#like he can stay home his tummy fucking hurts Jesus Christ
I’m in my Courtney love arc bc I don’t need a parent anymore in a relationship I need to be the Mom girlfriend so badly like if the lord would deliver onto me just a short little sensitive sweet boy I would go lioness mode I stg PLEASE I deserve it
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isabellitah · 4 years
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Title : Our Wife
Pairing : Sakusa Kiyoomi x Female!Reader x Miya Atsumu
Warning : blood ig, curse words, attempted rape, torture, and mentions of death
Credits : to the artists regarding the drawings of Sakusa Kiyoomi and Miya Atsumu found on the banner- i saved them from pinterest I think.
Note : do not copy or repost this anywhere else. I do not write Haikyuu!! fics anywhere else.
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Y/n Miya-Sakusa was scared. No- scratch that- you were terrified.
You wouldn’t show it to your captors though- your husbands taught you to never show fear- but Jesus Christ- you were terrified not only for yourself but more so for your unborn child- a child you didn’t even know existed until half an hour before you got kidnapped from your own room. For the past hour that you’ve been tied to a chair in the middle of the room, they haven’t touched your body. The same couldn’t be said for your face. Half of your face was covered in slightly dried blood; blood that came a wound you got when they slammed your head against the edge of your beside drawer to knock you unconscious, and a spilt lip that was still bleeding slightly from when they punched you when you spat at the face of the person who demanded your husbands’ locations and the locations of all your warehouses. The thought alone made you scoff- you’re no rat. Unlike whoever the hell gave your home’s location away. Your husbands were going to be so pissed when they find you gone and your shared room thrashed about.
Sitting on the wooden chair was become a pain in the ass. Literally. You couldn’t even escape because of the metal cuffs attached to your wrists, forearms, and ankles and they took your daggers away. You’re stuck and all you can do it wait. Wait for either your husbands to burst through the door or wait for your promised torture session and possible death.
Minutes- hours- who knows how long later, two men in black barged into the room, startling you from your daydream carrying knives with guns in their holsters. Well... looks like your Omi and Tsumu are too late huh...
“Ready, Princess?” thing 1 with an eyepatch said with a smile, showing his yellow teeth, “Boss said we gots to kill ye before yer husbands get here. Ye know, so they barge in ‘ere only to see yer bleeding body. Even better if they get to see yer naked corpse, doncha think?”
“Boss said not to rape her tho-” thing 1 interrupted thing 2, “what boss doesn’t know won’t hurt ‘im. And besides- I wanna leave Miya a surprise for stabbing my eye.”
And just as thing 1 started moving towards you, a scream was heard from outside the door and echoed into the room, sending shivers down things 1 and 2’s spines. You, on the hand, smiled. They’re here... fucking finally.
“What was that?” Thing 2 looked around nervously. Huh- he must be new to the business. Poor guy he won’t make it far at this point. Thing 1 shrugged, “eh who cares? There’s no one we can’t kill.” he boasted. Dumb overconfident pig.
Another scream rang through followed by a shout of terror, “THEY’RE HERE!” that was cut off as a loud gunshot echoed through the walls followed by a series of bangs and clangs. The familiar sound brought you off guard- they brought everyone? You were sure that that clang was from Michinari’s favorite weapon- his metal bat. Where were you and who took you that they felt it necessary to have everyone here? You were brought out of your train of thoughts when you realized that all of a sudden everything and everyone was silent. All you can hear was your own heartbeat.
“Ah fuck it-” thing 1 looked at your form with a crazed look in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine.
“Dude what are you-”
“Well it’s obvious we won’t make it out alive-”
“Wait what?”
“-might as well have fun before we die, ey?”
With that said he closed the gap between you two. You felt your mind blank as tears started forming in your eyes. The moment he ripped Atsumu’s shirt from your person, the tears fell along with the loudest scream you could muster, “OMI! ATS-” you were cut off as thing 1 smacked your cheek with the butt of his gun, “shut up ye lil bitch. Yer not leavin til I get my f-”
Thing 2 was suddenly down- a hole on the side of his head. None of you even heard the door open so that meant Shinsuke was here- well him or Rintarou since they’re the stealthiest in your family.
Thing 1 suddenly stood up straight and placed his hands up with his palms up and blocking your view from whoever was with you two in the room, “hey uhhh I was forced to do this, mates- it- it wasn’t anything personal, yea?” Sat on a wooden chair in just your undergarments and the remnants of one of your husbands’ shirt, you let a small smile appear on your face. They’re here. You and your little bean are safe now.
Rintarou stepped out of the shadows and from his voice you could tell he looked bored, “so... where is she?”
Thing 1 shook his head, having lost his voice the moment his eyes met the bored yet malicious ones of one Suna Rintarou- one of the deadliest assassins of the Inarizaki family, and prayed that the fox wouldn’t notice your bleeding form behind him.
The moment you let out a sob, he pushed thing 1 away and squatted in front of you. And he was not happy with what he saw was done to you-
He saw your bloody and bruised face. He saw your shaking hands and the tears you let flow from your eyes. But what angered him the most was the fact that someone he viewed as his little sister lost the brightness is her eyes.
Any chance the idiot had with reasoning with him was gone.
“Congratulations, idiot. You’ve secured a spot in our personal dungeon.” Rintarou smiled as he heard a sharp thump before the telltale sound of a body hitting the ground, “you didn’t hit him too hard, did you, Shinsuke-san?”
“Not hard enough.”
“Ok- let’s get these off of you before your hubbies come in here,” with that said both men started unlocking the cuffs trapping you onto the chair. After freeing you, you were immediately hit with the feeling of fatigue and let your body fall onto the person closest to you. Shinsuke caught your semi-limp body and immediately became worried but calmed down as he felt your breaths. He arranged your position so that you were laying across his lap, facing the roof of the cell. Rintarou settled himself beside Shinsuke after texting Kiyoomi your location- receiving an immediate reply that they’ll be there as soon as Atsumu is out of his blood haze. Shinsuke brushed his hand through your hair but immediately stopped when you whimpered, “hit- t-table- home.”
The two men exchanged worried glances when you stared up at them with your eyelids slowly closing. Rintarou tapped your cheek, “Y/n-chan, stay awake- how do you feel right now?”
“Aish of all the questions Rin-”
“Kiyoomi-san and Tsumu will be he-”
“M-my baby...” their eyes widened as you shakily placed your hand onto your tummy before falling limp in Shinsuke’s arms. He refrained from panicking when he saw your chest still rising and falling in patterns- you probably fainted from exhaustion.
“Holy shi-”
The moment the two saw your limp body they assumed the worst- but as Atsumu was about to yell out his rage and sorrow, Osamu appeared from the shadows and hit the back of his head, “she’s breathing, you moron.”
“I knew that, shitface.”
“Who ya callin’ shitface, ya pig?”
“Who ya callin’ a pi-”
“Aran,” Kiyoomi calmly spoke as he turned to face the hitman- ignoring his husband and brother-in-law, “lead the way out- make sure that there will be no delays. We must take Y/n to Motoya immediately- we don’t know the extent of her wounds- however they look... less than favorable as of the moment.”
At the reminder of your current condition, the twins shutted up, “Osamu,”
“Yeah, Omi-san?”
“Bring that thing with us.” was muttered with great disdain while his finger was pointed towards the unconscious thing 1.
And so they left the building covered in blood with neutral faces.
They may not show it but they were livid.
They didn’t miss your tear and blood stained face nor the the fact that your shirt was ripped right down the middle.
They knew what was going to happen to you had they been a second late.
“Hitoshi and Heisuke are already tracking the rats- we’ll have them in the basement by tonight,” informed Kiyoomi’s trustworthy gunsmith, Tsukasa Iizuna.
“They better- only question now is who gets first dibs on the assholes.”
As they settled into the car, Shinsuke told them the news of your latest surprise. He knew that they’d go even more ballistic were they to find out during the check-up from Motoya. But since they were in a closed and moving car with you on their laps, they couldn’t really do much except stiffen and let their rage grow stronger- and he looks forward to seeing what they’ll do to the bastards tonight. Shinsuke, above all things, is a man of honor- and what he hates above all things, are traitors.
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“PLEASE! I’M SORRY! PLEA- AHHH” Thing 1 screamed as Kiyoomi dug his dagger deeper into the man’s shoulder- forming a hollow hole of sort.
“Just a little more... I want to see if your bones are clean or if they need to cleansed as well-”
“Omi-omi~ I want my turn !” whined Atsumu as he crossed his arms and pouted at his husband.
Kiyoomi rolled his eyes, “you had your turn five minutes ago when you spilled acid onto his legs- it’s my turn now.” with that said, Kiyoomi ripped his dagger from the man’s flesh without a warning and grabbing a bowl from the prisoner’s ‘meal’, poured the bowl of scalding hot soup into the hollow flesh.
And as the man wailed, the two traitors squirmed in fear as they awaited their turns.
“We don’t usually go to this extent but what can we say...”
“No one messes with our wife.”
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please reblog if you liked it hehe 🥺🥰
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johnsamericano · 4 years
Can you do Taeyong having a corruption kink with a friends to lovers au, please?
Oof-🥵 I am not completely satisfied with it,but I hope you like it.
“Hurry up, y/n.” Taeyong whined while waiting for you to finish packing your notebooks.
“Relax, I’m done. Let’s go.” You intertwined your arm with his and walked out of the classroom. “Why are you in such a hurry?”
“I need to get my house ready for the party tonight. You’re coming right?”
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss my best friend’s party for anything in the world.”
‘Best friend’. How much Taeyong hated that title. But no matter what he did, you would never see him as anything but your friend. Not because you weren’t attracted to him, but because your relationship was too valuable.
“Then I’ll see you there.” With a quick peck in your cheek, he made his way home.
You went home as well, your roomate had gone out, so you had the house to yourself.
After a quick shower you got dressed. It was a simple outfit, white crop top and black shorts. Your make up was simple as well, you were too lazy to do something elaborated.
You left a note for your roomate saying that you’d be out all night, it wouldn’t be the first time you crashed at Taeyong’s anyways.
The loud music coming out from the speakers made your head hurt. You couldn’t seem to find your best friend in the middle of the crowd. What you did find was a less crowded room with people sitting in a circle around something. It smelled like weed inside, but it was somehow less suffocating than being with the crowd.
“Hey, y/n.” One of your classmates, Yuta, greeted you. “Come sit with us.” He patted the free seat beside him and another boy you’d never seen before.
A while later you learned that they were playing spin the bottle. You ran away out of a panic attack when the bottle that Yuta had spun landed on you. The only place you knew would be empty was Taeyong’s room, but you were wrong. The person you’d been looking for the whole night was right there, sitting on his bed while scrolling through his phone. The moonlight lit up his features. He looked as handsome as ever.
“Here you are!” He jolted.
“Jesus Christ, you scared me.” You went to his bed and laid down beside him.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m starting to think that parties are not my thing.” He let out a sigh. “What about you?”
“I was playing spin the bottle, but the thing is, I don’t even know how to kiss. So I ran away.” The laugh Taeyong let out was too loud, almost sarcastic.
“You’re joking right?”
“I really wish I was.” You placed your forearm over your eyes. “I’ve never had a real kiss, only pecks.”
“Get up, I’m gonna show you how to kiss properly.” He got you on your feet by pulling your arms.
“Tae, I don’t think this is a good idea...”
“I’m not gonna let my bestie walk around not knowing how to kiss. Now, close your eyes.”
“Now.” You did, his breath blowing against your face as he got closer. His lips were as soft as they looked. They tasted like whisky, probably because of the drinks he’d had. “Open your mouth for me.” His tongue slipped into your mouth, it was a weird sensation, but it sent electric waves through all of your body.
Taeyong was slowly stepping forward while holding the back of your neck with both hands. He was so smooth, you didn’t even notice you were laying down on his bed until he started grinding onto you.
“Taeyong.” You moaned into the kiss.
“I love you.” His sudden confession made your cheeks turn crimson red. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved a woman.”
“You don’t need to say anything.” His long fingers traced your curves. “Just let me make you feel good.” His hips were still rolling against yours, creating a delicious friction that made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“O-ok.” You babbled, unable to think of anything else but the pleasure he was giving you.
“Look at you, I haven’t even started. “His hands started to undo the button of your shorts, easily sliding them down your legs a few moments later. “Have you ever touched yourself?” He asked as his index finger rubbed the wet patch in your panties.
“I don’t know how to do it.” You moved awkwardly in your spot, not used to having someone touch your most private part of the body.
“Stay still for me, sweetheart.” You tried to do your best, but the feeling growing inside your tummy was overwhelming. “Let’s try something else.” He carried you to the floor, then placed you on his lap. There was a big mirror right in front of you.
He stripped you while you watched each and every movement he did.
“Such a pretty girl.” He massaged your thighs as he kissed the spot behind your ear. “I want you to watch me while I touch you.” He drew circles around your sensitive bud with one of his fingers while he hugged your waist with his other arm. “Does it feel good?” You closed your eyes.
“I don’t know.” A high pitched moan escaped your mouth after he increased the pace. “Tae, stop I think I’m gonna pee.” Nevertheless, he didn’t stop, only going faster as you squirmed in his embrace. A feeling you’d never felt before took over your body, making it shake uncontrollably as you moaned.
“My pretty little baby.” One of his fingers teased your hole. “All mine.” You felt your inside burn when he inserted his finger. The cold metal of his ring made it even more pleasurable.
He started seeking for your sweet spot. He knew he’d found it when you started moaning all over again. He could see all of you through the mirror, from the slightest movement in your eyebrows to the way you’d bite your lower lip to hold back your moans.
“You need to watch me so you learn how to do it by yourself.” It was hard to keep your eyes open, specially when Taeyong gave you that hungry look. “The next time you masturbate, I want you to think of me. I want you to remember how good you feel when I touch you, okay?”
It didn’t take you long to reach your high once again. It left you exhausted, completely laying down on Taeyong’s chest.
“Such a good girl.” He caressed your breasts “You think you can take another one?”
“No!” Your desperate answer made Taeyong laugh. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m exhausted.”
“That’s okay sweetheart.” With one quick movement, he was on his feet with you between his arms. “My baby is so tiny.” He laid you down on the mattress. Only then you realized the big tent in his pants.
“Don’t worry about it, just give me a few minutes and I’ll come back to take care of you.” He had the brightest smile on his face, it made him look ethereal.
“Can I...?” Your finger pointed at his dick, which visibly twitched after your proposal. “I don’t really know how to do it, but you can teach me.”
‘How can she be so adorable?’ Taeyong thought.
His most secret fantasies were becoming real, and he could only wonder wether it was a dream or not. Nevertheless, he started undoing the button of his pants, taking them off as well as his shirt. The only remaining piece of clothing were his boxers.
You got up from bed. Your legs still shaky from the previous orgasms.
“You don’t have to get up.”
“But I need to be on my knees, right?” The only experience you had was from listening to your friends’ stories.
“Not necessarily.” His large body was laying down at bed. “Come here.” He patted the spot beside him. You sat down as he pulled down the last piece of fabric in his body. His member was thick and veiny, absolutely perfect. The tip was red and glistening with precum. “Give me your hand, angel.” And so you did. He guided it towards the base and closed your hand around it. His hand was over yours, helping you move it up and down.
“Why don’t we touch the tip?” His free hand caressed your head.
“You can touch it if you want to.” His hand freed yours, allowing it to move freely.
One of your hands held the base while your fingers curiously touched his sensitive tip. You noticed how he flinched.
“Did I hurt you?”
“Keep going, baby.” Your thumb spread the precum in circles while your other hand went up and down. The groans coming out of his mouth motivated you to add your mouth.
First, kitten licks all over the tip, then you tried to fit him inside your mouth, only being able to have half of him inside you before gagging. It was extremely uncomfortable, but Taeyong seemed to be enjoying himself a lot.
“So good.” At some point he started to fuck your mouth. “I’m gonna come.” Thick white ribbons of his cum were shot directly to your throat, making you swallow it unconsciously. “Good girl.” He patted your head gently before pulling out of your mouth.
He got up from bed and went to his closet, retrieving a pair of boxers and a white shirt from it.
“Hands up baby.” He dressed you while ocassionaly kissing different parts of your body. “I’m gonna get dressed so we can go to sleep.”
Your mind drifted away for a moment. ‘What’s gonna happen with us?’ You kept wondering. Taeyong seemed to wipe away all of your worries as he snuggled you against his chest while making cute noises.
“I love you so much.” His heart sped up as he waited for your answer, fearing you wouldn’t share his feelings.
“I love you too.” His hands went directly to your cheeks, cupping them while he pecked your lips repeatedly.
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Summer bummer- Chapter.3
word count- 1.9k
Summer bummer- pt.3
Pairing- Harry x reader
(a reality tv au)
The confessional room was hot when Y/n stepped in, she had a few things to get off her chest. Some personal feelings, the finger banging session with Harry from two nights ago and a phone call she had gotten that was really dampening her mood.
She closed the door and turned the camera on, sitting herself in front of the green screen taking a deep breath before starting. “So, these last few days have been kinda crazy…me and Harry have been getting closer and fooled around some. I feel a bit nervous because I think I might actually like him and I know with how dating goes in situations like this it can end horribly especially if he only sees me as a hookup. I also got a call from my sister and she was telling me how she went to my apartment and saw my ex had trashed it after finding out I’m on the show. He even stole my locket with a picture of me and my best friend in it which had nothing to do with him!...” she didn’t want to cry. The asshole didn’t deserve her tears, but it was a shitty feeling and he violated her home so she was really upset.
“It just…god it sucks. We’ve been here for 2 months so we only have one left, and part of me doesn’t want it to be over…I don’t want to have to fuckin’ deal with the shit back home and I wanna see Harry…but we don’t always get what we want I guess so I’m fucked I guess.”
