#like i don’t wanna push this any further and run the risk of stretching it weirdly so
lvllns · 4 years
Mason feels it in the way their thighs tense up, fingers stilling against his scalp, and he knows whatever they say next isn’t going to be great.
“Do you ever think about dying?” Sparrow’s voice is soft, their accent slipping over the words and threatening to put him on the edge of sleep again.
He rubs both hands over his face roughly, pressing the meat of his palms into his eyes before he rolls his head in their lap so he can look up at them. They are, not surprisingly, staring at the television that’s playing some documentary that they’ve been bitching about for the last hour. Really, why do they even have it on at this point?
Their body is unmoving beneath him. He sits up. That makes them stiffen up even worse until he leans back in, shoulder bumping theirs. “Why are you asking this?” Mason cocks his head. “What happened?”
Sparrow twitches, fingers flexing in a way that Mason knows is them wishing they had their phone to flip in their hand. He reaches over. Threads his fingers through theirs and pulls their hand into his lap with a gentle squeeze. That seems to knock them out of their head, and they blink a few times.
“Nothing happened, not really,” they whisper. They still won’t look at him and now he’s getting anxious.
“Bird, if something is bothering you—”
“It’s just Ava is nine hundred years old and Nat is three hundred years old,” they blurt out, their grip on his hand going knuckle white. His eyebrows knit together. “And you’re, fuck, you’re one hundred or something like that and I’m just…” Sparrow trails off, eyes darting around their living room before settling on their joined hands. “I’m not—”
“No,” Mason snaps.
Both of them jump at how hard his voice is, the whip crack of it splitting the moment and breaking it like glass. Sparrow looks at him, gentle hazel eyes wide and mouth hanging open a little bit. They snap it shut. Mason looks away and takes a deep breath.
“I don’t want to talk about that.”
“We can’t just ignore it forever.”
“We sure as fuck can,” he growls. He exhales through his nose, slow and measured. Their thumb runs over his knuckles as they wait for him to sort his thoughts out. To put them in some kind of order. “I don’t think about dying, Sparrow, but I—” Mason rolls his tongue over his teeth behind his lips. “—I think about...losing you, and I don’t want. Fuck.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. “I am aware of what I am and what you are and what that means. Can we please, please, leave it there?”
The couch dips as they move closer, pulling their hand from his to wrap around his waist. Sparrow tucks their face under his chin, against his neck, and he automatically tilts his head to rest against theirs. “It’s unpleasant, I know but...”
“It’s something that we have to...talk about,” Mason grits out as he finishes their sentence. There is dirt in his mouth. He swallows. “Ava has been on my case about it from day fucking one so.” He shrugs, jostling them as they snort and press ever closer.
“You know I love you, right?” They whisper into the skin of his throat.
He shivers. “I do.”
They hum. “Good.”
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j0kers-light · 2 years
His Lighthouse: High Risk, Low Reward (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
High Risk, Low Reward 
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series summary:
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?
chapter summary:
If someone told you a week ago that you would be taking a shower with Joker, would you laugh in their face or plan the day it happens? You’re back on speaking terms with Joker but anything goes with the Clown Prince of Crime. The plan is simple; predicting Joker’s next move is not.
Author’s note:
FORGIVE ME! This is the longest I’ve went without updating!! So much has happened I kid you not! Carpal tunnel, work in general, writer’s block, you name it, it happened. But enough excuses! I’m happy to drop this chapter and share the news that chapter eight is already 3K words in progress. Don’t judge me it’s how I operate. Anyhoo!! I wrote/edited half of this chapter at a wedding reception so if there’s any errors hehe. Cheers.
No beta, we die like real men. Without further ado I hope you enjoy the story! 
Last Chapter | Next Chapter 
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If someone told you a week ago that you would be taking a shower with Joker, for starters, you would've laughed in their face, called them crazy, and then ran for dear life.
But as you stood in the shower, soaked completely through with Joker cornering you into the wall, well, you felt like the crazy one for not believing it was possible.
"J-Joker... wait."
"Shhhh." He brushed the back of his hand down your face before cupping your neck and tipping it back.
He was breathing heavily and with the hot steam from the shower adding to the already stifling air, your breath was labored as well.
Joker's eyes roamed your face, memorizing every blemish and lingering a tad bit too long on your parted lips before settling on your e/c eyes.
Your eyes. The power they had over him was unnerving.
"Just let things happen, Y/n. You'll find life is a lot more enjoyable that way."
With every word he whispered, Joker loomed closer and closer and this time, you didn't run away.
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"You sure you wanna do this, Y/n? Cuz it seems someone is a lit-tle nervous."
Joker stressed his T's again and you grumbled under your breath knowing the reason behind it. His speech pattern was designed to intimidate and stir up people's emotions and boy was it doing its job.
You were indeed nervous but he didn't have to call you out on it. It was too late to take back your original offer so you did the next best thing and denied everything.
"Me? Pfft no. I'm not nervous! Stop putting words in my mouth Joker. Now c'mon. Let's get you in the shower yeah?"
You were a stuttering mess but hopefully Joker bought your act. He didn't.
He knew firsthand how quickly your mood could change and since he was really looking forward to taking a shower, he kept his mouth shut.
Joker decided to be on his best behavior until he got what he wanted. It went against his morals but he found the strength not to tease you and shifted towards the edge of the bed, pushing up to his feet.
He hadn't been on his feet that much today. His little stretch felt good despite the multiple pops and groans his body made in protest.
Your worried glance was cute but then again– every expression you made was cute to him.
You avoided eye contact as you offered him your arms and he didn't comment on it as the two of you shuffled the few steps into your en-suite bathroom.
There was a wooden bench behind the bathtub, mostly used to hold your candles and things during a soak, that caught Joker's eye. He parted from your hold to drag it out. He then plopped down on it with a huff. Maybe laying around all day was making him feel out of shape.
Which left you standing near the doorway a little put off from being dismissed so casually. Though you didn't mind his cold shoulder.
A withdrawn Joker was godsend right now with your current jitters. You were too busy trying to mentally prepare yourself for this shower to be worried about his abrupt and closed off demeanor.
You planned on being his human crutch while he showered but knowing Joker, anything could happen. The possibility of this going south had your hands shaking like a leaf. You needed a distraction.
You stumbled over to the built-in linen closet and smiled when your second favorite set greeted you on the shelf.
You pulled out the two fluffy towels and the matching washcloth before placing them on the edge of the sink. Towels down, next to grab was aromatics.
"Alright I got you some towels but.." Joker watched you dig around further, making quite the ruckus with your nerves fueling your erratic hand coordination.
"Do you like bergamot or almond and vanilla?" You turned around holding up two minimalist bottles for him to choose from.
"Are you asking me what scent of soap I wanna use? Does it look like I care?" Joker scratched his neck and fixed you with a dull stare. He could care less.
His long eyelashes hypnotized you with each slow blink but you shook your head to focus back on the matter at hand.
"Yes. Yes I am. The right fragrance can turn a boring shower into a luxurious experience! I personally use bergamot when I'm tense but it's also good for balancing out my complexion during the summer. Vanilla on the other hand is calming and paired with almonds..."
'What have I done to deserve this form of torture?' Joker thought.
He saw inmates stabbed over common bar soap before. As long as it cleaned him up, what was the big deal on how it smelled? And how come yours was in a bottle?
"Soap is soap, just pick one." Joker groaned out loud. Why did everything have to be so difficult with you?
"But it's so much more than that!" You marched up to him and waved the two bottles in his face so he could see the label printed on the back. "Every fragrance is different and has different properties! Duh, any soap can clean, but I want this shower to be perfect for you after going so long without one! You'll thank me once you get in there."
He took a glance at his choices before grabbing your wrist to tug you close, thus earning a high pitched yelp from you in the process.
"How about this, Y/n." Joker licked his lips pretending to think. "Why don't I use your soap?"
You jerked back in shock. It was an odd suggestion but you didn't see any harm in indulging him. Just where did he get the idea from? "You.. you want to use mine? Why?"
Joker shrugged, "I already know what it smells like. It saves me time trying to guess whatever the hel–"
You narrowed your eyes at Joker for almost swearing and he rolled his eyes, quickly remembering your house rules.
He took a deep breath before replying. "I almost forgot! No potty mouths in front of the innocent whittle bunny. What's worse? Your prudish rules or picking out which fanc-y soap you want me to use?"
"Ha. Ha. You really do live up to your name huh?" You mocked.
Joker wisely chose to ignore your jab.
"You always smell good so I know your soap will be 'perfect' and allow for whatever.. uh experience.. you keep babbling about to happen. There. I picked out a soap. Can we move on now?"
Joker turned his head and you swore the strip of skin between his face paint and the collar of his shirt turned red. Was he blushing? He did admit you smelled good, but it was a rather tame compliment.
What made him so flustered then?
"Y-Yeah sure. I guess you can use mine. I'll just go grab it out of my shower. I'll be right back." Your eyes lingered on Joker before you walked out the bathroom and ventured down the hall into your room.
He was acting odd but what could you do about it? Joker was rather unpredictable.
One minute he was compliant to your wishes, the next threatening you with common household objects. You knew no matter how long Joker stayed hidden in your apartment, he wouldn't change.
The door to your bedroom remained closed but with a gentle twist of the doorknob it opened. You didn't spare a glance at your room but made a beeline for the other bathroom in the apartment— separate from the rest.
Of course your main bathroom in the hall was grand but it was paltry compared to the one attached to your master bedroom. Per norm it was off limits and undoubtedly yours.
Following the theme in your bedroom, the walls were dark and the celestial décor continued on.
The ceiling here was also painted with the moon and stars with spotlights installed as the only source of light. The walls were darker than black holes with a faint shimmer of opal. As a whole, the room wasn't gothic in appearance.
Other elements a few shades lighter created contrast and kept the space balanced.
A slab of poured concrete sat atop a massive cabinet of natural cedar wood supplying you with ample amounts of storage space. The dual sinks were carved into the counter like an infinity pool, giving off a futuristic look and saving counter space.
The faucets however were replaced with a statue of a deity allowing the water to pour out from her outstretched hands into the respective sink dents.
A floor to ceiling mirror took up the wall behind the sink, letting the window to its immediate left flood the bathroom with moonlight and subsequently the luminescent view of the Fashion district at night.
The penthouse was high enough for the average peeping Tom to not be an issue but as a precaution, there was an archway that separated the sink area from the shower and toilet area as well as frosted glass in place.
The archway was painted with the phases of the moon that led to the focal point of the bathroom. A sunken bathtub.
You fought with the landlord when you submitted your remodeling blueprints to him.
After you waved a wad of cash in his face and signed a non-negotiable lease for the next ten years, your contractor dug a literal hole in your bathroom right into the maintenance floor below yours to build the tub.
Since it was all custom, the depth exceeded the average twenty inches and once again the standard faucet was replaced with another statue, this one similar to the one on the sink but bigger.
This deity had water spewing out from her mouth with two chibi sprites flanking her, holding pots decorated with Greek mythology motifs that also filled the tub from the sides. At full power, the statues could fill the basin in roughly twenty minutes.
But you walked straight past all the grandeur over a cedar wood plank to your waterfall shower just two steps above the sunken tub.
There was a plethora of shower gels present, each with different scents and in different textures, stashed inside a built- in alcove, but you honed on your favorite, separate from the rest.
You snagged the bottle before darting over to your bathroom cabinet and grabbing a spare loofah for Joker. Ironically it was green. Go figure.
You wasted too much time here and doubled back to the main bathroom where Joker was in the same place you left him, although he now looked rather impatient.
"And where did you disappear to, hmm?" He eyed the new bottle in your hand with intrigue. Unlike the others, it was half empty showing it was used regularly.
"Sorry. I had to grab a few more things." You waved the loofah before setting it down.
"Okay so I got the towels, shower gel, plus a loofah. That's everything needed for a shower. Are you ready?"
"For the third time, yesss, Y/n I am ready. I should be asking you that question." Joker rolled his eyes at your methods of stalling.
If you didn't want to help him it was okay. He wasn't forcing you. You were the one putting yourself into an awkward situation here. Although a part of him wanted you to join him.
You were down to your last excuse. "Hey.. aren't you going to wash your face?" You gestured to your own while leaning on the console sink.
Joker huffed, as if his answer was obvious. "Uh no. NoT in front of you."
Oh. Oh. You weren't exactly on good terms with him so that made sense.
You forgot he was a wanted criminal with an unknown past. Plus you were an inconvenience to Joker at the end of the day. Who were you to see him so exposed?
"Righttt. What I meant to say was– do you usually take off your makeup? I mean, it's looking a little worse for wear. No offense!" You quickly added.
So you finally noticed. Good, you weren't an airhead after all.
"It's still concealing my identity Y/n. But to answer your question, yes. I usually reapply by now. This is the longest I went without fixing it." He made a face and smacked his lips a few times.
Day-old lipstick must taste horrible. How did he bear it? There was a stretch of silence inside the bathroom while you let that thought sink in.
You could only imagine what his pores looked like after years of neglect. You really wanted to see what was underneath the paint.
To see his skin, despite the scars in its natural beauty. Common sense told you Joker would never let that happen... but it didn't hurt to dream. Thank goodness you planned ahead.
You shifted on your feet drawing Joker's attention back to you.
"If you want, you can use some of my makeup to reapply. I know you're not comfortable going around bare faced. Even if it's just you and I inside the apartment, you have a right to feel comfortable, so I stopped by the makeup store on Monday and bought some for you to freshen up with."
That was very considerate of you. Joker didn't know how to process your act of kindness. You went out of your way to help him again and he still didn't have an answer as to why.
If you were smart, you should've exposed his identity and got that information over to the authorities, even better to Batman. That would've been the main objective if he were in your shoes.
Not like he'd risk compromising his identity around you, but you did have many opportunities to out him.
And you chose to protect his privacy. Hiding him here and jeopardizing your freedom if someone found out. You were harboring a fugitive, all with a smile on your face.
Nothing you did made any sense to him.
"Uh thanks?" Joker blinked.
You excused yourself and returned with a cosmetic store bag filled with foundation, powders, etc.
You didn't know what all Joker needed and you got quite a few suspicious glares when you raided the beauty store. You bought all of their pale whites and full coverage products and paid in cash to destroy a digital trail.
If it was closer to Halloween average costume makeup would have sufficed but you made due with the daily makeup products a few online beauty gurus recommended for fairer skinned beauties.
"I hope this helps." You carried the brand name bag over to Joker.
He peered into the bag expecting the worst. Imagine his surprise when he spotted the exact lipstick shade he normally used inside. How did you know?
Joker tried not to look too pleased and gave you a faint nod but it was enough for you. He didn't throw the bag at you so apparently you did well!
"Alright! No more dicking around. It's shower time!"
You crossed the room and opened the glass enclosure that was your shower and tampered with the controls to power it.
Keeping in mind this shower was to help flush out his wound and clean off all the dirt and grime from his body, you set the temperature between hot and molten lava. You didn't want to burn him and get yelled at, but you still wanted to fight off any lingering bacteria. If he couldn't handle a little hot water then he was a pussy.
Once the water was to your liking, you lifted your baggy sweatshirt up and off, revealing the thin tank top and lounge shorts you wore underneath to Joker's gaze.
He was expecting a swimsuit but this was so much better. He couldn't wait to see it wet. He coughed discreetly into his fist and looked away.
This was it then. You were seriously going to join him in the shower.
He thought you'd flake last minute but as you dug out a silk bonnet from your pocket, something else you snagged from your private bathroom and secured it over your hair, Joker understood there was no turning back.
But was he ready? After seeing you strip down he lost all of his initial confidence. Joker was forced out of his inner thoughts by you approaching him with your hands on your hips.
"Well?" You waved towards the shower. "I'm not gonna ask you again."
Even your nervous grin was cute. This was gonna be hard– amongst other things..
"Sure. Let's get naked." Joker exhaled with a grin of his own.
He couldn't pass up an opportunity to tease you. It was just too easy. You sighed and urged him towards the shower with a few gentle nudges. He made it to the door and felt the accumulated steam seeping out to greet him.
"Okay! I'm turning around so you can undress but let me know when you're done so I can keep your balance in the shower. Can't have my patient slipping and falling on my watch am I right?"
Joker was already removing his shirt before you finished your first sentence. You only had seconds to turn before receiving an eyeful.
Look away Y/n, LOOK AWAY!
His zipper echoed sharply in the bathroom sounding way too provocative given the situation. Your mind was racing as blood rushed in your ears. Suddenly the picture frames on the wall were very interesting.....
"Done." Joker mumbled and took the liberty of stepping into the spacious shower only to hiss and spew a string of curses from the scalding temperature.
"I told you the water would irritate your open wound! Give it a minute and you'll adapt." You scampered in behind him, chuckling lightly to quell your nerves.
You stepped over the small pile of clothes he left outside the shower. Just looking at them made you red in the face.
You cut holes in his pants to access his wounds but now that they were completely off his person, oh boy. You weren't prepared for this at all.
Pull yourself together Y/n! You are [insert age] years old, not some horny teenager facing her crush for the first time!
So what if Joker was butt naked in your shower and letting out some very suggestive groans as the hot water worked its magic on his weary muscles.
This was by far the worst idea you ever had.
The steam quickly fogged up the glass and thankfully covered Joker's body from the hips down but from what you could still see... the man was all types of fine.
Joker's signature three piece suit concealed his frame and any media coverage failed narrow down exactly what lie underneath his clothes. For years he had been a mystery. Now you got to see the truth.
Various police reports described him as tall and lanky. Well that was a lie.
Joker was tall.. and surprisingly muscular with gorgeous tan skin, riddled with old scars and dusted with faint freckles, just begging to be touched. And how could you forget to mention? He was drop dead gorgeous.
He wasn't ripped like a bodybuilder but in no way lanky as everyone originally assumed. He had the right amount of muscle that any male model would die for while maintaining his ominous appearance.
Water dripped down Joker's back in sinful patterns and you followed a bead down his spine until it disappeared past the danger zone. It had to be illegal to be this hot.
Each flex of his arms was like a moving piece of art for your eyes only. You were beyond speechless.
If his back was this stunning could you handle seeing the front? You were fighting the urge to turn him around yourself. Unfortunately your body was frozen in awe.
Joker craned his head back and found you motionless by the shower entrance. His green eyes somehow glowed and easily cut through the steam.
He knew that look from anywhere.
"See somethin' ya like, Y/n?" That smirk of his was pure sin. You nodded mutely and instantly regretted it.
"Oh you do? Didn't take ya for a perv Y/n, but never judge an author by their uh.. covers." Joker chuckled to himself and returned back to his shower.
You on the other hand wanted the floor to open up and swallow you whole. You?! A pervert? Your current thoughts were befitting the name but he didn't have to know that!
"I am not a pervert! And I won't let your jokes get to me! I think you're wet enough-"
"You think I'm wet enough, Y/n?" Joker shot over his shoulder, smirking.
"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!" You whined in your hands. "As I was saying... you're wet enough to start lathering up. Here." You handed him the bottle of soap and his sage green loofah.
At this, Joker turned and faced you. "'How do I.."
Oh my God.
Did he not know how to use shower gel?
Maybe that's why he was so agitated by selecting one earlier. He was used to generic bar soap from prison. That made your face turn sour.
You shook your head forgetting for just a moment that Joker was naked and boldly retrieved the loofah from him to demonstrate. "This is liquid soap. You drizzle it onto this exfoliating puff and then.."
You let your actions do the talking.
Joker watched as your hand came up to rub soothing circles on his chest with the loofah. Immediately he saw a lather form followed by an explosion of scent that filled his nostrils.
The hot water amplified the exotic fragrance and the shower enclosure was quickly flooded with the smell of you.
This is what he wanted; to be wrapped up in your alluring scent with nothing standing in the way.
There were no words to describe this feeling so he simply let it take hold. His mind didn't register that you were literally bathing him and you were so out of it, it didn't click in your mind either.
Using the loofah, you worked the soap into his skin while your left hand roamed wistfully across his body, working like a phantom puff. You coated his chest and arms with suds and were working on scrubbing his sternum when he hummed and dropped his forehead on the crown of your head.
And then the moment was shattered.
Your eyes blinked a mile a minute and both of your hands froze mid scrub.
What. Were. You. Doing?
Your brain caught up to your actions and you and Joker locked eyes at the same time.
"Andthatshowyouuseshowergel!" You spun around and wished for a swift death.
Maybe he would be generous and snap your neck quickly. No fuss no muss or perhaps since you two were still in the shower he could find something to slit your throat with. That way he could clean himself and the crime scene like a two for one deal.
Writing a hit thriller series educated your mind on the many ways to kill a person.
It was all bad for your health. You could add this to the list of things to discuss with your therapist if you ever made it out of this shower alive. You were about to bang your head against the subway tiles when you heard Joker speak up behind you.
"Mmm, thanks for the demonstration Y/n, but can you uh.. get my back while you're at it?"
You must've shook your head because Joker bent down and rested his chin in the crook of your neck, humming again. Just what on Earth was he doing?!
"Pretty please? You did such a good job already.."
He didn't mean to tease you this time, he was just stating the obvious but your praise kink took his words and created a new narrative with them.
You were doing your best impression of a tomato despite your dark complexion. You didn't know you could visibly blush until you met Joker!
Your cheeks were constantly on fire whenever you were around him and your levels of embarrassment were constantly through the roof. You thought over every possible scenario of showering with Joker but not whatever this was! How could you not plan for this to happen??
It was even worse when you felt Joker lean more of his weight on you. You forgot he was supposed to be keeping weight off his leg.
Was he getting tired already? Or was he just messing with you? So far he kept his hands to himself so maybe it was the former?
You turned your head a bit to see Joker's head of seaweed waterlogged and dripping with water. You didn't grab any shampoo. Yeah. You really didn't think any of this through.
Maybe your mind was too preoccupied with the physical action of showering with Joker that it didn't plan out what all was required to complete said task. This was a huge failure and you had no other choice but to commit to it.
Joker was far too quiet for your liking. "Hey Joker, you okay?" All you received was a content little hum. It was raw and soft on the ears. Comforting.
It spelled trouble for your heart.
"Okay... then can you get off my shoulder?"
"Why?" He cooed.
"Be-because I can't wash your back if you're leaning on me, that's why! Geez you're acting like a big baby." You heard, more like, felt him sigh before he stepped back and turned around.
He balanced his weight on the tiles in front of him giving you the full expanse of his back to admire and wash.
The steam still curled around his frame so you decided to use that as the stopping point. You refused to go past his hips. For both his sanity and yours.
You took a deep breath and started scrubbing lazy circles into his shoulders blades, working down.
Your water bill this month would be insane but you didn't have to worry about the actual hot water running out. With the amount of money you paid for rent, the (expensive) penthouse water heater had an unlimited reservoir for your floor.
Now that you were aware of your actions, scrubbing Joker's back was rather awkward.
This whole situation of harboring him inside your apartment was awkward yet you suffered through it. You couldn't escape this far in the game.
Some time passed and Joker's back was completely clean. You nodded at your work and tapped his shoulder twice. "I'm done, you can turn around now."
You were wringing out the loofah, lost in your own world and didn't see the looming shadow coming closer.
By the time you caught onto his schemes it was too late.
Joker wasn't kidding when he said a group of people could be comfortable in here with no issues but the fact that he managed to walk up on you without you noticing him was concerning. You were standing near the opposite end of the shower, quite a distance away from him.
You were convinced that Joker wasn't as injured as you originally thought. He sure wasn't acting like someone with a gunshot wound.
You dropped the shower puff the second Joker began invading your personal space.
His height, the heat from the shower, his imposing aura, it all got to your head. You were backpedaling until your back hit the wall with nowhere else to go. The predator had finally stalked its prey.
Joker didn't speak, he just gazed into your eyes with that unreadable stare you couldn't put into words. Just what was he thinking? Nothing gave him away.
He didn't blink, you didn't move, and tiny beads of black from his eyeshadow dripped down his face like tears that didn't help ease the tense situation you found yourself in.
So many nefarious thoughts could be forming inside his brain. Your cause of death, a not-so funny joke, for all you knew he could pass out from the heat— so you waited for his next move with bated breath.
It came in the form of his arms caging your body further into the lukewarm subway tiles. His palms came to a rest beside your head and just like that; you were at his mercy.
Since he was so close you could smell your shower gel and it smelled heavenly on him. Letting him use it was a great idea. It coaxed you into a druglike state, making your head empty and your worries obsolete.
Joker let his eyes roam freely over your body since he could see better in the steam than you.
Your clothes clung to you like a second skin and he was very thankful you opted out on wearing a bra.
Were you trying to seduce him here? The way you opened your eyes and sent him an alluring glance, he had no doubt that you were. You really were a naïve little minx.
There was no need for underhanded tactics when you were a sight for sore eyes. A droplet of water was caught on your lower lip and it became a beacon to his gaze.
Perhaps he could find out what your lips tasted like..
You saw his intentions, it was clear as day on his face. You wanted to avoid this ever since you met Joker but apparently it was inevitable. In the short time you've known him, common sense was forgotten and you gave up your attempts to stay away from Joker.
In some demented way, you craved Joker's attention and his touch. The thought of 'what would kissing him feel like?' flashed across your mind.
'I want to know.' The confession echoed loudly inside your head. It both empowered and terrified you. It was time to stop denying it. You were screwed, but you needed to know.
However, the situation you found yourself in was still scary.
"J-Joker. Wait." You couldn't remember the last time you let a man this close both physically and emotionally. You needed a moment.
He didn't like you being bashful around him. Your eyes dropped low and you turned away from him. It hit a nerve and he just couldn't have that. He needed your attention on him, always.
Joker said your name softly and it echoed over the running water to your ears. It was too gentle, bordering on being manipulative, and you shied away from him even more.
Why did you suddenly fear him? You hadn't before despite all the threats and hurtful comments he threw at you.
He never met a person that didn't fear him. A person who actually enjoyed his presence. He came too far to lose this feeling. There was something about you that he needed to understand and your sudden fear of him was something he couldn't handle.
Your closed off demeanor wasn't an issue but he didn't want to scare you off. For some odd reason he cared about your feelings. He... never cared about another person before.
Joker thought about what a normal person would do in this situation and in a blink of an eye, he acted.
You were startled by the sudden contact.
"Shhhh." Joker cooed and brushed the back of his hand from your temple down your cheek.
He then seized the back of your neck. You winced at his grip; he paid it no mind.
There. Those big, expressive e/c eyes of yours were back on him. As they should be.
He was breathing heavily and with the hot steam from the shower adding to the already stifling air in the room, your breath was labored as well. You'd be lying if you said this version of Joker scared you. You blamed this unhealthy attraction to him on the dark fanfics you read in your downtime.
Joker's eyes roamed the entirety of your face, memorizing every blemish, the faint flush across the bridge of your nose, down to the swirling colors within your eyes he was beginning to love..
But the most important feature of yours captured his eye the longest. Your parted lips were still moist from the shower's humidity and the (sinful) action of you licking them with your tongue, drew him insane.
It was a toss up. Your eyes did something to him but so did your lips. He should be stronger than this. Having a soft spot for a woman was a huge no no in his profession.
How did you have this much power over him in such a short amount of time? It was embarrassing yet he chose to accept it. You were a temptation that he would gladly allow to ruin him from the inside out.
"Just let things happen, Y/n."
Let me do this, was what he truly wanted to say. "You'll find life is a lot more enjoyable that way."
Please don't run away.
The last wall of your subconscious fell in order to let Joker in. With every word he whispered, with each gentle caress on your skin, Joker sweet talked his way in and won you over. And this time, you didn't run away from him.
You simply let things happen.
You closed your eyes, missing his smug grin, and let him take the lead. He pulled you in closer and you could feel the heat of his breath brush against your lower lip, your own slightly parting open, preparing for what was to come.
However a ringtone rang out inside the bathroom like a sitcom record scratch. Your eyes flew open and began locating your phone inside the bathroom.
Without glancing back at a fuming Joker, you darted out of the shower to go answer it.
This had to be some kind of joke. Maybe you were a tease after all. Joker stood in the shower trying to collect his thoughts because there was no way you left him hanging right as he was about to kiss you.
He pulled some cruel jokes in his career but this topped the cake. No matter how many times he blinked, you weren't there in his arms and this was seriously happening.
He punched the wall, cracking a few tiles here and there, but his anger remained. He was so close! It seemed like every chance he got to try and kiss you, fate had to intervene.
Sharp green eyes cut over to your figure standing by the sink, completely unaware of the ticking time bomb you left behind. What phone call was so important that you had to dash out of the shower to answer it?
