#like holy shit anon you look back on that fondly get help
michaelmilkers · 1 year
Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being so terrible, the hate bond you created between the members in your fail flop server turned into lifelong friendships. We're currently in new Orleans getting brunch after spending the night at a vampire speakeasy and are going to get matching tattoos later tonight, I'm also going to have my one year anniversary with my love soon who I met through the butterfly effect of you being awful pushing things into motion. So thanks for being so hateable also I hate you booooooo we hate you LMFAO 💖🍓💖✨😊 🫶
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for people who don't know what this is about because why the fuck would you it happened years ago, i used to run a discord server for followers of this blog until a bunch of people in it decided they hated me so much that they made a second secret discord server dedicated to shit-talking me behind my back and it culminated with a bunch of people who i genuinely thought i was on good terms with revealing the secret shit-talking server to me and then gaslighting me into believing it was my fault and i, a 17 year old, genuinely deserved to have an entire group of people pretending to be my friends for months only to publicly humiliate me, for the grievous offense of having a couple of bad opinions
personally i don't care about what happened in a discord server when i was 17 because i'm an adult who has sex and i certainly don't make up fanfiction where i'm super cool and everyone clapped but i understand not everyone is that mature. like what are your matching tattoos gonna be? my tumblr url?
like even if any of this is true anon tell literally anyone that your deepest relationships are based on the shared joy of cyberbullying a random teen on discord and see how they react. you're definitely the super epic main character here. everyone reading this thinks you're really awesome and not at all a maladjusted freak and i'm so hurt that you've been obsessed with the underage version of myself that lives rent free in your head for YEARS i'm gonna go cry and kill myself
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sej2020 · 2 years
Love And Comfort
Asexual Reader
Anon Request: Hey I don’t know if you do requests or ideas for a thing but if by a long shot you do. I would like to. I would possibly like to see a Hotch x asexual reader. Basically the reader would be out with friends when she shows a picture of her family “Hotch and his son” they are all like “dang he’s hot” or something and makes innaproproate jokes. And reader is uncomfy and says “I’m asexual so I don’t do anything like that” they all then start making fun of you. You end up holding back tears and you head home and you walk through the door and rush to the bedroom and a few minutes later Hotch comes in and holds you and comforts you as you tell him all that happened. Then hotchs son comes in and he sees you crying and for the first time he says “mommy please don’t cry” that makes you start crying harder and he crawls in between you and hotch and presses little kisses onto your cheeks.
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A night out it turns out you really wish you hadn’t attended, you don’t see your friends from college all that often, but when you do it’s usually a night filled with uncontrollable laughter and drinks of vibrant colours. Usually.
Tonight was no different, you had come home from working at the gym, in time to see little Jack jumping out of Jess’s car. Accepted the exuberant hug the young boy gave you, laughing with Jess at the excited young Hotchner before you. The two of you had done his homework, cooked dinner, and then proceeded to build a rather lavish pillow fort in the living area.
It was inside this pillow fort that Hotch found you both, curled up watching a movie until the youngster spotted his Dad, instantly cuddling the man, happy just like you the man hadn’t got a case to travel away for.
‘Do you have to go out?’ Whined Jack as you put on your shoes by the door.
‘I do, but remember what your task is?’ You said to Jack, grinning as Hotch rolled his eyes.
‘Yeah, I have to show Daddy the fort and tell him paperwork is strictly banned from the zone’ said Jack nodding seriously.
‘Good job’ you said tying up your last shoe, standing to give the boy a high five.
‘You are a terrible influence’ smiled Hotch fondly when the boy ran back to his fort.
‘Oh hush up, you know you’d enjoy the fort more than the work’ you said smiling up at the man, finding his smile revealing his adorable dimples.
‘Have fun tonight love, see you when you get back’ grinned Hotch, kissing your cheek, just as Jack ran back, grabbing his Dad’s hand, tugging.
How you wish you never went out that front door.
It was after you had eaten that things got horrible for you. You had started on your rounds of cocktails, the table was filled with brightly coloured drinks. Conversation had turned to families, and you were happily gushing about Jack and his schooling, when you pulled out your phone, showing a recent picture of Hotch and Jack.
‘Holy shit Y/N he is hot’ gushed Dayna, grabbing your phone zooming on Hotch’s face.
‘Is he good in bed?’ Asked Hannah making you blush hotly.
‘Why would you ask that? Does he look like he would be bad in bed… but is he Y/N?’ Asked Lauren taking the phone to look as well.
‘Come on, I bet he is, what’s he like?’ Asked Dayna looking at you as your phone was handed back to you.
‘We’ll umm… I wouldn’t really… the thing is I’m asexual’ you admitted blushing hotly still.
‘What the fuck does that even mean?’ Asked Joe, Dayna’s boyfriend.
‘I don’t really get… I just don’t feel any sexual feelings’ you said feeling small under everyone’s attention.
‘So you’re like what still a Virgin?’ Asked Mark smirking slightly.
‘Aww, bless, I’ll talk to him for you’ said Lauren wiggling her eyebrows earning giggles in response.
‘I think Mark will help out’ laughed Chris.
‘Yeah I’m good, I’ll be right back’ you said quickly getting up from the table ignoring the comments about not needing to freshen up just for Mark, wolf whistles following you round the corner into the bathroom.
Splashing water on your face, you took deep breathes. It had taken a lot for you to come out to them, you knew there would be some teasing, but you just felt… cornered, embarrassed.
‘No use hiding’ you muttered washing your hands, making your way back towards the table.
It was as you reached the corner near to the table you heard the worst comments imaginable.
‘I mean that’s just so fucking odd… she’s just never going to have sex… does she even love this guy or is she just stringing him along?’ Asked Joe snorting.
‘I don’t know how he does is it, I mean that’s a lot of…’ said Mark earning laughter.
‘I didn’t know she felt anything about that…’ said Dayna who was your oldest friend out of the group.
‘They always say there is a weirdo in a group, guess we just found ours’ chuckled Hannah everyone dissolving into laughter.
Tears blurred your vision, luckily you didn’t bring a bag with you choosing to use your phone to pay. Finding a staff exit you quickly left the restaurant. You had no idea how you got home, but you did. Shakily putting your keys in the lock you then sprinted past the boys in the fort, running into the bedroom, collapsing onto the bed curling up sobbing.
‘Oh darling’ came Hotch’s warm voice.
Climbing onto the bed, the man ignored you trying to fight him off, wrapping you firmly in his arms until you stopped, sobbing into his chest. The man completely speechless, simply held you, stroking your hair and back. Keeping you securely in his arms.
‘You’re alright sweetheart, I have you… what happened baby?’ Asked Hotch when you calmed to sniffling.
‘I told them, I told them I’m asexual….’ You said earning a squeeze from the man’s arms.
‘Oh honey, what did they do to you?’ Asked Hotch kissing the top of your head.
‘They teased me, I was fine with that… but then I went back to the table after splashing my face, I heard their comments and I just’ you said shaking your head, breathing Hotch’s scent, calming you.
‘I’m sorry… you know I love you for you right’ said Hotch softly kissing your head again.
‘I can’t, Aaron if this is too much… I can’t… please I can’t’ you said beginning to hyperventilate now.
‘Hey, hey, none of that, I love you Y/N’ said Hotch pulling away to cup your face, stroking your skin with his thumbs.
‘Daddy’ came Jacks voice from the door.
‘Jack I thought I said to wait in the living room’ said Hotch not too harshly.
‘You were too long… Mummy please don’t cry’ said Jack climbing on the bed seeing your puffy face.
If you weren’t crying then, you certainly were now.
‘Oh Jack’ you said opening your arms, hugging the boy tightly, Hotch too wrapping his arms around you both.
‘We love you Mummy’ said Jack snugging into your chest.
‘I love you both so much’ you said finding warmth and love in the arms of your two boys.
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jean-kayak · 3 years
As a Greek mythology nerd, can I request hc’s of Dabi, Mirio, Kirishima, and Todoroki reacting to their black crush having a Gorgon quirk? She has locs that can turn into snakes, her quirk works when she glares at someone to turn em to stone but if she glares too long; she temporarily blinds herself so her snakes help with her senses, and she has slit eyes and a snake tongue that she jokingly hisses with at times. Sis is a bit self conscious of her quirk since people fear/discriminate mutant quirk types so she’s worried about being an embarrassment to her partner
A/N: Here you go anon, I hope you like it! Also, I made Todoroki's so long lmfao
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🔵He doesn't even care about how you look
🔵And I mean like, your appearance literally doesn't bother him at all
🔵When you first met, it was late at night, and he scared you
🔵Your back was to him, so your first instinct was to activate your quirk, the snakes looking his way as you froze
🔵"Holy shit, that's pretty cool."
🔵"Who are you?" you ask defensively, keeping your back towards him
🔵"Someone who's not gonna hurt you."
🔵You scoff. "Yeah, right. One look at you and I can turn you to stone," you declare, your threat responded with a chuckle
🔵"No shit." You debate in your head if you should turn around, but if you run it could be worse for you
🔵But from his words and his demeanor, it doesn't really seem like his goal is to cause you harm
🔵You slowly turn around, your snakes turning back into hair, your eyes finally landing on him. "What do you want?"
🔵"For starters? Your number."
🔵And that's how your relationship started, mostly Dabi convincing you that there's nothing wrong with your quirk
🔵And there's nothing wrong with you, and that he will be the last person to ever judge anything about you
🔵His crush on you is pretty obvious considering the fact that he keeps popping out of nowhere, asking you different questions about your quirk and what you can do
🔵One day, he makes a joke wondering if you could make only his dick turn to stone
🔵And you give him a crazy look as you shake your head before you hiss at him softly
🔵"Did you just hiss at me?" You didn't even realize it, quickly recoiling into yourself, and he scoffs at you fondly, grabbing your hand loosely to turn your attention back towards him
🔵"Babe, I told you. I don't care, and it doesn't bother me. I like you, okay? And your quirk is awesome. I mean that."
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☀️He was on patrol one day when he first met you, seeing you surrounded by a group of people cornering you towards the wall
☀️"What's going on over here?"
☀️Everyone freezes, all of them slowly turning around, and his eyebrows raise when he sees someone standing in the middle
☀️Your back is against the wall, your head down. "Well?"
☀️They don't say anything, and within the next few seconds they're quickly walking away
☀️The whole interaction confuses him, but he's more focused on you, turning his attention towards you
☀️"Are you okay?" he asks gently, and you nod quickly, glancing up at him for a split second
☀️"Yes, yeah, I am. Thanks," you tell him, finally looking up at him
☀️He freezes for a second when your eyes finally meet his, and he's captivated immediately
☀️You blink at him, and it jumps him out of his temporary trance, realizing he was just staring at you and wasn't saying anything
☀️And he clears his throat. "Um, do you need me to walk you anywhere?"
☀️You give him a soft smile as you shake your head, pointing towards your left. "No, it's okay. The building I need to get to is right there. Thank you though."
☀️He's nodding his head, telling you to have a good day before you echo him and walk away
☀️For about the next few days, he purposefully patrols the area where he met you, hoping he can run into you again
☀️When he does spot you miraculously one day, he's quickly making his way over to you, calling out before he reaches you to not scare you
☀️A small smile forms on your face as he gets to you. "I just wanted to check--oh." Your face drops when he suddenly stops, and he cringes internally when he realizes he said that out loud
☀️"I'm sorry, it's just your eyes...are different." They don't look the same as when he first ran into you, and they look like average eyes
☀️You instantly curl into yourself as you huff softly. "They're contacts. My eyes kinda freaking people out cause they're weird-"
☀️"Unique." He cuts you off instantly, and you meet his gaze again. "I really like your eyes. They're beautiful."
☀️You can't help but smile as you feel your face grow warm. "And I would really like to take you out on a date if that's okay."
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🔴Thinks your quirk is the coolest thing in the world
🔴He always saw that you would shy away slightly, and he asked you why
🔴Your response was that most people think you're a freak, explaining that you've been called worse names that you wouldn't like to repeat
🔴He's taken aback, anger stirring slightly in his chest at the thought of people being mean to you, and he makes it his mission to never make you feel that way again
🔴He's always asking you questions about your quirk, nearly gushing about what you can do and how awesome it is
🔴To the point where he doesn't even realize that he's got a massive crush on you
🔴He realizes when he compliments for probably the hundredth time that day, and you give him a fond look, your eyes making his heart flutter in his chest
🔴He suddenly starts to get really nervous around you and becomes very cautious about what questions he asked because he doesn't want to weird you out
🔴You notice this like immediately because you're so used to him throwing questions at you
🔴When you ask him about it, he chuckles softly as he rubs the back of his neck
🔴"Can, uh," he trails off, his face going warm, feeling dumb now, but he's already started so he might as well finish. "I touch your hair?"
🔴You raise your eyebrows in surprise, and he starts talking before you can answer
🔴"I know it's weird, and I probably just made you really uncomfortable. But I just think it's cool that you can just make it come alive, and now it's really awkward--"
🔴You cut off his rambling with a chuckle as you step closer to him. "It's okay, Eijirou."
🔴You hold out one of your locs, and he carefully runs his fingers over it, and he jumps slightly when it slowly turns into a snake, coming to life in front of his eyes
🔴"God, you are so amazing," he breathes in awe not even realizing what he said
🔴"It's crazy how much I like you." Now that is what makes both of you freeze, and his eyes widen his mouth falling open slightly as he wishes a hole would come in and swallow him
🔴"You what?" you chuckle slightly, turning your head to face him, the snake turning back into your hair
🔴His face is crazy red, but then he thinks, what does he have to lose? "I really, really like you."
🔴And he's practically through the roof when you confess the same thing, and when you agree to go on a date with him
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❄You were a barista at the cafe he always went to before he went to work, and he was immediately drawn to your eyes, and he always caught himself staring for just a beat too long whenever you would hand him his drink
❄One day he happens to catch you sitting at one of the tables, so he decided to take a chance and sit with you, starting up a conversation, and he had checked the time on his phone, realizing he was going to be late for work, but for whatever reason, he couldn't find himself to care
❄The only reason why he left was because you had to get to work, but he started making it a priority to get there early so that he could talk to you for as long as he could, and Sero actually calls him out on it, tired of having to cover for him, and that's when Todoroki tells him about you
❄He nearly rambles on for thirty minutes, telling him about how cute it was whenever you would accidentally hiss when you talked really fast or if you were talking about something that was exciting to you
❄They're halfway through patrol when Sero cuts off his list with a chuckle, making Todoroki look at him in confusion. "What's so funny?" he genuinely asks, and Sero raises an eyebrow at him
❄"Because you have a crush, Shouto. It's like clear as day." He stops for a second before noticing that he was basically a broken dam the moment Sero asked him why he had been late for the past couple of weeks
❄He feels his ears go hot as he asks, "Well, what should I do?"
❄"Other than the obvious answer, which is ask her out?" Sero tells him, and he throws out multiple questions, still overwhelmed by the conclusion as he thinks about all of the things that he likes about you
❄Sero laughs softly before giving him some advice to help boost his confidence, and Shouto finds himself outside of the cafe right at closed, knowing that you're the one who closes
❄"Oh, Todoroki. What're you doing here?" He rubs his hands on his pants as before he answers
❄"I was just wondering if I could walk you home? If that's okay with you?"
❄You smile softly as you nod, locking the door before walking down the sidewalk. The walk isn't as awkward as he thought, the conversation flowing between the two of you easily before he notices something
❄"If you don't mind me asking, why're you wearing a sweatshirt?" Even though the sun is starting to set, the humid air is still lingering, and you have to be hot
❄The question immediately changes your demeanor, and he stops walking at your reaction. "Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if--"
❄"It's my quirk," you start. "It scares people so I cover my hair to prevent that," you admit, feeling at ease with telling him
❄You start to take off the hood, and you stop his protests, telling him that it's okay. He watches as you take a deep breath and close your eyes, and he's in a trance when he watches your locs transform into snakes right in front of his eyes
❄He doesn't respond, and you start to get worried, but then he blurts out, "Can I touch them?"
❄You almost open your eyes in surprise before you chuckle softly as you raise your hand
❄You take his hand and bring it up to the snakes, and he scoffs in amazement as one of them darts its tongue across his finger
❄"This doesn't scare you?" you ask hesitantly
❄"I wanted to ask you out," he responds bluntly, and you deactivate your quirk, opening your eyes to look at him in surprise
❄"Really?" And a soft smile appears on his face as he nods
❄"Yes," he states firmly.
❄And you smile widely. "I'd love to."
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[requested by anon ‘m’]
~Tommyinnit x Reader (Gender Neutral) x Tubbo ~ !PLATONIC!
Summary: They were the ultimate trio, the Three Musketeers (as they were fondly nicknamed) consisted of Tommy, Tubbo and (Y/N). Soon Tubbo and (Y/N)’s birthday was coming up, so Tommy came up with the brilliant idea of throwing a joint Minecraft birthday party. After which, fun and hilarity ensues.
Genre: Fluffy friendship with friends being pals.
Pronouns: They/them (Gender neutral)
Warnings: Cursing and a bunch of capitalized words to add v o l u m e. I mean c’mon. Tommyinnit is in this story.
