#like he can't be sure he deserves to stand there anymore... but he's still got a very important job to do
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Leverage 3x15 - "The Big Bang Job"
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youryanderedaddy · 9 months
Tw: female reader, obsessive thoughts, nsfw, dub - con (reader is intoxicated), hinted stealthing
I'm thinking about a sweet, shy boyfriend who slowly but surely grows insecure, paranoid and jealous.
At first he's everything you've ever wanted - you're his first girlfriend and he does everything in his power to make you feel loved and appreciated.
As time passes, this doesn't change - he's still treating you like a goddess. But you are both different people now. You mature and you change, you blossom into a more radiant version of yourself. You finally get your dream job. As you gain more experience and wisdom, you begin to realize you want more from life than the small provincial town you've spent your whole life in.
In the beginning he supports you fully - he wants to see you happy after all. But then you start coming home later and later, looking more tired than the day before. Your friend circle broadens, and you spend more and more time outside of your shared home. Before the man knows it, it's Friday evening again and he's passively staring at you while you fix your makeup and adjust the tight dress (his favourite), ready to go to yet another networking event - for the third time this week.
You kiss his cheek, telling him not to wait up, just like that - no sweet words, no reasurrings or tempting promises, nothing he can cling onto in the darkness of your empty bedroom. Your perfume still lingers in the heavy air, making him light - headed. He can't stand it anymore - he buries his face in your pillow, savoring your smell, then he wraps the soft plush around his throbbing length and just thrusts, pathetic broken moans muffled by his own hand. He thinks about your smile and your eyes and the way you say his name and--
Fuck, now your pillow is all dirty again. Your boyfriend can't remember the last time he got to touch you directly. Recently you're always too tired or stressed out when you come back home, and though he's been respectful of your wishes, he's just so pent up at this point - all his dreams consist of you in compromising positions covered in silk and lace and nothing else. Just thinking about it gets him hard all over again.
So this night when you come home drunk and needy, climbing over his lap, he doesn't bulge - doesn't push you off. He doesn't like your new life - having to share you with all those people who don't deserve you, having to stay aside and watch as you give yourself away to people who couldn't care less. He's the one who cares about you so much he's going crazy every second you're apart. He's your real family, he's the only one that should matter to you.
And that night as he fucks you raw for the first time in forever, his cock stretching your velvety walls beyond reason, your blissed out moans and cute little cries tell him exactly what he wants to hear. You're finally letting go, finally allowing yourself to feel safe and protected in his arms. This is your home, this is where you belong. Your body is calling out to him to take control - and he intends to do just that.
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meidiary · 1 year
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synopsis: they can't apologize like normal human beings, so they do their quirky acts to make you forgive them
characters: sanji (shocker), zoro & luffy!
warnings: swearing, (unintentional) angst for luffy..
a/n: my new hobby is making cute character banners oops 🫢 banner inspired by @sixosix <3! happy ending for luffy here !!
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☆ whenever you and SANJI have had a fight or disagreement of any sort, he folds first. he is always the first one to give the 'cold-shoulder' act up.
☆ usually, he wouldn't ever stop talking about how much he loves you and how absolutely drop-dead gorgeous you are, but the moment he should talk about all that, he doesn't.
☆ he knows he fucked up.. but he can't bring himself to charm you up like usual.. so- he decides to bake his way out of this problem!
☆ your favorite cake, fruits, drinks, chocolate, and anything you ever mentioned to enjoy will be made and presented to you by your truly apologetic sanji <3
☆ he'd be standing in the kitchen for hours on end. not taking a break because he feels like it's 'his responsibility' to make you forgive him the hard way.
☆ eventually, after being presented more than a month's worth of desserts.. you got worried about the state your charming blonde lover was in.
"not that i forgot our fight.. but you should take a break, sanji.. you've been overworking yourself since this morning!" you tell him, trying your hardest not to sound worried. he gives you an exhausted smile, dropping the cutlery he had in his one hand and the spatula he had in the other one. "you talked to me," he spoke, barely louder than a whisper, before he let out a sigh of relief.
you felt your heart ache, seeing him in his current condition; sweat dripping from his forehead, hands cramped up from all the work he had done, and his apron splattered with a mixture of flower and melted chocolate.
your eyes met his almost immediately, which resulted in him instinctively noticing your sorrowful eyes. "what's wrong, darling? you alright?" he dusts his hands off with the kitchen towel before making his way to you swiftly. "my love why are you giving me your sad puppy eyes right now?" he chuckles as he cups your face in his cold hands, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
"because you overworked yourself because of me.. your hands are all cramped up because i was too stubborn to forgive you right away! i don't deserve you sanji.." he gasps, almost offended. "now that is the bullest crap i've ever heard. darling, i've gone way longer with way more pressure on me to complete dishes for a full-house back at baratie." he chuckles yet again, this time more relaxed. "what i did today was a mere exercise to make sure i was still able to perform under some pressure," a big smile growing on his face.
"sweetheart, if anything i don't deserve you.. i'm sorry for upsetting you earlier.. i was deep in the wrong, yet i'm only apologizing now. forgive me, my love." sanji gives kisses your forehead while grabbing your hands, interlocking them with his. "then let's say we're even now.." you two make up and after forcing sanji to let you help clean up the kitchen, you do just that.
☆ sanji tells you he won't 'bake his way out of a fight' anymore, but knowing him, you didn't believe that statement one bit. you told him to "just make sure you don't overwork yourself anymore.. wouldn't want your pretty hands to hurt.." ~ which ended with him teasing you the whole afternoon.. "you think i have pretty hands~? how very endearing, my love."
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☆ now anytime you and ZORO fight, with him being in the wrong, his pride always gets in the way of him owning up to his shit and apologizing. that's all you need from him, an apology. you don't expect him to bake you desserts or write you a poem declaring his live for you, no you just want an apology that isn't forced out of zoro by sanji or nami, or even usopp!
☆ you ignore him because he messed up big time and won't even acknowledge it? ha, child's play, he ignores you. you don't even know how this petty fight escalated so far that both of you haven't talked for a good couple days.
☆ usopp is basically begging you two to make up. considering he had been forced given the role to communicate things between the two of you. zoro needed to clean his sword but didn't know which cleaning agent to use, because you always gave him the right cleaning agent? ⟶ usopp is sent to you asking you which cleaning agent is best to clean zoro's swords with. receiving the dirtiest glance from you, you tell him to tell zoro "he should pay attention more to what others say, instead of staring at his reflection off of his sword 24/7!" ⟶ usopp goes to zoro and delivers the message. zoro scoffs and chuckles lightly before angrily giving usopp yet another message to deliver to you. ⟶ after a while usopp started hiding from the both of you, not wanting to get sent to other anymore.
☆ nami is on your side, of course, sending dirty glances to zoro any chance she gets. she doesn't give him the silent treatment, but instead aggressively tries to let him acknowledge his faults so he could own up to his shit and just apologize!
"y'know zoro, i'm not even in this relationship, yet your ego still somehow found a way to suffocate me! fucking realize you've been acting like a child and just own up to the fact that you messed up, damn it." nami blurts out, all in one breath, before she walks off annoyed.
zoro let's out yet another scuff before sanji makes his way to the moss head. "don't you even start-" zoro sends him an angry glance which has sanji raising his hands in defense, chuckling slightly. "i just can't stand seeing my beloved y/n in distress like this. i don't know the details, i don't want to know the details. all i know is that if you don't want to lose her, i'd act fast if i were you.." he just as quickly turned away and resumed his kitchen activities.
out of all the things the crew told him, hoping to convince the stubborn moss head to apologize to you, this stuck with him for the rest of the day.
after having a rather silent diner with the crew, the same as the past few days, you finished first, leaving the table immediately. "thank you, sanji, the soup was delicious, as expected," you tried to smile at him which resulted in your lips becoming a wobbly line.
"anytime, darling, i'm glad you enjoyed.." sanji noticed your sorrowful expression, as did the rest of the crew. you sent him a forced smile again before leaving the kitchen, heading for your and nami's room.
zoro sighed before standing up from his spot, leaving the kitchen to follow you. reaching your room's door, he notices you locked it. "hey! open the door," zoro leans against the handle, his forehead against the door. "come on now, just open the door for me baby.." his voice softens, realizing how fucking stupid he's been acting, neglecting you in so many ways. "listen.. i'm sorry for being such an ass- you didn't deserve my shitty attitude, i shouldn't have acted so stubborn, i'm sorry. i- i just can't lose you okay? please open the door and talk to me, yell at me, scream your lungs out, just please let me see you baby.. " with that he balled his hand that was leaning on the door into a fist, remorse dripping out of his mouth as he finally realizes how wrong he has been acting, how bad he's been treating you, how much more you deserved.
what surprised him was that the moment you opened the door, you weren't carrying an annoyed expression. no, your eyes were teary, your upper lip was trembling, cheeks a red shade, and your eyebrows furrowed. "h-hey, don't cry now.." zoro wrapped his arms around you, whispering endearments into your ear whilst caressing your back.
you two ended up cuddling on you small framed bed, that barely kept the two of you on it. not a word communicated between the two of you. just you laying on his chest, playing with his fingers while his chin rests on top of your head, still caressing your back.
"i'll do better for you.." zoro breaks the silent, planting a kiss on your head. "i can't lose you, i won't lose you.." you look up at his last statement, putting your hand on his cheek. "you won't lose me.. you'll never lose me."
☆ yeah, fights with this man sure are extreme.. but you two make it work
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☆ every once in a while, on a full moon, you and LUFFY experience a disagreement lead to a big fight. of course your relationship isn't always all rainbows and butterflies. but considering luffy's nature of not taking most things serious, lots of fights were prevented. you thought luffy was flirting with a waitress when you left? he laughed so hard, getting cramps in his stomach, because he thought it was the most stupid thing ever that you believed he would flirt with someone other than you. he made you feel ridiculous, thinking of such a thing! ⟶ fight prevented!
☆but sometimes, this very nature of his was what lead to some of the most dreadful moments of your life.
☆ anytime such an event would take place, luffy would be the furthest away from it, the furthest away from you.. it's not that he's angry at you, per se. he just needs his time alone to review all his actions leading up to the fight that may have caused for it to get this big. most of the time he'll be dozing off, too tired to look back on his actions. he doesn't even know himself why he always ends up avoiding you for a couple hours after a fight. all he knows is that he, somehow, always ends up understanding what went wrong between the two of you.
☆ but this routine action of his doesn't always receive a positive reaction from you..
there he went, yet again, neglecting his responsibility in this fight. it was petty, you knew it was, still you wanted him to own up to it! it wasn't fair that he'd leave you shaking, crying, screaming at the top of your lungs, out of nowhere. you were talking, well actually arguing, about how luffy had been avoiding you lately, how he'd turn around once he'd see you, sit at the other side of the table, leave the room the second he saw you enter it, but what hurt the most was that he'd shake off your touches..
you finally confronted him about this, not wanting to bottle up your emotions any longer. luffy reacted as usual, disregarding the issue jokingly, he assured, "it's not a big deal~ you're just seeing things." and then you snapped, everything you bottled up 'till this moment, unleashed. you were a sobbing mess. he had never seen you in this state, shit even you have never seen yourself like this.
you asked him what happened, what you did wrongfully. why was he ignoring you? why did he act like he was allergic to your touches, your voice, your conversations, to you? why all of a sudden? what changed between you? you wanted, no, needed him to answer; you hoped he would realize how stupid he was acting, how neglecting he had been. you needed him to take you in his arms and assure you he still loved you, that he still cared, that he always will..
as if all your sobs were disregarded. instead of talking to you, he stood up wordlessly and walked out of your room, gently closing the door behind him. which resulted in your cries escalating as you tried muffling your sounds with a pillow.
where did he go? why did he leave all of a sudden? does he not care about you? all of these thoughts were racing in your mind, overwhelming you to the point you were gasping for air. at this point, nami came sprinting to your shared room, worried about your condition. "what did that boy do?!" she questions with a mix of distress and anger.
all the while, luffy was sat on the figurehead of the going merry, the sheep. he was enjoying the cold breeze as he kept breathing in and out, trying to understand what had just happened. he soon realized he walked out on you the moment you needed him most. and oh how it should've hurt him, how his heart should be aching right now. instead, he feels nothing except the subtle chilly breeze flowing against his skin, through his hair, moving his flip-flops. he knows he should care, he knows he should run back to you, embrace you in his arms, and tell you he loves you. but he doesn't because as much as he wants you to feel loved and cared for, he can't be the one to make you feel that way. it's not fair to you, you deserve someone that means it when he tells you he loves you and always will be there for you.
he can't put on this facade anymore. he stopped caring a while back, but he believed it to be a decent thing to have you believe he was still the guy that would comfort you when you had a nightmare, the guy that would give you his last piece of meat to show you he cares, the guy that would cuddle you to sleep whenever it was too cold..
he thought it'd be easier for you. oh, how it turned out to be quite the opposite. because he faked your relationship this long, and it had come to an end like this; you didn't only lose your lover tonight, you lost your friend.
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MEI'S NOTE: uhm.. yeah idk what happened at luffy's part- but I hope you enjoyed ☺️💓
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multi-fandom-imagine · 2 months
okay, stan and public sex blurb (id post this on my own blog but I used to do hamilton imagines and I don't think my brand could take anymore hits) also sex toy ish aspects for reader. i got carried away
it's no secret that stan can't stand criticism. at least, not when he feels he doesn't deserve it. he's tried everything to cope with his frustration. drinks, smokes, boxing. you name it, he's done it. his current favorite way to deal with his frustration is you.
you're not entirely certain what got you into your current predicament, but you aren't complaining. stan has you bent over the sales counter in the shack. your hair is knotted in his fist as he pulls you to meet him. each thrust sends you across the counter, broken snowglobes flood, and no doubt stain, the floor below you, but the way stan's cock pounds into you distracts you from it.
"fucking asshole," he mutters. "i'll show him what this 'old man' is capable of." each word is emphasized with a thrust. you have never felt weaker. your legs have completely given out. stan's fist in your hair is the only thing keeping your face off the cash register.
it doesn't take long before he's spilling into you. and, not a moment too soon. the reflection of the sun off a car's hood hits your eyes. suddenly, you feel your pants slide back up your legs.
"i'll handle the tour. think you can sit there and look pretty until I get back?"
"sure," you answer dumbly.
he chuckles. "that's my girl."
You can barely hold onto the counter as he slams into you. You knew you'd have bruises on your hips but didn't care.
Why should you when it felt so fucking good?
You didn't care that he was taken his frustrations out on you. His hand covering your mouth to stifle your scream as you clenched around him. Your body shuddering feeling him release inside of you.
Hand giving your ass a harsh slap as he fixed himself then fixed your own clothes. You barely registered what he said to you, your mind still in a fog as he let you sit down, his thumb gliding across your lips.
