#like i don’t want to kill myself and everyone around me every shift :)
trashgremlinn · 7 months
peak capitalism is my work’s scheduling app having a lil spotify wrapped year-in-review moment for how many shifts/hours ive worked this year :)
i love having a funky visual slideshow telling me exactly how many days of my year have been spent at work :)
it’s soooo refreshing and life-affirming to know that i’m spending the vast majority of my waking hours being paid fuck all to cop abuse from stupid cunts just so my boss can come in to show us all his fancy new car, and the insanely expensive electric guitar that he “didn’t need but wanted to treat himself” :)
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min1check · 6 months
Leto! Joker x side chick! Reader ig…
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1248 words
Barely proofread ts so i’m so sorry if u see errors
pt 2
Description: You work at one of Joker’s clubs and he starts to take an interest in you….
Every night there would be presents and money left on my small table in my small ass kitchen in this small ass apartment. 
It all started when I finally learned the real identity of my boss’s boss’s boss at the club I worked at. I really needed money desperately for my family who lived out of the country. I’m currently working on the papers so they can gain legal presence but until then I need to work hard and study hard. 
At the club I worked at, they paid me better than most places and I would be able to go to university in the daytime and work at night. 
The club was pretty high class, there were many high profile politicians who were VIPs. Given that they were even at a club, they were most if not all sleezebags who tried to hit on the staff to the point that I could file sexual harassment charges. But nevermind that. 
The club was so high class and full of VIPs that I didn’t expect it to be owned by the biggest crime lord in this city, the Joker. This whole city was corrupt in and out. Even if I tried to file those sexual harassment charges I would’ve been shut up instantly. 
When I saw this head of green hair and his pale deathly looking skin and his red lips that I couldn’t tell if it was lipstick or blood, I tried my best to not be noticed by him. 
Though he looked like a corpse he was extremely attractive. Maybe in another universe I would actually try to get at him. Well and if his fellow Clown Queen of Crime didn't exist. She frightens me even more than Joker. Well actually that’s a lie but as a girl I can say that we’re ruthless when it comes to boyfriends and husbands and such. Too blind and in too much love to use actual reason.
Harley’s beautiful though they genuinely look good together. 
I went over to Joker’s table where he was talking to (or more like taunting) his client to drop off the drinks. It seemed that everyone else already knew what his regular drink was and his client’s. 
I tried my best not to mess up or to not loudly drop the drinks because at this moment I could actually not stop my whole body from shaking. They continued talking about their deal without even looking at me. I kept a friendly smile on my face. 
I walked off a bit quickly because I was terrified. Yet I felt like someone was staring right at me. I quickly turned my head and all I could see in that moment was Joker with his usual devilishly grin looking straight at me. My blood ran cold. 
When I was out of his sight I closed my eyes and started to pray. 
‘Dear God, please forgive me for any sins I have committed for I do not want to die tonight. I have too much to live for so please don’t let me die. Thank you for everything you have blessed me with Lord, amen.’ 
I was crying internally. 
Literally was gonna kill myself right then and there. But I brought myself back to reality and back to work. 
Whenever I would come to work the Joker would be there with Harley. 
I literally think I’m going crazy because I think he keeps looking straight at me…. With his girlfriend/wife/partner in crime which was even worse. Yeah he was hot but cheating men are scum of the Earth. And Joker’s a mass murderer and other stuff. To be honest I kinda forgot I’ve been too busy with school to care about politics….
I finally got a shift off and a day off of school today. I’m just gonna sleep and lounge around and be fat. I got out of my bed to go get some more ice cream in my kitchen. 
It felt a bit unnerving when I was in the kitchen, like someone was watching me. I shook off the feeling because I had locks on every single window and door. The crime in my country is a bit bad so Gotham wasn’t that much different. 
As soon as I turned around to go back to my bedroom with my ice cream in hand…
“What the fuck?!” I screamed so loud that I dropped my bowl of ice cream and it shattered. 
“The look on your face doll… it’s so… funny!” The intruder was the Joker and he couldn’t and wouldn’t stop laughing at my reaction. 
“…” I just stood there in silence thinking about how that bowl was so expensive…
I didn’t want my floor to be sticky so I started picking up shards of the really expensive bowl. 
“Aww~ Are you.. mad doll~?” He teased me with his usual grin. 
“Not really, I’m just a little sad because this bowl was really expensive.” I sighed to myself. 
“If that’s it then here.” Joker tossed money at me. 
“Um… It’s okay I’ll just work for it back.” My mom always taught me that I shouldn’t accept money and that I should always offer to pay so I gave that money back to him. 
“Just take it Doll, think of it as my~ first~ gift~ to~ you~” he really emphasized on the last part like really. 
He got comfy and sat down on a table chair as I cleaned the floor from the sticky mess. 
That sounds a little wrong, I just mean my ice cream trust…
After cleaning it all, it occurred to me…
Why and how did the Joker get into my apartment…
My blood ran cold. I feel like I could turn into a reptile with how much my blood goes cold. 
“I liked seeing you at my club but I like seeing you in this shaggy apartment more.” He looked at me. 
“Um… how did you get in here?” I spoke quietly afraid I would somehow strike a nerve. 
“It was easy! I broke your window.” He spoke like he just finished climbing Mt. Everest. 
My mouth dropped to the floor. 
Like I tried to close it but it just wouldn't. 
“What~? Cat got your tongue Doll?” He grinned. 
I’m actually going to kill myself. 
At this point I hope he pulls out the glock 19 and shoots me….
Wait but all my windows are barred up…
I looked into my living room and realized there was glass everywhere and the metal bar was stretched apart enough where it would fit the Joker perfectly. 
Calculating the cost in my head I actually started to cry. Tears ran down my face. 
I would be fine if I picked up a few extra shifts but I had to study more because finals were coming up. I’ll have to cut down on food and sleep…
The Joker awkwardly patted my back. 
“Here’s some more money Princess.” 
“I.. Cant accept it.” I said between sniffles and pushed his money back to him. 
He suddenly grabbed my head with both his hands and made me stare him in the eye. 
“Take. The. Money. Princess. Or else I’ll shove it down your throat.” His face was way too close to mine. 
“Thank you…” I tried my best to smile while he was still manhandling my head. 
He kissed me out of literally nowhere. 
My blood went cold again. 
I don’t want to be a mistress or some side bitch….
And Harley’s gonna kill me……
Yet it felt so good. 
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bsdawgz · 5 months
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「 ✦ All to Myself ✦ 」 Bungo Stray Dogs, Port Mafia: Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
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A/N: aku won the poll! thank you everyone who voted and everyone who has been so supportive of me and my fics ♡ after writing this little ~drabble~ about what it would be like sleeping soundly next to aku, of course i just had to follow it up with some soft smut, too hehe. if you voted for atsushi, don't worry – i'm prolly going to write one for him next!
genre: f!reader, established relationship + virginity loss, fluffy smut!
content warning: MDNI! mentions of aku’s childhood trauma. bj, virginity loss (aku), brief blood mention (back scratching), a teeny bit of possessiveness, unprotected sex THIS IS MAD RISKY IRL JSYK, tons of reassurance, validation + validation seeking, and lots of saying "i love you" 🥹
summary: on a cold, february night, a night like every other night in this kill-or-be-killed world, fingers are reaching for fingers clumsily, pondering the meaning of the word safety and wondering if it’s possible to find it in another person.
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“you’re making a really cute face right now, ryū,” you giggle, poking at your boyfriend’s cheek. boyfriend – the idea of it was still so foreign to you and him both. you never thought that akutagawa would end up confessing his feelings to you – let alone having feelings for you in the first place. ryūnosuke was short-tempered and, as you quickly came to know as a civilian, feared. however, your friendship with gin had brought you close to him and now, here you two were, perhaps against all odds.
ryū's cheeks flush at your compliment; he paws your hands away from his face, still not used to your casual touch. his eyebrows furrow; his nose scrunches. “don’t mock me,” he mutters, averting your gaze awkwardly as he moves his weight away from you. then, a quiet smile settles on his lips as he steals a glance at you from the corner of his eyes. your face lights up in response – there’s that tiny crack of tenderness, a secret kept just between you two. it makes warmth spread all over you, then all over him.
tonight is a cold night, a night like every other night in this kill-or-be-killed world. somewhere in a slum not far off from yokohama, there is a family of orphan children sleeping in a slum. on a suicide mission about a mile east from akutagawa’s apartment, a group of port mafia executives are breathing their last breath. in the alleyway just around the corner, there is a man with a gun pressed to his temple.
but on this cold, february night, a night like every other night in this kill-or-be-killed world, akutagawa and you are inside – sitting on a mattress that has barely been slept on, fingers reaching for fingers clumsily, pondering the meaning of the word safety and wondering if it’s possible to find it in another person.
“can i… kiss you?” the request is so simple, but so special. affection is such a strange thing like that. akutagawa’s eyes widen, as though he’s bewildered by his own words, surprised that he's made such a request in the first place. but it’s too late to take back the words now – not that he wants to, anyway.
you’re both inept, fumbling to get closer to each other. shaky hands reach for your waist as you crawl into his lap, making him shift at the sudden closeness. it’s not your first time kissing someone, and you’re by no means a virgin, but akutagawa and you have never even cuddled, let alone been this intimate together. you feel timid fingers awkwardly stroking your hair, then his lips hesitantly brushing against yours. for the first time, ryūnosuke has no idea what he’s doing, and there’s no hiding it – there’s an intense heat radiating throughout his body and a clamminess in his hands, which he simply doesn’t know where to put, every time your lips meet. when he feels the soft, wetness of your tongue caressing his, he pulls back, an ashamed look on his face. “i… sorry.”
“you’re making that cute face again…” your voice is gentle, caring. you don't mean to tease him, yet a wave of embarrassment rushes through him. he looks away, absolutely frustrated with his inexperience and the way that you see right through him. he feels so incompetent. he’s just about ready to protest, but before he can, you plant a kiss on his cheek, giving him yet another reason to blush. “it’s okay, just let me show you,” you coo, threading your fingers through his. “just trust me. okay, ryū?”
he looks at you and nods sheepishly, letting you guide his hands back onto your hips. tilting your head to the side, you bring your lips to his once more. it’s a passionate kiss – long, languid, full of tenderness. this time, when you sweep your tongue into his mouth, he lets you in willingly, sinking deeper into your kiss, his fingers grasping the fabric of your blouse tighter. when you finally pull back, akutagawa’s cheeks are pink to the tips of his ears, making you giggle as he slowly lets go of you. “mhm, that was much better…” you hum in approval, playing with the hands that are laying in your lap.
your touch has always been different from what he's used to – you're kind, forgiving. you are the embodiment of what he's spent his life convincing himself is a weakness, yet you've proven to him that it's your greatest strength. he nods at you, an almost serious look on his face like he's memorizing your movements, then he leans in for another kiss – you feel his fingers meshing through your hair as he brings you closer. he’s gentle with his hands as he weaves them carefully through the strands, cautious not to snag or tangle them as he tucks them behind your ear.
then, to your surprise, you feel his lips elsewhere – the heat on his mouth on your neck, his soft breath traversing down your skin as he traces a line to your collarbone. “is it okay?” his voice holds nothing but compassion – a forbidden trace of humanity in akutagawa that he spent his life unlearning for the sake of survival – a speck of vulnerability that proves you're not you're not so different from him, after all. he crumbles, shatters under you. you nod in response and guide him to your shoulder, unbuttoning your blouse.
“ryū…” his name forms on your lips before you even have the chance to think it, but it’s only natural now – “do you love me?”
your words catch him off-guard. of all the things you could ask him, he never would have expected this – yet, just as you, he finds that he already knows the answer and that all he has to do is confirm it. “yes.” it’s a quiet response, uttered like a secret, as though if someone were to discover the truth, it would mean certain death for the two of you. then, he meets your gaze waveringly, suddenly realizing that he’s exposed his hand without knowing your own response. “do you love me back?”
there’s no denying it in the way you touch him, taking his cheek in your hand as you plant a soft kiss to his soft, waiting lips. “i love you. i always will.” – those words he’s never heard that make his hands tremble. he reaches for you – and for once in his life, he feels what he’s been yearning for is falling perfectly into his fingertips. the scent of your lavendar shampoo, lingering in the tendrils of your hair; the softness of your skin against his lips; the quiet sounds of your gasp when his teeth graze your neck – he wants all of it –
– is it really okay for him to have it?
can he have you like this? –
he’s unbuttoning the rest of your blouse now, trailing gentle kisses down your chest. clumsy hands struggle to unclasp your bra before palming and squeezing at the swell of your breasts, cherishing the experience of feeling another human being’s naked skin for the very first time. you gasp as he thumbs over your hardened nipples, then you feel the wetness of his mouth exploring the exposed skin with slow flicks of his tongue. his wandering hands feel up the sides of your body, eager to burn your shape into his memory. he doesn’t have to say that you’re beautiful – his eyes tell you so as he gazes at you hazily through thick lashes, exploring every part of you attentively. “ryū–” you moan out, your voice a whisper. “can i touch you, too?”
nodding, ryūnosuke undoes his shirt and slacks while you finish undressing. slipping the now-unbuttoned shirt down his toned shoulders, his body tenses at his complete vulnerability. the thought of being unclothed without rashōmon at his disposal is terrifying. “we don’t have to,” you reassure him, bringing your lips to the back of his hand. “you don’t have to give me anything.”
“– but i want to.”
he interrupts you quickly, embarrassed at the sheer neediness in his voice and appalled by how easy it must be to read him right now. “i want you to touch me.” he looks away, embarrassed – there's no one in the world that he trusts more than you. then, gulping, he steadies his voice, finally meets your gaze determinedly. “i don’t want anyone else but you to touch me – will you touch me?”
you nod, then you seek him.
he grows in the palm of your hand. it's the first time he's ever felt the touch of someone other than himself, and his eyes watch you carefully, timidly – the way that those slender fingers of yours curl around the base and stroke him. your touch feels so different than his own. your movements are slow and intentional, so unlike the way he touches himself when he’s just trying to finish himself off in a hurry.
your gaze is hot on him, and he feels his cheeks burning under your scrutiny – and oh, wow, your hand is so small and so soft – and it feels so good wrapped around him like this. his breath is stuck in his throat; stifling a sound as you palm the wet tip, he watches as your finger collects a string of precum leaking at the slit. then, a muffled noise escapes him as he feels a wetness teasing at him – is that your tongue? wait... is he moaning right now?
he gasps, eyes widening as he realizes what’s happening – the gorgeous sight of you on your knees for him, in between his legs. you’re kissing the inside of his thigh, your hand still firm around him, and then your mouth is full of him, and he’s stammering out your name relentlessly. he’s out of breath, fingers threading through your hair, petting your head as you suck him off. “– a-ah… feels�� good…” he's shocked at how vocal he is and wants to hide his face out of embarrassment, so he lets his head fall back and covers his eyes with his arm, hoping you won't see the sort of face he might be making for you.
then, you feel him reach for your breasts once more, molding them to the shape of his hands, before he tugs you into his lap, pulling you into another deep kiss. “can i have you?” he asks. there’s a hint of desperation in his voice. ryūnosuke is staring into your eyes seriously now, a certain urgency reflected in those dark, blackened irises of his, as though he’s afraid you’ll disappear before his eyes and might vanish into dust, as though this is some false reality. murmuring a soft ‘always’ in affirmation, you feel him press his mouth to your skin once more and litter your neck and shoulders with kisses, hands traversing across your skin like he can’t get enough of your body, craving to memorize every morsel of you.
“i love you,” he whispers, voice faltering as he meets your gaze. he melts into nothingness against your open mouth, pouring himself into your kisses, and soon, he grows hungry. his movements become more aggressive, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips, carving craters into the dips in your skin. you feel him mark you, his teeth scraping your neck slightly as he sucks harshly on your tender skin, leaving behind splotches of pink and red. your fingers tangle in his black and silver hair as you bite back a moan at the pang of pain and pleasure intertwined – but your thoughts are filled with nothing but him as you chant in your head, i love you, i love you, i love you.
then, you ease him inside of you slowly, and you hear him moan softly into the crook of your shoulder and tighten his grip on your waist as you sink onto him completely. “nghh–...” the feeling of your wet warmth is too much to handle – he feels like he could cum any moment just from being inside of you. he never imagined that his first time would be raw – and that it would feel so, so good like this. you’re pulsing all around him, squeezing him so perfectly. with you gripping him so sweetly, he can every single one of your movements – each agonizing throb of your aching core. it’s like nothing he’s ever experienced before.
what if he doesn’t last long? just the thought of it makes him feel so embarrassed and ashamed of himself – but as you lay a kiss on the protrusion of his cheekbone, looking at him with those kind, compassionate eyes, he’s reminded that there’s nothing he has to prove to you right now. he blushes, cheeks turning red, then brushes his lips against yours again. “it’s okay, you can go slow if you want,” you whisper in his ear, as though you've read his mind.
his movements are awkward, just as you’d expect from someone with no experience, but you guide him until his thrusts are steady. “is… is it okay? am i… doing okay?” ryū asks anxiously. there’s that incredibly cute, worried expression on his face again, that face that he makes when words fail him and confidence escapes him. his cheeks are flushed with heat as he looks up at you, waiting to hear your validation.
"don't worry so much," you murmur, caressing his cheek with your thumb. "you don't have to hold back with me, ryū. i want to make you feel good, okay?
i love you."
you feel akutagawa's weight shift on top of you. then, those eyes – eyes that echo your own emotions, eyes that are baring everything, are peering at you yearningly. in the sliver of moonlight peeking through his bedroom curtains, you can see all of him now – pale skin reflecting the silver glow of the sky, raised scars on his body that immortalize a traumatic past, bruises from pushing himself past the point of redemption in training. this is no hellhound – this boy is distinctively human; and these are the markings to prove it.
"i love you, too," he says breathlessly, in a voice as earnest as your own, "i love you so much."
he buries himself inside of you once more, pleasuring in the warmth of your walls and the way that your body grips him. there is no need to hide tonight from each other tonight, not when it's just the two of you in this room. as you wrap your legs around him, you feel his pelvis meet yours in slow, deliberate strokes. he focuses his attention on you completely. he's so beautiful, so loving – and you wonder what good you might have done in a past life time to be loved so tenderly by this man. allowing yourself to be swept into the tide of hips, you moan out his name as his pace quickens – as he pushes himself into you deeper, closer, until you're clinging onto him, your fingers burrowing into his shoulders. "ryū... you feel really good, ryū…”
the way that you coo for him makes his eyes widen –
"say it again. my name. please.
tell me i make you feel good. i need to hear it again..."
and you'll say it again – as many times as he wants. his name spills out of your lips like a broken dam and you overflow, mouthing 'i love you' over and over into the crease of his jaw as your nails rake across his back, piercing flesh and pricking blood.
"i... i own you now... you belong to me – you're mine, okay? only mine," he tells you, gazing into your eyes longingly, desperate to have the words repeated back to him.
but of course you’re his – you’ve only ever been his. “yours, ryū,” you whisper back, reaching up to stroke his cheek with your thumb, and for just a moment you could swear there’s tears about to well up in his disbelieving eyes. “i’m all yours – i’ll always be yours.”
tonight, it is cold, february night in yokohama. it is like any other night in this kill-or-be-killed world –
– except tonight, ryūnosuke and you are inside his apartment, sheltered from the cruelty of the outside world. your fingers are interlocked as you hold one another tightly, in the most intimate of ways – and for the first time in ryū's life, he feels his trembling hands become still, his breath become steady, his heartbeat slow.
outside, there's a drizzle of rain that's begun to prickle at the window panels in the shadows of his darkening room. somewhere in the slums, just at the outskirts of yokohama, there is a boy that looks like him, who knows nothing but suffering, who owns nothing at all, who has no one at all.
but tonight, none of that matters –
tonight, all that matters is this man in front of you, who is pulling you tight against his chest, and that soft voice rustling in your ear, whispering, "i'm yours, too. i'm all yours."
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author ps: eeeek i hope i did ok!!! wc was a bit higher than usual b/c i really do love aku, so i'm a little nervous T_T i really did enjoy writing this one, so i hope that you also like it and that i did aku justice. also, if anyone is interested in being added to a future taglist, please let me know and i’ll set one up!
© BSDAWGZ 2024. Do not steal or repost ANY of my works! That’s plagiarism, and it’s mean. :(( Beautiful dividers by @ v6que~!
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Once again, people don’t actually care about black women. Because when it comes down to it, they will do everything in their power to shift the focus onto something else in order to ignore the truth.
“Rap making you uncomfortable doesn’t mean you have to avoid it” are you fucking serious? Black women CAN’T avoid it. We have to deal with misogynoir every single day and then hear about it in the majority of rap music. And then witness black women being beaten and nobody doing a damn thing about it. wtf is this shit. What you see as “just rap music” is the reality of MANY black women.
We are constantly raped, beaten, spat at, called all kinds of slurs, killed, and you want me to NOT be uncomfortable when I hear shitty rap music reinforcing violence against black women? Fuck you and fuck everyone who agrees with you.
EDIT May 29th, 2024:
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• Wasn’t long before some FUCKIN LOSER would reblog this ignoring what I said and instead talking about how all rap music is shit and isn’t art, so let me make this perfectly fucking clear, since nuance isn’t a thing any-fucking-more.
Fuck you too and all the rest of the racist trash you’re with. As a person who writes rap music myself, I criticize rap music because rap music is something I’m very passionate about, besides metal and rock, and I enjoy finding rap artists who aren’t bigoted. I criticize shit because I care and I want to see things change. Not because I think all rap music is trash. Tf??? I also find comfort in listening to rappers who don’t think my entire existence deserves violence, but whatever.
Criticizing a genre is not the same as declaring a whole entire genre trash, and it pisses me off that I always have to clarify shit because y’all just come out of the woodwork salivating at the chance to be racist and ignorant and just all around insufferable.
But if I criticize metal for its history of racism and misogyny (there are, apparently, still so many white supremacists in black/death metal, for example.), oh no, it’s only because of the people in it, not the genre itself. Funny how nuance shows up there but not in rap.
And rap music is, in fact, art. It is poetry like every other genre of music. It’s another way to make music, and every lyric written is a form of poetry. Always has been. To not recognize that is to be blatantly ignorant for the sake of being racist. The point is to not use rap as a way to promote shitty behavior, which bleeds into real life.
If you refuse to read the OTHER FUCKING POSTS (including one I made on my alt blog about how I became alternative) that I had mentioning a few rappers that I actually liked, as well as realize that I said majority rap and not all rap music, and instead decide to take the word nuance and shove it so far up your ass you forget it even exists, then you were already lost and I’m fucking tired. Nowhere did I say all rap music was trash. But I bet you already knew that and just wanted an excuse to be racist and generalize a whole entire genre.
Barkaa (Australian Blak Indigenous Rapper) (I especially love her songs For My Tittas, Blak Matriarchy, and Bow Down)
Cinnamon Babe (Black, Metal and Rap artist) (My favorite songs from her are The Man and Bad Dog)
Raja Kumari (Indian American Rapper) (My favorite songs are NRI, The DON, Goddess, City Slums, etc)
Tkay Maidza (Zimbabwean-Australian Rapper) (Beautiful singer and rapper)
ALT BLACK ERA (Black British Rappers, also teenagers)
Delilah Bon (White British Rapper) (My favorite song from her is WITCH, as well as many other songs like Dead Men Don’t Rape)
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silly-circus · 2 months
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★SillyString’s story/background★
(Way long overdue lmao and long I’m so sorry guys, also made some edits because I wanted to word some things better)
I want to start off by saying she is me, me is she(Im not sure if I made it clear or not so apologies I’m kinda dumb🫰). I say “her” in my posts instead of “me” because idk it feels right since I make her look differently than I actually do. Even so, we share the same name and I do the clown look all the time when I go out to places that I get an excuse to🧍‍♂️so really it is just me but anyway,,, time to begin! This is my first time actually writing this out so I’m sorry if it’s formatted and explained terribly
First off, Silly String is my persona’s clown name. She came up with it herself, everything else was Pennywise’s idea. She was originally a human, and still looks like one and has the appetite of one(when she changed Pennywise assumed she would want to eat people. He was wrong.) She lived in texas(yee-honk) before moving to Maine literally because she thought “why not?” and ended up in good old Derry. Her life growing up wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t the best. She was always into odd and strange things, or things that most would find creepy(clowns. Love clowns. They’re so cool) so she was kinda outcasted from others at a young age but soon people learned to just let her live in peace which of course she was happy about. She did manage to make some friends, solidarity. After moving, she continued pursuing freelance photography and painting, but her full time job is as a barista in a local coffee shop(wow, how interesting💀).
The way that she met Pennywise was kinda stupid. All she was doing was taking photos of the local wildlife and next thing you know a kid is running by before she notices a fucking weird ass clown creature from hell charging straight towards her(she still snapped a photo before running). He does catch up to her and jumps her. How she managed to not get away, but the kid did, don’t ask me. She survived, her camera unfortunately did not(he gets her a new one eventually guys trust).
since then, they kept bumping into each other. He does try to kill her again but she kept managing to escape him(pissed him off more and more each time) but soon enough he starts to chill out and basically decides to learn more about her. The more she realized he was going to not continuously try eat her every time he visited she would start asking him questions about who he was as an entity and where he came from. It does start out as a weird friendship where he would mess with her at work or appear out of literally no where to hang around. He does start to enjoy her company and watching her do normal, human things since her doing it made it seem entertaining. After a while of slowly getting closer and closer they become loving parters yay(she was still human at this time).
Fast forward and they get “married” which they really call their “eternal binding.” Basically what it means is that she became a part of him. As in if he dies, she dies. She unfortunately didn’t gain any cool shape shifting and such, she just gets to live and thrive as long as he does. When it first happened she was having a hard time with it simply because she’s going to outlive everyone she knows and will continue to, but over time she made her peace with it and saw it as a privilege to watch the world change around her and of course stay with her beloved.
Also the year they met was set in the 1980s, or honestly it could be any time after that or something I don’t know yall get creative I’m just going with the flow.
That is it :) sorry again this is long, and I hope every one has a good day/night(it’s 3 am why do I do this to myself). I also hope you guys continue to follow along with me on their lover clown journey :D
AND- little sneak peek of an upcoming piece I’m working on for Mermay 😙
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cherrryxx · 5 months
“All is fair in love and war, but I can’t fight with you anymore,,”
(Song: Allies or enemies by The Crane Wives)
OP men and their reaction to an argument, where m!reader gets upset and avoids them.
Including: Mihawk, Kaku
Warnings: angst, m!reader, hurt/comfort, minor cursing, SPOILERS FOR WATER SEVEN/ENIES LOBBY
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- Only reason he would end up arguing with you is for doing something he specifically asked you not to, that could have resulted in you being hurt. Mayybeee also if you’re being too ignorant about things too.
“I said I was sorry! Nothing happened so it’s really not that serious!” You shout at Mihawk. He was agitated and ended up arguing with you after you had followed him into a particularly risky battle.
“Really? And what if I had cut you in half! I could have killed you, THEY would have killed you.” Mihawk snaps. He’s never raised his voice or talked to you with such an aggressive tone, and to be honest it scares you a bit.
As he continues to chew you out, belittling your own ability to stay alive, practically insulting your skills as he gives every reason that he wanted you to listen. You eventually snap.
“Mihawk I’m not a fucking child!” You shout.
And that’s when he realized how much he screwed up. He tried to quickly apologize,
“Look, love, I’m sorry, I know I was being a little har-“
But you were having none of it. You closed the door in the golden-eyed man’s face.
Throughout a week period, you avoided him. Mihawk respected it for the time being, but didn’t enjoy the fact that you treated his presence like a vile plague.
Eventually, he couldn’t stand it anymore, and cornered you in the library.
“I’m sorry, please. I know I can’t control everything you do, I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
It was the first time you’ve ever heard desperation in the warlord’s voice. You looked at him your eyes heavy with sorrow; and pulled him close to you.
“I’m sorry. I know you just wanted to protect me, I just want to show you that I can protect myself, though.”
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- Kaku would literally be too perfect in a relationship to do something that would cause an argument. Oh, besides the fact that he was a secret government agent that nearly assassinated your beloved mayor and friend. Excluding that.
You were furious with Kaku after learning of his betrayal in Water 7. Paulie and Iceburg felt obligated to tell you, especially since you were together for the past five years.
You cried through the next few weeks, only stopping to celebrate when you learned the strawhat crew had managed to get Nico Robin back, and escape relatively unscathed.
After the Luffy and his crew left Water 7 for good, you felt numbed inside. The person you had been with for the past five years worked for the government, and no less attempted to assassinate your close friend Iceburg.
