#like hell i’m gonna stay with my father’s side of the family
druid-boy-punk · 4 months
why do i miss a home that is unrecognizable to me now, how did i become a stranger to the place a grew up
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camilyscove · 1 month
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trope : friends to lovers .
genre : angst .
summary : you’re ready to risk your friendship with the pogues, and the freedom of your life if it means being with rafe .
WARNING (S) : some dark content .
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WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO risk it all?
it means to be willing to throw everything away, for one sole purpose. and what exactly was yours?
it always had been. ever since you were five-years old, new to the island and best friends with sarah cameron, his little sister. you looked up to him, and anyone else would’ve said he was a bad influence, but he was different at that time.
he was responsible, super mature for an eight-year old. you liked how he seemed so sophisticated, so eager to speak to the adults.
you soon realized when you were older that, he did it so his father would maybe take in the fact that he was worthy of his attention and time. not just sarah. he was enough, too. he could be grown-up, too. he could. if ward fucking cameron just gave him a chance, he could.
you wished he did.
maybe now, rafe wouldn’t be a psychotic, out-of-control murderer.
you stood frozen in place, shock overwhelming you as you stared at the cold, dead body of sheriff peterkin. you tried to look away, but you couldn’t. her eyes were drained of life, her face pale. her lips were cracked, and you desperately prayed to God that you’d see her chest move in an inhale of a much-needed breath.
she didn’t breathe.
she never would again. she’d never be able to continue living as the good person she was, never be able to spend time with her family, never, never, never.
it hurt.
her uniform was covered in the dark red substance that you tried to convince yourself wasn’t blood.
“get y/n out of here! go!” you heard a voice say. it was faint, and you felt like you weren’t really there. like it was all a dream and you were going to wake up any second now. but you didn’t. instead, someone gripped your arm tightly and dragged you into the truck.
“i got it all under control, baby. okay?”
you looked up, and the ringing in your ears came to an abrupt stop. your dazed, teary eyes cleared, and you stared at rafe.
this wasn’t the man you loved.
was it?
“okay? you understand that?”
when you continued to stay silent, the horrified look on your face bound to haunt rafe for the rest of his life, he slammed his hand against the seat, right next to your head. “you fucking understand?”
you flinched, nodding quickly as you tried to swallow the bile coming up your throat.
“i— i had to protect my dad.” he pointed at himself, his lip quivering. he backed up and sped out of there, flying down the road. “she was gonna shoot him. she— she was gonna—” he cut himself off with a huff.
“i had to take care of business okay?” he kept looking back and forth at you and the road, and you feared that if he didn’t calm down, he would crash the car with both of you in it.
“okay,” you croaked out, your voice a tiny whisper; shaky and uncertain. rafe must’ve detected that, because his breathing got heavier, the engraged look in his eyes intensifying.
“look at me.” when you didn’t answer, he let out a breathy laugh. he was slowly cracking. “y/n, fucking look at me.”
you slowly turned to meet his eyes you once couldn’t imagine not loving. you were afraid. afraid he was going to hurt you, afraid for sheriff peterkin and how her life was just ended in one bullet.
“i had to do it.”
“stop,” you said, shaking you head as you hit your lip, your tears making your vision blurry.
“you know that, y/n! i’m not crazy!”
“shut up! shut the fuck up!” rafe tried to speak, but you kept shaking your head violently. “rafe, shut up! shut the hell up! shut up shut up shut up!” you screamed, chocked sobs racking through your body. you held your head in your hands, shaking like a wet dog.
rafe turned to you, yelling as you screamed at him to drive. he looked back at the road to see he had drifted onto the other side of the pavement, a car about to slam into the truck. he quickly swerved, throwing you into the door. “don’t— don’t fucking do that, y/n. you want me to crash the car?”
“i told you to stop!”
“you trying to kill us?”
“you murdered her, rafe! you shot her, no fucking hesitation!” you sobbed, trying to muffle your whimpers as you cried. rafe shook his head vigorously, slamming on the brakes.
he looked at you, taking in your current state. your hair was disheveled, tears streaming down your face and your hand shaking from where you covered your mouth. he realized that he, rafe cameron, was the reason of your pain and fear. he made it his life goal to keep you safe, protect you from harm, and yet he had just traumatized you. he sighed, throwing his head back.
“baby, c’mon,” he mumbled, reaching his hand out to you. you moved away from him, afraid that maybe what he did to sheriff peterkin, he’d do to you.
“i’m not gonna hurt you, okay? i love you.”
when you didn’t respond, he felt a panic rise up inside of him. you always said ‘i love you, too.’ your silence felt like a knife to the back, like you were refusing to accept the fact that a killer like rafe, loved an innocent witness like you.
“y/n? i said i love you. i love you so—“
“let me out.”
his eyebrows furrowed together. “what?”
“let me out. if you love me so much, let me the hell out of this damn car,” you whispered, your voice wavering. you felt pathetic, ashamed of yourself that even if you didn’t say it back, you still felt it. the love you had for him was unconditional.
“you know i can’t do that, baby.”
“why? because you don’t trust me?”
“i— y/n, you just saw me shoot the fucking sheriff. you stood there and watched. i can’t—“
you shook your head, averting your eyes away from his.
“fine, rafe. just drive the fucking car. “
“you have to tell me you’re not going to tell anyone i did it.”
you quieted, and rafe pinched the bridge of his nose. “did you not hear me? tell— no, promise me you’re going to tell nobody you were there.”
“i promise, rafe.”
for the rest of the ride, it was silent except for rafe’s distracted, incoherent mumbles. when you finally got to Tannyhill, you didn’t know what to do.
not even an hour later, cops showed up at the house. they questioned rafe, rose, and then you.
you glanced over at rafe’s looming figure in the doorway, how he stared at you so intently.
“you were there?”
you nodded slowly, shifting your gaze to the police officer sitting in front of you. “and you saw who did it?”
“who did it, sweetheart?” the other cop spoke up, sitting down next to the other, not taking their eyes off of you.
you didn’t speak for a moment or two, your eyes constantly landing back on rafe.
you knew.
you knew it was rafe who shot peterkin. who mercilessly killed her, no doubts in his mind as he did so.
and yet all you could get out was,
“john b.”
and the worst part wasn’t even the fact that he was your best friend, but that you didn’t know if you were lying because you loved rafe, or if you were afraid of him.
you convinced yourself it was because you loved him.
but in the back of your mind, the one lingering thought would be that you were scared he’d shoot a bullet right through you, just as he had done to the sheriff.
you had doubts.
‘what would have happened if you said it was rafe?’ you’d think to yourself on the regular
would he have still loved you, just as you had still loved him after witnessing him murder someone?
or would his love turn into hatred? would he come for you next?
you’d never know.
because your love for him was too strong to tell the truth.
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charlieeenby · 6 months
let me show you how to kill a man
the bat won't kill, it's a line he won't cross. his birds, however, are a different story
warnings and tags: murder, violence, injury
title from how to kill a man by bloody civilian
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What everyone knows, is that Batman doesn’t kill. He can’t, or won’t, cross that line, and he doesn’t think that killing is the answer.
But he knows that it’s necessary sometimes, and while he’ll never kill, he knows that his children don’t share the same sentiment.
So when it comes down to it, he lets them, and over the years, he’s gotten a little more lax with that rule, trusting his children’s judgement of a situation, and when they need to, he turns his back, doesn’t acknowledge it, and let’s them do what they have to.
But he’s managed to keep it a secret from most, only a select few surviving his the feral sides every one of his children hid from most of the world.
A group of four men stood with their backs facing each other, knives and fists up, ready, for a fight.
But they wouldn’t get one. Batman dropped down from the rafters, but he seemed focused on the kids the men had placed in cages.
Before any of them could react, Nightwing dropped on top of one of them, snapping his neck in one fluid motion. Then he lunged for a second. The other two tried to attack him, but he was able to fend them off, on taking a blow to the face from an escrima stick, the other, a kick to the knee.
Nightwing snapped the neck of the man under him, then stepped to the one who’s knee he’s kicked in. He reached down and snapped his neck. Then he moved over to the fourth man, who swung his knife at him. Nightwing grabbed it, twisting it out of his hand, then stabbed him in the throat, no screams able to escape.
He stood, made sure there was no blood on his suit, then made his way over to Batman and the kids, helping his father get all of them home safe.
Afterwards, Batman asked him if the goons had been handled.
“Of course. Quick and quiet. Hood’s gonna take care of the rest.”
“Good. Let’s go home.”
“Batman doesn’t kill, which means you can’t stop me!”
Gordon growled under his breath, wishing at that moment that Batman did kill, because if someone didn’t kill this weeks psycho, he’d end up leveling the city a few months down the line.
When he looked over to Batman, he was surprised to see that the man had straightened up, hands relaxed at his sides. He had an odd expression on his face, on Gordon couldn’t quite read.
Then he said, very calmly, “You’re right. I don’t kill. I can’t stop you.” Gordon watched him put a hand on his belt for a brief second before dropping it to his side.
The rouge started cackling, ranting and raving about how he was going to be the first to beat Batman, but when he looked down at Batman, and saw the smirk on his face, he stopped.
“Why are you smiling like that?” he yelled, panic clear in his voice.
“I don’t kill, but he does.” Batman said.
“Who -” he was cut off by a gunshot and a bullet piercing his skull. Gordon looked up and found the Red Hood with a rifle.
“He killed almost an entire army, Batman!” Ra’s screamed. “He blew them up because I upset him.”
Batman leveled him with a blank look, but said nothing.
“You don’t kill. Are you going to just let your son kill of thousands of people?”
For a beat, Batman stayed quiet. Then he said. “I don’t let Red Robin do anything. He does what he wants, and you tried to blackmail and kill him. You threatened him, his friends and his family. What he did to keep them safe is not in my control.
“I don’t kill, but if he found it necessary, then I trust his judgement. I’m sure you’ll recover, Ra’s.”
Ra’s stared at him, and Batman turned and guided Red Robin and his team out of Ra’s’ palace.
“Batman, control your hell spawn!” Black Mask screamed, though it was cut off with a gurgle. Robin drove his sword through the crime lord’s throat, and Batman turned away, working through the files on the computer.
Robin came over to his side, blood on his face and sword.
Batman glanced at him, then said, “You have blood on your face. Please clean it off before we talk to the Commissioner.”
“Yes, Father.” Robin did as asked, making sure his face was clear of blood, then followed his father out of the hotel and onto the street where Gordon and his men were waiting.
“Batman. Are we clear to enter?”
“Yes. Black Mask is dead.” Batman said, handing over a flash drive to Gordon. “I have a copy as well.”
Gordon nodded slowly. “Dead?”
“He attacked Robin. Robin defended himself.” Batman said simply. Then he used his grapple gun to launch himself to a roof, Robin following closely behind.
“Okay, then.” Gordon said to himself, not sure how to react to that, especially after he'd seen Red Hood shoot a man after it seemed like Batman had given him the go ahead. 
While Barbra was Batgirl, she was safety and a warm light for the victims they all saved together. She was inspiration for little girls. She was violence, sure, but she was comfort, too.
Tonight, she was all violence. She and Batman had arrived a moment too late, and she was angry. She wanted vengeance and she would have it. Not even Batman would stop her.
No one could stop her when she rose from that little girls body and stepped forward, pulling out the knife her father had given her for her birthday. No one could stop her when she lunged, blade plunging into the killer’s throat, tearing it open. Blood spirted, spraying across her face.
And no one stopped her.
When the man was dead, and she was the killer, she stepped back, and looked to Batman.
He had bundled up the dead girl, wrapped her in his cape and covered her face. And then he had waited for Batgirl to finish. He looked at her for a moment, then nodded once.
“Go back to the cave and clean up. I’ll handle this.” he spoke softly, and there was no anger in his tone.
“Okay,” she said, and that was that.
Cass, Steph, and Jason were thick as thieves, and these days, Bruce rarely sees one without the other, especially on patrol.
So it didn’t come as much of a surprise when Spoiler called in saying that she, Orphan, and Hood needed backup.
Batman responded to the call, Nightwing a minute behind. When he arrived, he could hear fighting in the alleyway, but no gunshots, which worried him. Hood was quick to fire his guns when his siblings were in danger, and of all the times for him to use them.
But the air didn’t echo, it was still, quiet.
Batman dropped into the alleyway in time to watch Spoiler yank a knife from Orphan’s shaking hand, spin on her heel, and plunge the blade into a man’s eye, grinning under her mask as he screamed.
Hood came up behind the man and pulled a batarang across his throat, blood spilling down his chest. Even though he couldn’t see Hood’s face, Batman had the distinct impression that he had a grin that matched Spoiler’s.
Not pausing to hesitate, Batman moved to Orphan’s side, making sure she saw him before pulling her into a firm embrace. It was then that he saw the half dozen other bodies in the alley, all dead.
He looked to Spoiler and Hood.
Spoiler spoke up. “They attacked Orphan. She couldn’t kill them, so we did.” there was no room for argument, not that he had one.
“Thank you.”
Looking down at Orphan, he realized she was still shaking. “Sweetheart, it’s over. You’re safe.” he tried to soothe, though he wasn’t entirely sure what was wrong.
A hand rose and signed, “I thought I’d have to kill them.”
The shaking made sense now. “No, sweetheart, you will never have to kill again. I swear. And even if you did, I would still love you. You’d still be my daughter. Nothing will change that.”
Orphan laid her head on his shoulder. “Thank, you, Dad.”
“Love you, kiddo.”
Batman stood on the rooftop, watching Spoiler go after her father, a flash of purple here and there the only sign of her.
Cluemaster was no match for the girl he claimed to be the father to. He’d only hurt her, sharpened the blade.
But Spoiler was who she was in spite of her father, not because of him.