"Good girl."
Of course the angry fucking never lasted long, the man would always feel guilty, he hated the thought of hurting you. His arms wrapping around your waist as he nuzzled your neck. "Im sorry...I didn't hurt ya to much did?"
Gaze softening, you smiled as your fingers ran down his cheek. "I like it when you're rough Stanley...and just think you're the one who's fucking me...not him."
Holding you, pride coursing through his body. Stan did feel better hearing you and once he knew you were okay with it he couldn't help but feel a weight was lifted from his shoulders
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Though I am excited for another request I got for Stan fucking you in public 🤭
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awakenedevildays · 5 months
「bleachers and interruptions」 Art Donaldson x F!reader
You can find the other parts here!
"For how long are you planning to stare at her, Donaldson?" Tashi approaches Art while he is busy looking at you in the stands, a book in your hand as you wait "for Tashi" to finish her training. 
"w-what?" he detaches his eyes from you and your friend wants to laugh at the deer-caught-in-headlights look on his face, a clean tennis shirt in his hands waiting to be worn.  
Tashi stands in front of him, the smirk on her face growing wider by the second, her hands on her hips "Donaldson, I can smell your desperation from miles away" he avoids her gaze and turns around to take off his shirt and put it in his tennis bag along his racket, but Tashi stands in front of him again "she told me about what happened at the beach" she adds and smirks, Art stops in his tracks at that 'fuck, she knows' he takes advantage of slipping on his unstained t-shirt to hide his red cheeks from your best friend. 
"Shouldn't you be worrying about you and Patrick, Tash?" his eyes look down to fix his shirt that looks so ruffled to him right now, "don't worry about me and Patrick, but I have to worry about you two idiots for obvious reasons" Art looks at her confused and waits for her to explain. 
Tashi moves her hand up to pat his shoulder, her smirk fading away and giving way to a small smile.
"She's a wonderful person you know? She deserves all the love in the world and I know you've got plenty to give... so don't keep her on the hook for too long" she takes her bag.
"What do you mean?" He frowns, keeping you on the hook? he tought you had changed your mind, considering you didn't approach him not even once after the night at the beach.
Tashi takes one glance at you, and then back to the blond in front of her.
"She's waiting for you to make a move, Art. She's really shy and not really good at these kind of things..." Tashi's gaze flickers at you again... "If she wasn't interested you think she would have come to watch you almost every training day?". 
He wants to laugh at that, 'she didn't look shy at the beach' he thinks but doesn't say it out loud "she comes here for me? I thought she's here to see you!" he exclaims.
Tashi can't stop the smile forming on her lips at his outburst, the disbelief in his voice clear as day.
"You can't be that naive, can you?" Tashi teases, her tone lighthearted now, having gone from teasing to trying to comfort him. "Sure, some days she might come here for me, but it's mostly for you, I can assure you, I'm just an added bonus" Tashi concludes and Art feels so stupid, he should've at least tried to talk to you. 
Tashi sees his expression change slightly, realization beginning to dawn on him, so she rests a reassuring hand on his shoulder, smiling at him knowingly "don't beat yourself up too much about it, Art. It's never too late to fix your mistake. Believe me, she's really into you... but Art, there are few people I care about more than I care about tennis, and Y/N is one of them, if you hurt her in any way-" Tashi pushes her index finger into his chest, her grin growing devious once again, "-I'll castrate you, then you definitely won't be able to charm her anymore with only your stupid blond curls, understood?" "yes m'am." he answers immediately.
Tashi laughs, finding his quick response both amusing and endearing, her hand moving to ruffle his blond hair. "That's more like it, Donaldson. Keep her safe and you won't have too worry about keeping your body intact. I'm sure you're more than capable of that"
Tashi goes to the changing rooms and Art turns around towards you again, only to see you already looking at him and he smiles widely, now that he knows you didn't change your mind about him, and that's surprising considering the story he told you, he feels like he can actually talk to you without blushing like the teenager he still is. 
You blush slightly as he looks at you, a shy smile tugging at the corner of your lips, your heart skips a beat when he flashes that winning smile of his. How he was able to be both endearing and incredibly handsome at the same time was beyond you, but the sight of his bright blue eyes and the way his blonde hair was swept to the side from the light wind was enough to make your breath hitch.
His hand goes up in greeting and you wave back, book now closed and he sign for you to stay there as he walks out of the tennis camp, his steps fast almost in a run and you laugh 'he is so cute' you think. A few minutes later he is next to you on the bleachers.
As he approaches, you can't help but look carefully at his face, a bead of sweat running down his temple form the training he just finished, you curse internally as you feel yourself growing a bit hotter when his arm flexes to let his tennis bag fall on the ground next to him.
Art sits down next to you, taking a moment to catch his breath before turning to you, a cheeky grin on his face.
You both giggle for realizing how awkward this moment is.
Art runs his hand through his hair, trying to tame the damp strands and make himself look at least a little bit presentable. "Sorry for this" he pauses for a moment, a smirk coming to his lips, "although I think you kinda like it" you laugh 'fuck, he noticed'. 
"Oh shut up, I didn't come here for you" you lie, your cheeks slightly red in fear of being caught "oh, really? a little bird told me otherwise..." he suggests and you would really like the ground to open and swallow you, you bite your lips "I'm going to kill her" you mumble under your breath and Art laughs as he sits down next to you, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
He gazes intently at you, a slight smirk on his lips, "please don't, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her" you frown at his words and seeing your confused expression he keeps going. 
"I thought you weren't interested in me anymore, after that night" his smile is sheepish, "the next day, when you and Tashi came to watch the final between me and Patrick you didn't talk to me at all and... I don't know, I felt like I fucked up" his hand goes through his hair, a bit embarrassed to reveal his insecurities to you so soon and you want to slap yourself "Art... no you got it all wrong". 
Art blinks in confusion for a moment, his expression changing into a mixture of surprise and relief "so you weren't avoiding me?" he asks, turning his head to peer closely into your eyes, searching for any sign to confirm his words.
"No! well, yes... but it's not cause I wasn't interested in you, the total opposite actually, I'm really bad at these things I didn't know what to do or say" you admit and play around with the cover of the book still on your lap.
Art couldn't help but laugh a little bit at your confession, "If it's any consolation, I think you're doing just fine right now."
He pauses for a moment, reaching out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his blue eyes shining with warmth.
"You could've just told me then, you know?" and he could have done that too. 
"I know... I'm sorry" you whine hiding your face in your hands and he rests his left hand on the back of your chair, his body facing you while he waits for you to look at him again "don't be, I could have tried harder too" he comforts you and you look at him again, a sweet smile on his face. 
You couldn't help but smile back at him, feeling the tension start to dissipate between you "guess we both messed up then" you laugh, shaking your head in disbelief at the realization of just how much time you wasted because of your mutual shyness.
"But we stil have time to solve this, if you want to, of course" you're nodding even before he can finish the sentence. 
Art can't contain his excitement as he sees you enthusiastically nodding your head. He lifts his hand and rests his palm on your cheek, his thumb gently caressing the soft skin "I take that as a yes, then?" he asks, a playful smile on his lips, the thumb on your cheek now tracing the outline of your lips.
"mh-mh" you say unconsciously your eyes locked in his. 
 Art continues tracing his thumb across your lips, his touch light and almost teasing, feeling your gaze on him, he lifts his eyes to look into yours, a cheeky smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"You look so cute when you're all blushing and flustered" he whispers, leaning a bit closer to your face.
"You talk like you're not in the same position as I am" Art laughs softly, his breath mingling with yours, he leans in closer, the smile on his lips widening as he sees you start to fidget slightly.
"Not like it's a bad thing though, right?" he whispers, his hand moving from your cheek to gently grasp your chin, tilting your head up slightly.
"absolutely not" you whisper and just when your lips are about to touch a voice interrupts the moment "Hey! the camps are closing you have to get out" the coach calls out with a small smirk and Art turns around to look at him embarrassed, ears and cheeks red "sorry coach! we're leaving". 
The coach gives a knowing chuckle before heading out again, leaving you and Art to recover from the interruption.
You can't help but feel a twinge of frustration at the coach's interruption, ok, that was embarrassing you put your book back into your bag before sliding it on your shoulder. 
Art lets out a small sigh before reluctantly getting up from the bench helping you too by grabbing your hand "sorry about that, the coach has the worst timing" he wants to strangle him, really. 
"Don't worry, he is right" you say and he starts to guide you towards the stairs to get out. 
Art feels his muscles relax as soon as the cool night breeze hits his skin, he's still hot and sweaty from the training, he glances at you "that was a good session, wasn't it? even with the interruption" he jokes as he looks around, noticing the sun slowly setting behind the trees, lighting the sky in a beautiful shade of pink and orange. 
"you did good, I really like to watch you ad Tashi play" you ignore his real intentions and decide to talk about the training itself, you really like to tease him. 
Art can't help but let out a small laugh at your response "so that is the only reason why you come to see our trainings? To watch me play?" he quips, his tone light and teasing as he nudges you slightly with his shoulder. 
"I already told you Donaldson, I come to see Tashi play, not for you" you taunt again and Art shakes his head in false disbelief, his tone still playful and light "right, how could I forget. Just for Tashi, of course".
He playfully rolls his eyes, his shoulder slightly touching yours as you walk next to him. 
"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you can't compete with her" and Art stops on his track a fake shocked expression on his face and you tug on his hand still connected to yours to walk through the campus and towards the dorms.
Art puts a hand over his heart and lets out a mock gasp. "How could you" he says before starting to follow you again, a cheeky smile on his lips as he glances in your direction.
As you both make your way towards the dorms, Art can't help but feel contentment at the sight of your hands connected together, swinging naturally alongside you while you walk. You two stay in comfortable silence until you are in front of your dorm room and your hand detaches from his to grab your key, Art stands behind you, hands in his shorts pockets as he waits for you to turn back to him.
You unlock the door, feeling a flutter of anticipation as you turn to face him again. Art is still standing close, his eyes fixed on you with a warm smile on his handsome features, he takes a step closer, now leaning against the wall next to your door.
The soft light from the hallway casts a gentle glow on him, his blond hair slightly disheveled and he looks so incredibly handsome that you find your breath hitching in your throat 
'what should I do now?' you ask yourself as you smile at him, but before you could open your mouth to speak, he does first "not that I don't like to meet you like this, but what would you think about a date? with me, of course" he mentally facepalms himself, 'was it really necessary to add that?' Art feels a faint blush color his cheeks as you laugh at his awkward addition.
He rubs the back of his neck, still smiling sheepishly "sorry, I just wanted to be clear about it, didn't want you to think I was planning a date between you and Tashi" he jokes as he lets out a small laugh of his own, the embarrassment fading away as he sees that you don't seem to mind his blunder.
"But yes, I would love to take you on a date" he says with a more confident tone, his eyes shimmering with excitement at the thought.
 "I would love to" Art is filled with contentment as he sees your excitement. He runs his hand through his hair a small smile forms on his lips as he gazes at you, his blue eyes shining with happiness.
"How about tomorrow night? There's this nice restaurant near that I've been wanting to try" he suggests, his voice filled with nerves but anticipation as well.
"Tomorrow is great" you step closer when you see Art bending towards you "good, I'll pick you up tomorrow night at seven" you nod. 
As you confirm the time for your date, he can't help but smile wider, the excitement coursing through his veins, he gazes into your eyes for a moment, savoring the anticipation building between you.
"I can't wait" he whispers, his voice filled with excitement and a hint of nerves, leaning closer and placing a soft kiss on your forehead "I'll see you tomorrow" "goodnight, Art". 
As you watch Art, his handsome features bathed in the soft light of the hallway, he smiles back at you, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "Goodnight" he says softly, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he sees you close the door slower than necessary, as if you don't want the moment to end just yet.
"Sweet dreams" he whispers after you close the door, shoulders lighter now that he finally has a real chance with you and the smile on his face doesn't leave until he is asleep in his bed.
Do not copy or repost.
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serene-destruction · 8 months
(Platonic) Reactions To Finding Out You're In Hell For Killing Your Abuser [Angel, Lucifer, Alastor, Vox]
TW: Mentions of childhood sexual abuse | Cannon typical violence | Mentions of suicide
A/n: this one is really dark so reader discretion is greatly advised. Read at your own risk.
Word Count: 4.5k
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Angel Dust
You and Angel Dust likely met at the hotel. You were a newer resident of hell that just so happened to be spotted by Charlie and taken in after wondering the streets.
He didn't take to you right away, considering he had his own issues to deal with. Not to mention that you were such a goody two shoes that it kinda made him feel even worse about himself. Despite his name he knew he was far from any angel and your presence only exemplified that.
By all accounts you seemed to save your shit together. A drug free, pure and kind person, through and through. You never faltered. So it takes a while for him to even stand being in your presence, longer to actually try and talk with you. He hates that he doesn't find something to hate about you. Just so damn perfect.
He should have known better, truthfully. No one gets sent to hell off a whim, there were reasons. He was just so blinded by your purity at first that he doesn't see it. He isn't the only one, either. Charlie would be the first to use you as an example of purity.
But all the same the two of you do end up getting close to each other. You may be a bit straight-laced for his taste, but he can't help but grow attached. You're a good kid, you really don't deserve to be here.
It only takes one night for his perceptions of you to shatter
It started with one of Charlie's trust games. You were all meant to share what sins brought you down here. In a place like hell that wasn't usually a very taboo subject. Murder, drugs, sex, Angel's heard it all. But despite that assurance you wanted absolutely nothing to do with the exercise. You had locked yourself in your room, refusing to participate. So while the others went on ahead Angel decided he'd talk to you.
“Kid! C’mon, it can't be that bad!”
“I don't want to!” You were adamant. He should have known it right then
“Kid…look, can ya at least let me in? I'm tired of yelling through the door!” He pleaded and, to his surprise, you did. Your eyes avoided him completely as you allowed him to step in the room. Even when the two of you sat down on your bed you didn't budge. You looked almost as terrified as the first day you came here.
“Look, I get that admittin’ what you done can be a bit…embarrassin’ sometimes,” he's tries to calm you.
“But none of us are perfect and you ain't any different. Hell, it might even be good for you” his attempt at comfort didn't seem to be working. In fact he might have made it worse, given how you turned further away from him.
“It’s not just because it's embarrassing! I- I just don't want to tell everyone!” you answer through a tightening voice. There's a pause as Angel considers your words before he speaks again.
“Then you don't gotta tell everyone. You can just tell me” He was surprised when the offer had you turning back to him, though your discomfort was still evident. You didn't say anything at first but eventually you found the words.