[a/n: wOHOO!! Another request :DD I really like this prompt idea since it’s been a while since I’ve written a friendship fic. This is loosely based on what I could remember from Tubbo’s birthday live with my own twist on things. This is also more of a reader insert than an x reader]
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUBBO!!”, (Y/N) practically yelled into the mic. Looking at the facecam, Tubbo frantically throws off his headphones and lets out a scream. When he calmed down from his fright, he puts his headphones back on and scooches his chair back into place. “THANK YOU (Y/N)!!”, he yelled back in matching fervor, “HAPPY ADVANCE BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO!” (Y/N) flinches and pulls their mic even closer for maximum earrape, “THANKS TUBBSTER!” “WHY ARE WE YELLING?!”, screamed Tommy; making himself known. “I DON’T KNOW WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!”, Tubbo’s voice is starting to get hoarse. “I dunno I just wanted to feel included.”, Tommy’s sudden shift in tone caused (Y/N) to burst into laughter. 
They take a moment to greet their respective streams. “So Tommy, you have gathered us here on the magnificent Dream SMP. What’s on the agenda for today?”, (Y/N) says in their best posh accent. “Well that was terrible, but anyway”, Tommy moves his Minecraft player while he speaks, “Today, we are going to be celebrating the BIRTH of my two best friends. So, come on, follow me. We got lots to do.” Tubbo happily follows Tommy while (Y/N) whoops in excitement and quickly checks chat, “No chat, this isn’t canon...I think.”
The first thing they did was make a TNT canon by the shore, which took some time. However with Fundy and Sam’s help, they were able to finally get it work. “HOLY SHIT!”, Tommy exclaims as his character gets absolutely launched into the air. Tubbo gleefully chimes as he sets the device up for another launch, “It really goes get you flying doesn’t it?” (Y/N) lets out a ‘Weee~’ as they land into the water, “I know that this is literally virtual, but this is actually kinda fun.”
When they were done, Tommy says that it’s time to move on to the next activity. “C’mon (Y/N), Tommy is gonna go on without us!”, Tubbo urged as (Y/N) launches themselves with a cow on a lead for the fifth time...only for it to die upon impact for the fifth time. “Goddamit, it keeps hitting the shore!”, (Y/N) finally calls it quits and they both sprint to catch up with Tommy.
Tommy leads them to a trapdoor that leads them to an underground railway. They grab their minecarts and head off. Along the way, the halls are decorated with funny edits and memes of Tubbo and (Y/N). “Oh god (Y/N)innit is so cursed.”, Tubbo laughed at the huge picture of a blonde (Y/N) in Tommy’s iconic shirt while (Y/N) snickers and plays Paralyzer by Finger Eleven to match the image. “Oh my god I almost forgot about that one.”, Tommy points out a picture of Tubbo photoshopped as a snail. “EY ITS TURBO!!”, (Y/N) realizes and absolutely loses it.
Farther down the long mine cart ride are normal photos of times where the trio meet up causing the three to calm down and reminisce those memories. The chat absolutely melts at the soft atmosphere filling up the comments with ‘Aww’s and hearts. The occasional copy pasta ruining the mood.
Upon reaching their destination, they all hop out of their carts and meet a dark oak door. “Okay, I want you guys to close you eyes.”, Tommy’s character steps in front of them. “In real life?”, (Y/N) asked. “How are we going to see?”,Tubbo questioned the obvious. “Yes, just put your finger on the forward key and I’ll guide you. Now, no peeking alright?”, Tommy crouched as the two gave confirmation that their eyes are closed. Tommy opens the door and quickly goes in first to check if the surprise is ready. He quickly types in chat to join the voice chat they were in, “Okay, go forward and I’ll tell you when to stop.” Miraculously, there were no mishaps in getting them through the door. Their characters walked until they reached a wall of the dark room. “Stop!”, Tommy instructed, “Wait (Y/N) you can go forward a little more.” (Y/N) complied until Tommy told them to stop again. 
“Alright you can open your eyes.”, Tommy flipped a lever causing the lights to turn on.
A chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’s rang in Tubbo and (Y/N) ‘s ears as they looked around, mouths agape. “Oh my god, this is awesome!”, Tubbo’s character jumps around happily while his head spins around. (Y/N) bursts out laughing at the banner saying “Happy ‘Coming out of your mother’ Day” to the point of wheezing their lungs out. “Thank you for noticing my banner (Y/N).”, Big Q notices before turning to a disappointed BadBoyHalo, “I told you they would like it.”
The rest of the day was spent enjoying Minecraft cake, passing presents virtually even some just gifting subs and donations. It was a fun party with friends...until Technoblade joined the game.
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babygirl-diaz · 3 years
Ndbxksndjs that "Bucky jealous of himself" was amazing as all your writings are, I love it!! But now imagine that, for some reason (the power of the script™ if you will), 40's Bucky goes to the future and both og Bucky and James get jealous af when they see him flirt with Sam
(Took me forever but I finally got around to it, anon.
@trustseok you said to tag you when I finished writing this)
Just as their luck would have it, it turned out Dr. Strange was out of town. The man was on a tech-free vacation, which meant Bucky was screwed.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. We’ll figure something out,” Sam tried assuring him by resting a hand on his shoulder, and Bucky tried hard not to melt into his touch.
When they got home, James was at the door immediately, blocking their path.
“What are you doing?” Bucky tried to push past him but James pushed back.
“Okay… don’t freak out, but--”
“What did you do?” Bucky asked, worried.
“I did nothing!” James quickly defended himself. “He just turned up out of nowhere.”
“Who are you talkin-” Bucky’s eyes widened in shock when he saw it-- him-- saw him. A younger version of himself was standing behind James. He was dressed in a raggedy old khaki shirt with khaki pants. His face was covered in ash and a few burn marks. His sweaty brown hair stuck to his forehead, his eyes were sunken, and he looked really malnourished.
“Holy shit. Is that another you?!” Sam was the one who broke the awkward silence. “I need to sit down.” He added dramatically and walked past the two versions of Bucky to sit down on the couch.
“How did he get here?” Bucky asked James.
“He can hear you, boy,” said the younger version of Bucky.
“Boy?” Bucky scoffed. “I’m older than you, kid.”
“This is like watching an episode of the Twilight Zone.”
“I love The Twilight Zone,” James announced.
“What’s The Twilight Zone?” younger Bucky asked.
“Everyone shut up about the Twilight Zone,” Bucky yelled. “We've got bigger problems.” He added, pointing at younger Bucky.
Sam got up from the couch and came over to stand next to younger Bucky. “Hey, hi, I’m Sam,” he said, waving at the man.
“Hello, Sam. I am Sergeant James “Bucky” Barnes.”
“Let’s just call you Sergeant Barnes for now to avoid confusion,” Sam replied
“Okay, you can call me anything you like.”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot up at that. Not this one too.
“Um okay?” Sam replied, unsurely. “Do you know how you got here?”
“Hydra took me hostage--”
Bucky tensed at that part, and beside him, he felt James tense, too.
“Steve came to save me and-- oh god, Steve-- I told him I would not leave him and then I did. I don’t even know if he made it alive.”
“He did. Will take more than a little fire to kill that punk,” Bucky replied fondly.
“Are you allowed to tell him that?” Sam asked. “I mean, if he’s you from the past-- there could be consequences.”
“It’s oka-” Before Sergeant Barnes could finish his sentence, he stumbled on his feet and Sam caught him..
“Shit… Sergeant Barnes, let’s get you to the couch,” Sam helped Barnes to the couch and sat him down. “How are you so calm about this? You ended up in the future. Your future self is still young...”
“I guess after everything I’ve seen this week, nothing surprises me anymore.” Sergeant Barnes replied.
Bucky knew exactly what the other man was talking about. This is where it all started.
“You okay, man?” Bucky felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see James giving him a concerned look.
“Yeah, just wondering what the hell is going on? Why are different versions of me turning up here?”
“What did the Wiza- I mean, what did Doctor Strange say?” James asked.
“Nothing. He wasn’t there. He’s on vacation apparently and didn’t take his phone with him.”
“How can someone take a phone with them, silly?” Sergeant Barnes asked.
“Oh, you’ve got so much to learn and see, kid,” James told him.
“No, he doesn’t!” Bucky snapped. “He is going back soon. Because the longer he stays, the more there is a chance that I will cease to exist.”
“Not such a bad idea,” James mumbled under his breath, but Bucky heard him.
“What did you just say?” Bucky asked, and pushed James back. “Say it to my face.”
“Oh, I’ll say it to your face, you little shit,” James came back and tried to punch Bucky, but Sam got in between them and held James back.
“James, no!”
“Oh sweetheart,” James started with his flirting again. “What are you doing? I could have hurt you instead of that asshole.”
“Don’t sweetheart me,” Sam scolded him. “You two need to get it together. There’s already so much shit that we need to deal with.”
“Sorry,” both Bucky and James said at the same time.
“So what do we do now?” Bucky asked. He just wanted these two versions of him to go home already and for his life to return to normal.
“How about you two do some research and in the meantime I will take care of the wounds on Sergeant Barnes over there?” Sam suggested.
Barnes perked up at the idea, and Bucky frowned at him.
“Where do we even start with the research?” James asked. “Can’t exactly type ‘how to send your counterparts back to their own time and universe’ in the search box now, can we?”
“No, but you two are smart, you will figure it out.” Sam patted both of them on the backs before making his way over to Barnes.
“I’ll get the first aid box,”
It didn’t really surprise Bucky that Sam knew exactly where the first aid box was. The two of them have used it on each other many times.
Bucky handed the laptop to James and got his phone out to do the research. But he couldn’t keep his attention off Sam and Barnes.
Sam cleaned Barnes’s wounds while Barnes kept staring at Sam. Is that what Sam meant when he talked about Bucky’s staring problem?
“Let me know if it hurts…” Sam told him
“How can anything hurt when you’re being so gentle with me, Sam?” Barnes asked. “So you have a dame or a fella in your life?”
Bucky’s grip tightened around his phone.
“No,” Sam replied. “Do you?”
“No…” Barnes sighed. “...I am in the middle of a war right now.”
“At least you get a brief break from it.”
“That’s one way of looking at it,” said Barnes. “But I’d rather be there. Steve needs my help. Do you know Steve?”
Sam turned to look at Bucky, who shook his head in return. Sam gave him a brief nod before turning back to Barnes. “Yes, I do. I mean, who doesn’t know Captain America.”
A quietness fell between all of them as Bucky browsed through his phone and James browsed through the computer.
“You’re great with your hands.” It was Barnes who finally broke the silence.
Bucky looked up from his phone and glared at Barnes, who was busy watching Sam.
“If I could, I would stay here just for you.”
Sam chuckled and got up to sit beside Barnes. “You are quite a flirt. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“Oh, every day, doll,” Barnes winked at him
Bucky let out a low growl in his throat, causing all of them to look at him.
“Sorry. Just frustrated… I can't find anything.” He quickly made an excuse
“Yeah, I can’t find anything, either,” James chimed in. “Oh, and Sam, that little punk is right. I would stay back here just for you too.”
“Well, good thing neither of you is staying back,” Bucky grumbled.
“I actually like them, though,” Sam chuckled. “They’re entertaining.”
“Which one of us do you like better?” James inquired
“What?” Sam asked
“I’m curious,” James shrugged. “But I already know the answer. It’s obviously me.” He got up and came over to stand next to Bucky. “You can say so, darling.”
Sam looked like a deer caught in headlights and he looked between all three of them.
“You don’t have to answer--” Bucky started to say, but Sam cut him off
“Sergeant Barnes.”
“What?!” Bucky and James exclaimed in unison
“You’re choosing him,” James asked, frowning at Sergeant Barnes who just looked smug.
“He’s sweet,” Sam shrugged
“I wanna kill him,” James grumbled beside Bucky
“You and me both,” Bucky replied.
“He’s your younger self.”
“I don’t care.”
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lillupon · 3 years
Hii I have been reading AEV since the early chapters and just wanted to say its really so well written and carefully considered 😭😭💕 Thank you for writing this fic! And ahh the canon-divergent AU 🙈💕 I'm really bad with words but I'll try to write..
I was just thinking what if.. ww doesnt tell mg that jeongyeon is his.. but mg puts the pieces together himself:
Mg's on his way to ww's apartment to celebrate jy's birthday when he gets a text from ww asking him to pick up some burgers that he ordered from the burger joint along the way. With a bag of burgers in one hand and a box of birthday cake in the other, he arrives at ww's apartment and as soon as the door opens, a wild jy comes barrelling at him, excited that he's here to celebrate her birthday.
Ww sets the table while jy introduces mg to her favourite toys, her plushie friends and her secret hideout behind the curtains (ww feels a gentle warmth in his heart as he watches this scene unfold and wishes that there could be more moments like this in the future... but he keeps this a secret). They start eating their burgers and mg watches fondly as jy munches her burger, making tiny, happy noises beside him. The sunset casts a soft, warm glow on her face and he notes the striking resemblance between her and ww (& ofc he also sneaks glances at ww across the table and ww's so perfect and he's whipped).
"Ha.. I love burgers," she says. "I could eat them everyday".
And mg feels like he has been transported back in time, as he sees ww, happy, satiated and glowing, basking in the spring sun, beside him. He remembers telling ww that he would bring him out for movies and go to a burger joint after for their first date...
He's snapped out of his thoughts as ww lets out a small laugh and says she'll probably be sick of it by the third day.
They do the typical birthday ritual (make a wish, blow out the candles, cut cake, eat cake) and mg offers to clean up, insisting that ww spends time with jy too. Mg watches as jy pulls ww away and he couldn't help but feel slightly thankful that their alpha left them - he wouldn't be here otherwise. But he also couldn't help the hurt tugging at his heart, because he wasn't there for ww during his vulnerable moments, but also how could anyone just leave ww like that :(
The omega that still looked beautiful and perfect, lovely as ever, even after 5 years. He could and would totally have done a better job of providing and taking care of ww and jy. He lets out a huff and unconsciously whimpers like a sad puppy, as he removes the number 5 birthday candle on the cake. Yeah whichever alpha just up and disappeared was missing out, he thinks but also couldn't stop the slight pang of jealousy from rising. The lucky alpha who received ww's love, got a chance to be ww's mate and jy's father... oh how he wished it was him. He unconsciously whimpers again and stares blankly at the candle in his hand. 5 years of yearning for ww, miserably picking up whatever crumbs he could find from his fb profile, wishing ww was single and missing him too, and some alpha just easily leaves his ww alone to fend for himself...
5 years...?
He stares at the candle in this hand. Jy is 5 years old....?
What if...? 😮
And I'm done! I'm sorry its so long (its longer than what i expected too) 😭 and I've only ever been reading, this is my first time writing so I'm sorry if some parts felt weird 😓 I think after the "what if" moment, mg probably squeezes his brain juices, works backwards from jy's current birthday and finds out that jy was probably conceived in march... when he was still with ww... and oh yeah ww helped him with his rut during that time right? Ah yes great times...... Oh? 😳
HAHA I hope you liked it! And have a good day as well 💕
EDIT: THERE IS MORE!!! Please click here for the continuation written by a different author.
ANON WE NEED TO TALK! Holy shit, I've had this on my brain ALL MORNING. This was literally the best part of my day because man, let me tell you, this morning was rough lmao. I almost diededed. This is so lovely 🤧 Where do I even begin?
1. WILD AND EXCITABLE JEONGYEON Jesus cries--my heart. She loves Mingyu so much!
2. Mingyu already being a fixture in Wonwoo and Jeongyeon’s lives? COME ON! Wonwoo asking Mingyu to pick up cake and burgers? That’s too domestic argh
3. Jeongyeon loving burgers as much as Wonwoo loves burgers, and Mingyu connecting it to that day he shared with Wonwoo
4. This little snippet of pining, omg: "5 years of yearning for ww, miserably picking up whatever crumbs he could find from his fb profile, wishing ww was single and missing him too, and some alpha just easily leaves his ww alone to fend for himself..."
5. YOU DID IT BABY! YOU CONNECTED THE DOTS!! That's my mg 🤧 And the emojis you added to his realisation made it 10x more charming and funny
Smoochie 4 anon ♡ ( ̄З ̄) tysm for sharing!
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moonlightrichie · 4 years
May I ask for reddie in the water confessing feelings?
This has been sitting in my inbox almost forever, but I was hit with sudden inspiration! Thank you for the prompt anon ♡
Disclaimers: references to sex, cursing
It was one of the hottest days they'd had all summer.
When Richie had woken up that morning with sunlight blinding his already blind eyes, warming his skin with its rays, he’d been quick to text the losers’ group chat to ask for a day at the quarry. It would be one of their last times down there before starting different colleges after summer, and Richie wanted to do it as much as possible. 
All of them had responded with thumbs-ups and sunny emojis. It had all made him smile. 
He was the first to arrive, already preparing for his skin to start getting burnt until Eddie arrived with sunscreen. Stan was the second to arrive, doing a double take when he noticed Richie.
“Stan my man!” Richie exclaimed, patting the bare rock ground next to him. “Come lie next to me, dahlin’.”
Rolling his eyes, Stan put his towel neatly on the ground, an amused smile breaking out on his face. “Since when have you ever been this early to a hang-out?”
“I originally left home early to squeeze in some much needed sexy time with your mom before coming here, but she was bus- ow!” he yelled as Stan pushed him over, laughter bubbling out of both of them.
