#like how do YOU know what kind of vampires the people voting for vampires would like to fuck?????
echthr0s · 1 year
that "would you rather fuck a vampire or werewolf" poll is really funny bc then you start seein people yelling "you call yourselves monsterfuckers and yet the 'pale aristocrats with pointy teeth' faction is winning???" as if that's the only kind of vampire
like Anne Rice really did do a number on the popular perception of vampires huh
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jev-urisk · 3 months
OOPS, I dropped my laptop and Kazimier X Reader smut fell out! 😮 🌶 
Fang Kink | Monster X Human | World of 🌐7 Circles🌐
I sure hope the two people who voted for this on my poll don't find it~
And I don't know what I would do if @monstersflashlight knew they inspired me to post my smut directly on Tumblrrr....~
Notice: 18+ interacts only. Explicit sex, Ungendered reader insert, alcohol consumption, references to blood, author unable to resist worldbuilding
[Part 1/2]
You’ve been keeping a secret for a couple months now.
As a human, you’re not allowed into the monster empire, you’re supposed to live your measly life outside its borders in the Outlands. If you ever were to venture into the dark claws of Du’Preve, the closest monster district to your human settlement, you would be executed or worse if they discovered you weren’t one of them.
So you’ve taken extra care not to be discovered.
You could never pass as a vampire, with their red eyes and sharp teeth- nevermind a gorgon or gargoyle. But Liches… those looked just like humans until they put too many magic runes on themselves. A little black paint, and some inspiration from a Lich warning poster in your area, and viola, TOTALLY not a human.
Thus far, you’ve hopped the border just to look around for a little while. Du’Preve has some kind of strange curse over it that dims the sun, even at high noon it seems like late evening. You LOVED it. Something about it made you feel alive- you always did have more energy at night and it was a wonder to experience it at 2pm.
You would walk the dirty streets, trying not to stare as you passed people with hissing hair, barking owners of strange market stands, and old rune-riddled liches mumbling incoherently in the gutters.
You also tried very hard not to squint, to act like you weren’t used to the perpetual darkness. You’d overheard monsters spit that word onto the pavement, ‘Squints.’ ‘Damn Squints,’ ‘Filch-beggin’ no good fuckin’ Squints.’
It has the same other-ness that ‘Fang-Banger’ has back home, a term that’s spat at anyone who gets cozy with a monster, even when it’s not the person’s fault.
You might get called that just for visiting Du’Preve, honestly.
But no one back home knows about your adventures, just as no monster knows what you really are. It’s been working so well that on today’s trip into darkness, you decide to do something a little different.
Du’Preve was known to host all kinds of escapism- drugs, whores, alcohol, you name it. But the most interesting to you were the parties and the clubs that hosted them. Last time you were here you overheard talk of one club in particular, The Club Lascivia, where patrons are generally safe from gang involvement and getting drinks spiked by malicious strangers.
You had gone through what few Du’Preve-looking outfits you had, needing something to wear to a club- eventually settling for something skimpier than you’d usually wear in your excitement to dance the night- or the day, away. You slip through your settlement in an old cloak which you leave at the border, soon arriving at your destination- by all appearances just another monster looking to party.
The scene was electric, with colored lights and dirty music that hummed beneath your skin. You moved between the dance floor, enjoying yourself with your heart racing at how close you were to the monstrous patrons, and simply watching the crowd from the safety of a booth, seeing for the first time how human these monsters really were.
In the booth next to you were two gargoyles, their stone-colored wings slightly unfolded to give a sense of privacy as they gossiped about a third gargoyle between flustered giggles.
You see a male gorgon leaning too close to a disinterested woman at the bar and after a few heated words she throws her drink in his face, causing his snakes to curl back with a hiss.
On the dancefloor you watch a little lich flirting with a stunning vampire, dancing so close, rubbing against one another. The vampire brushes closed lips against the lich’s throat in a dangerous tease and you shiver unexpectedly, drawn to the tantalizing threat.
Wait- ‘hot’? What are you thinking?! Are you.. a fang-banger? No but you haven’t-
Before you can really parse out your thoughts, you notice a man approaching your booth with a couple of drinks.
He’s in a leather jacket that he hasn’t bothered to zip up over his fishnet shirt, allowing you to see the shape of his hips and the toned ‘v’ of his pelvis peaking up over a studded belt and artfully ripped jeans.
He stops a pace or so away from you, looking at you through tinted glasses as the lights of the club backlight his mane of curly black hair. Something about the way he looks at you makes you flush. He smiles, as if he knows what you’re feeling, and you see fangs glinting in his smirk.
“Mind if I join ya?" He asks in this brassy yet silken voice.
“Yes.” you find yourself saying, “-You can join me, that is.”
“ ‘Preciate it.” he says, and as he sits a strange thrill buzzes through your skull. “Here, for your hospitality.”
He sets a tall drink garnished with a twist of orange in front of you and your voice of reason momentarily returns. Was this safe to drink? You didn’t see the drink made, so it’s possible this was a sexy trap to lure you into a surprise kidney removal or something, right? You rotate the glass, as if somehow that would help you tell if it was spiked.
As you’re grappling with how to politely refuse the cocktail, his hand and its many rings brushes against yours and he plucks your glass off the table to take a deep drink, smiling as he catches the look on your face.
He sets it back in front of you with about a third less liquid in it and leans back, his arms draping across the top of the plush seating. “You’re smart not to trust a stranger, but I don’t get my kicks at this club from unwilling participants.” he teases, not unkind, but with a hint of what those kicks may be, “Go on then.” he urges, looking at you, not the drink. “If you want it.. It’s here for you.”
You had never been propositioned quite like this. His air was pushy, dominant, forceful even. But in his words and relaxed posture he invited you to walk away. What if you did? He might chuckle as you excuse yourself with a scarlet blush.. but you don’t think he’d follow.
What if you didn’t?
In a streak of boldness you look him in the eye and pick up your drink, draining it entirely as you stare him down. You were a human with enough gall to sneak into monster territory, after all.
“Moxie.” he praises with a quirk of his brow. It crosses your mind that you’re impressing a monster with your bravery and you feel tipsy off that alone. He licks one of his fangs and you can’t take your eyes off him. You think to the vampire on the dance floor and wonder what it feels like to have those sharp teeth on your skin.. on your lips..
“Now that you're done with your drink, you wanna taste of somethin’ else?” He asks, and you blush at his ability to seemingly read your thoughts.
What.. What should you say? Obviously you were getting hot and bothered here but to do anything physical with a person from Du'Preve, to willingly walk into his grasp, that was a much much bigger taboo than taking yourself on a little adventure across the border now and again.
You feel a light touch on your wrist, the man has moved in the semicircular booth to sit beside you. “Hey now..” the man soothes, his fingers barely resting on your skin. “You can be nervous, moxie, or anythin’ between. If we do somethin’ I just need you to want it.”
Your voice comes out as a whisper, anxious and daring all at once. “I want it.”
[PART 2]
7C taglist:
@gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @pencilpusher1000 @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory @wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @fortunatetragedy @aalinaaaaaa @the-golden-comet @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites (hmu to be =/- to the list)
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
You don't seem like the requests type but I do have an idea:
Upcoming trial for vampire hunter (or serial killer that targets vampires depending on perspective) and the surrounding media circus
She was taken away in handcuffs at 7:30 last night. You've heard it at rallies before "kill the bloodsuckers!" or just "human rights" but she was the only person you could think of who actually did it. It scared vampires the most but it scared them all, it scared the werewolves who waited outside stores to pounce on shoplifters, it scared the witches who give humans who step out of line their "medicine", it scared the demon lords from the high towers watching humanity from below. But it scared the vampires more than all, it scared them that a human, someone who was so much lesser in their eyes could really kill them.
They say she was an employee under a powerful vampire lord, a programmer working in his massive tower. He called her in one day, like he called in so many employees. He asked her to show him her neck, to take off her clothing so he could drink from her veins, perhaps so he could drain her dry and leave her body laying dead on his office floor. But she said no, perhaps for the first time in so many generations a human told him no to his face. Nobody knows how exactly she killed him, but we know there was a struggle, and know that she peirced his heart, striking him right through his suit jacket.
More and more bodies piled up. The most powerful vampires in the world where so weak agaisnt her, she looked so normal, so young and pretty and filled with blood, they never thought it could be her. From the horrid batfaced landlord who demanded his tenants blood, to the young elegent tech ceo who would compliment his employees as the best and the brightest before draining them dry, to the leech mouthed creature who ran a chain of hospitals and brought in his patients blood for him and his freinds before he would heal them. They say she had killed fifteen of the most powerful vampires, perhaps more, before they caught her when the werewolves smelled the blood on her shirt. Any vampire who took the blood of a human without their consent was her target, and so many of those vampires felt so much fear that they might be next, fear that their kind hadn't felt in so long.
Everyone was so quick to dissmiss her. The press labeled her a terrorist, a serial killer, a human supremacist, weather a new source considered themselves left or right it didn't matter. Activists who hated vampires disowned her to prove that they weren't like her. You could see a thousand posts on your dash telling you that violent praxis does nothing, or that even if you hate that vampires drink people's blood it doesn't give you a right to kill them over it. It seems like everyone would rather those creatures go on to drain more victims dry, then to see people put a stop to them in a way that isn't perfectly peaceful. So many people say there are peaceful ways to stop the vampires, you haven't seen any, they tell you to vote in the next election and both the candidates are demons just from diffrent circles of the abyss, both are from the dark magic that vampires are born from.