Was it him? Joker saw red at the mere thought of Gotham's playboy calling you at a time like this.
If it ended up being Wayne on the line, Joker had far too many ways to end the millionaire's life. Joker was breathing like a bull ready to charge when he happened to hear your voice float across the room.
You knew that ringtone by heart. No matter the time or however busy you were, come hell or high water, you always answered the phone for your manager. Period.
You ignored how your clothes dripped on the floor as you stepped out of the shower.
The tank top clung to you like a second skin and once out the spray of water it felt uncomfortable, but your focus was on your phone resting on the edge of the sink. How it kept its balance was beyond you with the constant vibrations sounding off from the device.
A candid selfie of Cindy was on the screen until you accepted the call with an airy hello.
"Woah, you sound out of breath. Did I catch you at a bad time?" She asked.
Of course she would notice. The woman was very perceptive, both on the job and as a friend. "No no.. it's fine. I was in the middle of something. It's alright, I know you're a busy woman."
It was silent on her end so you carried on, "Soooo.. what's up? I get the feeling this isn't a friendly check in." You panted.
"Ding ding ding! You know me so well. I'm afraid this is a business call. It shouldn't take long, I only have two things I need to address. Number one: this Friday night. I already scheduled you to attend a gala at The Prosperity for another networking opportunity."
She was halfway into another sentence when your brain reacted to her first announcement.
"What!? What do you mean this Friday? Cindy.. that's in less than two days! Can you give a girl a little more breathing room to charge her social bar before you make plans that huge?!"
You were already freaking out, pacing the length of the bathroom.
"Oh calm down, Y/n. You're a natural at communicating with others." She paused for a second to snort. "I can see your unamused face through the phone. Two days is plenty of time to 'charge your introverted social battery'. Geez, I didn't have to remind you at all, you know. Remember what happened last time?"
How could you forget? You rolled your eyes at the memory. "I won't raincheck last minute. I promise. I'll go."
"You better! I already took the liberty of ordering a dress to your place so no excuses about you not having anything to wear. I also have transportation planned so don't even think about it. I'm covering my bases this time."
Cindy really wasn't playing around this time. Maybe you should stop being such a difficult client and work with her. After all, she was doing this to help you and your career.
"Figures you would." You heard her hum of agreement followed by a flurry of keyboard clicks in the background.
"With you involved, I have to. The package should arrive by," a series of clicks rang out. She must've gotten a longer set of acrylics than normal.
"...tomorrow morning if it moves out of the New Jersey terminal overnight."
"To confirm. You can track a delivery in real time but you can't remind me of a party a week in advance? And I thought we were friends, Cindy." You looked at your reflection in the mirror and snuck a peek at the figure bent over in the shower.
Was he pissed that you took this phone call? You weren't ready to face him afterwards to find out. You hoped Joker understood it was important.
"I'm doing this because we are friends. The official invitations were sent out three months in advance. I knew you would've flaked if you knew that far ahead. This gala is really important Y/n! I ordered the best dress for you to schmooze and minge in so work those assets of yours! I got high people in high places attending. Try to make a deal or even better, start a fling with a screenwriter. At this point, trashy press is still press and you need all the attention you can get."
You held back your laughter. Assets? Trashy press? Was she serious?
"You're getting desperate now Cindy."
"No, you are getting desperate, Y/n. Which reminds me. The second reason why I called you. Y/n.. your deadline is fast approaching. Four weeks to be exact. I don't want to lose you.. but—"
Great. Now you had her worrying. You knew your contract was expiring soon.
The calendar on your phone reminded you each passing week. Your fingers itched to get new material out to the public but these things required patience. You couldn't rush perfection but you knew she had a job to do.
"I'm working on something." You mumbled over the phone.
From the awkward silence stretching afterwards, Cindy wasn't buying it.
She drummed her nails on her desk. "Are you writing something down in your notepad or are you actually typing something out working working? I need clarification here."
"I-I have over five thousand words typed out. In our normal place."
"What? Why haven't you shared the document with me?! Do you like stressing me out, Y/n?" She did sound stressed, but that could just be Cindy's normal voice.
Either way, you felt guilty even though it wasn't entirely your fault you forgot to share the document. Joker just had a way of distracting you. Not like she would believe that excuse. He was a secret after all.
Speaking of secrets, you jumped at the sound of the shower turning off. Joker must have realized you weren't returning and decided to get out.
"Well.. um. You see uh.. I've been.." You looked behind you as Joker was wrapping a towel around his waist.
Your brain shut down right then and there. The view from the front was definitely better than the back.
"Y/n? Y/n! I know you hear me! I can hear your creepy fangirl breathing!" Cindy screamed over the phone.
You couldn't tear your eyes from Joker but it was common courtesy to respond. Your eyes didn't waver from him as you answered.
"I've been busy." You didn't lie.
"Y/n, you can't fool me, I heard your shower turn off. Got some company over huh? OHHHH! That's why you answered the phone out of breath! Well well well! Someone doesn't need trashy press like I thought! Unfortunately if he isn't a movie producer you're gonna have to be a slut for the weekend and fool around. Hopefully your guy will understand."
Cindy spoke to someone else, most likely her assistant, and sighed before returning to your phone conversation.
"Something's come up. Just look nice on Friday okay? I won't be attending but I'll have eyes at the event to keep tabs on you so no rain checks! Socialize, make connections, possibly with someone we can work with. Oh and Y/n? I really don't want your deadline to sneak up on you. Please email me an invite to the word document so it can count as submitted work."
"It won't Cindy, I promise." She really knew how to pull the strict editor role on you.
"...before your deadline Y/n. We both know you get distracted easily. I gotta go."
Cindy ended the call before you could say a proper goodbye. You were left dripping wet and fully clothed in your bathroom, wondering how your life could get any more stressful.
"Hmm, sounds like someone's weekend is already planned ouT for them."
You screamed as Joker's fingers danced across your exposed shoulders. For a second you forgot he was in the room. Your heart was beating fast but you turned around to face the music.
To your shock he wasn't angry or at least he didn't look like it.
He looked calm as he used another towel to soak up the water from his hair. You noticed during your phone call he found some kind of shampoo to wash it with for it looked healthier and less like oily seaweed and more like something you wanted to rake your hands through.
Where did that thought come from? You didn't lie, but the thought worried you a bit.
'A few minutes ago you were about to kiss him in the shower Y/n. Did you think playing with his hair is somehow worse?'
It was official, your own mind was against you. You cleared your throat getting Joker's attention. He was still standing in front of you in just a towel creating a puddle of water on the floor.
You raised an eyebrow, "Did you not towel dry yourself?"
"I barely turned off the shower correctly. Your floors can stand a lit-tle water, Y/n." Joker scoffed and ruffled his head with the towel.
The end result gave his hair a fluffy, wild mop of curls. You were a little jealous.
There was too much of him to focus on at once, although you pointedly avoided looking at his exposed chest and below.
"Yeah sure. Did you finish washing up? I mean, I got your front and back but I didn't.." You trailed off, scratching your neck and looking away.
He really hated when you did that. "Hmm, I had no choice since you left to take a phone call."
So he was angry. He just didn't show it. You sighed and gave Joker your best apologetic smile.
You walked over and gestured for him to bend down to your height. "Sorry about that. That was my manager and we kinda have an agreement. I always answer the phone when she calls. No exceptions."
You took over drying him off. It was definitely not an excuse to touch him but you knew that was a lie.
You were working on his arms and shoulders. "I forgot to share my current WIP with her and now she's upset with me even though I–"
Joker cut you off, "I'm well aware, Y/n. I heard every word." You looked up into his green eyes, shocked.
There was nothing there to help decipher his actual mood.
His clown makeup had all but melted in the shower with only the remainder left surrounding his eyelids and mouth. The rest was wisps of white and red, smudged and faint.
You didn't think before you reached up and used your thumb to wipe a trace of red from the corner of his mouth. The area there was raised and bumpy from his scars but surprisingly smooth to the touch.
Joker parted his mouth and the motion moved your finger onto his lip. You lurched back like you touched burning coals. "I'm sorry!"
He smacked his lips while rolling his eyes. You acted more like a mouse than a bunny, jumping at every ounce of contact. Were you always this guarded or was it only around him? Joker could tell there was a wall between you and him but for a brief moment, it was down.
How long would it take to earn your trust again and knock it back down? He only had another week left. Could he manage such a feat?
One glance at your timid hands patting his right arm immediately told him no, but Joker was a man of challenges.
If it was deemed impossible he would still try it. He needed to understand why you were so brave yet stupid, smart yet ditzy; Beautiful and untouchable.
He shouldn't be this attracted to you. He had plans to execute, a city to burn.
There was no time to play house with a weak civilian, yet here he was doing just that. Staying at your place, eating your meals and enjoying your company– as brief as it was these past few days.
Today was different. You came to him and initiated conversation.
You offered to help him shower and graced him with a smile. Was this a nudge in the right direction with you?
Excluding the phone call that ruined his advances, Joker had you right where he wanted you; cornered and at his mercy.
The scene couldn't be more perfect and Joker knew there wouldn't be another chance (at least for a while) to get what he wanted. Maybe he would have to use force.
Unfortunately he knew that would only push you away and possibly get him kicked out of your apartment. No, he would have to play this like a game of chess, slowly and with a level head in order to win.
He had all the time in the world to corner you again. He just couldn't screw up again.
"Joker?" He heard your voice call out to him. How long was he stuck in his head?
"Hey, where did your mind go?" You blessed him with a laugh and stepped into his line of sight.
"Well.. wherever you went.. I dried you off the best I could. I'll leave you to redo your makeup while I go fetch you some clean clothes to wear. I think leaving your wound open to breathe is also a good idea. Everything else is on the table by the window but if you need me or something else, just shout. I'll be in the next room changing the bed."
Joker nodded mutely and limped over to the table you mentioned.
It was more like a mini vanity with various makeup products and brushes already in neat cupholders and bins. He never saw you wear makeup around the apartment and he decided to ask you about it later.
You smiled as he sat down on the bench and closed the door, leaving Joker alone to his thoughts.
Ever since he met you a week ago the main focus of said thoughts were always you. What he wouldn't do to get you out of his head. Dealing with you physically was more than enough.
He spent too much time dwelling on you today. Joker searched for a makeup cleanser and stumbled upon your phone still on the sink, unlocked for the time being.
Fate was tempting him this day.
He could snoop around your phone, check your web history for blackmail, ruin your chances with Wayne with a single text, the possibilities were endless!
The screen began to dim preparing to lock and he only had a few precious seconds before his window of opportunity closed. The chaos he could invoke with your phone was too much for him to pass up.
Then he thought about your phone call with your manager. She made plans for you this Friday at The Prosperity.
It was a ritzy hall where even richer members of Gotham gathered to talk about nothing and flaunt their money and prestige to each other. But the event itself sparked a memory in his mind. This Friday. What was so special about this particular Friday?
Then it hit him.
Before your phone could lock, Joker picked it up and dialed a number.
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After you closed the bathroom door, you sighed loudly. You almost kissed Joker. Again. This was the second time, third strike, and you were out.
You slapped your cheeks groaning to yourself, 'No there won't be a third time!'
Right now you couldn't afford to think about that. Your focus was set on preparing Joker's bed and getting started on tonight's dinner. One task at a time was your game plan. Processing what happened in the shower could wait until bedtime. Or never.
You walked over to the bed and peeled the top cover back to inspect the sheets underneath. You found they were still fresh enough for Joker to use. The pillowcases however had to go.
With a task at hand, the time ticked by without your knowledge. It didn't dawn on you to check on Joker in the bathroom.
You knew it would take some time to apply his makeup but you were so focused on changing his bed and laying out an outfit for him you didn't realize that you drifted into the laundry room to wash the bedding and somehow ended up in the kitchen all in the span of an hour.
You were chopping up ingredients for Pad Thai when you had the idea to play some music.
"[insert phone carrier AI], shuffle my music please."
Nothing happened.
You stopped julienning a carrot and looked around the room for your phone.
You changed out of your wet clothes and it wasn't in the pockets, leaving your phone in no other place but where you left an hour prior. Still in the bathroom with Joker.
One exhale later, you left your meal prep in the kitchen to go retrieve your phone. If you were cooking you would do so with music blasting.
You opted out of wearing socks and your favorite color nail polish adorned your toes as you made your way back to the guest bedroom. The spare bedding you chose still matched the décor and you noticed the clothes you laid out on the foot of the bed were gone.
It was an indicator that Joker had left the bathroom in the past hour.
You knocked on the door, calling out for him. At first you didn't hear anything until you pressed your ear to the wood and picked up on a one way conversation. Was he talking to himself? At this point that wasn't concerning, Joker was indeed touched in the head.
"I don't care what you have to do. Don't blow your cover.. duh.. but keep an eye on the... Yes. I told you this'll be easyyy. The target."
You located your phone but why was Joker using it? You wouldn't dare ask how he got past your passcode.
Apparently the person on the other end had a lot to say since it was quiet for a few minutes until Joker responded.
He made that nondescript hum of his– the one that wasn't a sigh nor a grunt, just a noise that only he made, though this one sounded frustrated.
"I haven't decided yet. You'll know more once you geT there." There was a loud thud through the door that made you jump.
"Do your job.. but have fun doing it, mmkay? Track and then destroy. You know what to do from here."
Track and destroy? Have fun? Targets? You knew Joker was a man of pure evil but his calm demeanor about it sent a chill down your spine. Who did he just put a hit on? What was going on? This was beyond what you agreed upon.
You backed away from the door in fear. Until now, you only saw a domestic side of Joker.
Sure he threatened you a few times, but he didn't display any of his more violent tendencies during his stay with you. He was nothing but mannerable despite being a madman.
How could you forget that crucial detail? He wasn't a normal houseguest. Joker was a murderer– the most dangerous one in all of Gotham and actively wanted by the GCPD for escaping and killing nineteen people.
Just because you served him daily meals in bed and asked him if he liked ginseng tea or Earl Grey, didn't mean you were safe around him. You couldn't trust the devil personified and you definitely shouldn't make friends with him either.
His secret phone call was your wake up call. You had to remember to send Cindy a bouquet of flowers for calling you when she did. If Joker had kissed you in the shower, where would you be right now?
You didn't need that toxic thinking in your life. You needed to protect yourself and put up a permanent wall between you and Joker. There couldn't be any more room for errors. Whatever chemistry that was brewing between you and the jokester had to stop now.
With your mind made up, you waited a few more minutes before knocking on the door again.
Another vague hum from Joker granted you entry.
Of course you didn't know what to expect when you walked in but seeing Joker seated at the vanity with a fresh coat of clown makeup on while wearing a light grey shirt with black sweatpants (thankfully you had sense to not buy grey) was not at the top of your list.
After that phone call you didn't know anything about him anymore. Like you knew anything to begin with..
He turned to face you with a pensive glare. Did he suspect you overheard his conversation? You waited long enough not to be suspicious– your book research taught you about that reoccurring troupe in various media.
Apparently he did. "How much did ya hear?"
If you remembered correctly, experts said to deflect the accusation. You blurted out of the first thing that came to mind.
"I see the clothes fit, that's good." You pointed at his clothes making him look down.
He looked good in casual attire although you wouldn't admit that aloud. The shirt was snug but offered him breathing room whereas the sweats you dug out of storage (an ex of yours left them ages ago) fit him a little too well. You had to go clothes shopping for him before you jumped his bones.
"What did you hear?" Joker asked again.
Don't look away, it's a sign of guilt. You thought.
"Why were you using my phone?" You walked over to the vanity and snatched it off. It was locked and your phone screen glowed, prompting you to enter your passcode.
"Pause. How did you unlock my phone Joker?" He narrowed his eyes at your attempt to interrogate him.
The fact you were trying to change the subject confirmed you heard something and given the topic of his conversation, that wasn't good.
He didn't make contact with his crew in days and used your phone as a burner of sorts to keep his operations up and running to execute an off the table mission. The phone call was long and nothing said was for the faint of heart.
Joker wanted to protect you from this, he just wasn't consciously aware of that yet.
You crossed your arms using the height difference to look down at Joker seated. He didn't look intimidated in the slightest. He propped his arm on the vanity and began a staring contest with you.
He was used to being tortured by seasoned cops, wardens, the criminally insane, even Batman himself. What were you gonna do?
You pouted your lip and batted your lashes, throwing in an adorable huff in for better results. No matter how tough Joker thought he was, no one could resist your puppy dog face.
Joker blinked, shifted, and resisted the urge to look away but your eyes were hypnotic– using unnatural powers against him. He folded faster than he'd like to admit.
You smirked and leaned in close (Joker thought for a second you were going to kiss him) and bopped his freshly painted nose. "Ha! I win! Now, who did you call? You're acting like I can't go to my call history and see the number."
You did just that but ran into a problem. It was gone.
"Judging by your face.. they already destroyed the call trace. It's none of your business, Bunny." Joker stood up to stretch and the helm of his shirt rose up, letting you see a row of muscles.
You cleared your throat, looking away.
"You really shouldn't leave your phone unlocked around strangers Y/n." He made a move towards you, "It's.. not.. safe." By the end of his warning, he towered over you, looking down at you with a dangerous gleam in his eye.
You definitely heard him order someone's murder. It was the only explanation as to why he needed to erase the phone call.
This was a murderer standing before you. If he wasn't in your apartment, he would be out on the streets of Gotham wreaking havoc. You had to remember that fact and never forget it.
Your mouth flopped like a fish as the words became stuck in your throat. What could you say after overhearing his phone call? Nothing. So you decided to distance yourself and feign ignorance.
You closed your eyes. "Well, I ahem. I'm glad you got to shower and freshen up. I-I changed the bed for you and I'm working on dinner."
You were still ignoring him. Two could play this game then. "Oh? What're we having?" Joker asked.
How could he be so casual about this? Tears threatened to fall from your eyes and you didn't understand why you were so bent out of shape about it.
You invited him into your home to save your own hide. You didn't sign up to be an accomplice. You were technically a hostage. Your generosity and kindness was done purely out of survival.
So why did your heart squeeze at the thought of Joker going behind your back?
You had no ties to him despite your feelings trying to make something out of nothing.
"Um. Pad Thai with fresh spring rolls and bok choy. I should um g-get back to cooking. Yeah. Cooking..." You turned to leave but Joker's hand reached out and grabbed yours.
It wasn't clammy like when he was bleeding out on your couch. Now it was warm with pronounced calluses on the palms.
You didn't want to know what weapon he frequently used in order to form them. It was hard to ignore the way his hand fit perfectly in yours like a puzzle piece snapping into place.
Somehow Joker read your thoughts and squeezed your hand, not letting go.
He could sense the brick wall forming that separated you from him. He didn't want to be iced out, not again.
He didn't like the emptiness your absence left behind. This was all new and confusing to him and you weren't helping him understand any of it!
"Y/n. Whatever you heard, it's not what you think."
He mourned the loss of your hand when you fled towards the door.
"I'll call you when dinner is ready." You mumbled over your shoulder.
And just like that Joker knew. He was back to square one. Perhaps even further from earning your trust.
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160 notes · View notes
mintmatcha · 3 years
quickie - dabi X hero!reader
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Dabi x cis!fem reader
CW: public sex, voyeurism, standing sex, doll as a nickname, praise
 a/n: thanks to shan’s discover server for dealing with my bullshit creating this <3
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   "We can't keep doing this."
The figure, leaned against the graffitied brick of a building, tosses back his hood as he takes another drag from his cigarette.  The black of his hair, streaked with the occasional red, shines under the streetlamp.  His burns are worse than the last time you’ve seen him, stretching from his face to his knuckles.
"You say that everytime." Dabi drops the cigarette butt and crushes it under the heel of his boot. "But you always come anyway."
You scuff your heel against the concrete, listening to how it echoes down the empty street. The dive bar you two stand in front of long ago cleared, all of the patrons disappearing into the night. 
Maybe heading home. Most likely not.
You should be heading home too.
"I'm only here because you asked me to be here." you ask cooly, forcing your eyes to stay glued to your phone. You don't look away until his tight grip clutches your shoulder. Against the chill of the night, his touch is comforting.
"Don't play coy." he scoffs, "I never asked you to be here, little hero."
You flinch at the nickname, checking your surroundings once again. Being recognized as a hero would mean trouble in this neighborhood. You already clearly don't belong; you had dressed nicely for a date- a date with another hero, someone good for you-
only to abandon him the moment this asshole texted you.
"I just told you I was bored," Dabi smirks, the stitches at the corners of his mouth pulling as he eyes you up, "And you decided to entertain me, apparently." 
You wish your heart wasn't beating out of your chest. You're not quite sure what it was about him- maybe the danger, maybe daddy issues, maybe the horrifying idea that you genuinely cared about him, maybe something entirely different- but you were wrapped around his fingers.
And he is well aware of it.
He hooks a finger under the strap of your dress and pulls it down and off your shoulder with a languid pace, eyes tracing over the exposed skin. "I like this. Kinda fancy, kinda skimpy-" His tongue runs over the edge of one of his incisors, his piercing catching the low light. "It's like you're asking for trouble."
You just shrug. "Maybe I am looking for trouble."
"I told you to stop playing coy." His hand cups your chin, dragging it up to look at him directly. His gaze is dark, hungry, and more than a little dangerous. "Are you here to get dicked down or what?"
You try to sound nonchalant, but your voice is high and tight in your throat. “If that’s what you want, I guess.” 
“Aw, come on now, lil hero. Don’t pretend to be a brat." he grins, pulling your head higher, “Lemme hear you say it. Tell me you came here to get fucked."
“I-” you hesitate.
“Come on, say it.” he takes your hand in his and, for a second, it's sweet- but then he guides it down to the front of his pants, cupping you over his crotch to feel the beginning of his excitement. "Say you wanna get fucked."
You swallow, and then gently squeeze his cock. "I want you to have sex with me."
"Nuh-uh. That's not what I said." he leans into you, lips brushing against yours, blue eyes never leaving yours, "Say you want me to fuck you."
"I want you to fuck me."
“Aw, dirty girl.” he purrs, "What would everyone think? The perfect sidekick, begging for a villain's cock?"
He closes the gap and catches the plush of your lip between his teeth- hard. You gasp and he doesn't waste the opportunity; his tongue finds yours, rushed and messy. 
The kiss breaks, a string of spit connecting your lips for a microsecond. "Turn around."
Before you can react, Dabi's hand grips your forearm and twists it behind you, forcing you against the wall. The prickle of the brick digs into your cheek, but you can't focus on the pain- only the heat of his hands: one holding you still, the over sliding up your skirt.
"H-here?" you whisper, but don't resist. "Someone could see."
"Yeah-" his chuckle is low, "That's the fun part." 
He's quick to flip the fabric up and over your ass, exposing your lacy panties to the night air. His palms your ass and shakes it, eyes glued to how it shakes and quivers under his touch.
"Very sexy." he coos almost mockingly, pulling the elastic of your panties so taut that it digs into your skin. You flinch when it snaps back, further pressing yourself into the wall, and Dabi laughs.
"Aw, sensitive little thing, aren'tcha?" he grinds against you, the rough fabric of his jeans doing nothing to hide the swell of his cock. It rubs between your ass cheeks, the friction of demin already burning. The only respite in the cool metal of his studded belt, smooth and slick against you.
"Are you sure you can handle this, baby?" he tugs you closer by the bicep, arching your back until your head falls back. Like this, he looks down at you, a wolfish grin on his face. "I'd be so sad if I broke you."
"No, you wouldn't-" your free arm slides down his front, thumb dipping into the waistband and fingers rolling over the buckle.
"Yeah, you're right." he helps you unclasp the buckle, the gentle tinkling the only sound that echoes down the empty street. It hits you then that, despite the late hour, someone could approach at any moment and catch you being fucked by a wanted criminal.
The scrape of denim is replaced by hot, smooth skin and a tickle of his happy trail. Dabi lets the weight of his cock fall against your folds and a warm trickle of precum grazes your cheek. The night only seems to be getting colder, but the latent heat of Dabi's skin only seems to build.
"Fuck--" he ruts up against you unexpectedly, "You're fucking dripping-" You can feel his cock sliding against you, the wetness of your arousal letting him easily slip between your thighs. The head of his cock ghosts near your clit, not nearly the pressure you need. "God, maybe I'll just fuck you like this-"
A whine escapes your throat before you can tamp it down. 
"Oh, don’t be a brat.” he pulls back, “I’ll make sure you get what you need.”
He digs into his pocket and pulls out a gold foil packet, flashing it to you. You two agreed on protection since the first hook up- your insistence. He quickly rips into it with his teeth and rolls the condom down, barely covering his length before he pushes against your entrance, his fat head easily popping inside despite the stretch. You expect him to fully bury himself in one stroke, like he always does, but he stays there inside you, his cock barely past the petals of your pussy. Impatiently, you wiggle back against him, desperate for more, but he braces against you.
"Slow down, now-" he clicks his tongue before pressing a surprisingly soft kiss into your temple. Then, he shoves you forward again, face smushed into the rocky brick. "Lemme enjoy this properly."
You teeter on your high heels, legs already shaking as he finally rolls his hips forward inch by inch. Under his breath, he mutters so low that you can't understand him, but you catch clippings of praise and curses.
His pace is unusually slow, letting you savor the fullness of his whole cock before he pulls back to the tip. His breath is uncomfortably warm against the back of your neck. The scent of ash and tobacco that clings to him makes your stomach turn, but you can't help but want more of it- more of him.
The hand of your hip, unnaturally warm, almost burning, slips around to the front of the panties, dipping into the fabric to trace supply circles around your clit. It's nice- soft and gentle-
but you don't fuck Dabi to be gentle.
With your free hand, you push against the wall, forcing him to sink into you, hard. "Fucking hell-" he chokes out a groan as you start bucking against him. He uses your forearm as leverage, pulling and pushing down his length faster and faster. "That's it-- bounce like that- oh, good girl-"
Your voice, pathetic and lewd, fills the stress, but Dabi does nothing to muffle it. Of course he doesn't- he likes the risk. He wants to be caught, wants people to see him splitting you in half. Anyone even remotely close would be able to hear the wet, sloppy sound of your pussy, but you can't find it in yourself to care.
Once you get the rhythm he wants, Dabi releases your arm and grabs on to the front of your dress, palming your tits through the fabric greedily. It's rough, almost bruising, squishing you solely for his pleasure.
"So soft," he breathes. After a moment, he decides the fondling isn't enough and wraps his fingers under the hem, digging into the fat of your chest. With a firm tug, he snaps the remaining strap, freeing one of your tits into the cool night air. You don't even have time to shiver before his hand takes it place against you. 
Dabi always runs warm, but something about sex- albeit the desire or the physical contact- makes him hot. The stroke of his hands, the lips across your shoulder blade, the dip of his stomach against your back- all of them leave ghosts, trails of goosebumps where heat used to be.
Even through the condom, his cock radiates heat deep inside your cunt, twitching and pulsing with every stroke. His fingertips never leave their mark, rolling your clit steadily. 
"Y-you gonna cum for me?" he says through his teeth, "Gonna let me f-feel it? Let me make you feel good? Oh, such a good girl for me--"
The pressure on your clit all at once becomes too much and you cum, knees wobbling and threatening to give out. Your pace threatens to falter, but Dabi muscles through it for you.
Dabi's lips find your neck, right below your jaw. A flick of the tongue is followed by the sharp pain of his teeth digging into the soft spot.  Overstimulation hits your quickly, your pussy twitching every stroke.
"'Is too much." you hiccup, reaching behind you blindly. You manage to caress his face, the staples warm and wet with his sweat. He nuzzles into the hand, a surprisingly sweet gesture.
"Just- just take it." he growls. The pace is suddenly lopsided, the rhythm gone as he starts to cum.
The gentle pulsing of his cock is immediately followed by pooling warmth. No, warmth is an understatement. It's hot, almost unbearably. You keen away from him, but he stays locked against you.
"G-get off," you hiccup, "You're t-too hot."
"You're not so bad yourself, doll." He withdrawals and quickly peels the condom off, tossing it to the side. He spins you around, running a thumb under your eye. Flecks of mascara and eyeliner stick to his skin. "Especially like this." he gestures to you as a whole. Running makeup, ripped dress, quivering legs, your own cum glossing your thighs- you look destroyed.
"You should walk around like this all the time." Dabi wipes his stomach with his shirt, haphazardly smearing the wetness more than cleaning it, before redoing his buckle. He takes his time, clearly not concerned about being exposed. "On second thought- nah. Just wear this for me." 