She became the one to beat him so she could save people. And when Batman had found her, he’d helped her hone the skills she already had, helped her improve. And while he’d done that, he’d given her a home, a family, and most importantly, he’d given her love.
Now she was gutting her father, preventing him from causing anymore suffering.
And when she swung up to the roof Batman was on and saw him, she ran to him, ran into his arms, and clung to him.
“He’s gone, sweetheart. He can’t hurt you or anyone ever again. You’re safe.” he whispered, holding her gently. “I’ve got you.”
While the other’s killing had never surprised Batman, Signal came as a slight surprise. But only slight. He was a bright, warm light, often reminding his family of the sun.
But the sun was fire, and fire burns. So when Signal came face to face with the Joker only a few months after losing his parents, Batman wasn’t sure what to expect.
When Signal caught sight of Joker, he snarled, and tensed up, ready to fight. The Joker had cackled and started taunting Signal.
Red Hood was about to step in when Signal grabbed Hood’s gun and fired every round into the Joker’s head, until his face was obliterated and unidentifiable. Then he’d dropped the gun and fell to his knees.
Batman stepped up next to him and set a hand on the teen’s shoulder. “He’s dead, Signal. It’s over.” he said, voice as gruff as ever.
“I know.”
For a moment, they were all quiet, not sure what to do. Then Batman offered a hand to Signal and helped him up. “You good?” he asked, looking his son over.
Signal didn’t answer right away, but then he said, “I will be… thank you.”
Batman smiled. “Of course.”
Of all the times for his children to start killing people, now was the worst time. He couldn’t just ignore it because the Justice League was here. So Batman was not having a good time.
“Batman,” Flash started, voice shrill. “Nightwing just tore a man’s head off.”
To his left, Orphan snickered, not that anyone would know aside from him, but she did. Batman sighed.
“I saw that, Flash, thank you.” What was he supposed to do?
“Batman, almost all of your… children are actively killing people. Signal and Orphan are the only one’s who aren’t.” Superman said. “Why aren’t you reacting?”
Batman looked at him. He hesitated.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Superman was an inch away, worry clear on his face.
On his right, Signal cleared his throat. “I feel like it’s a good time to point out that one, the people they’re killing are all of the rapists that have ever existed on earth, come back to life, and two, no one else is doing anything about it.”
Batman grinned. Well, the corner of his mouth ticked up, but it may as well have been a grin with the way Superman stared at him.
“Batman?” he asked incredulously.
“Do something!”
Batman tilted his head, grunted, then walked over to the ledge they were all on. “Hey!” he yelled and the fighting stopped, all of his children stopping and staring at him. “Superman wants you to stop killing.”
For a good thirty seconds, no one moved or said anything. Then on the comms, Batman heard Hood snort.
“B, will you please tell Superman to, respectfully, get fucked?” Nightwing said in a sickeningly sweet voice.
Batman grunted, then turned to the League. “Superman, Nightwing told me to tell you to get fucked. Respectfully.” he said, deadpan. Then he walked back to where he was standing.
It had been twenty years since the Wayne’s brutal murder in that alley way, ten since Batman had started, and one since Dick had joined the family. Today, someone was breaking into the manor.
Alfred sighed as he loaded his shot gun. This would be messy to clean up, but he never missed and he didn’t share the same sentiment as his son.
So he after he finished loading it, he stepped into the hallway, moving silently towards the living room. Must be idiot intruders, thinking there’d be anything to take there.
When he stood in the doorway of the room, he raised his riffle, counted the men – there were three – then spoke.
They all spun around staring wide eyed at the shot gun.
Alfred grinned. “Goodbye.” he fired three shots in quick succession, all three of them dead. Footsteps pounded down the stairs and Bruce flew around the corner, panic on his face.
“Nothing to fret over, Master Bruce.” Alfred said calmly. “I’ve handled it. The mess will be cleaned up before breakfast. Now go back to bed, dear boy.”
Bruce gave him an odd look, eyeing the shot gun, then nodded and went back to bed.
In the morning, when Bruce looked into the living room, it was spotless, nothing out of place. No one said anything about it. 
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flowershines · 8 months
Never leaving you
Sim Jake x F! Reader
Summary: Character and reader have been in a secret relationship but as things have gotten more serious they find more and more that their family would do anything to keep the character and reader away from each other. (Rival families: Forbidden love)
Warnings: Smut, cockwarming, family rivals, talking bad about Y/n, humping, teasing, gagging, eating Y/n out, (lmk if I missed any)
Not proof read
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“Can’t you just trust me?”
“You and I both knew that when we started dating, things weren’t going to work out.” The anger in his face started to build up, “What the hell are you talking about, Y/n?” he said walking closer to you. “My family doesn’t like Sim’s and your family doesn’t like L/n’s.” Reaching the edge of the bed you took a seat, “So, it shouldn’t matter.” he exclaimed rather loudly “Why are you yelling at me, I was just saying.” His fingers ran through his hair, “Because your pissing me off, Y/n.” you got up from the edge of his bed and headed towards the door of his bedroom. “Where are you going?” He huffed “Once you chill then we can talk about this again.” he walked over to you and grabbed your wrist tightly as he pulled you back to the bed, “No, we are talking about this now.” you rolled your eyes. “What’s the point if your just going to yell at me?”
Just then the sound of his front door opening surprised you both, he turned to you and put his hand over your mouth as he pointed to his bed then down. You understood what he meant, following his instructions you kneeled on the floor then looked up at him as he quietly walked over to the other side of his bed, getting on your stomach you scooted more further under his bed. “Jake, honey, you in there?” Your breathing started to shake from the nervousness of being caught, “Yeah, come in.” as the door opened you held your breath not wanting anyone to hear your anxious breathing. “I just came to get the computer, sweetie.” The sound of the footsteps traveled from one end to the other, “Mom, I have a question.” You thought to yourself that he better not be saying something stupid, “Yes?” “Why do you guys hate the L/n’s?” a sign was heard as the footsteps stopped at the side of his bed. “Jake you and I both know how much pain they put our family in, they are terrible people.”
“But that was years ago.” Nothing was heard for a couple of seconds till his mom broke the silence, “It’s not just that honey, if you want to know more you would have to ask your father. Plus I heard that their kid loves hoeing around with everyone, doesn’t set a good example, and she doesn’t even focus on her studies. Now come on who would want a kid like that.” Those words shattered your heart of course none of them were true but still the fact that, that was how she saw you made you feel useless. “Don’t say that about her, I met her she’s really pretty, nice and really really smart.” Foot steps were seen walking to his door “Jake you know your lying, don’t stick up for her. She’s a nobody.” the door was shut behind her, you didn’t even bother to immediately scoot out from under the bed. You just wanted to stay there hoping his would all go away, “Y/n?” a whisper was heard from next to you. Your mouth felt dry, your hands were freezing, tears fell down your face, you were a mess.
“I’m just gonna go.” You scooted out from underneath his bed and quickly tried to book it out of his room but a hand was placed around your waist which prevented you from moving forward, “Please can we just talk about this now, they are just stopping by; they’re leaving soon.” you signed but nodded towards him. He brought you back to his bed and had you lay down next to him, a knock was heard from his door making you immediately look around and scoot out of his bed.“I’m changing, what do you need?” From the other side of the door you heard his mother’s voice one more “We are going over your aunts house for a bit, there is money for dinner on the counter. Call us if you need anything.” he responded softly “Okay, love you.” she said she loves him too then her footsteps faded away from his door, as the sound of the front door opened then shut.
“See i’m not even wanted here, you heard the way she was talking about me so what’s the point.” He reached for your hand while he laid on the bed, you reached out your hand and put it on his. He tightened his grip and pulled towards him making you crawl to him on the bed, he opened up his arms and pulled you into a hug as you cuddled laying on him. Feeling him comfort you this way made you start to sob in his arms, his fingers ran through your hair while his other hand was drawing circles on your back. “I love you to much to lose you, Y/n. So don’t even mention anything about us breaking up because i’m never leaving you.” His chin was resting on the top your head, you could hear his heartbeat pound louder and louder with each breath he took.
You backed up and looked at him in the eyes staring into them for a second then pulling him into a kiss, his lips were always so soft and warm. You could just stay like this with him forever or at least till both of your parents found out, just as you were about to pull away from his lips his hand that was playing with your hair snaked down to the back of your neck which pulled you in closer. “Never leave me, please.” He mumbled softly against your lips, you opened your lips slightly and he took the opportunity before him as he stuck his tongue in slightly but not to far in. You loved the way how he knew the things that will rile you up the most, his hands would not leave your body; they would go up and down on your sides and pull you further into the kiss.
He just couldn’t take his hands off you, “So fucking perfect.” yo i backed away from the kiss and got on top of his lap bringing your face into the crook of his neck, hugging him tightly. “You’re so gorgeous, you know that?” You mumbled into his neck “Your parents don’t think so.” he huffed slightly and brought his hand to your hair as he slightly pulled it back bringing your face out from his neck till he can see your face, “It doesn’t matter what they think, I love you and that is all that matters.” the hand on your hair loosened as both of his hands fell to your hips. His hands pushed you more down onto his lap and made your hips move in a back and forth motion, you hummed quietly in his ear. “I can show you just how much I love you.” You nodded on his shoulder as you agreed to the comment he said, the more he moved your hips the more vocal he became.
He started of saying nothing but only breathing moans and shaky breaths left his lips and now an occasional swear would fall from his lips as he started to quietly grunt, moan, and constantly breathe heavily. “Want you inside me, but i just want to relax in your arms.” He looked at you confused you understood why he was confused so you put it into different terms, “I want you to be inside me as we lay here.” he opened his mouth as he nodded. He understood what you meant now, he gave you his approval then you sat up and lifted yourself off of his lap so now you were just hovering over him. You unbuckled his belt and slowly unzipped his zipper causing him to whine from your teasing, he lifted his hips as well as they met yours again which gave you easier access to pull his pants to his knees.
His boxers were tight on him as it gave you the best sight to see, his cock was straining against they begging to come out as your eyes trailed from the base of his cock to the the tip through the fabric you could see a wet spot. Your fingers ran to the spot making him shutter from the touch, as you ran your fingers through it stuck to them. You brought your thumb up to your pointer finger and rubbed them against each other in a circle motion, slowly pulling them apart from one another his precum stuck to both of your fingers creating a line that connected them both.
Your boyfriend could not resist anymore he just really needed to be inside you, he did almost everything to try and take your attention away from teasing him but nothing worked no matter how much he squirmed or how many times his cock would twitch in his boxers, nothing. You brought your fingers to his waist band and pulled them down slowly as it made his cock bounce back up to hit his abdomen, you brought your face down to his cock and licked a strip along from the bottom of the base to the tip. This man was going crazy underneath you as he was now aching to be touched, even the smallest thing set him off as he would squirm beneath you. You put the tip of his cock in your mouth and slid all the way down so that way your spit would act as lube, making it easier for you both.
The further you went down the more you would gag on him, but it was for the better each time you gagged because more spit would form in your mouth as it ran along the side of his cock. “Fuck.” He said dragging out the last two letters, you got up from you position and hovered over his cock making sure that it was perfect aligned to slip into you. He rutted up his hips till the almost hit you but you pushed them back down and slowly lowered yourself into him while moans fell from his lips, you laid back down into your pervious position; laying you head back on his shoulder.
His hips slowly started to runt up into you with each chance he got which cause you to pull away from his neck, “What are you doing? Thought you weren’t supposed to move?” he hugged your body pulling you closer “Can’t help it Y/n, you feel so warm and soft. Just wanna fuck you so bad.” you snuggled back into the crook of his neck “A little bit longer.” he huffed as his movements stopped. Whines fell from his lips every time you clenched around him, sometimes it was on purpose and the others his cock would twitch inside you which would cause you to clench on him. At this point he didn’t even care about anything else he just needed to find pleasure for himself, “Please Y/n, it’s killing me.” he whined. “You’re so dramatic.”
You mumbled against him, “How much longer?” you lifted your head up to his ear and whispers “Fine, go.” he immediately lifted up your hips with his hips and held you in place as he fucked up into you. His thrusts weren’t slow they were fast but filled with love, you loved to tease him it was your favorite thing to do to him. Of course he has a hard time accepting that but he goes along with it because if your happy he’s happy, his arms were wrapped around you giving you a bear hug as his hips were slamming into you. “I love you so much.” He whispered in your ear as you then lifted up your head giving him a kiss on the lips, his face showed just how flustered he was.
His cheeks turned a light pink that ran from one side of his face to the other, his fingers started to turn white from how hard he was hugging you, his thrusts became more shaky you could tell his legs were giving out. You tried to sit up and struggled a bit from how hard he was hugging up but you did manage to break free from his grip, you tapped on his knees and pushed down his hips. His moans sounded like heaven, a melody that ran through one ear and out the other, his lips were glossy from the spit of him constantly putting his bottom lip in between his teeth.
You placed your legs in a more comfortable position and proceeded to go up and down on his cock while his hands rested on your hips making you slam down onto him harder than before, he always loved it when you rode him because he would see such a beautiful sight; your tits bouncing in front of his face. He wanted to suck on them but to be able to suck on them he would have to sit up while his hands could not leave your sides, “Fuck, Fuck.” he chanted multiple times. “Oh my fucking god Jake, feel so good.” You say sitting on his lap grinding back and forth on him, looking down at him you see his head was thrown back into the pillow, his mouth was open, his brows were knitted together, and his eyes rolled back the more you moved. He was in the most ultimate pleasure.
His cock twitched more with every bounce or grind you did on him, his hands squeezed your hips while he tried to meet your strokes by thrusting up. “I’m gonna c-” His words were cut off as his orgasm already reached him, he pushed up further into you as he came down from his high. Pulling out he saw his cum dripping from your pussy and he swore he could cum again just from the sight, “You didn’t cum?” he asked sounding disappointed in himself. “It’s not a big deal I can just-” “No, no, no Y/n. You made me cum and I didn’t make you cum. Please sit on my face.” He never asked you to do this before and you started to overthink and decline his request. “Jake seriously i’m okay, I don’t need to cum.”
