#like i also think this could be about lily ngl but i mostly think harry since the prophecy is about him
My god, the lyrics of The Prophecy screams Harry Potter to me. Like thought I caught lightning in a bottle — and then I've been on my knees, change the prophecy which yeah, all harry wanted was a friend, a place of acceptance, not greatness or as the lyrics say — Don't want money, just someone who wants my company, Let it once be me, who do I have to speak to, About if they can redo the prophecy? — and then comes the dreams — Slow is the quicksand, Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand. Oh, still I dream of him. — like guys, this is peak Harry James Potter. This is basically Voldemort taking his blood and how Harry still dreams of him like??? 😭
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irresistiibles · 4 years
the master plotting post is below the cut. it’s kinda long so good luck fam. it’s really more about where my character are and how they’re doing but i am hoping that will help us both brainstorm some ideas together. i have put trigger warnings next to each individual blurb so that way if you’re worried about anything you can read the rest while skipping any that are potentially triggering. this is just where characters are starting a few of them i may still update, especially for characters who fears i haven’t completely worked out. toss this a like if you’d be interested in plotting and i will come to you! i will get another call out specifically for starters closer to the event
level 1: windstorm
asami sato / the legend of korra / unaware
girl is not really phased by the windstorm and will be pushing through and probably wind up leveling up. she’ll also be offering to help where she can so like if any characters need help to level up or just get by she will be around we can def do something. she’ll probably be getting pieces of her memories back in the storm but nothing concrete. probably one of my characters who realistically has a chance of making it to the safe zone. definitely open to teaming up
leveling up: probably
plots: anyone else trying to level up she can work with, someone to help out
blue sargent / the raven cycle / aware
not entirely sure what my plan for her is tbh. she’s seen like all the wild shit washington has thrown and honestly might try to find somewhere to bunker down and wait it out or maybe level up but either way she’ll be a fun mixed of chill yet pissed while on this level. not freaking out but annoyed after all of the things that happened her. a potential reluctant teammate
leveling up: a reluctant maybe
plots: someone she winds up working with for a bit even though teamwork and being nice is not her strong suit
lily evans / harry potter / aware
let’s be real after everything she’s been through in washington the windstorm does not feel like a big deal and she’s charging through to get through to the next level. she will ultimately wind up losing all of her memories as a result
leveling up: no
plots: teammates, people she knows who can find her after her memory loss, some help after her memory loss, someone she helps, since afterwards she’ll be bunkering down and helping people out
max caulfield / life is strange / aware
my one character? who is terrified for storms? caught in the windstorm? asdlfkjad incredible. anyway max is going to be freaking out and almost definitely stuck here the whole time she is terrified of storms and will be hoping to find a nice corner to crawl in and stay in with her hands over her ears
leveling up: no
plots: someone to help her please she will be screwed on her own,
melody pond/river song / doctor who / awareish
she will absolutely be leveling up. river is a high energy adventurer who is so shit at sitting still there’s no way she’s not moving up. honestly will be pretty unbothered in this level at least. i may give her some flashes of her parents from the windstorm to kind of set her on edge. down to team up though she’s always out for herself first and will ditch partners as needed
leveling up: probably
plots: let her be a chaotic teammate for someone, an injury she reluctantly treats as she tries to get out of there
pansy parkinson / harry potter / aware
honestly she’s mostly just tired and pissed. pansy, though obnoxious, is logical and focused on her own survival first. she’ll probably wind up finding a save space to be and see this thing out. if anyone needs some slightly less chaotic plots she’s probably someone good to hit up. she could be open to being the obnoxious teammate someone has ever had.
