#like he will worry about this and that and end up bringing more than neccesary
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lily-ohfally · 2 years ago
WoL QotD:
When going to the beach, if your WoL/OC the type to be prepared for Hot Girl Summer TM, or the type to stay under the parasol in the shade? A follow up question, do they tan easily or are they more prone to getting sunburnt?
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flowery-mess · 7 months ago
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Noah dating hardworking girl
I feel like Noah is also hardworking person, hard on himself
But I also feel like now he knows more how to handle it, when to take a break and focus on his well being
So I think he would let you do your thing for a while, keeping his eye on you, and would step in when he'd feel like you're getting yourself wrecked
You recently started a new job which was hard
Noah was supportive while you were looking for it, going for interviews, getting rejected but also getting offers
But you both knew the hard part will yet to come
When you made a decision and chose one of the offers you got, wave of anxiety replaced the joy in your body quickly
You're an introvert, so the biggest scare was your new colleagues
"It's an open office Noah, everyone will look at me, at the new girl."
"Everyone is going to hear me asking questions or when I'll do something wrong."
"Oh and what about a lunch break? I will be eating it at my desk to avoid weird interactions."
"Calm down love, open office is great, you'll meet everyone quickly. You will be learning new job, it's okay to make mistakes and I'm sure they know it. And I can stop by for your lunch break, your office is pretty close to our house and the warehouse is also close. I can bring you lunch everyday if it makes it easier for you."
Conversations like this would be everyday occurence until the day before your first day in a new job
You were silent, not a word apart from 'good morning'
Noah would get simple nods or 'mhm' as response, but he knew you, so he didn't push you
Through the day you'd lost your apetite and didn't eat dinner, because you 'didn't feel like it'
When you were falling asleep Noah held you in his arms, talking you to sleep with encouraging words
Breakfast was also a big no, because you felt sick from the nerves
That was when Noah started getting a bit worried, but still understood it's because of the stress
But when it continued like this for another week Noah would not accept it anymore
You have been cold to him since your first day, spending more time than neccesary in the office and taking your work to home also, saying you need to learn everything asap, staying up until late hours and he hated what you turned yourself into
So one day when you came back from work, late again, he sat you down and you two talked
You both shared your feelings, you broke down a little, but he was there for you
Noah wasn't angry, he let you get it all out, cuddling you through the breakdown
You agreed that you'll start leaving your work exactly when your office hours end, not a minute more, then you two will spend time together or alone, but doing something else than work, and then after dinner you could be learning things for work for some short time
This change actually helped you a lot, both mentaly and physicaly
You felt more confident at work, you made some friends there and you also started eating frequently again, so you felt better
Noah would keep his promise to visit you during your lunch break few times a week, sometimes bringing the boys too
He liked getting to know your work space
He would let you rant about your new friends you made and the gossip you you just recently found out
He'd be more than happy to go shopping with you for new work outfits
And nothing would make him happier than seeing you find joy and friends in this new environment that you were so scared od
"Why are you smiling like that?" you'd ask one day when Noah would come to eat lunch with you
"Like what?"
"Like that." you'd point to his cheeks
"I'm just happy you're happy love, after the rough starts."
"Thank you Noah, for being there for me."
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imaginesmai · 6 years ago
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🎈: Funny
���: Smut
😭: Angst
⭐: Personal favourite.
🥇: The most popular fic in each category (it might change).
Angst Alphabet
Fluff Alphabet
Prompt List 1
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A phone call away:  Peter is having a hard time sleeping, and doesn’t know how to tell you. Eventually, someone catches him sleeping on a public place and you find out. The thing is, you love him and Peter should know that you’re always there for him. Even if it’s just by a phone call. 💕
⭐  Autistic love (autistic! Peter x reader):  there is something weird about Peter, but that doesn’t make him any less lovable.  💕 
⭐ Autistic love (autistic!Peter x reader): Peter and you have decided to meet your mother for lunch, and he’s going to discover how much you and your family care about him. 💕
Beautiful:  study break is better if Peter is with you.  💕
Breeding kink (November Kink) 💋
Check: He had a date for the homecoming dance, he had the perfect suit and a proper preparation. Peter Parker didn’t think about the winged man  😭
Dating Peter Parker would include...  💕 🎈
