#like he starts blaming hyde at the end but hes still using first person half the time
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So I started reading "What lies beneath" cause you recommend it so much and I’m??? Donna's drugged and then gang fucked by Randy and Hyde in the very first chapter. Randy treats her as a piece of meat and thenHyde lectures her as if he hadn’t cum in her mouth while she was intoxicated??? I’m used to Donna bashing, but this is so violent, misogynistic and degrading I can’t keep reading. Sorry if I’m being dramatic or rude, I’m just so sad and agitated right now. Why do you like this fic so much??
I completely understand your frustrations (and I felt the same way while I was reading the first few chapters), but as I kept reading the story, things started to make sense.
I'm not going to lie, the story is fucked up (especially the first half of it), I never said it wasn't, it deals with some pretty heavy stuff and there are some disturbing scenes in it, although, I do think that the scene you're talking about is the most disturbing of them all.
Donna and Randy's relationship is probably one of the most fucked up things in this story. They were both very into some real heavy BDSM shit, they experimented a lot with things, with the excuse of "keeping things exciting".
About that particular disturbing scene: Donna took the drugs willingly. I'm not saying that what happened was cool (it was not), but she consented to it and she enjoyed it, it's a kink, I particularly don't see why someone would enjoy something like this, but well... some people do enjoy it and who the hell am I to judge?
Anyways, in later chapters, we can see her thoughts about her relationship with Randy and we can understand better why she did the things she did and what exactly was she thinking.
Actually, if you read that awful scene again, you'll notice how Hyde didn't want to participate and tried to back out multiple times. Donna was the one who pulled him in.
I think that sometimes people forget that sexual assault happens with guys too. Hyde was clearly not comfortable with the situation, he said he didn't want to participate, he protested and tried to escape, but neither Randy nor Donna listened to him. And yeah, he came in her mouth, but that doesn't mean he enjoyed what happened.
Donna's in a really bad place, and the author uses this to create an amazing storyline for her in later chapters. Donna will hit rock bottom, it's not a fun thing to read, she spends a big chunk of her time trying to blame others for her own failures, but time will come where she'll have a self-evaluation; at least that's what the story was hinting at when the author stopped writing it :(
I wish the story wasn't abandoned, because I’m pretty sure Donna was going to try and right her wrongs eventually. We didn't get to see her redemption arc like we got to see Hyde's, and that makes me sad.
And Randy's just a piece of shit in this story, he'll get what's coming for him in later chapters.
Hyde lectured Donna on chapter 4 after she forcefully tried to kiss him (she was sober this time) and said that Jackie's the reason why her life was a mess. He wasn't wrong, he told Donna the truth, he told her about how they are the assholes who drove away the people they loved, and that no one was to blame for their shitty lives other than themselves.
"The truth is that if our lives are crap, it's because we never bothered to be good to the people who were good to us. It's just easier to blame it on them than try".
I'm not really into Donna bashing either, I can guarantee that you'll never see me writing Donna as a bad person in my stories, but I understand why some authors write her like that. Here's a post with my opinions on Donna's character if you're interested in reading it.
It's not a perfect story, and if I'm being honest, I would change two things in What Lies Beneath:
I would change the way the author wrote Jackie and Eric's last names -- I love that story so much, but it hurts to read 'Foreman' and 'Burkhardt'. My brain learned how to ignore that after a while, but it was really difficult at first.
And I would focus a little bit more on Donna's storyline and try to do her justice. She's not a bad person, and I feel like the author took too long to clarify that.
The reason why I like this story so much is that no one is perfect, everyone has their flaws, and they acknowledge them (at some point) and work on them. The author also managed to develop the characters in ways I never thought were possible.
I also like how the story was built, the structure is fantastic, and the foreshadowing is just incredible. I wish I had the ability to write something like that lol.
The first few chapters are tough, but it gets better. Unfortunately, we don't get the closure we deserve on Donna's storyline (it kind of ends on a cliffhanger) because the story was abandoned, but I still think it's worth the read.
It's okay if you didn't like the story, we all have our opinions, and I agree with you in some parts. And you weren't dramatic or rude, don't worry about it! I completely understand your frustrations!
Our opinion is not something we should ever apologize for (unless you're offending someone, but that's not the case here), and I like hearing your thoughts!
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Favourite Episodes of Season 6 of Charmed
Okay, so I will fully admit that I have been very biased when it comes to this season. My love for Chris/Drew has clouded my judgement and I have always said that this season was my favourite. However, on my rewatched I can confirm that this season isn’t the best. I think it truly struggles to find it’s footing and I don’t think it really finds it till the second half once we find out Chris is Piper and Leo’s son. 
The first half is very messy and seems like they don’t know what the fuck they are doing either. I think once they work out what Chris is actually doing and why he came back it starts to pick up finally. 
1. Forget Me Not
I like that we got to see a small glimpse of Wyatt’s powers. It always makes me laugh that after he conjures the dragon and the dragon leaves. Piper picks him up and then Wyatt orbs Piper to see the dragon. Like look, mom, look what did isn’t it cool. Piper is so not impressed! 
I do wonder where the Cleaners were when they got exposed in season 3. Maybe they were created after that moment. To make sure nothing like that ever happened again. 
Seeing Piper being this strong kickass mother is everything! 
2. My Three Witches
I thought this one was cool for the fact that it tapped into the girl's desires. Piper wanting a normal life and Paige wanting to use her powers out in the open. Completely different ends of the scale. 
3. Chris Crossed
My Chris centred episode!!!! I loved this one! The whole reveal of Chris actually being a witch and that he was coming back to save Wyatt from turning evil was great. 
Chris’s storyline and backstory is really tragic when you think about it. His mother died when he was young, his father is non existent, his brother is the power of all evil. He has no one. No wonder he goes back to the past to try and save at least Wyatt. The rest of his family was just a bonus.  
4. Witchstock
Jennifer Rhodes in all her glory!! I love her! I love the scene where she is yelling at Piper and Phoebe about how they are living apart from one another for love. Both Piper and Phoebe are giggling it is just great. 
Also, the fucking shade Grams throws at Chris is hilarious I love it! But when Grams gave him a compliment at the end of the episode you could tell that meant everything to him. 
There is a small moment in the end when Paige gives Leo crap for his Hippie days and you see Chris in the background looking grossed out and confused at what he is hearing. He doesn’t want to hear about his father like that hahaha
5. The Legend of the Sleepy Halliwell
This one honestly just has some really great sarcastic Piper after she gets her head chopped off! Also, feel like this was a crafty way of hiding Holly’s baby bump hahaha. 
The reveal of Chris being Wyatt’s brother was really subtle which I love. I loved that Phoebe was the one that figured it out as well. 
6. I Dream of Phoebe
This episode is great for the fact that it is just Chris freaking the fuck out over the fact he needs to get his parents back together so he can actually happen. The backfire of the wish of getting Piper and Leo to sleep together was great! 
The fourth wall break when Phoebe says why do i always get stuck with the wigs. I thought was funny! 
My favourite moment though was when the Genie wished the Charmed ones dead and Chris running over to his aunt's bodies and saying no this isn’t your time yet, I know it isn’t. Then their spirits floating away and Chris crying and saying how sorry he is. My heart just broke! Like he loves his family so much! 
7. The Courtship of Wyatt’s Father
A great Piper and Leo episode! Brian and Holly work so well together, I love them! 
The moment Chris comes back though is so fucking funny! The grand reveal to Piper of Chris being her son was also great! 
8. Hyde School Reunion
I will be honest I just love this episode for the Chris and Victor scenes and the Piper and Chris scenes. Chris opening up to Victor about how Piper dies when he is 14 and how he doesn’t want to get close to her because it will hurt more to go back to the future where she isn't there - BREAKS MY FUCKING HEART! 
But the best moment of all time is Chris calling Piper Mom by accident. It is by far the cutest moment of the whole serious. The surprise from Piper at being called that and Chris surprised that he slipped up is amazing. I love their relationship and this episode really highlighted that. 
9. Spin City 
“FROM THE WOMB? HE HAD POWERS FROM THE WOMB” might be one of the best quotes of the show. But honestly, why did all this power go to Wyatt and Chris just got the basic powers?! It does seem a little unfair
The angst between Chris and Leo is everything. I am pleased that they explored it. The whole scene on the Golden Gate Bridge where Chris reveals that Leo is there for everyone but him, was so sad. I could totally imagine a timeline where Leo does this. Especially if Piper dies young then it makes even more sense. It would have just ignored everything and gone up to the Elders and that be that. 
10. Crimes and Witch-Demeanors
Finally, they addressed how they have been using their powers for personal gain for like the whole season! It had been bothering me. Particularly Phoebe with her forcing premonitions etc. So I thought it was good that Phoebe got her powers taken away from her in the end. However, I will say I am annoyed she never earned back her Empathy and Levitation power coz those two were cool 
I honestly didn’t know that California still has the death penalty in place so that was a shocking thing to learn. 
I feel so bad for Darryl though. He has done EVERYTHING he could to protect those girls and he gets that as his payback. I don’t blame him for wanting to take a step back from them. 
11. It’s a Bad Bad Bad World
This episode is a good season finale. Them going to the world where it is the complete opposite of their world was cool. I especially enjoyed seeing Barbas as the Demon of Hope instead of the Demon of Fear. It was funny to see that reverse. 
Then everyone being overly happy was funny as well! I loved that moment when Piper casts the spell on Phoebe and Paige. Paige being like “We, very well can't ignore Chris's birth now can we?” Chris: “I'm the baby. I give you permission to.”
I did like the fact that the reason why Wyatt turned evil was due to him having to fight for his life at such a young age (literally a baby) and that’s why he turns evil. I thought that was kind of a clever idea instead of it being a demon influence. 
I am still a little bitter that they didn’t have Chris go back to the future to see what good he had done but him making the ultimate sacrifice for his brother was heartwarming. Brian and Drew were so good in that final scene - Rose as well. I love that we got such a touching moment between a father and son. It was very well done. 
Brian also in that scene where he loses it and uses his elder lightening powers and is destroying the attic because of his grief. He was so angry at himself because he had promised Chris that he would get him back to his time safely. 
I loved the quote at the end from Paige “We didn’t lose him after all”. 
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shadowedoracle · 5 years
Rumbelle Season 6 Summary
So @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin​ wanted to know what happened to Rumbelle 6A and I may have gotten a little carried away. I’ve tried to keep commentary to a minimum so it’s really just a recount of the events of the arc but some commentary may have slipped in. Below the cut you will find both short (-ish) summaries of each 6A episode as well as some additional longer summaries for the episodes with larger amounts of Rumbelle.
Season 5 Finale
So I’m not sure exactly what you know of the Season 5 finale episodes apart from Belle is in the sleeping curse in Pandora’s Box. The other important thing you really need to know is there’s this serum that can split a person’s evil half away from them invented by Dr. Jekyll. Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll therefore are running around Storybrooke as two separate people and Regina used it to try to rid herself of her evil half. So the Evil Queen is running around as a separate entity causing mayhem. At the start of the season they don’t know how to kill an evil half.
6x01: The Savior
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Rumbelle’s dancing brings light to Belle’s dark dream Dark Castle.
The short version:
Rumple enters Belle’s dream to wake her from the sleeping curse. She’s dreaming they are back in the dark castle before it became a home to her. They dance, their kiss transforms Rumple from his imp form and her memories are re-awoken but she doesn’t wake from the sleeping curse. She says that them being together always causes heartbreak. Rumple’s dream guide Morpheus reveals himself to be their unborn child and tells Belle this was a test to see if she’d fall from Rumple’s lies again and asks her to not let Rumple fail them like he did his first family. Gideon’s kiss awakens Belle from the sleeping curse. She tells Rumple she won’t be making a home with him again so they return to Storybrooke separately.
Long version:
In his attempts to wake Belle from the sleeping cure, as his kiss in Season 5 failed to wake her, Rumple travels to the Temple of Morpheus. He pours sand over the two of them to enter her dream world.
He is greeted by Morpheus who tells him he is Rumple’s dream guide and he has an hour to wake Belle before she is lost to the red room (room full of fire) forever. Belle is dreaming she’s still a maid in Rumple’s castle before she felt at home there and was still afraid of Rumple -- the castle is dark and unfriendly and and she once more sees Rumple in his imp form. Rumple tries to recreate scenes from their past to prompt her memories. As they dance (for some reason the Dark Castle has a gramophone) and the room lightens to look like we usually see it. They kiss and although this doesn’t wake her, it causes her memories return. Belle tells Rumple that being them being together causes too much heartbreak. She claims it would be better for their child to remain unborn with her under the sleeping curse than be “in debt” to Rumple. Morpheus returns to tell congratulate Belle on not falling for Rumple’s lies again as a test. He confuses them both when he says that he will be the one to wake Belle with true love’s kiss. Belle points out she doesn’t even know him let alone love him and  Morpheus reveals himself to in fact be their child. He explains that some of the sands Rumple poured over Belle went over him as well so this is also his dream world. He warns Belle not to trust Rumple and let him do to them what he did to his first family. Gideon kisses Belle and she wakes from the sleeping curse.
Rumple is upset because his unborn child already hates him. He opens a portal from them to return to Storybrooke together but Belle makes it clear that she will be heeding her embryo’s dream-self’s warning and that she doesn’t want to be with him any more. She goes through first, Rumple presumably follows but we don’t see it.
6x02: A Bitter Draught
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Belle is incredulous about the idea of living on the Jolly Roger.
So Rumbelle aren’t in this episode a whole lot and have no scenes together. All you really need to know is that Hook offers to let Belle live on the Jolly Roger (the people from the Land of Untold Stories have made all the rooms at Granny’s full) and apologizes to Belle for his past attacks on her and Belle accepts both his apology and offer of accommodation. In Rumple’s Storybrooke plot, he makes a deal with the Evil Queen for an item from David’s past and in return she agrees not to harm Belle or his unborn child.
6x03: The Other Shoe
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Belle listens to the poem.
Rumbelle are also barely in this one. David makes a deal with Rumple and Rumple’s price is for David to deliver a cassette tape to Belle (because Rumple is super old-fashioned, I guess). Luckily Hook is also super old-fashioned and has a cassette player on The Jolly Roger. Belle plays the tape and the fandom melted. It’s recording of Rumple reading a poem for their child. It’s incredibly Scottish and beautiful. Rumple’s outside the boat while she’s listening and from his expression he knows she’s listening to it. After this you might be lulled into thinking that maybe things can go in a constructive direction, that even if they’re not together, they might work out some reasonable way to co-parent. But alas no.
6x04: The Strange Case
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Rumbelle fight on the dock.
Short Version: Angst! Lots of angst! Rumple cuts his hair. To keep Belle safe from Hyde he casts a protection spell around the Jolly Roger which prevents Hyde from boarding but also Belle from leaving. Jekyll thinks he’s created a serum that can stop an evil half, Rumple pours it on the Dark One dagger and stabs Hyde but it doesn’t work and Hyde gets the dagger. He makes Rumple take them to the ship where they stand on the docks where they watch final twist of the story unfold. Inside Jekyll is disturbing Belle and she uses a seashell Hook gave her to call for help. Jekyll breaks it but Belle stabs him with the shell. She tries to escape the ship but can’t because of Rumple’s protection spell. Hook arrives in time to save Belle and kill Jekyll which also kills Hyde. Rumbelle fight on the docks and it’s super angsty.
Long Version:
In the flashbacks we learn that (Dark One!) Rumple visited the realm Dr. Jekyll was from and used magic to help create the first serum that separates the higher (good) and base (bad) parts of one’s personality. Note it didn’t separate the two bodies (that comes in Season 5 finale, after the flashback events), this serum just means Jekyll can physically transform into Hyde. The woman Jekyll loved fell for Hyde instead and when Jekyll wakes up in bed with her, he realizes she prefers Hyde over of him he pushes her out a window, killing her. Rumple believes Hyde’s love for Mary (he does love her) makes the serum a failure.
In the present day, Rumple cuts his hair. Yes, that is a legitimate plot point and I the show for that. Hyde and the Evil Queen have teamed up and Hyde makes it clear he has every intention of going after Belle. So Rumple goes to Hook’s ship and puts a protection spell on it which protects Belle on the ship and stops Hyde being able to board but also Belle from leaving. Hook gives Belle a conch shell which she can use to call him if she needs help. Because I guess phone signal is bad on The Jolly Roger? To be fair I’d prefer a conch shell with a direct connection to only one person to a phone but then again I’m a weirdo without a mobile phone.
Jekyll thinks he’s created a new serum that will allow them to defeat the Evil Halves. Rumple pours this on the Dark One dagger and stabs Hyde in the chest with it. But because he is apparently an idiot, he thrusts the dagger in and lets go of it. The serum doesn’t work and Hyde just pulls the dagger out of his chest and then makes Rumple take them to the ship and tells him there is a final twist in the tale.
Jekyll is inside with Belle. He wants to make Rumple suffer and lose his love because he blames Rumple for the loss of his own love. Belle becomes alarmed by his behaviour and tries to call for help with the shell but Jekyll breaks it. Belle stabs Jekyll with the shell bits and tries to escape but is prevented by Rumple’s spell. She begs Rumple to help but he can only look on helplessly (because of Hyde having the dagger). Hook arrives in the nick of time (don’t ask how he got there so fast, I don’t know) and kills Jekyll which kills Hyde and Rumple regains the dagger.
Then Rumbelle fight at the docks and this is where all those angsty gifs of this episode come from. He reveals he’d sought out the serum when he first started having feelings for Belle because he wanted to be rid of that weakness. But is ultimately glad his attempt failed because now he wouldn’t want to not have the love he has for Belle and their unborn child. Rumple tells Belle he was only trying to protect her. She responds that she doesn’t need his protection and also claims he didn’t cut his hair for her (which he never claimed) but instead cut it for himself as he didn’t like his own reflection in the mirror. He reminds her that as she’s carrying the Dark One’s child she’ll need his protection in the end. She’s still upset with him and tells him that threats won’t make her love him again and he agrees but says, “necessity will”.
6x05: Street Rats
Neither Belle nor Rumple are in this episode. All you need to know is that the Shears of Destiny which are a magical object that can be used to cut the strands of one’s fate. They’re important in later episodes.
6x06: Dark Waters
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Belle is nervous about leaving the sonogram.
Belle goes to have her first ultrasound appointment alone. Snow runs into her at the waiting room and she says she isn’t sure what to do about Rumple and whether she can trust him and give him another chance with their child after everything. After the appointment she’s been given two copies of the sonogram. She decides that having seen the hatred in Morpheus!Gideon’s eyes that she wants to try to prevent that from happening.
In the Pawn Shop the Evil Queen says she is going to go after want she wants and kisses Rumple -- he does not stop it. She gives him the Shears of Destiny and admits what she really wants his Snow White’s heart. Belle is outside while this is happening but thankfully doesn’t see any of it (we could have done without seeing it) and slips a copy of the sonogram under the shop door.
6x07: Heartless
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Collected Reactions to Regina’s Golden Queen Revelation.
The only good thing in the whole Golden Queen saga happens: The expressions on the Charming Family’s and Hook’s faces when Regina says there might be more than business between the Evil Queen and Rumple’s alliance as there’d always been chemistry there.
To cause a distraction, Regina sets Zelena up to walk in on Rumple and the Evil Queen in the middle of a make out session. Zelena later passes on this information as well as Rumple’s plans to use the shears on their unborn child to Belle.
Rumple is staring lovingly at his copy of the sonogram when Belle comes to the shop to confront him with the information from Zelena. She tells him she doesn’t care what he’s doing with the Evil Queen but does care about his plans to use the shears on their unborn child. She tells Rumple he should trying to earn of their child’s love not using the shears to make him love him. Rumple does his sad woobie thing and asks what if his efforts aren’t enough and he fails. Belle’s response is to tell him that he’s just being too weak to do good which is worse than being evil. Once Belle is gone Rumple immediately focuses is anger on Zelena’s meddling.
6x08: I’ll Be Your Mirror
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Rumbelle are fighting again.
Rumple locks himself in his shop to spin straw into gold. Belle decides to enlist Zelena’s help to help her escape Storybrooke to the Enchanted Forest. They need the Sorcerer's Wand so they persuade Aladdin to break into the shop to steal it from Rumple (because apparently Belle didn’t bring her keys to the Underworld with her so she can’t let herself in any more?). Before Belle and Zelena escape, Rumple arrives at Zelena’s farmhouse and regains the wand. He places a magical tracking bracelet made from the gold he was spinning on Belle’s wrist so he’ll be able to track her wherever she goes. Belle tells him that she almost got away this time and next time she’ll succeed and get so far away he’ll never set eyes on his son. He reminds her that Rumplestiltskin steals babies not the other away around. This line is perfectly sinister and menacing and I love it but it never should have been directed at Belle. The Black Fairy, the Evil Queen, Zelena… There are loads of possibilities but that venom should never have been towards Belle. Zelena taunts him by telling him to tell that to his first son, so Rumple tries to choke Zelena. But he has a heart attack because he can’t hurt her due to their deal in “Heart of Gold” (4x17). Rumple returns to the show and persuades the Evil Queen to kill Zelena for him.
6x09: Changelings
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Rumple watches as the Blue Fairy flies away with Gideon while Belle glares.
Short version:
Belle is trying to find a way to save her child from Rumple and has dreams about Gideon where he tells her she already knows the answer. Rumple tries to use Ageing Dust to speed up Belle’s pregnancy. He chases her into the elevator in the Library and Belle pleads with him not to use it and tells him if he does he’ll lose her forever. Her words are enough to stop Rumple. But later at Granny’s Belle’s pregnancy quickly advances through to the third trimester she goes into labour. Emma and Hook take her to the Nunnery to have her baby and the place is shielded to stop Rumple entering. Belle gives birth to Gideon and gives him to the Blue Fairy so he can be taken somewhere far away from Rumple. Rumple breaks through the barrier and is horrified Belle abandoned their child. Belle glares daggers at him and says she was giving him his best shot in life. She refuses to even tell him their son’s name. Back at the shop it is revealed that the Evil Queen was the one to speed up Belle’s pregnancy and Rumple swears revenge on her.
Long Version:
In the flashbacks Rumple has acquired a baby and gives him to Belle to care for. She wants to try to save the baby and she finds a copy of a spell to summon the Black Fairy in faerie and translates this (which is apparently Rumple’s plan along and he locks her in the room to stop her interfering). Rumple uses the child as bait to summon the Black Fairy and question why she stole other children but gave up her own child: him. Belle has been set free by the Blue Fairy (apparently Rumple has no wards to stop her entering his Castle?) and Belle spies on this meeting between mother and son. She steals back the baby and returns it to its parents Jack and Jill because although she is now sympathetic to Rumple after hearing of his abandonment she doesn’t approve of his baby stealing ways.
In the present day, Rumple has used ageing dust on a nun and Belle realizes this is a veiled threat to her that he will use it to speed up her pregnancy. Cue research session in the Library! She falls asleep but doesn’t realize it at first. She dreams of adult Gideon and he asks her to ensure that Rumple doesn’t use the shears on him and that she know the way to stop Rumple. Emma and Hook try to paralyze Rumple in his shop with squid ink from a book Belle found but it’s too weak to hold Rumple. He leaves Emma and Hook in the shop and heads to the Library. He has a bottle of Ageing Dust with him and chases Belle into the Library elevator. She begs him not to use the dust on her and tells him that if he does he’ll lose her forever. This is enough to make him stand down.
Later on Belle is at Granny’s dinner talking to Emma and Hook. She drinks some tea and suddenly her pregnancy has advanced through to the end of the third trimester and she goes into labour. They take her to the nunnery which they shielded against Rumple. Belle gives birth to Gideon with Emma there to support her. She again has dream visions of Adult!Gideon and he tells her she already knows the way to protect him. After the birth, she asks the Blue Fairy to take Gideon far away from Storybrooke and Rumple. She gives Gideon a copy of Her Handsome Hero (which luckily Hook has to hand and she’s already inscribed to Gideon). Rumple eventually gets through the shield and sinisterly walks through the Nunnery (which is awesome but also sad given the circumstances). He is distraught that Belle would abandon their child. She insists this is giving their son his best chance in life and refuses to even give Rumple his name for fear he’ll use it to track their son down. Rumple tells her he’d never hurt her but he will find his son.
At the end it is revealed in the end that it was the Evil Queen not Rumple who spiked Belle’s tea with ageing dust. Rumple makes it clear he’ll have revenge against her for what she did to his family but that he’s going to play the long game.
6x10: Wish You Were Here
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Rumbelle watching Gideon's dramatic Entrance
Rumple tries to track where the Blue Fairy took Gideon with one of his hairs and one from Belle’s hairbrush but there is no sign of Gideon anywhere he can trace. He visits Belle and tells her of his concern that their child is in danger. He has realized actions mean more than words now, so he removes the magical tracking bracelet and tells her to call the nuns herself to ask after Mother Superior. We don’t see the call but next we see they’ve both rushed to the nunnery where the Blue Fairy is recuperating in bed having lost Gideon to the Black Fairy. In the shop Gold tells Belle it was the Evil Queen who sped up her pregnancy and they agree they need to work together for their Gideon’s sake. He tells Belle that in the Black Fairy’s realm time works differently and there is darkness there beyond his darkness. The mysterious cloaked figure Emma has been having visions of since the start of the season strides into the shop and reveals himself as their (28 year old) son.
And that’s it. That’s complete horror that is the Rumbelle experience of 6A. This is their worst arc and their 6B arc actually genuinely good (although still imperfect).
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ruiojousama · 6 years
Rockstar! Cor x Loqi AU
This has long been in our prompts. Collaborating with @moonraccoon-exe​ for this is one of the best things ever!
It took me quite a while to post this, but I hope you guys enjoy this extremely long (but fuilfilling) read and the illustrations! 
First things first: Rockstar!Corqi. Aye.
Not so surprisingly, our Loqi is a self-proclaimed NUMBAH ONE FAN; but he is in hiding ‘cause of his family standing. Can’t really have his parents catch him being a rock/metalhead now, can he?
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Loqi is, as usual, the son of a high-society family. His entire life revolves around high-society stuff (parties, school, friends, etc.). Hence why it would be ludicrous and scandalous if he was to come out as enjoying of such things like rock and metal bands (people in tight leather pants, piercings, tattoos, and crazy haircuts, sweating and screaming and singing and jumping on a stage with a bunch of noisy screeching smelly mentally ill teens that apparently hit each other as a hobby? EW, SOOOOO UNREFINED AND SAVAGE!).  
Guess Loqi enjoys that sort of music both just because he connects with it, and because usually rock & metal tend to be aggressive. So it’s sorta perfect for him to vent his own aggressiveness through it. 
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Besides, he could NEVER talk about it to anyone; not only is that music unaccepted and seen as unrefined and savage among his family and social circles, it just so happens that his favorite artist is a Lucian. Loqi could NEVER IN LIFE talk about such a HORRIBLE thing! 
((Niflheim and Lucis aren’t at war, but there’s still that tension/arrogance from the high-class Nifs to look down on the Lucians))But despite the secrecy, he has like, 20 posters of him and his band. Photo albums and newspaper clippings.
Loqi has a secret /panic/ room where he hides everything. Sometimes sleeps in it, hugging a custom dakimakura (A/N: I’m laughing cos I remember Matt Mercer and his dakimakura in Critical Role  [Coon here: LMAO OMG RUI XD]).
Posters, photo albums, newspaper clippings, magazine covers, his Cor dakimakura (...I mean we can’t blame him), heck, Loqi probably has the goddamn action figurines. Or nitotans and custom plushies. 
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Let’s talk about Cor. Rockstar Cor.
Cor in even more/more stylish black clothes. Cor….WITH EYELINER. 
  Cor sings. You wouldn’t believe it from him because he may come off as too serious, but Cor has ONE DAMN GOOD VOICE, especially for the rock/metal genre.  
Cor’s actually a good performer; as in, he doesn’t just have the voice, he does great on the stage too. Public never grows bored. 
Can we imagine a smirking singing Cor that’s sweaty from the 1.40 hours of concert and the spotlights, thank you. 
Cor is sexy. And he KNOWS THAT. 
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Being a musician since like age 20, Cor has gone the ages being praised and adored by the public both as a musician and due to his looks. 25 years into the praise, you can tell someone’s raising some ego (A/N: You know, like Hyde or godsdamn Gackt).
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Now the juicy part of this; the story.
Cor and his band are going to tour and they opened some dates in different Niflheim cities. 
Let me say that again in Loqi language.
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Loqi has luck he has that safe room, he has somewhere to scream without freaking his parents out.Loqi bought the tickets as soon as they were available.Loqi is seated on his chair, like both hands and feet on it like a damn gargoyle, intensely staring at the computer screen’s clock, so he can SMASH THAT REFRESH BUTTON as soon as midnight hits so he can be the very FIRST to get a ticket for the concert.HE. HAS. TO. GO. 
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He KNOWS it’s going to be so hard because of his situation. His parents are strict and picky, they won’t let him out so easily, even less if he doesn’t have a good explanation, he’s keeping all this thing a secret, he just can’t say he goes to a concert, and besides, going out of the house is only the beginning; once out, he has to make it away of home without being seen by ANYONE (the only time when having security cameras AND guards AND dogs become a problem), and once away of home, he could be seen by ANYONE in the streets; his schoolmates are often out on friday and weekend nights clubbing, the concert is going to be in one of the clubbing areas, he could run into ANYONE, heck he could run into anyone that knows him DURING THE CONCERT ITSELF, and THEN he has to make it back home with the same secrecy. It’s giganormous quantities of problems.
It’s a once in a lifetime chance, he can’t miss seeing his favorite artist/band live! Who knows when, or IF they will ever come back to Nif again!
Going to the concert actually proves much easier than expected.
His parents don’t check his room at night, and he locks it anyway; he goes out through a window, and maybe convinces a guard to help him out (“I’m not going to do anything bad, I’m just...going to...go see...see someone” because Loqi would VERY much rather his family think he’s dating someone than knowing he went to a rock concert [the guard was all winks and smiles like “Aaaaaaah, THAT stage of youth. I used to do this for your father too you know”   “EEEW, too much info! >:(“]) 
Loqi darling goes around in his most “peasant” clothing, which includes a hoodie, and wears a mouth mask to hide at least half his face.
And finally, without much trouble, Loqi arrives in the concert.
He was early so he could be as close to the front as possible.You should have seen him when the lights went off and the band came out; he went HYSTERICAL
Composed, high-class, serious and ice-cold Loqi, suddenly losing his shit, bouncing on his feet, and shrieking out, waving his concert lighters they hand out at the entrance.aSdsdlfjalksdsad jesus christ I’m loving this so much ahahahah (A/N: SAME COONIE SAME)
You should have seen his face when he saw Cor. *Eyes all gleamy and mouth a bit open like he was a believer seeing his god right in front of him. Full of absolute ADORATION and fan-to-idol love....Loqi may or MAY NOT have gotten a bit teary eyed DON’T JUDGE HIM.((Pls understand him, Loqi’s not very comfy at home due to all the restrictions and he’s been fan of this band for YEARS and he has literally NO ONE to talk to about them or the music, and it’s music that speaks straight to and about his most intimate feelings.))
 And now he’s right in front of them. Of course he would get a bit emotional after years of bottling frustration up <33
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Loqi DOES have a little problem, though. 
He is. Too. SHORT.
He’s very close to the front, he was actually on the very first row, but most people, especially male, are much taller than him, so he was forced out and sent a few rows back. Even the people that don’t mean to take advantage of his size can be troubles, as they’re bumping into him, pushing, even crushing the poor thing. 
And don’t get me wrong, Loqi has (a bit too aggressively) pushed people too, and he’s in amazing physical conditions. It’s just the height, dammit.
You know, the  band are known for being super friendly with the fans, both on and off stage. On stage, they’re known for ALWAYS bringing multiple people on stage at different moments of the concert. 
Oh, so this is surely the “I’m going to bring someone on stage and, oh surprise, I just made eye contact with the story’s other protagonist, who I happen to find angelically BEAUTIFUL, so I’ll bring this person on stage and we just fell in love and I’ll kiss them” story, right?
Loqi DOES come “on stage” of sorts….after ALMOST DYING.
There was a moment of the concert,  you know, everyone is so hyped and ecstatic and they’re having fun, so it just happens the crowd starts calling for a Death Wall (you know, crowd parts in two, and then both parts RUN TO EACH OTHER so they can crash and the HARDCORE SLAM BEGINS). There is a REASON it’s called the DEATH wall lmao
So dear Loqi and some other fans, mostly the younger ones, among Death Wall and slam, they end up a bit scared, injured, or like in Loqi’s case and more dangerously, falling down.Cor and his band may get a bit too much into the fun sometimes, but they’re good people and they care about their fans’ wellbeing above the fun or the fame or the music itself.
