#like i get the feeling of ‘hmm you know that was a pretty asshat thing for me to think’ sometimes but... never to this extreme
diluc33rpm · 2 years
1/2 Do you ever feel that you are really a terrible person, and only act good out of societal or some other obligation?
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lambsouvlaki · 1 year
For the Hell of It - A Training Exercise
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Characters: Jason Todd x fem!oc
Rating and warnings: G, swearing.
Word count: 1,764
Summary: Jason and her her run through a pretend-kidnapping for training purposes.
Her eyes cracked open to Jason standing at the foot of the bed, holding an air horn. 
She stared at the ceiling and placidly considered that she might be dating the worst person alive. The haze of comfortable sleepiness clung to her despite the rude awakening. She was not someone who snapped awake quickly. 
“Yes?” she asked. 
“You’ve woken up in a strange place. You don’t remember how you got here, assume you were kidnapped. The door is locked. There is no sign of your captors, but you don’t know how long that will last,” he said, dead serious. “What do you do?”
Andy blinked slowly at him. “I ask the guy with the air horn not to blow it again.” 
“Genuine answers only.”
He lifted the side of the mattress up, dumping her on the ground. 
“Oh no,” she despaired, sitting in a pool of sheets and blankets on the hardwood floor.
“What do you do?” he demanded.
She breathed in deeply. Okay. Okay. “I put pants on.”
“Go on then.”
She stumbled up, and shuffled to her clothes folded atop the dresser. 
They were in a countryside cottage for a weekend getaway. The night before had been normal enough, although Jason had been dropping pretty obvious clues all week that he had something planned. She had waxed her legs but also brought hiking boots and the first aid kit. 
Alas, the lovely romantic night before had lulled her into a false sense of security. They cooked together, enjoyed the privacy of the cottage, and had an early night in. Their relationship was young enough that they were still acclimating to sleeping next to each other, but she was very relaxed and fell asleep quickly. 
She tied her hair up, half tucked her blouse into her pants, then yawned. Kidnapped, huh? She tried to remember what the Safety in Gotham City pamphlets said to do, but couldn’t come up with anything. 
“Now what?” Jason asked. He was fully dressed in sturdy civilian clothes from the beginning. 
“Um. Is it better to try and escape or to stay where I am in the hopes of not making it worse?”
“For the sake of this exercise I’m not here. What do you think is better?” 
She pursed her lips in thought. She jiggled the door handle. Yup, locked. Hmm. She looked out the window. The bedroom was on the second floor but with the gently sloping roof of the first story below them. There was no sign of anyone outside, it was a lovely autumn morning in fact. 
If she were kidnapped and moved to a second location, she should try to escape, right? They said that chances of being found dropped to almost nothing once you were moved to a second location. For her, either they would be using her to get to the Red Hood, or they were just a regular serial killer. The latter might actually be the safer circumstance now that she thought about it. 
She grabbed her handbag, opened the window, and climbed out. The tiles were cold beneath her feet. 
Jason followed without comment, sliding the window closed behind him. 
She inspected the edge of the roof, with its overhanging gutter, and the large bricks of the wall below.
“It was very kind of these kidnappers to not tie me up, or blindfold me, or anything,” she commented, while committing to the awkwardness of clambering backwards over the edge. 
“Consider this easy mode.”
She hummed, not liking that one bit. 
Now that she thought of it, he had made a promise a few months back to teach her some proper survival skills. It was probably overdue, all things considered. 
“This doesn’t really feel like training,” she said. “Feels more like ‘watch Andy make a fool of herself’.”
He smiled and didn’t say anything. 
She landed on the gravel of the driveway. She winced at the sting to her bare feet. She should have grabbed her socks, but her shoes were in the cottage entrance. Her hands were already sore from gripping the bricks. The last of her sleepiness was thoroughly gone, leaving behind only uncaffeinated grumpiness. 
The car they’d arrived in was still in the driveway, unmoved. She tried the driver’s door and found it unlocked, but who knew where the key was. 
The gravel and the cold were making her feet sting. She stalked back towards the front door. 
“You’re going back in?” Jason asked, aghast. 
“I thought you weren’t here.”
His lips twisted. “Fine. Go on, re-enter the building you just escaped, through the front door.” 
“I’m not wearing any shoes!”
He looked wholly unsympathetic. 
“Wait, is that why you always have some boots under your bed?”
“Gotta be ready to go.” 
“Huh. I guess that makes sense. But I doubt kidnappers are going to be so thoughtful.” 
She snatched the air horn from him.
“Make a decision,” Jason said. “What are you doing?”
“Oh! I put my hiking boots in the car!” She spun back to the car, and pulled them from the back seat. Opening and shutting car doors was probably not stealthy behaviour, but in the absence of any clear threat, she was going to take that chance. She had shoes, but no socks. She’d have to make do. 
Now what? 
She sat in the driver’s seat, and rubbed her temples. Jason sat himself in the passenger seat and looked at her expectantly. 
The air horn was back in his hands. 
She grabbed the screwdriver and pliers from the glove box, then she reached beneath the dashboard and pulled out a bundle of wires.
Jason leaned back in his seat, eyebrows raised and arms crossed. 
She got the car started. She put it in reverse and backed out. 
“So how’d you learn how to do that?” he asked.  
“Youtube tutorial?” 
He snorted. “Try again.”
She sighed. The road from the cottage was a long winding single lane road for about a mile before it rejoined the main road, hedged by old red oaks. Their broad leaves glittered with dew under the early sun. 
“After I got out, I didn’t have a nickel to my name. Getting legit work as an ex-con is, well, you know. And I couldn’t stomach the other options. My old cellmate offered to help me out, but only if I helped her with a little something first. Clearing out a dealership.”
“Well look at you, miss grand theft auto.” 
She shrugged, terribly embarrassed. “It was just the once.”
“Those skills are still useful, I don’t care how you got ‘em”, he said, as frank as always. “What else can you do?”
“Not very much,” she said, her shoulders relaxing some since he wasn’t making a big deal of it. “We, uh, don’t keep up.” 
He leaned an elbow on his window ledge. “Much gas left in those dealership cars?”
“I think she brought some cans.” Her eyes swept over her own fuel gauge. It was empty.
“Did you syphon out the gas?” she asked. “Of course you did. Of course.” 
She gripped the steering wheel, tired, frazzled, and hungry, as the car slowed to a stop. Jason had the gall to smile. 
“So now what?” he said. 
“Now I commit a murder.”
“Uh-huh. And after that?” 
“We walk,” she said sourly. 
They set off into the woods in the direction of Gotham. She had a good sense of direction and recalled from the view at the cottage that the grounds sloped down towards the city’s outskirts. She ate the snack bar she kept in her bag and emptied her water bottle, offering Jason none. He didn’t seem to mind. 
Her lack of socks was really aggravating. He owed her a foot rub tonight, damnit. 
Just as the sun reached its height, they came across a shed with a couple of old quad bikes in it. 
That made the day a little less galling, and they rode across some wild fields with what appeared to be an abandoned horse obstacle course, crossed a river, and then crested the slope of a hill. Wayne Manor sat before them. 
“Oh thank fuck,” she muttered. 
There was nobody home, upstairs at least, but apparently Jason had expected this. They cleaned up and raided Alfred’s pantry for a late lunch. 
She was much more sore than she expected from what was really just a bit of unexpected walking.
“How’d I do?” she asked, face down on the kitchen bench.
“Could be worse,” Jason said, amused, as he assembled some sandwiches. “Could be better.” 
“Give it to me straight.” 
“ Your idea of a getaway needs some work, but we’ll go over how to handle that later. You need to learn how to pick a lock, and how to move quietly. We made good time on the hike, and your wilderness survival craft is surprisingly good for a city girl.”
“Thank you,” she said, grasping the positive while she could. Jason tended to give reverse compliment sandwiches. 
“Your situational awareness is non-existent. You were walking around in the open outside the house without a care in the world.”
“You also forgot shoes and socks exist.”
She groaned. 
He patted her head. 
“Besides the socks, and the not paying attention to anything, did I make the right calls?” She tilted her head to fix one eye on him. “Should I have trekked through the words or stuck to the road?”
“It’s not about whether you made the optimum decisions, nobody ever really does.” He brushed a loose curl of hair back from her face. “It’s about my learning how you handle an emergency, so when the time comes I can predict what you’ll do and meet you halfway.”
“Oh. That makes sense.”
“For example, I would never have guessed you’ll hot wire any vehicle you can get your hands on.”
She pulled herself up with puffed up indignation. “I will not. I won’t hotwire anything later than 2003. Too many anti-theft measurements.”
He snorted a laugh. “Not with a little more know-how, there aren’t.” He slid her a plate and pulled up the stool next to her. 
“I was a touch more confident than I would have been without you there.” 
“I know.” 
She took a big bite of her sandwich, then registered his shark-like smile.  
She pointed a finger at him. “Just so we’re clear, more than one fake kidnapping a month and I’m leaving you.”
He laughed. “Alright, no more surprises until at least October.” 
“It’s worse in the cold.” 
“Bring it on,” she said with undue bravado.
Next >>
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thegamingcatmom · 1 month
Henlo :3 I have 2 questions! Just 2... For now. The first one is how does MC split her time between her 3 very needy mates?Do they fight each other to spend more time with MC? do they do things the 4 of them together? Does MC have a preference?
And how do they arrange the sleeping schedule? In case of MC would use them as teddybear because I feel there is gonna be catfights for that precious spot xD also what do they do while MC is sleeping?
Okay those were more than 2 questions idk how to count it would seem 😭
Have a good day and thanks for all the content on the sisters❤️
Hellaw, dear. ❤️
Does MC have a preference?
Nope. She loves to spend time with each of them in an equal amount. Also because each of them feeds a different "need" of hers due to their different personalities. So I'd say MC gets the best of three worlds:
Tanya: dominant
Kate: childish
Irina: motherly
How does MC split her time between her mates? Do they fight each other to spend more time with MC? Do they do things the 4 of them together?
Hmm, I think the question shouldn´t be how she splits her time, but when. And I think that mainly depends on two factors:
who needs her most?
who does she need most?
Like, yknow, there isn´t that much splitting involved actually. The sisters have always been a unit, way before MC. Perhaps that´s why fate decided for them to have one and the same mate? They´ve always been a package deal, so I don´t see why that should change now.
Of course there´s days where one might need her more than the other two. Or where she needs one of them specifically. But that´s always communicated and everyone involved understands that.
Will there be fights? I mean, they´re still vampires. And, more importantly, they´re still sisters. So the tolerance for each other miiiiight waver just a bit on certain days which will result in bickering, and bickering, and some more bickering. Similar to Tanya & Kate in The Sisters I´d say, minus the physical aspect perhaps. 😅
(Or not. 👀)
So yes, there´s some fighting sometimes, but that´s more along the lines of-
Tanya: "That´s my seat."
Tanya: *points to the spot right next to MC*
Kate, sitting in that exact spot: "Oh? I don't see your name on it."
Tanya: *seethes*
Kate: *pats herself on the back internally*
Irina, on the other side of MC reading her book, never lifting her gaze: "Why not just take the other couch?"
Tanya: "...That´s my seat."
Tanya: *points to exactly where Kate´s sitting*
Irina: 🙄
Kate: 😏
Tanya: 😠
MC, used to that bickering: 🙄😏
MC: *gets up, grabs Tanya, plonks her down right where she´s been sitting moments before, plonks herself down in her lap, goes right back to playing her game*
Tanya: 🥰
also Tanya, behind MC at Kate: 😏
Kate, whose plan backfired tremendously: 👀😤
Irina, content with her seat and her book: 😌📕
By now, MC´s well-versed in dealing with such moments. She mostly goes by who the bigger asshat is basically, lol. Like, she knew right away what Kate´s intention was here (to drive Tanya up a wall, as per usual), so she was like "You´re adorable, but no."
It´s like a mom with her kids: She knows instinctively who´s in need of a timeout and who to give the time of the day. 😅
I think all of that also answers the last question:
Yes, all 4 of them spend their time mostly together.
How do they arrange the sleeping schedule? What do they do while MC´s sleeping? What happens when one becomes the teddybear (while the other two are forced to suffer in silence)?
Pretty much in the same way they do everything else I´d say: Together with some bickering in-between. There´s no schedule, really.
They´ll mostly just chill on the bed with MC, each of them touching some other part of her as they do their own thing. Which is...being. Literally. They´re vampires, so they have no problem with remaining in the same position for hours on end. It can get a bit...spooky, actually - waking up to three pairs of eyes staring down at you, unblinking, unmoving. Something MC has openly told them at the very beginning of their relationship. Like, honestly-
Do something. Anything.
So, that´s what they´ll do. Literally anything. Whether that be reading a book, playing a game, listening to music, or simply snuggling up to MC (which might start a new round of quiet bickering). Anything but looking like statues, please and thank you.
They´ve gotten a lot better at it though, it has to be said. Humaning, that is.
As for MC (unconsciously) choosing someone to be her teddybear? I mean-
They know she has no control over it. They know it happens randomly. They know she´s not playing favorites on purpose. They know the sister she chose cannot, under no circumstances move a muscle and risk waking their peacefully sleeping mate. They know their sister is not to blame for any of this.
They know all this, and yet...
(Please keep in mind: Vampires work on a different frequency. Meaning: They can speak in a volume that´s inaudible to humans, but very much audible to them.)
MC: *snuggles up to Irina, who she happens to face anyway*
Irina: 🥰
Tanya & Kate: *utter betrayal and indignation written across their faces*
Irina, already done af about the bickering sure to come: "...What now?"
Kate: "What do you mean what now?"
Kate: *points to MC snuggled up to Irina*
Irina: *facepalms*
Tanya: "I would like to point out that this-"
Tanya: *points to Irina*
Tanya: "-has always been my seat."
Irina: *facepalms even harder*
MC: *snuggles in even more*
Tanya & Kate: ❓😤❓
Irina: 🤦‍♀️
Not Tanya pulling a Sheldon Cooper on her sisters. AGAIN. 😭
Thanks a lot for your ask(s)! 💋
And thank you for your lovely words. ❤️
Have a great day!
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One shot
Paring: Daemon x reader (stark)
Warnings: SMUT minors do not interact. Daemon being an asshat.
A/N : this is not edited or proofread. Please do not repost, translate or copy my work with out permission. Please ❤️ and leave comments.
The warmth of the wine runs like fire through my veins. I tug at the laces to my dress and finally pull it over my head and toss it to the ground leaving me in my thin shift. Looking around the room I see more wine in the corner. I pour a full cup thinking about watching Daemon training.