She turned the camera off, exiting the room to make her way to the kitchen to get a snack before sulking outside to have a smoke and mull things over in her head, she couldn’t decide if she was happy or more anxious when she saw Harry sitting on the patio nursing his hangover cure beverage since he’d gone out the night before but Y/n was too upset to.
“Hey love” he settled into the outdoor sofa scooting to make room for the younger girl, patting the cushion for her to sit. “Look a bit down there girlfriend, penny for your thoughts?”
Y/n shook her head slightly lighting her cigarette, “don’t wanna be a Debby downer, seems like you already got a headache” Harry gave her a ‘tsk’ before scooting closer to her. “Nonsense, tell me. been fingers deep in you before, don’t gotta feel vulnerable talkin’ to me.” Y/n lightly smacked his shoulder looking at one of the cameras pointed at the pair getting a little pink tinge to her cheeks. “shush, fine…I’m sad. My sister called and told me my piece of shit ex broke into my apartment and trashed it since he found out I was here. He’s insane, he spray painted ‘whore’ and other shit all over the walls and stole some of my jewelry. And I’m just really conflicted, and I-“ she rubbed her eyes lightly “-I’m sad because we don’t have much time left here, and I like you and don’t want to go home and never see you again…”
Harry smiled at her, bringing her closer to him so her head rested on his chest while her body laid on the couch. “Hey, first and foremost I don’t plan to never see ya’ again. I like ya’ too. Second, want me to deal with that shit head? I’ll go back with you when filming wraps and I’ll beat his ass and help you clean everything up, yea?” she simply nodded and hugged herself closer to him. One of her worries now fading, but she still had a lot on her plate.
While the rest of the house was grooming themselves to go out to another club tonight, Y/n was just finishing her shower changing into some comfy clothes and toweled off her hair opting to stay home tonight not exactly in the party mood.
she had thought she was home alone, but Harry soon made his presence known by knocking on her bedroom door clad in some sweatpants but missing a shirt. “You didn’t go out with them?” Y/n questioned while sitting up in bed, letting Harry enter her shared room.
“Nah, decided to stay in with ya’. What kind of man would I be if I let you stay home all alone when you’re sad? Like you too much to do that poppet cmon scoot over.”
She complied, shuffling over to the right side of the twin sized mattress letting the tall man squeeze himself in her sheets. “C’mere give me a cuddle sweetheart.” His arms opened and his warm chest drew her in, her fingers tracing the butterfly tattoo on his upper stomach as they talked.
“Bout’ what you said earlier, how would you feel about goin’ out with me y/n? think we could give it a shot hmm?” He got exactly the response he hoped for, her head tilted up to look at him, happy eyes and a shy nod. “Yea! Really? You’re not pullin’ m’ leg right?” “course not, think I want ya’ to be my girl.”
Y/n was ecstatic, the sadness seeming to go into hiding for the time being while she kissed the man. Her fingers weaving into his hair as she let him drag her body on top of his, pulling her duvet over the two of them so the cameras didn’t get a proper eye full of their private moment. The most he was willing to ket those cameras pick up was the clicking noises of their kisses.
When Y/n pulled away from the kiss momentarily she used the time to make a request,
“Can you finally fuck me now? Please? I’ll be a good girl I promise” her words were whispered but they still had the same affect, a smirk growing on Harry’s face and a stirring of his cock in the sweats. “Yea? Want me to fuck you now that you’re my girl? You’re going to be good and take it all right?” Y/n nodded her head quickly while tugging her shirt off quickly tossing it over the bed, not caring about the fact she was basically about to have a sex tape from the cameras littered in the room about to capture her fucking Harry.
They were frantic, tired of waiting and so they made quick work of their clothes, Y/ now in only her panties and Harry in his now painfully tight boxer briefs, “Take me out pet, go ahead.” His voice was deep, gravelly, and his accent was thick as tar at this point, letting the younger get tug his cock from his underwear watching it spring to his stomach, and to say she was a bit shocked would fit her current expression. “I…I don’t know if I can take it all…why didn’t you tell me you were so big?” Harry only chuckled, wrapping his fist around himself and giving a few strong tugs to his cock, “didn’’t I tell ya’ the first day that if we had fucked you would know? Kinda hinted that I wasn’t small dove”
“jesus…biggest I had was 7 inches” Harry smirked at her bringing her face forward to kiss her again, “First time for everything, including taking your first 9 inch cock huh?” Harry wasn’t shy, he was quite sure of himself and happy with his package, and Y/n was too far gone to even think about backing out now, she didn’t want to. “Take your panties off, you got any condoms in here?” the girl nodded pointing to the night stand next to her bed while she dragged her underwear off her body leaving her completely bare under the blankets. Harry fished the rubber out and brought his hands back under the blankets to rip it open flipping so she was laying under him allowing her to put the condom on for him, smiling slightly watching her use both of her small hands to roll it down his cock. It was a snug fit, he decided next time he’d supply the condom so it fits a bit more comfortably but for now it would do.
Before he started Harry made sure the comforter was covering them as he judged the side of his tip between her folds smiling when he saw how huge the crown looked even before he entered her, yet he looked up when her small hand rested on his lower stomach, “Go slow at first please? It’s been a while and you’re really big.” Harry cooed slightly, nodding as he pushed his tip in slowly. He slowly got about 5 inches in before he felt her muscles tense, causing a great deal of resistance halting his actions noticing her pinched up a bit, “You alright baby?” “Y-yea, just burns a little from the stretch…” “it’s alright yea? Gotta relax so I don’t hurt you…there you go ah shit” he tried to keep his mumbling quiet while he got the majority of himself in her, the tightness almost painful yet he fucking loved it.
Soon enough they found themselves in a rhythm, his hips snapping into hers while she dug her heels into his bum while rolling her clit between her fingers in quick tight circles. Their moans weren’t so quiet anymore, but they didn’t care they felt too good to keep the noise minimal.
“feel’s good now huh? Tell me how I’m makin’ ya’ feel pet.” His breathing was rapid and labored while he tucked his face into her neck, Y/n let out another moan before replying “Good, so fuckin’ good. Feel full can feel you in my tummy…ah daddy.” She couldn’t help the dirty name slipping through her lips, her head was swimming and her body was vibrating. Her orgasm approaching sooner than later, and Harry couldn’t help but eat that shit up.
“Daddy huh? Fuck that’s hot, got daddies cock in ya’ don’t you doll?” Y/n nodded quickly her toes pointing as she came. She couldn’t hold it back anymore, she didn’t want to anyway. Her cunt clamped down on him making him choke on his moans while she had a rather intense orgasm, thanks to him.
“There you go, that’s a good girl…Daddies good girl cummin’ hard aren’t ya? Christ I’m gonna fuckin’ bust doll face.” Harry was in heaven, his balls pulling back into his body while he emptied himself into the condom going stiff while he finished. His muscles going to stone with the overwhelming pleasure causing Y/n to writhe beneath him.
Once he gained composure, he noticed Y/n’s droopy eyes and quivering body, pushing on his stomach slightly telling him ‘it’s too much’ finally taking a deep breath as he removed himself from inside her slipping the condom off and tying it before tossing it in the trash.
“Did a good job dove. Proud of ya’, took my whole cock.” The girl nodded, sleepy flutters of her lashes giving him the hint she was near falling asleep. “gonna be sore tomorrow aren’t i?” Harry chuckled a little tugging her into his side, “Probably, but don’t worry daddy will carry you around if ya need me too.”
 (I hate this chapter, I’m not proud of it. It’s somewhat of a filler chapter to give some body to the piece while setting some updates to help the story flow better after this chapter. They boned so be happy with that sluts. Love ya xx h)
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Jason Voorhees x Freddy’sDaughter!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: They Cuddles; Him, Her, and her Bottle of Hypnocil. 
‘-There was something in her, something that was… pure horror. Everything you were supposed to watch out for. Heights, fire, shards of glass, snakes. Everything that his mom tried so hard to keep him safe from.’ - John Ajvide Lindqvist.
Inspired by the above quote.
Quick Background of Reader: You’re Maggies younger (Only a little) half-sister. (You were conceived and born shortly after he killed Loretta and your mother didn’t want you so you were pawned off to him so you were living with him until he was burnt by the Springwood Parents, whereas Maggie was of course taken away) (Pretend it was years between the time he was caught and the time he was killed)
Tried to write in Jasons POV, not sure how good it is, hah. 
I miiiiiiight have some ideas for future parts of this, this was adorable and sweet.
Just, Jason falling in so love with the enemies daughter who is so like her father - she’s loud, she’s hurt, she makes s t u p i d jokes and then laughs way too hard at them, she’s dangerous, - but who is gentle with him and kind. (She’s basically the type of girl Pam wouldn’t approve of at first but is so honest and kind that Pam cant help but begrudgingly like her eventually XD )
Warnings: Age gap? I mean it’s not a main plot point so you could ignore it but Jason and Freddy are similar in age so you’re young enough to be Jason’s kid too- but you’re in your 30’s-40’s so its okie. Fatherly trauma (Is that the right phrase?? Hah. You know what I mean) / Nightmare on elm Street survivor trauma also. Panic attack I think? Ends in fluff ^^ 
When you stayed a night in your van at that old, abandoned camp, you certainly didn’t expect to meet Jason. I mean, you weren’t surprised by his… abnormalities -referring to the fact that he’s dead. Not his deformities, - as much as you were how cute and sweet he was. And how well you two got on, after he tried to kill you.
And you don’t blame him for that! You trespassed; you get it. If you had known he was there and he had taken ownership of the area, then you would have asked before parking there.
When Jason had found a girl hidden away, sleeping in the back of a yellow van, he certainly didn’t expect that she would soon become so important to him. She was just another trespasser acting like a hoodlum -living! In! A! Van?! – in his general vicinity and of course, he didn’t like that.
Boring chase story short; He pushed your van over and there was a chase through the forest (You’ve never run that fast in your life, jesus christ. You can still feel the wind burn on your cheeks, that one rock under your bare feet that cut you and the energy rushing through your body pushing you forward anyway) and you leapt into the lake- waiting until he came in after you. And then when he did, you just screamed random nonsense, splashing around spastically at him until you hit a nerve that sobered him (Something about his mother). This is a technique you developed after you were given up to various foster homes after your father was burnt to death (And then also when he found you again) when stinky foster parents, foster siblings, bullies at school rando’s off the street wanted to put their hands on you, and that you mastered since. It works, evidently, with asexual zombie monsters too.
After that, you went back to your van and rap up your foot, thinking that at least the lake water cleaned up the cut on your foot, and then grumpily set up your bed on your window now since the van (Poor, dear Mandy) is now on its side thanks to the local undead jerk!
You hadn’t slept a wink the rest of that night, not because of the hulking mass of rotten flesh and a hockey mask that you knew was lurking somewhere close by, watching you, but because you weren’t about to waste an extra Hypnocil pill in one night. You just laid there, pillows propping you up and being bored. Staring at the ceiling, smearing various ugly pastel shades onto a page in your sketchbook, listening to the woods and imagining getting rawed by Danny Zuko were highlights. Then, when daylight finally broke out, you were finally, unhappily wondering how you were going to get Mandy back on her wheels, zipping up your jacket and looking at your beautiful pale-yellow Volkswagen.
You thinking what pain this would be to correct… and then having turned on your heel and went on a trek to the closest town to get some kind of breakfast. Procrastinating the inevitable.
When you had returned, a bag of groceries in your arms -drink propped on top of everything else so you could sip through the straw as you walked,- , your van was back on her wheels.
You don’t know what it was about you that made him do that, that made him stop and not kill you, and its likely you’ll never find out since he doesn’t talk, after that you had gone directly to find the - cute, now, -behemoth you knew fixed it for you, to make and give him fairy bread to say thank you and sorry for what happened last night- and honestly you’ve been friendly ever since. More then friendly, after a while, but never less then.
___TIME SKIP: Current time now. Months and months after you met___
~ POV Change~
Oh my god.
The second I see that the familiar bottle, the one from Typo with the Coca Cola logo on it that reminds me absolutely zero percent of my father that I keep Hypnocil pills in is not where I left it, a deep sense of dread and anxiety fills me up to the brim- only proceeding to grow outwards to the air around me as I search in an increasingly more panicked fashion for the thing. Where is it!? Where is it, where is it, where is it. “Where, where, where, where, where, where- “
I fling a pillow out the back of the van and am just bundling up the blankets, not caring what else goes with it to push out as well so I can find that fucking bottle when I notice Jason standing there at the back doors watching me, head tilted. I immediately stop what I’m doing, heart stopping for a second. “Lost something.” Is all I can squeak out.
He leans forward and I watch as I bends down so his head and upper body are in here with me and looks around, then up at me again as if to ask what I’m looking for so he can help me. “I-Its, um… “ My voice trembles. I need to find that bottle- the fact that Jason is being so sweet and offering to help me look just makes me feel even less together. I could cry. “A r-red bottle with umm, curly writing on it?” He probably doesn’t remember what coke is, much less the logo…
He nods, and starts looking around, eyes focused and slow as the graze along everything in the van so studiously that I stay extra still instead of helping- so he doesn’t miss anything with that super-vision he’s acting like he must have. The vans a mess and I’m just kneeling in the corner, against the driver’s seat with the blankets all bundles up in my lap, worrying my bottom lip and waiting for this man to save me. Please, jesus- help me. Save me.
A moment later and I’m about to slowly move from my place and Jason suddenly moves. His heavy arm shoots forward and pulls the bottle, a tubular shock of red, out of a nook between my portable DVD player/screen and some books and I was showing him earlier, offering it to me.
Dropping the blankets and sitting on them instead, feeling the softness on my bare legs and taking the bottle from him before hugging it to my chest and covering my face with my hands, silently.
Oh my god.
~POV Change~
Y/N curls up on herself, hiding her face and the bottle between her legs and her tummy and doesn’t make much noise except a quick, quiet whimper. She’s acting different, in a bad way. Why isn’t she talking to him, Jason wonders? Why isn’t she being loud? Is she okay?
Looking around the van, because he has to go in there and see if she’s okay- get her out of that body-cocoon, Jason crawls into the vehicle that he’s never dared to touch since the first night they met, and it breathes under his weight a little bit. He sits down next to her, crossing his legs and watching her for a while. What… to do… now… hmm…
Finally, he decides putting his hand on her shoulder might work to get her attention at least, and she does relax her shoulders quickly at the contact. Then looks up, face red, at him before wiping her face again and crawling suddenly into his lap. She takes a deep breath, regaining some of her usual colour and composure as Jason just sits solid and c o m p l e t e l y still beneath her, flashing him a quick, toothless smile. “Thank you for finding this Jason, it’s important to me.” She looks at the bottle in her hands, not wanting to put it down and risk losing it again even as she knows its irrational that she would do it twice in a row. “Its… how I keep him away… “
Y/N looks up at Jason, eyebrows risen up her forehead to watch him cautiously, worriedly, looking for signs. Did he understand what you were talking about? And if so, is he okay at the mention of your father?
He’s just completely unmoving still. Y/N blinks at the utter lack of responce. “Jason?”
When she still doesn’t receive a response, she taps his mask gently. “Jaaaason?”
That gets his attention, as he looks down at her face… and nods. A wonky smile that makes his somehow-still-beating heart flutter weirdly appears on her face and she looks outside instead. “So, what did you come to see me for? Ya just missed me? Hah, I missed you too cutie. How about we go for a walk? Its pretty today- ah.” When Jason’s big arms suddenly, slowly take action and wrap heavily around her, she’s pleasantly surprised. Her anxieties and panic from earlier all but slip from their knot in her chest and disappear at the action, and she responds by turning properly to her side in his lap so she can lean into his chest. “Oor we could cuddle. That sounds better anyway!~”
She taps the side of his face affectionately before closing her eyes, and he lets his own half lid themselves at the feeling of her so close to him. She’s so cute and warm. Its weird, but he thinks- if someone were to come right now in this moment, and not be loud and not do anything to Y/N or him… he would probably let them go.
(Well at least until he let her go.)
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vinylhazza · 5 years
okay but being in a relationship like full term with ethan but one night you’re superrrr drunk and you booty call him only for him to come over and nurse you back to soberness
you don’t normally get drunk, in fact you can count on one hand the amount of times you've gotten shit-faced so bad you’re stumbling over your words like a nervous virgin. what was interesting is that you hadn't even planned on getting drunk tonight, not even a little bit. 
you went out with your friends just for a little wine and dine at your favorite restaurant in town and maybe do some face masks after and gossip about sex or whatever you decided to talk about... and then somewhere along the way your best friend convinced you that her fuck buddy’s parties are the best and she just had to go and wouldn't take no for an answer. so there you were, sipping on a beer that you were sure tasted like shit but your brain was so clouded that you actually couldn't believe it wasn't the most splendid drink to land on your tastebuds. 
you knew that if ethan, your beloved boyfriend and love of your fucking life, could see you right now, he would be laughing at the way you have been trying to talk about kurt cobains hair for the last fifteen minutes or smirking when the weekend started bumping through the speakers and your hips started to swivel in that way you know he loves. you were shutting your eyes and imagining the way that his hands would grip your hips and pull you back against him for some friction. just the thought had you really giving a show, really showing your boyfriend that isn't even there your moves. your brain flooded with thoughts of the dirty shit you do behind closed doors, the trope of a gentle little ethan turned into a sex crazed animal when it came to you causing a pool to form in your panties.
you distinctly remember through your drunken, horny haze that your best friend had found you in the middle of a crowd that was filled with equally drunk men that eyed you like a simple hole to stick their dicks into. she had dragged you away from their hungry eyes just when you were ready to peel your clothes off for an imaginary ethan and give him a nice strip show. yes, she was drunk. but was she drunk enough to let all of those men touch the body that wasn't theirs to touch when you were horny and vulnerable and just needed ethan? no. 
she had taken you by the hand and stumbled with you through the crowd and over to a couch so that erin (her fuck buddy) could get off of his ass and take you home. she would be staying the night but she wasn't about to let you ride in an uber by yourself when the world outside was so scary and unpredictable. 
you couldn't get your mind off of ethan...ethan...mmm fuck he was so sexy. how exactly had you managed to score such a gem in all of the LA bullshit? jesus christ a gentlemen that can turn into a hateful prideful fuck machine that drills you into the sheets just the way you like. just thinking of calling him daddy had you moaning as you exited erins car in front of your large apartment complex. you were shocked you that somehow manage to stumble into the elevator. this would definitely be something you would regret in the morning. but right now you just needed ethan to come over and show you exactly what a bad girl you've been and teach you a lesson. thank god your apartment was two doors from the elevator or you might have just collapsed in the hallway. 
you decided to call him, yanking your phone from your purse you managed to snag from your best friend on the way out of the party, peeling your tight dress off at the same time just as you slam your apartment door closed and trip down the dark hallway, heels falling off your feet. you inevitably fall into a moaning mess on your bed - trying to dial his number only to order Siri to call him for you. 
