#like i have only seen one season of stranger things but just seeing the gifs of the later seasons is enough
mikashisus · 2 months
Light In The Darkness
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summary: venti isn't often vulnerable with you, but the one time he is is when he needs a whole lot of reassurance. and you have no problem giving him just that: expressing just how much he means to you.
pairing: jealous!venti x gn!reader
cws: slight angst, hurt/comfort
notes: originally posted this a few hours ago but quickly realized that i made a mistake bc the req was for a jealous mc instead of venti 😭
so instead i’ll post two versions!! this one is the venti version, and the mc version will be posted hopefully tmrw!
wc: 2k
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A bard was well-versed in all things poetry. It was their job to serenade those around them.
It was no surprise to you that your lover’s angelic voice touched the hearts of many. After all, that was his job— to sing and dance and play the lyre throughout all corners of the world, gaining popularity as he did so.
Sometimes, you thought the popularity got to his head a little. All those compliments and love struck looks from both men and women alike definitely stroked his ego to a degree.
He could do without all that praise, you thought, watching from afar as your lover sang a classic tale that was well known in Mondstadt. He gets enough praise from the church.
You were well aware he was the Anemo Archon. It was easy to put two and two together after taking a glance at the statue in the center of the city.
Tapping your fingers along to the classic tale, you failed to notice the figure of the Traveler approaching your all but empty table. Aether and Paimon greeted you eagerly, their faces a welcome sight after not having seen them in months.
A smile broke out onto your face instantly. You returned their sentiments, and the three of you fell into idle chatter about their recent journeys. Before long, you were laughing loudly like you always did when Aether came to visit.
He and Paimon were no strangers to the City of Freedom. They often stopped by for a visit around the festival seasons, though this year they had missed the annual Windblume Festival because of a music event in Inazuma.
You hounded them for missing the festival, though it was all lighthearted fun. You told them about Venti’s performance during the Windblume Festival, and how he gained the hearts of many afterwards.
“Wow, sounds like the Tone-Deaf Bard is doing as well as ever.” Paimon’s deadpan expression made you chuckle.
“Indeed. I think he could do without having his ego stroked all the time, but he really is an amazing performer, so I guess it’s alright.” You said.
Paimon huffed and crossed her arms. “Still! He should at least be a bit humble!” She tossed a glare in his direction. “Who knew the Anemo Archon could be so greedy!”
You sighed, a laugh tumbling out of your mouth. It was good to know that Paimon was the same as always. Aether looked just about ready to leave Paimon here, what with all her grumbling and complaining. You were happy to see them in good health.
An hour later, the two were bidding you farewell, claiming they had to knock some commissions for the Adventurer’s Guild out before sundown.
“Take care of yourselves, alright? If you need us, you know where to find us. Please do stop by sometime soon!” you told them with a smile, “Venti bought a vintage recently and we’ve been saving it for a special occasion. It would be the perfect time to break it open!”
“Sure thing!” Aether nodded with a kind smile. “See you around!”
You watched them leave with a small smile on your face before you directed your attention back to Venti. The bard was entertaining a group of drunkards, singing an old Mondstadt tale. It was one you’ve heard only a handful of times.
In the past, it was extremely popular in Mondstadt. However, as the years came and went, it grew to be forgotten amongst the people. As you watched Venti light up with life and rile up the patrons he was singing to, you realized he was doing his best to bring back those old, forgotten melodies.
The door to the tavern creaked open, and from your table near the bar, you could see Diluc take a huge sigh. That could only mean one thing…
“(Name)! Why, it’s quite the pleasure to see you here.” Kaeya’s smooth and charming voice entered your ears.
“Well if it isn’t Captain Kaeya!” You beamed, standing from your seat to give him a nice big hug.
It had been a few months since you’ve seen him last. The last time you saw him was four months ago when he left for Fontaine to speak with a few merchants there on behalf of the Knights of Favonius. Since then, your days were a little duller without his presence.
Though, the void left behind by your best friend was quickly filled by the affections from your lover.
Kaeya chuckled, the sound buzzing in your ear as you kept your head to his chest. “Miss me while I was gone? It’s not like you to get all emotional.”
You pulled from the hug and slapped his arm playfully. “Of course I missed you! Can I not miss my best friend?”
The two of you began catching up as Kaeya called for a few drinks. Diluc sent him a glare as he placed the drinks down on the table, warning him not to order too many, before he retreated back to the bar.
The more you talked and laughed with Kaeya, the more you realized just how much you missed him. It felt like the two of you were kids again, when the both of you were training to become knights and didn’t have to worry about anything at all.
All the while, a shiver ran down your spine as you felt the weight of divine eyes peering at you from afar. This was a feeling you commonly had; whenever you were on a commission for the Adventurer’s Guild, or more importantly, hanging out with Kaeya.
The feeling of a divine force watching you so closely was a little frightening, but knowing where the source was coming from made it less scary and more intriguing.
You knew what your lover’s divinity felt like by now after having been around him for so long. It was a slight pressure on your shoulders, a shiver running up your spine, and a soft breeze that mysteriously came from nowhere. It was quite ominous, though you supposed that word described him perfectly.
In these situations, you knew he was staring at you and Kaeya with that adorable pout on his face and waiting for the right time to pounce on you like a cat. Then, he’d drag you away and the two of you would cuddle and you would whisper words of affection in his ear to assure him how much you loved him and only him.
And so, you waited for the moment he’d interrupt your conversation.
Kaeya was always the type of best friend that made you laugh until your stomach hurt, and playfully flirted with you just because. He was loyal to a fault and not as honest as you wished he could be. But he had always been there for you, a light in the darkness when you needed him.
Gradually, over time, Venti filled that spot of being your light in the darkness, but no one could replace your best friend.
You and Kaeya had been inseparable in your youth, along with Diluc, who tagged along with you both. So, naturally, your bond was quite strong. It stayed that way between both of you even after he told you the truth of his origins.
As he opened his mouth— a teasing smile on his lips that made you realize he was about to ask how you and Venti were doing —your lover in question slid his arms around your neck and dug his face into your collarbone.
You caressed his arm lovingly and placed a kiss to the side of his head. You sighed, a dopey smile pulling at your lips. He was no doubt faking being drunk to pull you away from Kaeya.
“Hi my love,” you said sweetly, “did you drink too much?”
He grumbled into your skin, and that was enough to confirm he was only doing this because he wanted your attention all to himself. It made you laugh loudly, your chest bubbling with life as the sound rolled out of your mouth.
Venti couldn’t help but smile. He loved the sound of your laugh more than anything, especially when he was the cause of it. He adored bringing you happiness and joy. He adored hearing your melodic laugh. He gripped you tighter, not wanting to let you go just yet.
“Well, I think this is where our fun ends, Kaeya,” you told him with a smirk, “I should get this one home.”
He returned your look with a knowing one of his own. He was very familiar with Venti’s antics by now. “No worries. We’ll continue catching up another time. Be safe on the way back to Springvale.”
You ruffled his hair like you always did when you were children. “We will. Stop by sometime, you’re no stranger.”
Standing up, you removed Venti’s arms from around your neck and relocated them to your waist, knowing he wouldn’t be letting go anytime soon.
Outside, the chilly nighttime air was refreshing on your hot skin. You ran your fingers through Venti’s hair and let out a content sigh.
“You know,” you started, a teasing lilt in your voice, “if you wanted my attention so badly, all you had to do was ask.”
Venti looked up at you with that adorable pout you were always so fond of. You cupped his face in your hands as he let out a small whine.
“Were you jealous, my love?”
Stubbornly, he looked away. “No—“
“Uh-huh, sure. I know how you get when you’re jealous.”
He bit his lip before all his worries came tumbling out of his mouth like a broken dam. “How can I not be? Kaeya’s always flirting with you and making you laugh! Sometimes I don’t know whether or not the way you smile at him is… is for something else.”
Venti was not one for being vulnerable. He absolutely despised sharing his true feelings, and preferred to bottle things deeply inside his person. For him to tell you how he felt in this moment was a huge step forward.
It not only meant he trusted you deeply, but it also made you realize that the effort you were helping him put in with his emotions was working. It touched your heart, but his words broke it all over again.
You kissed him, sweet and slow like he always enjoyed. When you pulled away, you placed your forehead on his and smiled.
“For you, I would go against the heavens and sooner make myself an enemy of the divine. I’d follow you to the edge of the world— hell, to the far reaches of the universe just because I love you. My heart and soul are yours, Barbatos.”
You could see it: the way he tried so hard to mask his sadness and how much he tried to avoid letting any tears spill. He inhaled shakily, squeezing his eyes shut in another attempt to deter his cries.
In the end, it was all futile, as the tears fell from his eyes like waterfalls anyway. This time, you waited for him to make the first move, and he did.
After a few moments, he searched for your lips and brought you into a slow, passionate kiss. It was a kiss that told you how much he appreciated your words, as well as one that so very obviously conveyed his undying love.
When he pulled away, he let out a small, sheepish laugh. “I’m sorry for that, love.” His cheeks were red with embarrassment.
“Don’t be,” you told him softly, forcing him to look at you, “Never be sorry for that. Thank you for sharing how you truly feel.”
He was eternally grateful to have you, someone so patient and understanding. He smiled, pressing a kiss to your palm that was on his cheek.
“I love you. To the far reaches of the universe and back.”
Hand in hand, you returned home, laughing all the while as he shared stories of the night’s events. Amidst the wind, he could hear both your hearts beating in unison.
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notes: this was not supposed to be 2k words, this was supposed to be less than 1k but u guys know me by now, i always end up writing more when it comes to venti 😭 if u’d like to join my disc server to chat and hangout, u can do so here!
© 2024 mikashisus. do not copy, repost, or translate my works to any other platforms.
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lizardkingeliot · 4 months
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Fair warning this is going to be a mess and my brain is running on fumes so... bear with me lol.
I'm thinking about Louis not uttering Lestat's name for 23 years until he starts unloading on a stranger trying to convince himself Lestat was nothing to him. He wasn't in LOVE what are you TALKING about. He wasn't a great musician who wrote me love songs so infuriatingly perfect I swam the Mississippi to bite him like a cat and fuck him on the floor! Lestat wasn't that great at all I promise look at me, Daniel, do I look like the sort of guy who would lie about something like that!!!
I'm thinking about how what Louis was doing here wasn't actually that at all. Armand read him for filth because he's always known who the real love of Louis' life is, hasn't he? And Louis couldn't bear it anymore. He couldn't find Lestat (which begs the question WHY they were separated after Paris if Louis knows he isn't dead at this point but I guess the show will tell us that in the upcoming episodes lol), and this was going to be his way out. Had he been searching for him in secret? Did Armand know? I'm thinking prooooobably not but I guess we'll have to see what happens in Paris and in the final three episodes to be sure why Louis was so INSISTENT he didn't want to see Lestat even while very obviously trying to do just that. I assume it has to do with the events surrounding The Trial???? A desperate attempt to protect Lestat (wherever he may be) from Armand? Who knows!
I'm thinking about Louis insisting all he did was talk trash about Lestat and Armand immediately answering... that's not exactly how you talked about him to me. Yet Armand says Lestat's name hasn't been uttered in 23 years. Which would have been around 1950 in the timeline. Right after Paris. So clearly we're meant to understand Louis confided something about the true nature of his relationship with Lestat to Armand. Yet Louis insisted right there in that coffin that Lestat was his maker and nothing more. Again, I guess we'll just have to wait for the end of the season to see how we're meant to piece that whole thing together lol.
I'm thinking about the way the show let us hear Lestat's voice as he spoke to Louis through Armand. They let US hear Lestat insisting Armand tell Louis "I love you". Yet that's not something Louis could possibly remember because he didn't hear it. Which seems confusing but it's actually confirming this theory I've had brewing in my head that the show intentionally shows us things Louis isn't actually saying in the interview. Like making out with Dreamstat in the park. If you rewatch 2x03 there's no way Louis actually told Daniel and Armand about that. Or in this case, it's the show showing us something Louis can't possibly know himself.
And I'm thinking... why? The only real reason to do that is to drive home that what we're watching is in fact the Louis and Lestat love story at its core. I mean... think about it. Every iteration we've seen of Lestat this season has been so ROMANTIC. They were so in LOVE. All the stuff Louis tried his best to omit in season one is leaking in around the cracks like sunlight through the slats of a window shade and it's only a matter of time before that shade is opened...
Also. One more thing. Not to dump allll of this in one post but....... we finally got confirmation in this episode that Armand IS messing with Louis' head and erasing things and overwriting memories and I am foaming at the mouth waiting to see what else is in there Louis doesn't know about...
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blitzwhore · 4 months
I just saw Blitzø get called Stolas stockholm victim I can't with this fandom anymore😭
😂 As outrageously incorrect and stupid as that take is, I'm going to go on a tangent here. I hope you don't mind.
I think every fandom has annoying people with awfully terrible takes in it. People with zero media literacy. People who hatewatch. People who think they're entitled to the exact show they would've wanted, which has nothing to do with the actual, existing show.
This is especially true for queer media, and especially true for queer cartoons. (Hi, yes. I was active in the Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Voltron, and She-Ra fandoms when those shows were airing, respectively. I've seen some stuff). Some people just can't handle queer cartoons, period. If the queer characters/ships are soft and wholesome, they're infantilising and boring, and if they're complex and nuanced and actually have conflict, they're abusive and problematic. You'll hear the same recycled arguments over and over again. Like, the shit some people are saying about Blitz and Stolas after The Full Moon? Is literally almost word-for-word what they said about Catra and Adora post-season 3 of She-Ra (and even at the end of the show).
Here's the thing, though! Those people and their bad takes are not what I want to think about what I think about a fandom. Those aren't the people I want to call the fans. They don't deserve that title. Not when so many other people are out there dedicating their time to making gifs and art and meta posts, and writing fic, and commenting/reblogging to show support, and sliding into people's DMs to scream and squee together about a thing they love.
At the end of the day, "fandom" is just a lot of people each doing their own thing. Which people you engage with and allow to stay within your line of sight will determine your fandom experience. Fandom can be a huge, convoluted, online space full of people who are constantly arguing with one another and whose takes make you unfathomably angry... Or it can be you and your 5 friends and mutuals who scream gleefully at one another in 2-note posts. You can't control what others post online, but you can control your engagement with it.
How? Well, here's what I personally do to avoid getting upset by people's stupid opinions online:
Filter 'critical' and 'anti' tags (eg. #anti stolitz #anti vivziepop #Helluva Boss critical #HB critical #vivziepop critical). Many people actually do tag their critical posts because they know it's the respectful thing to do!
If I come across a post that has one or more of those tags, obviously, I don't click through to see it under any circumstances.
If I stumble across a stranger's untagged post with hate/criticism that upsets me: I stop reading and BLOCK. Immediately. I don't look back. I don't finish reading. I don't engage. I just block block block. I <3 the block button, seriously.
If I feel my mind reeling from a bad take I just came across: I take a step back, close my phone, breathe, remember life is beautiful sometimes. Go back and watch an episode I really like. Clean my living space a little. Vent about it to a friend (but only if I really need to, because if not, I'd rather not dwell on it).
If I'm starting to feel the need to reply to someone's bad take (directly or via my own post), I instead make the decision to channel that energy into making fandom posts out of love. (I don't do this just with fandom. If I see something transphobic online, I usually react by reblogging a bunch of trans art or trans positivity posts on my main, for example). I like to think of it as putting some positivity out into the world to compensate for the negativity I just saw. So, for example, if I see someone shitting on my blorbo, I may make a silly post just saying how much I love blorbo. Or I'll make (or draft) a post about how interesting I find some of blorbo's actions. Or reblog another person's positive/interesting post about blorbo.
And finally, I stay the hell away from Twitter. Or at least, if I go on Twitter, I try my best to avoid any tweet that has text in it instead of just art. Even the people who have good opinions spend too much time arguing with the people who have bad opinions on there. I don't want to see people's bad takes! No, not even while reading founded and perfectly articulated criticism of those bad takes! So I just limit my time on Twitter. And again, if someone is putting bad takes on my TL (even if it is to counter them), I unfollow and block as needed.
All this to say, yes, it really fucking sucks to read the opinions of people who don't understand and who hate the characters and ships and worlds you love. Gosh it's the worst. But you can curate your fandom experience. You can focus on the things you can control. You have the power to decide if your fandom experience is draining or fun!
And because I don't know how to finish this, here, have a Stolitz kiss to heal you:
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We will keep winning and there's nothing the haters can do about it. 😌
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cherryc1nnam0n · 11 months
It's feeling scared not horny | Scare actor!Eddie Munson x Afab!Reader
Spooky season isn't over for me, have this treat I based off this TikTok I found, enjoy <3
Summary: You go to Horror Nights with your friends but didn't expect to get hot and bothered by a certain character
Cw: Eddie being flirty, kind of Kas!Eddie, strangers to lovers kinda, unprotected sex, public sex, voyeurism, fingering, mask kink, horror kink(?, big dick Eddie, breeding kink, degrading, primal kink, Dom!Eddie, AFAB reader pronouns not mentioned
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The night had been going great with your friends, lots of scares, cool attractions and lots of screaming and running around
You were laughing with your group when you suddenly saw him
Wearing ripped black jeans, chains dangling from his side and his neck, leather jacket, vampire wings on his back, a mask with teeth that covered half his face and those penetrating eyes with black liner
He was just, stunning...