⭐ De-aging (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) :  you get hit by a de-aging spell, and Peter has to take care of you while trying not to break down completely. (COMPLETE)🎈 
Europe (1) (2):  Europe is being great, and it would be even greater if Peter could just follow his plan. (COMPLETE) 💕
Sometimes, once in a while: even heroes need saving sometimes  💕
Far from home:  Peter Parker has just been run over by a train. However, he has biggest worries. Like, Beck having you in his grasp. 💕
Finally: Peter’s strange behaviour hasn’t gone unnoticed by the people around him, but he has a very, very, good reason for it. Or, in which Peter and you plan a date for Friday’s night and he can’t stop thinking about it  💕 🎈
⭐  First kisses:  Peter Parker’s and yours first, or five, first kisses. 💕
Fluff Alphabet
Friday Night:  you want to have a quiet Friday night, and Peter is just swinging by to make it better.  💕
Fuck you Beck:  You had been given strict orders, yet you couldn’t ignore Peter’s call for help, even if the boy was too stubborn to do so; and even if you can be the one needing help at the end.   💕 😭
⭐  Hold you: fighting is always hard, but Peter didn’t think it would be that hard. 😭 
No more fondue on my watch: Peter and you have been together for a while now, but nothing can go past Captain America eagle’s eyes. 💋 🎈
Peter Parker having public sex  💋
🥇  Peter Parker making you squirt for the first time 💋
Peter’s Tingle:  Peter’s tingle must always be trusted; through the good and bad. 😭 💕
Praise Kink (November Kink)  💋
Promises   💋
⭐ See the light (Tangled AU): Pre-view (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12 - epilogue): Peter Parker has lot a lot through the years, and has become a shell of the bright boy he used to be. A serie of unfortunate events lead him to you, a naive young girl who has a dream. Slowly, he starts to realize that you might be that light at the end of the tunnel he needed so much (FINISHED) 💕 🎈
Short fic 1  💕 🎈
Skip (1) (2): Peter’s new life couldn’t be better. College, aparment for himself, you. Still, Parker’s luck is not on his side, and the memories are coming back. (ON GOING) 😭
Soul Stone:  Peter and you are sent to Vormir, to get the soul stone  😭
Tried (not enough): Tony had developed a cronic anxiety every time Peter calls in the middle of the night. He knows it gets bad; just not so much. 😭
Worry:  you’re sick and Peter is worried. Maybe a little too much 💕
⭐  According to the plan:  Tony Stark has a plan. Tony Stark builds a plan. He couldn’t have known both of them could go to shit in an abandoned HYDRA base in Siberia, by the hands of his ex-best friend.  😭
⭐  Family:  Tony Stark doesn’t have a lot of nice things nowadays, but his family make up for all of what he has lost. 💕
🥇 ⭐  Feeling old:  you say something that tiggers Tony’s inners insecurities and doubts.  💕 💋
Heartbeat: Tony has a heart attack, and you’re the only one around. 😭 💕
Imagine 1
Long way home: the final battle is over. Thanos is dead. Tony is alive. Everyone has payed the price, but some are having a harder time than others.
An endgame fix-it of how Tony Stark survived the snap, but with the reality about a traumatic experience as losing a limb and almost dying. 😭 💕
⭐  On sale:  Tony has a task: bring nuggets to satisfy your pregnant cravings. The obstacle: they were on sale.  🎈
Out in space: Tony is trapped in space, and his biggest worry is not how to get back home, but rather if you’re going to make it. Because there is more than one problem he has to face 😭
Recovery:  Tony Stark has a problem. Actually, he has a lot of them. Tony Stark has always been surronded by problems. But now it’s different, and he has found the will of getting out of them.  💕
Things we don’t mean: a mission gone wrong, and Peter gets hurt. It hits Tony where it hurts the most, becuase he sees the kid as a son, and he blames it on you. Hard words are exchanged and apologies are muttered.  💕
Whatever it takes:  something in Tony’s gut tells him that this recording is neccesary. He doesn’t want to think about it, but he does it anyways  😭 💕
A lash for a dog:  after a failed mission, things only gets harder.  😭
🥇  Beautiful ballerina:  Hiding your relationship with Bucky from the world was not easy. The worst part of it was hiding it from the mightiest heroes in the world; the Avengers. 💕
Imagine 1
Imagine 2
The first rays of sun: a short fluffy blurb with your moment with Bucky before a mission  💕
🥇  Be Okay:  HYDRA takes Steve. When you get back to him, he’s not the sweet boyfriend you know. 😭
Photograph-song inspired  💕
Perfect: your date is about to get ruined and not even your perfect boyfriend might be able to do something against it.  😭
My hero: you didn’t believe in heroes. Those strong, brave men that always wanted to save the day, only to cower away when the real problems began. You didn’t like heroes, who wanted to save the damsel in distress; you could save yourself, thank you very much. You didn’t fall in love with heroes, until a certain blonde one stumbled into your life. (1) (ON GOING)
New Asgard: life in New Asgard is peaceful, but the past always comes back.  💕
🥇 ⭐  Nightmares:  the final battle had made a mess out of the God. Nightmares fill his mind, but you’re always there to make it better. Until one day, you aren’t.  😭  
Imagine 1
Friends:  Eddie and you have been friends as long as you can remember. He has ruined your life, but it’s not like you can hate the man you love.