“Asshole,” Stan grinned.
The others arrived soon after that. First there was Beverly holding hands with a blushing Ben, the two only recently starting to date, then Mike, Bill and Eddie. 
When Eddie’s gaze had landed on Richie’s pink chest, he’d let out a frustrated squeak, immediately diving into his fanny pack for sunscreen and running over. 
“What the fuck, Rich! You know you sunburn easily,” he muttered, already pouring streams of the liquid into his own hands. Richie could feel himself tensing up at the thought of Eddie’s hands on him, knowing his body wasn’t going to handle that without getting an erection.
He laughed nervously, trying to play it cool. “You gonna rub me all over, Spaghetti?” 
Eddie froze, staring down at his own sunscreen covered palms as if just realizing what he was doing. Letting out an annoyed 'ugh', he took a hold of Richie’s hand to pour the sunscreen there instead, drops spilling out from between Richie’s fingers, before he got up and settled next to Bill and Mike instead. 
Richie couldn’t help notice the small blush on Eddie’s cheeks. It made him look a little sunburned too.
After managing to apply the sunscreen messily over most of his exposed skin except for his back, Richie asked Stan to help him.
And as Stan's fingers went over Richie's back, Richie peaked over at Eddie to see him glare at Stan openly, as if he thought nobody was looking at him. It made Richie raise his eyebrows, catching Eddie's gaze and cocking his head to the side in question. 
Like a deer caught in headlights, Eddie's eyes widened, pretty browns reflecting the glitter of the water. With a huff, he put on his sunglasses and turned away to chat with Mike. 
Interesting, Richie thought. Very interesting, indeed.
Beverly was the first to jump into the water, everyone else following soon after, and the quarry soon turned into a battlefield of wrestling, swimming races and water drops flying in every direction. At some point, Richie managed to swallow a mouthful of water when inhaling too slowly while going underwater. He'd been a coughing wreck for the next two minutes. Nothing new, if he was being honest. 
At some point Richie saw Eddie standing by himself a little further away from the group, and was it just his awful vision fooling him or was Eddie already looking at him? Richie had a sudden urge to pick him up. 
"Eds!" he called, jumping forward on his toes to get closer before starting to swim. Eddie looked alarmed immediately, noticing the mischievous look on Richie's face and knowing what he was up to. Richie did this a lot.
"No, no!" He started swimming away from Richie's outstretched arms, but Richie had already gotten too close, and he picked Eddie up from behind and spun him around in the water. 
"Why are you running away from me, Spaghetti?" Richie laughed, holding on despite Eddie's attempts to wrestle away. "I thought you loved me!"
"Richie, please let go of me," Eddie said, but Richie, not noticing the desperate undertone to Eddie's voice, just hugged him closer. Having Eddie so close was pretty wonderful, and Richie would use any excuse he could. He was simply too in love.
Eddie managed to turn around in Richie's arms. The turn seemed to be in an attempt to push him away with his legs, but instead it was what ultimately gave away what he wanted to hide from Richie. 
Stopping all movement immediately, Richie looked dumbly up at Eddie, Eddie's hard-on pressing into the side of his thigh, glaringly obvious now. "Uh, is that…" He didn't know how to continue.
Eddie stayed quiet, his face bright red. 
"Is it," Richie swallowed, "is it a random boner you're having right now, or is that a meaningful boner?"
That made Eddie wrestle away again, and Richie let him go without a fight. 
"You're such a dick sometimes," Eddie mumbled, starting to move away. Richie saw the glistening in his eyes, and reached out desperately before Eddie could get away.
"No, no, wait," he laced their pruny fingers together, "I didn't mean it like that, I just, Eddie…" 
"I was just wondering what it meant, because if you got that 'cause you like me, then that's awesome", Richie wasn't even aware of what he was saying anymore, just letting his mouth talk freely. "'Cause I definitely know that I like you like that too, like honestly I'm one hundred percent sure that I'm like fully in love with you and, and," he drifted off, his beating heart pulsing in his ears.
Eddie was staring at him with wide eyes, and he wasn't saying anything. Time passed, and he still wasn't saying anything. 
Panic rose in Richie's chest. Why wasn't Eddie saying anything?!
"Fuck." Richie let go of Eddie's hand then, understanding settling over him and hurt sinking into his heart. "It was a random boner, wasn't it?"
He had totally just embarrassed himself completely, dumbly trying to reassure Eddie about something that didn't need to be reassured. 
Feeling like absolute shit, Richie inhaled shakily. Tears were already collecting in the corners of his eyes. "I'm an idiot. Please just, just forget everything I said." He turned around, noticing how all the others were still in their own world and having fun splashing around. Needing to be in that world instead of his own, Richie started to swim over, desperate to escape Eddie's eyes.
"Richie, fuck, don't you dare", a hand grabbed Richie's ankle. 
"Richie," Eddie sighed, but he was smiling now. "I love you too. How the hell could I not love you back? Like, that would be physically impossible for me."
The words took a few seconds to sink in, but as soon as they did, they enveloped Richie's quickening heart. Soon he was grinning like an absolute idiot. "Wait, seriously?"
Eddie nodded fondly, smiling just as big. "Yeah", he said through a happy exhale. "You just overwhelmed me for a second there."
"Wait, wait, wait", Richie was about to absolutely burst, "holy shit, did we just confess our love for each other?"
Giggling, Eddie grabbed Richie's hands. "Yeah, I think we just did."
"And all 'cause you popped a boner over me, awe," Richie cooed, placing his hands around Eddie's waist to pull him closer.
"Ugh, you're never gonna let me live that down, are you?" Eddie complained, but the smile on his face told Richie that he wasn't really that mad. 
"Don't be embarrassed, it was peak romance." Richie's nose pushed against Eddie's lightly, letting them rub together for a moment. "Can I kiss you now?"
"Yes, please."
Both leaning in, their lips finally met. 
Butterflies were going absolutely batshit crazy inside of Richie's stomach, his heart about to jump straight out of his chest. It took a few seconds of awkward fumbling to find the right angle, but soon their lips were fitting together perfectly just like Richie had always imagined. 
It was gentle, soft, wet from the water, and soon their mouths were opening enough to let their tongues meet. 
Eddie's hand settled around Richie's neck, fingers drifting up between his wet curls, and pulling Richie impossibly closer to him.
"What the fuck," a voice mumbled in the distance. "Are Eddie and Richie making out? Are you guys seeing this?"
Soon after there were several whoops and claps ringing through the air, enough to make the two of them break apart and turn toward their friends. All five of them were grinning madly. 
"Actually yes, we were, and you guys just interrupted us!" Richie yelled. "Let us kiss in peace, thanks."
Then he turned back around to a giggling Eddie, not wasting any time to kiss him again.
Tag list: @annoyingtozier, @spastuetheobsessedphylosopher, @constantreaderfool, @violetreddie, @rainbow-reddie, @tinyarmedtrex, @lermanslogan, @toziesque, @jesuschristsupruvestar, @queen-sock, @xandertheundead, @lifesucksheres20bucks, @that-weird-girls-blog, @eggtownnn, @eddiefuckinkaspbrak, @purplepoisonedgem, @h0pehauntedmyw0rld, @reddiegaypanic
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Secrets (Arthur Pendragon X F!Reader)
Summary: Secrecy is not (Y/N)’s strong suit. So, when Arthur asks her what’s up with her lately, she isn’t sure how to tell him. For one thing, she and her brother have had magic this whole time and have never told him. For another, she is madly in love with him.
Requested by Anon: Just found ur page and love it! Could I please request a Arthur Pendragon x Femalereader? Reader is Merlin’s sister and is a sorcerer. Arthur doesn’t know. So when reader realises her feelings, she avoids Arthur at anytime possible. The a week or so later, Arthur takes her to the forest to talk where she confesses everything and then Arthur reacts? :):) Sorry if it’s awful!
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: none!!! Except ridiculous amounts of fluff, some cursing, and brief death threats (just sibling things) Word Count: 1699 (holy shit)
Note: i actually had a lot of fun with this one tho it was hard to write at first lol-- thank you so much!!! i really need to rewatch the show
    Secrecy was not (Y/N)’s strong suit.
    When she was little, her brother had a habit of getting into trouble. Merlin often went to her, depending on her to keep his secrets. The older they got, the less and less he did so. She just couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
    Now when it came to their little secret about being sorcerers, she was much better than he’d thought she’d be. No one knew about it outside of their mother and Gaius, even after a few years of living in Camelot.
    Perhaps the biggest shock was that Prince Arthur had yet to figure it out.
    Besides the fact that both siblings were disasters and not exactly inconspicuous about their abilities, (Y/N) was very close to Arthur. She was closer to him than she ought to have been, being a servant in the castle and all, but neither she nor Arthur seemed to care.
    “You’ve got to stay away from him!” Merlin would warn her.
    But she ignored him. He was Arthur’s manservant and he managed to stay quiet about things, so why shouldn’t she be able to?
    One day, (Y/N) was taking laundry from some of the nobles’ rooms and taking it down to the wash. Of course, she couldn’t go one day without making a mess of herself and tripped on the way there, dumping half of her load onto the floor.
    “Dammit,” she muttered, getting to her knees to pick it all up.
    Before she knew it, another person was on the ground with her. “Here, let me help,” Arthur said, shooting her a smile.
    (Y/N) didn’t realise that she was red in the face. “Thank you,” she said once it was all back in its basket.
    “Of course,” he said, helping her to her feet. “See you later, (Y/N).”
    With that, the prince left, waving as he went. (Y/N) nodded absentmindedly and watched him go, an irreversible smile on her face. While she was standing there like a fool, Merlin appeared from around a corner, tilting his head at the sight of his sister’s face.
    “What’s wrong with your face?” He muttered, making her jump.
    She frowned. “I could ask the same thing, clotpole. Stop sneaking up on me.”
    “I didn’t even try!” Merlin laughed. “You are a mess today, (Y/N). What even happened that made you stare off like that?”
    “Nothing!” She huffed.
    Her brother rolled his eyes. “Yeah, because nothing makes you do that.”
    “I tripped and dropped all the laundry, alright?” (Y/N) said, glowering at her idiot brother. “Arthur stopped in the middle of the hall and helped me pick it up. It’s nothing.”
    Merlin froze. “Arthur did that? Arthur did that and you started making that face?”
    “What face-!?”
    “Oh my god,” he muttered. Then, his lips curled into a massive, devilish grin. “You have feelings for Arthur!”
    (Y/N) gasped, betrayed. “I do not!”
    “You absolutely do!” He laughed giddily.
    “You’re an idiot!” She spat, taking her laundry with a huff and continuing on her way. Unfortunately for her, Merlin refused to leave her. “Me, having feelings for a prince? You’re an idiot!”
    He scoffed. “Not more of an idiot than you. I mean, look at you! You’re smitten!”
    “I’m so smitten,” (Y/N) said mockingly, “He helped me once with laundry and I’m grateful so obviously I must have fallen in love with him.”
    “Oh, it’s much more than that,” her brother practically sang.
    “So what if it is?” She huffed. “He’s a prince, Merlin, it’s not like it would work.”
    Merlin frowned, suddenly defeated. He brightened slightly. “But you do love him?”
    She hesitated. Did she? She hadn’t really thought about it before.
    “I don’t know.”
    “I think you do,” her brother suggested, completely stone-faced this time.
    It would explain a lot of things; the way her heart jumped every time she saw him, for one thing, why she always stared at him as he walked away, even the butterflies in her stomach when she noticed him approaching.
    “Maybe I do,” (Y/N) finally admitted. “I might-- I might love Arthur.”
    Merlin couldn’t help a little giggle. “I told you.”
    “I hate you.”
    (Y/N) avoided Arthur like the plague after her realisation. She, a servant girl who had magic, had feelings for a PRINCE. The only thing she could think of to save her hide was to pretend like he didn’t exist.
    But Arthur noticed. Of course he did.
    So when he asked her if she wanted to take a ride into the forest, she knew that he knew something was up. She went along anyway, hoping she could shrug off whatever questions he had.
    They rode far off from the castle, almost into the wilderness.
    With the wind in her hair and a galloping horse beneath her, (Y/N) felt free. She almost forgot, for the slightest moment, that Arthur would hate her when he found out who she was.
    When they finally dismounted, it was in a pretty clearing by a creek.
    (Y/N) breathed in the fresh air and laughed to herself. “That was the most fun I’ve had in awhile,” she declared, taking in the forest around them.
    “You needed it,” Arthur agreed, coming up beside her. “You’ve been off lately. Everything alright?”
    She bit her lip as she looked over at him, but nodded. “Fine. Don’t worry about me.”
    “Well, see, there’s a problem there,” he laughed. “Worrying about you takes up most of my time.”
    Fondly, (Y/N) smacked his arm. “Clotpole.”
    “And now you sound like your brother.”
    “Shh, as long as we’re out here, I don’t have a brother.”
    They relaxed in the clearing for a while, with (Y/N) sharing a few snacks she’d nabbed from the palace kitchens before they left. The longer they stayed, the more uneasy she became.
    Her feelings were eating at her, as was the secret of her magic.
    Arthur didn’t care about magic-- right? He didn’t hate magic users, he just despised what they did with their abilities. At least, that was what she had gathered from all these years of knowing him.
    Her feelings about him, on the other hand, were a different story. Clearly, he enjoyed her company, but did he enjoy it that much? She was a serving girl and he was a prince! Even if he did love her back, they couldn’t act on their feelings. They would be stuck like this forever, maybe until he was king. Could they make it that long?
    “(Y/N)? You’re making that face again,” he said, breaking through her thoughts.
    (Y/N) jumped and shook her head. “This is my normal face.”
    He raised an eyebrow. “No, that’s your ‘I’m deathly worried about something and don’t want to tell you’ face. What is it?”
    She took a deep breath. Merlin is going to kill me.
    “I haven’t been...entirely honest with you, Arthur,” she finally admitted.
    His eyes went wide. “About?”
    “Arthur,” she started, beginning to pace, “Merlin and I haven’t been completely honest with you. We have magic-- I know, I know, my god, magic? Really? You’re lying. No, I’m not, we’ve had magic since we were children. Our father was the last dragon lord. We can talk to dragons. We have magic and we can talk to dragons and we couldn’t tell you because we-- I was terrified about what you’d think. And that makes all of this mess worse, because I think I’m in love with you! How ridiculous is that? A servant girl and a prince, I can’t--”
    “(Y/N),” he interrupted gently, taking her hands. “Breathe.”
    “How can I breathe? I have magic and I’m in love with you and--” She stopped suddenly, tilting her head at him. “You’re not panicking.”
    Arthur was, in fact, calmer than she was. He had the sweetest expression on his face, one of understanding and fondness. It almost terrified her. Had he not heard a single word she said?
    “You’re not panicking, why aren’t you panicking?”
    He laughed a little. “(Y/N), I already know about your magic. Merlin told me weeks ago.”
    She gaped, heart soaring and sinking at the same time. “He what!?”
    “Well, he didn’t exactly tell me. He just failed at hiding it,” Arthur admitted. “But apparently I’m more oblivious than I thought. That hunting trip we went on for a few days? It happened then. I’ve had a bit of time to think about it.”
    (Y/N)’s jaw dropped two feet as she looked at him in awe. “You-- it doesn’t bother you?”
    “(Y/N)--” He began, moving closer to her and squeezing her hands tighter. “--you’re still you. Just with magic. You’re a good person, I know you would never abuse your power, just like Merlin never would.”
    She stammered a few times, trying to come up with words for the relief she felt. “You don’t hate me?”
    “No, of course not!” He said instantly. His gaze softened. “I love you.”
    She exhaled sharply, searching his expression for any sign of jest. “What?”
    “I love you, (Y/N),” Arthur repeated, moving a hand to caress her cheek. “I wanted to tell you when we came here. I thought Merlin had told you about the magic. I meant to tell you how I feel.”
    “I’ve-- I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but you’re a prince and I’m--” She began, her eyes wide.
    Arthur shook his head. “It doesn’t matter to me. I’ll wait however long it takes. You’re the only woman I want at my side, (Y/N), magic or not.”
    “Arthur…” she muttered.
    Without a moment’s hesitation, her lips were on his. If they had done this anywhere else, their lives would be over in an instant-- (Y/N)’s in particular. But here, in the middle of the woods, it wasn’t a prince and a servant girl kissing. It was simply Arthur and (Y/N), without any secrets between them except just how dearly they loved one another.
    When (Y/N) pulled away, she frowned for a second. “I’m going to kill my brother.”
    Arthur laughed and kissed her cheek. “I won’t stop you.”
Merlin Tags: @pearlll09
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Admittance pt.4
Guzmán x Reader
Request by anon: Hi~ Do you think that Admittance (Guzman x Reader) can be turned into a mini series??? Basically just drabbles about reader's pregnancy..
Gif is not my own
Requests are open🤍
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The next few weeks went comfortably smoothly as your pregnancy continued. Guzmán had ended up staying at yours more often than not and you found yourself reaching the end of your first trimester. You could notice more and more in yourself how the little things had changed. And gradually, your bump began to inevitably grow. It was Guzmán who mentioned it first - glancing down at your stomach like he feared your reaction if he mentioned it. You’d done your best to cover up where you could and tried to limit anybody seeing as much as possible. Telling Guzmán, telling your family, that all seemed doable. But telling the remaining group at Las Encinas? You’d avoid it for as long as you could. Though, certain focused eyes at school couldn’t hold off for too long.