You locked eyes with him and he walked towards you, taking your breath away instantly
His curly hair made him look like an 80's rockstar, which had you hot and bothered in seconds, he tilted his head at you and then slid towards you making sparks come out of the pavement
You shrieked as he approached you, looking into your soul with his big doe eyes, you bit your lip not to moan at how hot he was
He crawled to you, still looking into your eyes
"You look shocked, did I scare you pretty thing?"
You just stood there looking at him, from his position on the floor he rose up to his full height, making you have to look up, you swallowed heavily
"Oh wow" was all you could say
He tilted his head again, noticing how you squeezed your thighs, he chuckled darkly
"I see something I like..." He said grabbing your hair placing it behind your ear then he whispered into it "Wanna come with me and have some fun?"
You just nodded dumbly following where he led you, he could want to kill you and you wouldn't care
He took you to a dark alleyway, some people could be seen walking by but none really looked the way you guys were
"You're a pretty thing aren't ya?" He said in that sultry voice that was hypnotizing you
You were just dumbfounded looking at him
"What's up? Cat got your tongue?"
You gulped "N-no I'm just... Really horny..."
He laughed "Bold are you? Well, I can definitely help with that"
Soon you had his fingers deep in your pussy, his mask pressed against your neck as he inhaled your scent, his grunts were primal and animalistic, really playing into the role of a bat
"You like that baby? Yeah? Like how I'm fingering you? Yeah?"
You nodded along with him, your tongue lolled out and gasps leaving your mouth
"Want me to fuck you baby? Yeah? Want my fat cock deep inside you?"
"Yes please, please fuck me"
"Fuck baby yes come here"
His arms held your thighs up, holding you against the wall as he maneuvered to get his cock out of his pants
"Fuck baby, gonna fuck you so hard, fucking breed this pussy"
He lowered you down onto his cock, splitting you open to the brim with his big fat cock, your head fell back, eyes rolling back and mouth falling open to moan
"Oh fuck!" You shut your eyes
He started pistoning his hips into you, the sounds of skin slapping against each other was loud in the alley you were in, you couldn't stop moaning, his grunts were primal again, groans rumbled in his chest
"So fucking tight baby, fuck- making me go out of breath, you're so nasty, letting me fuck you even when you don't know my name or what I look like- shit, but you don't care do you? You only wanna fuck me because of the mask don't you?"
You nodded, bitting your lip as you moaned
He pulled you away from the wall, moving you up and down his cock
"Gonna fucking breed you baby, gonna make you pregnant for me, and you'll never know who the father is, fuck!"
"Yes fuck yes! Ah!"
You were so close to your orgasm, feeling your legs tremble in his hold until you heard a familiar voice
"What the-" it was one of your friends, frozen as she watched what was happening
"Oh well, look what we got here, we got some audience, well, might as well give them a show" he said going back to fucking you
That was a long night...
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Don't play with fire | - Part 1 - |
Authors Note: Hey. This is my first try ever writing in English, since it's not my first language. I read it over several times, hopefully to correct all mistakes. Also this is the first try of fanfiction since 2016. Sooo I appreciate feedback and let me know what you think.. Please be kind. 🙏🥹
Originally I wanted to write a short backstory, but I think it’s just going to be multiple parts if you want to read it. So see this as a kind of introduction. In further chapters I wanted to try myself to write my smut fantasies out. I'm also going to upload this later to Ao3 under the username Lorily96.
-> Writing in 'italic' is supposed to be the your thoughts
Warnings: Describing of a Panic attack, Age Gap (Legal)
Word count: 8k
Tagging: @a-movie-that-youve-never-seen, @amethystblackkchaos, @hereforthehitsbaby
Some people say life is a cruel joke. Unexpected twists and pain waiting around every corner. Some people say the glass is never empty and everything happens for a reason. You can learn from anything.  Everyone you meet is either there for a reason, for a season or... for ever. However the world is not black and white, sometimes there is no reason at all. You know how you sometimes laugh when something bad happens to a stranger or friend. Like their ice cream falling to the ground, seeing a cop writing a ticket for somebody else. I think ‘Life’ itself is bored just like us. That's why sometimes you feel like it’s only getting worse. Doesn’t matter what you do, there is no luck to be found. That's exactly how you felt that day. Just strings of bad luck and to this day you still question yourself. Why? Why didn’t you say something? Why did you do it? Why didn’t you walk away? How did all of this happen in the first place? The events of that day living rent-free in your head, keeping you up at night.
~ Sometimes Life has a dark and twisted humor. ~
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All those overprotective dads, who only want the best for their daughter. Your dad was one of them. He always told you: "Be wary of strangers", "Never tell someone your name if you feel something is off", “Go with your gut feeling” and "don't go near the car of a stranger". Seriously, he had good points.
Unfortunately, he didn’t tell you what to do, when you suspect someone is a serial killer. Maybe running or keeping your nose out of the situation would have been a great option. Well, since daddy had been out of the picture since you were 12, maybe he would have some kind of advice for that. Your mom had found out he was cheating, and after the divorce, he cared more about his new girlfriend and son than you. Why care about the daughter you raised for 12 years, your beloved wife, when you can just throw it away and play happy family with the next woman you find.
At times, you wonder if that's the reason you had some kind of daddy issues. Perhaps you liked older men like him because of that. Even today, his face still haunts and excites you at the same time. Remembering how drawn you were to him. He was so charming and devilishly handsome. You felt sick and appalled at yourself for feeling this way. Everything he did, seemed to play into his hands. Who would suspect the nice and charming dad next door? How many times did you lay awake in bed at night, the events of that day replaying themselves over and over. Like a continuous loop with no escape… 
It felt like yesterday. The only reason you were at the concert in the first place was because one of the other guys quit a week before. You couldn’t even blame him, since your boss was a total dick. Ever since you started working in the company a year ago he was just looking for a reason to fire you. Always criticizing you, commenting when your bathroom break was too long. Wore a skirt? Too provocative. Wore a sweater? Be more professional. You could make a whole list of the things he pulled off. You fucking hated working in that place and even more to work outside or around many people. You chose to work in IT because you could work alone and in peace. 
Outside of work, you were a relatively social person. Many friends and people seemed to like you. Despite preferring to rather stay home alone, with your cat and books, you were surprisingly good at making conversations. It felt strange, kind of ironic. Life had a stupid sense of humor. Sometimes you even felt like you were good at reading people. Your mom called it your sixth sense.
Working at the arena for the concert was a real hassle. It was so stressful. Over a week before the actual concert there was already a meeting. Everybody working in the stadium that night was there. They didn’t reveal too much that day. Apparently the whole concert was also a trap for this serial killer? 
They called him - The Butcher 
You remember hearing and reading about him in the news. He had killed 12 people till now and the FBI was sure he was going to show up there. Everything was top secret, everyone had an extra card for controls during that day and a code word. On the day of the concert you arrived extra early to get the last directions for the day. They even told you what he potentially could look like.
Work was boring. The company you were working for was responsible for ensuring that all the screens, cameras were working, both on the outside and on the stage, that the wifi was stable and so on… not the hardest task. There also were others who ensured the overall technology and speakers worked, but that wasn’t your job. Most of the time you and your colleague were sitting backstage, talking shit about your boss and listening to the show, at least you were, because lovely colleague Eric would do most of the stuff alone. What a sweetheart, right?
It felt a bit bad taking advantage of him. You knew he had a big crush on you, he wasn’t exactly hiding it. Relaxing backstage appealed more to you. Therefore it was totally fine with your conscience. This job was a pain in the ass and you already started applying for new jobs. You just had to hang on for a few more weeks. Hoping you could quit soon and work in a non toxic environment.
The first half of the concert remained uneventful. Fortunately, because your room was in the backstage area, you even talked to Lady Raven for a bit on her break. She was so nice and friendly. On and off stage, her whole personality was the same. Which you found truly great, a person like that was hard to find nowadays. The thinker for example seemed like a total dick from what you saw. Lady Raven and you also had some similar interests, it was so easy to talk to her.After asking about it, she told you that they hadn’t found the Butcher yet. She even told you a few more details on how the police got the information of him being there. Before she left you wished her good luck with the rest of her show and went back to work for a bit. 
Later on during the second half of the show, you stepped near the stage. The atmosphere felt incredible. The lights, the performance on stage and the fans screaming and singing the songs of Lady Raven. How you wished to be standing in the crowd just vibing and dancing to the music instead of working. If it weren’t for all the extra police and security in the arena, it would be a normal concert. 
Slowly you started making your way backstage as you saw people approaching from the audience room. Honestly you weren’t keen on talking to many people. Lady Raven started talking and announcing her dreamer girl, Riley. That must be why the people came in from the audience. At the end of the stage you turned around again. On your former spot stood a man. He was tall, with a nice backside, no doubt the father of the dreamer girl, looking at the stage.  Though he seemed to take a quick look around every now and then. Looking at him, he didn’t look like he was having much fun being here. He looked rather stiff. As you started walking back in his direction to get a better look, Eric called you. Sighing, you turned around. As you were making your way backstage, you felt like someone was watching you. 
“Hey, somewhere outside, a monitor has a bluescreen. I'll quickly go fix it. The show is nearly over. After that, we can start with cleaning things up.” Eric told you, as you walked down the stairs towards him.
“Okay, do you need my help?” You asked him, pushing a blonde strand of hair behind your ear, batting your eyes at him, hoping he would say no. 
“No of course not! I can do it alone. The problem is not that hard.” he answered, trying to show off.
You smiled. “Okay great! Then, see you later.” 
You walked past him into the backstage area. It wasn't that you disliked him, he was nice for a work colleague. However, nothing more. For one you had not much in common besides work, and he was a pushover. You could not imagine being with a man who had no opinion and just waited for you say anything until he stated his opinion. 
‘Like have an opinion, Boy?’ Rolling your eyes at the mere thought of his personality, you grabbed yourself a drink and went back to your little break room.
There you waited for the concert to finish, which you knew shouldn’t take too long now. When you heard the last song finished you decided to grab your purse and go into the hallway. Considering it was too good of an opportunity to pass by. When would you ever see celebrities up so close again? Maybe you could ask Lady Raven for a selfie? Or an autograph? You weren’t the biggest fan, but there was a possibility you could sell that autograph later on.
Uncertain where to go, you stood in the hallway. Dancers ran past you. Nobody seemed to take much notice of you. Coming from the left, you saw the thinker walking towards you, and kind of flirting with someone behind him. ‘Spicy.’ A light chuckle escaped you. Curiosity filled your brain and you decided to head in the direction he came from.
In the middle of the hallway, where several corridors met, stood Riley, the dreamer girl and her dad. If you remembered her name correctly that is. You stopped walking and observed them quietly from a little further away. 
‘Did the Thinker flirt with him?’ Now that you got a better view of him, you found that theory pretty reasonable. It felt almost unfair how attractive he looked. 
‘Was he married? Presumably.’ Not that you would consider making a move, besides his daughter was standing right next to him. That would be so awkward. Also remembering, the last time you let someone in, things unraveled in ways that left you a bit guarded. Despite your people skills, your mom and you apparently both had a thing for cheaters. After a year of being single, you told yourself it was for the best. Except for your job, life was good– At least that's what you tried to tell yourself.
Nevertheless you would never have considered being attracted to older men. He was at least 10 years older than you, maybe more. You were 25, and he could easily be in his 30s or even early 40s. All of a sudden the profiler’s description came back into your head: tall, strong, dark hair... 
Even though you've never been overly spiritual, you did believe in a sixth sense. The longer you thought about it, him standing in that hallway backstage. The way he subtly kept looking around for a second. Nobody noticed. ‘Wait… Did he notice you watching them?’ 
Pulling out your phone, you started swiping and typing randomly. Trying to look busy. Your thoughts were racing. He matched the description perfectly, and here he was, casually joking with his daughter like he didn’t have a care in the world. Despite his friendly smile and demeanor, there was something unsettling about him—a bit too friendly, almost fake? 
After looking at him a bit more, it just clicked into place. You couldn’t shake off the feeling that that may be him, the Butcher. Until now they hadn't found him, not that you knew of. So they were still searching for him. People backstage were rarely searched, except when they wanted to leave the arena.
‘God, you should think rationally. Could that really be him? Still he seemed normal…’
Except the look in his eyes. That look gave you unpleasant goosebumps. You grew anxious, you knew where the camera room was. Police officers were definitely going to be there and maybe the profiler was there. Then you could ask her if the man had been checked by security or talk to her about your uneasy feeling. 
Unfortunately you would have to pass him to get to the camera office. If he hadn't noticed you before, he certainly would then. Could you keep your cool? It didn’t matter. You knew you would overthink it in the evening, you had to do it. Your heart was starting to pound audibly in your chest. 
‘Deep breaths–
Breathe in, breathe out. 
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and go. Don't panic.’ Grabbing your phone tightly in your hand, you started walking. 
As you approached them, Lady Raven emerged from her dressing room and started talking to Riley. She was so happy, grinning from ear to ear. As they chatted happily, the dad leaned forward and whispered something to Lady Raven that you couldn't make out. 
As soon as you heard her tell his daughter that they would talk shortly, alarm bells were going off in your head. Your brain stopped working, and your legs and mouth moved on their own. You felt a certain hero complex activating within you. ‘What if he was the Butcher? There was a possibility’
You felt uncomfortable leaving her alone with him. Something felt off. Before they could leave, you sprinted the last few meters towards them. Trying to cry on arrival. 
“Lady Raven, hay… I eh.. I.. I don't... Could I.. could I talk to you for a second? Please, I don't know what to do.. I–” you sniffled. You tried your best to cry. ‘Come one, you could lie better than that’, you thought angrily at yourself. ‘Who would believe you like this?’ This wasn’t going to be the first lie you ever told. You even lied on your last résumé. 
She immediately turned around her face full of concern and worry. For a second you thought you saw his jaw tensing and left eye twitch. ‘Did you imagine it? ‘
“Oh no. Hey, what's going on? You’re Y/N, right? We met earlier.” You nodded your head, keeping the hand over your lower face, while trying to remain in tears. For once, you were glad that you chose to wear your hair open today. Your long blond locks shielded your face even more from the prying eyes around you. 
“What's going on? Are you alright? Did something happen?” She asked more and more questions, putting her hand on your shoulder, trying to comfort you.
“There was an accident, I...“ You just kept mumbling incomprehensible nonsense. Still shaking, sobbing, trying not to look up. You didn't even know what to do, what to say. 
“Hay, ehm… I’m so sorry. Could you give us a second? I will be right back. It won’t take long.." she said, apologizing to the two of them. 
“Of course, no problem. This seems serious! Take your time.”, said the man, his voice laced with concern.
‘Why did he sound so genuine, like he is truly concerned? Maybe I judged him too fast?‘
Gently Lady Raven took one of your hands and started to lead you away. It didn’t matter anyway, there was no going back. Now you need to play your outburst to the end and come up with a plausible story. While she brought you into her dressing room, it felt as if someone was staring holes into your back. 
After the door closed, you immediately felt more at ease. Bit by bit you tried to calm yourself. At least that was what it seemed on the outside. You don’t remember much of what you told her, some kind of sob story. The first idea that came into your mind. About your dad having a car accident. The whole car crashed... With your car being parked further away from the arena and you were so afraid your dad could die. That you at worst wouldn't make it to the hospital in time with all the police controls going on in and outside the arena. 
You cried, trying to think your story would be about your mom and not your dad. Which did the trick and made you sad. Being the kind person she is, Lady Raven suggested that you could drive with her in her limo, so you didn't have to go through the queues or security, and she would take you to the hospital or your car. You thanked her over and over again, as you wiped your tears away. 
How high was the possibility that the dad would like to briefly speak to Lady Raven again, when you went in the hallway again? Then everything would have been in vain. However you could’t pressure her. Something came over you, so you suggested that perhaps the other two could join them. Maybe they could also drive in the car? You tried explaining your suggestion somewhat rationally. That way she can still talk with the dad,
you would feel extremely bad if you kept her from talking to her fans. You didn’t want to cause any more trouble. 
Surprisingly, that seemed to work? No further persuasion was necessary. Which left you very surprised and perplexed. Was she truly such a kind person? Who was so trusting? Especially with everything that was going on here today. ‘Did she have such a shielded and good life, that she blindly believed you?’ You wondered.
‘Unimaginable…that could not be the case. You didn’t believe there were any truly good people left in this world.’
After another minute of collecting yourself, you went after Lady Raven. She had already gone ahead and had already told them the short version of what was going on, when you arrived. Asking them if they wanted to come too, so she and the dad could have their talk. She was way too kind and somewhat naive to even suspect you’d be lying. You almost felt ashamed of yourself, even stupid. What were you even doing?
