#like how the English & French dubs make it sound like all three songs were written on the Ambrosian seal
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Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Disclaimer: This is a fan-translation for the Japan-exclusive novellisation of the movie Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. The original novel was written by Aya Matsui under the supervision of Akihiro Hino, and belongs to Level-5.
This translation only aims to be a pleasant read for non-Japanese fans, nothing more: I made a few deliberate changes while translating in order to get the writing style closer to what is usually found in English fanfictions, as the Japanese storytelling can sometimes be different than what we are used to.
☆ Melina Whistler
I could remember it clearly.
The unparalleled sense of fear, of entrapment and desolation, when I was sent into the body of someone else…
I looked for a place to hide, but there was nowhere to.
Everything was cold… I could hardly breathe.
I couldn’t stay here! Please, someone let me out!
I screamed desperately, but no one could hear me.
I kept pleading to someone I couldn’t see.
Please, I don’t want to stay here either. But I can’t leave. I have to stay here…
“Melina—Is that you, Melina?”
I had heard a familiar voice.
I could hear… or rather, I could feel it.
I couldn’t see her, but I knew that Janice was close by.
“Melina! This is incredible. I can’t believe you are so close to me…”
“I’m sorry, Janice! I shouldn’t be here. I’ll disappear right now… Somehow, I’ll find a way to do that!”
“No, you can’t!”
“I’ve just found you again… Do you realise how much I missed you? How much I missed my best friend while you were gone…”
“But, Janice…”
“It’s okay, Melina… I can’t let you go on like this.”
Suddenly, I had felt something shifting.
The sense of fear and desolation disappeared…
Her voice was moving away.
“This isn’t just for you. This is also for me. Melina, you may not understand, but the grief and suffering of those left behind is so strong…”
I know, Janice…
I had felt Papa’s grief and pain even after I had lost my body…
“You have to understand, Melina. Losing my best friend not once, but twice, would surely break my heart…”
Before I knew it, I was slowly becoming familiar with Janice’s body, as if guided by the waves of the sea.
I had been spoiled by her heartfelt friendship…
At that moment…
The sound of slow clapping brought me back to reality.
It was Descole. The man who had used Papa’s love for me to draw him into his evil ways…
“Excellent. I did not realise that the memory copying had been successful… So congratulations, Whistler, you’ve achieved your goal.”
It was no wonder that you hadn’t noticed, Descole. Someone like you would never understand Janice’s kindness, or the nobility of sacrificing oneself in order to keep others alive.
“Oh, oh my God…”
Poor Papa… He was completely confused.
I looked straight into his eyes. Papa… I needed him to understand my feelings.
“At some point, I started to realise that this was wrong. I can’t live my life at the expense of my friend.”
I told him my honest thoughts.
“It was you who wrote to me, wasn’t it?”
Professor Layton…
I… No, we both wrote that letter. Janice’s voice had become inaudible to me, but our hearts were still communicating.
“It was the right choice to choose you, Professor. I thought you would be able to stop Papa… Just like I wanted him to stop.”
Isn’t that right, Janice?
It was just as you told me before.
“There is no puzzle that Professor Layton can’t solve, Melina.”
“I can’t stay in her body forever… But as long as this device exists, Papa will continue to copy my memories.”
Papa’s eyes… They were looking at me, not at Janice.
“I had heard a lot about the Professor from Janice. She admired you so much…”
I’m sorry, Janice… I said it.
As soon as you gave me your life, I had realised how much the professor meant to you…
When I first met him on the Crown Petone, I made my most cherished memories. The times when he solved puzzles… That time when we were talking on the beach… That time when we were riding that makeshift helicopter that we had built… I was never alone.
Papa’s voice was trembling.
“Melina, I… This was all for you…”
“Thank you, Papa… I appreciate how you feel. But, please… These horrendous things have to stop now.”
“I just couldn’t accept a life without my beloved daughter… So I…”
At that moment— The whole room was struck by a tremendous quake.
“Professor, the ceiling!”
With a roar, the ceiling above us was split in two, as we all stood under it in stunned shock.
Then Descole took my arm.
In a flash, Descole ran up the stairs leading to the Detragan and set me down.
A pack of wolves popped out and surrounded everyone. They all let out a terrifying howl then stood menacingly, ready to pounce on anyone at any moment.