Imagine 1
🥇  Imagine 2
Imagine 3
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25th of December (1) (2) (MILITARY AU):  When Ubbe’s gone, the only thing you have left is hope. (ON GOING) 😭 
Dance Teacher (1):  Ubbe’s Friday is not going as well as he would have liked it. Yet meeting his daughter’s dance teacher is going to change that. (ON GOING)💕
First time being a dad (MODERN AU)  🎈
Heartbeat AU (1) (2) :  your heart doesn’t allow you to have a normal life, but it does beat faster when you meet your new doctor. (COMPLETE) 💕 😭
Imagine 1
Imagine 2
Imagine 3
Imagine 4
⭐  I’m with you:  Ubbe wants to make peace with the Saxons. He doesn’t care what it takes, but when you decided to follow him in the middle of the night, he’s not so sure anymore. 😭
⭐ Lagertha’s Daughter (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) :  Lagertha plans on attacking Kattegat, soon, and you, her daughter and Ubbe’s lover, just ask her to make you a promise (COMPLETE) 😭
My Viking Prince (1) (2) (3) :  you’re Alfred sister, princess Y/N. All your life, you have believed that love is all about pleasing your husband and making him happy or that’s what your mother told you. Now, prince Ubbe is making you see things differently. (COMPLETE)💕  💋(3)
Say that again:  Ivar has never liked you, Ubbe Christian lover, and he makes that very clear.
⭐ The sweet baker and the bad biker (1) (2) (3) (4) (5): (vikings x SOA crossover)  Ubbe, as the new president of SAMCRO, goes to the new bakery to see who is the owner and if he or she is a threat for Charming. He finds you, a sweet, cute and innocent girl who doesn’t hesitate to make him fall in love (COMPLETE)  😭
🥇  They learn about periods   🎈
Together:  Sigurd’s death threaten to tear not only your world but your relationship apart. 😭
What you deserve (1): Ubbe knows that you’re pregnant with his son or daughter and that he needs to leave Kattegat if he wants to protect you. What he doesn’t know is if you’re going to make it. (ON GOING)
Winner’s prize : Ubbe has put his life again at risk, but this time there are things in between that makes it different💕 😭
Your daughter’s first boyfriend  🎈
⭐ Angst Alphabet (Tattoo Artist!Hvitserk) (1)   😭
- N for Nothing  😭
- O for Offended  😭
- P for Pressure  😭
- Q for Quake  😭
- R for Rob  😭
- S for Surgery  😭
- T for Time  😭
- X for Xx  😭
Crush AU (1) (2):  shitty job, shitty life, too much stress. What’s better to solve those problems that your hot, handsome and funny roommate’s brother? (COMPLETE)💕  💋(1)
⭐  First time being a dad (MODERN AU)   🎈
Him (MODERN AU): Hvitserk and you are seeing each other behind your boyfriend’s back, his half-brother Magnus. And leaving the latest isn’t easy.  😭
His lady:  You’re his lady, he’s your prince.  😭
Home:  What do you call home when you have lost everything? You come back to Kattegat to fight Ivar, but it’s hard to know that Hvitserk will be there too.  😭
Imagine 2
NSFW Alphabet 
Octopus: Hvitserk is sick and just wants cuddles. (can be read as the second part of him)  💕
Rewrite the stars (Song inspired)  💕
Soon to be husband:  Hvitserk’s back from raiding only to find you promised to another man. It’s up to him do something or not about it.  😭
Taken : you are taken by the saxons, along with your soon to be husband, Hvitserk. And you do not hesitate in protecting him, not caring about the consequences  😭
🥇 ⭐  They learn about periods    🎈
⭐  Your daughter’s first boyfriend    🎈
Angst Alphabet  😭
Checkmate:  Ivar hasn’t always been the murderous king we know. There was a spark initiating the fire.   😭 💕
First time being a dad (MODERN AU)   🎈 
Quiet days: Ivar is in a bad mood and it seems like only you can fix that  💕 💋
🥇  They learn about periods    🎈
Your daughter’s first boyfriend   🎈
Angst Alphabet  😭
First time being a dad (MODERN AU)   🎈
Imagine 1
🥇  They learn about periods   🎈
Your daughter’s first boyfriend   🎈
Something that there wasn’t there before (Song inspired)   💕
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Back home (1) (2):   Five months ago, you broke up. Five months ago, you walked out of Tom’s house because it was all too much. Five months ago, Tom left his home without you. And now he’s back, realizing you shouldn’t have never broke up. (COMPLETE)💕 😭
Back to you (Song inspired) 😭