You shimmy your dress down, trying to cover your ass as quickly as possible. "You're disgusting." 
He throws his head back and laughs. "You didn't seem to think so a couple minutes ago." 
"Fuck you."
Dabi shakes a cigarette free from the carton and sticks it between his teeth. "Aw, doll-" he dots the tip with his finger and it alights, deep orange against the dark of the night. "You just did."
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
Dancing In The Dark
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Pairing: Lisa x Fem!5thMember!Reader
Word Count: ~ 6,641 😌
Warnings / Misc. -- Angst, Language, Suggestive Themes, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: BOP BOP BOP 💃 Here's a Lisa fic for you guys!!! This isn't the request I got for her, but recent events inspired me to write this one and I really hope you enjoy it. More content will be coming in the near future :) Thank you all for the continued support, and as always... ♡ Happy Reading ♡
Follow-Up Part: Worth It
Tense isn't quite good enough of a word to describe how you've spent the past week and a half. For some reason unbeknownst to you, Lisa's been hostile and standoffish whenever you've tried to communicate, always giving you short answers and snide remarks instead of being mature and confronting you about whatever issue she has. So, of course, it's only natural for the bitterness to have rubbed off on you as well. 
What's worse is that you're not even sure why you're fighting. Anytime you rack your brain for a reason to explain the anger, you come up with nothing. 
"Are we still on for practice later?" You ask, picking up a piece of bacon from the breakfast tray that sets on the counter. 
"I'll be there." She says simply, not even bothering to look up from the bowl of cereal she decided to grab. You clench your jaw and give a curt nod, determined to give her the same energy she's giving you. 
Jisoo notices the air of aversion that's quickly taking over the room, so she speaks up in an attempt to lighten the mood. "I can't wait to meet more Blinks at our fansign later this week. Aren't you guys excited?" The mere thought of meeting your supporters makes the unnie unbelievably happy, and all the hard work seems worthwhile. 
Despite herself, Lisa lightly grins and mutters a phrase of agreement around her mouthful of food. 
"At least they know how to make conversation." You respond pettily, glancing across the counter at Lisa as you take a bite of your bacon.
"I know how, Y/N. I just lack the desire to do so," she shrugs, seemingly unaffected by the cold words that slip past her plump lips. 
You click your tongue, now used to her behavior. Had this been one of her first times saying something like that, you probably would've been sadder than you currently are.
"Awww," you coo. "You come up with that one on the spot? You'll have to do better than that if you wanna hurt me." You lean against the marble countertop to whisper that last part, throwing a goodbye to Jisoo as you set off to your room to get ready for the day. 
Later That Day -- 7:49 PM
The bright red numbers displayed above the elevator doors tick on, changing with each floor you put behind you. A heavy sigh bounces off the walls and you rub the back of your neck for comfort. 
Why does Lisa have to be such a good dancer? The only reason you arranged this practice with her in the first place is to ensure that you know all the proper choreo for your upcoming Inkigayo performance. Your fans matter more to you than any disagreement you could be in, and you're determined to put on the best show possible for them. Lisa just so happens to be a critical factor in that process, unfortunately.
"Level 6," an automated voice announces before the sleek doors open, revealing a nearly uninhabited floor of practice rooms. They branch off on both sides of the long hallway that stretches out before you, and you get started on your journey down it. The only occupied studio sets at the end, emitting a soft glow through its translucent door as one of your song's choruses thumps through the speakers. 
You don't bother to knock before walking in, far past keeping up with the niceties any longer. Lisa's eyes dart from the wall of mirrors that borders the front of the room to glance at you, momentarily stilling her movements. 
"Don't let me stop you," you say, moving your hand in a "shoo-ing" motion at her until she picks back up with the song. You turn around to shut the door and take off your jacket, missing the way her eyes slowly rake over your body. 
You join her in the middle of the room, making sure to stay far enough away so that neither of you accidently hit or bump into each other as you run through the songs. The next hour or so is spent doing just that, repeating the ones you have issues with until you're performing the moves expertly. Every approving nod and shout from Lisa works to boost your confidence, and you actually find it a bit easier to enjoy yourself in her presence again. The two of you trade jokes, and sometimes it seems as if the hostility is fading away.
"You did well with all the other songs, so let's practice the one where we have the male backup dancers. I'll fill in for them." 
Your breath catches in your throat at the thought of Lisa dancing so sensually with you, but you quickly dismiss it and get into position. 
"From the top?" You ask over your shoulder, feeling her eyes on you as she approaches. 
"Of course." She says it like it's common sense.
The song starts up, and she sets her phone down on a nearby chair that she dragged closer earlier. She watches as you perform your solo moves, offering tweaks and scattered praises all the while. About midway through, the song shifts and she rolls her sleeves up in preparation. 
You take a deep breath as she settles behind you, reaching an arm around your front to rest her fingertips on your jaw. When the next hit of the sensual bass vibrates across the practice room, she coaxes your head to the side, moving hers forward just enough to brush her lips against your neck. 
You're aware of every twitch of her muscles, every breath she takes -- her body is flush up against yours, radiating that heat that you've missed so much. Her heart beats quickly like yours, and you can feel the way it pounds against your back.
Perhaps this is the moment you should step away; some distance is sure to clear the fog that settles over your brain, clouding your judgment more than ever. But she's holding you like she used to, and you can't muster up the energy to put an end to something that feels so good. 
"Arms up," she coaches, lifting your hands above your head before trailing her fingers back down your arms, lower and lower until they skim over the warm skin of your abdomen. In one fell swoop, she tangles her thumb into one of the belt loops of your jeans and uses her other hand to assist you with the next move: a spin. Her hold is steady, and your hair cascades over your shoulders as you lean your head back, twirling effortlessly. Given that your eyes are closed, you fail to notice the way she traps her bottom lip in between her teeth, doing all she can to keep dancing and not kiss you. You feel her palm press to the small of your back as her arms tighten around your waist, allowing you to dip towards the ground without falling.
"Good, just like that." The praise is like music to your ears as she raises you back up, and she audibly swallows when she sees how mussed your clothes have become from dancing. 
Turning your attention back to the front, you meet her gaze in the mirror; it's calculated and intimidating, but she looks aroused. You watch as her eyes scan over your body, lingering in the places that she's spent hours worshiping before. A smug smile tugs at your lips; despite being mad, her attraction to you is undeniable. With that in mind, you decide to tease her; in time with the music, you push your hips back. 
"I think I still need help with this next part." You purr, lulling your head back to rest against her shoulder as you slowly drag your hands over your body. Lisa lets out a low moan when you arch your back, grinding your ass further into her while you innocently toy with the buttons of your shirt. Having her in such a state is great enough, but knowing that you're the reason she's so turned on is something else entirely.
"Y/N…" she warns, biting the inside of her cheek to suppress anymore noises that run the risk of selling her out. 
"Lisa…" you tease back, playfully matching her tone as you watch her face scrunch up in response to the way you wind your body along to the music. 
She turns you around, her grip on your hips tightening as she works hard to restrain herself. Your chest rises and falls with slightly hurried breaths, partially from the dancing you've been doing and partially from the effect she has on you. Keeping her hands from roaming is proving harder than she imagined it'd be, and her mind goes into overdrive to find a way to make sure things don't slip too far out of her control. 
Her plans are stalled when you grab the material of her shirt in your fists, lightly yanking her forward by the collar of it until her lips ghost dangerously close to yours. You fake her out, only allowing them to brush against each other for a moment before you tilt your head and drop your mouth down to her neck. 
As you begin to leave a light hickey on her pulse point, she somehow manages to come to her senses and knows what she has to do. It was a hard fought battle, though, and part of her still wants to relent and let you have your way with her. 
She puts her hands on your shoulders and shoves you backwards, being careful not to push too hard. The look in her eye is predatory, and you'd be lying if you said it didn't thrill you. 
With every advancing step she takes, slow and deliciously torturous in its nature, you take one backwards, only stopping when the cold surface of the mirror presses against your skin. 
"You wanna know why I've been short with you?" Her darkening eyes scan down to your lips before coming back up to look into yours as she waits for your answer. 
Why would she bring that up right now? The question sours your mood, effectively ruining the moment -- that's exactly what Lisa wanted (she's still bothered by whatever's been plaguing her lately, and as much as she wants you, she can't get over it yet).
"Yeah, because it's really unfair. I haven't done anything wrong." The anger and hurt you've been feeling for the past week returns now, bubbling up in your chest when the memories of some of her more harsh words replay in your mind. Your voice conveys the growing irritation you feel, but Lisa’s expression remains unreadable. The effects of your desire are beginning to border on frustration now, dancing on the line as they threaten to cross over it.
"I didn't particularly appreciate finding you at the studio with Jung-hoon when you were supposed to be with us."
A singular exhale leaves you, short and unbelieving as you roll your eyes.
"That's what this is about?" You scoff. "You know I was held back to record my part for the newest track; and besides, I wasn't even that late to dinner. The girls weren't mad, so why are you?" Your arms come up to cross over your chest defensively, and you narrow your eyes at her.
"You should know." She says it like it's the most obvious thing known to man.
"Well clearly I don't, Lisa, so why don't you enlighten me?"
"You're so oblivious," she bites back, rolling her eyes like you just had, "He's practically in love with you."
"You heard me. He doesn't even try to hide it. Why else do you think he made sure to schedule you for the last slot of the day? He wanted to get you alone." Her tone is laced with bitterness, and a grimace crosses her face. Even the thought of him puts her off.
"So what if he did? I'd rather be talking to him than getting this shitty treatment from you." 
"Is that so?" She challenges, pursing her lips with a tut as she tilts her head up. 
"It sure is. You'd never know it, considering you seem to hate him so much, but he's actually pretty nice. He even bought me a tea when I complained about my throat being sore that night."
"He sounds like a winner," she says sarcastically, voice void of sincerity as it drips with contempt instead, "Why don't you go spend some time with him, then, if I'm just so horrible to be around?" 
You shake your head as a humorless laugh slips past your lips. She's unbelievable. Before you can think of a good response, she continues her train of thought. "Maybe he'll bribe his way into your pants like he's been trying to for the past month. Tell me, Y/N, would he have to buy you dinner first? Or would another tea suffice?" 
The second those words leave Lisa's lips, her chest tightens; she draws a breath in, keeping it held tightly in her lungs as guilt begins to course through her. She feels the aftershocks of her statement in the painful silence of the room, and she finds it nearly impossible to look you in the eye for more than a few seconds at a time. 
Her words slowly sink in, rendering you momentarily speechless as you simply blink a few times. Your eyebrows sit higher up now, aiding your slack jaw in conveying the surprise you feel. You have to fight the urge to shove her; had you reverted back to being the less mature version of yourself from your teenage years, you would've done so in a heartbeat. But you're older now, and you realize your words and actions have consequences; clearly she hasn't learned that quite yet.
"Lisa, I'm gonna make this as simple as I can for you: if you ever say something like that to me again, we're going to have some real problems… You're such an asshole."
"I shouldn't have--"
"No, you shouldn't have. But you did. And I don't know what the hell has gotten into you lately, but it needs to stop."
"I'm sorry."
Her apology feels meaningless right now, and it falls on deaf ears. You don't allow yourself to believe she means it -- maybe she does, maybe she doesn't; regardless, she might try to sweet talk her way into forgiveness if you stay here right now, and you can't let that happen. "I don't think it's smart for me to be here -- not after that. I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk to me when you get back to the dorm later, either." The conversation sounds more formal than you're used to with Lisa, but it's fitting given everything that's happened. Her eyes remain trained on the floor as she nods sheepishly; she's ashamed of herself.
When you stride over to retrieve your coat from its resting spot, the sound of your shoes hitting the hardwood echo around the rehearsal room, serving as the only noise to cut through the tense silence. It's like a hot knife through butter, and Lisa feels her heart break a little more with each passing second. Your footfalls are a bit heavier than normal now, and you pop your knuckles out of habit to soothe yourself. 
She stops herself from reaching out to you as you brush past her on your way to the door. Had things gone her way, none of this would've happened at all: she even planned to apologize and attempt to make things official with you tonight -- but life always seems to deny us of what we want most. 
The handle's smooth surface rests in your palm as you linger in the doorway, keeping your back turned to her. You're not sure what you're even waiting for in the first place. When Lisa remains silent, unable to think of a fitting way to rectify the situation, you nod to yourself and slip out of the room. 
The dancer releases a breath now that she's alone, and she runs her hands over her face. Her dislike for Jung-hoon was never meant to override her love for you, and it sure as hell wasn't meant to get in between the two of you. In some ways, Lisa's still that young girl she used to be when you first met as trainees: she still gets jealous and annoyed when she doesn't get what she wants, and although the years have made her far more mature than what she once was, old habits truly do die hard. She blames herself for hurting you, but she doesn't blame herself for disliking him. On one hand, you're completely innocent in the situation and undeserving of what she put you through -- she should have trusted you; but on the other, she can't help but be angry at him for trying to steal you away. You're hers, if only in her dreams, and he has no right to flirt with you like that. 
So, with hundreds of thoughts swirling around in her mind, Lisa decides to do what she does best; for the next couple hours, she remains at the studio, releasing the pent up tension and frustration she's been holding in for so long.
Back At The Blackpink Dorm
"Can today get any worse?" You groan loudly, tugging at your hair out of frustration. The worn pages of your song book flutter slightly as you push it off of your lap, sending it onto the bed with a soft thump. A couple minutes later you hear movement in the hallway, and you decide to investigate. Carefully, you feel your way through the dark and eventually reach your bedroom door, which you subsequently open. 
"Help me look for some candles, please." Jisoo requests from the hallway, just a little ways away from you. A small flashlight is clutched in her hand, and its surprisingly bright beam does well in illuminating the shelves of the closet as she searches through it. You retrieve a spare light from her before making your way down the hall to search the bathroom. 
"We probably won't have power until tomorrow night; maybe even later. The storm caused a blackout and parts of the grid are down right now. At least that's what management told me." She informs, raising her voice slightly so you can hear her well. She doesn't have to try too hard, though, considering a blanket of silence has fallen over the dorm; with no power, no appliances offer any background noise to drown out the jarring quietness.
Steady sheets of rain pound against the window of the bathroom, momentarily stealing your attention away from the task at hand. As inconvenient as storms of this caliber can be, it's hard not to be in awe of the power of mother nature; occasionally, bolts of lightning streak across the sky in various places, offering a peek at the angry clouds that loom overhead. It's almost like peering into another world: the vivid colors of the lightning contrast with the darkness of the sky, making it appear as a raging sea as the clouds trek across it in waves. 
"I'm already cold." The distant sound of Jennie's voice pulls you from your thoughts, and you release a sigh as you draw open more cabinets. She and Rosé are now seemingly out in the hallway, talking with Jisoo about the storm and how you're all going to deal with it. For a moment you wonder why Lisa hasn't joined them; perhaps she's asleep and didn't even notice the power go out. 
Unbeknownst to you, the maknae hasn't done much of anything besides overthinking. Ever since she came home earlier, she's abided by your wishes: she kept quiet during dinner, and retreated to her room without so much as a word to you. It hasn't been easy by any means, and her heart has been aching to apologize to you -- she wants to make things right, but upsetting you further isn't a risk she's willing to take. So now, she lays in bed, staring up at the ceiling as she listens to your other members talk out in the hall. 
"I found these," you approach them, holding up a few medium sized candles that Rosé bought for when you guys need a spa day. 
"Ah, not the good ones!" She whines, disappointed that the luxury items have to be wasted for such a lame purpose. 
"We could always just sit in the dark," you remind her with a chuckle, quirking a small smile at how she's acting. She seems to forget that you guys are rich and completely capable of getting plenty more of them. 
"No, I'll order more," she sighs, adding, "...just don't use all of them." 
"Aye aye, captain," you salute, grinning wider when she lets out a soft laugh. 
"Let's go set the stuff up in the living room," Jisoo says, slipping in between the two of you on her way. When you raise an eyebrow at the other girls, Jennie speaks up, "We might as well just hang out there. We can stay warmer that way and not die of boredom." 
You cock your head to the side and nod after considering the offer, quickly deciding that you have nothing better to do anyway. "What about Lisa?" You ask, the waver in your voice going unnoticed by either of them. From inside her room, Lisa holds her breath, tensing up as she waits to hear their answer. 
"I think she's sleeping, so we don't have to wake her up right now. She'll realize it's out eventually." 
You seem to accept her answer, and Lisa relaxes into the cushions of her bed as she hears three sets of footsteps getting further and further away. There's no way she can face you yet -- she's still working on a good enough apology. Besides, pretending that everything's okay was hard enough at dinner -- the girls were growing suspicious, so it's only a matter of time before they ask about it. None of you like to see each other sad, but there really seems to be a soft spot in all of their hearts for you: they always try to keep you happy and protected in order to repay you for taking such good care of them. You may not be the oldest unnie, but you're dedicated to your members, and their loyalty isn't something to be taken lightly. That undisputed fact works to make Lisa even more nervous; she knows she's been bad to you, and the girls aren't afraid to give her a piece of their minds. Their combined disappointment is only rivaled by her own, and she knows she'll have to work hard to get things back to where they used to be with you. 
As you wash your hands in the bathroom sink, you take in the sight of your reflection staring back at you. Bags rest underneath your eyes from what little sleep you've gotten so far, not quite dark enough to make you cringe but visible enough to show that things aren't going your way. You and the girls spent what was left of the evening chatting and playing board games to keep yourselves entertained, but eventually sleep became unavoidable and you retired to the large pillow fort that the 4 of you had constructed earlier. Without any power going to the dorm's heater, you've been forced to rely on extra blankets and each other's body heat to stay warm. 
A glance at your watch lets you know that it's a little after 3AM now, and you can only hope to fall back asleep soon. Your mind is exhausted from all the thinking you've been doing -- the toll it's taking on you coming through as a physical pain, pulsing steadily to remind you of everything that's happened -- but somehow sleep doesn't seem to be attainable. Despite being so drained, your body and mind would rather stay at odds than just compromise and let you rest. It's like something is telling you to stay awake -- like some quiet voice with ulterior motives is calling on you to look beyond yourself and fight sleep. Whatever the reason may be, you're annoyed with it. 
Frigid water meets your face, stealing the warmth away from your cheeks as it slides its way downward. You lean against the sink, sighing softly as your chilly fingers press into your temples and rub small circles into the skin there. The storm continues to rage on outside, drawing parallels to the war being waged in your heart. You're torn. Part of you is so overcome with the love you hold for Lisa that you just want to forget she even said anything at all -- you almost care more about having things go back to the way they once were than the fact that she's been breaking your heart more and more everyday. But another part of you is tired of her shit -- she shouldn't be able to get away with saying that to you, and you're strong enough to stay away from her until she steps up and makes things right. It's hard, no doubt, to keep your distance when she's the one person you want to be with most in this world, but you respect yourself enough to set a standard for what type of treatment you're willing to accept. 
As if on cue, a loud burst of thunder roars out, quite literally shaking the house with how strong it is. You jump, feeling your blood run cold at the unexpected scare. A yelp from the living room can be heard, and you have to bite your lip to contain the snicker that threatens to escape; you love Jennie to death and hate to see her frightened, but sometimes it's funny. Comfort comes to the brunette in the form of soothing words groggily whispered by the other girls as they hold her close. 
For what seems to be the millionth time tonight, Lisa crosses your mind; should you check on her? Despite what Jennie had suggested earlier, the maknae failed to leave her room at all. You wonder if she's cold; surely she is, considering she didn't have many blankets in her room to bury herself under. Worrying is apparently your strong suit, because the thought of her staying curled up in bed to grant your wishes, alone and shivering, saddens you beyond belief and convinces you to see how she's doing. 
After drying your face and hands, you sneak back to the living room and grab the fluffiest blanket you can find. Your feet dodge the creaky spots in the floorboards, having already memorized them after years of tiptoeing to the kitchen in the early hours of the morning for snacks. Before long, you stand in front of her door and attempt to prepare yourself.
Lisa's eyes fly closed as she hears the door to her room being opened. The weathered metal hinges groan slightly with effort; over the years, it's been thrown open in times of excitement and subjected to it's fair share of slamming during arguments. 
She does her best to play the part, but her act almost falters when she feels your soft hand brush her hair out of her face. The pad of your thumb strokes her cheek slowly, and she can practically feel all the emotion your gaze holds. Her eyes remain closed as you reach out to feel her arms, making sure they aren't frozen solid from being exposed to the chilly air. The fact that you still care enough to make sure she's comfortable makes her feel even more guilty, and her eyelashes have to work twice as hard to keep her tears from escaping. They dampen as the salty liquid builds up, serving as a dam that could break at any moment, but thankfully you don't notice. You splay the cover over her and tuck it slightly, leaving her plenty of room for movement -- you remember her telling you in passing that she doesn't like being tucked in completely because it makes her feel restricted. 
Her breath hitches as your hands fiddle with the collar of her shirt, fixing the ruffled material so that it covers her better. The bed dips as you sit down next to her, letting your eyes trail over her body. 
"How can you sleep right now?" You whisper out, thinking she's lightyears away in dreamland. A stray tear rolls down your cheek, but you're quick to wipe it away. 
"You're so stupid Lisa," you breathe out, releasing your lip from between your teeth. "I can't believe you think I'd want to be with Jung-hoon and not you."
"But hey," you say with a bitter laugh, the sound almost inaudible in its softness, "I guess I'm the oblivious one, right?" 
After spending a few more moments torturing yourself, you slowly stand up and return the blankets to the state they had been in before you sat down. Unable to resist the urge any longer, you lean down to press a kiss to her forehead. You have no idea where the two of you will stand with one another when she wakes up, and you want to have this memory before you're forced to be at odds again. 
As you push your tired body up, prepared to turn around and leave, you're instead met with her deep brown eyes peering up at you.
You freeze, feeling your muscles tense up as the tears in her eyes become more visible. Her features look even more beautiful now, somehow, in the pale moonlight that streams into the room. It's lustrous, seeming to sparkle as it casts down on her perfectly, kissing every inch of exposed skin that it can. She looks like a dream, and for a second you wonder if you're just imagining this. Her skin appears even softer than usual in the gentle glow of the room, but she looks as striking as ever with her defined collarbone and sharp jawline standing out. You feel her hand brush against your wrist, and you're reminded of all the times she would draw you in close and kiss you until you were breathless. 
"How much of that did you hear?" You swallow, a slight nervousness taking over now as you run a hand through your hair. 
"Enough," she utters simply, indulging herself in a few more seconds of the intimate staring contest you were in before breaking eye contact to sit up in bed. She leans back against the headboard and pulls her feet in some to give you plenty of room to sit. Selfishly, she wishes you'd sit right next to her again; she can't say she's surprised when you put a little space between the two of you though, opting to sit further down on the mattress. 
Neither of you say anything for a little while, too busy trying to locate the right words and how to phrase them. The situation is delicate, and neither of you want to mess it up; Lisa's more afraid to speak than you are, but she eventually finds her voice.
"I know sorry doesn't cut it, nor does it solve anything. But I really am sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out how it did, and I haven't been treating you right for awhile now."
"You can say that again," you quip, nodding singularly. 
She sighs, a bit discouraged by your demeanor but still just as determined. 
"Seeing you with him just scared me, Y/N. I know I have no right to be jealous, but that's exactly what I was. When I saw the way he was looking at you and sitting so close… it just hurt. A lot. I like you more than I want to admit, and you're completely capable of pulling anyone you want. Especially a 2 like Jung-hoon." 
You almost smile at that last part: even when apologizing, she can't help but clown on him. 
"That was a fucked up thing to say, back at the studio. It made me feel cheap, Lisa, and I never thought you would be someone who'd make me feel like that. I don't care if it was in the heat of the moment or not -- it was uncalled for." It feels good to finally voice your feelings to her, and you don't waste time by skirting around them or softening the blow.
"You're right, and I wish you could understand how much I regret it. I wanted to run after you so bad… you have no idea. I regretted it the second it came out of my mouth." She hangs her head now, feeling the shame rise in her at the thought of her past actions.
"You can dislike Jung-hoon as much as you want, but you're right about one thing: you have no right to be jealous. I refuse to be your reason for hating someone, especially when your logic is as flawed as it is." 
She can sense that you have more to say, and she's more than willing to listen; so, she waits for you to continue. 
"First of all, you and I aren't dating, Lisa. And even knowing that, you still didn't trust me, evidently. I don't owe you anymore of an explanation than the other girls, but I'll give it since you seem to want it so bad: we really did just work on the song. He was nice to me and treated me well, but he never overstepped or made me uncomfortable. Regardless of whether he likes me or not, he was kind; the same can't be said for you." Your voice is taut with the pain you've been through because of her, and the brutal honesty behind your words hangs heavy in the air. 
"I deserve that one. But can you please try to see it from my point of view? When you're in love with someone, it's easy to get jealous," your heart pounds harder at her use of that four letter word, but you don't let it show, "...especially when the other person isn't even yours to begin with. At least that's how it works for me. I feel like I have to work extra hard to keep your focus on me, because I'm afraid anyone can come by and take you away. You have no obligation to even be with me."
"I may not have an obligation to, Lisa, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be with you. Do you know how excited I was to finally get home and see you and the girls that night? I was dying to pull you into the kitchen and sneak a kiss when I was grabbing my plate. But you'd never know that, because you cared more about your insecurities than believing me."
"Wow." Your confession surprises her, and the simple utterance is all she can manage at the moment.
"Yeah." You say, solidifying your words. 
"I really am an idiot, aren't I?"
"To put it kindly, yes."
She pauses for a beat or two to really process your words. "Can we get past this?" She asks gently, playing with the frilly edge of the blanket you brought in earlier that's now worked its way down into her lap.
"I think so," you say honestly, releasing a steadying breath, "but you have to work for it." 
"I will, everyday. I want us to be okay again." 
"I do too, Lis. I really do." Her gaze softens at the nickname, and she can tell you're being truthful. 
"Can I ask you something?" 
"You just did." 
"I-" She starts, only to be cut off by the small giggle you let out.
"Shoot, Manoban."
"Does this mean I can ask you to be my girlfriend?" She notices the way your face falls as you begin to stutter out a response, so she quickly clarifies, "Eventually?" 
"Eventually," you affirm, thankful that she understood that you're not quite ready yet. You crack a small smile as you say, "So long as you don't give me a reason to say no in the meantime." 
The two of you share a much needed laugh, happy to finally begin clearing the air between you. 
Not long after, Lisa says, "One more thing, Y/N." 
You lift your head to look at her and respond, but her lips meet yours before you get the chance to say a word. The surprised noise you make is muffled, but it soon gives way to something crossed between a sigh and moan as her hand travels up your thigh. It rests there, the heat of her palm seeping through the material of your pants as she waits to see how you react, still pressing innocent kisses to your lips. She wants to continue, but you deserve to control the situation. 
Wordlessly, you tilt her head to the side to deepen the kiss, languidly moving your tongue against hers. It's a dance you've spent hours practicing before, and your bodies fall back into the familiar rhythm they've been craving for the past week and a half. When you take her hand and lead it under your shirt, allowing her to touch wherever she pleases, she lets out a guttural noise of approval that has you pressing your thighs together in search of friction. Already, Y/N? You think to yourself; she's barely touched you and you're already so responsive.
Lisa smiles at the shuddered breath she feels you release, and she tugs at your bottom lip to tease you further. 
"If you keep this up, that 'eventually' will come sooner rather than later," you say shakily, swallowing as you press your lips together. They taste like her, and you're convinced you're addicted. 
She lets out a throaty chuckle at that, the action garnering a smile from you. Your cheeks are flushed, and she secretly loves the effect she has on you.
"You're beautiful," she declares, the smile on her lips coming through in the phrase. She strokes your cheek with the back of her hand, and you let out a little "pshh" sound at her sweet comment. Taking compliments has never been something you're very good at.
Determined to show you that she's genuine, she takes your hand and places it against her chest, right over her heart. It beats wildly, untamed and unpredictable as her emotions course through her. "It always gets like this when I'm around you. I can't control it; you just drive me crazy." 
"You're really trying to kill me, huh? Soft Lisa is far hotter than petty Lisa, just so you know." You say, wrapping your arms around her neck. Her hands tighten around your waist as she pulls you into her lap, slowly grinning at your confession. 
"Noted. Now come here, baby." 
You close what little distance is left between you, not having to be told twice. Her lips move in time with yours as she flips you over, laying you on your back beside her. In your preoccupied state, you don't even realize that she's tucked your legs under the blankets and brought the material up to cover the two of you. 
"I'm gonna take care of you, okay? I'm done being an ass." 