“...Promise you won't tell anybody?” he fought the urge to roll his eyes. He was sure you were being overdramatic. You probably told a little lie that got out of control or accidentally kicked a puppy or-
“Promise” he answered anyway.
And so you told him
“I…I was tired of him touching me” Angel’s stomach immediately drops at just those few words. All of his previous downplaying caused an explosion of guilt within him.
“He was always touching. Every day since I was little. Every time he was over, every time I was alone. I couldn't- I…I just wanted it to be over”
He knew where this was going.
“I-I snapped. I just couldn't take it anymore. Eighteen fucking years” your voice is a mix of rage and pain, a sound he didn't think you capable of until now.
“I'd never been so angry. I didn't- I didn't know what I was doing until it was over. There was blood everywhere- I killed him and…and I couldn't live with myself. I'd never done something like that before! I'd never hurt anyone! I couldn't live with that- I couldn't-”
Before you can spiral any further you feel Angels hand land on yours. With slow, purposeful movements he pulled you into his arms. You freeze for a moment, caught entirely off guard by the sudden comfort. He was careful not to hold you too tight and keep his breaths steady. Keep himself predictable.
“S’okay kid…You didn't do a damn thing wrong” his whispered words break through your shock, melting you into a pile of sobs in his arms, gripping onto him like your very soul depended on it.
After that night the two of you quickly become known for your fierce protectiveness over each other. Angel swears that if he ever sees the bastard he'll rip him a new asshole before shoving a spike in it.
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Lucifer Morningstar
You were one of many assistants to Lucifer, helping him with the many tasks he doesn't ever keep up with as the king of hell. You are most likely ignored and/or forgotten about for a while. He is far too, uh…busy for remembering much of anything, let alone names and job titles.
However you do manage to catch his eyes when he finally notices your apparent lack of any sort of social life in hell. Unlike the others he has working for him who seem all too happy to indulge in hells many depraved luxuries, you aren't one of them.
It triggers his curiosity, so he starts to remember your name and even manages to strike up conversations with you that don't sound like he's desperately trying to remember who he's even talking to.
You begin to be the first person he goes to when he needs something done and in turn you go to him when you need something as well. It's never anything too much, he notices. Always just small tasks that take him almost no effort at all. But you seem to beam at even the smallest kindness.
But then there is that ill-fated night…
It was late and you were still hard at work in your office.
Or at least you would have been, if you didn't feel like the weight of everything was weighing down on you as you stared down the two items Lucifer had left for you. A small note and a tiny rubber duck. You kept re-reading the note over and over again.
‘You're a good kid, Y/n. Keep it up’
The small gesture had formed a sickening guilt in you. You were the farthest thing from good. What you had done rightfully landed you in the shithole you belonged in. You didn't deserve his kindness, let alone his care. You felt so guilty for ever allowing him to think that you-
A knock at your door has you quickly wiping away your tears. Before you can say anything he opens it, his wide smile falling immediately.
“Oh no, what-” he pauses when he sees the death grip you have on the rubber duck he'd gifted, your eyes unable to even glance at him. He gives a nervous laugh at that. It sounds more worried than anything.
“You uh- don't like the gift, I take it?” At that your head whips to look at him, an attempt to calm your nerves written all over your face.
“No! No that's not-…no” your frantic words die down quickly as you quickly turn away again, unable to look the man in the eyes. There is a long silence that feels almost like an eternity passing. Then, to your complete surprise, he slowly pulls up a chair next to you, his eyes not turning from you for even a moment.
“Do you…maybe wanna talk about what it is then?” His voice is disarming, a mix of poorly feigned calm and genuine concern. It frightens you how quickly he makes you want to spill your guts.
“It's- I’m not-” You pause, trying to collect your words. You know then that you can't bear to tell him anything but the truth.
“I don't deserve this” you gesture to the toy and his letter. He doesn't seem to understand.
“You? Y/n, you're practically the only reason I get any work done around here! The least I can do is this, truly. Why wouldn't you deserve it?” His tone is full of disbelief, almost entirely sure that you must be avoiding telling him the entire truth.
“Because it isn't true” the bluntness of your words catches him off guard.
“I killed him and…and it felt good when I did it. It felt good to hurt him like he hurt me, it felt good being in control. It didn't feel bad when I put that knife through his throat, It didn't feel bad when I finally got him to stop touching me. It didn't…until it was over” the tears that had brimmed at your eyes fell like rivers, your attempts to wipe them away fruitless. You didn't dare look him in the eye, even as you continued.
“There was so much blood. I…I didn't know what to do. I- I didn't mean- no, no I did. But I just couldn't live with it. I couldn't live knowing that I killed him and that all I could think about was that he'd never touch me again! I couldn't-!” your words are cut off by the feeling of arms wrapping around you. For a moment you freeze, confused and horrified by the action, that is until the comfort of it seeps into you, knowing that the hands that held you now meant no harm. After that you sobbed into him.
Only once you'd calmed your sobs to hiccups and your grip loosened did he finally pull away. But he didn't go far and his eyes looked at you with nothing but pure concern.
“You listen to me, okay? I would never hold that against you. I couldn't if I tried. You did what you had to and I trust that you did it for the right reasons” his words of forgiveness strike through you, hitting you directly in your wounded heart. Never before had you believed anyone could look so kindly upon you knowing what you'd done.
After that day Lucifer had become quite father-like to you, treating you just like he would his own kid. You practically become an honorary Morningstar.
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You and Alastor have an…interesting relationship. the two of you very likely met at the hotel, considering he wouldn't have given you a second glance otherwise. You were, after all, just one of the many other souls, and not an impressive one at that. Meek, young and weak.
It takes a long while for Alastor to warm up to you, most likely because you avoid him at all cost. You learn quickly that Alastor doesn't like being avoided like that when he begins to follow you around.
It's through conversation that he grows interested in you. When you aren't blinded by your fear he's actually a great conversationalist, especially when he's alone with you. It seems almost like he drops a bit of his guard as well, something you explain away as you being of zero threat to him. The two of you often talk of your plans for the day and whatever latest idea Charlie has conjured. Small talk, for the most part. Never anything personal
Which is why you are so caught off guard when he asks the truthfully inevitable question.
It was a usual calm morning in the hotel kitchen. A bit of smooth jazz played from an old radio, the coffee machine churned, the constant static from Alastor flowed through the room and the sound of idle chit-chat passed between the two of you. Besides the fact that no one else joined the two of you, it all seemed relatively normal.
“I must say, for someone in Hell you have quite the kind heart, my dear. One might even ask how you managed to get yourself down here” Alastors words cause your heart to sink almost immediately. Your body tenses, your breathing catching for just a moment. You make sure to keep your eyes on the coffee pot and manage to give him a halfhearted laugh. But you know the moment he goes quiet for just that second too long that he noticed.
“How did you end up down here, if you don't mind telling me?” You feel your tongue go dry, your jaw clench, your entire being beg to leave this conversation. But you knew there wasn't a chance in all of Hell that you'd get out of this. If he didn't get an answer now he'd be sure to get one later.
“I uh…” you start, nausea threatening to crawl in.
“I don't know” you try to answer, hoping beyond hope that it would satisfy him.
It did not.
“Now now, one mustn't feel the need to lie to friends. I assure you I've seen worse than whatever it is you managed to do!” You pause at his words, finally turning over your shoulder to look at him.
“We’re…friends?” You ask, surprised to see him look almost just as confused by your words.
“Why of course! The both of us have quite nice talks with one another, why wouldn't we be?” He seems so confident as he speaks. Despite how skeptical you've been ever since meeting him, you can't help but feel that he might genuinely be growing on you. Fuck, you might even trust the guy. Not with your soul, mind you, but you were sure at least your words would be safe with him.
“Out with it then, what got you sent down to this lovely pit of fire and brimstone?” his tone is jovial and light, not taking this nearly as seriously as you felt he should be. You were weirded out when it actually helped you calm down a little.
“Well…” should you tell him? Would he even care? Would he blink an eye at your suffering? Would he laugh at you? All the possibilities ran through your head at once.
When you finally turned to face him he gave you an expectant look, fully anticipating an answer from you. So you took a deep breath and turned your head to gaze at a nearby wall before beginning.
“My uncle, he um…well he didn't really know how to keep his hands to himself. Ever since I first met the man he wouldn't keep his damn hands off me. Then mom died and I had to live with him and…” you pause a moment, trying to keep yourself together. With a deep breath you continued.
“He never stopped touching me. No one believed me, no one did anything. Not when I was eight, or ten, or fifteen. Not after either. I was just alone with him. Every day of every month of every year…until I couldn't take it anymore” your voice was quiet now, just above a whisper to keep it from shaking.
“I was cooking dinner when he came behind me and-…I snapped and…well I'm not really sure. I just remember being covered in blood and knowing that no one would believe me. So I did what I thought was the only thing I could do. Next thing I knew I found out I had been damned for all eternity” you hugged yourself in an attempt at comfort that wasn't working. You managed, by the smallest effort, to keep your tears in and your breath steady, but you knew you'd break at any moment. When you turned to him, his smile still plastered and staring blankly at you, you thought you just might have done so then. So you quickly turned back around to save yourself the embarrassment.
“But yeah. Pretty sure that's why I'm here-”
“That was quite brave of you” his words shock you still enough that you might have even felt your heart stop. Your head snaps back to him in an instant, unsure if you'd heard him right. He's standing now, smile just a little less wide and leaning on his cane. If you didn't know any better you might have mistaken it for a look of uncanny care.
“What?” You whisper the word. He stands a little taller at that.
“When the world stops caring then one must simply make it. Very few do so, and so I applaud your effort in taking fate into your own hands” he is serious, almost deathly so. His words aren’t what you expected, but they are actually some of the most comforting you'd ever heard. Not only because he believed you, but because he truly believed you'd done the right thing.
“...Thank you” his smile widens again and you catch how ever so slightly bigger his antlers have gotten and the small flicks of green that seem to only show in your peripheral. You choose not to say anything about it.
“Of course! Now I simply must be on my way! There is much to do and so little time. Have a pleasant rest of your morning!” he was out the door before you even realized he was leaving. You would have said goodbye yourself if you didn't know he was already gone. And without his coffee too!
After this little incident Alastor seems almost tied at your hip. You are warned time and time again not to get too close to him but after the way he took the news of your sin you honestly don't think you could push him away. He was the first person you'd ever told in Hell, the first person to ever believe you. And given how keen he is on keeping you safe both in and out of the hotel you are quite happy to call him a friend.
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The only way you'd be able to get even a second glance from Vox is if you worked for him and, let's be real, he couldn't have given less of a shit about you when he first met you. You were one out of thousands that worked on his many, many projects. You were lucky if he ever even read your name, let alone remembered it.
It takes quite the circumstance for him to notice you and it's likely only because of very selfish reasons. Maybe he picks you out of the crowd as a gag at first. The big CEO talking to this meek little low life, giving them a glance at something they'll never achieve.
But Vox has a way of getting attached to the strangest things sometimes and you end up being among them. Maybe it's the way you go along with whatever he's saying, playing to his ego. Maybe it's the way he knows you don't mean a single word and he feels he has to prove himself. Or maybe he just liked having a bit of a babyface around to impress. Either way, he ends up kind of taking you in.
You become a sort of protege to Vox as he teaches you all about his company and how to run it; mostly so he can hand you the tasks of the day that he doesn't feel like handling. You're a secretary of sorts. He does, however, try to keep a distance between you and the other V’s. Mostly because he knows they can be a bit much and he doesn't want to scare you off just yet.
But it's inevitable that you would meet them someday. And, as he expected, the first meeting didn't go very well.
You and Vox were on your way down the hall in the middle of idle conversation that was mostly work related. You liked having these conversations with him, mostly because he always seemed so pleased when you'd give him an idea he liked or a change he'd consider. You felt useful in a way you hadn't really ever felt before-
“My my, if it isn't Vox and his new little pet” the voice speaks behind you and both you and Vox turn to see who it is. You are set on edge when Vox gets suddenly nervous.
“Val! I thought you had work down in the studio today?” Vox’s voice booms in the way you know he only does when he's trying to keep his cool. You make sure to stand a little closer to him when Val walks up to the two of you.
“You've been hiding from me, love. So I figured I'd pay a visit. Good thing too” the moth man leans down to you so close you feel your entire being beg to disappear.
“I wouldn’t have met the darling that's been keeping Voxy so occupied. Cosita bonita” he looks down at you, his smile alone sending a cold shiver up your spine. He grabs your hand and instead of doing anything normal like shaking or kissing it, he instead begins to lick up your arm.
“Rumor has it your little fall from grace betrays how sweet as you look” Horrified and feeling very familiar fear consume your being, you freeze up. Luckily, and rather surprisingly, Vox very quickly pulls him away from you.
“Alright, alright that's enough of that!” his tone is that of a light reprimand, though the swirls in his eyes betray him. He effortlessly spins the moth man around in something similar to a dance, ending with the two of them facing away from you. Whispered words are exchanged, Val glancing back at you for only a moment afterwards before walking off with no complaint.
Vox straightens his suit, his performative smile falling for a moment before turning back to you.
“Let's get back on our way” he beckons you as he continues to walk. You follow along, compliant as ever. He leads you to an elevator where the two of you get in and he clicks whatever floor he'd decided he had work on. You think everything is relatively normal until, with a wave of his hand, the elevator stops.
“What did he mean?” The question confuses you.
“...about what?” You ask, unsure what he was getting at. He turns to you.
“About your ‘fall from grace', what was he getting at?” the realization dawns on you the same way acid would drip into an old wound. There was really only one thing that could mean and the fact that a man you'd never met knew enough to mention it made you sick to your stomach.
“Kid?” He calls to you and it's only then you notice tears build in your eyes. You quickly blink them away before making sure to avoid looking in his general direction.
“I…don't know” you tried, very unconvincingly, to feign ignorance. Unfortunately that didn't go over well with him.
“I don't think I've met a worse liar in the entirety of Hell than you” he states plainly and you can't help but agree. You hadn't really ever had practice in the field. Yet even with his call on your bullshit you chose to stay silent.
“Look, If Val knows then chances are I'm finding out anyway. He's not exactly great at keeping his mouth shut” he tries to convince an answer out of you but his words only make it worse. You didn't want that creep to know in the first place! But, being ever so horrible at keeping such a cold front up, you break under his gaze.
“It’s why I'm in Hell” you start off vague and you notice how he leans in just a bit closer.
“Seriously? That's what's got you upset? What, was it embarrassing? Because believe me, I'm sure I've heard worse” he was really trying to sell you that notion, what with the wide smile and undivided attention, but you couldn't help the nagging voice that told you he wouldn't believe you.
But still, you assumed it better he heard it from you than Val. After all, you and Vox were pretty close at this point. If there was anyone that you'd tell, it would be him.