Caterpillar:  there isn’t ice-cream on the fridge, and that only makes your day worse. Until Tom comes home to fix it all. 💕
⭐  Christmas Present:  you recive a call in Christmas and your world lights up like a Christmas tree. 💕
⭐Fawn (Mob!Tom): GENERAL SUMMARY  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)💕 😭
⭐  Fluff Alphabet (Tom Holland)  💕 
Forgotten aniversary:  working so hard had consequences.  💕 😭
Football incident (college!Tom):  Tom gets hurt in a game, although it might not be an accident after all.  💕
Gift wrapping:  gift wrapping is the worst part of Christmas. Tom is the best one.   💕
Lost kid:  Tom and you spent your last weekend before going home in Disney World, and he turns out to be one of those boyfriends who end up in the ‘lost kids’ deparment.  💕  🎈
Mushy Pancakes:  morning sex and breakfast in bed is the best way to wake up. 💕
Relax:  Tom is driving you mad without knowing, but that’s about to change after an stressful day. 💋
Short fic 1: everyone is cooking in the quarentine, and even if Tom knows he can’t do shit, he’s going to try.  💕  🎈 
Shower time: the quarantine is the perfect time to tease, until you have enough and Tom is alone in the shower. 💋 💕
⭐  The Impossible (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6):  Your relationship with Tom is on edge. Work, paparazzi and not seeing each other for months is making you tear apart from each other. Thankfully, he’s an amazing boyfriend and propose you what you thought it would be the perfect holidays; Thailandia. The hot sun, the beach, a cute hut and privacy to mend your relationship. Neither of you thought you would be witnesses of one of the greatest natural dissasters of history (COMPLETE)  💕 😭
Training Day:  Tom’s morning hasn’t been the only thing hard that day.   💋
🥇  True love kiss: “I tricked your little sister telling her Ursula has stolen my voice because I have a massive hangover, and now we have to kiss in order not to break her innocence”
Au were Tom works in Disney store, has a massive headache and can’t talk, and now he has lied to a little girl and she wants to get him a ‘true love kiss’; which happens to you, her older sister and Tom’s highschool crush.  💕  🎈
Attention: Alex just wants to cuddle with you. 💕
🥇 ⭐  Friends don’t love each other: when feelings and sex are mixed, nothing good can come out of it. Alex and you have been doing it for a while, and the bubble if about to explode. 💋  😭
Good Boy: Alex has been a naughty boy and he needs to earn his reward. 💋
Imagine 1
Bananas: your daughter seems to have a strange fixation with bananas   💕 🎈
Bananas’ worries:  Banana the plushie is making another appearance in your life, and this time is bringing worries.  💕 🎈
⭐  Banana’s new friend:  little Nathan is the new addition to the Evans-Y/L/N family, and Banana is having troubled feelings, along with Claire.   💕 🎈
🥇  NSFW Alphabet 💋
🥇  Imagine 1  
Imagine 2
You’ve got my heart : Marco is your best friend, your neighbour and your crush. One night at your house changes everything for the best; but you’ve taken different paths and life might never reunite you again.💕  💋  😭 
B for Baby: you’re pregnant and something happens  😭
🥇  Imagine 1
Imagine 2
Gorgeous: Sebastian is doing and interview and can’t keep his eyes away from you (short blurb)💕
🥇 ⭐  Wired Autocomplete Interview: fans watching your interview with Sebastian are going to get more than what they bargained for. 💕
⭐  Interview :  you’re exicted for your first solo interview about the End Game movie, but it’s not going to be as good as you thought it would. 😭 💕
Trust:  Ben is your bodyguard and you’re his client, and both of you have some unspoken feelings. And what best way to confess, that without words and just after a bomb have blown up the building you were in? 😭 💕
Hypothetically:  you find something that you didn’t mean to in Taron’s tablet, and you wish it had been porn.  💕 🎈
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🥇  Break in:  your family night turns into a nightmare morning when some guys break into your house threatening your family  😭
Dating Jax Teller   💕
Embarrasing moment with their child  🎈
Imagine 1
🥇  Imagine 2
Imagine 3
Imagine 4
⭐  Injury:  Summer mornings with Abel are always unpredictable.  💕  😭
Lucky (Zombie apocalypse) (1) (2): after the “fall”, everything turned out to be dangerous. You have been lucky enought to find Jax and a group.