“hey baby how was girls-” his velvety voice hums through the speaker, sounded full of sleep considering it was 12am and he had decided to call it in early for once. 
“hi daddy...can you um can you come over? want you really bad,” your slur, rubbing over your bare tummy and drenched panties right over your aching pussy, not even realizing how trashed you sounded right now. you just wanted him and wanted him now. 
“are you drunk baby? where are you?” he chuckles, highly amused that you were talking this dirty when the mere mention of anything sexual still brings a blush to your face despite the nasty shit you do in the bedroom. 
“maybe alittle babybut not too much I promise..just come and fix me? need my e,” you giggle a little through the line, ending with a moan when your fingers decide to slip that dainty fabric aside and slide through your wet folds, thumbing over your clit and imaging it as ethans large hand, really getting you worked up and clenching around nothing. 
“are you booty calling me?” he mocks a hurt gasp while slipping on his shoes and grabbing his keys, rubbing the sleep from his eyes just to make sure he doesn't crash the damn car on the way to tuck you in. 
“I can’t booty call you?” you sound hurt, but it’s a fake drunk hurt that you won’t even remember in the morning - your bottom lip pouted out, hand steady rubbing circles on your clit, alcohol coursing through you. 
“you can always booty call me kitten, give me ten-ish minutes and i’ll be there to help you okay?” you can just feel that he’s smiling on the other end of the line, the really soft one that melts your heart into a puddle. it’s reserved for times when you shock him. you calling at 12am to come over and fuck is definitely a shock because you are not that girl and never have been. but it still makes his heart swell that you called him. 
“mkay daddy,” is all he hears you say before he clicks the end button. 
you had thought that when he said he was coming it was to take you up on your offer and fuck you into the mattress until your legs can’t move - not to kiss your forehead and over your eyelids while you laid there on the bed in a drunken haze, making grabby hands at his dick through his pants. 
he had walked through the door (which was unlocked but he would worry about that later) and heard you singing a song down the hallway, walking in and seeing you still rubbing yourself, but singing at the same time. it was hilarious and he wanted to laugh, but had a job to do first: be the honorable boyfriend that he was and take care of the girl he loved because she’s hammered and can’t even remember the words to Bohemian Rhapsody - bad sign. 
“what did you do angel? get a little drunk?” he smiles down at you lovingly and with a little bit of humor gleaming in his eye, smoothing the hair away from your eyes and leaving a kiss upon each cheekbone. 
“didn't mean to e m’sorry,” you hum with your eyes still closed, leaning into his hand that cupped the side of your face. 
“you don't have to apologize baby, i’m just surprised is all...did anyone touch you? who drove you home?” he knew he should ask these questions in the morning when you can think straight and aren't struggling to open your eyes, but he just needed to know that he wasn't going to kill some creep that might have taken advantage of you. 
“nu uh nobody t-touched me...erin took me in his car or whatever the hell that thing is called...just wanted you that's all,” you whisper, looking up at him with this lost look in your eyes, tracing around his lips and the rest of his face, noting how beautiful he really is. 
“that’s good kitten, let’s get you cleaned up yeah?” 
“you don't wanna fuck me?” your voice is small and shy, disappointed. 
he turns back to you on the bed, covering up your bare breasts in an attempt to hide you from his eyes. he gives you a look of sympathy and a nod. 
“of course I do but aren't you a little sleepy?” he speaks softly, grabbing the advil from your bedside table and the half filled water bottle. he grins at the little nod of your head, so filled with love and adoration for you in this moment that he can’t hardly stand it. it’s random and bittersweet. you haven't done anything but booty call him, but in this moment it means something so much different. 
“maybe a little bit...” you pout, struggling to sit up and take the water and pills that he has outstretched. he guides you with a gentle hand on your back, tilting the water into your mouth, making sure you swallow each pill before picking you up from the bed with strong arms and a warm kiss on your lips that has you sinking into his chest, snuggled up and safe. your arms wrap around his neck just as he starts walking you to your shower, setting you down on the toilet while he starts the shower. 
on this night in particular, you blush like crazy when his hands start to peel your panties from your body, slowly down your legs and to the floor. his eyes resting on your pussy makes you want to hide like he’s never been nose deep snacking on his favorite meal before. it just felt different. and it was different because you never looked so fragile before. 
you’re kissing at his bottom lip delicately, taking in the feeling of him right here right now in this moment, and loving every second of it, “get in with me?” 
he knows you’ve already started to sober up just from the giggling that has been absent since he found you on the bed. but he nods anyway, removing his own clothes and guiding the two of you into the shower to wash the smell of alcohol from your body, caring touch smooth across your skin - shooting tingles through every nerve.
the shower was simple, short, but needed. it cleared your head more than he thought it would, and when you turned to look at him with a dreamy smile he knew it was you that did it and not the wine or the beer. it was the same smile that you gave him when he wrapped you in your towel and told you to wait only for a minute while he goes to get his hoodie that hangs in your closet that you always sleep in. he takes the time to slip into his own clothes - some sweats and a plain black t-shirt. he steps back into the room with a goofy little dance just to hear you laugh, dropping the towel and replacing it with the hoodie. 
you knew you were going to have at least a little bit of a headache in the morning but it wouldn't be nearly as bad with all the care ethan is giving you right now. 
he carried you right back to the bedroom where you refused to let go of the grip you had on his t-shirt, heart thumping from the smell of his cologne and the rubbing he’s doing on the small of your back. 
“m’sorry e...” you whimper, kind of embarrassed that you acted so out of character. 
“baby there is nothing to be sorry for, i’m just glad you called me. let’s get some sleep hm? i’ll make you some breakfast in the morning how’s that sound? some eggs? bacon? toast? i’ll even put cinnamon on it like you love.” 
“oh jesus stop before I raid the kitchen and eat everything,” you groan, reaching out to pull him into the covers with you, hugging him close while your eyes start to droop shut. you’re exhausted and looking over to see it’s now 3am and you’ve spent so long being a mess is so embarrassing that you wanna forget the whole thing. 
“you never cease to amaze me you know that?” is all he can say, knowing you’ll talk and tell him the whole story in the morning, but for now settling on kissing your forehead and holding you in his arms to be thankful nothing happened and you’re safe there with him. 
“i’m a mess,” you giggle into the material of his shirt, slipping farther into sleep, warm and content with the one person you really wanted on a night like this. 
he just continues rubbing the dimple at the bottom of your spine, hugging you to him with the other arm. he never knew what to expect from you, but one thing is for sure is that you always keep him on his toes and he can't get enough of it. 
“but you’re my mess. and for the record, you can booty call me any day and the answer will always be yes.” 
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vanchlo · 4 years
The Assistant / Chapter Twenty Eight, “Unanswered Questions”
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Find all chapters to this story HERE! c: 
Check out the inspiration tag for this story here! :*
Song Inspo: I’d Rather Be With You by Joshua Radin (click to listen) 
                                    SNEAKY PEEK TIMEEEEE
With a jealous sigh, I lock my phone and lose myself in my boring cup of tea. Again. Wondering when the puzzle pieces of my life will fall together, like it seems so many others have.
The people on Instagram.
Even Harry’s, I think as I steal a peek at him.
Swallowing, I suddenly think of the puzzle piece I want to find most of all. And that perhaps it’s not that I haven’t found it yet, it’s because it doesn’t fit, I realize as my eyes study him. Hands in hair. Chunky rings on his fingers. A pastel suit on. And a contagious smile on his face. All of this ignites another swarm of butterflies within my tummy.
If only he fit into the puzzle that’s my life.
“Sometimes it hurts more to hope, and it hurts more to care. But you have to promise me that you won’t stop caring.” 
- Katara, Avatar the Last Airbender
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” 
“Nothing,” I tell Skye, quickly toeing my shoes off on the rug. My rumbling tummy guides me over to the cabinets, and then the fridge. 
“Then stop slamming doors if you’re apparently not mad,” she retorts with a huff. 
The microwave beeps at me angrily, and I slam that door, too. There’s just this indescribable comfort from slamming things when you’re mad. 
I plop down onto the other side of the sofa Skye sits on, flipping through the channels on tv. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be like doing people’s hair right now?” I say in between spoonfuls of tomato soup. 
“Aren’t you supposed to like, be at school still, or in Madley?” she replies with the same disdainful tone I just used. 
Well played, Skye, well played. 
“I didn’t want to be there any longer. And I’m going up there tomorrow when dad has his next chemo.”
“Mmmmm,” she replies, not being able to pick something to watch. “Business was slow today so they told me to go home,” Skye groans. Her lips in a glittery blue lipstick press together in annoyance, and embarrassment. 
“It seems like we’re both having a shitty day.”
She nods at me, but doesn’t reply at first. “And why was yours so shit, huh?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I mutter under my breath. 
Pulling out my phone, I type in my passcode. Next, I open the app and find the profile I was looking for. One I’ve been trying to stay away from, but now I need it to answer the questions filling my head. Swiping up, my eyes search for a picture to tell me all that I want to know. But as I drink my soup, I find myself looking at artistic shots. Before long, I’m looking at pictures from 5 years ago. 
“Why’re you looking at Harry’s Instagram?” Skye asks, scooching over to sit by me. I don’t answer her, and when I dare to look up she gives me the evil eye. 
Sighing, I realize I have to tell her. And that maybe it will be good to tell somebody. “He was the guest speaker for my class today,” I admit quietly. Bringing the ceramic bowl to my lips, I down the rest of my soup. The awkward silence is soon filled with my slurps. 
“Excuse me. Did I hear you right? Harry spoke to your class today?!” she asks in near disbelief. 
Nodding, I sit forward to set the bowl on the table. Hitting the back of the sofa with a groan, I look back at my phone. 
“And you’re mad becauseeeeeeeee why?”
“Because he had a ring on his finger,” I reply in a small voice, flicking my thumb across the screen. 
“So? Everybody wears rings, Ree,” Skye insists. But my eyes pan over to hers, and I don’t hide anything in them. The realization unfolds on her face, and her features fall. “Oh, Ree. I’m sorry . . . But you can’t know if it’s a wedding ring or not.”
“I know, that’s why I’m trying to look on his insta. But I don’t see anything about a wedding or a new girlfriend,” I respond, starting at the beginning again. 
“So, that’s a good sign then. Anybody would post about getting married,” she says reassuringly. But her words don’t stitch up the hole I feel inside of me. One that grew even more just today when I saw that ring. 
“I don’t know,” I breathe out with uncertainty. 
“Is that all, Ree?” Skye coos softly. I drop my phone on my chest and close my eyes. Her fingers start to comb through my shoulder-length hair that she cut the other day in our kitchen. 
“His hair is short, and he looked so good, Skye. Fuck, he looked amazing. He was in this gray suit, and he had stubble. It was sooo attractive on him. And he was so charming with that dimply smile. Everybody ate it up, even me,” I confess, feeling the emotions weigh in my words. 
“Yeah well, even I think he’s hot. It’s pretty hard not to have a crush on him,” she agrees. I open my eyes and turn to look into hers. She flashes me a small smile as her fingers continue to play with my hair. 
“Did he recognize you?” 
“Yeah, about three minutes into his talk. And he smiled and it messed him up. Made him lose his train of thought,” I say with a proud smile tickling at my lips. She nods smiling, and says ‘go, Ree!’ “I think he wanted me to ask him a question when it came to that part, because I saw him look at me a few times.”
“And why didn’t you ask him a question?”
“There was nothing I wanted to ask since I know a lot about his career. I didn’t want to take away from the learning of the other students.”
“You’re too fucking nice,” she laughs, pulling one from my lips as well. Skye shakes her head, sending her now neon pink locks into a dance. “Soooo, did he say hi to you afterward?!” 
“No, and I didn’t know whether to say hi to him,” I admit sadly, my eyes falling to my lap. Picking at a hole in the knee of my jeans, I avoid her gaze. She has enough theoretical balls for the two of us, and is always telling me to just do it. But I never can. “I was debating to say hi when I saw the ring. And about 5 girls were already up there talking to him after class ended. I’m sure they were all flirting up a storm with him.”
“So? That’s when you walk up to him. He forgets about them. You bask in their jealousy and awe as he gives you his undivided attention,” she explains theatrically as if it were clear as day. 
“Sureeee, because that would so happen. I don’t know why you’ve always thought the feelings were mutual between us.” “Even though I only met him once when he came over, that’s all I needed to tell that he fancied you too, Ree,” she quips, wiggling her eyebrows at me. “His eyes were all over you and you could tell how much he enjoyed being with you. Even if you whooped his ass at that card game Nerts that night.”
“Yeah well, it doesn’t really matter anyway. Because apparently he’s married or engaged, or something,” I tell her in a low voice. 
“Maybe you could’ve asked him if you’d gone up to say hi to him,” she insists emphatically. God, I wish she knew when to stop. But she somehow says all of the things I'm secretly thinking. “That’s probably why you came home so early, isn’t it? So there wouldn’t be any chance that you could run into him in the halls, or at the little Starbucks they have? Am I right, or am I right?”
“You’re right, like always,” I admit through gritted teeth. I avoid her eyes, and instead pick at the pink nail polish I’m wearing. 
“I’m sorry, but when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, Ree. Which translates into making a move with the bloke you’re pining over. Now, watch FRIENDS with me and cheer up,” Skye finishes, quickly pecking my cheek. I dramatically gag and feel her shove my shoulder. 
I briefly laugh before laying down with my head in her lap. 
“What are you doing?” she demands. 
“Play with my fucking hair. That’s what you get for being mean to me when I’m sad,” I whine, using my puppy dog voice. 
“Fineeeee,” she relents. Joey and Chandler’s faces appear on the tv screen. Not long after, I feel her fingers tickling my scalp. “Ya know, Ree, I’m pretty sure you’d have a good chance of walking into his office and pulling down his pants to suck his cock. I’m sure he’d let you.”
“Jesus Christ, Skye! Stop it! I can’t believe you’re thinking about that!” I almost shout, feeling her belly shake with laughter. 
“I’m just saying that you know, you could go to his work and ask him out. Or text him to get a coffee, or to get curry together. It’s not as hard as you make it.”
“I’m not getting started again on the rant about how he was a dick-,” I try to say, but Skye is just not having it with the excuses today. 
“And how he didn’t believe you when it came to Amber who beat you up. I know, Ree, and it was a nightmare, but it’s been a year almost! I doubt he’s married or betrothed to some random chick already. That’s the kinda thing you put on your insta, and it looks like he still uses that account. Plus, people change and it says something that you’re still crushing on him after all this time. And I’m just saying, but it looks like he still cares about you too,” Skye finishes for me, combing through my tangles. “You know I’m right.”
“Yeah, I know. But I still don’t like it.” 
“Maybe you’d like it if you tried to change it,” she continues with her speech. I roll my eyes and try to immerse myself in the scene in front of me. Chandler and Joey playing with their pet duck and chick in their shared apartment. “Just shut up and play with my hair.”
But no matter how hard I try to push her words away, they worm their way into my head. And they stay there, repeating themselves until they’re heard. 
And they won’t shut up, not yet. 
I shiver as the cold raindrops still run down my skin. Cursing, I round a corner and try to remember my way around this place. Checking my watch, I curse again when I find I have a few minutes left to find the lecture hall. The fucking rain ruined everything today. My hair. The traffic. My timing. But I can’t let it ruin the speech I’m about to give. No, that wouldn’t be fair to them. 
Soon, I find the number on the familiar door. I walk into a large room humming with voices. Walking straight to the front, I find the man I’m looking for. He turns around with a smile budding on his lips. 
“Glad you could make it, Harry. Thanks for coming in this lousy weather,” Professor Alcott says, gripping my hand firmly in his. 
“‘Course, Rich, I wouldn’t miss it. I’m sorry if ‘m late, tha traffic was horrendous. Big accident up on tha motorway an’ everythin’,” I reply, shaking my head. I feel the raindrops collect at the tips of some hair.  
“That’s a shame. I hope the lot are alright,” he tsks, shaking his head of graying hair. I echo his words. “Well, I’m sure the students will enjoy your talk today. I hope we won’t have as many sleepers as last week’s.” 
I laugh along with him before following him to the front of the room. A blonde fellow rounds the corner and rushes up the stairs, door banging behind him. I only catch a glimpse of him as Richard gets the attention of his quieting class. But I can’t help thinking the bloke reminds me of the main character from the Kingsman movies I’d just seen. 
After draping my coat over a table his computer sits at, I turn my attention back to the class. I smile at Rich when he introduces me, followed by their welcoming applause bringing warmth to my cheeks. 
It’s never not exciting doing these things. 
I smile back at the 50ish young faces looking up at me. They cover a wide age range from parents, some older than me, and to those straight out of high school. Nonetheless, their eager faces bring forth a feeling of hope and excitement I can’t name. 