leveling up: no
plots: teammates in the sort of self serving way, bunkering down buddies, drinking buddies, a calm party crew 
persephone / percy jackson / aware
she’s a goddess she’s vibing and almost definitely leveling up tbh she doesn’t know what’s going on and her main priorities are finding hades and reluctantly nico but will try to offer some help where she can
leveling up: probably
plots: some people she helps out to either safety or level up, 
level 2: nightmares come to life
ben hargreeves / the umbrella academy / aware 
his nightmares are p limited ngl since being dead kind of takes away a lot of fears. i mean his main one was passing on and he did that last season so, i guess it’ll kinda be his powers. of course he’s mostly afraid of losing control and hurting people, but he’ll probably just be seeing/dealing with vague eldritch creatures. could maybe deal with his fear long enough but that’s really the only way he’s potentially leveling up. potentially open to teaming up
leveling up: doubtful
plots: some people he helps, teammates, maybe someone he accidentally hurts cause he does have powers and he may lash out when spooked so could cause an inury, 
jang man wol / hotel del luna / aware / level 2: nightmares come to life
her fears are complicated. like ? she mostly fears and hates herself lmao. i suppose she has some fear of the gods in her world but they aren’t really violent and can only hurt her if she hurts a human so she might be seeing them and getting freaked out and jumpy and convinced she’s gonna do something that ultimately gets her destroyed. honestly though, she’s at the second most stable she’s been in a while (a step down since chan sung’s memory loss) so she will be making her way to level 3 at some point.
leveling up: yes
plots: uh, maybe someone she almost lashes out and hurts but manages to last minute hold back, someone she helps/protects to avoid her own problems, though she wouldn’t be nice about it rip
jaskier / the witcher / unaware / level 2: nightmares come to life
this is my emotional support idiot he doesn’t really have any tangible fears not because he’s strong he’s just dumb, will be running straight into things trying to help people out. i would say he should get hurt but this man has survivridiculouslysly well on luck and charisma so far and i don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon. if i think of a fear for him i will update this. will probably find someone who looks strong to leech off of and feel safer around. you just know this idiot is writing a song about the whole experience as it occurs.
leveling up: maybe
plots: someone more powerful than him he follows around for safety
karolina dean / runaways / unaware
aaah um i’m not entirely decided on what her fear is yet at the moment but she’ll be doing her best to deal with it. honestly i don’t think she’ll be leveling up karolina is strong but struggling without her memories in terms of fighting. i might have her see her dad a bit even though she won’t recognize him she’ll feel the fear
leveling up: no
plots: any sort of teammates cause she works well in groups, maybe someone who sees her attempting to use her powers to fight things off 
kyoshi / avatar the last airbender / unaware
so kyoshi is not afraid of much. she’s a seven foot tall beast of a woman/nerd so of course she isn’t, but, i’m saying she’s afraid of clowns, because kyoshi is gonna panic and wind up bending in defense. of course she has no memories so she’s gonna spend the rest of the event like ‘hey what the fuck was that????’ honestly she may be able to level up but she’ll probably be focusing on helping people in level 2 as best she can
leveling up: no
plots: a teammate would be fine though she’ll probably only want one, she’ll have just discovered her bending so someone can be around for her to yell about that, any people she attempts to protect/get to safety  
lavender brown / harry potter / aware 
werewolves! she’s scared of them! because of course she is! and she’s absolutely flipping out! she’s probably stuck here ngl i do not think lavender is conquering this anytime soon. she’d fight a little bit but i imagine she’s mostly going to wind up hiding out. could probably use some help or support ngl. i debated saying she could get injured but i feel like this is already going to be rough enough on her ngl
leveling up: no
plots: anyone to help her out she could use it, i would offer her as a teammate but she’s going to be pretty freaked out so idk how much she can do, but maybe someone she likes hides out with and just tries to survive with
michiru kaioh / sailor moon / aware
death tw welcome to lesbian suffering. her biggest fear is going to end up in her seeing haruka’s dead body and uh, she’s definitely not recovering from this one she will be staying on this level the whole time probably losing her mind a little bit and not knowing what happened and blaming herself and it’s all going to be rough.  
leveling up: no
plots: she may attempt to team up with a person or two but her mood is going to be awful and she won’t be a great teammate, honestly anyone around to try and keep her slightly grounded
sam giddings / until dawn / aware
hello happy children it’s wendigo time! exactly what it sounds like. she’s not leveling up. this is a monster that eats people and can only be killed with fire. sam is running. going to be terrified but not freaking out at least not externally. might go for a minor injury with her. down to team up with anyone
leveling up: no
plots: lmao survival buddies, despite everything she will try to be helping people out so there could be something for that
toph beifong / avatar the last airbender / aware
so toph’s fears will probably include not having any earth around or below her. honestly this fear is less about her seismic sense and not being able to tell where things are around her. her other senses are still good even if it’s really not ideal and that will be partially upsetting, it’s more about feeling like she lost her earthbending. she’s also terrified of heights after dangling off of the warship in the finale so i might do something with that. i doubt she’s leveling up. down to reluctantly team up.
