that he would be raising tariffs to 25% on $200 billion worth of Chinese products and that he would eventually impose this same tariff rate on pretty much all products from China. Since then, the media has been all over the map on who will be paying for these tariffs. On the one side, we have President Trump and the media favorable to him stating (or at least implying) that “China will be paying these tariffs.” On the other side, we have the media stating (or at least implying) that the U.S. consumer will be paying these tariffs via increased retail prices
Well guess what and no surprise, it ain’t that simple. Truth is a many companies and people from all over the world will be paying the tariff. I say this based in large part on what our international lawyers and international trade lawyers have already seen from the last round of US tariffs.
The onslaught of tariffs is subjecting companies that import Chinese products into the United States to overall price increases and our China lawyers are getting an earful about this from clients that sell their products on relatively thin margins to big retailers like Walmart, Target and Home Depot. Our clients with super strong brand names and eye-popping profit margins are — at least for now — remaining much calmer. Some of our clients have flat out told us that they do not really care about the tariffs. We have a client that pays around $60 for the products it has made in China and then sells those products for $1700 to $2100. How much should it care about a $15 price increase? We have another client that pays 20 cents for the product it has made in China and then sells that product for $12. How much should it care about a 5 cent per unit price increase? So yes, the tariffs do not fall equally on all.
But no matter your profit margin (with some exceptions) and no matter to whom you sell your products, now is the best time to be doing two things: 1) looking into the possibility of at some point diversifying or moving your supply chain out of China, and 2) trying to get your China suppliers to lower your product pricing. Our international lawyers are working nearly non-stop to help our clients diversify their manufacturing to countries outside China — so far this has mostly been to other Asian countries, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, Thailand and Taiwan, but also to Mexico, Eastern Europe, Portugal, and Spain and even to Canada and the United States — more so after the announcement of the “new NAFTA” agreement, a/k/a the USMC.
This post is going to focus on who actually will pay the China tariffs, yet in doing so it also sets out some steps you should consider taking now to reduce your China product costs.
I will begin by explaining who will pay the 25% Trump tariffs and I will use a widget as my example, with the following assumptions.
Assume China Factory was manufacturing its widgets and selling them for $100 each before the tariffs.
Assume European Widget Company was buying these widgets from China Factory for $100 each before the tariffs and selling almost all of those widgets in the United States wholesale to Big Box Retailers for $140 which they in turn sell at retail for $280.
Assume China Factory/European Widget Company will now have to pay a 25% tariff on its widgets that go to the United States and further assume this means European Widget Company’s total cost for the widgets (as landed in the US) just went up to $125 because of the US tariffs.
What happens next? Does China Factory turn around and say to European Widget Company “we feel your pain and we badly want to alleviate that (and because China the country is now further subsidizing China Factory) we will cut our widget prices to $75 so your landed US costs will remain at $100, resulting in no change to your US pricing? Under this scenario, China will pay the tariffs.” Is this realistic? Of course not.
Does European Widget Company say to China Factory Company, “Hey that’s really too bad about the U.S. tariffs. Because we so love the US and China we will just pay you the same $100 we have always been paying you for the widgets and we will keep selling them to the US Big Box Retailers for $140. We will incur all losses from the tariffs so neither China nor the US will be impacted in the slightest.” This scenario is equally implausible.
Now let’s throw in some more assumptions, based on what happened with previous rounds of US tariffs against Chinese goods and what to a certain extent is already happening in this round of US tariffs against Chinese goods:
China reduces its income tax rates for Chinese export manufacturers, thereby reducing their overall costs by 4%.
China reduces its VAT rates for Chinese export manufacturers, thereby reducing their overall costs by 4%.
China pushes down the value of the RMB, thereby increasing by 2% the RMB Chinese export manufacturers get from their Dollar and Euro sales.
So right there we have a 12% reduction in costs for China Factory. Note that the numbers above are rough calculations and individual valuations will vary.