“What are you doing, Descole!?”
“I needed Melina’s memories to achieve my true goal,” he replied coldly, standing right next to me.
“Your true goal…?” Papa asked in confusion.
I was with him on this one… I had no idea what this was about either. What could he possibly need my memories for? What could that mean?
Descole twirled his cloak and pointed to the ceiling.
“The resurrection of Ambrosia!”
The ceiling was painted with the Ambrosian crest… The Kingdom of Immortality.
“It all started when I discovered their coat of arms in its entirety…”
Descole turned to the professor and sent him a condescending look.
“Layton, what do you think these symbols mean?”
The coat of arms had a design reminiscent of a king and queen, surrounded by a vast number of lines, dots and jagged patterns…
The professor soon gasped in realisation. “…It’s a music sheet!”
“Correct. A music sheet, written in the Ambrosian way.”
Descole walked over to the Detragan and reached for a sheet music.
“In other words, the coat of arms is inscribed with the first key required to open the door to Ambrosia: a song that could be called ‘A Song of the Stars.’”
“A ‘Song of the Stars’…!?” Luke repeated incredulously.
“The second key is you, Melina.”
I could not believe my ears. “Me… the second key?”
The resurrection of Ambrosia, keys to open a door… I did not understand.
“The first key alone was not enough to revive Ambrosia. This was when I realised that the crest also hinted at the existence of a second key…”
The professor instantly resonated. “The ‘Song of the Sea’!”
Descole slowly took my hand with an icy smile. His grip was just as cold as his face.
“The stars, and the sea. When the two melodies are combined, Ambrosia will be revived.”
“I didn’t realise… that he was after the kingdom itself,” Papa slowly shook his head in shame.
“Alas, by the time the puzzle of the crest had been solved… The only person who had an accurate memory of the second key could no longer sing…”
So that was what this was all about.
The ‘Song of the Sea’… It was the song that the sea around Ambrosia had taught me.
Ever since we had moved to this island so I could recuperate from my illness, I had spent every day gazing out at it. Walking along the beach, or standing on my balcony, with the feeling of the sea breeze embracing me…
It wasn’t long before I had become aware of the melody that the sea was bringing me.
The wind, blowing past the reefs jutting out from the shore, would sing the same song to me every day. The waves breaking onto the shore would add to the music, creating a pleasant harmony, like a small ensemble.
Soon, I had unconsciously began to hum that very beautiful and somewhat nostalgic melody. When the sea and the song were joined together, it had given me a sense of heartfelt sincerity. It was soothing… and it made me happy, as I felt surrounded by a shower of invisible music.
Descole put his hand on one of the Detragan’s levers.
“Even though some memories were left behind… I wanted a perfect copy, more than Whistler did!”
He pulled the lever. Immediately after, the staircase exploded and bright lights flashed on the wall.
The smoke from the explosion blocked my view.
⇚ ⇛
#professor layton#layton's book club#melina whistler#janice quatlane#oswald whistler#jean descole#hershel layton#eternal diva#eternal diva novel#translation#professor layton and the eternal diva#ayo this part was so WILD#This is why I'm transcribing this stuff. Japanese version cleared up SO many questions that the localisations brushed off.#like how the English & French dubs make it sound like all three songs were written on the Ambrosian seal#while in fact the original version explains that only the song of the stars (+ sun) + a drawing of the sea (+ sun) are there.#So basically it seems like we can deduce here a full timeline of how things went!#Step 1: Des steps foot on Ambrosia and discovers the first known instance of the complete crest.#Step 2: He figures out the Song of the Stars from the music sheet on the crest#and likely deduces that it's the key to reviving Ambrosia.#Step 3: He plays the song of the stars and it doesn't work. He looks at the crest again and sees the drawing of the sea.#He deduces that there is another key related to the sea. Somehow he figures out that there is only one person in the world who knows it.#(I have a hypothesis about the why and how but I'll leave that for later since this hypothesis lacks solid evidence.)#Step 4: Des figures out (somehow) that this “one person in the whole world” is Melina.#Step 5: Melina is sick so he uses that as an excuse to have the Whistlers move to Ambrosia and live inside the black castle he built.#His excuse for bringing them there is that the ocean breeze will do some good to her health.#Step 6: Melina is healthy enough to walk on the shore a few times and she notices that the sea sings to her. She learns the song of the sea#Unfortunately she is already too sick to sing it properly so Descole can't use her. And soon after that she dies.#Step 7: Des and Whistler had been prepared for that eventuality and copied her memories with the Detragan. So they just need a host for her#Des only was able to get his hands on the song of the sea when Melina learned it. And she never wrote it down before dying.#See the music sheet that Layton plays to Nina? It's the song of the sea. Sure. But it's incomplete. It only has the first half.
