#like i thought this was common curtesy
crispyjenkins · 7 months
imma need y’all to stop posting 2,000 word fics on here without a readmore
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modawg · 5 months
major yap warning; deep dive into parecabeth (parent!percabeth)
what age were we thinking percabeth would have kids ?
to me annabeth has always been such a planner that i always thought she'd plan all that out, like on their wedding night annabeth pulls out like three binders with ages on the front '20-30's, 30's-40's' and is like "bitch you better be ready"LMAO, though i KNOW percy is DYING to have children i also know percy would def respect her decision to have kids a little later after she's settled in her career
i think i always saw them (having a girl teehee) in their early 30's and i will always stand by the at home dad percy would def be
like maybe up until their ready he works to save; working maybe at an aquarium or some other random places that work with his skills (also dependent on what he actually goes to college for) then once annabeths secure they have their first kid percy stays home and writes his books based on the stories he would tell his daughter (like rick did)
this also gives them another source of income; he prob uses a fake name (cough rick riordan cough) so he doesn't get like stalked or smth but its still nice money to have
i think they'd have a simple two, maybe two girls (teehee) and reference camp as their other kids; their kids growing up surrounded by hundreds of other demigod kids along with the kids of their friends
i once read this fanfic where annabeth designed and built the home they have kids in and i agree with that deeply i think she would get pregnant right as the house would finish up and use the rest of her pregnancy to decorate and really home it up until she gave birth
i think they would stay close to NYC to be closer to sally and paul (and prob annabeths job too) but it would be further away from the city and closer to Montauk
I think that house (and family tbh) would be the pillar for everyone else like most of the time if their friends want to see them they go there rather then the other way around
they probably have cookouts every other weekend, porch jams into the night when apollo kids come to visit, i think the house def has enough room for guests, demigods dropping by every so often for a place to stay but I also think its common curtesy to not try and pry like they don't try to get them to join they just come to shower, to get some wisdom and leave; I think having percy and annabeth as parents would cause a shift in CHB like they always do, percabeth is literally the next generation of adult greek demigods even if they aren't the first to have kids they're the first since the first war to LIVE this long, and to have a fulfilling life that they're willingly sharing with CHB and i think that would really start to give greek demigods hope pushing them more towards the future CJ has (GOD I LOVE THEM)
speaking of room; theres a guest room on the first floor with big windows and house plants that they call the g-room for green room, built for the man himself, g-man. Juniper and Grover come to visit alllllll the time (along with tyson) like its basically their second house, everyone refers to their kids as cousins and even when they grow up theres no questioning that
^ jumping back to having kids i could def see apollo blessing annabeth with an easy pregnancy, safe birth, and quick recovery; i could see percy and annabeth telling CHB and CJ just a couple days after and them pulling up to camp with a big, but quiet, celebration; big feasts and sentimental presents, i could see CHB burning shrouds like they did after their first quest all beautifully embroidered, the campfire dancing with different colors from everyones emotions
i wish we knew more about CJ traditions but i know they would have a feast too and it would be like unlocking the next level being able to explore CJ from the new lighting of parenthood; they probably have an honorary small house gifted to them so they can come and visit whenever but i feel like most friends would come to CHB for the bigger celebration first
god and don't get me started on the hunters GOD i just know thalia is BAWLINGGG and she def comes to visit all the time bc she's probably the god-mother like how grovers probably the god-father
and i know that convo was a hard one having literally everyone in the room crying when they asked
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duchess-kyuupid · 2 years
Can you do one where the twst boys are walking with Fem!reader to class or something and reader trips but instead of getting up they just lie there contemplating life and acting like everything is falling apart but they as just being dramatic for the hell of it-
Crack and fluff basically lol
It doesn't matter who just whoever you like writing the most! Thank you ❤️
Of course! I'm going to do three characters who I thought would fit the scenario the best <3 Thank you for being my first request dearie!
Ik it says fem!reader, but I didn't use any pronouns or anything so it can be read as gender neutral :)
~ Twst Men with an overdramatic Reader Falling Down~
[Ft. Rook, Idia, and Sebek]
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- In a moment of weakness on your part, you had asked Rook to help tutor you in the basics of etiquette in this world. Namely, you were just curious about the differences between your world and theirs- for example you mentioned once in a passing comment that it was common curtesy to open doors for people, even strangers, if they were going to be coming in after you. You've even done so when you were walking into class with some people behind you, but all that resulted in was weird looks from your classmates. And not even a thank you! And I mean, it's not like you were expecting to get a thank you, but at the very least, those people could try acting a little more polite! You recounted this story to Rook and he laughed, saying that such a courtesy is not only seen as a lowly servant's job, but it's also the fact that everyone at NRC are mages, so most people will just open the door with magic. - Anyway, so that's how you ended up here, receiving a lecture from Rook about etiquette and the importance of being elegant and beautiful- even more than you already are, at least. - You've been here for hours now, and your initial curiosity has basically evaporated into boredom with a strong longing to just go back to Ramshackle and relax. But you knew there was no way you were going to be able to escape, not with a hunter like Rook keeping his eyes on you like a hawk. - "Ah, mon coeur, it appears as though you've stopped listening! Non, non, mon beauté, this simply mustn't do! Why don't we practice something a little bit more engaging? Some dance lessons shall do just fine, allez!" - And then suddenly you were dragged out of your comfy chair as Rook leads you to the middle of the room to start his lesson with you. He's clearly been enjoying this, with the big smile that hasn't left his face since you've walked in. - So, despite how tired you feel, you accept his proposal to dance. I mean, how could you say no to his face which smiles so brightly that it puts even the sun to shame? - But of course, you also didn't really have the heart to tell Rook that you've never danced before- at least not like this. This formal type of dancing, with Rook's hand settled on your waist and gently holding your other as you two sway to the non-existent music- you don't have very much experience with it, not at all. - So it was only natural that you got stuck staring at Rook's face, again not paying attention to the words that he was speaking about how to waltz elegantly. Your body followed his movements and words on instinct, like you were stuck in a trace just so that you could focus on the one thing that was most important right now: him. - Alas, all good things must come to an end. While you were busy shamelessly staring at Rook as he led your dance, you tripped over your feet and landed face first on the floor. ....Why are we here, just to suffer? - You made no movements to get up, if only to hide the embarrassment ridden on your face. - "Rook, I think this is the end for me...Tell my wife I love her," you made a fake coughing noise, "And delete my search history." - God, how did you even get here? Falling to the floor is literally the last thing you want your crush to see you doing, and yet here you were- your only salvation is to joke about it and hope that Rook doesn't think of you any less for your terrible dancing skills. - But as you were wallowing, Rook simply smiles and picks you up off of the floor with a chuckle. You stare at him in surprise at his strength, as he literally just treated you as if you were as light as a stick. -"Oh là, là, mon beauté! Your dancing skills are truly magnifique! Especially for a first time, I must say you glided through the floor like you were the epitome of dance!" He says as he inspects you for any injuries, making sure to dust off and straighten your clothes in the process. "Vraiment élégante! S'il te plaît, mon coeur, dance with me again!" - Honestly, if your face could get any redder, it would. This man is going to kill you one day if you don't get your pounding heart under control.
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- It was one of those rare days in which Idia was forced to go to class in person, and the two of you were literally watching the clock and counting down the time for the lunch bell to ring. - As it so happens, there was a new, special event that was only going to go live for 24 hours, but the gacha pool only had a limited amount of units that were going to be released per server. - If you two didn't hurry, then everyone else was going to snag this thing and you two would be left with nothing! Nothing but crushed hopes and dreams after months of saving specifically for this day. - Of course, Idia lost his chance to get it in class when Professor took his phone and chewed him out for using it during his lecture, and you didn't have the game downloaded on your phone yet (you really only played it when you were hanging out with Idia in his dorm room, after all). But you were both determined to get it. - When the clock strikes 12, the two of you were going to bolt out of there and make a break for his dorm room to hopefully make it in time. Idia would have to get his phone back later, right now the surest bet would be at his dorm, where he keeps several different computers so that you can try to get the thing too. - 11:58.....11:59.... 12:00!!! - The bell rings and the race to his room begins! - Alas, neither of you could really straight up run there, because if you got stopped by a hall monitor or a teacher, then that would be the end. So you two decided that the best way to go about it was to speed-walk there. - Oh, but you had almost forgotten about how enormously tall Idia is. His version of a "speed-walk" is basically your sprinting pace. You'd never notice because most of the time he's slouching, but this man stands at (183 cm/6'), and his legs are just so ridiculously long that you couldn't help but to fall behind simply because you weren't running. - And Idia notices this too, so in an attempt to help you, he decides to pinch at a loose piece of your clothing (this was already going out of his comfort zone, so don't expect him to just outright initiate physical contact without asking) and drag you forward to meet his pace. - Unfortunately, he failed to think his plan entirely through, as his grip on your clothes were not very tight and you were not expecting to be dragged like that. To make matters worse, the halls were also getting crowded as people were making their way to the cafeteria. - Long story short, Idia lost his grip, and you tripped over, getting lost within the crowd of people at the same time. Idia stops to look behind him in surprise to see you getting swallowed into the mob with a terror-stricken face. - "Go, Idia! This is your chance!" you cry out with fake tears escaping your eyes, "You're gonna have to leave me behind, but don't worry, I'll catch up with you. I won't die here...." You give him a tearful thumbs up as the surrounding students calmly walk around you. - He salutes you with tears in his own eyes, "Your sacrifice will not be forgotten." And he turns around to start full-on sprinting towards his destination. - And you stay there on the floor for another second before chuckling when you come to a certain realization: - "I have now both literally and figuratively fallen for him now, haven't I?"
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- Sebek, being the gentleman that he is, has decided to walk you back to Ramshackle after learning about Malleus' fondness towards the human who calls him 'Hornton.' - Of course, this has become a regular occurrence for the two of you now. Sebek still walks with you under the guise of making sure that you're not a threat to Malleus, but that's only because he doesn't know how to admit that he's become fond of you too. - The two of you were joking around, generally enjoying each other's company on your walk back home, when all of a sudden you find yourself falling to the ground. - You honestly have no idea what had happened to get you here, but what you do know is that following the few seconds after, Sebek is already yelling at the top of his lungs and interrogating the surrounding students who were unlucky enough to have seen you fall over. - "YOU! DID YOU TRIP THEM ON PURPOSE?" - So you just stayed on the floor, pitying the poor people he began to yell at for basically no reason as you began debating with yourself on the purpose of life. - For the most part though, you were just waiting to see how long it would take Sebek to stop for a moment to realize that you were still on the floor. - Ironically enough, it was when he started interrogating some other people when the ones who he just chewed out came over to you to ask if you were alright and if you needed help standing back up. - "WHAT ARE YOU DOING SO CLOSE TO THEM?? BACK AWAY THIS INSTANT, HUMAN!" Sebek yells (when is he not yelling?), this time actually scaring off the people he was just accusing of tripping you. - "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" - "No, I think I must've broken my back falling for you." - "I'LL TAKE YOU TO THE INFIRMARY THIS INSTANT, AND THE ONES WHO DID THIS WILL NOT GET OFF LIGHTLY!" and just like that, your pick-up line is ignored as Sebek picks you up and begins to run over to the infirmary. Literally the only thing that you could think of now is the fact that, even if you weren't joking and you had actually broken your back, Sebek would probably have made it worse because this is definitely not the correct way to carry someone who's broken their back. In fact, you think, I don't think you're even supposed to pick them up in the first place. - Well, you wanted to tell Sebek that you were fine, that you were just messing with him when you said that. But at the same time, you kinda liked the feeling of having Sebek carrying you like this. It was rather comfy. - "Sebek, I have a first aid kit at Ramshackle that has some things that could help. It's closer than the infirmary, so let's just go there," you say, adjusting yourself so that you were more comfortable leaning against him. - He looks down at you and notices your peaceful-looking face- a face that does not say "help me I've just broken my back and I am in immense pain," and he finally takes a moment to think back on what you said earlier when he asked if you were alright. - With a dramatic gasp, his face flushes pink as he realizes what you had actually meant to say, and in his surprise, he accidentally lets you go too. - "Hey! Was that really necessary?" you pout as you fall to the ground, again, for the second time today. You look up from the ground to see his flustered face and you catch on that he finally figured out what you told him earlier. - "Sorry! You just caught me by surprise," Sebek states, his voice sounding quite meek in comparison to how it was earlier. - "You're going to have to make it up to me for dropping me like that, you know," you say, standing up and dusting yourself off lightly, "And my price is that you carry me back the rest of the way. That's the only way to make things even." - With a flushed face, Sebek nods and picks you up again, this time he became much more aware of how close he was holding you, but he noticed that, strangely enough, he didn't have any problems with it.
Just thinking about how many seagulls it would take to drown out the sound of Sebek's voice lol I'm thinking around 78, honestly
Sorry for being a little late with your ask! I was hoping to post this for Valentine's day but then work and college decided to drag me through the mud for a bit </3 Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading!
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
“i just wanted to make sure you’re ok” with lockwood x reader xx
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The recent case you’ve been assigned made you -in light terminology- a little worse for wear. As you’d often found yourself hunched in the library with every last bit of evidence you had at your disposal, spread across on the table before you neatly; for optimal reading but yet for some reason you found yourself retracting minor headaches each time you tried to piece together all the necessary information.
You always liked to be furrow with your cases, no matter if what you were up against was a type 1 or type 2, which is why you would sometimes search out George so you could go over everything together, just to make sure that what you were going up against was what the information was alluding to in the odd chance that there could potentially be more then one apparition at play.