leveling up: no
plots: would be willing to team up but she’s feeling a little useless and stressed so how great she’d be as a partner would be mixed, she could cause an injury if anyone wants since she can’t sense any earth but i’m assuming there’s still going to be things she can bend around, so maybe some sort of an accident with that, honestly let her make a friend she’s not against help from friends will hold onto their arm most of the time
level 3: poisoned supernaturals
ciel phantomhive / black butler / aware 
gun tw: this boy has already had bad experiences with supernaturals so he’s not in a good mood about any of this. he’s got a gun and his concerns are himself and lizzie and that is about it. he knows physical strength is not his strong suit and has no intention of trying to fight his way out. may try and play the small defenseless boy card if he needs to in order to get some help and protection from actual nice humans on the level. not available to team up. available to trip another character while they’re both fleeing from the same thing.
leveling up: no
plots: someone who he injures, someone who injures him, a human he partners up with and could betray cause he’s a selfish little shit if that’s something someone’s interested in, or some human who’s physically strong who he pays to be around him as some sort of safety
dominique weasley / harry potter / aware
not a huge chance she’s doing anything but staying here and going ape shit. does not really have the willpower to manage to fight off the poison. is solidly in the middle between barely dangerous to destructive beast.
leveling up: no
plots: a feral crew, someone she hurts, someone who tries to snap her out of it, anything
elsa of arendelle / frozen / aware 
ice queen time babey! will be pretty destructive and very dangerous. open to her killing someone’s character if anyone wants since i’d love her to be upset about that after the fact. she already thinks she’s a danger let’s prove it!! she might wind up fighting off the poison but idk it would take a hot minute since she’s had a lot of stress and frustration lately and it’ll be coming out!! she’s ready to do some damage
leveling up: maybe
plots: someone she hurts and can feel real guilty about, someone who tries to snap her out of it
entrapta / she-ra / unaware
not nearly as concerned about danger as she should be. probably out here purposely trying to approach supernaturals to get a blood sample i hate her. not looking for her to die but could be open to a semi-serious injury. might level up ngl if she finds decent tech she will be able to defend herself. open to team ups but she’s not a great team partner
leveling up: maybe
plots: teammates. maybe someone who teams up with her to use her more than anything since she can build attack bots with really any scraps she can find so she’s good for people looking for defense and will not be able to tell she’s being used
glinda upland / wicked / aware
me realizing just this second glinda probably counts as a supernatural cause she’s got magic:  👁👄👁 so yeah uh this one is difficult i think she’ll be working to fight it off. even with poison she would not be good at being violent fam.
