#like hiccup is alway trying and failing in Httyd 1 but Astrid is trying and succeeding
iam-tryingmybest · 1 year
Idk if this is just me but I actually really love episodes like the a team and mi amor wing because we get to see Astrid being objectively a little silly. Like she is always so smart and put together and I love seeing her like that too I just also enjoy her insecurities. She has spent her whole life being good in the eyes of what her society deems important that I like seeing her be a little uncertain or act like a silly teenager in her first relationship.
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reviewinghiccup · 2 years
Blog Post Series : Breaking Down Hiccup
Title : Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man
Ep/Season : Episode 8, Season 1 (Riders of Berk)
Premise :
Following a proud Viking tradition, Stoick and Hiccup pose for a portrait which will hang on the walls of the Great Hall. However, much to only Hiccup’s chagrin (it seems) some “minor” modifications were made depicting a very different him. At the same time, the great treasure map left by the son of Hamish the 1st was discovered. Many have failed trying to decipher its codes, yet harder they try still. Upset by the portrait and trying to prove that he is more than his make, Hiccup embarks on a journey to find the elusive treasure. Something that even Stoick the Vast himself failed attempting.
I felt really bad for Hiccup. At the start of the show, you can see him get super excited about the portrait, loving that he gets to take part in Viking history / culture.
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Stoick has grown a lot too. He accepts Hiccup for who he is. After all, he has proven himself many times to be a worthy heir and son. And we know Stoick loves him.
However, the painting was exaggerated and Hiccup’s built and size was way larger in proportion to the actual fact.
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Yet, no one seems to mind it, except him. It must’ve been confusing and degrading to find that everyone else, including Stoick, loved the work. Even comments like “now that’s the son of a chief,” echoed through.
Common, even Astrid simped over buff Hiccup.
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So, Hiccup then goes on this rant, where he believes that his father loves the painting more than his real self.
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And the “am I worthy enough” debacle starts brewing in Hiccup’s mind.
So, there he goes, leading the team on an adventure to find the treasure.
What ticked Hiccup off was, that his father couldn’t succeed in this treasure hunt and knowing that the “clues are so complicated that only a brilliant mind can decipher them,” meant that if Hiccup could, then all insecurity about his capabilities would be quashed, i.e., doing something even the strongest Vikings couldn’t do.
Hiccup manages to breakdown the riddles and find the treasure in an afternoon, of course w the help of the dragons and the riders, but the fact remains, he is and will always be the brains of the operation.
Stoick is reprimanded by Gobber for what he said to Hiccup about the painting, pointing to Stoick’s obliviousness and how it had affected Hiccup’s perception about himself.
I love that Gobber is like a check and balance for them. No doubt that Gobber has helped Stoick parent Hiccup. No doubt there.
Then, we have Stoick’s over-protective parent personality seep out, knowing that this adventure was dangerous, nearly even fatal and that he could actually lose his son, which made him realise that he would not want buff Hiccup, or stronger Hiccup, he just wanted Hiccup.
I love how just like the perception we have of Hiccup, the story is also nothing like we expect it to be. Hiccup admits that he knew his father accepts him, it was a question of whether Hiccup accepted himself.
Nothing was sweeter than to see Stoick run to his son and Hiccup running to his dad when the adventure ended.
Parents aren’t perfect. Stoick is far from it. But the most important thing about being a dad, is showing up. Sure, they fail. Stoick did, big time. But he makes up for it and thankfully, Hiccup has a big enough heart to forgive his dad.
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This episode was heart warming. For an adventure story, I enjoyed the pacing. It made sense why they were quicker. With Hiccup’s mind and the ease of transport the dragons provided (and that of fire and safety) they could manoeuvre in and out of the dangerous bits of the exercise w ease. I also love how the story panned out and how, sometimes it really takes the least of the herd to do something spectacular.
Definitely one of my top favourite episodes in the HTTYD Series Universe.
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shipmistress9 · 1 month
20 question for writers tag game
tagged by @taumoebaa Thank you! 🥰
1. Total number of ao3 works?
105, apparently.
2. Total ao3 word count
1,154,048 That... a lot of worde o.O
3. Fandoms I've written in
Fandoms I've published in are: How to train your dragon Zelda Miraculous Ladybug The Empyrean - Fourth Wing Pokemon Stardew Valley But I also wrote many unfinished fics, for fandoms like Final Fantasy VII & VIII, Crescent City, ACOTAR, Starcrossed (Josephine Angelini), and Divergent.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Okay, this feels a bit ridiculous... 😆 1. When Three Wrongs Make One right. (1449) (ML) 2. For The Love Of A Princess (709) (HTTYD) 3. Keeping The Facade (701) (ML) 4. Resurrection (615) (HTTYD/MCU) 4. My Kingdom. My Throne. my Queen. (317) (The Empyrean) 5. Part of our 'us' (311) (The Empyrean) I crossed out Resurrection because I didn't write this one, I was just one of the alpha-readers. But this shows so well how little Kudos really say about a fic. The two Miraculous fics there? I love them, but especially Keeping The Facade is just a cute/angsty little smutshot for a (relative) rarepair. That fandom is/was just so huge that the hits/Kudos catapult it up there to the top. In comparisson, FTLOAP is my big epic story, close to 400k words, many years of planning and writing. That just doesn't measure up.
5. Do I respond to comments?
I try to, yes. I just have this thing where I only respond to comments (in longer stories) when I'm about to post the followup-chapter. Which leads to... some comments never getting answers when I fail to keep writing. Or comments on previous chapters getting lost in my inbox. 😶
6. What has the angstiest ending?
Thats's difficult. 🤔 I don't even remember all my fics anymore. 😅 But I think that must be 'Follow Your Heart', at least without the (optional) sequals.
7. What has the happiest ending?
I feel like all my fics (with few exceptions) end on a lovely happy fluffy note. That's just my thing, and trying to pin down which is the happiest doesn't work.
8. Have I received hate?
Oh, yes! Some years ago, there as a dedicated Anon in the HTTYD fandom, who methodically attacked every writer who didn't write their fav couple as 'pure' as they wanted them to be. They would write loooong and elaborate comments about aaaaaaall the things we as writers did wrong and how that clearly reflects how awful people we are in RL. The fandom banded together to drive them away, but... those there some rough months.
9. Do I write smut? And what kind?
YES! I love writing (and reading) smut. 😁 There's always an underlying tone of emotions and devotion and love in my smut, even or especially when I dive into BDMS and D/s dynamics.
10. Do I write crossovers?
Not really. There are fics in my list that are 'tagged' as crossover, but they're really just characters from one fandom slipping into the world of another. Like modern AUs, in a way, or the [Hiccup=the doctor, Eret=Capt. Jack Harkness, Astrid=T.A.R.D.I.S.] thing I once wrote. Or random (disney) characters showing up as background characters in some httyd fics.
11. Have I ever had a fic stolen?
No, thankfully not. Or at least I'm not aware of it. But someone once stole one of my AMVs, and it felt awful.
12. Have I ever had a fic translated?
Someone once asked me for permission to translate one of my fics. But in the middle of it, their government shut down the fanfic platform they were using, so they never finished the tranlsation.
13. Have I ever co-written a fic?
I have! Though never in an equal share. I've helped and received help in the form of alpha reading, which at some points feels like co-writing (but isn't). And I wrote a fic with a friend (though not under my general name 😅) where I would contribute full chapters here and there after we talked about the general plot points. That was so much fun! 🥰
14. What is my all-time fave ship?
I don't think this is a question I can answer. Maybe I can say that Hiccstrid is the ship that had the biggest influence on my life, for various reasons, but naming them my all-time fave would diminish what I feel about other important ships.
15. A WIP I'll never finish
Uh... probably too many to count. But I can say for certain that I'll never finish 'Astrid's Diary'. It was a POV fic, the first HTTYD movie and the TV show from Astrid's POV. But the background story I had in mind died a quiet sad death with the release of more seasons, and I lost interest in either writing my version or adapting it to the new canon.
16. Writing strengths?
Dialogues and emotions, or so I've been told.
17. Writing weaknesses?
Descriptions of places, how something looks. My brain works 100% non-visual and that makes it hard to a) imagine how a place or a person looks and b) to describe it once I made the effort to build the look up in my head. I just go by vibes.
18. Do I like foreign language dialogue?
Not really. As English is already a foreign laguage for me, bringing in others feels weird to me. Except for that one time I had a multi-lingual character who'd always slip into cursing in other languages during sex. That was a lot of fun. 😁
19. First fandom I wrote for?
I... have no idea. Maybe 'Saber Rider and the Star Sherrifs' or maybe 'Detective Conan'. Though in both cases, I didn't even realise something like 'fanfiction' existed, I was just writing for myself. Then I wrote half of a Divergent fic after reading a few others. The first fic I ever published was for HTTYD.