However you always came prepared when you felt that what you, Lockwood, Lucy and George were taking on were a lot more then any of you could handle thanks in due to previous instances where Lockwood would take on cases a little too above your pay grade and expertise. You knew he was ambitious in making it big and would willingly put himself headfirst into all that madness in the hopes of coming out the other side victorious but it was qualities like those that would get anyone killed, no matter how skilled of an agent they were.
Lost within your train of thought, you hadn’t notice Lockwood peak his head into the library when he spotted the door had been left ajar and once he caught sight of your distressed features; he allowed himself entry but still had enough common curtesy to knock his fist against the door to alert you of his presence. You jolted a little bit but calmed down once you noticed it was just Lockwood. “Hey.” You say, rubbing away the exhaustion from your eyes as your brain became too tired to come up with a better way of greeting your boss and friend.
“Hey yourself,” Lockwood started, his brows furrowed when he noted the exhaustion exuding from your being as he began to ponder how long were you in here for to get this overexerted. “Are you alright? Have you been eating and giving yourself breaks in between research?” He asked but he already knew the answers to all this as the evidence were clear as crystal, shining bright enough enough for anyone to see that you were far from okay.
“What? Why would you ask that Lockwood, I’m-“ you cut yourself off when you felt a yawn at the back of your throat, “I’m fine, just doing some last minute rereading of everything before our big case tomorrow.” You told him as your eyes left his to look back at the table of information, believing the conversation to be done and dusted, just as you were about to look over another piece of information, only for it to be snatched away from you.
“Hey!” You exclaimed, looking to Lockwood who was withholding the paper you were intending to read. “You’ve done enough for us, it’s time to put it to rest for now and for you to catch up on the sleep you’ve clearly missed.” He told you but before you could open your mouth to defend yourself he adds, “there’s no harm in double checking the resources but please don’t sacrifice your well-being in doing so.” He pleads to you as he knelt next to the chair you were sat on and grabbed your hand in his. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay but I can’t do that if you pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion.”
Your frustration visibly fades at Lockwood’s sincere words and the fatigue you’ve been repressing finally came to the surface. “Okay, I might’ve gone a bit overboard but I just wanted-“ Lockwood shushes you as he brought you up to your feet, “I know.” He tells you before leading you out of the library and towards the kitchen for a late night tea which sent you to sleep almost instantly, causing him to smile when he saw your face smushed against the thinking cloth before carrying you to bed where he tucked you in comfortably, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.
“Sleep well because you’ve more then earned it.”
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
I’m wondering (and not sure if this has been talked about yet in a post I simply missed) about how Abram copes with Andrew’s physical affections (or lack thereof) in your lovely royal AU. With the history behind ‘pretty’ that you described for Abram in that last post, I feel like there is so much potential of him expecting to be touched, even before they are courting (but especially during/after), and wondering why Andrew doesn’t—especially once it’s established that he thinks of Abram as ‘pretty’. They are of different station so it would be so easy for Andrew to act entitled to Abram’s body like so many before, especially with Abram in a position where he’s basically serving him in some way. I wonder if it makes him relieved (due to professionalism/personal comfort at the very beginning) or anxious (due to having no ability to tell what is coming for him/later due to doubting if he is really wanted that way if Andrew doesn’t act the same as his point of reference) or a little bit of both for different reasons.
I imagine Andrew to be both a very tactile person and not necessarily so because he is so very aware of boundaries and only crosses them with invitation or purpose. I wonder how that translates here and how his touch plays into how Abram perceives him (and honestly there’s the whole part too where it’s something they have in common, trampled boundaries and bad associations and bone-deep understanding of such) or if they would ever have a conversation about that where Abram wonders about the curtesy of distance and space he is being given.
I’m like two seconds from passing out bc it’s pretty late here so idk how much sense this ask really makes but I’m having thoughts. I love your AU and your work and hope you have a wonderful day <3
YOU GUYS ALWAYS FIND THE MOST INTRIGUING THINGS TO EXPLORE I LOVE YOU (and your comments/etc, apostrophe-philosophy, are always a joy to read hehe)
(First: find the royal au writing masterpost here 💕)
I’ve been working on/thinking about this ask long enough that I’ve straight up forgotten if this was a thought I had when writing that first post (here) or if you brought it fully to my attention but we can safely assume it’s the latter so thank youuuuu for that truly. I love exploring Abram’s slow inch (and Andrew’s, but he’s had more time to get adjusted) towards finding a healthy relationship with touch 🥲 and oh my GOD don’t let me forget to tell all of you about Abram and gloves
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I wrote a scene/lil collection of scenes about Andrew clearing things up here too because I’ve been wanting to explore Abram’s POV for a while 👀 there are references to canon abuse, so take care. As always, sparknotes version and additions below
I LOVE your points about Andrew, I totally agree that once it’s established and he’s allowed, he’s very much a tactile person, he just needs to get there first 💕
We all know for obvious reasons that it never once crosses the prince’s mind for Abram to be anything more than a professional bodyguard, even if he does find him attractive. He’s very good at courtesy and polite distance. How I imagine this goes down in the timeline is this:
1) Nathaniel shows up at Palmetto and he’s never allowed close to important people. Certainly never allowed close enough to touch. Totally safe there. It doesn’t take him long to understand Day really won’t take advantage of him since he never did in Evermore either, so that’s safe. There’s not much else to worry about for that long stretch of time.
2) Nathaniel/Abram becomes the prince’s guard. There’s probably a little anxiety just because there’s plenty of opportunities for the prince to try something, but as time goes on and Andrew keeps the previously mentioned distance, even acting apathetic (as he does), Abram starts to assume that the prince is straight/doesn’t care. It wasn’t as if every single person in Evermore was trying to get at him. Just the ones that wanted to. Obviously, the prince doesn’t want to. It gets to the point that Abram feels comfortable and doesn’t try to constantly watch his own back when he’s on duty.
Then the prince, perhaps feeling a little bold or hopeful or just wanting to say something so he doesn’t keep feeling like he’ll explode, makes a single comment on Abram’s “pretty face”. Even something that could be brushed off as friendly jest, if he really wanted. But Abram completely freezes up. Andrew, of course, notices. He doesn’t try to ask about it then, but he definitely notices. But he assumes that Abram took it as the genuine compliment it was, and that Abram is entirely uninterested or even wary of those advances. So he makes no more comments, he leaves the entire concept as far away as he can get it.
Now that Abram knows the prince finds him pretty, he’s just waiting for Andrew to be the same as everyone else. He didn’t even directly answer to the nobles in Evermore and they were still so bold - but he’s Andrew’s servant in the most direct way, and Andrew is a prince. Surely the prince is even more entitled to him than they were. (When he realizes this is what’s happening, Andrew tells Abram in no unclear terms exactly what is and isn’t expected of him. It takes longer than that for Abram to shake the anxiety he grew up with, but at least after that he can start repeating the prince’s words to himself when he needs to.)
3) that’s cleared up well enough, but then (much, much later) the prince wants to court him. At first Abram can’t think much beyond “there’s no way this is real” but then the more he thinks about it, the more nervous he gets again. He doesn’t know Palmetto courting traditions, what if he’s expected to do something he isn’t ready for. What if now that he’s accepted the courtship he can’t tell Andrew no anymore. It wouldn’t be fair of him to, he thinks, he shouldn’t have agreed so quickly.
But there’s a time they’re out doing whatever courtship things (maybe another horse ride for funsies idk), Abram’s getting nervous about it again, and when Andrew asks for a kiss or to hold his hand, Abram doesn’t answer. He’s also a little confused when Andrew doesn’t just do it anyway, because he hadn’t said no, but Andrew is watching him in the way that usually means Abram is acting too much like he’s at Evermore again. He tells Abram, “Nothing’s changed. You can say no.” And Abram does immediately - not because he doesn’t want whatever he was offered but because he scared himself. Andrew’s still watching him. “Don’t forget that again,” he says. Abram takes a shaky breath. “Yes, prince.”
But as soon as Abram’s past that anxiety for the second and probably final time? Andrew is still as tactile a person as before and gods know Abram is touch starved to hell and back, he’ll take any kind words or touches he can possibly get and he craves them. Specifically from the prince. Who loves to give them.
I’d love to come back and make a fluff post specifically about that point in the timeline if we can collectively come up with enough ideas for said fluff 🥰 for now thanks again for the ask, swear to GOD we’re gonna get these idiots a happy ending, but I’m having way too much fun in the meantime 😂
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megalony · 1 year
I Know the Solution
This is a new Jonah Hauer-King imagine requested by the lovely @mystiqueprincess I hope this is what you wanted hun. Any requests or comments would be lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
@jonahhauer-kingg @melaninjoys​ @luna2034 @mystiqueprincess @fangirl-tothemax
Summary: Jonah has a girlfriend, but she's jealous of how close he is to (Y/n) and he just can't seem to leave her alone even when he knows it's wrong.
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The volume of the music could be heard all the way down the end of the street, that told Jonah just what kind of party he was going to be walking into when he arrived. It still shocked him to feel the beat of the music pulsing through his veins and thudding along with his heart when they walked in the door.
It had been a while since he came to a party like this, and deep down, he knew the only reason he had agreed to come here was because he knew someone else would be here too.
The loose button up shirt Jonah was wearing felt like it was dancing along to the music the further into the house he walked. A lot of doors had to be open for the cold breeze to be rattling through despite the tempid, humid bodies scuttling about the place. The cold waves of air flushed beneath his shirt and made it fan out behind him like a cape. None of the buttons were done up. His chest was exposed for anyone to see and his shirt looked more like a loose blazer, a formality, a curtesy more than anything else.
He knew he would be sweating through his clothes by the end of the night so he thought he may as well strip and loosen everything beforehand.
The hand he was holding started to get tighter until he could barely feel the tips of his fingers anymore, but it didn't matter. All Jonah could focus on was finding a way to get a drink in his hand and a certain someone in his sights.
"I'll get us a drink,"
Instead of Jonah leading them down the hall, Alex finally released his hand and squeezed around him until she was in front of him. Her long hair, tied up in a ponytail, swayed behind her like it was dancing to the beat and her smile was almost infectious. Almost.
Jonah smiled when she kissed his shoulder and shivered when she patted his bare chest, but he kept his steps slow when she stormed ahead to find the drinks table in the back room. If she was preoccupied ahead of him, it gave him time to search for someone.
His steps were swift and his eyes were calculating. He stepped into the front room and darted his eyes around every person scuttling in and out. It would have been a lot easier if he knew what she was wearing, then he could have a common denominator to look for, but he didn't. It was by chance and pure luck that Jonah knew she was going to be here tonight and that was why he was here. Parties of any sort were insufferable unless she was around.
He passed into the back room but the only familiar face there was Alex waiting in a small crowd to get a drink.
Maybe she hadn't arrived yet, but Jonah wasn't on time, he was an hour later than when the party originally started. Maybe she was upstairs- or with someone else upstairs. Maybe she wasn't going to turn up tonight, she could have changed her mind.
A flash of red caught his attention immediately.
Beautiful girl, beautiful dress, dazzling smile, loving heart attack she caused Jonah to go through when he saw her.
That was the girl he was here to see.
That was (Y/n).
Her dress was a shade lighter than the blood coursing through her veins and reminded Jonah of a caramel apple. Desirable and enchanting, drawing him in with a colour that could fuel rage inside the calmest man on Earth. The low V-neck revealed her chest to his eyes and her soft skin that he had seen and touched too many times to count. Most of those them in innocent ways.
He liked what she'd done with her hair. It was curled into ringlets bouncing around her shoulders and the first few curls around her face were pinned to the back of her head with a rose clip. Enchanting.
The heels she wore were a darker shade of red, decaying blood-red velvet heels that made her taller, but not tall enough to level with Jonah.
He was in front of her before she even knew he was there, before he registered that he'd almost run across the kitchen to get to her. That was the effect she had on him, she reeled him in like a fish on a hook without ever meaning to and Jonah could do nothing but give in and satisfy himself by being close to her in any way he could.
"Have you missed me?"
A shiver bolted down (Y/n)'s spine when she felt a pair of familiar lips curving around her ear and that voice whispering into her mind like poison dribbling into her ear.
She knew that voice, she would recognise it anywhere and those hands that gripped her hips tighter and pushed her back into the counter. Those hands left imprints on her for days afterwards even when he'd do the most innocent things. There was a line, an imaginary line that neither of them ever crossed. Intimacy came in any form but sex, that was something they'd never done and that was what kept their friendship on the edge of platonic.
They were each other's closest friend and over the years they had gone from being close and holding hands to cuddles, odd kisses, inappropriate jokes and sexual tension.
Jonah had seen (Y/n) without any clothes on, from the amount of times she got changed in front of him. That was the level of trust they had.
"Course I have." Reaching up, (Y/n) looped her arms around Jonah's neck, unable to stop herself from smiling when his arms bound around her waist and he hugged her tight.
A surprised gasp left (Y/n)'s lips when he held her so tight that he lifted her off her feet when he straightened up to his full height. She kissed his shoulder and nuzzled her nose into his skin, letting her legs dangle and swing into Jonah's when it didn't seem like he was going to set her back down to her feet anytime soon.
It had been almost a week since (Y/n) had last seen Jonah, it was comforting to find herself wrapped up in his arms again and hear him chuckle deep into her ear like he knew something she didn't. It felt good to wrap her arms around him again when she didn't know he was going to be here tonight, it was a surprise worth waiting for.