My husband is a rotten bastard and the thought of watching the way he moved makes me feel an ache in my core. The scene in my head shifts getting filthier as I imagine all the ways I want to have him.The one that sets me almost on fire is his hands stroking his hard length make me pant even harder as I start to fuck my own fingers. I imagine how his tight muscular thighs and that tight ass of his would clench when he would thrust into me. I moan just a little louder as I use my thumb to rub harder at much aching little clit. I’m so turned on I almost feel as if I'm in a drugged lustful haze. I think about his slight exhale of breath that is almost too soft to be a moan in my ear from him and just as I am on the edge of my pleasure as I hear a deep grunt come from door way to the room. My eyes fly open only to see the man in my fantasy. I stop movements completely in shock of him standing there watching me with eyes blown in desire.
“Don’t stop on my account, wife. I was quite enjoying the show.” He smirks. I shiver at the bass of his voice that seems to echo in the large bathroom. “Put those pretty little fingers back in. I want to watch you cum.” He nearly growls.
“What are you doing here?” I ask him. I hear myself slurring my words. “Shouldn’t you be out fucking your whores?
“Is that where you would rather I be? Instead of with my you my dear wife?” He walks over to me and takes a seat at the edge of the bed. I leap up pulling my shift down and walking to pour a cup of wine. He watches me for a beat and then comes to tower over me. He takes the cup from my hands and tips it back while drinking from it without breaking eye contact with me. My eyes trail down his throat watching him swallow. I shake my head clearing it of those thoughts.
“I’d rather you be dead burned to ash my your dragons and Iam left free to return to my home.” I try to take the cup back he pulls it out of my reach. He looks at me as he brings the cup to his lips finishing what was left in there. He smirks down at me. That look combined with the wine makes me something hot lick though me down to my core.
“Hmm” He says moving past me still smirking. “Is that why you moan my name when you touch yourself?” He ask turning his head to the side to look at me. “If you want me to sink into that tight little cunt of yours dear wife all you have to do is ask.” He turns to pour more win in to the cup and lefts it to us lips while I stand there gaping at him knowing.
“I’d rather ask sir cristin cole than- “ He drops the cup from his hand and in two strides he grips my throat not enough for me to be unable to breath. A gasp escapes my lips at the sudden movement. He leans down and skims his nose down the my neck his other hand moves from my hip and thumbs my nipple. A moan slips from my lips as his lips make contact with my jaw.
“That mouth of yours needs to find a better use than stroking my temper.”
“Careful husband, your expectations for a willing mouth will have you missing your favorite toy.” I grin at him. His hand tightens around my throat. The other hand trails down to the apex of my legs. He tugs the end of my shift up and starts to rub at my aching sex. I let out an unwilling moan. I feel myself start to slump against him as he rubs against my clit and I grind my hips down.
“Make no mistake wife, you are my favorite toy. From the feel of things you enjoy it when I play with you.” He pushes a finger into me and begins to pump into me. “Tell me how much you like it when I play with this wet little cut of yours. And I might let you cum.” He moves bending down and sucks my nipple through my shift. I latch on his head and tangle my hands in his hair pulling him closer to me. I feel myself getting close as his tongue comes and strokes across my nipple again. He stops taking his fingers away from me.
“Please daemon..” I whine
“My feral little wolf sounds so tame when she begs.” He laughs lifting away from my chest and bringing his fingers to his mouth and sucks my wetness into his mouth with a moan. He leans down and his lips brush against the shell of my ear again. “If you want my touch all you have to do is ask.” He smirks as he pulls away from me. I narrow my eyes and the ache I feel seems to throb even more.
“Please touch me.” He leans down to me and his lips come to mine. I close my eyes in anticipation for the feel of his lips. I feel the warmth of him.
“No.” The word has my eyes shooting open and seeing that insufferable smirk on his face as he pulls away from me. “Remember this wife if you ever mention ser cole in our chambers again I’ll have his head on a pike for you to look out while I put my child inside of you.” He smiles at me before striding from the room leaving me aching and enraged.
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
I was wondering where I put this thing…
Anyways, I’m feeling significantly better now. I was able to get up and walk yesterday, and now Tundra’s coming in to check in with me before I get out of this infirmary and talk to Pringle about how I’m gonna get out of here.
(Sprigg hears a knock on the door.)
Come in.
(The leucistic, purple-scaled Strombonin opens the door to Sprigg’s room in the infirmary, holding a stack of books in one hand. Cameo is asleep on their back.)
…Why is Cameo on your back?
He likes being held this way. Although I’m not sure if this counts as holding someone, since he is literally just lying on my back…
Anyways, I have a few books for you to read while waiting for checkout and for that lazy asshat Pringle to wake up. They ARE sleeping a lot more these days… much more than Harlow’s ever done.
Speaking of Harlow, he’s happened to attend more and more Dream Council meetings and do more stuff aside from lazily look at Monsters’ dreams… strange.
Maybe there’s something going on with Mythical Island?
Excuse me, what?
I don’t know, I just… had a feeling aside from all of the unusual things the Monsters here have been doing.
Hmm… maybe you’re right.
When Pringle wakes up, we should probably go talk to them about whatever’s going on.
Yeah, we should.
For now, I recommend reading this book while you wait.
(Tundra hands a book to Sprigg. It has an image of a stained-glass portrait of Galvana, the Electricity Celestial on the cover, titled “Truly Immortal”.)
I remember it from before I teleported here on Mythical Island, and it’s pretty interesting. I used to be kind of into the Celestials’ lore back in the day…
Wait, I’m studying the Celestials too!
…You are?
Yeah, I had a major in Celestiology when I was still in college. I’m planning on going back and taking that again when I’m done with this trip-turned-journey-to-save-the-Monster-World my friends Toorie and Mondo dragged me along on.
Journey to save the Monster World?
I have a feeling this has something to do with the Plague of Silence Pringle talked about… I’ll make sure to talk about that with them later. Have fun reading that book.
Alright, thanks.
(Tundra gets up with Cameo still on their back, leaves, then closes the door, trying not to hit their husband’s foot with it.)
This DOES seem like an interesting book… better get started, then.
just realized “Truly Immortal” kinda sounds like the name of that one fanfic HELPPPPP
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Our Song (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
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Request: alyssa naehex reader thats set during quarantine w/ “Shy” by Alexander Stewart. I just kind of think it’s cute since she’s an introvert and that it would be fitting
Author’s Note: Speical Thanks To @literaryhedgehog​
Alyssa knew she should just say it, that admitting it out loud would finally put an end to this madness. She ran a soothing hand through your hair when you sniffled loudly into her chest. 
God, she should just tell you how she felt. But, she also didn’t want to overstep. That would make being roommates really awkward. Especially since neither of you were supposed to leave the apartment right now except for essential purchases. And she didn’t want to lose her best friend. That would really suck. 
But she wasn’t afraid to say what no one else would- you had a terrible taste when it came to partners. You chose people who didn’t value you, and you always ended up hurt. 
This time was no different, well, it was slightly different considering you couldn’t leave your shared apartment to cope like you normally would. Alyssa didn’t know if that was better or worse, considering that you had adapted your breakup routine to just be endless cuddles with her and your favorite stuffed animal.  
She had already spent the last hour making comforting noises. You had stopped shedding tears 15 minutes ago, so Alyssa decided it was time to go for some humor. “Hey, so now you and Taylor Swift have something in common!”
“Hmm” You hummed in acknowledgment, your eyes never leaving where Supergirl was playing on screen. 
“Well, she was broken up with over text. You were broken up with over text. I think this is the perfect opportunity to listen to her re-recording of Fearless, and really channel those emotions!”
“No, Joe broke up with her in a 27-second phone call,” You lifted your head up off of her very comfortable chest to raise your eyebrow at the woman. 
Alyssa was a great keeper, and amazing at crosswords, but she always needed your help when it came to Taylor trivia. 
“Then Joe showed more consideration as an 18-year-old child than your 32 year old wanna be soccer star. It doesn’t change the fact that I think listening to Mr Perfectly Fine would be cathartic.” 
“It’s kinda funny that she wrote Forever and Always, Mr. Perfectly fine, Better than Revenge and Holy Ground all about the same guy, they’re all so different from each other,” You mumbled, settling back down on her chest. At least she didn’t say that you had as many breakups as she did. That was a rude joke. (One Alyssa wouldn’t dare make. She was more cultured than the media asshats that chased your team around). 
“Woman’s efficient,” Alyssa shrugged. “No reason why you can't recycle the same emotion into a different song genre.” 
“At least she could make millions off her pain. All I seem to be able to do is kick the ball harder,” You grumbled. Your landlord complained about you practicing in the street because of how hard you sent the ball careening into his precious brick wall. It wasn’t your fault Alyssa was too slow to stop the PK. 
“Darling, considering you’re one of the strongest kickers on the east coast, I’d say that pain is going to a worthwhile cause. But you do kind of have the worst taste in relationships.” 
“Hey! Savannah wasn’t a bad choice, just bad timing,” You huffed indignantly. 
“So that would be one out of…. How many bad relationships?” 
“At least one for every Taylor Swift album,” 
“Okay, here’s a fun idea, choose an ex for each album,” Alyssa said brightly. Thinking about music would definitely cheer you up. “Wannabe soccer star is obviously your Joe, so represents the Fearless album. Which relationship is your… Drew?”
“You already know the answer to that question,” you said, already picking up your phone to add Teardrops on my Guitar to the music queue. You then quickly added Forever and Always and started scrolling through Speak Now for the next song inspiration. 
Alyssa nodded. It was a well-known fact that you had a massive crush on one Hope Solo growing up, and you had been absolutely enamored with her the second you set foot into camp. But Alyssa also knew that Hope was very faithful to a certain veteran. 
The veteran keeper had tried to let you down easy, and Kelley was still one of your best friends, but it had hurt in the moment.
“Kristie was my Haunted,” you said, smiling slightly. Dating her felt like a whirlwind, one that took your breath until you never thought it would end. She made butterflies flutter in your stomach, and you were so desperate to say the right thing, to be the perfect partner, that you always felt like you were walking a tightrope. Floating on air, but desperate to keep your balance. “At least she had the decency to wait until we were in the same city to end it.” 
“Aren’t the two of you friends now?” Alyssa looked down at you, watching as you scrolled through songs from your comfortable place on her chest. 
You nodded with a small smile. “Hmm, we are much better off that way anyway.” 
“I bet you I can guess who your We are Never Ever Getting Back Together person is,” Alyssa trilled, reaching down to take the phone. 
You playfully snatched it away from her. “Who’s to say I wasn’t going to choose I knew you were trouble?” You raised your eyebrow at the woman, who simply smirked in response. 
“I can tell you who that is too if you like,” Alyssa reached for her own phone and took over control of the speakers, adding both songs to the music queue. 
“Alright, I’ll bite. Who?” 
“You definitely knew Sam Kerr was trouble, and I think it took you 4 breakups with Leah to finally call it quits,” 
“I was going to say Leah for 1989, it took me forever to realize how fucked up our relationship was after we finally broke up,” 
“I’m sure the distance didn’t help.” With her in London and you in Chicago things just kind of fell apart. 
“Maybe,” you hummed, noncommittally. 
“Okay, so for Reputation. I’m thinking Don’t Blame Me,” 
“You did go a bit crazy for Jane…” Alyssa said with a roll of her eyes. You had almost moved to Houston for that girl, thank god you didn’t. You sunburned like nobody's business. 
“Oh come on. You just didn’t like the idea of me moving. And considering how long we had been dating at that point it did make sense!” You argued. 
“It was 3 months Y/n,” She deadpanned. 
“I was in a wlw relationship. That’s like practically three years, it’s not like I brought a u-haul to our first date.” 
Alyssa quirked an eyebrow up at you. “Didn’t you have one of those the first time we met?” 
“Yeah, because I wasn’t moving into my college apartment without any furniture!”
“Whatever you say, babe. Who's your Folklore?” She rolled her eyes goodnaturedly. 
“I think you skipped an album,” you said. This was weird because Lover was one of Alyssa’s favorite albums. “But, since you asked. I think Kelley is The 1.” 
“Ah, our favorite squirrel,” Alyssa’s lips ticked up. You and Kelley had dated in college (something that should have made her jealous), but Kelley was the one pushing her to admit her feelings now. 
“We were just too young and dumb,” you said, smiling. “We had a great time together, and it would have been fun if it worked out. But at some point we just realized, we were friends, but there wasn’t anything romantic there.”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” Alyssa said, like a liar. 
“I’m not. Her and Emily are like made for each other,” You snorted with the shake of your head. “And at least she wasn’t afraid of the world knowing we were together,” 
“Well, yeah,” Alyssa smiled. She had loved seeing the way being publicly out with Kelley had brought out the best of you. “ Okay moving on! Next, we need to narrow down your No body, No Crime.” 
“I take offense. Alex is still alive, so that doesn’t count,” You huffed. 
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding. I know you didn’t kill any of your significant others,” Alyssa said, laughing. “Though if you listened to the song you would know that’s my job… ”
“Alex was my Champagne Problems,” You mumbled sadly. That relationship had been the hardest for you, as had the breakup. She was terrified of the world even suspecting she wasn’t straight. 
You had everything, except the freedom to be yourself, and In the end, you couldn’t take the hiding anymore. 
“You did your best, love. But people come out at their own pace. And it was before Obergfell v. Hodges was decided. Being queer was still more likely to be presented as a scandal in the media then.”
“She cheated on me with Serv. She doesn’t get a pass,” You grumbled, crossing your arms. 
“I’m pretty sure you were on a break dear,” Alyssa said, though she was inclined to agree with you. Being on a ‘break’ but not officially breaking up didn’t seem like a reason to start dating other people. Still getting over some of the semantics might theoretically help you move on. “BUT maybe we should move on. Who is your Lover?”
Your eyes squinted thoughtfully, a light pink shading your cheeks. “The only person who hasn’t ever left me is you. You let me leave the Christmas lights up until May and dance around the kitchen when you cook.” 
Alyssa looked away, not able to meet your eyes. ”I mean, the lights can change color, so they can be thematic all year. And you’re the one who chooses the music to listen to while I cook. I can’t help it if they’re all great for dancing.”
“You can dance to anything. I’m pretty sure you turned a Hosier song into a salsa dance last week.” You giggled. 
“The only person I dance with is you, Y/n,” Alyssa said, finally meeting your eyes. She could feel her body start shaking slightly, as the adrenaline kicked in. She was going to do it. She was going to tell you. “I don’t want to dance if I’m not dancing with you.” 
“I’d dance with you in a storm in my best dress,” 
“I have tried so hard to be supportive about your last several relationships. But seeing you dancing to your favorite song with anyone else… I’ve loved you for three years now and I couldn’t bear it.” 
The air was suddenly charged between you, and you realized your faces were just inches apart. It was hard to breathe. You never dreamed your best friend would return your feelings (maybe that’s why you had so many bad relationships). 
“Kiss me,” you breathed, slowly moving around so your heads were at the same level. 
“That’s not a Taylor swift Lyric,” Alyssa said. In her brain, there was a loading sign currently whirring in little circles, as she attempted to process what you just said. Did you mean what she thought you said?
“Baby just say yes,” You said, feeling so happy that tears were coming to your eyes. You leaned forward getting inches from her face, so close you could feel her breath hitch. “Please kiss me.”
