#like heavy story spoilers
If it's alright with you, may I ask for some fluff and angst headcanons/imagines about the LC Traffic Light OT3 that is Ayin, Benjamin, and Carmen? They have a lot of good potential for both fluff and angst that are rarely explored together.
Thank you in advance if you do! The LC fandom appreciates all of the numerous and interesting imagines and headcanons you create, especially the sheer volume you have that it necesittes seperating the thoughts into seperate masterlists.
Oh, my motivation for writing is as wavy as Beat Saber's Player's arms after playing Camellia song on Expert. So sorry that i got like that
In any way, thanks for being patient with me. So, i'll try to add some things into this request as well
Under cut for spoilers. HEAVY STORY SPOILERS
TW: death (alot)
Ayin, Benjamin and Carmen headcanons
•okay, im like 90% sure that majority of newcomers to this universe only played LoR as LC is mostly overlooked due to the gameplay, and likely see Ayin as a terrible, irredimable guy
•he was not like that when his head was alright. Ayin was an introverted, silent guy of the 3, even if he was very smart
•Carmen is the "too much energy" extrovert friend that just does not shut up. But while some may see her as an evil woman, her pity for the people living in the city was real. Living there aint the best thing you know?
•Benjamin was a 3rd wheel, but funny enough, a mix of Ayin and Carmen's personalities. He is shy, but can be vocal about his ideas and opinion on what do these guys do
•Carmen is oblivious, Ayin loves Carmen, Benjamin loves Ayin, there, i said it. You can leave xd
•okay, but their relationship didnt start on the first sight. There were months and years even of these 3 being together
•Carmen was the one to invite majority of the Sephirahs into LC (including Benjamin) and encouraged Ayin to get to know them better. And Ayin, being an introvert, did so after some nudges from Carmen
•turns out he also liked their company alot
•Enoch and Lisa (Tiphereths) were unofficially adopted by Ayin and Carmen when they rescued the kids
•these 3 were living fine lives in Lobotomy Corporation before it all went downhill ....
•this is were you should stop scrolling cus it will be bad
-ok u good? Good? Ok-
•yeah, people die during accidents, and, trust me, they were upset when it happened
•but experiments failed and caused people to die, including some dear friends like Elijah, Enoch. Garion raided their facility, killed whoever she spotted.... You know how the Sephirahs died by now, dont you?
•in the end when Carmen took her own life... Ayin broke down. He didnt care if people died. He promised Carmen to finish what they had started... Regardless of how much more sinful acts he must commit. Going as far as to make that dreadful perfect scenario that didn't help his mental health
•a part of him tried to make himself feel better by making Angela, but that too, failed. But now Ayin didnt even have a slight motivation to either deactivate Angela or to let her live how she wanted. So, she just became another tool for the scenario to do
•it got so bad that Benjamin/Hokma had to erase Ayin's memories, calling him X. And politely asked Angela to watch over Ayin in case he starts going insane again
•Ayin, now X, is pretty oblivious to the relationships he had before now. Not that he minds it
•.... He still feels lonely in his room, X does not know what is he missing to feel like that
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sega please do not save maria please do not save maria PLEASE do not save mariaaaaaaa sega PLEASE
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queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
ok but the fact that sam's story line this episode was filmed before but aired after the whole gary lineker situation (i'm assuming) is such an indictment of the uk gov that their vile racism is so routine and ingrained that you can write stories about it down to the very detail and it plays out that eerily accurately.
but having said that, i'm really actually kind of appalled with the way sam's whole story was handled. the fact that it is a fucking to-the-letter accurate representation of the horrific political situation and the takeaway was... what? shit is wretched but anger will get you nowhere? forgive and move on in the face of actual violent injustice? sam's anger wasn't just lashing out, it was justified anger.
i appreciated the solidarity of the last scene, but i think with the stakes that they set up that story needed to be taken a lot more seriously within the larger story of the club -- keeley's storyline should have very involved in working ways to support and protect sam, there should have been a wider discussion about publicly supporting sam, the restaurant clean-up effort should have been a publicized response to condemn the violent policies sam was speaking out against and the violence and hate crimes it begets, and to show solidarity in fighting against it. that needed to be front and centre re: the ties that bind us, not just sam's side story with a feel-good coda.
