#like he makes lighthearted jokes but nothing I wouldn’t also make
runninfree · 2 years
“you look so much better / so much more natural when you just wear-“ shut up. shut the fuck up. now is the time to figure out what i like, on my flesh prison + “you have no idea what stress I’m under” yeah I got that so why are you still making time to make fun of me??? makes no sense, go make some tea or something. put all that energy into meditation
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starjxsung · 5 months
okayyy i guess i will make the first request !!! :3 what do you think jealous sex with skz would be like ? the type of sex where they're so jealous and frustrated by something (or someone), they need to fuck their frustration into you
giggles and runs away
Chan: quiet at first about why he’s frustrated or jealous tbh. sorta just makes it obvious that he’s horny (I lowk feel like he would get horny as a result of being frustrated or mad??), fucks his anger out on you and it’s v sloppy, not rushed per se but closer to a quickie even though he can still go a few rounds. Lots of heavy grunting and he’s not trying to be quiet at all. And only after he’s finished and you’re in bed beside him catching your breath, he’ll indulge you in the details of what’s got him so bothered. Become the sort of thing where you’re horny if he comes home in a visibly frustrated mood because you know what it implies ! Very talkative during aftercare though. Like your own personal little Channie gossip sesh
Minho: will rant to you between kisses while he’s ripping your clothes off. Hes definitely indulging you in all the details the second he’s alone with you- you’re the type to be on the same page about everything together, and naturally, you hate the people he hates and vice versa. So when he’s frustrated, he goes to you first about it. Sometimes it can be a very emotional sort of thing, could mean he’s shedding a few tears out of frustration and you’re there to console him about it. But when it’s just straight anger or annoyance, he’s going to rant to you until he physically cannot talk in between kisses anymore. He’ll probably even just start to fuck you while he’s still ranting until his frustration turns into the type of pleasure that replaces his words with nothing but heavy breathing and moaning. Not even sure what he was so annoyed about by the time he’s done w you !
Changbin: doesn’t want to make a big deal about it ! You have to sorta coax it out of him. And honestly, he’s simultaneously best coaxed and relaxed after a good fuck. He’s not one to be too rough or anything just because he’s upset, but he’s just grateful you’re the best stress reliever. Lots of kissing, desperate grabbing at each other and sometimes the sex can even feel lighthearted when he’s aware that you’re doing your best to comfort him. Sort of the realization that no source of frustration or jealousy is worth letting it come between the two of you. So he’ll just give himself to focusing on your pleasure and then talk it out after. He might even deny it after and joke around that he was never frustrated or jealous to begin with, but he’s still thanking you for it and eventually you’ll be on the same page about what’s bothering him.
Hyunjin: sweaty. When he gets consumed by frustration or especially jealousy, he’s particularly sloppy with his thrusts, very sweaty, probably sucks a few hickies wherever he can reach and doesn’t care to make them discreet. He’s all heavy breathing, loud groaning, just kinda wants to fill you up with his load as a stress reliever tbh. Feel like he wouldn’t say anything about it but you’d know he was jealous in the way he fucks. Also evident in the way he speaks very little- of course he’ll pay careful attention to cues to make sure he’s not hurting you or anything, but the talking will be very minimal. He just relies on his body language to indicate what he wants. If he is jealous about something, my guess is you won’t know until he’s had a few days to wait on it before saying anything.
Jisung: needier than usual ! Feel like especially if he got jealous over something, he’d be itching to get you home and fuck you like he never has before, just to prove a point. Maybe uses it as an opportunity to try something you’ve both been wanting to try. The guy at the bar was staring at you a little too long? He’s going to drag you to the car and fuck you right there, knowing you’ve been vocalizing your desire to try it, but he sees it as an opportunity to get your head spinning before you can get him even more frustrated. You can bet he’s going to walk back into the bar with his shirt half-on and a cocky fucking smirk. Has you wrapped around his finger tbh, so jealousy isn’t a huge deal ! Frustration is just opportunism for him.
Felix: particularly keen on pleasuring you. He’s vulnerable with his emotions at first, so you’ll know that he’s got something on his mind, but then he just wants to make you feel good in turn. Has you on the edge of his bed very fast, all desperate to eat you out and channel all his frustration into his tongue and his fingers. Your mood is often aligned with his- which means if he’s stressed, you’re stressed, and vice versa. Solution is to make you cum as many times as you can- and then pretty soon your satisfaction is his, too. Definitely won’t lose an opportunity to fuck you too, probably transitions to fucking you when you’re just nearly tired enough so he can make sure you’re both exhausted and satisfied by the end of it. Just treats you good all around !
Seungmin: actually doesn’t get frustrated or jealous very often. And when he does, he’s largely nonchalant about it. Will offhandedly mention something that pissed him off, and you know it’s a little more than mild annoyance when he gets quiet. It’s you who wants to pleasure him as a result, and it quickly becomes some unspoken thing between you both to just fuck out the frustration. He probably doesn’t even realize how annoyed he is until he’s thrusting into you and his emotions are elevated tenfold. He’s still gentle with you, and very set on making you feel good. But you both have the same idea to pleasure each other as much as possible, so it quickly gets rougher and sloppier. The aftercare is A1 though and you probably take like a 10 hour nap after it tbh
Jeongin: a little embarrassed that he’s even frustrated or jealous in the first place! Feels like he’s not supposed to be for some reason. He has this opinion that as a boyfriend, he shouldn’t drag his emotions into your relationship and potentially let it get between you two. But also king of healthy communication, so he’ll reluctantly bring it up to you and then apologize and swear he’s not frustrated or jealous anymore (even if he is…) and the sex that follows is sweet, but desperate. He’s just desperate to be a little closer to you, like a physical reminder that you’re his and you’re not going anywhere regardless of his moods or whatever made him jealous. He loves taking control and being able to look at you, kiss you, touch you wherever he can and just have a tangible reminder that you’re satisfied with him.
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iconicstoner · 6 months
I don't feel like Emmett gets enough love...maybe something where reader really wants his attention but he is hunting (or something like that) and really misses the feeling of his lips and hands...I'd also prefer to see how cheeky and lighthearted he can be...thank youuuu
a/n: I really loved writing this and thank you sm for the request! Emmett is a super underrated character and I always love getting to write about him. I hope you enjoy the story :)
miss me?
gn!reader x emmett cullen (fluff)
words: 1243
summary: You can’t help missing Emmett, your boyfriend, while he’s away hunting. When he’s finally back he learns how much you missed him, which results in him playfully teasing you. 
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“Is it even fair that you’re playing Scrabble with us?” you ask Edward, frustrated about your losing streak. Esme, Carlile, Edward, and you are all playing Scrabble together in the living room. Alice and Rosalie are there too, but neither of them are playing. Rosalie is watching a soap opera and Alice is knitting something. She says it’s going to be a sweater, but it doesn’t really look like one. 
“It’s Scrabble, not poker. Reading minds doesn’t exactly help me with this game,” Edward responds as he lays down the word fuliginous. 
“What the fuck kind of work is fuliginous?” you ask, annoyed with him.
“It means sooty,” Edward said sassily. Carlisle laughed under his breath, trying to hide it. Carlisle and Esme had really embraced you as one of their kids, but like most siblings, you and Edward were always teasing each other about something. In fact, most people in this family were always teasing each other. It made everyone feel more human to not be so grim all the time. That’s what had originally attracted you to Emmett. He was always laughing or cracking jokes, and he reminded you not to take everything so seriously. That’s why when he first confessed his love to you, you thought it was just some joke. Right after, when he started kissing you, you realized it was serious. 
“I forfeit,” Carlisle said. 
“What?” You asked disappointedly. In the Cullen house it was widely agreed that if someone forfeit it felt like no one truly won. 
“Yeah, he’s got nothing he can play,” Edward responded. Clearly his mind reading was helping him with Scrabble. 
“Why do you seem so upset?” Esme asked you, softly touching your hand. At heart, she was such a mother.
“Because Scrabble was an effort to pass the time while waiting for Emmett to come back,” Edward responded while looking at you, trying to embarrass you. Yesterday, Emmett and Jasper left to go hunting together and they wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. Emmett returning had been all that you’d thought about since he left, and it was starting to drive Edward insane. You couldn’t get his lips off your mind. Cold, soft, always ready to kiss you with so much passion. The thought of his hands was even worse. You reminisced on how large and strong they were. You constantly replayed in your mind the memories of Emmett holding your hips like someone holding onto their favorite mug. Tightly, tight enough to never drop it, but gentle enough to not make it shatter. 
“Don’t worry, they’ll be back early,” Alice tells you from across the room. “But when they’re back you might not be so happy about it,” Alice warns you playfully. Edward laughs, presumably having already seen whatever Alice predicted. You just roll your eyes and start to clean up the board game. 
The next day you stayed in bed all morning watching reruns of your favorite show, hiding away under your comforter. You only got out of bed and got dressed for the day after Alice told you to “look presentable for when Emmett gets home.” Even if she also teased about how much you missed Emmett that weekend, you knew she’d understand. According to Edward, she’d been thinking about nothing but date ideas for when Jasper was back. You were biased, so of course you thought that you and Emmet were the cutest couple, but you had to admit Jasper and Alice were a very close second. 
“They’re here!” Alice shouted excitedly from downstairs. You quickly rushed down, excited to see Emmett once again. It had been a long weekend, and even if you had infinite time with him, it never made the time away from him any easier. 
“Hey, darlin’,” Jasper says as he walks through the front door, quickly grabbing Alice’s hand and kissing it gently. Emmett walked in a few seconds later and began to lean on the doorframe. He had one hand on his waist and the other propped up against the door frame, trying to look seductive. As always, it worked. 
“Miss me, sweetheart?” Emmett asks you playfully. You laugh and he quickly walks over to envelop you in a hug, running his hands through your hair after he does.
“How do you know about that,” you ask confusedly, reluctantly removing yourself from the hug.
“Well, according to the rest of the family you just couldn’t stand to be without me. Constantly talking about how you miss my muscles and my mouth and my-”
“Okay, that’s enough,” you say, embarrassed. He wiggles his eyebrows at you and you have to try not to laugh. 
“Y’know, I remember you thinking about how when you got Emmett alone again you were gonna-” You immediately cut Edward off the same way you had Emmett. It’s a miracle Emmett can’t blush, because he knows if he was human he’d be firetruck red. 
“Oh, I’m gonna kill you,” you shout as you try to jump at Edward. Emmett quickly grabs you by the waist, pulling you back as you make an attempt to strangle Edward. You hear Emmet laugh at your antics as you send a piercing glare Edward’s way. 
“Calm down, killer,” Emmett remarks lightheartedly. Edward hisses at you like a cat that’s been dumped in water, so you reach an arm out to him, pretending to try and claw at him.
“Oh! They’re having another cat fight!” Alice exclaims, causing the whole room to laugh. 
“Let’s get you away from this moron,” Emmett jokes, throwing a cheeky glance at Edward. Without warning, he quickly throws you over his shoulder and begins to walk toward your bedroom. That vampire speed and strength really allows him to do anything. You make an attempt to playfully hit his back as you dangle from his shoulder, but it’s a fruitless endeavor. You hear small laughs from everyone else, but you're not even embarrassed. They’re your family. 
“So, what was it you were gonna do to me when we’re alone?” Emmett asks playfully as he walks up the stairs, still carrying you. He sets you down on the ground when the two of you make it to your room, looking at you with an expectant smirk. You sit on the bed, and he looks down at you curiously. 
“You’ll find out soon enough,” you tease. 
“Don’t taunt me,” he warns with a grin. “Besides, I don’t blame you. Who could resist a big strong man like moi?” He asks as he begins to flex his biceps. 
“Yuck,” you joke, pushing his arm away.
“Oh please,” he rolls his eyes playfully and sits down next to you. “I heard about how much you missed me. And my hands. And my lips.”
“I really will kill Edward,” You respond, deadpan.
“You’ll have to get through me first,” Emmett teases. He wraps his arms around you and flexes his muscles, causing them to tighten around you. 
“No way, I’ll feel too bad when you lose,” you say, trying to hold back a smile as you pretend to be worried about him losing a fight to you. 
“In your dreams,” he scoffs, removing his arms from around you, pretending to be hurt. 
“In my dreams for sure,” you respond flirtatiously, causing Emmett to laugh.
“Dork,” he responds, kissing you right after. He would probably be teasing you about how much you missed him for a while, but that might be something you could get used to. 
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solspina · 1 month
how good are you at angst vesp…
can i get angst scenarios for guilliman, horus, sanguinius, konrad, and my beloved leman russ :3 plot is entirely yours!
i’m horrible with angst but my inbox is open for a reason, ask and you shall receive. also, this isn’t edited or revised so i’m sorry for mistakes :(
tw: the usual, blood probably, spoilers, horus and sanguinius’ stories are tied together
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
Roboute Guilliman had known you since childhood. A great friend of his family, beloved by both his mother and father, both whom shared lighthearted jokes about the primarch being united with you in marriage someday. They were never jokes to him. A life with you was what he wanted, a dream of his.
And yet a sword pierced his father’s heart and your hand was on the blade. You may as well have placed a second blade into Guilliman’s chest just as deeply as you had the first, the way that your face held no remorse and your body trembled from exhaustion. His father had tried to fight you, the story told from the several bleeding cuts littered your body, as did blood that came from no cuts at all. Your hands were soaked in red.
And just as the stories told his father would be avenged by the hand of Guilliman. He went down a hero, and you unknowingly went down a traitor of the imperium, your name in no history books.
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
Horus Lupercal had been there when his brother had rejected your incredibly obvious advances at him, too caught up in his self-centered idea of godhood to understand what your words truly meant, that there was meaning behind them. He had been there, he had comforted you, hung his arm around you once his brother had left the scene, and yet you rejected his own offer when he had asked you to join the Sons of Horus and leave your old life behind, just as you had told Sanguinius you wanted to.
And what a loyal little thing you were. Your arms outstretched over his brother’s body, begging him not to deal the final blow. Sanguinius was in the midst of taking his final breaths, and you wouldn’t let Horus have the glory of ending his “perfect” brother’s life. You were small, you were not enough. He made sure he left you alive and unharmed to watch the angel be thrown to the other side of the room before he struck him one last time. You still ran after him as if playing fetch and part of him wished you were, so that maybe you would tear the angels wings from his back and hold them like they were your trophy.