It was Rebeca that noticed first, laughing at how you’d worn a jumper over your uniform.
“Anyone would think you’ve got something to hide!” She jokes, “Anything you want to tell us?”
You couldn’t act quick enough to hide the blush on your cheeks.
“Fuck!” She leans forward in the chair, “Are you pregnant (Y/n)?”
Ander and Omar both look up with widened eyes, watching the secret unfold that they’d been keeping for weeks now. Samuel looks at you with the same expression as Rebeca - pure and utter shock. Guzman’s jaw clenches and so do his fists.
“I-“ You fumble a little, “I... yeah, I am.”
“Holy shit (Y/n)!” Rebeca exclaims, “You’re full of surprises. How far along are you?”
“Thirteen weeks,” You say bashfully, looking down at your hands.
“Summer fling, huh?” She laughs, “Well, congrats!”
“How are you feeling?” Samuel asks, his brows furrowing.
Guzmán walks over and clasps him on the shoulder, “I’m sure a thousand questions from you is the last thing she needs.”
You look at him and gulp down the lump in your throat.
“Come on, we’ll be late for class,” Guzmán encourages and waits for the two of them to get up.
You watch them whisper to each other as they walk away and Ander, Omar and Guzmán all crowd around you.
“They were bound to find out eventually,” You shrug, standing up from the table, “We should go.”
Omar and Ander look at you sympathetically before they walk out, Ander muttering something to Omar that you assumed would be his typical protective attitude.
“(Y/n),” Guzmán stops you by grabbing your hand, “It’s okay, you know?”
You glance down at his hand over yours. The two of you still hadn’t spoken about that kiss at the hospital. What would you say? How would you question something that was supposed to mean nothing?
“If anyone says a thing, you tell me okay?” He assures you, “I won’t have anyone be rude.”
You laugh a little, “They don’t even know you’re the father.”
“They will do if they get on the wrong side of you, understood?” He says the words with a smile and you know he’s trying to make you feel better. Though you also knew he meant what he said. He wouldn’t dare let anyone disrespect you or that baby.
- - - - - -
Things took a turn when Christmas started to approach and all of the Las Encinas students started to return from their universities. Lu and Nadia came back from New York, Carla came home, and piece by piece the normal group started to reunite. Needless to say, news travelled fast about your pregnancy - nobody knowing who the father was but plenty of people placing their moneyless bets. You’d heard talk around the school as more and more people learnt of your news but you tried to keep yourself away from it as much as possible. As did Guzmán. He made sure to stick to his word and talk down anyone who made a snide comment. Ander had done the same to a few people too.
The swim gala would be the first time you’d seen everyone again. They’d all followed tradition and agreed to watch the gala as they would have done when they were students here. Guzmán was competing so you found it impossible to find an excuse not to attend. There was only so long you could hide from the students who’d known you for so many years. Only so long you could continue to be (Y/n) - not the pregnant one.
“Hey!” Omar grins when he sees you, standing up to give you a hug, “We got good seats.”
You smile and sit alongside him and Ander, “Did I miss anything?”
“Just Guzmán getting stressed because we’d left you home alone,” Ander rolls his eyes, “I told him exactly what you said.”
You roll your eyes, “He worries about everything.”
You knew he hadn’t trained as much for this as he should’ve done - he’d been spending too much time with you. But, no matter how much you encouraged him that he didn’t have to, he’d still be with you every morning and every night that he could. Once again, not faltering from his promise.
It doesn’t take long before the gala starts filling up with people and you notice a familiar crowd all enter. Lu, Nadia, Carla, Valerio, Malick... all of them filter through the door and take seats on the opposite side to you. You see their eyes go directly to you, your stomach, your changed appearance - before instantly turning to each other with hushed discussion. It’s only Nadia that comes over to greet you and give you her congratulations.
“I just wanted to say my congratulations, you must be so excited!” She smiles, “I’m sure nervous too but you’re more than capable of being an incredible mother.”
You smile fondly at her comment, “Thank you, I really appreciate it. What have the others said?”
She glances over her shoulder towards them and lets out a sigh, “They’re judgemental, you know they are. They’ve been talking about it nonstop. I’m sorry (Y/n), I guess they’re just not very accepting.”
“Yeah, no, it’s to be expected right?” You shake your head, “I’ll see you after, okay?”
She gives you a sympathetic look before going to take her seat as you sink back down into yours. How could you expect any different? They wouldn’t see you as their classmate anymore. They’d see you as the girl who had completely changed her future. Who had failed her year at school and now had practically set up to fail this year too. The girl with the random, meaningless summer fling that had resulted in life altering consequences. You weren’t (Y/n) to them anymore. You were the teenage Mum.
You try your best to dismiss it as the gala begins and the crowd erupts with cheers for different people, all sounding like drowned out noise to you. It feels like everything’s simply happening around you, up to when Guzmán walks out.
He pauses as he walks past you, a frown overshadowing his features, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” You assure him, “Good luck!”
He knows he can’t stop for any longer as he hurried to catch up with the rest of the swimmers as they board their platforms. His eyes glance over to the group on the other side and then back to you. Did he know? Had he seen them talking about you? How long would he put up with it when it was people that he cared about the opinions of, and not just a random kid from your year?
Despite his lack of training, Guzmán still manages to win his heat in a solid time as the other swimmers come in close behind him. It all looks so natural to him. Would your baby have the same athleticism?
He doesn’t worry about celebrating any sort of win or checking his time, he’s straight over to you and the boys. He crouches down in front of you and frowns.
“What’s going on?” He questions, scanning your face as worry spills over his skin.
You glance up and see the group on the other side all watching, evidently realising things they hadn’t done before.
He follows your eyes and watches them, his jaw clenching, “What did they say?”
“Nothing, honestly, it was nothing,” You encourage, “Come on, you’ve got more races to do. Don’t worry about it.”
He squeezes your leg and stands up, turning to Ander and Omar, “You come find me if anything happens, okay?”
It killed you. How would they react to him being the father? They’d always been closer friends to him than you’d been with them. Even with Lu as his ex girlfriend. He’d already lost Polo and Marina - could he survive losing all of his other friends just because of this baby?
As he walks the length of the pool, he keeps his eyes harshly focused on them and you know there are a thousand words he’s wishing he could say to all of their prying eyes. You’re relieved when Nadia keeps her head down - she hardly deserved to be caught in the crossfire.
- - - - - -
It’s after Guzmán comes second in the final that he clearly loses his patience with them. They’d done nothing but whisper amongst themselves about their supposed revelation and were treating you like the latest gossip and nothing more. He’d seen how it was getting to you and there was only so long that he could watch that as a bystander, and not the man who’d promised to shut down anybody who was disrespectful. Especially when they mattered to you.
He walks past the group one last time and stops in front of them. Oh god.
“Do you think this is funny?” He questions, eyebrows raised as water drips down from his hair, “Who do you think you are?”
He’s met with silence.
“You come back from university and, what? You’re suddenly all superior than us idiots that re-sat the year?” He scoffs, “But you just can’t help getting yourself caught up in some high school drama when one of your classmates is pregnant.”
Lu purses her lips, somewhat enjoying the demise of her ex more than she should do.
“Whatever you think, whatever stories you’ll come up with for how this all happened, it doesn’t matter,” Guzmán shakes his head, “Because you can get your fancy degrees from your top universities and start these careers that you think will shape the world... But I’ll tell you for certain, (Y/n) will do more with her life than you ever will. She’ll shape the life of that baby. Sure, we didn’t plan for this. But there isn’t anyone better I could imagine to be the mother to my child.”
It’s Ander that goes over to stop him, “Come on man, it’s not worth it.”
“What? You think it’s a shock that the baby’s mine?” He laughs, brushing off your brother, “Use that to fuel your gossip then, your petty, worthless gossip. But leave (Y/n) and our baby out of it. They’re worth a lot more than your whispering.”
Omar glances across to you from his seat and squeezes your hand like he’s trying to reassure you of the exact same point. It still felt weird to hear Guzmán talk about you like that. ‘Our baby’. Did he really think that highly of you? Or was it all just to silence them? You’d believe it was the latter, but something about the way he’d acted through this entire process made you have a slight leaning towards the prior.
You didn’t need to have the support of all of them. Instead, you watch Nadia stand up from her seat and come over to join you and her brother. And the five of you leave together. Not needing to explain yourself more than Guzmán already had.
- - - - - -
“Who do they fucking think they are?” Guzman’s lost his composure by the time he’s out of their earshot, “They’re sat there with smug looks on their face! What? Because they think we’ve ruined our lives? Bullshit!”
“Guzmán, calm down,” Ander sighs, holding his chest to stop him from launching back into that pool room and kicking off at them again, “You’ve said what you needed to say.”
“She doesn’t deserve seeing them act like that Ander! Don’t you think she’s already dealing with enough?!”
“Guzmán!” You exclaim as you come through the door, followed by Omar and Nadia.
Ander takes a step back and lets you take the lead, knowing you now had more power over his best friend than he did.
“It’s fine. You said it yourself, it’s worthless gossip,” You say, “I’m fine, the baby’s fine - isn’t that enough?”
He sighs and pulls you to him, wrapping his arms around you as his damp body sticks against your clothes, “I’m so sorry.”
“For sticking up for us?” You laugh, “Yeah that was a real dick move,” You roll your eyes sarcastically.
“You know what I mean,” He scoffs, “But you’re okay, yeah?”
“We’re fine, we said we should go and get some food. All five of us,”
Guzmán looks over your shoulder to see the other three stood together. That was more than enough. Three people that were willing to completely support the three of you. And for the first time in a long time, Guzman’s surrounded solely by good people. It’s refreshing.
“Yeah, I’ll go and get ready,” He nods, “I’ll meet you outside.”
He leaves you with a gentle kiss on your forehead before turning to walk into the changing rooms.
- - - - - -
Later that day, the five of you find yourselves crowding round a table for four at a cafe in town. You catch up with Nadia about New York, and she assures you that there’s always an open invite. You all decide on going over at some point, after the baby’s born. Guzmán gives you his jacket because your clothes were still damp from his impromptu hug and, somewhere along the line, Guzman’s arm falls around you like it’s so natural to be there. Maybe it’s when you’re all squeezing together to make room for Ander to sit down, he was just trying to make more room. Or maybe it’s when Nadia says about how proud she is of how maturely you’ve been handling the situation, or when Omar mentions the fear you’d had at that night at the hospital. All of these moments that could’ve been the cause. Or maybe Guzmán just felt it was right. Either way, it feels so utterly comfortable to be surrounded by all of them.
“Do you have a photo of the scan?” Nadia asks excitedly, “I completely forgot to ask!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve got one,” Guzmán nods, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet.
He gets out the printed photo that was safely tucked into one side of the leather casing. It was your most recent scan - the first proper one. At twelve weeks.
“Here,” He hands it over, “So there’s the little arm and that right there is the head.”
Nadia looks at it in awe and mentions something about how tiny all of its features are as Omar leans over to look too. You instead turn to Guzmán and see how proud he looks. He still has a small smile on his lips and he’s leaning over the table like he can’t possibly take his eyes away from the photo for a moment. He looks brighter, his freckles more prominent, his eyes warm.
It doesn’t take him long to notice your lingering gaze.
“You okay?” He asks, eyes flicking down to your belly as they always did.
“Yeah,” You hold back a grin, “I’m good.”
Guzmán smiles and sits back in his chair, hand finding yours as your fingers lace together with such ease.
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gyllen-haall · 4 years
Request: Omegaverse, where a possessive Alpha Shiro who is embarrassed by his own jealousy when someone comes and flirts with Lance. (Who can be either a beta or an omega) Lance just acts like it's fine and allows Shiro to do as he wishes. No smut, please. Thank you!
Hello Anon! I typically post these on AO3, but this one was hard so I'm sorry it's not the usual quality of my work. Here you go!
"You're not going out in that." 
Shiro said as Lance walked toward their shared bedroom door to leave. The brunette turned back toward the older paladin with a confused expression. Lance was wearing a blue shirt and black skinny jeans, super simple and comfortable.
"Is something wrong?"
He looked up at Shiro and saw a look on his face he'd never seen before, all of his instincts were telling him to obey as he stood there frozen. The brunette just gave the alpha a nervous smile and all but sprinted to their closet until a hand caught his wrist.
Steel gray eyes peered down at Lance, lance felt a cold chill run through him because shiro has never acted like this before. Even when Lance has stumbled out of their room only dressed in boxers, the older male just happily followed after him in similar attire. 
"Shiro," the younger stumbled out as Shiro slowly pinned both of Lances arms behind him in a gentle but firm hold. Then his metallic hand held Lances head to the side to give him more access to the youngers neck.
Their newly formed mating bond was covered by Lances shirt, which was quickly becoming a problem. He released Lances jaw and used his prosthetic to cut open the collar of his betas shirt. 
"There," Shiro chirped as he released Lance and stood back to look at his work. Lance just stood there dumbfounded, because they'd created these bonds a few months ago during Lances heat.
But they've refreshed their bonds a few times since then just to make sure the bonds were done properly and accepted by their respective sub genders. Their most recent one was yesterday, which would probably be their last because the bonds were healing perfectly and embedding into their skin after being welcomed by their bodies.
Each time after, Shiro was a bit possessive and clingy, but never to this extent. Suddenly, Lance was being picked up and laid back in bed as shiro followed after him. The brunette didn't even have a second to breathe before a hickey was being created right behind his ear.
He pushed Shiro off in a panic, who looked like a kicked puppy. They had only agreed to places where others couldn't see, not that it had stopped Shiro when in a possessive fit before, but still.
"What is going on? I'm not mad, I just want to know what's up."
Shiros cheeks flushed instantly, "I don't know what came over me, my instincts are just all over the place." Lance hummed in response as the older figited in place, like we was fighting himself from doing something.
Lance guilded shiros chin up so that they were making direct eye contact, thats when he smelt it. A small chuckle came from Lance as he pulled the confused alpha closer, "you're  jealous."
The pink went to red as Shiro put his head down in shame, Lance just cooed and settled into the alphas lap. Giving him perfect access to his neck and half done hickey, they had a few more minutes before he had to leave anyway.
"You have a minute to mark me, as dark, large, and much as you want." The second the words left lances mouth, Shiro went from a kicked puppy to a dog about to get a whole bag of treats. Lance swore he could see his lovers forelock swaying gently like a dogs tail would when happy.
And oh my, did Shiro use every single second. When Lance stood, it was like a bunch of ants had just bitten at his neck. The hickey behind his ear was about the size of a golf ball and at least 10 dime sized hickeys were scattered across his neck.
"Holy shit 'Kash," Lance said as he inspected his neck further, "you got a mini vacuum I should know about?"
Deep laughter is all the response he got from his lover who smiled back sheepishly. 
"I just didn't like the way the people looked at you yesterday."
Lance shook his head fondly as he took off his now ruined shirt and rummaged through their closet in amusement.
"Everyone looks up to the mature, collected, and responsible leader, but if only they knew the utter puppy you are." 
A small groan was heard from behind Lance as he pulled out a white dress shirt with 'Shirogane' on the pocket. He grabbed his cream trench coat and slacks before he turned around with a solid nod.
"Marking me like a puppy establishing their territory," Lance said as he stuck his tongue out at the other. 
"I'm not a puppy," shiro said stubbornly with his arms crossed.  Lance rolled his eyes, "but puppies are cute." He walked over to press a kiss to Shiros lips before he whispered, "besides, I wouldn't mind if you wore more adult dog stuff in be-"
The latter just giggled at his lovers stern tone and flushed cheeks, opting to just press a kiss to his mates nose and go. But his plans were quickly foiled as he noticed as Shiro pulled him down into bed with him. 
"Please be safe," Shiros worried tone made Lance frown, he ran gentle hands through the alphas short hair and brought their foreheads together. 
He and keith were going to go stroll around a planet who they were newly at alliance with, a planet that also had similar sub genders. They were still at risk for getting kidnapped or jumped by people who were still working for the Galra.
"We're bringing our bayards and staying in highly populated areas. I promise we'll be okay."
Lance was a beta, but he was a little more sensitive to smells and alphas than he would like. But with lances heightened senses, many thought he was an omega and would try to command him around. 
It happened yesterday, when the locals were very flirty toward Lance and Keith, which in turn made both hunk and Shiro turn into overprotective alpha shadows. A handmaid held him back and offered to show Lance around, he politely declined as he tried to catch up to the others.
She stopped him and pressed herself as close to him as she could, releasing her pheromones in an attempt to seduce the beta. He backed away from her slowly and bumped into a strong chest.
It was his lovely mate who growled at the maid who took off running the second they made eye contact. He smelled a little bit like her which made Shiro walk him back to the castle so that he could wash her scent off. 
After his shower, Shiro had claimed Lance again and kept Lance attached to his hip at all times. But during the alliance discussion, Shiro was calm and sensible throughout the whole thing. He masked being possessive very well and only let it flare when him and lance were alone.
A small beep on the wall clock told Lance that he had gotten lost in the moment and that it was already 10 am. Shiro let him go with one last kiss to the lips and a worried, but sweet smile.