"It's about time," you joke, rolling your eyes. "Better get to work if you want to lose your status as a dickhead by the end of this century." 
"Hey! Century? That's a little long, don't you think?"
"Tread lightly, Lisa," you warn, half teasing and half threatening. She catches a hint of the menacing look you send her way, and quickly gets her act together. 
"Yes ma'am." She nods, attempting to contain the smile that tugs at her lips by pressing them against yours again. 
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all three heartbeats
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bakugou katsuki / f.reader
genre: married au (husband/wife), angst, hurt/comfort?, fluff, katsuki being a sap in lowercase
synposis: katsuki works full time as a prohero, but his time working to ensure the publics safety kept him busy- far too busy at times.  he seeks comfort in you and his newborn little girl because the both of you keep him grounded and keep him fighting. he just wishes he could find a way to feel like a better father and husband. 
w.count: 3.6k
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a/n: hi hello i aint never written for bnha before and i thought i would never write anime fics again but here we are years after (it has been actual years, someone save me LOL). what better way than to start back out with blasty amiright? 
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It was one of those nights.  Katsuki had just walked into his home at an ungodly hour and as he shut the door behind him, he leaned his back against it, He flicked all three locks of the front door shut and dropped his duffle bag at his feet before he tipped his head back to rest on the wood.  He closed his eyes, sighing as he had the urge to just sink to the floor of the entryway landing and power nap. 
Lord knows when his phone would buzz or ring again- his seemingly never ending work calling him to clock in again. It seemed like recently he never clocked out of his job- always working, patrolling, fighting petty villains trying to commit petty crimes and occasionally stopping more dangerous situations that kept him on edge and busy for hours to days on end.  
The duffle he dropped at his feet was full with his gear and his hero suit that was in desperate need of washing and minor repairs- things that if he even muttered to himself about, you would happily offer your aid. 
His closed eyes opened and his chin dropped back down, the back of his head coming off the door as he pushed the rest of his body off it as well.  He heeled off his shoes and ruffled his hair as he finally walked into his home, leaving his duffle at the door as he made his way to the bathroom.  
In all honesty, Katsuki wanted to go immediately to the room he shared with you where he knew you were asleep. He desperately needed a shower though, and he wasn’t planning on crawling into bed to hold you smelling like sweat, smoke and hero work.  
You told him before you didn’t mind his post-work scent, in fact you told him it was charming in it’s own way since it was proof that Pro Hero: Dynamight worked harder than anyone else to one day be the No.1 Hero he’d been dreaming of his entire life. 
Katsuki never told you, but he’d think about that almost everyday and it always made him smile when he did. 
The shower he took was brisk and quick because all he wanted to do was go to bed.  He couldn’t remember the last time he wasn’t just taking power naps on the couch at the agency. He couldn’t remember the last time he got to go to sleep in his own bed. Katsuki couldn’t remember the last time he got to hold you and it was starting to really piss him off.  
Since graduating UA, getting engaged, married and then having a child with you, is tempter had considerably settled.  He wasn’t entirely tame by any means, he was still a quick fire with insults, refused to use people’s names and stuck to stupid nicknames he thought of, cursed like a sailor and exploded when something mildly frustrating ticked him off- but he wasn’t like he was before.  
When Katsuki can stand to be in the same room as Todoroki and Midoriya and not blow a giant fuse within the first sentence exchange, anyone would call that progress.  
It was no shock that you were a large factor in his settled image- he had to start leaning self control and how to manager his attitude.  The one extremely rocky point in your relationship with Katsuki back when you both were third years and you threatened to leave him if he didn’t shape up made him change.  It wasn’t easy, but the arguments and fights you both had back then serve as a reminder of how far he had come according to you. 
When Katsuki stepped out of the bathroom, he sighed- feeling refreshed- as he walked to the bedroom with a towel around his waist and another over his head drying his hair.  It was way too late to be running the hairdryer, he’d risk waking up his child that he knew was otherwise dead to the world in their crib.
Twisting the doorknob as quietly as he could, Katsuki stepped into the bedroom and his eyes immediately looked to the bed, seeing your body’s shape beneath the comforter of the giant, Alaskan king bed you insisted you absolutely needed.  
He felt his lips twitch as he left the door cracked to let in a small amount of light from the hall without stirring you.  He went to his dresser and snatched a pair of shorts and a tank top and threw them on before he left the room as quietly as he had come in. 
Katsuki went back to the front door and picked up his duffle bag, moving it into the living room and setting it on the couch to fiddle with it in the morning. He grabbed his phone from the side pouch of the duffle and began to shut the lights off and retreated back down the hall.  
Before he went back to the room you slept in to join you, he stopped first in the room that was directly across the hall from his and yours and as quiet as a mouse crept in.  
The nursey was painted in a pale yellow with sunflowers painted on the walls (curtesy of the bakusquad who insisted they were in charge of nursery decorations). Against the wall was a shelved cubby for toys and items for the baby and beside that was a changing table.  Across the room was a tall dresser filled with way too many baby onesies and outfits for the future. 
Katsuki walked to the white, wooden crib at the back of the room as the room itself was glowing in the soft, blue light of the baby’s nightlight.  He leaned over the crib side and looked down to see his child sleeping just as quiet as can be.  
He smiled as he reached down and stroked her chubby cheeks with the back of his knuckles.  She was warm and soft. 
“Hey there, Girlie,” he whispered, barely audible. Just watching his little girl sleep so soundly made his chest warm. God, he loved her so much.  He frowned as he thought about how tough it might be on you while he’s away looking after her by yourself.  She was barely a few months old and he hasn’t even had a weekend with you two yet.  
Katsuki bit his lip to keep from letting the disappointment he felt in himself slip out in the form of growls. 
He stuck around in the nursey for a few more minutes, just petting and admiring his child before he snuck back out and finally, finally went back to his room and as carefully as possible slid into bed.  
You slept in the center of the bed that could easily fit four sleeping bodies, and Katsuki shuffled in further towards you before he was right behind you.  He stared at your back in the dark room, his eyes adjusting more and more as the minutes pass.  
Katsuki lightly grabbed your shoulder before he was pulling you to your back and then reaching over you to lay on your chest.  On an ordinary day, Katsuki would be happy just holding you, but he felt especially worn out and drained. So, for once, even if you were sleeping, he just wanted to be held instead. 
His cheek pushed into your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat beneath his ear. His right arm stretched over your shoulder to rest by your head and his left stayed beside his own body, his right leg hiked over your waist to be as close to you as he could get. 
He felt his eyes roll before he shut them, finally feeling comfortable and warm and safe for the first time in days.  He was finally breathing easy and all he wanted to do was stay here, in your arms, for the rest of his life. 
As he started to finally doze off, his eyes fluttered open at the feeling of something carding through his hair. 
He heard you take a deep breath before you were shifting just a bit to curl around him more and he felt your chin push against the top of his head. 
“Go back to sleep,” he muttered, feeling your sleepy gaze on the top of his head.  The small, sleepy chuckle that left your chest hummed against his cheek. 
“Welcome home,” you whispered, sleep laced heavily in your voice as he felt your lips push against his scalp.  “How was work?” You ask so innocently, but the question only made Katsuki burrow his face into your chest further. He doesn’t answer you, so you prompt him further. “Katsuki?” 
“Don’t wanna talk about it,” he muttered, lifting his face just enough to speak clearly then pushing it back down again.  
You say nothing at that and instead return to just carding your fingers through his semi-damp hair as you bask in each other and the silence of the house.  You glance over to the alarm clock, seeing the time 4:03 am in orange, glowing numbers. 
You feel like you have loads you want to talk about with Katsuki, things you want to share with him that had happened and things you want to have him tell you that’s happened, but it’s too quiet and too peaceful to bring them up.  They’d have to wait. 
“’m sorry,” he suddenly spoke from where he lay on your chest.  Your fingers stop their mindless fiddling in his hair and he grips onto you tighter. 
“What for?” 
“Not being here.” 
You felt your heart crack at the tone of his voice.  He’s always been more open and mushy around you- as much as he denies it and he only get’s more open and more mushy when he was sleep deprived and just plain exhausted.  
“I’m always working, always gone, always away doing fuck-knows-what out there and not here.  I’m not home and that’s gotta really fucking suck.”  He’s silent for a moment but you dare not speak. You feel like he’s been holding a lot in recently and if he’s choosing now to let it all out, you would silently encourage him to do that.  
“I mean-” he scoffs at himself, “we’re married for fucks sake.  We have a baby and I’m basically leaving you home alone day after day to raise her by yourself.” 
“What?” Your shocked to think that’s how he feels.  “Katsuki, that’s not-”
“It feels true,” he whimpers. “I feel like if I keep doing this, keep leaving you and Misuzu alone,” his voice cracks at the sound of his daughter’s name leaving his lips, “then you’ll both just disappear and I won’t even have the balls to go after you two.” You think you feel something wet seep through your sleep shirt, but you don’t say a thing about it.  “I don’t feel like a husband and I don’t feel like a father. How can I feel like a hero if I can’t even spare the time to be with my god damn family?” 
“Well,” you start.  In truth, all you want to do is console him, but for all you know that could make him feel worse. You had to figure out what he wanted first. “What do you want to do then?” 
He took a deep breath before he let it out again. 
“I think I’m going to take some time off,” he concluded.  It had been on his mind recently and now was as good a time as any.  He just wanted to be home. “Maybe a week or two.” 
“If that’s what you really want to do, then I think that’s a great idea. Just don’t forget to tell Eijirou or else he’ll blow a fuse if he just think’s your late because the great Dynamight is always punctual.” 
You got a hearty puff of air and smile out of him for that little line.  it was no shock that when all came down to it, Kirishima Eijirou and Bakugou Katsuki ended up working in the same agency. 
“I’ll just text the bastard.” 
“You need to tell the agency too, you dolt,” you lightly whacked him on the bed as he groaned.  Getting time off wasn’t going to be hard for him considering the god awful hours he’s been forced into the past however long.  Just going into the office to get that time off is annoying and a process he wish he could get someone else do to for him. “Just head out in the morning and let both your partner and your agency know. It won’t be so bad.” 
“Whatever,” he huffed.  “Just, go back to sleep.” 
You glanced back at the clock to see that only about half and hour had passed.  You sighed as you closed your eyes happily ready to return to sleep before Misuzu woke up. 
You swore Katsuki was out before you. 
You woke up three hours later, just after 7 am to the sounds of your daughter’s crying from her nursey. When you opened your eyes and sat up, your husband was no where to be seen.  
You frowned, knowing that he was awake somewhere and he had only slept a few hours. Shaking your head, you got up and went to Misuzu’s room to get her from her crib and bring her into your arms.  
You shushed the infant in your arms as you left the nursey and walked around the house.  Katsuki was no where to be found and his everyday shoes were gone from the shoe rack next to the door.  He must’ve went out already. 
Not thinking much of it, you moved to the kitchen to grab one of Mizusu’s bottles from the fridge.  One plus of pumping was getting bottles for the future- but that was one of the only pros among a number of cons.  
With Misuzu being still so young, she didn’t do much beside nursing, napping and diaper calls.  She would coo and whine and clutch onto your fingers and clothes and hair, but her energy was never prolonged.  
After nursing, burping and playing with her she was yawning again. You left to place her back in her crib in her room as you let he sleep a little while longer. Flipping on the baby monitor, you left the room and went to the kitchen.  Your daughter had breakfast, it was only fair that you got something to eat too. 
As you scrambled the last eggs in your fridge, enough for Katsuki just in case you saw him this morning, you heard the front door open and shut again.  You smiled as you heard footsteps come treading into the kitchen and you looked over your shoulder to see your husband.  
You smiled at him as he rubbed the back of his head. Dressed in jeans that tore just slightly in the thighs and a t-shirt, Wwhen he saw you, he immediately started going towards you. 
“Good morning,” you told him as he was at your side looking over your shoulder. “Welcome home.” 
“Mmn,” he hummed at you. 
“Where’d you go so early in the morning?” 
“You should’ve slept in a little bit more.  You didn’t sleep long.”  
“I didn’t want to wait any more to just be able to stay home.” 
You smiled at his answer.  You brought one hand up to pat his cheek as he leaned into your touch.  
“Why don’t you go get comfortable if you’re staying home then?” 
He hummed at you again, nodding before he kissed your shoulder and sauntered back into your shared room. He took his time getting changed and getting into more homey clothes, because when he came back into the kitchen you were placing your food on plates for the both of you. 
This time, when he came to you, instead of standing beside you, he latched onto you from behind as he buried his face into your neck.  You could tell from the feeling of his eyelashes tickling your skin that he was still tired. You had half a mind to tell him to just go back to bed and he could really wake up and eat later. 
The way he tightened his grip on your waist and started to sway ever so gently back and forth in the kitchen made you stay silent though.  It was a serene moment between you two and you just closed your eyes and basked in it.  It had been so long since you just got to bask in him and him in you. 
“You hungry?” You asked as softly as you could muster. He nodded but made no effort to try and move away from you.  “Do you expect to eat with your face hidden?” You teased. 
“Just a little longer,” he muffled, his breath making your skin rise with gooseflesh as it tickled.  
Half and hour later, you were taking his plate from him as he cleaned it of food and went to put them in the sink.  He jumped from his chair at the table before he was gently moving you away from the metal hole in the counter where you were about to wash the dishes you had dirtied this morning. 
“I’ll wash them,” he insisted. 
“I don’t mind doing it.” 
“Don’t be so damned stubborn.  You cooked, so it’s fair.” 
You shrugged as you relented. “If you really insist. Thank you, Katsuki.” You placed a small, short kiss on his cheek before you moved back to the table to sit.  
As he cleaned up the dishes, you sat at the table and fiddled with your phone, scrolling through apps to see what you missed and then flicking occasionally to watch Katsuki’s back.  
“I feel you fuckin’ staring,” he spoke as he shut the water off, shaking his hands before he dried them on a towel.  The dishes all sat in a plastic draining rack as he turned around and leaned against the counter.  You placed your chin in your palm as you laughed at him. 
“Yeah? Got a problem with it?” 
“Not necessarily.” 
You both jumped when a small whine was heard over the speaker of the baby monitor you had sitting on the center of the table.  You pushed your chair out, but before you could even stand up, Katsuki was up and down the hall to check on Misuzu. 
When you made it to her door, he had already lifted her out of her crib.  She had reached up and snagged a tiny handful of her father’s hair as he hissed. 
“Listen you little brat, just because your my baby doesn’t mean you can yank on my hair.” Her small fist only yanked down on his hair more as if to say ‘I can and will’.  You chuckled as you walked into the nursey and started to detangle her hand from his blond hair.  
Katsuki watched as her fingers released his hair and instead wrapped around your finger as you bounced it slightly. Her tiny arm moved in tandem with your finger bounces. 
“Hey,” your soft voice calling him suddenly brought him out of his own mind. You gently pulled Misuzu’s fingers off you as you pushed your palm against Katsuki’s cheek. “Why are you crying?” 
Was he? God, he hated crying- especially in front of you.  He clicked his tongue, whipping his head to face away from you as he used one of his hands to quickly swipe under his eyes. 
“I’m not.” 
You smiled at him, holding back a laugh as you pushed your husband into the living room to let Misuzu play on the floor.  Katsuki sat on the living room floor cross legged as you watched him play with her as she lay on her back.  
Occasionally he would glance at the time and remind you to pump, as if your tender chest wasn’t a constant reminder anyway.  You always just nodded and told him you would when you needed to. 
The three of you spent the morning in the living room until the infant began to yawn back to back and rub at her eyes clumsily.  You let Katsuki put her down for her nap in the afternoon since he never really had the opportunity to.  Through the baby monitor you could hear him mutter and coo at her to go to sleep. 
When she was down, Katsuki came back into the living room and sat himself beside you on the couch.  He sighed, throwing his head back against the couch and closing his eyes, obviously ready for a nap himself.  
“Why not try and sleep while she’s down?” You had planned on getting him to rest while you start to go through the duffle bag you had relocated to the corner of the room a while ago to see what all he needed done with his hero equipment.  
He opened one of his eyes, seeing you eyeing towards his bag and he frowned.  He shifted his body, snatched your waist and threw himself back to lay on the cushions, you following in tow to lay on top of him. 
“Katsuki!” You scolded in a hushed tone as to not wake up your daughter who just went to sleep.  
“I’ll nap here and you will too. No objections.” He brought one of his hands up to start stroking your head. “Just let me take care of my god damn wife for once.” You just shook your head and pushed your cheek further against his chest to get comfortable.  When he says it like that, you can’t really bring yourself to oppose him.  
“Hey,” you whispered. You felt him hum in response to you. “I love you.” 
His legs shifted and his arms wrapped around you tighter, getting more comfortable. He let out a deep, comfortable breath as you felt him push his cheek into the top of your head. 
“‘Fuckin’ love you too.” 
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halcyon-writings · 4 years
kind - junpei yoshino/reader
requested: no 
note(s): I am Upset. (and also started reading jjk manga but I am not fully caught up yet but I am awaiting further pain). Baby boy deserved so much better which is why I am writing this rather than doing any coursework. Yas ( @hibari18fan ) knows my pain so well as I went screaming to her in discord afterwards. Maybe minor spoilers for the manga but none that are too like, plot heavy i think. And like the usual, gn!reader, 
warnings for bullying, and throwing hands (the reader throws hands with the bullies if anyone’s curious)
all my links and recent writings are in my pinned post if you guys wanna check em out
Perhaps in another life, Junpei was not alone. While sure, bullies sought the closed off boy, believing him to be an easy target, they had quickly stopped once they realized the boy really wasn’t an easy picking.
Junpei only raises his arms, bracing them against his face as he lay helplessly on the ground of the playground. Some of the older boys targeting the younger student simply because “they felt like it.”
It wouldn’t do to walk home and have his mother see bruises on his face. He wouldn’t want her to worry more anymore than he had too. The ones already blooming underneath his old t-shirt were fortunately hidden by the torn fabric. So he braces himself. Only for the hits not the come.
“What’s your damn problem?!” An angry voice shouts. The rush of footsteps accompanying soon after. He only sees a pair of worn sneakers, through the small space between his arms. Junpei doesn’t risk putting them down to look at whoever you are more, not knowing if you were going to join the older boys or not.
“What do you mean ‘what’s our problem,’ kid?” One of the boys approaches, hands in his pockets as he stares the person in front of him down. A mix between a smile and a sneer on his face as he looms down at the both of them as Junpei involuntarily winces.
He can’t see the expression on your face as you shrug your shoulders, “You heard me. What got selective hearing or something?” 
The ring leader of the group’s expression pinches. While his little lackeys look on in shock at your audacity. 
“Do you have any idea who we are?” He asks, a vein popping on his temple in irritation.
Your stance is firm, only crossing your arms. 
“Nope,” You chirp, “And I really don’t care.”
Junpei is witness to what he believes is one of the most amazing sights of his life. Before the ring leader can retort, your kick to swing your leg back and kick him right in the middle of his leg, just below his knee. The boy screams, and you only continue to fight. His two lackeys break out of their stupor, while he can’t say much for himself as he’s just frozen on the ground. 
Even as his group attempts to pull you off, your hands grip wherever they can, hair, his button up, nails digging painfully. The ‘leader’ only pleading for mercy now. Sniffling as he attempts to back away. The lackeys flinch when your gaze is on them.
“Leave.” It’s not a question.
The leader, teary eyed and looking much more worse for wear, attempts to stand, but you raise a fist as they cry out, falling backwards, only to turn and run. Metaphorical tail tucked between his legs and his lackeys following close behind. 
“We’ll be back!”
You’re quick to bring your hands up to cup your mouth, as you snap back, “Yeah! Just know next time I’ll do a lot worse, punk!” The group starts to look smaller and smaller the further they got.
Turning back, your demeanor changes. You wipe the small bit of blood that falls from your nose, a stray elbow having caught you off guard. Kneeling and helping the fallen boy off of the ground.
“Hey are you okay?” You’re quick to ask. Junpei shakes. Your worried look only continues. Eyes inspecting his form and noticing how his arms almost hide himself protectively. 
“Why did you...?” He trails off, eyes warily meeting yours.
You tilt your head, “Why did I what? Fight them? Those bullies always wanna bother us younger kids.That’s why we gotta stick together right?” You grin to add to your point. ”Although I sure am glad they were crap at fighting, otherwise we would’ve been screwed and had to run. Totally not good for my cred.” You brush off imaginary dust from your shoulder smugly. 
Junpei only trembles again. Your eyes widen, “Did they hit your head?”
“Are you okay?”
It was a simple question, and yet, Junpei still can’t help but doubt the sincerity in your voice. His eyes timidly meet your own.
He feels a warmth rolling down his face, as you near-comically begun to inspect him, wanting to help however you could. But the bruises weren’t why he was crying.
It was your eyes.
They were kind.
Your hand is stretched out towards him, “Come on, I know a good place for a soda and some snacks. Especially great after beating up some punks.”
Junpei reaches out, and places his hand in yours without a word. You lead the way, raving about a new movie about a hero that you both thought was amazing, Junpei slowly joining into the formerly one sided discussion..
The rest as they say was history.
“JUUUNNNNN,” A voice breaks him away from the memory. He jumps as your face suddenly appears in front of him. A toothy grin on your face. 
“Spacing out on me now?” You question teasingly, “Ooooh. does Jun have a crush?”
He is quick to push himself backwards, just barely planting his feet securely on the ground in time so that he doesn’t fall and/or hit his head on the cold tile. Although he flusters at the second half of your questions, face quickly turning red, as your own expression brightens in delight.
“Oh my goodness you do!!” You’re quick to help him stand, now that classes were over and the movie club wasn’t going to meet today, you both were probably going to just wander a bit before you headed home. Rather it was an “independent study” day for the cllub (which meant club members could watch any new movie in theaters and just talk about it the next time you all met). 
You’re gently elbowing Junpei in the side. An unexpected development being how much he grew into a bean pole, wiggling your eye brows as you asked about who the lucky fellow was.
“It’s not like that,” He’s quick to say, rubbing the back of his neck with an embarrassed smile. 
You’re quick to end the teasing, after all, despite putting a stop to a good majority of it, he was still affected by the words and actions. Time with you and in the movie club (some former tormentors having tried to join to no doubt kick him out and do whatever they wanted, clearly missed your presence as you made sure they stayed far away from the club and so the movie club had members that were also just as into movies as you two were). 
Taking a light jog so that you were walking backwards as you once more raved about the upcoming release of a new movie you both had been interested in, Junpei can’t help but think back to your question. 
He did have a crush. 
Your eyes twinkled and the familiar feeling of warmth washes over him as he smiles softly. 
Although he can’t help the surprised laugh when you walk backwards into a trio of students, dark uniforms a bit different from their own. He’s quick to give a small wave and apology pulling you back as it’s your turn to look sheepish. 
Your eyes meet his again once you two walk past him. And you grin, much like the day you two had met. Junpei smiles back.
Maybe he’d tell you soon.
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daemoninwhiteround2 · 3 years
Clark stretches and luxuriates in the sunbeam stretching across the desk. Gotham is renowned for being terribly overcast at all times, but wealth buys distance, and Wayne Manor is far enough away from the factories that they have clear skies. Stunning sunsets still, however, and he walks out onto the attached balcony to admire it.
"Shepherd's delight," he murmurs, watching the red sky.
He hadn't meant to stay so long - he was only in Gotham to cover the opening of a new branch of Queen Industries. But for all his boss dislikes putting an omega on the hard news, Clark has the instincts of any alpha reporter, and he'd taken advantage of the trip to do a little snooping. One thing led to another and he'd been tossing up what hotel he should attempt to find a room in when he'd literally tripped over Bruce. One thing led to another and then Bruce was inviting him to spend the night.
A noise from the study behind him interrupts his reminiscing and he turns to see Dick slip into the room. Clark smiles, delighted to see him - Dick has been mysteriously absent his whole visit so far.
(He has no idea the image he makes, limned by the setting sun, openly welcoming.)
Dick closes the door but he doesn't move further into the room, instead he presses his back up against the door.
Clark frowns and steps closer. "Dick, what's-?"
The scent smacks him across the face and he chokes.
Oh. Oh.
He hadn't known.
He freezes. "Dick?"
"I." Dick swallows thickly and almost claws at the wood. "I. It's my. First."
Clark nods slowly. He... Golly, the last time he was in the room with a rutting alpha, was...
He's not sure. He was the one in heat, when Luthor...
He pushes the memory away with the ease of long practice. He didn't regret it at the time and he refuses to now - he'd got Conner out of it. Conner is worth any amount of slightly creepy attention from an alpha.
"Dick. Do you want me to get Bruce?"
Dick snarls and Clark nods, trying to make himself smaller and also bare his neck at the same time. Some alphas find the presence of their pack alpha comforting when in rut, others view it as a threat to their authority and a challenge to their right to an omega. The rut brain is stupid - Dick knows that Bruce and Clark are platonic, they specifically had a conversation about it after Clark helped Bruce with an emergency rut a couple of years back. Dick's logical brain isn't the one in control right now.
"What do you want me to do, Dick?" Clark asks as he pumps out soothing omega pheromones as subtly as he can.
Dick takes one staggering step forward. "You."
"Yes, what do you want me-"
Dick snarls, frustration clear, and steps forward again. His tail lashes in a way that Clark's dog-brain wants to read as an invitation to play, but the rest of his body language...
Dick presses himself against Clark, wraps his arms around Clark's waist. The tip of his nose just barely brushes the edge of the scent gland on Clark's neck. "You. Omega. My omega."
Clark had automatically brought his hands up to support Dick and when he processes the words he wants to freeze, but he forces himself to go through with it, to run calming hands over Dick's hair and down his back.
It makes sense. Clark is an unmated omega (despite what some people have attempted, not naming any names Lex) and he and Dick are familiar with one another - Clark has taken Dick out, helped with his homework. If Clark's in the area and has free time he always attempts to see Bruce and Dick. This is ... Perhaps not quite to be expected (he thinks of wanting Jimmy, even in the depths of heat, and wants to laugh) but it is normal.
"Oh, Dickie. I... Any omega would be flattered-"
"I don't want any omega, I want you," Dick whines against Clark's collarbone. "I've always wanted you."
(Clark recalls, in rapid succession:
Dick finding Clark sharing breakfast with Bruce after Clark had assisted with Bruce's rut, and storming off, trailing the scent of tears behind him.
Dick pressing close to Clark whenever they're out together and someone unmated approaches them.
Dick always touching Clark. Giving him little gifts of flowers and rocks.
Dick smiling to Lex's face and saying something innocently insulting at the most recent gala - it had been so funny Clark had been forced to duck into a side room and laugh himself sick.
He recalls and represses. Rut brain cannot be trusted.)
"Oh baby," Clark stritches behind Dick's ears. "I know it feels like that, but just wait until your rut is up. You'll feel so embarrassed, saying something like that to an old fuddy duddy like me. Why don't we get you settled into a nest and we'll call one of your school friends?"
Dick growls, all puppy-displeasure, and sets his teeth against Clark's shoulder. He's not quite tall enough to get the traditional bite, and Clark feels rather like a chewtoy.
"Noooo," Dick whines again and drags his teeth back and forth. It's a strange mix of ticklish and actually rather... Nice.
Clark sighs. He closes his eyes and pushes away the faux-heat that wants to rise in response to a rut, and thinks. There's nothing wrong with spending a heat or rut with someone - he doesn't regret the time spent with Lex, he's annoyed that Lex took advantage of him to try to mate him not that they had sex - and everyone knows someone who tried to go it alone and got sick. First ruts and heats are the worst as well - Clark can get away with spending his heats alone but that's because he's a mature omega who has had a pup. A baby alpha runs a serious risk of hurting themselves from dehydration or a ... Ahem. Injury.
Instincts don't direct you to someone you'll regret. If Dick wants to spend his first rut with Clark, then it's probably because he ... Feels safe with Clark. Or maybe it's because Clark's the omega he feels closest to.
Dick hooks a leg around Clark's, and Clark startles as a very erect penis is pressed against him.
Oh. That's. Hrm.
Dick rocks his hips and whimpers. Clark bites his lip and definitely doesn't slick up in response. Or maybe he does. He...
He sighs. Presses a kiss to Dick's forehead and then cups his chin and pulls him back far enough that they can look each other in the eye.
"Do you want to spend your first rut with me, Dick?" he asks.
Dick doesn't bat an eyelash. "Please."
"Ok. Ok. Have you built a den?"
Dick squirms out of Clark's grip and presses his forehead to the centre of Clark's chest.