“No it's- well it is embarrassing, but-” you stammer a moment, trying to find the right way to say it. Soon enough you fix your eyes on the metal doors and just spill.
“I had an uncle. I lived with him for a while, most of my human life really. And he uh…I was just a kid at the time and he- he couldn't keep his hands to himself. Just kept…touching me. For years” the way the information pours out of you is forced. Like you have to pry it from your own mind and shove it out your throat. But there was no point stopping now.
“And then I just couldn't take it anymore. I don't even really know what happened. One second I was cooking dinner and the next he came behind me and…and then everything was bloody and…” you trail for a moment, your mind brought back to that horrific memory. Without a thought you finally turn to Vox.
He looks completely deflated, stripped of that egocentric smile of his and leaving nothing but a shocked still expression in its place. His mouth hangs slightly open as if to say something, but no words come. You feel your tears sting your eyes at the sight.
“No one believed me when I told them what he was doing, no one believed me when I told them for how long. So I knew when I killed him it would just be the same. That they'd make him a martyr and I'd be the villain and- and I couldn't deal with that! I- I didn't want to live through that again!” your voice raises at the end, voice pleading to be listened to, to be believed. Fuck, even just heard.
You get what you ask for with his stunned silence and tense posture. After a moment though you can't help but feel like you want to take your words back, his silence disturbing you greatly.
Just as you're about to ask him to forget what he'd heard, to pretend like you hadn't ever said anything and move on like normal, his hands reach slowly for you. The movement confuses you so greatly that you don't even think to stop him when he silently pulls you into him. You stand rigid for a long moment before, bit by bit, melting into sobs. He holds you tighter in the silence of the elevator and you can't help but grip onto him like your afterlife depended on it.
It's after this that Vox becomes fiercely protective of you. It's incredibly strange for everyone, including yourself. He is adamant that it's just because you know so much about his company, that it's all purely business. But when you think back to that day in the elevator you can't help but believe that he might just actually care about you.
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leychin · 2 months
fem pronouns used
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Shigaraki is mad at you.
You've been in the infirmary for a month, he hasn't visited you.
Hell, he's gone out of his way to avoid thinking about you. He can't afford it. It makes a prickling feeling threaten to burst in his chest and his throat burn. You're an insolent pest who has done nothing but worm you way into the crevices of his already withering heart, and he hates it. He hates what that means because its a weakness, and he hates what that mean's because that means he cares for someone more than he cares about himself, and he cant let that happen. Shigaraki has goals, dreams of a new world, and things to do.
He sighs, he knows that's not true. He's not that child anymore, and he knows your value to him. Everyone in the league was someone he cared for, and of course you weren't an exception to this rule. If he had to guess what this feeling was, he would chalk it up to frustration. Not because you're a bad subordinate, but because you were too fucking self sacrificing.
Its been a month since the fight with the Meta Liberation Army and you still haven't woken up. He wants to believe it was deserved, and that you got what you were asking for. Hell, you could stay in that room for as long as he wants. See if he gives a shit.
But he does, because this guilt is eating him alive. You saw Re-Destro grab Shigaraki and toss him, and when Destro went for the finishing blow you jumped in the way instead to hold him off, to let your leader get away, or just to grab his bearings.
When Shigaraki finally regained some semblance of balance, he saw Destro toss your body into debris. You didn't get lucky with where you landed like your leader did. He fell in empty desolate fields and your head collided straight with the remnants of a building.
The rest was a blur after that, Shigaraki woke up as the leader and with a broken foot. But he remembers the feeling of seeing your head bleed out, and he remembers how sick he felt at the thought of losing you. He hates that feeling.
"You oughta see her boss. She's been asking if you've been alright since she woke up." Dabi advises, and it makes Shigaraki tsk. He knows you've been asking about him, but he doesn't know how to show his face to you now. He's been trying to turn these feelings into anger for so long, and to push you out of his heart he's not sure if he'd be able to do it with you looking at him like he's the most important person in the world.
But he eventually sucks it up, because now he's standing outside of your door. The muffled beeps of the heart monitor you're hooked up to mimicking his own steady heartbeat. Realistically he knows theres nothing to be worried about; he knew you weren't mad at him, but something disgusting swirled in his chest and it spread like decay to the rest of him.
When he opens the door, and you meet his eyes and smile so brightly he has to fight the urges to scratch at his neck. He knew you would be happy to see him, everyone said you would be. So why is this upsetting him?
"Im so glad you're alright." Those are the first words you say to him, and he wants to rip his hair out at how soft your voice was now. So relaxed, and so peaceful like you didn't almost die that day.
Shigaraki huffs, before stepping fully into your line of sight to show the boot he has to wear on his leg for a while "Most of me is at least." and you laugh at that, you missed his dry humor and you want to tell him everything you've been thinking in this last month.
But your head pounds, and Shigaraki is quick to reach out to you with all five fingers and carefully touch your head. You freeze, but when decay doesn't come and he instead hands you your glass of water wordlessly you stare at him with wide eyes.
"Oh.. I can control it now." He says, unsure of how to explain that his 'awakening' came to him as he saw you slumped over that building, the blood leaking from your head and how angry he was that you would've thrown your life away for him, because your belief in his ability to create a future for everyone was so strong you were willing to never see it because it was your leader, because it was him.
Shigaraki opts to show you instead, taking two fingers and tapping the flowers on your nightstand. The spread was much slower than five fingers, but they wilted regardless.
Then carefully, Shigaraki lifted your hand and pressed his five fingertips to yours. The moment was oddly intimate; the only sounds being your heart monitor (that seemed to be picking up slightly) and the faint sounds of tv in the background.
"...I thought. I wouldn't be able to keep you in my party anymore." Shigaraki says, notably with his fingertips still pressed to yours "I was mad at you, I didn't understand why you did that. I thought you were stupid, and you would die." its a genuine, human fear that Shigaraki goes out of his way to hide from his friends, he's always felt that he had to be strong for them, but in this moment it all seems to tumble.
"I wanted... to keep leveling up with you." Shigaraki tries to explain "I didn't want it to be over yet. Not with you. Theres a lot I want to do with you still." and in that moment, Shigaraki realizes he doesn't see you the way he sees spinner, or toga, or even Dabi. It's something else that he can't quite place. "Don't do that stupid shit again." is all he says instead though, unsure on how to voice the latter half of his thoughts.
But its not lost on you, and you simply smile at him one again as you move your fingers so that your fingers are interlocked with his hand, and Shigaraki is confused, but slowly copies your action. Its nice.
"I won't, if you come and actually visit me this time." You offer.
Shigaraki pretends to ponder for a moment, before his own lips pull into a genuine smile for the first time since he's woken up "I'll think about it."
He'll come see you again every day until you're released from the infirmary, and then every day when you two work for your world together.
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tboybuck · 1 year
the charming of steve goddamned harrington, as told by jeff
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written for @steddiemicrofic prompt: ‘charm’ | wc: 548 | rated: g | cw: none, outsider pov
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to say that jeff has known eddie all their lives would not be an exaggeration or an overstatement. one of jeff's earliest memories is his fifth birthday party- a cookout with his parents and his sister and the boy who lived in the house across the street.
he didn't even know eddie's name at the time, he just remembers the way the boy, a year or two older than himself, had pressed a finger to his mouth in a shh kind of gesture as he tore off chunks of his blackened hot dog to feed to the ancient yellow lab curled up under the picnic table in the back yard.
and now, more than a decade later, jeff is still watching in awe as eddie quietly slips treats to the object of his affection. except this time the treats aren't blackened hot dog bits- they're smiles. and the object of eddie's affection isn't a geriatric yellow labrador anymore- it's ex king of hawkins high steve goddamned harrington.
and the thing is... steve is reciprocating. he's smiling back, his face a little pink at the edges. he's laughing at all of eddie's bad jokes- actually laughing, too, like he’s charmed by him
these two idiots are gone on each other, and jeff doesn't even think they realize it. they definitely don't realize whatever feelings they're nursing are being reciprocated; if they did jeff's sure he would have heard about it before now. he and eddie don't hide things from each other and they never really have.
whatever this is, it must be new. maybe they're sneaking around together, getting their bearings before telling their friends. maybe they're both just crushing and skirting around the elephant in the room. jeff sincerely hopes it's the former; he's not sure how much moping and pining he can take from eddie before he's just gonna have to snap and lock them in a closet together until they come strolling out covered in hickeys.
gareth and grant are noticing the tension between eddie and steve tonight too. grant's good at subtlety, but gareth wears his suspicion in the hard set to his mouth and the crease between his brows. after what happened with jason during spring break, gareth's hackles are up around anyone that's not one of theirs, and with good reason. steve, though... jeff's got an inkling that steve might be more like them than he lets on.
so maybe steve is more of a blondie guy than a black sabbath guy. so what? eddie will see to that soon enough. jeff is absolutely certain of it.
jeff has known eddie all his life. this tension with steve is absolutely going to snap eventually, and jeff cannot wait to tell his best friend that he's seen it coming. he can't wait to tease him for all these lovesick gazes and those lingering touches and the bad jokes and the absolutely outrageous nicknames (big boy, ed? c'mon, man.).
until then, jeff is so content to just watch this unfold. he's taking notes. maybe someday, when the world gets its shit together, he can stand up as eddie's best man and rib him about this in front of all their family and friends.
eddie deserves that almost as much as he deserves steve goddamned harrington.
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cvnt4him · 4 months
Think'n ab being katsukis chubby mcbling gf<33
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He loves the way you dress. He thinks it's unique and beautiful, the way your shirt skirt rides up your ass in the best way, your baby phat purse n shoes twinkling and going so well w your bejeweled top, your glossed lips and your ethereal braids with beads matching your outfit.
You were so different it was just so purely amazing and refreshing to him, when mina introduced you two he didn't expect to actually like you. You were funny, charismatic, and kind of ditzy. A complete airhead but far too sexy to even care.
It's like you were some Bratz bimbo bitch, but damn did he find it attractive. You were pulling him like a damn magnet and he hated it, but he wanted to be closer to you.
Once you started dating you had dressed a little less revealingly. You wore shorts instead of short skirts, and you just wore more shirts instead of crop tops, katsuki hated that he felt like he was taking away your style but you were doing it willingly.
You didn't want him to feel like you wanted other peoples eyes on your body (not that you mind much bc that's how you bagged him) but you wanted him to know you two were fr 4lifers n what not.
Cuddling and watching movies was your fav thing ever!! The way he held your body close to his, squishing the chub in your tummy and laying his cheek against your arm occasionally peppering kisses over it. He would always make sure you didn't have to move an inch, but everytime he got up to do something for you he'd slap your ass for the fun of it.
I feel he loves to have you sit on his lap, just the way your thighs expand over his js sexy to him. Pinching your thighs n tummy in public when you wear revealing shit to make you angry is his fav thing to do to you. He always makes sure to stand behind you when you walk and bend over (bc you can't seem to get it in your thick skull that you shouldn't js bend over and that you should crouch down to pick up what you need.)
Going shopping w you is like a warzone, if someone takes the top you've been eyeballing from across the mall you will throw hands , no doubt ab it. He holds you down fr if the bitch man step in yk he does too. He don't play behind his bbg!!!!
Okay but when the bitch decides to comment on your body that's when you really lose your shit. You don't care ab what people say anymore but it's the fact she was trying to get under your skin whilst saying what she did. It might've slightly gotten under your skin.. but not that much!
You hate fighting in nails especially bc you love getting long nails however no broken nail is gon stop you from giving a bitch a well deserved ass beating better fucking believe it.
Bc I created this you obviously win the fight.
You go out to get ice cream as a reward, bakugou however is still heated from the fight he fr would've killed that man let's be real🤷🏽‍♀️
I feel like the "white girl effect" / "black girl effect" is actually a thing, bc bakugou wasnt really necessarily stiff w the way he dressed before you but let's js say he looks sexier now that you're together.
Making out while listening to "mama I'm inlove w a criminal">>>>>>>
He hates your music taste fr but he thugs through ts for the love of you.
Speaking of thugging, he loves when you sit on his face, ain't nothing like coming home from doing whatever and burying his face in your ass. Slapping it n js putting his face all up in there like some kind of dog.
He loves putting you in a mating dress fr, or having you ride him, he likes the way you scratch up his back and chest. Sloppy head or no head is his motto
The way you walk n talk gets to him sometimes, like you can js say the stupidest shit n he'll get so red unintentionally like you are js too cute for him n he don't even believe in that typa shit bro
Watching mina do your hair or the both of you going out to get your nails done then treating yourself to chipotle is one of his guilty pleasures, I'm sure most guys don't wanna be trapped w their girlfs why they're doing all that feminine shit but bakugou doesn't mind it actually. He loves spending time w you no matter what, leaving your side was not on his 2024 bingo.
Don't get me wrong, being a mcbling bimbo is your life fr, however, you don't mind js putting away that side you sometimes. Js walking around in one of his shirts some boxers and glasses while your braids are in a bun is js how you crave to be sometimes. N he def don't mind seeing you like that either the way those boxers hug your ass is just absolutely divine in his eyes.
You don't really get insecure but on the occasion when you feel less than he's so quick to tell you to shut the fuck up.. that's it, js stfu.
Anyways, being katsukis chubby mcbling girlf 😞🙏🏽
AN: this is a black reader/self insert so when I say braids I do mean like box braids, butterfly locs, French twists type shit so... Yeah!!!!!!!
This came out longer than I expected
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cutielando · 11 months
out of line | r.c.
synopsis: in which you stand up to Ward and Rafe can't be prouder
my masterlist
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Ever since you could remember, Ward had always been hard on Rafe. It might have been because he was his only son, it might be because he wanted him to mature early on, or it might be just because he hated his son.
At least that's what Rafe had come to believe.
Nothing he did ever seemed to be right. His father would always find faults in every single thing Rafe did, crushing the boy's morale every single time.
"I don't know how to please him anymore" he would always say when he came to you, all sad and unmotivated to even live.
You hated seeing your boyfriend like that. You hated the way Ward acted towards his son. You hated the fact that he always made Rafe feel bad about your relationship, always filling his head with thoughts that he didn't deserve you, that he should do you a favor and let you go because you would be better off without you.
It made your blood boil.
As you were laying on the couch in Rafe's home, his body laying on top of yours and your arms wrapped around his body, you were hoping to God that his father would not ruin your night.
"Rafe?" hearing Ward's voice made the both of you tense.
Rafe got up from laying on you and sat upright on the couch just as Ward walked in.
Eyeing you, you could see him clench his jaw and swallow harshly.
"Yes, dad?" Rafe said, clearing his throat and looking up at his father.
"What are you doing?" he asked, looking between the both of you.
The atmosphere in the room was tense, and you knew that Rafe was desperately weighing his answers to make sure he wouldn't say the wrong thing.