leveling up: maybe
plots: uuuh poisoned people trying to push her to the dark side, someone trying to help her fight it off, maybe a human she fights but doesn’t hurt, or if so it’s something minor, anything
haruhi fujioka / ouran high school host club / aware 
does not know what’s going on and isn’t sure they want to. tbh slightly similar to entrapta in the sense that they can manage self defense alright. they’re going to pepper spray a supernatural so fucking hard i swear to god. they aren’t like a super amazing fighter and sometimes they’re too reckless and stubborn for their own good, but haruhi is smart, and will probably mostly be hiding. they could be available for trying to help out other humans on the level
leveling up: maybe 
plots: single teammate or group of humans getting by, a not too strong supernatural for her to fight cause i don’t want her getting too hurt, but could be up for a small injury, anyone she helps
ji eun tak / goblin / aware 
lmao so technically eun tak has powers but they aren’t fighting powers she can just see ghosts but technically this still counts as powers so she’s affected. this doesn’t make her any stronger though she’s just angry but like not a threat. here is a picture of eun tak as provided by kasey (x). like the worst shes gonna manage is to mug someone and honestly, that is probably her goal. my girl has lived her whole life poor and she’s ready to make some bank
leveling up: no
plots: lmao please give her a strong supernatural that she’s hanging around so we’ve got destructive power plus baby with knife, someone she tries to, or successfully mugs, if you need a weak supernautral to fight to level your character out of level 3 she’s a good pick, anything
rita skeeter / harry potter / aware 
rita will probably go crazy stupid for a day and then start fighting it off. tbh she doesn’t care too much about if she’s hurting people. it’s not something she likes to do but it doesn’t freak her out a ton either, but she doesn’t like being out of control, and that sheer stubbornness might be enough for her to break through and level up. down for her potentially hurting or killing someone’s character if desired. will still be taking tik toks through it all the poison is not enough to stop that. she can hunt and film at the same time
leveling up: maybe
plots: feral crew, any other supernaturals working to fight it off at some point, i’m not saying let her film ur supernatural hurting an npc but like do it, anything
tessa gray / the infernal devices / awareish
so technically she’s part shadowhunter part demon but homegirl does not know it so it’s going to be a fucking interesting time for her. honestly destructive power is mixed cause she’s certainly got some but the lack of awareness will make it weaker. will probably use this as an excuse to trigger a few more of her memories. open to her injuring someone.
leveling up: probably not
plots: uh, someone she can freak out to in the first 24 hours before the poison hits because she doesn’t even know she’s supernatural, someone she gives a minor injury to maybe, someone trying to snap her out of it, anything
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amorremanet · 8 years
omg Kassie i'm bad at these au meme things and i feel like asking for, like, theatre kids au headcanons is disingenuous because can you have a headcanon for your own world? that would just be canon, no? so gimme 5 headcanons for a a hedric college modern au?
the “send me an au and i’ll write 5+ headcanons about it” game
I actually have done that for this game before, though it was a little less, “headcanons about a universe that is already headcanon” and more, “a glorified excuse to talk a lot about the headcanon universe” — but anyway
So, at Hogwarts University, we have Cedric Diggory, one of the History department’s postgrad students, and Harry Potter, one of the undergrads in the Social Policy and Social Work program.
They first met each other during one of the unofficial, only barely organized, by the students and for the students games of football, when they got put on the same team and butted heads about strategy, with a lot of openly sarcastic snark from Harry, and a lot of passive-aggressive dry snark from Cedric, and a lot of eye-rolling from their teammates because there is a time and a place for ineptly flirting at each other without entirely realizing that you’re doing it, and neither of them is, “during a game, what the Hell, guys”
Everyone else on that team, from Ginny (Harry’s ex and his best friend’s sister) to Viktor (who’s a big deal footballer but he really doesn’t like being reminded of it, or how it’s impeded all of his academics, and anyway, he’s Cedric’s roommate and they used to be boyfriends) had a Super Awkward time of it because eventually, it became obvious that Harry and Cedric were not listening to them, were totally off in their own world during all attempted discussions of strategy, and were probably going to be super into each other
The snarkfest finally ended when Harry sort of accidentally tackled Cedric while trying not to faceplant after hitting a slick patch of mud too quickly and sliding, after which: 1. Ginny took over as captain, and dragged Viktor into being her co-captain, because she decided that if Cedric and Harry couldn’t share the co-captain spot without flirting and being ridiculous at each other, then screw them, they don’t get to be co-captains anymore;
and 2. even if she hadn’t, they would’ve calmed down anyway, because abruptly ending up sprawled out with Harry on top of Cedric made both of them have an, “oh shit, he’s hot” moment, which really knocked the wind out of their unintentional snarky argue-flirting and made both of them much more cooperative
For her part, Cho is really glad that she was on the other team for all of this (though, at the time, she was really not into this arrangement because she got stuck with Draco, Zacharias, Pansy, Oliver, and Roger Davies as some of her teammates, and Cho mostly likes Oliver and Roger, but all five of these people kinda suck to be on a team with for various reasons).
But she’s grateful now because on one hand, she and Cedric dated before they were in undergrad, and he’s one of her best friends. On the other hand, she and Harry briefly dated, and it ended amicably.