“Yes,” was all Alyssa had time to say before she closed the distance and kissed you. 
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selene-stories · 3 years
[Tw: Mention of (past) physical harm]
"Are you better?"
The angel sighed in content.
"Good" The other said while pressing a wet cloth on the angel's wounded back. "Do you...want to talk about it?"
The angel calmly shook their head.
"Fine." But then, "you could though."
"No, i'm fine as it is-"
"Are not."
"But thank you" the angel completed kindly, only flinching when the other firmly pressed at a whip scar.
"Fine" the demon said once again. "Just have me treat you each time, bet that's good. So healthy."
Another stupid hum.
The angel's pure white wings were gathered, vulnerable and beautiful. And, as the demon could swear, soft. They had to be, if a single light touch gave their fingers a permanent tingly sensation. It was like fur, or clouds, softer even. The demon should know better than to compare any part of the angel to anything mortal.
The angel looked over their shoulder.
"Ah- I need alloy."
The angel nodded to their right in response, to where a small container sat.
"Sure" grumbled the demon, "do have powers like that, summon whatever you want, and not give attention to any of us-"
"How was your day?" The angel asked, sounding suspiciously amused.
"My-" the demon paused mid-motion, cool lotion on their fingers. They lacked claws that day. "Oh, i'll tell you about my day." They all but threw lotion on the angel's back, who shivered.
The demon stilled.
"...yes?" The angel asked after several moments of silence, causing the demon to stutter and heat to rise on their cheeks.
"Yes--ahm. Those bastards."
They began spreading the lotion to strong shoulder blades, smooth skin, along their spine.
"What did they do?"
The demon flinched, eyes refocusing. Right. "They...were asshats."
"Yup. Very- very much so. Aha."
The angel's skin looked so pretty, be it not for the scars. Though in a way, they kinda suited them. What kind of scars could the demon leave on them, they wondered.
"A-and!" They forced themselves to be quick and efficient, not feeling the angel's strong muscles, soft skin, along their delicate spine.
"They make me work over time!" Why was their heart beating so fast?
"You don't say" said the angel softly. If it was meant to be sarcastic, it certainly didn't sound like it. It almost sounded..concerned. But that was a very human thing, no way an angel would ever be anything than hateful to a fallen creature.
"Are you okay?" The angel asked, eyes soft and worried and genuine.
Nope. The demon was very much not okay. Anything but that.
"Ah, yeah" they lied. "Mhm. I'm fine- how's your back?" They nearly pushed the angel away but they winced in response.
"Ah- sorry i-"
"No no" they said serenely, "it's okay. You didn't mean it."
Shoo nasty thoughts, begone. The angel invited you over to help, not to thirst over them. Not for hugs and chit chat. You help, then you get back to the pits of hell. You like it there. You do.
"Sure...But it still hurt y-"
"Really, i'm alright."
The angel's warm hand found the demon's on their shoulder. They had to snap the demon out of their trance once again.
"You seem concerned."
"Wh-me? Noo no- turn around."
The angel did, but slowly, hesitating.
"Oh for the love of-" the demon pulled them over their upper arm to face them. Wrong decision cause they forgot how to breath upon meeting their eyes.
New plan:
"Close your eyes."
"Huh?" The angel tilted their head, like a baby bird, "why?"
Cause too cute, too seducing.
"Cause I say so. Now," they gestured.
The angel gave a sigh of disappointment. Shockingly, it was towards themself cause they did, in fact, close their eyes. How much did they trust the demon to give up their sense of sight? That, or they had been tortured so much they lost common sense.
How..how much had they been punished?
"Yeah, yup, here. Present." The demon almost didn't understand what words escaped from their mouth.
A childsh smile played at the angel's lips. Then, they spoke in a way they always seemed to; gentle and soothing.
"Thank you."
It was one thing to be banned from the heavens and fall into hell and another to fall in love with a person. But damn it, did both feel so scary yet so exciting at the same time. Like relief, and like sure damnation.
Since when had love been so similar to falling from grace?
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah" the demon blinked. "Yes. No problem."
And how did one stop it? How did one un-fall?
"Well" the angel said and lifted their shirt. As white fabric slid down their torso the demon had a dreadful thought.
There was no falling out of it.
"You're great but I have to get going."
The demon chocked on their own tongue. They managed some sound of agreement while the angel walked off, chuckling. Then they flapped their wings, launching themselves to the sky while the demon could do nothing but stare.
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polluxdespell · 4 years
These are just my headcanons for my 87/Comic Poe and my 2017 Poe. I’m trying to write this before the new ep comes because I wanna see how close my headcanons are to the real one. Ahhhhh.
So for my 87/Comic universe starts out with these basic things.
-Him and Magica are twins.
-Actually a pretty nice and chill guy
-Can’t actually use magic but really, really wants to. He has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to magical items and spells, he just can’t use or summon any magic himself. He learns how to work around this problem, though. Very cleverly. He even fooled Eldritch Academy for years. Ha. 
-Has been a raven for 10+ years which has affected his social skills a tad.
-Would do anything for his sister. ;-; Weh.
-Really not villainy like Magica has a redemption arch and he helps her with that (and sometimes his help wasn’t that helpful by accident,) but he himself is just chilling?
Really not as villainous as Magica; has a redemption arch, and helps her become a better person. Sometimes his advice/help doesn’t do much, but it’s the thought that counts.
-For being chill, he sure likes poking his nose in things and being a little troublemaker. Magica can tell Poe, “Hey, make sure Gladstone doesn’t do this thing,” and then when Gladstone does that very thing, Poe is half heartedly just “No. Don’t. Stop.” like that Willy Wonka meme. 
-Poe has a lot of “kid at heart” energy, while Magica is the more serious, adultier-adult one.
- I hint that he is trans. Comments like about him and his sister’s different personalities like “Hard to believe we’re from the same egg.” and “That old dress of mine looks better on you.” But not out right saying it.  Wouldn’t it be just his luck when he was turned into a crow he was turned into a male crow and when he was changed back he just happened to be changed back male and was like, “This is all going according to plan.”  Though out of all the villains I can see Merlock being a misgendering prick. Calling Poe She-lock and He-Witch. What an asshole. 
-Gladstone and Poe had become good friends even before Poe is reverted back to his original duck form.
-Poe is Minima’s dad, but there is some drama regarding the entire thing I hope to cover in a story I’m writing. (I’m really close to finishing that one.)
-I accidentally shipped him with Fethry in this universe lol. I’ve written bits and pieces of several Magicstone stories where Fethry and Poe form a friendship on the side that turns into a romantic relationship. In my future stories one of the main problems with Gladstone x Magica is their lack of communication. They don’t let the other know what they’re going through to ‘protect’ their partner. Meanwhile, I have Poe x Fethry at the same time as them having great communication and just the comparison of that against Magicstone like, look how many less problems Magica and Gladstone would have if they JUST TALKED. 
-Poe and Fethry are also both oversharers so like, this is gonna be great. 
-I’m really really biased with my 87/Comic Poe and Magica headcanons in that they can totally get redeemed. In my headcanon they were raised by their older half-sister till she was killed by hunters when Poe and Magica were thirteen. From that point on they raised themselves. Poe was very supportive of whatever Magica felt she had to do. Yeah the dark magic thing got a little shady but it's fine, its fineeeee.
-I know Poe wasn’t in the comics but I just hmm pretend he’s there with Ratface. In the cartoon Magica mentioned once she needed Scrooge’s number one dime for the spell to turn Poe back. So that is true along with having to do the Midas spell for the Grand Coven she answers to in the comics. 
-He makes friends with Grandma Duck super fast like omg his weak ass noodle arms will figure out how to get some farm chores down for her. GUS YOU NEED TO DO MORE WORK AROUND HERE WHAT THE HELL GUS.
- I never outright say how Poe got changed into a crow but it's something Magica feels is her fault. I’ve debated it being actually the Grand Coven Magica answers to that did it, because he offered to take a punishment for her. Something done in some way Magica feels it's her fault. ;-;
- Since this Poe can’t cast magic he does use magical items to protect himself. His hat does have a magical property I’m not gonna say cuz I needa finish that store. IT'S GONNA BE GREAT. 
Now 2017 Poe I headcanon much differently. First big change is he has magic and he’s an asshat. I really think if 87 Poe had magic he would have been more of a jerk too, but not to the extreme 2017 Poe is. I based 2017 Poe being more villainous like how Magica is more villainous. I love 2017 Magica, she is still a fun baddie, but I don’t have the same hmmm- soft spot for her as I do for comic Magica. 
Also, in my headcanon he has a flare for the dramatic. I realized he’d seem a bit like Black Arts Beagle. I then decided Poe was the one that trained BAB because why not. Same performative flare. Whee. 
I originally headcanon him to be more chaotic Deadpool personality type but seeing Martin Freeman is gonna voice him I bet that's not gonna happen. SOB. God he’s so pretty though. That midriff showing. 
-Just trash man
-Love me that goth trash man
-I would really want him not to be a jerk to Lena. That would cause a divide between him and Magica. He would see her technically as family even though created by magic, and not treat her like crap. And be mad Magica treated her crap.
-Minima was his daughter who died a long time ago. He sees a lot of Lena in her, but realizes Lena is not her. I mean he knows that from the start but would still be sad if they’re in an argument and he calls her Minima on accident. “I won’t always be there to protect you Minima! I- I mean Lena..” SOB. 
-I really didn’t see the same reasons to ship him with Fethry this time around too, but when I saw Steekbeak x Fethry stuff it got me thinking of what Poe went  in disguised as a normal dude to do some McDuck spying and met Fethry and they fell for eachother but then OOPS POE is a VILLIAN. OOPS. Just like the Matilda thing with Magica x Gladstone in the comics. TeeHee.
-No redemption arch just nice to a handful of people ha. Might MIGHT help good guys if the world was gonna be destroyed but oh boy would he have to be talked into it. (Lena could talk him into it.)
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league-of-thots · 4 years
The Summoning
Pairing: dabi x reader x hawks
Word Count: 8.1k
Warnings: NONCON/DUBCON, blood play, dp, sacrificial summoning, mind manipulation, angels/demons/magic, gore, branding
A/N: So this was supposed to be a short little fic.... but thats not how it turned out, but im happy that it came out this way. I think its much better than what I originally had. Uh, please read the warnings because this has some things which could definitely be triggering.
thanks to @lady-bakuhoe, @ikinabi, and @marilla-eldriana for listening to me talk my ass off about it LMAO
other tags: @yaoyorozuwrites, @dee-madwriter
               You were beyond upset, tonight wasn’t supposed to be a night where you were heading into a bar on your own, dressed up for a date cut early, and freshly out of a relationship. As you sat down at the end of a rowdy bar, you can’t help the tears flowing out of your eyes. You’ve been holding them in for a while, trying not to break down in public, but sitting here with nothing else to do, you can’t stop the small sobs that break out.
               The bartender makes her way towards you, her lips turned down sadly as she starts cleaning up some glasses at the sink near you methodically. Your sobs die down as she starts speaking to you.
               “Rough night, sis?”
               “Yeah, you could say that again.”
               “Need something to drown it out?” you nod as she goes to grab some heavy liquid you can’t recognize. Whatever it is, it smells rank, you think as you lift the shot glass up towards your nose to sniff it.  You shoot it back, and shudder at the brief taste you get before you swallow it down, throat burning a bit as you let out a slight cough. She offers another with a gesture and you nod in response, quickly downing the second, and you nurse the third.
               Suddenly, a man in a raggedy black overcoat sits down beside you, raising a finger as he asks for some type of sake, and says “One for the crying mess, too.” In a raspy voice. You don’t even feel offended, it’s true, but he didn’t need to say it so harshly right in front of you. Although you wouldn’t say no to the free drink, as you quickly drained the one that you’d bought.
               “Thanks,” you mumble to him, the alcohol not really hitting you yet. You wipe the tears from your face. “What’s your name?”
               “Dabi.” He answers shortly, grabbing the sake and tipping it back, watching as you do the same. “You’re new here, but drinking like you’re about to be enlisted. What’s up?”
               Now normally, you wouldn’t be giving your life story to a random stranger who- quite frankly- looked like he belonged in a prison cell. However, normally you didn’t have four generous shots of heavy liquor coursing through your veins after having just broken up with your last boyfriend of just over a year.
               “Stupid asshat of a guy dumps me after over a year of being together for some stupid reason.” You sigh, head in your hands. “I don’t even get why? Like I was so blindsided and I feel like such a fucking idiot.”
               “Sounds like a real idiot,” Dabi replies, sliding you another drink which you eagerly accept, drinking it in a rage.
               “Like, fuck, I’m just not ready yet! Like, yeah if he was hard, I’d help him deal with it. But I just didn’t feel ready for sex, and he kept trying to force me, and when I get mad at that I’m the bad guy.” You’re starting to get a little dizzy, but at the moment, you’re so upset that you can’t really be bothered by it. You just want to be angry and heartbroken and drunk for a little while. So you don’t really have to face moving out of your shared apartment until later, tomorrow at the earliest.
                 “Was it a one-off thing? ‘Cause that’s a bit of an overreaction if that’s the case.” You’re so happy to have someone to vent too that you don’t notice the intent expression Dabi has on his face, you miss the way his body leans towards you eagerly waiting for an answer.
               “Well, no.” you shift a bit uncomfortable in your seat. “But he said he was fine with it! That he was alright with waiting.”
               “Well obviously he was lying. You must’ve been really stingy with sex.” You shouldn’t feel that hurt by a stranger’s words, especially when he has no idea about who you are and what your story was.
               “I just didn’t want my first time to be forced onto me.” You mumble, looking into your glass. You were starting to feel the dizziness from the rapidly consumed drinks. “I wasn’t ready for it.” You could feel the tears welling up again, not even bothering to try and stop them.
               “Makes sense. So, you’re a virgin then? And your boyfriend wanted to have sex and you didn’t so he broke up with you?” The odd phrasing of the questions didn’t even stand out to you.
               “Yes! Except he said it was fine and I believed him!” you wail out, you’re crying hard now into your arms that are lain on the bar top. You feel a hesitant hand patting your shoulder rather awkwardly, but his hand is really warm and you feel a bit better at the soft contact.
               “Sounds like a real idiot to me. You want another drink, doll?” he says softly into your ear. His breath tickles your neck a bit and you giggle a bit as you sway on your stool.
               “I don’t have the money! Ahaha… I’ve gotta save it now because I have to move out of the stupid apartment.”
               “Don’t worry, I have some money to spend. What better way to spend it than on a pretty girl, hmm?” You blush a little at the attention. His blue eyes are intense and you can’t keep eye contact for long with him.
               “I mean, if you’d like too, I won’t stop you.” You hum.
               “Alright then.” He gestures to the bartender, a dangerous grin on his face. You thought that you’d be spending the night alone, but you’re glad to have been proven wrong.