(Oh. Has Dick seen a post-pregnancy omega naked before? Probably not. Clark hopes he doesn't disappoint.)
"Wanna show me to it?"
Dick nods wordlessly again. He steps back, drags his hands around and down Clark's sides until he can grab both of Clark's hands. "Mmh. Wanna show it to you."
Clark purrs, all omega-approval, and desperately hopes that they cross someone on the way. He doesn't know if Dick has stocked up on water and snacks and once he's in the den, if Dick's like most other alphas, he won't want to leave.
"Lead the way."
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maddiewritesstucky · 4 years
How do I possibly sum up how loved you are, how special you are, how deeply appreciated and important you are @howdoyousleep3?!
I thought long and hard about what I could give you, what I could do for you from such a great distance, and I could think of no greater show of love than to take the very two things I said I would never do, and use them both to create something extra special smutty for you 💜
😘 So K, angel, light of my life...I give to you the most esoteric thing I will ever write, my first (and likely only) reader insert, definitely my only RPF, I give you...
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Rating: Explicit (18+)
Pairing: female reader x douchebag CEvans character we coined ‘Jersey Boy’
Tags: Public sex, fingering, mild degradation / humiliation, dirty talk, hypothetical girl-on-girl, gratuitous use of the word ‘fuck’, not a condom in sight
Based on a dangerously horny WhatsApp conversation that will live rent free in the spank bank for the rest of eternity. Beta credits to @buckyandthejets - thank you for holding my hand on this one 😂
“Your eyes better be open,” he rumbles, tequila-slick lips hard up against your ear. 
You’d laugh if you had the breath to do it, if you weren’t strung bow-taut trying to stay off the bouncer’s radar. He’s kicked the two of you out before, more times than you’d admit to, and he’ll do it again if you give him reason enough. 
You’re not going to give him a reason, tonight. 
You’re gonna sit there, tucked away in your favorite corner booth with your mouth shut and your eyes on the stage; perched in your boyfriend’s lap with your back against his chest and his hand stuffed between your thighs, and you’re not gonna make a fucking scene about the fact that he’s knuckle deep in your pussy. 
“She’s good, tonight,” he sighs, all false nonchalance like he doesn’t know how that particular set of curves up on the pole always makes your blood run a little hotter.
‘Roxi’ she goes by on stage, but you can call me whatever the hell you want, when she’s in your lap with her tits in your face.
“She’s always good.”
You stare, transfixed, at the sensuous shift of her body; that sinful rhythm that rolls through her limbs and makes every movement seem like something you should have no right to see.
He hums a noncommittal sound behind you, stroking languid at that spot inside that’d get you in trouble if he went any harder with it. That’s why you know he won’t - he’s not about to risk getting kicked out when it’s so much sweeter to send you spiraling like this, subtle and silent.
“You should learn to dance for me,” his breath falls warm over your shoulder, his lips nestled into the crook of your neck, “put on a show, get me all worked up…”
“You don’t need any fuckin’ help getting worked up.”
The sharp flick he deals to the peaked bud of your nipple makes your breath hitch, even through the barrier of your shirt. 
His hand is working slow and lazy between your thighs, but you know his body is winding tighter for this, too. It’s there in the vague shudder at the top of his inhales, the twitch of his cock inside his jeans. 
“Bet she could teach you some moves,” he hums, squeezing at your hip and your waist; tracing the curve of your rib cage. 
She could teach me a lot of things, you think, swallowing hard for the endless stretch of her legs and the curve of her ass.
You lift your eyes to her face and she’s looking right at you, her gaze flickering familiarity before it drops to the hand buried under your skirt. She smirks so goddamn knowing, and it’s your saving grace that the lighting is already washing your skin in shades of red. 
“Aw, look at that,” that voice at your back coos, “is the pretty stripper smilin’ at you?”
“Shut up.” 
It comes out breathy and insipid, and you feel more than hear the soft, mocking laugh that rumbles through his chest. 
He tucks his chin over your shoulder, presses his smirk right against your cheek as his hand snakes up under your shirt.
“What’s the matter, baby? Don’t you wanna be her friend? I bet you girls would get on real well…”
Your skin flushes hot under his lips, under the maddeningly chaste kisses he’s leaving there like he’s not fingerfucking you in public. 
“That’d be nice, huh? The two of you, gettin’ close...maybe she’d let you touch that body you can’t stop staring at.” 
He’s kneading slow and hard at your tits, drawing mindless circles around your nipples and flexing his thighs beneath you, just enough to keep you a little off balance. 
You can almost taste blood for how deep your teeth are sunk into your bottom lip.
“You think about it, don’t you?” he whispers, “You wonder what it’d be like, getting your hands on those curves, maybe getting your lips on hers...That what you want, baby? You wanna give her a little kiss?” 
...Fuck, but you hate how he does this. 
You do wanna kiss her. 
You wanna get on your knees and swap spit with her around the dick currently pressed up against your ass, but you’re not about to tell him that.
“‘Maybe’?” He slips his fingers out of you just to push them back in slower, shallow this time because he’s an asshole. “‘Maybe’ don’t drip like this, sweetheart.”
“Fuck,” you press back against his chest; tip your head back against his shoulder as you suck a shuddering breath in.  
“Yeah, I know this ain’t for me,” he draws his fingertips up through the warm, wet center of you; sweeping figure-8 strokes that kiss your clit and dip shallow inside you. “Maybe I should call her over here, tell her she went and got my girl’s pussy all wet...maybe she’d help you out with it.”
You almost crack, then; barely catching the hoarse cry that’s shocked out of you as he smacks those soaked, taunting fingers down in a tight swat against your pussy. 
Your whole body lights up for it, your cheeks flooding hot and your pulse throbbing to rival the bass from the speakers. 
“Jesus, you can’t just—”
“I can’t what?” His other hand slips up to curl around the front of your throat, gripping you tight under the line of your jaw. “What can���t I do with this pussy, huh?” 
God, your body’s screaming. 
There’s nothing he couldn’t do, nothing you wouldn’t want, and you both know it. Fuck, does he know it...
You cuss under your breath, splitting your thighs wider over the spread of his lap, and he huffs a laugh that catches in your hair. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“Fuck you.” 
You roll your hips forward against that broad palm cupped between your legs and the grip on your neck tightens; his face tucking in close against yours as he growls right up against your cheekbone.
“Watch your fuckin’ mouth.”
He’s so hard beneath you, nudging his hips up to rub the denim-clad line of his cock against your ass; toying with your clit and pulsing his fingers inside you. 
The cigarette he had before you came out tonight is still clinging to him, making the amber notes in his cologne sing sweeter, and every time you squirm you can feel the chain around his neck rubbing cool against the back of your shoulder.  
“You gonna fuck me?” 
You already know the answer, just like you know you might not even make it home before he’s getting it in you. You might not make it to his car, and you’re nowhere near as ashamed as you should be that it wouldn’t be the first time he’s fucked you in the alley behind the club.
...It might be the first time for something else though, you realize, as he squeezes your hip and tells you to lift up.
“Here?” you hiss, “Are you fucking kidding me?” 
Your eyes frantically sweep the room, your entire body flooding hot as he pulls his hand from between your legs and slips it under you to get at his zipper.
“What, you wanna wait ‘til we get home?” he scoffs like the notion is ridiculous. “You want some fuckin’ rose petals, some jazz playin’? Should we do it missionary?!” 
“God, you’re an asshole.”
You try to put some venom in it, but it’s lost to the fact that you’re pulling your panties to the side; trapping a gasp behind your teeth as the blunt head of him nudges up against you. 
“And you’re about to get fucked in a strip club,” he hums, “so what does that make you?” 
Another place, another time, and you might bite back. You might get up and walk away entirely, just to hear him hit you with that ‘aww come on, baby, don’t be like that!’ 
But right now you’re here, and his hands are on your hips and his cock is pushing into you bare, and you know exactly what this makes you.
Your fingers dig an iron grip into his thighs as you sink down on the length of him, grinding against the heavy stretch of him inside you. It takes your breath away every goddamn time, makes you spread your legs wider like it’ll make a lick of difference to the way he fills you up; immense and overwhelming and so fucking good. 
“Oh my god,” you whimper, circling your hips as you settle your whole weight down onto him, “oh my god.”
“Hey, you take this quiet,” he chides, his arm wrapping tight around your waist. “You start makin’ a scene, I’m gonna pull out.”  
Fuck, if he pulls out you’re gonna put him in his grave. 
There’s no move you can make here that doesn’t send you reeling, no shift of your body or swivel of your hips that doesn’t wind you further up the spiral; not with the way he takes up every last inch of space inside you and then some. 
His voice is a constant rumbling bass in your ear, and it doesn’t fucking help, those coos of that’s it, baby, and find the spot, and make it feel good. 
It doesn’t help when he starts rocking up into you in tiny pulses, when he uses his grip on your hips to angle you just perfect so his cock strokes you right fucking there.
It definitely doesn’t help when his fingertips find their way back between your thighs to drum a soft staccato against your clit.   
“Gonna come?” He curls his body closer around you as you start to shake; as your breath leaves you on a reedy exhale.
You can only nod, screwing your eyes shut and sinking into that building surge of heat. You are gonna come, right here in this room full of people. And he’s never gonna fucking let you forget it. 
“Open,” he commands, low and rough.  
You’re about to open your eyes, but then his fingers are pressing at your lips, and you’re swallowing a soft groan as he stuffs them into your mouth.
“Not a fuckin’ sound, you hear me?” 
You barely have time to nod before he’s jacking his hips up into you faster, rubbing tight circles around your clit to send you careening over the edge.  
You can’t moan, so you suck. Your eyes water, and your thighs twitch, and you shake apart right there in his lap, in front of god and everyone. 
Like the good girl you are.
“Jesus,” he buries his face in the crook of your neck, gasping a weak strangled sound as your body clenches around him. 
His muscles are drawing taut, his thighs and his  stomach tensing. He’s breathing shaky and shallow, and you want him to break; want him to lose it so you can call him a slut later and goad him into giving it to you all over again. 
So you let yourself go boneless in his lap. You tip your head back against his shoulder, and you make damn sure he hears it when you choke out “do it, Daddy,” around the gag of his fingers.
And he does. He comes inside you with his teeth sunk into the flesh of your shoulder and his hand white-knuckling a grip on your thigh. 
It’s objectively disgusting, the half-hour drive home you’re gonna be facing with his come dripping out of you. But you’d put good money on him pulling you into the backseat and licking you clean before you even start the car, so you can’t bring yourself to give a shit.
“Christ,” he shakes his head softly, slipping his fingers from your mouth and wiping them on your skirt. “Can’t fuckin’ take you anywhere.” 
“You could take me home.”
There’s too many clothes on you, too many eyes and ears around you for the way your skin’s buzzing; the way you’ve barely scratched the surface of that rippling need inside you. 
He hums at your back, pulling out of you slow and tugging your ruined panties back into place. “Just you? Or you wanna invite your friend?” 
You can hear the smirk in his voice and you know he’s fucking with you when he cocks his head toward the stage. But you chance a look up there and she winks right at you, and it’s not the worst idea he’s ever had.
“Two girls at once, huh?” You arch a brow at him, incredulous. “You think you got the stamina for that?” 
He holds your stare as he downs the rest of his drink, sweeps his tongue out over his slick bottom lip. 
“Well her shift ends in ten minutes,” he rumbles, “...why don’t we find out?”
And there you have it, the beginning and end of my het-writing career. Goodnight and good luck everyone, and the happiest of birthdays to you my beautiful soul sister 😘
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smutggukk · 4 years
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Slamming the door close, with heavy footsteps he runs upstairs, through the hallway until he barges in the room panting, “y/n. you’re in big f*cking trouble”
Flashback; y/n’s pov
3 am
Carefully, I tiptoe across the room grabbing my mask and heading out to my car, driving to my friends house, I wasn’t able to meet my friend due to jungkook’s strict behavior but I’m not complaining, I know it isn’t right to sneak out without jungkooks permission but I felt so bad for my friend..
What else would u do when a friend has invited many people to come over but none show up? Knowing her she would probably be feeling like shit, so I decided to take the risk of sneaking out, even though the first time I snuck out didn’t go as planned..
Closing the door, I walk towards the entrance of her house, as I walk I don’t notice a silhouette of jungkook’s biggest enemy, clueless of my surroundings I continue to knock on her door..
About an hour and a half later..
Quickly saying my goodbyes I leave the house in a hustle, praying to god that jungkook hasn’t woken up yet, feeling nervous I step out the car, and enter the house, taking a deep breath, I remove my shoes and coat, along with my mask so he doesn’t seem suspicious of me.
Walking back upstairs, I sigh in relief finding her still asleep, smiling I cuddle him and return to deep slumber, without a single thought that jungkook might find out.
Present time
“W-what happened?” Feeling anxious that he might be talking about me sneaking out, he looks at me with nothing but an emotionless face, after a while he sighs.
“You snuck out didn’t you?” I look away and nod, knowing there’s no use in lying, “why? I told you several times that it’s dangerous! Especially at a time like 3 am, for f*cks sake y/n I’m doing this for your safety!” I fidget with my fingers, I hate when he yells at me but it’s what I deserve, maybe I should’ve listened to him.
“I’m sorry..” I mumble loud enough for him to hear, “don’t be sorry to me, be sorry to yourself, you put yourself in deep danger, now pack your bags we’re leaving the country..” he walks out and slams the door close making me widen my eyes.. leaving the country?? Confused, I still pack everything wondering why we’re leaving.
“Are you done packing? We need to leave” standing up, I nod and grab my two suitcases, following him out the door and into the car.
After long hours we finally arrive at the hotel, jungkook ignoring me and being cold the whole way except to ask me if I need anything, regretting my decision of sneaking out when I could’ve FaceTimed her or something.
Stepping into our hotel room, I look around admiring the expensive interior, “go pick a room, I just need to handle something.” Saddened by his cold tone, I go pick a random room and plop down on the bed, wondering if he’ll share a room with me or not..
After changing into comfy clothes, that being some shorts and a comfy crop top, I sigh feeling hungry all of a sudden, let me go find jungkook first, walking out the room I go into the living room with velvet couches and a huge chandelier, looking further into the room I spot a balcony, where I see a figure that looks familiar, smiling I open the balcony quietly and sneak up behind him, I notice he’s talking on the phone and wrap my arms gently around his waist as my head rests on his back.
He flinches at the sudden contact, “I’ll call you back later, I have to do something” placing his phone in his pocket, he turns around and crosses his arms, “do you need anything?” He asks me, again with his cold behavior, I pull away from the one sided hug and look up at him, hurt written all over my eyes, “why are u being like this?” “Like what?” “Y-you’re being so cold towards me, I’m sorry for what I did okay? I didn’t think it would end up like this” “I don’t think you’ve learnt your lesson just yet..”
“what do you mean..?” I watch as his eyes trail down to my lips then right back to my eyes.. knowing that look, I gulp and look away, feeling his hand trail up my thigh to my ass and giving it a squeeze making me squeal, “w-what are you-“ “I’m gonna need to be somewhere for about an hour, so be a good girl and do as I say, understood?” He whispers against my lips, his raspy tone sending shivers down my spine.
I nod, obeying his orders, “now I’ve left a box on the kitchen counter, take the box to your room, and whatever is in the box, I want you to use it on yourself, don’t disappoint me.” I nod once again unable to form words, knowing I’ll be stuttering in every word.
He smirks and gives my ass a pat, “good girl” walking off to whatever he has to do, I stand there completely turned on by his actions, remembering what he told me to do, I head to the kitchen and find a black box, confused as to what’s in it, I grab it and run to my room, impatient.
Sitting on the bed I open the box and widen my eyes not even a second later, looking at the s*x toys my jaw drops, so he wants me to use these on myself?
1 hour later
Unlocking the door, he kicks of his shoes, removing his coat and unbuttoning a few buttons of his shirt, he decided to go grab a glass of water from the kitchen but hears something.
Halting his steps as he hears whiny moans coming from the room right next to him, it’s only the two of you in the hotel suite, smirking he walks up to the door and places his ear against the door making the sinful noise much clearer, getting an idea.
He carefully opens the door, making sure you don’t hear him, seeing your back facing him, he silently chuckles and steps behind you, he watches as you’re hand fondly grips on to the d*ldo, with every push of it you can hear the wet sounds coming from it, turning him on in many ways, feeling someone’s presence behind, I stop my movements panting, “j-jungkook..?”I mumble,
“Why’d you stop?” “I-... don’t know” he hums as his hand trails down the side of my bare body, giving me goosebumps of anticipation. “Let me help you out here..” Finally reaching the toy, he grasps onto it and rubs the wet tip against me, clutching onto his hand I quietly gasp wanting it right back inside of me.
“Please..” I whisper, he leans up closer to me, making me feel his hardened c*ck against my naked back, “close your eyes..” closing my eyes without any question, I feel his breath fanning my neck only making my impatience worse, “now imagine this d*ldo as my c*ck, hm?”
Knowing he wouldn’t go easy on me since I upset him, I can only wait and find out, I nod as I feel the toy slowly slip inside me smoothly, feeling it stretch me out only making the pleasure higher, “mmmm.. f*ck jungkook.. faster” pulling the d*ldo out then pushing it right in making me arch my back as I let out a moan, the curve of the length making it hit my spot, “r-right there..”
Breathless, yet I would do anything to feel that pleasure again, finding my spot he smirks, continuously hitting the spot making me let out curses and cries, “are you enjoying this?” He says chuckling, he stops his movements, rolling up his sleeves, “let’s make this a little harder baby, no cumming until I say so.”
Feeling his toned chest against me, I watch as one of his hands grabs the d*ldo, the other tatted hand spreading my legs apart, feeling the cold air blow against my dripping pussy tensing me up, “please..” “please what?” “Just put it in me..” “needy aren’t we?” Smirking he slides the toy in an agonizing slow pace, letting out a whine of pleasure as I throw my head back.
He watches as I continue to blurt out moans and curses, feeling harder and harder by the second he controls himself, the d*ldo making me feel full as ever, “a-ahh.. mm shit..”
“Is the toy making you feel good?” “Y-yes.. oh my god..” “I bet it doesn’t make you feel as good as mine huh?” Grinning, he slides in 2 fingers, as he never stopped thrusting the pleasurable object, “F*ck! J-jungkook I’m gonna c-cum”
Feeling my legs tremble as I feel my orgasm coming, my emotions being wrecked by pleasure as all I could do was just hold my orgasm, “u wanna cum?” “P-please.. I-I’m gonna ... cum..” I squeak out, “hold on a little longer, doll”
Pushing it in and out nonstop, groaning not being able to hold it any longer, making it almost painful that I could faint any moment, “p-please!” Thrusting in his finger at the same time, I shriek as he curls up his finger hitting my g spot.
“I’m cumming! I’m cumming! P-please... let me c-cum, I-I’m begging you..” as my legs tremble and my voice hitches, he finally lets me go, groaning I squirt out all my juices, coating the sheets making a mess, he pulls out the toy that’s dripping cum, “look at the mess u made, so naughty” he tsk’s, putting away the d*ldo.
His fingers still inside me as I feel sensitive, clenching around his fingers he then slowly moves it around as I close my legs, stopping him from going further, “I-I’m sensitive..” “babygirl, we just started, get ready to be completely f*cked by me” slipping out his fingers, he licks them clean later letting out a hum of satisfaction.
Quickly unbuckling his pants, and removing his shirt, he throws me over his shoulder leading us to another room, throwing me on the bed I look around to see that we’re in a quite large room, with red led lights illuminating the dark room, making the vibe sensual, he walks up to me, his hand crawls up my thigh, and gives it a squeeze, as his stare never leaves my innocent ones.
Feeling intimidated I look away as his hand comes in touch with my tits (🤡) his thumb grazing my nipple as I breath in a shaky breath, in a swift second I’m turned around, ass facing up, his palm soothing over my cheeks, “now how many spanks should u get? 5? 10? Or maybe 20?” “F-five please..” “did u say 10? Okay ten spanks it is then”
Shutting my eyes closed, preparing for the pain/pleasure to arrive, “I want you to count each spank u get, understood?” “Yes..” I mumble, few moments later I flinch feeling a tight slap on my ass, “one..” he smirks, giving another tight slap again, “t-two..” “hm? I didn’t hear u?”
“Tw- oh shit!” He chuckles loving messing with me, “three..”, this goes on till after what felt like hours im at the tenth slap, hissing as I feel him spank me then rubbing that exact spot, “ten..” I say out of breath, “you did amazing.” He gives a kiss on the red spot and slowly trails the kisses downwards to my womanhood.
I moan out, when his soft lips meet my wet pussy, he kitty licks it before rising up and removing his boxers, “shit i need you now” gripping your hips he sinks himself into your tight pussy walls, feeling the warm juices around his d*ck, “f*ck babygirl” he whispers as his hips rock back and forth, loving the pleasure.
He feels her clenching around him making him groan out a curse, “shit, if you keep doing that I’ll come in no time” feeling cheeky, I clench around him numerous times, making him hold in a breath, he spanks me as he thrusts in hard directly hitting my g spot for the millionth time today, “disrespect me again and I’ll go crazy on you”
His rock hard hips against my ass making me endlessly moan, whining as he twitches inside me making me gasp, feeling my orgasm about to combust out, I tightly grip onto the sheets, “I-I’m cumming!”
“I’m close, I’m so f*cking close oh god, you feel so good baby” he throws his head back thrusting in for the last time before the both of you spurt out your cums, catching your breaths, he pulls out, as I stick my thighs together sighing feeling tired.
“Sleep tight princess” was the last thing my ears picked up before sleeping.
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winsmoke · 4 years
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𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤
You and Yuta have both hit a wall in your respective lives. Loneliness seeks comfort.
⊹ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 2.3k ⊹ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 english student female y/n x Yuta ⊹ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 college au, idol au, strangers to lovers au, angst, smut ⊹ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 drinking, kissing, swearing, unprotected doggy position, unprotected reverse cowgirl position, unprotected missionary position ⊹ 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 disclaimer | masterlist
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   “Another unfamiliar place with more unfamiliar people,” Yuta murmured to himself while stuffing his slender fingers into the pockets of his straight jacket.
 He had an inexplicable urge to leave his hotel room to wander around the city. Even though he risked a lot of trouble with his managers for a simple stroll, the walk still wasn’t making him feel any better. He had been to New York City several times but it still felt...empty. 
   The more he traveled around the world with NCT 127, the more he realized how small and insignificant he was - an incredibly stupid mentality to have as an idol. Yuta felt like he was always chasing his next high and lately not much was making the cut.
 Performing, practicing, and simple downtime with his members had initially been so fulfilling. That was when he felt like he had something to work towards. It didn’t feel like he was working at all anymore. He didn’t know if he should be more concerned that it was easy faking stability or that none of his friends could recognize his unease. 
   Perhaps that’s why you caught his eye so easily.
 While Yuta restricted his insecurities within his body, your vulnerability stretched across your trembling figure. You were speed-walking to Barnes & Noble, desperate for a gentle relief to get you through the night.
 It was your last year at New York University’s aggressively cutthroat creative writing program. The thrilling environment of competitive writing had engaged you for three years but now you just felt burnt out. You did it all… gotten published, received distinguished awards, and had met your favorite authors but now you’re not so sure of yourself. And with your confidence went your writing stamina. So you decided, after re-writing the ending of your final non-fiction story three times, to run away to the bookstore and read stories from your childhood.
   It wasn’t in Yuta’s nature to talk to strangers so he curiously traced your steps. He was pleasantly surprised when you led him to a bookstore and even more surprised when you eagerly reached for children’s books. After flipping to the first page of The Rainbow Fish, you looked up at the first person you saw, pointed at the paper, and exclaimed excitedly: “Pictures!”
   Having read countless academic papers and various literature throughout the semester without a single picture, seeing such colorful and nostalgic images were putting you in a child-like frenzy.
 Yuta felt his lips twitch uncontrollably. You wore your emotions so shamelessly and he found it to be both terrifying yet charming. You started laughing at yourself, realizing how ridiculous you must look.
   “Sorry, I must seem like I’m on acid or shrooms… I swear I’m intelligent,” you mumbled while hungrily paging through the children’s book. Yuta blinked in confusion. He was good at English but he wasn’t sure what “acid” or “shrooms” was. 
   “I read that when I was a boy,” Yuta said awkwardly, nodding to the book you held. Your ears perked up at his articulation and you looked more closely at the guy standing next to you. 
   “In what language?” you asked, trying to place his accent. 
   You sat down on the carpeted floor and patted the space next to you. 
   “Issho ni yomimashou.” Let’s read together.
   “Nihongo o shitte imasu ka?” You know Japanese?
   “Just basic stuff,” you said shrugging. “Can I practice with you? Like I’ll try to translate the sentences from this story and you’ll tell what I said wrong?” 
   “Ano… okay?” Umm... 
   Over the next thirty minutes, Yuta was amazed by how comfortable he had become with you. He hadn’t heard Japanese in months; a strange ache lodged itself in his chest when you spoke it so smoothly. He remembered how anxious he had been when he was learning Korean, but whenever you made a mistake your bit your lip not from embarrassment but frustration. You were so foreign yet familiar. 
   “Wanna come over to my dorm? The store is gonna close soon and I want to keep practicing with you,” you asked with your most captivating smile. You were always forward with people, especially those you like and he had certainly caught your eye.
   “I don’t know your name yet and you’re already inviting me home?” Yuta hid the bubbling feeling in his chest with a satisfied smirk.
   “I’m y/n.” 
   “Okay now that we’re no longer strangers, Yuta, would you like to come over?”
   “Yeah,” Yuta breathed. He didn’t care about the repercussions, it had been so long since he actually wanted to do something. And right now he wanted more time with you. 
   While the two of you walked to your dorm, you pointed out your favorite spots and places when you had done some fuck-shit, slipping in and out of English and Japanese. Yuta watched you in amusement, slightly amazed by your brazen tongue and reckless past. He couldn’t quite understand you… you had acted so carelessly before and yet, you always ended your stories by explaining what you had learned. He wasn’t sure if he would call you balanced or chaotic.
   Upon unlocking the door to your dorm, your eyes shot to your opened laptop and you remembered the paper you needed to complete. This was your last story before the semester ended, and it had to be spectacular. But the ending was kicking your ass. Your shoulders immediately sagged and you staggered over to your fridge.  
   “What’s up?” Yuta asked, noticing your deflating figure.
 You grabbed the giant vodka bottle and some cherry soda, your usual liquor and chaser combo. Collapsing onto your bed, you gulped down several mouthfuls of both substances and offered some to Yuta. He mimicked your actions without hesitation.
   “I just…am tired of my life,” you said softly.
 Yuta watched as your face crumbled into distress. He set the bottles carefully on the floor and approached your bed steadily.
 You couldn’t read his expression. No one really could.
   “I’m sorry,” he confessed in a low tone, “I’m not good at consoling people. Or talking in general.” 
   You searched his face. Quite possibly the most handsome and emotionless being you had ever laid your eyes on. You noticed before that his face only portrayed happiness or nothing. If he wasn’t smiling, he wasn’t anything. You, on the other hand, oozed an array of emotions.
   You crawled to the edge of the bed where Yuta stood. You sat directly in front him with him looking down at you, your noses almost brushing.
   “You don’t need to speak,” you whispered. 
   Yuta’s hands glided to the curve of your hip and held you firmly in place. As soon as you spread your legs to bring his body closer, Yuta’s lips found yours. He tasted like the cherry soda, the smell enveloping your senses.
   Yuta pushed your hips back further onto the bed so he could position himself properly in between your thighs. While you continued to explore his mouth, his hands began to roughly grope your thighs through your tights. The thin material felt unusual but alluring against his hands and eventually his nails started to fray the nylon. 
   “Just take them off already,” you snapped, breaking away from the kiss when you realized what Yuta was doing and that this was your last pair of black tights. 
   “You look good in them,” Yuta hummed against your neck, licking and kissing below your ear until you were twitching with need. 
   As soon as he began lifting the edge of his sweater, you slithered out of your clothes while Yuta did the same. You positioned your legs for missionary position but Yuta nudged your hip to indicate his desire for you to flip over. 
   “Fine,” you grumbled.
 You already knew your thighs would give out in a few minutes but you let your body be maneuvered to his liking. He pulled your hips up so you were on your hands and knees and pushed his cock in your pussy.
   “Ummph,” you moaned in satisfaction.
 Yuta pushed your wobbling knees further apart to compensate for his girth, causing you to fall onto your forearms. 