like i think the dubai air story was handled better in the sense of the public facing aspect of it and the political weight of it. the fact that the consequences were knitted in with the club's story with the sponsor change, the entire team taking a public stance in solidarity, the press conference after. meanwhile this seemed very... hmmmmmmmmm yeah idk it didn't feel like it was given the weight that something sam's denouncements and the subsequent hate-fueled property damage really would have.
and esp bc we've since seen how an absolute institution like gary lineker was punished for similar criticisms, and how the solidaristic actions of other pundits refusing to go on air and publicly stating why was a huge deal as far as supporting that denouncement of state-sponsored racist violence. like the quiet response in the show feels really inadequate in light of that, you know?
it just felt like if they were gonna go there they needed to really commit to going there with all of the fall-out and club involvement it would entail, and they just didn't, which feels wishy-washy and frankly really dismissive. it was a writing choice to introduce this story and not actually deal with it with the weight it deserved.
really feels worse the more i think about it
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gingersp1ce547 · 4 months
Themes of o segredo na floresta (spoilers included)
Im gonna start this with a comment i left on episode 4
“I've experienced a lot of stories and even more character deaths, but i think Christopher's is one of my all time favorites. Usually in media, when a character dies we see their death and everyone's reactions to it but then there is a jump and though the other characters had most likely not processed fully their grief we don't get to see the gritty details of everything immediately after the death itself.
But in this episode, we do get to see it. We watch as the team mourns, digs a grave for Christopher and tries their best to cope with his death (even if those methods did result in messy situations for a few).
There's something incredibly beautiful to me about the realistic part of a supernatural horror story being the process the characters go through in regards to accepting deaths. It feels as if it almost says "No matter what has happened, all of us feel this pain together," and from what i can tell so far with Ordem a big theme is that our connections with the people we hold dear are all we can really hold onto in a world filled with chaos and strife and fuck if that isn't beautiful.”
This is something that i was very very happy to see carried on throughout the season. Both in terms of the handling of the scoundrel vultures deaths and the escape from the holy cradle. The world and tone of ordem paranormal demands that you really sit in the despair and suffering of its hardest moments and it makes the small ones where the characters prevail or have get to laugh feel even more impactful.
Especially in a season so determined by death, i feel another big theme of it that intertwines with the one i mentioned in the comment is that of enjoying the moments you have with those you love no matter how short they are, and not fearing when that time comes to end because at least you got to have that time instead of none.
Once again i was really happy to see such strong themes throughout this story because i find at least that creating thematic points in a collective improved role play setting such as a ttrpg can be really hard and cellbit pulled it off well, especially in comparison to the first season though i do think that is mostly because of the shortness of that season
Looking forward to see what themes present themselves in desconjuração
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frostbite-the-bat · 8 months
society if literally 80% of rw fandom and especially rw analysis youtubers (who are great, EXCEPT) stopped calling gourmand heckin' chonker chubby diabetic ginormous whatever and paid more mind to their whole character and not just the fact that they're fat
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wingedtacoearthquake · 2 months
Just finished watching tdp s6 and I did not expect to cry so much
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So was anyone going to tell me Faust is a bigger menace than EVERYONE in the game put together or like. Was I supposed to play the Impossible Choices event (Vincent and Charles ver) myself. I LOVE that he's the definition of: 'being smarter doesn't make me more mature or helpful, it just makes my inherent lust for chaos/entropy all the more unstoppable' This shit FUCKS
I think this is the first time I've ever seen a character make Shakespeare's life a living hell and the latter didn't expect/see it coming, that was AMAZING. Mf was out here like "What the hell??? You lot don't make me suffer I make YOU suffer. Let a man obsess IN PRIVACY" and then nobody cared. Peak comedic interaction, no notes everyone pack it up
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suckishima · 1 year
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The trailer for the Garbage Dump movie and Furudate's new mini stories from the movie announcement event got me super hyped and I couldn't stop thinking about this, so here's a little one-shot centered on the moments between and after both the Nekoma and Kamomedai matches :)
Summary: While waiting for the quarter finals of Nationals to start, Kuroo tries to mess with Tsukishima, Yamaguchi's brain short circuits, and Tsukishima continues to play it cool.
