#i miss spicy and sour candy
druid-boy-punk · 4 months
why do i miss a home that is unrecognizable to me now, how did i become a stranger to the place a grew up
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katszumi · 10 months
bakugou katuski wasn’t sure how you managed to break his shell. he didn’t find himself surrounded by friends— shitty hair, raccoon eyes and dunce face forced themselves around him so they didn’t really give him a choice (though he secretly appreciated it).
but, you, tenacious, vexatious, obnoxious, you found your way to him. he despised how easily you spoke to him, like a mother to a toddler. do you know who he is?
it was first year. bakugou knew who you were, how could he not miss the clamorous sound, also known as your voice, every morning. you were aggravating, but you were tolerable. he realized that when you two were paired for an assignment. you were assertive, deeming that you could hold your own against his trivial insults. it wasn’t admiration that struck him that day. no, not even close. you just earned a little bit of respect.
soon after, you were attached to his hip. why? he couldn’t even answer that. every morning you’d meet him halfway at a local coffee shop to make your trip to ua, because “who wants to walk alone?” was your reasoning. he didn’t believe your statement, but he disregarded it. in fact, he looks forward to his morning walks with you every night, sometimes even waking up earlier than usual to buy the two of you a beverage before you arrived. a decaf coffee for himself and an iced coffee for you. “i was thirsty. it’s just a one time thing.” was his answer when you first asked, but you and him both knew it wasn’t.
you two had daily conversations: mainly about school, how deku has ticked him off for the millionth time, or some stupid shit you brought up to irritate him as a joke. you were the only person he could converse with and not feel completely enraged by the end of it. he supposed that your voice wasn’t so clamorous after all.
it wasn’t until after class 1a moved into dorms that he started to notice things about you. instead parting your hair in the middle, you did a side part. you often switched the two every couple of days. you preferred sweet candy over sour, but you were obsessed with spicy food. you routinely listened to the same artists; he makes a mental note to force you to listen to new music. you always exercised in the training room at six o’clock on the dot, never a minute before or after.
bakugou knew he was fucked when he began looking for you.
movie night in the dorms lounge? he consistently searches for your figure, because if you’re not there he’s simply not going. choosing partners for an assignment? of course, it’s you, it has to be you. who else would be able to bear with him? a new album was released from his favorite rock band? he waits to listen, because you had to be there.
he even found himself doing stupid shit for you. like holding your backpack for you, because ‘it makes your back ache’. cooking for you because you’ve overworked yourself, you needed the nutrients anyway. helping you study for the next test, groaning at how easy it is and you should understand it, but deep down, he doesn’t mind. he’d save a spot for you next to him on the couch whenever everyone would do a group activities, you don’t deserve to sit on the floor like the rest of the extras.
bakugou was gentle when he was around you, everyone noticed it too. at first, it was a revelation to his classmates, surprised that bakugou could do such sweet things. it felt as if bakugou was painted a new man on a perfect canvas. but, they soon realized it was only you he was this way towards. his aggressive behavior remained with the rest.
though, the man himself didn’t realize his transformation until denki mentioned.
“how come you don’t yell at y/n, but you scream at us all the time?”
bakugou’s face contorted with confusion. that wasn’t true. “the fuck you talking about, dunce face?”
he shrugged, “i don’t know. i just feel like you’re more chill with her than any of us.” mina and kirishima co-signed his words with a nod of agreement.
silence surrounded the room, bakugou’s eyes planted on the floor.
he wanted to say because it’s you, beautiful, determinate, fierce, alluring, you. but, instead, the corner of his lip quirked up into a smirk, his eyes dawning onto the golden-haired boy in front of him.
“she’s bearable.”
like always, his words failed to convey his true emotions. bakugou katuski knew you weren’t just bearable. oh no. you were a million things more than that; you were his anchor to his crazed storm.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 7 months
More of the brozone headcanons
John Dory is almost constantly complaining about either his neck or his back (lick my-) hurting
Bruce and Clay pull a Sokka and tell either Poppy or Viva that they don't really remember what their dad looked like but they often picture him looking similar to JD
Clay constantly leaves his clothes lying about and it pisses John off. And for once, Clay is NOT doing it on purpose.
I don't remember if I've said this already but John Dory takes it upon himself to do all of his brother's laundry. Like fold and everything. Problem is he doesn't tell them he's doing this. He just takes their laundry, washes it, dries it, folds it and puts it back. They only notice that their laundry has gone missing after it's been returned. The lil bros get together and are like "is it you? If it's not you then who?" Process of elimination at that point.