And he’s like “WOAH OKAY CHILL PEOPLE, CHILL, WAIT A MINUTE, SOME PEOPLE FELL AND IF YOU DON’T TAKE IT EASY YOU’LL END UP HURTING THEM, OKAY, BE CAREFUL” and while most people stop, there’s some idiots (because there’s ALWAYS some stupid idiots) that don’t, so Cor has security go check on the people that fell and/or are injured.
And THAT’S the story of how Loqi got to be on stage with his favorite band!For like 30 seconds. Unconscious. In the arms of some buffy security guy. That crossed the stage only to get this boy to backstage. Lmao. Loqi-ly, dear angry blond pup wasn’t injured, just knocked out. He wakes up backstage...AND HE JUST /FREAKS OUT/SO MUCH--
Loqi wakes up after the concert is over and the band has already come backstage to chill.So all that Loqi knows is that some stupid idiot elbowed him in the face, he was knocked out, and he’s waking up in this strange wide room he’s never seen before in his life and how did he get there anD COR FUCKING LEONIS IS SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-YOU CAN’T BLAME HIM FOR FREAKING OUT.
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So Loqi’s natural reaction is to gasp and then yelp shortly, and shoot up on his feet and points at Cor and he screams “YOU’RE COR LEONIS!!!” because pointing out the obvious is apparently the natural reaction to seeing something obvious. 
So Cor finds it amusing and laughs and makes some comment about how “why yes I think I am” and about how he’s “always pleased to meet a fan.”And ooooh BOI, Loqi’s having NONE OF THAT.
Loqi for SOME REASON thinks it’s embarrassing and humiliating that someone else knows that he’s Cor’s fan, and it makes no sense because the one that knows is COR HIMSELF, but Loqi’s still this stubborn, difficult little shit and for SOME REASON he gets all worked up and isn’t happy to meet him, he’s just plain upset and tries to pretend this isn’t like the DREAM OF HIS LIFE.AND THEN HE TRIES SO HARD TO CONTAIN HIS FEELS HE BLURTS OUT RUDE THINGS TO COR
“Damn you look older up close—“
"Geez, chill, relax, you're safe now"
"then why were you here in the first-"
Maybe Cor also teases him and the little Loqi realizes how douchebag this idol of his is BUT HE CAN’T DO NO SHIT HE STILL LOVES HIM 
And Cor's like--whoa first time he encounters a fan who kinda hates him? (does that even make sense wtf).Like, he’s met haters and fans, but this is a fan that hates him and holy moogles is that even possible? How do you love someone by hating them how does it work Cor doesn’t understand. 
And he’s sorta puzzled you know. Because Loqi’s wearing a wristband of the band, he was at the concert very close to the front, and he recognized Cor immediately. So he IS a fan. But he behaves so unlike any other fan Cor has ever met in the past 25 years of career; he’s met people that scream and cry out of excitement, some that clap and smile, many that ask for photos, some that are very timid and don’t even talk at all, he’s met some that have even cried….but he’s NEVER ever before encountered a fan like this.
Loqi is calling him names, pointing out rude things or making up some comments just to be rude, he’s freaking out at the slightest comment or movement from Cor, BUT he also burns red in the face, BUT he’s also walking in circles yelling “WHERE IS THE GODDAMN DOOR I WANNA LEAVE NOW THANKS”. Loqi is the rarest and a very unique one-in-among-literally-everybody-else fan…...And hoh OH BOI LOQI, GOOD LUCK,  THE IMMORTAL JUST GOT VERY, VERY CURIOUS
And then after that concert the universe just fucks them up and the two had to meet in accident. A lot.
“Oh, it’s the midget from the concert—”
“SHUT UP YOU TALL DARK AND HANDSO---HANDS OFF MY POODLE--(cos yeah maybe loqi is walking his dog)
For some reason, Loqi attracts danger because for some reason we all creators apparently like to injure him a lot lmao
And for his luck, Cor joins to save the day! /o/ 
Like, I don’t know, some assault. And precious tsundere sunshine is shoved into an alleyway with the poodle (not the poodle!) while he was trying to get Cor off him, so that’s the two in troubles.Luckily, both manage to get rid of troubles, but Loqi takes a bad hit to the head that plain knocks him out.
And when he wakes up, Cor STUPID Leonis is sitting RIGHT THERE BESIDES HIM.IN HIS ROOM.
"Well. Good morning, Sleeping Beauty"
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"Took you quite a while. Don't worry, you didn't need stitches."
"...is this my room?"
"Well, yeah."
"Well, you were knocked out, and I checked your wallet for some info, your parents' number or something"
"And I saw your address in your ID so. Sorry for...invading your privacy, it's just your house was closer than the hospital and it wasn't a bad hit so---"
"Well yeah someone had to open the door. Nice posters, by the way."
Because by the time Loqi notices, apparently while he was knocked out Cor found his panic room where he has ALL his Cor merchandise. All the Cor posters. The action figures. The CDs. E v e r y t h i n g.*insert Loqi screaming internally*
And Cor being the nice guy he offers to sign those unsigned posters of him
"...is that my face on that pillo-"
"well THAT'S definitely me on that pillow, where did you get that? You sleep with it?"
"...so you want me to sign-? :)"
"yeh :'("
Loqi half-gives up. Cor found his panic room, there’s no way he can lie anymore to this stupid handsome jerk. So Loqi just sits on his bed hugged to a pillow, face buried in it, while Cor comes in and out of the panic room bringing the most interesting merchandise he finds. Laughing. Asking over and over if he “signs this”, “this one too?”, “maybe this one, this one is cute.” 
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Lmao, Loqi’s parents, though.Because Cor has to leave at some point, he has to walk out the main door, and for that he has to come out of Loqi’s room, so it’s just unavoidable, the Tummelts meeting Cor.
“You have a nice house, thanks for receiving me.”
“Yeah...uh...thanks for taking our son home…”
“Fine, fine, keep going, Leonis.”
“So, you is this man your friend, Loqi?”
“...so do you know him?”
“NO! I MEAN- yeah, but, not like know-know him, he’s- no! Let’s just leave, dammit.”
“...would you like to stay for dinner?”
“I’d love to! :D”
It’s not that Loqi’s parents like him. It’s that they’re trying to figure who this man is and if they should call the police.He looks like a Lucian. What is their pureblood, noble, high society, beautiful Nif son doing hanging with...this...black leather-dressed, eyeliner “hobo” of a Lucian.((Hey, hey, Tummelt mama and papa, those clothes are rockstar, ROCKSTAR, not “hobo” >:( ))How does the romance start, though, huh. HUH. IDEAS. LET’S MAKE AN IDEA RAIN.
But in the end, even Cor charms both Loqi’s parents with his wit. 
And Loqi, regardless of all the embarrassment, is blushing, happy and giddy. 
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comicteaparty · 6 years
February 7th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on February 7th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on MK’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde by Marika Kapogeorgakis (or MK_Wizard).
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing MK’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde by Marika Kapogeorgakis (or MK_Wizard)~! (http://mksjekyllandhyde.thecomicseries.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
I'd have to say the first real heart-to-heart that Hyde had with Lucy.
For me (the writer), my favourite scene was when Jekyll finally stood up for his niece Emily.
that was one of my favorites too
PS, thanks to everyone who came. You all rock!
it was so sad when he didn't stand up for her at first
@lomcia (princess_lom) Please don't do that.
lomcia (princess_lom)
so you want me to discrabe which one i like?
Yes please.
for the record images, whether emotes or w/e, dont get archived anyway. so text and links are always better
lomcia (princess_lom)
So. I like when he said that he won't have glasses on his face. World NEVER ihere is making me laugh
Yes, but... I don't feel comfortable when people take "snaps" of my pictures and show them elsewhere. It's something I was taught not to do to others.
If you must share, please share through a link.
lomcia (princess_lom)
Act 2 page 21 when they look into a mirror xD he look so happy in first panel and then when he realised that its not him xD i love it
That was fun for me to do that part.
lomcia (princess_lom)
Act 3 page 7! When he sees our lovely Lucy
that first panel!
I must admit to having a bit of a crush on Lucy myself.
lomcia (princess_lom)
It was perfect
I have to admit that Lucy is one of the characters I proudest of. I worked very hard on her to not only make her progressive, but also deep. I wanted to give her a reason for being as she is.
More historically plausible in our world than you may realize, too
lomcia (princess_lom)
I prefer as a female Hyde
Actually, have we seen any lady trolls?
Can't recall
Not yet.
lomcia (princess_lom)
not yet so there will be xD
Maybe, maybe not.
lomcia (princess_lom)
I hope Albert Ode will find nice woman
for me, my favorite scene is probably the one where jekyll is in the mirror having given hyde full control and resigning himself to be gone forever. and then hyde comes back and tells him nah dude well work this out. i really just loved the subtle build-up looks where hyde is looking at things like the letter jekyll was leaving and such. it was also very touching and really showed hyde's heart through all the huffing and puffing
lomcia (princess_lom)
I like him i hope he never change
Rebel that was so sad scene , so emotional!
I really enjoy as I said Albert Ode, I hope to see him more offten, hes charming
I think somebody has her own crush.
lomcia (princess_lom)
yeah, on all trolls Albert and Hyde
I felt is was high time the world got a version of Hyde who was good and still "Hyde" enough. In every adaptation I've seen, Hyde is always bad. And the very concept Robert Louis Stevenson had on good and evil was deep at the time, but now, we know that it's not true. What I did was bold and maybe "wrong" to some people, but it's the truth.
I like how both Doc and Hyde have a plausible and sensible mix of good and bad personal qualities. Their interplay is more akin to 'The Odd Couple" than the usual metaphors of id vs superego or drug addiction that I see in other adaptations of the story.
Ha! Well, I like to think that by troll standards, Hyde doe faced.
I did that purpose too. If we did what was expected and made Jekyll completely submit to Hyde, that would be expected and dull.
No offence to webcomic writers who take that route.
Well, tropes can either be used to a good purpose, subverted to a good purpose, or just blindly followed.
Robert Louis Stevenson's take wasn't true?
If anything, I can tell you all this: between the two of them, Hyde is more dependent on Jekyll than Jekyll is on Hyde.
lomcia (princess_lom)
MK I really enjoy your story, and I would love to chat more but my eyes don't listen to me :< I wish you all the best, meaby when I'll wake up I will answer for questions which people left as a feedback for you
It was true for the psychological view of human nature at the time. So he was just as right as everyone else. But now, we have come a long way with psychology.
So yes and no @khkddn
Thanks @lomcia (princess_lom)
It's been a long time since I read the original, but I seem to recall interpreting Jeckyl as the superego and Hyde as the id
Which could be considered good and evil, respectively, in a Victorian mind? Maybe? Not really my period of history, so I don't feel comfortable being definite.
I interpreted it as subverting what people of the time thought the "professional gentlemanly man" was supposed to be
Hmm. I see that.
It could be interpreted many ways. That's the beauty of the original tale.
the victorian professional gentleman was supposed to be all good and proper, but here we have this guy turning into an evil man at night
but that's pretty far removed from mk's version
Jekyll and Hyde had a lot of complex themes when it came to duality don't forget such as having dark secrets one would be very ashamed of for the Victorian age especially.
it's a happier story for one thing. i like how your writing isn't mean-spirited mk.
like there are mean people who do terrible things, but it's never framed as a funny thing or as just something that happens in life that we can't change
yes i agree, i like this is a more upbeat version. not to say sad things dont happen, but i dont get the impression that its trying to be dark and edgy just to be dark and edgy. sad things happen right when they should
I'm not into meanness. I find at one point in the media, being mean got passed off as cool. I don't like that.
Little one is asleep in crib (again). ^^ Happening place tonight! I got as far as end of Act 5.
hi math~!
Fave bit of what I've read was probably at the ball, when we get the extra whammy of who Emma was with. I hadn't expected that. Then when Jekyll is trying to shrug it off, Emily interjects, that was awesome. I really like Emily.
Nice to see an Emily fan. I feared people overlooked her.
She's a keeper, for sure
I had actually forgotten about her since we haven't seen her in a while. If it's any consolation, I do that to real people too.
oh really? i 100% expected emma to be with him cause the world was really intent on kicking jekyll down. what i did enjoy was her trying to put all the blame on jekyll tho. cause that is something real ppl do when they get caught as such.
Emily is the kick in the pants that Jekyll needs sometimes. I also like Lucy for similar reasons, actually (standing up for herself, whereas with Emily it's for her uncle).
@RebelVampire Definitely. I see it happen all to often with cheaters.
Rebel: I guess I hadn't anticipated that plot point to still be dangling. Really felt bad for Jekyll at the start on account of kicking him when he was down though, like ouch. Also, agree, it was true to form.
The hardest thing to blame is one's self, after all
i appreciated that emily didnt forgive jekyll for the tennis thing and for not standing up for her. cause that was a point where i was glad she was gonna stop being an enabler of jekyll's flaws in a more slap in the face wake up call kind of way
Like, talking could still be a thing. I know that sometimes people avoid, but when you're proposed to, I think that's the time to talk.
In Emily's defence, what Jekyll did was cowardly and hurtful.
Rebel: Yeah, I'm kind of in the middle of that now, but that hurt. Since she was always standing up for him.
And don't forget. Emily's a teenager. She will have teen moments.
He did correct his mistake and learn from it. Credit where it's due.
Oooh, spoilers. (j/k)
Oh right, sorry
Heh, it's cool, talk about all the stuff. I do this every week, and never manage to clear the archive half the time.
QUESTION 2. Two major themes of the comic are what it means to be a better person in the face of personal flaws and how one might learn to be better. Insofar, what has been your favorite moment of growth for any of the characters showcased in the comic? What about this moment struck you as particularly strong? In the larger picture, do you think Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde really will continue to help each other to grow? Further, in what ways do you think the two characters can grow further as people? Alternatively, might the two reach a limit where they are no longer able to help each other in this manner? What flaws might both still continue to deal with long term? Overall, how do you think these changes will affect how both characters deal with life, and what can we personally learn from it as readers?
I'm afraid there's no way I can answer this without giving things away
Good God, where to start. Give me a minute.
It's kind of interesting, because Hyde never even had a memory before the transformation. So in some sense, he's a blank slate, and thus everything is growth.
In the beginning, Hyde was doing it for himself, but he inadvertantly helped people. Some part of him must have liked that, because now he does it to help and fight against the system.
Okay, so obviously each of our protagonists has a massive, salient character flaw that comes out fairly early on. Jeckyl is too afraid of confrontation, and would rather get shafted than make a scene. Meanwhile Hyde, as @mathtans noted, is very self-centered--in rather a childish way, which makes sense in the context that Mat noted.
Each is well-placed to advise the other and point out that he's being a tool and why.
And -- very importantly -- they can't ignore each other
While each man is far from perfect, we're already seeing them improve in the face of the other's prodding, and finding themselves happier for it
They have much to "reflect" on.
Bravo, sir
Now I have to wipe soda off my monitor
I don't deny that there are tons of metaphors and symbolism in my story.
there were earlier times when jekyll became more of a courageous person but i liked in act 8 when lanyon showed up at his door pretending to be friendly and jekyll is not having ANY of it
be careful with that soda cause math is here to be the pun master
Anyway, to @khkddn 's point, I wonder if it's because it was just the two of them? Maybe J's problem is more social anxiety? Interesting thought.
yeah seeing jekyll just being like nope was a really satisfying in that moment. like seeing your little boy suddenly grow up.
It's a lot of things and it's complex which will be explained more and more as the story goes on.
my favorite moment of growth is actually when hyde apologizes to lucy. because apologies are legit one of the hardest things to do i think for ppl. because thats a lot of stabbing for the personal ego, and the more prideful, the harder it is. so heres hyde, probably one of the most prideful ppl in the comic, admitting that he said some messed up shit and screwed up. that was a beautiful moment cause taking that many stabs to his ego was a showcase of how far hed come that hed go through such a grand gesture and damage his pride.
Hyde also really has no filter when he's talking, while Jekyll has like, massive overthinking of everything before he speaks. It's a live-in-the-moment attitude versus thinking about the future. So if there is a "limit" where they can't help each other, I imagine Jekyll would see it coming.
They are opposites @mathtans
True. I guess I'm saying that's conveyed well.
@RebelVampire it also shows just how deeply Hyde cares for Lucy, that he's willing to basically abase himself like that.
i agree w @RebelVampire about that scene, it shows that even if hyde is an opposite to jekyll personality wise, he isn't morally opposite and can be a good person who admits mistakes
Speaking of opposites, here's a fun thing I realized. Jekyll loses his job, and his girl, and we feel badly for him. That thug guy Tom ALSO loses his "job" and his "girl" (if shaking down stores can be a job), but because he's on the wrong side of the law (and a jerk), we don't feel badly for him.
Well, neither of their flaws are really things that need to be completely removed. They just need to be moderated. Hyde needs to learn a bit of impulse control, and Jeckyl needs to learn to loosen up a bit.
Yeah, "Tom" might be the moral opposite.
But neither of their attitudes towards life are bad per se, so long as they're not taken to extremes... as they have been doing
Huh, interesting
Or perhaps "there but for the grace of God go I" type of thing?
@mathtans Tom is a bad person. Do you all remember how he hit Lucy? Imagine how much worse it would have been if Hyde wasn't there.
yeah im really interested to see if jekyll's biggest challenge in growing is moderation. cause i didnt entirely disagree with him in certain contexts. like at the party, i was kind of on his side that sometimes just letting things go is better and that theres a time and place for certain...coversations as it were.
I'm amazed Lucy doesn't carry a knife or something. Most prostitutes in cities carry something for self-defense (if they're smart), and the habit would likely carry over into working at a bar. Plus Victorian ladies' clothes are REALLY good for concealing weapons. You have to see it to believe it
Yeah, jerk as I indicated. Just, similar stuff happened to him. Just thought it was interesting. He's more evil than Hyde is, for sure.
Oh absolutely
tom doesnt have a cool top hat like hyde and that's why i'll never root for him even if he weren't a bad person(edited)
@Archangel Lucy does own a knife, but she knows Tom would have overpowered her.
If she'd given him a chance. But I see your point.
The hardest part of hurting or killing someone is actually deciding to do so.
Damaging somebody is terrifyingly easy... if you can bring yourself to do it.
Anyway. off topic.
There's a reason she has scars. Like Lucy said, her getting slapped wasn't the worst assault a man had ever done on her. She is brave and tough, but she's not super strong. Lots of men can overpower her and have, but she's not prostitute. She's a waitress, but she is poor so that still makes her an easy target.
She started out as a sex worker, though, right? Or am I misremembering.
Again, to be clear, I don't think anyone should root for Tom. Just, he had similar stuff happen and approached things in a way that neither Jekyll nor Hyde would. (Very wrongly.)
lucy would also need an exit strategy if she used the knife on tom. she would probably have to run away and lay low, which could be more dangerous than staying with him.
Lucy is kickass. I liked her remark of an apology shouldn't have a "but".
She was a showgirl and eventually had to sort of become a prostitute, but she isn't one anymore.
Very true, hadn't thought that through
is here to show support
Woo, go MK
Hey Seebee!
Glad you could join us.
You rock!
looks at self
no wonder I got craters on my skiiiin
Hope you're a pet rock. Then you get a nice box with straw and everything
Just because Lucy is no muscle woman doesn't mean she's a pushover. And now that she doesn't have to submit to people to make a living, she sure as heck never does.
yeah i think that was a great line, @mathtans cause its really such a simplistic but smart way of weeding a good apology from a bad apology
Her having her body belong to herself again is something that is very precious to her.
Not many people could have gone through as much bad as Lucy has and come out walking erect, as the saying goes. I think that's why admire her so much. I don't think I could ever be that strong.
(I'm continuing my read in the background, btw. The April Fools strip with the green hair is a riot. Speaking of bodies belonging to other people.)
yeah lucy is one of my favorite characters, she's cool
She had to be. No one else was there for her. Back in the day, being of mixed ethnicity was a taboo.
That was the reason she had it rough. It's not right, but... it was not uncommon.
if a random person during the time saw lucy would they assume she is mixed? or does she pass as not being mixed?
i'm wondering if this would change how she is treated
Speaking for the USA, it depended entirely on the place and the person's specific appearance
But rarely would it be ignored
Ha. Well.... she's a cartoon, but if she were real, yes. You would tell because her skin is a bit too dark, she has the eyes and lips, as well as the physique.
Just an aside on the topic of cartoons, I feel like it takes a while to draw the hairdos. ^^
She can't pass off not being mixed. She's one of those very obvious cases.
Oh ho ho ho. Jekyll's hair IS tedious to draw, but it's worth it because it makes him stand out.
Also, her hair isn't right. One of the more dominant traits of African heritage is the way hair behaves--very bristly and stand-outy (I don't know the right word). To get it to flow like Lucy's does, one needs a good deal of product every morning. Or so a friend told me once.
Well done, MK. Also for having Emily's be similar, what with the family resemblance.
QUESTION 3. In the current story, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde have become aware of a mysterious alchemist causing trouble. Who exactly is this mysterious alchemist? Why is this alchemist helping Governor Carew? Exactly what do you think this project is that the board of governors is looking to fund by using the alchemist’s talents? Do you think Mr. Hyde’s previous actions will put the board on extra alert for their investigations? How might this affect Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll’s success in stopping Carew’s villainy, if so? Alternatively, how might the various things the alchemist is able to do (like create gold) change the characters’ views on how the world works? All in all, how do you feel this arc of cases will wind up be solved (or go unsolved)?
I do know that one of the standard "tests" of somebody's background back in the bad old days was to look at their hair, precisely because this trait is so dominant.
Well, I'm obviously not there yet, but I feel like this was set up very well with the mercury poisoning stuff happening in the background of what I have read.
Well, creating gold is always a bad idea when the economy is based on gold. Every mage's guild I've ever seen in any universe has a big fat rule against it
In Lucy's case, it's her skin, eyes and lips. Plus, her body type as she got older. Don't forget, coloured people go far beyond the hair and skin.
But back to the subject, it was explicitly stated that making your own gold is 100% illegal.
So they have to be either utterly stupid or they don't care about devaluing the currency. Not something for men of means (and thus knowledge of at least some finance and economics) to take lightly
My bad, but my second point stands re: their scheme with the unfortunate chickens
youre making a huge assumption they understand how the economy works. XD i dont get the impression most of the men of means care, as long as they get theirs and get to have their fancy stuff.
Plus, the board of governors have a lot of influence.
What about making gold for someone else?
I'd like to argue with you, RV, but I can't.
Presumably charged as an accessory, @mathtans
@Seebee, you got anything to add to this?
Given that we're talking chemistry, though, the other classic thing that comes up aside from gold is some sort of immortality potion. I don't recall any hints to that effect, though.
"You made a gold chain for my locket?" "Yes, now it's an accessory."
Hmmm... not at the moment
I will be honest, I am ded inside from being out all day))
I'm reminded of how Jekyll's first attempts at his formula involved trying almost all elements on the periodic table. He must have certain resources that might be helpful for going after an alchemist.
That and Jekyll has the most valuable resource of all: his own genius
Mmm. He can certainly analyze any samples or whatnot that Hyde acquires.
maybe thatll be the next arc, where theyre trying to find an immortality potion.
i imagine the alchemist is helping governor carew because he's deeply involved w the plan somehow. it'd be weird if he were just a hired alchemist, because, what're they gonna pay him in? gold?? couldn't he just make the gold himself
Perhaps the deal is that they'll put him beyond the law
So he can actually get away with it
No point to crime if you can't enjoy the result
It's definitely something big and it also shows how heinous the board of governors really are.
i kind of think the previous arc has made it more difficult though. cause if i was on the board, i would def be on high alert. all it takes is one guy saying "hey i saw hyde snooping around stopping our gold operation"
Actually, nobody can say or do anything.
The alchemist burnt the evidence and place to the ground.
Everything probably points back to Carew. That guy is shady as anything. (Incidentally, good job emphasizing his character with that statue debacle near the start. Not a nice man.)
i can only think the alchemist is in it for the secret project. cause i agree with khkddn, its not like the alchemist needs gold
I don't think we've seen any bent cops to this point, which means that the Governors either need enough evidence to fool honest cops (not so easy to fake), or to keep mum
It's a bit of both. Not enough evidence and some cops are crooked much to Sgt. Drumwell's dismay.
There's always a few, and they always get promoted. >_<
Kei Esteban
Hello! Sorry I'm Late!
It's cool!
*Hi ho
Kei Esteban
tbf its not like these are modern csi times. so theres only so many ways they can analyze evidence in the first place
do they even have fingerprint technology at this point?
The techniques were fully established by that point, but not so widely accepted
They do have a way of detecting fingerprints, but fire destroys everything.
Gotta make themselves a time machine.
Wiki "Henry Classification System" sometime for an interesting insight into pre-fingerprint policing
ah well to get anything out of ashes i think they would need chemical analysis that doesn't exist yet. it'd prolly be faster to build a time machine yep
The problem with fire is that it alters the chemical composition of everything
Exactly. The alchemist knew precisely what he was doing.
So unless you have research data, it's pretty much impossible to ID the source substances.
they need chemical analysis that doesn't even exist in OUR time yet
Well, the good guys do have a genius (al)chemist on their side...
Speaking of, @MK_Wizard , is there an actual technical distinction between chemistry and alchemy, or is it just po-tay-to/po-tah-to?
Maybe someone will Hyde the evidence.
Yes and no.
if only the chickens could speak english. then the truth would be out there
To explain, alchemy has some spirituality and magical properties behind it. Basically, it was the stepping stone to chemistry. People discovered that magic did have a science behind it and upon further research, people discovered that magic had a direct link to nature.
i have to work on a school project and this is distracting me way too much so i'm gonna go. it's been fun chatting!
With that, human beings who have no magic invented a way to "use magic" without having any themselves. Alchemy. They would use ways of manipulating nature in supernatural ways and through that, they discovered how to make chemicals and made other marvels through science.
@khkddn thanks for joining us
Of course, it wasn't just humans who used magic. Other races did too.
Kei Esteban
Ah, Other than Trolls and Humans, do you have any interest in having other Races show up?
Interesting bringing that up, what with trolls being a thing common enough to be known with police. I wondered too.(edited)
Definitely. In fact, you already saw two and didn't know it.
Remember the short guy Biggs? He's a gnome.
Oh cool
Kei Esteban
Ah Neat ^_^
I still say he needs a buddy named Wedge
Kei Esteban
thats interesting. cause i was curious why everyone was like shrugging to the presence of trolls
The other one is Tyler the redhead, but what HE is... you're going to see
Now I'm picturing Biggs renting himself out to stand in gardens during the day.
"If I parked a tank outside your office, after a week it would be just another car." --one of my vet buddies
Kei Esteban
I look forward to finding out ^_^
(as in my buddy who's a vet. I was never in the Service)
Also, London in our world is one of the most metropolitan environments on earth. I bet it's the same in the story.
Most definitely,
I now kind of wonder about interracial breeding.
It's like the "New York" of Europe in my comic. You'll find anyone there.
Just like in real life
You've seen it already. Sgt. Drumwell is half troll and half human.
Like, troll and human must be a thing given how Hyde and Lucy.... oh, yeah? Hummmm.
Hence his human appearance, but he has yellow fangs and his eyes.
Kei Esteban
Settings like that are always nice too see
It's also why he's compassionate. He was lucky because his parents were very wealthy so their money protected them. Plus, he passes off as a human mostly, but his eyes, teeth and height give him away.
Well, it's for MK to say for sure, but one of the definitions of separate species is the inability to interbreed. There are exceptions, but that's the general rule. It would be interesting to see Hyde and Lucy have little ones, though. In due course.
Kei Esteban
are laws applied equally or is there inequality as far as different species go? like is there special laws that only exist for trolls, etc.?
Actually, Sgt Drumwell is their child. Eventually Jekyll perfects the time machine and sends him back.
lol no
Here's how it works. It's generally a taboo socially, but if you're very rich, you can get away with a lot. You just won't be respected for it.
For example... there's another non-human you saw without knowing it. Utterson's redheaded wife Camilla. She's a wizard.
AND he married her without making her convert to his faith/human lifestyle. He allows her to continue living openly as a wizard and practicing her culture.
Fascinating. And again, makes sense that people would regard sentient species the way they regarded other races at the time.
Kei Esteban
Well he is a Great guy, so that's not too surprising he would be respectful of her completely
Her hair was also an Easter Egg to her race. In old lore, red heads were often thought to be witches.
QUESTION 4. Despite working together, Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll still argue quite often and risk their own safety a lot. How might their shared injury and pain help or hurt their ability to function in their own daily lives in the future? Do you believe that at some point the two’s shared identity of sorts will be revealed? If so, how do you envision this coming about? Given the growing relationship between Mr. Hyde and Lucy, will Mr. Hyde be compelled to tell her at some point? What about Dr. Jekyll with his niece and nephew? Do you think the two’s shared arrangement with the body will work long term, or will they at some point need to make alterations to their living situation? Ultimately, how do you feel their living arrangement will affect their future adventures, whatever you think those future adventures might be?
Kei Esteban
@MK_Wizard Oh no! They are on too me! (I'm a Red head XD)(edited)
Ok, for this... I leave entirely up to all of you. So... bring on the fan theories!
Let's see. Well, Lucy absolutely has a right to know. How she'll react, I have no idea.
As to Emily & Will... I think Emily should be briefed in, if only so she won't freak out if Hyde has to come get them to prevent a kidnapping or something by the opposition.
Keep in mind. Nobody knows yet.
Nobody except Louis and he's not talking.
Right. I think Lucy can keep a secret. Emily... honestly don't know her well enough to say.
yeah i think as far as a long term arrangement, its not gonna work. because assuming hyde wants to marry lucy at some point, thatd be problematic. even worse, what if jekyll meets somebody. they are fooling themselves if they think this can work out indefinitely. so jekyll is gonna need to put that genius to work.
Kei Esteban
I think it would be best in the long run for those closest to them to know. Lucy and Emily would be a great start indeed
Knowledge of the situation would be all that Carew & Lanyon need to discredit anything Jeckyl says, ever, so it certainly can't become public knowledge.
Lanyon is out of the picture for good. It's the one thing I can confirm. He's defeated for good.
He was a good bad guy, though
Kei Esteban
I love how he effectively defeated himself! XD
That was the point. And it was also karma. Lanyon got successful by riding on Jekyll's tail and taking everything that was his.
In the end, doing this was his undoing.
Sure he didn't have Jekyll's money to do stuff, but it didn't make being a skunk ok especially because Jekyll really did see him as a friend and would have hlped him.
Kei Esteban
It was such a Creative way to end the conflict ^_^
I don't think he'd believe you if you'd told him that to his face. People like that seem to get that way because they assume that everybody's out to get everybody. At least in my (blessedly limited) contact with the species.
Kei Esteban
That's an unfortunate way to look at the world. By that i mean the "everybody out to get everybody" bit.(edited)
I wanted to show that there are good and bad people from every social standing.
Basically, different kinds of good and bad people.
Back. (Had to see to the little one briefly.)
In terms of people knowing, would they believe without seeing the transformation?
Good question
Would you? I don't think so.
It's not like people have iPhones to video record it.
That might help them keep the secret
I mean, there's the argument of they haven't been in the same room together.
nah i highly doubt it. in fact, far more likely the person claiming this is a thing that happened would get sent to an asylum
Yeah, but... who would believe the two share a body that transforms without seeing it?
Though I agree with Rebel that they'll need to figure something out so that relationship things don't become an issue.
Someone with MPD?
Not talking (teasing)
I will share one tidbit... At the end of the true end of the story, there will be no loose ends.
For anything. And that is all.
Just got to the bit with Lanyon, btw, that you were referencing earlier. That was very clever, coming full circle, and good final shot of him in the mirror.
actually ya know tbf, didnt louis take some of the potion. you could use louis to show its a real thing
in the sense of the transformation
Crazy theory time: Jekyll figures out how to shift Hyde to share a body with someone else instead. Hyde and Lucy decide to become "one", and ride off into the sunset.
I will say this now... no.
That sounds romantic on paper, but that would actually be bad.
Because how would they be a couple?
Kissing mirrors.
That'd make it like that one movie where the knight and the lady each shapeshift, but they alternate states at dawn and can never be together. That was one weird movie.
Good curse, though
That sounds like the worst kind of hell for two people deeply in love. To be so close, yet completely separate.