20. Favourite fic I've written?
I can absolutely not answer this question. Sure, I might like some of my fics better than others, but I also 'love' all of them. But generally, I think I like my longer fics the most. The entire 'I Should Go' series, NOOT, WIMTBC, and FTLOAP for HTTYD. WTWMOR for Miraculous. MtO and the Violiaden Series for Fourth Wing.
tagging @taketheshot21 @heathenvampires @athingofvikings @dayeongi @drakaina-amore64 and everyone who else might want to do these. 🥰
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howtodrawyourdragon · 5 years
Summary: Post-Httyd 2. Astrid was certain Toothless was losing it. She was a human, so was Hiccup, and she was pretty sure the baby she was growing was human too. Toothless, however, seemed under the impression that he knew what was best.
Rating: General
Words: 1 412
Author’s Notes: Written to break up all the whump I've been writing with some fluff. At the same time, this is my effort to bring some more Astrid and Toothless bonding into the franchise. We don't have enough of that. Astrid and Toothless are close friends too.
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
Astrid was certain Toothless was finally losing it. She didn't know what the cause was, a tiny voice within told her Hiccup's shenanigans weren't to blame this time, but loss of mind was the only explanation to what she was seeing.
Sitting on a chair in their main living space wrapped in her white-furred cloak and holding a steaming bowl of stew, she watched as the Night Fury ran all across the house she shared with him and Hiccup.
As Toothless passed her, he sniffed all over the place, nose always close to the floor. It inevitably guided him to the kitchen and Astrid heard plates and cups fall as Toothless ransacked the place. It didn't take too long for Toothless to come back out, pulling a basket of fish and fruit bought on the market just yesterday to quite literally throw them out of the house. It took but a moment for Sharpshot to feast on the apparently abandoned food.
"Toothless, what are you..." Astrid found herself unable to finish her sentence as the Night Fury then set his eyes on the upstairs bedroom. She could see his gaze travel up to their loft.
He gave her a croon before ascending the stairs. It was quiet for a whole second or two and then Astrid found herself jumping when the sound of furniture being moved around reached her ears.
"Toothless?!" She called up to the loft, nearly losing the grip on her stew as her fur fell to the floor. It became kind of chilly after it fell.
"What are you doing up there?!" Calling up again, instead of receiving an answer, she saw the bed she shared with Hiccup be pushed down the stairs.
"Toothless Night Fury!" Enough of the dragon's mad antics, she pushed herself up from her chair and put the stew down. Stomping over, she came to stand near the stairway.
The bed now on the ground floor, Toothless purred up to her as he descended the rest of the steps.
"Don't purr at me! First, you throw out all the food and then you move the bed down the stairs? What're you doing?!" Astrid could question the Night Fury's motives all she wanted, Toothless gave her a simple croon and happily padded past her, giving her cheek a nudge before disappearing from the living space again.
Astrid wasn't sure why she was even trying anymore. It was clear the dragon didn't intend on listening or even explain what his intentions were.
Where was Hiccup when she needed him? She knew he was dealing with some feud between Spitelout and... whoever he decided to upset this time. She needed her husband to come home and whisper some sense into his dragon. He was rearranging the whole house.
It was just as the thought made its way into her mind that Toothless came by again with a heap of furs, every single one in their possession, and left them on the floor near the bed. After spotting the one she'd dropped, he came to collect that one too.
Crossing her arms above her belly, Astrid decided to watch with a scowl. Talking to the dragon clearly didn't help and she currently wasn't in any position to physically wrestle him, there was little else she could do.
She found herself barely suppressing a groan when Toothless then started moving chairs and the table to make room for the bed in the middle.
She was too tired for this. Gothi told her it wouldn't take much longer before the baby would be here and that she needed to rest before her due date would inevitably come. Hiccup, too, was trying to tie up any loose ends and taking care of business so the other Riders, Valka, and Gobber could take care of things in their absence. He planned to spend at least the next two weeks at home. That is, if he failed to make his free-time longer than the fourteen days he already planned on taking.
Her back was aching and she remembered the stew that was probably already lukewarm by now. Astrid just wanted a quiet afternoon. Or sleep. By the lack of movement, she knew the baby was certainly napping.
"Your uncle Toothless is crazy." She still muttered, a hand on her belly. A big part of her was sure the baby was going to be a girl. Hiccup shared her suspicions. And speaking of which...
"So is your dad, he probably gets it from him." She added as an afterthought. It was better that their daughter knew now, she was going to find out sooner or later.
When the bed was exactly where Toothless wanted it to be, he grabbed the pile of furs next and dropped them on the bed. He didn't leave them lying there as a heap, he moved them around, rearranged them in such a way that made the bed look even more inviting than it already did.
Once he deemed it finished, Toothless cheerfully roared at Astrid, who stared at him in confusion.
"Uhm, Tooth?" The Night Fury approached and gently bumped into the Chieftess' back with the flat top of his head, urging her onwards. Soon standing next to the bed, Toothless than proceeded to pat the many furs in an almost human-like manner.
It was then that it all started to make sense to her.
Removing all the food he deemed "old" and "bad", removing the bed from upstairs to a more readily available location, creating a soft nest with all the furs he could possibly find... Night Furies apparently possessed a strong sense to nest even if they weren't the ones expecting. She was seeing similar behaviour in Stormfly, who insisted on preening her every opportunity she got.
Toothless relished at the thought of a soon to come baby, a new member to their strange family, and he believed he was doing his part to help them out. He wanted Astrid to have a good "nest" to have their baby in.
A smile appeared on her face, despite the messy state their house was now in.
"You and Hiccup both drive me crazy sometimes, you know that?" Astrid asked, scratching the dragon's chin like she'd seen her husband do numerous times before.
Astrid would never admit to having a slightly harder time getting in bed. She was already wearing more comfortable clothing, they were easier to move in, but the many layers helped the furniture reach a few additional inches in height.
Leaning back against the pillows already there, Astrid let out a sigh. It shouldn't take Hiccup much longer to come home and Toothless should be content now. Peace and quiet could finally return.
Or so she thought.
Peace and quiet did return, but not before the large Night Fury joined the human woman in bed, lying down in a way that she could only call protective, tail wrapped around them. Scooting over to lean back against his side, Astrid settled again and took her white cloak back to drape over herself, legs crossing.
She got why Hiccup liked to sleep next to his dragon. So far up North, he was a warm home, it was why she'd often slept in a similar way next to her Nadder.
Noticing she'd moved, Toothless moved the pillows to surround the human, causing a chuckle to leave Astrid's vocals.
"You know, I may actually prefer you over Hiccup if he doesn't come back soon." Astrid spoke and Toothless let out a short chortle.
Now comfortable, Astrid proceeded to undo the complex braid she'd done in her hair that morning. Sinking deeper into the sea of pillows, furs, and dragon, she then allowed herself to relax and closed her eyes.
"You don't mind if I have some shut-eye, do you, Bud? I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks." She asked and Toothless gave her a purr. She would never have as close a bond to the Night Fury of Berk as Hiccup did, but she could still tell that he was telling her "get some rest" as he laid his head down.
Shooting the dragon one final smile, Astrid settled for the last time and let herself fall asleep. Toothless followed her soon enough.
They slept the rest of the day and even the night away. Come morning, the two woke up to find that Hiccup had soundlessly joined them sometime during their slumber, too.
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For A Sense Of Comfort
Summary: One-sided Dagcup. Dagur whump.(With a side of Momcup) Mala has been gone missing on sea and it's up to Hiccup to provide him with comfort. Whether he's willing or not. Post-RttE, Post-Httyd 2, disregards THW.
Rating: Teen and Up/(Mature?)
Words: 1 423
Author’s Notes: One-sided Dagcup. Dagur whump.(With a side of Momcup) that I wrote after a short conversation I had on a Httyd whump server on Discord. It’s filled with headcanons as well. And I attempted to really up the creep factor. Don’t know if I succeeded, but here you go.
Constructive criticism is highly appreciated.
"We'll find her, Dagur. You know we will." Hiccup told him, the saddened figure sitting at the table in the near-empty Great Hall next to him.
There was a full and rather large mug of mead held in both of the Defenders of the Wing King's hands. His gaze was downcast and Hiccup hadn't been able to get a word out of him for hours now. A very unsettling thing since this wasn't just any ordinary man.
His title was once "The Deranged". And although Dagur tried so hard to turn over a new leaf some years ago and stay with this life, he could still be as unpredictable as he was before.
But everyone figured, Heather included, that one of the few people he'd listen to would be the young Chief of Berk. Even though Dagur and Hiccup didn't share the most pleasant history.
Despite living on two different islands and tribes and although one was a couple of years older than the other, they still grew up spending quite a bit of their childhoods together.