When Floyd drops something, he flicks it off before picking it up.
John Dory experimented with makeup when he was on his own. Not enough to be great at it or wear it all the time but enough. He definitely winged his liner with a knife.
Clay snorts when he laughs really hard
The younger brothers definitely still snitch on each other to John Dory. Clay being a little shit to Floyd and Floyd goes "John! Clay's being mean to me!" "Clay stop being mean to Floyd or so help me God, I'll come down there!" They all know it's incredibly childish and they're way too grown up to be tattling but that's not going to stop them
When they were in school, the younger brothers didn't do the thing of accidentally calling the teacher mom, they accidentally called their teacher John/John Dory/JD. John doesn't know about it and they'd like to keep it that way.
John likes cooking to music. He'll most often play some of their old albums and some of the other music their grandma had. It's all fine and dandy until one of the others walk into the kitchen and either scared the crap out of him or make fun of his dancing
The boys favorite candies: JD likes spicy candy and sour candy. Bruce likes the fruit candies, mike and ikes, things like that. Clay likes salted caramels and sour candy. Floyd is definitely a lover of chocolate but especially dark chocolate. Branch doesn't really have a favorite candy but if he had to pick he'd say gummies or gumdrops.
Floyd's room is decorated with posters and pictures all over the walls, you can barely see the actual wall.
Floyd convinces John to get his ears pierced after seeing John Dory just stare longingly at his ears (it sounds way weirder than it is 😆)
Floyd has the highest pain tolerance, then John, Branch, Clay and Bruce
Floyd definitely would walk around in an adult onesie (like a stitch one)
Floyd's favorite holiday is Halloween (or whatever it's called in their universe)
For Halloween, usually Clay dressed up as a superhero, Floyd was a princess, branch got roped into whatever Floyd was doing. The other two were "too old" to trick or treat but when they did dress up, John often went for either a hero or first responder. Bruce always tried the gory costumes
John feels like he can't do the things that his brothers do (mainly Floyd) with decorating their bodies. He's still got that "I need to be perfect" mentality, making him think he can't get body mods. Floyd convinces him to do the thing.
Floyd knows how to pole dance. He says he learned it for the exercise.
Clay still believes in Santa in secret
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
May I request c!quackity and c!sapnap headcannons for a reader who loves to bake then sweets?
Hallo, thanks for requesting and I hoe you enjoy <3
C!Sapnap & C!Quackity w/ a Reader who bakes
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Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Everybody in the SMP had always seen you're bakery has a place to go whenever they felt down
Your place and food gave them the comfort they needed and you were always happy to see everyone, no matter what was going on between them
But two boys were completely addicted to your sweet, and those boys are Sapnap and Quackity
They don't necessarily have a sweet tooth, but whenever they ate one of yours they always asked for more
You were beyond happy to bake them sweets anytime they liked
It was your passion + you made your friends happy, so what more could you ask for
You even made some themed sweets after the two boys, after asking them for what flavor and shape they would have liked
Sapnap asked for some hard candy in a fire shape, with a bit of a sour and spicy taste to give a kick to it
While Quackity asked for some Marshmello ducks, which also had his signature beanie on, that tasted lime sweet lemon
Even when things got rough between the two, now ex-fiancees, you were still by their side
Sapnap came to you for comfort more then usual, while you didn't see Quackity for a few months
But after hearing his opening of Las Nevadas, you went there yourself to offer him some poker chip cookies as a congratulations gift
[he ate all of them in one go, he really missed your sweets]
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snurtle · 6 months
Nine people you'd like to get to know better! Weheheh.
Tagged by @criminal-sen I haven't done tag games in a while.
Last song i listened to: (squints) Uh. Dark ambient fantasy music for writers 10 hrs-- Fantasy tavern music for writers 3 hrs--- uh, uh, oh- shit- (i fumble the playlist and a bunch of videogame osts wearing tiny .mp3 trenchcoats go spinning out all over the floor. fuck. i'm not normally like this i swear. (i'm lying. i am. i love ambient music. and ska. shhh)
Favorite color: pink. there is no contest i'm sorry to say, pink is my shit. I would live in a cotton candy cave if I could. I am constantly one good decision away from animorphing into a fat, hot pink ceramic garden gnome in a wizard robe.