What should and what will the European Widget Company do in light of the above numbers? It will go to China Factory and say something like the following:
Monsieur, as you well know, times are tough selling widgets to the United States because of the new and onerous tariffs. We essentially have to pay 25% more than if we were to purchase them from any country other than China. Speaking of other countries, did I tell you we’ve been looking at having some of our other products made in Vietnam or Thailand? I went to both countries last week and they were so nice and they have such great food and I was surprised at how many people in both countries speak French. Do you realize that if we were to have  our widgets made in Vietnam or Thailand we’d be free from the 25% tariffs and free from all this acrimony and risk tied in with the US-China relationship. I have a friend who says the United States and China will at some point cease all trade between them. I don’t think that is possible, do you?
But I keep hearing that China’s recent income tax reductions and VAT rebate increases and RMB devaluations — and who knows what else the Chinese government is doing and will do to subsidize you Chinese manufacturers — has reduced your manufacturing costs by 15% to 20%. With all this it seems you should cut your pricing to us by 20%. I know this will cut into your profits a tiny bit but our profits are going to get cut as well no matter what you do and no matter what happens. Because we have had such a great relationship with you for the last 8 years (including our willingness to overlook your early indiscretions, like when you (1) sold our product in the grey market out the side door; (2) registered OUR trademark in China and we had to convince you to assign it to us or (3) you reduced the steel content in our widgets from 20% to 5% to save money and we only learned of this by enduring massive customer returns of our widgets due to failures and then as compensation you offered us a 5% discount on our next set of purchases), don’t you think it only fair that our two companies share in the profit losses here? Gosh I would hate to spoil our relationship that took us so long to build by moving our widget production to Thailand or Vietnam, which is what my General Manager says we should do.
And in the end, China Factory reduces its prices to European Widget Company by 12% and their new contract makes clear all pricing is in RMB, though payments will be made in Euros.
European Widget Company, is now paying $88 for widgets for which it previously paid $100. If you add the 25% tariff to the new $88 price, European Widget Company is now looking at a new $110 US landed price.
Does European Widget Company then go to its Big Box Retailer buyers and say, “Hey, you have always been great so I am going to keep selling you our widgets for $140 so your profits are not impacted?” No. Does European Widget Company go to its Big Box Retailer buyers and say, “Hey, because of the 25% tariffs I will need to increase my sales price to you by $25 and so I am now going to charge you $165 per widget?” Let’s imagine European Widget Company does this. How will Big Box Retailers respond? There is a 99+ percent chance they will tell European Widget Company “no way” and then talk about how ,”Maybe we should start having our own widgets made in Vietnam or Thailand” and they very well might. For this reason, this scenario is very unlikely.
A more realistic scenario would be for European Widget Company to go to Big Box Retailers and say that its costs have gone up and it is working hard to diversify its widget production outside China, that it has done some exploratory trips to Vietnam and Thailand and will soon be testing some widget manufacturers there, but in the meantime, it needs to raise its prices by $7 and can that price increase work. The Big Box Retailers will say no and trot out their own Vietnam/Thailand/Malaysia/Pakistan/Mexico/Indonesia/India/Philippines/Taiwan scenarios and in the end agree to pay $2 more per widget. And then Big Box Retailers will flip around and raise its retail widget prices anywhere from zero to five dollars.
So in the end, the China government, the China Factory, the European Widget Company, the Big Box Retailers and the Consumers all end up paying some portion of the 25% tariffs. Of course the portions will vary depending on profit margins and on the market and on the industry and on the product and on supply and demand and on the price elasticity of demand and on Chinese government subsidies and tax cuts and RMB devaluations and on the companies involved and on a whole host of other things. But the above scenario is not an unrealistic one and it mimics some of the scenarios our international lawyers saw play out during the last round of tariffs.
So what about the flip side? What about the soybean farmers in the United States who are now likely to get socked by Chinese tariffs against their soybeans? Here is how I see that playing out. These farmers will likely be hurt badly in the short term, but they may end up barely being impacted in the long term. How can that be, when the U.S. was at one time selling approximately $15 billion in soy beans to China annually, which constitutes around 60% of U.S. soybean production? The soybean farmers will all be wiped out, right? Wrong. I am not for a minute going to tell you that America’s soybean farmers will be just fine because that is not likely to be the case. But I am going to tell you that soybeans are essentially a commodity. This means that if the U.S. stops selling soybeans to China, China will get its soybeans from other countries, and the subsequent vacuums created in non-China markets will be filled by U.S. soybean farmers. I mention this not to minimize any impacts but to make clear that U.S. soybean farmers are not going to lose $15 billion a year in sales.
