#like he pinned all his hopes for his redemption on her and now the only way he'll see himself as good is if she forgives him for everything
Breaking my silence to say: Shane and Abeke were never romantic to me.
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daincrediblegg · 8 months
Truly devastating to want to jump into an AU for your canon x oc/si ship when you haven’t even scratched the surface of your main fic for them yet 😪
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tswhiisftteedr · 5 months
Hiya!! I was wondering if I could ask for some nsfw fem reader x husk (hazbin hotel) where husk basically just eating reader out, face sitting etc.
Also keep up the good writing!! I love your writing from what I’ve seen and i hope you do well with your other requests too!!
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Don’t worry, I’m right here with you. ☆ Oneshot
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Soft Dom!Husk x Sub!Hotel Resident!Fem!Reader:
After spending quite sometimes getting to know each other, you and husk finally begin dating. Anyways, today Lucifer came to the hotel for the first time and that was a super, but it wasn’t the main event of yours and husk’s days. So after an altercation with Alastor, husk seek solace in you for comfort, which you give, and he decides to thank you in his own special way for it.
Warnings: Mature Content, Not Proofread, Drinking, that scene where alastor uses husk soul chain and threatens him, Unspecified Vices, Mutual Pinning, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Soft Husk, Sorta Bad Written Comfort.
Words: 10567
Note: There is smut, BUT, beside the intro which is just suggestive, the smut will be at the end, so If you don’t want smut and just fluff you can just not read it. It’s the same with my last Zestial work, it’s like 3/4 sfw and 1/5 smut. Btw Antonio Esfandiar aka "The Magician" is a professional poker player and former professional magician, known for his elaborate chip tricks. That’s the only reason I mentioned him if you were curious about that lol.
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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Honestly, you had attempted to question how things had ended up like that—
“Ah, fuck, Husk, it's too much!” You cried out in overstimulation.
“Shh, it's okay, baby, I know you can handle it,” he reassured, softly stroking the underside of your right thigh to offer comfort.
— But truthfully, every train of thought you’d tried to start would derail quicker than the previous one. Without doubt, that man, Husk— he would be the end of you.
Yet, no need for worry as, I, your illustrious ‘historian,’ am here to recount the tale of how you found yourself in this predicament; as you're obviously too preoccupied getting your brains fucked out by Antonio Esfandiari over there to form any sort of recollection, or even a coherent thought for that matter.
Now, let’s backpedal four months ago, shall we?
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You had been in the infernal realm for a little while, precisely half a year. You managed to secure a job and a place to stay, but ‘living’ down here was anything but easy.
To survive, you had to stretch your earnings, rationing food and water to make them last longer than they should, leaving you hungry more than once.
And when you were really desperate for cash—well, let's just say you had to resort to some unsavory means to get your hands on it.
Additionally, it had been a month since Princess Morningstar introduced her hotel to the public of the hell on 666 news. As expected, the masses of sinners inhabiting the pride ring ridiculed the princess and her redemption-themed endeavors.
Initially, the idea seemed far-fetched, as if redemption were truly an option — Why hadn't anybody else proposed it before?
That's what you and your friends had agreed upon when first watching the interview. But as time passed, you began to reconsider your friend group's shared consensus. Perhaps, just maybe, ‘redemption wasn't such a crazy concept after all.’
That's why you now found yourself standing in front of the princess's Hazbin Hotel, formerly known as Happy Hotel, nervous and with slightly sweaty palms.
Summoning all the courage you could muster, you knocked on the large, stained glass-filled windows, as ‘it was now or never’.
After waiting patiently for about five minutes, just as you were about to turn away—possibly never to return—as the building seemed vacant. The large doors swung open, revealing the princess herself standing before you.
"Um, is this the redemption hotel from the news?" you inquired, even though it was plain as day from the building's illuminated 'Hazbin Hotel' sign and the fact that the princess, the one who pitched the hotel on 666 news, was literally standing in front of you.
With the brightest and most joyful smile you'd seen down here, she opened her mouth to speak. "Oh mygod!Ohmygod!Ohmygod!Areyousomeonewho’sactuallyinterestedinthehotel???likeyougenuinelywanttotryandgiveredemptionashot???!!!Holyshit,thisisthehotel’sgreatestsinceSirPentioushasjoined!!!!" Princess Morningstar blurted out in a rush, as if she didn't deliver the information fast enough, you would leave.
As you tried to make sense of her rapid jumble of words—something about 'actually wanting to be redeemed' and someone named 'Sir Righteous' or was it 'Sir Delicious'?—you also noticed a crowd of individuals walking closer to the doors.
The group consisted of six people: A woman with an X over her eye, wielding an angelic weapon—'Delightful,' you sarcastically thought.
A grumpy tuxedo cat man with a red bow, his fur acting as some sort of substitute for his lack of shirt; he was also 'sort of handsome, y'know?'.
Then there was a snake man that screamed steampunk; he seemed sort of familiar, but you didn’t remember where you’d seen his slithery mug before.
There was also a tiny woman with one eye; she seemed full of energy and sorta stabby.
Then, second to last, we had—Unholy hell! It’s the porn actor Angel Dust! You remembered the princess mentioning him as a patron here, but you hadn’t expected to encounter him in the flesh and fur.
He seemed to notice the starstruck gaze in your eyes caused by his presence, so he shot you a wink. With a bit of internal fangirling along the way, you finally managed to get your heart rate to go back down.
You then shift your attention back to the rest of the crowd and notice the final person standing there, and HOLY SHIT, THE RADIO DEMON IS THERE—!
Your heart rate shoots back up, and you take a step back in fear, causing you to stumble over a pebble and fall on your ass. You curse yourself for being too engrossed in the sight of a celebrity to ignore the immense danger that is literally right there in front of you.
"Why, hello there, and who might you be, you wayward soul? It’s not often that we see sinners seeking out redemption." the Radio Demon inquired, accompanied by what you could only assume was his ‘iconic smile’.
You obviously didn’t know firsthand, as, for one, you hadn’t met the demon before, and for another, he was apparently in the sixth year and a half of his seven-year getaway when you manifested.
But you had heard the stories, and they were enough to make you absolutely petrified at the sight of that grin plastered on his face.
He seemed to rather enjoy your pitiful display, while you only grew more terrified.
“Oh no, are you okay? Didn’t hurt yourself, did you?” The princess asked, breaking you away from your scared state and extending her hand.
With a bit of hesitation, you took it. “Uh, no. No, I’m okay, it was just a little fall.” you told her.
“Oh, okay, I’m glad it was nothing. Anyways, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, we are so glad to have you here!” She said as she began to lead you inside, and the others followed, each finding their place within the hotel;
The cat man heading to the bar, Angel Dust lounging on one of the couches, the little woman chasing bugs around, and both the radio demon and the spear-wielding woman following you and Charlie.
Once she had you comfortably seated on one of the lounge's couches, she began to introduce herself and everyone present. “Sooo, hi. I’m Charlie, the owner and founder of this hotel.”
“I think she already knows who you are, princess” the cat man interjected. “Oh, right,” she realized.
While all you could think upon hearing him speak was, 'Fuck. Even his voice is sexy.'
“Anywho, this is Alastor, our gracious facility manager.” Charlie said, pointing at the Radio Demon. “Your pleasure to meet.” he told you.
“And this is Vaggie, the co-founder and my girlfriend.” Charlie continued. Vaggie approached you, and you shook hands. “Nice to meet you.” she said. “Likewise.” you responded.
“Next up, we have Husk, our bartender, and Niffty, our cleaning staff.” she gestures towards the bar. “Nice to meet you.” Husk offers, while Niffty chimes in with a big, eccentric “Hello!”
“And lastly, we have our residents and your potential fellow guests if you decide to stay.” she adds with a slightly unsure chuckle. “Angel and Sir Pentious!”
“No offense, Charls, but the broad probably knew who I was, no need for an intro.” Angel quips teasingly before approaching you. “But anyways, it’s good to see a new face around here, so welcome, toots.” he says, extending his hand, which you shake. “Thanks for your hospitality.” you reply.
Feeling a little less on edge, you approach the final resident. “Sir Pentious, right? It’s nice to meet you.” you say, extending your hand. “Oh, no, darling, the pleasurrre izzz all mine.” he replies, shaking your hand. Just as you finish, you hear a small gasp from Charlie.
You turn to look at her, and she says apologetically, "I totally forgot to ask you for your name! I am so sorry for that." With a comforting smile, you tell her, "It’s no worries, really. I’m Y/N, Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you again, I guess."
“Nice to meet you again too, Y/N,” she says with a giggle. Then she adds, “Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you, what brought you to the hotel? I mean, what led you our way?”
“I saw your interview on 666 news with Katie Killjoy a month ago.” you tell her.
“Oh, you did? Um, did you see alllll of it?” Charlie asks, momentarily shocked and a little nervous afterward, but you understood why.
“If you’re talking about the fist fight and the news anchor on fire, yes, I did. It’s probably the thing most people remember from that news segment.” you answer her, confirming her assumptions.
“Oh, right.” Charlie says, a little embarrassed.
“Well, if you saw that, then why are you here? Are you trying to mock us in person?” Vaggie asks you, getting slightly defensive as the interview was not the best display of the hotel.
“No, nothing like that.” you reassure at first. Then you continue, “Well, actually, at first when I saw it on the news, I definitely laughed at the idea of a redemption hotel. So did my friends. Actually, I think everyone did. I heard from one of my imp friends that even in the other rings, people were making fun of it.” You say, deflating Charlie further and further with each word.
"But," you begin once more, bringing back some sort of hope to her,
"The more I thought about it, the less crazy stupid it all seemed. I mean, at first, I was like, 'If it's such a good idea, why didn't anyone think of it before?'.
Then, with more reflection, I realized that even if someone had pitched something like it before, there wouldn't be a big trace of it anyways.
I mean, you saw how people reacted when you presented it; it was made fun of and forgotten by most.
Also, considering the fact that the powerhouses of our ring profit from the fact that there are people down here to exploit, even if someone had the same idea and people to back them up, it would definitely have been shut down and covered up.
Because if people get redeemed and get out of hell, the big fishes don’t make as much profit anymore." You explain, and this seemed to reason with Charlie and the others around.
“Honestly, I think the only reason you don’t have people directly targeting you and your hotel is because you’re the princess. I mean, sure, people can make fun of you, but actually attacking you, well, that’s a no-go territory,” you add on.
And everyone, even Charlie, who seemed to like staying in the delusion that ‘in every demon there is a rainbow,’ couldn’t help but agree. If she wasn’t the princess, there was sure to be some people coming by and hurting everyone here, ‘just because.’
“Anyways, when I made peace with the concept, I thought, why not me when it came to redemption. I mean, sure, I did some unsavory things to end up down here, but I wasn’t some serial killer or sex trafficker either,” you explain further.
“Plus, I have all eternity, well, unless an exorcist’s blade or some Carmine weapon-wielding freak comes my way—“ you slightly deviate but remember to get back on track,
“Anyways, the point is if I can do whatever for ‘basically forever,’ why not give redemption a shot. I mean, worst-case scenario, I just avoid doing bad stuff for nothing, but at least that simultaneously keeps me out of trouble, so it’s not ‘that bad,’ you know?” You finish your explanation and look back at Charlie to see the immense joy in her eyes caused by someone actually taking a full interest in being part of her project.
“Well, I am so glad you think that way, Y/N. And the fact that you decided to come here even though your entourage still thinks, well, that the hotel is a joke, was very brave of you.
Also, just letting you know, as you may not be aware since it was not mentioned during the interview you watched, but here at the Hazbin Hotel, we offer free rooms, food, electricity, and if you're feeling like it, from time to time alcohol, though moderation is more than encouraged.” she informed.
“Well, that’s great. I mean, I didn’t really think about the fact that you may have asked for cash for staying here, but as it is some sort of a ‘nonprofit,’ it does make sense that you don’t.” you tell her in a relieved manner.
“Of course, we want to help people here. It wouldn’t be fair for us to ask money from our guests. Anyways, why don’t I go over what would be your weekly schedule, hotel-wise, as a resident, and then I can show you to your room?” she asked.
“That would be wonderful.” you tell her.
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It had been a couple of weeks since you joined the hotel, and you would say that things have been going ‘alright.’
I mean, Charlie’s ‘activities’ were more often silly than not, but they didn’t necessarily do any harm. The hardest part was staying away from your vices—‘that was the real kicker’.
Which brings us to why you were currently seated on a bar stool, gradually drowning yourself in alcohol as Husk poured drink after drink at your request.
"You know, if you keep pushing away your vices but then return here every time instead, you're just fostering a dependence on booze," Husk cautioned, sliding your fifth Midori Sour over to you. "And when you finally have to cut out drinking altogether, you'll likely revert to your old habits. You're turning this ‘rehabilitation thing’ into a sort of yo-yo diet, if you ask me.”
You stared at the drink after finishing your previous one.
— You had first tasted something like it when you went out for your first legal drink at 21, asking for something sweet with a bit of a kick alcohol-wise.
The bartender had recommended it to you, then as you drank it, he went on a rant about how it was "made with Midori melon liqueur, lemon juice, and simple syrup" and that "It's sweet, refreshing, and has a medium alcoholic content" — the “perfect drink for you”.
He was good-looking, like the current bartender in front of you, so you had let him talk—just like you let Husk talk.
Sure, having spent a considerable amount of time down here and living well beyond his twenties, you could acknowledge that Husk did have some wisdom to himself.
However, there were moments — particularly when he embarked on his tangents about how "you won’t find your answers at the bottom of a bottle,"— then, you simply wanted to shut him up.
Whether it was by pointing out that while he might be correct in his assessment, he failed to offer real advice on how to find those answers. Saying shit like "don’t do that, there are better ways to deal with your issues" yet always neglecting to explain what those "other ways" might be — frankly, it was all quite frustrating.
But each time it occurred, you chose to keep your mouth shut to avoid any conflict. After all, from what you had observed, you genuinely liked Husk as a person and didn’t want any tension between the two of you.
Nevertheless, despite your growing frustration with the men, your mind couldn’t help but entertain the other option that would allow you to ‘catch the cat’s tongue’; wondering how quickly he would stop talking if you pressed your lips to his.
Yet, ultimately, it remained a mere fantasy, something confined to the realm of imagination, one never to enter reality. —
“Thanks, Husk,” was all you said as you took the glass and downed your goddamn Midori Sour.
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Several hours had passed since your fifth drink, and more than one other had entered your system by now. You and Husk were now discussing on a more personal level.
“It’s all so weird, you know. It’s not like my soul is trapped in a contract like yours or Angel’s,” Husk’s face slightly winced at the reminder that he, in fact, didn’t own his own soul. However, he stayed quiet and let you talk without interjecting, as he respected you and you were pouring your heart out. “Yet, I can’t help but feel like it is,” you told him. “I try to be better, I really do, but it’s so, so hard not to do the bad things I’m not supposed to do when they all feel so fun and right to me in the moment. I mean, I do regret them afterward, but I keep wanting to do them anyway.”
You take a sip of your drink, and Husk follows suit. “You know, you would think the moment I feel the most trapped is right after I’ve done what I wasn’t supposed to,” you muse, contemplating the complexities of your situation. “I had my fun, and as I suffer the consequences, I feel encaged. But it’s not. It’s actually right before I even do it. I feel it in my whole body—a feeling that this is the only way for me, that I can never let go of this high.
No matter how hard I push myself to get better, to be better, I’m not really leaving the cage. I’m just pacing around in circles, pretending that the loop isn’t there and I’m actually getting away.
I just want to run, but I’m afraid that if I actually try, I’ll probably just hit my head against the cage’s bars,” you confess, tears of anxiety welling in your eyes as you begin to sniffle.
With that, Husk grabs your hand and begins to rub soothing circles on it with his thumb, offering comfort in his touch as he speaks up. “Listen, I can’t say that everything will be alright. That's bullshit, and that saying has always been bullshit, but it’s even more full of holes down here,” he pauses to take another sip of his drink, collecting his thoughts. “And I personally know firsthand how it feels to be where you are right now. And I mean it, even without the whole Alastor thing, though it is a big part of it.”
Pausing once more, then taking a big breath, “You know, I used to be an overlord once,” he reveals, capturing your attention even further. “Yeah, and it was nice to have that power. But when you’re dealing with souls while also being a gambler, the stakes are pretty high. And losing a few hands can be more than a little dangerous. So when you’re down on your luck, you turn to anything to keep you afloat, even making deals yourself.”
Husk continued his story, delving into his past life before he was sent to the underworld. “But even before that shit show, I had another for me up there. Back when I was alive, I was a magician, a pretty big one at that. But at some point, I got into booze. It wasn’t a big issue at first, but it soon spiraled out of control after some other bad choices.
You see, a buddy of mine, another magician, had a gig at Caesars Palace. Being the good friend he was, he invited me along to party with him after his show. And party we did. It was one wild night—we drank, got plastered, enjoyed the company of some lovely ladies and fellas, and, most importantly, we played games.
That night marked my first taste of gambling, and it was exhilarating. I decided to play it safe and not bet too much, but it turned out Lady Luck was on my side. I won big, about two thousand dollars, while only betting twenty bucks.”
Husk paused, reflecting on those memories. “After that, I couldn’t help but come back the next day. Call it beginner's luck or whatever, but I was on a roll. In the span of two weeks, I had made enough money to last me two lifetimes.
But back then, it didn’t satisfy me, and it still didn’t when I first got down here either. Anyways, even after hitting such a big jackpot, I didn’t stop. I actually stopped magic altogether and fully transitioned to being a full-time gambler.
And for a while, it worked. But money wasn’t the only thing I got greedy with.
The amount of alcohol became too much for my body to take, and one day, I just dropped dead. A cardiac arrest was all it took to end me, while at the time it happened, I was convinced I was on top of the world.
Then I ended up down here. So, after spending quite some time just drowning myself in alcohol, only to make my alcoholism worse, I sort of got back on my feet. I became powerful and an overlord, but you already know how that went.
The both times I thought I was indestructible were also the both times when I was the reason behind why I got destroyed.”
You took hold of Husk's hand back, no longer content to simply let him hold yours.
“So now, every time I'm about to take a swig or play a game, while I may be confident in my skills, I can't shake the feeling that if I wanted to seek something else out, a different career path or way of life, I just couldn’t — that I've already burned those bridges for myself for all of eternity.
I feel trapped by my own actions and technically am too, but the worst part is that I don’t know if I’ll ever break free. But you, as you said, still have your soul. So maybe, even if it feels insurmountable right now, you can find the key to your cage and finally step out of it. And maybe, if you’re feeling generous, you can come by and try to find mine with me.”
Husk's way of speaking offered a different kind of comfort compared to Charlie's approach. Yet, it somehow brought you closure. It was honest and reliable, two things hard to find down here.
You gently squeeze his hand in a gesture of support before speaking up, "If I manage to find that key and finally step out of my cage, I promise you'll be the first person I’ll help find theirs, Husk." Your words are accompanied by a warm smile, which he reciprocates.
"Well, if you're the type to make empty promises, then I'm afraid to tell you but you're stuck with that one now, sweetheart. I'll hold you to it.” he teasingly responds, lightening the mood. "You wouldn't back out after giving a poor old soul like myself hope, now would you?"
"Never!" you assure him, the tears now long gone.
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Following that evening, you and Husk grew closer, engaging in deeper conversations with each other than with the other residents.
It proved surprisingly effortless to open up to him once he shed his ‘old wise bartender’ persona. Despite the decades that separated you, both of you felt understood by the other.
Thus, when you began suggesting to Husk that you hang out together outside of the hotel, it didn't take much persuasion to get him on board. You believed it would be beneficial for him to step outside the confines of the hotel, considering it was in some part the physical manifestation entrapment.
Additionally, you planned to avoid places like casinos or bars to help both of you steer clear of your vices.
You envisioned a delightful day filled with laughter and happiness, far from anything that could potentially cause harm to either of you.
That's why you found yourselves in the fourth clothing store of the day. While you had picked up a few items from each previous store after some browsing, Husk had merely glanced around without finding anything to pique his interest.
As you perused the winter section, you stumbled upon the perfect ensemble: a charming white knitted skirt adorned with two small fluffy pompons, complemented by a matching top and a white bubble coat trimmed with fur.
Knowing you already had the perfect shoes to complete the look at home, you approached Husk with the outfit in hand.
"Soooo, what do you think of this one?" you inquired, prompting him to turn away from whatever had captured his attention to inspect your find.
"Hmm, well, it doesn't seem like it covers much. Are you sure you found it in the ‘winter section’? You'd probably freeze your ass off wearing that in the winter cold," he teased with a playful comment.
With an exaggerated sigh and a playful hip pop, you quip, "You just don’t understand, it's all about the 'aesthetic'," adding a fake tone of disdain that prompts both of you to burst into laughter at your absurdity.
Returning to a more serious tone, you inquire, "But really, aside from the fact that it's not exactly suitable for cold weather, what do you think of it?"
"Well, if we overlook the fact that you'd freeze solid walking outside in this, I have to admit the outfit is pretty nice. I think it would suit you," he replies earnestly before adding with a teasing voice, "and your aesthetic," eliciting more laughter from both of you.