Currently watching: nothing atm, though I did recently start talking to a fanfiction author that I loved the work of. Turns out he's a writer too, and he gave me free copies of like ten????? of his sci-fi books?? full ass e-books??? damn. god damn. so nothing to watch, but E V E R Y T H I N G to read. I'll leave reviews as I finish them.
Sweet/savory/spicy: no. salty. sour. where are the real options!!! inquiring minds need to know!
Relationship status: uhhhhh idk ask @archvillain
Current obsession: sad evil men who are convinced they're doing the right thing at a high cost, not committing atrocities and burning the world. also DRAGON AGE. This fucking franchise. It's eating my life. I started systematically combing The Masked Empire for every instance where Felassan is mentioned or has dialogue for fanfiction research purposes. Truly the actions of a mentally well man. I'm hyped-against-all-hope for the release of the fourth game in the series, Dreadwolf. Apparently it's slated for this summer? I won't hold my breath... and yet.
I also enjoy chewing violently on mad scientists, though that interest has been dormant as of late (<3 Mayuri Kurotsuchi <3) .
I'll tag...
@accidental-hero obligatory tag in ask games. I KNOW you but shhh. Just tell me what you're up to.
@archvillain do i know you? yeah i want to know you better wawawaa @recurring-polynya I've missed your houseplant updates as of late! I started gardening in earnest again this spring and thought about you. @whipplefilter I was torn on whether or not to tag B3 here!! :D Either way your presence is always a fun bright spot on tungle dot hell. @kurjakani Your haunted-eyed old men and love of vast lonely spaces is deeply compelling. That's pretty cool!
And... whoever would like to play!
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Ghoul favorite food HC 👀
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The Nameless Ghouls and their favourite foods!!
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•He definitely has a sweet tooth, more leaning towards natural sugars than artificial sugars but either he loves.
•Aether is most likely to be caught in the ghoul’s kitchen shoveling grated cheese into his mouth at an unholy (heh) hour at the night.
•Even though he loooooves bananas, he despises banana flavored candy.
•He will absolutely fuck up a caeser salad. If you were to give him a salad on a paper plate he would get too excited and eat the plate too. :’)
•Like other Earth Ghouls he is a vegetarian of course.
•Just like Copia he absolutely loves pasta, from ravioli to rigatoni to fettuccine he will absolutely fuck up whatever pasta you put in front of him. He will inhale any noodles within the ministry grounds, whether they’re cooked or not.
•You know how wolves get territorial over well, territory? Rain gets territorial over pasta. He once pushed Sodo down a flight of stairs when he found out he ate his almost week old spaghetti.
•Rain is quite the talented chef, hanging around Terzo when he was cooking he managed to get some lessons from the former Papa. Days when he misses Terzo the most he’ll cook some of the meals he was first taught how to make, just to reminisce on the memories and feel closer to him.
•He loves spicy and sour food, or anything with some kick for that matter, but he has some of the most sensitive tastebuds out of the ghouls, hell, even out of everyone in the ministry.
•Whenever he does eat spicy food, he always has a glass of milk nearby, despite Cirrus telling him that its better for him to drink water.
•Sometimes he uses sour candy to ground himself whenever he’s especially stressed, whether it be one of the ghouls that’s getting on his nerves, or touring he always keeps a bag of sour patch kids with him, or for more stressful times of the year he’ll keep some warheads in his pockets.
•In terms of cooking? He cannot cook. Sodo has almost burnt down the ministry a couple times trying to cook. Did he once he make cupcakes that were so burnt that they made Rain throw up? We’ll never know. 🤫
•Swiss isn’t exactly picky when it comes to food, he’ll most likely eat anything you put in front of him.
•Although he’s fine with all food, he has a special place in his heart for international food, it could be sushi, ramen, mole, enchiladas, paella, or pad thai, but when he’s done eating it he might take a couple bites of the plate too.
•He can cook very well, being able to make some of the meals listed above. Learning some of his best recipes from Rain he always tries to linger around the kitchen when the water ghoul is cooking, just to get more ideas and what not.
•Like Aether she has one of the biggest sweet tooth of the group, having a particular love for chocolate. She looooooves chocolate waffles not really caring whether they’re pre made or not.
•She is incredible at making desserts, especially cookies. It’s like taking a bite of heaven (ironically). As much as she doesn’t make them, Sodo and Aether are big fans of her mexican wedding cookies.