Bottom Line: U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods will in most cases lead to increased pricing/decreased profits for pretty much everybody in the product supply and selling chain. But the impact on your business will depend at least in part on the steps you take now.
5-18-2019 UPDATE. In China’s currency is sending a warning signal about the trade war, CNBC.com writes that the RMB has lost 2.7% of its value as against the dollar, just since President Trump’s May 5 tariff tweet! Are you making your China product supply contracts dollar or Euro denominated?
Who Pays the Tariffs on China Imports? President Trump vs. CNN and What YOU Can do NOW to Reduce Your China Prices syndicated from https://immigrationattorneyto.wordpress.com/
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
High Blood Pressure - Blue Heron Health News
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    So, I have just unstrapped my blood pressure monitor – and the reading is 100/70.
Just about average for my blood pressure over the last 16 months.
Which – if you know anything about blood pressure readings – has me very, very safely inside the healthy blood pressure range. No problems here! I’m as fit as a fiddle.
But that’s not how it used to be.
Four years ago I was the anxious owner of a regular 160/110 blood pressure score – one that occasionally hit 210/140.
Which, you’ll probably know, is life-threateningly high.
The diagnosis of high blood pressure was followed by bad news, more bad news – and yet more bad news.
The illnesses that follow high blood pressure include paralysis – by stroke – or death by heart disease.
My physician explained how many different treatments we might have to try in order to save me from the worst cases.
She told me what could go wrong with the treatments. Because they mostly came with side-effects.
And she was right on all counts.
I went through a range of medications – and they did all sorts of things to me.
But the bottom line was that my blood pressure remained much too high.
Which meant my health – my life – was at risk. Which worried me sick, to be honest.
But… as I said, that was then.
Today, I’m fine. My blood pressure has been well within safe levels for 16 months straight.
But the key to my consistently healthy blood pressure was nothing that my doctor did for me.
I straightened out my blood pressure by simpler means.
Which I’ll tell you about right now.
Rejecting the meds cocktail
Standard drug remedies proved ineffective.
Diuretics achieved nothing. My average blood pressure readings actually rose slightly in the two or three months after diagnosis.
So we added blockers. Still, my blood pressure continued to rise until, finally, it flattened out.
It had stabilized – although my doctor suspected it would have done that anyway.
Regardless, it was way, way too high. And it looked like it was going to stay high.
The meds came with side-effects: regular, nagging headaches.
Some very bad stomach problems – if you know what I mean. That got embarrassing more than once.
Perhaps most upsetting were the feelings of anxiety I began experiencing.
I’ve always been a happy, cheerful person. Yet now I experienced worries I couldn’t explain. Unhappiness that seemed to have no real cause. Nervousness. Fear, even.
This had never happened to me before. I hated it.
But my doctor assured me that meds will always create side-effects. If not these ones, I’d have others. I could expect to experience them for as long as I took the meds.
Which, she cheerfully informed me, would probably be for the rest of my life.
The arguments begin…
After a two-year struggle to get the upper hand over this darned condition I came into a little conflict with my doctor.
Nothing was getting better. The longer my blood pressure was this high, the greater the risks to my life.
I wanted to talk about some other, non-drug possibilities for handling my blood pressure condition.
I’d already made drastic changes to my diet: no salt, plenty of vegetables, whole foods. Everything I could possibly do to help myself, I did it.
I’d cut out alcohol. And I walked twice a day.
I wanted to know what else I could do – that wouldn’t bring on any new side-effects.
She was well-meaning but at a loss. She insisted there was nothing else.
I admit I grew quite irritable. She thought I was questioning her knowledge. I wasn’t really –  I was just becoming increasingly scared.
I wasn’t the only one with high blood pressure
The thing is, I already knew of two people who had long-term high blood pressure – and after years of treatments both died of complications caused by the condition.
One was my grandfather. The other was my father.