               The two of you nurse some drinks as you talk a bit, most of the talking done by you, the alcohol loosening your mouth as you tell him a lot of your time with your ex, and whatever random thought pops into your head. He doesn’t talk much, but it’s not really off-putting as he usually interjects with sarcastic one liners and small questions, nodding as you continue your stories.
               It’s getting later in the night and you’re blissfully drunk, unable to process the shitty feelings and how terrible you feel. Dabi seems to notice this and gets one of those grins he gets when you say how bad you want to fucking deck your ex in the face. It makes your heart beat in excitement.
               “You’ll do shots with me, right?” You nod, excited. Dabi orders six drinks, and you feel yourself tense in sudden apprehension. That’s a lot considering that you’d already drank a few… how many was it now? It doesn’t matter, you tell yourself. He seems to notice your hesitance though.
               “What? Can’t handle a few shots?” his smile is teasing, but his words are daring you to agree with him, and you bristle in response.
               “Of course I can!” part of you is screaming at you, telling you how bad of an idea this is, but its easy to drown out in the haze of your mind.
               “Good, you can try to keep up with me then.” He shoots down the first without even warning and you scramble to catch up with him, grabbing the glass sitting in front of you, and tossing the drink back. You’re coughing a bit, the harshness of the shot winning against your already weakened and sensitive throat. Boldly you grab the next and shoot it down as well.
               That might’ve been a mistake, because you splutter more, you can barely think, and you feel like you’re choking on the air you’re breathing in. Dabi’s face looks concerned as he asks you if you’re alright. You can only shake your head in response, knowing that you can’t possibly try to talk like this. He sees you swaying and clutching your now stomach as it rolls nauseatingly.
               “Don’t worry, this is on me, I thought she was alright with them.” He’s speaking to the bartender, who looks worried and a little suspicious given his appearance, but his voice sounds like its in the end of a long tunnel to you. You accept being pulled into his arms as he leads you outside for some fresh air, he’s produced a bottle of water, and opens it one handed before handing it to you.
               You try to thank him but that goes terribly, as you start dry heaving when you open your mouth. He has a sad, but un-surprised look on his face as he takes in your motions. If you were focused enough you probably would’ve said he looked satisfied, but that doesn’t make sense because he has no idea who you are.
               Suddenly, everything starts spinning and you vaguely feel Dabi place your arm over his shoulder. You close your eyes, desperate to try and stop yourself from vomiting all over the man who was trying to help you. It’s your main focus as you lean almost all of your weight onto him and drag your feet across the pavement. You don’t know where he’s taking you but you can barely think much less stop him and you continue to keep your eyes closed, not worried at all.
                  Dabi couldn’t believe his luck meeting you. He’d just finished the final touches on the circle, he was practically all set up except for the link, the sacrifice. Of course, he’d been planning to go into bars to find the perfect person for his ritual, but he didn’t think it would’ve happened so quickly! He’d expected it to take months, and what a relief it was that it hadn’t! He can barely contain his excitement as he keeps your form tight to his body.
               You were so naïve, so trusting, latching onto the first person that offered you kindness. Getting drunk on your own in a rather sketchy bar on a Saturday night, what had you been thinking? He knew you’d had a shitty day, but getting drunk at home surely would’ve been the superior option, anyone could see that.
               It’s a decent walk to his place unfortunately, he knows that the usual 20-minute walk will likely double with you barely able to stand, much less walk quickly. So, he sighs and reminds himself exactly why this is so important. Why he’s even bothering to ‘save’ your pathetic form.
               The runs and sigils are going to look fucking gorgeous carved into your body, he thinks, still dragging you along. You’re almost to the point of unconsciousness, he notices, and it might be easier for him if you were unconscious. At least then he wouldn’t have to be concerned for how he drags you. The pitiful whimpering noises are so annoying to listen to, so he moved slow enough that you could sort of drag yourself and not make those noises.
               Dabi keeps running through the steps in his head, the rituals, the incantations, and the carvings…. He knew he was a powerful castor. He could only hope that the practice he’d put in, the training he’d put in and the beautiful and pure sacrifice he’d found would be enough to actually summon Satan.
               He knows with the power boost he could finally rid the world of his wretched father. Could finally get rid of him and his stupid fucking followers and coven.
               He’d take them all. And he’d win, he knew it.
               He’s finally dragged you to his apartment, and at this point you’re barely conscious in his arms. Good, it would make the carvings so much easier with you unable to struggle. Plus, with the fact that the alcohol would cloud your senses so you’d feel less pain and make less noise. He wonders if you’re even going to understand what’s happening to you, if you’re going to cry out in fear and confusion. He can’t even lie, the idea of that makes him feel a warmth down in his core, makes him start to feel hard, god, he bets your screams will sound as pretty as you are.
               He has one of the only basement rooms in the apartment, the other two abandoned because of how cold and dirty it is down there, plus there was only cold water that ran down in the basement. However, it was secluded and quiet there, and that’s exactly what Dabi needed in a place. Somewhere where he could lay low while he bides his time, planning and training and waiting. He wasn’t originally a patient person, but he’d learned to be, and it was something that he was proud of.
               Luckily, he doesn’t have to explain to any of his upstairs neighbours why he’s dragging you across the lobby to the back set of stairs that only lead down to the concrete hall downstairs. He’s gotten a pretty large space in his basement room, especially with the way he’s completely emptied his living room. The couch is pushed against the wall, table and tv also against the wall leaving a large rug on the floor. The lucky part was that he didn’t ever have a ton of possessions, so it was rather easy for him to make the circle on the floor and cover it with a large goat-skin rug.
               He doesn’t have many chairs, only the ones at the small bar behind which his kitchen is located, so he tosses you onto the leather couch on your side in case you were to vomit. He can’t have you dying before he sacrifices you after all. He checks to make sure that you’re really out of it before he goes into his washroom to start cleaning himself and preparing his mind for the layers of spell he’s about to cast.
               He’s started clearing his mind as he walks into his room, crystals glistening even in the non-natural light, as he starts to slow his breathing in a rather deep and slow pattern. He feels himself start to go into a state he can only get into when he’s concentrating on magic. All his troubles seem to slip away as he steps into the warm running water. He keeps the sigils he’s going to be needing soon in mind as he washes away all the dirt and grime from the bar, washing away all the petty crime to get prepared for something far, far worse.
               When he’s towelled off, he puts on some cotton boxers, and soft grey pants, leaving himself shirtless in the chilling air. He feels the goosebumps start to creep up his arms as he grabs the old iron lighter, the only gift from his mother that he’d manage to take with him when he had to get out with his life after his father had found out what he’d done.
               You’re pretty much asleep on the couch when he comes out, and he looks over you, your innocent form, so fucking pleased at the sacrifice he’d managed to snatch. Turning away, he starts to take out some candles that he has stashed in the wooden chest beside his couch, the colours he uses going to be black, purple and red.
               After moving the carpet off, he places the candles in groups of three at the points and nodes of the circled star. Afterwards, he grabs the red chalk he has and starts to write the various Latin incantations around the circle. He ignores your soft snores, you seem to be mumbling something in your sleep, as he continues his work. It’s taking a lot more time than he’d like it to.
               But soon enough, he thinks, it’ll all be worth it.
                 You feel yourself lifted into the air, your head spinning even before you even open your eyes. Where are you? What’s happening? You try to open your eyes, but it’s so nauseating and disorienting seeing the dark room spinning around, you’re sure you’ve never been in before. You feel yourself lowered onto the ground, rather roughly. You keep your eyes closed trying to wait out the dizzy spell as you hear the click of a lighter, and you shudder, expecting to feel a sting of burning flames.
               But you don’t, and you hear the clicking a few more times. You start to feel a little more stable and you squint, trying to see what’s happening. You try and sit up, but you can’t with your dexterity hindered by the alcohol, and your wrists and ankles bound in ropes. You start to panic slightly, the last thing you can remember is accepting a few drinks from a man, Dabi wasn’t it?
               “Oh, you’re up. That’s good, you need to be conscious for this part.” Speak of the devil and there he shall appear. You feel a surge of fear as you turn your head towards the man.
               “What did you do? Why am I here?” you stumble, trying to cut through the fog in your head.
               “More like what did you do? Who goes out on their own in a sketchy part of town late at night? You were practically begging for something bad to happen to you.” You notice that he’s half naked and you shudder, remembering what you’d told him before and you get a terrible feeling in your gut.
               “No I wasn’t! I just wanted the night to not be complete shit!” You desperately search for anything in your reach that you could use to get yourself out of this situation. You can’t even roll away, you notice that there are iron pegs nailed into the ground and you are tied to those. You want to cry, you don’t know what you did to deserve this.
               “Well, you should’ve just stayed at home,” you hear a knife being pulled out of a holder, and in the corner of your eye you can see Dabi heating the blade against a large gas flame. It’s a twisted knife, the three sides a blue and black metal with a small skull on the end of the hilt. The metal is glowing red hot at the parts where it had been heated though.
               You squirm away from him as much as you can in your restraints when he kneels in front of you with the knife in his hand. “Stop fucking wiggling, It’ll hurt you more because I will nail you to the fucking floor if there’s a chance of me messing these up because of you.” You stop your motions, not wanting whatever’s coming to be made worse. So instead, you start screaming as loud as you can for help, the desperation in your tone evident.
               He just throws his head back in mad laughter at that. “Keep on screaming! I haven’t even started the fun bit yet baby! Nobody can hear you down here you know? It’s utterly fucking pointless for you to cry for help. But please go on, it makes me feel soooo good.”
               You feel your eyes widen in horror looking at the man’s face. He’s still oddly attractive, the flames giving his face sharper shadows, making him look almost inhuman. You’ve never wanted to disappear from someone’s gaze so badly before.
               You shudder as you feel his cold hand push you over and down on your stomach. How are you supposed to get out of there when you’re lying on your stomach with him pressing his weight into you.
               You are mid thought when the first lick of iron hot metal is brought onto your back. You cry out in surprise and pain, the knife tugging at your muscles and you can feel the ridges it has. Tears spring to your eyes, but it doesn’t seem to hurt as much as you would’ve thought, it must be all the alcohol still coursing its way through your system.
               You can’t focus on the words he’s murmuring as he continues to slice designs with purpose into your back. He laughs whenever you let out a vicious scream and you can’t see his face but you can tell he’s enjoying the process immensely.
               “Shirt’s getting in the way of the rest of it sweetheart, guess it’s time to take it off now.” He’s so smug which makes you feel humiliated as you press your head into the ground trying to put yourself together. You whimper as you feel your shirt lifted and hear the fabric tearing.
               You’re now shivering half naked on the cold concrete floor and starting to lose your grip on reality as the pain sends you drifting in and out of consciousness. You feel sharp pain as he starts designing up your spine, humming a bit as he goes. Why’d you have to meet a psychopath tonight? Wasn’t your luck just so shitty lately.
               You lose track of time as he works, you’re pretty sure that you lose consciousness for most of it, but luckily Dabi doesn’t wake you up for it. However, when you do come to, you notice how badly your throat hurts, you must’ve been screaming a lot for that to happen.
               “You ready for the front now? Then we can finally get the real thing started.”
               “Please, isn’t there enough? I don’t want anymore stop please! Just let me go.” You try pleading with him, knowing it’s probably not going to work. He doesn’t even deign you with response to your pathetic attempt. Instead he flips you over, your hands now positioned up above your head.
               Your limbs feel like lead, and you feel as if all your energy has been draining out of you along with the blood that’s come oozing out of your wounds. You can’t move, you’re stuck and all you can do is look at the man doing this to you and seethe in anger and hatred. His eyes seem to be burning with bright blue flames, but surely that must be you hallucinating? People’s eyes don’t glow.
               “Finally,” he breathes out as he leans back and admires his handiwork. He’s looking at you with blown open eyes, erection prominent and you can see the outline through his sweatpants. “Now it’s just to call him while I carve my name into your chest. You’re gonna spell it out for me, got that doll? Or else I can start working on the other bits of skin.”
               You just want it over with at this point, you’ll go along with his idea just so you can finally get out. “Fine.” You whisper, resigned to it at this point.
               “D.” He must’ve heated up the knife again, because it burns more than it did before and you scream your throat raw as he carves this much deeper that the other markings.
               “A!” you screech, hoping it ends soon, at least he has a short name.
               “B!” your voice cracks in your agony and your chest is aching.
               “I!” you sob, tears streaming down your face again as feel your body go completely limp as you succumb to darkness once again.
                 Dabi tries to get his breathing in control, looking at your broken and bleeding form. He’s never felt this aroused by someone, and he was right, your screams were like an orchestra playing the most beautiful music he’s ever heard.
               But that was a bonus. It was time for the summoning, and so it was time to focus and go through it. He slices his left palm, your blood mixing with his before he lets it spill over, mesmerized by how it drip, drip, drips onto the stained concrete. One last incantation that he has to say, and he hasn’t been this excited since he’d first found out he was a castor, and that he was a pretty powerful one at that.
               He waits anxiously in silence, eyes on you as more blood oozes from all the markings, there’s thin linking of red all around the cuts. He wishes that the sacrifice didn’t require a virgin because he desperately wanted to take it from you himself.
               Lost in his thoughts, the sudden burst of wind that erupts from the centre of the circle, from under your form blows out all the candles.
               “Well, aren’t you an ambitious one. Trying to summon Satan all on your own.” Dabi jerks around at the lilting voice from behind him, somehow, it’s both amused and condescending at the same time, and Dabi bristles at it.
               “You aren’t powerful enough to be him, I didn’t summon you.” His teeth are grinding in frustration.
               “So rude, and we’ve only just met! Look kid, you don’t have the power or the numbers to summon Satan right now, but I’m the highest-level under-creature you could get.” His eyes seem to glow gold in the darkness, they light up his sharp features.
               Dabi lets out a growl with a few curses. “Whatever, that doesn’t matter, I knew it was a long shot. You said you were the highest I could get. How high is that?” His grin is devious as he hears the question.
               “I’m Hawks, fallen angel at your service. As for how high I am? I’m in the 5th level range.” Dabi whistles at that. “So, does that mean you’re going to strike a deal with me? I haven’t gotten a serious one in a while. It’s getting seriously boring down there.”
               “You should be able to lend me the amount of firepower I’d need for it. What are your terms, and how does the transfer work in your deals?” he grins showing off his fangs a bit as he cages Dabi in a bit despite being shorter, wings making him seem much larger though.
               “Here’s the fun part, because I’m a fallen angel, it works a little differently! My powers got corrupted so that sacrifice you have there – oh she’s an actual virgin! – is going to be your ticket to my powers.”
               “So, I have to keep her safe?”
               He shrugs, “You asked, I’m just telling you friend. Obviously, the price is the same as any other deal.”
               “So, you’re prepared for that? Hell isn’t as nice as you’d think.”
               “No shit Sherlock, but don’t worry, I’ve thought it through a fair bit.” Hawks laughs at that.