•Just like Special Ghoul brings toys, she makes pastries and goodies for the orphans in the ministry, bringing them year round. She’ll sometimes bring Copia to tell the kids some of his lighthearted stories from his time in the orphanage.
•She’s a big lover of seafood, her two favourite dishes being salmon patties and tuna melts.
•Although she is an air ghoul she does love restaurants or anything for that matter by the sea. Cirrus thinks it’s very relaxing to just enjoy the ocean because how it’s an entirely different world just a few miles out.
•This ghoulette is mainly in charge of keeping Sodo out of the kitchen to prevent any disasters that may or may not burn down the ministry.
Hope you enjoyed anon and whoever else is reading this! Happy late new years! <3 (once again sorry for how long this took)
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squuote · 7 months
Top 5 flavors ever
bonus points you get my fav foods for each (there’s def ones im missing but can’t think of them)
1. SPICY (sticky rice w/ sauce, chili verde, jalapeño poppers)
2. SWEET (caramel vanilla chai, rainbow chip cake, chocolate flan)
3. SAVORY (chicken adobo, carne asada, blue-shell lobster, potatoes, garlic bagels)
4. CITRUS/SOUR (I like eating lemons and limes. sour candy.)
5. FRUIT (fruit. not baked or cooked tho. just regular fruit. um, canned fruit. used to eat a lot of canned fruit)
6. GINGER BEER (idk where to put this one but it’s got a flavor I rlly love. ginger beer got my fucking back man)
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huntinglove · 7 months
8, 11, 12, 13. For any you’d like :)
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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8. How tall is your F/O?
Sir Pentiousis around 7 ft tall
Simon is roughly 6 ft tall
Napstablook is around 4'1"1 ft
Tokoyami is a solid 5'5" ft
Muichiro is 5'3" ft
Hunter is around 5'6" ft
Zebruh is 5'3" ft (if you ask he'll say he's 6 ft lol)
Sebastian is 6'2" ft
11. Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it?
Sir Pentious is a surprisingly good cook and baker! He follows every single instruction on the dot, and if he's ever missing any ingredients he'll stop whatever he's doing to go get what he needs
Simon can cook pretty well, he also makes tea and coffee as delicious as they can be! He has some family recipes that he always loves to show off as well
Napstablook can only make ghost food, which sadly just phases through humans if they try to eat it, but they say their food is alright, so I'm sure it's wonderful, since they're pretty hard on themselves
Tokoyami can cook basic meals like noodles, soup and omelettes, but he usually doesn't feel the need to make himself anything fancy. His diet is very balanced and he prefers to just have raw fruits and vegetables for nutrition
Muichiro can cook if he focuses on it, but he'll usually forget one or two steps and end up with a result that's completely different from what he originally planned. He hates wasting food so he'll eat it anyways
Hunter thinks he can cook but he usually makes his food a bit too burnt or salty, but he always keeps practicing and he's slowly getting better at it!
Zebruh can't cook at all, he's the type to order takeout and try to pass it off as his own cooking...
Sebastian can cook a thing or two, he usually sticks to frozen pizzas, coffee and cup noodles though
12. What is your F/O favorite flavor?  (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory))
Sir Pentious enjoys salty food, especially most meats!
Simon loves bitter drinks and candies, dark chocolate is one of his favorite treats
Napstablook enjoys all flavors as long as they're mostly mild, they get overwhelmed fairly easily
Tokoyami enjoys spicy food and sweets the most! Though he's not a huge fan of sugar, he prefers more natural flavors
Muichiro loves sweets and will even forego meals to snack on candies and desserts
Hunter likes salty food, it's mostly what he's used to because of his training, but he absolutely can't handle spice at all
Zebruh has a huge sweet tooth but he balances it out by eating extremely sour foods as well, especially considering Alternia's cuisine
Sebastian likes a little bit of everything, he also enjoys mixing and matching different food combinations, which can sometimes be very... Interesting
13. If your F/O could be a fan of any video game what do you think it would be?
Sir Pentious would enjoy Assassin's Creed, mostly for the historical aesthetics, because he wouldn't be very proficient with the controls...
Simon would like relaxing and puzzle games, he'd get addicted to games like Stardew Valley, Minecraft and Terraria
Napstablook would enjoy rhythm games, but mostly because of the music itself, their coordination isn't very good
Tokoyami is a huge fan of horror games, he likes Layers Of Fear and the Resident Evil franchise the most!