That is precisely why you decided to be the one doing the talking tonight, hopeful to finally give the older man a piece of your mind.
"We were watching a movie before you interrupted us" hearing you speak made Rafe's heart start beating rapidly.
He wiped his head around to look at you with wide eyes, but you kept eye contact with the older Cameron man.
"Excuse me?" his voice was dangerously low, but you weren't afraid of him and had no intention of backing down.
"You heard me. Do you want something with Rafe or not?" you asked, now standing up and stopping while face-to-face with him.
"You better watch your mouth, young lady" his threats fell on deaf ears, you were done cowering in fear of him.
Your family was the second richest one on the whole island, so you were also entitled to speak your mind seeing as you weren't a poor little Pogue afraid to speak in front of a Kook.
"That's funny, coming from the guy whose ego is so big he has to belittle his own son to feel better about himself" that struck a nerve.
Ward took a deep breath, exhaling loudly. His fists were pulsing, his veins were enlarged, he was on the verge of exploding.
But he knew better than that, he knew better than to make an enemy of your father. While Ward must think he's got the dangerous associates on the island, your father was by far more versed than him in that department. 
Your family might not have been the richest, but it was for sure the most dangerous one. And Ward knew that.
"How dare you?" 
"How dare I? How dare you look at your son, your own flesh and blood, and belittle him like he's a stranger to you? How can you stand there and insult him, make him feel worthless after how much he does to impress you, to satisfy you? And nothing ever seems enough. How dare you fill his head with lies about our relationship when you and I both know I am the only person who loves him and takes care of him. I am the only one who wants the best for him, not even you as his father? What the fuck is wrong with you?" you felt so good getting everything off of your chest.
Rafe was still speechless, still sitting behind you on the couch.
He was grateful for every word you had said, having conveyed everything he had been feeling but was too afraid to tell his father.
"You are way out of line here, bitch" he spit with venom in his voice.
Your eyes darkened and you stepped even closer to him, being almost face to face with him.
"Call me a bitch again and see what happens. We don't want to repeat what happened at Midsummers, now, do we? Or did you forget what my daddy did?" your voice now being dangerously low, knowing you had struck another nerve.
Ward visibly tensed, having remembered that your father had almost killed him in a fight when he insulted you at Midsummers while being intoxicated.
He cleared his throat and nodded, taking one last look at Rafe before turning around and leaving the house.
"Thank you" Rafe's small voice said as you next back next to him on the couch, unpausing the movie you had been watching.
"Never thank me for that. I want you to feel safe, and I was just telling the truth. You know my father has your back, he loves you and he would do anything for you" you told Rafe, who nodded.
Your father and him have had a very close and special relationship ever since you started dating almost 3 years prior. 
Due to the fact that you were an only child and your father had always wanted a son too, he treated Rafe like he was his own. He knew about his situation with Ward and always made sure he was being taken care of.
You sometimes thought your father liked your boyfriend more than you.
"I know, but still. Thank you for everything, you don't know how much I love you, baby" he leaned his body back on top of you, savoring your warmth and delicate touch.
"I love you too, so much"
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mikobeautifulheart · 6 months
Geto takes you back, whether you wanted to be or not.
TW: Kidnaping...that's it. oh and very very little editing.
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"Suguru, I can't go with you."
"Why not?" He asked, the fact that he was genuinely puzzled by your reply took you aback.
"What you did...killing that entire village isn't how you fix the world." You said with wide eyes.
You didn't know how to feel, its almost like he had lost it, like there was nothing wrong with murdering innocent people. Was it anger? Shock? Out of all the people to turn on you, Suguru?
"Y/n you don't understand, the sooner we get rid of all those monkeys the faster we can have the life we want, the life we deserve." He said, eye brows furrowed in frustration.
Couldn't you see? All those nights you spent together about your future, all the times you told him how much you waited for the day all the curses disappeared; the opportunity was right there Infront of you, so why wouldn't you just take it.
"I know I want a curse free world but we can't be free if we have that much blood on our hands. Were supposed to protect people who can't protect themselves, You know that!" You said taking a step back just looking at Geto's face.
His eyes sunken and the last of his hope died in that moment.
"Oh come on y/n, wake up! We have a chance to finally have the life WE want. WHY won't you just take it." He said now showing how much he had changed.
The Geto you knew was gentle and kind. He had patience and wanted to change the world. But not like this.
"I'm sorry Suguru I can't, I don't know who you are anymore..." You said.
"No, y/n please you have to see-" He stretched one arm out gripping your shoulder before you could move away.
"Suguru let go." You said.
"You just need to see the truth, if we just kill them all we can be free." He said grabbing your wrist with his other hand.
"No, Suguru I don't want to do this- Let go." You said trying to pull yourself free, but you knew it was no use because of how strong he was.
"Let go Suguru, she said she doesn't want to go"
You felt a broad chest pressed against your back taking Geto's hand off of your shoulder.
You look up to see Gojo eyeing Geto.
"You guys are sick, one day you'll see, I'll fix the world and we can all be happy again. Until then don't get in my way or I'll kill you." Geto said letting go of your wrist roughly and walking off into the crowd.
Gojo's arm was lifted in front of you and you saw that he was going to hollow purple him.
"Please don't kill him Satoru. He's just..." You felt the tears prick the corners of your eyes.
"I-I can't do it." He said putting his arm down in defeat.
"I'll never be able to kill him."
It had been years since you've seen Geto, it was hard to not think about him from time to time but you got used to it. Some nights you just lied awake thinking about ways you could have made him stay or what it would have been like if Gojo didn't step in.
Sure it was sad but over time you started to let go, you became a teacher at Jujutsu tech and you still went on missions. You had an amazing class with students who adored you. Great Co workers, Shoko got her own clinic in the school, Gojo was a teacher to and on the rare occasion you would still see Nanami too. Life wasn't bad. Not at all.
"Y/N we need you to stay at Jujutsu tech and help out the first years." Yaga said as he explained everybody's rolls.
You just came back from an overseas mission after an emergency call.
"What's going on? Are they all in danger?" You asked. Just arriving you were tiered and knew nothing about this mission.
"It doesn't matter right now, we need you to protect the first years, especially that Okkotsu kid, okay?"
You sighed, no one was going to tell you anything.
Meanwhile in a class room far from the meeting.
"Everybody, you can't tell Y/n anything about this okay? As far as she know there's an unknown and unidentified threat that is after you guys, lets keep it that way." Gojo said standing near the door as if he were about to go to war.
There was going to be a load of questions until you suddenly opened the door, almost bumping into Gojo.
"What's going on?" You said looking up at Gojo and then at all the students sitting at their desks.
"There's some sort of unidentified threat, we don't know if its a curse or a sorcerer yet. I have to go search for the source, in the meantime you need to look out for theses guys." Gojo said pointing at the students.
"Uh- okay..." there was defiantly something he wasn't telling you but due to the gravity of the situation you left it until another time.
Gojo left and it was just you and your students.
"So? What's he not telling me." You said sternly looking at your students.
"Well we know Gojo sensei is off to kill the source..." Panda said hoping it would put you at a little more easy.
"No, I want to know, what's the source or cause of this threat because I don't get urgent calls overseas when there's a special grade here and every other sorcerer in the area."
"The white haired idiot said we can't say." Maki said, legs over her desk with her arms crossed.
"We don't know why though..." Yuta said.
"Why? I wouldn't know either."
"Maybe because he was afraid you would find out about me" A low voice said as the class room door slid open.
There he was standing in the door way just smiling. Geto was taller now, you could tell he had grown into an adult and this wasn't just a game anymore.
"Sugu-Geto" You said eyes wide and mouth agape.
"Awwww don't give me the cold shoulder now y/n." He said with a smirk walking into the class room and closing the door behind him.
"Don't go near my students. If you so much as put a scratch on them i'll-"
"Relax, i'm not really here for them. I'm here to tell you my offer still stands y/n, join me. Come back and we can fix the world."
All the first years stood up and had their weapons up as you took a step back from him.
"I told you before, I don't want to fix the world your way." You hissed as you felt the cursed energy in the room grow stronger.
"Everybody leave the room, I'll take care of this" You said, eyes not leaving Geto.
"We can't, Gojo sensei told us not to." Yuta said.
You turn your head to them, they really were everything to you, maybe the only ones that cared for you at this point.
You looked at all of them one last time before you just smiled at them.
"I'll be alright." You said before you remember just blacking out.
Your eyes slowly opened, you felt something soft under you and a warm light. The more you blinked the clearer the setting became, you slowly came to realise that this was not a room you were familiar with, it defiantly wasn't your room or Shoko's clinic.
You sat up but the pain going to your head made you lie back down. What the hell happened?
"Good morning- or afternoon really, you must have been working real hard to be that tired" a voice said making your head turn toward the direction.
You saw Geto sitting in a chair just looking at you, waiting for something.
"Am I dead?" You groaned as you tried to put the pillow over your head to stop the light burn your eyes.
"No, your just facing the side affects of my curse." He said leaning forward closer to your face.
"Wh-What?" You groaned pulling yourself against the bed frame.
"Where am I Geto." You said almost slumping forward.
"So you really didn't hear anything. After you left your students with those reassuring words I brought you back to my estate. Your sick y/n. You don't know how bad this world is, I know you don't want to but we have to kill all those monkeys." He said.
"So you...you kidnapped me? That's you solution? You didn't touch my students did you, you better not have or I swear to God I'll-"
"You don't know what your doing y/n" He sighed as he stood up and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Remeber old times when we would talk in eachotheres dorm and you'd play with my hair and I'd lay on your chest. What happend to those times?" He asked looking straight at you.
"You killed people Suguru, out of everybody YOU killed people" you said emotionless.
He leaned in closer to you nearly meeting your face but when you tried to pull away your body wouldn't move.
His lips practically hovered over yours at this point, you felt so helpless, so trapped all you could do was sit there and take it. You squeezed your eyes shut and felt a single hot tear rub down your cheek.
His breath hitched as he paused.
"But that's you see me as. A killer. Dont worry I won't do anything until you are back to yourself again." He said pulling away letting the cold air go through.
"After all your leg is chained to the bed so your not going anywhere for a long time." He got up and left out of a door that you just noticed.
You sat there in silence. All you could do was sit there in silence and let the tears fall. The Suguru you knew was gone, in his place was a selfish kidnapper who couldn't take no for an answer.
"Curse you Suguru" you muttered tightening your fists asylum finally felt the metal chain around your right ankle.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: I uh... This is so random but my request are like down to 2 and I want more to write so... You know... Request? Plz.
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bloodywickedlips · 5 months
It's a start
Summary: Spencer recently got out of prison and has been distant but it's a major shock to you when he breaks up with you and you can't hate him because you love him still.
You walked to the only person that you wanted to see right now.
Penelope Garcia.
 Opened the door and saw her sitting by her desk drinking tea like usual.
“P I need to talk to you” you said and slipped into the office, Penelope turned around with one of her bright smiles but it quickly dropped as she saw your face.
“Oh sugar what’s wrong?” she asked and you shrugged and pulled your jersey closer around your body.
“Spencer broke up with me” you said and she gasped as she stood up and gave you a tight hug, once she pulled back she grabbed your hand and pulled you to sit down.
“Why, what happened?” she asked and you couldn’t answer as you have been asking yourself that question since last night.
You closed your eyes and the memory hit you straight away.
You and spencer were having a coffee by your usual bookstore and you were telling him about the new book you started but you noticed spencer wasn’t paying attention.
“Spence love? Where is your brain right now?” you asked with a laugh but spencer only frowned and straightened up with the affectionate name you always called him.
“This isn’t right” he said out loud and you frowned. “Your coffee? I can order you a new one” you said and went to stand up but he grabbed your hand and you sat back down.
“No, this. Us. We aren’t right, I can’t do this anymore” he said and you stared at him in shock.
Sure he was a bit distant after getting out of prison but you knew he needed time to adjust to being out of prison but you didn’t know things were this bad.
“What do you mean? Love I understand if you need space but nothing changed between us, I still love you” you replied back and you saw him clench his jaw. “I’m sorry, it’s over” spencer said and then stood up and walked away, leaving you there to wonder what the hell happened.
“And he just left, I sent a few text messages but he never replied. He didn’t even greet me this morning” you said to Penelope and you could see she was upset as well.
“Penelope tell me things to hate him. Cause I still love him with all of my heart and for me to move on I need to hate him, please?” you asked her as you felt tears well up in your eyes.
“Y/N I'm sorry, I can’t tell you anything to hate him for but believe me I will be having a word with him” she said and you knew she was right. Nobody could hate spencer, sweet boy genius with the most gorgeous brown eyes and sweet smile.
You nodded and stood up to walk out not knowing that someone was standing by the door and heard every word.
You were sitting on the plane after a new case came rolling in. You were avoiding spencer in everyway you could and you could see the team noticed something was up but decided not to say anything.
Three days later the profile was completed and you and spencer were the closest to the house, so Hotch ordered you two to head there while they were on their way.
Both you and spencer walked through the house guns aimed but no one was in the house, as you looked out the kitchen window you saw a small shed out back.
“In the back” you called out and made your way there. When spencer pulled the door open you saw the unsub standing with the latest victim, knife at her throat.
“Michael look at me, you don’t want to hurt her okay?” you spoke out looking at the girls terrified eyes. “Shut up, you know nothing!” Michael spat out at you and you held your hand up as you put your gun away. “I’ve got the shot” spencer said and you shook your head. “No, not in front of her” you hissed out and stepped forward.
“Michael listen to me, what her parents did to you isn’t her fault. That whole friends group bullied you as a child but don’t you see? She’s also just a child. You are better than them” you said to the unsub trying to let him put his knife down.
“No they deserve to feel the pain I felt” he said out loud and gripped the girl tighter.
“Michael she’s innocent, don’t let their bad decisions affect the rest of her life. Just because they are her parents doesn’t mean she will be like them” you explained and with his hand wavering you knew you had him.
You stepped forward once more as he nodded and you grabbed the girl and pushed her behind you.
“Alright now drop the knife and we can get this sorted” you said and reached out for him but his eyes shot up to you “I don’t like your tone, you are a bully just like them!” he shouted out and sliced the knife out towards you, slicing your arm. You hissed and stepped back but flinched as you heard not one but two shots along with a shrill shriek. You opened your eyes to see Michael on the floor with two gunshots to his arm and shoulder. Spencer was busy handcuffing him and walking him out as you just stood there.
The little girl was out with her parents as you walked out still in a daze.
“Hey Y/N get that checked out” Hotch called out and you looked down at your arm seeing the blood run down your arm but you were looking for spencer.
You saw him by one of the cars and marched over to him. “What is wrong with you! You didn’t need to shoot him” you hissed out and spencer looked at you. “He had a knife and attacked you, so I shot” he said and you shook your head.