He sighed as you got off from his lap and laid down next to him only for him to trail kisses down from your stomach to your entrance, “But just imagine, you tugging on my hair as my tongue slides in deeper into you. grunts Fuck. I would still be able to taste my cum in you.” His hips started to grind on the bed just front the idea, “Fine, but be fast.” “But I want you to enjoy it.” you stared into his eyes “I will as long as I get to cum, the faster the better and more time for us to hang out before your parents come back.” He nodded as he started to kiss your inner thighs while his fingers started to slip into your entrance one by one, he started to grind on the bed to the pace his fingers were going. He brought his lips to your clit giving it a kiss before he strayed to suck on it while looking up at you, his fingers were quickly moving in you. His tongue trailed from your clit to your entrance as he took his fingers out and moved them to one your clit as he started to create a circle motion.
This man was literally a god, he knew exactly what to do with your body and ways to make you cum very easily. You felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm each time his tongue would curl inside you, your hand snaked down to his hair as he continued to stare up at you. You played with his hair and tugged on it as he did multiple tricks with his tongue, he would moan into your pussy from the stimulation of him humping the bed. Feeling or orgasm come closer and closer the grip on his hair became tighter and tighter, his tongue started to move way faster than it did before as well as his fingers focusing on your clit.
“Jake-e fuck, i’m gon-” Your sentence was cut of as your orgasm hit you while he still continued his motions helping you through it, letting go of his hair he sat up and brought his fingers to his mouth “You taste so fucking good, next time I want you to sit on my face. Fucking suffocate me with your pussy, I love eating you out so much.” you looked down and said “Clearly.” his eyes followed yours which lead to his squirts of cum on the bed where he had been humping it prior. “I couldn’t help it.” He said crawling back up next to you on the bed as he laid on your stomach, he mumbled on your stomach. “I love you don’t ever forget that, and it doesn’t matter if our family doesn’t like each other. I’ll be with you through everything.”
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thebluemoonjune · 4 months
New Beginnings (Richonne One-shot)
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A pregnant Michonne is ready to welcome the new year with her family, Rick, Carl and Judith. She is thankful to where they have reached and hopeful for better days ahead. A New Year's Richonne oneshot. No saviour arc, no Negan.
A joyful new year always began with the sharing of meals and desserts that spoke to people's spirits. Additionally, we shared them with family and friends, demonstrating that our blessings were also theirs.
They called for a home to belong to a community, comfort, food, and safe water. They both required a secure haven for their well-being and for their existence to have meaning: a utopia rather than hell on earth. They owed it to each other and their precious children to fight back against an entity that could devastate everything, that turned friend against friend and separated them in innumerable ways. They were a family and a team that were prepared for the future and now that they had it, they'd protect it. A new year.
A new life does not begin with a gift wrapped in colourful bows and the promise of security, but rather as a path through the unknown with a degree of fog and frost. As a result, it requires a determined heart to seize it, daring feet to traverse it, and a brave sight to remain alert to its curves along with its peaks and valleys. If there were any other way, people would not live such lacking lives from birth to death. To achieve more, one must accept the feeling of danger and risk as one strives for the far distance. The world at large had been devastated and transformed. It had fewer people in it. So many people perished, yet it didn't stop life from going on. As she watched Judith play with Gracey, Michonne stroked her full-term stomach. One day at a time—that's how they took it.
“Did you get the black eye bean?”
“Yep. Now you ain’t gotta rip my head off for it.”
“I’m not that bad!” Michonne watched her husband tilt his head to the side, eyebrows raised to the sky. “Okay, maybe a little, but just a little… My mom used to cook on New Year's for good luck… I want us to start our new year right.”
“Carl always hated beans—beans of any kind.”
“Well, he eating it today. Judith too. No one and I mean no one, is getting off.”
“Yes, ma'am!” He chuckled at her. “You know, you never talked about your mom much, or both your folks for that matter.”
“I never realised…”
“Is it painful?” The couple stared at each other till Michonne broke the silence.
"No, not anymore… My mother was upbeat, opinionated, and the ultimate decider of everyone's life journey... Like any good army drill sergeant, she planned what to do, the schooling, and the fun that followed. Did I ever mention that I was homeschooled?"
“I was… till I was eleven years old.”
"I could see that. She was a drill sergeant?"
"No, but she acted like one." Michonne laughed, stoking her stomach, before cracking a weary smile. "She was actually a writer; children's books... Strange, huh?"
"Nah... makes perfect sense..." His eyes softened. "She made you."
“I can’t tell if that’s a compliment, Rick…”
“It’s a compliment.” He couldn't take his sight off her.
"I hear you… My father did nothing but work: work at his job, work on the house and work on getting enough sleep so he didn't fall asleep on the way to his firm. He inspired me to become a lawyer. He would sometimes grin or laugh, and when he did, the world brightened for those brief minutes. Then he'd fall back into his whirlpool of worry."
“He sounded a lot like my old man.”
“He probably was… They were good parents—not perfect but good enough. That’s all they can hope—that we can hope.”
“We’re doin' fine and we’re gonna do a whole lot better.”
“Alright, whatever you say, old man. Don’t you have to help, Daryl? Don’t keep him waiting.”
“I can cancel, stay with you… Ain’t no big deal.” Pulling her closer, he planted a longing kiss on her lips, causing her to giggle when he finally broke away.
“No, you go. I just have the peas left. By that time, you should be all done and you can fetch Carl from Edith and Judy from terrorising Hershel and Gracey.”
“Soon she’ll have someone else to nag… You sure you’re right? You been out of it since yesterday.”
“I’m fine, Rick you worry too much… They’ll be here soon, any day now. It’s normal.”
“I never thought this would happen again, for us.”
“We deserve it, Rick... A new beginning, as you said… Now go.” Rick planted a kiss on her forehead, then her belly, before she turned from him to continue the preparation of their celebration meal.
“If anything happens, send for me. I’ll come to you as soon as possible, Okay?”
“Go! I send for you.”
Regardless of his wife's words, he couldn’t help but stall and linger at the kitchen exit. She was late in her pregnancy and he wanted to treasure every second till the baby arrived. He was thirsting to be by her side. They never expected to ever have this. He never thought she’d allow herself the chance after all that had happened in the past. However, she gave him one and gave their family one as well. After being hit with a side eye, he managed to make his way to Daryl. When they completed their duty at hand, he fetched Carl and Judith to go home.
The family of four placed themselves in their seats for lunch after Michonne snatched Carl to help her set the dining table. Rick took Judith into his lap, knowing that he’d have to feed her since she was even more picky than Carl.
“Since we're here, I think we should say what we’re thankful for… and our hope for the future.” Michonne’s eyes never left her boys for one second. “ Carl?”
“I just want things to be the same as always and I’m thankful we’re all here.”
“Me too, Son.” Grinning at Carl’s answer, Rick leaned over to rub his head.
“Did you say ‘me too’ to not come up with something different, Grimes?”
"Maybe, but I mean it. You know that.”
“Well, I know that… I’m thankful that I found you. I’m thankful for getting me out that day, even if you were an asshole afterwards.”
“In my defence, I didn’t know you well yet, and I still kept you around when I sent the others away. That’s gotta count for somethin', right? After all, we were the same.”
“You didn’t know or trust me, but that didn’t stop you from checking me out, did it?” 
“You noticed that?”
“Judith and I are still here, you know?” They both crackled at their son’s embarrassed distaste for the current topic but kept going.
“You not kicking me out is part of the reason I put up with your behaviour.” Rick sighed at her pettiness. “Us being the same and me longing to stay with you guys is another part as well, though I didn’t realise that last part just yet... Carl?”
“You and Judybug saved me. You don’t know how much you two did. Thank you for making me one of you and thank you for being my best friend and not letting me chicken out… You gave me a second chance, all three of you and I love you so much for it… What I want is all of you safe and sound and happy, and by my side. The baby included, of course. Thank you for giving me back my family.”
Her eyes welled up with tears of unfathomable affection. The happiness dripped from her eyes and they were soon all overcome with shared emotion. It was such a warm, heart-gripping moment, only disrupted by Michonne's booming grunt of pain. At that moment, she came to face the fact that she’d been having contractions all day. Part of her was in denial, only being focused on celebrating New Year's the right way with her family. She stood up, grabbing the tablecloth, and Rick understood immediately. He knew she was acting weird.
"Carl, go grab Siddiq!”
“It’s happening now?”
“Yeah! Go!”
Childbirth has always been risky. It makes little difference that it is natural. It is also quite natural for a mother or baby to die. That is why they had made so much progress in medicine for safe childbirth. Michonne and the infant were in far more danger now that the world had changed. Rick became aware of a massive natural birth occurring at his feet. It had struck him, just now. Panicked and fearful, he still stayed by her side. It was his job as a father and a husband. No matter how hard it was on him mentally, she was having it a thousand times worse. She was the one in pain; she was the one in danger. He sat behind her and supported her back with every push, encouraging her whenever she began to falter.
“Rick!” She cried out in search of unconscious comfort for her partner-in-crime.
“I’m here, darlin'; I’m right here! You’re doing great!”
“Why did I think this would be easier the second time around?”
“Because you’re amazing; that’s why! You’re doin’ great!”
They traverse till the drawing of beautiful angel breath, serenaded by freedom. A sign of their baby's existence.
A happy new year was partly about starting again and partly about being grateful for all the blessings that had been granted the previous year. It was a warm welcome to new fortunes and the courage to confront problems gracefully and compassionately. Rick stared at his family as their attention fell to the newest member; his son from his departed first wife and his adopted daughter. They had fought so hard and lost so much to ensure they made it. reminding him of the bad, his mind ran to his dear, long gone friend Hershel, and his words to him,
 'Things break, but they can still grow. These little bristles, they'll take root,'.  
His wife was spent but she still held a peaceful smile on her face, gawking at their son swaddled in her arms, the first biological child between the two of them. Judith slipped her finger into his outstretched palm and watched as the tiny body curled around it. His gentle breath touched the back of her hand. Her playful day already slipping away as she observed her new brother.
Rick was going to speak again when Carl spoke first.
“We can’t use fireworks to celebrate but we do have the sparklers! It’ll be nice just to have something, right, Judy?”
“Alright, you two go now. I’ll keep Michonne and the baby company.”
Carl took Judith after she planted a kiss on her new baby brother and off they went. Michonne, feeling her husband’s eyes on her, allows their gazes to meet. They both knew this was what they struggled and fought so hard for. It wouldn’t be easy but year after year, he would make sure his children—all three of them—lived the best life, a full life. Michonne stretched out her hand.
“Rick…” Her words were weary and had a dream-like quality to them, as she seemed to crave the solace of rest, the enticement of the nice bed beckoned to her tired body.
“Darlin, what's wrong? Uncomfortable? Tell me, I’ll get it…” She shook her head, confusing him.
“His name; I have it.”
“Yeah?” His tone was gentle as he lowered his body next to her and she placed their newborn in his arms. “What is it?"
“RJ. Richard Daniel Grimes Junior... Do you like it?”
“I grateful…” Rick's eyes grew damp. He didn’t expect her to name their little boy after him. “You sure?”
“I’m sure… He’ll be as smart, sweet and determined just like his namesake… Just like his dad.”
“Thank you.” Bending over, as he kissed her forehead and whispered into her ear.
“No, thank you.” 
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naavispider · 1 year
Oh No
The prompt was Quaritch showing up to the Sullys' front door, hell bent on reclaiming Spider and uncaring about the consequences. Here's the drabble! 1.6k, swearing, Lyle features!
Oh, shit. 
“Jake!” Spider yelled, his voice conveying the level of absolute terror that the sound of the tyres on the drive sent into his very being. “He’s here!” 
He’s found me. 
“Get away from the window!” Jake came barrelling into the living room, shoving Spider away from the curtain where he’d been watching. His face was panicked.
“Kids!” Jake yelled, calling up the stairs. “Stay in your rooms! Lock the doors!”
Lo’ak, Kiri and Neteyam didn’t have time to reply before the intimidating figure of Miles Quaritch was bolting from the door of the car and charging up the driveway. 
Terror flooded Spider’s insides. 
The door shook with the force of the hits. Jake pulled Spider by the shoulder into the hallway. 
“Open up! You’ve got one chance! I'm here for Miles!”
Spider’s heart was pounding so hard he thought his ribs were going to crack. Quaritch was here. 
And he wasn’t leaving. 
Jake pushed Spider roughly behind him, up a couple of the stairs. What would happen if Miles broke in? Would he be content with taking Spider? Or would he silence the rest of the family? Spider thanked his stars that Neytiri and Tuk were out at least - but the rest, would they be allowed to escape unscathed?
“Get off my property!” Jake shouted through the locked front door. “The cops are already on their way!”
“I’m coming for you Miles! Come out so no one gets hurt!” 
“Jake…” Spider urged, voice low. 
“It’s okay, he’s not gonna take you.”
The door shuddered as Quaritch began shouldering it in. 
“How long till the cops get here?” Spider's voice was shaky, matching the trembling hands he was using to grip Jake’s arm with. 
“Not long,” Jake's voice was firm, reassurance only thinly veiling the fear he clearly felt. “Don’t worry, he’s not taking you.”
The door shuddered again. 
“Come out, Miles.”
The door splintered, small at first. Spider watched with wide eyes from behind Jake as Quaritch shouldered the door again, forcing the splinter to split the wood further. “Jake…” Spider’s voice rose. 
“He’s not getting you.”
Spider looked up at his foster dad, his body tense and defensive, gaze locked on the door, which surely didn’t have long left. 
“Dad!” Kiri called down the stairs, terrified at the sounds. 