(Y/n) smiled when Jonah carefully and eventually set her back down so her heels finally touched the floor again, but his arms stayed pinned to her sides and his hands went back to cup her hips. He hadn't been around her for almost a week, he hadn't had her in his sights or had his hands holding hers or holding any part of her at all. He didn't like not being around his best friend, time apart didn't feel right.
"How have you been, what have you been up to?" (Y/n) leaned her head to the side and her eyes narrowed when Jonah didn't answer, but he was still smiling down at her.
Something sparked to life in (Y/n)'s chest when Jonah's fingertips glided up her waist, over the side of her chest and up until he could cup her chin between his finger and thumb. She let him tilt her head to the left and her breath caught in her lungs when his finger brushed across the side of her neck.
"Did I do that?"
He already knew the answer to his question so (Y/n) didn't know why he was asking, whether he wanted confirmation or just to bring attention to the fact that the marks were still there after a week.
Jonah tended to get lost in his mind quite a lot and his thoughts ran away without him, it left him running on autopilot. The last time they had seen each other last week, they had been out with friends at a club. (Y/n) was used to Jonah being a clingy and cuddly person in general and he was always kissing her cheek and neck affectionately. Last week he had been on autpilot and ended up leaving a few hickeys on her neck.
It was new, (Y/n) hadn't had Jonah do that before and she was sure he didn't mean anything by it but to look at him right now, it gave off a completely different signal.
He couldn't stop looking at the fading colours on her neck, wishing he could liven them back up with colour and make more marks like that so they never had chance to fade away. He couldn't do that. (Y/n) was his friend, his best friend, his sidekick, partner in crime who got away with anything whenever he was around. Their friendship shouldn't stretch this far, especially not when Jonah had a girlfriend and (Y/n) was free to be with anyone she desired.
Whatever answer he had been expecting, it wasn't for (Y/n) to laugh. That humorous, spine tingling noise that sent shockwaves throughout his system for no reason at all.
He could feel her leaning closer, standing on her tiptoes so she could press her lips to his cheek.
"Yeah, you did. And it's been a bitch trying to hide them at work, you know. Now go get a drink, loosen up my liege."
(Y/n) could call him anything she liked and Jonah's smile would be humble yet bright, just like it was now as he watched her glide away from him, forever out of his reach. My liege seemed to be the one that stuck with him the most throughout the years. She used to call him Mr King and she had no idea how that affected him, then sometimes she would call him sovereign, now it was my liege and each one made Jonah smile.
"Where's Jonah?"
Abruptly stopping in her tracks, (Y/n) smiled and rubbed at the side of her neck when Alex appeared in front of her, seemingly out of nowhere. She didn't look best pleased, she looked tired, fed up. The exact opposite of how she was supposed to feel attending a party like this.
"Um, I don't know I haven't seen him since you guys arrived. Everything okay?" It was true, since finding her earlier in the evening, (Y/n) hadn't seen him around for a while, not that she was overly worried. Jonah tended to float around when they went to parties, he mingled between friends and always found something new to occupy himself with like a child levitating to new toys.
"No, not when you're around."
"Oh," (Y/n) didn't know how to respond to that but the growing unease she felt didn't take away the smile on her face.
She was at a party, she was here to have fun and be around friends and have a drink. (Y/n) wasn't here for Alex to start an argument with and she wasn't here for her to rant and be rude to, not that it mattered. Anything Alex threw at (Y/n), she combatted with a smile.
It wasn't (Y/n)'s fault. Alex felt insecure, she could see just like anyone else how close Jonah was to (Y/n) and it was bound to be irritating after a while. But (Y/n) was Jonah's friend and that wasn't going to change. (Y/n) herself had nothing to feel bad or insecure about and if ranting made Alex feel better, (Y/n) would take it with a smile before getting on with her life.
She never told Jonah, no matter how many times Alex had told her to stay away from him, to stop being so close and up front with him. Even when she threatened (Y/n) to stay away from him once, (Y/n) just responded with an 'okay' and walked away. If Jonah knew, the balance of everything would shift and (Y/n) didn't know which way the balance would go. She didn't want to be the cause of an argument between the couple, letting Alex vent was a lot easier than telling Jonah.
"Stay away from him."
"That's not up to me-"
"Look, you've clearly got your own fella," For a moment, (Y/n) didn't know what she meant until Alex pointed to her neck and (Y/n) remembered the hickeys littering her skin. "Go back to him and leave Jonah alone, you're not exactly good for him."
It would do more harm than good to explain that (Y/n) couldn't make that choice for Jonah, she couldn't stay away simply because Alex was insecure and Jonah was close to (Y/n). Nor could she explain that the marks were there precisely because of Jonah.
The best (Y/n) could do was nod and smile whilst hooking some hair behind her ear out of habit.
"Okay, whatever you want."
Drink in hand, (Y/n) walked through the living room and bypassed the kitchen, heading for the conservatory at the back of the house, hoping the music would be quieter there and the people less rowdy.
It was indeed quieter in there, the music faded the further into the room (Y/n) got and the voices were less powerful back here. People were outside and hovering by the open doors to have a smoke, it was a calmer atmosphere than the rest of the house. She would stay in here for a drink or two and let things calm down before she dared go back to the hyped spirits and loud volume.
She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Jonah. If (Y/n) knew he was going to be in here she would have carried on and headed outside or gone upstairs or somewhere else. If Alex followed her in here a fight would ensue and (Y/n) didn't want that.
"Perfect timing."
There was no time to ask what he meant before Jonah's arm was hooked around (Y/n)'s waist and she was pulled off balance.
He pulled her back against his chest and (Y/n) almost went rigid when she felt his heart throbbing in his chest, pulsating through into her back and lungs. His shirt was barely hanging on his shoulders and at this point it would be less hassle if he simply took it off. It allowed (Y/n) to feel every rim and edge of his chest against her back through her thin dress but when she felt Jonah's lips in her hair she could have moaned.
The touch didn't last long before he knocked her off her balance and feet, again. (Y/n) squealed when Jonah fell backwards and pulled her with him and he landed on the sofa, groaning when (Y/n) fell onto his lap and her head flopped onto his shoulder.
She couldn't stop herself from laughing, it was automatic and instinctive and when Jonah started to laugh too, it was like they were the only people in the room.
Shimmying to the left, (Y/n) wiggled off his lap and plopped down next to him on the sofa, staying so close their legs were still tangled together and she was squeezed into Jonah's side. His arm stayed looped around her waist and he tilted his head down so his temple could rest against her curls.
"What am I on time for?" (Y/n) tilted her head back to look up at him and she couldn't refrain herself from brushing her fingertip along his cheek, leaving a tickling sensation in her wake.
"A song. Sing with me,"
And when someone handed Jonah a guitar, how could she refuse? Jonah loved the sound of her voice just like (Y/n) was enchanted by his, it was a perfect combination that made someone turn down the music on in the background and a small crowd gathered into the room to watch.
Even drunk, Jonah could sing and (Y/n) was only a little bit tipsy so she could recall all the words to the song Jonah had written himself which he began to sing. She pushed herself to sit up a little straighter until Jonah himself slouched further back into the sofa and leaned the guitar into his chest, beckoning (Y/n) to lay back with him.
His voice was rugged yet delicate somehow, it was deep and shallow and without a single scratching chord.
(Y/n) wished the song was longer, she wished they could sing it again and again on repeat as if it was the first time they were singing together. Singing with Jonah felt like a little piece of heaven on Earth and she wanted it to stretch out into an eternity, instead of a few minutes. Even when people began to clap and applaud, (Y/n) wanted to rewind time.
Only when Jonah tilted his head to tuck into the crook of her neck did she stop wishing to rewind time and started to focus on what he was whispering into her neck.
"You're beautiful,"
The cheesy grin on his face made something burst in (Y/n)'s chest and before she could stop herself, she pulled back enough so that she could see his face properly. She felt the way his breath hitched into his throat and his adam's apple wavered when she cupped his cheek in her hand and smoothed her thumb across his pointed cheekbone.
When a delicate kiss was pressed to his other cheek, Jonah could have sworn he had died then and there.
'You know (Y/n) means a lot to me-'
'Excuse me for thinking I was your girlfriend.'
What he really meant was (Y/n) means everything to me. But of course he couldn't say that, when (Y/n) was involved he had to choose his words very carefully, lest he start world war three.
'You can't keep doing this Jonah, whenever she's around you run to her like a puppy. If you're with me, you are with me. Not her. You don't leave me hanging and run to find her, you don't go and kiss her cheek or wrap around her. You stay with me, your girlfriend.'
He was an addict. Jonah could admit it to himself, in the dead of night when no one else was around and there was no risk of someone hearing or knowing what he was talking about. He could tell the truth to himself that he was an addict, and (Y/n) was his drug. It wasn't by choice, he couldn't help being drawn to her like a magnet every time she was around.
If (Y/n) was nearby, Jonah's radar went off and he found her some way or another, whether he was doing it consciously or subconsciously. He gravitated to (Y/n) and when his arms were around her, it felt like home.
Home was (Y/n), her smell was intoxicating, her smile was infectious, her warmth was his haven and her body was his safe place.
He was almost ashamed to admit that two weeks was the longest limit he could put on himself for staying away from (Y/n) intentionally. When he was away filming for work, it didn't count. Sure, he missed her like Hell but he pushed through because it was for his job and he still called and messaged her every day.
Forcing himself not to see her, message or talk to her was something Jonah couldn't commit to, no matter how hard he tried or how much he thought he loved Alex. Two weeks was all he could do and now he was past his broken limit and he was facing the repercussions.
"Jonah? What are you doing… it's two in the morning."
Tilting her head round until she felt a successful click, (Y/n) sat up enough to look over at the door to her bedroom that was wide open.
From experience, (Y/n) didn't get panicked or overwhelmed whenever she saw the tall but skinny, looming frame appearing in her room in the dead of night. She knew it would be Jonah, it always was.
When they were teens and Jonah suffered from insomnia or his emotions got the better of him and he didn't know what to do, he would always run to (Y/n). She lived with her parents back then and her bedroom window was always open. (Y/n) would wake up during the night and find Jonah scaling the side of the house up the ivy trellise and in through her window so he could sneak in her bed and wrap around her like she was a teddy bear he needed to help him sleep.
Now that she had her own house, Jonah of course had a key so he didn't have to scale the house and crawl through the window. He just had to unlock the door and find his way in the dark to her room. A few years may have rolled by, but their dynamics hadn't changed that much.
(Y/n) almost sighed when he sheepishly advanced towards the bed but even in the dark, Jonah could see a smile break out on her face and she lifted up the covers enough for him to slip beneath them.
It felt like a piece of a puzzle slotted into place when (Y/n) felt Jonah's chest cuddle up to her back and his arm looped over her waist, pulling her impossibly closer.
"Couldn't sleep?"
"No, I missed you."
"You didn't call, I thought something was wrong. Thought maybe I'd done something." (Y/n) felt him hold her tighter when she spoke and she was sure his breaths hitched higher against her neck like he was afraid she was going to tell him off or become upset.
"Never. I thought… if I stayed away, restrained myself, things would feel different, but they don't. It hurts to stay away, I can't do it."
He tried, he really did. He tried abstaining from (Y/n) like she was one of the seven deadly sins he wanted to avoid to get into Heaven, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't restrain himself, he couldn't stay away from the one person who was home to him, the person who truly held his heart in her hands no matter how much he tried to deny it. If this was Hell then Jonah would forever stay here with (Y/n) and the devil because this was where he belonged.
"This isn't a good solution, J. Sneaking back into my room like we're teenagers, we can't do this." This wasn't going to work, Jonah couldn't stay with Alex and then sneak into (Y/n)'s room in the middle of the night when he missed her too much. It wasn't going to work and it wouldn't be healthy for any of them.
(Y/n) suddenly held her breath when Jonah pulled back but she gasped when he flipped her over so she was laying on her back instead of her side.
Her hair fanned out behind her across the pillow and it made Jonah feel like he was staring down at a Goddess right before his eyes. He crossed his leg over until he had one knee pinned against either of (Y/n)'s hips and he was almost sitting on her pelvis, balancing his weight on his knees so he didn't hurt her.
He moved his hands down her waist until they found her wrists and he pinned them to the pillow above her head.
(Y/n) felt like she was suffering a heart attack with how fast her heart was pulsing in her chest but when Jonah leaned over until their noses were touching, the edges of her vision started to fail.
He had been close to her on thousands of occasions over the years, she had stripped down and changed in front of him. She had hugged him, kissed his cheek, his neck, his hand and vice versa, Jonah had kissed her millions of times. But he had never been this close before. Every inch of him was pressed down on her, his breath was fanning against her lips, his hands were itching around her wrists like he was desperate to do something else but was holding himself back.
"I know the solution. It's you."
He had never kissed her before, until now. His touch was euphoric, he stole every ounce of air within her lungs until she was gasping against him but desperate to stay connected. Her lips pushed up against his, her teeth tugged at his lip to keep him there, keep him close and bound to her and she swallowed every noise he made.
He could feel her hands itching and twitching in his grasp, desperate to reach out and touch him, caress him, grab him, she just wanted to do something. But he wouldn't let her, her hands stayed pinned above her head where he wanted them and when he finally released her lips, he shifted to her neck like a vampire.
Jonah didn't care who saw the marks he was about to leave on her neck. He didn't care that the old bruises were long gone and forgotten now. New ones were about to be made and he took his time sucking her skin before he punctured his teeth into the side of her neck and tugged at the skin just hard enough to bruise without inducing any blood.
He'd always known, deep down. (Y/n) was the solution to everything.