Kei Esteban
@MK_Wizard like Garnet, from Steven Universe? XD
Actually, what Mat describes would be a truly horrible curse for a couple. I might use that someday.
Garnet is not Ruby and Sapphie per se. She is the embodiment of their love.
Yeah, you're not wrong. Okay, so Hyde and Poole...?
Poole's not getting any younger
What happens when one half dies?
They both die.
Kei Esteban
@MK_Wizard Very True (I guess we can't use Gem logic here)(edited)
Yeah, I think that was stated. When they hurt, the other hurts too.
yeah i feel the fact they share pain and death is gonna be weaponized against them. cause if i needed to get rid of hyde, id go for jekyll if i knew that fact. cause whats jekyll gonna do? slap me a little?
Kei Esteban
then how about Hyde and Carew? (Hyde just takes over full time)
You all really hit the nail on the head that them sharing a body, but not lives and such is going to become a challenge.
Good point. Though you'd have to bump Jeckyl right away rather than keeping him around. Come sunset...
Just to talk about Emily again (because she's cool), I feel like she'd understand, if the truth came out. Though I wonder if she'd be hurt that Jekyll didn't say anything sooner.
Ooo, I like Kei's idea. Not sure it works that way, though.
And I will disprove the theory now.... Hyde and Jekyll cannot suddenly be shifted to another person. Neither soul is a "disease" you can hand onto someone else.
@mathtans I agree. My concern would be whether she can keep a secret. She is a teenage girl, after all.
They are a person.
And keeping a cool secret is hard at any age
They are two people.
Kei Esteban
Archangel: She's pretty mature for her age though. Granted, she's also pretty outspoken. I don't think she'd say anything intentionally, but it might come out in the heart of the moment or something. (Which is maybe why she could accept not having been told.)
i think emily could keep a secret. now will on the otherhand
So all theories of them being put onto someone else will not come to pass because that's impossible.
will i would believe couldnt keep a secret cause hes even younger(edited)
Perhaps with the materials to 'construct' a new body, and the proper spellwork, each can be embodied separately? Sort of a siamese twin operation?
Will is right out at his age.
Kei Esteban
Will being a kid, might even think it's cool (Which he would be right)(edited)
So maybe one of them decides to sacrifice themselves for the good of the two of them. Jekyll already tried that once.
I won't say much about who can keep a secret, but in my experience, it goes with personality not age.
I will say that almost nobody under the age of 10 can keep a secret in my experience. But aside from that, agreed.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Nellie couldn't keep a secret.
You've also seen that Hyde would never have that. He's not an active killer. And he loves Jekyll as a brother. He wouldn't kill him if he asked him to.
And taking over essentially does that.
I'm not sure Nellie's bright enough to grasp the core concept XD
Kei Esteban
Here's a really trippy question, MK: do J&D have separate souls, or do they share one?
(And I had to go to the cast page to look up the name, and now I see how "half troll" is right there in Drumwell's bio, nice.)
They have separate souls.
Obviously their minds are separate, but I'm questioning their spiritual state in the technical sense
Okay, so it's reasonable to theorize that they could be separated and embodied separately. It would certainly take high magic, though.
The Hyde Formula has magical properties. For example, did you know that in reincarnation, the soul splits? Hence why some people who get reincarnated can be reincarnated as multiple people.
I've never heard that.
Well, if the original intention was a sort of "Disney" Jekyll and Hyde, maybe there will be a Disney ending? Somehow?
Pillars of Eternity has this whole thing about souls fragmenting, but that's more like chips off a rock over time.
In the case of Jekyll and Hyde, Hyde came from a piece of Jekyll's own soul, but it became its own unique being.
Yes, You got it!
Makes sense.
Keep in mind, even Disney endings aren't always perfect.
the disney ending will be hyde and lucy riding off in a carriage with the just got married sign and jekyll will come to cause they decided to just make it a threesome
although that joke aside i wonder if jekyll and lucy will ever interact
Uh, no lol
Lucy is not Jekyll's type and Hyde would not share his woman with anyone.
Nor would Jekyll do that.
Jekyll is as monogamous as they come lol.
Hmmm, and is it too late to ship Lucy and Emma?
RV is right insofar as it would be interesting to see how Jeckyl and Lucy get along socially. I imagine that after some initial sounding out, they'll manage well enough. After all, Lucy is a lady and Jeckyl is a gentleman. That goes a long way.
Kei Esteban
It would be nice to see Jekyll meet someone new, that is actually good for him
@mathtans That ship is solely wish fulfilment and a fan fantasy.
i more wonder the social interaction cause that could make hyde jealous. if jekyll and lucy got along even if it was totally platonic
Actually, someone like Emily would be very good for Jeckyl... in the sense of personality, not age.
(I always ship the ladies... ) And actually, the thought that it's a fan fantasy already amuses me.
Cue the "I ship it, I don't care" song
I made this comic knowing people would do ships if the comic caught on. All I say is that, as long as you accept that it is not the official storyline.
Maybe Jekyll can be the best man at the Hyde/Lucy wedding?
Only if Poole is the Father of the Bride
Otherwise J would slide down to second place IMO
What's official is definitely up to the author. All the best with it! It's an interesting take.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Marika Kapogeorgakis (or MK_Wizard), as well, for making MK’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Marika Kapogeorgakis (or MK_Wizard)’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://mksjekyllandhyde.thecomicseries.com/
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starrnobella · 7 years
Forever and Always - Chapter 17 - Revelations
Catch up here:  Fanfiction | AO3 | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 | Ch. 15 | Ch. 16
A/N: Hey loves! I’m back with an update for this story, finally! I know it seems like forever since I posted the teaser. When you give your students a test and then have to grade a bunch of failing papers, you lose the desire to do much of anything. 
With this chapter, we get to see a little of what the Evil Queen is up to with the band of villains she gathered at the end of last chapter. We also get to see how the whole group finds out about the Evil Queen being back in town. 
Song Recommendations:  Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift; Make it Out Alive - Jennifer Hall; The Mess I Made - Parachute;
If you are interested in checking out my other works or keeping up with me in general, I have an author’s page on Facebook that you can check out (starrnobella Fanfiction) as well as a group (starrnobella Fanfiction Friends & Fans) that I am very active in on a daily basis. I’m also on tumblr (starrnobella) that you can follow along with me as well. 
If you enjoyed the chapter, please be sure to leave a review! Can’t wait to hear what you think! 
Love always,  ~starr
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Landing roughly on the ground, the powerhouse of villains dusted off their clothes quickly before heading inside to discuss the next step of the plan. Gold was the first person inside, followed quickly by Hyde and the Evil Queen. Zelena was the last person to enter her own home.
"You could have at least waited for me to unlock the door," Zelena huffed, closing the door behind her quietly. "You could have woken Robyn up from her nap or the sitter could have attacked you for breaking and entering, which would result in Emma and her posse being called and interrupting our little meeting."
"Had she tried attacking me, I would have killed her," Gold replied coldly.
Zelena rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak again, but was silenced when the Evil Queen put her arm in front of the infuriating green witch.
"Would you just shut up?" the Evil Queen snarled. "I know you don't have a sitter and I also know Robyn isn't here, so what Gold did wouldn't have woken her. She's with Neal and the Blue Fairy."
Zelena huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "It still doesn't make it okay to go barging into someone else's house. How would you like it if I did that to you?"
"I'd probably kill you too," Gold told her. "I do not appreciate having my personal space invaded. However, I don't care about yours, so I will do as I damn well please."
Zelen rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Dark One."
"Now that the pointless bickering has stopped, may I ask where the hell we are?" Hyde interrupted, curiously as he walked around the kitchen table in the middle of the room.
"As I'm assuming you've guessed, this is my house," Zelena began, waving her hands around to present the room. "I live on the outskirts of Storybrooke on this farm. For the most part, the Sheriff and her cohorts leave me alone. That is unless they need something from me, which doesn't happen often."
"Besides, they don't know for certain where you have hidden yourself Mr. Hyde," the Evil Queen added, pulling a chair out from the table to sit down.
"Would someone please tell me why the bloody hell we are here?" Gold hissed, smacking his hand against the table. "I have better things to do rather than waiting around here listening to you all discuss how to hide him."
The Evil Queen turned her attention to Gold, narrowing her gaze. As frustrating as the man could be, he was starting to get on her last possible nerve. "Like what?" she snapped, "Finding your wife who wants nothing to do with you? Attempting to make your unborn son like you again? Or are you looking for a new way to prove your power since no one what you do anymore?" The smirk on her face was enough to push Gold over the edge.
"Listen here, dearie," Gold snarled, teeth bared reaching his arm out, using his magic to lift the Evil Queen out of her chair by the throat. "Whatever you think you may know about my life is only a thought and I personally think it would be best for those thoughts to stay inside your head, so that they aren't heard by the wrong people. You never know what deals you may accidentally walk into with your commentary on the way other people live their lives. You, better than anyone, should know that I'm the last person you want to make a deal with."
Before setting her back down, he tightened his grip for a few moments. Watching her struggle for her breath brought glee to his face. He wanted to make sure that his point had been stressed accordingly and that for once she would keep her vast knowledge of the lives of the others in this town to herself. Unfortunately from prior experience, he knew that expecting that from her would be a stretch. After all, he taught her how to harness that power.
He dropped his grip on her quickly, causing her to fall back into the chair roughly. The Evil Queen rubbed her neck with her hand where he had held her. She furrowed her brow at him as she shook her head. "Wee bit testy today, aren't we Gold?" she hissed as a wicked smile graced her face. Gold narrowed his gaze in her general direction and slowly lifted his hand yet again, but The Evil Queen put up her hands, signalling surrender.
"I'll stop. Besides we have more important things to discuss," she said, ushering Zelena to join the rest of them so that this little meeting could begin. The sooner she could get Gold out of her hair, the happier she would be. There may have been a time in her life that she had romantic thoughts about her mentor, but those thoughts have been buried for a long time. The more she looked at him now, the less she saw of the man that had taught her everything she knew.
"Yes, like what the hell we are all doing here," Gold mumbled under his breath. The Evil Queen snapped her head and glared at him. When he met her gaze, he chuckled, folding his arms across his chest and leaned back in the chair.
Hyde leaned forward, placing his crossed arms on the table and nodded. "I too would like to know what exactly we are doing here and why I should consider joining alliances with that of the Evil Queen."
Zelen laughed quietly to herself as she listened to the argument brewing in front of her. She couldn't help thinking about how nice it was not being the source of tension in the room. Usually when she would walk into a room, particularly one full of her fellow Storybrooke inhabitants, an argument would most likely ensue for no reason other than she was there.
The Evil Queen caught Zelena laughing out of the corner of her eye and growled under her breath before snapping her head in the direction of her roommate. "What are you laughing at? Do you feel left out? Should we start insulting your life too? You're just lucky my better half hasn't taken your daughter away from you. My guess is she has been a bit distracted lately."
"Distracted by what?" Zelena asked, furrowing her brow. She might have noticed something off with Regina had she spent more time talking to her darling sister. However since Robin's death, Regina had been less than inclined to talk to her. Not that Zelena could really blame her for the lack of communication.
"Nothing you need to be distracted by right this second. Can we focus on the matter at hand?" the Evil Queen huffed, slamming her hand down on the table causing the knickknacks in the middle to shake.
"It would help if we knew what the matter at hand was, dearie," Gold replied, rolling his eyes.
With one last deep breath to restrain her anger, the Evil Queen finally began to divulge her intentions for the inhabitants of Storybrooke, including Gold's beloved wife and unborn child as well as the people that Zelena had been slowly starting to consider family.
. . . . . . . .
Meanwhile Emma was wandering aimlessly through the woods with Dr. Jekyll. He seemed to be leading her nowhere, but at the same time he seemed to know exactly where he was headed. There was something off about the man she was following, but at least if she kept an eye on him for the time being then she would know a few places he liked to go if they needed to talk to him again. From what she could tell, Dr. Jekyll was a kind man who just wanted to help them find and destroy Mr. Hyde so that he could not hurt anyone else.
"Jekyll, am I allowed to ask where we are going?" Emma finally asked after spending the last five or six minutes of their trek trying to get her bearings on their surroundings. Unfortunately, she was not as familiar with this section of the woods as she probably should have been being the town sheriff after all. It was just something she could add to her to do list once they had this crazy man caught.
Jekyll mumbled something inaudible under his breath before responding. "We're headed just up ahead here a ways. Don't fret. We'll be there soon."
He continued mumbling something under his breath that Emma couldn't understand. Emma grumbled under her breath, but continued walking and even managed to catch up to where Jekyll was so that she could see more of what was ahead of them.
After walking for a little while longer, Emma was able to her the rushing waters of the river that ran through the woods around town. As she looked around a little more, Emma recognized the Troll Bridge off in the distance to her right. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she finally realized that she did know where she was. This was where they had found Charming after he woke up from his coma when she had become the Sheriff of Storybrooke.
Jekyll stopped quickly in front of her and turned to face her. A nervous smile appeared on his face. "Now we can talk. No unwanted listeners can listen in on what I have to say."
Emma furrowed her brow. "What do you mean no one unwanted? I thought we were alone at your blimp…"
"That's why we had to come here. I'm never alone. He's always lurking in the shadows behind me," Jekyll said nervously.
"Who is always lurking?" Emma had her guess, but there was always the possibility of someone else lurking around Storybrooke causing trouble. It would be far too convenient for the Sheriff's office to be aware of all the possible lurkers spending time in Storybrooke before they started causing trouble.
Jekyll looked around nervously before he answered her question. It was as though he was convinced that they were not alone and someone had followed them from the blimp. As far as Emma was aware it was just the two of them, but maybe Jekyll was able to see someone that she couldn't. One could never be too careful in Storybrooke.
Jekyll stepped closer to Emma. "Mr. Hyde. He's been living in the blimp with me ever since he made his appearance in town. Someone else came to visit him. Someone feminine and she wasn't alone. I heard voices coming from the back room when we left."
"We killed the Evil Queen in New York…" Emma mumbled, but her voice soon trailed off as she started thinking about the events that transpired in New York. She remembered watching Regina crush the Evil Queen's heart and seeing it crumble to dust landing on the roof. After that they all just left. They didn't think to do anything with the dust because they thought that had been the end. "I have to warn everyone."
"Warn them about what?" Jekyll asked puzzled. He had watched a storm of emotions flood over Emma's face in a few short moments. Something bigger must be at stake.
"The Evil Queen is not exactly welcomed here and if she's back then all hell is about to break loose," Emma replied. She paused for a few moments before looking at Jekyll. "You should probably come with me. I don't know that it is safe for you to go back to your blimp right now. Especially if Hyde isn't there alone and if my guess is correct about his guest then you really aren't safe by yourself."
Jekyll and Emma began walking away from the Troll Bridge and back into town at a brisk pace. Jekyll asked Emma all sorts of questions as they made the trek. Emma answered them to the best of her ability, but some of his questions she just didn't have the answers for. She was sure that there would be more questions when they got back to the station and everyone was able to gather. She quickly sent a text message to Regina, Charming, and Killian asking them to meet her. They were going to need a plan of action.
. . . . . . . .
"So explain this to me once more," Charming said as he and Killian continued on towards the docks. "Did she explain what happened to her or why she went under the curse in the first place?"
Internally Killian rolled his eyes as he sighed. It seemed as though Charming thought he had all the answers, when in reality he had the same questions. "I don't know much about what happened because I didn't spend a lot of time with Belle. I talked to her long enough to tell her to seek out Emma and then I walked up to your door. Emma filled me in on a few pieces when I got home, but other than that I'm just as out of the loop as you are, mate."
Charming ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He wasn't sure why he was hoping to get more details out of Killian. The pirate's mind was a bit more preoccupied with other more important things than being concerned with what was going on with Belle.
After walking a little bit further, the two arrived at the docks and were standing in front of Killian's ship. Charming turned to Killian with a puzzled look on his face. "How is this the most safe place for Bell to hide? Can't Gold just show up here and take her away?"
"According to Emma, the protection spells that she and Regina put on my ship make it appear as though the ship isn't here, Emma," Killian said, shrugging his shoulders.
"But we can see it?" Charming asked confused.
Killian sighed and shrugged his shoulders again. "Apparently the spell only lets certain people know that it is here. So us, Emma, Regina, Snow, and Henry, I believe can see it. Gold cannot see that it's here. Also he won't be able to see people walking on the docks near the ship. I don't understand how it all works, but if it helps to protect Belle, then I'm cool with it."
"I won't claim to understand it either," Charming laughed.
"Shall we?" Killian asked, motioning towards the ships. Charming nodded and the two boarded.
"Belle, we've come to check in on you," Killian said, knocking on the door to the Captain's quarters and smiled when Belle opened the door with a smile of her own.
"Hello, Killian," she replied, turning to Charming. "Charming, it's so good to see you too. Won't you both come in?"
She ushered the two inside quickly and offered them a seat at the small table just a few steps from the door. Once seated, Belle set to work making a pot of tea and gathering some biscuits from the cupboards.
"You've made quick work of the place, Belle. It looks wonderful," Killian said, thanking her for the tea. His eyes wandered around his old room with a sense of nostalgia and realization that the place certainly did look better with a little bit of color.
"I have Emma and Regina to thank for that," Belle replied after placing a cup of tea in front of Charming and pouring one for herself before taking a seat at the table with the two men. "Actually I have all of you to thank for everything. I know it wasn't exactly fair of me to just show up and hope that you all would help me, but I'm eternally grateful for it all."
"If there is anything I have learned from being a part of Charming's family, it's that they help people without thinking twice. When you asked for my help, I knew I needed to do something," Killian replied.
Charming nodded. "All that matters now is that you and the baby are safe. How far along are you?"
"About two months, I think. I called the hospital to make an appointment this morning to find out all of the details," Belle replied, placing a gentle hand on her stomach. "It's a bit nerve-wracking if I'm being completely honest."
"You should come by later and talk to Snow. I'm sure she'd love to talk to someone else about the joys of pregnancy. She might even offer to go with you to the hospital," Charming suggested with a shrug.
Belle smiled and nodded her head. "I wouldn't mind getting some sound advice from someone who has done this before," she replied quietly.
"Then it's settled, you'll come for dinner tonight," Charming told her. The pair continued chatting back and forth about the joys of parenthood.
Killian had been partially listening as his thoughts began to drift towards his future with Emma and the possibility of their own beautiful blond haired children with sparkling blue eyes. He could hear the pitter patter of small feet taking their first steps across the living room floor. When he closed his eyes he could picture himself coming downstairs in the morning and walking into the kitchen to find Emma pretending to fly an airplane towards an eager mouth waiting for food, giggling at the sounds she was making.
The buzzing of his phone drew him back out of his thoughts, slipping his hand into his pocket to remove the device. Emma's name flashed across his screen. He looked at the phone curiously and slid the message open.
Emma: New development in Hyde case. Meet at station.
"Interesting," Killian mumbled, staring at his phone.
"What's interesting?" Charming asked, turning his attention from Belle over towards Killian.
"New development in the hunt for Hyde. Emma wants us to meet her at the station," Killian replied. "Belle, you are more than welcome to come with us."
Belle looked around the room momentarily. "I wouldn't mind getting out of here for a little while," she said with a smile.
"Well then, let's go!" Charming said happily as he rose from his chair and slid it back in towards the table. Belle and Killian followed suit soon after and the three were off.
. . . . . . .
Regina had been staring at her computer screen for the last two hours. The longer she searched, the more repetitive the information she found became. Everything she was finding she already knew from spending time with Emma and watching her use her magic. There was a small part of her that wondered whether or not she had pushed Emma too hard when she started teaching her how to control her magic. It is possible that the pushing was forcing some of Emma's abilities to remain hidden.
Regina: Let's start with roots for incantations. Emma: Are you kidding me right now? What language is this? Spanish? Regina: We're not making tapas. We're making magic. It's elvish. Well, half elvish. Emma: I'm never gonna get this. Is this how Rumple taught you? Just think about your training. What other methods did he use? Regina: Rumple was a bully. He didn't suffer fools and he certainly didn't coddle his students. And if he tried to teach you how to swim and you couldn't, you drowned. Emma: Drowned? Regina: That's it. Emma: That's what? What the hell are you doing? Regina: Teaching you to swim.
The more Regina thought back on that moment, the prouder she was of Emma for showing her strength and surviving the test. Admittedly, she probably could have gone a little easier on Emma since it was her first time using magic with some sense of control.
The buzzing of her phone pulled her thoughts away from her memories and back to the present moment. She read the message quickly and typed a reply. Regina turned off her computer and gathered the rest of her things. Before too much more time had passed, she was on her way to the station to find out what exactly was going on. It seemed as though the villains in this town never slept.
. . . . . . . .
On their to the station, Killian, Charming, and Belle bumped into Snow and Henry leaving the school. The five of them hurried off to the station. Whatever information Emma had found out was important to all of them placing the fate of Storybrooke in their hands.
Emma and Jekyll were the first people to arrive at the station. While Emma busied herself with paperwork, Jekyll wandered around aimlessly looking at all of the unique technology Emma had brought to Storybrooke that he had never seen before.
He pressed a button on one of the computers causing the screen to light up. The CPU started humming as the disc drive spun. Jekyll jumped away, afraid that it was going to explode. When Emma saw what was happening, she giggled quietly to herself before letting him know that nothing was going to happen to him.
"Dr. Jekyll, why don't you take a seat on the couch? There are a couple books on the shelf you might be interested in while we wait for the others to get here," she said with a smile.
He nodded his head and moved quickly over to the couch. He picked up one of Henry's comic books and began reading. Emma laughed to herself and turned her focus back to the work in front of her on the screen.
Shortly after she had gotten into a rhythm of typing up the case files on her desk, Killian and the others walked inside the station.
"Hello, love," he said, placing a kiss a top her head.
She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Hey you," she replied, squeezing him tight before addressing the others. "Hey, everyone."
They all replied in turn and Charming looked over at Jekyll, sitting on the couch and quirked his brow at the man's choice of reading material. "Why is there a comic book here?"
"That would be one of mine," Henry said with a laugh. Charming nodded in understanding before turning his focus back to Emma.
"So what's the new information?" he asked.
"We are waiting for one more person," Emma replied with a shrug before turning her attention over to Belle, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing alright. I think I finally have everything the way I want it at home. Thanks again for all your help," Belle said. "You have no idea how much it means to me."
"Any time," Emma replied with a smile before turning to Snow. "Mom, I'm sure we can fill you in on all this later."
Snow nodded with a laugh, "That would be nice. It's so weird being out of the loop for once. Usually it's David who has no idea."
"Hey," Charming whined, turning to Snow as he furrowed his brow and crossed his arms over his chest. "It's not my fault no one tells me anything."
Snow placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder and rubbed his back for a few minutes. Everyone else laughed at Charming's pouting fit and had no idea that Regina had entered the station.
"What's so funny?" she asked curiously. "Sorry, I'm late. I got sucked into a research vortex at my office."
"It's okay. We haven't talked about it yet, so you're not late at all," Emma replied, rising out of her chair and stepping her around her desk. "So you all know Dr. Jekyll correct?"
They all nodded, so Emma walked over to where he was seated. "Dr. Jekyll, do you mind telling them what you told me earlier at the Troll Bridge?"
Jekyll's head popped up from behind the comic and he closed it quickly, rising from the couch as well. He interlaced his fingers behind his back as he spoke. "Yes, well most of you, except Emma, you and the young lad came to visit me in the Land of Untold Stories," he began, pointing at Emma, Regina, and Henry as he mentioned each of them.
"You also had the unfortunate luck to meet Mr. Hyde, my other personality. You also know that we became separated and then came here. Well, he has been living in the blimp with me and when you all came to visit the other day I had to send you away because he was in a grumpy mood and was convinced that the Evil Queen was with you.
"That was until today," Jekyll said, pausing momentarily. "When Emma came to see me, he stayed hidden in the back. While I talked to Emma, I heard him start talking to a woman that appeared out of nowhere."
At this point, Emma stepped in. "Now, unless Regina left her office at some point today to come visit Jekyll, which I doubt was the case, there are only two other magically inclined females living in Storybrooke. Zelena and myself, but Jekyll met Zelena when he met the rest of you…"
"Oh no," Regina mumbled.
Everyone turned to look at at her as her expression saddened. She hadn't thought anything more about it when she ran into the Evil Queen the other night walking home from Snow and Charming's because her worser half had gone quiet. Regina worried her lip as she met the gaze of everyone else in the room.
"There's something I probably should have told you all a lot sooner than right now..." Regina began. She took a deep breath and held it for a few moments before exhaling as she spoke. "The Evil Queen is back in Storybrooke."
"When did she? How did she? Where did you? Why didn't you tell us?" Snow exclaimed, tossing her hands up in the air. "Don't you think we should have known that she was running loose? I thought you killed her in New York!"
"I thought I killed her too!" Regina shouted back before sighing again. "Sorry. I didn't mean to shout. I don't know why I didn't tell you that she was back in Storybrooke."
"When did she come back?" Emma asked calmly, stepping between Snow and Regina who were sharing very heated glances. The tension around the room was rising and something needed to be done to diffuse it before someone else said something they were going to regret in a matter of minutes.
Regina turned to look at Emma as she replied, "I'm not sure when she came back. The first time I was made aware of her return was the last night when Henry and I were walking home from dinner."
"You knew?" Killian whispered to Henry, smacking him in the arm with the back of his hand. Henry dropped his head momentarily and nodded before stepping forward placing a hand on Emma's shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Mom. I should have told you," he said with a frown upon his face. "I just hadn't seen you since it happened and it all happened so fast."
Emma turned to him, placing a comforting arm around his shoulder, "It's okay, kid. We know now."
"So," Killian said, walking around Emma's desk and turning his attention to Regina, "What are we going to do now that we know she's here? Obviously she's been hiding herself, but that doesn't mean she is going to stay hidden forever."
They all nodded in agreement. It was particularly odd that she had only revealed herself to Regina once, and now the second revelation she chose to make was to Mr. Hyde. There was something about this whole situation that didn't quite add up. There were so many unanswered questions hanging in the air around and no one knew which one to ask first.
"We need to talk to Zelena," Regina said after a few minutes of complete silence. Everyone had been lost in their own thoughts about how to handle their current situation until she spoke. "We either need to warn her that the Evil Queen's back or we need to find out what she knows. Because if I were still the Evil Queen, then I'm sure I'd go to the one person who consider to be family for some place to stay."
"Since when has Zelena been willing to talk to us?" Charming asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He had kept his opinions on the situation to himself for the most part. His concern was that of safety for his family. His family and the Evil Queen did not have the best history, so he couldn't help thinking that the Evil Queen may have been planning something that would affect them all.
"All of us?" Regina questioned. "Never. However, she might be willing to talk to me."
"Mom," Henry began, but stopped when Regina placed a gentle hand on his arm.
"I have to do this. It's my fault that we are even thinking about her being around, so I need to do something about it. I'm going to go talk to her now. I'll let you all know what I find out," Regina said, turning on her heels exiting the station without another word.
The remaining group exchanged a concerned look between themselves before finding a place to sit down and determine a plan for how to handle the situation. Henry opted to sit with Dr. Jekyll and the two of them began discussing the comic book the Jekyll had been reading when they all came in.
Snow and Belle were sitting on the bench near Charming's desk talking about the joys of pregnancy and just catching up on life in general. Snow was still in shock that Belle was awake let alone finding out that the young girl was pregnant.
This town was certain to have it's handful with The Evil Queen lurking around in the shadows and Rumplestiltskin soon becoming a father.
"Wait, what do you mean you've met your baby as a full grown person?" Snow asked, furrowing her brow as she listened to Belle's story. Her reaction made Belle laugh momentarily before she continued to explain how her own feelings were reflected in Snow's reaction to the news.
Emma smiled to herself as she watched Snow and Belle talk. Someday she hoped to be able to sit with her mom and talk about the joys of pregnancy. They already talked about some of the joys of being a parent, but there was something different about the joys of pregnancy.
She glanced back to look at Killian.
Someday, she thought to herself.
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irphanfic · 8 years
Of Old Memories And Future Moments
Surprise! A wild phanfic has appeared! I was watching PINOF8 when suddenly I had a moment of inspiration so I wrote this oneshot. Hope you like it!
summary: ''Rummage inside Phil's bedside drawer‘‘ it said. Oh no. What would have happened if Dan had found something more interesting than a lip-balm inside Phil’s bedside drawer?
word count: 2.6k
no trigger warnings
They had been filming Phil Is Not On Fire 8 for some time when...
''Wait a minute, wait a minute,'' Dan said, pulling Phil aside so he could read the screen better ''Rummage inside Phil's bedside drawer, okay!'' he exclaimed, rapidly moving towards it while Phil repeatedly saying ''no'' and trying to stop his friend.
Dan opened it and found a lip-balm which he picked up and exageratedly spoke to Phil, ''How pale are you?''
Phil didn't even have time to respond before Dan threw the lip-balm inside the drawer again and searched for something more he could show to the camera.
The black haired boy was still, not even daring to move a muscle. He wanted to stop Dan before he found something he didn't really want him to see but it was too late.
''Phil, why...?'' Dan looked at him, two pieces of a ripped photo on his hands, which he slowly put together to properly see the picture.
It was a photo of them back in 2012, before everything went down. It was a selfie of both of them, happily smiling at the camera while Dan's hand squeezed both of their faces together. He remembers it well.
They had been a surprisingly warm Autumn day and they had been sightseeing London for hours when they stopped in Hyde Park for a rest, the sun was setting and not many people where there, only a few birds tweets could be heard. They sat under a tree, their thights touching while their backs were resting against the tree trunk, a pile of orange and red leaves around them.
''Let's take a selfie to remember this day...'' Dan said, taking the pocket size digital camera they had been carrying around all day.
Phil leaned a bit closer so he could fit into the frame, not really wanting to invade Dan's personal space. Even though they had been together for a few years, he knew Dan didn't like getting his personal space invaded, and he respected it.
''Phil, don't be silly, get closer!'' Dan laughed at him, one of his hands reaching his cheek to squish their faces together, not a centimetre left between them. Phil felt relieved and he finally allowed himself to smile properly before a flashing light blinded him.
He didn't even have time to change his pose when he saw another flash of light, this time Dan's lips on his cheek, giving him a peck.
''I really want to print these two, I really like them... what do you think Phil?'' Dan's voice brough him back to earth, shaking his head a bit and looking at the camera screen. They really were good photos.
''Yeah, I like them too. We look so happy, you make me so happy...'' Phil whispered, giving Dan a peck on the cheek as the brown haired had done a few moments ago.
''You make me happy too...'' Dan told him before kissing him hard against the tree trunk. Their kiss only ended when the last sun rays soaking their faces faded away, letting them know that the day was over even if they didn't want it to end.
''Dan...'' Phil's timid voice brought him back to the moment they were now. Dan looked at him and then back at the picture which he still had in his hands, sad and hurtful memories clouding his mind now. His eyes were starting to water, not really wanting to recall the horrible argument that lead them to their break-up back in 2012, and how Dan had ripped that picture...
It was to much. The pressure was to much. After the ''Valentine's Video'' had leaked a few days ago Dan couldn't handle the comments he was receiving. He couldn't imagine this was happening. And yes, in his mind it was all Phil's fault, even though deep down he knew it wasn't but he didn't have anyone else to blame that's why he was screaming at him right now. 
''Why did you even film that stupid video?'' his voice sounded around the living room while he paced around.
Phil didn't even respond, to scared to confront Dan, so he just shrugged his shoulders, making him smaller in the sofa seat.
''You knew I wasn't ready to come out, and yet you outed us with that video! What made you think you had the right to do that, eh?'' Dan's face was red, he was angrier that he had ever been.
This time Phil tried to defend himself, ''Because you are my boyfriend and I wanted to thank you and show how much I love you, that's why I made the video and it leaked because of a YouTube glitch, it wasn't my fault!''
Dan wasn't listening as he was too angry to think clearly, he was still conviced Phil had made this all happen.
''Well, it's a strange way to show how much you love me, making a video of pure bullshit so everyone can know what a happy couple we are when we aren't!'' Dan said, grabbing the photo of them squeezing their faces together that was resting in the bookshelf and shoving it into Phil's face before ripping it in half and throwing the pieces onto the floor.
Phil's face fell as soon as he saw Dan ripping the picture. He looked at the pieces that were now lying on the floor before speaking up ''Are you not happy with me?''
''What?'' Phil's question took him surprisedly, he didn't expect to hear that from the blue eyed.  