These talks never fail to have that effect on me. 
I jump into my usual spiel, starting off with a little about who I am. Mentioning Myles, and then telling them how I came to be a lawyer. I start to talk about cases of mine, from favourites, to nightmares, to success stories, and also failures. I’m just about to speak about my time in university and try to give them advice, having known what they’re going through. 
Not long after I started, I’m in the middle of a sentence about starting the firm with Myles. I look up from a woman in the front row and to another place in the room. My eyes dance upwards, trying to include everybody. And then I see her. 
My Becks. 
My heart flutters in my chest as I lose my breath. It’s as if my heart is reacting to seeing her too after all this time. 
Flushed with excitement, I watch her look up from her paper. And to me. Her hair is shorter, and it’s the first time I’ve ever seen her lovely face without makeup. She’s more beautiful than I thought I remembered. A smile grows on my lips by accident, and I see one inching up her face, as well. 
Looking away fast, I remember that my eyes deceive me. And she’s not the only person in this room. “I’m sorry, what was I sayin’?” I ask with a laugh, searching the eyes of students in the first few rows. I thank an eager volunteer and continue with my story.
But it’s hard with the emotions bubbling inside of me at the sight of her. Becks is here. Thoughts run rampant inside of my head, along with questions. But I can’t entertain them right now, I remind myself. With an attempt to shut off my brain, I return my focus to my story. But the thought of her sits at the back of my mind. My emotions and thoughts doing backflips at the back of it. All as she sits up there towards the back of the room, watching me and listening. 
Suddenly, I feel even more pressure to impress. 
I had a little speech-bubble waiting inside of my head, waiting until the end to say hi to her. But the second that Alcott says his last words to the class, I’m swarmed with blushing girls standing in front of me asking more questions. Smiling, I oblige and answer them to the best of my distracted ability. Twirling a ring on my left hand, I try to assert my attention to the girl currently talking. But it’s difficult. 
I find my eyes lifting from her elated face and to the crowd of students shuffling out of the lecture hall. I think I spot her head of dark hair next to that of the Kingsman fellow, and a shock of red hair. Friends of hers, they must be. I try to balance my attention between the full force nagging inside of my head to look for her, and the students in front of me. The next time I look I see her getting closer, but then I briefly forget about her when a male student asks an interesting question. 
Wrapping up my answer, he thanks me. I shake his hand and say goodbye. My eyes trail in the direction of the door when I hear her name. Somebody else is saying it. I don’t see her shock of chocolate hair until I watch Kingsman wrap an arm around her shoulder. The flirtatious words of another girl melt into a muffle as I watch her walk away to the door. 
Becks with another guy. Words of getting coffee pass between them. 
Something happens inside of me and I feel everything shut off for a nanosecond, or ten. It only lasts longer as I witness her lean into his shoulder and leave through the ajar door. 
“I think that’ll be all for Mr. Styles today. He put on a great little show for us indeed, but he probably has to get back to work here soon,” I finally hear Rich say from behind me. But it only registers with me when I feel him pat my arm. 
I blink and turn my head back around, feeling everything hit me hard. The sounds. Remembering that people are standing there, looking at me expectantly. 
“Yeah yeah. I’m sorry, e’rybody. But thank you, an’ thank you, Rich. I um was gonna grab a coffee ‘fore I go. Where’s that cafe ‘gain?” I ask him quickly, listening intently to his directions. 
I swerve around clumps of university students mingling in the halls or walking to their next class. But all I can think about is finding her in the crowd. Of course, I don’t, because there are too many people. And too many heads of hair that look like hers. Taking a left and then a right as Rich said, I rush down a hall. At the end of it is the little Starbucks that I could smell from around the corner. And then once again, I find what I’m looking for. 
But not quite. 
I can't get my feet to move another inch. Because his arm is still around her and she’s laughing at something he said. Staring into his eyes like he painted the stars in the sky. I thought once she looked at me like that, but as I watch them, all of my confidence of that melts away. He hugs her quickly, tickling her side in the progress. And I hear her melodic laugh without a phone in between us for the first time in ages. What’s felt like forever. Something stings deep inside of me watching another man being rewarded with it. 
And it’s not me. 
Not anymore, not for what’s been a long time. 
Huffing, I find my fingers tangled in my hair. They fall as my eyes study her with what tastes like bittersweetness. She looks so cozy in a jumper and jeans. Hair wavy and tucked behind her ears. A dimple falling into her one cheek and a smile in her eyes. Her crystal blues that scream of hidden sadness. She’s even more beautiful up close, and my goodness, how she’s changed. 
I turn around and find my feet pulling me away from her. Because maybe she isn’t my Becks anymore. No, she’s his now. Because I lost her. 
Biting my lip, I round a corner and almost run into somebody. 
“Heeeey. I was looking for you, you left your coat in the lecture hall,” Rich says, holding it out for me to take. “You alright, son?”
“Y-yeah, I jus’ uh thought I saw an old friend. But I guess not.”
“Oh well, that’s a letdown.”
“Yeah, ya can say that,” I reply softly, pulling on my coat one sleeve at a time. 
I listen to Rich’s praises of my speech as I follow him down the hall. Buttoning my coat to busy myself with something. 
“I had a question fer you,” I begin and he encourages me to continue. “I used t’ have an employee by tha name o’ Rebecca Holte at tha firm. I see she’s in yer class I jus’ spoke t’.”
“Oh, Becky? She worked for you? My, that doesn’t surprise me at all. She knows quite a bit about law and it shows in her work. She’s already been in the program, having dropped out a few years prior. But she’s doing really great. One of my best students. I know she’ll make a fantastic lawyer,” he says, shuffling along in his gray coat. Briefcase and thermos in hand.
“Yeah, I do too . . . I didn’ know she enrolled ‘gain in tha program,” I say, choosing my words carefully. The feelings of delayed elation and surprise coming with those words peek at the edge of my sadness. Even though I’m not sure how to phrase them with the chaotic state of my mind at the moment. 
“She started back again this Fall. Has about 30 credits left to go, I reckon. She’s plugging right along, even with her dad’s diagnosis.”
“Yeah, I heard ‘bout that from a coworker. ‘s a right shame. How’s she handlin’ it?” I question, looking up from the tiled floor to meet his eyes framed by graying brows. 
“Oh just fine. Her work is still just as strong. She’s always a light in our discussions, contributing her experience to the topic. I only see her twice a week and we don’t talk very much, what with having 54 students in her cohort. But I think she’s managing. She’s only needed a few extensions since her father started chemotherapy in September, but I couldn’t ask for a better student. Never skips a lecture. Participates. She communicates with me when she needs help. And she’s had a good effect on the class, and has already made some friends in the cohort. She’s going to need those with the tougher classes coming up, and with her dad’s diagnosis,” he informs me. I nod along with his words, savoring them as they’re about her. I itch to ask him about the fellow with his arm around her, but I resist, knowing it wouldn’t be appropriate. 
“Maybe she’ll come back to work for you after the Bar. Circle of Life, eh?” Rich laughs, bumping shoulders with me. I thank him, nodding along with his joke.
We say goodbyes before parting ways. I step back into the chilling rain and he walks into another classroom of students. For shits and giggles, I scan the hallway before leaving. I don’t see her, even though I knew I wouldn’t. 
Pulling up the collar of my coat, I hurry fast through the growing puddles and soggy leaves. Shivering, I hide my hands away in my pockets. I shake my head and take them back out. Removing a ring from my left hand, I slide it onto a different finger with relief. That feels better, I think inwardly before my hands are welcomed by the dryness of my pockets once again. 
Shuffling through the cold rain, I put another step and another between her and me. “Fook,” I mutter aloud when a thought appears in my head. 
I wonder when the next time is that I’ll see her, if ever, it says with a sting. 
“Bloody hell, it’s coming down out there,” a voice says, pulling me from my thoughts. Looking up, I find Asher walking towards me. 
Getting up from my chair, I walk over and hug him. 
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” he comments, sliding off his brown jacket.
“No, I only got here a few minutes ago. That snow is no joke.”
“No kidding,” he agrees, taking a seat across the small table from me. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been uh, fine. I’m sorry I’m so bad at replying to texts, things have been crazy.”
“That’s okay, I understand. How has chemo been going for your dad?” Asher asks, trying to tame his crazy hat hair. 
“I guess as good as you can expect it to, with all of the vomiting and other shit it brings. I bought him a bunch of thick shirts and jumpers the other day. He’s even colder without his hair and all the weight he’s lost,” I reply glumly, flipping through the pages of my menu. 
“I’m really sorry, Becky-.”
“I know, it’s okay. Thanks,” I stop him, patting his hand. Something unspoken passes between us. He nods with a small smile. “I’m sorry, it’s just that this is a nice little escape from everything going on. I don’t mean to be rude, but I kinda wanna keep it that way.”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize,” Asher says after drinking from his glass of water. A smile curls his lips upward and a little laugh joins us. I ask him ‘what’ and watch a blush color his cheeks. “It’s actually kind of a relief, because I’m always bad at talking about that stuff. I never know the right thing to say, and then I just feel bad the whole time because of it.”
“Thanks for telling me that, and you always do a good job, so shut up,” I tell him, squeezing his hand before we fall into another laugh together. 
“Sooo, what’s new with you since the last time we got lunch? When was that, like in September? When there wasn’t snow on the ground?” 
“Yeah, something like that. Um, not much. Dad’s been doing chemo as you know, and after he’s done with this round, he has surgery. Um, I just wrote a huge paper about serial killing for Criminology which was um, interesting. I got to shadow a local lawyer for a day before then. We studied some pretty disturbing cases in Crim, worked on writing some arguments, and that’s about it,” I confess, my words ending in a laugh. With the next words on the tip of my tongue, they’re stolen away when the waitress arrives to take our order. 
She leaves a pint and a soda for us, making me wish I’d ordered something warm. 
“Sorry, was there more you wanted to say?” Asher asks, bringing the foamy pint to his lips. 
“Uh yeah, I guess,” I answer nervously, smoothing out the square napkin my drink sits on. “Guess who came and talked to my class the other day?” 
“Harry,” I tell him. Looking up to meet his eyes, I press my lips together in a silent ‘Yeah, I couldn’t believe it, either.’
“You should’ve seen that one coming. I’ve heard he’s done those uni talks for years,” Asher chuckles, pulling a scoff from my lips. But it only encourages him, and his melodic laugh tickles my ears. 
“Yeah I know, but it hit me out of left field. I wanted to hide under my seat, and at the same time, I enjoyed it.” 
“What, do you like him again now? Damn, make up your mind,” Asher teases, and I nod. 
“I know, I know. But he sent me a really nice card . . After I cried to him on the phone about my dad after a bottle of wine. And I don’t know, he was his charming self when he spoke to my class,” I try to explain, hearing an ‘Oh, I’m so surprised’ from Asher. I shake my head with a nervous smile. “I know, but I couldn’t stop eating it up just like everybody else. Ugh, what is wrong with me?”
“A lot of things, but I don’t think we have enough time today to cover those,” he quips. I laugh, mirroring his smile. 
“You know, I like the blonde beard you have going on,” I tease him, drawing an imaginary line around my mouth. 
“Oh shut up. I’m trying it out, okay?” he says in defense, holding his pint up. His nervous smile paints crinkles by his eyes. Along with pink on his hairy cheeks. 
Shaking his head, he sets his pint down before adjusting the salmon collar of his zip-up sweater. 
“It’s fine with me,” I say, holding my hands up in defense. His laugh fills my ears as I reach for my soda. 
A silence fills the space between us, for lack of better words. The telly above the nearby bar fills our silence, along with the chattering of the lunch crowd. 
“He was wearing a ring, Asher,” I say slowly, my voice absent of smiles and laughs. Daring to look, I meet eyes with him. They’re soft and serious now as he takes a pull from his pint of beer. “On his ring finger,” I finish with one of those smiles you force to assure them you’re okay, even though you’re not.
Twirling my straw in the sea of dark soda and ice, I wait. But then I can’t wait any longer. “Do you know if-.”
“I don’t, Becky. I’m sorry. I hardly see him, since I’m on the other side in I.T.,” he begins, walking over my words. But I welcome it, the saving. “I wish I could say I’d have heard about a wedding or engagement, but I don’t really hear anything about him. The few times I’ve seen him I haven’t paid close attention. But you know, maybe it just didn’t fit on any other finger.” I nod in silence, trying to deflect the emotions. Wishing I could drown them in the fizzing soda I stare into. They only hurt more when I realize that I can’t. 
“I hate that I even care, but all of a sudden I did again when my dad told me about his cancer. I wanted to run to Harry and tell him. I don’t know why, after everything I went through,” I reveal with difficulty. “And then I called him when I was drunk, because I had this strange desire to. I hardly remember it, or try not to, and then that damn card came in the mail. And messed everything up,” I confess, covering my eyes with my hands. 
“Yeah, feelings are just great, aren’t they?” Asher quips with tension throughout his voice. 
Somehow I laugh and drop my hands to find him staring at his drink. “See, that’s what I was saying before. People get sad in front of me and ask for advice. And I-I just . . . gum up. And start telling jokes, like Chandler Bing, because I don’t know what the fuck else to do.”
“It’s okay. I like the reality check,” I tell him, smiling. He nods gratefully, wiping the beery foam from his upper lip. 
“Do you think it means anything, you caring about him again all of a sudden again?”
“Well, if I said I stopped caring about him, I’d be lying. That’s what fucking got me here,” I reply honestly. The waitress appears at that exact moment with our appetizer.
I couldn’t be happier for the rescue from my own words. 
But it scares me to say them out loud, because that’s when they become real on a whole other level. And I’m already struggling to accept the “feeling them” part. 
After hugging Asher with tummies full of pizza, I rush to my car. Finally escaping the blustery wind, I close the door. Huffing out a ghost of a breath, I crank the heating in my car. Closing my eyes, I sit back and wait for it to warm up. Then a memory I forgot about until Asher reminded me of it comes back to me. It starts unfolding inside of my head before I can stop it.
“Do I have any messages?” somebody asks. 
Looking up from my cup of tea, I find Harry smiling above me. Now that is an odd sight indeed.
“Um no, you don’t have any messages, Mr. Styles,” I reply, folding my hands in my lap awkwardly. “Why the big smile?”
His hard green eyes meet mine, but they soften. Raising his eyebrows at me, his lips melt into a smile. “I said t’ call me Harry. And I jus’ finished talkin’ t’ a class of law students, somethin’ I always enjoy,” he answers, walking away from the table where I sit. 
“Yes, Harry . . What do you enjoy about it?” I ask, stirring the spoon in circles. Watching the little tornado form in the brown liquid, I wait for his answer. I’m not sure how a crabby pants like him would enjoy having anything to do with uni students. 
With the shuffling of moving food around in the fridge, he says, “”s just great t’ see new faces comin’ into law. Their enthusiasm ’s unmatched too, ‘cause they ‘ave dis love fer law that I dunno how many lawyers even ‘ave anymo’. ‘Cause o’ that, they hang onto yer every word.”
“And they probably flirt with you too, I bet,” I joke softly. I raise my head at a noise, watching him pour a cup of tea. But that’s not the noise. It’s his tittering laugh that I’ve only heard a few times now. 
“Um,” he struggles, laughing nervously. “I can’t deny that, nor confirm it.”
“You liar! They sooooo flirt with you!” I counter.
“An’ what would make ya say that?” Harry asks, turning to face me. 
Cocking an eyebrow, he challenges me, and yanks my answer away. Or any kind of answer I had. But I definitely can’t say that I think that because I’m a college-aged female who thinks he’s cute. Well, more than cute, but I’m trying not to let myself get that far. But it’s hard to deny my feelings, when his mere presence or even name puts butterflies in my stomach. 
“Ah, not so confident anymo’, now are we?” he smirks. I laugh too, shaking my head and letting it fall. I worry he can already read my answer from my expression. But I try not to worry. I’m relieved when he doesn’t blurt my answer into thin air. That would make it even more real. “No, yer right. They do it quite a lot - flirt with me. It depends on tha class, an’ well, how many girls are innit. Sometimes ’s not so bad, an’ otha times ’s annoyin’, ‘cause well, I have a girlfriend. An’ ‘m there t’ talk to ‘em ‘bout law, not t’ get their phone numba,” he finishes. Again, he rips the words right from my mouth with his own. Because he had to bring her up. Amber. And ruin the blissful ignorance I had for the moment, forgetting that he has a girlfriend. 
Bringing the steaming cup of tea to my lips, I try to drown my words with it. Staring at the table, I don’t know what words there are left to say besides, “Yeah, I suppose that could be hard.”
“Oh yes, very awkward at times,” Harry responds, setting his tea down on the counter before walking away. “I mean, ‘s like I can’t outright tell ‘em I don’ want their numba. It’d all stop there if I did, but I can’ really go there.”
“Yeah, that would probably just make it even more awkward,” I drone on.
“‘Xactly,” he responds. My eyes follow him as they often do. His actions bring a question to my lips. 
“Since when do you do puzzles?” I ask after watching him fiddle with the 500 piecer lying at the other end of the table. “I didn’t know you were getting that old.”
“Oh, hush you. ‘m barely older than yerself,” he smiles, trying to connect two pieces of the Autumn puzzle.
“Really, and how old am I again?” I say sarcastically, testing him. An accidental smile tickles at his lips, but he tries to hold it back. It breaks loose after he slowly looks over at me. “You have no idea, do you?!” I exclaim, voice rising by a few octaves.
His face dissolves into an embarrassed laugh. “What? ‘m sorry. Ya look so young!”
“Wow, good excuse!” I respond, rising from my chair. Soon I’m staring down at puzzle pieces standing next to him. “I’m 24 by the way, only three years younger than you.”
“Oh yeahhhh, dat sounds familiar now,” he replies knowingly.