One night, while you were in one of the back allies so you could dispose of your trash; there was a loud thud. You quickly turned around, spotting a tall figure in black clothes.
Instinctively, you grab the carving knife you always kept in your pocket.
“Who’s there!”
You demand, not letting your voice waver for a second.
But when the “stranger” lifted his head, your heart dropped.
“Kaku?” You croaked, your eyes welling up with tears.
“Hello.” He said, shifting awkwardly a few yards away from you.
Your sadness quickly flared up into anger as you remembered why he left in the first place.
“How could you do this, Kaku?!” You shouted, it felt like your voice was ripping through your throat as you spoke. “I trusted you, everyone trusted you!”
You couldn’t keep your tears from running down your face as sobs wracked your body.
You felt arms wrap around you warmly, pulling you close.
“I’m so sorry, honey, please,” Kaku’s voice cracked as he spoke, “I didn’t want to, please believe me. I didn’t. I just don’t have a choice anymore.”
You cried, hitting and punching at his chest. Kaku took the hits sucking in through his teeth as he held back tears.
“Please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry my dear.” He choked out.
You grip his arms roughly, your hands shaking with the gesture.
“I forgive you.”
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
tolerate it
Description: listen to the song by taylor, that’ll tell ya
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader
Warnings: it’s just angst lolll, hotch is kind of a dick, age gap relationship (hotch in his early forties, reader in mid twenties)
Word Count: 2k
a/n: based on the song obvi, but also this post from @greg-montgomery bc that idea had been rattling in my brain and ouchie but i’m glad other people had the same thought 👹
also: jack doesn’t exist in this universe for the sake of my brain
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Befriending an FBI agent didn’t seem like a plausible next step when I decided to take a job as a barista. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was luck, though whether it was good or bad was hard to decipher.
It started out good.
We sat across from one another after my shift was over. I wouldn’t tell him that hanging out at my job after I was done wasn’t my number one choice purely for the fact that he smiled soft and sweet when he asked. We needed to talk anyways.
“I don’t know if it’s a good idea, to be honest,” he mentioned, a shy smile on his face.
“Why is that, do you think?” I questioned.
“I have… A past. There’s been so much that’s happened to myself and my family. I have a demanding job. Dating, even the concept of it, has been hard since—“
He stopped, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he looked down at the drink in his hands. I could tell something heavy was weighing on him, and it hurt to see him looking so down. Granted, we hadn’t known one another for long, but he’d become a close friend. I knew some of his tells, at least.
He looked back up at me, finding nothing but sincerity when he saw me looking back at him.
“My wife, uh, she,” he paused, clearing his throat. “She didn’t just… pass away. She was killed. It was by someone my team was hunting down, and it was hard. I haven’t been looking to date since then.”
I nodded. “I understand, and I don’t want to pressure you. But, if you decide that you do feel ready, I’ll be here.”
He smiled, taking one of my hands from across the table. I swallowed down butterflies, trying to ignore the softened look on his face when he watched me.
“You deserve better. You should be with someone less busy. Younger.”
“I don’t mind a busy working schedule, and everyone has baggage. If you don’t want this, that’s okay. But I do,” I confessed, noting the blush on his cheeks as I spoke. “It’s all about communication, isn’t it? Making sure that if things are hard or messy or frustrating that you talk it out?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I just—“
“Hey,” I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it. Again, if you change your mind, I’ll be here.”
He let out a breath. “Thank you.”
I watched him for a while in the silence. He still had that cute frown on his face.
“I think the problem now is that I don’t want to wait,” he said at last.
I smiled back at him, taking his hand as he pulled me out of the little cafe.
Things started out so well. He’d give me a shy smile every time he showed up at my door to take me out somewhere. He’d call each time he was able to on cases. His sweet demeanor and hidden soft heart stole me over.
It was an easy ‘yes’ when he asked me to move in.
It was easy being with him for so long. But things always change. Sometimes for the worse.
A kiss hello and goodnight became the only times I’d feel his lips on mine. He’d work on what he needed to, sure to tell me any time I asked about what he was doing that I wouldn’t understand it.
I’d stand around, waiting for a drop of attention like a kicked dog. It never mattered. Conversations always turned into short arguments shut down by his cool, even-toned voice telling me I was overreacting. Who was I to think that I knew anything?
“You’re throwing a tantrum,” he huffed, annoyed.
I paused, staring at him in confusion. He stared back at me blankly. Of course he couldn’t be bothered to show any kind of emotion outside of a snap in his voice.
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t have time for this,” he said, shaking his head.
He continued packing his thing to head to the bureau, and I once again stood alone, watching him. A mere inconvenience in his morning routine.
“If this is all in my head, just tell me,” I said quickly. “But it feels like you’re intentionally ignoring me. Like I’m some kind of child to you.”
He stared at me for a moment, his face indecipherable.
“That’s ridiculous.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“You didn’t ask me a question. If you want to know something, all you have to do is ask.”
He left after that, leaving me speechless in the living room, staring at the door of the apartment. I busied myself all day, trying not to think about it. Days when I was at work while he was felt fine enough. Not good, but fine.
Days when I was alone while he was out working though… I felt like a kid waiting for a parent to return.
I was in the kitchen with a glass of wine when he finally got home. He silently walked around the space. I’m sure he took off his jacket. Undid his tie. Set down his things and locked up the gun. Usual routine that I had no part in and probably never would.
He finally walked into the kitchen behind me, not bothering to say a word as he got a glass of water. Of course, I’d be the first to speak up.
“Are we going to talk about today?”
I turned, finally looking at him. He sipped at the glass of water, simply raising his brows in question. I furrowed mine in response, sick of him trying to shove away any semblance of communication.
“What about it?” he asked.
“What about it? We were kind of in the middle of talking when you left.”
“And we finished it.”
“No, we didn’t.”
He sighed hard. Quiet again. Brooding and stoic Aaron Hotchner. Never having time for anyone’s bullshit.
I wouldn’t have guessed my feelings were more shit on the pile to him. Guess I should’ve known better.
I looked at the plates that remained in the drying rack. Pretty and clean. I’d spent all afternoon doing the dishes, making sure they’d sparkle. If I couldn’t catch his eye anymore, maybe if he saw his own reflection in the plates, he’d realize I did something for him. It might remind him I was still here. In fact, the silverware was even cleaned and polished until they absolutely gleamed. I could probably blind myself with a spoon if I angled it from the sun just right. And I’d do it if he asked me to. Just to see him smile at me as I blinked back at him, trying to see correctly again. Three hours I’d spent on such a small task. Three hours while he sat in his office. I didn’t even know what he did in there, but I knew he’d been finished with what he actually needed to do for the day. I hoped that he might at least come home to see if I was still in the apartment. Would he even miss me if I had decided to leave? I didn’t know. I knew I could at least make him miss having clean dishes.
I moved swiftly, reaching for one of the plates. I held it in my hands, letting the weight of it weigh me down a little. I noticed how the kitchen light bounced off of the surface. Then, I looked at him.
He still had that stupid frown on his face.
Usually a moment like this would require that the person holding the glass wasn’t thinking straight. An accidental drop, leading to scary, sharp edges of glass all over the floor. Shock. Maybe embarrassment. A jump backwards. I did none of the above when I tossed down the plate onto the kitchen tile. It hit the ground with force, sending shards all across the floor in between us. The pieces shone up at his bewildered face as a taunt. They sparkled in my direction like a gleam of light in playful eyes that were daring me to do it again. And it was fucking cathartic.
I took another, ignoring the call of my name trying to stop me, and slammed it on the ground right on top of the remains of the first.
“Stop,” he said, voice raising just below a full yell.
I smiled to myself, holding the third of four in my hands. I couldn’t stop staring at the wreckage I’d already caused, but I let my eyes wandered in his direction.
“You want a tantrum?” I asked, holding the third plate just above my head. “I’ll give you a tantrum. What was it that you said to me? Uh… Oh! Right: ‘all you had to do was ask’.”
I let the plate drop, debris flying all around my feet, thought none of it was sharp enough to do harm. Maybe that was a part of the fun. The plates were thick and heavy. They weren’t made to break. But when they did, it was loud and hard and didn’t hurt me one bit. In any sense of the word.
As I reached for the final plate in the rack, he started circling to get behind me. He grabbed my arm, trying to stop me from letting it hit the floor. He turned me towards him.
“Stop. You’re acting like a child.”
I merely nodded. “That’s the problem, isn’t it? Fuck off, Aaron.”
I whipped my hand hard enough to send the final plate flying. I wrenched myself from his grip after I heard the satisfying crash, stalking past him and out of the kitchen.
He stomped off after me, catching me as I started putting a few things in my bag in the bedroom.
“What are you doing?”
I laughed humorlessly. “Right. Like you care.”
“I do.”
“No, you don’t.”
Silence again.
“You’re everything to me, Aaron,” I said, staring straight back at him. “You were everything and your feelings were everything and what am I to you? Huh?”
“You’re my girlfriend.”
“And that’s it? Just a commodity. Someone who sits all nice and quiet when you get home so that you don’t feel completely alone. Someone who’ll light the candles and wash the dishes and try over and over again to love you. All for nothing.”
“That’s not fair.”
“It’s more than fair.”
“You’re acting so—“ he stopped himself, voice raising again.
“So what, Aaron? Immature?”
“That’s not—“
“Sorry, I totally forgot about the age difference. It’s not like you remind me every single time we get into any kind of argument,” I argued back, venom in my voice. “You’re so much older and wiser. You must always know better.”
He scoffed. I stayed for a moment, still squared up emotionally. I finally went back to packing a few things when I realized he wasn’t responding to me. He watched quietly as I went, fists balled up at his sides, almost convincing me that he actually cared.
He called my name again, this time much more quietly. I ignored him, zipping up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. He said it again, a little louder.
“What?” I snapped.
“Where are you going?”
I shook my head. “I don’t know. Maybe my sister’s place.”
He sighed. “Are you coming home?”
I paused, looking at him as I stood in the doorway. He dropped his shoulders, finally letting his guard down.
“I don’t know. What happens if I don’t? If I were to pick up and leave and never look back?” I asked, steeling my face again. “I don’t think it’d make much of a difference to you.”
“Yes, it would.”
“Then figure out if you really want me in your life. Then I’ll give you an answer. Until then, I’m done giving everything to you all for me to turn up completely drained.”
“I love you,” he said, trying to convince himself just as much as he tried convincing me.
I nodded, heading for the door. I was done trying to convince myself I didn’t need him. I didn’t need empty words anymore. I had the truth: I found it in a neatly packed bag and a pile of broken dishes on the kitchen floor.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 7 months
Turmoil; Chapter 6
a/n: *pukes cutely on floor*
sorry guys I’ve literally been dead
I’ll make it up to you with an extra long chapter next time; I’m sorry for the disappointment that this one is :,)
Word Count: 2.163k
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To your dismay, you’re nudged awake in the wee hours of the morning.
“What?” you grit out. You know it’s him without having to look.
“I’m sorry.”
“Fuck off, Roman.”
“Let me explain,” he urges.
“I don’t want to hear it. You promised, you didn’t show, it’s whatever.”
“It’s clearly not whatever, Y/N.”
You roll over so you can glare at him. “I don’t get it, Roman. There’s no need to butter me up and pretend like you like me. I have to help you.”
“What are you even talking about? I do like you.”
“You don’t really act like it anymore.”
”We got caught up in something. I didn’t want to leave you waiting like that. It’s the last thing I wanted, really.”
“And what happened to you that took so fucking long?”
“I can’t say.”
”Yeah. Exactly. Good night, Roman.” You roll back over, keeping your back to him.
There’s a strained moment of silence.
“It was Dad.” His voice comes out barely a whisper. “He landed, and Marcia called me. Said he’d been hospitalized the minute they touched down.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I… he said not to tell you. Or my siblings, or anyone. He says that if the press catches on that he’s incapacitated, along with him being removed as CEO, he’s done. You can’t tell anyone, Y/N. You can’t.”
“He trusts you, all of a sudden?”
“I’m the one who didn’t try voting him out.”
You take a moment. Roman not participating in the vote just opened several new doors for you.
You feel bad for acting up. “You should’ve started with that,” you mutter. “I feel like a dick now.”
“I mean, you have the right to. I didn’t text, or call. It’s my fault. I should’ve told him to fuck off and gone straight to you.”
“What’s wrong…?”
“Osteoarthritis in his knees. It’s progressing so fast he can’t bring himself to walk.” He rubs a hand over his eyes.
“Roman, I feel horrible. It’s your dad. You shouldn’t have even been thinking of me.”
“That’s what I told myself, yet here we are.” He lies down next to you. “I was standing there, talking to Marcia, and all I could think of was how I was blowing you off.”
“Ignore what I said earlier. That doesn’t matter.” You shift to face him. “But you should’ve called. Told me, you weren’t coming, at least.”
“Yeah. I should’ve.”
You find it strange that he’s never made a move to kiss you. You want to bring it up, you want to be mad at him about it, but you feel like that’s a conversation for another time.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, really.”
You both sit there in silence for a moment. “Will you make it up to me?”
”How do you want me to do that?”
“I want you to figure it out.”
You end up dozing off on your side, this time facing Roman.
The next few days, the strain between you and him slowly dissipates. He brings you breakfast every morning, making sure you never have to lift a finger. You and Kendall lounge around one of those days, telling work nightmare stories. While he’s the most reserved of the four, you two get along well. You’re both comfortable around the other, and despite his warning the day you met him, you trust him.
Speaking of trust, Greg finally made it. Roman eyes him as he pulls you aside one afternoon while everyone congregates after lunch.
“Enjoying Norway?” you ask, stifling a laugh.
“It’s beautiful. I think I’ll have a great time here.” He throws a cautionary glance over at Roman. “Um, you’ll make sure he doesn’t kill me, right?”
You actually laugh this time. “You’ll be fine, Greg.”
“Anyway.. I’ve had my discussions, and we’re starting to dig. We have a few leads on Logan, and something very promising on Marcia. Thank you for asking me to help. As much as it scares me, I’m having fun.”
“I’m glad you’re at least enjoying yourself. You’re a good person to have on my side, Greg.”
He gives you a small smile. “Oh, and about Connor,” he says suddenly, lowering his voice. “I started making inquiries at a bunch of firms, and, um…” He fiddles with his sweater sleeve. “More than one firm responded when I asked about the progress of ‘Mr. Connor Roy’s lawsuit’.”
Your stomach twists. Along with the jade bracelet, the pieces are starting to come together. “Hey, I hate to keep asking you of things…”
Greg shakes his head. “No, no, go ahead.”
“Is there any chance you have the ability to look into Connor’s finances? Say, last five years?”
“Might take a bit, but that sounds doable.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Greg.” You give his arm a squeeze before rejoining the rest of the family. Everyone’s chatting among themselves, save for Roman, who beckons you over to sit with him on a settee. “Jealous again?”
He makes a face. “Absolutely not.” You know he’s lying.
“You should be. Greg’s great.”
“Moving swiftly on.” He stretches out his arms, looping one around you after you sit. “Like my watch?”
You glance sideways at it, the watch sitting on the wrist he has draped over your shoulder. “Is that…?”
“Yes, ma’am. Connor said I can borrow it.”
“He let you borrow something?”
“That’s our problem here?”
“The worst one, yeah.” You get to your feet, peeling his arm from you. “That and you haven’t done nearly enough groveling to be all touchy feely with me.”
“Y/N,” he whines, catching the hem of your shirt before you can go. “Come on.”
“You have to work for it, Roman,” you chide. “Besides, I have to get ready for Shiv’s dinner.”
“We have to get ready.” He gets up after you as the others make their way upstairs. “We should match,” he mutters to you as he rummages through his suitcases.
You drape a pale mauve dress over your arm, watching him hunt for a dress shirt. “Wear purple, then. You have dark purple somewhere in there.”
You head into the bathroom and change. You try reaching around to lace yourself up, but you can’t quite do it right. “Roman?”
A disgruntled “Huh?” sounds from the bedroom.
“Come help.”
He appears with the dark purple shirt you were talking about tossed over his shoulder, and you quickly register the fact that he’s shirtless. Not that you mind, anyway.
You gesture at the lace up back to your dress.
“Why are these things so complicated?” he mutters, tightening the corset top of your dress. He experiments around with the strings, trying to figure something out. His fingers brush over the bare skin of your back as he ties you into the dress. He manages to finish his handiwork with a cute bow. The dress sits prettily on your body, flattering you and accentuating everything that needs to be accentuated. He sets his hands on your hips and his head on your shoulder, staring at you in the mirror. “Fucking hot.”
“Think about that next time you try to blow me off,” you say lightly. He scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“Let it go,” he complains.
“Only when I feel like it.”
He presses a barely-there kiss to your shoulder. “Is this progress?”
“Maybe.” You smile at him in the mirror.
“Asshat.” He pulls away, smiling back, and shrugs on the dress shirt. “Oh, darn, I forgot how buttons work. I so desperately need your help.” You huff halfheartedly, pulling him close by his collar. You start systematically buttoning up his shirt, making sure to keep it smoothed out as you go.
The fabric clings to him, his carved abdomen. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t admiring him.
“Like it?” he asks, catching your gaze and grinning stupidly. Your palms glide over his abs.
“You’re decent,” you say, a smile playing at your lips.
“Just decent?” He groans. “Work with me at least. You’re so difficult.”
“Are you going to put in the work, or not?” You’ve both drifted out into the hall, pulling on coats.
“I will,” he says, quieting as Connor and Willa join you in the hall. Greg’s already here, scrolling through his phone, leaning against the wall. You give Willa a friendly wave, and she returns it with a smile. “Con, it’s fucking dinner. You don’t need cuff links ,” Roman says, gently pinching the small of your back. Your eyes flit to Connor’s sleeves. The exact same ones he’d claimed had been stolen.
“It’s important to be elegantly dressed and well presented at all times,” he says hotly. You and Roman exchange a look before Shiv and Kendall finally appear. They’re quietly bickering over something and walk past the lot of you.
You have to applaud Shiv for being able to find this patio. Under the stars, on the beach- you can’t think of anything more beautiful. The air is cool and crisp, and you’re at peace just breathing it in, staring up at the strung fairy lights. Roman idles beside you, watching you more than the scenery.
“Something on my face?”
“No. I just like looking at you.” He elbows you lightly in the side.
“You’re awfully eager.”
“I thought you wanted that.”
“I do.” You fall easily back into your usual banter. You feel bad that you’re still harping on his ghosting you, but for some reason you can’t completely let it go.
Everyone seems to be getting along. Connor hasn’t said anything aggravating, and Roman was in a calm headspace, behaving himself. You, Shiv, and Willa find yourself giggling over yourselves as the night goes on. The food is good, the company is even better, and for a moment you don’t even realize Logan had arrived hunched over a walker.
Silence blankets the patio. Roman sidles up to you, subtly lacing his fingers with yours and gripping hard.
“Dad,” Kendall says stiffly. Logan ignores him, sitting down as soon as he can. You and Shiv exchange a look. “Not feeling well?” Kendall asks carefully.
“Peachy,” Logan rasps.
“Clearly not,” Shiv retorts, her voice ringing. “How nice of you to join us the day before the party.”
He waves her off, then looks to Marcia as she brings him a plate of food. Roman gives the fabric of your dress a tug and uses his head to gesture to the beach. He nudges Shiv, gives her the same look, and drags Kendall with him as he steps off the patio and onto the sand. You and Shiv follow after kicking off your heels.
The sand is cool, and it feels nice on your feet. The four of you walk a little ways away from the patio before Roman turns and says confidently, “Connor’s piss poor.”
“Like, he has no money,” Shiv clarifies. “We went to get coffee one day and his express card declined.”
“Well, that’s not how I know that. But yikes.” Roman hooks his thumbs through his belt loops. “He told me something about blowing all of his money, then we realized he’s filing like seven lawsuits at once…”
“What could he be spending so much money on that he blew his entire inheritance?” Kendall asks. You’d caught him up on your findings on his brother, asking him to keep an eye on him a few days before.
“I asked Greg to look into that. I’m not sure if it’s really going to help, though.”
Roman shrugs. “It’s blackmail.”
“We shouldn’t bleed our hand,” Shiv says. “Y/N was right to propose we leave Connor be and bait dad with it. If he covered real property fraud, I don’t doubt he’ll do the same here.” She glances over her shoulder, catching her father’s gaze. “We should probably go back,” she mutters to Kendall. He gives you an awkward clap on the back before following Shiv back onto the patio.
“I have no idea why he’s out of the hospital,” Roman supplies as soon as his siblings are out of earshot. “He’s up to something.”
“He’s probably just saving face, Rome. Calm down.”
“He didn’t have to come to this dinner. He just had to show up to the engagement party for it to seem normal.” You cross your arms over yourself, shielding yourself from the sudden gust of wind. “And we said we wouldn’t think about this here.”
“Get out of your head, Roman.”
He sighs, shrugging off his jacket and wrapping it around you. “Let’s just go back.”
You step onto the patio barefooted. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Hell, you want to- it’s so damn suffocating. Logan, surprisingly, has his gaze centered on Connor. At least it’s not you. You pull Roman’s jacket tighter around you, watching Connor shuffle uncomfortably while talking to Willa.
“Connor.” Logan’s voice has a haggard quality to it. It wheezes, rasps. “You know you can always come to me for help, right?”
“Yeah. I know, Dad. Right.”
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
No One Walks Out Ch 4
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No One Walks Out On Big Daddy
Chapter 4: Kaleidoscope
Summary: Elvis convinces Becky that this is actually a romantic gesture, and he brings her to Graceland to meet his family and spend some time together as he prepares to have his daughter come to Memphis. A fluffy, smutty nuzzlefest with some foreboding and Jerry shenanigans.
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI, cunnilingus, vaginal sexual penetrative intercourse, cursing, drug use and alcohol, and, because it's Elvis, weird mind games and jealousy. Some historical inaccuracies.
Words: 18.6K EVERYTIME. Every. Goddamn. Time. With every fic. I tell myself, this time, 10 K is enough. And then I write more than i did last time. I think I loose readers every time it gets longer... but .. fuck.. I don't know. It's hard to kill your darlings.
I made a playlist just for this chapter in order of the songs that get sung or played.
I'm so bad at attention to detail, sorry for the typos.
This chapter is part of my on going fic about 1975-era Elvis and a single mom he meets after a concert in Jackson, MS. If you haven’t read it, you can here:
Catch up on Chapter One here
Catch up on Chapter Two here
Catch up on Chapter Three here
Thanks to everyone who has commented, sent asks, and supported this story. If you enjoy it, please, for the love of big daddy, reblog, comment, share. I always like hearing what works and what doesn't, because it gets into my fingers and shapes the way they write. Pretty sure the smut is ridiculous here....
Sunday, June 14th
1 PM, Pop’s Gas Station
Somewhere in Mississippi 
The coffee was hot as it rolled down Jerry’s throat, and he shifted against the raw wooden grain of the bench outside Pop’s Gas Station, somewhere off Highway 61. It was bright in the muggy, midday heat of Mississippi, and Jerry adjusted his sunglasses, intentionally turning his head away from the yellow Cadillac parked askew twenty or so feet to his right. Lush green trees lined the two-lane highway, and Jerry stared at the overgrowth, trying not to focus on Elvis’ laugh bubbling up as it was interrupted by yelps as Becky hit him again and again on his upper arm. Jerry made no visible acknowledgement that he could hear or see everything being said in the car twenty feet away.
"Elvis THIS IS NOT FUNNY! Turn around and take me home… I don’t appreciate being taken against my will…”
“Thought you liked being taken by me, ouch…. last night you said you wished you could co—”
“No, I never said—”
“Yes ya did, ya said,” Elvis’ eyes laughed and his lips pouted while he spoke in a high falsetto, “Oh Elvis you big strong manly stud, I wish I could stay like this forever, naked in your arms…c—”
“No, no, no, now.” Becky flipped her long, dark auburn curls over her shoulder and looked out the window at Jerry, still aloof, disinterested, his eyes focused on an indeterminate point in the distance. “I didn’t say it like that, I was caught up in the moment and I said ‘this is nice, just being here like this, together.. wish it could last forever,’ the kind of stupid thing weak-willed women like me say after making love….I never said I wanted you to go——”
“Well, I saw it in your eyes… and again this morning, when you were trying to play it cool while ya wa warshin’ my clothes for me, ironing ma pants…” His fingers rubbed the side of her arm, stroking up to the top of her shoulder then back down to her elbow, trailing lightly along her thigh. Becky settled a little as Elvis’ voice rumbled into her ears. She stopped punching him and crossed her arms with an exasperated sigh.  Elvis leaned in closer, still a few inches from her ear, murmuring while his hand circled the top of her left knee. “C’mon woman, ya really don’t wanna spend a few more days with me?”
Becky crossing her arms even tighter, and a guttural growl emerged from her throat with a “Humpf… Elvis…. I can't disappear on a whim just to be your fuck buddy for a week…”
“Whoa now, first a all, this ain’t just about screwing around-”
Becky arched an eye brow.
“Maybe for you, ya wanton woman…”
“No, now a man can only do so much a that… now just come here a second….”
Elvis's hands pulled Becky across the front seat of the car and into his arms.
“Now honey, I like you, we have fun in each other’s company, hmmm?” He kissed the top of her dark curlscand her skin smoldered under the heat of his large hand massaging her shoulder. The bottom of his glasses bumped along the top of her head and she took another deep, protracted breath, uncrossing her arms.
“Mhmmmm… I… it’s not ok to go behind my back just because you want something to happen a certain way…it doesn’t feel good to be tricked into something…”
“Ok, ok… ya right…. See, I … I knew you was too shy to ask your folks… ” Becky jabbed him softly, playfully, moving her elbow up and down along the soft cushion of Elvis’ belly. “Ok, ok, simmer down, I’m sayin’ you are right, honey, I'll never trick you again or do something without asking….promise…I’ll never not consult you again when I’m planning a grand romantic gesture that sweeps you off ya feet…” 
“HA … that what this is? Awfully optimistic of you, thinking anything like this will ever happen again .. I have a mind to make you drive me back to Jackson on principle…”
“OK, well, now, look, we’re only ‘bout on hour from Graceland,  let's head in and if ya still set on leavin’ in the morning,” Elvis winked as he said this.  “I’ll have Jerry drive you back…”
Becky softened and leaned into him, her hand worked its way around Elvis’ waist. “Oh no, no Jerry, no Joe, you’re not gettin’ your friends to do your dirty work for you - you did this to your self, and you need to be the one sufferin’ the six hours driving me to Jackson and back…”
“So what I’m hearing is that you want the maximum time ta cuddle with me … I gotcha, I gotcha… so come an’ get it now, silly woman!”
Elvis’ right hand tightened around the edge of Becky’s shoulder, his thumb gently swiping up her shoulder blade as she scooted into him, releasing all of her resentment about this surprise trip to Memphis. Becky made a mental note to save any indignation that remained for Ida as she snuggled into Elvis chest, giving into it’s warm comfort and burrowing her nose into his breast. Becky smiled as Elvis let out a deep hiss as the tip of her nose traced over his nipple. Her hand moved down to tease him along the crease of his pants where his belly met his thigh. Slowly, her fingers crept further along the ridge of his tummy and onto the top of his legs, just to the point above his crotch, then giggling softly as Elvis gasped and exhaled with a low exclamation.
 “Gawdddddammit… lil gal… gonna loose my foot tryin’ to get us back to Graceland…show you that sound proof….roommmmmm,” his voice purred as Becky’s fingers needled the round flesh at the top of Elvis inner thigh. 
The friction created a heat between them, and Elvis fingers started to rub Becky’s shoulder with a blistering need. He kissed the top of her head, and Becky watched him push against her in the rearview mirror. Her chest filled with warm exhilaration at the sight of Elvis’ lower lip hanging down, his eyes blown wide with earnest, needy lust. She watched his lips smoosh sideways as he kissed her forehead, maintaining a charged eye contact with her through his glasses. The intensity of his stare was overwhelming, it made her heart beat so quick that she heard it in her ears, almost drowning out the sound of Elvis’ left hand rolling down the window to yell out for Jerry to get back in the car, never breaking the bond between his chin and her forehead. 
Elvis blue eyes simmered as they stared her down through the mirror, and Becky couldn’t stop herself from biting her lip. His fierce stare was juxtaposed by the softness of his voice as he whispered into her hair while they drove along the highway.
“He’s sawry if he upset ya baby …” Elvis voice went into a low, intimate babyish tenor, the movements of his thumb became more protracted, and Becky shushed him through his shirt. “Such a sweet baby ta me… baby baaaaby ba da di dooo, ohh… yeuahhhhh…..” His voice lulled into a gospel tune momentarily. “I cain’t wait ta show ya all ‘round ma house… all ‘round ma property… fourteen acres… ever stayed somewhere so big? Think ya… can handle that size?”