You then notice something in his hands and ask, "Anywho, what do you have there?"
"Oh, it's nothing, just a little trinket that caught my eye. I probably won't buy it, though," he says, showing you the item—a watch with a roulette pattern on it. It was a bit pricey, but not overly extravagant. It looked cute and suited him well.
"It looks really nice. It would suit you very nicely," you tell him, and he smiles sheepishly in response.
"You think so? Thanks. Well, I'm going to put it back. You seem to be done with this store, so I shouldn't keep it in my hands. Wouldn't want to walk out of the store with it without paying," he says, trying to act nonchalant, but it's obvious he's a bit disappointed.
As you consider his situation, you realize that the hotel doesn't really pay Husk to work there, and all the money he used to make was based on gambling.
By staying away from it, he's basically broke now. With that realization, you make up your mind;
"Oh, wait. If you're not going to buy it, you won't mind if I do," you tell him, the gears turning in your head.
"Oh, yeah, no problem," he says as he passes the watch in its box to you.
You then proceed to the checkout and pay your dues. You ask for a separate bag for the watch, which earns you a slightly confused glance from Husk, but you don't mind. As you step out of the store, you suggest going out for ice cream to finish your outing, and he has no problem with it.
As you both enjoy your dessert, you pause to retrieve the bag containing the watch. "Here, this is for you," you tell him, offering the gift.
"Gosh, Y/N, I can't accept that. It's a very nice gift and all, but I can't just take it for nothing. I really appreciate it, really, but I don't deserve it," he rambles to you. Before he could delve further into why he possibly 'didn't deserve it,' you stop him.
"Listen, Husk, it's no problem. I have the money, so it's no big deal for me. Plus, you've become a dear friend of mine by now. Is it that bad for me to want my friends to have nice things?" you ask him.
"No, but I don't think such pricey things should be handed out to anybody just because 'you have the money,'" he states.
"But Husk, you're not just anybody, you're someone dear to me, someone I care about. When I saw the watch, I could only picture it on your wrist. I bought that watch for you and you only.
Also, before you mention returns, that store has a no-return policy.
And lastly, if you feel that bad about it, telling yourself you don’t deserve it, which is not true, you’re a wonderful man who deserves to have nice things— anyways, I interjected, my point is if you feel bad just take it as; this is a gift from me to you, for spending the day shopping around with me even though you weren’t interested in the stores we were going to,” you tell him kindly. As you see him still hesitating, you add one more thing, “Also, you can just not keep it and sell it if you really don’t want it that badly.” That breaks him away from the self-loathing he was internally building.
“Of course not, I’m not going to sell it. It’s a gift from you, a very nice gift at that, and I would never think of selling it,” he tells you, a bit protective of the gift now, which is what you wanted.
“So, looks like you’re keeping it after all.” you tell him, noticing a slight pout on his face as he realizes his words, but then he playfully rolls his eyes and now has a grin on his face. ‘Looks like he has finally accepted the gift.’
"Anyway, thanks for the watch. I’ll make sure to start wearing it as soon as we get to the hotel.” he tells you with that charming smile of his.
"I told you it was no problem." you reply, your face mirroring his.
"Also, if you're comfortable with buying me watches out of the blue, does that mean you would be into being my full-time sugar mommy—" he jokes, which you quickly shut down with a "Not even in your dreams." making both of you laugh once more.
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Hangouts like this one continued, ranging from outings to different venues like theaters and restaurants to engaging in activities at the hotel.
For instance, Husk took it upon himself to teach you poker once you mentioned your lack of knowledge in the game.
It was a fun experience, filled with laughter. Turns out, you were quite good at it, although never as skilled as Husk, which occasionally led to moments of rage on your part. However, these instances always ended in laughter.
Currently, you were enjoying a drink with both Husk and Angel at the lounge’s bar;
“You’d think with all that money, he would be able to buy prescription glasses that looked like his current sunglasses,” you commented after Angel mentioned his boss, Valentino's poor eyesight.
“That's what I said! Like, if you're going to be a horrible piece of shit who literally built his empire off being one, you could at least get custom glasses so you could stop looking like an absolute moron when you read or count money. He quite literally spent half an hour counting three bills! How ridiculous is that?” Angel exclaimed, his voice fluctuating in pitch due to the alcohol.
In fact, all of you were a bit tipsy. Each of you displayed it differently—Angel was very excitable and giggly, you felt more sleepy, inclined to lie down, and Husk was more tactile, currently holding one of your hands while using the other to pet your head between sips of his drink.
That last part finally seemed to dawn on Angel, and he couldn’t help but point it out to both of you.
“So, did y’all fuck?” The effeminate fellow inquired.
“What?” You and Husk asked simultaneously, both of you pulling away from each other, visibly flustered.
“I mean, you’ve been getting cozy since we sat down, and I get that you two are ‘friends,’” Angel sarcastically emphasized the word 'friends' with air quotes, “but honestly, every time we get together and drink, you two are always holding each other. Sure, you're not openly cuddling and all, but I can’t remember the last time you weren’t holding hands when drinking. So, I think it’s reasonable for me to ask if you two are fucking” Angel explained his logic, leaving both you and Husk to face the current situation.
Despite Husk initiating the physical contact himself and you allowing it, as well as both of you holding hands, neither of you were aware of how intimate your actions appeared until Angel mentioned it.
It seems somewhat unbelievable, but it’s true.
Neither of you were consciously planning it; your bodies simply expressed your subconscious desire to be close to each other without either of you realizing it.
“Um, no, we didn’t,” you tell Angel, your voice quieter than before out of embarrassment.
“Yeah, we haven’t done anything like that,” Husk admits, matching your tone. Usually, even when talking to Angel, who was a dear friend to both of you, Husk would be more closed off about the sexual or romantic aspect of his afterlife. But the alcohol and the close proximity to you—his comfort person—seemed to have helped him be more open.
Taking a gulp of his drink and finishing it, Angel then speaks up once more. “Then do y’all wanna hook up?” he asks nonchalantly, to which both of you reply with a simultaneous “Angel!”
"Okay, okay, I'll stop," he says, accompanied by a laugh. The conversation is dropped, yet both you and Husk couldn't help but still glance at one another throughout the night, sometimes even making eye contact, which left both of you further flustered.
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After Angel's comment, the next few days between you and Husk were awkward as both of you became more aware of each other's thoughts.
Neither of you outright rejected the idea of sexual attraction, and to be honest, you both had a feeling that the other felt similarly when it came to romance.
It was just awkward to actually express it, so for about a week or so, you avoided each other.
But soon the awkward tension began to dissipate. You were just more aware of each other's and your own actions, so if someone did something that crossed the lines of just being friendly, both of you would be aware of it being intentional.
For example, just like now as Husk is teaching you how to play pool;
There's nothing wrong or inappropriate about teaching your friend pool. Even when your friend corrects your form, it's still an innocent action to help you enjoy the game further as you learn the proper way to play.
However, Husk didn’t just show you how to score and watched what you did then correct your flawed form.
No, no, no, Mr. Husk over there didn’t even bother showing you beforehand how to score. He just directly positioned himself behind you, grabbed your hands, and guided you to grab the cue stick, all the while softly whispering in your ear as he directed your movements, explaining what he was doing and how it affects gameplay.
As to why Husk became so bold after a week of avoiding each other, you weren’t sure. And truth be told, he was just tired of burying his feelings deep down to avoid ruining your friendship, especially now that he knew you felt the same way he did.
That day, when you first opened up about your struggles, he felt a deep connection to you.
And when you bought him the watch, it struck a chord with him. Although he wasn’t usually one to focus on material possessions, the fact that you had spent so much on him so effortlessly meant a lot.
Especially when you insisted on him keeping it, expressing that you wanted him to have something nice.
In that moment, he felt deeply cared for, his heart racing as you assured him he deserved it and that he was dear to you.
So today, he decided to take matters into his own hands. If he had misinterpreted your signals and you rejected him, at least he would have tried, rather than spending eternity wondering ‘what if?’
"Then you do it like this," he says as he guides your hands through the motion, and you score. "You’re doing so good.” he murmurs softly near your ear. You'd like to think about the fact that praise wasn't necessary since he was literally guiding your movements, but all you could think about now is; how nice it feels to be so close to Husk. The warmth of his body against yours, how good his voice sounded so close to your ear—it's overwhelming.
Feeling like you might lose yourself if you don't act, you release the pool cue and turn to face him. Well, by facing him, I mean doing so while nearly touching faces due to how close you were to begin with. It stuns both of you for a moment, but you refuse to back down.
Leaning against the pool table for support, you muster the courage to address Husk. "Husk, um, you're really close right now..." you start, but instead of moving away, he questions, "Do you not like it?"
Feeling even more nervous, you realize lying won't work. You couldn't keep up a falsehood when it would be so obviously untruthful, and you didn't want him to get the wrong idea. "No, I like it," you admit.
"Is that all you like?" he probes further, his boldness surprising you. Before you can formulate a response, he adds, "Because I not only like being this close to you, but I also absolutely adore you." simultaneously softly caressing your cheek.
You're left breathless, muttering a quiet "fuck.." because what else could you say in this moment, besides confessing the to the man you've been attracted to since day one of meeting each other and felled in love with only a couple of months into knowing him.
But before Husk could misinterpret your use of a swear as you not being into him, you summoned all your courage and spoke out, "I also like you, Husk. Like, a lot. I found you hot since I first saw you, and soon after, I started falling for you, it’s an ‘in love-type’ of like you."
"Shit," he exclaimed, covering his mouth in disbelief. "I've also found you attractive since day one, and I think I've been in love with you since you gave me that watch," he continued, lifting the arm wearing it to showcase it. "More specifically, how you were acting towards me when you did it."
You paused for a moment, unsure of what to do next. "So, what do you want to do now?" you asked him.
"Honestly, I'm not sure. Right now, all I want is to be as close as possible to you, which is far from my usual way of behaving; I'm usually more planned and collected, but when I'm with you now, I feel like I've lost my compass. Yet instead of being anxious, I feel safe and comfortable. Isn't that weird?" he mused.
"I'm not sure if it is, but if it were, would it be weirder if I felt the same way?" you asked him, to which he chuckled.
"No, I don't think it would be weirder," he replied, his hand still resting on your cheek, which you leaned into it, almost resting your head's weight completely on it.
You gazed longingly at each other for about a minute or two until you broke the silence. "So, do you want to make out?" you asked, with ‘that’ slight goofiness in your voice that Husk had come to love.
"Fuck yeah!" Husk exclaimed, mirroring your tone of voice.
His hands transitioned from holding your face and the cue stick to one of them softly gripping your hair from the back of your head —pulling you in— while the other rested on the small of your back for support.
Then your lips finally connected:
As your lips met, you felt an explosion of passion and chemistry that you had never experienced before. Your heart raced, and your pulse pounded in your ears as your mouths danced.
You couldn't believe this was happening. Husk, the gruff and often apathetic demon you befriended, was kissing you with so much intensity and desire. It was as if all his pent-up emotions and feelings were released in that single moment.
His grip on your hair tightened slightly, pulling you even closer to him, and you could feel his heart beating just as fast as mine. You kissed hungrily like your (after)lives depended on it, your tongues entwining in a dance that made you shiver — especially the texture of your companion’s.
His tongue was in between one of a human and one of cat, it wasn’t unpleasant, quite the opposite actually. It did make you wonder how it would feel on other areas of your body. Also, something else to note was that he tasted like whiskey and smoke and honestly —you couldn't get enough.
Continuing on your movements, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, wanting every inch of him. He groaned softly against your lips at that, breaking the kiss for a moment, and you could see the ‘need’ and ‘want’ in his eyes. They were filled with passion and affection, just like yours. He moved to kiss your jawline, trailing kisses down your neck, and you gasped softly, feeling his warm breath against your skin.
After a quick swipe at your collarbones, Husk's lips returned to yours, this time with even more fervor.
His kiss was deep and intense, as if he was trying to consume every part of you.
Your hands slid down his back, feeling his soft fur under your fingers. You could feel his muscles through it, and you loved the feeling. His hands shifted from the small of your back to my waist, pulling you closer to him, your bodies pressed tightly together.
The heat from your bodies mingled, creating an intoxicating warmth between you — a warmth you never wanted to ever quit.
As the intensity of the kiss lessened, your lips started to meet in smaller, delicate pecks. These little kisses were just as passionate as the previous ones, but they carried a different kind of emotion—endearment and love.
Each kiss was more intimate and loving than the last, sealing your connection in a way that words could never explain. Your hands still roamed each other, exploring, but with a gentleness to them.
Husk's hands moved from your waist to your sides, and you could feel his thumbs softly tracing circles on your waist. One of your hand still rested on his back, stroking softly, feeling every muscle, while the other was somewhat on his shoulder.
Finally, breaking the sweet pecks, you pulled away slightly, both panting and slightly out of breath. Your eyes locked, filled with a feelings so profound it was evident you had fallen hard for each other.
Husk gently grabbed the hand that was in his shoulder, pressing it to his lips with a soft kiss. His gaze met yours once again, and you could see the love and adoration shining in his eyes.
"You're so beautiful." Husk whispered, reaching out and gently cupping your face once more.
"Thanks, Husk. You're quite handsome yourself," you tell him with a smile. Then you add, "Anywho, does that mean we're dating now?"
"I'd like that, if you'll have me," he responds.
"There isn't anybody else I'd rather be with." you assure him.
After placing one last kiss on your lips, Husk says, "Same here."
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It had been around two weeks since your mutual confession of feelings. Initially, you attempted to keep things low-key by staying in your separate rooms.
However, the amount of time spent together and the display of affection made it evident to everyone in the hotel that you were now a couple.
So, after just a week of attempting to maintain the facade, you both gave up and you moved into Husk's room.
Fast forward to today, the morning had been bustling with preparations for the arrival of Charlie's father, Lucifer, the King of Hell, after she received a call from him.
You pitched in with baking cookies and tidying up, alongside the other residents, to ensure the hotel looked presentable.
Unfortunately, given the hotel's initial state, it wasn't entirely surprising when the chandelier unexpectedly crashed from the ceiling.
What did caught you off guard was the sudden musical performance by the King of Hell, which Alastor swiftly joined, leading to an impromptu song battle between them. Though, the outcome remained undecided, as the duel was interrupted by Mimzy —apparently one of Alastor’s acquaintance— as she introduced herself.
Later down the road, after bothering your boyfriend at the bar, calling him ‘whiskers’, etc., Mimzy then engaged Angel, Pentious, and you in conversation about Alastor and her relationship with him.
But you found yourself more focused on your boyfriend slipping away than on her anecdotes. Consequently, instead of remaining there to listen to her babble, you decided to discreetly follow your boyfriend.
And now, you found yourself hiding around the corner, eavesdropping on the ongoing conversations;
"So once we have proof of redemption as possible, this whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into heaven. We just need a little more time to prove it," you overhear Charlie say, but the voices grow distant, making it hard to catch the rest.
What you do clearly hear is a "Hey boss" from Husk, followed by a questioning hum from Alastor. Then Husk adds, "Can I have a word?"
"What is it?" Alastor responds.
"You and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs something, that bitch is trouble. And who knows what kind of demon she fucked with to come running into you this time." Husk points out.
"It's nothing I can't handle. Don't worry, Husker. Who in their right mind would cross me?" Alastor replies.
"I mean, you've been gone a while, and it's not like anybody knows why," Husk states.
"They don't need to know, and don't you worry your fuzzy head about it," Alastor dismisses.
"You may own my soul, but I ain’t your pet," Husk asserts.
Following a giggle, Alastor tells Husk, "But you are."
You're about to jump out to defend Husk, but after husk retorted with “Big talk for someone who is also on a leash.“, the atmosphere shifts, with lights flickering, leaving you petrified, especially after hearing a threatening "What did you say?"
You hear the sounds of chains and a thud, and you can only assume Alastor has dragged Husk to the floor.
"Nothing, I, um," your heart sinks at the panic in his voice, but it drops deeper once you hear Alastor's venomous words: "If you ever say that again, I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams for every other disrespectful wretch who dares to question me."
Husk lets out a very quiet "Understood," and Alastor replies, "Lovely," then some subdued show tunes music starts playing, then Alastor added a "Good talk, my good man. Always nice to catch up."
After the radio demon's steps fade into silence, you finally step out of your hiding spot and rush to a trembling Husk on the floor. The first thing you do is give him a tight hug and whisper softly, "It’s going to be okay, baby. I’m here with you, Husk."
In that moment, you feel a plethora of emotions—concern and worry for Husk, fear because of Alastor, and guilt due to the fact you had stayed hidden while Husk faced Alastor alone, which makes you feel really shitty. But before guilt can consume you, you focus on getting Husk to somewhere secured, like your shared room. Once he's in a safe place, you can apologize.
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With your help, Husk manages to stand up, but he's still too shaken up to walk alone. You guide him to the room, and once inside, you help him onto the bed, both of you holding each other tightly.
You softly stroked the back of his head while placing gentle kisses on his forehead. As you do, you can hear him slightly sniffle, holding back tears. It's obvious he's scared, and it's completely understandable.
You kiss his closed eyelids, and finally, the dam broke. He buries his face into your chest, and by the sounds and the wet feeling of your top, you can tell he's crying. He usually handles Alastor’s antics well, but having his soul threatened like that was just too much for him. You squeeze him tighter, whispering sweet nothings and comforting words.
“You’re going to be okay. I know it was terrifying, what you had to face. It would be for anyone. But it’s going to be okay,” you assure him, stroking his fur. Then you speak out once more, “I am so, so sorry, my love. I should have faced him with you, but I was too much of a coward to do so, so I just stayed hidden.” you apologize, and for the first time since burying himself in your chest, Husk peeks his head out. His face looks puffy from the tears, but what stands out is the empathetic look in his eyes.
“It’s… it’s okay, Y/N. Alastor—that guy, he’s terrifying. I don’t blame you for not jumping in when he got all crazy like that.” he reassures, but you can't rid yourself of the remorse.
“But I should have! That's my duty as your partner, to stand by you! What if he had snapped, and… and,” you say, strong but full of guilt. As you reach the last part, you start to stutter as thoughts rush into your head, and quieter you say, “and he had acted out on those threats.”
As Husk listened to you apologize, he couldn't help but pull you closer, his heart aching for the pain you knew you felt. His fingers traced gently along your soft skin, trying to soothe the distress within you. "Y/N, it's alright... I understand why you didn't intervene," He whispered, trying to make you feel better. His gaze fell upon your damp eyes, and he felt a surge of protectiveness wash over him. "Alastor has a way of intimidating even the strongest of us, and you're no exception."
"I've been dealing with him for years, and it's taken a toll on me," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn’t expect you do anything in that moment, it would have potentially put you in harms way if you did. But know this, I appreciate that you came to comfort me when I needed it most." He could feel your heart pounding against his, and he held you tighter, hoping to ease your anxiety.
"I won’t get into that creepy smiling freak’s way, so he won’t do anything to me, I promise," Husk added, offering a small smile.
As you and him embraced, you felt your hearts beat in sync. Your love for each other was strong, and you knew that together, you could weather any storm.
"Mm, I guess you’re right, Husk," you said softly, your hand stroking his back in a comforting motion. "Despite my guilt, I know we’re both doing the best we can, and I'll always support you no matter what." Your words filled him with a sense of security, knowing that you were there for him through thick and thin.
"I'm glad we're in this together," he replied, his tone soft and grateful. "Even if I wasn't there for you when you needed me today, remember that I'll always have your back, no matter what Alastor throws your and our way." You tell him.
Slowly, you began to ease the tension between us by changing the subject. "Hey, do you remember that time we went to that haunted carnival in the outskirts of Hell for one of Charlie’s activity? And we got stuck on that horribly broken down Ferris wheel?" you chuckled, thinking back to the ridiculous adventure we embarked on. "We were both terrified, but we laughed our asses off, eventually.”
As he recalled the haunted carnival adventure, a soft smile formed on his face, and you couldn't help but join in his laughter. "Oh, that was a nightmare! The way we clung to each other while trying to escape that damned Ferris wheel, and we still ended up covered in cotton candy," he said, shaking his head in amusement. "I thought we'd never make it out alive."
"And don't forget about the ghostly fortune teller who told us we would be together forever," he added, giggling. "I mean, look at us now – ‘living’ proof that she was right!"
Your shared memories brought a warmth to your hearts, and tou continued to laugh about your past misadventures, pushing away the shadows of your current worries. Together, you found solace in the lightness of laughter and the strength of your bond. As you reminisced, he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, his heart overflowing with gratitude for this moment.
"You know, Y/N," he said, my voice warm and filled with love, "I wouldn't want to face any challenge with anyone else by my side.”
The warmth of his words washed over you, and he knew that he wanted to show you how much he appreciated your unwavering support. Leaning in, he whispered softly, "I'm glad you were here to comfort me. To show my appreciation, I want to give you something in return – a little treat for being there when I needed it most."
“Husk, baby, you know I didn’t do it for a reward.” You argue
“But I want to.” He tells you, with a look full of passion, his eyes drifted lower, taking in the sight of your delicate shorts, and he knew what he wanted to do next. And that made you weak, and you sorta blanked.