They weren't friends, however. Dagur had been a bully growing up, tormenting anybody he deemed a weak and easy target and Hiccup more than fit that description at the time.
"We care for Mala too, we won't stop until she's back with us safe and sound. If she's lost at sea, she'll be found. Alive. You know that, right?" Nothing Hiccup said to reassure him seemed to reach the silent man next to him.
But in spite of that and the fact that Dagur's bullying had turned into brief misplaced admiration and then into an obsession Dagur warred with Berk over, Hiccup was still the right person to attempt to console the inconsolable.
But that mattered little now that they were allies, he supposed. At the very least, Dagur thought they were close and maybe that's what they were. It was the reason Hiccup was considered the best man for the job, even now that his sister was in his life.
No, perhaps she had never been the right person. Despite everything done to him, Dagur had still done worse to her.
Either way, he wasn't getting any sort of reaction out of him. Hiccup figured that, perhaps, all Dagur needed was to be left alone.
He could always check up on him later, but Berk also needed him. Both the Vikings and the dragons. He wasn't just a Dragon Rider or Dagur's brother by heart, he was a Chief now as well.
"I'll give you some space to think, but I'll be back later. And, please, try not to worry. My Dragon Riders are out there, Heather is with them and so is the A-team. Mala and her ship will be found soon, Dagur." Hiccup reassured him one last time as he stood up, hand briefly hovered over the other man's shoulder before retreating.
He stayed there for a moment longer, waiting, and received no response this time either. So he went on his way.
Finally, Dagur spoke and he stopped him by grabbing hold of his wrist.
"Stay with me."
Dagur's voice was soft, but there was a hint in his tone that told Hiccup it wasn't easy for him to contain himself.
His grip was tight too. Too tight.
"Okay, than I'll stay-" Hiccup could barely tell Dagur his decision to stay a little bit longer before he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around his middle with a hold so hard that it reminded him of the dragon traps that once littered Berk during times of war.
"Don't leave."
"Dagur, I already told you-"
"Don't leave."
His grip grew even tighter and Hiccup gasped. Though his air wasn't physically cut off, it made him feel like he was suffocating and trapped. He didn't know whether it was because he just didn't like to be touched by anyone other than the very few in his personal inner circle or because it was Dagur who was hugging him this hard.
Hiccup's gaze wandered over the Great Hall in slight panic as he placed his hands on Dagur's shoulders, but he noticed that the very last patrons of the hall had already left by now.
It was just the two of them.
"Dagur!" His discomfort grew tenfold.
He wanted to be let go of by now.
He wanted Toothless.
"Don't leave me like everybody else did. Please, don't." Hiccup stopped his struggling, however weak it already was, and cursed his compassion and empathy for others.
This wasn't a side he had seen before. This Dagur, so vulnerable and weak and in need of comfort, was new to him.
It wasn't his job to be there for Dagur. He didn't owe him anything, not after all the scars this particular King was personally responsible for.
And yet...
Hiccup quietly cursed himself.
He somehow managed to sit back down, causing the Berserker to kneel on the floor in front of him, between his legs. His arms hadn't left his middle at all.
Dagur's eyes were closed, his head pressed into his chest. He didn't seem to mind the many belts keeping his complicated outfit together.
Ironically enough, this outfit and the flight suit that had come before it, they were both created specifically against people like Dagur.
The complexity, the many layers, they were to help him feel protected, secure, even when Toothless, Astrid, Eret, any of his loved ones weren't there to keep him safe.
It failed.
He was on Berk, surrounded by tons of people who would come to his rescue. One shout and countless of dragons would be ready to breathe fire and any who dared to harm him.
He couldn't be any safer and even then...
His heart was beating up a storm inside his chest. He could barely think straight or remain calm. His body was tense and shook all over. If Dagur's embrace could grow even any tighter, Hiccup wondered if it did or if it was just his imagination.
He silently breathed in and out deeply to keep his level-head.
It's been years since their turbulent childhood, the war and the new kinds of fears Dagur had introduced him to.
Hiccup thought he had gotten over this long ago.
He felt like a defenseless teenage boy facing a much larger opponent all over again.
"It's-it's okay, Dagur. It's gonna be okay." He wasn't sure what kind of role Dagur wanted him to play. But Dagur's touch, it still send discomforting chills down Hiccup's spine. Being hugged by him, his grip unyielding, his face pressed into his middle, it was unpleasant.
Hiccup wanted him to let go.
He wanted him to let go so badly.
But he also knew, ever since Hiccup first pretended to save his life when they were boys, pretended to be his protector, there were certain things Dagur expected from him. Obligations everybody had always insisted were never Hiccup's to fulfil, whatever they were and for whichever relationship Dagur seemed to consciously, or subconsciously, think they have.
But here he was, being that figure Dagur wanted him to be. Whoever it was.
In spite of the trauma and the awkwardness, Hiccup was still there. Like he had always been in the Berserker's mind.
Dagur wasn't quite right in the head. He never had been.
Now Hiccup wondered whether he was sane himself.
"We're going to get her back. You know we will." He felt himself shiver, but his trembling arms hesitantly settled around the Berserker to give him a comforting hug. A caring hug. A loving gesture mixed with hidden fear and even... loathing.
Hiccup didn't know for who.
Dagur seemed to nuzzle even closer, allowing himself a sigh of relief. Hiccup was sure he could hear his heart beat even faster, with his ear pressed up to his chest like that. And was he smiling?
"I know, Hiccup. I know." Dagur muttered and decided to rest his head on his lap. Hiccup let himself ease up just a bit.
But just a tiny bit. Because that tight grip finally relenting did not mean he could actually relax.
Dagur had settled on his lap. That ultimately meant they would be here for a while. And Hiccup supposed, his moment to escape had come and gone some time ago.
Hiccup didn't owe him anything. That's everybody kept telling him after word had reached them of Queen Mala's ship going missing with her and her crew with it.
So why did he still feel owned?
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HTTYD 3 was a heckin great movie and here's my opinion why
(Also why Dreamworks is awesome and my little thank you)
 WARNING SPOILERS (duh) and also lots of ranting. Strap yourselves in kiddos off we go
 - the animation.
Jesus fucking chRIST it's amazing. I'm not over it. Dreamworks I love you this is the best goddamn thing skshsjjsgksjshakkahuebadgfjdkk tHE ANIMATION It was already spectacular in httyd 1 and it's just improved so much I can't even
  Wait lemme go on a rant about why I love Dreamworks so much. Okay so you see the thing with Dreamworks is with each of their animated universes they have a particular style (eg. compare Shrek, HTTYD, Voltron, She-ra... Etc) that they do really well in for that show/movie.
This means that all their stuff isn't the same old thing again and again (ok I don't want this to turn into a Disney vs Dreamworks debate bc A. This is meant to be about httyd anyway - maybe sometime I'll do a post on it... B. I know a lot more and am way more into Dreamworks.... Etc (but Dreamworks is better lmao) but anyway basically I find Disney is really repetitive)
 Another thing about Dreamworks is they A. don't take themselves tooooo seriously and are always ready to try out something weird and new (eg. Shrek lmao) and B. USUALLY try to be inclusive (canonical LGBTQ rep (yes httyd has that!! It's just subtle) (also Shrek) (even more so with newer shows... shE-RAAAAA) (Again I find Disney often doesn't do so well at the above. Correct me if you think I'm wrong but don't shout at me pls) They also have loads of little quirks like the Dreamworks intro thing always being different (not sooo much in the older stuff but still.)
 Ok let's get back to HTTYD im sorry
  -plot n stuff (this is where it gets real SPOILERY and that's your last warning) Ok so some of the plot (mainly the villain showing up out of the blue like a Monster of the Week and not having any background (hE INFERRED HE'D BEEN ON BERK BEFORE DID HE COME FROM THERE I MUST KNOW what was that line meaning help) was a bit meh but the rest of it made up for that a hundred times over.
 Ok so basically I expected to cry. But not in the way I did.
Lately a lot of fandoms have been throwing feels at me, and they've all had a particular style of doing it, so I expected more of that.
The feels I mean are the ones where characters I love are killed or lose stuff in the big battle filled finale (or not finale exactly eg. IW) and I cry a bit but usually that night or the day after because I just feel empty and slightly let down.
 But that's not what we got and I am so damn glad.
 The whole movie wasn't a big enormous dragged-on battle or lead up, and the battle didn't feel like the one in HTTYD 2, which I was glad for (it worked better in that movie than it would have in this). It was also resolved pretty well (fuckkk the scene where Hiccup was falling,,,, Alexa) and there was breathing room (not much but more than we had in IW and VLD) to come to terms with the fact that the fight is done before the movie fucking sucker punched us right in the gut with the dragons leaving.