“Sure it does,” I mutter, trying to place a piece but it doesn’t fit. 
“Why ya sayin’ ‘m old? ‘m only 27, ya know. Tha’s not old.”
“You’re more closer to 30 than you are to 20. Now, how does that make you feel?” I pose to him. With an ‘aha,’ I fit a piece to complete a pumpkin sitting on a doorstep. 
“Old . . . Hey now, that was rude,” Harry counters, giving me a sad look. It only makes me smile a little bit. 
Picking up a piece splattered with shades of yellow, I accidentally bump shoulders with him. 
“Yeah, well you’re working your way to being an old man. Doing puzzles and not liking uni students,” I divulge, feeling the edge to my voice. But the words couldn’t sit on my tongue any longer. 
“Heeeeey, I neva said I disliked uni students. Jus’ . . . some o’ ‘em are irritatin’ an’ far too flirty. Bloody hell, wha’s gotten into you t’day, love?” Harry chirps.
“That’s what you get for not remembering how old I am, and for calling me young. Do you know how many times I still get carded?” I groan somewhat jokingly. Setting down that piece, I forget it by picking up another. I scoff when Harry giggles after fitting another piece in. 
“Don’ be so sensitive, Becky. I bet I could even tell ya when yer birthday ‘s,” he bets. Looking up curiously, I meet his playful eyes. 
“I bet you couldn’t,” I challenge him. 
His cherry lips bend into an effortless smile. My eyes leave them when his hand comes into view. Pulling away the strand of hair from in front of my eyes, I follow his fingers when he tucks it behind my ear. “June fifteenth,” he mumbles softly. Trying to push away the blush warming my cheeks, I clear my throat. 
Nodding, I smile and say, “Good job. You got one right for once.” Breaking the special yet awkward eye contact, I look back to the puzzle. 
“I can rememba birthdays fine, ‘m jus’ not good at tha age thing.”
“Mmmm. I guess lawyers only have to be good at remembering dates,” I comment smiling. With a huff, I drop my piece of the puzzle and return to my chair. 
“Yeah, tha’s an important bit. What, ya give up already?” Harry replies. He bites his bottom lip as he looks at the lonely pieces, eyebrows in a tangle. 
“I don’t have the patience for puzzles.”
“Tha’s why ya only work at ‘em a li’l bit atta time. A few pieces, an’ then ya do a few more in an hour or so. Wheneva yer bored. My gran’ likes t’ do ‘em while she’s watchin’ tha telly, or in between chores,” he reveals, distracted by a blue jigsaw piece. 
“Mmmmmm, that’s a good idea,” I tell him. Scrolling through my phone, I exit out of Instagram after tiring of seeing everybody post relationship pictures. 
With a jealous sigh, I lock my phone and lose myself in my boring cup of tea. Again. Wondering when the puzzle pieces of my life will fall together, like it seems so many others have. 
The people on Instagram. 
Even Harry’s, I think as I steal a peek at him. 
Swallowing, I suddenly think of the puzzle piece I want to find most of all. And that perhaps it’s not that I haven’t found it yet, it’s because it doesn’t fit, I realize as my eyes study him. Hands in hair. Chunky rings on his fingers. A pastel suit on. And a contagious smile on his face. All of this ignites another swarm of butterflies within my tummy. 
If only he fit into the puzzle that’s my life. 
Yawning, I rub my eyes. I sit up, wincing at sore spots from the uncomfortable chair. Unbelievably, the clock reads only 8:39 pm. It feels much later than that, I think, but after the events of today, I was tired at 4 o’clock. Habitually peeking at the black screen by the bed, I feel relief when I see his steady numbers. Blood pressure. Heart rate. Oxygen levels. The rhythmic beeping assures me all is well too, but I don’t feel that way when I look down at my dad. I can’t see his blue eyes, because they’re still closed. There are all of these wires on him, and a tube down his throat. It’s already hard enough to see, without arguing in the background.
“For the love of christ, would you two stop it? If you’re going to do it, do it in the bloody hallway,” I snap at them. Getting up from my chair, I grab my purse and leave. 
Ignoring the sound of my name, I keep walking until I no longer hear it. I had to get out. They were crying and fighting and the doctor’s words weren’t making sense anymore. I just can’t take it anymore, like a typical tv show character would say. My steps echo down the hallway as the guilt eats away at me with every step. Emotions run around inside of me. 
Anguish one moment. 
Then frustration. 
Fed up. 
The humming welcomes me first, before I arrive in front of the line of vending machines that have been my sole solace during my time here. The number of visits being more than I can remember. The fluorescent lights advertising the packaged goods burns, and yet calms my eyes. Hmmm, what shall we have today, Becky? Sour gummy worms? Chocolate cupcakes? Doritos? Salted nut rolls? Granola bars? 
“Don’ get tha chocolate chip cookies. They look far betta than they actually are,” a voice suggests from behind me. There’s a spark of something inside the walls of my brain during the second before I turn around. “Trust me, I was tha one who wasted a few pounds on ‘em,” they continue. 
I watch the last few words leave the lips of its owner after I slowly turn around. Those cherry lips reach higher to the sky the longer I stand there. I watch the dimples crease his cheeks. The eyes I’ve looked into and missed too many times to count, crinkle with his smile. 
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Part 12 of the foursome? x
I really wanted to get something out for you all tonight as it’s been a while. If I don’t post tonight it wouldn’t be till Mon/Tues due to my work schedule and adding more onto Part 12. I went ahead with a slightly smaller update which has much in it as we wind down to our final - Part 13 which will be an epic and then one final epilogue.
Enjoy the penultimate part of the foursome!
Despite being somewhat kidnapped by the Antichrist, life persisted relatively normally if Y/N ignored the fact that no one knew where she was….and she had no access to her phone.
Michael smashed it the moment she tried to fight back. He’d made the phone fly across the air into his open hand and crushed it beneath his boots. It was far too easy for Jim or Duncan to track her through it, thereby jeopardising Michael’s entire plan. Y/N had fought and screamed and threatened him all to no avail. 
There was never any stopping Michael Langdon when he wanted something. 
For the most part, Michael was the perfect man. Attentive to her every need, he’d bought a calendar with Y/N’s proposed due date written in blood red ink on the correct date. Not that he would miss it for the life of him. In the weeks leading up to the babies birth Michael made sure to spend as much time as he possibly could with Y/N. Baths became a nightly occurrence and while drifting asleep in his arms she’d often hear him talking to his little one.
That was someone they had discovered. Michael’s child, attuned and already so fiercely intelligent could understand its father. The child would kick wildly when Michael came home after running errands or working with the Cooperative. Y/N would be in agony from how excitable the child was, right up until the moment Michael’s warm hands rested on her stomach, his voice soft. ‘Not too hard, little one.’ He murmurs, ‘We don’t want to hurt Mommy, or your twin.’
The baby would stop immediately, bringing out Michael’s beautiful smile. ‘They understand you.’ Y/N marvels, ‘Do you think they know not to hurt Jim’s child?’
‘I’ve asked and asked.’ Michael replies, ‘All we can do is hope for the best, and I’ll be monitoring everything during the entire birth.’
Y/N’s eyes run over his shining hair, golden curls bouncing as Michael rises. ‘Dinner,’ He offers, ’Something nutritious.’ He decides, consulting the kitchen.
‘You can’t cook.’
‘We’ll order something nutritious.’ 
Y/N can’t help a soft smile, ‘I’m still mad at you.’ She says. ‘Not as mad as Jim and Duncan will be, but I can’t deny that you really want this to go well, don’t you.’ Her eyes fall to her rotund stomach, the due date is any day now. ‘At first I thought you were only concerned with your baby. But having been with you for…’
‘Three months.’ Michael supplies, browsing Uber Eats.
‘I’ve seen how much you love both these children.’
Michael looks up, ‘I love you.’ He says, his voice firm. ‘I love Jim and I love Duncan. Despite our differences…how things are right now. I would never do anything to harm them. I hope you have always believed that.’
Her hand finds his and places it on her stomach, ‘I do.’ 
Michael’s other hand smoothes over Y/N’s tummy. His eyebrows draw together in concentration as he listens to his child, ‘She’s strong.’ He murmurs, ‘Powerful.’
‘She?’ Y/N breathes.
Michael’s mouth falls open, ‘I’m so sorry!’ His eyes turn immediately regretful, as if he’d like nothing more than to shove his words back into his mouth. ‘I’m sorry! You didn’t want to know!’
‘I didn’t.’ Y/N’s hands take hold of Michael’s again, ‘But I’m not mad. I’m done being mad at you.’
He surges upwards, pulling Y/N into a deep kiss. Her arms wind around Michael and up into his golden hair that tickles her face. ‘I will give our baby the entire world.’ He promises between kisses, ‘I know I’m a monster and I have so much to learn but I vow to you Y/N. I’m here. I always will be. No matter what.’
She hushes him, her fingers working into the back his neck. Michael loosens at once, like water in her grasp as a gasp leaves him. ‘You’re happy with me?’ He asks, ‘You don’t wish you could be back with them do you?’
‘Right now I don’t want anyone else but-’ But no more words leave her lips. A spatter cuts off her very thoughts, both sets of eyes looking down at the puddle quickly staining through Y/N’s sweatpants. 
‘The babies,’ Michael whispers, ‘No….they’re too early.’ 
‘No! Michael!’ She gasps, ‘Please! Tell them it’s not time yet!’
‘Sorry darling,’ The Antichrist sweeps her into his arms, already moving to the bedroom. ‘But when a child is ready to be born there’s no stopping it.’
Endless phone calls. Hundreds of emails. Duncan had shouted at more people than he could ever remember and chased more false leads than Sherlock Holmes. Even with the combined efforts of the FBI and the Shepherd’s Private Detective it was Jerome who finally came up with a solid lead. At the first Duncan had laughed in his face. The idea so preposterous and crazy. Not to mention something which wasn’t even real. But Jerome, more than anyone Duncan had ever met was persistent till Duncan relented. Finally, someone knew where Michael Langdon was. 
‘They’ve got something.’ He declares, bursting into the apartment. 
Jim lifts his head, bloodshot and tired eyes trying to take in Duncan’s words, ‘They found her?’ His voice rises with hope, ‘They got him?’
‘I don’t know, Jimmy.’ Duncan says, snatching up his wallet and keys. ‘But we gotta go. She’s heavily pregnant, Y/N will need all the help she can get.’
‘He wouldn’t hurt her!’ Jim cries, staggering to his feet. ‘If he’s even put a finger on her-’
‘We can do this later, Jim. Right now we need to find my fiancee.’ 
Those words ground Jim at once, ‘You’re right.’ He wipes away his exhaustion on the stuffed whale in his hand. ‘Let’s…let’s go.’
They take the elevator down, Jim trying to maintain his cool. ‘Did the FBI find something?’
‘I knew he was shady.’ 
‘He certainly has some wild connections.’ Duncan leads the way to an SUV with blacked out windows. 
Jim is hot on his heels, ‘With who?’ He opens the door for Jim and climbs in after him, nodding to the albino security. Jim’s eyes rove all over the silent men, ’New uh security guys?’
‘They’re not mine.’ Duncan reaches immediately for the glass Tumblr filled to the brim with whiskey and takes a swig. ‘Jerome is staying with them for now, monitoring things on their end. If they get a whiff that something changes Jerome will let us know.’
He catches Jim’s adam’s apple bob, ‘You don’t mean-’
Duncan hums, ‘Cordelia Goode and her school of witches isn’t fake news.’
‘Jesus Christ.’
‘We’ll need his help too.’
Duncan squeezes Jim’s hand. The poor guy looks as if someone’s told him the sky is pink after all, ‘Breathe, Jim.’
‘I am.’ He wheezes, his eyes never leaving the security duo. ‘Are….are they?’
Both Jim and Duncan jump, not expecting either of the men to speak. Behind matching dark glasses the Albinos give nothing away as they sit as immovable as statues. 
‘It was the witches who tracked down where Michael’s been hiding her.’ Duncan continues, ‘And you’ll never guess where we’re heading.’
‘Duncan, please no riddles.’ Jim sighs, ‘I don’t have it in me.’
Sympathy coils inside Duncan. He may have his fiancee on the line, but Duncan knows within his heart of hearts that Michael isn’t going to harm Y/N. He can’t put himself first right now. He needs to support Jim, Jim who has a baby on the line. That little one’s life depends on how quickly they make it to Michael’s location. 
He can’t win. He won’t. Even if Duncan has to take him out doing so.
’Maybe he knew of the plan?’ Duncan offers, ‘He was ahead of us the whole time.’
‘But we changed our minds.’ Jim protests, ‘We weren’t gonna go through with it!’
‘Michael might not know that though.’ Duncan glowers at Jim, ‘And if I hadn’t removed that chloroform from your car before Jerome took it to get cleaned we would have been in a lot more shit.’ 
Jim blanches, ‘You…know about that?’
‘You’re a desperate man, Jim.’ Duncan sighs, ‘So fucking stupid. But desperate. You came upstairs, you didn’t go through with it. That’s why I forgave you in the end.’ 
Silence falls in the car. It’s not uncomfortable, but filled to the brim with nerves. Anticipation crawls up the windows and elicits goosebumps all over Duncan.
Please. Please let them kids be okay. 
‘Why would she go.’ Jim rests his head against the glass, ‘We’re never gonna be enough.’ 
‘She loves him.’ Duncan admits, ‘You can’t just switch off your feelings for someone. I know I’ve tried.’
Jim’s fingers squeeze Duncan’s back. His eyes penetrate Duncan’s own, ‘Me too.’
  The gap between the two disappears as Jim’s lips fall against Duncan’s. His hand cups the back of Jim’s head, keeping their lips together. It’s everything Duncan didn’t know he was craving. Just how much he has missed Jim and that salty spearmint taste he always has from chewing gum. A habit back from his bleaker days to mask the smell of cigarettes and other substances. Jim’s tongue slips against Duncan’s bottom lip, but before they can go any further someone clears their throat. The two men split apart, the door open as Duncan looks out of the window.
‘You’re kidding.’ Jim breathes, his fists clenching together. 
‘No one would ever look here.’ Duncan climbs out of the car, following the Albinos. ‘Back where it all began.’ He walks into the all-too familiar building and summons the elevator to take them to the penthouse. The first apartment Michael Langdon ever owned. The one he took Duncan to when Duncan was lost and alone in the world. When nothing made sense but the magical man who swept him out of despair and made him whole again. 
Before Y/N. Before Jim. 
‘We sold it when you came into the picture.’ Duncan knows that Jim is aware of this place, despite having never been here himself. ‘I didn’t know he still had it though.’
The elevator doors open and Duncan leads the way inside. They ride in silence, but the sound of screams echo from the eleventh floor all the way up to the sixteenth. Duncan turns terrified eyes onto Jim, his horror mirrored in the slackened-sick look on Jim’s face. 
‘We’re too late.’ 
TAGGING: @michael-langdon-owns-my-soul@langdonsinferno @pastel-cloudz@misslanabananaa @lovelykhaleesiii @lostin-fern​ @lvngdvns@ccodyfernn @asstichrist@yourkingcodyfern@langdonsdemon @satcnas @russianspacegeckosexparty @rosy-pugs @luxuryglitterhoe @langdonsoceaneyes@sodanova @petersfern-fics @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @sassylangdon @confettucini @sammythankyou@wroteclassicaly @Sloppy-Wrist @Langdonalien @alexcornerblog@sevenwondr @queencocoakimmie @sojournmichael@langdonsdemon@satcnaskinlovecody @kylosbabe @americanhorrorstudies @ladynuwanda@xxpixiefromdixiexx @elenareginaauditore@dadddysprincessss@gremlinkween@readsalot73 @astir-bread @i-will-die-for-jim-mason@ms-mead @mega-combusken @hanhanxx@kahhlo@thelangdoncooperative@langdonsrapture@ritualmichael @cryptid-coalition @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26@infernal-langdon @jim-mason2@duncandimension @dark-jim @jimmlangdon  @xtheinevitableprophecyx@moontheweirdpan @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown @bbyduncan @divinelangdon@theladynymph @divinelangdon @codyswhore-blog @blakewaterxx
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wevegottogetaway · 5 years
Don’t freak out, okay?
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"Hey ’s me. So…don’t freak out, okay?" 
Harry’s heart is already in summersaults. It’s barely been an hour since y/n has left for a girls’ night out so he didn’t expect her to call for another three hours when she’d have one too many Vodka cranberry and all she’d want is to cozy up in his arms while he plays with her hair until she falls asleep. 
"Fuck, love wha’s goin’ on? Are you okay? Are you at the bar?" His words are rushed out as his mouth tries to keep up with the incessant whirl of thoughts fogging up his mind.
Aside from the occasional highly spirited night out, Harry would consider y/n to be a rather reasonable person. Rests assured that she will always take care of herself though he absolutely relishes doing so himself just because he can. That’s what love is in his book: taking care of someone even when they don’t need it. So least to say, this impromptu phone call is no common behavior for his love, hence his instant distress. 
The wheezing quality of Y/n’s voice asking him not to panic is also not helping him tame the knot compressing his lungs. 
"Christ Harry, I told you not to freak out." 
"Fuck sake y/n, ’course m’freakin’ out, you just told me not too." By now he’s frantically moved from the couch where he’d been flipping through a new Bukowski book of his, unceremoniously tossing his reading glasses on the coffee table. With a permanent frown crumpling his features, he’s trying to put on his coat while simultaneously seeking his wallet and car keys. 
Though he’s usually the first one to have a go at his klutzy tendencies, Harry’s never resented more his lack of motor skills than tonight. He’s almost tripped for the third time now as he tries to put on the second sleeve of his jacket while tucking his wallet in the other side’s pocket and sticking his right foot in the wrong shoe. 
"Harry, that literally makes no sense." 