When Lance stepped out into the lounge, he was surprised to see that Keith wasn't there before him. He had a pretty good idea that Keith was also going through the same thing,  because alphas wanted their mates to smell like them so people knew that they were taken. 
Like right now, as he smelled of his possessive boyfriend while Keith walked in also smelling of his alpha. He smiled over at Keith who immediately grabbed his hand and rushed them into a pod. 
Once inside, he watched Keith immediately relax and shoot him a small smile. 
"Sorry, Hunk just wouldn't let me go this morning. First, it was that I needed to shower. Then, it was that he didn't like how I smelled. Finally, it was that I wasn't dressed properly for the weather! I just wanted to shake him till his head came off!"
He put an arm around Keith after he had set the pod on autopilot as he punching in the coordinates. The elder just curled up with Lance and laid his head on Lance's shoulder, near his scent gland.
It was common for them, they curl up with each other and sometimes even pidge because Lance likes contact and the others are instantly soothed by his scent. Keith was no longer tense and a small smile pulled at Lance's lips.
"You know how alphas are man, just be patient and go along with it for the time being. I used to get upset with Shiro when he got like that. But I've found that if you just go along with it, they get all pleased with themselves and let you go on your merry way."
Keith hummed and silently urged Lance to keep talking, his voice was really nice to listen too as he grew older.
"Remember that one time I looked like I had just tumbled out of Alaska when it was hot as all hell on that one planet?"
The elder nodded against Lance's shoulder as gentle laughter shook through Lance's chest.
"Yeah...that was Shiro, he didn't like how the people flirted with me so he covered me up in things that smelled like him."
"Of course he did."
Lance watched as Keith shook his head gently with amusement, he had witnessed some of Shiro's overprotective moods over the years. 
"Trust me, it's annoying at first but you'll get the hang of it as you continue."
"I believe you, and...thanks Lance."
The pod had landed on the planets surface, so with a small pat on the shoulder, Lance stood up and helped Keith up after.
"No problem buddy." 
They stepped out of the pod and Lance immediately took a deep breath. He saw Keith looking at something, and immediately got an idea.
"Race you to the city!"
And the brunette took off, with Keith hot on his heels.
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kisskissbanggang · 6 years
Righteous pt. 2
[<10 min. read, ~2K words -- Church!Mark x Female Reader -- Smut. -- Temptation, semi-public, somewhat rough but not really]
[Back at it again for multiple anons and followers💕]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Finale | Masterlist
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You hadn't meant to end up here. Honest. You decided to go on a casual date during this particular visit home from college, and it wasn't until you were in the car after dinner, antsy to end the night right, that you both realized you'd have no privacy at either of your homes. So your date pulled into the nearest secluded parking lot. Now here you were, in a far corner of the church parking lot, too caught up in the moment with your legs wrapped around some guy in the passenger seat of his car when you heard a knock on the fogged window. Your date decided he'd play till the whistle, still thrusting hard against you as you impatiently wiped the window clear to see who it was, gasping and unable to hold back a laugh as you saw Mark furrow his brows at you. You gave a small wave, biting back a smile.
"I see you're back in town," Mark grumbled through the glass, "please leave before I call the police for loitering." He quickly turned heel and stormed back into the church, trusting you'd make the right decision. And you did, as soon as your date finished much too quickly. Whether Mark meant the right decision was to go home or come inside, though, you supposed you'd see for yourself.
You slipped off your high heels and carried them as you padded into the church, wanting to surprise Mark and get a rise out of him. It was a little thrilling creeping around the dark church building, proven when you startled yourself turning a corner, noticing a light in the office at the end of the hall. Father Thompson must be tending to some late work. You turned tail and tried the main chapel now, finally catching Mark cleaning up some floral arrangements in the vestibule, just beyond the confessionals in the rear of the large room. He was working in minimal light, clearly wanting to be done since he was using free time after choir practice and probably just wanted to go home. Stepping back onto the carpet at the back of the church, you quietly slipped your shoes back on as you walked. He didn't expect you as you slid up behind him, snickering to yourself as you surprised him with your arms sliding around his waist, making him yell out and quickly bite his lip shut. He twisted around in your grip to regard you. Once his initial shock passed, he looked thoroughly annoyed. "What do you want?"
"Want to give me a ride home?"
"What happened to your date?"
"He had to go take care of something."
"I'm sure." He wrestled out of your playful clutches and smoothed out his shirt. You saw him look you up and down, sizing you up. He last encountered you in your jeans and a t-shirt, but you did manage to clean up pretty well this time in your cute dress and heels. "Fun night?"
"I'd say so. Great start, lackluster ending, though."
"Looked pretty exciting to me."
"If I had known you were here, maybe it would've been more exciting." You chewed on your lip in an attempt not to giggle as he blushed. Mark was too easy. You stepped forward, helping him spruce up. He eyed you suspiciously, nearly reeling back when you gently took his hand. "Calm down, I'm not going to burn you or something. I've been thinking about you, you know."
Mark perked up. "Yeah?" You nodded earnestly as you reached out your free hand to curiously feel his thumping heart, working at a harried pace. You smirked at his confused face, only understanding when you pulled his hand in yours up to feel your heartbeat as well.
"Yeah. You're sweet, even if you're wound a little too tight. And I had fun last time." You closed the space between you just a step, nudging his hand down to your breast. He tensed as you let him loose from your grasp, quietly laughing as you savored his perturbed expression. As you stepped back to let him have some personal space back, it was his turn to surprise you. His hand was suddenly at the back of your neck, holding you still as he kissed you. He definitely made the first move this time, and that was all the confidence you needed to really mess with him again. You ripped his hand off of you and made a definitive step back again. His serious expression softened as shame washed over him.
"Shit," he muttered, "that was terrible of me. I'm so sorry. Do you still want a ride home?"
He visibly sighed as you shook your head, but his face turned to confusion as you gave him a curious smile. "That's alright," you said, "but a ride does sound nice." He didn't have time to process your cheesy quip as you grabbed his collar and pulled him close, taking your turn to kiss him hard. He moaned in surprise but his hands still gripped your waist, hungrily accepting your tongue as you stepped back with him in tow, not wanting to stop making out as you pulled him into the dark confessional booth. You shut the door behind you and shoved Mark onto the padded bench normally meant for Father Thompson and he gladly helped you onto his lap.
"This again?" He asked, teasingly innocent as his teeth dragged over your smooth neck. You fumbled with the zip on the back of your dress and he was instantly there, pulling you tight against him as he tugged the zipper down. You eased your dress's sleeves off and let the bodice fall, exposing your bare tits to the cool air. Even with the lack of light in the confessional, he could tell and hurriedly got his warm hands around them. "These again," he breathed, burying his face between your breasts and inhaling you.
"Touch me, Mark." You panted in his ear, your breath hitching as he sucked a pert nipple into his mouth. He moaned as he tasted your sweet skin, his fingers dancing down to lift your dress and slide his hands up your thighs to touch your warm pussy. He went rigid, a shiver running through him as he realized you weren't wearing any panties. "You're so dirty, aren't you?" Mark asked as he roughly rubbed his fingers against your clit. "Did you take them off for me or the guy in the parking lot?"
"Careful, Mark," you smirked, "you almost sound jealous." Your hips ground against his fingers. What made you want to return to this? It was almost a compulsion by now.
"Only in that I missed this body of yours and how good it feels." Mark's slender fingers slipped inside you, moaning as he massaged your walls. It was impressive how he still managed to resemble a regular guy once he relaxed a little. He pumped his fingers into you hard, making you squirm and whine when a voice suddenly came through the confessional door.
"Mark?" The voice asked. Holy shit. Father Thompson. You made eye contact with Mark in the meager light of the confessional. He clamped a hand over your mouth before you had a chance to make any noise.
"Yes, Father?"
"What are you doing in there? I thought you'd gone home so I went to lock up."
Mark scrambled as you silently, slowly, yet persistently worked his pants open and slid off his lap to kneel in front of him. He shook his head frantically at you as he searched for an answer.
"Oh, no, not quite yet, I was, uhm, ahhhhh--" Mark jumped in his seat as you quietly licked a stripe up his straining cock. "I was done cleaning and wanted to take a quiet moment to reflect."
"In the confessional booth?
"Uh, yes, beCAUSE--" Mark threw his head back, trying desperately not to moan as you took his entire dick into your throat as stealthily as you could manage. He quickly covered with a cough. "Er, excuse me. I like to do this occasionally because it feels like my own private confession with God."
"Fair enough. I'm not quite done with my work yet so just let me know when you head home. I'll be in the office if you need me." And with that, Father Thompson was gone, his footsteps fading into the distance. Mark's fingers raked through your hair to grip you roughly.
"You're in such deep shit," he growled, pulling your mouth deep on his cock again and making you yelp. You'd missed this feeling, remembering it fondly on many a lonely night back at your dorm. He pulled you up to let you breathe for a moment. "Is that why you do this to me? So I can give it to you like this?" He shoved you back down and fucked your mouth for a couple minutes before finally giving you mercy.
"Oh, Mark," you soothed, "I just want to have some fun before you're committed to Christ for life. Before too long I'll be calling you Father Lee."
Mark groaned hard, his vice grip returning to the roots of your hair. "Oh, fuck," he moaned, "please don't do that."
You swatted his hand out of your hair and climbed back onto his lap as he was practically paralyzed with arousal under you. You pressed a playful kiss to the tip of his nose as you rubbed his firm erection against your dripping pussy. "What's wrong? Does it feel naughty? You have to enjoy it now because you can't once you're a priest. Don't you want to fuck me, Father?"
"Oh, Jesus, fuck," Mark moaned under his breath. His fingertips dug into your ass as you ground onto the tip of his dick.
"Don't curse like that, it'll distract me," you mockingly scolded, your laugh sounding almost too malevolent.
"How did I fall for this again?"
"Because I'm pretty and charming?" You laughed, still barely sliding onto his cock.
"Probably because this is the best pussy I've ever had or will ever have by now," Mark admitted, punctuated with a firm shove at your hips to impale you on his hard-on. Both your cries reverberated off the confessional walls as he became surrounded by your throbbing walls.
"Oh, fuck, Mark, please fuck me," you instantly relented, dropping the persona for a second in your desperation. Mark ground you hard onto his cock, his mouth returning to your chest and capturing one of your bouncing nipples in his lips. You pulled him close to whisper in his ear, "Mmph, Mark, I have a confession to make."
"Good a place as any to make one, my child," Mark laughed.
"I originally came in here because that dick in the parking lot couldn't make me cum. He only got me halfway there."
"And why should I do anything about it?"
"Because I've been dreaming about that orgasm you gave me last time I was here and I need it again."
"Ask," Mark commanded, making you shiver.
"Please, Mark," you begged, "please make me cum?" You could almost feel Mark's content smile in the dark as he worked a hand between him and yourself and pressed his thumb to your clit. He resumed bouncing you hard on his cock, his lips finding your tits again as he rubbed you. You gladly let him take you, glad he was apparently so good at getting you close so fast.
"Am I better than your date was tonight?"
"Much better," you groaned, "I never should've settled to fuck him."
"That's right; you shouldn't have. You could've come in here first and I would've gladly given you my cock." His sudden possessiveness drove you wild. So wild, in fact, that you dragged his mouth to yours to help muffle your near scream as you came hard, squirming and trembling on his lap. You practically collapsed against him when Mark surprised you, sliding his hands under your ass and hoisting you up to fuck you back against the confessional door. You wrapped your legs around him, babbling and whining from the stimulation.
"Mark, Mark," you desperately gasped, "your cock feels so good in me."
"So will my cum," Mark gritted against your neck, sinking his teeth into you as his erection erupted inside your walls. You clutched onto each other, breathing in the silent air as you called down. Mark set you down and set about smoothing out his shirt and wrestling his pants back up. He didn't notice you slip your panties out of your purse and into his pocket as you kissed his cheek. "Are you at least going to call this time?" He asked, almost sounding rejected already.
"Mark, if you're going to hold a torch like that you're going to put Lady Liberty out of a job." With that, you practically skipped out of the confessional, careful to be sneaky and leaving Mark stranded with his deflating dick again. You were already giddy for your next visit home.
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mcarfield · 6 years
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Anon can do you one better, sweetness, LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY. I just want the world to know that I read this epic masterpiece three and a half times before hitting post and sending this out to the rest of you all because it’s AMAZING and LOVELY and SO HOT and absolutely everything i want from them, and holy shit, Anon is an amazing writer and I cannot believe you cranked all this out in an excitable afternoon. Omfg I love you, I love it, I love them, I love everything. ENJOY, EVERYBODY.
This was intended to be a short follow up to the tabloid fic, you enabled me into it. It’s also bordering on crackfic. I feel bad for making Denise so ridiculous in her determination to find out who James is sleeping with in this fic but I have had friends that set their mind to something like this so I guess I don’t feel too too bad.
At first James thinks nothing of it; “It,” being the fact that he now finds himself routinely spending the night at Andrew’s apartment and fucking him in his dressing room on a daily basis. The pseudo-platonic relationship they had before was blurred enough as it is and their relationship on the surface looks no different now that they’re sleeping together regularly than it did before.
Though it had been frustrating at the time, James is grateful for Andrew’s complete and utter lack of boundaries with his costars because it means no one bats an eye if Andrew plops himself in James’s lap or presses a kiss to his temple in passing even if now it’s decidedly loaded and no longer remotely friendly. Though, the assumption that Andrew doing those things was ever remotely friendly is hazy at best.
Three weeks after the Tonys, with two weeks left to the run, James realizes that perhaps this secret friends-with-benefits-crossed-with-a-very-serious-relationship will require more effort that he’d predicted. 
It started with Denise ducking into his dressing room unannounced between shows with a guess of who he took home on Tonys night and the more he denies it, the more she thinks he’s still sleeping with whoever it was. And if it were anyone but Andrew, who is very much so in the closet still, he would tell her.
“Joe Mantello,” she says, her head poking through the door one day. He spins in his chair, fixing her with a look.
“He’s married,” James says.
“Not married, just in a serious relationship,” she says innocently.
“And also thirty years older than me,” says James, turning back to his book and propping his legs up on the table before the mirror.
“Twenty seven years older,” she corrects and James snorts. 
“Why are you so convinced it’s someone who’s played Louis?” he asks, eyes remaining resolutely on the page.
“You have a type,” she says with a shrug, coming fully into the room and curling up on his couch. James sets the book aside and turns the chair to face her fully.
“Except that I’m not sleeping with any of them,” he reminds her and Denise waves an errant hand. 
“That’s what you say.”
“I can promise you I am not sleeping with anyone that’s ever played Louis.”
“So you are sleeping with someone regularly!” she says, pumping a fist in the air and James can’t help it; he laughs. 
“Remind me why you care?”
“Oi, I’m your friend!” she says, looking mock-affronted. James raises his eyebrows. “Because I am your friend and this damn play is hard enough as it is to get through without getting laid.” She pauses. “Also it’s fun to make you squirm.”
“Some friend,” James scoffs and she sends him a cheeky grin, hopping off the couch to kiss his cheek and make her way to her own dressing room.
“See you on stage,” she calls through the doorway and James waves vaguely in her direction, turning back to his book so he can resume his daily “dissociate from Louis for a few hours a day” routine.
But not thirty seconds later, Denise’s voice carries from across the hallway. “Rannells?”
“Fuck off!” he calls back.
The day after is Pride and Beth invites them all over for drinks after the Sunday show. James is grateful for it, the idea of attending a party or wandering around lower Manhattan drunk or high or both is the opposite of what he needs after a performance. He ducks into Andrew’s dressing room before leaving the theater to find Andrew sprawled on the couch, eyes closed.
“Hi,” Andrew says lowly at the sound of James entering the room, one eye cracked open.
“Did I wake you?” James asks, coming to sit on the edge of the couch. Andrew shakes his head, his eyes falling shut again. 
“Just trying to…” He waves his hand lazily, trailing off, and James nods in understanding. He had to help Andrew off the stage that afternoon, sliding his arm around his waist so Andrew could lean against him, head on James’s shoulder.
“Do you want to come to Beth’s?” James asks, raising his hand to tuck a loose lock of Andrew’s hair back. Andrew hesitates, swallowing hard and opening his eyes.
“I don’t think I’m much up for it,” he says quietly.
“S’all right,” James says with a little smile. “Need help getting home?”
“No,” Andrew says. “But thank you. I think I’ll be good.”
“You sure?” James asks, offering his hand out to help Andrew up. Andrew takes it, pulling himself up into a seated position. He rubs his eyes and looks at James sleepily. He looks like he’s about to say something but seems to decide against it, kissing James softly instead. James sighs against him, letting himself melt against Andrew and only distantly aware that Andrew’s door is open. 
Not one second after Andrew pulls away, Denise rounds the corner and knocks on the doorframe. “Coming to Beth’s?” she asks them both. 
“I am,” James says, glancing back toward Andrew. “This one’s a bit knackered.”
“Too bad,” Denise says, coming to kiss the top of Andrew’s head. He smiles up at her. “I have a theory James is bringing his new boy toy tonight, you’re going to miss meeting him.”
The fact that James does little but turn a bit red is truly a testament to his acting, especially considering the way Andrew is looking at him, suddenly much more awake and much more smug. 