My grandfather had two strokes. The second one deprived his brain of oxygen for so long he didn’t survive.
My dad died of a heart attack shortly after I graduated from college. He was 48.
My doctor had already told me there was a genetic factor in high blood pressure. I was convinced the writing was on the wall for me.
Thankfully, in the end, bad genetics didn’t stop me successfully treating my blood pressure illness.
But, in the meantime, I did lose my cool with my doctor. A strong sense of hopelessness was setting in.
One lucky break…
Then I hit on a stroke of luck.
Some years ago, my brother had suffered a painful, distressing condition known as TMJ. It started in the jaw and caused him intense pain, partial deafness and facial disfigurement. It was awful.
But having seen two specialists my brother’s TMJ was worsening – and he was desperate.
A long story short, he found a natural health practitioner called Christian Goodman who had a very different attitude to illness.
My brother followed Christian’s specific advice – and started turning around his jaw pain in days.
Three weeks later, he no longer had TMJ at all. After 5 years of suffering, the pain was completely gone. Over the next couple of weeks his hearing slowly returned – and his lopsided face adjusted back to normal.
My brother wrote to Christian Goodman to ask him if he knew of anyone who could address high blood pressure.
Incredibly, Christian did know someone.
Physician, heal thyself…
Turns out Christian had suffered years of high blood pressure himself.
And, when treatments had failed to stop it getting steadily worse… he decided to do something about it himself.
I got in touch with Christian to find out how come he no longer had high blood pressure.
And here’s what I learnt.
Tackle causes to end illness
First, Christian has a solid track record of reversing a number of chronic illnesses that modern medicine is barely coping with.
His philosophy is shockingly simple: he hunts down root causes for a particular condition – and tackles those causes.
I thought that was what all medicine did!
Not so. What doctors tend to do is treat the symptoms – not the causes.
Why? Why does medicine tend to tackle the effects of an illness rather than its causes?
It’s because the causes of diseases are most often natural lifestyle things. Things we do, food we eat, our state of mind and so on. 
None of these can be affected by pharmaceutical drugs.
Whereas symptoms – the pain we feel as a result of the cause – can be altered by pharma’s drugs.
So in a pill-popping industrial health society… the health industry prescribes pills to address symptoms.
But addressing only the symptoms of an illness leaves the illness firmly in place.
We instinctively know this makes no sense
We only have to think this through for a minute – to see how doing it like this is madness. 
Consider this: it wasn’t the lack of medications that caused our initial illness. So why must it be medications that resolve those illnesses?
In truth, our bodies are a natural system and they go wrong for natural reasons.
And the first thing your body tries to do when things go wrong… is make them go right. It wants to function properly.
To help your body, it’s sensible to undo the natural causes that made it go wrong in the first place.
Which is exactly what man-made drugs and medicines don’t do.
They simply handle the effects of the illness.
So we get more ill over time because the underlying illness is left in place. It’s still there.
Over time the illness worsens and becomes too much for the meds to handle.
Which is when things start to go seriously wrong. And that’s why people die of high blood pressure.
This is how it works
Christian points out two insights so simple – and obvious – that when you hear them it almost sounds too easy to be true.
Here’s insight number one:
There can be half a dozen factors involved in your high blood pressure – but there’s one common cause no matter what else is involved.
That common cause?
It’s the brain.
Let’s be specific about this:.
Nothing happens in your body without your brain’s say-so.
Everything – and I mean everything – is under its control.
And the brain’s role in creating your high blood pressure is absolutely central here.
After all, what directly sets your heart rate? Your brain.
What narrows or widens the arteries in response to its chosen blood pressure levels? Your brain.
What ultimately determines the volume of blood your heart will pump throughout your body? Your brain.
And so on. We can talk all day about other contributory factors… but when it comes down to it, everything begins and ends with what your brain decides.
Here’s insight number two:
Blood pressure is always a stress response. Whatever else contributes to it, stress is the first, primary cause.
And stress results from an instruction from the brain.
Once Christian realized that the cause of high blood pressure begins and ends with the brain – and that the brain was sending blood pressure sky high due to stress – he knew exactly what to do next.
I’m kidding, right?