Safe: in your mind, it’s not his fault. It’s never his fault, becuase he’s your dad and he loves you. But there is one person who loves you more, and is willing to prove that what Clay does is not right  😭
Short fic 1: after a shooting, the most important thing Jax has to do is to pick up the pieces.  💕  😭
🥇  Dating Happy Lowman  💕
⭐  Embarrasing moment with their child   🎈
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🥇  Bad words and bad luck:  Alfie and you have a bet going on; if he doesn’t say any bad words until night, you’ll let him do whatever he wants in bed.  💕  😭
Imagine 1
NSWF Alphabet    💋
Attached:  there isn’t much to say, just a cute rotten fluff day with the Shelby family  💕 🎈
Beach days:  Michael’s and your honeymoon is going to take an interesting turn in the beach  💋
🥇  H for Humillation:  you have a nice life, with a quiet library and a loving boyfriend. But some people don’t know how to respect that  😭
M for Mistakes:  you’re Michael’s world and he’s not ready to lose you yet  😭
Umbrellas (C for Catcall)  😭
G for Grounded:  yours and Tom’s son is a spoiled kid, but his father hasn’t really noticed that. Until one night when, after a fight, Tom recives some harsh words from him.  😭
B for Baby:  For being a Shelby, having twins was one hell of a lucky strike. Arthur couldn’t be any more happy and exicted about it; yet as always, luck is not very common in a Shelby’s life.  😭
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🥇 ⭐  Freddie’s best friend (1) (2):  being Freddie’s best friend means supporting him on everything, and being in love with Roger Taylor means suffering in silence, doesn’t it? Maybe a little trip to the fields can change that, but not in the best way (COMPLETE)  💕
To let you inside my heart (1) (2):  when you have your heart broken, you build walls so high that no one can climb them. Roger Taylor’s purpose is to show you no walls can stop a loving heart. (ON GOING)  💕
What I love:  Roger was a confident guy; full of girls and empty of insecurites. But now, he has a girlfriend and when an insecurity knocks at his door, all of them enter into his head.   💕
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Imagine 1
🥇  Betrothed :  you have know since you were little that prince Robb Stark would be your husband one day. It’s time to meet him, and to discover if being promised to an unknown man is good or not  💕
Imagine 1
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Back to you: Damon and you broke up two years ago, thinking it was for the best. When a threat to your life becomes too real, he’s forced to come back for the only woman he loves
B for Baby  😭
🥇  Imagine 1
⭐  The Painting (ANGST ALPHABET):  your anniversary is coming up, and Klaus is determinated to put into a painting your relationship. Someone might finish it before he gets the chance  😭
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Imagine 1
Imagine 2
Love you (small drabble)  💕
🥇 ⭐  Please Don’t:  while Dean and you’re trapped, he starts to realise that not everything is under control. 😭
Sub!Dean (November Kink)   💋
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Angst Alphabet   😭
🥇  Being Liam’s older sister and having a crush on Stiles  🎈
🥇  Imagine 1
Imagine 2
Imagine 1
Imagine 1
Daddy Kink (November Kink) 💋
⭐  (Don’t) Care: Jace’s carefree attittude is going to have terrible consequences for once 😭
Strawberry:  two assholes feel the right to ruin your day, but Jace isn’t going to let that happen. 💕
🥇W for Weak (1) (2):  your relationship with Jace is on edge, so you decided to wait and see if things get better. Not knowing that waiting can be your death sentence. (COMPLETE)  😭
Devil (1) (2):  James isn’t sure if he loves you or he tolerates you. He trust you with something really important to find out. 💋 😭
Imagine 1
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mysaldate · 5 years ago
That one SusaYaha AU I didn’t come up with, but it’s an improvised drabble
@akaza-s-bitch @kimetsuno-yaiba-imagines So you know that feeling when inspiration suddenly strikes at 1:30am and you just HAVE TO write? Yeah, me too. Me too.
Also my first time ever trying to do anything involving Yahaba so I’m sorry if I’m terribly ooc.
“You don’t have to come with me!”
“Don’t think I’d just let you leave me behind.”
“Even if it’s something like this, you still think you have to look after me?”
“It’s not that I think that! But if you’re on your own, you will just die soon anyway!”
Ah, it’s this dream again... The strange dream with a tinge of dust and a scent of ash and blood. Thousand times has he tried to go beyond what he sees. Beyond vague shadows and distorted voices, corroded by the screams and cries of his meals, covered by the thick layer of power crawling just under his skin.
This is why demons sleep so little. The line between their supressed memories, the boundary keeping them in check, weakens so much when they lay to rest. And yet, Yahaba finds himself returning to the tranquil state between the present and the past more often with each passing month. In hopes of finding something – anything – of value. A lead, something he’s been missing up till now. Something. Alas, his mind is as hazy as always, everything drowns in the darkness that had accompanied him most of his human life.
Why did he become a demon again?
It wasn’t to save himself. And it wasn’t to grow strong. These desires have only manifested themselves way after the initial act. No, it was something else. And it was powerful enough to leave an imprint in his mind. One that he couldn’t access but that always stayed just out of reach, taunting him and teasing with incredible lightness, yet causing wounds harsher than any demon slayer’s sword.
He’s been wondering for a long time just why was he drawn to that one part of that onw town. Unimportant and abandoned, it wasn’t like there was anything for him to do there. And yet, every time he would get lost in thoughts, he would wind up there. In front of a house with fallen-in roof, a broken porch, a dried out well and a dying apricot tree. And sometimes – just sometimes, he would catch shadows disappearing in the moon’s silver light as it slipped out from behind the clouds.
And other times, he would run into a peculiar demon girl. They would never talk. They would never attempt to stay in each other’s presence for longer than neccesary and it would usually be him who withdrew first. They wouldn’t see each other for a few weeks and then they would accidentally return to the same place at the same time. Sometimes, she would look at him, and sometimes, she would just watch the house in silence, a confused look on her face and a storm behind her eyes.