Suddenly Harry halts the multitasking before taking a long breath. The anticipation is toying with his last nerve as he still doesn’t know what he’s dealing with. Realization comes upon him that he needs to get his shit together in order to be able to handle the situation.
"Love, m’losin’ my mind ‘ere. Please for the love of God, just tell me what’s goin’ on."
He first hears a small sigh before her voice finally travels through the phone. It’s quiet and completely ridden of wit and humor.
"Alright, I may have gotten into an accident and may be at the hospital."
There’s a few seconds of heavy silence as Harry’s heart skips a beat. 
"It’s okay though, I’m okay now. I just- they’re gonna put some sort of- of cast on my ankle in a few minutes and then I need you- I need you to take me home." She’s rambling a lot, which tells Harry she’s not as collected as she tries to appear. 
"Fuck. M’comin’ love, yeah? As fast as I can, just tell me which hospital." He’s out the door in a bolt, not caring if he left the kitchen lights on. There’s only one thing on his mind and it’s to be by her sides as soon as he can. Rationally he knows she’s out of danger and there’s no death to ensue. Hell, in a few months they’ll probably laugh about the whole thing, stamping it as another clumsy Harry episode (one that would put the best Chaplin movie to shame). Right now though, his other half is hurt and he won’t feel at peace until he’s there to take some of her pain away.
"I’m at the Royal Free Hospital." 
"A’right, ‘m on my way, angel," he says while pulling out of the driveway. "Just stay put, I’ll be there in 5." Y/n has half the mind to retort that she can’t really go anywhere, given the state (or more like angle) of her ankle. She detects the anxiousness infiltrating his voice though and to be fair, she doesn’t feel the banter either, she just wants him there too. 
"Thank you Harry. Just, be careful on the road yeah? I’m not leaving."
"Will do, angel. I’m just leaving the house now. I love you." He waits for her frail ‘I love you too’ before he hangs up and starts driving. Despite his promise, he doesn’t slow down when the speedometer needle climbs past the usual limit. It’s a short drive to the hospital anyway, so he makes it under 10 minutes, does a poor job at parking his car and jogs to the reception desk.
“Hello my name is Harry, could you tell me where I could find y/n y/l/n please. I’m her boyfriend, and I know I’m not technically family but please it’s really important.” Harry’s never used his favorable position to get his way in or out of things before but he considers it now for a hot minute.
The nurse isn’t even looking up at him though. Her eyes reflect boredom and indifference as they scan over the computer placed in front of her. In the same nonchalant fashion she announces in a dull voice, “Room 324, Third floor, the elevator is on your left.”
There’s a slight delay in Harry’s reaction, as he was expecting at least a short berating about hospital policy abidance. 
Troubled by the lack of response the nurse finally tilts her head up to find a slightly dumbfounded looking Harry. “You do know she’s listed you as her emergency contact, right?” she asks eyebrow arched.
“Right...must have slipped my mind. Thank you for your help.” Now that everything makes more sense, he’s back in full operational mode. 
Though he makes it in 3min flat, the walk to room 324 feels like an exhaustive journey of never ending hallways succeeding one after the other for Harry. It seems every new corner he has to take is taunting him and testing his patience, kinda like how kids feel during long drives when they ask ‘are we alsmot there’ for the 26th time. 
And then finally, he reaches y/n’s room. The door is open and she’s sitting back to him on an examination table. Harry doesn’t wait a second more, before barging into the room half breathless even though he hasn’t technically run.
“Y/n! You okay?” he asks fervently as he circles the table to stand in front of her. His hands cup her cheeks but his eyes are looking at anything but her face as he scans her body for injuries.
“I’m fine, Harry. See? Just a twisted ankle.” Y/n does her best to quiet his worries though a part of her is really relieved to have him by her side.
“Shit. What ‘appened, love?” That’s the question that has caused the loudest ruckus in his head in the midst of all the others ever since he left the house. Now that he’s here though, it’s merely a tickling of curiosity that has him ask the question. More importantly, he engulfs y/n in one of the tightest hug he’s ever given. It’s one that soothes the straining in his guts, and warms his heart with the fact that his love is safe and out of pain (at least for the moment).
“I got hit by a car. I went to cross the street and the car just came out of nowhere. I don’t know I think the traffic jam was broken or something. “
“Jesus Christ, and you told me not to freak out,” Harry mumbles under his breath as his head - now resting against y/n’s forehead - shakes slowly from side to side. 
“I’m fine, Harry. I promise,” she insists while rubbing her palms along his arms. “I was more shaken up then physically hurt. I’m feeling much better now.” She doesn’t mention that it’s mostly because Harry’s here but she sure does think it. 
Somehow Harry seems to understand the unspoken thoughts as he softly kisses her. It’s really tender at first; lips caressing hers as if he’s scared to hurt her further. His hesitancy fades once y/n pulls him closer by his neck and swipes her tongue across his bottom lips. Harry immediately deepens the kiss, following her lead. There’s no lust, just intense relief. In a way this incident reminded them that life is so unpredictable and sometimes it only takes a deficient traffic light to turn one’s life upside down. 
When they break the kiss, Harry barely leans back. The kiss was all he needed to relax and let go of the anguish that had built inside of him. A small smirk teases the right corner of his lips as he remembers something. "So…I’m your emergency contact now?"
He’s really smug about it as he can finally swap that awful knot of worry for butterflies swimming in his tummy. Y/n just lets out a sheepish laugh and closes her eyes in bashfulness. She’d done it a few months ago and kinda forgot about it with time. It’s not something to think about everyday, is it? But now she realizes she never actually told him.
"I- yeah, I did it a little while ago, when I had to bring Emily to the ER. I just- I realized I needed someone too. I know it’s dumb cause you’re a lot on the road but I don’t know, I really like having you here right now," she concludes with a kiss. 
"I’m glad I’m here too, love. An’ you know I’ll always be, right? No matter what ocean separates us, you’re the one call I’ll never ignore." Harry wants to make sure she knows she’s his top priority. "Just, please never call me and ask me not to freak out right off the bat." 
Y/n laughs whole heartedly at that. "I’m sorry, I know it’s bad, I just didn’t know how to tell you." She continues laughing as she pulls him for another hug. Her face is tucked in his neck just as his is. Then she turns slightly to free her lips from his skin, "I promise next time, I’ll think of something smoother."
"Next time!?" He recoils from her embrace just enough so he can lock eyes with her. "How about you never get hurt ever again? For my sanity’s sake, please?" 
Y/n chuckles at his mini outburst before kissing him briefly. "I love you."
"I love you more."
Maybe the night didn’t go as planned but as always, it ends with a happy ending with his y/n. He’ll gladly take the unexpected hospital visits and grumpy nurse encounters if it means she’s still the one he has to take home 50 years from now. 
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converse-luke · 6 years
Flu Shot
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Just a Poly!Cake Sicfic so enjoy!! It’s about 3.5k 
Part Two: 
Warning there is some throwing up and mentions of a car crash
@hereforlukescruff and @softforcal cause both of you helped me finish this fic and were so supportive 💗
Calum wakes up because Luke is tossing and turning. He opens his eyes and sits up, noticing you’re also awake. He reaches for you across Luke’s restless form, tapping your hand to catch your attention from where you’re mindlessly scrolling on your phone. “How long have you been up?” He asks, grabbing Luke and pulling him towards his chest.
“About half an hour. Luke kicked me in his sleep,” Calum sighs, petting Luke’s wild curls.
“He feels a bit warm, do you think he might be sick?” You put your phone down, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead.
“We’ll make him take his temperature when he’s up. It makes sense though, he couldn’t take a lot last night.” Calum snorts and feels Luke tense against him. “What do we do if he is sick?”
Calum sighs, stroking Luke’s tummy to try and coax him back to sleep. “I’ll have to take him to promo. He’ll have to act like he’s not sick for our interviews today which will suck. Maybe you could put some makeup on him to make him look less like a zombie?”
Luke twists in Calum’s hold, bleary blue eyes opening with a sniff of his nose. “Morning Bambi, you look like you’re not feeling well.” He sniffles again, throat feeling tight. Calum rubs Luke’s stomach gently. “I’m gonna take your temperature okay, and we’ll get some medicine in you.” You get up from the bed, laughing at Luke’s small whine fondly while sliding a robe over your exposed skin. He turns to Calum, digging his head into his chest. Calum can feel Luke’s fever on his skin.
“Aw baby, I can feel your fever, you poor thing.” Luke huffs and tries to relax against Calum. He wants to sleep again but knows he can’t.
You return with the thermometer and some fever reducers. Calum helps Luke into a sitting position as you crawl onto the bed. Luke opens his mouth for the thermometer shutting his eyes as you watch it go up. It flashes red at you, and you sigh, pulling it from Luke’s mouth. “You have a really high fever Luke,” he suppresses a cough. “Come on, take these pills and then you need to take a cold shower.”
Calum is the one who gets to take Luke to the shower since they both have to leave anyways. While they’re both in the shower you make a pack for Calum. You pack it full of gatorade and saltine crackers along with a few medical masks and enough medicine to knock out a horse. You hear the water shut off and go back to the bedroom, putting the backpack next to Calum who is dressing Luke. You grab a hoodie and place it next to the backpack. He seems quite tired, letting Calum pick out his shirt before handing him off to you. You guide Luke to the bathroom, making him sit on the counter while you search for the foundation and concealer you had gotten for Luke. “This is to make you look healthy Bambi, I can give you some pretty eyeshadow too if you want.”
“Just wanna look healthy.” He conceals a cough into his sleeve. You nod, getting some primer out and rubbing it into his skin. Usually, Luke squirms when you do his makeup, but right now he slouches and lets his eyes close. You feel bad as he slumps over, exhaustion taking over his features.
“Calum!” You hiss, noticing that Luke is on the edge of passing out. He hurries in, sagging at Luke’s form. “He can barely stay awake, how can he go out like this?” Calum sighs and rubs a hand over his face.
“I can try and call our management team but I doubt they’ll let us go without our lead singer. For now, let’s just put him back in bed.” He hoists Luke up onto his hip and carries him back to bed. The blond is limp as he’s tucked back under the warm covers. As you pack away Luke’s makeup Calum leans against the counter and puts his phone to his ear. “Listen, I know we have an important string of interviews today but Luke is ill. Is there any way we can do this without him?” You watch Calum’s brow furrow in frustration, “No I understand this is important but he can barely get up. He’s running a high fever,” Calum pushes a hand through his short silver hair, “I know that because I live with him.”
“Calum,” he holds up a finger.
“I don’t care what you think about my lifestyle choices. You need to care about the health and safety of my bandmate.” You grab ahold of one of his hands as he begins to seeth in anger, “Whatever, jesus christ.” Calum slams his phone on the counter and groans.
“Babe, it’s okay, calm down.” He shakes his head in frustration and clenches your hand.
“They don’t fucking care about us. Luke is ill and… and no one cares about his well being except us!” You step between his thighs and take his cheeks between your hands. Calum takes a deep breath to calm himself. “I don’t want to wake him up,” he admits.
“I’ll do it,just take a minute to calm down.” You press a kiss to his lips and leave the bathroom. You sit down next to Luke, his body completely still. You place a hand on his shoulder, shaking him awake as calmly as possible. “I’m so sorry Bambi, you have to get up now.”
Luke whimpers as he sits up, big doe eyes red and teary. “I know, I know Bambi, but as soon as you come home you can rest and cuddle.” Luke nods, slipping out of bed and shaking. “Calum is gonna take good care of you okay?”
“Calum,” Luke whimpers in the back of the van in between interviews. He’s wearing a medical mask, head laying on Calum’s shoulder. Ashton and Michael are in the front of the van, listening to their own music. “My stomach hurts, really bad.”
Calum takes a break from petting Luke’s hair to look down at him. His face is unbelievably pale despite the makeup you’d put on it. “Are you going to throw up?”
“I don’t know, maybe.” Luke groans as the van hits a pothole. Calum sneaks a hand under his shirt and rubs his turning tummy. “I wanna go home,” Calum feels his forehead gently.
“Sorry Bambi, I wish I could take you home.” Luke closes his eyes, trying to settle back against Calum. They hit another pothole and Luke gags.
“Gonna puke,” Calum alerts their driver, helping Luke out of the back of the car. Luke heaves, embarrassed tears falling down his cheeks. He rips the mask off before throwing up on the side of the road. Luke’s body feels so weak he starts to tip over but Calum catches him with strong hands.
“Okay, we’re gonna sit down and I’m gonna call y/n so she can pick us up.” Michael and Ashton let them back into the car while Calum gets his phone out. Luke fully lays down, small tears falling down the side of his face. “Y/N, I need you to pick us up. I just texted you the address. Luke threw up, he can’t get through another interview.”
“Cal, they’re not going to let you go.” Ashton comments with regret in his eyes. “And you know they’re going to pitch a fit about Luke leaving.” Luke lets out a pitiful noise as the van continues down the street. He nods, focusing on his sick boyfriend in his lap.
You pull up and turn on the flashers, running out of the car and opening the back door to the radio station. Calum is sitting with Luke, his skin sticky with sweat. You pick up the backpack you’d put together and glance between them. Calum is stroking Luke’s arm as he rests almost fully on him. “Can you take him to the car, Ashton and Michael are stalling.”
“Of course, the fans are on the other side of the building so we have some privacy.” You kneel down and put your hand on Luke’s thigh. “Hi Bambi, we’re gonna go home and get you all snuggled up in bed. Does that sound good?” Luke hums, blinking slowly at you. “Come on Bambi, let’s get up.” Luke slumps against you, holding onto your neck as you both stand up.
You and Calum share a look, a silent ‘I love you’ as you adjust Luke so you can help him to your car. You walk him to the car, helping him in, and buckling him up. “If you have to throw up I have plastic baggies. You should close your eyes too and get some rest.” Luke closes his eyes as you walk around the car.
The drive back home is filled with stuffy snores and quick glances over to your boyfriend. As you turn off your car in the garage you stare at Luke. His face is relaxed under the blue mask, arms crossed over his stomach, and legs stretched out as far as they can. You hate to wake him but there is no way you can get him inside on your own. “Luke sweetie, let’s get up so you can snuggle in bed.” Luke blinks blearily at you and gets out of the car. He hobbles up the stairs and disappears while you get the backpack. You go to the bedroom after closing the garage. Luke is half laying on your bed, legs uselessly on the ground. You take a picture of him, sending it into your group chat before lifting Luke’s lower half onto the bed. Tugging his pants off you toss them to the side, sitting Luke up so you can take his shirt off and putting a tee shirt on.
You push the comforters back and tuck Luke in, removing the mask and pressing a kiss to his forehead. You send another picture of Luke tucked in to the chat, Calum responding with a slew of emojis. Luke startles when you move away, grasping at your wrist weakly. “What baby?”
“Can you stay with me?” He whispers with a sniffle. You slide into bed behind him, hooking your arm around him and pulling his body so it’s flush against yours. “I feel like I’m useless right now.”
“You’re not sweetie, why do you think that?”
“Cause I’m not with the guys doing my job. Instead I’m here.”
“Luke you are sick, you threw up on the side of the road. There is no way you could have done another interview, you lasted as long as you could Bambi. There’s nothing wrong with being sick.” He huffs like he doesn’t agree with you but he closes his eyes and tries to sleep. You play with his curls to help him sleep, smiling when he lets out a stuffy snore.
Calum slowly walks into your house, beelining to the bedroom, shedding clothes on the way. “Are you up y/n?”
“Yea, can you cuddle him, I wanna make him some soup.” Calum crawls up the bed, letting you scooch away before climbing under the covers and bringing Luke to him.
Luke melts into Calum’s touch while you sneak off to the kitchen. You watch them as you pull food out from your kitchen cabinets. Calum is focused on Luke and the stuffy snores that filter out of his mouth, adjusting his body so his blond curls are resting on Calum’s chest. It’s adorable despite the fact that Luke is ill. You walk back to the bedroom as you put the lid on while the soup cooks and sits on Luke’s other side. He squirms against Calum’s side while you press a kiss to his cheek. Luke opens his eyes when you brush a hand down his arm, a bit disoriented. “Cally?”
“Hi Bambi, y/n is making you some soup and then you can take some more medicine.”
“Mhm, you’re home,” you giggle at his tired statement. Calum plays with his blond curls and smiles a bit.
“I am home sweet thing, you’re still feverish.”
“You’ll stay with me?”
“Of course, neither of us are leaving you Luke. We’re gonna take care of you.” Calum kisses Luke’s head as a brief flicker of pain flashes through his eyes. You stay for a minute longer, watching your boys lay together. Getting up is hard, especially when Luke whines and curls into Calum. You grab him a bowl of chicken noodle soup and bring it to him, setting it down on the bedside table. Calum sits up and helps Luke up before grabbing the bowl of soup.
He spoon feeds the youngest even though they both know Luke is strong enough to feed himself. But Luke likes being cared for and smiles as he’s spoonfed. “I love your cooking y/n,” Luke murmurs as you sit next to him with a glass of grape juice. “Juice?” You and Calum laugh as you hand him the glass. He takes greedy gulps of the juice and settles back to Calum, opening his mouth for more soup. Calum feeds him until the bowl is empty and Luke is sleepily blinking at him. You go and fetch some more medicine, using Luke’s sleepy state to get him to take them. His fingers lock around Calum’s shirt in a vice-like grip as his deep eyes slip closed. You take the bowl and place it back on the bedside table, snorting as Calum shuffles down the bed so him and Luke can be laying down properly. Sliding in next to them, you wrap an arm around Luke so he can be connected to both of you. Calum takes your hand, running his thumb over your skin.
A body scrambling over you wakes you from a raunchy dream with your boys. You grunt as a knee digs into your stomach, eyes bursting open. The bathroom light turns on just before a retching noise sounds from the room. You get out of bed, rubbing your eyes as you walk into the bathroom. You pull Luke’s curls back as he throws up into the toilet, rubbing his back gently.