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simplygyuu · 2 years
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Nouvelle Crown - 003 : 7 eleven?
tweets and written!!
synopsis : choi beomgyu, the second prince of the royal choi family doesnt have much of a life outside of his duties. even then hes not allowed to do much, his brother is the crown prince after all. but when he meets you, a regular commoner girl, through his brothers friend soobin he cant help but be intrigued. commoner life is so different from what he knows and you are the only person to treat him like the normal teenager he always longed to be. with you he gets to experience the normal, teenager life behind the backs of his overbearing family.
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The last way Beomgyu expected to be spending his night was walking down the dark streets, not one guard at his side and only being accompanied by Kai. Honestly he was pretty fucking freaked out simply by the fact that he snuck out. Never has he done anything rebellious, too worried about being perfect enough to finally get some praise from his family. Being anything but perfect had never even crossed his mind (even if he happened to make mistakes from time to time, which usually ended up in a breakdown).
Either way he couldn't help the curiosity coursing through him as well. He never went outside of the palace grounds if it wasn't for a public appearance and he definitely didn't go to this side of town. What was up with all the overgrown plants and flickering street lights? Why were the shops so run down looking and small? He didn't know this was simply the lower middle class, not even poverty. He was just that out of tune with his own nation since he's always been so sheltered.
"I promise nobodies gonna be outside at this time, especially not at a 7 Eleven." Kai reassured him, confidently leading the way. Kai had a lot more freedom than he did, Beomgyu often longed to live as a Huening instead of a Choi. "Speaking of 7 Eleven, how do you not know what that is?"
"You know how my father is, Kai. Hes so crazy about me leaving the palace and coming in contact with 'commoners' and all that. He doesn't even want me learning about anything in our nation outside of the rich people stuff. Im still surprised he even lets Soobin hyung and my brother be friends." Beomgyu mumbled, eyes big and curious as he took in the unfamiliar scenery. He had a mask on curtesy of Kai, just in case somebody saw them.
They lulled back into a comfortable silence before Kai pulled him into a building with the most atrocious green, red, and orange color scheme. A bell jingles above their heads as they walked in, catching Beomgyu off guard. Hes never even gone shopping before, so this was all new to him.
"Im gonna go look for some jellies, you should explore. Who knows when i'll be able to get you out here again." Kai gave Beomgyu a little shove towards a row of shelves before walking away. Thankfully, Kai was tall and easily spotted over most of the shelves which eased Beomgyus nerves.
Hesitantly Beomgyu glanced around, standing there awkwardly for a few beats of silence before finally walking down an isle. Immediately his attention was caught onto the shelves filled with snacks ranging from chips to things like pickles and other snack foods. It was the weirdest assortment of foods hes ever seen.
While walking he wasnt looking straight, eyes glued to scanning the isles before he found himself bumping into something. A high pitched yelp met his ears, causing him to whip his head around to see a girl falling. Without much of a thought he jumped forward to put one hand on her elbow and the other on her waist for a split second as he kept her from falling. As soon as she seemed to be balanced again he let go and took a step away, immediately bowing towards her.
Now when you said you wanted to restock on peanut butter you didnt think that would lead to you almost being bulldozed over by this tall guy with pretty eyes and nice clothes. You hadnt even noticed him in the isle until he full on ran into you.
"Im so, so very sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, I apologize for my careless actions." The man spoke, his eyes on the floor as he avoided eye contact guiltily. The way he spoke was different thats for sure, weirdly formal for someone who looked so young.
"No, its okay dont worry about it." You reassured him, you could feel his guilt coming off him in waves and it made you feel a bit bad for him. "It was a honest mistake!"
"Ah, still.." He trailed off, fiddling with his shirt before perking up. "What are you buying? I can get it for you! That way I can make it up to you." He exclaimed, eyes crinkling into an eye smile which made you assume he must be smiling underneath his mask. You didn't want to make him buy you something but he seemed pretty adamant. This could also be a chance of friendship, maybe you could agree then ask for his number so you could treat him to coffee as 'pay back'.
"Alright, if you say so." You finally said after a while of silence, turning back towards the shelf where you carefully picked a jar of peanut butter. You could feel his eyes on your back but you didn't say anything.
"Cmon then, this is all I wanted." You piped up, beckoning him to follow you as you approached the cashier. Out of the corner of your eye you saw how he wouldn't stop looking around the store in awe, has he never been to a 7 Eleven or something? You huffed a bit at the thought, thats just impossible.
As you gave your peanut butter to the cashier and heard the girl recite back the price you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. Turning around you saw him holding out his card hesitantly.
"I uh.. dont really know how to do this.." He mumbled, scratching his neck. You couldnt help but smile a bit even if it was pretty weird. Then, you actually noticed his card. Your eyes widened as you noticed he was holding out a black card towards you, how rich was this kid?
You took the card, making a conscious effort to not see the numbers since you didnt want to have some rich people on your back before inserting the card and stepping away to let him input his pin. A few minutes later you both were stopped in front of the exit as he bounced a bit on the balls of his heels and kept looking back towards the isles.
"Wow! You have a black card?! What are you doing out here then?" You couldnt help but ask once away from the cashier, eyes wide. Sheepishly he looked back at you and fiddled with his sleeves.
"My friend brought me along with him but I dont really know where he went.." He replied, glancing towards the isles again before focusing back on you.
"Hmm.. Hes probably getting a drink in the back. Its hard to see back there from here anyways." You informed him kindly, noticing how fidgety he seemed. "Oh, thats right! Do you think I could get your number? You seem cool and I think we could be good friends! Plus, I'll need to repay you for buying this for me."
For a few seconds he just looked at you with wide eyes and you couldn't tell what was going on inside that head of his. You assumed he was going to say no with how long he stared but you were pleasantly surprised when he finally took the phone from your hands to input his number. Once he handed it back to you, the contact 'Gyu' was added to your phone.
"Thank you! Ill send you a text, yeah? See you around, Gyu!" You said happily, smiling as you waved goodbye and stepped out the door easily. He would be a nice addition to the friend group, you hummed.
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previous masterlist next
notes : HI FINALLY THEY MEET! sorry if the pov changes are a bit confusing but i hope ur enjoying this so far!
reblogs and replies are really really appreciated and keep me more motivated to keep this au going :)
taglist (open) : @mazeinthemoon @pokyloky @run2seob @bluebearybeom @wonioml @rikismiel @yumilovesloona @captivq
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november-rayne · 1 year
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Chapter Three: The Message
A/N: Being a God has its perks; strength, accelerated healing, stamina...
Word Count: 2200
Rating: Mature
Tags: Loki being a spoiled prince, implied smut, nothing too graphic
Chapter Index
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+ *Minors DNI*
Loki was famished by the time he had finished with the maid from the library. He had made her come three more times before he left her. He took her from behind in front of the fireplace. He had her on her back on the chaise. And the first time he took her, he lowered her onto himself, and she rode him hard while they were still on the sofa.
He forgot to ask for her name, but he made another mental note: ‘Housemaid, short, blonde: good kisser, eager to please, deft hands, comes easily.’
He walked swiftly through the palace with a broad smile, wholly sated but starving. He walked straight for his chambers, taking long strides. His library adventure had occupied most of the early evening, and he missed dinner in the main hall. Not that he cared much; while his parents were away on business, all the courtiers had been demanding too much of his attention, boring him with their tales of inferred affronts or trying to engage him in other political discussions.
“Brother!”  Distracted by his daydreams, he almost ran into his brother, Thor, as he reached the top of the staircase. “I was looking for you at dinner.”
“I missed it,” he said, not slowing his pace.
“I do not dare guess why,” Thor observed the flush in his usually pale cheeks, the messy state of his usually kempt hair, and the disheveled look of his clothes. Not to mention the enormous smile pasted on his face. “Either you just won a fight, or you were dipping your wick somewhere.”
“You are too clever, Brother. I can keep no secret from you. I am just back from the training grounds.”
“Obviously.”  Thor rolled his eyes at his brother’s weak attempt at deception. Loki’s promiscuous reputation was hardly a secret. Ever since he was a teenager, he had basked in the fleshly attention he received after growing into his looks. It was even rumored that he lost his virginity while in the company of two maidens from his history class.
He frequently seduced servants, nobles, and even commoners living in the capital city surrounding the palace. It was a power he loved wielding. He always made sure it was a win-win situation. He relished giving pleasure as much as he loved receiving it. He always used the proper spells to shield himself from getting a child on someone or catching an infection.
When Loki did court, it lasted only a short time. He found keeping company with the same person became tedious after a while. He usually broke things off before the other person got any ideas that it could be a long-term endeavor.
Thor, on the other hand, preferred to court his partners and only took them to bed once promises of commitment were exchanged.
“If you will excuse me now, Brother, I have worked up quite the appetite today and am desperate for a bath.” 
“Of course. But if you could spare some time before breakfast, I would like to get your thoughts on the message from Mother.”  Loki reached into his pocket, double-checking that he remembered the envelope.
“Yes. Yes. Nothing would make me happier.” 
Thor’s eyebrows shot up, “You haven’t read it yet, have you?” 
“Of course not. I told you I have had a hectic day—lots of meetings…and physical… combat training. I am ravenous. I will look it over once I have eaten, I promise.”
“It’s important.”  Thor gave him a serious look.
“Of course. You have my word.”
“I will meet with you here before breakfast then. Rest well, Brother.”  Thor left Loki at the double doors to his apartment.
Loki called for his chambermaid as soon as he entered his sitting room.
“Your Highness,” the maid called Sera responded with a deep curtesy.
“Draw my bath and lay out my robe. Send for my dinner, something hearty, and have it set up by the fire when I get out of the tub.”
“Right away, My Prince.”  She hurried off to the bathroom that lay just beyond Loki’s bedroom.
He removed the message from his mother, still sealed with wax in its parchment envelope. He thought about opening it now but recalling his brother’s face when he asked about it; he decided to wait until he was fed and comfortable. He left it on his desk and sunk into his chair. The activities of the day played on repeat in his mind.
“Your bath is ready, Your Highness.”
Loki headed to the bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes behind him.
“Make sure those are cleaned and pressed,” he ordered unnecessarily as the chambermaid followed behind him, gathering the laundry as she went.
“Yes, My Prince.”
Loki sunk into the deep bathtub, submerging himself to wet his hair. Sera pulled a basket and a stool out of a nearby cabinet and settled down next to the tub. She selected the shampoo from the basket and began washing his hair. She used her nails to massage his scalp just the way he liked.
“Divine,” he whispered.
“Head back, please.” 
He obliged as she rinsed his hair with a large pitcher filled with warm water and lavender essence. She gently wrung out the water from his shoulder-length tresses when all the suds were gone. Next, she took her time massaging the lavender conditioning oils into his scalp with the pads of her fingers.
She loved hearing the little sounds of pleasure the prince made while she was caring for him. It made her so proud of the job she did. She would do, and has done, anything the prince desired. She combed all the knots from his hair, loving how it felt like black silk under her fingers.
“May I join you in the bath tonight, Your Highness? I could scrub your back like last time.” She kept her voice low and quiet behind him.
“As wonderful as that sounds, I am afraid I will have to pass tonight.”  As if on cue, Loki’s stomach growled loudly. “I will finish washing. You go and check on my dinner.”
“Yes, My Prince.” She sounded disappointed as she placed a stack of clean towels on the stool she just vacated. “You must be starving. I will make haste.”
Loki finished his bath; exiting the tub, he wrapped a towel around his waist. He took another towel and started patting his top half dry.
Looking in the mirror, he admired his “battle scars.” Light blue and purple mouth-sized bruises at the base of his neck, chest, and abdomen, and fingernail scratches on his back and buttocks. He gave himself a broad smile in the mirror.
‘Not bad for a day’s work,’ he thought to himself. Fortunately, as a God imbued with the magic of the Æsir, he had accelerated healing; soon there would be no trace of his lusty activities.
In his bedroom, he found his favorite robe lying across his bed. He put it on over his naked body, tying the sash loosely around his waist.
His dinner awaited him as he entered the front room of his chambers. He settled in at the little table beside the fireplace and ate his fill, enjoying every morsel. Clean and with a full belly, Loki was enjoying the warmth of the fire, almost ready to fall asleep in his chair as Sera came over to clean up.
Loki perked up slightly as he took in the view of the curve of her bum as she leaned over the table to clear it. “Thank you for your service, sweetling. You are the finest chambermaid I have ever had.”  She followed his eyes as he ran his gaze traveled over her body.
She blushed as she stacked the dishes on the tray. “It is my pleasure to serve you, Your Highness.”  She carried the tray to the table by the chamber’s main entrance and quickly returned to the prince’s side. She stared at his bare chest peeking out from his loose robe, heat rising in her body. “May I…will you be requiring-” Loki’s mouth cut her off. He kissed her deeply, wrapped one hand around her waist, and raised the other to massage her breast as he stood up from his chair.
“You have already served me so well tonight. Take the rest of the night off. I have work to do.”  She looked stricken as he stepped away from her toward his desk. “And tomorrow morning as well. I think I still remember how to dress myself.”  He picked up the message from his mother and eyed it warily.
“If you please, it would be my pleasure, My Prince.” She moved to his side again.
“Oh, of that, I am sure,” Loki said, chuckling, laying the envelope back on the desk. “I cannot have you getting too attached to me, sweetling. I will ruin you for all other men.”
Feeling emboldened, she untied the sash holding Loki’s robe closed. Her eyes drank in his beautiful, naked body. Her heart raced, and her skin felt like fire. She ran her hands down his chest, looking up at his ocean-blue eyes.