 Yup, as soon as Hiccup started saying goodbye I broke the fuck down. And cried silently the entire rest of the movie and a lot of the credits.
 But the thing with this is that it gave us an ending that was kind of fulfilling. It was bittersweet. We can cry and mourn this beautiful franchise that has been such a part of our lives with good memories of it going out strong and sad though wonderful.
Yeah I was just waiting for the 'there were dragons when I was a boy' and yeah I cried even more but I was smiling while crying through that whole last scene with the marriage and then especially the scene with Hiccstrid & kiddos meeting Toothless & family again.
That was the fulfilling ending and even though it's so damn sad it was so damn beautiful sorry I'm ranting but still.
 - there were plenty of jokes and funny scenes without becoming too silly or juvenile (which a lot of things fail at) Also jokes for the older fans too (ruff lmao) (and the whole thing with Gobber and Tuff talking to Hiccstrid about getting married) There were plenty of scenes that were just genuinely hilarious and had the whole cinema laughing, which is a very beautiful thing
- I was initially worried about the introduction of the Light Fury especially because when we first saw it I literally went 'that's every 8 year-old's OC dragon why'
But it worked out pretty well, see below for more
 - the movie had romance without being too focused on the whole romance thing (I mostly mean the dragons) I was worried this wouldn't work and be cheesy or whatever but it did pretty good so yay The romance was still quirky and funny and had the whole cinema laughing at times, yet at other times it was just really beautiful (also the damn animation hhhhhh is this true love I feel)
  In the end I just want to say:
Goodbye HTTYD. You've been such a wonderful part of my life and I can't thank you enough. I'll never get over this damn franchise, I love it so much.
Even though [i]of course I want more, I think that here is a perfect place to leave it.
(....though I'm not going to complain if there's little a Christmas episode or maybe a small Netflix show set between httyd 1&2.........)
 So yeah, thank you How To Train Your Dragon. Thank you Dreamworks, the cast and crew. Thank you Cressida Cowell. Thank you Hiccup and Toothless and Astrid and Stoic and every character (apart from Traitor Johann that bitch (also basically everyone who has wanted to kill dragons except for Dagur bc we love him)).
Thank you HTTYD fandom too (you'll always be here and that is a wonderful thing)
 The friend I went it see the movie with and I stayed til the very end of the credits.
I've probably picked up the habit from Marvel... But I like to see the very end of things properly.
There was one other group left at the end, sitting in the very front seats. They were a bunch of teens (varied in age and gender), and when the credits finished, we all stood up and clapped.
 These movies have been part of so many people's lives and for that, I say thank you one last time.
 Goodbye, How To Train Your Dragon <3
  (Also can we please please please have an editors corner or how it was made sorta video for this movie. Love from an animation nerd)
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years
What do you think needs to happen in RTTE to make Hiccup as self-doubting as he is in HTTYD 2?
I’ve chatted about this before in depth, but because it’s been several seasons since I’ve done so, I’ll bring up some new points and thoughts, too - it’s about time to do that! First, though, mentioning the prior analyses:
Hiccup’s intricate five year characterization
Hiccup’s decreasing violent tendencies over the years
The difference in Hiccup’s mentality between leading a small group of dragon riders and leading the entire village
Hiccup’s characterization into being chief - and how believing “good chief” = being like his dad affects his restlessness
Hiccup interacting with dragons during RTTE teaches him leadership, but he does prolong thinking about acting with adult-like responsibility for his tribe because of them
One of the things I think is important to consider is that Hiccup is not self-doubting everywhere by HTTYD 2 times. I have seen some people write fascinating analyses about Hiccup’s overconfidence in HTTYD 2, and I think there is a point to that: Hiccup is very confident that he can diplomatically reason with Drago, despite the fact Stoick says they must go to war.
So there’s a very fascinating nuance to Hiccup’s character by HTTYD 2. He lacks confidence in the respect that he doesn’t believe he would make a good chief. He has confidence in the respect that he believes he can convince a man without reason to reason with him… believes he can stop a war before it starts.
Hiccup’s lack of confidence in himself in HTTYD 2 is related to him transitioning into adulthood. We actually see some of that hesitation in the first episode of RTTE; Hiccup is bummed that his companions appear to be settling into more adult roles, and that there are fewer dragons he can hunt after and study for funsies. But the thing with RTTE is that Hiccup finds new dragons to study at the Edge… and thus can prolong his questions of rising adulthood. Hiccup can continue to be a bit of a kid on Dragon’s Edge. He doesn’t have to tackle the sobering question of “Who am I?” just yet in the show. But by the time of HTTYD 2, Hiccup must face the reality that he is going to be an adult, he must have a place among the people of Berk, and he’s not sure what that place is.
Now, it’s not to say that Hiccup is all games in RTTE. As we’ve seen, Hiccup can get rather serious when he’s confronting dragon hunters, enemies, and antagonistic dragons. Hiccup acts as a responsible leader and asks the other dragon riders to be responsible individuals, too. But there is something to be said that chasing after dragons is what inspired Hiccup in his childhood, and it’s what is inspiring his stay on the Edge. Hiccup is willing to be a leader in situations where he’s with a small, core group of companions - the dragon riders - and where he’s handling something that he voluntarily studies - dragons. He’s happy to pursue dragons and fight for dragons and help dragons… even if it’s dangerous and serious, it’s his personal choice of where he wants to be. And it’s where he’s been since he was a teenager, still a child among the Hairy Hooligans.
Hiccup doesn’t see leading Berk as the same thing. It’s not just chasing after dragons in his free time with his friends like he enjoys doing. Being a chief, as he points out at the start of HTTYD 2, involves giving speeches, handling all the people of the tribe… things Hiccup doesn’t feel like he’s done. Especially, it’s to note that, from HTTYD to ROB to HTTYD 2, Hiccup feels like “a good chief” is equated to “someone like Stoick.” Hiccup doesn’t think he has what it takes to lead Berk because he’s nothing like his father. It’s what he says at the start of HTTYD 2:
Hiccup: It’s not me, Astrid. All those speeches, and planning, and running the village… that’s his thing.Astrid: I think you’re missing the point. I mean, chief. What an honor. I’d be pretty excited.Hiccup: I’m not like you. You know exactly who you are. You always have. But… I’m still looking. I know that I’m not my father… and I never met my mother…. so, what does that make me?
Dean DeBlois made Hiccup wander throughout the Barbaric Archipelago to try to search for answers about who he is. Hiccup is restless about being an adult and what his future identity will be. Note that Hiccup going around traveling and searching is something he’s done when he was younger to have fun. But now, Hiccup realizes he cannot do that forever for fun… and he has to start seeking out a real, solid answer about who he can be for Berk.
So Hiccup lacks confidence in HTTYD 2 about being a chief because 1). he thinks he’s not appropriately “chiefly” like Stoick and 2). he considers his time on Dragon’s Edge child-like free time rather than being a responsible adult. We audience members see Hiccup has developed responsibility and leadership skills during his time at the Dragon Academy and Dragon’s Edge… but Hiccup doesn’t see it that way. He sees himself as staring into the wide, scary world of adulthood, leaving behind everything he’s been comfortable with, and forging into something he doesn’t think he has the nature or background to do.
All of this is already set up and developed decently enough in RTTE already. Ideally in the last season we might see Hiccup realizing he needs to transition into adulthood in Berk. At this point, Hiccup realizes that his fun vacation chasing after dragons is done. Just like the start of RTTE where Hiccup worries about his future and what he needs to do as an adult, so may RTTE’s end lead to HTTYD 2. Hiccup prolonged the question “Who am I?” when he went to adventure on Dragon’s Edge. But now he’s back on Berk and needs to figure out his place as an adult… not a kid going around having fun with dragons.
In truth, I think what RTTE has to do moreof is develop Hiccup’s confidence by HTTYD 2 times. We have to get to the point where Hiccup is confident about his diplomatic and peacekeeping abilities. Hiccup has to be so confident that he can change peoples’ minds about dragons that he believes he can convince Drago to halt an army.
There are multiple ways we can go about this. One of the things I have suggested in other posts is that we can write the story such that Hiccup receives experiences that make him more averse to violence. Hiccup actually becomes increasingly peaceful in his solutions with enemies from HTTYD to ROB to DOB to RTTE to HTTYD 2, which is in line with who he becomes by the second movie. But this should be developed further before we get to HTTYD 2 for the transition to occur seamlessly. 
Either by seeing an unpleasant violent event happen that goes poorly… or seeing more peaceful events happen that go splendidly… can Hiccup become in tune with his beliefs by HTTYD 2 times. This way, Hiccup gets steered more towards the ideology he stands so firmly with in HTTYD 2 (to the point it’s impractical). If Hiccup tries to do something very violent and fails, he’ll remember his successful peaceful acts like convincing Stoick to befriend dragons. Then he’ll steer toward doing things like that by HTTYD 2 times. Or, if Hiccup does another peaceful, diplomatic act and it works, then that would reinforce his ideology that peace is the way to go. Anyone can be changed to be peaceful, so he believes.