Gently, he untangled the fabric from your legs, revealing your soft, inviting skin. "Please, let me make you feel loved and appreciated too," he said, his voice low and full of desire.
As he next removed your underwear, he could feel your protests beginning to fade under the intensity of my gaze. With a determined smile, he leaned in close, pressing his lips to your skin. "I want to reward you, Y/N," he explained, his breath warm against your sensitive flesh. "Let me show you how much your support means to me."
Husk, typically recognized for his gruff exterior, revealed a tender side as he concentrated on satisfying you. His lips delicately trailed along the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, eliciting shivers down your spine.
Understanding the necessity of getting your mind off things if you wanted to get better —as dwelling only exacerbates the pain— he found solace in showering his beloved girlfriend with feelings of desire and appreciation. In his view, it was a mutually beneficial arrangement, serving to uplift both of your spirits, a win-win per say;
Gently, folding your legs and pushing on your thighs to stabilize you, Husk then parted your folds with his free hand, his eyes locked on the sight before him. He took a deep breath, inhaling your sweet scent, which only intensified his desire. With a purposeful hunger, he removed his hand and opted to substitute it with his tongue.
He leaned in and licked you, his tongue exploring every inch of your folds, the sensation was supreme, especially with that unusual tongue of his. As the wet muscle adventures further in your nether’s, its odd texture only becomes more pleasurable.
Especially when he would suck at your clit and let the tip of his tongue dance around it as he did. Every stroke, every caress; they spoke volumes of his appreciation for your unwavering support.
Your breath hitched as pleasure slowlybegin to build into something bigger. The intensity of Husk's actions were overwhelming, and you couldn't help but moan in response.
"Husk, I..." you murmured, uncertain if you should continue, your voice trembling with a mix of lust, love, and ‘the obvious fact that he was making you feel too good to speak normally’. But before you could protest or anything like that, he silenced you with another expert stroke of his tongue, his eyes meeting yours with determination and love.
As Husk continued to pleasure you, he knew his actions were doing more than just giving you physical gratification; they were conveying his appreciation for your presence in his life—and that sentiment was mutually understood. And he loved that he could do it that way and you would both comprehend it.
Bringing back his hand into the mix , his skilled fingers—carefully used not to scratch you— and tongue worked in harmony, driving you towards a climax that mirrored the depth of his feelings. Your moans grew louder, filling the room with the sound of your pleasure, and he couldn’t help but relish in ‘those lovely noises of yours’.
With a final flick of his tongue, Husk drew you to the edge, your body arching in response. "That's it, baby" he whispered, his voice low and seductive, yet still comforting. "Let go for me, let me see you shine."
In that moment, you surrendered to the sensations coursing through you, your body trembling and your last scream of pleasure echoing in the room. Husk watched as you reached your peak, his heart swelling with pride…
As you begin to come down from your high but not quite over it yet, Husk couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful state your real ease had caused. His heart continued to race as he regained steady breathing after momentarily being out of air while devouring you, he couldn’t help but want to experience it again. Softly, he lifted your legs and placed them on his shoulders, giving himself better access to your glistening hole and folds.
“Wait, husk I-“ you begin after realizing the change in position but you were promptly cut off as husk begin to lap at your essence directly from the source.
"You deserve this, my love," he whispered, his voice hoarse with lust. "I want to make you feel good, as much as you've made me feel supported."
With renewed vigor, Husk dove in once more, his tongue tracing familiar paths and exploring new ones. Your breath jiggered, and your back arched as he took you on another sensual journey that started in overstimulation. His grip on your thighs tightened, his fingers digging into your skin, taking full control—you couldn’t run even if you want to.
He aims directly at your weak spot, and way he was sucking at your clit was just driving you absolutely mad. You gripped at his head, still unsure if you wanted to pull him away or bring him closer. He was precise and targeting but there was some hungry sloppiness to his technique.
As your second climax approached, Husk could feel your body tense, and he knew that he was about to witness something truly beautiful once more. Your cries of pleasure grew louder, and just as promised, the way your body convulsed and your face contorted was marvellous, what was not expected but still welcome was the fact that you had squirted, causing your arousal to coat his face and chest.
His eyes widened in awe, and he couldn't help but smirk at the sight. "Damn, you're something else." he said, his voice filled with want but also a little teasing tone to it.
Even as you settled back onto the bed flat, Husk couldn't shake off the image of squirting. His eyes locked on your glistening skin, and he knew that he wanted to see it again. His hand travel to your face, thumb brushing lips sensually, a longing look in his eyes "One more, my love," he whispered, his voice filled with determination. "I want to taste you again and see that beauty of yours unfold once more."
With a hunger that rivalled the one he had when bringing you to your first two climaxes, Husk dove in for the third time, his tongue seeking out your sensitive spots.
He craved the taste of your essence, the sound of your cries, and the sight of your strong release. You soon begin to trembled beneath him, quicker than previously but it was understandable, two orgasm in a row was about to make extra sensitive.
“Ah, fuck, Husk, it's too much!” You cried out in overstimulation.
“Shh, it's okay, baby, I know you can handle it,” he reassured, softly stroking the underside of your right thigh to offer comfort before getting his strong grip back on it.
As Husk continued to stimulate you, drawing you closer to nirvana, you found yourself liberated from all worries. In that moment, there was nowhere else you'd rather be.
As your third orgasm of the night peaked, you let out a final cry, your body convulsing with overwhelming euphoria. Once more, you squirted, coating Husk's face with your essence. This time, however, he caught most of your fluid in his moth and swallowed them, and the drops that didn’t make, he licked them off of you, his eyes close for an instances as he savoured your liquid arousal, then his eyes locked back on you.
"Oh, Husk," you breathed, your voice ragged with pleasure and emotion. "That was incredible."
He wiped the remaining droplets from his face with a satisfied grin and licked at it to make sure he gotten everything, his eyes never leaving yours. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said, his voice filled with love and satisfaction.
As you lay there, breathless and spent, Husk pulled you into his arms, his heart beating in his chest. Regaining back some of your sense, this scenery confused you a bit:
“What about you?” You inquired as he had yet to get release himself.
“Honestly the emotions and the time I spent between those sexy thighs of yours got me to tired to want anything more than to cuddle you right now.” he admired with a tired smile, which made giggle.
Your bodies still entwined, Husk leaned in and pressed his lips gently against yours. The kiss was soft, filled with love and appreciation, and it left you both feeling even more connected than before. Right here and there, you knew that despite the challenges you faced further down the road, you were in this together.
Slowly, Husk wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest. The warmth of his embrace enveloped you, and you felt safe and loved in his arms. "Thank you, Y/N," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. "The cuddling, reassuring words, and this; they really help me calm down and feel better. I know I can rely on you when you do these things, and I strongly hope you can on me."
You nestled your head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "Of course I do, and don’t forget—I'll always be here for you, Husk," you promised, your voice filled with reassurance. "No matter what comes our way, I'll have your back, just like you do for me."
As the two cuddled and basking in the afterglow of your shared euphoria, you knew that your bond had grown stronger. Nothing could bother the two of you right now—except perhaps the fact that you would have to get up to bathe and change the sheets soon, but that was a problem for the ‘30 minutes to one hour future yous.’
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why-what-no · 2 years
New Obsession
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Pairing: Captain James Hook x Reader, Former Peter Pan x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Swearing, Attempted Murder, Dacryphilia
Notes: guys, I finally posted something for the first time in a while! You proud of me?? Sorry for disappearing, I had so much going on irl, but I’ve got a bunch of spare time over the next while so I’m gonna try to get back into writing more often and finally getting through the last couple of requests I haven’t finished yet :):)
Summary: Having visited Neverland many times before as a child, she returned to Neverland after growing and was struck with the realization that it wasn’t what she remembered. Pan was no longer her anchor and protector, and she was forced to realize that everything on the island is a danger to her. Except for, to her surprise, the gentleman pirate whom she used to be terrified of
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All around (Y/N), the pirates were reveling on the deck of the Jolly Roger, completely unaware of the way her mind was racing. Her heart heavy as the thoughts of Peter crushed her. The lost boy never stayed away from her thoughts for long, always returning with some good memories as well as the more recent terrible ones.
"Please tell me you forgive me, lost girl." His green eyes were filled with tears and his voice breaking as he held her down against the bed, dagger in his raised hand. Preparing to plunge it down into her heart, a betrayal worse than anything she had ever experienced. "I have to do this. I have to! But I couldn't live if you don't forgive me."
The heartbroken sound in his voice and look on his face made her want to forgive him; an automatic reaction that made her feel sick. Disgusted in herself and her weakness. Did she truly love that boy – any boy – so much that she could forgive him for her murder? With no explanation or attempt at redemption?
But she didn't give him a reply, and when he faltered, she ran. And now, she was with the people she had once considered her enemies. To an extent, they still were, of course. But they were also now her best hope for allies against Peter – against Pan – on this island. And there was something about the forget-me-not blue of their captain's eyes... they almost made her forget that the color green existed.
Now, those eyes were staring at her from the other side of the deck, as Hook sat in his captain's chair, gazing intensely at (Y/N) without any emotions on his face. His crew was cheering and grinning around him, but he didn't even spare them a glance.
It almost made her tense up, she wasn't used to feeling such vulnerability, pinned under the gaze of a man like Hook. She remembered him vaguely from when she was a young girl, although she had never actually interacted with him until the week she had left. He had seemed so old to her, so scary and untouchable. Peter had always encouraged her to feel that way.
Maybe that was why she felt like he was gazing into her soul. Because few people had known her that young, and the ones that did were all either her dearest allies or worst enemies. At the moment, Hook was neither. And so she didn't quite know how to feel about him. There were no boxes to put him into in her head.
But unfortunately for her sanity and dignity, there were words to explain the unsettled allure that his gaze made her feel in the pit of her stomach.
It didn’t help that he looked so… enticing. Strong and angular features, and a gracefulness in the way he moved. Everything was deliberate with him, every action purposeful and stayed in her mind for longer that it should. His pale skin stood in contrast to his long dark hair, cascading over his face and framing those hypnotic forget-me-not blue eyes. 
He stood up, drawing glances from his crew but quickly being ignored again when they recognized that he wasn't about to give any announcements. No, only (Y/N) was looking at him as he made his way towards her. Like a large cat, a mountain lion or a panther ready to pounce. To tear her apart.
But he didn't, merely stopped in front of her, leaning forward as the girl looked up into his eyes. It wasn't that he completely towered over her, but his regality, his aura of power made her feel like he did. "And are you enjoying this evening?" He asked, whispering into her ear. The sound of his voice and the warmth of his breath so close making her nearly shiver.
"Yes." She replied, taking care that her voice sounded even and calm. Trying to ignore how fast her heart was beating, how she had never felt an affect like this before. Like he was a flame that could burn her any second.
Hook's lips curved into a small smile. "Wonderful, a lady such as yourself deserves a fine celebration." His gleaming hook moved to hover against her back, keeping it at a respectful distance. But even though it wasn't touching her, she could practically feel the coolness of the metal against her clothes. It took all her control not to lean into his touch.
"Thank you." She responded, doing her utmost best not to look at him while his eyes stayed glued to her face. "Although I might go to bed soon. I've had enough excitement for the day, I think."
"Of course." Hook responded in a voice that possibly sounded almost... disappointed? "I shall give you the space to relax now, and make sure none of my pirates bother..."
"No -"
(Y/N) mentally slapped herself at her quiet outburst as Hook paused, raising an eyebrow at her.
"I..." She could feel warmth on the back of her neck, praying that she was wasn't turning red. "You're fine. I don't mind your company. I don't... you can stay if you want."
What she really wanted was to jump into the ocean out of sheer mortification and let the mermaids drag her down to the depths. She wouldn't even try to kick or scream.
But Hook just looked surprised, beginning to smile once again.
The man offered her his hand, not his hook like he normally did when he wanted to lead her somewhere. It was surprisingly warm, and so gentle. The callouses that came from sword-work were there, but they felt more like the hands of a musician, a writer. That was the one thing that surprised her the most about Hook, he was a gentleman as much as he was a pirate. Equal parts savage and refined.
Perhaps that was what drew her towards him. She knew he could treat her better than any man she knew... and hurt her worse. He made her feel small beside him, but so important.
"Come with me." He told her, and she immediately followed. Letting him hold her hand and lead her towards the captain's quarters.
It was quiet when they got inside, the large and elegant room surprisingly soundproof. Letting go of her hand, he gestured around the room, giving her permission to look around. "Forgive me for my forwardness, but I couldn't bear the thought of forcing you to sleep in the crew's quarters during your time here. You may take my bed if you wish, I rarely use it."
"Where will you sleep?" (Y/N) asked, walking over to the large bed and sitting down on it, facing Hook.
"I have a nasty habit of falling asleep at my desk, my dear." He chuckled for a moment, before tensing up once again. "But if you would prefer to spend your nights alone, I shall disappear until you wake."
She shook her head. "No, it's alright. It's your room, Captain."
"James." He replied.
He stepped closer. "My name is James Hook, or has Pan not told you that already?" The captain walked over to his table to pour each of them wine into glasses made from large glimmering seashells.
The lost boy hadn't told (Y/N) that. "He mostly told me stories of your rather violent pursuits. Pan very much wanted me to know that you would torture and kill me if I ever spoke to you. That you were a beast who took pleasure in the pain of others."
"Ah." James Hook said, handing her the wine. "No doubt to make sure your loyalty was to him only."
He was probably right. And (Y/N) was just disappointed that it took so long for her to realize that. So many people had attempted to do that to her in her life, to twist her reasoning and manipulate her into thinking that they were the only people she could trust. And for some reason, Peter had succeeded so easily. Perhaps it was her young age and inexperience, but at that point in her life she should have already known better. Or perhaps it was love that made her blind.
"So, you're telling me that it was all a lie? All his stories about you."
He chuckled, standing over her sitting form while taking a sip of his wine. Her hands were folded almost docilely in her lap as she looked up at him, taking in his elegant features. "The stories were true, I assume. I've done enough pillaging in my lifetime that there are any number of truthful tales for that boy-demon to share with his followers."
He paused.
"However." He smirked down at her, before reaching down to slip a finger under her chin. (Y/N) looked down and away as he did that, cheeks warm but not pushing away his touch. At her lack of pushback, he used those fingers to tilt her head upwards so that he could make sure she continued to stay captivated by his intense blue stare, using his thumb to gently stroke along her chin. She could feel how close his touch was to her lips, and she pressed her thighs together instinctually. "I would never dream of killing a precious jewel such as yourself. And thought of your torture brings me great pain." Hook said to her, almost like a whisper. She didn't reply, too caught off guard by the intimacy in his touch. As well as by the dark desire that he was instilling in her.
But for a brief moment, Hook saw her silence as discomfort. "Forgive me my forwardness." He murmured, stepping just out of reach. His hand by his side once more. A sight that felt so unbearable to (Y/N) that a rush of shame overtook her for a second. She was now she was buckling under the weight of a pirate's glance. Of his quick and gentle touches.
"It's alright." She replied, trying to reassure him that she didn't mind his ‘forwardness’. "Do you want to sit? With me?" She patted a spot beside her on the bed, displaying a forwardness of her own. Not wanting him to have to continue standing (and it was easier for her to speak when he wasn't standing over her), and not wanting him to be far from her.
His surprise at her offer morphed into a small grin as he sat down right beside her. "Thank you, dearest." He faced her while sitting, his whole body turned towards her like a moon orbiting a planet. "You are very kind."
(Y/N) doubted that. Most of her kindness was born from selfish reasons. Mainly, the selfish desire to pull him close to her and get him to make her forget about what was happening in Neverland. "Thank you... James."
He smiled as she spoke his proper name. "I can see why Pan was so immediately taken with you."
And there it was. Pan was like a dark cloud constantly following her, and with Hook's obsession in the boy, perhaps he wasn't the best person to distract her from him.
(Y/N)’s distaste of the mention of Pan's name seems to be visible on her face. "My apologies." Hook murmured, reaching forward to take her hand in his. "I should not have mentioned him to you."
"I just... I don't understand why he would do it. I loved him. He loved me."
"He's not capable of love." Hook told her gently, seemingly believing his words. "It's the price he paid for everlasting life."
"He was. He was capable. It was just... innocent love. Childhood love. And besides, he's older now, we both are. Even you've admitted that things on Neverland aren't what you thought anymore." (Y/N) felt ashamed of her outburst. Ashamed that Pan could pull those emotions out of her.
The pirate captain just looked at her, a sort of resigned look on his face that she couldn't quite decipher. "Of course." He nodded. "You may be right. I'd apologize for my impudence, but I worry that you might be tired of my apologies by now."
"You don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." The girl sighed. "I just don't want to talk about Peter Pan right now."
"Then what would you wish to speak about? Anything you wish to say will be satisfactory to me."
There was something about Hook's attention, his habit of doing or saying exactly the right thing that made her trust him even less and desire him even more. "I don't know. Tell me a story? If you have any?"
He chuckled. "Many more than most people, my dear. Despite this island and it's promised youth, I'm practically an old man now." The sound of his voice was a little bit self-deprecating.
"I wouldn't say that." (Y/N) denied. Maybe he was older that the children on the island, but it wasn't like he was some decrepit old man who was losing his functions. He was... striking.
"No, no, my dear. It's true." He told her, still holding her hand gently. "Growing up is a nasty business. I'm sure you are aware of what I say. All those pesky feelings, the energy of childhood sapped away."
The girl opened her mouth but closed it again. Maybe it was his warm hand stroking hers, the glint of his hook in the candlelight, his intense blue eyes staring into hers. It felt like she had no self-control. It suddenly felt like whatever answer she gave was an important one. It could lead in any direction. And as for the direction she was secretly hoping for....
"It's not all bad." She slid closer to him. "You still have your energy, I'll bet." And all the things that he could do with that energy raced through her head. "You're the most feared and respected pirate on Neverland."
"And those feelings..." She felt like she was regaining some control as she took his hand that previously covered her and gently rested it on her thigh, keeping eye contact with him as she did. "They're not all bad." She barely breathed with nervous anticipation, waiting to see what the pirate did next.
He was certainly surprised, that much was clear on his face. But as the gleam in his eyes grew more intense, she couldn't bring herself to regret what she did.
His hand slid up her thigh, slowly. (Y/N) was pinned under his gaze as her breathing became heavier. She shivered as he skilfully undid the button to her trousers, and without thinking, she reached up to touch his face.
Never in her dreams had she thought she would ever see this man in this way. He had always been the scary pirate, the dark villain of her hero's stories. But as he leaned into her touch as she cupped his cheek, she couldn't help but pull him forward to kiss him.
He immediately reciprocated. And even more, he did exactly what she was hoping for. Taking over control of the situation and moving his hand so that it was buried into her hair, tugging her as close to him as possible.
She moaned as he pulled on her hair, grabbing at his coat for stability. Gone was the caution and gentlemanly politeness that Hook had been displaying, she could only see the dark pirate captain as he bit her lip and rested his hook against her neck.
She knew she was putting herself in danger by touching him, kissing him like this. Like Icarus soaring too close to the sun. But he already had her caught in his orbit.
"I can't say I expected this, my dear. No idea that you wanted the touch of a pirate so badly." Hook said, his breath warm against her lips. "Although I am certainly not displeased."
"I just want your touch." She replied breathlessly as he moved his mouth down to her throat, nipping at her neck and kissing along her collarbone. Pulling her hair so that she was made to tilt her head back to give him better access.
He chuckled, enjoying her honesty and desperation. "And you'll get it. All night you'll get my touch, until you beg for me to stop. Until we leave this room or you tell me to let you go... you're mine." He let go of her. "Lie down on the bed. And don't make me ask twice."
The speed in which she obeyed only made the lustful darkness in his eyes grow. As she laid down, she watched him raise himself so that he hovered over her, kneeling with his legs encasing hers. His shape of his thighs were visible through his pants, as was the growing bulge of his cock. She couldn’t help but glance at it.
“Any man who had the honour of seeing you like this would be blessed by Poseidon himself.” Hook murmured to her, running his hand along her side and grabbing at her hip, leaning over to kiss her deeply, harshly.
She watched him as he unbuttoned her shirt, leaning forward to he could remove it. (Y/N) was half naked below him, revealed and vulnerable but it only made the electric feeling in the lower part of her stomach stronger. Made her even more wet.
And Hook could tell. “But you’re not innocent at all, my love. You want me to make you beg for me, don’t you?”
She nodded as he pressed kisses along her stomach until he reached her breast. Taking one of her nipples into his mouth, licking and tugging at it with his teeth as he groped at the other.
He chuckled against her chest as she gasped at his touch. The vibration of the sound reverberating against her body, feeling like it went straight between her thighs.
She took initiative and kicked off her trousers herself. Reaching up to bury her hands in Hooks hair, pulling him into a kiss.
“I might not ever anyone take you away from me, love.” He growled as she tugged at his dark curls. “I’ll keep you all to myself.” He kept running his hand over her body, driving her wild as her touched her. Somehow intuitively knowing all the spots that could turn her on.