''Are you not happy with me? I don't want to be the one who makes unhappy, you don't deserve that...'' Phil spoke, his timid voice was loud enough so Dan could hear it.
''Damnit Phil! No, I'm not happy! I told you I was but no, I'm not and I don't think I have ever been'' Dan lied, still angered about the video thing, wanting to hurt Phil as much as he had hurt him, even though it was not the same.
Phil let a tear slide down his cheek and quickly cleaned it with his hand, hoping Dan didn't notice. And he was right, because Dan keept screaming at him.
''I tried to be happy but you just keep doing things that made me wonder why do I like you! This was the last straw Phil... We should break up.'' Dan's last words were almost quiet, he didn't meant to voice those word. They were a lie. But his brain  and his anger weren't cooperating.
Phil lifted his head and looked at his brown eyes, ''let me fix this, you are my best friend too, I cannot lose you Dan...'' he pleaded him, taking a few steps forward and trying to grab his hands, but thinking it twice about it Phil retracted them to he side.
Dan considered what Phil was asking him. He didn't really want to lose his best friend either. So he took a deep breath and responded ''let me think about it, and yes, you are gonna fix this because if you don't we are done.''
And with that Dan left the room, letting Phil sat back down on the sofa with his head buried in his hands before picking up the ripped picture and saving it in his bedside drawer, where he knew Dan would never find it.
Dan remembers now how Phil had stayed days and nights trying to take down every single video and hurtful comment that he could find, trying to fix it. To fix them. He also recalls Phil's voice, asking for forgiveness and trying to get back together, but Dan couldn't handle it. Not anymore. He was still angry at Phil, angry at himself, for being insecure, for not trusting him enough  .So, not really wanting to lose Phil he agreed to stay as friends until today.
''Dan...'' the blue eyed's voice brought him back to reality, fixing his gaze in the clear blue orbs that were watering. Oh no.
''Why did you save it? After I hurt you so much why did you?'' Dan questioned him. Phil didn't know that he had lied all those years ago and he decided he was going to tell him, but he needed to hear Phil's statement first.
''Yeah, you are right, you hurt me with your words but I hurt you too. You said I made you unhappy, but I kept staring at that picture and I knew our smiles were real. We were happy. I didn't know what I did to make you so miserable so I'm sorry for whatever I did...'' Phil took a breath before continuing, ''I saved the picture because deep down I knew I had made you happy at some point in our relationship, the laughs and smiles of that day couldn't be fake, I know they weren't. So that's why it was in my bedside drawer, because everytime I feel down, even though it hurts, I look at and compare it to many of the photos I see of you on Tumblr to see if you have the same smile as you did. And you have it. You have the same smile and I realized that even though we are not together you are happy and that's what matters.''
Dan was crying, he didn't expect those words from Phil. He hadn't done anything wrong, and he still was beating himself up because Dan had lied all those years ago. He just wanted Dan to be happy, and Dan hadn't done anything to thank him.
''Phil no,'' Dan said, leaving the picture on the bed and hugging his friend, who circled his arms around his waist, bringing him in a much needed hug. ''Phil, I'm sorry and you are gonna hate me for this but I lied to you all those years ago.''
''What?'' Phil whispered, trying to untangle from the hug but Dan didn't let him.
''I lied to you. I was happy with you. You made me happy. I lied because I was hurt. After the video leaked and I read all those comments I was angry and I wanted to hurt you too. I knew it wasn't your fault but I was still a kid and I didn't know how to react... I was in such a bad place with uni and then this, it had been all too much to handle and I eneded up balming you and hurting you. I'm sorry Phil, I'm so sorry.'' Dan was fully sobbing now, his face buried on Phil's neck, whiskers smugged.
Phil was silently crying too, not really making any noise so Dan wouldn't have to worry about him either. Dan was right. He had been a kid when all of that happened, and even though their relationship had been strong the pressure of fame and the comments had hurt, leading Dan to break their relationship so he didn't had to deal with all of it. He had been in a bad place then, but Phil understood everything now.
''Dan, shhh Dan... I don't hate you. I could never hate you.'' Phil tried to calm him down, but it didn't seem to be doing much. ''I understand now why you did what you did. I understand. I'm sorry too.''
''But Phil you have nothing to be sor...'' Dan tried to explain himself but the blue eyed didn't let him.
''No, Dan, don't try to excuse me'' Phil grabbed Dan's head and made him look into his eyes, ''you have grown so much since that happened, we both have. I made mistakes too, I hurt you too, and we have learnt from them...''
''I'm glad our friendship was strong enough so I wouldn't lose you.'' Dan whispered to Phil, hanging his head down and picking the discarded photo again, putting the pieces together to look at the picture again. He wasn't crying anymore, but some of the tears left fell onto the picture.
''You will never lose me. I promise you that,'' Phil said, picking up one of the photo's pieces and lookng at it, ''Even if neither of us would want to admit it we needed each other, even as friends, even if we eneded up not speaking for weeks I was reassured that you were still in the flat.'' the blue eyed said, knowing Dan felt the same.
Even if they hadn't spoken for weeks he was glad Dan was in the other room, it was a sign that neither of them was ready to let the other go, that they still needed each other, even if it was a few feet away.
''Wait here...'' Phil stood up, leaving Dan confusedly sitting on the bed, but before he could say anything Phil came back with a roll of sticky tape.
Without a word, Phil took the two ripped pieces of the photo and tapped them together, making it whole again. He lifted it and gave it to Dan, ''here, for you.''
Dan was deeply touched by Phil's gesture, but he couldn't accept it, he had damaged that photo and with that their relationship and Phil had fixed it again for him. He wanted to bitterly laugh at the metaphor, to be honest.
''Phil, I can't... I ripped it in the first place, I don't deserve to have it back.'' Dan told him, handing it back to him but Phil put his hands behind his back making it impossible to give it to him.
''No, no, it is a ''no return'' gift, now you will have to keep it forever!'' Phil said, a smile on his face.
The blue eyed's silly antics made Dan laugh and even though he could leave the picture just there, he couldn't bare himself  to do that.
''Thank you'' Dan sincerely said, looking onto Phil's eyes and triying to communicate with his gaze what he couldn't with his words, hoping Phil would understand. Not just for the picture, but for understanding, for forgiving him, for being such a good friend... even if Dan still loved him like he had done years back. He never stopped to be honest.
''No need to thank me, there is nothing sticky tape and a truthful conversation cannot fix.'' And with that Phil winked at him, grabbing the sharpie from the nightstand and drawing the whiskers back again in Dan's face, who smiled widely at him at the gesture.
''Now c'mon, we still have a few questions to answer.'' Phil said trying to grab the phone that was on the other side but before he could do it Dan tackled him onto the bed, landing on top of him, grabbing the sharpie from his hand and lifting it to Phil's face, ''yours are smudged too, you spork!''
They both laughed and Dan started his work. Phil didn't even realize he had his eyes closed when instead of a sharpie he felt a pair of chapped lips on his, making slowly move them, enjoying and remembering the sweet sensation of Dan's lips he had missed so much.
Once the kiss ended, Dan looked at him, scared of his reaction.
''You know? You laugh at me for having lip-balm on the bedside drawer, but if you plan on kissing me again I suggest you start using some!'' Phil told him jokingly, making Dan release a breath he had been holding before hitting him on the chest before burying his head on the crook of Phil's neck.
''I hate you.'' Dan whispered into his ear.
''I hate you too.'' Phil responded, before hugging Dan a bit closer, just the sound of their breaths in the room.
Phil Is Not On Fire 8 could wait.
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wierdogal · 8 years
Writing Our Own Stories (Chapter 5)
Summary: It’s been five years since Rumplestiltskin was banished from Storybrooke and no one knew what had happened to him. That was until Regina got a call from someone asking how she could transfer the remains of her step-brother from Storybrooke to Scotland. Canon until Rumple’s banishment. [Eventual Rumbelle but towards the end.]
In this chapter, we learn more of what has happened with the people of Storybrooke for the past five years.
Note: Please read the end notes for this chapter because I'm pretty sure everyone will have something to say about what I did.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
[AO3] [FFN]
Chapter 5
New York, sometime during the First Curse
His apartment wasn't great but it was better than the cold alley he had found her in.
He had fridge full of microwaveable meals and instant noodles, not something that you'd consider giving a young girl. Luckily, he still had a box of cereal and milk to offer and the girl was eating slowly and silently on the only sturdy table the apartment had.
He watched her eat and something inside him stirred as he recalled all those times when he and his father did have something to eat besides some scraps...when they did have bread and butter and some water. His father had taught him not to gorge them down but to eat and savor them because they didn't know when they could have food like that again.
Emily was doing just that...savoring the bowl of cereal in front of her. The girl must have thought that he was going to kick her out as soon as she's been fed...well that was something Neal just had to disprove.
Once she was done, Neal offered her his hand and they went to his bedroom.
"You can have the bed," offered Neal with a smile as he fluffed the pillows and yanked the covers so the little girl could climb in. She did so slowly but then her eyes landed on him and she was close to tears once again. "What's wrong?"
"Could-could I sleep next to you?" the girl began, her voice so low that Neal barely heard her request. "I'm...I'm scared of the dark."
Neal's heart clenched and he nodded. "I'll just get ready for bed." He shifted and saw her backpack on the corner. He walked to it and grabbed the first book he could get. "Why don't you read for a while as I get ready for bed?"
The little girl nodded and Neal showered and brushed his teeth in record time. He hadn't noticed the book before but as he studied what the girl was reading, his heart couldn't help but lighten a little...it was a fairy tale book.
"Beauty and the Beast your favorite?" asked Neal as he sat on the bed. The book didn't have the usual depiction of the Disney movie of Beauty and the Beast but seemed to be the original one written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve.
The little girl nodded and Neal offered her a small smile. "Belle's my favorite Disney princess too. I mean, who wouldn't love a girl who loves to read and takes charge of her own life."
The little girl smiled and offered him the book. "Would you…"
Neal nodded and took the book from her. "Well let's see then, where are you already?
Emily shook her head. "Maybe we could read it again?"
Neal smiled. "Sure, why not." He shifted the book in his hands and went to the beginning. "'Once upon a time'..."
Belle didn't know why her feet brought her there of all places but she just let herself fall in a pitiful heap on the ground, leaning back on the well where she and Rumple had exchanged their wedding vows.
She had moved on with Will after Rumple had left...well, no he didn't actually leave. She had moved on with Will after she had banished him. Why would she feel like this now? Was it because Will had found a way to reunite with his own True Love and she hadn't?
That wasn't fair to either of them and yet the news hit her hard. Rumple was living a happy life...a life without her.
She had always thought that was possible, especially when Dove came to her about splitting the rent to the accounts Rumple had outside Storybrooke. She always had that idea at the back of her mind that Rumple had grown to hate her so much and decided to never return to Storybrooke.
When Ursula and Cruella had first arrived in Storybrooke, somewhere deep down, Belle had hoped that Rumple had orchestrated all of it, as well as the search for the Author, so that he could have his happy ending.
But when Zelena arrived in town, announcing her pregnancy with Robin's child…Belle had lost all hope of ever seeing Rumplestiltskin again.
Her life in the other world wasn't much different from her real story. She was still of noble family, her mother drying during the Ogre wars while her father asked for suitors. The key difference was she wasn't happy.
In Isaac's world, she was the dutiful daughter of Lord Maurice, who felt her life was wasted each day because she couldn't read as much and couldn't travel and see the world. The clincher was that no one did actually love her there as well.
Her father was the exception of course, but all the other suitors proved to different versions of Gastons. Not a single one of them cared about her or shared her beliefs.
It took Henry and Emma 6 months before they could redo what Isaac and Zelena had done. With Zelena almost killing Regina, only for Henry to realize his role as the Author.
As soon as they all returned to Storybrooke, the Apprentice had proposed to accelerate Zelena's pregnancy so they could banish her back to Oz but Zelena had other plans and manage to kill the Apprentice, steal Merlin's wand and transport most of them back to the Enchanted Forest where she found herself a new ally...King Arthur.
They had mistakenly trusted Arthur when they had first arrived, informing them of Emma's role as the saviour. Arthur had first said that they needed Emma to free Merlin only for them to actually want Emma dead so no one else could wake Merlin from his tree form.
Arthur's other plan was of course for Belle to relinquish Rumple's dagger to him so he could forge Excalibur.
Belle never really figured why she decided to take the dagger that fateful day but she had and lucky enough, Arthur never got his hands on the dagger.
He did however succeed in killing Merlin when Zelena manage to tie the sorcerer to Excalibur and she got hold of Merlin's heart…
That was part of the story that made Belle's heart clench...that ensuing magical battle had caused both Zelena and Robin their child, Merlin managing to transport all of them back to Storybrooke, also leaving Regina the wand.
Things had settled down then...well for a good week or so until the God of the Underworld suddenly showed up in Storybrooke with Zelena in tow. Apparently, those two shared True Love and with one kiss, Zelena had manage to jump start Hades' heart.
Zelena had gone to the Underworld using Dorothy's Silver Slippers to try and bargain with the god about her daughter. When Hades said that he could do nothing except help her get revenge, the two worked out their previous spat and worked together to get what they wanted.
Hades' has transported them to the Underworld and had carved their names on the headstones in the graveyard of what they had deemed Hellbrooke, making them unable to leave...that was until the Apprentice appeared to them and mentioned about saving souls to weaken Hades' power so they could all return home.
The heroes had manage to do just that, albeit after a long period of time given that David's brother, Killian's old love, Belle's former fiancee and Peter Pan were souls that found themselves in the River of Lost Souls. It was some help that the shop was still open and Belle had access to some books that Rumple had, as well as some of his research that he apparently burned in the real shop back in Storybrooke because he had wanted to find a way to communicate with Bae.
Belle had kept an eye open. She made sure to look at the face each person that crossed her path but she did not see a sign of Rumplestiltskin in the Underworld. Snow and David had told her that maybe that was a good thing...that he was still alive somewhere and was not suffering but Belle didn't see that as reassurance at all.
Sure he wasn't dead...but what if he was suffering somewhere in the Land Without Magic? At least finding him in the Underworld would have give her some resemblance of closure.
It was close to a year and a half when they had finally weakened Hades' magic in Hellbrooke and were able to erase their names on the headstones. When they had found their way back to Storybrooke, Zelena and Hades had been busy.
The two had brought more realms to their little town and the heroes found themselves with the likes of Merida and the other residents of Camelot. King Arthur was also present, albeit being held prisoner because Zelena blamed him just as she blamed Merlin and Regina for the loss of her child.
It reminded Belle so much of a dystopian book when they were all sneaking about Storybrooke, planning a rebellion against the God of the Underworld and the Wicked Witch.
Belle had found some of Rumple's old notes about magical artifacts and it was there that she found out about the Olympian Crystal that Hades had. But even with that knowledge they planned carefully how they were going to take back the town.
But no matter how carefully they planned, they still lost one of their own.
Robin had jumped in front of Regina to save her from the Olympic Crystal. The surprise caught both Zelena and Hades of guard and Henry manage to write the crystal to be in Regina's hand instead of Hades and that was how the God of the Underworld met his end.
But no matter how hard she wanted to kill her, Regina could not bring herself to kill Zelena so they had imprisoned her once again only for her to escape and once again steal Merlin's wand and found herself in the Land of Untold Stories where she made a deal with one Mr. Hyde.
With a new partner, Zelena and Mr. Hyde once again wreaked havoc in Storybrooke bringing along trouble that brought some stories that was better left untold.
It was another year before things could finally settle down with the people from the Land of Untold Stories, Camelot and the Enchanted Forest (counting some of Robin's own men, and Roland) returning to their realm with the help of Regina's use of Merlin's wand upon the death of Mr. Hyde.
They had only manage to figure out how they could kill Hyde through again the use of Rumplestiltskin's notes that Belle had found. Apparently the Dark One had encountered the scientist and his other persona before and he made sure to take note of the encounter...and his theory on how to stop Hyde in case they decided to come after him.
It was hard for Belle to not think about her estranged husband when all the time they needed an answer or a way out of their problems, he proved to have the solution in his books and notes. The others would always ask her to take a look at them when Belle didn't want to touch any of them because it hurt to even see his handwriting.
But she still did it, even with the constant reminder from Regina that if Rumple had been with them, things would have been solved and/or fixed faster than what they could manage.
Zelena's fate after Hyde's death was this time left to be decided by the same Council that David and Snow had back in the Enchanted Forest when they were still dealing with a then Evil Queen. It was orchestrated in a trial of some sort with the perpetrator given the chance of explaining her actions and speaking in her defense which Belle was disgusted to see.
Zelena didn't deserve the chance to defend herself. She didn't deserve to have all those chances that was granted to her. She didn't deserve to have any say at all.
But she was given the chance to talk which was one the gravest mistake the Charmings could have done at that point.
When Zelena was charged with the death of Baelfire, Zelena argued that she didn't kill him. She pointed the finger at Emma and that it was her magic that separated Baelfire from Rumplestiltskin. It was Emma's magic that caused Baelfire's death and not hers.
One would think that would have no impact versus all the other things that Zelena had done...but it had an immense impact on one 16 year old boy.
Henry, from what Belle knew, had spoken to Zelena privately, since she had mentioned that she had lived in Neal's apartment in New York for sometime. Zelena told Henry that Baelfire had all these notes and books about destroying magic for all the wrong things it had done to his life. That Baelfire believed strongly that magic needed to be destroyed because everything bad that has happened in his life was caused by magic.
Months later, once Zelena's trial concluded, after much debate with life imprisonment as the ruling punishment, Belle had thought things would finally quiet down. Will had joined Robin's men in returning to the Enchanted Forest, stating that he would make his journey back to Wonderland from there. They didn't really have a relationship to begin with, only managing to spend time with each other when Belle needed another pair of eyes in looking over Rumple's notes.
That was until she heard that Henry had ran away.
She didn't know the whole story...just that Henry had manage to get his hands on the Olympian Crystal, with all of the town's magic infused in it. Henry, along with Violet, a girl from Camelot who had stayed behind in Storybrooke with her father, had headed to Neal's old apartment to look or the notes and books Zelena had mentioned.
Belle didn't know if Henry did find anything, or if they had confirmed Baelfire's desire to destroy magic...all she did know was after months of being away, Regina and Emma had succeeded in bringing Henry and Violet home. But Henry wasn't the same bright, young man that she had known.
He asked if he could work at the shop again and Belle just allowed him to. His eyes reminded her so much of Rumple's and the Author was very much curious about all the different items in the shop.
But even before Henry had asked her, Regina had already talked to her about it. She didn't say much about what had happened in New York and what had happened to Henry but the mayor just said that it would be good for Henry to have something from the father side of his family.
Of course that little suggestion met a lot of objections from one certain pirate. But Killian didn't say another word when Emma had glared at him and said that he had begun the problem in the first place which Belle didn't much understand but just let it all pass.
She shifted her priority then in making sure Henry was ok.
But then Zelena got out again...strengthening Henry's power as the author, making the boy write things that have not taken place yet. Zelena had thought that knowing what the author will write will help her find a way to alter history like she did before with Isaac.
It was Rumple's notes that once again saved them...a potion he was developing of stripping someone of their magic.
It had broken Belle's heart when she had found it. Was he trying to create this potion for himself? For when he found Bae? Was it when Zelena had his dagger so that he could get free?
She never did get around in answering that question. The potion had worked even if Rumple had only theorized it. Zelena was stripped of her magic and returned to her cell.
Henry on the other hand…
Henry spent a lot of time thinking about altering one moment in his life...the death of Neal. The one thing that he didn't want to do when he first learned that he was the author was now slowly eating him up.
He almost did it too...writing a new story where his father was still alive. Belle had tried talking to him but she too was taken aback by Henry's words. He had told everyone off for their so called 'heroic' acts when they were not as heroic as everyone believed.
It was Regina in the end that manage to talk to Henry who, with tears in his eyes, destroyed the pen once and for all.
That was just a couple of weeks ago…
And now they were going to be facing the return of Rumplestiltskin...and Belle didn't know why she was both relieved and worried for what was to come.
Note: Ok, so I know it seems rushed but this story will focus on the events after those five years. I wanted to give an explanation on what has happened canon wise and this happened. I wasn't actually going to dwell on it any further but the story needed a few background information and this is what this chapter is for.
Yes it was rushed, packing a lot of details in a small space but like I said, the story will not focus on that. It focuses on Rumple, his life during those five years which we are seeing in some flashbacks and his adopted daughter Emily and how Neal ties up in everything. It does not focus on the people of Storybrooke and that is why the past five years of their adventures do not get flashbacks.
Rushed yes, but it had to be done. I hope you still liked the update. More to come I promise.
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powerranks · 7 years
Power Ranks: Week 3
This week in the NFL was slightly depressing for me, and it wasn’t just because I got my ass handed to me by Dyl. I’ve wanted to sort of share my thoughts on the protests through some sort of outlet, and I guess I’ll do it here, as briefly as I can since this isn’t why you guys read this. If you really don’t want to, you can skip the next two paragraphs. 
Trump, among other things, is a racist prick. However, I think he knew what he was doing when he started attacking the NFL. He (and the media) have turned what was originally Kaepernick’s protest against racial inequality into “NFL players against the flag”, all while taking attention away from the fact that his shitty attempt to take away healthcare failed. It’s really hard to get so much wrong in a four word headline, but headlines on major news outlets read “NFL protests American Flag”. What the fuck is that? Trump literally took all attention from the point of the protest and made it a race/patriotic thing, despite saying it wasn’t about race.. Twitter arguments on the subject are absurdly revealing of closeted racists that now have a reason to speak up (this sentence can be said about the entire Trump administration), and I’m sure you guys have seen the videos of people burning their NFL jerseys and swearing off the league. A bar owner in Minnesota made the doormat into his bar out of jerseys that read “Lynch Kaepernick”. This is pathetic and sad, and it’s even sadder that I could go on. I think this is what Trump aimed to do. The people angry about the protest are the people that are missing the point, or ignoring it because of their own racist agenda. Lots of bad things have come out of this, but I hope we can focus on the positives, which is that this has sparked a national discussion that you can’t be on the fence about. (Sorry Drew Brees, you sounded like an asshole when you tip toed on the fence.) Nothing will change unless something like this happens, and I’m glad that a unified showing against the bullshit intimidation methods of an attention seeking president who’s done everything in his power to make activism in the NFL about him might start a revolution.
It’s absolutely insane to me that the most influential athlete of the past year wasn’t seen Sunday, but it was incredible seeing that his presence was so strongly felt. It’s clear he’s being blackballed, but with every passing day that we talk about the reason he’s being blackballed, Kaepernick won. I guess the point of this little write up is to not forget the point of the protest. White privilege and systemic racism exist, kneeling during the anthem does not equal disrespect to the flag or soldiers, and the more we talk about it the better. Contrary to the people burning their jerseys and season tickets, I’ll watch the absolute shit out of the NFL now. I know that I usually don’t talk about anything that actually matters with you guys so this might be weird or uncomfortable to hear, I just needed to share some thoughts.
Scott Team Update : 6-3. I will continue to post this until the Scott trifecta is under .500.
Reminder: the number I give you doesn’t matter as much as the tier I put you in, I don’t see a big difference between teams in a tier other than small details.
The “literally every draft pick I made was perfect and I have the midas touch” tier
1. Scott’s Balls 12-11-16 (Anthony “it’s been golden boy bullshit for a year and a half now, i hope karma comes and fucking stabs your cocky, complaining about Ben Watson garbage time touchdowns when literally everyone on your team has 239487239847 points, saying you could lose when Alex has Carr and Lynch when you’re up 75 ass face” Mendola) (3-0) (LW:1)
I’m not actually that mad, I’m man enough to admit its jealousy. Your team is good, I’m not sure how much I can write about it considering it’s been the same formula for three weeks, Cam sucking, Kareem Hunt 60 yard touchdowns, Chris Hogan bullshit, Gronk fucking the football, and your WR2 always doing well. (Geronimo fucking ALLISON). I’m still not 100 percent sold on the receivers, but Hogan looks for real at this point. Enjoy it while it lasts my dude. 
2. Fournette About It (Jack “closeted viking fan, non closeted clown porn enthusiast” Cleek) (2-1) (LW: 3)
I really believe in this team now that it’s been proven that the skill position guys are QB proof. When you can sustain four fantasy relevant people with Case Keenum, you know you can start any of the Vikings any given week. When you thrive with Jared Goff and Bazooka Blake Bortles as the people handing off to you, you can do anything. I like the addition of Nick Swardson, and if you could find a QB you’re never gonna lose again (other than the Vikings bye week)
The “This is a whole tier of above average inconsistent garbage” tier
3. Hammer (Tony “He’s back!” Mendola) (1-2) (LW: 7)
I know, I know, this is a meteoric rise from 7, but Tony’s team has gotten better every week, and over the course of the years there hasn’t been a single person better than him at identifying the random, shitty dudes who get 10 a week. Brady is back to being Brady, Devonta Freeman looks like a steal at the 8th pick, T.Y. showed he might be able to do something with Brissett, and Jared Cook is this year’s Richard Rodgers, the tight end Tony starts and just always gets 8. Going forward, this team should be just fine, especially if Chris Thompson can keep producing at this rate for a few more weeks.
4. Aegon Targaryen M’FVCKA (Alex “weirdly been quiet” Ahn) (2-1) (LW: 2)
I’m not sure if you’ve been quiet because nobody’s accepting trades, or you just don’t talk to me specifically because I just laugh at all the trade offers, but its been a strange start of the season, I almost miss the crappy trade offers because it at least made us talk. Anyways, nobody can really blame you for losing to Anthony’s golden boy bullshit, but your team did REALLY bad last week. The main reason you’re dropping down to 4 is that Lynch, the Crow, and your QB’s just don’t look consistent. Jeffery (maybe) and Tyreek are gonna be just fine, and Elliott is Elliott, but the rest of your team doesn’t really look good or bad, just kinda meh. It’s a good team that needs to find consistency. That being said, I’m calling it now, Matt Ryan reads these and he’s gonna drop 400 yards and 3 TD’s on my ass for suggesting he’s gonna keep regressing. 
5. Rick and Jordy (Chris “also should kinda change the name” Gatzow)    (1-2) (LW:4) 
You’re only in dead last place because of how weird the victories have been this year, but I still think your team is about average. I’m a lot lower on it than I was at the beginning of the year, but only because so many guys haven’t shown up yet. Julio has had the yurds, but not the touchdowns. Baldwin only looked good because Wilson put up a shitload of garbage time points. T West doesn’t look nearly as good as he did at the beginning of the season. Delanie Walker is having a down year because of how many weapons that Tennessee offense has. I’m not sure if Cooper and Howard are gonna get 0 or 20 on any given week. This tier was full of inconsistent teams that I think are okay, and your team is the most inconsistent of the bunch in my opinion. 
6. Don’t Trust a Younghoe (Dylan “name change time now?” Jessop) (1-2) (LW: 8)
Dropping Younghoe might’ve been the best thing you did (You’re welcome bitch) since Succop looks legit this year. Your record and points scored don’t suggest you should be this high, but holy shit I don’t think that many people know about how much points you’ve left on your bench, I know part of that is your own foolish decisions, but had you been starting the right dudes you may be the second or third highest scorer. I think the longer the year goes on, the more you’ll figure your own team out. This team is deep as hell. You’re sitting Michael Crabtree AND Gilislee this week, that’s impressive as hell. If CJ and Demarco can get slightly more consistent, you’re gonna be scary, Watkins dropping that low looks scary now.
7. Mixon it Up (Alec “Chris really ruined this and made me write so much more on these rankings by losing, and also ruined an amazing meme that nobody’s gonna see now” Bernstein (1-2) (LW:9)
Alright, the joke and tier is over. I really was doing it only because you talked shit about your ranking, and I was TOTALLY right for the first two weeks. But last week was more along the lines of what I think you envisioned with your team. Granted, Wilson only got his points because it was garbage time and they needed to come back, but he got 35 nonetheless. Lamar Miller, as we’ve said, will get 8 or 9 a week but he’s not gonna let you down. Mixon looks like he’s on the upswing. Green/Beckham, for as bad as they had been before this week, are about as scary a duo as you can have at WR. Eifert dying sucks, but Graham is such a nice fantasy tight end and I’m upset nobody else got him/someone dropped him in the first place (cough cough ALEx). I still don’t think your team is good, but it deserves to be in this tier just because it’s shown you can break 100. That’s more than...
The teams that can’t break 100 or even 90 can say tier
8. Scott’s Penis (David “slowly realizing I used 100% of my luck the year i won” Chinchilla) (1-2) (LW: 6)
I’m only ranking myself 8 because I’m the only one of the remaining teams that’s broken 90. Dyl hasn’t broken 90 either, but he’s left like 2903847298347 points on his bench so he deserves a bit more than this embarrassment down here. I don’t even know what to say. QB is so bleak without Luck that I just dropped Jared Goff and picked up Trevor Siemian and felt like that was an upgrade, how sad would that sentence have been last year? Hyde is my only good player, Ajayi and McCoy are in bad situations (McCoy especially, the Bills REFUSE to give that guy the ball inside the 45 yard line) and my receivers are just so MEH. I have no faith in any of my receivers getting more than 9, and Reed might’ve ALREADY died for the year. I think my team really really sucks, but not because of a lack of talent, just all my players are on teams that can;t seem to score. I’m finding myself rooting for the other team to do bad more than I am for rooting my team onward to victory.
9. Beshoy and some Backups (Beshoy “Aaron Rodgers vs. The World” Halim) (1-2) (LW:5)
We’ve talked a lot about our teams and while I think your top three are better than my top three, I think the rest of your team is a whole hell of a lot of not number one guys. You get Martin back after this week, but I still have little faith in some of your guys. I think Henry can be for real, that offense might be able to sustain two RB’s, but that remains to be seen. Cohen could be good, but Jordan Howard came back from the dead last week (multiple times). Thielen is always gonna be the #3 red zone target in that offense, but the good thing is that he has a clear yards floor. Idk what Blount will be doing going forward, but at least he’s definitely the battering ram down at the goal line. I really hope this turns around for you, but as of now, much like with my team, things look bleak. 
10. Scott’s Jizz (Scott “just being disrespected at this point” Felgenhauer) (2-1) (LW:10)
I know you’re gonna be upset again, but I don’t know what you want me to say...Ajayi has played in two games and scored less than three in one of those two, and he’d be your second best running back on your team. Dak and Dez have been REALLY nice so far, and I trust Kelce, but everything else on the squad is just such a random dart or a bad player. Mike Thomas finally had his good game, as did Jackson/Dez/Dak and you STILL only scored 80. I am rooting for you and hope you win more games, but I can’t rank you any higher until you get literally anything out of your RB’s.