We could maybe say that RTTE is helping that ideological path already. It all depends on their follow-up with Viggo events from S4′s finale. Hiccup might see how Viggo and Ryker’s violent antagonism led to unfortunate ends, and Hiccup emotionally might want to steer clear from doing anything like that himself. I don’t think the writers will go that way, but technically, it could be one way to reinforce the ideology he embraces by HTTYD 2.
So personally I think the ideal characterization to focus on for Hiccup is showing a little bit of his hesitance to enter Adult Land (thus showing his lack of confidence in himself being chief)… but also develop where he is confident. Hiccup needs to demonstrate confidence not in violent situations, but in diplomatic and peaceful ones, to seamlessly transition from RTTE to HTTYD 2. These situations ideally should to be extreme enough that Hiccup would prefer diplomatic conversation even above practical self-defense measures.
But even if the story doesn’t fill in all those gaps explicitly for us by S6′s conclusion, it’s probably going to be easy enough for us fans to interpret the material and fill in the gaps logically ourselves.
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dragon-thing-s-blog · 7 years
So I’ve been thinking about the riders, and in particular, about what they’re scared of. After all everyone is scared of something, right? So, I thought it would be fun to have a little play around and see what I can come up with for what the riders fear! Buuut, I’m only going to do Hiccup and Astrid in this post, mainly because I’m feeling lazy right now, and I’ll try to do the other riders in the future! (Dam, I feel like I always say that). Also sorry for how long this post is! Alright, well, this is it!       
1. Hiccup - I feel as though the most obvious answer would be losing people, or things important to him. If you think about it, he seems to keep losing important people in his life. To start, he lost his mother when he was only a baby. Then in the first movie, he arguably lost Stoick after he said ‘you are not my son’, and he also lost Toothless. As Astrid worded it, he lost everything - his tribe, his father, his best friend...Of course, he got their respect back and Toothless was safe and everything, but the events would still leave a lasting impact on him. Next, in the series, he nearly loses a lot of things, but he doesn’t really lose too much (that I can think of right now). But we can take into account his attitude towards the dragon toy that Valka made him - he obviously values it a lot, because he feels as if it brings someone he lost closer back to him. Also, in rtte, he values the Edge a lot, and would probably hate to lose it (I guess we’ll find out exactly how he would react in season 5, right?). Now, in httyd 2, we all know what happens - yep, Stoick gets blown up. Well, not literally, but he still dies. Anyway before that, Hiccup didnt lose something, he gained something. He got Valka back. The way he reacts to this - it’s clear that he is extremely grateful. But now - back to the point of losing things. He also lost Toothless for a short amount of time, when Drago’s Bewilderbeast took control of him. I feel like I’m dragging on about this too much though sooo I’ll round it off here by saying that I think we have some pretty good evidence for Hiccup’s fear (or at least one of them) to be losing people.
2. Astrid - A likely answer for Astrid might be failing. Astrid seems to feel the need to be good at what she does, to not drop behind or dissapoint anyone. But, after the first movie, and as time goes on, Astrid seems to get better at handling this, and seems not to care at all in httyd 2. So for Astrid this is a bit more difficult, because she seems to try and act strong and hide her fears. Then again, that could be her fear - that people may find out that isn’t as tough as she acts. To some, that may seem like a stupid fear, but it’s really not, and it’s one that a lot of people have. Allow me to explain - in Astrid’s eyes, if the other riders start to think she isn’t all tough, they might start to try and help her more. She then thinks of how the other teens may veiw this as a waste of their time (of course we all know it isn’t, but you can be your own worst enemy at times and your mind can lead to conclusions that others would think are completely irrational). Then she would think that this means the other riders would hate her. I have no idea if that made any sense, buuutt I tried. Anyway, now that I’ve explained that, let’s talk about Astrid in the first movie. She’s top of the class, and best at dragon fighting. She also seems to already be pretty well respected by the other teens. This may have made her feel as though she needed to act like what they saw her as - a girl who didn’t need help and could handle herself. Of course this isn’t true - everyone needs help every now and then, but I’ll try not to stray too far away from the topic at hand. Astrid always sets a good example for herself. Next I’ll talk about the series. She is shown on several occasions to try and make sure the other riders don’t worry about her. A perfect example of this is Buffalord Soldier. She keeps telling the others that she’s fine and to not worry about her. Honestly, she’s clearly dying, but she’s still all like ‘oh no I’m fiiiine don’t worry about me nope I’ll just go coLLAPSE ON THIS BED OOPS NOPE THAT DOESN’T MEAN I’M SICK SERIOUSLY GUYS STOP WORRYING’ (seriously Astrid, you’re fooling no one). Anyway Fishlegs also says in that episode that she’s Astrid, of course she’d say there’s nothing wrong (yeah it’s not the exact quote but oh well). So this all supports the idea of Astrid not wanting others to worry about her, not wanting them to think she needs them (note: this isn’t her being rude or anything, she’s doing it to try and save the other riders from worrying because she thinks they have better things to do). Now then, there isn’t much we can say about httyd 2, as the plot revolves mainly around Hiccup and Toothless. So I won’t talk about it (also because I’m aware of how long this post is getting). But anywayyy, what I’m trying to say is Astrid always seems to act tough, and she does this to stop the other riders from worrying. Her fear is that she might waste their time and they’ll hate her for it.
Ok that’s about it! Sorry for such a long post, but I hope you liked it! 😊💕
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HTTYD August Art prompt 1: Soaring Through the Air
Well, this is late. Now that summer school is over I can write for fun again. Shoutout to my buddy Hannah who co-authors all the fic I post. I have no idea when or if this thing would take place, but the prompt sounded wistful and also felt like Dagur so we rolled with it. Enjoy!
Hiccup let out his breath as he strolled out of the clubhouse, watching the Edge close up for the night. Most of the Riders were feeding their dragons, returning from final patrols, or doing other duties, but Fishlegs and Heather were still wheeling about in the orange sky. Hiccup could hear their laughter and banter from where he stood. A small bubble of pride welled in him for a moment as he looked at the home he and his friends had made. Then his eyes fell on Dagur. He was sitting behind the hangar, watching his sister and her boyfriend spin and dive in the sky. After a moment of thought, Hiccup headed over to him and sat a bit to his left. They stayed silent for a few moments, still watching the two Riders as the sun dipped lower on the horizon.
"...They seem to be having fun." Dagur gestured up at the two figures. The wistfulness in his voice made Hiccup glance over at him, surprised at the emotion clouding Dagur's usually-manic eyes.
"...Yeah, well. You know what it's like being up there, soaring through the air. You never wanna come down."
"Yeah, well." Dagur gave Hiccup one of his frenzied giggles, but it was cut short, and his eyes never left his sister's dragon. "It was never really the same, was it? I mean, you guys always had your dragons and you were just so good but I was just--" His rising voice cut off abruptly, and Hiccup could see him take several deep breaths.
"Hey,” said Hiccup, surprising You're alright. Really."
"Are you sure? Cause I never felt the same way as you did about your dragon. You and Toothless are just so--together--" He clapped his hands, making Hiccup jump. "And me and Shattermaster were good but you guys are like psychic and it seems like everybody else is too. And now Shattermaster isn't even here."
Hiccup was close enough to hear the breath shudder in Dagur's chest. "Yeah. With the fire and the arrows and everything, he....didn't make it out."
“Wow. Dagur, I’m so sorry.”
There was a long silence, as the two dragons wheeled and soared above them, wings flashing in the sunset. Finally, Dagur's shoulders lifted in a deep sigh. "...Thanks."
It might have been Hiccup's imagination, but it seemed that Dagur's eyes reflected the sunset more brightly than they usually did. He waited to speak again, choosing his words carefully. "We aren't psychic, you know," he finally said. "We're just...really good friends. And everyone has off days. I mean, just look at Snotlout. That's his entire existence with Hookfang. They’re only on the same page in combat, and sometimes not even then. Even Toothless and I are out of sync sometimes. We’re far from perfect."
Dagur nodded, then sniffed. "...It's hard not to be jealous of you, Hiccup. I was jealous of you for a long time. Still am, occasionally." Another short burst of laughter, cut quickly off. "You have everything. A dragon who'll do anything for you, friends that'll die for you, a dad who'll trust you..." Dagur trailed off, his voice going slightly bitter. Then he glanced over at Hiccup, smirking and giving him a playful nudge that almost knocked him over. "A girl that'll annihilate your enemies for you...."