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A Fistful of Munny - Extended End Notes
Notes for A Fistful of Munny that don’t fit within the character limit under the cut!
Please, read the fic before reading this post
All right! Welcome to the extended notes, in which I go into excruciating detail over a bunch of stuff that doesn’t matter, because I like the sound of my own voice!
Let’s start with some more broad stuff that didn’t make the exclusive end notes space. To do the Fistful of Dollars homage, I needed a place where I could have two villainous factions intersecting for Strelitzia to play against one another. After some brainstorming and asking for help from other people working on the Entwined in Trine Sorikai zine (and ultimately ignoring all their very good suggestions (Sorry, guys!)), I eventually realized that the Wasteland from Epic Mickey was a perfect place for this story, both in the sense of having mooks to destroy without Strels committing actual murder, and in the thematic sense of forgotten characters. There was just one issue.
I hadn’t played Epic Mickey.
And that is how I spent my summer, playing both Epic Mickey games. Both, because I was looking for a good location to set the story in in-world. Since the Wasteland is based on the Disney theme parks, I was hoping to find one based on Frontierland, their Western section. Such a location did exist – Disney Gulch – but only in the second game. Which meant I had to play Epic Mickey 2, as well. (The first one is a better game, but that’s not really the fault of the developers; they were not given the time they needed to make it as good as the first one. Here’s a video with trivia about the series that goes a little into the development.) I also needed to learn the Mad Doctor’s ultimate fate, since I wanted his Beetleworx/Blotworx to be one of the two villainous factions. In the game, depending on whether you chose the Paint (Paragon) or Thinner (Renegade) path, the Doc is either redeemed… or dead. Neither of which was helpful, so I had to invent.
But let’s talk about characters and why I picked them in order. The short version for why these choices, at least on the Final Fantasy side, is set-up for later. Obviously I can’t go into detail why. Before that, let’s talk about the Beanie Baby.
Chi is, as I hope you were able to guess, Strelitzia’s Chirithy. I’ve brought it up several times, but I personally do not like mascot characters. There are a few exceptions, but Chirithies are not one of them. Like I said, KHUx isn’t what happened in this AU, so you’ll have to wait for in-universe answers on why it’s a cat now. Out-of-universe reason is this was the only way I could make it palatable for myself. I arbitrarily decided on a gender for it because as a real cat, it would have a sex. Canonically Chirithies appear to be genderless, and in Japanese refer to themselves with the gender-neutral (but masculine-leaning) boku. I would’ve left Chi that way, save for the fact that he’s a completely normal cat now. (And before you ask, no, not every real cat that appears in KHΨ from this point on is a Chirithy.)
As for Strelitzia herself, it’s hard for me to pick up a character’s voice when they’re… not voiced. Intonation and cadence do a lot for me mimicking the way a character talks, so it’s a bit more difficult when they don’t technically speak. I tried for a mix between Sora and Kairi, while still keeping her defining character traits of being shy, but also impulsive.
You may notice that while she’s started remembering faces, if not names, the Player’s name and face still eludes her, despite her (canonical. Deal with it.) crush on them. There is a story reason for this, and will become clear once Luxu takes centre stage.
The name “Jane” was chosen with more consideration than just “Jane Doe” being the standard name in (at least my corner of) the English-speaking world for a woman of unknown identity. See, the Man With No Name actually has three names. In A Fistful of Dollars, he is referred to (by one character in one scene, once) as “Joe”. “Joan” might have been a more clear homage, but I figure Jane makes sense. And as you might guess, in the next fic, Strels will be going by a different name, still not her own. She’ll remember her name… eventually.