               “Alright! Since my fall was lust based, the power transfer is too, if you catch my drift.” Hawks says with a raised eyebrow.
               “….sort of?”
               “Oh my god, are you an idiot?”
               “I don’t want to hear that from you, chicken man.” Dabi just wants this over with, he’s getting a little antsy. “Can we get started already?”
               “Alright then, time to wake up sleeping beauty over there.”
                 You feel yourself being blearily shaken awake, and you’re shocked to see a different face than Dabi’s in front of you. He’s gorgeous, and his wings, despite being an eerie dark red, are full and look so soft. Blearily, you try to reach up to try and feel them, forgetting that your hands are tied to the peg on the floor. The man looks at you with pity and amusement.
               “Hey there, I’m Hawks, are you ready to become a human magic battery?” he says cheerily, words much at odds with his words and expression.
               “What, no, what’s going on? Please there’s a man here – Dabi – and he’s kidnapped me! You have to help me out, call the police, why are you smiling?” You feel the tiny bit of hope that had grown up come crashing down as you observed the – man? Angel? – who called himself Hawks.
               “Yeah, my friend Dabi and I have a little arrangement here. You know what I am right? You should know that struggling is useless. Just lay back and enjoy the ride, baby.” His eyes pierce your soul and you find yourself unable to even think of a response to that.
               You don’t even completely realize what that means until he starts nuzzling your neck as his hands go towards your tits, starting to play with your pebbled nipples, his hands surprisingly warm.
               “No please, I don’t want that…” you say weakly, completely spent already from the ordeal that Dabi had put you through. “I just want to go home!” you’re so delirious from pain and the small bits of pleasure you’re trying to pretend aren’t happening at Hawks’ toying with you.
               “Too bad little bird, you don’t really have a say in the matter at the moment.” He bites down on your neck hard, drawing blood which he then licks up. “So, fucking good! Haven’t been able to do this in so long.” He’s grinding into you, the layers of fabric bringing you stimulation and pleasure as you moan, immediately tensing up in embarrassment and shame.
               “Don’t be like that, I always make people feel good like this, so just relax.” His eyes are glowing and as you look into them, you feel yourself relaxing a bit. Maybe you should relax, he definitely knows what he’s doing, you can feel the heat building in your core and your hazy mind start to lose focus. His eyes, are just so fucking beautiful, and the way his fingers are moving feel amazing.
               He turns his head down, lapping lightly at your breast. His tongue is warm, but the metal stud on his tongue makes you moan out in delight.
               “Oh so you do like it!” he exclaims brightly. “Let’s get this started now baby.” Your mind is still screaming at you that this is wrong, that you don’t want this, that you need to struggle and get free. With all the distractions in your mind, its so deliciously easy to fall into a hazy daydream like trance as he licks up the blood from your wounds. His tongue makes it feel so, so good. He switches breasts, tugging on your nipples as you mewl in delight. Once you let go, everything was so much better!
               He sucks bruises onto your hips, nipping at them with his sharpened fangs. “Oi, don’t enjoy yourself too much there Dabi, you gotta go a round too after.” You turn to see Dabi stretched out like a cat on his couch, his cock out of his pants as he languidly strokes it. It’s pierced and you find yourself imagining how it would feel scraping your walls.
               There was only one thing bothering you, and it was that everywhere Hawks touched grew hotter and hotter, not in an unpleasant way, more in an antsy, wanting to move and run mood. You felt like you were vibrating and you didn’t understand it. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care as your jaw dropped when the angel ripped off your bottoms harshly.
               “Let’s see if you taste as good as the other humans I’ve devoured.” He rips the ankle restraints as he tosses your knees over his shoulders and licks a stripe up your pussy. You shudder at the new sensation, biting on your lip to stifle your moan.
               He sees that as a challenge and spends his time tasting your juices along his tongue, his eyes seemingly brighter as he works at your pussy, teasing your clit with his tongue stud. He keeps working at you with single minded determination, teasing your hole with his sharp nail and you let out a squeak, which quickly turns into a groan as he slides his finger in. He adds a second as soon as he can, loving hearing the sounds your pussy makes as he scissors you open.
               You’ve never felt this good in your life, you can barely tell what’s happening, but you feel waves of pleasure as you feel his tightening in your lower belly.
               “You’re getting close, huh?” Hawks brings his face up, eyes lidded as he licks the juices around his mouth. “Do you want to cum?”
               “Well, I don’t know, you were pretty awful to my business partner over there… maybe I shouldn’t let you cum.” He brings his second hand up to his face, lightly scratching at his scruff, and you begin to panic. You have this insatiable need, you don’t know where it came from, but it’s not letting you think at all. There’s this voice yelling at you that it’s Hawks’ fault, but he’s literally an angel. How could he be doing something so disgusting to you?
               So you open your mouth, “Please let me cum, I’ll be so good for you sir! I didn’t mean to be awful to him, I just didn’t understand what he was trying to do!”
               “That’s fucking right.” There’s a sudden intensity in his eyes that makes you feel like your heart’s stopped. “You didn’t know what you were doing. I’m your guardian angel after all, and I came here because you were going to make a mistake that would put you in danger.”
               “Oh my god…” the horror you feel chokes your throat, yet it doesn’t rid you of the incessant need that’s been plaguing you.
               “Would your guardian angel ever steer you wrong, Y/N?” he grabs your chin, nails cutting shallowly when he presses.
               “No, you wouldn’t!” you shake your head, trying to convey exactly how much you were repenting.
               “So, listen carefully little lady. This is important.” He waits for your assent before he continues. “You’re in a very dangerous spot, so I needed a friend here to help you out, he’s going to keep you nice and safe. All you have to do in return is let yourself have some fun, some pleasure in your life. I mean, you’re begging for that exact pleasure right now.”
               There’s a little niggling at the back of your head, it’s telling you how good you’ll be treated, you’ll be loved and accepted. You start to shake it off, but you can’t when it tells you that nobody will ever make you feel good like this, who would want too? Here you have two beings ready to make you feel good like you’ve never felt before and you’re denying them?
               “Of course, that sounds like a great idea Mr. Hawks.”
               “Alright, what a good girl, see Dabi? Isn’t she great?”
               “I knew I’d gotten lucky, but I didn’t realize how lucky until now.” The grin on his face is satisfied, but as you look longer, the more you see the pleasure and happiness he feels too.
               “Do I get to cum now? You keep saying how good I am…” you don’t remember thinking about saying that, but the words seem to come out on their own accord.
               In response Hawks goes back to your neglected pussy and starts thrusting his fingers into a spot inside you that makes you gasp in surprise. With all the swirling emotions and pain and alcohol you feel yourself tighten and let loose quickly, hitting your high in ecstasy. Your back arches, and somewhere in the back of your mind, you notice that your shoulders have definitely been scratched up badly.
               But why care when you feel so good now?
               Your eyes are closed as you lie there, battered and cut and so blissed out as Hawks removes his pants and looks around.
               “You didn’t bring lube?” he directs the question to Dabi.
               “You need that? I thought you had like, magic and shit.”
               Hawks swallows his annoyance, “I’m in a mortal form dipshit. Channeling divine or corrupt energy is hard to do without fucking blowing myself up.”
               Dabi just shrugs. “I mean to be fair; I didn’t know I was getting some angel that got kicked out of heaven for being horny. Or else I definitely would’ve bought some.”
               “Whatever,” he mutters. “I like this way better.” You hear the conversation, but can’t be bothered to really understand what they’re saying. All you know is that you feel someone leaning above you.
               Hawks takes a feather from his wings, carefully turning it in his hands. “Now, I’m not going to lie, this is going to hurt a bit. But I’ll make you feel so good you won’t even remember it, alright?” You nod along blearily, barely hearing him.
               He grins and slices a long line right above your hip, and you barely feel it being so numb. You do feel his fingers pressing into the cut though, and you try to squirm away, but that just makes him slam you down with his other hand in a surprising show of force for his physique. It feels so wrong when you feel him wiggle his fingers a bit inside your skin, and you shut your eyes so you don’t have to see it. Apparently, that amuses Dabi, who starts guffawing off to the side somewhere. The pain brings up all off the fear you’ve been feeling the whole night, and it shocks you. You start screaming, begging to be let go hysterically while you see Hawks, his hand covered in your blood, fisting his length, mixing some of the precum with it.
               “I thought you said you were going to behave.” He growls and you feel an intense pressure on your mind for a second before your fear starts to fade away easily. “Much better.” He says to your relaxing form.
               “You gotta teach me how to do that,” Dabi comments, which just has Hawks rolling his eyes.
               “Shut up and let me enjoy this, I haven’t had sex in so long, warlock.” That elicits a snort from Dabi as he settles back down.
               He lines up his cock with your slick entrance, teasing a bit as the blood and your juices mix together and it lets him start to work his way inside of you. You’re panting, fingers scrabbling at everything they can reach as he pushes through. You feel a mix of pain and pleasure as he pushes all the way into you. He surprisingly lets you adjust, breathing heavily as your walls squeeze intensely around the intrusion.
               It feels so, so good though and Hawks can tell that’s how you feel as he grins and moves your legs up and around his hips. You whine as he stretches you out more with the new position, and he grunts a bit as he starts thrusting his hips, dragging his sharpened nails down your side without breaking the skin. He puts his head to your neck, pressing open mouth kisses there that make you relax around him, and as soon as he feels that change, he starts pounding into you harder. You hear lewd noises and realize that most of them, are in fact, coming from you. Which is a little jarring of a realization but in your state, you can’t really say it surprised you. It was more of a ‘huh, that’s me then’ moment.
               The sound of skin slapping on skin fills the room along with grunts of exertion and moans of pleasure from the pair of you. You can feel yourself building up to that point once again, and you don’t realize it until you’re clamping down on his cock with a shout of pleasure. Hawks groans at the sound, and feels your tight walls somehow clamp down on him harder and starts bucking into you, nails digging into your hips as he chases his own release.
               Had you been in any normal state of mind, you might’ve found it disturbing that Hawks seemed to be murmuring a bunch of Latin as he pounded into you. You might’ve noticed the hand he placed on your heart left a searing imprint that turned dark red. You might’ve noticed his pupils contract into slits and his eyes turn a deep red for a few seconds.
               But you didn’t.
               You felt like you were floating, and figured if this could be compared to anything, it would be a more painful version of a wet, fever dream.
               Suddenly, Hawks comes inside you and you feel the warm liquid fill you up as he thrusts a couple more times, working himself through it. He stays inside, but that’s not what takes your focus. The feeling that you were vibrating without moving was back with a vengeance, but you also felt this numbness that started from your core that moved outwards until your entire body was feeling that way. As Hawks pulled out, you felt so empty, you felt like you didn’t know what to do. So, you let your eyes drift shut while you heard some talk about ‘a transfer’ and ‘both it her.’
               Suddenly, your wrist bindings were also stripped off and you look up in surprise to see Hawks with that same feather setting you free, while Dabi moved to the bedroom.
               “You still going to be good for us, little lady? We’re almost done for tonight.” He coos at you, lightly stroking your chin with his finger.  You give him a small nod, and with that, he picks you up as if you were a stuffed toy and you lean into his shoulder as he brings you to the bedroom.
               “Right, at least you’re prepared already so we can get into this quickly.” Hawks says brusquely, bringing himself to the bed and setting you down before he sits as well.
               “You were enjoying yourself a minute ago, what’s with the sudden rush?” Dabi’s eyebrow is quirked as he puts his hand in your hair and starts scratching your head. You shamelessly sigh in appreciation.
               “My times running out, gotta get this transfer done soon or else we’re going to have to start over another day.” Hawks grouches. “Damn I don’t miss all the rules, but having unlimited mortal form time? That’s something I miss about upstairs.”
               Turning his attention to you Dabi says, “Here, you enjoyed that guy, so you’ll love sitting on my cock.”
               Right now, nothing sounded better, so using the last of your strength, you crawled up to his lap and he guided you right above his dick. He brought you down slowly, ever so slowly, and you felt every inch of his dick inside you, especially those piercings that gave you an amazing sensation.
               “There’s a good girl, much better than before,” he gets out.
               “Now you’re going to need to relax, alright Y/N? It’s going to feel really tight at first but you’ll feel great afterwards.” Hawks is mumbling this into your neck, playing with your hair a little bit while he does.
               “I can do that,” you say, unaware of what he was going to do, but ready to please him.
               “Good, Dabi you might have to distract her a little bit, she’s pretty tight for one person, let alone two.” Dabi smirks but leans back, starting to play with your nipples a bit. You never thought you’d like the sensation of someone swirling around them, tugging them at some points, but here you were, enjoying every second of it.
               You get so into it, that at first you don’t notice Hawks lining up with your entrance and starting to work his way back into you. Dabi actually does first, shuddering at the contact of Hawks’ dick against his own and gasping a bit.
               “Oh Dabi, you were so cocky a minute ago, what’s wrong now?” You hear the teasing from behind as you desperately grip onto Dabi’s shoulders, trying to stay relaxed so it doesn’t hurt as much.
               “Fuck off, chicken.” Is his only response which Hawks cackles at as he starts to push further in. You gasp at the painful stretch, tears welling out of your eyes, as Hawks reaches around you to play with your clit to distract you.
               “Doing so good, sweetheart, just a little bit more, can you do that for me?” he nips at your ear.
               “Yes,” you gasp, the pleasure from his rough finger movements distracting you a bit from all the pain as your breathing gets shallow. “Slow down, please?”
               “That’ll just make it worse,” he says. “I’m just going to get it over quickly, alright?” you don’t even have time to agree before he shoves the rest of his way in, screaming out as it happens. You feel so fucking stuffed, and they haven’t even started moving or anything.
               Dabi’s losing some of that composure he’d had before, cussing as he tries to steady his breathing, but you feel his cock twitching inside you. You’re losing the strength you have in your arms as you lean forwards onto Dabi’s chest, and you moan as the shift in movement gives you friction on your clit and in your pussy.
               Without really knowing what you’re doing, you press kisses onto the side of his neck as you lie there, trying to get used to being this stretched out. It wasn’t going to happen tonight that’s for sure, because you’d barely had anything up there until today.
               You feel a grip tighten on your hips as one of them, at this point you have no idea who, starts moving in and out. The other goes the opposite rhythm so that you always feel so completely full you feel like you’re going to burst. The thought comes unbidden into your mind that these two sadists might actually enjoy that. It makes you shiver in fear.
               You can’t really remember what happened, but you have specific feelings and recollections of the two fucking into you,
               …Dabi hitting your G-Spot over and over again as you see white and cum hard on his cock…
               …Hawks leaning over you to grab Dabi into a rather passionate kiss as he got you to play with the raven-haired man’s pierced nipples…
               …Your ass getting spanked so you clench down on them and Dabi comes, but stays inside until he gets hard again…
               …getting toyed with in every possible way, bites and bruises marking your skin so much that you feel light headed from blood-loss…
               …you remember clawing at Dabi’s back which has him screaming in pleasure…
               …Dabi’s eyes glowing blue, as if he’d had flames trapped inside them and they were ready to come out…
               …pleased laughter and an uptick in pace…
               …then nothing…
                 Dabi lays back, breathing heavily as your form is slumped on his chest. He wasn’t surprised you’d completely passed out a little way into your second round. If anything, he was surprised you’d managed to last that long. He was wiped after one, but that was mainly because he was trying to keep up with Hawks, who had the fucking endurance of something otherworldly.