The trial is quick. Her lawyer doesn't even seem to want her to win. She admits to what she did smiling, she'll be on death row by the time it happens, but she says they'll be more, as long as their are people who don't want their blood drained there will be more people like her, the age of the vampire hunter is near.
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hbyrde36 · 1 year
Chapter 11!
Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
ao3 link
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
It didn’t take long after Eddie’s big announcement for the sharks to start circling. A few days after the press conference, Steve found himself in a pre-dawn meeting with two members of the most prolific vampire hate group in the country, Humans Against Vampires. The early hour of the appointment was by Steve's own choice. The logic being that he could take the meeting after he finished his actual job for the evening, raising zombies, and then be free to go home and get eight hours or so of uninterrupted sleep. He had also, maybe, wanted to make it as inconvenient and unpleasant as possible for the client in question.
The woman, Connie Frazier, was familiar to Steve. He’d seen her before at protests, and even once down at the precinct when he was consulting with Hopper on a case. She was notorious for going too far and getting herself arrested. She looked like someone's mother, innocent and unassuming until she opened her mouth to spew hatred.
“I was surprised to find your name in my books, Ms. Frazier, I thought you hated us zombie raisers almost as much as the vampires. At least, that’s what you told me the last time we saw each other. I believe you called me a… Satan loving devil worshiper.” Steve snorted a laugh as he thought about how ironic that line had been, considering he’d been wearing the same silver cross around his neck then that was peeking out from the gap in his button-down shirt now.
“We’re here to enlist your help, Mr. Harrington.” The man interjected quickly, not giving his female companion the chance to rise to Steve’s bait. He appeared to be a bit older than Frazier, his entire head of hair already gone completely gray. He had a kind face and eyes that betrayed a hint of intelligence, which was refreshing.
“And you are?” Steve asked. The man’s name hadn’t been included with the notes left behind by their night secretary. 
“Sam Owens.” He answered, leaning forward to offer his hand. 
Steve was caught off guard by the polite gesture, but luckily muscle memory kicked in and he took the man's hand, shaking it over the desk. He hadn’t known what to expect from this meeting, but he certainly hadn’t anticipated civility. 
Frazier sat quiet in her seat, ringing her hands and picking at her fingernails. It was distracting.
“What’s got her so nervous?” Steve asked Owens, well aware that he was coming off like an asshole by directing the question at her male counterpart. He just really didn’t like the woman.
She huffed at the offense. “If you must know, Harrington, I don't like this. I’m not used to asking for help from people like you.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at that, but said nothing. Honestly it was tame for her, he’d expected worse. 
Owens jumped in again, trying to steer the conversation even as his partner put her foot in her mouth.  “We’re in the process of starting up a new group, an offshoot of HAV that we’re calling Humans First. Both groups share a common goal, to rid the world of the vampire threat, but whereas the original organization’s goal is to make vampirism illegal again, our members are willing to use a slightly more…direct approach.”
“What does that mean, more direct?” Steve asked.
“You know what we mean.” Frazier said with a sneer. “You just don’t want to help us.”
“Help you do what?” Steve wasn’t dumb, he had some idea of what they were getting at, but if they wanted to have this conversation, he wasn’t going to let them dance around it, they would have to spell it out.  
She sighed, as if it was all too obvious for words. “Our organization has been at this for two years, since the moment the vote swung in the wrong direction, we have tried it all. We have protested in front of the courthouses, we have tried to discredit vampires in the media, and written countless letters to our senators. None of it is working. We are no closer now than we were the day those monsters became legal citizens. Humans first is a group of like minded individuals who are tired of waiting for the system to correct its mistake. We want to destroy them all.”
Steve blinked at her. “You want to murder all of the vampires in the United States?”
She smiled maniacally. “Yes.”
“You are a vampire hunter and executioner, do you really believe it’s murder?” Owens asked. 
He didn’t sound crazed like his associate, just genuinely curious. Still, Steve clenched his jaw, wishing he’d refused this meeting. He’d only agreed to it to keep the peace with his father. He knew that not long ago the answer to the man’s question would have been an easy no, it wasn’t murder. They were the monsters, how could it be a crime to protect the public from them? 
Now though, he wasn’t so sure. Dustin had proved to him that some vampires could be good, and Eddie, well, his feelings there were too complicated to be helpful. 
Steve settled on replying with, “That’s what the law says.” It was a cop out, a politician's answer, but it was safer than simply saying, I don’t know. It was also true. No matter what his personal feelings were, Steve had always followed the law, until Billy at least, though a case could be made for self defense on that one. Besides, he didn’t owe these two a window into his personal crisis of conscience.
“Forget the law.” Frazier retorted. “It’s clear that the government no longer cares about its human citizens. At this very moment they are trying to push through legislation that will give those killers the right to vote! Doesn’t that scare you?”
“Kinda of.” Steve answered with a half-shrug “But, as citizens they should have the right to vote about things that affect them, just like we do.” 
Frazier scoffed and Owens gave her a sharp look. He was definitely the more reasonable of the two, or at least the more socially adept.
“Look, we’re not asking you to get your hands dirty.” Owens began. “We just want to know where the master of the city spends his daylight hours. No one has to know where the information came from.”
Steve's heart started to race, but he attempted to hide his sudden tension with a smirk. “Right. So your big ‘kill all vampires’ plan is going to kick off here? From our little city? Why not start with the leader of New York, or L.A.?”
Owens tilted his head in recognition of the fair question. “By choosing to come forward, Eddie is poised to become the most famous vampire in the country. He may not lead the largest city, but killing him will send the biggest message.”
It was exactly what Steve had been afraid of. Why had Eddie put himself in the spotlight like this? He had to have known it would attract bad attention along with the good.
“Okay, I'll grant you that, but what makes you think I have the information you’re after?” Steve asked.
Frazier scoffed. “Don’t play games, we know you are acquainted with him.”
Steve fought not to react. The only people who knew about his tie to Eddie were Robin, and the vampires themselves. Potentially the wererats too, but none of them would have talked to these people voluntarily.
“I don’t know where you got that intel from, but it’s wrong. I’m sorry, unless you have a zombie you’d like me to raise, I can’t help you.” He said, as calmly and evenly as he could manage.
“Can’t or won’t?” Frazier challenged.
“Honestly? Both.” Steve replied. “I mean, what is the plan here guys? Say you do find out the resting place, do you think you can just walk right in there and stab him through the heart?”
“Yes.” She answered quickly, and with conviction.
Steve shook his head. The idea was ridiculous on some level, unless they had some well trained people on their side, humans didn't stand a chance. Still, he felt a sense of dread at the idea of anyone going after Eddie like that.
Owens narrowed his eyes, studying Steve thoughtfully. “You don’t think we can do it. Is that the problem?” 
“I know you can’t. He’d kill you before you got anywhere near him.”
“Don’t lie and act like you are trying to protect us, Harrington. It’s that blood sucker you’re protecting, isn’t it?!” Frazier raged.
“Connie!” Owens said her name like an order and it instantly silenced her. He turned to Steve with an apologetic smile as he rose from his chair, the woman quickly following suit. “We appreciate your input, and the fact that you took this meeting, but I can see we’re not going to get anywhere today. I wonder though, if we came up with a better plan, would you be willing to see us again?”
Steve shrugged. “Sure.”
He didn’t really want to see them again, truth be told, but he knew he would catch shit from Bert if it got back to him that he refused. It could be worth it to keep an eye on them anyway, so he’d know what they were up to if they ever decided to move forward with their plan.
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Steve raced home. The sun was minutes away from breaking over the horizon and all he wanted was to get inside before the first rays of dawn could make their appearance. He had just pulled into the driveway, hand on his keys, ready to shut off the ignition, when his cell phone rang with a familiar tone.
He let out a deep sigh. Oh well, the break had been nice while it lasted. He let the call connect to the car.
“Mornin’ Hop.”
“Hey, kid. Sorry If I woke you.”
“You didn’t. I just got home from work.”
“Shit. I'm even sorrier then. We’ve got a body here that I need you to come take a look at.” 
Steve glanced at the clock. It was after 6AM and he was exhausted, but as long as the crime scene wasn’t too far away, he could probably go check it out and still manage at least 5 hours of sleep before he had to be back at work, give or take. 
Normally Steve would ask questions, try to get some details or context for whatever he was about to get himself into, but he was just too tired. “Text me the address, I'll be there as soon as I can.”
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It took 40 minutes to reach the quiet suburban neighborhood that rested on the outskirts of the city. Even without GPS it would have been easy to find the address he was looking for. The street was crawling with police, an ambulance, and a lot of gawkers. 
The body was laid out face up in the front yard of a nice upper-middle-class house. The victim was male, somewhere in his late 30’s or early 40’s. Everything about him was average, from his build, to his medium brown hair, and his nondescript collared shirt and khaki pants. The only thing that did stand out was the multiple vampire bites he was sporting on different parts of his body. 
It was clear that the man been dumped there after the attack. The scene was far too clean. The body had been almost completely drained and yet there was no blood in the grass around or below him. No vampire was that neat of an eater.
“Tell me again, Steve, why won’t this guy come back as a vampire?” Hopper asked.
“As far as we know, it takes three bites from the same vampire over a short period of time, say a week, with the final bite ending in death to make the transition. I’m seeing at least three different sizes of bites here, Hop, and it looks to me like they are all brand new. None of them show signs of healing.”
“What do you make of it then?” 
“I think it was a group of them. At least three different vampires feeding off the same victim at the same time.”
“Is that common?”