“Oh is he?” Andrew says, tilting his head at James with a shit-eating grin on his face.
“I am not,” James says with a pointed look at Denise who only smiles wider.
“I never thought to ask…” Denise says, looking positively devious. “Andrew, you don’t know who he is, do you?”
“I can’t say that I do,” Andrew says with a shake of his head. “James really is just so private.”
“Mmh, it’s infuriating,” says Denise, grimacing. “Did he tell you he took someone home Tony night?”
“Well, everyone did,” says Andrew fairly, clearly trying not to laugh. “Good for James.” He brings his hand up to ruffle James’s hair affectionately, and James glowers at them both. “I’m proud of him.”
“I’m being ambushed,” James says darkly.
“You make it so fun,” says Denise. 
“He really does, doesn’t he?” says Andrew. “So, he won’t tell you who he brought home?”
“No,” she says, faux-pouting. “But I can tell he must’ve been good because James would’ve said if he was bad.”
“Oh, really?” James has rarely seen Andrew so smug.
“I see ganging up on me has you feeling better,” James says sourly and Andrew grins at him widely.
“That’s all I need to knock me out of my catatonic post-show ritual,” he says fondly. “Now go to Beth’s, I’ll see you Wednesday.” 
He waves them off, nudging James off the couch. Denise waves goodbye but James lingers, catching Andrew’s hand in his. Andrew looks up at him from the couch, still looking tired but much more at peace than he had when James first entered the room. He is hit with the sudden desire to blow off Beth’s and curl up on Andrew’s couch with him just so Andrew can keep looking at him like this.
“Have fun at Beth’s,” Andrew says quietly, pulling himself up from the couch with effort so he can kiss James goodbye. “And come over when you’re done. If you feel like spending the night with your new boy toy.”
“Always,” James says, leaning in to kiss Andrew again. “All right,” he says between kisses. “I really do have to go.”
“Mmmh, I bet you do,” Andrew says, slanting his lips over James’s and drawing him further from the door. James makes a half-hearted protest against Andrew’s lips but makes no move to pull away. How can he when kissing Andrew makes him feel this weightless? 
“Get some sleep,” James says when he pulls away and Andrew nods slowly. “I’ll see you tonight.”
They both make good on their promises; Andrew takes his much needed post-show nap and James shows up at his apartment around ten in the name of making sure he’s eaten something with enough protein in it but really so that they can let out all the tension from the play with each other. And if James spends much of the party at Beth’s instinctively reaching for Andrew when someone says something that reminds James of him…Well, he’ll dissect that later.
Later that week, James arrives before Andrew at the theater (for once) and pops his head into Denise’s dressing room to kill time. She’s half-dressed in costume, curled up on her couch on her laptop, and she beckons him in when she sees him. He comes to sit on the arm of the couch, bending over so he can see what’s on her screen.
“You’re looking at…Tony pictures?” he asks when he sees that she’s flipping through a slideshow on Vanity Fair with photos from the afterparty. She hums in assent, clicking through the photos. “Why?”
“It started as an attempt to prove to my mum that I was in Vanity Fair but now I’m trying to find who you were photographed with that night so I can see who you took home.”
“Your mum didn’t believe you were in Vanity Fair?” he asks, ignoring the second part.
“I know, ridiculous, right?” She continues to study each photo carefully before moving on. “Nice dodge, by the way.”
“I was hoping you hadn’t noticed.”
“As if,” she scoffs. 
“You know not many photos were taken of me that night,” says James. “Besides, we hung out for most of the party.”
“I know, which is why I’m so bloody determined to find out who you took home. You hadn’t the time to flirt with anyone,” she says. “You just vanished around one and I didn’t see you ‘til the next morning.” She pauses in her search and turns to look at him. “You could just tell me, you know.”
“Not a chance.”
But he lets her get to the end of the album as she occasionally throws out potential names and rolls her eyes every time he shoots her down. 
“I didn’t even care that much before,” Denise muses as she finds a Vogue article with more Tony pictures. “But now I feel like I’ve got to know.”
“Clearly,” he says and she grins up at him. He swallows his laugh when Denise quickly clicks past a picture of Andrew draped across him at the Carlyle. 
The next day, she texts him: Jonathan Groff?
Just quit while you’re ahead, Gough.
Denise never does guess who was in his shower that morning but she doesn’t have to wait too long after to find out who it was.
“You’re delighting in torturing me,” Denise says, coming to sit beside him on Nate’s couch. It’s one of those rare nights when the cast, crew and their friends get together on a day off for drinks, sometimes out, sometimes in one of their apartments. This time, they’re clustered in Nate’s living room, talking about anything but the show and trying to remember what it feels like to have a real life outside of the theater. James is nursing a whiskey on the couch and he had been talking to Nate before Denise had deposited herself between them.
“I am?” James says, brow raised.
“This should be good,” says Nate with a grin.
“He still won’t tell me!” she says to Nate, who chuckles lowly and sips his beer. 
“Let it go, love,” says Nate. “If we don’t know who James is seeing now, I doubt he’s going to tell us any time soon.”
“Thank you,” James says to him and Denise scoffs.
“How boring,” she says. “You’re no fun.”
“I know a lost cause when I see one,” says Nate. “Speaking of…” James looks to Nate quizzically and Nate replies by jutting his head in the direction of Andrew, who has just reached the couch and is unceremoniously nestling himself into James’s lap, warm and soft against him. Nate adjusts himself, moving over so Andrew has room, but he just swings his legs over James’s, resting them on the couch. James lets his arm wrap comfortably around Andrew’s waist and Andrew puts the hand that isn’t holding his drink in James’s hair, fingers brushing across his scalp. 
“Hi,” he says, smiling at James lazily. 
“Hi,” says James, unable to stop himself from mirroring Andrew’s expression. 
“Enjoying yourself?” asks Andrew.
“Thoroughly,” says James, leaning into Andrew’s hand and resisting the urge to let his eyes fall shut. 
“Good,” says Andrew. “I’m glad.”
“Hold on…” says Denise. “What did you mean, ‘Lost cause’?”
“Oh, James and Andrew,” says Nate, as if it’s obvious. This pulls James’s attention back to them, tearing his eyes away from Andrew to look between Nate and Denise with his brow knit in a frown.
“What?” he asks, slightly dazed. Andrew’s fingers slow their movements along his scalp as he turns his attention away from James and over to Denise and Nate.
“Look at them,” Nate says, again as if it were plain to see.
“I’m not following,” says Andrew. Nate shoots him a look of affectionate impatience. 
“We all thought you two were shagging early in the run,” says Nate simply. 
“You did?” says Andrew. Both Denise and Nate nod. “Huh.”
“But clearly Andrew’s a total lost cause because if James was going to sleep with him, he would have done it already,” says Nate with a shrug. 
And perhaps if they were both a little less drunk and a little less tired of being a secret, they would have been able to hide their reactions just a shade better, but they’ve both had more to drink tonight than they’ve had in a while and James always feels his inhibitions fly out the window when Andrew is in his lap, so James lets out a rough cough and Andrew flushes bright red.
There’s a long pause. 
“Oh my god,” says Denise, jaw dropping.
“Oh my god,” Nate says too, blinking at James and Andrew, who both look away.
“It’s you,” Denise says, looking directly at Andrew with an odd combination of understanding and shock written on her face, as if she wants to say “Of course” but can’t quite believe that moments ago she didn’t know what she knows now. 
“What, no it’s not!” Andrew says, twisting in James’s lap and drawing a low groan from James, who pinches his side. Andrew sends him an apologetic look and once again, James wishes he had had less to drink and Andrew wasn’t sitting on his lap all at once. Or that they were very much so not in public.
“I don’t believe you!” says Denise, her eyes dancing with excitement. “It was Andrew in the shower, you little sneak!” 
“What shower?” asks Andrew innocently but it only serves to make them look more suspicious. 
“You even fed my theories,” Denise says, giggling. This makes James turn back to Andrew.
“You did?”
Andrew opens his mouth to respond, but Denise does it for him. “Yes, he was the one suggested Chris Colfer.”
“Chris Colfer?” James repeats, aghast.
“Oh, that one was fun, I couldn’t believe she bought it,” says Andrew.
“You thought James was shagging Chris Colfer?” asks Nate, gaping at Denise. “The kid from Glee?”
“Well, I didn’t believe him,” says Denise with a defensive lilt in her tone. 
“I’m much better looking than Chris Colfer,” Andrew says smugly. “Besides, isn’t he like a baby?”
“He’s a year younger than James,” Denise says. “I just googled it.”
“Shut up, he is not,” Andrew says, snatching Denise’s phone and studying the screen. His brow is furrowed in a frown as he reads the screen. “My god. You’re so young.” Andrew takes James’s face in his hands, pursing his lips so as not to smile as he scans his face.
“You’re realizing this now?” James says with a laugh and Andrew runs his fingers lightly over the wrinkles that form his smile, sending a shock through James’s veins and making his heart stutter in his chest. Andrew winds his arms around James’s neck, leaning in to press his lips to each of his temples, where his crow’s feet have begun to form. James’s smile softens as he does so, his arm tightening around Andrew’s waist. 
“And we’re only realizing they were fucking now?” says Denise to Nate with a shake of her head. Andrew laughs as he pulls away to rest his head on James’s shoulder.  
“We were pretty obvious, you two are quite dense,” Andrew says, a smirk playing at his lips.
“Be nice,” says James, pinching his hip. “It can’t be easy being so blind.”
“Are you asking to be punched, McArdle?” asks Denise curiously. 
“No, don’t hurt him!” Andrew winds himself around James tighter, drawing laughs from them all. 
“Thank you for defending my honor,” James says, pressing a quick kiss to Andrew’s lips. Andrew smiles against him.
“Eurgh,” says Denise. “Please go back to being a secret if you’re going to be this nauseating.”
“Seconded,” says Nate, pulling a face.
“Then I’ll just go back to being very grateful in private,” James says without looking away from Andrew, reveling in how it feels to be with him public, to have him in his arms and to kiss him freely.
“That’s it, I’m leaving,” says Denise, getting off the couch. She puts her hand out for Nate to take, which he does, and she throws her arm around him when he stands. “You’re officially the worst friend ever and I’ll see you in twelve hours when you decide not to be so sickeningly cute in public anymore.” 
“Bye,” says Andrew with a wave and a grin as Denise and Nate disappear into the party. He turns back to James, who’s watching him carefully. “All right?”
“Fantastic,” replies James honestly. “You?” What he wants to ask is how Andrew is faring now that people know about them, but Andrew looks so light-hearted James can’t bring himself to do it; It’s enough of an answer. Besides, starting that conversation half-drunk on a couch with Andrew in his lap isn’t exactly how he envisioned it would go.
“Brilliant,” says Andrew, beaming at him and James hates the way his heart feels like it’s swelling to twice its size when Andrew looks at him like that. He can’t help but nudge his nose against Andrew’s jaw before pulling his lips to his effortlessly. Andrew moves against him almost instinctively, like it’s a habit after only a few weeks. James does not fancy himself the kind of guy who sits on a couch making out with his not so secret boyfriend at a party but the idea of tearing his lips from Andrew’s is so uninviting he lets himself relax into it, coaxing Andrew’s mouth open. It isn’t until he tugs on Andrew’s hair and Andrew lets out a sinful moan against him that he decides they have to move.
“Your place or mine?” he asks when they break apart. Andrew’s hair is comically disheveled and his kiss-swollen lips are stretched in a slow smile. 
“You decide,” says Andrew with a shrug, crawling from his lap to stand shakily. He offers his hand out to James and he slides his own into it, tugging Andrew through the apartment.
He catches sight of Nate and Denise by the door and sends them a wave. Denise winks at him over-dramatically after glancing at Andrew and Nate rolls his eyes fondly at them both.
“Oi, McArdle!” Denise calls out just as they reach the door. She takes a few steps towards them so she’s no longer yelling across the room. “I’m happy for you.” She lets her eyes slide to Andrew. “It’s about time.”
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sleepychai-fics · 6 years
Lance x Female!Reader - Realise Your Beauty
Request: Anon;  Lance x female reader where the reader has self esteem issues and Lance try’s his hardest to reassure her that she’s beautiful
this also hit me personally so i put a lot of effort and feelings into this
not that you guys should care
hopefully its enough
has some stuff about insecurities and self hate stuff so i’ve decided to put a keep reading tab for those sensitive people not that anything is wrong with you everyone deserves love and you can fight me if you think otherwise
Tag List:
@fanderrawr @thecinnabitch @dontcallmecedge
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The dark abyss, clouded with never ending stars and non-avoidable asteroids. Planets overcome with fear of the known danger that claws at their atmosphere. Cries for help never ceasing for a moment. Ships, big and small, crashing and fighting against one another, the big ships remaining victorious and destroying the lives of others willingly.
To most, it’s the universe. But to me, it’s my mind.
That’s how I look at the universe, how I look at myself, a constant array of destruction and battles. It’s how I relate to the universe. It’s why I find myself staring at the large glass display located on the bridge.
The cold air of the castle has little effect on me, even though I am very loosely dressed, my thin night clothes being my only warmth.
The universe exhibits its undisturbed solar system we currently orbit in, freed from the chaos only days before.
That’s another similarity with me and the universe. It can be calm and quiet, with no troubling intrusions. But the next minute it can be complete chaos. A riot of struggle against the control of the abyss.
Take the past 48 hours for example; we were in the midst of a violent battle, and I was there, ready to fight against the attackers. My mind was clear of all disturbances. And now, as the universe resides in its peace, my mind is in a state of conflict.
It’s funny how life works out that way.  You can remain completely calm and focused when chaos ensues around you, yet when you’re consumed in peace, your mind is a shitstorm.
I close my eyes, taking a long, slow breath in before exhaling. I tuck my knees up to my chest, hooking my arms under them and propping my head on top. I open my eyes and resume my silent watch, lazily gazing over the various planets and stars.
Nothing can make me forget myself like the universe can. When I loose myself in the sight, I often find myself imagining the true freedom the universe contains, imagining what it’d be like to float freely within the universes, to not have to care or worry about anything. I almost forget that I’m human, and not the stardust that roams the universe.
But the universe can’t solve everything. No matter how much I loose myself in it, it does nothing compared to what human comfort does. And there’s only one person I know that can comfort me through mayhem.
“There you are. I knew I’d find you in here.”
Speak of the devil.
Lance sits down beside me, a blanket neatly folded in his lap. He’s dressed in his warm pyjamas, his night gown wrapping loosely around him. I look over to him and smile. My smile is small and holds little sincerity but lots of effort. I hardly ever let my emotions show, often covering them up with a happy façade, and it always works.
But of course he knows that. He knows better than to be fooled by my façade.
“Are you okay?
That question never affects my façade when it’s coming from others, but when it’s Lance asking the question, the façade always cracks.
I look away from him and drift my attention back to the universal view.
I feel a small wave of warmth as Lance places a hand on my bare arm.
“Holy shit you’re freezing!” Lance exclaims in surprise.
Lance drags my over to him, placing the blanket beside me and pulling me towards his lap. I comply by throwing my legs over his lap and wrapping my arms around his waist, nuzzling into his chest.
“You’re really warm.” I mutter as Lance unfolds the blankets and lays it over me before wrapping his own arms over me, completely cocooning me in his warmth.
“Warm? I thought I was hot!” Lance says with a teasing tone.
I scoff. “You are.” I reply with a hint of amusement.
Lance chuckles fondly before silencing himself.
“No seriously though, are you okay?”
This is one thing I love about Lance, whenever it comes to talking about my personal care or anything like that, he refuses to drop the subject until he is satisfied I’m content and happy.
I sigh through my nose and tighten my grip around his waist. “I don’t know anymore.” I reply in a dull manner.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
The silence that overcomes the room isn’t comfortable but it’s not tense nor is it awkward. It’s…respected?
“I just…don’t feel like I belong here.”
I can practically hear Lance’s eyebrows twitch in confusion. “What do you mean?”
I lift my head out of Lance’s chest looking at him with a firm seriousness etched on my face. As expected, he looks at me with concern and slight worry.
“Lance, thing about it. You, Shiro, Keith, Hunk and Pidge are all paladins of Voltron. You play a vital role in the universe. Allura is the princess and practically has her whole life force connected to this castle. And Coran is the engineer and whatnot. Everyone on this ship has some sort of role in the universe. But what part do I play? The only reason I’m here is because you had managed to drag me onto a rooftop. Even when I try to help you guys, I always end up screwing up. Take today for example; I nearly jeopardised the whole mission! If it wasn’t for Allura and Coran, you wouldn’t even be here.”
Lance’s thumb slides across my cheek, wiping at the tears slipping from my eyes. “Hey, that’s not true-“
I cut him off as I continue my vent. “That’s not even mentioning how I feel. What part do I play here? None. The team doesn’t even need me. I don’t deserve to be here.”
“Don’t say that-“
“I don’t feel like I’m worthy enough to be here. Half the time I question whether I’m even acknowledged by anyone.”
“Now you know that’s not-“
“I mean, look at me! I’m fat, I’m ugly, I’m dumb. I don’t know if I deserve to be here. I don’t know if I even deserve to live-“
Lance surges forward, lips colliding with enough force to push me to the ground, eyes closing on impact.