My blood pressure reading used to spike at 210/140. Now, it averages 100/70.
Super-safe, in other words.
I got it down to 100/70 by directly addressing what my brain was doing to me.
So, no. I’m not kidding. Not one bit. Because this saved my life.
It would have saved my grandfather’s too.
And my dad’s.
But I understand why some people have to think about this for a moment. I did too!
Because I have always been the least stressed person you could ever meet.
I was known to be a laid-back, chilled person. One who never got angry, who was always cheerful….
I am rarely upset, never flustered, never take things personally. Life was good!
So just how the heck would stress have anything to do with my high blood pressure?
Well, let me tell you: turns out it really was the primary cause of my blood pressure misery… and it’s the cause of yours too.
The 4 types of stress that everyone experiences
There are 4 types of stress. Everyone experiences all of them at some time or other.
Physical stress: comes from illness, working long hours or poor sleep. Ongoing, chronic pain – in the back or the neck or in joints for example – will cause damaging, ongoing stress. Oddly, this stress is also caused by healthy activity like intense physical effort or exercise.
Sensory stress: unwelcome noises – from traffic, loud television, barking dogs and so on – directly raises blood pressure. It includes a noisy environment – your home, your workplace or even your neighbors.
Emotional stress: can originate from obvious causes like a bereavement or a troubled relationship. But this stress can become chronic with such things as money worries or feelings of guilt or anger. Background thinking that you hardly notice features very much here.
Mental stress: is often routine stress brought on by family or work worries. It’s also the result of ongoing challenging tasks that require a lot of brain work – which includes difficult work but also juggling numerous personal domestic responsibilities or handling life difficulties.
Everybody experiences these four types of stress from time to time. Often, we’ll experience more than one of them at a time.
But that’s normal life. And in small, irregular doses… that’s fine.
However, for hundreds of millions of us across the world one – or more – of these four stresses gradually gets out of hand. And that’s where our blood pressure problems start.
What’s especially dangerous with these common types of stress is that they come on so gradually we don’t notice them… so we simply learn to live with them.
It can take years for the stress to reach dangerous levels – which is why high blood pressure is rare amongst teenagers but widespread amongst older adults.
I know this from experience
I would never have accepted that I was a stressed person.
Yet it was only when I found a clear, peaceful mind that I realized just how tense I had been before.
It was, to be honest, an incredible feeling, that sense of mental release…
And it was once I’d found that calm… that my blood pressure plummeted.
Your doctor doesn’t realize he already knows this
Remember: Christian’s key insight is that the underlying cause of high blood pressure is the body’s stress response.
Which our brains directly cause.
It’s this stress response getting out of balance that’s sending our blood pressure sky high.
Your physician knows this. It’s just that he or she doesn’t know they know this.
How? Consider this:
Did your physician advise you to exercise more, sleep well, eat better?
He or she would have – and yet this advice mostly doesn’t affect blood pressure directly at all.
It affects stress.
Your health practitioner is offering lifestyle advice that mostly reduces stress.
Which, in turn, lowers blood pressure.
Mind you, these methods aren’t especially good for lowering blood pressure. They’re tackling the problem in an indirect way.
Which is why we end up on meds anyway.
But any effect they do have on blood pressure is because they’ve reduced stress.
What Christian Goodman achieves is what doctors already try – unsuccessfully – to do.
Christian attacks stress directly. And when you do that you remove what causes high blood pressure.
Which means high blood pressure has only one direction of travel – and that’s down.
A method with tens of thousands of fans
Christian’s guide to achieving safe blood pressure readings is called ‘The Blood Pressure Program’.
Specifically, the program shows us how to reset the brain so that it stops generating stress in the body.
He likens it to rebooting a stuck computer.
You’ll have seen that before… the screen freezes, or the cursor just spins round and round on the spot…
You wait and nothing happens.
Clearly something is going on inside the computer that is making it malfunction. It’s jammed up… and can’t function properly.
You switch the machine off, then switch it on.
And everything’s fine again.
Everything that had clogged up your machine, that was slowing it down, making it seize up and malfunction… is gone.
Now. Christian does not show you how to switch the brain off!