“Kiri! Lock yourselves in! Don’t come out!” 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
One more forceful shoulder was all it took to break the door completely, and to Spider’s horror, Quaritch’s hand appeared through the gap in the wood and fumbled around for the lock. 
“Stay out! I’m armed!” Jake lied. 
“Oh yeah?” Quaritch replied, finding the lock and twisting. “So am I.”
The door swung open and the full height of Miles Quaritch was revealed, holding in both hands a loaded, grey pistol, pointing straight at Jake.
“No!” Spider yelled, pushing Jake to the side to better see his father.
Quaritch’s face lit up when he saw him. “Miles!” he grinned, eyes wide and looking like a textbook maniac. “It’s been a while! You’re looking good!”
“Please leave,” Spider tried to get his voice to sound assertive, but he knew it couldn’t have been working.
“Course I’m gonna leave! I’ve got no plans to stick around here!” He cast his eyes briefly around the entrance to the house. “But I’m not leaving without you. Get in the car.”
Spider shook his head, while Jake shoved him back behind him. “You’re not. Taking him. The cops will be here any minute-”
“I’m bored of this,” Quaritch cut him off. He turned his attention back to Spider. “Come with me, or I’ll shoot this man.”
Cold, cold terror flooded Spider’s gut, rising up his throat and into his mouth. He stared at Quaritch, then looked at Jake, knowing he didn’t have a choice. 
“I don’t want to, but I will,” Quaritch sighed, staring only at Spider as he trained his gun towards Jake’s chest. 
“Stop! Okay, I’ll come with you!” Spider tried to push Jake aside, but the man wasn’t letting him go. 
“No,” growled Jake. 
Bang! Before Spider realised, Quaritch let off a warning shot, pointing straight up into the ceiling of the house. Dust trickled down from the hole left behind in the ceiling. Quaritch retrained his aim on Jake. 
“Hurry up, kid.”
This time, when Spider shoved past Jake, Jake didn’t try and stop him. Spider knew he was thinking the same thing as him. It was Neteyam’s room right above where they were. Had the bullet hit any of the others?
Spider deliberately didn’t look at Jake as he crossed the space between him and Quaritch; his legs felt like they were moving of their own accord. He scrambled out from behind Jake, then cautiously closed the gap. His breaths came in pants as his ex military father stared him down eagerly. 
He didn’t get a chance to say anything before Quaritch grabbed him by the arm, spinning him around to face the door and keeping his gun pressed into Spider’s back. 
Spider gasped at the sudden threat to his life and it was all he could do to keep up as Quaritch marched them out of the door and up to the car. Another man was waiting for them, bald and dressed in all black combat attire, holding a pair of snapcuffs. 
“No!” Spider shouted, struggling against Quaritch’s bruising grip, but with the other man yanking his hands behind his back and securing them in the cuffs, Spider could do nothing to fight. “Wait!” Spider yelled helplessly as Quaritch shoved Spider into the back of the car, the two men racing around to the front and climbing in without wasting a moment. 
Spider landed half on the seats and half on the floor, unable to brace himself with his hands, and scrambled to get up. 
He was in the car. 
This was really happening. 
“Let me out!” He demanded furiously, as the second man only let out an amused huff and his father spoke condescending words from the passenger seat. 
“I’ve got you now, Miles. I’ve waited so long to have you back. You’ve got no idea!”
They were off, speeding away down the street before Spider could even fully accept what was happening. 
“Please!” He shouted. His hands being tied behind his back made it impossible for him to try and attack either man sat in front, so he grabbed the door handle instead and pulled. 
He knew it would be locked, but the dread of the confirmation still froze him all over. Undeterred, he wiggled into a better position and pulled again, this time using his legs to kick the door out as well. 
“Quit that! You know, I’m surprised at you Miles. I thought you’d be smarter.”
Anger bubbled in Spider’s stomach as he snarled in frustration, taking it all out on the car door. “Fuck you!” He shouted. “And my name is Spider!” 
Spider could see Quaritch turn to his mate in the driver’s seat, who still hadn’t spoken a word, and exchange smirks. 
“And a mouth on you too! I’m glad you’ve got spunk! Yeah, you’re my boy alright.”
It was so… evil, so unhinged. Spider couldn’t contain his fury. “I am not your boy!” He snarled, lacing the words with as much hatred as he could muster. 
“It’s okay, Miles. I know this is a stressful situation for you. But you’ll see soon enough.”
Spider threw his head back against the seat, trying to repress a scream of frustration. He did the only thing that felt right. “You’re a piece of shit! Good for nothing, son of a bitch! Let me out, now!”
When he got no response, he doubled down. “Bastards!” He shouted, trying instead to kick the window out. Thank God he was wearing his boots. He lay down on the seat and used his heel to hit the window as hard as he could, over and over again, cussing his mouth out the whole time. 
“Damn, kid!” Quaritch said, laughing. “You’ll break your foot before you break that glass!”
Everything the man said triggered Spider. His next kick was only partly an attempt to escape, and more so an effort to spite the man calling himself his father. He rammed his foot as hard as he could into the ungiving glass, uncaring about the consequences and fuelled by adrenaline, and cried out as what Quaritch said would happen came true. 
Pain tore through his ankle as his foot gave way, feeling like something had shattered. 
“Fuck!” he screamed, unable even to clutch his throbbing ankle. He lay on the seat, keeping his injured foot raised against the window, panting against the pain. 
When he came to his senses, he resumed his verbal tirade. “I hate you! You’re a sick ballsack who needs therapy! Open the fucking door!”
“You’re not gonna quit, are you?” Quaritch half turned from the passenger seat to face him. Spider sized up the distance between them, wondering if he could manage to spit at him from here. 
“Like fuck, I am!” he yelled. 
He didn’t see the look Quaritch threw the bald driver, or the man’s nod in response. All he saw was Quaritch reach into the glovebox and pull something out, fiddling with it in his lap before suddenly lunging back towards Spider and covering his mouth with a thick wad of material that stank of chemicals. He panicked, trying to wriggle away, but his hands were trapped underneath him, and Quaritch was strong. At first he thought his father was trying to suffocate him, but after only one breath he realised he’d misjudged it. His eyes started to close without his permission while his head suddenly swam at the stench. He could do nothing more as the world around him turned black.
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jieunoclock · 3 months
Love Your Feeling (JJK) || Drabble two
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- Joons Place ₊˚⊹♡
“Yoongi, what the hell is taking you so long?” He asks me. “Sorry something came up, I’ll be there in 10,” I tell him as he hangs up on me.
Pair: jjk x femOC, college students, best friends
Word count: 801
Warning: this chapter includes substance use⚠️
masterlist || drabbles chapter || taglist
!Friends to Lovers, Protective Brother, Secret Dating, Friends with Benefits, Angst, Mature content, Dysfunctional Family, Fluff, Smut, Mentions of Alcoholism and Abuse
Yoongi pov.
I drop my head, I shouldn’t have said any of that. She walks past the window, hands holding the front opening of her hoodie, arms crossed over her stomach.
This wasn’t what I had planned on how things would’ve gone, I didn’t plan anything really but this wouldn’t have been it.
Even though it’s my comfort food that’s in front of me, I’ve seem to lost my appetite. I try to eat at least a little since it’s too much of a waste to throw it away, but I feel like I’m inches away from throwing up.
I grab my phone out of my back pocket to see an incoming call from Seokjin, right...
“Yoongi, what the hell is taking you so long?” He asks me.
I was supposed to get weed from home, I didn’t know they wanted to smoke today so initially I didn’t bring it. Seemed like the wrong choice cause they’d apparently been waiting for a smoke with the boys.
“Sorry something came up, I’ll be there in 10,” I get his approval and he hangs up after yelling something out to Namjoon.
I take the two carton bowls off the table, dumping them in the garbage bin behind me. Taking the two drinks that are left in my hands, and bringing them home with me.
I don’t bother to stay quiet for Mom who is on the couch, the loud slam of the door wakes her up from her slumber.
She calls out for me when she sees me, giving her an annoyed “What,” in return as I place Nayun’s drink in the refrigerator.
I turn around to face the side of the couch, I can see her rubbing her eyes looking around registering her surroundings. “Where’s your father?”
“Mom,” I walk closer to her, setting a few beer bottles that are surrounding the couch upright. “Go back to sleep okay?”
The blanket that has once been gifted by Dad is crumpled up behind her legs, I hang it out between my hands before tucking her in with it.
She doesn’t bother asking anything else, doesn’t wonder where I came from or where Nayun is.
I collect the weed from my room, not even hidden because there’s nobody who’d check it anyway. And make my way back to Namjoon’s place.
It’s only like a 10-minute walk at most if you walk slowly. It’s nothing to take a bus over, so.
“Jeez what took you so long,” gets sighted out by Namjoon as I shut the door to his place behind me.
“Walked into Yun” I give him the little tin container that holds 6 freshly bought joints.
Namjoon and I are usually the people to smoke them up, Seokjin probably just getting high from staying in the same room as us. Seokjin is more on the healthier side and goes to the gym 5 times a week and whatnot.
He excuses himself to a different room, having to take a call from his girlfriend.
Namjoon takes a joint out of the container putting it in his mouth handing it back to me as I provide myself with my own one, putting it between my lips.
His focus goes back to the TV, clicking on the option of getting a lap dance in GTA V. “You’re disgusting,” I laugh. He leans his back against the couch lighting up his joint.
I’m no better as I’m sat next to him smoking my own joint, until Seokjin return to the living room.
“When are we gonna meet your girlfriend anyway?” I ask him.
He sits down next to me letting out a big sigh, holding his hand out to collect his own joint. “I don’t know man, she’s a little.. younger,”
Namjoon’s focus on the TV has completely gone out the window as both he and I snap our heads to Seokjin’s side.
“Jeez, not much. She’s 19,”
I guess that’s doable. It’s a five-year age gap and they’re both adults so, I guess it’s fine.
“She hot?” Namjoon asks with this disgusting grin on his face, which makes both Seokjin and I groan. “Go watch your lap dance,” I tell him.
“You like her?”
I can see the smile on his face grow a little. “I do, we really connect. You guys think it’s weird? The age gap?”
“Nah man, it’ll be nothing once you’re 30. If she makes you happy then I’d say that, that’s what counts.”
“She does, she really does,” Man I wish I’d be so in love as he is, nothing else really matters at such a point. Everything is colourful again, life gets a little better when there’s someone by your side who loves you.
“Banged her yet?” I push Namjoon’s head away making us laugh, he has such a way with words.
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cheiyunn · 4 months
Kimisute main story [4部] Part 1
Side: EpsilonΦ
Reiji: Shu, in regards to the Genesis Trax thing we discussed a while ago… what do you think?
Shu: Ah, that? Yeah, I don’t really care
Shu: Whether I participate or not, it doesn’t matter
Reiji: Then in that case… since there are also some concerns, would it be good to let it pass for now
Shu: Sure. I’ll leave it to you
Reiji: I understand. Then, I’ll keep it out of the eye of other members
–[Same day, after practice]--
–[Door opens]--
Reiji: …hm? You’re here alone Tadaomi?
Tadaomi: Reiji-kun, welcome back. You’re back late, you had a meeting with Sosui-san right
Reiji: Yeah, I had a bunch of stuff to consult him about. Didn’t expect you to still be up
Tadaomi: I was doing university work. Rather than being holed up in my room, I’d make more progress in the living room instead
Reiji: I see…
Tadaomi: You seem to be a little troubled, is something wrong?
Reiji: …recently, have you felt something off?
Tadaomi: Felt something?
Reiji: No, I was just thinking that the band atmosphere was kinda off recently but…
Tadaomi: Haruka was off last practice but… he didn’t do so this time, so I think its okay
Tadaomi: You’re always spotting the small things arent you, Reiji-kun
Reiji: …it’d be great if I was overthinking
Tadaomi: If you’re talking about things changing recently, wouldn't it be Shu-kun instead?
Tadaomi: Since getting cut off from Duck Rivers, and cutting his hair, it feels like his attitude sort of changed right
Reiji: That’s true…
Reiji: Since up till now, he was moving in ways that tried to make his father deem him useful, after getting suddenly cut off, he probably felt a sense of confusion in what to do going forward
Reiji: And now he made the decision to see to that SkyFox succeeds
Tadaomi: (And with that, Shu-kun became a lot more behaved, so it’s gotten boring…)
Tadaomi: But still, I wonder why the secretary of Duck River suddenly became the representative
Tadaomi: I heard about the contract between Sosui-san and Shu-kun but… its kind of an odd relationship 
Tadaomi: Do you know anything about it, Reiji-kun?
Reiji: To an extent I’d say
Tadaomi: Hmmm…
Tadaomi: Maybe Shu-kun, rebuilt SkyFox for you?
Reiji: What….?
Tadaomi: Well because, your ‘original’ family, the Fushimi’s originally managed SkyFox right?
Reiji: …I don’t want to talk that much about.. my home
Reiji: and anyway, I’m sure that Shu doesn’t have intention in mind
Tadaomi: Really?
Reiji: It was only because conditions aligned. Thats it.
Reiji: Plus, because of that name use, Sosui-san did reach out to me. So, you’re not entirely wrong
Tadaomi: Thats right
Reiji: …? Look at the time
Reiji: I’ll be heading to my room soon, you’re gonna stay here?
Tadaomi: I’ll.. head back in a bit. Reiji-kun, good work today.
Reiji: Yeah
--[Reiji leaves]--
Tadaomi: Fufu, just learned something new…
--[A few days later]--
Kanata: Ah~~ Practice wringed me dry~! Hey hey aniki, ya wanna go somewhere after this?
Haruka: no
Kanata: Then I guess I’ll just head back too~
Haruka: …I keep telling you, stop tailing me
Shu: Hm, I’m hungry. Reiji, come with me
Reiji: Understood
Shu: What about you Tadaomi?