Aegon Targaryen M’FVCKA (Alex) over Scott’s Penis (David)
Beshoy and some Backups (Beshoy) over Scott’s Balls 12-11-16 (Anthony)
Hammer (Tony) over Mixon it Up (Alec)
Don’t Trust a Younghoe (Dyl) over Scott’s Jizz (Scott)
Fournette About It (Jack) over Rick and Jordy (Chris)
Last week : 2-3
Season: 100-0 (fuck you guys)
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
poe siblings, first day of school, the eyes of god, and other such scenarios
Akutagawa: *splashing water on his face* -he's alone in the washroom- Akutagawa: "..." *looks at the mirror, checking his eyes* atsushi?: ..... Akutagawa: "...Is that really you?" -no answer- Akutagawa: "...I demand you speak." ???: ya? Akutagawa: "?!! ...That was...surprising." mafioso: *getting out of the bathroom* what? Akutagawa: *death glare* -elsewhere- Yohei: *snores* chie:....*smiles and puts blanket over him* get some rest, hun. Yohei: *sleeps a bit easier, turning over towards her* chie: *smooch* love you. Yohei: "Mmm...Love you, too..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *shaking* kotone:...brother? inori: is something wrong? Gopher: "Wh-What? I...just had a chill..." inori:....did you wish to speak about it? Gopher: "...I was remembering...pain." inori: ..... Gopher: "...I sometimes get afraid I'll be...hurt again..." {?l?se: mother loves you....so much...} Gopher: *inhales sharply, falls back* "I-I...What...?" inori: ?! eibon: is something the matter, my child? D8> Gopher: *shivers* "M-Mother...?" eibon: ?? *small hug* Gopher: *holding on, crying* eibon: *humming* Gopher: *calming down...* -elsewhere- Wes: *chopping vegetables* -elsewhere- Relan: *sipping tea* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *hugging the toilet* @~@ kim: yikes. Jacqueline: "I bet that stupid raccoon got me sick...Or people bringing books into the bathroom...Who does that...?" -elsewhere- Montgomery: *vacuuming* -elsewhere- justin: *reading* oriko: *looking at the windows* *Knock knock* justin: hmm? Giriko: "Yo! I brought a baby!" justin: eh? owo; anna: ... justin: oh, why hello there. anna:.....*unimpressed* justin: ^^;;;;; Giriko: "See? She likes you! Say hi to Uncle Justin, Anna!" anna: T_T oriko: hnn? O.O~? Giriko: "???" *holds Anna close* "Ah, sweetie--you not feeling well?" -elsewhere- Konro: "Okay, good work!" shinra: *phew* Arthur: *turns off the flame on Excalibur* "Glad, too...Agility tests have my legs screaming." tamaki: *streeeetch* Relan: *running in place* "I still feel pretty energized..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *looking in the box* "One Pop Tart left..." mana: time to do a snack run? Shotaro: *nods* "I got 20 dollars." -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi: ...... Dazai: *sighs* "Chubby penguin..." atsushi: .....i dont follow? Dazai: "I needed something to break the ice." atsushi:....ah... Dazai: "Something on your mind? You were quiet since the cemetery." atsushi:...just thinking....was odasaku...the reason you- Dazai: "Left the Mafia?" atsushi:...*hard gulps and nods* Dazai: "It was one reason. There were many...The donuts were stale." *weak smile* atsushi: ...was odasaku a good person?.....s-sorry if im opening old wounds at all... Dazai: "...He was honorable." atsushi:....ah... Dazai: "He...had a no-kill rule." atsushi: *listening* Dazai: "He told me, 'A writer who gives stories to the world cannot be someone who ends the stories of others.' ...He wanted to be a writer. He said it better than I just did--since I'm not a writer." atsushi:..... Dazai: "...Guess what his ability was." atsushi:....foresight? Dazai: "??? Yes..." atsushi:...ah... Dazai: "...We lost him." atsushi: *listening* Dazai: "He...Orphans." atsushi: ?? Dazai: "He tried to protect them...then..." atsushi:....oh.... Dazai: "...They were murdered." atsushi: !!!! *eyes wide in shock* Dazai: "He...avenged them, at the cost of his life...his dream...his writing." atsushi:....*tears falling* Dazai: "..." *offers a tissue* atsushi:....*sniff* Dazai: "...You'd have liked him..." atsushi:....i think so too... odasaku:....*pats his back* Dazai: "..." *sniff* odasaku:.....you're going a good job so far, dazai. atsushi:..... Dazai: *wipes his eyes, exhales* atsushi:....did you want to go home now? Dazai: "...Yeah." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *muttering in his sleep* karin: ?? Vulcan: "N-No...Get back here..." karin: vulcan? Vulcan: *throws his arm out* "Stop!" *looks around* "..." *he's covered in sweat* karin: *shaking him* vul, get a hold of yourself! Vulcan: "!!! ...S-Sorry...Nightmare." karin:....*pats his back* wanna talk about it? Vulcan: "...This really creepy robot...with Giovanni's face growing out of it...and Dad's..." *shudders* karin: easy there..... Vulcan: "Th-That wasn't all..." karin: ?? Vulcan: "The robot...had Lisa prisoner." karin:...*pats his back* Vulcan: "...More tech to build...Stop Giovanni..." karin: ok...but dont overwork yourself, ok? Vulcan: "I won't..." *picks up a wrench* -elsewhere- Kid: *nom nom* lord death: how is it, kiddo? Kid: *thumbs up* "Delicious!" -elsewhere- Poe: owo;;;; "...That's a tall stairway..." rowena: indeed. Poe: "I'm amazed you climb it so easily..." rowena: takes practice. Poe: "I guess...Like writing a bit each day..." ???: oh, fancy seeing you here, sir. Poe: o\\\\\\\\o "...Hi." rowena: ??....brother....did you finally get a girlfriend? lana: eh? o.o~? Poe: *covers Rowena's mouth* "H-H-Hi, Miss Lana! This is my sister! Ha ha ha! She's so funny, isn't she?" rowena: >n< lana: oh, you didnt tell me you had a sister. she looks a lot like you. ^^ Poe: ^^ *nod nod* "We do. Inherited the looks from our parents..." *lets go of Rowena* "...How are you?" lana: well, i just got off work, so im just running some errands before calling it a day. Poe: owo;;;;; "MY SISTER AND I WERE GOING TO GET COFFEE!" lana: i see. want me to go with you? i know a great place. Poe: *nod nod* "Th-That would be helpful--since we're still not used to Death City yet. Right, Rowena?" rowena: *nods* lana: alright, then just follow me. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *in bed, wrapped in a blanket, shivering* kim: i got some medicinal herbs from the shop. Jacqueline: "Th-Thanks..." *coughs* -elsewhere- kirako: *humming to herself*...hmm? oh, atsushi, dazai, fancy seeing you out here. atsushi:.... *looks at the ground* hi, miss kirako... Dazai: "..." *waves* "Hey." kirako:...is everything alright? Dazai: "Just...dealing with something from long ago." kirako:.....should i come over later, or....? Dazai: "...Whatever." *sits* kirako:.....*worried* Dazai: "..." *closes his eyes, leans back* -that evening- atsushi: *laying awake* ..... odasaku: cant sleep? atsushi:.....*shakes head* odasaku: .....cant say i blame you. atsushi:.....why me? why are you here in my head? odasaku:....you could use it. atsushi: ?? odasaku: these past months, you've been trying to get out of trouble by running away. atsushi:.....i guess that makes me a coward, huh...? i know, im too scared to fight... odasaku: ....i'll give you some advice. dont be someone who fights people. be someone who protects people. atsushi:..... *Knock knock* atsushi:....door's open. Kyoka: *yawn* -____- atsushi:...cant sleep either? Kyoka: *shakes her head* "I heard you talking..." atsushi:...just...thinking out loud. Kyoka: "..." *sits by his bed* "...Want to talk?" atsushi:.......it's the voice in my head... Kyoka: "...What?" atsushi:...*shakes head* im worried about dazai... Kyoka: "And this 'voice' has told you to be concerned for him?" atsushi:....*nods* i think that it brought something up from dazai's past... Kyoka: "...Is it something he can move past?" atsushi:....i dont know. -elsewhere- kirako: ah.... =////T how's that? Dazai: "L-Lower..." kirako: ok. *rubbing her hands down his sides to his hips* Dazai: *sighs, groans* "Y-Yeah..." *his hand reaches for her...* kirako: *soft sigh* did you want me to...y'know...? Dazai: "Yes..." kirako: ok. *lick* Dazai: *shivers, lies back* "Ah~" kirako: like that? Dazai: "Y-Yeah...You're doing gr-great-Ah!" kirako: ^^ glad to hear... *bobbing her head* Dazai: *his hands rest along her head...he moans, trying to match her* kirako: u////u Dazai: *he's getting harder...he throbs a bit as..." kirako: >/////< Dazai: "A-Ah!!!" kirako: >////o *swallowing* *pants* h-how was that? Dazai: "..." *small smile* "You are amazing..." kirako: 7/////7 t-thanks....feeling any better? Dazai: "..." *nods* "That...reduced a lot of stress and pressure..." *puts his hand along her neck...* kirako: *smiles* good to know. is that all you needed tonight or no? Dazai: "I could ask you the same...Anything _you_ needed?" kirako: cant think of anything right away. i guess i wanted to help you take your mind off things. ^^; Dazai: "...I appreciate that...I owe you, whenever...whatever you want..." *rests a hand on her knee* kirako: ok. when i think of something, i'll let you know. *smiles* see you tomorrow then? Dazai: "...Could you stay?" kirako:...*sly grin* still need comfort or are you just horny? Dazai: *smirks* "Maybe both?" *rests a hand on her hip* kirako: ...*small chuckle* you hornball. but alright. Dazai: *pulls her down* -elsewhere- Kid: *turns in bed* "Mm..." stocking: *nuzzle* u///w///u Kid: =w= *cuddles* -elsewhere- Hyde: *sleep-walking into the kitchen* romina: hmm? Hyde: *opens pantry, takes out cookies...* *nom nom* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi:.....(odasaku: 'dont be someone who fights people. be someone who protects people') ..... Kyoka: *turns over, shivers* atsushi:....*small hug* Kyoka: *calms down...holds on to him in her sleep* -elsewhere- kirako: zzzzz.... Dazai: *staring up at the ceiling, half-awake* "..." -morning- Kyoka: "Zzz..." *yawns, opens her eyes, looks around* "...I want cereal." atsushi: *already working on that* school starts tomorrow... Kyoka: "Ah. Are you ready?" atsushi:...yeah. Kyoka: "...Still worried about something?" atsushi: guess im just nervous about school starting. Kyoka: "..." *pats his head* "You will be fine." atsushi: *smiles* thanks Kyoka: "I will be there to support you as well. And to protect you." *holds up a taser* atsushi: ^^; -elsewhere- Kid: *still sleeping* stocking: ....*small forehead kiss* Kid: "Mmm~" *opens his eyes* "...Beautiful." stocking: morning handsome~<3 Kid: "Morning." *smooch* "Sleep well?" stocking: yep. you? Kid: "Especially well." *hug* stocking: mmm~<3 Kid: *pats her back* "Looking forward to classes?" stocking: yeah, especially given all that's been happening with these eyes. *sigh* Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "Every little bit of work can help..." stocking: right. *smiles* Kid: "But you need to eat first...Muffins and pancakes?" -elsewhere- kouyou: chuuuya~ time to get up~ ^^ Chuuya: "Nnn...Five more minutes..." *pulls up sheets* kouyou: ...golden demon, please get chuuya out of bed. Chuuya: *eyes break open* *small voice* "Oh no..." golden demon: *picks him up by the collar* ... kouyou: good morning~ Chuuya: ._____. "Morning...I'd like to be put down now." golden demon:... *drops him back onto the bed* kouyou: did you sleep well last night? Chuuya: "Until you woke me, sure...Wish I had drunk tea beforehand, though..." kouyou: shall i prepare some for you? Chuuya: *nod nod* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Good morning!" atsushi: morning. *smiles* Dazai: *hug* atsushi: eh? o.o ??? Dazai: *pulls back* "It's a new day!" *he's smiling...is it authentic?* atsushi: i guess so...cant believe im actually starting school tomorrow... Dazai: "Nervous about new experiences?" atsushi: hard not to be... Dazai: *head pat* "Won't know what you can do until you try, though. Treat this as an experiment." atsushi:...ooookay? ._.; Dazai: "And while you're at the DWMA, see which are the best ways to commit suicide." atsushi: *sweatdrop* riiiight. Dazai: "And give my best to Marie and Christa." ^^ atsushi: will do. kirako: ^^; Dazai: "...Oh!" *stilted voice* "Hello there, Kirako. How are you?" kirako: pretty good this morning. you feeling any better? Dazai: *nod nod* "Yes, I am. Thank you--for asking." *wink* kirako: ^^ atsushi: kunikida, anything come in? Kunikida: *hands him paper* "Your mission for tomorrow, after school." atsushi: ok then. *nods and examines the paper* *It lists a number of groceries, cleaning items...* atsushi: *sweatdrop* thanks... odasaku: could have been worse. atsushi: (thinking: yeah no kidding -_-; ) Kunikida: "You will be delivering those to that cafe where your girlfriend works." atsushi: wait what? O///O ?! Kyoka: *death glare* Kunikida: "The cafe where Montgomery works?" atsushi: yeah...there. ._.; odasaku:... yeeeah im not touching that. atsushi: -_-; (thinking: some guardian angel YOU are...) Kunikida: "So focus on that mission and not get distracted by whatever 'extracurriculars.'" atsushi: alright then? ^^; Dazai: "Then when you get back from school, we can see which missions I have! Maybe a murder!" atsushi: alright then. -elsewhere- Relan: "So, Miss Fang-Hua is leading today's training?" fang-hua: yep. we're just going to be doing a relay race around asakusa. Arthur: "...But that gives the advantage to Shinra. That can't be fair." fang-hua: he'll be in the last stretch. shinra: it's kind of like the races during the school sports festivals where you pass off the baton to the next person, right? Relan: "...I always dropped the baton." O~O shinra: its alright, i believe in you! *thumbs up* Relan: *smiles* "R-Right..." Tsukiyo: *holding a starter pistol* "On your marks..." -elsewhere- Rin: "Then you can try this dish--oh! And this one! And that one, too! And dessert!" madoka: wow. izumo: can you even afford all this? Rin: "I...asked Stocking for a favor..." ^^; *holds up a credit card* izumo: D8 is that... shura: a gold card D8 HOW DID YOU- Rin: "Heh heh...Payback time..." shura: you little shit. Rin: "Buy whatever you want, guys! It's on the person whose name is on the card!" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Yay! I won the bid!" *seated at his computer* "Now, I just need my credit card, and I--" *checks his wallet* o___O "WHERE'S MY CREDIT CARD?!" maid: right here, sir. Mephisto: *quickly types his information and--* *Computer makes happy music* Mephisto: "Huzzah!" *confetti explodes out of his chair* “SUCCESS!” -elsewhere- Anya: *packing her bookbag* -elsewhere- Tool: "Mana, did Emine get his school uniform?" mana: yeah, but he doesnt want to wear it....he's burning it right now... Tool: "?!!! Does he know how much that thing cost?!!!" *grabs a bucket, floods it with water, runs to Emine's room* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *turns over, yawns* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in human form* "They're really running..." reimi: they sure are... tamaki: *passing the baton off to sayu, who takes off in a sprint* Relan: *panting as he tries to pass off the baton* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *half awake, holding up some half-constructed robo-doll* "This is Li'l Metal Molly. She's four years old and wants to be your friend. Want to have tea with her?" Akitaru: "...He didn't sleep at all last night?" karin: no. he has not. im getting worried... Akitaru: "Maybe have the medical team take a look at him? Some medicine could help." Vulcan: *sets down 'Molly' at a table* "And who is this?" *holds up a taxidermy squirrel* "It's Ignatius P. Nutty! Hello, Iggy!" *high-pitched voice* " 'Hello, Vulcan'!" karin: what medical team? Akitaru: "We got to have a few people still in the area who can treat him." karin: maybe call the medic from squad 0? maki: we seriously need a medical team... Takehisa: "Already calling Squad 0...They should be here soon..." -elsewhere- Giriko: *holding up Anna* "That good?" anna: ^u^ arachne: ^^ Giriko: "And what do you see, Anna?" *turns Anna around* anna: mama! arachne: hi, sweetie. *small wave* Giriko: "That's right!" *lowers Anna, handing her to Arachne* arachne: *hugs* anna: ^o^ -elsewhere- Mori: Q~Q "...What else can go wrong?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *sighs* "That's better..." eibon: that's good to know. *smiles* Gopher: *nods* "A bit of cleaning can ease my mind." *the books are alphabetized by author* ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "Okay, that takes care of the food..." *crosses it off the list* "Time for the checkout." -elsewhere- Yukio: *rubbing his eyes* "Can't figure this out..." kyouko: ?? Yukio: "Todo needed additional security options to get to this sensitive intelligence..." kyouko: ah. Yukio: *leans back* "Can't figure this out..." -elsewhere- Montgomery: *looking at class schedule* "Hmph. Look a little boring..." employee: you got a letter, lucy. Montgomery: "???" *takes it, opens it* letter: dear lucy, congratulations on getting into school! we're very proud of how far you've come so far. keep up the good work, sincerely, fitzgerald and louisa. Montgomery: "..." Q~Q employee: is everything alright? Montgomery: "I'M HAVING AN EMOTIONAL BREAKTHROUGH!" >\\\\< employee: O-O; Montgomery: *snot coming out of her nose* "M-May I take your order, you bastard?" blue haired guy: .....*writing down* <coffee please.> Montgomery: "Okay...House blend?" blue haired guy:.....<sure.> Montgomery: "Sugar? Milk?" -elsewhere- Wes: *sips wine* liz: enjoying yourself? Wes: *smiles* "With you? Always." liz: oh you~ Wes: *kisses her cheek* "How's work been today?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *asleep at desk* *snore* atsushi: ^^; Kunikida: *pulls out airhorn* "..." everyone: *covering their ears* *BLAAAAAAAAAHRRRR* Dazai: O______O *leaps up* "AAAAAH!" *bangs his head against the ceiling* Kunikida: "That was your wake-up call to get back to work." Dazai: *looks around...then falls from the ceiling* "...Owie." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *picks up a doll* "So, you put souls into these things?" medea: not as a prison, but as a vessel to communicate through, though there have been cases of possession of another person. Kepuri: "??? People...possessing someone else's body?" Q~Q medea:....sorry. i didnt mean to reopen any old wounds. akaderu: *hugs kepuri and glares at medea* Kepuri: *nod nod* "...How long you been doing this?" medea: since i was young. my mother taught me. Kepuri: "So, is it genetic or trained?" medea: my mother is a practitioner of mystic arts. the members of my mother's side of the family have been trained in such practices for generations. Kepuri: o_o; "...Huh. So, you can do things in addition to soul transference?" medea: depends on what you ask. Kepuri: "Is it possible to bring back the body?" medea: ....there are specific requirements. mostly the soul must still be attached to the body, as if refusing to pass on. but there are occasions such as mr agey. Kepuri: "...Oh yeah. That thing." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *looking over his books* gin: *smiles* Akutagawa: "??? What?" gin: oh, am i being proud of you too loudly? Akutagawa: -\\\\\- "...Funny." gin: ^^ we didnt get to go to school like most kids. im happy for you. Akutagawa: "..." *hug* gin: *hug* higuchi:... congrats, ryunosuke. Akutagawa: "...Oh. Thank you." *bow* higuchi: 737 if you guys ever needed a tutor, i'd be more than happy to help. Akutagawa: "...I am certain of that. You are knowledgeable in many topics." higuchi: then i'll do my best! Akutagawa: "Yes, you will." *small smile* -elsewhere- Kuro: -_-; "Why do you have to go back to school?" -elsewhere- yana: hmm? oho. *has a laser pointer*.....*turns it on and aims it at the wall* -running can be heard- ???: 8D *RAMS INTO THE WALL FACE FIRST* yana: *snickers* FD: "???" barkova: @u@ yana: just having fun with the laser pointer. FD: -_-;;; "That's kinda cruel." yana: then again, we arent exactly 'good people' FD: "..." *takes the laser pointer, points it at the wall* barkova: *BAM* 8D FD: "...Need to do more training, or Barkova will just keep at it..." yana: yikes. FD: "Barkova, sit." barkova: *doing so* 8D FD: "Speak." barkova: *BARKING* zoey: ...... FD: "Zoey, do you want to give Barkova a command?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *adjusting his tie* mafioso: congrats on starting school, man. Chuuya: -_-; "I don't know why I'm doing this." mafioso: consider it info recon. Chuuya: "...Okay, that is a bit easier to accept." -elsewhere- Meme: *in her new uniform* "How is it?" mio: *blush* looks good. Meme: *smiles* "So does yours." mio: t-thanks. -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Lin, you going to school?" -elsewhere- shinra: *weird hand gesture* kyukyuuuuuu >3< hikage: there's no difference. hinata: he's just making faces like an idiot! shinra: -_- *tries a different gesture* -fwoom- shinra: hell yeah! rock on! >u< Relan: ^\\\^ Arthur: D8 Benimaru: "...Not terrible." shinra: ^u^ well, i noticed you do hand signals like this too. so i thought i'd try it out. -rock on signal- shinra: >u< this is so cool! kind of reminds me of something i saw in a tv show once. Relan: *claps his hands* "Yay!" Benimaru: "Oh. My hand signs? Yes, I use those to guide the energy in my body..." shinra: ?? kabuki: do you wish to explain or shall i? Benimaru: "You explain." kabuki: in the art of 'genkoku', there are several hand signs, each with different effects. one such sigh, the tiger sign, increases power to the legs. Benimaru: "That's the one I use for jumping higher." shinra: *listening* tamaki: whats it look like? Benimaru: *folds down his index finger and thumb* shinra: *doing the same* Benimaru: "This will transfer more energy in your body to your feet, which will strengthen the flames there." tamaki: i see. -fwoom- shinra: *focused* sayu: woah! Konro: *watching* "..." Victor: "Woot!" shinra: *flying up* Arthur: o__O "A dragon!" Relan: *gasps* tamaki: *also making the sign* (thinking: im not going to get left in the dust, idiot. im gonna prove myself...) *thinking of amber, burns, and arthur* (thinking: i have to prove myself!) *jumps up into the air, doing a spin and landing on the roof on her hands and feet* Tsukiyo: *clapping* "Good work, Tamaki!" Arthur: "...Wow..." *clapping* tamaki: ^w^ Arthur: "...I don't know that will work for me, seeing as I need my hands for my sword." *he's holding Excalibur in his right hand* tamaki: -_-; wrong hand, doofus. Arthur: "...Oh, right." *holds it in his left* shinra: *lands back on the ground* Relan: "You were amazing!" shinra: aww shucks. ^///w///^ Benimaru: "Now that you have discovered some impenetrable skills, you and Tamaki need to name them." shinra: kicker kick! tamaki: that sounds so stupid. shinra: 7-7 i panicked, ok!? Benimaru: "I agree." Relan: *holding back a laugh* shinra: Q3Q Relan: *pats his back* tamaki: as for me... well....how about 'cat-afornia roll'? shinra:... *bursts out laughing* Relan: *can't hold it back, doubled-over laughing* Arthur: "...Cat-melot?" shinra: OH MY GOD THAT ONES EVEN WORSE!! X'D tamaki: --# yu: *sweatdrop* Benimaru: "Well, I think that is all for today--" *Benimaru turns away...* sayu: *eye glint* HUWA! *jumps* Benimaru: *grabs her by her ankle, holding her up* sayu: whee! ^u^ kirei: ^^; Benimaru: "Maybe don't shout when trying to do a surprise attack on your opponent, small one." sayu: okaaaay. -elsewhere- Rin: *snores* shura: .... *notices something slipped under the door* ?? *it's a letter*.....hmmm... *puts it on the bed stand* -after she leaves his room- shura:.... !! eh? spotty four eyes?! adrian: heyo, shuran! seiya: hello, miss kirigakure. gilda: *small waves* applebee: hey. Yukio: "Where is Rin?" shura: he's in his room, sleeping right now. Yukio: "Then I will wake him..." -elsewhere- Poe: *sipping tea...hand shaking* karl: o^o~? rowena: so how long have you two known each other? lana: a few months i guess. rowena: ah, i see. Poe: *nod nod* "We met when I captured her in a book! ...That came out all wrong." rowena: ... o.o lana: yeah, that was.....interesting *sweatdrop* Poe: ^^;;; "At least no one died...I mean, no one non-fictional." lana: yeeeah. ^^; rowena: ah. Poe: *ahem* "...I could always show you other books! I have ones without murder!" *holds up a romance novel* "..." *puts it down* "I mean...um..." *awkward cough* lana: ^^ -elsewhere- Dazai: "Dinner!" atsushi: awesome! Dazai: "Yep! I told you I can cook good!" *sets down pasta* -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." neian: zzzz..... Medusa: "...Will you hate me?" neian: zzzz.... Medusa: "..." *holds Neian's tiny hand* neian: =u= Medusa: "I love you..." -elsewhere- Relan: *stretches* "I think that's progress..." shinra: sure is. *smiles* you did great out there today. Relan: ^\\\^ "Th-Thanks...I was able to get better balance when kicking..." shinra: ^///^ Relan: *pats Shinra's arm* "You're getting more muscular." shinra: *blush* Relan: ^^ "I think the work-out is paying off. You'll be faster..." -elsewhere- Mori: *whistles, as he walks through hall* naoya: *chewing gum* Mori: "??? Why are you always chewing gum?" naoya: *shrugs* helps me remember stuff. Mori: " 'Remember'? How so?" naoya: y'know, chewing certain flavors in certain situations can help you remember stuff. read it in a coffee table book once. Mori: "...Huh. Well...Could you please stop leaving your gum wads under the table." -_-; naoya: im making a mural. Mori: "WHO PUTS A MURAL UNDERNEATH A TABLE?!" naoya: me, apparently. -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sneezes* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *snoring* karin: *small smile* nozomi: how is he? Vulcan: "Zzz..." =w= karin: doing better now. Akitaru: "He can take as much time as he needs to recuperate...All the tech he's made is great!" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *looking at birthday gift* -it's a new pen set- Kunikida: "...They get me." *takes out pen, writes on pad* -elsewhere- Rino: *waves* "Hey, Blair." blair: hey rino~ soul: ah, friend of yours? Rino: "Yo. I'm Rino." *waves at Soul* "You know Blair, too?" soul: yeah. kind of a long story. blair: i guess im something of a 2nd mother to him~ soul: 7-7; Rino: *snort laugh* "Y-Yeah, I can see the resemblance..." *sits down* "So, Soul, what do you do?" soul: well, i've been planning on becoming a death scythe. just a little more to go yet. but aside from that, i work at the megalo mart. Rino: "Oh, you're a weapon? Who...works at Megalo Mart? Jeez, and I thought my work sucked." soul: oh, i actually graduated school. Rino: "That has to be nice...I'm still in classes." soul: ah. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *counting dollar bills* alcott: i think today went pretty well! Fitzgerald: *small smile* "Quite. We are on the pathway to success. I think this warrants a celebration." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *puts her uniform on a hanger, finishes packing her bookbag* atsushi: *getting his stuff set up* Kyoka: "Do you have lunch ready?" atsushi: *nods* Kyoka: *nods* "Good. Then that is everything to finish before bed." atsushi: yeah. Kyoka: *yawn* "Okay...I'll get ready..." =_= -elsewhere- Kid: *writing notes* stocking:....*smirks and licks along his outer ear rim to the lobe* Kid: o\\\\\\o *shivers excitedly* "A-Ah~" stocking: gotcha~ Kid: "Y-Yes, you did..." *tilts back in his chair, looking at her...smiles* stocking: *smiles and smooches him* Kid: *smooch* *small moan* stocking: getting turned on already~? Kid: ^\\\\^ "What can I say? I'm Stocking-sexual..." stocking:.....*laughing* *snort laugh* ok my god kid, you're too adorable for your own good sometimes! Kid: ^^;; "Thank you..." *holds her hand* -elsewhere- Hyde: *holds a ventriloquist dummy that resembles Licht* "I got my own dummy!" licht: ...yeah, it really is a dummy. the puppet's a nice touch. Hyde: "THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Puppet Licht: "Yes it is." Hyde: "QUIET, BLOCKHEAD!" -elsewhere- Emine: *yawn, walking to his bedroom* -later, late at night- Shotaro: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *turning in bed* atsushi?: *smiles* Akutagawa: "...You're here?" atsushi?: why wouldnt i be? Akutagawa: "Because...I never think you want to be around me." atsushi?: *hug* what is it you want now? Akutagawa: .\\\\. "J-Just this?" atsushi?: *smiles, holding him* Akutagawa: "..." *hug, sighs* =w= -elsewhere- Kid: "Mmm..." *hug* stocking: zzzzz =u= Kid: *yawn* "Zzz..." =w= -morning- Kyoka: *poke poke* "Wake up." atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: "You don't want to be late for school." atsushi: ah! right! Kyoka: *nod* "I am finishing breakfast. Go shower." -and so, in the assembly hall- Chuuya: *adjusting his tie* -_-; lord death: welcome to the DWMA! for some of you, this is the first step into the next chapter of your lives, and for others, it is a continuation. atsushi: *listening* Kyoka: *staring* "..." ("I want his mask.") lord death: there are very many experiences waiting for you here. and we wish you all the best. and dont forget; a sound soul, dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body. -soon, the students went to their first class- atsushi: *looks at the schedule* ah, seems we have homeroom together, kyouka! Kyoka: "That's good. I wonder who else--" atsushi: ah! here we are! *goes into the classroom* Akutagawa: ._. atsushi: ...... .___.;;; *sitting away from akutagawa* Akutagawa: Q~Q Kyoka: "..." *Someone taps the back of Atsushi's head* atsushi: so who's the teach-er? *turns* Montgomery: *waves* "Hey. Same class, huh?" atsushi: owo;;;;; yeeeah.... (thinking: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!) odasaku: well, this is awkward. atsushi: (thinking: NO SHIT!) Kyoka: *glares at Kyoka* "Doll Girl." Montgomery: "!!! ...Shorty." *electric glare between Kyoka and Montgomery* atsushi: *caught in the middle* [atsushi stress level: 78] *The door opens, revealing the teacher...* atsushi: *looks* Stein: "Hello, students. Are you ready to begin?" atsushi: O_O;;; (thinking: THAT LOOKS PAINFUL) -in another class- Anya: *looking around* licht: hey. yana: *leaning back in her chair* hmm? Anya: "Oh. Hello Yana..." *blushes* "L-Licht..." ao: good morning. tsugumi: hi there licht. ^^ *has her hair done in a ponytail* Meme: "Who's ready for learning?!" mio: yaaaay. *unamused tone* Meme: "???" *slight nudge at shoulder* Anya: *tries to sit next to Licht...* ao: ah, seems the teacher is in. Naigus: "Hello, class. Please have a seat. We start this new semester--" yana: *looking around at her classmates* Hyde: *is already asleep* -in another class- kirika: *looking out the window* Gopher: *hands folded in front of him* .w. rowena: *taking notes* Sid: "And that's how souls can empower the body." rowena: *writing things down* -elsewhere- marie: does anyone have any questions? mono: 7-7 Chuuya: *raises his hand* marie: yes? mr ozaki? Chuuya: "How can this technique be used offensively?" marie: oh? -elsewhere- Iida: "Oh, hello, Ochako." ochako: hey iida! time for another school year! Iida: "Yes! As class representative, I will do all that is necessary for the safety, security, education, and enjoyment of our classmates!" *wild hand gestures* -applause- Izuku: "So cool..." Bakugo: -_-; "So dorky..." -class 1-B- itsuka: so let's all do our best to succeed this year! Monoma: T~T ibara: indeed. tetsutetsu: hell yeah! pony: *claps* kinoko: dude, that's rad. Manga: *thumbs up* -elsewhere- higuchi:... Mori: "I don't see everyone working..." higuchi: i am working, sir. -_-; naoya: .... ?? Mori: "Hard to tell, Higuchi, when you're mind seems to be elsewhere. And Naoya, I'm still expecting that file." naoya: yeah, i got it right here. *she's out of sight, and slips something into her jacket pocket* Mori: "Well, bring it here..." *looking at other files* naoya: *hands him the file* -elsewhere- Kid: "How is the school day starting, Father?" lord death: off to a good start, so far! Kid: *looks around the Death Room* "Is there...anything I should do?" lord death: perhaps help those who are struggling with getting around? Kid: *nods* "I have the layout of the Academy memorized--I'll get to work!" *departs* -at lunch- atsushi: i'll have some chazuke please! Cook: "Coming right up!" Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "So many options..." Montgomery: Q~Q "I want one of everything..." -elsewhere- higuchi: *checking her mail*....??? -there is a small red book placed inside- higuchi:..... *sticks it in her bag* Tachihara: "Yo. Haven't seen you today." higuchi: oh, hey tachihara. Tachihara: "Weird that two of our peeps are in school." higuchi: yeah. it's kind of surreal. Tachihara: "I was never much for school. I learned everything I needed to on the street, not in dumb books." higuchi: i see. Tachihara: " 'Course, some things I do read..." *eyebrow wiggle* higuchi:... -_-; Tachihara: "What you read?" higuchi: a few poems. Tachihara: *nod nod* "Some old and flowery?" -elsewhere- izumi: *examining books* Jacqueline: "Find everything okay?" izumi: *nods* yep. Jacqueline: "If you need anything, feel free to ask." *smiles* "I'm Jackie." izumi: *smiles* nice to meet you, miss jackie. Jacqueline: "Likewise. How are you adjusting to the school?" izumi: pretty well. kind of exciting... *glances at the plaque on the wall....solemn face* Jacqueline: "???" *her eyes follow* "...Oh." izumi: ...i have a lot to work up to... Jacqueline: "...Maka was one of a kind. And this school has students of many varieties..." izumi:....