Becky chuckled, and Elvis’ face beamed at the soft rose color of her blushing cheeks. 
“Mhmmm… well, I’m not sure… guess I’ll just have ta see what happens….” Becky kissed Elvis chest, softly, murmuring into it. Her right hand snaked around his back, her left feathering over the round swell of his belly. “You know, I was just starting to like you this morning before you played this dirty trick on me …  you’re so funny and sweet …. But I just need to say… one last time, then we’ll put it behind us… I… don’t like plans being made for me…” Becky looked up at Elvis face from where she leaned on his chest. The side of his face loomed large above her, his lips pursed in thought above the bulge of his chin. “I can see how you meant this as a romantic gesture… but I … I don’t like being tricked…”
Elvis’ chin rippled above Becky as he nodded, and he drew her in closer. “Awright honey… from now, s’all ‘bove board… no more tricks… no more surprises, kay? I promise. Won’t ever lie or mislead you or keep something from you.” The softness of his chin pressed into Becky’s forehead as Elvis’ kissed the top of her head and squeezed her shoulder.
Calmed into a tender embrace, Becky and Elvis retreated into their own little enclave in the front seat, where Jerry’s presence was ignored and almost forgotten about amid the sweet nothings Elvis and Becky exchanged along the highway up to Tennessee. 
“Ya know you got the cutest yittle eye lashes I ever seen,” Elvis whispered, and he kissed her forehead again, catching her mouth as Becky tilted up to him to kiss his cheek.
She murmured over his nipple. “You have the kind of chest a girl could get used to leaning on…” she rubbed her hand under the plush groove of his belly.
It was only when they got to the state line that Becky began to feel a slight unease creep up from the bottom of her tummy and take residence at the top of her bosom. An icy chill followed up her spine, she felt anxious as she realized they were entering Tennessee. She was about to experience another layer of Elvis’ home life that she hadn’t had any time to prepare for or even think about. She squirmed out of his tight embrace and sat up straight, looking out the window at the big sign announcing they had entered Tennessee.
Elvis’ left hand remained straight, steady at the wheel while his right palm chased after Becky’s, grasping at her fingers and intertwining his between them at the top of her knee. He turned his head from the road, momentarily, looking at the back of her head as it stared out the window. Elvis’ hand engulfed her’s, squeezing it tight, lifting her palm to his mouth and kissing the top of her hand.
“Hey - ya nervous?” 
Becky’s big brown eyes met his tentatively. Her lips pursed together, then wiggled back and forth as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Mhmm… what is your family gonna think of me… this random girl… coming back to your house with you? What if they… don’t like me…. What about these six girlfriends you told me ‘bout? I…. Anyone gonna be chasing me out the house with a rolling pin?” Becky’s voice stopped abruptly, and her words hung in the air. 
Elvis released Becky’s hand and looked over at her, then turned to look at Jerry briefly for the first time since they had left the gas station. “You watch too many soap opera… Graceland ain’t The Guiding Light… I lay down the law, and there ain’t no drama… no other chicks living there right now, and everyone’s gonna be just as crazy about you as I am, lil girl… but I’ll tell ya right now, my opinion’s the only one that matter’s at Graceland… so’s you jus’ let me know if anyone… anyone… disrespects ya, hmmm? Trust daddy, now, everything is gonna be fine….”
Elvis turned up the radio and rubbed Becky’s knee, and the sound of The Allman Brothers’ “Ramblin Man” filled the car.
The white mesh gates opened back and Elvis flicked his cigarillo out of the car window and steered the yellow Cadillac up the curved driveway. A wistful smile spreading over his face. Exhaling, he seemed to relax as he paused the car at the little brick guard house behind the gate. Elvis motioned at Becky to roll down the window and yelled at the older man standing watch.
“Why hellloooo der Vestor, stayin’ awake I see?”
The guard nodded, and Elvis chuckled, ignoring Becky’s questioning eyes as he drove the car around to the front of the house. Jerry was out of the car first, waiting as Elvis popped the trunk and squeezed Becky’s knee, turning to give her a soft kiss followed by a second, more vigorous smack. His fingers tousled her curly locks as he comforted her.
“S’gonna be great…” his voice lilted up into a refrain. “Welcome ta my world… Becky Butt” he grinned, giving her a wink as he slapped her thigh and opened his door.
Elvis pulled himself out of the car and strode around to grab Becky’s door just as she was about to pop it open. Taking her hand, he adjusted his sunglasses and smiled wide, tugging her up the portico behind Jerry. Opening the front door, Jerry glanced briefly at Becky, then told Elvis’ he’d run the bag Ida packed upstairs. Elvis stopped them in the front foyer, his arms hugging Becky from behind as he clasped his large hands around her waist and notched his chin into her neck. He nuzzled into her right ear as Becky looked from one side of the entry way to the other. Her eyes took in the scarlet red carpeting that trailed down the grand staircase in front of her and lined all the floors that she could see, punctuated by the occasional white fur rug.
“Welcome to Graceland….” Elvis whispered. Becky’s cheeks began to match the carpet as Elvis hummed “Amazing Grace,” into her neck with a mischievous grin that told Becky he was also thinking about the same intimate moment they had shared two nights ago. The image of Elvis mouth singing this song as he licked her pussy was now indelibly linked to in her mind. 
“So… whatcha think?” Those same lips asked.
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Red. That was Becky’s first impression of Graceland’s interior. The color was so overwhelming, it was the only thing she could think of as she looked around. Deep, scarlet velvet drapes lined with golden fringe hung down to meet the carpet at the entrance to every room. The dining room table on her left was enclosed by high-backed candy apple colored chairs covered with rhinestones. To the right was a parlor with a long Victorian settee that was, you guessed it, a deep Burgundy color held up by a white wooden trim. Becky momentarily mused that this might be what Belle Watlings' vagina looked like: an ornate opening lined by red velvet drapery welcoming customers into its cavernous warmth. It was the sort of place a girl would feel comfortable getting an unexpected visit from Aunt Flo. Or the perfect setting for a villain to hold a clandestine meeting with James Bond. Becky kept all of these thoughts to herself, inhaling deeply as she took it all in.
“Wow… it's … so… fancy… like no where I’ve ever been, that’s fa sure…”
Elvis seemed pleased by this response, and kissed Becky’s neck. She murmured at the warmth of his breath on her skin as she continued.
“Gosh… s’not what I expected… S’much bigger than I thought driving up…”
“Mhmmm…. That’s what all the girls say— ouch!”
Becky reached her hand above her to playfully slap Elvis’ face, and he bite his lip and waggled his eyebrows down at her. Elvis’ thumb nestled inside inside Becky’s palm, swiping up and down slowly over her soft skin as he led her excitedly around through the dining room and into the kitchen where they came upon a short, stout Black woman filling the refrigerator with Pepsi bottles.
 Elvis dropped Becky’s hand to make a loud “CLAP,” chuckling as the woman jumped back and shrieked. 
“Oh lawd, Elvis, ya scared me outta of my skin!”
Elvis hugged the woman, speaking through his chuckles. “Jus keepin’ ya on yo toes Miss Mary, I reckon it’s been too quiet round here since I been gone…”
“Hmmm, well your daddy been callin’ over to ask if you back yet, want me to —”
“Nah, let the old bugger stew… he’s pestering me ‘bout that plane, an I don’t care ta hear it.” Elvis rubbed Mary’s shoulder, then turned to look back at Becky. “Mary, I got a lil girl I’m awfully fond of that I want ya ta meet, this here’s — ”
“Why it’s Becky!” 
There was Charlie, a big beaming smile radiating happiness through the kitchen as he walked in from the other side.
“Hmmpf… if it ain’t ol Waterhead ‘im self….” Elvis walked back over to Becky and drew her into him tight, kissing her forehead as his eyes narrowed and Elvis’ left hand grazed the top of his belt. 
Charlie’s expression toward Becky shifted immediately from joyful greeting to a more solemn “Glad to see ya ma’am.”
Mary asked Elvis what time he wanted dinner, exclaiming, “Well, an early dinner, huh,” in response to his 8 pm request.
“Woke up early ta day, Miss Mary… Becky Butt here’s harsh mistress, had me up all hours a the night,” he winked and then smiled deeper as Becky’s face grew red. “Then she had us up at 8 ta drive her baby to summer camp… who knows when her demands will end?”
“Ha, you have some nerve, Elvis Presley…” Becky whispered into Elvis armpit, pinching him under his jacket and causing him to chuckle and kiss her forehead again.
Elvis twirled her out from his side, looking at her as he swung her around. “Ain’t she just got the perfect hourglass figure Mary? Just need to get her some nice clothes, add a lil’ make up, and she shines like the Hope diamond...” 
Becky swung herself back into his armpit with another pinch and reddening cheeks, whispering “Considering everything you put me though today, I look like a movie star…”
“Yeah…ya sure do look like a movie star, honey…like Bette Davis in Baby Jane….” Then Becky’s face fell and Elvis stopped snickering and rubbed her back, his lips on her head. “Oh sweetheart, I didn’t mean it now…” he laughed as she hit him and burrowed into his armpit further.
Jerry’s footsteps announced his entrance into the kitchen behind them and Becky turned to see him nod at Charlie before briefing Elvis on some scheduling and business matters. Becky stole a glance at Charlie and smiled at his shrug and eye roll, half of which Elvis caught and responded to with a sharp look in Charlie’s direction, tightening his grip on Becky’s waist. 
“Huh, well, keep me posted when Dave lands at the airport tomarra with Lisa… alright, enough pleasantries, c’mon lil’ gal, Imma give ya the VIP tour….”  
Becky smiled and called out behind her, “Nice to meet you Mary, good to see you Charlie!” before she felt the clack of the swinging door her backside.
Elvis lugged her into the back hallway to a room with bright green carpeting and wood panelling. The coffee table looked as through it had been sliced out of a tree, and the soft trickle of falling water drew Becky’s attention to the north wall as Elvis sank into a brown fur-lined couch. He pulled her onto his lap, twin sea serpents roaring out of the carved wooden armrests to meet Becky’s hand as she steadied herself to keep from falling off Elvis. To balance, Becky settling her bottom into Elvis’ groin, and he pulled Becky closer, leaning back as his fingers worked their way under Becky’s tee-shirt to caress the softness of her belly, his voice rumbling into her neck.
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“This is the den…whaddya think?” 
Becky turned to look at him, his hands shifted her around so she was now straddling him where he sat at the sofa’s edge.
“It’s magical… this is my favorite room so far… right here…” 
Elvis lit up behind his lavender glasses at the wonder in Becky’s upturned eyes; he relished her gasp at the green carpet covering the ceiling above. His right hand massaged the tender hip flesh spilling out of her jeans, while his left hand moved under her shirt to where her shapely bosom jiggled ever so slightly with the delicate thrusts Elvis’  begin to send upward into her, and he leaned in to kiss her clavicle.
“Elvis… you.. havta… I wanna… you’re in the middle of giving me a tour…” Becky whispered, the burn of desire beginning to brush at her base. She grasped his left wrist to stop the jaunty beat his index finger was flicking into her nipple. 
He ignored her, his eyes singularly focused on her bust. “Honey, I don’t know if you are aware of this, but you are not wearing a brassiere….” 
“Mhmm yeah, that was a clothing choice made in a hurry this morning, out of comfort and necessity… it is NOT an invitation…”
Elvis smirked to himself as his fingers relented, only to be replaced by his warm mouth pressing into Becky’s pebbled nip through her tee shirt, mumbling into her breast.
“Well sho seems like an invitation …*suckle* …to this humble wanderer …*suckle* …feel like I been stuck in the desert …*suckle* …seeking sustenance…*suckle*… an now ya’d deny me…” his mouth pressed his teeth through the now damp fabric onto her nipple, “this ripe fruit I’ve found…that I so desperately need ta nourish …*suckle* …ma soul…” 
Becky couldn’t stop the moan escaping from her chest despite her exasperated fatigue and self-conscious awareness. Elvis’ hands moved to fondle her bottom and pull her further onto him, and he squeezed her cheeks as she giggled. Suddenly she wasn't that tired and instinctively surged into Elvis’ lap, before pushing off of his chest and wriggled backwards. She felt his growing erection as she stumbled off him and balanced her self on the ground. Shakng her head, Becky smoothed down her tee shirt and tried to keep a straight face striding backwards along the couch, stopping at the dual staircases at the back of the room.
“Hey now… mister… there are people in the next room over… why don’t we continue the tour …”
Elvis stood, lips parted below a predatory look as if he might leap over the sofa and devour her right there and then. Becky shrieked as he stalked toward her.
“Hmmmm… s’my house honey, and I do what I want.. where I want… so no reason to be worried… this is all part of my hands-on, personal tour…” He caught up with her and pulled her into him.
“Well…” Becky leaned up, her lips faintly hovered below his. “Those hands are… gonna havta catch me… don’t know what kind of girl you think I am but I don’t go ‘round making love in public places… or before this tour is finished!”
She giggled again as she rushed down the staircase to the basement, Elvis' loud belly laugh followed her as the sound of his heavy foot steps filled the passage way. Turning back briefly, Becky saw that Elvis’ body  blocked out all the sunshine from the corridor. His ravenous expression sent a thrill up her spine as she tripped down into the darkness of the basement and ran smack! into a doorframe. Elvis caught up to her as she massaged her fingers into the side of her forehead, that's probably gonna cause bump... how sexy.
“Mmhmmmm … look what I caught … think this tour is over… for now…” Elvis kissed her shoulder from behind, his breath trembling out a chuckle between his words. “Oh no, ya not hurt?”
She smiled. “No, I’m fine… just stupid.. runnin’ round a basement in the dark…”
Elvis pulled her in, replacing her fingers with his lips. “Aww, baby, let him kiss it and make it better…” He peppered soft, sweet kisses on her temple and Becky felt the cool sheen of perspiration on his chin from the jaunt down the stairs. The soft, damp sensation of his skin against her was electrifying, and she absorbed him eagerly, her hands went under his jacket till he shouldered it off,  his hands trailing down to her waist. She groaned out as the heft of his body insistently impelled her into the doorframe. 
Becky bit her lip as her hands meandered over Elvis’ back, cherishing the soft, pliable ridges and rolls, then daintily moving up to clasp his neck. He muttered out an “OH baaaaby…” and she responded with a whimper. Elvis grinned wide, stroking Becky’s cheek with his knuckles, down to her mouth, his kisses moving lower along her neck, more  passionate and insistent with each smoosh. 
Elvis grunted and heaved as hee lifted Becky up, carrying her moaning body through the doorframe an onto a dark, velvet, sectional, her head bump all but forgotten. Her eyes sort of noticed her surroundings, yellow and black walls lit by a dim solitary table lamp at a bar. Becky’s eyes adjusted to the darkness and watched Elvis kneel down in front of her and place his glasses back on the coffee table behind him. Looking up, she realized the ceiling in here was made entirely of mirrors.
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“So… is this another den?”
“Mhmmmm ….  tvs, movie screen, record player, bar…” He leaned into her, hands on Becky’s thighs. “Got all the entertainment i need right here though...jus wanna look atcha ....  still a second… no moar running …” 
Becky exhaled and sat up, stroking the hair off Elvis’s face as he caught his breath, captivated by the pull of his deep, blue eyes. They were like the middle of the ocean and called her to jump off her life raft and dive right in.
“You are… you are …” she mumbled, running her left fingers through his sideburns, trying to think of the right words to tell him how attractive she found him, how his smile and that impish way his mouth quirked and his eyes danced with desire commanded her to body forward toward him. But all the phrases that came to Becky’s mind seemed inadequate and cliche. Also, she was reluctant to let him know how she felt, insecure and afraid it made her boring, easy, a push over. She had the impression Elvis needed validation, but also enjoyed the pursuit. 
Becky looked down at his thumbs trailing over the ridge of her jeans, his eyes intent on her.
“Hmmm… yeah baby, whatcha trying ta say?”
“You are… not so bad… for an… Elvis Presley…” Becky closed her eyes and held him to her cheek, as he chuckled softly, and started unbuttoning her pants.
“Well I like you too, darlin’… mmhmm…” His eyes were earnest and she inhaled as they narrowed, his hands were needy as her pulled off her jeans and threw them behind him. Becky guffawed watching them fall over a white, porcelain monkey that gleamed in the dark. 
Then he suckled at her nape, and Elvis’ cheeks scrunched up in a smile at Becky’s moans, inhaling as he moved to draw off her panties. She could feel the excitement scorching up her center as he looked into her eyes, tugging her panties off. Becky sucked in her tummy, maybe he won't notice the soft stretch marks at her hips. Stretch marks were the last thing on his mind, and her full, round hips beckoned him to grab on and smother himself within her. Elvis’ eyes looked into Becky's with a fiendish gleam, and he arched his left eyebrow as his hands continued to pull at her underwear without looking down. Becky giggled while he pursed his lips, removing her pink cotton skivvies one leg at a time. Elvis’ baritone voice dipped low as he lifted her legs over his shoulders, his thumbs teasing over her soft, curly fur, then slowly parting her lower lips.
“Hello darlin’ nice ta see ya….….It’s been a long time…” he sang, kissing the hair at the top of her entrance,  once, twice, three times. “…Ya just as lovely as you used to be…”
Becky started chuckling, “I think Conrad Twitty would be horrifi——” her commentary on Elvis’ serenade to her pussy was interrupted by the flick of his tongue on her clit.  She arched her head involuntarily as his chuckles hummed in to her. Opening her eyes, Becky saw Elvis’ body in-between her legs above her in the mirrors. His head bobbed forward and back as his fingers sought out the silkiness within her, prodding her pleasure point. Elvis tongue seared a path along her center, and a warm throbbing began to ache causing Becky to shift her hips forward to meet his mouth, twitching in sync with the glide of his fingers. Moving his index and forefinger up and down into her, Elvis let up from his efforts momentarily to look at her face, beaming at the way her lip hung down and her face convulsed in time with his fingers' movements. His head turned up into the mirrors reveling at the view of himself pleasuring Becky, widening her legs a bit so he could get a better view of his hand inside her. Becky cried out as his index finger made contact with that special spot once more, and he looked her dead in the eyes.
“Enjoy watching you squirm, darlin….”
Becky had trouble forming a sentence, stuttering out “Uhh.. well.. that… you know…” 
Elvis laughed and returned to her cunt like a man who'd been fasting a month, consuming her with firm, generous strokes. Becky felt the tension build, and her eyes went back up at the mirrors when she arched herself into him, watching as Elvis’ devoured her and his strangled breath filled the room. He was knuckles deep inside her, flexing back and forth in tandem as his tongue cleaned her, each round bringing her a step closer to absolution. Her fingers threaded through  Elvis’ dark hair, and in the dim light of the mirrors, Becky would swear she had a wild boar between her legs. A grunting,  dark, wild beast snorting and rooting for treasure in her depths. Her hips thrust up into Elvis’ face with a powerful whack and he grabbed her buttocks, his lips sucking her nub through the waves of heat that broadcast out through her entire body. Thrashing, twitching and cursing like a sailor, she tried to free herself from the overstimulation of Elvis’ soft mouth and hard tongue.
“Fuck fffffff fucking FUCKKKKK ing FFucccKKKKKK cocksucking motherfucking FUCK I can’t believe that……”
She panted hard, shaking her head at the smug, devilish look on Elvis face as he lowered her feet in front of her and wiped himself on her thigh. His fingers did a squeeze inside and a chuckle came out watching Becky twitch and jerk on his hand. She grabbed his shoulder, tightly, a sign to stop. “S’too much … to intense.” He did it one last time chuckling, then relented and glided his fingers out from her, licking them with filthy glee.
“Ha! I've never met anyone… who did that… who cared.. or liked the way women taste … like you do….” Becky exhaled, catching her breath.
“Mhmmm… not all women… but you … you taste amazing… I could eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner…. And still be hongry fa moar…..” 
Becky laughed, sliding forward on the sofa and pulling his head to hers to crush their mouths together. It was like being inside herself. The hands cupping her cheeks, his entire face, it all smelled like her. And him. Sweat and spit and cologne and lavender oil and dirty hair. All melded together. It was intoxicating, and they stayed like this for several minutes, locked in a lover’s embrace, the smacks of their sloppy kisses replacing the sound of  Elvis face slapping against Becky’s thighs. Becky wound her legs around his bottom, and he grabbed her, lifting her up off the couch then thumping her back down as he ambled  over to the bar.
“Pffft… need.. some…water…”
She followed, and Elvis grinned at the sound of Becky’s wet nakedness squelching over the yellow bar stool.
“Thanks for polishin’ the furniture, baby…..” Elvis winked, as she inadvertently squeaked again against the leather.
Becky blushed, and Elvis’ jaw widened with a deep breath. 
“Damn, honey, I’ll never get sick a watchin’ that blush creep up ya widdle cheeks…” He leaned over the bar and squished her cheeks with his right hand, kissing her forehead.  
She stood and backed away as he came around the bar.
“S’not nice to tease a girl… first you offer to give me tour, but then corner me in this here tv room, and now ya making fun of the way all your cavorting makes me squeak and blush——”
He grabbed her to him, pulling her lips back onto his. She giggled and squirmed away.
“Oh no you don’t—”
Elvis stepped toward her again, but Becky squealed and turned, running back into the basement corridor. She didn’t have a plan, and when she remembered she wasn't wearing pants she scurried into the dark room across. Elvis’ body clambered loudly behind her as he growled. “Though we agreed no more runnin.’” 
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She stumbled back onto a large table as Elvis caught up and lifted her onto the thick barrier of a pool table. Becky’s hands half-heartedly pushed back against his chest as she whined.
“Now Elvis… pretty sure I was promised sound proof walls ….”
Elvis mumbled into her ear, “Hmmm.. that why you got me chasin’ you round, tryin not to excite me???? I’d rather be in the comfort an privacy of that a room too ...  but it is much too far away… two floors too far ta be exact… don't worry, though, this basement is sound proof too … I've tested it ma self…" He winked. "Ain’t no one gonna know …” 
Becky stopped nuzzling back into him, her tone became earnest. “Have you done it lot… down here…? Made love, I mean?” 
Elvis stood up straight and grunted, his hands steadying her precarious position on the edge of the pool table.
“That was probably the wrong thing ta say, hmmmm?”
Becky’s eyes trailed to the dark hall way she had just run through, and told her self to be cool… you knew he has more experience than you… a lot more… what did you expect? Would it matter if you were in his bed? Probably fucked even more women there….
“Nooooooo…I guess I’m a idiot for asking…” she shifted up to look into his dark eyes. 
Elvis wiped his forehead while he pushed himself between Becky’s legs. His hands were rubbing her thighs softly up and down, and he glanced down at her chest before returning his gaze to those big brown eyes. The look there made him regret even conjuring up past sexual escapades. The wholly unfiltered, self-conscious insecurity in her eyes made her all the more alluring. Becky was unvarnished, unaffected, and the way she didn't try to cover up her nervousness in order to impress made him throb with yearning. Acting like a damn teenager, running after women in hallways or corridors, he thought, your gonna feel this in the morning. Who are you kidding. In an hour. Elvis really would have preferred to take Becky the comfort of his bed, but at this precise moment comfort was from from a priority, all he knew was that needed to feel Becky’s skin against his, feel himself inside her, possessing her completely and defusing all her misgivings about him with the warm deluge of his adoration. 
“Nah, not an idiot at all… look, we’re both grown ups… we have histories…” he kissed her neck slowly, tenderly. Her eyes closed with a quiver as his voice dissolved in her inhibitions. “Make you feel better if I tell ya it’s been years since I fooled round down here? Aw honey…. I can't even remember their faces ... don’t want anyone else but you…” 
Will you remember mine in a year? She wondered, but her body didn't care, and it's instincts propelled her back into him. She pulled his neck to her and his lips hit her forehead. He felt his manhood stiffen even more and it made his fingers needier as they trailed up her sides. Elvis’ lower lip hung down with longing and his eye lids drooped with lust. Becky hastily began to unbutton his white dress shirt.
“Ahh, sweet baby, you’re so goddamn beautiful….” Elvis voice made Becky stop mid-button  and she looked up at him, her hands moving up to his cheeks.
“Please don’t lay that charm on too thick… I’m already here… I’m naked…an… I know you like me an…  I can feel you’re attracted—” 
Elvis pulled her hand down to feel the pulsating steel rod bursting along his slacks “ — Ya can, huh? Feel my attraction?” Then he saw the hesitancy in her eyes. “Wuss tha matter sweetheart?”
Becky sighed. “I just….I know I’m not beautiful, not like the super models I’ve seen you with in newspapers and magazines…. I just… if you exaggerate, go too over-the-top… well,  it ruins it for me… I hate false compliments…”
Elvis’ eyes narrowed. “Honey, over-the-top is my middle name… ”
Becky let out an involuntary guffaw. “Say that again… I mean, this whole house... But what I mean is, I wish you would stop givin’ me your pretty movie star lines —”
Elvis shook his head and grabbed Becky by the chin, the look in his eyes an intense warning. “Sometimes you make me think no one has ever told ya you were beautiful…” The way she pushed his hand aside and looked down, uncomfortably told Elvis he had accidentally stumbled on the truth. “Nooo….. never? I don believe it….. no, cuz ya really are… here, I gotta turn the light on jus so’s I can see ya better….” 
He flipped a switch on the wall, and suddenly the pool room was bathed in a warm glow. Becky gasped as the light revealed a cacophony of textured colors along cloth-covered walls. Her eyes followed the fabric up to the ceiling, feeling as though she had slipped under the skirt of a Victorian lady. Colorful pleats lined the walls and gathered into the middle of the room above two hanging Tiffany lamps. Elvis lips on her shoulder as his hands took off her shirt brought Becky back into her body. A breathy giggle worked it’s way out when Elvis’ knuckles stroked Becky’s face. She quit resisting and just held up her hands, watching as he lifted her shirt over her head and gulped, his eyes languidly roving up and down her body. 
“Mhmmm… yessiree… fit right in here with all the other beautiful things I fill this ole house with…ya know… I have an eye for beautiful things —”
“Elvis, please… quit teasin,’”  Becky wiped a lone tear drop from the side of her right eye.
Elvis brought her hands up to his lips, kissing each top as he held her gaze. “Woman, you better stop that… might think you’re questioning my aes -thee- ET-ic taste.” He drawled, clearly amusing himself with his pronunciation of aesthetic. 
Inhaling, Elvis pulled Becky’s face back towards his with a kiss that lingered on her soft lips. Elvis coughed as Becky pulled off his shirt and his tummy jiggled with a wave of laughter. Looking down, she saw him flinch at his own belly and Becky dragged the back of her hand across it slowly, sensuously.
“You are… the most handsome man…” Then she blushed and hid her face in his chest hair, her hands curving up around his neck as she tried to crush herself into him, kissing his sternum and muttering how she was glad she’d met him.
“Why honey… there she is… there’s that sweet girl I like, been hidin’ underneath all that sass…”  Elvis breathed into her ear, his hands moving over her head, tousling her hair, then using his right hand to bring her chin up to his. “Becky, ya like a goddamn Greek goddess … if I say your beaut - TEE - full, then ya are, end of story …. Don’t ever wanna hear you tellin’ me what I can or can na say… ’specially when I’m in the throes of love making,” he chuckled. “Derails my manEUvers …”
Elvis hot breath clucked into Becky’s ear, he kissed her cheek and waggled his eyes. Becky pulled herself to him, and began unlatching his pants. Elvis stopped her, drawing out his pistol and pushing it across the pool table. Becky watched the metal of the gun glisten, the carved handle was elaborately engraved and she caught his grin watching her eyes follow it.
“That thing s’not loaded, is it?”
Elvis laughed. “Course it is, baby, how else arm I s’posed to use it? I’m always ready for action…”
“Hmmm. Speaking of which….” Becky’s hand returned to Elvis’ pants. “Are you aware, Mr. Presley… that you are not wearing any underwear?” She asked, in a high, breathy refrain pulling down his pants and and gripping his cock gently. “Someone might say s’its … almost an invitation…?” Elvis bent his head back as a loud belly laugh escaped his throat. 
“There ya go, using ma own words against——uhhh fuck, baby girl!” Elvis looked down to watch as Becky lowered herself in front of him and kissed the tip of his cock, her eyes all innocence.
“What? Just bein’ friendly… responding to that open invitatioOOM…..” She grinned as she plunged her mouth around him half way through the last word, humming the syllable onto him while her eyes widened and she grasped the rolling handles at his side to hand on to.