Muichiro would become bored with any games really easily, but sandboxes would be the ones he'd enjoy the most, like Minecraft
Hunter would be a fan of RPGs and space themed games like Subnautica, Baldur's Gate III and Star Wars Battlefront
Zebruh would collect some... Unique games that I can't quite describe here, like HuniePop and such
Sebastian would love RPGs, especially ones with customization options, it'd be a battle to drag him away from the computer if he started playing Baldur's Gate III
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kimium · 1 year
Recently I asked @m34gs what she thought the dorm leader's favourite junk food is. Just now I asked her what she thought the vice warden's favourite junk food is. She prompted me once again to give my thoughts, so here I am. The link to her post is here in case you want to read her head canons.
Here are my vice house warden's favourite candies head canons. Again, as my friend pointed out, since Savanaclaw doesn't technically have a vice house warden, we're defaulting to Ruggie as that's basically the role he ends up filling. Also, no desserts in this list, just candy and other junk food.
Trey — Werthers
Yeah, some people might call this an "old folk's" candy, but they're a nice, classic candy in my mind. I love how they're toffee flavour without the stickiness of regular toffee. I love how they're individually wrapped and easy to slip into pockets or bags. Finally, they're not as sweet as other junk food/candies and I also agree that Trey doesn't always wants sweets when he's done baking all day.
Ruggie — Tootsie pop
I 100% agree with your choice for lollipop with Ruggie, however I raise a side grade to them: Tootsie pops. Should these exist in the land of Twisted Wonderland I think Ruggie would love them solely because of the iconic commercial "How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a Tootsie pop?". I remember as a child kids trying to count and messing up or arguing over the number. I could see Ruggie doing that with the neighbourhood kids and making their candy into entertainment as well.
Jade — licorice
Licorice has finally entered my list! I think Jade would love licorice. The main selling point to licorice for Jade is how it looks colourful and nice. I remember as a child seeing the nicely put together licorice and thinking "that looks nice, but I know it doesn't taste good". It's that dichotomy that Jade likes. (Though my alternate choice is specifically sea salt ice cream but in my heart the only way for him to get that is to world travel to Twilight Town LOL.)
Jamil — cinnamon gummy bears
My first thought for Jamil was "something cinnamon" but I love him more than to just say "cinnamon hearts" and be done with it. So, I Googled "cinnamon candy" and one of the first things that came up was "cinnamon gummy bears". I did not think those existed, but I'm learning something new every day. Anyways, I think Jamil would like them because they're easy to eat and have a bit of a spicy kick.
Rook - kohakutou
I only recently learned about this candy but for anyone who does not know kohakutou is a Japanese candy. It appears like a hard candy but it's actually soft. This is because the sugar on the outside crystallizes slightly while the inside remains soft. They're cut to look like rocks. I agree that Rook would like an aesthetically pleasing candy and this one is very pretty!
Ortho — konpeito
One candy I miss buying while I lived in Japan, konpeito is essentially that sugar candy given to the soot sprites in Spirited Away. Konpeito also look kind of like stars and I think that suits both Ortho and Idia. Konpeito also are very colourful and are a popular candy that kids like too.
Lilia — sour candies
I know this is not only a repeat of my pick for Azul but also the same pick you gave Lilia. I don't care. I honestly cannot think of another kind of candy that Lilia would like. Of course, I think he likes all candy but as a favourite sour candies have to be on top. Lilia definitely tries to find the most sour candy and watch everyone's reactions to eating them. He's probably ORKO'd Cater and Kalim during their light music club meetings by sharing his candy with them.
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tr1ck5 · 9 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
I was tagged by @iffylogic, so hey why not! 😊
Last song: Gorillaz - New Gold, feat. Tame Impala and Bootie Brown (Dom Dolla remix)
Favorite color: Neon green
Last movie/TV show: Make Some Noise on Dropout.tv
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet sweet sweet gimme candy (especially sour ones!)
Relationship status: Polyamorous, open
Last thing you googled: ..."Kookaburra psytrance remix" 😂
Current obsession:
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I tag @angelosearch @thee-lionheart @suleikashideaway @balambwanderer @foxtrottcantfindshit @call-me-miss-biskitty @pinnadraws @karalija @lionhearted-soldier if you feel like it, of course!!