And on the tentacle, she’s currently in a Something with Ginny that isn’t yet officially anything because neither of them is sure what she wants but they keep flirting with each other but in not very direct ways, and okay really, it would’ve been Awkward And Messy for Cho to be on a team with Ginny while two of her exes were being even more inept at flirting than Cho and Ginny have been
Cedric has this problem where he doesn’t know how to ask for help when he needs it, because:
1. he’s legitimately gifted (which has given him kind of a Thing about working hard enough to prove that he isn’t just coasting by on his natural talents and aptitude, which usually means that he will work himself almost to the point of a complete breakdown, succeed, and then learn almost nothing from this since he didn’t actually have said breakdown so it’s probably okay to keep doing this — and he still feels like it’s not enough and maybe he’s not actually good at anything)
2. a lot of people whom he cares about rely on and look up to him (which kicks him in the responsibility and makes him feel like he has to always be there for them, and he gets that he is allowed to ask people to be there for him in turn, but he only actually lives that idea in certain specific ways that usually do not involve any of his actual problems)
and 3. he kinda has a chip on his shoulder about whether or not he can actually handle anything on his own, and about doing all of the work to prove that he can, because he was sort of an awkward and sickly kid, and between his Mum verging on being overprotective and Amos over-hyping Cedric for every. single. accomplishment. he ever had, in ways that Cedric finds over-the-top and unnecessary, Cedric got stuck worrying about whether or not he could handle anything
This is all getting particularly problematic because Cedric has pretty much no idea what he’s going to do after finishing his postgraduate work (which he started because he had no idea what he was going to do after finishing his undergrad) and he feels like he can’t ask anyone for help without letting everyone down and somehow hurting them horribly.
Someone, please. Help this boy.
Harry really values his ability to keep a low profile. Unfortunately for him, this ability is borderline non-existent because:
1. He’s the son of that famous footballer whose father invented Toaster Strudels or something (it was actually the Sleekeazy line of hair products but almost nobody remembers that, since Harry never talks about it, and his hair never behaves and he has no idea what hair products do what, so no one thinks to associate him with Sleekeazy), and that one big deal activist who made her name vehemently, openly opposing that one disgraced former Tory MP who was in good with Thatcher back in the day but these days, he’s gone even further to the political right and he’s trying (once again) to make a comeback by capitalizing on increasing Islamophobia and anti-immigrant sentiments to make people vote for him.
2. The Potters died in really shady circumstances when Harry was very young, which sorta led that guy’s big fall from grace, and a huge custody nightmare because Harry was supposed to go live with his godfather and his father’s BFF, that wayward disowned, gay, bipolar son of that one noble family who are some of said ex-Tory MP’s biggest supporters, who’s managed to establish himself as a writer, but Lily’s parents initially started voicing Concern about Harry living with him, because at the time, he was:
a. undiagnosed, so a lot of his symptoms were seen as Just Sirius Being Sirius and, “just Sirius being Sirius” was periodically dangerous (mostly to Sirius himself but… still in ways that concerned Harry’s Evans grandparents);
b. nominally single, officially “straight,” and sharing a place with Professor Lupin from the History department (who was a postgrad, then), but that was all a façade, hiding their on-off Thing, where they were kinda together, but sometime not, and sometimes, “together but allowed to see other people as long as they talk about it if it ever gets serious (which it never really did but still)” — and oh boy, there was a Mess when that all came out during the custody nightmare (not least because Petunia and Vernon entered the discussion by being homophobic all over it, and making matters way, WAY worse when some trashy tabloid journalist outed Remus’s HIV status);
and c. a person of interest in the investigation of James and Lily’s deaths (which never amounted to charges and was eventually dropped, but not for lack of trying to pin it all on Sirius, on the parts of a few choice assholes).