“Please?” she asked meekly.
“Mmmm….” He kissed her gently. “So bold.” He took her face into both of his hands. “I do have work to do.” He kissed her again. “But you do taste so sweet.” 
She wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her body to his. “I have an early meeting with my brother, pet.” He gave her a deep kiss, pulling her hair ribbon, letting her hair fall from the knot on the top of her head like a chestnut waterfall down to her waist.
“He will be very cross with me if I am ill-prepared,” he kissed her again. He was untying her apron behind her back. “You should go sleep in your quarters tonight. I need my rest.”  She pouted, her bottom lip jutting out, and looked up at Loki with mock sad eyes. He laughed and kissed her bottom lip before nipping it with his teeth.
“Let me warm your bed tonight, My Prince, and in the morning, I will wake you for your early meeting.” She raised her tiptoes so that her mouth was close to Loki’s ear, “I will wake you with my mouth. If it would please my Prince.” She ran her hand over his hip and cradled his length in her palm.
With that, the last bit of Loki’s resolve faltered. The message from his mother was all but forgotten as he lifted Sera from the floor, wrapping her legs around his waist. He carried her to his bedroom and threw her down on the bed.
Despite already having had copious amounts of sex that day, Loki obliged the chambermaid for hours more until she was happy and sated. She was amorous and eager, and he was delighted to please her. He was exhausted by the time she finally drifted off to sleep.
It was well after midnight when he slipped from the bed, pulling on his robe; he tried to make as little noise as possible as he shut the bedroom door behind him.
As much as he wanted to stay tangled up with the naked sleeping woman in his warm bed, he finally needed to read that message from his mother. He promised Thor, and Loki always kept his promises to his brother.
He carried the envelope to one of the large leather armchairs near the fireplace. With a wave of his hand, the fire roared back to life. Sinking in and getting comfortable, Loki took a deep breath and broke the wax seal. His eyes glided quickly over the paper covered in his mother’s elegant handwriting.
As he read, several emotions crossed his beautiful face: amusement, concern, horror, and finally, disbelief. He shook his head.
‘How? How could they do this to me? Mother knows my feelings. How could she think this is a good idea?’  As exhausted as he was a few minutes earlier, he made no move to return to his bed and the young beauty it held. Instead, he sat and stared into the fire, silently reeling from the news he had just received.
            ‘My dearest boys, your father and I continue our diplomatic tour of Asgard, hearing from the people and meeting with the Lords and Ladies of the realm.
We recently spent several weeks in the North. It is sparsely populated but extraordinarily rich in resources. Your father and I toured an emerald mine, visited the home of a local cattle farmer, and spent quite a bit of time with the Warden of the North, Lord Anderson and his family.
Which brings me to the main purpose of this letter. Your father was quite taken with their family’s story. Lord and Lady Anderson lost both of their sons and only male heirs in the battle of Svolder, leaving the sizeable demesne without an heir.
Your father, our King, has agreed to the betrothal of their daughter, Sigyn, to you, my sweet prince Loki. The betrothal contract has been signed and witnessed. You will inherit Smaragdberg on your wife’s behalf when Lord Anderson passes on to Valhalla. Until then, you and your bride will live at the palace and be tutored in Feudalism.
Your father wanted to wait to tell you when we returned, but I wanted you boys to hear it from me first. This is quite the announcement to have sprung on you in a letter. I am sorry to break the news to you in this way. Please forgive me.
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Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Tag List: @gigglingtiggerv2 @chantsdemarins @superficialdomina @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @muddyorbsblr @smolvenger
Let me know if you would like to be added or removed from the tag list. Thanks!
XOXO- Rayne 💚
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Welcome to To Daydream Believers : A Community Klaine FanWorks Blog
Hello Everyone!
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Welcome and Re-Welcome to To Daydream Believers!!
I know the blog has been around forever, but with the influx of new people I thought I'd refresh the blog and welcome everyone again! I've been wanting to give the blog a facelift for a while, and it seems now is as good a time as any to reintroduce and reinvigorate the blog.
What is TDBFic?
I originally started the blog as the fanfiction reblogging sideblog to my original Glee/Klaine rewatch, fun&games, and podcasting blog - @todaydreambelievers. TDB isn't being run any more, but I've always maintained that as long as there is interest - I'd keep the blog going.
The intention of the blog was to be a safe space where fans of Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson could read works (about them individually or as a couple) without fear of running into bashing of either character. It was also meant to be a community blog where anyone could choose to participate on their own terms.
Becoming a Member -
Whether you're an author who would like a place to showcase their works or just a fan who'd like to recommend their favorite fics, anyone is allowed to be a member. All you need to do is shoot me -- @spaceorphan18 -- a message, and I'll make you a member. All I ask is that you follow (my relatively few) guidelines.
Also - even if you become a member, there's no obligation to reblog content, but the option is always open!
Guidelines -
So what are the guidelines?
All fanworks must be Kurt Hummel friendly and Blaine Anderson friendly. While that doesn't mean bad things can't happen to them - it does mean that a fan of either character can read a work and not feel like their favorite character is being intentionally bashed.
Be respectful of other users.
A couple of smaller items such as - please reblog, don't post and don't spam. Some basic common curtesy things.
That's really it. I'll have some more details on a main page when I get that up. But really, it boils down to play nice.
What about tagging?
You don't have to tag - but it is encouraged so people can find your works if they click on one of our links. I'm working on cleaning up the tagging page so that the tagging system is clear and easy to use.
What about all the old stuff?
It's not going anywhere - though please bear with me as I try to clean up the main page. You should be able to find all of the old content, as I don't plan on taking anything down.
Anything new to the blog?
Why yes! I have some ideas for ways to keep the activity up on the blog...
Author Spotlights -- Every week we would highlight a author or artist - featuring their works on the blog. I'd like to do this again! I'll get more details out soon - but anyone is welcome to participate, even if they've done it already!
Prompts & Tropes -- I'm not sure how I'd like to implement these, but I thought it'd be fun if we occasionally did prompts or trope weeks to inspire you to create new things.
Events -- We haven't been event heavy, but @snarkyhag and I are already thinking of something fun to do for this summer!
Polls -- Okay, so this isn't entirely creation focused, but back in the day, TDB did polls every Tuesday. Now that tumblr has a fun, new polling system, I thought I'd bring these back - because why not?
Questions, Comments, Concerns?
I'm really open to anything you guys might have to say! Please drop a line any time you like -- I'm always happy to hear from you!
I do encourage you to come join and be a member! The more the merrier!
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Happy Creating!
Xoxo- Spaceorphan18 :)
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Fic Writing on Tumblr - Tips
Hello friends! I'm sure there's a million of these style posts floating around the good ole hellsite, but I thought I'd make a little post to tape up on our corner of the internet for any of the writers (old and new) that are interested in some tips for posting fic on tumblr 💕
Tip #1 - Always Use a Read More
This is crucial if you actually want people to reblog your fic. People don't generally want to subject their followers to scrolling through an entire chapter. I know it may seem like you're more likely to "hook" readers by putting all the story up front, but people who may have ordinarily read your fic may be disinclined simply because you decided not to follow this curtesy. As a general rule, I always put a "read more" on any fic that exceeds 500 words.
Tip #2 - Be Mindful of Using Art
Fandom is a community and people who read fanfic are part of that community. A lot of times, readers on tumblr will know fandom artists and their reposting rules. Always use credit if you will be using fanart as a header for your fic and always double check the artist allows this. Usually their reposting rules are stated very clearly on their instagram bios.
Additionally, you need to be aware that the art you're using is setting a first impression for your fic. For example, if you use AI art as a header, many users will decide not to reblog your fic simply because they do not support AI. The same goes for using art of whitewashed characters.
I would personally recommend creating a banner or moodboard for your fic, which will give you much more creative license to give the impression you feel is truest to your story! I use canva for all of my banners and moodboards, though you may find other apps that work better for you!
Tip #3 - Taglists
It is common curtesy to only tag people if they have requested to be on the tag list. There are some exceptions to this, where you may tag friends that you know don't mind or users who have openly encouraged their followers to add them to taglists (like me), but as a general rule of thumb, you should avoid tagging people unless they explicitly ask.
If you want to use a taglist but don't know where to start, I would recommend posting a (small) teaser or a synopsis of your fic in the appropriate tag and simply ask people to interact if they'd like to be added to the taglist.
Tip #4 - Use a Masterlist and hyperlink, hyperlink, hyperlink!
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People are more likely to read your work if you make it easy for them to find. Generally, people won't spend time scrolling through your archive trying to find chapter 1 of a multi-chaptered fic you just posted. Making a masterlist that you link to each chapter will help new readers start at the beginning. And if they like your writing, a masterlist will also help them do a full binge of your works!
My friend @ofduskanddreams also recently did a poll here that suggested most users (at least in our corner of the internet) prefer to read fic on AO3. If you'll be cross posting to AO3, I definitely recommend adding a link on each chapter as well as linking your AO3 in your bio or main masterlist.
Tip #5 - Use appropiate tags and content warnings
Foremost, be respectful. While it may be tempting to use the ship tags for any background relationships that appear in the fic, I advise only tagging the ships that are central to the story. You may think using tags for background ships will give your fic a wider reach, but really you're just going to clog those tags with content that isn't really related to the ship. People, generally, don't appreciate this! Fandom is a community and our community is fairly small, so you definitely don't want to set off on the wrong foot by trying to "game" the tag system. People go into those tags because they want to see content for their ship and seeing an improperly tagged fic will certainly turn them off reading it and possibly reading anything from you in the future!
Additionally, if there is anything in your fic that might warrant a content warning (e.g. graphic violence, non-con or dub-con, blood, torture, etc.), then you will want to ensure you label this upfront. Both in the tags (with the format tw: blood or cw: blood) and stated clearly at the top of the fic (E.g. "Content warning: this fic contains graphic depictions of sexual violence). As a curtesy, all potentially triggering or NSFW content should be put beneath a read more.
Tip #6 - Fanfic Is a Community
I really can't express this enough! If you are not experiencing the engagement that you want on your fic, try engaging more with the wider community! Reblog and leave comments on other people's fics, send other people asks, reblog art and headcanons, participate in event weeks.
And lastly, because this is a community, be concious of the posts you make outside of fic. Your writing may be good, but if you make unlikeable posts about other characters, ships, etc., people may decide they don't want to support your works on principle. While it's impossible to please everyone and it's important to be true to you, it's important to understand that your blog represents your writing just as much as your writing represents your blog.
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lucigoo · 5 months
Whoops, I spilt the tea
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#252 - Spill the tea, @flashfictionfridayofficial
Pairing -Sirius/Remus
Warnings - None
Words - 730
Summary - McGonagall has ordered Sirius to spill the tea, so that's exactly what he does. Find it on A03 here
“Oh, there’s tea,” Sirius said as he sat down in McGonagall’s office.
He had been separated from the others and was being interrogated alone. Why she thought he was the weak link when everyone knew you only had to ask James a question and everything fell out of his mouth was a mystery to Sirius, but he would play along. It kept him out of detention after all, and Remus was doing his rounds so there would be no snoging for the next hour or so anyway.
“There is tea and biscuits. I expect something in return,” McGonagall said with a raised eyebrow.
“And what would that be, my dearest Minnie?” Sirus asked with a toothy smile.
“The latest prank that was played caught the headmaster in the crossfire. He has demanded I investigate. He apparat ly doesn’t appreciate when he is attacked,” she said smoothly.
“Wasn’t he laughing when all the Slytherins came into the great hall with rainbow coloured hair the other day? Doesn’t seem right for him to find it funny when it’s everyone else but not himself. Seems a bit mean spirited to me,” Sirius said as he stopped smiling and looked at the professor.
“Sirius, whoever is doing these pranks can get into a lot of trouble,” she said seriously (ha, he thought).
“Good, they should. Did you know someone charmed our quidditch robes green? The audacity,” Sirus said as he placed his hand on his heart, acting up his offence.
Secretly he was glad Moony had convinced them to do it. It threw the entire school into chaos when even the Gryffindors had been pranked with Slytherin colours.
The only one still suspicious of them was the darling Minerva, who was sitting before him.
“Sirius, let’s not beat about the bush. I can’t prove who it was. But if you know who it is, warn them. If this carries on, there will be an investigation. We’re talking about checking wands, tracing magical signatures, and such. Whoever it is needs to be careful,” she finished.
Sirius hide his smile behind his teacup. Minnie had no idea how brilliant they really were. They all had a second wand that they used exclusively for pranks, so they couldn’t be traced. And between Remus’ book knowledge, James pure blood knowledge, Peters knowledge of how tracing magic worked curtesy of his dad and Sirus’ knowledge of hiding all the bad deeds that came with being a Black he knew unless they were caught magic handed they would be safe.
He looked at McGonagall with a straight face as he answered. “I will bare that in mind. Obviously, if I see anyone doing anything unorthodox, I will inform a prefect (which meant telling Remus who wouldn’t care as long as no younger years were hurt or bothered).”
“Hmm…” McGonagall said as she looked at him over her glasses. “And that is all?” she asked him. “You won’t spill the tea, as the muggle borns say?”
Instantly Sirius’ mind wandered, and he had an idea. “If I had any tea, I would indeed spill it, my dearest, wonderful Minnie. Now may I have a biscuit?” he asked innocently.
McGonagall just gestured toward the plate.
Sirius leant over gracefully before his hand gave a little wobble and his tea cup spilt all over him.
He quickly stood and walked backward as he cleaned himself up. “Oh dear. I seem to have actually spilt the tea Minnie. As that is all you wanted, bye,” he said as he all but ran out of the classroom. He knew he had seen his darling Minie holding back her laughter, so he knew he was home free.