   You pushed your hips back in time with Yuta’s swift thrusts. Yuta closed his eyes and tensed his muscles, completely surrendering himself to pleasure. The syrupy sounds of his dick slipping in and out of you echoed in your small room. 
   Although your stamina was quickly depleting, Yuta’s unyielding grip on your hips forced you to continue your movements. Impatient with your decelerating speed, he eventually just held your ass in place to maximize his pace, his balls slapping against your ass with every stroke.
   “You gonna make me do all the work?” Yuta breathed in your ear, pulling your torso up so he could grip your boobs properly. You shivered slightly, impossibly more aroused by the feeling of Yuta’s hardened chest against your back.
   “If you don’t plan on cumming while I’m in control don’t ask for me to take over,” you warned, getting your shit together to not stutter. 
   “Can you make me come?” Yuta challenged, purposefully fingering your clit while continuing to hit you from the back. You rolled your eyes.
   “Please. I could make you cum in three minutes tops. You won’t be getting any pretty little moans out of me.” 
   Yuta groaned and shoved you away. Propping himself on your pillows, he gestured towards his erect dick, still moist from your juices. 
   “Sit. Impress me,” Yuta instructed. 
   Eye contact was not the move for tonight. His look infiltrated you further than his dick could, you felt psychologically naked under it. 
   So you sat facing away from him, with your legs folded on either side of his legs. You nimbly gyrated down on his cock, clapping your cheeks together whenever your thighs needed respite. Yuta reached out to grope your quivering ass but you would stop completely to slap his hands away. 
   “Fuck,” Yuta moaned, unconsciously rolling his hips up to try to cram himself impossibly deeper. You were not gonna lie, this boy’s dick was stretching you and you had been aching from the beginning but that didn’t matter. You both needed a release and sore thighs weren’t going to stop you.
   “Let me be on top,” Yuta growled after you slapped his hands away again.
   “Dignity dented? It’s only been a minute,” you huffed out, just barely closing your mouth in time before a moan could escape.
   “Kinda hard to pull out if you’re on top of me,” Yuta said in a pleading tone. You could tell he was close. 
   “I’m on birth control,” you panted.
 Your abdomen was completely tightened, the coil in your stomach beginning to unravel. You blinked rapidly to bat the sweat from your eyes, you were starting to get dizzy from the intense fucking.
   “I want to look at you when I come,” Yuta begged.
 He surprised himself with his honesty. This whole time, you two had been avoiding each other’s eyes but now that the climax was drawing near, and your encounter was coming to a close, he wanted to see your face. You slowed down your hips, contemplating whether you should just let him cum down your throat or turn around. 
   Screw it. You thought and maneuvered your body so you were straddling him properly. You looked down at him, slightly transfixed by his impressive body. It was the first time you two looked at each other naked. 
   Your hair had fallen out of the ponytail long ago, it circled your flushed face in a way that made you look more captivating to Yuta. He held back the urge to cup your cheeks. 
   You lowered your body onto his and moved your hips sensuously around Yuta’s dick. You didn’t feel like fucking anymore, you just wanted tender sex to try to elongate this as much as possible. You didn’t want to admit this was a one-night stand and soon he would be gone. 
   Yuta seemed to understand your thoughts and caressed your body as if you were worth something to him. Even though you both had slowed dramatically, your bodies were ready for relief.
   “What if I want to hear your pretty moans,” Yuta whispered, effortlessly flipping you below him. His brown eyes were a pool you were drowning in. You weakly smiled and gave in to his request, allowing your low moans to spill from your lips, but not before you closed your eyes. In return, he whined into your collarbone, licking everything he touched. 
   His simple grinding had been enough for you both to reach your limits. Before coming, Yuta couldn’t resist one last kiss, this one much rawer than the first. But instead of relief he just felt lonely all over again. Now that it was over, now what? 
   “I guess you have to go now,” you said, heartache written all over your face. How was it possible that you got so attached to this guy you had just met an hour ago? 
   Yuta fished his phone out of his jeans pocket and groaned looking at all the missed calls and texts. They were flying out early in the morning for their next tour stop and the managers and members were flipping their shit trying to contact him. But when he looked back at you with an expression that mirrored his feelings, he knew he couldn’t leave without being honest for once.
   “I haven’t been this happy in a long time,” Yuta revealed hesitantly. “I-I want – no – need to see you again.” 
    You licked your lips, deliberating his words. He seemed genuine. You traced his flushed lips with your pointer finger, trying to memorize the sensation. 
   “I’m an open book,” you smiled widely. “Read me whenever you want.”
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thran-duils · 3 years
Dubious Representation (P.2)
Title: Dubious Representation (Part Two) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Hank Palmer. Reader’s husband is facing jail time and although Hank Palmer entered the counsel for pro bono, he is still going to get a form of payment. Recently single, he’s been lonely and he’s looking for some comfort. Even if it means obtaining it from less than savory means. Words: 2,401 Warnings (for entire fic): Eventual smut, sexual coercion, infidelity, mention of past domestic violence, verbal abuse Author’s Note: Decided on three parts!
Part One || Part Three || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
You walked into the office, alone, his secretary, Sarah, closing the door behind you. You stood by the door, not taking a seat or moving towards the desk.
“You’re early,” Hank commented, typing on his laptop, eyes focused there.
“I always give myself at least a fifteen-minute buffer,” you told him. “Seemed to not be a problem since you called me in anyway.”
He smirked briefly as he continued to type.
After a minute, he clicked a couple times before shooting you a look, “You gonna just stand there? Sit down, please.” You started moving to the chair and he tsked, “No, come here.”
You slowly placed your purse on the chair and moved around his desk. He scooted his chair back and leaned back in the chair, tapping his lap. Keeping a neutral face, you turned around and sat lightly, not putting all your weight on him.
“You doing a wall sit? Your legs are gonna be shaking in no time. Come on, make yourself comfortable.” You closed your eyes, taking a small breath. You had signed up for this. You scooted to do what he asked, and he breathed deeply as you settled on his lap. “Nice yoga pants by the way.”
“I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. It seems to be your only tone.”
Hank chuckled, “Oh, I’m more than serious. You can’t feel that?”
You could and that is why you wanted to move. He was already poking you in the ass through his slacks.
“Couldn’t miss it.”
“You trying to flatter me? Well, it’s working.” His hand came to rest on your thigh, and he tapped. “Read that document on the computer. It’s what you both told me last about the incident and I wanna know if it’s complete.”
Leaning forward you focused on the screen and tried to not think of Hank admiring the curve of your ass as you leaned forward. You would be lying to yourself if you said you were not getting hot with what was happening.
You scanned the document as quickly as you could and nodded. “It’s fine.”
“‘Fine’. That’s not encouraging.”
“That’s how I remember it.”
“That’s better, sweetheart.”
His hands were running up and down your thighs, fingers gentle and tantalizing. You looked over your shoulder at him and he grinned in response.
“I think we can sway the jury to see it as self-defense, get that charge dropped. You’ll need to look like a little doe though sitting behind him, garner sympathy with that pretty face of yours. Protective husband just making sure his wife didn’t get hurt or worse. Emphasize the worst, put that in their head what could have happened. It would justify him putting a knife up to the guy’s neck.”
You stood quickly, the memory flooding back.
Hank followed your movement and he said gently, “Hey.” He turned you to face him and he rubbed your arms. “Sorry, we’ll stop talking about it. It’s good. We got it. Let’s talk about you. How ravishing you look. You’re stunning, doll.”
He followed your gaze until he provoked you to meet his and he came in for a slow kiss. You were stiff at first, still thinking of that man that had tried to assault you and how enraged Rich had become. He had almost killed the guy if people had not pulled him off.
Hank’s lips were soft, but his kiss grew in intensity. He had you pressed up against the desk and encouraged you to sit up on it. Your legs wrapped around his, one hand holding the back of his neck. You arched your back, pressing towards him when he captured your mouth again. You melted into his embrace, there was nothing overtly malicious about it. It was comforting even.
He groaned lightly, his lips trailing across your jawline, tucking into the nape of your neck. His grips were tight and desperate as he searched your body, his mouth devouring at your shoulder. He was relishing in just having you to touch.
Hank pulled away flushed, his lips darker and swollen. He came back for another deep kiss, and you met him in his fervor. His tongue slipped past your lips, and you swirled yours, much to his pleasure.
“God, you’re divine,” he breathed pulling away again.
“Flattering me?” you asked, turning his own quip back on him. “It’s working.”
He simpered going for your top. He freed you from it and dipped down nipping at the tops of your breast poking out from your bra. His hands worked at the clasp at your back, and he tore the bra off as well.
You took the opportunity to stop him, his lustful gaze confused at your hand on his chest, holding him suddenly.
“You’re clean, right?”
“I was about to ask you the same thing. I came prepared.” He held up a condom he pulled out of his pocket.
“You didn’t answer me.”
“I’m clean. You?”
“Yes. I’m only sleeping with Rich.”
“That’s sweet of you,” Hank said curtly before he ordered, “Over the desk, legs spread. I wanna see you stretch around me.”
You felt heat in your core at his dominant behavior. Rich was only like that when he was drunk but he could also get violent when he was drunk. It was rarely worth the risk.
Slipping off the desk, you rubbed against him considering he barely gave you any room. Hooking your fingers into your waist band, you began to tug your pants down, but he said, “Ah, ah. I’ll do the honors. Just do what I told you.”
Your stomach met the desk and you spread your legs like he asked. His hands ran up your thighs and across your ass, admiring. He squeezed and prodded, one hand slipping between your legs to run up your pussy. You shivered, your hands clenching at the contact. He hummed in approval as he yanked your bottoms down past your knees, them falling the rest of the way to your ankles.
“Isn’t that a lovely sight?” He purred, squeezing at your ass. He let out a small growl, lying a light smack.
You heard him rip the condom open and you gripped at the desk, your breathing beginning to quicken with the anticipation.
“Nervous, doll?”
“No,” you breathed.
Hank praised, “Good girl.”
His cock pressed in, and you bit your lip, holding back a moan. His hand came to the back of your neck as he entered further, and you took him inch by inch.
Setting a steady pace, he started using you, muttering praise under his breath that you only caught snippets of. Your fingers dug into the desk as your hips began to rut as his speed increased. He groaned holding your hips tight, bruising thrusts against your ass as he pounded into you, the desk shaking. You feared Sarah would hear, even though she was further down the hall.
He brushed your core and you moaned sharply giving yourself away. He slowed, drawing himself out and in painfully slow, brushing your spot. You whimpered with each contact.
“There you are,” Hank said with a throaty chuckle.
He increased his thrusts again, making sure to pay special attention to you, panting as his cock drew in and out. You arched your back as you buried your head, pathetic moans falling from your lips. You were trying to bury them into his desk. One hand came to your back, pressing down as his breathing became erratic, forcing you flat again.
“Come on, doll. Come for me. Don’t worry about Sarah. She won’t bother us. Come all over my cock. Show your appreciation.”
You released with a sharp cry, your hands flat against the desk tautly. Hank groaned obscenely feeling your walls constrict and he increased his thrusts before he came in rasping breaths, shaking against you.
Hank pulled away, taking the condom off, and carelessly tossing it into the trash by his desk. He wiped at his face and said, “Shit. Made me work up a sweat. Can’t wait for the next round though.”
Your phone buzzed beside you on the blanket, and you reached over blindly, grabbing it. Pushing your sunglasses up, you looked at the text. It was Hank.
Where are you?
Grant Park. Why?
Just a little bit hungry.
What was he getting at? Was he asking you out on a date…? You had not seen him since Friday; it was Wednesday now. Your stomach clenched at the thought. How would that look if anyone you knew happened to spot you? Still, you texted him back. Maybe he meant just a drive thru and not out in the open.
Do you want to get lunch?
I thought you’d never ask. Meet me at the south entrance. Grey Ferrari convertible.
He drove recklessly and the wind whipped around you. He stopped up against the curb at a sandwich place and ushered you inside to order a sandwich to go. Small blessings you would not have to sit at a table and wonder if someone you knew walked by and would tell Rich you were having lunch with another man, even if it was his attorney.
Hank took you to the marina and led you to a boat. His boat, he explained, and it was a sunny day so why not enjoy it on the deck? There was a table with a cushioned wrap around couch that you sat at.
You barely got two bites in before he was on you and you gasped quickly when he got to his knees, spreading your legs apart, shoving your dress up.
“Hank, what are you doing?” You hissed.
“I thought you offered me lunch,” he stated bluntly.
“We are in public—"
“Exciting isn’t it?”
“Can’t we go… inside? You said there was a bedroom downstairs—” you suddenly squeaked as he nipped at the inside of your thigh near your pussy.
His fingers slipped past your underwear, and you could not hide from him anymore. A wicked grin came across his face, his fingers sliding in your wetness.
“Looks like you are ready to serve,” he purred. His fingers left you and he brought them up to his lips, sucking on them. “Sweet. Just like I like it.”
You looked over your shoulder nervously trying to see if there were any people on the dock nearby or any of the boats. You did not spot anyone, but you did not have long to look because Hank drew you back by tugging roughly at your underwear, pulling them off and tossing them onto the table.
“Hook your leg over my shoulder,” he told you, his breath hot on your sex.
You obeyed and he was lecherous and starving in the way he dove in. Your hands braced against the cushions, gasping gently. He sucked and licked, devouring the taste of you.
“Good thing I’m not a huge fan of these slacks cause this deck hasn’t been cleaned in a week,” he joked, laying small kisses up and down your pussy before he was back at it, determined to make you come into his skilled mouth.
Washing his hands at the sink, Hank saw Warren, the DA lawyer for Rich’s case, walk in. Warner actually smirked seeing Hank, stopping his stride to the urinal.
“Funny you took this case on…” Warner told him.
“Why’s that?” Hank asked, adjusting his tie in the mirror.
“I mean. I have never seen you take a case that can be so easily lost. You’re always just win… win… win.”
“Stop fucking around and just say what you wanna say,” Hank said impatiently, turning to face him.
Warner cocked his head and asked, “It is plain as day the way the jury is going to swing about this aggravated assault. Considering his past abuses against women.”
Hank did not let his face betray him, but he was tense at the information.
All he said was, “We will see about it.”
With that, he turned on his heel and walked out of the bathroom, immediately whipping out his phone.
“Get your ass over here!” Hank snarled at Rich, pulling him away from a startled Y/N. He pulled him into an empty room and shoved him up against the wall roughly.
“What the fuck is your—" Rich started to snap.
“You didn’t tell me you were a fucking abuser!” Hank snarled at him, getting in his face. “You’ve been booked for domestic violence not once but twice! Was it her? Y/N?”
Rich only looked caught off guard for a moment.
“It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have anything to do with—" Rich tried to argue, ignoring his question.
And Hank almost lost it completely, the veins in his temples taut with his ferociousness.
“It has everything to do with this! My job is to cast doubt on the assault charges! Show it was self-defense! The DA is gonna have — actually I know they have this information about you slapping your wife around. How do you think that’s gonna bode on the jury’s opinion?”
He took a step back, running his hand over his hair, tugging. He swore under his breath, trying to calm himself down to no avail.
“You’re... you fucked me! Hung me out to dry!” Hank snarled. He got close again, hand on his hip, pointing a finger threateningly at Rich. “We are gonna lose this appeal! Because you weren’t honest! And you set us up for failure but being a raging piece of shit! You’re going to prison for a long time!” He scoffed. “You didn’t ‘wanna leave your wife’. Give me a fucking break! It sounds like that would be the best thing for her! And that’s what the jury is gonna think too!”
“It’s a litigation now and I would need to ask for permission to leave! And you know what? I actually like your wife. She’s not a dickhead like you. And I told her to her face I would do my best. So that’s what I’m gonna do.” He shook his head furiously again and snarled, “Rookie goddamn mistake on my part for trusting you were going to tell me everything straight up. Rookie mistake!”
He shot Rich a murderous look and said, “You better kiss your fucking wife goodbye, Richard. Because you are going to go away for probably at least a decade!”
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney
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velvetthunder1999 · 4 years
All the time on Earth
Part 33 - One Last Kiss
Summary: The Battle of Hogwarts
Warnings: PAIN. (I cried writing this, so brace yourselves. I’m not kidding)
Word count: 4.6K
George Weasley x Reader
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It all happened so fast.
April had been the time of your life - if you can say that during a war - and it could not even be compared to the previous eight months that you had spent at Shell Cottage. You had celebrated the twins’ birthday, then Lupin had come to announce the news about his newborn son. The whole month had been as though there was no war outside; you had lived in your own bubble, accompanied by George and the Weasleys and you could not had been happier.
It all happened so fast.
May had arrived, and with it the radio was shouting the news about Harry Potter who had broken into Gringotts with two of his accomplices, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Mrs Weasley had been so nervous she broke two plates during cooking; Mr Weasley had been carefully listening to the radio the whole day, waiting for any information that would reassure him that his son was all right.
Then the news came. New weather report: Lightning has struck.
It was almost as if you had been waiting for this for years now, and it was finally happening. All the Weasleys got ready, apparated to Aberforth’s place, met up with Lupin, Tonks, Kingsley and the rest of the Order. After you made your way through the tunnel and reached the Room, there was no turning back.
It all happened so fast.
And now you were marching down the stairs towards the Great Hall, and your heart was aching by the sight of the familiar corridors and hallways. You remembered those times, those lovely, peaceful times when you had been a student and you had had nothing to worry about but your exams. Those beautiful afternoons by the lake, those calm nights in the common room. And then here you were, wand in hand, ready to fight for your friends, for your loved ones, but most importantly for yourself. Because you knew that this was it.
Yes, it happened so fast.
But you had been waiting for a long time.
“Are you okay?” asked George hastily as you made your last turn down the staircase, following Kingsley.
“I’m ready,” you said and you knew he understood.
You reached the Entrance Hall and Kingsley turned to you. His low voice resonated through the room.
“I put all my faith in the best thing. You.”
Then he pushed open the huge wooden doors.
You followed him inside, taking in the scene, Harry shouting in the middle, Snape staring at him from across the hall. All around them the whole school was watching.
“How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!”
Snape drew his wand, but McGonagall immediately stepped in, pushing Harry aside. You felt a hand on your arm, pulling you further away from the duelling pair. Then McGonagall won; Snape gave up and flee through the window.
“Coward!” her voice was muffled by the loud cheers of students. “Coward!”
Then a sharp pain, worse than you had ever had struck through your head and you stumbled.
“Y/N!” Fred got ahold of you, helping you stay standing. “Are you…”
Someone screamed but it felt like it was coming from inside your head. You couldn’t bare it, you wanted it to stop, you couldn’t breathe… Then an ice-cold voice spoke, a voice that you had never heard before but it made you feel more afraid, more desperate than anything in this world.
“I know that many of you will want to fight… Some of you may even think that to fight is wise… But this is folly… Give me Harry Potter… Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour.”
Your hand was shaking as you brushed your hair out of your face. What were you doing? What were you doing?! Your eyes met with George’s and suddenly you were not ready… Suddenly you didn’t want this… You wanted to go back to safety, back to Muriel’s and stay there for the rest of your life.
“What are you waiting for?” Pansy Parkinson’s voice dragged you back to reality. She was pointing at Harry. “Someone grab him!”
Somehow anger took over your fear and your mouth dropped, outraged. You were not the only one; within seconds thirty or so people joined Harry, shielding him from Slytherins.
“Students out of bed!” Filch’s voice made you jump. “Students out of bed!”
“They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot!” snarled McGonagall. “And Mr Filch, I would like you, please, to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin House from the hall. The dungeons would do.”
Cheers erupted as Filch started to lead the students. Kingsley hurried towards, giving out orders and requesting people to take positions.
“… need somebody to organise defence of the entrances of the passageways into the school.”
“Sounds like a job for us,” said Fred at once and you agreed. Kingsley approved and waved you away.
“Good. Hurry up, you heard him. We don’t have much time till midnight.”
You turned away, heading for the marble staircase in the Entrance Hall. Around you people were running up and down, pushing each other, calling for lost friends and siblings.
“I’ll take the tunnel that leads to Honeydukes,” called Fred, shouting over the huddling students.
“All right,” said George, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. “Take a few people with you. I”ll take the one on the sixth floor, you know behind that ugly statue that looks like…”
“Snape, yeah, by the size of his nose,” grinned Fred. George chuckled, then his face darkened and he turned to you in realization.
“Stay with me.”
Your eyes fell on his missing ear, and you remembered how you felt that night, thinking the unthinkable, fearing the impossible… Yes, you wanted to follow him, you wanted to go where he was going, you wanted to make sure that he was all right, because… because you were scared, more scared than ever before, and you couldn’t bare even the thought of loosing him…
“No,” you said finally, going against your heart’s desire. “No, I’ll go up to the fifth. I always used that one when I wanted to get down to Hogsmeade.”
“No, Y/N,” George started. You cut him off, hoping that your voice was more stern than how you actually felt.
“We need to cover a lot of ground,” you said. “They might be coming from all over the place, we can’t risk it…”
“She’s right,” said Fred, answering George’s ask for help. He looked into his brother’s eyes, his voice confident. “Come on… She’s gonna be okay.”
“I’m gonna be okay,” you said, too. George seemed to be in anguish. He looked like he was fighting for air, looking at you and Fred in turns. Then he seemed to make a decision against his better judgement.
“Fuck! Come here,” he pulled you to him, kissing you with everything he had, not letting you go for at least a minute. When he did, he nodded. “Okay. Go then.”
“Okay,” you said, too. “Okay. George, I love —”
“No!” he said sharply. “I don’t wanna hear it!”
You cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look into your eyes. You knew he was scared to say goodbyes but you wanted to do it anyway… just in case.
“I love you,” you spoke loud and clearly. Then you let him go and turned to Fred. “And I love you, too.”
He opened his arms and hugged you, and you hugged him, too, until both of you felt that you couldn’t stretch out the moment any longer, because your time was up and all three of you needed to be somewhere else, someplace where the others could not follow.
“See you later, okay?” Fred said, giving you one last kiss on your cheek. “Now get out of here.”
You nodded, then looked behind you, where a bunch of people stood, waiting.
“Anyone who’s here to defend the entrances, choose groups!” you shouted. “I need two people.”
The Patil twins were the first ones to step forward. You indicated towards the stairs.
“All right. Let’s go!”
You left the others behind, running, with Parvati and Padma following you, your heart beating in your throat. You tried not to think about George, not to think about Fred, because right now you needed to focus, you needed to get ready to fight. You made your way through a couple of first year boys and looked at your watch. It was ten minutes until midnight.
The further you got from the Entrance Hall, the fewer people you met. Everyone was clearly spreading out in the castle, making sure that every corner was well defended. After you left the fourth floor, there was no one besides the three of you, and you could only hear muffled buzzing from the other parts of the building. You ran up on the last staircase leading to the fifth floor, and then you saw it, the old carpet under which lay the loose floorboard that led out of the castle. You stopped, wand in your hand.
“This is it,” you said, turning to the other two. Padma stepped to the window, her face nervous.
“I can see them,” she said. “Over the hill, I…”
“Let’s just cast some spells over the entrance,” you said quickly, deciding that you didn’t want to see the army outside. “Come, help me.”
You pulled aside the carpet, revealing the wooden planks amongst the stone tiles. You glanced at your watch every second, more anxious by the minute. You placed detective spells over the tunnel that would tell you immediately if someone was coming. Parvati and Padma got several tables from a nearby classroom and built a mediocre barricade from them. You stood behind it, your ears sharp, your hands shaking, your eyes fixed on the entrance in nervous anticipation.
Then there was a loud bang and lights like a thousand firework hit the shield over the castle. You didn’t need to look at your watch anymore. It was midnight.
It went on for several minutes, and with each blow you thought that that was it, the defence crumbled, you were going to get hit and killed… but the castle was holding on, and the whole school seemed to fall into silence, waiting.
“Maybe we’re holding on,” whispered Parvati. “Maybe —”
But then a blow, louder and stronger than any of the previous ones made the whole castle shake, and you stumbled, grabbing the leg of a table, and the floor was shaking, and the walls were trembling and you heard people screaming from all around the castle, and you saw the last pieces of the protective dome over Hogwarts falling onto the ground. Black stripes of smoke were heading in your direction. You raised your wand, people’s distant screams still echoing in your ear, and you feared that you were going to faint and suddenly your mind was empty and you couldn’t remember a single spell to use…
“Impedimenta!” screamed Padma and the first Death Eater fell backwards and out of the window. But there was more, three, seven, fifteen were coming…
A green light hit your barricade of tables and all three of you fell onto the floor, your hands over your head, someone screaming. You heard footsteps coming, and suddenly you were awake, adrenaline pumping through you and you jumped to your feet and stunned an approaching hooded man. Parvati appeared next to you, sending a Body-Bind Curse towards another man. She missed, but the Death Eater was forced to find cover from Padma’s curse. You heard yells and a painful moan, and you used the opportunity to peak from behind the remains of your shelter.
You saw Death Eaters running down the stairs on the other side of the hallway, but there was four that remained there to fight. One of them was dragging his stunned mate on the floor, so you stunned him as well.
“Let’s make the little rats come out of the hole!” you heard one of the man roar and then you were flying backwards, hitting the ground hard and you heard a crack but did not feel pain, for there was no time to feel pain. You stood up, seeing the approaching Death Eater and screamed ‘Stupefy!’ but he blocked it, his face stuck in an evil smile. You could not see either Parvati or Padma but from the corner of your eyes you saw lights in all different colors hitting each other and you heard shouts and cries from all over the place.
“Stupefy!” you screamed again, but missed. “Impedimenta!”
You hit a column and it crumbled, burying the man under itself. Dust and smoke reached your throat, choking you on the spot, and you fell onto your knees, desperately trying to breathe. You looked up, your stomach sick and you saw fire, fire you had no idea where it came from, eating up the hallway, burning the carpit and the paintings on the wall.
Water burst out of your wand and somehow you managed to stand up, fresh air releasing the knot in your lungs and you looked aside and saw that half of the hallway was blown open, its walls ruined, a huge opening providing a view to the grounds outside. And you saw in the distance people running, screaming, red, purple, orange, green lights flickering; you looked around and you didn’t see either Padma or Parvati but you saw a bunch of new faces and you realized that the fight had reached you. You glanced towards the secret passageway and it was torn open, several hooded figures were climbing out of it, and you ran, as fast as you had never run before.
“Impedimenta!” you shouted and you hit a crouching woman into the face. The man following her growled and sent a green light at you that missed your head by inches.
“Come on, you little prat, dance for me!” he screeched, casting a spell that you jumped away from. “You don’t like that, do you? Crucio!”
Air got stuck in your lungs and you felt pain that could not be compared to anything you had ever experienced… and you screamed in agony, and you wished it was over, you wished everything was over and you wriggled on the floor, desperate for death, hoping that it would come because you were sure even death was better than this pain.
“NO!” you heard a cry and the pain stopped but you couldn’t move. “Are you okay?”
You felt a hand on your shoulder and looking up you saw Cho, her hair messed up, her face black from the dust. You nodded, your legs shaking as you stood up, and your hand flew over your ribs in pain, remembering that some of your bones might had been broken. Around you the scene had changed within those few minutes you spent fighting; you could barely make difference between friends and enemies in the chaos.
“Come!” said Cho, pulling you away from the entrance of the passageway, then turning around and shouting, “Reducto!”
The floor beneath you shook and you saw the passageway falling in, blown up, sealing the entrance so that no living thing could come through it again. You stood, panting, holding onto that thin stick in your hand, and you were not thinking anymore, you were only acting, and you made a run for it, squeaking with every breath you took, but fighting, sending curses at every hooded figure you saw, loosing track of time, but holding on, because there was no other way to end this than to fight.
A high pitched whisper echoed in the castle, and you grabbed your head again, wincing at the sound that felt like it was coming from inside your skull.
“You have fought valiantly but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, now I speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me.”
The voice stopped and you looked around; you stood facing Death Eaters by the dozen. They stood staring, some of them bleeding, some of them grimacing wickedly. Then, almost as if they were one entity, they burst into black stripes of smoke again, fleeing the castle.
The silence was deafening. After the explosions and screams everything seemed sinister, and now, that the adrenaline was leaving your body could you really focus on your fears again. You wondered…
“Help! Someone… Help me!”
You turned your head and saw a Ravenclaw boy lifting a body from the ground. You stumbled to him, stepping over fallen pieces of stones and rocks, and looked at the body, scared to recognise anyone familiar.
“Help!” pleaded the boy again, tears cleaning the dust off his face. “Please.”
You grabbed the leg of the girl he was holding and together you lifted her up. You felt numb. You didn’t want to think about the fact that the person in your hands was not a person anymore.