One might think I could’ve picked any old Cid, and one would be wrong for reasons I can’t explain yet. In fact, I can’t explain much of anything surrounding him yet. What I can say is no, Cidney Aurum is not dead, she’s just not related to Cid Sophiar in this fic verse. An unfortunate consequence of where I wanted to put each of them in the narrative; making them not be related was the only way it made any sense, geographically speaking.
Hyperion on the other hand, I can talk about. He’s one of the Gremlins in Epic Mickey, and… wait, first things first. Gremlins are from an abandoned Disney film based on a Roald Dahl book, itself based on the cryptids that supposedly haunted airplanes and caused them to malfunction, the earliest known written-down mention of the concept being from the 1920s. The film never got made, but the designs Disney would have used were adapted into a second printing of Dahl’s book, and they were later used in Epic Mickey. Hyperion is, like the publishing imprint that Disney owns, named after a street that Walt Disney used to live on. In-game, Hyperion is in Bog Easy (based on the Haunted Mansion), not Disney Gulch, but his name stuck out to me as being particularly fun, so I picked him instead of trying to figure out what Gremlins actually are in the Gulch (they have names in the files of Epic Mickey 2, but not in the actual game, so it would have been a hunt).
Regardless of where the setting ended up, for the second villainous faction, I was always going to plop down the good old Don. More things I can’t talk about. For everything FF7, know that I’m always going to be pulling from a mix of the original game, Remake, and Machinabridged. Hence, Corneo’s outfit is a mix of his original and Remake designs (which basically just means he’s wearing blue jeans instead of brown). I didn’t think bringing in his three lieutenants from Remake was necessary, especially since this was supposed to be a kind-of small operation.
Leslie is picked up and dropped from Remake pretty much unchanged. I needed someone to do the murders Strels couldn’t, and even if he’s not a complete asshole, he’s still mostly an asshole. Have we ever seen small, Materia-like balls used to cast magic before…?
Onto the fun bits, which is the Disney characters. We’ll start with Percy, who is from a Goofy short called “How to Ride a Horse”, from 1950. And that’s about it. The conceit in Wasteland is that all of the Toons there were basically actors, and they wound up in Wasteland if they were forgotten (that’s not exactly correct, but I’m generalizing). This is interesting, since two of the Toons in Epic Mickey are Horace Horsecollar and Clarabelle Cow, both of whom… are residents of Disney Town in Kingdom Hearts, having shown up in Birth by Sleep. So that’s an interesting continuity snarl that I’m going to just ignore.
Persephone and Pluto, on the other hand, are from an earlier short called “The Goddess of Spring”, from 1934. It was one of the projects Disney tried as practice for Snow White. If you’re about to protest that his name should be Hades, not Pluto, then you’re going to need a time machine so you can tell them back in the 30s. The Goddess of Spring is a musical, in the sense that every single line is sung. Watch it for yourself. There’s a video with better quality floating around YouTube, but for some reason it’s the French dub. And that’s why both of them sing most of their lines. I tried matching the meter of their actual parts, but Persephone’s doesn’t actually follow a syllabic pattern that I could make out. I eventually gave up and just gave her the meter from the start of the short. Pluto’s was easier to manage (and more consistent).
The skeletons are Disney veterans, presumably the same ones from “The Skeleton Dance” (1929), but more specifically they’re mimicking what they did in “The Mad Doctor” (1933), the first appearance of our other villain. They’re fun.
The original Mad Doctor was supposedly named “Dr. XXX”, according to the name on his door. This was before the modern film rating system was put in place; it was a different time. In the original short, the Mad Doctor kidnaps Pluto (the dog) with the intent of cutting him in half and putting his front half on a chicken For Science!, and Mickey follows him to his castle to rescue the purloined pooch. The short wasn’t a musical in the same vein as “The Goddess of Spring”, but… the Mad Doctor’s only spoken lines were a song (aside from evil cackling). While I had already decided to do the “Toons that sang in their short can only communicate through song” with Persephone and Pluto before starting on Epic Mickey 2, I hilariously discovered that the game developers had done the exact same gag with the Mad Doctor, most of his lines in the game being sung. (In Epic Mickey there were no fully voiced lines, so he speaks as normally as anyone else does). Which made it easier to write his songs here, since I could just rewrite his songs from the game. I used to write alternate lyrics for songs back in high school, so this was an interesting trip back in time for me. They were stuck in my head for weeks afterwards, but it was worth it.