“No, actually. It’s extremely unusual. Vampires tend to be solitary hunters. I can only think of a few reasons for it. Either someone was training a newbie vamp and things got out of hand, although that would mean only one or two different bites, or there's a master and his flock who’s gone off the rails. It just feels too…neat and controlled, there has to be someone in charge here.”
“Master? like the Master of the City, master?”
“Not necessarily. Being a master vampire just means they’ve reached a certain higher level of power beyond the norm. The Master of the City is a title given to the leader of a city, usually the most powerful vamp in a metropolitan area.”
“Right, sorry. I’m sure you’ve explained it to me before, I just hate this shit.”
Steve nodded. He didn’t mind teaching the older man the ropes. Hopper had been a cop for much longer than Steve had been a vampire hunter, but the older man was completely new to the supernatural world. There was definitely a learning curve. 
Steve found himself thinking back on his meeting earlier. This was just the sort of fodder the hate groups needed to further their cause. So much about this crime scene didn’t make sense. Whoever had killed this man had made the choice to leave him out on display to be found. It was as if the killer, or killers wanted the police to know they were out there. But why? 
“What is it, kid?”
Steve worried at his bottom lip. “The only master level vamps I’m aware of that are supposed to be in town right now are that cult leader Jason Carver, and Eddie.”
“Do you like either of them for this?”
As much as he’d love to see that prick Jason get taken forcibly down from his pedestal, he was fairly certain the guy wasn’t going around killing innocents for fun, and no matter what he thought of Eddie, the guy was smarter than this. Even if he or one of his people had killed a human, they would have hidden the body, not left it out to be found this way. It was bad for business.
“Honestly? No. But, as the two most powerful vamps in the city, they should know if there's another master wandering around. They’d be able to sense the other’s power. It could be worth a shot to ask them about it. If they don’t know anything, then, in a few nights I can raise our victim here as a zombie and see what he remembers about his attackers.”
“You can do that, even with a vampire victim?”
“In this case I can. If the guy was going to transition and rise as a vampire, then it wouldn’t work. The body would already be spoken for, in a sense, but with the way this went down, there's no chance of that happening.”
“Alright.” Hopper nodded. “I’ll see about visiting Carver tonight for a little interview.”
“I can handle talking to Eddie, er, the Master of the City, for you. If you want.” Steve stuttered. 
“You know you’re not actually a cop, right?”
Steve grit his teeth. He didn’t even know why he had offered. He was meant to be staying away from the vampire, not volunteering to interview him about a fucking murder! But he couldn’t take the offer back now. If there was some new dangerous vampire in town he needed to know about it ASAP, for…Dustin’s sake. 
“No, but seeing as he’s not really a suspect and more of a contact. I didn’t think it would be an issue.”
Hopper raised an eyebrow. He looked suspicious, skeptical at best. 
“He’ll talk to me, Hop,” Steve assured him, “and he might share things with me that he wouldn’t in front of the police.”
Steve was 99% sure he was right about that. Things hadn’t ended well between him and Eddie, that much was true, but the vampire wasn’t the one who had cut off contact, Steve was. Right up till the end Eddie had tried to keep things open ended. You know where to find me if you change your mind, he had said. So yeah, Steve thought there was a good chance that Eddie would see him, he’d just have to make sure the vampire knew it was for strictly professional reasons.
“Why’s that?” Hopper asked.
The question snapped Steve back out of his thoughts abruptly. Hopper was staring at him, and Steve knew it wasn’t the first time he’d asked the question. 
He felt his cheeks start to warm as he cleared his throat. “We have mutual acquaintances.”
“Hmpf” Hopper grumbled. “Fine, I'll let you take a crack at him on your own, but you call me if you run into any trouble.”
Steve felt like he should have crossed his fingers behind his back when he responded, “Of course,” because he absolutely would not be doing that. 
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Steve made the call to his office as he drove home, dreading the conversation he was about to have with his father, but wanting to get it over with. With any luck, Bert Harrington wouldn’t be in, and he’d be able to leave a message about needing the night off with the daytime secretary, Gary.
He picked up on the second ring, and he must have checked the caller ID before answering because he greeted Steve by name. 
“Good Morning, Stevie! Shouldn’t you be asleep at this hour?”
Steve cringed at the nickname. Gary had been harboring a crush on him for years. Normally he ignored it. He wasn’t trying to be mean or anything, he just wasn’t interested, and he’d never been good at letting people down. This morning however, maybe he could use the guy’s infatuation to his advantage. 
“I know.” Steve giggled, and far from flirty, it sounded deranged. Had he completely lost his touch? “I’m heading home for bed as we speak, I promise, but listen, something’s come up and I'm not going to be able to make it in tonight.”
“Oooh”” Gary cooed. “Please tell me it’s at least for fun, like a date or something... Are you seeing anyone right now?”
“Oh, it’s not, um, no, actually I'm not.” Steve wanted to slam his forehead into the steering wheel. He was so bad at this.
“Interesting, because I was thinking, we’ve never hung out outside of work, maybe we could grab a drink sometime?” Gary asked.
He could hear the lascivious smile in the other man’s voice, and it sent an unpleasant shiver down his spine.
Abort! Abort! 
“Yea, y’know I don’t really drink, so, about me needing the night off, could you help with that?”
“I wish I could Steve, but you know your dad gave us all strict orders that he wants to personally handle any future call-outs from you.” Gary’s tone had gone a little cold, and Steve couldn’t blame him after that horribly botched performance.
Steve cleared his throat nervously. “Right. Well, thanks anyway I guess. Is he in?”
“Unfortunately. Hold please.”
That went well.
He cringed as the office’s on hold music blared through his car speakers. A horrible instrumental version of careless whisper attacked him from all sides. The car swerved as he lunged forward to turn the volume down to a more tolerable level. It was good timing too as his father’s voice came barking out of the stereo few short seconds later.
“Steven, what is this nonsense I hear about you needing the night off? You have clients to see this afternoon and four appointments at the cemetery! ”
“I know, Dad, but I'm just getting home from a crime scene. I haven't even been to bed yet. I...”
“Oh, well why didn’t you say so.” Bert interrupted. “I can get someone to cover your afternoon meetings with new clients, that’s always easy enough. Then you only have to show up graveside. You’ll have plenty of time to sleep.”
Steve was taken aback, it wasn’t like his dad to be reasonable, but sadly getting a decent amount of sleep wasn’t his only problem. “I appreciate that, but I have to conduct an interview tonight for the investigation.”
“We talked about this. You have to stop letting all this other nonsense take you away from your real job! It’s almost Halloween, you know this is our busy season.”
“I’m so sorry that a man’s death has inconvenienced you. I'll ask the murderer to pick a better time of the year next time! You do remember, Dad, that it was originally your idea to loan me out to the police, right?”
“I thought it would be good publicity, and it has been! It makes people think better of what we do here when they read about one of us helping out the community.”
Steve didn’t like the way he said, we and us. There was no we. His dad was a glorified business manager with no magic to speak of. He’d never missed an hour of sleep in his life and certainly never got his hands dirty.
His dad continued. “I’m not sure it’s worth it anymore if it’s going to take up so much of your time. We’re busy enough anyway, it’s not as if we need the publicity anymore. I want you to tell Hopper you’re done consulting for him.”
Steve wasn’t having that, he’d quit first. “No. I’m not going to do that, someone was murdered and they need my help to solve it.”
After a long pause, Bert let out a barely restrained shout. “God damnit, Steven. Fine. Will you at least stop after this case is solved?”
He shook his head, though his dad couldn’t see. “I can’t. It’s too important. I can save lives by helping the police.” 
“You're not leaving me much choice. I'm going to have to hire someone to pick up the slack if this is going to keep happening. It might cut into your pay.”
Steve seethed but said nothing. It was fine. He’d have to talk to Hop about the consulting, see if he could start getting paid for the privilege of looking at dead bodies. 
“Do what you have to.” He said, hanging up before his dad could reply. The phone rang again immediately but he ignored it. He was done with Bert Harrington’s bullshit for the day. 
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Before getting into bed, Steve had shot off a quick text to Dustin about needing to see Eddie that night. When he woke, the sun was still low in the sky, so he knew he had a bit of time before he could expect a response from the kid. 
He took his time, showering and getting ready as he waited for the sun to go down, and tried not to think about the fact that he was going to see Eddie, face to face, for the first time in months. 
As hard as he’d tried not to, Steve had thought a lot about the vampire during their time apart. There were many nights that he’d dreamt of dark hair and deep brown eyes, only to wake up with wet cheeks and an ache in his chest, because in those first few moments of wakefulness he could admit to himself that he was sad that it hadn’t been him, that they were just the regular dreams of a person whose heart pined for another. 
Because Eddie, for all that Steve had railed about the vampire forcing himself on him, had taken Steve at his word. He’d asked Eddie to stay away, and Eddie had done it. 
It was for the best, Steve would remind himself, once he was more lucid and had come to his senses. Who was to say that his feelings weren’t just a product of the bond between them anyway? It was all fake, it was just the magic. It had to be. It couldn’t be true. 
His phone pinged, and of course, it was Dustin. The message said to meet Eddie at the Corroded Coffin. There was a show going on that night, but someone would be at the door to meet Steve and escort him to their VIP box, and no, it wouldn’t be Dustin.
Chapter 12
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
What happened?
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Pairing: Michael Morbius & Reader
Word count: 576 words.
Summary: You discover you’ve been dead for a month only because your confined to your best friend’s house. Did he kill you?