Elvis tried to pull her arm back up. “Honey, I don’t wantcha to do that… s’not something I like from women I respect…”
Becky pulled his hand off, her puzzling eyes searching his face. “I did this the first night we met…”
“Well… didn’t think I was ever gonna see ya again… didn’t realize how much I liked ya til I woke up and you were gone…”
“Well, s’too late… I got a taste for this lil fella, and it’s hardly hospitable —” Becky kissed his tip and Elvis shuddered. “To invite me to dinner then not feed me…” she grinned, as he shook his head and put his hands up in defeat, giving in to the irresistible movements of her mouth over, under and on his johnson.
Becky tried to exude a sexy playful confidence, but then gasped and choked as she forced his girthy length to the back of her throat, giggling at Elvis’ bemused expression. His heart swelled with reverence as his cock thrust into the glorious traction of Becky’s mouth. His fingers gently dragged through her hair, and he sucked in his breath while expelling a succession of needy “fucks.” Elvis lifted his head to the heavens in prayer when his tip banged into the softness of her throat, moaning while Becky stubbornly sucked in further, her cheeks hallowed and her mouth coughing down the gag reflex as best she could. Making eye contact, Elvis couldn’t help the way his hips surged back and forth almost of their own volition at a increased pace, spurred on by the determined look in Becky’s watery eyes. 
“Fuck honey… whooo…hey…. ok…I am gonna compromise and say…ya can do this anytime ya want…” 
Becky giggled at that into his cock as she glided forward.
Elvis could feel his orgasm bubbling up, and seized the side of Becky’s head to stop her, “Darlin, I wanna be inside you…. Come up here…” Elvis held out his hand and gently turned her against the pool table with a questioning eyebrow. She nodded and leaned into the wooden ledge of the pool table, sighing out as she felt Elvis kiss her shoulder and tilt her hips to him. She watched his dazzled expression over her shoulder as he pushed in and out of her slowly. He looked into her eyes while lunging in farther and groaning out a “FUck honeeeyyy.” Becky gasped sharply, savoring the tight pinch this position created.
“Damn, baby… you wuddna hardly think I been breaking you in all week..”
Becky giggled, “Elvis, how can you talk about me like that? Ughhh …. I’m not a horse…. Ughhhh….”
“I know, honey, I know… and I wantcha ohhh god damn…. Unnnnhhhhh…. meant no disrespect… but ….I am just always surprised how I wished I had a damn shoe horn with me... every time.” He laughed at her pout, and then moaned. “Now Becky Butt" he hit her bottom as he pulled out with a slight pat, "Don't look at me that -a way, s'its a compliment… should thank me… god DAMN woman….”
Elvis shifted positions to steady himself and smiled when he noticed that Becky sighed out with a crescendoing “oohHHHHhhhhhhhahh” every time he speared her at this new angle. Elvis let out a low chuckle, muttering, “Can ya hear ya self Becks? Like a goddamn accordion, suga… think... I found… ma new favorite instrument… Becky’s squeezebox…”
Becky shook her head, giggling and then moaning out again as she leaned into the hard surface of the pool table. Elvis’ heaved and breathed a little harder as he moved his right hand around Becky’s waist and began to rub her clit, grunting into the pale alabaster skin of her shoulder. 
“Oh my fucking Gawd Elvis… what are you doing to me? I don’t know if I can take any more” She moaned out, looking back at him through messy hair.
He kissed her neck. “Shhhhh…. now... let daddy take… care…UNGHHH… a ya…” then grunted again, burrowing back into her.
Eyes squeezed shut, Becky shuddered with each thrust backwards, her body clapping onto his in a rhythmic tug-a-war chasing the heat churning in her core. It broke loose, galloping over her like a runaway horse, and Becky screamed a long, loud guttural cry that echoed through the basement, up the stairway and through the entire north wing of Graceland. Mary sat at the kitchen counter drinking her coffee and smiling into her newspaper, shaking her head. It had been a long while since the sounds of lovemaking had ricocheted through the halls of Graceland like that.
“Uhhhh, there she goes… good girl…. ” Elvis slowed down, his lips planting a succession of soft pecks along the back of Becky’s shoulder, pushing her hair gently aside, and then moving his hands to tap out a pitter patter along the top ridge of her bottom where he continued to dip in and out of her.
“Oh goodness… ughhh… do you t think they heard me up stairs?”
“Nah, honey…don’t trouble ya self… I promise you, no one knows what we’re up to down here… could be playing billiards... mmHHMMm…unghhhhh… or watchin’ TV… or making a porno for all they know..”
“HA! Unghhhhh” Becky bite her lip, forgetting to be affronted enveloped by the comfort of Elvis' sweaty, warm body.
He leaned further and further into her, the thunder of each thrust reverberate up through Elvis’ tummy onto her, his hips crushing her even harder onto the pool table. Becky rocked back and forth with Elvis’ body in a post-orgasmic high, looking up at the colorful walls through blurry vision. She was inside a kaleidoscope, and she smiled watching the technicolor spectacle dance in front of her eyes. Elvis increased the tempo of his efforts. 
“Honey, I’m bout ta explode…”
His fingernails dug into her sides as he moaned out deeper, his head throttled backwards, hips prodding into her slowly and deliberately, evincing a moan with each thrust until he came with a loud grunt, singing breathlessly as he sputtered into her.
“Aaaaamen….. aaaaamen…. AAAAMEN… amen … ammmmmennnnnn.” 
Then Elvis collapsed head forward into the space between her shoulder blades, wiping sweat and hair onto her back as he whispered, “Thank ya Gawwwd… for bringing this lil gal ta me …. Lord… I feel your spirit.” 
Becky shook her head with a breathy chuckle. “Well, now I feel your spirit all over me…”
Elvis kissed her with a laugh, fondling her hips and pressing back into her deeper as he softened.
“Hmmmm… good… s’holy sacrement…” Elvis said, eyes closed, as he kissed her cheek, rubbing her sides slowly up and down as lil Elvis savored the warm, wet cloister of her cunt.
He almost collapsed over her, muttering goddamns until their breath synchronized. Elvis’ hands stilled on Becky’s hips and he coughed out, grunting, then laughing. She rolled over, gazing at him with amusement as he staggered back for effect and pulled up his pants. Her eyes danced over his wide, glistening body, the chest hair matted down, the belly that heaved forward and distended over his waist, his goofy boyish smile beaming from ear to ear. It was almost regal how he held his hands pushed into his hips, below a belly that jutted out. He took his shirt and bent to gently wipe between, gathered the cloth into his face with a loud, effected sniff before putting it back on. Their eyes met, giddy laughter echoed through the room.
Elvis  zipped up his pants and retrieved his gun, giving Becky a naughty wink as he pushed it back into his waist. His shirt hung open as he turned to move across the passage way walked back to the TV room and collapsed on the sectional. His chest heaved and his breath was ragged.
“Goddammit woman… tha most exercise since ma last concert.” Elvis combed his hand through his damp sweaty locks, looking over as Becky followed him, barefoot in just her her shirt and bending to finding her panties near the couch. Elvis pulled her on to him at the couch, kissing her belly.
“Got me runnin’ round like a 20 year old horn dawg…." Then he slapped her bottom. Again. "Well, don’t just sit here women, do something… help me...go get me a Pepsi, huh baby?”
Glancing into the mirrors above her, Becky’s eyes met Elvis’ smirking reflection.
“Nex time we’ll have ta try it in here… ”
Becky guffawed loudly, and pushed his shoulder with her head, then getting up to grab some drinks from the bar.
“You truly are a lecherous old goat…”
“Aww Becky, love it when ya talk dirty ta me… you have no idea what a dirty old goat I can be…. Jus you wait…” Elvis chortled.
She dropped next to him with the sodas, and watched as he drained half of his in one fell swoop. She leaned her head into the curve of his arm, bouyed up by his chest, she listened to the sound of his heavy exhales as he fiddled with a strange contraption pointed at the TV.
“What’s that?” Becky asked, soothing her hands over his belly.
“This… this is really high tech stuff… s’ a remote control…welcome to the future, Twitch…got all the latest gear ….let me show you how it works.” Elvis sipped his drink and excitedly explained the science behind his gadget , showing Becky how it turned the TVs on and off using blah blah blah radar gizmo whatevers. She vaguely ohed and ahed, happily trying it out as his hand guided over her over the switches and buttons on the device. Just enjoying the feeling of his chest under her head. Becky scootched closer as Elvis’ left hand trailed down her side. She let her head sank down more and more into the top of his tummy, rubbing his belly hair as she watched the three TVs in the wall flicker on. Before she passed out, she wondered how anyone could possibly follow three different news programs at once.
Becky awoke to the sound of voices behind her, alone on the sofa and uncertain where she was for a moment. She closed her eyes again instinctively. Someone else, an older man perhaps, was speaking in a whispered hush with Elvis in the hallway.
“—— well I wish you had made your damn mind up ‘bout which airplane ya wanted before I gave the other one a down payment. Now I have this new contract with Delta … just don’t know what was wrong with chartering —”
“Aw hell, daddy, s’just money… you think I’m gonna stand by while Killer gets his own plane, an I’m still waitin’ on the runway with my dick in my hand for a charter? No sireee… ya got another thing comin’” 
There was a long silent pause.
“Well… ya tied my hands now anyway… and I’m left cleaning up the mess… Speaking of people who clean up ya mess, where’s Linda?”
“How should I know? In the condo I bought her in LA, or the house I got her round the corner… actin’ like a hurt puppy dog sulking back and forth and hardly sayin a word to me in the last few weeks… refused to come on tour…”
“Well, she isn’t refusing that credit card you gave her, just got the latest American Express bill and let me tell ya, it’s a doozy…”
“Now, I promised that girl I’d take care a her, long as she wants, so don’t bring all that up again… don’t care if she charges $30 or $30,000… still my gal….”
“IS she? Maybe she’d be ‘round more if you didn’t bring floozies like that un home —”
“Now daddy, that lil gal right there is a good, sweet kid, won’t have you disrespectin’ Becky—”
“Uh huh, and what pills is Becky on, hmmm?”
“Nothing… she’s just tired.” Becky could almost hear the smirk in Elvis’s voice as it went lower. “Poor thing ain’t had a lick a sleep in the last three days… but she’s a good girl. Comes from a good family back in Jackson.”
“Mhmmm… well, I never know who I’m gonna find here, some stranger you picked up at the gate? A baseball announcer? The local PE teacher? Or a random super model you’ve decided to buy an apartment for and put on the payroll without telling me… probably just be cheaper to give the local brothel a full retainer…”
“Ok, now, daddy… that’s enough… I don’t wanna think bout all this right now…”
“Son, all I’m saying is, I don’t blame Linda for being sore atcha…”
Elvis voice raised by several decibels. “Well, you get your woman under control and then you can come lecture me… last I heard you’d been kicked out of yourn. And got a new house. Let’s not forget who’s payin’ for it all….”
About thirty seconds of silence passed.
“Well, I ——“
“I’m ‘bout to wake that lil gal up, so we can go dress for supper - SO leave it. Nuff. I don’t wanna squabble no more….you should join us to eat, I know’d the gals be happy to see ya…”
“Hmmmm… any other mouths knockin’ ‘bout?”
“Hardly no one tonight… Jus Charlie, Jerry, Billy and his family… ”
“Yeah. No one, just ten people he says… that’s no one… hmmm….I’ll think about it…” 
Becky waited until she heard the footsteps go up the stairs before opening her eyes to see Elvis hovering over her, his shirt was still unbuttoned and he held her jeans over his left arm.
“You’re a bad faker, Becky….”
“Hmmmm?” Becky said, unable to stop the blush returning to her cheeks. “How’d… how’d ya know I was awake?”
Elvis grinned. “Ya snore… s’cutest itty bitty breathy heavin’…. But I noticed a few minutes ago that ya’d stopped, when daddy quit yapping.” He handed her jeans to her. “Here, don’t want no one seein’ ya half naked… Let’s get you covered up….”
Becky flashed a feeble smile as she pulled her pants on, and crooked into Elvis arm, he kissed the top of her head and slapped her bottom to signal she was to trudge up the stairs in front of him.
Going through her bag, Becky held up another pink halter top and sighed. Before her shower, she had chewed Ida out on the phone for aiding and abetting Elvis with her the surprise trip to Memphis. And for packing an assort of really tight halter tops, mini skirts and a few dresses, all of which she suspected came from her 22 year-old cousin Harriet’s wardrobe. 
“Ida, these clothes barely cover me….” 
“Oy vey, Rebecca, that’s the point….. Ruth’s at camp, I put Saul back at the store, everything is fine, you go have fun… with Elvis Presley….” she screeched his name.
“Ida, don’t get your hopes up…. this is just a short term affair… I don’t want you to be disappointed when this plays itself out…”
“Becky,” Ida’s voice grew stern. “That is exactly the point, my meshugganah kindela… of all the people who get to have an affair with a rock star, why not you? What I would have given for one night with Rudy Vallee….”
Becky sighed. “Ok, ok…. maybe I’ll thank you one day…. give Saul a kiss for me.”
Now she stood in the master bathroom, hair up in a towel, Becky looked back in her traveling bag. No bras, five pairs of underwear, sandals and a pair of nice pumps. Other than this, she had the jeans, tee and converse sneakers she's worn to drive Ruth to camp. There was also little case with her toothbrush, and a bag with some of Ida’s Avon make up, perfume and matching talcum powder in Avon’s original Sweet Honesty scent. Becky grimaced at the sickly intense floral smell, but did a half spray on her wrist anyway. She coughed as the talc powder wafted into her nose when she spread it under her arms and between her thighs to dry and smooth her skin. She straightened the towel wrapped around her wet hair and looked at her face in Elvis’ bathroom. A line of small red bumps had started to form around her chin. Ughhh, this always happens when you start having sex again… you break out. She inspected them closely to make sure they weren’t white heads, and then rummaged through the Avon bag for foundation and concealer. Keeping her make up simple, Becky applied a light layer of mauve eye shadow to match the flowers on the white floral dress she had picked out, and the pair of light mauve shoes Ida had packed. She shimmied into the dress, smoothing it down, looking at the way the thin white floral pattern stretched over her breasts and then clung to her body's ample curves. The top only had one tied, petal sleeve, her other shoulder was bare and she sighed. This had been the most modest clothing nice option for dinner she had found in the bag.
When she finally emerged into the bedroom, glanced over Elvis’ large, black bed frame and the dark Burgundy bedspread covering it. Shivering in the cool air, she walked over and checked out the assortment of pistols, rifles and hand guns on top of his big dresser.  Elvis footsteps brought her eyes up from the arsenal, and she smiled at the white tailored suit and blue silk shirt ruffled he wore. Her breath hitched in her throat as he straightened his sunglasses, and ran his hand through his long shag hairdo. Then he moved closer and Becky felt the elastic give of her dress ripple when Elvis' fingers snapped the tie holding her lone sleeve up.
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(Just imagine this dress but one asymmetical sleeve ^)
“Hmmm, couldn’t you find anything revealing to show off how pretty ya are for my folks, hmmm?” 
Becky’s bottom lip dropped down with her eyes, and she lifted her hands to nervously fix some of the hair pinned on top of her hair in a messy bun, a worried expression on her face. “I thought this was too revealing—”
Elvis smirked, chuckling, “No, I know honey ...  seems like they forget a whole sleeve… not that this sleeve has much to it neither… that little knot is holding on for dear life…” His hand moved under her breasts to jostle them up with a soft swat and eyes watched with delight as her bosom bounced up and down. “Hope you didn’t pay full price for this half a dress…” his eyes lit up when Becky elbowed him. “… Aw, no, I like it…  sexy as hell…”  He whispered in her ear and the warmth of his breath sent a tingle up her spin and through her core. 
Becky’s nether regions shivered, still sensitive from earlier activities, moreso as the soreness settled in from the vigorous pounding Elvis had given her. She had felt a slight burn when she peed, and she made a mental note to drink a lot of water. You don’t want to get a UTI on the first fucking day here. Maybe do some kegels during dinner too.
Elvis’ kissed Becky’s cheek, breaking her train of thought as he led her downstairs. Feeling her shiver, he covered as much of her bare skin as he could by hugging her into his jacket. “Maybe wouldn’t be so cold if ya invested in some long underwear…”
Becky nuzzled into his armpit. “Maybe if you didn’t live in a meat locker people could dress comfortably…” 
The sound of Elvis’ hand walloping Becky’s bottom (AGAIN) rang through the stairway with the rumble of his “Quit ya fussin’, woman, ain’t gonna change the temperature a this house jus' cuz you can’t be bothered to own a bra.”
Dinner was laid out in the kitchen, and Becky retreated further into Elvis’ embrace as he introduced her properly to his younger cousin Billy, who she’d seen from afar at the Jackson concerts, Billy’s wife Jo, their sons Danny and Joey, his father, grandmother Minnie Mae, and Aunt Delta, who was curt, quiet and smelled of a heavy rose perfume with an undertone of vodka. She felt naked when Elvis parted from her to make up a plate of food, spooning out black eyed peas with bacon, meatloaf, mashed potatoes and more from the large serving dishes on the counter. She felt even more awkward as he followed Jerry into the dining room while she looked for options not smothered in some sort of pork, smiling nervously at Mary who filled up the pitcher of sweet tea and then stacked more bacon on top of the salad.
When she entered the dining room, Elvis clapped his hand on the red cushion next to him at the head of the table, then stopped mid-sentence in his conversation with Billy to do a double take at Becky’s plate.
“Just cornbread and potatoes?” he asked in an accusatory tone, looking from the plate to Becky’s eyes. The whole table went silent. “There’s salad in there.”
Becky straightened and looked at Elvis. “I’m good. There’s bacon all up in that salad-”
“Well, use ya head, now Becky Butt, you can jus pick it out  - there  I solved ya damn probl—”
“I like this fine,  Presley, mind ya own business.”
Jo gasped, and Billy put his hand over his wife’s under the table. Billy then coughed uncomfortably and tried to change he subject. “You don’t eat bacon? On account of being a Hebr—” 
Elvis put his hand up to stop Billy “On account of being a doggone vegetarian.” Then he looked Becky squarely in the eye, and spoke with a benevolent humor. “No reason to be a bitch ‘bout it.”
Aunt Delta whispered loudly to Jo, “What Billy say?”
“He asked Becky if she didn’t eat pork cuz she’s a Jew.”
Vernon called down to Becky. “That true?”
But Becky was staring back at Elvis. “Look, I was eating my dinner just fine, you’re the one trying to tell me what ta do… I like mashed potatoes an cornbread… mind ya own business…”
“Everythin’ that happens in this house is my business, oughta box ya jaw, talking’ to a man like that in his own damn house …”
“YOU the one that kidnapped me Presley on account of how fond ya are of me, why, I bet you’d sooner hit ya granny there ‘fore you’d hit me.” She arched her eyebrow with a smirk.
“Oh you better shut that big ole mouth, get ya into trouble.” Elvis pulled Becky on his lap, arms around her waist.
She made a tepid attempt to get out of them, squealing loudly. “I don’t havta, you ain’t my boss.”
Before Elvis could answer, Minnie Mae announced, loudly. “Hesh up, canna eat ma supper.” Becky was shocked to hear such a powerful timbre from the frail, thin woman. 
Elvis squeezed her sides, and kissed her neck, whispering. “You heard Dodger, hesh that big mouth up .”
“You better shut up, you love my big ole mouth….” Becky murmured back into his ears, arms around his neck. Elvis leaned his head back, laughing, and Dodger shot Becky a stern look, as if her grand son’s unseemly behavior was somehow her fault.
The others went back to eating and low polite conversation, but Becky finished her meal in another dimension on Elvis lap. She took a large forkful of mashed potatoes, enthusiastically humming “MMMMhmmm MM!” as she swallowed. Elvis shook his head and let out a belly laugh, chewing his meatloaf in her ear and then giving her a big kiss, during which she feigned disgust. 
“Get that meat off my lips, Presley,” she muttered. 
“Huh, ya love my meat, honey.” He growled under his breath, pushing another big bite in his mouth and pressing his mush against her ear. 
Becky writhed silently in her seat, wiping off the greasy ground beef granules sticking on her lobe. “Didn’t no one ever teach ya any manners?” she hissed back at him.
“Gonna teach you some manners…you and that big mouth…” Elvis grinned like a goofy clown, and Becky couldn’t stop his contagious smile and playful energy from taking over her body. 
She beamed back, still trying to seem irritated, murmuring into his fluffy shagged out hair, “Like to see you try…” 
The thin soft knit fabric of Becky’s dress grazed her skin as Elvis massaged the top of her thigh, his strong fingers pinched the side and rubbed the rolls of her hip together, whispering in her ear. “Jus you wait… …”
They spent the meal thusly, in their own dimension at the head of the table, flirting, whispering, pinching, rubbing and feeding each other food. 
Elvis took some black eyed peas, biting the piece of ham hock off his fork, before feeding them into Becky’s open mouth with a “mhmmm... he thinks she needs some veGEeeables…”
Then Becky broke the edge of her corn bread off, “Better shut you up with something sweet in that mouth... know you like sugar on your tongue... Get any a this? Mhmmm… sweetest corn bread I ever ate…” 
He chuckled, talking with her fingers in his mouth. “Honey, I live on sweet stuff... like this cornbread... s'my house…. course it’s the best….”
They were only roused when Vernon stood to leave, followed by Aunt Delta’s movement helping Minnie Mae to her room. Becky started to help Mary clear the table, but Elvis grabbed her hand, telling her to let the woman do her job, and pulled her to follow the rest of the party into the den.  Mary caught Elvis in the back hall to pass him a note, and he motioned to Jerry after he read it, slapping Becky on her butt, which she realized was code for "hi," "get to it," "bye," "good idea," "uh nuh," and many other expressions as he begged off to make a business call in his office. Becky sat making small talk with Billy, Jo and Charlie for a time, then excused herself to fix her face upstairs, a happy excuse to go settle her nerves for a short spell alone and try to salve the self-conscious anxiety gnawing at her diaphragm. As she rounded the top of the stairs, she saw Jerry come out of the office, and he left paused to make sure he left the door ajar as he saw her.
“Everything ok?” Becky straightened her dress strap.
Jerry looked Becky up and down with an uncertain stare, then nodded. “Mhmmm…he’s just talking to his girlfriend in LA, Mindi.” 
Jerry’s heart dropped when he saw Becky’s ashen response, her lip trembled, just for a split second, before she forced a smile. “Oh, ha, well that’s good, was just about to call my sugar daddy in New York….” She changed the topic after shivering from the second floor’s cold air. “Cold, isn’t it… why is it so cold up here?”
Jerry frowned, and decided to go all in. “It’s the downers... the painkillers… makes you feel like you’re in a warm hug, like you are wrapped in a snug wool blanket… “
“How do you know that?”
“Cuz I’ve taken them, Becky… makes me drink gallons of lemonade, only wanna eat ice cream… never have enough of that cold sensation in your mouth, on your skin….”
“Oh.” Becky looked down. “Why does Elvis take them…” She shifted her feet.
“Back pain, insomnia, night terrors… at first… but it's easy to grow a tolerance and he needs more and more… can make him seem out of it.” Jerry stepped closer, and grabbed her arm. “If you are gonna be here, sleep with him, you need to watch him…if he goes to the bathroom , you go to the bathroom, if he passes out, make sure he is breathing… got it?”
The blood drained from Becky’s face, and she thought of the pills he took after the concerts in Jackson.
“Didn’t seem so bad when he was at my house.”
“Cuz he only had the random pills in his pocket… that was an impulsive trip, we didn’t even pack a tooth brush.”
“Oohhhh, haa…”
Her voice trailed off as Jerry patted her shoulder with a sympathetic wink, banking that she wouldn’t tell Elvis about their conversation. Jerry half regretted his bluntness, but her wounded look reaffirmed his commitment to show Becky as much of Elvis’ selfish nature as he could, as quickly as possible. With any luck, he’d have her hightailing it back to Jackson within the next 48 hours. Content with the work he had done, he excused him self for the night, while Becky stayed in the second floor landing, waiting for the sound of Jerry’s footsteps to end so she could creep closer to Elvis’ office and indulge her morbid curiosity.
“—no, no course, no, don’t even talk bout Rome… cuz I said I would… why honey, of course — why all ya gotta do is ask — no, now who’s name is on the marquee… that’s right darlin - my daddy works for me, not t’other way round…. Of course , s’no problem, how much ya need? Well …. Now, Joe’s out there himself, Jerry’s gonna square the wire first thing tomarra —— well, now, that’s more like it… I miss you too… whatcha you wearin’? Ohhhhhh you little minx, I oughta—” 
Becky felt sick to her stomach. It had only been a few minutes since that warm voice had been murmuring honeyed words into her neck. Her hand shook as she slunk over to the bedroom, and shed a few tears in the bathroom, then slapped herself in the face. 
“Shut up you big baby. You’ve been giddy as a school girl since you got here. You are just here to have fun. If you’re blue, well, that’s what you get for eavesdropping. People just having fun and enjoying free love don’t sneak around eavesdropping. It’s like Ida said, just enjoy the fucking experience… don’t get too deep, don’t take anything on...” She forced a smile. “Shepard’s pie. That’s what Charlie said. You’re comfort food... he doesn’t like one night stands, he likes to fool around for a set period of time. Maybe he’s your shepard’s pie too. Who are you kidding? You might be his comfort food, but Elvis fucking Presley is filet mignon to you, Rebecca Grace Hoffman. No one knows that name. Because you’re a nobody. Are you gonna ruin this trip by nagging him about other women? Or sleeping pills? No. Just. be. fun. Becky.”
The cold marble of the bathroom sink transferred from her hand to her cheek as she slapped her self again. “OK. Fun Becky.”  She nodded at herself and felt a little better after she washed her face and fixed her make-up. Taking a deep breathe, Becky shivered in the chill of Elvis’ bathroom. “Shake it off, baby…” she repeated to herself, rolling her shoulders and wiggling out her arms. As she walked downstairs, she told her self that if she felt uncomfortable, she could get a cab to the Greyhound station tomorrow,  or, worst case scenario, call her sister. This calmed her down, and Becky looked at her reflection one last time in the foyer mirror and smiled, happy with how she looked. Content with her decision to make no decisions and ready to enjoy the rest of the night if it killed her.
She instantly felt better when she peeked into the den and saw Charlie’s friendly face waving her in. The the woodsy decor, low lighting and water fall created a soothing atmosphere. Charlie was strumming a guitar while Billy got up to grab beer from the bar downstairs, an offer which Becky responded to almost too eagerly as she slide into the sofa next to Charlie. She nodded at Jo sitting on the floor against Billy’s chair. The women spoke for a little, Becky asked about the kids playing cards at the back of the room while Charlie played the melody for the Gordon Lightfoot hit “Sundown” on the guitar. Billy came back up with cold bottles for everyone, and the cool sour bubbles refreshed Becky while she struck up a conversation with Charlie. 
“Hey Decatur.” She said, smoothing her lap and crossing her legs. 
Charlie was now strumming chords aimlessly on his  guitar, a shy grin curled at the corner of his mouth. “Hey yerself, Birmingham.”
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The chords from George Jones’ and Tammy Wynette’s hit duet “Something to Brag About” met Elvis’ ears as he thumped downstairs, and he stood at the entry of the den noting the five empty beers on the coffee table. He watched Becky take a sip from her beer bottle as Charlie played guitar and sang the duet’s male part.
But I've got something to brag about 
Something to brag about 
Something to brag about in you
Becky closed her eyes as she sang out Tammy’s verse vigorously to the green carpet above her head, the deep emotion in her voice warmed Elvis entire body and he watched her with the keen eye of a voyeur. He felt the prickle of desire buzz along the back of his neck as he gazed at her sing and bounce on the sofa. The curls on top of her head seemingly had a life of their own, animated by the intensity of her delivery.  He liked power he felt watching her from doorway, knowing she had no idea he was there, knowing she wasn’t responding or performing for him. Just existing in the world as the free spirit that she was.
When you're with the fellas, I know 
You start braggin' 'bout 
My hour glass figure and my big brown eyes
Becky giggled, moving her hands suggestively over her body as she sang.
Then a you tell your girlfriends 'bout my 
Sweet, sweet lov—‘
Just as Charlie started to sing the word lovin’ he looked at the door and gulped, his hands froze while the last chord still reverberated throughout the den’s acoustics. He knew the power of that stare all too well, and the horror on his face showed his recognition.
Becky turned her head upside down, leaning back over the wooden serpent armrest,  that second beer had made her back impervious to the wood carving’s hard ridges. A goofy smile spread across her upside down lips.
“Heyyyyy daddy!”
Elvis stepped forward, towering above her. The waddle under his chin hung down as he tousled Becky’s hair from above, then pulled her dress strap up from her shoulder where it threatened to slip off and release her heaving bust. 