               Which made sense given he was a magical being.
               Still it peeved Dabi to no end as Hawks slid out of you looking completely untouched as he did so. The only thing that was out of place was his hair, messed from Dabi grabbing it, which he hadn’t remembered starting but it was sometime when he was making out with Hawks… which he hadn’t expected… but he wasn’t complaining.
               Although no matter how drained Dabi felt physically, magically? He felt so fucking ready to take on anything that could happen in the future. He could feel it pulsing around his body, in his fingertips and temples, and it felt amazing. He understood why so many people went with summoning darker entities for power transfers now, much easier and much more potent.
               “So, I have to be here in person to do my whole mind-manipulation thing, so you should think about how to keep her safe for now. She’s tied to you because of the transfer so like, if she were to die for example…. You’d definitely die too.” Hawks says with a cheery smile.
               “You didn’t think to mention that before?” he gets a shrug in response.
               “You didn’t ask. Oh and, for every time you need a power boost, just take care of her and let her enjoy the sex, it’ll ah – flow easier if you catch my drift.”
               “Thanks oh angel of a good dickening… what would I ever do without you?”
               “No seriously, the more your conduit enjoys the sex, the more you get out of it.” he looks unamused.
               “Oh. Ah, well that’s good to know.” Dabi has to start planning out his next moves then, keeping you healthy and happy was going to be a tough job.
               “I did make the suggestion to her that I was her guardian angel and you were helping her out, try to play up that angle, it’ll call up some of the residual magic in her mind and make her… more pliant.” Hawks starts putting on his clothes once again.
               “Uh, thanks. Is she just a constant source of your power then?” That’s the only part Dabi was still confused about.
               “No, I’ll be back when I feel the energy start to dwindle. I need you to do all the terrible things I know you have planned. Your soul will be fucking delicious then. Any who, see you later Dabi! It was an absolute pleasure doing business with you.”
               He vanishes like he came, suddenly disappearing with a gust of air hitting Dabi in the face. Dabi looks down on you, still on his cock as he desperately tries to think about what he was going to do to keep you in here and how he’d keep you safe trying to hunt down another coven.
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free-boundsoul · 3 years
Oh, give it a rest, Freelancer.
Add it to your vocabulary then, Freelancer. A few extra syllables never hurt anyone. Well, you’ve got me there. Gavin will probably be all too happy to tell us of his latest escapades in Lasko’s class. But for real, I hope he doesn’t do anything too intense. Lasko’s worked hard to work his way into that teaching position. I don’t think Gavin would ever do anything to jeopardize that for him, do you?
Thanks so much for saying that Freelancer. I’d be more than happy to work with Gavin and for you to join us. That sounds like a fun study group. As long as Gavin promises to keep his smart mouth to himself. If any slip out, he’ll have to pay up. It’ll be like a swear jar, but for Gavin, it’ll be an… innuendo jar. Either that’ll be an incentive for him to reign himself in, or we’ll be rich by the end of the semester.
No no no no! You don’t have to be sorry. I love hearing about her. I can hear in your voice how much she means to you. I mean, if it makes you feel bad to talk about her, then by all means, I’ll avoid the subject. But as long as you want to talk about her, I’m very willing to listen! She seems like such a significant part of your life. Hmm… regional desserts. I think where I’m from likes to lay claim to the cheesecake, though I’m not really sure if we invented it per se or just perfected it. And I know you can get cheesecake anywhere. We also have what’s called a black and white cookie. It’s like a small cake-like cookie with half of it frosted with vanilla icing (or maybe buttercream?) frosting and then the other half frosted with chocolate icing. I love them because you don’t have to choose between chocolate or vanilla. You get both!
What!? No, Freelancer. You already told Lasko? What did he say? That is just pure stubbornness! Hmm, I didn’t think about him knowing who my mom is, though since he had her in class, he actually might. Good thinking. Well, I guess we’ll at least be able to help each other work through the class as we try to learn the material and catch the prof at being a shit educator. This year will be interesting. That’s for sure.
All of those sound awesome, freelancer. My favorite donut is probably the glazed kind. Oh, I love Boston Creme donuts. I tried to make a Boston Creme pie a few months ago. It came out really well, except the ganache came out really thin. It was delicious, don’t get me wrong, but the chocolate ganache soaked into the cake. It didn’t drizzle over the sides like it does when you get it from a bakery. Maybe I didn’t wait long enough for it to cool? I am pretty impatient… What do you think I did wrong?
Hehe, whatever you say, Damie.
I'm sure Gavin won't do anything too bad, at least I hope not. I'll have a talk with him just in case. I don't want him risking Lasko's job or anything, not after he's worked so hard. I think he knows where to draw the line?
I mean, I'd say we can get a gag, but I think he'd enjoy that too much. An innuendo jar sounds like a good idea, like you said, it might make him refrain or you'd have plenty of money. Oh, maybe we'd find out where he gets cash from?
Thank you Damien, I...I don't feel bad talking about her. I still love her, and maybe someday I'll be able to visit. She pretty much raised me, but after the whole...powers manifesting, my mom and grandpa didn't really understand. I didn't want to cause any strain between them so it was better if I left. Sometimes I still sneak some letters to her under a name my mom or grandpa wouldn't recognize. So we still get to talk.
Oooh, cheescake sounds really good, do you have an recipes you like to make for it? And those cookies sound really good too! I like things that have some variety so it's not the same all the time.
Yep! Already told him, and he asked why and if I was sure and I told him that if Piller wants to be a dormitory asshat, he should have to deal with the consequences. I usually don't like...making waves with teachers but I'll make an exception. But hey, we get to share another class! It'll be fun~
Oh, a boston creme pie, I've never made that before! Hmmm, I'm not the best with ganache. The times I've tried, it's been really thin and more like a glaze. It could be because of heat, or maybe it was during the heating process of the cream? Maybe we can try making it together to see if two heads are better than one?
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dietcokeangel2004 · 5 years
Taking control
Stuart Twombly x Dom! Reader
• Sub! Stuart
• Mistress kink
• Strap on
• Praise kink
• Lewd writing
• Begging
• Edging
• Nipple play
• Face slapping
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Stuart Twombly. Where to begin. He was your best friend but also happened to be boyfriend. Yup he’s a dick but you knew this when you got involved with the beanie wearing asshat. But he’s honestly the best thing ever, and the sex life is the best.
You never would imagine that you’d be into being the dominant one **ever** during sex. But when Stuart suggested it one day awhile back it kinda became a thing that occasionally happened behind closed doors.
You never really ever thought of it with anyone before, not even with Stuart, until he mentioned it. Not gonna lie, you were super nervous when you first tried it. Not only did you not know what the fuck you were doing, but that fact that you didn’t know how you were supposed to act.
But you’re quite surprised how well you learned and became a natural pro at making Stuart shiver and squeal underneath you. As time went on and you guys played this way, you became more confident about teasing and taking control.
And today you were feeling particularly in the need of having Stuart quivering for you. Knowing Stuart will of course be on his phone even at work, an idea forms in your beautiful brain. You leisurely search through your sex drawer looking for something to send him that’ll drive him up the wall.... and his pants down.
Picking up a beautiful light blue strap on and attaching it to the straps that sling around your hips. You hmmm as you pull it on over your leggings. Grabbing your phone you snap it from an angle where he can see how long it is and how your hand is casually stroking it. Writing out a teasingly sext *hey little prince, can’t wait to see you after work.*You hit send, and pull off the strap on while waiting for a reply.
A ding from your phone notified you that Stuart had seen and messaged you back. Heading to check it you look at what it says.
*Oh fuckkkk!!! I’m at work!!!*
You groan out loud, what a dumbass he shouldn’t be on his phone at work. So you tell him just that.
* Well then, sorry to inform you but you wouldn’t have a problem at work if you weren’t on your phone kitten*
You snicker to yourself as you pick out a pretty bra to wear for the night. You always preferred wearing a bra or shirt when using a strap on. It felt weird just having them flop everywhere dogging Stuart. Another ding.
* okay you’re right but still, are you trying to kill me?! I have to try to leave work in a half an hour with this!*
You chuckle out loud knowing exactly what Stuart must look like right now. Flushed face, ears bright pink, sweaty hands constantly being wiped on his pants, jittery legs and last but by far not the least, the huge noticeable tent in his beige khakis.
* I know lol. They’ll call security because they’ll think you’re trying to smuggle a gun 😂*
You decided to leave your phone after that knowing that he’ll just be complaining the whole damn time.
A half an hour later Stuart was stumbling through the door.
“ Hey, baby! Umm is that what we’re doing tonight?” Stuart eagerly questioned. He was nervously scratching the back of his neck, already knowing the answer, already awaiting the actions to follow.
“Mmmm babyboy I think we both know that’s what we’re doing tonight.” You skitter out as you grab him by the tie, gently pulling him to your room.
“ Strip.” You demand, while analyzing your nails. Stuart lets out a loud moan, already hard as a diamond.
He kicks off his shoes and socks, next to go is his pants. He’s struggling so you take pity on your baby and start undoing his tie and buttons on his shirt, while he finished trying to strip off his pants. He looks at you while going to sit on the bed. But your quicker as you grab his arm and spin him back around. Whimpering he looks at you with submission and eyes questioning what he’s done wrong.
You quirk an eyebrow and slutty whisper “I said strip, you don’t look very naked to me now do you little bunny?”
“Ohhh, m’sorry.” Stuart stammered as he started to pull off his America Eagle boxers.
“ um you’re sorry what? Hmmm?” You demandingly questioned the pale man.
once boxer clad now naked, Stuart open mouthed stared at you and porngraphically moaned. It reverberated off the walls. Loud and whiny he huffed “ I’m sorry mistress.”
“Mmm such a good boy!” You gleam at him while you shove him semi roughly onto the bed. He groans out as you pick up his favourite strap on. You pull it on as you grab the lube and smear it along your slender fingers. Stuart watched you with hooded eyes already whimpering and begging you to fuck him. He got like this a lot, whiny, whimpering and babbling incoherent things.
He liked it when he had to beg for it, and you liked making him beg. As you stretched him and scissored his asshole, you spoke dirty sinful things out into the open of the room.
“ Do you like this baby? Hmm do you like it when you take it in the ass for you mistress? Do you like taking it in the ass from your mistress?? Hmmm such a good little boy!” And with that a big sloppy kiss was placed on the middle of his stomach, right above his angry red dick. He was spread out on his back with his legs spread and his already leaking cock laying on his stomach. He was blushing beet red and flailing his hands around above his head.
“ yes mistress, oh, oh, oh I love it!! I love taking it in the the ass for you mistress!!! Mmmmh augh!! I’m a good little boy! Ohhhhh mistress please another!” Stuart babbled and pleaded while one hand covered and rubbed his blushing face.
“And who’s good little boy are you baby?” You added the third finger while you started to stroke his big pretty cock. Yes you just described Stuart’s dick as pretty. You never would have thought of a dick as pretty, but when you seen Stuart’s you downright whined and told him that he had the prettiest cock on earth. So thinking of this, you decided to tell your little slut below you.
“ ohhh I’m yours! All yours mistress! I- I- I”
“Now you just have the prettiest cock ever don’t you baby? Oh I love it!!!” You interrupted a mumbling Stuart and pulled your sticky fingers out of him. he whined at the loss of your petite fingers, but when he seen you smearing lube all over the strap on he let out a strangled moan throwing his head back.
He liked it when he had to beg for it, and you liked making him beg.
“ What do you want baby, huh?? Oh what’s wrong!?” You teased his hole with the tip of the strap on.
“ Mistressssss!!!” He whines out.
“Whattttt??” You mocked his whiney voice while pushing just the tip inside of his taut hole and pulling back out.
He struggled to form a sentence... or any words at all.
“Mis- mis- mistress! Please I, I want you to fuck me!” He groaned out. Head thrown back, holding his legs apart for you. Spread and ready, just how you like him.
“Now baby, we both know you can do better than that!” You reassured the flustered male beneath you.
You decided to make him struggle even more and played with his sensitive nipples. While he was attempting to put together his best sentences you toyed with his nipples. You tweaked, tugged, twisted and rolled them in between your nimble fingers. Stuart mewled out at the feeling, his cock leaking. He wouldn’t last very long once you finally started, which was okay. He didn’t have too and usually didn’t. To you both it didn’t matter how long he lasted when you guys did this. As long as he achieved an amazing orgasm and whatever he needed to get out.
“Please mistress I need you to fuck me! I’m begging you! Mmmm I need to feel my release from you mistress! I need you! I need you to fuck my little boy pussy mistress!!” Stuart practically hollered out. He had his hands hooked under his knees holding his legs open and apart.
“Oh baby! Now that’s a good dirty little boy isn’t it! We both knew you had it in you kitten!” You plunged into him while continuing playing with his nipples. Stuart nearly shrieked at the feeling of your false cock filling him. You started off with nice long deep thrusts. Gradually you got harder, rougher and quicker. He continued babbling underneath you, his big cock leaking pre-cum all over his chest and treasure trail. He was close, so close. You knew he needed something else, but as usual he liked it when he had to beg for it, and you liked making him beg.
“What’s wrong baby, hmm?? What mistress’s baby boy need??”
“Oh! I-I-I ohhhh!!! I- please smack mistress!”
You cut him off as soon as the words left his mouth. The contact of skin slapping skin echoed through the apartment. With a strangled gawking noise, Stuart came exploding white strings of cum all over his chest and your stomach. You slowed your motions and pulled out of him slowly. Taking off the strap on you pull him up putting him under the covers. Lying with him for a couple of minutes, both calmingly catching your breathes and listening to the comfortable safe silence between you two. This was your safe spot. Not in the bed, or in the apartment. But with each other. You could be anywheres and you’d both know that you’d be safe and happy if you were anywheres with each other. With that soft thought, and a soft smile for your lover, you head out to the kitchen for some water. When your re-entered the room your baby was fast asleep. You curled up beside and kissed his forehead. When he would wake later in the evening or in the morning, you’d have something made for him to eat and help him into the shower.
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Weird fic idea for the Faunus!Yang AU: some twat grabs Yangs tail and she almost literally explodes into a fireball.
I was so torn between writing this fic and writing Yang as a different type of faunus. So I combined them! Hope you don’t mind 😅
Let me know if you want to see Lion Faunus Yang in this situation. Though I might set it in Atlas...