Warnings: Reader is dead, vampirism, mention of blood.
A/N: This is my entry to @caplanbuckybarnes’ Summary Challenge #11.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
You can read it too on Ao3 and Wattpad.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @nana1000night  @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch  @chaoticcollectivenightmare @chemtrails-club​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @here4thefanfics​ @theestorm​ @patzammit​
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You woke up in a daze; how had you gotten to the couch? You remembered having been sleeping in bed when someone knocked on the door... Who had it been?
From there, you couldn't remember anything; everything was a blur, but you didn't know what you were supposed to do—what did you do every day?
What was your routine? You couldn't remember any of it; did you have an accident? Did you hit your head?
Maybe you should go to a doctor; when you touched the doorknob, it was as if you got a shock. A few seconds later, the door opened, and Michael came in. You noticed that he looked pale, more than usual.
"Hello," you greeted him, he smiled at you, "I... I didn't remember you were coming."
"I sent you a text message; maybe you didn't see it because you didn't answer me."
"You know I had the strangest dream," you commented.
"Which one?" Michael asked, trying to hide his obvious nervousness.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a little tired, you know, as usual."
"Have you taken all your medicines?"
"Of course, but tell me, what happened to you?"
"I don't remember how I got to the couch."
"Maybe you sleepwalked."
Strange things kept happening during the following weeks, strange situations; it was as if you couldn't leave his apartment, and you also noticed some changes in Michael.
Even if you asked him what was wrong, he avoided the subject; sometimes you could even notice guilt in his eyes. You also needed to find out what was wrong with your best friend; you knew him very well since you were a teenager.
On one of the occasions, you saw the calendar, it had been a month since the first time something strange had happened, but this time something different happened. You were going into his bedroom when you thought you saw a trace of blood; however, when you got closer, there was nothing.
Then you saw the clock; in a couple of minutes, Michael would arrive. It also seemed strange that you didn't remember where your own house was; you were sure you didn't live with him; and there were really many changes in him, so it was time to confront him.
You waited for the right moment after he arrived, and this time there was no escape.
"Michael, I need to know the truth; I will not stop until you tell me what is going on," you said.
However, he had a reaction you didn't expect; he started to cry and ask for your forgiveness. You looked at him without understanding why he was like that.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to. I'm not really sure what happened."
"What are you talking about? I'm not understanding anything," you put your hand on his shoulder.
"I've been lying to you, I tried my experiment on myself and... one of those nights when I had one of the changes, I had no artificial blood and... I was going out to hunt and you arrived, I tried to hide myself so you wouldn't be in danger... but I couldn't control myself... I'm sorry..."
He had killed you unintentionally; he still didn't control his vampiric part, and you had become one of the victims. Now you were trapped in his apartment, and he had a guilt that could not be removed since there was no way to remedy what had happened.
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Finding a Voice for My Tav
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Art by @g-vlssz
The brain worms tadpoles are really strong right now. Like holy shit, this game is doing things to me. And yeah, I really do enjoy writing all the stuff with dear little Astarion and my Tav, because, well, I wanna hug the sad vampire, so I can just write my Tav hugging him.
But if you have read any of my Tav/Astarion stuff, you might have noticed that I complete stick to Astarion's POV and the reason for that is, that I am still kinda figuring out the voice for my Tav.
With that I do not mean the literal voice (I know the one I have chosen), but the way he talks. The thing that is important for writing. People have their different little speech patterns. The way they use words. The way they express themselves. That can be stuff about how much hesitation they use, how much direct/indirect language they use, stuff like adverb-use, too, or how much they would usually cuss.
And this is a topic I am very passionat about. In writing fanfics I put a lot of effort into using the character voice both in dialogue and the prose in-between.
Hence the choice to keep to Astarion's POV, because we know this man's voice. I am meanwhile trying to figure out, what my Tav's voice would be like, what exactly he thinks like and such, what kinds of words he would use... I am slowly figuring that kinda stuff out. But it is a surprisingly slow process. xD
I still like my Tav, though. He is a bit clueless in many regards (I mean, his INT is 8), but he is a good soul, who is surprisingly wise in some regards (WIS 15). And he also has the horrible trait where he runs around helping other people with no regard to his own health and well-being. I also know that he is the kind of person, who will give people not only second chanes, but third, forth and fifth chances. He is an idiot. I love him. <3
Also, also... *points at NaNo poll* Please vote :3
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cookinguptales · 1 year
wwdits tarot: judgement
Just one card left after this one!
I set up a poll here for people to vote on which tarot deck I use for readings this weekend. I’ll be busy Friday night, but people can still get started sending me requests while I’m out.
This is a card that I’ve been waiting on for a long time now — XX. Judgement.
There’s only one last member of the main cast left, isn’t there? :')
Judgement is a card that, like I’ve said before, people often mistake for Justice. But if Justice is about getting what you deserve (good, bad, or indifferent) then Judgement is about your life finally coming full circle. It’s about your own internal judgement, deciding what you want your life to be, but it’s also in a sense a divine final judgment. It’s the time when all of your decisions can finally be seen as a complete whole, and when you will see your life for what it’s always been meant to be.
It’s that moment when everything finally lines up, you know? When you look inside and have a revelation and suddenly you know exactly who you are and who you’ve always been. It’s realizing who and what you’re meant to be.
Basically, Judgement is all about looking within, gathering up all of the puzzle pieces you’ve been painstakingly collecting throughout the years, and finally putting them together into a cohesive whole. It’s being able to see the picture that they create. It’s self-knowledge, but it’s also finally understanding what you need to do in order to grow.
It’s a card about making life-changing decisions, but ones that will finally let you realize your full potential.
I think it suits my favorite character in the whole show, to be honest. I think we’re seeing him on that journey now, and I’m so excited to see where he finally ends up.
It’s been a delight to watch Guillermo de la Cruz grow from a nebbish, ineffectual, pathetic little familiar into the slayer he is today. It’s like he’d convinced himself that he would only ever be on the outside looking in until someone more powerful than him deigned to invite him in. But then he realized that he had power all his own. He didn’t have to wait for anyone to give him permission to exist. No one had to give him anything.
He could just take it himself.
Whether it’s tearing through an entire theater of vampires, beating the shit out of his former master, or deciding to earn his fangs his own way, Guillermo has finally learned that while he wants to live in the shadows, that doesn’t mean that he has to be content living in somebody else’s.
I love the way he’s finally started to put together pieces of his own power and personality to understand the strength that’s always been his for the taking. I love that he’s starting to trip over these self-reflections and revelations, and every one of them brings him closer to being the creature that he's always had inside of him.
Will that be a vampire? A slayer? A combination of the two? Something wholly outside that binary?
I don’t know yet, and I don’t think Guillermo does either.
Either way, though, I think that this whole series, we’ve seen him approaching his final Judgement. I think he’s going to find in himself something awesome and terrible, cruel and beautifully kind. He’s finally going to find out what shape his power wants to take, and how he can use it best to serve his own needs. He’s going to figure out who he wants to be, and who that person will be to those he loves.
He’s going to figure out how to become a person that he loves.
He’s finding his final form, in other words, or at least the kind of form he might be frozen in for a little taste of eternity.
Everyone in this show grows and changes and learns about themselves to some degree, but no one has had a change more radical or welcome than Guillermo has. No one else has realized that they’ve been living a lie for their entire lives, and that they were just too afraid to leave the cocoon they’d been hiding in for all this time. No one else has seriously started on their road to full self-actualization.
There’s a kind of potential in Guillermo that all of them are just starting to get their minds around, and I’m not sure anyone’s been more surprised by it than him. But he’s starting to become more comfortable with his own power and potential and whatever Judgement he will reach, and he’s going to make sure the rest of them become comfortable with it, too.
One way or another.
Now. Onto the card itself.
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The scene on the RSW version of Judgement is a largely Biblical one, and you know how I feel about that. We see here an angel trumpeting the Final Judgement and the dead rising from their graves to greet him.
Guillermo, too, is calling the undead to him — but they might be a little less happy to see him.
My immediate first thought is that imagery of him swinging down from the rafters in the Theatre, and everyone looking up to see who'd just swooped into their midst.
I love that for him — this idea that, in the end, no one had to invite him to this get-together. He made his own goddamn entrance, and he's here in this world to stay.
So maybe that's what I want here, too. Guillermo swooping down into the vampiric world, blood and ash on the ground, and the vampires (and other supernatural creatures) looking up to receive him. Some, like Nandor and the rest of their housemates, are welcoming him. Others are looking at him with fear and resentment. But none of them can turn him away.
Not anymore.
wwdits tarot masterpost
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What do you think would have happened if Carlisle called Aro for help in Twilight after the baseball game? I know that the Volturi don't mind vampires killing each other, but it's Carlisle...so would Aro come running?
I don't think that'd ever to occur to Carlisle. Certainly, it was never brought up in canon.
As you note, vampires kill each other all the time, more Carlisle has been three centuries out of Volterra and hasn't had much contact with them. He has no reason to think they'd help him with this or that they're in any way obligated to.
Especially when it's over a human girl (who at the time they don't realize is gifted). The Volturi would just be very confused over this. If Edward cares so much, he should turn her, otherwise she'll die eventually.
Pity she has to go like this, but Edward's clearly made his position clear. The girl will die someday.
(And the icing on the cake being Alice knowing that if they turn Bella, James will back off, would not make this any better as then the answer becomes obvious.)
And if they do agree to help, it means Bella will be turned immediately, whether she's ready or not. The family has just met this girl, Edward's just fallen in love, and she has no idea what she's getting into.