Hiccup rubbed his sore arm, unable to keep from smiling at the mention of Astrid. "My life is pretty great, yeah. But all this?” He gestured to the Edge at large. “This didn’t come easy. I had to make this for myself. I failed a lot, and I failed every one of them before I gained their trust. Especially my dad."
"Yeah, well, I've got the failing part down great. The gaining--not so much."
"It takes time. And a lot of failing." He was quiet for a moment. "You...you say you and Shattermaster weren't psychic, but he trusted you enough to follow your lead into anything. That's monumental." 
"...Yeah." Dagur paused for a moment, then smiled slightly. "Yeah, I guess so."
"And you know who else trusts you?" 
Hiccup leaned back on his hands and whistled for his dragon. It wasn't particularly loud, but there was no doubt that Toothless would come. Moments later the Night Fury appeared, scampering up the ramp to curl himself around his master. Dagur smiled slightly, reaching out to touch Toothless's nose. Hiccup smiled at their interaction. "The only people besides me to have ridden Toothless are Astrid, my dad, and you. He doesn't give his trust lightly. He trusted you when I wouldn't, remember? If you've gained the trust of a Night Fury--not to mention Heather--I'd say you've gained quite a bit." 
"I guess that's true." Dagur's smile widened as he rubbed Toothless's nose and the dragon purred with pleasure.
Hiccup reached back and adjusted the stirrups on the saddle. "How long has it been since you've flown, Dagur?" 
Dagur blinked, his eyes flicking over Hiccup's hands. "...Months. Why?"
He gestured to the saddle. "Dragon riders can’t stay grounded for long."
Dagur's eyes met Hiccup's, shocked. "Are you--but--but I can't, he's yours! I mean, I spent a long time trying to take him from you and make him mine, but--" 
"But I'm telling you you can. Right, bud?” He scratched Toothless’s head, and the dragon trumpeted his agreement.
"...Okay." Dagur hesitated for one more moment. Then he stood, grabbed Toothless's harness, and swung into his saddle, fitting his feet into the stirrups. Toothless's tail opened with a snap, and they shot into the air as Dagur grave a joyful, manic whoop. 
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wolfie-dragon-rider · 7 years
My Fanfiction Masterpost
I just got 100 followers That totally didn’t happen three weeks ago already, and I’m totally not at 108 right now because I was too surprised and didn’t have a 100 follower special ready so to celebrate and thank my readers I decided to make this. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately in the aforementioned three weeks and I realized that a lot of you followed me because of my first big story, Black as Night, and its sequel, Blind Spots. I’ve been neglecting Blind Spots for a while, but I decided to get it out of hiatus and finally finish it. But when I looked for it on tumblr I realized that organizing things solely by tag is messy and annoying. 
So I decided to make a masterpost with links to all my fanfics, and to my accounts on fanfiction.net and Archive Of Our Own. I will keep this post updated whenever I post new fics or chapters, and it will be easily accessible from my profile. 
Now, I’m sure many of you skipped all that to get to the important part, so let’s get to it:
Table of Contents:
-My accounts -My Voltron: Legendary Defender fics -My How to train your Dragon short fics -Blindcup Universe (Black as Night and Blind Spots) -------------------------
My accounts:
Fanfiction.net (Wolfie-Dragon) Archive of our Own (Wolfie_Dragon)
For oneshots, the link will be in the title. For longer stories there is a link to each individual chapter below the summary. All stories are finished unless noted otherwise
My Voltron: Legendary Defender fics
The Imitation Game Summary: For as long as she could remember, Matt had been more than just a brother to Pidge. He was also her best friend and companion. She couldn’t imagine a world where he doesn’t exist. So when Pidge loses her brother, she can’t help but try to bring him back the only way she knows how. But she plays a dangerous game, one where the lines between imagination and reality blur.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Lion’s Call Summary: After nearly getting killed during battle, Lance is confined to a healing pod. However, he seems to disagree with the severity of the situation, especially when he senses a cry of pain. And it’s up to Keith to make sure he’s going to heal.
My How to train your Dragon short fics:
Back to the Great Beyond Summary: Hiccup and Astrid always wanted to go back to Dragon’s Edge and have another adventure. But after Hiccup became chief there was never any time, and they never went back into the Great Beyond. Now it’s too late, but a gift from beyond the grave may show Astrid there are more ways to have an adventure than she thought.
Pressure Summary: Hiccup was always sure he was going to be a pilot. It was all he ever wanted. But when an unexpected problem emerges during his first flight, he learns that sometimes even the smallest things can crush the greatest dreams. Modern AU.
The Devil on the Mountaintop (on hold) Summary: Hiccup is part of a small mercenary company. He fights to survive, even though he hates killing. So he's eager when a letter brings them to the village of Berk to root out the monstrous demon on the nearby mountain. The monster jobs are easy, they're always just big animals. He's both right and wrong. This one is a big animal, but that doesn't make it easy. Medieval mercenaries AU.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
When I wrote this story, I had vague ideas on expanding it into a bigger AU. However, the plot bunnies died, and it never really went anywhere. However, if people are interested, I might write an alternative ending for chapter 1 to be more in line with the second chapter, and to have Toothless join the company.
Coloring the World Summary: After a car crash takes his leg, Hiccup starts sinking into depression, and he pushes everybody away. The world looks much grayer when you're forced to walk on a metal leg, after all. But thankfully a certain friend with bright yellow hair is determined to bring the colors back into Hiccup's world. Modern AU.
The Last Dragon Summary: Hiccup and Astrid are happily married, and Berk is at peace. But just when they think things couldn't be better, all the dragons start leaving, and Hiccup falls ill. Astrid starts losing hope when Hiccup says he'll die when the last dragon flies away, but perhaps there is a way to fight the inevitable. Post HTTYD 2, loosely based on O. Henry's short story 'The Last Leaf'.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Paper Tiger Summary: Normally Astrid likes the calm, silence, and order that came with her job at the library. But one day a boy comes in, bringing nothing but chaos. And yet, she can't bring herself to be angry at the green-eyed boy and his black cat who so blatantly disrespected her books. Modern AU.
The Chief’s New Clothes Summary:  It's the first Snoggletog after Stoick's death, and Astrid is looking for a way to cheer Hiccup up. One problem: her mother keeps her busy with tailoring and other household lessons, citing their upcoming marriage. Astrid is not easily stopped when she is on a mission, however, especially when it involves new holiday traditions.
How to Replace a Leg Summary: Hiccup was not the only one to lose a leg in in the battle against the Red Death. Astrid doesn't let a wooden leg slow her down, getting right back to training no matter what, while Hiccup struggles with his own pain. Thankfully, they have each other to lean on when their own legs fail.
Kiss Cam Summary: Fluffy modern AU oneshot. Trying to bring back the spark in her love life, Astrid takes her boyfriend Eret to a soccer match. Their relationship is put to the test when the kiss cam falls on them during halftime. But when things get ugly, a certain mascot comes to the rescue.
Blindcup Universe:
Black as Night (completed) and Blind Spots (ongoing):
Black as Night was my first big story. It is unfortunately not posted on tumblr, but you can find it on fanfiction.net HERE, or on AO3 HERE. 
Summary:  Both Hiccup and Astrid are eager to prove themselves as worthy dragon killers in a war-torn Berk. But their lives change dramatically when Hiccup is blinded in a terrible accident in Dragon Training. And things only get more complicated when Hiccup has to hide a dragon in the forest and Stoick is desperate to punish someone for crippling his son. An alternative retelling of How To Train Your Dragon 1, featuring a blind Hiccup.
Blind Spots is the sequel to Black as Night. It’s a loosely connected series of oneshots showing how Hiccup and Astrid adapt to a life where Hiccup is blind. You could read these as stand-alone fluff or angsty Hiccstrid, but I’d advice you to read Black as Night first.
Chapter 1, Memories Summary: Three months have passed since Hiccup woke up a hero. Physically, he has healed, but he finds that losing one's sight means more than just getting lost or bumping into things. It also means forgetting what the world looked like. But thankfully, Astrid has a great birthday gift for him to cheer him up.
Chapter 2, Stories and Scars Summary:  With the war over, the Vikings of Berk had to find new hobbies to keep themselves busy. The most important of these: Dragon Racing! However, Hiccup is having trouble catching sheep without sight or throwing them in baskets. Meanwhile, Astrid feels bothered by Hiccup's ugly scars, and her mother's advice doesn't seem very helpful.
Chapter 3, Black Rain Summary: This chapter takes place during Black as Night. After the Battle of the Red Death, Astrid takes the wounded Hiccup back to Berk. Stoick is left behind on Dragon Island, and is forced to wonder if Hiccup will be okay. Even more pressing matters concern him, however, as the Vikings need food and shelter, and people are skeptical of the possibility of peace.