He ran down the corridor, all but cackling as he suddenly bumped into someone. Someone he was very pleased to see.
“What did you do?” Remus asked with a sigh.
Sirius just smiled up at Remus before kissing his cheek and grabbing his arm as he pulled them towards the common room. “I spilt the tea, just like dearest Minnie asked,” he said with a cackle, unable to stop the laughter as he looked at Remus’ bemused face.
“You know what, I don’t care. Come on, before we break curfew,” Remus said with a soft smile as he took over pulling Sirius back to their dorm where his idiot couldn’t cause anymore issues for the rest of the night.
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
i’m not going to doom. i’m not going to doom.
but why do i feel like some people are going to expect dream and sap to just drop george and then continue making content like nothing happened? he’s their best friend of almost ten years even before youtube? if george steps away, he steps away, and that’s something that i have had to consider since the beginning of this, but do fans really just expect dream to just be happy go lucky after this without george?
and honestly, if he touched her boob or not, it does not change anything for me because he apologised and vows to do better. and if i trust my guy friends to change after i call them out, i’ll give anyone the same curtesy to anyone who realises they fucked up.
to elaborate: the situation does not change much for me considering the fact that, in party situations where you anticipate everyone being 21+, anticipate people having that party exposure, cuddling and “exploring” as i’ll pit it, is … it’s not “normal” normal, but it Is common. and george recognises that just because it is common, does not mean that we should allow for it to persist. and i think this is a lesson for everyone. not Just george AND caiti. commonalities should change, it’s great that they do. and if this is some people’s lines, this is their line, but that doesn’t mean a villain was created in the process of them figuring this out. it just means that those people have learned Their boundaries which is great.
i don’t know if this makes sense, but i don’t think i doom posted so that’s a win!
I am proud of you nonnie because you're right you didn't doom you made good points about your thoughts!
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melishade · 6 months
Number 19?
This ask game
Based on this old ask I answered a while back: Head Canon (Camping Trip)/ Personal Life
Optimus remained seated quietly in his alt mode as the graduates of the 104th sat around the fire and talked amongst themselves late at night.
It was a simple idea. The 104th wanted to take a break and go on a proper camping trip for the night. Hanji had permitted it because they thought that it would be a good bonding experience. They had also recommended that Optimus go along with them, for both protection and team building as well. Even though many humans in the military had finally gotten used to the idea of Optimus being around them, Hanji thought the idea was a sweet one.
So the 104th and Optimus had traveled together to explore some of the unfamiliar territory outside the Walls. Even though they had set up a campsite at the shoreline of the island, they thought it would be interesting to see what else the island had to offer. When the sun began to set, they set up camp in a small forest that they had come across. They had set up their tents, the fire, and their food and water, and they merely talked amongst themselves.
The Prime thought that it was good for them too. Much change had happened in their lives in such a short amount of time. They deserved a moment or normalcy where they felt like they were in control.
Optimus grunted a little. He did feel cramped in his alt mode. He was sure he was driving around in his alt mode all day, following the humans. He needed a moment to stretch his legs. Optimus put himself in reverse and slowly drove backwards. He didn't have to drive that far. He had actually spotted a clearing not too far from their campsite and ended up going to there. When he reached the grassy field, he transformed into his bipedal mode and stretched his arms. As he stretched his joints, his gaze turned upwards towards the starry night sky.
The stars on this world were charted differently compared to Earth. When he was on Earth, he was able to memorize the stars and their constellations. He was able to use the knowledge of Earth knowledge and the map the Autobots had originally used to locate Cybertron from Earth. He was able to feel some comfort in the fact that even though Cybertron was so far from home, he still knew where it was. He knew how to get back to that world. But here...
Optimus stopped stretching before lying down on the grassy field. He rested his servos on his abdomen and stared at the stars. He tried mapping out the stars on this world and tried to figure out where Cybertron would be from this location, but he had little knowledge about this planet's location and the constellations on this world. Cybertron was alive and well again, but it was lost to him. It was out of his reach. But it wasn't too bad. He could still admire the beauty of the stars on this world.
"What are you doing out here?!" a voice called out. Optimus careened his helm to see the 104th approaching him.
"I wished to be in my bipedal mode, and I wished to gaze at the stars," Optimus explained to them, "You are more than welcome to join me, if you wish."
Optimus wasn't expecting too much as he gazed back up at the stars. He offered mainly out of common curtesy. He was certain they would go back to their routine and-!
"Mikasa, give me a boost," Eren requested as he tried to climb the Prime's shoulder to get onto his chest. Mikasa silently kneeled down and cupped her hands together. Eren stepped on the hands, and Mikasa pushed him upward, allowing Eren to reach the front of Optimus' shoulder. Eren then pulled himself upwards and sat down, swinging his legs along the edge.
"I'm gonna stick to the ground," Connie decided as he sat on the ground next to the Prime. Sasha sat across from Connie, leaning against the Prime's shoulder and placing her hands behind her head.
"Can I get some help up there?" Armin asked with an extended hand. Eren leaned down and took Armin's hand before pulling him upward to sit next to him.
"I...did not expect you to be so comfortable," Optimus confessed, now being hyperaware of the smaller creatures next to him.
"We've known you for a few months now," Jean retorted as Mikasa sat next to Optimus' helm, "At this point, us being around you is just second nature to us."
Jean decided to lie down on the grass instead of next to the Prime. "Besides, we know you're not going to hurt us."
Optimus was quite surprised at the show of confidence. "I appreciate your candor."
Armin turned his attention upwards towards the stars. "Optimus, what else is out there?"
Optimus glanced over at Armin as he continued. "You've mentioned before that there were other worlds besides ours and Cybertron, and the world where humanity is free. But...are there any others?"
Optimus turned his gaze towards the stars. "There are a multitude of worlds besides this one. The universe is a place of infinite possibilities. Each world has their own unique ecosystem. Some contain life, while others do not. For example, a world that is supposed to be similar to Earth called Mars. The planet functions more as a desert, containing nothing more than red sand and rock formations. Humans on Earth have questioned the ability of signs of life, as there is water on that world, but the ability for Mars to properly sustain organic life is still unknown to them."
"Why water?" Sasha asked, "Wouldn't it make sense for it to have fruits or game?"
"Water is an absolute necessity for organics, like energon is necessary for Cybertronians," Optimus explained, "Without it, your world would not be able to grow plants and trees, which in turn, provide food and resources for other animals to consume."
"So is there a planet made out of snow?" Jean genuinely meant that as a joke.
"Yes, actually," Optimus answered.
"I was kidding," Jean declared, earning a small chuckle.
"Those planets do exist," Optimus continued, "Some harbor snow, while others have consistent ice storms not sustainable for hosting any life."
"So were you actually on that type of world?" Eren asked.
"It was a planet the Autobots and I tried to avoid during our travels," Optimus explained.
"What was the craziest thing you've ever seen during your travels?" Sasha asked, "Like both world and animal wise."
Optimus couldn't help but smile a little bit as he explained to them a world of acid rain that would completely melt skin and erode armor. It kept them enamored and he couldn't help but continue explaining more about his travels. He enjoyed making them happy with his tales and adventures beyond this world.
Meanwhile, Eren couldn't help but feel jealous. He didn't want to be, but how could he not? As Optimus continued to tell his stories, the angrier he felt. Optimus' tales were a stark reminder of the fact that Optimus is the freest person that he's ever met in his entire life. He's seen so many worlds and has seen beyond the stars, yet he chooses to still help a tiny little island.
Eren looked back up at the stars. He hoped that he would see at least one of those worlds someday. It sounded like fun.
(Alright, this one is done. I've been asked 79, but the rest is free game.)
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justaaveragereader · 2 years
The Eight Evil Thoughts // OT8
Part 7: Gluttony
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You were a firm believer that when you died you were bound to go to heaven…but what happens when you get casted straight down to hell. Before kneeling before the most famous evil thought/leader you run into the other evil thoughts along the way.
“The gluttons dig their own graves with their teeth.”
-James Howell
🌹Pair: Reader x ????
🌹Genre: Angst, Thriller, Possible Yandere, Suggestive, Religion Talk, Cursing,
🌹Word Count: 5.5k
Yunho slowly makes his way back to his room. Seeing you peacefully sleeping irritates him even more. Hoping that you would wake up soon, even though he used to be madly in love with you he cannot stand the sight of you for long. It is just a constant reminder of what you did to him. 
Why he is the way he is now, Why any of them are the way they are now. He shuts his door as quietly as possible, hands dragging down his face in defeatedness. He is tired, not physically but quite mentally, you put a strain on all of the boys every time you are in their presence. Sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands running down his face. Knowing he is to alert the other thoughts about being summoned in two days. He steps towards the mirror running his hands over the glass. A white illuminating light coming from around the border. 
“I have spoken with Seonghwa…we will all be summoned in two days. Do not play around, neither of them are in a joking mood when it comes to them. Show up on time, I am talking specifically to you Mingi.”
A illuminating glow comes from the mirror with every word that is spoken. 
“I was late one time! One time Yunho!”
All that can be heard now is a bunch of voices overlapping, some agreeing, some disagreeing with the statement Mingi has made.
“You were late numerous times, what was your excuse? I was looking for a box of kleenex. Isn’t that what you said?” Jongho says in a teasing tone.
“My nose was runny! I spent a couple of hours at Wooyoungs, the cave was very cold and the water was freezing that day.” Mingi says through a whine.
“Because you came to visit me in December! Who visits in December?! I tell you all to visit me later in the day when I have warmed up the water, I have said this numerous times. Everyone knows you notify people before you visit them. Common curtesy Mingi. ” Wooyoung says in an annoyed tone.
“Every time I visit the water is warm.” Yeosang suddenly speaks up while he had been remaining quiet this whole time.
“You visit him but you don’t visit me?! What does he have that I don’t Yeosang?” San suddenly spits out envy laced in his tone.
“He wants to look at a sexy visual, that's what I have.” Wooyoung replies in a cocky tone.
“Wooyoung I swear I will sho-.”
Yunho cuts off San before we can even finish his sentence, as much as he loves the drama he sees you stirring knowing soon it'll be time to send you on your merry way to Seonghwa.
“Two days, do not be late, I will see you all then.”
He runs his hand lightly over the mirror, the light around it goes off. In a way ending the communication they all had. All of the other thoughts have received the message. His job is now officially done. Walking back over to the bed he lays down, flat on his back, staring at the ceiling curious as to how the next couple of days are going to play out.
Your body is slightly sore and stiff from the events that occurred last night. Sitting up you stretch your body out. You realize that Yunho is not present in the room. Gathering the blanket up to cover your body just in case he was to appear out of anywhere. 
No reply…you feel your heart droop down to your ankles. It was so passionate in the moment yet waking up the next day without him feels like a one night stand. You wobble out of the bed. Trying to find all the traces of your clothes before dropping the blanket to put them on. You take in the scenery around you while getting dressed, you never had the chance to fully take in the room you were in due to the events happening so fast.
 His room looked ordinary, the walls were painted a light blue, he had a dresser in the corner, and this gorgeous mirror. It looked like an old Victorian antique mirror. Yet the wood that surrounded it was far from aged. It looked brand new, polished. 
Temptation and curiosity getting the best of you, you walk forward continuing your way towards the glass wanting to feel the wood beneath your fingers. Just as you are about to get ready to touch the glass you catch a waft of the most delicious smell, food. Your body has not had any food since you left Jonghos orchard. While you really were tempted to inspect the mirror more, the smell of food won you over. 
Deciding to let your nose be the guide you follow the scent. Leading you out the door to Yunhos bedroom down the hall. While you were being lured by the scent you passed various doors, every door you passed gave you such a chilling feeling, but the thought of food led you forward.
Stopping short before a silver door..you put your ear to the door to see if you hear anything or anybody inside. No noise, no movements so you proceed forward turning the knob with a delicate hand. Cracking open the door you stick your head in to see if anyone was present, the coast was clear so you step in, quietly shutting the door behind you.
 Back fully pressed against the door you take in the sight in front of you. While it did smell delectable in here there was an underlying scent to it, crisp lemon zest, it smelled of cleaner in here. The same cleaner that was in Yeosangs bathroom. While your stomach let out a growl you were trying your best not to be tempted. You instantly knew someone or something is here. Your fingers twitch at the possibility of eating. 
Stepping back you shut your eyes and massage your temples. Turning your back to the food. Taking in deep breaths trying your best to relax yourself. The scent alone makes your mouth water but you know that whatever move you make there will be a cost, a hefty one. After taking a few deep breaths you turn around, startled at what you see before you.
 A man at the end of the table, eyes solid silver just staring right at you, no emotion on his face whatsoever. He looked frozen, almost like a statue, like he wasn’t even alive. How long had he been sitting there? Had he been there this whole time? A strong scent of lemon hits the bottom of your nose. So he is the reason for the scent. 
You freeze in your place not daring to move, you feel the beads of sweat licking your spine, it feels like the air is freezing in the room yet the presence of this man is alarming and making your body feel engulfed in flames, not a sensual or passion burn, a terrifying, bone shivering burn. 
You glance down at the food then back up at him. You are contemplating running out the room yet it feels like your feet are glued to the floor. The chair right before you shoots out, smacking you in the legs. You let out a small whimper wincing at the sudden contact of the wooden chair and your legs. You still make no move from your standing position, not sure if you should take a seat, or remain on guard.