“Mmhmmm … hey baby…don’t let me interrupt y’all…” The edge in his tenor went over Becky’s head as she giggled, a dreamy look on her face as she blew a kiss up at him.
Leaning back as she was, Becky missed Charlie’s nervous glance at Billy, and she pulled herself up, slapping Charlie’s knee. “C’mon Decatur, where were we.”
“Ummm, uh… I uh, forget how it goes on from here…” Charlie coughed out.
Elvis staggered around the sofa behind Charlie, leaning down on his hands at the back of the couch. “Hmmm….. maybe it’s time ta let a professional take over…?”
Becky guffawed, slamming down her beer on the coffee table and raised her hands out for the guitar. “Professional skunk, more like. Don’t let him bully ya that way, Charlie… I can play if you... if you forget how it goes from here….” Charlie shot Becky a weak grin, and leaned over to hand her the guitar as he shakily stood up.
“Thanks darlin, but uhhh, need to use the John anyhow… y’all go on with out me….” Charlie twisted to look over his shoulder as Elvis plopped down in one of the large arm chairs across from the sofa. 
Billy sat in the other large armchair, his face was blank and inscrutable to Becky as he nodded at his cousin, and squeezed Jo’s shoulder below him.
Becky looked down at her hands, finding the chords on the neck of the guitar, then smiling at the others as she strummed lightly. Her voice was solemn and sad as it lifted up into “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Old,” pausing at the chorus to yell out, “C’mon on y’all, sing it with me….” 
The night they drove old Dixie down 
And the bells were ringing 
The night they drove old Dixie down 
And the people were singing 
They went, "Na, na, la, na, na, la"
Jo joined in exuberantly, and elbowed Billy into singing. Elvis grinned, he did not sing during this song, but rather, leaned back and watched Becky intently. After a few minutes, he pulled out a cigarillo and looked expectantly at Billy, who paused his contribution to the next chorus’ “na na nas” in order to hastily jump up and light Elvis’ cigar.
Becky laid the guitar down on the couch next to her when she finished singing and stood slowly, throwing her hips back and forth as she paraded around the coffee table to sit on Elvis’ lap. He looked up at her, blowing his cigar smoke to the side.
“Dontcha know… that’s a man’s song?”
“Hmmm…” Becky purred as Elvis belly bounced into her and she leaned into his face, her fingers edging around Elvis’ cigar to pull it out of his grasp to her own lips. A sly smile emerged on her lips as spoke. “Oh ya know…. I like…” she sucked on the sweet, woodsy smoke from his cigar, exhaling as she finished her thought. “Men’s things….”
Elvis pulled his cigar back from her fingers, his lips hovered below her chin. “Already know that…” 
Becky leaned her forehead down against Elvis’, his left hand jiggled her closer and he chuckled up into her mouth, his eyes danced behind his sunglasses.
“You know, you have a sad melancholy in that voice a yourn….” He murmured just to her, pulling Becky in the warm enclosure of his arms, a world where only the two of them existed and they spoke to each other in hushed, intimate voices as if no one was around. Here there were no external problems, no girlfriends, no downers, no children, no 200 miles stretching out between their houses. The only barriers were the clothes they wore and the space between their bodies. Billy and Jo looked at each other and shrugged awkwardly.  
Becky didn’t notice. 
“You don’t like my voice?” she stammered, her lower lip trembling.
Elvis brushed his lips over her chin, closing his eyes as he tilted his forehead into her nose and growled into her breasts below. “Honey… I don’t like your voice……” he paused for effect, his left hand grabbing the back of her hair, loosening the bobby pins that held it up with the force of his fingers. His jowls vibrated as he intoned, deeply. “I loooove your voice…..”
Charlie coughed as he walked back in, and picked up the guitar to put it back with its stand against the wall. Elvis’ eyes shifted, momentarily brought out of his trance, but he left his head resting against Becky’s chin.
“Hand that over here, son…. nah, give it to Becky … yoar a better gee tar player than I am any how…”
“Liar…you just lazy and wanna smoke that cigar...”
“Shut your mouth and get to playin’,” he blew his cigar smoke in her face.
“You still ain’t the boss a me… ”
His left hand lowered down to slap her side. “Hesh woman… c’mon, what are we singing…”
Becky grinned, and played the opening bars twice as she asked, “You know this one?”
“Ohhhh baby, I had that stuck in my head since the first night I met ya….” Elvis confessed, stubbing out his cigar in the green glass ashtray stand next to his chair.
“Alright, I’ll count us off.. one, two three…”
Their voices roared together in unison as they sang the opening stanza of June and Johnny’s “Jackson…” Elvis’ face lifted up to Becky’s, her breasts bounced as she strummed and his left hand drummed out a fast rhythm on the bottom of the guitar from where it squeezed her waist. Her body rocked back and forth into his belly, relishing the way his low voice took the melody somewhere new for her, and she belted out a “HA!” as he sang this verse.
When I breeze into that city 
People gonna stoop and bow (hah) 
All them women gonna make me 
Teach 'em what they don't know how
Charlie looked at the others, his brows raised, and Billy shrugged again, his eyes conveyed a knowing weariness. Neither Becky nor Elvis noticed this exchange, their eyes were otherwise occupied, and Becky leaned her nose down to nuzzle Elvis’s as she breathed out the next verse into his face through simpering amusement. Her warm breath sent a lightening bolt across Elvis’ body, and the thump of her bottom against his tummy and worked to increase the humming of his skin, amplified further when he sang and his lungs expanded swelling up his belly into derriere even more.  Elvis kissed the top of Becky’s shoulder softly as she leaned into him, finishing her stanza.
Yeah, go to Jackson 
You big-talkin' man 
And I'll be waitin' in Jackson 
Behind my Jaypan Fan
Becky purred along as Elvis sang the last chorus, swaying back and forth over his lap, and his arms closed tight around her as they hummed the last few notes together. They stayed in the den for hours singing, long after Billy and Jo found their children and said goodnight, Charlie tottered after them with a farewell. Their voices joined in happy harmony, mingling in the air was they started, stopped, paused, laughed and crooned together the melodies for “I Saw The Light,” “Don’t Think Twice,” “The City of New Orleans,” “Louisiana Women, Mississippi Man,”  Elvis changed the words to Alabama woman in this last one, to which Becky responded with a chuckle, which made him laugh and they giggled into each other’s cuddles on the furry arm chair.
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Becky lay back in Elvis’ bed, sniffing under the silk navy pajama top she had borrowed from him to sleep in. His monogrammed initials met her eyeline as she checked how her armpits smelled. After brushing her teeth, she had dusted herself with talc powder again, she was now covered in that old familiar Sweet Honesty scent by Avon. It was starting to grow on her.  The beside clock told her it was 3 a.m. Elvis had been in the bathroom for twenty minutes, what is taking him so long? She thought of what Jerry had told her, what’s so wrong with taking downers to sleep? If he has night terrors and insomnia? Yeah, so far she had watched them knock him out, but he had been fine otherwise. These thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something sliding across the tile in the bathroom, and Becky jumped up to check on it, only to be met by a swinging door and revelation of Elvis’ broad, dark silhouette. He swaggered towards her, taking her hands and waltzing her around, then dipping her back into the exposed silk sheets of her side of the bed.
“You ok? Thought maybe you stubbed your toe…” she mumbled up to him, his piercing dark blue stare made her chest ache. Lost in the deference Becky’s brown eyes offered up to him, Elvis hummed, savoring the way she turned her cheek into his knuckles as they roved up her face.
“Mmmm… what Twitchy?” His eyes narrowed, processing her question. “Oh, nah, just me stumblin’ ‘round tryin ta give myself a shot of B 12 … s’apart of my vitamin regimen, ya not the only one tryin’ to be healthy round here, miss veg a ma tarnation ..” Becky’s questioning face followed him as he rolled over on the bed and she cuddled into his chest once he joined her under the covers, half-sitting up pushed into the pillows. He took a ring off his pinky, the design was a wide platinum metal band that tapered off as it bent towards the back, in the center was a flower made of six large, glittering diamonds. Picking up Becky’s right hand from atop his chest, Elvis pushed the ring onto her finger, bending her hand up to watch the jewels catch the light. A gleeful grin bobbed his round, full chin and his eyes gleamed.
“Wannn ya ta have this….” Elvis dropped Becky’s hand, and began rubbing her belly, pushing up the silk button down top warming her skin.  
“Elvis…” Becky shook her head, and started to pull the ring off, readying her diatribe on how she didn’t want gifts.
“Honey don’t… “ Elvis palm glided over her soft, bare belly, pressing into its plush expanse as he trailed from side to side, smiling when he noticed these movements made her bust jiggle. “Now…. Can’t believe ya aint evvvva had sum un tell YOU that ya beautiful….” His speech started to slow as he spoke, each syllable seemed to get caught on the roof of his mouth. “Cuz you arrrre… so beautiful…. And beautiful people deserve beautiful things…. Help ya sparkle…. Help others seeee how beautiful you are…”
Becky could feel tears pooling behind her eyes at this declaration, unsure if she should protest. As if he read her thoughts, Elvis began to preemptively console her.
“Shhhhh…now shhhhh…. Let me do this…. I wanna give you deems … uh..” His eyelids fluttered closed, and a growl worked up his throat as waves of demerol warmed his chest and slowed his heart. “…. uh…” he jerked open his eyes, fighting to stay awake, his lips open and pouting like a baby. “Huh, what was I sayin, now…. oh yeah… it means somethin’ for me to give you deese things on account that you never had ‘em before… means more ta me…. knowing…. that I found you … gonna show the world how beautiful you are…” 
Becky shoved her face into his, and pelting a series of soft kisses across his cheeks as his eye lids began to droop down again, his hand still slowly tracing over her tummy,
“Gaawd, your skin is sooooo soffftt, like a baby’s….. wantcha ta be my baaBY…. I can be your daddy, ….an you can be my mommIEEE ….. and we can beeee each udder’s babies…..” His voice lilted in a higher tone, like a little boy musing about what he wanted to be when he grew up. His eyes completely closed, then struggled open, looking into her face.
“You’re sayin’ you want this to last more than a few days...” Becky thought of the other girlfriends in his life. It was one thing to spend the last week screwing around with a rockstar whose girlfriends, plural, knew or even condoned his polyamorous proclivities. It was another thing to join their sorority. “I’ don’t know if that——”
His jowls rippled as he shushed her, index finger softly held to her lips. “Jus thin ‘bouuutt it…. I know you a stubborn independent woman…. like ta make up your own daaaMN mind…. ya don havta decide now…. In fact, I don want ya ta, mean more if I earrrrn sit…. Stay here for a month, see how much you like me…. I know ya will… be my baaby, my little baby…..”
“Elvis,” Becky whispered. “I cannot stay here for a month…” She looked up from her position snuggling into the silk shirt over his hairy chest, and realized his eyelids had completely dropped down. A low, staggered breath forced out of his mouth. Becky hoped maybe he was so out of it on his sleeping pills that he would forget everything he just proposed. But as she noticed his breath decrease, she pushed in closer to him, her fingers softly skimming the hair across his forehead and rolling down his nose, just as did to put Ruth to bed. 
“Oy gavolt, daddy… what’s in those vitamins, hmm?” she yawned, then frowned, leaned her head on his chest to make sure it was lifting up and down with life, her own fatigue put off by the cold air and lifelessness of Elvis' body. Nuzzling further on to his chest, she thought of what Jerry had told her, and tried to stay awake, monitoring his breathing. Eventually she dozed off listening to the hum of the air conditioner.
Monday, June 15th
12 p.m. Graceland Master Bedroom
The creak of the door woke Becky up, and she lay on the mattress trying to remember where she was and what she was doing. It must have been five am when she finally fell asleep, but she couldn’t tell what tie it was now because the room was still so dark and cold. The large padded black leather door was ajar, but Becky didn’t see anyone, and as her eyes adjusted to being open, she realized Elvis’ head was on her breasts, and his right hand was cupped over her pubic hair, settled at the apex of her legs between her thighs. I guess he still has some life in there somewhere while he sleeps. She smiled, only to jump up at the sound of a little voice from the side of the bed.
“Who the hell care you?”
Becky shrieked “Fucking cock—mucker...” She threw Elvis’ hand off her and pulled the red, satin bedspread over her legs and panties. Elvis barely stirred, his snores only increasiing as Becky rolled him off her. 
She took in the patch of dirty blonde hair propped up at the edge of the bed, and then sat up further, pushing back against the headboard and smiling at the little girl who stood before her with hands on her hips and a look of disgust on her face.
“Why… hello there. Sorry for yelling… you uh… ya startled me… I’m Becky, who are you?”
The girl looked her up and down with those the same blue eyes and sneered curling her lip as the man sleeping next to hear. She ignored Becky’s question, emphasizing the edge in her voice.
“Where’s Linda? Does she know you’re here…?”
Becky sucked in her breath as she tried to think how she was going to navigate this scenario. This was not what she had in mind when Elvis had invited her to come to Graceland and meet his daughter. She had pictured a sweet, coordinated meeting in a living room or foyer. After having been briefed on Lisa’s likes and dislikes, Elvis would fondly introduce them to each other and handle any of the hard questions about his choice of companionship. As she sat there flummoxed, loud footsteps stopped at the entrance to Elvis’ room and Lisa scurried to hide behind the door just before Aunt Delta’s grimace poked around it. She squinted at Becky, and somehow her frown seemed to deepen into the wrinkles at the side of her mouth.
“You seen that little she-devil?” Delta huffed.
Becky looked over at Lisa Marie behind the door, who was vigorously shaking her head.
“Nope! Why?”
“Ughhh, that little gal needs to come unpack her suitcases… if we don’t do it now, I’s reckon she won’t do it all. That boy just let’s her run wild.”
Becky nodded, although Delta seemed to be talking more to herself, muttering as she turned and pulled the door closed behind her. Becky rolled off the other side of the bed, pulled her jeans off the chair they hung over and stepped into them as she made her way around the bed to Lisa Marie.
“C’mon, she-devil, I’ll help you unpack…”
Lisa Marie crossed her arms. “Chores’ for suckers… Nancy’ll just do it for me when she gets here… you can’t tell me what to do… you’re not my mom… you’re not even Linda…”
Becky chuckled and shook her head, then looked back at Lisa Marie as she opened the famous sound proof double doors that didn’t seem to do anything to keep the rest of Graceland out.
“Thank god I ain’t yer mama…already got one daughter who doesn’t listen to me. Though I find in general I can’t make anyone ‘round here do anything they don’t have a mind to do themselves…” Becky looked over at Elvis’ body on the bed as she said this, then lowered herself on her legs so that she was eye-level with the little toe-haired firecracker. “But I am your guest here at Graceland… so if I like unpacking clothes, you have to let me do it…wouldn’t want to wake up your papa and tell him you aren’t being a good hostess?” She watched Lisa Marie hesitate. “Well, are you the lady of the house or not?”
Lisa Marie uncrossed her arms and sighed up into her bangs. “Sho nuff I am...daddy told me this is my house...an.. I'm... I’m gonna inherit it, have my babies here… s’the Presley legacy… so.. um yeah, I am THE lady of the house…. Ok, well if you wanna be a sucker and unpack my clothes, it's your funeral…”
The slight girl led Becky down the hall towards her bedroom, stopping in front of a glass showcase filled with award trophies below a banner reading “Miss Tennessee 1972.” Lisa Marie paused in front of the shelving and looked at Becky, her eyes rolling up and down Becky’s body in judgement as she announced: 
“These are Linda’s awards, she’s my daddy’s girlfriend… they’re gonna get married one day… she’s a real beauty queen. She’s teaching me ‘bout fashion, how to get into a sorority, which ones are the best ones….”
Becky swallowed, groaning internally. This kid knows exactly what she is doing, she took one look at you and already twigged that you don’t belong here with her daddy. She’s just trying to get a rise out of you, it’s almost sweet. Can’t be easy to be Elvis’ daughter. Breathing deeply, Becky pushed any idea of competition with Linda aside.
“Mhmmm, Linda certainly deserves these doesn’t she, I mean, she’s gorgeous.” She walked beside Lisa. “People always told me I had a nice sense of humor in high school…. You know what means, don’t ya?”
Lisa Marie shook her head. 
“S’nice way of telling me I wasn’t beauty queen material….”
Lisa Marie let out a loud laugh, the tried to hastily suppress her smile as she continued to lead Becky to her bedroom. Becky tried distracted Lisa, asking her what the best sorority was, how to join one, what college she wanted to go, what music she liked. As they talked, Becky soaked in the sheer excess of Lisa Marie’s bed room. There was a round faux fur canopy bed larger than Becky’s bed at home, and it had a stereo and mirrors in the top. There was also a big television, a jewelry case filled “with real diamonds,” Lisa Marie explained, and several large sets of drawers and a big armoire Becky opened the suitcases and started unpacking, pausing to ask for help with every piece of clothing she took out, while asking Lisa Marie about herself. 
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“Hey where does this dress go?” Becky asked casually.
Lisa Marie took it with a huff, walking it to the closet, “In here, obviously,” the little girl said as she hung it, and Becky nodded, muttering how silly of her, then folded some tee shirts and skirts into piles.
“So Lisa Marie, what are you into?” Becky asked, handing the little blonde a bunch of rolled socks.
“Lisa… you can just call me Lisa.” Becky nodded at this. “Fast cars, karate, guns and hawwwt music.” Lisa said with a deep affect and an impish smirk
Becky laughed. “Really? Hmmmmmm sounds like someone else in this house… you forgot beauty queens…”
“True… I’m fixing to be a beauty queen ma’self… gonna do karate as my talent at pageants…that or target practice…”
Becky grinned and shook her head, fingers locking the clasps and holding up the empty suitcases with an eye brow arch. “You know, I’ve never even held a gun - you good at shooting?”
 A devilish expression energized Lisa’s face as she turned. “Wanna learn?”
Becky stood, wondering if she should shower and get Charlie or Mary or Jo to take her out to buy a bra and some more modest blouses as she looked at the pajama top over her jeans, mumbling in response. “Learn what, sweet girl?”
“How to shoot a gun a course…” Lisa began walked through a swinging door outside her bedroom, next to a second narrow staircase.
Becky glanced down its dark depths as she ambled behind Lisa, realizing she was being led into Elvis’ dressing room on their way back to the master suite. Becky followed slowly, frowned at the bags under her eyes as they walked through the master bedroom. Dressed, get dressed. Becky struggled, and she took a purple halter top out of her travel bag and slinked it on as Lisa Marie gasped from her position tip toeing over the dresser showcasing Elvis’ arsenal.
“Did you just flash me?” Lisa made a disgusted sound.
“We’re all girls here... sorry, didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable honey… I guess maybe I feel a little too comfortable….”
Lisa looked Becky up and down again. “You really are different from his other girlfriends…. Here, any preference ta which one do you like… oh wait, never mind, you already said you don’t know nothing bout guns, better let me do it ... I’m an expert.”
Becky walked over, clipping her dark brown curls in up, her lips pursed and her eyebrows knitted in concern. “What does your daddy say about you using his guns?”
“Ta never ever touch ‘em.” Lisa said as she gatheredd two pistols in her hands, the same way that Ruth would glance over and select Barbie dolls to play with. Lisaa tilted her head to the door, and Becky followed with a disturbed expression as Lisa led them out of the room, downstairs and out back to the smokehouse. She wondered if she should be doing this, but then again, several kids in Ruth’s class already had marksmanship awards. What did she know, did she want her first interaction with Elvis's daughter to be a power struggle?
Becky’s barefoot feet wriggled further into the sawdust, and she inhaled deeply shutting her eyes. The pressure of the exploding bullet from the shaft of the colt 45 revolver caused Becky to jump back with a little scream. She looked up, there were no holes on the target sheet hanging at the end of the room. 
Lisa laughed, and came over. “You havta keep your eyes OPEN for starters.” She took aim with her gun, as Becky stepped back and watched her squint and stay perfectly still shooting a perfect bullseye. Lisa then turned with an elated gleeful smile, blowing over the top of the gun as her eyes met Becky’s.
Becky chuckled. “Wow… impressive… do you have a favorite gunslinger?”
Lisa turned and shot two more rounds, each one hitting the red center of the bullseye. “Dirty Harry.” She answered without skipping a beat, then flipping her hair back over her shoulder.
“Wow…. Have you seen that movie?”
“Only about a thousand times…. it’s one of my favorite movies….”
“Wow, well, what about a girl shooter? Have you seen Annie Get Your Gun?”
“Of course.” Lisa huffed, refilling the cartridge of her gun. “I even used to have a pink cowgirl vest just like Annie Oakley, ‘cept it’s too small for me now.”
“Well, if we had a sewing machine I could make a new one for you.”
Lisa looked up at Becky with an excited expression, and took her hand, dragging her out of the smokehouse. “Dodger has ‘un…. Let’s go find Charlie, we’ll get him to take us shopping…”
Becky’s bare feet stumbled over the grass and pebbles as Lisa’s hand took them towards the long white building at the back of the mansion. “Um, let’s not bother Charlie… he might have other things to do.”
Lisa’s face turned back to Becky as she rapped on the door, announcing with all earnestness. “Are you kidding? Charlie always does everything I say….”
Three hours later, Becky was sitting at a very large, heavy cumbersome metal Singer sewing machine that Charlie had lugged out from Minnie Mae’s room into the adjourning living room. Becky had given him an apologetic grin as he stumbled and told her that it “Really weren’t no trouble.” Her fingers pushed pink suede through the stitcher and she bit her lip in concentration as she controlled the lever with her foot. Lisa hovered over Becky, perched on the sofa attaching rhinestone beads to the fringe on the smaller vest Becky had already cut and sewn together with Lisa’s proportions. 
“You think this is really gonna fit him?” She said with excitement and Becky nodded, grinning at the thought of Elvis wearing a matching pink suede vest. Not as gaudy as those jumpsuits but in the same family, she thought. Lisa turned to grab another bead from the bowl of glimmering silver rhinestone beads.
Lisa jumped up and down, clapping her hands. “It’s SO perfect! They match…”
Jerry walked by and stuck his head in, a middle aged white lady behind him. “Hey honey - I set up the film reels of The Pink Panther for you down in the TV room like ya asked this mornin…”
Lisa’s eyes stayed fixed where she tied another silver bead on her vest fringe, then waving Jerry off. “Thanks Jerry, maybe later…. We’re busy… oh hi Tish…”  Lisa added, seeing the older woman. Jerry looked at Becky, bewildered, but didn’t inquire what they were doing, turning to escort Tish upstairs.
“Whose that?”
“Oh that’s jus daddy’s nurse… he has some back pain and digestible issues… she’ll start coming by to give him his medicine every day now that he’s home… she takes real good —— ok, is it done ?” Her voice trailed off as she watched Becky pull the large pink vest out of the machine.
"Not yet, I gotta slice the fringe and get some of this shiny beads on here…” Becky smacked her lips and squinted at the stitching. 
Lisa nodded, nothing another bead, heat feet dangling over the edge of the couch. “Say, where did you learn to do all this? Ya mama?”
Becky turned to Lisa, grabbing a bead as she worked on Elvis’ vest. A “Ha!” escaped her mouth at Lisa’s question.
“No, my mama  was busy being a lawyer…. Our nanny, Helga, taught me everything I know… and I try to teach it to my little girl, Ruthie…”
“You’re mama was a lawyer?” Lisa’s eyes were wide, and she paused her work.
“Yeah, everyone in my family is a lawyer… ‘cept my sister, she’s actually a judge up here in Memphis… I think she was the third lady judge in this town.. Maybe I'll see her while I’m here…” Not if I can help it, Becky thought.
“And you? You didn’t wanna be a lawyer?
Becky chortled. “No…. Not alll…. “
“Are you a working mom?”
“Oh honey, all moms are working moms…. We’re like CEOs of small businesses. And those businesses are you,” she said, poking her finger into Lisa’s belly and conjuring a playful squeal.
“OK, but do you work work?”
“Sorta … still trying to figure out what I wanna do when I grow up…. When I was in high school, I wanted to be a park ranger in the Great Smokies…. Sounds silly, huh?”
“Noooo…. What happened? Couldn’t you still do that?”
“What happened…. Oh what happened…. Well, I got real lucky, and the universe put baby Ruth in my arms…. Hard to be a park ranger with a baby strapped to my back…”
 “What would you do now if you could do anything? As a working working mom, I mean.”
“Well, I’m already a working working mom, I’ve kinda always had to be... I help my folks with their hardware store…. If I could do anything…. I guess I’d like to own something, a little book store, maybe sell records too, have a juice bar and a kitchen serving up vegetarian food, maybe I run it with a husband, a nice divorced man I meet one day back in Jackson, living out a Brady Bunch fantasy….”
Lisa patted Becky’s shoulder. “You can do anything you put your mind to, Becky. S’what my daddy always says. If you want to find a divorced man to own a juice bar with, I believe in you…. What’s a vegetarian?”
Becky giggled, putting down the vest after tying the last bead on. “Someone who doesn’t eat any meat.”
“Wait, so you really don’t eat any meat?”
“That’s ridiculous… how can you even have a complete meal?”
“I have my ways…they involve tofu, peanut butter or beans….”
Becky and Lisa stayed in the living room talking, as Becky explained some of the reasons she didn’t eat meat, asking Lisa if she would eat a horse or pet dog, and then why a cow or chicken was different. She looked at the large, ornate golden clock over the fireplace and realized it was 3:30. 
“Speaking of food, I’m honnnngry, haven’t had anything to eat all day.. y’all have peanut butter and jelly?”
Lisa smiled and jumped off her perch on the sofa, laying her vest over the larger one and waving for Becky to follow her. “I’ll do you one better, I’ll make you one of my famous peanut butter banana sandwiches.”
Just as she jogged into the foyer, a pair of large hands reached out and grabbed Lisa and lifted her over the shoulder of an Elvis shaped frame, pinching her sides.
“Ya mean my famous peanut butter banana sandwiches….” Elvis voice tumbled out with a chuckle as his daughter squealed in delight. “See ya met my friend here…” he added as he put his daughter down, his face aglow as he looked at Becky. This shifted to a look of displeasure when his eyes saw the dirt on her feet. 
“Honey, what’s with ya feet?” He tisked.
Lisa bumped into Elvis waist, pushing his arm around her shoulder as she giggled. “She’s been running ‘round outside without any shoes on…. And she flashed her big boobies at me getting dressed this morning…. AND she’s teaching me how ta be a vegetarian…”
Elvis left eye brow arched up high, looking from Lisa to Becky. “Oh reeALLLY…. Hmmm…. Looks like y'all been getting to know each other good..." He stepped over to Becky, hand around her waist, and whispered in her ear. "Honey, why don’t ya go wash up and put something nice on, maybe a little make-up?”
Becky frowned. “Think you can snap your fingers and I’ll —” 
Elvis walked her to the staircase, his hand rubbed her bare shoulders, his eyes melting away all the retorts forming in her mind as she took in the track suit he was wearing. His voice was soft but firm, “C’mon, go get presentable... want my daughter to see how beautiful ya are when I introduce ya…. Go on now.” He slapped her butt playfully as Becky turned, unable to stop her body from complying with his directions as her mind spun in a tizzy from the feel of his hands and the way his big blue eyes looked into hers with a mix of lust, admiration and smug bravado. Introduce me to your daughter my ass, I’ve spent the last six hours unpacking clothes, shooting guns, shopping and sewing with her.
But she thrilled with elation as she bounced toward the kitchen twenty minutes later, proud of the way she had done her make up and fixed herself after taking a quick rinse in the shower. Sweet Honesty was now her favorite perfume and she smelled her wrists backing into the kitchen’s swinging door,  gasping with delight at the sight of Lisa and Elvis in matching pink fringed vests. Lisa sat on the counter next to the sink, eating a sandwich, and called out with a full mouth. Her white Mary Jane shoes hit the cabinets below. “Becky! Lewk ift figs!!!” She pointed to her dad, and Elvis turned from the stove, running his hands over his vest.
“Jus what I been needed… a pink shiny vest… ! Gonna hafta keep ya round, I have a list of mending been tryin to get Delta to do for the last year.”
Becky curled her lips. “I won’t be darnin’ your socks, Presley…”
Elvis grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek with “Hesh… now, let me look at ya.” He twirled her around in the middle of the kitchen. “There she is…. now that’s better honey…  look, Goobernickle, the most beautiful girl in the world jus wandered in ta our kitchen, ain’t we lucky.” Lisa kicked him. “Sorry, how silly a me, second most beautiful gal in the world after that lil gal right there.” 
Becky blushed and Elvis kissed her hand, taking her to sit on the orange kitchen stool near the TV. Back at the stove, he flipped what looked like a grilled cheese sandwich out of the pan and onto a plate, cutting it in half and blowing on it as he brought it over.