Words: 5,935 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi Characters: Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsurou, Hinata Shouyou Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Canon Compliant, POV Multiple, POV Alternating, Mutual Pining, Volleyball, Haikyuu!! Manga Spoilers, Haikyuu!! Chapter 298 Spoilers, Haikyuu!! Chapter 369 Spoilers, Getting Together, One Shot, Some Swearing
“Have you noticed how Tsukki seems to only compliment people behind their backs?”
Tadashi chuckled. “Oh, definitely. But I hope you weren’t looking for more compliments from him out of me, Kuroo-san, because to be honest he mostly just talks shit about you,” Tadashi said with a not-so-guilty quirk to his lips.
Kuroo barked out a laugh. “No, no that’s fine, I deserve that—what I was wondering was if you knew what he said about you during the match?”
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kurozu501 · 6 months
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wait why is this actually the best written event arknights has ever done and why am i crying
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twixfamily · 2 years
i completely understand being relieved that the bus hijacking arc is over, but i disagree with a few posts i’ve seen calling it unnecessarily long. for manga readers it dragged on due to how spread out the time before each chapter was (trust me, i was ready for some change too) but i think that reading it back in one go is far more impactful and cohesive.
in a series called spy x family you expect and emphasis on the FAMILY aspect, so it’s strange to see them not interacting for months on end while the manga updates. however, in keeping with the SPY portion the readers need to be both reminded and informed of the political landscape they’re dealing with.
yuri’s plot seemed a little inconsequential, but it’s supposed to show you that the sss is operating behind the scenes where you might not expect AND that some of its agents disregard their orders to carry out their own version of justice. twilight removing his disguise at the end seems lame when he doesn’t have an emotional reunion with anya, but again we’re seeing that even the readers were unaware of the presence of wise agents AND that sometimes they don’t actually accomplish their intended mission. yor arrived later than the other parents to give anya a moment alone with damian AND to show that she’s strong and fast and dedicated but can’t possibly be there to save anya every time she needs it. billy squire exemplifies the evil that war can push people to AND his genuine desire for a fairer world for the non-wealthy. it’s all about revealing the fight for power that has steadily grown to be more convoluted than westalis vs. ostania.
to focus solely on the family relationships and relegate the political atmosphere to the background does a disservice to the series and to endo’s intended message. yes, family makes unrest and war easier to endure. had twilight’s parents survived he likely would’ve had an easier time emotionally and been less likely to engage in such heightened violence (the same could be said for yor). but that doesn’t eliminate danger, ESPECIALLY the danger that is often hidden from the public eye.
you’re supposed to feel exhausted reading this arc, you’re supposed to want it to be over, you’re supposed to long for an emotionally satisfying ending and feel somewhat let down at the lack of a grand reunion. but that’s their reality. they long for the same thing that you do. they can’t have it. so you have to wait and want and hope for a happy ending to the story right alongside the characters.
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ashtonisvibing · 6 months
i've found my first analog series that i'm very normal about i promise
angel hare has infected my brain it makes me go squish
i wanna draw fanart so bad [shakes my ipad]
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girlbob-boypants · 1 month
God I need to actually play the Outer Wilds
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starrysharks · 10 months
starsaints sucks because i have to write three novellas before i can start writing the game script
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vanlegion · 4 months
It becomes super easy to consider S19 as a simulation when you know [for a fact] Grif and Simmons would never actually separate, [because of who they are and how they've grown through their whole ass experience together] and instead realize the only reason they did is because Church did the whole 'I forget you' with them. Because that's what he did so he'd assume that was the best way to handle that. I'd also like to think its the first sign of him having cascade failure and thus realizing he was inevitable to deconstruct which hearkens back to the 'lets run one more' in the teaser.
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queerofthedagger · 1 year
coming crawling out of black sails s3e1
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