“We take everyone in the Great Hall,” you heard someone speak. “This way, come on.”
It seemed like hours had passed by the time the Entrance Hall finally came into sight. On your way down more and more people joined you, some carrying bodies, some limping, some holding a wound that was still bleeding. You kept looking around, forcing yourself not to cry, not to panic just yet. There were still a lot of people coming.
You reached the Great Hall and layed the body of the girl next to the wall, beside many many more. Your throat closed by the sight of the many lying on the floor, not moving, still. You took sudden gulps of air. You were panicking now.
You walked on, desperately looking, but there were so many people that you couldn’t see a thing. But then you saw a family, a family with ginger hair huddled together and you started walking as fast as your broken ribs let you.
“George!” you screeched. “George!”
He raised his head in anguish, but as he saw you he left everyone behind and ran, literally crashing against your body, sobbing, and you soothed his hair and whispered:
“It’s okay… I’m —”
You fell silent, seeing the pair of legs on the floor. You stood there, your mind not able to process what you were seeing. You let go of George, getting closer, and now you recognised the sneakers on those feet.
No. No, no, no, no, no. No.
Ginny stepped aside and your eyes fell on Fred, his face still and pale. Your mouth fell open, wether to moan or to scream you didn’t know. You felt a hand on your shoulder, had no idea who it was. You were staring at the lifeless body, and you stumbled over and fell onto your knees next to him, your sight blurry. Someone screamed, or maybe it was you, then you reached for his hand and it was cold, and a cry of agony escaped your lips as you started sobbing, shaking your head in denial, unable to speak. Pain was shattering your insides, it was torturing your soul and you wanted it to end, and you didn’t want to look at him anymore but you were still unable to turn your head away.
George came into view on the other side of him, and you had never seen his face so ugly, so deformed, in so much pain. His eyes met yours and you saw your own pain in them, the pain that was eating both of you up like a desease… you held out your other hand to him, and he grasped it desperately, and now you were holding one warm and one ice-cold hand…
You wanted to believe that it was not true. You were barely able to see from your tears. His eyes were closed, his lips curled even in his sleep, almost as if they resembled the great jokester he was. You let go of his hand but only to touch his cheek, gently, lovingly, then you leaned closer, saying your goodbyes with one last trembling kiss.
His cold skin burned your lips and you were not in control of yourself anymore. Still grasping George’s hand, you lay your head onto Fred’s chest, and you realized with great torment that his heart was not beating. You stayed there, listening to the silence, closing your eyes and crying, for God knows how long.
Hours had passed as you lay there, drowning in grief. Around you people were sobbing with loud chuckles, but you felt so far away from them; you were up in the Gryffindor common room, laughing about who knows what with the twins, so much younger, so much more innocent, and you didn’t open your eyes because laughing was reality, and blood and death wasn’t, it couldn’t be. It couldn’t be, because that would mean that Fred was gone.
Your eyes hurt from the salt, and you started blinking heavily. Your ribs ached with every breath, and you were sure that Madam Pomfrey could heal you within a minute; but if it meant leaving Fred behind for even a second, then you did not want to be cured. Through the windows you saw the night slowly fading away, and not long after that you heard the crowd around you buzzing.
“It’s him, he’s coming!”
“They’re back, they’re here!”
“Who is he holding?”
“Who is that?”
You raised your head, alarmed, but not quite understanding what was happening. People seemed to look out the windows, their faces in shock and fear.
“What’s happening?” asked Ginny, her voice crooked. You saw Ron and Hermione look at each other.
“It’s him, he’s here!”
With enormous effort you stood up, your nervousness stronger than your grief. Grabbing your wand you joined the crowd swarming outside the Great Hall, stopping between the ruins of the courtyard. Approaching, you saw him, for the first time in your life, You-Know-Who himself.
He was accompanied by his many Death Eaters, his snake, and Hagrid, who seemed to be…
“Who is that Hagrid’s carrying?” asked Ginny. “Neville, who is it?”
Then you heard the screeching sound.
“Harry Potter is dead!”
“No!” screamed Ginny. “NO!”
“Silence! Stupid girl!” he laughed, his servants joining in. “Harry Potter is dead!”
You felt every last drop of hope leaving your body. While You-Know-Who… Voldemort was speaking, you were zoning out, staring at the body in Hagrid’s hand. It didn’t matter anymore. You were a muggleborn. Your faith was sealed. Maybe death would stop this miserable pain…
Then Neville started limping forwards, an ugly old hat in his hand.
“It doesn’t matter Harry’s gone.”
“Stand down, Neville.”
��People die every day! Friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he’s still with us, in here. So’s Fred… Remus… Tonks. All of them. They didn’t die in vain. But you will! Because you’re wrong! Harry’s heart did beat for us! For all of us! This is not over!”
He pulled a long sword out of the hat, his face angry and determined, but your eyes fell on Harry, who jerked himself from Hagrid’s arms, stood up, very much alive and shot a blaze of fire at the snake.
It was as though the whole school came alive, and suddenly you were running, shooting spells at every hooded figure who approached you and you were in the Great Hall again, fighting like never before, with a new kind of aspiration in your heart. You remembered something from the past, McGonagall claiming that there won’t be duelling in the Great Hall while she was a teacher here… Oh, how times had changed, you thought, as you were duelling very much so.
And then he came across you, the man you loathed and feared. He growled, his pointy teeth showing in his bloodstained mouth. Fenrir Greyback licked his lips, and you saw hunger in his eyes.
“Stupefy!” you shouted and he blocked it; then it was his turn and you ducked from the green light. “Impedimenta!”
He blocked the curse again, though stumbling under its force. You got on your feet, your ribs hurting immensely. He shot curses at you and you blocked them, one after the other, though you barely had time to fight back.
“This is it, precious,” he howled. “Oh, I remember you and your friends… what d’you think, they let me have the ginger one after we finish here?”
Fresh, hot rage ignited in you, and finally you reached a point from where there was no coming back.
“Avada Kedavra!”
Your curse hit the werewolf in the middle of his chest and he fell backwards, his face stuck in surprise, hitting the floor with a thud. You spared him one last disgusted look, then joined the others, just in time to hear Mrs Weasley yell:
“Not my daughter you bitch!”
George appeared next to you, pulling you away from his mother. Bellatrix laughed but not for long; she was blown into pieces, ceased to exist.
Voldemort was raging on the other side of the hall, seeing how his most loyal servant was finished. But then there was Harry and the fight stopped, for there was no one else but Voldemort left… and the sun was shining bright now, and you were watching the pair of them, talking about wands and lies, and you didn’t understand a thing, but it didn’t matter…
And then both of them cried out their curses… he fell onto the floor… and it was over.
Loud screaming and cheering broke out in the Great Hall and you were caught up in the hundreds embracing Harry, and you turned around, your eyes meeting George’s and he was dirty, puffy eyed, one-eared, and you jumped into his arms and kissed him, because it was over, you were free, and from now on you could love whoever you wanted, you could marry whoever you wished and you could continue your life where you had left off…
When the first wave of cheer ended, you pulled George aside, joining up with the Weasleys again. They welcomed you with hugs, laughter and cries, and eventually you settled down onto the benches, not far from where Fred lay. Your mood was switching from happiness to grief, and you were tired, so tired that you wished to sleep for days. You locked eyes with Ginny, her head resting on her mother’s shoulder, and you saw that Mrs Weasley was crying again.
“Do you know…” started Mr Weasley, looking as though he was not sure he wanted to ask the question. His voice was higher than usual. “Do you know who… who was it?”
“Rookwood,” said Ron, his lips trembling. Next to him Hermione was tearing up.
“But you got him, right Perce?” said Mr Weasley, his voice shaking. Percy nodded.
“I’ve never liked him,” he said. His voice cracked. “But now it was personal.”
“D’you mean…” you said hoarsly. “D’you mean Percy-nal?”
You heard George’s tired chuckle next to you and you turned to him. One second of his gaze was enough to see how much agony he was in… and his eyes were so like his brother’s, whose eyes, you knew, would never meet yours again.
And then the both of you started sobbing.
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sombreboy · 4 years
Sounding⇢kth x jjk
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⇢18+ ⇢pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ⇢genre: Smut, fluff, mxm ⇢word count: 2.7k ⇢warnings: profanity | sounding (insertion of tools inside of the urethra, please don't try this without proper research. THIS IS FICTIONAL, I don't know everything and this is purely for horny purposes so don't mind anything being a bit unrealistic, ily) | Kook's praise kink shines through | Kook cums down Tae's throat yum | Tae cums in Koo's little ass double yum
A/N: Serves as an ‘after story’ within the Love Maze series AU, however can also be read on it’s own.
Also big xoxo’s to my lovely @chimoona​ for making the banner. <3
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Taehyung & Jungkook experiment with sounding...
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“So... how the hell do we use this, again?”
Taehyung carefully examined the long, thin rod in his hand--looking at it as if it was a bomb just waiting to explode. He’s read about the potential injuries and trauma it could bring, not to mention the high risk of infection.. Despite everything, though, the excitement surpassed his fear of hurting Jungkook. Taehyung knew himself, he’d be extra careful— Kook could trust him.. sorta. “Shit, should we watch that video again?” Tae wasn’t too convinced. “I know it goes inside your dick but I don’t wanna hurt you. What if I push down too hard and it makes you bleed or something..?" He was petrified, he’d finally admitted that his confidence was only an illusion, no more, no less. “Fuck, can you die from this?”
"Don't worry too much." Jungkook chuckled as he got undressed, crawling up on the bed to rest his back against the headboard. Honestly, he was just as nervous, and Taehyung's worries didn't really soothe his own. But the elder didn't need to know that. "We just have to be careful, okay? Here, let me try..." Kook reached for the tool, examining it in his hand before his gaze travels down to his dick. It really shouldn't be that hard, right? "I'll start and... get a feel." Jungkook used his free hand to lightly stroke himself to a half erection, thumb spreading the light bead of precum seeping out of his tip. He was excited. He grabbed the bottle of lube next to him, squirting some on his tip and on the small rod, spreading it to make sure it was properly slick before gently prodding his hole. His eyebrows were drawn together in utter focus, lips lightly parting in a quiet huff when he pushed it in a little further.
Taehyung’s eyes were determinedly focused on the real-life projection in front of him, reassuringly smoothing his hand over Jungkook’s tense thigh whilst he watched, wetting his lips. “You okay, baby?” The elder’s voice was low, raspy. Now that he noticed part of the thin rod gradually descending into his boyfriend’s delicate cock, Taehyung felt his own erection twitch-- and he didn’t know if it was due to imaginable pain or pleasure. “Fuck.. you’re doing so good, baby.” His hand hesitantly rested above Jungkook’s, adding a bit of extra pressure, keeping his gaze glued onto Kook’s face for any sign of major discomfort. The other hand was attached to his needy dick, jerking himself off slowly to the new sight of the younger, showering himself in the quiet groans that escaped past Jungkook’s lips. “So good, that’s my boy..”
''Yeah, it's..'' A quiet moan slipped past Kook's lips at the added pressure, feeling the small rod carefully stretch his urethra. The feeling was... odd, new. A little uncomfortable, but not unpleasant. ''It's not bad..'' Jungkook shudders slightly under the praise, visibly relaxing his muscles with the help of his boyfriends soothing, warm hand. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander to Taehyung, watching him touch himself-- only causing the younger's cock to harden further, tightening around the small tool inside of it. ''Ah, god.... '' Jungkook bit his lower lip, pushing it inside further until it's practically all the way down, stopping before it would poke anything at the other end inside. He let it sit still, adjusting to the foreign feeling, cock clenching around it as it twitched in his grip. The hand holding his length instinctively stroked his velvety skin, his tight eyebrows loosening immediately at the sensation of both ends of his flesh. ''It's getting good...'' Jungkook carefully moved the rod back up, only to insert it again, this time a bit faster. ''Shit..'' He looked at Taehyung as he kept moving the tool, slowly, in and out of his lightly stretched hole. ''Getting really good...Please, want you to use it on me.''
“Fuck, okay..” Aside from the obvious, Taehyung was also really fucking excited. The discordant sounds Jungkook spilled had him on edge, and if it wasn’t for the much-needed distraction, Tae would’ve come right then and there. His boyfriend appeared to be in a state of bliss, and the elder wanted to contribute; he wanted to be the one who made Jungkook squirm— not some metal rod alone.. Taehyung’s fingers held on to the circular top, ensuring he had a tight grip on the slender object before gently driving it inwards, slowly getting swallowed by Jungkook’s cock. Precum accumulated at the younger’s tip, and Kook’s dick was as hard as a rock; it was the hardest he'd ever seen it.. The sight alone fascinated Tae, and he found himself loosening up. “You’re taking it in so well, pretty. Fuck you’re gorgeous.” Taking a small leap, Taehyung pushed it in deeper, and deeper until he couldn’t go any further. The elder wiggled it ever so slightly, searching for any change of expression in Jungkook’s slack face. “Does it— does it hurt? Tell me if it hurts.” His concerned gaze lingered, even when Taehyung practically fucked the metal piece in and out of Kook’s urethra-- carefully. He wasn’t as nervous as before for his coming turn, seeing how much Jungkook enjoyed it definitely eased his initial fears.
"Oh! Wha...." Jungkook couldn't even finish his sentence before Taehyung had wiggled the tool inside of him, reaching just deep enough to brush against his prostate from a completely new angle. It drew an entirely new sound to slip through the younger lips, one of complete satisfaction mixed with shock. "Doesn't hurt, keep going." Kook kept slowly stroking himself to add to the pleasure with one hand while the other held his length still, throwing his neck back against the headboard. "Please, please, keep going, haa..." he whined with his doe eyes still fixed on the elders intense stare back, being watched so closely only adding to Kook's pleasure.
Taehyung listened. It made no difference if he was on the giving or receiving end of things, Tae always listened-- he wanted to please Jungkook, and who else knew the way to the latter’s body better than its owner? “Goddamn, you needy little thing..” The elder thrusted the metal rod harder into Kook’s cock, repeatedly prodding at his prostate- loving the way Jungkook’s face twisted from pleasure and pleasure alone. “My needy little thing..” Stepping out of his comfort zone, Taehyung unwaveringly screwed the thin object tighter into Jungkook, calloused knuckles pressed onto the younger’s tip. “You like that? Tell me how much you like it.” "Oh, f-fuck..!" Jungkook's eyes fluttered shut, mouth hanging open as heavy, hot huffs of breaths escaped his lips. "I like it, I love it, Tae... hitting just the spot-- ah.." He couldn't describe the feeling entirely, but he was sure that he felt the little rod prod at his prostate and building up his climax. However, he wouldn't be able to cum unless the elder pulled the rod out of him...  Subconsciously the younger hips started to rut upwards, eyebrows drawn together once more as he focuses on the building heat in his lower stomach. "Keep going, keep going... I'll want to cum soon, okay? I'll tell you... wanna cum in your mouth."
The elder’s drive was increased by a million when he heard Jungkook’s proposition. Suddenly, his throat was beginning to lose a bit of its natural moisture— his boyfriends cum was sure to fix that.. “I love seeing you like this, so needy ‘n whiny.” Taehyung pulled the rod out almost all the way, only for him to plunge it back down, making sure to hold back on his hand’s strength. The elder didn’t want to hurt him, so for now, his steady pace was deemed enough. “Fuck, you gonna cum soon? Wanna taste you, babe..” He thrusted the slender metal into Jungkook’s about-to-erupt cock over and over again, his other hand gripping onto the younger’s thigh; stabilizing the both of them. His boyfriend looked too delicious, Tae longed to get a taste.
"Y-yeah, oh my g-god..." Jungkooks body trembled just as much as his unsteady voice did, face morphing into an expression displaying pleasure, frustration, and desperation all at once. He was right on the edge, kept there by the fact that the small rod was blocking the path, the constant prodding making his body feel like it was on fire. "I wanna cum, please, let me cum Taehyung-- pull it o-out.." Jungkook whined like a puppy, rutting his hips upwards as he reached out to grab Taehyung's wrist. "in your mouth, baby, swallow it all okay?"
“You wanna cum?” Taehyung mockingly repeated as if he wasn’t about to grant Jungkook the freedom to burst loose— in his mouth, of all places. “Such a good boy, so obedient..” The elder pushed the rod down, making sure it rigorously toyed with his boyfriend’s prostate, wanting him to spill every drop that’d been leading up to this moment. Taehyung craved it. When he saw that Jungkook was about to explode, dick squeezing tight around the thin rod, Tae pulled it out. He wrapped his lips around the tip, closing his eyes whilst he dove in deeper, whines muffled from the fast-paced eruption of cum staining the back of his throat.
"Aaah, fuck yes...!" Jungkook immediately allowed his fingers to twirl into Taes dark curls, tugging him closer to keep him in place as he cums down his throat, body curling forward due to the intensity of his orgasm. "Cummin' so much a-ah.." his voice breaks, hips stuttering as he rides out his high, thigh muscles clenching and unclenching with every pulse of his cock. He finally stills down, gently running his fingers through Taehyung's hair as he loosened his grip. "I swear, that was... intense, shit." He breathed out, eyes admiring the way his boyfriend took his release down his throat. "Bet you're aching to try it too.."
Taehyung withdrew from Jungkook’s cock seconds after, wiping at his slightly swollen lips with the back of his hand. From how much cum his boyfriend emitted, Tae didn’t doubt it was intense.. It had him both eager and anxious. But, the eagerness was starting to overtake his mind-- Jungkook looked like he enjoyed the shit out of it, why wouldn’t he? “Uh, yeah.. shit, just.. ‘m nervous, but I trust you.” Taking a hold of his own dick, it was Taehyung’s turn to lay his back against the bed’s headrest, slouching down comfortably. “Just put it in,” Tae chewed on his lower lip, staring at Jungkook expectantly.
''Don't worry, I'll be careful.'' Jungkook reassured as he got on his knees in front of Taehyung, wiping the metal rod clean before reaching for the lube. He pours a generous amount into his hand, coating the rod and his boyfriend's tip. He wanted to make sure he got just as good of an experience, if not better. ''Just enjoy, baby. It might be a little uncomfortable at first.'' Jungkook spread the lube around the head of Tae's cock before letting his hand hold his length by the shaft. He carefully let the metal tool tease his boyfriends hole, eyes fixed on the latter to keep up with his reactions. So far so good. The younger made the decision to push it in, the lube providing an easy glide. He slowed down as it got tighter, letting Taehyung adjust to the feeling as he slowly stroked Tae's cock. ''Good?''
“O-oh.. shit— woah..” Taehyung winced, gaze set downwards where the cool, slim tool remained still inside of his stiffening cock. It was.. different, but it wasn’t a feeling he didn’t enjoy. “Yeah— yeah, I’m good..” The elder relished in the way his boyfriend’s hand caressed his length, resting his head against the headboard whilst he stared at Jungkook; bracing himself for whatever the younger had in store. “Fuck, I bet you like seeing me like this, don’t you? With practically a stick down my dick.” Taehyung burrowed his face in the palm of his hands, shoulders faintly shaking as he embarrassingly chuckled. Never in a million years did he think he’d be exploring such a thing in the bedroom.. It wasn’t unheard of, to everyone else but him.. “But shit, it feels kinda good..” Tae shakily breathed out, staring at his rock-hard cock in Jungkook’s hand, needy as he bucked up his hips.
"I love seeing you like this baby.." Jungkook assured. Noting how needy his boyfriend was already getting for more, the younger provided exactly that. He slowly moved the tool in and out, pushing deeper every time until he prodded at the prostate in the new angle he'd explored and found himself earlier. "Feels better and better doesn't it? Fuck, your cock looks so pretty..." Kook was in awe at the sight of Tae's reddened tip, the hole stretched perfectly by the cylinder rod. His other hand continues to stroke the thick girth, a little harder- he knew Taehyung was a tad bit more... masochistic. "Right here, this is what made me go insane baby.." Jungkook breathed out his words, feeling his own cock come to life again at the mere memory of the feeling as he fucked the rod deeper, thoroughly making sure it reached that exact spot.
Taehyung arched his back from off the headrest, legs tensing up whilst his toes curled inwards, the merciless prodding against his prostate causing him to mumble foul claims of approval under his breath. His face distorted into one of fulfillment, slowly rocking his hips as he indulged himself in the dark, eyes closed while Jungkook played with him. “Fuuuck..! That is good.” Tae grunted, taut muscles gradually loosening by the second. This felt like actual heaven— Taehyung was sure. “Fuck yes..”
Jungkook's eyes flickered between his boyfriend's face and his swollen cock, clamping down on his lower lip in frustration. The younger’s cock was throbbing again, growing needy for more attention-- even if this was supposed to be all about Taehyung. He couldn't help it, the elder was too fucking sexy. "Fuck, I want your cock in me so bad..." Kook huffs out in a needy whine, inching closer to watch himself continuously stroke and prod at the sensitive tissue inside of Taes length, his other hand moving to massage his boyfriends balls. "I wonder how much you'd cum, shit...."
Taehyung moaned, shameless gaze glued onto Jungkook’s face, then the latter’s torso— and finally his boyfriend’s dick. Kook seemed like he’d burst once again, and that turned Tae on to the max. “Shit.. ‘m gonna cum so much because of you..!” Taehyung hissed through his clamped teeth, the rocking of his hips getting stronger; and his release getting closer. “Kook I’m gonna cum soon— pull it out and put my cock in you, fuck, wanna cum inside so bad..”
He didn't have to tell Jungkook twice, who immediately pulled the tool out, carelessly tossing it aside- it was his turn now. As fun as the little new toy was, he always wanted to be the number one thing that makes Taehyung lose his mind in pleasure. He eagerly crawls on top of his boyfriend to straddle him, no need for much prep as he's been craving the elders cock for a hot minute-- and conveniently Tae's length was coated with lube. He spread himself, sinking down on Tae's turgid cock with ease, groaning in satisfaction. The stretch was everything he needed. "So big, fuck yes..." Kook whined, using his weight to plop down harder until his ass pressed against the elders skin.
Taehyung’s hands unclasped from their spot on his firm thighs, and instead clutched onto Jungkook’s hips as he controlled his boyfriend’s grinding motion; head resting against the headboard whilst he stared into Kook’s eager eyes. “Always so fuckin’ tight, aren’t you?” The elder thrusted upwards into him, jaw muscles loosening, but everything else contracted. Fuck, Tae was close— every little movement had him aching. His dick twitched and hammered inside of Jungkook, causing Taehyung’s lips to take the shape of a scowl, grunting as he fucked into the younger with all his might. “Fuck fuck— fuck! A-ahh..!” His body lurched forward, breathing heavy onto the crook of his boyfriend’s neck as he felt his cum pool onto his pelvis, every shed dropped far too much to be able to stay snug inside of Jungkook. “Damn.. that was.. something.” Taehyung lazily smiled, chest yet to stop heaving. His big hands snaked downwards to cup the younger’s ass, giving the flesh a few squeezes. “Wasn’t bad, I liked it.” Taehyung shrugged. “But I prefer something called, ‘my boyfriend’s fat ass’ over any toy.”
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
co-written with lovely @velvetwicebang​ <3 ily
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luvteez · 4 years
tutor lessons
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pairing: hongjoong x fem!reader genre + tags: smut | corruption kink, guided masturbation, degradation wc: 1.6k
Something wicked flashes in Hongjoong’s eyes that makes your stomach churn. He has you pinned underneath him on your own bed, both of you still panting from the heated kiss you shared. He looks at you smugly, strands of blond hair falling above his eyes. It’s a pretty color — not the brassy yellow tone that every stereotypical delinquent in every stereotypical high school anime wears — but a soft shade that makes him look like an angel. 
“You’re gravely mistaken if you think I didn’t know what your ulterior motives are,” he seethes, a complete 180 turn from the usually soft-spoken person he’s known for. You swallow heavily, blood running cold at the shift of his personality. 
“H-hongjoong?” you stammer, because that’s the only thing you can bring past your lips. The way he looks down on you in a patronizing manner and the sharp edge in his voice give you whiplash, and it’s as clear as day that he knows so too. 
“Oh my god, you’re so much better than the last person i was with,” he whispers, eyes beaming as if he just won the lottery. “I can tell you’re so much more fun already.” A shiver runs down your spine when he starts popping the buttons of your shirt open in an agonizing pace, his gaze wandering all over your trembling body. Once the last button is undone, he hums appreciatively before leaning down, his hot breath fanning your ear. “So much more fun to break.”
The strangled moan that leaves you has you burning in shame. “W-what do you mean—“ you start, but he cuts you off in an instant.
“Delinquents like you enjoy corrupting good boys like me. But personally, it’s more thrilling when the tables are turned when you least expect it and the innocent one ruins you. Don’t you think so too?” Malice glints in his eyes as he waits for a reaction. You try to seem unaffected by it, but that goes down the drain when he yanks your shorts in one movement, letting them pool at your ankles. 
Once he realizes he won’t get an answer anytime soon, he continues. “I know you’re good at chemistry. I know you deliberately aimed for bad grades. I know you’ve been trying to get into my pants ever since I’ve been tutoring you. I may seem innocent, but you chose the wrong person, baby.”
The pet name has you choking on a breath you didn’t know you were holding. This can’t be Hongjoong, not the goody shoes and straight A student Hongjoong you know him as. This can’t be the blushing mess Hongjoong is reduced into whenever he hears someone make a sexual innuendo.  
You’re pulled out of your state of shock when he forcefully spreads your legs apart. A whimper leaves you when the cool air comes in contact with your heat, and it’s then and there when you realize in horror that he can see how drenched your panties are. 
“All I did was kiss you and you’re this wet? Kinda pathetic, don’t you think?” He giggles, and even takes the liberty to trace the outlines of your folds over the material, which has you whimpering for more. “You haven’t said anything yet. Is it because you forgot how to speak? Is there even something you can do? Or do I need to teach you everything?”
You keep your mouth shut. Not that Hongjoong minds though, since your hips are betraying you anyway, thrusting into his touch. 
“So receptive. You want me to touch you so bad...” He stops right above the dampest patch on your panties and sends you a look. “Why? Because it’s me? Or is it because you don’t know how to touch yourself?”
Your eyes grow wide when he says that. As if something flipped a switch in you, you suddenly grow hotter in arousal. Taking your silence as a yes, Hongjoong smiles. “It’s alright, baby. I’ll teach you. That’s what a tutor is there for, hm?”
He tugs your underwear down so it dangles at your feet along with your shorts. The direct contact with the air and his eyes trained on you have you leaking more, and if you concentrate, you can practically picture your slick dripping onto the bed. Hongjoong spreads your thighs apart as much as possible, keeping them in place with his knees before he guides your hand downwards. 
You hold your breath when he pushes one of your fingers into your cunt, motioning you to move on your own. Whimpering, you do as told while Hongjoong just grins, watching you fall apart from your own hand. “Perfect, baby. Just like that.”
He doesn’t give out any more orders after that. Eventually, one finger isn’t satisfactory enough and you insert a second finger to add to the stretch. There’s only one thing racing in your mind, and you speed up the pace, pressing your thumb against your clit for more. 
“Slow down,” Hongjoong starts, but you don’t catch his mild warning over the rush in your ears. Sensing that words won’t get to you, he roughly wrenches your hand away. “I said, slow down.”
Frustration washes over you at the loss of friction, but Hongjoong stands by his point and simply scowls. “My job here is to make you understand, and if you’re too dumb to ignore what I say, you don’t deserve to cum.” Your body jerks up at the mention of it, and you feel your walls clenching around nothing. Hongjoong stares at you with wide eyes before it dawns on him. “You like it when I call you dumb? That’s funny, considering you initially wanted to turn me into your begging bitch. Dumb baby, I can’t believe you really thought so highly of yourself.”
Just when you thought you couldn’t be more of a goner, he had to prove you wrong again. You don’t know if it’s because he spat out the word bitch as if he degraded someone every friday, or if it’s because of the whiplash caused by his new behavior. Whatever it is, it breaks you.
“Hongjoong, please—” your voice cracks, pussy aching from the lack of contact, “—I wanna cum so bad.”
The grin on his face widens. “Look who’s finally talking. Good job, so you do amount to something. Will you listen to me, then?”
It doesn’t take a split second for you to babble “yes yes yes—!” with such desperation that it’s nearly comedic. Pleased with your reaction, Hongjoong lets go of you before he places both of his hands on your hips. 