“Get ready to have the most delicious thing in that mouth of yours since you got to Graceland…. I mean second most delicious…” Elvis stood in front of Becky, taking up a sandwich to feed her, chuckling at her horrified expression. Good, she got my innuendo, he thought, then looked back at Lisa who was obliviously chewing on the second half of her sandwich. “I meant after the corn bread you ate last night, whatcha think I meant? Crazy woman.”
Becky sighed, closing her eyes, her exhale a mix of exasperation and excitement as she opened her mouth to taste the sandwich Elvis guided in as he held her chin. 
She couldn’t help the instinctive reaction her body had to his voice, touch, and the way his eyes danced with impish joy at her unease. But Becky also found herself sickened by how weak she was, how her pussy tingled when she swallowed the salty, sweet goodness of the sandwich. Elvis thumbed along her jawline, much the same way he had when she had sucked his cock the previous day, and her eyes widened as she felt the buzzing energy of his touch caressing her face. She swatted him away and stifled the deep sensuous moan threatening to increase. Lisa Marie seemed unperturbed, jumping off the counter to get some milk from the fridge. Elvis chortled loudly at Becky’s angry stare and pushed another bite in her mouth. She rolled her eyes, then whimpered involuntarily at how the fried, buttery carby goodness hit the back of her throat. Becky had never been with anyone who pushed and pulled and blurred the boundaries between all the different aspects of her personality together at once.
Elvis winked.
“Tastes good, don’t it?”
Read Chapter 5 Here
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tikosblogg · 2 days
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summary: love triangle? you grew up with folio, you are best friends. Both in very successful bands. folio tries to ignore his hidden feelings for you, especially when the one and only Noah Sebastian steals your heart.
Warnings: angst, SMUT nothing too crazy a little fluff.
A/N : so sorry for the long wait. I had trouble with this chapter. That being said, this will be the last chapter!! I hope you guys enjoy it!!! Not proof read I apologize.
I wake up to my alarm blaring on the bedside table at 5am. Letting out a tired sigh, I shut off my alarm. Today is the day. We leave for tour in 2.5 hours. I feel the nerves rack through my exhausted body. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so excited about this tour. It’s an absolute dream….but this also means I’m gonna be trapped on a tour bus with Noah, whom I’ve been avoiding for the past 3 weeks.
It’s been so hard. The hurt look on his face, everytime I cut our conversations short or made an excuse to leave the room every time he showed up, killed me. I have to do this. I don’t want to, but it’s for the best. I groaned, crawling out of bed to get all my stuff packed into my car. I slept in some sweats and a hoodie, so I could just get up and go. Since our first destination is only a 5 hour drive from here, we’re meeting at the studio, and all piling up into the bus.
After going over my check list a dozen times, I finally climb into my car, and head to meet everyone else. When I pulled up, all the guys plus a few more were packing their things in the bus. When I stepped out of the car, everyone yelled their “heys” and “what’s up” except for one. I looked him over, as he shoved his suitcase into the compartment on the outside of the bus.
He gave me a quick glance, before closing the compartment, and headed straight into the bus. I walked over to Nick, giving him a hug. “Is he okay?” He looked over towards the bus before shaking his head. “Don’t know. He’s been like this for the past 3 weeks. He won’t talk to anyone about it.” I felt my heart fall out of my ass. It's my fault.. ”you can go ahead and get on the bus, the guys will load your stuff.”
I shook my head pulling my gaze back to Nick. “Absolutely not, I can do it Nick.” He shook his head, pointing towards the bus. “There is a lot of stuff, and it has to be packed a certain way. Just go y/n. Get some rest.” I reluctantly nodded, headed towards the steps. I made my way inside, checking out the space. It was amazing. It was narrow, but so spacious at the same time.
I made my way across the bus, claiming a bunk. I threw my purse and phone onto the small mattress at the very top bunk, on the left side. I looked in front of me, at the closed sliding door. I slid it open to the entertainment area. There was a small flat screen, hung up on the wall, with an Xbox hooked up to it, resting on a shelf hung up under the tv. Across from it was the fluffiest recliner couch I’d ever seen.
Sitting on said couch was Noah. He wore his black bad omens joggers, with a Matching black hoodie. A black baseball cap on his. He looked so good. “Hi.” I stood there, awkwardly shifting back and forth on my feet. He nodded his head with a quiet “hey”, his eyes never leaving his phone. I turned back around, deciding to get some sleep. Our very first show is tomorrow, I need all the rest I can get.
I struggled climbing into the top bunk. Probably wasn’t the smartest idea being 5’0, picking the highest bunk. I got about half way, stretching my knee up to the mattress. My knee dug into it, as I tried pulling myself up into the bunk. My left leg dangle below me, trying to find something to push off of. I could feel myself slowly slipping.
Both of my hands clawed against the mattress trying to find anything to hold onto. As soon as I accepted my dreadful fate, I felt two hands on my ass shoving me into the bunk. I flew forward across the mattress, my forehead bouncing off the bunk wall with a loud thud. I quickly turned over, seeing Noah climbing into his bunk, directly across from mine on the right.
I rubbed over the throbbing spot on my forehead, as he lay on his back looking over at me. Our eye contact was intense, I could feel my face heating up. “Thanks.” I mumbled quietly, diverting my eyes somewhere else. He let out a quiet ‘mhmm” before sliding his curtain shut. I sighed, laying down, closing my curtain as well. This is gonna be a long tour.
I woke up to the sound of movement all throughout the bus. I checked the time on my phone seeing it was 1pm. Holy shit?! I slept that long? All of sudden my curtain was whipped open, to a smiling Nick. “Wakey wakey!! We gotta get checked into the hotel and then get ready for rehearsal and sound check.” I nodded with a smile, slowly climbing down from my bunk.
We all grabbed our stuff, exiting the bus to retrieve our suitcases from the bus compartment. We made our way inside, getting our key cards and headed to our floor. Once we got up there, we split up going to our respective rooms. I entered mine, throwing all of my stuff onto the bed. I pulled some black spandex shorts, and an oversized band t out of my suitcase. After getting dressed, I brushed my teeth and my hair. A knock on the door sounded through my room.
I opened it to Nick, and jolly. “Hey you ready?” I smiled, nodded my head, and followed them out. We all piled into a black suv, taking us to the venu we will be performing at tomorrow night. We’ve been here for three hours already, it’s hot as fuck in this place, and Noah is not happy. His inear isn’t working correctly, and the sound system doesn’t sound right. “Alright guys, let’s do it again.”
I sighed squatting to the ground, my legs so tired from just standing there. The music started, and I pulled the mic up to my lips. “Violence against nature….violence against nature.”
During the break down, Noah signaled for everyone to stop. “Y/N you’re sounding pitchy! Get it together!” I felt my heart stop. Did he really just say that to me? “Excuse me?!” I yelled, dropping my microphone to the ground, walking closer to him. We stared each other down, his eyes hard and cold. I shook my head walking away. I felt the tears burning my eyes. How fucking humiliating.
Who does he think he is?? I made my way to the green room backstage, slamming the door closed behind me. My chest heaved as I paced back forth. This is all my fault.. I threw myself at him, and ruined our friendship. I let out a quiet sob, as I took a seat on the couch, throwing my head in my hands. “Y/N” nicks voice made me jump out of my skin. I never even heard him enter the room.
“I’m fine Nick, we should probably get back out there.” I sighed, standing from the couch. “No y/n…sit down. We need to talk.” I nodded plopping back down on the couch, him taking the seat beside me. “Look I don’t know what happened, but it’s pretty obvious something is going on between you and Noah.” I felt my heartbeat pick up, as I shook my head. “No nick I-“ he shook his head “let me finish.”
I snapped my mouth shut, nodding my head. “You and Noah clicked as soon as you laid eyes on each other. Everyone noticed it. I noticed it.” I could feel my heart breaking. I never wanted Nick to find out. Of course he would have never told me I couldn’t see Noah, but I never wanted to put him in the middle of something like that. He didn’t deserve it.
“You quit coming around. We all noticed that. Come to think of it, that’s when Noah started acting differently. Why did you? Did he do something?” His voice had a bit of an edge at the end of his sentence. My eyes widened in horror. He thinks Noah did something to me?! If anything I did something to him! I’m the one who threw myself at him, and then ran away with no explanation.
I shook my head, throwing my hands over my mouth. “Oh god no Nick, no not at all.” A fresh set of tears fell down my cheeks as I let out a sigh. I just wanna be honest, and get over this. “The night you guys stayed at my air bnb with me….after I got out of the shower, you jolly and Nick passed out on the couches.” He nodded his head, never taking his eyes off of me. “Noah was outside on the patio, and I went and joined him. We just talked for a while. It was really nice. Then I….I kissed him.”
Nick laid a hand on my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze. “So why are you so upset? Why are you avoiding him?” I sucked in a breath, trying to control my sobs. “After I kissed him, I freaked out and ran. I just. I don’t want to put you in the middle of something like that Nick. He’s your best friend and you’re mine. I never wanna put you in a position where you feel like you have to choose.”
Nick chuckled, shaking his head. “But how do YOU feel y/n?” We stared at each other for a few seconds, as I tried to put the right words together. “I’ve never felt the way I do with Noah, with anyone else. I care about him so fucking much, but I can’t lose you Nick.” He pulled me into a tight hug, placing a kiss on my head. “Y/n I can promise you…you are never going to lose me. Ever. If that’s how you feel, then I 100% support you.”
I lifted my head in surprise. I thought he would be totally against this. I could feel the tension, worry, and dread slowly leaving my body. “I told you, all I want is for you to be happy. No matter who it’s with.” I nodded my head, my tears finally slowing down. So that’s what he meant that day….he already knew. I pulled him into another tight hug, as he stood from the couch. “Where are you going?” He smiled down at me. “I got a hot date with one of the sound techs lily.” He sent me a wink, crossing his arms over his chest. “And YOU have someone you need to talk to.”
I looked down nodding my head. “Yeah I should probably explain everything to Noah, let him know how I really feel.” Nick laughed, patting my shoulder. “You already did.” I looked up at Nick confused, his eyes fixed on the door. I looked over to see Noah standing there, a small smile on his face. Welp…I guess that was easy. Nick ruffled my hair with his hand, before walking toward the door. “I’ll leave ya to it.” He walked past Noah, giving him a pat on the back before closing the door behind him.
Me and Noah sat in silence for a minute, just staring at each other. He finally made his way over, sitting down next to me. He let out a sigh, before finally speaking. “I’m so sorry y/n. I didn’t mean what I said, I was just…I was hurt, and confused. But I should have never taken it out on you.” I didn’t bother saying anything. I didn’t care. I forgive him. He forgives me.
I threw myself onto his lap, straddling his thighs. I wrapped my arms tight around his neck, nuzzling my face into his shoulder. He instantly wrapped his arms around me leaning back into the couch, pulling me with him. I pulled back, catching his gaze with mine. “I’m so sorry Noah.” He shook his head, cupping my cheek with his hand. He pulled me down into a soft kiss.
It started out just like our first one, sweet and slow. Until his hand slid down my back, cupping my ass in his giant hand. He squeezed it hard, making my core grind against his lap. I let out a soft moan, as he took the opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth. Our kiss got more heated, the longer we sat there. Loud pounding at the door, made us both jump apart. “Let’s go love birds! We’re going back to the hotel!”
Jolly’s voice came through the door. We smiled at each other, still not moving. He cupped my cheek again, pecking my lips. “I like you too y/n, a lot.” I smiled, nodding my head. “Good.”
We made it back to the hotel 30 minutes later, Noah and I were glued together the entire time. We got to our floor, and everyone split up. I looked at Noah, nodding my head towards my room. “You wanna hang out for a bit?” He nodded, leading the way. I pulled out my key card, sliding it in. As soon as I opened the door, I was rushed in instantly being shoved against the door, Noah’s lips on mine.
I groaned into it, fisting his hoodie in my hands at his hips. He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He carried me to the bed, dropping me on top of it. He climbed on top of me, settling between my thighs, laying his chest on top of mine. “Do you wanna do this?” I nodded my head without a second thought.
He leaned back down, shoving his tongue in my mouth. His hands gripped my shirt, pulling it over my head. He sat straddling my waist, pulling my bra off as well. I groaned as the cool air hardened my sensitive nipples. He leaned down, taking one into his mouth, sucking lightly before releasing it. “You’re so beautiful baby.” I whined, reaching for him. He smiled, grabbing both of my hands, placing a kiss on the palm of both of them. He slid down my body, sliding my shorts and underwear off in one swoop.
Kneeled on the floor, at the end of the bed, grabbing my calves pulling me down closer to him. “Noah..” I whimpered as his breath hit my core. He spread my thighs open wide, slowly leaning down. He ran his thumb over my clit, before finally sucking it between his lips. I gasped, my hands flying to his hair, tugging on it. I quickly let it go, mumbling out an apology. He pulled away from me, looking into my eyes.
“You grab my hair, and fucking pull it all you want. Please baby.” I clenched at the fact, he was begging me. It was the sexiest fucking thing. I watched as spit fell from between his lips. I gasped as it fell directly on my clit. He watched me as he slid his two middle fingers into my throbbing hole. He slowly thrusted them, leaning back down to lick at my throbbing clit. “Fuck Noah.”
He groaned against me, as I tugged on his hair. He pulled away gasping. He whimpered before catching my eyes again. “Harder.” I almost came at that. He went back down, pumping his fingers faster. I felt my orgasm approaching, as I pulled hard on his hair, now grinding my pussy against his face and fingers. A few seconds later, my thighs were squeezed around his head shaking.
He pumped his fingers getting me through my high, before pulling out and climbing back on top of me. This kiss was erratic, and messy. Lips, tongues, and teeth clashing. I yanked at his hoodie, pulling it off of him. I ran my hands down his tattooed chest, pulling the waistband of his sweats and underwear down, his hard dick springing free. I gasped at his size. He smirked, pecking my lips before speaking. “You can take it, can’t you baby?”
I nodded my head fast, pulling his lips down to mine. I felt the tip of dick, right at my entrance. He gripped my thigh, bringing it up to my chest. Before looking at me one more time for confirmation. I nodded quickly. “Please.” Noah groaned, laying his forehead against mine. He slowly inserted the tip, before pulling it back out, over and over again. I whined, bucking my hips begging him to go in all the way.
He gave me a teasing smile. “Whose pussy is this?” I whimpered, as his tip kept entering me, and leaving me. “Yours.” I mumbled. He shook his head, gripping the back of my head pulling it up towards him. “Who’s?” I gasped, at this new dominant side of Noah. It’s driving me insane. “Fuck Noah it’s yours! Please!” Not a second later, he thrusted up completely bottoming out inside of me.
“Fuck Noah!” He wasted no times, pounding into me. “That’s right baby, this is my pussy. Nobody else's right?” He kept thrusting, never breaking eye contact with me. It was fucking intense. I shook my head, as best as I could with his fingers tangled in the back of my hair. “No baby…never.” He groaned, shoving his face into my neck, biting and sucking my skin. “Fuuuck baby.”
He groaned against me, sending chills down my spine. He quickly pulled away, pulling out of me. He took no time, flipping me over. He pulled my hips up, my ass high in the hair. He gripped the hair at the back of my hair again, shoving my cheek against the mattress. My back was arched as far as it could go, before he thrusted back into me. “Holy fuck y/n.” He groaned.
“You’re so fucking beautiful…so perfect.” All I could do was whimper and moan into the mattress. A loud smack sounded around the room. My ass cheek now on fire. I let out a strangled groan, loving the burning sensation it left behind. “Come on baby. Cum on cock.” Noah groaned, thrusting harder. He pulled me all the way up, until we were back to chest.
He wrapped one around my waist, bring his other down so his fingers could play with clit. He went back to biting and licking my neck, as I moaned out his name. My orgasm was quickly rising. He could feel it, as he rubbed my clit faster. “That’s right baby.” I groaned out his name, and came all over his dick, as he fucked me through it. “Good fucking girl.” He reached up, turning my face towards him.
We shared a sloppy wet kiss, before he let me go. I dropped back down on to my face, as he kept thrusting chasing his own high. “Please Noah….cum inside me.” He groaned, thrusting three more times before finally finishing inside me. He pulled out, falling down beside me. We laid there catching our breath, as lightly rubbed my back.
“Are you okay baby?” I smiled, opening my eyes looking at him. “More than okay.” He laughed, turning me onto my side to face him and into his chest. We laid there for a while, just soaking up each other's warmth until he finally broke the silence. “I missed you..” I lifted my head, to look at him. “I missed you too Noah. I’m so sorry-“
He put his fingers to my lips, stopping me. “You’re here now, that’s all that matters.” I smiled against his fingers. Giving them a little kiss, before taking them in his mouth. He groaned watching me. “Fuck baby…you’re gonna be the death of me.” I shrieked as he pounced back on me.
We spent the rest of the night, wrapped up in the sheets, and each other. It started out a little rough, but I am so grateful that Noah came into my life. He is the piece that I’ve always felt like I was missing…
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toointojoelmiller · 10 months
Blind to it all: a last of us fic
Prompt submitted by @two-birds-alone-together ❤️
Heads up for blood and disturbing stuff.
read at ao3 here
“I still can’t believe it,” Ellie whispers.
Her face is buried into Joel’s flannel, fuzzy and warm and smelling like soap, because for all of the stress and pain that staying at the hospital has involved, it’s also meant showers every god damn day, as many as she wants, and a sink to wash laundry in every week.
She’d scrubbed her skin raw the day they’d arrived – after the drama subsided. Joel was knocked out for a while, which left her feeling panicky and unanchored. Even though the friendly Firefly surgeon – Doctor ‘Call me Jerry’ Anderson – had offered to show her around, bragging about the machines and equipment they’d managed to salvage, she refused to leave Joel’s bedside until he was up. When he’d eventually rolled over, meeting her eyes with his, she hadn’t been able to hold back the tears. They actually made it.
“I know,” Joel says softly. “I can’t either. But it’s real.” He breathes it out shakily, his voice trembling. She feels the words rumble through his chest and presses her face in against him just a little bit harder. It kind of sounds like he’s still crying – everyone has been, pretty much all day.
They’re curled up together on the small stretcher in the corner of the little room they’ve been staying in for the past month and a half. “Told you they’d have a room ready,” he’d said, leaning against the doorway and grinning at her as she turned the sink on and off – so fucking relieved to see running water again after the dirty, gritty, painful slog here from Colorado.
They’d tried to push back against them being in one room together – tried to push back on Joel being there with her at all, really – but Joel said they were a ‘package deal’, which made her feel all tingly. “You touch him, I’m done,” Ellie had snarled, holding her knife up to her throat when Marlene had first tried to suggest he wasn’t welcome to stay. “I’m not doing shit without him here – I’ll fucking kill myself if you try to take him away.”
Dramatic, maybe. Joel hadn’t really approved of her approach but, hey – it was effective.
The way he’s holding onto her now is the way they’ve spent so many nights here, his arms wrapping her up in a big bear hug as she snuggles against his chest. With his arm covering up the ear that isn’t pressed against his chest, the sounds of music and yelling and cheering from the hallway are a bit muted.
“If anyone could save the world, kiddo, it’d be you.” He says softly into her hair, with so much emotion in his voice it makes tears start welling up all over again for her.
The door bangs open. “Cheers, you two,” Marlene says, as she walks in holding onto two cups.
Joel shifts a bit, his arms tightening just slightly around Ellie in a way that makes her smile. He’s always so fucking protective. “What have we here?” Joel says with a chuckle. “Do I need to remind you she’s only fourteen?”
“Hey!” Ellie says, slapping his chest and getting a laugh out of both of them.
“Fourteen. Forty. Look, she can have anything in the fucking world she wants, as far as I’m concerned,” Marlene chuckles. She puts the cups down on the bedside table, her eyes bright and soft as she looks at Ellie. She looks like a completely different person than the hardened woman who’d sat in front of her and changed her whole fucking life back in Boston. So long ago, now. Everything’s changed so much. She wiggles in even tighter against Joel, like she’s trying to merge into him.
“It’s just juice – don’t worry.” Marlene says to Joel. “Only brought the hard stuff for you.”
She gives him a wink, and Ellie realizes that she’s hammered. She can’t hold back the laughter – luckily, Joel and Marlene are laughing too, caught up in the giddy insanity that seems to be taking over the whole damn building right now.
Ellie sits up eagerly to grab the cups, passing one over to Joel, but giving it a sniff first. The sharp smell of alcohol makes her shudder, and Joel and Marlene both laugh at her.
Her own cup is a bright yellow colour – apple juice, her fucking favourite. She’ll never get used to a drink tasting so good. She downs it in a few chugs, not taking the rim of the cup from her lips until it’s drained. To her delight, Joel does the same, tossing back his drink in a few swallows.
“Not bad,” he says, tipping the now empty cup to Marlene before tossing carelessly it into the corner.
“Thought you might be a whiskey drinker,” Marlene says.
Ellie giggles and chucks hers in the same direction. This whole fucking day feels like a fever dream. She never wants to wake up.
“Well - it probably ain’t gonna be easy, getting to sleep after all of this – excitement. Drink’ll probably help me out, so thanks for that – but I’m thinkin’ we really oughta get some rest. Been a long day.” Joel says out loud, to both her and Marlene.
Marlene nods, slapping her hands on her thighs. “Right. Still leaving tomorrow? Sure you’re ready to say good bye to all this?”
She gestures around to the stark, almost bare room, and snorts at her own joke.
“Soon as things are organized,” Joel confirms. “What time do you think everything’ll be ready?” He’s moved his hand up to stroke Ellie’s hair and she feels her eyes closing involuntarily.
“Shouldn’t take too long,” Marlene says.
“You’re gonna give him his dose first thing, right?” Ellie says without opening her eyes.
“Yep,” Marlene replies. “Don’t worry – you’ve made it really clear that Joel’s going to be part of the first round.”
Ellie listens to her footsteps getting further away, and then stop. She opens her eyes to peek, and sees Marlene standing in the doorway, looking at them. The look on her face is suddenly so different. It makes Ellie’s stomach pang with worry. She looks - sad, maybe?
Her voice sounds more somber too. “I want to say… I know this hasn’t been… and easy process. For either of you.”
Ellie snorts at the understatement, thinking of all of the pain from all of the nightmarish testing - the hours she’s spent shaking and puking on the cold floor while Joel wiped her face off and tried to keep her from losing her mind – the awful, out of body flashback she’d gotten lost in for a day when they kept insisting she needed to be in a hospital gown for tests, and she found herself flat on her in a cold room, looking up at faces she couldn’t recognize, touching her and hurting her - thinking of when Joel had broken off a piece of the wooden bed frame in a rage, wedging it under the door when the nurses came knocking for her early one morning and she’d broken down in tears, pleading, needing just one fucking day to sleep –
Yeah. It hasn’t been easy.
Marlene shakes her head, like she can’t believe any of this. “You both understand. I know you do. How important this is. So thank you, for everything you’ve given up so far. For all of the – for everything. I know it’s – there’s been a lot of suffering. The world won’t ever forget it. Won’t ever forget the two of you.” And then she leaves, closing the door gently behind her.
Ellie doesn’t think she’s ever going to be able to sleep. Her heart feels like it could explode – excitement, giddiness, overwhelm, shock. Gooey, warm, stupid affection for the grumpy old man who seems just fine with holding her like this, even though she’s basically a grown ass adult. Who keeps staying with her, even when it doesn’t make any sense.
But Joel’s steady hand stroking her hair has never failed to do the trick, and just a few minutes after Marlene’s gone she’s feeling the tug of sleep, her whole body going mushy. Joel must be falling asleep too – she can feel his arms relaxing around her, the hand in her hair slowing down. So even with the noise of the celebration going on in the hall, she drifts off. The last thing she remembers is Joel kissing the top of her head and whispering, “We’re finally going home, baby girl. You did it.”
It takes a long time for her to wake up, and a lot longer for her eyes to open. But as soon as she can feel her body again, she knows something is horribly fucking wrong.
There’s tight pressure on her wrists and ankles. Cold, and hard. It’s fucking metal – thick bands locking her in place against the hard chair she’s in. Her heart starts pounding – this can’t be real. This is just a nightmare – this isn’t - she tries to squirm but she can barely get her muscles to move. Her neck feels floppy, too, like she can hardly hold it up, and her blood runs cold as she realizes she’s been drugged.
The fucking drinks – Marlene – Joel -
She’s in an empty room. The walls are concrete blocks. There’s almost nothing – just speakers in the ceiling overhead, a solid brown door in the wall to her left. A long, wide window in front of her, showing what looks like a dark room. She glances down and sees that the legs of the metal chair she’s in are bolted to the ground.
“What the fuck,” she tries to say, but she can’t get the words out right away. Her tongue feels thick and heavy in her mouth.
“Looks like she’s waking up,” she hears someone say faintly, and after a moment she realizes it’s coming from the other side of the window.
“Joel? Joel?!” Her words come out in garbled, slurred sounds. She tries to scream and it’s hardly a whimper.
All of her senses feel like they’ve been cranked up – she’s shaking, feeling every bead of panicked sweat that’s building up on her skin - hearing her own rapid breaths coming and going, faster and faster. Her mouth goes dry – she’s going to throw up -
There’s a sudden loud click, and a crackling noise floods the room before a voice starts talking. Ellie jumps before she realizes it’s coming from speakers overhead.
“Ellie, it’s Marlene,” she hears. “Don’t be scared.”
But she is fucking scared, because Joel’s gone, and that can only mean one thing.
“Where’s Joel?” she whispers. “I want Joel. I don’t – what’s –”
“You’re okay,” Marlene says. “I’m – I’m so sorry, Ellie. We don’t have any other choice.”
“Let me go,” she tries to say, having a bit more success with getting the words out.
“We’ve done some… really interesting preliminary tests,” another voice that she vaguely recognizes but can’t pin down starts to talk, cutting Marlene off.
“We’ve discovered some frequencies that seem to – have an interesting effect on active cordyceps infections. We’ve done some promising trials with live infected, and we have reason to think that this might be a pathway towards a potential cure.”
She’s getting more control back in her limbs and starts straining hard at the restraints, her skin aching as she digs her flesh into the metal edges. Her breathing is getting more and more panicked - she’ll be lightheaded soon, she knows, if she keeps it up.
“But we have the cure,” she gasps, desperately. “We – we already –”
“No, Ellie. We don’t have a cure. We have a vaccine, because of you,” Marlene says, her voice soft but sounding distorted through the speaker. “And none of us can ever thank you enough for that. You’ve saved so many people. So many lives. But - a vaccine can only keep people safe if they haven’t already been exposed. It won’t help anyone who’s already turned.”
“Why am I tied down? What’s happening?”
“There are so many more people to save, Ellie,” Marlene says, talking faster and sounding a bit breathless herself. “And we think we might have a way to make that happen. I know how much that matters to you. It’s – Anna would be so proud of you.”
There’s a long pause, and then the speaker clicks off. Ellie can hear a whining sound coming out of her chest and throat. She doesn’t fucking want this – she wants Joel, and he isn’t here, and it’s harder to breathe with every second that she can’t feel him next to her, where he’s supposed to stay forever.
“Where’s Joel?” she cries. “Please – I want Joel. Please.”
The silence continues for a few more seconds before the crackling sound comes back. “We’ve learned a lot from our previous tests,” a male voice say, one that she knows well. A nice person – someone she’s grown to really like and trust.
“Doctor Anderson,” she sobs, “Jerry – help me, please -”
“We learned a lot, Ellie – but we need to know more. We need you. None of our previous… subjects could communicate with us. You’re going to be the key to this - we need your help.”
“I’m not helping with fucking ANYTHING UNTIL JOEL IS HERE!” She yells, kicking her legs furiously and making zero headway other than worsening the pain from the metal cuffs. She can feel the bruising pain with every strike of her ankle bone against the metal. She can’t stop.
“He’s gone,” Marlene says. “He left-”
“You’re a fucking liar!” Ellie screams. The sound of her own voice is bounced back at her, her eardrums throbbing from it. “What the fuck did you do to him!”
“This is a waste of time – we’ve indulged this brat long enough,” another gruff voice says, and then there’s some back and forth arguing that she’s too distressed to really make out before the harsh sounding man says firmly, “Carly, please, get the sample ready – are we recording?”
Something in her brain falls apart. She doesn’t know what the fuck is about to happen, but she knows it���s going to kill her.
“Time is 0600 - first phase of testing – baseline, reference number B203 at - 50% initially - ”
The speaker clicks off and the voices stop.
“Let me go,” she’s sobbing.