However, once her pants were fully gone, he immediately turned his attention to her soaked cunt. (Y/N) was grateful that there was a party on the deck above them, she wasn’t able to fully cover up her moans as James Hook pressed his face against her core.
She held on to his hair tightly, trying to gain some type of stability as his tongue pressed against her clit and into her cunt. “So wet.” He smirked. “All for me? You filthy girl.”
He added a finger only a second later, doing everything he could to remove any thoughts from her brain. Wanting pleasure to be her only sensation. There was something about her that made him go feral, wanting to make this succubus of a women moan and cry for him all night and every night.
“Please.” She begged, tears pricking at her eyes at the onslaught of satisfaction that the pirate captain was giving her. “I want you, please James.”
The sight of her tears only turned him on more, and so he submitted to her pleads. “You want me to fuck you, love? Is that right? You want me to make you come so hard that I ruin any other man for you? To make you mine?”
“Yes.” She let out a gasping sob. “Please.”
“Your wish is my command.” Hook grinned darkly, finally pressing his cock against her folds and pushing inside quickly. He wanted to spilt her open, wanted to make her go brainless for him.
She dug her nails into his back as he rocked in and out of her. He delighted in her moans, at the look on her face as he took her closer and closer to her climax.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had someone as seductive as her in his arms, couldn’t remember the last time that fucking someone felt as good as it did as he plunged his cock into this woman.
Everything about her drew him in, and this obvious confirmation that she desired him as well only served to make him need her more. He grew even harder at the thought of doing this with her again. Of holding her tightly as he fucked into her whenever they wanted.
And (Y/N) could barely think that far ahead with how good Hook was making her feel. It felt as though there was nothing in her brain at all except for the thought of how his cock felt rubbing against the walls of her cunt, of hitting her g-spot as he slammed into her. His fingers rubbed her clit as he did, and she could feel her orgasm approaching.
Hook could too. “Do you want to come, my dear?” He asked her, his hook right beside her face, the glean of the lantern next to them gleaming off of it. “Have you been good enough to be allowed to come?”
She nodded quickly, looking into his gorgeous blue eyes desperately. When he told her she could come, the coil that had been building and building within her finally released, and Hook had to muffle her scream of pleasure with a kiss. If they had been alone on the island, he would have been delighted at the noises he was pulling out of her, but he didn’t want one of his pirates rushing in and interrupting them.
The look on her face as she came was more satisfying that any treasure to him, and couldn’t help but kiss her forehead and face as she caught her breath
(Y/N) collapsed against the bed as he did. “You were perfect, my darling.” James murmured to her, moving away to grab a towel to clean her up.
“So were you.” She smiled at him, relaxed as her mind began to return to her. “Although I can now understand why Pan called you a beast.”
Hook chuckled, his gaze was soft as he leaned down to kiss her. “No more talk of Pan.” He told her. “Peter Pan doesn’t need to be thought of at this moment. You… you are my new obsession.”
And he lay next to her in the bed, felt her against his side, remembered the feeling of her around his cock, those words were true to him.
Taglist: @fictional-hooman @norman891 @fairynook @dark-academia-slut @silverhart93
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localaceken · 2 months
Ninjago DR S2 Part 2 thoughts, spoilers ahead.
First few episodes were...rough.
- Rody was kinda annoying at first, but I grew to like him as the episodes went on. I'm glad Wildfire found someone to match her Freak. I like that he is geniunely into her too.
- I can't believe Bolobo fucking died lmao rip in piss.
Nero, Chamille and Shade cameos were nice. I like that Tox and Mr.Pale actually had dialouge AND WE FINALLY SAW WHAT MR.P LOOKS LIKE YES.
Ily Geo <3 The Goblinnnnnnnn
Zeatrix was annoying lmao I get why Beatrix hated her ass
Otherwise liked all the new elemental powers and masters introduced. [I can hear Legacyverse screaming already. Rip.]
[Elemental Master of Balance is a thing...welp. There goes the 'Riyu will become the Source Dragon of Balance' theory I suppose]
- I really hoped they would do more with Jay, not only because he's my fave but he could have been more. I think revealing his identity and making him lose his first round immediately was a mistake. Also the teams reactions to him??? Being there??? HELLO?!?! HES BEEN LOST FOR YEARS!?!?! AND YALL ARE LIKE "oh hey Jay is here."!?!? YALL ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FAMILY?!?!?!?@?@?@ BROTHERS?!?!?!?!
Istfg only Nya actually gives a shit about Jay at this point.
Sigh...at least his voice is deeper now...it was kinda getting annoying how high pitched it became over the years...
Being a Jay fan is suffering.
[Anyways, go read Lightning Pin by @taddymason for peak DR Jay content.]
- I like that Ras had no idea what was going on with Nokt and I like that The Forbidden Five, mostly Nokt, and Ras ancestors had something going on [the something was hating eachother, probably]
Kinda not buying Ras' whole 'unmerging the realms' thing though.
Also what the fuck is up with Cinder and immediately betraying Ras lmao bootlicker behavior.
I'm glad Jordana made it out and Sora realized. Well. Everything. I hope we get to see her again so she can get a proper redemption arc.
- I'm loving Arin's arc so far. He's not evil. He's morally grey at this point. I would be too if I was in his shoes. He just wants to find his parents, but he always had to put ninja business up first, but decided that enough is enough and he will find his parents, without the ninja.
I wouldn't be surprised if he and Ras try to manipulate eachother next season. It would be fun to watch. [Bonus points if Ras backstory and redemption. Pls. I want tiger dad]
Welp. This is it for now I guess, feel free to ask about my opinions on specific stuff.
7/10 Good season. Could have done much more on certain places but still a good and entertaining watch.
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rat-n-atty · 28 days
(fucking finally)
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(Also a bit of a redesign since I kinda changed my style a bit lmao)
Meet Clove! (Enid) a 22-year-old "mad" scientist who has made the poor decision to be Smg3's assistant but who exactly is she? What's her lore? What are her goals? Why is she an Ex-villain? and all the other amazing questions you might have (or don't idk) will all be answered here!...hopefully...
"Enid Gadd" (Backstory)
Enid comes from a long line of talented and successful scientists (like her grandpa, E. Gadd more on that in a bit) but she was always seen as a black sheep of the family in short.
Ever since Enid could even talk, she has always aspired to be a great scientist just like her family but it seemed like everything she did, it meant nothing so she became E. Gadd's student when she was young (considering she was practically raised by the guy damn)
It seemed like everything Enid did though was still not enough for her parents so she said "fuck it" and decided to become someone else's assistant in hopes that she could be a better scientist than all of them and that is when Smg3 comes in...
"Clove" (assistant days)
Now, Bowser was a terrible assistant so Smg3 decided to get a new one instead so one day while Clove was just walking around the Mushroom Kingdom city; she saw a purple Mario recolor next to a stand on the side of the street with a sign that said LOOKING FOR AN EVIL ASSISTANT (WILL NOT GIVE VACATION DAYS) (why would look for one in broad daylight you dumb bitc-)
So she took her shot, lied to 3 about being "inherently evil" but she also added that she was pretty good at making bombs (which was also a half-truth) so she became Smg3's assistant from that day on.
She didn't really know what to expect at first and she thought that Smg3's main goal of being a villain at the time was kinda dumb but it was better than home so she stayed and she stayed for a long time.
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She eventually became evil and she got better at her inventions and her scientific studies all for the goal of ruling the world with Smg3 and telling her entire family (not including E. Gadd) to suck it...which now brings us to the YouTube Arc...
YouTube Arc (this is where shit goes down)
Smg3 and Clove had just started on their goals of making Snitch Productions but after Smg4 destroyed it all for no damn reason (like wtf man?) they wanted revenge and they wanted it bad (Smg3 more so than Clove)
So they came up with the anti-cast and got to work but after that failed Clove said "fuck it" and started her own projects again but she found out about the YouTube remote while she was doing her research ("The World's Cursed and definitely Powerful Objects that would destroy the world if laid on the wrong hands" (great title I know) ) So they all came up with the plan to steal it.
Things had started to take a toll after they had successfully stolen the Remote per sae because now Smg3 was drunk with power to the point where it was kinda concerning Clove a bit and this is the part where Clove found out Smg3's true intentions of using the YouTube remote; It was so much more than taking over Smg4's channel, it was deleting Smg4's and his crew's entire existence. Clove knew it was too much, even for 3 but she kept quiet about her conflicting feelings (but put a pin in this later )
A big-time skip later where Clove had actually caught Mario trying to steal Smg3's phone (to hopefully get everyone out of the graveyard, you probably watched the Arc lmao) but she betrayed Smg3 by giving it to Mario anyway and freeing the entire cast out of the internet graveyard in order to stop Smg3; Everyone was confused why but they didn't ask.
WOTFI 2020 (redemption arc begins)
The final battle was here and after Clove was revealed to be a traitor and helping the Smg4 crew, it's no wonder that Smg3 lost but he was never expecting his assistant, no...someone closest to him like a friend to betray him like that.
Since Clove was the only one who really knew how to work the remote (and she was the one who had it in her hands at the time) she was the one who sent Smg3 to the Internet Graveyard for the greater good of everybody else but now that 3 was gone...she felt like she had no meaning...no purpose anymore...
After she had gotten forgiveness from Susan, Smg4 offered Clove to stay with the rest of them at the castle but she declined and said she would just lock herself up in her lab instead.
Clove's lore goes on for ages...so I'll have to make a part 2
(update: there is a part 2)
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evangelineshifts · 8 months
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Pairings: book!percy jackson x black!fem!reader
Word count: 5.3k (oops?)
Warnings: angst, mentions of death (literally in the underworld :/), hades being a dick (SORRY I LOVE YOU HADES), swearing (like one word), mentions of throwing up, pet names (angel, sweet girl, little dove)
a/n: this is kinda my first fic (?) so be kind! This is completely self indulgent as it’s literally a scenario for my desired reality so keep that in mind. If you want some back story visit my dr list on my pinned post! Have fun, stay super freaky, have great vagina I LOVE YAAA
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I never considered the Gods to be enemies to myself. Of course, I could understand where the animosity the other kids held towards them came from, I just couldn’t find it in myself to share it.
I’ve always seen myself as quite the lover and I’ve always known that it was my undoing. Holding out till the very last minute to toss out hope for redemption. I’ll love until the ability is carved out of my sternum.
I hate it.
The pain that comes with being such a tender-hearted individual is nefarious. But that recurring pain that plagues the minds and souls of those who are cursed to live a life of love and loss is what tortures the poets; and makes for a dam good book.
I hope to be able to transfer my heart from sleeve to page one day. But for now, I’m forced to keep dwelling on the feeling of dread and despair as I march my way through the dreary entrance hall of Hades’ palace.
Truth be told it’s not that dreary, it’s incredibly well-decorated. I'm just determined to be a hater. After fighting monsters, dealing with death traps, and arguing with temperamental Gods, I'm ready for the quest to be over and done with. It’s not as glorious as everyone made it out to be.
I looked over at Percy as the four of us reached the big set of doors at the end of the hall. He looked to be struggling with the weight of his backpack but I couldn’t understand why. Unless Oreos had suddenly gained weight in the day or two that it took us to get here he should be just fine. He wasn’t that scrawny.
“Well, guys,” Percy said. “I suppose we should… knock?”
As if on cue, a hot wind blew down the corridor and swung open.
“I guess that means entrez-vous,” Annabeth said in an exaggerated French accent. I giggled at her pronunciation and she sent me a playful glare as we all tentatively walked into the room.
"You are brave to come here, Son of Poseidon," Hades said in an oily voice. "After what you have done to me, very brave indeed. Or perhaps you are simply very foolish. And you legacy child, well, I expected better of you.” He seemed almost saddened as he uttered the last line.
My three quest mates looked over at me with varying levels of confusion plastered on their faces, I had half a mind to shrug bemusedly as I tried not to show my growing guilt so plainly on my face. What did I have to feel guilty for? Why did I care what Hades thought?
Percy stared at me a few seconds longer before facing the god again with renewed vigor, “Lord and uncle, I come with two requests”
Hades looked toward me and lifted his eyebrows in a “Is he serious???” sort of way but truth be told, I was too in awe of Percy's sudden diplomacy to give him a reaction. I fully expected him to at least glare at him but maybe I underestimated his desire to get his mom back. Hades leaned forward on his throne, a subtle incredulity painted on his sculpted face,
"Only two requests?" Hades said. "Arrogant child. As if you have not already taken enough. Speak, then. It amuses me not to strike you dead yet."
Spoken like a true older sibling. Christ.
I looked over at Percy in time to see his throat bob with trepidation. My heart gives a twinge of empathy, poor kid has only been in this life for a little over a month and he's already facing the god of the dead.
“Lord Hades… Look, sir, there can't be a war among the gods. It would be…bad.” smooth, fish sticks.
“Really bad,” Even smoother Grover, thank you.
Annabeth and I share an exasperated look as I think over every action I've ever made in my life to land me here.
“Return Zeus’s master bolt to me,” Percy pleaded. “Please, sir. Let me carry it to Olympus.”
Looking at Hades I'm getting the feeling that was not the right thing to say. His eyes grew glaringly bright as his face crumpled in anger,
“You dare keep up this pretense, after what you have done?” He spat.
I'm getting sick of the vague accusations thrown at us, “Percy hasn't done anything. I don't know if you’ve noticed but he's very new to this whole thing. I mean look at him, he's like a baby fawn,”
Percy looked mildly offended but he looked more concerned at the fact that I was practically mouthing off at an already very angry god.
Hades fixed me with a furious glare and I was sure I was sure I was going to be smoted. But then he did the strangest thing, he closed his eyes and took a steadying breath and when he opened them again the rage that had previously engulfed his irises seemed to lessen. Only a tad but it's still strange.
“Do you think I want war, child?” He said in an eerily calm manner.
I looked at the others utterly perplexed and when my gaze landed on Percy I had to fix him with a warning glare just to be sure he didn't try to be a wise guy at the wrong time. The last thing we needed was for fish Jesus to be filleted.
“My lord, I’m afraid I don’t understand. Wouldn’t a war expand your kingdom?” I said carefully.
His eyes widen a tad as he look on with absolute disbelief and frustration, “Did my brothers tell you that?? Fucking typical. Do you think I need more subjects?! Did you not see the sprawl of the asphodel fields??” Hades said, his voice risen an octave.
I hesitated to reply but I found I didn’t need to as Hades took it upon himself to continue his rant, "Have you any idea how much my kingdom has swollen in this past century alone, how many subdivisions I've had to open?"
Percy opened his mouth to respond, but Hades was on a roll.
"More security ghouls," he moaned. "Traffic problems at the judgment pavillon. Double overtime for the staff and the mortals just. keep. dying. You know, I used to be a rich god, godling. I control all precious metals under the earth. But my expenses!”
I was suddenly overcome with the fear that I was gonna have to comfort this emo god on his economic problems. And then Percy spoke and I was saved, “Charon wants a pay raise,” He blurted. I just had to laugh.
Hades went on to gripe about Charon and his troublesome discovery of Italian suits. He insisted that a war is the last thing he wanted and I wish I could say I was surprised.
“But you took Zeus' master bolt.” Percy said.
"Lies!" More rumbling. Hades rose from his throne, towering to the height of a football goal post. "Your father may fool Zeus, boy, but I am not so stupid. I see his plan."
"His plan?" I questioned.
"He was the thief on the winter solstice," Hades said. "His father thought to keep him his little secret. He directed him into the throne room on Olympus,”
Before I could even open my mouth to object and say that I was at the winter solstice and Percy wasn’t even a member at camp yet, Hades steamrolled on,
“You took the master bolt and my helm. Had I not sent my Fury to discover you at Yancy Academy, Poseidon might have succeeded in hiding his scheme to start a war. But now you have been forced into the open. You will be exposed as Poseidon's thief, and I will have my helm”
"But..." Annabeth spoke. I could tell her mind was going a million miles an hour. "Lord Hades, your helm of darkness is missing, too?"
"Do not play innocent with me, girl. You and the satyr have been helping this hero-coming here to threaten me in Poseidon's name, no doubt-to bring me an ultimatum. Does Poseidon think I can be blackmailed into supporting him? And you girl!" He directed his attention back to me and I was left to wonder what was so special about me that he felt the need to keep addressing me individually.
“This betrayal is disappointing but not unseen. I would think you would know better.” He glared heatedly at me, apparently abandoning his attempts at civility.
"No!" Percy said. "Poseidon didn't-I didn't- (y/n/n) had nothing to do with this- none of us did!"
"I have said nothing of the helm's disappearance," Hades snarled, "because I had no illusions that anyone on Olympus would offer me the slightest justice, the slightest help. I can ill afford for word to get out that my most powerful weapon of fear is missing. So I searched for you myself, and when it was clear you were coming to me to deliver your threat, I did not try to stop you."
"You didn't try to stop us? But-" None of what he was saying was making any sense. Not according to what we knew anyway. Did we really know anything?
"Return my helm now, or I will stop death," Hades threatened. "That is my counter proposal. I will open the earth and have the dead pour back into the world. I will make your lands a nightmare. And you, Percy Jackson-your skeleton will lead my army out of Hades."
The skeletal soldiers all took one step forward, making their weapons.
At this point the smart thing was to probably be scared out of my mind, but with Hades threatening Percy, fear seemed to be the last of my worries. This boy who I had made fast friends with in the short time that I’d known him. The boy who had lost his mom and his old life all within five minutes and was just expected to be okay with it. Percy Jackson, the dork who watched teen titans with me during the uncharacteristic storm at camp and convinced me to make blue Shirley temples. My very own guppy.
Yeah me and Hades were gonna have words.
“Stop this, now.” I said in my sternest voice. Hades halted and looked at me with intrigue and… slight fear?
“He didn’t steal anything, Hades, enough with the unfounded claims. We didn’t even know your helm was missing until 2 minutes ago and up until then we thought you had the bolt.”
The other 3 went stock still with shock. I’m guessing they were saying their goodbyes to me in their heads but I’m not one to go down that easily. Even if I did want to cry from the confrontation.
Hades looked at me with unbridled fury but when he spoke you would’ve thought he was simply telling me not to steal from the cookie jar again,
“I have tried to be kind to you child. I have tried to treat you with respect as you have done for me in the past but your foolishness and insolence will be your undoing.” He paused for a moment seemingly cherry picking his next words, “What would your mothers think? Hm? How would they fare if they learned of your impertinence?”
I froze. My blood ran cold and my stomach was churning something awful.
“….what?” I said, trying my hardest to steady my voice but it was a lost cause at this point. Grover and Annabeth looked on with pity that could shrink me with a glance but Percy? Percy looked furious. He glared at the god with the fury of a thousand suns,
“Don’t talk about her mothers, leave them out of this- leave her out of this. This is between me and you-“
“SILENCE!” Hades bellowed, as the throne room shook but Percy didn’t even flinch. “You have said quite enough godling.” He spat out the word like poison on his tongue.
Hades turned back to me, a new smugness hidden in the depths of his eyes, “How about we see what they would think? Would you like that legacy child? Would you like to see your parents?” His lip curled in a smirk.
I could’ve thrown up at the thought. What did he mean? Surely he wasn’t going to bring them here? My head was like a circuit, thoughts lapping around my brain like race cars. In my periphery, I could see Percy physically shaking with rage. Grover and Annabeth looked like they wanted to reach out for me but thought better of it, fearing Hades’ next move.
Hades surveyed all of us, taking in the horrified silence as he grinned almost sinisterly. He lifted a hand to the far left wall of a throne room and the surface of it rippled like a disrupted pool.
All of a sudden colors and shapes flew into the frame and found a place on the wall. Almost as soon as it started an image came into focus. A dining room with light pink walls filled with pictures and portraits of hand painted flowers. Most of the pictures were of one woman, a ginger with deep brown skin, gorgeous amber eyes, and a blinding smile. She looked like the personification of the earth and everything good. She looked warm, safe.
In some pictures she was joined by another woman, a more stern looking one but beautiful nonetheless with her honey blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes a stark contrast to her tawny skin. She held a smaller smile than her auburn counterpart but it was no less happy. The way they looked at each other in some photos was almost baffling. I didn’t know you could capture such tangible emotion on camera but they made it happen.
As for the portraits, I would’ve guessed the paintings were professionally made if it wasn’t for the cute little smiley faces and hearts surrounding the flowers in almost every portrait. They were mature and yet so childlike at the same time. Precise strokes coming together to form stunning flowers of bright color. Lilies, gardenias, and orchids filled every frame. It was captivating how real they looked. I could’ve stared at them all day but my attention was drawn toward the dark oak table as a giggle erupted from one of the occupants.
My heart sank.
The same woman in the photos sat at the table seemingly working on another floral piece. My breathing quickened as I put the pieces together. As I stared at the ginger woman’s dimpled smile and traced the slope of the blonde's nose it clicked.
These were my moms.
The women who died when I was just a baby in an effort to protect me. And they succeeded but at what cost?
I ran over to the wall ignoring the calls of my worried friends. Tears clouded my vision as I tried to push all the words I wanted to say past the lump cemented in my throat.