His coven has to handle this on their own.
When Would He Do This?
I can only see him doing this if he felt he had no other recourse.
His entire family leaves her to die and there's nothing he can do to stop James. If he gets her to Volterra, surely, that would stop him.
(This is the A Girl's Best Friend, Love, and Lobsters ending. Where he couldn't turn Bella and his family refused to aid her. He felt he had no other option than to drop her off in Volterra for observation and sanctuary.)
In this world, even if Edward decided "LET HER BURN", and the entire family said "Nah, let's let James eat her and torture her to death", I imagine he'd turn her himself as that's the way he knows of to make James go away.
Bella gets to be a Cullen.
Joining this wonderful family of people who all just voted her off the island.
In this case, when it becomes clear Bella is very gifted, he might take her to Volterra to give her some kind of community that's not the Cullens.
But that's not what you asked.
Carlisle Has a Stroke
Carlisle decides to make the call to Aro for reasons unknown to him.
"Oh yes, hello friend, three centuries is a long time. By the way, there's this psychopath named James and it's a whole thing. Can you help?"
Aro's not sure how to take this and there's favoritism then there's favoritism. As it is, sending out Jane and Alec for this is ridiculous. I imagine Aro tells Carlisle to come to Volterra for a visit.
Hop on a plane with the girl while the vampire's distracted by the family (as they don't seem to be his goal), get to Italy, then come straight to Volterra.
From there, the girl can be turned, and they can decide what to do.
Carlisle does this, as it's much better than the Phoenix plan and less liable to get a good many people killed, and off they go with Edward weeping for panic.
For now Bella is doomed to be a vampire.
They arrive and HELLO GIFTED CHILD, Aro says, and is over the moon. He asks Carlisle how serious this Edward thing is. It doesn't seem that serious, the girl just met him, she barely knows anything about him or vampires period, Carlisle just had her over at his house. It can't be that serious.
Aro is deciding it isn't that serious.
She'll totally dump him and stay in Volterra.
Aro argues his way into Bella staying for at least a year (oh yes, the Cullens and Edward can come and visit, of course) and we get the usual shit show of the Cullens as Edward is now in the hellscape where Bella has been turned because he was a fool.
You know how this story goes, anon.
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eric-the-bmo · 1 year
Blood and Silicon ep1 recap except it's copy/pasted from me texting my friend about it
[context, he knows about Blake/Pauline/what happened in Leo's 0.5 so uh. no context is here bc they knew about it. Anyway lets go]
Ok ok SO: Scene is the Asylum: Pauline is at the best spot that overlooks everything, and Blake is beside her; despite being told he can go wherever, he's staying by his boss. Harrison enters, with Leo following behind, and greets Pauline and introduces himself to Blake. He introduces them to Leo, and Pauline asks if Leo is Harrison's childe. ("No, but our kind has to stick together! Maybe if you got out more, Pauline, -you- might've been the one to find him!" She raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Was he doing something?" "Oh, you know how fledglings are! Right, Leo?" "I don't know what that is.")
Harrison lets the three get acquainted and gives them the gist: we all know he's the Baron of Downtown San Jose. And, if we do some quests for him, we might be rewarded with territory of our own- the territory quality depends on how good we do. Blake is uncertain about sharing a territory with a fledgling, but it gets shot down, and we're given our mission options: -a VERY hidden mission about the whereabouts of an individual. So secret he wouldn't tell us the details. -a Hecata named Isabel is doing something strange. Go check on her (whats up, girl?) -There seems to be signs of gang activity between Thinbloods and Caitiffs down in the Northeast. Go check it out.
We all vote, and the last one wins, so we inform Harrison of our decision and head to an office room to discuss it. He wants us to investigate what's going on down there, and adds that he also wants to know how the Kindred down there think of him (which is odd, because Northeast isn't even a part of his territory..?). Leo expresses curiosity about the first mission, and Harrison makes a comment saying thats no longer his business. The coterie discusses details of the mission with Harrison, and he departs.
Pauline asks if Leo has any questions, and he does- Whats a Hecata? What did Harrison mean by us being a family? Also, what's a fledgling? Blake and Pauline explain, and Pauline also explains a Sire is someone who turned you to a vampire. She asks where Leo's is. Leo says his sire is busy and sent him away here. Pauline is shocked that the sire would send him off with no explanation, and please tell her he at LEAST helped pay for the tickets here, right? -right???- Leo doesnt respond, and she looks exasperated/furious at J's behavior. Leo asks Blake if other supernatural entities exist- what about werewolves?? Pauline says no the same time Blake says yes. Also, ghosts and mages exist, and Leo makes a comment about DnD upon learning this.
OH OH MY GOD ALSO?? Leo got a text from amy at like 9:15 that just read "call me!! tf?!?" And uh. Bestie he Has Not answered it. Blake asked Leo if he was keeping contact with family, and told him to cut contact with people he knew before his death and ogihggu oh my god. Pauline took a photo of Leo, showed it to him, and said that's what hes going to look like for the rest of his life. His family will notice. Cut contact, bro.
Blake says we should get going, and we vote for his jeep- Leo doesn't want to ride in Pauline's hearse. Once in the jeep Blake asks if we're okay with music, and proceeds to play James Buffet songs the whole way there. So we get closer, and Pauline tries to investigate the gang signs we see as we pass them by. She notices some of the spraypaint seems to be made with alchemied blood (thinbloods can do blood alchemy), but fails a roll. Her Bane activates, and she becomes incredibly anxious/agitated. Blake is concerned, because his boss normally isnt like this, and turns down his music at her request. Blake gets out of the car and investigates the area, and recognizes some of the signs as symbols for the DeadEye Gang, aka a human gang. He also activates Eyes of The Beast to like? See better i think??? (Idk that spell, anyway-) Leo gets out the car to investigate some of the signs as well, but i fail a roll and HIS Bane activates. Fuck, dude. So he dissociates, and actually gets a vision about a black sun enveloping three objects (a broken mirror, a crown, and a theatre mask) before it turns to devour the moon.
We hear some yelling in the distance, shouting really, and Blake asks Pauline if she's in a good mindset and if she can help, and how there might be food down the alley (bc like bro shes hungry). She tells him theres blood in the graffiti. Blake takes Leo by the hand (thank u blake), and leads the Malkavians towards the shouting.
There's a yard with a chain-link fence, and on the other side there are motorbikes, and two gangs are fighting: a group of five (the DeadEye gang), and a group of three (presumably the Thinbloods). Blake manages to get the two Malkavians to semi-normal mental states, and we let the two gangs argue for a bit with the intent of dealing with whoever is left, but its escalating a Lot so we walk on over.
They ask who the fuck we are, why are we here, and Blake actually manages to almost calm them down until Leo, still out of it, interjects with "Listen- we only want to talk to the ones that arent human here." (Blake: "excuse my friend, he's not well") The human gang gives us weird looks, and the Thinbloods give us... bad ones. Blake attempts to smooth things over again but Pauline notices the Thinblood leader walk towards the humans in a menacing way. She gets her attention, and uses Dominate on her- bc listen, Pauline's still in a SEMI-normal state- and ends up commanding the leader to like. bark like a dog. The humans at this point are SO weirded out and decide to dip, and the thinbloods are so pissed off, man, and wont take to Blake's attempts to once again smooth things over. He tells them his name and that they're doing a "vampire consensus for Harrison, the Baron of Downtown San Jose," and the gang seems annoyed about politics. They tell the coterie they dont think or care about Harrison, they just do whatever, and Blake asks what was up with the arguing earlier. Turns out the Thinbloods and the humans were arguing over who owned the area that a garage was in, with the Thinbloods having something Kindred-related inside said garage that could cause trouble if people found out about it. Blake, trying one last time, tries to smooth things over and offers them his services if they ever need it, since he's looking for work. The leader dismisses him, and the coterie leaves the alleyway.
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light-wayland · 1 year
"well, their exile was supposed to be a punishment, so it had to suck at least a bit..."
Before we started talking about it I thought their punishment was kind of a joke because seriously, they get to run an Institute, a thing a lot of Shadowhunters dream of. (It still is a joke I mean, what the fuck, who's the one who came to this decision, was it the entire Clave?)
But yeah, they're sent to New York to run an Institute. An Institute whose heads they personally killed two years prior. An Institute leading the Conclave that probably hates them because A) they killed the Whitelaws and B) who knows how many of their friends and relatives died in the Uprising. Most of the Shadowhunters in the Conclave are probably not really willing to take their orders. They can count on no support from The Clave or Idris. The Inquisitor, who is supposed to be their advisor, is Imogen Herondale, the mother of their dead friend who blames them for his death and Céline's death and the death of her unborn grandchild and also loathes the Circle.
In addition, there's the Downworld, who's understandably both afraid and furious with them. The High Warlock of Brooklyn has a very personal beef with them. The largest vampire clan in New York is led by Camille Belcourt who is difficult at the best of times. The Seelies doubly so. We don't know who ran the New York pack, possibly Kito or Véronique whom we don't know anything about but I do not imagine them as very happy after the whole... incident that killed the Whitelaws, seeing as there were werewolves involved (and a child left blind, fuck you Valentine).
Add to it that they cannot leave unless is for official business, they live in the house of the people they murdered and wherever they go, there's someone more or less openly hostile. They're grappling with the recent loss, death of their friends, the betrayal of Valentine leaving them behind to "burn himself alive," and, quite likely, the burgeoning guilt of what they've done. They have to raise a child, ideally not at all like they were raised and they have no idea how to do that. They have another child on the way or already born. We don't know about their families but I imagine most would've cut contact with them.