And just why was it that he could never peel his glance away from her when she stood there like that?
A splat echoed the empty hallway, followed by a string of curses and sounds of quick steps heading in his direction. Not this time, this time he wouldn’t let her have the upper hand. Hiding behind a large chest, he waited before she had ran around him and then he sneaked out and sprinted towards the door. He had almost made it when a powerful blow knocked him off his balance and he fell face-first right on the floor. There was something wet on his back and only after reaching there, he found a pile of mud.
His blood ran cold. His mother was surely going to be so mad about this! He knew she had spent so much money on the new yukata for him and now he got it dirty the first time he took it on. He felt tears burst into his eyes as he begrudgingly sat up, pulling his knees up to his chest.
“Are you alright?” She asked in a tone that only she could make sound so innocent, yet so mischievous.
“Look at what you’ve done!” He scolded her, holding onto his dirtied yukata. She looked over it but didn’t seem the least bit sorry. Of course she wouldn’t, it wasn’t like she ever had to worry about her clothes in the first place.
Or so he had thought.
But she just pulled him up by his hand, a smile as bright as a dozen suns playing a symphony with the stars in her eyes. “Then we just have to wash it before you go home, right?”
And there goes another one of his dreams. Is he going to see all of them? But something is different. For a moment, for just a brief, fleeting second, he feels like he knows. He knows her and he knows why he’s here the way he is and he knows why that place attracts him so. But the feeling is gone as quickly as it’s come, leaving him empty yet again, chasing after the wind.
He has been assigned a mission. No, that’s not correct. They have been assigned a mission. Together for the first time since... since what?
Why has his heart fluttered just a little when he saw her by his side? Why is it that when she’s around, it sends jolts of electricity through him, touching something deep within? And why is it that when she smiles, the heaven sings and all the angels dance?
What was it they came here to get? He doesn’t know about her. But he knows there’s something important. A deal? A reward? A promise.
A promise?
It makes no sense. Who would promise him anything for doing what he’s supposed to as a demon? Why would anyone go to such lenghts to ensure he’s carried out his mission well? The only one responsible for his performance during this task is himself. So the only one who could’ve promised...
“Do you... hate me?”
Why is she all alone?
“Do you want me to just get lost?”
He doesn’t. He wants to take her hand and never let go. He wants to hold her tight and tell her everything is alright. He wants to wipe her tears after a nightmare and listen to her excited rambling about her sweetest dreams. And there is more.
“Do you want to retain your lost memories?”
That’s right. The reason he’s been assigned to hunt down that boy. The reason she’s there with him. He made a request some time ago. He had to know. He still has to. There is nobody to promise to but himself anymore. And he has promised himself to find out the truth.
“You don’t have to come with me!”
And it is a voice he knows. Voice of a little girl who loved to play in the mud, who would chase him around the house and dirty his clothes before helping him wash them again. It’s the voice of a young woman who had lost everything and there wasn’t anything else for her to do. And it’s the voice of a demon whose blood arts match his with perfect accuracy, who takes his advice as a given and who follows his every word instead of going against him like he would expect.
Her smile is the sun. Her eyes are the stars. When she laughs, heaven sings and angels dance. She’s wild and vile and dirty. And she has the kindest heart he knows.
“Curse you! Curse you! Curse you!” Words he doesn’t even remember thinking off spill from his lips as a harsh slap lands him back in reality. “All I had to do was bring back your head! And I would’ve won his approval!”
The boy in front of him, the pathetic slayer who couldn’t even see his blood arts on his own, why is it that he should be the one getting out of here? Of course, his memories are in-tact. Untainted and untouched and clear, without any haze in the way.
“I’ll never forgive you! I’ll never ever forgive you!”
Not after he has finally found her. Not now that the fog has finally lifted. Not now that he has finally figured everything out. If he has to die here, what was the point? What was he trying to hard for? If this really is the end of it for him... will she ever even know?
While this boy would walk away with his demon sister who was nothing but a mistake, not even working as a proper demon, he would disappear into nothingness, never to be remembered, seen, or cared for ever again. And then...
It only now hits him. The horrible truth of what is about to happen once he is out of this slayer’s way.
“You’re going down with me!”
Why did he become a demon again?
Ah, he remembers now.
It was to protect.
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icefrozendeadlyqueen · 5 years ago
My Little Angel: Chapter 4 - The Sense of a Shinigami
The rare languagues is supposed to be Enochian. The Angelic Languague. I use a translator. I wanted Azure to be as legit as my creation can make her.
I remember I wanted her to be as legit as possible. I had to look up what an angelic languague is.. I have no idea if its correct or not. 
Words: 1079
Edge Eve of Halloween - Flashback: The Angel and the Shinigami meet at last.