The daughter gasped and tried not to jump up and down in joy, the way she gripped her dad's arm. She seemed to be torn between worrying about you and happiness. By being asked to drive with Lady Raven, her seemingly favorite artist in the world. She was honored and extremely happy for a few seconds, then she stopped and looked at you sympathetically. 
“I’m so sorry about the thing with your dad...” Nodding weakly at her, trying to keep your act up, you gave her a half smile. Unknowingly to you, you had started twisting the ring on your middle finger. A Tic. Something you always did when you're stressed out or nervous. 
The ring was nothing special. A plain black ring with some Greek numbers on it. A gift from your mom; from the only holiday you ever had taken outside the USA and since you were eighteen, there was hardly a day you didn’t wear it. 
“Why don’t we lead the way? That way, we can talk.” said Lady Raven and gestured to the man. 
“Yes of course... I mean, the circumstances are not the best, but thank you for considering Riley and me. We appreciate it.” He replied, looking concerned but with something unreadable in his eyes that made you want to look anywhere but at him. 
“It is no problem at all. Actually it was Y/N here suggesting it. She would have felt bad if we hadn't been able to have our conversation because of her.”
He raised a brow at you. “That is so thoughtful and kind of you to still think of others. Something really rare these days”
As he walked past you, he briefly touched your shoulder, making you nearly jump out of your skin. “And I’m really sorry about your dad. I hope he pulls through. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help” he smiled kindly at you.. 
“Yes, I hope so too. Thank you…” You trailed off, realizing you didn’t know his name. 
“Oh I didn’t even introduce myself. I'm Cooper, just call me Cooper.” holding out his hand.
“Well, thank you Cooper. Also, for your offer, maybe I will come back to that." you shook his hand. He had a firm, but not to strong grip. 'so he was married'
"Let’s get going, please.” Somewhere in between Cooper coming close to you, you almost forgot that you had a mission to get to the hospital fast. Daddy dearest was waiting.
He nodded and as he passed you, walking ahead, you suddenly realized just how big that man was. You hadn't even noticed it before. However, standing right next to him you realized it. He was at least 6′2″, not overly muscular, but also not skinny either. Lady Raven seemed tiny next to him, and you weren’t tall yourself—maybe around 5′5″ on a good day. 
Still, something about his vibe felt off. He seemed caring, yet on the other hand, almost relieved—or amused? 
Riley and you walked a bit behind the two to the cat, nobody had to go through any controls. Riley was such a sweet girl, asking you questions or talking about the concert to ‘take your mind off of your situation’. She was so nice. You kind of wish that you had a little sister like her, but no, you only had a half brother. The only reason he ever contacted you was for money from our grandparents' inheritance.
It was only when you reached the end of the corridor, you noticed Cooper looking over his shoulder. One corner of his mouth pulled upwards and his expression changed. Something sinister in his eyes for a split second. So fast that you were doubting yourself again.
Near the limousine, you felt your phone vibrating, probably Eric wanting to ask where you were. You had no time for that now. Shaking your head, you declined the call and started to write to him, saying that an emergency had come up and you would be back later. You didn’t notice that you arrived at the car until someone cleared their throat in front of you.  
Fuck, you almost ran directly into Cooper. Lady Raven and Riley had already gone inside. He looked at me expectantly, a small smile at his lips. You quickly locked your phone and held it up. “Sorry, my… Sister. She gave me the latest updates on our dad.." you explained, the lies just kept rolling off your tongue, and you just hoped they sounded believable. With that you went straight to the car, without waiting for a response. 
Maybe you should have started an acting career… 
You quickly sat down in the car, with Cooper following shortly after you. Keeping your phone in your hand to secretly keep twisting your ring behind it.
This guy was making you so nervous, not only him but also the lies. You even thought you heard a small deep chuckle from behind you, maybe it was just your nerves? The car started moving. You wondered what they talked about… What did he want to talk about to her? 
Lady Raven's voice brought you out of your thoughts. “Y/N, where should I let you out? You remember where you parked your car? Or should we drive directly to the hospital?” 
Car yeah… you almost laughed. You knew exactly where your car was, a few miles away at the mechanic, because your lights weren’t working. Why hadn’t you thought of that. 
“Eh no, no! Just let me know where my car is. It’s a few blocks away. At this free parking space. There’s my car; let me look up the street real quick…” That wasn't a complete lie. Normally, you would park your car there, because it was just cheaper than parking near or in the stadium. Now just your bike was parked there, well, if nobody had stolen it.
You started to unlock your phone to look up the address. A large hand grabbed your hand with your phone to stop you. Before you could even protest or say something, Cooper started talking in his chipper, happy voice. 
“Really? What a coincidence! I think that should be the same parking lot where Riley and I parked my car earlier. I do know the address, it’s just around the corner.  You don't have to look it up.” Lady Raven pressed a button and Cooper told the chauffeur where to go. The address did sound somewhat familiar. You pulled your phone and hand out of his grip. There wasn't much resistance and he put his hands back into his lap. 
You looked back at Riley and Lady Raven, they were deeply engaged in a conversation with each other. Noticing nothing around the. The phone in your hand started ringing again, and you quickly looked at the screen. This time, it was your boss; should you just accept the call? You did not get much time to think about it. 
“Have you heard anything yet?”, came Riley’s question towards you. 
You started twisting your ring again. 
“Ah yes, yes… My brother texted me..” your breath caught in your throat. Realizing you messed up. ‘Didn’t you just say to Cooper that it was your sister? Maybe he didn't notice. Good thing you hadn’t pursued your acting career…‘
“...and the doctor said it doesn’t look critical. Our dad seems stable at the moment… but he needs to be operated on quickly.. I'm sure I will get more information as soon as…” 
All of a sudden the whole car jolted to a stop, followed by wild car honking. You tried to find your footing, unintentionally gripping onto Cooper's thigh. Right before you could fall off your seat a hand pressed against your shoulder and pushed you back into the seat. You dug your nails even more into his thigh. Riley's bags tipped forward and many of the contents scattered a little on the floor. “Sorry, Lady Raven. The car in front of us braked abruptly." The driver apologized. 
“Everyone alright?” Cooper asked, concern dripping in his voice. 
“All good” said Riley and Lady Raven nodded. 
“Yes, I think so..” you  breathed. He came closer pushing a loose strand behind your ear. A blush crept on your face. After another second, you noticed your hand was still on his thigh, and you blushed even more. 
“Oh I’m sorry!” You exclaimed in a panic. He smiled kindly. 
“No problem. I’m glad nobody got hurt.” Then he got up from his seat to help Riley pick her things back up and put them back into the bags. 
Your phone began to ring again. ‘It’s now or never; it would only get worse.’
With a sigh, you picked up the phone and immediately held the phone as far away as possible from your ear. A loud voice screaming through the speaker. Seemed like your boss just started screaming at you at the top of his lungs. 
You mouthed a quick ‘Sorry’ to the others in front of you. He kept on screaming, ranting about how you were not at work and how he always knew you were a lazy piece of shit. He should have fired me months ago… The list goes on.
As Cooper sat back down. You tried to move your body back in the direction of your phone. Seeing as you didn't want to be too close to Cooper. He didn't seem to mind and put a calming hand on your knee this time. Your mind seemed to go fuzzy when you got near him.
Overall this was not your day, your nerves were all over the place. Your feelings felt like they were on a rollercoaster. You still weren't sure if your gut feeling was right… but you also didn't want to find out. All the lies you told today and now your boss is screaming at you? It was just too much. Clenching your fist and putting the phone near your ear again. 
“I quit.” were the only words you said, dry of any emotion. 
“What did you say?” came the angry reply. 
“I quit” Hot tears were forming in your eyes, Cooper gently started to caress your knee. “i’m so fucking done. You don't know what I am going through right now! Someone could die, and you don't even let me explain myself. So go to hell, and I fucking quit.” Enraged, you ended the call and immediately blocked his number. 
You put your head in your hands and sigh. 
“I'm sorry… Sorry, you had to hear that. Everything goes wrong…” And with that, a sob escapes you. 
‘Nobody can see my face, right? So maybe act even more sad? ‘
This whole day was a curse, why were you even here? Because you felt bad vibes from the dilf next to you? You just wanted to laugh over the whole situation. 
‘You were fucking stupid and now jobless. Great work. Just because you wanted to play the hero, because of a stupid gut feeling. He was a normal dad. Not the Butcher. ‘ 
“Don't think like that. You said it yourself; your dad is stable, so that's a good thing. Maybe I can help you get a new job!” Lady Raven is really trying to cheer you up. 
Someone rubbed your back gently, and there was only one person who could do that. You tried your hardest to ignore his comforting touch. 
“Hay Y/N, I know you just met us, and you don't know me. But I bet a girl like you will easily find a new job. You seem like a good person. If you tell me in which field you work, I'm sure I could help. See if someone I know is hiring. How does that sound?” Cooper really tried to comfort you. He was so sympathetic and strangely charming. 
A small laugh escapes you. "Yes, I probably will..” You wipe away your angry tears’. 
“I mean… I already sent out job applications. I wanted to leave anyway, maybe I will get a job here in Philly or maybe where my mom lives. She lives more in the suburbs, like an hour away I think…” you paused. 
‘Why did you suddenly decide to tell him so much about yourself? Didn't you want to keep a low profile and not give too much real information?‘
This guy certainly knew how to make people talk. About everything, even things they may not want to share and then do without even realizing it. ‘Fuck’
“See! Now you're even smiling again. You just need to see the positive things.” With that, he squeezed your shoulder lightly and withdrew his hand from your back. Making you almost miss the comfort and warmth they had brought you. 
Stop crushing on the hot dad next to you! You tried to remind yourself and also remember all the things you thought were off with him.
“We're here,” the chauffeur announced. Great, finally. This car ride felt like an eternity. 
Cooper and Riley got out of the car first, and they said their goodbyes. Riley, of course, needed one last hug, and Cooper simply thanked her again for what she did for Riley. Before you got out of the car, Lady Raven pulled you in for a hug. 
“Please keep me updated on how things are at the hospital and if you need something. Just text me.” She pulled out her phone and pulled up Instagram. 
“Just search for your username, and I'll add you. That way, we can keep in touch.” 
You nodded and put in your name, and handed the phone back to her. 
“Thank you.. so much. Again. I'm so sorry for any inconvenience I caused. I won't forget this. Thank you! Next time, I’ll be in the front row singing your songs.” 
She laughed at that and nodded. While stepping outside the car, you crossed both fingers that the other two were gone.
Unfortunately, Cooper and his daughter waited for you. You had thought that by staying longer in the car, they would be gone already. No lucky day for you
You scanned the parking lot, and of course, your bike was stolen. The universe was just being cruel now. 
“So let us walk you to your car!” Cooper was way too happy, waving the limousine of Lady Raven goodbye. “Sure..” You started walking towards the cars. 
You were clueless on how to get out of this situation. Abruptly stopping, you looked around. 
“I don't see my car..” you say while looking around again. You sigh extra loudly. 
“Fuck me..”
“Your car got towed?” Cooper 
“Maybe” a dry laugh escapes you. 
“Or maybe with everything going on and all the things that were going on at the concert, I… just forgot where I parked my car.” You ran your fingers through your hair. 
"Well, if you tell me which hospital you need to go to, I'm certain Riley and I can make a little detour on our way home. Right Riley?” Riley nodded. 
“Of course, I’d be happy if we could help you out” she said, hopeful.
Right… the hospital. You should get better at remembering your lies. You were torn between keeping your lie up or simply turning around and walking away. 
You didn’t know what to do. Cooper seemed a bit strange at times, but he could not be the Butcher, right? Still while looking at him you felt like something didn't add up. Sometimes… you didn’t know how to describe it… He felt too perfect, too caring or too sweet. Maybe that was just who he was? You were lost in thought.. The look in his eyes was making you feel a bit uneasy. 
All of a sudden, Cooper's hand was behind your back, and he slowly pushed you forward. “If you can't decide, I will decide for you. Going to the hospital should be the most important thing. So we'll drive you and then you can worry about your car later. Okay?” 
You nodded your head at his idea, simply because you didn't trust your words at the moment. His hand wandered up to your shoulder, where he kept a firm grip and pushed you in the direction of his car. 
Riley was already running in front of you. You winced under his touch, did he know his own strength? You wondered. He certainly didn't look that strong. He opened the car a few meters away so Riley could already put her bags in the trunk. 
A black van
You suddenly remembered what Eric told you about the profiler, she suspected the Butcher to drive a car like this? 
Your body tensed up, and you felt like the pressure on your shoulder increased, which was almost painful. Surely that was going to bruise . Cooper opened the back door for you like you were a child being escorted home. You tried to muster your best friendly face before you sat down inside. 
“Thank you... Have you had this car for a long time?” You asked before you could stop yourself. Cooper raised an eyebrow, clearly pondering the question before answering. 
“Yes, I have had it for quite a few years now. Why are you asking?” Should you just tell him? 
It was just the trip to the hospital.. then you would never have to see them again. You could not fuck up even more than you already had, and until now, it was just an uneasy gut feeling. Also, you were trying to move back to your mom, who was at least an hour away. 
“No real reason.. Just that profiler from the concert. She talked so much, about everything and also about cars... especially mentioning a car like this, which could potentially be the car of a-… killer.” 
He only stared at you. 
‘Did you say something wrong? Maybe you’re the weird one now.’ Nervously rubbing your neck, you tried to lighten the mood with a laugh. 
Thankfully, Riley was just on her way to the passenger seat. She didn't hear her, no need to scare her. You didn’t think she knew about what was going on behind the scenes of the concert. 
“So maybe you should switch it up? But maybe she was just talking nonsense..” you tried to diffuse the situation, massaging your sore shoulder. 
Cooper smiled and laughed softly. "Well, thanks for the tip. I thought about getting a new car. Maybe I should finally get one. More family friendly, any ‘smart’ suggestions perhaps?” - 
“Hmm..maybe just something smaller, maybe in white, silver, or another color? Definitiv not black..” you smile. 
“Great. I will keep that in mind when I buy a new car.” he smiled back at you and closed the door, and got in the driver's seat. He seemed like he wanted to ask more questions, tapping his finger on the steering wheel. 
Quickly, you got your phone out and searched for a hospital near you. You found one which was 15 minutes away. When Cooper started the car you leaned forward, so much that your head nearly reached his shoulder and you could smell his aftershave. ‘He even smelled good.’ You showed him your phone. 
“Here, that's the hospital where I need to go.” He slightly turned around to get a better look at the screen. 
“Can I?” He gestured to the phone. “Just to get a better look.” 
You gulped, a nervous feeling growing in your stomach. “Yeah sure..” 
He didn’t even wait for your reply and grabbed the phone. 
“You got some kind of privacy screen on here?” he asked with a raised brow. 
Oh yeah, how could you forget, and here you thought he wanted to take your phone from you. When he couldn’t even see the screen. 
“Yeah! Sorry, I totally forgot. My boss had cameras everywhere in the building, I got a bit paranoid, so I bought one of those..” you laughed. 
“He doesn’t sound very nice. Maybe it’s a good thing you don’t have to work there anymore!” replied Riley. 
“Yeah.. maybe”
“You could just work at my school, our teacher for IT sucks..” 
Cooper glanced at her disapprovingly, slowly shaking his head.  “Riley…”- 
"Sorry, dad, it's the truth. He lives in the past. No one uses Windows XP anymore." Riley grumbled. 
Cooper started the car, and Lady Raven's music was playing loudly over the speakers before he turned the volume down. After a few minutes of driving and Riley vibing to the music, Cooper cleared his throat. 
"Here, you can have your phone back. Oh and I took the liberty of saving my number on your phone. That way, if you ever need anything or some help finding your car later, you can just give me a quick call.” 
What the fuck. He did what now?
He smiled at you through the rearview mirror, his eyes watching you closely. Carefully, you grabbed your phone out of his hands. 
“That's so… thoughtful. Thank you” You tried to put a smile on your face. 
"So, Riley, how did you like the concert?” You tried changing the topic. Oh boy, that worked. Riley started rambling about everything, including how cool it was to be on stage with Lady Raven. Unconsciously, you found yourself smiling a real smile, she was just so cute. Your eyes flickered to the rearview mirror every so often, and as soon as you met Cooper's eyes, you looked back at Riley. Let’s not get lost because of his good looks. You still felt uneasy.  
You tried telling yourself in your head. Somehow, you felt like a prey being watched by his predator. Once in a while you felt like his expression would flicker for a split second, his eyes becoming way darker, but it was gone so soon. You weren’t even sure if you saw it correctly or if it was your imagination. Even though the feeling was only there for a split second, He looked so friendly, encouraging Riley to talk more. 
Finally, you could make out the hospital in the distance. About time, you thought. 
“Hey Y/N?” Riley asked. 
“Maybe when your dad is better again, you can visit us? I feel so bad for you. Today should have been a great day. _You seem really cool… I mean, your dad and family can come too..Right dad?” Cooper smiled and nodded. 
“Great, Like a family dinner, my mom is a great cook.” So he was married. “I just would like to do something nice for you.” Oh god, the world didn’t deserve her kindness. 
