#like i know mcyt is ''cringe'' but you know what. i gotta stop caring about that
hartlow · 1 year
i apologize for the person i become when a new edition of the traffic smp comes out
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prairieprayer · 3 years
legit not a dream fan though i like some of the other minecraft lets players (like wilbur and tommy, they can be pretty wholesome), but i still think some of the anti mcyt things i’ve seen floating around are nuts. like lets go through a few
- “dream is an alt-right industry plant, not a real indie creator who boomed in popularity during the pandemic” what the hell are you on. he’s just a dude
-  all the dream smp players being lumped together with dream by sheer proximity (are they really out here saying someone like that kid tubbo_ is a racist alt-right ablest nazi for just being a player of the smp? really? that’s the hill you want to die on? to what end, even??)
- posting a pic of a random dude and claiming it was a doxed photo of dream, so now a bunch of anti-dream posters on twitter are fat shaming and making fatphobic comments at some random guy because hahaha it’s dream so it’s okay right? (it wasn’t dream...)
- saw a post a few min ago saying they wish they could shoot anyone who shipped the “minecraft white boys,” which i assume is meant to mean george and dream. charming
- caring about content creator’s comfort levels until the content creator’s comfort level is “i’m okay with shipping and even NSFW” then suddenly it’s just icky and yucky and wrong (and sometimes even throwin’ in a nice lil comment about their mental health so that’s fun). gotta pick one bud. or just admit you were pretending to care about their comfort levels until you learned it didn’t line up with your opinions on RPF
- criticizing literally any mcyter for posting support to their lgbtq fans, because you’re treating them like a brand and not just random dudes who have high follower counts. sorry, but 17 yr old tommyinnit posting about how he supports the lgbtq community for pride month is not the same as target selling rainbow shit for marketing reasons, and you know it
- looking at these youtubers like corporations at all. they’re just. dudes. you probably don’t think the same thing about your fav youtubers do ya. nah. just these guys
- whining about fans putting these figures on a pedestal, but then you, sweet and tender anti mcyt posters, acting surprised when one of the mcyters does or says something distasteful or scummy. what are you expecting. i’m tired of dream wiping his ass the wrong way making the news. and if you are too then stop being surprised and making like 10 tweets about this shit. chalk it up to “he’s a dumbass white american from florida, that checks out” and leave it be
- i keep being recommended at damn 28 minute long video with a title calling that animated video for mask an abomination. you guys really out here making a nearly 30 min long video ripping apart a bunch of kid’s art huh. make fun of dream’s direction as you will but the art itself? i feel bad for those kids. quit bullying them and shitting on their art because you hate dream good lord
no one has said it yet that i’ve seen so i’m just gonna say it. mcyt is popular af now and we all know it’s fans are mostly girls and children. like every other piece of shit torn to shreds by a community who hate it (like, say, undertale), i’m pretty sure this is just the new target of cringe culture. there are plenty of things to criticize dream over, but all these shitty takes lumping in the entirety of mcyt and its fans with literally one creator, when rather there are dozens and dozens of creators, is a load of sketchy shit and you know it. 
you are using your hatred of dream to justify hating every other minecraft content creator and i’m convinced that, under it all, your lack of critical thinking skills is far removed because it’s yet again a fandom of “cringy” kids. quit trying to fool yourself and those around you :P
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cat-sapphics · 3 years
so because of my last anon ask, i am actually genuinely trying to find a direct correlation between being a dsmp blog and an exclus at the same time like. is it bc all the ccs are completely accepting without question?? i mean yeah they're white and cishet and they don't get it and it's not their place to participate in discourse and invalidate others. it's cute and helpful when they educate themselves but of course they're not gonna know everything or have a decent platform to speak on their opinions, let alone not get cancelled for it.
i... do not care if tommy or ranboo says pan rights? or if they don't understand what a bi lesbian is (against that btw if it's unclear)? hell i literally did not give a shit that eret, who is lgBt, didn't understand nb lesbians (which i am one of) until they educated themself. these are my opinions and what i think is true or correct based on experience and what i know and how that affects us and others. i can't and won't force you to identify one way or another, i'm just gonna judge and approve or disapprove. that can't stop or even affect you and if it does, then you have a lot of personal problems you need to unpack.
if the confusion comes from the fact that most of the fandom itself is accepting, especially on mcyttwt, well, i hate most of the fandom and do not want to be associated with it - not necessarily because of discourse, as i said idc, but because of its cringe, shitty reputation for the most part anyway. besides, for as much of a hivemind cult as they are, i am under no obligation to do exactly as they do even if i did align myself directly with them anyway. i am not them and they are not me.
if the disgust comes from the idea that i'm supposed to voice my protection of the lgbt community from homophobia and transphobia - mainly cishets - then i get the reaction cause it's kinda contradictory that i stan "problematic" (they really aren't for the most part i'd say [and have said], but i'll mention it for how others see them) cishet white men. but like. that's my personal business/interest and it doesn't affect you at all?? it's not like i'm opening the gates for them in any way at all or inviting them to speak for/with us. like if that bothers you ain't nobody fuckin said you gotta interact, yeah??
so. yeah. i'm an mcyt/dsmp stan/supporter and an lgbt discourse exclus. end of. i'm tired of justifying myself to these goddamn anons about something different every week but i genuinely felt like making a post about it this time without much anger or emotion like admittedly usual. idk why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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