I believe that’s everything for the characters. Let’s talk about Keyblades.
It irks me that three people in KHUx have the same Keyblade. Ephemer, Skuld, and Strelitzia all have variations of Starlight. Now, in KHΨ, there is only one Starlight, and it belongs to Luxu, so I’m going to have to decide on different Keyblades for each of them. (Ephemer’s has already been decided, and I haven’t started brainstorming for Skuld yet. No I do not need suggestions, thank you). Pixie Petal bears a noted (by KHWiki) resemblance to one of Marluxia’s alternate scythes, so that tangential connection was enough for me. Both siblings have flower-themed Keyblades – it makes sense to me.
You might notice a few disparities in the magic. These are on purpose, and will eventually make sense. And that’s all I can say on that at the moment. ;)
Oh, yes, one important thing I probably should have said on the main notes: I’m not going for a realistic depiction of amnesia here. Anything I got right was entirely accidental, and I’m fairly certain there’s not much. There might be a story reason for why it works the way it does… and it might be the same reason why other people from KHUx have or had amnesia in the present day…
You know what’s funny? Although Orcuses look more impressive than Invisibles, their stats in Days are actually worse. I’m fairly sure that this is because the only time we see an Orcus, it’s actually an illusion cast over Xion so that Roxas will fight her to the death. There are no other stats for them (according to KHWiki), since they’ve never been used elsewhere.
A friendly reminder that Apprentice Xehanort invented the term “Heartless”, which was why Aqua didn’t know what to call them until Mickey told her. Thus, nobody from the era of the Keyblade War should know the term “Heartless” without being told by someone in present day. “Darkling” was the term they used instead. I’m fairly certain KHUx ignores the continuity on this (so why should we trust its continuity for anything else, hmm?)
I think that covers everything! Or at least everything I’m willing to share at this point. If you’ve read this far, thank you! I appreciate your dedication! ^_^
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( @caffienefuelsmywriting it wouldn’t let me answer your ask as an ask, but here’s the answer lol)
Aw thank you! 😄😂💜 I’m gonna talk about my wip, Losers Never Win, since I’ve been posting a lot of mood boards about it recently 😊
1) describe the plot in 1 sentence.
Sidekicks of both heroes and villains, who all want to be good, join forces to save the world.
2) pick one sight, smell, sound, feel, and taste to describe the aesthetic of your novel.
SIGHT: painted nails with bloody knuckles.
SMELL: campfires.
SOUND: action music that you hear in fighting scenes.
FEEL: soft plushies.
TASTE: french fries.
3) which 3+ songs would make up a playlist for the novel?
Rock What You Got -- Superchick (both original and remix)
It’s On -- Superchick
Revolting Children -- Matilda the Musical
Good Kid -- The Lighting Thief Musical
The Bad Guy [Reprise] -- Ultimate Storytime Musical
and probably more, I love music 😂
4) what’s the time period and location in which the novel takes place?
TIME: I haven’t quite settled on a time, but it’s definitely not in the past. Either an alternate universe of the present, or sometime in the future (I’m thinking maybe 2037 or something idk)
LOCATION: A fictional island in the Pacific Ocean, creatively called, The Island of Superheroes (which I, and the characters, fondly refer to as simply, the Island)
5) is this a standalone or a part in a series?
Currently, the idea is a standalone. However, who knows what will happen once I develop it further.
6) are there any former titles you’ve considered but discarded?
Nope. I literally had no title and then my best friend, Alyssa, randomly said (I don’t even remember why), “Losers never win, Jayce!” and it kinda clicked? That’s how my main characters become fondly dubbed as my Losers lol (also the reason that this wip will be dedicated to her 💜)
7) how many times does the word ____ appear in the novel?
8) what’s the first line that comes up when you search _____?
well I’ll skip these two questions since I was not given any words lol
9) what’s the first line of your novel?
as of now, there is no first line, since I haven’t really started writing this one as much as I have with TSA, but hopefully it’ll be a good first line when it is written lol
10) what’s a line of dialogue you’re particularly proud of?