*nods* i wish i could have met her. Jacqueline: *nods* "She was very personable." -elsewhere- Dazai: "So boooooooring...They're in school and not here..." yosano: well, they could use the experience. Dazai: "What could they learn there that I couldn't teach them here? I could make my own school here!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *sighs* "Quieter here with so many people out..." gabriella: yeah. Hibana: "It's lonesome..." *picks up a file...and drops it* "And paperwork is boring." -later, after school let out- Montgomery: "And I need that delivery to the cafe..." atsushi: *nods* Montgomery: "So make sure it is there on time, okay?" *approaching the steps* o___o "...So many..." -that evening- higuchi: *examining the book* .... -it was a journal, tied with a ribbon. there was a name written on it. 'Shizuka Kanei'- higuchi:....*examining* -may 3, [the year is faded out]; i wore the new hair ribbon mr mori had given me the other day. he said it really suited me. im so glad he thinks so.- higuchi: *cringe* -may 11; apparently some incident occurred involving 'mimic'. ace accused mr mori of slacking off, but what does that squinty little snob know? mr mori asked me to stay the night, and i happily obliged- -may 12; mr mori has a plan to deal with the whole 'mimic' situation, and get our license in the process. i admire how intelligent he is.- -may 16; im not too fond of that brat, elise. mr mori dotes so much on her. it makes me jealous. but i shouldnt let it bother me, i know mr mori really does care for me.- -may 24; we did it! we got our license! im so proud of mr mori for how much he has accomplished. he tells me he couldnt have done it without my help. i admit, i felt tingly when he told me this. i spent the night with him again too. the way he touches me sends chills up my spine- higuchi: *trying not to gag* -may 25; dazai left. mr mori isnt pleased.- -may 26; mr mori sent me a bouquet of roses today! he said he wanted to apologize for being so rough with me the other day. i already forgave him though.- higuchi: *going through more pages* -august 27; mr mori invited me to his quarters tonight. he says he has something very important to ask of me. my heart is pounding so fast. with luck, i will be writing my next entry as mrs shizuka mori- higuchi:....*turns the page.....her stomach drops* -blood. blood stains the page, as well as a bloody message....a poem....in mori's handwriting- *Phone rings* higuchi: *almost jumps out of her skin* !!!! *looks at the caller ID* Chuuya: "Yo." higuchi: chuuya! oh jeez, you just about gave me a heart attack.... *her voice is shaky* Chuuya: "??? What's wrong?" higuchi: c-could you come over? i...have some stuff to ask you... Chuuya: "??? Yeah, sure. Give me 20." -and so- higuchi: does the name 'Shizuka Kanei' ring any bells? Chuuya: *nods* "Yeah. Secretary." higuchi: this is the first i've heard of her... Chuuya: "People don't like to talk about her because..." higuchi: ?? Chuuya: "...She's no longer here." higuchi: .....someone left her diary in my mail today.... Chuuya: "...What?!" higuchi: some of what i read....*shudders* Chuuya: "Higuchi...What did it say?" higuchi: *she hands him the book* it's....pretty sickening. just read with caution... Chuuya: *skims...his face goes pale* "...N-No...No..." higuchi: .....*tense* Chuuya: "...H-He's done this, repeatedly...We didn't see it..." higuchi: .... Chuuya: "...I don't think what happened to R-Rain...was an accident now." higuchi: *nods* Chuuya: "..." *covers his mouth* higuchi:....i think we should do some research... Chuuya: "H-How?" higuchi: is there a file on all his secretaries he's had during his time as the boss? Chuuya: "There should be...Just need to get into his office to check." higuchi: might be challenging. Chuuya: "May need a distraction..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Dia, your report." dia: the flame human has been put to rest. Burns: *nods* "What have you done with the remains?" -elsewhere- Montgomery: *counting boxes* -at the agency- atsushi: and there were so many people there! Dazai: *claps* "Yay!" Kunikida: "Did you take notes in class?" atsushi: *nods* Dazai: "Did you find ideal locations for what I asked for~?" atsushi: ideal locations?.... >->; errr.... Dazai: *holds up a noose, points to it* "Eh? Eh?" atsushi: dazai no. Dazai: "...I already tried poison. Every date told me the alcohol didn't mask the taste." Kunikida: -_________- atsushi: .... (thinking: why is he like this?) odasaku: i guess the more some things change, the more others stay the same. Kunikida: "Moving on: did you finish your mission, Atsushi?" atsushi: *nods* yes sir. Kunikida: "Finish your report, then you're free for the day." atsushi: *nods and goes to do that* -ringing from dazai's phone- Dazai: "???" *looks* {text from ???: hey handsome, care 2 join me in double suicide? <3 } -an address was also written down- Dazai: owo *texts* [depends~ are you a cutie?] {text from ???: *a picture is attached of a lovely young lady with dark hair past her shoulders* } Dazai: [nice! see you at what time?] {text from ???: right now~} Dazai: [on my way! should be 20 min or so] -and so- higuchi's sister: yeah? who is it? Dazai: *wave wave* "Hello! I am here to kill myself!" higuchi's sister:....ichiyo! some weird guy is at our doorstep! higuchi: ah, there you are, come on in. Dazai: "??? Wait, what?" higuchi: yyeeeah, that text was a bluff. we wanted to ask you some questions. Dazai: "..." *looks back and forth* "But you already turned down the duel suicide, and Chuuya isn't cute enough--" Chuuya: "I AM ADORABLE!" Dazai: *smirks* Chuuya: o_o;; "...Sh-Shut up!" higuchi: -_-; *drags them into her room and shuts the door* kuniko: .... NIGHT! *goes into her room and turns up the music* Dazai: *smirks* "That kind of a 'meeting'?" higuchi: *chop* get your mind out of the gutter. this is serious. Dazai: "Owie! I was just having a little fun! Right, Chuuya?" Chuuya: *grim face* Dazai: "...That serious, huh?" higuchi: we wanted to ask you. what all do you know about mori's former secretary? Dazai: "...Oh." *stands up, turns* "Don't look into this--" higuchi: *grabs him by the shoulder* dont you dare walk away from this. *dark expression* Dazai: "...I left before that happened." higuchi: i know that much, but what all do you know about her? Dazai: "...She was tinier than Chuuya--" Chuuya: "FFFFFFFFF--" higuchi: *gives chuuya a look to say 'chill out'* Chuuya: =3= Dazai: "And Mori had her wrapped around his finger." higuchi: *biting lip* Dazai: "The things he did..." higuchi:.....*shows him the diary* Dazai: *looks through...gets to a page* "?!!! Blood..." higuchi: most likely hers.....*looking at the poem, her stomach churning a bit* Dazai: "...I knew it was right to leave..." higuchi: not sure what to do now... is there a grave? Dazai: *nods* higuchi: where abouts? Dazai: "Cemetery. I know the grave's location." higuchi: *nods* Dazai: "So, we doing this now?" higuchi: better now than never. Chuuya: "Then let's go..." -it was pretty dark out now.- higuchi: *has her flashlight out* Chuuya: *glances away from one grave* "..." Dazai: *points* "There." higuchi: *shining her flashlight on the grave* Dazai: "...We doing this?" higuchi:....by 'this' you mean....? Dazai: "I mean...This is Mori we're talking about...Do you think he...?" higuchi:.... we dont have shovels... Dazai: *pulls one out of his jacket* higuchi: where did you- Dazai: "I always carry a shovel to make my burial easier! Plus, I play a lot of video games." higuchi:.....*sweatdrop* Dazai: "Ready to begin?" -after a while, they hit something- Dazai: "??? The coffin?" higuchi: i think so... Dazai: *pushes dirt away* "Yep...Chuuya, could you do the honors?" Chuuya: "..." *uses his gravity to lift the coffin's top...* -nothing- higuchi: !! Dazai: !! Chuuya: "...The hell?" higuchi:...maybe we should leave now...it'd be a bad idea to stick around. Dazai: "...We have a long time to bury all of this--" Chuuya: *lifts the dirt, drops it* Dazai: "...YOU COULD'VE DONE THAT THE ENTIRE TIME?!" Chuuya: "I just wanted to see you suffer." *smirk* higuchi: .... *feeling like the 3rd wheel* Dazai: *impotent grumbling* "F-Fine...Let's just leave." *hands the shovel to Higuchi* -elsewhere- Mori: *looking at photos on his desk* elise: *coloring* Mori: "Are you okay, Elise~?" ^^ elise: *nods* Mori: "Very good...I'll be right back..." elise: *humming as she draws something.....a head in a jar* Mori: *enters a room* -there is a bed with several straps on it, as well as several medical tools. there is a small closet with a red light emanating from it- Mori: "Where did I leave it...Ah, there." *picks up his cell phone* *looks at the red light* "..." *opens* -on a shelf, the preserved head of shizuka rests in a jar, with some red valentine lights acting as a background- Mori: *smiles* "I hope you are well, Shizuka." -no reply, but the head's expression appears to be sleeping peacefully- Mori: *soft smile* "Rest well..." -elsewhere- Noah: *chained to a wall* "..." noelle: oi. you awake? Noah: "...I can't sleep. Ever." noelle: gee, that sucks. Noah: "Are you here to pester me?" -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: *resting in his arms* zzzz Kid: *kisses her head softly, supporting her in his arms* stocking: =////w////= Kid: *whispers* "Love you..." stocking: *sleep talk* love you, kiddo... Kid: *smiles, lies down, closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Black Star: *opens the cupboards* "...Where's the cereal?" -elsewhere- atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: "??? Not asleep yet?" atsushi: about to do that.... Kyoka: *nods* "Today was okay, wasn't it?" atsushi: yeah. and we have to go back tomorrow, and the day after that....basically any day that isnt saturday or sunday... Kyoka: T_T -elsewhere- mito: *nuzzling chuuya's leg* Chuuya: "..." *sighs, falls over* mito: D8 *licks his cheek* Chuuya: "..." *pats her head* "Mito..." *sniff* mito: *nuzzle* Chuuya: T_T *holds her* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "Good cat..." *strokes her* mito: =w= Chuuya: "..." *trying to smile* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." *collapses* -phone ringing- Dazai: "...Yeah?" kirako: you get home ok? Dazai: *nod nod* "Yeah...You?" kirako: i felt a thud from the ceiling... Dazai: "...I fell down. On the floor. When coming inside." kirako: are you alright?! Dazai: "Just...thinking. Looking into something." *smile* "Nothing to worry about..." kirako: i mean from the fall! =3= Dazai: "..." *turns over onto his back* "...Yeah, I'm fine. Everything's where it should be, no pain..." kirako: *sigh* you sure? Dazai: "...Maybe not~?" kirako:... T.T; Dazai: *eyebrow wiggle* "What are you up to tonight?" kirako: watching tv mostly. Dazai: "Mind if I watch with you?" kirako: i dunno, you able to stand? *small smirk* Dazai: *already on his feet* "I rise to the occasion!" *salutes* kirako: *chuckles* Dazai: *already out the apartment and arrives at Kirako's apartment, knocking on her door* kirako: well, that was quick. mii: *mew* Dazai: "Eager, but not too fast." *pets Mii* "Howdy!" mii: ^o^ -elsewhere- Montgomery: *tossing in bed* anne: O^O~? Montgomery: "N-No...No..." *swings her arms* "No!" *falls out of bed* anne: *nice catch* Montgomery: o\\\\o "...Th-Thanks...Jeez, that dream..." anne: ?? Montgomery: "..." *hugs her knees* "I don't want to be alone again..." anne: ....*hug* Montgomery: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Stein: *snores* -elsewhere- kirako: ahhhh... u///u *soft panting* Dazai: *lick* kirako: *shuddering, grinding a bit more* f-fuck... Dazai: "Feels good, right?" *matching her pace, his hand along her lower back* kirako: yes~ Dazai: "That's how I wanted it to be..." *pushes her lower back a bit more as he thrusts...bites lightly on her ear* kirako: *soft moan* Dazai: *clutches her hips, as he pushes her down on the bed, thrusting deeper* kirako: ah-ahhhh~! -she has a slight grip on his hair- *Her hand on his hair pulls him down against her neck* Dazai: *groans...he is twitching, as he plants his lips along her neck* kirako: mmmn~ Dazai: *panting, licking along her neck* "I-I'm so close..." *quickens his pace* kirako: *moans loudly* a-ah! Dazai: "AAAAH!" *he makes one more thrust..." kirako: *moaning, trembling* Dazai: *lies beside her...gropes one of her breasts* "Th-Thanks..." kirako: n-no problem ^///^ Dazai: "..." *reaches over to the nightstand, puts her glasses on her* *smiles* "I like you like this, too..." kirako: ^///^ *small chuckle* Dazai: *lays a hand along her stomach, where he came* "...Shower?" *kisses her neck again* kirako: good idea. -elsewhere- Relan: *yawn* shinra: zzzz.... Relan: "..." *leans over Shinra* shinra: =////= Relan: *small smile, as he kisses his cheek* -morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: zzzzz Kid: *hugs her* stocking: *yaaawn* morning~ Kid: "Morning...Sleep okay?" stocking: *nods* you? Kid: "Especially well." *cuddles* stocking: *smirks and kisses down his chest* Kid: *soft moan* "St-Stocking..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *runs his hands through her hair* "So luxurious..." stocking: =///u///= Kid: "..." *looks down* "Stocking..." stocking: hmm~? Kid: "Would you...I mean..." stocking: would i what~? 7u7 Kid: >\\\\< "W-Would you...go down?" stocking: go down where, kiddo~? *coy pout* Kid: >\\\\\\\\< "...On me?" stocking: oh~! wellllllll~ 7w7 Kid: "Please? I'll...make it worth your effort?" stocking: oh all right~ *giggles* i was gonna do it anyway, but you're so cute when you beg~ *gets right to business on him* Kid: *pouts* "You tease--" *shivers* "Aaaaah...Y-Yes...Like that..." =w= stocking: *chuckles* such a naughty boy~ Kid: "J-Just...interested?" stocking: ^^ *still going at it* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in medical attire* "You letting the Commander beat up on the visitors from the 8th?" fang-hua: fortunately, no one's dead yet. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Yeah, that 'yet' is not very encouraging." -_-; -elsewhere- Kyoka: *yawn* "Another day?" *pouts* atsushi: yep. -and so, class starts- Naigus: "I will need a volunteer." izumi: *raising her hand* Naigus: *nods* "Come on down--I will attack you." izumi: *gulps* o-o; Naigus: "How much experience do you have in combat?" izumi:...none, really. Naigus: "Then we will start with basic self-defense. Watch closely, class." *pulls back her arm* "I'm not going to really punch you--I'm going to show you how to block a punch..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Injuries? Missions?" -elsewhere- Rin: *stretches* -the letter is still on his bedside table- Rin: "???" *looks at it...pulls it out of the envelop* "...Well, damn..." shura: mornin'....oh...what does it say? Rin: o\\\\o *pulls up his bedsheet* "Knock first!" shura: -_-; Rin: "...And I can't read it." shura: well, you didnt grow up with kanji writing, so that's understandable. i had lessons on that, so maybe i can help you? Rin: *hands her the letter* shura:... .___. what the heck does this even say?! Yukio: *yawn* "Morning..." shura: hey yukio, mind translating? Yukio: "???" *looks* "It's from Suguro's father?" shura: oh? Rin: "Why would he write to me?" shura: *shrug* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *yawn* "Okay...I think this one is ready for testing, Doc." karin: awesome! *grips the handles, sending small bursts of flame into it, powering up the machine* Vulcan: *smiles* "Move it a bit forward..." karin: *taking a step forwards* nice. Vulcan: "Now, raise the arm..." -arm lift- Vulcan: *nods* "Good...Now, let's try dexterity..." *holds up the palm of his hand* "Soft high-five..." -elsewhere- lana: *answering the phone* yes? Touma: "Hello." lana: *tenses* !! Touma: "I have work for you." lana: ...... Touma: "Tell me about Edgar." lana: *tense* ....s-sorry sir, i'll have to call you back. *hangs up* ......... Touma: "..." *looks at the phone* "The fuck?" -later- lana: *walking home, uneasy* ....... Poe: "L-L-L-Lan-na-na..." lana: !! *turns* oh, jeez, i just about died... *wiping her eyes* Poe: "??!! What's wrong?" lana: j-just some stress at work... Poe: "Oh...I'm sorry. Long hours?" lana:....yeah... Poe: "...Maybe tea would help relax?" lana: .... Poe: owo;;; lana:...yeah, i think it might help... Poe: ^^ "I think this spot near our neighborhood has a delicious chamomile..." elsewhere- rowena: *walking home* Tsurugi: "Pardon me, miss? I'm lost..." rowena: hmm? im not sure how much help i'll be, im still new to the city as well. Tsurugi: ^^; "Yeah, I'm not used to things around here, but I thought I'd ask...Do you know the way to..." *reads address* "...'Madam Zenobia's Tarot Shop'?" rowena: oh! a tarot shop?! *shiny eyes* it's the first i've heard of this establishment, *looks at the address* Tsurugi: "I thought it was on this street--but I must have walked the wrong way, as the numbers are increasing rather than decreasing..." rowena: perhaps we could ask one of the local establishments? Tsurugi: ^^;; "Okay..." rowena: *looks around and spots a shop* ah! perhaps there? Tsurugi: *holds a knife to her throat* rowena: !!! Tsurugi: "Let's take a detour. Someone wants to chat with you...And if you don't, you'll need the occult for another reason, girl." rowena: !!! *Whistling is heard* Tsurugi: "??? Wait...That tune...Where have I--" rowena: !!! *stomps on tsurugi's foot* Tsurugi: "OW!" *pushes Rowena* rowena: *runs for it* Tsurugi: *rushes at Rowena--and tackles her* *whistling still continues* rowena: !! *kicks him in the stomach* Tsurugi: *grunts, but hangs on--as a snake appears over his shoulder, staring at Rowena* rowena: ?? *The snake opens its mouth--and bites Tsurugi* Tsurugi: o____O *high-pitched scream, as he falls off Rowena, his back on the street* rowena: !! Mikuni: "Jeje, please--no biting!" Jeje: -_-;;;; rowena: eh? Mikuni: "Howdy, little lady! I'm sorry for my old buddy here--" *picks up Tsurugi by the ankle--and tosses him up and over his head into a dumpster* rowena: t-thank you so much sir! Jeje: "Ahem..." *stares at Rowena* rowena: *getting up, brushing herself off* Tsurugi: @~@ "My head..." Mikuni: "Little lasses like you shouldn't be out here this late at night--and getting hunted by that freak." rowena: i was returning to my dorm actually. Mikuni: "Best escort you as you mosey on home...I think we can leave the trash to be picked up, right, Jeje?" Jeje: *slithers up Mikuni's arm* rowena: um... t-thank you... .////. Jeje: -_-;;;; Mikuni: "Now, what were you doing out this late?" rowena: i was visiting a local shop, trying to get a better idea of the city's layout. Mikuni: "Maybe do that during daylight hours. Real crazies in this town. Isn't that right, Amelia?" *holds up a doll, talks in high pitch* " 'That's right, Mikuni!'" rowena: how cute! Mikuni: "Isn't she?! I collect them--but that stupid bastard in my shop keeps harming my dollies." T~T rowena: oh? you own a shop? Mikuni: ^^ "Pretty much run the place. Couldn't survive without me." rowena: where abouts is it? Jeje: -_-|||||||| Mikuni: "A few blocks from here. Was out on my evening stroll--along the rooftops." rowena: ah, i see. Mikuni: "I'm Mikuni, by the way. And this snake is Jeje." rowena: just call me rowena! Mikuni: ^^ "Happy to meet you!" -elsewhere- Arthur: *rubbing his wrist* "Difficult training..." tamaki: *from the other side of the bathhouse wall* yeah, anyway. *sigh* Arthur: "???" *leans his ear to the wall* sayu: *swimming along* Arthur: "You okay, Tamaki?" tamaki: yeah, why wouldnt i be? Arthur: "I know training has been difficult on everyone..." tamaki: im used to difficult training... Arthur: "Oh...Right...Are you happy with your progress?" tamaki: *nods* yeah. im not about to fall behind you guys any time soon! Arthur: *smiles* "Good to hear...but that just motivates me to keep further along, too." shinra: that and she's busy falling in front of us. tamaki: WHAT WAS THAT?! Arthur: o____o *covers Shinra's mouth* "He was wishing you good luck!" shinra: it was a joke! jeez... although that may have been a bit too mean. sorry. Arthur: "See? He apologized!" ^^;;; -elsewhere- Montgomery: *putting out garbage* "Work shifts at the cafe, study, go to class...I'm exhausted..." *yawn* -morning- Akutagawa: *in the shower...half asleep* "Zzz..." -in classes- Chuuya: *thumbing through pages in his book* *yawns* *looks around* rowena: *taking notes* Teacher: "And who developed the first Magic Tool?" kirika: *glancing at gopher* Gopher: *raising his hand* "EIBON!" -in another part of the school- atsushi: O.O the school has a gift shop?! Kyoka: *holding up a DWMA shirt* "Neat." Montgomery: o\\\o *staring at Lord Death plushies* atsushi: this place is a lot different than most schools i've read about... Montgomery: *hugging a Lord Death plushie* "Bigger, longer stairways...more expensive food..." izumi: it's almost like a theme park, but without any rides. Yumi: *eyeglass flash* "Actually, my husband does put in a theme park during some festivities." izumi: WOAH! atsushi: YEEK! Montgomery: "Eep!" Kyoka: "..." *waves* "Hello." Yumi: "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I am Death Scythe Azusa Yumi." izumi: oh, you're one of dad's coworkers, right? Yumi: "...You are Izumi, then? Spirit has said a lot about you." izumi: yep, that would be me! Kyoka: "..." *stares at Izumi* izumi: hmm? Kyoka: *leans closer* "Are you my relative?" izumi: eh? o.o; atsushi: um, kyouka, i think 'izumi' is this girl's given name. izumi: what he said. Montgomery: -_-;;; "Not everyone with the same name is your relative, nerd." Kyoka: "..." *punches Montgomery in the arm* Montgomery: "Ow!" atsushi: come on guys, dont fight. ^^; Yumi: "Not without an official referee." *eyeglass flash* izumi: .... my full name is actually izumi albarn....well, not officially, but the sooner i can change it to that name, the happier i'll be! Kyoka: "???" Montgomery: "So...Why?" izumi:....i'd rather not talk about it. Kyoka: *takes Izumi's hand* "No need to explain at all, Sister." izumi: ^^;; Montgomery: -_-;; "I'm sorry about her. She's not quite right--" Kyoka: "I want an official battle against Montgomery." Montgomery: "...What." -elsewhere- Dazai: *asleep at his desk...then bounces up* "EMERGENCY!" kirako: ?? Dazai: "We're out of coffee creamer!" -elsewhere- Yukio: "...This is a lot to take in..." shura: what does it say? Yukio: "...Our father got the Koma Sword from Suguro's father..." Rin: "?!!!" shura: holy shit, drama bomb! Yukio: "...What does this all mean?" Rin: "It means dad is a straight-up thief!" Yukio: -_-; shura: *facepalm* Yukio: "No." Rin: "But he did steal the word, right?" Yukio: "I mean, technically--" Rin: "Boom! Dad's a thief! And he punished me for pickpocketing penny candy when we were four!" Yukio: "...Shura, where is Suguro's father?" shura: *shrugs* and i cant ask suguro's mom cause.....of an incident >->;; Yukio: "...What did you do--" Rin: *covers Yukio's mouth* "Don't ask." shura: LETS JUST FIND BALDY OK? and not that triple A baldy either. Rin: "LOL." Yukio: "It'll be a challenge. Father did say Suguro was a swift runner..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Guard on your left!" tamaki: hyah! Benimaru: *blocks* "Do not shout your attacks--just attack!" *fires a blast at her* shinra: *jumps off the roof and onto benimaru's shoulders* Benimaru: "?!!!" shinra: gotcha! Benimaru: *grabs Shinra's head* shinra: oh boy. o-o; Benimaru: *flips Shinra over* shinra: !! tamaki: D8 -DOUBLE KO- Benimaru: *folds his arms* "Good work surprising me on my shoulders. But again, do not talk: just attack your opponent. You could have disabled me immediately but you just stood on my shoulders." shinra: noted Q-Q -elsewhere- Kid: *walking the hallways* julie: *following* Kid: *smiles* "I have a shadow today?" julie: ^^ Kid: "Want to see Father's art collection?" julie: *nods* Kid: *opens the door--and there's a painting of Lord Death* julie: wow! Kid: "Father has had many artist friends..." *There are paintings resembling works by Van Gogh, Dali, and Warhol* julie: *looks* -there is another framed image of a little doodle of a skull. there is a name written under. alice b.- Kid: "..." *small sad smile* julie: ?? Kid: "Mother..." julie: aunt yumi? Kid: "My birth mother, Alice...She died when I was very young." julie:...oh... Kid: *nods* "She...left behind this art." -elsewhere- Mori: Q~Q "...My desk..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Back from the metal-work run..." maki: how'd it go? Vulcan: "You'd be amazed all the metal people just throw away...But I got chased off by landfill security. Why does a landfill even _have_ security?" nozomi: well, probably to keep people from getting hurt. there's some pretty sharp pieces there... Vulcan: *holds up gloves* "That's why people should wear these...I also use them when prepping dinners--" Takehisa: *coughs up his hashbrowns* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *leaving class* girl: um....r-ryuzaki? Akutagawa: "??? Yes?" girl: are you doing anything after class? 7///7 Akutagawa: "Yes. Going home." girl: did you want to get lunch together? >///< Akutagawa: "...Okay." girl: really? OwO Akutagawa: "Yes. It will help me learn more about the customs and intelligence offered at this Academy without resorting to torture." girl: um.....okay? ^^; Akutagawa: "And your name is?" Chuuya: "Maaaaaaaybe I should go with you." *holds out a hand to the girl* "Sorry. He forgot to take his inhaler." ^^;; girl: ah, i see. Akutagawa: "But I don't have--" Chuuya: *elbow to his gut* Akutagawa: Q~Q girl: D8 Chuuya: "See? You forgot your medicine and now have to get to the nurse's office. I'm sorry, ma'am! Bye!" *picks up Akutagawa and runs* girl:....*blinks* Chuuya: "Stupid stupid stupid!" Akutagawa: Q~Q ao: ?? tsugumi: hey ozaki, hey araragi. *wave* Chuuya: "Oh, hello!" *waves* "I'm just taking my friend to the nurse's office--he had a bad stomach ache." Akutagawa: Q~Q tsugumi: oh no. Chuuya: "Is the nurse in?" tsugumi: i think so. Chuuya: "Great! We're going in!" *Chuuya dashes for the door--and slams Akutagawa against the wall* Chuuya: "...Whoops." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;; "If your commander keeps sending in more injured people, I'm going to put in for a vacation." sayu: are you the commander's bro? Mr. Tsubaki: "??? No. Why do you ask?" sayu: you kinda look like him a bit. Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *takes off the glasses, looks in the mirror* "...I don't have wingdings in my eyeballs, though..." *turns to Sayu, making a comical wide-eyed face* "DO I????" sayu: EEP! hahaha! XD Mr. Tsubaki: "Ha ha ha! But seriously, you look fine--no injuries?" sayu: im fine mostly. ^^ *smiles. she almost looks like naho...* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small laugh* "You remind me of...someone in my family." sayu: hmm? Mr. Tsubaki: "...It's been some time since I've seen them..." sayu: oh. Mr. Tsubaki: "...That boy, the one you call 'big bro'?" sayu: oh, you mean big bro shinra? that's just a nickname. i do have two older brothers for real though. they're twins! Mr. Tsubaki: "Ah! Twins are fascinating, aren't they?" -elsewhere- Belkia: "Gentlemen, thank you for meeting me here." lilac: um.... Sakuya: "We didn't agree to anything. You just walked in with a chalkboard and said 'thank you for meeting me here.'" Shamrock: x_-;;; Belkia: *writing on the chalkboard: "Surprise party"* lilac: for miss tsubaki?....i-isnt her birthday later in the month? Belkia: *nod nod* "And we're going to brainstorm gifts for her!" -elsewhere- Poe: "??? Rowena?" rowena: yes brother? Poe: "You seemed distracted..." rowena: oh? i do? well. 7///7 i met a nice young man the other day... Poe: *serious face* "Oh..." rowena: ahh. im getting flustered thinking about it! >///w///< Poe: *holds her shoulders* "TAKE ME TO THIS BOY..." rowena:....eh? OuO; Poe: "I will instruct this boy on proper behavior around girls!" rowena: um... >-> Poe: "Well?!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "What now?" atsushi: guess we check in on the agency now? Kyoka: "Do you think there is still an agency without us present to keep things in order?" atsushi: ._.; Kyoka: *walks with Atsushi* "...Do you like our classmates?" atsushi: so far, i guess.....not sure why akutagawa is there though... .___.;;; Kyoka: *holds his hand* "I won't let him near you." atsushi: thanks kyouka. ^^; Kyoka: "Here we are..." *opens door to the Agency* yosano: hey kiddos, how was school? Kyoka: "Quite well. I got a perfect grade on the quiz." yosano: that's great! Kyoka: "How did you do on the quiz, Atsushi?" atsushi: i think i did decently...^^; Kunikida: " 'Decent'? I expect far better than 'decent'..." Dazai: *chops Kunikida* "Don't put undue pressure on my boy!" atsushi: ^^; Dazai: *hands Atsushi a file* atsushi: *examines it* *It shows a grave* atsushi:..... ?? Dazai: "Keep an eye on that grave...I think it'll attract some attention soon..." atsushi: why? Dazai: *pats his face* "Just a feeling I got~" atsushi: *sweatdrop* odasaku: .... Kyoka: "How late at night are we supposed to do this? We do have a curfew now." -elsewhere- Shima: *walking around, singing quietly to himself* " 'Time keeps on slipping, slipping...'" -footsteps- Shima: "???" *looks* -nothing- Shima: "..." *slowly turns around...* -nothing...- Shima: *shrugs, keeps walking* unagi: .... Shima: *pulls out a sheet of paper, looking at it* -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "I...showed Julie artwork by my mother..." stocking: ah... Kid: "...She left quite a bit behind before she..." stocking:....*holds his hand* Kid: *small squeeze of her hand* "Thank you..." stocking: *smooch* Kid: -///- "...Mother would have liked you." -elsewhere- mikan: *petting asura's head* Asura: *slight shiver* mikan: *gentle humming* heibito: *in a baby sling, resting* zzz... Asura: "I-I-I..." mikan: hmm? Asura: "M-Mother..." mikan:....*stroking his head, humming softly* Asura: *shivers but calming down* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *lies down, staring at the ceiling* naho: zzzzzz...... Sakuya: *looks at her* ("...I don't want to be alone...") *hug* naho: =///w///= Sakuya: *nuzzles, closes his eyes* -morning- Relan: *nudges Shinra* shinra: *yaaaawn* Relan: "Sleep okay?" shinra: yeah. Relan: "...Lots more training, huh?" -in classes- hitoshi: *has his earbuds in, playing neko atsume* Bakugo: "Yo, what's that guy's deal?" eijiro: not sure. kind of keeps to himself a lot. heard he's in the general classes. Bakugo: "What's his ability?" eijiro: *shrugs* didnt ask. Bakugo: "...YO! GUY WITH THE HAIR! WHAT'S YOUR ABILITY?!" hitoshi: ..... *not even listening* Bakugo: -_-## *rips out the earbuds* hitoshi: ......dude. not cool. Bakugo: "I was asking you a question! What's your ability?!" hitoshi:.... *raising his hand* teacher? teacher: yes mr shinsou?............. *the teacher seems...off* hitoshi: may i be excused to go to the restroom? teacher: go on ahead.... hitoshi: thanks. *exits* Bakugo: >_<### "That jerk totally ignored me!" teacher:.... *blinks* wait, what was i doing just now? ah! right! eijiro:....dude. holy frickin nuggets. Bakugo: "...Teacher's all messed in the head right now..." eijiro: duuuuude. i think that was a mind control quirk. O_O; Bakugo: ._.;;;; "...I'm kind of impatient, aren't I?" eijiro: just a bit, yeah. ^^ Bakugo: "..." *goes back to reading, sweating* ._______. -elsewhere- Montgomery: "Ugh, this stupid equation!" ???: need some help? Montgomery: "?! Wh-What?" atsushi: *smiles* Montgomery: "...Oh. You good at math?" atsushi: a little bit ^^; *scratches his head* Montgomery: "...Very well. I'm supposed to solve for 'x,' but I have to find 'y' first..." -elsewhere- karl: O.O~? Poe: *fuming* >_< library worker: did something happen? O-O; Poe: "My sister has a crush!" library worker: oh my. how old is she? Poe: "Sixteen--WHICH IS TOO YOUNG! She should wait at least until she is 33, at which points her hot passions for romance will cool down into a rational fixation on more divine natures, supplemented through brooding and the idealization from afar of an unreachable beauty that continues to elude her! LIKE I LIVE THROUGH EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!" library worker:.....uhhhhh........ *sweatdrop* Poe: "I will solve this problem..." *removes an envelope knife* "My. Own. Way." Library worker: O____O woah now. *sweats* Poe: *calmly opens a letter sitting on his desk* "...Oh! We got increased funding to buy more books!" ^^ library worker: i...i see. rowena: good morning, brother. ^^ Poe: *falls out of chair, crawling on the floor to Rowena's feet* "DON'T DO IT! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG!" rowena: o.o~? eh? Poe: "YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO HAVE YOUR HEART BROKEN! DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKES I MADE!" rowena: ... *blink blink* actually, i just came by to bring you lunch. Poe: Q~Q "...How kind of you--thanks." rowena: how's work? Poe: "!!!" *holds up letter* "We got more funding!" ^^ rowena: that's wonderful! ^^ Poe: "I know, right?! I'm sending out a request from other librarians here about which books students and teachers have requested--and which we may now be able to buy!" rowena: ^^ worker: have you been making friends here? rowena: *nods* i've even met some who share a similar fondness for the occult! ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *staring into the distance* naho: *hug* Sakuya: "..." *pat pat, small smile* "Thanks..." naho: any time, sakkun~ Sakuya: *nods, opens up his book again* -elsewhere- Rino: *asleep at school desk* teacher: miss tamiya? Rino: *loud snore* teacher: *slams ruler against her desk* MISS TAMIYA! Rino: "42!" *falls back in her chair* "...W-Was that the correct answer?" teacher: are you alright? classmate: yikes. Rino: "Just...didn't sleep well. Or much. Or...*yawn* at all." ^^;; -elsewhere- Vulcan: "All set!" *tosses Broomstick/Boomstick to Maki* "Time to brawl..." maki: hell yeah! Vulcan: *puts on some metal gloves* "Let's see what you got..." -elsewhere- Naigus: "Now, what have we learned today?" student: the training dummies are not rides. Montgomery: .\\\. Naigus: "Correct." Chuuya: *eyeroll* atsushi: ^^; Naigus: *demonstrates a punch on the dummy* "Now, keep practicing. Atsushi, help Lucy." atsushi: ok, ma'am. Montgomery: -\\\\- "Just hold it so I can land a punch this time..." *pulls back her fist* atsushi: *braces himself* Montgomery: *hard punch to the dummy's gut--* atsushi: *knocked back from the recoil* ACK! Montgomery: "Woo! Hard punch!" *then notices Atsushi* "...Oh! S-Sorry..." *holds out a hand* atsushi: i-it's fine. i've taken harder hits than this. ^^; *takes her hand* Montgomery: *pulls him up* "I bet..." *struggles a bit* "B-But I caaaaan...hit harder..." *pulls harder* atsushi: woa- Montgomery: *she pulls too hard--and he falls on her* o\\\\\o atsushi: .//////. o-oh my gosh im so sorry! Montgomery: "Get off of me!" atsushi: *getting up* .////.;;; Kyoka: *flames around her* Montgomery: *not noticing Kyoka* o\\\\o;; "J-Jeez! Can't you not do things like that?!" Akutagawa: *appears next to Kyoka, black flames appearing around him* atsushi: o_o; s-sorry, really!..... ._________________.;;;;; Montgomery: "???" *turns around* "!!!" *steps back, bumping into Atsushi* "H-Hey! What's with those faces--" Akutagawa and Kyoka: *send attacks towards Montgomery* Montgomery: o_____O atsushi: WOAH NOW! ~cresendo wave~ atsushi: eh?.... O_O WHAT THE HECK?! -SPLASH- Montgomery: "Gah!" *coughing* "What the hell?!" *crashes into Atsushi* atsushi: *drenched in water* *blink* ???: attacking when you arent in training? that's just foul play! as a hero of justice, i wont let this slide! -enter sayaka- sayaka: salutations, classmates! 8D Kyoka: *glaring at Atsushi--until she spots Sayaka* *shiny eyes* "...Pretty." Akutagawa: "...Why is the waif in the outfit?" Montgomery: "??? Wait...Aren't you-?" sayaka: it's a battle costume! and yep. im sayaka miki, one of your seniors! ^^ Montgomery: "I thought so! Now, punish these two! The jerk and the brat!" Kyoka: *approaches Sayaka* "I did nothing wrong. I plead for mercy..." -tiny chops for them both- Akutagawa: >__< "HOW DARE YOU!" sayaka: lets try getting along now, ok? Kyoka: >\\\< "I beg your forgiveness..." Montgomery: *trying to ring out her clothes...* "I'm all wet!" sayaka: .///. er. hey, it's ok kiddo. ^^ *head pats* Kyoka: ^\\\\^ Montgomery: "Oh, super! I didn't bring a spare set of clothes, you asses!" sayaka: oh. there's towels in the storage closet by the changing rooms. Montgomery: "Hmph. Like that'll dry them quickly enough..." *marches to the changing rooms' storage closet* atsushi: ....s-sorry about all that. sayaka: it's alright. stuff like that happens all the time here. ^^ Montgomery: "Yo, Tiger! You just going to stand there and drench the floor or move it?!" *tosses towel at his face* atsushi: s-sorry! >////<;; Montgomery: -\\\\- *opens the door to the changing room, shutting it behind her* -elsewhere- Kid: "Students seem to be acclimating themselves." liz: yeah. Kid: "And how are you, Liz?" liz: doing well. you? Kid: *sighs* "It's...feeling more real, working with Father..." liz: *smiles* Kid: "...Did you think it would be like, five years ago?" liz: hard to think. but y'know. i think you got this. *smiles* Kid: "You don't know how much that means. Thank you, Liz." liz: *pats his back* we're proud of you, kiddo. Kid: "..." Q~Q "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Emine: *holding multiple letters with hearts on them* lin: *pouts* Emine: "This was not my idea: evidently I am 'hotness'?" lin: do you want to show them 'hotness?' Emine: "..." *pulls out his lighter* -elsewhere- Bakugo: o____O ochako: what's up? Bakugo: "My brain feels fried..." momo: have you been sleeping well? Bakugo: "Now that you mention it, no..." *he tries to walk--and stumbles* eijiro: easy there. do you need to see the nurse? Bakugo: "I-I don't know..." *half his body is limp* -elsewhere- Mikuni: *whistling while walking around town* -footsteps- Mikuni: "???!" *turns* -no one- Mikuni: "...Huh." *turns back around* -elsewhere- Dazai: "So, you got her all wet?" atsushi: y-yeah. ranpo: phrasing, BOOM! Dazai: "All because you got Akutagawa and Kyoka excited...You charmer, you. You got a harem." atsushi: IT'S NOT A HAREM!! >////< Dazai: "Three people crushing on you. That's a harem, man. Or do you need more for it to be a harem? Ranpo, how many members does a harem need?" atsushi: DONT ANSWER HIM! >///<# Dazai: "Hee hee...Just teasing. When I was your age, I only wish I had as many people chasing after me...without wanting me dead." atsushi:......... Dazai: "...Oh, to be young again." *pats his head* atsushi: 7-7;;; odasaku: *sweatdrop* you're 22. Dazai: "Now, enough of that--you have a mission!" *hands Atsushi a fashion magazine* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "We get to guard a supermodel!" atsushi: oh. Dazai: "Isn't she just the prettiest? And she specifically asked for your help." atsushi: me? Dazai: "She's had a stalker, so you'll make sure none get near her." atsushi: ah, i see. i'll do my best then! Dazai: "Wait 'til you meet her--she's still talking with the boss in the office--" *The door opens* fukuzawa: -_-; good luck. ???: "Hello~!" *waves* atsushi: um...hello ma'am! i'll do my best! ???: "I'm sure you will! Because I have been so scared with these bad men following me!" *glomps Atsushi* "You won't let me get hurt, right?" atsushi: *choking* grk- daa...zaaai...save....me... *muffled* Dazai: *snaps a pic* "Oh, that's a keeper..." *puts his phone away* "Ma'am? I got your mineral water!" ???: *pulls back from Atsushi* "Yay! Sit down with me, Mr. Tiger Cub!" *drags Atsushi to sit at Kunikida's desk* Kunikia: -_____-;;; -elsewhere- Jacqueline: =\\\\= kim: how was work today? Jacqueline: *stretches* "Exhausting...I lifted books all day...Damn raccoon was running everywhere...Eyes tired starting at the computer...I want a bath..." kim: i'll go set one up for you. Jacqueline: "Thanks..." *takes off her jacket* "How was your work?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *holding a box, which he's wrapping up* -elsewhere- Relan: *gobbling a third bowl of ramen* tamaki: you sure worked up an appetite. Relan: ^\\\\^ "I guess I did...I feel really energized!" shinra: >/////< too cute for words... Arthur: *pokes at his food, listlessly...* *yawns* tamaki: you ok? Arthur: "...I can't get any faster..." tamaki: .... Tsukiyo: "That's just because Benimaru has fast reflexes..." *sneaks food from Tamaki's plate* "You just have to predict his patterns..." fang-hua: *chop* Tsukiyo: >_< "Hey!" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sitting, arms crossed* gin: you ok? Akutagawa: "The Tiger was getting close to that Guild girl." gin: eh? Akutagawa: "I wanted to brawl with him, not have him trapsing off with her..." gin: .... 7-7; Akutagawa: "How do you convince someone to brawl with you? Perhaps wrestling?" -elsewhere- Rin: *lying on the rooftop* madoka: i brought some rice balls. Rin: *smiles* "Thanks...I'm sure they're tasty..." madoka: how're you feeling? Rin: "...Confused." *bites one* "Why did Dad hide that?" madoka:....im not sure. i dont really know anything about his past. Rin: "Letter is so long that I can't figure it all out yet..." madoka: hmm....*holds his hand* Rin: *pats hers* "Thanks..." madoka: ^^ -elsewhere- Meme: "Tsugumi...Isn't that Anya's friend over there?" tsugumi: hmm? Meme: "The girl with the Russian name...What was it...?" ao: miss yana? yana: *struggling with the crane game* ak! blasted machine! *bangs her fist against it* Meme: "Yo! Having troubles with the Claw?" yana: i got it under control. *drops her quarter* ah! fuck.... *bends down to get it, putting something on the back of the machine* there we go! Meme: "The trick is to hit the button right before the Claw aligns over the toy you want. Which one you trying for?" yana: that one. *a small mouse* *plushie get!* YES! Meme: "Oh, cute mouse!" yana: ^u^ *internally smirking* Meme: "I think Anya is around--you want to show that plushie to her?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, hold the camera..." *turns into fox form* -elsewhere- atsushi: TT_____TT (thinking: save me plz) ???: "More snacks, please!" atsushi: yes, ma'am.... *trying not to cry* ???: "??? Sweetie? What's wrong?" atsushi: im ok! (thinking: its like she walked out of the kardashian's show and no one knows how to send her back T-T ) ???: =3= "But you look all sad! You shouldn't be sad right now!" atsushi: i didnt sleep much last night TT-TT ???: "Well, that's no good! You need sleep to feel good throughout the day! Is your bed not comfy?" atsushi:.......um.... (thinking: WHY DO I HAVE TO STAY THE NIGHT AND SLEEP IN A PET BED?! IM NOT A PET DAMMIT!) ???: "I could add more pillows?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *struggling to stay awake while reading* mito: *asleep on his lap* Chuuya: "..." *shuts his book, pets Mito* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "Good kitty..." -elsewhere- lana: *unable to sleep* "Touma": "You will do as I say, when I say." lana: *jolts out of bed* !!!.... h-he's not here.... *The room is dark and quiet...A creek is heard on a floorboard* lana: *turns* ?!?! *Nothing is there...* lana:....*whimpers* *Lana's phone: *CHIRP** lana: !!! *checks her phone* *It's a photo of an old-timey phone* lana: ?? *chirp* [I continue to take digital daguerreotypes of this telephone. But I don't know whether the angel waves of the Internetwork are transmitting such images.] lana:.....huh? [um. we can just talk through the text ^^; ] [Yes. But one query: what is 'text'?] lana: ^^; [it's what we're doing right now. ] [I now understand. Thank you. How are you?] lana: [could have been better. *sigh emoticon* ] [What happened? (And how did you make that face appear?)] lana: [just stressed. (i could show you sometime if you want)] [I am sorry. I find reading and tea helps me with stress. (Oh! That would be helpful!)] lana: .... [I am sorry to write at such length at this late hour. And I am sorry how your night is. I hope it improves] lana: ... [thanks, edgar.] [I hope I was of service.] -elsewhere- Montgomery: *screaming into a pillow* anne: ?? Montgomery: "He is such an idiot!" *looks at Anne* "Right?! I mean, he left me--us--behind! Then he embarrasses me!" anne:.... *pap pap* Montgomery: "..." *small hug* "That was infuriating...What is with him...?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *outside, sipping water* louisa: *checking map* ah! here it is...... ._.; Fitzgerald: " 'Wonderful...Manor'...Is that ironic?" louisa: on the bright side, it does have a proper bath and toilet. Fitzgerald: "Well, thank goodness for small favors..." *stares at her* "Books?" louisa: *nods* i've been working on strategies. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Your ability to determine probabilities and make strategies for 'predicting' how to deal with them. Very well: if Alcott, the best ability user in the Guild, is here, then 500 million dollars is small change." louisa: !! ... ./////////. t-thank you lord francis..... um... i have to be alone to do this, so if you dont mind waiting... Fitzgerald: "Not at all." *opens a door* "I'll wait in here." guy: D8 louisa: lord francis! that's the neighbor's room! Fitzgerald: "What?! You mean our base is simply one room? ... Well, still, I'll wait here." louisa: *sweatdrop* -outside death city- girl in bandages: woah! so that's death city? coolio! vampire looking boy: *in the car* girl in bandages: alright, tomorrow first thing, we find ourselves some jobs! vampire looking boy: jooooy. TTuTT -elsewhere in death city- atsushi: TT____TT *waiting* *His phone chirps with a text* atsushi: *examines phone* Dazai: [How's the bodyguarding going, stud~?] atsushi: T-T [nothing happened yet.] Dazai: [oh-ho? 'nothing'?] atsushi: [as in no sign of the stalker! -_-] *looks out window* Dazai: [well, keep your eyes open, Tiger--counting on you!] *One person walking along the street...* atsushi:... [alright.] *The person vanishes* atsushi: .... *knocks on the door* ma'am? are you alright? Model: "Wh-What?" atsushi: are you ok? Model: "F-Fine!" *a loud sniff can be heard inside* atsushi: !!! *SLAMS DOOR OPEN* Model: "Eek!" *tosses a sheet over part of the bed...she's in her underwear and a t-shirt* atsushi: *shuts eyes* I'M SO SORRY MA'AM! >/////<;;; Model: "You should be!" *throws a pillow at him* *Something crunches outside* atsushi: !!!!! *goes to check* *The stranger is there...holding a camera...peeping through the window* Stalker: o_o;;;; atsushi: YOU! *runs to the window and lunges at the stalker* Model: "?!! W-T-F?!" *ducks behind the bed* Stalker: "AAAH!" *tries to run...* atsushi: *TACKLES* oh no you dont! Stalker: "Ow!" *the camera lands on the grass* "My camera!" Model: *putting on her bathrobe...hides the stuff on her bedsheet again, runs outside* atsushi: *has him pinned down* oh no you dont! Model: *exits, spots Atsushi on top of the Stalker...* .\\\. Stalker: "I wasn't doing nothing! You can't prove nothing!" atsushi: *checks the camera, still having him pinned down* *The photos show the Model inside, changing her clothes...and laying out a bag with a white substance, a mirror, and a rolled up dollar bill* atsushi: ?! holy shit. Model: "Wh-What is it?" *trying to look over Atsushi's shoulder* atsushi: ma'am....can we go inside now? i got this guy.... *looks at the stalker* Model: "...Okay?" Stalker: ._.;;;; "Don't tell my mom!" atsushi: *whispers* dont worry, i have a plan... Stalker: "???" -later when the authorities arrive- officer: anything else? Model: *smiling at Atsushi* Stalker: D: "I CAN'T GO TO JAIL!" atsushi: i noticed a weird smell in her room... Model: O_O;;; officer: really? ma'am? mind if we have a look-see? Model: "Y-Yes, I do! My room is a mess, and you don't have a warren!" officer: it's 'warrant'. also, we dont judge for messy rooms. unless there's something you're hiding? Model: O_____O;;;; "...I left out my vibrator on my bed." officer: ma'am... we dont judge for that either. you sure dont want us getting in there... Model: "M-My room is none of your business, everything is fine! This boy is just imagining smells! I bet he has an awful scent of smell!" atsushi: -_-; officer: ma'am. if you dont mind coming down with us to answer some questions- Model: "Wh-Why?! I haven't done anything! This little punk was spying on me in my room!" officer 2: is that right? and could you explain this? *shows the picture on the camera* Model: o___________o "...That is PhotoShopped." officer: on a digital camera? *raises brow* Model: "..." *glares at Atsushi* "I want my lawyer." -and so, after the investigation, she was put into rehab- atsushi: so....um....camera kid- Camera Kid: *cowering away* "Wh-What?!" atsushi: how did you find out about this? Camera Kid: Q~Q "If I tell you, am I going to jail?" atsushi: well, you're still just a student, so i think the worst they'd do is make you do community service. Camera Kid: "...I've been following Honeycrisp for a month now when I saw her assistant stop by the corner behind my house to buy some cocaine from my classmate Winnie--" atsushi: *listening* Camera Kid: "And I thought, 'Hey, a tabloid would be up for that stuff!' They love that stuff! And they pay! I could buy...buy..." atsushi: ?? Camera Kid: "J-Jewelry..." atsushi: hmm... Camera Kid: "For M-Mama..." atsushi: .....so you went with your gut then? Camera Kid: "..." *shrug* "Hasn't killed me yet." atsushi: .....*small smile* i decided to go with my gut too when i told the officers about the smell. Camera Kid: QWQ "Th-Thank you, Mister!" *takes his hand, shakes it* "I won't forget this!" -and so- atsushi: and that's what happened. Kunikida: "...And you just...let the supermodel...with the money...get taken by police..." atsushi: well, she got the help she needs now... fukuzawa:.....you did what you believed to be the right thing, despite orders given........good job. Dazai: *pats Atsushi's head* "Yep!" atsushi:...*smiles* odasaku:....good job, kiddo. atsushi: thanks od-....thanks. Dazai: "And just think--when she gets out of rehab, I'm sure she will thank you!" -morning- louisa: *asleep, multiple strategies written out* Fitzgerald: *returning, with a cup of tea, muttering* "That 'hot plate' is not 'hot,' nor is it a decent 'plate.' I'll have to--??? Alcott?" *nudges her shoulder* louisa: I WASNT SLEEPING ON THE JOB! O-O Fitzgerald: "...I assume you were not--that would mean you were working over-time, and I can't afford to pay you for that right now." louisa: r-right... i got several strategies written down... *yawns* perhaps a walk might do some good for me... Fitzgerald: "Excellent! I can pick up items we'll need." -on her walk- louisa: ... (thinking: hard to believe its autumn already... ) .... *notices something* -a dead sparrow- louisa:....*small frown* ???: oh no. -a girl with bandages goes over to the bird- girl: it's ok lil fella, i'll fix you right up! louisa: um...i...i dont think...there's anything...you can do for it... girl: hmmn? *smiles* dont worry, i got this! *picks up the bird* [ability; frankenstein] -a soft glow appears, and the bird is okay- louisa: !! girl: hehe, all better~! bird:....*starts attacking her* girl: good as new! louisa: D8 girl: what? louisa: t-that was- girl: oh! that was my ability! i can bring back dead animals! pretty cool, right? louisa: so you're an ability user as well. girl: EH?! YOU TOO?! YAY! boy: *pant pant* th-there....there you are, mary....*pant pant* mary: hmm? oh, bram! this girl's an ability user too! bram: oh? how... *pant pant* nice....phew... louisa: um...yes...uh...and you two are...? mary: *gives her a card that says 'Stoker and Shelly; general freelancing'* freelance ability users! we'll take any job you have for us, even if we suck horribly at it! bram: 7_7; louisa:....*idea* um...w-would you two...come with me? -and so, back at the wonderful manor- louisa: lord francis! i've recruited two new members for the new guild! Fitzgerald: *holding a large bag* "Excellent!" mary: nice to meet ya, mr fitz! bram: ....h-hello... mary: what's in the bag there? Fitzgerald: "Oh, hello! I got supplies for our new headquarters!" *pulls out a pot* mary: cool! louisa: ^^; Fitzgerald: "And more!" *pulls out two of the same pot* louisa: j-just how many... ._.; Fitzgerald: "They had a three for one sale! Sales! I forgot how fascinating they are!" bram: *sweatdrop* i thought this guild was....a lot different than this.... louisa: um...a-a lot has happened in the past months.... Fitzgerald: "We downsized." bram:....i can.....see that.... mary: cozy! ^u^ Fitzgerald: "While you were out, I was reviewing plans..." louisa: y-you were? o///o Fitzgerald: "Number 82!" louisa: eh? -one jumpcut later- -an old shed- glasses man:....*sigh* it'll all be over soon now.... -he has a bottle of plating solution and jack Daniels out- ???: "Plating solution? Hardly a decent last drink." glasses man: ?!?! w-who- Fitzgerald: "Don't mind me, Old Sport--just observing." glasses man: ?!?! h-how did you-?! Fitzgerald: "Don't mind me--I'm just observing. Good show on the choice for suicide: self-inflicted gunshot wounds are trite." glasses man: .... Fitzgerald: "When you drink, first your throat and stomach will burn and dissolve. Then there's the unquenchable thirst, ceaseless vomiting, until your organs dissolve...In Layman’s terms; you’re going to have a bad time." glasses man:........ Fitzgerald: "And still, you will be cursed, Dr. Eckleburg...Murderer." eckleburg: I DIDNT DO IT! Fitzgerald: "The video doesn't lie. The video system you yourself designed..." eckleburg: i-i couldnt have done it....yes, we did have a disagreement, and i went to drink it off....i must have collapes and i awoke in front of the building covered in blood...b-but it wasnt me! Fitzgerald: "...Hmm? Oh, sorry." *was staring at his smartphone* "GASP! She was busted for possession?!" eckleburg: D8< Fitzgerald: "Be that as it may, whether you are a criminal or not is not my concern: I will get you acquitted. For a price." eckleburg: r-really? Fitzgerald: "Yes. You will pay me the codes to the individual identification system that you developed." eckleburg: ??? j-just what are you, some kind of detective? Fitzgerald: "Please. I don't do cheap work. I'm a fixer. With powers an ordinary person doesn't have and personal connections, I distort the truth." eckleburg: so you're with the media? Fitzgerald: "Please--I have some self-respect. Now, you have a choice: give up your codes, which will pay me quite well, or the plating solution. Pick your poison." eckleburg: ..... -elsewhere- Giovanni: *inhales* "This is better." *looks at the others assembled* lisa: ...... Sho: *stares at Lisa* "...That is not the dress code." guruna: i wonder what the boss will have to say, kurukurukuru~ lisa:.... seraphim: you havent said a word since you got here... demon get your tongue? Giovanni: "No, I don't keep organs in jars. I put them in the freezer." dahlia:... arrow: ... Giovanni: "...I mean, when does the meeting start?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Damn...That's a lot of new tech." maki: ^u^ isnt it great? pusupusu: pususu~! ^o^ Vulcan: "??? The other one looks...kind of pissy." meramera: merame! >u< Vulcan: "...And why do you give your flames faces?" maki: it adds to the cuteness! plus the 8th needs a mascot! Vulcan: "...Do the other Brigades have mascots? Like, I don't see some flower as the symbol for the 5th..." -mahasset security office- Fitzgerald: *sets down his tea* "Tepid. Shows the slovenly quality of this company." mr buchanan: my apologies. now, why exactly are you here? Fitzgerald: "I'll get your former subordinate, Dr. Eckleburg, off on the murder charge. You will give me $10,000 as a completion bonus." mr buchanan: and how do you intend to do that? Fitzgerald: "I am a man of persistence--with connections to erase this crime." Lmr buchanan: ....impossible. the security system caught that 4-eyed cretin in the act. we cant afford to save a simple employee. he's the one who started the mess, so it's best to nip it at the bud, am i right? Fitzgerald: "...'Cretin.' If you're going to insult him, do it properly." louisa:... mr buchanan: is that all you wanted?....i see we have no further business here. daisy, if you mind showing mr fitzgerald out. daisy: understood, sir. Fitzgerald: ("Treating a subordinate in such manner...") "How unpleasant." *stands and brushes aside Daisy* "I'm leaving." louisa: *exits along with him* Fitzgerald: *looks around to see whether he is alone with Louisa* "..." louisa: sir? -no one else around- Fitzgerald: "Investigate this incident from the other side. This chairman knows something." louisa: hmmm... -later- rowena: *waiting outside school* Poe: *running, panting, then stops in front of her, bending down and trying to catch his breath...waves* rowena: you seem to be in a hurry, brother, did something happen? Poe: *nods* "Th-The Guild!" rowena: eh? Poe: *holds up a file* "Case! Solve it! Murder!" rowena: ah! so you're going to solve a murder case! *shiny eyes* Poe: "I-I didn't want to...But I wasn't willing to turn down Alcott, my 'comrade in shyness'..." rowena: i see. i wish i could have met her when she was here. perhaps another time... Poe: "I-I'm sorry to do this, but I have to stop by the Agency..." rowena: *frowns* the esper? Poe: "??? You mean Ranpo?" rowena: *nods* you said he doesnt have a gifted ability, but still manages to pull such impossible feats...he must be an esper! Poe: ._.;; "...Okay, let's go with that. In any case, I was going to have him look at the file--" rowena: eh? you're going to ask him? werent you a detective as well? Poe: .____.;;; "...He beats me. All the time." rowena: be honest with me. when was the last time you did _actual_ detective work? Poe: ._____.;;;; "...Writing murder fiction is kind of detective work..." rowena: >3< brotheeeer im being serious here! Poe: *covers his face* "I'm no good at this anymore!" rowena: .... *cheek tug* you're being foolish brother! >n< Poe: TT~TT "What would you have me do?!" rowena: i know you'll find a way. *smiles* i never stopped believing in you. Poe: Q~Q "R-Really?": rowena: *nods* ^^ Poe: *sniff, wipes his nose* QWQ "...Okay! Let's do it!" rowena: yay! but we'll need a plan first. -that night- rowena: *in a janitor's uniform* Poe: *wearing a mustache* "...Maybe this is a bad idea. I should go check on Karl--" rowena: no turning back now! >3< Poe: "!!! Okay! Okay! ...This is the room..." rowena: *looks around. no one*..... hmmmm... *takes the keys out* Poe: "How did you get the keys?" rowena: someone dropped them off for me at the dorm. not sure who. Poe: "!! Don't you find that...suspicious?" rowena: *nods* but it's convenient. -they're in. the room is empty- Poe: "???" rowena: alright. let's begin. Poe: *nods, putting on a glove and removing a UV light* rowena: *keeping guard* Poe: *spots a computer, looks it over...turns it on* *Computer startup chime* Poe: D8 rowena: o.o; *No one has arrived...yet?* Poe: Q~Q *waits for the computer to start up* *The computer appears with a set of users: "Buchanan," "Daisy," "Eckleburg," "Casper"* rowena: ?? Poe: *whispers* " 'Casper'? Was that the name of the deceased coworker...?" *looks at the keyboard* "...What is the password...?" rowena: dust for prints? Poe: *whispers* "Brilliant!" *removes the dust and holds the UV light to see which keys were typed* "Hmm...Wait...0-1-E-T-U-S-G...That spells..." *types* -guest01- *chirp, as Eckleberg's system appears...with a lot of coding* Poe: o_o;;; "This...is beyond me..." *hits a key and the surveillance system comes up* Poe: "That's...video of the murder?" rowena: hmm? *remove filter* !!!! Poe: *small gasp* "Oh no...It's a technology hex that changes people's faces!" rowena: *sweatdrop* -later- lana: zzzzz.... Poe: *unlocks the door, enters--* "!!!" *clutches a hand over his mouth, just staring at Lana* lana: zzzzzz.... Poe: "..." *removes his hand from his mouth* ("The moonlight brings out the fine qualities of her skin. That is not to ignore those flaws to it--but they are flaws that enrich the texture, like the lines on marble.") *tiptoes up to her...* lana: *shifting slightly* zzzzz.... Poe: ("This bed is not fit for such an angel...Granted, the guest bedroom is not, either, but it will be of more comfort than this couch...") "..." .\\\. ("HOW DO I TAKE HER TO THE GUEST BEDROOM WITHOUT HAVING TO TOUCH HER?!") lana: *small yawn* zzzzz Poe: ("...You can do this, Edgar. Just be gentle...Gentle...") "..." *carefully puts his fingers under her back and knees...* lana: *small sleep sounds* Poe: *lifts slowly...he's holding her in his arms* .\\\\\\. ("...MOVE YOUR LEGS, EDGAR! MOVE YOUR BLASTED LEGS!") *takes a step forward--and hears a floorboard creek* o\\\\\\\o;;;; lana: *leaning her head against him, smiling a bit* Poe: O\\\\\\\\\O;;;;;;;; ("I FEEL HER BREATHING ON MY CHEST! WHAT DEVILRY IS THIS?!") *slides past the floorboard, reaches guest room door, which is ajar, and enters...approaches the bed...slowly sets her down* lana: zzzzz... Poe: *completes setting her down...tucks her in...adjusts her pillow* lana: =w= Poe: *stares...smiles* ("Good night...") -morning, during the trial of dr eckleburg- Buchanan: *seated in the audience...smiling* judge: has the verdict been reached? Jury Foreman: "Yes, your honor. We-" -SLAM- eckleburg: ?? Fitzgerald: "OBJECTION!" judge: eh? jury person: who the hell is that guy? judge: we're in the middle of a trial here! D8< Juror #3: "That's that guy from the video game--Professor Layton!" juror 4: *facepalms* judge: if you dont leave this courtroom, i'll find you in contempt and have you thrown in jail! Fitzgerald: "_I_ decide the rules of any room in which I enter! The daydreams of a child at recess are more believable than this farce--so listen to me, you fools!" *holds up a digital recorder--and presses play* voice: 'fine, i'll write you the check. but you forget about what i said about the backdoor and the murder, alright?' buchanan: !!!!! eckleburg: !!!! Fitzgerald: "Yes! This iRys audio recorder (buy one, get three free) captured the entire conversation!" buchanan: t-that must have been some actor speaking! Fitzgerald: "And an actor also signed this check, payable to me, with your signature, for $400,000?" buchanan:.........*JAWDROP* D8 Fitzgerald: "My work here is done. But feel free to continue this farce." *waves as he exits the courtroom* buchanan: *chasing after him* YOU SON OF A BITCH! *collar grab* you're going to throw all that money away for some absurd sense of justice?! neither the check or recording can be used as evidence! they cant prove it was me! Fitzgerald: *smacks away Buchanan's hand* "First, the recording is permissible--I am not a police officer. Second, your behavior is outing you already as guilty. Third..." *small laugh* " 'Justice'? Please. This was about your stocks." buchanan: ??? w-what are you- Fitzgerald: "Just the rumor of you being a murderer is enough to make your stocks plunge. It's already begun..." *holds up a phone, showing the stock market* "I already did short-selling of your stock, grossing 400 million dollars. By tomorrow, your company's stock will be worthless. That was Alcott's plan from the start." buchanan: .....*falls to his knees in shock* you got to be kidding me... all my years of work... -he throws a punch at fitzgerald- Fitzgerald: *catches the punch* buchanan: ?!?!?! Fitzgerald: *$1,000 hand squeeze* buchanan: *SCREAMS IN PAIN* officer: hold it right there! *glares at buchanan* Fitzgerald: "Attempted physical assault...Officer, please be sure to investigate that along with his other crimes." *turns and heads for the exit* -elsewhere- karl: *prodding lana's face* lana: *yaaawn* hmmm? *The scent of tea is coming from the kitchen* lana: *streeetch and heads over* morning edgar... thanks for- *ahem* thanks. 7///7; *taking a seat* so, how did the job go last night? Poe: .\\\\. *he's in an apron baking muffins* "Y-You're welcome...I...It went well. Got the information we needed, my sister and I." *nervous small laugh* lana: ^^ Poe: *sets out tray of muffins* "...Walnut maple muffin?" -elsewhere- louisa: *looking at phone*..... !!!! Fitzgerald: "???" louisa: oh goodness..... -article; family of two murdered in home.- Fitzgerald: "...Oh no..." louisa: how terrible... *holding back tears* -elsewhere- yosano: *reading the paper* victims were chad carson and veronica mckaul-carson... Dazai: "...One of those interviewed by us..." ranpo: *examining autopsy photos* look at the cuts on their necks....they were cut where major arteries are. so the killer had a fairly good sense of knowledge on the human body. and a scalpel was used to do the deed, given the size of the cuts. Dazai: "..." *stares at Yosano* yosano: D8< ranpo: they had a security camera installed. maybe we should check that out? Dazai: *nods* "Let's go." atsushi: right behind you. -and so- Dazai: "Got the video?" atsushi: *nods* -the video shows the couple relaxing at home and someone arrives. a young lady with dark hair. the three talk while the dark-haired woman goes out of the frame. she then returns with tea for the two. – atsushi: ...... -after some time passes in the video, the man collapses and the other woman sits down. the dark-haired woman pulls something from her bag; a scalpel. she then goes over to the man, and slashes his throat as the other woman begins screaming in horror- atsushi: !!!! Dazai: "That's her, isn't it? I remember asking..." -the two seem to be talking, before the dark-haired woman finishes the job on the other. she then looks up at the camera, smiling. she seems to be mouthing 'did i do a good job, master fyodor?'- Dazai: "Can you read lips?" atsushi:....*shakes his head* ranpo: *examines the security system; manhasset security* hmm... Dazai: "Spotted something, Detective?" ranpo: i think i heard this company made some face recognition security system. Dazai: *looks closer* " 'Manhasset'...Weren't they in the news?" ranpo: yeah, but who cares about that. *checking the system* -the dark-haired woman is identified... 'Zoey Lewis'- atsushi:....she looks different from the photo... Dazai: "Yeah--crazy eyes." atsushi: *examines the file*.....wait....isnt this that woman who went missing?! Dazai: "Yep...And she just killed the nurse who was trying to find her." atsushi: *gulp* Dazai: "Ranpo, you know anyone who can read lips? Or someone at Manhasset?" -two days later- eckleburg: i just wanted to thank you so much for all you've done, mr fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: *seated in his new corporate office, reading the newspaper* "How is your reinstatement going?" *pulls out shopping advertisement* eckleburg: well, my work has increased substantially. but it's better than life in prison. *chuckles* Fitzgerald: "The real crime would be to let your talent go to waste...And with the resources of this company now in my hands, especially your Eyes of God, all will help me in my search..." *takes the advertisement, stands, moves towards the exit* -elsewhere- zoey: ......