“Of course, you don't have to feel compelled to do so. Think about it, you don’t have to decide now..” Cooper interjected. 
“The two of you are too kind. I can't,” more like won't, “give you an answer right now, but I promise to think about it. Okay?” You fake-gushed at the two, your face hurting from keeping the smile on your face. 
Both Cooper and Riley seemed satisfied with the answer. You felt like you were in the wrong movie, was there a hidden camera somewhere? You arrived within the next minute. Cooper parked his car near the emergency exit. One moment away from freedom, away from this lie. 
“I can’t really thank you enough. Thanks for driving me here. I hope you had a great day. Have a safe drive home.” You tried opening the door, but it wouldn’t budge. “Oh, child safety must be on. I’m sorry, I forgot.” apologized to Copper and exited the van to open your door. You didn’t believe him, it just matched too well. 
“I hope you get good news inside. Dad acted really strange today, but I’m happy everything is normal again.” she smiled, before you could answer, and your door opened. 
Daddy is acting strange today. You don’t say…  
“Well, bye, Riley.” You waved at her and got out and barely got your hand out of the doof before Cooper shut it close. 
“I’m so glad we could help you.” he said with that charming voice of his. He started to walk with you towards the building. “With all the extra police force, because of the Butcher, it could have taken you at least an hour to get here.”
“That's true. Well maybe next time he shouldn't let his recipes laying around in his hideouts. What does he even want at a pop concert?” you snorted. 
“Did he now?” Cooper asked intrigued.
“At least that's what I overheard from a few higher up people today.”, no way you were saying that it was Lady Raven who told you.
“Seems like he needs to be cleaner and more careful.”
“If not, they might just catch him next time,” you joked.
“I don't think that will happen, sweetheart.” His mouth twitched in amusement.
That was a weird response. He must have seen the frown on your face, as he quickly started to explain himself.
“I mean if they didn't catch him today, while they knew he was going to be there. I think the chances of the police finding him again are relatively close to zero.” His reply sounded reasonable. 
“Well yes, but he fucked up once. Maybe he is getting sloppy with time. Nobody knows.” 
His jaw clenched. “You think so? Maybe you're misinterpreting the situation. I would imagine someone like him to be very calculated.  Otherwise the police would have found him already, if he was being sloppy.”
“True…” You shrugged your shoulders. Maybe you were wrong, but why did he sound somewhat angry at your statement?
He was honestly acting strange now. 
“Well I think this is where I leave you.” Cooper announced after a few seconds of silence. His behavior over the last meters made you feel unsettled again. He seemed strange. ‘Why was he like that?’ 
“Okay…”, should you with your gut feeling, you wondered? Fuck it, it was just a guess, a wild guess. You always knew your big mouth would get you into trouble someday. Maybe he was just a normal dad and you were overthinking the situation. If that was the case, he wouldn’t think anything of it.
“By the way B-...Cooper” you began, and Cooper turned around in a second, looking at you expectantly, one of his brows raised. His face was unreadable. “You're welcome.. You know that? For getting to drive with Lady Raven"—for  getting out of there without the security controls - was what you wanted to say. Even if he were the Butcher his facial expressions and body language didn't betray him. He smiled and stepped back toward you. Every bone in your body wanted to run. ‘Fuck, did this creep you out.’ You felt like you were pushing your luck today 
“Yes.. of course. I am very grateful for that…” Before he could say anymore, Riley pulled down the window. 
“Dad! Let's go home! Y/N needs to go to the hospital! And I want to tell mom all about the concert!” 
“She's right. I don't want to keep you from your father any longer. I bet your sister is waiting for you. Better go inside.” ‘He knew, he knew you lied when you fucked up with the sister and brother thing.’ Panic started to set in, you swallowed hard, your throat dry.
He came even closer and engulfed you in a tight hug. You stood there, frozen in place. He leaned his head down to your ear, his hands holding you even tighter. One of them slowly wandered to your lower back while he talked.
“Thank you, sweetheart. You sure made it easier. I’m sure Spencer will be soo grateful. I’ll let you know…” a dark chuckle escaped him.
“It's a small world. I'm sure we will see each other again.” His deep voice whispered in your ear, which sent shivers down your spine. You felt trapped. Like a tiny mouse next to him, holding your breath unintentionally. He patted you on the back. Smiling, he stepped away. 
‘Breathe– mask your emotions. Get a grip.’ Many different thoughts running through your head.
Tilting your head to your side you looked at him. Moreover you were confused. Even a tiny bit scared.
‘Please don’t let him notice. Who was Spencer? Did you know Spencer?’
Furrowing your brows you asked “Spencer?” your voice slightly quivering.
He grinned even more— it looked unnerving. It was replaced by a much friendlier smile after another second. “Don’t worry about it.” 
‘Were you imagining things? Now you knew why people said “don't play with fire.” Why had you said anything at all...’
His voice became louder, having that charming undertone again “and make sure to call sweetheart. Riley would be very happy if you came over.” Winking at you he turned around and walked back to his car. 
You felt like your chest was about to explode.
“Yes! Once your dad's out of the hospital and things settle down, Make sure to call my dad. Then we can have a fun dinner.” giggling Riley's voice went even higher. She was practically shifting in her seat, unable to sit still. 
‘Fun dinner? Yeah.. sureeee kid..’
You mustered your best smile and gave her a thumbs up. 
“I will kiddo. See you around.” trying to steady your voice. You needed to get away fast. turned around and walked towards the hospital, near the end you were almost running. 
Once inside, you had the feeling that it was getting harder and harder to breathe. As if you weren't getting enough air. Your breathing became more and more rapid. Your vision was blurred. 
‘Was this hyperventilation? What was going on? Was he really the Butcher? Were you right? Would you die next? Maybe he would keep you alive because you unintentionally helped him?’
Anxiety welled up inside you. You barely noticed the loud voices around you. 
‘Did you hear someone calling for help?’
You had the feeling that the world was spinning around you. ‘Were you still walking?’ It felt like your legs were made out of jelly.
Someone was talking to you, holding you by the shoulders. Shaking you. Waving something in front of your face. However, you couldn’t make out the words. You couldn't recognise the face in front of you. Everything sounded dull, like it was far far away. The world became increasingly blurred before your eyes, spinning more and more– 
until you finally gave in and everything went dark. 
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bylrlve · 4 months
Warning! Spoilers for Stranger Things Season 5!
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1.) (El talking) ‘what if you prefer us more as/than friends’ (note: each denotes a very different mindset in el than the other)
2.) (El talks) well, if we win/live, we can have a happily ever after
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3.) (El talks) No. You should have (I am 99% certain of this considering what I can reasonably say I know about the hospital)
4.) (you should have been there?) but so much has happened, if it’s too much, you know…
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5.) if it’s too much, you know… Will was with me…. you’re all friends to me
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6.) so it’s okay, yes!
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7.) El says something beginning with ‘but what if’)
8.) Of of course, you can X with me, whatever you’d like! - El seems to laugh at this. Perhaps Mike exaggerates her original words?
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9.) but I mean…whatever happens… shrug
I was running these for comparison against a partial m*leven transcript I’ve seen on twitter. The only plausible line,as far as I can see, is their reading of the first one as “but what if something happens to the both of us?” They read the next line as “… whatever happens, happens” and I can kind of see it but overall I think his mouth is too busy. They posited he was proposing running away or leaving Hawkins after everything ends and framed it around that, but I don’t agree with the choices they made - eg “I will come with you” instead of what I see: “of course you can still…with me”
The ‘Will’ part is obviously the part I’m least sure of. I’m really just conjecturing based on leaks. The best I can say is that I’ve checked it against clips of Mike saying Will’s name and it looks roughly the same but not conclusive. I am quite sure of ‘you’re all friends to me’.
I used @byler-endgayme’s excellent AI enhanced video here and put it into gifrun to make these gifs. It’s important to note that, between takes, Millie was wiping her eyes and nose. She was on a roof in January so she could have just been tearing up (and her nose running) from the cold. Finn doesn’t seem affected in the video here (from @cloudycleric) but women do have lower basal body temperatures than men. However, she could also have been tearing up in-character as Millie, suggesting it’s an emotional and heavy/cathartic scene. It’s also very important to note that this video is catching them in the middle of the conversation, and that there’s undoubtedly crucial stuff at the start that we’re not privy to.
It’s also worth noting that m*leven have had problems in episode 2s since season 2 - El reaching out to touch Mike and him walking away from the call, their breakup, and their disastrous roller rink date. Atlanta-filming insinuates in a comment that this occurs after the hospital plot in episode 2, and I will be discussing all of that in a big post out later today - and I have discussed it here already. The TLDR is that Mike is injured at the hospital and Will shows up distraught, but El is nowhere to be found - hence, why I’m reasonably confident that what he says is “no, you should have, you should have been there…”
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ladykailitha · 9 months
Look, considering I've only gotten involved in Stranger Things after season four and therefore haven't been around the fans during other new season filming starts, but my brothers/sisters/nb in fandom what the honest fuck is going on right now?
I have been a part of other fandoms when new seasons started filming and the worst I'd seen was BBC Sherlock. And you lot are behaving worst then they did.
And Jesus fuck, that's a fucking low ass bar.
(Again I am ship and let ship, kinktomato, and headcanon free for all)
But this is just what I've seen in my small deliberately secluded corner of the internet so forgive me if I get some things wrong.
Ronance fans have turned on Steddie fans.
Steddie fans are trying to eat each other over who tops and who bottoms between two horny, barely out of their teens, men.
Eddie is confirmed dead.
Dustin is trying to become Eddie.
People want Will dead because Noah Schnapps said some stupid shit regarding genocide.
And Argyle isn't coming back.
I'm going to give you my feelings on these so buckle up lets go:
1- Steddie and Ronance fans have turned on each other. And I know this because I doom scroll through steddie tag. That Ronance fans think Steddie fans are delusional and that they're going down after season five airs and there will be more Ronance fans because they're perfect for each other.
Where to even begin on this? First, never tell a shipper that their ship is never going to be canon because they don't care. Just ask all the Destiel, johnlock, and merarthur fans. Steddie fans are just going to ignore all but the most salient parts of season 5 if Eddie doesn't come back and write AUs for the rest of their lives. You know, like they have since the last scene on the Piggyback faded to black?
Secondly, I don't think I've seen much Ronance without Steddie. Granted I only read Steddie, but it seems that the two ships are tied pretty heavily together. The fruity four comes to mind. So maybe it's that they're getting tired of being a side ship next to a massive one like Steddie. Who knows. But apparently they're bitter.
And I say that because they keep tagging their anti-Steddie posts as Steddie to make sure we see it. Honestly, I just block them and go about my day. But seriously, I've never understood people's need to be shitty like posting hate on the tag for that thing. If you don't like it, fine. Block and move on.
Thirdly. Lastly. Maybe. I don't like Ronance. I saw the charms when I first joined the fandom and it was cute. Until the more I read and I realized that most of the time they don't bring up that Jonathan is even a person let alone Nancy's current boyfriend. That most of the time Steve is written wildly out of character about not caring that they're a couple and that he just wants them to be happy. Like, one Jonathan is severely under used in the fics I've read. Like Will doesn't have an older brother anymore. It's all Steve or Eddie. Which considering how you like your flavor of queer for Eddie or Steve (gay/pan/bisexual) Will talking to them about being gay makes sense, but Jonathan showed us in the last season that he is going to protect Will no matter what. Then blip! in fanfics, he's gone.
And then the whole Steve being okay with Robin not only dating an ex-girlfriend of his, but the ex. The one he thought he was going to marry. The one he dreamed a whole fucking future on. That was still hurt by two fucking years later. You either think very lowly of Steve or you just don't care. Because if you think Robin and Steve are the same person/share the same braincell/ride or die for life, there is no way even if Nancy threw herself at Robin would she even consider it. (I can write a whole ass post just on this by the way, don't get me started.)
2- This is the most recent bullshittery due to a current event about Sub Eddie. This is the worst discourse in any fandom and the worst offenders on either side tend say the most homophobic shit imaginable.
And it's pointless. Whether you think Steve is a top or bottom, whether you think he's dom or a sub. Same with Eddie. Everyone has their own flavor they prefer and they won't always match up with yours.
Personally I write them whatever feels natural for the story. But here's the major crux of the matter. I don't believe a little nerd in Bumfuck, Indiana has any idea what flagging is. I'm sorry. Left pocket, right pocket. Doesn't matter. The likely of him even knowing what BDSM is is pretty slim. I grew up in a small town. There will be some people that know, but that's because they know adults in the scene.
Don't like, don't read. Seriously, guys. Let people enjoy what they want to.
My personal feelings on the matter is that Steve is a bottom/sub because he deserves to be taken care of and Eddie would absolutely want to be that person for Steve, in and out of the bedroom. Again, you do you, beau.
3- The tombstone. Sigh. It was hard to see that. Not just because it confirms he's dead, but because it's been defaced. Most likely like fans have said, "BURN IN HELL" the poor bastard.
Having a tombstone doesn't necessarily preclude Eddie's return. There are several ways he can still comeback Kas! theory not withstanding. But the wank here is people jumping on Steddie shippers and Eddie fans in general pointing and screaming "see!"
Like we didn't have campaigns for Barb and Bob and (Billy). If someone's favorite character has died, don't be dicks when they want them to be resurrected a la Jim Hopper. Because that right there is the main reason people will still hold out hope until the final scene fades to black, okay?
I guess this one is just be nicer to each other, okay?
4- *sob* like holy fuck. Dustin you sweetheart. The long hair, the torn Hellfire t-shirt, the rings. The horns and sticking out his tongue. That poor boy needs several hugs STAT! And of course, people can't leave well enough alone on Facebook, I couldn't tell you how many of the comments were "steddie fans are going to make this all about them, aren't they?" Even though there wasn't a single comment by a Steddie making it about Steve/Eddie. But so many eye rolls. The other half were death threats against Noah Schnapp.
Which brings me to...
5- Noah Schnapp said some really shitty things about Zionism and the attack on Gaza. There is no escaping that. He said them. He double downed on them. And while yes it sucks he said those things, let's not forget he's still young and stupid. He's barely 18/19 years old. I remember being that age and saying stupid fucked up shit, and hoo boy does this make me grateful I was well into adulthood when the internet became a thing (24ish).
There are a lot of reasons to be upset by his comments and I get that. But death threats and calls for his dismissal/boycotts just seems excessive to me.
One, because the story began with a kidnapped little boy and a runaway little girl. If you get rid of one of them especially this close to the end it would fuck up the story. Now if there was more than one season left, sure. But this is literally the end. And for all we know, Will's character may already be doomed by the narrative. So calling for it now isn't go to do anything. Especially since they already had all the scripts written and would have finished filming if it hadn't been for the strikes.
Two, one person on the cast said something stupid and hurtful and you want to boycott the entire show for it? Like, what did David Harbor, Joe Keery, Maya Hawke, Millie Bobby Brown and all the others do to deserve you boycotting their show? If the last season tanks it could seriously hurt their careers, but hey Noah Schnapp said something bad, so fuck them?
I'm going to stop there, because this is another one I can go on and on about, but yeah. Don't hurt other people in your rush to vilify an 18 year old.
6- Eduardo Franco recently said that he didn't get a call so he didn't think he would be back. He was sure that ship had sailed.
Fans are upset, naturally. Argyle was a sweetheart and deserves better than to be cut from the story like that.
But thanks to the incident with David Harbor and Jim Hopper supposedly being dead, a lot of fans are saying he's only saying that because it's a "secret" he's coming back. Which would make sense for Eddie or any of the other character died. Martin Brenner, for example, but not Argyle. There would be no need for subterfuge. Plus, he would already be out in Georgia if he was coming back.
It's sad that he was done dirty this way, but if they split up the filming like they've done before there is still a chance he might get to come back, but as far as the current filming is concerned, yeah Argyle isn't coming back.
Just... be kind to each other. Remember that the other people on the end of the URL is an actual person with feelings. That people can like what they like so if they aren't hurting you, don't hurt them, okay?
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will80sbyers · 3 months
Rewatching terminator randomly and I'm looking out for stranger things related stuff lol
Sarah Connor worked in a diner at the beginning she wasn't in the military so if she would be in st that could make sense too, or maybe just be someone that knows everything about the UD before things start and she's not completely clueless like Sarah was
Nancy has a parallel with Kyle when they both cut the rifles to use short guns on their enemies
Kyle also talks about the terminator to Sarah exactly like Will talks about Vecna to Mike (interesting that they end up being a couple)
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The iconic shot of the terminator arriving at the beginning also reminds me of Vecna when he goes down from the vines, I'll see if I find the pics later
At one point Terminator is hurt and repairs itself so I think it's possible there are going to be scenes of Vecna healing himself probably through the vines of the upside down, Terminator also sort of lost an eye lmao very Vecna of it
In the movie they constantly put lyrics of music in the background that corresponds to what's happening in the scene like we have seen the Duffers do often in stranger things even if people think it's not true
At one point Sarah and Kyle have a scene where she's bandaging his wounds and then she falls asleep and wakes up with him caressing her and now I can't stop thinking what if it happens with Mike and Will 🫶 actually even the whole love confession scene is very interesting parallel wise although I don't think Will is going to die like Kyle, but basically he was in love with her since before he even met her so a long time and he's also making her feel special when she thinks she's just a normal random person... Also I'm not sure about if it will be but if time travel is involved it could be cool if Will rewrote the timeline to save Mike and then after that they had the love confession + first kiss etc
Kyle says they use dogs to spot terminators.... All the dogs always bark in stranger things when Vecna is near
Terminator uses the voice of her mom to trick Sarah into telling him where she is, what if Vecna does the same next season
I theorized that the light in the upside down could work as a wormhole for time travel possibly and in terminator they say that you see white light while going back in time
At the end of the movie the only thing that remains of the terminator is its hand, I can see this happening to Vecna tbh
They say "there's a storm coming" and the movie ends with her in her car, they took that from here too probably
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dg-outlaw · 2 months
Acolyte Season 2 AU (or What Could Have Been)
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*Season 1 spoilers* and My Thoughts.