The morning corners through the uncover corners of my store. I hear steps and voices outside my resting place. One of the many coffins at my disposal I could try laying in any other finding it difficult to lay down; however, this particular coffin is made specially for me.
In the case someone could get a hit on me. I have always doubt that no matter the situation. I haven't seen anyone getting that close to me before ever had I doubt that even if the Earl Phantomhive has a demon lab dog by his side.
Demons, Shinigamis all seem so little now. There are others that care to much about the titles and unravel reasons why they dislike each other's. It all seem childish to me.
I am not interested in anything concentrating either races.
The voices in my shop remind me slow ticking clocks. A tingling sensation brings a smile to my face imagining one of the presents beating the bucket right on my shop.
That would be everything the Undertaker would had wish for.
"He'll figure out what you are". The Earl Phantomhive voices comes through clear as water. My instinct tried hard to identify the presence now; however, the room fell empty as if no creature was at bay, but the Undertaker knows better though he is confused and shock why his instinct is failing him. Usually, he knows it's them by Sebastian stink more than anyone else they come with.
What's going on?? Why is it I can't seem to identify anyone in my shop. Now that the Earl Phantomhive is in my shop which comes to be known by personal experience he always brings more creatures with him.
Why can't I feel anyone else?
"He is around here somewhere, right?". Earl Phantomhive asks outloud to probably Sebastian Michaels whom didn't disappoint, "Well, he was when I was miles away as soon as I reach town. I had completely lost him". Sebastian explains making me think something odd was going on.
Are they all working together to fuck with my brain today???
That could be an idea, but my own instinct is fucking up with me too???
I had to scratch my head for that I couldn't heard absolutedly nothing from smell to heart beats to even the slight sense of knowing who is out there is gone. It's like nobody is out there, and there is nothing going on. An oddly greasy water drips from my chin reminding me that I have grown fearful of this, "Sebastian, find him by any means neccesary". Earl Phantomhine shouts getting fed up by the waiting.
It's time to make an entrance.
"Yes, my Lord". Knowing Sebastian he bowed to Ciel with a hand to his heart. The Demon is always so predictable. It is something everyone in their inner circle knows by now.
"That's enough! Get out of the fucking casket!". She opens my casket throwing me out with glares given towards me. An overblowing black color knee level gown wears my niece, Rosario whom looks like the basic lolita out there.
Shit.. she was getting ready wasn't she? Great. Now I wont heard the end of it. I'll never heard the end of it.
"Right right.  Sorry okay?". My palms reach up defensively hoping that will be all of it though she looks towards the visitors pointing to them, "I am not having a demon going through my shit. Fix this". Rosario glares down at me waiting for me to get my shit together. I chuckle getting much amusememt from her outsburst.
"Right! Whatever you need has a price Earl Phantomhive". I start with a wicked smile on noticing familiar faces like Grell and some servant from Phantomhive's manor.
"Meet our new member". Ciel informs me pointing to a young woman in front of me. She looks up with such round orbs. A sense of peace infuriates through my senses breaking any sense of warning, "Good day!". I blurt out uncharacteristically to my personality or attitude all together. Rosario raises an eyebrow watching me curious to see what the hell is wrong with her uncle now.
"My uncle can figure what you are. Give her a hand shake". Rosario explains proudly enough to gain the white hair female to glance back at her, "Okay". She softly speaks softly moving one gloved hands to her other removing a silk gloves softly. I did the same not to be rude to her, "What can go wrong?". I blurt out as in cue we shake hands. The breath got caught in my throat as I glance down seeing such bright lights in my shop. I look up to notice the female had glorious wings behind her. I watch her how she truly is supposed to look like I had to gulp down unable to breath. I could heard Rosario shouting something about breathing.
"Bolape Elasa Ascha (Are you good?)". She speaks a languagues forgotten by time itself or so I thought. My sense were blaring at me to move back away from her I could hear all of my warnings going off... was that or was it me?? I couldn't tell.
Angel...  That..  That..
She is speaking their languagues...
End of Flashback.
The Undertaker looks up from his nap glancing about the town looking oddly around seeing people glaring oddly at him. He ignores their existence wondering why has he remember such good memories, "Azure an Angel. An actual pure one whom negative beings like us cause an effect". He whispers to himself with a chuckle in his voice.
Rosario told me I fainted after holding her hand; however, I thought ages past the moment she touch my palms. It was like I saw my life before me. Rosario told me Azure almost killed me.
Any longer and Undertaker wouldn't be himself anymore. A chuckle escapes him waiting for Azure to pop up from somewhere, "Where is the Angel? If I was her... where would I be?". Undertaker thinks on it not sure what exactly Angels like.
Its pretty quiet without hr around here. What am I going on about. She is probably playing tagged with Finnick.
I shouldn't worry.