The blanket falls off me and lays underneath me. Lance’s nightgown drapes over his body and manages to reach the floor. His body presses against mine as I lay there, sandwiched in between the comfort and warmth.
His lip mould with mine, passion clearly prominent within the kiss. One of his hands tangles itself within my hair, gripping it and pushing me further into the kiss. The other one gently loops its way around my waist, pulling me up and pushing me flush against him. I mindlessly and reluctantly snake mine around his shoulders.
I feel tears drip down the side of my face, too lazy and tired to fight against them. I feel small drops splatter my cheeks, pooling together before finding a path down to my ears.
Lance gently nips my bottom lip before pulling away, letting my head rest on his hand. His other arm copies the movement and allows my back to lay against it. He seems to rest above me, the space between our stomachs never changing.
I open my eyes and look up at him to see small droplets pooling at the bottom of his eyes. It doesn’t take long for them to fall to my cheeks.
Lance makes quick action to remove his hand from my hair and wipe away the tears splattered and dribbling down my face.
I do the same, cupping his cheeks and wiping my thumb under his eyes.
Lances looks at me with unidentified sorrow and pain, almost like he regrets something. Maybe he regrets m-
“Don’t you ever say that, or even think about that ever again!” Lance chokes out a sob and looks away. He brings his arm up to his face and furiously wipes his eyes with his sleeve.
I stare at him in bewilderment, tears reforming at the brim of my eyes. I watch him as he leans down to me, resting his forehead on mine.
His nose presses against mine, almost nuzzling it with small motions. He opens his eyes and I can see the intense struggle in them as tears begins to shine their way through.
“(Y/n). You are so beautiful and amazing. Why can’t you see that?” I can hear the strain in his voice as his throat tightens.
“Lance, I-“
“No! Please just, let me talk.”
I stare up at him as the tears begin to take form.
Lance sighs and hastily wipes away his tears before leaning down and planting a soft kiss on my nose. He looks at me as he parts away, only moving away a couple centimetres.
“(Y/n), you are so important to me. It hurts to hear you hate yourself. I hate seeing you lonely because I know what kind of thoughts go through your head, and I hate how I know.”
My eyes water at his words, heart beating painfully at the thought. Lance gently cups my face and wipes away at my eyes.
“You have every right to belong here, with me. And maybe the team doesn’t need you but I certainly do. I can’t live without you, you’re worth everything to me.”
Lance leans down and kisses away at my eyes, kissing away the tears that had formed within seconds. Once he finishes, he lays his head on mine, noses squished against each other.
“You don’t need to change anything about yourself. If you feel overweight, which is the complete opposite of what you are, you and me can work out together. If anything, you are going to get abs.”
“That won’t ha-“
“That will happen.” Lance immediately cuts me off and glares at me sternly. “Look at Hunk. He’s technically on the overweight side but he’s strong as fuck! Even stronger than me! He’s got yellow who is the second biggest but the strongest lion of Voltron. Plus, his bayard is a huge gun.”
I smile a little at his statement and stare into his blue eyes. Lance smiles back brightly, placing a quick peck on my lips.
“And (Y/n). You are so smart. The amount of times you’ve guided me through missions is ridiculous. You help me understand where I need to go and what I need to do. You’re smarter than me.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Why not? What if it’s true?”
I feel my heart jump in panic at his words. “It’s not true.”
“Neither is anything you’ve just told me.” He replies.
I gasp as I realise what he just did.
“You hated how I put myself down right?” There’s no hesitation in my nod. “That’s how I feel every time you put yourself down.”
I exhale and nuzzle him with my nose. “I’m sorry Lance.”
“Don’t say sorry. Everybody has their moments, some more than others. It’s about what you and others around you do to help you. No one can fight their battles alone. Remember that.” Lance brushes away my tears and briefly presses his lips to mine.
I kiss back immediately, matching his slow and passionate rate.
“Now, let’s end this on a happy note.” Lance smiles at me, lifting his head away and sliding off of me, using his grip on me to roll me over towards him as he lays on his side.
I place a hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat slightly against my fingertips.
“Name one happy thing about yourself. It can be small but I just want to know one thing you are happy about.”
I look away in thought, running through my self-description and trying to find one thing I’m happy about. Then it hits me.
I lock eyes with Lance, his eyes sparkle with hope and happiness.
I smile brightly. “I’m happy that I love you.”
Lance returns the smile and kisses me. My smile remains within the kiss, enjoying the warmth and comfort he brings.
He rolls over onto his back, sliding his hand from my back to my upper thighs, attempting to drag them over.
I oblige by swinging my legs over and laying them across his lap.
We pull apart from each other with a satisfying ‘click’.
Lance looks at me with his signature grin before sitting up from the ground. I go to move away from him but instead he slides a hand around my back pulling me closer to him.
Lance grunts as he tucks his knees in against me.
“Let’s go!”
He stands up within seconds, securing me in his arms in bridal style.
I squeal and instinctively wrap my arms around his neck.
“Where are we going?!” I ask as Lance begins to walk towards the door.
“To get a midnight snack. Because I know you haven’t eaten anything since lunch” Lance looks at me with a knowing smirk.
“Try breakfast.” I mumble.
Lance stops before the door. He looks at me with unamused shock.
“Forget the snack, we’re having a feast!” He declares before striding down the hallway with me huddled closely to his chest.
Like I said before, there’s no one person I know that has the ability to wash away my own thoughts and provide me with the comfort I need and love.
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emmerrr · 7 years
♟ for pynch pls?
♟: Patching up a wound
anon! this was one of the first ones I got so I’m sorry it took so long but I couldn’t decide how I wanted to do it! in the end I’ve set this probably somewhere within the bllb timeline or maybe early trk. but either way it’s before the kiss. I hope it’s okay!
please, for the love of all things holy (and also my sanity), don’t send me anymore :)
The drive back to Henrietta from Singer’s Falls is as good as muscle memory for Ronan now, even in the dark. He barely even registers the journey sometimes, it’s that ingrained. Instinct takes over and all of a sudden, he’s back.
Nine times out of ten however, ‘back’ ends up being St. Agnes, where Ronan finds himself stomping up the steps to Adam’s little apartment and knocking on the door. Even if it’s unintentional. Even if he’d meant to go back to Monmouth.
Let it never be said that Ronan Lynch isn’t a glutton for punishment.
This time when Adam opens the door he’s clearly not long back from Boyd’s as he’s still wearing his coveralls, and he doesn’t so much as bat an eye to find Ronan outside.
Because he knows, Ronan thinks. Of course he knows. He’s smart. And Ronan’s been edging out of subtlety for a while now anyway.
Testing the waters, as it were.
But the point is, Adam’s not surprised to see Ronan, and in fact he almost smiles as he jerks his head to indicate Ronan can come in, then turns back into the apartment. Ronan steps over the threshold and shuts the door behind him.
“You been at the Barns?” Adam asks.
“Any progress?”
Ronan shakes his head. He’s got a barn full of still sleeping dream-cows, and it’s a sore subject, and he doesn’t really want to talk about it.
Adam just nods in understanding and starts to wearily peel out of his coveralls.
“Fuck, Parrish,” Ronan says once Adam’s got the left sleeve off. “Your arm, it’s bleeding. The fuck d’you do?”
Adam frowns, then tilts his arm around until he can see what Ronan sees; running from just under his elbow to halfway down his forearm is a thin cut that is trickling blood. Not a lot, but it’s still there.
“Ah fuck, I forgot about that,” Adam says with a groan. “I caught it on the corner of a table at work but it didn’t seem bad and I just left it, it was just a scratch. I must have caught it again while I was working and not realised.”
He wipes at it with his fingers ineffectually then breaks off into a laugh that is utterly devoid of humour. “I don’t even have any bandaids. Never got round to stocking up on first-aid stuff after I moved in here.”
“Parrish, stop doing that, you’re just spreading blood around and it’s gross,” Ronan says, ignoring the glare Adam levels at him. “I think I have bandaids in the car, so you go and shower and clean your cut a little and when you’re out I’ll patch it up for you.”
Adam hesitates, then nods. “Yeah, okay. Thanks.”
He disappears into the bathroom and Ronan heads back out into the night. A perfunctory search through his glove compartment tells him that there aren’t actually any bandaids in there. Luckily, there’s a 24-hour convenience store around the corner, and if Ronan’s quick, he might even make it back before Adam’s out the shower.
He picks up the kind of bandaids that are on a roll so he can cut it to size, and he also grabs a tube of antiseptic gel. Then at the checkout counter he grabs a couple of chocolate bars, just because they’re there, and Adam looks hungry.
Fortunately, Ronan does make it back before Adam gets out of the bathroom, albeit only by the merest of minutes. Adam’s changed into thin and worn PJ bottoms and a pale blue t-shirt, and is holding his arm out gingerly. 
He sits cross-legged on his mattress then looks at Ronan expectantly. Ronan takes the hint, kicks his shoes off, and sits opposite. He drops his purchases in between them then motions for Adam to hold his arm up so Ronan can see.
“It’s just about stopped bleeding, but you’ll still need a bandaid on it or you’ll just catch it again while you sleep,” he says, but Adam hardly seems to be listening. He’s eyeing Ronan’s pile of goodies with deep suspicion.
“So you just happened to have all this stuff in your car?”
“Sure,” Ronan says, but because he doesn’t lie, he grins and adds, “It was in my car for the drive back from the store to here.”
“Ronan,” Adam says with a sigh.
“It’s fine, Adam, it’s useful for me to have anyway, I’m always getting scuffed up as it is. I’ll get plenty of fucking use out of it all.”
Adam looks like he wants to argue, but then he shrugs. “That’s true, I guess. The chocolate I’ll pay you back for, though.”
“You fucking better, Parrish, I’ve already made a note of it in my debts book. Parrish owes me one chocolate bar. I wrote it in red. Underlined.”
“Asshole,” Adam says, but he’s smiling, and everything in the world is bright and shiny again.
Ronan grabs a pair of scissors off Adam’s desk then cuts the bandaid to size. With no small amount of gentleness, he grips Adam’s wrist to keep his arm steady and presses the bandaid into place. He desperately tries not to think about the warmth of Adam’s skin, how it feels like his own hands are burning where they’re touching. Their heads are bowed close together, and Ronan holds on much longer than necessary, after the bandaid is well and truly in place.
But finally, he lets go.
“Does it hurt?” His voice comes out rough, hoarse. He’s so see-through, he can barely stand it.
“A little,” Adam says, and his voice is just as rough. He clears his throat. “It’s not bad.”
“Good. That’s good,” Ronan says lamely. “Take that off in the morning, put some of this antiseptic shit on then just let it air. Should be fine.”
“Should be,” Adam agrees. “Thank you.”
A silence befalls them and Ronan doesn’t know how to fill it, so he picks up his chocolate bar, opens it, and starts to eat. Adam follows suit, and by the time they’ve both finished, the slightly charged air has dissipated.
“Oh fuck,” Adam says as he throws away his and Ronan’s trash. “I’ve just realised that when I take this bandaid off it’s gonna rip all my arm-hair off. It’s gonna hurt more than getting the cut did.”
Ronan looks up gleefully. “Let me do it, Parrish. It’ll hurt less if I do it.”
“How’d you figure?”
Ronan shrugs. “It’s just science. Come on, you should know that.”
Adam shakes his head fondly. “That’s not… that’s not how science works. But okay. You get to rip my bandaid off.”
Adam grabs his backpack while he’s on his feet and carries it back over to his mattress. “Now,” he says, pulling out a history textbook. “Homework time.”
“Honestly just looking at that fucking thing bores me to tears.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, are you not here for a study session?”
Ronan snorts. “Hilarious, Parrish.”
The corner of Adam’s mouth quirks, and Ronan hates that he’s so attuned to the gesture. To every single Adam Parrish gesture. 
“Why else would you be here if not to help me with my homework?” Adam asks innocently, because he’s sort of a little shit, and his pale eyebrows raise slightly.
It’s a challenge Ronan’s not sure he’s quite ready to rise to.
“You’ve got me there, Parrish. Why else?”
Adam smirks and returns his attention to his books. And Ronan is now sure that Adam knows exactly what Ronan’s doing here. For once, the thought excites rather than frightens him.
It’s a brave new world.
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scaredofrobots · 7 years
The Best Mans Speech
For anon. Letters to Evans Universe. As always @elanev91 checkin my commas before I wreck myself on ffn
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Sirius Black fucking LOVED weddings.
Especially when his best mate was marrying his other best mate.
Sirius knew as soon as James exclaimed “ “A. GIRL! EVANS IS A GIRL?!?!” James Potter would marry Lily Evans.
It took for fucking ever though.
Sirius sat through months of angst before they even got together.
He helped Lily plot the most ridiculous surprise where she could snog James’ brains out.
He sat through harrowing days of “choosing the perfect ring Padfoot”.
He sat through every single bad proposal speech James prepared and played the role of Lily 15 times “for practice, Padfoot”.
He made it through setting every single rose petal on the path to the room where James would propose.
He contained himself from yelling “FOR FUCKS SAKE JUST ASK HER” as he crouched beside Remus in the closet during the proposal.
Through every single color scheme discussion.
Through every single catering argument.
Through awful cake tastings and through every single fucking dress Evans tried on (127 to be exact and Evans looked totally perfect in every single one).
And when fucking finally James Potter had asked him to be best man he felt like all his trials and tribulations had been worth it.
Because he, one Sirius Black, would get to make the best man's speech.
When they were seven, Lily and Sirius hosted a variety of complicated weddings after being the ring bear (Sirius misheard and everyone went with it) and flower girl for Lily’s cousin. They played a variety of roles but Sirius’ favorite was always the best man.  
At Lily’s cousin’s wedding, the Best Man's Speech was the absolute best part of the entire wedding. Sirius remembered the whole day rather fondly. The ceremony was short- which was convenient because the bear suit was bloody hot and he had to stand still and quiet the entire time while Evans ignored him trying to make funny faces at her.
Then they had what felt like hours worth of photographs. Evans had to remind him several times, “They’re muggles the pictures won’t move- so stand still you baboon”
“I am a bear,” he argued- every time.
When the torture of the pictures was over- they moved to the reception. Sirius was relieved when he was able to take off the bear costume and eat some food. He and Evans danced and played with the other children. Until the speeches.
They heard the sound of a fork hitting a champagne glass and the speeches began. The maid of honor gave some weepy speech that made the bride cry, but then the best man took the stage.
It was hilarious. He told jokes, he told stories, and he made the entire reception hall laugh until they cried. Sirius had never seen something so beautiful.
Therefore, whenever he and Evans reenacted a wedding, he always got to do the Best Man's Speech. He had done many speeches for their fake weddings, but he knew this one- the real one- had to be absofuckinglutley perfect.
Evans, however, seemed worried.
She first broached the subject at her second dress fitting with a badly disguised, “So Sirius, how is the speech coming,” as the seamstress left the room
He shrugged it off and said, “Haven’t started.”
Lily narrowed her eyes at this, “Bullshit. You’ve been dreaming about this since you were the ring bear”
“You’re not really going to let the Weasley twins be ring bears are you?” Sirius scoffed
“Yes and they will be cuter than you were,” she huffed, turning to look at the back of her dress, “but stop deflecting. You cannot make your best mans speech about how we met!”
“What,” Sirius asked affronted
“You’ve got to find a new hiding place, Sirius. It’s been the same since we were 5,” Lily responded and then added, “does this hit my hips ok?”
“Prongs will wet himself. I’m almost attracted to you and well-“ he gestured vaguely, “But why were you going through my things?”
Lily rolled her eyes, “because I know you. I read...draft 13? I believe? Our origin story? Really that’s how you remember our meeting?”
“Yes those two vindictive little hooligans were attacking me…” Sirius started, but was interrupted
“The Ashley and Rebekah Incident is not our origin story,” Lily demanded
Putting a hand to his chest and inhaling deeply Sirius said, “You wound me. I know our origin story.”
Lily shook her head, “I’m sure you do, but The Ashley Rebekah Incident is not it”
“It isn’t,” Sirius demanded
“No! Now I’m going to get out of this dress and we’ll finish this argument over firewhiskey at my flat like normal and I’ll owl James to pick up curry,” Lily said and gestured for Sirius to hold up the train as she walked back to the dressing room
“Fine,” he whined, “But can we do gin and dubbonet instead?”
Dress returned to the seamstress for alterations, gin and dubbonet picked up, they made their way to Lily and James’ flat.
After arguing about the proper proportions for the cocktail, “But Queen Elizabeth doesn’t do it that way Lily!”
“Queen Elizabeth is a weak punk, Sirius. 50/50 is more delicious,” Lily retorted.
After winning the cocktail argument, Lily had to allow Sirius first storytelling rights on how they met.
“You’re going to be wrong,” she argued, “the Ashley Rebekah incident started after we were in school. We met before then!”
“I am not speaking about the time those harlots told us we were being too loud Lily! Although, that is how we discovered you were a witch. I still can’t believe your accidental silencing charm lasted a week,” Sirius responded
“Yeah well fucking call me loud see what happens,” Lily huffed and then took a sip of her cocktail
“Remember when they told you were being dramatic at that neighborhood Christmas party when we were 15,” he goaded her on
“YES! I fucking do! But they were being monsters and spoiling Star Wars. What kind of-”
“Evans. Focus. We hate Ashley and Rebekah. We know this. But I have to tell you our origin story,” Sirius explained
“I know our fucking origin story Sirius, we met on the playground and you were hiding behind the trees because you pissed your trousers and I carried a bush in front of you the whole way home so Ashley and Rebekah wouldn’t see you and make fun of you.”