Chapter 4, Fighting and Hiding Summary: Hiccup is very happy when gets a nice new tool to help him get around town by himself. However, Astrid can't help but feel hurt when Hiccup gushes about how awesome it is, noticing he never thanked her for helping him. The two butt heads, leading to their first big fight.
Chapter 5: Dark Days, Bright Nights Summary: Not all scars are physical, and not all pain comes from visible wounds. Hiccup has become more anxious and nervous since he lost his sight. After all, when you're blind, you have a lot more to be afraid of. Thankfully, Astrid learns how to care for Hiccup when the demons in his head are too much for him.
Chapter 6, Forgotten Sins, Forgotten Virtues Summary: Astrid's parents see their daughter grow closer and closer to the chief's son. While Kirsten is happy Astrid isn't so cold anymore, Tolfdir is nervous. He remembers the foolishness inherent in young love. They remember their own whirlwind romance, their perfect love shattered by a horrible event. But maybe, with Astrid finding love, they can find a way to heal as well.
Chapter 7, Stuck Summary: Ice sucks. It sucks even more when you can't see it. It's even more horrible if you have a metal foot with little grip. Add an overprotective father on top of that, and you understand Hiccup gets a bit antsy when he hurts his leg. Stuck inside, Hiccup might face his greatest challenge yet: Boredom!
Chapter 8, Losing your Shadow Summary: Snoggletog is a time you spend with the ones you love. And although he's very, very happy he has Astrid, Hiccup's best friend is still Toothless. But when Hiccup gives him a Snoggletog gift, the dragon flies away! Meanwhile, Astrid finds that teaching Hiccup how to fight isn't as easy as she thought it would be. Gift of the Night Fury, featuring Blind Hiccup.
Chapter 9: Regaining Honor Summary: The Flightmare is coming, the Flightmare is coming! When the dragon who kills his brother and stole his family's honor shows up, Tolfdir is determined to slay it. But his drastic plan clashes with Berk's new policy of peacefully approaching dragons, and he is shut down. Astrid, however, isn't so easily deterred by old men saying she can't do something. Especially after training 10 years for this battle.
Chapter 10: Legends Old and New Summary: Hiccup and Astrid have made their relation official, but they still have a private date planned. Before that, however, the Midsummer Feast takes place! A time of festivities, eating, dancing, and honoring the gods. This year, however, Astrid's mother has something extra planned. The storyteller has written a play about Hiccup the Blind and Astrid the Scarred. But are the lovebirds really happy about this?
Chapter 11: Out of Touch Summary: Hiccup and Astrid generally make a good team, but problems are inevitable. Especially when one half of the team can't see and is forced to write using lines in copper, and the other half can barely feel said lines. When Astrid has trouble understanding one of Hiccup's inventions, frustrations explode.
Chapter 12: Echoes of the Past Summary: Even though Hiccup is getting more used to the blindness, fitting in on Berk is hard when everyone is determined to treat you differently when you're handicapped. So when Toothless helps him discover a cool new trick, Hiccup starts spending more and more time away from the village. But an old rival of Toothless is coming for revenge, and Hiccup will need to be ready for him.
Chapter 13: Invisible Friends When an eel pox epidemic sweeps through Berk, it's up to the dragon riders to gather the ingredients for the cure. However, since Astrid is sick, Hiccup is stuck with Snotlout! Can the two boys put their differences aside when their mission gets more and more complicated?
Chapter 14: The Burglar Princess With the return of peace to Berk also comes the return of old allies. The Bog-Burglars were the oldest allies of these, and one Burglar in particular was very close to Hiccup before his life got turned around. At first it appears like they're still the same friends they had been when they were kids, but they both changed more than the other expected.
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years
Hi, there has been something bothering me about the series lately, the thing is in twintuition the twins say that hiccup is a logical thinker and over thinks things. Hiccup himself is all about responsibility when in the movies hiccup is spontaneous and careless always coming up with crazy ideas on the spot he has a witty personality. I feel the over thinking is more of fishlegs or astrids thing. Sorry that came out longer than expected.
No worries, friend! This commentary isn’t too long, but rather a good and succinct description of an interesting facet (or, perhaps, facets) of Hiccup’s personality. 
Hiccup is an individual who does indeed demonstrate many instances of coming up with profound ideas in the moment. He’s always jumping and doing things right in the moment, sometimes carelessly, sometimes brilliantly. So there certainly is a unique sense of Hiccup thinking and acting on the fly. At the same time, I do think that the idea Hiccup is all about logic and careful thought is correct, too. Hiccup is a complicated character, and this multi-facetedness of his character can be seen in how he acts responsibly sometimes, acts impulsively sometimes, acts carelessly sometimes, acts spontaneously sometimes, or acts with a lot of prior thought sometimes. As with many humans, just because he’s one doesn’t mean he can’t be another.
Hiccup and Spontaneity
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Hiccup is undeniably an individual who acts with spontaneity. One of my favorite descriptors for his character is “impulsive.” Hiccup is impulsive in his choices, decisions, and “plans.”
In the first movie, Gobber walks Hiccup back to the house after the dragon raid. The reason Stoick has Gobber walk Hiccup back is to “make sure he gets there.” However, the second after Gobber leaves, Hiccup suddenly charges out the back door and into the woods. It always came off as an impulsive behavior to me - probably because Hiccup stumbles out the door so quickly that he falls on his hands. Even if we don’t consider that choice impulsive, Hiccup’s decision to throw away his cheat sheet was impulsive and gutsy when he was riding Toothless. Hiccup’s choice to have Astrid ride Toothless certainly wasn’t planned - he made this action quickly in the moment. Hiccup’s choice to save Toothless and the tribe by getting his peers to ride on dragons was an idea that came right in the moment. Then, in the second movie, Hiccup flees from Stoick and goes to Itchy Armpit at the heat of the moment rather than attending the planned Dragon Racing event. Hiccup later decides to leave Berk last-minute when Stoick is grounding the dragons, deciding instead to pursue Eret. Much of Hiccup battling Drago on Berk was through heat-of-the-moment decisions, too.
We see this pattern of spontaneous decision-making all the clearer in the DreamWorks Dragons series. Hiccup will make a lot of spontaneous choices in the heat of the moment. Sometimes these impulsive choices lead to reckless and dangerous behavior; for instance, Hiccup deciding to fly to the Isle of Night alone with Toothless, not telling anyone or going with them as planned, results in him being kidnapped by the Outcasts in the episode We Are Family Part 1. Other times, these spontaneous choices are the ways in which Hiccup defeats the enemies last minute, such as by using spoons and other metal to attract the Smothering Smokebreaths and then, through these dragon swarms, scaring away the Berserkers.
It’s to note that, while Hiccup’s impulsive choices aren’t always reckless, they can be. They are often dangerous and might have a low chance of success. Hiccup jumping off a baby Scuttleclaw to save Toothless from falling in HTTYD 2 was certainly reckless. So this is an impulsive and reckless choice. At the same time, some of his choices aren’t impulsive but are still reckless: for instance, Hiccup jumping off a cliff side to test his Dragon Fly invention in The Next Big Sting was a carefully planned event, but still, in my opinion, reckless.
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Anyways. Hiccup’s spontaneous choices can be placed into several categories. First, as I alluded above, there are the brilliant last-minute decisions he makes to save the day, and then there are the reckless decisions he makes. To be fair, we often don’t know whether it will brilliantly work out or if it will fail horribly. But the point is that some of these choices are brilliant maneuvers and others feel dangerously reckless. The other category of division we can make about his actions is that some of Hiccup’s choices are made in dangerous moments and others are not.
Hiccup will make choices emotionally and impulsively in some instances, such as by choosing to suddenly fly off Berk in HTTYD 2 before Stoick grounds all the dragons. This is not a dangerous circumstance right here and now. Another example of Hiccup making an impulsive choice in a non-dangerous circumstance is in the episode When Lightning Strikes. Hiccup chooses to mount the top of a ship to show that lightning is attracted to metal. His life wasn’t in danger at this point (at least until he made that bold decision to hold up metal on the top of a ship). So some choices are made impulsively out of emotion and not necessarily danger.
In contrast, sometimes Hiccup has to make a spur-of-the-moment decision because he has no choice otherwise. If he is in the middle of the battle, Hiccup doesn’t have the luxury of contemplating whether or not his latest battle strategy will work. He has to just go and try it on the fly because he’s in danger. For instance, Hiccup fighting the Skrill in the first half of A View to a Skrill shows him acting on the fly. Hiccup’s decisions in dangerous circumstances are very commonly spontaneous because, by nature of the sudden incident, they can’t be pre-planned. He never would have predicted the exact circumstances of being chased by these dragons!