A noise starts coming into the room from the speakers. It’s a low, humming sound. It goes on for about a minute while she thrashes around and yells, struggling against the restraints in what she knows is a hopeless effort to get away.
The sound stops, and with a click, another voice starts talking. “Do you feel nauseous?”
“Fuck you,” she snarls, “I’m not doing this – I’m not doing another fucking thing for you pieces of shit –”
“Do you feel nauseous?” the voice says again.
Ellie decides that the only option she has is her hands – and it won’t make a fucking difference with her ankles still attached, but if she’s going to die she’s going to at least try every fucking way to survive first. She starts trying to force her hands through the metal cuff, wincing but not letting up as her skin pinches and tugs painfully and the pressure on her bones builds up. She tries to curl her hand as narrow as she can get it, yanking hard – letting go and then yanking back again – she can feel her bones screaming in protest, but she’ll fucking break them all if she has to -
The door bangs open. She turns to look and feels her heart fall into the pit of her stomach.
It’s Joel. Held up by three men, one of his feet rolling to the side and looking like he’s barely able to stand. There’s a pillowcase over his head, horrifyingly bloody. His hands must be tied behind his back.
“You’ll answer every question we ask if you want him to live,” the voice says.
“Joel,” she wails.
As soon as he hears her voice, it’s like something is possessing him. His entire body jerks and the men holding him are instantly struggling to keep him contained. Another couple of guards slide into view to help control him – “Ellie!” he yells, so much fear and rage in his voice – but his voice cuts off completely with a loud and pained wheeze as he’s hit hard in the stomach, folding forward – fresh blood pouring out from the pillowcase, down his neck, soaking into the fabric -
The door slams shut.
All she can hear is the sound of her own rapid breathing. His yell echoing in her ears. Her heart is racing so fast she thinks it’s going to stop.
How can this be happening? She thinks about snow and blood and stitching up a warm and gushing wound, just for him to die here – fire and brains spraying onto her, into her hair -
“Do you feel nauseous?”
“No,” she whispers.
“Do you have a headache?”
It goes on for a while –
“Is your vision blurred?” -
“Have you lost sensation in any part of your body?” -
“Count to thirty, and then count backwards to zero by twos.” –
When the questions are finally done, another sound starts up – over and over, until she loses all sense of how much time has passed. More fuzzy, low, weird sounds, but sometimes shrill and sharp and high – always getting louder, sometimes left playing for minutes at a time. Sometimes hurting to listen to.
One sound in particular is so loud she thinks it’s going to make her lose her hearing – she tries to shrug her shoulders up, desperate trying to cover her ears with no success. They let it run for a long time.
She can’t think of what the fuck to do. Joel would find a way out of this, somehow. But with their threat hanging over her all she can think to do is answer their questions.
What if they’ve already killed him? What if they closed that door and ended his life right there?
After the awful noise comes to a halt she says, “Prove he’s still alive. Or I’m not answering anything else.” She can hardly hear herself over the ringing in her ears.
There’s nothing but silence for a few long seconds, and then a click, and a voice saying, “Answer or he dies. We’re not saying it again.”
She probably shouldn’t, but her temper is so fucking flaming hot she can’t hold back - “If you kill him this is fucking finished,” she screams. “You’ll get fucking nothing from me.”
The door opens again next to her and she spins her head to face it, wide eyed and desperate to see Joel, but it isn’t him. It’s a man she doesn’t recognize. He’s wearing what looks like a fucking space suit, plastic and white and crinkling as he walks over to her.
“Fuck you,” she hisses, spitting at him.
“Ha - that’s what the suits for,” he says casually, barely looking at her. He has a butterfly needle in his hand, and he pins her bicep in place as he jabs it harshly into her elbow, taking two vials of blood. He still doesn’t look up, but he says, with a menacing sort of grin on his face, “We’ve got plenty of ways to make you talk. Don’t start thinking you have any control here. This whole thing is bigger than you.”
Before he walks out, he grabs her head firmly and forces it to stay still while he looks into each of her eyes for a few seconds each. She squeezes them shut but he uses his fingers to pry them open. “Nothing yet,” he calls out loud. When he lets go she tries to bite at his hand, and he laughs in her face.
The door closes.
“Do you feel nauseous?”
She’s hit with a new wave of despair, sobs rolling through her.
A light is turned on in the room on the other side of the window. It wasn’t empty at all – just too dark for her to see anything. There are so many people, all staring at her – Marlene leaning against a counter against the wall with her arms crossed, not looking at Ellie. Tears leaving streaks down her face that shine in the light. Dr Anderson is talking into a little rectangular device - one of the nurses that was always so nice to Ellie is sitting next to him, taking notes on a clipboard.
And then she sees Joel – still alive. The guards are surrounding him, pinning him against the wall as he struggles. She can see the blood-soaked pillowcase moving side to side as he fights to get free. A rifle is pressed tight up against his head.
The light goes out.
“Do you feel nauseous?”
She feels like she’s going to float away from her body as she goes through their questions. When they’re done she hangs her head.
This can’t be fucking happening.
She closes her eyes and tries to go back to before – end this nightmare – get back to being wrapped up in Joel’s arms and feeling like everything was finally going to be okay -
“Time is 0710 hours – initiating testing series zero-one at full volume –”
The sound that pours into the room is like nothing that’s come before it.
Instantly, pain blooms in her head. There’s a stomach curdling, shifting, dragging sensation behind her eyes – movement – and she starts to scream, the jagged noise ripping out of her throat. She has no control over any part of her body anymore – it all feels like it’s burning, itching – her head rolls back in agony as her muscles clench so tightly they feel like they’re going to explode –
The sound cuts off after only a few seconds, and in it’s absence she can suddenly hear what she knows is Joel, yelling, roaring on the other side of the window, accompanied by loud thuds.
Ellie’s head hangs limply, chin against her chest. She’s going to pass out soon, she thinks. She’s pulling in ragged, painful breaths that don’t feel like they’re doing enough. Her whole chest is on fire.
The crackling sound that comes next isn’t followed by the question about being nauseous, but rather the voice of fucking Jerry – the same guy who used to sneak her extra popsicles after dinner and shot the shit with Joel about sports and raising a teenager – asking excitedly, “What did you just feel? What happened?”
All she can do is sob. A few seconds pass before Jerry says, like he’s begging her, “Ellie, come on. Don’t make us do this the hard way. Please.”
Quietly, behind Jerry’s voice, she can make out the sound of Joel groaning - crying.
“Hurt,” she whispers. “My – head.”
It takes a few minutes for her to get out more words, and then come the routine questions. As they get to the end she starts to panic, her body filling with terrified dread at what is going to happen next.
She’s right – it’s worse.
A new noise comes out of the speakers, and she feels the most severe pain she’s ever felt. Her whole body rocks forward and backwards, and then she’s arching up in the chair, trying desperately to get away from it – her muscles tensing and twisting until she thinks she’s about to snap her wrists from the force – and a knife is twisting into her head. The moving sensation behind her eyes is unbearable – revolting, disturbing, unrelenting - she hears herself shrieking as her vision goes black.
And then there’s a sudden popping noise. She can’t tell what it is, through the pain and the blaring, droning sound – but then the window shatters in front of her and she recognizes faintly that it’s a gun. She wonders if she’s going to get hit with a stray bullet and wishes for it, anything, anything at all for this to stop.
The sound is abruptly cut off and she goes limp.
She can make out other noises -
A few more shots. A yell cut short. A heavy weight, slamming into the ground. Gurgling.
The door swings open once again, and -
“Ellie - I’m here, baby, I – oh my god.”
“Joel,” she sobs, writhing desperately in the restraints.
“Fuck,” he grunts, and she feels him digging his fingers between her ankles and the metal rings. “I gotta – I gotta find somethin’ to get you out of here, baby girl – we’re gonna be okay – ”
There’s more shouting in the distance, getting closer. After a few loud, ear splitting gunshots it’s quiet again.
“I gotta – I gotta find the key, baby, I’ll – I’ll be right back,” Joel gasps.
“Don’t leave,” she wails, knowing it isn’t fair and doesn’t make any sense, but too exhausted to stop herself.
He lets out a sob of his own. “Ellie, I have to – I’m sorry baby, I’m – I’ll be right back - ”
She cries as she listens to him run out of the room. He’s back in a few seconds that feel like hours, rushing to her side.
“I got you, it’s okay now,” he says. His voice sounds more panicked and afraid than she’s ever heard it.
His hand briefly touches her face – and then he’s fiddling with the bottom of her jeans, trying to find where the cuffs unlock. The metal feels so cold against her hot skin. She can hear the clanging of metal on metal a few times – his hands must be shaking – and then he finally gets one of her legs free.
“Okay – just a few more and we go,” he’s saying.
“I can’t – Joel, I can’t –” she says, crying, struggling to get the words out.
“You’re okay,” he says, “Everything’s gonna be okay –”
Finally she gets herself to say it. “I can’t - I can’t see anything.”
The sound of his frantic movements stops. He chokes out, sounding like he’s been punched, “Can’t – see?”
She starts bawling so hard she can barely breathe. “Everything went black,” she sobs. “I can’t – I don’t know what’s – Joel, please.” She melts into tears, not able to get any more words out.
“Okay – you’re okay,” he says. She can tell he’s crying again. “I promise. You’re gonna be okay. I’ve got you.”
She feels her grip on reality starting to slip. Everything feels fuzzy.
As soon as Joel gets the last restraint off of her wrist he’s grabbing onto her, sweeping her up in one fluid movement and cradling her in his arms. She buries her face into him, breathing him in as she cries. Fuzzy, warm, soapy.
He starts moving – rushing forward, almost in a run. Ellie feels him press his lips against her head, whispering, “We’re going home, baby girl.”
cross posted to ao3, feel free to leave me a kudos if you enjoyed :)
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captain-mj · 1 year
Black Coffee
Poll at the end
Soap gave Ghost a cup of black coffee from the cafeteria. It didn’t look that good, but he’d drink it. 
Ghost shifted and Soap settled into his side. “Hate hospitals.”
“They’re not my favorite either.” 
Ghost grabbed his hand and gently rubbed circles into it. The nurse told them a while ago that Jason was sleeping off drugs from surgery. He was doing fine, as fine as one could with a gunshot at least, but he was breathing. 
“Can’t believe this all started because I had a crush on my barista. He was the one that dragged me into the coffeeshop.” Ghost stroked his inner wrist, tracing his veins. 
Soap hesitated. “Your friends seem really concerned about something. I want to know what they’re worrying about.” 
Ghost sighed. “My little… incident.” 
He didn’t want to talk about this. 
He had to though. Didn’t he? He had been avoiding it for weeks. 
“Tried to kill myself.” 
Soap flinched. Those pretty blue eyes went wide. 
“It’s complicated. I got high on some underground stuff. Specifically for dragons. Works a bit like weed I’m told but that’s not how it went for me. Then I was in my bathroom and it didn’t seem like a bad idea.
Then a few days passed. Knew I was sober. And I still wanted to. So I did. Price found me. Said he had never seen someone so pale.”
“Bad trip?”
“No. Good trip. Just made me realize how fucking miserable I was. I thought of my life. Where I was. How many people I buried. And part of me gave up. Stayed down. I’ve pushed forward my whole life, but suddenly I just couldn’t.” Ghost drank the coffee. “You’re sweet, Soap. Really are. But you’ve seen the scars. I’m sure you can piece together some awful things happened to me. Then I came home and more awful things happened.”
“When I said those things…” 
Ghost laughed. “Jesus, Johnny. I got upset. Made some questionable decisions. But I didn’t plan on bleeding myself dry any time soon. It’s been hard convincing all of them of this.” 
Soap nodded. “I can imagine.” His fingers were warm as they pressed against his wrist. For a moment, Ghost though he was feeling for scarring before those fingertips settled right on his pulse. 
“I’m alive, Johnny. And I’m right here.” Simon softened. 
Soap shook his head. “I’m sorry. I-”
Ghost yanked his wrist away. “No. None of that. I don’t want apologies from you. I wish everyone would just move on. I keep giving people time and they just don’t move on.” 
Soap nodded and looked down at his hands. 
They sat in silence for a long while before a nurse let them know that Jason had woken back up. 
Ghost stalked forward quickly, the world finally started to feel right again. 
Jason smiled and sat up. “Did it work?”
Ghost stepped to the side to show him Soap. Jason immediately brightened. 
“Nice to formally meet you, Soap.” He grinned. Dumb and toothy. Just like his best friend. 
“Jason. Very nice to finally get to know you.” Soap grabbed a chair. 
The two got on like a house on fire. Both of them had a lot in common. 
Ghost felt himself falling into his normal silence, watching the two of them. Jason looked pale, but definitely alive. There was an IV pumping who knows what into his body and he noticed Jason hitting the morphine button every three minutes. One minute longer than the minimum. Smart. He did have an addicting personality. Better to try to wait as long as he could with the pain management. If he got addicted, Ghost would have to watch him. Make sure he stayed alive and not overdosing. 
Jason hummed. “Simon. You’re doing it again.”
“Thinking super hard. You tend to go in spirals.” Jason smiled before looking at Soap. “If you see him scrunching up his mouth and looking distant, that’s why. Dangerous to let his thoughts wander.”
“So I’ve heard.” 
Soap was getting all types of intel on Ghost. It made him nervous. He hoped no one else gave him any more information. 
The universe was against him. He knew that once any of the other guys got around Soap, they would spill everything. It used to scare him. Being known. 
But it felt okay, right now.
Jason told Soap a few stories from their childhood, mostly talking about Simon’s partying days. It felt like when he was a teen and his mom told his crushes stories about when he was a baby. 
He realized after a minute that’s exactly what it was. Jason was doing it on purpose. The bastard. 
The nurse kicked them out eventually and Soap held Ghost’s hand as they walked. They fell in step with each other and Soap kissed his hand a few times. 
“What about him?”
“What do we plan on doing with him?” Ghost asked. “If you wanted, we could get him out of jail. Thought maybe you’d want face to face confrontation. Or I could snipe him for you.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Taglist: @the-snarky-dragon @elevencloudsofnine-blog @lukewarm-chickensoup @nervouspsychologynerd @korym @cthulhusstepmom @princess-heathen @revenge-of-the-bucket-demon @roachboy @shadowsnowberry @crazies-unanimous @shiftylookingcrow @joltom @xenomorphee3 @thedeepvoidinmyheart
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maurypovichofficial2 · 9 months
Boy story time!! So I did the old “pull back and ignore” for a few days. At work didn’t talk to him didn’t say hello didn’t ask him for anything. Ya know just to see. Then today he saw me and goes “hi shaaaae” and he gives me this big hug I literally tried to separate and end the hug and he was like “no” and we hugged for like a - full minute. (Side bar: I almost nutted and burst into tears at the same time I’m so touch starved) anyway once he finally let me go I’m like “are you okay” and he shakes his head yes so I say “ok just wanted to make sure” and I just leave ! I walk away because I don’t do this stuff I don’t this crush stuff so I had to get out of there.
I’m cleaning up my bar, my sister and her girlfriend are visiting me. Now keep up with me: My sister used to work at the same place I now work at she no longer does, but she knows him and everyone that works there. And the kitchen at my Job is an open kitchen so it connects to the dining room so you can see everything including the cooks cooking ok. Soooooo….. my watch begins to ring it’s a number I don’t recognize so I’m like whatever. I let it go to voicemail it starts up again !! I pick up and I’m like “hello” and I hear this voice say “hello shae” i go “who is this” (I knew who it was from the jump) he’s like “shae my love” I walk away from my sister so she can’t hear. HE CALLED ME FROM THE KITCHEN. First time he ever called me. First time he ever used my phone number. I laugh “why are you calling me from the kitchen you’re a clown” he said “I need a kiss” I say back “goodbye sir im not doing this right now you’re silly “ so I hang up.
So I go back to cleaning my bar, my sister still sitting there with her gf goes with a squint of her eyes “were you just on the phone with {name redacted} “ my Libra lying skills kick in i quickly say “no” she says “because I heard you say why are you calling me from the kitchen and I looked over to the kitchen and I can see him on the phone same as you and he was smiling and laughing” heart beating fast I say “ no I was talking to someone that works around here and I know they’re at work rn they work in the kitchen at their job” she seemed to buy it and let it go but her gf is giving me this look but I just bush myself and walk away.
So I go into the kitchen the every guy on the line is Giggling and looking at me like 😏 and he’s looking at me like 😌😏😁 HIS BROTHER who works there with him is looking at me like 😏 and I’m just ready to kill and prayed to god this shift ends quickly and was so glad when it did. Eye……….so yeah 🤗
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lover4st · 2 years
confessing your feelings to robin; robin buckley x reader
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1,932
Warnings: cursing, sweet ole gayness and lesbian love, sexual inferences.
title says it all.
so sorry I haven’t been posting as much as I do!
*not proofread*
(written in 1st person)
“Alright, you better find something good! And if you don’t, I’m taking my money back!” Steve was in the process of trying to get Robin and I food, more people have come in today which tired us out. Hence us of course wanting food. And it was Steve’s day to run and get it.
“No, you aren’t! You’re gonna eat it, I don’t care. Or you just get to waste your money, but you aren’t taking anything back!” Yelling while he was going out the door. Now Robin and I are alone besides the very few customers that are now here.
Robin goes to take a seat behind the counter, pulling out a magazine. She looks beautiful, so stunning. She doesn’t seem like the type to judge over serious stuff, but I don’t need her to think I like her. Then she might distance herself from me. 
Ugh, it makes me want to cry. She is so amazing, and she can’t be mine. And I can’t be hers, because she doesn’t like girls. It makes me want to cry.
“Are you alright?” Snapping me out of my trance, I look up to see Robin looking up at me, magazine now abandoned on her lap. Realizing that tears had actually started coming to my eyes and some already slipped. I swiped them off my cheek and got up, I need to leave before the water gates release.
“Yeah,” giving her no time to react, I immediately left to go to the backroom’s bathroom. She still has customers to deal with, she will have no time to deal with me. And by the time she wants to, Steve will be back, and she won’t want to say stuff with him around.
Oh, how wrong was I. She was already out of her seat and back here with me by the time I was sitting against the wall. She was looking at me, concern burning in her eyes, while tears were burning in mine. 
I looked up at her again, letting myself daze while the tears were running. How can I be crying almost so calmly? Because I’m looking at the woman I adore, and I think the absolute world of. How lovely she looks today. She looks lovely every day, but she did her eyeliner and mascara amazingly. It matches her eye shape beautifully.
There is no one she would ever agree to be with me. Never. I’m not even sure she trusts me that much. She goes to Steve with every worry and concern or just anything she has to say. Anytime she is talking to me, Steve is also there. And most of the attention is on him. 
Of course, she has a crush on Steve “the Hair” Harrington. Oh, how it is killing me inside. He gets everyone, including the girl of my dreams. She doesn’t know how much I stare at her every day. She doesn’t know how much I think about her on my way home. She doesn’t know that I pick up extra shifts just so I can see her any time I can.
She and Steve always go out. Not with me. I don’t go anywhere with anyone. I barely talk to anyone either. I talk to Steve regularly, but I don’t know if he would consider me his friend. I don’t even know if I have any. But we have some fun conversations. He barely knows anything personal about me. No one does. No one has even a clue if I dated anyone, I did, but they kept it all secret so no one would know. 
But I’m fine with that. Because I only want one person. And it’s the girl who is now crouching in front of me panicking and shaking me and trying to wipe the tears off of my face.
Funny, pretty, Robin.
The only thing I want out of life is to be with her.
“Y/N! What the hell is going on? You are scaring the shit out of me! Can you hear me?” The worry was streaking her face, it hurt me to see it on her. She of course still looked beautiful, but now she was distressed. Because of me.
“I’m perfectly fine, why are you so worried? You shouldn’t be so upset because of me,” she looked at me like I was absolutely crazy. 
“What? You aren’t fine! And I am sure of it. What is going on? You can tell me. You can always tell me.” So sweet, so kind. To someone who absolutely didn’t deserve it.
She is looking at me, pleading eyes. I have to give her an answer, I owe her one.
“I just want something I won’t ever be able to have. And it is killing me inside, seeing it in front of me every day. Knowing it will always be out of reach.” Ending it off with a really sad smile. I confessed, not everything, but I confessed something.
Someday she will know what I mean, but not today.
I didn’t get to see her reaction; I couldn’t deal with looking back at her face. I looked down back to my lap. Avoiding her gaze.
“How do you know it will never happen?” I just know, I say to myself. I can’t bring myself to hurting the person who has brought me happiness, but also sorrow every day. “At least try, screw it if it doesn’t work. Run away or something. We will always be your family. As small as we are. Me and Steve. We can introduce you to some of our friends.”
I love you. I love you. I’m holding back from saying it. I can’t. She makes it seem so easy. But I can’t get the words out. These words are weighing me down. Keeping me tied to this ground, in this moment.
“You really want me to try it?” Looking up at her again. She swallowed, like she was nervous. How could she be nervous? Is she scared she might say the wrong thing?
“If it will make you happy, then yes.” That is all I needed. I can’t second guess myself anymore. I lunge forward and catch her lips in mine. She doesn’t move.
I don’t know if that is a good sign or a bad one. But I think it’s a bad one. But before I can pull away, she kisses me back as gently and hard as I am kissing her. She grabs my jaw with her right hand. and grabs my leg with her left. She is going to be the death of me.
I move my legs apart and slightly bend them, so I can drag Robin into my lap. And forget anything else exists. I guess she did know what I meant. Someday is today.
Robin is in my lap and above me, she has her left arm now bracing herself on the wall. My fingers are drawing circles on her hips. My tongue is in her mouth. It feels amazing. I have never felt more love and comfort in my whole life, than right now. Oh my. Heaven on earth is so true. People weren’t kidding, it is earth-shattering when you kiss the person you love for the first time.
My thighs are laying along her back, so she can’t escape. I need to stay in this moment. But she pulls away. No. No. This is where it ends. She regrets it.
She looks down into my eyes. A smile on her face that implies she is so stupidly happy. I smile looking back up at her.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that. But I always thought I would be the one pulling you into my lap.” This is the girl who reigns over me. Who could ask me to do anything, and it would be done faster than anything else I have done in my life.
“Don’t worry, you will still get to. This isn’t going to be the last time this happens.” I say, so goofily. She gives me a little chuckle. Both of her hands are now on my biceps. “I have always wanted one of those work romances, like you meet your lover at work, and it turns out to be the best thing ever.” Now she busts out in her adorable laugh, where when she can’t contain it, she gives a short “ha!” but has to look up at the ceiling for a second. “What can I say? I am a sucker for romance novels, too bad all of them are with a man and a woman.” She looks back down at me.
“We have to change that.” I need to say everything. Everything now.
“Robin Buckley,” getting a long breath in before I start my wild confession. “I love you so much. You are the thing that keeps me coming to work here every day. How much I would give for you, is unbelievable. My, you are so beautiful. So lovely. I stare at you so much; it seems like I am stalking you. 
“You must look in the mirror all morning, do you? I don’t know how anyone can resist your beauty. How anyone can ignore it. Your hair matches your personality so perfectly. And the frame of your face. Your lips look so kissable, and they are. Your freckles dot my future. I could spend the rest of my life connecting them to create the most beautiful art ever, but it still wouldn’t be as great as you.
“I just can’t resist staring at your eyes, that is the most entrancing part about you. Nothing has the same color as them. The most unique and beautiful color in the world. Even if I did find something the same color as them, I would never look at that thing again. Or I would destroy it. Only you deserve that beautiful shade and color. No one else. I refuse to see it on anything else, I only want to see it on you. Oh, I could go on for days, freckles.” She looks down at me, tears are threatening their way out of her eyes. “My beautiful freckles.” 
I’m not saying anything anymore, she rushed to kiss me. She is holding both sides of my head really hard. Man, I would let her hands squish my head into pieces, even her thighs will get the pleasure of doing that too. 
I’m holding onto her sides tight. She is kissing me with so much vigor, her tongue rushing into my mouth. This isn’t a sweet kiss. This is a “I need you” kiss. I can feel a tear on my cheek, I open my eyes and see some tears flowing down her face. Wow, her make up smudged will look so pretty. No, stop thinking about that. We are still at work.
Wait, we are still at work. We probably still have customers, maybe waiting at the counter.
“Finally! But can you guys choose a better time! We still have customers, and they are at the register. And very pissed!” We rushed away from each other to turn and see Steve to our left. Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Sorry!” I rush up onto my feet and help him put the food on the table that he got for all of us. I bounce out of the room to help the customers, apologizing every second I can.
“I see you got the girl.” You could hear them from the backroom.
“I did, and my life is already so much better now that I have her.”
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Always Been You - Jesse x reader
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Summary: Y/N is part of the Jesse; Ellie and Dina trio. Despite being the most observant you are the most oblivious to Jesse’s feelings towards you
Words: 2K
Warnings: mentions of sensory overloads 
Notes: @thefictionalgemini and @moonchildpc​ here’s another Jesse story for ya, the man needs all the appreciation and love he can get. I will tag you in every Jesse I write x
You wouldn’t be able to tell there was an apocalypse going on with the way everyone is dancing and laughing, the music upbeat and the whole atmosphere merry. Most of the town are here, except those few who don’t like the parties and those with young kids who need to stay home for them. I usually take babysitting duties during these but tonight Nancy and the other mums decided I had to go have fun at the dance. 
So here I am, leaning against the wall, sipping on a rum and coke that Ellie forced into my hand a while ago before she disappeared off to somewhere, probably to find Dina who she would follow to the ends of the earth. Both of them are very dumb as they are head over heels for each other but they cannot see for the life of them that the other likes them. It makes me want to just grab them and snap ‘now kiss’ as they cause so much sexual tension when around and when drunk. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” That smooth southern lilt drags me from people watching to look up at the Asian American. He’s got that smile on his face that has my face flushing. Jesse is fit, he always has been and ever since arriving in Jackson with Joel and Ellie he’s on my radar. Ellie’s teased me multiple times about just asking him out but I’m gonna be the one to ruin the little quartet we have going on.  
“Yeah, Nancy told me I had to come.” I shrug lightly as he stops next to me, elbow brushing mine and cognac eyes sparking in the fairy lights strung up around the old barn. His smile is soft and everything about him is welcoming and warm and it makes me rest my head on his shoulder and just go back to people watching as Jesse doesn’t say anything.  
It gets a little uncomfortable after a while so I grab Jesse’s arm, wrapping it around my shoulders in front of me so I can lean my back against his side. He shifts a little before accepting the position and resting his chin atop my head as I finally spot Dina. She’s dancing with a member of the community, he helps in the meat shop but I’m not too sure of his name as he’s man of few words. I think his name might be Adrian but again I could be completely wrong as all I’ve said to him is ‘hi’ and ‘bye’. He seems like a sweet man, I should try talking to him more. 
“What are you thinking about?” Jesse hums, arm pulling me a little closer while I take another sip of my drink as Dina and Adrian spin around the makeshift dance floor, quite a few people’s gazes on her as she’s shameless and her confidence is hard to ignore. If I wasn’t straight I could definitely see myself having a crush on her but she’s been in a weird on and off relationship with Jesse for almost eight months now and honestly it’s killing me. The pair are terrible for each other, Dina and Ellie having wayyyy more chemistry. 
“She’s putting on quite the show, isn’t she?” Ellie’s low voice appears from my right as she joins us, leaning on the wall next to me with a whiskey in hand. Not sure how she managed to get that as she’s not legal for another two years and Maria is quite strict on keeping the age limit to 21, even in a post apocalyptic world. I somewhat admire how she leads with fairness but how even those like that bigot Seth are scared of her. 
Jesse just hums in response, his chin moving against mine in a short nod that has Ellie sending me a knowing smirk that I really hope Jesse doesn’t notice. I focus on drinking my drink and just scanning the room, eyes falling on Tommy and Joel. It’s always great to see the brothers reunited again and being able to as much of a family as they can, Tommy having become a father figure for me. That did surprise me as I always thought Joel would be the father figure in my life after travelling with him and Ellie for almost a year yet Tommy took me under his wing almost immediately. 
I didn’t even realise Ellie and Jesse were having a conversation until Dina’s making her way over to us asking what they were talking about. I don’t mind not being part of the conversation as it’s just nice to have their company and be surrounded by their lively conversations about god knows what. Last time they were talking this animatedly it was an argument over DC and Marvel comics they had found in the old shopping mall just south of Jackson. Personally I’m a Marvel kind of girl, loving the character of Hawkeye and loving the representation for the deaf. 