Horus took the moment you had your back turned to stab you in it, making sure you would never reach the angel. Perhaps he would grant you both one final mercy. As the shadows crawled from the depths to pin Sanguinius against the wall like a crucified sinner, he made sure you were pinned just the same next to him. If you were going to be loyal, fine by him. You would be loyal in life and in death.
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
Sanguinius knew he was beloved by all, it was part of his daily life if he were being honest. When you approached him, small and trembling, to tell him you loved him, he laughed. To love a being you viewed as your god was standard, was it not?
No. you loved him. He’d seen the way humans had behaved around each other when they felt love. They held each other close in their arms. Caressed parts of each other tenderly, hands, arms, faces, gentle touches he’d long accepted he could never have. The humans who surrounded him idolized him far too much to lay their hands on any part of him, for he was far too pure. He’d accepted that this love from godhood was the only love he would ever obtain. Humans may be capable of loving primarchs, but not mutants, not him.
And yet you were the last thing he saw before his vision faded to nothing, the last thing he felt before his heart ceased to beat. You kneeled over him, a feeble and weak human attempt to protect him from the unforgiving strikes of Horus. You could not protect him. He lay with his back against the wall, bleeding, weakened, your primarch robbed of his glory. You grabbed his hand, holding it as gently as you possibly could. Horus seemed to hesitate, allowing his brother a moment of peace as you held his hand. You had been stabbed by Horus too, a fatal wound for a human, yet you remained strong for your primarch, your hands running delicately through the feathers of his broken wing.
Sanguinius took his final breaths, and yet he smiled ever so slightly. He was loved. The final blow had ended both of your lives, the shadows that approached to hang the angel on the wall like a trophy grabbed your body alongside his, hanging him up as if he had been crucified, and you in the crease of his wing. In life and in death, he realized far too late that he was loved.
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
Had you rejected Konrad Curze, he would’ve felt no different than his usual daily attitude. By some miracle, though, you hadn’t rejected him. You hadn’t turned away, you never would turn away and that you promised him. A promise you would break, inevitably.
It was incredibly tough to help him recover his mental health following his difficult childhood, incredibly draining, at that. So when his health started to decline during the heresy, you could no longer take it, and your promise was nothing but severed twine scattered across the floor. He’d try to track you down, to make things right, to make things better.
You were gone when he finally reached you. Physically there, but your heart no longer beat in your chest. He had become a primarch, stronger than he was on his home world, and even at his strongest he had failed you.
Execution seemed too merciful of a fate for him, but he’d take that mercy with open arms.
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
Leman Russ, the emperor’s most loyal (self proclaimed) son knew nothing but loyalty after being raised by wolves. Your loyalty back to him was an easy pledge, and he loved you dearly, no more than he loved the emperor and his cause.
When you fell to sickness upon his cold planet, your immune system had obviously and inevitably weakened to a near impossible point of return, and it was during a clash with a squadron of plague marines. Leman kept you as far away from the front lines as he could. He would be unable to forgive himself if you died, or worse, fell into the clutches of Nurgle.
But by Nurgle’s grace, you were granted freedom from your sickness. You hadn’t died, no, that would be too simple a fate for you. The unforgiving clutches of chaos would make sure you never felt this ill again. You’d never turn your back on the chaos god, lest your beautifully gruesome gifts become gifts no longer.
Leman spared you one final sorrowful gaze as you retreated with your newfound army, your skin already discord and your eyes looking like they could fall from your once gorgeous face at any second. For a moment, he swore he saw the same expression in your chaos filled eyes. Sorrow, fear, heartbreak.
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sourpatchys · 3 months
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•Dabi (Touya Todoroki) headcannons•
Notes: Gn!reader (nothing specified), SFW
A/n: I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, and I figured now was the time! These are just some things off the top of my head, I’ll probably expand at a later date!
Guidelines masterlist
He tends to push people away, not in the traditional ‘staying as far away from you as possible’ sense though. He’ll just make snippy comments, ignore you completely, stomp over your ideas and overall just treat you like a nuisance.
He’s not opposed to people getting close, but he won’t actively try to befriend you or even take the time to get to know you— if you want his attention you’ll have to fight for it— shoving yourself into his life and telling him information without him asking.
Eventually he’ll warm up, his snippy comments turning into more lighthearted jokes (though they’ll still be at your expense) it’s going to be a slow process through and through
He doesn’t really care for hugs, holding hands or soft kisses on the cheek, and he’s likely to push you off if you get to close when he just isn’t feeling it.
He also isn’t the type of person (at least at first) to tell you when he isn’t in a cuddly mood, it’ll just be trial and error on your part
He’s protective of his secrets, and isn’t going to open up quickly, even when the cracks start to form he’s more likely to just walk away from you than he is to actually talk about his feelings
That isn’t to say he can’t get to a good state with you though
Trial and error won’t come without some expertise on your end and, in turn, things get a lot easier overall.
He’ll start looking forward to your next move, waiting for you to pop up and see what kind of mood he is that day. Sometimes he’ll even try to fake you out, just to make sure you’re serious about wanting to get close to him, and of course, seeing you fail is a little funny as well.
Eventually you’re just expected to be near him at all times, he doesn’t mind your presence, he allows you to be clingy if that’s how your feeling that day, regardless of his personal bias
He’s not self conscious of his scars anymore, per se, but he is aware that he isn’t exactly nice to look at. It’s best just not to mention them until the relationship is secure. It wouldn’t be a deal breaker but it wouldn’t make the process any easier.
Why would anyone want to look at him the way you claim to? It just wouldn’t make much sense to him.
And even after the relationship is secure, he’ll make a point to let you know how weird he finds it that you aren’t even slightly put off by it.
He has some love for his siblings deep (very deep) down, logically he knows that what happened wasn’t their fault, but if he listened to that part of himself, he may lose sight of his goals— and he just can’t fathom a world where endeavor isn’t suffering or dead.
He is not the jealous type, at least not around other people. He may make a snide remark or two though, if people get too handsy or close. Usually along the lines of—
“Get your own, this one’s mine.” Or, “gross” before walking away and letting you handle it from there.
Because overall, he does trust you, even if only slightly. Anyone willing to shove themselves in his life the way you have is proof enough that you won’t go anywhere.
But that doesn’t mean he won’t give you an earful when you’re alone, or even the silent treatment if things aren’t handled in a timely fashion.
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lemonxdaisybby · 5 months
holding hands with ichihan, Zhao, and joongi for the first time?
Hello! This is just the cutest request and I had to drop everything to work on it immediately because my heart needs some fluff 💕
Also I promise I’m gonna post some NSFW requests soon I see you lemon requesters in my inbox, making me feel all old with your fancy lemon emojis 🍋
Honestly, you would likely have to make the first move and initiate the hand-holding, as this man is a flustered, inexperienced, and nervous wreck when first dating you. Any form of physical touch, and his face is on fire. He would over-plan and overthink everything.
It would maybe occur after a couple of dates. Of course, the two of you wouldn’t have even had your first kiss yet either. Ichi can’t even bring himself to hold your hand, never mind kiss you. It would be a nice, lighthearted date, and maybe you’d just click on that if you want things to get more physical, you might have to be the one to take the first step. Cue you placing your hand in his, and linking your fingers together.
Ichi would try to keep it together, he really would. But his brain is just gonna stutter and momentarily shut down, and once he does sort of pull it together slightly, he would find himself stuttering and stumbling over his words, and he might have to pull his hand away a few times to sneakily wipe it on his trousers, worried that his palms are sweaty.
He’d grow used to it after a while, and the warm feeling of your hand in his would make him feel so soft and fuzzy. He’d definitely be brave enough to initiate hand-holding going forward, now that you’ve made the first step.
Another one where you would likely have to initiate holding hands with him for the first time. Not because he’s shy (although he is a bit), but more so because he’s oblivious, and just wouldn’t think to hold your hand. He finds that he likes it very much though, once you do make the first move.
He’s apparently a big movie buff, so on one of your first few dates, he would decide that a nice date at the cinema would be fun. Due to lack of experience with dating, he likely hadn’t kissed you at that point, or initiated much physical touch at all. It’s not that he’s never done things before, he’s just never properly dated before, so has no idea of what’s expected of him, or how fast or slow he should be moving.
And so, it is now up to you to begin initiating physical touches of affection, starting off with some nice, innocent hand-holding, by reaching over mid-movie and clasping his hand gently in yours.
Honestly, Joon-Gi wouldn’t have that much of a visible reaction, but he will get the feeling of butterflies in his stomach, and in the harsh glow of the cinema screen, you might be able to spot the faintest of blushes on his cheeks, which he would subtly try to hide by angling his face away from yours.
He probably wouldn’t ever really initiate holding your hand going forward, but he’s more than happy for you to latch on to his if you want. He’s not big on PDA, nor is he very romantic or physically affectionate, but a little hand-holding is something he can appreciate.
He would definitely be the one to initiate it, although he really wouldn’t see it as a big deal, and it would happen quite naturally. It would still be sweet, of course, but he wouldn’t feel the need to put much thought in to it, or even think about it at all.
It would probably occur as the two of you are walking down a busy street, or maybe even crossing a road. Zhao would automatically just take hold of your hand, to ensure that you’re safely at his side, and that would be that. He wouldn’t let go, and would just continue to wander round with you, hand-in-hand.
He might joke with you a little, pointing out how small your hand is compared to his own, and he’d have a cheerful little smile on his face. But nothing more would be said. It might take you a while to get used to the feeling of his hand holding your own though, due to the clunkiness of his rings.
He likes to look out for others, and probably does have a bit of a protective streak over you at times, so he would lowkey adore holding hands with you. It would just feel right, and also it would just appease that protective spark in him, knowing that you’re safely at his side with your hand tucked in to his own.
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Thinking again about theater kid Dustin so naturally I had to come to you 💙 Specifically I’m thinking about Dustin auditioning for a community theater production of Jesus Christ Superstar with an eccentric director who convinces Eddie to audition for Judas. He knows his reputation and thinks his notoriety will add an extra meta layer to the role (and get some butts in the seats he’s gotta keep the lights on somehow). Eddie is reluctant to put himself in the spotlight but ultimately does cause Dustin is excited about it. Also he’s really good? He plays it completely sincerely which no one is expecting, really leans into the interpretation that Judas was in love with Jesus and amps up the tragedy. (Afterwards Steve also asks him if that kiss with Jesus is in the script or…?)
i love this so much, thank you for sharing with me! ❤️ theatre kid Dustin is just so incredibly precious & i just love the thought of him having so much fun with it in his future. like i see him as such a little social butterfly, i think everyone in the theatre group would adore him (i’m always so upset when his peers make fun of him at the snow ball, no, that’s my boy!!!)
and oh my god Jesus Christ superstar yes!!! yeah i can see Eddie being so hesitant about it, like the thought of how certain factions of hawkins might still view him makes him nauseous.
but the director—who maybe knows through close-knit community theatre circles that a very young Eddie once played Action in West Side Story (i love your story so much ❤️)—has one last parting shot which convinces him.
“So you never want to have fun ever again?”
… Huh, Eddie thinks.
he still asks for Dustin’s approval, all too concerned with the thought that this is Dustin’s thing and maybe he’s overstepping or something, or—
“Holy shit, that’s some seriously impressive over-thinking,” Dustin says. “You’re my friend, asshole.”
And maybe he says it with a tone, but he means I wanna hang out more with you not less!
so Eddie takes the role and of course he’s brilliant—okay everyone’s got opinions on the auto tune used in Tim Minchin’s rendition but dear god the depths in his eyes, the acting. also maybe the director does a present day take like that version did & Eddie’s jokingly like “I could wear the hellfire tshirt” & the director’s eyes light up & Eddie quickly goes, “No. That was a joke, it wouldn’t even make sense.”—and maybe there’s something empowering in playing this figure when people once said his name and the Devil’s in the same breath.
Maybe, maybe.
and oh we all know who Eddie is thinking about when he’s singing:
I don't know how to love him I don't know why he moves me He's a man, he's just a man He's not a king, he's just the same As anyone I know He scares me so
Does he love, does he love me too? Does he care for me?
And oh on a lighthearted note, Steve asking if the kiss is in the script has me in hysterics, especially if this is pre-them getting together.
just the thought of Steve staring grumpily any time there’s a scene with Jesus & Judas—the guy who plays Jesus is maybe like a couple years older than Eddie, not originally from Hawkins perhaps so he’s kinda not fully aware of Eddie’s history & sure, he’s nice, but he’s just not on Eddie’s radar at all.
So when Steve asks if the kiss was in the script (not that he cares! At all! He doesn’t care! Look at how much he doesn’t care!), Eddie stares at him for a long moment and says, “Steve. Did you think I improvved the Bible?”
Dustin, who is also here—currently doing English homework up on a barstool in Steve’s kitchen while Eddie & Steve lounge on the couch—sighs very loudly and says, “How the fuck am I supposed to know what role dialogue plays in Much Ado About Nothing?”
Eddie waves a hand distractedly at him. “Just make it up.”
“I can’t just because my way through Shakespeare,” Dustin says, adds in a huffy undertone, “this isn’t one of your campaigns.”
Eddie mimes being stabbed in the heart. “Oh, betrayal!”
“So it was in the script?” Steve says.
“Oh for—yes, Steve, it was,” Eddie says. “It’s called acting. Also, it was on the cheek.”
“So—ugh, just—” Eddie tugs on Steve’s wrist impulsively, while another part of his brain is screaming in vain for him to stop. “Come here.”
“What’re you doing?”
“I’m just showing you how fucking little it—”
I’m never finishing this essay, Dustin thinks. My home life is distracting and chaotic.
And Eddie kisses Steve very very chastely on the cheek, just to show it was nothing, that’s all, but Steve can feel Eddie’s breath on his skin, the warmth of his lips, and Eddie doesn’t really think it through until he does it and then oh shit, his heart is pounding—
“Oh, yup cool,” Steve says. “That’s—yeah, wow, that’s it? Huh. I need some air.”