Tadaomi: I think I’ll pass, I have something to do
Shu: Really? Then we’ll split here I guess
--[They walk away]--
Tadaomi: ….
[In front of Genesis Trax Japanese branch office]
Man: Tch… really workin’ me to the bone aren’t cha…
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Tadaomi: Good evening.
Man: Ah? Who the hell are you
Tadaomi: You are, an employee of this company no? I just want to speak to you about something…
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jenyifer · 27 days
Book List Time!!!
And with that I have 10 give or take books to discuss. Now I’m up to over 30 books since May woooo telling tumblr about each one has been a great motivator so I hope my reviews and list help people out in a non spoiler fun way. Gonna rank these in order I want to reread them.
1. Green Creek the series by TJ Klune 🏳️‍🌈🐺🌶️🌲 Wolfsong Ravensong Heartsong Brothersong I am obsessed. Literally read all four books in 3 days. I have bought physical copies and marked them up. Will make you cry, laugh, and stay in your heart forever. Just……. Go read it. But the quick synopsis is Powerful Humans Wolves Witches have to pay for the sins of their fathers over and over again while maintaining their found family and finding their true soulmates. There is Ace Lesbian non binary rep in here as well.
2. The Warden by Daniel Ford🏳️‍🌈 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧙‍♀️❄️🪦truly a fantasy masterpiece the romance isn’t the focus but it’s fucking good. First sapphic book to get a 10/10 for me. About a witch(with a magic system that is interesting surprising) growing up and finding herself a family without sacrificing who she is. I loved her and at first you think ehhh is this going to be boring no definitely not. Was surprising made me laugh and cry. Can’t wait for part 2 cause more of the hot gf in there I hope.
3. A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland🏳️‍🌈👑⚔️🌶️🌶️ I listened to this book two times in a row I enjoyed it so much. It’s a bodyguard and prince story. The prince’s depiction of depression anxiety panic attacks was so real. The bodyguard is very endearing. The themes of family are strong and interesting. The mystery was easy to solve but I found it rewarding because I wanted the prince to win so badly haha.
4. Spindle Splintered by Alix E Harrow🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👸🏼🥀😢
Short story about a dying girl who has a special interest in sleeping beauty. It does have a…. Debatably Sad ending. I did enjoy it for what it was trying to talk about. I lost a friend when she was too young. I’m glad I read it.
5. Scumbag Villains Self-Saving System series by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu 🏳️‍🌈🚩⚔️😈🕊️🤓🌶️? I’m putting it up this high because besides that scene in chapter 21 that slapped me in the brain I really enjoyed the series. Only Danmei I HAD TO GET THE REST OF THE SERIES IMMEDIATELY Hell I’ve even now written fan fic for the side ship. About a Nerd being put into his favorite love to hate stallion novel (story about a hero who fucks his way to success) but he’s in there as the abusive villain who the hero is destined to kill. The nerd has to save himself and unintentionally builds himself a harem featuring the most red flag the hero who so sololy motivated by the nerd. It’s great easy to read very fun. But 🌶️ scene in book 3 is a definite skip and delete from memory.
6. Case File Compendium Vol 1 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 🏳️‍🌈? 😈🚩🩸🕵️🥼
I did just finish reading this so maybe I’m bias but I really did find it a book I couldn’t put down. I even brought it with me to work to read a chapter during my lunch breaks. Main characters are heavy in their homophobic lifestyles but they kiss and protect each other? True crime and mentally ill characters. MC is has a fatal mental illness that makes him unstable and MIL was his former private doctor. MC is trying to date MIL’s little sister. While getting up to shenanigans they stumble into a corrupt hospital and evil forces are maybe after them?! Idk its exciting fun to read but only if you like 🚩’s
7. The Disabled Tyrant’s Beloved Pet Fish Vol 1 by Xue Shan Fei Hu 🏳️‍🌈🐟👑🎨🖼️ I did genuinely laugh my ass off during reading this book. It was incredibly easy to read I think I finished it in 4 hours. Very cute. I love the inside and outside art. About a nonverbal Prince who has anger issues and his crush on the modern man who is trapped within an ugly little fish. Now yes the Prince is becomes actively in love with the fish. Lucky for us we are stuck in the man who is trapped as the fish’s pov and he is genuinely just trying to get back to his world by obeying the powers that be System’s prompts to go home. Fish is not trying to seduce the Prince or anything. It’s just funny I had a great time with vol 1 probably will read vol 2.
8. So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole 🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🐉🏝️ while having dragons and diverse cast it ultimately falls short of expectations wishing for more depth and clarity. The asexual spectrum representation feels muddled and Jamaican inspired cultural elements are unexplored which is at odds with its rich backdrop that could have enhanced the story. The story’s mystery element lacked cohesion resulting in a frustrating bittersweet ending that suggests a sequel and left me unsatisfied. I won’t read the next book. Won’t suggest it.
9. Faithless Book2 by C L Clark 🏳️‍🌈🚩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩⚔️👑😩 a big let down from book 1 but I’m locked in for life I guess. Luca is back in France navigating a way to get the crown. While Touraine shows up with a priest and Teen to some how get food for her people. Most of the plot feels useless both MC characters are stupid and do no growing. The new teen character was interesting. I disliked the poly romance I didn’t particularly feel comfortable about Touraine and Luca why not add another person in what could go wrong? Luca’s reign as Queen looks to be very bad and you will feel extremely disappointed at the end. I’m going to read the next book but only because I like the characters who didn’t go to France.
10. Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore.
I read 90% of this book and I regret it. It’s a trans characters as the leads gay retelling of the great gatsby. I was truly excited to read it I’ve read The Great Gatsby many times. However this book just laughs at the source material. I’m tempted to say maybe the Chat GPT’d the plot and didn’t ask for any over arching themes in the book. I couldn’t do it I’m gonna have to find a better trans representation book in my next set of ten.
Last Night at the Telegraph Club, The Once and Future witches, Gearbreakers, the emperor and the endless palace.
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melis-writes · 1 year
The scene in part 1 where Vito is in hospital and Sonny, Michael & others then Sonny receives the fish… well what if he had his wife there or something perhaps this AU is that he married Victoria, not Michael
Ooh, now this is a hell of an AU!! 😳 Victoria’s right there by Sonny’s side, just as involved in all of this as a mafiosi herself. 👀
A Sicilian Message.
“I don’t know,” Tom shifts in his seat, shaking his head and speaking to you and Sonny admist the discussion with Clemenza and Tessio. “I don’t know. It’s too much bad blood.”
“Nothing can be done about it now,” Clemenza frowns. “With Tattaglia and Barzini…”
Michael lets out a quiet sigh—sitting across from the others with his hand at this rate seemingly glued to the telephone, ringing Luca Brasi’s number over and over again as Sonny requests it, simply waiting to make the next call.
“I’ll deal with Tattaglia, you leave that with me,” Sonny points at his chest. “He’s got nothin’. Both of the bastards have it coming, right? What do you think, Vic?”
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Sitting next to your husband, you purse your lips in disapproval. “I don’t think so, Sonny. With Tattaglia it seems too personal.”
“She’s got a point,” Tom nods back.
“Does that mean you’re gonna kill all those guys?” Michael asks, calmly spoken in comparison to the hectic ongoing chatter.
You glance up Michael just before Sonny gestures at him, brushing him off. “Hey, stay out of it for me okay, Mikey? Do me a favour, just stay out of it.”
“Sollozzo’s the key here, if we get rid of him then everything falls into place,” Tom adds, speaking towards Clemenza.
“In risk of starting another family war with Tattaglia and Barzini allied,” you counter. “It’s never going to be that easy.”
“Don Ferrari could do it,” a harmless suggestion from Clemenza’s behalf.
“Nah, come on—” Sonny scoffs, shaking his head. “No, no, we got Vic’s brothers helpin’ us, I ain’t getting the Don mixed up in all of this. Not while Pop’s still in the hospital.”
“Matteo may know of their connections, so I could get through to him,” you offer, “he always set up the meetings my father had between Sollozzo and his men.”
“Your father knows Sollozzo that well?” Michael speaks up.
“Does it matter?” Sonny scoffs, answering for you. “You still don’t know what’s going on, so stay out of it, kid.”
“As long as Luca didn’t sell out,” Tom mumbles under his breath.
“Go on, give him another call, Mike.” Sonny gestures towards the phone, “don’t stop ringing it either. If Luca sold out, we’re in a lot of trouble, I’m tellin’ you. A lot.”
“Luca wouldn’t,” you lace a hand with your husband, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Anyone but Luca. I wouldn’t believe it. He’s been grandfathered into this whole thing.”
“Mm, I don’t wanna believe it either, baby,” Sonny tugs on his curls, slouching in his seat. “But something in my gut tells me this ain’t a coincidence that Luca’s not getting back to us.”
“I’ve been trying to get in touch with Luca all night but I think he’s shacked up,” Clemenza shrugs his shoulders.
“He ain’t home yet?”
“He outta be. Mikey come on, ring the damn number already,” Sonny begins to grow agitated.
“It’s ringing,” Michael holds the telephone up to his ear, putting a new cigarette in the corner of his mouth.
“Doesn’t matter now if Luca ratted out or not, we have to think about father,” you speak up.
“That’s right,” Sonny rubs his thumb over the back of your hand. “Tom, you’re the consigliere. What are we gonna do if the old man dies? God forbid.”
“If we lose the old man…” Tom ponders the question—a frown growing over his lips. “We lose our political protection and half our strength. Like Victoria was saying, there’s loyalty grandfathered in here to the family but it all goes to the old man. Not us, and with that the other families might just support and go along with Sollozzo to avoid another long, messy war. It’s almost 1946, Sonny. You know nobody wants bloodshed anymore. If your father dies, you make the deal, Sonny.”
“Easy for you to say, Tom,” Sonny points an accusing finger at his step brother. “He’s not your father.”
“Sonny,” you frown, gently tugging on his arm. “Don’t.”
“I’m as much a son to him as you and Mike,” Tom hides the hurt in his tone from Sonny’s words. “You know that.”
Sonny sighs deeply, returning his attention to Michael who shakes his head and sets down the telephone again. “No answer.”
Just then, the sound of knocking can be heard over the back door—attracting everyone’s attention.
“What is it?” Sonny leans his head back. “Hey, Paulie, what do yo u want? Vic, c’mere.”
“Sonny, it’s okay—”
“The hell it is,” Sonny pulls you up out of your seat by your hips, moving you to his side. “C’mere. With the shit going down tonight I don’t know who to trust. Don’t sit by the door, baby. Paulie, come on.”
“Paulie, I thought I told you to stay put,” Clemenza furrows his brows.
Paulie enters, somewhat out of breath. “I know, but there’s a guy at the front gate out there and he said he had a package.”
“A package? What package?” Sonny stares at Paulie. “Tessio, go on. Let the kid stay in here.”
“Yeah, I got it,” Tessio rises to his feet, quietly exiting.
“You want me to hang around?” Paulie asks awkwardly, glancing around the room.
“Yeah, I want you to hang around,” Sonny says forcefully, keeping a hand over your thigh as you sit on the armrest of his seat. “You okay or what?”
“Yeah,” Paulie coughs into the crumpled up napkin in his hand. “I’m fine.”
“Okay, you look like shit,” Sonny points out. “You want some food or something? You hungry?”
“No, no, I’m fine,” Paulie refuses, wiping his nose.
“Sweat that thing out then, go have a drink. Brandy will do you good. Vic,” Sonny glances up at you, “we still got the bottle of brandy in the kitchen?”
“Mhmm,” you nod back.
“Okay good,” Sonny points towards the door. “Go on, get some. It’ll be good for you.”
“Yeah, okay,” Paulie awkwardly accepts, shuffling towards the kitchen. “I’ll go get some then.”
From the moment the door closes behind Paulie, Sonny’s grip tightens over your thigh as he points towards Clemenza with his free hand. “I want you to take care of this son of a bitch right away, you got that? Paulie sold out the old man. I know he’s the one behind it. You better make that the first thing on your list, you understand?”
“Understood,” Clemenza responds quietly.
“And Mikey,” Sonny turns to face his youngest brother, “tomorrow you and Luca can get some of his guys and drive around Luca’s place—scour it out and see.”
“Listen,” Tom holds his hands up, “I don’t think we should get Mikey mixed up too directly in this, Sonny. It’s not a good idea.”
“I agree,” you speak up, making eye contact with Michael. “It’s too much. He shouldn’t get that close.”
“Yeah, yeah, alright then,” Sonny relaxes, sighing. “Then hang around the house a bit, make the calls and help.”
Michael nods back, remaining silent.
Tessio comes back into the room only a split second later, balancing a heavy wrapped up package in his hands. “Says its for you, Sonny.”
Sonny stares at the package Tessio places on his lap. “What the hell is this?” He unwraps the packaging, revealing a soaked bulletproof vest wrapped around two fresh fish.
“It’s a Sicilian message,” you reply, staring in disdain at the fish and recognizing it’s the vest Luca would always wear doing jobs for Vito and Clemenza’s men. “It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.”
“Oh, Jesus…” Tom mutters under his breath. “He’s dead. They killed him.”
Furrowing his brows, Sonny gazes up at you, slowly shaking his head. “They got him too.”
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
random Mayans thoughts, episode 5x08 edition:
- Miguel, for a second I thought he visited Felipe to kill him after all. the way he walked through the house and looked at all the photos, it could have been an entirely different life for him. or maybe not that different? anyone else tried to imagine Miguel as a Mayan for a second? also, I get why Miguel would want Felipe to see the man who raised him the way he does but Felipe can't do that. Miguel in return can't accept the Reyes as blood and now he seems to be stuck between the father he forgave and the one he can't forgive but can't seem to let go either. something's got to give, he needs to find a solution for himself on how to move past his anger because none of them can change the past. then again, why isn't he as mad at his mother as he is at Felipe? it takes two to tango, doesn't it? and she kept the lie alive even after José's death. lies never protect anyone.