His deep voice vibrates off of your ear drums. You gulp quite loudly…you slowly step around the chair to sitting on it. Just as your butt comes in contact with the wood, the chair slams forward bringing you right at the edge of the table. He was sat at the head of the table while you were sat at the end of it.
 He rolled his neck from side to side, trying to relieve the pressure that had built up in his neck. The sudden movement of him makes you plant your feet on the ground trying to move the chair back, your fight or flight was kicking in now. You were ready to flee. 
He props his elbows on the table, hands rested underneath his chin, with a wicked grin on his face. You continue to try to push yourself out from being seated at the table, stomach growling in the process of your fight with the chair.
“The last time you have eaten something is when you were with Jongho, correct?”
His deep voice brings you to a screeching halt. Pausing your movements your body is still on guard but if you have learned anything you realize it is best to answer when any of them speak to you. You are extra on edge due to you not knowing who or what he is.
“...Yes…yes that is correct.”
“I figured, please help yourself to anything on this table.”
Your eyes shoot to the food below you, while it does look delicious you are not sure if you can trust this food.
“….What if you have poisoned it..? You are a stranger…”
He grabs a vine of grapes plating them before himself. Plucking the fruit off one by one, putting them in his mouth. 
“I’m Seonghwa. Now we aren’t strangers anymore.”
You inspect him closer, seeing as how he was just shoveling the fruit in his mouth and nothing bad was happening, against your better judgment you pick up a strawberry. Biting a small piece out of it. 
Clearing your throat you decide to ask him the question burning on your mind.
“So…are you…are you the leader?..”
He brings a napkin up to his mouth. For being in hell he was very polished, very neat, super clean. He lets a smile grace his face, one that you could mistake as  genuine. He looked like something straight out of a fairytale. He lets out a hum.
“Mmm…am I the leader…? Tell me Tiny do you think I’m the leader?”
You slightly choke on your strawberry. Your body flushes with embarrassment. You can’t believe he called you the name Yunho gave you last night. You look like a deer caught in the headlights. Your eyes are slightly big, your mouth is gaping open like a fish. You can’t seem to make a sentence. 
“Yea…we all heard that. I don’t know why you are getting so shy now…you didn’t sound very shy last night.”
Your mouth is now hung wide open. You can’t believe anything that is coming out of his mouth. Your body is starting to clam up. You want to be anywhere but here. You bite your lip not to sure of what to say. You just pick up another piece of fruit. Stuffing it in your mouth trying to avoid any conversation with this man at this point. While eating the fruit some juice makes it out your mouth and splashes on the table cloth. You hear a sudden loud gasp. You look up and Seonghwa is staring at you, he looks very disgruntled. 
His eye does a noticeable twitch. He looks uneasy, almost like he wants to vomit. His hand tightens into a fist. Clearing his throat he places a napkin in the middle of the table within arms reach for you.
“Please eat neater.”
He tries his best to say it with a smile. You nod your head slowly, grabbing the napkin and placing it by your glass. You continue to eat the fruit taking small bites out of every piece. The room is silent. Seonghwa is no longer moving or eating; he's just staring at you with a blank face. Your eyes flicker back and forth between the portraits on the wall and your plate. Him staring at you is just frying your nerves beyond repair. 
“Let’s play a game.”
His voice booming off the walls, startling you, you drop a piece of fruit on the table cloth, staining it once again. His eyebrow twitches once again. Nails gripping the wooden table underneath trying to calm himself. You look like a deer caught in the headlights. Mouth slightly open, eyes blown wide with nerves, hands shaking with anxiety that he would even bring up the thought of playing a game. That’s what it felt like you’ve been doing since you’ve been down here. He folds his hands under his chin, leaning forward like you have sparked his interest with your reactions. You wipe your hands on your pants, palms dripping in sweat. 
“..isn’t that technically what I’ve been doing since I’ve been down here…?..playing all of your guys' games..?”
Seonghwa let’s a wicked grin take over his face, he clearly found your scariness amusing. Little did you know you were just shoveling coals onto the burning flame.
“Why yes darling, but now you are going to play my game.”
Your hands are gripping your knees under the table. You are so worried that whatever game he was going to play with you. You were definitely going to fail without a second thought. You slowly nod your head forward letting him know whatever game he had in mind you were willing to play. He stands up from his chair, a loud scraping noise from the wood dances around your ears in a screech making you wince. Dusting off his shirt and pants he begins to walk towards you. Deciding your best motion is to just freeze, hands still gripping your knees tightly, your breathing comes to a halt. 
He’s standing by your side, slightly perched up on the table. He runs his fingers across your jawline, the close proximity between you two causes your eyebrows to scrunch, leaving a wrinkle indentation between your brows. He notices your uncomfortable state and lets out a small chuckle. It’s clear as day your nerves were fueling his hunger. He runs his finger over the wrinkle between your eyebrows, clearly amused. Dropping his hand to his side.
“We are going to play hide and seek. You will hide and I will seek. You have 100 seconds to go hide before I come looking for you.”
You open your mouth to object but he cuts you off before you can even mutter a word.
Throwing your chair back you dash out of the room. Making a beeline for the hallway. Throwing the door closed behind you. Looking around for any door you could go through in the hallway. As you briskly walk down the hallway you thought your best bet would be to enter Yunhos room since that’s where you were last and were most familiar with. It felt like the hallway had doubled in length. Were there always this many doors? As you continue to walk you can hear Seonghwas counting getting closer and closer to one hundred. He was currently at seventy. Even though you continued to move down the hall you could still hear his voice. 
The closer he got in numbers the more your anxiety spiked. Deciding to even forget the thought of finding Yunhos bedroom. You go for the first door you find. A sleek dark blue door. Opening the knob you quickly step in, completely missing the golden encrusted name on the door. Sadness.
Before shutting the door you hear Seonghwa call out that he was coming to seek you. Scurrying inside you close the door fast but as quietly as possible. Back against the door with your eyes shut and head tilted towards the ceiling, taking in small deep breaths trying to soothe your nerves. When you hear a deep, timid voice speak up.
“…what are you doing here…?..”
Your eyes almost bug out of your skull. How could you have not even thought about scoping out the room. Or even thought about checking to see if anyone was in the room. Dropping your head you brace yourself up against the door ready to flee at any moment. You realize it’s…Mingi?
Your nerves while they slightly relax at knowing it’s just Mingi in the room you also remember the last encounter both of you had. You also remember wandering around a labyrinth , that’s how you came across Mingi in the first place so how the hell did you just waltz in his room with no labyrinth?
He slightly moves from his corner…body fully turning around to look at you. He still looks so small and timid but you know he’s far from what your eyes perceive him to be. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 
“I’m hiding from Seonghwa.”
He lets out a hum…with a slight shrug to his shoulders he turns back around, continuing to be hunched in the corner of the room. He doesn’t seem like he poses a threat. Yet you can’t remove yourself from this door. You want to ask him so many questions…hug him? Smack him? The list of things you wanna do to him are endless but all of that will have to wait for another time. 
 You ask with slight sorrow in your tone. You wanna know why he did what he did. Why did he set you up the way he did. Without turning around he lifts his head to look forward into the corner, letting out a small sniffle as he speaks.
“Do you know how long I’ve been stuck down here..? Stuck down here because of you. How long we all have been stuck down here? It’s your actions, your ways, your stupid decisions. We all played our roles yet you get the free pass? You think I’m supposed to feel bad for you?”
He lets out a small chuckle in disbelief. With a shrug of his shoulders, he shakes his head refusing to continue. You stand there in shock. You aren’t sure what you are supposed to do with this information.
“Listen…I’m sorry if I did something to ruin your stay down here…but you were already down here when I got do-.”
He yells as he shoots up from the corner, his tall body taking up the small space. You feel that sorrow feeling again, the same feeling of when you first stepped into this room, when you first met Mingi. You try to calm him down, trying to make sure his yelling doesn’t alarm or give Seonghwa hints to where you are. You quietly try to hush him.
“You walk around here…meeting all of us like it’s your first time. Do you know what we said we’d do if we ever met you again?”
He says slowly….he doesn’t even sound like the same man you’ve once met.
“You constantly try to find out who we are, what we are. But do you know who you are? What you are? Because we are cut from the same cloth.”
You bite your lip…semi peeling some of the skin off due to your anxiety being on a thousand. 
“Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones…remember that.”
He settles down in the corner once again, tucking his knees to his chest. He clearly does not want to be bothered with you or your presence. Taking the hint you crack open the door listening closely to see if Seonghwa is in an eye shot or ear shot distance.
“He is not close by so leave, get out.”
He says with a dejected tone. You bring your lips into a straight line. There is so much to say yet you can’t think of one smart or logical thing to say. Nodding your head you quietly thank Mingi and shimmy your way out of his room. Quietly closing the door as you exit.
You look around trying to find another door that is open. Carefully making sure to read the names on the door if the door even has a name. Deciding to venture forward, worried if you were to back track you would accidentally run into Seonghwa. Venturing forward you go with the first door that is unlocked, twisting the knob and entering. 
What was supposed to be you walking on a solid surface of floor turns into you falling into a pool of warm water. You know this water, you remember the warmth, the coziness it had once brought you. With a splash you are now in Wooyoungs cave. Belly crawling out of the water you cough up the liquid you had swallowed. There he was perched on his rock, hands behind his head, with his eyes shut, and a stupid smirk on his face.
“Oh how nice of you to drop in! Get it? Cause you literally dropped in!”
He lets out his signature squeaky laugh. Rolling your eyes, you fully crawl out of the water. Trying your best to ring out any water from your once dry clothes. 
“I could just smack that stupid ass smirk off your face.”
Kissing his teeth he lets an even bigger smirk grace his face. 
“And here I was thinking we were friends! I am assuming your time here with us hasn’t been what you thought it was going to be was it? Would you like us all to hold hands and sing? Float on a cloud?”
Your eyes grow big…that's the same thing that demon said to you at the gate. Your mouth is slightly gaped open like you are a fish. He lets a grin grace his stupid beautiful face. He brings his hands up to his face squishing his cheeks together, like you just told him the most shocking news.
“Don’t tell me you are just now making a correlation. Oh my…You are!” 
Hoping off his rock he lets out a hard belly clenching laugh like you have just told the funniest joke.
“Maybe you would prefer if I looked like this…”
Your eyes grow big, you look nothing less than disgusted. His body starts to stretch out thinning as he grows, skin turning as pale as snow, eyes as dark as the bottom of the ocean, a grin never once leaving his face, white teeth growing more sharp and pointed as he grows in height. You have just now made the correlation he was talking about.
 He is the demon you saw at the front gate. His shift in appearance now has you backing up towards the water well you splashed in from. As he reaches his final height his bones cracking as he stretches his body back, shimming making sure he is comfortable in his bigger body. He rolls his head forward to look directly at you. Pointed teeth on full display. He looked like a real siren.
You fall back into the water hole. Fully submerged in the water once again. You can see Wooyoungs new form standing over the hole waving with his teeth on display. You turn your body around trying your best to swim to the bottom of the water. You notice there is a light at the bottom. The way your lungs are contracting you know you have to work fast to get there.
As you reach the new found light you submerge out the water, now fully choking up the water you had swallowed. You throw your body onto land. Bear crawling once again out of the water. Turning on your back, laid out like a starfish trying your best to gather your breath.
“I knew you couldn’t stay away for long.”
Quickly sitting up you take in the environment. Shooting your eyes to the man standing across from you. You are in Sans area. Great.
You quickly scramble to stand up. Clothes just drip huge amounts of water. You are heaving, so much, too much is going on at once how could a game of hide and seek turn into this? You brush the excess water out of your eyes. Turning around you book it towards the edge of the forest that you once came in through. All you hear is his menacing laugh bounce off of your ear drums. 
“They always come back!”
He yells as you make your way out of his area. His words are constantly floating around in your head. As you reach the forest you don’t even look to see where you are going, your body is on autopilot. Twigs are nipping at your skin, dirt is gathering on the bottom of your clothes, you run until your legs can no longer carry you. 
Knees buckling and giving out you have finally made it to the opposite side of the forest, you face plant into another patch of grass. Not even bothering to turn around. You had come to terms with that you were just going to die, right here, right now, right in this very spot you lay.
“No loitering.”
Annoyance fills your body, flopping over onto your back, eyes still shut not even bothering to open them. You let out a huff partially from trying to regain your breath the other part because of where you landed.
“Jongho literally…go fuck off.”
“Swear jar, five dollars.”
You hear a change jar jiggle around. You were not amused at his childish antics. You let out a groan, throwing your arm over your eyes.
“Leave me alone, I have decided this is where I am going to die. I am just going to sit here and wither away, while I am withering I do not want you around.”
He lets out a small hiss. 
“See I could really care less if you withered away if I am being honest…but seeing as you are in my orchard I really really wanna keep the death toll to a minimum, helps keep the property value up. Also…you are totally sogging up my grass right now!”
He says with a slight whine in his voice. You roll over back onto your stomach.
“There. I moved from that patch of grass.”
“You are sogging up the other patch of grass right next to it!”
Letting out a huff you sit up, running your hands down your face. As you are about to speak you hear the crunching of an apple. You shoot your gaze over to Jongho, squinting at him clearly unamused. With a mouth full of apple he speaks to you.
“Want the other half? I split it down the middle. Here.”
He tosses you the other half of the apple. Catching it you bring your knees up to your chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible.
“I am in an intense game of hide and seek with Seonghwa and…I just need a good place to hide. I walked into Mingis room first, then as I walked out and into another room, guess who I ran into? Wooyoung! Which by the way what in the entire fuck is he? Then as I'm making my great escape, I end up running into San, and that is how I ended up here.”