“From your own house?” Dustin says, to the front door already slamming shut.
And Eddie’s eyes are wide and shiny, like, did I fuck up, and it takes all of Dustin’s self control to not roll his eyes and slam his face into his book.
Then he softens a bit, remembers looking out into the audience and seeing Steve silently crying while Eddie sang You have murdered me.
“You’re so dumb,” Dustin tells Eddie as gently as he can. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Uh.” Eddie blinks. “Did I—should I…?”
Dustin sighs wearily, slings his backpack over his shoulder. And he has a parting shot of his own:
“I’m not waiting through another production for you two to get your shit together.”
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jeannineee · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet: Cassian (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
a/n: Cassian deserves nothing but the absolute best. Enjoy :)
nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Literally so gentle and sweet. Will clean you up, run you a bath. He’ll massage your tired muscles, whispering sweet nothings as you relax against him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For him, I’d say his muscles in general. He has a nice body, and he knows it. Probably loves his arms the most, though. How easily they can lift you, hold you in place, etc.
For you, he loves your entire body, but especially your ass. You’ll catch him staring at it at the worst times, to which he only offers a shameless grin in response. He loves holding onto it as he pounds into you from behind, his calloused hands digging into the soft skin.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Lolol listen!!! I GUARANTEE this man has a breeding kink. He looooves filling you up. It makes him feral to see the way your eyes roll back into your head as he spills into you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Cassian is quite shameless when it comes to sex. I don’t think he would hide anything from you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s been alive for five hundred years. Let’s be real. He knows what he’s doing. He talks up a big game, and can one hundred percent back it up.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy. “Hold on to the headboard.” Need I say more? Also loves when you ride him. He’ll grip your hips tightly, and if you start to get tired, he’ll take over, and thrust up into you as you hold on for dear life. Safe to say he likes it rough.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
A bit both. In the beginning especially, when you were still getting comfortable, he’d crack the occasional joke to help you relax. But he knows when to take things seriously.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps it trimmed, nothing too fancy.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Again, while sex with Cassian can sometimes be lighthearted, he is more romantic than he lets on. He loves to take his time with you. He’ll make an entire night out of it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Before you? This man was jacking off regularly. But once he met you, he didn’t have any need to do it.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Like I said, breeding kink, for sure. Also into bondage. He’d love to tie your wrists, and fuck you senseless. (You have a safe word, of course.) With enough convincing, he just might let you tie him up, too.
SIZE KINK!!!!! This man TOWERS over Rhys and Azriel (it’s canon). So even if you’re tall, your still smaller than him. Praise!! Loves encouraging you, telling you how well you take his cock, how pretty you look when you come for him. And if you praise HIM? You aren’t walking for a few days.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
You’ve fucked on pretty much every surface in your house. The bed, the walls, the dining table, the counters. He’ll take you wherever he can have you. But he does, of course, take your preferences into account.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. Everything about you. Your voice, your body. But what really gets him going is your wit. Give him a bit of attitude, or a sarcastic remark, and he’ll be putting that sweet mouth of yours to good use in no time.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn’t want to degrade you, or do anything that would cause you genuine pain.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Likes both equally. Loves the way your pretty lips look wrapped around his cock, the way your throat bulges as he fucks into your mouth (he has your permission, of course.)
Could also spend hours between your legs (and has.) He’ll lap and suck at your cunt until you’re a whimpering mess. Swears you taste like honey.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He definitely likes it rough. But on some nights, especially when he’s tired, the two of you will go slow, your legs wrapped around his waist as he lazily thrusts into you, his lips placing gentle kisses to your neck.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Prefers to take his time, but sometimes you’re both so busy that quickies have to suffice.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Will try anything at least once. Again, he’s been alive for centuries. He’s very open minded with you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go all night, easily. He’ll need breaks here and there, but he’s got stamina for DAYS.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Hmm…I think he’ll try using them, if you ask. But he prefers making you come on his own.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s a little shit when it comes to teasing. You could be at dinner with friends, and he’ll slowly trail his fingers along your thigh, underneath your dress. He’ll pretend he doesn’t notice your glare, as he trails closer to your slit, his fingers barely grazing you. Don’t worry though, he can’t deny you for too long.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Mostly loud grunts and groans, with plenty of praise for you. He’s not afraid to express how good you make him feel.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Definitely wants to let you explore his wings. The idea that you could make him finish just by touching the right spot? He definitely wants to try it. And you’re more than eager to oblige him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s the tallest out of the three bat boys. He’s long, and thick. Good luck.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very, very high. He always wants you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Fairly quickly, but he always waits until you’ve fallen asleep first, smiling to himself at the tiredness he’s caused you.
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gottagetback2u · 1 year
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✰ stray kids doing ur makeup!
warnings: some lighthearted jokes, emojis used, cursing. established relationships! don’t wish for too much with these boys. inconsistent use of correct spelling.
my bestie gave me this prompt when we were texting 🤭 hope u guys enjoyy
-✰ chan
he’s so giggly with it the entire time. u ask him and he’s like “u want me to? 😀” he asks u in between laughs “is this product right?” and when u don’t help him, he gets whiny bc he at least wants to make ur makeup look good!
-✰ minho
a menace most times, but a soft expression appears on his face when u ask him. he gets that lazy, soft smirk, his eyes squinty with an obvious twinkle in them. somehow, instead of purposefully messing up, he tries his best, actually doing a good job! (he secretly memorized the order of ur products from watching u get ready <3)
-✰ changbin
“awwwww~ u want binnie to do ur makeup huh?? u want ur sweet cute talented bf to do it?” kick him out. take it back 😭 but honestly, he wouldn’t do terrible… he’s just not very coordinated with his hands. application of foundation and blush are so patchy. PLEASE DONT LET HIM NEAR UR EYES
-✰ hyunjin
he wants to be good. like i have said, he loves that aesthetically pleasing, pinterest type relationship shit. once u tell him how to blend, he gets pretty good. downside, doesn’t want to do anything except foundation, concealer and blush. says he���ll “mess it up” 😑
-✰ han
no mirrors involved. he’s gonna, quote on quote, “blow ur mind”. ends up using every single product, continuously confused about which each of them are. not like he gets his makeup done every single day 🤨
-✰ felix
u would expect him to be the best… surprise, he also has no hand coordination!!! he might build pcs, but that has nothing on makeup application. does powders before foundations, wants to do ur eyeshadow, and if he doesn’t like a color he will just cover it up with another one. help him.
-✰ seungmin
okay… hear me out… he’s actually really good at eyeliner. but that’s all he’s good at LMAOO. u tell him that u do ur eye makeup first, and he spends 45 minutes doing the wings, always reaching back with a q-tip to fix it. once he’s done tho, he tells u it’s too hard 😐 this lil bitch
-✰ jeongin
gets all shy and blushy. he feels like this is the boyfriend duty out of boyfriend duties. bUt, once he starts, he realizes how hard it is and starts to mess around. “ya! i don’t care if it’s wrong! u asked for this-“
taglist: @strawberrimarchi
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vxdret-imagines · 8 months
Camping Trip Part 1
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Where Y/N and gang decide to head up the trails for a camping trip! This is a friends -> lovers multipart series involving Scott and reader being stupid young adults who suck at sharing their feelings. Stiles and reader human solidarity! Enjoy the first part of this fic, I’m not sure how many there will be but I’m running with it. -Vx
Warnings/tags: (G), !slowburn!, AFAB reader
Word Count: 3k
If there’s a will, there’s a way. Somehow Stiles managed to convince you to come out on the trail with the pack for a camping trip. With a begrudging groan and a long roll of your eyes, you eventually conceded and told him “Fine.”
Now you were squeezed in the back of Stiles’ jeep with Lydia and Malia, whilst Scott rode shotgun upfront. All the while, you were internally contemplating making an excuse to get out of hiking the trail that led up to the campsite. It was stupidly long with plenty of rocks and vines to trip over, and the way you knew you’d be a sweaty panting mess made you sigh aloud. Malia heard it, looking over at you with a curious expression. “Y/N? Something up?” She sounded a little concerned, but that monotony she usually held was there. She was learning empathy, slowly but surely.
“No, no, nothing is wrong. I’m all good.” Your voice was exasperated slightly, leading Malia to cock a brow and look you up and down. “Just… I really don’t want to hike that trail. It’s easier for you guys, considering your super stamina.” A small laugh escaped your lips as you played off your doubt with a lighthearted joke. It was three or so miles uphill on the trail, and you weren’t the biggest fan of running uphill for long periods, let alone while carrying heavy bags. Malia hummed, her look becoming neutral once more. With a small nod she looked out the window. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, Stiles would always complain about the trail too at first. It’s all about pacing yourself.”  Looking at your bag in your lap, you softened a little with her reassurance. At least you wouldn’t be the only one having trouble. 
Upon arrival when you climbed out, you couldn’t help but stare at the trail just a little ways from the jeep. Pulling your second bag from the trunk of the jeep was the easy part. The running? Not even close. When tapped on the shoulder from behind, you turned to be meet with bright warm eyes. “Kira! You made it,” your voice was live with excitement as Kira smiled at you. Her bag was slung over her shoulder as she hugged you tightly. This girl was such a bright light and you couldn’t help but share it whenever she was around, proving so as you hugged her back with just as much vigour. Liam followed behind her with his own bag and tent, looking at the two of you. “Why are you guys so excited? Aren’t we about to hike uphill for an hour?” He sounded a bit confused, and likely shared the same dread as you with that look on his face. Kira pulled away, giving him a small glare at his pessimism.
“Oh come on, Liam. Once we’re there, we can set up our tents and get a fire going. Besides, you’ll be fine. It’s just three miles!” Her positivity lit a determined fire under you. As all of you headed to the trail, you reminded yourself that you could do it. It’s just three miles. You’ve got this Y/N. Just keep going, this is gonna be a cakewalk. That determination died out the closer you’d gotten to camp, the fire dwindling as you continued to replay the same words. Was the trail getting steeper? Ugh. Groaning internally, you pushed on for the last ten minutes of the hike, throwing your bags that felt like they were full of boulders to the ground of the campsite. 
A glance to Stiles would show him also in the same predicament, sweat coating his neck and his hair wet at the nape of his neck as he dropped his bags. On the other hand, Scott threw his arms up in a cheer. “Woohoo! We made it!” He exclaimed this with so much enthusiasm it made you laugh quietly. Maybe the hike was worth it. Scott then wrapped an arm around Stiles who looked incredibly pale aside from his flushed cheeks. “Come on, let’s get our tent set up.” Scott was still glowing with adrenaline from the run as Stiles shot him a glare, his voice dropping low. “Scott, I feel like I’m going to barf. Can we please wait like five minutes before any more physical activity?” Dripping with sarcasm as per usual.
“Awh, you’re no fun bro.” Scott’s tone was teasing before he looked across at everyone. By now, Lydia and Malia had begun to set up their tent. You were sharing one with Kira, while Liam demanded he had a stag tent since Mason immediately shot the invitation down. It was around 4pm now which meant there was still a few hours of daylight left, it also meant that you’d have plenty of time to hear the guys fuss over who’d light the fire while setting up your tent. Dragging your tent bag to it’s desired spot, Kira sparked up a quiet conversation with you.
“Y/N, have you told him yet?” She whispered, your head swiveling up to shoot her a glare. “Shhh! No, of course not…” Pulling the malet from your bag rather menacingly, Kira raised her hands up in playful defense. “Woah there, alright, I got it.” You and her shared a laugh as you pulled the studs from the bag. “Buttt… I think you should, he was staring at you the entire hike up. He had this look on his face like he was thinking hard. Stiles had to keep grabbing his attention.” 
He was.. what? Is she joking right now? “Haha, very funny Kira.” You say, a slight twinge to your voice as you hand her two of the studs. “I’m not joking. I swear.” Kira’s voice was quiet but now serious. She’s not kidding. Oh god, she’s getting that look. “Okay.. Was his look more concerned or thoughtful?” With that question Kira seemed to pause, before taking the malet from you. “When you phrase it like that, I’d have to say he looked like he was brooding.” She shrugged it off nonchalantly with a swift hammer to the stud. Seeing how it secured itself neatly in the ground, you ended up handing her the rest of the studs whilst you set the poles up for each one. 
Well now I guess I have to be careful. If I take that chance and it turns out Kira was wrong, there would be no turning back. Maybe Stiles would know something? But if he ended up telling Scott, it’d also mess things up. Boys are dumb. 
Setting the last pole up for the tent was a sitch. You ended up crawling inside with Kira to gossip a little more, etching out a plan for dinner when there were noises of the boys fueding over the fire drowning out your conversation. “And so it begins…” Kira trailed off, lightheartedly rolling her eyes as you giggled. “Should we go see for ourselves?” “Absolutely.”
Getting back out of the tent, you and Kira stood there to see Liam holding the matches away from Stiles while Scott stood with his arms crossed. The grin on his face reeked of amusement as Stiles tried to grab for the matches hopelessly. “You both know that there’s no hope for a fire without lighter fluid, right?” Lydia’s voice cut through the chaos as she held the red capped bottle up. Malia was smirking beside her as she saw Stiles’ look of defeat, turning to look at Lydia. “Good one.” 
Stiles clasped his hands together, beginning to plead with Lydia near pathetically. Liam on the other hand stuffed the matches into his pocket. You’d brought lighter fluid as well but with the way Stiles was so vehemently pleading, it was better to stay quiet. “Anyone hungry?” Scott chimed in, breaking up the chaos that had erupted over the fire and shifting the attention to multiple hungry stomachs. Kira had raised a hand, grinning widely. “I’m on cooking duty! First things first though, we’ll need more fire wood. Especially if we want the fire to last.”
A small nudge to your arm made you look over at Kira, as she winked at you before looking over her shoulder. Following her gaze, you saw Scott starting to pick up kindlewood. Realizing she’d meant for you to gather wood with him, you started to shake you head as she nudged you closer to him. “Heeeyyy, Scott.” You’d said, giving Kira a dirty look as she walked away with her head held high. “Do you uh.. Need any help?”