- Guero, finally we got some background on him and Ibarra. and it's as tragic as anyone's in this life. I do feel for him though, a lot. nice touch on wearing the Sons kuttes while getting rid of Diaz and Jinx' bodies to frame the Sons for the kills. once again, that banter Guero has going on with Downer is fucking funny even in a situation like that.
- Angel and Mav watching cartoons together was sweet in the moment but they still have no idea about Luisa, that lifechanging cloud over them is fucking sad. but he feels something is very wrong, he couldn't even stand being alone in his house and came home to pops.
- Letty went to the Broken Saints as a spy for Isaac but she had no choice, for Hope. Letty can be annoying as hell but she is nothing if not a fighter. congrats to Terry for using his brain for once and doing the right thing, letting them escape. probably won't end pretty for him but whatever. if Isaac were to drop dead right now it still wouldn't be soon enough.
-HOPE!!! man, I'm fucking shocked. there was this moment of realization of what she's going to do before she even did it and I FUCKING SCREAMED at my screen in literal desperation, full on ugly sobbing. for me personally, this might be the most painful death in the entire show, so far. if anyone deserved a happy end it was Hope, and I will never forgive them. rest in peace, girl. you were loved.
- Marcus, just when he got his act together with his family he gets pulled back into the club business. now he looks into Diaz' murder, which kinda scares the shit outta me. what is he gonna do when he finds out what really went down?
- the Grim Bastards think Diaz and Jinx were murdered by the Sons and left on their turf to pull them into the war. EZ wanted them to get "pushed over the edge" to side with the Mayans and Guero and Bishop delivered him the "how to do that" in a very convenient way. until Marcus shows up, that is. don't get fooled, the only reason one of EZ's plans worked is because it's a page right out of Nestor's playbook. this is basically the same thing the Galindo cartel did in season 1 when Nestor killed that nun and framed Los Olvidados so the cartel could present themselves as the savior to the public.
- Creeper's sister, who turns out to be Emilio's real life wife, broke my heart with her speech at the service. he genuinely loved and cared so much about those he considered family. I loved that everyone was toasting with water bottles to honor Creeper’s sobriety when they carried him out. EZ has nerves to straight up admitting he killed him in front of the whole club, and no one even realized how true that is. Kody had nerves too showing up but I feel like the look she gave EZ while walking out is starting to raise some club members' suspicions. there were quite a few confused looks towards EZ.
- Taza came back for the service, and it seems like he's staying. I don't know how I feel about that. Bishop wants to leave the past in the past, but it was Taza who started this whole mess and no one except these two knows. it's not okay.
- Gilly, yes the episode was co-written by Vincent but that doesn't make me care more about his family thing. Paul did get a well-deserved beating tho.
- I don't care a whole lot about Sofia either but if she is pregnant, I'm sure that's gonna end well for her and EZ's gonna be a great dad. /s
- Bottles, come on, your mother jokes weren't funny anymore when I was a teenager. and given you're a prospect and Guero a full patch, you kinda did ask to have your face rearranged, lmao. however, Sister Anne's message was not a booty call but Isaac taking the information Letty gave him and running with it. now the Mayans really are fucked six ways to sunday and the walls around EZ are closing in fast.
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broiderie · 2 years
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 10
See! I'm not that mean! I typed up 10 this evening so you wouldn't have to wait past the cliffhanger for very long. You guys better love me because I worked a 12 hour shift before typing this up.
Warnings: panic attack, guns, talk of human trafficking, cursing, a little steam at the end. All Spanish is from google so don't come for me too hard. I try to keep it at pet names mostly, but Hank doesn't like to cooperate. Be responsible for your own media consumption and don't steal my shit.
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Megan couldn’t breathe. She could see everything happening in the room, but couldn’t hear it. She saw her father lose his temper for the first time ever. When Hank moved towards Palo the first time, Coco had drawn his gun. He’d had the patches with Diana and Tessa move them to a safer room, but he knew he couldn’t move Megan. By the time Hank’s gun was against the VM president’s head, Megan was sobbing in panic. She sank to the floor with Rex doing his best to overfill her lap.
Coco looked at her. “Ma. I know you’re scared, alright. I know. Just keep breathing, hold your dog, and stay down. Ain’t nothing gonna hurt you. I got you. I’m gonna put my hand on you, a’right. Just so I know where you are without lookin’. I got you. Promise.”
Megan nodded shakily and fought to breathe.
Coco put his body between Megan and the door with his free hand back and down on her head. He figured seeing Hank wasn’t going to help right then, so he blocked her view of the room. “Jus’ breathe, ma. Ain’t nobody gettin’ through me.” He watched the scene through the doors.
When the shot fired, Megan jumped and let out a breathless scream as she scrambled to see who’d been shot. Coco used his free hand to keep her head down. “Easy now. Ain’t us. We’re whole. Jus’ breathe. You got yer gun?” At her nod, he smiled. “Good girl, ma. Get it in your hand jus’ in case. Stay down. Taza and Hank will come when they can.”
Megan sat on Rex’s leash as she gasped for breath, but managed to draw her 9 mm so she’d be ready for anything.
The doors opened and Taza hurried out them with Hank right behind him. They both nodded and sighed in relief when they saw the situation.
Coco stepped away, but kept his gun out and his eyes scanning. “She’s a’right. Just scared. Didn’ see nothin’.”
Hank scooped her against his chest, handing Rex’s leash to Coco as he sank down with her in his lap. Megan reached for Taza and found him already reaching for her as well. “Wha- Wha- ha-pen?” she gasped out.
“Easy, Chica. Breathe for us. We’ll explain in a minute. First you need to breathe.” Taza held her good hand and pressed it to his chest so she could feel his breath. “There ya go. Good girl. Breathe.”
Hank buried his face in her hair. “You’re alright, mi amore. We’re here. You’re safe.” He rocked her gently. “Breathe with Taza.”
With gentle coaxing they got Megan’s breathing evened out. She hiccuped on sobs still, but the panic was easing surrounded by her father and Hank.
Marcus had hurried off to check on Diana and Tess when he saw that they weren’t with Megan, but came back as soon as he’d seen them and assured them that everyone was okay. He’d sent them home with his men as guards and given instructions to lock them down in the clubhouse.
The Sons and other Mayans started clean up. Chibs and Tig came to join the little family along with Bishop.
Chibs sank a glass of whiskey. “Fucking hell. Sorry about tha’. We didn’ know.” 
Bishop nodded. “We know. We just couldn’t let it go. Too much bad blood without what we found out here today. Now…”
Tig chuckled. “You can say that again.” He looked past Taza to Megan. “You alright there, Little Bit?”
Megan nodded and buried her face in Hank’s collar.
Chibs frowned and looked around. “She’ll need water. Where’s a damn prospect?”
Coco snorted. “They headed for the other side of the building and the fire doors as soon as the hardware came out. Ain’t seen ‘em since.”
Tig growled, but went behind the bar to find Megan water. He came back with two bottles and sat them down next to Taza and Hank.
Hank coaxed Megan to drink a little.
Taza kissed her forehead softly. “Will you be alright if I stand up, Chica? I’m not leaving. Just going to talk to your tíos.”
Megan nodded again. Hank held her close and rubbed her back gently as she began to shiver in reaction. Coco maintained his hold on Rex’s leash, keeping the big dog back despite him straining to reach Megan.
Taza stood with a sigh. “She’ll be alright.”
“You gonna tell her?” Tig asked quietly.
“Later,” Taza assured him. “In the meantime - what do we do about the guns?”
Tig flinched and glanced at Megan indecisively. “Hey-”
Chibs waved him off. “The girl’s alrigh’. Alvarez and Bishop both vouch for her. Say she knows everythin’.” 
Bishop nodded. “No secrets from her. Only reason she wasn’t at the table with us today was protocol.”
Tig threw his hands up in surrender.
Marcus sighed. “We need a port.”
“Aye. And fast,” Chibs agreed. He looked to Marcus. “What about your cartel contacts?”
“We’d lose it completely. Galindo would just use it as an in to cut out the middle man,” Bishop said.
“How long do we have?” Marcus asked.
Chibs sighed and ran a hand through his silver hair. “Last shipment is in two weeks. Port will close - maybe three days after tha’. Got maybe a month, but the Irish will want a plan sooner than tha’.”
The men all nodded.
Taza shook his head. “None of us is thinking clearly right now. We need time, and Megan needs rest.”
Marcus nodded. “He’s right. Poquito has had enough.”
Bishop looked at Coco. “Take the dog out, huh? She’s in no shape to do it. That way we can leave soon.”
“Course.” He started out.
Hank took Megan’s gun from the floor and tucked it into his kutte before he lifted her bridal styled and sat on the couch facing away from the meeting room with her in his lap.
Tig smiled a little at the sight of the pistol. “Tough chick. First, she didn’t run AND she was armed - damn.”
Bishop chuckled and patted Tig’s shoulder. “You have no idea, brother. And she’s STILL armed.”
About 20 minutes later, Happy came out of the meeting room wiping his hands on a black cloth. “How’s the girl?” he asked Tig.
Tig pointed at the couch where Megan remained in Hank’s lap. She was wrapped in the blanket roll from Bishop’s bike with Rex sitting on Hank’s feet on guard. “Recovering.”
Happy nodded before he approached the couch. He squatted to scratch Rex’s ears. “Hey, Little Girl. You good?”
Megan nodded and smiled slightly at the bald biker.
Happy grunted. “Good.” He looked down at Rex again. “Good dog.” He stood up and watched as Hank shifted Megan a moment to get a hand free for a handshake.
“You knew -” Hank said quietly.
Happy nodded. “Just an hour or so. No time to explain.”
Hank nodded back. “Thank you.”
Happy nodded again and gripped Hank’s shoulder. “Take care of the girl.”
“I will,” Hank assured him.
Happy turned and headed back into the meeting room to finish cleaning up.
Packer and his men walked the two remaining VM patches out in zip cuffs. They took them to a van waiting outside and loaded them up.
Megan watched worriedly and chewed her lip.
“Nah lass. Don’ ye worry ‘bout them. We’ll sort them out,” Chibs came over the perch on the coffee table nearby. “Yer safe. We’ll be sure o’ it.” He gently reached out to pat her knee. Then he looked up at Hank. “How long has she got left in the sling?”
“Two weeks, more or less,” Hank said. “Why?”
Chibs nodded. “That’ll be because of the wrist cast, yeah?”
He smiled down at Megan. “Tell ye wha’ - when that sling comes off, yeh come and see us.” He winked. “We’ll show you a real party then.”
Megan giggled. “When the sling and cast comes off - you should come to Santo Padre with Happy. We’ll see who can party at my quince.”
Chibs chuckled. “A royal invitation. I wouldna miss it, lass. I’ll be there.”
Bishop appeared at the doors. “We’re ready to head back to Oakland whenever she is, Tranq.”
Megan smiled a little. “I’m ready Tío.” She started unwrapping herself.
Chibs stood and then helped her to stand before he placed a whiskery kiss on her cheek. “Ride safe, lass.”
“You too, Chibs.”
Outside, Taza took the time Hank took putting up the top on the car to cuddle his daughter close. Megan rested more or less quietly against his chest with his chin on her hair. “Papa?”
“Yes, Sweet Chica?”
“You are going to tell me what happened, right?” She looked up at him.
Taza nodded and kissed her forehead. “Of course. I’ll tell you when we get back to Oakland.”
He helped her into the passenger seat of her new car and buckled her in carefully as Hank loaded Rex into the back seat from his side. “Rest now. We’ll talk at your padrino’s.”
Once on the road, Hank covered Megan with his hoodie. “Are you warm enough, Princessa?”
She smiled at him. “I’m okay. Sorry I broke again.” She reached for him and he took her hand to place kisses on her knuckles.
Hank kept her hand close, breathing deeply. “But you didn’t break, mi amore. You were terrified - but you still drew your weapon. You followed Coco’s instructions. You followed chain of command and in a situation like that… that’s all anyone can ask for.” He kissed her palm and then her inner wrist.
“But Tía Diana didn’t -”
“Princessa - your Tía Diana has been the queen of the Mayans since before you were born. And I’m willing to bet she has her own breakdown tonight after Tessa goes to bed.”
They stopped at a red light and he turned to face her in the afternoon haze. “Just because you panic or are scared, doesn’t mean you’re broken. I was terrified in there. Terrified someone would make a wrong move and bullets would start to fly. Terrified you’d be hurt or that you’d be taken again while I was bust with club shit. Being afraid is natural. Acting through that fear is what makes you such a badass.” He leaned over to kiss her softly. “You aren’t broken, mi princessa. No more than any of the rest of us.”
Megan smiled up at him a little and nodded.
“Good girl.” He kissed her again and then sat back to drive.
Megan rested back against the seat and watched him with a deep breath. “Hank?”
“Yes, mi amore?”
“Did I cause that fight? Was it my fault that man died?” she asked quietly.
Hank sighed. “It wasn’t your fault, mi princessa. Palo was itching for a fight. He knew what he was doing. He just thought that he had the upper hand. He didn’t count on our willingness to fight for our family.” He pressed another kiss to the tender skin of her inner wrist.
She nodded quietly. “So, it wasn’t my fault?”
“No. It was not.” He smiled and adjusted her ring for her.
The drive back to Oakland was longer as they his evening traffic. They turned off at the exit that would take them to Marcus’ house and the bikes followed them. Bishop, Taza, and Coco stayed really close.
Marcus and the Oakland Mayans split off to the clubhouse. El Padrino wanted to check on his girls, but also wanted to give them time to fill Megan in without too large of an audience.