So with Season 1 over, instead of reflecting on what was, I want to talk about what could've been. I imagine there's a plan for season 2 and part of my guess is that we'll get more into the Dark Side and the Sith with Osha's training with the Stranger/Qimir and their secret roommate, Darth Plagueis the Creeper. On the Jedi side we'll probably get into political conflict between the Jedi and the Senate, and have a 'What Do We Do With Mae?' subplot. But here's what I think could've been interesting...
From what I've seen online, a lot of fans enjoyed these two characters (Jecki Lon and Yord Fandar, pictured above), especially them together, which I think is a real loss for the show unless they are leaning more towards a Dark Side/Sith focused storyline for Season 2. If anything, that's one of my critiques of the show, even though I enjoyed it. Was the show about Osha and Mae, the Jedi, Sol and what happened on Brendok, or a mix with an ensemble cast? I think had the show been 12-15 episodes it could've successfully been all of the above, but with only 8 episodes I feel like none of those plotlines got enough attention or time to breathe and really hit. Again, I enjoyed the show and look forward to what comes in Season 2, but...
...what if Jecki and Yord had lived?
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Season 1 could've still played out as it did and maybe Jecki and Yord were injured rather than killed or presumed dead in Episode 5 to further add to Sol's anguish. Though, with how badass she was, even just keeping Jecki alive could've been interesting for this AU idea. Here's why:
This first season ends with Vernestra basically throwing Sol under the bus. Yes, he made some major mistakes and he and the other 3 Jedi from Brendok covered up their secret for years because Indara thought it was the best course of action, but how would Jecki (and Yord) have taken that news? Their kind, gentle, and wise master a rogue Jedi who orchestrated some elaborate murder plot to cover up his past crimes? It wouldn't make sense to them (based on the Sol they knew) and I think you could have a whole noir-style investigation subplot with them not knowing who to trust in the Jedi Order, arguing about who to trust and whether they should doubt their masters, and wrestling with the realities and truth of Sol's past. Would they go to Senator Rayencourt or work with him to uncover the truth or would they wrestle with the idea that to uncover the truth it could unravel the whole Jedi Order?
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Seriously, the buddy cop dry humor mixed with the drama could be so fun.
Then you add in Mae, who Jecki and Yord would be antagonistic toward at first, but then she'd become part of their little investigative team. Either way, Mae will likely want answers to who she is in Season 2, but the Jedi are likely to keep those answers from her and that would add another layer. Jecki and Yord would be forbidden from interacting with her or just not told about her until they saw her randomly in the streets of Coruscant with her Jedi security detail.
This would also setup a very interesting conflicts as you'd have Team Sith (Qimir, Osha, and Cave Roomie Plag), Team Sol (Jecki, Yord, and Mae), and Team Jedi (Vernestra, her Executive Assistant Mog, and other "red shirt" Jedi). I have no idea where Yoda would fit into all this, but maybe he'd secretly guide Jecki and Yord with vague Jedi wisdom because he's seeing some problems in his house that need to be fixed.
Also, Jecki would get a rematch with Qimir, a battle with Osha (similar to hers with Mae), and Yord... well, Yord would do battle and maybe die. Though, he and Mae could develop something as a mirror to Osha and Qimir, even if just a friendship (esp. if a Jecki/Mae thing happens), and that would give Mae conflict if it was Osha who killed him.
In the end, Jecki and maybe Yord (if he lives) would leave the Order, similar to how Ahsoka did in The Clone Wars. No matter what the outcome ended up being, it would shake their faith in the Order. Yoda would be the only one left who knew the truth, but with everyone believed dead or gone, it would be okay in his mind and Ki-Adi-Mundi could just be left in the dark for the sake of his Episode 1 quote about the Sith.
Obviously, Plagueis would somehow survive (unbeknownst to Yoda) and would later use what he learned about Osha and Mae to create Anakin as one of his experiments to achieve immortality, hoping to have a new body to transfer himself into. Sidious would be unaware of this as Plagueis would be aware of Sidious' intention to kill him and would've kept Anakin a secret b/c Sith be shady backstabbers like that. It wouldn't be until meeting young Anakin that Palpy realizes Anakin was that secret project Plagueis was working on but never told him about. Thus, his fascination with Anakin, Luke, and his later (sequel) attempts to use Rey in the same way.
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loulouwrites · 11 months
Secrets . Tommy Shelby
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summary: tommy shelby is dead, and his life has just begun
warnings: angst, talk of death, grief, post season 6, abuse, discussions of domestic violence, unedited,tommy shelby having a normal job? lmk if i missed any!
word count: 5k
Death was no stranger to Thomas Shelby.
He had killed more men than he could count, he had lost more friends than he cared to remember, and he had died six months ago - at least, that's what everybody thought.
He wondered if he should have felt more guilty. He was sure his family had grieved him - he hoped they had, anyway - but he would not blame them if they hadn't.
He imagined, as they grieved them, relief also passed through them, he imagined them feeling guilty for thinking such a thing. He knew Ada would feel terrible, shake the thought out of her head, but it would be there.
Thomas Shelby was dead, and that meant his terrible legacy died with him.
He didn't feel anything when he thought about his family's reaction, because his was the same. He grieved the loss of himself, he grieved those he loved that were still living, knowing he would never see them again. He grieved the dead, his dead wife, his precious daughter that was taken before her life truly began, and he grieved that he was not going to see them for a long time. But, admist his grief, that wave of relief washed over him, he felt his stomach untwist, he felt the weight on his shoulders disappear, and for the first time in a long time, he felt free.
For the first time in his life, he was exactly where he needed to be.
Nobody here knew his real name, nobody knew what he had done, and most importantly, nobody cared.
The first month he had has been dead, he had met a group of travellers, they had welcomed him into their camp with open arms and open bottles of cheap whiskey. He had been lucky they didn't recognise him, the community being so small, but by some miracle, they didn't.
He didn't stay long, the group was too insular, and he knew it was only a matter of time before they ran into a group who did know who he was, and who would tell anybody who would listen that the dead Thomas Shelby OBE, was not actually dead.
The second month, he had travelled north and had worked on the shipyards in the North East. They were used to all kinds of people travelling there for work and leaving after a few months to move on to bigger and better things - he had lasted two weeks.
Thomas Shelby was no fool. He had no need to work jobs on shipyards or factories. He had given his businesses away, he had buried his titles with him, but there was always Shelby money somewhere, hidden in different parts of Birmingham, money that was meant to stay hidden.
Enough to allow him live comfortably for the rest of his life.
The third and fourth months were spent collecting that money and trying to find something to do with it.
He was not a man that was made to relax. He didn't enjoy sitting, or reading, or any leisurely activities, he was born to work. He had always been like that, always working towards something, always reaching towards a goal, but he had done everything a man could do, and now, it was time to rest.
He liked living in the countryside. He had thought it might be too dangerous, too many nosy neighbours and friendly questions, but not too many people passed through, and those that did didn't care about where he came from, they tended to just ask him for directions to the nearest town.
He lived a lonely life, and he liked it that way.
He did have one friend. When solitude became too much, even for him, he would venture the two miles to the nearest house, where a charming elderly widow named Pearl lived.
Pearl was nearing seventy-five. She had lived for two centuries, she had seen a queen die, a king crowned, she had seen her sons shipped off to war and never return, and she had seen many liars in her time. And yet, she did not suspect the nice man who lived close by to be anything but an honourable, young man.
Pearl's husband had died almost twenty years ago, and she had seen the look of a bereft spouse on Tommy Shelby's face the moment she had seen him - but she never asked him about it. They didn't talk much over the dinners Pearl would prepare, they didn't really need to, they had both talked enough in their time.
It was a chilly night when Tommy approached Pearl's little cottage. He always came to dinner on the last Sunday of the month, how that habit had formed, he had no idea.
The old woman had greeted him with a smile at the door, waving him inside where it was warm and inviting, the smell of her cooking a warm welcome.
He had barely sat down on the wooden chair at the foot of the table when a crash came from the adjacent kitchen, and he had shot the woman fussing over him a questioning look, to which he shrugged.
"I'm sorry, Pearl," a woman's voice called from the kitchen, the door swinging open "I broke two of your plates." The woman stopped in the doorway when she noticed Tommy sat at the table, her eyebrows furrowing slightly.
Pearl waved a dismissive hand at the woman, patting Tommy on the shoulder and waving her over to the table, encouraging her to take a seat.
"It's only a couple of plates," Pearl said, "I have too many, anyways." She pointed to the woman that had gingerly sat down to the right of Tommy, introducing her before disappearing into the kitchen to plate up their dinner, "she's a family friend and will be staying with me for a while."
"Pearl has spoke of you very fondly, Tom." The woman smiled, leaning forward in her chair.
Tommy hadn't bothered to change his forename.
"I'm glad to hear it," Tommy grabbed the glass of water that Pearl had placed on the table before he had arrived, "she hasn't mentioned you before, though."
Tommy was good at reading people, always had been, and he didn't miss the way the woman's red painted lips tightened, her smile slightly straining at his words.
"I should be offended." She let out a huff of laughter, "I always thought Pearl and I were close."
"Not as close as I am with Pearl." Tommy joked, noticing the woman's posture relax as she leaned back in her chair.
"Yes, well, Pearl makes friends very easily. I don't think she has ever met stranger."
Tommy smiled at the woman's words, his eyes flickering across her face. She was pretty, her makeup was perfectly applied to her face and her hair was immaculately styled, even the red varnish on her nails was perfect.
She shifted under his gaze, and Tommy realised he hadn't spoken in at least a minute, and he cleared his throat, embarrassed at what he was sure she thought was him leering.
The awkward atmosphere was thankfully broken by Pearl reentering the room, her hands full as she balanced three plates in her arms. Tommy was quick to jump out, taking the plates from the older woman and setting them on the table.
The dinner conversation was more lively than it usually was when Tommy visited, Pearl seemingly thrilled at having another presence at the table, so much so, the two younger people in the room could barely get a word in for the entire meal.
Pearl had excused herself after dinner, claiming it was too late for a woman her age, and insisting her two friends make themselves a cup of tea before Tom headed home.
The clattering of cups on saucers were all that could be heard in the living room, the awkward tension returning as they sat on the sofa.
She reached over to the side table, retrieving a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, offering one to Tommy, which he declined with a shake of his head, though he did inhale extra hard when the smoke drifted his way.
"You and Pearl have become quite close." She said eventually, flicking the ashes of her cigarette into the crystal ashtray on the coffee table.
"Oh, we're the best of friends." Tommy nodded, his voice flat, but his eyes carrying a glimmer of humour that she clearly picked up on, her lips curling into a smile.
"I'm almost jealous."
"Of me?" Tommy raised his eyebrows, "or of Pearl?"
Her laugh was one of the best things he had heard in a long time.
"I suppose it must be nice having a friend, it's so rural here, it must get lonely."
"Loneliness isn't always a bad thing." Tommy muttered, and she didn't miss the bitterness in his tone.
"I suppose you're right," she sighed, taking a drag of her cigarette, "as long as you choose it."
Tommy hummed in response, leaning back into the cushions of the sofa. "Why are you here?" He didn't mean for the question to sound so abrupt, he meant to ask it in a friendly manner, instead it came out like an interrogation, and her eyebrows raised in surprised.
"Pearl is an old family friend, she offered me somewhere to stay for a while."
"For a while?" Tommy asked, "won't your husband miss you?"
He flinched at his words. Subtle.
"I'm not married," she offered him a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, "what about you? Pearl told me you live alone."
"Widowed." Tommy shrugged, and she nodded in response, but she didn't say anything, she didn't offer him her condolences, or ask what happened, and he would be eternally grateful for that.
He saw himself out a few moments later, thanking her for the tea, and telling her to thank Pearl for the lovely meal.
"It was very nice to meet you...Tom..."
"Smith." Tommy answered from the front door.
He had never had a very good imagination.
He saw her again three days later. It was Wednesday when she arrived at his door, holding a basket of rock cakes in her hand, pushing past him into his house before he had time to protest.
The house was unbearably plain. He hadn't bothered to decorate the place, keeping the furniture that was there when he had purchased it. He watched as she took in the living room, her head moving around, taking in the bare walls and dated carpet.
He imagined it looked strange, there was not one personal touch in the entire house, no paintings, no photographs, just the daily newspaper thrown on the table in the corner.
"I love what you've done with the place." Her tone was so serious, Tommy almost thought she was being genuine, and his eyes widened until she turned her head to meet his gaze, a smirk on her perfectly painted list.
"I've been known to have an eye for interior design." He smirked back, and she snorted at his words.
"Pearl sent me." She held up the basket in her hand, "she made too many."
"You'd think she would no portion control by now." He said, taking the basket from her and setting it on the table, next to the unread newspaper.
"I think she made the specially for you." She smiled, "it's nice."
"It is." Tommy agreed and she began walking around the living room, a frown on her face.
"What do you do?" She asked eventually, her tone incredulous. He frowned at her words, his face questioning. "I mean...there are no books, no writing materials...what do you do all day?"
Tommy considered his response, but what could he say? 'I spend all my time pondering every mistake I have ever made?' 'All I do is wonder what my family are doing at this very moment?' 'I wish I was actually dead?'
He just shrugged.
"Do you not get bored?" She sounded truly concerned about him.
"Only boring people get bored." He told her, his mother had told him that when he was young.
"Now I see why you're so fond of Pearl. She's the only entertainment you have."
"She's more than enough." Tommy joked dryly, and she smirked at him, a knowing look on her face.
"Well...have a good day." She made her way to his front door, "God knows how."
The door had closed behind her before he could respond.
He didn't go and see Pearl that night, instead choosing to walk through the empty fields surrounding his property. He enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere at night here. The sky was clear, there was no city fog or grime that hid the stars in the sky, the air was crisp and fresh, not assaulting his lungs as he walked. It allowed him time to think, but he didn't think about the bad things outside, those were reserved for the confines of his house.
When he was out in the calm of nature, he allowed himself to think about the good things, few as they were.
When he returned to his house, he almost missed the object that had been placed on his front step, he would have if he hadn't tripped over it when he went to unlock his front door.
He picked up the object as if it were a bomb, rather than the leather-bound book it was, holding it between his thumb and forefinger with a frown on his face.
Jane Eyre.
He couldn't help but huff out a laugh.
"Did you like it?" She asked him two weeks later. Tommy didn't know they had ended up walking together every lunchtime on a Saturday, but he couldn't find a reason to complain.
"No." He huffed, "I didn't like Jane Eyre either, by the way."
She rolled her eyes at his words, not phased by his clear displeasure. She had started leaving books on his doorstep every week. The first had been Jane Eyre, which Tommy had read in only three days, not pleased by the story one bit. The second had been a Charles Dickens novel that he had already read years ago, and he didn't like it the first time either.
"I'm starting to think you don't like much." She grumbled, nudging his shoulder with hers as they walked down the country road.
"That's not true, at all." He said, placing a hand on her lower back, rubbing circles there. They both stopped walking, heads turned to face each other, he leaned his head in, their foreheads almost touching. He noted the nervous look in her eyes, how her body stiffened under his touch, "I like Pearl." He removed his hand from her back, continuing his stroll, smirking when he heard her modest heels clicking against the pavement as she tried to catch up with him.
"You have a terrible sense of humour." She huffed, a smile on her lips.
She became a regular fixture in Tommy's life. He saw her more often than he saw Pearl, for she would venture to his house whenever she felt like it, asking him his opinions on the books she had given him, sometimes she would turn up with flowers and plants to 'brighten the room'.
He didn't mind it as much as he thought he would. She wasn't an imposition in his life, she didn't ask him questions about his life, she didn't pry when his mind seemed to be elsewhere, she kept their conversations to the books they had read and their upcoming meals at Pearl's house.
If he were still a suspicious man, he would have found it strange.
Why was she so disinterested in his past?
Was it because she didn't want him to be interested in hers?
But, he wasn't that man anymore, and he learned to be grateful for their encounters, no matter how shallow they were.