“Go ahead, baby. Nice and slow,” he murmurs. You don’t want to risk anything, so you start anew with only one finger filling you up. As much as it frustrates you with keeping the snail pace, it’s at least better than nothing. Hongjoong lets his tongue dart out to lick his lips, eyes glued to your finger pushing in and out of your throbbing cunt. After what feels like an hour later, he allows you to add two more fingers and you let out a relieved sigh. 
A whine leaves you at the new stretch, but frustration still lingers in the pit of your stomach even as he gives you the green light to speed up. By now, your thighs are trembling and the only thing you seek is your orgasm, but your fingers just aren’t enough. 
It’s silent, save for the indecent squelch coming from your cunt and the occasional hum from Hongjoong. You consider begging him to make you do something other than this torture, but that thought leaves you when he suddenly presses his thumb against your clit. You moan, start thrashing around from the sudden surge of stimulation, but he keeps your hips planted to the mattress and stops your hips from bucking up.
“That’s it. I wanna hear my dumb baby’s voice.” His tone is sickeningly sweet, but the slight edge to it is hard to miss. It’s almost in a pitiful manner, but it has you going feral either way. “Don’t forget to move your fingers,” he reminds you as he delivers calculated flicks to your clit, observing the way you squirm and pant. “I wanna hear the filthy sounds my dumb baby and her pussy are making.”
Hongjoong is relentless with his ministrations as you cum, though he does let go of your hips so you can move freely. Bucking your hips into his touch and your own movements, you spread your legs even further. Your gasps are ragged as you fuck yourself through your high, hips stuttering whenever Hongjoong applies more pressure on your bundle of nerves. 
As you come down from your orgasmic bliss, you pull your fingers out which are completely soaked in your cum. Hongjoong stops his abuse on your clit too but slides his finger downwards to gather some of your juices, completely ignoring your shaking body and whimpers from the overstimulation. Once his digits are glistening, he brings them up to your lips. Too tired to move your body, you just lie still and look at him dazedly as he smears your cum on your bottom lip.
“You look so cute when you cum,” he remarks with an angelic smile. For a few more seconds, he lingers on your lips, admiring how red and glossy they are, and then proceeds to smudge the rest of your juices on your cheeks. His touch is soft and gentle, but the next few words have you growing wet again.
“I bet you look better when you cry.”
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brattyfics · 4 years
Beach Bums
Summary: Used a few prompt lines including: “I like this outfit. Easy access.” and “I can’t wait until we’re alone. There are so many things I want to do to you right now.” “We’re in public, you know?”
Pairing: EZ Reyes x Black!OC
Warnings: Public sex, sandy beach sex, unsanitary sex (cause of the sand), exhibitionism, a little angst.
Word Count: 3.2K (I hate that I’m so long-winded)
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Lena listened to waves lap at the shore of the beach with a relaxed smile on her face. The smell of saltwater tickled her nose while sand tickled her toes with each step. The chilly California night made it so she wore a flannel over her loose-fitting, flowy dress. 
To her right stood her Knight in a Kutte, AKA EZ Reyes. A rare, genuine smile graced his own face. She couldn’t remember the last time they were together and he wasn’t on guard. There at the beach, none of the club bullshit mattered.
For that reason alone, she was happy she accepted his invitation for a one-day getaway. She had work she should be doing, and she was sure he had club business to attend to, but they were together in spite of it all. 
EZ and Lena were on and off again high school sweethearts. The two of them didn’t see each other often anymore— Lena moved a few cities over to begin the next chapter in her life while he rebuilt his life in Santo Padre.
“What you thinking ‘bout, mamita?”
She found herself admiring his dimples. “You.”
“Yeah?” They deepened even further, his eyes crinkling at the sides. “What about me?” 
She rolled her eyes and decided to mess with him. “I was thinking your head is kind of funny shaped.”
“What?” He asked, eyebrows shooting up. He jumped at her causing her to shriek and take off. 
He chased her a few yards before reaching to grab her up by the waist. She side-stepped him and pushed, giggling even though her heart was racing as if she was really running from danger.
Lena’s mouth fell open as she watched EZ tip over in slow motion like a cow. Her hands reached out to steady him but it was too late, his big ass landed with an ungraceful plop in the sand. He looked just as shocked as she felt. She was stuck somewhere between being speechless and wanting to apologize. When their eyes met, the only thing they could do was laugh. 
She clumsily sat down beside him, grabbing a hold of one of his big arms. She couldn’t get an apology out because she was laughing so hard. 
“You’re cold blooded! You just tried to kill me!” 
“I didn't expect for you to fall like that!” She managed to wheeze out in between laughter. “It’s not even all my fault. It’s all that damn wine you had at dinner. I tried to tell you, it sneaks up on you!” 
A few fellow beach goers eyed them with amusement. EZ straightened when he saw the attention they garnered, face flushing at the attention. She tried to quiet down for his benefit but when he began dusting his sand-covered side, she fell into another fit of giggles.Soon enough, everyone went back to what they were doing. 
To their left, a group of teenagers burned what she was certain was an illegal bonfire. To their right, people were scattered loosely, sitting on beach towels while watching the stars or walking the shore. Almost no one was left in the water. It was too late and too dark for a swim. 
She crawled over to sit directly in front of him, her back against his chest, his arms holding her tightly to him. They sat in silence watching neon city lights dance across the dark water, enjoying the warmth the other provided in spite of the cool night.
EZ let his hands roam, lighting her body up with each stroke of his fingers. The two of them had many risky sexcapades back in high school. He could never wait until a party was over before he was trying to sneak them off somewhere. Then there was the time they missed half of senior prom.
“Can I ask you something?” Lena asked, gazing at the night sky.
He let out a fake sigh. “If you must.”
“Do you miss me?” Her eyes focused on him, ready to hyper analyze his response as she often did.
“How can I miss you when you’re right here?” He joked, trying to keep the mood light.
She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”
He seemed to consider it, avoiding her eyes. Finally, he decided on a response. 
“Of course I miss you.”
“Like a lot?” She hated how needy she sounded.
He smiled. She wasn’t always forthcoming with her real thoughts and emotions, especially since she had been disappointed by him before. His eight-year stint in jail wasn’t just hard on him. He liked when he saw flashes of the old her, the her he knew when they first met, before he hurt her. 
“A whole lot, chula. You know that.”
She wanted to ask him how she was supposed to know that. He had been different since they reconnected. He could be distant, avoidant at times. She understood he lived a complicated life, but she wanted him to want her enough to fight for a future.
Her chest tightened every time she thought about the fact their love was fleeting. She snuggled further back into him, choosing to let it go. There was no sense in ruining a good night, one she could remember long after they were done. 
EZ worried about them too. He knew it wouldn’t be long before she had no room for him in the new life she was building. He thought about her more than she would ever know. All around Santo Padre there were reminders, memories of her. Every day he passed the high school he remembered the day they met. 
They both felt the tension of the unspoken words between them. When he could no longer stand it, EZ defaulted to sex. It was the one thing that was never wrong between them.
“I like this outfit, easy access.” He joked, pulling at his flannel until he could see the thin straps of her dress. He tugged at one of them until it fell, nibbling on her bare shoulder.
“I can tell.” She grinned naughtily, grinding her ass against him. Like him, she just wanted to forget all the bad stuff. 
“I can’t wait til’ we’re alone.” He noticed there were only a few stragglers left on the beach. It had thinned out for the most part, the bonfire now an abandoned pit of soot. “There are so many things I want to do to you right now.”
She eyed their fellow beach goers, calculating the risk. “You know, you don’t have to wait until we’re alone.” She wanted him bad. Her heart lurched. She knew she was being driven by insecurity but she couldn’t help herself. Even if they didn’t last, she wanted to hold a place in his heart forever. She wanted him to remember she was his best and dirtiest fuck. 
She turned to look him directly in the eyes. “I wanna fuck you right here.”
“I don’t think---”
“Are you kidding? You’ve been teasing me all night.” She pouted. His hand had been under her dress all night, pinching her thighs, tickling her legs, but never touching her where she needed.
“You’re trying to kill me.” 
He’s one to talk.
“No I’m not.” She said in faux innocence. “I'm just trying to make you feel good, baby.”
“We’re in public, chula.”
“When has that ever stopped us before?” 
He snorted. Points were made, so he wasted no more time, his resolve gone.
“You gotta relax though.” He hissed when she grabbed a hold of his dick. “Turn back around.” He instructed, pulling the big flannel from her shoulders so that he could use it as a makeshift blanket to hide their activities. She held it close to her chest while he went to work at unbuckling his pants. She kept turning around to peek at him.
“But I wanna see.” She hummed impatiently, stretching her legs out. “Have I ever told you how pretty your dick is?”
“You tell me that every time.” He tried to sound unimpressed, but it came out more strangled than anything. She knew all his tells. He was as desperate as she was. 
She watched with open fascination as he stroked his dick. She sucked on her bottom lip as she watched it fatten up under her gaze. Fuck, he’s going to stretch me out. He leaned forward to kiss her, thinking about how he wanted to use her lips for other things. 
After a long kiss, he pulled back with a groan, looking to see if they had gained any admirers. Once he deemed it safe he leaned in to kiss her again. He sucked on her lip this time, hands tugging her loose-fitting dress up until it rested underneath her breasts. Their legs were the only bare skin touching and he wanted more. He wanted her naked and underneath him where they could be as loud as they wanted for as long as they wanted, but a quickie would have to do. 
When he pulled away from the kiss again, her eyes bore into his. He froze. 
Her eyes were so expressive-- he knew when she was disappointed, angry, turned on. In that moment, she looked at him like he hung the stars and the moon just for her. He felt the same about her, taking her beautiful features under the moonlight. 
Her thick hair blew over her shoulders in the breeze, the smell of mango invading his nose. He loved her smell. He leaned in to rub his nose against hers, giving her an eskimo kiss because he knew it would make her smile. Her lips parted slightly, her pink tongue wagging at him in a teasing manner. He shook his head, smirking. As much as he found ways to make her smile, she did the same. 
“Come here.” He lifted her so she hovered just above his crotch. The flannel slipped down slightly.
She reached for his dick anyway, gasping at how hot and heavy it felt in her hands. She probed at her wet slit with his tip. Lena wanted to ride him the right way, chest to chest where they could kiss and hold each other. She held in a whine, doing her best to look normal as if nothing was happening. Underneath her, his hips surged forward, desperate to get inside her.
“Stop moving.” She bossed him the way he sometimes liked. The club looked to him to fix and handle everything as their prospect. He looked to her for grounding. She reminded him he wasn’t invincible, humbled him. 
Her stalling wasn’t just for his benefit. It had been months since they were together. If she didn’t mentally prepare herself first, she’d be shouting his name for everyone at the beach to hear. 
“Hurry up.” She could hear the frustration in his voice. The awkward position they were in, the contrast between the cool night air and her warm center on his dick, the strain of holding her hips up, and his flannel slipping down had him nervous and impatient.
“Be still, baby.” She whispered sweetly. She used the mushroom tip to tap her clit and though she had been expecting it, she jumped up moaning. 
His fingers dug into her hips as a warning, head on a swivel for any peeping Tom’s. 
“Fuck. Me.” She listened to him, lining his cock up with her entrance. His hips lifted as best they could in his position, pushing past tight resistance until he was inside her. 
They did their best to be quiet. She bit down on her lip and pinched one of his thighs. He closed his eyes, holding her as he tried to adjust. It had been too long since they were together. 
Lena was as wet and warm as he remembered. Even tighter than he remembered due to not being stretched out first by his fingers or his tongue. He loved playing with her pussy, watching the way she would tremble and try to hold her moans in. 
“You feel so good.” He buried his face in her hair momentarily. 
“Mhmmm…” She was having a hard time forming words. She used her hands on his thighs for leverage to ride. “...you too.” She couldn’t ride him the way she wanted, but she did her best, squirming in his lap at the slight discomfort. “You’re too deep.” She pouted.
“Relax.” He moaned into her hair, burying himself to the hilt. She let him work, lifting her up and down on his dick as best he could without causing a scene. Each time he hammered her hard and deep. The slow, but bruising pace made the filthy act that much more intense. 
“Fuck, nena.” He grunted as his forearms burned. “Take that dick.” And she did. Sans a few escaped mewls, she took all of him with no complaints, letting him use her in the best way possible. 
As much as he hated himself for it and wished he could focus, all EZ could think about was her being with other people when they were apart. It was hypocritical of him he knew--he had gone on a sex binge with Vicki’s girls as soon as he got out, but it didn’t change the way he felt. 
“I love this dick, baby.” She purred, looking over her shoulder into his eyes. 
“Yes, daddy. It’s my favorite.”
He pounded her harder, angry at the admission. 
“You fuck other guys like this?” 
Lena moaned to avoid the answer. She had definitely tried to get over him while under other men. Eight years was a long time. One of his hands left her hips to tug her hair. She was forced to take over the majority of the grunt work, bouncing in his lap despite the awkward angle. 
“Do you?” She winced as he got aggressive, knowing her scalp would be tender the next day. 
“No.” She finally moaned, sounding defeated.
“They don’t fuck you like I do, mami?”
“No!” It came out louder than intended, catching the attention of another couple on the beach. Neither Lena or EZ let it bother them. 
“Be quiet.” He gritted out, continuing to pound her out. Her walls constructed around him, sucking him in deeper. He could feel her wetness dripping down his shaft onto his balls. 
“Wait—“ Movement to their right caught her attention. The couple had risen from their spot. One of the girls gathered their things into a tote bag while the other rolled their towels up. 
“Baby—“ she tried to warn him, pushing at his thighs. She felt like she was going crazy. Overwhelmed was an understatement. At that point, holding her breath was the only way to keep from yelling his name out. 
His hand left her hair to press against her tummy. “You feel that shit?” He was being mean, holding her in place so she couldn’t do anything but take it. 
“Babyyyy.” she whined. 
“What mami?” His face was buried in her neck and she could feel him leaving what would be hickeys on her brown skin. He couldn’t keep her with him forever, but he could scare his competition away for a few weeks if he marked her good enough.
“I think they’re watching us.”
His head lifted from her neck, dark eyes searching for bodies in the night. He saw them. The two girls were still several yards away from them, but headed their way. They spoke quietly to each other, giggling every few seconds. 
He made a decision. They were too far gone to stop, potential audience be damned. 
“Then you better hurry up and come.” Her stomach tightened at his words. “Don’t stop.” 
“I won’t.” She sobbed, concentrating on her hardest on being quiet. 
“You better not. Fuck that dick until we both come.” His fingers dug into her hips painfully as their skin loudly slapped together. “I don’t give a fuck about some gringos watching.”
The combination of the time they spent apart, the fact they could be caught, and his dirty words were too much for her. She came so hard tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, needy moans spilling from her lips. If EZ could see her face, she’d be embarrassed at the way she went cross-eyed. 
The flannel slipped down to their legs where it barely covered anything. Lena silently thanked gravity that her dress had also slipped down so she wasn’t completely exposed. That didn’t mean she didn’t look the part of a desperate slut. 
Tears fell freely from her eyes, leaving a trail of mascara in their wake. Judging by the looks on the girls’ faces, they were concerned. She flushed at the attention, but was too overstimulated to disguise her dick-drunk state. 
EZ showed her no mercy, drilling her like she hadn’t already come. He didn’t give a fuck about the two curious set of eyes on them. 
Picturing her with other men had his mind racing and it made it hard for him to concentrate on his release. “Tell me it’s mine.”
“It’s yours.” She panted immediately, eyes wide and pupils blown. She couldn’t believe what they were doing. He didn’t show any signs of stopping so she talked him through it. 
“It’s always been yours, daddy.” He hammered into her. 
“I love that dick.” In. 
“I miss it so much.” Out.
“It’s too good.” Her voice got progressively lower as the girls got closer. They seemed to have figured it out, their footsteps purposely slow. She was embarrassed, but couldn’t stop until he joined her in bliss.
“I want your cum! I want it so bad. I don’t care who knows.” 
Her eyes met one of the stranger’s. One the girl’s mouth split into a sly grin. They definitely knew what was going on.
“I don’t care about anything when your dick is in me.” She mewled loudly, locking eyes with one of them. 
“I’ll fuck you anywhere you want, whenever you--” He bit down hard on her shoulder, an animalistic growl rumbling out of his chest. She winced at the sting, knowing he’d left yet another mark. The other girl tugged her along, clearly scandalized.
His dick pulsed inside her, massaging her insides. If she hadn’t already come, that sensation would have done it. She collapsed against him, lazy, and too fucked out to care anymore. 
He seemed to share that sentiment, assaulting her neck without a care in the world, sloppily tonguing it down as if it were her pussy. Each lash of his tongue was a promise for later. He would eat her alive when they were in the comfort of their hotel room. 
They both huffed and puffed, trying to catch their breath. Sweat and sand covered their skin, the smell of sex mingling with the night air. Neither of them knew how they would muster the energy to make it back to the car, let alone the hotel room.
“I love you.” He murmured softly, placing one final kiss against her neck.
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that-dark-girl · 4 years
Last Vote
(Oneshot) Pairing: Dark!Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Young!(cis)female!reader 
Words: 2400+
Warnings: NON-CONSENSUAL/DUBIOUS CONTENT (read at your own risk). 18+. Age Gap. Blackmail. Semi-public and Unprotected sex (This is fanfiction. Please be safe)
Summary: Young and innocent, you caught Bucky’s eye. When you try to evade his advances, he decides to take matter into his own hands.
A/N: This is my first dark!fic! It’s for the Writing Game of @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ . The prompts I got were Library + Age Gap. Hope you like it!
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Walking along the aisle with slow steps, you examined the the bookshelves intently as your eyes loomed over the titles. In the far corner of the large and spacious library in your college, hidden and secluded from the other students, you found your solace in these books. You could spend an eternity drowning in them. It wasn’t like you could be at other places either.
Here, at least you were out of reach and secure from that one man. Or so you thought.
Silence is what the library was used to. Not getting any attention is what you were used to. But none got any of that.
At the very end of the aisle, you pondered over the title and author combinations on the spine of the covers. You reached out to pick one to read the description when suddenly a black glove covered your mouth and another hand came creeping around your waist in a tight clasp. You screamed, but hardly did any noise come out. You struggled, but the arms kept you immobile in the hold of their owner.
“Quiet, little girl,” A voice came from behind. Your eyes widened with disbelief when you recognised it. How could he be here? “Haven’t you been clever, little minx? Always slipping out of my grasp before I even got a chance to hold you, huh?” His lips brushed the lobe of your ear, “Well, Y/N, now that I have gotten a hold of you, you won’t be able to leave it anytime soon, baby.”
You closed your eyes, wishing that it was a dream and you’d soon wake up in your own mess of a bed; that someone would come around in this abandoned section for free you; that you were paranoid and he’d disappear when you’d open your eyes.
You lifted your eyelids. Bucky hadn’t disappeared. Neither was there a  saviour at the other end of the aisle nor were you in your bed. All of this was painstakingly real for you.
A few months ago, your older bother’s dream came true when he joined the Avengers. Around the same time you’d gotten freshly out of school and into this college. Being family to Kevin, you were invited to all the Stark parties which were held in the tower. That’s when you met all the Avengers in person. That’s when Bucky found you.
The sweet and innocent young lady, so very different from the those he was constantly surrounded with. New to the tower and new to the actual world, you were someone he didn’t know he craved until he’d gotten a taste of, or here, a look at you. He knew from that moment that he wanted you. He deeply desired you. But you didn’t.
That upset him, but not enough to deter him. In every event you attended in his presence, he’d always find a way to linger around you, join in on your conversations whether or not he could give some input, eyes always tailing your form without another catching a whiff of it, touch you anywhere he could or try to corner you. Irritated and suffocated by his very self, you ceased going to any such events.
Out is sight, out of mind, right? Yet no matter how hard Bucky tried, he couldn’t seem to forget you or your beautiful doe eyes. The fact that he’d discovered he why he didn’t see you any longer following Kevin around angered him. You didn’t want to be near him. You rejected him the pleasure of being in your company. After getting denied of most things for 70 fucking years, Bucky didn’t take rejection so well.
“You thought you could hide from me, huh? You thought if you wouldn’t come to the tower, I couldn’t find you? Baby doll, nobody is hidden from the Winter Soldier.” Bucky sneered in your ear, “I always get what I want. And I want you.”
You didn’t stop screaming, yet his gloves never let a noise out. His hard erection poking between your ass cheeks was the only thing your mind could think about now. His hand around your waist went to the hem of your bottoms to draw them down. Your wrists tried to hold his, but he was way to strong for you to overpower physically.
Bucky had a hard time trying to undress you with your body wiggling and struggling. Bucky had wanted you for so long, he didn’t have the patience to spend his time in trying to keep you in check rather than being inside you.
“Do you know why your brother is on the team, doll? While half of them voted for him, the other half voted against him. It was my last vote which got him on board. And you know the best part? I could still change it if I want to.” He spoke threateningly in your ear, “You do want him to be on the team, don’t you Y/N?”
Despite his warm body pressed against you, he didn’t miss the chills running down your spine. He smirked when your struggling nearly halted. Seeing his potential, Kevin’s voting process was a unanimous one. You didn’t know that though.
Though Kevin’s combat skills were out of the world, he didn’t have have any super powers or strength like Wanda or Bucky. You couldn’t believe what Bucky said, but it was true that he could easily be cast out by that fact alone. Yet he was there, saving the world day in and day out by his meticulous hard work. You’d been there with him when the got the acceptance mail. You’d heard him gush about training and his first mission as an Avenger. You’d listened to your parents talk so proudly of him. His dream had come true, and you didn’t have the heart to take it away from him.
“Now be a good girl and don’t scream when I take my hand off. Trust me, you don’t wanna know the consequences otherwise.” You nodded meekly.
Whimpers left you as the tears collected in your eyes. You didn’t want to give up, “Bucky, please, you don’t have to do this.” You hoped you didn’t stutter.
“I can and will do this, doll.” Bucky’s hands gingerly snaked inside your pants. His fingers swiped through your slit, “Not wet? Don’t you worry, doll, I’ll make you.” Bringing his fingers up to your clit, he massaged your nub expertly. You closed your eyes as the sudden stimulation sent a jolt through you.
His metal arm slid under your bra to grope you breasts. Your nipples were rolled into hard rocks by his metal fingers. He started grinding his very prominent erection into your ass. The onslaught made you feel dirty and used in more ways than one.
“Please… please don’t so this.” You tried to change his mind again, but your words fell on deaf years.
“You really don’t want to anger me any further than you already have, Y/N.” He wasn’t going slow before, but his fingers’ pace on your bundle of nerves increased greatly. You tried to stifle the moan raising out of you. Sensing the inevitable, his metal arm shifted back from your breasts to your mouth, “You feeling good, doll? Could’ve felt way better than this had you come to me sooner. But it’s no late now.”
He rubbed your clit in various patters which sent your mind into an overdrive of pleasure. The tears fell freely when you realised your felt good with his demeaning actions. It didn’t take much time for the wetness to collect. Feeling it too, Bucky inserted a finger slowly into your channel as his palm overtook the work on your nub.
“Oh, look who’s wet now.” His lips sucked hickeys on your neck as his fingers stimulated you some more, “Can’t wait for you any longer, Y/N.”
His fingers left you abruptly. Hearing the shuffling behind you, you knew he was getting himself free. He worked your pants down too. The tears ran down faster, your heart  fearingly awaiting the doom soon to come your way. Taking himself into his hands and stroking, he bent at the knees and guided himself inside you. A loud gasp left your lips as his head entered you.
You didn’t exactly know how long he was, but seeing his burly body and the fact that the serum had enhanced the rest of him, you thought he must have been longer than average. You didn’t expect the stretch that followed though. He was thick and veiny all around; and deathly so. You could feel his veins pulsing as your walls tightened painfully around him. “So fucking tight, doll.” Bucky groaned into your ear. Your head fell back onto his shoulders as your hands held bookshelf in search of support. With every inch that he inserted inside you, you thought that was it but he kept pushing more. You didn’t know how you could handle the thickness and the length he possessed.
Balls deep inside you, Bucky breathed into your shoulder. He had to will himself not to come then and there. He dearly wanted to have fun with you first. The velvety walls gripping him so hard made it difficult though.
Thinking he’d waited enough for you to adjust, he drew his pole out before driving into you with much more vigour. You hissed at the pain that followed, but his gloves absorbed all the noises. He breathed heavily against your neck as he shoved into you hard and fast.
Slowly but surely, it started feeling nice at some point. Spreading your legs further, you didn’t realise that you’d started bucking your hips back to meet his. Your own breathing had become laboured. The feel of him giving the much needed friction to your walls made you moan. The intensity of your moans which you made couldn’t be heard properly, and you had no doubt that Bucky’s gloves were some noise cancelling gadgets of Stark.
Bucky grunted lowly. He didn’t want to draw any attention, so he had to force himself to be as low as possible. He desperately needed the skin on skin contact with you. But he knew that couldn’t happen now.
He moved a bit behind you so he could mark new love bites on your neck. The position made his cock touch new sides inside you, especially the g-spot. It got stimulated with every push of his. Pulses attacked your nerves as if a thunderbolt had hit you. Though your selected previous partners had made you feel good, they couldn’t reach that spot inside you.
You head started swimming in a pool of pleasure as a knot started unwinding in your stomach. Your walls started squeezing his member. Bucky couldn’t take the assault of your silky walls around him. He started railing into you vigorously with quick motions to get himself undone.
You sensed his end as well. You didn’t want him to come inside you, so you shook your head as best as you could in his confinement. Bucky noticed, “It’s okay, baby. You- ah… you can’t stop me from coming inside you.”
You could feel the large vein on his underside pulse. Soon after ropes of cum hit your walls. You didn’t want that, but it also meant that his torture was over. His pace didn’t falter though. You thought he’d soften, but his pole remained hard as if he hadn’t just come. You wept, not knowing how much longer this would go on or how much longer you could handle being at his mercy.
Your body didn’t mind his eagerness. Stiff as pebbles, your nipples brushed against your bra as he pounded ferociously into you. It was painful yet pleasure. Everything inside you was. His hand around your waist came down to your clit, rubbing until you saw stars.
With his cum already inside you, the quenching of his every push inside you could be heard. His cum had started dribbling down your thighs. The bubble in your lower abdomen kept building, threatening to burst any moment now. Still profoundly stimulated, Bucky was soon to come again.
His thrusts became short yet hard and unrelenting, touching your spot at every upshot. White hot pleasure ran through your veins when you orgasmed. Your thighs shook as your body squirmed. Unable to hold your weight on just your hands, you would have lost your balance had it not been for Bucky’s metal arm catching a hold of your waist. He couldn’t take the pressure or your drumming walls around his already sensitive shaft and came soon, adding to the viscous load of white cream he’d put in you before.
Coming down from your high, you both panted briskly. He slowly and carefully pulled out of you. He soon brought your panties up and around your waist before dollops of his come could fall or slide down your thighs. Your panties felt wet and squishy against your skin as the mixture of your and his come stained it.
Bucky backed off, putting himself back inside his pants. You brought your own up. You didn’t have the guts to turn around and face the beast of a man behind you. He made that decision for you nevertheless.
Putting his beefy hands on the bookshelf behind you, Bucky effectively caged you after he spun you around. Looking at the blue henley he wore, you knew the others would see him as a senior prancing about the college. He truly knew how to mix in well with the crowd. He had a deadly glare on his face as he stared deep into your eyes.
Taking a step further towards you, he said, “Sweetheart, I think you know better than to mention this to anyone. You know the consequences after all, don’t you?” You had no option but to nod along.
Bucky swore he hadn’t seen anything more heart-melting than your deeply flushed cheeks and glistening eyes over your barely adult face nodding eagerly to his words. The visible love bites on your skin added to his satisfaction, “Good.” He couldn’t stop himself from bending down and clamping your lips in his in a needy kiss. It was really just a little more than a peck, yet it was deep and passionate. His teeth bit your bottom lip before he pulled away.
“I expect to see you at Stark’s party in the tower this weekend. I am sure Kevin has extended his invitation to you.“  He predicted what you’d do when you opened your mouth to say a ‘No’, but he didn’t give you any chance before he stepped back and started walking away.
He hardly took a couple of steps before turning back to you, “Oh, and mind that I don’t find any panties on you, doll.” And with that he marched away.
On the weekend he’d have you all to himself in the privacy of his bedroom where he could be as loud as he wanted and hear your sinful moans. He would be able to feel your soft skin brushing against his. He’d have his toys and plenty of time. Just thinking about the weekend made him twitch in his pants. It was a good thing that now he could jerk off to an actual memory rather than just his imagination. 
God, Bucky couldn’t wait for the weekend to arrive any sooner.
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