This version of Yang is inspired by @kusnilive ‘s golden retriever Yang which can be found here https://kusnilive.tumblr.com/post/189651934188/blake-belladonna-defence-forces-latest-fics
“Yang?” Blake said as she walked into the room, biting back a fond smile when her friend’s golden tail wagged at the sound of her voice. It was endearing in a way.
“Blake!” Yang grinned up at her from their desk happily. “What’s up?”
“Oh nothing.” Blake said as she dropped her bag to her bed. “I was just wondering if you wanted to go out for a bite to eat, if you aren’t busy.”
“I’m not!”
Blake turned and quirked an eyebrow at a now sheepish partner as her tail waved side to side slowly.
“I mean… I’m good, ya know?” Yang said as she tucked her hands behind her head, appearing nonchalant. “I could go for a snack.” The way her tail picked up the pace gave away her excitement.
Yang glanced behind her and gave a sheepish shrug.
“What can I say? I enjoy hanging out with you.” Yang said with a shrug and lopsided smile.
Blake rolled her eye and pulled out her combat clothes.
“Let me change and then we can head out.”
“Sure thing!”
As the two girls made their way to their favourite ramen place, Blake found herself glancing behind her every now and then when she felt a light whack against her back.
Yang was, apparently, in such a delighted mood that her tail kept accidentally hitting Blake as it wagged. Not that Blake minded, involuntary trait movement was a hell of a thing. She could never be irritated at Yang for hers. Then again, she was rarely irritated at Yang for anything. Exasperated, yes. But never genuinely annoyed.
“So then- hey!” When she heard the familiar sound of Yang’s semblance activating, Blake turned just time to see Yang, hair and tail lit up, slam a man against a wall, eyes shifting red as she glowered at him. “You wanna try that again, pal?”
“Hey, lady! Control your bitch! Put her on a leash or something!”
Blake very calmly strode forward and glance between Yang and the offender.
“The only bitch that I see here is you.” She said, glaring daggers daggers at him.
The man sputtered for a moment before Yang turned, throwing him to the side and looking down at him.
“Just get out of here.” She sneered. “You’re not worth our time.”
Both girls watched as the man ran. When Blake turned to Yang, her eyes were still red, fiery tail held high and wagging slowly and purposefully, hair aflame.
“Yang.” Blake called, getting her friend’s attention. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Not really.” Yang sighed as she closed her eyes and breathed slowly, hair and tail slowing flickering out. When she opened her eyes, they were lilac. But no less angry. “I hate my tail being touched. Just as much as my hair. And for some asshat to pull on it…”
Blake frowned. She knew what that was like. Her ears had been a target before she had taken to covering them. She couldn’t help but feel guilty for covering them when her partner suffered through the torment that she could easily hide. She felt like a coward in comparison.
“Is there anything I can do?” She asked quietly, a little unsure. “It’s awful when this happens. How these racist bastards think they can just pull on our traits like it’s some sick joke!” Her voice had dropped several octaves in anger, fighting against every instinct to flatten her ears.
“No, I just want to hang out with my partner and forget about that asshole.” Yang sighed, her tail dropping. It was a rare sight. One that tugged at Blake’s heart strings.
“I… think we can manage that.” She offered Yang a small smile and put an hesitant arm around her waist, earning a small surprised hum from Yang before she draped an arm over Blake’s shoulders in return as they made their way to the ramen shop.
Soon, Blake felt a familiar gust of wind as Yang’s slowly started to wag again. Apparently, Blake had made the right call. She felt a starting burst of fondness for her friend and gently lowered her head and butted it against Yang’s jaw.
Instantly, Yang’s tail picked up speed, causing Blake to smile softly. She still felt uncomfortable with just anyone in her space. But Yang? She had come to enjoy being near the other girl. Her warmth and kindness creating a sense of safety that Blake had been missing for a long time. She was fun and kind. Intelligent, too.
She could definitely get used to spending time with Yang. Having her be a part of her life, for however long that was.
The thought was exciting. It was terrifying. But despite that… there was something about Yang that made her feel so undeniably safe.
Maybe it would be okay if she lowered her walls. Just a little. Just for Yang.
“By the way, Blake?”
“I love it when you’re feisty. Calling that guy a bitch? Perfection.”
Blake snorted indignantly, eyes rolling and cheeks warming up.
“I’m pretty sure most people hate my attitude.”
“Well, I like it. You know what you stand for. I respect that.”
Blake’s cheeks were definitely warm as she mumbled a quiet thank you.
Those walls were feeling harder to keep up with each moment she spent with Yang.
She couldn’t bring herself to try to stop them from coming down. Not right now.
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092219archive · 4 years
i’ve been watching ffxiv cutscenes for the main story (pushing thru heavensward right now) and i’ve been thinking of stuff for my wol lately so i guess now’s a good time to introduce them a bit :-)
here’s a link to the og meme: Self Insert Development Meme
1. Does your insert have a name that’s different from yours? Does the name reflect their character in any way, or is it just because it sounds nice? How did you come up with it?
wol’s currently nameless... i can’t use with the usual “eren” as per the naming conventions of each ffxiv race (i will use wol!eren to indicate, well, My WoL). maybe if i wanted them to be a hyur i’d be able to, but i’ve been hopping back and forth between aura (raen) or viera (veena)...
edit (8/4): i keep forgetting to update this lmfao,, but my wol’s name is momo and they’re an aura (raen)!
2. Does your insert have a very strong relationship with a f/o, maybe more than one? Tell us a little about the dynamic they have! This can be a bond that’s romantic, familial, or platonic, anything - even an enemy would count as a strong relationship!
there’s only maybe one person who’s aware of the character(s) that i’m maybe. MAYBE. maybe. looking at (eros Do Not Interact). no names as i refuse to acknowledge/perceive them in any manner.
but, the relationship’s still in the works,, i’m thinking it’s a lot of it’s gonna have to focus on positions of power/hierarchies... maybe a bit of slowburn... for spice.
i feel like any rom relationship i could build might. be slow burn. oops!
3. Who in their canon are they closest to? Who would they drop everything to come help, if anyone? Who’s the person they’re least close to? Who would they most likely not get along with, if anyone?
in terms of story, i think wol!eren’s really close to alphinaud; i get familial vibes from him (and actual wol spends a very large chunk of time with him as well)... but personally, i’m thinking estinien. yea he’s a bit of an asshat but he’s cool (but ig that makes wol!eren a bit of an asshat too)
when it comes to who wol!eren’s not close with... honestly, anyone that abuses their position of power for selfish and harmful reasons at the expense of people go on the hit list. but even then, if the character’s one of the main characters/shown often then it’s like... i’d have to think about it a little more. happens a lot
4. Does your insert have a backstory? Tell us about it! How does their backstory, if any, define who they are? How does it reflect their relationships now? Their hopes and dreams?
hmm much like my other s/is, wol!eren delves on their past often despite their preaching of looking forward. a hypocrite they are!! (/s) a lot of my self ships also delve on like. “same hat” so... honestly they’re just kinda going with the flow and walking wherever they feel is an easy path. they’re a pretty passive person despite the role they’ve been given.
5. Does your insert have any magical talents or otherwise special abilities? Are they passive, like the ability to befriend animals, or dangerous power that the villains want? Or if they're evil - any powers the heroes want to stop?
as per the narrative, they were chosen by hydaelyn and have the echo. however, they’re also extremely perceptive. they can typically tell whether someone has good intentions or not. the issue is that it’s always a feeling and they usually don’t have anything to prove their claims. as a result, they rarely say anything about it. it's not really a “power” but it can certainly be helpful.
6. Do they fight? What’s their weapon of choice? Do they stay on the sidelines? What would it take for them to get off the sidelines? Revenge? Saving a loved one? What’s the motivation for them to fight, or to stay OUT of a fight?
i plan on wol!eren being a summoner! or maybe not exactly a summoner, but something to do with magic being used offensively. they hate getting their hands dirty so they’ll just blow you up instead.
they mainly fight because it’s their duty/obligation to fight, but had they not been in the position they were, they’d have sooner leave combat and live off the grid. nobody really knows this because they never voice it -- it also wouldn’t be good for a warrior of light to say “yea i hate my job and i don’t really care about some of you”, you know?
(7/18) edit: with the help of my ffxiv mutuals, i’ve decided to make wol!eren a black mage :) it’s definitely fitting for their character.
7. What kind of clothing style do they like? What would they never be caught dead wearing? What’s likely in their closet right now?
REALLY DARK CLOTHING. if they show any skin when they don’t have to, they’ll Perish. i intend for them to wear the void ark clothing for magic users but much like everything else, that’s subject to change. clothing that’s aesthetically pleasing and easy on the eyes is good.
8. How do they fit into their canon world? What’s their role to play, if any? Do they have a big destiny? Or do they more live as a side character that’s helpful for the protagonists/antagonists?
literally the protagonist but very much desires to be a side character. because they like playing a supporting role more than the main role, they live in “anonymity.” kinda. it’s just hard when the group you’re apart of and gods?? know literally just about everything you’ve been doing.
9. Their favorite foods? Colors? Activities? What do they enjoy in life? How do they express their joy for things they like?
they will. eat just about anything they’re given, even if the food’s not super great (like a raccoon.....). they don’t really have any particular favorites and if they do, it’s likely to be meat or basic, easy-to-make dishes.
just anything that’s dark/muted. color colors (blues, purples, etc.) are their favorite.
they very much enjoy doing absolutely nothing, especially now that they’re so busy with working. if they’re free from work even if it’s just for a few seconds, you will find them sleeping. Lazy
if they like something, they’d never say it out right. extremely private and closed off person, so unless you’re really close with them, you’d never know if they truly liked something.
10. Their least favorites? What don’t they enjoy in life? How do they deal with being presented with things they don’t like?
literally just anything that inconveniences them. they want things to run smoothly so they don’t have to deal with anything they don’t have to. when something arises that stops them from fulfilling their duties, they’re get irritated. they also just, not the biggest fan of people and socializing.
11. How easy is it to make your insert angry? Sad? How easy is it to twist their emotions into negative things? By contrast, how easy are they to cheer up? What can brighten a bad day?
they’re easily prone to negative emotions, but it’s not “major/serious” since they’re mostly out of touch with their emotions anyhow. if it gets really bad, they kinda “shut down.”
one way to get under their skin is confront them about personal matters, but you can cheer them up if you have a good sense of humor! alphinaud’s helped with that, albeit unintentionally more often than not.
12. Is your insert a loner, or do they prefer crowds? Do they warm up easily, or do they tend to take longer to befriend others? What kinda people do they get along with? Who are they likely to be uncomfortable with?
i think i did mention earlier that wol!eren really doesn’t like crowds. it takes them a very long time to genuinely consider someone as a friend. sometimes they might not even acknowledge someone even if said person tries their hardest to befriend them. and there’s not really a type of person who they’re really “uncomfortable” with (spoilers they’re always uncomfortable with everything asjfhsd), but i guess if i had to answer, it’s just anybody with potentially harmful intentions?
they have. Trust Issues™, if you will.
13. What are your insert’s goals? Their hopes and dreams for the past/future/present! Do they intend to achieve no matter what? Could anything stop them, big or small?
in the past, they wanted to live a comfortable life as a recluse where they can do things without the eyes of others watching... and they still do, but now they’re too accustomed by the presence of people to truly achieve that. after their duties as a wol (if they’re ever completed honestly), they’d probably pull a cloud final fantasy and start a delivery service or something like that LOL
14. Does your insert have any family relations? How do they get along? How do they disagree? Is it a biological family? Adopted? Or is it found family? How did this family come together, if it was one of the last two?
sssomething like that? so far i’m thinking they come from a family of arooound 5. 2 siblings + parents. they have a younger sibling who’s a miqo bard mercenary and an older elezen (?) astrologian currently working somewhere in ishgard. debating on who their parents are but all of them were kinda... “picked up” and put into a family.
the “parental figures” were desperate to have a family but they had little knowledge of how to care for children. needless to say, the environment was not one to flourish in.
miqo brd is kinda like robin hood where he steals from the upper class to give to the poor because he refuses to allow people who’re in need suffer due to a lack of resources. on the other hand, the ast is the elezen who wants nothing but peace. the downside is that he’s very aggressive with his ideals and follows people like the archbishop, thordan.
edit (7/18): wol!eren wasn’t tied to their family biologically, but due to their questionable actions and words, they cut ties with their family and started traveling alone. it was extremely difficult but because they didn’t stay in confines of their own home, they were able to meet the scions and the not.
alphinaud and alisaie are like their siblings. they share a surprisingly a deep, unspoken familial bond with the three because of all the adventures they went on together. wol!eren’s been caught acting like an older sibling to the two.
15. Does your insert have any enemies? What’s that dynamic like? Why are they enemies? Did they ever get along in the past? Is patching up differences out of the question for the future?
much like the actual in-game wol, i’d imagine that anybody that wants to stop the wol in their tracks are considered “enemies.” i haven’t gotten that far into ffxiv to really name characters though,, tba.....
16. Free question space! Ask whatever you want to know!
if ur into ffxiv and u’ve gotten this far down... thank u :) and talk to me abt ur wols or ur ffxiv faves in my inbox maybe?? 👀
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x-useobwa-x · 6 years
༄ are you mad? | 너 화났어?
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Jungkook x Reader
➺ Word count: + 1k
╰Due to his PC being broken, Jungkook finds himself visiting the internet cafe daily for hours to play Overwatch. He's an outstanding player, by far better than many of his teammates and he carries his games, but there's one player he always encounters over and over again.
a/n: yooo! I've been itching to write this short thing for a while already! It's nothing special or anything, but I really enjoyed it! It was a nice change from my usual stuff! 🤧👌🏼
Start reading!
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Jesus fucking christ.
„Fuck!“ he curses under his breath.
This is the seventh time he got sniped down out of the blue and everytime he peeks at the kill-feed, he's burning with rage.
It's the same name. All over again, he's getting killed by the same goddamn player. This has been going on since the day his PC broke.
How it broke in the first place? Well, in his opinion it was because of said player. Even while he was playing at home, he already got hunted down by that one person behind the screen somewhere in the world, making him question all the talent he actually has. At some point he got so angry that he lost his control and kept kicking his computer, loaded with rage.
This is now two weeks ago, and he can't get over the fact that this guy is better than him. Usually he would look up to these better than him, but with this goddamn little shit he just can't get any clear thoughts.
He's so fixated on finding the enemies' Widowmaker that he got too careless and- shoot.
„What the FUCK,“ he yells into his headset, having the majority of the internet cafe turning around and giving him looks.
This damn guy.
Venom. Once again, it was Venom that shot him down.
‚I'm so sick and tired of this dude. Jesus fucking christ.‘
Jungkook is far beyond reaching his limit. This has to be settled, once and for good. He's furiously typing something down in the game-chat.
[Seagull: yo venom, after this game, let's go 1vs1 and lets put an end to this. Its been weeks and you can't seem to fucking stop.]
[Venom: lol what you so triggered for. its just a game bro.]