So, since this was a large chunk of text let me recapitulate: yes, Hiccup is spontaneous. Sometimes his choices are impulsive because of emotional reasons. Sometimes his choices are impulsive and can turn out to be reckless. Sometimes his choices are on-the-fly because he’s in the middle of danger and he doesn’t have the luxury of thinking situations through thoroughly before enacting a plan. But in all these cases, we see that Hiccup is an individual that works with spontaneity.
Hiccup and Careful, Critical Thought
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Near the start of Race to the Edge Season 4 Twintuition, Tuffnut says, “As usual, Hiccup and Fishlegs are overthinking everything.”
At the same time that Hiccup can be an individual who is very impulsive, I still don’t disagree with Tuffnut: Hiccup can be someone who is a careful thinker and close planner. There are times in which he thinks carefully - something that Tuffnut himself (not a planner) would classify as “overthinking.” Here are some instances in which we see Hiccup not acting spontaneously, but as someone with critical thought:
Whenever Hiccup develops an invention, the creation by nature has to be full of careful thought. His inventions do require testing and modification, yes, but they also necessitate careful planning. Hiccup’s crossbow shield contains clever mechanisms that would have needed drafting beforehand. And even in the first How to Train Your Dragon movie, we see that Hiccup draws blueprints of his inventions before he creates them. He draws up a plan for Toothless’ tail, works methodically on the saddle, and creates his own cheat sheet for how the saddle-tail mechanism works. An organized chart like that is logical, careful organization. Beyond that, Hiccup even has a whole room full of invention ideas and sketches - while we do see his corner of the workshop in the final film when Stoick visits him, we learn more about his various inventions and drafts in the deleted scene “Axe to Grind” when Astrid stumbles across his blueprints. Hiccup here, while inventing, is being a very logical and methodical thinker. This is not spontaneity.
Furthermore, there are many times that Hiccup encourages a thought-out course of action before entering danger. While Hiccup doesn’t always have the luxury of planning battle plans beforehand, when he does have the opportunity, he does outline plans for the gang. This has been done many times throughout the franchise, starting with the plan Hiccup implements to fight the Red Death in the first movie. Hiccup carefully plots how to attack Viggo’s base in Family on the Edge over a period of several days before he puts the plan into action (even making a model of the location in the planning process - careful work!). Hiccup meets with Viggo on the island at the start of Maces and Talons Part 1 with an obvious plan. The raid on Auction Island was not without prior thought. The truth is, there are many times in which Hiccup and his companions go into an enemy engagement with a plan already made: something that Hiccup carefully concocted beforehand. Tuffnut’s used to seeing Hiccup create logical game plans.
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Hiccup even yells at Snotlout for going out of line and acting spontaneously at the start of Cast Out Part 1. Snotlout’s spontaneous actions place Astrid in danger, causing her to fall out of the sky and nearly die. Hiccup grounds Snotlout and forbids him from flying because Snotlout’s impulsivity is unpredictable and unreliable. Hiccup is disciplining someone for being too spontaneous! Hiccup wants order here. And then again, when Stoick leaves in Dawn of the Dragon Racers and puts Hiccup in charge, Hiccup doesn’t want the youths to invent a spontaneous new sport. He wants to keep order, follow his dear father’s instructions, and hold to tradition with the annual Regatta. All of this is Hiccup discouraging impulsivity in a leadership position.
It’s to note that even in day-to-day matters, Hiccup likes to have methodical orderliness. He is the one who is upset if the twins are not on guard duty on Dragon’s Edge. He is the one who suggests that they need to create order when they first arrive at their new island home. He is the one who is often the leadership organizing and putting into place all the daily rituals and duties that the youths do on Dragon’s Edge. He is the one who came up with specific flight formations for the youths to follow when they were in the Dragon Academy. He is the one who came up with all the training exercises and strict regiments and trivia games for Riders of Berk and Defenders of Berk. He is the one who leads the youths and expects them to obey his orders on the fly. Hiccup is not always spontaneous and careless. While there definitely are instances where he is spontaneous and careless, there are also just as many instances in which Hiccup is the opposite: careful and methodical.
One of your comments is that Hiccup is all about responsibility seemingly in the television series, but not in the movie trilogy. Because of this, I will leave this section with some demonstration of Hiccup caring about orderliness and responsibility in the movies and material directly created by Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders. Hiccup is consistent throughout the franchise (give or take the aging process - but all people metamorphose naturally as they mature) in terms of his beliefs of responsibility. 
In The Serpent’s Heir, written by Dean DeBlois, Hiccup is chief and is trying to keep his chiefdom in order. He’s focusing on the responsibility of his leadership role. Earlier, in How to Train Your Dragon 2, even though Hiccup is running off spontaneously from Stoick sometimes, he also has with him a carefully formulated plan he systematically upholds. Hiccup’s plan is always to speak to Drago and try to arrange for diplomatic peace talks. The reason Hiccup wants this is not out of an impulsive reason (though it sometimes leads to impulsiveness). The reason Hiccup wants to talk to Drago is exactly because he believes it is responsible. When Stoick complains about Hiccup’s actions, his son balks, “I’m trying to protect our dragons and stop a war! How is that irresponsible?” The truth of the matter is that Hiccup, from the very start of How to Train Your Dragon 2, believes that trying to talk to Drago - his goal throughout the movie - is the responsible thing to do.
So Hiccup can be someone who cares about responsibility. Hiccup can be someone who loves to plan and organize. Hiccup can be someone who approaches a variety of situations with critical and careful thought.
Hiccup is, interestingly enough, both someone who can be spontaneous and impulsive, and someone who can be methodical and careful. These personality traits do not clash, but are complicated facets of his three-dimensional character. As we see in how Hiccup tries to talk to Drago in peace, he can use both spontaneous actions and careful thoughts about responsibility to try to achieve his goals.
Tuffnut and the Context of This Quote
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Now the question is: does Hiccup’s consistent belief in responsibility and methodical approach to situations count as “overthinking”? After all, what Tuffnut says in that quote in Twintuition is that Hiccup is “as usual” overthinking. Overthinking is a little different from just thinking.
There can be times in which Hiccup overthinks throughout the franchise, but what is especially relevant is that Hiccup overthinks in Race to the Edge. Overthinking is part of Hiccup’s specific circumstance in the here and now. He’s doing it more than usual because he is interacting with Viggo - someone who is a crafty manipulator. Hiccup, trying to best Viggo, has had to carefully think through situations himself. This results in Hiccup worrying and overthinking through scenarios with Viggo. At this current time in Hiccup’s life, therefore, he is overthinking and overanalyzing scenarios far more than usual. It’s because he’s trying to do everything within his brainpower to stop his current antagonist.
So when Tuffnut remarks that Hiccup is “as usual” overthinking, I think that makes sense in the context of the situation. Since Hiccup and his friends have settled on Dragon’s Edge, Hiccup has been obsessively thinking about Viggo and trying to outmanipulate the man at his own game. As far as Tuffnut has seen, Hiccup recently has been consistently thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking. It doesn’t matter if twelve year old Hiccup overthought scenarios or not. It doesn’t matter if twenty-four year old Hiccup will overthink scenarios or not. But in the here and now, yes, Hiccup is pondering through scenarios exceedingly carefully. He’s still not successfully outmanipulating Viggo, true, but he is certainly pondering strategy closely.
On top of that, there’s an important thing to consider about Tuffnut’s quote: he’s criticizing both Hiccup and Fishlegs simultaneously. Hiccup and Fishlegs are, as usual, overthinking, according to him. This is a little different than Hiccup by himself overthinking. It’s the joint team that Tuffnut’s not thrilled with currently. And it is true that when Hiccup and Fishlegs are together, they tend to engage in deep, intricate scholarly pursuits. The two bring out the nerd in one another, and as is such, like to think critically together. So when Tuffnut talks about Hiccup overthinking, he’s talking specifically about Hiccup-when-he’s-with-Fishlegs overthinking.
The last thing I believe is relevant to consider contextually is that Tuffnut is not a thinker himself. Tuffnut is someone who is intelligent and capable of good thought, but his preferred lifestyle is one of going with the flow. He doesn’t like to plan ahead. He doesn’t like to adhere to schedules or regimental order. Tuffnut likes to casually mosey through life with no plans beforehand. This does contrast with Hiccup’s personality from the first HTTYD movie through the end of The Serpent’s Heir; Hiccup has always been more methodical and planning-oriented than the carefree Thorstons. So from Tuffnut’s angle as someone who doesn’t prefer to think things through at all, he’s going to categorize Hiccup’s careful analysis of situations (in this case in Twintuition, how to break a chain) as “overthinking.”
There is something to be said about how Fishlegs and Astrid think or overthink through scenarios in comparison to Hiccup, but I also don’t think that what Tuffnut says is erraneous with what we know about Hiccup and the present scenario! Hiccup is a complex character, and given the context of our current scenario, I think it makes sense that Tuffnut would make this criticism of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third.
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