3. Harry is a pretty gifted footballer himself, and a pretty good student, and friends with that loudmouth activisty girl who took advantage of an obscure and underutilized academic option to design her own program (combining history, law, political science, and social policy), and the youngest son of that family of impoverished minor nobles who act like they’re all about family values but are secretly an abusive shit-show, oh and he’s not actually a student here anymore, he left school to go into some nebulous but profitable startup with his twin brothers, but Harry and Hermione are still here, so he hangs around so often that most people don’t remember that he doesn’t even go here
(overall, Ron and Hermione are equally notable but in very different ways and for very different reasons)
and 4. Harry also spent his entire adolescence accidentally foiling that dickbag ex-Tory MP’s plans to try and make his comeback, and aside from all of the shit that he was embroiled in as a toddler, his godfather being kind of a Big Deal in several ways, and his “uncle” being a member of the university’s faculty, Harry just keeps drawing attention to himself without meaning to.
Someone please help him, he just wants to not have to deal with all of this attention, it is so frustrating
ngl, one of his favorite things about Cedric is that Cedric does not treat him as Famous Harry Potter, and manages to strike a rare balance between acknowledging the effects of this shit on Harry’s life and treating Harry as a real person without giving him any special treatment for better or for worse because of who his parents were, or his accidental teenage activism, or his talent at football, or any of that
(—like, seriously. Ron, Hermione, Luna, Cho, Remus, and Sirius are the only other people Harry would list as having done the thing consistently. This isn’t really fair to some others in his life, but he’s also pretty sensitive about all of this, so unfair as it is to some people in his life, it’s understandable that his list is so short)
Their first date happened kind of by accident.
See, it started when Sirius got asked to come have a reading and talk on campus, and of course Harry was going to go because it’s Sirius and his new book is really good and even if Harry didn’t like it, he’d still go because it’s Sirius.
Cedric showed up with the intent to just enjoy it and hopefully ask some questions during the Q&A (like, this boy showed up with an entire page of possible questions in his notebook, and that had already been whittled down quite a lot, and even as he went into the auditorium, he was still debating which one he wanted to ask most)
This particular event had open seating, rather than assigned seating, and Harry…… was sort of not sure where to sit, when he showed up. Like, he picked out Ron in the crowd first… but then noticed that Ron was sitting with Viktor, and looking kinda bored while Viktor looked eager, and yeah, there was a brief feeling of, “What the Hell, I should go over there and ask why Ron didn’t tell me he had a date with Viktor, who cares if I ruin their moment, what the Hell Ron” — but Harry decided against it because Ron hadn’t had a date in a while, and ruining it for him would’ve been a dick move
Then, he spotted Hermione… right as Luna sat down with her and they picked up where they’d apparently left off in some debate or other that Harry couldn’t hear so he just imagined that it was another round of Hermione reading Sirius’s poetry as sociopolitical commentaries first and foremost, while Luna primarily reads them as poems, looking at how the language and choice of images create certain emotions and stories and word-pictures, rather than what those things mean in a broader sociopolitical context, and probably arguing about the place of the author in interpreting literature
(He wasn’t that far off. Add in some stuff like, “Luna ffs why did you bring gummy bears to a poetry reading” and, “Did you do something special with your hair? …Oh, wait, you’re just not wearing any Sleekeazy’s in it, are you? …It looks really pretty and I’m sorry your internship’s been pressuring you into wearing it for the sake of looking quote-unquote professional” — and then you’d basically have what they were on about)
This process repeated itself with Cho and Ginny, then with Dean and Seamus, then with Lavender and Parvati, then with Angelina and Katie, then with Fleur and Tonks — it was only different when Harry noticed Draco, then Zacharias, because ugh, fuck shit dammit NO, there is not enough money in the world to pay Harry to sit next to either of them — and finally, he noticed Cedric sitting on his own
Faced with the choices of, “go ask Cedric if he can sit next to him and risk rejection” or, “sit alone and feel lonely, and risk Remus coming to sit with him and feeling like a loser because ugggh, one of his godfathers actually came to sit with him so he wouldn’t feel lonely which was well-intentioned but just kind of reaffirmed Harry’s feelings of loneliness and loserdom, and ugggh, he loves you, Uncle Moony, but why this”
……yeah, Harry went and asked if he could join Cedric