“Hey, yeah, that’d be great actually. I don’t really know how much we’ll need exactly but it’ll be alot. I saw a small tree just this way if you want to help me break it down?” The way Scott lit up didn’t fail to surpass you. From the way his expression brightened, to the way he’d stood up to address you, it made you feel relieved. Maybe even a little excited that he wanted to spend time with you. 
With a single nod, you stepped closer. “Lead the way.” You’d affirmed before beginning to walk alongside him. As you walked with him, you noticed him looking along the dirt trail. He seemed to have a different air about him, before he’d spoke up. “I actually went down this trail around three or four years ago.. Holds some pretty great memories for me. It leads back to the highschool about twenty minutes that way.” There was a nostalgic tone to his voice as he pointed in the direction of the school. “That’s why I know where to go, I know it’s pretty random, sorry..” A soft laugh escaped his lips as he looked up at you. A warmness eminated from him, like he was reminiscing over something that brought him fond memories. It was a glimpse into his emotions that you’d not seen before. 
“Don’t apologize, Scott. I’m glad you know the area, it makes me feel a little better.” You’d offered kind words, picking up a few large sticks along the side of the path. “If you want to talk about what you remember, I’d like to listen?” As you’d bent down to pick up some bramble, you noticed he’d stopped walking.
“It was around the time when I’d just been bitten. I was so naive back then, I actually thought Derek was the one who’d changed me.” A chuckle passed his lips before he continued. “It was also when Allison and I had started dating. We’d met up that day at the bus bay when she decided to take me somewhere as a surprise. Somewhere we could be alone, that’s what she told me. We ended up driving this way and wandering this exact trail. Spent pretty much all day here just talking. It was her birthday.” Scott turned to face you, smiling slightly still.
Your eyes widened, realizing what he meant. Allison… She’s been gone for around two years now. From what everyone says, she must’ve been pretty amazing. Especially considering how happy Scott looks whenever he mentions her. 
“Was it a good day? You look so bright talking about it, or her, I guess..” Taking a few more steps to stand beside him, you held the variety of sticks tightly in your arms. “It was one of the best days I had with her. I don’t think I’ve had a day like it since.” His tone was gentle, yet it was incredibly heartfelt, like a glowing light optimistically waiting at the end of a tunnel. It seemed like the warmth spread to you just from his eyes. That was always the way it went.
Whether Scott was happy, angry, upset, or stressed, his eyes were always a tell. They truly were the windows to his soul that displayed his vibrance so clearly. It was the first thing about him that captivated you. Whenever his eyes would change to the bright ruby when he shifted, it was like the window was pushed wide open. They amplified his very being, his power and aura. He was truly the most remarkable person you’d met, let alone the first supernatural. As your curiosity had turned into a crush, his eyes made you turn to jello. 
This time was no exception.
Those eyes that were so magnificent glancing toward you at this very moment expressed a rare vulnerability for him. Scott had opened up to you about a special memory for him on the very ground you two stood on. This place would hold new sentiment for the both of you. Yet you would never tell him how much it meant. Even if Kira begged you to spill your guts, or Lydia persuaded you toward confessing with little tips or ideas, you still couldn’t. Not when it would risk ruining your friendship with him that you held to your heart as if it were the most fragile feather, capable of being whisked into the wind with a single sentence. As if that sentence was so easy to say anyway. 
I like you, Scott.
Simple words that could shatter everything. ‘Simple’ didn’t even begin to explain your troubles.
“You know, from everything I hear, I really wished I could’ve met her.. Even now there’s still a lingering presence of her, like she’s still with us. Everyone keeping her memory alive means she’ll live on within each of us. In different ways, but she will.” Your voice is tender, offering your own vulnerability to the moment. However seeing Scott’s reaction only furthered your predicament.
Looking over to the small tree he’d mentioned for wood, Scott hummed in an appreciatory way. “I like that idea. That’s a pretty good way to think of it.” He grasped near the base of the tree, twisting and snapping it before picking up the fallen wood. “I think I’d want to make new memories for that reason. She’d want me to, cheering me on from whatever place she’s in.”
As you two brought back your gathered wood and kindle, Kira had begun cooking already when you threw some of the sticks into the fire. She looked up at you expectantly with a cheshire grin on her lips. “Sooo? How was it?” Her hand stilled in its stirring motion inside the pot, awaiting your reply as you kneeled beside her.
“I guess you can say we bonded a little. He told me about Allison, and it was like he’d opened up. Plus, we got quite a bit of wood. Win-win, right?” 
Kira nodded, using her spoon she was stirring with to point to the pot of boiling soup. There was an aroma of celery, rosemary, and garlic with the umami of beef in it. “I’d say that’s a win. Speaking of, Liam finally caved once Stiles got ahold of the lighter fluid… Which took the majority of the time you were gone. We’ve got about thirty minutes til’ this is all finished simmering.” She then stood from the dirt, placing the metal stirring spoon on a cloth before dusting her legs off. “Once it’s all finished, we can settle down and eat. Plus, that’s when we can really get a bonfire going.” Your expression turned upwards, smiling as you watched your best friend stand to go and grab more cooking supplies. “Sounds good, Kira. I’m gonna go work on setting up the inside of the tent, you make sure that Malia doesn’t dig in too early.” Shooting Malia a grin, her head tilted up as she responded “Hey! I heard that!” 
With a quiet laugh, you walked back to the tent, beginning to unwrap your sleeping bag with a moment of thought. When you and Scott were gathering spare wood, he looked so… Light. So carefree and happy. It was enough for you to sigh, absentmindedly scratching your arm. Scott seems to hold onto those good memories. I’m glad he shared them with me, maybe we can really make new ones together. With everyone here, I’m sure it’ll be easy. 
The longer you’d been in the tent arranging your side, you realized your arm was continuously getting itchier. Taking a look, your arm had an angry rash that was breaking out along where you’d held the wood earlier. Shit… You groaned under your breath. Of course this would happen within the first four hours of being at camp. Reaching for your bag and digging around, you retrieved the calamine lotion before spreading a generous amount along the poison oak rash. The skin was an angry red which soothed with the pale pink lotion. As soon as you’d finished inside the tent, it looked like dinner was finished outside, everyone aside from Lydia sitting around the fire. You plopped down between Kira and Stiles, noting how Malia and Liam looked like they were competing to finish their bowls as Kira handed you your own.
“Here you go. Oh ew, what happened?” Kira’s voice grew more nasally as she saw the calamine lotion. “What does it look like? I happened to pick up some poison oak. Maybe someone with regenerative abilities should’ve grabbed wood with Scott instead..” I chuckle under my breath, looking up at Scott to see how his eyebrows knitted together. “Hey, I had fun! It was nice to talk, especially where we’d went.” There was that winning smile. It’s so hard to stay mad at him. Damn.
Starting to eat your soup with Kira, you’d praised her for the amazing flavor. She’d made a simple veggie stew, but it was incredibly delicious. All the notes are tied together perfectly. By the time dinner was done, the fire was roaring, Stiles and Malia kicking off to their own spot with drinks in hand as you’d sat beside the fire. Kira had gone back to the tent and you’d lost sight of Scott and Lydia. As the heat from the fire hugged your skin, and the liquor on your tongue stung its way down, there was a different contented feeling. Your friends' laughter and the quiet sounds of a radio in the background were enough to drown everything else out while you lost yourself in thought once more. 
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blackoutbugza · 10 months
how each of the sides would comfort you when your crying
patton: extreme love and affection. he’s holding your hand, telling you how far you’ve gotten, how awesome you are, ect. he’s also giving you a lot of food and water.
logan: he’s showing more empathy than sympathy. his arm is wrapped around you and he might lean his head on you to show you he knows how you feel, but he’s not saying a word. he’ll listen to you vent for hours.
roman: probably crying too, let’s be honest. he feels a balance of empathy and sympathy but he’s trying his hardest to make you happy. he talks a lot, but it’s nothing annoying. it’s more of a ramble in defense of you.
virgil: probably scared out of his mind. he wouldn’t know what to do, but he’d sit and talk with you and try to help you work through it. he’d be awkward and nervous, but he’d know dead on exactly how you feel.
janus: he’s hugging you. he might tell you some lies at the time, but it’s only to make you feel better. even though it might seem like he doesn’t care he really does. he doesn’t show it, but he’s just as nervous as virgil would be.
remus: awkward and quiet at first since i wouldn’t imagine he’d deal with such emotions often for himself, but later he’d be trying to make you laugh. he’d be making jokes and poking fun at the situation in lighthearted ways until you smile, let’s be honest.
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ourtearsofrain · 6 months
Paper Rings (D.R.W/S.F.K)
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Summary: When Danny wants to propose to Sam, he turns to his brothers for help, wanting the evening to be perfect.
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka
Genre: fluff, almost hurt/comfort, other than that no clue, way too long to be drabble but there’s no smut or angst or anything
Word Count: 6.5 k
Warnings: language? But what’s new with them, anxiety from worrying about how the proposal will go.
A/N: I would highly recommend reading Save a Horse and Ride a Cowboy as well as their previous fics, as this is a continuation of their stories within this Universe.
4:38 pm
Those fucking bastards. Never on time a goddamn day in their lives. Danny sits in the living room of his and Sam’s apartment, his heart hammering, fingers twisting together in his lap and leg bouncing as the anxious knot in his stomach tightens as the minutes tick by. They were supposed to get here 38 fucking minutes ago. Where the fuck are they?
He checks his phone. Nothing. A minute later he checks again. Nothing. Fuck. After what feels like an eternity, a loud knock at his door yanks him from his frustrations, and he all but runs across the room to answer it. Jake and Josh stand at the center of the group, caught up in a heated, but hopefully lighthearted argument, with their partners sharing knowing exasperated looks over the twins’ heads.
Danny’s too frustrated to even care about possibly interrupting whatever argument they were having, cutting them off with a sharp, “You’re late.” He steps to the side as the group walks in, the twins talking over each other with various excuses as their boyfriends simply apologize and express that they tried to get them out of the house on time. “It’s whatever, I guess. At least you’re here now.” Danny sighs as he turns, walking away from them towards the living room and hoping they will follow. They do, and each pair takes a seat on the various chairs and couches occupying the space as Danny paces nervously across the room.
Austin is the first one to point out the nervous energy radiating from his friend, speaking over the noise of Jake and Josh trying to finish their argument from before. “Daniel, you alright? What’s goin’ on? And where’s Sam?” The twins promptly end their side argument as they also take in the state of their friend as well as the lack of their brother, causing their eyebrows to crease in unison.
“Yeah, why’d you ask us to come over? And why isn’t Sam here.” Josh questions.
Danny pauses his movements, coming to a stop in front of the other boys. His hands twist and stretch the hair tie around his wrist, needing to find some outlet for his anxiety. “He’s with Ronnie, she wouldn’t tell me what excuse she used to get him there, but I won’t question it since its working.”
It’s now Jake’s turn to question Danny. “Ok, cut to the chase. What did you need to talk to us about without Sam being present? You’re starting to make me worry.”
“I-” Danny starts, his nerves cutting him off and causing him to take a deep breath before continuing. “I need your guys’ help.”
Josh gasps dramatically, his hand flying to his heart in surprise. “I knew it!”
Danny feels like he’s been punched in the gut, his anxieties growing louder and louder in his head. If Josh figured it out so fast, Sammy could have too. Shit what if he knows and this was all for nothing.
Luckily for him, Josh continues, never missing the opportunity to make a shitty joke that often left the rest of them rolling their eyes. “You got him pregnant, didn’t you? What did I tell you two crazy kids about wrapping it before tapping it.” He shakes his head in mock disappointment before continuing, “Are you guys keeping it?” Josh is too focused on Danny (and too proud of his joke) to see Jake launching a pillow at him from the opposite end of the couch until it hits him hard on the side of his head.
“What the fuck man??” He yells as Austin wordlessly takes the pillow from him to prevent any retaliation.
“Could you be serious for one fucking second, Joshua? I don’t know about you, but I would love to hear what Danny has to say.”
Josh’s head drops slightly, now recognizing this may not be the time or place for his jokes depending on the conversation at hand. “You’re right, Jake. I’m sorry Danny.”
Danny removes his hand from where it had been placed on his temple in an attempt to slowly massage the stress and tension from his head. “It’s fine. Anyways, I need your help.” All four boys sit in tense silence as they wait for the other shoe to drop, each of them curious and worried about what had Danny so worked up like this.
“I’m going to propose to Sam.” The room is silent for a few seconds as they process what Danny had just said. Eventually, Josh shoots out of his seat, jumping up and down as he whoops in celebration.
“THAT’S FUCKING FANTASTIC OH MY GOD FINALLY!” He tackles the taller man in a massive hug, almost tipping the pair over as Danny stumbles to regain his balance before looking over to Jake to see him slowly standing from the couch with a wide grin on his face. When Josh finally let’s go of Danny, it’s Jake’s turn to embrace the other man, still enthusiastic but not enough to almost send them to the floor as Josh had.
“I’m so fucking happy for you, Danny. Couldn’t ask for a better man to take our annoying kid brother off our hands. I thought we were gonna be stuck with him forever.”
Danny lets out a deep breath as he laughs, beyond relieved at the reactions he recieved from the twins. After them, Austin and Sebastian take their turns congratulating him, each word of affirmation lifting a small weight off Danny’s shoulders until the anxiety he had previously felt is almost fully gone.
“So, what do you need our help with, hun?” Sebastian questions, voicing what the others had been thinking.
“Ok so, I want to propose to him at Bradley’s, in the spot we had our first kiss. But I want to be alone with him when I do it, but I don’t want him to suspect anything leading up to that.” Danny sighs, the frustrations formerly plaguing his mind resurfacing as he attempts to explain what little semblance of a “plan” he had. “I don’t know, that’s all I got. Do you guys have any ideas of how I could pull that off?”
A broad grin breaks out on Sebastian’s face, having already put together an entire evening for him and Sam in mere seconds in his head. “Oh, I got the perfect idea, kid.”
One week later
“Alright people, settle the fuck down y’all!” Sebastian shouts over the many loud side conversations occurring between all the drag performers as they wait for their monthly meeting to begin. They do as he asks, wrapping up their various conversations and turning their attention to Sebastian.