“Mamma?” I said timidly, worried this was an illusion or they wouldn’t be able to hear me.
All of that faded away when the bubbly lady whipped her head around at the sound of my voice and her lover not far behind.
“(Y/N)…?” She called, voiced thickly coated in awe.
The dam broke.
Tear rushed down my face faster than I could process as I nearly yelled out for my mothers, “Mamma! Ma!”
They came rushing over to where I was and knelt down at what I’m assuming was a projected image of me to wherever they were, “Baby angel! What are you doing here??” My mamma, who I’ve deduced is the child of Artemis, Davina, wailed as she went to reach out for me before retracting her hand. Probably figured the image would fade if she did and I’m grateful for that.
“You shouldn’t be here little dove, it’s not your time you must go home.” My Ma, Alexandra, said. A crease firmly placed between her brows that contradicted the wobbling smile that was growing on her lips.
They looked at me with a type of adoration that had my knees wracking. This is the type of maternal affection I thought I would never get to receive in my life. Of course, I had Aunt Go-go but that wasn’t the same.
Before I could respond Hades cut me off, “We can get to all the loving pleasantries in a moment. We have more important matters at hand. Your daughter has aided a thief.”
I glanced at him quickly before I quickly tried to defend myself, adamantly denying his claims.
“He’s lying! She didn’t steal anything and neither did I!” Percy erupted, his stare burning into the god's own, “"You're as bad as Zeus, you think I stole from you? That's why you sent the Furies after me?"
I drowned out the rest of what they were saying as I could only focus on the fact that my parents were looking me in my eyes, “We believe your friend, angel. We know our sweet girl would never do anything to cause harm.” Mamma told me as she looked on with kind eyes. “You’ve gotten so big! I remember when you were just a little raisin”
We shared a watery chuckle as I tried not to bawl my eyes out.
“She’s got your eyes,” Alexandra said fondly as she looked between her daughter and her wife.
“And your nose,” Davina giggled, “What a gorgeous girl you’ve grown into.”
“Thank you,” I managed as I felt my face heat up, “Are you guys in Elysium? Could I come see you?” I said hopefully.
They both glanced at each other warily and I felt dread pool in my stomach. I whipped around to face Hades as the words tumbled out of my mouth, “I need to see them! Please let me see them, I’ll do anything” I begged.
“Anything?” I nodded fervently as the trio voiced their protests, “Return my property and I’ll allow you a visit with your mothers!”
I choked out a sob as I looked helplessly at the others, “We-we don’t have it. I swear, I swear we don’t have it! We came here for the master bolt. They-they told us you had the master bolt, that’s why we’re here. Please I’m begging you, just let me see my moms” I rushed out, desperately trying to convince him of mercy.
“ENOUGH WITH YOUR FALSITIES GODLING!” I flinched back at his booming voice, the throne room walls rumbling and the image of my parents warbling. I panicked. “You already possess the master bolt, you came here with it, you insolent fool. You think you can try to deceive me?!”
I’m reduced to wails and gargled pleads as I try to bargain with this clearly unhinged man, “Please I don’t know, I don’t know. P-Percy tell him, please tell him, please”
“We didn’t steal the bolt! We’ve already told you-“
“Then open your pack!”
I looked at Percy in desperate confusion as his face fell. I can practically sense his panic as he slung his bad off his shoulder and unzipped it. Time stopped.
Inside was a two-foot-long metal cylinder, spiked on both ends, humming with energy. I could’ve fallen to my knees right there. I turned back to my mothers begging for them to understand. This was one of the worst realizations I’d ever made. We’d been framed.
'Percy," Annabeth said. "How-"
"I-I don't know. I don't understand." He said, his gaze flickered towards me as a tortured sound ripped from my throat.
"You heroes are always the same," Hades said. "Your pride makes you foolish, thinking you could bring such a weapon before me. I did not ask for Zeus's master bolt, but since it is here, you will yield it to me. I am sure it will make an excellent bargaining tool. And now ... my helm. Where is it?"
I was speechless. Percy was speechless. Annabeth was speechless, and I’m quite sure Grover passed out like 5 minutes ago. We had no helm. The world turned sideways and I didn’t deal well with vertigo.
"Lord Hades, wait," Percy said. "This is all a mistake."
"A mistake?" Hades roared. Quicker than I could process Hades lifted his hand and the image of my parents faded before my eyes.
Oh my gods.
Oh my gods.
“No- no, no, no, no, no, no, NO,” I gut-wrenching scream pierced through the air as I tried to conjure up the image again uselessly, “NO BRING THEM BACK, GODS, PLEASE BRING THEM BACK HADES PLEASE!” He didn’t even spare me a glance as Annabeth ran over to hold me back from slamming my fist into the stone. My fingernails were reduced to stubs as I clawed at the wall like my mother was going to be standing behind it waiting for me. I was wailing, calling out for my mommies. Usually I would scold myself for such a display of weakness at a time like this but at the moment all sense of self control was out of the question. I was inconsolable as Annabeth tried calming me down, cooing soft assurances in my ear that I couldn’t hear over my own gasping.
The skeletons aimed their weapons. From high above, there was a fluttering of leathery wings, and the three Furies swooped down to perch on
the back of their masters throne.
"There is no mistake," Hades said. "I know why you have come- I know the real reason you brought the bolt. You came to bargain for her."
Hades loosed a ball of gold fire from his palm. It exploded on the steps in front of Percy, and there was who I could only assume was his mother, frozen in a shower of gold.
In my panicked state at the renewed loss of mothers, I had almost forgotten about his.
"Yes," Hades said with satisfaction. "I took her. I knew, Percy Jackson, that you would come to bargain with me eventually. Return my helm, and perhaps I will let her go. She is not dead, you know. Not yet. But if you displease me, that will change."
Someone, or something, was growling. I think It was me. I was so angry. He already took my mothers away, he wasn’t about to take Percy’s.
I went to charge for him when I realized Annie was still holding on to me. I struggled against her hold as she dug her heels into the ground.
"Ah, the pearls," Hades said, and my blood froze. "Yes, my brother and his little tricks. Bring them forth, Percy Jackson."
Percy’s hand moved and brought out the pearls.
"Only four," Hades said. "What a shame. You do realize each only protects a single person. Try to take your mother, then, little godling. And which of your friends will you leave behind to spend eternity with me? Go on. Choose. Or give me the backpack and accept my terms." Percy looked at me and Annabeth and then Grover.
"We were tricked," He said. "Set up.”
“No shit,” I muttered bitterly, tears still tracking down my face.
"Yes, but why?" Annabeth asked, as she side eyed me. "And the voice in the pit-"
"I don't know yet," Percy said. "But I intend to ask."
"Decide, boy!" Hades yelled.
"Percy." Grover put his hand on Percy’s shoulder. "You can't give him the bolt,"
"I know that." He replied, though his stare was focused on me.
"Leave me here," Grover said. "Use the fourth pearl on your mom."
"No!" Percy exclaimed, his eyes darting towards the satyr.
"I'm a satyr," Grover said. "We don't have souls like humans do. He can torture me until I die, but he won't get me forever. I'll just be reincarnated as a flower or something. It's the best way."
"No." Annabeth drew her bronze knife, finally letting go of me and I returned back to the wall trying to see if there was some sort of passageway. "You three go on. Grover, you have to protect Percy and (y/n/n). You have to get your searcher's license and start your quest for Pan. Get his mom out of here. I'll cover you. I plan to go down fighting."
"No way," Grover said. "I'm staying behind."
"Think again, goat boy," Annabeth said.
"Stop it, both of you!" Percy yelled, and the two quieted.
I realized I had been silent through this whole ordeal and knew what I had to do.
“I’ll stay.” I croaked.
“What?!” Percy said, his head turning faster than I could process. “Absolutely not.”
“No.” He strided over to me so he could look me in the eyes, “I’m not leaving here without you,”
“You don’t get it!” I exclaimed, on the verge of collapse. Gods, I’ve never been so tired. I’ve never done this. I know the stakes. I know how serious this is. But still, at the end of the day, I’m just a little girl who had gone her whole life without parents. Never knowing their faces or voices. Just to meet them and have them taken away within the same hour.
“What don’t I get (Y/N)? Hm?” Percy said frustratedly as he grappled my shoulders. I know he didn’t mean to be harsh but I couldn’t help getting upset.
“I want to stay here, Percy.” I said defeatedly, looking up at him through my lashes. “I ha-have to meet them. I just have to. Please just let me stay here. I need to stay, just let me stay,” I begged him, grasping at his arms to let me go.
He looked at me with a devastating amount of empathy that I couldn’t help breaking down again. He pulled me into a one armed hug as he turned towards Annabeth and Grover,
"I know what to do," Percy said. "Take these."
He handed them each a pearl.
Annabeth said, "But, Percy ..."
I was rambling incoherently into his shoulder, begging him to leave me there. He took my face into his hands and forced me to look him in the eyes,
“Hey-hey! Look at me!” I did, “I know.” And by the gods, I knew that he did. My knees went weak as he pulled me back in and held on to the back of my head as he wrapped an arm around my waist, “I’ll get you back here one day, ang-” he paused, realizing his mistake but continued on, “Even if I have to breakdown the doors of Olympus myself and force them to make it happen, you will see your moms again. Okay?”
I hesitated for a breath before I nodded reluctantly. There’s nothing else I could do.
Percy held me in his arms as he turned his head and faced his mother.
"I'm sorry," he told her. "I'll be back. I'll find a way."
The smug look on Hades's face faded. He said, "Godling ... ?"
"I'll find your helm, Uncle," he told him. Again with this uncle thing. "I'll return it. Remember about
Charon's pay raise."
"Do not defy me-" Hades tried.
"And it wouldn't hurt to play with Cerberus once in a while. He likes red rubber balls."
"Percy Jackson, you will not-"
Percy shouted, "Now, guys!"
He smashed the pearls at our feet. For a scary moment, nothing happened.
Hades yelled, "Destroy them!"
The army of skeletons rushed forward, swords out, guns clicking to full automatic. The Furies lunged, their whips bursting into flame.
Just as the skeletons opened fire, the pearl fragments at our feet exploded with a burst of green light and a gust of fresh sea wind.
We were encased in a milky white sphere, which was starting to float off the ground. My head was still buried in Percy’s shoulder, sobs racked my body as we floated up, Annabeth and Grover were right behind us.
Hades yelled with such rage, the entire fortress shook and I knew it was not going to be a peaceful night in L.A but I couldn’t bring myself to care.
"Look up." Grover yelled. "We're going to crash!"
Sure enough, we were racing right toward the stalactites, which I figured would pop our bubbles and skewer us.
"How do you control these things?" Annabeth shouted.
"I don't think you do!" Percy shouted back.
Is it bad that I kinda wanted to be skewered? Stop.
The trio screamed as the bubbles slammed into the ceiling and ... Darkness.
No, I could still feel the racing sensation. We were going up, right through solid rock as easily as an air bubble in water.
That was the power of the pearls, I realized- What belongs to the sea will always return to the sea.
For a few moments, I couldn't see anything outside the smooth walls of our sphere, then our pearl broke through on the ocean floor.
The two other milky spheres, Annabeth and Grover, kept pace with us as we soared upward through the water.
We exploded on the surface, in the middle of the Santa Monica Bay, knocking a surfer off his board with an indignant, "Dude!" I wanted to hit him.
Percy grabbed Grover and hauled him over to a life buoy. I caught Annabeth and dragged her over too.
A curious shark was circling us, a great white about eleven feet long. Maybe I’d get my soul surfer moment. Stop it.
Percy said, "Beat it." And the shark turned and raced away. New Yorkers.
The surfer screamed something about bad mushrooms and paddled away from us as fast as he could.
Somehow, I knew what time it was: early morning, June 21, the day of the summer solstice.
In the distance, Los Angeles was on fire, plumes of smoke rising from neighborhoods all over the city. There had been an earthquake, all right, and it was Hades's fault. He was probably sending an army of the dead after us right now.
But at the moment, the Underworld wasn't my biggest problem.
Annabeth and Grover shared a glance as they muttered something about getting a headstart to shore. Percy and I were still treading water as he analyzed me.
“What?” I snapped. I can’t say I didn’t mean to but I did feel bad.
“I’m sorry.” He said and my face softened. “It’s not your fault, nothing you could do.” I tried to give him a reassuring smile but I’m sure it looked more like a grimace.
He was starting to gain a real habit of hugging me as he pulled me into his chest. I couldn't tell the difference between the saltwater and saline on my face anymore.
He didn’t say anything, just sort of awkwardly petted my hair. He pulled away to look me in the eyes and some sort of understanding passed between us.
I gave him a nod and gestured for him to catch up with the others. He looked hesitant for a second but ultimately nodded and swam to the duo who were treading just a little ways away.
I looked down at the water as if I’d be able to see the underworld below my feet. I gave a kiss to my fingers and swirled them in the water in the shape of a flower, “I’m sorry Mamma, Ma. I’ll come back for you.”
I start to slowly make my way towards the others thinking over everything that just went down. I realized with a sharp ache in my chest, that I felt more despair than I did hatred when thinking of Hades. I wanted to despise him. To think that he was evil and want to plot some sort of revenge. But I couldn’t. Somehow that was worse.
He was uncaring in his dealings with us. I knew his intentions with the words he spoke to me, burning a hole through my chest till I was left spiraling searching for some sort of reprieve. And yet compassion still had a hold on me. I felt sorry for him but oh my gods, was he ruthless.
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✧ dividers by @hitobaby !
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juniette13 · 3 months
Can you explain your reasons for not liking Scaramouche's redemption? I'm also not a huge fan of how he was written.
Of course!
One of my biggest reasons is it comes off to me as if Genshin is too scared to make characters who are blatantly evil and against the traveler playable
Which to me…honestly I don’t understand their mentality with it
IMO I think it’s perfectly fine to have characters who are evil and/or against the traveler to be playable! It brings a contrast, a flavor of sorts to the playable cast of characters
I was hesitant at first to say Genshin was too scared to make morally questionable/wrong characters playable, but considering La Signora’s dead, Ei’s EGREGIOUS redemption arc, and Scara’s redemption arc, I’m seeing a very blatant trend here, one I’m not a fan of
Now I know Arlecchino got released and is playable, I, however, stopped playing the game awhile back, I honestly don’t even feel like returning to it because all the content is wearing me out, along with the writing decisions and how I personally think the writing is just getting extremely convoluted, so I can’t really speak on Arlecchino’s matter because honestly I don’t know if her personality was watered down or not
My biggest issue is I feel like the redemption arc not only butchers what could’ve been a great character, I remember the days of when Scaramouche was just an asshole and that’s all he was, just an evil person, and not when he was some uwu little guy who does nothing wrong, but the arc also honestly ignores all the things Scaramouche has done and would rather pin the blame on other characters Like traveler why on Earth are you teaming up with the guy who killed Teppei??? You know, the NPC that died in the Inazuma arc, the NPC who’s death enraged the traveler so much that the traveler just ran headfirst into a dangerous situation without a second thoug-Ohhhhh right his death was just for shock value and doesn’t really hold any weight on the traveler! Right!
Scaramouche was also responsible for getting La Signora killed, however this is never addressed and just swept under the rug It’s writing decisions like that that just makes me so frustrated
I think it would’ve been fun if Scaramouche was just some blatantly evil guy, not every character needs some sob story, a whole plot point where they just whine and whine, and then some half-baked redemption arc where now he’s completely woobified and just an entirely diff character, minus the sass
Like he’s just sassy now, he’s not even mean anymore 💀
It disappoints me because there was so much potential to him and I would’ve been perfectly fine with him just being plain evil, I’m at that point where Dottore, a character who is just straight up evil, has no reason behind it, has no remorse for his actions, is a breath of fresh air and the only harbinger I enjoy because of that I do hope Pantalone also just ends up being a blatantly evil character, albeit not as extra as Dottore, and it would be fun if he monologued like Bedman from Guilty Gear XRD (I might even draw him to some of the monologues LOL)
But anyway yeah, just to sum everything all up in short bullet points
-Characters doing heinous things and then turning around, spewing a sob story, and becoming completely watered down woobified versions of themselves is overdone and tired in Genshin
-Scaramouche would’ve been great if he just stayed as an evil character, not every character needs to be morally in the right or on the traveler’s side, let the traveler have more significant enemies instead of nameless NPC #928291 ISTG 😭
-Scaramouche’s redemption was not earned
I know people are going to disagree with me, that’s fine, just make sure to keep it civil if/when interacting with my post
Anyways thanks for the ask! I can also do a post on Ei’s botched arc if needed or anything of the sorts, I like ranting about this stuff!
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discordsmuse · 11 months
any thoughts on Oathbreaker Knight with a fem!tav, seeking true redemption and "learning" with her new, weathered mentor? 🫣
Don't kill me anon, but believe it or not I literally didn't know this man existed until like 2 weeks ago. I played a Warlock, Monk and Barbarian and just missed him completely.
BUT!!! As soon as I realized there was a giant masked man with a Scottish accent and paternal energy, he had me by the throat. I want him to do terrible things to me.
On that note:
"Learning" from the Oathbreaker Knight ;)
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18+ under the cut
- The armor is like a shield from not only the physical, but emotional aspects of mortal life. Tav comes to understand he doesn't feel like she and her other companions do. Still, he hangs around and offers sage advice that she funds annoyingly paternal at first.
- Tav trains with him, as she must if she wants any hope of settling into this new life. (Oathbreaker or pledged anew) Her guide remains dutifully at her side, assisting when necessary to keep her on the path.
- The voice is too attractive, she decided early on. Astarion teases her for how quickly the brogue of his accent makes her flush, but Tav is adamant it's only the heat of the summer.
- It's a sparring session where she ends up on her back, his sword pinning her down by the fabric of her tunic. One knee rests against the ground, close enough to press up to her side. Tav knows her breathing comes too quickly, even after a workout such as this. An awkward moment of silence passes before he's helping her up and continuing the lesson.
- After that, their sparring becomes more physical. Tav finds herself pressed to a tree by a weathered gauntlet against her throat or a knee between her legs. The latter made her squeak, a sound impossible to ignore in the silence of the night.
- Tav swears he starts to do it on purpose, to mess with her. Every moment of proximity, her Knight brushes against her skin. Arm to arm, hips bumping as he passes her, things too common now to be coincidence. There is an ache in him to touch her, and she can see it.
- The Oathbreaker resists his desire for her, but he can only provide so many excuses. Too old, ancient even. He is not man, more a spirit than anything she can ever hold. Tav remains determined nonetheless.
- Self control wanes, in part at her insistence. She manages to talk her way into his lap at one point, unsure what to do after having gotten this far. The unexpected allowance of their closeness is almost startling. That is, until his hands find her hips. He rocks her there, her comfortable camp pants catching on the metal as her body grinds against his. He has no body with which to satisfy her, but gives her all that remains. All that he can.
- After weeks of dancing around this tension between them, it culminates in the woods beyond the camp. Pinned to a tree, Tav grinds her body down on the tasset of his armor. Friction on her clit makes her gasp and whine, while the hand he has at her throat brings her heart to hammer in her ears. It is desperate, dirty, and unabashed as he watches her come undone.
- This man, this old God of sorts, does not keep his guidance to the battlefield. On the nights that Tav can spare her time for him, he will sometimes find her in her tent. There, he watches as she touches herself. His clawed armor traces over her thighs, reminding her how powerful and beautiful she is in this moment.
"Radiant, even in your undoing." His voice is thick with brogue, heady with the desire to please her rather than resign himself to guiding her hand. "How I wish to be the one between your thighs. Would that I could show you how adept my hand can be."
- It's words like that, dripping with admiration, that brings her to finish. Tav whimpers his title, allowing herself to be cleaned and soothed by hands that she knows means safety. Sometimes he will remain beside her as she sleeps, content to admire while she rests.
- It is a strange relationship, stranger still when he seems more idea than man. Yet, Tav thinks she may love him all the same.
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rubyfoxfyre · 7 months
What did you base Alastors Nox Magia off of? Why type of magic is it and where did you get the ideas for a good ass fanfic?
Thank you for the question!
The answer is sort of a long story that I suppose begins with my first exposure to Hazbin Hotel in general, during a particularly doomed D&D campaign where my character basically acted exactly like Charlie did in the pilot:
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Granted, Fianna is not anything like Charlie at all, but the DM found it funny enough to send me the gif above and then everyone got distracted for about 5 minutes while they started meming.
The next day I watched the show and was completely hooked!
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I started looking into the Wiki to get a greater understanding of the world shown, read the comics (like all 20 pages hahaha), and listened to Addict while working on prompts for Charlastor Week 2022, taking a break from my regular manuscript I'd been working on for a few years (stay tuned for updates soon on that one!). I had about a month so I decided to try my hand at smaller short stories, since some of the authors I idolize are so good at short fiction, and conveying strong emotions in just a few thousand words.
I watched and rewatched the Pilot, studying the characterizations there as well as thinking about funny and unexpected scenarios the characters could get into while dealing with the concept of redemption and how to make it work (needless to say that the fact that they already had it happen was... unexpected. I have thoughts on that but will put a pin in that for now to avoid getting too distracted from your question!).