When he’s done he slumps back against the bathroom cabinets. “Can you get up Luke?” He shakes his head and clutches his stomach. “Okay, I’m gonna get Calum and he can carry you back to bed.” Luke doesn’t reply as you stand up and go to your bedroom. You shake Calum, whacking him with a pillow when he doesn’t wake. He jumps, staring at you with wide brown eyes. “Luke got sick again,” before you finish Calum is springing up and hurrying to the bathroom.
Luke is still propped up on the cabinet, eyes half closed. Calum kneels down, hooking an arm around under Luke’s knees and the other around his upper back. He lifts Luke easily, taking him back to bed. “Here Bambi, swish,” you hand him some mouthwash, a small bucket in your hands for Luke to spit into. As soon as the mouthwash is in his mouth Luke splutters, blue getting all over himself and the bed. His eyes snap up, tears filling up in them.
“I’ll clean it up, I’m sorry,” he blubbers while Calum shushes him.
“It’s okay Luke, you’re sick. I’ll change the sheets while you and Calum clean up.” Calum lifts Luke and sets him on the edge of the bathtub before returning to help you strip the bed. “I want to take him to the hospital, he shouldn’t be this weak after the medicine and rest.”
“Y/N, he hates the hospital. It terrifies him.”
“I know that, but he’s been getting worse all day. Calum, I’ve never seen him this sick before.” You pull on a clean sheet, setting it across the bed. “If his temperature is above one hundred we’re taking him to the hospital.” Calum nods, going to the bathroom while you lug the sheets to the washing machine. Calum appears behind you, a thermometer in his hands.
“It’s at one o’ two, I’m gonna try and relax him before we go to the hospital.” Calum goes back to the bathroom, picking Luke up and holding him close to his chest. Luke lays his head on Calum’s shoulder, eyes foggy and body shaking. “Do you want me to sing to you Lukey?”
“Please?” His voice wavers while Calum adjusts him, slowly beginning to sing one of their old songs. Calum carries Luke all the way to their car, putting him in the back of their car and buckling him in. He stays next to Luke while you get in and put the car in reverse. Luke is silent on your way to the hospital save for the occasional whimper that has Calum trying to soothe him.
You hold Luke’s hand as he lays in a hospital bed. An IV is in his arm, a bandage keeping it in place. He’s on pretty strong meds so he’s sleeping soundly. Calum walks in, pressing a kiss to your forehead before sitting next to you. “So apparently, Luke hasn’t gotten a flu shot in years. And he’s supposed to have gotten one every year for tour. Which is why he’s so sick this year.” You shake your head, running a thumb over Luke’s hand.
“What else did they say?”
“The meds have gotten his fever down, he should be able to go home tomorrow morning but he’s on bedrest until he’s completely better.” Calum rests his head on your shoulder, placing a tattooed hand on Luke’s leg.
It’s unsettling to see Luke in a hospital bed again, even if its only for the flu. You remember a time when he was in one for a more morbid reason. When all you could do was wait to find out if he would be okay or not. Calum had held you so tightly in the waiting room chairs while tears licked down your cheeks. When Luke had finally gotten out of surgery and was fully awake you and Calum told him what happened. How he’d gotten tee boned by someone who blew through a traffic light while he was turning. Luke had tears falling down his face as he held onto you both and his heart skittered across the monitor.
Calum’s hand squeezing yours startles you back to reality. “You okay?”
“Yea, just thinking about the last time we were in a hospital room.” Calum takes your hand and kisses it.
“He’s okay y/n, it’s just the flu, not a car crash. None of his bones are broken and he’s not fresh out of surgery.”
“I know, but he just looks so small when he’s like this.” Luke turns his head, curls splaying on the pillow.
“He does, but you should see him in the bunks. He’s so broad and trying to cuddle with him in the bunks is rough.” You snort at the thought of two giant men trying to fit in a bunk made for one average sized adult. “I think Ash has a video of us falling on the floor.” You laugh again before yawning. “Go to sleep, we’re all exhausted.”
Luke gets better quickly, especially after some bed rest. He demands at least one of you to be with him at all times. The first day he’s up on his feet Luke’s energy is through the roof. He bounces around and dances like a goofball when you put on your Paramore vinyl.
Calum is trying to play a game and Luke keeps pushing his head onto Calum’s lap. “Luke I swear to god, calm down.” Luke giggles and squirms further into Calum’s lap. His ocean blue eyes sparkle with mischief as he bites on Calum’s thigh, the older man jumping in surprise. “You just like being a brat don’t you?”
“Maybe,” Luke teases. Calum rolls his eyes and pauses his game. He looks down at Luke and smiles, sneaking a hand down to Luke’s stomach. His fingers run over Luke’s skin, Luke’s giggles filtering through their apartment. Calum hoists Luke up so he can get more access to where he’s the most ticklish. “No! Calum!” He laughs, voice pitching high as he tries to pry Calum’s fingers off of him. “Y/N, help!” You shake your head and go over to the couch where the two of them are laughing. Doe eyes stare up at you until they scrunch up again in laughter. Luke’s head tips back as he lets out delicious sounds of laughter.
“Do you want help Bambi?” Luke squeals as you tickle just under his arms. He laughs loudly, body jerking as you and Calum elicit sweet sounds from him.
“Ahhh! Please, stop!” You both stop tickling him and let Luke catch his breath. A smile breaks out across his face as you place a kiss to his cheek while Calum kisses his hand. His dimples get even deeper as he sits between you. “I love you guys so much.”
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bentaylorrogerhardy · 5 years
Lily of the Valley - Part 6
Joe Mazzello! x Reader!
Summary: Being a young, single mom that worked full-time was hard. When you weren’t working, you were taking care of your five year old daughter, Lily. You had given up on dating after many failed attempts. That was until after a rough day of dealing with your ex boyfriend, your best friend introduced you to Joe.
Word count: 2103
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of vomiting, vomiting, mentions of being drunk, someone being drunk, more fluff
A/N: Ahhh this is so cute! Leave me some feedback if you enjoyed. Reblog/like/send me asks/anything!
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About a month has passed since you and Joe have started seeing each other, and things were going great. Every moment of free time was spent either just the two of you, while you had a day off from work and while Lily was in school, or the three of you together. Lily LOVED her ‘best friend’, as she often referred to him as.
“What do I call you?” Lily asked Joe one night when he was over for dinner at your place.
“Whatever you want to,” he chuckled, setting his fork down. Lily looked at him for a minute, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Joey?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.
“I would love to be called Joey,” he smiled, glancing at you, then back at her. 
“Okay. Joey? I’m gonna call you Joey, ‘cause it’s cute, and you’re my cute best friend,” she giggled, taking a bite of mac and cheese.
“You think I’m cute?” he laughed, leaning back in his chair.
“Uh huh!” she nodded, “so does my mommy!” Joe turned to look at you, sitting on the opposite side of the table from him, as you could feel your cheeks flush rapidly.
“Really?” he chuckled.
“Obviously,” you stated, laughing and trying to hide your red face.
“Joey!” Lily gasped, “do you think my mommy’s cute, too?”
Joe glanced over at you, and you at him, and a smile spread across his face.
“I do,” he replied, still smiling, “in fact, I think she’s beautiful.”
“And I think he’s handsome,” you smiled back. Lily covered her mouth and started uncontrollably giggling, then got up out of her chair and walked over to Joe.
“Kiss her,” she whispered in his ear.
“You want me to?” he asked her, getting up from his chair and walking to the other side of the table to you.
“What?” you asked as Joe made his way next to you, taking one of your hands in his.
“Kiss her, Joey!” she giggled, jumping up and down in anticipation.
“Ahhh, so that’s what she wanted,” you laughed, standing up and wrapping your arms around Joe’s neck, “well, Mazzello. Whatcha waitin’ for?” Joe chuckled, shaking his head, then gently pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, accompanied by the background noise of Lily.
“Ewwww!” she squealed. You and Joe pulled away then looked at her.
“What?” you laughed.
“Kiss again! Kiss again!” she giggled, jumping up and down more.
“Again? Okay, it’s gonna be gross,” Joe laughed, then kissed you again, harder than before, and dipped you, steadying you by holding your waist.
“EWWW!” She squealed even louder. You and Joe pulled away again, laughing at her reaction.
“Has he met Chad yet?” Kristen asked at work the following day. You turned to her and rolled your eyes.
“I haven’t heard from him in nearly a month, so no, and I don’t intend on them meeting until I know we’re serious,” you answered, turning back to your computer to finish your final reports for the day.
“A month?!” Jana exclaimed, slamming her folder on the counter, “a fucking month?!”
“Yeah. I know,” you sighed, “Lily wants to see him, but he just won’t answer.”
“Could he be drinking again?” Kristen asked.
“Don’t know,” you shrugged, finishing up the last report and getting up from the computer, “okay, I’m done for the day.”
“You and Joe have plaaaans?” Jana smirked at you, leaning back in her chair as you grabbed all of your things.
“Yes, actually,” you laughed, “he’s taking Lily and I to dinner.”
“Oooooh,” her and Kristen said in unison. You laughed, shaking your head.
“Okay, I’m out of here,” you said, pulling your keys out of your purse, “bye, girls.”
“Bye!” they said. You headed to the elevator and down to the first floor and out to your car, heading to pick Lily up from school.
“How was school?” you asked Lily as she climbed into the backseat.
“Good,” she sighed, laying her head against the window as you drove away.
“What’s wrong?” you asked her, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.
“I don’t feel good,” she whined, “my tummy hurts.”
“Aw, my girl,” you frowned, “we’ll be home shortly. You can take a nap in my bed, okay?”
“Okay,” she sighed, laying her head back against the window. A few minutes later, you arrived at your apartment, parking and getting out, then walking around to her side of the car, getting her out and carrying her inside. After getting inside your apartment, you brought Lily to your room, changing her into one of your old tee shirts and laying her down in your bed.
“Mommy,” she whined, tears welling up in her eyes, “I don’t feeeeel gooood.”
“I know,” you frowned, putting a damp cloth on her head, “just try to go to sleep, okay? Maybe when you wake up, you’ll feel be-,”
Just then, in a split second, the contents of Lily’s stomach was now all over your bedroom carpet. Her face pale, she looked at you and began to sob.
“No, no, no, it’s okay,” you said, brushing her hair out of her face, trying to calm her down, “I’ll clean it up, it’ll be okay.”
“I want my daddy,” she sobbed, laying her head back down on the pillow. You sighed, knowing what the result of calling Chad would be; no answer. It’s been a month, why would he answer now?
“I’ll try calling him, okay?” you said, kissing her forehead, then placing the damp rag back on her head, “try sleeping. If you need anything, just yell for me.”
“Okay,” she sniffled, “mommy?”
“Yes?” you asked, turning back towards her.
“Can I watch Peppa Pig?” she asked.
“Of course,” you smiled, walking over to the TV and putting on the Peppa Pig DVD, then exited the room.
Two hours had passed, and nothing had progressed. Lily was still throwing up and couldn’t go to sleep, you couldn’t get a hold of Chad, and by the looks of it, you were going to have to cancel your date with Joe. You decided to call Chad one last time, in hopes he would possibly answer. As you ran around the apartment like a mad man, throwing the vomit covered sheets and clothes into the washer, the phone pressed to your ear, holding it with your shoulder, a shocking voice came through the phone.
“Whaaat?” Chad groaned when he finally, and surprisingly, answered the phone.
“Where the fuck have you been?” you spat out, closing the washer and starting the load of laundry.
“Busy,” he said, his words slurring. He was drunk, but what’s new?
“Jesus Christ, Chad,” you sighed, “are you drinking again?”
“What’s it to ya, huh?” he slurred again.
“Whatever. That’s not why I’m calling. I’m calling because your daughter has the stomach bug and wants to see you,” you sighed, “but you’re obviously not in the right state of mind to do that.”
“I’ll come by tomorrow,” he said, letting out a burp into your ear, “okay, gotta go. Bye.”
“Chad, n-,” you started, but he hung up before you could get the words out. You let out a sigh, then dialed Joe’s number.
“Hey!” he answered, “I was just about to call you.”
“Hey,” you smiled, “I really hate doing this, but I’m gonna have to cancel dinner for tonight.”
“Oh,” he said, his voice dropping, “why? What’s wrong?”
“I picked Lily up from school and she was complaining about not feeling well, and when we got home, she couldn’t stop puking and she hasn’t stopped,” you sighed, resting your elbows on the counter.
“Oh, no,” he said, “poor Lils. Do you want me to come over?”
“I think she’d like the company,” you said, “her dad has....other obligations.”
“I’ll be right over. See you soon,” he said, and the two of you hung up.
Thirty minutes later, and there was a knock at your door. You opened it to find Joe standing there, multiple grocery bags in his hands.
“What’s all that?” you asked, taking a few of the bags from him, and setting them on the counter.
“Well, when I was little, my mom always gave me gatorade when I had the stomach bug,” he said, setting the remainder of the bags on the counter, “I didn’t know what flavors she liked, so I grabbed all of them.”
“Oh my god, I could cry,” you laughed, wrapping your arms around him in a big hug, “you’re a lifesaver.”
“Where is she?” he asked, kissing the top of your head.
“In my room,” you sighed, “I’ve tried to get her to nap, but she can’t.”
The two of you walked to your room, and found Lily laying in bed, still watching Peppa Pig.
“Look who came to see you,” you said, sitting on the bed next to her, “and he even brought you some stuff to help you feel better.”
She rolled over to face you and Joe, and her sick, little face brightened up at the sight of him.
“How’s my best friend?” he asked, laying down next to her on the bed.
“My tummy hurts,” she whined, “I threw up.”
“I heard,” he said, then reached over and grabbed the bottle of lemon lime Gatorade, “so, I got you this special drink.”
“Why’s it special?” she asked, looking at it questioningly.
“Because it will help you feel better,” he said, opening it and holding it up to her mouth so she could take a sip.
“Mmmm,” she said, “Joey, that’s good!”
“I’m so glad you like it,” he smiled, “I got you a billion kinds!”
“A billion?” she giggled quietly, “you’re silly.”
“Oh, I know,” he laughed, “hey, where’s Princess Bubblegum Sparkles?”
“In my room,” she said, then turned to look at you, “mommy, can you go get her?”
“Sure,” you laughed, getting up and walking to Lily’s room to get the stuffed pink unicorn she treasured so much, then handed it back to her when you got back to your room.
“Do you think you can try and take a nap?” Joe asked her, “you’re probably really tired.”
“Uh huh,” she nodded, yawning, “okay, I can try.”
“Okay, I’ll lay with you until you fall asleep,” he said, and she cuddled up close to him and laid her head on his chest.
“Do you want me to stay in here, too?” you asked her, and she shook her head.
“No, just me and my Joey,” she said, yawning again. You flashed Joe a thankful smile, then headed back out to the living room. About 20 minutes later, he came out of your room and joined you on the couch.
“She’s out,” he said, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into him.
“Oh my god, you’re the best,” you sighed contentedly, “I don’t know how to repay you.”
“I know how,” he said, and you looked up at him.
“How so?” you furrowed an eyebrow. He chuckled and shook his head.
“This isn’t exactly how I planned on doing this, but…” he started, “this past month has been one of the best months of my life. I love being around you, and I love being around Lily, and I was just wondering if you wanted to be my girl-,”
“JOOOEY!” Lily sobbed from your room, “I want my Joey!”
“Better go tend to your best friend. It’ll give me time to think of an answer,” you smirked at him, winking. He laughed and got up, following the sound of Lily’s sobs. Obviously, your answer to Joe was that, yes, you would love to be his girlfriend. Nobody has ever treated you like he has in the past month, and after dating Chad, he was exactly what you needed. You got up quietly, and walked to your room and stood outside the door, quietly listening to the sound of Joe humming ‘Here Comes The Sun’ by the Beatles, as Lily drifted back off to sleep. You could cry at the sight you were witnessing, but suppressed them as to not disrupt the moment. You made your way back out to the living room, and shortly behind you, so did Joe. At the sight of him, you nearly crashed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him like your life depended on it.
“Well, I take it that’s a yes?” he chuckled, resting his hands on your hips. The tears started streaming down your face as you profusely nodded.
“Yes,” you breathed out, smiling as Joe wiped a few stray tears from your cheeks, “I would love to be your girlfriend.”
Tags: @hargreevesgrace @deakyspuff @okiegirl24 @joalsglasses @toger-raylor @panicatttckiss @cheeseedreams47 @shesakillerquueennn @cruelnatalie @mrsmazzello @rogerina-owns-me @johnricharddeaconn @jiswoogannon @loveofmychips @v-o-o-d-o-o-c-h-i-l-d
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captnbarnesrogers · 7 years
Better For Me (Part 7B)
Pairing/Characters: Bucky x Reader, Steve x Natasha (Reader sometimes calls her Natalia), Sam Wilson, let’s just say everyone in the fuckin compound lmao Warnings: Swearing, cocky!Bucky, sexual tension, eventual smut, it’s a slow buuuurn Summary: You meet one of New York’s richest Bachelor’s. He’s hot, he’s rich, and he’s an absolute fucking asshole. Luckily for you, you’re an asshole too and you could take a challenge any day. Within the first 24 hours of knowing each other, you’ve already pushed each other over breaking point. But when something comes up, you’re both forced to try and get along. Can it be possible? Word Count: 3.5K+ Chapter Summary: Baby Romanogers is born and they’ve named him Aaron James, AJ for short. You’re connected to Bucky because you’re both godparents. AJ’s christening comes around and a little promise is broken. CHAPTER WARNINGS: YALL THEY ABOUT TO FUCK YAAAAAAAAS, smut, oral sex (FR)  A/N: I firmly believe that a person who you can’t laugh with while trying to have/having sex is not the right person 😊 I ALSO PASSED 1.5K!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! IF YOU HAVE SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO CELEBRATE PLEASE DROP THEM IN MY ASK BOX OR MESSAGE MEEEEE YAY!!! <3 <3 <3
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The last three months with Bucky have been amazing and you couldn’t help but let the butterflies flutter within you. You wanted to take things slow and there were times when you just wanted to jump his skin but luckily, your self-control was strong. Unlike Bucky, whose hands would be all over you in a heartbeat.