11) which line from the novel most represents it as a whole?
12) who are your character faceclaims?
I only have two faceclaims out of the whole wip lol: Chris Pratt as Power Man/Jackson Armstrong/Lilly’s Dad and Jack Black as Implosion/Harry Brenden/Will’s Dad
13) sort your characters into harry potter houses!
ah! luckily for you, I already have! 😁
losers in hogwarts.png
14) which character’s name do you like the most?
oooh, tough question! I love them all and all their names lol... okay, here are my top five:
Lilly Armstrong -- I love the name Lily (my fake sister and childhood best friend are both named Lily), I liked the spelling with three Ls (a nice little way to separate it from people I know irl lol), and her surname is technically a pun, since she has super strength is her main superpower 😂
Yu Fan “Jada” Liu -- A couple of my best friends were born in China and they both have a Chinese legal name, and a primordally-used English name that their parents gave them when they moved to Canada, so it was something I really wanted to incorporate, since I just love my friends and want to include realistic representation of diversity (I refuse to whitewash any of my wips). Using the help of my friends and google, I chose the name Yu Fan as Jada’s legal name--Yu, meaning Jade, and Fan, meaning lethal or dangerous--which was fitting for her and her mother’s characters.
Christina Ng -- Christina’s nickname is Ris and I just love that so much 😂
Alastair Flemming -- I just think Al’s name is really pretty lol
Joanne Natania Cox -- I have a friend named Naveen, who’s super cute and sweet, whose first name is Natania--which I think is really pretty and a nice change from Natalia (but, I mean, I think Naveen is super pretty for a girl too)--so I knew I wanted to call Natania, well, Natania. I also knew I wanted her to go by her middle name; this is because, the majority of Filipinos who I know (and I know a bunch, since our church has a large Filipino community), go by their middle name as opposed to their first name.
15) describe each character’s daily outfit.
LILLY: cute and fun clothes, often pink, always fashionable, very confident
OMAR: plain and cheap clothes, often dark colours, though he tries to feel good about his outfits
SANDY: expensive and fashionable clothes, constantly covered in makeup, obviously cares a lot about her looks
WILL: literally doesn’t care, often mismatched and baggy
JADA: casual and fitted clothes, her outfits always compliment her appearance well
16) do any characters have distinctive birthmarks/scars?
Sandy--who was adopted, so she doesn’t know too much about her younger years--has always had mysterious burns and scars covering her body, giving her major self-consciousness and thus covers herself with makeup to conceal her skin (which also helps her hide her alter ego as a sidekick) and only helps to fuel her insecurities
17) pick a color to represent each character.
LILLY: pink
OMAR: navy blue
SANDY: purple
WILL: rainbow red
JADA: green
18) pick a font to represent each character.





19) which character most fits a character trope? which trope?
I honestly have no clue 😂
20) which character is the best writer? worst?
Alastair vs Natania
21) which character is the best liar? worst?
Lilly vs Alastair
22) which character swears the most? least?
Sandy vs Nate
23) which character has the best handwriting? worst?
Jada vs Alastair
24) which character is most like you? least like you?
Lilly vs Natania
25) which character would you most like to be?
probably Lilly--she’s pretty cool lol
thank you, this took longer than i anticipated 😂
#lnw#idk why it wouldn't let me post as an ask but whatever#Jayce posts#Jayce answers#caffienefuelsmywriting
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#This is why I'm transcribing this stuff. Japanese version cleared up SO many questions that the localisations brushed off. #like how the English & French dubs make it sound like all three songs were written on the Ambrosian seal #while in fact the original version explains that only the song of the stars (+ sun) + a drawing of the sea (+ sun) are there. #So basically it seems like we can deduce here a full timeline of how things went! #Step 1: Des steps foot on Ambrosia and discovers the first known instance of the complete crest. #Step 2: He figures out the Song of the Stars from the music sheet on the crest #and likely deduces that it's the key to reviving Ambrosia. #Step 3: He plays the song of the stars and it doesn't work. He looks at the crest again and sees the drawing of the sea. #He deduces that there is another key related to the sea. Somehow he figures out that there is only one person in the world who knows it. #(I have a hypothesis about the why and how but I'll leave that for later since this hypothesis lacks solid evidence.) #Step 4: Des figures out (somehow) that this “one person in the whole world” is Melina. #Step 5: Melina is sick so he uses that as an excuse to have the Whistlers move to Ambrosia and live inside the black castle he built. #His excuse for bringing them there is that the ocean breeze will do some good to her health. #Step 6: Melina is healthy enough to walk on the shore a few times and she notices that the sea sings to her. She learns the song of the sea #Unfortunately she is already too sick to sing it properly so Descole can't use her. And soon after that she dies. #Step 7: Des and Whistler had been prepared for that eventuality and copied her memories with the Detragan. So they just need a host for her #Des only was able to get his hands on the song of the sea when Melina learned it. And she never wrote it down before dying. #See the music sheet that Layton plays to Nina? It's the song of the sea. Sure. But it's incomplete. It only has the first half.