She eyed him suspiciously from across his kitchen table, the china cup hiding the bottom half of her face. She had become quite good at reading him over the months, she could tell when he wanted to say something, and when he didn't.
"What's on your mind?" She placed the cup down, crossing her arms across her chest.
"Where are you from?" He asked her, his expression blank, not suspicious, but not completely uninterested, either.
"South." Tommy repeated, nodding his head.
"Where are you from?"
"North." She replicated his nod.
"Why did you move here?"
"I got sick of the city, Pearl offered me a place to stay at hers."
"You didn't work?"
"No." She sighed, bringing her cup of tea to her lips again.
"You've never been married and you didn't work. Family money?"
"Something like that." She shrugged and Tommy could see the irritation growing on her face.
"Must have been a lonely life."
"You'd know, wouldn't you?" She stood up from her seat them, brushing out the small creases in her green dress, her mouth opened as if she wanted to say something, but she shook her head, grabbing her handbag and leaving the kitchen.
Tommy felt guilty, but he didn't try to stop her.
He didn't see her for another few days. He knew she was avoiding him, it didn't surprise him when she didn't show up for their afternoon walk the next day, or when Pearl informed him she hadn't been feeling well so she wouldn't be joining them for dinner.
Pearl didn't miss the way his shoulder's deflated when she informed him.
Tommy didn't miss the ghost of a smirk on Pearl's face.
He saw her again exactly one week after she had stormed out of his kitchen. He had ventured into the nearest town to buy the essentials he had run out of over the past month, when he saw her, she was exiting the bakery.
She stood out like a sore thumb in the rural town. Her blue button up dress was cinched at the waist, the hat she wore was perfectly placed on top of the fashionable waves of her hair.
She didn't look like she belonged in the countryside, better suited for the nicer streets of London, or even, New York.
Tommy supposed he didn't particularly fit in either.
He approached her as she was about to enter the post office, offering to take the string shopping bag from her arms, which she declined with a polite smile.
He followed her into the post office, lagging behind due to the multiple women exiting, thanking him for holding the door.
He stood by the entrance, watching as passed along letters to the man at the desk, reaching to her purse to pay for the postage, plus a pack of cigarettes and some cherry drops.
He held the door open for her when she left, struggling to keep up with her quick steps.
"I thought you had no family." Tommy said, her pace slowing, making it easier for him to walk by her side.
"I didn't say that." She muttered, her gaze fixed ahead of her, "I said I had no husband. We all have family, Mr Smith."
"No all of us."
"Aren't you a widow?" She frowned, turning her head slightly to meet his gaze, "you had no children?"
The word got stuck in Tommy's mouth, "no." He flinched at how small his voice sounded.
"No brothers, sisters, parents?"
She didn't pry, she just nodded, letting a comfortable silence take over as they walked home.
She invited him in when they got to Pearl's cottage, informing him the elderly woman was in Brighton for the weekend, visiting her sister who had recently fallen ill.
He had gracefully accepted, helping her unpack the numerous shopping bags in the kitchen, and offering to help her cook dinner, but she shook him off, telling him she cooked better alone.
She wasn't as good of a chef as Pearl, Tommy noted as he struggled to cut his lamb, the meat slipping along the plate with the force.
She grimaced when the glasses shook on the table, a clear indication she had cooked the meat half an hour too long.
"I'm sorry." She sighed, "I've never been a good cook, or good hostess."
He waved a dismissive hand at her, finally gathering a cut of lamb on his fork, trying not to chew too aggressively under her watchful gaze.
"You don't have to eat it." She told him, setting her knife and fork down, "God knows I'm not going to."
"It's...good." Tommy said, trying to discreetly pick out the tough meat from his teeth with his tongue, she shot him an unimpressed look, and he huffed a laugh. "I've had worse."
"Hopefully Pearl will be home soon, I'm going to starve if she isn't."
"I could do with some starvation, I've had to get my trousers let out since I moved here."
"I lied." She said suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, and Tommy's eyes squinted in confusion.
"I'd say you were truthful...you really aren't a good cook."
"No." She groaned, sipping the red wine she had poured for herself, "I lied to you...about my life."
"I'm not trying to be funny, love, but you haven't told me anything about your life."
Her expression relaxed somewhat as she looked at him, but he could still see the worry in her eyes.
"I did. I said I've never been married."
She rose up from the table, pacing the small dining area with a sheepish expression on her face. Tommy breathed out heavily, gently placing his knife and fork on his plate as he watched her.
"You have been married?" He asked, not enjoying the way his stomach faintly twisted. He barely knew this woman, he had no right to feel betrayed because she had lied to him.
"I have been." She muttered, and his eyes narrowed further, but he didn't respond. "I mean...I am? Still...I think?"
"You think?" Tommy finally spoke, his voice laced with a mix of confusion and concern. He stood up from the table, mirroring her pacing movements as he tried to make sense of it all. "What do you mean you think you're still married? You either are or you aren't."
"I am." She spoke with conviction, halting her pacing to face him from the opposite side of the table. "I am still married."
"Why did you lie?" Tommy's words came out harsh, though he truly didn't mean them to. He had no right to judge her, he was just as bad, but he couldn't help but feel offended by her deception.
She looked down, her fingers nervously fidgeting with the edge of her wine glass. "I didn't mean to lie, it was just easier than the truth."
Tommy knew exactly what she meant.
"My husband wasn't kind," she continued, "he didn't physically harm me, but it would only have been a matter of time. He would find me if I stayed with my family, so I came here."
She didn't owe him an explanation, and Tommy was rather floored she had given him one.
He knew what the old him would do.
He could feel the primal, violent desires he thought had died rise up inside of him.
But, he wasn't that man anymore.
"Why are you telling me this?" He asked her finally, moving to stand directly in front of her.
She shrugged at his words, "I don't know. I just don't like secrets."
Tommy felt a pang in his stomach.
"Everybody has secrets, love."
"Even you?"
"Even me."
Something changed following their conversation over dinner. Whilst Tommy assumed she would pull away from him, they seemed to get closer over the weeks.
Tommy wasn't sure whether he wanted to spend so much time with her, but he didn't put up much of a fight. He should have felt guilty about it, she had told him her secret, and he was still clinging on to his.
There were many times he thought about telling her, like on the walk they took where it started to rain and they had to run back to his, or when she brought him extra scones Pearl had made, or when she was lying with her head against his bare chest on a Sunday morning, but he never did.
They were just passing time.
That's what she had said before she left his house one morning. They were both lonely, neither of them had anything better to do, they were doing each other a favour.
"How did you get your money?" She asked him as she buttoned up her blue dress.
He choked on his cigarette smoke.
"What do you mean?" He asked, once his wheezing had subsided, standing from the bed to get dressed.
"You bought a cute little home in the countryside, but you don't work...I'm curious."
There was nothing hidden behind her smile. She wasn't asking for any reason other than wanting to know more about him.
The guilt returned to his gut.
"Gambling." He shrugged, buttoning up his shirt, his cigarette dangling from his lips.
"Horses...got lucky."
It wasn't exactly a lie.
Tommy enjoyed his mornings with her. He enjoyed the simplicity of waking up slowly, lighting a cigarette as he looked down at her sleeping form. He always woke up before her - he didn't sleep well, she was a master at it - and he liked it that way.
"I feel like we're abandoning Pearl." He told her, watching as she rubbed sleep from her eyes at the kitchen table, accepting the cup of tea he placed down in front of her, raising an eyebrow when she declined the toast and marmalade, reaching for a biscuit off the plate in the middle of the table instead.
"Tea and biscuits is the best breakfast you can have." She had told him.
"You're abandoning Pearl." She said, "I live with her."
"You haven't been home in days."
"That's your fault." She told him, "you're the one that trapped me here."
"I trapped you here, did I?"
"You make such good cups of tea, it makes it hard to go home."
Tommy hummed, a small smile playing on his lips. "Pearl does use too much milk."
"Exactly. You've spoiled me." She smirked, standing from her seat. "But you're right...I should go home." She brushed his shoulder when she passed him, "I'll see you around, Mr Smith."
He made sure to kiss her before she left.
The three days without her allowed Tommy time to think.
He enjoyed his time with her, but he could never seem to think clearly when he was in her presence. Her charm and wit would cloud any thought he had until he was utterly consumed by her.
It wasn't much different when she was gone, either.
His thoughts were still entirely made up of her - he wondered if it was because her floral perfume still lingered on his pillow - but he was able to properly assess the past few months.
He remembered how hollow he had been. How there was nothing to think about but the ghosts of his past, how he would tremble when he remembered the things he had seen, and the things he had done.
He remembered how she had changed that.
Now the haunting memories only came back in hushed whispers, whispers he could easily ignore when her laugh was so much louder, her presence much more dominating.
He wondered if he could love somebody he barely knew. Somebody who didn't know him at all.
Of course she knew small things.
She knew he preferred jam on his toast, she knew he didn't like sugar in his tea - a fact she had been horrified to learn - and she knew he was haunted.
She never asked him about it, but she knew. She couldn't ignore the way the nightmares made him shake, she couldn't ignore his body feeling like a furnace under her perfectly manicured fingers.
She didn't ask him, but he offered her an answer anyways.
He paced the floor of his bedroom, his breathing finally returning to normal, his eyes meeting hers from where she was sat up on the bed, her eyes concerned.
"France." He had muttered, returning to his spot in bed beside her.
She said nothing, instead, laying her head back on the pillow, her hand resting on his chest, above his rapidly beating heart.
It wasn't exactly a lie.
He pondered the timeline of their relationship as he walked to Pearl's house on a chilly Sunday evening.
They didn't know each other, not really, that was the beauty of it. She didn't know who Tommy really was, but she knew enough to feel safe with him. He didn't know much about her past, but he knew enough to know she could be trusted.
He didn't know much about her.
Yet, Tommy loved her anyway.
It was a strange feeling. He felt lighter, he felt happier, but there was still the guilt.
She had not offered him more information than was needed.
He had outright lied to her.
And so, as he approached the neighbouring house, Tommy decided he would tell her. He would tell her his real name, he would tell her what he had done, and he would tell her loved her.
There was no anxiety when he got to the front door, knocking lightly, even though Pearl had told him there was no need to. There was no need to feel anxious, because he was sure she felt the same - and he was certain, no matter what, she would not betray him.
Pearl greeted him with a smile, ushering him in as she always did. His eyes darted around the living room as he shrugged off his coat, the room looked the same as it always did, but something felt different.
He offered to help Pearl, knowing she would decline as always, pushing him towards the dining area.
He frowned when he got to the table, his eyes lingering on it for a moment too long.
It was set for two.
He glanced at the older woman in a silent questioning, and she sighed heavily under his gaze.
"She went home, son." She said, reaching over to rub his arm, a maternal comfort.
He knew she could see the confusion on his face, whether she could see the devastation and betrayal, he did not know.
"When?" He managed to ask, his throat dry.
"Two days ago." Pearl said, gently pushing Tommy into his seat at the head of the table. "Husband came up to get her, took her back."
He wished the woman had punched him in the stomach.
"And you let her go?" His voice held no venom, he was simply deflated in the chair.
"You can't force a woman to stay somewhere she doesn't want to, my love. No matter how much you want to."
She didn't wait for him to respond, leaving the room to plate up their dinner. Tommy's eyes stayed fixed on the place she would be sitting if she were here, his eyes not wavering from the empty chair.
It would have been easy to be sad.
It would have even easier to be angry.
But, he felt nothing.
She was just another ghost that would haunt him in his nightmares, and if that were the only way he would see her again, he looked forward to them.
He could not feel betrayed by her.
He was the liar, after all.
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surftrips · 2 years
game on
pairing: rafe cameron x female reader
summary: y/n runs into rafe at the bar.
word count: 802
a/n: haven't posted in a while but i figured with the new season finally out i would publish this draft i had, might do a part 2 depending on the feedback!
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Y/N didn't even want to go out tonight. She was only here because her roommate dragged her, completely ignoring the fact that she had class tomorrow morning.
The nightclub was dark and crowded, but the energy was electric. She could tell that most people were here for one thing and one thing only: a hookup. Despite being in college for a few years now, the hookup culture was one thing she never got used to. She respected people that could participate in it, but personally, she had a hard time with the idea of sleeping with a stranger and never seeing them again (or worse, seeing them in the elevator and having it be awkward).
Her roommate dragged her into the middle of the dance floor, because "that's where all the fun happens!" It was also where people got trampled if they weren't careful, but she didn't think her friend would appreciate her bringing that up.
As soon as they made it on the dance floor, the music started picking up and it was getting harder to keep up. However, Y/N tried her best to dance to the songs and stay close to her friend, knowing that the night would go by a lot faster if she at least tried to have fun.
About two hours in, Y/N had to excuse herself from the floor and grab some water from the bar before she passed out. She signaled to her friend that she was leaving and began weaving her way through the crowd.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice asked her. Startled, she turned around with her drink in hand to be met by.... someone from her business class.
But not just anyone, the Kook King himself, Rafe Cameron.
"Hey, you're from my business class right?" she said, deciding not to give him the satisfaction of knowing his name.
"Uh yeah, sorry if I scared you there, I just thought you looked like a girl from my class and I was right."
"Would've been very awkward if my name wasn't Y/N. I'm sorry, what's yours again?"
He looked a little disappointed, "You don't remember?"
"Agh, sorry. It's embarrassing, but I'm really bad with faces and names so don't take it personally," you responded.
"All good," he reached out to shake your hand, not seeming to notice the sarcasm in your tone, "Cameron, Rafe Cameron."
"Oh! Rafe, that's right. How could I forget? You're always showing up late to class."
"Woah... I came out here to have a good time tonight, not to get made fun of." Rafe put his hands up in defense.
"Sorry, haha. People have told me I come off a little too strong sometimes."
"Hey, it's no worries, I appreciate your assertiveness."
It wasn't that she hated Rafe, she had nothing against him personally, but he was Rafe. Spoiled, privileged, and entitled, he lived in an entirely different world from the majority of the island. Even next to other Kooks, he stood out. The Camerons were by far, the most affluent family on the Cut.
So, she couldn't help herself when it came to taking jabs at him, masked as sarcasm or banter.
Fueled by the drink in her hand, she continued, "You here alone?"
"Well, I came with Topper and Kelce but I'm not sure where they are now. Hoping to leave with someone else though..."
Again, Y/N knew that everyone here was looking for a hookup. Still, she paused for a second at hearing Rafe being so blunt. Normally, she would be unfazed by his actions, in fact she had been dodging people's advances all night, but whether it was the alcohol in her system or sleep deprivation messing with the chemicals in her brain, she decided to keep entertaining him.
"Oh, yeah? Seen a couple blonde girls around that might be your type."
If Rafe was taken aback, he did a good job of hiding it. "Thought you didn't know my name, but now you know who my type is?"
"I only remember the important stuff," you took another sip of your drink.
Rafe was used to getting what he wanted. Most girls that he approached gave in almost immediately, but Y/N was not most girls. She was going to make him chase her.
"Alright," he nodded. "Do you want to play a game to test your memory?"
"Depends, will there be a prize if I win?"
"Of course, but I have a feeling we'll both get something out of it."
He was being a douchebag. Y/N knew all this, and yet, she couldn't help but be amused by his perseverance. If there was one thing she loved, it was the thrill that came with chasing someone. Game on.
"Okay, I'm in. What's the game?"
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the-carlos-cow-eyes · 5 months
Here's a conversation y'all aren't ready to have:
Two out of the four ass beatings Steve got throughout the show were either deserved or he had It coming
The first one was when Jonathan kicked his ass
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Now, I feel like a lot of y'all seem to Ignore the fact that Steve used to be homophobic because bro literally called Jonathan's supposedly dead little brother slurs and was just talking shit and being an ass In general. He kept poking the damn bear by provoking Jonathan, almost as If he thought Jonathan wouldn't fight back and was surprised when he ended up doing so and then he ended up getting his ass beat. This one was DEFINITELY deserved In my eyes
And the second time was when Billy kicked his ass
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Now, first and foremost, I love Billy AND Harringrove on this blog, so all of y'all antis can go on and GET. Y'all are gone? Good. Now, I've talked about this a couple of times before already, so I'm definitely gonna repeat myself: Steve had this whole ass beating coming. To start, Billy didn't know shit about the Upside Down or any of the monsters until he got possessed In Season 3. But his little sister basically goes missing all day and If he doesn't bring her back home, he's gonna get the shit kicked out of him. He finds her Inside of a stranger's home with a bunch of other boys her age, one of which he told her to stay away from after he had seen him make her upset TWICE, alongside another boy who's WAY older than her. So, to him, this looks sketchy as fuck and I don't blame him. AND THEN Steve decides to Insult him only AFTER lying to him about Max not being there when Billy could already very clearly see Max poking her head out of the window with those other boys. Granted, should Billy have gone after Lucas like that? No. Could he have reacted better? Yes. But this whole thing wouldn't have happened If Steve hadn't been cocky and lied about Max's whereabouts
But again, y'all aren't ready for that conversation
And as for the Interrogation by the Russians In S3 and the demobat attack In S4? He didn't deserve those, obviously, lol
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sawyerconfort · 11 months
dancing with the devil | verna x reader
I'm back!!!
this one is just a spooky season special, as I've been away for all these days and haven't done one yet, I thought it would be cool to do it now!
this oneshot comes a lot from my obsession with Mike Flanagan's work, which even led me to watch The Fall of the House of Usher recently.
and, of course, it also comes from my obsession with Carla Gugino.
so, I hope you like it!
late requests coming out soon, so stay tuned!
requests open, but please be patient with me.