*blankly staring at her scalpel* .....ehehe.... FD: "You did very well." zoey: ah~ *blush* FD: *takes the scalpel from her hand* "And what do you feel after what you did?" zoey:....as long as.....it pleases you....it doesnt really matter how i feel.... FD: *kisses her forehead* "That was the correct answer~" yana: *rolls eyes and gags* FD: "Did you complete all other work that needed to be done in your former friend's house?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "We're not really on-the-ground police...but you think this was a normal killing?" ochako: i dont know. but it's scary to think about. [all might: the villains who stand out are dangerous, but its the ones that lurk in the shadows you should really keep your guard up against...] Izuku: *balling up his hands into fists, shaking* "I-I hope that this killer is pulled from the shadows...because we should stop them!" -elsewhere- Dr. John: "..." *sips her alcohol, shakes* sachiko: ....damn.... Dr. John: *shakes her head* "I-I should have seen this coming..." sachiko: .....*sigh* i will be paying my respects... Dr. John: "...Sachiko?" sachiko: hmm? Dr. John: "...I need DWMA protection." sachiko: ?? melinda? Dr. John: *shakes her head* "I-I can't talk here...Can't you get me inside the school?" sachiko: ...i'll see what i can do.. -elsewhere- Mori: "Well, well, well, this is no good..." naoya: nyeh? Mori: *holds up an empty box of cereal* "We need more. ...What did you think I meant?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...Troubling." kirako: *nod* Kunikida: "We were assigned to find this woman, now she is killing people? What would provoke this reaction? Hallucinogens?" kirako: who can tell.... Kunikida: "Any word from Dazai and Ranpo?" kirako: nothing yet... Kunikida: "Call me the minute they contact you. I will meet with the company boss." kirako: *nods* Kunikida: *approaches boss's door* -elsewhere- Kid: "Father? What is it?" -elsewhere- Rin: "Zzz..." madoka: zzzz....*snuggle* Rin: *cuddles* madoka: =/////= Rin: *kisses her cheek in his sleep* -elsewhere- Hyde: *passed out, dosed in holy water* x___x -elsewhere- Kuro: *asleep atop a stack of textbooks* -elsewhere- Anya: =\\\\= *sigh of relief* tsugumi: hmm? Anya: "A bath is so good..." tsugumi: yeah. mio: oh, and your friend from school won you something in the claw machine. Anya: "???" -elsewhere- yana:.....*glances at the incubator* -inside resembles a small newborn- yana:...soon enough... FD: "Any idea for a name?" yana: *shrug* FD: "Well, keep at it." *pats her head* yana: *nod nod* FD: "Want me to bring other materials? I'm sure Zoey can find some more meat--" yana: i-it'll be fine. *sweatdrop* FD: *shrugs* "Whatever works..." -elsewhere- Shima: *eating a sandwich* -staaaaare- Shima: *suddenly tense* "I KNOW YOU ARE OUT THERE! AND IT WON'T WORK!" *picks up his weapon--and a slip of paper* -silence- Shima: "..." *puts away the paper* unagi: *staaaaare* Shima: *but still clutches his weapon--and dives at a tree* "There you are!" unagi: eep! >-< Shima: "??? Snake priestess?" unagi: <pink haired devil....> 7///7;;; Shima: "?! Hey...What's with that face?" unagi: <.....you have cursed me...> Shima: "???" <...How did _I_ curse you?> unagi: <ever since that night....i've had.....strange feelings....> 7/////7 Shima: <'That night'?> (" 'Strange'?") unagi: <you came in the dead of night, playing that instrument and professing such feelings for me...> Shima: "..." *claps, laughs* <Oh, yeah! Now I remember when I--> "!!!" o\\\\o "...Oh..." unagi: ./////. Shima: o\\\\o <...And you've been...spying on me?> unagi: >->;;;; Shima: <...What did you see me doing?> -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, hold the camera..." *in fox form, who then bounces over to Hikage and Hinata* hinata + hikage: *pose* -snap- reimi: got it! Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ "Great! Thank you. Now I just have to finish cooking..." -elsewhere- Higan: "Just got the finishing touches to do..." -elsewhere- Tool: *staring at a 'pet turtle' display at a pet shop* "..." io: O.O Tool: "...Who did this to you, you majestic creatures?" turtle: ^o^ Tool: "...I want a turtle sanctuary..." saki: ^^; Pet Shop Employee: "Sir, may I help--" Tool: *aims sickle at him* "Release. The turtles." Pet Shop Employee: ._.; saki: tuhl, lets put the sickle down. ^^; -elsewhere- Poe: *shaking* owo karl: zzzzz =w= Poe: ("I-I managed to stay calm, have a conversation face-to-face without making a fool of myself...") *instantly spills his tea* D8> karl: *licks the tea* Poe: *lays out a towel rag to soak up the rest* "St-Still not as bad as it could be..." -elsewhere- Emine: *doing homework* "..." -elsewhere- Yohei: -_-; "Stop splashing, kiddo--you're getting more water on the floor than yourself." *holds up squeaky bath toy* toru: uu! ^o^ chie: ^^ *washing toru's hair* Yohei: *silly voice* "Does Toru want Mr. Rubber Ducky?" toru: dukky! chie: ^^ Yohei: "Quack quack quack!" toru: XD Yohei: *squeezes the duck, which makes a squeaky sound* -elsewhere- Bon: *grunts* -elsewhere- mito: zzzzz Chuuya: *petting her, while he looks at photographs* -photos of a younger chuuya and kouyou- Chuuya: ("I was so tiny...unlike now.") mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "She...keeps looking out for me." mito: =w= Chuuya: "...I should do something for her." -elsewhere- Dazai: *standing on his head* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "Helps me think..." atsushi:.....oookay then. Dazai: "Zoey...Hospital...What's the link? Those people missing from the hospital..." atsushi: .......kyouka told me about a man on the camera from earlier? Dazai: "??? A man?" atsushi: *nods* she said you saw a man in the camera at a restaurant? Dazai: *sighs* "Difficult ID'ing him...Looks familiar..." atsushi: hm..... Dazai: "There was one guy I met that looked like him...Even with the tech, it looked blurry." atsushi: hmmm.... Dazai: *sighs, lying down on the floor* "Whoever this guy is, he's hiding his tracks..." -underground- yana: *checking her phone* hmm. seems the 1st brigade handled some stuff i could care less about. FD: "Well, you know, the news needs to cover random stuff to fill up the pages..." *looks over her shoulder--and spots a photo of the 1st--* "!!! Well, _this_ is an interesting development…” barkova: *barking at the photo, drool dripping from her teeth* FD: *pats Barkova's head* "You recognize her too, huh, girl? Our old friend..." yana: hmm? you know these guys? FD: *points to Dia* "One in particular..." yana: hmmm.... {young!dia: *staring in horror, unable to speak*} {FD: *quiet laughter, blood dripping from his hand*} yana: so do we do something about it or just stick with the plan? FD: "Hmm..." *holds up two hands* "Stick to the plan...or have some fun with an old friend...?" barkova: o^o FD: "Meh. Guess it's more responsible to stick to the plan." yana: ah. zoey:...... FD: "I'll finish up the look at the security system. Yana, keep me updated on the little parasite." yana: *nods* FD: "Come along, <my dear>." zoey: of course~ FD: "Time to complete this new software..." *sits at desk* -elsewhere- Spirit: *looking through files* marie: *examining papers* Spirit: "You having any luck?" marie: nothing..*sigh* Spirit: "Nothing either...Sachiko seemed shaken by this..." marie: well, it happened to a coworker, so it's hard not to be...i can kind of relate....the DWMA faces dangerous things all the time....even jo-....*bites her lip* Spirit: *pat pat* marie: *sniff* t-thank you.... Spirit: "Take five...I'll keep looking." marie: n-no, i'll be ok... *wipes eye* Spirit: "...Okay. Let me take this file..." *opens it* -elsewhere- izumi: ...... Montgomery: "Hey...You okay? izumi: yeah....just worried about my mom.... Montgomery: "Oh...She's a doctor, right?" izumi: a nurse, but yeah... Montgomery: "What has she been dealing with?" izumi: stress about this whole murder thing....it was one of her coworkers who died... Montgomery: "Oh...That one in the news? I'm sorry..." izumi: yeah...i dont know how im able to help...she's....been through a lot in life. Montgomery: "...I wish I knew what to say...Not exactly familiar with 'family life'..." izumi: ....sorry to hear that. Montgomery: *shrug* "It happens...Maybe your mom just wants to know you're there?" izumi:...*nods* yeah... Montgomery: "...Does she ever have a lunch break that you could stop by during your lunch break?" izumi: maybe. it might help. Montgomery: "..." -\\\- "Not like I'm looking for more business at the cafe or anything..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "All set." naho: they're gonna love this! Belkia: "Hee hee..." naho: *looks at the banner* -happy birthday tsubaki and lilac- Sakuya: "...Be nice if we had heard from someone else..." naho: hmm? Sakuya: "...Mr. Tsubaki is nowhere to be heard about Lilac?" naho: ....im sure he'll send something. *smiles* Sakuya: "...Better not be lying..." lavender: mail call. Belkia: *claps his hands* "Something for me?" lavender: it's from asakusa? Sakuya: "?!!" naho: *opens the box* there's a letter and a picture in here! *Letter: "To my subclass Lilac: I am sorry I am not there to wish you the happy birthday that you deserve." *inside are chocolate-covered orange slices* naho: awww... Sakuya: *removes another letter* "It's to...Tsubaki." -_-;;;; naho: oh. T_T; lavender: well her birthday is coming up too, so. naho: oh! right! OwO;; Sakuya: "...Do we have to give this to her? It's probably creepy..." tsubaki: hmm? is something going on? Sakuya: "!!!" *hides letter* ^^;; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *humming* -someone watches from a distance- Twain: *peering through binoculars* girl in overalls: soooo, what're we doin? *swinging on a tree from what looks like a spider thread* girl in glasses: mr steinbeck told us to monitor fitzgerald's next move. man in pink: hard to believe he's head of a security company now. still no clue where nate, margie and eddie are. i hope they're ok... Twain: "Shh!" -they shut up- -peeeeek- Fitzgerald: *sets down his tea* "Hmm...But the other store had peanut butter at a much lower cost..." bram: hmm.. louisa: this is nice ^^ mary: duuuude, they got croutons and everything! Fitzgerald: "??? You like croutons?" mary: yeah, plus the word sounds funny ^^ bram:...ah. *sips tea* Fitzgerald: "Remind me again about your abilities?" mary: i can bring dead animals back to life! i think it has something to do with sending a shock to their soul wavelength or something? and bram can create and control his blood to his whims. he can even make weapons out of it! bram:..... *coughing up blood* urk- louisa: D8 Fitzgerald: "..." *offers a napkin* bram:....t-thanks.... -___- man in pink: oh no! the poor dear. D8> Fitzgerald: *looking at Bram...* bram:....i-its....a side effect...th-that happens a lot.... Fitzgerald: "Ah. Well, we can't have that. Louisa, I think we'll need more orange juice." girl in overalls: who're those guys? Twain: "...New players?" girl in overalls: neato! Twain: "Shh!" girl in overalls: OwO Fitzgerald: "We will have to make room for you in this operation, give you work as we proceed with plans..." mary: okay ^^ Fitzgerald: "And what do you want in exchange?" mary: all we're looking for is a roof over our heads and something to do. bram: i suppose we're just looking for some place to call home. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Louisa, do you have a plan for using them?" -elsewhere- Poe: ^^;; karl: O.O~? Poe: "I was so busy daydreaming I forgot what I was doing..." *sets out Karl's food* karl: ^u^ *nom nom nom* Poe: *pet pet* "Now to make dreams into realities..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *her head is on fire* .\\\\. kim: *has the extinguisher out* Jacqueline: "J-Just do it already!" -PWSSSSSH- Jacqueline: *covered in foam* ._. "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Mephisto: *setting out coffee and treats* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Have at thee!" sayu: HYA! Arthur: *swings his blade on a low-flame* "I will get you!" sayu: *dodge and kicks him in the junk from behind* Arthur: X_____X *collapses* -elsewhere- Rin: "You can do it, Madoka!" madoka: *hitting targets* shura: *smiles*....... shiemi: way to go, miss kaname! ^o^ Rin: *claps* "Woo!" shura: ..... (thinking: this damn kid's gonna get us in so much trouble...) -elsewhere- Vulcan: *fixing walkie-talkie* "Okay, can you hear me now?" maki: yep, loud and clear. Vulcan: "Awesome..." *walks around* "Surprised you guys let them go to such ill-repair." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." *he's in a closet, shirtless...* ???: *sniffle* Hawthorne: "..." *takes out a chain...* young!hawthorne: *staring at him, bloodstained* Hawthorne: "...Stop that...I have to atone..." young!hawthorne?:....hehehehe.... Hawthorne: *brings the chain down on his own back* "Shut up!" mitchell:......... Hawthorne: *pants* "I...did this all the time...to make up for my sins..." young!hawthorne?: no one will hear us screaming... im scared. im scared! ahaha! Hawthorne: "Shut up...My faith will guide me..." *whips himself again* young!hawthorne?: *broken smile* you killed that man.....monster. *blood dripping from his head* *Whip* Hawthorne: "Shut up...I will work off this sin..." mitchell:...... Hawthorne: "I will..." *whip* "I will..." *whip* "I..." *his hand trembles...he drops the chain and falls to his knees* -silence- Hawthorne: *his back is bleeding...he collapses to the floor in the fetal position* -silence...- Hawthorne: "God...Mitchell...Make it stop..." mitchell?:...s...sa...ave.....me.... Hawthorne: "?!!!" *turns* mitchell:...... -no reply- Hawthorne: "...Speak to me...Please..." -nothing- {mitchell:...i...l...lo...lo...} {Hawthorne: "???"} -silence- Hawthorne: *whimpers* "...Kill..." mitchell:.... Hawthorne: "Kill...that monster..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." gin: ryu? Akutagawa: "Hmm?" *smiles* "Hello." gin: you ok? Akutagawa: "Of course! Isn't that right, Atsushi?" *holds up tiger plushie* gin:..... Akutagawa: QWQ gin:...*pap pap* ryu... Akutagawa: *hugs* gin: just let it out... Akutagawa: "I-I'm not normal...I'm...What is wrong with me?" gin: what do you mean exactly? Akutagawa: "Normal people don't do this. Normal people don't want to do those things to someone like him..." gin: ?? Akutagawa: "...I'm a stalker. A freak." gin: ....*pats his back*..... Akutagawa: "...I'm gay." gin: there's nothing wrong with that. Akutagawa: "...I'm not doing the right thing, am I?" gin: ... -elsewhere- ango:....hey odasaku....i know you probably cant hear me, but.....i just wanted to say hello.....*sigh* of course you wont answer......after what i've done, you probably hate me too......i couldnt blame you.... Dazai: "..." *crosses his arms* ango: !!....dazai.....good to see you.... Dazai: *waves* "...Had the same thought." ango: .....i had some time off....thought i'd come see an old friend.... Dazai: "Hmm...How's he doing?" ango: ...same as always....*sigh*... Dazai: "..." *shoulder pat* ango: ...you still havent forgiven me, huh? Dazai: *holds up a ruler, points at the top* "This is forgiveness." *points at one-inch* "You're about here. Which, incidentally, is Chuuya's height." ango:...*small chuckle* Dazai: "..." *pats Odasaku's tombstone* "Hope you're getting some rest, buddy." ango:.....*wipes his eyes* Dazai: "??? ..." *offers a hanky* ango: t-thanks........*ahem* so....how's life? Dazai: "My student is kicking ass and getting all the girlies." ango:....sounds dandy. 7_.7; Dazai: "How 'bout you? Work keeping you busy?" ango: yeah. often too busy to find a romantic partner. Dazai: "How about just someone to share your bed for the night?" ango:.... 7____.7; i'd try, but walking into those kind of establishments can be a little....embarrassing....i-if you're gonna flaunt, do it in private. Dazai: "...I meant a friend with benefits." *smirk* "What were you thinking?" ango: i-i wasnt thinking anything sexual! >///.<; Dazai: "Ha ha ha!" ("Like old times...") -elsewhere- Montgomery: *wiping tables* -ding- Montgomery: "Yes, hello. Welcome." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...They are not terrible." fang-hua: *nods* they've come a long way. kirei: *nods* Benimaru: "...Hmm. If you were me, how would you reward them?" fang-hua: hmmm.... hmmmmmm..... *in deep thought* Benimaru: "Perhaps I should remove the weights from their ankles..." fang-hua + kirei: *sweatdrop* Relan: *collapsed on the ground* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "I can't figure out the answer to this question..." *holds up homework* chie: need some help, kiddo? setsuna: ^^ Shotaro: *nods* "I'm supposed to show my work..." -elsewhere- Kid: *folding clothes* stocking: hey kid? i could use some help in here. Kid: "Coming." *approaches* stocking: *tied in ropes* mind helping me out here? it's easier to do this with two people...~ Kid: o\\\\o "...H-How did you even get into this symmetrical mesh of ropes?" stocking: practice~ sooo....~ 7///7 Kid: "..." *smirks* "Why the rush?" *rests a hand along her ankle* stocking: i was hoping to surprise you i guess~ Kid: *slides his hand up her leg* "Consider me surprised..." stocking: ahh~ =///T Kid: "Persuade me to loosen these ropes..." *his hand reaches her hip, his other hand resting just under her arm* stocking: oh~ m-maybe i want them tighter~? Kid: *his hands move to the ropes around her waist* "Like this...?" *tugs* stocking: a-ahhh~<3 Kid: *small groan* "These do accentuate your body's natural charm..." *tightens the ropes on her wrists* stocking: oh~! >///< Kid: "Too tight?" *examines her wrist* stocking: *small smile* i-im ok kid. im not made of glass. Kid: *smiles* "You're right..." *a hand rests over her sex* "Still, I want to hear something shatter..." stocking: mmmn~ >///< Kid: *his finger rests along her there, as he leans his head to her arm--and licks* stocking: *soft moan* Kid: *his other hand holds one of her breasts* "These ropes make them look all the more seductive..." stocking: ahh~ Kid: *buries himself in the crook of her neck, kissing her--as his fingers squeeze her nipple* stocking: kiiid~! Kid: "Say you want it..." *he bites her neck lightly* stocking: a-ahh! k-kid! please! Kid: *unbuckles his pants, sliding them and his boxers down, as he holds her wrists* "Say 'pretty please with sugar on top'..." stocking: p-pretty please with sugar on top, babe~? Kid: *smiles, as he removes a condom* "You got it..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, napping* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- mafura:....~? Touma: "Quite a nice day, is it not, Tsurugi?" tsurugi: it certainly is, mr touma, sir~! ^^ Touma: "Indeed..." *pats Mafura's head* "Perhaps it is a day for some outdoor activities." mafura: yay! ^o^ Touma: "I want you to check in on a friend of mine..." mafura: ok! Touma: "I think you'll like her--she's quite trusting..." -elsewhere- Poe: *holding a plate of cookies* owo;;; ghost child: expecting company? Poe: "Maybe? I don't know. Probably not. You know how people's schedules are...Or how they realize they made terrible mistakes and shouldn't come over to visit." *nervous laughter* -knocks- Poe: owo "!!!" *opens the door* lana: *shaking a bit* hey. Poe: *serious* "Lana? What's wrong?" lana: j-just had some trouble on the way, n-nothing major. ^^ (mafura: mr touma said he wanted to see you again.) Poe: " 'Trouble'? Were you harassed?" lana: .... i-it's fine, really. *wipes eyes* Poe: "..." *holds out a napkin* "It doesn't seem that way..." lana: .... *wipes eyes*.... Poe: "..." *sets down cookies, takes her hand* "Come. Sit down..." lana: *sniff* t-thanks. Poe: "...This does not seem like just 'trouble'...Is this something for the police...or detectives?" lana:...i-i dont know... Poe: "...Did they follow you here?" lana: n-no....i got away... Poe: "And who is 'they'?" lana:... Poe: "...You don't have to tell me. I just...hope I can help, either way." lana:....*tears falling as she trembles* Poe: "!!!" *awkward back pat* -she explains everything. and i mean _everything_- Poe: o________o "...Vampires?" lana: i-i know, it all sounds crazy. hell, even i have a hard time believing it... Poe: "And this man...?" lana: *whimpering* he's making my life a living hell...i dont know what to do... Poe: "...You can't let him do this to you..." lana: i-i know...b-but.. -she explains some more, including that he had intentions on targeting him- Poe: ._. *small voice, points at himself* "Me?" lana:....*trembling* im sorry...he's trying to hurt you because i got close to you...im so sorry....*crying* Poe: "..." *hug* lana: ??!! Poe: "You have nothing to apologize for." lana: b-but i... Poe: "This is beyond you...Whoever this monster is, he is the one responsible, not you." lana:.....*crying into his chest* i just want my life back to normal. without him terrorizing me! Poe: .\\\. *pats her back, stroking* "...You've tried to do this alone...I think you need help..." lana: *trembling, still crying* Poe: "...You can't trust the police on this, if he is this powerful...The Agency...?" lana:...i-i dont know what to do...s-should i lay low? and what if he goes after my dad next? Poe: "...He might. Maybe you both need to be somewhere else." lana:.....where do we go? Poe: .w.;;; "...I have many spare rooms." lana: i-is that a good idea....i-if he finds out where you live... Poe: "I will protect you." lana: ..... *small blush* Poe: .\\\. "A-And we have ghosts here! Ghosts can intimidate the scariest person!" *nervous laugh* lana:....*small laugh* Poe: "So...Um...Think about it?" lana:.....ok..... *small kiss on the cheek* thanks, edgar. Poe: o\\\\\w\\\\\o *his brain has stopped working* "G..." lana:.... ?? edgar? are you ok?! Poe: *passes out on couch* lana:.... ^^; Poe: XWX karl: D8 Poe: "...Tea?" -elsewhere- Kid: =\\\\= stocking: *panting*
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Dear Future Cassanova,
You should be twenty-four by now and now a graduate from The University of Phoenix. As you read this think about the past and that you were twenty-one when you wrote this for a school project in your first writing class ever and they told you to put this somewhere safe and to open it years down the road. Well, now that you have opened it, what did you all accomplish in such a long time frame? Did you change your major or did you stick with it? Are you still working part-time at Devil and Urban or did you finally leave that in the past? What about Rhys? Are you two still together with children or are you married? Writing this sounds so crazy and so stupid but anything can happen in four years down the road. I know right now as being twenty-one there is just so much to do and I have no clue how to even accomplish it all. 
I can’t believe it! I wrote this my freshmen year of college and now I’m sitting on the cold hardwood floor of my room with it in my hands. She thought to herself. Looking around in her room she imagines her past self as a ghost walking around her room day in and day out getting ready for school, work and dates she had with Rhys. Finding this letter she had put under her floorboard the day she wrote it. Cassanova had completely forgotten about it until she stepped on the wood plank remembering the day she first moved in she needed to fix it and just never got around to doing so. But once she stepped on it, just a few minutes ago she remembered that letter as she was packing up to move. This letter meant so much to her back then and why all of a sudden she just now remembered it, but she kept reading.
But you’re Cassanova Anna Freakin’ Ryder nothing will ever hold you back and you’ll never let anything slow you down, not now and not ever! Just remember that the past is the past and you grow and move on. With people by your side like Reyes, Chase, Wynter and even Rhys just remember they will always be there for you and nothing will change that. Don’t be scared to turn to them when things get tough they are family and will be there by your side don’t push them away open up and speak up. So let’s start on why each one of them is important to you, shall we. Reyes the oldest Ryder brother who is overprotective but he has his reasons and no matter what he loves you and is always thinking what is best for you. You two may not be as close as you like because of the age difference and you both have different views on life but he is always here to protect you and to make sure his baby sister is okay. Hopefully when you do read this letter your relationship with each other is a lot better between you too.
As Cassanova looked up tears started to flow in her eyes she tilted her head back to fight the tears away. Younger Cassanova was right about Reyes he was only protecting her, thinking back on it she was here in the first place to get to know her older siblings a lot better, besides just going to school. But with her being in dark times she was slowly pushing them away because they didn’t understand her because she wouldn’t let them in. She was hiding her true self from them for so long because she was known as the perfect child who could do no wrong. She had kept so much away from them that it ended making herself distant from them and she only had herself to blame. Looking back she was right to keep some things hidden but not her whole life making her a stranger to them. She stood up and walked to her now bare dresser, luckily there was a box of tissues sitting there and she grabbed a few as she was sniffling her nose. Looking in the mirror after whipping her face she smirked at herself laughing in her head because she didn’t know her younger self could bring so many memories and tears to her eyes, but she stood there for a moment before looking back down at the letter in her hands.
I’m probably making you cry aren’t I? Not going to lie, I’m crying myself as I’m writing this too you while listening to your current favorite song on our phone in class. Do you remember it? Probably not it was four years ago and you went through new songs like every month. As I let you think about it let’s move on down the list to good ol’ second oldest brother Chase. Now you know how much you hate and love Chase but let’s get straight to the point. You two are a lot closer in age than Reyes let’s face it Chase and you are like always fifty-fifty with each other. Jekyll and Hyde never ever agreeing with each other because let’s face it secretly you too are too much alike too probably ever get along.
Cassanova laughed at herself thinking about her past self and how much she was right about Chase and her, even before continuing to read she thought about her and Chase were a lot alike. Cassanova hated that her and Chase were a lot alike and even after her dark secrets had come out nothing really much changed between them at all. Sure Chase was upset at her for doing what she had all done and they did indeed stop talking for a short period but that was family it wasn’t going to last long though it felt like forever for her. Cassanova ended up being the one to fix the feud between them before mentioning his flaws and how much they needed each other and that she wasn’t that little girl anymore that he once protected or spent time with. Cassanova thought about the past as she made it now to her closet making sure she cleared it all out before heading to the bathroom with an empty box. Picking out her most important things first before going further in depth with the later she thought about her and Chase forgiving each other and how it changed everything between them and how Zoey and him ended up made her see how crazy life was. As she collected everything from her bathroom she closed up the box and headed back to her room thinking about their wedding and how soon something like that was in store for her. Setting the bathroom box down on top of another she pulled out the marker in her pocket and wrote. ’BATHROOM’ on it in all caps so she didn’t have to look through boxes to find the right one and then shoved the maker back in her pocket before sitting on the end of her bed to continue reading.
But Chase is your brother and with no doubt you won’t ever get another one like him so whatever happens be the one to step up and forgive him because neither one of you are perfect or ever be perfect to be honest you two may always but heads but in the end you are family. But don’t forget out of all the siblings you have you two sisters and one just so happens to be your only half-sister and her name is lovely Wynter can you imagine that you two just met at Clarke’s burlesque club not too far from the university. How you two met was pretty crazy am I right the funny thing was Clarke knew you two were related and it took you like an hour to figure it out once you both brought up that you had older siblings and a younger one at that. From then on you two both live separate lives but somehow you two where irrespirable with each other. Finding out you have a sister that is only four months older than you it was something you always wanted and it happen at such a random time and yet I bet you to are still close telling each other everything. I bet as you are reading this you looking down at your phone or felt your phone vibrate from a text message from her, because you told her about the letter you found under the floorboard. Yeah, I know myself pretty well to know what your reaction might be like at the moment. Take a breather trust me you have one more person I have to mention and this will be a tear jerker believe me because I know you two are still together.
As Cassanova looked up and out her bedroom door she laughed as her throat tighten making it hard to swallow. Her younger self was right at that moment about the text message Cassanova had received a text from Wynter asking her if she needed help moving or if she could come over to help out. This letter did indeed scare Cassanova a little because even though the note was written four years ago it could have been written as if it was yesterday. As she looked beside her she knew she couldn’t carry the boxes downstairs they were just too heavy for her at the moment. “Rhys, I need help with these boxes they are a little too heavy.” She yelled from where she was sitting to hearing Rhys and her brother’s downstairs moving things. She then looked around her room one more time filled with so much emotion about leaving her first home in Phoenix to a place a lot bigger. Turning back down to the paper she let go of one side and played with her engagement ring on her finger thinking of just how much things have changed for the better and she smiled before continuing to read on.
So I bet you are now wanting to know what I wrote about Rhys, your Reese Cup you used to call him or if you still even do that’s if you lasted this long. But I’m sure you did since you two have this kind of connection people would die for. So even though you and Rhys have your ups and downs like any other couple I bet you didn’t think you two would have lasted this long dealing with the obstacles you’ve face along the way. How long did you keep you two a secrete because I know you two didn’t last long and writing this now I feel the urge to just come out after school today and just tell everyone and forget who cares, I mean it’s your love life no one else is going to change the way you feel about him unless something happens. So you might have to kick some or go all out to prove your worth.  Rhys’s is a difficult one but trust me he is well worth keeping, he even promised your brothers to do right by you so he wouldn’t get his own ass kicked. And if you two aren’t together as you are reading this then you need a slap back into reality because what the hell were you thinking because I know in myself that I ended it all and you need to put down this letter right now and go fix it! But if you had a reason than it better have been a good one because neither one of you are perfect and both of you keep each other sane. So just remember he is the best thing in your life that has happen and if you two are still together than damn you made it through everything and you probably have everything you ever wanted with him.
As Cassanova finished reading she touched her stomach feeling her little one move inside her as Rhys was coming up the steps to help her carry the boxes downstairs. As she stood up she kissed him intertwining each other’s hands together before she pulled away and half whispered. “Wynter texted me I think she is already to give her up.” She spoke breathing in his lingering smell she craved. “Well, she acts just like you I wouldn’t be surprised.” Rhys half smiled with his classic grin on his face. “What is that supposed to mean?” Cassanova questioned him giving him the ‘Oh Really.’ Look. “This little guy here acts way more like me, than what you think.” Rhys spoke rubbing her stomach with their future son. She bit her bottom lip and followed his hands on her stomach before looking back up at him. “I think we need to get going before it gets too dark.” Cassanova spoke again but as she did so Rhys reached behind her and grabbed the letter that was sitting on her old bed and read out loud ‘Dear Future Cassanova….’ Looking up at him she wondered if it was going to surprise him too on what she wrote as if she predicted the whole future.
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