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theabyssalmuses-a · 4 years ago
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[ @cyfaredd​ sent in: ‘stop punishing yourself. please. you don’t deserve it.  ’ [Ereshkigal @ Gudao] ]
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“You think so?” Gudao speaks in a carefree manner, placing the lint roller on a desk next to him- pure white hairs very clearly visible all across it- and more worringly, still all over his clothes. Fou’s fur really does get everywhere.
He was atleast trying to keep it off him, but when Fou jumps up on to his lap for a few hours, he finds it hard to say no. Well, hasn’t he always had a hard time saying no? That didn’t really need thinking about right now, did it? He didn’t think so.
There were more pressing matters on hand than stuff like that.
The room falls to a quiet silence, seconds feeling just a tad too long. Gudao clenches his hands into fists, balling up and gripping the fabric of his trousers tightly. He asks again, quieter this time. “You think so...?”
Was he punishing himself? Surely, he wasn’t? He was doing everything he could to stay alive, right? He had missed a few meals, but that was just to help the rations last a little longer...
Sure, he didn’t sleep some nights, but he probably would have ended up with nightmares-- that, or someone else would have...
He pushed himself hard at the gym, and his body ached most days, but he’s just working hard, right?
He’s not punishing himself...is he? Why doesn’t he have a solid answer ? It must be ‘no’, right? Then Why-?
It didn’t make sense. Or maybe it did-? Deep down, it could be that he knew all along that this was self destructive behaviour. The rations would be fine either way- trying to sleep is better than none, regardless of what happens-- physically, he was fine, he really didn’t need to push so hard. And yet trying to stop felt like walking into a wall.
Much like the seemingly impossible task of restoring the human order...he couldn’t help but be mad at himself for not being ‘better’. He knew it was stupid, he knew it was dumb-- he knew that this was none of his fault, and yet even so..
Stupid. So Stupid.
But even now, even stupider. This ridiculousness had Ereshkigal worried--of course she was worried about him! Who wouldn’t be? It all felt so obvious, like running face first into a wall- like the idiot he was! Truthfully, It hurt. It hurt alot, to even recognise his own behaviours...was this really him? Was this who he was? Who he’d become? He felt as if he was falling apart.
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“...Well...you’re right. I...” He couldn’t bring himself to say it aloud. Not now. Not yet. Recognising the problem was, in any case, a huge first step. “...I’ll try.” Perhaps ‘falling apart’ is a neccesary pre-requisite to ‘getting it together’. ?
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“...After all, I can’t do my best if i’m not at my best...right Ereshkigal~?”
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markinglee-blog · 7 years ago
okay! Can I get a written ship for exo and nct 127? I'm fairly task oriented and focused. I love to play piano and sing for fun. It's hard for me to get out of the house for anything other than school and various obligations because people are scary lol but when I do hang out with people, I'm bubbly and funny. my sex drive is a little controlling at times. I'm a very passionate person and I sometimes think that I feel much more than others because of it. I'm a cry baby. basically extreme with my emotions but most people don't realise that because I tend to keep myself in check as much as possible. fitness is important to me and I use it and playing piano as a way of letting out my emotions. I only let a very select few listen to me play piano because that's a really emotionally intimate thing for me to do. I laugh a lot too though. Like random things that others don't think is funny, for some reason I'll end up laughing about and yeah.
Thanks for the request!!! Hope you like the results 🕊🕊
In EXO I ship you with LAY
•Now our yixing is one type of person who gives his all while producing and working, even among the already hard working members of exo.
•imagine him camping out in his studio. Making a 'special song'. After a few days, he gifts the song to you saying he poured his heart and soul into making it for you
• you love the home environment? He'll come over with food and new movies often. Sometimes he'll take you out to meet exo members so they could brighten you up, bring out the bubbly person in you
• His sex drive seems controlling too, given his exquisite dances. So…. Enjoy
• Lay may seem like an airhead.. but he's rather kind and mature too. He'll hear out your problems and not let you shed more tears than neccesary.
•y'all would work out together a lot. Hot, sweaty mess mmm… let the energy flow
•Imagine how cool it would be to exchange piano tips. Listening to each other's work. Laughing away in paradise.
•paradise is the place where both of you could be an airhead together. Enjoying cheesy jokes. No one around to judge
In NCT 127, I ship you with MARK
▪devoted. Focused. Passionate. Ambitious. Are words that go well with the name Mark.
▪ If you could play piano, he would play guitar. If you sing, he raps. Everything's complimentary
▪talk sessions in the comfort of your homes would be frequent. That would be enough social interaction.
▪he's a cry baby too. But only privately.
Sometimes y'all would cry together sometimes y'all would comfort each other. Imagine both of your rose dusted cheeks aww
▪both if you are the type to hide your problems but would share them with each other because loving also means trusting :)
▪he would make time. No matter how busy. To attend your piano recitals. He'd make it a point to see play confidently.
▪ sometimes his rap flow will be inspired by your music :D
▪Two cheesy dorks together. Dream line would savage y'all out but don't worry you have each other to understand and laugh along
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