“She’s not with us, is she?” Dina’s sweet voice floats through my thoughts and I turn to see Ellie and Dina watching me. They smile lovingly at me, Ellie squeezing my arm before they return to their animated conversations and I go back to watching the way Joel throws his head back in a genuine laugh at something Tommy’s said. I’m vaguely aware of Jesse putting his now empty glass down and wrapping his other arm around my front, arms moving to wrap around my waist as he gently begins swaying us in time to the live band. I could be imagining it honestly but I won’t question it as I want it to be real, my body sparking with electricity at the feel of his arms around my waist and his head still settled on top of mine. 
I let my eyes slide shut, leaning back into Jesse with all of my weight and just enjoy the sounds around me . The cute giggles emitted from Dina at a stupid pun Ellie said, Jesse chuffing and chest rumbling against my back. The sounds of many other conversations merging and mixing like the way the fairy lights flow through the rainbow over and over again. The smell of different types of alcohol mixing and the smell of sweaty bodies making an almost sickly feeling in my gut
I grip Jesse’s arm, suddenly aware of and not liking the sticky heat surrounding me from all the sweaty bodies dancing and running around. The three of them seems to understand, Ellie and Dina seeing the slightly panicked look in my eyes as Ellie taps Jesse’s shoulder, saying, “Time to go. Too much.” 
Jesse understands, unwrapping his arms from around my waist to have his right slide down my left arm to grip my hand in his before he begins to navigate his way through the crowds to the exit. I’m gasping in the cold air, resting my forehead to his shoulder as I try to focus on the feel of his hands in mine. 
“What was it this time?” Ellie asks, voice soothing as we all sit on one of the benches outside, Ellie and Dina opposite me and Jesse as I find myself unable to let Jesse’s hand go. 
“Yeah that checks out,” She nods, freckles sticking out against her pale skin when she scrunches her nose up, “Was starting to smell really stale in there.” 
“You didn’t have to leave with me.” I mumble, feeling embarrassed now as they’re all focused on me and I have nothing to distract myself with. 
“Yeah we did, we’re not going to just leave you behind dumbass,” Dina reaches out and squeezes my free hand. Then the three of them continue the conversation they were having inside like nothing happened. It helps me relax and I know that they know from the small smiles on their lips. I just spend this time taking in the two girls opposite me. 
Ellie’s auburn hair is done up in a low bun with a strand or two escaping the style. She’s wearing a white tee shirt under the blue checked flannel that I recognise being from my wardrobe, the sleeves rolled up the elbow. The blue draws out the darker shade of green in her clover eyes that are sparkling with every counter Dina throws her way. She’s wiping her hands on her skinny jeans, the tattoo she recently got to cover the bite so she could stop wearing those bandages. Ellie always gives off such a tomboyish style and attitude and I wouldn’t change that for the world because it’s just so Ellie like.
Dina on the other hand is very feminine. She’s also in skinny jeans but she seemed to opt for cowboy boots unlike Ellie’s scuffed and worn converse. Dina’s hair is up in a high bun, completely slicked back except for a select section at the front that frame her rounded face in gentle waves, the only hint that her charcoal black hair isn’t straight. It’s very obvious from her complexion that she’s an IsY/Nlite and jewish, no hate or prejudice. I think she’s beautiful with her chocolate brown eyes a smouldering against the burgundy v-neck she’s wearing. 
They’re both beautiful and everything about them compliments each other. I still think they would be absolutely perfect together if they would stop dancing around each other. The way their hands are always brushing again some part of the other’s skin and they way their gazes linger on each other for a little too long. 
I know what Jesse looks like without having to turn my head and look at him. His appearance seems to be burned into my eyelids with his shaggy liquorice coloured hair that always has strands of his fringe falling into his cognac brown eyes. No matter how many times you brush the hair out of his eyes it’ll fall right back into place. I find it cute and it gives me a reason to be touching him, caressing his cheek when I bring my hand back down. He’s tall and lanky but by no means weak, his muscles are well defined under the long sleeved grey henley he’s currently wearing: not rock solid as there’s definitely give and softness to those muscles. He’s wearing jeans like always and his sturdy boots as he never knows when he’ll have to spring into action when out so he tries to always wear sensible clothing, no matter the occasion. 
Long fingers hook under my chin, causing my eyes to fly open and my face is being turned so I’m looking up at Jesse, eyes bright as he says, “I can hear the cogs turning in your head.” 
“O-oh,” I can’t help but blush, trying to look anywhere but at him when I notice we’re alone, “Where’d Dina and Ellie go?” 
“Dina was getting cold so Ellie offered to walk her home,” He tells me, that southern lilt all I can focus on and the way his lips move around every word, “Shall I walk you home?” I don’t respond, just watching him, unable to respond, “Y/N-“ 
Something comes over me and I’m surging forwards, lips slamming against his surprisingly soft ones. He doesn’t pull away or yell but instead his hands fly to my hip and my cheek, guiding the kiss into a softer one that has me straddling his waist. The kiss is sweet and new territory for us but at the same time it feels like we’ve done this a thousand times. Jesse’s tongue brushes along my bottom lip and I’m parting them with a sigh at how right this all feels. 
“You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this,” Jesse murmurs against my lips and I’m pulling back, the grin on his face widening at the probable shock on mine, “Have you seen me let Ellie or even Dina manhandle me the way you do?” I just shake my head knowing if I speak I won’t be able to keep the quiver out of my voice and he’s holding my face in his hands, laughing softly as he says, “It’s always been you idiot.” 
Maybe I should listen to Ellie more often.
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year
Murtagh Morzansson x Reader: Time
Word Count: 5,016 Warnings: nsfw (Minors do not interact), me hating on the elves a little bit (sorry), a bit of a whump in the beginning (Murtagh is kinda exhausted from his day), shower scene, fluff, unprotected sex (they have magic though, they should be fine, right?) Summary: It’s about a week past their wedding and Murtagh and the Reader feel as though they’ve had less time alone together, but now they found at least more than one moment together. A/N: My first Murtagh smut fic. Um, so I went ‘chronological’ with this, being that I’ve only ever written as far as the Reader and Murtagh cuddling. So, this was my attempt at what Murtagh may be like for his first time with his s/o. ALSO! I tried to keep the Reader as gender neutral as possible like with most of my xreaders on my blog.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
  In the meeting room in one of the towers, the sun outside had already set. Murtagh continued to sit to Eragon's right at the table.
  The room held an equal amount of each race. This was true, with the exception of the elves, who had insisted on these evening meetings. They had reasoned that it was best to gather after a day of training and such. Apparently this was their way of being considerate. Murtagh strongly thought otherwise, all considering that they had this supposed change of heart nearing the eve of his wedding. Now it had been over a week since then, and he was far beyond reasoning with the elves for the remainder of the month.
  None of this was unknown to his love waiting at home for him each night. For this, he refrained from glaring, keeping an oddly specific request to his partner. Thorn, however, had made no such promise.
    All matters of discussion had been seemingly resolved, dwarves too shifting in their seats from the time spent.
    Eragon was the first to speak up after a few moments of silence amongst them. "If there is nothing else regarding the trade with our neighbors... I think we can save other topics for another day."
    Murtagh inspected his brother's appearance then. The way he vaguely slumped into the back of his chair, and had been occasionally shaking his leg beneath the table the past hour was obvious to him. Quite honestly, he did not blame him. At least he knew that he was not the only one that found these necessary meetings rather tiring. Especially with as many as they have been attending.
    Eragon peered around the room. The attendees nodded collectively in agreement.
    As Eragon took a breath before uttering a dismissal to the group, an elf interjected.
    "There is still the matter of dragon housing," they began, making Murtagh dig his fingers into the armrest of the chair. "They are at a constant state of growth, we must accommodate for that."
    If looks could kill, the elf would have dropped to the cold floor from Murtagh's piercing eyes.
    Likewise, an urgal opened their mouth to speak, but a loud gutteral growl rattled the windows, silencing every being in the room. Murtagh hid his smile behind his hand as all eyes dared to look out the window into the darkness.
    "Unfortunately...I believe that we should wait until a later date to go over the dragon housings," Eragon concluded. "Sleep well."
    With a nod, everyone stood, beginning to make their way to the door.
    Murtagh stood, relief trickling through his veins, but paused, seeing Eragon smile at him. "What?"
    "You don't look like you want to throw someone out of the window anymore," he spoke in a hushed voice as the others filed out of the room.
    "I might change my mind yet."
    Eragon laughed, "Don't run home too quickly. You might startle them."
    "I would transport myself in a flash if I could."
    "Good night, Murtagh."
    "Good night, Eragon."
    In his relieved and still slightly annoyed state, he rushed home, accidentally splashing his boots through a muddy puddle as he did so. He grunted in his agitation. The last thing that he wanted to do was track mud into their home. However, he was just happy he was going to be able to return home before his partner fell asleep.
    Jogging up to the front door, Murtagh magically wiped off the mud. He saw no reason in wasting time doing it manually when he was so close to being in his love's arms.
    Thorn yawned widely and both dragon and rider exchanged their nightly farewells.
    Quietly padding through the house, Murtagh made his way toward the bedroom.
    Pulling the last of the curtains shut, the only source of light in the room came from the oil lamp on the nightstand. You had figured Murtagh would arrive home late into the night again, as was the case since you had married. Which led you to leaving the low flames ignited, for him not to stumble in the dark. Not that he ever had.
    There was a muffled sound, but you thought nothing of it. As you released your hold on the curtains, then did you hear the hushed call of your name. Freezing in surprise, a bright grin took over just as easily. Spinning around, you saw Murtagh standing in the doorway.
    "Murtagh!" Your voice breaking the silence of the room that had been there for far to long.
    Skipping toward him, he strode over to meet you halfway. You reached out and cupped his face in your hands, nearly letting yourself crash into him. A gentle kiss in greeting was reciprocated before he spoke.
    "I'm sorry for my less than clean state," he said, eyeing the light strain on his trousers.
    "As long as you're here."
    Holding his face adoringly, you noticed he looked exhausted. His eyelids half closed and his stance was not as upright as usual.
    "I know these meetings are important...but I can see the toll they are taking on you. At least five more of those hours long sessions and I'll have to prepare you a pillow and blanket for them."
    Giving a tired smile as you smoothed over his cheekbone with the pad of your thumb, he said, "I'll try my best not to collapse asleep in your arms."
    "Why don't you clean up, then you can relax for the rest of the night?" The water could be quite soothing, especially in a safe place. Thankfully, after all of his years, he had somewhere he could feel safe.
    "That is a lovely idea."
    Looping your arm around his, you unnecessarily helped him to the washroom. Unfortunately, the light from the lamps in the other room did not reach. A solution appeared, or rather Murtagh's voice, creating an orb of soft light to float by the ceiling.
    It came as a surprise to him when he looked down to find your fingers making easy work in removing his tunic. Not one complaint left his lips, nor did he refuse you as he lifted his arms up and leaned over as so you could pull off his shirt as well.
    "I'll start the shower for you," you offered, leaving him to pull off the rest of his clothes. "I doubt you want to wash with cold water at night."
    He chuckled, "You're right. It does not sound appealing."
    Reaching into the shower, you began to adjust the knobs on the wall. Some seasons, it took some more fine tuning as to not shiver or burn off your toes.
    While you were fiddling with that, you could just hear the little laundry basket in the corner being filled.
    You both had seen one another without clothes. It was not entirely new. When one or both of you were changing into other outfits; day and night, but not often, you had gotten more comfortable with one another being in what usually felt like a vulnerable state of undress. It was safety, and it was trust.
    Testing the temperature of the water cautiously with your fingers one last time, until you thought it was optimal for bathing, and you flicked off the water droplets. You turned to notify Murtagh, who you now saw completely nude.
    You swore you could never find a finer man, in or out of Alagaësia.
    Blinking, you darted your eyes back up to his face. It was of the tiniest fraction of a second, but you knew he had noticed.
    "The water is warm enough now."
    "Thank you. I won't be long." He gave a sure smile before stepping into the bath.
    All the while, you were internally debating whether to join him or not. You eagerly wanted to spend more time with him. That, and you could tell he was hiding his mild exhaustion.
    By the time he had both feet in the shower, you said, "I'll join you." It may have sounded rushed and hesitant all at once, but you were not about to take it back.
    He turned, meeting your gaze.
    "If that's all right." You asked to be sure, feeling your heart beat against your chest.
    Murtagh's face softened more somehow; it must have been quite a meeting. Giving a nod, he stated, "I welcome your company."
    Small but cute smiles were shared and he stepped closer to the falling water, behind the curtain and out of your sight.
    The warm rush of anticipation ran through you like a wildfire.
    You already cleaned yourself up for the day, planning on hopping into bed just before Murtagh had arrived. But, you did not mind going back in there again. This was especially so since you wanted to help him relax from his day, and quite honestly, the past few days.
    Shedding yourself of your sleepwear, you stepped into the shower; Murtagh's hand quickly finding yours to assist you before water had the chance to touch your skin.
    Once in the shower, you noticed that he had already lathered up his washcloth with soap; holding it with his other hand.
    Upon seeing that your legs were steady on the wet floor, he released your hand, his eyes now trained up to your own.
    Neither one of you had done such a thing before, so it was all a bit quieter than usual. A different kind of quiet. Hesitant and unsure.
    "Here," you said, reaching for the washcloth, "turn around."
    Releasing the cloth to you, he did as you softly instructed. With his back to you, the tension in his back and shoulders were much more noticeable than you had previously assumed they would be upon his arrival. Spending time talking business, politics, trade, and anything else, especially with elves that had their minds set on such topics usually resulted in a less than desired situation.
    Placing the cloth to his shoulder, you began to gently smooth the fabric over his skin. As you drew the cloth down to his shoulder blade and across his back to the other, then did you begin to feel the muscles beneath his skin lessen their daily strain.
    Murtagh's shoulders rose as he took a breath. "Thank you." His voice was low and heavy.
    "It's the least I can do," you said, washing down his back, not following the twisted line of his scar, but stopped in line with his hip bones. "All considering you have had the same look on your face for days... even before the wedding."
    "Your face had mirrored the same expression," he gave a laugh.
    "Have you discussed it with Eragon?" You asked, moving his arm towards you to get him to turn around.
    "About the elves and their sudden desire for daily meetings?"
    You rose your brows at him and he continued.
    "I plan on doing just that tomorrow...but I wanted to be with you this evening instead." His eyes softened, instinctively reaching up to rest his hands on your waist, but hastily withdrew them.
    "You will hear no complaints from me, I assure you," you said, bringing his hands back up to you before focusing your attentions on washing his arms. "I sincerely think that we have seen less of each other since our wedding."
    You heard a huff of air leave his nose at your comment, leading you to look at him curiously. "What?"
    "I believe that is debatable at the moment."
    "Hilarious," you smirked, leaning in to peck your lips to his.
    Humming contently, Murtagh kept his eyes closed, resting his forehead to yours.
    Once finished washing his arms, you moved on to wash his chest. The washcloth seemed to not lose any suds as you continued lathering his body.
    He inched closer, his toes lightly bumping into yours.
    Eyes down from his proximity, your thoughts were engulfed with nothing but the man in front of you. Years of training and surviving in general had led to a very disciplined appearance, by the way he had a toned physique. It made you wonder if he was aware of the extra time you were taking to rub the cloth delicately around his torso. Even so, you washed down to his naval, and just a fraction lower.
    His thumbs began rubbing small circles over your skin. And his voice was but a whisper. "Sometimes when I'm with you...I feel as though my heart is going to burst."
    The kind and loving nature that you shared with him was nearly too much for him to handle at the beginning of your relationship. But now, with time, a lot had changed.
    "And yet, I feel so calm...I am calm," he declared, peering at you through his eyelashes.
    "Good," you smiled, coiling your arms around his middle.
    Featherlight kisses from Murtagh's lips were placed over your face. The tenderness in his actions were proving to make your smile permanent.
    Delicately, his palms slid up your back, cradling you to him in an embrace. His face traveled over to rest in the crook of your neck. There, the two of you remained for some minutes. Simply enjoying the other's company and the safety that came with your love.
    "I should finish bathing," he breathed against your neck, "lest we run the water dry."
    A laugh bubbled up and escaped your grasp at his words. "That would be difficult to explain."
    "We do not have to explain anything to anyone," he said simply, pulling away from you with the cloth from your hand.
    He made a good point, you had to admit. Sometimes you would forget that socially, things were different here. Cultures were shared as well as point of views. It was nearly shocking at times to learn or be a part of such a situation, while also so refreshing during others.
    Murtagh hastily got to work on washing the rest of his body while you occupied yourself with adjusting the curtain that had managed to bundle in on itself at certain points.
    As Murtagh stood back under the water to rinse, you stepped up behind him. Sliding your hands across his back, you vaguely helped to guide the water toward the remaining soap suds. It was a valiant effort, you were sure.
    When no more remnants of soap lingered, you placed a soft kiss to his back. He was warm, smooth, and smelled remarkably better than whatever he had trudged through.
    Turning around, Murtagh tilted his head back down, only for his face to be met with your hands. You hastily wiped water droplets away lest they streamed down into his eyes. He blinked, but otherwise made no comment.
    With your fingers combing through his hair, his eyelids became heavy with each pass. A ghost of a smile laid claim on his lips. And nothing else could come to mind except you.
    When you had stopped practically massaging his scalp, you poked the tip of his nose with your finger cutely. Before you could retract, he kissed that same fingertip. The action sparked some giggles out of you.
    "I never knew something as mundane as a bath could become one of my new favorite activities."
    "Neither did I," you agreed.
    With newfound confidence, you brought your arms up to rest over his shoulders. "We should do this more often, Murtagh."
    Kissing his lips with his instant return of affections delighted you far more than anything else.
    Murtagh placed his hands to your back, leisurely caressing up and down. His head tilted and you found yourself arching into him. His kisses held less restraint, firmer in his determination.
    You had a growing need for him; his closeness, his love.
    Unfortunately, the time in the shower had to come to an end. Water had to be saved for future use and the need to have your skin mirror that of a raisin was not there. But considering the circumstances, you would not mind as much. It would have been worth it.
    Since you were closer, you had reached for the towels and gave Murtagh his. Drying off did not take nearly as long as your time under the flow of water.
    Carefully stepping out of the shower, your ache had not subsided. Focusing on it, you began to gradually realize what it meant. This brought on a curiosity as to whether or not Murtagh felt the same way.
    With the towel tied securely around his hips, your thoughts became more rushed. He would have to retrieve his sleepwear from the bedroom. Holding your towel to ward off any shivers, you did not dress just yet though your clothes waited.
    Attempting to find the right words to ask, Murtagh's attention snapped to your quiet expression.
    "Are you still incredibly tired?" Your voice smaller than you had intended.
    His eyelids squinted in the slightest. The question could still be mundane, but it was likely not what he expected you to ask.
    Eyes staring into yours, he was careful to respond, not knowing what was exactly on your mind.
    Voice low and calculated, he said, "Not incredibly...I am at ease. Why do you ask?"
    "I thought that perhaps we could..." Taking a pause from the sudden shake in your voice, you tried to form the right words.
    He had instantly seen your apprehension and slid closer. There was nothing more that he wanted than for you to be at ease. Placing his hands gently on your arms, he caressed tenderly to reassure you.
    Getting to your eye level, he said, "You may speak freely, my love. You will find no judgement from me, least of all here and now."
    "Love me, Murtagh," you breathed out.
    A split second of surprise sparked in his eyes, but they remained sincere and as kind as ever. Kissing your forehead, he smiled and said, "I love you, and I shall love you forever. If you want me now, then I am honored by your trust and love for me."
    Placing your hand at the back of his neck, you pulled him close. Kissing him, you deliberately weaved your fingers into his hair. The way he melted into you made your heart sing.
    After some moments, Murtagh snapped into a realization. "Wait just a second. I'm sorry," he said, kissing you once more before striding through the room.
    Standing there, you watched as he shut the bedroom door and muttered the name of names.
    Returning to see your quizzical expression, he explained briefly. "I placed wards on the room to block people from scrying...and to keep anyone from hearing us."
    The efforts he took to ready the room were very much appreciated. Grabbing his face to kiss him, you heard Murtagh stifle in a breath through his nose in surprise, the orb of light in the washroom extinguishing.
    Steering him towards the bed, careful steps were taken. The covers and blankets had already been folded down from your nightly routine earlier, so there was one less thing to do.
    When the mattress hit the back of his legs, you both stopped. Dropping your towel, the two both of you then reached for the bundled knot on his towel, letting it too fall to the floor.
    Playfully pushing him against the bed, he gave a laugh before he climbed up first with you following close.
    Murtagh hardly laid on his side when you gently pushed down at his shoulder to have him lie on his back. Giving his temple a kiss, his body sank contently into the mattress, getting distracted by the softness of your actions and the plush bed. His eyelids drifted closed for a time as you made your way on top of him.
    Straddling his hips, you leant down and kissed his sternum. It was brief, but it was one of the many acts that had crossed your mind. Sometimes, like this, you could hardly phantom the idea that you had found one another.
    After getting situated, your eyes landed on his.
    Murtagh gazed up at you as if he were seeing stars for the first time. Complete awe.
    You let out a giddy laugh and grabbed his hands, interlocking your fingers with a gentle squeeze. It was then that you each looked at your wedding bands, smiling at the memory. After a some time, you slipped your fingers away from his, placing the palms of his hands onto you chest. His throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly. A chill ran through you, sending tiny bumps littering across your skin. You continued to hold his hands there until he finally yet gingerly kneaded your skin there. You hummed contently, gliding your hands down to his wrists to allow him to roam your body freely. However, his hands remained there for a moment longer before caressing down your abdomen and up your sides, making your skin prickle delightfully at his touch along your ribcage, a delicate and sensitive area. Moving over again, he rested his hands on your hips.
    All you could hear was his and your quiet breathing.
    "You're stunning."
    His name hung from your lips as you smiled bashfully.
    Murtagh in turn took your hands, gliding them up his torso, and to his lips. There, he tenderly kissed each fingertip.
    The smile on your face crept up again. Leaning down to lay on top of him, he released your hands, and all the more kisses were exchanged. His arms wrapped around you and his hands swiftly proceeded to delicately trail his touch down your back. One of his hands went further than the other to cup your butt.
    All the while, you had plenty on your mind. Running your hands all over his chest in an attempt to memorize him felt like an essential. The way his chest rose with each breath and pressed into yours.
    Diving your hands between his head and the pillow to weave your fingers back into his dark locks of hair. You felt him hum against your lips, making you smile into the kiss.
    A light squeeze came to your cheek, resulting in a surprised squeak from you. Leaning out of the kiss, you looked at him with amusement, "Murtagh."
    He looked down sheepishly, a shy smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
    You pecked a kiss to the tip of his nose, getting him to return your gaze. "Do it again," you whispered.
    Grinning, his hold on you tightened. Rolling the pair of you onto your sides, laughs and kisses were shared. He squeezed you again but his hand soon leaves your skin cold as he trails down your thigh, ensuring that your leg was promptly over his hip.
    You gave his hair a short tug, and Murtagh pushed his hips against yours, igniting a new friction more into the forefront of your minds. Pulling him closer, you deepened the kiss. And for a short while, that is how you remained, your bodies gently rocking against the other.
    The ache was there now. Everything had you literally throbbing for him. If you paid any mind, you could feel your own heartbeat pound against your chest.
    Rolling the two of you the rest of the way over, he was on top. You trusted him to take the lead in the motions. By doing so, you could sense that the air between you had shifted. You took a steadying breath.
    Looking into your eyes, he asked in a breathy voice. "May I?"
    You nodded. "Yes. I wish you would."
    He pressed a kiss to your lips, and you were not sure if that was his way of thanking you or simply out of love again.
    Murtagh propped himself up onto his hands, a chill drifting over your skin as his warmth left you. Looking down between your thighs, it appeared as if he was considering his next move. Then, slowly, he guided himself to where you needed him most. Easing himself inside with such caution it was driving your body wild in impatient anticipation though you appreciated his weariness.
    Lifting your hips, you intended to help, and simultaneously alleviate your need for his touch.
    When his hips meshed with your own, he took a breath in pause. Looking to you, he wanted to be sure that you were all right. "Does any of this...me, bring you discomfort?"
    "Hardly. I think we're doing well so far."
    He nodded, as if satisfied that you were being completely honest with him. He began to move steadily with confused swivels of his hips and a crease appearing between his brows.
    After nearly a minute, you spoke up. "Perhaps you're thinking to much, love. Take your time. We'll figure this out together." You offered a light laugh. "I'm certainly in no hurry."
    You beckoned him closer, and gave a soft kiss. Extending out your consciousness to meet his, he let you in. Letting him get a sense of the sensations tingling through you from his actions, and now you his.
    Foreheads together, feeling the other's breath. A quiet moment of peace. Murtagh moved his hips slowly, seeking a rhythm that was comfortable for the both of you.
    Coiling your arms around his back, your hands splayed out, able to feel his muscles contract and stretch.
    Murtagh kissed you once more before placing his face into the crook of your neck. His breath seemed hotter there, but still very controlled.
    After some long moments, your legs quivered beside his.
    "Are you all right?" He asked, halting his motions.
    "Yes, Murtagh," you replied, breathier than you had expected.
    Wrapping your legs around his waist, he returned to his soft gyrations. A recurring thought kept you, how he made you feel amazing and so well loved. Another stray thought and your body arched up to meet his, breath hitching.
    Murtagh placed firm kisses from your collarbone and up your neck until his lips enveloped yours in a deeply passionate kiss.
    Fingers digging into his back, pressing so firmly into his skin that you were afraid of leaving a mark. But it was an amazing kiss. Rare, but very much welcomed.
    As your confidence rose, you moved your hips in time with his. But all to soon stopped as a shiver ran through you, breaking the kiss.
    "It's alright. I'm here." He assured through less than controlled pants for air.
    You leaned your head beside his, finding comfort in all that was him.
    A strangled moan burst forth from his lips. The natural sound tingled your ears and ran down your neck. His back felt like a smooth stone under your hands as his body tensed. There too was an additional warmth as he released into you after each shakey pant.
    His body shuddered, and all you could hear was his breath.
    You had never heard him breathe so spastically before.
    Murtagh took a long calming breath and you felt a wetness on your neck. "Murtagh," you called to him softly, stroking the back of his neck. Facing you, you saw it. Tears. Tears lined his eyes and streamed down his cheeks.
    "I'm alright," he sniffled with a reassuring smile. "Are you?"
    "Yes, but... the need is still there. It's impossibly stronger."
    He nodded and tucked his forearms between you and the mattress, his hands hot on your back as he nestled close to you. Then, he circled his hips and your eyes closed. Pressing his forehead to yours and feeling his breath fanned over your face.
    "Breathe, darling."
    The pit of your stomach tightened and you pulsed around him.
    He moaned out your name like a forbidden whisper.
  Softly, he spoke more clearly. "Look at me."
    In a drowsy flutter of eyelashes, your eyes locked with his adoring ones.
    "I love you."
    You were barely able to utter a single syllable in return as the throbbing clenched, stunning the pair of you for an instant.
    Murtagh's hips were flush against your own, unable to move from the overwhelming rush of new sensations; both his and yours.
    An immense amount of relief and a physical lightness coursed through your body. It sent chills running across your skin.
    Releasing a sigh, you relished in the moment. You blinked dreamily as Murtagh placed gentle kisses along your face.
    "I love you," you finally replied, not that you could have managed it beforehand. It, however, was only the verbal recognition. Through your linked minds you knew he felt the emotions before the words.
    Murtagh nudged his nose to yours before shifting his weight. Carefully, pulled himself out and away from you. Eyes took a brief survey of what you had accomplished together.
    "Would you mind if I help you clean up?" He offered. "You had done the same for me earlier....I would still ask even if that was not the case."
    "I don't think I could move, even if I wanted to," you laughed quietly.
    Using a few words in the Ancient Language, he magically removed and dried the bodily fluids that had leaked out.
    "I'll return in a moment. I'm going to get you something."
    Sliding off of the bed, Murtagh retreated into the washroom. When he came back, he had a cloth in his hand. Resting himself beside you, he started to dab the fabric over your face. It was cool and damp. And soon, your body's temperature was guided back down.
    "We may have to take a quick bath," you stated, Murtagh tending to your legs with the cloth. "I did not know such an activity would have sweaty results."
    Together, you shared a laugh. You meant what you had said, but your body still felt rather weightless. "Though, I do not think I'm ready to stand on my own two feet just yet. My head feels like I'm flying in the clouds."
    "As do I," he agreed.
    Extending out your arms for him to rejoin you, he obliged.
    With the cloth all but forgotten, Murtagh crawled back up to you and snuggled close. You both would find yourselves in the shower once again, but for now, you were more than content in being bathed by the other's love.
~~~~  ~~~~
Thank you for reading! Wow, if you’ve read this far, also, thank you, and I hope you enjoyed it.
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