They pulled into the drive and Taza came to help Megan out of the passenger seat. Rex followed her faithfully. They met Hank and the others at the garage door, where Bishop unlocked it with a key from his pocket. They settled quickly into the den with Megan on the couch with Hank on her good side and Taza perched on the coffee table in front of her. Bishop sat nearby in the easy chair, but Coco roamed the room. He could never be still when he was anxious.
Megan took a deep breath and met her father’s eyes. “What happened today, Papa? Why were the VM there?”
Taza ran his ringed fingers through his hair with a heavy sigh. “Chibs called the meeting because SoA is ready to hand over the Irish gun trade. We’ve known it was coming for years. That wasn’t the problem.”
Megan leaned forward as Rex lifted his head from the rug to watch her. “Okay. What is?” She reached for her father’s hand to squeeze it. “I’m okay, Papa. You can tell me. I won’t break again.”
He smiled at her. “I know, Sweet Chica. I know.” He squeezed her hand gently back. “The port that SoA uses up here is being shut down. We have about a month to figure out how to get the guns into the country another way. Chibs thought that he had the problem already solved. Vatos Malditos have control of a port in Mexico. They were supposed to store and assemble the weapons there. We would transport to the buyers. That… didn’t go over well.”
Megan looked at all the men. “Why? I know Papa has bad blood with the VM…”
Bishop sat forward. “The VM are known for human trafficking, Poquito. Especially in young women. We won’t work with someone like that. Especially not after…”
“Brandon.” Megan said quietly. She swallowed and looked down to play with her rings. “Was he… did he…”
Hank stroked down her back firmly. “Yeah. He was connected to them.”
A single tear rolled down Megan’s cheek and she sniffed before wiping it away with the back of her hand. “That’s where he was taking me. Wasn’t it?” She looked up. “And Palo threw it in your face… didn’t he Papa?”
Taza nodded and swallowed. “There’s more, sweetheart.”
Megan straightened her spine and looked him in the eyes. “What else?”
Taza sighed. “Apparently, Palo… obtained… Gabriella the same way he intended to you, years ago. She was given her freedom as long as she kept Palo’s baby brother occupied and out of his hair…”
Megan covered her mouth in shock. “David?” she asked quietly.
Taza nodded. “And when Gabby fled - he just cut his losses on her. Until he went to Tennessee to meet with the ring Brandon was attached to.”
Bishop picked up the story. “Poquito - Palo found your mom after she had you. He’s the one who got her hooked on the drugs. He’s the reason you were in the system.”
Coco fired off curses under his breath in Spanish and paced faster.
“Did he track me?” Megan asked quietly. “Did he know where I was? Who I was? Is that what he threw at you?”
Taza nodded. “And he was the buyer Brandon had arranged.”
Everyone was quiet as Megan breathed deeply. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. “And he tried to use me as a bargaining chip to get his way. That’s why the Mayans exploded like that.”
“Not just the Mayans, Princessa,” Hank said quietly. “Happy had his gun to the bastard’s head before anyone. And Happy made sure that he and I were the only ones in that room with guns.”
“Chibs made the call for Palo’s death-” Bishop said.
“Because he didn’t want the deal tainted. He didn’t want the Mayans to be the ones no one trusted to sit down with…” said a voice from the door. Marcus joined them. “If it had been anywhere else beside a sit down, Chibs would have gifted Palo to us to finish.” He walked in to sit in the other arm chair, pausing only to press a kiss to Megan’s hair.
“How’s Tía Diana and Tessa?” Megan asked softly. “Did Tessa see anything?”
Marcus smiled a little. “Mi Reina is pissed. She doesn’t like when things go sideways. She’s calming down at the park with Tessa. And your prima is fine, Poquito. She didn’t see or hear anything thanks to those fancy ass headphones and her game.” He looked up at Coco. “My guys say I have you to thank for that. You told them to get them out early.”
Coco nodded. “Little kids don’t need to see that shit. I told them to move them to a room where they could get them out if they needed to. Sorry, Padrino. I know I shouldn’t have been ordering your guys, but Megan was my charge and she had to stay put.”
Marcus shook his head. “No apologies needed, hermano. You did exactly what you needed to. And you kept Poquito shielded too.”
“Yeah, well next time - no offense, ma - but next time whoever I’m guardin’ is getting fuckin’ kevlar, man. That shit was reckless. Stray bullets happen.” Coco adjusted his kutte.
“Agreed.” Bishop said. “Next time, Poquito wears a vest if we don’t know exactly what we’re walking into. I don’t give a fuck who it offends.”
Taza nodded, but didn’t speak. He was in his own head, lost in the past, again. Megan could see it. She reached for his hand again. “Papa?”
Taza started a little, but smiled when he looked at Megan. “Yeah?”
“Palo is dead. He was the last one who could come for me - and he’s dead now. He was the one who hurt David too, right? He’s gone forever.” She smiled at him . “That means I really am safe now.”
He smiled and tugged her into his lap to cuddle her close. “Yeah. You really are.”
Marcus smiled, but cleared his throat. “Unfortunately - today isn’t over yet. I got a call from Galindo’s man, Nestor. He needs a sit down - as soon as we can manage it. Apparently Galindo was held by the Feds along with his entire family. He’s got something he needs to talk to us about.”
Bishop sighed and rubbed his beard. “Alright. We could drive tonight. Meet him at the casino tomorrow. I’ll have the rest of the club meet us there.”
Hank sighed and looked at Megan. “Damn it.”
Marcus chuckled a little. “Sorry, hermano. I know you had plans for Poquito tonight.”
Megan looked puzzled. “But the club… after the meeting…”
“Could have waited one more night, mi princessa. I was supposed to take you out tonight for your birthday.” Hank smiled at her where she leaned against Taza’s side. “I swear, we WILL get a date night eventually.”
Taza laughed and pressed a kiss to Megan’s hair as he shook off his gloomy thoughts. “At least we’ll be at the Rez.” He looked at Bishop and Marcus. “I’ll call Adam. Get us rooms. Maybe he’s got a conference suite open.”
Marcus sighed. “For two of my guys too.”
Everyone split up to pack. Megan giggled as she realized that the entire trunk of her new mustang was filled with shopping bags from the day before. There would be barely any room for their duffles. “Don’t you think y’all went a little overboard, Hank?”
Hank chuckled. “Never, mi princessa.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck.
She arched slightly into him to encourage more contact.
He gave in and paused in his packing to pull her back into his chest and nuzzle and kiss the skin of her neck. “I am sorry, mi reina. I had big plans for tonight.”
“Mm?” Megan gave a tiny gasp of pleasure as he found a particular spot and leaned into him.
He smiled and pressed his palm to her lower belly to hold her close. “I promise, we will celebrate your birthday properly, mi amore. Even if it’s a little late and not quite what I had planned.”
She shivered a little at the feeling of his breath on her neck and nodded lacing her fingers through his with a smile. “I don’t care. As long as we’re together.:
He pressed her close and used his other hand to guide her face around so he could kiss her deeply. When he pulled back, he did it very slowly. “Always, mi reina.”
She smiled sweetly up at him. “Then it will be perfect.”
Hank sucked in a breath at that beautiful smile and buried his face in the crook of her neck and left shoulder. “Te amo mi reina hermosa. No tienes idea de cuanto.” He held her close until his emotions and body calmed. “C’mon, mi princessa. Let’s finish packing. Your papa will be waiting.”
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blindrapture · 3 months
SATURDAY JUNE 25TH, 2011 (Liverpool)
8:31 AM Holy cock. I woke up in a hotel. I don’t remember anything from the past several days. I mean, I remember being in that city, and running from that.. giant screaming face. And then I went down an alley and.. Motherfucker. It was the slender man. It’s like motherfucking Marble Hornets Part 2. What the fuck.
8:32 AM I have no idea where Donnie is. ..I have no idea where I am.
8:35 AM There’s a safe in my room. I’m gonna try the code “1102.” ..no? Well, fuck. I’m all out of ideas.
8:40 AM Okay, there’s a connecting door to the next room, and I knocked on it, and go ahead and guess who was on the other side. If you guessed “Donnie,” you’re wrong. Well okay, fine, you’re right.
8:58 AM We have deduced that neither of us remembers anything about the past few days. This is a very bad thing. But we’ll make do. We’re gonna look around the hotel.
9:01 AM Elevator’s working, right. We’re on the seventh floor. Trying the ground floor.
9:02 AM The elevator stopped on the third floor. It won’t do anything now. The doors haven’t opened yet. Oh, there we go. They opened. It’s just a regular hotel hallway. Takes a left turn after about seven doors.
9:03 AM Donnie’s coughing a lot. This door is ajar.
9:04 AM That window shows nothing but bricks. Where the hell are we? HELLO SLENDY DONNIE RUN
9:05 AM running down the haaaaall oh look at that that’s not Donnie ..slendy’s gone. And so’s that other person. What.
9:06 AM So, uh.. that was an old woman. I saw her for a little bit, standing in the middle of the hall, but now she’s just gone, man! It’s true! Donnie’s still here. We’re looking for the exit now.
9:13 AM Staircase! Hey! Finally. Aaand slendy’s up there fuck that shit we’re going down.
9:14 AM Ground floor ho boy see ya slendy wouldn’t wanna be ya!
9:15 AM We’re out of the hotel. Where are we now, we’re in Liverpool, okay. HELLO, LIVERPUDLIANS! WE ARE THE BEATLES, AND WE’RE flying zombies eat guitar controller eat it in the FACE oh god the blood dgjssdgwothaWHOA YEAH, YOU’D BETTER RUN, FLYING ZOMBIES. YEAH, YOU’D BETTER FALL TO THE GROUND AS IF YOU’VE JUST BEEN SHOT. YEAH, YOU’D BETTER DIE EVEN THOUGH I DON’T HAVE A GUN. Yeah, we’d better run.
9:19 AM Oh hi there! These are other nice people! Real people! Not twisted or demented or zombies or anything like that! They’re people! It’s a family of four, specifically.
9:48 AM The father’s name is Richard, that much I know. Mother’s name is Meredith. Man, British people have stupid names. >_> Even though I am one. It’s still true. They have two sons, one of whom looks about.. early-twenties, his name’s Rogers, other son’s probably around seventeen, name’s Bill. Completely generic names. They’re staying at a nearby inn until the Exodus sets sail. Donnie asked if we could stay with them, and they said we’d have to ask the innkeeper. Fair enough.
11:03 AM This town is large. See, I didn’t know that. Because I’ve never been to Liverpool before. Apparently it's not even a town; it's a city? Wow! I'm impressed with you, England. More than one city? Good job! But anyway, we just found the inn. It’s pretty close to the harbour.
11:22 AM The innkeeper’s given us a room. It’s a nice room, yes. But the innkeeper told us to watch out for the Masked Massacrer who’s been spotted in the area. I’m gonna ask around about this.
12:39 PM I’ve asked a good few people around here about this “Masked Massacrer” guy, and I’ve gotten a few details. Masky is a— oh. Actually, that sums it up, right there. Masky. A man in a mask. The Liverpoolians have dubbed him the “Massacrer” because he’s killed a whopping six people. How terrifying. I’ve killed more people than that. ..though I probably don’t want to start telling people that. They say this guy’s mask is funny. It’s like a crudely-drawn Jesus mask. There’s a beard and a moustache and the long hair and everything. So.. we’re up against the Masked Messiah. Except he kills people. How are these guys sure it’s not just Cockroach Jesus? Actually, then again, I’m sure if it was a human-sized cockroach, they’d be able to tell. Either way, this is gonna be a long four days.
1:03 PM Donnie wants to “listen to some music.” …”in bed.” “Together.” I’m “looking forward to this,” journal. I’ll see you after the “show.”
1:34 PM ffff neighbours came in! Guess we forgot to lock the doors. They said there’s a big inn-wide meeting going on downstairs. And they said we can work on repopulating the human race when it’s just the two of us left. Great, now we just look like the guests who fuck a lot. We weren’t even fucking, just cuddling. D: (I.. wasn’t ready.)
2:00 PM That meeting was boring. It was basically a headcount and making sure everyone was going on the Exodus. Oh, and a curfew. Eight o’ clock sharp, as Masky tends to strike after that.
2:27 PM We went to the local supermarket and got some non-perishable foods. Yummy! There’s lots of flying zombies in the sky, but they don’t seem to want to bother us. I’m glad.
5:09 PM Someone’s knocking in our door. At least they had the courtesy to knock. >.>
5:13 PM It was Rogers. He has something he wants to show us.
5:17 PM Out of the inn.
5:29 PM This is a golf club. Rogers led us here to play golf?