“He didn’t attack me! He barely grazed me, we could have taken him without shooting him, I told you not to shoot him in front of the little girl!” you yelled out and saw spencer clench his jaw.
“You are weak, you’ve become too weak for this job! It’s my job to take out an unsub if they attack, not spare a little girl from seeing her kidnapper shot!” spencer hissed back out at you and you stared at him in shock. He’s never spoken to you in such a way, not even with your worst fight you’ve had.
“Face it, I saved you. You just cant admit that you have gotten weak on the job” spencer yelled out and stormed off.
You felt the tears run down your cheeks as morgan pulled you over to the ambulance. The medic bandaged your arm as it wasn’t just a graze and would need a few stitches.
The plane ride was very silent as the team heard everything that was shouted and when you stepped back into the BAU Penelope was waiting for you.
“What happened? Morgan told me you and spencer were screaming at each other?” she asked and you looked over your shoulder to spencer who was right behind you with the rest of your team.
“Well I got my wish, I hate him” you said and you knew spencer heard you as he looked at you as you said the words and saw guilt flash over his eyes.
You told Penelope you would catch up later as you had a lot of paper work to do and made your way over to your desk.
Spencer’s pov:
“I hate him” I heard Y/N say and the guilt hit me like a punch to the gut. Before the case started I was on my way to ask Penelope about  Y/N. but before I could go in I heard her say to Penelope that she still loved me but in order to move on she wanted to hate me.
“You, my office now” Penelope said and I sighed as I walked with her. “What is wrong with you?” Penelope asked me with anger lacing her voice. And I knew I messed up badly because Penelope hardly ever got angry.
“You won’t understand” I told her as I sat down and played with my fingers, a million thoughts running through my head.
“Then explain, because what you did is not okay” Penelope said and I sighed out.
“She told you the other day she needed to hate me to move on, so I called her weak, I said she’s too weak for this job” I said and I heard Penelope huff.
“Spencer why would you break her heart like that?” she asked and I felt the tears brim in my eyes.
“Because she deserves better than me. Penelope I just got out of prison, I was an addict amongst other things, she deserves better than me and I want her to be happy. I’m broken and I will just pull her down” I explained as the tears finally fell down my cheeks.
“Oh sweetie, you’re not broken. And she is happy, no matter what you went through she doesn’t judge and she loves you” Penelope said and I sobbed out knowing that Y/N never judged me about anything I told her and I knew she did love me. But inside I felt like she deserved more.
“Penelope how do I fix this, I do still love her but I want her to have the best” I said and knew I wasn’t ready to let Y/N go.
“Apologize and talk to her, explain to her and open up” Penelope said and I nodded as I wiped the tears away from my cheeks.
“Do you think she will forgive me for hurting her?” I asked Penelope not knowing if I even deserve the forgiveness.
“Not yet but it’s a start” Y/N said in the doorway and my head shot up to meet her eyes.
“Do you still love me?” she asked me and I nodded yes, sure that she heard most of the conversation.
“Then we go from there, because I love you spence, I really do. We work on it” she said and stepped towards me and I pulled her in for a hug, nodding into her shoulder “We work on it” I whispered and closed my eyes as I felt the raging thoughts in my head quiet down.
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rxmqnova · 9 months
The very grumpy yn, more than bucky, is in a relationship with Wanda, but normally she doesn't like to show the love she felt for Wanda, she is in love, she is her person but been in hydra for so long, even after she wasn't there anymore, she was free like five years ago but still feeling that way.
So the avengers had a party, and even if she tolerate the alcohol like Nat or Yelena, she decided to try the asgardian licour, it was only a shot but she was very drunk, even she didn't recognize her girlfriend when she went to find her on the balcony.
She thought it was someone trying to hit on her so she told them she has a girlfriend, so Wanda started to ask about her and Yn become a little sappy about it, it's not like she hasn't heard anything like that from her before but the way she was talking, she got a bit emotional, she said like a small speech and when she finished she said that sometimes she just wanted to say those things to Wanda, she felt she deserved it and she started to cry a bit and saying sorry to the person who was next to her, Wanda.
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NO ONE'S POV "Why do we have to go there? He's throwing up a party nearly every weekend. Can't we just skip today?" Y/N sighs, flopping on hers and Wanda's shared bed.
Wanda shakes her head with a smile, sitting down next to her girlfriend. The witch would normally think about staying in with her girlfriend, but it's Tony's Christmas party tonight.
"We skipped last time, Y/N/N. It's Tony's famous Christmas party tonight, we can't miss it" Wanda says only to receive a groan from her girlfriend. "Oh, come on" She nudges Y/N's shoulder playfully on which Y/N rolls her eyes, making Wanda let out a chuckle as she stands up and goes to get ready.
Y/N joins her girlfriend in a few seconds, earning a smile from Wanda and a kiss on the cheek which makes Y/N blush and that doesn't go without a notice from Wanda, though she doesn't comment it.
When the pair's ready to go, the girls get on the way to the Stark tower where Tony's party taking place. Holding hands they walk in, immediately getting greeted by loud music and so many people.
"Look who showed up, the Grinch herself" Tony teases, walking to the girls when he sees them, making Y/N roll her eyes.
"It's not funny anymore, Stark" Y/N shakes her head, sending a glare to the man in front of her.
"Let's have a drink" Wanda decides, dragging her girlfriend to the bar immediately before her and Tony start arguing. She knows Y/N doesn't drink, but that doesn't mean she can't get a juice or something at least.
As usually, Y/N orders juice, sipping the drink alone as Wanda disappeared to the restroom.
"Hey, there" Sam appears out of nowhere, making Y/N sigh and roll her eyes.
"What do you want, Wilson?"
"Oh, come on. It's Christmas! Let's have some fun. Look what I have here" Sam smirks, showing Y/N a shot of asguardian liquor he got from Thor. "I brought it just for you" He smirks once again.
"You know what? Fine. It's boring here anyway" Y/N sighs, taking the shot from Sam and immediately feeling way better. It surely works fast.
But suddenly Y/N remembers her girlfriend is missing and decides to go and find her.
So after wandering around for a while and bumping into unknown people, the girl ends up on the balcony, collapsing on the couch Tony has there.
"Hey, there" Wanda smiles, taking a seat next to her girlfriend as she only just said goodbye to her friend who's she been talking with here on the balcony. "Everything okay, baby?"
"I'm looking for Wanda. Have you seen her?" Y/N asks, staring at the girl next to her.
"I'm Wanda. I'm right here. Are you okay, honey?" Wanda furrows her brows in confusion, looking at Y/N who just stares at her blankly.
"No, no, no. I mean my Wanda. She's my girlfriend, so don't even try!" Y/N warns, lifting her index finger as a warning. "Can you help me find her?" She asks, a quiet whine escaping her lips.
"Of course, tell me about her" Wanda chuckles, wondering where will this go.
"… My Wanda is the most beautiful girl on the entire world… She has brown hair and the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen" Y/N says, smiling at the thought of her girlfriend. "Have you seen her?" "Hmm, I don't know. What is she like?" Wanda asks, finding this actually really sweet and rather amusing.
"She's just awesome" Y/N lets out a sigh. "She's the most amazing person ever. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her" She sighs once again, looking down on the ground and playing with the rings on her fingers.
"How so, Y/N/N? I'm sure you're the best one for her" Wanda smiles, placing her hand on her girlfriend's back and rubbing it to comfort her, only to receive a shake of a head in disagreement.
"It's just… I did so many horrible things. I don't deserve to be happy, you know?" Y/N sighs, her eyes filling with tears on the thought of all those things she's been doing with hydra.
The Avengers rescued her from one hydra base for about 5 years ago, though Y/N just can't help but blame herself for everything she's done with hydra, even though she was made to do all those things.
"Wanda's the sweetest and I love her so damn much, but sometimes I can't even tell her that, because I feel like I don't deserve her" Y/N continues.
"Don't say that. You deserve to be happy, Y/N. Yo-"
"Hm-hm" Y/N shakes her head, tears quietly running down her cheeks. "I just wish I could tell her how much I enjoy our movie nights. I still don't know what Wanda loves about those sitcoms so much, but her cuddles are worth watching it" The girl admits, making Wanda let out a small chuckle.
"Or the way her nose scrunches every time she smiles. I love that nose scrunch so damn much" Y/N continues, bringing a smile to Wanda's face. "And the sweet little notes she always leaves for me. I don't think she knows, but I have them all hidden in my nightstand. There's so much more I'd like to tell her, but I can't… Something inside of me is just stopping me" Y/N confesses, a sigh leaving her lips as tears are still running down her face.
Wanda sighs, trying to stop the tears that started filling her eyes. The fact that Y/N hides every single note she leaves her just got her.
"I don't normally do this. I'm sorry you had to listen to this and watch me cry" Y/N wipes her tears, feeling a bit embarrassed for telling all of this to a complete stranger.
"Hey, don't apologise for your feelings. Your girlfriend is lucky to have you and I'm sure she knows how much you love her even though you find it hard telling her" Wanda gives her girlfriend a smile, receiving a small smile back.
Surely Wanda's had a few doubts when Y/N's not been able to show much emotions over the time they've been dating. But after tonight she knows Y/N loves her the exact same way like she loves Y/N and now she knows for sure she wants to spend the rest of her life with the girl next to her.
I wanted to post this one for Christmas, but I've been very busy lately and only just finished it😅
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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queenslimeball · 8 months
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Sounds like a dream
Part two here
Gator Tillman x fem!reader
Contents; Angst, fluff, mother!reader
Summary; Y/n visits Gator in jail to introduce him to their son.
It's been a long time since Gator was first sentenced to prison. It was even worse for him to begin with, considering he had to deal with it blindly, too. To help, he'd been given a mobility cane, of which he struggled to use it within the first few weeks.
Gator hasn't had many ways of keeping track, but he assumes he's already been locked up for almost two years now. He assumes so because he can visualise the layout of the prison in his mind – he knows where everything is by now. Every day is Groundhog Day, so it doesn't take very long to learn.
What isn't hard to keep track of is the number of visits Gator has gotten. Two. Both from Dot. Both with cookies. Both several months apart. Other than that, nothing. At least she is a woman of her word.
Gator is sitting on his bed in his cell when he hears a loud bang at the bars with a guard's batton. It startles him, and he looks in the general direction to which it came from.
"Oi, Tillman. You got a visitor comin' in. Get up." The guard says. The recognisable sound of the door creaking open echoes through the jail. Gator carefully stands. He reaches out for the guard's shoulder and keeps it there so he can be lead away.
Gator's mind is filled with wonder. Who would be visiting him? Surely not Dot again. She didn't visit too long ago now, and she rarely visits. But it's not like anyone else does.
Gator is instructed to sit at a table, and then he hears the guard walk off. It seems that he's alone in the room. He can't hear a single sound of someone else. Disappointment floods his heart for a moment, his shoulders sinking.
The sound of shoes on the floor brightens his spirits suddenly. He hears someone sit opposite him. Gator feels his excitement come back.
"Hey, Gator." It's Y/n.
Y/n's voice soothes Gator, somewhat. He hasn't heard the sound in so long, yet it's so refreshing. She was Gator's girlfriend. But, when she found out Gator wasn't as good of a guy as she thought he was, she broke up with him. She was one of the last people he saw before his eyes were taken from him. He'll always remember the sight of her, no matter how long passes.
"Y/n? What're you doin' here?" Gator asks softly, not quite believing that this is her.
"Visiting you." Y/n replies.
"I– I know that." Gator pinches the bridge of his nose just below the black-out sunglasses he wears. "But I mean... Why?"
"I wanted to see how you are." She shrugs simply.
"Well, I'm shit, yeah, I'm in jail." Gator scoffs.
"That's not what I meant."
"It's not?"
"No." Y/n responds firmly. "I meant I wanted to see if you've changed. If this this has done you any good."
The truth is, it has. Even losing his sight was enough to flip his whole world upside down. Now, jail has flipped it about continuously like a washing machine. He's not the old Gator anymore. Or at least he's not the Gator that tried to be a Roy. He's the Gator trying to be a Gator.
"I hope so." Is all Gator musters up to say. "How've you been?" He asks.
"Good. I actually moved out to Chicago not long after all that shit happened." She answers. "I got a new job, new friends, the whole lot."
"New boyfriend?" Gator can't help but ask, a hint of jealousy in his tone.
Y/n laughs and shakes her head, but then she remembers that Gator can't see her and quickly tries to verbalise it. "God, no."
"That's a... shame. You deserve someone nice." He tries not to make it sound too forced, but he's more just excited that he still has a chance with her.
"Thanks. I, uh... I brought someone that I'd like you to meet." Y/n finally says, as if she's been debating to go through with this. Gator hears the sound of her rising to walk away, then shortly after start to walk over to his side of the table.
"What's goin' on? Is this some kinda prank?" He questions, sceptical of her behaviour.
"Turn around." She ignores him. Gator huffs and does as told on the bench, spinning around to face where her voice comes from.
"So who the hell am I–" He starts, but stops himself when he feels someone lowered into his lap. A small someone.
"What's this?" He questions. His hand gently reaches to feel whatever is in his lap. He finds a face and quickly repositions his hand, finding hair instead. "I mean, who?"
"Meet your son."
Gator's whole world stops. His heart stops beating, and his brain stops working. His son? When did he ever have a son? He tries to ask her about it, but he just can't get any words out as his mouth gapes open. His bottom lip quivers slightly, and he gently wraps an arm around the small boy, holding him closer.
"My.. My son?"
"Well, our son." She corrects. "I found out I was pregnant after we broke up."
Gator can't help but smile. "Our son.." He murmurs to himself.
Y/n sits next to Gator. She leans her head on Gator's shoulder to get a view of Gator and their son. Gator feels his skin heat up at her being so close, but she doesn't think much of it whatsoever.
"What's his name?"
"Alex. I couldn't think of anything creative, so I just named him after the midwife. Luckily, she had a gender neutral name." She recalls with a soft chuckle.
"Hey, Alex. It's Daddy." Gator softens his voice, looking where he thinks Alex's face will be.
"Daddy..." Alex mumbles, a small hand reaching up to grab at Gator's face. His heart melts, and he smiles widely.
Gator's smile vanishes, although. The sweetness of his son has quickly become something he doesn't know if he could live with. He'll never see his son. His face slowly falls into one of despair.
"Are you okay?" Y/n asks, peering around to study Gator's facial features that she can read from his eyebrows, cheeks and mouth.
"No, no, I'm–" Gator stumbles on his words. He makes a noise, like he's about to speak, but it just comes out as a shaky breath like he's about to cry. "I'm never gonna see my son."
Y/n gently rubs Gator's back. There's not much she can do besides that. She can't give him his sight back. If she could, she would. She feels bad for him.