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5point1 · 3 months
🍸 “This one’s non-alcoholic,” assures the bartender as he sets down a commemorative glass in the shape of Penacony’s famous mascot Clockie. It’s made of some sturdy plastic, all one color - dark blue - so it’s easy to miss the details in the mold. But up close, he’s as lifelike as the statue in the Golden Hour.
Just because it has no alcohol, doesn’t mean it’s any less exciting, however. The drink itself is a smokey grey, opaque without being thick. A swirl from the curling, neon green straw sticking out from the top of Clockie’s head brings to life a whirlwind of blacklight neon jellies, each one a new and different flavor. Some tongue-searingly spicy. Others sticky sweet. One crackles like explosive candy on the tongue. Another oozes with sour filling. Each sip is addictive, novel and yet building on itself, compelling one to keep going, keep climbing, keep searching for the end to the endless without satisfaction.
Eventually the straw slurps noisily against the bottom of an empty cup, which leaves behind a dusty film inside of Clockie’s plastic model and the vague expectation for something more. A hollowed out shape, once full, now experienced. An old nostalgia consigned to archives.
Clockie! The beloved mascot of Penacony. Silver Wolf herself had spent lots of Aideen coins trying to win a jumbo-sized Clockie plush, and a matching Hanu plush as well (we don't need to talk about how many Aideen coins specifically). She lifts the glass up to inspect it curiously before taking a sip through the straw. T
he explosion of flavors within her mouth was reminiscent of popping candies. If she had to compare it to a game, it reminded her of starting a new game fully blind and being thrown immediately into a worldbuilding cutscene with exposition as soon as you get past the character creation scene. Not an unwelcome sensation at all, but always quite exciting to see how the developers choose to make their first impression on the player - that's what this drink reminded her of.
"Oh, is this cup a collectible item? Do I get to keep it?"
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ghostlyplacetobe · 1 year
I am tired and running on five bags of sour candy!!! Lowkey missin the wives though -Ace
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I love sour candy, same with spicy candy, yummy yummy
I’m sure your wives miss you too (I mean, it would be weird if they didn’t right?)
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queersnax · 2 years
Tajín Watermelon Rings
I was doing some shopping at Winco today, when I came across these
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Now, I do enjoy myself some watermelon rings, and am an enthusiast of watermelon candy in general (even if it burns me 50% of the time), and I don't usually use Tajín, but I see it around a lot. Feels like there are all kinds of snacks that have a Tajín flavor, but this is the most unusual one I've seen thus far, hence me rising from my deep blog slumber to make a post about it.
(Incidentally, there is a peach ring version of this, but that doesn't seem quite as out of left field to me since it's not that far removed from mango, which is the most common fruit paired with chili seasoning. Besides, I don't really like peach rings all that much.)
Anyway, let's take a look at these
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As you can imagine, looks like gummy watermelon rings dropped in chili powder. One was kinda hardened, but the rest were pretty soft.
As for how it tastes?
I have to say, these are...not good.
Now, I'm not opposed to the idea of a spicy watermelon candy, and this does indeed have a pretty decent kick. However, there are two aspects to the flavor that make this rather unpleasant.
For one, they are rather salty. Again, salty watermelon isn't a nonstarter for me, but honestly these are too salty, in my opinion.
Second, and more importantly, these are sour in a bad way, likely courtesy of the lime component of this chili lime seasoning. It can be hit or miss in various products, and sadly it falls in the latter category.
Combine the saltiness and tartness, and it almost feels like I'm eating gummy pickle rings rather than watermelon. There's a whiff of watermelon sweetness that comes through, but it's handily overwhelmed by everything else. It's possible the peach ones work better with the Tajín seasoning, but I'm not in the mood to fork over another $4 to try them
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IJUST REALIZED HOW BADLT I MISS THESE CANDIES i use to tolerate sour and spicy shit so well like it was normal bur i loved the pain but i dont anymore
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lettersofmoi · 2 years
In the sky
Glasgow-Dubai-Jakarta 25th - 26th September 2022 Warning: this letter may be overly dramatic and sentimental :")
Dear Alberto, When I wrote this letter, all that I could see from the plane window were the blue sky and white cotton candy clouds. I'm such a crybaby it made the nice guy sitting next to me look worried. He's from Czech, cannot speak English but was very kind. He offered me tissue and chocolate cookies.