New York would've been a right mess for years and, frankly, it's a miracle Robert/Maryse/Hodge didn't kill themselves - and I am willing to bet that it's largely because of the stigma Shadowhunters have about it too.
Back to the original point though: it is hysterical that the Clave has given them a mentally and emotionally tormenting punishment on what was, more than likely, a fucking accident.
who made that decision is something explained contradictory in the books. we know there was votes involved (as we know patrick and jia voted favorably for a lighter punishment) and that imogen was involved but wasn’t happy with how it turned out.
robert's parents died in the year of the uprising. we don't know how related to the uprising their death was, as i wish we knew. he certainly had feelings about that, but unfortunately we don't know anything about maryse's
i don't think it was necessarily an accident. for the punishment to be accepted, all the difficulty included would have to be considered, so the fact that they would have no allies in ny to conspire with would be taken in consideration. they were supposed to be uncomfortable there.
also, michael was considered to be alive. the punishment was deliberately forcing robert a continent away from his parabatai and having his bond forcefully weakened in the exile ritual. separating parabatai in any way is very frowned upon so of course this was something considered
about not commiting suicide, i don't think it's that surprising. well, suicide is not the answer people usually go for! that usually has to be caused by severe mental illness, and shadowhunters are not like mundanes,
thinking about robert's character, i wondered how suicidal thoughts that he used to have when he was 12-13 years old didn't persist, and i then something clicked when i realized why: at that time, his reality was of being a shadowhunter who wouldn’t/couldn't follow his purpose as a shadowhunter, and that was killing him inside. after he met michael, he found his purpose again, because he found out he could still train to be a shadowhunter with his best friend/parabatai at his side.
so for shadowhunters, their shadowhunter mission is connected to their will to live. something that can break that is extreme grief/heartbreak over their loved ones, as shadowhunters seem to feel very, very intensely about their dear ones (i have been thinking about this because i want to explore that in my fic!) but robert and maryse weren't at that stage: they were building their own family and as heads of the ny institute they still got the chance to follow their purpose as shadowhunters. we (mundanes) don't have anything of the sort. except maybe for very devoted believers of their religions (i don't mean violent fanatics, but actually people with extremely strong faith), something that in the real world many consider to be unhealthy and that can be broken via trauma or other means
i think the theme of shadowhunter purpose was more well present in tmi/tid/tfsa than in later books. it seems to be far more vague now, as we have the cohort who is a giant number of people who abandoned their duty of protecting mundanes
now, the same can't really be said about hodge. he was a prisioner, and couldn’t get outside to fight anything, but that never had been his way of doing things, he was more interested in research and knowledge and he had the job to use that being a tutor. i would say it was being unable to cherish any sort of relationship with people outside the institute that was the most harmful, as humans are not supposed to be lonely like that. but even people who live completely alone have will to survive
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Alright one final ask from me about Enhypen. Are you active in their fandom? It’s hard for me to imagine you as another kind of fan cos you’re so ARMY-coded. If you’re active as an Engene, what is your experience like? How does it compare to being an ARMY?
Yeah I’m active. A couple of my friends are hardcore Engenes so I can rely on them to get me up to speed while I float in and out of the fandom when I like.
Lately, I enjoy my time far more in their fandom and in my ARMY Twitter space (which I’ve curated), than in ARMY spaces on other platforms including Tumblr. There’s less braindead discourse for one thing. All Engenes have been talking about for the last week, is how amazing the new album is going to be, arguing about what the songs could sound like, who would do what part or what the choreography will look like. People are making full out instrumentals just based on the teasers and mood samplers. Theorists are also hard at work wondering if Sohee is the innocent victim they thought she is, when it’s possible she’s the reason they’re vampires to begin with. I’ve seen more people commenting on how incredible their vocals are just based on the teaser sound clips, than anyone worrying about anything else. Etc.
There’s chatter here and there about charts and voting for this or that, but that’s typical for all k-pop fandoms. I vote for the group when I feel like it and when I do my usual BTS voting.
One of the members, Jake, is actually having his birthday today, so it’s been laughs and giggles on my TL all day because he’s one of the funnier members in the group, and the other members kinda love trolling him (not as much as they do Jay though).
The Engene fandom also has their fair share of akgaes - this is a sort of ‘legacy attribute’ from when the group was being formed on I-land and each member had to be voted in or otherwise individually selected. But most of those akgaes are people from Big3 fandoms who have moved on to other survivor show groups (eg ZB1), so the wider Engene fandom knows how to recognize and treat them, and the focus is instead placed on the group as a whole. Another major difference is there’s significantly bigger participation from Japanese k-pop fans within the Engene fandom because of Ni-ki. So the Japanese translation accounts and fanbases are often just as big as the Korean ones.
I also enjoy spending time with Jaywon stans and shippers because they’re chill and fun, kinda like how jikook shipping spaces used to be until about a year ago.
Overall, it’s a fun space to be. Occasionally you see the weirdos who are genuinely in love with the members and possibly running batteries down in the middle of the night while reading their fics, or the akgaes who have zero sense of boundaries and live out their insecurities through the members, but most people are pretty fun, chill, and passionate in all the best ways about loving those seven guys.
I’m the same there as I am here lol. :)
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mondaymelon · 11 months
Re: SKZ comeback teasers - I SAW and I'm so o|< kind of glad I'm calmed down from the mania of buying every single skz related thing for a year now (given that these mfs release like a comeback every 6 months im actually JFKSNFKSNFJE TAKE A BREAK?? YOU'RE LITERALLY RECOGNIZED NOW?? TAYLOR SWIFT LITERALLY VIBED WITH 5STAR-) but yeah im still very updated about their song releases 👁👁
I've been well actually!!! (semi-well/lh)haven't found a map but like, studying is boring but i have to feed something to the braincells, went back to doing crochet, bought a display tablet for myself with the money I saved up (have yet to draw on it, bc studying), went to that HSR restaurant event (since my country participated in the time to feast collab; did I mention I'm a dan heng kisser now - i swear the pipeline is rlly from xiao to heng'er. ntm people voted that they're both ISTJs 🧍‍♀️)
Re: Vampires - there's an old old thing i read (off another fanfic, i think) where like vampires have soulmates and if they feed off their blood it's like the soulmate, if human, wont feel pain (quite the opposite) and they their blood would taste like smth nostalgic or anything that temporarily reconnects them to their human self - or anything that would feel... whats the word... euphoric??? Idk maybe my brain hallucinated like half of the concept but here you go
-lost children anon
ahem. YEA YEA FR IF TAYLoR SWIFT VIBES TO THEM tHAT MEANS THAT ARE A FEDERAL BAnGER GROUP 1!!! i dont know if im allowed to say theyre like "undderrated" considering how many fans they are but they really deserve sooooooOOO much more!! love them so much ehehehhe
dunno if ive asked you this before but who's your bias, if you have one?? me personally i gotta love jinnie and.. yea. my bias wrecker is probably lee know. NOT THe AIR FRYer DUO HEPL 😭😭
ahhh yeay!! glad to hear youve been doing well lmao because honestly none of the people ik have been :) we are but silly little people on a silly blue and green orb doing silly things (OMG ANON yOURE SO OOOOO COOL WHAT THE FUCK GOING TO AN HSR CAFE SOUNDS SO FUN TAKE Me WITH YOU PLE A S E ) and yes. dan heng is justified. hes so pretty. like what.
hehehhee anonnnn thats a verrry siilly idea... i might just still it (DEVIOUS CACKLING JUHEHEHEHEEEHEHHEHEHE AND YOU CANT STO PME AMUHAHAHAHAHHA)
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urban-unease · 2 years
Interview with the Vampire Thoughts!
Spoilers Abound!
After a second, drunker viewing of the pilot, here be my drunk thoughts. More sober thoughts may or may not come. IDK:
When I first saw the shots of Lestat at dinner with Louis' family a few days ago I immediately thought about all the ways smart writers could convey this scene. My favorite idea was if the writers conveyed Louis' family as almost immune to Lestat's charms. It would make so much sense! As a black person, I can say that groups of black folks are not easily won over by white people no matter how supernaturally charming lol. The bar is high for us to let our guard down particularly when a white person you dont know is in your personal space. I love that ultimately even Lestat could recognize that Louis' family was not having it and was not the least bit amused by him.
It's amusing and concerning to me how many people don't know/understand that the "French White" thing is not a IWTV specific thing. I mean this EXACT joke was in a Wanda Sykes special a few years ago.
Lestat is a "I'd vote for Obama a third time" kind of white and this very appropriate for his character.
I've seen complaints about the show talking about Louis' blackness too much and I'm just ?????? I mean, he's telling the story of his life and what it was like to live at that time, so yeah he's gonna talk about the hardships of being black at that particular time. It's the only the first episode and their setting the stage. and lestat is a tactless bitch so of course he's bring up Louis' race in the most grating way possible lol. It's a dog whistle y'all. don't fall for it.
I'll be honest - I never understood what was so special about Book!Louis that Lestat was so obsessed with him. But here I totally get it! Show! Louis is a gay black man out of place, in the margins, struggling to make a life for himself. He has these hidden depths that he cant share with anyone, like his gay identity and his love of the opera. An Jacob Anderson is so captivating. It makes sense to me that Lestat would want him as a companion.
Along these lines - the main reason why Book!Lestat is so attracted to Louis is because he reminds him of his ex. So does this mean show!Nicki is going to be Black? That could be interesting, but also fetishistic and weird on Lestat's part if it's not handled well.