Bucky situated his hips in between your legs and kissed the icing from the tip of your nose, making you laugh. The soft voice of Jason Mraz singing ‘I Won’t Give Up’ filled the room as you laughed. He grabbed your hips and helped you down, his shirt falling against the sensitive skin of your thighs, your feet landing on his as you both gently swayed in the middle of the kitchen. His forehead rested atop of yours and hummed the melody of the song. He leaned down and gave you a kiss on the lips. You melted into him, arms wrapping around his neck and deepening the kiss. Suddenly, the cries of a baby was heard across the room.
“AJ…” You both whispered,
“I’ll get him.” He suggested, placing a kiss on your cheek. Bucky walks over to the crib across the room and picks up the small new born, supporting his head and placing him in his arms. He begins cooing at the baby, finger rubbing on AJ’s tummy. You smiled at him and joined him as he sat down to give AJ a bottle, “He’s not even my baby and I don’t want him to grow up.”
“Speak for yourself, he’s my baby.” You giggled. The door creaked open, Natasha bursting in with bags of food and a broken heel, “Tash! Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I just broke this stupid heel on the way up,” She took a breath and let out a sigh, “thank you for looking after AJ while I get the stuff for the christening.”
“We’re totally happy to do it.” Bucky shrugged with AJ in his arms, you, nodding beside him. You saw the distress in Natasha’s eyes. You signalled Bucky to go away for a sec, he did so. You took Natasha’s hand and sat her down on the couch. One look at you and she began crying.
“Hey…” You embraced her and rubbed her back comfortingly, “He’s gonna be home in time for his christening.”
“But what if he doesn’t come home this time? What if I become a terrible mother to AJ? I don’t know what to do, Y/N…”
“And so, I’ll be here every step of the way, Tash, that’s what friends are for, m’love.” You hugged her tighter as she whispered how much she loved you, repeatedly thanking you.
As she wished, Steve came home a day later, a day early for his son’s christening, Natasha happy as ever.
Planning things with Natasha was always frustrating. Her eye brows would furrow from the lack of perfection and she’d take a breath in to calm herself down. In turn, as if it was contagious, your eye brows would furrow and your breathing would slow. You took a hold of Natasha’s hand and gave her a soft smile, one she would return, both of you suddenly feeling calmer than before. She took AJ in her arms and coddled him, giving him small kisses on his chipmunk-like cheeks. She kept adjusting the items on the table and making sure the caterers were okay staying in the house,
“Everything looks great, Tash.” You reassured her,
“Are you sure? What if-”
“No what ifs, we worked hard and now,” You gently took AJ from her and cooed at him, “we gotta get this little guy dressed for his christening, don’t we, AJ?” Natasha laughed at the way her son giggled at you giving him an eskimo kiss,
“Alright, let’s get you dressed, little mister.” Steve leaned against the door and watched his son and his wife with a silly grin and adoring eyes. You watched them. You watched as Steve walked over and gave her a kiss and it made you think about a life like theirs. Whether you’d be able to have a life like that one day. You felt hands sneak around your waist and you bit your lip, letting out a little giggle as you felt him nuzzle himself in between the space of your neck, giving a light peck. Your hands made their way up into his hair.
“Hey.” He whispers,
“You’re not dressed and the christening is in forty-five minutes.” Your eyes widened, completely forgetting why you were where you were and that you needed to go back to your apartment to change. You playfully slapped his arm,
“You distracted me, you asshole!”
“Did not!”
“I need to go home, I’ll be back.”
“I’ll come with you.” He starts to follow you, catching up with your fast pace. You stopped him,
“What? Why?”
“Because you’re just going to distract me.” He smirked and grabbed your hips, pulling you closer,
“Distracting you is fun.” He began kissing your neck, you rolled your eyes and moaned,
“Are you up for some distracting?” You groaned and pulled away, shaking your head,
“This is a day about our godson.” You giggled, panting slightly, “I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”
“All I needed was five.” He winked,
“Shut up.”
You drove down to your apartment and rushed in, taking your dress off of the rack. You slipped it on and let the natural curls of your hair do their job as you tied it into a half updo. You put on some light make up, finished off with some clear lip gloss and mascara to coat your lashes. You gave yourself an assuring before rushing out the door and unlocking the car to drive to the church of AJ’s christening.
Your eyes focused with a worried Bucky at the front of the church, checking his watch to see how long it was until you’d finally arrive. He let out a breath of relief when he saw you running to the open doors of the church. You greeted him with a kiss and a whispered ‘I love you’ before speeding yourselves down the aisle. You stood behind Natasha and Bucky stood behind Steve, both of you looking over the shoulders of the parents of the most important person in the room. As if in sync, you and Bucky look up, meeting each other gaze. Something happened within you. Like electricity struck your heart. You slowly crept your hand up to the left side of your chest, taking one last look at him before the priest started the ceremony.
“Today we gather to celebrate a new life,” the priest begins, “Aaron James Romanoff-Rogers is here today to be baptized into Christ.” Soon enough, the priest had taken your hand and Bucky’s and brought them together, “Do you, Y/N Y/L/N and James Buchanan Barnes, promise to take care and love Aaron James, to become parents alike, when the time is needed?” You both look at each other, with a small smile and a tight squeeze of his hand,
“I do.” You both say,
“I now bless you, Aaron James Romanoff-Rogers,” He begins to pour the water atop of AJ’s head, Natasha and Steve are tearing up, their noses red as Rudolph, while you and Bucky held on each other tighter, “as a child of Christ. May the love of Jesus Christ and his power be in you for the rest of your life.” You found yourself crying too. You’d never felt so much emotion in one sitting. Your love for Bucky, your love for AJ and finally seeing your little sister genuinely happy – sitting front and centre to see the christening of what she assumes is her ‘god-nephew’. You giggle at the thought. You and Bucky walk out of the church hand in hand with Lily right by your side and right under the arch of the church you give Bucky and deepened kiss. Lily squealed and you smiled into the kiss, shushing her. He pulled away breathless.
“What was that for?” He asks in a whisper almost as if he was speechless,
“I’m just… grateful.” You breath out, “Let’s go?” He noticed a glow against your skin and a sparkle in your eyes. With one last kiss, he nodded and led you to the car.
Night fell as the party started. It was tame but wild enough to let you have fun. You danced with Steve and AJ before he was AJ was put to bed to avoid any grumpiness if he woke up in the middle of the night. You danced with Lily and you both laughed at how much fun you both having. You’d never seen her laugh so hard before. You’d never seen such joy in her eyes before. She warned you when Bucky walked towards you.
“Lil, you mind if I steal her away?” He asked her, she nodded and Steve took her to dance with him and Natasha. The room suddenly seemed to darken as his hand touched yours. The room seemed to empty itself and time seemed to slow. You wrapped your arms around his neck and swayed against the music, his hands on your hips and his face in between the space in your neck. You smiled as you felt his hot breath against you. Your hands only seemed to tighten around him as the song continued.
“You let all the girls go, makes you feel good, don’t it?” You sang softly, swaying slower, “Behind your Broadway show, I heard a boy say, ‘please don’t hurt me’.”
“I know you wouldn’t.” His grip only tightened on your waist, he’d never heard anything more agreeable than those lyrics you’d just sang and he’d never been more sure than being in love with you right at that moment. He lifted his head up from you just to rest his forehead on yours, “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Bucky.”  As the song ended, a sleepy Lily grabbed onto your dress and yawned as she looked up at you. You took her into your arms and her head rested on your shoulder, eyes shutting close, until Bucky gestured you to hand her over so he could put her in the car. You walked up to Natasha who was beginning to clean up, “Hey, I just wanted you to know that we’re going home now.” She nodded at you, “Are you gonna be alright cleaning up here?”
“Yes, Y/N, totally, don’t worry about me. I’ve got Steve and AJ and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.” She smiled,
“Y/N?” You hum in response, “I know that Bucky is your first, your real first since Se-”
“Yeah, I know too.”
“Don’t be scared, okay Y/N? We can all see he loves you.” She smiles softly at you, “And he’ll understand if you’re not ready.”
“I’m ready, Tash… It’s just- What if I’m not… good enough?”
“If he ever gets that thought, he’s the biggest damn fool I’ve ever met.” She rests her forehead against yours, “I’m gonna be here whatever happens, Y/N, that’s what friends are for. You’re my best friend.”
“Thank you.” She kisses your forehead,
“Get em, tiger.” You waved goodbye as you exited the kitchen. You saw Bucky leaning against the car, waiting for you, grinning widely,
“Hi,” Your walk got slower as you got closer, “you ready to head back?” You nodded your head but before he could move from leaning from the car, you grabbed the collar of his blazer and pulled him into a kiss,
“I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
“Well, um,” You let out a chuckle, “you… You’re the only guy I’ve been with, well, you know, apart from-” He straightened up his posture and cleared his throat,
“I- am?” You nodded,
“I know it’s weird an-”
“No, no, no, it’s not, Y/N, don’t say that… If you’re not ready, I understand why.” You looked up from your fidgeting fingers,
“But… I am. Ready, I’m ready to be completely yours, to give into you.”
“Are you sure?”
“More than.” He thought for a second, sometimes this could be a big deal to some people, maybe you were saying this in the heat of the moment, in the heat of the night. It had been a pretty intense day and maybe you were just feeling these things,
“M-maybe you should sleep on it, see if you still feel like this tomorrow.”
“Oh.” You pulled away from him, your face dropping, “You, um, don’t want to?”
“Oh god, yes! Yes, yes, I do, doll, so fucking much… It’s just, I want you to really think about it.” He held your face in his hands, “I want you to be completely sure.”
“Okay.” You whispered, nodding your head. He opened the door for you and led you into the car where Lily’s light snores were heard from the front seat. Bucky got in beside you and started the car, starting the journey back to your apartment.
You’d woken up in the car to the sound of the car door closing, unaware of you slipping into a doze. You shook yourself awake and got out of the car. You gave Bucky a sleepy smile as he carried Lily in his arms. You locked the car and unlocked the apartment building door before entering the elevator up. The silence was calm and peaceful, something silence wasn’t usually related to. Arriving into your apartment, Bucky placed Lily in her room, while you stood in the door way watching them with your heels in your hand. He tucked her in and kissed her forehead as a sign of goodbye. He met your adoring and longing eyes as he exited the bedroom door. You followed him down the hallway and he stood near the entrance of your apartment.
“I guess I should go.” He says, opening the door,
“You could always stay, if you wanted to.”
“I could.”
“You should,” you took a hold of his hand and lifted it to your cheek, your eyes begging for him, “please.” He closes the door behind him as you lead him to the bedroom. You turn on the lamp, the room now dim lit. He took off his blazer and neatly placed it on the chair. He watched as you slowly slipped off the dress, he sees the lacy lingerie you were wearing and bites his lip from self-restraint. -You walk past him to get a bed shirt but he stops you, his hand gripping your arm. He lets out a deep breath, “Bucky, are you okay?” He takes one look at you and suddenly his lips crush against yours, bodies heating as each step backwards leads to the bed. You were in lingerie and he was still fully clothed, his dress shirt hugging his muscly body tightly. Your hand trails up his arms as his mouth moves with yours, both of you moaning, “Bucky…” He pulls away from you as your fingers play with the buttons of his shirt,
“Maybe we should stop.” He pants,
“No! Please, I want this.”
“Are you sure? I just don’t want you to regret this.” You began popping open the buttons on his shirt, biting your lip as each small circular plastic made its way out of the fabric,
“I am completely sure,” you give him a reassuring kiss, “I don’t think I could ever regret being with you.” With that, you slid off his shirt and he placed a trail of kisses upon your shoulder. You played with the hook of his belt and you both laughed at the failure of your attempts, “Shut up.” You whined before getting back on his soft lips. He lays you down on the king-sized bed and traced his calloused finger tips against your soft skin. He takes in every scar, every mole, every stretch mark, and places a kiss upon them, making your eyes roll back. He’d realised he’d never felt this way about anybody. His heart was beating out of his chest with one look at you and he couldn’t find a space in his body to breath because all he could focus on in this moment was you. He kissed you from your neck and down to your tummy, he felt every curve and kissed where he saw fit,
“You are so goddamn beautiful, Y/N.” He hovered over you and leaned down to kiss your lips while his hand played with your covered breasts, “Can I?” He asks, gesturing to your bra. You nod and bit your lip. His warm mouth covered your hardened nipple, making you moan. His hand drags itself down to your underwear, now rubbing your throbbing clit. You moan into the kiss, your hips squirming for more from him. His fingers slide in between your folds, making you both moan. He pulls away from you, “Are you okay, baby girl?”
“Yes, p-please keep going.” You say breathlessly. He inserts one finger into your wet heat and you sink into the bed with pleasure, “B-Bucky.”
“You’re so wet, Y/N.”
“Take it off.” He nodded and took his hand out of your underwear before sliding off the lace panties off of your body. You grab his hand and place his fingers inside your mouth, tasting yourself on him,
“Jesus Christ…”
“You shouldn’t say that when we’re doing the unholiest of things.” He lets out chuckle and he kisses you lovingly. Takes off his boxers and pulls your body to the edge of the bed while he kneels, facing your trembling body,
“You okay with this, Y/N?” You nod your head and before you knew it, his mouth was sucking and licking on your clit, his fingers making a come-hither motion within you. Your fingers were entwined in his hair as you moaned loudly, pulling tightly,
“Oh my fuck! Please don’t fucking stop!” He kept lapping you until your legs started shaking from pleasure. He made everything seem intense, “Fuck! Oh fuck!”
“Are you gonna cum? Fuck, you’re getting tighter around my fingers.” He takes his fingers out of you, making you whine from the emptiness within you,
“Bucky, please, I- I need you.”
“I know, darlin’, I know.” He walks over to his pants and takes out a foil packet, then walks back to you. You watch him tear it open and before he can roll it on, you take it into your hands and roll it on to him yourself, “Fuck, Y/N…” He lays you down once again. He hovers over you and gives you a soft kiss, soft but reassuring, “Are you ready, Y/N?”
“Yes, Bucky.”
“Okay, I’m gonna put it in, okay?”
“Okay.” He slowly enters your slick heat. Your nervousness made you clench but Bucky hushed you and told you that everything was okay,
“We can stop if you want, sweetheart, this is all about you.” He pants. You shake your head and put a hand on his chest,
“No, no, I’m just nervous. I want you, Bucky.” He places his forehead against yours as he pushes in even more, “Fuck.”
“Oh god, Y/N.” You capture his lips with yours and he fills you with himself to a hilt. His thumb caresses your cheek as his hips stop, “I-I’m just gonna let you adjust, okay?”
“Thank you.”
“Are you okay, though? Am I hurting you?”
“I-I’m okay, y-you can move now.” His hips started moving into you and you moaned loudly,
“You’re so tight, fuck!”
“B-Bucky, you feel- this feels amazing.”
“I love you so much.” He whispers hotly in your ear. Your hands grip his biceps tighter, your nails digging into his skin. You wrap your legs around him, bringing him closer and deeper, “Fuck, Y/N!” You hid your face in the space between his neck and bit the skin as he thrust in to you,
“I think- Bucky, I’m gonna-”
“Cum for me, Y/N.” He moans. He takes your face in his hand and kisses you as you release on him,
“James! Fuck, fuck, fuck, I love you, I love you, Oh!”
“Y/N-” His thrusts get sloppy and he bites the skin on your shoulder, “Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” He stills inside you and quivers as he releases, your hand scratching his chest. He comes down from his high and rolls over, bringing you closer to him as the intense pleasure subsides. He places a kiss on your cheek and you smile, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, more than.”
“Thank you, Bucky.” You turn to him and smile,
“What for?”
“For this… For being in my life even though you know where I came from, this is,” you pull him in for a kiss, “the best night of my life.”
“I love you, Y/N and there’s nothing that can make me not love you.”
“Nothing can make me not love you either.” You giggle,
“You gonna be alright while I’m gone?”
“It’s just six months, right?”
“I’ll be back before you know it, I’m leaving in two days.”
“I know but I don’t wanna talk about it right now, I just want you to hold me.” And he did just that. He held you close and tight until you both fell asleep in each other’s arms, avoiding the everything that would keep you apart.
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @winchester-negan-one-shots @stevette60 @marvelous-fvcks @megandrawsspace@marvel-fanfiction @potterhead1265 @zoejohnson8 @frickin-bats@iamwarrenspeace @kenmen02@captianwintersoldier@noelia8villa @bucky-bear-barnes@hollycornish@capsheadquaters @duncedgoofball@abouttimefortea@buchananbarnestrash @minervaem @barnes-heaven@buckyywiththegoodhair @mellifluous-melodramas@heartmade-writingbucky @hellomissmabel@justanotherbuckydevotee@alphaabucky@firebendergirl33 @naenae87 @sunnyfortomorrow @aya-fay @terraling @topthis808 @savebxrnes
SEB STAN/BUCKY TAGLIST: @yana-tardis-drwho @cassandras-musings @charlesgrey1875 @zxcorra @journeytresbien @chipilerendi @davros2004 @buckyismyaesthetic @messybl0g @17891111 @buckyappreciationsociety
BETTER FOR ME TAGLIST: @randomchick555-555 @chipilerendi@blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @firebendergirl33 @bria133@ancchor @thelovablesociopath-blog @buckywiththegoodheart@charlesgrey1875 @zoejohnson8 @tamianich @incoherent-smiles
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