5:33 PM That’s a rabbit hole. It’s a vending machine, but every slot is taken up by an eyeball that’s blinking and looking around and ugh. It’s at the end of a hallway. I can tell that this door right here’s a rabbit hole. Rogers looks.. is he expecting us to go in? “You know what this is, right?” Donnie said it’s a rabbit hole. Rogers laughed. “No, no, no. What’s this?” He’s pointing at the entrance. I said it’s a door. “That’s right. It is a door. Do you know what that means?” We don’t. “It means we’ve got the key to Rapture right here in front of us.” He’s leading us away from the door now. “You don’t want to go into that door. You don’t want to go into any door, but what’s tricky is that sometimes you run into a door that doesn’t even look a thing like a door.” For some reason, I’m reminded of that huge vault thing that the Vorke was resting behind. It looked like a door, though actually… “The Exodus... why do you want to go on the Exodus, guys?” Donnie says we’re meeting people in America. “Nah, that’s not why. C’mon, be honest. Why do you want to go on the Exodus? Actually, let me ask a better question. Why do you have to go?” Uh.. shit. I don’t really know. “Why do you have no choice?” We don’t have a choice? WAITWAITWAIT, it’s because England is theirs now. Like that graffiti said. Rogers is grinning madly. "Ah, but whose? England is whose?” Donnie said “The things.” And I said “Fear.” “Yes. Yes. England belongs to them now. Fear. YES, yes that’s completely right. No one ever knows that, but you guys are the first I’ve found who knew!” He takes a bit to calm down. We’re at a window now, facing out to the driving range. Zombies are out there. “I’ve heard rumours. About what caused this weird stuff.” I asked if he meant Rapture, and he shouted. “It’s not Rapture. At least, this isn’t. I knew that as soon as I heard the blind prophets. They go around saying ‘Rapture is coming.’ ‘Cause it is. Rapture’s coming. It’s not here yet. The fears know that too, which is why they’ve come out to play. They were always here, you know. The fears. They used to just occasionally reach out to get people, but now they’re going crazy. They’re killing people left and right. Some of ‘em even use us to kill people for ’em.” ..fuck. Like the Harlequin. His face lit up. “The wooden girl. Yes. She uses people, uses us. I haven’t heard of her lately, though. Which is odd. Actually, a lot of the fears are doing odd things lately. Some of them are killing more than usual, but one thing’s certain: they’re claiming England for good now.” asdfgh oh, that was just Donnie grabbing my shirt, since my hands are occupied. “Do you know anything about the wooden girl? Why she’s gone quiet lately?” I looked at Donnie. She nodded at me. “It’s.. well, I subdued her, I guess you could say.” Rogers looked at me for a bit. Then he laughed. “But the wooden girl’s a fear. She can’t be subdued just like that. I’d be surprised if she could be subdued at all. I think she’s planning something. I dunno. Doctor Cloud, too. I hear nothing but trouble about what he found in JESUS IT’S THE MASKED MASSACRER HE KILLED ROGERS he’s gone. But. ._.
10:42 PM We’re gonna go to bed.
11:00 PM Rapture is coming.
(Attached: "The blind prophets are more of a continental Europe thing. Around the turn of the apocalypse, some Austrians woke up to find they were completely blind, and they all heard a voice telling them to go as far as they can around the world and spread the message that Rapture's coming. Lots of countries got this kind of thing, though only the Austrians were blind. Japan got long-haired girls, I guess to play on that cultural fear? Who can really say the logic behind all this? The point is, every prophet says it all started with a voice on May 21st, a disembodied voice that only some people could hear. This is only one of the many arbitrary things about the end of the world.")
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eanatirea · 2 years
Thoughts on The Way of Water
Aight I needed a day to process my emotions because HOLY SHIT what a great film. Like it was visually stunning as expected, but also I think the worldbuilding/plot ratio was perfect, and honestly I think the story this time was better than the original (not that I think Avatar’s storyline was bad, but this one was definitely more unique). Anyways, rambly thoughts incoming, and also major spoilers so stop here if you don’t want to read any of those.
The entire sequence of the Sky People returning was hands down the most horrifying thing I’ve seen in a film. I’ve seen a lot of gory shit, people being vaporised in The Day After, more slasher films than you can count... none of that made me sick to my stomach like this. Such a huge area of forest, full of life one moment and melted into slag in an instant. How many animals died a gruesome death in there? How many people? And we’ve seen what became of Earth, and know this is just a fraction of the destruction the Sky People can bring. I knew I was gonna have to strap in for quite a ride from this moment.
I really only have two complaints with this film. First off, it felt like Neytiri was kind of shoved to the side for the first two thirds of it. Like I get it, Jake is the Designated Protagonist and all that, but Neytiri is the one most affected by having to leave her people, and I don’t think we really got to see her process it much. She will very likely never see her clan again, her mother, the place where her ancestors lived and died. And we get like... five minutes of her being upset over it before she’s really not there until the final battle. I would have liked to see more of her processing her grief before she’s finally come to terms with staying in the end.
(And that’s not even mentioning how heartbreaking this must be for Mo’at... she’s literally lost her entire family to the Sky People.)
My other, more nitpicky gripe is why do the Metkayina seem to only speak English?? Like yeah on a practical level it’s a lot easier on everyone if most of the dialogue is in English, and I’m willing to suspend disbelief on where the hell they learned English in the first place. But none of the other reef clans spoke any English at all, and it doesn’t make sense that the Metkayina would use English when speaking among themselves. Hell, I think fucking Quaritch used more Na’vi than any of them did. I think it would have made a lot more sense to have at least the introduction to the Metkayina and the Tulkun return scenes in Na’vi.
Anyways away from the negative stuff. Can we talk about the symbolism in Eytukan’s bow breaking?? It really brings home the fact that Jake and Neytiri’s family are never going back to the Omaticaya, and this is probably what makes Neytiri realise it too. The bow was the last thing she had of her father, and likely the last physical tie she had to her clan, and now it’s gone.
While I know the Sky People are far from done trying to colonise Pandora, I’m optimistic that their efforts have been thoroughly fucked for now. The tulkun brain goo stuff that was funding literally everything is gone now (unless they build another demon ship I suppose but that costs money that they don’t have now). Also, I think Quaritch is a pretty defanged threat at this point. He looked... pretty not okay from losing Spider, and he’s now all alone and weaponless. Doubt the military is going to help him this time too. He has lost miserably to the Na’vi twice now, gotten a lot of their own guys killed and cost them a lot of money. They’re not gonna look on him too kindly methinks.
Speaking of Quaritch, canon be damned I say Spider was an in-vitro baby. I refuse to believe anyone slept with that son of a bitch.
Anyways I have other thoughts but this is already very long and becoming less coherent lol.
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georgies-ftts · 2 years
i love the fact that my two main book series that i’m into have complete opposite main characters and yet i absolutely love both them
Percy Jackson: Will jump in-front of very sharp and dangerous weapons to ensure his friends safety, will turn down immortality and god status, throw himself into literal hell for his girlfriend, gone on like 27 quests, fought and lead two major wars and countless battles for the gods and is about to go on another quest despite all of this just so Zeus will give him a recommendation letter for uni, has buried countless friends and family, been betrayed by said friends and had to kill some of them for his own protection, went on a quest to save his mother from the god of the underworld despite being 12 years old, had never held a sword until 4 hours ago and will 8/10 perish, nearly dived off a cliff after his crush, offered to stay in hell just so his girlfriend can escape, and was complicit in the ‘murder’ of his abusive step father, using medusas head to turn him into stone and then sell the statue for a lot of money and using said money to better their lives and repair the mental damage he caused
Kaz Brekker: will dangle you over the side of a building for information and then drop you, burn a hole in your ceiling and crash into your dining room table with your disgraced runaway son, threaten to arson your innocent girlfriends house, beat up 20 or so members of the gang he is also in, use you as insurance, use you as a hostage, use you as a distraction, have your sole part in the plan to be get beat the fuck up and leak the rest of the plan, fake your assassination and keep you so close to death and simply hope you’ll wake up but it doesn’t matter if you don’t, tell you he’s buried your son alive in a field in the middle of nowhere to traumatise you but he hasn’t, ask you if your mother is a whore and then knock you the fuck out, never tell anyone else the plan which will result either in you being seriously wounded, kidnapped or dead, use your father to get other people to embezzle funds into an auction for the guy you’re gonna assassinate, kidnap your pregnant wife and hold her to ransom, rip your eye out, threaten to rip out the other one, say he’ll drop you off in the next town if you give him the information he wants but when you give him said information he throws you into the sea to either drown or die of infection but it’s okay because he’s “the kind of bastard they only raise in the barrel”
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bonefall · 2 years
Idk if my shadowclan ask went in, it was really long.
But for simplicity’s sake
How’s the Dawncloud and Finchflight situation?
Is Blizzardwing still the father of Hollyflower and Featherstorm’ kits?
Who has Marigoldkit and Mintkit? Can they live?
How many kits does Toadskip have? I could put Poolcloud as Clawface and Nightpelt’s mother for simplicity and angst but I want your input
Where do Ratscar and Snowbird, as well as Whitethroat and Darkflower come from?
It did! I'll combine both of your asks into one post, just to keep things all together. Thanks for your patience btw, I had to find the time to create the canonical family tree, both for modern and pre-TPB ShadowClan, so I’d have a point of reference
It is so bad that I’m gutting it completely.
How’s the Dawncloud and Finchflight situation going?
badly I would like to use Finchflight a lot as a notably violent background fighter, which is making me want to link him with Clawface or Lizardstripe somehow. In any case, he won’t be Dawncloud’s mate anymore; he is an elder who served under Houndstar, Cedarstar, and died in Raggedstar’s reign.
Dawncloud is, of course, also too young to be having children. I will not be having an 8-month-old “elder queen“ who lost 2 kits in the battle with WindClan. She’ll probably get moved out of Featherstorm’s litter completely; with Featherstorm only keeping Raggedstar, Volewhisper, and Mosspaw.
As a side; Scorchwind is also being eliminated completely. He either dies, or “Scorchwind“ was Raggedpelt’s old name before he gathered enough scars to gain an honor title, like warriors such as Deadfoot and Crookedjaw.
Is Blizzardwing still the father of Hollyflower and Featherstorm’ kits?
I actually have a special vendetta against Blackstar’s Reckoning and I have big plans to re-do it. I hated how they decided that a lot of Blackstar’s problems stemmed from some ridiculous secret daddy issues that don’t matter and don’t largely affect how he grows up; besides, it would matter even less in my rewrite because of the concept of the Queen’s Rights.
So instead, Hollyflower and Blizzardwing are mates who should probably just get a divorce. It was a very unstable environment to grow up in. Blackstar can keep his sad childhood, but he’s not going to be a wet little man who truly had ~Good Intentions~ the whole time. Bad bitches are gonna stay bad.
Who has Marigoldkit and Mintkit? Can they live? 
Yellowfang’s sister Rowanberry is going to have them! Brightflower is too old. It would be possible for one of them to live. They are killed on purpose because Brokenstar and Runningnose wanted to get rid of Yellowfang. She was causing too many problems to their reign.
I could have one of them survive the poisoning (I do like the prefix ‘Mint’) to pin the blame on Yellowfang, like it was an elaborate set-up. I’m still working out the exact plan though, such as what Runningnose says Yellow’s motive for killing the kittens was. Maybe Marigoldkit was born blind because Rowanberry was so old?
HOWEVER; If Mintkit survives to adulthood, he probably won’t have kids. I would prefer for Stumptail to have them if Rowanberry’s lineage is staying alive, and Bright/Bracken descendants will become quite prolific since Rowanclaw is now the son of Brokenstar.
What’s the rundown on the Toadskip/Nettlespot/Poolcloud pairing?
Toadskip/Nettlespot/Poolcloud is actually something I want to keep; and this time, they are completely polyamorous on purpose. I’m tentatively allowing them to keep ALL of their kittens, which would be Nightpelt, Clawface, Wolfstep, Foxheart, Cloudpelt, and Littlekit.
Of these, only two are allowed to have surviving offspring. That’s going to be Clawface (from Nettle) and Wolfstep (from Pool). Genetically I am counting Toadnettlepool kits as one large litter, the rules apply to them as such to keep things simple; I’m not making exceptions for half-siblings.
(and toadskip isnt having a secret 3rd mate jesus christ what the HELL, erins?)
I want to make Littlecloud named after Littlekit by putting him somewhere in this family; HOWEVER, it poses a problem because Littlecloud’s mother is staying Newtspeck, Rowanclaw is being moved into that litter, and Brokenstar is their sire.
So... it may be the case that Wolfstep and Foxheart get bumped out of Poolcloud’s litter, and Newt/Frog/Ash are Toadnettlepool kits, and even then, Ashheart might get removed from the litter as well depending on if her litter has survivors.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Cinderfur is not staying the son of Clawface. No no NO no no. Ashheart would not be having kittens with her nephew, and Cinderfur needs to be much older than his ‘father’ Clawface.
Will Fernshade and Wolfstep be having more kittens? What about Flintfang and Blackstar?
Fernshade and Wolfstep WILL be having more kittens, and Ivytail will be one of them!
Blackstar won’t be having any kittens because he is exclusively MLM, not even as an honor-sire the way that some leaders like Brokenstar and Pinestar will have. Flintfang is a probable no; I’m planning for him to die in the BloodClan battle, but I’m keeping him in my "spice rack” in case I need more Hollyflower genetics to flavor things up.
(insurance in case Toadnettlepool spreads like the seattle polycule lmao)
Where do Ratscar and Snowbird come from?
I’m tentative on where Ratscar (previous name Meltpelt) and Snowbird come from, but they WILL be coming from ‘orphan‘ warriors because of how influential Snowbird is going to be genetically. Thankfully, there’s an abundance of those.
Depending on how the timeline shapes up, it’s either going to be Amberleaf, or they’ll be her grandchildren through Appledapple (previously Applefur TF). I’m also considering the idea that their mother died in a Shadow/Wind battle, so Ratscar raised his little sibling or perhaps his niece.
Where do Darkflower and Whitethroat come from?
Well, first of all, Darkflower is no longer the mother of Rowanclaw; Newtspeck is, and also Scorchwind is being eliminated completely (he will either die, or Scorchwind is going to be an old name for Raggedpelt). So Darkflower is completely fresh and open for a different mate or kits. It makes sense to me that Whitethroat could be her son in the same litter as Cedarheart, possibly invoking the Queen’s Rights and staying sireless.
But it feels right somehow that Darkflower would come from Crowtail, as either a daughter or descendant. Crowtail is such a gossip in Yellowfang’s Secret, I would like for her to pass down her way with words because Darkflower’s single line in Tigerstar’s Fury is one of my favorites in Warriors for some ungodly reason
“My belly thinks my throat's been slashed. Are we hunting or talking?“ girl why is your one line so cool. it’s not even important in-context.
If Newtspeck’s litter is so jumbled up, where did Wetfoot go?
Unless and until I decide I need him for genetic diversity somewhere else, he’s going to scooch over to Darkflower’s litter. Newtspeck’s sons are Rowanclaw and Littlecloud.
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