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PROMPT: It's New Year's Eve, and you find yourself in a bar, completely alone, with no one to give you the good luck's kiss. But a mysterious new barista catches your eye, and she could be your salvation, if only she didn't hide so many secrets.
You weren't one to complain, but it had been a pretty horrible year.
People generally await the New Year with a lot of ambition, full of resolutions, glamorous plans and self-centered achievements. But you do not.
You just wanted the next one to be better.
As if the miserable conditions you were experiencing at Fortunato were not enough, not being paid enough for the effort you made, sitting at the reception desk at the behest of the great Rufus Griswold - who did nothing except try to harass you in every way -, in a routine exhausting where you could never sleep properly, you still had your parents, and the terrible relationship you had with them.
So, when you sat at that bar, at the lonely counter, all you thought about was stuffing yourself until you pass out, hoping for a counting miracle. Some people were getting along well when you arrived, and others were giving you side-eye, but with the thought that you were less attractive to them, you decided that the counter would be the best option.
Suddenly, those eyes that looked yellow from afar fell on you, and the figure that carried them turned around, with a subtle smile.
"I see someone needs a drink, hm?"
You looked at her, and shrugged, before answering. "Just today. I can't drink, I still have work tomorrow."
She continued to smile, and you had the slight impression that her eyes had returned to their normal color. Clear, deep and very eye-catching. But it could just be the impression, because you were too exhausted to make sense.
"Ah, I understand. Just a minute, I'll prepare something relaxing for you, miss…"
She nodded, turning away and concentrating on preparing whatever the drink was. Like I said before, you were too tired to care about what drink you were going to drink. If you could just get to New Year with something in your throat, that would be a good idea.
After minutes that felt like seconds of waiting, the barista turned to you, two shiny glass cups in her hands. She was still smiling subtly as she slid your glass and turned hers in her other hand.
She served you with the same smile, and then looked at you. "It's funny, I can see there's something wrong with you... Something that's stopping you from celebrating tonight."
You looked back at her, frowning, and sighing afterwards.
"It's true, it was... It wasn't a very good year", you commented, feeling terrible for venting to a stranger. "But the year ahead will be better, I know that."
"And why is that? Why was it so bad?"
"My boss, my work... everything makes me exhausted... and not having anyone to talk to is really bad at these moments...", You took a sip. "Um, that's great, is it Merlot?"
"It's Merlot, but it's not one of the best...", the barista said, tapping her glass still. "I've seen and experienced better, around the world."
"Have you been around the world?", you asked, unable to resist your curiosity. She smiled and nodded. "Where did you go? On that expedition?"
"I've been there too, but not just on this occasion", she said, and suddenly stopped, as if she were saying too much. "You know, it's interesting, being on the other side. Sometimes it's tiring, it breaks my heart, but... It's good, there are things there that are worth the effort."
You were more intrigued. She didn't look like the type of person who would travel around the world, wearing black clothes and a gothic look, as if she wanted to hide on purpose. Generally, these trips are made for people who want to be seen, above all else in the world.
"What are you talking about, exactly?"
"Have you ever had a dream... a desire... a deep, hidden desire that no one has ever fulfilled, and that you yourself didn't imagine you could achieve?", she looked at you with the same curiosity as you. "I'm like... A dream maker. I go on these trips just for that..."
You frowned, still not understanding, but took another sip to hide it, nodding.
"Are you the personification of the genie in the lamp?"
She laughed. "Ah, I would like to, but no. It would be a lot of ego on my part, but I would say that I'm better than him", she laughed. "Verna is my name, but the name never makes that much of a difference to me."
“Different name, never heard it before,” you said, drinking again. "Are you from here?"
"I'm from nowhere. I'm everywhere, at all times... it's strange, I know, but it makes sense to me."
You nodded, finding it strange. And then, he found it even stranger when she helped herself to the Merlot on the counter and drank some. She smiled at you, still tapping the glass.
"But what about you, (Y/N)? Do you have any desires that you thought would be unrealizable, unattainable? Please be honest with me."
You opened your mouth, and then thought a little. "No. I think I'm happy this way. Except for a few little things that I would change here and there..."
She softened her gaze and took a sip, her clear eyes suddenly yellowed again and wide, fixed on you. "What kind?"
“Like, my boss giving me the justice I deserve, and stop hitting on me,” you laughed, drinking the last sip and pouring yourself again. "Not much."
"Your boss is too terrible for you, (Y/N)," Verna replied, smiling. "Don't ask me how I know this, but I do. One day someone will show him what's really good, don't worry."
You frowned. "You seem so sure, are you some kind of psychic?"
She laughed. "No. I would like to be, but no. I... I see people's possibilities. And that's it. I help them based on the possibilities."
She stared at you again, and looked away at the TV, where the ball was falling on the screen in Times Square.
"Oh, it looks like it's almost time," she whispered, laughing. "Your year is going to be great, (Y/N), I'll make sure of that."
“You…” you started, but she shushed you, smiling.
"You just have to make a deal with me."
"What kind of deal?"
Verna thought for a while, and then smiled. "Wow, you seem so sure..."
She was mocking you, of course, you realized right away, and with a muffled laugh, you glanced back at the TV, hearing people echoing a countdown. The ball finally reached its destination, and you turned around, seeing Verna's yellow eyes glued to yours again. She suddenly leaned over and stole a peck from you, taking a little too long to pull away.
“Was that your deal?”, you whispered, smiling mischievously. Verna took a moment to open her eyes and then tilted her head, as if agreeing.
She thought for a while and then finally said, her voice low, slowly close to your ear, as if she wanted to seduce or bewitch you. She had one of the softest voices you'd ever heard, and apparently she knew how to use it.
"Actually, it was a plan to find out if you were trustworthy, if you were innocent enough to accept my deal…", she whispered. "And because I know, deep down, that what you wanted most was to be kissed on New Year's Eve, my sweet client."
You trailed off, looking at her, getting lost in the soft expression on her pale face. Suddenly, an impulsive idea occurred to you, and you leaned in again, kissing her, this time with more intensity. When you touched her hair, behind the back of her head, you had the impression that it melted at the touch, as if Verna were just an illusion, as if she were the literal cosmic dust from which human beings possibly emerged.
However, the kiss didn't last long. She pushed you away with her feather-light hands, and to the naked eye, it looked like it was just a breeze of wind stopping you both. She touched your face, running her fingers lightly across your cheek as she whispered:
"We can't do that right now, (Y\N). I'm afraid you're not sober enough, and it wouldn't be wise for me to take advantage of this."
You looked at it for a moment and realized it made sense. But she had kissed you first, so it was clearly just an excuse, as always happened. You started to wonder if your kiss was that bad.
"But, Verna…"
"Please, darling. I'm trying to be reasonable. Like I said, I work with possibilities, and the possibility of us working out is less than zero. Don't get me wrong, it's just in case…", she hesitated. "Condemning pure-souled humans to my cruel and inevitable fate wouldn't be extremely political of me."
You sighed, and gave her the space she needed, even though you couldn't take your eyes off her. Verna was the same, and you could feel that, despite what it seemed like, that moment you shared wasn't just fun, much less just a New Year's kiss.
Verna poured you the rest of the Merlot and, with the same soft expression, touched your face again. This time, her voice was clear, and in a moment of vulnerability, she made it more than explicit that she wasn't lying when she said:
"But we'll still meet, (Y\N)," she whispered, her fingers again like soft feathers touching his skin. "Our deal may not have been sealed, but you've proven enough innocence and courage to convince me that you're capable of this. You'll have a great new job, I promise, and your boss will never bother you again."
She nodded, and you allowed yourself to nod too, so confused that you definitely didn't know what to believe anymore. There was a little devil on your shoulder urging you to try again, and there was another devil, right in front of you, who would be harder to convince than you expected.
"And of course, you will have my full protection," Verna whispered, smiling. "I'm not going to promise you eternal life, because that would be impossible even for someone like me. But I promise, and I need you to believe me on this one, I promise that I will move mountains so no one will hurt you again."
You smiled, and drank the last sip. Suddenly, another impulse. This time, a question, instead of an action.
"What are you? An angel? A genie without a lamp? A tempting devil who seeks souls and deals?"
Verna smiled, and simply looked away at her glass again, magically empty. "I already told you. I'm nothing, I don't have a life. I'm just what your mind wants me to be."
You were confused, but suddenly, a memory hit you hard. When you looked at Verna, it was as if she already knew.
"I really need to go. My mom will be furious if I get home late, even on New Year's..."
She nodded. "Please don't take any chances. This part, I won't be able to protect you."
You laughed, stood up and slid out the only dollar bill you had. Verna looked at the ballot, he turned it around and handed it back to you, denying it.
"No need. The bill is already paid."
"Please don't insist. I insist."
You looked at her, shrugged, and frowned, suddenly realizing that maybe it was for the best. She kept watching you, until you left, and as soon as you turned outside, on the street, you noticed who had just walked through a solid wall.
The bar was gone.
And she was gone too.
Even more confused - and blaming the drink -, you put your hands in your pockets to protect yourself, and walked back home, into the daylight. As soon as you crossed the street, however, another very curious thing caught your attention.
There was a raven, standing still, resting on a post. It was just any raven, but it was a raven, and it looked down at you. Suddenly, you had the impression that he had winked at you.
"What nonsense. Ravens don't blink," you whispered to yourself, looking at the raven again. He remained there, standing still, as if he hadn't even noticed you. Deciding to ignore that crazy night, you turned around.
As you disappeared down the street, you whispered to yourself once again.
"Ravens don't blink."
Oh, but if you only knew that they do more than blink... If you only knew...
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scftpcws · 1 year
hii ^.^ Im heavily obsessed with fics that have something to do with angst, so i’m requesting sensitive! reader getting into a heated argument with Eddie which causes her to cry. This is something I relate to so it would be wonderful if you could do something like this!!
Hiiiiii!! I hope i did your request justice.. icl im not the best at writing angst but i swear i rlly did try with this one!!
A/n: Also a bit of background info, Chance ( a character mentioned in the story) is just a background character in Stranger Things season 4. He’s just so cute and i like him a lot. He and reader are just friends i swear. he doesn’t like her in that way dw!!
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He’s so babygirl oml 😭^^… anyways.
Forgotten | Eddie Munson
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Eddie Munson x Sensitive!Fem!Reader
Warning: Angst, Mean!Eddie (it’s justified), Jealousy, platonic!ChancexReader, Mentions of the basketball club, fluff, reader is referred to as a “princess”, Kinda Mean!Gareth and Mean!Jeff (it’s just for the plot pls don’t come for me).
Face it Eds, she’s just not coming.” Jeff spoke, patting him on the shoulder. They had sat waiting for Y/n for 15 minutes now. Eddie’s face displayed an expression of anger, almost as if to say “Shut the fuck up!”
“Maybe realised that you guys are too different, and she’s embarrassed to hang out with us.” Gareth laughed, obviously joking. Eddie didn’t see it that way. He rolled his eyes, a rather rude comment on the tip of his tongue that was quickly extinguished as Dustin pleaded for the campaign to begin. Eddie played it cool the rest of the night, hoping the guys were wrong and that she had just stayed at home that night and been unable to call.
Unfortunately for Eddie, Y/n wasn’t at home; she was in fact a few doors down, cheering on her friends at the basketball game.
As the night ended, Y/n and Chance made their way to his car, excited smiles on their faces as the cool night air swirled around them. “I can’t believe we won!” She exclaimed, adrenaline flowing through her as the thrill of the Tigers win coursed through her veins. “I’ve not seen a shot like that since.. well ever.” Chance smiled, running a hand through his dark hair as he reminisced about Lucas’ legendary winning shot during the final seconds of the game. He giggled at the excitement of his best friend, his smile only growing. “Do you need a ride home?” he asked, fumbling in his pocket for his car keys. She quickly waved him off, explaining that one of the girls had already offered to take her home. He smiled, and embraced her in a hug before jogging back to the guys to kickstart their celebratory party.
Her ears perked up at his voice and and she turned toward her boyfriend, seeing a somewhat defeated look on his face. “Eddie? What are you doing here, if i knew you were coming i wouldn’t have asked Tina to drive me home.” she giggled, hopping into his van and moving to hug him. Eddie shrank away from her, shuffling back against the door. “Eds? What’s wrong?”
“You missed it.” he stated quietly, looking down at his lap. She gazed at him, confusion in her expression. “What are you talking about?” she asked, trying to get him to meet her eyes. He turned his face away from her, attempting to hide the way his eyes glossed with tears.
“The DnD campaign? Y’know, the one i have been talking about nonstop for weeks.” Suddenly it dawned on her. She realised what he was talking about.
“Hey, i’m sorry. It’s just that this game was important to Chance and the campaign totally slipped my mind.” she explained, reaching a hand out to touch his face, he moved away from her again. Her brows furrowed as she pouted. “Yeah well this campaign was important to me y/n. It was really fucking important and you blew me off for some guy.” He responded, his voice raising slightly as he refused to look at her.
“Chance isn’t just some guy Eddie! We have been friends since we were in diapers, you can’t just expect me to ignore all my friends for you.” she scoffed, how could he say such a thing? He finally looked her in the eyes, his sadness turned to anger at her words. “I’m not asking you to ignore your friends! I’m asking you to act like i’m your boyfriend because i’m not sure if you noticed, but i am!” He seethed. Her bottom lip shook as her eyes began to gloss over with tears.
“Do you know how fucking hard it is to watch as you pour all your love and attention into your friends and leave none for me? You don’t even look at me in school, we only talk at night, it’s like all this is some bullshit game to you. When you’re sick of being a pretty princess with all your cool friends and your big ass house you come to me to get away from it all, like im some sort of distraction! Well newsflash Sweetheart, I’m a real person with real fucking feelings!” She had never seen him like this before. Sure Eddie could get loud and expressive but this was something else. Everything he said burned into her heart, his words causing her eyes to well with tears and her hands to tremble in her lap.
“Are you embarrassed by me, by us?” he mumbled, his anger reverting back to sadness. He turned to face her, and as a tear rolled down her cheek, a tidal wave of guilt flooded through him.
“Baby I-“
“Is that what you think? You think i’m embarrassed by you?” she murmured, her voice wavering as her head hung low. He reached out to cup her cheek, an apology on his lips. She flinched away from him, tears streaming down her warmed cheeks.
“I’m not ashamed of us! You are the only guy who i’ve been with that lets me be myself, my true, authentic self. I can’t do the things i do, or say the things i say with you with anyone else, Eddie! We only talk at night because I have to pretend to be this perfect girl all day and it’s the only time i feel free from my life. And I don’t talk to you in school because im afraid of what those guys will do to you if they find you with me! I do everything i do because i love you and i love being with you Eddie Munson. I have never been embarrassed by you. Never.” She ended with a choked sob, her shoulders quivering as she cried into her hands, the tears wetting the hem of her sweater. She reached for the door handle, ready to leave, before a calloused hand fell on top of hers.
Eddie placed his other hand under her chin, his thumb wiping the tears from her cheeks. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. I’m so sorry Sweetheart. I was just hurt that you forgot about me tonight and i shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I should’ve talked to you properly, y’know, not like a madman.” he chuckled at the last bit, attempting to lighten the sullen mood that had befallen them. She smiled softly, sniffling as the tears continued to stain her face. “Why didn’t you tell me you felt that way?” she mumbled, avoiding his gazed despite it being laced with love and affection for her. His smile dimmed a little, his thumb resting just under her left eye.
“I was afraid if i ever brought it up my worst fears would be confirmed.” he said, a sad smile gracing his pink lips. “What? That you’re guitar was stolen?” she joked, her heart swelling at the soft giggle that emitted from his lips. “No. That the only girl i’ve actually properly cared about didn’t love me the way i loved her.” his eyes found hers, the dim light of his van making them sparkle as the hues of brown swirled in his irises. She was taken aback by not only his beauty but the genuine love that poured from his words and seeped into the very core of her being. “I love you Eddie Munson. I don’t care whether you’re a basketball player or a loser that plays DnD, You’re my Eddie. And no amount of popularity is gonna change that.” she whispered, bringing his face closer to hers, their lips almost touching. He stared down at her lips for a moment before connecting them to his own, all his love for her seeping through the kiss. They moved slowly together, savouring the taste of one another, her hands quickly finding solace in the softness of his cheeks and jaw.
As they parted for air, Eddie placed another soft kiss to the back of her hand, look up at her, a gentleness in his tender gaze. “I’m sorry for hurting your feelings baby. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that. I know how easily word’s affect you and i’m so, so sorry for not thinking. Can you forgive me sweetheart?” he pleaded, placing another kiss to her hand before moving to placed their foreheads together. The smell of her shampoo and the softness of her skin annexed his senses and blurred his mind with the thought of her.