Gator tries to calm himself down. He slowly relaxes himself, for now, even though he knows this is going to be keeping him up all night. He won't be able to sleep with that thought. It's terrifying. Terrifying that there's nothing he can do about it.
"What does he look like?" Gator questions after a moment of pure silence. He gently pets Alex's hair, enjoying how soft it is.
"Honestly, better than I'd imagined." Y/n answers. "He's got the same shade hair as me. It's all messy. He's got your eyes and your nose. Freckles. The cheekiest, cutest smile you'd ever see."
"He sounds like a dream." He says, voice wavering as his hand gently combs through Alex's hair.
"He is. He reminds me of you in a way." She chuckles. "Because, he–"
The buzzer for the end of visiting.
Gator finds himself sitting on the edge of his bed. His mind is still on Y/n and Alex. She was about to say something good about him. He knows it. Surely she wouldn't badmouth their young son, so surely he's onto something here? Gator wishes he had just a few more seconds to hear what she likes about him. Or to hear more about his son. Maybe next time...
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theyapper0 · 2 months
Charlie says how Sinners are not stagnant in the place they were when they died. They are still able to change! 
Sera: What makes you say that?
Charlie: If you truly believe the Winners here in Heaven are just as cognizant as you, me, or any other being existing between any of our realms, then I don't see any reason why you wouldn't extend that thinking towards the Sinners of Hell
The crowd begins to murmur…. The demon made a good couple points so far…
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There's some back and forth but eventually the topic shifts to the Hazbin Hotel. 
The topic of discussion specifically is about their first patron, Anthony 
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Sera: And how long has Anthony been in your care? Charlie: About 4 months at this point! And yes! We do!!!! He may not follow EVERY commandment EXACTLY but he’s still learning- and a lot at that!!!! 
Adam: Do we have any proof of all he's learned? 
So they get the Orb. 
The Orb shows Angel and Emily is leaning on her hands in awe, “Wow! A real Sinner! :D”
Adam is like “mmmmmmm…….*getting annoyed*
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So I'm actually gonna keep everything that happens at the club with the Sinners. 
(Angel standing up to Valentino won't be ‘sticking it to the man’ it can just be considered ‘thou shalt not unto thee any graven image’ (putting Valentino’s importance/work above all else, not doing that anymore)
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Sera: I don't believe it….
Emily is like… “Thou shalt not unto thee any graven image!’ Angel Dust’s boss was his graven image but standing up to him and not allowing him to speak ill of his friends paves the way for the potential of a new source of worship in above!” 
Charlie: Yes! Exactly! Angel Dust is capable of change, EVERY Sinner is with the right support! 
If they can be redeemed, WHEN? And HOW exactly can they reach the gates? Is it even physically POSSIBLE? 
Sera is completely speechless.
Sera: I…. 
Sera regains her composure, “A-And… And what, Miss Morningstar, would you say about the Commandments that a Sinner would be physically incapable of following? ‘Honor thy mother and father’ for example? 
Charlie: Well like you said, that would be impossible to follow if a Sinner’s parents are not dead yet or are in Heaven but uh….. but……
Charlie: But surely we, as Heaven and Hell, create some sort of middle ground! We could come up with a replacement for this commandment-! 
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Adam: Replace one of the Ten Commandments?! 
Emily is like I don't see how else we'd be able to work around that if we didn't! It would just be for these cases of redemption-
Sera: Emily!
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The whole Courtroom erupts into chaos.
EVERYONE'S shouting and NO ONE knows what's going on. Everybody's got their own ideas and opinions and it seems they all want to be heard at this very moment. 
Can a Sinner be redeemed? How could that HELL RAT date think to replace one of the Commandments! Would they have to deal with Sinners potentially ruining their Heavenly paradise? Could a WINNER get sent to Hell?
Sera shouts, “THAT'S ENOUGH!!” and a magic, angelic surge bursts through the room, quieting everybody.
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Sera sighs, “This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives, we know when they pass divine judgment, it is our job to ensure these souls are safe”
Emily: But Sera! They CAN change!!! We JUST saw it!! 
Sera is looking down at Emily solemnly and conflicted…
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Emily looks like she's lost some fight but then she glanced at Charlie, who's looking back up at her earnestly. 
They won't listen to Charlie, they don't even listen to EMILY! 
But they've heard each other… they UNDERSTOOD each other! 
Emily: NO! 
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Emily: He had followed a Commandment! He's showing promise but we just decide to dismiss the whole thing?! How is that fair?! How is that the forgiving and merciful way of Heaven?! 
Charlie: Just because they're dead doesn't mean they can't change and you're not even giving it a chance! Sinners should have an option to escape Hell if they're deserving of Heaven! 
Adam is getting a little heated, “There's a reason for all this! Sinners of Hell were once human but they've made the choices that got them there and they must pay the price for all eternity!”
Charlie: But why?! 
Adam: Because that's just how it is! 
Emily: It shouldn't have to be! They're souls just like the ones up here in Heaven! 
Emily is taking Charlie's side. She's siding with a product of deviation from Heaven!! Just like-!
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Adam: Sinners were humans who have done unspeakable things! VILE things! Humanity is tainted- tainted because of our-... MY foolishness. 
Adam shouts, “And it just keeps getting worse! More and more humans are turning towards sin! If you all could know how many are down there in Hell then you'd understand why we have to go down there for the Exterminations and-!
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The Courtroom goes into a frenzy again
FUUUCKK!!!! Some people there knew about the Exterminations and were like “Well shit” while those who didn't know were like “The Extermi- WHAT?!”
So Emily is like “WHAT?!???” 
Basically the whole second half of “You Didn't Know” song :P
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In the chaos and the shouting and stuff, Adam is still in total shock about what he had just exposed… What did he do? It was an accident! It was just the heat of the moment and he was so angry and frustrated and he didn't mean to admit anything! 
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Lute looks across the Courtroom and her and Vaggie's eyes meet.
Lute: Don't think I've forgotten you”
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Vaggie is tugging on Charlie's arm like, “We need to go, NOW, Charlie”
Charlie is like, “What??? Look!! We're finally getting somewhere!”
Emily agrees
Lute: Don't act so coy, HELLSPAWN! Your power grows at our disarray! You're just as bad as those disgusting Sinners, just as bad as…. HER! 
Charlie is pissed, “Take that BACK” 
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Lute: Why should I? It's the truth! 
Lute looks at the crowd of people, “This nonsense has gone on for far too long!”
Lute: Why should we allow ourselves to listen to them?! 
Lute: To the Heir to Hell and a-!
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Back to Reality - A Final Fantasy
Pairing: Werewolf!Walter x Reader
Summary: Go get your wolf, girl!
Word Count: 5.2K
Warnings: 18+, NO MINORS, oral sex (m and f receiving), p in v (missionary), fingering, monster fucking (right?).
A/N: A little angst never hurt anyone, right? It'll all be okay. I swear. I wanted to get this out the day after Geralt, but life. At any rate, I think this is it for now. A real nice end to spoopy season with Walter.
Fantasy Hotel Masterlist
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He wasn’t right there when you turned from the counter after picking up your coffee, but he was standing close enough that there was no mistaking who he was greeting. Had he been any closer, you probably would have sloshed your latte all over his chunky, dark blue sweater and you were glad you stopped short when you saw him. You didn’t think he’d want to smell like pumpkin spice the rest of the day.
“Hi yourself,” you smiled, a little shyly. 
When you asked at the front desk if they really meant anything, and then again if they could get a message to Walter, you had no idea he’d show up at your regular coffee shop the very same day. As in the day after the night you'd just been with another man. It wasn’t as awkward as you’d thought it might be, but it wasn’t exactly relaxed either.
You'd been dreaming of this moment, but now embarrassment began to creep in and you wondered if you'd made a mistake. Several of them. Four to be exact.
"Would you like to sit and talk with me?"
The urge to sink right to the floor in front of him was hard to resist but you were still at a coffee shop and people were lined up to grab their to-go orders so you found an empty table in a secluded corner and sat yourself down across from him.
His eyes were melancholy and you imagined they matched the lonely howl from your night with August. There was no mistaking it and you wanted to wipe the sorrow from his face but how could you? You were likely the cause and he was probably just here to tell you to forget it as a courtesy since you'd stupidly put your business on blast at the front desk. Fuck.
"You alright over there? You look a million miles away. You sure you're okay to talk with me?"
You took a deep breath and let it rush out.
"It's really nice of you to do this in person. A lot of guys would just not call."
"Not call? What are you...? What do you think is happening here?"
"I mean, you came to tell me to back off, right? Like, you're flattered and all, but you wouldn't, couldn't be with me after everyone I've been with. I mean, you worked with those guys."
"So you know I don't work there anymore. That was the first thing I wanted to say, so good. That's out of the way."
Why would he want you to know that? Maybe so you knew you could keep going back to the hotel and not have to worry about running into him? He continued.
"But why on earth do you think I'm here to tell you to back off?" he raised a quizzical eyebrow at you.
It was as if all the air was suddenly knocked out of you and it was all you could do to gather your wits to answer him.
"Well, I just thought...I mean, you can't possibly want someone who..."
"What? Someone who isn't afraid to go after what she wants?" Now both eyebrows raised.
"Walter. You can't mean that. You...I'm sorry but you don't look like someone who's super excited about the prospect."
He paused.
"I know I look tired. I am tired. I've been up nights trying to figure this out. But, look, my exhaustion is also not all about this. I left the hotel for a few reasons. One was you, but maybe not why you think."
"Well, why did you?"
"It's not ‘cause I fell hard, though I did. And you might think that made it difficult to keep hosting, and you'd be right. But honestly I got torn. Torn between knowing you were having the time of your life, which you absolutely deserve to do, and dealing with the taunting."
"Some of the guys figured out how I felt, and one of them started giving me shit about it. Betting me he could steal you from me if you ever made it to his room, not that you were even mine to begin with. And, yeah, feeling the way I do made it harder and harder to host properly so I made a decision."
"You left."
"I left."
You thought back to your night with August and now you knew for certain he was referring to Walter. And after what Geralt had said, you wondered why August gave you an option to shut him out. It sounded like August wanted Walt to see, to know you were being satisfied by another man. You could understand how that must have felt. You had jealous thoughts, too, when you found all Walt’s time slots had been booked. Imagining him with other women, well, it wasn’t all bad, but it wasn’t the greatest feeling in the world either. And yet, Walter indicated there were other reasons he left.
"But that's not all?"
"I was also studying part time and between all the bookings, I was falling farther and farther behind. I had to stay up late to finish assignments and I had an important test coming, so I quit to focus on that because I never wanted to host forever, but once you came along, I never wanted to do it again."
You were speechless. Awestruck. If anyone had told you that Walter felt the same way about you from the get go, as you found yourself feeling about him after weeks of experiences, you would have said they were crazy. And yet, here he was, spilling his guts. He gave it all up without even knowing if he had a shot with you.
"And you don't care I went back? To other rooms?"
Walter looked around the coffee shop, then turned and spoke cautiously to you.
“Can we…? Look, I know we don’t really know each other, and if you want to do this in a public place, I get it. But could we at least take a walk? I feel like everyone’s looking at us and I can’t think straight.”
This man was flustered and you were, too. Confused by all the feelings and emotions and confessions. Plus, what did you really know about Walter anyway?
“I’m going to text some friends and let them know where I am and who I’m with. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Of course. We’ll just head across the way to the park, okay?”
“I’ll be right out.”
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sendmeanangel: you’ll never guess who showed up to get coffee this morning    sendmeanangel: we’re having coffee and talking in the park across from a place called The Runcible Spoon.   sendmeanangel: I’ll text again in an hour so don’t expect any replies until then
Then you shut off your phone and headed out to meet Walter.
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MNstrluvr: Ohmygodddd! darkgothnightengale: it’s all happening!!! Where are you now? darkgothnightengale: hello??? I know it’s only been 20 minutes but how can you not have just admitted your feelings and jumped his bones by now? Give us all the details!
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You found him on a park bench and sat, one leg drawn up with a foot tucked under your other knee so you could turn to face him while you talked. You wanted him to reach out and touch you as well, run his hand over your arm while you talked, but maybe you weren’t there yet. Maybe that would be awkward.
He took a deep breath and began.
"As to your question from before: I can't lie and say I don't care or wish I'd told you that very night how I thought I was feeling, but I thought it was way too soon to trust those feelings. And since you didn't know, and we weren't together, how could I expect you to just not do what you wanted? That's something else that's kept me up at night. Thinking about how to reconcile my feelings about you with both our pasts.”
Walt went on to tell you how much your night together had affected him. How he couldn’t get you out of his mind. He apologized for the locker room talk. He knew Sy had mentioned it and he felt miserable about it. It was just something they did, share notes in case a guest came back around so they could make sure to work any of their favorite things into the stay. They weren’t usually so personal with the comments, but he’d gotten carried away.
August had been particularly prickish about it, especially when it became clear how uncomfortable talking about the guests was making Walter, even going so far as to taunt Walter with the exact date and time of your reservation in his room. He’d given notice the next day.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“You quit your job over me. Well, sorta. What are you going to do now?”
“I was already working towards my private investigator license. Ironic, huh? A PI and I couldn’t find the one person I really wanted. I asked the hotel, but they were not interested in breaking protocol or the privacy agreement. And until I got the call this morning, I thought I wasn’t on the best of terms with them anyway. I think I left them kinda high and dry. But the desk agent is a friend.”
“Yeah, Geralt mentioned something…” you trailed off, embarrassed to be bringing up your latest conquest.
“Who’s Geralt?” Of course he didn’t know.
“He’s a new host at the hotel,” you answered sheepishly.
“Oh. Right.” Walter looked away for a moment. “Of course.”
“Walter, I’m sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings.”
“By going back there?” he turned to you again. “How could you know I had feelings to hurt?”
“Well, I knew I had feelings that hurt.”
He stared at you in disbelief as you continued.
“I thought about you almost every day after our night together. I kept going back to different rooms, because I’d had such a good time and I wanted to see what else was out there. And look, I did have good times. I hope that’s not a problem.”
“I hosted other guests after you. I can’t really say anything about it, can I?”
“Right. Okay, well. The more time that went by, the more hosts I met and experiences I had, the more I knew I only wanted you. And then I couldn’t find you.”
“Find me?”
“I tried to re-book your room for weeks. You were always full.”
“You tried… What?”
“I know it’s probably super odd for me to keep going back there the way I have been, and then admit that I also wanted to come back to your room. But it’s true. That’s what’s been happening.”
“I guess the only thing I can say to that is I’m flattered. And then to let you know that if you still feel that way, I’d love to take you out tonight. I’d love to stop talking about all this time we’ve lost and maybe see if we can move forward. Because it took me a while but I realize it doesn't matter either way. Whether you went back or not. You are your own person. You're allowed to experience life the way you want to. I'm just here hoping you want to experience it with me again."