“Thank you. Imma keep this short and sweet and to the point, now. As y’all know, our usual club we perform at is undergoing renovations, so next month’s show is gonna be at Bradley’s Honkey Tonk.” A few excited whispers pass through the crowd, the performers knowing that they always got the most tips when they had shows there. “Our next, and last, order of business is the theme. Now the votes are in from y’all, and the theme with the most votes was Money, Money, Money. Now, I’ve already called that ABBA song but when y’all are ready to claim yours, put your name and song down in the group chat so I can start organizin’ the set.”
He looks at the small crowd, eyeing them to see if he could sense any unspoken queries. “If y’all aint got any questions, y’all’re free to leave.” Many chairs skid across the floor as they pull their phones out, already typing out the songs they wanted in the group chat and excitedly discussing group numbers and outfits with each other as each small group slowly made their way towards the exit.
Josh elbows Sam in the side in his haste to claim his song, frantically typing his message into the chat and hitting send with a satisfied grin, seeing that no one else had taken his song choice yet. He slips his phone back into his pocket before turning towards Sam. “Ready to go?”
His question snaps Sam out of his thoughts. “Oh- uh actually I wanted to talk to Sebastian about my song really quick. Don’t wait up, I’m meeting Danny down the street for lunch so I can just walk there.”
“Alright, have fun.” Josh says with a smile, turning and making his way towards the door with the rest of the crowd.
Sam approaches Sebastian, quietly waiting as he begins scribbling down who had taken what song so far in his notebook. He finishes, letting out a deep sigh before finally looking up. “Oh- hey, kid! Didn’t see ya there. What’s up?”
“I uh-” He starts, nerves getting the best of him as he looks down, his fingers picking at his cuticles as he gathers his courage. “I need help. Picking a song and… and with something else.”
A look of concern passes over Sebastian’s face, not used to seeing the usually confident Sam so sheepish. “Of course, I gotchu Sam. What’s up?”
“I- I want to propose to Danny. After the show, considering it’s where we had our first kiss. I just, I don’t really know how to do it. And I want to do a song that sort of hints at it, but not so much so that he knows it’s happening before I actually do it. And my brothers can’t know, I don’t want them to accidentally spoil the surprise.” He looks at Sebastian hopefully, feeling vulnerable and anxious as he asks this of him. “Do you think… do you think you can help me?”
Sebastian’s face splits open in a wide smile as he makes his way towards Sam, pulling him into a tight hug before he responds. “Of course, I got the perfect idea, kid.”
Three weeks later, Danny finds himself back at Bradley’s Honkey Tonk, seated next to Jake and Austin as they wait for the show to start. Jake’s voice across the bar table snaps him out of his anxious daze, and Danny looks over to see a concerned look painted across Jake’s features. “Hey man, you alright? You look a little pale.”
Danny takes a deep breath, having to remind himself to breathe as his nerves send him spiraling. He nods slightly before reaching for his glass of water and taking a large gulp of it. “Yeah, just nervous.”
He brings his hand to the pocket of his black jeans, checking to make sure the box holding Sam’s ring was still there for the 15th time that night. The knots in his stomach slightly loosen when he feels the outline of the box safe and snug within the fabric. As much as Danny was worrying about Sam’s reaction, he knew deep down he would love the ring; the second he had seen it, he knew it was so perfectly fitting for Sam. It had pansies engraved around the band, Sam’s favorite flower (and “coincidentally”, Danny’s star sign flower), the detailing dark black against the shine of the white gold.
“Everythin’ll work out just fine, Daniel. Your plan’s solid as it gets, and I’ll be damned if Sam says no to you." Austin brings his hand to Danny’s shoulder, offering him a small pat of encouragement before Jake joins in on relieving his worries.
“Exactly, we all know the plan, everything will work out. And I’ve known Sam for his entire life, I can’t think of one reason he would say no to you.” Danny offers a small smile at both boys, his nerves slowly dissipating from their words of encouragement. A distraction from any remaining nerves is provided when Sirena takes the small stage, mic in hand, and the crowd begins to quiet their side conversations in anticipation.
“How’re we feelin’ out there tonight?” She enthusiastically questions into the mic. She’s met with a loud roar of cheers and applause, as always joined by a few stray wolf whistles. She grins at the crowd’s obvious excitement, giving them a moment before continuing. “Fantastic! Just what I like to hear. I am your host tonight, Sirena de Lune, thank y’all for comin’ out tonight! And let’s make sure to give a big thank you to Bradley’s for hostin’ us tonight!”
The crowd erupts once more in appreciation of the owners allowing them to use their space for the night. “Now before we start our performances off for the night, I just have two things to say. First, consent is fucking sexy! If you don’t want extra attention or interaction from a performer, just throw your arms up into an ‘X’ and they’ll respect that. Consent also goes two ways, so make sure to not touch a performer without them initiatin’ that interaction. Lastly, tip your motherfuckin’ performers! Especially for tonight cause our theme is ‘Money, Money, Money’, so I better see some tips in the air for our amazing artists tonight! With that, I’ll introduce you to our first performer of the night, give it up for Elle Fernanda!”
The crowd nearly drowns out the upbeat intro of Material Girl with their applause as Josh sashays towards the stage. With his already unruly hair teased and donning bright pink lipstick, he looks like he walked straight out of the 80’s. Austin’s eyes linger for a moment on the short hem of his sequined, deep pink bodycon dress before they trail down his legs clad in fishnets, the stage lights catching on the small rhinestones scattered across the fabric, and down to his platform glittery heels, not once tripping over the various cords and steps in his journey towards the stage. His arms, neck, and ears are weighed down under as many pieces of flashy jewelry as he could fit, sending small beams of rainbow light around the room.
Jake snorts from his place beside him. “He looks like a fucking disco ball.” Both Danny and Austin smile at his comment, keeping their eyes on the performer as he teases the audience with the instrumental intro. He drops low down into a squat, grabbing more bedazzled bracelets from the stage floor before standing slowly, pushing his ass out towards the crowd. Finally, he turns around to face the audience as the first verse starts.
“Some boys kiss me,
Some boys hug me,
I think they’re ok.
If they don’t give me proper credit,
I just walk away.”
He makes his way off the stage, taking careful steps down so as not to trip in his heels. He motions along with the song, dropping low and bringing his hands together as if in prayer.
“They can beg and they can plead,
But they can’t see the light (that’s right).
‘Cause the boy with cold hard cash
Is always Mister Right.”
Working his way through the crowd slowly, he turns as he snatches tips from outreached hands, lip syncing in practiced perfection. He makes his way towards Austin, ignoring his tip and pulling him off his seat when he reaches him, placing his pink gloved hands on his hips as he still securely holds his fists full of bills.
“Some boys romance,
Some boys slow dance.”
Josh sways them both to the beat, once again teasing the crowd (and mostly Austin) by intentionally over-exaggerating his hip movements and pushing his ass out.
“That’s alright with me.
If they can’t raise my interest then I
Have to let them be.”
With that, Josh taps the tip of Austin’s nose with his finger, offering a wink before snatching his tip and turning to make his way back to the stage. Austin takes his seat again with a lovesick grin on his face as he watches his boyfriend weave through the crowd.
“Some boys try and some boys lie
But I don’t let them play.”
Josh reaches the stage, taking a large step onto it and turning to face the crowd as he raises his hands above his head.
“Only boys that save their pennies
Make my rainy day.”
He throws his tips in the air, and they flutter down around him as if they were droplets of rain. For the rest of the song, Josh continues spinning his way through the crowd, enthusiastically interacting with every patron he came upon whether they tipped him or not. As the song comes towards its end, he finds himself back on stage, gesturing dramatically as he uses his theater experience (and personal experience with Austin) to flash his biggest doe eyes flirtatiously at the crowd as a more “calm” part of the song plays.
“A material, a material, a material, a material world.”
His energetic energy is back as just quick as he had put it on to play up that part as he sways his body on stage, dropping down to a squat sideways from the crowd as the last few beats of the song play. He suddenly tips back, falling on his back dramatically and cocking one leg in the air as his arms sprawl around his head, perfectly timed with the last beat of the song.
The crowd erupts, their applause deafening with a few stray wolf whistles (most of which belonging to Jake and Austin) as Josh stands, blowing kisses to the crowd before exiting the stage, leaving the stagehands to quickly retrieve his fallen tips for him.
“Thank you, Elle, for that sensual performance.” Sirena says into the mic with a wink. She introduces the next few drag performers, one after the other, one of them being Shimmer performing to Rich Girl. Sparrow takes the stage after Shimmer’s tips have been collected, and all three boys seated at their table immediately know that it’s Sirena’s turn next. After a brief introduction, Sparrow jumps off stage as the intro to Sirena’s song starts.
Donning a different outfit than she had at the beginning of the show, Jake recognizes it instantly, not even needing to listen to the intro to know what performance she was about to give. Wearing simple converse, black overalls over a flowy light blue blouse, a light brown wavy wig with the front strands tied at the back of her head, and minimal makeup (for a drag queen, of course), she’s instantly recognizable as Donna from Mamma Mia!
Her face is set in serious frustration as Maryl Streep’s voice begins singing over the speakers.
“I work all night, I work all day
To pay the bills I have to pay.
Ain’t it sad?
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me,
That’s too bad.”
Her eyes lock on Jake as she steps off stage, slowly singing her way through the song as she weaves through the crowd towards him.
“In my dreams I have a plan:
If I got me a wealthy man,”
Her left hand comes up to his face as she slowly trails the back of it down his left cheek. She turns, her back leaning against him and keeping her hand on the side of his face, applying the slightest amount of pressure to get him to turn his head towards her.
“I wouldn’t have to work at all, I’d fool around and have a ball…”
Just as Jake’s lips are about to brush her own, she slips the tip from his hand and struts away from him, continuing her play of frustration to fully embody the show. She continues this energy throughout the performance, heavily interacting with the crowd as she collects handfuls upon handfuls of tips. When the song ends, the stage lights cut out on beat, sending her into darkness before they flash on again and an appreciative smile replaces the scowl she had donned for the performance. Sparrow hands her the mic again as the crowd applauds her, impressed at how accurate her act had been.
Once again, she introduces the next few performers; names that Jake, Danny, and Austin had grown familiar with from their partners’ involvements with the drag community. Faebelle and Sparrow give an animated duo rendition of Partners in Crime until, at last, she breaks the sad news of the show’s imminent end.
“Now I hate to remind y’all, but the night must come to an end at one point or another. Please give a warm welcome to our last performer of the night, Callie Bungah!” A familiar pop-ey intro begins and Jake instantly knows that Sebastian had helped Sam pick his song. He struts up onto the stage with a bounce in his step as he waits for his cue to sing.
Danny’s first though is: oh my god he looks so cute, when he takes in the image of Sam, wearing a wavy blond wig with the front strands dyed blue, a white turtleneck tank top, a long, flowy, baby blue skirt, and light pink go go boots decorated with red hearts.
“The moon is high
Like your friends were the night that we first met.”
He points to Jake and then Josh, watching his performance from the standing group of kings and queens in the corner, drawing a laugh from both.
“Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet.
Now I’ve read all of the books beside your bed.”
Sam keeps his eyes on Danny for most of the performance, yet intentionally avoids the area around him until a little over a minute is left in the song. The song calms down just as he reaches him, all instruments except the piano and guitar playing softly in the background.
Suddenly he’s reaching into the pocket of his skirt, pulling out a small piece of paper in the shape of a ring, carefully folded to have an origami heart. He holds it out towards him, lip syncing to the words as Danny extends his hand with a smile, allowing Sam to slip it onto his right ring finger.
“I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings.
Uh huh, that’s right.”
Despite his cool outwards appearance and the grin gracing his features, Danny’s mind is racing in worry. Shit. Does Sam know? Did one of the twins tell him? They would never… would they? His internal panic is silenced momentarily by the lovestruck look on Sam’s face, his hand coming up to hold the side of the other man’s face, who brings his own hand up to rest on it.
“You’re the one I want.
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this.
Uh huh.
Darling, you’re the one I want.”
He offers one last small smile to the other man before turning to make his way back to the stage, grabbing the last of the tips from outstretched hands on his way. As the song begins to fade out, he walks towards the group of other performers, weaving through them and “hiding” behind a couple as he lip syncs with his head next to theirs, before he exits the room through the performers door as the song finally fades to silence.
The quiet is short lived as the crowd quickly shows the last performance a round of applause for the night. Sirena takes the stage once more, calling up each performer in order, for one last show of support to each artist. The crowd cheers equally as loud for each, and each time one of their partners is brought up, Jake, Danny, and Austin let out shrill wolf whistles and whoops.
“Once again, thank y’all for comin’ out to support us tonight. Big thank you to our tech crew and to Bradley for lettin’ us hijack his bar for the night! We’ll see y’all at the next show!”
Jake, Danny, and Austin patiently wait for their partners to finish taking pictures with the other patrons before they make their way towards them, the group of performers slowly dispersing back to their green room to get undressed for the night. By the time they reach the stage, there’s only a few patrons left in the building as groups file out the door and into the night. Josh is the first to spot them from his spot on the edge of the stage as Sebastian and Sam are caught up in a quiet conversation to the side. “So, what’d you guys think?”
Austin wraps his arms around the other man’s waist, lifting him up and spinning him a few times before gently placing him back on his feet next to him. He stoops to plant a kiss to his lips before answering. “Fuckin’ amazing, darlin’. You are drop dead gorgeous, if I do say so myself.”
Josh laughs, lightly placing his hand on Austin’s chest as he looks up at him. “Mmmm you flatter me. But thank you, love.”
Drawn to the show Austin and Josh had just put on, Sebastian and Sam make their way towards the group smiling. “You trying to turn Sammy boy into a Swiftie, Seb?” Jake says with a grin.
“Maybe, maybe. He put on a damn good show though, don’t ya think, Danny?” At his name, Danny’s trance is broken, his eyes having been glued on Sam since his performance began and he turns to look between Sebastian and Sam.
“Mhm, you all did fantastic. As usual of course. Love the pockets, baby.” Sam’s face lights up at the observation, immediately sticking his hands into the pockets of his skirt and slightly turning back and forth to flare it as he looked down happily.