She pressed a simple kiss to the apple of his cheek, mumbling a quiet “You are forgiven” before encapsulating him in another breath taking kiss.
“But don’t ever yell at me again Munson.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it Baby.”
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swiss-mrs · 8 months
just an absolute crack fantasy I thought of while I danced around my room to my groovy playlist
Joe Quinn x Black!Reader
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Catching Joe's attention at a club during Disco Night!
Ok, girlies, I know my mom wasn't the only one who introduced me to funk 😤
Now, Joe's taste in music is the timeless, groovy kind, so you know he takes the opportunity to go to "Disco Night! themed attire suggested"
He goes with a couple of mates, including Jamie Bower.
When the night is in full swing, he notices you getting hyped up by some people around you.
You are on the opposite side of the club, but since you were on a raised platform and he was up higher, a more private platform with tables, he got a perfect view of you.
The colorful strobe lights danced across your glowing skin and glittery outfit. Now that we saw you, it was hard to miss you. How has he not seen you earlier?
He couldn't quite hear you, but he could tell you were belting out every lyric to "I'm Every Woman" by Chaka Khan.
You were fully in character, totally carefree, having the time of your life.
You appear to be with two other girls, both playing the part of your background singers.
You'd turned your little platform into a stage. The few people around you on the dance floor were facing you and your friends, cheering you on. Their cheers only seemed to inflate your "stage presence".
Seeing you makes Joe chuckle. You're cute.
Jamie is the one who urges him to get closer to you, but he stays back for the entire night just watching you every chance he got.
You didn't seem to run out of energy. You knew every song. You were totally in your element.
Your little stank face when the opening bass thumps of "Tell Me Somethin' Good" came through the speakers was adorable.
Your dramatic, 'seductive' shoulder dance to "Careless Whisper" was adorable.
The sassy persona you took on with your friends during "It's Raining Men" was adorable.
Everything about you had the man hooked.
A part of him wanted to be a part of you.
The other part of him, though, was in his head about his celebrity status.
His recent blow-up following Stranger Things made him nervous to interact with new people.
It has been over a year since season 4 premiered, but the adoring crowd only grew and didn't seem to be doing down any time soon.
What if you already knew who he was?
That would make things a little awkward, right?
Suddenly, he was no longer just a guy at a club. He was "Joseph Quinn". Not just Joe.
Before he knows it, the clock strikes 2, and the club is closing.
He's not nearly as wasted as he thought he'd be, but he still was able to enjoy his night, nonetheless.
He turned his head for only a second when someone addressed him during their farewells, but in that second, he'd lost sight of you in the crowd.
He'd be lying if he'd say his heart didn't drop with disappointment.
You every see like a really hot person at an airport, passing by you on the street, or in a car next to you?
This was that moment for Joe.
He wanted to know you, get your name, maybe your number, but you disappeared into thin air.
Phantom Crossed Paths.
He headed down the tall staircase with the remaining few of his mates and made his way outside with them.
They were all chatting it up, turning the corner of the building to the parking lot just adjacent. That's when he noticed you for a second time, immediately.
You were still with your friends, talking enthusiastically with each other next to a car.
A few fellow club goers would compliment you in passing as they made it to their respective vehicles.
Joe started to get a bit clamy.
Should he shoot his shot?
Why not? What's the worst that could happen?
You'd either say no thanks to a stranger in the club parking lot or you'd ask him for a picture or something.
Fuck it.
He abandons his mates, who shouted questions after him, but he just dismissed them with a "be right back"
He walks right up to you and your two friends.
You were in the middle of laughing at something with that beautiful smile of yours.
"Pardon me." He catches your attention immediately. You had a shocked and slightly confused look on your face. His formal tone took you off guard.
As soon as your eyes land on him, Joe's done for. You were looking right at him.
It felt weird. He'd just spent the last several hours watching you in third person, like a movie, yet here you are, seeing him.
"Hi." You say with a small, polite smile.
"Hi, uh, sorry. I probably should've thought of what to say before I came up to you." He chuckles.
Your brows furrow, and you let out a breathy laugh, "Come up to me?"
"Yeah, sorry. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are, and I just wanted to shoot my shot before it's too late."
Your brows skyrocket, and you look him up and down shamelessly. "You are shooting a shot with me? Are you sure?" You ask in disbelief.
Joe chuckles, "I'm sure. Experiencing your joy from afar just wasn't good enough for me." He loosely gestures to the club building. "I want to get to know you up close." At this moment in time, he has no idea what he was saying. He was just hoping, whatever it was, was working.
You scoff in shock, a small smile playing on your lips as you look up at him with doe eyes.
"She only quiet cause she thinks you're cute. The answer is yes. You can have her number." One of your friends butt in from behind you.
You whip your head around to glare at her, giving a silence "Shit the fuck up" look
Joe grins widely and takes out his phone.
He's already got his contacts pulled up and ready to go by the time you turn back.
"If you really do think I'm cute, well you do me the honors?"
There's a slight bit of hesitation for giving out your number to a stranger, but he's cute, so what the heck.
He looks down at the new contact. He says your name with ease and a smile on his face, "A beautiful name for a beautiful face."
The way your name rolled off his tongue made you smile. "And you are, stranger?" You ask him.
It's his turn to be shocked. His brows raise, and his eyes widen. You don't know him?
You take the shock as him not realizing he didn't properly introduce himself.
His shocked face is adorable.
"Joe. My name's Joe."
You smile and nod, repeating his name. "That'll be easy to remember"
He nods with a big smile, "I'll, uh, Can I call you later?"
You quickly turn into a shy school girl, twisting side to side with your hands behind you with a shy smile. You nod. "I look forward to it, Joe."
He smiles impossibly wider, nodding and walking backward towards his awaiting mates. "Talk to you later!" He turns to jog back over to his buddies.
You could tell they were teasing and cheering him on, but the voices of your own teasing friends turned you around.
"My baby got hit on by an actually cute guy!" The same friend who interrupted earlier chimes in.
"Oh my GOD, bitch. Do you know who that was?" you other friend asked
you look at her confused, "You do?"
"The guy I was fangirling over! Eddie from Stranger Things?! I've been trying to get you to watch it for forever, and you still haven't!"
Your eyes widen in realization.
"I told you I don't want to pay for Netflix just to watch one show!"
"I can't believe he wanted my number?!"
"Bitch, stfu. Your hot af. Of course, he wanted your number!"
Literal death by surprise.
He definitely calls you that same night when he gets back to his hotel.
You confess that you didn't know him at first (and still don't know much about him), but your friend did spill the beans about him being a popular actor.
He's up front with you and let's you know that he's not in town for long as he's doing promo stuff all over the place, but he lets it be known that he doesn't want to just hit and quit.
You two bond over music.
He sets up a private date for you two to go on later that week.
You're not one for small talk, and thank God neither is he.
On your date, you guys talk about some many different topics.
You may not know either other's favorite color, but you do know each other's stance on the current state of the internet and celebrity/stan culture.
On top of your pretty face, Joe finds himself entranced by your mind and inner beauty.
Even after he leaves town, you'll definitely be staying in contact.
*rapidly wiggling my eyebrows* guurrrrrlllllll 💅💅
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evita-shelby · 1 year
The Gala
Rated M for smut no minors 🔞
Gif by @mrs-gray
No more taglists for the Eva fics, i can't remember who was on them
Cw: for racism, a mommy/daddy kink, sexual harassment, alluded sex and a joke at Sigmund Frued's expense
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Tonight had been a success.
And even if it hadn’t, Tommy knew it wouldn’t affect things after.
“Alone at last.” Eva sighed as she shut the door behind her and locked it for good measure.
“I thought it would never end.” He said carefully removing his bowtie and tossing it as far away from him as possible.
Their first party after their time with Mosley.
It went better than expected, especially now that they no longer pretended to believe in fascism.
But better doesn’t mean the party didn’t have its unique problems.
Thomas knows the necessity of these things and yet, each time he wished he could just hide out in the stables until its over.
But he needs to show his party that he is the only one who can keep Mosley out of the spotlight the pathetic worm loves so much.
There was much staring ---Eva was used to it, counted on it even--- especially with Eva’s white satin dress that was very similar to the red one she wore for her birthday party in 1929.
“I am burning that fucking dress the moment this is over.” He warns lowly and she just gave a coy smile.
It had a low back, a deep enough neckline to show those freckles he likes so much and clung to her torso enough to show off her hourglass figure.
Looked like an angel until you saw that wicked look in her eyes.
You can see all you want, but the moment you even dreamed of touching her, they will find themselves being left to the wild pigs in the woods outside.
“I thought you might like it, amorcito.” She feigns innocence as they walk into the gallery.
“I think I deserve a reward for my good behavior, sweetheart.” He says tugging loose the bow holding the dress up.
“Who says I wanted a good boy tonight, maybe I wanted you to kill that fucker who said my melons are in season.” She asks but lets him do as he pleases.
“No more killing, Evie.” He reminds her as he slowly pushed the dress down and savoring the goosebumps he leaves on her tan skin.
“If you say so, Tommy.” She murmurs, turning her head slightly to kiss him.
“Those days are over, they’re over for good.” He says sternly, keeping her close enough to taste the champagne in her breath as he reminds her of their new rule.
Eva is no stranger to being gawked at and cause a stir.
It has been what has gotten her where they are now and she won’t change for anything.
“Will you be a good boy for mummy?” she asks knowing sex is the only thing to keep him on good behavior tonight.
Tommy has great self control, but its very fun to watch him fight every urge to throttle the men and women looking down on them when she gets him hot and bothered.
Besides, this is revenge for him denying her all week.
“Always.” He says taking the offered champagne. “Can daddy say the same about mummy?”
Eva can’t answer that as she sees an all too familiar woman arrive.
But the death grip on her crystal flute says it all.
“I really thought you were going to kill her.” Tommy likes the games they play and does absolutely nothing as she carefully removes his clothes one button at a time.
“Can you believe the audacity of that pendeja?” Eva asked tossing his shirt on the chair and slowly untucks his undershirt, smirks when the muscles on his stomach tense at her cool touch.
She’s feeling threatened since she saw her.
Its been nearly sixteen years since he’s even seen Grace and somehow, his witch of a wife thinks she is still a threat.
Grace had numbed the pain in his heart, quieted the shovels like a good dose of opium.
He had thought himself in love with her until Eva pulled him from the haze of lies and betrayals.
Eva had resurrected him, like lighting striking Frankenstein’s monster.
Taken his hand and made him walk back into the land of the living as something not quite human.
Made his blood run like fire as he came back to life, made him laugh again, made him love with a passion that threatened to burn everything in its path.
Silly witch thought he’d leave all that for a woman he didn’t even know beyond a few lonely nights.
“I thought Florence said she was dead.” He tries to think when she kisses a trail down his chest as she comes to kneel in front of him.
“I suppose she was wrong. But enough about her, Mummy’s waited all evening for this,” Eva says wanting to pretend she wasn’t jealous or close to breaking this new rule of theirs.
“You used to hate this so much, sweetheart, what changed?” he asks as she unbuckled his belt and whined when Tommy stopped her.
Making her look at him as she answers.
He doesn’t mind giving up control to her most nights, but tonight is not one of those nights.
“Gotta keep daddy on his toes, else he’ll run off with that bland blonde bitch.”
Nothing brings out the violence in her blood like Grace.
“It has been a long time, hasn’t it?” Grace says with shining eyes and having replaced her Irish accent with something resembling a posh London one.
Eva wants to pull her hair and drag her out of her damn house.
“I see you are no longer Irish, Mrs. MacMillan.” He said coolly.
“Thomas.” She says as if she were correcting him. “I am Mrs. Thomas now.”
Eva is going to kill her. New rule be damned.
“It was better of Grace MacMillan died, I had made too many enemies and my husband no longer trusted me.”
“I wonder why.” Eva muttered.
“Why are you here?” he asks his former lover who finds all trace of love or even affection for her gone.
What was she expecting, for him to want her after building their relationship up on a foundation of lies?
“I was invited, by my fiancé.” She says gesturing slightly to the handsome yet dull Lord Smallwood of Birmingham.
Eva was supposed to marry him, but then she met Tommy and no man or woman could get her to leave him after.
Not even for a title.
“We wish you joy, and hope you are as happy with him as we have been these fifteen years, Miss. Thomas.” Eva said with a smile as false as her good wishes.
“No more killing, Evie.” Thomas reminded her.
“Such a good girl for daddy,” he said spent and pulling her back up, tasting himself in her wicked mouth as she guides him to the nearest soft surface.
“Did you lock the doors?” he asks as they crash into the couch.
“Yeah, even locked the nursery door earlier so they can’t come in through it either.” She answers with an eager nod.
“Mummy deserves a reward for not killing Grace, doesn’t she?” she asks as he kisses and bites his way down her neck, her clavicle and finally her tits.
“Such self-control, Mrs. Shelby, where was it when the newlyweds showed up?”
“Ah, my dear Mr. Shelby, we missed you at the wedding!” Mosley shows up acting as if he was wanted here.
“How odd not to have received an invitation, sir. I told my dear Oswald that surely there had to be a mistake.” Diane pretended not to be offended and hoped to have them fawn and all that.
Those days were long gone.
They tried to kill him and their family.
No more killing.
But she wasn’t going to kill them, just humiliate them.
No one liked them here anyways.
“There was no mistake, Lady Diana. I thought we had been perfectly clear last we saw each other.
Shall I remind you with words, or would you prefer our security detail to do it?” Eva asked them making their guests turn to see who was at the end of her ire.
Diana cleared her throat like a lady thinking she misheard, but the sight of Isiah and Finn coming to escort them out made her step back.
“To think we thought you were civilized!” the blonde said outraged.
“We are, which is why I gave you two options, would you rather walk out of here or be carried out?” Eva repeated her question, feeling the thrill of saying those words.
“Come, darling, lets leave these savages and find better company.” Mosley said thinking his insults would hurt as they leave with their dignity in tatters.
Eva is so disappointed this didn’t last longer, she couldn’t wait to tell him he’d die alone and forgotten with his children refusing to continue his legacy.
What a shame.
“Can you believe we once fucked her?” she brings up as he rolls off her.
At some point they’d ended up on the luxurious Persian rug, not that they cared.
Even after all this time, Eva loved how ravenous they were for each other.
“Don’t fucking remind me, I want this to last all night, love.” He said with disgust as they catch their breath.
“I’m surprised we lasted so long without sneaking off for a quick fuck. Had I known that, I would’ve worn knickers.” Eva said as if she hadn’t been trying to get a rise out of him all evening.
She had grown very impatient by the time the dancing began.
Even flirted with the other young MPs to make him jealous.
But it didn’t work.
“Right about now, you’d be stealing me away for a fuck, daddy.” She whispers seductively in his ear, being especially careful not to nip his earlobe.
He has been denying her for the past ten days, Eva is at her wit’s end.
She hasn’t been this horny since she was pregnant with Florence and it was fucking killing her.
“Should’ve never let me read Freud.” He grumbles as he gently pushes her away.
The witch hadn’t liked him reading up on those particular psychological theories.
Found them rather weird until she discovered how hard it made him to hear her call him daddy while she made a joke about the Oedipus Rex and Electra complexes.
He had started calling her mummy when he was feeling particularly needy and now she’s glad no one has discovered this new game they play.
While she will never care for Freudian shit, Eva loved exploring every facet of their sex life.
Something Tommy was not as keen about as he got closer and closer to middle age.
So she commented on the gray in his hair and called him a silver fox?
That is no reason for him to turn her down this week.
“You’ve been avoiding me all week, Tommy. Is something wrong, mi vida?” she asks concerned.
“Nah, I’m fine, love. Gonna make it up to you tonight, I promise.” He shook his head slightly as he answered.
Tommy changed the topic away from it, “How are your knees, Evie?”
“Nicely healed, I thought you would’ve noticed, but even that you’ve ignored too.” She answered frustrated with him.
“Once this shit is over daddy’s gonna take care of mummy all night long.” He promised as the hand on her lower back went to her hip. “Naughty girl, why do you need all those French knickers when you aren’t even wearing them?”
“Maybe I’m tired of wearing them, Tommy.” She teases hoping to break his resolve.
After that the party went off without a hitch.
Sure the women had grown tired of their husbands and sons leering at Eva and some had started showing their true colors, and Tommy was sure to pay the boys extra if they did some minor damage to the shiny cars the men were driving, but it was a success over all.
And finally over.
“At this point I will have scars on my fucking knees, Tom.” Eva complains after with a tired laugh.
“But it was worth it, just like last time,” he points out as he holds the cold wet rag to her right knee and she does the same to her left.
“Yeah, it was.” The witch hummed in agreement. “I was thinking of getting the dress in black for Smallwood’s wedding, what do you think?”
“I cannot believe we got invited to their wedding.” He admits hoping she refuses to attend. “We’re not going, I think she’s still in love with me.”
“I know, I was just messing with you, Tom.”
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