Instead, he shows you how to gently reset it. To unjam it…. To release it. To help it restore back to its previous healthy state.
Just like you do with your computer.
The ‘focused break’
To do this Christian creates what he calls a ‘focused break’.
Which means that, for some minutes, the brain detaches from the pushes and pulls of ordinary life… and does the one thing almost nobody allows their brain to ever do.
To take care of its own needs.
It gets the opportunity it needs to get unclogged.
To let go…
To settle…
And to find calm.
And over a few days it finds its way back to working smoothly and perfectly. Just like a refreshed computer.
The calming effect this has on your mind and body has to be felt to be believed.
While the change in your blood pressure reading has to be seen to be believed…!
Just 3 things
Christian’s ‘The Blood Pressure Program’ consists of three very easy, non-physical exercises.
They can be done while out for a walk or while sitting in your armchair. Or while laying down.
Literally, no sweat.
That’s all it is: three specific, highly-focused but very simple exercises that treat high blood pressure in a way that drugs could never manage.
Tested… and then proven
Originally, Christian tested dozens of different methods on more than a hundred people over an extended period.
Real blood pressure patients volunteered to try them out. Some exercise protocols worked well. Others didn’t.
But from the first trials over ten years ago this program has since been – literally – a life-saver for tens of thousands of people.
The brain resets, stress falls away, blood pressure goes into free-fall.
I’m one of those thousands by the way. 16 straight months of regular blood pressure tests and I haven’t been out of the safe zone even once.
So, despite its apparent simplicity…  I know first-hand just how effectively this works.
This isn’t some sort of miracle treatment
This isn’t some exotic miracle cure by the way.
It’s good ol’ science.
Simple, specific resetting exercises directly activate your body’s own control systems.
Scientific testing shows that blood pressure falls measurably and quickly every time.
Christian achieves this not just for a few hours but for a lifetime. And science approves of what he does.
In fact, so does the FDA. They have approved a brain calming machine that helps lower blood pressure through various breathing protocols.
Breathing techniques can certainly be beneficial. Although they can’t bring about the kind of specific brain resetting that obliterates high blood pressure.
But brain calming methods are such a big deal that the FDA has started approving breathing machines. Which tells us that, finally, the medical establishment is slowly coming round.
The results
So – three exercises daily.
I did one on my way to work and the other two when I got home.
All three so easy, so effortless that you can be 90 years old, way out of shape and still get maximum benefit from them. This is not a physical workout!
So I did all three properly and regularly.
And they worked. At first, they made small – but not permanent – differences to my blood pressure.
I used my home tester to check my pressure before and after.
My blood pressure fell on day 1 – but not quite to the levels considered ‘safe’.
By day 4 my blood pressure touched the official safe reading – for the first time in over two years. The effect lasted half the day and I was thrilled beyond belief..!
On day 6 it got inside the safe range – and remained there for most of the day.
More progress
I noticed a cumulative effect taking place here.
Each day’s exercises built gradually on what I had already done.
On day 11 my blood pressure was in or around the safe zone all day long.
To say I was stunned is an understatement.
I already had faith in Christian Goodman’s guidance because of how he’s transformed my brother’s illness – when no standard treatment had made any difference.
But actually experiencing it for myself was incredible.
It made me a bit tearful, to be honest.
A whole host of modern medicines had barely moved the needle… and now here I was looking at a reading that stayed at or inside the safe range all day.
So why wasn’t my doctor happy with my transformation?
A visit to my doctor the following week – with blood pressure now comfortably in the safe zone – was met with disbelief. And, I must say, a little annoyance.
I think she was exasperated – and embarrassed, perhaps? – that I had chosen my own path. And that it had worked so astonishingly well.
She asked me more than once if I’d increased my meds without consulting her.
I told her that I hadn’t – and that I wanted to come off my meds. A request that she refused.
10 days later this happened
First, my blood pressure was now consistently well within the safe zone.
I was measuring daily and for the previous 10 days it hadn’t left the safe zone even once.
Second, my next visit to my doctor got me off meds. She gave me a plan that lowered the dose over a couple of months.
I felt so much better once they were out of my life.
All this was nearly 16 months ago.