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sendmeanangel: okay, i’m back and still alive, but i need a shower. Gimme another hour. I’ll fill you in I swear! MNstrluvr: meana, where are you????? Did you already fuck him???
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sendmeanangel: oh my god you guys are insane. It’s only been 45 minutes MNstrluvr: you can’t just drop that and run. You had to have to known we’d need more sooner sendmeanangel: i think i’m allowed to gather all the intel before i share it with you lol darkgothnightengale: you got your intel and then bailed for a shower! Boo! MNstrluvr: so what’s happening? Why are you stalling like this??? sendmeanangel: he’s taking me out on a real, honest-to-goodness date tonight MNstrluvr: YES!!! Where are you going? sendmeanangel: dinner and then a moonlight walk darkgothnightengale: isn’t it a full moon tonight? sendmeanangel: yep ;) MNstrluvr: you are so getting fucked outdoors!! sendmeanangel: Wait someone's at the door. I think it’s my lunch. Hold on. MNstrluvr: send them away and come back to finish this talk!!!
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"Walt? What're you...?" you spoke with surprise, thinking he wouldn't be here to pick you up for dinner for another five hours at least. It had only been one since you gave him your address and left him at the park, floating home on cloud nine. Now he stood in front of you, a bag of food in his hand.
"I couldn't wait any longer. I had to just...can I...?" Walter  dropped the bag and made a motion, hands out in something like a plea, knee beginning to bend with something like reverence. Nothing you understood until you nodded your head.
He stepped forward then, into your space, your tiny studio apartment that until now was always just fine for your needs but suddenly seemed three sizes too small for the man who was bending to kiss you and wrap his arms around your thighs, urging you to encircle his waist with your legs as he moved to kick the door closed behind him.
Your fingers tangled in his gorgeous locks as you relished the feel of his lips on yours once more. You'd only experienced that two times with Walter at the hotel, and the urgency of only one of those came even close to the feel of this one, and you suddenly wondered if he'd held something back when he kissed you goodbye back then. The euphoria blinded you to any other movement until you felt your body peeled from his and deposited on your sofa. And not that you minded couch sex, as previously confirmed with Mike, nor were you assured in the moment that couch sex was the end goal, but you wondered briefly when you'd have a moment to help him unfold the futon, since your studio only had enough room for a convertible bed.
For now, Walter simply slipped down to the floor and settled between your thighs, braced his arms tightly against your hips, caressed the bare skin between your shirt and pants with his rough hands, and nuzzled his face into your stomach. You held him close, hands still shifting through his curls and you could swear you heard a whimper, but whether from you or him it didn't seem to matter.
For a few beats, it was just this sweet. A man on his knees before you, somehow awed by your presence and content to be pressed against you, to feel you hold him close. And then it was more. Then it was his mouth, covering a clothed breast with warmth, teeth nipping at the flesh through your shirt, his tongue leaving saliva on the fabric so that it clung to your erect nipple protruding proudly regardless of your bra and top in the way.
When he noticed you staring down, as if surprised by your body’s own response, he simply smirked and moved his attention to the other side. When he tired of the barrier, he slipped his hands up your back under your shirt to unhook your bra, then lifted both articles of clothing up your body and pulled them off your arms, before returning his attention back to your chest and his hands to your hips.
Heat was building, and along with it, an urge to roll up into him. When he felt the movements of your hips, he drew a hand over one thigh to cup it against your clothed sex as he peeled his head back to gaze up at you.
"Just as eager as I am," he grinned. "I like that."
"Please, Walter," you begged, though for what exactly you weren't sure.
"I got you," he emphasized with a firm press of the heel of his palm, dragging it up and over your increasingly sensitive nub to hook his fingers into the waistband of your leggings. At your approval, he removed them and settled back between your legs, though he nuzzled a little lower than before.
He dragged you down, pulling your ass off the edge of the futon so he had a clear path to his objective. You expected him to dive right in, hoping he remembered what he already learned from before, and then he spoke and your mind exploded.
"Such a delightful sight," he said, tracing down the crease of one thigh and up the other with a finger you desperately wanted him to dip inside you. And he could tell. "She's so eager, positively dripping, isn't she?" He squeezed an inside thigh, then nipped and licked the other before speaking again.
"Yes, Walter. Please," you gasped, already anticipating the sensations he was going to create for you. You shuddered and bucked involuntarily at his low chuckle, putting your pussy directly against his lips and he didn't try to resist any longer.
His hunger was apparent, and it matched the desire building in you. He lapped eagerly, licked and sucked with need, tongued expertly at all the spots he already knew were favorites and then he found a few more, too. You tried to hold onto a fleeting thought about his technique before it drifted into the air above you as you found your fingers back in his hair, clutching and pulling him close to your core. Walter feasted like there was no tomorrow and you closed your eyes with the knowledge you were going to have as many tomorrows with this man as you wanted.
When you came it was with the cry of his name on your lips. He crawled up off the floor to settle on the futon beside you, scooping you onto his lap and hugging you close to help steady you.
He placed kisses on your forehead and spoke words into the consciousness you struggled to maintain as your chest heaved. "Shh, I got you. You're good. So good. So beautiful."
"Walter, that was..., jesus..., fuck...," you stammered, barely able to control your thoughts and you wished you could have sunk into the ground below you when you heard the next words out of your mouth. "Did Sy give you pointers?"
Walter's immediate laugh was hearty and heartwarming, dispelling the thoughts you had that you deserved to be tossed across the room for even daring to bring it up.
"I've always known clients prefer him for that over any of the rest of us. I took him out for beers one night and I may have begged for a trick or five. Sy's a good guy and he thought you deserved it, though I'm sure he never would have agreed if he thought I was coming back to the hotel." Walt bent to capture your lips and when he was done kissing you hard and deep, he spoke again. "I do, too. Think you deserve it."
"What about you?" you asked, aware now of a hardness pressing against your flesh through his pants. "Don't you deserve more, too?"
You wiggled off his lap and stood, hand out to urge him up. You swallowed hard as he towered over you, eyes full of desire and lust.
"I deserve whatever you're willing to give me."
"I'll give you everything, Walt," you admitted, fingers already working the buckle of his belt and buttons of his pants.
His lips crashed to yours as soon as he tossed his sweater to the floor and he held you entranced with his tongue even after you dropped his jeans down his legs along with his boxers. It was just a low growl but the sound from the back of his throat was enough to send a wave of slick down your thigh as you clenched around the space where you most desired him to be.
"Fuck, Walter," you gasped into his mouth and begged. "Fuck me, please."
It was a mad dash to remove his boots so he could discard his pants, though not before he grabbed the made-just-for-him condoms from the pocket, and then unfold the futon for a larger surface area on which he could move you around and manipulate your passion. It was no plush cabin bed, but it would have to do.
"Fuck, I wanted this outside tonight," he admitted, staring at you as he rutted into your core with abandon. 
"It's a full moon tonight," you noted, as if he wouldn’t already know that.
"I still wanna fuck you under it," he growled, staring deep into your eyes.
You were losing control, falling up through space and time as you felt every inch of him against every inch of you and it still wasn't enough. You couldn't stop your eyes from closing as you begged him for more.
"Hey," he called, lifting your leg around his waist and when you opened your eyes you saw him smile as you wrapped your other leg the same way without prodding from him. You were mesmerized by the motion of his hips and barely caught the glint, a hint of change to amber, but you did.
“No!” He stilled immediately but you held on as he tried to withdraw from you. “No, stay with me, here just like this. We can do that again, later, whenever. Just,” you drew a hand to cup his face, “please. Like this. Like you. Just you.” You kissed him deep and rolled your hips to spur him on again.
You were prepared to feel less full, less fucked, though not by much, with Walter in human form. You were not prepared for the way he fucked you to feel just as animalistic as the monster. His assault was merciless, even as he grunted in your ear all the ways he was going to make you his. How he planned to take you softly in the moonlight so you’d know it didn’t matter what form he was in, you could have him any way you wanted. 
When you finally came apart for him, he let loose with a loud growl and you were sure your neighbors were gonna call the landlord any minute. He hurried back to your side after disposing of the spent condom, curling around you and melting you in his warmth.
“Do you have anywhere you need to be?” he asked. “I still wanna take you to dinner, but I’d love to just stay here with you for awhile. If that’s okay?”
You were about to answer him, but your returning senses also meant you could hear the buzzing vibrations of notifications on your phone. Shit!
“Uh, no. I don’t have to be anywhere. Maybe you could grab that bag you left outside and we can see what else I can scrounge up for us to eat right now?”
You grabbed your phone as he peeled open the door, careful to tuck himself behind it as he grabbed for the food, lest a neighbor get a view they didn’t pay for.
sendmeanangel: okay look. He’s here. Right now. Can’t talk. All good. MMNstrluvr: MEANA!!! darkgothnightengale: GIRL YOU BETTER SPILL SOON!
You found some chips and salsa and split your sandwich with Walt, not that it looked like nearly enough food to tide him over till dinner. But he didn’t seem to mind. The next few hours flew by as you both sought to learn as much about each other as you could as soon as possible.
He explained that the special skill he had only worked within the confines of a vortex, over which the hotel had been built. It’s why he couldn’t bend time to allow him to study and work and wonder about you without losing sleep somewhere along the way.
After a shower, and some shower head, and then another shower, Walter asked if he could take you somewhere special for dinner. Somewhere not in town. He let you send GPS coordinates to your online friends with the promise they wouldn’t send you any details of the location. He wanted it to be a surprise for you. They were only to use it if you didn’t check in after dinner and again in the morning and once more when you were back at your apartment.
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The sun was just sinking low with a burst of evening color when Walt pulled up to the lakeside cabin. He helped you out of his truck, then grabbed your overnight bags and the groceries from the backseat. You couldn’t wait to see the place in the full daylight, but you could already tell it was magical. 
An a-frame cabin with large windows faced the lake. An oversized wooden deck made up a large seating area and all around landing pad in front of the entrance. A set of side steps allowed access from the driveway, but along the full length of the deck three stairs led to a narrower mulched path that in turn led to a wooden dock out onto the lake. A seating area was visible there as well, though there were no chairs.
Walt let you in first, then followed and set the bags down before closing the door.
He must have noticed you still admiring the sunset out the windows.
"I can make it last."
You blinked and turned, curious about what he'd just offered.
"Are we in a vortex then?"
"Yes, I got lucky finding this spot. Don't own the place, yet, so I can't come out whenever I want, but I made sure tonight was free."
"And, I mean, no. It's beautiful but I'm really looking forward to the moon. Can you make that last?"
He bit his lip and nodded, letting a smile and glance drift to the floor, shaking his head as if he still couldn't believe his luck.
"Yeah, I definitely can," he grinned at you before sweeping you into his arms. He kissed you hard and deep and you could feel the way he held back.
"Don't," you said, pulling away from the kiss so you could look him in the eye.
"Don't make it last?" he asked, confusion furrowing his brow.
"Don't hold back."
He did not. Every ounce of your clothing was on the floor next to his in what felt like a heartbeat. He was pawing at every inch of your body and you were enjoying it, the way he caressed you, held you, molded you to his form.
"Won't matter," he huffed between kisses. "She's not up yet. Later. After dinner."
"Will you do it anyway?" you asked, and nodded earnestly when he asked if you were sure.
He again didn't waste a moment. One second he was Walter, the next he was the wolf and he was at your throat. Then down your body, then between your legs.
He made you come on his tongue at least three times before he presented his enormously hard member to you and helped you work your mouth around the tip.
You wanted so much more. You gave it your best shot. But he was huge. Larger than you recalled. When it was clear you'd need your hand to cover him completely, he licked your palms and wrapped your fingers around his length.
He pulled you off just as you finally found the right rhythm, the right pressure, the right speed.
"You're gonna make me come," he growled.
"Kinda the point, Walt," you grinned up at him. "C'mon, lemme..."
"You asked me not to hold back. Sorta assumed you meant the fucking."
"I meant don't..." you licked your lips. "Hold..." then your hand. "Back..." And with that, you took him back into your mouth and kept working him to climax.
You swallowed him down and glanced up, marveling at the way he shifted. The hair receded, though clearly not completely. The nose shortened, teeth shrunk, though a fang still peeked from his mouth as he panted for air. His stature gave back the extra inches balancing on the balls of his feet gained him. And with claws retracted back into his normally large hands, he reached to bring you to his feet before him.
After the kiss, you admitted, "I just figured the faster we finish dinner, the faster we can get to her."
His laugh never failed to make you feel safe and at home.
"That isn't how the moon rise works, but I appreciate the initiative."
She was just at the horizon of the mountain crest behind the cabin when Walt cleared the plates from the table. You started a quick, warm shower just to freshen up and welcomed him into your arms when he joined you.
Then he dried you off, handed you a flannel of his to wear, escorted you outside where he shifted on the way down the steps and led you to the end of the dock. You sat between his legs, back against his chest, and let the heat radiating from him keep you warm. You smelled the chill in the air you knew would lead to frost soon, but not tonight, not tomorrow.
She peered over the tree tops and cast her gaze upon you. You felt her power and you felt his power and you arched against him as he moved his hand between your legs. He nuzzled down your neck, nipped at your shoulder, and carefully, with precision, made you come on his hand.
As you recovered, you unbuttoned the shirt, slipped it off your body, and laid it down behind you. You made your way to your back, letting the flannel shield your bare skin from the hard wood planks. And you pulled him to you, urged him inside you, and held him close. Your bodies moved in tandem as she shone brightly across the gentle rippling of the water, her reflection casting you in her glow.
Walt didn't lie about taking you gently. It was like nothing you ever imagined being with a wolf would be like. As sensual as any touch any man or monster had ever given you, and given your recent adventures, that was saying a lot.
But you could tell he was still holding back.
"I get it Walt," you whispered in his ear. "This doesn't have to be the way you say it though." You smoothed the fur along his face as he pulled back to watch your face. "Don't hold back."
With a snarl, he did as you bid, taking you apart as he had back at your place just mere hours ago. Though once the moon reached her peak, you could tell he'd halted time and it was gonna have to be you to beg him for mercy, plead with him to stop treating you to the most intense, overpowering yet intimate orgasms you'd ever felt. You had to urge him to finally come and let the moon fall how she wanted.
"I love you, too," you whispered to him as he collapsed beside you.
Bonus Edit: Absolutely GORGEOUS header created for me by my wonderful friend in fic, @geralts-yenn:
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Everything HC Taglist: (as always, let me know if you want on or off)
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Special tag: @kittenofdoomage (cause sometimes you love my stuff and this one's another monster fucker lol!)
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