On the note of tact - I dont expect to show to be some thoughtful and deep mediation on race. They're trying....but you know....white people....At the end of the day this a trashy show about vampires and I'm fine about that.
The levitating "sex" scene was vey silly and not as a erotic as I thought it was gonna be (though it was very fun). It was just a gay naked cuddle in the air. To call it a sex scene is hella reaching. But I appreciate the show getting weird.
that being said I want a proper sex scene because it would be an incredible waste of the chemistry between these very hot actors not to have them bone.
Daniel's personality feels on point to me. This feels like the same sassy guy that called Armand an immortal idiot. IDK
Louis' modern apartment feels accurate to his personality. He's one of the view vamps that doesn't care that much about aesthetics and I think the show did a good job of designing a home for him that combines luxury with austerity (I know that doesnt make sense but I cant think of the word right now). Its a cold gray cinder block with gray and wood furnishing. there are pops of red and gold here or there but ultimately it feels like a largely empty space only filled with the most necessary furnishings and space decor.
Grace is wonderful and adorable
rip to Lily. a real one.
I dont think Lestat pushed Paul to suicide. I think Lestat is just classless lol
The show does not do a good job of setting the stage for New Orleans culture for an audience that might be unfamiliar. IDT that Louis' thinking that Lestat's powers are just tricks is that weird when you consider that New Orleans has long been a hot bed of voodoo, witchcraft, and supernatural happenings. New orleans is a place where someone like Marie Laveau could make a name for herself in society as a Voodoo practitioner. It wasn't uncommon for folks of all classes to turn to magic for help with illness, love, and other life matters.
A big mainstream show that dresses and lights black people well - what a concept!
I have more thoughts but my hands are tired 🙃
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nenestansunsthings · 2 years
a drabble based on tv static?
Tumblr media
there wasnt a hermit specified here, so i wrote, uh... a lot of em? but thank you so much for your joe vote, theuwumaster!!! this was very fun to write, so i hope you enjoy :))
"This is, by far, the weirdest thing that has ever happened to us."
There's a small murmur amongst the people crowded by the TV, all watching the poll live. Grian truly isn't sure whether its agreement or dissent. They've had some experiences.
This definitely does rank up there as one of the weird ones, though. 100 percent.
"I'm honestly still mad I lost," Jimmy mutters. Grian snorts. As if. You went up against Scott, Timmy. Not a chance. "What! It's true. Don't laugh at me, Grian."
"We put up a good fight," Tango assures him- everyone? Everyone seems to accept it. "Those eight just put up a better one. Or campaigned harder? Could be both."
"I mean, the campaigning is definitely a fight. Joe spent actual, non-diamond money." Xisuma shrugs. "And there's quite a lot of people saying all the art swayed them to vote for someone they'd never heard of before. The campaigns work!"
"So we didn't campaign hard enough..." Scott sighs, slumping down dramatically. "How did we not campaign hard enough? How are we not sexy enough? I was a hot vampire, for god's sakes!"
"Well, Scott Smajor," Charlie Slimecicle says, "it seems they're just hotter. No-one can compete against the Hot Guy."
"There's like seven people trying to compete against Hotguy right now."
Grian tunes them out, curling back up and looking at the TV. It's not the best quality- weird interdimensional shows about a past-present-future poll aren't exactly easy to get service for- but it's interesting. Honestly, he's kind of insulted he got kicked off so early. And...
"What're you thinking, Grian?" Pearl asks, nudging him playfully. "Sad you lost to another red bird?"
"They don't even draw his wings red!" he squawks, offended. "But nah. Not really. I've got... other things in mind."
"Hm." Pearl hums. "Like the winner? I mean, I sure hope Cleo wins. It means I didn't lose for nothing."
"Not Scar or Mumbo?" he teases. "Shame on you, Pearl! What happened to Boatem loyalty?"
"I'd sell you all for a single corn chip."
"Ouch." He laughs. "... Hm. Yeah, I was thinking about who'd win. Who I'd want to win."
"Etho for sure!" Joel declares. "I mean, really. Look at him. He got added as a block into Minecraft. He's like the ultimate candidate."
"I think BDubs could surprise us," comes Impulse's addition. "I mean, it's not likely, he's against Cleo, but it sure would be interesting. I'd like to see it."
"Doc, too!" Ren leans forward, stage-whispering like this is a secret. "I mean, have you seen those abs? Those beautiful, beautiful machines? You'd better not forget the power that man holds!"
"If you ask me, I hope Joe wins," Scott chimes in. "I mean, I do know all of you guys, but come on. Joe shot me for being homophobic. Which I'm too gay to be. Legally I have to support him to support the gays. Plus, his fanbase just keeps growing the more he campaigns. He's the surprising underdog in this race." He pauses. "... And I fear for our souls if Cleo wins."
"Aw, Scott! What happened to Double Life loyalty?"
"You are unbelievable, Pearl."
Pearl snickers. From in the back, someone else pipes up.
"I think you all are underestimating someone," Wilbur says with a smile. "It's a shame I didn't have to go up against Quackity this round, but alas. It means poor Mr. Hills has to deal with him alone. My yin is a formidable opponent." He covers a small smile with a gloved hand. "I know that from experience. Very intimate experience."
"Oooh, yeah. And your side of the people will probably be supporting him, too..." Pearl grins. "Nah. No chance. I believe in our viewers. We're gonna have a Hermitsweep on our hands soon enough!"
Wilbur flips her off. She bursts into guffawing laughter.
"Well, okay! I see your point." She slumps over Grian, enjoying how the smaller man yelps at her weight. "What about you, G? You rooting for Scar? I mean, the people love him and his abs. His scitties. And a sidekick has to support his hero, am I right?"
"I still haven't gotten the sidekick clothes off him, Pearl. Not a sidekick yet." He shakes his head. "And anyway, there's only one person I'd support."
He snaps his fingers, and the TV explodes into static, faint flickers of purple glimmering in the grey. The room erupts into protests as the broadcast is cut off.
"Five diamonds per person if you want me to turn it back on, people!" Grian says gleefully. "All proceeds go to the most worthwhile campaign of all!"
A grin splits his face. "Mumbo for Mayor."
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nellie-elizabeth · 1 year
What We Do in the Shadows: The Campaign (5x04)
I'm in a bit of a Good Omens coma at the moment so pardon me if this is rather a brief review!
I guess I wanted a bit more of an understanding of where Lazlo was coming from with his behavior towards the people of Little Antipaxos. It seems like he's trying to impress them at first, but he belittles them and thinks they're all primitive idiots. Then, when they don't warm to him, he immediately goes hostile and tells them to fuck off. This from the man who refuses to set foot back in his homeland because they insulted his beautiful and perfect wife Nadja. I wish we could have seen this play out more from Lazlo's perspective, so we could see maybe that he's feeling insecure or strange about all the time Nadja is spending with these new friends, or something.
That said, Lazlo and Nadja are still hilarious, and I did love the resolution, wherein Nadja's new friends think that Lazlo is a figure from their old folktales, a particularly foolish and mean-spirited oaf who brings good luck to those who are near him. That would be funny to see more stories about!
Nandor is trying to find new friends because Guillermo has been pulling away from him, refusing to hang out as much as they normally would. Nandor makes friends with a Jewish man named Alexander from the gym, but when the friendship progresses slower than he would like, he decides to get circumcised just to be more like him. Of course, what with vampire healing, his foreskin grows back immediately, so he ends up just flashing his dick at this guy he barely knows at the gym as an overture of friendship, which does not go well.
I'm living for the strange codependent bizarre nature of Nandor and Guillermo's relationship; they really seem to be leaning into it this season. Guillermo is avoiding him because he doesn't want Nandor to find out about the vampire thing, and Nandor is openly admitting how insecure this makes him feel, as he seeks out alternate companionship. Guillermo giving Nandor a circumcision? Are you kidding? They are the WEIRDEST people on the planet. I love that they get to go to a movie together in the end, even if Nandor is back to being super rude to Guillermo in the process.
And then in our main story, Colin is running for Comptroller, but only because giving speeches at meetings is a great opportunity for a mass feeding. He enlists the help of his old flame the emotion vampire Evie, who poses as his wife for his campaign. However, things take an interesting turn when a council of Energy Vampires declares that Colin needs to actually win, because his opponent wants to streamline government bureaucracy and do away with all the extra forms, which is the whole lifeblood of energy vampire kind! Colin doesn't want this, so he "accidentally" flashes and moons a bunch of voters on a Zoom call, meaning he has to drop out of the race. Evie takes over and wins on write-in votes, and ends their relationship.
I mean, Colin has one bit, and he does it really well, and it's almost always extremely funny. Meeting a bunch of other energy vampires and seeing them all play off each other was the best kind of comedic torture. The whole bit about going to the home screen and finding settings on the phone to silence alerts... I could feel my brain leaking out of my nose. I also love that Evie's gimmick is a variation. While Colin aims to bore you to death, Evie aims to depress you to death with her sad tales of woe. It's fun to see those two different vibes bounce off each other.
So there you go! A fun installment. I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop with Guillermo's big transformation, but it's a fun ride to get there!
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xihaveaplanxx · 7 months
As I Confessed (Part One)
“He is your boyfriend. You need to talk to him.”