Cedric was really confused about why Harry seemed so hugely relieved to have been told, “Oh, sure, please — God, it’s kinda lonely with all the couples in here, right?” because?? Like???? Cedric goes out of his way to try and be kind and welcoming to everyone (even when they’ve shared incidents like the football game arguing and accidental tackling), and he got worried that he’d done something to make Harry feel like he didn’t like him or didn’t want him around
But there wasn’t really a lot of time to worry about it before the presentation started
So, instead, Cedric just waited until it was done and then asked if Harry wanted to go get dinner or something, because it was Very Important to Cedric to make sure that Harry knew that he was genuinely welcome
And well, first, they had to duck over to see Sirius before he got to signing books for people, because Sirius doesn’t always read his texts before just going, “shit, where is my godson” (or whatever) and getting really caught up in things, and Remus regularly forgets to charge his phone, lets it die, and doesn’t notice until someone (usually Sirius, Harry, Minerva, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, or Tonks) goes, “what the fuck, why does your phone keep going straight to voicemail”
Like, you just can’t go, “okay, text Remus and he’ll go tell Sirius because he’s more responsible” because neither one of them is actually that responsible about this particular point — so Harry wanted to just congratulate Sirius, let him know that Harry would be staying at his and Remus’s place that night instead of at his, Ron, and Hermione’s place, and go, “oh btw, I’d stay here longer but I think the hot guy I accidentally tackled a few weeks ago just asked me out so I’m sorry for blowing you off but I’m gonna go out with him now”
(Sirius is always touched when he’s reminded that Harry loves him that much, but he’s also confused about why Harry felt a need to apologize for that because his opinion on all of this is, “why didn’t you just text me then, shut up at talking to me and go get some with Hot Football Boy”)
(Harry’s not even going to try to go, “I can’t text you bc I never know if you’re going to read them before you call up Ron, Hermione, Professor McGonagall, and the campus safety people to try and find me despite how I texted you that I was going to bed early or something.” He’s done that too many times to think that the message ever sticks with Sirius for long.)
Either way, Harry burned up a lot of his, “communicating with other people in an effective way” points because he didn’t ask Cedric if he’d meant this as a date date until two-thirds of the way through dinner, and his reaction to Cedric’s, “……I hadn’t thought about that one way or the other? But I’d like it if it were, if you did” was, “???? so is it a date date or not what??”
Working that out took them a good five minutes of vague as fuck, noncommittal back and forth
They eventually decided on it being a date date, but still
Shitty last headcanon is shitty because it’s 1 AM and I lost control of my life and this post and I’m tired but: so, Cedric and Viktor have a dog. She’s a mutt who Cedric found at a shelter a few years ago and fell in love with because she just looked like she needed a home so much. Her name is Lady and she’s very friendly. Before Harry met her the first time, Cedric did tell him that Lady is very friendly, but he didn’t really specify how friendly she can be when she decides that she likes someone.
She decided that she liked Harry immediately after meeting him
So, while he was waiting for Cedric to finish getting ready, she came over and put her head on Harry’s leg… then brought over a toy and made the, “play with me please please please” face at him and he indulged her because awwww cute……
And then Harry isn’t really sure what happened, but he wound up on the floor by Cedric and Viktor’s coffee table (which is perpetually buried under a stack of books), with a large dog sprawled on top of him and alternately nuzzling and licking him
Viktor had to come save him because Harry didn’t know what to do and felt bad about trying to tell Lady to get off because anytime he does that with Sirius and Remus’s dogs, the dogs get sad and Harry feels like he just seriously hurt their feelings and he doesn’t know what to do
As opposed to Crookshanks, who Harry can be blunt and cranky with, because Crookshanks is only marginally nicer to Harry than he is to Ron, and fine, cat, if you’re going to be an arse, Harry’s going to just pick you up and relocate you when you sit on his things or try to commandeer his lap when he’s trying to work
Hermione and Sirius both wish that there weren’t so much slightly vague enmity between Harry and Crookshanks, and Ron and Crookshanks, but Hermione and Sirius are both biased as fuck because Crookshanks is always nice and well-behaved for both of them
Viktor still took pics first, because it was cute and he figured that Cedric would want to see it
He was right, and Harry, personally, is just thankful that nobody put the pics on social media
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