I can't remember which rewatch it was that I picked up on an interesting exchange between Charlie and Alastor that turned into a whole mess that would consume me to this day:
She tries to put a limitation on his ability to do too much, and I wondered if that could lead to a sort of interesting power-play between them (because in the end this is the part of their relationship that is fundamentally interesting - they're both powerful people with opposing moralities, having to work together to acheive a common goal). Basically, because Charlie's not precise with her language, she ends up basically not controlling Alastor at all. Which works out in its way, because she hides from her deeper wellspring of power with the aid of a gentle persona.
I liked the idea of something deeper between them and within themselves - and with them being opposing forces, I wanted to work with the idea of Alastor being associated with "night" and "dark", versus Charlie being associated with "sunlight" and "rainbows".
Shadow and Flame, only a bit less Lord of the Rings and a bit more sexy.
Nox Magia , the "night" magic, follows basic arcane principles that I've picked up on through the long and involved process of being a massive nerd and reading a lot of stuff.
For writing magic, I like looking at basic logic structures and hovering somewhere between harder and softer magic. My other manuscript that is premiering this year will be discussing some differing types of magic systems as well, if you enjoy reading Riddle and my other works, I hope you enjoy those as well!
But as for the story itself, it wasn't meant to be a story about a man falling in love... it's the story of a man being dragged into love, kicking and screaming about it. 🦌🌈
To Alastor the Hotel is about control, and his experience there is just a game not to be taken too seriously. Charlie is also about control, or rather, trying to find a way to control without breaking everything with her terrible strength.
Alastor embraces his strength, while she hides from it, and he finds that contradictory instinct in her interesting, so he comes up with the idea of a game to teach her some magic that might help her. But as with all magic, intent governs everything (even when you don't realize), and the spells he's teaching are telling a particular kind of story - you can preview what's happening in the chapter titles that have the runes' names! 🍷
❤️ Thanks so much for reading! ❤️
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itjazzbicch · 10 months
Escaping False Fate PT. 2
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Pairing:  Shang Tsung x Fem Reader 
Summary: Escaping False Fate PT. 1
Making arrangements before putting their plan into effect, the reader is found by Lui Kang, who tries to offer her a chance for redemption, which only angers the reader, so much to the point that she goes through an awakening after returning to Shang Tsung, learning why Lui Kang offered her that redemption, and the feelings that she shares with Shang proving to be another piece of evidence that they can defy their fates...
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI) Unprotected sex, creampie. The reader gets into a fight with Lui Kang, and the reader also goes through an awakening with her powers (won't immediately spoil the story, but I also apologize if I didn't nail down the whole deity thing, lol). A small flashback that is italicized and colored purple!
Word Count: 3.2k 
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Taking careful steps in our new plans to take the realms, Shang and I had to stay in the shadows, but even that came with its dangers.
We needed something important, and it was in his old laboratory that Mileena now had on lockdown.
Getting in wasn't an issue. It was a relatively easy task between my stealth and the shapeshifting abilities Shang taught me. The one issue?
Godly powers.
"Y/N. I was hoping to find you. Just not here."
"Lui Kang," The source of all the hatred in my heart, was right in front of me, the last thing I expected, but I wasn't afraid, concealing the scroll I came for in my pouch, "Helping Li Mei to put me back in Le Chin?"
"You disappoint me, Y/N," My blood boiled at his tone, like I was some child whose parent expressed their disappointment, "I had hoped you would redeem yourself since Li Mei said you were well-behaved in Le Chin."
"Well behaved?" I laughed, my eyes beaming into his, "I was only patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to escape."
"This is not what I had planned for you." This caught my attention, and I was confused as he continued to explain, "The power that you were given was not meant for the evil intentions that Shang Tsung and his titan counterpart lured you into. You and Shang Tsung never should have met. I'd never imagine that Titan Shang- "
"Excuse me?" I had to interrupt him, laughing at the fact he didn't know, "What? I met Shang Tsung long before his doppelgänger came along."
"That should not have been possible," Seeing shock and fear on a Titan's face was a priceless scene, that fear making him ramble, stepping up to me and, like others, trying to pin me against Shang, "Nonetheless, Shang Tsung only cares for himself and having a power like yours in his hands is deadly, not only for the realms but for you. He is using you-"
Before he could finish, a deep rage lit my heart with hellfire, a loud smack echoing as the back of my hand found his face.
"Using me?! Shang is powerful as is, and the only reason that you still live is because of the oppression our enemies tried to keep us down with! I've always stuck by his side, even when we were living like bottom feeders! Thus, I am the only person who's earned his trust and loyalty as he earned mine. We're more than just partners. I know he's no saint, but he has earned my undying loyalty, and I refuse to listen to this!"
All Lui Kang could do was stare off into nothingness, but listening as my anger kept spilling out through my words:
"I lived in the scum of Outworld for ages as a child, no family, nothing till I found Shang! You call that greatness?! Tell me about this 'greatness' that you destined me for!"
Only staring into my eyes, my rage grew more potent, and I began to laugh madly:
"Nothing? Some Titan you are, Lui Kang. How could you let something as important as shaping time as we know it be foiled so easily?"
"It is not an easy task, Y/N-"He breathed in deeply, "Like many others, you can be upset with me about how your life has played out, but I will offer you the opportunity for redemption one last time. Sometimes, we are guided down the wrong path, but it's not too late to get back on track."
"You're serious?" I laughed once more before taking a deep breath, taking stance and glaring into his eyes, wielding my khopesh, "I was destined for greatness, you said? I'll prove that by bringing Shang your head! "
"Just know, I truly wish that things did not have to be this way," He was soft-spoken with his words, but taking stance and with a simple gaze, our hands started to collide in combat.
There was no denying his formidable skills. I was barely dodging his attacks, but one kick was all it took to send me over a table, glass breaking and cutting me as I hit the floor hard, his hope for me still strong:
"Y/N, please reason with me. I do not want to kill you-"
It wasn't that I feared losing to Lui Kang; I remembered Shang explaining that we needed him alive until we got our hands on the hourglass. Needing to think quickly and plan, it struck me.
"Lui Kang-"Panting in the darkness that I was hidden in, there was a sinister smile on my face as I shapeshifted into his lover.
During the scuffle with that other Shang Tsung, I learned of his love for the Kitana from his original timeline, his face pale and drained, stunned by her face.
"Lui Kang?" Even her voice was perfected with my shapeshifting; he was frozen in place, and with a quick jump, my smile flashing, I kicked him; my magic powered into my foot, sending him flying through two walls, unable to help my laugh, "You fool!"
This was my opportunity to escape, and I did so, opening a portal and disappearing before he could recollect himself.
Escaping to where Shang and I were hiding, I needed to sit and think about everything that occurred with one thought circling my mind.
First, Li Mei tried to stray me from Shang, but now Lui Kang found the courage to do so. I didn't understand what they saw in me or why Lui Kang wouldn't tell me.
Lost in thought, I jolted at Shang's voice behind me:
"You returned with the scroll, yes?"
"Of course," I swallowed, handing it to him:
"Good job, my-"Looking at my hand, he noticed the scratches that the shards of glass left on my skin and how I was panting, "What happened while you were gone?"
Already concerned, his pupils grew more as I explained:
“Lui Kang came for me.”
"You're kidding- "
"I am not," I breathed in, "Much like Li Mei, he was trying to offer me 'redemption,' but something he didn't know blindsided him."
"And what was that, something?"
"He thought your doppelgänger brought us together, and for some reason, the thought of that scared him," Growing emotional again, tears formed in my eyes, both of pain and anger, "He tried telling me that you're using me for my power, that having my power is dangerous for us all."
"Hehe, honey," He wasn't laughing at my feelings, but at Lui Kang's proposition, caressing my cheek and smiling, "He fears the fact that you and I are an unstoppable force. If anyone were to use you or feed you lies, it'd be him."
"I know that," I breathed, still lost in the one question I had, "I let my anger best me and was ready to kill him. Every time he stared into my eyes, it wasn't that he feared me, but something that involved me. What is it that I saw in his eyes?"
"Oh no," He shook his head, placing his forehead against mine, "He fears you. He fears your power, and it's already been proven that even Titans can be defeated, which is his inevitable fate."
Nodding softly, I felt more content when he gave me a soft kiss, "How about you take a moment to yourself, and I'll handle the scroll?"
"Thank you, dear," I kissed back, genuinely appreciative, but I wasn't going off to relax.
Going to a dark room, I sat with my eyes closed, retracing my steps in my fight with Lui Kang. There was this feeling that I couldn't explain, but when I was angry, it got stronger.
Could it have something to do with Lui Kang wanting me on his side?
There was only one way to find out if this feeling had more behind it than I thought. Squeezing my eyes closed even harder, I thought of everything that made my heart burn with rage.
As those memories ran through my mind, that feeling started to come around, and then suddenly, my heartbeat turned into a pounding drum, a decisive strike of pain in my head, so unbearable that I held the top of my head, screaming.
"I'm so sorry that I have to leave you, my dear daughter-"
What were these memories? I had no recollection of them, the intense migraine pounding in my head stronger, my cries making it hard to breathe as the memories kept flooding my mind.
"Never be afraid, my child. Your powers may be dormant for some time, but someday, you will be the most powerful goddess the realms have ever known."
Goddess? Despite the pain, I tried to make out the face and voice that was playing in my memory, but it was hazy. Was I an infant when this happened? I never knew my family.
"Y/N?" I could hear Shang's voice, but when I opened my eyes, I couldn't see. I tried to call out for him, but nothing would come out of me; seeing the figure in my memory one last time:
"I know you won't remember me, but know I love you."
"Y/N, let me help you," Shang tried picking me up off the floor, getting me to my feet before I started to stumble over my feet.
Something was overwhelming me, this strange, powerful feeling flowing through me like a drug in my veins, and the more it flowed, the more I felt the need to set it free.
"I d-don't know what's happening to me," I cried, my whole body pulsating, not able to see, but my instincts led me outside.
The wind was cold as it flew past me and felt so reliving, making me notice that my body temperature had skyrocketed.
"I said, let me help y-" Shang was only trying to help, and my denial was annoying him, but everything went silent, and a crack of thunder roared in the sky as I let out a throat-straining scream, that power I was feeling started controlling me, my hands raising to the sky.
"S-Stop this pain," I began to cry harder, clenching my fist at the dark, clouded sky, screaming out, "I SAID, MAKE IT STOP!"
In a swift woosh, all the clouds disappeared, the sky dark as it was the night but clear, revealing countless stars soaring with colors past the moon whose light glistened against me as I dropped to my knees, finally able to breathe, but so drained that new power in me still there, but flowing easily as if it were always a part of me.
"W-What-" Shang was left speechless, just as clueless as me, "What did you just do? The sky-"
The pound in my head was still there, and my vision blurred, but I could see Shang, puzzled and astonished. I had no idea what I had done, but when I yelled to the sky, I could feel this connection, as if I could bend it to my will.
"Shang-" Reaching out for him, I was going to try and explain somehow, but as he approached me, the world seemed to be spinning, falling to the ground as everything went black.
I wasn't sure how long I had been unconscious, rubbing my temple as the migraine from before lingered, thinking of those faint memories again, the power I released to the sky.
"What was that?" I whispered to myself, hearing Shang coming to my side:
"You're awake."
He must've brought me to bed, feeling my temple and noticing, "Your fever seems to be going away already."
"I don't know what happened to me," I whispered, explaining, "I felt strange when I faced Lui Kang. So, I tried to bring back that feeling, and I got this migraine, these strange memories-"
"Strange memories?" Only wanting to know the truth behind this, I tried to picture it perfectly in my head.
"I think it was my mother," I could sense that he was puzzled yet again as he knew that I never knew my parents, "It was a woman talking to me, apologizing that she had to leave me. She called me daughter-"
All this happening to me so suddenly brought me to tears, shaking and staring off into space, trying to find the belief in the words of that figure in my memories:
"She told me never to be afraid; that my powers would be dormant, but I would become a-a-"
"A what, dear?" My eyes kept squeezing harder, but the tenderness in his voice made me open them softly, scarcely whispering:
"A goddess."
"Lui Kang's proposition to you," Slow in his words, he stared at me strangely, swallowing down, "It all makes sense now."
"What makes sense?" I cried out of confusion, having to pick myself, "And why are you staring at me like-"
Midsentence, I glanced at a nearby mirror, and my eyes were glowing. The shakes I already had grew stronger, the shock making me spit out:
"I need to find Lui Kang. I need answers now."
"That is the last thing you need to do," He said quickly, laying me back and trying to calm me down, "You will get your answers soon, but if you return to him without any control of this, it can lead to the end of us."
That was a good point, but I was still confused, not sure what to do, covering my face as I cried:
"My whole life, I was a goddess of some sort?"
"If I had to guess, one of your parents was a deity, the other a mortal," Shang's assumption could be the only sort of insight I'd see till we took the hourglass for ourselves, making another good point, "And given Lui Kang's power, he could have surely delayed this awakening thus why he kept trying to tempt you. More than likely, he wanted you on his side before your true power came to intuition."
"We must end him-" I gasped, beginning to hyperventilate. I still had so many thoughts racing through my mind. If I was a goddess, what was I a goddess of? How had I lived my whole life not knowing this?
"And we will," Shang's confidence never died, but he pushed our ultimate ambitions to the side, pulling my hands away from my face, helping me ease down, and cooing, "Just breathe, sweetheart."
"I'm trying-" Taking in a shaky breath, the next few were deeper, and once I was breathing right, he wrapped my arms around him, knowing that I needed the comfort that his hugs brought me.
"That's it. Nice, deep breaths," He whispered, petting back my hair, helping me with another outlook on this situation, "And think of it this way: you're a goddess, sweetheart. That'll make our goal even easier to achieve."
"Once I fully understand this, there is nothing Lui Kang can do," I whispered, hugging him tighter. Shang placed a kiss on my temple:
I knew that with this turn of events, things were bound to become even more twisted, but I didn't want to think about that, shyly asking Shang:
"Can you lay with me for a while, please?"
Fixing me on my side to make room, he slid into the bed beside me, keeping me against his chest, fingertips running through my hair. I felt at ease as we laid together for some time, clinging to him as I went to speak, but hearing him whisper:
"We were never supposed to meet. That baffles me, but in a good way."
He must've felt my eyes on him, smirking down to me:
"Yet again, another sign that we can defy what that fool calls destiny." 
"Undeniably," I smiled back, picking my head up to kiss him, cooing, "No matter what he says, I just know, deep in my heart, we were meant to be."
Kissing and guiding me to my back, we kept looking at the bright side of things, Shang breathing in against my neck:
"To think I've had a goddess in my arms for so long."
"There's no other who is worthy," I whispered, the need for him strong, sitting up and taking off my shirt, offering myself to him, "Only you, Shang."
"Your loyalty never ceases to amaze me," He smiled more and stripped out of his clothes along with me, a bit teasing with his words as our warm skin met, "How could I ever repay you?"
I knew he couldn't help his ways, his free hand stroking his cock before gliding his tip through my slick, nudging my clit, then circling my entrance, whispering in my ear:
"I think I know the perfect way."
"So perfect," I gasped, his kisses down my neck in a slow, matched sequence with his girth stretching me, thrusting slow and deep as his lips trailed down to my breasts, his tongue flicking across my nipple along with his tip grazing my sweet spot having me squirm and whine.
As good as his pleasure was, something was different than the other times. Not only had it been so long, but it was more intense in passion.
We had never gone for so long before, switching from slow and sensual to quick and pugnacious, earning an orgasm from me in each series.
He showed his actual durability, but even he had his limits. I was clinging to him as if my life depended on it, his name being the only thing to come out of me besides moans, whining at how tight I was around his cock, feeling how he was beginning to throb against my walls.
"No one will take you from me. Never worry again," He was panting, so close to his own high that profound words started spilling from him, our noses together as his tongue rolled into my moans, "My goddess."
I tried to find his eyes, the pleasure making mine roll, only seeing his lower half shining with my sleekness, the pressure against my clit making that shine grow.
"N-Never," I moaned against his lips, clinging to him tighter, rattled by his hips smacking into mine harder and harder, the knot in my stomach beginning to crack and make me drool out, "N-No one!"
My jaw hung with beautiful, silent moans as my walls clamped around his cock, tighter than ever before, eyes wide open, the ceiling swirling above me, his groans flooding my ears as his hot seed streamed as deep as he could reach in my cunt; slow but still thrusting as he finished, keeping himself buried to keep me full of his seed as a little seeped out of me.
His hair was falling towards my face, but it didn't block the passionate look in his eyes. No words. Just a smile, sweat beading down his temple.
"My goodness-" I couldn't seem to catch my breath; between that look in his eyes and the lingering feeling of having all of him for the first time, I whispered, "You're going to get me addicted to that."
Chuckling at me, he was just as serious as me, keeping our hips pinned as we melted together, my heart fluttering rapidly with happiness as his hand rubbed my stomach in soft circles, "It's not like we'll have to worry about it here soon."  
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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sezja · 8 months
Febuwhump Day 4: Obedience Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Characters/Ship: Raicheille Lhorulgois Triggers/Content warnings: Child abuse
Takes place one year after Silenced.
"Stand still," Mother snaps, swatting Raicheille's shoulder as though she's an insect in need of a good squishing. "And stop slouching, girl! You've no figure yet to speak of; we must pin all of our hopes on your face. Gods help us."
I inherited it from you, you old sow, she doesn't dare say, straightening her shoulders even further, stretching her spine until it creaks. Her new dress clings in uncomfortable places, telling earnest but unconvincing lies about the shape of her beneath it. As though anyone would believe it. Her betrothed-to-be will be a fellow wildwood, of course, and everyone knows elezen don't begin properly growing until their twentieth year, give or take.
At fifteen summers, she feels like a dodo pretending to be a chocobo.
"You will be gracious," Father says. His voice is cold, stern, as though she's one of his hired lances. "You will speak only when it is required of you, or you will suffer the consequences of your disobedience."
She fights the urge to shudder.
There's every reason the new dress covers her from the neck down, hiding the bruises and welts she's earned over the past year.
Nourval wouldn't let them do this to me.
"Do not bite your lip," Mother snaps again, seizing Raicheille's chin between cruel fingers, not quite hard enough to bruise. "Do not sulk at your father, you ungrateful trollop; were it not for your interference, none of this would be necessary! Your uncle had it all well in hand!"
"Yes- yes, Mother."
Had it all well in hand is, Rai thinks, a very diplomatic way to describe the attempted murder of an officer of the Twin Adder, in an effort to frame visiting Ala Mhigan diplomats for the crime - it'd been her interference, yes, that'd alerted Captain Smyth to the plot. But she'd only ever wanted her brother to be freed from prison; beyond that, she hadn't really cared what became of it all. Not really.
She hasn't seen Nourval since. Her last memory of her brother is of him lying half-dead in the tall grass, and Captain Smyth sending her dashing off for a healer.
He's alive, at least. She knows that much. If her parents would let him see her...
But no. They'd told the Adders charming lies, pleading their ignorance, pleading their innocence, and so Raicheille was returned to the loving arms of her parents. If only someone had thought to ask her what her parents might have known... but who ever cared what one scrawny girl knew?
Captain Sanson cared, she thinks, idly, fighting the urge to rub her throbbing jaw while her parents aren't looking.
Today is her chance at redemption, her parents have told her, endlessly, for the past week. Marriage is a time-honored contract, sealing alliances between the families of Gridania's oldest families - those who long for the old ways, before Gridania opened her gates to outsiders; before Ala Mhigo brought war to her doorstep and pushed Gridania to the brink. Before Vainchelon's death. Rai has known all her life that she'd be handed over into the keeping of some tradition-minded man or other...
But that was before she knew the truth about it all.
Now she wants to run screaming into the Shroud, hopefully to be eaten by some wild beast - better that than being married off to some other hateful bastard who who only wants to rekindle old wars.
The one they've picked for her is nearly thrice her age: a grizzled veteran of the Old Guard, known to have a firm hand with his servants. The Matron knows he's likely to see her as little better than a servant; she expects she'll be lucky to see the sun more than once a moon - she'll be kept under lock and key, seen but not heard, her value proven only in the production of sons to bear arms-
I'd rather just get eaten.
"Come, girl," Father says, snapping his fingers like she's one of his hunting hounds. Mother places an ungentle hand on her back, guiding her forward like a prisoner who can't be trusted to follow obediently.
It's more apt than it ought to be.
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echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
Dark Redemption: Kamino Lost - Part I
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Summary: After Crosshair joined the empire you went looking for him and eventually found him but he wasn’t the man you remember, temporarily free from the empire Crosshair has to figure out whether he’s staying to make amends or rejoin the empire 🖤Smut with an Angsty Plot🖤
Warning: Cannon typical violence, Order 66, Pinning, former established relationship, emotional turmoil, eventually smut
Word Count: 4.2k
Masterlist ~ part I ~ part II
Shots wrung out in the distance and you felt the platform shake. Staring out the window of the Havoc Marauder dark black plumes cascaded into the air ushering the beginning of an era without clone troopers, the beloved home of hundreds of thousands now a watery tomb in the depths of Kamino. Taking your feet off the dash you went to the ramp door, your legs threatened to buckle when you reached the platform looking out for any sign of your squad. Seeing the green streaks in the distance continuing to fire you knew there couldn't have been a chance and you probably the only person left alive. Your hand went to your mouth covering to try to contain the sobs trying to rip out of your chest. Please let me they got out. Minutes felt like hours ever slicer of hope fading but they finally arrived all of them safe.