Being on the plane has made me remember the boredom I experienced on my flight to Glasgow, a year ago. It was my first long-haul flight and the farthest I went away from home. I felt relieved when finally stepped on the ground, but that was before being greeted by the rude strong Glaschu's wind. Thus, being the clueless girl I am, I had no idea what my life will be like in Glasgow for a year. I guess I have done quite well, and one of the highlights of the year is my encounter with a certain curly guy.
It will be anti-climax and twisted if then I say that the man's name is Alejandro or Gaston Castano. But noo, the man's name is Alberto.
I still remember the first time I saw you, in the hallway to the kitchen. You showed up from your door, I bet were in the middle of studying of course, and said hi to me! A bearded face, long curly hair and that warm big smile! After that first encounter, I met you in the kitchen. I thought (and still thinking) that you are a very interesting person. You told me that you are "crazy about waves" when we talked about Bali. Then you showed me the pictures of you and your brothers. Wow, what a warm sibling relationship, that's what I thought. And then you shared the delicious chicken tomato pasta! As time went by, we would not only share food but stories too. I am happy somehow that we have passed the common nice and proper courtesy of a new neighbour, into more silly but fun daily interactions! Being silly feel so easy with you. I guess sharing movie nights, cool playlists, fighting over dishes and bad cookies, lost in the mountain during heatwaves, and hiking Arthur's seat in the middle of water-ice rains did that to us? And I know sometimes it's not always rainbow-and-butterflies stories, but I guess that's just how life goes on. Still, it's so good to have the finest person ever to pick up all of the lemons that life throws at us. Then cut them in half to taste, or just carelessly throw away all of the lemon back.
Thus I am not sure when it started, but the dinner time, movie nights, the door-knock game and just everything had become my daily routine. I would come to the flat after a long day and be thinking of so many prank ideas when saw your old blue bike parked in front of the building. But then you sold your bike before I could do my plans.
Well, I can say that I admire how you always showed that you feel content and enough with yourself. And very passionate about something you like. I really love to hear you telling me stories about surfing, math, physics, books, and just anything. Those were some of the many things I learnt from you. Somehow it made me realize what things that missing from my life, a simple joy in doing something I really love. So I am lucky to meet someone who reminds me of how to properly live my life again. Maybe I should stop now before this letter turns out to be too corny.
The more I write, the more I realize how far away this plane taking me from Glasgow, where you are right now.
So, allow me to say, it is such a pleasure to know you on this journey! I definitely won't have it any other way. And I am sure our paths will cross again! And we will eat sour peaches together again! And spicy foods until your face turns all red! Take care of yourself! Lusi
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sanchoyo · 4 years
ok hear me out, league of villains mall workers au
Compress is a kiosk worker. he was originally a performer outside the mall, puttin on lil magic shows for tips, but the mall cops kept telling him he couldnt do that without a permit (boo) so. every week the kiosk hes at has different goods, like fancy watches, jewelry, perfumes... (stolen? probably...but hes really, really good at talking people into buying them, so what if his permits are forged, he pays his rent)
Toga works at claires. she loves how cute everything is, but also? she gets to PIERCE peoples EARS and has a little too much fun with that, tbh
Dabi def works at hot topic or spencers, do I even need to explain this one...im leaning more towards spencers, bc its, more, uh, adult?
Twice works at lush. ok hear me out on this one, the employees get to be super friendly and sociable, which I think he’d enjoy? but I do also think hes worked at like, 4-5 other jobs in the mall and keeps gettin fired from them :”D hes worked at the food court, clothing stores, a jewelry store...at this point hes really skilled and has a good resume, at least?
Giran has a little loan place in the mall thats kinda shady, but like, hes a good guy, really. they also do like, taxes and stuff, def will get u more money than u expect, dont ask how, tho
Tomura works at build a bear. the absolute joy he gets from making people do embarrassing rituals. you want a stuffed friend? ok! spin and clap 100 times for it. do jumping jacks. no we arent done, what? keep going. :) :) :) 
Kurogiri works at the bookstore’s coffee shop as the barista and everyone comes and hangs out there on their lunch breaks. mmm coffee n lil desserts...
Magne works at a high end kinda clothing store that sells like, an array of clothes from clubwear to more formal stuff. she enjoys the discount. also shes the shift manager bc she actually has braincells 
Spinner works at the arcade. he 100% plays the games on his break, hes p much in heaven. tomura comes by a lot too n they play together!! their shops are right across from each other and lowkey spinner is staring all the time 👀
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