Lutias please don't hide this in the tags! (also I'm looking forward for your hypothesis)
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Disclaimer: This is a fan-translation for the Japan-exclusive novellisation of the movie Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. The original novel was written by Aya Matsui under the supervision of Akihiro Hino, and belongs to Level-5.
This translation only aims to be a pleasant read for non-Japanese fans, nothing more: I made a few deliberate changes while translating in order to get the writing style closer to what is usually found in English fanfictions, as the Japanese storytelling can sometimes be different than what we are used to.
☆ Melina Whistler
I could remember it clearly.
The unparalleled sense of fear, of entrapment and desolation, when I was sent into the body of someone else…
I looked for a place to hide, but there was nowhere to.
Everything was cold… I could hardly breathe.
I couldn’t stay here! Please, someone let me out!
I screamed desperately, but no one could hear me.
I kept pleading to someone I couldn’t see.
Please, I don’t want to stay here either. But I can’t leave. I have to stay here…
“Melina—Is that you, Melina?”
I had heard a familiar voice.
I could hear… or rather, I could feel it.
I couldn’t see her, but I knew that Janice was close by.
“Melina! This is incredible. I can’t believe you are so close to me…”
“I’m sorry, Janice! I shouldn’t be here. I’ll disappear right now… Somehow, I’ll find a way to do that!”
“No, you can’t!”
“I’ve just found you again… Do you realise how much I missed you? How much I missed my best friend while you were gone…”
“But, Janice…”
“It’s okay, Melina… I can’t let you go on like this.”
Suddenly, I had felt something shifting.
The sense of fear and desolation disappeared…
Her voice was moving away.
“This isn’t just for you. This is also for me. Melina, you may not understand, but the grief and suffering of those left behind is so strong…”
I know, Janice…
I had felt Papa’s grief and pain even after I had lost my body…
“You have to understand, Melina. Losing my best friend not once, but twice, would surely break my heart…”
Before I knew it, I was slowly becoming familiar with Janice’s body, as if guided by the waves of the sea.
I had been spoiled by her heartfelt friendship…
At that moment…
The sound of slow clapping brought me back to reality.
It was Descole. The man who had used Papa’s love for me to draw him into his evil ways…
“Excellent. I did not realise that the memory copying had been successful… So congratulations, Whistler, you’ve achieved your goal.”
It was no wonder that you hadn’t noticed, Descole. Someone like you would never understand Janice’s kindness, or the nobility of sacrificing oneself in order to keep others alive.
“Oh, oh my God…”
Poor Papa… He was completely confused.
I looked straight into his eyes. Papa… I needed him to understand my feelings.
“At some point, I started to realise that this was wrong. I can’t live my life at the expense of my friend.”
I told him my honest thoughts.
“It was you who wrote to me, wasn’t it?”
Professor Layton…
I… No, we both wrote that letter. Janice’s voice had become inaudible to me, but our hearts were still communicating.
“It was the right choice to choose you, Professor. I thought you would be able to stop Papa… Just like I wanted him to stop.”
Isn’t that right, Janice?
It was just as you told me before.
“There is no puzzle that Professor Layton can’t solve, Melina.”
“I can’t stay in her body forever… But as long as this device exists, Papa will continue to copy my memories.”
Papa’s eyes… They were looking at me, not at Janice.
“I had heard a lot about the Professor from Janice. She admired you so much…”
I’m sorry, Janice… I said it.