“Thank you, Daniel. I love them too. All skirts should have pockets in my opinion.”
“I’ll second that!” Sebastian interjects with a laugh. “Alright, I don’t know bout y’all but I’m dyin’ do get outta this wig so imma go change. Y’all comin’?”
“You don’t have to ask me twice; these heels are killing me.” Josh says as he tentatively transfers his weight between each foot.
Sam grimaces in agreement. “Same here.”
“We’ll be here waitin’ for y’all when you’re done.” Austin says as the other three file back towards the green room. The remaining boys make their way towards a table, taking their seats as they wait for their boyfriends. Both Austin and Jake notice Danny’s anxiety creeping up on him, his leg bouncing wildly under the table as he fiddled with the paper ring still on his finger. “You alright, Daniel?”
His gaze shoots up to Austin, finding a slightly concerned look on his face. “Mhm, yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just nervous. Do you guys… do you guys think he knows? That I’m going to propose. With the song he picked and all it’s just… too much of a coincidence.”
Jake shakes his head, offering a small smile to Danny. “I know Sam, and I know Seb. Sam definitely didn’t even know where to start for a song choice and Sebastian gave him an idea. That’s like, one of his favorite songs. I swear I hear it at least once a week.” He finishes with a laugh.
Danny lets out a deep breath, slightly relieved from the information. “Ok, yeah, ok. He doesn’t know, it’s just a coincidence that will be something to laugh at later.”
Once again, Jake pats his shoulder in encouragement. “Exactly. Just breathe, don’t think about it too much. And I mean, it’s Sam we’re talking about. He’s so in love with you, I think he’d say yes even if you passed out with the ring in your fingers. Its honestly gross sometimes.” This brings a smile to Danny’s face, easing the tension in his mind and body as he realizes what Jake said was probably true. They sit in silence for the rest of the wait, content with listening to the music playing quietly over the speakers.
Just as planned with Sebastian and Josh, Sam is the first to come back out. Now wearing loose black jeans, comfortable slip ons, and a sweater he definitely stole from Danny, he makes his way towards the group and his boyfriend stands to meet him. Sam drops his bag on the floor near his feet, immediately following their after-performance routine of Sam melting into Danny’s arms as the taller man gently rubs his back. Austin and Jake share a knowing look that goes unseen by both Sam and Danny, and Jake is the first to speak, clearing his throat before standing.
“Seb just texted me that he needs help with some bags so, I’m gonna go do that.” Austin follows suit, the pair already beginning to make their way towards the performer’s door.
“And imma go make sure Josh can still walk, those heels were tall as hell and I don’t need him stumblin’ around and possibly hurting himself.” Austin jokes.
“Probably for the best, see you guys later.” Sam mumbles, his face tucked into Danny’s neck. They leave the room without another word, both men shooting Danny a smile and thumbs up behind Sam’s back before disappearing in search of their boyfriends. The pair stand in comfortable silence for a few minutes before a song both were very familiar with begins playing. Sam removes his face from Danny’s skin, looking up at him with a small smile.
Danny returns it, cocking an eyebrow at him in question. “Wanna dance? It is our song after all.”
“Lead the way, Daniel. Just nothing too crazy, my feet sill hurt.”
Danny laughs, beginning to lead Sam towards an empty spot between tables, intentionally finding the place where they first danced together to the song so long before. “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t sweep you off your feet this time.” Sam’s hands find their way to Danny’s back, beginning to slowly sway along to the song as his head comes to a rest on his shoulder. Danny brings his head down to rest against Sam’s as he closes his eyes and tries to breathe through his nerves.
“Any place is better,
Starting from zero, we got nothing to lose.
Maybe we’ll make something,
Me, myself, I got nothing to prove.”
They slowly dance through the song in silence, with Danny hoping the other man can’t feel his racing heartbeat from where their chests met.
“And your arm felt nice wrapped around my shoulder.
And I, I, I had a feeling that I belonged.
I, I, I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone.
You got a fast car,
Is it fast enough, so you can fly away?
You still gotta make a decision,
Leave tonight, or live and die this way.”
The song comes to an end, and the pair momentarily break away from each other, just enough for Sam to look up at Danny while still being wrapped in his warm embrace. He looks around for a moment, taking in his surroundings before looking back up to see Danny watching him with so much love behind his eyes that it almost knocked the wind out of him. “Is this?” He starts. “Is this where we first danced to that song?”
Danny grins down at Sam, his heart soaring that he also remembered where exactly they first danced with each other. “Mhm, it is.”
“If I didn’t know any better, Wagner, I’d think you had something big planned.” Sam half-jokes.
“Maybe I do, Kiszka.” Sam cocks a questioning eyebrow at him, both men staring down the other to see who would speak first. Danny takes a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves and muster up the courage to start, knowing that once he said that first word, the rest would come to him as easy as breathing. His hands trail from Sam’s back, down his arms, and finally stop with the others hands in his own as he takes one final deep breath.
“Sam…” he starts. “I think, no, I know that I’ve been in love with you since the eighth grade. And I… I’m gonna keep loving you for as long as I’m on this Earth, and even after that too.”
Sam’s breath catches in his throat as tears begin to well in his eyes. Oh my god, is he about to-? This can’t be happening.
Danny continues, tears beginning to brim in his own eyes at the sight of Sam hanging onto his every word. “You are my best friend and… and I couldn’t ask for a better person to share the rest of my life with.” Danny reaches for his pocket, his shaking hands somehow grasping the small box as he lowers to one knee. With Sam’s hands now free, they come up to cover his mouth in surprise, looking down at his boyfriend in adoration. Danny clicks the box open, holding it out as he finishes the question he had been wanting to ask Sam since they first got together. “So, Samuel Kiszka, will you do me the greatest honor by marrying me?”
While Danny had thought he had prepared himself for any possible answer or reaction, what he’s met with is somehow not one of them as Sam bursts out in laughter, his tears making streaks down his face as he sinks to his knees in front of Danny. He barely notices the look of extreme confusion painted across Danny’s face through his tears and laughter as he reaches for his own pocket, pulling out a small box and opening it to reveal a simple, yet gorgeous ring; a silver band with a singular stripe of black inlay around its center, a triangular cut diamond set into the middle. As the gears turn in Danny’s head, he joins Sam as they kneel together laughing through their tears.
Sam’s the first one to catch his breath enough to speak, bringing his hand not holding the ring up to wipe the tears from his cheeks. “And I thought I was gonna be the only one proposing tonight.” He laughs out. “I thought I was being so sly with the hint of Paper Rings.”
“I fucking knew there was something behind that! Jake tried to tell me otherwise that it was just a coincidence and that Sebastian helped you pick your song.”
“I mean Jake’s not half-wrong; Sebastian did help me, he was in on this.”
Danny’s jaw drops. “No fucking way, he was in on my plan too. Sneaky bastard.” He says with no real malice in his tone. They gaze at each other as their laughs die out, both shaking their heads at their friends’ role in both of their plans. “So, you haven’t answered me.” Danny says with a smile. “Will you marry me, Sammy?”
“Of fucking course, is that even a question?” Is all he gets out before tackling Danny, toppling them both backwards onto the floor in a bone crushing embrace. They stay this way for a few moments, letting their tears fall and dry on their cheeks before they both get back onto their knees, each placing a ring on the other’s finger. Sam admires his ring with a grin before his gaze rests on his fiancé once more. “My favorite, pansies.”
“I know.” Danny says with a matching grin before gently grabbing Sam’s chin and bringing his lips to his own. The kiss is slow and passionate, filled with all the unsaid words of how much the other meant to them. They break apart eventually, their foreheads resting against one another with their eyes closed as they take the moment in.
Sam is the first to notice the song had once again changed to something he recognized. He leans back, gazing at Danny with all the love he could muster into once single look.
“But I must admit it,
That I would marry you in an instant.
Damn your wife,
I’d be your mistress just to have you around.”
“You know, I almost thought you were gonna propose to me that night, when you sang it to me in the car.”
Danny laughs at his words. “Baby, we had been dating for three months at that point. I know we’re in a gay relationship, but we aren’t that stereotypical.”
He receives a lighthearted swat to his shoulder as Sam tries, and fails, to hide his smile. “I know, I know! But I mean, we’ve known each other since sixth grade and had already talked about how we’d been in love with each other for years. Like I said I almost thought you were gonna propose.”
Danny takes Sam’s hands in his own once more. “Well, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long.”
Sam offers him gentle squeeze. “I’d wait for you forever, Danny.” Their tender moment is broken by a loud yell, their heads whipping towards the source to see Josh standing with the performer’s door cracked open as he yelled back at the others waiting silently around the corner.
“I THINK HE FUCKING SAID YES!” They all begin filing out, grins wide across their faces as Danny and Sam get to their feet.
“Yeah, think we could gather that ourselves, Josh.” Jake says in a sarcastic voice as he shakes his head at his brother. He aims his question at Sam, next. “You said yes, right?”
“We both did.” Danny says with a grin as he holds his left hand up for the others to see. Everyone but Sebastian’s eyes go wide as their jaws drop.
“You both proposed?!” Josh exclaims, rushing towards the pair to tackle them in a tight hug.
“We did, and it turns out, Sebastian was in on both of our plans and didn’t say jack shit.” Josh, Jake, and Austin turn on Sebastian who only holds his hands up in defense.
“Listen, y’all both told me not to tell no one so I didn’t. Worked out mighty fine in the end anyways.” While Jake pouts at Sebastian for not telling him, Josh rounds on Sam instead.
“You told Sebastian but not Jake or I???”
“Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t want you guys to accidentally spoil it.”
“You can make it up by making me best man at the wedding.”
This brings Jake’s attention back to Sam and Danny, his eyebrows furrowing. “Who the fuck said you get to be best man?”
Austin speaks up, having gotten good at diffusing twin banter over the course of his and Josh’s relationship. “Alright boys, that’s enough. I’m sure Daniel and Sam have a lot to plan before they even think about that so let’s just get back to bein’ happy for them, alright?”  With their attention turned back to their engagement, each boy takes turn hugging Sam and Danny, congratulating them both. Jake is the last to hug Danny, squeezing him tight before patting his back.
“You’ve always been a brother to Josh and I, but now it’ll be legal. I’m so fucking happy for you, man.”
“Thank you, Jake.”
“I hate to break up this moment, but we better leave before they kick us out.” Sebastian half-jokes. The others voice their agreements, grabbing their bags as they slowly make their way towards the door.
“So, who’s taking whose last name?” Josh says as soon as the cool night air hits their skin. Danny and Sam exchange a look, not having had that conversation yet due to the interruption of the others.
“I don’t know, Daniel Kiszka has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it, Sammy?”
Sam intertwines his fingers with Danny’s, leaning into him as they walk. “Hmmmm, it does. But so does Samuel Wagner.”
“I guess y’all have another thing to figure out before you can even get to the question of best man.”
Material Girl- Madonna
Rich Girl- Gwen Stefani
Money, Money, Money- Meryl Streep, Julie Walters & Christine Baranski
Partners in Crime- Set It Off
Paper Rings- Taylor Swift
Fast Car- Luke Combs
Cleopatra- The Lumineers
taglist: @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm
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beaker1636 · 9 months
Alphabet Game Bonus - Christmas Celebration
AN: So I made a group Christmas mini story, it is full of Motionless jokes between the guys. I wanted it to be lighthearted Christmas with the boys and to also give everyone a bit of a laugh as we remember some of the jokes that are in the fandom :) I hope you all enjoy. I know it is a bit of a joke chapter, not as serious but I had a request for Christmas with the guys and that made me think of this. Hope you Enjoy!!
“Why did we agree to host Christmas here while I am actively moving in again?” Lottie asks, turning towards Vinny who is standing next to her with a box in his hands.  Questioning why she let him talk her into this, and why they decided to move her in a week before Christmas rather than waiting for the holiday to die down.
“Because we are all helping you and are here, so it made sense to do the gift exchange after we get all your stuff in here,” Chris says with a smile, walking in the room with a box as well behind the couple. “But we can move dinner to our place and do the gifts there if you would feel better, Carlotta,” he adds.  Knowing Mia may not be the happiest about it last minute but she would understand.
“No, it’s fine.  I’m just overwhelmed with the move is all. Thank you for helping us with this.  I appreciate all of you guys,” she says, turning towards all the guys who are bringing the last of the boxes into the dining room.  The girls have all stationed themselves in the various rooms of the house to help unpack things, helping Lottie have one last thing to worry about during all of this.
“That’s what we are here for,” Mia calls from her place in the kitchen.
“Why don’t we stop and order the chinese that we agreed on, we can take a break once it arrives and do our Secret Santa gifts.  I can handle doing the rest of this alone,” Lottie says with a smile, her way of telling all the guys to go find their girlfriends so that they can stop and get going on everything else.
When they all wander off to do that she turns towards Vinny, pulling him into a kiss for a moment.  Relishing in the happiness that she does feel about taking this step with him, moving in together, things have been going great with them since their trip with his family awhile ago and the two of them have felt a lot closer.
“Busted,” Naomi jokes as she walks into the room, catching her best friend off guard, making Lottie flip her off with a smile before pulling away from Vinny, everyone making their way to the living room getting ready to eat dinner together.  
While it isn’t homemade, nothing special they all enjoyed it.  It was fitting for them, all any of them ever have cared about is the friendship and bond they have made together.  A lot of people would think that the band would want nothing to do with each other while not working but they genuinely love and care for each other. When someone needs help with anything they join in and get it done, much like they all did today.  
Carlotta looked around the room, watching everyone gathered, many people sitting on the floor due to not having enough chairs and could almost tear up.  Not having a stable relationship with her own family makes her appreciate this that much more, they wouldn’t have done this for her especially so close to the holiday but her friends all did.  Making sure that they were there to help with what she needed, and she hasn’t even been part of the group that long.  
Vin can tell that she is thinking, getting lost in her head so he reaches out to grab her hand, squeezing it and letting her know that he is there for her without saying it while they listen to Chris tell some sort of story, that has a majority of the room laughing.  Everyone was laughing and smiling as they enjoyed the time together, finishing up their meal before moving on to the Secret Santa game.