I still do the exercises. Not always all of them. (Discipline isn’t my strong point.)
But once things are safely under control you can safely skip a day or two without any problems.
I measure my blood pressure every other day. I have never been out of the safe range. Not even once.
High blood pressure is a choice
I learned how to give my brain a vital ‘focused break’ through following Christian’s ‘The Blood Pressure Program’. 
And it gave me something I hadn’t had before: genuine, meaningful choice.
I could choose to do the exercises every day – or most days – and be well and healthy.
Or I could take medicines for the rest of my life, put up with side-effects and hope to goodness the problem doesn’t get worse over time.
Choice one is the winner for me.
For a little input, I get to live a full life, free of risk and worry.
And all those lifestyle warnings that we’re told will worsen our condition?
Not a problem.
Because now it doesn’t matter if my weight fluctuates a bit – ‘The Blood Pressure Program’ keeps my blood pressure at normal levels anyway.
If I eat something salty – or tuck into foods that are on the ‘naughty list’ – so be it. It’ll have no effect.
Nor does it matter if I have a few too many alcoholic beverages at a celebration – I know I’m going to be okay.
And if I’m a bit lazy and don’t do much exercise? No sweat – my blood pressure isn’t going to leave the safe zone.
The peace of mind I’m enjoying now is incredible. Whatever else life throws at me, I don’t ever expect high blood pressure to ever rear its ugly head ever again.
And that’ll do for me!
So how about you?
If you’re on meds and you don’t want to be then ‘The Blood Pressure Program’ is going to quickly become your best friend.
The difference it makes is jaw-dropping.
If you’re not yet on meds – and you don’t ever want to be – then this is your chance to avoid them altogether. Reset your brain’s internal stress system now and watch your blood pressure readings start dropping.
You’re in for the surprise of a lifetime.
The program makes things fantastically easy too. The instructions for each exercise are simple and they’re printed out on the page for you to read.
But if you want it even easier… then check this out: within the program is a link to an audio recording of the instructions.
So you don’t even have to read them for yourself!
Just click on the link for the exercise you’re about to do… and follow along with the spoken instructions instead.
There’s no reason not to do this.
A stroke killed my grandfather and a heart attack killed my father. Both caused by high blood pressure. They didn’t have the opportunity to help themselves like we do.
Today, we don’t have to risk ending up like they did.
Christian’s ‘The Blood Pressure Program’ can be with you in a couple of minutes from now. So you can start working on your illness today.
And see some new blood pressure readings that you’re really going to like.
Click here now and join tens of thousands of us who no longer have high blood pressure!
What we properly treat… heals.
It was clear that standard treatments were never going to make me well.
Meds messed with my body but never properly tackled why I was ill.
Whereas ‘The Blood Pressure Program’ went straight to the root cause of my blood pressure problems.
It hit the problem head-on, removing its causes…. and leaving the illness with no way of sustaining itself.
Which is why I’m now healthy. Without a cause how can I be ill?
Treat your high blood pressure the way I did and see the difference it makes…
Your copy of ‘The Blood Pressure Program’ is waiting for you – click here and get it now.
High blood pressure ruins lives
You know this. I know this. Without an effective remedy we run serious risks of heart disease, heart failure, strokes, kidney disease, vascular dementia…
High blood pressure had been the death of my father and my grandfather before him.
Popping pills didn’t do anything for either of them. Same for me. And undoubtedly the same for you.
 Pills did not lower the chances of me contracting serious – fatal – illnesses.
And pills didn’t do anything for the thousands of people who, in the end, turned to Christian’s ‘The Blood Pressure Program’ for relief.
For me, for them – and for you too – using chemical drugs that aren’t solving this health problem is a one-way ticket to serious illness.
Continuing to rely on treatments that have been shown to let patients grow steadily more ill is a recipe for worry, ill-health and disaster.
Don’t do this to yourself.
Today, you have choices. Either chemical treatments with nasty side-effects and a very poor record for success.
Or a natural approach that addresses your high blood pressure at its cause – and sends blood pressure into freefall.
‘The Blood Pressure Program’ is the choice I made. Tens of thousands of others made this choice too. Join us – and you’ll see exactly why we did!
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