As soon as you gave me your life, I had realised how much the professor meant to you…
When I first met him on the Crown Petone, I made my most cherished memories. The times when he solved puzzles… That time when we were talking on the beach… That time when we were riding that makeshift helicopter that we had built… I was never alone.
Papa’s voice was trembling.
“Melina, I… This was all for you…”
“Thank you, Papa… I appreciate how you feel. But, please… These horrendous things have to stop now.”
“I just couldn’t accept a life without my beloved daughter… So I…”
At that moment— The whole room was struck by a tremendous quake.
“Professor, the ceiling!”
With a roar, the ceiling above us was split in two, as we all stood under it in stunned shock.
Then Descole took my arm.
In a flash, Descole ran up the stairs leading to the Detragan and set me down.
A pack of wolves popped out and surrounded everyone. They all let out a terrifying howl then stood menacingly, ready to pounce on anyone at any moment.
“What are you doing, Descole!?”
“I needed Melina’s memories to achieve my true goal,” he replied coldly, standing right next to me.
“Your true goal…?” Papa asked in confusion.
I was with him on this one… I had no idea what this was about either. What could he possibly need my memories for? What could that mean?
Descole twirled his cloak and pointed to the ceiling.
“The resurrection of Ambrosia!”
The ceiling was painted with the Ambrosian crest… The Kingdom of Immortality.
“It all started when I discovered their coat of arms in its entirety…”
Descole turned to the professor and sent him a condescending look.
“Layton, what do you think these symbols mean?”
The coat of arms had a design reminiscent of a king and queen, surrounded by a vast number of lines, dots and jagged patterns…
The professor soon gasped in realisation. “…It’s a music sheet!”
“Correct. A music sheet, written in the Ambrosian way.”
Descole walked over to the Detragan and reached for a sheet music.
“In other words, the coat of arms is inscribed with the first key required to open the door to Ambrosia: a song that could be called ‘A Song of the Stars.’”
“A ‘Song of the Stars’…!?” Luke repeated incredulously.
“The second key is you, Melina.”
I could not believe my ears. “Me… the second key?”
The resurrection of Ambrosia, keys to open a door… I did not understand.
“The first key alone was not enough to revive Ambrosia. This was when I realised that the crest also hinted at the existence of a second key…”
The professor instantly resonated. “The ‘Song of the Sea’!”
Descole slowly took my hand with an icy smile. His grip was just as cold as his face.
“The stars, and the sea. When the two melodies are combined, Ambrosia will be revived.”
“I didn’t realise… that he was after the kingdom itself,” Papa slowly shook his head in shame.
“Alas, by the time the puzzle of the crest had been solved… The only person who had an accurate memory of the second key could no longer sing…”
So that was what this was all about.
The ‘Song of the Sea’… It was the song that the sea around Ambrosia had taught me.
Ever since we had moved to this island so I could recuperate from my illness, I had spent every day gazing out at it. Walking along the beach, or standing on my balcony, with the feeling of the sea breeze embracing me…
It wasn’t long before I had become aware of the melody that the sea was bringing me.
The wind, blowing past the reefs jutting out from the shore, would sing the same song to me every day. The waves breaking onto the shore would add to the music, creating a pleasant harmony, like a small ensemble.
Soon, I had unconsciously began to hum that very beautiful and somewhat nostalgic melody. When the sea and the song were joined together, it had given me a sense of heartfelt sincerity. It was soothing… and it made me happy, as I felt surrounded by a shower of invisible music.
Descole put his hand on one of the Detragan’s levers.
“Even though some memories were left behind… I wanted a perfect copy, more than Whistler did!”
He pulled the lever. Immediately after, the staircase exploded and bright lights flashed on the wall.
The smoke from the explosion blocked my view.
⇚ ⇛
#professor layton#layton's book club#professor layton and the eternal diva#eternal diva#eternal diva novel#melina whistler#janice quatlane#hershel layton#jean descole#oswald whistler#love the first scene when melina wakes up#and when she remembers how she learnt the song of the sea#not a fan of how they make it sound like janice and melina both have a crush on layton though#are the authors trying to make us believe these two aren't gay and dating?#because that won't work#“Descole turned to the professor and sent him a condescending look” melina he's wearing a mask what do you mean
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