“Okay, I’ll give mine first.  We all stuck to the joke gifts right? Hopefully.  Anyway I drew Vinny,” Chris said, handing Vinny a gift box with a smirk on his face.
“Do I even want to know what the fuck you came up with?” Vinny asks as he starts to open the box.  Pausing before letting out a laugh and pulling out a T-shirt. “It says, I’ve got these two plastic forks with a photo of plastic knives.”
Everyone instantly starts laughing, remembering the time Vinny said it and Chris had to correct him, that he had knives.  Another funny memory that they have all amassed over the years, that always makes them laugh when they talk about it.  
“I love the fact we all agreed to basically roast each other with our gifts.  Okay, well I drew Ryan and yeah, I was kind of an asshole,” Vinny says, trying not to laugh as he hands his over to Ryan.
Ryan opens the box and immediately has a grin on his face when he closes it for a moment to let out a laugh. He then reopens it and pulls out a little kids toy watch. “The card says because you are always late and oversleep.” He says with a grin. “You aren’t wrong, maybe I won’t miss my flight now, thanks man. Now my turn, I pulled Chris.”
Chris takes his package while rolling his eyes, hoping that he won’t get anything too stupid but also hoping that he will just for the fun of the entire thing.  “Of course it is a Jizzerless in White hat, why would it not be,” he says with a shit eating grin.  “We need to keep this tradition for next year, honestly.  I love it.  I’ll have to share it on twitter later. And that means Justin and Ricky got each other.  And I for one can’t wait to see what that will bring.”
“Justin can open his first,” Ricky says without hesitating, handing his over to the taller man with a shit eating grin. “I promise it isn’t that mean, well maybe it is but.”
“Nah, why don’t you go first Rick.  I insist,” Justin responds, giving him a bag too while staring him down. 
“Just do it at the same fucking time, problem solved children,” Ari said with a laugh, watching the two fight like toddlers.
They both turn and look at her with a look before doing so, both glaring at the other after opening their own and realizing what it was.  Rick pulled his out of the box for everyone to see, it being a thing of movie theater butter and salt for microwave popcorn.
“You dick, it is not the same thing,” he groans with a slight smile on his face.
“Yeah and you got me a large box of popcorn so you also were throwing that argument in my face, so you are just as much a douchebag for this too,” Justin says, laughing when it hit him that they both thought of the same thing to give each other.
This is the one that made the entire group laugh, everyone recalling having to hear about the popcorn argument they had, and that they still whine about off and on to this day.   Both of them are too stubborn to agree with the other despite the fact it does taste very similar.
“Did you girls do this too or did you do something different?” Chris asks once everyone settles down, turning towards Mia with a smile. “I would love to see how you roast each other like we did.”
“No, we all exchanged books instead, figuring we would leave the fun for you.  Though now I am regretting that we did not do that as well because this was hilarious honestly. We already handed the books out earlier today when we were taking a break from moving things.  I will say that it will be fun watching them read some of mine because we all know my tastes are darker than the others,” Mia responds with a smirk.
“Yeah, but you all got stuck with some of my hockey romances and I know that isn’t your cup of tea.  So I would say we are slowly going to be even,” Lottie responds with a smile, her fingers threading with Vinnys.
“And I gave all of you the demon series I liked, I have a feeling that we all are going to be messaging each other going what the fuck is wrong with you, reading this shit,” Naomi says with a laugh, meeting her friends eyes for a moment before looking away.
“Listen, after you all made us read that chapter of Haunting Adeline out loud awhile ago I don’t think any of us want to know what exactly it is you are reading so you can keep that to yourself,” Ryan says with a laugh, squeezing Ari’s hand.
Everyone continues to laugh and enjoy the night, enjoying all the inside jokes that were brought back with the gag gifts they all got each other.  This is what it is all about, spending the time with those that they care about, enjoying being with one another and laughing with one another.   Being part of their own family that the boys have created with their band and have eventually added the girls into it, and nobody would change that.
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marwhoa · 2 years
request: Could you possibly write another rottmnt leonardo x y/n? About the aftermath of them exchanging numbers? Maybe like them hangout at night like a little cute midnight date
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🝮 “ the treasure’s treasure ”
rise!leo x g/n
author’s note: i’ve been contemplating for a while whether chair-ry would get a sequel ,,, It’s hard to live up to your very first fic :))) !!! also i’m so tired rn
word count: 3.5k
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Sitting upon a park bench, someone was sharing a conversation with the moon and stars, patiently anticipating the arrival of a special someone they had met earlier this week.
“ You should have seen him,”
They said, shaking their head as the wind blew in a manner that could have been taken as the luna above laughing alongside.
“ He said to me, ‘Catch you on the flip side!’ and leapt into a portal. What’s worse is I actually laughed, but he wasn’t there to see. ”
They weren’t speaking to any particular person. In fact, maybe it wasn’t the sky they gave their words to. Perhaps their conversation was with themselves, and the moon simply happened to listen in. Antsy fingers rose up, gingerly holding their new brooch. While the index finger began tracing the oleander’s rim, their other hand was holding up their phone to see a notification, “ running late! “
“ Pft—how do you run late with the ability to teleport? ”
Pocketing the phone, you were smoothing out your clothes when a hand reached out and took yours, twirling you towards him and dipping you. Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes met a familiar shade of cerulean.
“ Can’t a man lose himself to time in the practice of ‘dress to impress’? ”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you clung to the silly boy who smiled brightly at how much of an upper hand he had here.
It was summer, so you were a bit confused by the leather jacket he donned. Underneath was a plain short sleeve—blue, shocker! And a pair of denim jeans. Rather plain, no? Not like you were focusing on that though.
“ Don’t drop me! ”
In some kind of mixture between laughing and screaming, your hands held on for dear life, and Leo decided to dip you a bit further, just a tad bit lower.
“ Oh no, my grip—it’s slipping! ”
He teased, busting out laughter as you screeched “ don’t you dare!! “ The moment you both shared was lighthearted, pulling you both closer. Grip loosening, you momentarily reminisced upon the many, many messages you both shared back and forth over the days leading to today. It was your idea, actually—sticking your neck out for your hero in green. The relief that you felt when he agreed was tremendous.
He brought you back up to your feet, letting go and resting his hands against his knees while laughing up a storm. You wiped tears from your eyes and caught a bit of his contagious laughter.
“ Kee—keep this up—Pft—a-and we’ll wake the whole neighborhood, Leon! ”
There was a quip or two resting on his tongue, urging him to tickle you with all his funniest jokes, but nothing could have made him interrupt how it looked when you laughed and smiled. You truly were framed as though you were “ the world’s precious treasure”, and boy had he no idea how to show the universe how grateful he was for a chance with you.
“ Wouldn’t want that, Y/N. ”
You didn’t even seem to mind who or what he is. He could tell just by how you held his hands and said his name, the way you looked at him—just, everything. It had only been a week, and already he was head over heels. Just how magical are you?
“ So, what is this special thing you said we had to see? ”
Right, as the initiator, that makes you the leader as well. With a shy smile, you waved your hand in a “ follow me ” motion and left the black bench to follow the park’s path. It was only a few more steps until you turned off path. Despite being confused, he trusted you enough to follow blindly.
Only, he was confused when you both finally made it to your goal. The park had a lake, and sure it looked nice—but only during the day. At night it was more like an eerie void of inky black. It was only the two of you, framed by the rustling of branches, crunching of rocks under your feet, and the light sloshing of the water against the shoreline.
“ I know I’m drop-dead gorgeous, but not exactly looking to be murdered just yet, Y/N. ”
Joking, he leaned into you with a nudge. One push later and you were spreading a blanket you brought along the ground.
“ Oh hush, who would want to kill you anyways? Too easy! ”
His gasp was reward enough. Beside you he sat, as both of you shifted your attention to the water.
“ Now, we wait. ”
You responded, pulling up your legs to your chest. One of your arms laid atop it, and then you laid your head against it. Leo leaned backwards. His legs stretched out and crossed while his hands planted behind him, supporting his weight.
“ wait for what? “ he asked after the cloud of awkwardness passed and room for speak opened. You hummed, insisting he was more than capable of waiting. Taken as a challenge, he immediately accepted and the minutes turned to an hour as you both talked about any and everything.
About him, his brothers—little extras added since you had heard a lot of it already through your daily texts and video chats. Since trading numbers, you had both talked to each other so much. Perhaps a few hours of a sleep were omitted, but who cares? The hours spent together was so much fun. Calls while cooking, calls in the morning, even some calls where you both slept together. There was even one that lasted even through a teeth-brushing montage ((prior to this, you never would have expected someone to be able to make a contest out of that, but never had you ever done your brushing routine THAT quickly.)) But in return, you shared even more little tidbits about yourself, your family, etcetera.
The longer you both went, the more similarities you were able to discover about the other. To say it lit a flame of hope in your chest was an understatement.
Eventually the conversation fell into nonsense, little games of truth or dare, “ I Spy “, and even would you rather. That had served to be… quite interesting.
You and Leo had leaned down, laying in the blanket and staring up at the sky. Arms. Crossed, forearms as makeshift pillows behind y’all’s heads. After growing tired of I Spy, Leo snapped his fingers in a “ gotcha! “ moment.
“ Would you rather get a paper cut every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat? “
“ Really, would you rather? ”
“ Are you admitting defeat? ”
“ What! You can’t ‘win’ would you rat—oh forget it. ”
You groaned out loud, dragging your hands down your face to ready yourself for this. There were some rocks under the blanket, embedding into your back, so there was a long second of contemplation as you mindlessly moved them and laid back down. With a drawn-out exhale, you turned your head to look at him.
“ Well, either is so messed up, but I think bite my tongue—I do it accidentally a lot already. Might as well up my odds. What about you? ”
Leo chuckled in a way that could only spell out trouble—or a devious loophole.
“ Papercut. Why? Because,”
He holds up his phone, shaking it.
“ Internet, baby. No page turning necessary. ”
“ No fair! And, you’ll never be able to read a real book without cuts. ”
“ I’m prepared to make that sacrifice. ”
Scoffing, you crossed your arms dramatically and tapped your fingers against your forearm. What’s a good question you can ask? A real conundrum—with no loopholes!
“ Ah! Would you rather have a pause or a rewind button in your life? ”
This one throughly perplexed him. Either that, or the “ hmming “ was just him messing with you. You had your answer already, but his was what you were more curious about.
And his response only made you more curious.
“ Rewind, definitely, ”
He sits up, turning on his side and resting his head into his palm while his elbow digs into the blanket.
“ I’ve found a sound I wouldn’t mind hearing on replay. ”
“ Oh yeah? ”
You asked with sitting up, hands laid behind your back to hold you up. The statement was spoken with an intonation practically begging him to continue. Alas, he didn’t seem to catch on, so you followed it up with,
“ And what’s that? ”
“ Ah, ah, that’s not how the game goes. It’s my turn. Would you rather have everyone able to read your mind or for everyone you know to have access to your Internet history? ”
Immediately you were laughing in an incriminating way, averting your gaze anywhere but the questionner. Oh god, both were such mortifying scenarios.
“ Oh shit, that’s horrible, Leo. You’re the worst at this game! ”
“ I think you mean the best. ”
“ Eeeeek, okay, internet history. I can just clean it up! ”
“—No erasing, either! ”
Cue the hitting, as you lightly hit him with your fists!
“ No fair, no adding clauses afterwards!! ”
Leo laughed all the while, taking your light little barrages.
“ What about you, tough guy! ”
“ Internet history, but definitely deleting stuff. ”
“ YOU!! ”
With an “ oof! “ Leo was pushed over onto his back by you, further pinned down as you took your rightful throne upon his chest. It was hard, likely due to the plastron he had. While you weren’t putting all your weight into him, you were still sitting on him enough for him to be slightly inconvenienced.
“ Someone is a sore loser.”
Groaned Leo in a low voice as he accepted defeat.
“ No, you are. So, my turn! Would you rather… ”
There were a few seconds filled not with your voices, but rather with the chirping of bugs filling the space. What was a good question… Ooh, perfect!
“ Would you rather find true love today or win the lottery? Knowing you, you’ll say—“
“ Lottery—“
“ Ah-hah! I knew it. ”
“ I would rather win the lottery because I already found loved. ”
There was a…
A fondness—a sweetness and a comfort—in the air immediately. It felt akin to that of moments in movies when two character would, or /should/, kiss, and that feeling only deepened as you lowered your gaze to meet his. Leo’s voice had said that so… So gently, so lovingly.. His eyes filled you with a warmth, an addictive sight that you almost couldn’t look away from.
But still, you did. To calm your thundering heart, you looked away with a breathy laugh.
“ Wow, that sure was… Just, wow.. ”
Your eyes trailed to the water, noticing it was finally time. Leaning up off him, you brushed your clothes of any dust, and crouched to pick up some rocks near the blanket. Leo had risen up to a seated position, watching you curiously.
“ What about you? ”
He asked sincerely, eyes on you as you looked down. The collected rocks were rolled in your hand as you contemplated your own answer.. You held out your open hand, gesturing for him to give you his.
“ I think… I would choose the true love today, just to… Make sure it happens, y’know? Don’t want to get too cocky and lose a good thing. ”
As you took his hand, there was a little spark and a bit of heartbeat skipping, but pretty easy to ignore. In his palm, a sizable pebble was placed.
“ A rock? ”
“ For skipping. That’s the real surprise the whole time. What we were waiting for. ”
“ Ah yes, waiting to skip rocks, I’m really swooning over here. ”
“ Not that, you dumdum! What comes after. Just—throw it with me, okay? ”
Nodding, you both stood up, reeled your arms back, and began the countdown
And off the rocks went, skittering along the water—his faster than yours, amazingly so—but that wasn’t supposed to be the focus. The true point of it all was what happened with each tap to the water’s surface.
Lines of orange, like plane runways lined with neon hues, streaked and bloomed with every touch. By the time the rocks twirled and blipped through the lake, sinking down to their new home, the orange lights had fanned out into the air like teensy fireworks. Zipping from here and there, the little balls of energy bobbing and plinked along the water—awakening their neighbors until nearly the entire area here was covered with the little buggers.