‚It's just a game? Jesus christ. This... this dude really is something.‘
[Seagull: are you scared?]
[Venom: nope. just not serious about this game. but if you insist, lol sure.]
Jungkook is evily grinning to himself.
This will be the last time he'll get his ass whooped by Venom. That dude might be good with 5 other players on his team that distract Jungkook, but on a 1vs1 battle he definitely will have the upper hand.
„Kook are you sure you want to do that?“ Seokjin calls out to him through the voice chat.
„Yeah I am. I am so sick of getting my ass beaten by that kid, I have to.“
„Well, good luck, because the game's ending now.“
Jungkook doesn't fucking care. He just wants to settle this. He has to show off that he's better, he has to-
‚What the actual fuck?‘
Now he's really pissed. As soon as the game finishes and the ‚Play of the game‘ comes up, he has to fight the urge to throw away the keyboard.
The recap shows one of the many times Venom has shot him down, and it wasn't even a good one in Jungkooks opinion.
[Seagull: wow kinda sad that you got the POTG with that.]
[Venom: you butthurt or smth?]
„B-butthurt??“ he scoffs. „This little...“
„Well. See you, Kook. Good luck with Venom.“ Seokjin says and leaves the group.
He's waiting. He's waiting for Venom to invite him into a private game so he can restore his pride. He is butthurt, but that doesn't mean that he has to admit that to everyone.
,Finally. Took him long enough.‘ is all he thinks as he clicks ,accept‘.
[Venom: widowmaker 1vs1?]
[Seagull: yes ofc]
[Venom: lol aight]
As both of them enter the game, Jungkooks fingers are itching to turn this around.
‚5...4...3...2...1...go!‘ the game counts down and both of them rush out of their bases to hide.
Jungkook is concentrating with all he has while he zooms into his scope as he tries to track down Venom.
„There you are,“ he whispers as he finds the hated enemy and slowly moves his cursor to steady his aim on Venoms head.
Jungkook immediately takes the lead. He's feeling so content right now- they're roughly 20 seconds in and he already shot him down. Using the time until Venom respawns, he repositions himself and hides, scope fixated in the direction of the enemy's base.
‚Come out, come on, show yourself.‘
Just as he finished his thought, he gets shot, and Jungkook can‘t help but stare in disbelief. Where the fuck did he hide? Why didn't he see him? He hates to admit it, but that was a very good play.
[Seagull: yo wtf. that was actually sick,,,]
[Venom: thx broski]
[Seagull: nah we aint bros man. but still, that was dope as fuck.]
The game keeps going like this; both are pretty much equally good, and Jungkook hates that he realizes that. Well, at least he isn't worse. But what actually is worse, is that he starts enjoying playing with Venom. It has been ages that Jungkook met someone that could keep up with his skill.
It stands 29-29 right now, the game limit being 30 kills. This is now going to decide things.
[Venom: this is actually pretty fun. i mean, i have my cursor on your head for the past 2 minutes but i don't want to shoot, i'on want this to be over yet]
[Seagull: ikr, tbh i even feel bad for all the hate and the tons of reports i sent in because of you lmao]
[Seagull: ,,,sOrry??? idk man you really pissed me off ajfksk i hated that you were better its not even that you were better its just that you were always so cOckY OOF i hated it but ur actually?? pretty fun??]
[Venom: lol i'm sorry but your reactions always were gold kfkdls]
[Seagull: yea i,,, i can see that LOL i got pretty worked up. I even crushed my computer in anger oops]
[Venom: you did wHat]
Jungkook is smiling to himself. This guy isn't all too bad after all. Not even half as cocky as he thought. Maybe he'd even end up teaming up with him some time. That thought is immediately cancelled again, though.
Suddenly, his character falls, shot down by the person he just praised for not being as bad as he initially thought. Fuck that.
[Venom: lol i thought i'm not your bro]
[Seagull: yEah NOT ANYMORE NOW,,,]
[Venom: are you mad?]
[Seagull: uhh y e s ?? I thought we didn't want to finish this fkdkls]
Jungkook sighs. He wants to be pissed, but he can't really. He knows it was just meant as a joke, but still, that means the game is over now, and he's kind of feeling sad.
[Seagull: yo... you maybe wanna stay in the group and keep talking a bit? y'know, just being on the title screen and ,,, t a l k]
[Venom: u mean voice chat?]
[Seagull: yea i mean if you want to,,,]
[Venom: uhh sure why not]
Jungkook enables the voice chat and waits for Venom to do the same.
As soon as he gets the notification that his new mate joined the voice chat, there's some sort of awkward silence; it seems like neither of them wants to go first, but then they happen to start talking at the same time.
„Uhh hello?“
„Uhm, hi?“
Silence. Jungkooks eyes widen an unreal amount and his mouth slightly falls open.
There are two things that he would like to point out. First, the voice belongs to a girl, which he didn't expect at all. But the second thing is, that the voice came from nowhere else than the booth right next to him.
He jumps out of his chair and watches as you do the exact same- and there you both are, looking at each other like two idiots.
„You- you're Venom??“
„You are Seagull? Dude we've been both coming here everyday sitting in the same damn places??“
„As if I didn't figure that yet. What the- so you are the person that keeps hunting me down?“ he says as if he's just figured out all the mysteries of the world.
„What do you mean ‚hunting you down‘? YOU are hunting me down!“
The both of you stare at each other, pouts on your faces before you burst into laughter.
What the actual fuck is happening right now? An hour ago he wished to rip the gamer that goes by the name Venom into pieces, and now he's standing infront of you and your smile and the melody of your laughter is sending his stomach tingling. Is this what people call ‚love at the first sight‘? Because if so, that's definitely what's happening right now. A girl? Not to mention a very beautiful one? Playing his favorite game almost better than he himself does? And on top of that she's funny and seems nice so far? He'd be damned if he'd let this opportunity slide. He could be living the dream of many, many men and he's not one to pass a chance he'd like to take.
„You know, what do you think about us just logging out for now and grab a coffee together? Getting to know each other and continuing our talk offline?“ he smirks, eyes big and full of hope.
„Hmm, I guess that does sound fair, I mean, I owe you one for all the teasing and for your broken computer, huh?“
„You totally do,“ he says as a wide smile starts spreading across his lips.
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johnnq · 5 years
50 & 141
"use your words." and "you know you want it, sweetheart."
pairing: mark lee x fem!reader
work. as usual, the run of the mill stuff you always did. working on business reports, arranging meetings with clients and spending a ridiculous amount of time making a budget for each month.
you were standing up, leant ever so slightly over the printer in the main common area for all workers, printing off more sheets to fill in for the next client, trying to fix the jam error that was causing your printing to not come out properly.
you would of continued with the current printing you were doing, if it hadn't been for the firm hit that was delivered to your backside, causing you to immediately turn around to see what, or rather who had just done it.
nobody that could of done it was around, surprisingly. doors to offices were shut, the corridors were quiet, except for mark lee, your unfuriatingly cocky and sauve co-worker at the company you had worked at for three whole years now.
although your position was higher than him, and that made you technically his boss in a strange way, it didn't stop him taking advantage of the fact you were soft spoken, non-confrontational and had a slight crush on him.
there he stood, a smile on his face that said it all. you knew he was the one who had done it, and he didn't seem to be too fazed when he saw your eyes change as you realised it was, either.
"lost for words are we? how cute." he taunted, looking around to check nobody was currently in the building.
"oh please, give me a break. i just don't get how such an attractive guy like you has to be a such an asshat in order to feel like he's got the upper hand."
he stops for a moment. i've got you now, you cocky fucker you think to yourself, seeing the inner cogs of his mind working and how he's desperately trying to come up with a response.
"interesting choice of words. does that mean that i've already got it then?" smirking, he approached you until he was close enough, and took the chance he had to pull you into the main office, closing the door and locking it, very hastily pushing you against the nearest wall.
"got what, mr lee? the only thing you seem to have right now is a hard-on." looking down at his pants seeing the prominent bulge, you couldnt help but smile at how easy he was to antagonize.
he took your wrist in a deathgrip and moved your hand to his clothed cock, making you run small movements up and down it.
"i know ive got the upper hand, y/n. you wouldn't still be standing here in this room with me if you didn't want to be."
in that moment, you made eye contact, and for an uncomfortable amount of time it didn't falter, not even once.
"you locked the door, and forced me up against a wall. i could just as easily go to HR and tell them you harassed me, and assaulted me, then wouldn't let me leave. so don't talk to me about having the upper hand, because trust me, mark - if anyone's got the upper hand, it's me."
at hearing this, you watched as mark's face change when he realised you meant what you said.
"and what if i just decide to grab those dainty little wrists of yours and pin them behind your back while i fuck you, hmm? are you gonna go to HR after that?" he threatens, taking a hold of your wrists, his grip tightening as he waited for an answer.
the nerve.
"maybe. it all depends on how good you fuck me, doesn't it?" you say back, trying to keep a completely straight face as in your head you're already imagining him finally doing what you've wanted him to do for years.
"oh come on, you know you want it, sweetheart. i've seen the way you look at me when you think i'm not paying attention. drop the act and admit it, you've wanted me to bend you over any available surface since the day you met me."
you pause. fuck, he's right you think again.
"fine. it's true, but what are you gonna about?"
in seconds, you were being manhandled onto a desk, the items that once sat on top of it, splayed across the floor as mark hurriedly pushed them off to make room for you. no complaints from you, lips connected in a kiss so passionate you almost didn't believe mark lee was the one on the other end.
"you want me to fuck you then, princess? right here on this desk? you filthy slut."
the only response you could give as you both undressed, lips still connected was a nod and 'mm' sound, your shirt, skirt and then underwear being discarded to the floor in the heat of the moment.
"use your words, y/n. do you want me to fuck that pretty little cunt of yours right here on this desk or not?"
"yes, for fucks sake mark. right here, right now."
immediately you could tell that that really gave him a massive ego boost, the darkening in his eyes and the lustful stare he gave, left little to the imagination.
"good girl. see how smoothly things go when you play by the rules?"
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twilightvolt · 5 years
Twilight Thoughts (BEASTARS Episodes 1-4 Part I)
Note: I realized this stretched FAR too long altogether, so i decided to break it up into two parts. that way it’s a tad less intimidating to read.
Just know for those who've just found me now that I've never read the manga (although I've known about it since last year), so this is from the perspective of an outsider going in completely blind. While I normally am an anime only dude considering I'm not much of a reader, I DO have plans to read it. But, only AFTER the anime has concluded. I gave my reasons in an earlier post.
Ok, so episode 1 gave me feels I didn't ask for but know I'd welcome anyway cuz I just luv torturing myself with a n g s t .
Episode 2 threw all my expectations out the window and made me question if I was even ready to continue watching this show with that ending.
Episode 3 made me truly invested. (as if I weren't already. lmao)
But episode 4 just now?
....goodness, I don't even know WHAT to think if I'm being honest. I still had to process everything long after.
Hmm....where to begin....I guess I'll just start with things I reacted to in episode 1 and go from there. I'll try to recall as much as I can. Grab the popcorn my dudes, you're in for a long ramble. ^ ^'
Episode 1: The One With the Long Ass Title
- Not even three minutes in and someone already dies. Like, b o i . Sure hope that dude wasn't important. Yeah, it's probably n-
- "When the time comes, I'll tell her how I feel!"
.....why would you do this to me, Itagaki? TT__TT
- Right here was also when I learned what Legoshi was like as a character. He was such a sweet cinnabun that he already made it on my list of good bois. Ngl, he reminded me of an old Digimon OC I created way back in 2016 who was a werewolf with the same sorta personality.
- when I saw Louis (Or as I started calling him, Bambi Senpai), I thought "Ok, he's the popular bishie who's probably gonna be a huge asshat." But later in the episode, I started thinking that might not be the case? I mean in this one, he was grade A jerk material. But there was something there. And I'm not just talking about that scene of him pulling on Legoshi's tie. Lmao
- Why y'all gotta be so mean to Haru? Like god, sometimes high school teen drama like this makes me so.....ugh.
- A mongoose voiced by Bakugou was something I never knew I needed to hear.
Overall, a pretty fun and engaging introduction imo. For something that's supposed to be Slice of Life, at least.
Episode 2: Oh Lord That Ending....
- Legoshi not wanting to get out of bed cuz of being depressed felt relatable, but I also felt bad for him despite not knowing what went down at that moment.
- I also wanna see more of his friends, but considering one of them was 2D and the only friend I know that had a spot in the trailers was Jack, I'm not holding my breath about that.
- Legoshi fighting his instincts in a nutshell:
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I swear I started hearing Who's There and Borderline of Madness from P4 playing during this moment I am not even kidding. Lmao
- Ok, here's where I noticed Louis was actually nicer than I thought. Cuz even though he seemed mad at the goat boy for eating his script instead of reading it, he still helps him get his lines down.
- The cafeteria fight scene was so funny. "You sound stressed! MAYBE YOU SHOULD TAKE A NAP!" XD
- "Ok think, how can I lose in a natural way?" I luv how Legoshi KNOWS he can kick his ass, but tries his best to strategize how to lose in a believable way. Lmao
- More nice guy points for Bambi Senpai. Though, he seems to be curious about Legoshi for some reason.
- I always like rewatching that scene where the anteater guy ditches Legoshi at the Gardening Club. It's hilarious and the poor wolf acts so cute during that. ^ ^
- To my surprise, Haru didn't seem to remember that night. Which was weird, but then I realized when I went back that the subs threw me off and the goat actually said "Senpai!" so she didn't even know it was him.
- Legoshi too lost in his thoughts to pay attention to what's about to happen and overthinking just wanting to talk was such a mood. *sigh* social anxiety sucks.
- ....You know what I'm about to talk about next.
Like, it's the thing that keeps me from properly recommending this show cuz I have to stop randomly and say "Don't be alarmed by the end of episode 2. I swear it doesn't go anywhere the following episode!" After that, they ENDED THE EPISODE THERE. And I was like "....Wait, thAT'S IT? WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" I was both concerned and dying. inside and out. Lmao
- Oh hey, I forgot to talk about the OP and ED sequences! While the ED songs are kinda just ok, their sequences, while very similar, change themes with every episode. This episode was about him and Haru, so it was pretty cute. The OP tho? GOD, I luv Wild Side so much. It's such a bop and I can't wait for them to release the full version. I haven't heard something so jazzy since Wake Up Get Up Get Out There from Persona 5 and I feel like that genre is criminally underused in anime OPs. The sequence itself? SO cute! But also kinda sad cuz it seems to be showing what goes on in Legoshi's mind. He hopes he could get to know Haru and be with her, but it ends with him afraid with a skull and blood everywhere. Almost as if he's thinking "What've I done?" The art direction was really creative too. It reminded me of the stuff you see from Coraline or uhh....Fantastic Mr. Fox? Yeah, that.
Well, i guess that’s that for now. see you guys possibly tomorrow with the second part where i talk about episode 3 and 4!
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