After a split second of silence he takes another bite out of his apple.
“Do they still have McDonalds on earth? Those french fries are to die for, literally. I miss the big golden m. What about the hamburglar? Is he still around? Between him and Ronald McD-”
You whip your head to look at him, throwing your apple at Jongho clearly upset at his nonconcern for you and your problems.
“Jongho! I do not care about french fries right now! Did you hear anything I said?!”
With a shrug of his shoulders he bites another piece out of his apple, clearly unfazed.
“My property value went down because of the apple you threw at me. I am not going to get much foot traffic now.”
You let out a huff. Standing up, picking the grass pieces that were stuck to your wet clothes off of you. You clearly weren’t going to get anywhere with Jongho. Deciding it was best to just leave him where he stood. You walk towards the entrance of the orchard, where you had first fallen through the labyrinth and into his orchard. You were tired of playing games clearly, that is all you had been playing since you got down here.
“You keep forgetting you are in hell! That is your problem! You should always hope for the best and expect the worst in life. But this…this isn’t life anymore, news flash this is hell! You once used to come to me with every problem you had. You were greedy, selfish, self centered, and you only thought of yourself. You are everything I am supposed to be and more…yet I am stuck like this forever because of you. It is nice to know that no matter what time line you are in you are still and will forever remain greedy.”
His words stung the more that you had walked away. Head held high..you refused to let his words get the best of you…even though the more you walked away, and the louder he yelled the more you realized it was true. The more you realized the only person who could be the cause of all of this was yourself. As you continued making your way towards the entry the only thing you could think of is how you became so clouded with judgment you didn’t even think to look back and reflect on yourself.
 As you make your exit, deciding to just walk through the hedge, you fall right onto the hallway floor. You are where you had started when Seonghwa began counting. Sitting up you rub your elbow, slightly wincing at the super hard contact you made with the ground. You hear a deep chuckle suddenly.
“I know you have returned Tiny…I will find you.”
His deep sinister voice bounces off the walls and echoes down the hallway. You quietly scurry up. You were on a mission to find Yunhos room. Thinking that was only the best option. You try to be as quiet as possible but the way the laughter is echoing it feels like he is hot on your heels. You are now sprinting down the hallway, abandoning the thought of being in Yunhos room, safe and sound.
It feels like Seonghwa is breathing down your neck, but it can’t be possible right? He is not even near you. Right? 
“Who are you?!”
You scream out while you continue to run down the hallway. It feels like with every step you take, you get nowhere.
“I’m Seonghwa! But you knew that!”
His timber voice, thick as honey fills your ears. You let out a small whimper afraid he was going to find you with ease. 
“What are you!?!”
“You can’t tell by now love? You mean you haven’t even tried to guess what I am? How shameful!”
You try to open the first door you see. Locked. You continue to jiggle the handle praying that it will magically open.
“I am Gluttony! But you my love! Oh you…you might take my job! You are such a glutton.”
 “I thought gluttony was meant to over-eat! Just shove food in your mouth!? This is not gluttony, you sick fuck!”
“Tsk tsk tsk…what a dumb little thing you are…don’t you know the true meaning of gluttony? It’s to over indulge darling! Have too much of something enjoyable!” 
He lets out a booming laugh. His laugh is so strong it rattles the portraits on the wall. He is close. You can feel it. You can sense it. Doors are slamming, the portraits are rattling, the house is coming alive.
“And this?!? Oh my this is too enjoyable. You are like prey for everyone down here. You are like the most delectable treat for anyone down here! It’s like playing cat and mouse with you.”
You feel a breath on your neck, not even daring to turn around you continue to run forward. Realizing you are the mouse, if he wanted to catch you already, he would’ve.
“You might think you don’t indulge but baby that’s all you’ve been doing. Let’s face it! You are a glutton for punishment!” 
Tears are now streaming down your face. You are helpless, he’s got you cornered in all aspects. Every door you try to open is locked, knobs not even budging an inch. Whispering to yourself..
“God please..please help.”
“Yes! Yes! Call out for God! Call out for him! He banished us down here yet you still call out for him? He banished you down here! Tell him how one of his little lambs has gone astray! You were always an in-house favorite!”
Your legs were starting to lose energy..your body felt like it was on zero fuel. Just as you were about to give up you finally see it. A white door with a gold trim, bright light coming from underneath it. It drew you in like a moth to the flame. You just knew this door was going to be it. This was the door that was going to save you. You dash as fast as you can, now catching a second wind. As you grab the knob you realize it easily slides open. Letting out a sigh of relief you enter not even bothering to look back. 
Authors Note: We now officially have one member left! I cut down this chapter a lot tbh...It originally was going to be a two parter but I was like meh...Hwa as Gluttony probably is my favorite thing..besides Greed Jongho. I didn’t want to go the typical route of “food” for gluttony so I spun it like this. In the fic Hwa does say the true definition of gluttony. I think Hwa would be such a good villain/bad guy😭. We need villain Hwa, stat! I was originally going to post this on Tuesday but sadly I go back to school on Tuesday and thought hell...why not just post it on Saturday💙. We see quite the appearances in this chapter, a lot was revealed, a lot of questions still unanswered too. The next chapter is our favorite captain, Mister Kim HongJoong himself 🏴‍☠️ . I might make a filler chapter? Im not to certain yet...but if yall have any questions feel free to ask! I appreciate all the support I have got from this series! Thank you to everyone who reads, leaves a like, reblogs, comments, sends in asks, all that fun stuff I appreciate it! 
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clickedbait · 3 months
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She didn't get to leave Hawthorn or the island all that often. Days off came as a reward and earned privilege. Perhaps many would frown at that, but she didn't mind it. It kept her focused, disciplined, and ready. She liked living on the island and with the other chefs, but being allowed off it getting a day off? That was a treat and she was going to take advantage of it by taking the boat into town curtesy of Dale-- another chef with more than the general know how on both boats and acting. She'd dressed herself in civilian clothes-- something simple. Capris jeans and a baby blue button down, sleeves rolled to her elbows. It was a common look for her, hair pinned back and faint smile on her lips. She felt comfortable in it, a close second to the comfort of a Hawthorn chef's jacket.
But she was doing her best not to think about that jacket or the tasks that came with it. She was, again, taking advantage of the day ahead of her-- including picking up a new journal. She'd filled her last one to the brim with thoughts, recipes, and secrets-- the tattered item in her purse hung over her shoulder. She'd burn it while still in town. No reason to hold onto those thoughts or even the recipes (all memorized or official in some fashion at Hawthorn). She found comfort in burning the leather bounded book almost every other time she came into town... enjoying letting go of what's inside.
There's one thing about Katherine though that sets her apart from the rest of the world when she steps onto the mainland. She doesn't have phone. No cellphone to keep up with her friends or her family-- why would she? Hawthorn was her home. Her family. Her friends. She didn't need anyone else-- she wasn't meant to. That's how good it was to work for Chef. Didn't matter how he treated her last year in punishment for denying him. Didn't matter that she had to fight tooth and nail for her position in feeling like she had some of his respect again. She was happy with her life.
Arriving on the mainland was easy and it was even easier to find her way to her favorite little bookstore. Sometimes she'd reward herself with a book purchase, but the only times she had to read were in the wee hours of morning and it was that or sleep. Mind you some of that time was used for the journals she'd have, but sleep was important. It was recommended-- frowned on really if you missed it and yawned the next day. Either way, it didn't stop her from perusing just slightly some of the new releases as she entered. Picking up one and turning it over to read the back flap before returning it to its place. She gave a muted grin to the clerk who greeted her after helping someone, shaking her head when asked if she needed help. She was fine.
She made her way too the back of the store where journals were kept, eyes fixating on the wall lined with them. She nearly missed the woman walking out of the kids' area with a couple books in hand-- Katherine throwing on the brakes and stopping dead. She was quick on her feet thanks to her time in the kitchen, dark blues quickly snapping to find a woman she almost didn't recognize. Mind you it'd been years since she'd seen the woman, but Katherine rarely forgot a face. Especially one you saw almost every week for nearly a year before one dropped out. @witchdoctrines.
She remembered her name (came with knowing a face), but hadn't she gotten married since then? God. How long had it been since college even? The years felt as though they blended together working in this industry and especially since joining the team at Hawthorn. Not that it mattered. The point was-- Katherine recalled who Emilie was. It wasn't just her face and name. She could remember how terrrible the woman was at cooking. How awful she was despite the trying attempts to do well-- had Katherine ever paid her mind to help or was she too wrapped up in her own world.
Quite like now.
Katherine blinks quickly and gives a shake of her head, "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings," but she barely pauses before adding, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're Emilie, right? I think we had a class together back at NYU-- culinary arts one, I believe?"
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mythica0 · 2 years
🧁: Donnie, Raph
🍫: Leo, Mikey
Summary: The Lair has been a little too serious and dreary for the sunshine brothers, so they decide to be silly and bring some laughter!
A/N: I finally figured out how I want this to go! This is mainly build up but there are tickles at the end! We love the sillies! This is your friendly reminder to be silly and whimsical people! Enjoy!
It was quiet. It had been a tough week for the turtles.
This caused a serious atmosphere around the lair, Donnie held up in his lab all the time and Raph usually training or exercising.
However, Leo and Mikey were hanging together in the latters room. The sunshine duo didn’t like the somber attitude from their brothers, so they were trying to figure something out.
They kept brainstorming ideas on how to bring some laughter and light back into the space.
Once they had a list, they were ready to set up the plan. However, they both had a thought just as they were about to leave Mikey’s room.
“I have another idea!” They said at the same time.
Leo pointed to Mikey as if to say ‘you first’ and Mikey nodded.
“What if we tickle them! Then they have no choice but to laugh and be happy!”
“No way, that was my thought too! We can make them be silly and childish for a moment!”
“Let’s add it to the list!”
Then they moved along into the common room to set it up.
They had a long list to get through, but the first one was a surprise pizza party!
They had some hand-made decorations, (curtesy of Mikey of course)pizza to eat and more!
They even made sure to get music that was funny or silly in some way.
After that, the next step was getting the others in there!
“Hey Donnie, Raph, we ordered pizza!”
“Cool! Be right there!” Donnie shouted out.
A few seconds later, the two were in the common area entrance, confusion written on their faces.
“Surprise! We planned a little party! We got pizza, soda and music!”Mikey explained.
“What- why? What’s the goal here?” Donnie questioned.
“To have fun, of course! Now come on!”
Raph stood there a moment and then heard what music was playing and chuckled a bit. “Is this weird al?”
“You bet cha!”
Mikey and Leo nodded at eachother. Time for the next item in their list! Some signature Leo dad-jokes! (A/N: these are actually a bunch of dad jokes I just have in my phone lol)
Leo walked up to the set Microphone on the far side of the room.
“Are you guys ready for some killer jokes!” He called out.
Donnie rolled his eyes and groaned, but he was smiling. This was working!
“Why don’t you sharpen a broken pencil?”
“Cause it’s pointless!” That got a few giggles.
“What’s the difference between a piano, a tuna, and a pot of glue?”
“You can tuna piano, but you can’t piano a tuna.”
Donnie raised an eyebrow. “What about the glue?”
Leo smirked and winked. “I knew you’d get stuck there!”
Donnie groaned to hide his light laughs. “Walked right into that didn’t I?”
“Why did the ocean break up with the pond?”
“It thought the pond was too shallow!”
“Oh, great” Donnie groaned again.
“What did the pond reply?”
Donnie just sharpened his gaze and said “what?”
“Oh you’re just salty!”
Raph actually burst into small giggles from that one, and Donnie just put his face to the floor.
It was supposed to look like an intense facepalm, but Leo knew he was hiding laughter. So did Mikey, so he just tapped Donnie on the shoulder and whispered.
“You allowed to laugh, you know. “
The soft shell didn’t lift his head from the floor as he just spoke slowly, “bahad johoke”
“Then why are you laughing?”
Seeing the interaction reminded Leo of something that had made his twin laugh before.
“Oh, woe is me! My twin thought the joke was so bad he had to hide! What a shame~”
That broke the others facade, as he broke into giggles at his twins overplayed plea.
“Yohou’re sohoho drahahahamahahatic!”
Leo smiled at the sound.
The slider continued telling jokes for a minute, and eventually got off the stage, all three of his brothers laughing at least a bit.
They continued down their list, playing some video games, doing a little improv game (for the theater kids AKA disaster twins)
And lastly, the arrived to the final item on their list.
“So, brothers, there’s one last thing we want to do!”
“What would that be?” Raph asked
The sunshine brothers walked up to the others, Mikey towards Raph, and Leo towards Donnie.
“Oh, nothing,” Mikey started, “just this!” And right on cue, both of them started to tickle.
Mikey scratched against Raph’s shell spikes, causing him to fall forward in laughter.
Leo traced Donnie’s sides in random patterns, making him to squirm and giggle.
“Whyhyhy!” The soft shell called.
“Because you two need a bit of childishness!” Leo responded, with Mikey adding,
“And laughter and silliness! That’s why we did all of this!”
The soft shell and Snapper just laughed and laughed!
When Leo moved to Donnie’s she’ll, he started pounding his fist on the ground through his laughter.
Raph had started to tear up a bit from laughing so much.
Leo and Mikey got up and retrieved some water for the older brothers. (A/N: I am a “Donnie is the older twin” supporter because Leo and Mikey give me younger sibling energy)
After recovering, the four just talked and had fun together the rest of the evening.
It was so much fun to fill the lair with whimsy!
———THE END————————————————
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