“ Fireflies? ”
Leo inquired, amazed at the sight. It was a genuine reaction, not masked at all for any “ cool guy act ” or a “ more mature act ”. No, you were getting the exact response you hopped—the orange reflecting in his eyes, the toothy grin, and the playful glint when he turned back to you.
“ Not quite. ”
You shook your head and held out your hand, clicking your tongue as one would to a cat. By the first click, some of the closest little sprites were already skipping over to you as though copying the rocks bouncing past them earlier.
“ They’re like, little balls of warmth, little sun sprites, see? ”
They were tiny, too small for their heat to hurt. It was more of a welcoming warmth tickling your hand. Their little frames would roll and bump into each other, rubbing themselves all over your hands. That’s probably fine.
Leo stuck out a finger, reaching to poke one, then freaking out as it zipped in a spiral-motion up his finger and arm.
“ AH—! I, I mean. Act, just acting, haha.. How did you find these…? ”
“ I was waiting for you to ask! ”
You plopped back down onto the blanket and patted for him to follow. More of the sprites were surrounding you, and thankfully it seemed that their fire wasn’t a spreadable kind.
“ That word you said to me last week, yokai? I know you said, ‘Oh you’re a human, rah rah rah, no need for you to know!’—“
“—I don’t sound like that—“
“—hush, anyways! I think they’re yokai, don’t you think? I looked the word up when I got home, supernatural beings! ”
He could tell you were pretty pleased with yourself.
“ Y/N, I only said that to keep you safe. Need I remind you who needed to be rescued by a handsome blue knight? ”
He puffed out his chest, even flexing a bit. One little sprite appeared to be trying to copy him, but given their circular bodies, you weren’t too sure.
“ I already said thank you, and you can’t blame me! Who seriously just ignores something so—so, so groundbreaking! I mean, yokai? They’re fictional creatures, except now nonfiction because I saw them, I was chased by one! So, yeah, excuse me for looking into it. ”
Shrugging, you crossed your legs and leaned forward. Hands on the blanket, palms facing up, you invited the sprites to hop on or off. Soft giggles followed their little brushes against your hands.
“ Right, still doesn’t answer how you found these guys? ”
He followed your example, watching them curiously twirl his digits—thicker yet fewer than your own hands. It seemed like one of the little guys was putting pieces together as it flipped back and forth between your hands. In the end, they bobbed over to you, and Leo muttered a “ going to cry about this later ” playfully.
“ Well, I found them way before the ‘chairable incident.’ ”
“ Ooh good one, is that what we’re calling it? ”
“ Thank you, and yes—no interrupting, mister Leonardo! ”
“ Hey, that’s mister Leo to you! ”
“ Pft—well, I always through they were fireflies or pollen, but after that night you dropped me off, I was curious! So, I came here again and again, stirring them and trying to call them over. “
Y/N’s eyes were scouring over the little guys, turning to the water to see the others. It seemed they were searching for something.
“ Hmm, well anyways, it took a while, but the other day when I did it, one of them came over to me! Seeing them up close made it all make more sense. ”
Leo had noticed you looking around and followed your gaze. Alas, he gave up soon after realizing he didn’t know what to look for. Silence joined you both, sitting right between while your focus was on the cute little sprites. Some had already rolled back to the water. They seemed to float on top, similar to how oil and water “ mix ”. Few remained though, leaning into your hands, climbing your legs, or rummaging through your hair specifically. Leo had a hat, a beanie, and one sneaky little guy did manage to squirm on inside of it.
Your attention only shifted as a little purple sprite slowly bobbed over. It was hard to see them in the inky water, but this special little guy had a flickering ability. Whether the others did too was anyone’s guess, but this one! He only flickered in and out, illuminating with the fiery orange and then fizzling into the camouflaging purple. He was the first to come check you out when you tried calling for the little creatures.
“ This is Blinker! He’s a little special, isn’t he? ”
A tad bit bigger, he rolled and fluffed up in your hand—only stopping when Leo leaned in and reached his index towards him. Blinker ignited immediately, bobbing and then spiraling up Leo’s finger just like some of the others did.
“ Wow… Well, you sure know how to plan a first date. I have some real competition, huh? ”
He slouched over, resting his head against the palm of his hand while watching you with a lazy grin. Blinker had already began burrowing, slipping up into the sleeve of Leo’s jacket.
“ Oh? You sound like you’re wanting a second date already. ”
Copying his position, you grinned in a way that could only be saying “ oooooohhh, you liiiiikeee meee, don’t you? ”
“ Ah,”
A sound like a cough and he was casting his gaze to the right side, as though something away from you was much more important. His left hand moved to cover his cheek, and you recognized it all instantly. He was blushing, wasn’t he!
You leaned forward, taking his wrist and holding it away from his face. His attention was back on you, with big blue eyes staring, waiting.
“ I knew it, you’re blushing! I made you blush, mister handsome knight. ”
He stuttered then held his tongue, looking away. Didn’t even try to deny it! He was blushing, you made him blush!
There was a warmth surfacing on your cheeks, especially upon seeing his other hand move to take your other one. He didn’t make any eye contact, but your fingers were interlaced. Now one hand cuffed his wrist while the other hand locked with his hand.
“ O-Oh.. ”
You muttered, leaning back a bit to sit. After some silence, your handcuffed motion loosened, and he didn’t waste any time. His other hand was slowly lacing with yours. Sitting cross-legged, you both reflected each others sitting position while your hands rested between, holding the other fondly.
“ Mm.. I, maybe I wouldn’t mind a second date. ”
It was your turn to avoid eye contact this time.
“ Really? I’m glad. ”
His voice was softer than you had yet to hear it. So little time, yet already you were seeing newer sides of him. The sprites were floating around you both, basking both of you in warm golden hues. A summer breeze rustled the trees as they leaned in, anticipating the next move. Crickets sung their music, and the waves bumped the shore as if coming closer to see the moment. It was as if the whole world came to see, see who their treasure had chosen.
All the imaginary eyes were resting on you both. They were overjoyed to see the special one, the treasure’s treasure.
Everything dispersed as you gave a nervous cough. Both of you looked away, recoiling your hands and wiping them against your clothes.
“ W-Wow! T-The time, right? ”
“ Time? Oh, yeah! Yeah, it’s so late, I should get you home before it’s too—is it cold to you? Wow, so chilly! ”
Scrambling for your things, you both hopped up and waved goodbyes to the lake’s lights. Leo held up his hand, flicking his fingers until a blue shimmer enveloped his index finger. The stripes on his face shone as he reached out and traced a portal in thin air.
“ A gentleman would never let you walk home! ”
You leaned forward to walk through the portal, but were tugged back.
“ Ah—! No, uh, you can’t. I um, you’re. ”
He was trying to come up with something, then settled for clearing his throat and holding out his hand.
“ Safety reasons, portal passengers have to hold my hand. ”
Part of you felt like that was a lie. The other part of you knew you weren’t a portal expert. And another part of you maybe just wanted to go along with it regardless. So, you gave him your hand. He gently pulled you close to his chest.
The world held its breath as the two of you met each other’s eyes. There was so much emotion. You looked at him with something that he couldn’t yet pinpoint, but god he was addicted to it.
Please never stop looking at me like that, he thought, as his arm moved to rest along your waist and hold firmly. Through the portal, you basked in the familiar tingles and tickles, giggling as you both stepped out at your door, in your home.
“ How did you know—? ”
“ From our video-chats. Remember when I said you talk too much when it’s late? “
“ What! I thought, I thought you just meant—what else have I told you?! ”
“ Er, don’t worry about it, seeya! ”
“ Wait! ”
He was quick to try and leave the same way he had once before, falling through a portal, but you were quicker. Grabbing onto him, he stared wide eyed and quickly closed the portal as you both thumped against your floor. His hand was holding your waist securely, mentally condemning you for such a reckless move.
On the spot, you chuckled nervously and tried to come up with a reason to have stopped him…
“ Ah, er…. W-Wanna stay for, um.. Dinner? ”
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
Hello! I’m here to request a matchup for Twisted Wonderland… Pronouns are he/him and I don’t know if I need to specify?? My sexuality when the entire cast is full of guys?? But still I’m bi!
I’m fairly short to most people (like 5’1 on a good day) and enjoy keeping my hair long… Usually I tie it up or something though!
Anyway onto personality, a lot of my friends say I’m pretty mellow with strangers? Like they notice that while I do act civil and keep a conversation going easily it’s mostly… shallow?? (Thanks guys LOL.) But with people I know and trust they say I have a mean streak and regularly tease them over subtle things. Honestly they’re not too wrong I just did not expect to be seen that way!
They also say that I am indirect with how I treat people and you know what they’re sort of right. Like instead of outright saying “I find you fun to hangout with!!” I follow people around like a lost puppy and go with their every whim. It’s like that dad thing where you mention you like a fruit offhandedly and suddenly you have two bags of it. Apparently I do that!
I also like to pretend I think I know what I’m doing and that I plan ahead but really most of the time I abandon any plans and jump straight ahead… oops. At least I’m told that this sometimes reckless nature of mine helps me snag any leadership position so go me, I think? Go me.
I really like visiting amusement parks (specifically going on the thrill rides) and may or may not have a mild obsession over sweet candies. I also really enjoy visiting parties and hosting them. Honestly I enjoy any social event I can visit LOL.
I have a very strong distaste for anything bitter, oops. And I really really do not enjoy being around people who can’t handle some lighthearted teasing. I also despise empty spaces and being bored in general. I would practically do anything to escape some boredom sjsjsjsj…
As for hobbies I usually just read, clean, or find something to cook. I’m not really an outdoors person but I do enjoy sitting on the beach or in the forest! I also have an awful habit of collecting magnets from places I’ve visited, so maybe that’s something? Really I think I just like collecting little trinkets in general…
That’s all! Sorry if this is a lot, I tried to keep it short but I fear I may have went on a ramble… Regardless thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day :]!
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Leona Kingscholar
Leona and you start out as enemies, as he does with most folk. He’s haughty and arrogant, but when you start to tease him and don’t take his attitude, he lets you in emotionally. 
He likes that you tease him and can make easy conversation with him, even if it means nothing at all. You two can sit together, you rambling on and making jokes at his expense, and him firing them back in between naps. 
He won’t admit it, but he does like that you follow him around asnd indulge his whims. It’s cute. 
He doesn’t fall for you at once like most fairytale princes. As you become closer friends, he realizes that he wouldn’t mind having you by his side, even back home. And then he decides that he would, in fact, prefer it. 
It happens during one of your usuall hangout sessions when you don’t even see it coming. He says it while looking at you with that guarded gaze, like the ones he wears after he tells you something vulnerable about himself. He’s nervous - why would anyone want to be the significant other of the second prince - the second best? 
So when you accept, he mentally loses it a bit. Just a bit. 
He’ll take you to as many amusement park dates as you’d like. He may not be the biggest fan of them, but he loves the way you scream with excitement on rides and smile at him with joy, even if he won’t admit it. 
He’s pretty affectionate with you, at least in private. He loves kissing and cuddling you when he naps, although you do have the habit of getting him out of bed to explore, even if he pretends to dislike it. 
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 4 months
finally picked up pasión de gavilanes 2 again and… SIGH
it reminds me why i dropped it to begin with ._.
i finished the ACTUAL novela a couple months back and it was so fun. it’s no wonder is a highly regarded classic. BUT THIS ??!!
i’m on what ?? episode 11 ?? 12 ?? around there of season 2 and it’s just eww😭😭
idk if i should give it a little more but i did check the first two episodes after finishing the OG and the vibe was VERY different and NOT IT from the get go. like how tf do we go from a romance storytelling and being character driven… to a murder mystery (which is so stupid cuz the OG had nothing like it) ?? it’s dumb and feels ugly
the new cast is so bland too. like i’m sorry but i really do not gaf about their kids😭 the worst offenders are the freaking reyes twins like goodbye. y’all annoying and ugly. at least be good to look at ?? idk😭😭 (that was mean but at least the three reyes brothers were good to look at in the original >.< they still are but that’s besides the point)
sorry. i just had to get this out my system >.< i don’t think i can continue watching this :// i went back to it cuz i recently found out they’re apparently making a season 3 but i can barely get past season 2 so i might just not even watch it T_T
the little i’ve seen of spoilers is so dumb. oscar wouldn’t have cheated on jimena. he just WOULD NOT. and have a kid without her ?? FUCK THAT. franco would’ve never left sara. why tf y’all got her thinking he left her for someone else and insecure over rosario AGAIN ?? speaking of rosario, why tf is SHE BACK ??!! she moved on from the reyes. she had her villain era when she was trying to keep franco and sara apart in the OG !!!! also the juan david and rosario plot is just so boring and stupid. again, SHE MOVED ON FROM THE REYES (not to mention juan david was literally A BABY WHEN SHE MET HIM BACK IN THE OG) !! don’t get me started on miss gaby (that’s how i call gabriella cuz she would piss me off in the OG lmaoo) NOT believing her granddaughter about her bestie demetrio. DID SHE LEARN NOTHING FROM DON FERNANDITO ??!! also, i don’t like the new don martin. no hate to the actor, it’s not his fault he did his job. he’s just not as funny and doesn’t have the charm jorge cao did T_T
sorry for the rant. this novela went from a cute, lighthearted story about family to… whatever this mess is. sure they talk about family but it doesn’t feel like they mean it. doesn’t even have the comedy bits the original had to help break the tension. of course, the original has some issues and some problematic jokes that wouldn’t have flown by today but i can forgive it as it’s in tune with the times (early 2000s)
also the THEME SONG ??!! i’m sorry but the song originally made sense . it was in tune with the story and now it’s not. this is a murder mystery. sure there’s romance but it literally took the backseat so it doesn’t even make sense anymore. and i don’t like the new version. it sounds bad T_T it just doesn’t fit
this season 2… none of the vibes fit anywhere. doesn’t even feel like the same show. they should’ve just not made season 2 but that’s just my opinion. or at the very least, they should’ve just made it a different version of the characters. kinda like the addams family or marvel / DC comics where we have the same characters, just different versions of them. that would’ve worked better to separate the two but nah. they wanted to continue it thus ruining everyone. it’s ugly ._.
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