Your eyes found the familiar stranger, gone were the colors of his upbringing replaced with the mourning color of the reaper. Every connection to his prior life erased hollowed to the creature of death the empire had created to take his place. Once bright eyes matching the pigment of his daily coffee now flat and lifeless. Crosshair, the name associated with one man who pick off enemies from ten klicks or better now stood as a weapon of the Empire.
Desperately you want to hold onto your animosity towards him for what he's done, part you of clung to the hope that it had been the chip. You saw the moon cratered scar the side of his head and the empty expressions on his brothers faces, you knew he was gone. Your stomach twisted, electing to sit on the ramp as they all turned their backs to you staring at the ruins of their long ago home.
"We should leave before the Empire's scouts show up," Tech said looking out and up towards the skyline.
"You comin' with us" Wrecker asked optimistically turning to Crosshair.
"None of this changes anything," Crosshair said looking at his former brothers as he coaxed calm into his features burying his rage and betrayal for pointing their weapons at him for saving who they cared about more than him.
"You offered us a chance, Crosshair, this is yours," Hunter offered hoping he would change his mind or at least appear to consider it for a moment but he had always been the most bullheaded and unrelenting person.
"I made my decision," Crosshair's rough voice cut you from your thoughts forcing you to stare at him.
"We want different things, Crosshair. It doesn't mean we have to be enemies," Hunter said trying to give him an understanding look before the four of them headed towards the ship finding your broken expression, guilt riddling their features.
Echo grabbed your shoulder jerking his chin towards the ship, "I'm sorry," he said letting go following his squad up the ramp.
You stayed their watching Omega still standing behind him, silently observing him without a fear in the old about what he was capable off.
"What?" Crosshairs lip twitched turning around to look down at her.
"Thank you for saving AZ," Omega said standing alone staring at him.
"Consider us even," Crosshair said looking up at Hunter knowing he meant between them before his eyes found yours. His stare lasted for a split second before he couldn't bare to see the pain in them, it destroyed him that you didn't understand and that you saw things just like them.
"You're still their brother, Crosshair, your my brother too," Omega said gloomily turning around joining you on the ramp, "She loves you," she added quietly.
Tech called your name, "I can not shut the ramp until you are inside."
You stared at his back, he wouldn't even look at you. You marched off the ship putting your hands on your hips glaring at him. "What," he said still staring out at the smoke, a piece of him crashing down into the ocean to be forgotten forever.
"Get your farking ass on that ship or I am staying here until we either die or the empire picks us up. I don't care if you stay with them afterwards or not."
"Why do you care?" he said flatly.
"I don't know who you are, but Crosshair and I use to mean the stars to each other," the tears tried to choke you as you pointed at the no longer standing city, "Crosshair died on Kaller but now I'll never get the answers to what they did to him afterwards. I can at least honor his memory by making sure whatever they did with his corpse breaths another day," the tears staring following by the only thing in your voice was pain and rage, "Get on the ship." He didn't look at you but he spun around and marched on board. You whipped your face on your sleeves as you straighten your back and followed after them. The pained expression on Hunter's face told you he heard every word and personally felt every cut of the words. You saw the darkly armored figure sitting in your usual seat. Fingers ghostly over the seat remembering when you first met him and how it felt like life time ago. Tech called your name again a few times before you blinked and looked up at him, "Corellia," you responded to his question of now what.
"What's on Corellia?" Omega asked once you finally sat.
"CT-9904 can safely make it back to the Empire if he chooses, it wouldn't be hard to falsify that pirates came looking for salvage, picked him up and dropped him off looking for a reward. There's plenty of them and bounty hunters there. It's logical," you responded letting your hands continue to skim across the seat remembering the banter and snide remarks before looking at Omega's seat where you use to sit in because it was a perfect line for both of you to flick toothpicks at each other. A smile trembled on your face before noticing the shadow in the corner studying all of you, your face flat lined over his scrutiny.
"Why didn't you say his name?" Omega inquired curiously.
"She is referencing that our or specifically her Crosshair is not the Crosshair sitting with us therefore making a distinction between the two, at least that is what I am assuming," Tech offered.
Hunter nudged you to follow him, you stood up following the sergeant out of the cockpit, "Are you sure about this? What if he turns you in to the Empire?"
"I've already been captured by the Empire and didn't break, but this time don't come for me."
"Oh?" you heard Crosshair voice ask.
"I went looking for trouble and found it," you swallowed before heading into the bunk room.
"She went looking for you, she found the regs instead," Hunter stated once he heard you climb into your bunk, "You may think we abandoned you but she never did. Not for a moment, Crosshair."
Hunter sighed and headed back to the cockpit leaving him to stand there. He heard Crosshair walk into the bunk room, pulling out his vibro blade playing with it eavesdropping.
Crosshair found you tucked into his bunk holding onto one of his old shirts staring at the wall that was now littered with photos of the squad especially ones of the both of you, various missions to when he was giving you shooting lessons. His eyes narrowed at the semi intimate one of the both of you kissing in 79's on a date, he'd never seen the photo and saw how it pulled out suggesting it was usually tucked behind the photo in-front of it wondering who took it.
"I know your there," you breathed taking your eyes off the memories to look back confirming his presence lingering against the wall, tucking the last photo of both of you together on shore leave right before order 66. You climbed out of the bunk pulling the privacy curtain shut feeling to emotionally exposed while folding your arms over your chest, "Something you need?"
"You looked for me," it wasn't a question but a statement, he put a tooth pick between his teeth, "Didn't like what you found," another toneless statement, "Why not let me go?"
You slumped against the wall of the bunk shaking your head, "Tech said you let them live on Ryloth faking trying to shoot them down, I wanted to know if there was anything left of him in there."
"And?" he hand went to his hip waiting watching as you went toe to toe with him staring into his eyes.
"You have his mannerisms," your hand fluttered to his hip, your thumb grazing the corner of his mouth next to his tooth pick then up to his eyes, "but I don't recognize the person in your eyes anymore," your hand flopped to your side, swallowing fighting the urge to touch him any further or try to recognize him in this creature, "I don't know what hurts worse wondering how much of it was you or the chip making you or remembering how long I have left until I hopefully get to see him again," you turned crawling back into the bunk, the tears no longer able to be held back, "Hunter.. can you grab me a water?" you whispered knowing it was going to be a bit before the tears were going to stop.
Hunter grabbed one of the canteens from storage slipping pass Crosshair has was just standing against the wall of the bunk room. He pulled back the curtain putting his body between you and Cross's eyes handing you the water and a package of tissues, "We're a couple hours away from Corellia depending on the Empire's movements through the sector, do you really want to go through with this?"
"I have too."
Hunter nodded, smiling when Omega wormed her way between him and climbed into the bunk yanking the curtain closed. She looked at all of the photos, "You know he's out there right?" she whispered.
"Someone is," you whispered back pulling one of the photos so both of you could look at it closer, "Did you meet him before the chip?"
"As a baby, I was in the lab where they were enhanced."
"So your older then them?"
"Yeah. What was he like?"
"Snarky, humorous, witty, banter at every turn. A little short tempered."
"He seems the same to me."
"He's not," the smile on your face died as you put the put the photo back, "I barely recognize him."
"He barely recognizes us too."
You looked at her, for being so young she was always so insightful, "Go hang out with your brothers," you nudged.
You followed her out of the bunk staring at him sitting on the floor with his head down gnawing on his tooth pick. You sat a few paces away on the floor in front of him, "CT-9904," he looked up squinting before relaxing, "Yes?"
"Who are you?"
"CT-9904," he squinted not understanding the meaning as you told him, "Crosshair."
You sighed frustratedly before tapping the side of his side with the scar and asked again. "Crosshair." You nodded and got up, "That's what I needed to know." Walking into the cockpit it fell silent as you took his seat as he silently shadowed you placing himself in your chair. Your fingers tapped on the chair's arm rest, "What happened on Kamino?"
"Well Crosshair lured us into a trap in the training room, killed his squad to what I assume was to approve the point of his sincerity then asked us to join the empire and then the empire opened fire on us and with Omega's insight we navigated our way out as the building started flooding," Tech summed up.
"You forgot almost drowning," Wrecker asked.
"Ah, yes and then running into the aquatic life while running through a lift tube. Now I believe that is everything."
You eyed him, "Imp killed imps to try to make more imps, interesting backward strategy," you mumbled.
"I was showing loyalty," he snarked back.
"Not to the squad you had," you countered.
Omega watched as it slowly turned into a shouting match, "Is it always like this?" she whispered to Hunter who was also watching intently, "unfortunately." Hunter took out the ear plugs from his bag and handed them to here, "put them in," he waited until she put them up before getting up, "Go fight in the bunk room, Omega is a child."
Both of you argued all the way to the room about loyalty, "Loyalty? Where was your loyalty to me!" You shouted, "Not once did you ever look for me, ask for me. Where was your loyalty to me, Crosshair!" You shouted. Your throat fell raw, rawer then you realized you said his name. Your jaw clamped shut and you couldn't look at him, "Where was your loyalty to me CT-9904," you correctly, "Your loyalty was ever only to your brothers, I always knew that deep down. It was always them," you sat on the lip of your bunk looking at the pictures, "Crosshair died on Kaller," you whispered hoping one day that if you repeated it enough you would finally believe it, "I'll get you home and then we're even." One by one you plucked the photos off the bunk wall in the heavy silence. You grabbed the small photo box with so many more memories and placed them inside. You packed all of your belongings in your weapon kit leaving the tiny box of pictures on the bunk and put it back against the wall, his weapon kit that you shared. You returned to your bunk looking at the forlorn expression on his face. I wish your decision would have been me. He was bred for war, sculpted out of ice for combat and the fires of bell for survival... this is who he is. I don't think I was ever truly an option after seeing him now but after this I don't think I can stay here, to many memories in these walls whisper their secrets in the dead of night reminding me of what I lost. After this maybe I'll join Rex's group, it'll put my skills to use and maybe I can help some other poor soul going through what I am. The thought started the tears, but this time no sound escaped besides the barely audible thunk of them landing on the durasteel floor.
"I did ask," is all he said. Your eyes shot over to him, he was back against the wall using it to support himself, "I assumed you died defending the Jedi, you always had a soft spot,"
"My only soft spot was for Crosshair, you kriffing Hutt spawn."
"Stop talking about me as if that isn't my name," he snarled, "I didn't die on Kaller either, I am right here."
"You did too me," you snapped back breathing trying to collect your thoughts, "You didn't even try to come back after having your chip removed, you started following orders, you became everything you hate. A reg. When have we ever followed orders especially so blindly without thought like the unthinking droids we fought against?"
"I am superior then a reg, I'm not going to waste my life running from my purpose-"
"Your purpose? Killing whatever innocent you get pointed too like a droid? You were a soldier of the Republic! Fighting for freedom and democracy not fear and tranny! If your purpose is being a monster you already accomplished it."
"This is who I am."
You stared  at the box with half the mind to blast it to bury the past once and for all, "is it or is it who you got told to be?" The calculating on his face not changing nor words sprung from his mouth in answer, "I could have spent Crosshair's whole life pretending he loved back but.. I don't know about the husk of him before me."
In a few swift footsteps Crosshair bridged the gap between both of you grabbing your hands holding them in your lap as he knelt, the gesture wasn't aggressive but he saw Hunter out of the corner of eye his hand resting on his holster trying to stay out of sight purposefully failing. Crosshair's lip twisted upward before returning his attention back to you, letting himself stare at you further then he previously allowed letting himself to relax even if it was a temporary moment. He saw everything in your eyes the pain, the loneliness, the honesty, the sincerity of your words but also the fear of him. He dropped your hands, "His brothers had his loyalty but only you ever had his heart," he whispered, standing up forcing the softness to fade back into the collected demeanor of the ruthless soldier of the Empire, "Stop saying I'm dead." He walked back into the cockpit shoving Hunter into the frame making sure you heard that he was there. Crosshairs mind was swimming with questions and rage as he felt the prickling eyes of brothers as he tried to figure out what he wanted and what he needed. I was created for a purpose to bring peace to the galaxy once and for all, the clone war is over but the war for peace is not. After a while of debating his purpose and what he's been order to do his mind drifted to you. The words may have cut him down piece by piece, it was the tears that had effected him the most. He summoned the photo that tried to hide in his mind the memory of his old life fuzzy, you had just finished teasing him about his choice in scarfs on cold days when he was in his basic and he wanted to silence you the sensation of you ghosted his lips and hands. He made a small strained growl before putting a fresh toothpick in his mouth ignoring the stares or that Tech had even swiveled in his chair to look at him. "Stop gawking," Crosshair snipped turning his attention to the door away from them.
"You're angry," Omega appearing at his side forcing him to remember what happened when his chip activated before they had experimented on him.
"How perceptive," he said not looking at her, "go away."
"You only got on this ship because of her, show her that," Omega said before taking her place leaning against Gonky playing on Tech's datapad.
Crosshair took off his glove to stare down at war callous blood tainted hand, his eyes trailed the familiarity of his hand the scars his thin fingers remembering battles but how gently they love in moments of privacy. He slipped the gloves back on, the weakness made him feel sick; a sickness his training yelled at him to eliminate. I’m not ‘Crosshair’ anymore just CT-9904, the thought made his hands clench, She is right, where was my loyalty. He found Hunter leaning against the outdoor wall of the bunks waiting to see what he would do.
"We'll be reaching Corellia shortly."
I guess it will have to wait, Crosshair sighed thinking to himself.
~ Before Kamino Lost ~
Hope had a way of twisting the reality of a situation. Your leg drummed against the durasteel floor processing what Tech had told you about their most recent encounter with the formally known brother named Crosshair. You've broken bones before but that was nothing compared to breaking in your chest. You stared at the squads partially shaved heads, your eyes lingered on Wrecker as you fully understood the dangers of the chips.
"I'm going after him," you announced, it's not Crosshair it's the chip, you told yourself, Wrecker the big excitable softie wouldn't dare hurt his brothers or Omega, that's how much of an effect the chips had. It had to be the same with Cross.
"He's expecting the rest of you," you said your eyebrows knitting together, "to him it's like I no longer exist maybe it'll shock him enough to give me an in."
Hunter and Tech exchanged glances knowing damn well you were going to do this with or without their permission, "What are you suggesting?" Tech asked breaking the silent conversation about whether they should aid or not.
"Drop me at a base, I'll cause enough chaos to get their attention and hopefully their dumb enough to bring him to me."
"That is a ridiculously stupid plan," Echo scowled, "Even Wrecker makes better ones."
"Stupid enough it might just work," Tech replied, "However you are aware we may not be able to get you out and there is a possibility of being killed in action before you even get to see him?"
You laughed awkwardly, "I know, I accept those risk for him."
"Why didn't you join him and the empire?" Omega asked.
"Crosshair would never have joined the Empire unless he was forced too, for that I am sure."
"Would you have?" Tech considered, "If he had of his own free will?"
"I don't know," it was the honest answer but it was one all of them seemed to accept, besides Tech knew you were the closest to the aloof sniper and had the sneaking suspicion you would have to keep Crosshair safe. Even being partners he didn't often publicly treat you any different besides the latest hours of the night and morning when everyone was supposed to be asleep or microscopic shore leaves. Echo hadn't been fond of the plan but was the first one to hug you as you landed in the Imp hot zone and Omega being the last.
"Are you absolutely sure?" Hunter said putting his hands on your shoulders, you patted his hands with a grim smile, "I'm absolutely sure, Hunter," his grip released on you as you walked down the ramp quickly hearing it close behind you.
You didn't even bother with a weapon just a small explosive, you primed it as you got closer to the gate. Heart was speeding as fast as pod racers trying to survive the death course, possibly even putting light speed to shame. Tossing it after your shoulder, you saw the approaching Regs letting them get up close and personal, "You're going to take me to CT-9904 or else," the shock of the explosive set you all flying and that is the last thing you remembered before waking up in a ceil with a brown haired man replying your capture on a holo.
"Ah you're awake, welcome back to the land of the living," the man said looking at the half conscious person in the cell across from you, "More or less, I'm Admiral Rampart."
That's when the truth finally started setting in. The gruesome truth about what had happened to Crosshair, who he had become and what he was capable of. It was sick but Admiral Rampart enjoyed watching you break down as he showed you holo after holo of Crosshairs missions from the probe droids watching him. Day or night it no longer mattered in the grand scheme of things, it was almost round the clock torture. Admiral Rampart came back for his usual update videos of Crosshair trying to get you to divulge where Clone Force 99 was, except this time he was silent as both of you watched the familiar tall and lean form walk pass, glistening from a fresh shower paying neither of you attention.
"See he walks by without even realizing you are here or cares," Rampart laughed cruelly playing a holo of another one of Crosshairs missions and the carnage at his feet, "Tell me where Clone Force 99 is and I'll order him to talk to you, your eyes say so much more then your mouth," he added gripping your jaw, "especially when you look at him."
You stared at him in silent defiance, he sigh tossed your face away and your body followed it crashing into the wall next to the toilet, "At this rate you'll die long before him," you heard Rampart say excusing himself from the cell, "Maybe I should order him to execute you himself." Your stomach mangled itself over the poor excuse for a refresher, whether it was because the drugs, the lack of food or seeing the horrendous things he did you couldn't tell, maybe knowing that who he had become would, could kill you. Crosshair could never... but this isn't Crosshair this is CT-9904, whatever horrible things they did him after the chip activated. Spite kept you alive. After surviving longer then they anticipated they made the mistake of letting you catch a glimpse of him in his full black entire, helmet on, fire puncher slung across the back then they made the mistake of transporting you to a different facility. You knew the true meaning of love but the Empire had shown you what hate truly was and that was going to be there last mistake.
"Thought you could use a hand, not that I have a free one to spare anymore," Echo chuckled but his face remained solemn as he took in your beaten shape.
"We have to go," you heard the familiar smooth candace of Tech's voice around the corner, "I assume you didn't learn anything valuable but I did after we encountered him on Ryloth."
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theotherdeerinhell · 1 month
Heart of a Buck Ch 3 - The Redemption Program
Fiona has no clue why she needs to participate in the hotel's rehab program. But Charlie insisted on it, so she is sitting on the couch with everyone else in the hotel. It is an interesting group of misfits. One of Valentino's "toys," some snake she never heard of, Alastor, Charlie, a fallen angel, some short freak, and some winged cat who would rather be anywhere else than here. Fiona looks around to see if she missed anyone, but no. That seems to be the entire crew. They all give Fiona glances back, though she couldn't blame them. The only other deer they appear to know is the radio demon himself. 
"Okay, everyone!" Hell's princess finally speaks up, "Today we have a very special lesson." Charlie comes up to Fiona and kneels down. She lifts up a leg gingerly so everyone can see the shattered hoof. "Our new guest here had her hooves shattered, so she can't walk until they heal. It is our duty to make Fiona here feel safe and welcome while she recovers from the crippling injuries she sustained.
"If everyone succeeds, I can see if dad will make some apple cider for us." That announcement is enough to capture at least the feline fellow's attention.
"Soft cider, Husk," Charlie says upon notice of his face lifting up. The face falls right back in to its usual grumpy look once he was notified of the lack of alcohol involved.
"You got to be fucking cruel to fill an old man's heart with hope, princess," Husk retorts. But as he speaks, he approaches the couch and grabs a pillow anyways. It's not like the residents have a choice when it comes to participating in the program. The entire point of the hotel is to redeem this ragtag group of sinners. 
The spider approaches Fiona and gets down on his knees. He grabs her ankles and starts expertly rubbing the muscles. He flinches and pauses when he hears a growl, turning around to see Alastor towering over him with his ears pinned back.
"Come on, Alastor!" Angel Dust fusses, "There ain't a reason to get buckish over toots over here. I'm just trying to relax her muscles. No funny business!"
Alastor looks down at Fiona's pained expression with a grinning scowl. "Angel, dear," his voice is mockingly sweet, "You are doing it wrong. You're hurting who her majesty told me to protect. Now do get away from poor Fiona, or I will make you." Alastor gives the spider a look. Fiona can't tell what exactly makes Angel Dust budge. Maybe it is the malicious crackle of radio. Maybe it is the grin growing more unsettling.
Alastor's hands are spindly and cold, and that is not mentioning the smell he's rubbing all over her lower leg. His expert touch encourages blood circulation and helps ease the throbbing pain. Fiona sits back and sighs. Alastor is good at this. It's as though he has as much intimate knowledge on anatomy as a surgeon would. Something about that is ominous, but Fiona tries to not let that bother her for the moment.