“He’s going to get all of us hunted. What he did out there? He knows better. I don’t know what’s wrong with him but you need to talk to him.” Damian was ranting at me and I had no idea how to respond. Adam had his match which was fine till he actually drank from Swerve. In front of everyone. In front of humans He could easily say it was part of the match which it was Texas Death but this...what happened. How for a split moment, the bloodlust took him over. That was not good. Swerve was being tended too and Adam was in the locker room being reprimanded by the other vampires around. Especially Mox who was in charge of the vampires in this coven. I could hear the screaming from outside in the hall and I felt awful. I didn’t know what to do. I just didn’t want this brought to the hire ups but he did it on a ppv. We couldn’t possibly mind wipe ALL THOSE people and nowadays, clips get cut as soon as they happen. Everyone would know. We could hope people just thought it was part of the match...going further than before but others...others won’t believe that. Will dig and dig and find out secrets and we’d be in danger. I was concerned and Damian yelling at me didn’t help. If he wasn’t dating my best friend I’d have smacked him. Not that I could reach his face, he was much taller than me. I’d smack his chest if I’m lucky. But at least I’d do something! “Are you listening to me? Of course not. When it comes to him you will just plead and cry and tell everyone it’s not his fault but there he was drinking someone’s blood on tv. People are going to piece shit together and then what”
“He’s been really irresponsible lately.”
“You  really have been such a hard ass since you got voted as second in command you know.”
“Yeah well maybe your boyfriend shouldn’t be potentially putting us all in danger. Mox is laying into him and he should be. Should choke his dumb ass out. Not that it would matter. Put the fear of all the Gods in him. I’m sure Mox can do damage control and Swerve doesn’t seem too bothered though he’s really tired which I get but still.... “
“I’m sure he didn’t mean to do all that.”
“But he did.” Damian crossed his arms and Mox soon left the locker room with Adam trailing behind him, head hung low. “What’s the verdict, Mox?”
“Dreama, talk to me.” He ignored Damian and Adam was standing there head low just facing a wall. I didn’t like that. I followed him and he slammed the door before turning to me. “When was the last time Adam had any blood? Be honest with me. He clearly didn’t want to tell me the truth, but you will.”
“The truth. I know you love feral men and him being beyond feral what with how intense this feud is and what not  You are known to make whoever you are with abstain from drinking so they go out there and just react poorly. Violently...he was thirsty. Deprived.”
“It’s...it’s not what you think.”
“Oh? Then what is it?”
“I just....”
“Dreama...we went over this with everyone you get with. Do you really want him to end up like Punk?”
“He wouldn’t”
“No? He wouldn’t? Are you sure about that?”
“Adam could never be so pathetic and useless. Yes, it’s bad he drank from Swerve as he did but he’d never ever be the embarrassment that Punk is to our kind. They aren’t remotely the same. Yes Adam’s a bit more feral lately but he’s going through alot.”
“And because you are you, you want him to ose it because you think it’s cute. You did that to Punk then oh what was that....he left you for your friend.”
“Mox, I swear...I will stake you.”
“Threatening to murder a superior, I’m sure Sting would love to hear about that.”
“You are being an asshole.”
“No, you are mad I’m right. I’m getting damage control done so no one thinks anything of it , that it was just part of the match but we can not keep doing this. I should kick you both out the coven but he needs it. You though. He needs to be protected from you. He was such a nice vampire then he got with you and now he’s agreeing to not drink blood so he comes at people ravenous, getting increasingly more violent, getting darker in demeanor.  I know he won’t do it, he loves you so much but I will. From this moment forward you are not only banned from the coven, you are not together. He can’t be with you when you are like this. You need to go home. I don’t care where you go, you can’t be here. After all this. He feels so bad for what happened in hindsight but not you, I know you don’t.”
“You can’t do this.”
“I just did. Get your stuff and go somewhere.  I’d think you’d be better as you got older but sometimes I forget deep down, you just lust for control and power so much it’s just ridiculous. I thought you’d be better to Adam. Good to him but no...I was wrong. We all were.”
“No. You need to leave. Maybe one day we will let you back in...but not any time soon.”
A month later/Kenny’s pov
“I don’t even understand. I just...I thought Adam would at least reach out. Mox can’t control him texting or anything. Whatever. It’s fine. I don’t care.”
“I think you do care.”
“I don’t.”  I could tell Dreama was upset. She had been in my apartment for the past month as she refused to go back home. She moved in with me and I didn’t mind it. I wasn’t on the road for some time and I was a bit lonely. Especially after things transpired between Matt and I that resulted in a lot of heartbreak, crying and just....that and me getting sick as I was. Everything was just snowballing and I was hiding away at this point. Dreama barely went out to drink anymore, she usually drank from me. As a mage, my blood was somewhat of a delicacy but also with how sick I been, I didn’t know if she should be indulging in it but she did. It didn’t bother her really. I thought it did when she seemed to abruptly stop but she told me that wasn’t the case.  She was pissed again and from what she told me...I kind of understood all sides. She kind of made him go feral but also...him not even trying to reach out to her was kind of sad. Especially since I followed him on everything and he was just fine...hanging out with my ex and his brother and just....not checking on her....or me....felt bad. I guess Matt told him he might as well just not talk to me since we weren’t a thing anymore but Adam was one of my best friends but I guess breakups change things.  At least he didn’t block me. There was that. Unlike Matt who blocked me on everything. Blocked my number, twitter, instagram, everything.  
“Do you want me to message him for you?”
“No.” She sighed. “You think he moved on. Maybe he found someone better. I guess. A nicer vampire. Whatever. Maybe I’m as bad as Mox says. I’m the problem. Just as bad as my ex...maybe worse.”
“Hey now, don’t compare yourself to him.”
“I can’t help it. I’m the problem. Always.”
“I think you are used to being how you usually are. It’s a lot to unlearn. I know you love Adam, I can tell but...a lot went on there. I frankly don’t think you were ready to be with anyone, but you liked him so much. You wanted things to work and it did for a while but as time went on you fell into old things. I’d like to think things aren’t over for you two forever. If he hasn’t got into contact with you, Mox probably is not letting him knowing how he’d run to find you and want to be with you. You need time. At least you have that. Matt and I are screwed. Things were said and just....we can’t fix it.” I frowned. “And I tried. I did. It hurt that I went to the hospital and he wasn’t there. You were. With a balloon for me and a bear that you ended up keeping but still.” I chuckled a tiny bit as I thought of how she presented me this cute black bear but she kept playing with it in the room. I let her keep it. It seemed she wanted it and the last thing I needed was another plush but the balloon I kept. Even if it lost its air, I tacked it to my wall because it meant alot to me. 
“Do you really mean that?”
“I do.” I patted her arm. “We can play Street Fighter if you want. I’ll even let you win.”
“You won’t let me win. I’ll actually beat you.”
“You say that alot...but you never do.”
“I will this time.”
“Alright, if you say so.”
Jenny’s pov
“I miss her.” Adam pouted at me. It had been a month and the blood drinking incident was pretty much forgotten. Girls were much more into it than we thought but eh...girls did like those things. Adam was flat out miserable. He wanted to talk to Dreama so badly but he was barred from it. Mox even deleted her information from his phone. I understood it in a way but also he was not okay. “I really do.”
“I know but you know...”
“I know.” He sighed.  “Do you think she hates me?” He asked as he leaned his head on my shoulder. Dreama did text me from time to time. She spent all her time with Kenny which...I didn’t know how to feel about that.  She always had an interest in him , and it made me wonder. After all they were both single at the moment but still. She sent me some photos mostly of her and Kenny or just of Kenny sleeping and her drawing on him. She did mention missing Adam alot at first but now...it seemed she just was coming to terms with what was going on even if it bothered her. “Does she even mention me? I know you talk”
“She does. She does miss you.”
“I never blamed her for what went on. I could have told her no but I wondered myself how long I could last with no blood and what happened with Swerve was both our fault admittedly. I don’t think she’s anything like her ex. Hell her ex was a piece of shit to me. He was horrible to me and she doesn’t treat me like him remotely.  She....I just maybe we went out too quickly. Kenny used to tell me he felt we rushed into things but I adore her....I miss her. Do you think one day we can fix things...will Mox even let it. I know he  brought what happened to Sting and you know...he’s one of the big dogs in our coven. He wasn’t happy and he hated that she had to leave like that but he said she was an issue since TNA. I just...want us to be together again.”
“Aw...well if she is actually working on herself...I’m sure you will be back together. After all you are her sweetieface as she always told me.”
“I always loved that nickname.” He smiled a tiny bit. “Jenny, I always wondered. Since you are an alien? Does your blood...make Damian sick? I know some aliens..it depends.”
“I’m also part fairy.” I added “But no. It doesn’t. The fairy mix in it is very...good, he tells me. He tries not to feed from me often though. As he is taller and more imposing than normal vampires, he worries that he hurts me but he doesn’t.”
“Wow. Damian is kind of scary.”
“I can see how you say that but he’s a big mush ball. At least for me. He just takes his job as second in command seriously and protecting the others. I get it.”
“I guess...I just....I’m sorry I’m not fun to talk to right now. I just....I’m sad.”
“It;s going to be okay.” I patted his head. “If you just want to sit and watch something...that’s fine too. Or just lean on me. I’m here for you.”
“You know, you are such a good friend.” Adam told me. “Thank you for being there.”
“You don’t need to thank me.” I told him. “You are my friend...I’m going to care for you.”
“Well...I’m just glad you are here.”
“Of course.” I told him as he leaned on me and pulled out his phone. Dejected that there was no text or notification from Dreama. “It’s going to be okay, Adam.”
“I hope so because right now...it doesn’t feel like it ever will be.”
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