“ALAS,” Sirius proclaimed in his lawyer voice, “THAT IS THE VERY BEGINNING OF THIS TALE, but that tragic event only spiraled into THE GREATEST FRIENDSHIP OF ALL TIME”
At this point, the front door opened and James Potter entered with several bags of take away curry.
James took one look at Sirius’ position and said, “Oh God, what is happening?”
“We are discussing the origin of my friendship with the soon to be Mrs. Potter,” Sirius gestured enthusiastically
“You mean when you pissed yourself and Lily protected you from some mean girls?” James asked
“NO!” Sirius exploded, “That twas only the beginning! I will continue once you’re settled Prongs”
Lily and James exchanged a look. James sighed, went to the kitchen to set down the curry and poured himself a drink. Once he settled next to Lily -Sirius began to pontificate.
“ONE DAY….Not too terribly long ago, one sad little Sirius Black ventured with his uncle to the local playground in order for him to try and make some friends,” he started and set the scene, “It was a sunny day. Full of promise and hope.”
Lily rolled her eyes so dramatically here Sirius stopped short, “Evans. Knock that shit off.”
Lily gestured for him to continue and he did gleefully.
“Well poor little Sirius Black was chubby and had trouble with his speech, so making friends was no easy task. His uncle encouraged him to approach two little girls who were playing on the swings. Sirius did that and was miraculously allowed into their game. He was so excited when they asked him to play hide and go seek he forgot that he was, in fact potty trained,” here Sirius had to stop talking because James Potter was giggling so hard tears were falling down his face
“Sorry, mate, I’ll get it together,” James swore solemnly.
“Good. Now- little Sirius was hiding behind the bushes when the accident happened. When he was almost discovered by the two girls his pride would not allow him to be seen with wet trousers so he called for help. A fiery redhead happened to be climbing in the tree near the bush and she descended and took pity on him. She waltzed over to his uncle and told him what happened and then protected him from humiliation by carrying the very bush he hid in to his house. But that is not how our friendship truly began,” he started to continue but was interrupted.
“YES IT IS” Lily bellowed, “That is how we met.”
“Tis true, fair Lily,” Sirius started, “but when we arrived at my house you called me a baby and told me ‘I can’t be friends with fat babies that pee their pants’”
“Holy shit I did,” Lily amended  
“Yes. And I vowed I would never be friends with such a meanie,” Sirius continued, “but then we forged our friendship as many friendships are formed over a common enemy”
“Oh my god,” Lily started
“Yes-” Sirius told her
“THE FRUITCAKE INCIDENT!” they announced in unison.
“I hate when you do that,” James interjected
“I forgot about the Fruitcake Incident,” Lily said
“I, too- blocked it for a long time. It was one of the worst days of my life,” Sirius began
“Ugh- mine too. What a tragic day that was,” Lily told him and reached for his hand
“How the fuck are the two most dramatic people in the world the two most important people in my life?” James asked
The glares thrown his way shut him up, “Sorry, not dramatic...unlucky people who have survived much tragedy.”
“Damn right,” Sirius stated
“So the fruitcake incident?” James prompted, praying this would be over quickly
“Right well, young Sirius Black was dragged to the neighborhood Christmas party and forced into socialization with children his age. He was very nervous and worried that-”
“OH FOR FUCKS SAKE-” Lily interrupted, “We’ve already sat through one of these. We both got dragged to this terrible Christmas party and were dared by Ashley and Rebekah to steal, and then eat, an entire fruitcake each. Of course neither one of us can say no to a dare, so we did.”
Sirius continued, “Naturally it became a contest to see who could eat it the fastest. Lily and I tied. But Ashley and Rebekah didn’t eat a fucking bite.”
“Meanwhile, we started to get sick feeling because fruitcake is disgusting and we’d already eaten a ton of sweets before dinner,” Lily continued
“So we did what any normal child would do,” Sirius added
And then in unison, “We vomited all over Ashley and Rebekah’s new Christmas jumpers.”
“And then we were grounded for the rest of the holidays.” Sirius finished cheerfully
“How did that make you mates?” James asked bewildered
Scoffing, Lily answered, “Well obviously we were set up by them to vomit on them and then get grounded. So we made it our mission to take them down. And discovered we were actually well suited for each other. I apologized for calling him a baby and the rest is history”
“Anyway, Evans, that's the story going in my best man’s speech,” Sirius announced
“NO!” Lily demanded, “No bodily functions at my wedding. We don’t need the ring bears getting any ideas.”
“Remind me again why we aren’t having ring bearers- is the ring bear a muggle custom or-” James asked for the hundredth time
“No- but it is important to me,” Lily argued back again, “Sirius- I am vetoing draft 13. Try again”
Sirius started to argue but James told him, “I too veto this draft 13, I don’t think I can sit through either of those stories again.”
Over the next few months, Lily discovered and vetoed 8 more drafts of Sirius’ best man’s speech.
The argument for draft 17 was “You cannot in detail describe what sexual position you walked in on me and James trying out a year ago”
Draft 19 was “Sirius. This isn’t about you and Remus. I mean your first kiss is really sweet but what has that got to do with our marriage.”
Draft 21 “Sirius. So help me God. We swore to NEVER tell anyone about the time we went to jail.”
Draft 22 James had vetoed on the grounds that they had sworn to never reveal the secret to taming the giant squid.
Draft 23 Sirius had hidden in a new place and had announced the speech, “FINISHED AND FABULOUS,” two days before the wedding.
When the morning of their wedding dawned, Lily wasn’t worried about anything besides the best man’s speech. She drank a calming drought to calm her nerves and forced herself to forget about it through the ceremony.
Today was about marrying James Potter. And if Sirius Black fucked up the entire day with his speech, she could murder him after their honeymoon. That was the mantra she repeated to herself over and over.
Lily had never felt so loved and full of hope as she did when she walked down the aisle to meet her future husband. The ring bears did their job perfectly and somehow she and James made it through the entire ceremony without crying.
She shed her first tears when James asked her “Alright, Potter,” when they snuck into an alcove to finish what they started with “you may kiss the bride.”
After they had eaten, cut the cake, and had the first dance as a couple- it was time for the best man’s speech.
Lily broke out into a cold sweat.
Sirius walked up to the front of the reception hall and took the microphone and began,
“This is my 23rd draft of this speech. Anyone who knows me knows that I can tend to go a little overboard,” Sirius paused for the laughter, “Which is why having James and Lily Potter in my life is so important. These two ground me. Sure, Lily and I can go to extremes, but James will always pull us back.”
Lily thought the room had suddenly gotten quite dusty.
“Until I moved in with my uncle, my childhood was not a happy one. Through a series of incidents, I met a beautiful little-redheaded girl named Evans. She brought joy and acceptance to my childhood. We did everything together and she was the first person to show me that family is something that you can choose and make yourself,” here Sirius swallowed some emotion but continued,
“Then Lily and I were forced to go to different schools to ‘try and save our teacher’s minds’. I was terrified. She was my one true friend. And then I met James Potter. Who- without prompting, accepted me and loved me fiercely and loyally. I remember when I got my first Letter from Evans at school- James seemed a little bewildered that I had another fierce and loyal friend. I had no idea that he thought she was a boy until 6th year Christmas holidays when they met.”
Again he waited for the laughter to die down.
“It took these two prats nearly two years to realize they were perfect for each other and I nearly lost my damn mind. But they were perfect for each other. They are- really. They balance each other out and care for so many. They’re my family. I look forward to seeing them grow as the Potters and I wish them a long marriage filled with love, many godchildren for me, and lots of laughter. To James and Lily Potter,” he finished and raised his glass
“To James and Lily Potter,” the crowd responded and burst into applause.
When Sirius approached James and Lily, he was tackled by Lily into a hug, “Best Best Man’s Speech Ever” she told him.
“Did you expect anything less?” He asked and kissed her on the forehead
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Normal (Peter Parker X F!Danvers!Reader)
Summary: Being a Danvers, your normal is something akin to a science fiction novel. But now that you and your older sister have moved to Earth permanently, it’s about time you got settled in. What you didn’t mention to your boyfriend was that this means going to his school.
Requested by Anon: I LOVE YOUR CAROL FICS SO MUCH!!!!! I LOVE HER!!!! Could you do a being carols little sister and dating peter??
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: that nickname for peter that flash has is used a few times so if it makes u uncomfortable heres ur warning friend Word Count: 1,793
Note: im love peter,,,also i cant help the gay im not sorry you’ll understand at the end
    “(Y/N) Danvers!” A voice shouted from the kitchen. “C’mon! This was your idea, don’t back out on me now!”
    You groaned and buried your head deeper into your pillow for a second. You could back out now and your older sister would go for it, but on the other hand, going to high school like a normal kid was kind of the whole point.
    “COMING!” You shouted back.
    No kid wanted to go to school-- except for you. Having travelled space your whole life with nothing but abnormality for a childhood, high school was a kind of normality you craved. So when Carol decided to move back to Earth, at least for a while, you begged her to let you go. You were surprised when she said yes.
    Of course, you couldn’t go to just any high school. You were going to Midtown High School, where Peter Parker, your boyfriend, was going. But you didn’t tell him that.
    “Remember what we talked about,” Carol said as she passed you a plate of pancakes. “If anyone puts their hands on you; tell them to stop, threaten them, and then--”
    “Then punch them,” you finished.
    She smiled. “That’s my girl. But do it in that order or else they can sue.”
    Glancing around at the Avengers Tower, your current residence, which was relatively full since the destruction of the Compound, you snorted. “I’d like to see them try.”
    “What are you guys doing up?”
    You looked over your shoulder to see Steve in his morning run gear, just about to head out so that he wouldn’t miss the sunrise.
    “This girl’s got her first day of high school,” Carol smiled, gesturing to you.
    Cap laughed. “Have fun with that. Tell Pete I said hi.”
    You were still getting used to living in the tower with all these superheroes. For the longest time, it had just been you and Carol against the world-- with Marie and Monica every once in a while, not to mention Fury. In these last few months, your little family had extended by more than 30 people, including Peter.
    “Don’t make out in the middle of the hallway,” your big sister warned.
Her arm was comfortably around yours as the two of you walked from where she parked the car to the office. She had to check you in on your first day, but beyond that, you were on your own. You just hoped you could find your spider-boy before you got too far into the day.
“Carol--” You whined at her teasing.
“Okay, okay,” she laughed, “I’ll stop. But seriously, you two, watch it. Dating in high school is a mess.”
You grinned and put your head on her shoulder for a good second. “We’ll be fine. We’re superheroes!”
    “That just makes it worse.”
    Inside the building, you marvelled at the chaos. Students were crossing hallways every which way, finding their classes and talking to friends. You didn’t expect high school to be anything like those chick flicks Marie had showed you, but they were looking kind of accurate right now.
    “Have fun,” Carol said as she went to leave once you were all set.
    You scoffed. “Yeah, okay. See you later.”
    You watched her walk away before taking a deep breath. You followed the crowds toward the cafeteria, which was apparently where students gathered in the morning. Just as you were about to go in, you spotted a familiar face in the hallway just outside.
    “Peter!” You said, waving as you made your way over there.
    When your boyfriend heard his name called, he kind of tilted his head and turned to face you, eyes going wide at the sight of you. You approached and gave him a gentle kiss as a sort of greeting. When you pulled back, you saw his brain short out as he tried to register that you were there.
    “(Y/N)?” He asked. “What are you-- what are you doing here?”
    “Wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” you joked. “I am officially a Midtown High student. And I have no idea where Spanish is.”
    Next to Peter stood Ned, who you recognised from everything Peter had told you about him. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed.
    “Hi!” You then greeted, turning to him. “I’m (Y/N).”
    “Peter talks about you all the time,” he stammered.
    Peter was red in the face at that, but you laughed. “He talks about you all the time, too. Ned, right?”
    “That’s me,” he nodded. “Your sister’s an alien, right? And you’ve been to space?”
    “Carol’s human, but she lived with aliens,” you corrected politely. “But yeah, we used to go from planet to planet every other week.”
    Ned gawked. “That’s so cool.”
    Just then, the bell rang above your heads, Peter’s best friend looking a little sad that the two of you didn’t have more time to talk. Meanwhile, Peter was beaming at the fact that both of you were getting along so well.
    “Here,” Peter said, taking your hand almost shyly. “I’ll help you find Spanish.”
    Your day went by relatively smoothly. High school was a horrible learning environment, as you quickly learned, but you supposed that was just how the system worked. Besides that, most of your teachers were nice and the kids weren’t awful.
    In your first class, kids in there stormed you like vultures, trying to get you to join them for lunch or let them take you to your next class. You just politely declined them for lunch, but accepted a few offers to classes you knew Peter wasn’t in. The ones who didn’t seem like they were checking you out were the only ones you actually attempted to befriend.
    By the time lunch rolled around, you were pretty exhausted, but not tired enough to stop being excited. It was so normal, but in a good way. It was a nice change of pace.
    Entering the cafeteria, you looked around, biting your lip. Peter and Ned were nowhere in sight, as far as you could tell, and you had no idea where they normally sat. You did spot a girl alone at a table and the thought crossed your mind that maybe she was MJ, who Peter had mentioned to you briefly once or twice before.
    You went to go talk to her, but someone got in your way.
    “Hi,” the boy who stepped in front of you said. “I’m Flash. You’re new, right?”
    You raised an eyebrow at him, recognising his name. So this was Flash, the kid who never stopped antagonising Peter. Oh, you had many words for him, but none of them were nice.
    “Yeah. (Y/N),” you introduced briefly.
    “Cool, cool,” he managed. “Why don’t you come sit with me and my friends? Promise they don’t bite.”
    You frowned. “Thanks, but I’m waiting for somebody, actually.”
    He opened his mouth to ask who, or at least you thought that was what he was going to say, but Peter appeared beside you. He didn’t quite realise who you were speaking to at that moment or maybe he just didn’t care.
    “Hey, (Y/N),” he said with a grin. “There you are.”
    You smiled and pecked his cheek fondly. “Thank god. I thought you and Ned abandoned me.”
    “Penis Parker?” Flash asked with a scoff, which drew both of your attention back to him. “Seriously?”
    Peter went red at that nickname and rubbed the back of his neck ashamedly. You just scowled and crossed your arms, looking this ‘Flash’ up and down. You’d faced aliens before; cruel dictators with nothing but bloodlust in their eyes, warriors who knew nothing but battle, even psychopaths who’d tried to kill you repeatedly. But nothing made you more angry than this boy going out of his way to humiliate your boyfriend.
    “Penis Parker?” You repeated, slightly louder than he had said it.
    A few kids at the surrounding tables turned their attention toward the three of you, whispering and muttering. The other parts of the cafeteria were still buzzing with activity and ignoring your conversation, but you had no doubt that whatever you were about to say would get around fast before the day was over.
    You scoffed at Flash. “At least he has one.” At that, you grabbed your boyfriend’s hand and squeezed it, giving him a quick signal.
    Peter pulled at your hand and dragged the two of you away, leaving Flash standing there with a slack jaw, looking stupid. Your boyfriend was almost giddy at what had just happened, sitting down across from Ned at a table with a laugh.
    “Did you see that?” He asked his best friend.
    Ned was in awe as you sat down. “That was amazing!”
    “Thanks,” you said with a grin, meeting Peter’s eye for a brief moment.
    A few seats down, the girl who you thought was MJ cleared her throat. “Hey, new kid,” she said. “That was ballsy.”
    “Please,” you laughed, “I can put up with that douchebag any day.”
    At your words, she smirked and scooted over closer to talk to you, reaching out a hand for you to shake. “MJ.”
    “(Y/N),” you said, shaking her hand firmly. “Peter’s told me about you, too-- all good things.”
    “Wouldn’t care either way,” she shrugged.
    You smiled at your boyfriend and his friends. “This place isn’t so bad. I think I could get used to this.”
    When school got out for the day, Peter offered to walk you home so that you didn’t have to go alone. Carol would’ve picked you up, but there was a last minute Avengers meeting that she forgot about.
    “Do you wanna come over for dinner?” Peter asked, his fingers intertwined firmly with yours. “Aunt May invited Tony, Pepper, Morgan, and Rhodey over. It’s gonna be a whole thing.”
    You grinned at that. “I’d love to! I think it’s about time I meet the whole family. Is Harley gonna be there?”
    “If he can make it,” Peter shrugged. “He’s been busy.”
    “Can I invite Carol, Marie, and Monica?” You asked hesitantly. “I mean, Carol will be at the meeting with Rhodey, but Marie and Monica are staying in the tower till we all find a place to live.”
    He was nodding ecstatically. “Man, your sister never shuts up about her girlfriend. I really wanna meet her.”
    “Between you and me,” you whispered, “I’m pretty sure Carol’s getting ready to propose.”
    “Took her 30 years,” Peter scoffed.
    You both shared a laugh and continued the walk home. You couldn’t help smiling to yourself. This was something you could get used to: school with Peter, family dinners with Aunt May, the Iron Family, and your sister’s girlfriend. It was normal, but with just enough weird that it felt like home.
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