The other residents stay back. They know Alastor, and they know it's unusual for him to be so tender with someone. Many lean forward to try to get a look at where his eyes are at. They see that he is eyeing her legs, her chest. Just everything that can be seen. But there is no lust in those eyes. No, they have the same look as someone looking at a delicious luxury steak. The only thing keeping Fiona from becoming a dinner is the fact that Alastor prefers what he calls "bad meat." Whatever that means, it's clear that Fiona does not fit in that category. So, while she apparently looks appetizing, Alastor only admires her fat distribution and muscle structure, fantasizing what kind of delicious meals he can cook up with a body like this.
Fiona sits back and lets her muscles lax as Alastor makes a show of how much of an expert he is at massaging damaged deer feet. Which Fiona has to admit it to herself: the blood flow that precise touches encourage is soothing.
Fiona lifts her head slightly and sighs as Husk finally puts a pillow where her head can rest. She could easily spend the entire day like this. Perhaps the rest of her afterlife. A group of sinners pampering her as some rehabilitation lesson. 
But this is Hell. When there is something good happening, it doesn't last. 
The group session is interrupted by a knock on the door. Fiona heart drops when she sees the way that Alastor narrows his eyes. His ears lie flat against his head, and he tries to step towards the door. He can already tell who is there, but Charlie holds an arm out to block the overlord.
"Stand down, Alastor," Charlie says cooly with a sweet smile, "I'm sure it's just someone who needs some help. I got it covered."  Charlie turns towards the door and opens it. Fiona looks over at Alastor with a worried glance, seeing how he stands as a living shield between her and the hotel entrance.
Something is definitely off. Alastor does not seem to be the type to grow overprotective of people quickly. Which means he is somehow aware of who is at the door. And chances are, the individual is connected to the incident that destroyed her hooves. But she and Alastor have no choice but to watch Charlie open the door. 
Vox stands on the other side. He carries the same smug demeanor as always, but Fiona knows that his appearance is not good news. Vox is bold to show his screen around here. He was meant to protect her. That was the price she has put on her soul, and he has failed his end.
"Ah, Charlie! Just the princess I wanted to see!" Fiona's ears flatten to the sound of that traitor's voice, "I have just lost a valuable soul of mine, and you know your hotel's...reputation, and my souls are known to hide here whenever they scurry off. So, if you have seen a gothic doe around, I request her safe return." Fiona grits her teeth. Vox has gone this long without mentioning his dick. He is really mooching on Charlie with that level of restraint here. That is the thing about him. Vox really knows how to get what he wants. It's likely a common overlord trait.
Charlie just gives him an unimpressed look. She looks down and sighs softly. "Look, Vox," Charlie says, "Your runaways want nothing to do with you. They are never happy when I bring them back, so..." Charlie clasps her hands together and inhales through her teeth, "I haven't seen who you mentioned."
"That's bullshit!" Vox's screen glitches as he exclaims, "If Fiona really isn't in there, then there would be no issue in letting me check inside." Vox leans forward and reaches out, but before his claws could push Charlie out of the way, Vaggie finally steps in.
"Enough with this, Vox." Vaggie points her angelic spear at Vox with a stern scowl, "Beat it, else you will have to get that smug screen of yours repaired." She nudges the blade at Vox to prove a point. The other sinners look over at what Vaggie is doing. Many are more than happy to pull out their weapon of choice. Whether that is for brownie points due to the current rehabilitation program, or a thirst for chaos? Fiona figures it depends on who you ask.
Vox slinks back. He doesn't seem to be the most pleased with the result, but he is outmatched. Outnumbered, outpowered... the entire thing is not going well for him.
"FUCK!" Vox shouts. He kicks the door, then disappears into a camera through some electric form. Everyone waits a minute, but the tension melts away when they see that Vox won't immediately try again. It doesn't mean Fiona is safe. Vox is a stubborn demon, and one failed attempt with a cowardly retreat is not the final one.
Fiona grumbles and lies back. Her head hits the pillow with a soft thump. This is just great. Vox already noticed she gone. She figured it would take longer if her absence would've been noticed at all. It's not like she had a high rank in Vox's arsenal. Yet again...
How many deer are in Hell? That seems more like a Heaven type of animal to be. Most sinners are either some sort of insect or lizard. Snakes and spiders are common. She looks over at Alastor, whose stance is still upright and wide. Is he the only other deer in all of Hell? Is that why he grew a seemingly immediate attachment to her? Or is that a lie, just like Vox's promise to protect her?
But her mind slips from that when she feels someone handling her shattered hooves. Fiona looks up to see Husk slipping some heated socks on her. She sighs and goes back to her thoughts.
"Thank you," Fiona says, "That actually feels nice."
"I'm the one who heated them up!" Niffty pops her head up from behind an arm rest and scampers until she's sitting on it, "Wanna know how?" Fiona flinches to that question. She opens her mouth when Alastor says something.
"Oh, my dear Niffty, I would love to hear all about it later," Alastor speaks in a silky-sweet tone, "But I'm afraid not everybody can appreciate your twisted little ways. You are truly a demon ahead of your time, so how about you tell me your heat pad secrets when you won't ruin the pampering for this fine deer, hm?" Well, that was certainly a more polite way to word it. 
Niffty grins at the compromise and eagerly nods her head. She scampers away to deal with whatever other tasks she is up to. Likely drowning insects in cleaning products.
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t-wordiiish · 1 month
Ticklish sinner
"Andrea," Sister Margaret called out, her voice echoing through the empty hallways of the school, "You're going to be late for confession again."
Andrea's heart skipped a beat. She had been avoiding Father James for weeks, but the guilt was too much. She quickly gathered her books and rushed towards the chapel, her sneakers squeaking against the polished floor.
"Bless me, Father," she murmured, sliding into the confessional. She took a deep breath, feeling the coolness of the wooden booth envelop her.
Father James cleared his throat. "What brings you to the house of the Lord today, my child?"
Andrea paused, fidgeting with the strings of her rosary. "It's… it's been a while since my last confession," she began, her voice shaky. She listed her sins - the usual missteps - but her mind kept wandering to the one she dared not speak of. The one that made her skin crawl just thinking about it.
As she stumbled through her confession, she could almost feel his eyes on her through the mesh screen. It was a feeling she knew all too well, a feeling of both fear and… something else she couldn't quite place.
When she finished, she waited, her heart pounding in her chest. The silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity.
Finally, Father James spoke. "Andrea," he said, his tone firm but not unkind, "Is there something else you wish to confess?"
Her eyes widened. How did he know? She had been so careful to avoid any mention of her secret sin. "No, Father," she lied, her voice barely above a whisper.
The priest sighed heavily. "Very well," he said, "Your penance is to say five Hail Marys and reflect on the consequences of your actions."
As she left the confessional, the weight of her unspoken truth lingered in the air. Little did she know, Father James had a very particular way of dealing with sinners like her.
Days later, after evening mass, Father James called her aside. His eyes gleamed with a knowing look that sent a shiver down her spine. "Andrea," he began, his voice low and measured, "I believe we need to discuss something in more detail."
Her stomach twisted into knots. He knew. He had to know. "What is it, Father?" she asked, feigning innocence.
He led her to the small, dimly lit room at the back of the church, usually reserved for private meetings and counseling sessions. Once inside, he closed the door with a firm click. "Andrea," he said, his voice now gentle yet firm, "You've been hiding something from me, haven't you?"
Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She nodded, unable to find the words to explain.
Father James took a step closer, his hands folded in front of him. "Sin is a serious matter," he said, his gaze never leaving hers, "But I believe in redemption. And sometimes, a different form of penance is needed to truly understand the gravity of one's actions."
Without warning, he reached out and brushed his fingers lightly over her ribs. She gasped, her body jolting with the sudden sensation. "You're very ticklish, aren't you?" he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
Andrea nodded, her eyes wide with fear and confusion.
"Good," he said, his smile growing wider, "This will be your penance."
And so it began. Every week, after confession, Father James would take her to the back room, where he would explore her most sensitive spots with a feather-light touch. Her ribs, her inner thighs, her armpits, and sides - he found them all. He would pin her down with surprising strength or tie her to the chair, leaving her at his mercy.
The tickling was torturous, a delicate dance of pleasure and pain that left her breathless and begging for mercy. Yet, she never told anyone. It was a secret shared between the two of them, a twisted form of redemption that only seemed to fuel her desire to sin further.
Andrea's sins grew in number and intensity. Each week, she would confess the same transgressions, hoping that Father James wouldn't notice the pattern. But his eyes were sharp, and he saw right through her.
One fateful day, as she sat in the confessional, her voice grew quieter with each sin she admitted. Father James's patience had reached its end. "You're not taking this seriously, are you?" he said, his voice hardening.
Her heart raced as she tried to explain herself, but her words fell flat. She knew she couldn't hide from the truth anymore. "No, Father," she whispered, her eyes filling with tears, "I'm not."
With a nod, he stood from his chair and opened the door of the confessional. "Come with me," he instructed, his eyes cold. She followed him into the back room, her legs trembling.
He pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit. She did so, her eyes darting around the room for any sign of escape. Father James leaned over her, his face stern. "Today, your penance will be different," he said. He took a step back and reached for the rope that was coiled on the table behind him.
Andrea's eyes widened as he began to tie her wrists to the chair, pulling them taut above her head. "Father, please," she pleaded, but he didn't listen.
Once she was secured, he stepped back and began to unbutton her shirt. She squirmed, trying to protest, but her words were cut off by a firm hand over her mouth. He chuckled, the sound sending a chill down her spine.
With her shirt open, he revealed her bare armpits. His eyes lit up with a gleeful malice she had never seen before. "You've been a very naughty girl," he whispered, his breath hot against her ear.
He brought his fingers to her armpit and began to tickle her gently. She bit her lip to stifle the laughter, but it was no use. Her body was a symphony of giggles and squirms, and she felt the tears start to flow.
Father James tickled her relentlessly, his fingers dancing over her sensitive skin. "You like this, don't you?" he taunted, his voice mocking. "You enjoy the feel of my hands on you, even though you know it's wrong."
The more she struggled, the more he tickled. The more she begged, the harder he laughed. Her cries grew louder, turning into sobs. "Please, Father," she whimpered, "I'll be good, I promise."
But Father James was not so easily swayed. He continued his cruel ministrations, enjoying every second of her torment. "You'll learn," he said, his voice cold and unforgiving, "You'll learn to control your urges, or you'll find yourself in this chair again."
The room spun as the tickling grew more intense, the lines between pleasure and pain blurring until she didn't know which was which. Her body was a bundle of nerves, each giggle a silent scream for relief.
Finally, when she thought she couldn't take anymore, he stopped. She slumped in the chair, her breathing ragged and her eyes red from crying. He leaned in close, his expression unreadable. "Remember this feeling," he whispered, "Whenever you're tempted to stray from the path of righteousness."
He took her hand, his grip firm, and placed her index finger on the tender skin of her inner thigh. "Now, tell me," he demanded, his voice like a serpent coiling around her soul, "Tell me what you are."
Andrea's eyes searched his, desperate for a way out of this twisted game. But she found only determination in his gaze, a gleam that told her he was enjoying every moment of her discomfort.
"Say it," he ordered, his voice low and commanding. "You're my tickle toy."
Andrea's eyes widened in horror. She had never felt so humiliated in her life. But the desperation to end this torment won out over her pride. With a trembling voice, she whispered the words. "I… I'm your tickle toy."
Father James leaned back, his smile widening. He took her hand and guided her index finger along the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. "Say it louder," he urged, his eyes gleaming. "Say it like you mean it."
Her voice trembled as she repeated the words, the humiliation burning in her chest. "I'm your tickle toy," she murmured.
Father James's smile grew even wider. He stepped back, his eyes raking over her exposed body, and nodded. "Good girl," he said, his voice a velvety purr. He reached out and gave her sides a few final squeezes, the pressure just shy of painful.
Andrea gritted her teeth, trying not to react to the onslaught of tickles that danced along her ribs. Her entire body was a mess of nerves, begging for release. She felt a strange mix of fear and arousal, unsure how to process the situation.
With a final pat, he released her. She stumbled to her feet, her legs wobbly from the intense tickling. She quickly pulled her shirt back together, tucking it into her skirt to regain some semblance of dignity.
The priest stepped back, his gaze never leaving hers. "Remember, Andrea," he said, his voice a warning, "You come to me for confession and penance, or I'll find you."
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Shadows of Redemption
In the heart of Phoenix Arizona town, Alexander and his enigmatic partner, Poison, journey through a complex world of transgression and danger. Alexander, a tough and brooding figure, is a creature of strength and naivete. With an exterior that belies his sweet nature, he exists out of place in a world dominated by monsters experienced in survival and personal gain. His healthy appearance and stoic demeanor mask a vulnerability and innocence that make him both endearing and a target in this ruthless reality.
Poison, on the other hand, is a vision of ethereal beauty, undying loyalty and fierce independence. With her jet-black hair and penetrating grey eyes, she projects an intoxicating blend of allure and danger. Her eclectic style mirrors her unpredictable nature. Despite her insensitive exterior, there is a vulnerability within her that she only reveals to Alexander, a connection of love and hope she had longed for midst the chaos.
Their relationship is a tangled dance of passion and peril. Poison's presence is both a balm and a catalyst for Alexander, drawing him deeper into a more dangerous world but not without the reward of priceless solace and tenderness. Their interactions are a fusion of intensity, each touch a fire and each glance laden with unspoken emotions and shared secrets.
The story takes the reader into the shady depths of their lives as they face a series of escalating situations. From a robbery gone wrong to a cryptic call and the scandalous death of a close friend, Alexander and Poison are forced to journey through a world full of doubt and moral ambiguity. Through it all, they depend on each other, finding moments of redemption that mitigate their struggles.
As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that even in the darkest and most hopeless of situations, there are chances for transformation and renewal. Their collective journey is one of hope and salvation.
Chapter 1
Slipping into Shadows
I watched the parking lot, eyes darting from one end to the other. Jeremy was crouched by a Ford F150, messing with the lock.
The bleep of my Nextel push to talk walkie-talkie function on my cell phone went off.
"Got it yet?" I whispered into the phone.
"Almost," Jeremy's voice crackled back, a mix of tension and excitement.
I scanned the entrance to the Safeway Grocery store. The noon time crowd was thick, pushing carts and talking to each other, oblivious to the two of us. My heart beat heavy in my chest, the familiar rush of adrenaline.
Jeremy was inside the truck now, working the jiggler key in the ignition. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw him. A short Mexican guy, moving fast, a bag of groceries swinging from his hand. He was heading straight for the truck.
"Jeremy, we got company," I hissed.
"Stall him," Jeremy muttered, trying to stay calm.
But there was no stalling this guy. He tossed his groceries into the truck bed and pulled an iron pipe from the back. He must have seen the light on inside the cab.
"Get the fuck out of there dude!" I shouted into the phone, but it was too late. The guy was almost on top of him. Jeremy bolted from the driver side door like a rabbit, sprinting through the parking lot. I swear to god if you blinked you would have missed him. The Mexican guy gave chase, pipe in hand, fury etched on his face.
I bleeped PJ. "We've got a problem. Jeremy's in trouble."
"Handle it," PJ's voice was calm, almost bored. "I'm on my way."
I took off after the Mexican guy, the world blurring around me. People were starting to notice, some stepping aside, others shouting. A little white Ford Escort screeched into the lot, tires smoking. Jeremy and the Mexican guy disappeared through the strip mall. The Escort followed, gaining on them.
I ran through the crowd of shoppers, knocking into people, drawing curses and threats. One guy started after me, but I didn't have time for him. I burst through to the other side, breath ragged, just in time to see the truck owner pinning Jeremy against the wall. The Escort screeched to a stop, and a large, tattooed man stepped out, eyes blazing. He was all menace in a wife beater and jeans, combat boots hitting the ground like thunder.
The Mexican guy turned, and the angry man met him with a right hook that dropped him like a box of rocks. He wasn't done. A kick to the head, vicious and final. Out of the driver's side came another man, bigger, Mexican too. He called himself Chillongo or some shit, but to me, he was eternally, Big Mexican.
Big Mexican grabbed the unconscious guy and tossed him into the back seat of the Escort. He threw me the guy's keys and wallet, like it was nothing. PJ stepped between us, gun drawn, and pressed it to my forehead.
"I drew on you, what do you do now?" PJ's voice was a dangerous whisper. "Come on, Alexander, what happens now?"
I tried to keep my voice steady. "I left the gun at the apartment. It was too heavy to run with. It...pulls my pants down cuz it’s so heavy when it’s loaded"
PJ's face twisted with a mix of anger and disappointment. "When you have that gun, you don’t have to run. When will you learn? What has to happen before you get it?"
He glanced at Jeremy, then at me again, his anger softening just a bit. "Go get the truck and do what I pay you to do. And next time, bring your gun. I can't always be here for you, Alexander." He said my name with a soft downward inflection. He looked as though he was about to say more but he stopped himself.
Being mindful of his rings, he tapped my head lightly, a gesture of care, and drove off. The unconscious Mexican guy in tow.
Jeremy and I stood there like we just saw a ghost, catching our breath. Coming down. "Up to no good again," I muttered, not sure if I was talking to Jeremy or myself. I didn’t care. My past flashed before me. My life, thus far, has been a relentless cycle of trouble and survival. My father kicking me out at fourteen, my life a series of desperate moves. Taking refuge with women three times my age until I learned to look out for myself. One shitty desperate move after another. No holidays, no birthdays, just survival at all costs.
I met PJ through Poison, my girlfriend. She was the cutest little Chinese girl you'd ever seen, with a wild wardrobe and a thing for knives. We were stealing some cigarettes when PJ found us. He asked for five bucks, when we didn’t have it he gave us a carton of Camel menthols. He asked if I stole cars. Of course, I did. It was Arizona. He gave me his number, and three months later, here we were.
I looked at Jeremy, he looked shook. We were both drowning in the undertow of this life. "Come on, let's get that truck," I said, and we moved ever forward, always forward, the night was still young, the dangers were far from over.
Chapter 2
Echoes of a Dark Call
I was at the apartment with Poison. The light was subdued, shadows danced like ghosts on the walls. Poison was tied up, her eyes half-closed in a haze of expectancy. I moved the blade of her silver dagger slowly across her breast and tracing circles around her nipple. She was on the edge, teetering on the precipice of something primal, when the call came.
I answered the phone with great reluctance, my mind still entwined with the moment. "Hello," I said, the word froze in the air. Silence greeted me, becoming rather uncomfortable. Then, a voice—brazen, quiet, maniacal—broke through.
"The man scores one...and the crowd goes wild." The line went dead.
I stared at the phone, my thoughts swirling and confused. Apparently, they didn't have much to say. Or did they? I turned back to Poison. The frustration on her face changed to a look like a puppy that said “throw the ball”. Damn, this girl was cute. Irresistibly so. But that call gnawed at me, a sick seed planted in my mind. Time would tell what kind of fuckery it would give birth to.
The next morning, I woke with my head buried in jet-black hair. I blew it out of my mouth, gently pushing her strong, shiny locks off my face. First light filtered through the blinds, casting blurry lines on the bed. I needed to get a hold of Jeremy and PJ.
Poison awoke beside me, her voice sultry and sleepy. "Come back to bed, Alexander. Finish what you started."
I kissed her shoulder, running my hand across her face and neck. It was met with a soft sigh, little white hairs stood up on her tanned, tone arms under my touch. Poison, with her hypnotic allure, was like a deity of love—an intoxicating blend of strength and vulnerability that made her simply irresistible. Her eyes, dark and expressive, locked onto mine, spoke ineffable volumes to me for which I could never find words.
Our lips came together in a slow, deliberate kiss, her mouth yielding to my will. She pulled me closer, her fingers tracing the valleys on my back. The world outside disappeared as we lost ourselves in each other, the moment stretching into eternity.
This is the only place I had ever found peace. These moments transcended time and space taking me to place past desire and tenderness, a place where she shone as a deity ,a legit goddess that needed my worship like water to survive. She was the embodiment of every man's desire, a living fantasy who held the power to both stir and soothe. We left each other breathless and disoriented. Poison called it “sexbrain”. Sex brain was about 30 min of a staggering low IQ after really great sex.
Laying on the bed next to Poison I picked up the phone and dialed PJ. The ring felt like an eternity.
"PJ," he answered, his voice rough.
"Hey...I need to talk to you about—"
"Jeremy's dead." PJ's voice cut through the haze, sharp and final.
"What?" My mind reeled. "What happened?"
"Overdose," PJ said. "Found him last night."
"Overdose? That doesn't make sense. Jeremy didn't do dope."
"Score one for the man," PJ muttered, under his breath.
The words from the call flashed through my mind. "Score one for the man. The crowd goes wild”. Now Jeremy was gone.
"We need to meet," I said, my voice steady but my heart racing.
PJ agreed, and as I hung up, I looked at Poison. She was watching me, her eyes dark with curiosity and something else. Fear, maybe. Or suspicion.
I reached into my bag and grabbed my gun, climbed back into bed, pulling her close. The morning was just beginning, and the shadows were already growing longer.
Chapter 3 "And Then Came the Wolves" Coming Soon!
Thank You for Reading!
Copyright 2020 Timothy Alexander Giordani
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